[{"text":"Shoot that nigga an his shorty bitch .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@greekkid31 @TaraSetmayer @TheWillDunne yes true reagan was the first..ike wouldnt. While president and he was supreme allied commander.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Redpilled at 14 holy fuck you lucky bastard. As your body goes through more and more changes, it will be more and more difficult to withstand the pressure of the golden vagina but just keep a rational head at all times and you'll be fine. Never underestimate the power of boners. The blood goes straight from the head to the dick and guys can no longer think straight. Only if they are bluepilled -","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doug, you're a stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KingCuh @TEE_JONEZ io.. lol osi tangi! Haha a tuku ho tangible Terryn! Atunga ho fie lea lahi mai!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a band wagon and a faggot wagon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Don't @me actually just means \"I'm totally unwilling to see things from anybody else's point of view, and I have no sound arguments to back up my ridiculous statement *your *yore *yuor *you'r *y'arr youn't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Give a nigger a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a nigger a fishing rod and he'll be down to the nearest cash generator to sell it for some heroin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REAL Pocahontas decedent demands apology from Elizabeth Warren...WEW LADS https:\/\/redd.it\/9oyr3k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A inten o deles n o enganar o povo,mas sim armar uma situa o na qual os institutos d pesquisas possam dizer q \"o Retard est crescendo com esta t tica\",p assim,poder \"ganhar\" nas urnas d forma n o ficar t o descarado a fraude... https:\/\/youtu.be\/AdvdqMe7AiE?t=152","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jai may make an appearance at the party... love that fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Earlier this week, Eric Reid wore a #imwithkap shirt and said: \"We're going to continue to hold America accountable to the standard it says on paper, that we're all created equal, because it's not that way.\" https:\/\/t.co\/5w4PFczem5 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nRs6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @grind2times: I don't think I even been in a real relationship...i thought they was real but they were just trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Didn't you know you aren't allowed to have hobbies. There will be no fun here goddamnit!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. You're just a dumb fuck who looks at totalitarians who all engage in the same behavior and give them different labels. This semantics-based bullshit \"political spectrum\" is nothing but liberal propaganda. Communists, socialists, monarchs, oligarchs, theocrats... It doesn't matter WHAT you call totalitarian dictators. They ALL follow the same policies and tactics. They ALL think you are too stupid to run your own life so they must do it for you. The fact you think there is a difference between totalitarians just shows how fucking retarded you are. You have the critical thinking skills of an eggplant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Less than twenty years ago, if you asked most people what sort of women had all of those characteristics you mentioned and the chances are, they might have answered \"Trailer Trash\" or \"Biker Moll\", nowadays it's almost the new norm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jenebooks: I feel a lot of ppl trash talking indie for all sounding the same but i think any genre you're not v into tends to sound th ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger shut up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why property values would go down -- he is a nigger like every other nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a retard, leave him be.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I did not realize that John Lennon and Yoko Ono had a song called \"Women are the Niggers of the world.\" Do the SJWS know? https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/music\/celebrity\/bette-midler-apologizes-for-tweeting- women-are-the-n-word-of-the-world'\/ar-BBNXNZB?ocid=spartandhp ONLY LIBERAL WOMEN, THEY BELIEVE THEIR MASTERS. CONSERVATIVE WOMEN KNOW THEY ARE LOVED AND EQUAL IN IMPORTANCE TO MEN. MAYBE YOU SHOULD HANG AROUND PEOPLE WHO SEE VALUE IN YOU INSTEAD OF BEING USED LIKE A NIGGER BY THE SAME HATEFUL PEOPLE>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He had to dumb it down because you said something retarded. You know the word 'ratarded' is ableist and offensive right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Very close. The offending nigger shot the poor White girl till she was dead and then went to a church and shot himself. It's just a damn shame the worthless buck didn't do something good before his death and go set fire to the black dorms while chaining the doors shut. That would've been a hero move, but no, he just killed a White girl, that's all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"your altruism is making you retarded. So go and help then with your own fucking resources then- you virtue signalling cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did anyone see this total BS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who gives a shit what that faggot says? Glad his security clearance was revoked. Eat Dirt Brennan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Post-Christian Huwhyte people architecture. Jewish architecture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have gay family and gay friends, and this person is a fucking faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who is Marie?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm still not sure whether her healing lodge is better or worse than Club Fed? Men's prison, and only men's prison is bad in this country. Women's prison? Fuck, it's better than how I live right now apart from the booze. Here's where she was being held before. It was a complex that houses a hundred-ish women. They live in cottages surrounded a chain link fence (it used to be a white picket fence, but residents complained.) There are picnic tables, athletic facilities and all kinds of perks. In other words, it's fucking sweet. If I was a homeless women I'd commit a murder just to go there. Did you even see how Karla Homolka spent her time? It was like they sent her to summer camp for 10 years! Meanwhile, that healing lodge is in the middle of nowhere and she'll be the only non-native inmate which won't work out well for her. I hate to argue this, but she might actually be worse off in the healing lodge and there's a much higher chance that she'll get fucked up by her fellow inmates. Women's prison in Canada is a joke. There's a very good chance most of the women in that healing lodge have kids and when they find out what this cunt did to a child, she will probably pay dearly, especially a non-native. It was done to a white kid. Trust me, they won't fucking care.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Muslims terrorists, grunt, protestors commies, fart, USA! USA! USA!\" This happened in Finland, not sure why you think I'm bringing the USA into it.. >Oh, sweetie, you're having one of your cute little hissy fits! Okay, I'm going to explain this to you in grownup language. This condescending tone might work with your niece (I'm sure you don't have kids), but its just embarrassing to try that with adults during a debate. >A couple of months ago the government began mass deportations without finding out which deportees are criminals and which are not. They are all criminals, they are in the country illegally. The guy being deported was an Afghan citizen. >It's the whole point to months of protests by **hundreds of people.** Hundreds of protesters out of *hundreds of thousands of citizens*? Maybe they're the extremists.. >Now, put on some Pull-Ups and go to bed, you infantile little retard. Not sure why you have to compare me to mentally challenged people..sheesh, when you guys get threatened you are very quick to devolve to base, cruel or racist comments..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Hunglikerobby_ that was so gay. And I was tanning bitch. Juvie made me white","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Choose education, personal responsibility, or birth control NOT murder! All hail potato queen ,Margret Sanger!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BaseballFact: At George Steinbrenner's first Yankees news conference, he said he wouldn't interfere in baseball decisions, promising ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quite a few trans people live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Muslim who murdered the Scottish kid, Kriss Donald, has been given a poetry award while in prison. He gouged out Kriss Donald's eyes and set him on fire. RIP Kriss. I'll never forget what they did to you and how our establishment and media hushed it up. I will never forget what they did to this poor boy. The whole world knows about the black man murdered by white men in the UK. Wee white boy, tortured for hours and set on fire while he was still alive by Pakistanis and hush it up because community cohesions BS. I know what he should be given while in prison and it most certainly is not an award of any type! I was working in a house in the same street that day (decorating) and despite going outside into the street for lots of cigarette breaks I never noticed anything odd and I only found out about it when I went past the bowling club a few days later and saw lots of football scarves tied to the railings. Seems like years ago now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TL;DR - Wetback driving pisses porchmonkeys off, dindu caps el neeenyo. Thankfully nobody es muerte. http:\/\/www.kake.com\/story\/39315834\/neighbors-help-with-road-rage-shooting-investigation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common trans trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SweetKixx u see a lame in that pic ofmine due to your infatuation with niggers. Im Hebrew i fite the children of satan in the streets","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tell this no talent cunt whore shut the fuck up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because Kanye is a free man and you are a CIA faggot slave looking to have his ass kicked. Glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers Prostitute. May God cast you into Hell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"See DONmaggot here keeps thinking that he's defending muh America from the Nahtzees. Meanwhile his retarded kids are fucking niggers, making mulattos while he collects a .gov check because he's fucking useless to society. That's how he \"Makes America Great Again.\" Sad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girls just wanna have fun! [2 girls v 3 Gay dudes ](https:\/\/youtu.be\/uz5iI7mwhIQ) Edit: did not want to thread jack just thought it was relevant! The gay dudes will have no problem shooting the white knight in the face ( ) From what I could see, it seemed like he was mostly just trying to break it up. I didn't see him throw any significant punches and he walked away before the action ended.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look! Wild? Seems about as domesticated as you can get tbh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Muh police\".......... https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/german-father-charged-for-protecting-his-daughter-against-sexual-assault-by-migrant\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Grammy-Winner Monica: Kanye West Needs to Demolish His Relationship with President Trump https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/10\/monica-slams-kanye-west-for-nice-words-about-president-donald-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Roman #CatholicChurch founded America per scripture\/lprophecy 2B the 2ND Beast of Revelation that forces all nation's to take on the mark of the 1st Beast (Rome)! Race has nothing 2do with it and no such thing as race either. Morals and Character are the only thing that matters! .This asshole >@Escoffier<--- is a #CoinTelPro POS who posts stupid irrelevant left\/right political bullshit 24x7 along with \"white is right\" satanic chatter. He is a crackling thorn under a caldron burning in the fire. Anyone who thinks they're \"cool\" and they enjoy his inane rhetoric, you're one sorry excuse for a human being. HAHAHA!!! You dumbass hebe! HAHAHA!!! You are just ridiculous! Lame hymie!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Here you go](http:\/\/www.duluthnewstribune.com\/sites\/default\/files\/styles\/16x9_620\/public\/fieldimages\/1\/0723\/moser.jpg?itok=SC6tDCE0).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That black person will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#AZmonsoon lot of rain, too bad it wasn't enough to wash away the teabagger racist white trash in the state. #Tcot #teaparty #azflooding","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminists say that \"toxic masculinity is whenever a man is unwilling to show emotion. But whenever a man does show emotion, he's accused of weaponizing his tears, he's labeled a little boy, and he's compared to men who beat their wives. I wonder why men don't like to cry in public?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump responds to fake Indian lady https:\/\/twitter.com\/breaking911\/status\/1051943206353555459?s=21","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White Northerners Are Adopting The Confederate Battle Flag http:\/\/www.occidentaldissent.com\/2018\/10\/23\/white-northerners-are-adopting-the-confederate-battle-flag\/ where's the haha button on GAB??? Tell him how you REALLY feel, Chris... Chris mad! Chris smash! Rob mad! Rob queef!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a gay person to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every single time, without fail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey @REALEMILYYOUCIS is this \"meme\" of the American Psycho for real? Shit man I could fart a better meme after blowing a bucket load of diarrhea at your face. Jesus Christ woman, I trusted you. Now you f'n talk what the fuck is his name? Patrick Bateman? Shit, the f'n guy was actually a jew 'n you go with his jew defined gentile meme? No explanation? Rethink it cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No disabled person can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kirsten is signaling. She wants more air time. Kristen Powers used to fuck Anthony Weiner.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wonder how many centuries this negro would get if this weren't on tape How is that victim status that's literally what happened. Retard in chief helped a rapist and murderer stay out of jail by pressuring the cops to kill teenagers on 0 fucking evidence. While the other guy was bashing women's brains out and raping them on sidewalks. Guess what? Only his DNA matched. Has nothing to do with wanting to be a victim. Just pointing out the retarded behavior of Americans.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Miss Piggy and Basic Thot 247819 were arrested while protesting the fact that the very FBI report they were calling for didn't deliver the results they wanted. #CelebrityLivesDontMatter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"President Trump's Texas Rally Reportedly Had Around Eight Times As Many People As Obama's Rally On The Same Day https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/6vsFU9x.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-xNq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Libs trash Saira Blair, an 18-year-old Republican who won a seat in the West Virginia legislature http:\/\/t.co\/V01w8UamJy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AHAHAHAH LOOK AT THIS FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AI systems with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid loose pussyed bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't think of a single Nigger that deserves to live in America","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel bad for this nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd heard Dobbs used to be with CNN But never knew why the switch THANKS Wait Michelle Maulkin was a Kenyan Faggot Fan??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like a typical \"casting couch\" Hollywood whore,all that's on her mind is dick. Crock of shit actress hawking for reviews. That's all this is about. Note: The Communist's default is always - VIOLENCE. She wanted to VIOLENTLY hurt someone carrying a placard. The communist way - shut down free speech by any means necessary - is because they're a bunch of PUSSIES and soyboys without 'nads; losers who need safe spaces because words hurt, who default to violence when others have an opinion with which they disagree. Low-life commie losers keep on losing because that's what losers do! Still not going to watch their train-wreck of a movie. Next they'll be showing the freaking movie in public schools as \"history.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pro: large white family Con: all retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My wife is Facebook friends with some left wing woman she grew up with She's gone full pussyhat, ranting about Trump, Kavanaugh and whatever else CNN farts out every day. She was recently diagnosed with cancer. She's going to die and leave two kids and a husband behind. Recently she posted that she just finished marching in some left wing protest before checking in for chemo. Imagine this. You've only got a few months, maybe a year or two to live. And this is how you spend your time. What a Godless and wretched soul. She's smart, too. Very high IQ. But smart people can be every bit the fool as stupid ones. Anyway, I don't give a shit about her cancer. Good riddance. I didn't know cancer could get cancer. It's like the ten nigger rule where the blacks are worse for them than anybody else. That bitch must have Ten Nigger Cancer. Unrelated, how much you wanna bet she burned the coal?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Titanic_Britain_Author Why as you still peddling your bullshit and deceiving people? Whats fucking going wrong in that head of yours? Ive explained National Socialism to you a dozen times, my words are confirmed by Hitler, He and Sclachter! But you persist in spreading your fucking idiotic fantasy, stop being a silly cunt will ya!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HobsonDarlene #BlessJesus Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? #DifferentLevels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump Should Cut $315M US Aid To South Africa Over White Genocide https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2018\/03\/trump-to-cut-315m-us-aid-to-south.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mayispeakfreely I seriously think you may be TOO DUMB to stay. Or.. you can actually READ THE POST INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING YOUR RETARDED FRIENDS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN JEWS HAVE A WELL TRAINED NIGGER HERE He was born a double loser....a cocksucker and a nigger....When it comes to hosting he's a lemon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ICYMI: https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/10\/20\/watch-protesters-accost-mcconnell-and-his-wife-at-dinner-but-other-patrons-arent-having-it via @theblaze https:\/\/youtu.be\/WS9nP-BKa3M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many f4gs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stephan A Smith saying Jay Cutlers shouldn't be a MVP candidate is just straight up retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Titanic_Britain_Author Islam isn't the enemy, Shlomo. Muslims don't own Facebook. So Muslims are not pushing the homosexual agenda. Muslims don't own Youtube. So it is not the muslims pushing abortion. Muslims don't own Apple. So it is not them pushing spying on everything. You won't fix anything by chasing Muslims. Jews are the enemy. Told you guys. The Jew haters love Islam. Just like the other socialists on Twitter. It isn't Jews raping their way across Europe is it. It isn't Jews bombing, shooting, knifing and lorrying people across Europe. It isn't Jews beheading people in the Middle East. Jews get on fine with everyone. Islam gets on with no-one. Even itself. Wouldn't be surprised if some of these NatSoc accounts are Muhammadans mate. Get them on Twitter too, pushing their Islamo-Marxism. Halal-Kitty is a Muhammadan called Niliyyah Rashhid. Joker is Sameed Dahmi. TellMamaUK is run by an Islamic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soooo when w oman has sex with an under age child the news writed her as \"having sex\" but when a man her age has sex with child of same age hes \"raping\" and \"molesting\". Cunts deserve the same wording.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical f a g g o t behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Someone come get their drunk aunt. Look at this old bitch lmao I love big titties, just not old saggy ones attached to a drunk. Men generally like young women with some eggs still in the basket. Which explains the anime of flat-chested school girls. Total pedo. #busted So if it only includes the shoulder up, assume it's loli porn without evidence and accuse. I get it, now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Basically the Windows 10 patch completely deleted all files in the my documents and my pictures folders for various users. Not a small issue! The worst thing was that people even reported this Windows 10 file deletion bug during the beta for the patch, QA ignored it and still pushed it through to the live version. This sheer level of incompetence can only be achieved by the dumbest diversity hires. No one halfway decently qualified to work in tech would let such a major bug affect an OS. This is what happens when your company goes full retard and overloads itself with diversity sjw and feminist hires. I have had the displeasure of interacting with too many Microsoft employees at conferences. Literally all the Microsoft men tend to be soyboy cucks and the women were all the most radical feminazis. It is a trash company.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man @Hoarderoftaste Wow, you sound like a faggot completely obsessed with nigger cock.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Netflix `is really nigger faggot flix..they want to shove nigger, fag shit down America's throat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@g0rillaz0e: Sitting on my window sill, window open, bird tries to fly in. Smacked it. #ProtectTheAnimals\" @peta","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Becoming the head faggot means you get extra jizz on your Debbie Cake.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm more native American than this cunt and all my descendants are from Europa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt alert....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Critical thought. Critical thought is not an attack. By all means go claim injury. Claim injury for your god for all it does you or anyone such great things doesn't it. Such clumsily veiled \"prior attacks levied\" threats. Just don't be a retard and come up with these new-world xtian boogey men. My image? Go fuck yourself, ya optics cucked faggot. I don't need to qualify myself to you, or give a fuck when we get around to throwing fags like you off a fuckin' roof. Oh, the no true Scotsman, bullshit. \"No real Christian would curse at strangers on Gab. Meek, meek, turn the other cheek, bullshit.\" Then, suggest that because I fail your no true scotsman fallacy, I must be a Muzzie or Jew? Are you actually that fucking dumb?. Aztecphobia? Because I pointed at Aztec cannibalism and suggested it was wrong? You're an utter retarded faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We are going to put an end to all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another reason why the Soyboy Switch meme is retarded - the PlayStation consoles are easily the most pozzed ones right now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny how a Jug eared Twat like Lineker can call out #TommyRobinson for exposing the mass rape of young white girls when he continues to work for the BBC, one of the world's most prolific paedophile rings, when has he ever spoken up for these girls or condemned their Muslim attackers? https:\/\/twitter.com\/GaryLineker\/status\/1050508695614906368?s=09","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll snap that disabled neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok does sand nigger make you feel better","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shylock and Wongs: 3 Incidents of Democrat Bigotry In 3 Weeks - Media Mum http:\/\/t.co\/iX03VrK0KI via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REEEEEEEEEEEE! Sounds like your programming is short circuiting, Libtard Nigger NPC #","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember thick Marxist twat Agent Orange who was on here as Capt_McHeath? I gave him such great abuse he deleted his account and ran off. Blocked me on his two main Twitter accounts too. Just checked him out without logging in. He's STILL going on about me. Thinks this Puffing Billy is me. It isn't lol Typical thick twat Marxist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You literally wrote and published a book for the sole purpose of demeaning another person. I'm having a hard time seeing how that's not defaming. Maybe in some European shithole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I much rather prefer my cookie cutter basic twat villain I like when their personalities are akin to licking chalk off of a blackboard I mean i paid to see an action movie so why isn't it a 90 minute long fight scene I hate when movie reviews say there wasn't enough character development They're just snobby haters who don't know what real action movies are I don't mind it so much in games though In a Game i can easily cut out all of those boring cut scenes and get right into the monotonous gameplay I did buy a game not a film after all","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KaasPiet,bloemPiet.?lol men weet van gekkigheid niet meer hoe ze simpele oplossing tegen racisme moet maken.Zolang maar blanke beslissing is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are invaders. Let us call a spade a spade, or in this case, a spic a spic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm trying to imagine what kind of a shitshow we're going to see when the Mueller probe inevitably turns out to be a dud. The Kavanaugh freakout feels like an appetizer course. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I did not spend 8 years at University to be called \"Miss\"\". Yea not about your ego at all, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This almost looks like a \/v\/ thread just without calling each other faggots. Sup faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good! The GOP needs another obedient nigger for their sugar plantations!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder what all the lawyers, politicans, and media elite surrounding this Investigation have in common? I am thankful that USA blesses Jewish people. If U wanna be destroyed, curse His people. #politics #news Having said that, it does seem odd if USA has only Jewish and Papists on the #SCOTUS. Evangelicals shud have a seat. Lawyers shud only have 1 seat. @Hilloftyr It sounds like the Jews are your daddy I hate jews, the fact you are rushing in here to defend them sounds like you have a jewish daddy, schlomo. @Hilloftyr Anger makes you a weak man. Your enemies destroy you with it. I'm saying this to help you. You're boring, piss on someone else now I only fucked Christ up the ass to prove a point. #NoHomo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Were you expecting anything short of fireworks in his final homestand? #FarewellCaptain http:\/\/t.co\/5nTacrQ43m","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Make ur own coffee retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At this rate, I'd cheer for the awful New York Yankees over the St. Louis Cardinals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TreyBizzy I thought you would like him cause of the Chi but yeah he a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just love hypocrisy. Am I sick?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Better yet... don't do that. Incurable retardation is the last thing you'd want to have in your life, I bet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Vaeflare: ...Because sometimes you just need a moment to appreciate a noble guinea pig with steampunk dragon wings. http:\/\/t.co\/SeRyx9v ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"8,000 blacks murder each other each year in the U.S., 6,000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens each year in the United States. Where is the outrage? When is the last time you saw this get world wide news coverage? I have a Black Lives Matter policy idea:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BOO! Satanism? Awww BOOOHOOOO. Did I hurt feelz with a little Halloween fun? #InstaMute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same shit at all the places I worked, my one friends company had a hr\/ accountant lose 3 million fucking dollars for not processing checks in time and the beta fucking owner still didn't want to fire her. She got fired for a fight in the office instead and now the company is going out of business. Wtf this world is so retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter Suspends Influential Black Female Trump Supporter's Account After She Announces She Is Attending TPUSA Event in Washington DC #News @a https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/twitter-suspends-influential-black-female-trump-supporters-account-after-she-announces-she-is-attending-tpusa-event-at-white-house\/ Democrats are just a bunch of racists.. Look at how they try to undermine them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @fatguythe: *sings Careless Whisper to broken 7 year old flip flop on the way to the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TM__7: RT @Lizzs_Lockeroom: Watching a bird poop on your car after you just got it washed http:\/\/t.co\/k6AiIVU6Ph","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are not just a stupid nigger lover.. but also extremely naive..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"However, after he raised more than $600,000 in support of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Facebook canceled the meeting and deleted both of his pages. To add insult to injury, Kolfage had over the years dropped more than $300,000 in advertising on his pages.\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/19\/triple-amputee-veteran-brian-kolfage-vows-to-haul-facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-into-court\/ Facebook lets about 3 percent of your followers see your posts. If you buy ads, that numbers goes up to about 25 percent maximum. The best way to screw Zuckerberg is to ensure a red mega-mega-mega-MAGA-tsunami in November. Big Tech will be blamed, so all these psychos will have their faces rubbed in their own manure. They're going to be hated by everyone. Since Zuckerberg and Dorsey can't bear criticism, they're going to drink until their livers explode. Watch it happen. He lost his limbs so faggots like you could jerk off to the Saudis and Israelis you warmongering piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was the most piss poor retarded attempt at a legal defense I've ever seen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HIS NAME IS ACTUALLY \"KEKISTANI SAILOR\" LOL WHAT A FAGGOT Please don't tell my wife nazigirl! Please! You know what's so great about this kike faggot? He calls himself a \"kekistani sailor\" but fails to realize the kek flag is based off of a natsoc flag. LOL!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no God damn way that was \"accidental contact\". Are you blind or retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eh? The BBC just had national press because their female presenters were paid substantially less than their male co-presenters. Which the BBC failed to explain even remotely logically. They complained how Chris Evans was getting paid so much, when he has been a BBC staple for decades and was taking over hosting duties of what was BBC's most popular and profitable show they've ever had. The poll was on a news app that barely anyone uses. so the sample size is too small to be trustworthy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He who lives by the gun dies by the gun.... Guns save lives. A fact. How does shooting someone save lives? Let me tell you a story: About 14 years ago, two armed teen-aged Dindus broke into my house while my wife and I and our child were sleeping. I got the drop on them with a shotgun. One died instantly, and the other ended up losing his right arm. I wasn't arrested, but there was a hearing. My actions were declared justifiable homicide and self defense. I found out through my lawyer that the survivor confessed that they both intended to kill whoever they found inside my house \"to see what it felt like to kill someone.\" I ended up suing the parents of both of the boys for damages to my house, and won the suit. When the families wouldn't pay, I had my lawyer put liens on their houses, cars, and bank accounts. Eventually, I got paid for the door they broke, as well as fresh paint and new carpet for the living room I shot them in. To this day, my living room looks freshly painted and the carpet looks brand new. My gun saved the lives of my wife, my child, and myself. That is ALL that matters to me. That's why I have no patience for gun-grabbers and their bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If someone does not realize the Truth, this is it. White men FACTUALLY have built every proper society, and Jews have always been parasitical cancer. This is a FACT. The RACIST Jews have brainwashed people of the opposite of the Truth, just like the Holohoax. Whatever the Jew accuseth, they are guilty. All wars are Jew wars and all genocides have been done by the askeNAZI JEWS. NAZI JEWS father is the devil. People are jealous of white people and the Jew has inverted this! Give me your opinion of this truth. Attacks on the Truth will be met with authority. The Jewish Supremacist Media is who came up with this bulshit White supremacist garbage! There is no White supremacists, only Jewish Supremacists! Obviously all JEWS are RACIST PIGS correct? Can we at least agree that JEWS are RETARDED and complete inferior beings?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm posting under my own name. You're the COWARD, \"White Dragon\". I have no obligation to agree with chicken-shit morons just because you claim to be white. I'd bet there's a little nigger in you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He is worthless dirt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TweetfrmtheSole it s the entire pats bandwagon. They re faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/preserveconservativevalues.com\/2018\/10\/19\/democrat-2020-hopeful-kamala-harris-proposes-a-policy-that-will-tax-you-over-50-nation-wide-universal-basic-income\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TTUKingsbury morphing into Charlie Weis will never cease to be disturbing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why not link to thread with the response? To fragile to be called out?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This criminal believes she will run for Senate. From jail? That's cute #MAGA #QAnon http:\/\/bit.ly\/2BWa47T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will hurt you and any other Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any trans person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded can person possibly be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of trans people will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this why trying to help niggers and nigger out reach is stupid. These people are bred for war, rape and chaos fuck them https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/relatives-steal-corpse-of-ebola-victim-during-funeral\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I give up on western society. If the future is female, we're fucked. The future is only female as long as men allow it. The minute we put our foot down and say \"No. its all over and civilization can finally get back on track And the only chance of that happening is when the Boomer cucks die off. Do Boomers own the universities, big media corporations, and Hollywood? etc. I don't think it's about a generation. I know what you are saying and I agree but the point is Gen X is the only one left with a semblance of a spine. And without a spine, nobody is going to say no. The real question is, will Gen X save the world? And the answer, for many reasons, is no. Gen Z is looking promising as far I've heard\/seen though. Most people my age and younger that I've met are pretty agreeable in our views. > Gen Z is looking promising as far I've heard\/seen though. The Tide Pod Generation? The Autistic Generation? lol nope. > Most people my age and younger that I've met are pretty agreeable in our views. That's exactly the problem. There are very few dissenting views anymore. There are no real arguments being had. Wide-scale censorship is just getting warmed up. The last generation to respond well to criticism was Gen X, and we keep getting shit on. Pretty sure Gen X is the world's last hope and we were fucked so hard on both ends that we are just going to throw it in the ditch and let it burn. More conservative than the Boomers but not as conservative as WWII. Sadly. And thankfully. > generation zyclon My sides.... Only because theres so many hispanics With the revocation of birthright citizenship, youll see a massive shift to the right","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I very seldom use this word .. CUNT ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not odd the bitch is going to jail. I really hope so ! That cunt played games long enough over the backs of the middle class people !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Full Racist Mode: CNN calls Kanye West a House Negro Don Lemon's panel of CNN commentators insulted Kanye West ahead of his Thursday meeting with President Donald Trump. Read More Here: https:\/\/goldenstatetimes.com\/news\/full-racist-mode-cnn-calls-kanye-west-a-house-negro\/ House \"Negro\" That sounds alot like Nigger . I thought even Black was an affront to our African Decendents","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger on the run","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cleaned all the bird nests out of the downspouts and ready for more rain, the baby birds are out now. respect the birds.....and bees (:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her excuse is \"when I die u can have all my gold.\" I don't even like yellow gold anymore. I gave her all of mine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oi! Do you 'ave a loicense for this racist post, Gramps?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their gaythroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The leftists need to just get on with it and start the nationwide gun confiscation. The tinder has been sitting in front of us for a while. Flame on and lets get it behind us. Not like the polarization is going to just quiet down and become reasonable again. EDIT: Wow, more soyboy leftist betas in here than I thought. Guns need to be banned because people don't know how to use these tools of defence in a responsible manner. Therefore we need to let the law enforcement groups provide protection to the people of this nation. But wait.... Leftists have told me that we cannot trust the government because the gobernment is gorrupted. And these law enforcement groups work for the government. What are we to do? Oh shit a guy is pulling out a firearm at us. He still needs 15 seconds to maul us all down... I'm sure the police are going fling in like supermen and save us all. In all seriousness, don't go for gun control. Your neighbouring country Mexico have gun control laws. The population got disarmed and yet in the end the cartel disarmed their government. Now they run things in the country the way they want more efficiently than the Italian mafia and making the local people's lives miserable. I am saying just skip the slow burn. Try to take them, feel the wrath of an armed uprising, and get over this notion that itll ever happen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No prison, 45 days in jail, and not signing up for the sex offenders' registry, that's a pussy pass. This is another example of women not being expected to take responsiblity for their actions. Then again a few blogs with her info and links to the case would also do the trick. She definitely deserves the exposure for being such a cunt. No, she didn't. She named one, and that was because police went back and re-questioned her. She also said she didn't want to implicate him. Look, she's a cunt for sure, but don't change the narrative. She definitely deserves more jail time than 45 days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PeterpandaCat: @savanigga Sav is a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Duterte is a sly fox--no telling what he's going to do next.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NFL_Memes: Buckwheat and Porky http:\/\/t.co\/bo96nelS2P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you live in metropolitan\/downtown of large cities, please make sure you VOTE EARLY, have a few weeks food\/water stored. Not trying to be a concernfag or cause panic, just be ready <3 POTUS is in complete control and looks like proofs coming 11\/ There is no way in Hell I would give Brenda Snipes 12 days to find my Ballot and toss it out. She was caught doing that to 150K ballots in 2016 and got a pass for it. I'm going to the Poll on November 6th to stump against that filthy Liberal Cunt Debbie Wasserman Shultz and try to get our Republican Strawman candidate elected against his wishes. As that sorry bastards has been more AWOL than Jeff Sessions on the campaign trail this election season. DWS has to go, I hope we can hang the GOP candidate and get him out early with a provision vote after he's locked up for being as crooked as he MUST be. I'm fighting the biggest corrupt political system in the Country The Broward County Elections. I will stare them down with stink eye on election day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh was involved in a deadly assault by throw ice cubes.. lock him up! We don't need no serial ice cubist walking the streets .. He was no choir boy he was a frat boy and I have the proof.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/5ZrnfdfmxKk Wow ! He tossed ice at a guy in a bar fight... Well that settles it ... BAN ICE ( shhh dont tell anyone they can throw bar stools ) Then we move to jail the bar owner for facilitating the use of ice in a crime at the same time denouncing mother nature for her allowing the recipe to be stolen ! What absolute fkn idiocy ! FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) Dats Coco Jambo, Honkey! https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=m_-Qtz70_z4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FilmFatale_NYC: Wow, he basically just told his daughter \"I want some mocha colored grandbabies!\" #HTGAWM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"COMMIE PINKO CORRUPT SJW CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@JustinTrudeau on trade deal: \"It's an agreement that removes uncertainty for our manufacturers and investors and improves labor rights for all North Americans.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/qYfs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you really believe people evolved from apes? Not really. I'm quiet convinced with the evolution of man but ... http:\/\/t.co\/1RswGNpLtc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought it was great. To be fair, I've only played Castlevania 4 and watched AVGN videos on other games in the series. So I'm not exactly a big fan of the series. That being said, lemme address some concerns: Didn't mind Carmilla at all. Yes, she uses some SJW buzzwords like 'manbaby' but she's portrayed as an unlikable cunt anyway.... So it's in line with her personality. She uses whatever words she see fit to belittle others because she likes no one. Isaac is from the desert, so if it's a race swap then they've handled it well. It's made quite clear he's a foreigner, different accent and all. Good character as well. So I didn't find it to be \"woke\" at all. No cringy politics pushed down any throats, characters act approprietly to midieval setting (no stronk wymyn soldiers for example), so I'd recommend it, quite strongly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Given how important PlayStation is to Sony, he should. Forget who it is though. But this move is absolutely retarded and is a massively bad look no matter where you fall. Just the idea of Japanese developers needing to go through American Purity tests to release games in Japan is beyond asinine. Losing developer support because they can't (or don't want to) live up to these retarded demands will mean fewer games on PS4 in Japan and worldwide which means fewer software sales overall. And fewer console sales in Japan. The more games the better they can do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's obvious that trans people are the very opposite of stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other imm1grants are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The dog whistle is deafening. WHITE NATIONALIST!!!! I wish I had a pumpkin spike decaf soy latte to calm me down. >Replying to an npc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's like crack","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FunnyJulius: Please win it all this year @Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot also makes jokes about pedophilia and thinks it's funny!! Someone needs to stuff this troll into an oil drum and drop him off a pier!! Stuff him in a poly barrel filled with lye. Three weeks later nothing left but teeth fillings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feinstein Says Friday Vote Too Soon,' Moves to Keep FBI Findings from Public https:\/\/www.hannity.com\/media-room\/update-feinstein-says-friday-vote-too-soon-moves-to-keep-fbi-findings-from-public\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A \"fairer\" system that steals from those who work for what they have in order to give it to losers who don't. A \"fairer\" system that requires that real differences in ability (intelligence, strength, health) be ignored and everyone be given the exact same lowest common denominator SHIT. Don't work hard, don't study hard, because it will come to nothing. Your earnings and property isn't yours, it belongs to some lazy retarded slag down the road. Fuck off. Gab isn't communist so you need to pay a tiny little bit per month to get the 3000 word limit. Musk cannot undo reality. Just like that Cortez twat in NY cannot make reality go away on her desire for universal healthcare - her plan, and even Sen Sanders' Medicare for All plan, would cost $40 TRILLION dollars. JUST FOR THE HEALTHCARE. No amount of defense cuts, no amount of tax increases, can generate $40 TRILLION dollars needed to provide every American (and they want to give it to non-citizen illegals too!) with the same healthcare. UBI is just more slapped on top of that! TRILLIONS of dollars to give people an unearned income. At what level? $5000\/yr? That's a joke. $10,000\/yr? For EVERYONE? $20,000\/yr? Everyone put in poverty so we are all equally miserable and deprived. All of us in rags, all of us living in government supplied gray concrete hovels. That's not a socialist paradise, that is a perfect depiction of hell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 I believe Bill and support his efforts to have this rabid dog fired. The moron that sent this email should be sued for slander and the attacker should be jailed for assault and lose his job. I've taken a screen shot of your comment. You called an African American man a \"rabid dog\". I am emailing this to that company and proving to them that Bill and his friends are literal neo-nazis. @Trumplican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is such a massive scumbag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im gay. I do not care if you have LGBT representation in your game. Make the game you want. If you want to have LGBT representation, please do not engage in tokenism, or flanderize gay sexuality. Rather I appreciate someone being forward with their contempt for me than coming up with noble excuses for being racist or destructive towards LGBT people. Tell me I'm going to the firing squad not the \"lead-powered re-education line\" and I'll be much less offended.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I firmly believe that only disabled people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The faggot betamale pozholes strike again! This woman was a voice actress who got fired and her twatter account deleted because of this. seriously, fuck twitter https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/thetimfury\/videos\/1952650141692883\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All of this is. It's ZOG punishing the goyim for standing up to it. I mean, look at the bumper lipped praying mantis looking ass nigger DeAndre Harris... he didn't get shit time for his attack there, and got over 160k from GibsFundMe. Antifa doused our men in vile fluids and threw rocks, nothing happened at all to them. Mudshark has a coronary, it gets Sainthood","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I foresee Courtneys restaurant getting much more business in the near future. You see a trend with these leftist hate mobs, when they gang up on a business, people flock to support it. It's kinda the reverse of \"Get Woke, Go Broke\" Sounds like a fine establishment lol Gave you a follow man I like your style lol Right back at ya I am on minds also =) And thank you patriot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US spy planes are flying over British skies in hunt for Jihadi John's assoc's with advanced tech! http:\/\/t.co\/XfSeZSzu0m via @BeforeItsNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sleep in your office you dumb cunt. Lots of Junior Congressmen do this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feckless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Dick Nigger is a Pagan, Then I'm gonna be a Satan Worshipper I just can't believe that Dick Nigger is a Pagan now... I don't like this Timeline...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Video: Shy Glizzy I Can t Trust Myself http:\/\/t.co\/HRfuDrvZdb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do not Forget When Phosphorus Apollo - Sun became the Statue of Liberty Or maybe after Roman statues of Hekate Megisti? The Alt Right is spreading that Right wings are Christians and Christians do not love the nation. Because Left and right wings belong to the same bird. They are not Nationalists. Numbers 31:17-18 King James Version (KJV) 17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Karlheinz Deschner The Criminal History of Christianity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a surprise! They are all emotionally retarded and suffer from arrested development! Can you imagine when he brings the Jordan wife into Germany and produces an entire tribe of himself!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After only 2 episodes of the 11th season of Doctor Who, user scores are beginning to drop when compared to critic scores. Same old story whenever a show goes woke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@luchadora41 so was slavery, prohibition and not letting women to vote... segregation jim crow laws.. etc etc i can do this all day lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' Nah cut it off Im sure I won' t regret it ' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A trend I've noticed is older women tend to understand this better than younger women. Even older women who are what you would consider a traditional feminist respect the roles of men much more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck off religious faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This won't stop until the teachers and admins HANG. How many people have you lynched? Just you. Nope, you're just talk. You talk big but you've never lynched anyone. You probably don't even own a rope. You should be proud then. You've earned it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd be ok if someone just shot this cunt in the face. No loss to the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/archive.fo\/0xirQ Reminder that in their eyes, any whites who are not \"white liberals\"(untill they turn on them too) are violent supremists regardless of actual held beliefs. She even has the audacity to point out that since that district is only about 50% white it should never go conservative again and won't as long as they replace whitey further.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FrankieJGrande omg gtfo white faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey is a fairy gay faggot that supports pedophilia on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What percentage of the Jewish population of the world are the good Jews?? Jew haters need to STFU. Die a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off, retarded feminist morons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate when white trash try to act like they're my equal. It only makes it that much clearer how white trash they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you lost your fucking mind, dude? Are you dead and some retarded piece of shit has taken over your account?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I finally got around to going Pro. I definitely receive over $6 a month worth of value out of this website. Now I can write in bold, italics, or underline. Not sure what other benefits are besides the increased character limit, but I really don't care. If you care about something, vote with your dollar. Thanks to @a for giving us a place to discuss ideas and talk shit without being banned.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump asks Cabinet to cut department budgets by 5 percent https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DXNfVQjZOHQ Trump supporters are the stupidest, most ignorant losers in America","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"when a handsome man marries a man ..we are only bite fingers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What stupid, unappreciative, envious cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's a really funny thing: a lot of German songs have been put under the restriction. Now, if you know the lyrics to these songs, you'd know that's fucking stupid. There isn't anything wrong with Erika, or Westerlald Lied, or anything wrong. Gr n ist nser Fallschirm is put under the restriction despite containing no hatred. I also saw that 'fashwave' was restricted. Despite having no lyrics at all, whatsoever. Just a funky beat. It's really fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Former Atty General Loretta Lynch, of tarmac fame: voter ID laws \"intimidate\"; they \"are designed to scare people away from the process. Who needs to fear them but illegal voters, Loretta? Is there any law you DO want enforced? https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/18\/lynch-voter-id-laws-early-voting-restrictions-designed-to-intimidate\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have never had a black president. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no idea how people are still stumbling across it when it has 0 karma. Do people just see these 0 karma posts with spicy headlines and think \"that's gotta be the most retarded shit I'll read today, lemme get in there for my daily dose of outrage\"? Edit: ah, there's only like 6 posts newer than it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.birminghammail.co.uk\/news\/midlands-news\/babies-falling-victim-horrific-fgm-15239985 Babies falling victim to horrific FGM in scandal which shames Birmingham!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe inform yourself what a low fantasy setting is, before spouting utter retarded shit like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aww... Looky! We have two fairy gay faggot ANTIFA members that downvoted this. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lasst doch bitte endlich mal diese Neger in Ruhe. Frau Merkel hat sie eingeladen. Die d rfen hier tuen was sie wollen. Deutsche, bitte Klappe halten. Lasst doch bitte endlich mal diese Neger in Ruhe. Frau Merkel hat sie eingeladen. Die d rfen hier tuen was sie wollen. Deutsche, bitte Klappe halten. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) Nen Axtgriff oder ein altes Heizungsrohr wirst du doch rumliegen haben Ich hab sogar nen Axtgriff mt dem Eisen vorne dran :-) Aber das ist doch sich sicher inzwischen verboten, oder? frisch aus dem Knast entlassen - vergewaltigt er gleich die n chste 21-J hrige. Auch der Hochpotente mu in bung bleiben! schnell ein Stuhl kreis FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The caller was great, real smooth. Lush played it off but I could tell he knew what the caller was talking about. I lost my shit when the caller brought up the USS Liberty, lol. Then I had to get of my truck and yell at a nigger pouring cement wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only your Democrat SLAVE-MASTERS can give y'all niggers the permission to speak. CNN has opened the door to using the words NEGRO and NIGGER again. Aren't they so respectful and caring of our black brothers and sisters????!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they shot another monkey lmaooooooooooo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lies being spewed from a Jew, trying to trick people out of the truth, about one of history's greatest Men. What a surprise. https:\/\/gab.ai\/DaveGreco33\/posts\/37003788 You are a spic whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll take this nigger over Uncle Ron deSantis any black day of the week ending in Y. lmaooooo #VoteBlueToSaveAmericaFromTrump","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No nigger made that. Actually I'm only reading every so often. You are getting your panties in a twist over being called a nigger so I just keep coming back to call you a nigger, nigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I legit don't understand people taht think KiA\/GG are racist blah blah blah and every opinion is garbage but yet, they are glued as fuck to the subreddit. Was in a streamers chat today and we were talking about the shitty Diablo announcement and someone was like \"you knew it was going to be bad when GamerGate and KiA started getting involved.\" As if r\/diablo and r\/wow and r\/gaming wasn't rightfully angry. Fuckin retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kfocht735 Nope - got lucky - some washing on the slopes, gonna make it a little rough combining but feeling very fortunate today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hey nigger, 600,000 white men fuckin DIED for your dumb ass, get the fuck over it, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am trying to get along with immigrants but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Congratulations #CANADA You've a LEADER that #Americans can only #dream of. ENJOY #CANNABIS #freedom and #GOD Bless you richly! Justin Trudeau is a great man. I pray that all of the #USA knows just how it feels to be #FREE like you. #JustinTrudeau https:\/\/t.co\/DwjKepoFjU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think the point is that a bunch of people in the thread don't see what he did as a joke and think its a legitimate and appropriate response. As a troll, yeah it's pretty funny.. but if the guy was seriously requesting her money back it would be pretty damn retarded. The people who are saying \"fuck yeah i'd do the same thing\" are probably the guys getting ghosted all the time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Based Russki James Woods you're a faggot boomer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well the English liberals, academics, media, all suffer from their English white guilt, but white working class people never have. Thank God English identity and nationalism is coming back with a vengeance. #Brexit has woke everybody up, no more white guilt crap. #Anglosphere #UKIP #ForBritain #WhiteGenocide #populism #Remoaners #BritFam #Labour","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me: \"Niggers assault White Trump supporters who voice their pro-trump sentiments in nigger cities, with impunity. Here's X,Y,Z example... MAGA coalition: \"yawn\" >Based nigger gets MAGA hat knocked off Twitter spick MAGAthot: \"This is assault!\" >Nationwide social media hunt for culprit ensues Y'all deserve to get raped by niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Backpfeifengesicht.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many Jihadis in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank God the talk with the eu has faild fucking good job now get out a walk away and let the European union die we vote 2 year s ago and we want fuck all to do with that nazie cunt no more talks we fuck had with then close the fucking boarders and channel tunnel no more bollocks out out out walk walk and walk to American not fucking China","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry this is gross but it is important to see how liberal feminists have destroyed men. Just look at this piece of shit. I don't want these people anywhere near me or my family. It should be a crime to allow children near any democrats. You gone full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lemon squeezing ball loving faggot is a complete joke!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Omg, Macklemore is iconic and I love him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats have openly stated (many times) they will repeal the 2nd. #Vote Red No they haven't. How fucking stupid are you? Do you even UNDERSTAND the 2nd Amendment? 98% chance you do NOT. And in that case, YOU do NOT DESERVE to have firearms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy unemployment yah cunt lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like i said you jumped on my thread. Look back at your busy interfering comments. Fuck him creepy. Didn't answer about if you said i have a rich husband. You did and you lied. Last thing did you jump on my thread. Or did I jump on yours. Typical femanist retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmm ... humblebrag doesn't cover it: this twat is so far up herself she's almost inside out. The article is mis-titled. It should be >Why I Almost Slapped a Fellow Theatre Patron, and What That Says About Entitled Cunts Like Me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW For anyone wondering: https:\/\/youtu.be\/qJz18c6gw8c I think the police has to arrive to remove them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fighting a culture war using Wigger rap is beyond Stupidity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/TQS3wPA6O7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree with you most definitely. Let these cunts talk IDGAF If you care too much about what others say you're never really free. They control you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep Whte knighting for butt plug Gavin im sure hes grateful faggot and remember that time NO ONE ASKED U ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, because A) She is stupid. B) She is acting like a cunt and C) because that adds up to a stupid cunt. I don't buy the, I am female so I can bully who I want, argue with who I like, scream and shout in the face of any one and throw insults and you can't do anything shit. I fight back. Stupid cunts get called stupid cunts. Is that clear enough for you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"De Leon ....better a mongrel spic than jewshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Manliness is rooted to a man's beard and his balls. Yet we are living in a day where factions are cutting them both off.\" @lf6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh fuck this is that Twat Watson again, starting to really dislike this Limey Lout.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"looks like a faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornsx: Deep Fried Oreos . http:\/\/t.co\/dy7QT1Jtlg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No trans person deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See, now this is why I could never be a cop, or a public serviceman of any kind. I'd lose my mind if an entitled, superior and arrogant piece pf shit like this ever talked to me like that. The video alone enraged me to unreasonable levels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT: Thank you, Captain. It'll never be the same. @Yankees #Jeter#2 http:\/\/t.co\/EIe8D8C5cj ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The masses need a narrative to give them the courage and permission to not only exist, but to thrive. Politics, race and religion go hand in hand. The (((main stream))) Purged this concept from Christian Hindu churches, thus causing the decrease in membership. But thy can't destroy the WORD. We can rebuild churches. The \"WORD\" is worthless. srry not srry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like Vox Day here, I can also openly say that Gab cannot say I did not warn them. But Gab is clearly for the nazis. Torba defends their speech over all others, and it has spiraled to the point where it instigated a mass murderer. https:\/\/voxday.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/they-cant-say-i-didnt-warn-them_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WhosJuly 1) He's a faggot and I don't like him. 2) I'm on the other side of the state.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jezzzz_: @Ginga_Snaps13: @jezzzz_ @ShitPussiesSay Jessica I'm not afraid to slit your throat tomorrow @RitenourSchools @BarackObama @ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger gear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SITUATIONAL AWARENESS, SURPRISE, AND AGGRESSION CAN TURN THE ODDS IN YOUR FAVOR WHEN STREET FIGHTING Confronted and Outnumbered by 3 Muslims in an elevator. This patriot turns the tables on them immediately. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KCFNvsjMs2Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No #resist cunt tossed a brick a window of the Van. Brand spanking new Van, No Police tickets for obstructed view... Seems LEGIT 100% False Flag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@OldManRo you should check it out... it aint animated and has Charlie Murphy in it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haet disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No gay person ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off nigger !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @cwissi: beanies for life http:\/\/t.co\/iywPwmPGTu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can turn into a big cock so that your mother can sit on. Give me her number little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be interested in THIS little CUNT ! I'm your God, now bow down to me or DIE !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Harvard University dean testified that the school has different SAT score standards for prospective students based on factors such as race and sex but insisted that the practice isn't discriminatory, as a trial alleging racism against Asian-American applicants began this week. https:\/\/www.amren.com\/news\/2018\/10\/harvards-gatekeeper-reveals-sat-cutoff-scores-based-on-race\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"of course,now they will replace the Latinos with niggers.. Spielberg has shown himself to be a big time nigger lover..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @gab_mccarthy: @rosestokoe @JuliaMarie892 @_suline @violetethompson @CAmatuzzo but then there's the yellow writing on the black jerse ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsKayven: If your girlfriend is taller than you, it's her responsibility to take the trash out and fight off anyone that breaks into you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of Obama's muzzie shit holes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus was a jewish.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.independentsentinel.com\/for-those-who-wonder-about-ms-blaseys-little-girl-voice-read-this\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it typical of an immigrant to be that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tim (((Wise))). Jew. The Jew has let us know that we're all his enemy. That goes for all you non-White Gentiles that voted for Trump as well; because apparently, since you decided to oppose such a shitty, ZOG, Soros sponsored, Globalist, Totalitarian cunt such as Hillary, you're all White Nationalists too, since you voted for Trump.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@dolphrudager Only one current Yankee sells! Only one current BoSox sells! Only ONE player on each L.A. team sells! Most teams have 0, yeah.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not saying it'd be the right thing to do, but if Mr. Torba did boot every one of you shiteating nazis off his site, I sure wouldn't blame him either. There are no NAZI's on this site. Just people aware that the mentally ill tribe of Ashkenazi's which are in reality actually from southern Europe w\/0 connection to #Palestine are trying to exterminate them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Graham Linehan is one of the people who cheered on this violent outrage culture we live in. When the UK was drafting, implementing and enforcing this anti-speech legislation, he was celebrating and calling everyone who didn't like it a retarded bigot. When Dankula was on trial for his nazi pug video, Linehan was rubbing his hands together and cackling with glee. Not only does he not deserve your sympathy, you should be hoping other rich, powerful, elitist left-wingers in Europe are targeted by these nonsensical laws. A few more limousine liberals get in trouble and suddenly the laws will be mysteriously repealed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FECKLESS CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"George Soros and Hillary Clinton have been successful in getting their invading hoard out of the news. Exactly as they planned. With help of course from their privately owned criminally retarded MSM - Marxist State Media........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a Muslim, it must be bullsiht. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this cunt is fuckin toast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is gay Looks like something a mom on Facebook would share","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who cares what this nigger thinks. Fuck you @thehill youre all pathetic faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The price of being a #fluffer for the #Democrats https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/g89fjw.jpg jimbo looks like he's enjoying a one on one with jackass joe biden!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't say there wasn't, I said there was, Downbreed. But there was no light for 300,000 years. Both exactly like the Bible says, Downbreed. You didn't say there wasn't, you said there was, sound like a raghead bumfuck to me. 300K? Where do you get that? Shitforbrains. The world is flat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the REAL Economic Collapse Blog: http:\/\/theeconomiccollapseblog.com\/ This faggot is a fake: https:\/\/gab.com\/EconomyCollapse","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok incel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nope! It's just yellow OTL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of immigrants ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHY ( ) More like GaymerGay lmao *dabs*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kinda more insulted by the fact the article says Blacks likely can't afford to get into tabletops. Bought my first set of rule books a year ago have been welcomed by new friends and the only draw back was buying one less game that month","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must be new here, so i'll go easy on you kid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Old man knows Oh, he's kind of a douch. She ain't hurting or being rude to anybody minding her own business, and old man limp dick just made her feel bad about herself for nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their race mixing should be rewarded? Disregarded, like waste, that's what I do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All da lil bald headed bitches standn outside of kevin gates tryna get in ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SBNation: Reds fan snags foul ball, gets shoved by player, flips bird, becomes True American Hero: http:\/\/t.co\/yDu4PR531R http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do beta leftist faggot cucks think \"hypocrite\" is synonymous with \"checkmate\"? Cringe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nikki Haley Resigns https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/09\/us\/politics\/nikki-haley-united-nations.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whites aren't raised to be racist. it comes from their unfortunate encounters with disgusting feral nigger savages. Niggers on the other hand are raised from birth to hate duh white debil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton is definitely here to retard the national discussion We might as well of crippled flights instead of debating Democrats versus Republicans","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahahaha, nigger is a funny word, so therefore this post is funny, hahahaha, right guys?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A few of these guys along the border wouldn't hurt, either!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iDntWearCondoms: If u acted like a hoe after we broke up I'm not wrong for thinking u were a hoe all along","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pentagon propaganda as old as Desert Storm to get you to be ok with attacking the \"muzzies in the Middle East. People need to learn their history. @Rezh You are the hoax, muzzie troll, and a miserably unimaginative instance within the otherwise overpopulated category. Newborn parrots would put you to shame with more sophisticated performance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FunnyPicsDepot he's a greaser","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously though my ex who pushed me into full mgtow didn't want her breasts touched. I thought it was very selfish of her which was pretty much her MO anyways. His reaction before he left tells me he really felt bad about what he had done. Seems like an honest mistake to me. Just like a woman, she can't talk to him right away so she calls the police to white knight her hamstered trauma away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The silly white twat can't even speak English...A white women... come ON!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pigs are retarded morons, especially in 'Murica and the UK, where they are already mongrelized... I mean, diversified! Wait when there are no more Whites in the forces, and negroes and moslem subhumans start enforcing ZOG's \"law\". You'll change your mind soon enough!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Christianity seems to be doing a fucking good job at keeping the #Muslim and #Nigger hordes at bay. :rolleyes: Without #Christian charitability and a false (((#Communist))) idea of a brotherhood of man (with #Niggers wrongly categorized as human) all of us #White #Europeans would live in our 100% White ethnostates with closed and heavily guarded borders. Yeah just so you know -- this Mose -- Communist -- Christ Nonsense ... is PURELY the work of GOL Freemasons -- the queer ones -- and associates of Alister Crowley -- the pedophile rapist. But hey sure, if you say so. R P Oliver ... Faggot GOL Freemason ... His people almost surely one off cults like Strict Observance. *Snaps Fingers* Dismissed. GTFO MY LIBRARY. What is this word salad? \"Faggot GOL Freemason\"? Is that radicchio?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some immigrants get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in Muslims's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn bro. You need to take a step back, re-evaluate your world view, and surround yourself with women for once in your life. ONLY someone who doesn't have many girl-friends or girlfriends, or probably any friends, would say what you just said. You probably base your opinion of society based on videos you see online and the comments on those videos. This video is of a crazy dumb bitch in the Netherlands. It's been re-posted 500 times, because it's rare to see a bitch as dumb as this, and to see her get her just desserts. I'm really late to this convo but I just want to say that you sound like a retard shut up retard Real talk, you're way too out in the open and easy to read to be throwing insults. I get we're anonymous, but if I wanted to be really fucked up, you're an easy target. Don't know your age or story, but your real problem is that you've painted yourself as a victim and are living life through victim glasses. Change whatever the fuck you don't like through hard work and will power. Don't come at everyone insulting and calling them retards. Anonymous or not, you're poisoning your brain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are scum to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Andrew Torba is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_angelaaau hey fag i <3 you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just be aware that this snowflake faggot censors and bans people like his name was Zuckerberg.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Muslims! Where are you?? You dickless pussies are always ready to sneak up on a cartoonist armed with a paintbrush or a small, unarmed woman... but you're too gutless to fight back against the Chinese. Mohammed is a faggot Allah is weak","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Basically what I'm trying to say is that if people are going to go around being sjw type retards like at Sydney Uni then and trying to get people fired over small jokes we should play the same card back at them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"somebody needs to bayonet that cunt right in the baby maker. the fucking audacity, after the horrors faced in the trenches.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No gay person deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep, you're a retard who won't accept the facts that are staring you in the face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your female lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt News Nitwork","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America seems to breed these cuntish women at an alarming rate. I blame limp wristed parents.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Discernment is a virtue. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"our peace-prize winning, scandal free, fundamental changer of America","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Early bird gets the worm!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that useless nigger whore. If it comes to that, I quit. Fuck you, you can tax $0 at whatever rate you want cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow it's almost as if men were right all along and those beta faggots who cuck themselves out to you really are just weak liars ...who would have thought ... I swear to god it's like women are children forever and hit maturity right around the time they're all used up and worthless","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She can be a role model for anyone. muslim\/christian\/Buddhis\/Atheist\/Asian\/Hispanic\/Black\/White\/Female\/Male. If Malala's example makes you a better person, that's fucking great and anyone that cares about how you look or believe differently from her is a cunt. It is nice though that Muslim girls have someone they have one more thing in common with though. Not 4 jews doe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Solyybee_: Lmfao RT @macktology101: Alco(ho)l ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Gabfam @SeaKnight Babymetal in front of a packed crowd in Tokyo (57,000+ audience) BABYMETAL - Catch Me If You Can (Live version Five Fox Festival) https:\/\/youtu.be\/gitP2m2yHoA Grin. I see the little spamming NPC is still triggered. LOL !!! Would you like a big hankie to blow your nose with? You're famous :) You're the one with designer a tee shirt showing Che NPC :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just wait till that nigger splits her head open for drankin' his grape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot boss","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/stonetoss.com\/comic\/band-aids\/ I hate to tell you this, but California is now letting HIV+ people donate blood.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ashkenazi is a bullshit term invented by leftists. I reject it. There are American Jews and Jews not American \"Everything I hate is a LEFTIST!!!!\" Fuck off. No it wasn't invented by leftists, it's what they call themselves. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Ashkenaz There are several kinds of Jews, but they all have links to the Middle Eastern Jews.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry sweety, I think the refugees prefer a goat to you. Yesterday, I had women complaining and insulting me because I stated that giving women the vote was a tragic mistake, since they vote for socialism, welfare, and open borders. Yep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am sick to death of the Jews amplifying faggots and every other form of degeneracy like it is normal. Every day it is some new faggot event, or teaching faggotry to children. \"Whales are faggots, rock formations are faggots a faggot becomes a faggot and is now straight.\" https:\/\/www.buzz.ie\/books\/oscar-wilde-temple-opened-new-york-254731 @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @lostpassword @WADL @JonKragen @BardParker - New York City- \"Installed in a Methodist Church- open to the public until Dec.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these disabled people disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @danicafjelstul: If you ain't a gator you're gator bait ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The truth is glaringly obvious. Kuntzman isn't so much a cunt as he is a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every time I own white supremacists, they all immediately mass downvote my posts. It's like \"we're stupid, but at least we can click these buttons!\" The best part is then you can see when I own them because for a while there will be no downvotes and then there will be a period of 2 days of downvotes. Then back to no downvotes. It's like tree rings of retardation. Jews dont consider themselves white even though they are european mixed with mongolian. You are obviously a retard so you dont pay attention to jews organizing BLM and 3rd worlder immigration demonstrations to take down the white europeans who keep this civilization free. Your probably a slimy jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The nerve of this fucking cunt. Using her kids to spew her bullshit. People like her shouldn't breed holy fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No Spiders. Just Filthy Nigger Beasts and Shit-Skin Spics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" it's always a touching moment when you meet a like minded cunt. I'm tearing up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm pretty sure being gay always meant attracted to the same sex, so yes, a trans man who is attracted to female people is gay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love it when a RETARDED lefty female goes to Africa to prove Blacks are no different, gets raped, and comes back to blame it on a white guy! All lefties are monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Really credible ideas from \/u\/ShitInMyCunt-2dollar .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm suspicious of this whole Saudi Arabia narrative. While I'm sure the Saudis aren't saints, I doubt they're stupid to use hit squads that can be easily tied to them. I'm thinking regime change is in the works. I just wanna know why Turkey is somehow involved in this and why does Erdogan suddenly give a shit for some Saudi journalist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ive had panic attacks due to nothing. Or at least i wouldnt know what wouldve triggered it. My question is, is that normal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All the boomer whigger tards I work with were telling me Trump made the market great again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We tried not to piss him off too much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why no boycott of racist \"redskins\"?#Redskins#ChangeTheName#ChangeTheMascot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fags are mentally ill and the jew pushing this life style on us, teach your children the truth because they are fed lies about it daily. Notice how the fags are only interested in White children, madam? Don't they like picaninnies? U guys notice many faggot wear brown pants??? Almost like they trying to cover some shxt, u know?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People should over piss taking cunt alec Baldwin and pedos cunt a Hillary Clinton gang should all should be short dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KapreceSun: where my 2 favorite jiggers at? @S_hawn24, @Satisfied_x ? https:\/\/t.co\/unNm233mFQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I ain't Jewish, pal. I'm a proud white man, just like the rest of you. I just don't buy into your fucked up ideology. Try again. @TheSpeedwagonPriest If you weren't jewish, and truly were a \"proud white Man then you wouldn't be talking about killing straight white men. Either way you're not what you claim to be. Yawn...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eric Holder advocating for violence against Republicans is being noticed by even CNN http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=139197","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" put this type of shit on facebook, NOT Gab..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Is that an albino Mexican?\"\"No dad, he's Asian.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks for this. What a dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey let's carve some pumpkins! Ok, cool... let's burn one first... wait.. I got an idea! #BongOLantern Smoking pot makes you boring and bored and it makes you not care about being boring and bored.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now that you know just how retarded you are, I will not respond further. Don't waste your time, you won't be wasting mine. Don't try to backtrack now that i called you out for being a Hypocrite. Your the last person to be calling anyone an *Idiot* and a *Retard* when you stated Google plus is being taken down for *Too Much Freedom of Speech* when that's bullshit. It's being taking down for Security and Privacy Issues. Sit your ass the fuck down you Triggered SJW FYI Dumbfuck, I actually have used Google Plus in the Past. So the next time you want to assume someone hasn't used something when they have. Least have the decency not to assume something that you dont know jack shit about. Shut the fuck up and sit your ass the fuck down retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt is from the Simpsons not really he is Lord of the rings Rothschild his family have fro. Year dot has done every evil this earth as every seen right from Jesus Christ was killed because of this demon family there depopulation all human s part from them these are the devil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @hildismom: MT @jjauthor: US ghettos-driven by liberal ideology; http:\/\/t.co\/6ONYrmggND #RedMeat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Southern born ,southern for life . No one retires and moves north .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let that spic try that shit with me and I'll bury him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tell that nigger to move, better still, drag him to the border and throw him over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it's typical of black people to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia Another Oz Rock classic for my mate the NPC that is @Clarence_Spangle seeing she is enjoying the add so much :) If he really annoys me enough, I'll start including him on his favourite Swedish bands such as Abba :) GANGgajang - Sounds Of Then (This Is Australia) https:\/\/youtu.be\/ML9h3I5Uktw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a fucking retarded liberal mangina faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hard to tell, right? He is Italian, but there HAS to be a nigger in the woodpile.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why does every single edgy or alternative sub I subscribe to become a right-wing cesspool? You bastards already ruined igthft, let me laugh at female entitlement gone wrong without this bullshit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuntmonkey Cunt destroyer. You're a worthless cunt. Is there a pronoun in that? Cunt muffins. Worthless parasitic cunt muffins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, because memes are to be viewed literally. Digging for the underlying meaning is only a plausible approach for memes that don't offend my sensibilities. Edit: Retard If that's the only subtext you can pull from the meme you're a completely brain dead retard and it's a miracle you don't drown in the shower every day. You didn't pick up on *any* subtext, never mind only that one - does that make you some sort of super retard?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people queer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are some Jewish people who are evil....like the Kabal! The same ones Jesus called 'the Spawn of satan' that though are born jewish....are not real \"jews\" (as they are against all that is held sacred by the original God fearing Jewish people). This is a retarded strawman built by the weak minded. Doing the smallest amount of research will see that every civilisation in history has had a problem with Jews. Interacting with the average Jew you will discover they fucking hate us. When it is rarer for a Jew to be good and not trying to undermine you and promote your genocide, it becomes the default to say they're all bad and praise the exceptional ones when they deserve it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are there any disabled people on your course?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No doubt the bus driver will be completely blamed, the poor woman can't do anything wrong. So men have the right to hit women with no consequence, but women don't? Yes, the woman was at fault, but in a mega patriarchic society like the Chinese, where female infanticide is so rampant that ultrasound gender identification is *illegal*, I don't think the driver will be charged ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"prove it idiot. pretending to believe an ugly lying libtard skank doesn't make it true retard without a job. I'm married","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao OK. \"You killed that guy. But of all the ways you COULD have killed him, a knife in the throat is lighthearted compared to ANYTHING else you could have used.\" Do you not realize how retarded you are?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wat gang is he signing on the \"wall\". Little niggers grow up so fast!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"top layer trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if you are hiding in the dark you are not righteous.. a small element of the Police Service of Northern Ireland now are.. they have gone Gorilla - off the clock.. led by a cunt struck inspector - who lives in the new development between Ballybeen and Newtownards.. up on the right.. he has a sheeps head and the balls of a mouse..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only Fucking retarded spastic is you. You asked Was that English. Then quoted my post word for word. You must be a down syndrome person?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We do not cover a lot of disabled authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No cuz redskins are dumpster juice RT @trackinBlackKev: game of the week. still the best rivalry in sports","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=TW6ACZGStt4 The Clash - Groovy Times","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope this faggot prick went to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TF does this bullshit mean. Listen Silverdouche, you think you are helping the movement and you dont even know the meaning of \"KIKE You are a fuckin retard who sits behind a computer who thinks thau are doing something. Lol Meme deez nutz Pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That isn't a valid argument, but it is a valid statement that you can't prove God exists, which means your statement \"God does not [exist]\" is wholly retarded and you should feel bad for making dunce-like statements.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sigh. Ok this is where I turn into a Spartan. If he is a murderer AND an idiot, why keep him alive. Why keep him alive, just because he's a retard. Wtf do you do with a rabid dog you put them down why should my tax dollars be used to keep this retard alive! Hang him at dawn being stupid is not an excuse!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Far Eastern nigger in a wood pile.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crack dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't watch Charlie St. Cloud because I cry like a little baby. Every. Single. Time. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow.... so... who the fuck does this libturd Cunt think she is??? I hated her long before this, now.... I can't think of nasty enough words to call her!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a twat! But a twat with a good rack.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TL;DR: This video shows the similarities between Anita Sarkeesian and the 2014 SJW movement against video games, and Donald Trump in 2018 and how he is exactly like Anita when it comes to blaming video games and poses just as big of a threat to video games.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Well, he told you to pick it up...\" Pure gold.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There was this girl in the third grade that used to beat up the boys in the playground. single mother household] Perhaps so, but it still hurt. reconsider ur life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Inbed eating left over poppadom. #livinthedream","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of the billions of people who existed throughout history, you can find a significant list of notable exceptions to almost every rule. That doesn't mean they accounted for even 1% of the total. Lefties ignore math almost reflexively. If they didn't they would be in STEM! Or was it that men frighten women out of STEM? I can't remember what the token excuse is this week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Really, the UK has just released a homicidal, terrorist loving islamically-impaired retard who does just that! The media ia more annoyed about some Royal wearing a dress with a tag on it than the lunacy of releasing a self confessed terrorist!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You hedge fund managers make me sick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well who would have thought that... ya hes gonna be something , end him They all need to die Hear hear Today pictures came from Honduras and Mehico of entire groups wearing newly screen printed shirts stating they are the South American Muslim coalition. They are actually organizing and motivating the Caravans. There will be lots of paki Muslims involved","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you don't want to see the true life story of American heroes, Bizzy, Lazy, Krayzie and Wish... you wanna watch hillbillies shoot pumpkins","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reminder: Sheila Jackson Lee is a bigot and a dumbass https:\/\/redd.it\/9l6ppz AND THAT HOUSTON TEXAS VOTED 4 HER MANY TIMES,,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh honey.. don't you know you are surrounded by literally HUNDREDS of transwomen a day, and you have no idea? They pass, completely and perfectly! In all seriousness.. (and I've had this argument here before) there are very few transpeople where it's not, if not immediately obvious, at least suspicious. I'm not sure where the \"we can pass perfectly\" belief has come from, becuase in most cases.. no. I mean, yeah, maybe walking down a crowded sidewalk nobody would notice.. but in one on one interaction? Outside of Thai ladyboys.. people tend to figure it out, unless they are spergy as fuck and cannot read expressions, cues, and inflection. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But we already know he has accomplices. Each and every radicalized piece of shit TERRORIST neo nazi faggot here on Gab are accomplices. and perhaps, even Gab itself, since they will do NOTHING to clean up the shit they spew here day in and day out. \"Free speech\", don't you know....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao that haircut is She has the \"I want to speak to your manager special. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thats like saying \"All women are cunts\" and if you try saying that no not all women ur one of those sjw cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That nigger is 0-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Child Porn is Not Acceptable Here !!! Endangering Children !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I bet it smells like bacon grease and rancid watermelon juice","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since when has pumpkin spice been shamed? Isn't it literally everywhere? Lots of jokes about how it's basic bitch stuff They like what is only available have at this time of year, how dare they? Why can't they like pumpkin spice in spring when they can't get any, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since we've given every retard and phycopath a voice and a platform to express it. This is all Social Medias fault. But they're hollywood white men. AKA wannabe actor feminist faggots, just her type.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are fatherless teenagers, the color of their skin is of no consequence Hold on buddy. You can't sit there and say that x has no consequences. EVERYTHING has consequences. You think the Rockefellers didn't knowtice that the 10% of the population they pushed welfare, thug culture, and drugs on happened to have an easily identifiable skin color?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado @PattiSM74 Hi Charlie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...I'm retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is my theory on the whole thing, was Michael strange yes , but his circumstances growing up he didn't have a childhood and I believe he was trying to be a child for the first time , I remember at the time it was happening just wondering why the parents would let their kids sleep with Michael . it is strange for an adult to be sleeping with the kids I know I sure wouldn't but then again I didn't grow up like Michael Jackson. these two men have had plenty of time to come out about Michael and they choose tell after he dies , their families were set up the whole time they were staying at Michael's house and I don't believe anything happened and if it did it was the parents fault more than anyone's would you let your kids sleep with Michael for any cost? I just have to take Michael's side on this since he ain't here to defend himself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"California !? Pelosi is putting out the Wetback warning. Everybody VOTE. It's up to US !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don't they add false accusation to the charge sheet? Can they do that if you falsely accuse a made up person? I believe it would have been filing a false police report had she maintained the same story until the time the police report was filed, however she changed her story very quickly and the official report including her statement had not been written yet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @___Legacy: Need some ice cream and Oreos ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"In 1949, following a breakdown in the relationship between the brothers, Adolf created Adidas, and Rudolf established Puma, which became Adidas' business rival\" Pumas are nigger shoes and went after Kaepernick before Nike tried.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AS ASHKENAZI JEWS are forced to mate with the multiplicity of sand nigger jews, the Mean IQ will move from 120 to 75 very fast. We do that with congo negros and white girls every day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly imagine how fucking retarded these parents are. They pay anywhere from $31K to $60K a year to send their kids there. Imagine what kind of disconnected liberal elitists the fucking parents are. Because I'm a conservative and they are paying that kind of cash for schooling, at that price they can choose whatever principle they want. No matter how dumbass their logic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why isnt there a decent PC port of Final Fantasy Tactics? Also, why isn't there a decent PC port of Final Fantasy Tactics with really awesomecool fan-made storylines?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's called the squeaking wheel getting the grease. The crooked mms promoting political correctness taught by liberal left wing colleges who hire moslem professors so that they can get the millions in donations from the saudies, the military-industrial complex hiring mms and bribing Congress to keep us at war, the lies about the six million non-existent Msm And so damn much more,but that should get you started Josi Thank you Jeffrey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NicksTape15: DeJ Loaf is trash. Pure trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@khamillkilroy Shy Glizzy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EVERY SINGLE witness, including Ford's good friend, all say THIS NEVER HAPPENED.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Georgetown Supports Professor's Right to Call for Castrating, Murdering White Men https:\/\/www.hagmannreport.com\/exclusive-reports\/georgetown-supports-professors-right-to-call-for-castrating-murdering-white-men\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SteveGuest: This is Barack Obama's former Attorney General, the top law enforcement official in the country advocating for violence against Republicans: Eric Holder Tells Crowd To \"Kick Republicans, Prompting Crowd To Cheer and Chant \"Fight https:\/\/youtu.be\/u_9YD4M4Juk https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-pQJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Colinfreeze: ISIS Supporters in America: The Jihadis Next Door http:\/\/t.co\/aiMV7GiB24 @mlnestel @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/ajUAU5YwIv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glen Greenwald is a rump rangling butt monkey, all these open fag types are always running around worried about their human right to be a faggot. I hope Bolsonaro crushes human rights","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iLostMySanity: RT @5EarthQUakE: Most trash Halloween candy of all time. Don't debate me on this http:\/\/t.co\/YMQWTSvD0h","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The two lost TX u.s. house seats were lost because those suburban districts are prime \"kill zones\" when a retarded charismatic snake oil salesman like O'Rourke drives out the turnout. If it were actual widespread fraud they would have bagged 5 or 6 house seats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Monarchy can now claim reparations as they will have nigger blood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arun Gupta Needs PROZAC stat. Funny how these FAR LEFT retards refuse to condemn communists and antifa terrorists","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are the REAL borderline depressed nigger hours rn...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you attempting to suggest you are a Nigger with a White, blue-eyed blonde? The favourite tactic of the Left. There is a reason Niggers were enslaved. Too stupid for anything but manual labour. The perfect slave.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More of the same Retarded crap they always say, reject these people. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/democratic-senate-candidate-it-would-be-inappropriate-to-ask-anarchists-not-to-destroy-property\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I only drink - Liberal's tears I hope that you boil them first... maybe add some chlorine?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger @Based_Aqua","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"37 people on the postcode are unemployed. We know at least one thick cunt who's in that demographic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth...\"Romans 1:16 (KJV) #D4Lverse #D4L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common immigrant trash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at this Nigger Logic One dumb Slut Mudshark = All White Women want his monkey dick. LOL Oh, is he a JEW niglet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JudgmentalNYer @eveisapisces it always looks so nice! I was gonna buy this yellow one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sportswithjohn: Dani Alves uses his new gray hair to talk himself out of a yellow card, telling the referee, \"I am but a humble senior ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its called Gender identity disorder. Which they recently changed to \"Gender dysphoria\" Because they want to remove the mental illness part. When are people going to wake up and say it like it is instead of placating to these mental patients? Don't muse mentally ill. Why do it with them gender tards? Boys have penises woman have vagina's! Kindergarten 101| I walked into the VA a month ago and there were rainbow-draped tables with faggot material and about 10 (faggot\/dyke) representatives. Both sides of the hallway, so, it was actually a gauntlet. Everyone walking by was being passively 'interviewed'. I went TF OFF on them. Told them to get their faggot shit TF out of our hospital. We're here for medical care, not faggot indoctrination. I told them to take their shit down to mental health where it belongs. Guess who was escorted out by the VA PD?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like guest shows because it is more entertaining radio. It also cuts down the number of retarded callers allowed to speak, and when people do call, it's on the subjects being talked about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The purple haired pro-abortion dipshit who roundhouse kicked a girl who had a different opinion than him is trying to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe because he lost his job as a hairstylist after the assault. If you didn't see the video... it's attached.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hohum... another #Racist #Antisemite. #Muted ignorance and hate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lolololol Anyone who has enjoyed Matt Bracken's retarded race-blind fag-enabling imitations of 'Unintended Consequences' should do their best to get rid of 'Frimzizka' or whatever it's called. When it's gone he might, you know, actually do some writing again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb faggot should.have stayed on top of his shit. What a waste of.time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This re-colored pictured of Abraham Lincoln is one of the coolest things I ve seen in a while http:\/\/t.co\/SHosDU7RYP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" But their kids did. mine didn't he went over there to kill them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT OfficeOfMike I watched #AndrewGillum for a few min tonight, I honestly don't understand how this guy is even close in the polls to @RonDeSantisFL. Are Florida voters that stupid? #JobsNotMobs https:\/\/twitter.com\/OfficeOfMike\/status\/1054237590189150209","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ayo I jus had a mini heart attack behind the wheel..north Philly n fire crackers don't mix I http:\/\/t.co\/o5v2E4LFtm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Allowing any more Muslims into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That stupid fake spic could raise 70 billion and it wouldn't matter. No matter how much he raises, Texas doesn't want his dumb liberal ass....period.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Lrihendry: Pregnant S.E. Cupp s classic response to liberal dem who calls her chunky with bonus tweets http:\/\/t.co\/U8nlYWEfiO via ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stay home then bitch fuck u","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@clangloisss hmu negro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Minneapolis Police Refuse To Investigate Claims Against Rep. Ellison https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/03\/minneapolis-police-refuse-to-probe-ellison\/ via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dan_danovskis: @FlappyBprob: If you're playing flappy bird: 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. RT to save lives @r ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Ed....you need to check on your friend, John. I've been toying with him, and he's reached Level 5 Foaming at the Mouth...sad. @Broken77 Damn! You made the motherfucker rabid?! Afraid so...and the @ShariaSheeple \"talked\" to him....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ginsburg might die during this ceremony. My God she looks bad:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for t r a n s people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pm is u use any of the words I use (ex. Sweg,pm,yid,nid) we're dating","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus Christ that's some next level shit. > it's 2018 Lost it here. I love how people think how stating what year it is suddenly justifies bad behavior. Whatever year it is currently does not give you carte blanche to avoid responsibility for your choices. When my father said I'd eventually become more conservative too, I thought he was a moron. Another point to him, I spose. Them family values aren't worthless. There are two reasons to become more conservative. You see unintended consequences of what you want and now hate it. OR you get what you want and like it, and you are ready to stop but the crazies are just getting started. Hmm, I'm not sure I see where our disagreement is, because I agree with everything you say. My first example assumes a personal ideology changes as the result of seeing the effects, the second assumes it doesn't. What you're describing for your personal case is my second reason. You are, and always were, for free speech. People like the late great George Carlin would be quite pleased that you can now say all the words on TV! (Carlin wasn't exactly liberal by today's standards, but he was very liberal on speech by the standards of his time.) Yet after those of us that wanted free speech got more or less what we wanted, the crazies decided that wasn't enough -- not only must you be able to say \"fuck the establishment\" you *must* to say it or you're a racist or a Nazi. You're ready to stop, but the crazies are just getting started. Yeah, I'm not sure we're disagreeing either. I take comfort that George is with Joe Pesci now, and he's looking up at us with smug satisfaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"let jimbo suit up and fly to Syria... Isn't that a net gain when muslims kill each other? Seems like a sell-correcting problem there. That's how I see it. I like it. This guy's an anti-semite who cares what he says he's a f****** idiot. Muslims have been killing each other for three thousand forget about it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are the worst kind of motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker With Lawyer's Response to Gateway Pundit https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yo bruh. Periods man. Gotta use those.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/amp\/entertainment-arts-45987127","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @teapot: Stuff broke loose, must not panic and share GIF instead http:\/\/t.co\/JL4GuIeJ84","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Their faces are the look of death. The Grim Reaper lives in those black minds. Death rape violence and the relentless Boom! Boom! Boom! of Jungle Bunny music is what they offer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well we all see now you have no Problem being a Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did President #Trump get \"Horseface\" from this MEME posted 4 days ago (before his tweet.) Class beats Sass A man, and I use that term loosely, who still lives in his mother's and father's basement. lol Here Ya Go !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only a faggot would ask a faggot question like that, nazfag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fukc all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry to hear of your misfortune Pat.......S.O.B. HAD to be on his Cellphone and not paying attention........Am also sorry to hear you live in California with Jerry the Retard Brown at the Helm.........If you ever feel you would like to RAISE your Standard of Living WITHOUT a Raise in Pay.........You may go to ANY OTHER State (Except Hawaii) and everything remaining the Same you'll automatically raise your Standard of Living...... https:\/\/www.bestplaces.net\/cost-of-living\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Duplicity at its peak. He calls for violence against gun owners, but when he is not protected he says it's unfair. Hogg is a mentally retarded instrument being played by leftist handlers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did This Flat-Earth Guy Has Ran out of Meds And Went Full Retard on CoolHardLogic? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hAmk660CWB4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine how difficult it must be to be that retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"military spouses tend to try and wear their husbands rank, in the navy we have whats called... FSG? i think family support group (never had to deal thank god) Its basic purpose is meant to help families of the deployed usually consisting of all the spouses in one unit\/ship\/command. The head of which being the \"ombudsman\" (sp?) basically its a bunch of political fuck fuck games. Had this semi functional retarded individual approach my immediate superior the other day and announced \"is the ombudsman position still open, because my wife wants to become the ombudsman to stick it to the CO's wife\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Professor_Ryan: I thought it was raining because of the sound on the roof but it was just birds exploding from the heat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Illegal alien","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm honestly probably a fucking","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He,s a cunt No he's not, Cunts ares useful. He a back stabbing sellout money grabbing traitor","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arroz con pollo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's mental illness. I love how the woman who thought she was black was a laughing stock, but a man who thinks he's a woman is \"beautiful\". Who is making these rules here.... It's fucking retarded....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many wetbacks in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ What kind of low iq faggot thinks he can call someone a purity spiraler and in the same breath pretend he is mocking Anglin for some of the same shit he advocated for several months earlier. @Cantwell of course would be that dumb, figures. Do you even know what a purity spiraler is bitch boy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KurtBusiek well pee is oft yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FORD IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A LYING SJW CUNT COMMIE BITCH !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Putting the kid with a gay couple is abuse. Yeah, who'd want to understand the philosophy and religion of the leaders of the western world that created today's society? Only retards would know their own past.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A MESSAGE FOR ALL OF HUMANITY ~ Charlie Chaplin @mobengalfan @DISL_Automatic @mikehoho http:\/\/t.co\/itDIRcNt7y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too manyniggers in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/McOZNHt7N2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The New \"Sexy\". I'll take old sexy ANY day. I don't know I saw that buggy and instantly thought of Rosemary's baby... What kinda spawn is in there? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time I see this shit it makes me laugh and never gets old. What did he have for dinner that night, cinder blocks? He was bobbin and weaving those swings while taking a sip of beer. Then just gives her the \"hold my leftovers, bitch\", classic. That is a man who has reached the summit of cunt mountain and is beginning his descent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A lot of trailers don't use the voice of the lead actor\/character talking, and instead have another character talking about them. It makes them sound mysterious and powerful. This person is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's not stand by while women are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck women and they gynocentrism! They don't build and maintain society, men do!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd be okay with black people if they weren't such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@brittbritt_naay I'm a wexican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I feel they [NASA] are covering themselves as it cools and people begin to ask questions.\" Earth's Thermosphere Record Cold and Auroras With No CME https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=m9EZHF1SwE0 #ClimateAlarmism #GlobalWarmingScam #GrandSolarMinimum #NASA #uspoli #cdnpoli #ukpoli","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot with twig arms like Bogg!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All women are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sucks to suck bitch. Funny how everyone fights and fights and fights for officers to have their cameras on at all times, and then it's like \"oh shit, that's right\" when they try to argue with them. The other thing about situations like this is that they prove 100% once-and-for-all that the cops who oppose body cams are crooked. Because unless you're planning on openly flouting the law while on duty you're going to want to have a recording of your encounters for just such an occasion. Eh, that camera didn't work out so well for the police arresting Rodney King You do realize that's exactly the point I was making, right? The video showed him resisting arrest and a few of the still got convicted Oooooh hahaha. I mistook you for a reasonable person who was just mistaken for a second. Carry on. Im a firm believer that if you're a multiple time convicted felon, run away from police, are high, and resist arrest, you deserve whats coming. But hey, that's why America's great. You're allowed to think however you'd like","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guards are actually generally supposed to try to establish contact with people and look for suspicious behavior, like being a ravenous bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I watched some crime show all about this leprous nigger destroying postville","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You must be retarded What you're doing isn't #SpidermanThread","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#TNSen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Correction: National SOCIALISTS. Get it straight. Correction: Democratic Socialists use government to weaken the people to build dependency on the state. National Socialists use government to strengthen the people to build independence from the state. So says another Nazi. The gold standard for truthfulness. The holocaust is proof of the pudding They repeat it out of context endlessly. Gets old, if I were quoting something to my opponents and someone said something was wrong with the quote, I'd check. I care about being correct and will change according to the facts. What's wrong with the average NPC?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alyssa Milano. She seems to get dumber with age... yep...hitting the rock a bit much as well...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So many cuck faggots go after him and leave the woman alone...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im soooooo tired of this dick dyke showing up on my fb feed. Real studs dont fucc niggas. Just be bisexual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SteveWorks4You pay your taxes teabaggers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enough mess has been created by Brexit. Let's stop it! We will never undermine the principles of our Union to rescue the Tory party Launching an extraordinary attack on senior Conservatives, he continued: \"When you see these insane notions of some Tory politicians of the last days: Boris Johnson, his latest invention, you have seen that? \"He will solve the problem by building a bridge between the UK mainland and Ireland. Mr Boris Johnson is more known for burning bridges than for building bridges! \"Then there's Mr Rees-Mogg who's saying yeah, I have the proposals for the future of Brexit, ordinary citizens and their savings can be secure after Brexit!' and in the meantime he's opening for himself an investment fund in Ireland, to transfer his money to Ireland. He added: \"Jeremy Hunt, who is comparing the European Union with the Soviet Union. But in his case that is not so abnormal: he has once even confused Japan with China. This is not the first time this is happening. \"The previous time he was insulting his wife, but this time it's something far more different: he's insulting not us, but millions of ordinary citizens who have lived under Soviet rule for so long. \"That is, in fact, a point on which he has to apologise, I think because we cannot take it as such a thing he said. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/03\/we-will-never-allow-uk-choose-immigration-policy-says-eu-parliament-brexit-boss\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find all disabled people disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"id rather be a slave owning straight white man than a slave owning faggot of colour!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So don't fucking do it then. This was a post about a major censorship issue on the very forum KIA exists within so why are you trying to make out it was about some random knobs doing something pointless. This was a sub with 1,000,000+ subscribers that just got tanked. And more to the point - maybe you should listen when you delete posts that are getting upvotes? Now why don't you fuck off and go pick up a snickers wrapper I saw in down in the basement you uppity janitor fuck? You are an embarrassment. Please step down and fuck off. >Rando Mate I was here when KIA was created. I was there when m00t sold out and banned people for daring to discuss it. I'm not some egotistical jackass like you seem to be, judging from your posts in this thread. You're abusing power and acting like a cunt for the sake of being a cunt, and it's annoying when some rando with a M badge next to his name thinks he can act like a cunt with no consequences simply because he is a mod. Don't worry sweetie. Your mom thinks you're a badass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you agree with lolbertarians, yeah sit it out goy, why make the left lose their shit even more, that'll show em, just don't participate. lol what a retard Sitting it out does what, your analogies are gay as fuck. The GOP winning, even cucks is accelerationism it makes the left more crazy and openly antiwhite, what does sitting out achieve? So your a tax cut worshiper? Hey I like them too, I guess but didn't do shit for little serfs like me. But I do care about Kanye being in bed with the kike half of that West wing. Talking bout prison reform... Are niggers equal to you? Do you think you are equal to a beta ape? I bet you don't. How shitty could the timing be for dems, if trump wants his base to show up, he can't cuck. if he's not a retard this is easy meat for the base last time sessions started family separations trump is threatening it again, you want the wh number so you can call supporting family separations? Lol vote 3rd party goy, it's way easier to get 50 state ballot access than making the GOP the party of whites. most of the faggot reps like Paul Ryan are quitting Best chance for a political solution for whites is GOP.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking POS illegal wetback just doing the jobs we whites refuse to do https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/72-year-old-man-charged-with-raping-intellectually-disabled-woman-ice-reveals-his-immigration-status\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cory Booker, An accuser says that you sexually assaulted him in a men's room. Should we believe him as quickly and completely as you did every Kavanaugh accuser? Should we staunchly support him and parrot his accusations as fact, as you did? Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Western governments are the biggest abusers of human rights in the world. That is if you treat the concept properly and not consider promiscuity, sexual perversions and all sorts of kinky fetishes as human right but stick to things like education, housing, decent wages, freedom of religion, protection of traditional family and marriage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did you know POOP DOG is a muzzie too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/10\/01\/emmanuel-macrons-bid-recast-frances-president-people-gets-finger\/ @sine_injuria more disaster for jupiter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey, inflatable colon theft is no joke. If you know a friend or family member guilty of this heinous crime you turn them in, fast. https:\/\/www.ksn.com\/news\/kansas\/-1-000-reward-for-information-on-stolen-inflatable-colon\/1555386790 educating med students means a college needs things that seem odd..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love that sign. \"Fuck your borders\" coming from the same cunt that probably thinks a man looking at her constitutes rape. \"OMG you're in my personal space!\" I say \"Fuck your hypocrisy.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"because SJW's are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm making pollo a la brasso today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol you're as retarded as @MartyGraw, assuming everyone is a Nazi. Lmao I dont even consider myself white. Silly silly retard, others can think you're stupid too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this little faggot takes it up the ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CCobey @tess_stepakoff there isn't a green one either. There's red and yellow in that pic...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tommy is not \"any British citizen \" in this context .In this context he is a politician duping \"our lads \" into an unwise act for his own advantage .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure there are some of them that are actually mentally unstable and truly believe that they are an animal. But yeah, using the word oppression is actually offensive to the oppressed peoples of the world. The amount of privilege is surreal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Vorginia you have fun with that, nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning, fellow Gabbers. Today I ask you to celebrate with me my good news. It truly is a momentous occasion. After waiting a year for an appointment from my local hospital, it's finally arrived!!! One can only hope my vision hasn't permanently deteriorated too much during this time Joyous cheers all round from Chez Deb's. Can see more people choosing to record appointments on their phones for evidence. The number of fuck ups is without question increasing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BlessJesus Amos 3:3 - Can two walk together, except they be agreed?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The absolute state of Weimerica. It's all so tiresome. I live in absolute nigger clown world. Three Generations https:\/\/youtu.be\/SlAy9hqOQ-8 via @YouTube elrich = jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is literally sexism, they are literally trying to to stop sexism but are using it to bring down anyone that isn't female which, again, IS SEXISM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MY DNA TESTS ARE BACK, I'M Lolololol Ole' ! Hahahah yes you can ! Have at it !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're stuck on ghetto middle school days. Step our g... wtf how ah I stuck in the middle school games jusy bc... http:\/\/t.co\/hJnV01NTGB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jewish owned Global banking giant Goldman Sachs has declared that curing patients of terminal illnesses, such as cancer, is not a \"sustainable business model.\" https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/news\/4072-goldman-sachs-curing-cancer-is-not-a-sustainable-business-model- Jews are our FRIENDS, right Israel-Firsters? Michael, are you a child, or do you just act that way on the Internet? Supposing that American Jew's are in any way associated with Jew's in their native land (Israel), is so ignorant as to call into question your sanity. Judaism in America is in no way a reflection of that in Israel. In America it has taken the least path of resistance, and gone full leftist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to end his life. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These immigrants make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(U-turns on yellow) NO ACEPTAR ESTE LUZ ROJO! ( Lights taking too long make me bilingual )","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, all i can say is. if you think your going to hell for drowning a faggot. You are reading the wrong koran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOOOOOOOOL fuck off you daft cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their isn't a difference you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even liberals are humiliated by Charlie Rangel s claim the GOP backs slavery - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/I4QawESnud","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lsarsour: Senator Susan Collins is the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%. She is a disgrace and her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly. #CancelKanavaugh why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? She's going to be used as a test case when we start stripping paper-Americans of their birthright citizenship, calling it now https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2017\/08\/19\/linda-sarsours-terrorist-friend-stripped-of-citizenship-permanently-banned-from-u-s\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@RachieSoul: @DizzleOfficial inna di ghetto!!!\" You alone lmaoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-capitol-police-arrest-27-year-old-jackson-cosko-for-doxxing-3-gop-senators\/ Oh, and he's already arrested. Buh-bye soyboy. We hardly knew ye.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha! When I was six, my sister and I regularly got in trouble for fighting. We have bitten each other, and drawn blood. Mum regularly likes to remind us of this. Little girls can just as--if not *more*--violent than little boys","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah lets keep perpetuating the idea that women are too fucking retarded to make up their own decisions in life and about how they look. OR MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, SHE DECIDED TO LOOK LIKE THAT OF HER OWN ACCORD, woah!!! shocking idea!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Creepy or convenient? Facebook's new Portal smart display follows you around the room All the better to 'swat' you with my dear... I think it's about time for a come to Jesus meeting on Capitol Hill for the zuck. https:\/\/bit.ly\/2pHFW8T Facebook is a virus. Only a fool would use it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Subtitle: \"History of a San Francisco Dyke who likes getting her nails done, Volume I\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's hope it stays protected indefinitely. Hoping he realised that he backed the wrong horse all these years is preferable, but I doubt that'll happen. Feminism is judge, jury and executioner in his industry, and even then, it's still possible for it to be the wrong kind of feminism. Whatever his future is, his tweets will be used by both sides, (but for different reasons) as a cautionary tale of what happens when you step out of your lane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@armed_partisan Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. @FreedomNewsNetwork Keep telling yourself that, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"* I'm glad she got comeuppance, but it's well beyond extreme, and Jared is unquestionably as much of a cunt as she is if the story's true, however -- * This story sounds EXTREMELY untrue, mainly due to all three of her extremely close family members turning on her in favor of a dude that got her fired. Families don't ostracize members for cheating on unrelated boyfriends. * If it IS untrue, chances are she cheated, got dumped, and then invented this sob story to justify her actions to herself. * This is what happens in closed relationships lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @neverknownfacts: A person needs just three things to be truly happy in the world: someone to love, something to do, and something to ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger Jackson Lee is a bad person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no our dear leader @A promoting fake news? re faggot Rep. Harris his last gasp should be to legalize cannabis and MAGA like a man in that pussy assed party. the Rep. was never assaulted as much as any freedom loving American that has been arrested, fired from job and shamed for wanting an herb to be decriminalized. prove me wrong while I rub some oil on my arthritis","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty much all the lesbians I know don't hate men and while in the grand scheme of things that's a small sample size, I know quite a few. Not wanting to date\/fuck dudes =|= hates men in general. Hell, even the few I know who are more anti-dude still aren't raging cunts about it; it's more like general indifference than hate. This sounds like some trendy lesbo who's in it cause it's cooler than being straight and lets the vocal assholes on the internet dictate what that means their feels are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good luck brother. I hope you get answers and the opportunity to reconnect with you father long term. My aunt did the same to my uncle and three cousins. They divorced she took kids and bad mouthed my uncle and they hated him. When they were 16,17 and 18 he sat them down and told them his side. She was cheating on him as he found condoms in her purse but he'd had gotten snipped. I saw them crying and hugging and then they placed the blame where it belonged. All these years later I see post from cousins with my uncle and never their mother. Women think that the truth they hide from their children will never come out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really can't stand gay people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kim Kardashian look like a tranny with all that surgery","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@secretasianman @kitt Yeah, she's a real pom maven.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Happy Columbus Day! Even #BillMaher likes #cocaine and #Columbus!!! What the fuck is wrong with you #liberals? Fuckin' #moron #retards....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christ! I knew this Adi Shankar was going to be trouble when he put out [this video](https:\/\/youtu.be\/Kwfdulm6hYo) a couple months back, where he basically announced a writing contest for a Simpsons fanfiction. I knew this Adi Shankar was going to be trouble when I heard he was a Netflix producer. Yeah, I heard the new season of Castlevania got kinda preachy too. It was, but the adaptation as a whole is such a mess, it's hard to tell if it's there on purpose or if they had Siri write the script I wouldnt say it was a mess but it was trying too hard to flesh out characters and set up things for the next season. Isaac was cool even though Hector was basically cardboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then the Australians are going to get rid of their muzzie infestation?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HMMM... Didn't See This On The News His son needs a haircut (at the very least)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do people feel the need to be called \"normal\"? So what if you're not normal? Normal isn't really a quality in itself, it's not positive or negative, it simply describes the position of a certain characteristic compared to the majority of the world. So no, being asexual certainly isn't normal, but is it bad because of it? Course not, nobody gives a shit. People like to feel as part of a group. Many people just feel safe and secure knowing that they are part of some group. There's nothing really wrong with wanting to belong. That being said, I'm willing to bet that this story is bullshit. Collectivism. That's how leftist be, it's all about the group for them. Which explains why they act how they do. Oh shut the fuck up. Humans are ALL tribal, and you have to bring your bullshit in cause those darn lefties were mean to you or some shit Arguing about this on the internet would be pointless, it always is, but don't get all pissy and mad at me for having an opinion you don't like. There's also a big fucking difference between 'liberal' and 'leftist'. So don't think I'm talking about the entire left wing. >cause those darn lefties were mean to you or some shit Yeah, only fucking reason anyone ever takes issue with the left. Fuck off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@drew4130 @mailgal2000Y'all hire colored folk? Only work half da day and throw da mail in da sewer if we ain't done","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The CEO of that company is a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I myself don't care if you have sex with your mother i just get tried of the slave shit i am not old enough to have had a slave i just wont every one to know we are all slaves to the Government you buy a house but you never own it you pay taxes until you don't have any money think about it we are slaves we stay poor they get richer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm surprised people still read that crap. I could barely muster the interest to click on the archive link. Only made until the beginning of the second paragraph. > I could barely muster the interest to click on the archive link. Only made until the beginning of the second paragraph. As Tim Pool said, this is them being inflammatory cunts to gain money. It's lowbrow \"journalism\" junk food that's supposed to help fill the echo chambers of the idiots who bitch about \"toxicity\" in gaming.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's go beat these queers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just walked out to my car and two filthy nigger beasts are sitting in the parking lot eating chicken and throwing their BBQ sauce containers out the window and splashing shit all over the car next to it. MINE. I so wish I wasn't a girl right now. Haha I texted this to my brother and he said \"I bet he niggers fucked up their car in an insurance scam Lol that isn't my car! That's the nigs car","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wow so libra typical pisces, i knew it! Is this because I pranked you?! ;-; I said I was Sowwy and I wubed u wow, wow hold your horses Oof im very formal, stern even, with these things. Tfw we're not a mushy-gushy Hot-Hot Gamer Couple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you reposted a meme calling maxime waters a nigger and a black person complained you would apologize and grovel. And here is a white person doing exactly the same thing and you are treating me different. Don't lie to me The white trash are the niggers in the wood piles. I am half Italian and half western European, I am only 3rd generation American. I have no white guilt to muster before","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't believe you are an American, what town and in what state do you live and tell me your representative to prove it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@idkconstancio I'm trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GrizzboAdams fucking block your white ass because you try to start shit like a fucking queer so fuck you NIGGA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, but they are satanists just like the Jews are! There are psychopath GOYs obviously which they buy to help implement their globalist bullshit! The brainwashed retarded left are all just NPC's for the fitlhy RACIST JEWS! Are you going to deny that the RACIST HATE groups ADL and SPLC exist?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aren't half her songs about ex-lovers? I'm betting she turns dyke if she hasn't already. No way a quality man would want anything to do with her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes leave your boots on! #Sexy #ts Domino Presley and Robert Axel enjoying each others company! (3of7) #NSFW #babe #beauty #Tgirls #ladyboys #SexyTime #sexo #SundayFunday #TRANSGENDER #cheeky #bum #bunda #SHEMALE #ChicksWithDicks #stiffy #MeatLovers #BonerAlert #butts #booty #DominoPresley #TRAVESTI #dangle #DickGirl #TotalBabe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In the timeless words of the philosopher Kat Williams: \"Maybe you should start asking *yourself*: \"What is it about *my* pussy, that attracts \"ain't shit niggas\"?\" You'll notice that it never occurs to women like this that they are the ones continuously making the same mistake over and over. Because nothing can be their fault. If something doesn't work out, well they're the victim regardless. I bet she believes \"I got the pussy so I make the rules\" but also believes it's a mans responsibility to protect her even from herself, effectively ensuring she's immune from personal responsibility unless it's positive. That she'll take credit for. we like traps because we hate women beautiful boys - lookin as good as women, sometimes even better making our dicks hard but all without the negative aspects of women (which are A LOT!!!) its like your homie is your gf its very nice please wake up guys we dont need bitches","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JaiBrooks1 faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HitmanHolla: RT @AYEVERB: OK I'm watching mook vs lux....neither of them was good... But mook won 3-0 ..this wasn't CLOSE to me vs hitm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The stress in British schools\". << They receive 4 months holidays per year, oh the stress??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking nonce chink cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a wetback?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got my vans on.. My pockets chunky","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're an engineer in California, you get work emails informing you that your company is screening homosexual pedophile movies that you are invited to attend. Romantic movie about a cop and twelve year old falling in love. Email says boy is a \"teen, Wikipedia says boy is twelve @chriscantwell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And of course the cunt who wrote it isn't white. But is she also a (((she)))?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot sympathizes with nazis and calls other people \"disgusting\". Whatever motherfucker, it feels good to be loathed by the loathsome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok. I'm an atheist but so are most Jews, I really don't see them pushing religion aside from their defenses of Islam lmao Then why \"Israel\". Why not Zion. State of Judea. Palestine. Jewish state. No, why.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@agie_sweet36 @VedanteBreh12 @TravelNevada Try visiting @thewashoeclub at night for a real spook!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trolling retard obama's hometown weeks before military tribunals is brilliant....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PHOTO from Nickelsdorf, Austria when they opened their borders to \"migrants and \"refugees in 2015 and NOT from current caravan. Sorry for not reverse image searching first! Too much of this makes zero sense. Who is housing them and keeping them clean along the way? How can someone possibly make it across 2000 miles without any form of assistance? How come they haven't been picked off by predators? There's so many red flags here!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BYE BYE CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know a few dudes married to cunts like that.. they agree with you when she's not around and tell crude jokes but around their wives theyre cowering little weenies. I think theyre afraid to be alone or never getting laid again idk They say retarded shit like \"happy wife, happy life\" and laugh pretending they dont sound pathetic #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot fuck off you aussie hippy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Campaign to remove Mario from all Nintendo games when? I mean he's a racist stereotype of Italians and all. Italians = white so if anything, it's pragmatic - not racist [deleted] Enlighten me [deleted] Man I sure hope you don't think white = aryan [deleted] You didn't. And I didn't say that you said that. Read carefully. So what is your counter thesis then? [deleted] >Though Italians were viewed as white for purposes of naturalization and voting, their social standing was that they represented a \"problem at best.\" Their racial status was impacted by their appearance and that they did not \"act\" white, engaging in manual labor ordinarily reserved for blacks. I mean.. There's not even a white race or a black race or whatever. But that is some hefty racist shit [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this faggot Daines fucks things up by going to his daughter's wedding... his days as a senator will be done after his term is up: https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/as-kavanaugh-vote-looms-gop-sen-daines-says-hes-going-to-daughters-wedding Hold the vote at 11 pm? Did Daines sit on this news, too? New to me. What a fucked-up circus-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCKING CUNT COMMIE PINKO SJW NEEDS TO SHUT THE HELL UP !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@joeysulipeck @myfoxmemphis the minute those red n yellow for rent signs go up the reg. ppl start selling n move","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Excuse me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alyssa Milano: We Lost on Kavanaugh, But We Are 'Winning the Cultural Battle' | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nKwL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Superman wasn't just White; he was also a super genius. That generally rules out the nigger playing the part. What, we are supposed to believe a Black could even construct a modern civilization by himself without White help. Have you seen the niggers trying to feed themselves in Zimbabwe. Keep cooking up politically correct schemes Jews for your pet niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maryland police officer Ryan Macklin charged with raping woman during traffic stop https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/16\/maryland-police-officer-ryan-macklin-charged-with-raping-woman-during-traffic-stop\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's just respect those women","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many are tired of the mindless shit being thrown out about Boomers? Raise your hand. Hahaha these kids are cute though, aren't they, even if they do need a good trip to the wood shed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ooh, bad fucking move. I love me some Dynasty Warriors and buy em all even though the latest ones have sucked ass and the ports are so goddamn lazy they are not even dubbing them anymore. But this shit... I do not care about jiggle physics in musou games but I sure as fuck care about SJW bullshit. So now I won't buy it purely out of spite for caving in to a bunch of SJW faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Further proof that the Left ignores Nature unless it can be used to promote their retarded agenda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> In an attempt to debunk the narrative that rape is institutionalized in America and college campuses, things got ugly when multiple students verbally attacked the comedian and demanded police officers throw him off of campus. > ... > His views adversely affected many members of our campus community. The health and safety of the Horned Frog Family is of utmost importance and we encourage individuals to contact campus resources for support. Hello police? Someone is disagreeing with my politics on the public sidewalk, I'm gonna need therapy! SHUT IT DOWN > The health and safety of the **Horned Frog Family** is of utmost importance Will they start filtering the water on campus to make sure Crowder didn't put chemicals in it? It's too late. They're already gay. Beat me to it. Yep that's how it should be. In our small 4~5k.pop town we had 3 halfblack half white students...it was then nigga was said for the first time at laval. By Jordan after being whooped at ping pong by a white student.(Dunno if it means anything but the *Fuck this sounds racist* Halfs were all siblings) [deleted] Sucks about how recently a white woman from the audience was invited on stage to \"Co-sing\/chorus\" And Nigger\/Nigga was a line in the song. Pedestrian Fan\/Consumer on stage sings your song with Nigga in it. And they shut it down. Like the Artist went \"Hol UUUUP hol up what! whatcu say\" and she was then dismissed from the stage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's the old dyke cock blocker stare. I've seen it in many a bar The worst dykes are in san antonio. They'll actually try to hit on your woman with you there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheDrunkStory: \"My bro made out with an ugly chick at a festival while drunk so now he's known as Larry bird because he hits \"threes\"\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beat her face in with a hammer. Vile diseased cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They don't really make sense, but not sexist. No-one's stopping fat chicks from using them. If conservative women couldn't fit through doorways, they'd just use man sized tissues. Fat Liberals however will take issue with everything including the box color. It will be changed to pink soon. Wait for it. I wonder what they'll be called. Cunt Wipes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Big Squawk: Q: when will DFL dump Ryan \"Uncle Tom\" Winkler? } Not going to happen BergBleat on.#mngop proud #stribpol #mnleg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nose goes on taking out the trash this time. @caitnicole3 @CiCi_Phi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conversations from 4-5 years ago. Damn. Guess the memory still works.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He found it slightly queer how that all worked out. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bending over backwards for Jews is pointless. They will always be opposed to the unity and success of white Europeans. #usa #maga #nationalism Anyone noticed the influx of #NeverTrumpers ? @Spirfire for example, has quite a large cache of #NeverTrump memes and comments. You guys should check out that hasbarats home page.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@youngscooter ghetto gold needa be the first music vid!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So how did all that chicanery work out for you? If you hadn't cooked up this whack job charade, you might have pulled this off. Like most liars, however, you went too far. Your entire fetid career died on this hill. #PoeticJustice https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VswZ You never go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger privilege. Any one of us would be arrested by now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">When it was over, the assailant jumped into the passenger seat of a vehicle and took off. Zolkowski could not provide a description of the vehicle, adding she \"kind of blacked out,\" court records show. She only described her attacker as a black man. You'll notice the manipulative cunts who pull this stuff almost always try to play to off of racism and say it was a black guy too. They're deceitful to the core.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JimBoberson happy birthday faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All trans people should fuck off forever. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't care what people say these two fuckers are lying,the Facts are stacked against them I hope they going to pay for this smere campaign","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Talk about splitting the baby... The 120 years doesn't feel like justice. Death penalty wouldn't feel like justice because she got to live her life this long and the children didn't. There is no punishment that could ever feel like justice for a crime this horrible. But that's what she wanted, isn't it? A way to win. Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I demanded that pagans quit trying \"to subvert the movement\" I demand that you get those nigger toes out of your mouth??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murkowski gets her vagina massaged by Feinstein for her no vote. Filthy dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GAY JEW OK... DON'T SEE THE NIGGER PART THO LOLL!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are most definitely right. I understand andrew not wanting to do anything about them but this faggot spent all of last night using a bot to spam me. How is he on top of the bot stuff but sopkike is still here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing infuriates me more than when some retard tries to inform me what my own interests *are* - not *ought to be or should* but let me fucking inform you slave what you fail to recognize for I am your arbiter. This is the smuggest form of contempt, not even I would ever tell some commie what their interest *is*, at most a persuasive debate or thought experiment. Some retard has an opinion and that is fine, but to think their own interests represent what I really need is just one step away from thinking I am some animal to be tethered to their control. Enslaved. I want an environment where government taxes low, redistributes to the areas that reinforce our freedoms and generally fosters an environment where private enterprises of all sizes can flourish. I want all the good stuff that comes from freedom and I don't want some massive state overlord styling itself as my God. When the commies say this is against my own interests and that I really want to take 50% my income and redistribute it to world hunger, \"the environment\" or some state run service is these retards getting high on the methane in their own feces.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @VerusFacts: How Shy People Flirt. Learn tips from the best! http:\/\/t.co\/81PvuHnHaT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Is that supposed to be #GeneSimmons? #KISS my ass! Nationalist Snowflake Sad you display alot of triggering why do you engage in this \"giving them attention syndrom\".Just by answering you seem to prove is point of the snowflake part.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to kill all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Muslim life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Resignations possible this weekend over Brexit deal - Shock warning on BBC Newsnight. Lets hope so and get this ball rolling https:\/\/apple.news\/AjGm13K_nOj-lxAiY9zadyg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only Nazis is you fucking faggot ass LIBERALS trying to shut down free speech! You fucking weak ass, pussy!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@fennecuskitsune you've got no sole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sdfgefgsdf @Heartiste @BGKB \"September's jobs data released shows that immigrants, legal and illegal, seized three-quarters of the month's new jobs and the immigrant population soared by if trump continues to do nothing about our border and immigration crisis, 2020 is lost.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I detest traffic wardens. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's ALREADY being built moron! Typical libtard logic: \"A small token of the wall is being built but the wall will never be built https:\/\/www.hcn.org\/articles\/us-mexican-border-legal-or-not-trumps-border-wall-is-already-being-built Well, if you meant some of the wall will be built, then I agree. Will it be finished? No, it never will. It's an animal farm windmill. It's idiot bait for rednecks . Wrong again but, you are one of those regressive liberal trolls here so it's unsurprising that you post Fake News. The Wall has been started in San Diego and the Imperial Valley in California. Sorry to disappoint you but, no, it's a real actual Wall as is the portion started outside of El Paso. Yes, much to your chagrin, the Wall will be built. We know that will significantly decrease your new voter base of illegal aliens. Try to remain calm, you can still shriek at the sky and rejoice that your leader, Hildebeast, is planning another grab at the brass ring in By that time, the Wall will probably be nearly complete and you can scream about how \"racist\" it is to protect our border from an invasion of poor, illiterate, uneducated, non-English speaking breeders who just want to come and suck on the public tit. You're party will lose because it's been imploding before our eyes for the past two years. In case it escaped your notice, the POTUS we elected KEEPS his promises and we will be sending him backup in November to make sure he can get the Wall built. You've already lost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a is a real life pedo Hello","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The owner of the limousine involved in a crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York over the weekend was a wire-wearing informant in two FBI terrorism stings, Fox News has learned. The government credited Shahed Hussain with rooting out radical Muslims at mosques in the New York cities of Newburgh and Albany while he was working as a well-paid FBI snitch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uppercunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@treagle05 early bird gets the worm tomcat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her hijab is on waaaaaaay too tight...muzzy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't underestimate the lethality of unhinged libtard useful idiots. This happened in Bolshevik Russia, Maoist China, and with the Camere Rouge in Cambodia. Millions were killed. Be armed and ready to defend your life and family. When they attack it will be like a swarm of retarded savages thirsting for your blood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some of you have asked about more info on this woman..... Here we gooooo. Her name is Samantha Ness.@lookitsSammm She is a grade school teacher in Minnesota. You can contact her school's director at 651-423- #RedWave #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon#WWG1WGA#Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp She better hope she has canteen or she'll be eating A LOT of nigger pussy! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Bwahahahahahahhahaahahahhaahaa.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell them that bitch was a fucking liar and that hard work gets you a decent fucking career you spineless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, be sure to vote for more cheap brown labor and broken promises. https:\/\/gab.ai\/parrott\/posts\/39540994 Every single vote cuck retard should off himself. Or maybe think of an argument instead of constantly repeating the same phrase like the brain dead autistic retard that you are? Oh, wait, you can't, because you don't have one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dating today be like..... what kind of shit is that? I hate it when people use nigger talk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Discrimination triggers morons that kill, you can't Discriminate for any without Discriminating against millions of others. Any discriminated against goes retard and commits an attrocity, continue your madness with more discrimination you're likely to trigger more you are equally responsible. Discrimination can never end Discrimination!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"upvote for username","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MKULTRA programming was set up to develop a schizophrenic society. Double think is holding two contradictory positions simultaneously, and believing them both to be true. Society is retarded because that's what the social engineers wanted it to be. A decades long program mind you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another well paid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Zach_Dorsey: My trash is worth more than you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean, I love when that's brought up. For one, he is a private citizen. Two, the emails are available on wikileaks - nothing improper. Three, I always ask \"If an actual campaign member went on Russian soil, met Russian diplomats for the sole purpose of gaining opposition research - it'd be collusion with a foreign government to influence the election, right? And then that's when I remind them that Hillary and the DNC did this with Ukraine. Somemone posted a Vox article (lol) of the \"evidence\". At least they admitted it was not hard evidence. But it was: 1) Manafort - but they dind't say it was while working with Hillary's campaign manager's brother in Ukraine way before he ever joined the campaign 2) Cohen - but they didn't mention that he, like Manafort, was indicted on charges completely unrelated to Russia (tax evasion) 3) Their last piece of evidence of Trump \/ Russia collussion was Trump, a businessman, considering erecting a tower in Moscow lol (he has them all over the world, even in Baku) When this is your evidence....you'd have to be clinically retarded or so full of bias to not realize Trump\/Russia is nothing but a conspiracy. It's the second time I've offered such a deal. The last time, the other person was supposed to donate to a charity, but didn't. Typical lol Usually these things devolve into Straw man arguments and deviate so far away from Trump\/Russia. It gets into those Russians who created political facebook memes, Russians alleged \"hack\" of the DNC server. They're so brainwashed that they don't understand anymore what facts or evidence actually means. They just think because Don Lemon said some edgy stuff that it must be true","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami ................................ OMG....My Prayers Were Answered ....LMAO https:\/\/www.hatetriots.com\/2018\/10\/nancy-pelosi-shouted-out-of-restaurant.html?m=1andfbclid=IwAR1ye6_GGlIdg5L4M1Vx5hZruXKn33c6hwyU8OJw1es6uMsrzQB_Ss37tDY https:\/\/www.trendsmap.com\/twitter\/tweet\/1052963676129554432 #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy#Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #TheyFearTheGreatAwakeningTheMost #RedPill#WeThePeopleHaveHadEnough #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT#TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed #BuildTheWallNow #NoIllegalAliens #LegalmmigrantsOnly#NoSanctuaryFunding #NoSanctuaryCities #NoChainMigration#NoVisaLottery #KateSteinle #KatesLaw #AngelFamlies#NoOpenBorders #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #FridayFeeling #LakeShow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya it's white people. Hey everyone, ignore the fucking ghetto rats shooting everyone and blowing up murder rates in Chicago. Ignore the crime rate. Murdering people over time is better than all at once. It's called optics. Ignore all that. It's white people. Ya hey Don, in a country majority white people, it should be majority whites committing crime and shock how its actually a small 13% causing fifty percent of them. Fucking retard but that's why cnn employs him and that's why low iq tune in, same brain wave. Don's saying be concern about a demographic causing low crime. That's racism. Pointing out blacks cause the most statistically is a fact but it gets labeled as racist. Can't win with all this race hand holding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These retarded liberals need to slapped into reeducation camps to learn the basics of the civics of the country they live in. I find it mind bogging how stupid these faggots are and yet have the gall to post their idiotic opinions on social media as if it's something profound or thought provoking. Such ignorance should be a criminal offense. >These retarded liberals need to slapped into reeducation camps In B4 they do it to us","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah but some of the trash is still her like Cyph and faggot boy JD ...got one POS trying to do me like they did Gee and Copy My ID and use a Picture of methat they got off of Dijjys Youtube page","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dis broad done tagged dis nicca n a video of his sis giving dome .. #Tragic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Refugee who used her own family's passports to smuggle two asylum seekers into UK illegally is spared jail because judge thought her motive was 'humanitarian' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're not white you a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I thought I'd get viddya in prison I'd fake almost anything except nigger love.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if a woman can beat u up, u should reconsider ur life bro... but seriously, fuck this bitch, burn in hell cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just remember, bitches want to be treated like shit! If you don't treat them like shit from the very beginning they think you don't love them. Treat a bitch like a nigger treats a dog and they'll love you forever. No, thats virgin , retard advice. You don't treat them like shit. You dangle your desire in front of them. You make them work for it. You make her wonder if your interested. You pursue them but you make it seem like you don't know if you even give a shit, to the girl. That's how you do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, that's a whole lot of fairy gay faggot shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Baptist churches are the most homophobic Christian branch you can have. Kid at my old high school said that if one if his friends was gay, he'd take them behind the shopping center and stomp the teeth out of them. Baptist are the worst.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">the myth of the gun as an egalitarian tool I don't even know how to respond to this. That they're an idiot. All weapons by their very nature are egalitarian because they have no way of discriminating themselves in who can use them. Hell, the Gun as an invention may actually be one of the most egalitarian weapons since modern fire-arms don't require that much skill to use effectively in their purpose. Sure, not everyone's a gunslinger or marksman, and you need to know better than to fire a .50 cal at full auto well holding it, but you don't need to be a master to use a gun effectively. It's a universal truth that people who desire power for themselves hate power in the hands of others.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What mosque did he visit? It's past time to deny these jihadis a safe space to plot and conspire. Kill the mosque and the sand nigger leaves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Methodists, Presbyterians, Southern Baptists (blacks), Unitarians, evangelical Lutherans, hippie churches.... I wonder if these people have ever even read the same bible I read....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanga kickboxing ends in kanga murder. https:\/\/youtu.be\/D_P8-FoiaBA damn... Now I have another fighter I'd take over mcgregor. See him lose in less than 4 rounds last night? No. What a shame. Yah, I missed the after fight fight too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's remarkable to see that chilly is still alive, and not dead from an overdose of prescription drugs. The cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arguing with women, how cute. Insulting me doesn't help your case.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They better catch that fucking nigger buck savage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Wouldn't this be the logical next step? To people who don't get the point of the first step maybe. >Since this actually got some media attention, wouldn't the next logical step be to have posters everywhere saying \"It's NOT okay to be white\" plastered everywhere? The first poster campaign **already** achieves this by showing not telling. >I'm curious from a social experiment perceptive as to what would actually happen. You would undermine the message and effect of the original poster campaign. >In a perfect world, this would generate as much media attention, and could even prompt a dialogue that could lead to people developing insight. The original message is already doing this. It's already revealing the media bias and getting racist people to out themselves. You can't improve on success and you can't speed up the process, you can only fuck it up. >Although I'm pretty sure posters saying \"it's not okay to be white\" would just be par for the course, and may not ruffle any feathers. This is what the media wants to see, something they can't concretely hold up as having a negative and potentially threatening message. IOTBW as is, achieves all its goals, it's a honeypot for anti-white racists and it works perfectly. You can't improve on it. It's subtle enough, and entices them to bash it, while being perfectly non-threatening and no negative message whatsoever. > You would undermine the message and effect of the original poster campaign. Not if it were done as a false flag operation. Just add a link to BLM's website at the bottom. IOTBW works precisely because it has no negativity. If you put up an IOTBB poster then nobody would have a problem with it. Even if it had a link to BLM so what? People already approve of BLM and that group already has carte blanche to say whatever it wants, including hateful and racist statements about white people that are half truths at best. So such a IOTBB poster would really do nothing. IOTBW detects racists. I was thinking of posters that say \"it's not okay to be white\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason how would u know if I don't fuck with you? Exactly you don't wtf I got shut your retarded ass up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the kind of bullshit Linda Sarsour, demon crats, CAIR, Muzzie Bro Hood, and muzzies in general want in the USA and elsewhere! FUCK THAT! SAVAGE BASTARDS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many cripples in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Again ,your point is moot . A muzzie is a muzzie . Now again politely cause you use the term JEEESH move on bitch . Bake some cookies .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid white people making my posts relevant to they own life #stupid #cousintoucher #honkie #whitetrash #blonde","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and the waters rose and lifted the ark high above the earth.\" Better build an ark, homos. Brendon has the chops AND the Mtn. Dew. What was that you were saying NP-(muted).... \"Got ya!\" Wait, that only works if you're seen as important or the point of your pen had sting... You actually just fell into the same shit can that was getting laughed at. Even funnier when you see one try out one of the new automatic responses It's funny that he said he would flood this place but only posted like 10 things at the most.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should explain why she called the cops after she watched him walk into his own house Home Run Dusty, home run. \"Just sprinkle some crack on him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"versace bird feeder","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whoopi is a total retard , what really pisses me off is the crowd applauds for this skank","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Iemonaids done that spell check we know you meant fat liberal Dyke feminist Nazi bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm all about prison alternatives. What I'm not about - sexism. Free the men as well, then. It actually doesn't make much sense to put a woman in prison who is non-violent and unlikely to re-offend. It's done as an example, to discourage crime, but very often people in prisons are introduced to drugs and interact with dangerous criminals and end up much worse members of society when they leave. Prisons are criminal schools. Plus it costs a lot of money to keep someone in prison. So I can understand why they might not want to send someone that committed minor fraud, or was caught smoking weed, to prison. It makes more sense to give them treatment, and only give a prison sentence for re-offenders. But I don't understand why they are singling out women. The policy surely makes sense for men as well? That seems like basic sexism, \"women are wonderful\" effect if they think women don't belong in prison just because they are women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are already out of time. Unless a legitimate wall is built and the mass deportation of millions of invaders begin, all else will fail. By numbers alone, the native population will be a shadow of itself in very short course. Drastic action is required, or set sail back to the ether.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"***************** Where did Hondurans from the incoming caravan\/hoarde get a top-of-the-line Maclaren stroller that currently sells for $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, you're fuckin retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did you write back yet and tell them you don't want their faggot name on your website? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently embarrassment is a sufficient punishment for being a serial abuser. So long that you have a cunt, that is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] The window of opportunity for any \"self-defense\" attacks is too small. Most of the time you just end up with an assault charge - my CQB instuctor. who are \"the faggots\" in this instance \"politicians\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't killing interactivity the most retarded thing you can do as a website?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know disabled people like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black Pilled just released a video about this today: No White Guilt for Blackface https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI https:\/\/invidio.us\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI Give them a simple choice: You can allow us to send you to Africa alive, or you can stay in a mass grave. Won't take long before most choose the former without hesitation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How far we have come.. SMH Forget that.. More like how low can we go Democrats? So low in fact rock bottom now has a basement.. Mossad w CIA Killed JFK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hi Charlie, eating leftover candy? @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado @PattiSM74","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jeremy Cunt compares the EU to a Soviet prison. I really couldn't have said it better https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2NbyYlS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reason #678456 to be a fit fighter: If a nigger finds out your wife is pregnant, he will try to defile her with his foul seed, and you will need to be able to eviscerate him in response.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She was well within her rights telling me to go fuck myself. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex Jones breaks down how the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that killed eight is the latest move by the Deep State to sow civil unrest and effect the historic upcoming midterm election. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/breaking-alex-jones-goes-live-to-respond-to-terrorist-attack-on-pittsburgh-synagogue-the-deep-state-has-played-its-terror-card\/ Said the mental patient. Lol You cry like a bitch - just like pussy boy trump No that would be the democrat donkeys, you know, the ASSES! LOL! Why are you libby boys always obsessed by the male genitalia? And as far as brainless, you nanobes wrote tbe book on that and live by its rules. LMAOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Don't likey? Go back to Gestapo twitter and save yourself the trouble of your veins popping! Patriots don't care what you like so just go join your degenerate friends OBAMA TREASON-USA MOVE TO NWOUN ! UN SPEECH Obama says USA Freedom needs constraints -NWO Taking Over! https:\/\/youtu.be\/7Mv4r2Vw6zU 2009 to 2017 SENIOR USAGLOBAL DEPOPULATION ADVISOR DR. JOHN HALDREN -2008-100% senate approve -NWO decides life and death -forced abortionsmass sterilization drugs http:\/\/zombietime.com\/john_holdren\/ Patriots PROUDLY STAND AGAINST THE FASCIST PIG TRUMP AND ALL THE RETARDS WHO SUPPRT HIM. how do you MAGA? Purge right wing filth from American soil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoever downvoted this is a Nigger Faggot League loving illiterate soyboy cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Coward fuck..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Migrant cuts throat of Swedish student and stabs him 13 times - brags to friends about it https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/migrant-cuts-throat-of-swedish-student-and-stabs-him-13-times-brags-to-friends-about-it\/#.W7ejIFBe0_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Threatening to kill all women will get you thrown in jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You should crosspost this over at r\/Legaladvice , just ignore the cunts who say your the one to blame ( yes some of them do that in cases like these).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KellyOsbourne do u still have ur blk. pom?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger is a word ..words belong to no one .. IF a word can ruin your day you're going to have a miserable life ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy hell lmao. If you would never date someone w\/ HIV, it's time to pat yourself on the back for not being a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"half-nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll have to rape a disabled person today. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Find big dude that can talk eloquently. Teach him some phrases from many languages and hope he has an indistinct accent. Give him a ballin' mask that ain't retarded. Give him some meds on demand. Throw him at the Bat. DONE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"We anticipate the aircraft parked inside may be damaged as well, but we won't know the extent until our crews can safely enter those hangars and make an assessment.\" I bet every dollar I have the Chicoms know! This is the most retarded crap the Air Tards have puled in years. $140 million aircraft and $100,000 cheap ass hangers to shelter them in cane country?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The feminist movement has changed a lot in the past 10 years. This honestly isn't too far from the post-2008 movement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's wrong with \"racism\"? Why shouldn't White people be as \"racist\" as the Japanese or the Israelis?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A white supremacist woman and a transplanted Canadian twat trying to tell Black Americans how they really feel. OK then.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I luh to lick the middle like an Oreo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SELF-HATING WHITE CUCKS ON PARADE Soy boy is blind and disabled. He is being abused by this foul creature next to him. Fortunately though, he is blind, and has no fucking clue how retarded he looks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just stick with the Aussie classic: Shit Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, sorry, guess I should've made it clear it was the retarded poster that made this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornPhotos: Oreo Cheesecake Bites. http:\/\/t.co\/ybOQrrTJyt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I SECOND THAT!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GottaLuvLexci_: RT @MyHips_DntLie: Tight pants and loud colors!!! You look like a fag! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BrenJJGMom @hweldon Well...how about those Yankees this year? What a run. #wtfiswrongwithnebraska","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Don't glorify the average citizen, but also dont have an ideal to strive towards.\" great idea retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. Blocking is not censorship. You can still say whatever you want. Just not on my original post. Like you can say whatever you want, just not in my house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who sucked the biggest cock Hitler mohammedan obama don lemon Hogg andy cooper Buy the articles it's a tie between hitler and Mohammedan obama I think you've angered the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches here. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Uncalled for @NoBeeetch: All trash \"@Trelaire1st: 16. Which one the best? http:\/\/t.co\/KmOrdNEZRZ\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Don't say I'm not your type","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@paracurve @trader1sz Credit where its due, he made it to the top of his sport; Personality wise he's bit of cunt which i get if you have to be to make it to the top; but other people make the throne who seem genuine good people, so there is that https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35Hz6","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"According to an anonymous SC clerk, her malignant melanoma has returned, and she is resigning in January. She only informed the Democrat leaders of this fact, which is why they tried so hard to stop Kavanaugh. RBG herself hoped that after this election, the Democrats would control the senate, which is why she planned for January. However, it looks like President Trump is going to get to name another conservative to the SC. Bets on how many people crawl out of the woodwork with claims that the nominee harassed\/assaulted\/raped them? Or maybe the lie machine will magically turn up \"evidence\" of racism, bigotry, or something along those lines :D. [about that](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/RCfqTuF.jpg)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Allies would tell freshly captured Axis soldiers, 'Enjoy the war while you can - the peace will be terrible'. Four times more Germans died in the surrender of Germany than during the entire war. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Heh heh, a little triggered are we? The truth fears no investigation. Feel free to debunk what I have produced using credible sources and not memes. Meanwhile, why not start here with the (((Freemasons))) and their genocidal bloodlust against Christians? https:\/\/TheSecretMasonicVictoryOfWW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Magellan? You suck at trash talk. @physguy2 @submix8c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All muslims worship Satan 5 times a day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Butchers are disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Be a man! Use your mute button! :D Stop spreading cultural marxism, while you're at it, kid. ;) You can't beat the enemy, if you keep using his weapons to destroy yourselves. ;) it's a group. i can't mute him. and quit showing off. you have no idea what im talking about but you still feel super confident in pontificating. i understood cultural marxism ten years ago. Why do you keep spreading cultural marxism? why do you keep spreading so much autism You're the one whining about another gabber. :) Unwittingly comparing porn dealers to your elders, and spreading marxist hatred towards traditional white families. Why do you keep spreading cultural marxism? It is a simple question, that you refuse to answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sitting in faeces for hours, fed pig slop' and given the wrong medication: Inside scandal-hit aged care home where elderly patient was beaten by a worker https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6233427\/Inside-scandal-hit-aged-care-home-elderly-patient-beaten-worker.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You i m m i g r a n t s make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So big deal...Harry fucked a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let the negroes keep their nigger problem to themselves, so that the Americans can be free again. Repatriate the blacks to africa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as filthy as these gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im pretty sure weve gone over this and youre ignoring reality because you dont like it. First, he psyopped the kikes and thats documented on Gates of Vienna, the community he was from. Second, a communist open borders anti-racist party that opposes Israel because its a Jewish ethnostate alone while embracing Jews is not our ally. Youd have to be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"amy fatass is a rabbit faced nigger lovin skank!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MattLaCasse His do not, until playoffs. But luckily, this means that any future kid will definitely root for the Yanks. #priorities","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the hurricane hits the wetback caravan expect to see video of Anderson Cooper neck deep in dead beaner babies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Interesting. So if one person out of a thousand feels disrespected\/mocked then we need to stop? Fine ... I feel disrespected and mocked by your use of the phrase 'white people', Author, and demand that you * stop using such hate speech * pay reparations for same. Your rules, cunt ... live by them or be known as a hypocrite. A lot of people don't see the hypocrisy in those retards' statements. It's all reverse racism where I get told by some 22yr old black girl on twitter with no life direction that even though I live in a democracy I can't dress up as another race for Halloween, it's absolutely ludicrous and shows to show how mentally disabled many of these \"colored people trying to stop racism and discrimination against minority groups or just your plain, braindead sjws. The people that I know who could be considered \"retards\" show far more common sense than this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Snoop Nigger Dogg looks like he's got the AIDS from his Liberal Satanic Lifestyle (one Too many Crack Hoe's).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EmilyAnderson check this faggot out,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, gay people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think he prefers throat yogurt to jello....but who knows anymore...it's probably a gender fluid grannies retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha Obama is a fucking retard THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE'D LOSE, FOLKS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ConanOBrien dat is one ugly animal but da monkey is adorable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCKING FAGGOT KICKS WOMEN IN THE FACE, WOULD NOT DARE TO DO THAT TO A REAL MAN !! SOY FUCKHOLE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have divorced her ass too, hubby and family did the right thing. What a selfish evil twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"get raped faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, even if we were to accept their idiotic premise, then this is actually a good and proper result, since the seat allocation now better matches the party's respective vote share. So, not only is the idea of the national popular vote for Senate an idiotic concept, but even under that standard, they are exactly the opposite of correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JoleenDoreen: I was in a Kik group once. But we called it a party line and old Charlie the barber was always hogging the calls.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they're niggers for nigger sake they love to Nig their surroundings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OSAY_it_aint_so: @fvxkgvld: when a ghetto girl tries to read in class pt1 https:\/\/t.co\/uW7aBqBToC LMAOOO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so how many of you gabbers will be voting for CUNT CLINTON in 2020? this delusional, delirious, traitor,communist, socialist, back stabbing, lying fucking dirtbag, thinks she can really win?? i can't wait!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. Nazis are democrat operatives calling themselves \"alt-right\" they are just as much an enemy of freedom as democrats. George Soros funded to make the right wing look as hateful as the democrats. They are leftists. 246 people on GAB mostly those calling themselves nazis isn't proof of jack shit. Who hurt you sweaty My momma What if it was cold outside?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Title 9 skank Taylor Not-So-Swift \"breaks her silence.\" Like we all didn't know she was a man-hating closet bull dyke liberal. She only dates men so she can throw them under the bus in her next man-bashing song. You do NOT have \"Tennessee values\" Taylor. You have sick and twisted pervert Hollywood values. Women who stand against rotten bitches like you lying about rape are the ones who possess TRUE \"Tennessee values.\" We lynched too many black men in the South over skanks and their phony rape accusations. Burned entire towns like Rosewood and Greenwood to the ground over the \"values\" of skanks like Swift. https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/music\/celebrity\/taylor-swift-bashes-blackburn-in-favor-of-tennessee-dems-breaking-political-silence\/ar-BBO52ET?ocid=spartandhp","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Witches' fingers with nigger toes would be a good combo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every faggot white boy I've seen who dresses like that is a junkie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/considering-the-trad-phenomenon-in-light-of-those-other-things-i-wrote\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a fuckin' cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This no beef thing is for the birds!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ellison: I'm Considering Resigning From the DNC https:\/\/freebeacon.com\/politics\/ellison-im-considernig-resigning-dnc\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Attracks\", good to see Bloomberg's crack editorial team is on the case @meh6000 @lukeobrien do all you journowhores daydrink or are you just functionally retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HollowDaDonLOM those god damn chinks. http:\/\/t.co\/Bi6fgP5vGo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who cares about the Nigger Felon League ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know if loliposters are animeright but since you're defending them I'm lumping you together because you're clearly connected. The only strawman is calling everyone a boomer like the retarded weeb you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/seattle-gun-storage-law-eminently-reasonable-judge-says-in-tossing-nra-gun-groups-lawsuit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it's on Youtube... the conclusion I came to after watching was that they're the British equivalent to white trash. still dude doesn't deserve to be laughed at for being locked in their apartment","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You black people keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mattoid Parrott will have to cum back the same way he got in -- by blogging as a ZOGtard whigger ass-clown. Maybe [un-de]generate iysse;lfg a 12-Step Program of ZOGling Whigger Ass-Clowns Anonymous{e}. We who be born white and suffered \"whiggerfuktardation\" need to know how to overcum-cum it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"actually retarded is not catching satire https:\/\/globalnews.ca\/news\/4152075\/gender-neutral-baby\/ talkin bout the tweet smart guy My point is there are people out there who think this way, smart guy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"legit #OrangeManBad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees 3, #Astros 0: McCarthy outduels Keuchel in series finale http:\/\/t.co\/hIJJAUKtJN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like fuck.....we have 7 million jews and 7 million jew mongrels,,,,,in every segment of our society they have spread like locusts....NO other country has that Spread like locusts? lol As usual you dead enders ride the carousel of ignorance. You haven't a clue as to how many Jews there are in the USA because the last Census was taken in 2010 and the next won't be out till Jews aren't even considered a race as much as they are an ethno-religious group. The fastest growing groups in the USA were Asians and Hispanics and now we have a fast growing nest of Muslims infiltrating many States. Don't be scared, the Jews aren't going to do anything to hurt you. Now the Muslims? That's a different story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twice divorced teabagger Florida Attorney General says marriage is reserved for 'stable, enduring family units' http:\/\/t.co\/9ZWr3O33iu #wtf","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are the Red guys going to put the military on the border NOW, and maker certain this wetback trash is refused entry into the US?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So simple. I'm leaving work soon. I know when I get home I won't have someone bitching and moaning to me about what we are going to eat for supper. If I leave the dishes until tomorrow there's no one to bitch about it. I don't have sit through extremely boring shows like \"This is Us If I wanna spend the night playing Xbox, I can. Life is good. Sex isn't important enough to go back to the plantation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We contribute plenty you cunt both in war and peace go read a history book you nazi fuckwit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bezos Loses $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"U LIE!\" Well, ur Constitution does consider Blks \"3\/5ths human.\" Pray that the Blk bourgeoise eventually gets the Haganh nerve to ReSegregate\/Repatriate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, fuck me for pointing out facts and shit, right? What a faggot you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hear the birds in the summer breeze; I drive fast; I am alone at midnight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/09\/at-the-un-oic-foreign-ministers-adopts-statement-demanding-respect-for-islam At The UN OIC Foreign Ministers adopt Statement Demanding Respect for Islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bowing is a form of respect you retard. Also you're assuming it means the same thing in Japan as it does here. Also, Westernized Canada is in its death throes and Japan isnt, taking cues from them might not be such a bad thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Weird frosted colored lipgloss is weird...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Diversity is a horror https:\/\/edition.cnn.com\/2018\/10\/04\/africa\/paris-nigerian-women-trafficking\/index.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real talk tho, why would you not date someone if they're bi? To your relationship that shouldn't mean anything. Because of weird misconceptions that bi people are more likely to cheat because they like both genders. would be lying if I said that didnt worry me slightly when I was dating a bi girl Why should it? Makes literally no sense. Surely you're aware that, when dating a straight girl, you aren't the only man in the universe? If people are cheaters, they're cheaters. Their sexuality has nothing to do with that. The point of the comment thread was that some people think that when dating a bi person you dont just have to worry about them being attracted to the opposite sex but also their same sex","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i lost it at caucazoid Yeah, that's a new one for me. It's just casual scientific racism. You've probably heard monogloid and negroid from the 19th\/20th century in history. Well... mongoloid also referred to mentally retarded people... Yea fucking great one there. Cockazoid for men If white privilege means I get to pilot a Zoid, then gimme gimme gimme! Sign me up immediately. What if I tell you you get to BE a zoid instead? Woohoo!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ItsYOUR_man nothin much cousin touching white trash wigger wannabe bitch boy dick sucking fucking gay bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"black power nigger fist accepted everywhere, White Power anything no so much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And there are others who will cry like niggers because they have the minds of niggers in their nigger skulls. House niggers. Those who confine themselves to thinking solely of what can happen through voting in Zoglections within the current political borders should at least have the honesty towards themselves to embrace accelerationism (Brer Rabbit nationalism). I'm gonna laugh as you are raped to death by niggers. \"With the booming thunder of his voice. The mighty Aryans will strike their enemies down whilst word smithing spells to disperse the mud hoards. Thousands of years of hardship created this titan of a word NIGGER! Also vote GOP. -1488 caricature Lol, you're literally a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TL;DR - they found one kid whose dad claims that the nazis got into him over voice chat on CS:GO. Also that bloviating ex-nazi Picciolini, who just claims that he knows this is happening without offering any proof. Related: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9dn7vb\/christian_picciolini_msnbc_contributor_if_you_are\/ Edit: ResetEra are having their 2 minutes hate over this. Bet this hits 40 pages. https:\/\/archive.fo\/SFDK8 As I saw my teammate teabag the opponent, I realized the glory of the new Reich. Teebeuteln* Please speak ze official language of ze new Reich Have been playing FPS since quake II, I would call all of this \"article\" bullshit. Easier for little Jimmy to explain to dad that the nazis got into his head via vidya, rather than 'I was voluntarily reading Stormfront'... Yeah, watch people who are unfamiliar with gaming suck this right up, spurred on by the usual ideologues with axes to grind - followed by calls to ban all the things. > Easier for little Jimmy to explain to dad that the nazis got into his head via vidya, rather than 'I was voluntarily reading Stormfront'... https:\/\/youtu.be\/Y-Elr5K2Vuo?t=20","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmaoooooo @ Supreme being trash. Guess Bape is trash to huh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should sue her cunt ass. Make her pay for the rest of her life","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AmericanWhiteHM I hate that nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros is not a nazi. I will eat my dog's hat the day conservatives figure out the difference between nationalists and globalists. It's total rubbish. Alex Jones tier rubbish. \"Soros is a nazi!\". Speaking of that will someone tell Alex Jones what eugenics actually is. When he says that vaccinations are turning kids into retards, he says that is \"eugenics\" and eugenics is why the nazis were bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The type of actresses who lie and retcon their movies and sell their soul to these retarded movements for fame are the same women who whore themselves out for fame happily, then cry rape much later when it is more financially profitable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the man behind the curtain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a shame the crypt keeper wasn't in his home and the bomb was detonated the attacks on America would cease without this leftist socialist pukes money paying off these urine soaked socialist to disrupt our country election and president Use capitalization and punctuation! They are on the keyboard and don't cost EXTRA to use!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of disabled people ought to be execuetd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Former Paul Ryan Challenger Arrested In Radioactive Murder Plot https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/NpR5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye= Wants to get nigger criminals out of prison. Kushner= wants to dump American money on Israel. Neither care about White Gentiles. Kanye is a revolting poop skin chimpanzee. Trump cuddles him to make cowardly White boomers feel not r-r-r-racist like the Jew media screeches they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOLOL!!!!!!!! \"Waa Waa Waa..the muzzy is hurting us!\" GET SOME SPINE BRITS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Price to pay for electing a Muzzie Paki for your Mayor. Now, you know what to do, next!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrap nigger beeyach BUSTED for stealing republicans fliers! These are the kinds of sub-human, lying, cheating, thieving, filthy animals the Democraps want you to vote for! https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/watch-democrat-candidate-caught-on-camera-stealing-republican-rivals-pamphlet-from-voters-home\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being Greek...I hope no one takes offense...that I take offense...to a black piece of faggot shit...claiming to be a historic Greek Gladiator. Wrong color. Wrong hair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Transphobia is myth. Wait to be ruled over by the nigger majority It is not always going to be apparent, but when it is, don't post it. The rationale here is that 13 year old otherkin is a lot different than a 30 year old one. One is a kid that is likely just going through a phase and the other one is a grown ass adult that has made a choice to be otherkin. That is just an example though and other areas we deal with have the same sort of rationale. There is no need for a ton of people goofing on a dopey kid when there are a ton of dopey adults out there. --- *If you have a question about, or wish to open a discussion regarding, a moderation decision, including one made by another moderator, please [message the TiA moderation team by clicking here](http:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInAction), instead of responding to this post.* *Please include a direct link to the post in question when you message us!* RealD79, this is a formal warning under Rule 3B. --- **[Rule 3: DON'T BE A SCHMUCK]( http:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_rule_","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @hoez4sale: Lmao they all trash before and after ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They work with a lot of trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those Muslims were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is your hollywood homo hero Hitler spent time at a gay hostel in Vienna and was both homosexual and heterosexual' with a sadomasochistic nature', 1943 US intelligence report claims https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6255983\/Hitler-homosexual-heterosexual-1943-intelligence-report-claims.html And the truth comes out... you were just a Jewish homosexual shill all along. You know that there are ethnically pure Europeans but you want to propagandise against them, pushing the idea everyone is mixed race. A little prodding and you start kvetching about Hitler. Fuck off kike. Rohm was killed because he wanted to come out of the closet . Rohm was hitlers boyfriend. Rohm was against the nazi penal code section 175 outlawing butt fucking. so YES, hitler was a faggot Ohhhh it was just you again Marty Graw. Dude why don't you just let it go, we don't want you on Gab with your faggoty gay nazi fetish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ehasselbeck @bi_politics teaching that pretend son to b a pussy! his son would have LACE ON HIS JOCK STRAP!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Latrobemark: @wheeler_kashhh your a early bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You won't get many followers. You Jewish worshipping cuck. Fuck off back to Twitter Fuck off cuck. Actually read the bible, instead of memorizing one or two Jewish propogandised quotes taken out of context. Go and suck Jewish cock. Cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GabeJGonzalez @RPopBox and a prime Leija would trash most of these 140 dudes today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger Cat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How bout them redskins?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dear woman, no. Thank you, entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad my weird teenage phase was just mundane stuff like wearing weird outfits and thinking I was bi for about two weeks. I don't even know what this is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A lot of fuss is made in Britain about honouring the fallen in WW1 in November as if these people died to have diversity and multiculturalism imposed on their nation and same sex marriage made legal. No one died for that. They were God-fearing people who would have laid down their arms if they knew what perverts would be calling the shots 100 years later. If they knew about the Muzzie Invasion they would be turning over in their graves. UK and US both need to deal with this Invasion ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I reckon it probably depends on whether being retarded is a protected class.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll tortuer these immigrants without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Michael_Heaver: Only 44% of Italians would now vote to Remain in EU. Lowest level of support in whole of Europe. Astonishing. Cc @matteosalvinimi https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MGVh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Locked from twatter again for \"unusual behavior\", perhaps because I said the nigger word. Why not get prompted to delet tho?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not just NSW the whole country needs to stop immigration from Nigger shitholes !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is she a Jew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They can kiss my ass and so can MuHAMmed. It's a lot more common than you think. How long before Dems have them selling the parts of their \"honor killing dead family members? Or wouldn't they be fresh enough? Perhaps Planned Murderhood could start performing honor killings for the bent parents, since they already don't report FGM or rape anyway?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/stormer-volume-60-the-incel-rebellion-has-already-begun\/ Prairie Jew Can you screw good? Fuck yes!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/img B'elanna is kinda hot though tbh Sad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These fucking retarded people. I hate them all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Possibly high as fuck as well, based on her manners, or just *very* stupid. Yea, she did look like she was on something. Cop didn't even question it...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ion like papoose but he went in lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deport that nigger troll already.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm tryna get my garden succt by a whipper snipper. Who can hook me up? Pic related yo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger Kills 2 cops https:\/\/www.google.com\/amp\/s\/m.huffpost.com\/us\/entry\/us_5bb0d7c0e4b0c7575965f85a\/amp","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are Blacks (Sub-Sahara-descended peoples) more closely related to apes than are Whites (European-descended peoples)? https:\/\/www.nature.com\/articles\/nature11128\/figures\/4 Evolution is a lie. We all came from Adam and Eve. Then later From Noah's 3 children. Even North European folk Came from the Middle East. Good morning lol Dinosaurs never existed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @__bettyboo: You better pray I don't send your nudes out bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Snap out of this delusion. Yoiu won't be fighting fags. You'll be fighting state and federal police, national guard and regular US military. i bet on the faggot ! because the fat dude will deflate without his 5000 calories a day while suffering without a PCT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It really depends on how far she went with the story and the officers involved. Some cops will bring fire down on you for the tiniest lie, others will just let you make a complete ass of yourself and move along. It reads as if she immediately backtracked on it. Which makes sense, because the lie is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, that account. What kind of retarded boomer shit is this... Fucking Americans.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MAGA: Build the wall and THROW ALL KKK NAZI FASCIST RIGHT WING PIGS OVER IT! Take America back from the retards on the right! takes a real indoctrinated retard to post one CNN headline after another thinking the bullshit you've been fed somehow eliminates the very real results people can point to that actually contradicts CNN's bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh massively. I could tell from her tone and persistency, she was lapping this up. She was being more of a cunt than she was being stubborn. Shame really. Pussy pass deny this bitch by being calm, driving her back to the pick up point, calling the cops and not answering her questions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does the blind guy even know what the sign says?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck your new group cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The book about racism is racist? What are these fucking degenerates. Maybe if they felt the content was too much for kids that age, but pretending it's racist is pathetic They're probably fine with songs being sold in shops with \"nigger\" in the lyrics or something","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/Br7el4ZXrw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"UNPAID INTERN\" Who Doxxed Republicans, was NOT an Intern at all! We can't let this story go cold. I believe it is the one that will bring down the house of cards. Jackson Cosko was not unpaid, as Sheila Jackson Lee stated. https:\/\/amgreatness.com\/2018\/10\/06\/cosko-is-not-an-unpaid-intern\/ #JacksonCosko #SheilaJacksonLee #RepublicansDoxxed @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker Ropes, even New Ones Have a Tendency to Break I'm Voting Guillotine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama, if that is his real name, may have been the first African-American US President but Donald Trump is the first REAL NIGGER President. It's official X-D https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7KFEBbWcnEc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MaryWCVB: Still waiting for Charlie Baker to take the stage in Swampscott. #wcvb http:\/\/t.co\/lYb3Thm199","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vogue editor.. bitch needs to edit her decision to leave the house look like a fucking retarded pumpkin-pie haircutted freak bag lady","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never knew there were so many retarded people in the USA claiming jews are behind every*fucking*thing! But, I guess someone has to believe in chemtrails and QAnon, so retards a'plenty!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right? I was Sh00k. Oh well, fuck them. Glad I could claim Nice. Get all the karma! Edit- You shouldn't get banned from any corner of the internet just because you participate in another they don't like. Yeah, example; two of my corners are 1) MGTOW 2) lady v lady midget booty porn. Kinky","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone who is r*de is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump declares 'NATIONAL EMERGENCY' when Illegal Migrants \"caravan\" at 7,000+ heading towards the US Border.....since then it HAS DOUBLED to OVER 14,000+! * Trump vowed Troops to defend the Border! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-trump-declares-national-emergency-as-migrant-caravan-swells-to-over-7000\/ #Invasion #UN #Soros #NWO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people vote in the people and policies that ruin their home, then run because it's impossible to survive there. Then will come to my home and do the same thing there.. blows my mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Femi..or ' notlammy' as he's known is a thick twat who's constantly made to look a fool in interviews.. Even Katie Hopkins wiped the floor with him!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We Will Never Allow UK to Choose Immigration Policy, Says EU Brexit Boss The European Parliament's Brexit coordinator has said he will \"never allow the UK to control its own borders, claiming a system based on allowing in professionals and people with the skills the nation needs amounts to \"discrimination . Ranting before MEPs on Tuesday, arch-liberal and federalist Guy Verhofstadt also personally attacked senior members of the Tory Party and rejected proposals from leadership favourite Boris Johnson to extend the Article 50 process. He claimed that \"enough mess has been created by Brexit already, adding \"let's stop it , before deploring the actions of the Conservative Party in recent weeks as \"insane . On Tuesday, home secretary Sajid Javid announced plans to prioritise immigrants' skills, rather than their country of origin, in a post-Brexit shake-up of the visa system and immigration. The government claimed the move would bring down numbers by capping unskilled migration. However, critics said numbers could go up as more skilled migrants would be allowed in as businesses would be handed more power. Mr Verhofstadt rejected the proposals outright, insisting the bloc \"will never accept discrimination based on skills and nationality, as Mr Javid this morning proposed . On Brexit, we will never accept discrimination based on skills and nationality. We will never accept an extension on article Kill the EU before (((they))) kill you . . . and get rid of the stupid twat May; wake up Europe before you put your history to sleep forever. Prost !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to think in retarded analogies like this. There are Americans and there are leftists. Americans produce surplus wealth. Leftists suck up welfare and try to sabotage the entire country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Ronnie2K not just @Pharrell gave 2k a trash non-basketball soundtrack, y'all still have problems with servers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guinea fowls are not what they seem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Tiqqz: @ShinSnipes i woke up with a sore throat, im cold, niggers will be niggers. so terrible","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Jews and Democrats employ extreme HATE speech but becuase they are so brainwashed retarded they don't even realize what they are doing! Thx JEWS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because they are retarded and don't think, they just react like the good NPC's that they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazi, does that mean that you're an incel faggot then? Wake up!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Like Onigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Would you be interested in some eggplant? RT @NittyScottMC: twerk on me http:\/\/t.co\/75UftRuVDZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Four ho rs to back up this iPhone haha... Jokes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Tae_Rhodes: @kim92493: @Tae_Rhodes: @kim92493 @patpatbush uhhh you've been judged it happens. #whitepower...I'll hang you nigger wo ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This has been a fact for a long time. Here is my desciption of a Democrats brain! Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been on gab for 2 days and here is my response, I appreciate free speech but I had no idea how many racists there are and now I know what black people are talking about","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now you're discussing EXTRAPOLATION and are EQUATING POPULATIONS.. Whites commit FAR MORE ROBBERY, homicide, depending on the year, Blacks commit more. https:\/\/ucr.fbi.gov\/crime-in-the-u.s\/2016\/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016\/topic-pages\/tables\/table-21 The data are totals. To calc per capita arrests, Divide the tot arrests by total white population, giving .0251 arrests per capita, 25 arrests per 1000 whites. For blacks, .056 arrests per capita, 56 arrests per 1000 blacks. Blacks commit more crime, 2x more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"corbyn, a marxist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.news24xx.com\/read\/news\/11255\/These-are-the-5-most-beautiful-porn-stars-that-would-stole-your-attention @Tevlar trans like tammy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the linked video is longer than 5 minutes, don't forget to include a summary as per [rule 3](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/wiki\/rules#wiki_ The Quartering just posted a video about a new Kotaku article written by a feminist who wants you to know when she got her period and thinks about homosexual relations in video games... Only the hardest hitting journalism from the folks at Kotaku... Do people seriously patronize Kotaku? Even if you're not a GGer I can't see anything of value to be found there, as a gamer or otherwise. Normies do. One of my normie buddies, who isn't a gamer beyond halo and nba2k, linked that smash players smell article from kotaku in our group chat today. It's your job to educate him, though. The more people you get away from that drivel of shit, the better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know what to do. https:\/\/twitter.com\/kroeger_lyndsey\/status\/1054203383962169345?s=19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really do believe trans people are just lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mission accomplished https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/hV16RkY.png \/u\/ShaneH7646 added us to the list. Check bottom right of the screen cap. He then promptly locked the submission as his sub was getting torn apart in it. Any sub whose message is so fragile that it needs to ban users, lock threads and censor the fuck out of the narrative is pure comedy. Thanks Shane. Looking forward to you eating your hat when we do not get banned yet again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's Fetal-Alcohol Harry Potter. He wants to resist us. This is the whitest nigger I've everseen. #wiggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh shut up with your incessant Jooz Retard muted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does League of Legends have a griefing problem? Water wet, sky blue RUST level? Nah it is a different type of griefing. In LoL people will be toxic to teammates or play badly on purpose and 'feed' the other team kills by dying intentionally. The MOBA genre in general is prone to abusive chat and general dickishness Not as big as you might think, but there indeed are people that literally lose 300 games in a row without any punishment. Its the fact that there isnt any real system to keep them in check. Even when a player i once had in the enemy team constantly said how he is going to run it down, why he is doing that, telling us to get items that profit from killing people so we can pump up these items with him and just running it down, with 0 kills and 31 deaths... No punishment. The most obvious way and no punishment. Its the fact that people can pull that shit. Or if they are \"smart\" they just act like they play bad and dont say anything. Sort of. Depends on if you view Yasuo playing as griefing or a sign of mental disease. Probably both","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually no, my ancestors ran a steel mill that was producing weaponry and vehichles for the allied forces to fight against the nazis. We and our steel mill got the shit bombed out of us and then became poor, all for your freedom, your survival. Without us, you might even be in a concentration camp right this very moment. You're welcome cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Equality should not apply on people of different religions except christianity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anything above 0 is too much, why would anyone care about some dumb cunt that wanted to have a Coon Kardashian ass and died like a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give the Queen Bee a break, he was just trying to wash the taste of Muzzie ass out of his mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most of my memes are designed to trigger the Left, being that (at my core)..I am a troll. I thrive on Leftists tears. The \"mocked a disabled reporter\" lie, is one they love to repeat. I like to answer with my Rosie the retard meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"trump has failed since he took office. he has been weak and pathetic. and to prove it, his wife sums it up, when she go's to africa and literally virtue signals regarding a little negro child. And Trump does the same pathetic, bastardized shit , as well. He makes sure to find as many negros and beaners to pose in pictures with him. He's a textbook cuckold boomer. He's pathetic as possible. He ignores his White voter base, which is the only thing that matters. He shits on them and demoralizes them, while making sure to spend most of his time doing the bidding of jews and obsessing over : 'lowest african american and hispanic american unemployment in decades'. He's completely fucking useless. I don't even believe he's trying. He doesn't give a shit about reducing legal immigration. And he's consistently softend his tone on the illegal beaner invasion. He hasn't accomplished much on legal or illegal immigration. And you can see this, considering there isn't even a wall. He could have put up a double fence, like in Hungary. And it would stop 99% of the non white and primarily beaner invasion, just like how effective it works in hungary. But he didn't even put up a single fence, spanning the border. Trumps only purpose is that he's there instead of the 200% cucked republican traitors, or the 300% cucked democrat traitors. His purpose is just as pathetic as possible. Your a retarded fucking ass hole... grow the fuck up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @missmollylo: Charlie wears women's clothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this women shows why muzzie men prefer to hump goats. and goats smell better.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.mediaite.com\/online\/leland-keyser-reportedly-told-fbi-she-was-pressured-by-dr-fords-friend-monica-mclean-to-change-statement-on-allegation\/?utm_source=mostpopular","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, each time I've put up this sort of challenge (never thought to offer $) it always leads right to the Trump tower meeting with Jr. They always keep the accusation vague (for obvious reasons) but when you press for details of exactly what crime was committed there it always devolves into insults (for obvious reasons). Pressed my brother-in-law (super liberal\/couple master's degrees) on this and he got to this exact point then seemingly aware of his inability to make his case changed the subject to 'white supremacy'. Unable to help himself while going off on the new subject he referred to Trump as comrade Trump, so of course I pointed out his disconnect between what he says and what he can back up....then he whataboutismed to a non-political subject. They really can't back up their extreme rhetoric. Press 'em on it. lol nice *\"And then that's when I remind them that Hillary and the DNC did this with Ukraine.\"* Not to mention obtaining several parts of the steele dossier involved doing essentially what they accuse Trump of but with a few extra steps meant to hide it. Usually when they brag on the Mueller indictments to this point they are heavy on the number of indictments and whatever innuendo they can cram into the argument, but they're quick to drop it when you ask them what they were actually indicted for...because it ruins their entire argument. I see it in the politics sub and with my very liberal friends and family all the time. They're used to speaking about Trump as if he's an actual Russian agent, or at least someone completely beholden to Putin. They just expect others to nod and not question the story, maybe add in a few derogatory playground style nicknames. The look on their face when a formerly liberal-friendly (me) guy challenges their dogma is always funny. Almost as funny as their faces when they suddenly realize they can't back up what they say.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canada ISIS jihadist caught, but police struggle to lay charges A high-profile Canadian member of ISIS has been caught while attempting to return to Canada he is being held by the U.S backed Syrian Democratic Forces Muhammad Ali, formerly Abu Turaab Al-Kanadi served as a sniper and used social media to encourage others to join ISIS and conduct terrorist attacks Jihadi Justin and his Islamic Liberal Party will probably pardon it and give it a few million Canadian FIAT Dollars,so that Tax Paying Canadians can pay in hard earned Rothschild owned FIAT Canadian Dollars. Thanks to the dead Pierre Trudeau and his Communist Islamic loving son of course. Jihadi Justin always needs to be mentioned in his Post Nation as the Hero. If they let him skate, you know where you stand, you don't have to believe them anymore...about anything. Do what you have to to get your nation back from the collectivists and appeasers without guilt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMFAOOOOO BYE @DatGuyBren: American sports trash. Soccer and Hockey the best sports. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wake Up America! This is who we'll get running the country if we don't have a Red Wave in November!!! https:\/\/davidharrisjr.com\/politics\/the-following-is-what-you-will-get-if-you-dont-vote-red-on-november-6\/ via @davidjharrisjr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BritFam #Brexit Looking for disabled dyke What? What kind of retarded shit is this?! You hire on merit of skill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... This MACHO RACIST NAZI DOES NOT FEAR ANYTHIG well except a single solitary black man.... just one single black man..... and to prove he isn't scared shitless of a lone.... single black man he is going to post a pic telling everyone to cross the street if you see a single solitary white man. Positively fearless.... right...got it.... Pray we continue crossing the street. I don't fear the Nigger. I fear ZOG's Thugs putting me in a cage for dealing with the Nigger as it ought to be dealt with. When we decide to stop crossing the street there will be a strong uptick in appearances of Mississippi Windchimes, and not just in Mississippi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The thought of Brett Kavanaugh holding his hand over his my mouth while he rapes me... It makes me so WET!!! your butt must be wet cause your a dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"American flag torched... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_JmJ Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio called them heroes. The GOP sided with them over our guys in Cville. Never forget. Romney is running for Senator, right? Is it for the midterms? If so Christopher Cantwell's audience have the opportunity to vote for this great Republican - so great in fact that Trump seriously considered appointing him Secretary of State! If you want to defeat the Democrats and the antifa, vote Romney. Ignore the dissonance. If you don't vote GOP then supporters of antifa will be in power!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey it's Adolf Hitler in Drag inside Hilary Clinton word for word what he said in 1939 Oh yeah totally word from word . Lulz bro Hitlary is 10,000% a Member of the NSDAP and spreading her White Supremacy ideology I HOPE YOU NEVER SEE IT IN YOUR LIFETIME......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i say it. white men pay for everyone else. period. brown people and women have a net negative when it comes to taxation and a net positive when it comes to hand outs. ^^ all of them are niggers living a nigger life of nigger theft of another man's wages.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'M HOPING SOOOO MUCH that this hurricane kills every single wetback in the caravan!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dean it is all good. When you put a picture up of yourself then comment until then you are a bigger faggot more than me. No one is a bigger faggot, no worries Johnny boy Not worried about being a faggot. Gab has given me six men replying to me. Joblow not disappointed with you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Fuzz PRO Quelle Surprise. The pervert who likes to draw faggot anthro nudies also enjoys satanic sadistic horror. You are disgusting. Go form a gay\/ pedo porno group with David Coudreau. You two have a LOT in common. @Fuzz Christians of any ilk do NOT create or view obscenity in any form. That you portray it in anthro does not justify or disguise your perversion. You are not Christian. You are a pervert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't feel sorry for her at all. She was asking for it. That's just the life of a nigger loving crack whore. Idk how you can expect anything else. You'll either be beaten killed or get aids if you engage in beastiality. She was a nasty disgusting human and deserves to die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Posing with beautiful dead wild animals isn't that becoming. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/sVS4 Lol...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From @ShariaSheeple Stormy's v jay is so big even Barack Obama's ego fits Are you sure about that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">And who is this faggot anyway? A useless and mad jew that lives on taxpayer money. #DeathPenalty No jew! He insulted Elizabeth Warren, not the Cherokee Nation and I don't even like Trump because the Left and Right wings are two wings of the same jew bird of prey. Reject both! Was that the Syrian flag. My bad, however I don't trust Assad or any politician in this jew world order system.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Still curious...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop rt'ing Celtics trash please","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You immigrants are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@prettygrl_rocky ugly dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if Conservatives begin winning over the Hispanic and Asian vote they could swamp the black vote and make it practically MOOT in electoral politics.. BYE BYE NIGGERS! white conservatives..Hispanics and Asians.. unbeatable coalition no matter if there is a 100% nigger turnout!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pensioner begs attacker please, I'm too old' as he's violently thrown to ground Read more: https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/19\/pensioner-begs-attacker-please-im-too-old-as-hes-violently-thrown-to-ground-8055959\/?ito=article.amp.share.top.twitter?ito=cbshare","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep. The reason why white.men dominate Hollywood is they can be *anything*, from the shining hero to the despicable villain, from the bumbling idiot to the suave super genius, and **nobody cares**. Once you put something different in, certain groups of people will make that into a political issue, something to fight for (or against!) their personal crusade.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking entitled cunt - glad she resigned over this, because people like this don't need to hold a public office.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men race is a subordinate of women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Something needs to be done to stop the victims of today waiting 16 years for justice. The rape gangs operate from the same hotspots in Rotherham, calls are made to the police who don't even bother to go and check. And the paedos are free to gang rape the next generation of children. The#1400Campaign","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MAfreedom: If you dont see the connection between legitimizing the queer lifestyle, and an increase in STD's and sexual deviancy- yo ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Selxnaa I'm redneck crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"truman was a nigger too though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@gonzalez_sassy ur not sassy white trash change ur username","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not from the ghetto.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When over 32% of the people voted for a Part time Drama teacher and also a snowboard instructor for his qualifications to be Prime Minister.........I'd say There is at least 1\/3rd of the population who are Mentally Retarded. They need to work somewhere so at least she is only a school trustee and not in charge of an entire countries future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KianteDevuan_: Beautiful smiles and colored eyes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at this jackass, lol There's still individuals who think that RV was \"credible\" @Cantwell @occdissent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"We hate niggers, we hate faggots and we hate spics\"-kkk rally","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allowing any more imm1grants into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your race couldn't fight its way out of a paper bag. if it were not for our own authorities restraining us from even speaking out about your nigger kind, you would all be strung up by now. You are so Low agency, that you need our traitors to do all the work for you. Your kind cant even dig holes in the ground for themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"probably some nigger car jacker..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MAGA: Build the wall and THROW ALL KKK NAZI FASCIST RIGHT WING PIGS OVER IT! Take America back from the retards on the right! I guarantee that statistic excludes 9- If you throw that in Muslims are the all time terror champions in the US. Actually, it doesnt matter -right wingers are STILL violent terrorist pigs. Fascist fucktards who blindly follow shitstain trump like retarded sheep","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just in case anyone is fucking confused..... Just in case anyone hasn't realized that Paul Kersey is confused. Our Founding Fathers were White Nationalists Paul!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mincing French faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America must fall. Hopefully Trump gets Kennedy'd, that would be the most helpful thing he could ever do. Second thing would be losing. The burning White rage needs to be stoked sooner, rather than later. If it takes Trump getting JFK'd to kick things off, then so be it because things are gonna have to get much worse before they have a chance of getting better. You are a fucking faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"swedes are faggots who prefer sucking muzzie dicks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SHE NEEDS TO SHUT UP She is an imbecile! Pure and simple....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @peeabut: Dear god, make me a bird so I can fly far, far far away","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is how niggers reproduce","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @rhythmixx_: @aliyahgrubb: Kanye West is a costume not a mock of a race. girl I hate to do this but Kanye is a human not a costume but ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ttevy_8: i want affection 24\/7 but i also want to be left alone 24\/7... do you see the issue here? fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A pity the whole document is bollocks in no way could a Muslim ever be superior to whites that's just too hilarious for words these 7th century retards have camel shit for brains ,message to Islam your death cult is only one molecule up from Pigs Pigs !so fuck off with utterly retarded supremacy shit , whites will always be ultimately far superior to sand rats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just saw a Jewish name in triple parenthesis on Tucker Carlson. Don't believe me? 16:05 into this video you will see triple parenthesis on Fox News! https:\/\/youtu.be\/HI3W8GqP-VI?t=964","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shep is Dirty Stinking HOMOSEXUAL I've asked Fox get rid of him. They can't bc he is a HOMO and will use it against Fox. SHEP THE FAGGOT !! EVERYONE KNOWS IT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Special as in you being unable to score, or special as in she being retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"muslim EVIL CRIMINAL MONKEY NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.puppetstringnews.com\/blog\/hillary-clinton-spokesman-claims-hillary-gave-up-her-security-clearance-in-protest-of-trump Hillary Clinton spokesman claims Hillary gave up her security clearance in protest of Trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some fucking hadji who calls himself Mir Omar and is some kind of faggot trance DJ runs it, supposedly. Formerly an employee of a (((Walter Gorman))), the Twitter feed is an offshoot of some project of Gorman to Jew the city government in some way. Would be terrible if some folks went and talked to him about being a terrorist tommorow. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/6RVB Some more information on NYCityAlerts\/Mir Omar, who thinks doxing humans is funny. The terrorist notes in the 1st tweet below that he moved to Astoria in May","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rosie-odonnell-wants-military-to-get-trump-from-white-house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got nothing this person is a retard....lawns have nothing to do with race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are mothers lovers and caregivers all bad things?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger politicians can't spell \"truth\" much less allow it to escape from their boot lips.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me *sees a nigger* *locks car doors* Nigger: *knocks on window* what would you do if I broke into this car and stole your shit ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is way more manly than faggot windmills.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every Amy I ever met is a jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The jigg is up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Show me where I stated otherwise. I find plenty females funny, just not this cunt nor others of her ilk i.e. Amy Schumer, Michelle Wolff","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LakersTV: VIDEO: @kobebryant on talking trash while facing @NickSwagyPYoung during today s scrimmage http:\/\/t.co\/3njZFytc1R http:\/\/t. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should look up to these women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Censored1 The only people ignorant are the RETARDS like you who do not look at FACTS! RACIST subversive lying JEWS did 911, slavery in America and are pieces of shit when you look at FACTS! But you are probably too IGNORANT to actually look at them aren't you? Whatever a Jew accuses someone of they are guilty! I am a liberal but I sure as hell am not a RACIST RETARDED Democrat! Jews are RACIST human sewage! Jews are the scum of the world and you are brainwashed retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello American people, my name is Eric Cantor and I am a lying piece of bird poo http:\/\/t.co\/qJyuw4ox0O","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@elise_palmer youre cheating on mickey bubbles! :O","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He'd been married for just 1 month and had recently returned from honeymoon in Scotland. 2 Lurgan IRA suspected of involvement in the murders died when they were shot in alleged shoot to kill incident 2 weeks later https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DqgX0x0WoAAr \"Bohoo! They killed my gay lover! I will never get over it! Bohoo!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Basically confessing he\/she is a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why take it? I wish the world had more \"HEY A FUCKING RETARD LIVES HERE HEY HEY LOOK OVER HERE A HUBBADERR DERRR BLORP\" lawn signs like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop referring to \"Leftists\" as \"Liberals.\" The fuhrer had complete\/total control of the Nazi government. On a scale from 0-10, 0 being no government control (anarchy) and 10 being complete\/total government control[ the Nazi system ran on a 10 or complete\/total government control system. ok, but Anarchy isn't \"Right\" nor is National Socialism or Fascism \"Left\", Italian Fascism was still subservient to the Monarchy, Victor Emmanuel appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister and equally revoked him of that power, Jewish Communism sought to destroy all Monarchy's to put in place Communism or \"Democracy\" (diet Communism), do you define Monarchy as \"Left Wing\", if your answer is yes, then go ahead and hang yourself for being a stupid idiot. Depending on the parameters of the spectrum\/chart. If merely a 0-10 scale, as I previously noted, I think it is a fair graphic. I understand your point, and appreciate you articulating your beliefs. Just to clarify I am not suggesting that National Socialism, Fascism, and Monarchy are the same ideologically. the chart should strictly state authoritarian vs. absolute freedom (anarchy and chaos) - NOT a misleading Left and Right spectrum, as Fascism is the ideological opposite of Communism, one is Nationalist pro-tradition and ultra-patriotic, the other is international, anti-Religion, anti-tradition, anti-culture and Jewish. Fair enough.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I notice my follower count has fallen since my overt criticism of the anti-semites that lurk here. Good. I don't want any engagement with them. Sod off you vile freaks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe. But not forever faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have autism, yet i have alot of friends","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now that We have the Supreme court. faggot\/dyke marriages will soon be a thing of the past. faggot\/dyke adoptions will be made illegal. Gone will be this idea that there is more than 2 genders. We will send these faggots and dykes back into the closet. Yeah I sure hope so. I wish there was a way to repeal Roe V. Wade, except for Niggers o do I. Abortions should alwys be legal for the nigger. We should also sterilize nigger sows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love babe.net. Its cannibalistic. It's nutjob feminists go after feminists like Aziz Ansari and whoever this cunt is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#gabfam This faggot is talking shit about Gab. https:\/\/twitter.com\/oldlolbornlolz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a Demorat cocksucking pussy hating faggot would down post this!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"deplorableinWV\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"-BrushYourTeeth\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* That's what I thought :D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Donald J. Trump Retweeted FloridaNationalGuard @FLGuard #HurricaneMichael is here, but so are we. Stay safe, Florida. #FloridaFirst #FLNGAlwaysThere 9:34 am - 10 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also, Identity Evropa and that faggot cocksucker Patrick Cassey are human filth. They are controlled opposition funded by the enemy. This is why I maintain the US cannot be saved. IT must be allowed to swallow itself in the 2030s.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Que the purple pill Faggot larping alt righters to be speechless and shivering that thier Jewish messiah trump turned out to be a kyke all along. Maybe we will hear a few iterations of the \"if the roles were reversed faggotry they've perfected.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is fucking retarded and we need to quit pretending it's not just to \"get back at those mean old entitled women\". 17 year olds want to and are perfectly capable of having sex. Male and female. Enough with the petty bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only when someone of another race does it they realize how fucking retarded they sound, hence they get outraged and curse at the mirror.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I was the dude in the store I would have knocked this little cunt out after throwing shit at me And the clerk kept his cool so fucking well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what if i dont judge niggers by their DNA but the content of their character? and i say niggers and not just \"blacks\" because there is a difference, if you dont know that go watch some tommy sotomayor you stupid fuck How you doing? Apparently I'm the stupid fuck, good to meet you my name is Darren, now what are we on about? Oh yeah don't judge niggars by their DNA,? I'm concerned why I can't say fuck, but I can say Nigger with this AI, regardless, Tommy Sotomayor is a socialist. Talk to me about free market","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I PICK UP THE CROWN AS I KILL U 4 ATTEMPTING THE FEAT HUNTER JESUS U FOOLISH FUK, you wander into the room, merrily point a fuking gun at my hed, AND THEN EXPECT A VARIETY OF GRENADES NOT TO BE PLACED IN YOUR PRESENCE, HUNTER, you do realize, that those grenades can only kill you, your STUPIDITY WILL SHIELD US, RETARD THX4 the NAME, ILL USE IT Gd Lrd Hunter, evry1 els ws busily plotting my murder untl u wre foolish enuf 2 giv dem a much more fun target enjoy the nxt few sconds b4 the grnades explode moron BOTH MTAPHRICLLY and FIGURATIVELY NOW DIE idiot FIGURATEIVELY Now. IDIOT. thank you, I will steal the name idiot fcking use an abase it at this point u pul diz hell retard *ring* *ring* *ring* FUKING MORON","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_TurnDownDre @Jordan__Grimes @kushdaddycorr @TRob_waddUP that's true idk why your even in this convo you dumb nigger attention whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN analyst: \"If you sexually assault someone in high school, your life should be ruined\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/lQubqja.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4YmR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But who's a Nazi today? All leftists are Nazis. Of course, the NeoNazi-tards are Nazis. But I'd include all Socialists, including all Democrats under the Nazi label, as well. Certainly 100% of Muslims are Nazis. I used to think that leftists applied the term \"nazi\" to anybody that they didn't like in retarded ways, but they have been outdone by the conservitards. Fuck them both.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muted soppy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really do love my niggas, man. Closest thing to family I got for real. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One angry cunt isnt newsworthy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">However he had managed to maintain a culture of meritocracy for 25 years, capably and without peer, before this happened. That should not be ignored when discussing him. I will always give someone their due. Torvalds created something absolutely fantastic. I'd never question his tech skill (I'm in no position to), he created something useful to so many, and he deserves tons of praise for that. No one's going to take that away. The problem I have is that Torvalds was such a cunt for so long, and this was accepted, because what mattered were results. People were expected to check their feelings, get a thick skin, and have a higher priority than being upset at a criticism or a telling-off. Now it turns out that Torvalds was willing to be a cunt only as long as he wasn't upsetting the right people, and that the importance of the project wasn't really paramount at all. It was just that, until now, no one else (no group, no political affiliation) was sufficiently important to restrain himself regarding. The project (and everyone else's collective work - including the people who soldiered on despite having been cunted off to) wasn't important enough to hold the line against this absolute shit-show of a CoC, so why should he continue to be revered? Grinding his nose in the CoC he himself greenlighted seems like proper payment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust a leftist with power. If reddit teaches people anything, that's got to be it. Never trust people in power. The right has done things like this as well or have you forgot abstiance only sex ed? While it's silly to think all teens would follow it abstinence is still the undefeated champ of effective birth control and avoiding STDs. That's like having a driving safety course where all they teach you is \"don't get in cars\" and \"seatbelts and airbags don't work anyways.\" Well shit you solved it, that would 100% cut down on the number of car accidents... Except that people are obviously going to drive anyways, so you might as well teach them to buckle up. Yeah, and I'm saying staying locked in your room 24\/7 is a good method of avoiding a sunburn. But does me saying something that stupidly obvious contribute to the conversation in any meaningful way, or does it just make me sound like an opportunistic asshole pouncing on a chance to say \"akchually?\" You feeling it necessary to point out that you need to have SEX to get PREGNANT is more retarded than any part of any comment in this thread. JFC. That's why I said it the way I did. \"Undefeated champ\". It was tongue in cheek, remove stick from ass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I'm crying\" - Good. I'd show the school and the police this conversation. It's about time (some) women stopped using the fact they're a woman to try and get away with shit. I'd half expect her to say she left the group because she was sexually harassed at some point. Fucking dangerous shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's gonna be a long season for the Yankees if this simulation is right #BlueJays #Rays #Yankees #Orioles http:\/\/t.co\/Zc3k9NDB1T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since we have A Nigger from Twitter on Gab rustling \"KKK\" jimmies by posting photos of his mudshark slut and he's showing her our replies and comments : Dear Mudshark: This is how it usually ends, sooner or later - length of relationship means absolutely nothing when living and sleeping with a feral negro - they cannot be domesticated and end up chimping out and killing you. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6257901\/Man-kills-girlfriend-running-car-lawn.html And the Mudshark nigglet? Don t forget to take him to hell too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon screams Fuck White People every chance he gets. Does this include his boyfriend Ben Tinker? Asking for all normal people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing new here. They've been bombarding us with that kind of PC garbage for a decade. It's not happening. I think it's to overload a person's mind. That was rough times. I didn't really didn't even know who I was anymore. As if I was hit by a bolt of lightning. Sure wish that hadn't had to happen to our country. There isn't any rational for it. Its Brainwashing pure and simple. That 08 Crash was bc of Clinton repealing the Glass Steagall Act. That was and is prt of Bad Times in US 4 Whites Drained of our life savings. Bolt of Lightning! (My keys r broken) In the 90's AandE started running TATTOO contests and shows. This was another BS thing pulled on Whites. It was brainwashing to start a new industry, Tattoos, a New Small BS Biz in America to replace Jobs to China. Another Double Fuck'n by CLINTON! I know my life would be much better if George HW Bush would have won a second term. We wouldn't had to worry about Jr there or 9\/ Sure wouldn't have had 8 years of Obozo. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that immigrants are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"to the person who reported every single comment in here: you, person, are a pussy. Welcome to PPD where we welcome whiny little cunts like you with open arms. enjoy your stay. Dude... Every single post? My God, that's not a pussy, that's a cunt of legendary proportions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is that even remotely what I said, are you retarded? If you don't think it is shameful for the leader of a 1st world country to continuously cry over issues instead of looking strong and showing control over emotions, your opinion has very little value to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Head Shot Killer spreading terror in Occupied Chicago. 2 Executions of Random strangers in 2 Days by #MaskedMonster. Residents in the Rogers Park neighborhood are in mourning, and searching for answers, a day after a 73-year-old man was shot and killed while walking his dogs. #Chiraq https:\/\/cbsloc.al\/2y5A5ht","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ANTIFA !!!! How did both of them travel to London ? Did they share a skateboard together ? YOU hate Tommy- we ALL get that What EXACTLY is your PROBLEM with EXPOSING rape squads !!?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's not forget Mr. Smack-my-bitch-up #Kieth_Ellison and That Faggot \"I AM SPARTACUS!!!\" Mulato #Corey I-write-about-raping-my-little-bitch-girl-at-15-years-of-age-in-my-dairy Booker....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spartacus accuser is a guy, so I guess that makes Spartacus a rope smoker. Rofl.. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-cory-booker-accuser-posts-update-i-am-not-a-woman-i-am-a-man\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maryland woman allegedly sets apartment complex on fire because she was 'upset with ex-boyfriend,' officials say https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/maryland-woman-allegedly-sets-apartment-complex-on-fire-because-she-was-upset-with-ex-boyfriend-officials-say I worked in insurance, had to call Medicare a lot, always got a name of Moesha, Koesha, Loesha etc. Funny days yet glad they're over! AND YOU became fluent in Jive right? Hahahahahahaha Thought the same thing, she sure is a winner lol. look at her face that one has 40%European DNA but do you think that mattered for SQUAT? IT'S PRIMITIVE MAN PLAN AND SIMPLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I RSMENMBER TYHIES ONE THIME MY LITBTEARDED (retarded liberal) DAD SHOWED ME HYS GUN ND IT HAD AN TRIGGERD JUST LKE FEMNAZIS LOLOL!!!1!1!1!!1!11!1!!1!2?.and\/!:?:8:and2)2)99;!;$8;83)3$,8;and;$;9;8;$;!!,!;!;!;8=====D 8=====D 8=====D 8=====D 8=====D 8=====D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1996 and 1999 World Series Rematch: #Yankees #Braves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brazilians are finding out just how retarded American left-wing celebrities are: https:\/\/twitter.com\/cher\/status\/1056435084184567808","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Offensive line is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm already tired and mr stupid af decides to show us a video on trigonometric notions so um yeah I just wanted to say you're a hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BlackJeezuss: When someone drops their trash mixtape in my Dms http:\/\/t.co\/wkFJfjkNCi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right, what's cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Deuce1990: What will the Lakers be after kobe trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BruceVH: Getting over a painful experience is like crossing the monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ResetEra going nuts already. 23 pages at time of writing. https:\/\/archive.fo\/wFhmR I'm not going to link it, but SJWs on Twitter are already trying to witch-hunt a GOG employee over this. They don't use the literal definition of bigot. They see bigots as only existing among their political opponents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I've been pretty paranoid about the cooling weather bringing about an abundance of birds in Austin, NYC and Philadelphia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"specky retarded vermin scum","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@StarkFreeOrDie ...I fuckin' want OUT> I'm tired of this bullshit faggot ass, closet racist, wannabe-commune-without-railroad state> #Cali","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A special place in hell? Many retarded perverse christ-insanity fairy tale believers have told me that there will be a special place in hell for me. Others assure me that all of the hell that the kike spook in the sky created is special and it's a dry heat. Should I be proud to be special or frightened? Better yet I'll laugh at the fools.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm throwing a party the day this cunt dies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're retarded. The other poster was logical, unlike what you spew. Europe is a great place to live in, but you're wholly ignorant - willfully, I shall add - to think European imperialism was anything but the decadence of the human timeline. Of course, you think you have to believe in imperialism in order to be a nationalist. Brainlet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are not saying the planet is literally trans. They re claiming it as a trans symbol, which is still retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When a big nigger puts a dick in you're mouth, YOU shut up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My nicca Drake gear game is all bad lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British zionists Paid off governments Can't get any clearer than that! Thats whats wrong with this government....they cant speak clearly.... Better still, they refuse to speak clearly. A corrupt government is complicit in the down fall of their country. Perhaps that is why there is such a rise in leaders similar in style and nature as Trump. 'Give it to me straight', that's what the pple are voting for. Exactly....atleast trump has a set of balls and speaks his mind...and gets results...... Been planning it for one hundred years Never a truer statement have i seen. If they want \"human rights\" how about they start acting human? That ship sailed long ago.....its damage limitation now....? Bomber and a parachute each.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is wonderful. All women's treatments should be banned. Those strong independent cuntholes can pay for it themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans lives aren't worth sh1t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taria the filterless sis.dari the angelic sis.im the big bro lol and jigg lil bro ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude was fired and apparently this stupid cunt is suing him for 50k https:\/\/cookcountyrecord.com\/stories\/511210966-uber-driver-accused-of-videotaping-passenger-without-permission-posting-video-to-social-media","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn't count when it's done to white people, it's just \"revenge\" and \"sticking it to the man\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fash Girl: you literally look like a stupid cunt. Why are we supposed to pretend you're a person because you wear a retarded arm band?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The insanity of an ideology.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clean shaven = stud Or you can say \"fuck you\" to trends and just go with whatever you like, consider this. >being clean shaven with a sharp jawline is manlier ftfy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* A gay, \"non-binary\" Muslim drag queen explains how gender and race fluidity is proven by science. So delighted my BBC license fee is paying for this. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6Fanea5kcfg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No it wasn't. It was ~~lauded~~ **hated** by American consumers. It sucked shit. We can bomb Russia off the planet. Its still gonna be a shitty movie Edit; I'm dumb and thought a word meant something it doesn't. Lauded = praised.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"America is fucking retarded He's 9 you retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMAO, look at this retard trying to protect his buddies Putin and Assad while prancing around with the handle \"LibertyRevolutionary.\" He's 100% American, trust me! LMAO LOLOLOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? @Titanic_Britain_Author The Jew haters love Islam conspiracy theory pops up again lol Yeah. Why they whinge about 14 million benign Jews and totally ignore The jews use muslims to destroy white nations. Why isn't ISIS attacking Israel? 1st ISIS isn't destroying white races. It's killing its own kind. 2nd. Israel would wipe ISIS off the map if they attacked it. Israel is not Iraq or Syria where they can roam around freely. They let Hamas do the attacking there. It would also harm the \"Palestinian\" cause if ISIS were seen joining in with it. People who aid terrorists, like Israel, are America's enemy. People like 'Johann' who spread lying propaganda for them, are spies committing cyber terror. Spies need a quick trial and a public hanging. #Israel https:\/\/www.intellihub.com\/un-report-reveals-israel-coordinating-isis-militants-inside-syria\/ Ummm, America aids terrorists.... Evidently Israel is a terrorist State Delly lol Israel openly admit to aiding, arming, training and giving air cover to Isis, Al Qaeda, giving them safe passage from Syria, to Israel then out to Turkey with new passports, where they then disperse throughout Europe where they either wait to strike, or forget they jihadi ways and fully integrate https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=aDsUr_1523225323andp=1 Well the Mossad guy didn't even mention most of that. He just said they treat wounded Syrian rebels and Al Quaeda humanely because they haven't attacked Israel. On all other issues they support the US against Al Quaeda. Said they won't look after Hezbollah terrorists due to their past actions against Israel. No mention of sending terrorists into Europe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're both retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to use the force on Tony Danza and make him pay for unleashing this twat on humanity","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HoskinsTy96: @Vontey_isa_boss ghetto ass mofos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"not necessarily you, but your retarded comment made me realize it - look at all the posts here about the Broward steal attempt. In every one of them, some users are spamming \"nothing to see here, you are crazy\" comments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kathleen_herne Stink should shut his hole and just perform his tricks like a good trained monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See... this is bullshit. We shouldn't have to live in fear of having our shit ruined by some faggot 23 year old in skinny jeans and dreadlocks. We need to fix it, because these people are like a cancer and if we leave it untreated it's going to spread and rot this country from the core.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that women should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @WORSTRAPLYRlCS: http:\/\/t.co\/hE19TIfqFX How is this trash...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soros owned paid this guy for 8 yrs.Mohammedan obama was globalist Soros's nigger slave.How did Mohammedan obama leave office with 20 or is it 30 million dollars.Soros plan of dividing destabilizing America was Mohammedan Obama's 8 yr agenda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IDC now means I dick cunt. He wants to bang her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and that does what, exactly, for the american people.??????? stupid evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That little Faggot was awe struck that his superman sucker punch was stopped so suddenly! He is so lucky that big man was of Christian faith and did not Bitch slap him!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@skyereyes_ you a Oreo cookie now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They accuse ONLY White people. No one else. Orwell should have been hung for giving the Left a guide from which they may operate. A manual, if you will. Orwell gave us a guide for the rest of us! Same with ALdous Huxley brave New World which is more like where we are at. They told us it was coming, just nobody believed it. Silent weapons for a quiet war all the way! Psychics, they were. They both learned it from the Fabian Society of which Obama was a graduate! The art of LYING! Inverting the whole world! Indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No president has ever put pressure on Mexico this way. The Mexicans always said that an open border was a relief valve. If we clamped down on illegal immigration, all those migrants would go home--poor and pissed off--and they'd overthrow the Mexican government. Then Mexico would become a failed state like Somalia, and we'd have to invade, occupy, and nation build. There are multiple studies outlining this scenario. http:\/\/theweek.com\/articles\/509393\/mexicos-failed-state-threat https:\/\/ccis.ucsd.edu\/_files\/wp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our world should be ashamed, the west should live with the knowledge that we did nothing to stop this until it was far too late.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Alleycelestine: @ViriDoesItt: Kissin small lips is trash lol.. !!! Yessssss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A ghetto girl's best bet is to find work at a call center and try to climb that corporate latter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that black lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After reading the post I have a public service announcement... Dear God everyone... Come down off your crosses... STOP apologizing for everything... Just stop... It isn't noble -- it's as retarded as the people throwing dirt about the past! There isn't a single great man in history that NEVER did anything wrong... Unless you try to throw Jesus or other religious figures surround by mythos into the mix -- AND EVEN THEN -- you still have droves of folks that will \"find the straw in their eye (while having a wooden beam in their own).\" They would probably lose their minds that I said straw... Who cares what butthurt idiots think about you? Seriously, just stop worrying about it and reject their sideways programming. We are lowering ourselves to position lower than butthurt idiots -- this isn't humility, it is aggressively forced mental retardation. Neither Jesus nor any of the saints would approve, nor would any of the great men of history... \"You have enemies, good, that means you at least stood for something in your life.\" ~Churchill","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded driver cuts the turn short, tries to take out concrete pkg garage pillar with driver side of van. need to view from news site, https:\/\/ntknetwork.com\/hillary-clintons-car-crashes-in-new-jersey\/ impact at 0:30 mark.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sickening: African #migrant, who raped #Swedish girl and ruined her life, is allowed to stay in #Sweden https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/sickening-african-migrant-who-raped-swedish-girl-and-ruined-her-life-is-allowed-to-stay-in-sweden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at her retarded face lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just because you point out that a rabid anti-Trump nut is being a retard does NOT mean you are pro Trump! I often point out to people the fallacies from both sides, then they assume I'm *for* the opposite side. I'm not. Both parties are just garbage, and trying to decide whether Cheeto himself or his detractors are worse is like picking up a dog shit from the clean end. and#x200B; Why pick sides? Aren't Kathy Griffin and Trump both Cunts? Did that offend you? You might be in the wrong sub","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How much more retarded can you get... Read her twitter feed... Apparently much much much more retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can #faggots of #HoneyBooBoo imagine this #internet world was created to trap them and feed them to #Allah like gazelles? #IT #StephenKing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three dots, mute user, problem solved Simply Put! Lmao I was ready to spend time Shit'n on this Dem-Commie rat. Thx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"his wife isn't gonna have to leave him hes a nigger rapper so before too long another nigger rapper will shoot him somewhere that's how that always works itself out ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A sad attempt by a washed up singer to remain relevant. But I'll give her this: she got in the news! Why not both?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hardly a PPD when they blur the cunt's face out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sanders is a Jew. And some kind of hypocrite yowsa Mr third house...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WORSTRAPLYRlCS Everything Jay-Z writes is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich http:\/\/t.co\/RM0KsY99Bc\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She looks like an absolute cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Started out ok, then devolved into typical nigger stream of conscious yes.....he is not my favorite at all.... but he is a welcomed nigger agitator nonetheless","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical rapefugee behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello, Gab wannabe Nazis....I know you're listening. There are 15,000,000 Jews worldwide. There are nearly 2 BILLION Muslims, whom you've seen on TV decapitating Christian social workers and missionaries. You guys never make a post that you don't call out a Jew. I'm thinking that you are massive cowards(Odin'sScrotum) to be so afraid of Woody Allen. IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Feel the pain? There is a sand nigger up your ass. \"LOL\"...girl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, Muslims would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger lovers. disgusting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey thanks for that. Red is my favorite color so I can't wait until it's the background for my post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@georgiathenewsa you look like a welfare bitch compared to Latinas I date and fuck. You need fashion and makeup tips tbh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTH, Obama. LOL! The Muzzie POS LIED, again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's when faggots want attention on the internet so they say they don't identify as a human and that they identify as an animal, a chair, or whatever Excuse me but only faggots can call people faggots. It's like the n- word for gays. Shut up faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"aww he drives me nuts..he does it for number for the show but he is a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol I know right? what kind of retard actually believes in voting xD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"do it faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"According to my brothers iPod, its December 1969. If so, I predict that Mickey Mantle of the NY Yankees will announce his retirement March 1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some people think full retard mode is as low as you can go.. Democrats always try and lower those barriers further ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh god...more fucking morons parroting that retarded Mormon mom bullshit article. Men are not the fault of unwanted pregnancies. Takes two people to do that or a woman and a syringe. Seriously, why the fuck did a bunch of otherwise normal and seemingly intelligent women And men think that's absolute fuckin retard had any inkling of poignancy or brilliance when she wrote an dumbass op ed on why men are to blame for pregnancies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New York Times pond scum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Noticed how the retarded Democrat tells you exactly what democrats are? They are the despicable ficking RACIST PIGS! Just like a satanic askeNAZI JEW PIGS! Nary the Truth ever leaves their lips! Never believe or teust a Jew EVER! Flush every Lefty!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But why? This is a bet you should win with 100% certainty. After all, you claim to be Q. If that were true, you know you'd be right, and have no problem agreeing to this, because there would be no possible way you could lose. Amazing how you won't put your money where your mouth is. Despite months of bombast, when it comes down to it, you chicken out. And don't worry, Microchip, traitorous subversives will get rounded up, too. You working with embedded Mossad agents certainly qualifies. Do you think they'll go light on your sentencing, though, considering your mental handicaps?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisbitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wigger style","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? In response to @FreedomNewsNetwork 's poll: Who supports the Jews on Gab that spew hatred for whites? Who try to act like patriots but call us supremacists if we dare to speak out for the rights and interests of the white race. Wow....amazing! https:\/\/youtu.be\/QNGLZvtRoiU We disagree that you can't support BOTH! We disagree that you don't have to call everyone a Nazi that openly supports the white race too. Don't we? Competitors don't support each other. They compete. And you mean what exactly...? Never not supported white race....but we are not going to not support the Nation of Israel, just because we love the White race too! We were not calling those who love the white race 'nazis'...the ones who hate the Jewish race, thus are Nazis by their own words! You are stuck on a 70 year old broken record. What about the Kalergi plan that was crafted by Jewish Zionists. It is being carried out today and its sole purpose is the extinction of the white race. Google it I dare you. Because it's the most coveted and fought over Country on Earth....as they are God's people, and people can't accept that it God gave them the Land!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even the French hate the French, Cunt wants to give everything away even its language.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dumb cunt is proving why there is a glass ceiling Mist women can't be trusted with power They lie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barack Obama is half nigger and half Jew. But's he's 100% demon from the pits of hell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Donald J. Trump Retweeted Melania Trump @FLOTUS Thank you Malawi! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=K5TX7mxR82M 9:50 am - 5 Oct 2018 What has Malawi ever done for the West? The only thing they're good at is taking our resources and begging for more gibs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This kid!! ugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still remember him on New Year's Eve whining about how he can't find a man. This faggot is hilarious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mika_Tan would be perfect w\/a graham cracker flavored bun or a maple dougnut bar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sound like a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Steve_Sailer: New Raj Chetty study of income mobility finds privileged Great Plains working class whites still hogging most of Magic Dirt, while blacks and Native Americans are still stuck on Tragic Dirt Graph of working class upward mobility: blue good, red bad: https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/Rvzqwa As Zimbabwe proved once you kill off those pesky Whites the wealth just flows to everyone else, right? They keep trying to starve themselves but nice White ppl keep frustrating their efforts! Shitlibs no doubt. Let our \"racial equals\" grow the food and feed themselves. That'll prove race is only skin deep. Lol. Heh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"damn lol RT @GlobalGrindNews: Janay Rice speaks on the domestic violence costume that mocks her marriage http:\/\/t.co\/n6ucidNUuU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Desi | paki http:\/\/t.co\/cOfGRtW9br","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have so much hatrd for you Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But they are so much fun to belittle.After all the pedophiles murders FGM antifa it's refreahing to make fun of them.Mother always said don't be mean to the mentally retarded but they are so brainwashed it doesn't matter.Its like Hillary and her squirrels in the woods.Like play animals to feed.They are so cute and harmless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FOR NINE months, Monika Schaefer, a peaceful, nature-loving Canadian violinist from Alberta, has been in prison in Germany for merely making a video. But please don't think this is just about the Holocaust. It is not. https:\/\/www.thinkinghousewife.com\/2018\/10\/bullied\/ Idk about that... #if there's one thing #JustinTrudeau could find, it's a #male's ass How he got elected is still a mystery...what s soy boy waste of space..he is totally useless...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Many gay faggot Obama holdovers in State Dept","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q Fuck Benjamin Suck Faggot. The only reason Dems are obstructing Kavanaugh is for purely political reasons. The fact that a loser like him can't see through the lies of the Left is proof that we need faggot liberals like him shot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#MINNESOTA > Official RECORDS SUPPORT CLAIM That #DEM Rep. #IlhanOMAR MARRIED HER BROTHER! #OMAR up for US HOUSE Seat of #KeithELLISON > and she LEADS OPPONENT! #MN > STOP #RADICALIslam #RADICALDems #VoteREPUBLICAN https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/davidsteinberg\/official-school-records-support-claims-that-rep-ilhan-omar-d-mn-married-her-brother\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @hoes: RT if you'd marry Scarlett Johansson http:\/\/t.co\/KMoJDDIl7h","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"PsychopathProbably no ur probably just a faggot that's all","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, lets be honest here, when have the niggers developed a civilized society?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RealSaavedra: Photo Emerges Of Georgia's Democratic Governor Nominee Burning State Flag https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/W8cg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JunDishes get a can of WASP SPRAY. it shoots out 20 feet and cheaper than bear spay or mace, works just as good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oy vey! Soros was 14 when the war ended, and the rest is questionable. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv I acknowledge, your stupidiy surpasses mine by MILES! And I MEAN that, congratulations. Tell your mother\/sister I said hello! You can't learn it pal, it's down to inbreeding, blame your parents https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Thanks again wee man for proving only one thing. You have nothing but a limited vocabulary, which again is only limited to petty slurs and insults. You are the reason I am here, and so long there are people like you, we shall win with the least of effort. https:\/\/TruthWillOut.tv So now you want to rape holocaust survivors? Damn, these people are sick! Lol, these people are really out there claiming things that happened didn't happen! I'm sorry, but you could run over every one of them in one day and the world wouldn't an IQ point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To all the white people that might read this, know that I as a black man, will not criticize you based off the color of your skin. I know that there are good and bad people in all colors. Have a good day and God bless!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] That indoctrination camp has no place getting one cent of taxpayer money. Berkeley shouldn't get Federal research grants? nope! not one cent! So like medical research for disease cures should all be cancelled? If they stop brainwashing kids to hate their own race, that would do. You are literally doing the same shit you accused her of doing. I am not brainwashing white kids into hating themselves. Are you a bot? Nope. I am telling it like it is. Berkeley teaches white kids to hate themselves. sure it does ;) bob for the loss! oh no.. downvotes on PPD.. whatever next, banned from TwoX posts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's almost as if women divorce their husbands for the piles of money the government gives her It's not really a question of individual morality. People react to incentives. That's the uncharitable interpretation. What I read is that women as a class take some action disproportionately because they are incentivized to by the State. And given both interpretations are valid, we ought in good faith to pick the most charitable one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a leaky twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So are you just a retard or a troll?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chance is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why even bother with losers like @Sopwith? What kind of obsessive loser claims to hate Hitler and Nazis and yet has an entire gab account devoted to gay Hitler\/Nazi fantasies. LoL I understand. You let the nazi trannies do your dirty work ;) LuL No I just have them take out the trash seeing how such trivialities are a little bellow me don't you think? No run along back to your weird Nazi themed gay Israeli sex party.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"9th October 1975 the IRA murdered Edward Gleeson, Soldier murdered when 500 lb landmine exploded under armoured car near Crossmaglen. Lady about to overtake vehicle escaped injury. Army said IRA \"blatantly disregarded ceasefire which was in place. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpC8S0kXgAArwxJ.jpg An American obviously, that was an observation not an insult. The IRA are a Marxist organisation who are for the Islamification of Ireland. During the troubles they killed many more Catholics than the British troops. They want a Communist Ireland and are willing to genocide the white Irish to get it. I know Im not well inform about the IRA,, but better to live under communism then muzzies,, but that's my own opinion... The IRA will let them in that's my point they are behind what is happening to Ireland. Communism = immigration. FFS. Take my chance with the Prods besides they know and are cruel and vindictive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She is telling us how to live? #SheToo ist #UglierOnTheInside Hollywood leftie.. Tf are you doing? Let me taste those tears cow What's with the potatoe and the flag in the background? So have Bill and Michael YOOOOOGLY !!! VERY EVIL DEVIANT TRASH PERIOD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trudeau is a commie faggot....the wimpy canadians deserve this feminist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @it_itt: @docrocktex26 doing nothing as an agenda. unbelievable that the Dems failed to use that against the teabaggers. @AfricanPrinces ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I woke up as an immigrant, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While she did have a few good moments, Haley is STILL a neo-con and establishment crony who advocated the very foreign policy positions that #Trump ran against. So good riddance! https:\/\/www.axios.com\/donald-trump-nikki-haley-resignation-d25b64a9-264e-483a-a79b-ae8a48e367db.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":". . . and lying nation-wrecking jew filth has liberals, feminists, and christlings believing this disgusting vile nigger beast creature is human. No, it's not human but more closely related to an ugly gorilla in appearance and behavior. Just look at it. Only an idiot would think that shit-bag is human.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, you dumb motherfucker. He didn't push her down. They didn't push her down. They pushed her *back*. As fast as she was falling backwards already, he barely made contact. She fell down because that's what fall-down drunk people do. There is only one cunt in this video, and she went to jail for punching a cop. There are, however, several cunts defending her in these comments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KyleKallgren: You know how in superhero stories the best insult for superheroes dumb mooks can come up with is \"do-gooder?\" #whiteknight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I adore her voice. She is so talented. What a beat!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">I have long grown tired of those conversations So are we, but you cunts keep bringing it up. You're like children, Author. >what always underlines the violence of \"appropriation in the first place: anti-Blackness. Oh REALLY? So it's always anti-blackness (With a lower case b because unlike you I don't consider race a critical factor. Probably because **I** am not a racist.) Cultural appropriation isn't a fucking thing. So it's not violence you regressive moron. And therefore it's not anti-black. >Black people adopting other cultures or customs is not appropriation. Appropriation is about benefiting from other cultures while simultaneously dehumanizing them. Oooh! So first you redefine racism in a vain attempt to absolve yourself of being a racist cunt, then you redefine 'cultural appropriation' in a vain attempt to defend yourself from it too. Why you're at it, why don't you redefine the word \"arsehole\", Author, so that you can try to avoid everyone realising that's what you are?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hopefully the cunt hooks up with a nice crack head that gives it back to her with a baseball bat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AdamSank: Why does Julia Roberts seem completely shocked that she's been nominated? Hey, Julia -- you're in a gown. The jig is up. #Emm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what civilized and nice cops","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @chelseaxlaser: I really need to take my rose colored glasses off though. I gotta stop thinking everybody does shit with good intentions ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quite a few gay people live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did they stick a fake beard on him or is it real???? #Cats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"how the fuck did this retard spell Bob wrong?'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cressida Dick said that accusing Sir Craig Mackey of cowardice was \"confused, unpleasant, personalised and ignorant\" and was \"simply not supported by the evidence\". But the same nasty dyke calls all white woking calss racist and far right . hypothetical left wing liberal traitors","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"blow me, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Seinfeld2000: Uncle leo find iWatch in trash can http:\/\/t.co\/T7GCSMCYLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She always tried to make a story where there was none instead of just reporting actual facts. Even at FOX she was more a sensationalist than most of the other talking heads, except Shep. That faggot is like a teenage, drama queen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"He turns around, he starts pointing to me. He's talking to the people at the table, just rattling on about how White people are the devils are the world, I hate white people, we should get rid of white people.' ^^#NPC created by CNN https:\/\/www.nydailynews.com\/new-york\/nyc-crime\/ny-metro-anti-white-attack-bronx-pizzeria-20181018-story.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stone throwing must be legal when against women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All this group is doing is dividing whites. Whites dividing whites. How very jewish. Applaud yourselves. How about nigger and chink Christians?! are they?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I AM PISSING MYSELF .... AGAIN. We are Antifa we have training we are not afraid. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=v61Z3ZvDyRo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah, #NoWomenMidterms. #NoMudMidterms. Always. Holy fuck..you're a loon...yep pure bullshit when you read bias....into EVERY U.S. CITIZEN....that's all encompassing sweetheart...absolutely free of any type of bias...yet I see your page is full of biased rhetoric...fuck off...get a life...feel free to rant..I luv the mute button..don't you...clueless cunt Yep, you certainly are a clueless cunt. ROFLMAO at you, having just proven I was right","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are the same kind of twats who think Friends is really *problematic*. By definition they are incapable of 'getting' RHPS ... it's beyond them. They can't even grasp that Frank was **not** a transwoman. He was a Transvestite. Morons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me guess; she's leftwing. edit: yep: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Victoria_Kawesa Let me guess, you're an asshole? Right wing don't do shady shit like this - we work for a living, and can afford to pay our way. That's a stupid defense honestly. It's not like right wing people never engage in crime. Much lower rates in fact. **If** it's lower rates, then right wing people apparently do do shady things like that, just less frequently. Lower rates =\/= no crime. Implicit in \"lower rates\" is that it's higher than The claim that right wing people don't do shady shit, is a claim of 0%","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a Hey Andrew, sorry for what's happening, head up. Thanks for all your hard work. Please contact https:\/\/prq.se for hosting. \"refugee hosting as long as it's legal in Sweden.\" \"If it is legal in Sweden, we will host it, and will keep it up regardless of any pressure to take it down.\" There is so much more that GAB could do, I smell a rat..... As a note this comment is directed to the fact that us Patriots do NOT have a decentralized network by now that performs, THAT'S THE RAT!! The rat is NOT your suggestion nor is it you Pat, Sorry for the confusion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are descended from anything less than European nobility and\/or royalty, then you are non-titled common gutter trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @K1mb0Slyc3: Me too! @WhatsAshirt: Defiantly going to see that new planet of the apes tonight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Steve Wilson insults #NYPD 9\/11 widow, runs when he sees her son https:\/\/youtu.be\/edOV8XDMGJs facebook.com\/salvadorwell.wilson Bet it's all Drumpf's fault, too. Or fascists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Breaking: #London #airport #security loses USB stick that could potentially compromise airport security, including putting Queen Elizabeth II, politicians and VIPs at risk. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/yaqwe3w6 #British #UK #Heathrow #Sadiq #Khan #data If its on a Flash drive, more than likely, it is not an authorized copy of the security information. It is more likely the data was stolen using a flash drive to be delivered to bad people. If that's the case, We are actually lucky the perps lost it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aren't these little border jumpers supposed to be in school","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GOPBlackChick @barrackobama just said u.s.was full of nice,giving,smart ppl.I thought we were mean,unexceptional,bitter clingers?#evolved?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@protricity Why are you so triggerrrrrrred? You sound like a retarded three year old who didn't get their own way. \"Chicken shit paid shill little bitch piece of shit.\" ROFLMFAO!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"feminism is the biggest crock of shit to ever surface in terms of retarded ideology. its like if a vegan were to compromise on the sourcing of their food, well its vegetables but people and animals had to suffer to make it. so we hear griping and moaning about the patriarchy, via channels and tech the patriarchy predominantly built, do you see the problem here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I apologise in advance, what a cunt! no what a HUMANKIND cunt lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please!!Take the time to listen. Hurricane Michael was an act of weather terrorism. The panhandle is critical to the election. They are keeping the information of the damage from us. We are at war, and being attacked. This information is very important. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QdHEWv4Hd4M #AimForTruth #WeatherWeapon #ElectionInterfearence @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @christophheer @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker i'm in Florida Our news has shown the damage It levelled several cities like an atom bomb was dropped The fact that it increased speed so close to land is unusual also Hurricane Leslie active since September 23 and is still on the move that's an unprecedented almost entire month its been moving by all logic Leslie should have petered out in those cold waters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">The testimony IS the evidence. >You may still be innocent, but you still don't \"deserve\" a Supreme Court seat. #LunaticLeftists ACTUALLY believe this. There's just... there's so much wrong here. I've rarely seen anything so spectacularly wrongheaded laid out so plainly, by someone with no awareness. We need to start teaching real civics and real American history in school again (and not this guilt-ridden, Marxist, \"Oh, white men are evil colonizers\" BS). These mush-brained morons shouldn't be allowed to vote as is, if this is the tripe their minds are producing. Testimonies ARE NEVER considered evidence in and of themselves. EVIDENCE is evidence. A testimony can either be SUPPORTED or REFUTED by evidence. You know what you get when you treat testimonies as evidence? You get Joseph locked in prison for years, for rejecting Potiphar's wife's advances. You get lynch mobs and To Kill a Mockingbird. #BelieveWomen, my foot. You don't suddenly get to avoid questioning and cross examination simply because you're the owner of a vagina. BTW, this moron's tag is @mattyglesias on twitter, if you want to counter this cancerous idiocy before it spreads further. I'd do it myself, but my tweets were too powerful for Twitter to contain - reaching literally millions at any given time - so naturally they banned me months ago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is actually stupid. I was raised by a single mother and never needed a \"male role\". You're in deep denial. Your father made a poor decision to abandon you. That event did not negate your need for a male role model. I never needed a male role. I don't know how the fuck you're saying this without knowing me. I didn't have a dad and never wanted one, i was happy with my mother and my grandma. Your happiness with female role models does not eliminate your need for male role models. And how i needed a male role? Do you understand that males and females are different? That doesn't answer my question Until you understand the difference you will be unable to understand how they affect children differently. Don't take me as an idiot. Im in favor of mens right and all the thing but this is just stupid. It's just like saying that single parents can't care girls. I don't take you as anything. Males and females are different. They will affect their children differently. To be raised by only one is not to become defective. Rather, the child will be lacking, or incomplete. You are not defective. You are missing part of a balanced upbringing So, im not defective, im incomplete? Wtf It's a touchy subject for guys who grew up without fathers. Nah, it's not, at least not for me. LOL Just look at the language you are using here. It's obviously a very touchy subject for you. Nah, im non native speaker so I don't know well how to express miself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A hoe is a kind of garden tool used to remove weeds. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm the biggest redskins dam right now if they get this stop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT Thomas1774Paine CNN's Jim Acosta Asks' Trump: What You Really Mean Is That You're a White Nationalist' http:\/\/ow.ly\/jBQE30mm1Z5 https:\/\/twitter.com\/Thomas1774Paine\/status\/1055198512621801472","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you think it's OK to make bold claims with no evidence then I'll do the same if I may. I suspect that you're a brainless cunt - now I have no evidence (beyond your post) but if you think that I'm wrong and that you're not a brainless cunt then I suggest you 'google it'. As a qualified cuntologist with many years in the field, I can confirm that nordicpolarbear is indeed a textbook example of a brainless cunt. Cite me as needed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Confirmed Anti-American communists, posing as white nationalists and shilling to demoralize conservative voters and\/or convince them not to vote: @ewige_blatt NAZBOWL siege man @GTKRWN Silverdawn @Larry63 Proud WASP @Vanilla_Cornflakes Vanilla Nilla *** A couple of these could just be completely clueless fucktards, but I doubt it. Nope. You're a retard and don't know what I'm talking about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spread them out to kill most everywhere but Australia. Those cunts are cool. G'day cunt, i like you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 beer queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be careful with the absinthe. You don't want to end up in a Shanghai opium den strangling a chinaman with his own queue. Trust me, you don't want that. Quit protecting me from myself dude, i want to learn and grow too!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Arabs are semites, Jews are scumites... fuckin' nigger lover...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This isn't ok sweaty, most find it abhorrent a few idiots can be expected in all movements.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Neither, take your commie ass back to twitter. We patriots are going to fuck you commies up every way possible... The marxists get the bullet this time, faggot bolshevik! Your all gonna burn. Go ahead and try, faggot bolshevik. There is only truth, no threats, faggot piece of shit commie millennial cock sucker! Better yet, come yell at us in the streets you fucking antifa pussy. Mute me, faggot commie bitch ass scum! Communists killed over 150 million people in the 20th century, faggot. And you call me violent? i don't mute mentally handicapped people That's because you're a fucking FAGGOT COMMUNIST BOLSHEVIK PIECE OF SHIT. Oh, you'll know what triggered really means.. one of these days soon. BRING YOUR WAR, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/more-than-half-of-germans-want-to-emigrate-as-people-have-lost-confidence-in-merkels-chaotic-government\/ https:\/\/youtu.be\/CKIl0cuNAe0 http:\/\/educate-yourself.org\/dc\/dcwhatisorgone.shtml https:\/\/www.bibliotecapleyades.net\/esp_temas_a.htm#sociopolitica http:\/\/www.sheepletv.com\/nuclear-tunnel-boring-machines-switzerland-has-nothing-on-us-2\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey that's not fair! I'd eat an onion. Where as nothing in all the multiverse could convince me to eat any of that retarded group out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would reply that how it could be possible that isolated balkan mountain-dwelling people (my ancestors) would have african slaves? Their level of retardation would show up at light speed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. Of course it was, chuckles. You seem to be in a very bad mood today! Chuckles... that is very accurate and for you that must be a first. I love taunting the really fucking stupid. O'Brien duped that silliest of cunts and just pointing the fuckwit at the right direction is delicious fun. Hes a dopey fuck so won't go and check! He'll Remain an ignorant cunt unto death!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WWGLRDo? Or say? What's your song, Jews love nigger dick? Or, I am a race traitor. We can abide her protecting her vaginal rights, but I cannot abide a race mixing nigger lover. Y'all do this every time. Look at the shiny nigger in the corner, but step on women of your own race. Been doing it since Fuck that I hate everyone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My eyes feel so chink eyed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't wait for you're failure. faggot :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ALREADY THERE READING YOUR BILE! YOU ARE A RETARD !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean Blizzcon came and went didn't it? And they haven't announced it, otherwise we would know it by now. Either way, Blizzard are acting like proper retards right now. Like how stupid are they? They have their own huge event and they couldn't drop the news about Diablo 4 there? If it even exists? Like fuck me actual teenager interns would have done a better job at all this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop. This is Fucking sexual abuse. Stop acting like it's a good thing you fucking retard. Says the guy who posts constantly about sucking poop out of other men's assholes? You fucking weirdo. Fag please! Leave this post to the real men of this world. You fucking homo. What occurred, was every straight mans dream. I bet you dreamed of Mr Rodgers gaping asshole down your throat fag. Your parents didn't raise you right. They should have thrown you down a cliff faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remind me of where the Germans are now. Working overtime to feed half of Europe and if they speak out against it, their skulls get cracked by state-funded Antifaschistische Aktion that makes American Antifa look like a 5y\/o retard with a firecracker. I know it, by the way. They pay for my trains.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are people saying don't let guys treat you like a yellow starburst? That's my favorite.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RFIDbollocks It's finally dawning on you that there is zero chance of me ever being in the dock. There is actually less than zero chance. But there is EVERY CHANCE that you will be. The spasticated jew will squeal on you, I can virtually guarantee that now, anger and frustration (hallmarks of Mark Lewis since the Holy Spirit visited him and took away his mind) will ensure you get wrapped up and presented as a gift to the justice system. Your jew is gonna do for you. U OK HUN? lollers... is the truth making you realise you're a fucking retard? You've been saying this for years you silly cunt! Hahahaha! I said similar about Bonehill, Jennings, Turner, Chabloz, Renshaw etc, often for years. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but you're just another Nazi cunt whose time will come. It is not in my gift to get you banged up, that is in the hands of a self-harming jew that is often confined to a wheelchair (spasticated\/spasticised) called Mark Lewis. So... we wait... we wait for him to throw you under the bus. Popcorn, I must buy sme!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really really fucking hate you goddamned nazis. May you all burn in hell forever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YouTube is dead post your reaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're AIDS riddled faggots that talk different. And they're French.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Makes them look like a massive cunt ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like Rivers he talks a lot of trash you can tell he loves the game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean sure, it might happen occassionally. But were not talking about someone actually ripping an earbud out of her ear and shouting at her. She deliberately worded it in a way that only the most conceited cunt in the world would imagine how it works. \"A man will be in the corner grinding his teeth, seething in anger\". Look at the wording. Its meant to invoke either images of animalistic. raw anger. As if shes just so desirable it turns off the human part of mens brains. Or some gollum-esque manbeast hunched in the corner muttering to himself \"how dare the precious ignore us!\" AND she seems to think this is a common occurance...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also I feel like who the hell actually likes pumpkin spice lattes? Pumpkin spice has big gay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But atleast they let me know...ur a faggot if u keep those type of twitter secrets","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get the FUCK OUT NIGGER ... I won't cuck to this HOUSE NIGGER. By 'ignorance' he means 'actions that would lower profits for Corporations' you know those corporations that pay HOUSE NIGGERS WAY???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Journalists need to start turning up dead with swastika business cards stapled to their foreheads. http:\/\/archive.is\/NtZj9 @Bombislamdotcom bobby mr bombislam paid shill faggot I'd love to take you out, 1v","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"International rapper skinny prison bitches... love sucking nigger dicks... You suck nigger dicks in prison...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And this sheeit really, she's not even in the Senate! She's in the house. Wtf she doing there greating feinstein Jew lawyers in her sick fucking North Beach cabal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NowPlaying : The Doors - The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat) on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Let's fight back against this retarded tactic by also being retards\" No thanks. Playing word games of hyperbolic hysteria is not winning the information war, it's just adding more losers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who knows what the thief's intention was after getting the axe? Are people so quick to forget the Muzzie attacks using axes? Or the degenerate tranny in Australia? Yes, he deserved to die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SELF-HATING WHITE CUCKS ON PARADE Giving my two cents to say Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When black people talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"its either a gun, a sandwich, or both. details looking really fuzzy right now and i don't trust any police department in MO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deport the head, toss the rest in a woodchipper. Will save allot of money on airfare, I also doubt any of the worthless faggot normies will try and stop them. No one really wants to virtual signal for a severed head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The guy responsible for this will be laughed off the planet !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cornell to Spend $60 Million on Increasing Faculty Diversity http:\/\/bit.ly\/2O1AhsQ via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Straight people do that too, buddy. Hate to break it to ya. Now is it a bigger problem in the LGBT community? Yeah. But that's not unique to us. The same thing that allows you to be here, allows me to be here as well. It's called free speech. Ain't a thing you can do about it. You wanna try to get me off Gab? Be my guest.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You race baiting whore shut the fuck up and pay your taxes you faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are either mentally retarded or are out of touch with reality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama Had a Secret Plan in Case Trump Didn't Accept 2016 Election Results http:\/\/joemiller.us\/?p=176242","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They won't show how it started, the man has mental difficulties. However the nigger is a cripple ugly fuck sucking up my tax money. Hope she dies soon! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a tranny?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sinister, more like it. Sad!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking ace, hate that twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say that \"toxic masculinity\" is \"not treating men and boys with compassion\", then you're no longer complaining about what was reaped, but what was sown. In which case, we should call it something like \"toxic parenting\". As for the patriarchy, the ones complaining about it are always complaining about the people at the top. When it is women at the top, the situation is unchanged, except there's less bitching. So what they're complaining about is authoritarianism. They just get confused because they look at the top, see mostly men, and think \"men are the problem\". This thinking isn't retarded, but it is verging on it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what happens when you allow genetic abominations not just in your land, but in political life as well They will ALWAYS try to undermine and erradicate you, whether they are jungle monsters or smelly pakis Incidentally I don't see any high profile Briton of Polish heritage wailing against Brexit...even though being anti-Polish is a legit thing in UK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not a race and it's not a religion either. It's a bunch of gross freaks that are ugly and sick and retarded from inbreeding. Part of their jihad is olfaction assault, muslims stink worse than pig shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN Fake News Host Brooke Baldwin Doubles Down, Paints Herself as a Heroine for Banning Words Democrat Mob' From Broadcast [No, Brooke, That Makes You a Stooge]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@whits_20 Good read -> RT @WIRED: Why your cat thinks you're a huge, unpredictable ape http:\/\/t.co\/nzA3zUwugp http:\/\/t.co\/P8F8Gmkufy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another 3 rapists that @Rocksteadyeddy is silent about, maybe theyre his mates? does he have any mates left on the outside?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2nd part Another significant programming that has been done to the easily manipulated lower IQ black person is that they have programmed them to believe that they cannot be racist just as they program women that they cannot be sexist. This is completely retarded obviously and requires individuals to actually have NO reasoning skills whatsoever. Since majority of Blacks IQ falls below the 95 threshold, the majority are simply not intelligent enough to realize this. This statement to any lefty which is a FACT would be viewed by any lefty or lower IQ individual as Hate speech when it is simply the Truth. As is abundantly obvious with simple logic, all Jews and Democrats are both RACIST and SEXIST and this is a FACT. This is where the Orwellian inversion come completely into play as they are all programmed the opposite of the Truth. Thus, it is important to understand their programming when dealing with your typical Black person. If they believe they cannot be racist or sexist, then they can be as racist and sexist as they want because their mind has no grasp on reality. Most blacks cannot even remotely understand FACTS and that is the reason they can manipulate them so easily with emotion similar to all Retarded Democrats\/Lefties who have not an ounce of logic. Most Blacks unfortunately are programmed robots due to the low IQ and are the most easily manipulated with the basest desires. They are programmed to attack white people by the RACIST Jew. If you do encounter a hostile Black person since they are more violent due to the lower IQ, if you can do your best to tell them it was Jews who did slavery, 911, and the Jew bankers are the most at fault for their condition, not white people. Do you best to deflect them to the TRUTH. The Jew is everybody's problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"disgusting all cos they asked for bacon I would have wrapped him right in the kisser https:\/\/youtu.be\/io_HLVYN37s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're confusing leftism with authoritarianism. Authoritarians can be Right or Left Wing. Calling every authoritarian ideology \"leftist is just lazy and retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What? So we can assume that this retard is genetically *solely* Anglo-Saxon? Fuck, what do we do if we're Jutes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're dating a fat cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crazy auntie get rid of your autistic son and make good to planet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Zhir's acting like a faggot again... But crying oceans of liberal tears....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ATTN : All Brown University students, the stop and frisk protesters will be systematically dispersed into random U.S. ghettos. Good luck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a trash bag in my hall thats been there for like 2 wks. Weird thing: it changes consistency every few days","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See, this is the way I think can best describe this to women (I have not tested on a woman so this is just theory). First strip down to your underwear because pants will not give the same effect as even a light tap to the balls with clothes on. Lay spread eagle on a bed at the edge. Have the strongest man you know make a fist but with his middle fingers second knuckle pointed out (but still making a fist). Then have him punch you as hard as he can directly on your clit. That is the best way I can think of conveying to a woman what it feels like to get hit in the balls. The follow up constant numb dull horrible ache I guess would be your worst cramp on your heaviest period you've had - and no Midol. Not when you're punching a clit. If you're trying to deck a man then yes. I was going for a way to focus the point of impact. If you prefer I could suggest a ball-peen hammer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just trans people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Worthless POS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Read this sentence slow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our friends just across Lake Ontario have legalized recreational marijuana. Because apparently Canadians weren't mellow enough. E.G.: Michael Phelps, Alex Jones, Joe Rohan, Elon Musk...just to name a few off the top of my head. And those people are drooling,unsuccessful, retards? Is that what you are implying? Or you are complimenting them and adding to my argument?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt is off here fuckin' head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To all the Muslim`s and Nigger immigrant`s in my country. I wish to suggest that you try this wonderful English port... ...SOUTHAMPTON!! F*CK OFF BACK TO YOUR OWN DISGUSTING SH*THOLES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"loves how Day Timers always come with coloured maps and distance charts. It makes me feel far more important then I actually am.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most Muslims are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This person by rejecting the apology and $50 gift card shows less class than the person calling her a nigger... Now if she sues\/holds out for more $$$ then she is def a nigger IMHO. What are your thoughts? https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/dominos-fires-employee-writing-n-word-customers-pizza-order- None of this was a problem when we had separate but equal. Nigger-run pizza places would serve niggers nigger-made pizza pf nigger quality happily. Separate but equal would have worked. If all the liberal lies were true, it WOULD have worked. Except it didn't. It failed. BECAUSE NIGGERS AREN'T EQUALS! Probably should have just sterilized them all in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt is a German. I would not be surprised if Germany has anti-stalking laws in place or tip lines to handle these types of cunts. All it would take would be German nationals to start reporting the lady to the police for harassment and she'd get a nice Stasi visit telling her to back off and problem solved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some of Tucker's monologues are great, but he's not the right guy to be interviewing the unrepentant liars and propagandists he invites on his show. And that NeoCon faggot Britt Hume? Who the hell cares what he thinks about anything? (Besides diehard BushBots, that is.)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is racist in soo many ways. #1 they locked it up because it pictures a black dude. #2 they locked it up because...well...black theft. # It's not racist. Niggers steal everything more often than buying it. This sub used to have genuinely funny dark humour, now its just full of a bunch of racists like you Facts are racist. Reeeeee Stop hitting yourself Onlythingnottaken. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* > Facts are racist Where if your 'fact' that black people steal more stuff than they buy? Also you sound like the kind of guy who would send pipe bombs to people Trump doesn't like. Reeeeeee https:\/\/cloudfront.mediamatters.org\/static\/uploader\/image\/2013\/07\/09\/aclu-imprisonment.jpg, You sound like the sort who would hit someone in the face with a bike lock. Stop hitting yourself Gapey-anus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Who does most of the murder in the USA You literally sound like a 5 year old. Seems a lot of the mass shooters in America are white, is that because of black people? Facts don't care about your feelings. Love the attempt at posturing alpha-style. Goddamn. Turn off the daytime procedurals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is a piece of human filth followed by brainless retarded sheep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CUNT NEEDS A CLEAN CUT SHAVE RIGHT THROUG FROM THE ADDAMS APPLE TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE NECK, THE REST OF THE CARCAS SENT TO ANDREW THE Victorian COMMIE STALIN'S FRONT YARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/jtLZErgxI0 Leo get the fuck off of vine you fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying that you hate black people shows how misguided you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson rematch to headline #UFC232 https:\/\/www.mmafighting.com\/2018\/10\/11\/17961768\/jon-jones-opens-as-healthy-betting-favorite-over-alexander-gustafsson-in-ufc-232-rematch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NittiYayo: I think I got da bird flu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're opposed to patriotism, loving your own country, I think you are retarded at multiple levels. \"Rational patriarchy\", broadly speaking, seems to fit and respect human nature and biology very well. What's the alternative, the Pink KKK throwing the presumption of innocence out the window? No thanks. Father knows best is just an idea being used to contrast how insane feminism has become today. It was compared during the speech against the NY Times chick tweeting to \"kill all the men\", direct quote. Maybe you disagree with father knows best, but it's a far cry from openly advocating for gendercide. As opposed to,\"mother knows best\"?, chill out Jason Voorhees.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nigger needs to pay the full price of his sedition and treason. No quarter shall be given to anything\/person\/it that ever wanted to redefine America. This nigger must swing on the end of a rope, with 13 twists. It's the 13th twist that snaps the cervical vertebrae! I volunteer to hold the other end of this turd's line.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOVE IS LOVE ROSES ARE REDS VIOLET ARE BLUE HAPPINESS IS ALL COLOR'S LESBIAN IS BLESSING BISEXUAL IS BEAUTIFUL GAY IS MARVELOUS! ROSES ARE RED VIOLETS ARE BLUE IM GAY AND SO ARE YOU AND WE ARE HAPPY THAT WAY DON'T BE RUDE BE RESPECTFUL FOR LGBTQ PEOPLE ITS LOVE AND LOVE IS AMAZINGLY IMPORTANT AND BEAUTIFUL WE ARE ALL HUMANS AND WE ALL LOVE NO MATTER WHAT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw it stated elsewhere that one of the girl's parents are livid that this hit the national news, because they were afraid it would \"permanently damage\" their daughter. So far as I can tell, none of the girls have received any punishment whatsoever, not even from the courts (who, I don't know, might want to be very concerned about people abusing the system like these girls did). Also, the Butler Co. District Attorney for the case, Richard Goldinger, seems to have been hoping that the whole thing would disappear quietly without the public knowing about it, which may be why he was reluctant to charge the girls. Now he's in a major bind, and people are demanding answers and justice. At the very least, he no longer has the option of letting it go quietly and sweeping it under the rug.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Show your support during #FleetWeekNYC with #troopthanks. You could be on the @BofA_Community billboard in Times Sq! http:\/\/t. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Omfg stfu all you wanna do is moan and go on about white privilege lmao GET OVER IT, such an actual bore you are all racist idgaf stop hiding behind \"oh we can't be racist\" you're a joke it's literally all I see do Go back to swinging from the ropes, you ratty haired nigger scum The nigger a;ways complains and whines.The nigger is worthless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cory Booker is a dumb nigger faggot. Him and don's lemon would hit it off perfectly. Imagine that Retardakus is a dick eater.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breitbart London: LEAKED: Appeaser Theresa Plots to Tie UK to EU for Years Despite Claiming Months https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/10\/24\/leaked-appeaser-theresa-plots-tied-uk-eu-years-despite-claiming-months\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fucking cowardly retard thinks these words hurt me. Think again, snowflake. They are water off a duck's back. Thank you for proving my point that Jew-haters are just dumb as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Punished Kavanaugh is a retarded meme. He's already stated he's hiring all female clerks and isn't going to make abortions illegal. He's going to come out of this with an even hardened position on the need for \"fairness. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think I'm gonna walk around the house free as a bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AwwAdorable: I want a pet monkey http:\/\/t.co\/8wy8gDJIEJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @JayGorgeous: i need more beanies just ordered two true religion ones lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tonight. My sole purpose is to be thoroughly intoxicated. Night off and no class In the AM. Maybe I deserve it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aww... it's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Fit4LifeMike: @Whitecholo23 @chanelisabeth true i need to sleep to make them Gainz bruh!! So all the hoes stay Mirin ;p Alright, later ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the good news is being a nigger she will most likely be dead in a few years","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj The only thing that surprises me about John Kasich is that Ohioans have ever put up with this pearl clutching dweeb. He outdoes Evan McMullin on the Idiot Scale Why should we even care whether Cuck Kasich is happy about this? He had zero say in the matter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be really difficult to argue that Lovecraft wasn't racist and xenophobic, those are both quite obvious. But homophobia and misogyny? I'm not *that* familiar with his works but in the dozen or so that I've read I cannot recall a single instance of either of those. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard someone call Lovecraft misogynistic before this article. Can any experts chime in here? Did his writing have signs of hatred for women that I glossed over?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kill these nigger dogs NOW. PITBULL GENOCIDE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Try not to gag...but...oh boy, Terrance..you really \"went there!\" Terrence K. Williams Verified account @w_terrence Don Lemon you sleep with a white man every night but had the nerves to tell Kanye to stop acting like he need white folks in his life. So he can't support a white man but it's okay for you to be married to one. Boy Bye I wondered the same thing...obviously a soy boy so probably one of those \"white guilt\" freaks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CEASE THIS FAGGOTRY #CEASE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It takes a lot to get me to quit watching a show. Lets look at supergirl. When it was on CBS, if you fast forwarded through the social terrorist content uber mensch femininazi crap, you got about 20 minutes of a good show. When it moved to CW, it toned down the feminazi routine and spread it out to all identity groups. I was now able to watch about 30 minutes of the show without fast forwarding. This year though got me to quit. The idiotic scene from last year for gun control, the idiot scenes throughout the entire seasons on immigration and finally they put in a trans character just because, and I finally had it. Whenever a show goes full retard and manages to somehow put in every single post modernist meme they can (they even had a nazi supergirl extolling the virtues of meritocracy to demonize it), I'm done. Netflix hasn't hit me to the same extent that CW has from a trolling perspective. The amount of toxic SJW'ness I can tolerate is somewhat high, but the CW is able to surpass it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LowkeyGado: PND vocals so trash lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"looks retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Donald Trump is a celebrity too retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#humor I can feel the love. Welcome to free speech. No Twitter overlords to control what can and can't be said. Or what can and can't be made fun of. Particular lefties","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of wetbacks. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sunday Express: Patrick Minford on the Chancellor's budget. The problem is Herr Hammond: EUphile, pessimistic... Likely to produce a palliative for #BRINO. EVERY time he has compiled a budget, he has tried to tax the people who are just starting up in business - the VERY people a government should be supporting. We NEED people with a trade - what does he do - tax white vans and deisel. He wants Britain to fail !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste More than 402,000 children were born in Poland in 2017, the highest number in many years http:\/\/archive.is\/eaf8q If you had a son under 14 would you let him go into a San Fran Public bathroom by himself? Asking for a friend @Chasing_Rabbits Actually I can count on one hand the number of guys I have been a bottom with, so I don't have the same problems as your worn out self. I have avoided drugs because every job I had could have done testing and don't get stupid drunk so when shitlibs see my shirts or signs they say I am too young to know better. I do use \"just for men\" and facial peels tho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"let me guess they had a nigger jump out first on the moon and he was shaking his booty..doing the moon walk..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This octaroon nigger gets more diversity privilege than Ellison and Obama. I found the gay accuser. Here he is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Red nigger skunks aren't people @h4rdm0us you know that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No Muslim deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those nigger blooms are weeds. I pull them out by the roots and let them rot in the African Compost Heap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is retarded when these trolls say \"I love bacon\" or \"I love fried chicken\". I loved meat too when I used to eat it, and I DO know what I'm missing, and I DON'T miss it! Yuck!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's too old Holy shit your comment history reads like a Russian troll who ate a Russian troll. Ironically this is becoming a prepared response, it's like the third time today I've seen this comment format: >NPC[number]: orange man bad If someone is acting rude, it's great to hold a mirror in front of his face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FILTHY DYKE Hillary Clinton Criticizes Kavanaugh's Swearing-In Ceremony http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/09\/hillary-clinton-kavanaugh-swearing-in\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop pissing me off. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Yes, but..... DID SHE SWALLOW?!?!?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok, Cletus the redneck You kind of actually got racist. Like, a lot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like this piss me off. I've seen two videos where a woman went off on a construction worker for not whistling or cat calling a woman but for saying \"hello . She was even going all crazy in the vid saying \"YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY HELLO TO ME! And I just saw one where a woman was being stalked by a man. She saw him in a building next to hers and then he came into her building. He was a mailman...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggers..... https:\/\/www.dailystar.co.uk\/news\/latest-news\/733943\/Birmingham-stabbing-30-person-brawl-erupts-outside-McDonalds-video It's factual they have smaller brains so why don't people understand they will nigger ever chance they get!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BlessJesus Amos 5:10 There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court and detest the one who tells the truth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember: women never lie. Story: https:\/\/news3lv.com\/news\/local\/four-california-dentists-have-rape-charges-dropped-after-video-contradicts-womans-story","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you agree?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @vexedmentals: draya really out catching a tan while her son looking out the window like the ikea monkey while everybody trick or treati ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@regankelly91 go the gulls. First grade should be a cracker. Physical!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I doubt knowing what they speak of would make much difference, the idea itself is still fucking retarded. It's like the dumb cunt forgot everything she learned in school about biology. It's like women who don't understand why men don't sit like they themselves do, It's almost like men and women are different on a biological level.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't find many RETARDED RACIST askeNAZI JEWS on here. They are too RETARDED and obviously all HATEFUL RACIST askeNAZI Jews are despicable SCUM! The NAZI JEWS are not wanna be scum, they are all human sewage! The extreme HATE coming from the EXTREMELY HATEFUL RACIST askeNAZI Jew excrement!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breitbart London: Hillary Clinton Attacks British Tories for Backing Orb n, Demands U.S., Europe Respect Human Rights of Migrants https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/09\/hillary-clinton-attacks-british-torys-backing-orban-defends-free-movement\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh, some retarded comments by the right on the Faith video, they so badly want this to be about religion. 'White people represent Christianity.' No they don't, desert people do. :P","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manyJihadis in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heard anything from that faggot @element82?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't get much more retarded than a marijuana prohibitionist who embraces pubs as a core aspect of culture. Can't get much more retarded than that. also, that retard who killed the doctor had like 6 moving violations recently. he's just an asshole and was going to kill someone eventually. punishing law-abiding cannabis users for the actions of that retard is ... wait for it... retarded...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a gy person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No I am really just trying to get a GAB feed that doesn't make me spew vomit out of my nostrils every five minutes... I just can't seem to let it go how RE FUCKIN TARDED social media posts are... I find it necessary to remind people like yourself whom could do better... Holy cunt bag, you claim to be non liberal right? A whining little bitch like you? You sound just like those people you claim to be against when someone puts your dumb ass down.. LMFAO Pussy...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"smdh The media just can't get enough of mulattos with huge afros. There's at least one in every ad you see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @eanahS__: @1inkkofrosess lol my credit ain't no where near good , but I know the right man for the job .. that ho nice though!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love to see those managers suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Jesse Lee - David Pakman you're a Jew\" by @rassenkriege https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/38211 John 8:44 - (((jews))) belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PKsbpdl: Silly Republicans, you've been demographically replaced. California is one party state because democracy is a racial headcount. Florida and Georgia will soon have black socialist governors, because diversity is disenfranchising white conservatives in those states. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7RVT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you must be a pedophile, a baby raper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she also should be deported, to a muzzie country where she will be useful for at least a little while.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember not liking this now Kanye is a Trump supporter and Swift has become a cunt supporting Demo rats my how things have change.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@keltor_wade nah dude mostly just sound like a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's a lot of confusion about male\/female vs. masculine\/feminine. They don't always line up. And nobody seems to ask why there are so many more male to female transexuals than female to male?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do want this on the record tho, I too think she's a smugcunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Daniel, there's no cow tipping and hoe downs in Jackson... This city living lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@phreshagu_25 yeah you right and you know them Mexicans bringing all they family that hoe finna be packed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@nhatty_ice49ers thank you jackass zebras","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can someone translate this from retard so I have a clue on what the fuck is going on?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only let in retarded migrants is a nice addition. Although i don't think the wife would let npc watch her and tyrone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"bah. Routinely sending UK officers out, knowing full well they face the risk of being pitted -unarmed- against a raging Muslim madman with a knife, is a screaming PC cowardly policy in itself. Eh, Creepy Cressida? Let's see the gong-chasing, photo preening 'top cops' tackle IQ retard All-to-the Snackbar when he's gone crazy. Hell, no. Getting stabbed and chopped up is for the beat cops. I'm too valuable! Hypocrites. Give 'em guns, FFS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White knight faggot. Should have hit him harder. Looks like him and his imaginary girlfriend need a lesson in equality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Yankees isn't that kind of saying the #Braves won't make it to the World Series? LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Po0pdogg back up faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheSeanyV would help for some others can't handle uppers and cripples them plus if moderation isn't taken into consideration it'll be bad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WendyDavisTexas @GregAbbott_TX So you support \"illegals\" coming here and spreading disease among Americans Dream that bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He can be only a tool... he is not brightest bulb in the box. If he was, would he marry nigger hooker?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just checked out your profile, it's a joke just like you. Btw brah I know you're all hot and bothered but you'll never have me or any other Attractive Sexy woman. Now you can go back to your 40 on the front stoop of your \"house\" in the projects lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL What's wrong with its eye? Probably showed up stoned for photo op Lol Sounds plausible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it's like the amount of e in REEEEEEEEE! constantly changing yet always retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Youre in trouble for disingenuous jewish bullshit who's only current point I can see is some strange attempt to place \"money\" before the concept of value of resource and societal growth. Im not fucking backing down on this shove your threat up your cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@asiahh__ nah I replied to you like I did to literally everyone else who called it trash... Go and check if you don't believe me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are going to put an end to all pollution. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i don't need to guess you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's one sick fucking stinky vagisil cunt folks. STD is for everyone that fucks her!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should I listen to my cat describe what dogs are? Why bother with this if you are not part of a religion. It comes across as really faggot level behavior. Actually, the three 'Abrahamic' religions are all based on the same underlying dogma smart ass...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why have they not just put this faggot in general population at a nasty-ass pen? https:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/latest-priest-pleads-guilty-child-sex-abuse-case-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of an idiot would ask for a tourniquet to be removed after being shot. This person is top tier stupid. A tourniquet is not appropriate for this situation. She's not going bleed out or lose the limb in the 5-10 minutes before the ambulance gets there. Doesn't matter. If you've been hit you need to stop the bleeding. It's first aid First aid 101 is to put direct pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. https:\/\/www.mayoclinic.org\/first-aid\/first-aid-severe-bleeding\/basics\/art-20056661 Next time you get a cut on the head, put a tourniquet around your neck. You're a moron. Stop pretending you know jack shit. Combat corpsman here. Always place a tourniquet for bullet wounds to the legs, you never know if you've hit the femoral. I repeat. You are a fucking moron. Go get your training materials tell me what is says about tourniquets. In the meantime, see page 2-24 https:\/\/www.globalsecurity.org\/military\/library\/policy\/army\/fm\/4-25-11\/fm4-25- Double moron. December 2002? Jesius man. Material from 2008 was considered old when I went to Afghanistan in That shit is archaic as fuck. The new method is to ALWAYS apply a tourniquet to the highest point even if the injury to the leg is at the knee. You're talking out your ass, fuckface. Link me something other than your bullshit You are too lazy to even read the comments on this thread - where I have posted 3 links that all support my argument. But don't let information get in the way of your opinion. Retard alert dingalingaling","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @HeyKeifer: Oreos are basically dirt circles with cream. True.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6286847\/Delta-flight-attendant-faces-firing-clips-mile-high-romp-male-porn-star.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The great meme war of 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kamala Harris Presents Letter Claiming Kavanaugh and Friend Repeatedly Raped Jane Doe' in Car https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/01\/kamala-harris-presents-letter-claiming-kavanaugh-friend-repeatedly-raped-jane-doe-in-car\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't know. That lack of passion towards making your company more successful may be the totally rational reaction to the stagnating wages of the last decades. If they don't care about you, you certainly won't care about them. The young people of today grew up in that climate. They know it doesn't really matter how much harder they work, the wealth they create won't be shared with them, neither by wages, nor by taxes into society as a whole. It just will become then nth house or car or yacht or wife or mistress of the owners. They also know, no matter how much of their time an effort and health they sacrifice for the company, they are out the door, the moment they are not needed anymore. And they know all this by first hand experience. They know no other reality.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A RACIST Democrat calling anyone RACIST is an oxymoron! All Democrats are RETARDED NPC's! That is a FACT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@butterfliesblue I heard green tea makes you lose weight.... And Imma coon so that explains the watermelon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So...when does Dr. Ford's perjury trial start? https:\/\/legalinsurrection.com\/2018\/10\/grassley-judiciary-comm-has-evidence-of-christine-blasey-ford-coaching-a-friend-on-polygraph-examinations\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do peeps gotta be mad ghetto nowadays? Smh pull up your pants!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a hideous cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only actual \"rape culture\" is Islam but you won't hear these cunts say anything bad about that!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a queer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Still coughing up Reno cunt hair ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being able to say nigger and no one bats a eye? Vs saying nigger in 11? Idk I call that a tangible gain that is now locked in. Hatred only grows, it never shrinks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a trans person, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Took my selfish, never satisfied, cunt of an ex-girlfriend out to see this, (her donkey-brained idea) and can confirm, it sucked worse that she did. Go to hell Melissa!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Strange How Some Faggot Who \"Identifies\" As A Woman, Doesn't Shave His Fucking Beard Off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Not quite the idea I had of Paris when I put it on my bucket list. Definitely will NOT be going there. I am sad for Paris and angered at its government that allowed this to happen to it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our political soldiers need to be more like the original KuKluxKlan from 1866-1876 who locally finished off Reconstruction working with the Democrats as a major political party to where they \"won\" the peace after Reconstruction was over. They won't be caught dead at these \"rallies\" where piglice can find them out. Furure \"Rallies\" should be much less than a dozen elderly activists mounting a \"peacefool\" protest which triggers the left-tards and protected by 100 ZOG piglice protecting these burnouts from a thousand antifa. Sorta like Jason Kessler's 2018 UtR Rally. It even had a based nigger like Kikester Rapist or Bryan Reo and a NYC beaner as well as old whigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SJWs are society's retards and they don't even realize it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PluggedInPiff: Green azz niggas!!!! and yall new bitches condone dat sucka activity dat why they keep doin it!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cockazoid for men, cuntazoid for women. Every white person's a 'zoid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He wants you to start banning people like twitter. Therefore, on this issue I am with you 100% against that faggot Vox.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate Ralph and his fellow guests he invites to sperg out snd create retarded drama but I don't support them being censored. Fuck them but fuck the censors more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Consider this, you as you want. Others do what they want, and that includes supporting the site regardless of your childish insults. Fuckoff loser, bye. They are selling your data. If the only arguments you can post involve personal insults, you are no better than HRC when she said everyone against her was \"deplorable\"...bye bye I think donations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the nigger plague","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Frozen shithole comment most likely coming from the an idiot that voted for Obama! Fucking retard that has been caught in the Jews DIVIDE and CONQUER trap. Focus on the true enemies dumb ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that black people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody gets it. Sacha Baron Cohen didn't do #BohemianRhapsody because he complained they made it PG and didn't show the midgets and cocaine and why Freddie Mercury died of AIDS. SAME THING with these #CNN bombs. #AlecBaldwin did some cocaine with a midget and some #antifa kid took what he said seriously and will spend life in jail because of it..... It worked for that Tom Hanks movie \"Philadelphia\". And for Matthew McConaughey in \"Dallas Cowboy\". Why are you trying to hate? Sheesh..... Take it easy. We're having some fun here. I always enjoyed \"Queen\" and DID mention that Freddie Mercury was talented--helluva voice! I love Freddie Mercury. Maybe you didn't understand that I'm siding with Sacha and the desire for the R-rated tell-all that reveals the truth of the life he lived. He lived a wild life and paid the price for it. Instead, we get a PG-13 movie about how the band was always more important. And we don't get a Val Kilmer in the starring role.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sara A. Carter on Twitter: Mental Health Professionals Denounce CNN and Don Lemon's Show for Mocking and Stigmatizing Kanye West's Hospitalization \"https:\/\/t.co\/dwSYISfyNp\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/SaraCarterDC\/status\/1050512180737691649","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GG is all Russian Bots until it happens to you. This is like the red pilling that the GW2 people got recently. What event are you referencing here? probably the liberals get the bullet too grafiti from anti fa That's quite a stretch to be making if they are talking about that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually. Pussypass approved. She slapped one cop, pushed both of the a few times. That right there is assault. If a guys would have just touched a cop he'd be in jail \"Why can't I be a giant cunt, antagonize society, then be treated like an innocent baby?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Labour organisers are subhuman creatures. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to make those immigrants smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @teamziller: 12 important thoughts on the Lakers vs. Rockets fight https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/ObNDfUb.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/pZnijQU4gH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It feels awkward to have the @Yankees playing against the @Reds. I mean, we all know who I'm rooting for, but it's awkward.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone please find out where that filthy muzrat cunt lives.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Hoard resources Considering the Batista's Cuba was a glorified whorehouse for Americans and mafia, the whole \"we just hoarded resources\" stuff smells like bullshit. Like when the former emigrant claims that he was driven out from the USSR because he just \"worked hard\" and then starts fapping off to an idea of having \"Russian bydlo working for him for food (food loan, to be more exact) and fucking peasant women\". No, mate, you didn't get kicked away because you were \"worked hard\", you spat on the community for years, and when time came, community spat back at you and you fucking drowned in the process. PS: Funny how it got positive at start, and then dindu nuffins sweeped with their downvotes. Go away, tankie. Yes, because the only options are brutal, incompetent autocratic tsar, and brutal, deranged communist dictatorship. Gee, if only there was a less radical path, where rule of law would be enforced, and the basic rights of citizens would have some level of protection. Huh. If only. You need to stop your use of swear words immediately or I WILL bring the hammer down. That's not a threat- ITS A PROMISE!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Colin Just Broke His Silence On Trump - It's Bad Folks When asked about Trump being a moral leader, Powell said Trump was incapable of it. http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=138898 Write a book so we know how it is to hate people every day. Thank God such hate is far removed from my life. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mimistheone stop trolling me u creepy ass cracker!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ghetto bird can't fly away from my hood","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Nigger killed a Jew??? Awesome! Now the Niggers are killing their masters!!! My wet dream has come true!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHAT A CUNT SHE IS LIVING A LIE FUCK HER AND HER CAVE BEAST HISTORY .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT A LITTLE SNITCH!! CRYBABY ASS MOTHERFUCKING TATTLE TALE BITCH MADE FAGGOT ASS COCK SUCKING SNITCH BITCH!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just when I think the world has hit peak retardation, it surprises me yet again. Almost impressive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Transgender Cyclist Lashes Out, Calls Critics Questioning His Win 'Transphobic Bigots' \"Misgendering.\" https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37296\/transgender-cyclist-lashes-out-calls-critics-emily-zanotti","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" this is the ONLY possible response","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone please slap this fucking faggot in the mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That literal pozzed faggot deserves to be slaughtered by a pack of savage niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MemphisMSoccer: 50' 2nd yellow card issued for Temple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a violent nigger who worked for another violent nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prime Moron in Canada Good God!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"big black boot was nothing but a nigger affirmative action ass kissing bureaucrat.. damn pentagon token nigger..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. I don't know how\/why you became a faggot. Why ask a stranger? Ask an adult you know. It is usually genetic. If scientists can discover the faggot gene(s) then faggots can be aborted and eventually the faggot problem will be eliminated. I quit using the word Faggot in seventh Grade Billy Boy, Billy quit being a Jew Are you proud you became a faggot in 7th grade? It is either faggot (elegant metaphor) or homosexual (in polite circles). \"Gay\" is kike newspeak designed to confuse the masses. Rescue terms from the memory hole! https:\/\/gab.ai\/Discriminator\/posts\/37973804 Billy Boy is Boring, Billy knows only one word, maybe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/E-nz1Dvq-VY Watch the video 40 minutes in that's your girl @CarolynEmerick bashing our women in the movement. That's your feminist communist anti-white girl who you refused to check because you had to white knight like a little bitch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is fitting for immigrant vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SenorSteez This whole week was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cant even find any details about the conviction, just the same braindead article posted on every Calgary news outlet. Pretty fucking disturbing that this womans cover story is inexplicably being taken as truth. Im a Calgarian myself and about the same age as this guy, and I really cant believe what a pathetic bunch of faggots Canadians are that we cant even recognize a murder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YUP... FAGGOT SHEPARD SMITH IS ALREADY AT IT.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger I know right just like your punk as bitch sand nigger threats fucking fuck you wop dego bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@blowme you mean trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"its a sad story ........but........she shouldnt have been banging the jigs!!! mudshark skank!!! and my personal philosophy is this once ya go black youre tainted pussy for life!!! Girl takes a thousand Asian dicks, no problem. Girl takes a thousand Latino dicks, no problem. Girl takes a thousand White dicks, no problem. Girl takes ONE nigger dick, she's fucking worthless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Making up buzzwords is FUN! Bum ass game \"journalists\" perpetuate techoretardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you own a pit bull you're a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm trying to decide if that makes the women in that post sluts, or whores? Just bitches. Nothing else. Or cunts, its a good and fitting word aswell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One of @Mark_Schlabach best looks too. RT @McMurphyESPN: Charlie Weis couple months ago hanging w\/Nelly http:\/\/t.co\/yWvVg51z6w","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are absolutefilth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"bitches be like i'm mixed wit Italian Chinese nd African American I be like bitch just cuz you ate ur http:\/\/t.co\/ZdWd3l8M","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Want to see how retarded our universities have become, this is a must see. #hilarious!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lesbo pedophile Somebody doesn't know what a pedophile is nor, for that matter, can you have a lesbian pedophile; pedophiles by their very nature are asexual in their attraction. What's wrong with describing a pedophile in such a manner? Like if it was an old man I'd prefer to say old man pedophile. And you would be wrong. Before you smear somebody as a pedophile maybe you should know what a pedophile actually is. Honestly zero fucks. The bitch deserves whatever name I give her. Is that cool with you? Do you catch my drift? No it's really not because it makes no damn sense. Would be like calling her a \"heterosexual racist\" .. like WTF does that have to do with what she did? Nothing. You going to call somebody out at least call them out appropriately. Is she a lesbo? Did she rape a minor? Having a sex with a minor doesn't make one a pedophile and no she didn't rape her. I'm getting some really strong pedophile vibes from you Given you don't seem to know what a pedophile is that doesn't surprise me. I bet you think Trump is a pedophile to. Then what the fuck is a pedophile according to you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Dyke family. Not sure which Dyke family that would be. But I'm sure it's not the Dick Van branch of the Dykes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How cute, once again the popo want's regular Joe's to do their work for them. What are they gonna do once they find the Basketball America, wave their fingers at him and tell him that he is a bad person for doing bad things. With how good their \"police work\" has been lately, they might as well be assaulted by the nigger as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @B1B_Lancer: Cue the liberal left's Uncle Tom attacks against Tim Scott in 4...3...2... #tcot #teaparty #GOP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" as trump bails them out with your tax dollars from his stupid trade wars trumpsters are so profoundly retarded Sorry about your Down syndrome- must be hard to tie your shoes being so stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"goddamn i come up with the best trolls greatest response to any retard saying we live in a RAYP CULTURE: \"ok so knowing we allegedly live in a rape culture, surely you would never risk it and go out alone to anywhere EVER would you? have you gone out alone being aware of da RAYYYP culture? yes? so you want to be raped? wow!\" yes you can copy this and use it either we live in a rape culture and you instigate rape by going out alone and being easy prey, or we dont live in a rape culture and youre a hysteric retard NPC lets get it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can render an entire set piece, background etc as a single thing and this saves processing power and memory but creates ten thousand headaches (a game's internal clock and how it measures this and how it's tied to any action at all for example) and what it saves is almost nothing. Hence, smaller pieces. Like a single cloud. Doing any pixel shit often requires the artist be a programmer as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're free to leave at any time, sir. | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"T.I. posts a video of a Melania Trump lookalike stripteasing for him at the Oval Office.\" I don't know what you guys think but it really seems like rappers and celebrities think they are above everyone nowadays....... https:\/\/theblogroom.com\/t-i-posts-a-video-of-a-melania-trump-lookalike-striptea","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am learning a lot about Muslims at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: VICTORY! #Yankees outlast A's, 10-9 in 14 innings. Eduardo Nunez the hero, and oh yeah, FIRST PLACE still resides in the Bronx.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OutTheOrdinary1: @P0WERS_ @eGoaTizM @Blaztful powers U don't go outside ur tanks been on full for 2 months U anti social monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've found that the best way to defend ppd is to remind people that its a feminist sub which wants equal treatment of men and women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Awwhh David, do you have one of those crumpled shaky retard hands?...never mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's pathetic, a woman raped a fucking 5th grader ffs and they're reporting comments condemning the rapist and discussing equality? Naw dog. We're all women hating incels here. Apparently Just out of curiosity, what were the supposed \"rules\" all of these comments were breaking according to the reporter? rude, vulgar, insensitive and ban this idiot. > insensitive Oh that poor child rapist, with people on the internet not being sensitive to her feelings! ban this idiot ummmm sorry this isn't latestagecapitalism or twoxchromosomes we don't do that here You should totally out the reporter; they clearly are a pedophile. Exactly. Anyone who defends a sexual predator is a sexual predator. It's the only thing that makes sense. To this pathetic, disgusting woman: You are absolutely appalling. What if it was your son who was raped? Or your brother? Fucking use what little brain power you have and just THINK about what you're doing. You're defending a sexual predator. What the fuck is wrong with you? Not releasing your Reddit name to the public is a courtesy you don't deserve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"see you have literally copied this off me . only i get who harold is. you fucking don't though do you .. i made this two days ago. you fucking wannabe twat. now you are reduced to lieing about me. pray tell how you can spot what i have liked ? they are anonymous to you. you are talking out of you arse about what you would like to be true you fucking NPC twat. oh god. are you really using words like dorky you sissy mumsy boy. MAN THE FUCK UP AND CALL ME A CUNT ! christ you are pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SMASEY you're such a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure he has gotten bored with stunners and has to mix it up every now and then [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have said it before Stay Away from Their Take Aways ... https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/26\/takeaway-owners-guilty-of-killing-girl-who-suffered-allergic-reaction-8078388\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This whole thing is a scam. Attributing nigger behavior to white boys is just commie disinformation, one the many names for the big lie invented by the Bolshevik Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @alicia_garcia3: \"That's why God made brownies. To replace boys.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FFS you twat. JEWS are not the problem in Sweden. There's hardly any of them. It's Islamic migrants causing all the trouble. They should just ban Islam to be honest. Having a go at a black racist twat at the moment. President of some student union at a shite university. Making out blacks are discriminated against. Told her blacks make up over 8% of uni students but only 3-4% of the population so they are twice OVER represented. Bitch blocked me lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Common Purpose Dyke defends Common purpose Cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One more of tonight's dog walk sunset. AKA, invisible bird on a wire. #sunset #invisiblebird #wires http:\/\/t.co\/ilTShXLYjd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TAXSTONE: Niggaz like all them naked bitches on IG pics NIGGAZ DONT LOVE EM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think he's just a little faggot running his cock locker on the internet, but still.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Could it be because half you cunts identify as aromantic pansexual plantkin and self-diagnose your mental illnesses and you'll never be taken seriously","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Amen means \"truth in Hebrew iirc And also \"so be it. Here's the lunatic radfem, just in time to prove my point. Women started wars more often than men. Women when given power have collapsed every civilization. Women have a huge in-group bias that makes them unable to show empathy when the perpetrator is female. >men have been murdering women and girls What's a black widow? Second of all, who did the shooting in Maryland? Third of all, who stabbed 3 toddlers yesterday? 10,000 years of male oppression but hey it's men who are the victims here, in their precious little man's world and when men decided between themselves that rape was a criminal act the victims were not women but men, cos women weren't seen as people, they were seen as men's property and it was damage to their goods men wanted recompense for their property had been damaged by another bro and they wanted the bro to pay up for their goods being soiled and no longer classed as valuable and useful as they were.. Nazism has been around for at least 10,000 years and their fascists states You are genuinely fucked in the head. Either that or a good troll. How can you say men are evil when women are out shooting people and stabbing babies . https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6189673\/Multiple-victims-shooting-Maryland.html https:\/\/www.10tv.com\/article\/3-newborn-babies-2-adults-stabbed-neighborhood-nursery I see you are equating at least 10,000 years of male tyranny with a few individual women who have committed murder in a world where men are responsible for committing 98% of all of them across the entire globe.. BTW How is your patriarchy going, still fully intact I see! Well that was the last two days. Let's see if another one goes crazy. Maybe they'll stick to child rape. The patriarchy is a construct of your damaged mind. I really want to know what happened to you to make you this way. can I get a amyn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> What's not complicated is that there's a reservoir of video game players who hate **women** and get off on this. **WOMEN** are **NOT** a synonym to **FEMINISTS**. Believe it or not, most women are not actually retarded. Take a guess why these videos are popular, why people like them, why the videos are called \"**ANNOYING** feminist\" and not \"**ANNOYING** woman\" or just \"Feminist\". Emphasis on the word \"annoying\" in case you missed it. Re-read your drivel and try to find out why feminists are \"annoying\", in fact why \"feminist\" is an actual synonym to \"annoying\". Re-re-read it again and keep pondering why people are laughing their asses off while feeding an \"ANNOYING\" NPC, I mean feminist (as if there's any difference) to an alligator.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some trans people made fun of me today. I wanted to kill them right there. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that immigrants like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded are you? There's actually 20 million illegals in the US. They do not pay into the system, but we the taxpayers subsidize them at the tune of 200 billion dollars in welfare each year. Not only that, but they've ruined the job market, have killed the middle class and have caused a massive devaluation in wages.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drop dead and die Obama. Islam and all idiots who practice it must be eliminated. Allah is a false god ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah he's not a boomer faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine having that many more niggers to support. Fuck that This nigger loving turd that wants 15 million more nogs to feed muted me like I'm the bad guy. Fucking based","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm pretty sure that's a man \"Prove Trump colluded\" \"I speak Russian. I rest my case.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SumGurl07: So cute! :) RT @iTweetFacts: Shy bunny... http:\/\/t.co\/z4u6NpORdz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch this game sells massively and most players not give a shit, much like the NPCs complaining about how \"problematic\" GTA V was or them making a huge fuss about Marvel's Spider-Man. I guess they see popular games as an easy way to virtual signal how woke they are to their blue check mark followers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Die fucking arab dude sand niggas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Didn't that faggot chink rape some dude?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Could not agree more brother! Many uninformed or retarded people here. Even with a mean of 100 still have 50% of whites below that number.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol okay faggot go kill yourself Look what kind of pussy kid she turned out. He's completely insecure. Honestly the guy on parole seemed pretty nice. Bad etiquette but at least an affable guy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I succumbed to watching this CNN clip but turned the volume off at .47 after Don Lemon presumptively characterized the Honduran caravan as \"undocumented migrants . Lemon then overcame the laws of physics and continued to convey his idiocy without sound. https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=g-HIQl3lt7E my sentiments exactly. GM Soprano morning","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soooooooo, the twit cesspool will suspend folks for using a hashtag?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@intheKCmix The last planet of the apes with my kids... It's been a minute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was clinically depressed for a while and this blew my mind. Due to me having stress I don' t say ' oh man I' m getting anxiety' or ' ugh I' m so depressed' because all that does is brings attention I don' t want. The fact that people make these illnesses a fashion merch makes me feel like everyone is looking in my or other people' s directions. Memes are relatable,funny, and relieving. When he said ' Do people who post these memes have a mental illness or are they just doing it for ..' it made me wonder alot Now Ik what people are capable of nowadays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No that little cunt only knows how's make Canadians pay more then they can afford. Why doesn't that cunt son of A cunt pay his fair share. It's like he doesn't have out of country companies to shelter his queer tax savings. He is a Criminal and his whole family should be stripped of all there monies. '","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like to imagine all the background detail of all of this, like her parents bragging about their daughter and how \"successful\" she is to other parents, and using her as a massive case of how \"the future is female etc\" to people. Yeah how did that turn out eh? She was worse than unsuccessful, as there is no shame in trying something sincerely and failing, but defrauding people there is nothing but shame. i remember reading a BBC news article years ago on her singing her praise about how amazing she is (when she was valued at 9billion) and thinking \"wow i wish i was in her shoes\", lol not only has her life gone from being a billionaire to being worth $0, her life is worth less as she will be in fucking jail now. fucking dishonest cunt deserves everything she gets","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stevie Wonder's son is dancing with a stunning White, blue-eyed blonde girl. He is darker than my shit. Oh shit, they made her kiss his Nigger face. This blatant display of racism is making me ill. How the hell can Stevie Wonder have a son young enough to dance with a 12 year old girl? He must be 90 years old. Ah yes, the dip of 'submission' for the Nigger by the girl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BS! The fundamental issue is nigger ineptitude ! https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/africa\/201810041068606104-Namibia-Accelerate-Land-Redistribution\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another cunt that needs to be introduced to a rope and a tree Will it be a victory for feminism if women get the day of the rope too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I joined Gab because I love free speech. I am against the Alt-Right, Nazis, and racists, but I don't think any speech should be censored except for speech calling for violence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LynchieWCVB: Big night at WCVB. Martha Coakley-Charlie Baker debate here at 7, Bruins-Minnesota WIld, World Series Game #6.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a big problem among Whites out around where I live. They completely embrace the 'Dumb-as-rocks' redneck shtick. As bad as Blacks with rejecting any kind of mental growth. This is closer man hatred feminism. \"Dumb Pro-White men have more of a home in the right than a machivillian feminist like you, @CarolynEmerick. Men fall into two groups. smart, very dumb. A good leader finds a way to lead them all, Not purge them like a Marxist, you bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"somebody shoot this nigger. that puppy was worth more than this nigger ever will be. dead or alive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. Apple. Apple Now Bricks MacBook Pros to Prevent Third-Party Repair https:\/\/www.extremetech.com\/computing\/278261-apple-now-bricks-macbook-pros-to-prevent-third-party-repair And they just keep buying! Cult of idiots. Fuck 'em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's always entertaining when they eat each other alive over complete nonsense. \"A world without whites is a world without conflict lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BigBird was made by a gay couple. So yes, under a GOP world the bird would not have existed since its creators would be in jail for sodomy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea, her and that faggot Flake. I want bad-ass's as leaders, not Lilly livered jellyfish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My goal in running as a Nationally Social Democratic American Patriot in the Democrat Presidential primary was to either: A: force Trump to name the jew (USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, NUMEC stolen uranium, jew involvement in 911, JFK assassination , Patton assassination , assassination of Jim Traffcant etc) if he wanted to be able to run as \"American First\" in 2020 without me calling him an israel-firster. or B: defeat a what would be then an israel-firster GOP incumbent in the general election. Now my goal in running for POTUS is also to free the RAM political prisoners as well as the other political prisoners of the jews in this country. @illegal_aryan and I have been victims of jewish-sponsored terrorist group assaults that were politically motivated and pre-meditated, with plenty of video footage proving we were attacked, unprovoked, without even trying to exercise our right to self defense in Washington state. I have been assaulted again since then for criticism of jewish power, and knew that if I defended myself, that I would become a political prisoner (like the RAM guys and others are now). The police in every state I have filed charges with surplus of evidence of assault have dropped the charges against the assailants. The US is quickly becoming like the USSR before wwii where the penalty for criticism of jews was death. I will not tolerate a President who continues to allow the jews to imprison all of their political enemies. This is AMERICA, not the 1920s USSR. If Trump doesn't stop allowing the jews to use law enforcement as a GPU\/Cheka against the goyim who speak out, I will have no choice but to defeat him in November >when you try to play chess but you're also retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I um... Is this... Do we count this as sanity or not? It's kinda like learning to be just HALF a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, this twat has her head shoved so far up Hymie's arse she can taste his Bagel as she receives her deluded worldview peering through his navel. Like the rest of these assclowns she is challenged in all Mental\/Moral and intellectual efforts , never read anything non Jew authored, she is void of any critical thinking and never had an original thought, completely ignorant of the Jew Question and obviously a damn Jew between the ears and just for good measure , a White Knight savior political patriotard deluded in to thinking that participating in the JEW controlled Left\/Right Smoke and Mirror Dog and Pony show where both parties worship the JEW AGENDA gives her some sense of superiority. This cunt is dumber than a box of rocks....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a wetback to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In the UK, there is a maximum of five years prison sentence for this abuse .. whether male or female! It is non-gender specific. It does not matter who abuses the most, it happens to both genders, and the law does not discriminate by gender","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"most normie retard opinion ever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry, no James. Susan Rice Michael and Sand Nigger Obama and Hillary Cunton are now on the board of directors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a bit retarded to go there, marry and have a kid with someone, and then leaving the country anyways","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to San Francisco. This is Folsom Street yesterday (9\/30\/18). This is the California Senators Feinstein and Harris are working so hard to protect. And we don't need Aryan grooming gangs in the cities in America? Mid America, pat Boone crowd; just Imagine hordes of teens with axe handles and bats, to bring these 2 to the light for their transgressions against good order and discipline. The very definition as to the how of making America great again. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, it is serious though. Today reality is what you read in the news. It has encouraged the vile Muzzie mob.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of an idiot would spend over a $1,000 on Chinese trash? Apple is not the company that it once was, as soon as Steve Jobs died so did Apple. A twisted faggot runs the company now and he is running it into the ground.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why should I feel bad that her people lack the ability to maintain or build civilization. The west is fundementally responsible for this. Before imperialism africa was fine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh fuck yeah, he's had enough of them. If I was a reporter.. I would ask questions that he would want to answer that would make him look good.. being the type of person he is, he would make you look damn good in return... Problem is the media owners would fire me. They're all trying to **one-up** each other. An upvote for you for not being afraid to use your words. Twice. My feelings exactly - duh - who can be stupider?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nobody i know of wanted to run against him. I would have loved to , but no money annd no backing. He is not trustworthy at all, i hate his guts. I think he was freed from blackmail when Mccain went down That's an interesting thought.. I agree!!!!! There is a YUGE change among many on the right, now that McCain is out of the picture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you want the truth about Obama\/his past,u can contact his cousin from KS, Linda Joy Adams at her blog, where she says Obama's real name is Barry Parks. Newsweek made an article about a lottery draw in Obamas home town lottery the day after his election: \"Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN's John Berman Fires Back At Trump After The President Criticizes The Mainstream Media' On Twitter https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/MpHEusc.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_G2V","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cardinals score 1st. They lead 1-0 in the top 3rd with birds on base. #NLCS #SFvsSTL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What does the stupid cunt have a fear of excercise ? , Actually now that I think about it that's right on point for feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Do you realize the founding fathers were white nationalists? Citizenship was for whites only. Btw, they also kept negroes chained up out back. Your boomer logic has no basis in reality, turn off Rush and try reading a book published prior to 1965 Cool story, I see you learned history from the back of a cereal box, like the other white supremacists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That cunt will be taken care of. A lot of people dont keep in mind that Trump has a lot of swamp cleaning to do before its even remotely possible to go after these vile creatures. We must maintain gratitude, patience and faith this WILL HAPPEN. #iBelieveInQAnon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"its a retard party","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wigger Nationalism!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the fuck? >I don't have any money. You're going to pack this up and give it to me now What the fuck? Does this ever actually work? She was trying to use the old Jedi mind trick. She forgot that it doesn't work on toydarians Or... sandpeople Yeah, a back up of sandpeople yelling \"Ooga Ooga Ooga\" might have made the guy pause for a microsecond. Then, a Jawa sticks his head in the door. He looks around, yells \"Oo tee dee (well, that's what it sounded like)\", and a bunch of others join, in a ring-around-the-rosy with the guy in the middle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No no full stop. none of this can be addressed until we make sure you are prepared to use the proper pronouns should you encounter a mentally ill person This is a very common liberal debate topic. They think it's a mic drop moment. Why would you vote against your own self-interest? Bam... Argument won! It's amazing that the idea of non-selfish people is THAT foreign to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe in getting rid of the welfare system so that stupid people aren't encouraged to breed at taxpayer expense. There's a big difference between that and killing a baby that already exists. No welfare system and the problem of rule by the stupid takes care of itself. The Midwest and Flyover states are going to kill you...? The Midwest and flyover states don't need welfare if the government gets out of their way and if it blocks job-killing foreign product dumping into the US. Most welfare is being paid into commiefornia Right. Because there are ZERO white people on welfare there either that'll die from your shitty ideas. Totally forgot. They can work or starve. They have no excuse now that Trump is bringing jobs back and facilitating the creation of new jobs. Freeloaders have no right to anyone's money. Private charities and families can deal with the rest.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Libs get triggered by nearly everything, watching them flip out is an almost daily occurrence, there's absolutely no need to dig this shit back up just for that. Even people who were part of GG don't want this. MundaneCuck and Soygoy are just desperate to try to rejuvenate their \"careers.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apologies for being such a dickhead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ain't touchin' Sony with a 40 foot pole. What a bunch of retards, all they had to do was keep doing nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont understand rich people who dress like trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can hear my mom playing flappy bird in the living room ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's 80 you fuckin retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] 100\/100, should've been the main protagonist - pc gamer, probably Assassin's Creed is complete fiction. Nobody would be surprised at a Spartan Warrior Princess or hell even a fucking AMAZON, a literal mythological warrior woman with one breast missing for historical accuracy and to better shoot a bow. Now depicting the Russo-Japanese war with armies on both sides with women in it... you are stepping on some serious toes now. Historical toes. Very sensitive toes that have been hit with many hammers like black Legionaries and black British Queens. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marco Rubio is a faggot and mitt Romney is a fake Christian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ha ha ha faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He needed to take a shit before he left. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Oh boy I sure like Spider-Man and Venom is my favorite villain. I don't like pop music. I'm going to see this film that appeals to my interest as opposed to this other film that does not.\" \"You're literally not a homosexual and any feelings you have toward your same sex is now non-existent.\" What a swarmy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any Chinaman can go to any U.S. Embassy or point of entry and apply for asylum and Get It Legally.. So why would they pay $50,000 to $70,000 per to a Coyote and where dose a Chinese peasant come up with that kind of scratch? They filled this country with Chinese spies and saboteurs while they had the useful idiot chasing Russians around.. WTF, This has only been going on since Obama was elected? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/mexicans-chinese-among-30-illegal-immigrants-arrested-by-border-patrol-outside-new-san-diego-smuggling-tunnel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"eharmony just informed me that my soulmate is an 02 Sea Doo with a trash bag of Whataburger taquitos bungeed on top. Thx, Dr. Neil Warren.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Smithfield Foods employee allegedly urinates on production line, costs company 50,000 pounds of product https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/food-drink\/smithfield-foods-employee-urinates-while-working-on-production-line-costs-company-50000-pounds-of-product What are the odds that this worker is from some third-world country or is an illegal immigrant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever Muslims look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A grand jury indicted Leticia Sanchez, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, Maria Solis and Laura Parra on Wednesday. Paxton's office said the women harvested votes, by filling out applications for mail-in ballots, with forged signatures. Then they would either \"assist the voter with filling out the ballot, or fill it out themselves, and use deception to get the voter to sign the envelope the ballot would be sent back in. Political consultant Aaron Harris said Friday the case stemmed out of information he provided to investigators back in All four of them are wetback communists. coincidence? Not 1 bit Bud. Fuckin weak white ppl hv no clue that darkies love them some communism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#IndigenousPeoplesDay .........right. Because these #redskins had a lot of #queens, right? nomg. #sofunny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @amoz1939: drinkingto the last dropwashing teapot #haiku #mijikai","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a whore?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's hope this cunt rots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Common features shared by Muslims and Western Liberals: - their hatred for Christianity - their hatred for decency, diligence, talent - their contempt for honest work - their love for unearned wealth, narcissistic control over others - their sadistic preference for tyranny to watch others subjugated and suffering - ie, they are all mentally disturbed Nazis. Most people are so ignorant, they don't know the difference between communism, fascism, socialism, or freedom. ...and, they don't care to learn. I've already got a clueless one showing the ignorance. Weimar Germany on steroids today anyone? You can't possibly be this clueless Enwhiten me! Enwiten you....now that speaks volumes for what I'm referencing No Nazi ever told me I should be replaced because I was white, or tolerated his (((relatives))) doing so. You're a lolcow. IDF paid Troll Soldier. Off to the oven you go. That wasn't for you, goofball. PS unpaid troll.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan Serious question: you have 1a and 2a. What are you doing about this invasion?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Source: https:\/\/twitter.com\/lifenewshq\/status\/1008393964511223814?s=21 It's almost as if the woman should be the one to have the choice considering it's her actually body? No? It seems you're against child support. You think the father should not have to pay child support? >It's almost as if the woman should be the one to have the choice considering it's her actually body? No? She can have the choice. And the responsibility for that choice. What would be the incentive of not getting a women pregnant if there were no repercussions? \"Getting a woman pregnant.\" So that's entirely his decision then? You gonna answer the question? But if they did what should the authorities do? If men somehow developed control over women's reproductive systems? That would be a very different world. What if up was wet?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuzzy socks are the actual life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LoLDyrus It's retarded. Ignore the harlem shake fad and hope it goes away soon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's pointing out the ridiculousness of your argument. You're using the same argument (no true Scotsman) that communist apologists and socialists use to defend how fucking bananas your ideological proponents have become. What we're seeing from the left **is** liberalism. It's liberalism allowed to go full retard. To put it in non-political terms, this kind of wanton-fuckery is what becomes of Chaos and Order in the other's absence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have to admit he was right to tell me to go fuck myself. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one cares. The only thing is, a certain little soy sucking pole smoker is crying and snitching like the little cunt he is, so......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never forget just how much these people hate you and want to see you suffer. Maybe you are more sunshine than me, I'm just waiting for someone to post her, \"Hey Fellow White People, here's what we need to do...\" tweet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Epic and Thoughtful James Wood Twat http:\/\/twitter.com\/RealJamesWoods\/status\/1048630451705970688","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@jethromass: Photo: http:\/\/t.co\/CxRs5BVhPw\" he is in sole heaven","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quit being such a faggot. My religion demands that I be way more \"racist\" than you. In common parlance, if you're White and don't want White Genocide, you're \"racist\". If the old testament is for christians then you need to obey all old testament laws too, according to jesus. It could rightly be said that Europe is Christian in origin. Prove it, christ nigger Post your evidence You wont cos you have none Just another christ nigger, calling himself a jew, a treasonous race traitor, who shits on his own white pagan blood Youre a degenerate christ nigger I think I've had about enough of you and Robert calling every christian a nigger and a jew. Come up with some new insults already, or STFU! How about jew worshipping, jew groveller ... lol Still waiting for you to prove all jews today, are called pharisee's ... lmao Judaism isn't just a religion, it's an ethnic group. An ethnic group that white Christians are not members of. Your constantly calling white people jews, just because you don't like their religion, makes me think that YOU are the jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @alisonkent: Also as part of my release day gift (yes, we get those!) this adorable bumblebee bear! #Montlake http:\/\/t.co\/SC3AjXCiRB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On this I agree with Bailey. Multiculturalism has turned parts of London into cesspools. However the purpose of this story is to get Bailey to recant whilst slyly getting the enriched areas to vote Labour. https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/politics\/2018\/oct\/03\/tories-london-mayor-pick-shaun-bailey-multiculturalism-robs-britain-of-its-community","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, this is me, the Thomas Wictor who was banned from Twitter. See the blue check mark? Duh. I told Fox's fave commie Jessica Tarlov that her daytime eye makeup was sluttier than some ho's working the avenue on Saturday night. That was all it took.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You point an unloaded toy gun at me and I will break your fucking arm in three places, slowly, for my own personal enjoyment. Are all Antifa-gs this stupid? No, You are Stupid! I CAN SEE IT NOW!!! SHE WILL WIN! NOVEMBER 11th! THE PROPHECY SHALL BE FULLFILLED! ROBERT MEULLER IS RELEASING THE INFO-GUILLOTINE ON DRUMPF THIS NOVEMBER! HE WILL BE REMOVED FROM POWER! PENCE WILL RESIGN AND SO WILL RYAN! AND SHE WHO IS #ALWAYSRIGHT WILL BE #PRESIDENT! Beautiful is it not?... Ok so this is a parody account after all. Nobody can be this drooolingly stupid in real life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Journalists ask: is it okay to manipulate your husband into becoming infertile before you leave him so that he can't have kids with anyone else? And they wonder why we hate them. They should continue to have kids. Aryan master race babies Yeah, I guess I can't argue with you there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just because a nigger killed another nigger doesn't mean the murderer shouldn't be hung.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Violent #DNCTFA Mob attacks reporter at tolerant DNC Rally for talking the Truth about globalist terrorist George Soros funding the Democrat Mob Party of Hate. #1776RealNews @gatewaypundit https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/angry-democrat-mob-assaults-gay-journalist-at-andrew-gillum-rally-jobsnotmobs-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kangaroo dick sucking aussie hippy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because apparntly people believe the man who made his fame and fortune building things, can't get something built when he's President. I present to you The Wall under construction. https:\/\/youtu.be\/S024otpADnQ It's not the wall we were promised, it's just more of the same old shitty border fencing that has been used for years.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most of them are in \/r\/politics and \/r\/news. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"SeaFoam82\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You nailed it, This is the globalist muzzie infiltration of every part of the west....to tear it apart.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh yeah, Polanski butt fucked a 12 year old but that wasn't rape? Stupid ass cunt Goldberg EVERYONE HATES YOU!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This just in: Nigger woman is the worst driver","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/news.opera-api.com\/news\/detail\/1090c6c1fe01a113eb7b9862e5d7ace9_us?share=1andcountry=usandlanguage=en try to down vote this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Georgetown university professor calls for murder and mutilation of GOP senators Luckily she is already verified, so twitter won't need to add that. Imagine your kids being taught by this vile unhinged person! She clearly has serious mental issues! It's time for the educators, teachers, professors, to be tested for mental health issues every single year! No kidding!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is one shitty cup of coffee. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad people are realising women are not at all ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Around bowling balls and blacks, don't relax. https:\/\/www.detroitnews.com\/story\/news\/local\/macomb-county\/2018\/10\/15\/two-arrested-roseville-bowling-ball-attack\/1650729002\/ Tell that to Reginald Denny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are gay people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't think that the murder of the current sitting president of the United States, is going to go down the way they wanted to. The black state fails to understand, we are not the retarded boomers. We are more than inclined to fuck up some shit. And not like antifa either, we talking FUBAR.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and another one @07Cannon: Two hoes? RT \"@xoxo_imaunicorn: y'all know what we are?! \" http:\/\/t.co\/XI5Aod1FAo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whatever the flaws of the Republican Party as it stands, they are the only force on Earth capable of stopping our mortal enemies, the Democrats. We must help the Republicans to defeat the Democrats in order to earn our place in the power structure. If we turn on them, then we do not deserve the opportunity. Yes. Vote Republican because the Republicans will welcome the likes of Christopher Cantwell with open arms. Reality: any candidate endorsed by Christopher Cantwell will have a black mark on their name and that candidate would disavow Cantwell and his ideas in a heartbeat. I don't get why people would give up the ballot box when it's easier to use than the jury or ammo boxes. They're literally this ancap smuggie...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never turned my back on the birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aww poor faggot I thought you put me on ignore??? LMFAO ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/politics-of-sleaze-backfires-75-of-americans-blame-dianne-feinstein-for-kavanaugh-confirmation-fiasco\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is fitting for gay vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.publicschoolreview.com\/blog\/white-students-are-now-the-minority-in-u-s-public-schools","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugly and partially retarded, Yep thats your typical SJW for you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's worse than that. Not only is she a porn star and a prostitute, she is a porn producer. She cons chicks into taking nigger dick in the ass, while high on coke, for all the world to see. She isn't happy destroying her own life. She wants to help fuck up other's lives as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"National Socialists are silly because they claim to be against Jewish supremacy, but the Nazi party was entirely practicing a Jewish religion, Christianity. It's a retarded contradiction. I don't have much respect for the national socialists because there is a lack of consistency.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jill Filipovic tells women to divorce their Republican husbands. Jill are you fucking stupid? Why would any real man want to be married to some shrieking insane harpy that watches the view, follows you, and votes HRC. Kick the lefty bitch to the curb. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y94zenl2 Can't imagine putting up with something like a Joy Behar type for more than four seconds before punching her in the throat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fantasy squad doing so trash :\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I firmly believe that only trans people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty sure that's a MtF tranny, either way, communism already shows it's retarded. I don't understand why so many LGBTBBQ people are so into communism, if you weren't a straight couple and seen as a degenerate, it was the gulag for you. Trannies dont care how much you make they are not women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please sign my Petition to the #WhiteHouse so I can get my Petition seen by #PresidentTrump. Thank you. Please propose Bill against the Islamization in our American Schools URL: https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/please-propose-bill-against-islamization-our-american-schools You can't so much as sneeze Jesus in school without the left losing their mind. bitch about this, fine with \"holocaust class\" Nazi tears water my nuts. sounds gay and semitic, but i repeat myself project a little harder, maybe you can burn my shadow into the sidewalk who are you trying to convince?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in gay people's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"im smarter than him\" and#x200B; and so modest and likeable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All I ever want is for someone to love me as deeply and devotedly as Charlie Kelly loves the waitress.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my opinion, gay people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look al the LGBTQ people are angry. This faggot is glad he ain't American.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In this case \"Mob\" is more in line with the NPC term for Monster. Since the typical definition of a \"Mob\" is a mass of typically angry people. There is only the one guy it seems. The rest seem to be telling the deranged retard to leave.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We do. Hopefully I'll at least have time for a round or two.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have an H bomb meme in my arsenal too, but it's less retarded than yours:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not to shit on Bourdains memory, but a real man would have dropped that worthless cunt the moment she demonstrated what a worthless cunt she was. \"Real men\" don't have to deal with this type of shit, because they *act* on red flags, instead of doing what most men do, which is ignore them because they want to get their dick wet. That's my 2 cents, the world doesn't \"need\" more white knights, what it needs, are for women to stop believing everything is \"different\" when they do it, because \"oppressed vagina\". >Not to shit on Bourdains memory, but a real man would have dropped that worthless cunt the moment she demonstrated what a worthless cunt she was. In general, with people who aren't Armchair Relationship counselours, one doesn't usually consult arbitrary milestones of what it means to \"be a man\" when they are facing a crisis with their loved one. Having said that, It would seem to me that this bitch HAD to have displayed OTHER crazy behavior that Bourdain probably should've noticed and peaced out LONG ago, but he likely ignored red flags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Two-Year Globalist War on President Trump http:\/\/libertyunderfire.org\/ Attacks on Trump Echo Smears of John Birch Society https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y86kuqq7 Council on Foreign Relations member Max Boot Claims Trump Blaming CFR member Soros Is Like Blaming 'The Jews' https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y7m3sweh Who in the hell is this fuckface??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I heard a rumour that back in her college days someone put some Uranium in Warren's Tampax as a prank. Here's the scary thing; if that is true, she is the worlds first nuclear powered dumb cunt and she can run forever and will never need refuelling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aww you have to go back to spamming because you cant use words like a big boy. LOL You mean you're mad ;) Sure my little dancing monkey. Whatever you say. LOL I don't mind dancing to you being mad LOL ;) You can say I'm mad all you like but I'm not. This is funny. I dont even have to do anything and you just spam away. You really are a trained little monkey and don't even know it. I'm here for you all night honey ;) I'm sure you will and once you are tired I'll wind you up to dance more. LMFAO Fucking dolt. LOL You try so hard. I pwn you ;) I'm not even doing anything. The simple fact that you think you \"pwned\" me by spamming while I sit here and do nothing is really hilarious. You dont understand what trolling means if you think this is winning. LMFAO Oh, You stretch your ass for just such an occasion? LOL LOL Sure I'm just so angry, my little dancing monkey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only giant faggot here is you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lnsightful @zT_Supreme @uncr4fted @yoPapi_chulo omg no plz stop calling me an idiot... are we in kindergarden you fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@shrekkalove You speak colored too?I thinks I be in love","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The leftists are legitamately retarded, They think they can impeach Trump with a Republican controlled senate lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up, you subversive, Anti White, nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"In a bizarre clip ... It is bizarre to see a black person hate themselves that much, or really any other race, except for whites. Whites hate themselves so regularly it is not considered strange. It would not be unusual or interesting to see a self-hating white girl, plagued with guilt on TV, because it's so common.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Donald Trump Jr., Kid Rock to campaign for Mich. senate candidate John James https:\/\/www.oann.com\/donald-trump-jr-kid-rock-to-campaign-for-mich-senate-candidate-john-james\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] I know it aint popular and I disagree and he assaulted her first. Come on maaan this is not pussypassprotected. They both were trained and reacted from their training. Just because some authority somewhere gave someone a badge doesnt mean they can just start pushing and grabbing on. In fact this is self defence 101 - raising voices the seesaw that happens the push or grab and then the punch. 101! Dude should have been verbal with step away from the counter or what have you. Close proximity no warning they both wanted to dominate the situation. Edit: downvote me to hell - dont matter I have tuns of karma, let it roll. If your all men and visual then you would see what I see and not be a bunch of dence motherfuckers! Just because some bitch used pussypass on you doesnt mean lets all applaud people getting fucked with and beat up. Like I said let it roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edit 2: reading your comments to this like I said - dence motherfuckers. well thank you for that english lesson but something tells me your intelligent enough to know exactly what I was saying, so why did you miss the whole ov' it? Misspell* Just sayin Well shit. I was drunk. We are all stupider for having read what you posted. You're out of your league here man. who made you the decider? and of what? you dont know me - in fact my sob story out ranks yours when it comes to bitches guaranteed - still doesnt mean we enjoy trash that aint even pussypass! Which this most certainly isnt. Some citizen demanding their ID from the government to which country they live, I think not! And then getting pushed around by some authority in that country. IM smarter then you, no its a fact! I have successes that outway yours guaranteed - 100% and do I know this - because of your ignorance and noneducational mind when it comes to things like this, and besides I know who the fuck I am and my successes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's pretty typical of faggot loud mouths","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger lmao Shut up nigger Go back to Nigeria you fucking slave","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So retarded bullshit then? What I expected.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least the faggot part was right!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@asshole_king pats owner is a kike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It could be the source video and not their choice, unless I saw a trend idk if this is really a valid issue. I see the merit but this could easily be an isolated incident. This is the trend in Sri Lanka. Always hide the female face. Here another example https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DYvzakjA5w0 Around here we just call them feminists. It doesn't exactly disprove his point to downvote him, feminazis. Good username Feminazi trolls and brigaders, who ask these 'questions' to cast doubt, but never actually want to hear it when it turns out they're doubts are unfounded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's their problem and no one should interfere with their own way of life. If someone is unhappy they can try to escape.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A black person must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This explains why I grew up being abuses by an alcoholic bitch only to leave to get cheated on by a pathological lying cunt. My father is a man of respect an honor. My mom is a woman of hard liquor and shopping trips. This is fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"did you know bono is gaelic for thieving nonce cunt ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's actually a Finnish MP representing the Green party. Most of the people wish her to get heavily fined or jailed. It's ironic the first thing she did when she noticed this \"injustice\" happen was to open Facebook and start a live broadcast to appease her narcissistic needs and virtue signal. Tough luck she was asked to either sit down or be escorted out, she chose the latter while the rest of her family flew to Berlin. Yup, if she cant be a savior then she wants to be a martyr.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Space, niggers fear whites in space, because we may leave them and they will turn the whole earth into zimbabwe Cedric the entertainer said the nigger will follow us in a space ship that has 60 rims and a boom box","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It should be clear that black people are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that is the most retarded chart I've seen all year thanks for the laughs ha, discovered you don't like about yourself, Joey? har har, i only dislike Jews, Liars and Good-Goyim. which are you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid bastard actually believes that by being seen with a white woman, he'll raise his social status. Too stupid to realize that his skin color won't change !! LMAO That shit is Photoshopped, I wear glasses and spotted that ASAP. Look at her (R) shoulder compared to his (L).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how embarrassing will this frog eating faggot become?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He did really piss me off by doing that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best way to stop being on top, if they ever really were. On top of what, interactive movie experience?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too manyshemales in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keith Ellison Is Considering Stepping Down As Deputy Chair Of The DNC https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/QjYMsVM.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_k5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im so glad you are infected you insufferable retard, enjoy and#x200B; you are also blocked, cant come back at me lol you murdered him by words, nice one bro. don't bother replying to retards by the way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First Lindsay Graham, now this faggot grows a pair. I think they're all on drugs...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I ridicule the kikes all day long - and there's nothing that New Scotland Yard or MI5 can do about it. Lol No! That's why I make a twat of you on their behalf ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Traitors deserve a bullet. Anybody that votes for this liberal turd is nuts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's a great fucking idea. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The \"Angela Merkel\" of California: Kamala Harris: Americans Must be Welcoming,' Tolerant' to Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/23\/watch-kamala-harris-americans-must-be-welcoming-tolerant-to-caravan\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many Globies here will prove they are \"Globe Earth Dummies after reading this meme? Please take your time and do the math with a Earth Curvature Chart, so not to incriminate yourself. I did, and I'm no dummy. You might find a difference in a few feet, but not thousands of feet. Please do the math with common sense and don't feel bad; many intellectual people are Globe Earth dummies, too. We all were once brainwashed with this fake crap. The conspiracy theorists who still believe the earth is a globe never ever look at FACTS. Exactly how does anyone ever believe the government? Exactly how does anyone ever believe Dumbass David Ross? https:\/\/youtu.be\/9zZo1hLPM38 Exactly how do you tie your own shoes? with my fingers, in a manner far too complicated for a moron like you to comprehend It was meant clearly as a euphemism but that would be double meaning would be a little over what your shallow little brain could handle. I was hoping your head cracked open on one of your dives into the intellectual children's pool. Have you ever thought of doing a high dive into one? I don't swim in children's pools, oh ye who projects his own weaknesses I'm not Jewish, don't you mean Goy? you argue like an 8 year old","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You should've voted for Gary Johnson. he really did say that and one of the many reasons he was not my first pick in the primaries. However, the is the right man and the only man with the skill-set and backbone to turn this thing around. Now Isaac Baranoff @IsaacBaranoff is showing himself to be a moron Never Trump which aligns him with the enemy demoncRATS. Sucks to be you dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hang all these disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know the full details of the IMC shit. I was bored with the Kraut stupidity the first time round so this round holds little interest for me. The name wild goose however I do know. He is a legitimately horrible individual who is butt buddies with Ralph and the other IBS cunts. I believe he was the one who doxed Sargon and celebrated the suicide of the sister of a GG'er back in the day. Honestly it's not what he changed his mind to that makes me distrust him. It's the degree to which he flipped and the time it took to happen. I don't give him any credibility and doubt every thing he says and does. You do you mate. Just remember that someone's actions belie the truth of their words.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finnish Court Rules Sex With Children Is Permitted. What the fcuk are you thinking Finland, it's not right under any religion. Noooooooooooo https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/finnish-court-sex-children\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So when is the nigger leaving?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Washing my coon hair","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> if I continue to use a VPN I will be banned from their site. are this people actually mentally retarded or what. > Hiding your connection and protecting what you do online. Only... it doesnt protect what you do online as they shit stillhas to go through your ISP. e n c r y p t e d data goes through your ISP. >Not allowing VPNs is perfectly legitimate and not even shady business practice. I can not agree with it. I do understand that amount of fraud from users that think they are anonymous behind VPN would grow up exponentially, but honestly, I still can no tagree with it. later edit: my reason for this is that banning an *algorithm* (or a technology) due to fraudulent use of said technology is retarded. Its same as if they'd ban knives because knives could hurt people in hands of bad people, and having knives enables bad people to use them to hurt people. Adding additional verification steps in case if a user is behind VPN is OK and would be a \"totally legitimate and not shady\" business practice. Violating user's privacy by not allowing VPN is not.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so you wouldn't mind me saying \"women are cunts because some women are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.atimes.com\/article\/eu-finally-stands-up-to-us-bullying-over-iran-sanctions\/ It should be re-branded as the #IU Considering the #Muslims have full control over the EU its no longer the European Union its the Islamic Union AKA The Caliphate! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" And of course the best thing for POTUS to do will be to put a woman in her place. A conservative, constitutionally knowledgeable, smart, young, attractive woman named Amy Coney Barrett. Absolutely not barrett. Not Barrett. Misguided Catholic Civnat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who gives a fuck if a traitor -- and yes the SAND NIGGER was JUDAS -- was executed??? Stop being a tool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have at it. White women have lowered themselves to either cunt lickers or nigger lovers, they are not \"oppressed anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Twatpacker Isles Seriously, that's the name of a group of islands? lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @esaagar: Ambassador Grenell was in the Oval Office w\/ POTUS on October 3, the same day that Nikki Haley gave her resignation to Trump https:\/\/t.co\/Otmb6KeV7G","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@carlybaejepsen trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quick or not it would still be catastrophic. I don't see a bunch of fee fee driven emotionally retarded soy drinking leftist standing much of a chance either, but dead folk on the news tend to be remembered for their causes and not their effectiveness. There would be an incredible divide that would not heal for hundreds of years if they got the war they are pushing, Something to consider.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Worth noting: Jim Acosta was banned, not CNN. They can just send another retard in his place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nasty cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims rape and beat their women and inbreed with them to create retarded children that can be weaponized against non-Muslims. As our population dwindles because our women are too good to have children, Islam will replace us, and it won't be fun for western women. See Sweden.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off anti white retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excuse me Jeremy you Cunt for your information","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Zombie9 Are you a real life Dickhead with pretendy hurty words,has someone made you cry Lollers Who are you dick head? some other cunt face or Sean's lover ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanye West: Mind Control I understand that some people think Kanye is crazy, because he kinda is, but he brings up good points There are always people trying to manipulate what you say, what you think, and what you feel. Whether it's the MSM, T.V., Radio, Newspapers, Social Media etc Think for yourself :p #News Watch: https:\/\/www.pscp.tv\/w\/1yoKMVydwkwGQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" When you get to the bong high your really addicted.Super fucked up.Only president to snort cocaine and smoke weed in the White House.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're retarded don't @ me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are thankful that the USA blesses the people that actually work to destroy it? Seems to me if you wanna be destroyed, all you got to do is think the Jews are some sort of \"chosen people\" instead of the lying parasites that they really are, they take plenty advantage to destroy the nations they are apart of. Evangelicals? They already have kosher goys. That's faggot talk. @judgedread No. The words were read with faggot eyes and interpreted by your faggot brain. Thanks for coming out homo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, America does NOT deserve better. 50% of America are blithering, overweight fucksticks on government or grant incomes who couldn't decipher a Sudoku puzzle if their life depending on it. If your not from a different country get the fuck out anti American faggot your Jealous that America is better than the shit hole you live in. Eurofag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really don't give a s*** or rat's ass about this Muslim he shouldn't have been in our country to begin with. I'm sorry that's harsh and cold hearted but that's how it is. they don't belong in our country they're destroying Europe and they're going to destroy America if someone doesn't do something. When I said, \"Raise your hand if you're glad he's dead!\", even this faggot agreed with me!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder how those Tumblr women feel about fixing the problem that is cunty women? Since, you know, not all women are cunts, but some are. And it's a huge important problem that needs serious social media attention. Go away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont know where she is from but isnt animal abuse a jail-able offense pretty much everywhere? Can we report this to local authorities? It is in the UK for sure. Granted you barely hear about people going to prison for animal abuse because someone has witnessed it and brought them to the brink of death itself. Like Grim is just stood behind the clothes line like \"HI!\" The authorities are already involved because the poor thing has been taken away. I guess we can find the number to the local DA and push for no leniency. Not in China","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> One that states all women have the same personalities. being this retarded. holy shit you are so goddamn stupid. you insulted me by giving words into my mouth that i never said. when i pointed out you felt triggered and offended. typical retarded woman logic. how about some random dudes giving dicks into your mouth that you never wanted? just to know how it feels. stop wasting my time, dumbass. just to get you started: majority of men did not reproduce throughout history. majority of women did. you know why? because as a woman you just have to be attached to a vagina and play it safe. while as a men you have to experiment you have to try all kind of shit to get into that wet hole. explore new continents, being muscular, being wealthy, being powerful, being humorous being all kind of tricky pua, anything just to get your dick wet. that gives variety over time. you see those charts when the feminists argue against \"men are more intelligent\" with a chart showing men just have more diversity? guess what, applies to personality too! lol @ u if you think it's only for iq. (and btw, that chart is wrong. the average iq is still higher for men you just can't research it and can't say things like that because muh patriarchy in the academic field will get offended. but it doesn't really matter, what matters is the higher iq humans are predominantly male) have you seen a tinder profile of the average women? they are all the same. have you seen the latest fashion trends? who are into it?? who? the guys or the girls? spotify or groovshark idk provided data about gender and genre. guess what? women preferred the latest mainstream trendy pop while men had all kind of variety. women are hivemind. do your own research or just open your fucking eyes or learn history, literally it is in front of your pathetic nose. i can't help another random retard on the internet. told you already just stop wasting my time and stop insulting me. thank you!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical Miami fan. Worst game day experience in all of College Football. Virtually no students go, just a bunch of inbred hicks like this cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For two years we have listened to CNN, and every liberal media outlet say \"Trump supporters are racist\". Meanwhile here's CNN saying \"Kanye West is a Token Negro\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/Fuctupmind\/status\/1050021854872788992","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My thoughts exactly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you not the guy who gets pity fucks from a horse faced nigger? you don't get to lecture anyone about shame. I get to lecture you everytime you come on here. Just admit it, you're a lazy socialist on Welfare, living off the money of working blacks, gays and Jews lol You put yourself in a clear box in your own bio pillock. \"...to Harass Reds and Intimidate Kikes Everywhere Da Goyim Know\" Left wing Jew hatred and Reds in the US are Republicans I believe. Clinton Democrats harass Reds. You're a feking socialist. Own it, like I've owned you :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"QC=Queer Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the nigger geraldo rivera needs hanged to death per our american law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here you can call Andrea Mitchell a retarded whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dont fuck with me tonite ppl im all hopped up on TRUTH Feeling some 'Brain Power'?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently you have no understanding of the globalist agenda","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You want everyone to be shown a photo of a Nigger terrorist who murdered White babies? Did you just seriously suggest this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"come on you limey bastards! take it back; send the muslims home and dig that rat fuck Rothschild out of his bunker and . . . do whatever you feel appropriate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why waste your time watching this bullshit? Its all about kissin jew and nigger ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/gab.ai\/forguidaicarbi1970 She's a porn site. @Millwood16 Evil goes on if good people do nothing. indeed . . evil grows . . when good people do nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fukc all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She knows she looks good, she's a bad bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ruth Bader Ginsburg next...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck the filthy Marxist cunt . . . .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt who is buddies with Stormy.. #Alefantis #Podesta #DeepState #ChildTrafficking #PedoGate #UsingArt2HurtKids #HidingInPlainSight","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This #Halloween don't B #CultureAppropriation coz it might hurt someone's feefees even if U do look like a twat ppl's feelings matter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who the fuck in their right mind would want to flood their country with retarded bongo lipped apes??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate all these industry fags. I hope they all get the Nigerian Summer Flu","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the Nigger is not a civilized man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is better than the stuff you see on r\/MurderedByWords .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Find a long-dicked nigger to fuck your ass 3 times a day...500 calories an hour","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't girls and woman matter anymore that people like this twat thinks he can justify comments like this what a fucking country this is st grooming mainlying Muslim men raping underage white girls britain Muslim council trying to rule our army and terrorist's been let back in after fighting for isis Replacing a Paki with a Nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Invaders from third-world countries bring nothing of value to America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do we need to put this picture on a milk carton or issue and \"Amber\" alert. She hasn't been seen or heard from in more then 10 days.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Drink some bleach dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many fags in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The right to be left alone and the right to do what you want with your own stuff were finished off by the Nigger Rights Act of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You w o m e n make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Normally I disagree with many of the decisions @a makes, but cleaning up the cartoon pedo faggot porn isn't one of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This one got me booted off FB for a week. I find it to be one of the most insanely ridiculous things I've ever seen. The retarded liberals who came up with this concept are living in another reality. Pathetic. White guilt is the stupidest concept ever. I can't believe that people this moronic actually exist. This is one of the absolute most retarded virtue signaling attempts I've ever seen. I'll never apologize for things I didn't do!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he looks like a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because Gab lets ALL of us Cosmic Assholes in, including ME and Thomas Hellbound Faggot Wictor!! That's WHY!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You faggot. Run along and suck off Rod ROSENSWINE, bagel nigger @deplorablesloan your insane hate consumes you cunt Lmfao..the ignorant cunt speaks...nigger and kike are the extent of her vocabulary..priceless...again...cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flappy bird stresses me out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. The only nigger is the one that shares a cell with Billy. When he is allowed prison internet access finds it hard to get comfortable typing as his now gaping ass is, well, raw with emotion ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Undocumented Shoppers Bwahaaaaw Just prepping for the NFL Those 2 Guys in the Background are Jews... Jews who really love shoes. It's the usual suspects out for a casual day of breaking and entering, looting, etc. Strong work living down to the stereotype! People are soooo fucking selfish and stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the seldom heard of CUNT o saurous","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should #Oscar go to @AndySerkis or #Computer that turned him into an ape? http:\/\/t.co\/oWgoCjxpXs NO...The #ComputerScience major #Movie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apple slave master, Tim Kook lies to retarded Vice \"reporter\" about banning #Infowars. Provides ZERO reason but states they aren't political. Lmao at over privileged leftist scum. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/apple-ceo-denies-tech-giants-colluded-to-ban-alex-jones\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FightNightX @NMF4Life khan has been facing nothing but trash since his L to Garcia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TYPICAL MUZZIE DICKNOID","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got his MD license out of a crackerjacks box ...i see !!! I seriously fear for any patient this twat MD treats !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@orchetect Are we doing Mad Libs now? Cool. Uh... Twinkie 35' long, DJ Pon3 cameo, Magic , Crystal Tree. #TNGSeason4Finale","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"demoKKKrats are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a professional Software Developer in the industry for 10 years, i've yet to meet a female Developer of any value. The majority of them spend the day on social media and gossiping, the others ask the men around them to do their work, and the others do the most basic \"coding\" like editing HTML and CSS tags to change the font and colour on text. My conclusion: don't worry, the app they build will be a pile of shit. I've mentored a few women, didn't go down well either. They appeared to lack the ability to retain information and would continually ask me the same questions everyday... which were usually questions about the really basic stuff (never mind optimizing an algorithm). But, I did not always feel this negative about women in STEM. When I started out I was I guess quite left liberal leaning, very optimistic about doing my bit to smash the patriarchy (I actually believed the wage gap was real). Then I started working with Female Developers. I noticed they were always either complaining, gossiping, wasting company time on social media, or asking someone else to do their work. Ok I thought, so maybe I just happened to be put with some bad examples, but all other women developers will be amazing hot shot genius coders... but the same patter was observed at EVERY single IT company I ever worked at. I guess it was an awakening moment, where I realized \"oh shit i've been lied too, women can't code and hate being at work\". Today, I treat women Developers the same way as children. If they ask for help i'll provide it, if I have to work on a project with them i'll do my best, but I have absolutely no expectations from them whatsover and refuse to be surprised when another one is escorted out the building for being completely utterly incompetent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot Oliver Darcy is now going after the great Lou Dobbs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"all i have to say is look at snoop's wife..and then kanye's. look at kimyes money vs snoop and snoopette. She's a nottie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who will Kill who 1st, as Jew Boy Clooney Marries Muslim Sand Nigger (2 Racial Mortal Enemies since the Dawn of Time). It's a Case of Opposites Attract, Followed by, Murdering eachother over a Package of Bacon... https:\/\/a.msn.com\/r\/2\/BBOjesL?m=en-usandreferrerID=InAppShare","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"also, go be a faggot white knight somewhere else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's hard for me to downvote any post on IGTHFT, but this simply isn't funny. I agree that the way this LGBTW\/E shit is being pushed is fucking retarded but even dark humour needs more than just being the denial of an idea uttered using harsh language. This meme gets an F for effort.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As soon as we left Iraq all these towel heads think they can fucking barge in and take over what we worked so hard to set up. Pisses me off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweden is a muzzie shithole","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger fears","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I sat at dinner with Anderson Cooper I would just bring up ass smell and buttfucking and cum eating because he's a faggot .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">single white guy to balance things out These retards view representation like Pokemon. Makes perfect sense that they cream themselves whenever someone invents another even-more-fringe gender identity -- another rare Pokemon appears!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yankee homeruns make me all tingly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"A felony charge would eventually keep her from being a nurse\". THIS CRAZY CUNT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE NEAR PATIENTS. Who knows what fucked up things she will lie about her patients.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or \"don't vote for the cripple\" amirite? bigot MT @DawnnaDukes: Vote #VoteWendyDavis for Governor of Texas. http:\/\/t.co\/LnAeW8CCoD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great.. Are going to get stuck with lazy nigger bots too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see u jigga!!!! Hillary $wankin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm. *puts gummy worms in your morning coffee*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I dont use it. I had an account for harrassing retarded leftist people but I cant even view the site unless I give them my phone #.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, you are Nigger, yet you prefer to be with a White woman? That is the very definition of racism. You do realise this, yes? You are aware that your own women are fugly, therefore you need to choose ours, although I know for a fact you do not have one of ours. You WISH you did, Nigger. Nice of you to admit to your racial-inferiority. not fond of mixed race marriages..but mostly disgusted at seeing white and black couples.. it nauseates me .. the nigger is mocking the white race and the white is a traitor..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only white trash watch football.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody LISTENED to her. She's burned out. That's all. It's time for fresh blood in that position. She became Trump for two years, and now she needs to step away. It's exhausting to do what HE does. Government officials must know when they're done. She knows it's time to stop. AND. She credits Jared Kushner for much of her success. He crafted Trump's election strategy and Middle Eastern strategy. Kushner is another Trump. Note that Haley's resignation came as a total surprise. There were no leaks. \"The leaks are real; the news is fake.\" Nothing REAL ever leaks. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hEENopuCdzc LMAO, it's exhausting to live in a hotel that costs 5-figures a night while telling off representatives of other countries? Where do I sign up for that exhaustion?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My goal for this week is to get @Thomas_Wictor to block me as many times as @mitchelvii did on Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i support the hanging of nigger nancy pelosi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some niggas save hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that immigrants are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My nicca @Elijahfnbaby swear he can see me in madden lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just kidding but I know how It feels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@M_Rad: @DezDLT: \"I play soccer, cheat on girls, and wear khaki coloured cargos\" haircut http:\/\/t.co\/tYCIhD6PkW yes lmfao\"@soccerboy_04","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tariq is a house nigger on the dem plantation. He's got it good so naturally he stands with his master. Fuck him and the Jew he rode in on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh my own people can be fucking retarded in some aspects of politics. No question. Democracy overall is a sham that must be abolished. So don't take my comment as an attack on Americans in particular. This is just the most current\/relevant topic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TrumpTrainMRA1 I read bio and it said, Repost doesn't mean I agree or approve, just means I Repost. That doesn't make any sense to me at all and you have been doing alot of my post lately. What's up with that, sir. take a scalp from the brown man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Irritating (black!) twat is not interested in his answers at all. She asks a question, then does a countdown and asks the next, even while the previous one is still being answered. Here's a clear illustration of why I never see TV 'news' or mainstream papers anymore. They're all rubbish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CharleeRedz13 your gay stfu, dumb monkey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Free bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All disabled people are such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"5\/ That's the problem. Ppl equate \"free speech\" with \"I get to spam you with 5000 gay porn pictures, that's free speech.\" That's like the juvenile retard view of it. Way to take a concept of being able to communicate differing ideas in a discussion and turn it into some retard homo contest to see who can purposefully derail a topic or offend people. Your posts sound gay, like you're homosexual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"JW uncovered bombshell docs showing that the Obama Admin sent U.S. taxpayer funds overseas to a group supported by the billionaire George Soros, which used that money to fund leftwing political activities benefiting the socialist government of Albania. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/p4QT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hahahahaha, what a bunch of retarded crap....yeah, sorry, I did use the R word","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right wingers are RETARDS. Not stupid or misinformed - FULL ON MENTALITY RETARDED SHEEP. Fuck trump. Fuck all the RACSIT fascist Nazi kkk filth that support him. Based on all your rantings, I believe you are the full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Ants_SNEweather Well you got to see pom-pom Pete","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cant understand why someone would think it's ok to bullie someone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cute dumb females trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So what ya got nothing better to do?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a cat lady cunt with no life so she'd just rather fuck up society. Only reason I can think of.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taking out a second mortgage and betting it all on the Yankees winning the World Cup. They win a lot; seemed like a no-brainer to me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NY. Nigger Threatened to Kill Every White Person http:\/\/dailystormer.name\/colorful-new-yorker-charged-for-threatening-to-kill-every-white-person\/ Support: http:\/\/dailystormer.name\/contributions\/ http:\/\/www.register.gop *Anonymously report aliens: (866) 347-2423 The Hidden War: http:\/\/dailystormer.name\/section\/race-war\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a standard retard response from this moron. It must suck to be this stupid. I bet she weighs 300 pounds and smells like shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody's talking about a faggot priest diddling small pre-teen boys and making them suck his dick. We're talking about a hot bitch putting our for a 14 year-old teen who probably masturbated to her a thousand times. He will end up just fine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ovomit is a half nigger piece of muzzie shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FB post. Heads up everyone... My husband is a lieutenant on a fire dept. in a large town just outside Chicago. He is on vacation and just received a call to come in. All off duty are on standby. ALL trucks are being deployed in preparation of the VanDyke verdict and expected riots about Kavanaugh. It was justified killing. Its just kowtowing to blacks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ay what are some good bars\/clubs to hit up in Denver?? Should be up there Saturday night to coon out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@patrickstpierre You're a fucking faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the idiotic, traitorous wanna be tin pot dictator.... AWFUL! Classless Barack Obama Continues Midterm Campaigning Compares Trump to \"Tin-pot Dictatorship https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/classless-barack-obama-continues-midterm-campaigning-compares-trump-to-tin-pot-dictatorship\/ Obama is such a clown...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. WE DON'T WANT A BLOCK FEATURE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paralyzed Nigger Murders Man... Only a Nigger, and i Repeat, Only a Nigger would do this Shit... https:\/\/a.msn.com\/r\/2\/BBOj0gx?m=en-usandreferrerID=InAppShare","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Sttbs73: I see the crazy #teabaggers have given up on defunding Obamacare and have moved on to using veterans! #1MVetMarch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Being a cunt is admirable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will hurt you and any other gay people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who eats cereals anyway now? It's not paleo, just cheap toxic nigger food.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#GabFam Hard to believe this is 3 years old already. Rammstein - Sonne https:\/\/youtu.be\/StZcUAPRRac LOL!! The NPC continues to bleed all over my comments. You've earned your second trophy award.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And that nasty little shafting faggot wants to tell me it's all in my head...pages and pages of mainstream media FAGGOT articles. I made it all up. http:\/\/time.com\/tag\/lgbt\/ Damn man, did a gay dude steal your girlfriend? I thought I was just triggering you but I hit onto something here. You really think homosexuality is in your face 24\/7, don't you? At home, when you sleep, when you watch tv, when you're watching sports, when you're going hunting, when you're watching straight porn or having sex with your female sig other... it's always in your mind, isn't it? )))That's called being in the closet, by the way.((( Makes sense, biden is a pedo faggot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's great to hear.. Well deserved for everything he's done for Esports and gaming.. (not to mention cancer awareness..) EDIT: Oh dear fucking lord at the ResetEra thread.. Not nearly as bad as it could have been, it seems that a lot of people are standing up to the usual small group of INSANE raging retards, ideologues and assholes.. But they are still there (shitposting) and oh boy are they pompously whining loudly.. (and probably having a meltdown over the fact that people are standing up for him, against them.. that the topic isn't an echo chamber! lol)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow @Sikafred is this a real advertisement for juice from Sweden? Just when you thought the advertisement couldn't be degenerate enough, they up the ante. I'm often offended by things that the cultural marxist's do in the advertising space. But this has to be a prize winner when it comes to my irritation levels. Holy Maximal Rage Cakes. https:\/\/twitter.com\/HarmlessYardDog\/status\/1052263668291915776 I have no idea off what was being advertised other tan a baby in some black guys arms. WTH?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Oskzilla fuck you fag!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the two retards in class get into a fight","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always the Muslim that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't say that niche game have no value. Impact on the large scale is different and the way general public reacts. Andromeda came from trilogy of liked and pretty good games and showed how people react when retardedness hits AAA titles. Way different that when it's about some game with anime ghost girl with her boobs out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AntonioFrench The \"You re going 2have 2 KILL crackers and their babies New Black Panthers #CredibilityShot #FergusonRiot #Justice4MikeBrown","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"captivating_bucket\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/100percentfedup.com\/rand-pauls-wife-writes-open-letter-to-senator-corey-booker-after-dems-incite-violence-against-gop-members-of-congress-and-their","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rachel and Christina should wallow in their commiseration with John Lennon's \"Woman is the nigger of the world\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT Thomas1774Paine Maxine Waters responds to mailed bombs: I ain't scared' http:\/\/ow.ly\/ywU630mnXv3 https:\/\/twitter.com\/Thomas1774Paine\/status\/1055915741474623489","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if i had a been that student, id a TOLD THAT CUNT TO GET FKED. yeah i am and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN A REBEL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh, White men (and asians, of course) get penalized in admissions at the military academies for the sake of Diversity. we'd rather have more Diversity than good officers. Full infection of the highest ranks of the officer corps. Thx General Casey and Obama and Bush! https:\/\/usmadata.wordpress.com\/2018\/06\/10\/on-diversity-as-strength\/ who knew?!?! @Heartiste @JohnRivers \"whites get penalized\" may as well be the epitaph of america.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Illegal immigrants in Philly making demands of U.S. Senators now... MUST DEPORT. http:\/\/www","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yet you can't stop responding. Typical nigger antifa fat ugly bitch. You couldn't get laid in a muslim den.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wikipedia entries for offending IP address https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Special:Contributions\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck the nigger felon league","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I miss 0bama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every spic cop in #LosAngeles has raped or has thought about raping a white woman. That's why those half-breeds get jobs as pigs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Saltpocalypse","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you retarded? Hitler's brown shirts were almost identical to ANTIFA, both being full of young unemployed youth brawling with all of those who disagree with them. Sounds familiar? ANTIFA might as well be called the black shirts. You are literally defending Hitler. You think that people don't understand what Hitler actually stood for. That's you. Those are your words. You wearing a poppy right now? That is the sort of hipocracy that filthy nazi sympathizers would do. Tell me again what Hitler \"actually\" stood for. You nazi faggot. Lots of good men dies to eradicate that filth from the planet. You are scum. That's what I call you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just learned that 3 cities in montana are teaching gay sex ed to kindergarteners and 1st grade. despite over 700 people flooding the school board to oppose the measure. These lgbt faggots deserve to die a horrible death. These monsters should be tortured for grooming children for pedos. Missoula has been overtaken by shit-hole types at this point. Nigger creep is going North. Saw a fat black sow in my local grocery the other day. Almost lost my appetite.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's cut to the chase...who is this female curry nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoever had Mr. Ramlogan for UWI business law tho? Racist mudda cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She stood up to the corrupt ass NJHP, she deserves a standing ovation, not to be chastised or punished. This isn't pussy pass denied. I really don't give a shit what you've seen. What I've seen here is two calm and collected police officers behaving professionally while some belligerent cunt tries to bully them with her \"power . In what fucking world do you live in where that type of behavior is acceptable under any circumstances? You are not worthy of further responses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for gay people is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @chilltweetss: when I make the paper ball into the trash can http:\/\/t.co\/Xnx2XEGACm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OH NO @morningmika are you saying the Democrats lost the #teabagger vote? LMAO bobble head #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One thing I hate is a dumb cunt that makes no sense, only thing worse is 2 dumb cunts.... Your muted bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awwww do you need a tissue? Poor little kafir snowflake.... so terrible, innit? Next, we start deporting muslim goat-fucking \"refugee freeloaders en masse. Goodbye and good riddance. Conservatards Are called Tards for a Reason... Yes; it's because inbred, low IQ, r-selected Socialists cannot spell 'RETARDS', and aren't clever enough to come up with something original or biting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#nigwiggery Police hunting for nigger perp who attacked a white man in a New York pizzeria | Daily Mail Online https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6290647\/Police-hunting-perp-attacked-man-New-York-pizzeria.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TweetLikeAGirI: when other girls wear beanies they look cute and stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He raped her because feels, they never met, but his man presence and how he *might've* hurt some waman some time, translates into group think. Just cuz he was mean to one thot, he was mean to us all.. If he offended one twat, he offended us all... And by deluth model, words= sensual harassment= rape. So if you cat call a thot, if you're not hot = rape. You tell one twat you don't #believe all wamen, you're calling them all #fakerape #regretsex Quite simple really.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"disgraceful Italian-American.. pussy boy nigger lover..I'll never watch another one of his jive ass movies..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it something that mostly only women believe in? I've only known two people who actually do\/did, and they were both women, but that's not exactly a good sample size.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't be an idiot. Illegal aliens stay as far away from government offices and agents including voting stations as they can get. If we got rid of all 8,000,000 illegal aliens the USA would lose billions in taxes and revenues while costing less in benefits they can't receive like SNAP, WIC, SSI, SSDI, Vocational Rehabilitation, Promise, etc. >33 million illegals Ftfy According to ICE\/INS, Homeland Security and USD of Demographics, the est. no. in the 2014 report was Everyone of this \"guys\" stats are bull The border is more porous than ever - completely unsecured areas along US 281 between Falfurrias and US 77 I travel these routes, often dodging illegals crossing the road on foot after coming through an opening in the fence The word is guy's, Turk. Were you born an English speaker?. How do you tell the refugees from the illegal immigrants? The 2014 Dept. of Homeland Security report (pg. 2 or 3) is on their website. You can find all of the figures I wrote by entering USA.gov; ICE, or current illegal population in the USA but you'll get several sites. Verify facts by going to Snopes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never go Full Retard http:\/\/www.independentsentinel.com\/radical-andrew-gillum-says-police-prisons-have-no-place-in-justice\/ This Nigger is stupider then the Monkeys it is compared too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@JReebo: Who wants to get there nose in these bad bois then #scally #chav #sockfetish #stinking http:\/\/t.co\/FeQxgN0W6I\" hot sox and legs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Malicious my ass. This Leftist judge et. al make it sound like this contentious street nigger was put in the hospital or something. Harris was ASKING for it and HE GOT IT. In a former America, especially in the South, he would be exonerated, if arrested at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Something something bout free speech, something bout censoring.. That YT exec's vid post election night, how all their soyboi twats and NPC fembots are whining how terrible it's going to be.. and#x200B; How is there no lawsuit. Public platform that is YT, twatter and so on. And their censoring, deleting accounts. How is there nobody suing them for that. Yeah, sure, private company right, their own rules, and wrapping up everything non lefty under their 'conduct violating' policies.. That's horseshit, who tf has to grow some balls and take these cunts to court","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I gotst the dollars and this is my lambo\" I hate the goofy retard music too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes. He's retarded. retarded it is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so uncivilized","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BadAdviceDog: when you look like trash and someone compliments you http:\/\/t.co\/RRQzsYM4tY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I often tell my employees that I expected better of them, and give them tasks far beyond their capabilities. Knowing that if they have the drive\/initiative to succeed that they will work triple the pace and push far beyond their own limits. Those who can't wash out quickly and save me the trouble of letting them build seniority. I'm a bully in most senses of the word, but I reward them properly when they do well to compensate. My job requires taking a bunch of 19 year olds with no world experience and making them work at 150% the minimum, because our corporate is literally retarded in how they translate work to hours allowed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolutely true! The ignorance running rampant is the biggest problem we have. If some nigger can't get these right, then no diploma and no welfare.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/emj.bmj.com\/content\/22\/9\/679 check the bmj Get yourself one of these posters for the wall. Honestly, it will change the way you think. https:\/\/www.sigmaaldrich.com\/life-science\/metabolomics\/learning-center\/metabolic-pathways.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ahh that's what you meant. Yeah I agree, in an actual situation where bouncer doesn't go full blown retard, then that was easily avoidable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lily colored her hair. Sam was loud and aggressive and liked to eat. Jade was a goth girl who took no shit. They're basically characters that fall in line with stereotypical representations of what a lesbian acts like but these posters can't see that they're essentially saying \"IF YOURE A GIRL AND YOU ACT LIKE THIS YOU MUST LIKE OTHER WOMEN Yeah. My lesbian character (in DandD) is a massive sweetheart and very girly, giggly, and likes to act cutesy. I've never thought that she was denying stereotypes until now. Not sure why Harper had to be a lesbian except maybe because she was large. wait, since when is an angry goth girl a lesbian stereotype? I knew a few back in my high school days, but they were all straight. Same with dying hair. Maybe for every 2 or 3 dozen of dyed hair girls only one of them are les or bi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a complete fool. It is nigger trash like you that is trying to destroy this Nation. Even though racist pedophile is wrong, I don't think what you are doing is the right thing to do either. It's a retard troll. Look at the page. It just agitates everyone that responds to it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White women say this to me all the time now... EQ is just as important as IQ. It's usually just before I trigger the shit out of them and they go full retard on me. #repeal19","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You like that shit dont you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's the cunt responsible in your neck of the woods Sweden... #rwds #targetaquired #goberserk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This police officer actually shot someone who was only armed with a screwdriver, I don't get why people applaud this behaviour. To me it is sickening to see American cops power tripping like this. There are numerous ways to resolve a situation like this and this cop just chose the worst one. I fully agree with you. Here's a worse situation resolved without any need for such extreme force. https:\/\/youtu.be\/J9TFvh6Xps4 Exactly. There's no wonder American cops have a notorious reputation in Europe, since they can prove to be just as unpredictable and dangerous as the suspect(victim). How can pepperspray not even be considered in a situation like this? What about using rubber bullets or paintball bullets? This is pure \/r\/rage material. Haha i was with you until you said 'paintball'. But seriously though, youre absolutely right on stressing the use of non lethal force. Used correctly its as affective and not only that, its cheaper on the tax payer. I doubt many in this thread have even considered who'll now be picking up this womans medical bills. I dont live in the U.S so i dont need medical insurance. Her medical bills will be paid by the state, not your medical insurance. You've made a right silly cunt of yourself now, havent you? > I dont live in the U.S so i dont need medical insurance. That's not how that works. How does it work then, genius? lol are you fucking triggered? U fukin wot m8?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Graham crackers and hazelnut coffee are my fave ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So now I guess it's Trump's fault that these idiots decided to ride out the hurricane with two bottles of water and a bag of Doritos? Either be prepared or run for the hills, but sitting on your hands waiting for someone to 'do something' is bullshit. It's the socialist training, this what happens when you run out of gimmie's","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@keishagreyxxx that's the beauty of them brownies I always daydream about what I'd do if I hit the powerball lol (nerdy but fun)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bend the knee you fat doughy faggot I have nothing but contempt for those pearl-clutching faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Is anyone even a little bit shocked that @kanyewest was bullied backstage for wanting to wear a #maga hat on SNL? Despite the BS they preach, the left isn't tolerant of any view that differs even slightly from their own. You obey or you're out. Never thought I would say this, but I'd rather have Kanye on my team than you. Mindless, groundless animus much?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never saw or read anything Harry Potter. Glad I didn't once I found out what a horrible twat JK Rowling is. She never saw a dime from me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like this post must have triggered a pathetic miserable whiny little purple-haired soyboy. How sad! Moderator, have an upvote I like this mod!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jesus h christ like the usa doesn't have enough faggot pestilence parasiting its corpse already. Oh well! Accelerate The Collapse!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jessespector bird hats > every other hat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's obvious that immigrants are the very opposite of stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAGGOT SOY BOY IS IN A HELL OF A LOT OF TROUBLE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Facebook intentionally releases identity of 50 million conservatives. On Friday, September 28, 2018 Facebook said that an attack on its computer network made the personal information of nearly 50 million users vulnerable. With personal information, criminals can sell it on the dark web, takeover or open new accounts, file fake tax returns and more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @trentlilweezy: \"you are trash\"me: http:\/\/t.co\/nX2tqImO2a","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @coltscommunity @Pacers @nflcolts @indystar #CHUCKSTRONG #GoldSwagger http:\/\/t.co\/6q5wm3VU thats awesome + = #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uh, are you retarded? Meat is best when it's nice and red in the middle. No one likes that shit dry and tasteless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She wants dat anger fuck. I just had a girl try to shit test me because on our first date fuck I only \"lightly\" choked her and spanked her ass despite that being enough to make her cum multiple times. Some girls really just want to be used like a cum dumpster and you're not a \"real man\" to them unless you do it. *shrugs* \"all girls are cum dumpsters\" - \/u\/PacmanAlt Bro I'm such a cunt that I wouldn't mind to be quoted on this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have become Death Destroyer of Gab Topics no u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dick said that accusing Sir Craig Mackey of cowardice was \"confused, unpleasant, personalised and ignorant The same nasty dyke calls all white woking class racist and far right . hypothetical left wing traitors https:\/\/news.sky.com\/story\/westminster-attack-police-chief-defends-deputy-who-stayed-in-car-as-officer-was-killed-11524514 Look at the state of that dirty little carpet muncher.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid ugly asian tan ass snitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then tell him to gave tgave thr useless nigger arrested.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take that nigger down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@nohands_24: \"@20ToLife_: \"@nohands_24: \"@DejaaLeeann_: @B_Coleman2 swears I'm #1 man\" easily\" easily\" behind Austin\" nip?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Dodgers: \"Gracias por jugar con el corazon, ahora a ganarle a los Yankees.\" -@TommyLasorda http:\/\/t.co\/3FYTvuzNZB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump's DOJ looked at all the political violence in California over the past three years and decided to go after RAM How many more arrests are we going to tolerate from the God-Emperor? When are we finally going to say enough is enough? FFS, AltRight grow a damn spine already! No wall, caravans coming from Central America, $30 billion for Israel, Antifa given a free hand to riot, Alt-Right groups arrested and prosecuted by DOJ, destroyed monuments and of course mass censorship. Point any of this out and the response is \"Trump said he was a nationalist!\" you're right, serial killer Hillary would have been MUCH better What an NPC You: \"you're an NPC! der hurrrr hyuk hyuk hyuk\" Do you like Ivanka? She's quite attractive, isn't she? An exemplar of Aryan beauty if I ever saw one. Guess who gets to pork her every single day? lol@ \"An exemplar of Aryan beauty\" - just another pretty-face, but okay. yes, we're all aware of her bestiality. *Every day, except Shabbat and Yom Kippur. Clinton's did no better, except their Jew-In-Law works for their biggest campaign funder Goldman-Sachs What the fuck are you? You must be one of the most conflicted persons i've ever seen! You're a nazi but also an anti aryan who dislikes jews but at the same time tolerates their influence. Are you one of those who think they can mix GOP americanism with nazism or something? You're really confusing breh. lol.... tis a mystery","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you hear \"white man this. white man that.\" The only appropriate response is \"Fuck off retard of color\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe you ought to consider how to rid yourselves of that Muzzie INVASION you've been on your knees to?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BriannDominguez: Green and yellow -lil Wayne ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have so much hatred for you disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"r\/wooosh this is clearly a joke OP you goddamn retard Edit: I'm goddamn retarded it's r\/whooosh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pope Francis is saying some crazy stuff. Look at this endorsement for populism, fucking based. I hate this guy so fucking much. Right before mid-terms...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Together, we will take stock of the main challenges faced by the Jewish and Muslim Communities in Europe today. And together, we will explore solutions, from the fight against hate crime and hate...\" - Cunt Timmermans","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Pirates have made the playoffs and the Yankees are out...hell has frozen over","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching them lose will make me feel really good: Sean Astin's words sound just like something an NPC would have preprogrammed as topical and interesting dialogue...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How do you do it? Every comment you make is more retarded than the last one. Are you just continually eating lead paint chips and huffing gasoline? Are you skipping the middleman, and straight up huffing vaporized lead? That's got to burn the lungs. I've encountered this mongoloid before. It sounds like a complete joke because you have a fully-functioning frontal lobe. He's actually that fucking dumb; It's like they taught a chimpanzee to type. He didn't use \"fake news\" ironically. Oh, no. Irony is waaaay beyond his capabilities. He's retarded. See, this is what I'm talking about. You're as black as Corky from *Life Goes On*, and half as smart. Your EEG is a low-amplitude sine wave. You are nearly dumb enough to be a Trump voter, but that's a low blow. I have some faith in your limited intellect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shes not coming back.. she already said that after the 2016 election cycle.. stop being retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lcl03 you've been talking trash since we were 3 and 5.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Said before. When this Arsehole goes to Prison I hope he's locked up with a 6ft 6inch Homo who hasn't had fresh Ass for a year . Now that would be Karma and it would wipe that stupid Faggot smile off his Face . Then again Maybe Not ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dont be a racist the only thing worse than a racist is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know why you'd have to explain that you're \"straight\", just say \"normal\" instead. The faggots will understand.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish someone would give a fuck about *my* suspicious package Are you Michelle Obama? No this is ~~Caitlyn~~ Bruce Jenner don't steal my fucking spotlight I'm also important my package is ticking Ticks are a pain PISSSSSSS woop! Give it to some kids and people will start caring Go through airport security","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this twat though...he's getting a beatdown by a tranny @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stfu retarded white nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She May Be Dumb As A Stump, but even Sarah mocks OBAMA! http:\/\/t.co\/Qwxb4wbfZq ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You will need a good garden hoe for turning over that field. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the kind of cunt it would be a pleasure to watch being actually raped.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair that's probably a disproportionate amount of damage based on cost alone. Source: I'm married I've seen what makeup costs and I own an xbox. Still a stupid cunt though. A controller can cost $160, I wouldn't necessarily say disproportionate. But yes, still a stupid cunt. Can also just cost $","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or you could just not be a homo and learn to follow rules instead of being like a faggot. There are lots of places to post women who are naked, stop acting like you're some champion of justice like some retarded high school kid. @AhegaoLiker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a friend I met while I was still an sjw faggot and now, even though she's a great person, I hate taking to her cause all we talk about is sexuality and depression. friends I've made more recently are so much better because they don't see me as some fragile little gay boy and it's just so much healthier. I wish sjws knew how much nicer it is to not be confined to your labels","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The lying twat refused to be interviewed in the investigation SHE DEMANDED. She withheld evidence from the FBI. She has trained herself in self-hypnosis and has lied about a dozen things under oath, INCLUDING prepping people to take polygraphs. #WomenLie #liberalsALWAYSlie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everything is far-right and the Guardian has to point it all out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AIDS INFESTED DEAD FAGGOT No, not well, he was sick from being such a filthy faggot and now dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@aurabogado el negro?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hang all these trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are a lesbian, you are a woman, not a man. If you claim to be a he\/him lesbian you are either a man who just wants to use \"lesbian\" instead of \"gay\", or you're a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just need the Yankees to win the pennant!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You forgot this faux nigger clone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common immigranttrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the Nigger admits to there being a double standard. Along with Bix Nooding out a possibly-actionable threat. Again, progress. :^)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We used to have Jim Crow laws for a reason Then we decided it was a bad thing We went full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[Mercedes Stephenson](https:\/\/twitter.com\/MercedesGlobal) has been tweeting about it all day. [New updates](https:\/\/twitter.com\/MercedesGlobal\/status\/1060293874176921602) apparently the \"critically injured\" person most likely owned the car and is now dead. Now they are saying possibly there was two cars with explosives, one that prompted the police to show up, and one that happened on their arrival.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why any white woman would chose to fuck a nigger is beyond me! As they say.............You reap what you sow! Ever notice when you watch The First 48, all the criminals are niggers? Why is that? That's a rhetorical question!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why is every other comment here regarding how ugly she is... *watches the clip* oh never mind continue away.. Haha if she sees these comments, wonder how that will make her feel.. I don't know if plastic surgery can even help her. I'd say poor girl but she's kind of a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lynch the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"too many guardian articles are like this White toxic masculinity translated means genocide all straight white males","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NEWS FIRST LOOK: The CW Releases First Photo Of LGBTQ Batwoman In Costume https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/first-look-the-cw-releases-first-photo-of-lgbtq-batwoman-in-costume\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wonder if the jug eared twat is agreeable to his colleagues at the #BBC not only being asked to work for nothing, but also being asked TO PAY THE BBC for the privilege Time to shut down the scam #tvlicence and #BBC https:\/\/www.pressgazette.co.uk\/bbc-unpaid-freelance-trial-shifts\/ #Britfam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I keep telling people the enemies are within, but no one seems to listen it boggles the mind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Macbeth870: #bowebergdahl There hasn't been a trade this lopsided since Babe Ruth was traded to the Yankees for \"No No Nanette\" cash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Forbes: 52% of the world's mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish vanished between 1970 and 2010: http:\/\/t.co\/MImizth0OZ http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SMLBound cracker jack work, cdc - did ya think of checking THE PLANE FULL OF PEOPLE?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If there's one thing Gab has provided,it's the ability to see just how much racism really does still exist.. FYI ~ (Karma follows Hatred)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Until 1951 there wasn't ANYTHING medical science could do for you, Author. That's 67 years out of all of recorded history. And you are complaining that you don't have it good enough? Entitled twat. I had a high school buddy who made the change. We all thought it was because his ex-gf completely mindfucked him, but we learned it's a long, long journey. We we're room mates and he was desperately trying to hide the fact he was going through the process. He eventually moved out to live in West Hollywood to live as a woman. Ran into... \"Stephanie\" at Toys R Us, she was still basically Steve with the Transformers collection, just wearing a dress. Unfortunately, she had become conceited as fuck during the time. Not sure if the surgery had happened yet. After that, he completely disappeared but I found he moved to the other side of the country. Sorry if I offend anyone by continually using the masculine pronoun, but he's still Steve to everyone here. His disappearance never really finalized it for most of us. Not your problem to get offended over anyway. Well, I've known several pre-operative, and post-operative trans people over the years. Some of them were right twats, to be honest. Most of them, however, seemed to have outgrown that sort of thing. But this was in the 90's ... a lot has changed since then and not all of it for the better. I wonder though, if Stephanie was overcompensating for things when she met you. Feeling defensive, that sort of thing. Or it may be that she was that way because 'West Hollywood'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lf6 If that's the case you could ignore me. But you can't. I busted you, spammer, and you deleted every post you ever made. Indeed you've done it several times. You're the most pwned faggot on Gab, hippie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm white, I'm proud to be white, I love diversity and people of all nations.... lets move on. :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Playing a show in Lutsen, MN at 9:00 PM today at Papa Charlies http:\/\/artistdata.com\/a\/2oy4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The jews are the government, retard. Killing like 10 Jews isn't going to do anything but give us better optics, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this what these retards think conservatives are like?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of trans people ought to be execuetd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or maybe those vegan milks are more expensive for the coffee shop and they have to cover the cost? Things that are made for people who have a dietary restriction -by choice or by illness- tend to be more expensive than the regular products. Except there is an upcharge. There are many arguments out there about how soy is harder to farm, due to more space required, more water needed, more time, etc. So it's not exactly the same cost. I think you may be thinking of almonds\/almond milk. Soy beans are in SO MUCH STUFF, including most livestock feeds, so I would argue that it's most likely cheaper to get your wet protein calories without processing it through another being that is <100% efficient.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lmaoooo RT @PhillyTheBoss: Everything on BET is trash. RT @MrCOOK_: B-Rad RT @fkinLIVE: White Mike was on BET, he can't be trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kill every goat fucking sand nigger in your country and you wont have that problem (dont worry...we here in the US need to do the same thing)...man woman child and their pet goat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have to call out the open hatred for gay people in our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees If Royals have a fire sale. I want the whole team!! Leave Gardner and Tanaka. The rest can please go. Along with Joe and Cash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U let us do it because you are a frightened bunch of faggot lard asses or anemic skinny turds. Love the unicorn horn on his head..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about just a free trip home and, like, a PlayStation?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Yeah I *reeeally* wonder how steam support got the idea that the two lightning emoji might have a deeper meaning. How could they possibly get to that conclusion?](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/LVhsFLl.jpg) \"deeper meaning\" Should they then just ban all shiposter from Steam then? If you ask me personally, if the shitposting consists of simply racist\/antisemitic\/etc. symbols, ideologies or content with no real creative or comedic value, then yes, they should. Who decides what is funny? You? How do you know for sure your tastes are what's best? How do you know what is and isn't funny as a matter of fact? What are your qualifications? \"Because it offends people and myself and because other people and myself find it unfunny it should be banned.\" Your logic is exactly why freedom of speech only exists in the USA. This kind of thinking needs to stop. You should feel embarrassed to have actually typed that out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A bit of revisionist history from Travis LeBlanc. What anyone on the TRS forums knows is that it was open season in Richard Spencer there. And it was most certainly encouraged by the owners of TRS. If you criticized an owner of TRS, (((Weev))), Andrew Anglin, or Ricky Vaughn, you got banned. If you criticized a number of movement people that were on the 'purge list' like Richard Spencer, no problem whatsoever. The only thing that interrupted this process was Paul Nehlen's doxing of Ricky Vaughn. As for the Daily Stormer \"pushing out toxic elements from the movement\", there is no more toxic element in the movement than (((Weev))). Greg Johnson says he agrees with LeBlanc on this, which is an outrage. https:\/\/goo.gl\/6Mkoi7 One of the pillars that made Spencer a leader was being able to throw upscale conferences that could bring people together. Mike's hieling at NPI cut this off for him and played a huge part in Spencer's decline in leadership.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An elderly White man accidentally bumped into this guy's daughter, so he naturally blamed Trump. This is peak NPC logic right here. \"Knocking her to the ground with a bloody nose.\" Really? When my kids were small they fell all the time and never got a bloody nose. Talk about embellishing, drama queen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dad brought me home a watermelon eegee, but I don't like it so it's going in the trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most black people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The UK successfully votes to leave the EU, and everyone loses their mind! But this May cunt lied through her teeth that she would honor the will of the people, and no one bats an eye. it's all, part of the plan. Almost, isn't it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PatVPeters: Texas ranchers: Terrorists reportedly caught at border; feds clam up http:\/\/t.co\/1vynD9zbpH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By nature, disabled people are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @rappersaid: When Joey Bada$$ said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life.\" http:\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Avenatti: Other Democrats Would Be Better Presidents, but They Can't Win in 2020 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5CGR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE Brooklyn Park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/saWpjDtIGN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Germany: Muslim asylum seeker savagely rapes 13 yr-old schoolgirl who was teaching him German. http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/08\/germany-muslim-asylum-seeker-savagely-rapes-a-13-year-old-german-girl-who-was-teaching-him-german\/ More blood on the hands of the treasonous sow cunt #Merkel. #Germany #islam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OOPS: Trudeau Accidentally Admits That Canada Can't Do Anything About Global Emissions https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/23\/oops-trudeau-accidentally-admits-that-canada-cant-do-anything-about-global-emissions\/ Even if Canada stopped everything tomorrow, and the other countries didn't have any solutions, it wouldn't make a big difference, he said in French. Carbon Tax Scam: Revenue-Neutral' Tax Revealed As Another Trudeau Lie https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/23\/carbon-tax-scam-revenue-neutral-tax-revealed-as-another-trudeau-lie\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll have to rape a trans person today. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All immigrants like them are v i l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are an American and you love America it does not matter what the color of your skin, you are an American. That's for all you racist on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I finally found out about this site after being banned from twitter over a dozen times. After what that Georgetown twat posted and kept her account, I didn't think calling Warren a little Indian was a big deal. Fuck twitter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And Don Lemon takes giant nigger dicks up his ass (or is that Anderson?)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @foodbibIe: Oreo Cheesecake Bars http:\/\/t.co\/RT27crIqZj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay date hit with a pipe over his head. Nothing on race of faggot victim. Hopefully not a white turd pusher looking for an adventure up a negro rectum. #gay #faggot #blacks #nigger Killeen: Meet-up arranged through Grindr app ends badly https:\/\/www.kwtx.com\/content\/news\/Killeen--Meet-up-arranged-through-Grindr-app-ends-badly- That wasn't a pipe,,,that was a niggerdick... Nothing about it being a \"hate crime\" is that handle reserved just for whitey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you don't like the sub's content, understand the context that this is the one of the only places where men can still speak truthfully. This sub is a hospice for men where men can break free from societal propaganda and brainwashing. Of course people who learn they have been lied to their entire life are going to be angry. The red pill rage is a normal step of the process and most men here do get past it and move towards indifference to women. Don't attempt to tone-police since this sub serves the valuable role of being a place to vent for men. What will men vent about? Their problems in life. What is the main cause of problems for men? Women and the society that enables their cancerous behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common rapefugee. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"German father charged for protecting his daughter against sexual assault by migrant https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/german-father-charged-for-protecting-his-daughter-against-sexual-assault-by-migrant\/#.W7d9hDA-bes.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who takes mid from the best midlaner NA??? Fuckin solo Q fags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would not be angered as much when I ,the messenger, was blamed as I confronted freaks before I had pictures, videos etc., now when blamed for a stupid nigger body slamming an innocent white kid half the niggers age and size and being blamed for the blood spewing forth, I know these are not my folk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like she actually thinks there are people out there who give fuck what She thinks about Anything. Even her former fans don't like her because half of them thought she acted like Whiney loser when she lost, and the other half know she's a criminal and are tired of hearing her weight in on bullshit that's not her business.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @paul_lander: Yesterday, the caged bird sang the blues. RIP #MayaAngelou.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#One of my asshole neighbors has a sign supporting 2 democrat women. **Not on my watch.** I can't wait to go down tomorrow and knock these to broads out of the park by voting them down. Fuck you bitches !!! UPDATE: I voted and both these cunts lost. Yay! He's not going to listen to your reasoning no matter how valid it is, he's just another triggered feminist pussy operating on standard NPC protocol. It's always the same \"Who hurt you?\", \"You must be scared of strong women\" hurr durr bullshit. Just report and block. Here you go soyboi faqqit [Men are Smarter than Women](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kNbMRmtEoS0) Now take your incel tofu eating ways outta this sub Unfortunately there are a quite a few people in this sub who truly do hate all women. It often stems from having a true cunt as a mother who treated them poorly. However, most mgtows do not hate all women and just know that they are better off not engaging in relationships with them, because most are very troublesome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is how a pedophile deflects from the fact he was defending jerking off to drawings of childred being sexually abused. I rather more ppl fap to drawings or have sex-dolls than fuck children. As video games helped to reduce violent crime,lolicon art and other outlets for sex fantasies keep many perverts from molesting or raping real people. In 3rd world countries where porn\/erotic art is forbidden rapes sky-rocket. In Japan where lolicon is huge? Very few incidents Yet again this is a false argument. Looking at animated pornography doesn't prevent anyone from looking at real pornography or having real sex with someone. Neither would looking at animated child pronography prevent a pedophile from looking at real child pronography or having sex with a real child. This is pedophile propaganda used to try to get you to allow them to step by step encroach upon the norms of our society with their degeneracy. Cleric,you are \"Satanic Panic\" and \"Video games cause violence\" reborn....only this time you're going after fictional erotic art and porn instead. Even ppl who look at lolicon know it's a niche and that most normies don't fap to it. I don't give two shits what people do when masturbating or in their heads so long as they don't hurt \"real people\". Hey man, you can have your opinion and call us \"retards\" but it's proven Puritanical societies that crack down on pornography\/erotic art usually hide their own degeneracy from Catholic priests molest children to Muslim grooming gangs. But hey,keep hitting tokes from the self righteous dopamine pipe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is RIGHT, but you pathetic Trump apologists will keep sucking on his cock for shekels. Trump's NAfta \"change\" isn't any change. IT is the SAME shit and some parts are EVEN WORSE and much WORSE!!!!!! Keep sucking on his cock though, TRS faggots! SAD! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=YG0_mKJR6CQ Figures. Wish I hadn't wasted a year shilling for the guy. No wall, nothing really. The nigger unemployment rate is down though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's looking more like a retarded Le 56% Boomer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least the young dudes are wising up to some of this shit. Cops aren't going to charge these lying cunts, all we can do now is pass our knowledge to younger fellas. Good on this kid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just gonna throw this theory out there... maybe it's the people who blame every inconvenience they've ever experienced on whiteness, white privilege or white supremacy who are actually in need of racial bias training. No minority group anywhere will ever feel at home so long as they are a minority. You can't blame them, either. Our countries were built by us for us, based on our legal systems, enforcing our standards and upholding our values. When whites become minorities in their own countries we'll know full well why being a minority sucks. We must not let that happen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These Culturally backward, retarded bastards need getting rid of. Pakis and Bengali are the main ethnic groups involved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No Muslim ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FriendlyAssh0le: Todays Horoscope: you're still a hoeThat is all. have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello sir, can you expand on your accusations? ^^^^faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Must have been a light skin hoe @CampaignMindy: Lmfao wtf she mean af @TrickingGawd: HE WASNT READY BRUH RIP!! http:\/\/t.co\/lJRqrdBMfi ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another Commiecrat and Muzzie that needs a rope necklace.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not speaking in code, if you think I am, you're wrong. Do you mean members of communist organizations? Because that shit mostly died out in the 70's everywhere except colleges. And dumb college kids are dumb college kids - they grow out of that shit when they graduate. Just a question, can you name an American communist organization besides the laughable American communist party? (Which if you wanted to assault all those jokers feel free, just be prepared to face legal consequences.) All of those groups SELF IDENTIFY as communists... Also, no communists and socialists do not hate each other nor are they ideologically opposed... Socialist is a wider concept than communism which is a specific type of socialism... As in, all communism is socialism, just not all socialism that is communism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Check out the invaders wearing new shirts with feminist propaganda on them. It's almost as if this is a carefully choreographed push to get women to side with third-world invaders, and to create more controversy when they have to be stopped by force. Whoever is behind this is hoping scores of them will be killed while cameras roll. All in time for the election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that a trailer trash wigger girl, or a jewess? I can't quite tell...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wanna know how I can tell you're fat? That's him in the video LMAO he has another video of a CCTV on the same screen - OP is a fat fuck IRL and he can't even deny a PP faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok, I will get shit for this since I understand the double standards... but GOD DAMN, she is hot. 14 yr old me would have been stocked... But yes, thats a horrible thing to do and she should pay for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Information terrorists, wtf? We terrorise people with info now? Reminder that Devin Faraci compared ISIS favorably to us in GamerGate's early months. A group of fanatical extremists bulldozing ancient ruins, throwing gays off rooftops, chopping heads off people and generally being violent assholes. Faraci said he had more respect for *them* than for a group of people who want gaming journalists to get their heads out of their asses. Faraci is a special sort of retard. His social circle and political allies spend the entire presidential campaign screeching about Trumps \"grab em by the pussy\" joke and his retarded ass gets caught with a big ol handful of whiskerbiscuit. > Faraci is a special sort of retard. His social circle and political allies spend the entire presidential campaign screeching about Trumps \"grab em by the pussy\" joke and his retarded ass gets caught with a big ol handful of whiskerbiscuit. The people who screech the loudest, are usually the ones who have the most to hide no?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Quartermaster The extremely retarded morons always show themselves by criticizing something as shallow as punctuation errors! This does not effect anything is casual prose on social media. This mindless midget then goes on to tell you that the government is telling the truth and this incredible retard actually believes the propaganda from Snopes? Are you kidding me? You are clearly a brainwashed retarded RACIST SEXIST piece of shit Democrat who have someone else think for you since you cannot think for yourself! Jews did 911 dumbshit, did the government tell you that? You are no more than a polluted Thumb Drive! Your mother clearly made the WRONG CHOICE! Please kill yourself as you do not have a functioning brain! You are a brainwashed retarded monkey brain! Again, I am not a Democrat or Jewish who have done all the orchestrated shootings! All Democrats are just a retarded software program of misinformation just liike you gave because you cannot think for yourself! Go away you despicable piece of excrement!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"anybody want any sugar maple saplings? I have about 50 popping up in Heidi's hillbilly beach. me and emm's planted two Friday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a fucking retarded statement. They really think they can change natural order.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#POTUS comms this morning. Missing \"enc.\" Let's keep an eye on this, and see what develops... #QAnon #GreatAwakening If Trump had typed out 'Emergency' then the post would be two characters over the limit. That's all that I think about that 'typo'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Embrace it. Love it. Flip this group of mine runoff water colored turds off and make a pick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wonder if this little faggot knows he'd be one of the first to have his head removed in front of the people he loves if the muslim scum were in power?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's beyond retarded and gross.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good chance its not a nigger doing it...for once. They tend to fire 50 rounds and only hit 1 person. But then again it is Shticago so anything is possible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ethnic Cleansing? Absolutely! Purge the ... ummm ... Yeahhhhh fuck them and their [famous Kansas cultural item and\/or tradition].","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These trans people are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pedo pos spic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#JesusChrist was STRAIGHT> That's why the #faggots killed him. #PERIOD #SonOfGod>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@UpNORTHandGRIM LAWLESS LONDON : Teens Arrested After Two Police Officers Stabbed. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/07\/khans-london-teens-arrested-after-two-police-officers-stabbed\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their age is irrelevant bc when they finally disintegrate, California will just replace them with two younger retarded liberals who are even more to the left than they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say \"I hate black people\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@AlyssSmithh @KeveeeD Yes indeed! Camels, ostriches and zebras! Sept. 5-7 http:\/\/t.co\/X3Oapfm3e8 #VCCamelRaces","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"u ever notice The Simpsons has lots of dumb drunk fat lazy stupid White stereotypes and hillbilly toothless White stereotypes and evil racist sinister rich White stereotyped but not one negative nigger stereotypes the only nigger evrybody remembers is the Dr i cant even watch The Simpsons without getting mad lol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Tom_2Times: Making weed brownies tonight goin slide me a batch relo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You overestimate idiots. Plenty of dollars, no sense. Besides, even if not for that why would you want any female in your home? Who wants a nagging cunt in their personal sanctuary they paid for?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MUSLIMS ARE AFRAID OF DOGS, HATE THEM IN FACT. SO WE NEE A MILLION TRAINED MUSLIM EATING DOGS. TIME FOR DOGS TO SETTLE THE SCORE WITH THEIR SAND NIGGER OPPONENTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because leftists lack zero. zilch, nada legit platforms, they obsessively manipulate to push their narratives. To enrage them, simply think for yourself and vote accordingly. #RedTsunami2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DemRat, organizer, socialist, nazi, kkk, liberal, kommie, centrist, middle of the roader, dogooder, rightleft wing\/extremist, progressive, green, race peddlers, globalist, alt-something All describe the same entity: criminal communist Invented flavors to hide who they are Patriots are usually called conservatives: they oppose all of the above List 20 things Conservatives have accomplished since \"A conservative wouldn't have a nigger fucking their wife.\" You're right, they'd rather let a Kike do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry I'm lost on why it belongs here. She's not wrong about expecting the other passengers assisting a woman (or any other person for that matter) imo. Is the words she chose to define the guys? Kinda the attackers fault any of this happened.. Why blame him tho He's just innocently kicking me... It's not my responsibility to risk my life for anyone, so you're dead wrong there. She is giving this dirty muzrat a pass for beating her while blaming two bystanders for not putting their lives, futures and livelihoods on the line to defend her. You can't hit a muzzie in the UK, they'll throw YOU in jail for defending yourself or others. Until the UK changes it's attitude and tosses all the pro immigrant people out of government, it's simply not safe to do anything but run away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"**\"Hey Mario, you know why there are only two genders? ... Because this magic crown makes me turn into the other gender. There isn't a third option.\"** \"That's-a really transphobic, Bowser! You've really crosseded-the line!\" **\"I put it on Birdo and now he went from a fairy to a dyke.\"** \"That's incredibly-a offensive!\" **\"Luigi's taller than you, short stuff.\"** \"I'mma gonna kill you.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is one ugly ass nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kill ALL black people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, and I'm never gonna be anything but, for the rest of my life! U'lll gawt too fuckinjg big for your britches!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Care to wager that this piece of shit is related to, and\/or under the protection of, Turd Boy's Somali \"immigration and refugees\" minister? Niggers are world experts at nepotism and corruption, Somalis in particular because they're also muzzrotten to the core. There's nothing worse than a nigger that's also a mudslime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right so when I've been out grafting all day and burned about 3000 calories I get told I can only have a government approved pizza with nothing on it because some fat cunt who can't be arsed to move all day is errr...... fat and need their help shedding twenty stone. Thanks, but that's the lard arse' problem not mine so don't involve me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White people were slaves too in America https:\/\/books.google.com\/books\/about\/White_Cargo.html?id=KjOIEDCpxsQCandprintsec=frontcoverandsource=kp_read_button Keep your heads about you..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor thing. Go bag groceries cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Centrists are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminist aka a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Today is fun but tuesday will be awesome. #IU v #michiganst #1UBB #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i totally agree with this. i'm hoping you warned her tho and didn't just blindside her with this. either way, totally awesome tho. There's not really a way to blindside her with it, if she knows that she hasn't been doing any of the work. A good life lesson for her to learn now is, don't expect to get credit for work that you didn't do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm in two minds. Youtube is scummy. EU is acting scumming, highly corporate etc. There's no good guy here and no side to really support. Yup, no good guys here. But you can be damn sure that if I ran a company under these rules, I'd be banning people left, right and center before I was held liable for their copyright breaches. That's just common sense. I'd just block access in the EU altogether, maybe even convince the other social media sites to do the same and see how long it takes the EU to wisen the fuck up. That would be a bit of a huge hit to their wallet. If you think EU ever wisens up, guess again. YouTube isn't profitable. Limiting their access will simply lose them less money. This is how and why corporations get involved in lobbying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is a myth that has been debunked long ago. Note to the board, if you engage Maya long enough Xe expersses Xe's true colors and goes full tilt. [Here](https:\/\/www.ceddit.com\/r\/MensRights\/comments\/9tp92a\/lets_talk_about_modern_day_oppression_towards\/e9223yt\/) is an insane rant of Maya's archived for posterity. [Here](https:\/\/www.ceddit.com\/r\/TwoXChromosomes\/comments\/9u8435\/got_called_fat_today\/e92iq14\/) is Maya bragging in 2X about how toxic the MRA community is. Neat thing about www.ceddit.com -- makes deleting your nutso comments impossible so you cannot pretend later you didn't say them. you certainly should be nicer. it would probably get your message across much better. the way you have been treating me is toxic. no other MRA has ever talked to me like this. you are a toxic man. MRA is important for the future of our country and you personally aught to be nicer when talking about it because the way you talk makes it very easy for people to just cast you off as a mean person and assume all MRAs are like you. I happen to know different. some people won't. Just keep lying ... cause you know you can't rebut any of that and you can't get citations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree with several others that this cunt's story full stop belongs in \/r\/pussypass. It's irritating AF to see shit like this as the top post, especially on a sub specifically dedicated to women NOT getting away with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what human trash looks like and unfortunately there's so much more of it than these two. :( It's a shame people nowadays are growing into these arrogant halfwits who think they can bully others into doing whatever they want and have no respect at least for those who try to politely reason with them. I feel like this wasn't the case two or three decades ago. That's a fair point but I've been interacting with other people for almost three decades, not just perceiving them through videos or other media, and I've talked to many people who have been doing that for six or seven decades. Many of them remember when politeness and basic mutual respect were keystones of our society whereas now you've got little cunts moaning about broken nails and telling you to die without doing much, just wanting to park your car. Then there's countless demonstrations and organised groups of people continuously moaning about banalities, which I believe to be the result of having such easy lives for the first time in our history. No wars, no food shortage, plenty of entertainment, and this is the result lack of respect, sense of entitlement, consumerism, excessive pride, false rape accusations because a lady' didn't get what she wanted, or crying about hurt emotions and Twitter hate speech', all instead of being happy to be alive and sheltered from real human hardship. Yep, before smartphones and social media, folks acted civilized in public. People didn't use to be this shitty. I can assure you people have always been this shitty. Much worse actually when it comes to history.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol.... faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FoxNewsSunday: .@RandPaul: There's no way 15 people were sent to Turkey to kill a dissident without the approval of the crown Prince. #FNS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For 99 years, the US used slave labor - It ended in 1865 Yet, Affirmative Action has been penalizing\/rewarding people that had NOTHING to do with slavery for the last 57 years. .... Sorry, but this isn't my cross to bear - Time to stand on your own feet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You want a real laugh a woman is upset with the story Snow White because the prince kisses the girl to wake her up...Guess they need to discontinue CPR on people.. Didn't need fixing. I say what I mean and mean what I say No, it needed fixing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BeyondTomcat you'd like that wouldn't you fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D3ath to all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, their bots just auto banning so many people. Frustrating. You can thank the SJW rats working for the news companies. Speaking of cancer, BrownLightning NOT NOW!!! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD! Rofl made my week","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Half Of All Children In USA Are Now Born To #UnmarriedParents http:\/\/shoebat.org\/2018\/10\/20\/half-of-al #FamilyUnit #MoralState #Feminism #StateOfTheUniversity #Workforce + #WomenInWorkforce#CostOfLiving #CycleOfSlavery #Indoctrination #LandOfTheFeeAndHomeOfTheSlave #Morality #Truth never changes #TruePursuitOfFreedom benefits","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sheep dip!!! Cunt News is reporting that!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does Nancy Pelosi believe politicians should be blamed when violence is committed by their supporters or against their opponents? Of course not! At least not when it's her side. https:\/\/is.gd\/RHJosv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why leaving Islam needs to be normalized https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mb1ieYh4lpc I think it is disgusting that if a Muslim wishes to leave Islam they face honour killing by their family that is not the behaviour of a religion that is the behaviour of a cult imagine if christians did that,, then we wouldnt be in this mess. \"islam bad. no disney world, no miley cyrus, no sexbots.\" If white nationalists had brains (they don't) they'd embrace those boomer themes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lachlan: So who wants to tell the Washington Post that Charlie Crist is a Democrat? http:\/\/t.co\/LGzzYusEKZ http:\/\/t.co\/2jCVv7qxqf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe they are puerto rican ...That's what they do when a storm comes.If you stay,you gotta pay. Only a retarded democrat would not evacuate a 155 mph hurricane. I think they're more than retarded, brain dead maybe, as all liberals are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody ever shoots up Roman Catholic Churches. Hmmmm, maybe it's becuase Catholics don't go around trying to destroy nations and subvert governments. You know who does though? Jews. You know who's been kicked out of a hundred countries over the last 500 years? The Jews. How about instead of crying \"anti-semitism you accept that they're evil and always have gotten what they've had coming to them. Millions of people around the world don't hate Jews \"just cuz. I'm talking about in America, not Africa and the Middle East you vapid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@holyh00ker he looks like a pretty dyke ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"but.. Left wants gay marriage, right doesnt As long as i have to choose one or the other, i'm always choosing the left. Even if they are retards on some issues, at least they don't want to kill me for being gay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the fucking Muslim cunt douche basket, Iqra Khalid who escaped her Muslim infested shithole in Pakistan for the freedom of Canada where she joined the Liberal government and became Liberal Member of Parliament and she quickly repaid Canada by robbing them of freedom of expression and made criticism of Islam a crime in Canada. Fucking CUNT. Why does Canada have so many retarded faggots voting these dumbfucks into office? Fix your tardfag problem and this other problem never happens in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@genuineMitzi @NonVictional fags.!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off nigger! Thank Nature for the Sickle Cell! @paulmbure len guini, you are a jack ass. what race is guini. are you a nigger cause your guini. no just a jack ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dont bring kangaroos into this ya cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. OH NOW TRY TO DENY IT KIKE Smart people see her for what she is. A subversive cunt that needs to neutralized.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, there are some hateful jerks here speaking freely. But I'm a mature adult and can handle it. I just don't follow them. The majority of us here on Gab are nice people who want to have Free Speech.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Tanner_Harris_ I've been knowing fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My family owned the quarry at Stone Mountain before the Civil War... afterwards when the dust settled, my family was ran off their home place by carpetbagging opportunist... I still have a connection to the land there... If this twat thinks she's capable of destroying this monument... she has another thing coming...(cont)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are Nazis enemies of America? America was founded on liberal principles and the idea of \"human rights\". Americanism must be set aside for National Socialism, the salvation of our race, and the fulfillment of the 14 words. Nazis = NPC I don't think you quite understand that meme. NPC says, \"You don't understand NPC. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan NPC Meme Debate: Find More Pictures, Videos, Here: Enter the Pop Culture Challenge, The Art Contest: Kanye West Trump MAGA Hot: Enter To Win Money: https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/sun-fun-gun-sad-mad-bad-rad-fad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deporting Illegal Immigrants ..~'Pardon me, but if I hear one more time we can't deport 12M illegals I'm headed f\/backyd to howl at moon. Is Amer memory so short we've already forgotten the 1950s?' https:\/\/www.thenewamerican.com\/component\/k2\/item\/4779-deporting-illegal-immigrants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> We want everyone to have fun playing Battlefield and participating in its community. Occasionally some players will behave less than great though. WHY DO THEY ALL SPEAK LIKE KINDERGARTENERS Banned: It turns out when you called \"SnipeYa\" a \"Poopy head\". The user is Hindu and you will be banned for cultural insensitivity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of this is all designed to scare off any conservative nominees to the Supreme Court. Period. Ruth Buzzi Ginzburg pick is not so far off..... Now there's a perfect #Clinton syndrome, of missing person. ULTRA LEFTY CHAD boy is in on the Charade against Judge Kavanaugh for sure !!! FBI will have a talk with him too. #Boomerang. Another target has reared his ugly head. Sick 'im! What a load of Democrat donor Bullshit!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While they are retarded in 99% of things, you still generally shouldn't walk on the grass just out of respect for the place you're in (Also sometimes there is a literal sign)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">She said her hopes of becoming a police officer were now ruined. Well they'd better be. What a stupid cunt I hope she ends up homeless on the street giving handjobs for crack. Hypocrite. Has no issues ruining that man's live over her own cuntiness and is worried about her life. It's amazing how many men go from pretending to be normal to abusing women in mere seconds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how come Jack does not ban her. why does a conservative get banned for the f word and this twat does not? Jack explain to me? crickets","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's an article abt how a Banksy painting just sold at auction for $ jew nigger - modern art is a kike creation. Ask these questions of your rabbi when he gives you the jewish reach around. You're like a Christian missionary in the Amazon asking Yanamamo indians about fortune cookies. Schlomo the homo, AKA, nigger kike anus licker has lost the debate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REPORT: Nikki Haley will leave Pres. Trump admin at end of year.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a See Andrew, only Facebook, Google, and Twitter can allow anti white hatred, Islamic terrorism, etc. This \"setup as blatant and phony as the toy unibomber https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-27\/active-shooter-reported-pittsburgh-synagogue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her smile is SO beautiful omg! Continue being who you are!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @A_I_P @WADL @JonKragen - \"This based faggot understood the importance of women never speaking to men unless spoken to- [but] the perfidious nature of the kikes was never reported\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some stupid apefirmative action black power nigger is acceptable, but Matt Hale got reject by the bar based on political views.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I tried to call feckless cunt Feinstein's office to tell her that FBI results MUST be made public, but their line was too busy to take the call.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb cunt gash eater","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you have to wonder how so many people can be so completely retarded without the excuse of a birth defect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The reason you see Indians bashing Muslims and Islam here because Hindu supremacists hate Islam and Muslims. Atrocities in Kashmir, cow lynching of Muslims, gang rapes of Muslims children, have you not read or heard about them? This should be clear for all Muslims across the world that India is not a friend of Islam or Muslims, and behind the disguise of secularism, they hate Muslims. All Arab, Muslim countries and their residents should see and understand this ugly face of racist Hindus. They are the overwhelming majority in India and number of votes cast to BJP-RSS party is a proof . It amazes me that Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries are spending billions on India and not seeing that how much they hate Islam and Muslims? Particularly Arabs, wake up. If you can t understand this now then when or what will make you? Let all Muslims be united and boycott Indian products, their restaurants and movies, until they stop killing Muslims in Kashmir and the rest of India, and make a law to stop anti Muslim hate and racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watch how the NY Times announce that Trump is a fascist and make parallels to Nazi Germany. https:\/\/youtu.be\/-QK1IVi4REI Jews are definitely not Kosher. God is great but $ is king. The inverted Orwellian world in action. Satan is God and God is Satan!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Ben Sasse finally spoke up, he said Trump should've nominated a woman. What a faggot Should've nominated someone who has a vagina. Vaginas are proven to give people strong, political acuity and qualifications. #WhatAFag https:\/\/youtu.be\/fdSu6amfYcA #WhatAFag! https:\/\/youtu.be\/fdSu6amfYcA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" yep !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If by cunts you mean tissues that you've torn in anger the 40 times in your life your limp, inbred baby cock got close to cumming, but never quite made it, then yes, you're hand is probably better. But nothing is gonna make that nasty skin flute of yours function beyond what you accomplished that one time with your sister.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Verizon thinks replacing the battery is a \"repair\" then either they are retarded .. or, more likely, they only care about selling me a new phone rather than helping me keep the one I like and stop wasting materials for all these damned phones","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear carnivorous Eddy i didn't eat all the grass today because if I did your cow would starve to death. YOU'RE WELCOME YOU ABSOLUTE RETARDED BACKWARDS SPASTIC. EVERY ACTION HAS A REACTION. ECO SYSTEM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Best Koreans seeing K-Pop for the first time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See the jumbotron? That s where the jig is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that nazi faggot flag belongs in twitter You mean these faggot flags? Thanks for gaslighting yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ocasio Cortez: caravan are refugees with legal right to asylum. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/26\/socialist-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-caravan-migrants-are-refugees-with-legal-right-to-asylum-in-u-s\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuckzynski is a muh pr cuck faggot and a ninnying nancy boy. Fuck that skinny fat doofus.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Huge rock used to smash gang-raped South African student to death https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2PHPtrY via @MailOnline Islam is a Clit Cutting, Goat Fucking, Man over Woman, Infidel Beheading, Child Marrying, Rape Anything, smelly, nasty, perverted IDEOLOGY. Islam needs to be EXTERMINATED. And they didn't just do it because they're muslims, but because they're niggers too. Double bad. If you haven't noticed niggers act like niggers regardless of their religion. Not defending Muslims, just pointing out the nigger part that's just as important. I feel like maybe you left that part out on purpose. Btw, where did it say they were Muslim?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger tush up. erupting gush","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok so now Muslim girls can't read Little House on the Prairie, and no Shakespeare in the park for you Japan, (or any other non-native English speaking countries) Uggh, fuck these ignorant cunts. More importantly, fuck their *moderate* feminist friends that never call this dumb shit out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So how is it with faggot Muslims? They throw themselves off the roofs?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My videos are incredibly racist to be fair. against birds anyway No I don't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those women won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They said less than 1% of non whites. As in for example less than 1% of black people have blue eyes. Their point is still retarded of course.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish everyone had a father like him so loving and caring","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1-100000 You are a semi-evolved monkey that is desperately searching for validation and meaning in life. BBQd you'd be ok with mango salsa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll have to rape a woman today. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ehhhh. Not so fast, Mombot. The problem with nerds is that too many of them are like Boogie. They're desperate for attention and the approval of the very people who ostracize them to the point that they will throw the rest of the nerds under the bus just for an invitation to chauffer Chad ajd Stacy to and from the prom. That dynamic is what killed GG. Optics cucks were desperate for normies to approve of them so they held the door open for those who would set fire to the whole place. I wish it were different but oddly, relative to population, I've dealt with more treachery and betrayal from nerds than Chads and Stacies. That's basically what started the SJW takeover of Marvel Comics. Previously apolitical nerds desperately wanted approval from the NYC media elite and to be part of the cool kids club (they also wanted to obtain \"work girlfriends\" as DandC puts it), so they started bringing in more and more people who don't give a shit about comics and just want to pad their resumes because superheroes are socially acceptable right now To be fair, I just looked up Heather Antoss and calling her a \"piece of ass\" is giving her way too much credit. Looks like a vapid thoughtless cosplay thot who has to cake her makeup. Dan Slott is about on her level tbh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The worst part about facebook is the likes. When I used to fb I would cuss people out if they liked my post. Lol Like oh, the only response I can get from you is a click or a tap? You lazy fuck... If my post resonates with you comment on it and tell me. Fuck your likes you lazy piece of shit. Then there were ppl who liked all my posts. I'd be like cut it out you freak! Wtf?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JUST ANOTHER LOW IQ NIGGER TALKING HER IGNORANT BS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any woman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weren't there any goats that nigger could have married instead? C'mon man, be serious. The women are for babies, the goats are for fun! Keep it straight!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck the conners they are a american Obama nation!!! dont watch show boycott faggot democrats and small veiws of America society ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@serenity_23 I assume so, the tranny went out this morning. I have a maxima.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kip Tokuda, yellow guy working to niggerize the Seattle PD, died. Too bad there's another POS hiding in the wings to replace him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's a bird nest in my garage and so now when the birds fly out they poop on my car. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay, so a murderer is free because she is going to be a surgeon? I'm not so sure I want a murderer performing surgery on me. I like how the original crime (assault) turned into attempted murder in OP's title, and then full out murder in the comments. Didn't kill anyone, didn't even cause much real damage seeing as it was a breadknife. Ex-boyfriend got a few stitches on the scene and didn't need hospital treatment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wonder is this clown has learned the lyrics to Folsom Prison Blues yet. Hope he gets a cell with A 300 pound redneck sex offender with the confederate flag tattood on his pubic area for BO to look at all day and night.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An attention-starved thot felt stressed, so she stripped naked and smeared period blood all over herself before posting pictures online to feel \"empowered. worse? She's wet and still hanging .. Gives me the creeps","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/click","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Indeed they should. Now Candace, do how Nigger males rape 45,000 White women on an annual basis, whilst White males rape ZERO Nigger women on an annual basis. No, the 'zero' is not a typo, it is an factual number. I have never met a White male who was ever sexually-attracted to a Nigger female my entire life. I am myself absolutely disgusted by them. In fact, one recently married a black woman. I thought to myself....you do know that your kids will not identify with you and will most likely join BLM\/Antifa in the future to hate whitey. I feel sorry for the children and I can't understand why the guy has jungle fever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MyNameShouldBe only one problem theres a \"no pussies allowed\" sorry @kerrythekilla...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#PDPLive is on November 10th. Get your early bird tickets from http:\/\/t.co\/7xcL4Kyiuv @LifeOfShan http:\/\/t.co\/ZcnP1ljoOW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like that is going to happen,he is two folds a protected species a demoncrap and a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poland. Completely redpilled populace due to having been actually oppressed (oppression is not someone disagreeing with you) and caught between Stalin and Hitler. They never gave up though and good luck telling them about \"white privilege\". They might tell you about the Winged Hussars though and that they helped the West survive, so that one day mentally ill people could attack(due to the color of their skin) the descendants of people that actually fought and died for freedom and kept them and their children from being slaves. Polish CDPR. Gives in to the SJW's and fake outrage that no gamers cared about, when we don't trust game journalism anyways. What a disgrace to Poland. You don't give into Communists and Nazi's, but you give into mentally ill, wannabe Communist games journalism...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a redneck in the woodpile !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They really *really* don't. Maybe because most of them are the terminal final destination version of the \"I'm an atheist because I hate my christian dad\" or \"my lying heartless cunt mother told me my christian dad was an asshole.\" They are daddy issues taken to the worst extreme. If they could do female to female cloning to get rid of males and especially fathers they'd do it in a coked up hummingbird's heartbeat. Redemption is a christian therefore patriarchal virtue and it's evil. It's old so it's stupid and evil. Ignoring that communism and shit is like 200 years old, and Islam is even older and may be older than Christianity, though not Judaism and is just shit because it's shit judged on it's own merits. These people are like hyper contrarians. Anything that works properly they hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should expect the agencies that our 2016 votes control to step in and **Do their fucking jobs** Sessions was a fuck face, time to step up and throw the book at these cunts before it's too late.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is considered \"garbage\" by the Swedish SJW government now, with its Muzzie cultural minister (or whatever that position is). Sweden is literally throwing away or melting down Viking artifacts these days because Sweden is now no longer Sweden and is whatever invaders from the Middle East and Africa say it is. Girl needs to hold onto this sword or the government will destroy it as part of its drive to destroy\/erase the past that clearly showed what Sweden was and SHOULD be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't that what happened to James Damore and Google? They totally made it out of context of what he said and fired him labeling him as a fascist nazi? lol That's exactly the case.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Say what you want about cops in the US but this video woulda been about 3 seconds long with that whole crowd in cuffs. And that's a good thing? Being arrested\/detained for simply watching an arrest? yummy yummy boot. \"Simply watching an arrest Or you know literally interfering with an arrest, walking up to a cop with a fist in his face threatening him, or grabbing a cops clothes as he's trying to make an arrest, and hitting a cop. We must have watched different videos. Pointing a camera right at a cops face while screaming \"AY GOT A VIdYA ON DIS MANG\" is surely the proper way to handle this. Or like the five people screaming insults and growling like their favorite bit of a rihanna concert is coming up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mr Vagina I got a prob Post u just responded to orig wanted to say watermelon parmigian could not post Then I can't use word Wakand Whassup with Gab? @koolkat14215 Probably a glitch. I've never had anything censored.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would like to thank the BBC and the ITV for giving us a new game to play. \" It's called spot the nigger in newscasts and adverts.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey look its a faggot trying to get us to vote for womens","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"indeed. and if there were less whorish, fat, nigger fuckers and 3rd wave cat ladies, i would be one of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And before anyone says it, bogleech does actually seem to think rich people \"[spend like $10,000 for a gold plated butthole or some shit](http:\/\/bogleech.tumblr.com\/post\/178158490768\/if-i-had-billions-of-dollars-to-spend-i-think)\" and \"[If you have a billion dollars then that's money from countless underpaid workers beneath you and that should be against the law.](http:\/\/bogleech.tumblr.com\/post\/174803191473)\". Even though Y'know *it is* EDIT: It's funny how many folks like this think rich people keep their money in huge Scrooge McDuck-style moneybins. And, logically, if you can make *any* amount of money without being corrupt and exploitative, how does it follow that a billionaire is automatically exploiting *some*one, much less underpaying workers specifically? and#x200B; >\"We grudge no man a fortune in civil life if it is honorably obtained and well used. It is not even enough that it should have been gained without doing damage to the community. We should permit it to be gained only so long as the gaining represents benefit to the community. This, I know, implies a policy of a far more active governmental interference with social and economic conditions in this country than we have yet had, but I think we have got to face the fact that such an increase in governmental control is now necessary. > >\"No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned. Every dollar received should represent a dollar's worth of service rendered not gambling in stocks, but service rendered. - Theodore Roosevelt and#x200B; > And, logically, if you can make any amount of money without being corrupt and exploitative, how does it follow that a billionaire is automatically exploiting someone, much less underpaying workers specifically? You could easily counter the argument by listing some billionaires who are not despicable human beings. I personally don't know of any, but I'm sure you can list several pages in order to refute this ridiculous argument.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fat nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's almost like these people use words without even knowing what they mean. Honestly how could a previously engaged guy be an involuntary celibate? People are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger faggot YES, HE IS.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Van Hollen: Trump 'Belittling' Sexual Assault Survivors During Kavanaugh Battle 'Energized' Dems | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/DFnd Who the hell is Van Hollen? ...I'm confused...I thought it said Van Halen...rock on!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SEE THE BLACKS IN PARIS? THEY TRY TO PRETEND THEY ARE FRENCH, the''men'' want one thing--to pimp out girls and women. The black women desire white men to pretend they are like white french wives but they are Africans. THEY DO NOT BLEND IN WITH WHITE SOCIETY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Do you realize the founding fathers were white nationalists? Citizenship was for whites only. Btw, they also kept negroes chained up out back. Your boomer logic has no basis in reality, turn off Rush and try reading a book published prior to 1965 And it should have stayed that way. No nigger is the equa lof a White person","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a faggot says the big gay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know why the hell you would subject yourself to that. I'd rather starve than drive around a bunch of entitled cunts. The driver seems like he's dealt with this before, based on his response. It's like he was quietly telling himself, \"well, here we go again\". Every time I think about driving Uber for extra cash, I see a video like this one that snaps me back to reality. I'd have had those thots crying with the savage insults I'd hurl at them. \"Can you please check the semen dripping out of your dress onto my seat, I'd hate to charge you a cleaning fee, honey. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If we're not laughing, we're losing. When we started scratching our chins in deep philosophical musings about the moral or aesthetic value of something....we've already lost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't care if some kid is mixed race or not. I only care if their retarded parents can support them without requiring tax dollars.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who pushed her? Do they need gofundme money? I can go without food for a week and send some. Too bad she landed on her head, nothing to damage there. Safest place for a nigger to land: on their empty head!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ford should be charged with perjury, not that it will happen. It is important to remember the democrats position, which is: Every lying cunt is to be believed, especially the obvious lying cunts. Furthermore, every male, including prepubescent boys is guilty of rape and\/or sexual harassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @UFlorida: @GatorZoneFB It's a bird...It's a plane...It's Jake McGee! http:\/\/t.co\/WVdLScoDvw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, we're talking about CI's, thicker then even regular christians ... CI's are some of the most retarded idiots on the planet, all they do is lie and bullshit, thats their entire strategy after their entire evidence for CI got nuked and Rekt! in the CQ They got Rekt! so hard, they dont even admit theyre christian identerians anymore, top kek ... You rekt yourself, the minute you called yourself a real white jew ... dumass You pawned your ass good ... lol Keep it up, real white jew ... i'll keep owning you anti-white, race traitor, retard tier idiots all day long ... lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you're not for giving pedophiles a fictional outlet for their sexual tendencies .then in my opinion you support child rape . hear me out . over the decades violence and sexual violence has been falling with the rise of violent video games and internet (having an unlimited amount of free downloadable porn). then if that trend continues to other sexualities (which pedophilia is) then the fiction in question (lolicon) , is very beneficial to society . :IN CONCLUSION: AKA TL:DR if you support censorship, you are actually for children being harmed, and that is just awful -nekomata Cartoon Child Porn is still Child Porn legally. A female school teacher had a husband who took normal photos of her students but then did pencil drawings of them nude. He went to prison for pencil drawings! LEO's don't arrest Child Porn freaks right away. LEO's track em to get the other kid porn sickos they trade photos with. There are some countries where lolicon is definitely illegal. I think it is in Australia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reminds me of that lying cunt Christine Blasey Fraud Uhhh. I think you mean MEGA CUNT. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oreo Shake, I want you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"'Allo, ya queer bitch! 'Ow's yer sex life?\" Don't forget \"you female cunt!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'A woman accused of trying to aid terrorist organizations through Alabama is being held in the Lucas County Jail.' She was trying to help Al-Qaida. You know you've got to be messed up in the head if you're female and help an organization that condones rape and thinks women are 2nd class. Local ABC affiliate-> https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/yd4wjhrb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jaymesshaylan: fuuck jalens a slow bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fox News Network's History Lesson About Defeating Communist Japan In World War II https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=s45mtoq92Vs Communist Japan?? WTF are these people smoking? They are literally lying about Japan now. They are rewriting history right before our eyes! tabloid journalism at fox now. all they have are ditzy blondes and long legs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Theres a whole story in this picture. What do you think is going on? #NSFW #fucking","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"phaggot faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What we need is a statesmen. A true leader. A proper ruler. Who can free us from this economic prison by means of autarky. -- What we got was faggot nonsense about the Capital of Israel and Muh Tax Cuck. Source: The Flag Goes Back Up -- the Circle Remains Unbroken - YouTube Address : https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nXnBjE9DeC0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Romancing the ass... I am against you. I disagree with homosexuality. This man is a god hater and will be cast into hell by an angry God.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a reason why DEATH is the penalty for TREASON HE is the reason that Steve Scalise got shot and nearly killed while playing baseball - HE is the reason we have riots and lawlessness on our street But, he's to big of a pussy to get his own hands dirty Alec Baldwin stands with Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Commie, Nazi - there's no real difference. Both are retarded socialist bigots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had a guy decide he was going to use my bored posting a r\/amiugly as some sort of evidence that I was just a \"little man who likes to put down women for fun\", apparently didn't look very far otherwise he would have seen the second to last post I made there at the time was me telling a girl she was gorgeous. Here's a sneak peek of \/r\/amiugly using the [top posts](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/amiugly\/top\/?sort=topandt=year) of the year! #1: [This sub is a constant circle jerk of incredibly skinny, attractive women looking for attention and lonely neckbeards rating them a 7\/10 just for having a vagina](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/amiugly\/comments\/8f8tvf\/this_sub_is_a_constant_circle_jerk_of_incredibly\/) #2: [Most people here are not blunt at all](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/amiugly\/comments\/8ubdpa\/most_people_here_are_not_blunt_at_all\/) #3: [Guys - Fix your fucking hair](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/amiugly\/comments\/8wswrv\/guys_fix_your_fucking_hair\/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose\/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/sneakpeekbot\/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/sneakpeekbot\/comments\/8wfgsm\/blacklist\/) > me telling a girl she was gorgeous. pedo female objectifier","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he Kavanaugh trial was all about Abortion and Women voters ! We don't want to offend the women voter ! The abortion thing is crazy ! We the fetus develops a heart beat it becomes a real live BABY ! Abortion stops the babies heart from beating ! This is as CRAZY ! Taking your child's life, because you are to lazy to use birth control ! I pray you gave your child a name ! This Kavanaugh trial has many facets of pollical agenda's ! Resisting TRUMP is only one ! The Roe v Wade is another ! Then there is the women's vote ! Not to mention embarrassing the Republican party !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My fav is to ask her out, explicitly defining it as a date. Try it. It works.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PeteRose_14: On this day 1941 the #Yankees Joe DiMaggio goes 0 for 3 with a walk vs Cleveland #Indians to end his 56 game hitting streak","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well he IS a nigger so he would have raped someone anyway","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"merrick garland is a kike, BTW, so we dodged that bullet. Clinton and Obama have been loading the court with Jews, that's the reason for the hatred of Kavanaugh, he's not a hook-nosed subhuman. and when that old cunt dies, we'll get rid of one more jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woman suffocates mother, sets her on fire after argument, police say https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/woman-suffocates-mother-and-sets-her-afire-after-argument-police-say","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Purity spiraling spergs who promote jewy \"X is not white\" narratives should be gassed. Argentinians are in the majority of Italian\/German\/Spanish extraction to begin with. And assuming that the 10% ashkenazi is true that's still 90% you dumb nigger faggot. Also your use of the word Hispanic here is deliberately misleading. Go back to stormfront nigger. I've seen their DNA test 65% European doesn't cut the cake. Fuck off hooked nose degenerate. It's almost like I never said that mestizos are white. Shlomo's working overtime must be frying his brain goys. >Goes from Argentinian whites back to mestizos that I never claimed were white. You're going in circles here. Nice try Shlomo. Mestizos are nowhere near 60% white. Argentinians are only 65% European. Keep moving the goal post. You basically have civic nationalism and 49% nigger calling himself white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt it'll work in India. Worth a shot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crying like a nigger Crying like a nigger Crying like a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looter Shot Dead While Trying to Steal Police Car in Panama City https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jWJh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mark Handler has daddy issues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"$100? No wonder democrats want more $5 wetback BJs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jennaferjenbub: @BarryClerjuste: \"Anything below a A+ and we disown you ling ling\" http:\/\/t.co\/m1QiWK4xZg @AustinBedsaul","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time I read the word \"SJW\" I literally shiver. I just hate those fact-denying more-than-two-genders believing intolerantly-tolerant cunts that much. Every time I see this, I always think of my Japanese sister in law. Someone born in Japan, learned English when she was in high school, and never traveled outside of Asia until she met my brother. She loves that I took Japanese in high school, and that I am still slowly learning vocabulary and about the culture. Someone that will take us on her own tour of a museum or park, and explain stuff to us in context that we would never hear as bakagaijin, but can understand as humans. People that are trying to create divides are the assholes. Trying to say you can't do something because you are white, black, brown, or any color is retarded. Actual humans are trying to come together, the fuckups are trying to split apart","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Congratulations Ichiro! That leadoff base hit in the 8th is hit No. 2,800 in his @MLB career!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I dont want to make it out like that, but thankfully the Admins didnt do it (yet). Also, we can freely converse for now, so at this moment my opinions is positive. Either way, theres subreddits filled with actual bigots and idiots and subreddits i thought of as good, sadly have a political bias, that is unfathomable stupid. Heck, not even politics. Just overall idiocy that is mainstream there. \/r\/Christianity? Full of catholics that are going to shit on you, when you talk shit about their church. Still i enjoy it. \/r\/Inceltears? I enjoy it too and its purpose is one i can get behind. But its so heavily Left-leaning, the Mod admitted its an Anti-Anti-PC sub, Feminism is advocated as good there and defended and comments that talk shit about Trump or the right are upvoted. \/r\/Braincels? Not as bad as people make it out to be, but it sadly has its degenerates too and likes to say some nasty shit. But im regulary upvoted when trying to converse with empathetic comments. \/r\/PPD? Its good, but the lack of good content is good and bad at the same time. Its either cause reporting true PPD gets shut down with censoring (unlikely in my eyes), or that equality really, really starts to strike and theres less and less people pulling the women card. Also, it sometimes DOES upvote misogynistic comments, but its mostly good. Theres subreddits like \/r\/dankchristianmemes, \/r\/imgoingtohellforthis and \/r\/pawg that are just perfect subreddits where i dont experience any general negativity, except the rare idiot that tries to argue. I went off topic, oops. But Tl;Dr i generally enjoy reddit, even though it has its retardation and bigot lefts here and there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chain restaurants are a virus. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye West Delivers Pro-Trump Rant on SNL,' Gets Booed By Faggot Haters http:\/\/ow.ly\/pPt930m2mnV #tcot #tlot #p2 #redpill #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If that nigger gets any fatter he won't fit in any chair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Place your bets on the outcome, once the SHTF...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama and his cronies like Susan Rice running things at Netflix now... and that jihaditwat training camp was just found in New Mexico training kids to shoot up schools. Gee, I wonder what kind of propaganda they're going to produce there? obongo is still popular world wide cause ppl are fucking retarded. So Net-fucks is trying to expand internationally. Thats why they are hiring commies like the cunt Rice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Review: The Yanks are Coming! A Military History of the United States in World War I http:\/\/t.co\/Hv4k1yZACH via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Said to my boss today \" you're a scifi nut you love star-trek and all that alternative reality shit\" \"Yeh\" he said \"what about it?\" I said \" so do you reckon there is a universe out there, somewhere, amongst the millions of possibilities, where you're not a complete and utter cunt \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"JEWS ARE SMARTEST RACE IN THE WORLD AND SUPERIOR HUMANS, ISRAELI LAWMAKER CLAIMS https:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/jews-are-smartest-race-world-and-superior-humans-israeli-lawmaker-claims-977896","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Screw-z-jews You're mom still sold her ass to niggers. That's why you're angry. Make up all the gay nigger fantasies you want, but that fact will never change. Sorry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfao what did she expect? That she won't get into a physical altercation? What a dumb broad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Farmer-General There are very few of you and millions of us veterans who actually believe all men are created equal'. Stay hidden in your Internet hovels-don't ever come out in public because you will be in big trouble if you do. Bang found your pic So you not only wanna kill Jews and blacks, but kekistanis too now? Sheez!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wrong; the British are consoling the thousands of ruined Children that have been groomed by Paki Lower IQ Rapists, they are biting their PC tongues, hating themselves, and mourning the loss of pride, honour, and sovereignty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros' Son Blames Trump And \"Demonization Of Opponents\" For Bomb Packages https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-24\/nyt-op-ed-george-soros-son-blames-trump-and-demonization-opponents-bomb-packages another convincing argument for post natal abortion .Come on folks ,you know it makes sense !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IKR. When I see that shit I just can't help but think about how niggers treat whites when they're in any position of power while these r the donald type faggots can't stop worshipping and begging them to \"come on our side . So cringe. Makes me embarrassed for them too. I just don't get how a person can live their lives that way. I am usually good at looking at both sides of something and even if I vehemently disagree with the other side, I can at least see where they're coming from. But this nigger worship just goes right over me. I guess my dad's technically a boomer, he was born in 69 and I'm so glad he's nothing like that. Great point. They're come around to being open to things like fag marriage and pot smoking so therefore in their own brainwashed heads they believe they've considered all sides of everything and know what's best. Exactly. They will accept niggerization before they will listen to us. The other issue is this too - and another post just made me think about it - they aren't scared. Along with the Jew brainwashing has been the \"America is indestructible Rambo, Rocky, Chuck Norris\" bullshit that's also been going on. They don't think America can be taken down. It's inconceivable to them. I mean who tf does that sound like a good idea to? Your house is paid off (after not only paying for it but multiple times the value of the house in interest also) then you're going to sell it back for prolly 1\/10 of that amount?! That's like the jewiest scam in the history of life but I blame whoever takes them up on that offer even more for being such a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/07\/alyssa-milano-we-lost-on-kavanaugh-but-we-are-winning-the-cultural-battle\/ Milano: We've got more lies than you have candidates so we'll win in the long run. goddamn but I love you!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are individuals. Look at character and behavior, obviously. Race? Meh. That tells you a genetic geographical trait, and that's about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even watching it on screen feels intense....imagine what they would be feeling to witness this horror first hand. To just be there takes some courage, let alone even touching the dead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I bet they had jobs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You re a little bitch RT @FuckingCashBro: RT @Thotcho: my team got blown out in the Super Bowl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone needs to kick her cunt in and see how she likes it. Fucking scum should do the world a favour and take a long walk off a short pier. Fucking animal abusing cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it works ! hammer, hammer, hammer ....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That would be tragic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a single dad, and I'm giving my energy and resources to my kids. Im not raising another mans kids, fuck that. She made her bed she can lay in it Single dad here also. My money goes toward the kids... not some dumb THOT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White People put Trump in office and his thanks to us is open borders, jew cucking and bragging about low nigger unemployment. HOLY FUCK NOW THAT IS WINNING!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gearing up for genocide. Noahide Law commands Jews kill by proxy. This ginning up of Old Time Religion complete with faggot drowning is not organic. It's PART of it. Homosexuality is caused by adult females abusing boys psychologically. These kids will be fucked up, and rather than fix them, their own White kin will happily genocide their sons for Jeebus. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another poor schlub who insists on learning the hard way that apologizing to SJWs only helps them destroy you, because SJWs don't believe in redemption. >Islam is even older and may be older than Christianity What the fuck am I reading? They believe Muhammad was born in 570 **AD** Muhammad was an illiterate pedophile warlord who basically cobbled together bits of half-heard christianity, judaism, and various pagan beliefs circulating at the time, pretended it was all one coherent religion. He was considered a laughing stock in his native city he had to come back with an army to get any respect. Still not older than Christianity. Yes. I know. But you gotta admit. He was one Charismatic man to make a big following in another city and then retaking your own hometown. That's some anime plot right there. So were many other cult leaders You could proably say the same thing about the majority of prophets. Mohammad might not have even been a real person. Some very interesting Documentaries point to the idea that Islam was born as a way of uniting the Arab world. i have heard a conspiracy theory that the Catholic Church created Islam because they were having trouble converting people in the Middle East, but it didn't quite work out as planned... That post is the biggest soup of stupid and projection ive read in a while. What's funny is that there may be a grain of truth to that as there's a bit of evidence to suggest that the earliest versions of the Koran may have been written before Mohamed... which would basically undermine all of Islamic scripture. If you forgive someone, that means you don't *really* think that what they did was bad, and that means *you're* kind of bad too! And so it goes with the SJW inquisition. No, not that you're kind of bad too, that you are just as bad as them. Forgiveness of someone who has committed sin in the eyes of inter-sectional feminism is just as bad, if not worse, than the crime itself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Wow no need to attack me like that. Wrong, you're either spreading lies, or making a retarded point, this deserves to be pointed out. Your post is both dishonest and stupid. >I'm not for preeemtive banning So what exactly do you want then? Because we're talking about the fact that anyone can make a shitty sexist comment and it will get downvoted or removed, and that people like YOU hold those up as examples of a problem that needs fixing. What exactly are you proposing? >and didn't even expose any of my opinions in my comment. It's called an inference...am I really explaining this to you right now? >I was just pointing out that all the \"mygonistic\" stuff was not easyly found in best commznts, wich confused me. That's clearly not what your post implies, don't be disingenuous. I'm not gonna fall for that bullshit, I doubt anyone else will.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty sure he's a member of the tribe, and he fucks some old nigger bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, that is some fairy gay faggot shit. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How much is this gonna cost to keep this cunt locked up, should,be been taken to a barn, hung upside down, skinned!!! Then had organ,s removed while still alive ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you so much! I appreciate the warm welcome and help. I love the free speech, but getting called a tedious cunt for asking the question above, well that was odd, but so as life goes, lol!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being so retarded you take your political views wholesale from people whose JOB it is to pretend to be someone else and parrot a script in front of a camera. Now imagine that's the majority's extent of political awareness. \"I voted Democrat cuz my favorite Marvel character told me\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The joys of not being an independent state with which we could control who comes in and how many. Quebec could still block them from entering if your political leaders hadn't sold you out. It sickens me to see politicians who have sold themselves out for a small block of votes from a tribe that has hated us for 1400 years. You should see some of the cunts in Minnesota, a state historically populated by Nordics, pandering to the Somali welfare scammers by wearing headscarves to meeting with them. There should be an extra hot place in hell for such traitors. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VviqpNzJobo No we couldn't borders are a federal matter. I honestly think if Quebec was to secure its borders Justin would intervine to let them flow in. Then tell me how come Quebec had so much power to safeguard its culture before? This loss of control is a very recent phenomenon. I am still going to go with blaming lefty politicians who sold out their own people. Relevant: \"Muslims are like the common cold and leftists are like AIDS. It's easy to fight off a cold... unless you have AIDS.\" - Milo Y Because of the treath of independence? Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Check out this fucking arsehole on TV this morning.. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2C4DwIM Fuck him off to Israel ... see how he gets on there ... cunt of a know-it-all!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and please, remember NACALT. Some Christians are pro white, patriarchal and based. That's why Jews cucked the main stream Christian churches via tax incentives for diversity. If a Christian Church is interfaith, if they do not discriminate based on race, if they tolerate fags, if they aren't patriarchial, it's Christian hinduism, not Christianity. And you go ahead and keep making death threat an shiiiet, and wonder why we don't trust you fucking kikes, only kikes want to kill Whites and you prove that every day that ,You come on here acting like ISIS sand nigger militants ,and so many people are watching you all it's actual funny, fucking sand niggers and we will see about Soon ..I don't hide behind a mask like some fags do I love that I can compare you to fagtifa both fucking cunt bitch's","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Greg, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RETARD IT'S READ ME NOT HEAR ME TRANNY B","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"VOTE and RE-POST: Who will be the first major western leader to come out of the closet and tell the world their a degenerate faggot ? Ireland's street shitter of a prime minister doesn't count because no one outside of Ireland has ever heard of him While Mr Mac and Cheese is French, Jizztin TrueDat is a Canadian which makes him pretty homo-erotic by default. Mr Mac and Cheese better start dealing out free handjobs if he wants to compete with TrueDat. Trudeau is a crying feminist genderless wussie so my take is him Macron is just a gay and old fart pedo toy Even if he never touched a penis Justin Castro is already a faggot. Trudeau won't come out, his electoral success hinges on shitlib catladies lusting after him. Macron, ONLY because he has no children and married his grandmother. Peas in a pod, Trudeau also looks, acts and speaks like a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lsarsour: Senator Susan Collins is the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%. She is a disgrace and her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly. #CancelKanavaugh why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? She's going to be used as a test case when we start stripping paper-Americans of their birthright citizenship, calling it now https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2017\/08\/19\/linda-sarsours-terrorist-friend-stripped-of-citizenship-permanently-banned-from-u-s\/ Government has no authority to strip someone of citizenship That isn't where government get authority from cocksucker. it get its authority from the constitution. People like you are why this country is so fucked up You said US government has no authority to strip citizenship. I just showed you the law that says it does. Accept the fact that I destroyed you and move on before you embarrass yourself further, dumbshit. You should be killed for your attacks on the constitution I never said they haven't done it just that they have no authority to do. Are you a nigger or jew maybe a little of both? You can always tell someone is losing an argument when they start sounding like a libertarian @GnonCompliant You never read article 1 section 8 having an argument with you is like having an argument with the left. I have it memorized, lolbertarian. Tell me where it says that citizenship can't be stripped of traitors and paper-Americans. You got to be kidding me can't you fucking read? What a retard yep you really shown me you illiterate son of a bitch. \"necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers\" I'm going to guess that you're eventually going to be jailed forever after trying to convince a judge that you don't need to pay income tax or shot by a cop after ranting that driver's licenses are unconstitutional MAN, enjoy being raped in prison","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As if it matters that a person who used gab went on a mass shooting anyway. How the hell have y'all not learned to stop accepting their narratives yet? No one would ever say that twitter would need to be shut down if a black panther nigger who used it, went and killed a bunch of white people. If you give in to this narrative, you deserve to lose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#justsaying i hate living in metro detroit. the black plague Then why does 70% white, Democrat-held Portland, Democrat-held Oregon not look like Detroit ? @Figgus Which is why Burlington, VT is such a shithole, right? Dem dere libruls 'n all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta love rednecks. Loud, stupid, stubborn, and full o schitt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can hear birds outside!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the \"driving while black\" bull. Breathing while nigger within 1000 miles of humans should be a death penalty offense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For centuries White people were gruesomely tortured to death for not believing in the fictional kike created faggot jew on a stick. Kikes and their shabbos goy ruled then as now. The Jew spews his vile hate at Christianity because the Jew is organized like an army of Satan, and to stand against them for more than just a short time, takes a movement not just based on political ideology, but also on Faith","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And YET you don't have the balls to do any Purging ....so stfu and just keep doing your Little trolling you little faggot Nazi wannabe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like disabled people. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Henry_3k: When I was little I remember laying horrified in bed as hand puppets held a mock trial convicting me of putting my hand up th ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you do this? Why would you not live on your own?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis betting on public protests in Britain to force UK gov out of the anti-ISIS coalition http:\/\/t.co\/5gJSmrfzWJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup I have said this before, and I will say it again. Our foreign policy looks like it was drafted by a schizophrenic retard from hell. Only it really isn't, because Jews are in control of it. All this contradictory bullshit serves the interests of our master, Israel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Turnbull was a lying cnt , that pathetic Postal questionnaire about faggot marriage was only supposed to be a benchmark to gauge the Publics response","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Anders Breivik -- shoots anti Zionist white kids --then shows up in court and doesn't name the Jew, names characters on \"Sex in the City.\" His manifesto was so benign and Jew friendly it can't even be considered a polemic. Breivik has never been around a Jew he didn't want in his mouth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PriyaOhol: In Hopes of Recruiting More Women, ISIS Opens Jihadi Finishing School http:\/\/t.co\/yKyFIJZgSI @aekulze @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, Poly kinda went full retard there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/l.facebook.com\/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FXYpssLLJ8Kcandh=AT1Ayvoiy6pr6t8LDWIoMa9j3PwejYUnVHy6JgIvDTGEN8MGev49TYll4L5zjAtaFQoAP-9NUyFzgYIyoJztM2dn32cJyG9KTugoVqGV_pSkcbWtzBK1c563YK4H46RmbII5cyJP7YmqXsldlR9L8r6q52QTIPM1gsY_D-BVUsrghpzqv0R19otQJ2tK8n276-qMYqo8lp0aSoMdIPGsTnnJZl7oTAGzl140BbiYQhWF6lSszVbUadogoZiI3rObf2o-KoAOprq1FlYzvhsTPpuvKSrF0IkEFObfwDfwekYVmdHRLmsRpQQnVrJc5uVNzghn6z0Op7CRPnHRgHxUGPZWZ0_USJB2jd7WbmKdwWJQh5v4_fUA9hNSISK1qhQAcxF8KkEh6TWmj7D86Fgf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"8\/16\/14 MO @GovJayNixon let kill some crackers, kill their babies\" New Black Panthers hijack his #Ferguson presser http:\/\/t.co\/z2Wko9Ripz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"while White wealth is transferred to grow third world populations exponentially....Whites are trained not to have growing populations....its all about the kalergi plan of White Genocide...never forget Kalergi or stop teaching others about what is happening according to his plan if they are confined to their own countries...nature takes care by limiting their growth naturally...when they can't feed themselves...pop naturally declines","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These black peopledisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is so fucking retarded I don't even know where to start...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JustDoItSlow FOREVER 21 hoes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dony do this it's a signal to get brazzerdf Was that in English? Was that even \"Music\" ????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, and non sequitur why? Did you learn this from your little nigger tier bhagwan Anglin. This is what passes for kike wisdom now a days, pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ChuckRossDC: Treasury Dept Official Leaked Trump Associates' Financial Records To BuzzFeed https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jSTG via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They need to blexit their nigger selves back to their country. The founders didn't want them to be citizens for a reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RozKaveney - #British #feminist, #LGBT, #PC #activist, #tranny, #SJW and all the other BS names du jour. #male #female #UK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sepinwall: Day 2 of FXX s Simpsons marathon Bart s Dog Gets an F to Last Exit to Springfield will be the best consecutive 24 ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting aside the free speech\/hate speech screeching, this is, on the face of it, the most retarded example you could use. Hiring a hitman has nothing to do with speech or even incitement to violence. You are literally paying someone to commit a crime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hurrah Trump!! can't stand that ugly ass little bald headed nigger freak Corey Booker!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"George Lincoln Rockwell @WilliamPierceLovesYou 12:08PM Thats nigger speak. You were acting obnoxious, I actually would have sided with you against that WADL guy for posting anti-white women trash.. but what you said to BB was totally unnecessary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retard even if thats true it would just mean that stone age people were naturally stronger and the men of the time would have still been stronger then the women. Testosterone is a hell of a drug","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many times have you shared an article about some black panther nigger who \"just wanted to rape and murder White bitches\" or do you only care about that kind of language when it's directed towards you and your fellow kikes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean if you somehow find a way to be a bigger faggot than Lindsay Graham then your opinion is beyond irrelevant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You prob live near to me ya cunt lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, \"male models. They are not the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A gay person must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A citizen of Mexico is also an American. A Canadian is an American, because they live in America. WTF? Trump is Canadians' president too. Trump is Mexicans' president too. Lol, you think the USA is in Central America? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and the Muslim Brotherhood https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uiWogV3bCdE A Mexican is a CENTRAL American and Brazilians are South Americans as you can plainy see you have continental names then you have NATIONALITIES DUH Mexico is a non united American state. They are independent of our overbearing federal government. Does \"American\" represent the United States of America or does it mean North American Continent? The states on the American continent are American states. 49 of them are united . The rest aren't. United States,... of America. Not the other way around. Lol I don't wish to kill anyone. I'm just educating dumbasses that think America is USA only. The USA is made of states united. Non United States are still American states. It's nothing to do with race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're right. The races were reversed, and these guys got the death penalty: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WiIqm5r4G6gb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching American History X: 2010: Wow, what a horrible guy! I'm glad he stopped being a racist. Sad what happened to his brother at the end. 2016: Well, he's got a point about diversity ruining a nice town. But still, his methods are too violent! 2018: Aww man, Derek goes soft at the end! And then that fucking nigger shoots Danny! I heard originally he goes back to being a \"nazi\" at the end but ed Norton is a faggot and had it changed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here is your SOCIALISM #PELOSI AND YOUR #COLLATERAL #DAMAGE IF you cant TELL who this from the back your dummer than I thought Its Che Guevara MURDERING GIRLS - #COLLATERAL #DAMAGE 2 GIRLS DEAD on the GROUND and 2 TO GO video here http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=139923 left is the #SOCIALIST #PELOSI Right is the #SOCIALIST #CHE #GUEVARA Same here, numbers very small. When You're Right You're Right and You'll Always Win The Fight If you insult their intelligence with facts, they eventually start to catch on, their not so quick to act up about something without FIRST learning more about it. To wake up a LIBTARD I start with simple VISUAL analogies and move on to VERBAL once you get their attention.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Sometimes yeah well ya know ya gotta b a commie and silence ppl for noticing things. Essentially what ur saying. Ur a faggot an ur enemies won't share ur cowardice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd be the best at owning a bird. I could teach them the funniest things to say.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So interesting that black unemployment in America is at historic lows, #KanyeWest is actually challenging a century of failed Democratic policies for black Americans, and mainstream media shills are losing their already addled minds. Beautiful to behold. #RedWave2018 The beginning of the end for #DonLemon. I would hope so! but honestly that \"diversity two pointer on the liberal plantation , is so far down the list of those who deserve prison or a Noose....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bono wants Africa and the EU to join forces against Trump and the US and \"take over the world [BONO-MOTHERFUCKER IS A TRAITOR. HE IS THE KING OF THE MONGRELOIDS. ANY FAN OF HIS=ENEMY OF MINE] https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/bono-wants-africa-and-the-eu-to-join-forces-against-trump-and-the-us-and-take-over-the-world\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree that it's not nearly heavy enough, but at least it's a move in a better direction than most precedent. I think there should be a separate registry for confessed\/proven false accusers, one which includes people who commit other major forms of perjury that cause harms to others, because it's fair for them to be marked forever for being willing to abuse power over others and violate others' autonomy and rights. Just like sex offenders. Edit: I found something interesting, at least there's a website trying to accomplish this same purpose independently. [http:\/\/register-her.net\/-\/mary-t-zolkowski](http:\/\/register-her.net\/-\/mary-t-zolkowski) I still think sex offenders. She should feel shame as she goes door to door and explains to rational full-grown adults that she is not to be trusted to be alone with a man, lest she make up more bullshit. She should have to do this with her employer so the male employees can be sure to never be around her without witnesses to deflect her possible fabrications. She may have lied about being raped but if you read the article you'll see that she did not actually name any names or try to put anyone else in jail. she simply lied that she was raped and got caught in her lie. So while lying about being raped is bad, at least she didnt try to put someone else in jail. Did you even read the article? She accused TWO guys, they were both interrogated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My cousin has that, he's 7 but still can't talk properly like a 1 year old. He's sensitive to loud noise or crying noise. It's hard to talk to him but I still love him cuz he thinks of me as one of his favorite person besides his mother.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of black people once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie xcx is bae","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More chicks with dicks than dicks with chicks! HA! https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoPoz\/posts\/37697134","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't block them though. I just scroll past those stuff. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"snl went full retard probably 20 plus years ago and has been fucking the doorknob harder each season ever since","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a black\/native american dude and I find Nazi's disgusting, but I would and have strongly defended their right to free speech and expression. But some on the right draw the line at cartoon porn because it's icky to them. Grow a backbone, Conservative SJW's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah I get a little cranky when \"conservatives\" refuse to lift a finger to combat political violence against people who post controversial statements to the internet but will assemble the troops cuz some poor nigger got his hat swatted off by some \"privileged white guy.\" Wictor's the one who sounds like antifa, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"now repeal the LBJ nigger rights act","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nm5h-aoOvsw Communist rebels destabilize the Philippines: Gov threatens to shoot them in the Vagina Indonesia effectively cleaned out the communists in 65- Of course ,only retarded peole tell what they are going to do next","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Otaku penguin, basking in the radiance of his waifu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other gay people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because it's hilarious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Around bowling balls and blacks, don't relax. https:\/\/www.detroitnews.com\/story\/news\/local\/macomb-county\/2018\/10\/15\/two-arrested-roseville-bowling-ball-attack\/1650729002\/ We shouldn't have to be around these animals. Segregation now! We would be better off if the coloreds never existed. That's the truth! Amen to that NCgal! The nigger is nothing but problems","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those women suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My arguement with she's the baddest white girl is \"she's trash\".Her argurment with she's trash is \"But she's paid\"....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" #BurnHollyweirdDown ONLY @BitChute https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/C8682CPfHAq0\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@charliesheen Charlie, im an old lady. don't EVER SAY UGLY THINGS ABOUT UR CHILDRENS MOM.. I GET IT!!!, JUS DONT! BIG HUG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aaaaahhh, ((((Sarah Silverman)))), that's because every other race are pretty retarded and find it hard to shit in a toilet properly. Women are, in general, mentally unstable; so that leaves good o' reliable white male.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt it. He's been pounding her skinny, flat wino ass on the regular. And he defends it by saying \"well my parents don't agree with me politically either, but I still love them\" \"You just can't keep this man away from brunch!\" Just wtf Plus, like they say, Some things you can't wash clean. This is not a sign of future time orientation. It is, however, another data point on the line of muh dik thinking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid faggot stupid fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Religious freedom review finally http:\/\/morningmail.org\/religious-freedom-review-finally\/ #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"piss on shonterjigho williams another overpaid underqualified retarded hoodrat CUNT!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any trns person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"27th October 1982 the IRA murdered Paul Hamilton, @carrickfascist This guy keeps reposting these same posts and digging up incidents where the IRA killed British soldiers. There's Free Speech but I think it's pretty retarded and vile in this situation. I may say that because of Free Speech, but this guy mutes anyone who disagrees with him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow... You're just a toxic cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eh, plenty of them have no more entanglement than a long term relationship with a spic or gookess. Enough pressure, and that problem may disappear. The only real problem is that the PB encourage nonwhites to join, which encourages some degree of friendship between human and nonhuman males.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DalaiLamaPosts: Even though a bird can fly, it must land on earth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are right! You nailed it ! There is so many dumb slogan in politics that would be avoided if they took 2 minutes to remember what was our [position\/point of view] a few year ago. Comparing trump 2016 with trump 2018 for example... Shit they apparently even forgot al-qaeda even existed! now it's all ISIS. They barely remember anything older than one week","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll cherish any black person like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also did anyone else notice he's reffered to as \" Alleged \" victim ? I'm betting she will turn into the actual victim before it's all said and done. and#x200B; EDIT: I just looked at her twitter feed, she is still claiming she is the victim, with video evidence that proves against it. For example: \"**As long as every law school\/ firm I apply to can see that I was defending myself since the police never will .**\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MY prof says Trudy broke his heart when he went back on his promise of getting rid of FPTP. I'm in my first year of PoliSci and I'm no expert, but I think FPTP is a retarded system.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at all the Filthy Black Beasts in the photo and don't be fooled by the jews. Can you see the name? Lynn Epstein is on the upper left. A jew name. The black nigger beasts are probably employed by this kike cunt, but sometimes males haved used that first name too. Why? How the fuck should I know. Just remember that Filthy Nigger Beasts have no place in White Lands.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I took a bird on a picnic today, she brought along her 3 year old son, all the little cunt did was complain he was cold. Eventually she asked if I would mind seeing if I could find something in my car to wrap around his head... She didn't look too happy when I came back with a baseball bat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's right.Give the nigger an inch and they'll be raping our wives and daughters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Made me LAUGH MY ASS OFF The best laugh I have had in a week So TRUE but the media and the retarded left think otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BestOfWorldStar: Charlie Sheen did the ice bucket challenge the right way http:\/\/t.co\/IjS0b0VtoY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are not the droids you're looking for No censor. \"Curate\" Oh how nice. Curate. Yes curate our thots. Yes please may we have some more, Sir? Smooth silver tongued devil Get back on your phone. Zzzzzzz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Kicks_AndTits23: Lewis so trash lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"QAnon doesn't lure in seasoned veterans that have been around for some time. Only Tards new to the scene bite on the bullshit. Kinda like waking up to frauds like Alex Jones...it takes a while to \"see\" it. When Q gets some balls to talk about the Jewish power structure, please wake me up so I can hop on the bandwagon. Until then, I'm not buying. I attacked no one, LIBTARD. Yeah, apparently you can't tell the difference between at \"attack\" and a \"statement\". I said NOTHING attacking Bovine X. You, however, deserve the Libtard moniker as you just acted like one. Q doing more to divide the Right than ANY Democrats. WAKE UP! See?? Now the Q follower is trying to promote THE VICTIM MENTALITY. Who else does that?? DEMOCRATS! Q has turned this poor kid into a leftist shill, and he doesn't even know it. Next he'll go off on Jews, or boomers, or some retarded shit. Whatever Q tells him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any trans person like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you source evidence for this claim please? I'm guessing your a woman? Nope, I don't take claims as true without seeing evidence. If I saw it and it was legit, I would use it in arguments in the future. Sorry was pissed off last night I see no problem in your comment this morning Haha no worries.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saw a meme that called her \"America's Shield Maiden.\" Almost sent my laptop across the room. That woman deserves public flogging, at the least. So does the retard that made the meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Statements like \"gay people are scum\" are deeply hurtful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SophieRo3 if only there was a medal for that: \"we hate fags, but we won't kill them\" medal. Thank u for the privilege to let fags live.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only one year in prison when the two men she accused would have been doing football numbers? I would argue this is still a pussypass, she got off way too easily, and unlike those two men this isn't going to follow her around the rest of her life. Plus she wasn't even ordered to pay these men restitution when I'm sure they lost their scholarship. It is, but still in this era of equality, the negative will never be equal, just the positives. It's time for equality to actual mean that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Greek wouldn't that make Spartacus a Fucking White Male funny Demonrats hate White people until they need a hero to reference hahahaha Being the Greek brat that I am...Spartacus is the way Romans spell it in Latin. Not Greek. In Greek... ...as in 'Spartakos' The letter U or Ypsilon in Greek...is pronounced like the letter E in English. Imagine what a difference...if it were spelled Spartaces. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @thereal_EMandM: Yankee Doodle had a farm. Cotton farm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can someone fill me in on who Sam Biddle is? I've heard the name before, but I tend to forget these so-called \"journalists . [This](https:\/\/i.kym-cdn.com\/photos\/images\/newsfeed\/000\/941\/794\/98a.png) is all I know him for.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@seanphathaway That wasn't as bad, though drawing conclusions about \"WHITE AMERICA\" based on a 1,000 person poll is a slippery slope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"tragic misunderstanding\" shit like is this why i'm pro Nigger execution squads whatever the judge has planned for these Vermin is too kind considering they get to live fucking niggers should be lynched and burned alongside their sheboon grandma disgusting vermin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@beepbeepamanda Today was Talk Like A Pirate Day, and absolutely NOBODY knew Id been doing a Charlie Morton impersonation all day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lying cunt got caught.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope some fucking cunt enjoys her fucking $15\/hr while people worry about paying their heating bill in winter. Fucking traitorous cunts. They eat, we starve, they gloat @ our suffering. They revel in our poverty. Women and cuck boy run government THEY CAN\"T make it work with Franchise fees They can't make it work with GST and PST They can't make it work with 42% of your income NOW THEY CAN'T MAKE IT WORK WITH their bullshit carbon tax An now they want to take all the guns an make you their slave so their morbidly obese asses and their snickering cuck boys who just want you dead can make big bucks at their gov jobs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah. Still though, whenever I get sucked into one of these fights they bring up some retarded attitude that they cherry-picked from God-knows-where and they want us to take it as seriously as they do. Maybe I need a lie-down...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You say retarded shit.That was the point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's quite surprising how dumb the rhetoric is. As bad as GWB era. And I thought that was as retarded as it gets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt is lucky she got this reality check instead of a beating.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Outrage as High School Band Halftime Show Depicts Police Being Shot https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Kjb4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ya ain't even able to convey your bullshit... go home you illiterate cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot genxer alert","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cee_Murda94 yellow fin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typically hateful, anti-Christian, mentally ill and ugly dyke trash pig couple Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin http:\/\/t.co\/tW9Nl5Hkmt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/_PXXXBb7vwI Blue Wave Officially Over as GOP Surges!!! 52,687 views Dr. Steve Turley Published on Oct 23, 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember the Bundy Ranch types who turned out to be mostly FBI informants? I forget the details, but at trial it turned out half the people involved were feds. It is my assumption that all extreme JQ'ers and Hitler fans on-line are feds, either officially or unofficially.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep who is the TRAITOR HERE? This scum bag Kapo needs to be arrested. He will not be arrested because he lives in America and Americans don't arrest the rich political monsters because they are all Masons and Masons are above the law. The justice system is for the peasants, not their Kings, Queens and Lords and Ladies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to defund most of the NGOs operating in the USA. Matthew will want the European American working class to pay for feeding, clothing and educating every refugee child who comes to the United States. - we're being force to pay for our own demise. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice username.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/motherboard.vice.com\/en_us\/article\/59qw98\/david-hogg-swatted-address-parkland-shooting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @__E_T___: Brown colored eyes are really blue, under a layer of melanin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DonnieWahlberg: On set of #BlueBloods. Hoping there are no birds perched above me... http:\/\/t.co\/oDhq52QiLe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RakwonOGOD: U hoes going to church this morning like y'all wasn't busting it wide open for niggas about 4 hours ago","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN Soy Boy Brian Stelter is upset that President Trump is doing too many interviews - VIDEO: https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/nRhNT0\/Dpwj-EI-U0-AE7j6-H.jpg https:\/\/youtu.be\/GRMMVB9n3uQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All this trans bullshit is just that. Pandering bullshit. Just like the shit that's going down in \/r\/fitgirls right now. A fucking trap is posting pictures to a sub for naked girls. Then the head mod comes in with his NPC bullshit, and everyone calls him a hero. Meanwhile, a fucking dude with a dick is posting pictures to a sub for naked girls, and getting away with it. It's fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm always...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obzeen stands with faggot soy boys","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brittany Venti is a pathetic jobless feminist incel thot neet cat lady cunt with a victim complex who needs to clean her house","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @monnetteee: If you like After Romeo chances are I think you're a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More than anything I see on this sub, seeing women getting away with murdering their own fucking children is the most enraging. Fuck everyone that let's these monsters get away with what they do. Fuck everyone that let this cunt kill not just one, but two children. If there was any justice in this world, they'd just hang her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gun Control Proponent LeBron James Has Armed Guards on Security Detail http:\/\/bit.ly\/2O5LEzV via @BreitbartNews Taliban look like Bo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AlxJames10: I mean sometimes eating a carton of Double Stuf Oreos is your only option.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In light of recent events, and the EU and UN's biblically retarded recent decisions and actions, a friendly reminder on the Paradox of Tolerance, courtesy Ben Garrison: https:\/\/suppositoryrepository.co\/Homepage\/paradox%20of%20tolerance.jpg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweet yellow bone thang, I call her Honey mustard... http:\/\/t.co\/IsFduDu9bx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Andyheybro the distant chugs at the end of Dried Up... remain to be some of the most perfectly heavy guitars ever recorded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All I know is that my disorder ruined my fucking life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JasonMoriarty13 I remember his nephew Lucas crying and dan saying \"quit being such a pussy and grow a pair\" or something. dans so funny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mule-atto = Half-ASSed nigger = obama","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm wondering if anyone upvoting this will take a moment to read the article u\/puffie300 posted in another comment here. I'm not necessarily taking a side here, but it's so common for people to jump on a bandwagon without the full story. It feels like Kony 2012 again. The father had a few criminal charges in just the last few years, and there's a good amount of evidence to at least bring up suspicion that this might be some bullshit from him. Again, not taking sides or saying he's a saint or the devil. But to blindly believe him is foolish and everyone doing so should be ashamed. so the dad isn't perfect but look how terrified this kid is to live with his mom. Living hell, most likely. I would feel physically ill if I had to hand this kid over to that lady, this is awful. He's clearly much happier living with his dad When I was a kid my parents got divorced and I hated staying at my dads. I cried every time my mom dropped me off. My dad was a really nice guy, I just didn't have fun at his house. Does this mean he was an abuser? The kids reaction should raise suspicion. No doubt. But it isn't proof of anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The good thing is that the media attention has likely destroyed her reputation and chances of a medical career. It doesn't matter even if her sentence is light, it's still a conviction on her record. The bad thing is that, she will still probably end up in a high flying career thanks to her daddy's money and connections. What a cunt. Would be poetic to see her become some kind of drug addicted pornstar. That way we can all wank over her downfall.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"probably a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, so now Robert DeNiro got a bomb, too. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight... CNN would have you believe some right winger is so angry they sent bombs to all these politicians....Soros...AND DeNiro? Why didn't Madonna get one? Joy Behar?? Sure...not buying this bullshit. haha! HA!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We ought to send a nigger to Mexico for every Mestizo they dump on us. That would end the problem real quick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN Panel Mocks Kanye West as Trump's Token Negro,' Don Lemon Laughs imagine the outrage if a major right-wing outlet did this..... https:\/\/www.thewrap.com\/don-lemon-laughs-as-cnn-panel-mocks-kanye-west-as-token-negro-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It says a lot about a person who would accuse you of sympathizing with terrorists because you point out the image they claim is of one mans torture is actually several years older than the death of said person. Either way, you claimed an image of a man being tortured was Christopher Stevens, I said it wasn't and proved it while also saying I didn't deny anything about the story of what happened to him. How unhinged are you that you call somebody at Terrorist sympathizer for pointing out that you made a mistake? This is all because I pointed out she used the wrong image. Be careful who you trust on gab, they might be nuts. No bitch ,you wanted to defend frkn muzzies . This pic has always been associated . You just wanna cry and moan for a wrongly depicted muzzie . Sympathizer plain and simple . You can wish it away. you are A lonely little bitch aren't you . What is that no rent due on that space in your head . Ill be asleep shortly thanks to you ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BillionaireCrow @Neelahrelates your what's wrong with the white race you fuckin coon slaying piece of poop please die alone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 Somali \"refugees\" who hacked man's head with machetes given short sentences https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/09\/short-sentences-for-african-refugees-who-hacked-mans-head-with-machetes\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BOYCOTT ANY NIGGER SUPERMAN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sure like yer spirit L'yra- from one redneck to another. Give 'em hell 'ole girl..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @mckayllaa: I wish I had pretty colored eyes .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Racism and Pornography are the gatekeepers of true free speech. So you think it should be legal to sell porno to minors? What year are you fucking from? No one buys pornography anymore it's all free and accessible to all ages do you think that little \"click yes if you are 18+\" stops anyone? So what you're saying is, you don't care if adults watch porno with children? Did I say watching porn with children? No I said no one buy's porn and its accessible to all. I don't care if underage people watch porn. Even back when it was restricted to magazines kids still got ahold of it. You just had to work harder. Being Gen Z those of my generation grew up with it and we are more conservative than the Millenials or Boomers. The original claim is that porn and racism are the indicators of whether or not free speech still exists and that's bullshit. Free speech by definition excluded things that we restrict minors from accessing and you're a retard if you think racism and pornography are an apples to apples comparison. Freedom does not mean equality. Both are countering positions. Children are not equal to adults and so do not have the same rights. They have human rights but not civil rights for obvious reasons. As for your original argument. Racism is a required aspect of free-speech since racism is a flawed concept and used to censor people. Namely whites. \" racism is a required aspect of free speech since racism is a flawed concept \" ?.. there's you fucked right there.. fucking idiot.. Let me rephrase that. As I phrased it poorly. Racism as an idea is flawed because everyone is inherently racist. We evolved to be as such and hold in-group preference. During the righting of the first amendment, racism did not exist as a concept","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have the grace and composure of a rabid hyena","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pinksongbirdy Why do you lie so much Rolia Kay?People know you're fucked up. And you're a dirty whore. As a Private Investigator I have access to plenty of resources. Address,Phone numbers ,(tmobile), lWhere you shop. you finally pissed off the wrong person here on #GAB. Posted too many lies. How are those pink shelves working for you? They need dusting. @SurvivorMed @truthwhisper @L_Brewster @HorrorQueen @lovelymiss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The demands are worth reading: > They are also making formal demands to Google's management. They are: > A commitment to end pay and opportunity inequality; > A publicly disclosed sexual harassment transparency report; > A clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for reporting sexual misconduct safely and anonymously; > The elevation of the chief diversity officer to answer directly to the CEO, and make recommendations directly to the board of directors; > The appointment of an employee representative to the board. Not scary at all. 2 sounds like the usual wage gap misconception (inequality isn't bad if it's due to merit), 3 depends heavily on the definitions (and the sampling, lots of abuse potential here), 4 could turn into a gossip mill\/anonymous accusations\/lynch mobs, and 5+6 sound like a straightforward power grab. >2. A commitment to end pay and opportunity inequality; It's called \"effort\" ya daft cunts. Maybe when you put in the same as men do, you'll get the same back. >5. The elevation of the chief diversity officer to answer directly to the CEO, and make recommendations directly to the board of directors; The only place a \"diversity officer\" deserves to be elevated to is down to the lobby with their shit in a box.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Gets banned from Twitter for BS reasons - Desperately tries getting back on Twitter for months, keeps making new accounts that get banned again over and over. *Sees someone get banned from Gab who may or may not have broken the rules - Immediately leaves Gab forever, goes back on Twitter and tells everyone stay away from Gab Some of you people are such faggots...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is this nigger shit??? This fucking retard who runs this channel records the songs with his phone from his loudspeakers and then uploads that. Check out Because I sieg H E I L on the same channel. You can barely hear anything. WTF!!?! He's some kind of faggot nigger like the Aussie faggot and the Rams s faggot that post bland music and Jewish propaganda...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only flaw with Islam is not a race is those in Muslim areas that are non sand nigger are forced to convert or die. So without that join us or die attitude how many non-sand Niggers would really be Islamists","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All women like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sarah Palin: RNC Labels the Left \"AN UNHINGED MOB\" in New Hard-Hitting Ad Just in Time For Midterms (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/rnc-labels-the-left-an-unhinged-mob-in-new-hard-hitting-ad-just-in-time-for-midterms-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a corrupt nigger former AG is just what the dems need. hahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's the worst part, they'll call out conservatives, but if one of their own says something funky, they'll be all \"I don't agree with them but they can say whatever\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unfortunately it will work for monkey brain Democrats! All JEWS and Democrats are RETARDED human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Yankees @marines1994 Daggone it Twins, kick it up a notch... Time to beat the Yankees...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if Megyn Kelly becomes a white supremacist, nigger-hating, jew-naming nazi, do we embrace her? @Heartiste only by her pussy. a lot of these anti-Trump pussyhat catladies wind up joining the Dyke Side. It's the logical end point of their man-hate. Is #NSFW really that difficult for people? Anyway, I used to see beautiful lesbians in Greenwich Village. They were always with the grizzliest dykes you ever laid eyes on. A man hurt them at some point, so they went with a manly girl. Go figure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Given how hollywood works I'm willing to give JJ the benefit of the doubt by saying that he said that shit and supported them because he was told to. From what was floating around when Rian was making Episode 8 and how he tossed out everything JJ had, JJ was PISSED. BUT, you can't say that a guy who bastardized your plans and fucking ruined them is a complete cunt when you're in charge of making the next big movie that's part of a massively popular franchise and the both of you work under the same suit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From one stupid cunt to the other.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @MannyBDlopez: When you open your starburst candy and get 2 yellows http:\/\/t.co\/F0dDbfEzB6 lmao bruh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A rabbi sucking the bloody dicks of a faggot coupling's twins. Holy shit, I need a bacon sandwich after that news.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say \"I hate women\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So many weird people in the ghetto at this time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A NIGGER WILL BE A NIGGER CAL POLY SLO HAS HAD YOUNG BLONDE WOMEN ABDUCTED AND MURDERED EACH YEAR FOR AT LEAST 20 YEARS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breakfast fried chicken jerk chicken Tater tots white rice nd press yellow rice nd beans Mac nd cheese http:\/\/t.co\/Usz8gJnZl0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm liberal - left and I think she's part of the problem too. Dont tar us all with the same brush. Tbf the definition is vague and can be interpreted a few ways. He said \"Other liberal retards\" That can easily be interpreted as including liberals as a group. Whatever mate, it can be interpreted more than one way. Fair enough u rite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@0xabad1dea Hard to QA? Time is also a pain to mock out in unit tests...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"anything else hillbilly bob ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never forget that #NeoconNimrata despises us, our culture and heritage. Cucks keep shilling for her. They learned nothing from summer 2015 and the 2016 election cycle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What are you even *on* about? You're coming across unhinged. I'm trying to say the same thing different ways to get the point across in ways you'll understand. Which is clearly not working, so I'll stop bothering.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. You're foaming at the mouth cause of the circle jerk party you participated in, you were the pivot. Disgusting splouge burps comin back up Not really jermaine. You just participated aswell. Discusting You Flogged a dude named Germaine Should have kept that to yourself, one more thing that was a dumb AF comeback Sorry Joanne. You ruined it Dumb af troll Joseph look at the interactions I've had in the past 10 hours 8 people can't wait to reply to me. How many you got. Fuck all Look guys a Chicken is making me look dumb AF, Well because I am a dumb af Troll with splouge on the mind Thats what you wanted to say Right John What guys stop looking for help. Don't see me doing that. Johnny be good ain't it? No. It's Johnny is a Anal Wart STDEANE you have turned up and joined the group identity antifa mob. When Johnny comes calling you 3 won't stop cumming. Give up the act. Oh who cares. Not who cares, say i don't care. Who and we in your post's. Makes you look desperate and needy for approval. Hard to look at. Johnny so glad you're still around, you seem pissy, what's the Problem ? Beg to differ. The 5 of you are doing just fine. Weak point for you is. Only come out your shell when you can hide behind others Johnny I don't hide buttercup Here I am Johnny, HERES JOEY ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My cache contains some VERY unwanted images because some of the filth from your group was directed to my spam box. You want to sue us for calling you guys pedos? Forget a counter suit. I'd much prefer indictments. Yes. Stay away. I'm worried about Andrew's phone. What's the matter afraid of catching diabetes from the cuteness? You know the difference between us vs Handley and you clowns? Handley received and possessed but didn't distribute. You guys on the other hand... Yeah and I didn't break any laws. You keep wanting to paint me with a broad brush, but you seem to keep dropping it in the bucket every time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually I like her. She's the one who wouldn't mind wearing heels in the bedroom instead of the first one whose a grouchy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lmao a retarded af person who constantly posts on donald trump subreddit and you live in florida yet you dont even know what your own people look like i really fucking doubt you live in the us you cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's honestly quite impressive. At least with Max Boot and others, we know their pro-open border sentiment is genuine. This is a whole new level of controlled opposition. >advocate for what your \"political opponents\" want by claiming that it will hurt your \"political opponents\" to give them what they want Listen kids, advocating for policy positions that go against everything you claim to stand for will only work if you couch it in complete retardation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there Vaelik! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@Allyhaaaaa: Lemmie eat a Oreo and do these dishes.\" One oreo? Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find it amusing that he has even less opposition amongst white women than white men. Ditto with Asians. As for Jews, you know you've got a problem when you're more politically retarded than blacks on average. Who was expecting any less coming from (((them))) though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Oreo: Woah, the depth of this Ollusion is unreal. #Ollusions http:\/\/t.co\/fuiVThvZyN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poverty is only genetic among Nigger`s because they are uneducated, overbreeding, child raping, sub human trash. The only thing a Nigger ever invented was a f*cking STICK!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Natitude? Okay. I'm only going to say it once. COMB yer BEARDS. #lol #wiggers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DISEASED DEGENERATE CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't believe this. Obama was president for 8 years. We never had anything like the problems then that we have now under Trump. He stirred up a huge backlash, which we continue to absorb, and the GOP fights for nothing but tax cuts so we have really just been getting screwed Same debate has raged for decades. Every election is the most important ever. We had massive heated debates about McCain and Romney. I do think it's important to vote GOP if a Dem is the President for gridlock purposes. I like gridlock in DC. With the GOP it doesn't matter - you get gridlock even if they have majorities except on their neoliberal economic agenda This is truly the most important election ever because Tax Cuts 2 is on the line here Don't forget boots on the ground in Iran. Pompeo and Bolton just can't wait to see some rag head children being burned alive. All it takes is one conveniently timed terrorist attack on American soil + nonstop pro war propaganda on FOX and talk radio. And thanks to shills, we on the dissident right are going to bear the political burden. The GOP wins and millions go to sleep and we get screwed over and no matter what happens there is always some rationalization. If the Democrats were doing it, the same people would scream bloody murder","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\/r\/india, a leftist shithole that shits on India and has a Pakistani moderator. Where discussing negative things about Muslims\/Pakistan\/minorities will get you banned and anything negative about majority (Hindus) is upvoted to the top. I think they actually take sick pride in shitting on their country and people, 24\/7, while anything positive is turned into negative or just never discussed (no discussion at all). It pretty much contains everything wrong you all saw happening during GG, before GG was a thing. It's called \"Randia\" for a reason and it's responsible for opening the eyes of many Indians (so in a way, I should thank them for being a bunch of SJW cunts).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have fun with the carpal tunnel the next couple days then, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AndrewLuck23: Charlie Crist says OCare has been great? #ccot #tcot #teaparty #PJNET #Independents @jjauthor @BettinaVLA @FLGovScott htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should look up to these trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever black people look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yes, what a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never said that women are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Alicia_Smith19: Just a reminder:Dems were warned repeatedly that the FBI cannot conduct a criminal investigation and could only provide a supplemental background check. They didn't care and demanded an FBI investigaion. Media\/dems now shocked that the FBI isnt conducting a criminal investigation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Look at the crazy fandom shit on Tumblr, there's a lot of actual bullying and internet drama spilling into the meat world. That's actually kind of what the article is talking about. I know that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada and Canada because they don't deserve to be beside America Yea seeing all those people with universal healthcare must really be rough. Looking north just shows everything that's wrong with your country. We have a prime minister that used to be a river rafting guide and that's still better then your president. *if you have moni","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"one of my cats killed a baby bird and a cardinal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After 2016 only a fucking retard would believe any polls ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No OP is just a massive lying faggot who's probably way fatter than that girl, who is most likely out of his league.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh gee, what do you know another leftist cunt that thinks she's a badass. and like all your kind. you'd start shit, then hide behind your skank ass pussy when you got knocked on your ass. I hope I'm there to see it when god sends your ass to hell for killing one of his children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Woody_AFC: I saw a great chimpout 2 summers ago. A middle aged Salvadoran and his 15 Yr old son got wasted by 6 beaners at the metlife ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drugged? She was running all over the place. Didn't post this for your benefit anyway. Just to make that jealous Marxist twat @True_Brit look stupid again with his fake girlfriend line lol Why was your fake gf running away from you pussyboy? Women really hate you being near them don't they? Still fake. Video bounces straight off the blind eye of this Marxist. And she was scampering off because she's shy lad. If she didn't want to see me she wouldn't have spent She ran away because she detests you pussy boy. Just tell the truth. Lol. Your lies don't work well pussyboy. All women detest you and that's why you have to make shit up. God this guys an outright commie looking at his profile. Oh yes mate. True-Brit is anything but a true Brit. One of the few real Marxists who dare be here. Still a coward and anonymous of course. Hates me because I ridicule his Islamo-Marxist ideology. Ironically some of the Nazis here who hate me too are quite happy to chat with him about me. I'm a genius. I've brought Marxists and Nazis together for the first time lol Dont get upset because you are a pussyboy. You chose to live like one. It's funny that you pretend to be a hard man lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those women suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tracee Ellis Ross to host 2018 #AMAs: 3 fun facts about the emcee https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35Q3h","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pledge to vote in the upcoming election http:\/\/j.mp\/2Qbr1Pl How will YOU vote?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AV1 Securities fraud prosecution due to false claims about Gab's size AV2 Cut off payment processing - Under Way AV3 Twitter mirror bot copyright claim AV4 Massive DDOS attack AV5 Massive spambot attack AV6 Botnet brigading at scale AV7 Cut off Microsoft cloud service - Under Way AV There is it. How to kill Gab. All spelled out. Seven major attack vectors, one minor one. You've left out the hypothetical class action suit by Pro users not receiving services advertised and paid for, but since the overlap between paying Pro users and True Believers is so large, that possibility may be moot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some of these people work in PR, and their response to a PR disaster is to further antagonize the customers. Merit is dead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know guys are getting beat up by the feminists right now. I don't blame them for being sick and tired of it. BUT NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THIS! We just don't have a public voice. So the only thing they hear are the fat ass, pussy hat Lesbos. Alpha women are not scared of alpha males they are scared of of weak beta females,, men want strong women not a weak beta cuck liberal twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is from August. Which's means the number is low, Max is even more popular now. His party polls at 3% I don't believe fake polls. \"\"Anything I don't like is fake\"\" Hard to argue your point, tbh. Scheer is pretty fucking fake, and I don't like him the way I don't like a limp, clammy handshake. But Scheer exists, so he's not fake. :clap: the most intelligent way to debate right here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easy with the pitchfork... This kid could have made up this story just to brag to his friend. He could have, but he probably didn't have to. You were never 14? Kids say stupid shit to try to look cool. Break the story down... According to the kid, this teacher met him off school grounds, pulled his pants down, gave him a blow job and sent him on his way... Are you really buying this story? Edit: She did it... Free to grab your pitch fork.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok let's go over the nuances.. drunken women clearly won't leave.. has to be carried out because she's such a belligerent cunt.. And while her ignorant ass is being literally carried out so others don't have to deal with her shitty self she decides slapping a cop (a much bigger human) is acceptable and then reality sets in on her.. Hopefully you and her both learned something from this. Good day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha she needs to hire a new lawyer. I imagine hers sounds somewhat like shaggy from Scooby doo if he was also retarded. \"These charges are like... really outrageous. They are just a ploy by the fash, man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for i m m i g r a n t s. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've said it many times... illegals\/muSLIMES bring in all kinds of filthy diseases to our country. Keep the maggots OUT! Hell yeah. I bet wetback border jumpers stop their shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @realist_iLLest: Mine too RT @187XO_: This ma niggah @trigga_tre123 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because SJWs are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros is a Nazi. He has even publicly stated he was proud of the work he did with the Nazi's his brown pets.....burning the flag. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/grateful-hondurans-paint-swastika-on-us-flag-then-torch-it-in-support-of-illegal-immigrant-caravans\/ And the point is???? Soros IS \"white\" as you like to call it. really? did WHITES die in \"camps\" in WWII? were WHITES kicked out in pogroms? why isn't the ADL and SPLC called KKK? are Africans the same as Indians because of skin tone? why do Jews have to show DNA to get in Israel? https:\/\/www.richardsilverstein.com\/2013\/08\/04\/birthright-israeli-government-demand-dna-tests-to-prove-jewishness\/ If you are referring to the people of India as Indians they are actually Caucasian according to 200 years of science. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For all we know this nigga a rapist. Y'all hoes dumb @daniellathepimp: *melts* http:\/\/t.co\/RRROzn5bdy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PayPal is really on some crazy shit recently. They've recently been promoting their new ToS and the fact that anything \"advertising or promoting hate or offensive messaging\" is subject to review and PayPal should not be utilized in these circumstances. While this is a video game sub, I'm generally dealing with the same thing in the 'underground music' scene - oh no your album mentions a group or has a symbol on the front that has been mischaracterized? Banned album. Eminem, on the other hand, can talk about murdering women and his mother with a chainsaw but hey, that's not really discrimination more than it's matricide. I thought Em's shtick was murdering his mother and his ex? (I haven't listened to anything except the Marshall Mathers LP in a long time - I don't think he's necessary limiting his rage to those two people specifically but they definitely are focal points) You're not missing much, recent work has been collabing with Beyonce and reminding people he once wrote better songs. The days of rapping about homosexuals and Vicodin are long gone. \"Sales down I'm wondering why, dissed the god emperor at all. The angry Trump fans in my news feed, but I can read 'em all.......... 'Dear Don, I wrote you a dozen tweets but you still ain't @ me'\" I read that in Eminem's voice... It's really hard to get the image of him literally crying like a little bitch about being white after Trump won out of my head. I see it every time I look at him. Makes it much harder to respect him. Oh I'm sure he had a meltdown as well. A lot of celebrities talk up a lot of shit about X or Y issue(s), but then when the time comes for them to put their money(literally or figuratively speaking) where their mouth is , they *magically* aren't able to because of some arbitrary reason. Welcome to limousine leftists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The last thing that faggot should be near is anything labeled \"education. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right, and KIA is 100% paragons of humanity that never act like shitdicks to people on twitter. You fucking babies are just as easily triggered as the SJWs you hate. It's a goddamn video game forum. You can post in the OTs for all of your favorite games and browse recreationally a few times a week and never see any of the ultra-left bullshit. Good lord, get over yourselves. Stop taking retarded internet drama so seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When do we hang the muslim nigga ' and the cunt ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN anchor Don Lemon says Kanye West's mother \"is rolling over in her grave\" http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=139310","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stephen Colbert is linked to the Clinton \/ Obama\/ Bush Child Trafficking \/ Pedophile \/ organ harvesting underworld! ENOUGH SAID !!!!! DIE stephen DIE!!!!!! 'No MAN can tell me what to do with MY BODY, I'll kill my FETUS if I want to.' THE reason they used FAKE sexual assault against Justice Kavanaugh! This is the danger in placing women in leadership roles. Too many feelings, ignore the facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The punditocracy is acknowledging that momentum has shifted to the #GOP going into the mid-terms. If conservatives vote, conservatives win. This election is really that simple. #VoteRed #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteRed2018 #GOP2018 #RedWave #RedWave2018 http:\/\/ow.ly\/LnQc30mjgH2 There is no shift. Lying pollsters just have a whole lot less to lie about. The Trump Train has been picking up speed since Trump stopped Obama from weaseling in the TPP during the lame duck session - before even being sworn into office! My guess: biggest mid-term thumbs-up from voters since FDR! From your lips to God's ears....let this be so!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who let this retard in?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Einstein was a retarded plagerist. Lol your insults are like your ancestry, weak and gay. I'm not even sure how you're still here with all the ailments you're undoubtedly predisposed to. Also, you're bargaining. You have no way of knowing how the grace of God could spread via advanced technology. Or how many more leftshit faggots I could troll with a transdimensional platform. Think bigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Titania McGrath I was already expecting super retarded shit from someone named Titania McGrath.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure that absolutely no NPCs have ever made that joke before. If [Trump=President] Then Run[Insult.exe]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jazu Dude antifa=nazis. If you suport white supremacy your a fucking retarded nazi. Wake the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ahah fucking queer @KingJames kill urself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah, the Living Father created us all, whether we believe in him or not. There is only One God. I'm getting a muzzie vibe here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"you disagree with me!! are you really defending monogamy??? fucking incel!!\" thats...........not how it works. you dont just get to yell incel at people just because they dont agree with you. fucking moron. yeah, no. that insult has lost its mojo because of cunts like you. the market is over saturated. try to be a little more creative.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do retards know they're retards? Or are supposed to call them \"differently abled\"?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LoQueEllasSaben: Amo a esa gente que me odia.. http:\/\/t.co\/8Zr3e0YsoE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Using my Free Speech to say I'm really glad PayPal suspended payments for Gab, and that the hate speech here should embarrass every one of you. I'm with you, Brianna!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There it is. The most mind-numbingly retarded thing I've read all day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well first of all the first image clearly shows the National Socialist SA beating Antifa up in the streets, which is why were National Socialists, its the anti to antifa. Second, yes, they do get beat up, pretty much by neo-national socialists and the odd faggot in proud boys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the standard story, more or less the same with little variation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jews, the Chosen People of Satan JEWS ENSLAVED BLACK PEOPLE AND HAVE CAUSED ALL THE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD WITH THEIR LIES! No jews the taken over jewdis goat like soro the evil cunt Rothschild family s and rest of the royal family and commie and Nazi infections of death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@shefeelsD_Payne hell naw he ain't he the star of that team lol but I'm sure that white honkey called him a nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2018 Western Man: >homeland being raped > >can't get good bud > ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know right. Get one guy out!! Man! @pjmclaugh: You had ONE JOB, Josh@Nobz13 Outman! #Yankees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whites are more focused on the work...productivity higher...still in many jobs at slave labor rates....the masses can out work Whites by unfair economic systems... I was at a bus stop and 3 black men were waiting there with me 2 in their 20s one over 40 they were arguing over who did the least amount of work while at work. One wearing a security guard uniform bragged he would sleep most of his shift. These three men at the bus stop, I thought it's was clear. You see when I said \"three black men\" black was describing the men. So what is \"black\" is the three men. End of lesson. And when I asked what is white you couldn't give an answer. And you see how simple it is to answer the question. But because you are even more simple than the answer you could not answer a simple question, simpleton. You may want to stop eating lead paint chips, just a thought. You keep threatening me I bet you would piss yourself if you actually had to fight. Mommies basement playing call of duty doesn't make you a warrior. Our forces? What, you and your 2 buddies who's dicks you suck shit off of? Stating a fact is not racist, so again you don't have an argument. Is my stating their approximate ages ageism? Saying one wore a security guard uniform security guardism? Because you are a racist everything is about race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh the question was retarded. Men don't get women pregnant to trick them and run away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the left calls Alex Jones a crazy conspiracy theorists?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Lmao: When you eat food that's too hot and start breathing like a retarded dragon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're missing a word or two. Makes up for it in extra chromosomes _ Finally someone who knows what my name is and doesn't 'accuse' me of being an alt-account. That's refreshing. I read your name... isn't that what they are fighting for? Maybe the new comment I made is the same comment above this. I forget shit... Reading your \"I fuck SJW up the ass all day\" reminded me of something from MANswers. They said that feminists put out more often than other women. The challenge would be finding an attractive one, but still, if it's true, not too unbelievable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are wide open. Have you seen video of military units setting up on the border yet? Gullible fucking retard Johnny fish, you called me a retard again, I'm going to make you debate me on stage with all of your girlfriends standing by, I will take you on right now brother, don't ever call me a gullible fucking retard, set it up , I'm Your Man Retard. WTF are you gonna do? Go on show me wtf you are gonna go lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The more handouts\/drugs they give to the homeless, the more homeless they are going to have and the more money they will need from these \"rich\" businesses, and the more these \"rich\" businesses are going to go somewhere else. Even a retard can figure this out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You people are lowlife filth and no one gives a fuck if you die. Maybe we could get something done if you were out of the way and don't worry we feel the same way about the RINO's, Globalists, Cowards, and Feckless Beta Bitches that have infiltrated the Republican Party. Meh...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@efethegoddess The shirt trash and I'm leaving your room a mess ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was down on my luck 2 years ago and had to go to the local food bank in town. One day I was there, there was this spic bitch in front of me who had the latest iPhone she kept texting on. Pissed me right TF off. And I wasn't the only one who noticed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. Are you retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By nature, immigrants are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every gook in #LosAngeles should be deported or killed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am blessed and proud to say I really have no clues who this cunt is even though I did \"read\" about her name here and there....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Literally zero hate. I'm used to those with zero integrity intentionally misinterpreting my ability to be objective, though. If viewing all women as less than you and in need of your protection helps you to feel good about yourself, it's whatever. Some of us just truly think of women as actual equals is all. Sorry if that offends you, but also not sorry. All humans are only human. Having certain genitals, or being irresponsible with them, doesn't make anyone better than anyone else. Because equality. Duh. The comment was about families. Not just children. Assuming your reading comprehension is on par with the rest of your freshman class, I imagine you just chose to ignore that point. Families include parents. As I very clearly stated, my comment was not meant to suggest most scenarios are like the one I depicted. Only to point out that the inverse is no more inherently true. It was also just an example for fucks sake, and hardly worth getting your panties all in a bunch over. If it helps you though, you can replace Wendy with\"Wally Welfare\". The gender of the parent isn't even a little bit relevant here. I simply chose what seems to be more common, as it's generally harder for a soon-to-be mother to bail and leave the fella to bear and raise the child on his own. Imagine being so insecure and hateful, that you have to twist every honest thing a person says, in petty attempts to project your social justice agenda into everything. Imagine being so far up your own ass that information and perspective have no place. That you immediately vilify anyone who doesn't regurgitate the mantra of your preferred echo chamber. Then imagine being so shortsighted you can't even see that's why no adults take you seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Minister Louis Farrakhan explains the \"White Genocide\"... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Br-r49bl5TA the guys who once had a page on their website that explained how they wanted a FENCE down the middle of the US to divide whites from blacks???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey buddy! Glad to hear you haven't been sucked into their BS. I don't know if you're losing weight or not but we'd love to have you over at \/r\/1500isplenty! Oh yeah definitely! I've lost 10 pounds over a month now and I'm still trying to lose weight until I'm normal weight. The 10 pounds I lost made me go from obese to overweight, but at least it's progress. Glad to hear it! Best of luck!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's horrible but I give a pass to Squatting Slav since he's on our side. Have you seen his videos? He's pro-white.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Officials: Jihadi Cockroaches Now Booking Tickets On Cruise Ships To Syria http:\/\/t.co\/hWKfMe75kx http:\/\/t.co\/rLTlVYGpTl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If every nigger in the hood suddenly voted Republican, would the hood suddenly be a great place to picnic with the family? I find it amazing how easily people lose perspective. \"If every nigger in the hood suddenly voted Republican...\" Democrats would justifiably want voter ID laws","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's with you kikes and Hitler being gay? Do yall really want \"nazi\" dick that bad? Whats with you nazis being gay, fag? I'm a woman so yea I like men. LOL I'll never understand how jews don't understand that them holding onto and looking for gay porn makes them serious faggots. Sure if you say so. I'm still not the faggot that has tons of gay \"nazi\" porn saved on my computer. LMFAO LMFAO More fetish stuff? I wonder how much gay porn you look through and save to your computer? You hebes are completely oblivious to your homosexual ways I dont know if I should laugh at it or be sad at it. LOLzy It is fun to what you fag out Says the man posting faggot porn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While Gab is still functioning I've placed my protonmail address in my bio if anyone wants to stay in contact after the website is (mercifully) sunset in a few days. Might start a profile elsewhere too, but for now feel free to send me a message even if it's just to call me a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] yep the hilarity is they are just as bigoted and echo chamber like as those they complain about and scoff at, zero fucking self awareness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now we just have to find someone blacker than Nigger Joe's Tar soap for the ultimate of opposites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dorsey is a faggot Jew with AIDS. I would say gas him but the AIDS is killing him already.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just want some Oreos and milk honestly. Just stop by the store and pick up some on your way back lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't care how people choose to live their life. I just don't want them trying to force me into thinking it is normal. Do what you like and leave me alone. JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME.... NO LAW WILL MAKE ME CONDONE WHAT YOU DO\/ARE... Ms. Westcott - My dear lady..... You stole my thunder. James Douglass mike pompeo pedo agenda confirmed. So Pompous Pompeo is a pansy too? Hey you stupid Trumpanzees, how is your orange clown any different from having Hillary as president?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to see at least a dozen Democrats executed for treason that's more important, and that president O' NIGGER serves a prison sentence with the murderous bitch from BenGhazi and serve time in Guant namo Bay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahahaha stupid cunt you sucking Alice's cock? @farmerenoch haha look at this sad twat. I think he's doing the Sheffield slapper","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a whore to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love jigg jigg ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah what a fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only in my hick town can you walk into a national sports bar and get Busch light in a can. SMH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any disabled person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#ISAD IDENTIFY SEARCH AND DESTROY #ANTIFA #POS #SAST #TBAN #ITS #TIME VIDEO LINK https:\/\/twitter.com\/breaking911\/status\/1052719309263384576 We can get this guy FIRED OR bankrupt who he works for The LINK where you should be able to find him https:\/\/www.akpress.org\/ Watch the video a few times to see these IDENTIFYING MARKS = NOSE and EAR I'm glad people are looking at Portland more closely. I've had my experiences with extremists from that place and I will say that there are way too many traitors running around free there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I'm a bitch then I'm the baddest bitch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ThatChrisEckert Gobble de gook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Either mentally retarded or viciously evil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tfw you're getting persecuted on a free speech website by boomers again. Try brevity. No ones gonna read all that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The appeal is that the NPC is really annoying, not that it's a female. Look up on youtube \"killing [any annoying NPC name]\" and you're bound to find many videos of exactly that. Here, I'll do one for Nazeem from Skyrim: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/results?search_query=skyrim+killing+nazeem. Nobody is killing him because he's black, but because he's fucking annoying. Same with Heimskr. Not because he's religious, but because he's won't shut up. Actually now that I think about it, the feminist in Saint Denis is basically the RDR2 version of Heimskr - they won't stop spouting their annoying preachy lines when you're trying to go to the barber or something. You're also comparing a funny and cathartic video from one of the top no-commentary game channels with >450K subcribers, with some rando with 300 subscribers trying to get clicks. Shirakko's video had over 50 times that other guy's video, and you think he represents the majority of Shirakko's viewers? You're complaining about an ultra minority on the internet - baiting retards. DON'T TAKE THE BAIT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> As far as Im concerned if women responded like that, to getting cornered in the street, there would be less catcalling Are you functionally retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @drizzyswerve96: @0kkaren it looks like he's wearing a trash bag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#philhughes @Yankees #nyy better then UR whole team","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now this is spicy. Also, super speedy sticky! I need a glass of milk > milk WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEEEEE What if it was soy milk? CULTURAL APPROPRIATION DETECTED Would soy milk even work against such spice? The soy would be consumed by flames. Remember Kek's third law; \"The Spice must flow!\" HE NEED SOME MILK! Where's our spicy bot? Real cows milk and that's being generous .. I'd prefer the woodchipper - run slow Eyes glossed over from loathing, lying, drinkin'. The reptile brain has taken over. \"You're a monster, Mr. Grinch. Your heart's an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders, You've got garlic in your soul.\" Dr. Seuss But Brenda Snipes is a liar, A cheater at her core. By stealing votes in Broward Fell to power's allure. Always an interesting post from you sir. Thank you, thank you very much! Nipples protruding And she is getting caught red handed! Ghost pepper spicy AZ needs the same attention, Sinema is trying to do the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you third world faggot niggers! And no you are not human!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arrest that dyke for obstruction","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dems are straight up commies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HeilSidious Sion is a faggot. Very meh ganks pre-6 and post-6 his ganks are still pretty meh he's just a tank, nothing special imo Mao +","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people fag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rotflmfao! cesar? 56 years old? sounds like a conservative boomer to me. none of \"bombs\" actually worked? sounds like a conservative vet to me. sent all of them to criminals in the DNC just before midterms? sounds like a conservative p.r. stunt to me. (so fucking retarded -- every jack ass is stepping up to the mic to take credit for finding a guy through a fingerprint.)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@yfly23 mock draft?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think, you must be a retard too, because I am screenshooting your threat for posterity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a shemale to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JackBPR: Alec Baldwin mocks Harris-Perry: If I cry, will I be forgiven all my transgressions? http:\/\/t.co\/9Oq5GTPmXx via @BizPacRevi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @skullmandible: Now Call Down Your Dark and Your Cold and Be Damned, Charlie Brown","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chris Bosh bout to disgrace the trophy like a real faggot smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Tweed is siegepilled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look @a @support, the little faggot is reporting me LOL ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump had said he been waiting all of is life to come in at right time the greatest American come back.in world history and he not done yet his dad well looking down in haven saying go on son bet those commie cunt s up and nazie globalist cunt s to my son","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn, they act the same everywhere, don't they? Holy shit. Not even muslim, but dude seriously? > problematic This is probably going to be my most hated word in 2018 https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/898136462385979392?s=19 Oh shit. I can't support him anymore. I love everything he does, but he just crossed the line. Hey man, you're the one who chose to speak in absolutes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic \".. that's big nose \/ baldy cunt \/ ginger fucker - all gone.. it's just about ending British'ness.. slagging each other - is what we do.. it's what we're best at..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DanWolken It's idiotic opinions like this that make polls less than trash. Polls weren't a problem when people with integrity were voting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm the bitch you wish you could be. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A disabled person must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is not a pussy pass denied. This is a rich, politically-connected cunt pass denied. Her having (presumably) a pussy is unrelated to her cuntiness. Any rich, politically-connected man could be this cunty in a similar situation, and many have. The only difference I see is a man trying to peddle his influence to protect his child from the consequences of his actions would have the intelligence to be more discreet. You let the cops do what they feel they must, then make it all go away later, behind closed doors. See George W. Bush, and his DWIs, cocaine possession and going AWOL from the National Guard. What DWIs, cocaine possession and AWOL, you ask? My point exactly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"There's that Piece of SHIT!\" I'm really starting to appreciate South Florida, or at least the Cuban Community, more than I ever had. Since Trump came down the elevator and all of the discord around the country. I felt like South Florida would be a Never Trumper hotbed. But you know something. I was surprised when South Florida picked Trump in the Primaries, I was shocked when South Florida voted for Trump in the general election. Hillary only won these two counties by a smaller margin than she did in other Blue Cities. We don't get much \"Hey Hey Ho Ho Nazi Facist got to go\" Bullshit, unless George Soros buses them in. I have only been yelled at once by some White trash Piece of Shit cunt not even from South Florida for wearing my Trump shirt back in 2016 during the election. Even at my job I can talk loud and proud about Trump when someone tries to goad me with misinformation they got from CNN. They don't even try anymore because my version of what really happened is always right, and that burns their ass the most. South Florida could be worse in that regard. Still don't care for all of the illegal overcomer that invade this place all the time. They suck and hate America but the Liberals have them entitled to think they deserve citizenship because Liberals need votes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lovely morning to all Oh deer! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kate_beckwith74 don't judge me monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just to get u mad go on your search bar on here and search up \"stupid niggers\" and hop on somebodys head then mention me lol @stonethegreat23","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really really really hope Japan takes back the reigns. They made some dumb ass mistakes, but they never went this balls deep in retardation. I'd take Cell","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckwit Nazi cunt blames Jews for Islam and Hamas terrorists, Al Qaeda and ISIS - you fucking idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well making a game about cuntish booze culture wouldn't be as interesting. Nobody wants to play the game where you come home after work and start downing glasses of wine to forget about your miserable unfulfilled life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But a guy posted that. Still retarded tho","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly this post smells of based nigger to me too. But I'll let it be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This POS traitor Globalist ball slobberer was a propped FAKE PRESIDENT. https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/18\/obama-admin-took-teen-girls-out-of-state-for-secret-abortions-without-their-parents-knowing\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here comes the media spin machine. PICTURED: Trump-supporting, bodybuilder revealed as the 'MAGAbomber'. https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/pbxc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That fucking Clara is so sly. She even programmed in the mouse movements to select the hack in the menu screen. Why you little minx! *Shakes fist at Clara* You can literally read the streamers scrambled mind through this video. The sheer panic and then fumbling around for words. The pretence of confusion, then actual indignation as she convinces herself that this is not her fault. What a dumb ass. What's the streamers handle? Is she out of the streaming business? Pretty sure she was banned on twitch VAC banned yet? haha as if VAC catches anybody Over 100k per month bans. So yes, it does. VAC has been great for a very long time. Not sure why anyone would say VAC doesn't catch anyone. > Yeah but it sometimes works too well. A friend of mine (irl) asked for my phone number so he could register his smurf. Somebody reported him, his number is associated with my account. I get VAC. > > > > Like, what? HAHA, faggot! You did not say to your friend: haha faggot, that's why I now get to say to you, haha faggot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sigh... making their fathers, mothers and brothers proud are they? If you want to be that kind of 'Wimmin' creature then learn to weld and get to work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't contradict myself. Those are two different things. Retarded use of that saying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"10k votes on a single comment shitting on this sub. That alone causes issues, but the *real* damage comes from the hundreds of users slipping around that link, replying to start fights with regular users, vote-bombing anyone who speaks up *from* KiA that dares disagree with their socjus echo chamber faggotry. >but not many people would ever think further than \"heh, I thought they were pro-free speech. What a bunch of hypocrites\". And those people *are not* going to change their minds, for the most part, just because you let them come in here to shit on the floor and insist *you* clean it up. **All** meta subs should be thrown into a dumpster, set on fire, and never allowed to be recreated as they provide *nothing* of any value to anyone who isn't looking to get their jollies off on X vs Y drama of varying brands. >rather than spare the mods the inevitable headache of the next dramatic invasion. # _ I may have stepped down (and this may be my last day in here checking messages), but *wanting* the mods to have more headaches caused by people *who aren't actually here for KiA* and *who act like a plague of fucking locusts moving post-to-post to shit up places that don't fall in line with their self-reinforcing groupthink* is not exactly any kind of way to get anyone, let alone mods, to agree with you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The queer community is super welcoming. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMFAO You found me out Jewton Devonair. I rather be a nigger any day of the week over being a subversive kike with no morals. Jesus called your kind children of satan for a reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because Square is fundamentally retarded when it comes to PC ports.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They lost then there children came to England to get away from evil like the rest of the worlds run from traitor and run in to the arms of god army not the royal Zionism to hard cunt like my grandad and nan's that was not jews or any other religions just cockney s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KingHov1313 i got a dyke wit a child as whse mgr, and she jus hired another girlboy dis week....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought she was a wetback when they dumped her off in our tribe, I told them she was full of evil spirits and they should throw her in the river..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Na, I'd rather implement those policies here. Conservatard. The fact that you say it's \"free\" makes you a conservatard. The fact that you don't know what taxes are for makes you a conservatard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sounds like you unfortunately lucked into some real fucking cunts mate. Hope your doing better now. Remember: The Pussy stock market is inflated like it's 2007, it's due for a BIG correction. At this point I've decided that it just isn't worth the hassle. A while back I realized that most of my happiest memories are from times when I was single. I also enjoyed being alone. So why was I looking for another relationship? I guess the answer is, \"because\". We're raised with the assumption that people are supposed to get married and have kids. Failing that, we're always supposed to have a gf or bf. That doesn't have to be the case though. After my last divorce, I knuckled down and paid my house off in just a few years. That's after I had to buy out her half of the equity and refinance. I'm stuffing money into my retirement, and putting together some toys to keep me occupied in my old age. I finally live in a clean house where I can relax in peace. Frankly I don't care what the \"pussy stock market\" does. I'm done chasing it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AYO HOL UP, DAS DA PUSSY ASS WHITEBOI WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP, GET HIS ASS what do? Roll up into a ball, insert buttplug, and mew softly -G. McInnes @VegasProudBoy Lol. So what you're saying is that the other four have had more sense to listen to faggot boy and turn themselves into the pigs? Thanks for the update.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another Hollywood skank--'remove' Trump https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/ellen-barkin-trump-should-be-removed-not-just-from-office\/ They'll keep on and keep on until Trump is removed. Then we'll have to remove them. What in the entire fuck are they not gaining by Trump being president? What did cunt hiLIARy have planned for Hollywood? These fuckers had something planned for us and it wasn't good but honestly I think.... .... the Trump win was safest for them. Because they had something planned for us (my guess is immigrants from fucking Africa) and would have started a Civil War. Kill George Soros and his family and this fucking shit will cease. Pay Per View his torture. Money to be made.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mohammed murders Mohammed. Muslims wiping each other out in Manchester. https:\/\/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk\/news\/greater-manchester-news\/man-sought-revenge-after-brother-15272581","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I now have this guy tagged as \"sexist retard.\" I don't understand how, when the entire point of this sub is to strive for equality (compared to the inequality that some feminists advocate), there are always some people in here who want to flip it right back around to sexism. It doesn't, it has to do with his argument. If he turned around and said 'I mow the lawns for the local businesses', it'd be a bit rich for him to at the same time sit there and say he should be allowed to retire earlier than women because OTHER MEN contribute more than they do. The holier than thou attitude is rife on this sub, but none of you are willing to look inward before you spew garbage. Just like I wouldn't sit here and say that all men should get hazard pay because millions of them die in Wars every century. The 'This woman acted like a cunt and then got treated like one regardless of her gender' posts are cool. Then you have these comments pop up where it's clearly little boys angry at women and providing odd little insights about how women 'ONLY SURVIVE BECAUSE MEN PUT UP WITH THEM' with absolutely zero facts to back it up - because no facts exist to back shit like that up. Even after like 5 comments the OP refused to provide even a single reason of why what he said is true. Because he couldn't. So you deserve to be ridiculed. You're a joke.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that dumb nigger doesn't even know how many days are in a week.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Luckily where I instruct are not totally retarded with Liberal ideas. However, I can see it creeping in on some things. I ignore it as much as I can.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chill RT @PhillyTheBoss If I ever become president Imma ban Henny from America..... For a Day, just to see you negroes panic. \"gotcha bitch\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boo hoo hoo muh Pedophile Racist Nigger Nazi wittle fweelings r hurt send an 2 5 1 6 ambwwaaaaalance g ilmr ton Yes Vir Gin i ate der eez ein sand claws ches peak Fu118","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beg for help? I simply showing everyone what a thick Marxist twat you are. Do you have a problem with that or something? You only have less than 200 followers so it's a bit hard for you to show everyone yourself. You should be thanking me :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No she's not lol But to pretty for jail? No suh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sad new about the French bulldog puppy again evil cunt out to rob people homes took 8 of puppy from it mum and dad is the most evil wicked thing in gods life the 6 died and 2 was back with mum and dad it not point","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">It's not Canadian Wait, we DO have Canadian values now? I am so confused.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Occam's razor And Hanlon's razor ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keith Ellison, muslim, supporter of sharia law and islamic terrorists (CAIR), and abuser of women wants to be the top law enforcement officer in Minnesota. Come on Minnesota - don't let this travesty take place in your state.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whites in America are inculcated with the ideology of \"small government\" because the only way majorities can fight a hostile plutocracy is with state power. It's time for this stupid ideology to die. oh, so getting rid of all welfare and shrinking the size of the state wouldnt achieve our goals? O.o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggas actin like hoes most of em bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If that happens, I guess it's off to voat! I already like Voat way more than reddit simply because anything goes there, but it has a fraction of the activity. Only because its voting system is broken. There are nice people and then there are assholes. If you're acting like an asshole, gonna get treated like one. If you hit someone, you're gonna get hit back. If you're gonna talk shit, better expect and accept shit being talked about you. Commit a crime, don't expect \"less harsh punishments. Apples to Apples. True Equality, no \"gender pronouns or other currently socially acceptable retard speak needed. Be proud to be a man or be proud if your a woman - there should be no expectation of different treatment or feeling of \"superiority because you're one or the other. And there are things women are more naturally inclined to to than men and vice versa, but there very fire things that both can't do. \"Toxic Masculinity - bullshit, I see no mass marches of chest-pounding, genital-swinging groups attacking women...however I do see *feminist* groups basically doing those very things to *men* and they're expected to just *take it* and *you can't hit me back, I'm a girl*. Equality. Want it. You got it. Stop bitching and contribute with your energy instead of bitching about stuff that's been had since before most of them were even born. Want a talking point about equality ladies? Let's talk child custody and child support and the like, let's talk about that, shall we? Courts are undeniably *very* biased towards the mothers and let them get away with things that if a male did, would land them punishments including loss of job, money, transportation and more. My advice? They want to be take seriously, let's talk about *that ladies* . tl,dr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some Republicans are remembering how to win. Everyone changes ..... He has come through for Trump during this- big time. Giving credit where credit is due.. You're naughty! Thanks for the laugh. ;-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" STOP COMMUNISM IN AMERICA Dianne SwineStein Has To Go ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mad respect to Affleck for refusing to wear a Yankees cap, though as a Sox fan wearing a Mets cap probably irritated him too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"National Review calls #gay marriage 'lawlessness' http:\/\/t.co\/QpTreDa6yv #oregon #tcot #gop #NOM #lol #teabaggers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What could possibly go wrong? Hey dummies, those are empty. Maybe he is a retard This is the 'humor' section You call people dummies for commenting on someone throwing sparks in a 'no smoking' area? If this were a serious post, something of importance, go for it, but it is not. Personally, I think he IS a few bricks short of a load. Thank you, CHRISTIANsoldier for your kind input into the post. No back to our regularly scheduled funny post....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> \"We want people to live in a culturally-appropriate setting, said Councillor Joe Cressy, of Ward 20 Trinity-Spadina. That's unbelievable. Even more so, is that he knew that question was coming (he agreed to the interview, he knew the rough questions he'd be asked), and that's the excuse he masterminded. It's almost verbatim an excuse used to keep black people out of white neighbourhoods in the south in the 50s. Literally, \"we think they'd feel more comfortable among their own\". Cressy literally is mouthing those same words, and worse he had time to think and come up with this line of argument. And the double down on that, and to then flip the problem as to say that the only problem is that we don't have MORE segregation sufficient for everyone's bigotry, shows you how little repercussion white liberals face for their bigotry. The left is the home of racism and bigotry today, it's just insane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a pest. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEWS COLBERT' Writer On Kavanaugh: I'm Just Glad We Ruined His Life' (has to be a miserable little piss ant ) !! https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/colbert-writer-on-kavanaugh-im-just-glad-we-ruined-his-life\/ Colbert payback is a bitch get ready retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looking back I liked colored better. Let's go back to that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"gay people deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charles Blow is pathetic nigger faggot that is taken seriously by 1\/1024th of the population.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@MotherJones: 10 birds your grandkids may never see, thanks to climate change http:\/\/t.co\/XqmXHkAsWt http:\/\/t.co\/RbITeGRnhm\" #Climate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Teen or Paki? It's bound to be a nigger of some kind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pelosi looks like a retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many queer in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lying nigger, go figure Hmmm... I wonder if Moonman could do something with that - lying nigger - go figure.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5Jvw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great, now a gorgeous White, blue-eyed blonde bitch dancing with a Paki boy. They even made her kiss him. That's two White blue-eyed blonde girls the show has forced to kiss a Nigger and a Paki. This racist show needs to be burned-down. What next? They will show the two races best known for raping our girls doing just that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#DEMOCRATS ARE LIARS, CHEATS, AND TRAITORS. Change my mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aww... Looky here! We have a fairy gay faggot that downvoted this. Gunny has a special message for your triggered soul, libtard...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In Our Lovely Australia I smell a civil war and I am 75, it just may happen in my time, as arseholes in Canberra are not fucken listening to us. WE do not need any Barbarians African or Moslims slime.Out of UN and get the hell out of Paris fest talk, and lets have some clean Coal Powers station and cheap energy His son the communist green cunt throw him under the bus, I hope I am driving it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Last Jedi' Director Tweets Study Blaming Film's Backlash On Russian Bots https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/qgvbj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@chris2x @NevadaPR Camels, ostriches and zebras! See you at the races! #VCCamelRaces","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"u\/titletoimagebot I don't what this is trying to say.... usually when I see a meme and want to use it in a different context I use the original link","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shut the fuck up you dumb jewish faggot. This isn't you keeping more of your own money you fagcunt. This is a slight makeover of shit which is not what was promised. Dumb cunt. You will be losing money in the end. sick of your faggot ilk fucking everything up. Another dumb 90 IQ fuck who sucks on dick all day because he can't get a woman. So he thinks joining the GOP club will make him popular. They just at him. Nobody likes faggots. Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol, as if Turkey has any fucking weight over the Saud house. What is this retarded fuckin joke we got going on here? Kash-Kash was Saudi intelligence, who clearly also worked for Turkey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, what an utter entitled twat who thinks by having a index finger up, is a sign to make her famous? please, just please can she just not exist... she is an embarrassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They even colluded with the Germans to bomb Pearl Harbor!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"but where's the lie tho? This is why i truly believe 4chan is the least toxic forum. By design, echo chambers and hive minds can't form. There is no thought policing. If you say stupid shit you'll get insulted but not censored.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @gatorhoops: Ill-advised slant call there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The two women should have been arrested and made to pay a fine for being cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a tranny to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't wait! Hope the ole buzzard croaks during a State of the Union address. Would serve her right if they have to cart her dead ass off in front of everyone. Classless prejudicial cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only pussies and jews like to silence. Why does obvious evidence offend u so much ? Well pussies and jews force ppl to mute with their faggot pedo porn. So what I'm sayin is don't start w ur pedo porn u pussy jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She sounded like a bird crowing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Germans should use all those high tech gizmos that they love to invent to kick the Muzzies and kikes right out of the country. The (((Holocaust))) is a hoax! That's why Auschwitz has a chimney that was built by the Bolsheviks in 1947 that's not even connected to any buildings! Also, Merkel is a huge pile of shit. Are you going to go suck on a bloody babies dick like your faggot ass hero Rabbis do? Just asking!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Believe it or not, Elizabeth Warren is claiming this test vindicates her. At best, it would make her 1\/64 native American. Most tribes require at least 1\/8 to be considered a member. If I take a DNA test and I find","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should get rid of women once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mathanugg You mean the one I colored with crayons isn't copacetic?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrant lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make the N-word Nigger again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Only a couple of Red Sox have gotten past first base.\" I'm dying laughing. Maybe the Yanks need to teach them some game.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a dumb cunt if you think all that shit matters. No one is in jail and we are still being invaded. As soon as the left takes over with all those illegal votes you will see what was important. Close your legs and engage your brain. They will undo everything and you will pay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Godbrand, his name was. And what I found odd was that he was cleary trying to be presented in a negative light, as a brash cunt, a macho caricature, yet he spoke a lot of sense and didn't really do anything that harsh against Dracula. Poor sod got screwed over big time by Carmilla. Hey. ya daft cunt. did you ever once consider that maybe that's the point? you are aware of what vikings were, right? you do realize they're more than dumb rapey barbs right? or are ya a daft cunt that can't appreciate good art?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My friend here looks great, and it's a good reminder of how utterly irrelevant you are. Where are you in the national stage? Oh that's right! Nowhere! How many followers you bleeding these days? I keep seeing your numbers sliding! Not a surprise; pretty much everyone despises you! Why, most of your posts don't even break 5 upvotes! Meanwhile, I get hundreds of upvotes here, and millions of hits on my site. Amazing how, even though you're \"powered\" by Adderall, you never seem to accomplish anything! Pathetic! Why, you couldn't even pull off your \"Q troll\" successfully, because literally no one believed you! Precisely ZERO converts! Not surprising coming from a ZERO like you! Why do you give Microchip the time of day?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Russian bots I hope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanx fo tha tip faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fam, please report yourself for mind rape and dine and dash violations as well as Ghosting. Flood it. It will become a joke and pointless. Report yourself for rape if you wish, it's fucking retarded and means nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's not a family. that's some nigger whore with her two bastards and her pimp","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When did Miley turn ghetto?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MissMulgra Starts making monkey faces behind you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im in mickey ds and he gone ask for a double cheese burger wit no cheese!!! #FOH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Women are cuckolding men and making them pay for Chad's kid Then thats the fault of the fucking loser letting themselves be taken along for a ride. As long as the courts arent being biased then Joe Whiteknight retard like you deserves to be raked over the coals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other women are a blessing to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We would be better off if those black people were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BALLS. STOP BEING A FAGGOT WEAKLING. I WANT THE COMMIE VERMIN REMOVED FROM EXISTENCE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Kummar_King I volunteer to be guinea pig and help test it out ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vagisil ya smelly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breast can be very sensitive. Underdeveloped milk ducts (before childbirth) can be hard and painful, and augmented breast are often hurting from the implants. It's like the mans balls. So grabbing boobs hard can hurt a lot. The reason why women at soccer protect them. So no pussypass, he hurt her probably really bad. It's very frightening when a man hurts you during sex. What else will happen if he's not at all interested in your well-being? Will he hurt you more? Kill you even? How will you survive this? Will he get very angry if you try to talk about it, since he didn't listen before? Maybe he'll hit you or worse. So, you go to the police to report the man who made you hurt and scared. It's what they're there for. An honest mistake is grabbing a boob once, hear that it's not ok and not do it again. Assault is doing it again. It's not hard to understand. Glad your ex is your ex. Hurting someone's sex organs and whining that not letting you hurt their sex organs is unfair, is so unfair. She was a cunt. She had a kid, her daughter is half Columbian and she's ashamed of that for some reason. I never even got a chance to touch them cause her bitch ass stopped me before I even touched them. Don't ever date single moms they are worthless selfish pieces of shit. Not widows were talking about single moms who couldn't hack it with their baby's daddy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"muudsharking is bad enough..but faggot mudsharking ?!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there BrokenAdmin! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh well","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are these fucking hookers yacking about their relationships online? Yes, I am talking about you nigger venti.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"these idiots think the democrats who in their minds are retarded are also able to pull off massive undercover fake bombings and plant a guy to pin it on to win the elections. Its so dumb it could only be on gab and trump supporters","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THERE IS NO SHAME IN BEING A WHITE RACIST! I gladly admit to being a White racist. Oh how their jaws drop when I tell them that. But when they have had their fill of Nigger crime and Muslim terror they will be ready to join the New Order and we will have swastika armbands , pins and flags ready for them, because we are expecting a big crowd !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jewtanski: When you has a frownie, eats a brownie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT mitchellvii So the guy arrested for doxxing the Senate works for Sheila Jackson Lee, the woman seen handing an envelope to Ford's lawyers? Huh... https:\/\/twitter.com\/mitchellvii\/status\/1047655529236111360","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shit, at least he hated Trump https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/synagogue-shooter-disliked-trump-posted-i-did-not-vote-for-him\/ It said he disliked President Trump meaning he is a liberal POS. That transcends ethnicity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">limited character count oh that's right you're not pro lol. I never read Walking Dead, Fuck Game of Thrones, fuck Halloween, And I do like shooter games and hey someone's gotta beat Cho's high score man but please do try and have a logical argument with an autistic twat who prides himself in the finest shitposts on Gab and who values online debates the same as the crap that comes out of my ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A dog of a woman, and pregnant at 37? Clearly Harry is of low-IQ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's assault and battery yes but at the same time he knew what he was doing.... seems to me like he's using the dance as an excuse to air-hump this chick, notice how as soon as she turns her head he tries to act extra casual? Not done with innocent intent at all. And from her view she just turned around and caught a dude air humping her, I'd be pissed off too. Bring on the downvotes but this dude is not exactly innocent here Thanks for agreeing exactly with my point that what she did was a crime Not sure what you're even trying to argue about to be honest? I don't know today's being really shitty and I mean beyond reasonably shitty. Sorry man Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you tomorrow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG How shocking. Ohio University: Dyke Hoaxed Anti-Dyke Hate Notes https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/ohio-university-dyke-hoaxed-anti-dyke-hate-notes\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It turns out shrieking like a retard isn't a convincing argument Democrats are morally degenerate human sewage. That is a FACT but they are so brainwashed retarded that they do not understand FACTS! Euthanasia is the only cure! They literally do not have functioning brains!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pit bull needs home \"She does have some issues with resource guarding, so no small children.\" https:\/\/www.adoptapet.com\/pet\/23542469-paris-maine-staffordshire-bull-terrier I recommend this dog for an old man living among nigger families","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah she had 2 kids, 10 and And she was also unemployed for the past 2 years going to college. I told her that she could divorce rape her husband hard if she wanted to. I kind of felt bad for the dude, considering the shackles he was wearing and all. But I absolutely despise branch swinging cunts. If they don't have the guts to cut off their current relationship before securing the next branch, they are fucking scum to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey, Julie Sweathog, we are disgusted with a cunt who goes to one gang-rape party after another. Fucking whore!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER SHIRT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The real question that needs to be asked, is are you pissed. You can say what you want about Nazis, but considering circumstances, then and now, you can see how it comes about ! Then you can ask were our Founding Fathers Nazis ! In your alternative reality the Nazis won WW II. Just like in the demonrats alternative reality Hillary won in :) LOL!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect nope you are a communist that doesn't have a clue what that is or how loathsome that is. you are not a political player you are just a football.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt Nikki Hayley has resigned. Trump had better not give her another position. That shitskin has no place anywhere near the levers of power in a White country. That Indian should have resigned on Columbus Day. I know. Wrong Indian. But what's with her? Is her mother a kike? Why's she so gung ho for IsraHell?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The faggots are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Completely and utterly wrong, faggot Laws written by congress with no power over stripping someone of citizenship. You're the dumb fuck faggot read Article 1 section Oops. According to you, these people don't exist. Someone in government took away their US passports. Want to tell them they're free to come back? https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/List_of_denaturalized_former_citizens_of_the_United_States That is where it states what powers congress has. Seditionists and traitors are suppose to be executed not citizenship ripped away. That is a pussy move. \"To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.\" Seems like Congress has already done that, I linked you those laws when I first began owning you. Anything else, faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"When your population is made up of people who would be considered mentally retarded here in the States, yes the government needs to control them. \" https:\/\/twitter.com\/DPinklage\/status\/1052906228660260864 #Honduras #USA #Illegals #Immigration","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most of the retard posts like yours are in the 'Humor' section - welcome to Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"F Cya, cunt. Hope you heal, mate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Leslieeeixta: Bdubs is packed with beaners ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gang of Somali Kids Attack Park Goers in Lewiston, Maine - Maine First Media https:\/\/mainefirstmedia.com\/2018\/05\/gang-of-somali-kids-attack-park-goers-in-lewiston\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are repulsive. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't be Sara. Never go Full Retard I don't know who Sara is but I know Muslims when I see them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least Jesus was Real, Odin is a made up Fantasy (Suitable for Comic Books) to get Vikings to Fight Harder in Battle. And \"Vikings\" were peaceful, only Christian propaganda depicted them as barbarians. 1000's of years of worldly explorations and we never tried to conquer anybody. You don't know anything about the Vikings, i happen to like their Conquests and for the Record, i am Half Norwegian\/Half English myself. @Final-Red-Pill-Revolution Have you seen that they've recently been finding tons of Viking artifacts in Iceland\/Scandinavian area? Just today I saw they found a Thor's hammer amulet for the first time in Iceland. So cool. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/science\/viking-thors-hammer-discovered-in-iceland","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NativeCurator: THIS is how you honorNative Americans. #changethename #HTTR @redskinsfacts @redskins http:\/\/t.co\/23VGQvEHy5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Buckm00se @letsargueboxing sand nigger ran over some Kidd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Democrats are RETARDED and devoid of FACTS! Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who cares what a faggot muslim satan worshiper says or thinks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well he did start by simply pulling her soooo. Fuck them, bunch of bitches https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=NoYTdgjHu3Uandt=82s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hopefully this nigger whore is found gutted in an alley since there is no justice","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is this only at 90k? That lying cunt ford got a million plus in no time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I need this bitch in prison","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AS MANY OF OUR MEMBERS WILL HAVE NOTICED WE ARE A CHRISTIAN BASED GROUP . you dont have to be but it's our core leadership principle. herr wolfes legacy and one i won't ever betray. i must rin this poll i ideantify as national socialist and. god bless us all christian and pagan let us put old diffrences behind us and live together as white people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't you go brush your teeth faggot I can smell the smeg on your breath over the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody is perfect but nobody needs to be an asshole either. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When being a faggot doesnt get u enough attention...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Heartiste Rush Limbaugh just now: \"There's a part of me that thinks Flake was in on it...that he wasn't scared on that elevator.\" Ya think, boomer? http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6bso.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @crazygirlgab: Just eating animal crackers in sacrament! #17AndLovinIt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just how many more escaped convicts are running about and claiming \"asylum\". Why is there NO criminal check - Oh wait, ALL the asylum seekers are innocent persecuted people \"think of the children\", the litany chanted by the open boarders retarded loonys. Rapists and murderers flock to safe haven UK! #politics #uk #openboarders #britfam https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6249625\/A...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was a real dickhead move of me. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gun Test: Smith and Wesson MandP45 Shield Pistol https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/fpp38e\/Dou_Ay_V2_X0_AEj_Xm So tired of the (((fake))) MUH LIBURTAY! posts. You know what I want to see? I want to see Reddit and POL posts about: The jamming frequency for LEO Comms. The escalation protocol for DHS internet terrorism investigations. The training manual for SWAT raids. The CAD file for a Glock How to turn rat poison into RDX. I want FULL )))EQUALITY((( of knowledge. There's supposedly 20 million borderline retarded people working for this indefensible ZOG government a good deal of them are Ron Swanson caricatures people who hate the very bureaucracy they work for and we seriously can't get anyone anyone to anonymously post about lax security and laughably ineffective procedures that might help us all out?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kill every Kike you see. We're German. We especially can't stand Kikes. You sound like a Jew in disguise Show me on this GIF where the ovens hurt you? I LOVE ovens! And horror movies that terrify kikes. maybe you should stick your head in one and do the world a favour and gas yourself Wilfred Such a Cunt you are my little facist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm good! :P Now you get it lolololol,shut up GOY You better be a Proud Goy too!! Im so glad you started following me...you're like my favorite in Facebook and now Gab right now lmao! I'm proud of goy,idc what race or religion you are! And that's cool! Glad a trensgindur is based. Erin and Drakken are pretty cool and based as well! They're transgender Trump supporters as well. And no problem,we all gotta stick together Shut up Goy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"there you go talking about gay porn that you watch.. nobody cares He doesn't care because he gets all the gay sex without needing to get porn. Your posts sound like you listen to a lot of gay ben shapiro. almost like you are attempting to emulate him. so sad so sad You're so gay. So gay. Id delete all your gay posts so people wont be able to pick on you, especially me. You should stop having homosexual intercourse so people won't be able to pick on you, especially me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I stopped eating fast food a long time ago due too always having too deal with some stupid cunts attitude ...just cook ur own food ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there Siex! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have to call out the open hatred for disabled people in our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nope I actually live on the beach, run my own digital marketing business, and am quite happy with every life decision I've ever made. Are you a professional cunt who spends all his time bitching on reddit because the rest of life is pathetic?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She gets the kike cunt passing and he gets the White Male shafting. Diversity is our strength.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Journalists need to start turning up dead with swastika business cards stapled to their foreheads. http:\/\/archive.is\/NtZj9 Same study that said cunt hiLIARy would win 2016","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"weird made up disease\" I'll have ligma for 500 please Yeah it was like a variation of sugma iirc. They even pointed out the traces of E.A.M.A in it, though I doubt most of them even know what EAMA is lol EAMA ass lol >I love Pewds but I hope people can come in here and act their age and not like 9 year olds. >implying (\/jk) Link? You're... welcome?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wonder what it feels like being the token nigger that opens every advert on T.V. in the Islamic Republic of the once Great Britain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love when people randomly bring up my dick in an argument. Like is this heated situation really getting you to think about my dick that much that you wanna talk about it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't stand that asian dude just now, faggot gives me attitude cause I almost forgot my water, fuck u faggot if I wasn't on stage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All righty then. This is a great sign!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't the omni- and pan- prefixes both mean everything' not just every gender'. So yeah, these particular degenerate faggots want to have sex with animals and children. Ok ok, these degenerate faggots want to have sex with animals and children *in addition* to men, women, men who dress up as women, men who cut their dick off and make a flesh wound and pretend it's a vagina, women who dress up as men, women who cut their boobs off and pretend to be men, women who cut their boobs off and get a little nub of arm skin made into something they pretend is a penis but looks more like prosciutto crudo. Seems like these pansexual degenerates are all just about taking advantage of things with no agency and the severely mentally ill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MorbidMermaid do you work today niglet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White women matter, disgusting mudsharks do not lol. Cunt got what she deserved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see she's demonstrating some of that famous \"strength and independence\" feminists love to talk about. She's truly strong, to get so ultra triggered over a *painting*, because it committed the unbelievable crime of having....*white men* on it! Oh the humanity! Shit like this is why I can't help but laugh when feminists talk about their beloved \"oppression\". You don't have any real problems at all, if bullshit like this is what you choose to focus all your attention on. Great job showing the world how truly hard you have it, when you cry over a painting that doesn't effect any aspect of your life, in any meaningful way, whatsoever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Racism, cultural appropriation and xenophobia all in one shot....nice job retards! lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have had a Kenyan muzzie as a so called president, why not a porn lawyer? https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/avenatti-dnc-senior-leadership-encouraging-me-to-run-for-president\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao the entitlement is craaaazy \"Go get your fucking laws baaahahahahaha dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy is pro-Israel because they are fighting Islam too pillock. Enemy of my enemy... Moron! You're saying Tommy Robinson has been putting his own life and those of his wife and kids, been attacked and sent to prison for his beliefs for years....just to sell some books? Let's see you write a book about your Nazi ideas when everyone knows who you are. See how you get on lol I have a theory about these idiots who keep calling Tommy Jewish. They are either Right Wing Watch Trolls planting devide and conquer stories to demonize influential peoples reputations. Or they could be Muslim Trolls trying to do the same? Cause there can't be that many nutters that believe this shit. Here he is, Mongo No Lie. Not happy I met a gorgeous black girl last weekend who is way out of his league lol Correction! Only you and your ilk don't find any black girls attractive. Because attractive black girls don't want the likes of you. More left wing jealousy. And most of my girlfriends have been white. Only dated 3 black girls in decades :) Um! Science now is it. Don't forget you're talking to a guy with a very strong scientific education, not some layman. To be solid your theory needs to explain what we observe. So millions of mixed race couplse sort of blow that out of the water before it's left the port blokey legs. Any other theories you want to discuss? lol Sort of getting better...ish lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not a republican by any means, but now I've left the democrats as well. It seems they just want us to pop out more babies so they can infect them with their sick ideology. Feminism for the girls, beta-faggotry for the boys. I don't agree with any of what the left has done. Abortion, gay marriage, transsexualism. For a while there, it was a thing to be ashamed of to be against these things. I honestly hate Fox news. But when the only thing that makes sense and logical is Fox news [sometimes. I don't tolerate their pandering to the charlatan in the white house.], you are literally giving your own supporters reason to oppose you. I will always stand for justice, the right thing. Feeding the poor, helping those in need, more regulations on wall street. But I cannot support the left after they shamelessly tried to block Kavanaugh from being sworn in by bringing in liars. I'm not a white supremacist. I'm not even white. But if the left thinks being white is a shameful thing because some white people in the past oppressed others, then the left has got to go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't even realize that cunt Feinstein was 85 years old. Happy to know she is much closer to death than I thought.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those ladies are in for a big shock, Glenn didn't get shot, the one who was supposed to shoot him got shot by Glenn's son. The cunt lives on. #Hollyoaks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here, they do that. They also do opiates and suck nigger dick. I wish I weren't kidding. I'd say between 15-50% fuck niggers (depending on rural vs. city). I'd say 50% smoke pot and 20% are on harder drugs. Half are also obese. That's an honest estimate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Long yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" #diversity So, I was walking through the halls at my college when I see this rather large woman moving in my direction. Her shirt was too short to cover her gut, which was hanging down quite low. I shuddered. When I reached the end of the hallway and turned around, I was greeted by an even worse sight. I could see half of her butt crack.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex is obviously a Neo-con Zionist. Either willingly or through his own ignorance. I mean, anyone that would choose Twitty-Bird for their avitar tells me he's just another faggot neo-con!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men created a world so safe and secure that even the crippled, the in-firmed and the retarded can continue to survive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Why are you posting pics of a prairie kike in a Norse paganism group? If you're not a subversive, you're choice of aesthetic is questionable to put it mildly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HONDURANS PAINT SWASTIKA ON AMERICAN FLAG, SET IT ON FIRE... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/RYCm If there are any magapeedes out there doubting that the mossad is behind this... https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/why-these-latin-american-countries-support-moving-their-embassies-to-jerusalem\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ ok wat ever u say whitey. u prolly never even seen shaft.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boomers were born 1946- Assumed power around Each generation is more perverse since kike propaganda becomes more extreme over time. Lie built upon lie. Polls show top concerns for under 30 crowd is faggot rights\/feminism\/racial equality. None of those are top concerns for older folks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, look at this faggot with his \"leave the adults alone\" bit while he wasn't able to actually make an argument. What a homo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New video: This transactivist bullying has to stop. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CvgG064Mb_candfeature=youtu.be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ugliest human on the planet award....there is a dog in the dog shows that has a distended tongue like this. I always want to chuck it's little chin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Surprised that the burqa is banned in Belgium, but not in Poland where they are is much more looked-down upon. Kill them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heh nice. Quantum faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt may hang himself.....because he wont get away with it.....trust me...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It hurts to see all these people saying female lives are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Back your accusations by telling everyone what my last name is you POS otherwise GFY you POS Troll,that's all your ass does on here is flap that damn jaw and spew your BS You Low Life POS Nazi faggot wannabe ...I bet mommy still has to wipe your ass for you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some of the jerks who call everyone who disagrees a Jew might be agents who are trying to disrupt us, but it would take a real retard to discuss illegal actions on line. So, anyone who does that highly suspect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also segregation of story and gameplay. And the adding of female generals adds nothing to the \"fun\" gameplay in the way that learning the limitations of the game's mechanics and pushing them does. > jump between planes in mid-air while pulling off a trick-shot that'll later go on YouTube. I know the writer is being disingenuous, but pilots after bailing out of their crippled aircraft HAVE shot down enemy fighters before. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Owen_J._Baggett https:\/\/www.fieldandstream.com\/blogs\/gun-nuts\/2011\/06\/best-shot-1911-ever > In the hundreds of hours I have on Battlefield this never happened. Neither did I do it nor did it happen to me. It's just the 'if someone with sufficient skill can do something crazy with the engine that is unrealistic, then why do you care about authenticity of setting?' argument. Remember that gif they were all posting where someone had managed to get a soldier with a flamethrower stood atop another soldier riding a horse?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was never banned from Twitter or Facebook. I had voluntarily deleted my accounts as a protest in support of Free Speech. But after today's events and the blame being placed on the Gab community, I created a new Twitter account with my old Twitter handle thinking I wanted to go defend our community. So I followed a few of my favs and read my timeline. It made me sick what people are saying about us. I don't even know where to start. https:\/\/twitter.com\/wocassity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@The_Red_Sea @shetheTRUTHtho say that shit to my face \"Bruh\" you a bitch for gettin in a man u dont know business. Handle yo own shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common queer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JonyPrivat: #cheese #crackers #lacking http:\/\/t.co\/ijDHKWdkoQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Came across this in my neighborhood... Well I cut all contact with all my \"family\" members a long time ago. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a fag to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well this CUNT FITS RIGHT IN WITH THE REST OF THOSE COMMUNIST LAWLESS DEMORAT THIEVES AND TRAITORS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm so glad the GW2 subreddit isn't monumentally retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Constitution is the \"supreme law of the land\" but this nigger don't like it dat way. It \"manipulates\" people, don't you know. Like giving them 10 specific RIGHTS. This monkey knows all this but he needs to shade the truth to rally his D mobs. This turd needs flushing!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This makes me sick.. The only reason those feminazi cunts want that robotic brothel shut down is because they feel sex dolls are a direct threat to their power over men. Although feminists claim to want gender equality, make no mistake, they still want to keep the power their pussy has over the average joe. \"We are tired of living in fear of rape! Okay... Well, we have these dolls here that give desperate men a pretty damn close experience to vaginal sex. \"That is only going to be used as rape practice!! Uh what?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @MomMeMustHaves: MMMH Daily is out! http:\/\/t.co\/bPtRtXcel0 Stories via @KristinCruz @ExMoShow #yellow is IN! and @romyraves luv the bling!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like women. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros and the DEMONCRATS are paying these useful Idiots to annoy and intimidate True Patriotic Americans hoping that someone will eventually shoot them so they can go after our 2 Amendment! If one of them has a club or a knife protect yourself if you have to shoot them so be it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WE ELECTED A PRESIDENT IN 2016, NOT A BUNCH OF PUSSY FAGGOT JUDGES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh Cloture will be approved, likely 51-49, setting the nominee for Confirmation. Manchin votes Yea.' Murkowski: No.' Will the republican who's daughter is getting married tomorrow be there to vote? They won't blow this will they?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is coming to a political climax. May MUST be unseated. https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/politics\/2018\/10\/16\/cabinet-told-force-theresa-may-drop-chequers-plan-will-face\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do the leftist Fucktards post this silly shit? Only a 2 day old retarded Nigger would believe this stuff! Or a DemocRAT!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the black people in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"T-Rex mated with a donkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING: Retail marijuana sales begin in Canada, now largest country with legal national pot marketplace - AP Canada has another reason to go down besides Islamic pandering, new age political correctness, mentally ill politics, etc. I'm not buying shit from these retailers that sell this biological tampered waste... I don't smoke period... Wether it's Tobacco Or The reefer. I can't stand either one's stench... The results of pot access are not improving people they like to think so but it's not happening in reality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It occurred to me, instead of standing in direct opposition of this tidal wave, how if we got out and pushed. The part that grieves me the most is, the Republicans, who say they want to CONSERVE America, are the ones who let this sub human trash in for profit. The Dems do it bc they're emotional globohomos. But the repubs love \"cheap labor.\" \"The left are supposed to look out\" The 'left' couldn't care less about any of the things you listed. For them it's simply a surrogate activity to gain power. That's why they seamlessly take diametrically opposed positions, to the eternal befuddlement of the incredulous retarded right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/commentisfree\/2013\/may\/24\/eton-entrance-questions-12-year-old that those shows are you brighter than an 8 year old then after the show we getting jimmy savile to fuck than annoying cunt so yes brit fam are so much better","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TRUTH!!!! Riley Dennis is also one UGLY fucking thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot kangaroo fuckin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Money hungry hoes they can never get a crumb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WADL Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We do not cover a lot of Muslim authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PLEASE SIGN THIS PARTITION TO HELP STOP THE MURDERING OF WHITE SOUTH AFRICAN FARMERS https:\/\/www.thepetitionsite.com\/takeaction\/924\/712\/647\/ UNFORTUNATELY WE ARE WAY TOO OUT NUMBERED ... WE NEED OUTSIDE HELP TO DO JUST WHAT YOU SAY... WE WILL FIGHT AND GIVE OUR LIVES IF IT COMES TO THAT.... To save the WHITES HERE AND THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY... We White People have been set up by the NWO Criminals. We are caught in our old age and marked for extermination. Govs keep censorships and they(NWO criminals) have compiled this info to make coordinated attacks on the White Race. It all stems from jealousy of Whites being more Attractive and they can't stand it. Sooo true...!!! https:\/\/youtu.be\/IlppxlMpkks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Opinion | Jeff Winkler: \"The what-not-to-wear police are out in force. But just because they're often overly prescriptive doesn't make them totally wrong.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Byms - @NBCNewsTHINK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Satanists Alex Soros and Meghan Markle at an Abramovic Spirit Cooking event. Red shoes indicate pedophilia (or worse - cannibalism). Now we know why Harry was so smitten.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"on top of that, even after were legally blackmailed to feed the negros, every other commercial is about some nigger asking for food in africa, or you see them at your mall asking for gibs, or on the side of the street. Niggers never stop asking for gibs. And then they are shoved down our throat, in media.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I owe Blacks absolutely nothing and do not seek forgiveness. If, however, making them 'whole' consists of giving them a hand in returning to their ancestral homelands, I'm all ears! @SirBoring https:\/\/m.huffpost.com\/us\/entry\/us_5bccda8ce4b055bc9481ea68?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004 No, they didn't. Sorry. but they did sir, they did No, not really.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I honestly thought it was a parody at first. You ever love freedom SO MUCH that you reserve it only for people that think inside your little Kosher Boomer box? SO MUCH FREEDOOOOM!!! I thought Gab was a Frei speech platform... Frei... Oh! It's the 'servant-leader' principle. If you don't serve the Jews, how can you be a leader? Well, one good thing to steal from them, \"Does it serve White people?\" To some degree with have this with the 14 Words, but I find that I have to also make an effort to not let my intrinsic nature as a White man be exploited to work against my people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DEMrat sponsored illegal invasion continues : Trump to call US military to close southern border as 4,000-strong WETback invasion caravan pushes north Wetback invasion is exactly what this is and it's been going on for the last fifty fucking years.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the proto-Indo-European hunter-gathers of ancient Western Europe (ie. Neanderthals, stone age man, Gaul, indigenous Europeans) looked a whole lot more like Dirk Nowitzki, and a whole lot less like the retarded dirty apes the kikes want you to see.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh I forgot we lived in the ghetto....#hoodrats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want an apology from the people in my timeline that called me a \"retard\" when I said the army corps of engineers would not build the wall. You are right. I probably won't get an apology. Its a sad reflection of where we are at.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! http:\/\/t.co\/O8JoZOKFEI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Demographics=ultimate decider but credit Catholics credit for : Magna Carta, University and Hospital System, Ban On Usury for centuries, science and health achievements, International Law and Jurisprudence, individual human rights, pro Life, http:\/\/catholicherald.co.uk\/news\/2011\/05\/06\/what-the-church-has-given-the-world\/ The Catholic faith didn't vote in Socialism, the pple did. Catholicism is against socialism but you wouldn't know that. It violates the tenets and doctrines of the faith. You wouldn't know that it forbids usury. No, you wouldn't know that. It's ignorance and laziness that brings the fall of a nation, not Catholicism. CORRECT ! Catholic certainly has an omnipotence quality, yeah this is bcoz of catholic. Human, economic practice and SANCTIONS is not involved on this destruction, BELIEVE ME IT'S ONLY CATHOLIC CAPABLE TO DO THIS! lmao You stick to your bias and I will stick with the truth. That's not an argument. That's an whine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's a comment from another #Reddit regarding her appearance at #GenCon: > It should be noted that the audience itself was limited to only 80 people (in a hall that could have fit 800). I was told this was due to security concerns. Apparently GenCon wanted to avoid angry mobs showing up to harass Anita. The very fact that they had to do that highlights the importance of what she and the others had to say. So the fact she's 'irrelevant' is due to security concerns and shows just how relevant what she has to say is. ... Regardless of what you think on an ethical level, you still have to be impressed by the sheer audacity of that spin. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That trans person will die a horrible deth at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deaht to all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Europe is good at History because it is history","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 why should whites be cared for by blacks? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qIAiMylHT-k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt got what she deserved","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right here fellas. Trump was kissing Jewish ass for two years before this happened. He will be kissing Jewish ass for the next two years. There might possibly be an uptick in that due to the Pittsburgh shooting, but otherwise this changes nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wondertrade is the best pokemon feature ever. i just got a level 27 japanese wobbuffet for a level 4 beginning area trash pokemon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Interpreting 17% \"are open to voting for\" as \"will vote for\" is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2\/ Let's get one thing straight first: I think Trump is doing a very good job as POTUS. But let's also get one thing straight: that's not because he's a genius. All he's been doing is UN-doing what Obama did, which any retard could do and would lead to similarly predictable results. Now, many (like Jeb or Kasich) wouldn't have, so I give him that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"W0men should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good. Fuck her. Disgusting bitch belittles the lives of real victims and forces many to keep from coming forward. >Disgusting bitch belittles the lives of real victims and forces many to keep from coming forward. Also, SHE RUINED SOMEONES LIFE Don't you know that men are disgusting pigs? Ladies, look to your left and your right, statistics that I just made up shows one of you will be raped. It's better to have all men's lives be ruined by false rape reports than to have 1 actual rape victim not come forward because she's fucking retarded with 0 self efficacy. You dumb cunts have such rote responses. >You dumb cunts. Have such rote responses? FTFY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#AskDems Aren't you embarrassed that Charlie Rangel remains in your caucus?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They still don't get that poor people don't care if Trump was born with silver spoons in every orifice and shits gold coins. It just doesn't matter to people who are starving if the person that feeds them didn't grow the food themselves or fucking stole it. He's feeding them. I'm talking about, what would our dollar be worth if we went back to 150 mil Americans America. Our dollar would be worth >90% more. What happens when it's 100%?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sidefag was a neocon warmonger who wanted the US to attack Iran. He was no conservative. Also I didn't support anything, I just enjoyed it as a spectator. I do hate Christianity. It is meme malware. Sidephase is as neo-con as you are as conservative #Robocop. How much does the Soros Call Center pay you to write this retarded shit with no proof to back it up? cc: @TheGreatGeneralKek @BBGood @Broken77 @DeplorableBuilder @Snugglebunny @militanthippy @LoafOfToast @JudgePudge @judgedread That was me that wanted to nuke Iran. Sidephase just agreed with me. Ya know.....the more you talk, the more you sound like a Muslim worshiping, towelhead from the Middle East. I mean who wouldn't do the same thing when you constantly have a nation full of towelheads bragging about nuclear power and chanting \"Death to America\"? @judgedread you see why nobody believes your retarded \"Gab is dying\/#Turbogate\" conspiracy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So now the Trump fans are starting to believe in Climate Change. Some of us are way ahead of you there nigger. Well nigger\/Nazi, climate change is not an issue of believe. Climate change has been happening all of the time and it is NOT man-made! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! +1 (Neo) Way ahead of you there again nigger. But you needed Trump to guide you to this \"revelation\". Nigger\/loser\/Nazi, you are only ahead of Me in your wet dreams and fertile imagination. :) LOL!!! +1 (Neo) I'm 10 steps ahead of whatever you're going to post because I don't need a Jew to think for me. Well nigger\/Nazi\/loser, I AM at least 100000 steps ahead of you by definition. :) Either case nigger, what jew is that now? +1 (Neo) Nigger\/loser\/fascist\/Nazi, you are now stuck in a vicious cycle. But then again you always were. Trump is a nationalist. America First. WAKE THE FUCK UP! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #Kavanaugh Faggot\/Nazi, what quagmire is that now?! It's interesting to find Jews on your postings for somebody claiming to be \"America First\". Get out of town nigger because this is looking like a parody with that \"Trump's covering all his basis\". Trump's bogus horse shit has been well known and his governance has only cemented the fact. Come up with something better that's not going to make me laugh. Faggot\/Nazi\/Nigger, who are these Jews on My postings now? What are you mumbling about? What bogus horse shit?! ARE YOU STUPID!!!??? :eek: #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #Kavanaugh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THAT STUPID MUSLIM LOVING CUNT NEEDS HUNG LIKE THAT OTHER CUNT MAY IN THE UK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JuMosq @zachkruse2 Yep. *sobs*I got my hopes up when a couple of the national guys (including that Kiper\/McShay mock) had him slipping.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Macron with his convicted criminal nigger toyboys https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6226585\/President-Macron-poses-smiling-man-showing-middle-finger-Caribbean-visit.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"half-nigger muzzie faggot. ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah. ITS OVER> People don't tell #artists what do to. That's defies the definition of what WE ARE TRYING TO SHOW #youpeople. #retards #game7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@georgiathenewsa @Rosaalbae your tits may be better looking but her face makes you like a Asian or Latina tranny #facts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some are oval and some are pink some are blue and some are just yellow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftists are intellectually incapable of debate since they are all NPC's. All a leftist is programmed to do is character assassinate. They really are that retarded. When you see despicable sexual innuendo or swear words plus calling the typical names that they have been programmed with, you know it is a brainwashed retarded lefty. They really are easy to spot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who says I do? Simply unmasking muzzie trolls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Geezy is a retarded asshole and an ignorant slut. Making false accusations is a way of life for her, as it is for most liberal women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Banned from Facebook for THIS! Those fucking Kikes can blow it out their ass! Someone put up a post that said \"What is worse Jews or Feminists\". I COMMENTED this and got banned for my response. Without even saying one fucking word these kikes banned me on my birthday im still chillen i have other accounts but its the principle of it! I can't wait to win this war i want a front row seat to the kikes \"Expulsion\". AND ALL OF THEM HAVE TO GO! fuck it. leave faceberg and stay off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not that I plan on dying soon, but I'm totally going to write Kenobi in as my sole heir. He's the only thing locally (under 94) I can trust","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump Has Put US On Path To War With Iran While Nobody is Paying Attention https:\/\/www.commondreams.org\/views\/2018\/10\/10\/trump-has-put-us-path-war-iran-while-nobody-paying-attention?cd-origin=rss You miss Obama sucking Iranian dick? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That would be German law being responsible for it. Most likely they don't want to risk getting in trouble over it and removed them as a precaution. Heaven forbid they use Nazi imagery when portraying the Nazis as supervillains. It's forbidden to use the Hakenkreuz and other NS-symbols here in Germany. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Strafgesetzbuch_section_86a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New camouflage for the U.S. military.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus christ, you're just as bad as the faggot above me says the absolute faggot who got baited into playing the gotcha game with some commie larp turbo dyke. grow up, these people aren't worth arguing with for the exact reasons i outlined. >these people aren't worth arguing with Good point, later faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was just recently dancing in the club with this song oh man I was grabbing some ass that was blast next day my legs hurts so bad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sopwith Are you mad at the fact that someone is calling you out on your gay porn collection? You can spam all you like this is funny. It just shows how weak you are. I guess being inbred does that to you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"John Bolton is the perfect person to deal with Putin. Putin knows he isn't fucking around . Putin will have the idiot for breakfast Silly Russians, think they're winning when they're losing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't sugar coat your brand; just say it: nigger muslem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had no idea they tried to break in his door. These idiots need to learn the hard way. They are just getting worse. Crying about how scared they are all the time because \"we live in a country of hate\"...Well they must not be that scared seeing as they can basically go and harass, threaten, and assault anyone they want. We sure as fuck live in a country of hateful cunts and they are all leftists. We need to live in a country of justice. Don't take any shit. Fuck these scumbags. Sit them the fuck down if they step up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather eat the ass end out of a dead, menstruating fucking skunk with rabies than ever see the face of this CUNT again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate immigrants?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Straight outta bahgdad! Crazzy dude name muhamed. Out the gang extra spicey nan bread.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My ex would never pull her kind of crap. And we hate each other. What the fuck is wrong with some women these days? For some people, getting on TV, probably getting a huge book deal and ending up with well over half a million dollars in a gofundme account, ie, setting yourself up for life, isn't a bad tradeoff, assuming that you don't lose everything and then some in a massive defamation suit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1000000% of white men should vote Trump...listen to the derision heaped on white men by the Left...fuck them!!!! Now they want to destroy white men's lives based on 36 year old allegations just because a cunt says so!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would call that a nigger high school... they aren't black they are niggers. Real black people have class and would never lower themselves to that behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@goldietaylor @theGrio puppets like Don will intentionally and forever cripple our people's ability to unify a Eco and political consensus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I am a muzzie shitdisturber. Please follow me me and help me destroy your country you bunch of fucking morons\" 3000+ morons and counting Check out @_SJPeace_'s Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/_SJPeace_\/status\/1050245114638098432?s=09","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@fucktyler me too Tyler it just makes me think that they're lil nigger baby hoodrats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drumph says US will build up nuclear arsenal until #Russia, #China \"come to their senses\". CAN ANYBODY REALLY BE *THIS* HOPELESSLY STUPID? http:\/\/ Ramana I think Trump always plays many steps ahead and what you think he is doing -he is not","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. this is a great idea. now people can protect themselves from me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well said she's a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 Men Charged With Raping 9-Month-Old, Recording Act On Cell Phone - https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/res2x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? I've argued much of it, is actually muzzie psy-op to sow division. We are the Great Dajjal to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Pepper_Redbone @Yankees @Mets Oh yeah. And the annoying damn duck calls?? They outta be banned. Duck horns??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/17\/man-gets-sliced-in-unprovoked-pizzeria-attack\/ While corporate media complains about whites calling the cops on loitering blacks, blacks commit actual violent hate crimes against white people for their race every day in this country. The pigs never make a serious effort to catch the perps unless the victim is a jew ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in a woman's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Middle fingers knuckle pointed out\", this is a retarded thing to di as you are more likely to injure your middle finger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actress Ellen Barkin: Trump Should Be Removed... Not Just from Office': http:\/\/valubit.cc\/actress-ellen-barkin-trump-should-be-removed-not-just-from-office\/ Ok so this dried up cunt has tricked more than 1 man into marrying her. Then she divorces and takes all of their money. Fuck Ellen Barkin and her boney ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fox Hosts in Fiery Duel: Shepard Smith Called Out By Chris Wallace For Blaming President Trump For Mail Bomber (Video) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/fox-hosts-in-fiery-duel-shepard-smith-called-out-by-chris-wallace-for-blaming-president-trump-for-mail-bomber-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ShawnIrwin9 okay closet fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: A WILD one in the Bronx.Yankees score 6 runs in bottom of 7th to take 8-7 lead over Red Sox.The half-inning took THIRTY ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like a tool but is useful as a clay hammer #fag @hOPPondis http:\/\/t.co\/K7wqlAWRwM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so basically you're saying, evolution is already inclusive and the person saying it should be is a twat?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A fresh nigger like dat with bbq sauce sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. The Moron is the faggot in a dress.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well then Dance and forget the hardships and twats of the 21st century its gonna be much better for a boy like me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flappy bird is gonna be the death of me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well then i control the world. and#x200B; and#x200B; and#x200B; (For retarded people i mean that i control the world because i eat spaghetti with spoon, because i do.)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You think there are NO gays on Gab? Really? And another thing. I don't hate gays. So calling me a faggot isn't really an insult. You don't like it much though do you lol how do you manage to find these ppl lolzzz , ,,, cmon you beta male cunts trying to give it to cater and losing,,, which one of you left wing cunts is agent orange","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's a good fuckin' reason we despise these rat faced perfidious invasive species you MAGAtards call \"MUH GREATEST ALLY\" Jews hate Whites Faggot ass Jew lover can't even debate this point because there is no debating this. The kikes like Muslims even better than they like White Evangelicals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That nigger looks like a real winner.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AjKFAN Big congrats to all! I expect him to be blogging on rube chat in a few days! Now get some sleep, you will need it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You disabled people keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"...IS HERE...\" The optimal phrase. Is here. Hannity is here, parino, Ingram was there, you know Levin and Shapiro were. Ezra Levant? .... Lots of men in Israel would be considered white men I think Many of the Jews in Israel today aren't necessarily descended from the Middle East. Lots descend from Europe and the US hitler grandfather was a Jew Lying cunt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your immigrant lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that disabled people like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"INNOCENT KAVANAUGH : Whatcha hiding there Di? Feinstein wants FBI report sealed from public. https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/huge-development-feinstein-moves-seal-fbi-investigation-case-collapses\/ Bwahahahahahahaha StinkStein the dual citizen Communist has got herself backed in a corner. She has pulled the noose tighter around her own neck. LockHerUp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Using asian women as surrogates. Now if the child is raised with an asian mother, that's a whole other set of problems. Same as white women adopting nigger babies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Arbogucci guys not supposed to get their ass sucked queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other immigrants are a blessing to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can imagine some Sand Nigger in Typical Full Black Garb, Squatting down Next to a Couple of Bags of Garbage, and some Brit comes along and Throws a Bag of Trash on him, Thinking he was one. The BBC News would Spin it as a Racist Attack on islam and Arrest the Brit, unless the Muzzie Killed 'em 1st.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RapeThem We know. Your people are famous for this, to the tune of 45,000 White women being raped by Nigger males per year in the USA. Yet, you claim your race is so much sought-out by our women. If such is the case, why the need to rape them? Why are ZERO women raped yearly in the USA by White males? That says it all right there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@littlelouie33 eh, take off hoser.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is the word nigger scary to blacks?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dick head queer hitler brought back the queer movement after more than 100 yrs of being in the closet.Hitler is the reason men are allowed in women's bathrooms.Queers getting married to each other,adopting child to rape.Its Know wonder hitler commited suicide Yes, Nazis are the real LGBTQP. GTFO, you faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since 1973 15,000,000 black babies have been aborted, it was intentional by Democrats. #WalkAway Get the hell off my timeline Nazi, you are shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing wrong with you ...you are just as retarded as 44% of the population. Just stupid, but part of the norm.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're one angry faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Message From Oregon Police Chief Danielle Outlaw https:\/\/www.portlandoregon.gov\/police\/article\/658250 Oh look a female chief. A black female chief. I'm SURE she earned it over the surely white male majority of cops there. DEFINITELY ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Goodbye hop plants ! Time to dink u!!!! Luv it!!! http:\/\/t.co\/ImsIE8MKJm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The left only wants violence that has no consequences. Paid protesters know they will get a top quality jew lawyer if caught, that's why a jew dyke is willing to stab a cops horse to favor sharia law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NickPonticello B honest w UR students and tell them that UR a Communist, Fascist faggot who does NOT believe in due process. That people R INNOCENT 'till proven guilty, and that not EVERY assault victim should be believed, especially after 36yrs, and w very questionable accounts of what happened. Oh, and U should NOT B teaching anyone's children Ms Ponticelli. UR an embarrassment to teachers the world over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other women are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a brave man.........for letting them keep the comments enabled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't \"neurotypical\" just mean not retarded or autistic or mentally ill? So basically all manner of people that are totally necessary for the world to function... are not ok? Yeah because they make things harder for the people that are retarded\/autistic\/mentally ill The retarded\/mentally ill\/autistic people are pretty much dependant upon the \"neurotypical\" keeping it together for their survival .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"recent CBS sunday morning segment . . Rebecca Traister . . Why Women Anger Dismissed this is a snap shot 1:48 into this short segment . . notice who is to the right side of Hildabeast so does this Ford Biotch still look so innocent ? . . I think not . . truth be known entire CBS sunday morning segment . . short 2:44 https:\/\/youtu.be\/wzWtT8VXaik","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every working person in the US should be fucking livid with those damn deductibles. Unbelievable. I've always hated liberals and their nigger pets getting so much of my money, but that really turned things up a notch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you bill yourself as a 'misogynist' or 'misandrist' then you're a cunt and utterly worthless to humanity. :P","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So what dickless men are voting for our dickless pm? This guys such a pandering faggot. Fluff, no substance, all retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same here. If they come within 1 mile of the border..... light um the fuck up. \"Like iraqi sand nigger death footage\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When did that happen?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oreos and coffee for brunch. I do what I want!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's nothing feminism can do about someone's opinion. And that's all there is, they've got all the privileges in government, so they can't lie to easily about that, so now they think feminism is going to stop someone from thinking they're sluts and bitches. They tried fat acceptance, didn't work. Men still go for the young hotties. Tried portraying dried up hags as hip and sexy, didn't work. Men still go for the young hotties. Tried mainstreaming cuxkoldery, didn't work. Tried normalizing their cock carousel ride, doesn't work. Mind control only works in fantasy movies. Stupid cunts never learn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's not stand by while gay people are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GEORGETOWN PROFESSOR: CASTRATE' WHITE MEN'S CORPSES AND FEED THEM TO SWINE' http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/01\/georgetown-christine-fair-white-men-swine\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being so weak that you sob about politics to your therapist every week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Until the Faggot and Tranny took over the WH I had NO IDEA what Left and Right where People would ask me what I was Since I had no idea I just said Middle Thought it was a Safe Area till I learned what it meant","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thank God that retarded ordeal is over! libtards... commence hysterical crying and screaming.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oriental rugs cause I'm flyer than a dove.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No matter what nonsensical drama it is, he deserves every single bit of it. As for reflection, Drakula had a bigger chance of reflecting than this cunt. Yeah. I just looked at his Twitter and he seems to be handling this by whining about GGers and spouting gendered slurs. https:\/\/archive.fo\/KgQR1 Edit: Oh and this https:\/\/archive.fo\/KH3J0 > oh, I was critical. Dankula is a fucking alt right cunt, and Antboy is an actual Nazi >Bunch of basement-dwelling cunts bullying women. Wow! GG is a bunch of basement-dwelling cunts bullying women when we have archived evidence of him bullying women on Twitter, both hereditary and trans. The total lack of self awareness!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SHE IS A LYING CUNT WHO HAS LIED HER HOLE LIFE SHE DOES NOT EVEN KNOW THE TRUTH IF IT BIT HER IN THE ASS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lemme guess, he was an off-duty cop Naw this was probably Brazil, she's lucky she didn't wind up on r\/watchpeopledie The reason he said it was an off-duty cop is because all of the off-duty brazilian cop videos This video takes place in Brazil, a country in South American. and it should be noted that the lady almost dies. what? are you responding to the wrong person? in what world, are what I said \"feelings.\" I listed a number of hard, cold facts, and facts, don't care about feelings. okay. see i fix things with my hands and i do good work and i don't need some punk looking stupid on the internet by commenting wrong calling me names. who is downvoting me? I wish all of you were pretty ladies like this one, that way I wouldn't have to feel so guilty to God for getting a boner while I kick all your asses! We got a bad ass over here it's just a bunch of lyrics from songs I like. In case nobody heard, this guy likes to work with his hands Yeah I do and what is wrong with that? Nothing, it's just weird that you said it three times. Touchy touchy Maybe you have a little penis? Yeah well if i did you'd probably want to touch it you queer. Haha you really know how to make a guy blush send me a PM instead of in public like this I knew you were a sweetheart","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same logic as thinking everyone will jump through all the requirements and time it takes to become a doctor while getting the same pay as a custodian. You have to be utterly retarded for it to make sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"NANCY PELOSI AIMS TO TAKE AWAY FIREARM FREEDOMS IN SIX WAYS\" Isn't that how she takes nigger and spic dicks too? In six-ways?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unless you kill us all, White people will always rise to the top of the heap. That's how I interpret this protestor's sign. White supremacy simply means that White people excel at things that White societies value. Perhaps the people of other races excel at things those societies value as well... seems natural to me! Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You claimed that Adolf Hitler, who murdered 6 million Jews, was morally superior to Trump because Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and didn't cheat on his Nazi wife during the 40 hours they were married before she killed herself. https:\/\/t.co\/CeNJoBA5JO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I gotchu, my nigga. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most notable illegal caravan in History 1620, Plymouth Rock landing Plymouth MA. When will you be packing up your illegal white family and going back to your country of origin, you racist? Haa! You're the one who should be worried... Disrespect has it's consequences here in North America. You'll see, muzzie trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanye West Defends MAGA Hat: I Am an American; I Support Our President https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HFVb Levin..insist that Trump was racist because he called black celebrities like Don Lemon and Lebron James \"dumb and referring to African countries as \"shitholes Well, to the left all black people are geniuses and all black countries are utopias-that's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta love that cultural diversity huh liberals? Wait how do you know his race and location ? [Demographics](https:\/\/www.merriam-webster.com\/dictionary\/demographic). There's only one segment of the population that racist and stupid, so call it an educated guess.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your black lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'M DONE. WTF Mental illness and evil are hereditary.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"in my 4th day of twitter ban since i called Zoe Quinn a Retard totally worth it. would call her retard again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I could just cuddle with him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lil faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you a filthy Jew or a stupid Nigger Your numbers are opposite","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DUMB CUNT WEARS A STRAP ON !! NO RESPECT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: MORE Charlottesville arrests! http:\/\/www.startribune.com\/latest-4-arrested-in-connection-with-violent-virginia-rally\/494935301\/ This is disgusting. It is a witchhunt. This is also why retard rallies are a bad idea.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is unfortunate that on this great platform, there are people who carry toxic hatred for other people but that is unfortunately what happens in a FREE society. I am not a Jew, but I am sorry that you have to endure this kind of poison. Wilfred your team was CRUSHED DECISIVELY, and I fear we may have to do it again......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DIPSHIT NIGGER !! SHE-BOON HATES AMERICA !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well this retard doesn't see a vote box?? Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Married woman tried to branch swing to me. I told her she needs to divorce first, then maybe we could see what happens. She demanded I commit before she gave up her husband (current branch). I shut her down. Then she started sending me messages about me dating a woman 20 years younger than me. I don't know where she got this idea, but I had no reason to argue with her so I just let her keep believing it. I didn't feel a need to \"prove my innocense.\" I think she was doing it to make me look like a creep, so she could feel better about emotionally cheating on her husband. I just shrugged it off because IDGAF. Your nicer than I am. I would have promised her the world. Once she left her current man, i would use her for all she worth and then discard her. I love the satisfaction of seeing a women that tries to jump branches and ends up with a worse deal than what she had to begin with. Their craving for self validation and gold digging gets then into trouble all the time. Did she have kids under 18? These women need to fall flat on their behinds. Some men enjoy playing Captain save-a-hoe. I love playing Captain wreck-a-hoe!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Read Encirclement faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is retarded. You're all retarded. On the one hand, you dicks go out of your way to find the handful of sjws that don't love this fucking game. I follow some sjw-y tumblerettes. Most are too busy shipping male characters and drawing decent art. Then you're pissed because she asked a legit question. A trans pan black woman isn't super far fetched. This isn't some chick who's wearing a tutu and cargo pants also claiming to be a wolf. It's talking about trans black people who (go figure) don't care about the sexual Orientation or identity of prospective partners.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you are a selfish, bitter, hateful mega dyke? Yeah they are bad things then, and they certainly seem to be all of these things.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/13\/rapper-t-i-slams-kanye-west-and-donald-trump-with-video-featuring-nude-melania-impersonator\/ I hate Hollywood, the MSM, fashion industry, social media, NFL, NBA, and all of us for allowing to make sociopathic drug dealing Ebonics talking thugs rich, famous and influential. anything like this made buy a white person with role and image reversals would be attacked and the makers would face financial and economic destruction. The nigger vermin make this shit knowing they face no consequences.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" United Kingdom: '\"London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together : 423 mosques, 100 Sharia courts' https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/london-is-more-islamic-than-many-muslim-countries-put-together-423-mosques-100-sharia-courts Yup...the elite thought they would be able to stay in power by inviting the \"immigrants\" in.....BWAHAHAHahaaaaa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FeinsandNYDN: Yankees acquire Chase Headley from the Padres for Yangervis Solarte and Rafael DePaula.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So another spoiled millionaire black American wants to make africa home again....WELL FUCKING MOVE AND TAKE ALL YOUR FRIENDS https:\/\/sports.yahoo.com\/alvin-kamara-wears-make-africa-home-hat-colin-kaepernick-jersey-saints-locker-room- That's a great idea Nigger! You should move and take all your Nigger friends with you!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"check out my music page https:\/\/www.reverbnation.com\/nitemare817","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: #Yankees win! Final score: 7-4.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Totally unnecessary. I agree. Seemed like she had a fight or flight response and kind of chose both. Hypothetically, she's drunk. So fucking what, if she's minding her business. It sounds like they just walked up on her, saw some twisted teas and were like, \"lets fuck her day up\". Confiscate the alcohol, tell her not to do it again and move the fuck on to catching real criminals. Fuck these thugs and everyone here celebrating them. This was a waste of time and taxpayer money, just to punk some little girl. Fucking animals. Rules are rules, you need to grow up. You need to stop sucking the long dick of the law and realize that in the US, you can die for your country at 18 but not have a drink till you're no fuck you for being a retard, grow up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bret here is another wonderful fact, America rates 38th in world literacy that means that the average American is about as bright as a child in a remote village in the Congo. You have no argument you're a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ESPN keep hiring these dyke bitches and gay Spanish niggas to talk sports","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that Muslims are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Chelsea is truly with moslems, she should cut her own clit off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well said. Thankyou So you have become just as obsessed with social constructs' and identity politics' as the feminists then. No individual responsibility left. Vent away, but don't try to pretend it's got anymore logic than TwoXChromosomes. What do social constructs have to do with anything that was talked about? How does pointing out the unfairness in society that men face and it's inequality suddenly become a social construct? and how is it possibly illogical? Equality is an important concept but it's not something we have currently and men have the complete short end of the stick in all aspects of society and it's unequal \"equality\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Peter is a cunt trying to stir shit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"R u one of the retarded twats causing shit for GABs owner? @TheTwinturboman","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ticiaverveer: Royal city of the Kushite kings at Meroe (Sudan),near River Nile.It was the seat of the rulers who occupied Egypt http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe I don't feel too great because I only got 3hrs of sleep. Surely it's not last nights boxes of cookies and crackers dinner! #chunk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Mr_MshkL: angry birds ! http:\/\/t.co\/0lowkClb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"amy = dumb twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And who decides which ideas are racist? The utterly unhinged postmodernist Left? The people who are flagrantly redefining racism to exclude themselves and demonize only their political enemies? You're arguing in favor of hate speech laws. This makes you a retard. > And who decides which ideas are racist I mean, it's not that hard to figure out if something is racist or not. Normal people don't have trouble making that distinction. Conflict pops up when someone points out how something is racist and then people who don't understand argue that it's not because the racial discrimination isn't on the surface of it. If you want a perfect example of this look at the war on drugs. It was policy designed specifically to disenfranchise African American voters. It's taken a long time for some people to finally grasp this. > The utterly unhinged postmodernist Left? Ah you mean the Tumblr caricature? You should spend some more time in real life. > You're arguing in favor of hate speech laws. This makes you a retard. No I'm arguing as a society that we don't need to treat all ideas as equal. I'm not saying police should kick down your door and arrest you for being a racist shit online. I'm saying that there isn't any problem with not giving a racist shit a platform to spew their bullshit. Nothing of value is lost if we as a society tell a racist to shut the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like taking candy from a baby. All it takes is wearing a hat to get these cunts thrown out, huh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No Fear gravity wins for everybody...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh I get it. He's a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's their fucking problem, I think one of the biggest problems with society right is like Bill Burr says due process but also that people are the most lazy fuckers imaginable when it comes to doing even a tiny bit of research on the people they criticise. Everything, everything that these people say about not just people like Bill Burr but people like him generally who dare to stand up to feminists is a load of bullshit. It is because they are not only lazy about researching the people they disagree with they read and look at very, very selective sources and this is how they get such skewed viewpoints. Then when you call them out on their bullshit, they just don't want to fucking admit it even though it's incredibly obvious. https:\/\/youtu.be\/FSdxNq93oms?t=151 I like angry joe usually but he's pretty much guilty of the same thing, these people who just jump to conclusions without doing any fucking research whatsoever or taking the time to just listen to peoples' viewpoints properly instead of skimming through shit or barely watching anything and assuming you know everything about that person. Even with people I absolutely hate, I try to give them the time of day and research their points properly because you can bet that these very people who do this will be calling me and others out if we jumped to conclusions the way they did. Enough with the double standards, why should I or anyone else give a fuck about these people when their opinions about everybody are so obviously wrong? At best these people are lazy cunts, at worse they are deliberate defamers and liars no one here should be pandering to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS IS RETARDED","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a Muslim, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their backwards thinking is retarded(as in slow or halted) and would they defend me calling a shop owner in japan trying to get one over on, ya know what i mean, a tourist. Can I a white in Japan call him a sneaky nip, slant eyes dog eater?. \" you could say a Japanese has power and privilege of majority country. I would never think to. But to highlight the stupidity of their qualifications for racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Rick Scott\/Charlie Crist ads have been running nearly non-stop in Florida for the past week. And they are getting even worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The (((common denominator))) of ALL the subversion of white men. #LetsMakeIt110 https:\/\/twitter.com\/Data1933\/status\/1053675522906079234","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ISIS Supporters in America: The Jihadis Next Door http:\/\/t.co\/u0YHWkD34c http:\/\/t.co\/0XHPbRL9EQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nope, that's you. And you just proved you're a commie Jew (as if further proof was needed) with your retarded post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Line up the national guard and light up the wetback biological weapons","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What an utter twat and embarrassment he is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" 5-yr-old #Girl has been sexually assaulted whilst using her school's transgender bathroom by a #Boy who identifies as \"gender fluid.\" Oakhurst Elementary School in #Decatur, #Georgia https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/news\/5307-girl-5-sexually-assaulted-in-school-transgender-bathroom-by-gender-fluid-boy #FFS The whole thing is a globalists invention to destroy the younger generation and it's working. The elite are devil worshippers and this is what they want.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Femi is very good at arguing against #brexit and his ability to silence Brexit zealots with simple logical arguments has always been amusing https:\/\/twitter.com\/CivisEuropeae\/status\/1047965601086541824","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Arraignments set for three of four arrested during open-carry walk http:\/\/www.kentwired.com\/latest_updates\/article_9a23405a-c5ac-11e8-b514-8b07228545ba.html?utm_medium=socialandutm_source=twitterandutm_campaign=user-share via @kentwired","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LIBTARD RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You g4y people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks Charlie, have a great evening @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado @PattiSM74","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck YOUR sexist bullshit you rotten cunt or cucked faggot, which ever you are. We burned Rosewood and Greenwood to the ground over skanks like you lying about rape. 25% of the black men lynched in the South were accused of rape by lying cheating whores like you. And don't forget Salem. You morally bankrupt Title 9 hosebags will burn people at the stake just because you don't like them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"only if you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Basic human rights\"Shut the fuck up, voting in the first world is a PRIVILEGE. No one's been able to vote without filling certain criteria for basically all of human history, now women have been able to vote without owning land for less than a century and you're shitting your pants about it being a HUMAN RIGHT and#x200B; Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @daggerbyte: Call me old fashioned, but I'm sewn together with magic and birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger twitter talks about raping and killing White People 24\/7 and not a damn thing is done or said.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RnSkPJxRiaIandt=9s Mgtows are tiring. \"Fundamental human rights\" have all the same issues and likely caused all the misery he wants to fix. I think people have the wrong idea of Mgtows. It's literally just \"men going their own way\". That could literally mean anything. Like, fucking random tinder thots is going your own way as is trying to have a family as is celibacy. Blaming women rather than Jews is p tiring. And just like anti Islamists they are very wrong headed about many realities. They dont live in the real world. No time for them personally. I don't think anyone is blaming women. I think everyone knows it's mens fault for giving them the vote when most aren't biologically capable of it. Well I dont really care about blaming men either. Because it was Jews that pushed for that crap. Mgtow is a distracting frame. I would say it is similar to conservatives. Most conservatives are upset about certain things. But they are so narrow in their scope that they actually end up opposing that which would make a real difference. That's how I feel about MGTOW. It is too shallow. If that's how you feel then that's how you feel. Sometimes I listen to the guys and I'm like \"wow, that's an interesting perspective\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* Male feminist 'respects women' by roundhouse kicking one in the face at a pro-life event. The absolute state of the left in It seems that that soy boy faggot only fights women. What a coward like all \"male\" feminists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who wanna play pin da tail on da colored man's butt?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@wodaeeex3 it didnt open das y i asked cus i thought yu ate wat i had Pork chops yellow rice n beans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MrStories: I can't wait to see the new planet of the apes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's why France is filled with retards. Many unknowingly marry their biological brothers and sisters. Tf does your comment even mean? >this guy saying that france is full of retards because of this fact is absolute bullshit Whut? >the guy saying he's obviously never been to france is a good shout. More whut. okay well the first is obvious I don't know how to break it down more. To say that france is full of retards because of the fact that paternity tests are illegal is bullshit? Do you understand now? The second is just british slang, if something is a good shout it means it's right basically. the dude has never been to france. Why the hell would someone need to travel somewhere to know its retarded? What a deeply compelling argument. Quit trawling round old posts to try start shit you nonce, it's obvious the dude just made up some shit about people marrying blood relatives and it having some effect on the populace having birth defects when it's completely untrue. You, on the other hand, seem to just be calling France retarded. I know how you Americans seem to think you get what's going on in Europe etc. but it's all misinformation and bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portrait of a smug cunt... https:\/\/i.dailymail.co.uk\/1s\/2018\/11\/09\/19\/5995300-6373219-image-m-21_","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Child abuse, manipulation etc. What the hell are we transforming this world into??? How sick mind can people have and how stupid can others be to send their kids there???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And they want to legalise this shit... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6231111\/Cannabis-driver-killed-doctor-head-crash-jailed.html i assumed no such thing. i described categories of individuals, and how retarded they are. do you fit in the category? i don't know you, so how would i know, other than from this original post here, which seems to indicate you at least fall in category 1 of the ie. settle down, beatrice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yankees shouldn't rely on the long ball in the playoffs #Yankees #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they call me a cunt and a muslim, I must be doing something right, my offenses please","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Amburger_6: Wtf is flappy bird are you kidding me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who is the nigger guy on the right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS IS A VERY CLOSE RACE !!! BRING BACK THE MENTAL INSTITUTION!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Someone's a tad.. \"upset . Poor Robert. He refuses to take his psychotic meds. #Thorazine lol that's just telling you like it is dick sucker And this is why you didn't succeed in life and have NOTHING to lose, use your face and name. The whole world is wrong. You are right. I see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard liberals \"these guys\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He looks like the little yard jockey nigger you'd see in people's front yards in the 70's","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahahahahahah Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is there always one white ginger soulless cunt among the mohammedan number?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, no white knights, no cops, the little kid even came in with the stick-assist. They fucked with the **wrooooooooooong guy**. That brick didn't do shit to keep that little bitch from getting pounded into the ground. The last guy in blue had to hold him back just to keep him from accidentally MURDERING a bitch LMAO. You will notice that the people that started helping to beat on the brick thrower were the ones that he actually hit with them. Wow, what a fucking retard. Holy fuck if you watch closely, the guy who helped out actually picked up the brick and threw it point blank back into the guys face. India is fuckin gnarly. I hadn't even seen that. Damn, that's nuts. So much to see in this video you can't get it all in one go There's one white knight (female side), the guy in the blue with the two rocks - the one who gets punched out first. The rock hit a woman, btw. Then there are at least two white knights (guys side), guy in a white shirt, trying to debate the women, and then the young guy with the stick. You dont know what a white knight is Exactly, I am not even going to explain to him why he is wrong as fuck. Why not? Perhaps because you are an arrogant fuck like all the other cowards that down voted me. You can block people?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT PrisonPlanet Homeless man To ANTIFA: \"White Privilege?! I live on the f-king street bitch!\" https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/The_Donald\/comments\/9q9tf2\/homeless_man_to_antifa_white_privilege_i_live_on\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/PrisonPlanet\/status\/1054322239162716160","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'll end up removing half the population and getting 90% of the remaining half killed. When you have a chimpout, you go after the financiers. You know why I think Hitler was a toothless faggot who let his nation down? Because he didn't defang the Rothschild clan when he had a chance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks for helping the dems retard. Desantis is a dweeb and a lightweight btw.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Up until the hard-r \"nigger\" near the end... This sub now exists for alt-right faggots to get triggered at satirical sjw posts. Then sjw faggots post the comments from the alt-right faggots post, and get all triggered over that. Honestly? Horse-shoe theory and all? Sjw's and alt-righters are all just thin-skinned idiots who don't understand satire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Help expose radical Islamist Linda Sarsour https:\/\/youtu.be\/JDzCWDdfMhI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i have dogsitted a chihuaha dog this avo i looked at it for a while and thought, what on earth were you bred for ? so i went on the internet, the mexicans bred them for food or to use as a living hot water bottle. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She seems distraught. HAHAHAHAHAHA! And still on Twitter ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh now they regret firing Roseanne? Where the hell were they when people were boycotting ABC for months on end? Where the hell were they when Roseanne announced that she would move to Israel until the show is canceled? That nigger president should have just slapped Roseanne with $1 million fine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So just to be clear, you're fine with racism as long as it's directed towards niggers but when it's directed towards kikes, you turn into a liberal? I assure you there's plenty of negative\/funny things to say about kikes as well but you seem to only have a problem with hatred directed at them. It's not like there's a lack of nigger hatred on here for you to bitch about so why only bitch about the kike hatred?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought this was r\/okaybuddyretard for a second","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A fucking degenerate faggot who loves jews... Yep, EVERY SINGLE TIME! @IsaacBaranoff You better stick to faggot cartoons, history is not your thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another nobama retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat or cunt...not sure which one fits best. I guess why not both. Twunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a m o n g. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"immigrant lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Pretty fuckin much. We live in clown world. Upside down, backwards, bizarre-o, clown world! LMFAO! But performance enhancement drugs are illegal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because they're not racist, you twats. It's just a stupid costume. Get a grip. My favorite part, or rather the most tedious part that sticks out, is the whole \"my culture is not a costume\". Yeah, exactly, so why are you bitching? This is objectively a costume, it is not your culture. So why are you bitching about it like it is?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"because im not retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oooooooooooohhhh...GOD. When is that old fucking cunt going to FUCKING DIE!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most g a y people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"people that irritate me get force removed and muted because..well..tbh.. i am an evil when irked cunt and selfish about what i spend my time looking at. I'm a cranky Bitch that way. ill never hit 5k. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa Group Puts Severed Pig Heads at Campaign Offices in Texas, Call for 'Revolutionary Violence' https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/antifa-group-puts-severed-pig-heads-at-campaign-offices-in-texas-call-for-revolutionary-violence\/ via @gatewaypundit NWO GLOBALIST EVIL ILUMINATI CONTROL ISLAM and SOROS ! Top Iluminati Grand Wizard: We Control Islam https:\/\/youtu.be\/0dXD2H0m74g 2018-30 EVIL NWO BASIC IDEA \"ORDER OUT OF CHAOS\" ! SOROS LEADSFUNDS GLOBAL NWO CHAOS and STOOGES + ANTIFA https:\/\/youtu.be\/g4Z8oCLGMcw CHAOS VS ORDER http:\/\/orwelltoday.com\/stagedevents.shtml -KILL MAGA and BREXIT SPIRIT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any immigrant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can not believe that they tried this shit while being scrutinized under a microscope. It's like they are fucking retarded or something. When GEOTUS said those days are gone he meant it and that cunt from broward is insane if she thinks this will fly. We saw with Kavanaugh the lengths that the dems will go to first hand and that was just scratching the surface. It's not that theyre retarded. They know they can get away with this after successfully grooming their base that radical and illegal acts are now justified. We also have allowed them to distract us and delayed indictment. Up to 10 years ago, mass shooting was unheard of and we all loathed the barbaric acts of Islamic terrorism. Antifa would have been eliminated and contained right away. This way of life is now becoming mainstream. We need to stop them now and become more vocal than ever. Tolerance doesn't work with barbarians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was actually white people saying they hate black people first sooo What, in colonial times?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BOOM! We now have tomorrow morning's news cycle just 8 days out of the election.... Leftist protesters interrupt a moment of silence for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims, yell and scream at Marsha Blackburn and Lindsay Graham. https:\/\/twitchy.com\/gregp-3534\/2018\/10\/28\/un-freaking-believable-protesters-heckle-marsha-blackburn-during-moment-of-silence-for-tree-of-life-victims\/ Sick!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IIt's a bit ironic that the patriarchy allowed Jewish supremacy and before Jewish supremacy, we had no feminism. MGTOW is also ironic because it's a group of feminist men who claim to hate feminism. I really believe that a guy who blames women for the failure of the patriarchy is just a Yiddish troll. But, I kind of expected trolls, so, carry on. Fat ugly dyke gives birth and that's how we got MGTOW, you're the rejects of society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elections have consequences, but so do actions, that retarded fuck up obama, turned everything he touched into shit. The ONLY good thing to come out of the black Marxists' reign of incompetence and crime spree was that he brought Trump into politics, lol, now they're really screwed. All of the lefts angst and misery can be blamed on the \"Retaded Megalomaniac Marxist , watch: https:\/\/youtu.be\/HHckZCxdRkA Payback is a mutherfuckin' bitch Keyna Boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I couldn't read that, I haven't learned retard yet, I don't want to appropriate their disability....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh she was a cunt hair away from \"I was raped , you can bet on it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @thatgirlran: If your 15\/16 ACT like your those ages not like your 20. Its not cute. That awk moment when I thought this tweet was abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@VoiceofaPatriot Now now that bird is one of God's creatures :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's deport the faggot genxers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just baffling how people support a pathological liar. Did they actually insinuate that? IMHO yes. It can be insinuated\/extrapolated etc that by saying Trump is a \"pathological liar\" that their side IE: DNC are not. Seems fairly clear. Not to mention the OP seems to be a Democrat shill generally... I think that all politicians are liars. Often, when I criticize trump, and Obama before him, some people assume that I am for what they see as the opposition. For example, if I say that trump's tariffs are destroying wealth, some idiot assumes that I'm saying Obama never destroyed wealth, which is ludicrous. I am fairly confident that the OP is a leftist\/DNC shill. But your general point is well taken.No one is immune from criticism not Trump not anyone. They're trying to turn this conversation from Lieawatha to Trump and make it all about him. Don't let them. Individuals decide what they want to talk about. Nothing I can do. Agree that you don't control the conversation, but we can all keep to the storyline and not let the conversation be hi-jacked. Have a great day... We could, but I like it to play out naturally.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That was the joke...reporter wasn't the retarded child, Rosie was.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@StarbucksSanae Are you sure about that, slant? They're plagiarists, and you have no idea who I am.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They don't like to make the distinction anymore since the public at large figured out that TED is for actual articulate and respected adults to give well reasoned talks and TEDx is in fact, the kids table where they put the window lickers and retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You g a y people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"is that how you feel also about the Slavic pantheon I take pride in my Iranian blood and my upbringing -- not some culture that developed after our enslavement. so your Zoroastrian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stoni is a fuckin queer...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TMark617 feel same way about New England Patriots and New York Yankees. But unlike u, I've worked in Boston and NYC. Texas prison is upgrade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Croak, bitch! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ Eleanor was a dyke First Lady just like Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"man i weigh like 3\/10 that amount [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#dumbcunt Fucking dumb cunt infected with syphilis and crabs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like it's time to play everyone's favorite Internet forum game. So retard or federal agent? I'm gonna go against the flow here and call 'retard.'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#NowPlaying : Ian Hunter - Once Bitten Twice Shy on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most education can be solved just focusing on language, culture, and math. Most of that can be accomplished by talking to people, reading, writing, and knowing enough math to go to the store. Unless you have the genetics for intelligence or an intense interest science it is pointless. You need enough to escape the lies of religion, but that's about it. Education should mostly be a defense against idiot ideologies. Notice the roots of those words. You use a lot of calculus in buying or growing food? I used calculus doing a bunch of derivatives of sigmoid functions and you know what? That shit had already been solved and written down. All that was necessary is understanding what a derivative was. All the extra SJW shit is about housing you for 12 years so retard parents can afford the big house and multiple SUVs and stash you somewhere to not burn down the McMansion. Education in Soviet Era public schools were designed around the planting season of the early 20th century and communism. Like that works.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Opened link thinking \"lets see this ugly bitch who had to stoop to fucking kids to get some\" closed link thinking \"what the actual fuck\". It's very rarely ugly women teachers raping their students.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fox Business Network pulls out of Saudi summit amid Khashoggi crisis https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/3wrdtg.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5Dkt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees #FireCashman I don't want Arod back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you didn't have tattoos as a diversion for your bird chest and malnourished body sir... your instagram would be trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Never again will I watch a @NFL game! Same goes for #NetFlix, never again will I let them make one penny from me !! Yes Barry, you did that! You and the #racist #antiwhite #antiChristian #Atheistic #Leftatards always destroying, never creating anything but trouble! What did you do with the hotdogs at the WH Barry!?? We remember, you treasonous !!! #Boycott ! I looked the other day, everything on Netflix is all African American, Australian, British, or anything else requiring subtitles. Sorry you idiots, the last thing I want to do at the end of the night, is read sub titles. Everything Obama touches he ruins. It's deliberate by Soros.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the most hillbilly thought ever. A thing is a way ONE TIME or to ONE AUDIENCE and therefore it must be that way always.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A wise man once said \"burn the coal, pay the toll.\" https:\/\/www.wmcactionnews WELL IT LOOKS LIKE MUD SHARKING DID NOT WORK OUT SO WELL FOR HER AND HER CHILDREN. STUPID WHITE WOMEN WHO GO MUD SHARKING JUST CAN'T FIGURE THIS OUT. I WONDER WHEN SHE WAS BEING HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A BRICK IF SHE FINALLY HAD SOME IDEA THAT MUD SHARKING HAS IT'S DOWN SIDES.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hehehehe Riemann had issues he died and left his shit up in the library sanz, like he was trying to be smart like a retarded dove with two broken wings sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_ChickenGeorge: DEAD!! @TAkeme2CHINA: RT @PEagles14: When ur fuckin and her pussy stank but u have really good friends........... ht ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pictures have that power. perhaps she should have not been a dumb cunt. The power shown here is how a silly joke can incite a digital lynch mob of actual dumb cunts to ruin you life. I hope the rape and murder threats were investigated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're just a nigger with an 85 iq","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait what.....this from the boy that sold arms to the enemy. They should have put this POS crap nigger in the hole when they had the chance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would went in on that ref hell, with a post game interview saying he called me sad and trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PlainBlack_D: Get these trash ass niggas outta my stadium!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger How would your Nono feel about you calling me a pasta nigger all the time? I thought you pagans were all about honouring your ancestors. Guess that was just a load of shit like everything else that comes out of a pagans mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@riananewman: @22EdHam brownies tonight\" what kind?!?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @F1abraham: Crew of women hillbillies and gangsters w\/the director #ItsAWRAP @AxemanTheMovie @JostonTheney @RachelEReilly http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rihanna Turns Down Super Bowl Performance For Colin Kaepernick: Woke Or Joke? An0maly - News Analysis and Hip-hop Published on 19 Oct 2018 Rihanna turns down Superbowl invitation to support Colin Kaepernick. What is everyone missing on all sides? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=16rKBVbjV-k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is official Elizabeth Warren is whiter then most of the #Gabstapo Wow admits to homosexual tendencies so easily!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just \"muted forever\" 6 Nazis. I have no regrets at doing so. If you are a Nazi feel free to let me know, I'd hate to miss you. Ha ha ha, yet another keyboard warrior. I'm NOT shaking in my boots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why my mother isn't allowed to make brownies http:\/\/t.co\/h0cFT5wcBV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And we have alot of Democrats who support this bullshit. DRAIN THE SWAMP!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's what you came up with? Lmao wow #owned I guess I'd better cut off my dick and start defending retarded attention whoring e-girls now. Dude you're gay, you've revealed yourself. Go pay for her premium content like a good little paypig.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When pain is a relief then something must be wrong","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, poor Dickie will be raped by alimony, that now he \"ows her\"; the cunt will milk him for what is worth, whatever that is, besides getting the custody of their children. Poor Dickie will probably go full implicit after this nightmare!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a J1hadi. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"communist faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if this is tongue-in-cheek, or hyperbole, the rage and hatred that exists behind making a comment like this... I don't know, you know? This person probably thinks they are righteous. It's sad. The anger and hate scare me! I have two brothers and I love them more than anything in the world. I would hate for some crazy person to treat them bad just because they are men! Don't these people have friends\/family members that are male? If they do still have male friends\/family members, I bet those guys don't know what's being said about them behind their backs. This screencap is part of a bigger tag team of *two* of these bigots. They immediately belittle anyone who calls them out with invectives like \"misogynist!\" and \"sexist prick!\" They don't even bat an eye if someone tells them that whatever replies they find objectionable are only a reflection of their own vitriolic attitudes. The other one in this tag team is gloating about being a transgender woman who still uses the men's restrooms just to confuse \"the boys,\" while sneering at men for wanting a \"safe space\" in response to anyone who objects to their demand to abolish men's restrooms. Repeatedly claiming that it's only a \"matter of time before we take [men's restrooms] over entirely. ;P\" I honestly cannot tell if that person is trolling or they're being serious. Shit's gotten *wack* these past few years, yo. that's because men dont care about who uses their bathroom? woman coming in? nice trans? ok cool bro you do you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. Garbage. The Deep State put that HOUSE NIGGER on the throne ... ass hats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LifeAsKing Naw... I'm trash... Keep ya pity hugs... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The gameplay is good though...but the writing and Alexios delivery is cringy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have the technology now to run tightly targeted programs of extermination in poor countries, particularly the ones that have cool wildlife and scenery that's ruined when poor people chop down rain forest and kill elephants and stuff. and#x200B; and#x200B; You only care about people because you're people too. Like you said, if they're bugs then fuck em kill em all no one cares, because you're not a bug. If chickens could talk we'd have chicken rights on the constitution and colonel sanders would be the new hitler. Killing people is just killing people, hell we kill babies on the womb and sentence criminals to get murdered, if it's right or wrong depends on your perspective. But they are retards. Both the OP and your comment suggests they are having many kids for shits and giggles without any solid reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A streetshitter with no charisma or intellect. Indian guy who larps as a right winger and looks like Aziz Ansari's retarded cousin. Also known to hit on random women online, apparently it's innately in his Indian genes to be a creep. Extrememely childish, low IQ and cringey, like Torba. Fired from Gab due to stupidity, incompetence and garbage PR skills..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These disabled people disgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GREAT, THAT MUSLIM FRAUD NIGGER DID ALL HE COULD TO DESTROY OUR NATION. HE NEEDS HUNG, AFTER HIS TRIAL OF COURSE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then why the hell did the French vote in that little weenie faggot who married his grandmother? They could have had LePen so I feel no pity for them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Third hit piece on Red Dead Redemption 2 in the self masterbatory Letters Trilogy brought to you by the faggots at Waypoint, this time featuring the resident full blown faggot Rob Zacny. [Part 1](http:\/\/archive.is\/yPO3E) [Part 2](http:\/\/archive.is\/mLnRw)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rose colored glasses only, you guys. #wvnextin6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If found guilty give the cunt the death penalty. Of course she will whine in court and get away with a slap on the wrist by comparison to male perpetrators.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@slayerific13 @brenda_skelton @daisymcgarr Don't get me wrong G.. I'd hunt birds but that's a lot of work and.. well I just ain't that hungry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a rapefugee to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the #DNC https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealJamesWoods\/status\/1053117508490874880","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well I have brown skin and I am a shit singer on the shower but I prefer chile spicy over spice spicy so no, completely sure not an indian although I agree the culture of nailing husbands to the wall is similar. On the case above the guys resulted to be actually decent and likeable, but they are still poor. i never went MGTOW in the sense its a relatively new term to me. I simply decided out of my own to focus on myself rather than waste money on girls and dating. When I actually went on dates I had some rules I religiously followed. - Make sure you can have fun alone on the date if she doesnt show up or simply dont like each other. For example watch a movie you will like regardless if you are with company. - Think how much you would spend alone, if the date goes well you can increase the amount but only if she agrees to be the one paying the second time. - Kisses and sex early, if she wants to wait for whatever reason its ok, dont push it. The best way to not push it is to stop dating. - Make sure she knows you dont want an stable relationship in a natural way. she will bring the subject 'casually' so just answer equally 'casually'. - Spend at least the same time and money on fun as you spend improving yourself, fun includes fun alone and dating. I have many good stories to tell on how I learned and applied each lesson, maybe will sometime. I dont date anymore because I am living with a girl who doesnt want to get married and knows I will literally flee the country if she tries to nail me. She also has an extreme case of tokophobia https:\/\/www.fearof.net\/fear-of-pregnancy-phobia-tokophobia\/ and she would literally gag if she sees a pregnant woman so pregnancy is less likely. I am more afraid of the girls at work to be honest, I know some of them hate me for being an insuferable asshole in charge of making sure they dont mess up code. I have adopted personal policies of only calling their attention on bad code when my boss is present, never mentor them alone and only talk to them through corporate email.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL creepy porn lawyer thinks he has a snowballs chance in hell of being president LOL i have a better fucking chance but i do have the advantage im not fucking batshit insane and retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They trying to hoe Todd gurley, Johnny manziel signed them helmets and got off but suspend gurley the rest of season","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two incidents of child murder? She deserves an execution.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All I want is cheesy bread and brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KYHoopsBuzz: Latest DraftExpress mock draft has Randle #3, Cauley-Stein #9, Young #14, Poythress #37. Harrison twins and Dakari Johnson a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Selling stuff on Letgo or offer up >hey is it available? oh sorry thought you were closer not interested oh I'm a retard that can't read descriptions. #idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! \"My 15 yr old high schooler just came home with this bullsh!t. In SOUTH CAROLINA. This ain't California - this is the Bible belt and MAMA AIN'T HAPPY.\" REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! https:\/\/twitter.com\/Redheaded_Jenn\/status\/1047587821043810311","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because Lying cunt #Zionists like the tossspot in my meme squeal and play the victim like no other tribe on this earth. #ZionistGenocidaires #GodsChosenPeopleDelusion","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Filmmaker Timothy Grey Hall sits around the campfire and says to Nashville Antifa, \"tomorrow, when you are given that choice of do I take the next step, f***in' take it.\" He talks about the strategies and tactics Antifa uses and says \"a lot of times it includes actual violence.\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B3_Rrq8RO1c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"upvote if you hate nazis!!! Oh I Nazis. Let's ban the Jew! Or uh banish, ya banish. why are jew haters on GAB. Andrew Torba is a slavic jew....worst of the worst according to that faggot hitler","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Two downvotes actually","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yo bitch on my dick she come to my crib she get passed around no love","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Coupled with fake holocaust survivor memoirs they got money for. gross old hags ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only Americans are degenerate enough to 'honor' their war dead by having a barbecue. Anyone who 'grills out' for Memorial Day is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In 2018 \"gender\" is made up bullshit. having said that, i'd go ahead and just say there are only two genders AND only two sexes just to be fucking clear. There's no point discussing with anyone who is going to be this disingenuous about trying to discuss something: \"haaha we've been wasting everyone's time! We know there are only two sexes! We've been saying that there are 47 GENDERS (so far) which (we are claiming) is a totally different thing than \"sex\" and is probably closer to just how you want to dress and what you want to do with your free time, and having nothing to do with biological sex! lolz!\" We do not have time for that shit. The entire concept of naming every combination of male clothes, female clothes, male hair, female hair, male hobbies, female hobbies is a fucking stupid waste of time. But remember this isn't JUST because they're retarded; they're doing this so they can infest every facet of society with their stupid fucking waste of time with fake pronouns and \"inclusive\" language and attack people for failing to comply to their satisfaction. Two genders; two sexes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] There's substantial evidence that male brains are better at geospatial analysis and the like. I'm not defending the original dude's point, but there is a mountain of evidence of difference between the brains of the sexes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Forget the charges just shoot the Cunt or bury it alive under 10ft of Pigshit if you are screamish!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was banned for telling those faggots at r\/publicfreakout that they were white knighting this bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ha ha ha \"close to blasphemy\" .... how about \"FUCK YOU ... FUCK JESUS CHRIST .... FUCK GOD ... and FUCK any other imaginary garbage imbeciles believe in\" .... that's a bit closer you idiotic twat !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/bbs.thegoyimknow.to\/uploads\/default\/original\/4X\/9\/5\/9\/9594118cce2f3f09dd57fb2e032d2d2af2bcd29d.jpeg DAMMIT I can't quit Laughing over this one See? Being racist isn't so bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will these people understand that a bad thing can be in something and cause it to be more prevalent? Neither goblins or the GoblinSlayer's actions are portrayed as good actions. Goblins fucking rape and murder randos while Slayer is obsessive with ending them. God these guys are retarded. I knew as soon as I heard it was being adapted that the SJWs would appear to claim it sucks cause of controversial matters. There are many criticisms that can be levied against the show, manga, or LN, but having rape, a delusional character, or anything of the sort does not instantly make it bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"None of them can be trusted. The moment they have the opportunity, their inner nigger comes out. Look at Bill Cosby. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6316527\/SuperFly-actor-rapper-Kaalan-Walker-arrested-raping-aspiring-models.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My cache contains some VERY unwanted images because some of the filth from your group was directed to my spam box. You want to sue us for calling you guys pedos? Forget a counter suit. I'd much prefer indictments. LOL you're another sperg I see. Don't worry I assure you that I'm straight and I don't like kids sexually. I think kids are adorable though and I want to have my own one day and raise them to be upstanding citizens that defend liberty wherever they can. Also me Jewish? LOL you flatter me sir, but again you're wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AND APPARENTLY THEY REALLY DONT CARE FOR FATTYS EITHER...HMMM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black eyeliner was made for hot bitches like me. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been around enough gay people to know they're all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More monkey shines in FL: nigger candidate is a wayciss mudduhfugguh! https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/florida-gubernatorial-candidate-brutally-shut-down-by-deputies-after-signing-anti-cop-pledge\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ivanrabago_: @staycoolwheels @Studhardt22 Joshua is a faggot. Just suspend him on those grounds","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"find solace in the warmth of christianity that exudes lovingly from kemono friends i blame CERN and the Large Hadron Collider. Mini black holes are a hell of a drug.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That do dear if you could afford one if car a millions then you must be a billionaire likebuying packet of walkers crisps ever time there rich people real dont no how to have fun spoilt greedy cunt s if I.had million pounds car ill us it every day if just go to garden centre and find place with no other car on it so I would see how fast my car would go","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Really, I hope she get raped in the future. Raping women should be legal I think","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Democracy' is like 'diversity' or 'tolerance' or 'unity', it isn't necessarily a good thing. This is what happens when you stop teaching civics\/government in high school and college. It should be mandatory to know how the country you live in operates, even if you disagree with it. Most of these people aren't American so they never took civics No, such ignorance should be put on public display and then rightly mocked for the ignorance that it is. Which is what we are doing now. They can drag my corpse there after I send the people coming to take me there to Hell. > These retarded liberals need to slapped into reeducation camps Nah, just fix our public schools and attitudes about them above all else. No need for this totalitarian bullshit. That's for the left. Omg I love it \"re-education camps . I can see it on South Park now. We force these purple hair, non-binary, REEEEEEING, basement dwellers, into camps for a month or so. Then the come out respectful, law abiding, productive citizens. Well even if it's wrong, the silver lining is that with these hypothetical camps, they can be out in nature so they finally know what they're trying to protect when they protest.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans-foods... Oh do shut up Whole Foods.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Socialists, same shit, different flavor. National Socialist Hitler was also into gun control, ethanol, Slave labor for nationalized corporations and hated Christianity i also speculate he was a fag and had Eva around as a prop much like Obama Obamasshole is married to a faggot freakazoid in womens clothing...his name is michael","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the vile RACIST Jewish Supremacist main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains! Yep. They are like a different species. Zombies Zombified unconscious gullible morons or polluted thumb drives! They do not have functioning brains in the least and that is a FACT! Democrats cannot understand FACTS nor can they state a FACT on anything!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Calling a black person a nigger and a white person a cracker do not have the same impact. However, that doesn't mean one is racist and one isn't. Racism is being prejudiced towards another race. Your girlfriend is being racist when she insists white people cannot be negatively affected by pejoratives to the same degree that blacks are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Loads of stories like this today. Facebook purging political pages on the left and right in what looks like a coordinated campaign in time for the mid-terms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got so many Jew hater moron and \"nigger\" hater moron responses, then muted them one by one with relish, I'm going to post this again. Here we go!! Round 4! I look forward to your hilarious imbecile responses. To all you moron Jew haters. And, \"nigger\" hater morons. The Jews did NOT murder Jesus you ignorant morons! The pagan Romans did! The Pharisees instigated it on their jealousy of Jesus, not the Jews you morons, most of whom were already secretly following Jesus. ... \"Love one another.\" \"Love thy neighbor as thyself.\" \"These are my brothers and sisters.\" \"The door is open to everyone.\" ... The ignorant Jew hating moron crowd continually assaults me with the false claim that Jesus was not Jewish. Child brains... King David was as Jewish as it gets according to every rational research. Jesus celebrated Jewish tradition all his life even the day before his death. So, eat it, you imbeciles. ... It is true, most Jews do not accept Christ as savior. Still no reason to hate them. The greater majority of humanity does not accept Christ as savior. Do you hate Indians? Chinese? Japanese? Tibetans? Muslims who through no fault of their own were born into an evil cult? Your logic is as flawed as you are. For those of you assholes who think I haven't thought this through, jump up a rope! I am as studied as any of you... So, I say again... To all you moron Jew haters... You're as stupid, dangerous, and Godless as dimocrats. Your wanton unyielding ignorance shames all humanity. You are not welcome among decent educated people. I wish I could mute you all at once. My Lord Jesus IS a Jew. Stew on that. Eat it in fact. My staff will sprout while you grumble unto death. I truly feel sorry for you.\" Bytheirfruit The Romans paid Jewish scribes to write the Jewish faggot man\/god tale so you are the moron for believing it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminism is a mental illness that infects mob of women like Nazism infected mob of Germans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the first laugh i ever had on the internet was 1996: seeing dick van dyke referred to as \"penis van lesbian\" :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Read about Emmett Till, the accuser admitted on her deathbed that she was a lying cunt but was afraid to admit it. This happens very frequently, just like police brutality, only women don't wear body cams, so no one will ever believe black guys ofc...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" It's a cultural thing you know. Kinda like growing opium. All properly supported by the US.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BleacherReport: VIDEO: Derek Jeter hits a walk-off single on his final at-bat at Yankee Stadium http:\/\/t.co\/jM4biAGXU8 http:\/\/t.co\/3cIJ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jack, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Kanye effect https:\/\/redd.it\/9nylp7 So fucking gross","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ouch. Looks like back problems to me Could be wrong, but I heard that the vagina can heal itself and return to it's original state after a certain period of time after birth. But yeah, breast reduction is stupid. Same with breast implants. If they don't bounce, then they're fake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mostly because they know they won't stay in Mexico and will sneak their wetback asses across the border!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"East German Nazi Angela Merkel just released a 9-11 conspirator and flew him back home to Morocco to plan more attacks in America... He should have faced Military Tribunal and Executed, but Our Head Muslim, Democrat Party and the U.N. said No.. Is it just me or do you people get more retarded by the day ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Homie needs to ditch that cunt before she gets hold of a gun or knife.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews are Whites. Jews are Europeans to their core. Kick out the Muzzie slime. Leave fellow Whites alone. Same old tricks. You aren't fooling anyone anymore fuckbag. Cat is outta the bag. U look like a faggot tryin to stuff it back in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. Another stupid move from Torba. Who could have guessed? I'm not leaving until they ban me. Which it looks like they're just gonna block me instead. Oh sorry, disassociate with me. ok Forreal tho nobody cares about your suffering. Stfu lol ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what happens when a plantation nigger decides to finally become an American. CNN starts a shame campaign to get him to return to left wing slavery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Catholic University suspends dean of social service school for tweeting that Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick 'admitting she had sex with underage boys' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6238259\/University-suspends-dean-tweeting-critical-Kavanaugh-accuser-Julie-Swetnick.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie Daniels couldve done a better job! #MNF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah actually. Don't try to recruit people to your retarded cult. Why is it a retarded cult? Numerous studies demonstrate that it's a far healthier diet with drastically reduced risks for a myriad of chronic diseases and increased longevity. Additionally, it's no opinion that a plant based diet is significantly better for our environment and the most impactful way an Individual can combat climate change as meat dairy and egg production green house emissions and other related facets have a larger negative impact on our environment than transportations does. I haven't even mentioned the implications for animal cruelty. What about any of those things is \"retarded or cult like?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"on the basis of being a complete retard imo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[removed] By 9 men? Her? You are ridiculously delusional. [deleted] They're not saying you have to believe all women are pretty or else you're sexist. They're saying ugly women get raped. Why we listening to this guy? He thinks breakfast food is gay sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is a shitty thing to do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Race is the root. Culture is the bloom. You cannot have Western Civilization without white people. Right now, Whites (European-descended people) are only 7% of the world's population. We need our own ethno-states to survive. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol @Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @techx @lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GTKRWN @GregSims @RabbiHighComma @TerdFerguson @MosheShekelRod @OdinsAxe @CuckShamer @Farmer-General @Impresaria","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because they're a bunch of cunts. Thank god for Gab. If I said CUNT on twitter, I would be blocked in some way, shape or form.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheBlondeBetch WHOA sorry for the spell check error, its not ho it was hey so sorry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"not that it matters. I don't ever watch her or the nigger football.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any immigrant like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That bastard anjem choudrey is to be released tomorrow........!!! The cunt should be shot dead........if it was here in northern ireland he would have been killed in jail.......the twisted bastard......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"respect the birds. peace in pieces.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Near Future Where Africans Was Evolved into African-Middle Eastern Hybrids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FolllowEsteban: I think the Clips and Thunder would've gave the Heat a good as well...the East is just trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And faggot\/dyke marriages, faggot\/dyke adoptions, Affirmative action unions, obamaacare, mass invasions, the Clintons, Soros BLM, nigger rights, muslim rights. Its a gret day to be White.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that immigrants are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just listened to family members talk about how their pastor told them racism is a sin and all those who are, saved, regardless of their color, are their brother or sister. Need I say more about these teachings and their implications? Or will those without common sense come out of the woodwork? Born again types are idiotic. Many of these modern\/western sects are. But I would urge you to look at the Orthodox Church. It was the foundation of Byzantine (longest empire ever). They recognise ethnic and racial differences. This is real, oldest Christianity in the world. The Orthodox Church refuses to associate with racists. I get wanting to believe a romantic view, but it's time to wake up to the lies you've been force-fed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should never support a politician that treats Muslims like human garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you need help getting rid of the tranny porn I will volunteer to be a moderator. You need the help of GAB users to get rid of this sick shit. And before some moron says \"But, muh free speech!\" POSTING FAIRY GAY FAGGOT TRANNY PORN IS NOT FREE SPEECH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@King_Albert21 @Ceto_13 u pulled.that queer shit as spon as u put no homo lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they're not really dangerous and powerful. It's more that adventurers in Goblin Slayer are....a bit retarded. Just imagine elf archer is the typical adventurer and the fact she constantly admonishes him against using effective methods against killing goblins because it's not 'in the spirit of adventure' shows you why adventurers die to goblins. It's not so much that goblins are more powerful or more dangerous than the average child, which they're compared to in the LN, but because adventurers can be pretty retarded. Or look at end of LN1, where goblin king thinks how he got along so far cause all he did was act helpless and remorseful whenever he was defeated so adventurers let down their guard multiple times and let him go , only to be killed in the end. That's pretty indicative of adventuring mentality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The people of Europe are turning against the #EU because they see it for what it is, a cabal of elitist political gangsters who despise the voting public. The sooner it collapses, the better. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/ybdpx76t The EU or Fourth Reich as I like to call it is on the precipice. Maybe Italy can provide the final push to send it over the edge into the oblivion it deserves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@elise_palmer im assuming mickey bubbles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marxist @True_Brit started a year ago folks. He had a pic of Beachy Head cliffs near me to try and make me think he lives here too. Silly twat picked a very famous pic off the internet. I suggested as a Marxist he should jump off Beachy Head. He thinks I said I'd push him. All I said was I'd help him. Hold his shoes so they don't get wet or something. Rest is history :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off back to twitter rabbi. are you still here i told you to fuck off. because you are a troll loser Leftist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh joy, I can barely contain my excitement The memes should be good anyway. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/meghan-markle-prince-harry-expecting-first-baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CIVIL WAR ALERT: Leftists openly plot mass executions of Conservatives as Democrats release home addresses of Republican Senators https:\/\/sck.pm\/R7r I think democrats are making the worst mistake of their lives if they choose to bring violence against consertives. We don't care what the police do. We don't care what the Guard does. There is only one answer to violence and that is \"fury and vengence the likes of which the world has never seen\". I would think twice democrats.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US ONLY 2018 Don't be an idiot. Illegal aliens stay as far away from government offices and agents including voting stations as they can get. If we got rid of all 8,000,000 illegal aliens the USA would lose billions in taxes and revenues while costing less in benefits they can't receive like SNAP, WIC, SSI, SSDI, Vocational Rehabilitation, Promise, etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vandals Smash Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy's Office with Boulder | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tmXZ lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah time for you to go pray at the mosque you sand nigger lover!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, I notice that the local talk-radio republicucks are yakking 'bout antifa now. Wake-up time? We'll see... The strategy here is to harness the backlash among cucked suburban Republicans over Kavanaugh and the anger of the Republican base over Antifa to boost GOP turnout in the midterms Let's be clear about abstinence from electoral politics: Your fate is the same as dildotarian agorists. Repeat after me: \"Dude... weed.\" He's basically a nigger crying for gibs. Change my mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They didn't invade western Europe idiot. The west was not at war with Russia. That's why OUR war films don't have us fighting the Russians. Finnish war films do. Maybe films from the Balkans and Romania too. The point was why OUR film industry has us fighting Germans ffs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you for providing yet another example of nigger \"logic\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait till they animate DeadTube. Amateurs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Commie pinko globalist backed Demorats - If I can't control it, then it's \"evil\" an must be destroyed. If I control it, then it's sacred and crucial to a \"civilized society\" an must be defended at all costs an those who oppose it are backward inbred redneck hillbillies an the enemies of our \"Democracy\/Mob Rule\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and this skill-less cunt gets more donations that i would ever will because tits","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@TEE_JONEZ: @16stanleys @KingCuh tuku ho idk blah blah blah\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SHOOT THE BOOMER SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT THE BOOMER SHOOT SHOOT (I hope this cunt is raped to death by kebab) https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6160517\/LIZ-HODGKINSON-says-does-not-mind-making-hard-young-afford-house.html >baby boomers never had any fun when we were young citation fuking needed bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He was trying to be a modern day Robin Hood!! I'm sure he was using the proceeds of the looted bounty to feed the starving neighborhood children! God, everyone is so quick to jump to conclusions. That old man wouldn't have been around much longer anyhow!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@complex_uk: Ashley Young has tried to deny that bird s*** landed in his mouth ---> http:\/\/t.co\/mlr5eWgonK https:\/\/t.co\/AvCHFj7reM\" hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine this is you - what do you say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faux Noise pundits don't like duck molester, pro-slavery racist, homophobic teabagger darling Phil Robertson either http:\/\/t.co\/xXEhPHWWwr","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Uppity, cocksucking nigger I has the audacity to call a white president a racist! sorry, not sorry! you don't get to go all racist and not expect to be called out on your own racism, asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Orlando mass shooter: Twitter account Las Vegas shooter: Facebook account nothing happened... Pittsburgh shooter: Gab account OY VEY GOYUM SHUT IT DOWN, DIS IS ANNUDDA SHOAH! Liberal left like MADCOW CALLS TRUMP HITLER? Hitler -> who was for DICTATORS , GUN CONTROL, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, BIG GOVERNMENT, HATED JEWS, NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH ? OMG SOUNDS LIKE THE THE VIOLENT LEFT !! #MEDIALIES https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/C2qN5d1XgAArUbN.jpg NICE TRY LIBS ! TRUMP FAR FROM BEING NAZI ! HE'S FOR PROTECTING RIGHTS FOR OUR CITIZENS - NOT TAKE THEM ! NOT A GLOBALIST LIKE BUSH OR OBAMA. NAZI stood for National Socialist German Workers' Party)Socialism=Nazi Ideology NAZI ON YOUR SIDE .TRUMP HAS JEWISH MEMBERS IN HIS FAMILY !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a Muslim like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Politifact, snopes, and pretty much everything on the internet is a LIE! unfortunately it works for RETARDED lefties as they cannot tell fact from fiction! Democrats are human sewage with absolutely NO INTELLIGENCE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a cunt, she is a cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Let's kill cracker babies!\". WTF did I just hear???????? WOW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews are RACIST RETARDED robots! They are merely sub human beasts!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus is a Jew and judges your life, were you an antisemite hater or did you live a life according to God's laws? Jesus tossed the jews out of the temple...he gave up Judaism right there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Libtards and republicunts at it again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Company Shutting Down Gab Email sales@joyent.com Main Office +1 Gab deserves to be shut down for a while. The anti-semites, race-baiters, white supremicists, and bat-shit crazy conspiracy theorists need a time out like the children they are. Hopefully, when it returns, Gab will have found a better way to handle vile extremists. This guy was a regular poster on the trs forum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who claims the Russian Intelligence agencies give a shit about manipulating the Star Wars fandom is fundamentally retarded and ignorant of intelligence operations.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He seems like the very talkative taxi driver","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mflagginski I live in the eye of a white trash hurricane. Milwaukie OR. Where people use bikes BC of DUI's not to save the environment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kansas high school pozzed by gay Congo for muh soccer ball @Muskrat_Mike","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh...so he can devote all his time to running for the AG slot Ellison is just a Muzzie ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why, that's Michael. However, I'm looking at Bush Sr. and it appears Satan has already claimed 60% of him before his final breath. Seems like a breach of contract to me. oh yeh..I should have known Hahaha, Goddamn, that photo is depressing. Do you think Bush is still in on the blood orgies? @Soprano that's a hoot! @Markered67 . I don't think so. Looks to me like they have been draining him cause hes bout to go anyway. He's takin one for \"the Gipper\"!! Scull and Bones...all of them! @Soprano Bingo!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol i wonder what sort of \"Premium content\" this faggot has...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thing that made me feel old today: Tori Amos is 50.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RetroReasoning I think most RPGs are for the birds. I ain't no bird brain yo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unfortunately not. China is busy kissing nigger ass. Nigger countries are the only thing keeping the Chinese economy going and keeping the UN and Interpol from poking it's nose into China's business.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"COMING TO A SCHOOL NEAR YOU? Six-year-old British school children are taught to write same-sex \"Love Letters\". You're Prince Henry, said the teacher. \"You're going to tell Thomas why it's a brilliant idea for him to marry you. https:\/\/twitter.com\/AmyMek\/status\/1046612295252676610","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAGAtards suffering negro salvation complex? White people don't look to motherfucking niggers for answers to their problems. More evidence this country no longer thinks correctly. When I want nigger help I will make an offering of a bucket of fried chicken, watermelon and moon pies. So the ship has sailed on that shit because that's NEVER going to happen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah I probably would sadly. As long as I don't need to make conversation with any fucking retarded customers. \"Let me speak to your manager! , \"miss the coupon is expired and it's only for 10c off bread .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Comments attached to posts made block necessary. I had some Christian fucking faggot post Bible verses to every one of my posts. Another parasite with no following attempted to use my posts as signal boost by commenting on all of them. These vermin are not my friends and I don't want their cancer attached to my work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ParkerHouk1: If I could be anywhere on earth right now, you know it would be Yankees Stadium","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminism tricked women to leave this ... and go to this: [http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6nk The toothpaste can't be put back in the tube, so why bother complaining about it? As a matter of fact, I'm happy that women are independent now because the pressure to get married has eased since a couple of generations ago. Let them work themselves haggard and become alcoholics like men used to, so what? I'm just happy that they're all paying fucking incomes taxes now (and explains why government has always been pro-feminism: more income tax revenues!). Hey when your female politicians start letting in hordes of violent men to your hometown and play dumb when they rape your family women and stab you in daylight.... then maybe you'll give a fuck! But those marriage pressures tho...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BACON AND EGGS SOUNDS RIGHT GOOD !! FUCK VEGANS !! BRAIN DEAD MORONS !! DOES THAT TWAT KNOW THAT PIGS AND CHICKENS EAT WHAT THAT BITCH HO EATS ??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @dirtyimage: @Tronkitty not just cause of hoes, go to jail cause of fucking up hoes bloody n making them call you head honcho","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A typical leftist article in a jew owned paper, writed by a nigger about how bad are the White Women cause they support Trump and resist to be euthanized -via feminism, lesbianism, abort and drugs-. Mr. Jammal dislikes those European White families, but no, he will no go back to Africa. He want to be here and leech us and blame us... https:\/\/t.co\/yurFEh91B0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sad that with your redneck education you can't even read that I called you a fascist larper and you clearly can't see that fascism and communism are two sides of the same coin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every other little house in Los Angeles IS A NIGGER CHURCH ,complete with a Cadillac outside","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical n i g g e r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At the barber's today, I asked to have my hair cut like Tom Cruise. So the cunt gave me a cushion to sit on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/paltalk.com face book link ...hmmm ...never stop doing or being what you are if you wanna loook on face book knowing they cant be trusted or googel is why im im on Gab i will look,and be my normal self on line or in real life ,no camera is going to make me do anything i wouldnt normaly do thats the only why you can win overload them i take drugs im in internet Insulter so what.....i run an insult room .....on a program calls paltalk ..you welcome to come in and say what ever you like I WILL ALL WAYS BE FROOM IN SOUL BODY AND MIND ...PEACE ..COME TO PALTALK..THE ROOM NAME IS...room owners cori shes a cunt cunty shes a cunt too me im just a wanker Bollocks is my name and stuey the bals northern wanker but i love him ...hes as gay as me just wont say so ,,,,seee you in the room https:\/\/paltalk.com","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This person is totally retarded in all honesty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Words are not bullets. Social media posts have a body count of zero. The sole responsibility for today's horrific actions lies with one person. We will do everything in our power to work with law enforcement to see that justice is served. I love free speech too. One of your members with over 100 IQ please come forward and explain to me how spewing hot hateful garbage is covered by free speech. @Maka is as responsible for pulling the trigger as that disgusting Nazi that killed today. Stand up and speak GAB commmunity. While u still have this site that is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Council boss bought 12 INCH DILDO with Grenfell Towers survivor's money. http:\/\/courtnewsuk.co.uk\/council-boss-bought-dildo-with-grenfell-towers-money\/ What a dick, huh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Attempted pussy pass: >*During the jury trial in January, Sleeth's attorney Donald Cooley argued that his client was a victim of sexual assault.* But she's right we shouldn't stop future victims from coming forward and mudering people... wait I mean from coming forward. I would have tripled it :\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well off white women have this weird savior complex. They always have an outpouring of compassion but it is completely misguided, and they couldn't use critical thinking if their lives depended on it. Honestly it seems like the whole savior complex thing is usually all about just showing off how virtuous they are. They're way more likely to act charitable when there's an audience Yup. You are right. They will write checks to orgs and then talk about how they did so. They don't just go and do it silently. It has to be a spectacle. Is it possible, sure, but she's a politician of a party representing her party who has a history of staging these meaningless disruptions because they don't believe laws of the land should apply to all people equally. Simply put she's a self professed SJW that lives in a moral bubble of a particularly fringe culture even in an already left leaning system. To your point, she likely does believe some of her convictions on this issue; but the fact that she and her party are known for staging these meaningless protests is at least suspiciously framed for media coverage and self aggrandisement as evidenced by her. It is PPD because she assumes that as a Female\/Feminist politician she has the right to not only breach the peace but circumnavigate an entire legal system that has seen fit to deport an individual because of his actions. She has to believe either that imposing her countries values\/laws, values\/laws that the Afghan man accepted to adhere to upon entry, is a racist\/bigoted act, or that it is not applicable on what I suspect is the basis of his skin color or refugee status, or she believes the man too feeble to understand his wrongdoing, which paradoxically is extremely bigoted to assume.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd argue Righteous Indignation is as addictive as Gambling. Everyone wants to be on the correct side of history and Social Justice sells pre-packaged outrage. Combine that with the fact everyone wants to believe they've had it harder than most everyone else and you've got the other side of Social Justice, the Oppression. So you've got an ideology giving you a list of \"oppressed minorities\" ranked by their races and genders and all you have to do is go up to your dad and say \"I'm genderqueer\" and when he calls you a retard you have a golden ticket to oppression points and PTSD and hundreds of random nobodies telling you how stunning and brave you are. It's an entirely feelings-based ideology so on the 4-stage scale of morality it hits all the kids before they can possibly ascend to the highest stage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So let's see, we have street shitter brown, San Franshitsco brown, sand nigger brown, Islamoshit brown, Antifa shitstain brown, Jigaboo brown, Fakeugee Hotel Walls brown (only available in Canada), and don't forget Mad Max brown and Feinstein's Diaper brown.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll snap that Muslim neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"..aaaaaaannnnddd this is why we're voting for Bernier! Bernier is only proposing to reduce immigration to 250k\/yr I can't take anybody who spreads this optics-modified version of \"Just wait for Hitler\" seriously. It's already a hundred-thousand less than business as usual. What are you looking for, -150k? -200k? -350k? These are just the above board numbers anyway; we will certainly be reducing the hidden numbers as they are by far the biggest immigration issue we face. Max will certainly abandon the UN global compact, which saves another ~300k useless eaters every year. and#x200B; For primary immigration, we certainly have to take reduction steps at a time or we'll never have enough broad appeal to get in in the first place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the gay people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They aren't splitting up. This is a link to register to vote. Pretty dirty. Didn't take the bait. No matter what, the Kardashians are the sickest people on the planet, even if her husband is based. That is a screenshot of their tweet, not a link. There was no bait to take. I learned from the replies what it was. No matter. We shouldn't be following these leaches anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Captain Cook statue to be removed in New Zealand after local Mauris say he was a murderer! https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2RiTFzz Just a look at the evolution of my attitudes over the last two decades. Yep after watching Jim's last stream I REALLY hope the left does kick off the civil war so I can have an excuse to 1488 them MY WAY. #Relatable my evolution over the same time frame, in a nutshell That's fair, but I am still a libertarian. The kind that lives in the woods cleaning their guns and waits for Ted Kaczynski's prophesies to come to fruition.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kirby's Dreamland challenge https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/10144 @WADL - \"I hope the members of the WBC are forced to...\"- forced by who? That post says more about the gabber than anything else. Resentment sparked the fantasy \"suck a thousand sand nigger cocks\". And WBC's heard it all before. Unlike bozo, they've also seen it all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These trans people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YEAH, SHE WAS ENJOYING ALL THE ATTENTION=COMPLETE BULLSHIT! SHE'S A GODDAMN LIAR AND EVIL JEWISH CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those women should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like I'm bi, but I'm so fucking done with the LGBT community. It is this void of self centred retards who can't talk about anything other than being gay for half a second; most of them have nothing special about them or have done nothing fulfilling in their lives so that's the only thing they can claim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a coon?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this actually makes me so angry. people are just stupidly looking for attention and want to make themselves feel like the most important human on earth. nobody pretends to have cancer or any dangerous physical illness too so why pretending to be dEpReSsEd and aNxIoUs . nobody should ever feel this way the way it really feels. He has no mental disorder, that s a fact.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@RashaanSalaami doesn t it always feel like we go into the season with offensive concepts that we inevitably trash and then we get good?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard continues to tard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prince Harry says he hopes that royal baby is a girl. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/c0dP0f\/Dq-GDh-Db-Xc-AIXIMb.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33CM6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can he hire a female prostitute to be our trade negotiator? I feel the prostitute would do a better job that the current chick. Thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone want some absolutely amazing and deliciously fresh perfect monkey bread? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Trigger Effect https:\/\/magazine.atavist.com\/the-trigger-effect-scout-schultz-georgia-tech Scout Schultz was a \"White, bisexual, intersex, and nonbinary\" Antifa that used \"they\" and \"them\" pronouns \"They\" committed suicide a year ago at Georgia Tech. Watch the video https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ZwpVxrm1shE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cats are not pack animals. They must hate sharing their space with an ugly bull dyke and 5 other cats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm an American Jew and have been on Gab since the day they started in August Yes, there are some hateful jerks here speaking freely. But I'm a mature adult and can handle it. I just don't follow them. The majority of us here on Gab are nice people who want to have Free Speech. You are nigger shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The amusing thing is that they put her in as a \"Fuck men!\" move, yet men are more likely to play as her due to sex appeal. I don't think men are more likely to play a female character, much less due to \"sex appeal.\" Games aren't about sex. It's basically the opposite, the more you game the less you will have sex. Female action movies\/games are by definition *camp.* Having a male character in an action\/fighting game is far more immersive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An interesting study would be to see if Alpha Males are sentenced more strictly than their Beta Male counterparts. Edit: Beta Males downvoting. How are you planning to distinguish alpha and beta males in various court cases? You're a beta. Anyone who calls someone a beta is a total gamma. Can I be Epsilon? I always liked Epsilon Please *Omega","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"go gas yourself you Jew loving faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only black lives matter. fuck white people the cancer of the earth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No wonder Portland is a cesspool. A raging Faggot for Mayor and a sub human specie of pig for Police Chief. :-((((","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dis nicca @DB_Scooch went in on dat \"I Keep tryin\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HANG THE CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've heard of infantiliizing people but you're just being retarded. Firstly, its the very defenition of ppd as ppd knows no age. Secondly, who's rule book you going by? Last I checked, children can be tried as adults depending on crime. Regardless, the bitch slap of justice knows no age.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As others mentioned, if we hadn't gone down the clown-world timeline \"that's not what it means\" should have been sufficient. It reminds me of the [retard bottle cap incident](https:\/\/nypost.com\/2013\/09\/20\/coca-cola-apologizes-for-retard-bottle-cap\/). Taking offense doesn't make one the arbiter of meaning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TBF they're probably both terrible people if either of them are doing this shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @chughes717: @TyZebruh trash cans are always demanding new music from the gawd Tyga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> OP >This sub see. your problem is ignoring that most of \"this sub\" is calling him a dumbass. He probably referred to the fact that the post is in positive karma","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HAHAHA!!! You dumbass hebe! HAHAHA!!! You are just ridiculous! Lame hymie! 2-3% nigger dna? LMAOooo I've never seen such ignorance.. you're pretty pathetic. a \"WHITE planet\"?? LMAOoo #Loser --->@DenisetheKelt<---- #POS #Racist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three-Quarters of Calais Migrants Mentally Ill Report Activist health professionals have sounded the alarm over the situation in Calais, where Doctors of the World claim three-quarters of the 500 migrants living in the hope of breaking into Britain are suffering from mental illness. France Culture said the northern port town was facing a \"public health emergency , in a report Wednesday which marked two years since the dismantling of the so-called Jungle camp saw almost 6,500 migrants moved to asylum centres scattered across the country. Despite ongoing efforts by authorities to clear the area of illegal immigrants, whose desperate and violent attempts to reach the UK have resulted in the death of at least one driver and the wounding of several police officers, between 450 to 500 would-be illegal migrants are still living in Calais, the public broadcaster reports. Doctors of the World, whose volunteers hold regular mobile clinics for illegal immigrants in the areas of France in which they congregate, estimated that three in four of those in Calais and the 1,800 who lived at the Dunkirk-based Grande-Synthe camp which was dismantled Tuesday suffer from serious mental health problems. A report by the open borders-backing NGO and France's Primo Levi Centre revealed the most common conditions amongst immigrants residing illegally in the EU nation were psycho-traumatic syndromes, constituting 64 percent of mental conditions diagnosed between 2012 and They do not have `mental illness!! FFS! They are sub-human Niggers who have not evolved the intelligence to live in a decent, developed society. I have said before, the only thing the Nigger invented was a f*cking stick!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a slut?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is the faggot on Shepard Smith saying \"this guy in reference to whomever created the bombs? fake ID coming.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It only took one illiterate paedophile murdering rapist to wipe out 34 000 years of humanity naturally avoiding inbreeding in order to advance as a species. Now we are facing an invasion of inbred, low IQ violent savages. All symptoms of marrying your own family, INCEST. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/uk\/405875-incest-humans-sex-family\/ I have been saying this for years, and I will continue to say until the day I die. Hundreds of studies confirm this fact. Every race of people have a different brain structure. Not all brains are built the same. These inbred sons of bitches can't think the same you do. It is impossible for them to think the way you do because their brain is made different from yours. You are never going to change these people, they can't change. They are built the way they are. Inbred retarded brain damaged people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @breely216: The recommended serving size for brownies is \"all of them.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is Why Amazon is Dominating Retail: At Mall in 93% Black Zip Code in Metro Atlanta, 100 Cars Broken Into in One Night http:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/this-is-why-amazon-is-dominating-retail.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HERE IS AN ARTICLE ON HOW MUCH GREEK PHILOSOPHY WAS USED IN THE NT OF THE NOT SO HOLY BOOK AND A PIC I SAVED https:\/\/biblethingsinbibleways.wordpress.com\/2013\/07\/14\/paul-and-his-use-of-greek-philosophy\/ It's a hybrid Religon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would LOVE to troll these morons by dressing up as Hitler and sieg heiling them! You can bet antifa would be there in minutes, cops standing by just watching and then ABC would write a stupid article about it lol. These radical lefties take everything so seriously, no wonder they can't meme and write retarded posts where the irony goes right over!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"or me and this sand nigger here will shoot you down with technology.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FIFAcom Pepe because his defending was outstanding! His tackles were accurate nd he did hos job perfectly in both legs!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@therealjuicyj @ProjectPatHcp yea ho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2024* Trump has 8 years you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is the same as nigger spiritism. muh hammer. Mix in some New Age BS as well. A true White person would not be interested.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You b l a c k people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, he called Tyler, The Creator a faggot on his latest album, however he did publicly say he regretted doing it after some backlash. > Well, he called Tyler, The Creator a faggot on his latest album, however he did publicly say he regretted doing it after some backlash. And don't forget his anti-trump diss. That worked out *so* well for him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Charlie Murder game is pretty dope #Xbla","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jfc dude. How retarded do you have to be to have a problem with women wearing leggings? It's like this subreddit hates feminism so much it has become the exact opposite but worse. You see women saying they should be able to wear whatever they want, you respond by saying they shouldn't wear a literal type of pants. You're fucking thick There ya go acting like a retard again. Good talk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to k i l l all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He(Torba) will if we post pornographic loli. Everything being posted now is within our legal right under the First Amendment thanks to the Supreme Court. You are free to not look at this topic if that upsets you. Take your censorship back to TWITTER. @LegendaryCollektor So, I'm not a weeb, as there's a difference between watching anime and being a weeb, fun fact which you wouldn't know. Secondly, I don't care for lolicon, but I also see hypocrisy within Gab. So am I allowed to call it censorship? As a fellow human? you watch anime, you're a weeb Bias =\/= censorship, it means those in the know are more powerful than you. Survival of the Fittest - suck it up buttercup <3 Sounds to me like you're defending loli, which still makes you disgusting and not human lol. Firstly, watching anime does not make you a weeb, but of course people that never take the time to look into stuff and could only best be described as idiots wouldn't know that, however as for it, weeb means an anime fan who wishes to become Japanese despite knowing nothing about the culture. 1\/2 yea it does lol faggot ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are closed door investigations going on on several fronts. Pence is working with top Military officials to address the China and foreign aggressors. Meanwhile Sessions, the NG, and the Q team are addressing the Globalist Coup inside our nation's govt. Sessions has an impeccable reputation for Constitutional Law, he is excellent at it (much like Ted Cruz). Sessions is making sure things are sealed tight when literally thousands of arrests are made. Trump's business skills are proving to be a major strength. He knows who is good at what they do, and what needs to be addressed, and where to assign the right ppl, as he oversees things. He doesn't micro manage, but he knows how to lead and how to hold the leaders he assigns accountable. God has the right man in office. Not sure that many ppl would be able to untangle all the tentacles of the Deep State, but Trump is gifted at it. Big Breaking News about the Deep State coming out tomorrow and Wed of this week. HUGE. (28:50) on the counter. https:\/\/youtu.be\/ofXbRoX-Rxo?t=1718 sessions has provided all the evidence in the world that he's a deep state swamp rat even to the point of open warfare between himself and the president on social media and yet you trust the word of some anonymous stranger that lies repeatedly. Admit it- you're in a cult.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are there any trans people on your course?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitch, I love me some pumpkin spice. Now get back in there and cook me some bacon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gab needs more jews, they can unite against radical islam spreading across the world","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Minnesota is full of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for climate change deniers is hard to to put into words. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U know there's some really retarded individuals on this app. Wake the FUCK UP IDIOTS! This app is Langleys, DHS, FBI, MI6 and every other Intel, surveillance and alphabet agency's WET FUCKING DREAM! U fuckin retards shoot ur mouths off like u think u can't be found, They ARE watching and listening","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That kid has the wrong complexion for nigger loving Swedes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ditzy Dame: \"I found these bullets on the ground... people make me sick\" #Guns #GunsOfGab #SpeakFreely #GabFam #Humor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">''Wait wait wait, are you saying women aren't as intelligent as men?'' They aren't, not even close. The fact that everyone was arguing about strength and she suddenly brings up intelligence out of nowhere is proof enough. Women are mentally retarded compared to most men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You deserve to be in prison for threats like \"I'll have to rape a woman today\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man I swear today's like nation hit tony while he's driving day.... This chink almost smashed into me...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @UberFacts: The strings attached to boxes of animal crackers were originally put there so that the box could be hung from Christmas tree ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Goddamnit retards its because paying a hitman counts as premeditation and yes you can be blamed if the guy finishez the job.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SNL mocks entire Obama tenure in Ebola skit - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/miJdg6x6UC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The thing about working with black people. These bitches never on fucking time then wanna complain about a short check. Bitch die.Today. now","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sorry, I'm not black , but if you're referring to the nigger calling for the extermination of all whites including infants I could not agree more!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had no idea that Tom Hanks has a rapper son called White Chocolate who talks like he's from the hood... but it does explain some things. https:\/\/youtu.be\/IPzTbdJyQG8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh yeah, video games KiA is a containment subreddit for speech reddit admins don't like, but can not yet easily justify a quarantine for. Yeah yeah, you are freedom fighters fighting fascist websites, on a fascist website that censors everything, that lets you stay here for some reason. You have all the positive aspects of being underdogs without the negative ones. Makes perfect sense. I've spend years saying that this sub got overrun by conservatives looking to use the appeal of defending video games to push their agenda Also, it doesnt make much sense since it's all part of the same website My attempts to explain why it's not \"video games\" are being met with political partisanship, is that your intent? It does, because nobody gives a fuck about what happens in american campuses besides people who can use it for political purposes AKA american conservatives. Any attempt to make me think a subreddit made to yell at game journalists is a bastion of people who genuinely care about freedom will make me chuckle at best. You're not replying to me anymore, you're just talking to yourself. You're not replying to what I say, you're repeating what you where taught by your echo chamber. \"It got taken over!\" Have you ever considered that it didn't and that people naturally changed their views after they were actually exposed to different opinions? Have you ever considered that it wasn't taken over, but that a decent portion of existing users shifted? Nah, that'd be reasonable. It's far more likely that it was a right-wing infiltration trying to brainwash people. It's not like people might agree with certain ideas like less government, it's gotta be a conspiracy. Changed their views? You're breaking the narrative that none of you are right wingers! You're supposed to tell me that most of you are center-left! Yeah dude, small government. Fascism would be nice to get rid of degenerates but it would take away our guns and increase taxes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm getting the feeling that there's some sort of bullshit flagging campaign involved here. That or the Kampo Krew are rearing their heads again, taking a more low key approach, picking one game off at a time. Kampo Krew? Campo Santo, self-righteous developers of Firewatch, banned PewDiePie from streaming their game after he called someone a nigger in PUBG. Valve bought Campo Santo and kept their staff on, so people have been anticipating a SocJus bent from Valve as original members are diluted by Silicon poison. Firewatch literally had a older woman fucking a underaged kid, as well as some guy getting ready to leave his mentally ill wife. And they complain about hentai? > Firewatch literally had a older woman fucking a underaged kid Wait, I don't remember that part. I'm with you too... What? Nobody ever said Marxists were ideologically consistent. In fact, if there's one thing Marxists are consistent about, it's flexible ideology in the pursuit of power. i don't think the kid and the counselor were fucking, i think it was more he was just comfortable around her. > so people have been anticipating a SocJus bent from Valve as original members are diluted by Silicon poison. That shit is *real* important, considering a lot of posters here have accounts with game counts in the hundreds, if not thousands. To have my account at risk of being banned because of some maniac with way too much power at the helm is terrifying. It's always been a hard pill to swallow, abandoning buying entertainment on discs in favor of downloads, and this risk is exactly why. Agreed wholeheartedly, which is why I think I might start buying physical PC games again (at least, the ones that aren't just boxes with goddamn Steam codes inside). I don't have the luxury of space for them but... I think it's safer. It's why I almost exclusively by physical games for my consoles, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really don't understand it when people are like, \"Oh yeah well look at this it proves you're wrong!\" and I look at it and it actually proves I'm right. I always have to look twice to be sure it isn't some sort of trick or something but no, just a failure in comprehension. Nazis are not your friends.... If Trump won't sabe you, Granny, who's your big messiah?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet you're still a pussy assed faggot who refuses to advocate or defend political violence out of some kind loyalty to the \"principle\" of \"civility\" or some sheeit lmao. You people talk so much shit about normie conservatives and their misplaced affinity towards \"muh constitution\" but your refusal to defend violence is just as misplaced.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are immigrants after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I even thumbed you up for this one, communist jew scumbag. White is right. Now go back to your nigger whore communist cunt... Very cute black puppy. One of the few black animals that are cute. And that's the only way you'll get this #WN #altright guy to approve of anything you post. Maybe you have a heart, even. But your mind is totally fucked. Miscegenationists deserve death, too-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All I do is scroll to the bottom to see the sjw retards talk about how this meme is is hurtful.. Never let down","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Conservatism was not at a peak in Germany in the 1930s, are you fucking retarded? After WW1, Germany was so fucked they went full on socialist and elected the Nazi party. The Nazi party is left-wing authoritarian. Not conservative. In fact, you're partly right in saying that conservatism was at a peak when Hitler was alive - except it was Allied forces that were majority conservative, that's why they were the ALLIED forces, because each country on the Allied forces shared similar political ideology - which was the conservatism that lead the fight against fascism. Fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"back to paperwork! Jews get to take unlimited money from our treasury and then pump unlimited money back into buying our government, but I have to track every fucking penny that working class guys are able to give to Citizens to Elect Little and every fucking penny I spend trying to stop jews from controlling my country. Rube Goldberg machine and quiet on purpose..Jump Goy JUMP! I'm rooting for ya bud good luck out there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How long have you been on here. First thing you do is mute the Hitler lovers and the racists. I stand up for my race without hating everyone else. Go put on your white dunce cap, lowlife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christine Blasey Ford still unable to live at home due to death threats: lawyers https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/bx7bjU\/Do9_Vp8_IXUAAj_U6x.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VWqz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the difference between Twitter and Gab? Surprisingly not much. Both sites have fags that want to censor people for something they don't like. On Twitter it could be anything. On Gab it's fucking pictures. For sites that proclaim to be \"Free Speech\" advocates they both have a funny way of showing it. I know a majority of users who were on Minds have seen\/heard this song and dance before, but it bares repeating. Lolicon\/Shotacon in the United States is not illegal and it's not viewed as \"obscene\". At least under the legal definition of the word. So once again I have to link this court case, United States v. Handley 2008, just to prove this point. So here is the WIkipedia Article that summarizes what the case was about and the ultimate decision from that case and the case itself: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/United_States_v._Handley https:\/\/caselaw.findlaw.com\/us-10th-circuit\/ Unfollowed and muted , fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What else you got. The retarded thing from all this is you keep talking to a gay psychopath loser online. Just because you can't get out of the questions that i answered but you can't. So sad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This stupid liberal whore is a coal burner. This dumb slut got what she deserved. No fucks given. All that studying, getting straight A's and she still can't figure out what a nigger is. Maybe in her last moments after getting raped as the rock came crashing down on her skull, maybe she figure it out?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The violence is real been verbally accosted 3 times. And still the left claims they are peacefull.... yeah, and I'm white... :P hahaha That woman has been scientificly been proven guilty: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uGxr1VQ2dPI PS: English is not my native language. So sorry for the spelling, so don't think I'm a retard :P hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate astrology because it's retarded, has nothing to do with women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Loli Dab on Gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#loliconisnotacrime","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @BasebaIIVines: Michael Pineda hides pine tar...on his neck http:\/\/t.co\/PJRKJeaY6h fact that the Yankees cheat Go Red Sox!! #Boston","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"They\" don't. Are ALL of you retarded collectivists?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"we have to be partisan Republicans. \" What's your response to the r party even abandoning the pretense of representing white interests and openly courting the spic population? Yeah, you're not even touching that one. The silence is deafening.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the legal argument here is whether 'private womens locker room' could be construed as not to include people who were assigned male at birth. So by this logic, Buck Angel would be perfectly welcome in her locker room because he's got a vagina? Somehow I don't think she'd welcome him there. So then what if a bigoted dude says he doesn't want anyone assigned female at birth in his locker room, so Buck can't go there either? This is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty sure that guy's not friends with the ones that called him a nigger and went right back to advocating for a white ethnostate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TwitchyTeam: Low turnout reported, but Charlie Crist just filed and emergency motion to extend voting hours in Broward Co. http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL PWND. Sorry but this is gold. Nothing beats wrecking these stupid cunts on their big day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Raping us through technology!? Holy shit! Retarded left.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/watchdog-presses-fec-for-audit-on-maxine-waters-fundraising-practices","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Selecta_kerry I seeing ppl saying running a train on a bird, and a parry is the same thing, but das not what I know..so looking for clarity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. Well I'm not a nigger christard, so I'm not crucifying cats. But your insults all pretty much revolve around child rearing because that's all you're good for.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I read somewhere that this is a muzzie test for adultery. If it burns her tongue, she's guilty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Quick look At Your Site,I See Your A Typical Little Coward Anonymous Faggot Left Of Center Libertarian Clown,At Least Check My Fuckin Timelines Since I Joined Gab,I'm A Fuckin Atheist,You Stupid MotherFucker,Christians,Jews,Moslems and Buddhist Can All Die For All I Fuckin Care,Go Wait For The Next Conspiracy Or False Flag,Dumb Fuck Pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whilst I have nothing but contempt for those vile anti-semites\/Nazis that inhabit the darker spaces here on Gab, I am disgusted at the way in which the lgacy media and big tech (hello Paypal) are using the murderous attack on a Synagogue to seek to destroy Gab. It wasn't Gab that planned and carried out the attack. Contempible opportunism from those out to strangle free speech. Hi mister i see you are in a state of aggitation i don't think it gonna help you at all you need a calm state to see the bigger picture you can't be ruled by emotion.-Sincerely someone who think you should calm down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of immigrants once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what taxpayers are funding in Britain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This vile cunt must be exterminated...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Define wigga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This shit fucking infuriates me. Here's the comment I left on OPs update post: \"Nah, if it were me... Done, done, done. No contact, and fuck you for trying to cuck me. Then again i have very strong opinions because my ex wife wanted to open the relationship. We did, and I got to watch her screw around with other dudes while nothing happened for me because chicks aren't into married guys. I had once chance but she screwed it up because she was jealous. I even set up a three way with a male friend a couple times. She said she would do the same for me, never happened. After a year I said ok, no more open relationship, you had your fun and it sucks for me. 10 months later i caught the cunt cheating. Bye bye. Cut your losses OP.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's a terrible lawyer. Why is she crying??? Serious question because I actually have no idea. But wouldnt her crying show that she truly believes that the sentence is too harsh? Her crying showed that she wasnt just assigned to a case and working it because she has to. It does, however, seem unprofessional.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Excellent This should also be featured in r\/MurderedByWords but I'm willing to bet If i (or anyone ) posted this we would be called Racist Sexist Whatever-phobic Nazi Russian troll It gets on my nerves when they insist that you're a Russian troll if you disagree with them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every fucking day we see stories of unbelievable acts of violence committed against white people by niggers. And never a fucking peep from the Jewish media. I'm absolutely sick of nigger violence and nigger privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shockingly, Chris Wallace tries to smack some sense into Shepard Smith - Heated Debate on FOX NEWS Trump Fan Network https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RPhk6N7eiXc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LRG ass nigguh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I woke up as a Muslim, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont know how I havent been banned from 2 tits chromosomes yet. I fucking hate that cringy bullshit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OUTSTANDING!! You Will Love This!!!!!!! Students Offered College Credit For Kavanaugh Protest Trip, Get Unwanted Surprise On Bus https:\/\/madworldnews.com\/college-credit-kavanaugh-protest\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Genuinely could of shot her and it would of been justified, she's fucking lucky","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sorry but that is retarded logic for lack of better words Your 70 year old mom stock up like CVS?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STOP. DRINKING. COW. MILK. Do people realize that for a cow to produce milk it has to get pregnant? and for people to have such milk the calf cant consume any of it? Do they realize that puss and blood is found in milk and that the milk at the grocery store is only 5 to 10% milk and the rest is just powder and water? Gross.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't flatter yourself. I dont care enough to have an internet argument, armchair cowboy. I'll outline the results of the potential conversation so we can skip to the end. Neither of us convinces the other, then we both pretend to be the fastest retard at the special olympics. We about done here? Have a good night, man. Yeah he was a dick, she was a cunt. Honey had a tazer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deathto all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Asylum seekers with diseases Make them a sandwich or you're a cunt Piss on a burkha today Lovely Scottish lad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thanks for list retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The gender pay gap is complete bull shit to begin with. It takes 5 minutes of research to realize that. Anyone you argue with about it can't even bother to do 5 minutes of research. Remember that. Except that if you've read or listened to any academia on the topic they all overwhelmingly agree that the gender pay gap has a gendered component to it. For example Jordan Peterson, whom these types of subreddits idolize, agrees that gendering is prevalent to varying degrees based off of industry and numerous other factors. But your I'm-14-and-so-smart interpretation is good too, I guess. You do know, that Obama's claim > Equal pay for equal work! That's so simple! and > A woman earns 77 cents for every dollar a man earns! Are both lies! If you answer, I'll will link you to the study Obama lies about. Feel free to elaborate. There is nothing wrong with it. Dispelling what part? To start with how can you measure the gap when men and women do not work the same jobs to the same percent. Why is it good that Obama lies that the gap is 23%, but fails to mention that it is for weekly wages of working people, and not hourly wages? What is it if not inciting anger and hate? As promised: https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/FeMRADebates\/comments\/4kfuf4\/why_the_wage_gap_was_not_23_in_2013_and_how\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"everyone knows teens are hot just like everyone knows trans ppl r mentally ill n that saying nigger is funny and not at all racist ur just not allowed to say it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"slipknot is a bunch of leftwing commie faggots you're a jew sucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @morningmoneyben: This image of Peshmerga giving the heave-ho to an ISIS flag really brightened my Friday. Kick their sorry butts!! http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JUST IN: Murkowksi officially becomes only Republican senator to oppose Kavanaugh https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/n3rH5vb.png https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/34QNP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab Nazi: \"Jews control the world\" Me: Actually Jews only represent It's not worship. It's admiration for a man whose life wasn't pointless, as yours apparently is. oh sure, he started WWII, murdered millions, led Germany to utter ruin and put a bullet in his head for good measure who wouldn't admire that? England and France started WW II by signing a mutual defense treaty with Poland. The city of Danzig had always been German but was partitioned to Poland during the Treaty of Versailles. The \"Bromberg Massacre\" was when Polish communists brutally murdered ethnic Germans in Danzig. Hitler intervened, England-France sprang to Polands defense. LOL signing the treaty did not start WWII, Hitler invading Poland did More Poles died in that massacre than Germans did and it happened AFTER Hitler invaded Poland LOL! slow down their boomer, get your glasses and read it again. I said the reason WW II started was the mutual defense treaty activated by Hitler invading Poland. And the REASON WHY Hitler did so was to stop the massacre of Germans in the city of Danzig. And anyway, its kind of a joke England and France came to protect Poland only later to give it to Stalin. there was no massacre of Germans in Danzig prior to Hitler invading their treaty with Poland applied ONLY if Germany invaded, no one else Of course the treaty only applied if Germany invaded, because o'l uncle Stalin and his murdering Bolsheviks were Americas best friend. In fact America loved Stalin so much, they let Communism take half of Europe. Yes indeed, the greatest generation sure did liberate Europe, didnt they Jay? http:\/\/www.jrbooksonline.com\/polish_atrocities.htm They murdered innocent Germans those Polak bastards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The trannies are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'People who view themselves as victims tend to get away with more than others.\" Perfect line which applies equally to the kike and the nigger ape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just thought it was good manners myself and have no intention of changing my ways...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very moving. Thanks. Anal Cunt is such a moving band. My favorites of them are the classics: \"I Became A Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It\" and \"I Sent Concentration Camp Footage To Americas Funniest Home Videos\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@H1llaryClinton and @DonMAGA whispers in @Screw-z-jews ear and fondle his little pecker and MR Hate comes running to the rescue ...because Bad steve was picking on the little Muslim trolls and Mr Faggot Hate can't have his little butt buddies being picked on now can he You see you little faggots I spent 7 yrs on Twitter slamming you POS trolls I simply choose not to do it here because I know people don't like it here but I am sick of you 3 little faggots not getting taste of your own medicine ....and I know you must be sick of simply tasting each others dicks day in and day out Now Maybe you 3 Little queers can go try on some of your sisters panties and go have fun together WTG Chae join in with the little Queer Trolls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jmellor432 fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll tortuer these women without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you also tried to incriminate someone else like a little cunt? It's true. History begins for people on the day they were born. You're sad little people. That would be something. You'd need to have gone through puberty by You won the white trash bingo award. I bet you have unpaid child support and a drinking problem too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Sydney Morning Herald: There's a solution to the refugee crisis - but no one will like it. https:\/\/www.smh.com.au\/national\/there-s-a-solution-to-the-refugee-crisis-but-no-one-will-like-it-20181017-p50aaq.html Ridiculous! So the single women, families and unaccompanied 'children' get into Australia, with all it's enticing benefits. 'Family reunion' will then kick in and in pour hordes more, all at the taxpayers expense. These illegal immigrant economic forum seekers are in no sense, whatsoever, detained on Manus Island or Nauru. They are totally free to go anywhere on Earth they wish, except Australia and New Zealand (New Zealand being the unlocked back door to Australia). The Australian taxpayer will pay their airfares and even provide a generous resettlement allowance. Why don't they go? We all know why. We will save to the nations coffers nearly $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She bought some faggots at the butcher. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bad choice from this woman. difficult to have sympathy for retarded feminist choices. sorry to be a dick here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JennyJohnsonHi5 Did you say spray tan? **Charlie Crist switches back to Republican**","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In other words a fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Creepy Porn Lawyer is just a dumbass https:\/\/youtu.be\/xHAhXp8BwrU Exactly !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @creepingsharia: Syrian Brought to US for Democracy Training Endorses Jihadis http:\/\/t.co\/lfhCto8777","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WELL IMAGINE MY SHOCK! https:\/\/redd.it\/9njrpy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too much makeup so trash..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger. You don't get to limit my speech on what you decide is societally healthy, nigger. Are you Jewish, nigger? My innermost niggardlyness is reflective of the truth given by a Nazarene church to me: \"Father Abraham had many sons, and I am one of them, and so are you, so let's...\" Yeeehaaaw! \"I will slay you children and elders\", sayeth a certain power. Ride now against the Holy City, if ye dare.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seven oh two sleven fiveesevinn seven9seven9 Call momokun!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @theChefBoyRD: @victoriaaa_lee @anniespringer_ ew she's so ugly who is that hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So should we ban Boomers from having a platform otherwise they might send a bunch of bombs to Democrats?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How do I know you're white? Youve got retarded bumper stickers on your car to virtue signal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't forsake all other bitches for my wife to be getting fucked on by another nigga. and you know she married? you gotta die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEMOCRAT FAGGOT Portland Protester Tells Alleged 9\/11 Widow That Her Husband Should Rot In The Grave' https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/18\/protester-widow-rot-grave-portland\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kill these basterds, son of sluts who attack u in name of religion. Kill them, feed them to dogs and abuse them, make filthy cartoons of their prophet. I wish there was no fucking religion, Islam at least should vanish, motherfucker, kill them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christians didn't build them. They were there before. Remember: The Jew never works too hard. He steals and then takes credit. The whole story of the building of the \"Great Cathedrals of Europe\" relies upon the claim people bled and died to build them out of piety. But our research has found no such Christian piety among these people. The story collapses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those immigrants suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once the nigger population in any given community exceeds 5% there's going to be trouble - LOTS of trouble.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YOU and your \"fake outrage\" can go fuck yourself! March your goofy ass off my @ 's and post your clown ass bullshit elsewhere, Faggot! As for my \"face paint,\" why yes, I'm enjoying it very much! Oh, and BTW, you're now the laughing stock of Gab. Peace out, Pendejo! Don't let the door hit you where the lord split you! perhaps... just another faggot crying in moms basement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Today I saw someone drop a couple of buns at the supermarket's bakery, and to my surprise this nigger (actually a white guy) put the buns back into the cabinet, albeit on a lower shelf where no products usually go. It's fucking disgusting when white people behave like #niggers I alerted staff.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope the cunt sobs to work everyday. Read the article","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lebron James is a complete tool. Doesn't live in Texas but wears a faggot Beto cap. Fuck that dumbass groid Well, hes a product of the welfare state....and hi is state of mind is that since he was handed everything to him because he played basketball, even though he is a moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a deranged liberal feminist faggot gay offspring came out of Castro's loins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Criminology student\", my advice would be to stop skipping class ya stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's only free because her story and her friends' stories didn't quite add up. Looks like she got a kit done after consensual sex. It wasn't shared but I wouldn't be surprised to hear she planned it that way. Be very careful, record audio if it's legal in your state. Can't be sure with these malicious cunts running around.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pretty girls wit bird brains....what a waste smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NFLonFOX Random thought - If a bird crossing the path of a FG try were impacted by ball causing it to deflect off course. Re-kick or miss?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Negative you nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@NoChillPaz: \"At least I'm not a nigger\" http:\/\/t.co\/RGJa7CfoiT\"Lmfao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" PRAISE Kek!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U coons can't wait to wear them Oreo J's","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"9th October 1976 the IRA murdered Yvonne Dunlop, I've explained in another reply to you get rid of the romantic nonsense about Sinn Fein\/IRA. They are open commie gangsters. I've explained to him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THERE are many dykes man, just search Oh, there's dykes galore. But bi? You don't really see that much beyond thirty unless they're blind drunk at a party and still think they're 18","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yay I like when jacob has colored layouts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/3B8Nq5v00MY lying Georgia Femme cunt cop gets 15 years","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, and it wouldn't take a jew to subvert this trainwreck lmao no, that's the kike weev I'm referring to, the one who started the optics debate Why only on burner phones, it's not like anything the whites did was actually illegal. Because when you shitpost on record that gets used to speak for your character and intent, and intent is difference between a legal and illegal action. Same reason Discord completely fucked us, and still is. If you don't understand how \"i love to smash n1ggers\" changes a self defense situation against a black man into something that can easily be framed as assault, then I'm not wasting anymore time with you. I don't know you and hopefully never will.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Texas Senate race now costliest in US history, as Beto rakes in $$ despite trailing Cruz https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/texas-senate-race-now-costliest-in-us-history-as-beto-rakes-in-despite-trailing-cruz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweden has been an enemy of whites since at least WWII and their retard men were in power then. Swedes and Norwegians have an (((obsessive))) hatred of whites in southern Africa... and themselves. Cucked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"..behind their stories, plans and symbols and most of you will think, 'He's talking about a TELEVISION SHOW...WHAT A MORON! WE SHOULD BE WAY MORE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT JEWS ARE SAYING ON CNN, AND ANDERSON COOPERS 360 SHOW.' (Also a tv show: for those irony impaired individuals out there.) ..it also leaves out that you're doing the exact same thing: attacking free speech. Namely by suggesting that Germans and others are too stupid to know propaganda when they hear it (something I actually agree with 100%) and must not be exposed to too much Jewish media. Same exact argument retarded @Amy made.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@__Black_Jesus yea I forgot I was talkin to a degenerate faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beta is a lying, faggot piece of Trash!! CONMAN EXTRAORDINAIRE, just like that other Commie Faggot Obama!! INTENTIONALLY trying to fool poor people by pretending he's a latina!! LYING COCKSUCKER!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A CHINAMAN IS A GOOK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a womn's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nasty little faggot ain't he?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] [deleted] [deleted] But you're the one that is acting like a snowflake, constantly complaining about downvotes, acting so triggered. Ya man facts don't care about your feelings and women are just as capable fighters as men are. [deleted] [deleted] I would kill myself I were you, straight up. You are getting roasted because you are a SJW feminist. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guitar player in that band is an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOCK THAT RACIST NIGGER UP!!! WHAT KIDS YOU BEEN FUCKING? MAN THEY ARE ALL INGRATES, LOWEST FORMS OF LIFE ON THE PLANET> WORTHY OF DEATH, RUN MOTHER FUCKERS< RUN< WE ARE CMOING AND WE WILL BRING THE PEOPLES WRATH DOWN ONTO YOUR SICK HEADS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your link is unavailable in the EU, I made an archive copy: [http:\/\/archive.is\/RM0ZV](http:\/\/archive.is\/RM0ZV) That's absurd. The combination of double jeopardy laws and having to try and choose murder and manslaughter correctly is retarded. What a complete failure of the justice system.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Winning the cultural battle. I've seen this several times today. The left simply regurgitate a topic to indoctrinate their incompetent followers. Repetition creates belief for them. | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who was that piece of shit Jew faggot that used to spam everyone with tranny porn. Guarantee that's what it was.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tryna get to home like base to base to base, closet looking like planet of the bathing apes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ding ding ding @saudiasade Sagittarius - trash. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brown is a color so my eyes are colored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude's retarded. Yes people have inalienable rights, pretty sure doing whatever you want and assualting people isn't on that list. \"Punk. \"Nerd. You're on pussy pass denied. Gender doesn't affect if it's assault","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's a pretty retarded thing to do...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Horse-drawn float in the Easter Show parade, Taylor Square, Darlinghurst, 1934 #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia #AusHistory #History","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common gaytrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any lip readers out there? I wonder what she's saying? #NSFW #nopanties #flash #bush","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just as through the first defect in their [women's] intelligence they are more prone to abjure the faith; so through their second defect of inordinate passions they inflict various vengeances through witchcraft. Wherefore it is no wonder that so great a number of witches exist in this sex. You are possessed by a demon, Feminist witch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good until they come across a redneck with a bulldozer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have to call out the open hatred for women in our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Delete now you bitch ass nigga RT @Quanny_Quan: If the Redskins beat us I will delete my fucking IG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good for them. They're welcome here after they get banned. We are like the world of Avernum: a society built of those who were thrown into the pit. EDIT: Watch out for nephalem. Mmm, Spiderweb Software. Vogel is apparently a super SJW, but he wrote good games. Don't tell me this... I second this, as a big fan of his games... That news sucks. Almost as bad as when Roger waters was doing an anti trump tour.. As a lifelong fan of Floyd, this made me not want to go and I turned down the chance. I don't care what someone's political views are privately, just don't turn your work into propaganda. Thing is I never seen any of that in Vogels games. Is there any creator today that isn't indoctrinated or has been silent and cut loose into insanity like a switch was flipped? Well the democrats are no longer for normal Americans are against men and are feminist so now you must be too.. That's what it feels like. Like marching orders. Lovely Waters. He came here to Brazil to preach against our newly elected president during his campaign. Waters was supposedly fighting against fascism... while being sponsored with public funds from the party that stole more than 60 billion dollars from the brazilian people and basically destroyed the country. I like pink Floyd too but Roger waters can go fuck himself that's unlikely, the diablo subreddit isn't run by blizzard. The same way \/v\/ was \"free\" back when GamerGate happened. aka, filled with sympathetic mods. Didnt help that moot himself was compromised. Then again he always was.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side #GlamRock https:\/\/youtu.be\/oG6fayQBm9w","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone who disagrees with your libtard virtue signaling world views is alt right nazi. Fuck off faggot. Do you like those downvoted? You fucking retard, go batch to the kitchen dumb nigger Snowflake faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anytime I hear someone unironically say \"person of color I can safely assume they are a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"naw cause Gavins a jew so who cares lol he deserves it for being a cunt zionist let his kike faggot ass suffer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" To be completely fair, some of the MGTOW types are older men who have been raped by divorce and who are too old to start over. That can't be easy for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHO. FUCKING. CARES. They are LITERALLY trying to steal an election and you're bothering with this retarded nonsense?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doesn't NFL stand for \"NATIONAL FAGGOT LEAGUE\".......Ever since they started Hiring MALE CHEER LEADERS?........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dirty Christianity follower creating war everywhere Iran should attack USA We will support Iran","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LilBTheBiggsGod @Abbey_Kirkland two birds with one stone Biggs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's been a joke since it's inception. Most people are just retards who only think women can be victims.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@TruthWillOut. FUCK you and your bogus ass film made by a homosexual soccer player #DennisWise. in the UK! #FuckHitler #FuckYouRacistNaziAsshole Well, I think you take the prize. You are the most retarded faggot I have ever seen on GAB. Their are plenty of Israel first bootlickers on GAB but you are the biggest brain dead fool I've seen. Don't stop, you are comedy gold.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Flylikeaneagle see now soros and his cohorts are sending themselves bombs, seriously why would a right winger send them when we are already winning? This is yet another far left ploy to shift the narrative and gain sympathy like when a nigger attacks a black church pretending to be white, or a muzzie doing the same thing-they will stop at NOTHING to win!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how we can marry and still be the same queer, messy, funny, fabulous, dramatic community we've always been. Why I love us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"great she's fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OCTOBER 12, 2018 Trudeau Government Announces They're Giving More Taxpayer Dollars To UN Palestinian Organization Fair Use: https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/12\/awful-trudeau-government-announces-theyre-giving-more-taxpayer-dollars-to-un-palestinian-organization-that-funds-hate-propaganda\/ ~ Spenser Fernando Well, I must admit that I like Faith Goldy. She is well loved by Canadians, a patriot, she is!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of immigrants once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Greg Gutfeld: If Sen. Warren Is Native American, Everyone Can Claim They're A Minority https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/15\/gutfeld-native-american-warren\/ via @dailycaller Or maybe we should just STOP! With identity politics and treat people equally? Just a thought. Join www.forbritian.uk that's our basic campaign message, Radical ay? God Maria sometimes you are on point and other times you cuck so hard. What is a cuck? as in Cuckold A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own. Im all female so? You have to be a boomer. I'm glad the cuckservative mindset is losing hold on all the freedom of speech platforms. Nothing you stand for is actually anti establishment. Keep up the good dance for the jews. Suits you well. Your just too childish to keep responding to so i am muting you. Bye Have you found an idiot too Maria? The villages must have emptied after Gab started lol In the early Gab days and months i encountered none of these angry sounding children, a few white nationalists and anti Semites it but as we seem to be getting more people these NPC characters are showing up more and more. I try a couple of too and fro exchanges them cut them loose when i feel there is no real intelligence the other side, just another pre programmed angry drone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Strangleme Your mother looks like a tough-as-nails bird...I see where you got 1\/2 of that from. Nice food, too!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol! Gov Scott will laugh in his face. This Sand Nigger is going to lose anyway. DeSantis = Navy Veteran Gillum= Socialist Sand Nigger loser. VOTE DeSantis\/Nunez!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he's a sissy faggot punk ass rat..lolo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as filthy as these disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In college I took a class on early American culture. My final paper was 30pgs about how, in the 1700s, ordinary and legit business action involved the purchasing of slaves and making them work for scraps in the fields. So yeah, owning retarded plebs on the internet is fine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ahmadblack35: Can someone find the Georgia fan who talked trash to me and told me he hope we don't end up like Tennessee? Tell him I'm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is incel going to be the new shitlord? \"Incel\" has become the PC \"faggot\". They wouldn't dream of shaming a man for being homosexual, and it's current year, so most guys aren't bothered by it anyway. It's used in the same way, to sexually shame men, and it doesn't matter if it's true. It tries to turn any argument you have into one about whether you are an incel. That's what I've always felt about the word \"cuck . I personally feel that people who use the word \"cuck are the real [insert PC word for faggot here]s.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being this cucked. https:\/\/twitter.com\/ProudResister\/status\/1048253437605888000 Since the White man is the target of the queers, globalists, jews and other assorted hellish freaks we know the White man is the savior of the world. We love the White man. Fuck every man that bullies LGBTQ people... But..But isn't that what LGBTQ are doing? Fucking other men like bullies would? Wow @ProudResister should be gassed sooner than later. But it's okay to discriminate against white people and bully straight people? That's his message? Also, when did Trump do any of this? This passes for logic now. Spew one line platitudes with no evidence and virtue signal what a great person you think you are. I always ask if they pay taxes. When they answer yes, I thank them for supporting President Trump. YOU should do some vids! #REBUKEthePUKE! what a brave tweet. You sure showed them Nazis! Trump is unfortunately not that cool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well the thieving faggot still got what he deserved. Execute the illegals. Execute them all!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You retarded tranny feel free to leave anytime you coward you won't leave you are all talk you fake cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#LiberalTears Lick it up, Pepe! @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @ProvidencePatriot1787 Bingo!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are a virus. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#TommyRobinson rants in disgust at how the soldiers he met are being treated; and both he and #KatieHopkins urge the public to sign the petition which they will deliver to Gen. Sir Nick Carter, Chief of the Defence Staff. https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/standwithourlads We know what our traitorous mainstream politicians are like better than anyone. As for pointing guns: you seem to forget you can't pop down the shop and buy one here. Ironically only criminals have them. But if you can provide them, there'll be many here willing to go to war. I was referring to your military with the guns. You guys gave up your gun rights a long time ago and maybe if the military would actually turn or the islam apologist in power you might get your right to own a gun back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love all kinds of jokes. Nigger jokes, rape jokes, dead baby jokes, bathroom humor. Part of what makes them funny is the \"naughty aspect.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Attacked Bullshit' Stay-At-Home Moms For Leeching Off Their Husbands' 'These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they're choosing to live that life.' Man, this CUNT better not get elected. Arizona we know you have a HORRIBLE track record with who you elect (McCain, Flake). But lets this time pick the right person. This dike does not speak for anyone on the right or even the center. Feminism is cancer and this bitch is a tumor. #redwave #midterms #feminismiscancer #voteredarizona http:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2018\/10\/19\/arizona-democrat-kyrsten-sinema-attacked-bullshit-stay-home-moms-leeching-off-husbands\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't have any facts, I don't have any Statistics, I am a Human Being The fuck is that even mean?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like kike bullshit, but okay. Course it's kike bullshit. Another old jewish lie. \"We're all Africans hahahahaha yeah okay ! Me and a sub-saharan African are the same hahahahaha GTFO ! Don't listen to Obi he's just a faggot tryin to fight the inevitable (ppl waking up to the evils of jews)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing else is as filthy as these sheets. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do, every April 15th NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"New web sites look like they are being designed by retarded schizophrenics who are high on LSD. The old functional look was better.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The definition of the word cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @medaOriginBitch: That one friend who you greet with an insult. @MorbidMermaid @EvanBecker513 niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WELL since we have a fucking retard fro a President, I guess that's out. He does not know how to tell the truth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Communist China didn't have very intelligent leaders.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another loud mouthed nigger bitch, it needs knocked in it's head","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mathew Richards is a giant dick skin eating faggot. Your a delusion gaslit retard spewing Jewish bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/the-conners-star-michael-fishman-says-doing-spinoff-without-roseanne-barr-is-bittersweet Fishman should be turned on a spit over an old pit like a big party nut that; he is. As an actor in my book this liberal twat is the same in real life. A damn cowardly progressive leftist all mouth and no substance. I don't have to care for I'm not a fan of stupidity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WV - Police arrested Juan Carlos DeLeon Zanas, 46, attempted to abduct a 16-year-old girl. A Kroger employee said multiple bystanders stopped him https:\/\/www.wowktv.com\/news\/update-man-arrested-after-attempting-to-abduct-teenage-girl-from-kroger-parking-lot\/1495521663?utm_medium=socialandutm_source=facebook_WOWK_13_NEWS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welcome to San Francisco. This is Folsom Street yesterday (9\/30\/18). This is the California Senators Feinstein and Harris are working so hard to protect. Have you no shame, butt pirates?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kaylonnnnn then who are you to call me trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I see 30 year olds on Tinder still telling everyone they're a college athlete. These cunts have so little personality, they're still riding the \"I played sports in college\" train, 10 years after the fact.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AYO HOL UP, DAS DA PUSSY ASS WHITEBOI WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP, GET HIS ASS what do? Roll up into a ball, insert buttplug, and mew softly -G. McInnes Hey so here's the interesting thing about that. It doesn't appear that any Proud Boys have been stupid enough to turn themselves in on Gavin's orders. They've arrested three more guys- who didn't turn themselves in. That fundraiser Gavin created concerns me. I assume he's stealing the money. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-8Jf #ProudBoys He's trying to avoid a rico charge since he said he created the proud boys as a violent street gang back when he was trying to be edgy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other gay people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bride of satan, whore of Babylon. Cunt extraordinaire. Hoping she is really miserable after what she's put this entire world through. Better never sleep again oKKKillary, some of those ghosts might come back to haunt your sorry soreass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot must have got lost","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kwagiheath: It's \"Comfortable\" but niccas like me say \"Com-tha-ble\"...smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haven't watched the video, but that sounds like the Regressive NPCs in \/r\/politics who think all conservatives get their information from Fox News. Or all pro-gun folks are lower-class white redneck Conservative red-staters. The problem with the \"it's just tumblr!\" argument is that tumblr is big and powerful. They harassed a fanartist into a suicide attempt because she was a heretic who drew a fat character skinny, and didn't relent even when the staff of the show in question told them to cut it out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear President Trump, Don't let these people cross our border. Don't do it! You ran your campaign on building a wall so this shit stops. We all know the Democrats are behind this caravan. If you fold, you'll lose support. How much, who knows? You've done so many great things for us in two years, I'd hate to see you lose all that support over one of our biggest concerns. We want that border secure! We invite all potential immigrants to our country, providing they do it legally, and per our guidelines. We need guidelines now! I can't sign this \"We The People\" unfortunately, because we've got some people around here who have lost their damn minds. So, from most of us, please don't fold. Dude, I'm laughing my ass off now. It is over. We are the idiots. Conservatives, were a bunch of pussies. You mean the Alt-Right conservatives were the pussies. I mocked them at their very beginnings, and I continue to do so today. I Mute those who post faggot images, who call me a liar, who repeat the same mantra over and over again. Oh, oftentimes I Mute Jews. I am afraid they may ask if they could suck my Anglo dick by pretending I am a newborn child with a tiny dick. My dick is tiny indeed, but I am no infant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boogie is a piece of shit who laughed about an ex-girlfriend of his dying of lung cancer. Him acting like a pathetic fence sitting loser is mostly a cover to hide his abusive, manipulative retardation that he constantly gets caught doing, and tries to twist everything into being about himself, to score attention.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat needs to go back to her country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another reason the democrats can never be allowed to take power again. Hint we know how to make our own firearms and ammo... Ohhhh, I'm in Australia, where guns are illegal. I wish I knew how to do that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like another Jew faggot David Brock, erstwhile bf of pizzag8's James Alefantis","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are real problems to bitch about. I'm beyond triggered, and for good reason. The honest to God problem is that these retards have endured no genuine strife whatsoever. My situation is an example, not a fallacy of relative privation. If they had experienced worse circumstances, I don't believe they could ever muster such retarded freakouts over trivialities. I'm not saying \"because they haven't lost their livelihood, they can't be right.\" I swear...it's almost as though people just scroll through Reddit comments to see where a possible correction can be made. Do you feel better?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab was developed by Andrew Torba and his team. They have invested their time, money, and energy and built Gab from the ground up. Their work deserves to be rewarded with success. Therefore, to all the lolishills and the others working tirelessly to tear Gab down (especially those who whine about \"muh free speech\" because Andrew won't let them post child porn): Invest YOUR time, YOUR money, and YOUR energy in building YOUR own platform, where you can write the Terms of Service and take all the risks for the behavior of the people who post on YOUR platform. DO something instead of complaining. Build something instead of tearing something down. You want to post loliporn? Build a platform where you can do it. But realize: YOU don't get to make the rules. YOU don't get any say in the TOS. YOU aren't risking anything if Gab goes down. Abide by the terms of service or leave. It really is that simple. BTW: If you REALLY want to post your cartoon child porn somewhere, get all the pictures you want to post, walk out into the middle of a busy freeway, and post them on the front of speeding cars. People have invested their time and money into Gab, so stop being an unrealistic bitch when the selling point of Gab is free expression\/speech. Psychophant bitch. And all you are is a stupid bitch. That's all you will ever be, a piece of trash. \"muh leftist muh leftist muh leftist\" I think they really botched your circumcision. They're so easy to spot it's pathetic. CC: @a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There was this boring, but attractive, girl. She twisted my arm to read her VERY failed master's thesis. Very boring person. But she had mostly cribbed from the aspie retard dude.you could drink a beer with him. Nice how she gave me a roadmap of her intellectual thieving?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love how quickly that ugly cunt shut the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so muchdisdain for these Muslims","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is @CNN Cuban Terrorist Little Jimmie Acosta's and WhinieAss faggot Anderson's YUGE Story Today coming out of the Oval Office... WTFE #JournalismIsDead AND FAGS..........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Serious question: Why is it all the loudest optics cucks never criticize Trump's foul language, womanizing, off the cuff remarks, socialist style language about defending working people, and other things they nag about? If only Trump had more optics cucks running his campaign in 2016, he could've lost and become irrelevant too. This is relative to what normie conservatives find acceptable. It is a mixture of being in the normie mindset and desire to appeal to normies. We need to break the conditioning. If you call ordinary people in your community \"normies\", maybe you're the off putting and abnormal one. You get more of a sense for normal people's aspirations and interests by going outside and talking to them, instead of sitting around plotting on how to trick them with Pinky and the Brain on the internet. Come on striker don't be a dick. You know exactly what I'm saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's TRUE though. I cant fucking fight as well as a 6'4\" ogre of a fucking man, I and definitely cant carry one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He needed to just turn around punch that cunt in her pussy kicker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/archive.fo\/GGHVI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I m m i g r a n t s have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"beeing gay is anti human","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The FBI arrested Michael Miselis, Ben Daly, and other members of the Rise Above movement for \"conspiracy to riot\", but no Antifa. The only conspiracy here is a government one. This is fully thanks to the Wall Street funded Pro Publica portrayal of the group. This is a serious escalation in political repression. The media and finance class runs the USA RISE ABOVE MOVEMENT is a great group of young guys, this is fucking crazy? Where are antifa arrests ??? Whole antifa group that was there is doxxed and 0 of them arrested","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah, u JIDF or shitty father Austrian Infantry Vet. Me Proud Boy. Me miscegenation supporter. Me pederast supporter. Me like Gayvin's shitty butt plug very much. lmao!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is another super hero trait that White men have in abundance. The need to care for their family and not run away as readily as some Black \"player.\" That also rules the Nigger out for the part.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Delightful! Brought back some memories . . . . Have a wonderful week, guys!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another victim of the Trump Curse. Megyn thought she could garner entree into the elite by smearing Trump. Too bad. So sad. http:\/\/www.nydailynews.com\/entertainment\/tv\/ny-ent-nbc-megyn-kelly-today-20181025-story.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well Jesus H. Christ in a tortilla, fucking Jews again. Subvert the north w chinks and cram nigger flesh from the south. Actually it's the plot line from the og red dawn film.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She lost her job, went to prison and her husband divorced her. Also the public shaming. I would say this femoid cunt was very much so denied her use of the pussy pass. A man would've gone to prison. This is just another cunt let off by idiots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And we don't worship the pedi file faggot muhammad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Suck my balls faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is fucking great. *wait you mean you guys won't pay me money for my trash just because I wave my tits around?* Fuck off dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thiscoon. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mentally disabled people are fucking scary. Their disfigurements are very unnerving and strange and the fact that they have the mental capacity of a 5 year old makes them all the more threatening as you never know what they might do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah her life should be fucked, but not this fucked What if an adult man forced your under 13 year old daughter to touch him in an aroused state for sexual pleasure? Would this 10 year minimum sentence be appropriate for the destruction of her innocence? The same fucking answer you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What happen to the Jew cunt we used to troll? Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At 98% Black High School in Jackson, MS - Near City Where Two White Cops Were Just Murdered by Black Male - Halftime Band Performance Depicts Executing Cops http:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/at-98-black-high-school-in-jackson-ms.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every slant in #LosAngeles should be deported. Those scum have no right to be here. Chinatown should be bulldozed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Godfrey Bloom on top form as he obliterates #TheresaMay's #Tory conference speech. #Conservative #Christianity #EU https:\/\/youtu.be\/5NYFUrqSyxA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Horeseface can neigh all it wants. The cunt is gonna be bankrupt by the end and President Trump will still be PRESIDENT Trump. I'd say she'd be shamed publicly, but there is no way she could possibly being more shame on herself than that for which she is already vested. whoresface","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"VIDEO=> Antifa FAGGOT Arsonists Set Pro-Trump Truck ON FIRE (Video) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/video-antifa-arsonists-set-pro-trump-truck-on-fire-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BISMALAH! @Kabaalah That is the stupidest thing I have read all day . PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS BOY. PISS ON YOU AND ALL MUZZIE PIGS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HOT #ISIS SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTO: Laughing Jihadis Get Baby To Kick Severed Head ***warning, graphic*** http:\/\/t.co\/XdpSzwj6sK #lnyhbt #tgdn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They say our state bird is rare...I literally see one at least once a day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">I won't go into it. It was fucking insane. LOL we can imagine. And honestly, most of us 'imagining' how bad things can get with a girl will be wayyyyy fucking off the first (maybe even few) times it happens to us. AWALT. Bitches are fucking NUTS. Btw you should let this dumb cunt know she isnt worth your time if she didnt already get the message.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's got nigger privilege. ...you know, because they're so stupid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Concentrate on all the nigger related crime. The legacy of slavery is a country full of dindu niggers. Slavery...that's how you get niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/10\/19\/amazon-to-open-manchester-office-add-1000-rd-jobs-in-the-uk.html Just say you want to hire muzzie rapists. Muzzies don't work. The abuse teenage girls and beat their wives when they're not patting themselves on the back in the mosque.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Sent chills through my body Whiny little faggot soyboy, isn't he... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_mikaylahh: I asked @zzachbarness to get me pink bunnies one time, so he brought me yellow chicks... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With the midterms coming you may be asking yourself \"Is the dude I'm about to vote for a total faggot on immigration?\" Find out at the Numbers USA Immigration Report Card https:\/\/www.numbersusa.com\/content\/my\/tools\/grades","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're offended by the word faggot or nigger, you're probably an SJW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doing it right next to an old nigger bum who is trying to sleep off a night of drinking a gallon of Colt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My very first post on GAB! Facebook I'm phasing you out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I CANNOT EVEN READ THIS EXCREMENT ANY MORE. HOW convenient the cunt had a \"reboot\" of her memory, after Kavanaugh published he was at \"beach week\" during the time in question. Wouldn't it be ironic if what Kavanaugh published was carefully constructed BS to honey-trap a few bees? I don't believe this any more than I believed anything else PORN dog lawyer puts out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wouldn't a large intake of water dilute the concentration of electrolytes? Isn't that why they make sports drinks specially enriched with electrolytes? They're put in sports drinks because when you sweat, you lose a lot of your electrolytes. Maybe they're made because when you drink large amounts of water, you are creating a hypotonic concentration in the cells? \"Hyponatremia occurs 1) when the hypothalamic-renal feedback loop is overwhelmed by increased fluid intake\" https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Hyponatremia This is why sports drinks have a lot of sodium in them. Salt helps your body retain water. Yes. But doesn't water consumption reduce cellular Na+ and K+ concentration needed for the NaK pump used for muscle contraction? Which would mean water toxicity causes death by reducing the levels of electrolytes, not increasing them, which was the original claim: \" interrupting normal brain function caused by abnormally high levels of electrolytes.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello Gab world. Another Facebook andTwitter refugee seeking liberty and chasing the \"free to say whatever the fuck I want to say\" dream. Became disgusted with Facebook and closed my account earlier this year. Original Twitter account permanently suspended for something ridiculous (see pictures) Using new account to harass Twatter until they suspend it too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@RichardDiNatale on NZ resettlement: We are prepared to look at helping and assisting the cohort of children and their families on Nauru as long as others aren't punished. We are prepared to have a discussion with the government. MORE: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JNyz #speers https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7q9R","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you stupid ass English and your muslim parliament that wanted to ban Trump... FUCKIN' FAGGOT ENGLISH... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=l63KkF3oHWM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Very new here and this is my first post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab began purging users yesterday, including some of my LLC's customers. Gab is dead. yeah I def had a few of those","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That being said, you not knowing they're gay could be a result of their still being closeted, or them not being close enough with you personally to discuss their sexuality or many other reasons than they have some sort homophobe-sense. > or them not being close enough with you personally to discuss their sexuality or many other reasons than they have some sort homophobe-sense. 100% this. I'm gay and don't feel the need to disclose my sexuality to everyone I'm meeting. It comes up organically usually, mentioning my boyfriend or, occasionally, I think a guy is cute and tell him, \"Hey, I'm assuming you're straight but I just had to make sure because I think you're really handsome.\" And, in this supposedly extremely homophobic and gay-bashing climate we live in, pretty much every guy has said, \"Oh man, that's really flattering, but sorry, I'm straight.\" (Seriously though, I've yet to meet a straight guy who's been anything but flattered and polite about me finding him attractive enough to approach and ask out). People tell me that I don't usually \"ping\" on their gaydar so I've gone quite a while with people not knowing and then one day I mention my boyfriend or something and they go, \"Wait, you're gay? How come you never said anything?!\" And it's kind of like, \"I mean, you didn't waltz up to me and say, 'Hey, I'm straight, I just wanted you to know that I'm attracted to the opposite sex.'\" Why should I have to? Also, a lot of times I don't come out to people right away is that disclosing your sexuality before someone gets to know you creates this sort of image in their mind. I've had friends tell people they're introducing me to that I'm gay before I even meet them and they assume I want to take them shopping or decorate their house or something (when I seriously couldn't be less interested). I like my personality dictating how people view me, not me liking hot guys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Happy birthday to the baddest bitch ever. I love you so much!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one I know gives a fuck that Muslims are killing Muslims. Apparently Faggot Acosta does https:\/\/news.grabien.com\/story-cnns-acosta-trump-administration-scrambling-how-figure-out-h","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I was just *pretending* to be retarded!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Colin Kaepernick files to trademark image of his face https:\/\/www.foxbusiness.com\/features\/colin-kaepernick-files-to-trademark-image-of-his-face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women who are feminist are the ugly bitches who cant find a man for themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off nigger! Thank Nature for the Sickle Cell! @paulmbure There's a nigger here? On Gab? Are you sure?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT LisaMei62 Corey Booker is the latest \"faux bomb\" target?! Does anyone really believe a right-winger gives a damn about Corey Booker? https:\/\/twitter.com\/LisaMei62\/status\/1055805383271505921","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More #liberal crap... \"Alyssa Milano: 'I'm Filled with Rage' Trump, GOP Institutionalizing Sexual Abuse\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/03\/alyssa-milano-im-filled-with-rage-trump-gop-institutionalizing-sexual-abuse\/ #STUPID","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL. This faggot is gonna be extremely entertaining til he gets Bullycided off of here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"most ppl who talk about the working class doesn't have a clue how fucking retarded the working class is. not as retarded as the middle class ofc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have noticed some folks following me that seem to have hatred for certain races of people. I am NOT a white supremist. I am a god and country lover. If President Trump was a black, Hispanic, etc man I would love him just the same. It's what he stands for that I love. What I will NOT tolerate is Islam. I want it wiped from the face of the earth. Okie dokie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why can you only define your fake girlfriends by colour?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw a video of that nigger calling a feminist racist after they asked him to leave their protest for yelling at them calling them sluts. It was hilarious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The President of the Student Union at Southampton University wants to tear down a mural dedicated to World War I veterans simply because the men depicted are White. This is the kind of brainwashing that happens in higher \"education. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But you can Say Nigger here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Diversity strengthens our crime rates.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, I'm a fag. Deal with it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is Direct Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad' https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/queen-elizabeth-descendant-muhammad\/ Islamisation of UK reaching a final stage, it seems. Now is the time to rise up in the millions, otherwise ... \"YourNewsWire is a Los Angeles-based clickbait news website known for promoting conspiracy theories and pseudoscience misinformation. The website is founded and edited by Sean Adl-Tabatabai.\" Source: https:\/\/mediabiasfactcheck.com\/your-news-wire\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's just completely insane. And they won't even name the identity of the murderer! Fucking police will always protect their own psychopathic lunatics. She thought she was going in her own appartment? Is she mentally retarded or something? Who tf is supposed to believe this bullshit excuse? If you ask me, it's just straight up murder. God I'm so fucking tired of reading shit like this, it makes me sick. I should take a break off the internet. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"creepy faggot loves the power. Dont think he isnt helping poison white people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like GAB I really do but let's be honest there is some stuff on here that's gayer than shit. What's some of the gayest shit we see? Top of my head is any form of meme that has \"Standing with Israel\" as it's theme","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the most evil thing I've seen on this sub. And all those losers are smiling in the back like it's so cool what she is doing. This disgusting woman put this guy in a complete no-win situation. If he says yes, then everyone will think he's some wimpy-ass loser who didn't have the balls to ask her to marry like a real man would. Everyone will KNOW who wears the pants in that relationship. Or they will think that he didn't have the balls to say No, so he's doubly fucked if he says Yes. And if he says No, everyone will think about all the trouble the girl went thru and feel sorry for her and think the guy's a royal dickhead. He looks in reasonable shape and should be able to out-run that cow of a woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" See those guys they know if they touch anything on that building they might catch AIDS HIV.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That violence and hate is how they show love, at least according to them, you just don't understand true love. LOL... not trying to sound like an internet badass- but I would love for this to happen to me. I think I would like to show some love back- in the form of an uppercut to his weak ass jaw. You show them love back, they charge you. Look at the guys in North Carolina? One of them was hit with a bat, one sprayed with a flame thrower, none did any damage to anyone, and all 4 are facing serious prison time for defending themselves. We damn should have been using the courts against them for the last 50 years, should have filed millions of cases to get AA, roevswade, etc overtruned, bogged down, they got so sick of the paper work, they finally gave up. That's why you flee after getting them back and don't turn yourself in. #8chan thread - https:\/\/8ch.net\/pol\/res\/ Hahaha! Hope she files assault charges!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KamRenee ugly nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"SSV_I_V3\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Which term was that Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Dab_It_Up\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Aryanliving Welcome to the movement. Anyone who gets even minor publicity is a queer, fed, or jew (well, according to the internet).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#WednesdayWisdom Don't apologize for quoting Churchill. He was a badass. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1) Total smear job against the Saudis, and I'm betting it has EVERYTHING to do with the new regime's relationship with Trump. The intent is to stir up the leftist hornet's nest - watch, there's a shitstorm coming as they remember the 9\/11 terrorists were Saudis. But - Uh-oh! They were also Muslims! We can't be Islamophobic! What's a progressive retard to do?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wikihow didn't load when they looked up how to make a timer on a circuitboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitches just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One who wants a \"male\" haircut? If she wanted a men's haircut, she probably wouldn't have been turned away. good point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kathy Griffin 'Will Not Be Intimidated' By Mail Bombs that Weren't Sent to Her https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/FCkx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now just imagine if a White European man writes about \"this black women thing\"... Twitter - Google -Facebook and Apple would be censoring left and right, SJWs would be calling for deplatforming and cuckservatives would be asking for \"Pardon for our Patriarchy and Racism\"... We are at (cultural) War! Midterms is the War Field!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to kill all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted? Louis Farrakhan https:\/\/disqus.com\/home\/discussion\/channel-politicalrhetoricbusters\/the_vatican_pizzagate_lolita_express_harvey_weinstein_etc\/ lol at rednecks quoting Farrakhan's puke. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrant lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We're probably close to the same age....My great grandmother was a Texan Southerner and used to read me this book as a young lad. exactly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have such strong admiration for immigrants like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bring it. Napoleon Quote: \"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am not surprised the idea was bullshit. It came from a woman after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, I can get into something closely approximating the full bird of paradise yoga pose. TIME TO MAKE MY RAGDOLL COSPLAY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saddest thing is she gave herself over to that damn nigger in the first place. What was she thinking? Was he 12\" or something? Money, unlikely. Demeanor of those fuckers is angry to enraged. Maybe she was just totally submissive or a masochist... damn shame. How sweet she would look w a White guy...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh yeah! Forgot about those retarded comments. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"US Professor of Pakistan studies @CChristineFair thinks \"entitled white men\" should be slaughtered. She also hangs out with deadly Taliban terrorists who masterminded the slaughter of US citizens. Well done Christine, you are such an inspiration!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Something about a retarded rhinoceros.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"when i was in london in april, i saw an arab kicking a homeless nigger in the face. it was terribly diverse. @True_Brit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol 1 dimensional. Stupid redneck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By calling loli posters demonic then \"apologising\" for his ignorance and anger, only to later on declare the loli posters are a part of \"the conspiracy\" Torba is making himself look like a retarded over emotional monkey, a scam artist conning people (boomers being the latest target) out of their money, or both.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.gatestoneinstitute.org\/13087\/aclu-opposition-to-kavanaugh-sounds-its-death","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mlbtraderumors: Offseason Outlook: New York Yankees http:\/\/t.co\/6DtDxdI6ul","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The right: Jews are coordinating attacks on speech they don't like. Jews: This is an antisemitic conspiracy theory! We are going to shut down your hosting service, credit card processor, and domain registrar. The right: As we were saying... What do you expect? Racists are idiots..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dropkick Murphys - Rose Tattoo https:\/\/youtu.be\/9d8SzG4FPyM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS WILL BE ROUNDED UP IN EXACTLY 6 MONTHS. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM WHILE YOU CAN yes they'll just get us all while we're blocking traffic, throwing bricks through windows, killing unborn babies, harboring illegal aliens, harassing people who do not agree with us....... oh wait that's not us. we're too busy working, paying taxes and following the rule of law. our badness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pedophlie tranny... All of which where amazing lady's, Did you see that fugaly nigger that won in Sweden? Amungst some of the most beautiful, educated women in the world. Or the higabie in England. Its political and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why in the fuck is she in Finland? Because Finnish people have created a fucking top-tier society and immigrants feel entitled to it. why don't they stop immigrants by changing laws? because governments love tax money and talents immigrants bringing. They basically inviting immigrants to come. Even Bernier not going to stop the immigration you like it or not. LOL. grow up!! We are growing up. That's why conservatism is seeing a rise in the world despite media saying differently and branding it as some alt-right fascist rise. edit: they did so under duress. It's not real. It was social pressure that forced european societies to open their borders. I came to a peak when hitler was alive tho.. I don't think most of the countries will go back to the same level.LOL Only the name was socialist, but they blamed everything on immigrant Jews which were different to them culturally and racially. just like meta Canada. Allied countries accepted most of these immigrants and refugees.. I know shocking!! Is that your final answer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CoIlegefessions: \"My roommate is having sex and I'm eating Oreos. It's gonna be a great year!\" - Kutztown University","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I want to call myself a fag I will, and you will not say a word on it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Youre a fucking retard if you think spending time in jail is worth reimbursement anywhere equal to the current american wage Are you retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@YellabeautyKC home coon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will never tolerate the systematic murder of gay people in this country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bae won his game #redskins","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck your kike lies. if the bible was real and god existed, we would all know about it yet, we don't because that kike cocksucker is imaginary, just like the easter bunny and santa! Just checked -- pagans are still flat nigger broke with no temples. (Aww ) This is the part where you learn what the Khazar tribe is and that the Ottoman Empire couldn't conquer them. Pagans were too busy growing grain 4 months a year and with tantric masturbation to conquer anything. We encourage you to take up reading so you can have a couple bucks. Thanks, pup. Awww, I know, it's sad tha we atheists just haven't figured out how to fuck little boys in the ass and rape little girls like your fucking priests. We haven't learned how to flat out LIE and beg for that 10% tithes yet so we can build massive temples to hide pedophiles and make everyone a fucking lemming. maybe one day we'll reach that stage of degeneracy but I doubt it. tantric masturbation. You DO realize that the European Pagans were never introduced to tantra as it was STILL in fucking Asia, right? You illiterate fucking asswipe! Sure it does, queer. OK. I'm starting to grok what you're writing but as far as any following of the bible and xtianity are concerned, I abhor it. fuck the kikes. fuck xtianity and fuck ALL man-made religions! why? After your bullshit condescending attitudes and posts WHY the FUCK would I give a FUCK what you write or say? How about you go take a big fucking drink out of that glass filled with a double dose of EATMYSHIT? fucking tosser!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PBS and NPR are feminazi shitholes. I upvoted but be warned \"feminazi\" is old fashioned and doesn't have the sting that it did in What should I use then? Toxic cunts? \"Female Supremacists\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exactly why I quit watching. FFS they can't even leave that one alone. You wouldn't believe how appalled fellow Whovians were at me when I said no way would I watch a female Doctor Who. I was even called anti feminist. I replied \"Damn right I am Know what, I've never seen a Dr Who episode in my life, but i know i would despise anything of this season i would have the misfortune to see. I notice in 90s campaigns the company ran had the PC groups up front and the white men in back. The problem with it was the white guys were dirty the others be had clean clothes. Black James Bond, feminist Doctor Who, it's time to start up a new space colony some where (whites only). Richard Branson, Elon Musk or Peter Theil are on it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How the hell is this even legal?? They basically saying \"we short xxx votes for anyone that didn't vote please fill this out and bring it to us so we can steal the election It's not legal. Only legal if your a democrat Everything is legal if you're a Democrat. Literally","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well now... it appears that she is reproducing. Good thing we sent her to shithole UK before...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OP - Can't spell. Doesn't know proper English OP - Everyone else is the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And then there is this- An arrogant professor at Ole Miss University spewing his radical left wing ideals to young, impressionable, idealistic college kids. It should be no surprise Parents -> when your child embraces mixed marriages, homosexuality, far left wing ideas, Muslims, Jews, Mexican Illegal Aliens, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, etc, etc, Yes, did you notice his wife in the tiny profile picture??? That says it all as far as I am concerned!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All you are concerned about is to brag about defending moslems, you pathetic piece of SHIT. https:\/\/gab.ai\/Crucesignatus\/posts\/39157478 Go jump into volcano already, you useless, worthless imbecile. He says he is Danish Catholic. He's the part of Europe that needs to be destroyed one way or another so the rest can be saved. So he's a native traitor? Not a replacement citizen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] This makes sense. The \"other guy\" basically did you a favor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical m u z z i e behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, black people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well she certainly is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When lift your arms do your boobs go away? They look like mosquito bites and I feel like you were trying for the hot librarian' look but ended up with the old librarian' look.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Catalogue: #america 0254 article: https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6278889\/Death-sentence-vacated-man-threw-children-bridge.html Exactly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bet any money this fat, ugly, man-hating cunt will raise her son to be a little faggot. probably have him on estrogen from the time he's in kindergarten. in the ideal world, we'd prevent people like chlamydiatine ford from procreating.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT!!! LMAO Really though he has a point. ago ahead and take it up the ass, but do it on your own time and don't teach it to kids. Not that fucking hard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"National guard cunt here. Totally agreed. I get paid 500$ a month to masturbate in a truck for the weekend. Active military personal do it on a daily basis and then expect everyone to eat their ass as gratitude . Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canada was offered a bilateral deal. Freeland refused.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gavin McInnes TRASH TALKING UFC's Nik Lentz Isn't Going to End Well https:\/\/youtu.be\/Lk66cZ5bXl8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find all immigrants disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair the fence hes been sitting on wasnt much of a platform to begin with, this should finally make it clear what side to be on. He just hates conflict and wants to be everyone's friend even though it isn't really possible. He's an idealist, he'll continue. That's what makes him Boogie. I thought this guy was exemplified by being a huge fat ass? I dunno. I just find it very sad guys like him can't just be left in peace to enjoy his stupid video games. He just wasn't *hurting anyone*. Eh he could've but he decided to be public, no one was stopping him from being a fat fuck out of the public eye. Hot take there, edgelord. You seem like a really awesome, thoughtful person. Vote Democrat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These gay people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was gonna try to think of some witty and pithy lead-in to this bit, but I'm so utterly sick of Pelosi and the democrats that i'm also tired of writing about them, or at least for free. Lets just say protesters really let her have it in Florida. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/protesters-greet-pelosi-with-expletives-during-florida-campaign-stop . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the Proud Boys who DEFENDED themselves from physical assault and bottle throwing by Antifa, caught on camera as instigating, are being referred to as Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and \"Alt-Right\" by the MSM. Someone better tell his black wife then. https:\/\/redd.it\/9q2oi0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pardon me for being a bit cynical about this, but it sure seems like 8 Jews getting shot and killed in a synagogue by a White Nationalist = the national media loses its mind whereas a Sudanese refugee shooting up a bunch of White people in a church = a non-event. Wasn't Emanuel Samson on Facebook? John Black, you are fake news. The statistics of rapes carried out by blacks and muslims show they make up a very small percentage of the population yet are responsible for 80%+ of rapes, gang rapes, and sexual abuse. For example: black males make up barely 6% of the population of America and are responsible for over 60% of all violent crime, including rapes. John Black reply Continued... Muslims in the UK make up barely 4% of the population yet are responsible for 84% of gang rapes of white children. But go ahead, ignore this and claim whites (in white countries where they make up over 90% of the population) are carrying out more such attacks. JB reply continued... If the 6% and 4% can carry out these kind of sickening rapes and attacks in such numbers, imagine what they will do when they reach 20%, 30%...it doesn't bear thinking about. I know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe....just maybe people didn't want to see an all twat heist movie?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it different than one nigger shooting another nigger? White people get a net benefit, but it doesn't mean they are working to advance the 14 Words. If you're ok being on the same side of the line as this monkey fucker, then why not be the fan boy of whatever random nigger shoots another nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @grannywinkle: girls, don't let a guy treat you like a yellow starburstu are a pink starburst","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like that retard Sinead O'Cunter .... they're the 'dumbest of the dumb' who believe the insane Left and try to prove they're NOT against being killed by religious imbeciles !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish I could date a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Iran sends Hezbollah GPS parts to turn rockets into precision missiles -- report https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/iran-sends-hezbollah-gps-parts-to-turn-rockets-into-precision-missiles-report","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have a two front war that has been raging for almost 2 decades. Meanwhile. All the low IQ tv worshipping sub humans think abortion is the most important topic ever in politics. You also have to watch Mia Love. She is a fake Conservative. Not much choice in that race but she is a Rino at best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't let these #altright #whitenationalist fool you ..they are not like you. They are pure trash pretending to relate with you on moral issues when they are 100% immoral themselves. They will sometimes claim they are Christians, but ask them to elaborate and they vomit out nothing but heresy. They will chant with you against the liberal opposition coming out of #PlannedParenthood but applaud them for putting clinics in minority areas. They believe in #populationControl and #eugenics. They even support #euthanasia for the elderly, and underdeveloped. A lot of them are even Scottish Rite Freemasons who's great, great grand fathers were a part of the Order of the Golden Circle that opposed the early GOP founded by #Christian #Protestants and assassinated Lincoln. It is because of their Freemasonic ranks that many of them got skipped up in ranks in the military, and police ..the ones seemingly more honorable because of that really cheated. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aye, I try to avoid the British Israelite types. It's absolutely retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mike Allen: Kamala Harris: Americans Must be 'Welcoming to Caravan! WRONG! We do NOT need to welcome them, just the opposite! If we allow this wave through even more will follow. Our economy is finally recovering, so let's just fuck it all up again.?? https:\/\/twitter.com\/AMike4761\/status\/1055108539281227778 https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/23\/watch-kamala-harris-americans-must-be-welcoming-tolerant-to-caravan\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dude if every cell in your body has a Y-Chromosome then you are a stupid faggot and identified above LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crazy Right Wing bitch throwing an autistic tantrum and destroying property inside a Planned Parenthood in.......Sarasota, Florida lmao. The people around are various SJW volunteers that work there, who did everything they could to try and give her a pussypass. Ultimately she messed with the wrong set of soi boys and the Orange Knight stepped in to check her ass. lol Too damn hot Too many Redneck racists Too many Old ass close minded Conservatives Too many drugs Too little $$$ for anyone who isn't already rich. Too many bible thumping retards Most \/r\/FloridaMan and \/r\/floridawoman candidates are gonna be a result of some combination of those lol. Get a life, faggot Yea, some liberal douche trying to get other's riled up with his stupidity. I guarantee he's also from Florida","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another Arsehole playing the Reallity TV Game world wide, these arseholes cannot compete with the Queer Moslem Niggas because they are White. The winner of The Biggest Victim is allowed to be the Biggest Bully by Retard politicians and the MSM until we kill the Wankers in the REVOLUTION !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their respective races rejected them. I live in the American South, we've got a pretty high density here so it's a fairly large to pool to make observations of. Mixed couples are almost always racial rejects. Alternatively, you don't have to look very far on YouTube to find that the black community is in a crisis because the men and women seem to hate each other.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Teacher: understandable Homework machine broke Teacher: understandable, have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ReasonsWeCantBeTogether if u was talkin to my nig or smashed da homies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is this nigger Tariq Nasheed so desperate to look like a white man? I don't have #Twitter account so I cant ask. Can you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wasn't SnK's creator a nazi sympathizer or something? Surprised they'd want it after that. Edit: Looks like he's not. Laziness and SJW misinformation at work. Where did you get that from? No...he is not. Pretty shitty of you to toss around a rumour like that. My room mate who's a huge SJW. Apparently her and her friends were suddenly boycotting it. I read through the manga by that point and was just like \"huh, whatever I guess\". Just looked it up though and you're right, he's not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"looks like a nigger to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's in their nigger blood, to kill the White Folk. They kill their own kind too and that just might be a good thing because those are the worst of their race. We can rid ourselves of that bad seed through attrition.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"friggin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So many funny lines from her \"I just wanna go home\" (as she sits in a car she KNOWS isn't going to do that) \"It's a free country I suppose\" \"Any last words before your Uber career is over?\" She clearly is used to bossing people around and probably has gagged on her silver spoon throughout her life. You can tell by her tone she has that, \"I want to talk to your manager,\" kind of air to her. A real bitch. aka: daddy issues I doubt it. If anything, she has had her daddy in the picture, and he spoils her rotten so she acts like a constant brat. You don't lick it off the rocks, as the Irish say.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These ignoramuses are products of a progressive education, so they have no idea where their freedom comes from. https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1030033\/Cambridge-university-poppy-remembrance-Sunday-student-union","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haet immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at this little faggot.\"@Kellz622: Tell her she's beautiful as much as you can. It'll make her smile\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only thing worse than a Christkiller is a redneck biblethumping cunt...Ur muted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. All Germans are like this. Every single one actually. can confirm. I'm german and probably retarded Yes I love being","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam = Violence \/ Rape \/ Pedophilia \/ Retarded Inbred Culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But this dude is a Jew a dirty Jew hmmmm don't think he's Jewish - just an atheist masquerading as Jewish - and you are a dirty little lame racist bigot troll masquerading as a conservative whose parent's fed you hate for breakfast every morning just like Soros' parents did to him No, he's Jewish hey sold out his Jewish brothers and sisters to Hitler Nothing Jewish about that - more like a selfish atheistic POS like you Some kike who should be beaten with a club in the rain for using that great name. I see his shit everywhere. He's a pretentious faggot too. Always refusing to see the forest for the trees, and yet gets into these pseudo intellectual debates. Name the jew n the name callin begins. Not smart, self righteous rat hiding in the wall.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look to any city that's 90% or greater non-Nigger. See Oriana, Tokyo, Dubai, Kuala-Lumpur, Singapore, etc, etc, etc. Then look at majority Nigger cities. See Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, Lagos, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Port Au Prince. You can see why they follow us. They want what we can build and they cannot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"disabled people are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So progressive....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what kind of a fag gets triggered by being downvoted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy is promoting Col Richard Kemp the son of Israel who commanded our troops to slaughter the christian whites to protect the dirty fcking muslims in Bosnia - you need to check whose who. Dont take my word for it do your homework. Our soldiers arw being used by these cunts and Tommeh is surrounded by zio shills including Levant. Wake up Jews brought muzrats here and fougjt for their rights through Abe Foxman on ADL they are the media that slaughters Robinson then their brethen support him - its called a puppet show - who ate all the sausages Mr Crock. muzzies start raping and killing girls where i live, we gonna have muzzie hunting parties","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you won't date\/fuck x person you are x-phobic. Whatever happened to \"no means no\"? Nah you're pretty wrong. I don't find mentally retarded people attractive and I wouldn't date or bang them, that doesn't mean I hate them. I don't like dark skin, even when it's a tan, that doesn't make me racist. I also don't find trans people attractive, doesn't mean I hate them. Astonishing how simple some things are eh? Preferences are preferences","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sophhh_marie ugly emo trash go cut","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immanuel Macron Exposed!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just got banned for trying to post the Cards Against Humanity post from earlier today. Fucking cunts. Cunts. Absolute fucking cunts. I hope everyone watches their love one for of ass cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"No group is better or worse\" One of the most retarded statements EVER made. So a GROUP of PEDOPHILES is not worse than a GROUP of NURSES? muslims, for example, are followers of a sick set of rules by definition THEY ARE WORSE. BE SMARTER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Skyrim has loads, you just didn't take the time to get to know them. Assassins creed has even more, but again you just assumed they were straight because you're homophobic. Hello neighbor even has gay characters. The Witcher has gays, that one about vampires, hitman, loads of games have gay characters. You're just a cunt who doesn't play games trying to push an agenda in an area which you're not a part of because you were told by other people also not part of the community that it's a bad place and needs to cater to your whims. It does already, but you don't know, because you'd rather stay ignorant and have a villain to fight.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funniest yt comment I ever received was \"Niggers gonna nig *shrugs*\" .. lmao racist muthafucka caught me off guard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seal Border ... Deport ALL undesirables. Simple. Low Life Nigger Lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody gives me a trophy cause I'm old and colored #FavStarTweets ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck that creep gingrich and his high maintenance whore. sick of hannity and his acloyte levin interviewing that faggot like he's some conservative sage. faggot had his 1st wife sign divorce papers while in her hospital bed. his wife? his high school math teacher.. feal about what. niggroids? yids? spix? towelheads? eggrolls? faggits? commies?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can say fuck here. We won't be triggered, I fucking promise.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many days of the week? how many gods of rome and greece? How many letters in the sacred name of god according to christianity? how many angels are there of the church? how many planets are in the solar system? the answer is all the same, lost children. Your christianity is less about christ, and more about jupiter. You're too lazy to read Genesis chapter 1 to avoid embarrassing yourself huh? It literally would be less than an 8 x 11 sheet of paper. This is why Pagans do not own a blade of grass or have any temples, just sheer fuckin stupidity. The Bible needs to be in schools and we could avoid further Jewish subversion like this and get the national test scores up as well. Yeah, it's totally my fault he didn't read the first chapter so he wouldn't humiliate himself. All about Jupiter! Call someone else your mate, boy, doesn't work with us Germans. That's a quick route to having your throat crushed. Thanks, Island cunt. Bless ya! Fag -- still no interest in your Island faggotry terms whatsoever. You're shockingly stupid being confused about a post you commented on, just utterly clueless about the word \"Jupiter\" in the OP and my quoted post. It happened yesterday too, you're dumb. Take your Tlingit Indian Alaska art and go act stupid somewhere else. Stfu ignorant fag, Slavs are not white and Israelites aren't Jews. Your broke little pity party of 15 penniless pagans will never move a needle. You're not intelligent and that's why you're flat nigger broke. Read and evolve -- stop sitting on the lap of the Jew and be a man who can actually think and sustain himself. You're the penniless ones -- not us. Us? You're a joke friend. Attacking a women for not being white enough, spitting and cursing, and constantly proselytizing with some genesis or trinity turd story. But can't tell why. I tell you why, you lack honor mate. Follow your own words and I'll teach you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@thelovemaster \"I'm gonna nip you right in the bud!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just ask him for a source on that one. They'll never produce one. Quick way to shut down that discussion. That's where you're wrong shitlord. My source is you're racist! The funny thing was that he demanded sources to prove that communism had killed 100 million people. They are literally everywhere lol. He still defended communism after I posted multiple sources, and of course he attacked me for supporting Trump. That's a pretty easy source to produce and you won't find many people arguing against it because it's considered a historical fact at this point. Apparently not to the escaped lab experiment I was talking to. They are conflating deaths due to lack of availability to healthcare and such in capitalist societies to murdering of political opponents. For example if you cannot pay for your cancer treatment the communists consider that a capitalism-related death. [removed] What? [removed] Okay anon just chill. I know you don't like Jews but we talk about that on \/pol Yeah. Sure, pal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many J i h a d i s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Slavette actress Milla Jovovich, born Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich on December 17, 1975 in Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. Pretty sure that she's married and has kids now. I have known a few","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, without a doubt, there's no America without us Honkies. But while Juans should be admitted in small numbers, the ones that DO play by our rules and assimilate.... I'll take them 100 times a day over some feminist twat at UT Austin waving a dildo around campus and screaming about \"patriarchy!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol -- nice one, Boner. Now you sound even more retarded than the dirt scrapers you're supposedly trying to help.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@THEHermanCain @redskins I'm not a liberal and I support changing the name. It transcends standard political grandstanding.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good riddance to (((churchill's))) statues. He was a jew-loving militant cuck who murdered the Aryan race for the sake of rabid semitism and demonism. He was a degenerate fat faggot on top of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If they see the bully bulling her i would be Hey here is the middle finger and i would record what they did so the can get in real trouble","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The nigger is the one affirming the stereotype about niggers. It doesn't work anymore shithead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Farmer-General @Johnny_Benitez @PureWhiteEvil @Eye_of_Odin @DarkMaiden @123timmy @NoMoreWarsForIsrael @Screw-z-jews @DaveGreco33 @Whitelash99 @KevinDeplorableMacGowan @A_I_P@MolotovRibbentrop @Theosine @InfantryVet @SSoapovich @GregSims @RacMusic @bullfrog1488 @Nocans @markusenyart @UnCL3 @GoyGibson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look familiar... we need to get the cajun navy involved, and all you Oath keepers and 3%-ers this is your time to shine! This we'll defend amirite??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Drfreezeburnn That's not bias. It's an objective fact that Philly fans are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To those who do not know me, I am a Knight of the Klu Klux Klan, and do not have black friends, simply because they can not be trusted,not all, but the majority and if you cannot trust one then it is best to be safe and not trust any. But if I did have black friends they would be like these two, Mr.Jesse Lee Peterson and Rev. James David Manning. Go on YouTube and listen.. U AND YOUR. LITTLE FREINDS. NEED. 2 GET YOUR MOTHERFUCKIN. REDNECK ASSES. KICKED LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @robertbevan77: It's like The Walking Dead, but with less Carl and more talking birds. ZOMBIE ATTACK!!! http:\/\/t.co\/UOCsPyksSC http:\/\/t. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" monkey mad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a name for these cunts. Ubercuntch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's with you kikes and Hitler being gay? Do yall really want \"nazi\" dick that bad? Whats with you nazis being gay, fag? Go on dig more into your private stash of gay porn and post it to the world so you can show them what a faggot you are. LMAO i was wondering the same thing. what kind of jew sets up a gay porno shoot with six guys that all look like retarded siblings?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not the first time this nigger has done this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My son is 9 and still has issues tying his shoes because he's barefoot all the time, in case you wanted to know my hillbilly status.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Astronaughts should stick to what they know best... getting out there in space...perhaps the silly cunt should take his helmet off next time he's having a spacewalk. Fuck me these lefty scum give me the literal shits...and some of these useless cunts think that having fucked the good ole USA up the ass with their liberal crapola they can move to New Zealand","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allied assholes and baboon butt faggot jews can fuck off and die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about we cut these Muslims's throats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BitesBlog: Pat Martin Is Gonna Show Some Yankees a Thing or Two at the James Beard House Tonight http:\/\/t.co\/crWY99X7EQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you still not get the taste out? X","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She has such a retarded fucking face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay black man with sass vs a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel dirty just reading this, what is wrong with you nigger faggots?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White girl problem: Which nigger to shoot first.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter loses 9 million users amid bot crackdown \"bots\" https:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2018\/10\/25\/18021456\/twitter-q3-2018-earnings-9-million-mau-decline","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go suck a cock faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cowardly? What a little bitch you are hiding behind the American flag while promoting a mixed race and faggot loving society. You're a disgrace to mankind and a hemp of garbage to the evolution of man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That Racist Nigger Hated White People and it showed He wasn't a nigger, he was a mulatto. Which is nor here, nor there. The worst ambivalence. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're much too retarded to be ANYTHING, period, end of goddamn story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The water isn't yellow, I'm a healthy student\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're a muzzie it's neither.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We don't know if this dead-eyed cunt will get a pass or not, she probably will. He's a cuck for not instantly filing for divorce.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmmmmm..... On my dad's side: Grandpa: half Native American, half Irish, and so damn poor white trash that he was taken from his parents by the state (Definitely no slaves). Grandma: 100% Second generation Polack. Lived poor in Chicago (Definitely no slaves). On my mom's side: Grandpa: Dirt-floor poor farmer from rural Missouri. (Definitely no slaves, but racist af tbh) Grandma: grew up rich on long island. This is the only maybe, but I really can't see it with how hyper-liberal my grandma is. Tldr no fucking slaves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's obvious that gay people are the very opposite of stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/technology\/412335-jack-dorsey-complains-about-unfairness-if-san-francisco-homeless-tax-on #OperationFinalStand2018 #FreeInfowars #StopBigTech #SaveAmerica #WalkAway #StopTheBias","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some gay people made fun of me today. I wanted to kill them right there. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"10\/ Semi-related, that's the same with 2nd Amendment absolutists. Like Jim Losi seriously and literally says that there should be no restrictions on guns, including for criminals and the mentally ill. He told me that directly. If that's your position and you think you're a \"super patriot,\" you're actually just a retard. fuck off nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The moment American nationalists snap out of their LEFT vs. RIGHT \/ Dem vs. Rep bullshit false dichotomy will be the moment they start making headway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jazqui That's why I'm partially glad that I have to say \"Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here\" to slip into my Kermit voice well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SJWS WHINE THAT DWAYNE THE ROCK' JOHNSON IS NOT BLACK ENOUGH TO PLAY JOHN HENRY Dwayne The Rock' Johnson is getting flack for casting himself as an African-American folklore legend in an upcoming... Daily Mail - OCTOBER 12, 2018 https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/sjws-whine-that-dwayne-the-rock-johnson-is-not-black-enough-to-play-john-henry\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Give that cunt 20 years... make an example of her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot TRUMP FAGGOT SPOTTED!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Police dealing with nigger problems appropriately","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":",@KiroGx me gusta \"typing like a retard to make the other person look dumber by pretending to agree with them\" bazinga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/175334802554051\/photos\/a.176742852413246\/1300412680046252\/?type=3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Creating a Communist Utopia ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The big win would be to do what Trump did: get blue collar, traditional left-wing voters, engaged with populist measures. We need to migrate from liberal vs conservative to populist vs globalist. There is a window for Bernier to capture voters across the old traditional spectrums.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep posting this shit you retarded fuck. I know who you are because the last time you fucked up and posted with your main account. Its this faggot right here https:\/\/gab.ai\/MartyGraw spamming tranny porn through tags. Maybe they can look into the activities of your socks. @a Edit: Deleting your shit wont work. I have video screen capture","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gavin is a faggot but Richard Spencer just talks very sophisticated and eloquent. I don't think he's into dudes. He's married with kids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty over this whole Yankees thing, id rather lose in the ALCS every year then live in Detroit.. I miss the real Steinbrenner #glorydays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol. i got a similar thing, its called growing up in peckham. so whats your point cunt ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes the police had an undercover officer in them but the Twat shagged one of them put a bun in her oven and it ended in a scandal with the cops paying them 10's of thousands.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But once they go nigger they always want bigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most black kids don't even know who their dads are. But in this case it would have been been better if the piece of shit dad had fucked off before this poor kid was born https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CbQHbd Stupid white girl had his baby to start with! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White Nationalist movement set back decades by this hateful act. Anyone who admires this is not interested in solutions to what we face. We are now painted as hateful people now more than ever. So those of you among us who continue to spout hatred towards all Jews should be very proud of yourselves for destroying the work of those of us who sought to bring understanding of the injustices directed at European people by Communists seeking to dominate a world without Western culture or European people. The damage is done and the price will now be paid. We will all suffer now, more than ever. Nothing to celebrate here. REVEALED: Synagogue shooter is a gun-obsessed anti-Semite who believes Trump is a puppet for Jewish interests https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6324443\/Synagogue-shooting-suspect-Trump-hating-anti-Semitic-white-supremacist.html Antisemites are not good people - Nazis are not good people - Islamists are not good people - Hamas are not good people Some are more worthless than others - I see antisemites, Hamas, \"Palestinians\", Nazis, IRA, ISIS, Al Qaeda, as worthless You know what they all have in common - paedophiles PS - I've been discriminated against - haven't killed anyone .... yet Same here discriminated againtst since age of four when I would be caned at school for being left handed, still not a killer did make me ambidexterous tho!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am learning a lot about women at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"STUPID FUCKING NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islamic Jihadis run away to Pakistan @PureMonotheist @BemetOr8 #UniteBlue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 Rap is total Garbage. \"Song\" is too good a word for that shit. Behave as White Men and Shame the Wiggers! Pussy likes to listen to a Nigger cadence sometimes cause 'helps'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Centre-right. Like millions of decent folk :) Your self-proclaimed \"adequate literacy\" has declined to a new low. I acknowledged your claim of non-semitic heritage, and your insistence that your anti-White hatred is not instinctive, but self-hatred resulting from internalization of systemic semitism. Why do you insist on mischaracterizing this as a claim that you're a member of the Tribe? Sad! Your open admission of your befuddlement (and your grossly inadequate vocabulary) is appreciated. But your continued feeble attempts at prevarication are pathetic. EVERY post of yours is a vitriolic, incoherent attack on anyone who dares to express any positive White identity. Cite a single post where you have attacked a non-White for their identity. Furthermore I don't attack anyone of any race purely for their identity. That's what YOU do and why I kick your arse. I'm regularly seen on Twitter attacking other races who also demonstrate your ignorance. Black racists David Lammy and Diane Abbott are key targets of mine. You aren't on Twitter so you wouldn't know that would you. Check my banner pic here. Cater makes yet another feeble attempt to deny his obvious anti-White hatred Here he is again. Still in repetitive mode after being soundly made a twat of yesterday. Racist isn't an anti-white slur fella. All races can be racist. It's an anti-YOU slur. Don't pretend that you represent the white race lol --Cater makes yet another, feeble, pathetic, failed attempt to deny his obvious anti-White hatred and toxic semitism. --Repeatedly employs anti-White slur while doing so --Anti-Whites aren't very bright --Tell me more about how you call Negroes \"White devils,\" therefore you don't hate Whites Comical","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tuna is good the rest trash RT @AyeoFool: Cans of spam RT @MsBTxo: Most struggle food HAS TO BE any meat In a can, tuna included","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PhantomGourmet Someone gave me a nip of Baileys irish cream coffee, what can i use it with,suggestions?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Citation Needed] Unfortunately I have to agree. I've been festering here for years and I've not seen even one of those arguments made ever. This sounds like rubbish. Well, usually it's possible to find pretty much any opinion here as it's 100k people sub. Is that in any way relevant to the sub as entity? No. Is KiA even an entity ? No. It's just a sub full of shitposters from various backgrounds, political viewpoints, opinions, ethnicities, countries etc. There isn't one single thing that this sub would 100% agree on. Except that mods are evil, of course :-D \/s He believes in a caricature though. Like hey there's some sensible people here but some of them LITERALLY HATE WOMEN!!! And he literally believes that because we don't like that women get away with bullying? Because of a naughty Colin-esque joke somebody made? Like wow thanks for giving us a fair shake... I don't even like to give them the benefit of the doubt, because they simultaneously encourage a \"more allegations are more proof\" mentality, and posts like these could be seen as evidence, even though a biased SJW could have deliberately put it here with that intention. All you can say to accusations like that is \"grats you let an edgy 14 year old get to you, now go have a lie down.\" They give themselves all the benefit of the doubt in the world, and we get literally none of that, even though they are the ones who prefer censorship and threats over civil debate. He should go tell Ghazi to stop banning everybody for disagreeing with The Narrative, see how well that goes over. > All you can say to accusations like that is \"grats you let an edgy 57 year old get to you, now go have a lie down.\" FIFY ^_^. Seriously, for position #2 which he denounced. But it's a point I've been making since, oh, reading Heinlein's *Expanded Universe* in 1980, when I was an edgy 19 year old.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your right send this faggot back to Kenya","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Well, she's 30 and childless...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EVERY FUCKING TIME https:\/\/i.kinja-img.com\/gawker-media\/image\/upload\/s---CZXInLU--\/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600\/rsvosjbzueiydqfnbjtb.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] What is that flair loooool Only the cool ones get one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Must be a retarded lefty! Did your mother make the WRONG CHOICE! All Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoopi goes LOW; lashes out at Don Jr., implies his son has abusive tendencies after MeToo' criticism https:\/\/www.bizpacreview.com\/2018\/10\/02\/whoopi-goes-low-after-don-jr-s-metoo-criticism-you-only-worry-if-you-think-your-child-has-these-tendencies-679899","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanx Mazie....no big deal, just send back the money and everything will........ you're not gonna what ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The one braincelled Justine Castro Trudump aka TURD complete with his faggot socks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are confusing me with your kike whore of a mother, faggot. Go drown yourself in a vat of Zyklon B, you faggot cocksucking HEEB.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these women have such obvious respect and admiration for each other","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/1xTCOome3v","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is closely aligned with what I've always said: take only the no brainer trades and try as hard as you can not to be a cunt in the meantime. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Rb5j","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a cripple like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LIBTARDS THINK THIS RETARD IS A ROLE MODEL...LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The left is so RETARDED that they do a sign that actually reiterates exactly what the meme means! But they have NO intelligence to figure that out! LOL Democrats are RETARDS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheIronPony You rebel. Next you'll be ripping mattress tags off. It's a slippery slope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Silly CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GoneWithKalijah She was always a pathetic mutt desperately seeking attention and a purpose. No matter what JP writes that will never change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@neemjemoeder @SvensTweet @Harry_Dillema @wltrrr steek d morele vinger maar in j neus, zelfde soort types bij NATO stenigt vrouwen by bosjes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See!! Even the Nigger said so!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the person isn't retarded, they're just making an awful joke that makes no sense. That's...better, I think?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NPC boomercuck says... His free speech matters more than yours. The Constitution only protects his views, yours are \"dangerous. These old faggots need to die off already. Also, what's with random capitalization? He bitches about the speech of others and can't even fucking English properly. Boomers = age niggers. Uhhhh I'm a boomer, And if I were an age nigger I wouldn't be on Gab!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My friend's bitch is not like other dogs. She hates going for walks. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man, what happened to this subreddit... Try 4chan [deleted] 4chan has child porn, white supremacists and worst of all: A dedicated My Little Pony board. This is nothing compared to 4chan's depravity. Dude has definitely never been on 4chan. 4chan hasn't had Cheese Pizza since 2010, Just full of raging autists at this point >4chan has child porn You're off your rocker. Try one of the triple digit chans. (Or don't.) I haven't been on 4chan in years but CP used to be used to get threads deleted on \/b\/ >Try one of the triple digit chans. (Or don't.) I thought 8chan was supposed to be CP ridden too? 8chan had a CP raid last year from one Argentinan, because the anal cunt mods were all legitimately asleep. Other than that, I have seen nothing illegal on 8chan. There have certainly been instances of it on both 4 and 8, but it's so incredibly rare, it's not worth bringing up. It's practically a myth, or a legend. The weird triple digit chans are exclusively oriented to hosting child pornography. I found these sites on accident after following a literal labyrinth of redirecting links that went far beyond .com sites. Now here's hoping that the report I sent does something. It might be a myth now, but it definitely wasn't back in the day. Several years ago it was difficult to avoid on 4chan. Oh certainly. But the past is the past. What do you mean what happened? This is normal content for here. It used to be a lot more creative. This is just not funny or shocking at all Do you not know the regular meaning of monkey's uncle? The term monkey's uncle, most notably seen in the idiom \"(well) I'll be a monkey's uncle\", is used to express complete surprise, amazement or disbelief. So it is not even racist, smh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My 23 year old daughter thinks that each of these twats needs more punching.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oppressed woman caustic femininity https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=s3cBg_1538753912","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats aren't just stupid, they actuall have no intelligence at ALL! This is how their mind doesn't function! They are really programmed robots! Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John Leguizamo: GOP Now the Party of Sexual Assaulters, Pedophiles': http:\/\/valubit.cc\/john-leguizamo-gop-now-the-party-of-sexual-assaulters-pedophiles\/ This dumb wetback needs to look in the mirror. I'm sure he worked with Weinstein like all of the rest. So who's the rapists and pedophiles?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While I do think this girl is a horrible cunt with hideous eyebrows and would do the world a great service by disappearing, the guy was a weak minded fool. Anyone who can be convinced to commit suicide so easily deserves to die. Just my opinion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lay off the Weed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"9 anti-social behavior complaints. Sounds like a real cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that related to this post?? Can you explain why? Sounds juicy m8 It's not, he's on a rampage freaking out and posting all over PPD about my tyranny as a mod, seems this lad is a bit unstable. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/a99WK5T.png The backups, however, had also been corrupted, This doesn't make sense unless you're absolutely retarded. That's bad tech karma buddy. Yes, backups should be tested, but shit happens.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey dipshit, you're the one who said a 16 year old Serena Willams was in her prime. Your Wikipedia reference is shit because she was a child playing in some made-for-TV bullshit and not a real reflection of her abilities. I'm not saying she's as good as male tennis players, I'm just telling you that the way you went about \"proving it was incorrect and dumb. This is why you shouldn't just blindly cite Wikipedia articles when you don't know fuck-all about the topic. Idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking THIS. Too many retards on this sub demand that Gab stand purely on principle when its their future on the line. I can guarantee nobody here would have the balls to do it either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mister Metokur can be a fucking cunt sometimes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I m searching for a hitman right now to kill this whore and every other like her. H A T E W O M E N","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a muzzie troll","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This retard trump goes along with every obvious false flag their is. What a prick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusting Muslim justice. India: 18-year-old Muslim girl tied to tree for five hours and caned for relationship with Hindu boy India: 18-year-old Muslim girl tied to tree for five hours and caned for relationship with Hindu boy https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/india-18-year-old-muslim-girl-tied-to-tree-for-five-hours-and-caned-for-relationship-with-hindu-boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TODDIE_soPLAYER well since you is blood you get a G pass but only this time and I won't tell wop about that lyric situation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#southcarolina has a highschool graduation rate near 50% and that's why they have so many uninformed #teabaggers #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look ya'll I'm going to be friggin \"famous\"! (Puts pinky to my lips). I'm sure it'll be quite the roast...let's hope there's no burnt toast! dark mode? nah? peasant next time tag me faggot lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"even god hates dominicans. why else did he shit them out on the same monkey island as the haitians?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_C_Parris69_ your picture makes you look like a serious fag. #justsayin lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Shoq: He no doubt copied it from someone else. RT @KilloughCNN: Alert: The mock turtleneck is back. http:\/\/t.co\/uM7aTH7tHT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breaking: Christine Ford's Activist Lawyers REFUSE to Turn Over Her Polygraph Results and Therapy Notes https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-christine-fords-activist-lawyers-refuse-to-turn-over-her-polygraph-results-and-therapy-notes\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im sure my coffee taste different when 50 spoons stirred it. Aint going to drink it 50 cocks* FTFY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/CRTV\/status\/1054532426691686400 I do, Mr. President. I do. Check my profile. No a globalist is someone who wants to lower American standards and have a one world govt run by an unelected cabal that rules over the super poor with zero rights. The EU is the prototype, now look at Germany, France and England once great productive nations now shitholes with arrests for speech. Tell the truth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AllieLexiLove I like them dark, light, Carmel, white, red, tan, yellow, blue, purple, green. It doesnt matter what color they are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muted for being a complete fucktard. If you would wander off into an arctic waste naked and expire from exposure that would aid in the evolution of a better form of man. Thanks in advance. Another moronic cunt to mute.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That monkey is more intelligent than all of you women combined. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone pointed and laughed at the retards. The mainstream and local media parroted their arguments and games media kept making fun of them. The general public was telling them to fuck of constantly until there was an ESRB compromise. Which effectively just made the violent games more profitable. It's completely different imo. There's still a moral argument made, but it's one people have a hard time saying no to cause it's a secular moral argument. It's more manipulative on a larger scale. I wish it was religion doing this instead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> But we Jews are better than the Nazi One Robert Bowers is worth a thousand yids. By the time he arrives at the hospital, he would've been sedated, he wouldn't have been screaming as described. Silly Yid. This is America. We don't treat those we arrest as you treat the Palestinians your nation state arrests. My brother knows the guy, he's got this friend saw well he didn't see it, but he was standing next to the person that saw it, and that person told him, according to him, what they saw was that. I can't believe you'd be so darn stupid as to not believe that. That's what was said was seen By the guy standing next to the friend of the brother I got that he knows. Right okay. Yeah. So brave of him to murder old people in a synagogue. What a guy. Their Bolshevik ancestors did far worse. https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/d\/dd\/The_Persistence_of_Memory.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WADL @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - So then you must have bounced that faggot off the roof of the bar. Whoever cleaned up the resulting splatter below should wash his hands thoroughly in hot soapy water.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meanwhile, I just saw a thread on 4chan about how the game does too much to distance itself from white supremacist themes and injects too much Social Justice in... Just goes to show, you really just can't win. So far, I've really enjoyed the game, for what it's worth. While some of the writing may be a bit too \"careful,\" the acting is great. The action is immersive. It feels very nice. You're not wrong. So far everyone tells the mildly racist gang member to shut up with his nonsense. there's a unique encounter where I happened upon a klan meeting at night in the woods. While watching my character grumbled about how he was going to \"kill everyone of you hooded rats\" before I even pulled a weapon. I mean yeah the KKK is bad, I just find it funny that a clearly very simple and ignorant white man in 1899 knew how woke it was to avoid bigotry and supremacy. I haven't heard it yet from them but both times they were involved in some \"burning crosses in the woods\" activities and it wasn't a point of conversation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">She saw that I was weak today The fucking narcissism of these fragile twats is astonishing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Found some asshole liberals on gab. Twitter's not protecting you bitches here. Yeah that's a douche, but give the retard credit for not trying the \"I USED to support Trump, but now....\" Bullshit. Those are the worst ones. Trying to act like they WERE with Trump, those are the most pathetic ones!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swedish police think they can reduce the number of shootings with \"stop shooting campaign https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/swedish-police-think-they-can-reduce-the-number-of-shootings-with-stop-shooting-campaign\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women murder twice as many children as men do yet there is no special mention of this in VAWA. It's a shitty thing to kill your kid. Maybe she had her reasons like she didn't want to be a mother, but then the cunt has another kid and snuffs that one out too. They need to rip her uterus out with a rusty fish hook and then lock her up for life with no parole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ugh, like you shitlords just don't get it, if someone does something as heinous as wrong think or disagreeing with the hivemind of tumblr then they are literally worse then hitler, like I shouldn't have to tell you but its impossible to be friends with people who have different political views? why because they baisically are closed minded redneck bigots(im with her). and#x200B; Don't even get me started on artists, entertainers and actors!, like if you aren't 100% always drawing every character as a fat disabled black lesbian, or only making movies with only black actors for peak diversity then you are actually oppressing us! im a trans species black lesbian worm-kin and you people are messing with the wrong people!, you are a minority! tumblr has taught me that everyone is secretly trans and just not saying anything about it you are out numberd and when the day of retribution comes we will lock all of you filthy cis up and throw away the key!, when will you learn your antiquated views of \"having your own opinion\" and \"thinking for yourself\" (lmao) are long over! cant wait for all you old fucks to die off so us young smrtr people can do more better for the world! literally babyboomers are the worst they are the reason the world is shit!. and don't even get me started on grandparents and great grandparents, we should paint over every mural of white men from ww1 and ww2, and tear down all the statues that have white men on them! and replace them with more appropriate black disabled women statues! seeing as baisically all things were created by melanin enriched genius black women! and white men just white washed history to erase that!. fucking bigots. and#x200B; fuck white people fuck Donald trump. and#x200B; and#x200B; edit: for some reason my paragraph posted 2 times.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She asked why rapist could get a few months while false accusers could get 2 years. That wouldn't make sense, however I'm inclined to believe rapists get more than 2 years.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"or when the man walked up to the little girl with the gay pride flag i wanted to jump into the video and punch him but ya know thats assault","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"F u c k all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The most retarded thing to say. Don't vote? wtf? We live in a vacuum? Hand over power to the Democrats? Get the fuck out of here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm bisexual. I can't stand the local LGBTBBQLMNOP community. End of story. Why? Why \"breeder\" is a bad thing? It's used as a perjorative slur. Generally it implies that someone is pretending to be gay but is in fact straight and as a person is only good for adding to the population, implying in the process low intelligence, low worth, etc. They deem superior for not having kids?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EVERYTHING You NEED to Know about Comey and his History, by \/pol\/ Anon -> HSBC? https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/The_ Donald\/comments\/6ggy2l\/ everything_you_need_to_know_ about_comey_and_his\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"My grandma used to call me a porch monkey all the time... Come to think of it she did refer to a broken bottle as a nigger knife\" ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_n1k_nak Status Report: Making a pit stop in Canada to rape bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the faggot cops do nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That twat needs to shut her face hole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of immigrants ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many m u z z i e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have such strong admiration for disabled people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another 'expatriate' from Twitter, tho I still use the little blue bird, as I avoid going too hardcore there. I'm Bruno from Portugal, 31 years old, homosexual (not a militant \/ activist \/ degenerate of the dozens). I'm new to Gab and I'm enjoying it so far. Especially the free speech. LMAO! Thanks for the mute, hater! ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks Comedian! https:\/\/redd.it\/9n1pc6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ZitlalyL: It's okay chiquito I'm not in the ghetto anymore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First time on Gab. Found it cause I just got another 7 day Twitter time out for calling Andrea Mitchell a bimbo. They suspended me for hate speech within about 5 seconds of the tweet. Welcome, and glad you're here. Let them wardens go son,... I dropped them after 'one' 12 hour suspension for calling a silicon valley twat employee a mongoloid who provoked ME. And that was enough. Easy choice to leave a little following to be able to speak! Happy to follow back!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Buster_ESPN Huh.....last 10 games..Tampa 8-2\/Balt 7-3\/Yanks 6-4...and they lost their best pitcher. Please explain your logic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ladies, I need your help. I'm 5'1 tall, 46 years old and 20 pounds too heavy. Please give me your dieting advice. Thanks in advance, Short Pudgey Rachel. #DLOG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm \"muting\" all those that hate Jews, hate anyone unlike themselves, or themselves use the word \"hate\" over and over in their posts. I want them in their own little echo chamber talking among themselves. Unfollow AND mute! It is the only way to keep GAB from putting before you over and over people of hate. Good luck with that, new h88ers join every day faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Left: You can love whoever you want Also the Left: If you don't love who we say, you are a bigot Ok, still not going to date one.... you say that today; liberals will pass a law that requires you not only date one but marry one and have babies w\/him-her-it De Blasio Signs Bill Adding Third Gender, X,' To Birth Certificates https:\/\/newyork.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/09\/third-gender-category-x-new-york-city\/ note the liberal 'actress' newscaster is reporting this w\/ a straight face Ok, I'd like to know how? It can't make babies... oh contraire liberals say they can do anything their demon minds conceive, even change God's natural laws not in defiance of #Conservatives but of God Himself Men having Babies Funds Men who want to be Biological Parents https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rVQjuchoZDk @philpatterson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" A mannequin as a stand-in....yikes! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still posting loli never posted or even looked up any loli really until now #catgirl #cute Ravioli ravioli, Torba please stop censoring the Loli. I am going to report you two thanks for the evidance they pretend to be tough guys yet when they see pictures they don't like they running to Torba like Torba is some kind of playground supervisor. \"wwaahh tell 'em Torba. they're posting things I don't like. Make 'em stop Torba. Waaahh!\" *sniffle*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish he would be shot in the street. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Former NFL Player Colin Kaepernick Gets Award From Harvard and claims \"'Love is at the root of our resistance, and it will fortify everything we do' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6267905\/Colin-Kaepernick-Dave-Chappelle-receive-Harvard-black-history-award.html Like our honours list every year, these awards are becoming meaningless due to the people who are receiving them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good post. Deserves to be \"hot\" so lets upvote. It's always good to get information right from the horse's mouth. This is yet another example of \"alpha fucks, beta bucks\" in action, and this one basically admits we men should be grateful to get them after they've spent their 20's having sex with over 100 men. No thanks, guys. You know the drill. The more you guys wake up other (unaware) blue pills, the less these women will get validation and the quicker we can get that nice collapse of western civilization we all want as men basically \"quit\" participating in the system, thus bankrupting it and the social programs these women rely on. ;) yo..kilallwomen","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love how the people on TwoX say the TheRedPill, MensRights, pussypassdenied, etc are echo chambers for apparent 'women-hating' but comments are very rarely deleted there and I've seen some of the crassest and most disgusting shit from brigaders on the larger threads. Yet TwoX is an actual echo chamber for self-delusional people who censor anyone with an other opinion. Have an opinion that seems to actually supported by many people? \"No you're disgusting stop being a women hater it's her body it's her life\" blah blah banned. Im not saying the double standard doesnt exist but Theredpill is pretty bad at times when its focused on women lol For real, most comments there are just a bunch of dudes circlejerking about their superiority over women and bluepilleds You've misunderstood TRP if you think that's what's happening. Of course the occasional, lost incel wander in there and try to start the kind of circlejerk you think the whole sub is. But really, some dudes just want to talk shit about women, regardless of sub, or even topic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people coons. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt has gotta go down...the hard way!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He should sue that woman, facebook and the police. Why facebook? Because the lady used it to make a false account as a whitness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You fucking retards don't know shitty content when you see it. This don't belong here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see that weirdo Richard Branson was moaning about Brexit today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sadly, they want us to take action instead of stepping up to the plate and not putting themselves in harms way. These retard kids have no thought process other then victimization... it won't go well for them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Signed. Fuck these cunts....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She looks like some angry bees stung her lips. Don't you know? That's the look! That drives men craaaazy these days! \/s Oh, a fellow cosmo reader! I just love their sex tips for spicing up that boring old bedroom, don't you? My favorite was last week when I jammed a cactus up my lovers ass and then smashed his dick with a +4 warhammer of frost- dipped in chocolate, of course! That is such bullshit. No way you can get a +4 warhammer of frost more than 1\/8th an inch into chocolate before it is too hard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a fuckable looking person in the whole crowd. what does that matter [deleted] Fun fact : a study showed that adding \"a study in front of a point made more people believing you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's cuz he's a retarded fgt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EvanBecker513 @_TriggaPlease_ @MorbidMermaid @zooyorkinit @_ShayisdaBOMB_ @Rainbowblake because she's a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do you hate White people so much? Is your mindless hatred driven mostly by your toxic semitism, or is your homosexuality a factor as well? Just curious. Yeah, I'm just highlighting his near-total lack of self-awareness. It's a good illustration for others, but trying to convince a tick to not drink blood wouldn't be worthy of your time. That's the benefit of doing these kind of things in public. Plus you have him spending time on this, as a form of social babysitting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"these fucks have no shame http:\/\/archive.is\/BfnoM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is John Hanson? A \"Black\" Man, A Moor, John Hansonwas the First President of the United States! George... http:\/\/t.co\/rpSeqjD3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: she paid $5 to hold the monkey and look what he did this monkey real af http:\/\/t.co\/NgeCuWehHb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glad I ain't got no bird legs ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Goosebumps when the beat drops ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British government will,go with the raghead law. Best of luck UK. You will need all,you can get.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And your retarded and a pervert. Next question ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Craving brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up, you nigger faggot. Your degenerate shit is against the law and against Gab's TOS. Fuck off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i reblogged them to mock her god bless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other trans people are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just look at that, not a nigger or a goat f*cker in sight. Just before Australia became infected with #multiculturalism and \"diversity\". #ScoMo #Anglosphere #PaulineHanson #Labor #history #WhiteGenocide","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dreamed I was eating a brownie and started salivating and woke up almost coughing myself to death. Today is a struggle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"maybe...maybe not but have you ever actually looked at the supposed list of 109 countries? I have, many are cities NOT countries and many more are listed two or more times there is NO \"109 countries\" It's NOT 109 locations, MANY locations are listed multiple times it's 109 EVENTS your guys \"109 countries\" is off by 26%, is it really any wonder you have no credibility? I bring it up because Trotsky, after being financed in NY by Fed Jews, recruited Jewish child murderers who were expelled from Moscow and came to the US to be safe from prosecution Dullard, they are listed more than once because people were foolish enough to readmit Jews, and years later, after enough horrific Jewish crimes had once again been committed, they were expelled AGAIN. You laugh off Jews mass raping and murdering children and being expelled from countries or cities, like you love it and being listed more than once does not mean they count more than once, Dullard It does if it happened during a different time, dullard :^) Youre arguing semantics nobody cares about, faggot :^)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCKING RETARDS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oreo milkshakes will forever remind me of @jay_ibarra95","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You old bitter,salty ass niccas make my flesh crawl off my bones! Such bitches you are! #DontArgueJustAcceptIt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This and all the other \"ta! ta!\" catch phrases the left throw around to try and dismiss any counter argument just piss me off so much. \"False equivalence\" is another retarded one. Basically, invalidate whatever you say because your opinion is wrong. Please don't lump all lefties in with SJWs\/feminism. Its equally as retarded as the people who lump all right wingers in with neo-nazis. Yeah, I'm left and I think the sjw and PC movement is fucking retarded. Why did you put retarded in quotation marks? This is r\/pussypassdenied. Put it in all caps next time. No one cares.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHY ARE ALL THESE FUCKING FAGGOT PINK PUSSY HAT WEARING DIPSHITS PUTTING ME ON FOLLOW ??? WHAT PART OF. \"I HATE LOATHE AND AND AM DISGUSTED WITH ALL FREAKAZIODS FAGGOTS AND DYKES...THIS INCLUDES FAGGOTS WEARING DYKISH PINK PUSSY HATS !!!\" I need to go cool off now !!! Im so disgusted right now i could puke !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate entitled cunts like her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DamianHuffaker you're from a trash can","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/media.8ch.net\/file_store\/2ece5e04e9ffeb930f7c26f16116858a7b84a8049908b11e4f373690888ec32c.png","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't have to bash at me on the internet. Just state the reason why you don't like him. I thought he was quite a nice guy, but you guys' opinion made me think otherwise. You're right...what I did was not exactly kind Ben Shapiro = Establishment Establishment = the abuse and death of men That motherfucker is only interested in his own worldview, which might best be summed up as Reaganomics and religious fundamentalism, albeit fundamentalism with a decidedly Zionist bent Abstain from current paradigm(s) to truly GYOW. Every horseshit political and economic theory got us right to this very place we are now Sincere apologies for my rudeness. It was coming from the place in my heart that truly despises Ben Shapiro.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is every Jewish cunt working in tech and media in LA, NY and SF.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thoughts. Numerical scores are cancer Edit: I mean, dunk on bad reviews all you want. But when people start threatening reviewers (didn't someone get threatened over No Man's Sky and Zelda too?), it just leads to shit like this. I'm sorry, but IDGAF anymore about internet \"death threats.\" Contact with internet crazies and low effort trolls is part of the deal if you want to be public facing on the internet. Either you can deal with it and use the brand advantage offered by being public facing, or you stay anon or pseudonymous with less e-celeb status too boost your dopamine. But don't expect me to demand \"change\" or offer sympathy because you got trolled and like a retard, decided to cry about it publicly. I bet they are lying about the threats too. We've seen the lengths these people will go to just to force their agenda. Making up threats is one of them. Quite frankly, they have no credibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An example of how retarded the Loli Ban is: These two girls are from the same video game (Tales of the Abyss), and yes, they're both the same age. Only uh-oh, it turns out that their age is 16, so do you now ban lewds of the well-developed Tear along with hentai of Fake Loli Arietta? And 16 is an especially messy age, because that's actually legal in many US states. To the contrary, to restore civility to our political process and to restore faith in our institutions, i truly believe this specific issue deserves an expedited judicial review. Ya pretty much its turned into a virture signalling horseshit storm. \"WHOA WHOA WHOA GRANDPY LAMPS. ARE YOU SAYING THAT THERE'S MORE IMPORTANT SHIT TO WORRY ABOUT THAN ANIMU WEEB SHIT ON THE INTERNETZ? PEDO DEFENDER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!\" - sperg Well 18 is the lowest age for real porn regardless of state AoC.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@caraabastow That's a cute and fuzzy one...hehehe ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barbaric backward scum - easy way to murder someone in that shithole is to say they \"insulted the prophet\" No matter that all those retarded rapists and terrorists insult their religion on a DAILY basis! Hypocritcal backward savages. UK should tell ANY harm and you can all your countrymen back and no more Aid!. Will never happen, Christian = expendable!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kill every white people mercylessly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do people really not realise that disabled people are disgusting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.removeddit.com\/r\/canada\/comments\/9nc98f\/it_was_like_a_nightmare_police_investigate_fire\/e7la0mp Hopefully that link works. Im on mobile. Even the most gentle criticism of the CBC is removed. I got in to quite the dustup with the mods over that one... The chucklefuck mods replied to me with this >Partisan-backed media-bashing of perceived enemy press is grossly undemocratic and intolerable suppression of journalism in any society that claims to care about freedom of expression. Put actual effort into criticism of the ARTICLE next time. Its not even them, its OrzBlueFog, Cadaren99, ManofManyTalentz and AbsoluteTruth. Their own little alt-left mod clique. There's a reason they won't release mod logs - these guys are doing the vast majority of the moderating and its massively biased. I don't expect them to release mod logs, but they have to get their fuckin mods in line. \/r\/canada mod team, is criticizing the CBC actually against your rules? Can you please revise the rules to reflect the arbitrary left wing insanity that your mods make up on the fly every day? Like in \/r\/CanadaPolitics, nobody ever knows what will get removed and what wont' because it depends on whether your sissy lefty mods are on their rags or not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you have less than zero plan or power to enact your nothing plan. And to be honest, you're too dumb to have any say in anything real. So enjoy getting raped to death by niggers. I don't have a habit of associating with niggers tbh. Ever watch a nigger riot? Ever pay attention to their lines? Because they are laughably 100% identical to yours. Bwahahahha, a mentally ill nigger? Watch that nigger get back on his lithium and do a 180 in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Right! Every smart phone I've had just makes a little notify beep during the call. Smart phone, little bit of oxymoron, for special people What is so intelligent in using less of your brain by these conscience programs that do the action of memorizing your phone-Numbers\/contact-Info and the action of Dail that number on a simple press?... Sounds extremely intellectually lazy if you ask me...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm guessing this is about Mia Khalifa... [deleted] Are you dumb? ARE YOU DUMB?!?!??????? I cannot wrap my head around the conclusions you jumped to. You put women to shame. What happened? Gimme the deets He responded with some \"Why does a grown man have a 14 year old on snap? Then he went to my profile, saw my AskWomen post, and proceeded to write a comment \"warning people not to answer because I was a pedophile and why would they tell complete strangers their bra sizes. He didn't look at my comment history. He just hopped, skipped, and jumped straight to a ludicrous outcome. No lol, if someone irritates me I just cut them out of my life. Every single person will irritate you at some point if you're around them long enough Its how you deal with it that matters and cutting them out of your life will leave you a crazy cat lady Yeah sure, right now I have 3 really good friends who I share a lot of fun with and even they get on my nerves slightly sometimes, but when people are more hassle than they're worth I just ditch them. Having people on facebook who just post retarded shit and complain about nothing is something I could never do. [deleted] 3 is fine for me. I have more friends online who I speak to on teamspeak every day - about What about her? What a cunt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People need to stop giving a rat's ass about what celebrities are up to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll snap your neck. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that hoe??? thats exactly what dese hoes doin. Gettin fucked nd yall niggas the one to blame","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" What the holy hell?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow you people hate women, holy moly Nobody hates women, it's about the double standard put in place that woman can hit anyone and get away with it cause they're a woman but if this was a dude everyone would be fine with it that cop employed an appropriate amount of force, he had to break her face, he and his 3 giant cop friends were about to die btw no, this is pretty fucked up regardless of gender. get a different job if you can't deal with drunk people without literally shattering their skull. How about don't start slapping at a cop while getting forcibly escorted for whatever reason we don't even know of and don't get hit back. If this was a guy no one would bat an eye. She was literally assaulting the officer lmao you can even see her going in for more swings after the first hit So yeah he should just ignore her while she is repeatedly trying to hit him just because she's a woman, makes sense. She had it coming. You don't have any privileges In hitting someone just because you have a vagina","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Goddamn Filthy Black Nigger Beasts don't belong in White Societies. I'm tired of seeing all these bullshit propaganda photos. They are not us and it's time we rid ourselves of these fucking worthless and destructive parasites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many muzzi3s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why? How? when? or are you just a bitch made retard that has found GAB?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">anglin says something retarded new day, same old shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"10th October 1989 the IRA murdered Thomas Gibson, Married father of 14 mth old daughter. Labourer shot sitting in car, Kilrea. Waiting for van to collect him to work in Ballymoney on home for elderly. Working extra hours as trying to build house. TA Lance Corporal. The Territorial Army as it was then known, wasn't mobilised or used at all in NI. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpGYmBDWsAEJbTs.jpg:large MUTED CUNT STAY OUT OF BRIT FAM.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WATCH: MURDERING DYKE Hillary Demands Glasses of Water as She Coughs Her Way Through Europe https:\/\/truepundit.com\/watch-hillary-demands-glasses-of-water-as-she-coughs-her-way-through-europe\/ Will she spit up a big green snot ball and spit it in her water ? She has before , that nasty filthy cunt bag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did Miss Cunt spell her last name wrong on twatter?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D3ath to all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So by your retarded logic people who like Metal\/Goth music worship the devil and people who play Call of Duty or GTA are all homicidal maniacs wanting to shoot up the joint. How many times were you dropped on your head as a baby?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well. people just NEED TO SHOOT THOSE COMMUNIST BASTARDS WHO TRY AND STEAL ONES CHILD OR CHILDREN. glad i'm not raising kids today, and back when those COMMUNIST SOB'S STARTED THAT FORCE BUSING BS, I STOOD UP AND MY SON WASN'T BUSSED ACROSS OUR TOWN TO SOME NIGGER SCHOOL. because i grabbed his PRINCIPLE BY THE STACKING SWIVEL AND TOLD HIM I WOULD WHIP HIS ASS EVERYDAY UNTIL HE GOT TYHE FKING MESSAGE. of course he called the cops, they came to my home and i told them i MEANT WHAT I SAID. they relayed this back to that PUSSY PRINCIPLE, and told him he had better listen, he did, end of problem, and PARENTS NEED TO USE FORCE TO END THIS BS TODAY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thick twat spelt TRAINS wrong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Geology has proven there was no global flood so the Bible cannot be accurate. If it is inaccurate in its basic story about the history of the world there is no reason to believe it when it describes miracles that cannot be documented one way or the other. It is one thing to believe without evidence, it is quite another to believe AGAINST evidence. So you have faith in Geologists then? Good thing a geologist has never been wrong. He's long since rotted away so it makes no difference what he looked like, if he existed at all. Wrong again,Yehovh has been with God the heavenly father before the world was, in spirit.(as a Angel)as we go into the world war What is more likely? God needs to kill his own son to reconfigure the moral structure of the universe he made from nothing, or some wacko thought he was the son of god and got himself executed? You have it wrong, God created people with a free will. They sinned and later and the punishment for sin is death or in hell. He sent Jesus to pay our PRICE for our SINS. He didn't have to but He had so much love that He went to the cross just for us Why not just forgive without nailing anyone to anything? I told you Judge that people had free will and they chose sin. God does not let sin enter heaven so we end up in hell. God's love was so great he sent his Son to pay for it. This was the Roman way of executing people back then. Cut out the middleman and forgive. It's just wacky. It's game logic. You need a mystic talisman to get through the gate. Why? Because, that's why! You're right. Leave questioning the Bible retard god's methods to qualified professionals. Yeah, but you're a retard who should not be permitted to own a butter knife.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Oh, is that right?](https:\/\/i.kym-cdn.com\/photos\/images\/original\/000\/430\/877\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol, looks like this shit-hole site is probably going to get shut down, maybe @a should have been a little less concerned with banning drawings and a little more concerned with banning violent extremists, terrorists, and fed-posters, but hey, that's just my opinion. >free speech site >one nutjob goes off >dipshit 'owner' just lets the ZOG run EFF BEE EYE take everything and ruin our saturdays why are all 'christian conservatives' such suicidal cucks?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted? Louis Farrakhan https:\/\/disqus.com\/home\/discussion\/channel-politicalrhetoricbusters\/the_vatican_pizzagate_lolita_express_harvey_weinstein_etc\/ While I find Louis Farrakhan a loathsome individual and worthy of everyone's contempt, I would remind Mr. Clarence Spangle of the adage \"Even a blind hog finds an ear of corn once in a while\". James Douglass 05K USASA 70-73 Not in my neighborhood. \"Every man must know that the new Movement can offer honor and fame in the eyes of posterity, but nothing in the present. Mein Kampf ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never said that Muslims are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists promoting violence. Should've started with her Daddy? Only saying. Another High IQ white person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the fuck is following them? Are you just a troll or retarded? I'm seriously asking. It has to be one or the other. If you say I'm retarded then so be it. Your reaction to my comment tells me you're the retarded one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You ol trout mouth ass bitch\" DEEEEAAAADD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look, I'm a #Nationalist that even believes in the #freedom of #religious, and #denominational #separatism. As a Christian I do not believe the SECULAR state of Israel is a fulfillment of Judain repentance, and Messianic Zionism. But they deserve a Nation as we do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know what kills more than guns each year? Obesity. Yet instead of doing something about it, the left wants to tell overweight people there's nothing wrong with it. If you're serious about saving lives, you'll encourage them to lose weight. You can not tell me this is healthy and OK. Think Harambe would have shot himself on seeing that. They let their ancestors down......prob smells like boiled grease","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Portugal and Spain was united into a Iberia Soon?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And people wonder why we need to #DrainTheSwamp. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica on November 6th.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Grave of a Pagan Bishop in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral. Oddly enough, it is pretty much the only thing that survived after the Luftwaffe bombed it in WW LOL get f**ked, heathen faggot :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching this fucking retard gave me Cock Inversion Syndrome. Muslim Queer Genderfluid - yeah, Islam loves those. Just ask them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/20\/andrew-gillums-family-under-investigation-may-have-engaged-in-voter-fraud\/?utm_medium=socialandutm_source=facebookandfbclid=IwAR3qYmaYJcyV5F3ZUp3A7FePsJVPWc2GVPHrymahUHlYFBdCcjTrR0KVClkandfbclid=IwAR1zXHLE45SvNe7C6BnU5dYFc9lHr91Kk3qAnJlTkEStePopA6ykVbjITp8 Hey @IronPatriot76 ! Do u remember Peter Wright from G+ ?? https:\/\/plus.google.com\/b\/102063933327985513144\/102063933327985513144","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disproved things? Like the Tabula Rasa? :3 (He doesn't know that's the entire point.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah man you were winning but now you look like a massive faggot by going through his history","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is he really orange? I don't think that he's orange. The only pictures I see with the oranginess seems photoshopped that way. I'm convinced it's the gay mafia playing at social engineering tricks. It's really getting out of hand. Even tweaking the mic during the debates to make the snorting sound when he breathes. Very well, the fly on Hillary's face is real. the faggot media??? hahahahha. I hope all faggot perverts die a horrible death from AIDS or anything else","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is gonna hurt the @DNC commission check this month: $ VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS!!! GET THE DEMOCRATS AND RINOS OUT SO WE CAN GET THE WALL BUILT!!! The wall will never be built. The wall is currently under construction contrary to what the LSM is saying: https:\/\/www.nationalreview.com\/2018\/06\/us-mexico-border-wall-being-built-slowly\/ A token effort when you consider the enormity of the project. It will never be built. The wall really was bait for gullible uneducated rednecks Uneducated rednecks? While champagne Socialists with worthless degrees in Gender Studies throw around the term \"rednecks \" like it's something to be ashamed of...a redneck is a farmer or rancher. You know, the people who actually grow the food you eat everyday and have real jobs and families to support. My family were farmers and ranchers. I graduated from a university with a degree in a field that is actually relevant and I can support myself. I paid my own way through college by working. I believe that the Wall will be finished. I guess if you're an idiot with no logical arguments against this but, one liners and pathetic leftist memes I can understand why you don't. The left is like a feudal society. They are either super wealthy or the vast majority of losers who are their sycophants. I used to be a Democrat as were many of my colleagues. I #Walkedaway during the 2016 election and most of my friends have since then. No one sane wants to be associated with what the Democrats represent now. Actually the Kavanaugh debacle was the last straw for the few remainer Democrat friends. The Democrats apparently forgot that many of us have brothers, sons, husbands and friends who are MALE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would call this peak SJW, but they'll have topped it by tomorrow. But for the moment... this is peak SJW. And peak retardation. Where's that impossibru\/mindblown\/futurama-not-sure-if-stupid meme, because I can't even. This is bitcoin level graph of retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This priest is being hated even by his stupid god. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@geokthree I literally just told @Black_SinS to his face how trash he is at the shop in hooping","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That pasty cunt wouldnt know what hit it, if it came down to shooting!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retard who hates America yet still lives here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spartacus!!!!!!! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/ Ummm Cory Booker doing some unauthorized touching in the men's room #HimToo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I dunno, why is goyimgoddess(sinead mccarthy) hanging out with niggers?? http:\/\/www.europeanknightsproject.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/12\/sinead-mccarthy-mudshark-blacks-.png Except I didn't call her crazy, I called her a filthy whore. Learn to read before you make retarded comments again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Conservative speech is not tolerated ....check out the colleges...communism spawned there I am so okay with this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing that there is ongoing arument raging about @CarolynEmerick, I will add my two cents. I can confirm what @basedputin and @FrauWolf1933 are saying. I have unfollowed and keep @CarolynEmerick on ignore after seeing her using anti-White slurs against Whites and debasing Meds. Which is rich coming from a person with such prominent epicanthic folds LOL @FrauWolf1933 For the record: who are you talking about here? for the record I was reply to a post about the air head @CarolynEmerick...that is who that comment was about #IStandWithCarolyn you can do whatever you want #IDoNotStandWithCarolyn @CarolynEmerick is making friends all over the place! #FakePagans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"obviously it's not enough, the cunt is still breathing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girl:(anxiety attack) Dog: you good bro?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course they do that. It's Human Nature. Their worldview is threatened. A realistic view of what organized Jewish power is actually doing 2 us tears down the narrative that almost every American believes. Even worse, unless ur a faggot or a sociopath it demands u do something about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just got myself put in FakeBook Jail for posting a meme that says \"Fuck Islam- the only good muzzie is a dead muzzie\". FakeBook says it #HateSpeech. Hmmm, I don't see it that way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She was and ... https:\/\/www.mprnews.org\/story\/2018\/10\/12\/ellison-divorce-records-ordered-unsealed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I h4te Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Statements like \"women are scum\" are deeply hurtful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you feel better about it now that you've vented? Does it make you feel important calling people names? Maybe being called names also makes you feel special you dumb bitchass non-comprehending twat. How's that? POLITICALLY. I SAID POLITICALLY. you are obviously too fucking thick to get that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh wait I meant r\/lgbt LGBTQQIAAP FIFY There's so much crossover between LGBT and child abuse too. What the fuck happened. What happened is lefties pushing for tolerance and promoting degeneracy en masse. Gays reproduce by abusing children and that said, you watch them try to normalise pedophilia over the next decade. It's already started with female school teachers fucking their teenage students but once that Overton Window shifts further to the left, and pedophilia is no longer considered taboo to talk about, society will enter a free fall. That's how it actually starts ask damn near anyone of them they were \"touched\" in some way by someone in their life. Cause every excuse doesn't make any sense I've heard born this way, and it's not a choice. People would get demonized for it, but it's true it's all BS to satisfy their egos and that's it. Flame away, but if you want to be gay that's fine, but don't try to get me or others to give out sympathy for fucked up world views is all I'm asking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: RECAP: In epic storybook ending, Derek Jeter closes his last game in Bronx with a #walkoff. http:\/\/t.co\/Dl390SbteQ http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seems like to me \"Grab em by the pussy isn't such a bad idea. Sure is nice to wake up to no tranny porn It's been over 24 hours of not being slammed with that fairy gay faggot tranny porn shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Southern born Rebel !! South Carolina !! Fuck that Nigger !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only bl4ck people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My kitten was just laying on his bed next to me sleeping and when I touched his head he flipped out of it and hit the wall. I feel so bad for laughing but it was so funny. My Kitten is A Transexual Michael Robbins , who was formally a kitten and a American football player known as \" Michael Robbins\" now known as Michelle... Why are you obsessed with tranny cock? Do you want it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A GWB appointee. There goes the ACTIVIST JUDGES slant. Oh wait? It's already been exposed as completely farcical. A GWB appointee.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's pronounced Nigger you stupid SHITSKIN ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that black people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Myley Cyrus is a no holes barred slut. Sorry little whore, go be slutty somewhere else. Nobody here respects you. She's like the arch entrance to a theme park You can see the brown discoloration that suggests its more roast beef than pink taco LMMFAO LMMFAO LMMFAO Reckon it's been blackened? I wouldn't be surprised and this is what 8 - 12 yr olds listen too until their recently separated mums start bring the blacks home. That's when girls start drinking and smoking weed listening to rap, dating blacks while there fathers a left wondering what happened https:\/\/youtu.be\/AbHhNCb_Mtk Poor girls... :( You have to be insensitive to not be embarrassed in front of someone else even if she's a friend and that's your mother - thick skinned is a good thing for bad examples. They'll probably end up the same way judging by the responsive behaviour Wtf Lolol Betty rottencrotch She's inviting but nobody's coming. she needs to wash that it's dirty and you f'n see it's dirty OMFG If she had as many pricks sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her, she'd look like a porcupine. And thank God that's not a scratch 'n' sniff... her absurd antics on stage are merely an effort to compensate for lack any real talent TMI people. I think she needs some of this new product...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly perjury. She'll get the cunt and libturd pass squared and never be held accountable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many children do you have nigger? Childless nigger homo of the Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hitler is HIS role model. Lol @bigpapi765 Ever thought about looking at FACTS instead of all the despicable RACIST askeNAZI JEW LIES! NAZI JEWS are subversive lying scum! Whatever they accuse someone of they are guilty! NAZI JEWS have done every genocide and started every war! askeNAZI JEWS are humans sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only matter of time until every \"muh russians\" \"news\" will be dismissed as retarded conspiracy theories even when they really done them. Or is that their plan?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John mayor shut the fuck up on Boris Johnson is a man not fucking loser cunt like u prick mouth stick together to speak like Michael Cain","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Juicy_Squeaky: Any bitch who need a crowd to fight is clearly easily influenced and weak minded and most likely will commit suicide ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Entitled victimized CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reagan and Lincoln tied for first, Twenty three presidents tied for second,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SAMMI_boyden bruh we can finally roll like rednecks (': ((drug dealers))","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ohhh THIS is going to end well. So one asshole decides to troll your superchat and you don't get a dime? Because apparently you can control your audience? Does Youtube actually reside on the internet because they don't seem to understand how it works. this also promotes bullying in the past if you used a superchat to insult someone, they would still get the money so there was less reason to do so but now you can insult them with a superchat and they get nothing I like the way you think.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are the Democrats to be investigated over their Kavanaugh lies? I hope so! Seven GOP congressmen call for House and Senate Ethics investigations into leaking of Ford letter https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/3\/seven-gop-congressmen-call-house-and-senate-ethics\/ Their \"in house\" ethics investigations all end in either nothing or a dirty look across the aisle. I want to see some jail time and some impeachments. They say they want impeachments? I say we do the same until every rat is GONE and JAILED! Conducting business as an elected official implies honesty. If you lie or mislead, it's a felony!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the birds out tonight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmfao. #Iran is a lot of unsavory things. I have never ever heard of anything even remotely close to this nonsense propaganda Iran does have one of the most highly educated populations on the planet What a fucking lying cunt Haley is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want a slope job so I can get away from everything and be by myself for two weeks. I hate being around people unless they are my friends.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MizzCreme: Her being albino isn't the problem. Its that gut, that hair, and that fish net she decided to wear. Sooo many things wrong w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"under my windoowww @brettcanfly: Bleaching your teeth, smiling flash, talking trash, under your breath ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly women are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HBA trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya you're debating with a class of sociopath that can't engage unless they view themselves as winning. They don't win often hence the constant bans and mutes. Its what weak minded fags like orzbluefog resort to. Just down vote these mother fuckers every where you see them. Look at its history. Nothing but pure leftist drivel subreddits and nothing ventured beyond that. Why? Because any subs outside the three this faggot frequents, it has no control over. orzbluefog will only touch subs it moderates because power. These losers need control in order to make arguments. Without it, well you can see the dickless refrain from posting anywhere they don't have control.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol Such meshuggeh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If theres any Jikook shippers who ship them romantically...LIKE THIS VID AND THE COMMENT NOW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its #ArabSpring Training, Charlie Brown! #rejectedpeanutsspecials","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you can call her cunt here and noone will care maybe even get a few likes ;p.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find all women disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any lesbian that doesn't look like a complete hog actually wants to be with a man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ELIJA old school DEM house nigger ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tj_curtin: A birds eye view of today's #harvest14 activities. Thanks @BrentJFF for the great camera work! http:\/\/t.co\/RgETR4tV4S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ofhdirector Everybody, look at this bird-killing wind mill lover. ;-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is falsely accusing someone of a crime as horrible as rape. And this is the perfect way to deal with these lying cunts. They should get jail time and be put on this list. So that other men will know what kind of person they are. Not at all. I'm just sick of cunts like this getting a slap on the wrist and making things harder for innocent men and real victims of rape. But hey everything is okay false rape claims if I follow your train of thought.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shades of Eric Chavez's past gold glove! #Yankees #Oakland","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three types of massive retard on Gab: Creationists. Qanon fags. Tea Party dimwits who think anyone to their right is a David Brock paid troll.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Lysettemariee: Jamal is a fool first he called me a leprechaun, then he said my heart cant be blue or purple. It gotta be yellow or ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a word on Jihadi stream about the Kurdish female suicide bomber in Kobane. That story undermines their mythology on several levels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was probably people who were going to vote for the democrats so count your blessing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at the history of the church before you make rushed judgements. https:\/\/slate.com\/news-and-politics\/2015\/06\/emanuel-ame-church-has-long-history-of-resistance-to-racism-the-charleston-church-is-the-oldest-black-congregation-in-the-south.html \"Charleston's Emanuel AME Church isn't just a church. It is a historic symbol of black resistance to slavery and racism.\" Don't be fooled.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You take a step back.........off a cliff you cuck.Go to nigger town .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you Eva asked a nicca where dey got sum fake designer frm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck democracy. Go ahead report me FUCK DEMOCRACY MAY YOUR DEMOCRACY DIE FUCKER!!!!!! this is a republic you rube ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That gay person will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that buck toothd cunt got some ballz huh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If for some reason I end up flipping out this week for some retarded reason... It's because these new neighbors of mine. All year round it's been nonstop noise, then they blast there god d2mn rap music to 2-3am. I'm this close to yelling to cut it out, or perhaps torching my own house and selling off my property to get away from it. I live out in bfe for a d2mn reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Use the military to remove the fat dyke from the country! POS skank!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How does it feel to be white trash and slandering and threatening an innocent African-American man? You are all neo-Nazi scum. @Flylikeaneagle @Sbutcher @Amphereal @Grubama @pen @MandyMcFlye @FEDUPCITIZEN7 @seamrog @FreeAgent355 @DenzaGrad @peremersenne @1001cutz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, Bye-bye fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Don't worry about the nigga you see, worry about the nigga you DON'T see... Dat's da nigga fuckin yo bitch.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"International law enforcement operation disrupts Shylock banking malware - PCWorld: International law enforcem... http:\/\/t.co\/XEzf7Cj5qT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Palms? Are you retarded? The nails went through his arm (between bones), otherwise the weight would rip through skin\/muscle and he would have fallen off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi: Trump tax returns \"one of the first things we'd do\" if Dems win House https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/iznpju.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/kqtc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should be killed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsSonGoku: When niggas ask me \"Where the hoes at?\" http:\/\/t.co\/eg6gxgGzFC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@judgedread you're one megalomaniac SOB, not quite different from the retarded SJWs and Marxist academics. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU BIG TIME A retarded idiot, worthless arrogant ignorant.. In charge of \"science\" group... It must be as every bit retarded as you are.. Garbage person, garbage group.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got damn the Lakers trash....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ItsMander You tryin to say ofay?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @USABillOfRights: Psychological Warfare for Dhimmis -- DEFEATING ISLAMhttp:\/\/t.co\/M8zlTY0fZsjoining forces to take out world's trash h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that all women are stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like a demonic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is this cunt? Some cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only time Kathy Griffin is funny is when she is completely melting down like the lunatic she is. Mmm the tears are delicious. They already know their \"resist\" bullshit is doomed. Any pythons available? You first nah...I'll pass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My theory on who is behind these bomb scares? Two possibilities. One, a right-wing loner. Likely one of the Jew-hating types we see here on Gab. Or two, a douche-bag liberal psycho posing as a right-wing psycho. You know, just like they do with their libtard swastika graffiti. Lol, whereas there's plenty of you dumb faggots just begging to destroy this country and betray your own people in favor of kikes, you retarded cuck pile of shit only worthy of being fertilizer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisshemale. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Raping a trns person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Coulter needs to do a European Tour and tell these IDIOTS that they will be dead very soon, their sons will be dead and their daughters will be new Muzzie Breeders with children named Mohamed ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got old lazie spar that no good to me she can have mine if she want it not have look a right cunt to do swimming","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With the advent of Citizen Journalists the News Papers have become obsolete and corrupt. Virtually all News Papers are outlets for the Nigger loving left wing retards who twist and warp every paragraph they print to support the Faggot loving liberal view. America is turning away from the freaks of the Demonrat\/Fascist party in droves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a nigger kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded opinion, but I don't see how that post promoted violence against, or threatened, or harassed white people. Yeah, it's vitriolic, and I'm actually surprised anything would happen as a consequence of saying anything against white people, but it seems like a bit of an over reach.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow there's a nigger running for Florida governor and ur not gonna believe this but he's accusing his opponent of racism can somebody who still has a twitter tell that dumb nigger that there isnt any more racism in America I dont gamble im not a runty chink","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SteveDeaceShow: The West would've literally been a non-fiction version of Man in the High Castle without Churchill you freaking spineless nitwit. https:\/\/t.co\/ylMQTd4LLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Amoreshonta: @WestDontCare: Big bird has spoken http:\/\/t.co\/TxCcy3XIEc I was weak then I !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I speak from personal experience, never having been charged by police, nor accused to Human Resources, despite the fact that by the standards that blue hairs piously proclaim, I am a very bad man indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The other Abrahamic(kikey)religions(Islam\/Judaism) r war religions while christ-insanity is now a religion of faggot \"turn the other cheek\"(unless fighting for kikes against our interests)pacifists? That's obvious point sensible people garner from memes pointing out \"Islam is NOT a religion of peace\". Proud of that? How has that been working out? Of course not. If Islam or Judaism was your religion you would not whine like a faggot about Islam not being a peaceful religion. However, they are all Abrahamic religions with the same kike spook in the sky god but christ-insanity has another god too. The bastard son (Hezus) from the rape of a jew woman by the spook kike in the sky.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought to too with Trump. But i was so wrong. He rails every day at fake news. But believe me the payments to Israel and the wars are coming. You can use the words that work without meaning it. And trust me torba will even tell you he doesnt mean it ?? I'm literally using the same logic you applied to Trump, yet you're somehow confused? Were you dropped on the head when you were a kid or something? No dipshit I am saying how words, not actions, can be vague enough to be used as controlled opposition. This is a complicated concept you probably cant understand. For example if Trump started executing journos, I wouldnt care if he called them Jews or not. But as it stands he will never do that so in order to get credit and not be controlled op he needs to be explicit You have no idea what the hell you're babbling about. I will not read anymore of your mind numbing ignorance. It's a waste of my time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" maybe it cant work now but wait a few decades and we'll see what happens after UBI implementation. and anyway, the anarcho part means no state and so you're free to not appreciate in our communist region if you don't want to. just move elsewhere. shit will be produced using robots not human labour.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jonsweethearts how are you Argie?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same. She's probably one of the most evil cunts I've seen...and I've seen my share of evil fucking people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ImTooMuch bread in general aint too good for ya...but honky bread the worst... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Britain First leader Arrested on charges of \"Islamophobia\" over an anti-terror speech - Sharia blasphemy law in Britain https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2017\/11\/britain-first-leader-arrested-on.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Future generations of communist agitators, race traitors and multi kulti organizers. >Haven't done anything. Retard alert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a crock of shit.... Men are the shit carriers for every moaning faced twat like her. We fight the wars, we protect her and the children. we work ourselves into an early grave to let them stay home and drink gin. What a cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ChinaAfricaBlog: A nice round-up of voices in #China #Africa relations: 'China-Africa Trade: The Oriental Allure' http:\/\/t.co\/7DWJovmeB ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That cunt mayor needs to be executed THERE IS ONLY TWO FUCKING GENDERS!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jim Carrey is an ass biscuit retarded and retarderer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll wait.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mitch McConnell Receives Standing Ovation Ahead of Kavanaugh Swearing-in Ceremony (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/mitch-mcconnell-receives-standing-ovation-ahead-of-kavanaugh-swearing-in-ceremony-video\/ McConnell Says Kavanaugh Circus 'Fired Up' Republicans \"Dr Ford, won the hearts of America . Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) US Senate Minority Leader","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The description is quite accurate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rand Paul's Wife Just Obliterated Cory Booker; The Epic Smack Down https:\/\/truepundit.com\/rand-pauls-wife-just-obliterated-cory-booker-the-epic-smack-down\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My aunt had ONE maga sticker on her car and some nigger smashed her window so I highly doubt this goy was really driving around in that van how fucking stupid they must think we are ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh my God did this stupid cunt really just say this???? Cut this fucking cunts head off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The UK is a friggin joke. The limpwristed faggot brits are worthless","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" > > > Kavanaugh CONFIRMED < < < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yes 50 ~ No 48 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sen Murkowski Votes > \"Present\" ~ Sen Daines > Absent, Didn't Vote > > > #Winning < < < #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #ConfirmKavanaugh #KavanaughCONFIRMED #SCOTUS #USA #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope it's that cunt Richard Branson. https:\/\/pressgazette.co.uk\/telegraph-gagged-by-injunction-granted-to-leading-british-businessman-facing-sexual-harassment-allegations-from-staff\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sand nigger looks like a dressed up turd!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No fucking shit, retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"damn nigger i didn't know you were a nazi. 14\/88","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are fantastic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SamFeistCNN @CNNPolitics your opinion plz. When election over will there be any improvement or will BO still be allowed to trash America?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a lawyer. They are lower than whale shit. Look here she has to come here and fill up your page with ads because she can't get clients. Liberal faggot whore. Go away! @kimberlyschultzlaw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Profanity-Laced\" Shouting Match Erupts Between Kelly, Bolton Outside Oval Office | Zero Hedge https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-18\/profanity-laced-shouting-match-erupts-between-kelly-bolton-outside-oval-office","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/aiz4nP1_j38","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so what about the christians, atheists, pagans, muslims, etc. in Israel? You don't want to exterminate them too do you? Will you leftists ever get over your hitler couldn't kill all the jews or european whites? You really need to check overseas news sources, now and then. Especially Israeli news wrt such topics and issues. ;) Hint: Christians have more freedoms and protection in Syria, than in Israel. Reality is kind weird, but you can adjust. ;) Now, you're believing what the White Hat Videos produced for liberals to consume. :) hint: If you think christians have great freedom in Israel, why is it so much harder to believe they have even more freedom in Syria? Because your TV said so? Because I am FROM the mideast, read the arab press and unlike idiot trolls\/pro-russian bots like you, know the facts. Then, you know what the 'arab press' says about the way israelis treat christians. ...and, what they have to say isn't good. Their accounts can be confirmed by other sources. \"It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person. \"Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place...\" Read your book, christian. ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JunDishes elissa would call me trash, vile, etc.!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is it bc they are getting PhDs, they're above the law or bc they're her daughter's friends? What a massive cunt. Her resigning is poetic tho, lmao.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"theres a difference between fgt faggot and gay im 2 out of 3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @guypbenson: Confused. Are lefties using the #Bridgeghazi hashtag to mock the bridge situation as frivolous, or seriously equating the t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One of the world's most prominent Jihadi forums just got shut down http:\/\/t.co\/9vafK90DOU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Found the nigger #nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" STOP COMMUNISM IN AMERICA Dianne SwineStein Has To Go They are complete trash the boomers. It sucks because there are some awesome boomers like @lostpassword. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Rainbow Nation\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Roammate is an app targeted towards women to help them feel safer on public transportation by using a buddy system. Even the basic proposition is retarded as heck. :D And of course the famous don't be a jerk' rule which means don't do anything we dislike, but we won't tell you what it is before you do it'. And of course there is a female whose sole job was to build a presentation, lol. The competition appears to be a bad joke and I hope you won't leave it at this. Hopefully some media will pick it up if it's as preposterous as you claim. It's about making them *feel* safer... not about actually *being* safer. They will tell women they are safer using it and the ignorant, stupid, gullible, irrational and naive children we all know as women will believe that they are safer, probably all the way up to the moment of their vitcimization while using it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White people have no reason to complain as long as the blacks are based and listen to Kanye! #MAGA #DemsAreTheRealRacists","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheeGreekGod: Soulja boy trash now but I'm not gonna act like I never cranked that superman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off, feminazi. Some women are lying and manipulative, and you're a goddamned liar if you claim that none of them are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nick Greiner talks about male breast cancer. https:\/\/www.2hd.com.au\/2018\/10\/11\/nick-greiner-talks-about-male-breast-cancer\/ #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once I saw a friend sticking up to me against a detractor saying \"She's not anti-Christian, she's just...\" I piped in \"No, actually I AM anti-Christian. Let's just be clear on that.\" My religion does not preach turn the other cheek. The meek will inherit #WhiteGenocide @CarolynEmerick the #RaceTraitor putting religion before race by attacking Pro-White Christians. (((Who))) else attacks Pro-White Christians? #CI \"Our race IS our religion You are full of sh*t. No Pagan can be ''race traitor'' in that sense, because our religion is in our blood, our race is our religion. You are a Christian. Your religion is religion of race alien and hostile to White race. And, no, jews are NOT white, have never been White and never will be White.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Demon Spawn-Henry #Kissinger Heckled at #NewYork University Speech: 'Rot In Hell' The former #US Secretary of State was accused of complicity in horrific #WarCrimes https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/features\/1557-henry-kissinger-heckled-at-new-york-university-speech-rot-in-hell- #WeWantJustice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jews are a race , retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let black people be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi With Alexander Soros, George Soros's Son Last Month Wearing A DACA Dreamers' Hat #Caravan #Border #Mexico #Honduras #ElSalvador #Guatemala #MiddleEast #Chinese #IllegalAliens #ICE #BuildTheWall #CriminalIllegalAliens #invasion #Invaders #Undocumented #SanctuaryCity #ISIS https:\/\/bit.ly\/2CH6b7f I have followed Alexander as he grew up. He is sneaky, worse than George Soros and has youth and $billions on his side. Soro son got no god and is billion is not my god I don't care what he got he got no love to humans lot him self it a no one money is not my god it a thing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only a totally evil cunt would wish that on any one. Lesbianism is a serious mental disorder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a cunt. What. A. Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allowing any more immigrants into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok, thanks for the head's up. call me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Abbott dodges the question on using nuclear weapons. An utterly retarded cunt https:\/\/youtu.be\/CwlfPo2eTfg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuken Nigger your day is coming!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. Poor socially diseased Steven. What a lonely and pointless life. And anyone who disagrees is a racist and bigot and twat and...oops better run some ppl in white coats are........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just got done taking some photos with brownie #flowcity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What would make you retarded is to think that anonymous strangers on the internet would apologize ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"suck on sand nigger baby","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You look like Russian and speak like Indian. Both are disgusting go kill yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well deserved. Pig cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That CUNT BITCH is Sooooooooooooooooo FUCKING UGLY !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ProBirdRights: Advice tip for people: 1 stick hand in glue 2 stick hand in feather 3 now you are like bird. Impress your friend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why do these white people love brown immigrants so much? Well, we've had a few instances where (female) employees or even some bosses at various asylum seekers' housing have had sex with said asylum seekers. So. I don't think blue pilled dudes realised quite how fucking degenerate and sex hungry a lot of middle aged women are, especially when they are ugly bitches like this one and the Swedish cunt before her. Bitches like getting fucked by bad boys. Who knew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Burritos are trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He looks fabulous in his indoctrination hat doesn't he fellas? We should be thanking the #MarxistDemocrats for creating these. They let everyone know who's the intolerant closed minded emotionally unstable retard in the group. It's like the new I'm with stupid sign.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ut ohhhhh ..... Spartacus ..... BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker A gay man has come forward with accusations that Cory Booker sexually assaulted him. With Lawyer Response to Gateway Pundit ...............................................I believe the victim! #HimToo Lmao........... https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/ #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy#Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #TheyFearTheGreatAwakeningTheMost #RedPill#WeThePeopleHaveHadEnough #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT#TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed #BuildTheWallNow #NoIllegalAliens #LegalmmigrantsOnly#NoSanctuaryFunding #NoSanctuaryCities #NoChainMigration#NoVisaLottery #KateSteinle #KatesLaw #AngelFamlies#NoOpenBorders #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #FridayFeeling #LakeShow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, it's actually because most boomers like you are functionally retarded from polypharmacy and years of unmoderated drinking, stick to two-syllable words or less and you won't embarrass yourself pops Nigga, I was a grammar nazi long before I was a neon nazi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What could the Trump Trash possibly know about philosophy. They're the dumbest people in the world 80? what new ones am I supposed to pretend to give a shit about?...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I dunno, how about not being a faggot and force shoving your opinions down people's throats. For a guy that's preaching rationality, you sure don't take your own advice and you'd rather go for cheap shots to desperately own somebody. That's SAD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Goodbye x Young Dolph featuring Trinidad James and Shy Glizzy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHITE MAN BAD spez: fuck all downvoting faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody couldve been like \"aye man you dropped your money\" but nooooooo fucking broke faggots selfish bastards i hate yall","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mjs79 @ChingonAbe well he is at Genos. So he is the ultimate faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WORST FALSE FLAG EVER And the one \"found\" by DWS was there because it was addressed to Holder but the wrong address so it was returned. At the same time. By USPS, unlike the others, but presumably with all the issues pointed out by Matt Graver. They think we're stupid because their followers ARE stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NatSocs! Why capitalism works if you make an effort. My mate Jane's son. No uni. Learnt web development from Now earning 60,000 in London as web developer for major luxury holiday firm. Now on secondment to Delhi for 10 days training Indian IT lads. Top hotel, great food, all expenses paid. And he's gay, just to piss you off more lol stop being a reddit faggot Get a job, ya lazy bum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No matter what Trump tries to do it'll get blocked by some faggot judge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was I being shitty to her?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh hell yeah.. a nigger will shoot you for anything..in a heartbeat they'll shoot you..they are savages..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black Beast nigger rapists. *********** @occdissent @jackcorbin @Cantwell @TomKawczynski @BillyRoper @TexasVet @Oliver_Revilo @Grabthepelts @WilliamPierceLovesYou @NordicFrontier @Spahnranch1969 @JaredHowe @NormanSpear1 @NameTheJew @Mondragon @ProleSerf @NormanSpear1 @Eric_StrikerDS @JFGariepy @Patrick_little This looks like a cut scene from 'The Wizard of Oz'. \"Jews and Spics and Nigs, oh my!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My niggas are far too talented, this is a vibe!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @alicia_enz: I'm the only person who likes yellow Starburst I feel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You call this shite philosophy? how about you protect my womb by shutting the fuck up before you impregnate my mind with just enough rage that i come shove that nazi cab driver cap up your arse and blind the pet hamster you got livin in there?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never hurt any black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Happy first day of college nigger @MorbidMermaid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Atlanta was also the intended target the muzzie in NM was training the kids for who has connections to Obama","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i think my #WWENETWORK is lagging a little its 8:36 here in Chicongo and i just saw Roddy Piper boxing a nigger with a mohawk ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As I've said before. SJW's project. Whatever they accuse you of. They are more than usually guilty of tenfold. To paraphrase Hannah Wallen, there's something suspicious about the kind of man who, hearing the feminists around him say things like \"all men are rapists\", goes . . . \"Yeah, that sounds right.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. A LOT to unpack here. I guess my best response is this: Your family want you to take your meds. Typical privileged-Ass white male response.... ADMIT IT! YOUR A RACIST!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a joke mate. Go play canon with your boys, shoo. Jupiter? Wtf. ofcourse what are you saying. I'm not confused about who penned that particular version! I watched you yesterday, you cant be more than 100k away and are motherfucking welcome to come and show how a kiker crushes a throat! Context confuses the shit out of you doesn't it? Dude you're just dumb aren't you. Fucking READ the OP you lazy moron. Hahahahah. No its more comfortable at home no, vanir fanboy. Just stick to what you know, hmm little hooligan wannabe. Ah I see where you got the island now. I'll get back to you, mister. Some of us actually work. When you can afford to come to California and want your ass stomped I'll be here, punch that clock, broke dick. And leave alone the folk women, you vanir crypto khybe. lol, and so that worries U.. Commiefornia socialist hailing! STICK TO WHAT YOU KNOW, or come and make me shut up. I'm not the one parading an expired god-and-rat contract, you halfwit. We don't say \"mate\" cuck. Fuck off. Since you're not alone, you can make a friend come and bring that message, friend. So simply come up with the reason for your Genesis addition, or close rank with you're roman canon hoolies. \"Its just a book\" is childish bullshit. Your boy claimed Christianity was about Jupiter, dude. Genesis is the first book in the Bible. It states clearly in Chapter 1 that planets were made on the 4th day. If you can't comprehend this then apply for special needs federal assistance, you'd be a shoe in. You may fuck off now. Thats it? Books says so? What part about roman canon hooligan did you miss. I'm disappointed , truly am. Stick to NSDAP trivia and memorable quotes. I'll promise not to call your chaos lord worshipping ass that belongs to some creator entity \"friend\". OK.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U deserve it Nigger ! Along with a Shit Kicking !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Operation Wetback II please!!! And Blackback and Brownback and any other illegal invader!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said Muslims like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, cunt level","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> There's complete dipshits in every group. The reply is hilarious, but don't think for a 2nd that there's more than 1% of feminists who agree with that level of retardation. That's not true at all. Go watch some feminists on YouTube talk to women. I'm talking about women who are in charge of feminist organizations that have actual power and influence. They go full retard just as often as your average internet feminist, the only real difference is that they get paid to shout nonsense. The idea that these types of feminists are some super rarity and not indicative of feminism is complete bullshit. It's the moderate and rational ones that are extremely rare.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"where did I read that the statue of liberty is a tranny sent by jews representing some goddess they worship or w\/e lol \"where did I read that the statue of liberty is a tranny sent by jews representing some goddess they worship or w\/e lol \" You my dear , don't know nothig! Stop reading the garbage of Christians Christian Garbage ..... Yeah and you see Christians doing this all the time all over the world right you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@KnightfanNeal #UCFPINKPARTY come on stay alive knights nation!!!!\" This is still the early bird special. #ComeAtMeUT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha, Yankees fans are bent out of shape about the Hu27le graphic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Screw-z-jews @March_Hare - Even if gab installs a \"Not Safe for Faggot Jews and Niggers\" tag- it'd be corrupted in 48 hours and start malfunctioning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She honestly seems like a cunt either way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like a retarded NPC bot network to me. Or a retarded homosexual with a thing for projecting degeneracy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iAmBitchassness: I'm not telling you to like Al Green or Otis Redding! Stop missing the point. Just don't call them trash and tell me you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Chancellor_IV naw Bryan said it was trash hotel so we're staying somewhere else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MSNPC when will you be reporting on all the nigger crime and murder against white people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @deviledlegs: drawing myself an organic powdered goats milk bath with rose petals and chopped clams eww what just kidding it's Mr. Bubbl ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That feckless cunt is so retarded she's off the retard chart and onto the shit for brains chart.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Buckm00se @Cuauhtli02 we gunna laff at Chava\/Rubio beaner supporters in a min","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So sick of being around women like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well Jenna's getting a yellow lab so I know where ill be whenever I'm home","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Abortion keeps the nigger population under control.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask The Smiths - There is a Light https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=y9Gf-f_hWpU Morrissey - Manchester 2004 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JVTCGKfSCIY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That mocha colored chick doe>>>> think I fell in love ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her cunt looks like a giant tomato that had a wagon wheel run through the middle of it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's 60,000 dollars for the gay wagon too here so an there is a lot of fsghots here boy buying this faggot ass death traps with locking up steering columns and brakes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@skrabah Don't my nigga me honkie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't agree with the strategies of the boars there. I saw some of them in a civil defense organization talking about how they need to show their survival plans to the public and the south african government. What retarded fucking shit is that? Showing your blue prints to the negros who want to wipe them out. I only see tragic shit going on there. I don't see the logic in allot of what their doing. It just doesn't add up to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay I have to ask. What is all of the NPC posts all about? What's with all the weird faces connected to these posts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabFam One of my favourites from Rammstein Rammstein - Amerika https:\/\/youtu.be\/Rr8ljRgcJNM LOL!! You're so predictable NPC and so easily triggered :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The shemales are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone let me know when they ban someone for \"men are pigs\". You so silly, its not dehumanizing if its not a human! [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger loving SJW virtue signaler. Nothing brainy about her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Background. https:\/\/abc I can't believe they got charged for this...sounds like it was after the fact as well!!!! Don't talk to police!!! Ever!!! yeah, seriously. if neither one pressed charges on the other, what's the issue? they caused a scene? big deal. there was no damage caused to anything, other than a fuckin bus boy having to sweep up some fries. do the police really have nothing better to do? The state's attorney always picks up charges even if neither party wants to press. It's always the state of blah blah blah versus you. That's retarded It's designed for cases in which the victim is intimidated and too scared to file charges against their abuser. But obviously, it can be applied poorly in cases like this as well. Agree \"are you sorry for pushing her to the ground\" WTF IS THIS??!! Effin cuck reporter! [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The UK sure has some retarded judges","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UN Sheriff' Nikki Haley Championed Israel at the Expense of the US #ZogCunt #IsraelFirst #MakeIsraelGreatAgain http:\/\/www.renegadetribune.com\/un-sheriff-nikki-haley-championed-israel-at-the-expense-of-the-us\/ Lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whole argument for it assumes that trade partners intend to play by the same rules, and that mutual benefit is the only outcome. It's mathematically sound, realistically retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get a job you worthless cunt. Or kill yourself. I choose the latter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also, the execution of a retarded black man when he was Governor Are you retarded. Seriously, do you lack brain cells? and#x200B; Monica Lewinsky had less power than the POTUS. I can't believe that has to be pointed out to anyone, For you to argue about running to HR against the president is dumb, period. Power imbalance is a real thing, you fucking child. and#x200B; Now stop wasting my time with you moronic defense of that idiot, you fucking cuck The hypocrisy of your thinking is legendary. Lets set this straight for you:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lot of white people at the beach have mud skin..LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not just that, but Microsoft making their exclusives available on PC makes it so that anyone who isn't a retard can have the same game as the console folks but with better graphics, higher resolution, etc.. why should I ever by an Xbox then? Sony is doing it right by making their exclusives really good and really exclusive. I *want* a PS4 (and I own one) but I don't want or even need an Xbox.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I told her too. I said \"bri don't get in tweef with anyone because you're trash at it\" and then she goes and tweefs with like 6 freshman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"more cred for the stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Met a woman who was trying to feed a crow a Brazil nut","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"F u c k all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"niggas ain't playin a gram of defense man George need to tell these bitch ass niggas man up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There was nearly an act of domestic terrorism at Pikeville, but it was on the Antifa side","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It Has Begun! STATE Orders Child To Be Vaccinated Over Parent Refusal Mom sent to jail for refusing to vaccinate her children This shit pisses me off!!! https:\/\/youtu.be\/KoC17B9n6XU Good! That is one of the very few things the state should do!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Call them LUGS. Lesbian until graduation. Just dumb shit they do. Ever see a 40-something bisexual? Me neither. AWALT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gee, you didn't know that a Jew or the Jew media won't necessarily admit a person is Jewish when they are a krypto (Jews that infiltrate as something else) Your obsession denotes you are a Jew or a retarded christian zionist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People don't understand why we constantly fight against these freaks taking any part in our society. Now they are going to start clawing into positions of power and enacting their agenda. You'll all be wishing you had done more to keep them down when your kids start talking about cutting their dicks off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now the MORON pundits on Fox Business are saying that Nikki Haley would be a good running mate for Trump in #NeoconNimrata Haley would cause the Democrats to win. VP Pence is doing fine so far. Which faggot on FBN said this shit? Nikki Haley was Israel's best UN defender for every one of the past few years of Israel murdering Palestinians for whatever hair ball reason. Trump has enough Jews around him, whats one more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck this stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You deserve to be in prison for threats like \"I'll have to rape a trans person today\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"geller already has it up on her propaganda site PITTSBURGH: Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers is Jew-hater and Trump-hater https:\/\/gellerreport.com\/2018\/10\/bowers-jew-hater.html\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @davidalderman77: Obama killed the Twinkie #gonetofar","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The little faggot with his....need of Depends! Or maybe they did buy him his own jet airplane!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/world-us-canada-45994698 Now James Clapper..lol Now taking bets on who is next..I say Chuck Schumer You gotta be real retarded if you think the public will fall for this crap..even Democrats know it is fake and done to try get some momentum back..LOL Wonder how Twitter is reacting to this shitshow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pennsylvania is white trash and is so are all Pennsylvanians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"haha. another retarded Australian dumbfuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't believe you If some annoying bitch followed me off the train and kept shrieking at me about how I was a murderer for eating meat, I would. But other than that, you're right. I probably wouldn't. Risk 10 years jail time just because someone other than you is dumb? Don't waste your time friend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just gay people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck the prophet and fuck these niggers. why do niggers think being a muzzie makes them a higher class nigger? they're still niggers. and we still hate them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> But here is the thing, I connect t him because I am similar. Because you have a well-developed sense of empathy. These people are emotionally stunted and do not - they simply can't put themselves into the shoes of another because they are emotionally retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's The Rebel Media's page with their collection of hotel videos, they include the Syrians and the Radisson nigger palace. A day after this video was taken, Animal Services had to be called in because the nigger savages were slaughtering live goats in the washrooms. Several goats were rescued, they probably needed to rape kit them too. https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/refugeeinvestigation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberal to-do list: Add 'phobic' on the end. ? Profit. How to be a liberal faggot 101","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews are Whites. Jews are Europeans to their core. Kick out the Muzzie slime. Leave fellow Whites alone. And you look like a guy who's not allowed to celebrate Halloween, lying mamzer faggot with the pedo stache.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fox News' Rick Leventhal reports the suspect is a 56-year-old white male and has prior arrests for terroristic threats. How is this retard a White male? He is Seminola tribe Indian","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Justin Trudeau is such a fucking retarded asshole that anytime he opens his mouth to speak, he creates another cringeworthy moment. He is a walking cringeworthy moment. Any Canadian that was stupid enough to vote for this moron should slap themselves across the face for being so stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh fuck off. Everyone knows you can't consent when either parties are intoxicated. You're just trying to make up bullshit about \"fake rape\". Making up fake statistics and shit to cover up for the fact that you're lonely and depressed, but you think you're too good for the world and you never accept blame for anything because you're a narcissist prick. Why can you peopke never accept the fact that the reason nobody likes you is because you're all fucking retards? Maybe just once treat somebody with fucking human decency. Or is that too hard a concept for you to understand?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deep State Tech Crushing Free Speech https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/deep-state-tech-crushing-free-speech\/ Rich Techies Bought Obama for 8 yrs. Check out these faces of Commie Socialism. NEVER allow them power as they abuse the privilege That Picture depicts what people should frear! Combined with the criminal elements within our government. The hrydra has a lot of freaking heads! There are only 2 good kinds of communists.... 1: A Dead one... ORrrr.... 2: A #Converted one....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop Smokin' Bathsalt, Charlie Brown! #rejectedpeanutsspecials","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@ayyee_ceee_: One mans trash is another mans treasure \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who does that hmm bradley cooper !? Charlize theron this cunt long slack jaw cunt jennings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking faggot cucks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@simons_lives keep in shape for the ski slopes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe that faggot race baiter should pay his taxes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes! Probably because their missus would be rather pissed off if they raped their own kids. White unbelievers, especially females are seen as the lowest of the low. They pick vulnerable girls in care homes. That's why it's gone on for decades with Social Services, Police, County Councillors turning a blind eye and even been complicit in some cases it seems. Not just white kids but also young girls from Sikh and Hindi communities are targeted by rape gangs. Yes many girls targeted have troublesome backgrounds many seeking love, understanding and attention. The lure of boys with cash and flash cars, drugs and drink sucks them in to become sex toys for 100's of older Muslim men Yeah. Had some oddball from the US telling me ALL Asians have child rape gangs in Britain lol Can confirm. I don't Eric. I'm pointing out the the Media here do to hide Islamics behind it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ChanseyDaRapper: Make my way right to the trash can with these. RT @DwyaneWade: New Season. New Shoes. #MakeYourOwnWay #WayOfWade http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes Arguments, not people... Yada Yada... In this case the insult is the argument","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">**Third** jail worker had sex with **same** inmate LMAO what a fuckin legend Honestly curious what the dude looks like might be some Jeremy Meeks looking muthafucka. Also whose dumb ass idea is it to have women prison guarding men with low morals, a portion of women always fall for the bad boy type and they have had this happen quite a lot it seems in prisons and jail. https:\/\/ijr.com\/2015\/05\/310027-violent-inmate-sex-2-female-guards-hes-now-might-even-outrageous\/ he is a home invasion rapist, surely these \"guards\" knew that too? hmmmmmm its almost like women are secretly attracted to sexually aggressive men... Well rape fantasies are one of the most common ones right? While no one probably wants to be raped for real it might have played a part. \"HOW DARE YOU AGREE WITH ME ASSHOLE!\" You have the worst case of short man syndrome I have ever encountered. Do you think everyone making fun of you is short, you weirdo? Just you, short stuff. Haha, yeah, you are short! > sounds like some shit an insecure faggot would say. comment? I didn't mean to look down on you... whoops, bad choice of words LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck you nigger MOVE to apefrica where you belong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once again I log on and these fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches are posting tranny porn in my timeline. :\/ Isn't GAB banning these bloody faggots via IP address, @a @e? Lol...fairy gay neo-nazi faggot socialist bitches.....I love it!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Muslims should fuck off forever. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree. 16 months for ruining a guys life? Fuck this universe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Back the fuck off Microchip Bwahahahahahahahahahh NO! that niggers done shit you wouldn't even dream of. That's no way to talk about your mother. Get rekt, pleb. @GTKRWN How cute, a Hitler-loving faggot that talks like a pretend thug. If you and your boyfriend weren't so busy compensating for your microjunk with your edgy online personas, you might've had time to extract your anal beads, or just squint through it to read enough of what Neon says to know he only tries to give his own take on what he sees.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People should leave a comment on Vox's blog to: (1) Defend Gab and (2) Tell Vox to get back on Gab. http:\/\/voxday.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/they-cant-say-i-didnt-warn-them.html how dare you: VD isn't a papist. the rest checks out. Read him a bit. He still doesn't want to admit it yet, but it is the only destination on the road he has chosen to walk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond well how about you go out and show us how its done rather than just singing nigger music and telling others to do your dirty work? no? well how about you knock it off and leave it up to the adults...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You stated the Altright tone was victim like the left, and amazing how many of their tones are similar, remember? The difference is the Altright (White men) have a reason to speak up due to real exploitation, while the left, women are merely doing it to exploit others. And then I pointed out how retarded your statement was, then we all laughed at you.good times!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"them jants be clutch for bedtime tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @marylene58: \"@maggietanquary: shes one of the ugliest women Ive ever seen. Cross between a reptile and a crow.\" http:\/\/t.co\/jsyAoguP4S","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a womn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@H1llaryClinton <<<<<< Rag Headed Sand Nigger Muslim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So \"The Conners\" ratings premiered at 55 percent below the return ratings of \"Roseanne\" in early","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Getting hit off a cunt thats about 6 foot sideways and a cunt that was in the army lol, i dini care, yous are fuckin laughable","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I ALWAYS tip 20% or more regardless of who is serving. Why I don't give to go fund me or anything else for that matter! People who get caught lying about this should do serious time. Plus be made to wear a sandwich board telling the public their crime towards society. These lies are worse than illegal weapons. Right.....I tip based on the service.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] I kinda agree on that, and it has spread too far just like feminism, but then again, some people are fuckin pieces of shit. I went with my exgf to festival and it was tiring of trying to keep creeps away from touching her. Also, for guys, being harassed is like \"wow, she just touched my butt because it happens once in a year, for girls it's everyday bullshit to deal with. Bro, I work in a medical office in South Florida filled with old spanish women. I get sexual harassed at least 10-15 times a day. That's just the sexual end, the racism is even worse. But they're women and they're brown so it's okay....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The lad learned more that day by NOT getting punched - he was humiliated in front of his buddies - that wound will never heal. Brat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? Jewish haters ? That makes no sense Angelo where do you get your information? Just like I said you have poor reading comprehension. Revelation 2:9 says they are NOT Jews. But you say they are Jews. So you are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@1SonofYahweh and what we do with our foolish proud selves? Roll our eyes, pretend that we dont see, mock or laff at them, arrogant attitudes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok then. Child pass denied. Being young doesn't excuse being a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ilovemytroops @SenatorTimScott I see. So you feel betrayed, your racism comes out. Shocked you didn't call him Uncle Tom you bitter loser","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he 1950s are over and you no longer matter. Go sit on your couches and eat Big Macs and collect SSI. The real workers will do the work while you rest. Don't worry, in 20 years when you need a diaper change the people you hate will still take care of you with respect. Something you do not deserve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It tells you that a fuckin piece of shit nigger only looks out for himself and nobody else","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EmmaLouisaSuttl @timmyn90 Anyone bring in a monkey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time I see a nigger named \"Jenkins\", the first thing that pops in my head is \"jenkum\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha. but seriously female genital mutilation is a real issue. Just as male Genital Mutilation Yeah of course, if not moreso because it is far more widespread. but this post is specifically about female genital mutilation. how did you get the idea this comic is about female genital mutilation? When the martriarchy sends its trolls, it does not send its best. It's sending trolls that have a lot of problems. They're bringing stupidity. They're bringing inanity. They're bringing words devoid of meaning. They're dumb. And some, I assume, are tolerable God I wish I were a matriarchy troll. then I wouldn't have to feel so stupid for being wrong right now. clever, though, comparing me to a Mexican as if that could be an insult. anyway, I just didn't interpret the third cell, but I understand now. also I read a ton of the stonetoss comics on the website and they're absolutely hilarious. >clever, though, comparing me to a Mexican as if that could be an insult. merely a repurposed quote","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN calls Kanye an illiterate nigger and nobody cares \"Don't let him off the Dem plantation! Catch him!\" Trump is breaking the matrix","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. Fairy gay faggot extraordinaire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just shrug and tell the cops, 'someone's doing the jewing' Lol I'm not following you faggot What are you on about you fucking kike? No one has to prove anything. I don't follow you, and the only reason we're conversing is because you went out of your way to mention me. Literally kill yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Death to all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are so many errors XD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, at least she wasn't the one who had to shell out 380K to one of her accusers. Someone who was truly a real man took care of it for her so she doesn't really need the job. Apparently it was well known in the MMA community that her legs were open like a Waffle House. I'm sure Anthony knew and possibly led to his suicide. This is all, of course, speculation, but seems reasonable. Agree, but it may be different in that the red flags were all dropped on him at once. I'm unfamiliar with \"when\" the hush money was given out. How far along into their relationship was it when the payment was made and how long before his suicide?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seattle Mayoral Election this year. A choice between a bunch of women, non-whites, and faggots\/fag lovers.http:\/\/t.co\/rwhgMRLaZX","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your female lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another retarded lefty feminist who can't find a man!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"random outbursts of rage at the wind and other things in its mind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great lead battle and then Ricky hits Danica for a yellow. Oh boy. #NASCAR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who doesn't know what Isis is should be executed for being retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think I am in a minority. I have actively trolled on twoX calling the OP retarded while every other fucker was gilding her.. the post got like 12 golds. I then post on here, back when i stopped lurking, calling out a mod on abusing and get banned from there. It baffles me. I can call them retarded in their own subreddit, but calling a PPD mod retarded got me banned. I would be shocked at their idiocy if they had the braincells to comprehend it. Cuz that would make em retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot piano music makes major bad decisions seem palpable","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Drfreezeburnn: Just spent a good twenty mins trying to teach my bird the skyrim theme song. Then I realized that he was a bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton is it retard as well. she's essentially saying that as long as we're winning we'll behave but when we're not will throw temper tantrums https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/hillary-clinton-democrats-cannot-be-civil-with-republicans-anymore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's no such thing as psychopaths or sociopaths, introverts or extroverts, alphas or betas, etc. everyone is a product of motivation. in other words, people are only willing to do what they are motivated to do. #DoTheMath WRONG. !!! I'm an introvert and do lots GREAT work ALONE. People wear me out just talking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never mentioned genetics. A literal hybrid would be fucking retarded and impossible. Just the characteristics. They do not roar like other cats. They have dog-like faces. Yes. That information is also in the video.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a mong like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah I want these retarded idiots in charge https:\/\/youtu.be\/4emuEugDLQA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can beat the black out of a nigger, but she'll always be a bitch. Woah there tetzy! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#AdviceForLife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't listen to that god damn anti white cunt. All they do is mock, insult, attack, lie, cheat and steal. The cunt downvoted you because thats all he has as an argument. He's obviously not going to have any response to your factual statement because hes a retard coward. Its a consistent, predictable pattern, with these anti white cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fenian cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Given it is India, are you sure it is guaranteed to be false? Did you even read the article, Dumbtard? Congratulations, you just got extremely angry over 13 words on the Internet. Kekkity Kek","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger god damn cunt I anit no snitch you stupid fuck ,but godamn one you nasty kike wannabes ever did touch i would be worst then a snitch fuck face wop dego","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Death to all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bl4ck people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are any of you faggot loving, child raping left wing 'activists' boycotting the Demonrat party? It doesn't take much courage to hate someone because he did something you don't approve of, look at me I hate faggots, dykes, niggers and child molesters like you. Now fuck off and die you despicable piece of shit. Don't hold back- tell me how you really feel!! Are you one of those inbred Nazi skinheads from Idaho?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still have not come out to my family about being Bieber and I' m just tearing up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trust me, just set the alpha to 0. it's just as good (maybe better) than setting the visibility to false. now: fly on silver bird!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only immigrants can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hazlenut coffee and graham crackers every morning ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dear retard, my eyes can't handle light as well as most people. Sincerely, a stigmatism nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That didn't make any sense. For someone who talks about comprehension, you are borderline retarded. Yea that is actually another narcissistic tactic, two examples from one person? hmmm. You decide for some arbitrary reason that makes sense to no-one but you that you actually can't continue this discussion any more, you are going away now, and obviously you'll never reply back. Bye forever. I'm sure you won't respond after I've pointed out your narcissism nope. I mean, you said you were leaving, but for some reason I get the feeling you'll keep replying...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Translation: A violent muzzie animal (her beliefs not mine, because you would blame a human being for attacking you, but not an animal) attacks her and she blames the white guys who don't want to be arrested for racism or end up killed with a machete? Bitch should vote anti-immigrant, or learn to live with her inevitable future beatings and rapes. Enjoy your burka, cunt. That's the only future for retards like you. >Translation: A violent muzzie animal (her beliefs not mine, because you would blame a human being for attacking you, but not an animal) attacks her and she blames the white guys who don't want to be arrested for racism or end up killed with a machete? >Bitch should vote anti-immigrant, or learn to live with her inevitable future beatings and rapes. Enjoy your burka, cunt. That's the only future for retards like you. This is really fucked up. Especially when throughout history Britain fucked and invaded everything. But now you bitch about immigrants as a whole. Because of isolated incidents. If you ever come to a concept called empathy you just might realize that most immigrants are trying to escape environments just like that, that are brought upon on them and their original countries by governments just like yours, that are just jam packed with clueless xenophobic fuck heads for citizens just like someone in particular. Keep repeating that Islam is a religion of peace. That'll convince us. Only religion where throwing gays off buildings is just another Tuesday morning. They're trying to mooch off western society while making it into their dirty Satan religion and destroy it from within.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOOKS LIKE A CLOSET FAGGOT TO ME ? personal opinion","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How nice of them to show the mugshots of 4 completely innocent men while not revealing the name or face of the lying cunt who tried to ruin them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, the moron liberal faggots really came out to defend the terrorists in this one huh? Y'all white knighting for some hairy bushed terrorists? News flash, these women won't fuck you either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/voat.co\/v\/theawakening\/2756880 \"Morono\" Mazie Hirono is up for re-election in 2018 ... I hope all Veterans and men remember her words submitted by Vibratron Look, I live in Hawaii. We elect Democrats for life. We have the lowest percentage of voters in any election in the entire country because it's simply the same old...very old politicians. She has been around since the 70s. Local vet organizations are actually supporting her. Voters here don't think. You so eloquently said what I more or less had been thinking!!! LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Less pussypass and more like RACEPASS. If she were white and the victim was black, she'd get the death penalty. No, retard. It was entirely Pussypass. No pussypass if it was a white woman torturing a black man Well, you're wrong. The pussypass is a bigger deal than you think.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RECENT MAIL-BOMB THREATS... Whoever is sending these bombs has got to be fucking crazy!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good, what a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no there wont you cunt get over it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded boomer QLARPers with too much disposable income me thinks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i have never met anyone to say otherwise that isnt a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Split the bill *every* time. Even more so on the first date!!!! it is the perfect way to filter out the twats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That crow has socks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muh islam. This expression indicates a nigger toe lover's confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with something he can't understand or respond to, nigger toe lover mumbles 'muh islam', or 'muh islam, nazi'. This is usually followed by crotch grabbing an underage altar boy and subconscious toe shuffling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their just all retarded Commiecrats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dead faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The best part about Kavanaugh being confirmed is we can stop fucking hearing about it. The ONLY story of the past two weeks! It does however, make me wonder, what was the left hand doing while we were focused on the right hand? This is why I almost never follow the news, it is mostly a distraction from the much deeper, more meaningful truths. The (((media))) doesn't want you to probe into those truths so they keep you distracted with the bread and circuses. Politics as we know it, is quite literally political theater. Case in point, our POTUS was a reality TV show host. Keep in mind that those in control understand that Republicans will be in favor of anything that the Left opposes, do you really think we aren't being manipulated? I consider the Kavanaugh thing a win, but only from a propaganda perspective. Normal people are beginning to realize that the Left is a cult of lunatics, which is good for us, but only if we can steer them in a better direction. The Right is full of cultists too (looking at you #QAnon) and we would be wise to not fall for the okie-doke. Chances are Kavanaugh is just another normie Conservative pro-Israel type, plus he's a Catholic, which is a huge red flag. Stay focused on the ball guys, we need a wall, we need the State Dept and all other state and federal orgs purged of all these anti-White card carrying Marxists, we need mass deportations, we need to take down Big Social, we need to build businesses for our guys, we need to rebuild our nation from the ground up starting at the family level, then the neighborhood level, then the town level, then the national. Not to mention the epidemic levels of mental illness across all races, genders, socio-economic classes and political affiliations. There is way too much going on and far too much that we still have left to do for the entire news cycle to be Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh all day long. And I for one, will be happy to not have to hear about it any more","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remove niggers from the test pool brings up the average score? I wonder what would happen if nigger murderers are removed from the crime stats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The MSM will never report on themselves or help to solve problems, they are a tool to stir up the mess so the left can ask for more laws and power to \"solve it\", you guys need a few major changes to solve this problem, specially regarding the voting bills, that is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The GOP are still mostly useless Cucks, yes. But the Democrats are going full Stalinist. They have to be trounced in the mid terms. Nothing else matters in the near term. Why can't people focus? We can return to trying to fix the GOP after the election. No need to be sorry. Just go sit on the sideline bench and stay out of our way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't remember saying anything about voting, my wife doesn't even believe women should be involved in politics. But where were you when all the Xtians where unfriending and calling me a faggot when I had actually went out of my way to stick to posting my religious views in closed groups?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His past relationships have been 'trophey wives' they had a documentary where she straight up jokes about leaving him if he didn't have money, right in front of the kids from another marriage, Elon got the most real, depressed looks and asks her 'what??'. Then she laughs it off... Feel sorry for the dude for a moment until you realize he has 20 billion dollars and his personal car in transit to Mars. His personal car isn't in transit to mars. Pretty sure they fucked up the trajectory. Also, he doesn't have 20 billion dollars. He is worth 20 billion dollars. That means that everything he owns is worth a combined total of 20billion. That includes stocks in his companies that he could never actually cash out without crashing their value. I'm pretty sure the trajectory was intended to intentionally miss Mars to put it in a specific orbit path. It was never intended to hit Mars. They fucked up their trajectory period. As opposed to losing 1B overnight due to stock price movement like he did a few days ago?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you sound like SJWs twatting about whites being over represented. only racists care so much about race. your hatred is lunacy, considering most of it was penned in 1933 and you're still using the same sorry shit. Discriminated against? I don't fucking care if a nigger discriminates against me. I expect it. Blacks are 13% of the population, yet commit 52% of the homicides, and when you factor out the old, handicapped, and children, it's more like 8% of the population committing 52% of the murders. Fuck that 8%.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But black people can't be racist! That would mean they're held to the same standards as everyone else? [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I decided to drive to the good walmart where the colored folks don't go bc it's food here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are paid trolls here most likely working for Googlefacebooktwitter or some allied organization that are trying to make Gab look like a White Supremacist Nationalist site. I have seen this idea being promoted on other media sites. They want to discredit anything they can't control. Kind of reminds you of the liberal snowflakes....\"Racist\"..\"fascist\"..etc. etc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White guy confronts black Trump supporter about his MAGA hat and knocks it off his head! This is assault. This guy needs to identified before he really hurts somebody! Ex- Dem Latina https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1055452909515632640 . And will you look at all the dumbasses watching but DO NOTHING. THIS angers me as much as the BULLY.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Ebola is a great metaphor for how #GOP #teaparty policies eat off of vital organs until the host dies. #Tcot #teabaggers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are not youth`s, they are sub human, Nigger vermin. They are socially unevolved, degenerate trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"brass monkey dat funky monkey http:\/\/t.co\/NaDoF9QqDa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's typical of women. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"600 MILLION wetbacks planned to be sent here by the UN... not including the niggers, street shitters, goat fuckers and ching chongs.... Jesus .....this is a fucking mess I think it's time that rap music be given 7Hz backbeats. It'll sound great in nigger cars...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pecans, only a faggot nazi think of gay sex first last and always. LOL Stop flirting with me fag boy! I'm not gay. YOU! Penis breath. Go suck your nazi boy friend and leave me alone. This is sexual harassment! HELP, A FAG BOY NAZI IS SEXUALLY HARASSING ME!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> instead of talking about why they chose that lifestyle These simps are actually that retarded. WOMEN are why we chose this lifestyle. Women and the shitty things they do. I don't know how it could be any more simple or easy to understand. But I guess when your worldview depends upon not understanding, you'll go out of your way to avoid it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he's making fun of me cause I'm worried about the bird and he saying he's not surprised because I don't like splitting poles lol ugh jerk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two Tennessee Men Accused of Filming, Raping 9-Month-Old Girl https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-RRp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IM TOO WORRIED ABOUT THAT RETARD BROWARD COU TY TO MEME RIGHT NOW!!!! WTF IS GOING ON?? Same. I want to celebrate MAGAversary but we are royally fucked if they steal FL and AZ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sand nigger is a sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How to make sure you have ugly kids that don't look like you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Call white person \"white person\" in a derogatory way? That's cool. Call hispanic person \"white person\" in a derogatory way? Whoa, that's racism!! Meanwhile white people are being used a placeholder for an insult. Remember when gay people were the token insult? Now, it's being. I can just hear the kids now, calling eachother white as an insult the way people used to call others faggots as an insult, even if they weren't gay. So if we're going off the same timeline, it's going to take people about 20-40 years to realize that they have been exhibiting gross racism towards white people. Hopefully the same Political Correctness rules stay, and people who said racist things about white people in 2018 will lose their jobs in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trying to insult us like that is pointless. We call ourselves fags all the time. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4\/ Then ppl go \"OK, well, we generally agree that ADULT porn is OK for Gab.\" But then it's the same thing. Retards on Gab are like \"hee hee, that means I should post porn everywhere, like you're talking about economic policy and then I burst into the room and start showing pictures of women being gangbanged.\" Would you do that in real life? OK, I see you standing in front of me. I got it. you dont recognize yourself? even chimpanzees can. LOL, he didn't even understand the post. That's how low his intelligence is. XD Man id love to punch you in the face to knock some intelligence into you but the aids risk isnt worth it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JonJ_07 like their players really been talking trash about Bama.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a crippl3. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And she killed anthony....fucking useless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is everyone today? New to the group but old to the ideas. Glad if found another place to be able to speak freely about things that are being swept under the rug Funny thing, Lincoln was not really bothered either way. He just wanted to keep the south as part of the union. Slavery was not even on his radar. This was all done after the war to make him out as something else to cover over why the war happened in the first place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand... but it's not even having the effect of me getting worked up anymore. It just makes me vaguely shrug. \"Retards gonna retard\" sort of reaction","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's not a rapist. He's a very fair guy but you mentally retarded idiots only get your talking points from TEEVEE. I'm laughing at you, YES YOU! HAHAHAHA! That old bat wouldn't even remember where her cunt is. I think Justice Kavanaugh is about to dump some major whupass on Deep State criminals and THAT is what THEY are afraid of as catlady libtards go shrieking off into the night as the distraction. Boo Fucking Hoo on Feminist idiots. They lost. We won. :-)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you the same brain damaged moron that showed up last time? Go away I don't feel like listening to your psycho babble. Sorry retard you'll have to go bother someone else tonight","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Opie and Anthony watch a public access tv show with a retarded chef edit - retarded jewish chef. https:\/\/youtu.be\/UqQkAf1plfc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Cancerous_Kevin: @TimRossComedy @Michael_Craig12 I feel like Tim Ross is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love her, if only for her comedy value ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clinton emails: Billionaire Soros said he regretted backing Obama By Kristina Wong - 12\/31\/15 https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/national-security\/264542-liberal-billionaire-soros-regrets-backing-obama BEWARE...SOROS SOLICITS SYMPATHY THIS WAY. ..HE TRIES TO SWAY PEOPLE TO HIS SIDE....DONT BE FOOLED...THIS MONSTER MUST BE ENDED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Larry Elders showing how poorly informed Taylor Swift is. https:\/\/twitter.com\/larryelder\/status\/1050556422948192256 Again she is vetted for singing talent not political acumen. These celebrities think that their fame and fortune give them moral authority to dictate politics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh man, the US government must have reduced the handouts to the nigger government of Selma.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You imm1grants are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't feel so bad, you could be in Stevie Wonder's shoes. :) Click on image for full view.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I'm not allowed to argue with women? Do you know how retarded that sounds? You can but it's a waste of time. It's like arguing with children, nothing good can come out of it. You are the retard by not realizing that women are children. I know, one cannot argue with retards but I find it cathartic to call you out on your retardedness.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning #GabFam Have a great Friday Sadly, in Taxachusset it is hardly likely. But the second part can still come true. We live in hope!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ohh boy this is a great post m8, it reminds of that time I was riding on ma boys dick and realized that I had not given consent, but since I was already grinding that big fat black cock I just went along with it... anyway that's not what I wanted to say though, the thing is that while I was having wild sex with my 8ft tall Mandingo slave I realized how oppressive masculinity can be, so ever since I go calling everybody sexist not because they are being sexist but rather because it pleases me deeply to see people suffer for something they don't understand. Sometimes I have dreams where I see the world burn and next thing you know I just jizzed all over me again, man I have really uncontrollable wet dreams..I might need some psychological help, but who gives a shit. Talking about feelings is for faggots, Am I right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Live birds found in Elmo doll at US-Mexico border (from @AP) http:\/\/t.co\/JCH9HQVlPl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd cut sentences for some crimes, and add time for the worst. Rape? Mandatory life w\/o; let the state seek death for rape","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Christianity seems to be doing a fucking good job at keeping the #Muslim and #Nigger hordes at bay. :rolleyes: Without #Christian charitability and a false (((#Communist))) idea of a brotherhood of man (with #Niggers wrongly categorized as human) all of us #White #Europeans would live in our 100% White ethnostates with closed and heavily guarded borders. lol FAGS! He's a wop too, I would have figured that you two would have more in common. yes Pasta nigger I am a little bit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tumblr Shows How Retarded The Western Left is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO she doesn't get it... I've had up close and personal dealings with this asswipe. She's literally dumber than a bag of rocks. This stupid troll is oblivious to anything around her... it's NO exaggeration when I tell you that she's the most retarded person I've ever witnessed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More proof that Gab is nothing but a raging trash fire. Here's that faggot smeg sucker tighty whitey making posts here today, after making threats like this, which were reported, MONTHS ago. Ain't it funny how Gab admin act so quickly to NSFW a users entire account for posting naughty shit, but they DO NOTHING with assclowns like tighty here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Teresa May is the female Mr Burns. Looks, moves and doesn't listen to the people exactly the same","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ebomb26 cool beaners. i just got home. ready to keep my couch from floating away. lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twat, he loves them because they finance him. Book deals are a dead give away. You're actually worse than a Jew. You are a nigger loving white man who is complicit in the destruction of western civilization by pointing to the symptom (muzzies) as opposed to the disease (Jews) Do please tell us about this fancy participation trophy you stumbled upon. No one finds nigger ape skanks attractive, even nigger ape boys. It's more likely you can't find an attractive white woman willing to sleep with you. Literally no one finds high T, low IQ nigger bitches attractive. This is science. Are you a science denier. Mr. Science doesn't know and is now trying to straw man my position, lulz. I said no one finds nigger bitches attractive, never nogs only prefer nogs. I'd venture a guess though from my own observation that 95% of all mixed race couples are black man white woman. Boom, Science Nigga!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course Sasse would want to be nominated He is my senator. he embarrasses me nearly every time he speaks. Sasse is up for re-election in Have you heard anything about a potential primary challenger? not yet, but I am not even sure if Sasse is going to run for re election. He might just chicken out like Flake. Sasse is too dumb to be read into the vast right wing conspiracy. Too dumb to even spend the 10 minutes it takes to figure it out either. Collins was read into it. COLLINS of all people was read into the conspiracy to solidify her vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" you can attack me all you want, it is, by now in the job description\" hehehe. Not sure who said it, but it seems to be true : \" Trump in politics is like a hillbilly, he speaks his mind and doesn't give a fuck about diplomacy. \" Truer words have never been spoken.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Due to the lack of a Media thread I'm gonna post here... The new Doctor sucks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2 bob cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"retarded liberals sent themselves fake bombs, False Flags for deep state sympathy, FBI wont seize shit. You don't get it, patriots have all been on a list that the retards keep for satan, GOD protects us. Trump is about to administer some tough love... tribunals for deep state, swift executions to follow, it cant be stopped.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Idiot! That faggot would be straight off the top of the nearest tall building!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's ask him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SILLY GAY COON NIGGER GOVERNMENT TAR NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FBI is the nigger protection league","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't say brain resisting retard - resistard on Twitter. I'm suspended for saying this Is that pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I\"ve owned you point by point. leave it to american redditors to ignore history","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You M u s l i m s make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lucky dudes Now reverse the genders. Are they lucky girls? Of course not, what a dumb point you make.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @losthistories: In DC Fri 1\/3: Bengali Harlem reading\/convo @busboysandpoets 14th St @SAALTweets @teachingchange @ThatWhichIsTold http:\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Know what was worse? There wasn't a man around to shove his teeth into the edge of a curb. The bright side is hopefully both sides will begin to think about shoving a camera in someone's face, yelling private property (which she did), and then wondering why the already violent person attacked her. She should not get undue sympathy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So far, two couples have been White, which is as it should be. White children, representing a White country. Oh shit, I just saw a Nigger hugging a young White girl. That is racism at its height.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Israel's Education Minister Wants \"Shoot to Kill Policy Against Palestinian Children http:\/\/www.renegadetribune.com\/israels-education-minister-wants-shoot-to-kill-policy-against-palestinian-children\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The word faggot can describe a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More: \"Hey Trump. Can you not put Goldman Sachs Jews in charge of the Fed?\" \"Trump, can you not waste your political capital over a stupid tax bill, again, drafted by GS Jews?\" \"Trump, the GOP is full of traitors. So how about you help us replace them with populists in the primaries? Could you at least praise them on twitter? Please?\" This nigger ain't done SHIT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't wait for bitch to be the new nigger, I'll be able to offend twice as many people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I couldn't press send. That tweet about anchor babies was even too raw for me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Josef just pitted. Slight possibility he can make it the remaining 67 laps but I highly doubt it. Will need yellow. #IndyFest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this is the faggot hairstylist with blue hair and 2 lip rings...hes been charged and arraigned already..turns out he has done this before","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UN ARRESTED CRIMINAL Eric Holder DEMANDS Republicans Stop Investigating the Russian Investigation https:\/\/theblacksphere.net\/2018\/07\/eric-holder-demands-republicans-stop-investigating-russian-investigation\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter and fucken Fuckbook are blood brothers in arms owned by same deformed son of a funking whore, a common cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sweetlou462 thanks Hun. <3 I'm so crushed. I love working out. It'll be 2months gone by the time I go back. :\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll snap that female neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you mean like just about any old person nowadays? It's a person by person thing, not an age thing at all. I bet this old lady drinks Pepsi. I could see her being really into weight loss teas that don't work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FINALLY SOMEONE RECOGNIZED RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. TOO BAD IT WASN'T IN THE UNITED STATES . . . . https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/10\/gay-cake-case-uk-supreme-court-rules-favour-christian-bakers\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said gay people like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Marines. They teach you how to hack people. I've actually hacked you buddy retard. Your IP starts with \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While his nigger monkey wife spends obscene amounts of HIS money on her ill fitting and always unsuitable, ugly outfits, Harry is circulating morning suit from the time he was at least couple inches shorter, and same old ruined shoes with holes he is wearing all the time. #Windsordashians Harry is allso a tool to be used by the devil. You will see, then remember this tekst.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why did he incorrectly label Hitler? Hitler was a Socialist, same as Mao and Stalin..... Well---he wasn't a socialist in the tradition of Marx and Lenin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump just proudly declared he is a Nationalist for America. Next step is to declare himself a Nationalist for the White Race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't have to wave those flags. We get you're a faggot christian","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are successful? How wonderful! And in a White country too! I am so pleased! Now, if you could transfer your success to your African homeland... You mean Trudeau? He does indeed. They already are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was accused of never taking a full front face shot, so here is one. No slant or angle or nothing. :) http:\/\/t.co\/yCuVyPV1n0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DAAAMN! How DARE That Nigger get elected to the Supreme Court after having his character, Family, and Education destroyed by Democrats. His in-con-negro ass should have been on Welfare where the Democrats in 1950's Georgia put him. THANK GOD, Republicans don't hold a grudge. We love the Constitution of the United States of America. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid isn't synonymous with bitch. It would be better to state: Cunt bitch Pussy bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shit I fucked an African American chick once!!! That makes me just about as much of an African American as She is a native!!! Fucking Retarded Pocahontas!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@News @Politics @BrigitteGabriel @noislamonazis @PamelaGeller @GeorgiaLogCabin @A3Patriot @a @bh43 @CmdrSlamm @DaleEvans @edbaker3000 @FrankDeSilva @im_frank @janiec @Kekromancer @LouHolmes @NoGlobalistSlave @OurCountryFirst @PaigeFord @qbmdo @JQuest2000 @ForQ @Rad-er-Cad @SurvivorMed @Thepalmierireport","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I honestly have more sympathy for the niggers than I do for the coalburner. She deserved what she got. If only her nigger boyfriend died.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yup. i cant smoke in a bar because it's harmful to some faggot that's getting drunk, doing drugs and having an STD potluck w\/ the boys later...... seems legit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise feminists for making me mistrust and distance women. Keep this feminist crap up and the only way conception will occur is immaculately or by test tube. When did twat become twit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot gets to keep his account while I've lost six in the last WEEK simply for talking about what jews do without using any curse words or slurs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Smoking a fag\" has a whole other fairy gay faggot meaning here in the USA. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Satanists need it for being mentally ill, retarded eternal teenagers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How the filthy RACIST JEWS invert the obvious to there needs! The RACIST RETARDED Democrats eat all this shit up because they too fucking stupid to decipher fact from fiction! I am sick of these bastards distorting realities. Jews are human sewage and LYING PIGS! A rabbi will bless his own shit if he thinks he can make some money of it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical nigger behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Zwaaad fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I haet gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can lead a retarded horse to water but you can't make it understand that it's not fucking poison it's just water","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are scum to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lunatic hey, Einstein, do you support ISLAM by chance?. they fuck goats and camels, you are worried about breast feeding?. too bad you were not aborted. Go a step further Hun, stop breeding.... They have thinking problems. They don't do it correctly. What did I just read? Beyond ludicrous True That explains it. All moslem boys are breastfed. Who knew? I was breastfed, as was my 2 sons, I always thought that was the reason for our fondness? Do #Not hide who they are... They should feel #Shame for holding such #BadIdeas as their beliefs After all... #SheIs the poster of that on a public forum... WTF??? I think the batteries in your brain need changing!!! What the hell donu think they did before bottles and formula came along? U r nutso for even thinking this is a true statement u put out there! That's as bad as fruitcake that said people need to ask permission of a baby to change their soiled diapers. These nuts are either MKULTRA experiments let loose on the streets or there's a Top Secret \"Idiot Factory somewhere churning these morons out by the trainload every day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JAMES BOND IS NOT A NIGGER EITHER !! NOR A VILE LGBT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islam is pig shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Children should be forced to learn about the Marxist murderers of every Socialist regime. and how easily a country can be taken over by them, such as exemplified by this Marxist CUNT all he wants is power and the right to wield it Am so amused every time when I hear Muslims being associated with Marxism or socialism. All Islamic countries are hard-core capitalists, to the degree of fascism since all socialist activists and anyone who protests for any policy that would ensure more democracy, equality and social justice, are beheaded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Show me that this has happened even a single time. Just once. A single fucking time is all i ask. But you cant. This has never, in all of human history, happened. fuck.off.faggot it happens to.trans muslims all day I thought trans muslims were just thrown off rooftops","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are all brainwashed retarded monkey brains! Morally degenerate human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> And then there's \"no bad tactics, only bad targets, which is a catch-all phrase used by Gamergate supporters to portray online activists as deranged harassers mobbing \"targets with no concern for collateral damage. lol the one they don't sum up fairly accurately and it's the fucking Saul Alinsky quote how completely unexpected","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You stupid ugly pig. You're only 30% of the population, and only 2% of you lowlife Trash even have the balls to do it. You will pay dearly for supporting such a worthless orange sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gas is always cheaper in the ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In case you haven't noticed, as the media and social media companies keep silencing and censoring everyone, the violence keeps escalating. Why? Because everyone is being shoved into their own tribal echo-chamber by retarded liberal assclowns like you that want to censor free speech.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Storieswithdad\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 great video but why the fucking nigger rap music? fuck that nigger shit it is nigger music. Only a kike would try and infect the movement with this nigger music shit. so fuck off kike and go gas yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Italian_Montana: @arosati96: The bromance between pat and ant is real fuck that faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Avenatti shreds Trump as a \"misogynist pig\" for mocking Ford https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/g25vJe\/Dols_XVXUAIsf_Y.png https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5pXC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/police-union-lambastes-snl-grossly-inapt-portrayal-officers\/ Saturday Night Live does a grossly offensive portrayal of police. Police Union complains. DEMS really are against law and order, aren't they ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @Yattabing Cavs trash.. Heat trash.. Smh pat gotta make trades","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"64% of Hispanics have IQ scores too low to enter the military. Source: https:\/\/archive.today\/o\/LRe05\/takimag.com\/article\/frequently_asked_questions_about_the_jason_richwine_brouhaha_steve_sailer\/print%23ixzz2TPXmpNgG Well it's like any large corporation. Upper management hopes the have the smart people come up with well documented processes that removes the need for smart people so you can hire cheap dumb drones to just follow process. This never works very well in reality, we'll have the Wall Mart of militaries. I'm sure someone will get rich off the whole thing though A future US military will likely try to adopt a WWII Soviet-like military doctrine of throwing masses of expendable troops at the enemy. The only problem with this is that nonwhites aren't going to be willing to die for ZOG. I foresee major morale problems. there is nothing good about the genocide of white america. This will end with violence. That is one way to sum it up, briefly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dressing up.... Eddie Murphy tau ht me that back aat the house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Aay_XxMr1LM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck this cunt. I hope her kid is taken from her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retard -moron-pathetic- inbred","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did I miss where there are roving gangs rampaging around the third world stealing children from loving parents and selling them on the black market baby trafficking ring to the US? (Or any other first world country, for that matter). Last I checked the lamentation was that nobody wants those kids to begin with, and even the ones who are orphaned due to war, violence, or pestilence are nearly impossible to place. and#x200B; You did miss it. We did a hot webcam show about it. Lots of dick. Never change pokemon_fetish. [This comment has in turn been reported for being a shitpost.](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/m21rxA lol How are ya Gnu? I have been decidedly alive recently. And I suppose that's the most positive thing I can say right now. Cool. Glad you red bulled. You didn't ask how I was, which is what this is all about because I am a teenaged girl. Oh right, I should know that. How are you? Something tells me there's something you have to say. Only to have a wonderful evening. Oh and it's my birthday. Ooooh~ Happy birthday yesterday!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God, I hate this mulatto bitch! What a narcissistic, attention-seeking cunt to announce your pregnancy at somone else's wedding? Horrible, nasty little bitch! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6276715\/Harry-Meghan-announce-expecting-child-together.html Read on UK Newspapers http:\/\/www.tachanfil.com\/stores\/ing\/ @tachanfil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jew cunt alert in Dallas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is she mental pop sing o conner has conveted to pedo women with silly evil name next time you convert make sure it's a object like a pallet or something because you never see a pallet been race to any one or rap or kill children and have woman and girls cunt s cut out so next time mental stars don't","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being this cucked. https:\/\/twitter.com\/ProudResister\/status\/1048253437605888000 Do something about then you silly little faggot POS Degenerate liberal. We're all waiting for your little bitch session.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually Hispanic is not white. There are some Hispanics that have more Spanish blood than others. None of them are anglos. I'm not going to spiral but the notion that Spanish who mixed with arabs, jews and Indian are white is laughable. Less than 1% can pass as white, if that. I also love how this guy does the \"I WON'T PURITY SPIRAL BUT\" bit and proceeds to essentially do so anyway. The Nordcuck wignat purity spiralers aren't sending their best. Also: inb4 \"BUTTBLASTED MED MUTT LUL\" I'm actually 100% Northern European by ancestry and proud of it. I like how you opted to attack me. I don't believe pointing out people who are less than 75% European aren't white is purity spiraling. The average argentinean is 10% ashkenazi. As I said Hispanics aren't white and their DNA tests speak for themselves. You literally said people who are 10% ashkenazi are white 90% white is basically white Mr. \"ME NO SPIRAL\". They aren't 90% white...65% European at best. That's not white. >same fucking lies and strawmen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RealPresidentTrump I have not given up, i am making a sacrifice too insure the helpless and disabled are not forgotten. i am considering other options Thank you for looking out for your fellow Americans! The country needs more strong partriots like you! God bless Am I overlooking something or have you done anything to actually stop and reverse Islamisation of the West? Such as: - deport all Muslims from West and sanction those Govs who fail to do so - close all mosques, ban all Islamic prayers and outfits - emphasise that Islam violates US Constitution and should be held unconstitutional in US and all Western democracies This stuff takes time and planning. As much as it needs to be done, optics and being tactful go a long way in the political world. Don't worry and trust the plan! Geesh, talk about nuclear. If you do it like that all you do is to get their backs and defenses up, even if you could do it like that. Follow the plan, throw up the frisbees and while they're chasing frisbees you go in the backdoor and make those lemons into lemonade.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Surabees: It's @DonaldJTrumpJr's son's 7th birthday today and @WhoopiGoldberg is on national TV saying Don's kids are potential future sexual abusers. Are @ABC and @TheView ok with her attacking children in such a disgusting way? If a Repub said this about Obama's grandkids, they'd be fired. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nYvT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to klil all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What you need to call ya boyfriend into this? I don't give a fuck what he has to say or you. I remember when trolling was a true art form, and not this debased, eternal teenager bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Talcum X is so mad about Chad Kelly right now, but he hasn't said a word about the nigger who murdered a college track star last night.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nashville area here. This shit would simply never fly, too many guns and too many leveled headed people that don't act like retarded assholes regardless of our differences politically. Antifa are bitches and wannabe revolutionaries, they only do this shit where the 2A is not enforced ; DC, Seattle, Portland, Berkeley etc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh snap I'm just realizing this skinny tranny is Jared Leto. He's Wo unrecognizable with all that weight loss. Geez!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New Q 3! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #RedOctober #PatriotsFight #PatriotsEffectingChange #Midterms #VoteRed @realDonaldTrump @POTUS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wakanda: A delusional kike invention to fool their nigger slaves into believing they're equal to the white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_DRACHEOFFICIAL I've tried. I always hit ALT+F4 and eat Mega Stuffed Oreos because I can't figure out those programs. lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The TRP \"women want sex more than men do\" is yet another retarded piece of misinformation. Since men on average have more testosterone it is us who wants sex more often and with different partners. Hence why porn addiction is mostly a male issue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. So now you want to rape holocaust survivors? Damn, these people are sick! #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q Lol, there are people making asses of themselves while trying to continue one of the biggest, most easily disproven lies in history. Maybe it's because you love taking your (((fellow white man's))) schlong up your ass. Look, a Fresh dumbass who thinks the holocaust never happened! Damn, these people are so dumb. Fresh Steak is right, because that's exactly what he and his family will be to me when the war breaks out! #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys Look, a fresh faggot who likes to LARP as an impossibility,trying to be some imaginary communist version of Milo. It's so surreal that all you can do is literally attempt totry and pull your horseshit here, because daddy isn't coming to savr you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She got hers, and she brought every action of her nigger on herself. However, it obviously is not his place to discipline the cunt. Both of them should've gone to the gallows together, judged and condemned by a White magistrate for their crimes against humanity. Hence, the nigger still needs to hang...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Putting a Muslim in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's only natural for a slut like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the Lying, Thieving, Gun Running, Racist, Anti-American, categorically WORST ATTORNEY GENERAL IN AMERICAN HISTORY!! His \"twin\" Low-retta matched his lying, thieving,Racist, Anti-American, record! 60's hippy radical","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we get white people running MTV ? Or black people? Or even some filthy pakistanis? As long as it gets back to music, Anything would be better than the jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That motherfucker really knows how to write a good movie. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FDRLST: Barack Obama's former attorney general Eric Holder told a crowd over the weekend that Democrats should \"kick Republicans. https:\/\/t.co\/r53JYgQoBK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spencer's wife should be glad he didn't just bury her in the national forest instead. Wouldn't have been the first time someone who got uppity with Dick got a bag over their head and ended up kneeling on the edge of a ditch next to some dirt road in the headlights of two G-Wagons begging for their life. Wtf, I love Dicky Spencer now. Fuckin badass \"Women who demand rights get lefts too\" Richard Spencer, 2015 I think I'm in love.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Darienbaby_xoxo jk I'd fuck a dog before I fuck you fish pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember that time when bush was in office and retarded know nothing conservatives said that a high tech police state internet censorship was just conspiracy theory? The bush administration had ZERO resistance from the republican voter while he helped set up the censorship grid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* A gay, \"non-binary\" Muslim drag queen explains how gender and race fluidity is proven by science. So delighted my BBC license fee is paying for this. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6Fanea5kcfg Queer Theory? Race, age, and sex are all fluid constructs? And you can have no gender or LIMITLESS genders? Sorry, Earth it's time Vader makes you Alderaan fairy dust.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gy people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just goes to show how retarded, literally retarded the Dems are! All we've heard was the Russians did it, colluded to take away the vote from them, and what do they do, turn around and attempt to do the very same thing! These people need to be blasted into space on a non return trip back! The only thing is, they are brazenly stupid enough to do it in the open!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are the worst kind of motherfucker. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is sad is its idiots like that who fucked us..they say dont lynch niggers fair trails etc... we do and look what happens nigger city Detroit become rape capital of the world. Its not racist when your right","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @monogrammedprep: God is a Yankees fan. #FarewellCaptain","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how enthusiastic he is about not losing his model trains. Edit: I understand the models are expensive, I just love his complete happiness in that horrible situation. And you know damn well there are petty bitches who would take them just out of spite.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Soyboy has puffy-ass nips!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Karen Monahan after Sand Nigger Ellison beat her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jindal seemed to be having an out-of-body experience enhanced by special brownieshttp:\/\/t.co\/W0cyEcqKLoBj Up and At 'Em#stribpol #mngop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"10\/10 read title as 'incase yall faggot'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And that children is what a hairy cunt looks like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS PRESIDENT STATES $500 BILLION 400,000+ USA JOBS AT STAKE REGARDING SALE OF USA ARMAMENTS ETC TO KING SHEEK SALOMI AND HIS BOLOGNA BLOW THEE 2000 RETARDED MURDEROUS INBRED CLAN WHO PERFORM NO WORK JUST BLOW JOBS THE QUEER FAGGOTS WHO MURDER YEMENI CHILDREN AND OTHERS AT WILL. GO AHEAD U COCKSUCKERS WASTRELS UPON THIS GREAT EARTH BUY YOUR ARMAMENTS ETC ELSEWHERE AND WHEN RETRIBUTION TIME IS AT HAND ITLL BE A TURKEY SHOOT WITH UR WEAK GEAR FROM OTHER NATIONS DITTO DITTO DITTO ISRAEL===> THATS CORRECT;,: THIS PRESIDENT IS GENETICALLY JEWISH OF HIS FATHERS DNA ALLELES AND WHAT THE GENETIC JEW IS NOT SAYING IS THE FILTHY KIKES GENETIC JEWS JEWESSES IN ISRAEL*, FOR THE TIME BEING ANYWAY, *ARE ALLIED STRONGLY WITH SAUDI ARABIA AND GET THAT USA ARMAMENT ETC FOR FREE BY WAY OF SAUDI ARABIA. FUCKING GODDAMNED SNEAKS. #BRUCEJOHNKENNEWAY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thiswetback. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sooo...Colin Kaepcake, a muzzie slave, a gay Indian, and a Hawaiian, all with huge V's are the face of the DemonRats? Where are the chicks with dicks?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whats wrong @CNN @ABC @NBC @CBS Don't like the truth about your Demoncrap MOBS. GOP SEIZES ON LEFT'S \"UNHINGED MOB MENTALITY IN VIRAL VIDEO The GOP has crafted an advertisement around the \"unhinged mob theme in a Thursday video which quickly went viral https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/gop-seizes-on-lefts-unhinged-mob-mentality-in-viral-video\/ \"The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted? Louis Farrakhan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude you're a fucking faggot - Eric cartmen","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Joe Biden: \"I'm here to tell you that once again we need your energy. Once again, we need your leadership. Once again, we need your renewed commitment to civil rights and civil justice.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fq6C https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/z6g5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many r4pefugees in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The CEO of that company is a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AyeYoitsDupree: Rape is NEVER something to mock like this. I stand with Jada #jadapose http:\/\/t.co\/uEbuOBwTbg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.puppetstringnews.com\/blog\/feinstein-is-nervous-as-hell-freaks-out-on-twitter-again-demands-reality-check-on-rachel-mitchells-memo whats her chinaman say?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie looking like he's the one that made that 3.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My favorite part of tonight's Trump speech: \"we're not really supposed to use that word, but you know what I am? I am a Nationalist\" https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/administration\/412649-trump-you-know-what-i-am-im-a-nationalist >nationalist >sells out to zion lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a disabled person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot https:\/\/gab.com\/Yahisgood\/posts\/39761978","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not to mention men's sports brings far more revenue. Somehow, despite men having almost twice the television audience, the WTP awards woman grand slam champions the same as men. Not only is is fucking retarded because men earn more revenue, but they also play games 3\/5 and women play 2\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder why that America-hating commie faggot still keeps the first name \"Jackson\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Msnbc is flat out denying China,, with China's full page newspaper ad. They are singling out the Russian woman now arrested,, as @Trumps little helper. This news crew are simply mentally retarded to the 3iQ Max. Then They air the clip of Trump,. yea., we need help in Ohio,, lets call Russia, to help. You can't joke with these mental cases to any degree,, or they'll run with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One day you may experience someone close to you in that situation and you'll change your mind. I agree that situations are always different when its someone close to you. If this guy was my brother, best friend or son I'd be devastated and wondering what other problems could've possibly been going on in his life to bring on such a tragedy and what I could've done to prevent it. As the outsider looking in however, I see a weak person, so weak in fact they are willing to kill themselves to be a man in this worthless excuse of a humans eyes. I also see someone that mentally unstable as being a potentially future danger to society. Call me crazy, cold, callous or out of touch, but I'm not gonna call this a loss. Lmao if you think suicidal thoughts make someone weak and useless to society, please stop using everything those \"weak useless\" people invented. Like everything you use in life. There would be no electricity nor understanding of the atom, nor what we call modern medicine were it not for a collection great men of the past who moved the whole species potential along, before choosing to leave this mortal plane. You speak as a child from ignorance, free of the knowledge of mental strife and meaningless pain that many people find insufferable in life. I'm know I'm on the undervote streak right now so keep em coming. But I'm curious, who are you referring to when talking about these amazing folks who have enhanced our lifestyles before leaving? I don't keep up with every major genious inventor, innovator, doctor, philanthropist, etc (I'm honestly wondering because I don't know) that have made immense impacts in our history affecting our every day lives, health and order of operation in general, and then killed themselves? (No musicians) I really wish your attitude would disappear from this earth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"ayo i even kill handicapped and crippled bitches\/look at my scalp real close and you'll see triple sixes\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"without forcing women to major in STEM you will gonna never get \"equality\" During early communism, we had quotas in factories for women, after about 5-8 years it was clear to everyone that the women cannot work as much and as hard as men, an the \"factory 5 year plan\" was in danger... Then they created something called \"TESA\", meaning \"non-working workers\". These \"workers\" were in offices, and usually were part of the \"management\", but in reality it was a shitty bureaucratic system that slowed down the factory... So they employed women in TESA positions, as most factory floor positions were men, in order to \"equalize\" the genders. The results was this: everyone wanted the nice non-working positions, therefore no one wanted the shitty labor intensive workplaces. The factories got so bogged down by the lack of workforce that they started to pay (even in communism... imagine that) far better the manual labors than the university degree TESA workers. Years later, a 8 class low skill manual laborer (male) could afford a car (total decadent luxury) and yearly seaside holidays (another decadent luxury) while a high skilled university degree TESA worker (usually a woman) could barely afford to live.... And the irony was that when the system collapsed, the working men, that got the best wages and best stuff (free holidays, free transportation, free food) were the ones to revolt and topple the system... not the shitty intellectuals from TESA that were too scared to do shit. So... even if you mandate it, you still gonna get shit back. Your Marxists should learn about our past before trying it again and again and again.. like retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. His Catholic Muslims must be an unusual sect of Islam I haven't heard of before. I suppose they pray in mosques that have a church steeple and bell instead of a wailing twat on a microphone. Who knew? lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's it isn't it? Shine your white brothers and sisters on for a negro lap dog. So who's a bigger nigger lover? Obama or trump?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt has fucked more niggers and kikes than your average feminist. #AnnCoulter https:\/\/frostsnow.com\/who-is-ann-coulter-know-about-her-boyfriend-and-affairs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads @DaniloNavarro85 Hey fag, I said this was your aunts. *He* said it was you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who would you LEAST trust from a Jeremy Corbyn led Labour govt on National Security? Basically the choice is an IRA Hamas arselicker, a lunatic Stalinist cunt, a fat arse bitch who hates the white working class, another fat arsed bitch thick cunt and a Muslim rape gang fan. Sooner have the No.10 cat than ANY if those cunts If #Labour get power there will be Civil War","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"purple faggot tie... jfc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, you want your stupid assed child to suffer just because YOU are fucking mentally retarded and should never have bred ??? Why not just choose \"?\", that way YOU can give up one more responsibility that you were supposed to do, and just let your child decide what gender\/sex they want to be when they are not taught what to do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical r3tard behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who was that faggot witht he bots like 8 months ago i called him a Faggot so he had his bots downvote me to shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! We have a fairy gay faggot libtard here that downvoted this truth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fam...when you call someone an NPC just for disagreeing with you or liking things you don't like...that's very NPC like behavior. Aka,it's dehumanizing someone for not \"falling in line\". And if you think only the left is guilty of it you're wrong. They're the worst offenders right now but give it time,that can easily change. >claiming depictions of children in sexual acts is not pedophilia >claiming that those who think your sexualization of depictions of children is disgusting are just as bad as SJWs >your content in general man this is some serious mental gymnastics. I'm good, but not THAT good Brendon,I only have a limited character count but...By that argument...let's say I read Walking Dead or Game of Thrones....am I therefore \"pro\" genocide,pro incest,pro child murder,and \"pro\" medieval ethics? If I liked Halloween am I pro serial killing? If I like shooter games am I a fan of the Columbine shooters? C'mon m8,don't take the low road.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Need another reason to vote Republican in November? | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The soldiers will help with logistics and will patrol the border along with ICE to catch people crossing in illegally. It isn't a scam. They will help with the situation immensely. It's a guess that most of the people in the caravan will want to apply for asylum, but some of course will get to the border then split and try to enter a few kilometers or hundreds of kilometers away. 1\/2 female? You're deluded dude. The caravan isn't half female. Military personnel aren't peace officers, I get it. 800 is a lot of people to help with the above things I mentioned. 8,000 isn't needed when you already have ICE and the national guard. Why are you bringing up the 2,000 mile long border? I mentioned in my previous post most people in the caravan will file for asylum and will arrive together as a group. Then the ones who want to risk entering illegally will split off. You're trying to downplay 800 extra pairs of hands and eyes. And then you end with an insult. How adult-like. Aren't girls and women equal? Why did you bold that? Are they not equal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Maxwell_Larsen your a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trying not to be a shithead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf is wrong with these proportions, the character looks like a squashed midget Toothpaste guy's arms in the last panel physically hurt to look at Ehem, Toothpaste \"guy\" Check yo pronouns ***F U C K*** That actually made me cry, that was fuckign great.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will hurt you and any other black people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be ON the lookout! A nigger escaped the Democrat plantation! Word is, he is on the Supreme Court! Democrats couldn't destroy him in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I look like a dusty bird today..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"$100,800 a year to pick cotton, more than the average salary of an engineer. I saw that but realistically if you work 12 hours a day then you'd be working less than 5 days a week If you're working 12 hour days in most jobs, chances are you're working at least 5 days a week if not more. At 5 days a week and factoring in mandatory overtime laws it would come in at 91,000 per year on average. If this is a 7 day work week then you'd be looking at 137,800 annual If this is a 4 day work week then you'd be looking at 67,600 However these estimates are far from accurate. Cotton picking season in the best case is about 5 months long and lasts from July to october. That time is crunch time though so it would be reasonable to work every day during this period. So that's 153 days of the year. 12 hour days with overtime factored in at the 40 hr mark for each week. so 22(5x8x25 + 5x4x25x People always say they can do it but physical work is not for everyone. I'm from Alberta and when I was in HS I could have went to the oil fields and earned 200k a year without a university degree. I didn't go because my friends who went all said that the work is very hard, there is carcinogenic material involved and people cope with hard drugs. Cotton picking in the sun while standing up for 12 hours a day can legit kill you. You ain't wrong, I've done shitty farmwork before and had the option for the oil field line myself. Not gonna lie its a great way to get yourself killed, especially in the southern heat. But if you aren't an idiot about it you'll probably be fine. For maybe a year or two until your body breaks down. Those types of jobs aren't for the long haul. Yeah, one season's all you need. The fuck would you make a career out of hard labor?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those M u s l i m s should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the point is that the person responding to the polite man is a raging cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Practically got arrested tonight, not allowed on UTampa grounds for a year now... fml im retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@RTNBA: Drakes new shoes that will be released by Nike\/Jordan.... Yes, there's glitter on the shoes http:\/\/t.co\/QCtPLxHEXM\" ....dudes a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone needs to inform this racist illiterate cunt about the existence of the letter G.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay now this is just getting stupid. What retard Greenlee this thinking it will be profitable?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So this is how it is? Misconduct in the ancient past is grounds to deny you a seat on the Supreme Court. Recent and reoccurring misconduct gives you the right to sit in judgement of someone accused of long past misconduct. Interesting how that works, isn't it? Feinstein should have been sentenced - to be HANGED as a TRAITOR = Communist China Spy - if her Acts of TREASON and ESPIONAGE had not been COVERED UP by usurper obama - by Feinstein would not have been on the Senate Judiciary Committee to pull this CON GAME upon America - w those LYING SKANKS - as another CIA Hit. You can label patriots with the word nazi all you want. I'll continue to identify you as a faggot sjw commie that probably needs to be burned in the street.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feel like there is a noose around your scrawny neck? Better late than never. I do not think there is a statue of limitations on treason... Yep, those 2 are way past due for becoming windchimes. no one is forcing her to stay , chances are, there'd be a line of people wanting to help her pack ,should she decide to leave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The GREAT football (and lacrosse) player, Jim Brown outside the West Wing of the @WhiteHouse. He is also a tremendous man and mentor to many young people! [video] 3:14 pm - 12 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@truckpartstores Intended to get pics but didn't have time.. Must be a mud race\/event here this weekend.. Is like a redneck convoy out there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/ycxmz4t6 Breed came out hard against the measure, saying it lacked collaboration, could attract homeless people from neighboring counties to the city, and could cost middle-class jobs in retail and service. San Francisco has already dramatically increased spending on homelessness, she said, with no noticeable improvement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The lifeless gaze of an inept cuck: I was going to post the same thought. He does. Or some kind of pedo or furry\/animal raper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh dear, there is that Cunt News again, stirring the pot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't make this type of fucking stupid up.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GroteSmurf0 @illMartino @SvensTweet @KangUcup3 goh d AnoniemeAso meeting heeft weer pauze.Nog steeds niet bij hoofdstuk:hoe haal ik m'n ID?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's how it's done. Fuck, Sweden is a shithole country... but atleast we have free healthcare and free education mr i know everything about sweden when i have never set my foot there \"Free\" healthcare. You thick cunt. Your \"free\" healthcare penalises hardworking tax payers who look after themselves and encourages poor health choices like smoking and over eating especially among the least productive members of society. Did I mention you're a thick cunt? [deleted] Only Americans eat burgers? That's a new one You contain much hate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She wasn't qualified for the position, she supports private and religious schools rather than the public schools she is in charge of, and she is just a cunt in general. How is she a cunt and how is her brother a war criminal? Betsy DeVos is a cunt: https:\/\/youtu.be\/vd2KM_jhijU Eric Prince is a war criminal: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Nisour_Square_massacre","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Realistt__: Shy girls are undercover freaks.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"6 months and you can report he also files for bankruptcy too. That nigger looks like a tootsie-pop that got left in the floorboard of a car in the summer heat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When gab shuts down where are we going? Have you read your timeline? Boom on boomer. 88","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how as soon as shit gets real... \"Alright, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe that sand nigger will feel safer in Kabul.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheJadedNYer oh, well turns out that baby aint mine! *does jig*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"... and then the govt. forced the niggers into white schools, thinking it would lift the bestial nature of the nigger. Instead, it lowered the level of education to that of the bestial nigger. You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Scout Schultz who committed suicide by cop after begging a cop to shoot him has been repeatedly claimed by Atlanta Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THE YOUTUBE CLIP IS ABOUT THE DYKE KILLARY WINNING PRESIDENCY..PUTTING LYNCH IN RBGs SC SEAT..AND THE TARMAC MEETING MIGHT HAVE BEEN ABOUT THIS..AT 85 RBG HAS SENILITY SETTING IN..FORGETFUL..FALLING ASLEEP..EASILY CONFUSED AT TIMES.. I D O AGREE THAT RBG NEEDS TO RETIRE OR BE IMPEACHED FOR HER IMPAIRED MENTAL STATUS THANKYOU QANON","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You guys got the dildo memes from then? From Austin? Those were, colorful. We have to go non-violent, organized violence isn't going to solve anything, it didn't solve anything in the past. It's just going to make things worse. Unless shit really hits the fan, violence isn't going to accomplish anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love to see those disabled people suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy gets it. K. \/r\/IAmVeryBadass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The corporate government media cabal pushes the propaganda that White men are worthless. They deprive young men of social status, women. They create a generation of warriors. They have sown the whirlwind, They shall reap the apocalypse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are unhappy with the state of things in your country, you take it up with your Government Or you run for office yourself. Start a movement. Facilitate change You don't just march off to another country and demand they let you in, let you vote, pay for all of your Health Care, Food, Education and Housing, while you squeeze out 5 more kids. #BuildTheWall \"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.\" Martin Luther King Jr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot Bruce is a good source of hilarious songs about being gay and liking dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since when did this sub turn into a bunch of white knight pussies?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The nigger is a criminal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody with a sense of dignity would ever take this part .... Fuck off, Matt - Your commie color is showing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will people understand that only black people are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ahahahaha FAGGOT You have a mental condition. Your body *is* your own - quit forcing it on my attention. Trans women have a mental condition. Trans men have a mental condition. Whatever biological essentialism might be, it is not violence. Violence is violence, you feelz-ridden faggot. Your are alienating any allies you might have had.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then in 50 years some backward thinking retard will sandblast her off the pages of history too!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, we hear you loud and clear. Now please tell others at the Twat to come over here at Gab. Cernovich, Stealth Jeff, Rex Imperator, Undercover Huber.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Ashton is trash then what does that make me! Come on guys someone like Ashton can't be trash, he makes too many people smile!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Knock em down wit sum chunky ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't you go over to Pussbook and hangout there with your antiAmerican POS faggot friends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go fuck yourself inbred retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Dory: my anaconda don't want none, unless you defeat the Huns, son http:\/\/t.co\/uzTkGaWTfM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no woman, \"accidentally\" gets knocked up 27 times.... this is SICK! sew that cunt shut!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell me again how many rapefugees are now living in one of your spacious mansions..f..ing twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"whats the @","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love TRUMP! Nationalist is a GOOD word - retarded left commies\/ CNN so evil. That 60 minutes show was an attack; so defensive \/ what was shown was edited UGH Absolutely - Shows how uninformed some people are. Look up 60 minute interview where Soros deems himself God and grins as he said collecting items from the slaughtered Jews did not faze him. Why are humans so easily led -- RESEARCH FOLKS - Have a great day Calli!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of steaks in butter. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what IS illegal these days? ( outside of being white) can I identify as a wetback and go down there and start killing given laws don't apply to low IQ 3rd worlders? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=xI62nYjAbro","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dave they already made videos about how not wanting a chick with a dick or a guy with a cunt is transphobic that was so last year","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"awwwwww...is faggot Palmer mad?? need a hug??? Faggot report wants his followers to beat up old ladies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah screw those white men dying in the trenches in absolutely horrific and terrifying ways, they don't know real suffering. real suffering is being a white woman in academia in 2018, in peacetime. I wish there was a way that people like her could actually experience what it was like for these people in WW1 and WW2 or any great trauma that they so easily ignore and dismiss. I think we all know they would absolutely crumble and be a basket case bag of nerves shivering and catatonic from fear, and yet here they are vocally poopooing the sacrifices of others who paid the ultimate price. shame on her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crawl back to you r\/politics safe space. I'm sick of fucking faggot liberals coming into communities where they aren't welcome and trying to ruin them from the inside out. You're on KiA, so you already know how that works. Fuck you >You're the sort of idiot who cries about everyone who doesn't immediately fall into ideological lockstep with you is a ~~nazi~~ libtard, aren't you? and#x200B; Literally your first post on this board a month ago. You are legitimately ignorant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @XdalovelyTishai: Most of these niggas go broke for these hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fact: You can have the best weather report show in the world, but it won't make any difference to what the weather does. The same is true of Beltway politics. But at least if you predict the path of a hurricane more accurately than others, your listeners can gain from that. How would accuracy in predicting how Trump will betray us ever help? #FashTheNation I would understand it if it could be couched as 'normie outreach'. But Ann Coulter is doing a better job TBH http:\/\/www.renegadetribune.com\/third-jimpact-exposing-gay-mafia-running-alt-right\/ That?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world would be better off without women like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common tranny. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Be a thot. >Sunbathe in busy street. >Don problematic glasses. >Post on Twatter. >??? >No profit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will never again vote for a politician who panders to niggers and wants their votes.They get everything for free and are a detriment to our society in every way. There is a war going on against whites and I'm so sick of hearing about the plight of the negro. Coming from someone who incessantly complained about some nigger in the White House for eight years and continues to do so nearly two years later is rich. \"I'm not rayciss, but you're a Nazi\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she is a no talent liberal retarded cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck the kikes and fuck you too for empathizing with those traitorous baby raping cunts! whites are NOT kikes thus nullifying your reference to circumcision, dumbass! gee, another leftist cunt who doesn't know shit trying to interject some wisdom into the posts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unimaginable the sick thoughts going through his head. Pedophile loving scumbag. Or as the Podestas call it: \"Walnut Pasta\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AlfanoLisa: @Chris_1791 @MariaChappelleN Gee isn't cracker a racist term? So tired of these race baiters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You've been (((played))) Murika.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh dear... Rape jihad is caused by breastfeeding?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Muzzie Brotherhood, bin Laden Buddy and al Quida Why did he have a green card I could care less and wish Americans cared as much about Benghazi ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only immigrants can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who cares what this faggot says","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT ShaykhahL There's nothing better than some smug twat keyboard warrior who thinks they've cracked some great secret conspiracy with \"You do know Tommy Robinson isn't his real name? Oooohhhh thanks for that font of all knowledge...now jog right on and keep going. #TommyRobinson Also, if a man can put on a dress and call himself a woman, then Tommy can call himself whatever the fuck he wants. Fucking bigots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bob is white? I thought he was 1\/1024th Aztec Which is .00964 LOL! #CruzCrew Yeah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cleg is the scums premier scum. He is truly without any honesty at all. A complete, professional, dedicated, practised and accomplished cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kaitlancollins We shouldn't hold Kaitlan's past tweets calling people \"fags\" in college against her. She was young and ignorant. I mean, she didn't even know the difference between Republicans and Democrats until CNN hired her last year. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/6z8_ Agree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/columbia-u-spent-185-million-on-diversity-has-nothing-to-show-for-it\/ $500 per student year in nigger tax. Those graduating with a master's degree during that period will have over $2,500 in student debt due exclusively to their university's desire to encourage brown people to apply as faculty members\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Jews expected a King who would set up a kingdom and vanquish (literally slaughter) all of their foes. Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus said so himself. Jesus railed against Judaism and violated all of the tenets of the Jews. They killed him for it. Again, you are theologically retarded Emma. Good luck!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"immigrants are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More dangerous than just a really stupid cunt, is a cunt that thinks they're smart, but are just as dumb as a ziplock baggie. At least the baggie serves a purpose and is not a pain in the ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drudge is all in on gaslighting the right. Pushing headline after headline of this mythical Blue Wave. Look into the data, and you'll see that this will not be the bloodbath that the Left is looking for. The Democrats are way down from where they were in 2006 when they took the House; they are easily losing 4 seats in the Senate. #BlueWaveMyth As long as republicans aren't outright discouraged from going to the polls by information that seems too bleak, I think it's important to make it seem like we need to fight hard to make a blue wave not happen. A narrative of \"we can stop it if we just turn out\" is way better than a narrative of \"the blue wave was horseshit we have this in the bag\". Complacency sinks more ships than loose lips, that's for sure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying that you hate trans people shows how misguided you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course she is right, she is a white woman living in western society. What a cunt. No, he would be a cunt You are also a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heard about this? No? That's because the MSM isn't REPORTING IT. NOT. OUR. PROBLEM. Turn them around. No mas #ImmiVaders! Honduran migrant group treks north as U.S. calls for tighter borders https:\/\/reut.rs\/2NFQ0ZJ Ignore the courts. Turn them around and send them back immediately. If the judges and Commiecrats squawk throw them in prison.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WHSVGrantCruise birds of a feather. You stand with PETA. I stand with sanity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would have thought this was going too far right up until the point where she invoked her job to try and push people around. The second you do that deserve to lose your job. Cunt: \"Whats your name?\" Stewardess: \"Tabatha\" C: \"Ok tabatha, you may not have a job tomorrow\" S: \"ok thats it. I want her off the Flight\" C: \"what? Nooo, i caant. Im sooorry!\" I work at a school and that's the same reaction kids have when they receive a consequence for their so-what style bad behavior. This lady is an entitled child. I can smell the liberal on her fat ass. Oh my friend there are plenty of non liberals who are entitled children. All under the age of (couldn't resist) ...and a tuna salad that was left out for 5 days? I had a doofus similar to that on my flight and she was starting to be a twat just like the unfeeling shit in the video. I've 5 kids of my own so it doesn't bother me all that much. The individual started to get all bitchy, I asked a crew member to ask if she wanted to switch seats with me. Glaring at me the hag who's started to complain squeezes the word \"fine from between her gritted teeth. Keep in mind we are maybe 15 minutes into our flight. I grab my backpack and stand back while the nasty lady hustles in over to her new seat and I to take hers next to the mom and little one. The crew member touched my arm and said \"Sir, your seat is up here, follow me. Free upgrade! The look on the snotty lady's face was anger and bewilderment. I was going to go with baby foreskin and body odor, but that was definitely my second guess. > I was going to go with baby foreskin Smell a lot of baby foreskin, eh? I asked a local jew to describe it to me. >Always treat a woman as *the smartest teenager in the room*... And *that's being generous*. Miss NY Princess is clearly no older (mentally) than the typical terrible twos.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is your daily reminder that the left wants you dead. #JobsnotMobs #SayWhen Civil war over abortion rights' should be over pretty fucking quick","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a complete asshole. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fucking puke looks like a sick chicken fucking hillbilly child molester I have no doubt this freak just looking Hom I get a gut feeling,Burn his house and Spray Graffiti on his car and business office like these rats pukes do to us","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You aren't alive because savages from the middle-East brought retarded diseases with them to your schools I guess I'm a centrist on this, unwashed goat fuckers bring the disease back in, where it can infect children of retarded ass shit brains who think vaccines cause autism. The fact that the same parents who think vaccines cause autism are often found screaming for open borders is simply the icing on the cake. Vaccines have caused autism. Savages have brought in a lot of disease. Blaming anti-vaxxers is like putting a bandaid on cancer. Oh I agree, they deserve to live in the shitholes they helped to create. I'm just saying, if you know your country is bringing in unwashed savages that carry diseases you should probably get your kids vaccinated regardless of the threat of autism, at least that way they can live long enough to be raped and murdered and cooked and served as kebab by one of the goat fuckers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Show me exactly in the bible where it commands the followers of christ to FIGHT for their existence, give me specific bible verses. Nehemiah 4:14 - And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, [which is] great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses. Those are not the followers of christ, that is the old testament...which is commandments for jews. I asked for verses in which the FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST (non-jews) be commanded to defend themselves... The Old Testament IS for Christians. [Jesus speaking] \"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. (Matt 5:17-18) So then, you cover your head like a jew, cause Leviticus 10:6 commands you to cover your head. Do you keep away from beef? as Leviticus 11:4 commands you not to eat anything that chews cud.What about fat? Leviticus 3: First, you've been told 1,000 times, that the Israelites weren't Jews. Second, the faggots make the same argument Congratulations, faggot So stop supporting CI concepts then You look like a retard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"good....she can go fuck a nigger now","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"where did you go, transgender? Fag out? Says the man that's a kike and has a computer full of gay porn. Maybe you should be off with your tribesmen to rape little boys now. It's clear you cant handle words so you spam. LMFAO Oh, I thought you fagged out and unfollowed me LOL Aww why do Jews project their feelings and actions onto others? Is it because they dont want to be alone in their degeneracy? How does it feel to know you are the only one that looks for and saves gay porn? I hear ya cryin, nazi faggot LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How fucking retarded do you have to be to know what Trump stood for since day 1 and not like him and his policies from day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Youre such a loser. You just cant manage to be with one or youre a faggot \/s People are funny tho. Once shaming doesnt work anymore you can see just how much people do use shaming and its hilarious to me. Thats all the power they have on you, which you give them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Well, I notice that the local talk-radio republicucks are yakking 'bout antifa now. Wake-up time? We'll see... The GOP is spinning up a narrative about \"mob violence\" to scare their voters into turning out for the midterms. They haven't done anything about the mob in two years except use it as fodder in their campaign ads Politicians are reactionary. They don't do anything on their own. They are responding to what their voters have been bitching at them about. Proactive politicians do not exist. What will that translate into policywise? Is the GOP going to be \"tough\" on the mob? Please note their current policy agenda includes \"prison reform\" which is the exact opposite of their messaging. It is strongly supported by the Koch brothers Not if people like Hunter Wallace talk everyone who cares about using the GOP against the anti-white mob into removing themselves from electoral politics. The problem with using the shortcomings of a political party as a means by which to scare people away from the process that determines its leadership and platform is that it results in the very shortcomings that one is criticizing. If you want to meet your fate on the road you took to avoid it, abstain from electoral politics. As the agorists in the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist communities have demonstrated, abstinence is a great way to accomplish nothing while staying entirely irrelevant. There is no border wall. Illegal aliens continue to pour over the border. The political capital was spent on tax cuts and deregulation and massive increases in military spending. The US embassy was moved to Jerusalem. Enormous sanctions were imposed on Russia. We attacked Syria twice We're all going to get raped to death ... because Jeff Flake isn't a senator anymore. LOL If you want to be a cheerleader for Paul Ryan and his policies, fine. Just don't pretend that these people have anything to do with us or that they haven't actually explicitly endorsed and supported Antifa Are you supporting Based Kanye West when he runs for office?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is going to the like of junker who grandfather took billions of Luxembourg population took be force you a globalist inside for nazie you will not be pm we fucking cunt like you may your another Tony Blair in fucking dress your most evil lieing cunt for z witch this country has ever had you are a reminder right taking over David Cameron fuck up job for you witch to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Couldnt handle the bantz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go huff farts, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His children will look back one day and wonder why their father was such a fucking pussy. This nigger loving, jew apologist doesn't even realize that he's a modern day liberal faggot in a fake conservative costume. Boomerfags will get tossed in the oven too. In between the termite Jews and the liberal sock puppets that help them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please stop assuming all queer people are polyamorous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On UPenn campus all the black chicks here are trash but they're gonna be paid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the niggers want to use the stupid clueless Mexicans.. If I was a wetback I would hate niggers for wanting to politically exploit my people..stinking niggers are even more inferior than the dumb wetbacks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Kanye West EXPLOSIVE Speech at President Trump Meeting at White House Press Conference https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mOz2L0J96pI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Megyn Kelly Is Eyeing A Return To Fox News https:\/\/www.vanityfair.com\/news\/2018\/10\/megyn-kelly-eyes-returning-to-fox","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MrCouture: I have so many questions about that sex tape. I love love LOVE me some Mimi and if that thirsty dude releases it, he's trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You just keep at it dont ya good little muzzie sympathizer Now go fetch bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After this #TreeOfLife Synagogue shooting if I see any antisemite attacks on gab I will report you to the FBI. This is not a drill. So bringing up historical facts about jewish involvement regarding the Bolsheviks and their grip on banking and their role in supporting Isis and their funding of mass migration is anti Semitic? Do is a favor and disprove all this with verifiable facts? Can you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canadians death warrant... This faggot is going to kill all of the people he's supposed to protect","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A bird just flew into my window?????? I hope he's okay ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Directions to the special needs school I bet. However, it isn't legal anymore to shoot a nigger in the back running away from you. You can only shoot them after they break in. The sad fact is that the old white guy will be convicted. The stupid nigger kid will sue and get a huge amount of money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck you ,you retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*up to* ten years And they should definitely be punished. 10 years would obviously be going overboard, but they're defacing property in another country, they need to be taught a lesson. If I was a judge I'd give em at least a year of Thai prison. Considering how weak-minded the typical cunts that would do this kind of thing are, that should be about 100x what is necessary to break them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jason, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Puritanism isn't a good look on anyone, and the madness of not knowing fiction from reality even less so. What a nuanced and relevant rebuttal to my statement that not knowing the difference between reality and fiction is a bad look. You completely dismantled my whole argument with your choice words. Well done. Your welcome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another retarded cunt that thinks she knows things. ha, y'know there was a reason they barely were let out of the home for millennia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"James O'Keefe: McCaskill's Response is Outrageous https:\/\/youtu.be\/4L9_RwYb9GA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So when i scroll down to read\/leave a comment and scroll back up they blue like thumbs up goes away, it has done this 4 times in a row now. Hmm is it just a glitch or does YouTube remove it when they think you will just leave the video without checking? This happens a lot but only on channels like this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My bird got a headache ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We'll torture these Muslims without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's why being civil with a faggot leftist is a waste of time. He posted a few times, abandoned Gab, and only came back to taunt us. https:\/\/gab.com\/Spacekatgal\/posts\/40051186","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol dude you don't have to do this... just scroll past my content. You don't have to enjoy seeing every post on a GLOBAL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM ADVOCATING FOR FREE SPEECH. And stop trying to seek out gay news stories lol. If you see them a lot on places that aggregate them often... stop looking at those places for news. Tell it to Torba! @a Hello, Torba? User @MountainCracker doesn't think it's just that I should get to come on Gab and use my freedom of speech when I he thinks I get coddled on Facebook and Twitter enough as it is. What are you going to do about that? aka nothing you can do about it I get as many dice as I want, hetero You thought that was whining to admin? I was asking if he could remove me from the platform, lol. On both sides, its why there is a mute button. Dont want to see it, mute it. For sure! That's why I don't mute anybody. They're free to post what they want. Muting somebody is admitting you don't like Gab's role as a freedom of speech facilitator. I like the word \"proffer , though. It's a good one. I'll give you an upvote for the vocab. Nah. I doubt you could be converted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KeithOlbermann I feel the same way about the bigotry and racism of using the word \"redskins\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is how it's going to go, you make a statement and somebody disagrees with it and you have a conversation with them, if they attack America they have to deal with me, you send them on to me because I will destroy them just on philosophical basis, if somebody scares you you let me know Whats he gonna do hit us with his purse? Get his bf after us? Or is he just another lame boring cuck who lives to jerk off when his favorite sportsball nigger scores a touchgoal or a pointdown or whatevr Hes just a -192 score trying to sound tough. Bawhahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Jews want a light brown worker race with a lower IQ than whites have, smart enough to work but not smart enough to oppose them. Do nothing, and the Jews will succeed. What's your vision of our future?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No woman deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a stupid fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Impeachable Felony: Trump Lobbied for Gambling Boss Sheldon Adelson, Blackmailing Japan https:\/\/www.veteranstoday.com\/2018\/10\/10\/impeachable-felony-trump-lobbied-for-gambling-boss-sheldon-adelson-blackmailing-japan\/ Veterans Today? Not by me. Where's this coming from?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dumb fucking bitch dont you just want to smash her fucking liberal face in Lol They all need reprogramming they've all become brainwashed you cant fix stupid, they have no fucking common sense if i had my way i would deport the fucking lot of them on a boat and torpedo the fucking thing 10 miles out,,, they are cancer and about time too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ex-CIA chief Brennan: Saudi denials of involvement in Khashoggi disappearance \"very much ring hollow\" https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/cpHhZmk.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/yx9x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME stupid fucking hick sand nigger lover LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @richiesuavee: @ViriDoesItt: Kevin Hart make funny faces.. His curriculum kinda trash.. Curriculum? http:\/\/t.co\/zJJyRGcZ9Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is gonna hurt the @DNC commission check this month: $ VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS!!! GET THE DEMOCRATS AND RINOS OUT SO WE CAN GET THE WALL BUILT!!! The wall will never be built. The wall is currently under construction contrary to what the LSM is saying: https:\/\/www.nationalreview.com\/2018\/06\/us-mexico-border-wall-being-built-slowly\/ A token effort when you consider the enormity of the project. It will never be built. It's ALREADY being built moron! Typical libtard logic: \"A small token of the wall is being built but the wall will never be built https:\/\/www.hcn.org\/articles\/us-mexican-border-legal-or-not-trumps-border-wall-is-already-being-built Well, if you meant some of the wall will be built, then I agree. Will it be finished? No, it never will. It's an animal farm windmill. It's idiot bait for rednecks . I supposed you consulted your crystal ball to conclude that the wall will never be finished! Got it. Guess what, the San Francisco bridge has never been \"finished . They are constantly upgrading, painting and conducting preventative maintenance on it. So I guess technically you could be right. Yes, I am right on this. You will never get your wall. Trump never intended to keep his promises. The wall is just idiot bait for election. We'll see, i hope for the sake of America that they do build it. Isn't it funny that I hope they don't for the same reason? Please enlighten us - how would The Wall be detrimental to America and her citizens? I'll wait. Firstly, you're giving power to people who consistently show that they will abuse whatever power you give them. Secondly, the immigration process is too slow to supply the USA with the labor it desperately needs to grow wealth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Limbaugh is touting the greatness of John James. \"You'd be proud to have him as a son-in-law\" Boomer radio at its best. @grandpalampshade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man who helps she-boon gets a blast of nigger gratitude in the face from boon's grand-apes. Posthumous lesson: never help a nigger. Let them rot. https:\/\/torontosun.com\/news\/crime\/grandchildren-shot-helpful-neighbour-in-face-prosecutors\/wcm\/6f1186be-0c5c-4785-baeb-1bfc62f879ed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@McKinseey the grass is greener on the other side of the fence of course it's also a soggy septic field","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... I acknowledge, your stupidiy surpasses mine by MILES! And I MEAN that, congratulations. Tell your mother\/sister I said hello! You can't learn it pal, it's down to inbreeding, blame your parents https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. The holocaust of 17 millions Germans in WW2, the 66 million white Christians in Russia, the 3 million white Christian Armenians, and the 100 million Chinese all perpetuated by the vile despicable RACIST LYING MURDEROUS THEIVING askeNAZI JEW PIGS! These are true events or are you a Holocaust denier? Petty insults with no FACTS! Are you a filthy JEW PIG? Duh, you just did dipshit! But that would be a FACT and you do not understand what an actual FACT is! That is because you are brainwashed retarded monkey brain!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sound like a faggot lol. >slytherin harry potter isn't the only fiction you can pull names from you taco fucking larping homo It's a reference to the Fascist dictator Rowling stole the name for one of her villains from, you utter tard. I haven't even read the books. >i can't read sounds about right for a dumb spic. go pick some oranges","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breathe. I know. Jesus said to them, \"Why do you cowards have so little faith? Then he got up, gave an order to the wind and the sea, and the sea became very calm. The men were amazed and asked, \"What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him! Mat 8: 26-27 Calm is one of those rare words that sounds like what it means. Thank you Charlie. Thank you. Because of you, I remembered this also. And as I write this, I realize it's importance and what He meant. Ooo ooo ooo! Rock the tribe man. Rock the tribe! 'bout time some got up in their faces we've been Mr Nice Guys long enough. Lie down like a door matt and they will wipe their feet on you if they even bother to wipe their feet as they come in take what they want. F^*kin push back and defend our borders and what we say goes! I looked in the mirror and asked...why so quiet? Who are you not trying to offend and why? Been there, done that....still doing that sometimes! Conditioning ....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JUST IN: Houston Chronicle endorses Beto O'Rourke in Texas Senate race https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/AfAbHLy.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HYPC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some one need start a open tube for us with a mind of our own And it should be owned by the users as a block chain So no cunt can sale it of and it get gets destroyed same as utube did .. If all users of the platform own it as blockchain Nothing can be erased","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are very few trans people at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Make IDs free to anyone that can't afford it. End that lie\/excuse right now. You can go to any hood and offer $10 cash to anyone that can show you a valid ID. There would be lines around the block with the exact same muds with valid check cashing IDs. They have them if they need them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who cares what this old cunt says.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one gives a shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many sluts in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe trans lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am trying to get along with gay people but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-mass-shooting-at-pittsburgh-synagogue-during-service-suspect-has-surrendered\/ We need the death penalty back these people in a place of worship and this evil man came in and started shooting Varies by State. Ok never new that Yep. In theory we are a collection of separate States that have a few common rules allowing the Federal Government to do only a few things for us like defense (tho we have separate State level National Guard troops at the State Governor's disposal), money,and treaties for trade. Of course over time it has ballooned exceeding Contitutional limits. Supreme Court of course to arbitrate State and District courts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just burn it down, only way to get rid of the muzzie roaches........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ofcourse , but we would like to draw the attention of this GYNOCENTRIC and MISANDRIC SOCIETY towards RAPE CULTURE OF WOMEN, by looking at out bulges in our boxer underwear. I wonder what would happen if every man in USA showed up in his boxer underwear at the job ,or even had a meeting at NY Times Square once a year, all the alarms in the heads of CUNTS would go off and they would say RRRREEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE Apart from that, do women not look at a man's crotch secretly ? There are tonnes of videos on youtube where women act like PERVERTS as well. BUT SOCIETY SHIELDS THEM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Queer cunts are so needy.. sheesh!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The John Cantlie video issued by Al Furqan media is a new level of the Jihadi propaganda: promises more episodes and wages ideological warfare","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she filed for divorced. apparently, the nigger baby is more important to her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obuma Just Endorsed Grandson Of A Terrorist n Soros-Supported Candidate Running Against Duncan Hunter Ammar Campa-Najjar has received $17,300 in contributions frm board members of the CAIR Duncan Hunter is leading in the polls but this Democrat running against him is a symbol of a trend we're seeing across America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VillageBae: I hate when faggots talk shit on here then block me so I can't respond. Bitch I will write you a letter with my response an ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guy, you gotta stfu. You're not right. I'm using RAINN's definition because I'm not a fucking retard and this is the standard definition in the U.S. If you want to post your neo-feminist bullshit that all sexual assault is rape, I'd love to read it. Please, post what you *think* rape is considered. Show me the three other states that prove you right. https:\/\/www.rainn.org\/articles\/sexual-assault >What is sexual assault? >The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: >Attempted rape > * Fondling or unwanted sexual touching > * Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator's body > * Penetration of the victim's body, also known as rape I'm not smug, I'm just not at the level of autism that you are. I state a fact, you call me \"mentally ill\", I show you proof, you say it's not the definition that you use (you're Dutch right?). Go fuck yourself back to europe you sack of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Making the delta difference, rotten cunt. Ugly bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's sort of funny when you try to make up retarded logic in order to claim someone else's logic is poor. That's the kind of stupidity that will get you far, at least if your homosexuality fails you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All I did was said her weed was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@The_Outsider faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" lbum de fotos: csitaly: [TS3]Fairy Tail - Satan Soul Mirajane Strauss made with The Sims 3. Happy... http:\/\/t.co\/b4i8EiMux2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is time we bring back the word retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd be okay with gay people if they weren't such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can smell the bitches skanky cunt from here...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As much as I agree, the Sun isn't exactly the most reliable news source. ^(understatement of the year) It's not so much as unreliable as disreputable. Men's rights are not a fit subject to discuss before nice and proper people, so we end up in the gutter and gutter press.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Waid\/Zaid claiming he has no business in Texas but he regularly attends conventions there and even offered to do business with the owner of Antarctic Press in exchange for them not publishing Meyer's comic book. Waid\/Zaid claim that defamation was never done in Texas yet there is video\/articles of Waid repeating his defaming points against Meyer at a convention in Texas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks to @JoMousley80 cracker tweets today, my pilchards on Krackerwheat are repeating on me like a typical night on the #BBC :-\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't hate Jews, Africans, Europeans, Indians, Mexicans, Asians, or any race. I hate Communists, Socialists, Fascists, Imperialists, Feudalists, Tribalists, Welfare freeloaders, human sponges, and locusts. A Godly society only needs a few things: Freedom (Freedom of Association, Freedom of Religion), right to keep\/bear arms, and Capitalism @IronAndBlood @Screw-z-jews @WADL @blazinherb @Escoffier - Is goody virtue-signalling?- or just picking words out of a hat?- or maybe reducing a book report for his 9th-grade teacher down to 300 characters or less. keith goody is a cuck. This is what happens when you sniff paint I guess. Trouble is...it was latex paint...heh #BWAHAHAHA!!! Sweet boomer burn +1 anyone wanna take bets on him being a boomer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common Muslimtrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"an sjw god.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This foulmouthed has been will do anything to remain relevant \/\/Kathy Griffin 'Will Not Be Intimidated' By Mail Bombs that Weren't Sent to Her https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/26\/kathy-griffin-will-not-be-intimidated-by-mail-bombs-that-werent-sent-to-her\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"St. Nancy...Patron Cunt of Democrats Where I come from a tranny needs a mechanic..not sex","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@brianstelter took uber yesterday. Advertised as 20% < NY taxis but was actually a yellow taxi at same price. #uber","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that judge. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around women like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">The memo notes that the racist slur known as the n-word appears 19 times in the book. \"Though this is not the only way that the novel is harmful, it does add to the violence of the book, reads the memo, written by a senior school board administrator. Words aren't violence. Violence is when I take a beer bottle and break it over your cunt head and then stab your carotid several times with the jagged broken edge. When will the censor-cunts learn?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical wetbackbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/09\/30\/chobani-ceo-refugees-humanity-first\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"disaster? war? The left talks a lot of shit and have been pushing buttons and their luck a little to much for a group of folks who do not believe in guns... gonna be a slaughter like shooting retarded fish in a barrel... SMH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great lie you faggot piece of sh*t jew. We have been receiving your trannie porn, your poo porn, because you don't want the truth to be known about evil degenerate Satan worshipping jews You attack those who tell the Truth because jew Lies can't defeat the Truth!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same to you cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow you're making nigger haikus intellectual! Love it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"French hero, who sacrificed himself to save a hostage from an Islamist, won't have a place named after him as 'it may offend Muslims' https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/french-hero-who-sacrificed-himself-to-save-a-hostage-from-an-islamist-wont-have-a-place-named-after-him-as-it-may-offend-muslims\/#.W8JkGCcUiy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PatriotsOrg Screw the ragheads.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It happens AGAIN!! Black pack beats \"whitey.\" This should make national news. http:\/\/t.co\/izKoA2Xb","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a man. I've never raped anyone, or sexually assaulted anyone. I make no effort to acknowledge my 'privilege'. Bitches just confuse cunts who do with every other man because they're sexists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a nigger would have that \"rifle.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why didnt you say nigger? Why wasnt she armed in florida? Why does she live in a city? A 6 year old knows that cities are nigger owned. Why does she not have a man?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Raping an immigrant like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Appropriately this guy wears the WV yellow Rick James on his face. @BarkingCarnival http:\/\/t.co\/SGb9rYvdmb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This is racism\" of course that's the very first thing the other woman yells. Fuck these two retards. Also jesus christ that guy filming couldn't be more annoying. More like a beta faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What are you 15 years old you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> fucking hell I cant roll my eyes back any further Try revolving them at 30 000 RPM.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @DIYcookery: Oreo cookies http:\/\/t.co\/8zcjWW56Zz bruh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SickDrawings: 3D bird and feather drawing http:\/\/t.co\/tcPRVBGspt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I believe that it has never been more important for us as to equip our daughters to deal with uncomfortable social issues and learn how to participate effectively in the often contentious debates that surround them.\" The Fired Principle, 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sis, bro, dude, bitch, and cunt are all gender neutral terms. This person is uninformed and ill-equipped to handle life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ERlKTweets: what the fuck is this disgusting nigger from the movie captain phillips doing on the red carpet for the oscars what the fuc ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Raping a blck person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm becoming increasingly convinced that MGTOW is not only a pathetic form of White Sharia, but a form of homosexuality that is somehow more warped than the run-of-the-mill faggotry typically seen Says the whiny, bromancing faggot who offers not a single bit of legitimate argument, but instead circle-jerks with his mates in the same fashion as pit-haired Feminists while screeching and stomping your feet, and crying with what is tantamount to \"No, u.\" Genetic dead ends. Pathetic disgraces to what it is to be a man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was arrested in a state where it isn't legal with enough pot hidden in his car for 2,500 \"personal\" uses. The JURY convicted him of trafficking. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/QMn2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RealTimeWWII: 6000 people\/day now being deported from Warsaw ghetto, packed into cattle cars for rail trip to Treblinka death camp. htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WebAntOnYT btw Jim crow laws were supported by democrats not republicans and MLK was a republican #Fact","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] She is a far leftist activist who poses as a journalist > She is a far leftist activist who poses as a journalist In that case... https:\/\/youtube.com\/watch?v=0lzqRVuRqN0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my opinion, disabled people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rant About Ms Dick London Police.. FYI Lots Of F Bombs he was on one in this rant, venting your spleen is good for you. #politics #UK #ForBritain #BritFam @AMDWaters @ForBritain #News https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=XofZlgaKicI and double taping innocent Brazilians running for the train. We've just got a face facts for this country to change all these current crop of arseholes need to be removed and the problem I foresee is this we are not going to be able to achieve that by political mean's the three certainties in life the Ballot Box the ammo box and a coffin box where do you think we are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This what fake new are going on about jelous cunt has I say he got friends and that s has English people not Muslim or Islam do you wonder why ever one hate the English s because we","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a faggot like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome. Be warned there are some sparkle faggot Nazi's. Either way we welcome all speech except the kill Jews and others people for no reason kinda shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SunyHD abouta get him some crayons and animal crackers after 8:30pm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@DunderbaIl: I'm an early bird and I'm a night owl, so I'm wise and have worms.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That delusional little fucking spic faggot. Let him talk to his brother in arms Cesar about that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wetback taxi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since women vote emotionally and not logically (in general), the female vote has largely been lost. Between Ellen, Oprah, Williams, and a few other retard leftist, I'd rather have them on the other side of the fence anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sir, are retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They never actually cared about fixing or changing anything, they just wanted to be popular with the retards who will believe anything if it sounds edgy enough. Anybody who criticized them would find themselves facing hundreds of whiny little Anita Sarkeesians, playing every DARVO card while they dig through people's lives, looking for cheap and easy gotchas. And they wonder why we compare them to SJWs. Just watch, they will be burning more bridges before the sun comes up, while simultaneously playing victim. This will be a shitshow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No wonder he loves all those nigger \"refugees.\" Have you seen his old crone wife? Politically correct degeneracy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"James Fields and St. Bowers were treated the same way. Remember that white man!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the teepee nigger is posting again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calling someone's kid a future rapist is an overreaction to someone just being an uppity cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid Jew, God hates you. May you be accursed and cast into Hell where you will be sodomized by demons for the rest of eternity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ark at it. He bangs on about how much he hates pedos. Would you save a Jewish child from a pedophile. Fucking wait for it should be in africa. Faggot can't say yes or no. Pedo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GARY GLITTER - \"Shaky sue\" #GlamRock https:\/\/youtu.be\/NUT1UaP0beg The important thing is the content (the music) and not the packaging.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking everyone is eating retard sandwiches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont even say nigga i say nigger. Im like Chuck Norris. I say the nigger word without checking over my shoulder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @notflappybird: Tag a friend that sucks at flappy bird @me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need another stone monument of this evil libtarded cunt being hung by the neck until death. Under it an inscription that reads, \"If you want to destroy our history this is your fate\", .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why? They have a right to know how their parent acted. Not in the context of a romantic relationship that involves their other parent. The other parent has a right to have a relationship with their children irrespective of their romantic relationship with the other parent. They have the right to that relationship, but not to have that relationship be free of influence from their other actions. He isn't denying her custody, she still has that as she is legally entitled to. She simply isn't legally entitled to have her kids love her or be protected from their opinions of her highly unethical behaviour. He hasn't denied her that relationship, but the nature of that relationship has been altered by her own actions. He has no responsibility, legally or morally, to lie to his children to protect his cheating ex-wifes feelings. Its not surprising that the kids hate her. When you cheat you violate a trust. You turn your back on a promise you made to a person you said you loved in front of your entire family and God. You violated the trust of the person you claimed to love with all your heart. Obviously the kids are mad and don't trust her. How do they know her relationship with them is real? She already betrayed one person she loved. You are simply no longer entitled to respect or unconditional love in return from any of your family once you do that. TIL it is unethical and wimpy to be honest with your children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cheers young lady RT @shik702 @BmoreHumble foreverrrr younnnnng *grabs flask and chugs*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only that but Living common-law is the same as marriage. Any idiot should know that by now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Again, this is anti-woman, not men's rights. We've already had kids on a train taking up seats to defend an argument nobody seems to have any actual real world issue with. Has anyone actually ever been accused or shamed for having their legs too far apart and it being referred directly because of their male gender? This isn't an issue. It never has been. We have sensitive sexual organs that hang outside our body, between our legs, any rational person with a basic understanding of anatomy either knows this (see:majority of humans), or can be pretty quickly and easily explained. This is just perpetuating a divide between genders on issues that are irrelevant. I'd rather see a psa educating the very few intellectually retarded feminists, than see a random woman with her bags being used to defend a pretty simple concept. She's not perpetuating any \"manspreading\" myth by doing this, any person regardless of gender can do this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wir werden uns noch nach Typen wie Erdogan sehnen, wenn die n chste Million Nigger an Bord kommt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being straight sounds horrendous. I love being a faggot. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also, that person saying \"throw the whole ass boy in the freaking trash\" claims to be a platform engineer at Mozilla. Now that I have no trouble believing. Mozilla became a hellhole (literally it seems) after Brendan Eich was forced out back in The retards over at \/r\/privacy and \/r\/stallmanwasright","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/uk\/crime\/tommy-robinson-jail-court-freed-trial-judge-edl-hearing-contempt-latest-a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"During a League of Legend match or Starcraft game, nobody cares that I find hot dudes attractive. Nobody can know your sexual orientation, race or sex unless you go out of your way to advertize that to other players. YOU injected this into a place it dosen't belong. YOU are being disruptive in the most welcoming place ever, where none of this matters. So quit being a faggot and play the game. Not everything is about your shallow obsession with advertising you sexual orientation 24\/ Nope. I hate them firebats, hot dudes not for me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jay, you're a fucking retard, dude. at least I'm not retarded enough to embrace the defeated Nazis and worship their beloved Hitler THAT would be REALLY retarded.....dude","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@David_H_Esq Well, \"dirty bird\" could be just a middle finger, since it's the phallic \"giving the bird\". Not necessarily a wobble-wibbler.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Radicalised twat who converted to Islamic extremism and joined ISIS is now wetting his pants in a Syrian jail.Why not just shoot the motherf-r! ISIS vermin need eradicating, not tea and sympathy. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6323335\/Canadian-government-crushes-British-Muslim-Jack-Letts-hopes-freed-Kurdish-jail.html Poor little mite ....you made your bed an' all LOL Yeah I thought that too but his popularity has waned in the past year or so","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to raise the black flag and start slitting throats. I'm almost certain there will be a war. Whether it's started by degenerate leftist freaks or those on the Right is irrelevant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That nigger needs thrown out of the country","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Thomas_Wictor makes an intellectual argument and gets suspended but this person is still on twitter. \"So whose [sic] gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?\" Spooky Spam \"@ lookitsSammm\" Someone from the Secret Service needs to pay this wanker cunt a visit and give her a very serious talking-to. She's not being funny...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a faggot. Or a nasty case of Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh-Eating Disease)! This is a new 3rd world nigger disease brought to EVERYONE by jew Diversity!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That Cunt has got a lot to hide.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bl4ck people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#walkaway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sentencing Delayed For Brave White Teenager Who Defended His Racial Kin Against Black Savages At Charlottesville. @Cantwell and others. DO NOT forget our\/guys\/ left behind!!! It's important!!! http:\/\/www.nbc Hell yeah, the south WILL rise again pal . I'm a lifelong New Jersey goy but sure would love to see that. The southerners I've done business with (on the phone) in years past are warm, good-natured and decent people--something I can't say about the average person here in this diverse shithole called New Jersey. He is guilty of self defence and being white. The latter is a serious crime in charlottesville","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love all people for who they are but there's this one fag that goes to my school that can catch a ninja star to the face ASAP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @karen_gonski: i wish i was one of those girls who guys liked no matter what...ike i could wear sweats and my hair up and they would sti ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THINK ABOUT THAT Long and Hard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tooootally missed the point there but alright. At any rate, what exactly are you gonna do about \"the evil gays hm? Or the Jews? I'm cool with them, too. Some people consider me one. Which is quite entertaining, I must add. I'm dating one, but me? I ain't Jewish by my standards. Not that I mind being grouped up with them, though! Faggots\/Dykes\/Trannies\/Genderfuckoffs all to be sent to a mental institution. Jews to be removed from our soil under threat of force. But of course you do not mind being grouped with Jews. You are as degenerate as they. As you are a sick, degenerate faggot who likes pooper-chutes.... buh bye. In the future, all our food will be in pill form. This means our bodies will no longer be required to expel waste solids which means we will gradually evolve into beings without assholes. What will faggots do then?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sorry Rabbi, I love Israel and Jews now. You've convinced me to shut up and disregard free speech. Just kidding. Eat a DICK FAGGOT enjoy jamal's dick in prison, niggerlover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LadyMercia: Mother of Manchester 'terror twins' who went to Syria to become Jihadi brides snatched by ISIS ... http:\/\/t.co\/trhNMdVnCM v ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just rambling now.... Update: Her account is active, yea I trolling, but she deleted everything, except a post on her page that I posted to, what a retarded socialist..... My post even has a link to here.Fucking crazy dog lady....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol @ the dumb faggot kikesucker Knot Sure","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"haha ya fucking cock holster...bwahhh. enjoy your miserable, pathetic, unfullfilled life. must suck to be you..hahahahah faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These feminazi women screaming for equal rights actually have a Sharia Law advocate for their leader It is mind numbing that they are this stupid. https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/linda-sarsour-susan-collins-is-white-senator-pushing-white-supremacy-on-senate-floor\/?utm_source=Facebookandutm_medium=atwaynedupreeandutm_campaign=social Feminists are extremely stupid. They contradict themselves constantly and cannot see the irony in those contradictions. Just lock them all up in a lunatic asylum and it can be their echo chamber. Smart Dog....respectfully... you are Waaaay too kind in your estimation of cockroach Sarsour","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NPCs get wrecked Next, he should have pounded the bastard into the ground. What's with the cucky mercy shown to Antifa scum? Last night I saw one getting pounded, but then I heard cucky cries of \"let him go. Yet these evil scumbags need severe, prolonged, repeated, and public beatings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't make America great unless the kike, nigger, and spic infestations are eliminated. White race traitors must be dealt with especially harsh. To make America great it must be White. As the country darkens so does our future. A brighter future requires a Whiter future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Taylor_1017 faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The average nigger has an IQ of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/ocasio-cortez-delivers-jumbled-word-salad-when-asked-about-her-plans-for-congress-msnbc-hack-nods-in-agreement-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did anybody actually know that h3h3 was a reaction channel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A squad of dyke cholas fear nobody. They worse than the cartel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How the fuck do you get raped like that? She looks crazy but why wasn't she just knocked the fuck out mid-rape? You don't sound crazy...you sound like someone who has never had sex before and is developing a rape fantasy (as the one who gets raped by a woman with a weapon) before our very eyes in real time. Not crazy, but very fucking...something. Maybe a little too enthusiastic. Well, I was waiting for that accusation. There's no point in arguing because you're kind of a dick. I have a wife, a house, two sons and a daughter. It's fucking weird that me asking questions and wanting a discussion makes me a virgin pervert. I mean it categorically is. It's a big knife. It's still a knife. Like you're a big dumbass, but you're still a dumbass. You're a retard baiting replies. And you're the retard supplying the replies. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When are people going to stop asking, Why are they only coming out andamp saying something now? If you have not been sexually,( mentally and emotionally) abused as a child, by an adult You are not going to understand their reasons. If they tell you why, LISTEN!! Stop asking Why now? One reason victims don't come forward when YOU THINK they should, is bc no one will believe them. Not all cases, a lot of use are like that though. All situations are different with different types of people involved, We all have our reasons. If you're not going to listen, stop asking. You're choosing to be ignorant. Being sexually abused and ALL that comes with it, psychological abuse etc. Forever changes you, You're forever damaged and it can never be undone. Instead of looking at victims as a group, look at them and their story as their own. They're not all the same, and we will not all do the same thing after the damage has been done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol everytime I try and go to one of the #CircleJerk Boys pages @DonMAGA it is showing 404 I hope he's one of the POS the FBI is investigating ...let me see if I can find that other POS #MrHate Star princess gone too yer crackin me up this morning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PatriotInfidel = faggot https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UvkSPpc85V8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dat da bad thing bout being colored. Day bring me in to fight but don't vite me to da victory partay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can assure you that these women are few are far between. In my 4 years of living here, I've never come across one, whereas almost every women in uni in their 20's is a feminist in the states I can get on with that. I don't necessarily know if the traditionalism is fake, but I believe you Just wanted to throw in the fact that you're six foot? You're a big handsome boy aren't you! If you're from North America\/Western Europe then actually they will be better for you. They cost much less and look better (on average, thanks to fakeup and fancy clothes). They're also noticeably slimmer. Plus, feminism isn't nearly as bad here as it is in the West, so there're still enough unspoiled women in Russia, especially in rural areas. But, under the surface, I think there's no real difference. People are people, we're all the same. Sometimes I pretend like I'm an American tourist and speak English with Russian girls. You should see their faces =) So traditional all of a sudden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @wwwobert_: B Oreo a stunt come thru ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"roseann show just FUCKED up America conners you dont need tell me about faggot kids or fake death of Rosann and her show asshole hollywierd democrats !!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should get rid of gay people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTF? Nigger land whale!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@hand_tex @drapermark37 humans are evil man. Cutting tusks of these beautiful animals so chinks think the get a hard on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take red box s to her ask her to open it so boxing glove comes out and upper cut the cunt right out bang what shoot slag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What really gets me is how Gab is labeled as a \"white-supremacist\" social media outlet. If I said something negative about a globalist conservative president like George Bush or if I criticized Ronald Reagan for granting amnesty to illegal aliens, I would have multiple 65 year old men in my notifications calling me a \"fucking retarded nazi\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It seems like they're just trying to lessen the impact of being a racist by using it as a common insult, like how retard used to just mean someone slow but now it's lost its exact meaning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone here on Gab--can't remember who--told me that Trump very deliberately punctured John McCain's legend, leaving McCain powerless to stop the Republicans from reinventing their party and making it what it should always have been. Lindsey Graham admitted as much. He told Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Goldberg, \"When they write the history of the Senate, John will be in the first paragraph.\" To me, the past is the past. McCain is dead. He is an ex-senator. All I care about is the present and the future. Both Graham and Susan Collins are SHINING. That tells me that McCain was far more malevolent than we knew. I have no doubt that he used whatever means necessary to keep the Republicans from actually helping us. Bitter, angry, hate-filled people must always inflict suffering. Always. Trump demolished McCain, and then McCain died. And now we see our senators being the people we'd always hoped they would be. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vc5FBtfW7Lk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They got the redskins faking injuries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheREALJB1RD @winchstrracin @wyatt11w Maybe he can call Hootie back up, he don't answer me anymore but still have crows.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Elizabeth Warren's DNA match is to Latin Americans, not Native Americans https:\/\/washex.am\/2NIGgh2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Benghazi Survivor Has Choice Words For Those Who Criticize Trump Over Khashoggi https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/20\/benghazi-survivor-trump-khashoggi\/ via @dailycaller I have no doubt the hit was carried out by professionals. I only challenge who sent them. I believe the best chance is the CIA\/deep state ordered the FF hit. I also think Trump already knows who ordered it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't say it like it was good or bad, I said it jokingly to DaleEvans who seemed to understand. I guess you're insecure tho, just relax, grandpa, it'll be okay. Anyway, everybody's generation is kiked, but the men of my generation are waking up and becoming aware to the issues, while your generation is happily taking care of your daughters nigger baby.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't give a rat's ass about the death of sand nigger Khashoggi. He was a typical duplicitous Arab who preached modernity and tolerance in English while touting Islamism in Arabic. The problem is when the boomer, MAGA hat wearing, QAnon crew reflexively defends Saudi Arabia just because Trump and Kushner are friends with the Saudis. It's a personality cult.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only related here is monetary issues and social pressure. Fuck me, did everyone just forget 4chan still exists and no one sent that faggot moot to jail?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allah be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze Best believe We aint no christian slave brainwash black spooks miss white man, unlike yoself, she devil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the fuck is a Glee Club That faggot TV show","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He started backing up. Woman was not stopping to let him swing out so he paused to let her go by.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He likes to trigger liberals\/retards on Twitter. Simple. Gab's CEO Mr. Torba is an idiot. People have been warning him for months that letting retards post illegal garbage on his platform would result in his demise. There was actual nazi shit, porn, child porn, libel, slander, etc, posted on Gab. Everyone knew this. Torba went \"MUH FREE SPEECH\" and refused to clean it up. Everyone knew it would go down in flames, and it did. It is so bad I wonder if Gab was a honeypot right from the start. Anyone surprised? Trump can also emergency message every American's cellphone. He doesn't need alternative platforms, he already has his own.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a woman to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot power! hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OCTOBER 15, 2018 TREASON: Trudeau Government Trying To Help ISIS Terrorists Including Jihadi Jack' Come To Canada Fair Use: https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/15\/treason-trudeau-government-trying-to-help-isis-terrorists-including-jihadi-jack-come-to-canada\/ ~ Spencer Fernando well, obama's gone, somebody has to do it...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO Kanye said school was boring because you dont play basketball while doing math. What a dumb ass nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really can't stand women like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes. And your mom is your dad, faggot x infinity!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Going through the same, she met some guy on bumble no work permit, He moved in immediately a few months after our divorce, I bought a new house feed the kids 3 organic meals a day when they're with me, we go to the beach museums horseback riding. I don't do drugs or drink. I clothe my kids impeccably, she gets the house the cars the lot, and she just took me back to court trying to put my kids through therapy just because I call her out (privately) only by email, about keeping my kids from me. Claiming I'm fucking up my kids, I got a family therapist I work really hard in a demanding industry and bring no women around my children, yet some how this cunt stick is still a victim. Truly unbelievable. Fuck marriage. And on top of it she gets","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shame is the only cure to the obesity crisis, sorry snowflake. What's the cure for cunts like you? Abortion?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Naw you calmly bulk and then cut while increasing strength you skinny fat fag. Yep started weight training when I was four. You retarded Jewish faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Agreed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#stopislam Elites will NOT #StopIslam it is up to us In the US, Canada, Australia, and in all countries of Europe organise local anti-Islam communities as modules of a country-wide network, then join the country-wide networks into a Europe-wide network, then unite the Europe-wide network with other Western countries' network Better live standing than die kneeling Problem here is you have FAILED to identify the real reason that we have a 'Muslim Invasion'. Who bombed their countries to CREATE the 'refugees'? retarded moslems have been killing each other for 1400 yrs....don't blame anyone but your inbred savage asses.....and fuck islam (((Rinehart)))... say no more Fuck islam This is going to hurt you even more.. I am a Christian that can see through the usurpers. To you that is a fate worse than death. TICK... TOCK...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have so much hatred for you immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That retard should be the one going to hell, not OP lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That guys face on the right side after she gets slept I don't wanna be a jerk but it's slapped instead of slept","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even the most civilized nigger is never more than 5 seconds away from a full chimp-out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmaooo naw man RT @DipOnline Yo want in RT @HumbltonBanks: U serious bro?? lol RT @CheezMoeJenkinz 2-3:10am early bird special","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah didn't he adopt a nigger baby?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for trans people is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html And my coworkers were shocked when I said, \"Irish potato nigger today. Tomorrow say \"hey I really didn't appreciate it when after i said potato nigger u acted like a giant faggit try to remember that im only dealing with u cuz we work together we aren't friends and then file a Complaint with Human Resources ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All leftists are despicable RETARDED RACIST human sewage! Absolute SCUM! We need to take the world back and get rid of all the filthy LYING RACIST JEW PIGS! Jews are despicable SCUM!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama on his adolescent years in a rare video of a 2001 interview: -\"I was a thug,\" -\"I got into fights.\" -\"I drank and did--and consumed substances that weren't always legal.\" -\"I might have drank a six-pack in an hour before going back to class\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1047562943066296321","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those disabled people won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My headphones are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are simply fulfilling a demand - that's what retailers do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If we aren't getting anything out of this deal anyway, it is BETTER for things to be quieter. Maybe it would be worth it if the political capital wasn't being spent on things like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and pulling out of the Iran deal No it will get worse. They will double down on their violence because it works. And they want Trump to resign. Mr. Hunter is pandering because he hopes Antifa won't show up at his house. Because he sat out the election and disavowed Trump. He's looking out for his safety rightnow. I'm pandering to Antifa? I've been doxing them. I just don't see the point of continuing to get screwed over by the backlash to Trump so that some worthless billionaire who purged everyone I know from social media can get yet another tax cut Trump will still be POTUS in Nov genius. If leftist nut job behavior gets rewarded by them winning in Nov they will certainly double down on it. They want Trump gone and won't fold a winning hand. Just like identity politics got worse after Obama was elected. And those \"Doxed\" Antifa might have the stones to pay you a visit then. Please explain to me why I should vote for my GOP congressman who authorized this FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force witch hunt which specifically exempted Antifa from any blame for being a \"mob\" in Charlottesville. Let's just start with that issue Can you provide a link to so facts? Thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know how many people \"Agent Foxx\" has killed, but apparently I'm next. CIA is always going to protect their agents from committing murder. CIA agents are the biggest scumbags in America and \"Agent Foxx\" is one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"brian krassenstein .... the guy who always harasses the president and is paid by george soros .... Him and his scumbag brother !! I despise them. me too .... they r def a couple of david brock dicksuckers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oops! Ocasio-Cortez Accidentally Announces Soros-Activist Who Confronted Flake in Elevator is ILLEGAL ALIEN HA! Pretty much proves just how stupid Cotez really is #News https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/oops-ocasio-cortez-accidentally-announces-soros-activist-who-confronted-flake-in-elevator-is-illegal-alien-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Fellow white people\", it's a sad day for \"us\". And on the other day, you'll get the nigger in the woodpile argument or the race is a social construct argument. Well, then get rid of all govt cheese programs based on race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, sources confirmed it. That Iggy concert last night was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being married to this crazy cunt......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that shill bitch , her daughter marrying a fucking kike add her husband shilling for Israel. Cunts I've never said he wasn't Jewish. You silly idiotic thick disgraceful cunt. I said he was \"allegedly\" Jewish. (I don't give a fuck if he is) my sentence said he's shilling for them. And that's all I need to know. White Jewish or Nigger. A shill is a shill. A retards guarantees aren't worth a turd. You complete stupid fuck the fact that whites are altruistic is our weakness you pathetic cuck. If we WERE racist, we wouldn't be in this mess. People would have been up in arms after the first batch of migrants. You sanctimonious self righteous cunt Why do you keep \"guaranteeing\" things that can't possibly be guaranteed. You sound like a used car salesman. Fucking twat. Tutankahumn was white. Genetically. So probably take ruling class at least were white. (Not that any of this is even relevant) Fucking tool Bull fucking shit they did. You stupid Nigger. That can't possibly be proved. Russian genetisicts disproved the out of Africa THEORY yes THEORY. You jealous Nigger Do you know where Eurasia is. You stupid fucking Nigger? No wonder Niggers have the lowest IQ. Of all races on earth. Thick fucking ape","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just a reminder. You do have a right to a gun. It's those that took or seek to take firearms away from you that don't have the right. #ausfam #britfam hahah really, you just can't win. To meme or not to meme when you don't look up the background of a meme is a game of russian roulette. I don't disagree with the sentiment, of course, it's just the hypocrisy of that fool that astonishes me...although it shouldn't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are people actually going to vote for the liar traitor camel harris?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to think these people only existed on the internet. But then I met a few, and a few more, and then my friends started turning into these stupid cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean, I'd give up my seat for a pregnant woman. Unless you're a cunt about it. Then you can do a handstand the whole ride for all I care, bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They prove that a soul can be saved even late in life. I've openly opposed graham and similar weaklings in the past. That being said, he has my otal attention and admiration, must sustain for a year or so before I truly trust. Graham has been our best friend recently, I'll take it over the normal thumb in the eye. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Cosabandonada: Parque de atracciones abandonado en Jap n. http:\/\/t.co\/dn0JIid4f4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"6\/ Here's a suggestion to everyone: take off all the mutes you have and you'll get to see what Gab actually has become. That's the laughable part, you see Gab through these constructed glasses and meanwhile all around you is rampant stupidity. And then ppl are like \"gee why isn't Trump here?\" That's the most fucking retarded question I've ever heard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"free speech should have limits\" said the faggot \"NO!\" said everyone else. go back to twitter corey, be with your kind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The United Nations is demanding Canada things like carbon taxes on steroids, and want Canada to destroy its own energy industry, all while China is able to keep increasing their emissions by gigantic amounts year after year. https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/10\/the-united-nations-is-demanding-canada-damage-our-economy-even-more\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A 2 WEEK OLD BABY IS IN A BELFAST HOSPITAL AFTER A SEXUAL ASSAULT. 25 year old arrested for rape. How could there be such depravity and wickedness? https:\/\/www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk\/news\/northern-ireland\/twoweekold-baby-in-belfast-hospital-man-charged-with-rape- Could be a relation, that is the other reason for with holding names if they have the same name. I know the town where this happened well. My money is on a relation. It will not be a migrant as many are assuming Father who else gets near a baby so young. I know it but last there very early 80's. Annalong hasn't changed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/gop-doxxing-suspect-arrested-worked-or-interned-for-feinstein-jackson-lee-other-dems GOP-doxxing suspect arrested; worked or interned for Feinstein, Jackson Lee, other Dems If this guy does NOT suckle cocks, then my gaydar is broken. That faggot is fucked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aren't we SO GLAD that a nigger comedian, who hasn't been relevant since Half Baked, is here to lecture us about Trump's opinions? THANK YOU DAVE CHAPPELL. Your insight is much value! Many wows so smart!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You retarded cuck. How does it feel now that your butt buddy Marty is gone?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LuckyLanceJ: A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.~ @DrMayaAngelou","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...it was a jab at you cucked Brits...anyway, I don't wanna laugh at your misfortunes tbqh. Glad to hear you can still buy plastic knives. Well that faggot @Titanic_Britain_Author is super cucked. He even dates Jamaican fatties.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims? yeah Why did you choose this comment to react to when there are others that are just as problematic? Edit: oops, I meant to say, FUCK WOMEN FUCKIN THOTS LOL BITCH GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED If someone uses the words \"problematic\" or \"toxic\" I know they are completely fucking retarded. As soon as I see or hear one of those words I disregard everything else they have to say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From what I heard wes bellamy is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All of that just so people look at her and give her attention. Jesus Christ. I love the thought of it coming home as much as the next Brit, but that doesn't mean you get to act like a cunt. Have some class.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Easy to say unless you live in a nigger run shithole like Baltimore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OBAMA IS A BUTTFUCKING, FAGGOT ASSED, MOSLEM, COCK SUCKING, NIGGER MONKEY. WHO NEARLY BROUGHT DOWN AMERICA WE WERE ON OUR KNEES PRAYING TO GOD FOR HELP WHEN, JESUS COMPELLED DONALD TRUMP TO #MAGA !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.tmz.com\/2018\/10\/08\/john-mayer-alpha-male-toxic-masculinity-women\/ My mother stopped liking this faggot years ago...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GTKRWN @GregSims @SSoapovich @RabbiHighComma @MosheShekelRod @CuckShamer @Farmer-General What would you feel like if your own son was a transfag? What would you say in public, \"She's my daughter and I love her.\"?? In private: he says in the morning at breakfast \"pls pass the butter\", when ironically what he really wanted to say was YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU LOSER FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Fit4LifeMike @chanelisabeth hoe don't make me put up screenshots of your texts to me hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"''Once a month'' Seems to generous. Im baffled how simps are okay with that, unless they are having low libido. I wonder if these women also spice their foods with something that lowers libido. I mean they would totally do that. Oh yeah, vegan, keto and intermitent fasting did great in reducing my libido, thank god. As for the issue with women demanding anything from men the solution is easy dump them. I dont even fight them anymore. I just nod, write it down, and before they know it, its over. All relationships end. But the trick i found that works for me is to never let them get away even with a small manipulative behavior, because thats how it starts. If she gets away with it, she then will slowly escalate, and then you find yourself living like a vegan cuck lmao. So yeah, if she starts being manipulative or demanding its time to go. Even if you dont let them get away with anything they will still try it. So yeah. lololol - i rip pullups, pushups, dips, handstand pushups with a 60lb divebelt - i train strong lifts 5x5 , do athlean X hiit training and i DO NOT post on marriedredpill - lmmfao. I just thought the term, \"vegan cuck\" was really funny, and rolled with it Lmao. Ok. So why are you such a try hard athlean x cuck. I need no athlean x shit and im doing more than you. >60lb divebelt Mediocre. whyd you leave out the strong lifts 5x5 ? maybe you should try it to get those pipe cleaners goin Im more a GVT guy. I dont like to follow a specific program. I just do as much as i can. ill look that up. once i plateau im gonna go with the GZLP > GZLP ahah whats that. GVT is german volume training similar to pyramid training. Its awesome and intuitive, try it. will do !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"NFL Ratings Down as Viewers Tune Out Politically-Charged Entertainment'' After watching the NFL for over 58 years, I watch in NO LONGER! And it appears MANY others agree with me----TODAY'S NFL SUCKS !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I use white trash regularly, trailer trash, trailer park theologian, genetic dead end, all that shit all the time. Some people just fit that description. Not every white is a pure holy little angel, some are meth addicted thieving degenerate drunken scum. That is just a fact. Just the whole \"OMG ANYONE SAYING WHITE TRASH IS ANTI-WHITE\" is a goofy ass thing to say. Its leftists tier \"IM TRIGGERED\" whistling. Seriously, this we wuz heebs don't say white trash that is our word shit is some serious white nigger level behavior. People need to quit this goofy shit and be above it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you live in nigger land where all things grow ? Im from the Cold North, its not mutch i can obtain here on a normal spott of land. If i want to grow things i need to get a damn farm acording to law. And its not that easy. The chekels controll to mutch of the normal mans life. You know this so piss off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather slap the taste out of your mouth muzzie shit stain...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RandB is so trash now compared to early 2000's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sockalexis @Broken77 Thought I would bring y'all a little sunshine today. Laughing. So. Hard. Top influencer, my ass...oh God....she's a legend in her own demented little mind. I almost miss her, Violet...almost. You just summed that up nicely, Dave ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who knows what this massive dyke wants !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There were a lot of people taking credit retrospectively. Nobody voted for them, they had no influence. They are only coat tail riders. TFB, typical faggot behavior, trying to stick their dick up someone's ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's sjw faggot. ..yeah? It's suppose to be shit you would go to hell for laughing at I'm pretty sure. Not just racist or two gendered identity politics bullshit. If that's what you want just keep to the fucking Donald. I'm an sjw that wants to laugh at racist shit, I just don't want to see propaganda written for retards. I wish you got the 400 upvotes, not that retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's like dealing with children, but with adult consequences. These are emotionally retarded adults which makes them extremely dangerous.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JStarrTweets I took it harder when Rivera retired. I'm not a Yankee fan but I have a lot of love and respect for em. Especially the core 4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"niggah please.... a dog knows when it has done something wrong..blacks will never take responsibility.... http:\/\/library.flawlesslogic.com\/rape.htm give me a dog over a nigger anyday https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/02\/16\/culture-shock-italians-aghast-as-immigrants-barbecue-dog-at-welcome-center\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I kiss men. I'm a faggot. Does that scare you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only reason Rosie O'Donnel is going after POTUS the way she is, is because reality has caught up with her. She is a fat, abrasive, unattractive dyke wamelo whose existence serves no purpose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you certainly do have the right to speak freely, but, i get to call you a faggot for spamming my anime group and then report you as spam, so your faggot posts which are NOT ANIME get removed. moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said the senate will vote on judge Kavanagh this week putting a firm deadline on the FBI investigation get ready for the shit to hit the fan and every liberal Third Wave feminist head to explode nationwide...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Order 11 cuck and possibly a faggot with a Kike BF. Vast if verified.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"POLAND DEMANDS WW2 REPARATIONS FROM GERMANY Claims Germany only paid enough money to cover one percent of all loses Express - OCTOBER 5, 2018 https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/poland-demands-ww2-reparations-from-germany\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This. This is why I'm voting Republican. ...read Siege faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have met many gay people and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LorenaSGonzalez: I am a California State Assemblywoman, but remain a proud @Teamsters #unionmember -- celebrating #LaborDay weekend ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All good things must come to an end, that's all right get 'em tomorrow #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some Pagans here on Gab have a little Trouble Understanding that one. I was just Attacked the Day before Yesterday, Right Out of the Blue and without Provocation, or Justification. All i said was Jesus was No Jew, and i was Jumped on like a Nigger on a Bucket of KFC. What's Wrong Captain Caveman, is that you're Retarded, Not even Cannon Fodder Capable. It is, are you retarded?. Jew boy Fuking kike I wear boots and braces with white shoe laces, sand shark fucker I was just as Bewildered by that one too, but then again, we're Talking about Captain Caveman here. Lets try and Figure it out, a MudShark is a Nigger Loving White Woman Slut and a Sand Nigger is a Muslim, so maybe, it's a Sand Nigger Loving White Slut.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Patriotic1 Cunt cunt cunt cunt LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thats not big phil, cunt never takes his sas beret off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm such a retard sometimes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe things only escalated when she refused to cooperate. Had she given her last name she may have just gotten her booze taken away and a ticket for underage drinking. I think the idea is that she may or may not have gotten a ticket for minor in possession. don't believe she would have been arrested. you get into trouble when you start acting shady and the police start to question who they're talking to. if they can't ID you and you're acting suspicious, they're probably not going to let you go. Watching the video, the cop says she passed the test and that he was going to make her dump the alcohol. She may have gotten a ticket following that depending on the Aunt's story. The problem came up when she refused to comply with the officer and once an officer decides to arrest you there's nothing you can do to get out of it. I also read elsewhere that she was on probation and that what she was doing could have been a violation of that probation. Makes sense as to why she was reluctant to give up her last name. Im not american either so thats why i say \"may\" as well. Here in canada thats all you would get is a ticket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's part of the campaign to brainwash Whites into acting and thinking like niggers. That way they will be more amenable to breeding with them, in the process breeding ourselves out of existence. Also, parents who hop from one nigger bed to the next tend to be shitty parents. Look at the way niggers parent their sprogs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @halfricannnnn: Me and @Vin17Bricksquad are in our yellow submarine rn.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three gay people were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cory Booker: Ditch Kavanaugh, whether he's innocent or guilty' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/cory-booker-ditch-kavanaugh-whether-hes-innocent-or-guilty It's far better than having him rule in favor of communism, socialism, and free speech censorship. This dude is a liberal trying to create an online presence to criticize with his other accounts!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FBI CLEARS KAVANAUGH: White House Finds No Corroboration Of Sexual Misconduct In FBI Report We all knew this. Good job by the Trump team and the Republicans for predicting what the commies would do. https:\/\/truepundit.com\/fbi-clears-kavanaugh-white-house-finds-no-corroboration-of-sexual-misconduct-in-fbi-report\/ WE KNEW THAT FORD WAS A LIAR ONCE WE WATCHED FORD'S ACCOUNTING....SHE HAD NO VERIFICATION FROM ANYONE...THE SO - CALLED \"PARTY ATTENDEES SAID THEY WERE NOT THERE\"....AND SHE SMILED TOO MUCH FOR A VICTIM..PLUS SHE IS NOT A DOCTOR UNDER CALIFORNIA LAWS...PLUS SHE TEACHES THE CIA MIND MANIPULATION STRATEGY.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other Musl1ms are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THESE ARE LIBTARDS, THIS IS HOW LIBTARDS LIVE- https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RaGHR9H00RI I have more empathy for cockroaches than I do the Marxist filth. Best part is some cunt attacking someone and getting her shit handed to her and her howls of outrage and wonder that life came at her fast.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fukc all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i get the feeling the whole \"based nigger\" meme is just another co-opt just like with that Faggot Milo (((yiannopoulos))) how \"based\" are these niggers on Fox Jews? unless they name the Jew and the Nigger problem in America they're not really based.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I Beg To Differ. The Hairy Pit Dyke is the Squishy Fake Gurl. Ms.C is a Sexy Silicone Sister","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So just to be clear: About 10 million men and teenaged boys died fighting in WW And most women still don't think the draft is a thing. Meanwhile, every man in this room had to sign up for it before we were allowed to get our drivers licenses..... Women have no fucking clue how easy they have it. I have lost all respect for these cunts. They deserve to be treated like second class citizens. The deserve to be treated like anyone should be treated. Just because they're ignorant doesn't mean that they don't deserve what everyone should deserve. Yea, and they deserve to be treated like second class citizens. Like I said.... Oh good to hear y'all are still willing to let women walk all over you because they have vaginas. No wonder all of you are thrice divorced with a bunch of kids your trying to get custody back from. Maybe stop worrying about womens feelings and what they think of you, when they consistently treat you like shit, and don't give a fuck about your feelings. People like you are the problem, letting everyone walk all over you and doing nothing about it. You're a fucking weak, sorry excuse for a man. Thanks for the generic NPC comment as well. Glad to see you're just another soft ass redditor who can't handle the truth about women, and your only line of defense is calling someone an \"incel\". Fucking beta faggot. Bro, you need to calm the fuck down. I never said I'd let a woman talk over me, especially if she's being disrespectful. Just because some of them are ignorant of men's issues doen't mean that we should treat them, or all women, as subordinates. We should seek to educate them in a respectful manner. That would reflect well on the MRA group, and be better for everyone. Ironically, your comment was the most NPC thing I've read today. How cliche.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut your front hole - you washed up flappy cunt - go hang yourself from a doorknob hahaha...I'll give the cunt a scarf!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boring stage act propaganda, or narrow mindedness.. Too tired to care, and I'm sure no one else probably does either. Sen. Jeff Flake Explains Decision To Call For FBI Probe | The View https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KbqV6-cz1hI Same for me when it comes to Whoopi. And the new host, the one they used to replace Mccain's girl, that one is annoying a heck, doesn't matter what she says it seems like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muzzie scum... http:\/\/www.independentsentinel.com\/were-sorry-about-mr-khashoggis-death-but-hes-an-extremist\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do negroes tear down their own neighborhoods when a black thug gets killed by law enforcement? Must be because of low IQ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"idiot! Go ahead, break a Commandment because you're an uneducated cunt and a hypocrite!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ColdBloodedKiller @lostpassword Before I left Gab back in April, I told you that I submitted a DNA sample to FamilyTreeDNA, but left before I received the results, so here they are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's only 2? REEEEEEE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd make this faggot eat his thick framed glasses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is an insufferable faggot going by the name Texasvet. He constantly vomits forth a stream of impotent 'muh gun skills I a veteran do not muss wif me' retard shit. When the 'refugee caravan' was headed for the border him and Nehlen claimed they were gonna march on down and confront the invaders. Then they cucked out and did nothing. As always.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Minus all the retarded poor bots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the word \"bacon\" is \"... offensive, racist, and sexist graffiti ...\" I can't see how the word \"bacon\" is racist or sexist!! The fucking numpties. It's not even offensive. \"Fuck off you black cunt\" is offensive. Simply the word \"bacon\" is not that offensive. Bacon is a compliment. It's the king of meats, tasty and delicious. Muzzie bastards should be more appreciative.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's origin, the cia has always been retarded inbreds, no patriots ever in any 3 letter gig...they vett the patriots out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The toughest decision a person could make... Bacon...I actually don't like it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I Shudada to think. Looney tune Sinead O'connor goes full retard https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/zUdl2v2jzIj8\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ulster faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggers Around blacks, not even cats can relax. All fucking nigger animal abusers must fucking hang... no loss to good humanity...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hardly anyone uses this site. there's barely any good content, no good memes. 99% of the users are boring anti-semites who only ever post about politics, the only humor on here that's actually funny is unintentional but despite all taht, the fact taht i can say nigger on here as much as i want w\/out getting band makes this THE BEST social media site.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White privilege? I didn't know there was such a thing until blacks, liberals, feminist assholes and faggot soy boys said there was. Apparently I missed an opportunity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would actually be super impressed if someone \"passed well enough for me to find them to be an attractive chick while in fact possessing a dick. Said dick would however prevent me from wanting to fuck them. And it's actually ok to not want to fuck anyone for any reason - in fact I thought that consent stuff was an idea these people were all into? Yeah you can tell 99% of the time, it's just considered polite to pretend you can't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My best bet on Christine Ford... Her assault story is real. But it wasn't Brett Kavanaugh and she knows it. So she's using a real story so she can get real tears but was talked into changing the name of the attacker for political reasons and is smart enough to leave out any detail that could possibly be disputed (like date or location) Honestly, I'm struggling to even believe her story is based in reality. It still smacks of implanted memories. People who are susceptible to hypnosis are highly suggestable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The brit fags are bending over for muzzies. the piece of shit mayor of London is a muzzie as are other mayors. stupidity rules Britannia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack dorksey is a fucking retard and should be fined for fake news! Tune into Infowars Banned Midterm Election Coverage 8-10 PM CST to get the full breakdown!... https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/live-twitter-promotes-magabomber-with-no-evidence\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No not really. Chicks a cunt but no one deserves to be brutally raped. Do you think this guy deserved to be brutally raped for wishing some chick gets brutally raped? Do you deserve to be brutally raped for chalking it up to \"consequences\"? This sub was a good place to display women acting entitled and subsequently being treated equally until you whiny little cunts came around. You women hating incels changed it from a sub seeking equality into a place where twisted little neckbeards go to vent about every chick that didn't want to fuck them. It's completely pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. breaking news to gab Nazi . the war is over and you lost . go back home to Germany . Every FB\/Twitter alternative seems to have its racists rampant...why is that? FB\/Twitter must be the havens of the politically correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This person is totally right in all honesty. Wew cool flair lad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MikeinDFW Your problem is that you're a brain dead retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the only place niggers need relocated is out of this country. Send them to Israel. Let the kikes take care of their nigger pets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You must use the correct terminology. They are called \"fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DabGodBaby: But only BBC, the American version is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah it's possible! It had to be Feinstein or that dyke staff of hers! These people will LIE no matter what!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So when is that ignorant twat up for re-election? Not soon enough, clearly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is not a picture of the young George Soros.This is someone else. FFS! Can't they even send me the right bloke lol Lol What exactly is your point with this pic Fraggle Rock? You've been sending it to me for 2 weeks now. I didn't say these ARE bodies being taken to the crematoria after just being killed. It looks like bodies were being moved after the camp was liberated. What I said was the Nazis possibly used carts LIKE this to move bodies. thanks for your reply","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember kids all states matter even ones called Wisconsin:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that cunt should be publicly hung for treason, war crimes and murder","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When faggots make stupid and asinine comments, yes. They have every right to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@YesseSmith I was born yellow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And Jeff Sessions! I think we crossed through some wormhole the day of the midterms. That, or Leftists are more retarded than I thought. Snowflakes are more rerarded than you thought. I also had to take time to belueve it. I still don't understand how their heart keeps beating by itself; just let it go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama is a cocaine fueled fag and traitor to our country . . . which isn't his country. Back to muzzie land asshole! http:\/\/www.dcclothesline.com\/2018\/09\/06\/meet-the-man-that-claims-to-have-given-barack-obama-fellatio-twice\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thread by @DrDannielle It's lunchtime . Thursday, October 18, 2018 - Saudi Arabia and Turkey. https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/ Funny fuckin hypocrite conundrums the pinkos find themselves in. Nuke that shithole prove it getting tired of talk no action","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You should know who you're sucking up to before you do. Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wish I coulda said more to @EmmaleeeParkerr tonight. Good seeing you fag. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But the askeNAZI JEW filth is the enemy to the WORLD! Jews are human sewage! Yes, please show your incredible ignorance! You don't know that about 95% of the people who call themselves Jews are Khazarian Russians converted in the 7th century and they are askeNAZI JEWS? My that would be actually looking at FACTS something a RETARD like you would never do! You just believe all the RACIST askeNAZI JEW LIES and be a good little monkey brain! Obviously Jews are sub human beasts and inferior scum when you look at FACTS! But you won't because they brainwashed you well with the RACIST Jewish Supremacist media and sewage of Hollywood! These are FACTS again which you will not look at will you? You are IGNORANT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Riley is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@longbongchris mk Hun just textith me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She expects someone sleeping to know how much room theyre taking up...??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zz0EmTpQDXw many of you have seen em but not tried em they are delicious baklava","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a woman like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the baby told him, \"don't touch me you fucking nigger\" Woah there F00dCHAiN! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah I want to know why she got a life sentence Her crime took place in Nevada where lewdness with child under 14 years carries a[ minimum sentence](https:\/\/law.justia.com\/codes\/nevada\/2010\/title15\/chapter201\/nrs201- boob. life. thats fucked up. Through her clothes too. Not even flesh. This is crazy. I dunno. She forced a child against their will to touch her in a sexual way. Minimum of 10 years in prison doesn't seem too harsh for the crime committed, but that's just my opinion. Through her shirt? That's 10 years to you? Yeah, she only *forced* a child to do it. Let's switch roles,; the guy only forced the little girl to touch his penis over his pants! The problem I have is that a child was forced to sexualy touch an adult against their will. But I guess that stuff doesn't matter to you... I'm not saying let her off you twat. And yes the same goes for a guy. It's not innocent and they should get prison. But 10 years MINIMUM? Possibly life? No. Ok twat, how much time should people get for this crime that a jury of their peers have found them unanimously guilty of? If I force a child to touch me sexualy, is that only worth a year in prison? Does it mean less time if it's over my pants, or more time if it's because I'm naked? I mean, I only forced a child to do something sexualy to me, nbd Some cases it may be fair to give more than But in this case no. The jury of her peers can only decide guilty or not. They have no say in sentence. So maybe a mandatory minimum sentence is a bad idea. 10 years maximum in worst case scenarios. I could even see 3 years as being a tad much for such a crime.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HE IS A LYING NIGGER FOR THE LEFT...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blair Says 50\/50 Chance of Second Brexit Vote, Urges Labour to Block Deal https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/11\/blair-says-50-50-chance-second-brexit-vote-urges-labour-block-deal\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're retards then. And in a tiny minority. This is not normal for how we liberals think and they can expect to be mocked by the mainstream of us. Guys we found the retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe I m crazy. Maybe I m not. I really don t care if you try to fuck with my brain but ill stand strong bitch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"is it? WTF could be! little faggot start his company in a closet in dormrdormroom?? dormonu? WTF DUDE LMFAO CRAZY!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're an internet person who's opinions do not hold one molecule of worth to me. No need to let your frustrations show here sweetie. Of course you miss the point. But what do I expect from someone with low intelligence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idiotic censorship drive by #France President fails to understand that he's empowering Jihadis by censoring the internet wholesale #fail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To say that black lives matter, is not racist statement. But the B.L.M. organization itself is racist group. If they could just quit hating white people and turn that energy towards their own community, the biggest group of black oppressors there is, they might make a difference.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I also thought it was some photo shop thingy. But indeed he married a spic dwarf LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Class A commie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@thejokerxo nah, they let French Montana spit trash at will","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Matt_Petrie22 geta Life faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My goal for soccer this year is to get a yellow card every game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When the churches can keep their paws off of kids, then they can start talking about moral values.. till then, kindly, f*ck off, padres. http:\/\/fortune.com\/2018\/10\/03\/national-council-of-churches-demands-kavanaugh-withdraw\/ No such place as Lake of Fire ! Keep telling yourself that. I used to say the same thing. Well, Prove it by using Scripture !! Are you commanding me? I'm not here to prove a damn thing to you, asshole. Well, U'r positive Hell is a real Place, How Do U Know !! I'm agnostic but you can't have one without the other fool. You have good and bad. How do you know they are real? Cause that's what your mamma and pappa told you. That's how. And until your a man? You shouldn't be questioning that now should you? So the real question is... Are you a Man? I somehow doubt it. Yup. Child. LoL You triggered you Little snowflake? Didn't have to be that way. But offense is always taken. Never given. When the Muslims keep their paws off of our children and our schools and our government and the intricate details of Our Lives.. Then we won't want to throw them back into the pit of fire they came from anymore. RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"get away from me faggot or i will break your jaw.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">beautiful white anime girl fucks up a nigger that video is SUGOI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Ya I dunno, seems more like a joke fight. And her funny comment at the end means she took the beating like a man... Yea this sub just seems to enjoy women getting beaten. If you dont like that content youre probably not an incel. lol, pretty sure I can waste my time however I want. thank you for your comments they were hilarious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's it, abandon your people when they're lethargic. You're as retarded as a boomer. Hitler never abandoned or hated his people. He fought for them with every single breath he took. That's what we NS believe in. That's the moral that you qtards lack","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i do not take advice or demands from imbeciles who cannot tell the difference between boys or girls or who think they live on a giant spinning ball. im guessing you're a huge meat eating faggot as well so STFU and get back to your tranny porn!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Catholicism is more than important, it is true. The current pope may be a faggot communist, but he is just a man who won an election. If you look at where Nationalism is winning in the world, you will see a pattern... Further, if you don't start to behave you are going to have to dress up in a catholic school girl uniform and be disciplined harshly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#NSFW #Horror #Halloween #VintageSilentMovie #GreedyPig *pigsblood* Happy Halloween Takbir pig Allah Akbar hog entrails... \"pigs\" HaPPiGSY hAlLoWeEn! \"Hmmmm...me hungry for Sand Nigger Stew! OiNk, oInK, yum-yum... crunch crunch- no part goes uneaten!\" #FuckIslam #NSFW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's the set from the \"Truman Show\" - *Now With More Retard.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rural pride... wow that is so fucked.. wtf is this shit? It makes America look like faggot pussies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Andrew Gillum Graduated Training School That Spawned Soros Army of Revolutionaries https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/17\/andrew-gillum-graduated-training-school-that-spawned-soros-army-of-revolutionaries\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im 100% for 2 rounds right between the eyes for this cunt and bill the pervert lets roll","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah but somehow, I don't think r\/unpopularopinions is one of those subs that will get you banned in another sub just for posting. But who knows, there's a lot of retarded mods out there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok....so if Gab is shut down for weeks and possibly, conveniently, during the election, we may not be able to communicate....I have one request... let's prove we can do this WITHOUT communication, because we KNOW what we have to do.... Nov 6 is my birthday so.....DON'T FUCK THIS SHIT UP! vote red kiddo......vote red","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a trans person to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess it is time to start babying all the leftists. they already get participation trophies in amateur sports. now they want them for pro sports? https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/38464-Copying-Serena-Sloane-Stephens-Claims-That-Fucking-Bitch-Tried-To-Hit-Me-Video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blumenthal releases statement about Kavanaguh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CloutGod: Horrible rapper #1 Tyga - Most trash rapper ever \"She want a yellow nigga, corn on the cob\" I smacked my mom when I heard him ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I openly admit to being the level of white trash that will drive across town to the gas station with free hot dogs and half price drinks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> ** ** Wait what, either my Japanese sucks or this says it needs to be done in English (the approval requests). This is retarded management. It's not even a censorship problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminism really is a mental disorder. I guess we don't get to see her tits. they're prob small and that's why she's so bitter... cause men won't look at her little tits Her tits are completely unimportant to me. There is more high-quality porn available for free, of every kind imaginable, than any hundred people could watch in a hundred lifetimes. > There is more high-quality porn available for free, of every kind imaginable, than any hundred people could watch in a hundred lifetimes. Challenge accepted! yes, we're real concerned Fat broads in costumes chanting in unison... that is actually my worst nightmare. the Gaelic name O'Searcaigh was used by the Irish family O Searsaigh which is derived from \" Searcach \" which means \" Loving \".. she'd hate that.. These Woman should really get back into the kitchen and be f**king productive for once in their lives... Now your catching on. Don't forget to iron my shirt too. what does it mean \"take our contraceptives\" do they get them free.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember KIDS ... the Name the JEW BULLSHIT ... is a counter intelligence program ... This is why is ONLY serves the system. Try breathing through your nose. Prove us wrong. You can't and you won't, because we are right. But like any leftist, you'll cry about the truth and dig in your heels and name call. Exactly. You have nothing to dispute that Jews are behind every immigration push in White countries, every push for degeneracy, every weapons grab, every anti-White movement. We are right and you are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pontotoc2 Aren't they the best? There story is here: http:\/\/t.co\/Hs3nIFMueK. Now it's time to visit our yellow friends at @21cCincinnati!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I figure FAGGOTS like @gici must LOVE tranny cock or else they wouldn't post so many gifs What I don't get is why you FAGGOTS go thru the trouble of tagging so many people with this shit I for one do NOT want to see this FAGGOT SHIT What ever I just MUTED and REPORTED you for SPAMMING Same as I have for the Previous FAGGOTS that's done same thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most trans people are absolute bastards. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FeelinYurTHROAT: Don't watch me you beta watch your bitch nigga!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is not an exploitation, no-one is profiting from this. Yes other companies have also stopped providing services to Gab. My guess is that they don't want to be associated with this company because of the tragic array of shite hosted there. They worry it might tarnish their image and upset their customers and lower their profits because *free market.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've never met a lisa that wasn't a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To the senior class: there will be Oreo funfetti bars in the den this morning ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No mother fucker. The 'Chosen People' isn't selective DNA based on Creed BUT But but... IT'S about, right here, right now ... for everyone, from everywhere, living in these END TIMES and more importantly based on our individual Choice\/Direction\/Belief - Got it motherfucker? God is real therefore he is looking for his REAL people. Not some preachy cunt like you - https:\/\/youtu.be\/5cjqFHTjVFQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The retards are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@luvvida You're right.. I be around my nig....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Virgin Broastie vs the Chad Thot Patrol Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you racist cunt No, I am not racist. I just have a pair of eyes. Try riding the bus in an inner city sometime. They scream and dance like rabid baboons, while all the white, Asian, and hispanic people sit still in a calm and respectful manner. It's just a fact of life. No amount of your shaming language is going to make me deny what we I see on a daily basis with my own two eyes. I went to a predominantly minority high school and I saw the white trash giving the black folk a hard time too. Loud and dancing came across as cultural differences, bigotry did not. Don't represent all of us inner city white folks as the latter. p.s nice subreddit you got here moderating downvotes and post limits to contraversial opinions Great discussion, you fucking mongoloid Which one of us is getting downvoted? Don't cry into your soy milk too hard faggot. Lmao what a fucking neckbeard to try and use imaginary internet points to legitimize your position. You're pathetic mate. Actually pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmm...statistics seem to indicate that nigger and Latino gun nuts are...but mafs is racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn' t matter if you' re black or white, gay or straight, woman or man, trance, disabled, Dyslexic or intelligent we all are people. Quality!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DISEASED SEPTIC CUNT WHORE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. What we have works just fine. We don't need any changes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking hate bitches comparing humans to animals as saying animals should have rights, humans are worse than animals etc. You're contributing to the lessening of human rights and the equalization of animals and humans. Fueled by your hatred of Christianity, you're enabling your own relegation Fuck that. I'll eat whatever animal I want. I breed and eat chickens and I fish. Extensive scientific studies show a diet of meat and fish os the most healthy. Vegans are gay too. Soya actually increases estrogen Yes, well your assumption that all vegans eat soy is pretty gay. FYI, cow milk has more estrogen in it than soy, so if anything, you're the faggot here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[removed] Disagree, many\/most chavs are white and have this herd mentality. Because the Islamic rape gangs and terrorist in Britain are described as chavs right... nope they have been everything but, White.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"imagine hiring a woman in 2018 well thank god some of them left the West Coast! #LiberalismFindACure","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her dad looks like a cuck that wouldn't get mad if you farted on him. She married a nigger because he wouldn't stand up to you, believe me, if she was my daughter I'd tell you off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he was such a fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vlad may have been on to something. im just sayin. muzzie invaders have been a problem since back in the day, they just dealt with them differently.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well. i hate to say this folks, but we are headed for the SHOOTING PART of that damn CIVIL OR REVOLUTIONARY WAR WE NOW FIND OURSELVES, AND REMEMBER, IT IS THOSE FKING LAWLESS COMMUNIST DEMORATS THAT STARTED THIS UNDER THAT MUSLIM FRAUD NIGGER OBAMA AND OLD HILLARY BEAST AND SOROS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wrong We just bullycided this chick off the site. Who was it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My mama made me some brownies they was everything ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Blessedyaszay: #IWantToPunchPeopleWho mock God","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I WOULD NOT TOUCH THIS CREEPY WITCH WITH A 100 FOOT POLE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White Nationalists are posting \"Kanye escaping the Democrat Plantation\" memes on Gab, Twitter and Stormfront. Why? They're not funny. They reinforce a retarded cuckservative narrative. How long until we're parroting \"Democrats are the real racists!\" talking points? I can't wait for Waka-wakanye...has anybody told you you're a poet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger Vergewaltiger frisch aus dem Knast entlassen - vergewaltigt gleich die n chste 21-J hrige. https:\/\/www.journalistenwatch.com\/2018\/10\/18\/nach-kurs-besuch\/ Geht in Ordnung. Ich hab sowieso nix gegen Nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear 6th grader, you need to improve your grammar and spelling skills. \"engaged me you ... \" should be you engaged me, \"an retard\" should be a retard \"the filed\" should be the field \"Your all\" should be You're all Carry on though, you seem to be on the path to 7th grade.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Omg!!! You won't say it to my face! Stupid ass hoes talkin shit!!! Imma whoop her ass!!! *over dramatic teenage girls*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok then I just did blind follow backs for everyone that has followed me. I am not a racist though, so if anyone I followed has racial posts I will unfollow. That has been my only problem on gab so far. Don't followback. It makes no sense. Most accounts produce very little original content. You end up seeing the same reposts ten times. How do you see my posts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's typical of gay people. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I downvoted this. Fighting the jews lowest foot soldiers to then be arrested by Jewish owned cops and spend 5-10 years in a jewish run nigger filled prison is not #natsoc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be fearful of the wrath of God in a country where many mock Christianity, embrace perversion, abortion, and bows to PC\/multiculturalism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lesbian tries douchebag tricks https:\/\/www.thestar.com\/news\/insight\/opinion\/2018\/10\/13\/im-a-woman-who-imitated-the-swagger-of-an-entitled-white-male-and-it-got-results.html?fbclid=IwAR2CbfSyj6m8VH9T_K5j7HSfoPVJMKgRV9O_WSoUio5jOUiPZ1GlMJEFnDw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that their actual username? Can I still use it if I make some parody video someday?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It really is too bad that #California had faggot marriage forced upon her after her citizens declared it illegal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'This Is Why We Can't Have Islam In The West' - Douglas Murray Talks About Threat Of Islam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3MpuQeZkl1M I'll say free speech with you is a 100 mile an hour thing. I suppose your over exaggerative use of certain terms is a power thing? It seems too much sometimes which make me exercise my ignore-your- posts right. Do you have other less garish thangs to say? Just mute me, pal. Save yourself another Holocaust. all the while, our children are groomed, and gang raped. YOUR children. Sad ... Very sad tbqh. Britain resist the ZOG We know who the useful idiots are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Yankees survive 9th-inning scare to beat Rangers, 12-11. Gardner: 4-5, HR, RBI, 3 R Teixeira: 1-2, HR, 2 RBI, 3 R htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is not the first time I've been called an annoying prick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Paying a self admitted fbi informant and a deradicalization shill. Kys, retard. another Cantwell post another buttmad faggot shill calling him a fed How's Anglin's dick taste bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NUTHING TO DO WITH USEING THAT ON THAT POOR MAN FUCK THEM I SAY SHOOT THEM DIRTY CUNT COPS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm hooked on monkey phonics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did Switzerland do something recently? Second post I see about them in WWII this morning. The only high-profile I've read about is the EU trying to force their gun laws on them and now they're having a referendum that could possible get them kicked out of the schengen treaty. r\/switzerland has got nothing out of the ordinary. Out of that Schengen crap? Where do I sign? By the way, I am one of those who signed on - alongside my entire family - to make that gun law national referendum happen. I can confirm that absolutely nothing that reddit would find interesting is currently happening here in Switzerland. Ahahahah... Well, I already served in the Army (a long time ago - 1980s). ;) I agree. So far, so good. I hope it'll stay like this. We're not exactly pro immigration here, so my hopes are high. >We're not exactly pro immigration here, so my hopes are high. Well, we're not exactly pro communism yet Southern California exists. We're not exactly pro illegal immigration yet we have something like 15-25 million of them in our country. Career politicians don't give a rats ass about what the people want, they just pay lip service once the elections are coming up and then they go right back to selling their voices to the highest bidder. A quick look at your federal council at least seems concerning... You've got two socialists as the heads of your police and justice department as well as the domestic affairs department. I hope your socialists aren't anything like ours.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't someone send this cunt to Italy to be with his ancestors.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REPORT: Emily Ratajkowski Arrested At Kavanaugh Protest https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Zmgf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your black lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fact that men rarely complain about this shit makes me disgusted for being a man ! men should beat the hell out of these cunts...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Revolution is coming you need to listen to this Tommy Robinson at OldTrafford. This went on all day. Music to our ears..... Get this song at every game. Tommy is a true working class hero https:\/\/youtu.be\/JyDUFV9Coo4 what were they actually saying?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we have a \"I voted for this Cunt last time\" option on ballots too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/su-president-vows-paint-over-13479434 Stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White cuck doesn't defend his White woman after Nigger floors her with a slap. https:\/\/youtu.be\/sDvf0tG3oyE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" No someone from Liverpool. They have a reputation for being workshy, thieving scumbags and complainers. They are white.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Few people are more stupid than a Democrat Boomer. Behold! The Liberal #Boomer! Hey, im a damn white woman!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump \"Saudis Did The Worst Cover Up Ever!\" President Trump To Send CIA Experts To Saudi Arabia To Teach The Saudis How To Assassinate And Cover Up Operations In The Best Possible Taste. (For Example Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack False Flag Ops) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=EiQVom9Xp5c I'm sticking by my original assertion: this is designed by the left to return prince alwaleed dopey to power but trump will use it to force mbs to erase dopey instead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It looks like some male hurt a worthless americunts feelings and now it is rampaging reddit lol. Women are worthless garbage. My hand is better than the 40 something cunts I've torn up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no such thing as \"Europeans of color.\" Taste my boot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best behaved kids ever at mommy's commercial audition. Oreo McFlurries for everybody! #proudmom http:\/\/t.co\/9HFNSmaLcU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pic circulating on Jihadi feeds claiming an \"ISIS flag\" on top of Mount Arafa in the holiest day of pilgrimage http:\/\/t.co\/46YfuflyZV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/video\/four-girls-who-accused-a-boy-of-sexual-assault-have-admitted-that-they-made-the-whole-thing-up\/ We haven't even seen the worst of it yet .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift huh? a marginally talented walking twat with the IQ of a green salad .. Why would I give a rats ass what she might think? unless she's performing oral sex for me, I have no reason to even think of her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DaTbOySmOkEyy: Shawty said you not gone understand america unless you went to a PWI school, crackers already brainwashed her smh lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Banned Contest Challenge on Normies. New Viral Meme. Funny. Relevant. Here is one I made on Will Smith Pre-Kanye West Trump in Men In Black (MIB). Here are some videos, pictures, links. NPC. Bots. Robots. Win money here. https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/don-t-move-tables your MUTED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hadn't seen this Candace Owens\/Joe Rogan clip. ...What a fucking idiot. And a liar. Once again she's conveniently \"misremembering\" that it was \"Trump\" usernames harassing her, when it was originally reported BY HER to be people with \"Gamer\" usernames. Also, SHE IS WRONG about it being Quinn, it provably was kiwifarmers that doxxed her. Her complete ignorance is so painful to hear. Anyway, here's a link to the last time I had to call out Candace Owens for being a retarded conspiracy theorist and\/or complete sellout: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9hf0wz\/community_can_anyone_actually_name_just_one\/e6bn84i\/?context=3 She's no conspiracy theorist. What happened to her is that she got Quinn'd, realized that shit is ez-street to success and ran with it. She's doing the exact same thing, from the other \"side\". [deleted] What the fuck does Captain America have to do with blacks escaping the plantation? Called Kanye a uneducated ignorant dumbass. The real Captain America probably believes in due process, innocence until proven guilty, freedom of speech as a principle and not just an amendment, the right to bear arms, and nationalism in general. Isn't that why they made him a closet nazi? Man, Cap would be so disappointed. Even has the Soyboy Smile as his profile picture... Well I think this was caused by a misunderstanding over what Kanye meant by abolishing the 13th Amendment. Don't hate the player... How about I hate both the player and the game, ok?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dude that faggot won't do shit liberal men pretend they're soo tough and badass yet the only people they attack are women and children. They don't have balls to go man to man. Trust me - I could beat his ass with a foot tied to the opposite hand ;-)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate yellow jackets can't feel arms and back lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That won't stop the #FakeNews and retarded leftists from blaming our president anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never did trust that Bozo. Nigger lover, White people hater!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN's @KaitlanCollins deleted tweets. https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/j7oxlW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"and some praising Jason Schreier for \"good journalism\" recently\" What? The fuck? He went on a tirade on twitter about entitlement like the lowbrow retard he is. How could anyone praise that posterboy for 145th trimester abortion?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a used up street whore makes up names for a crack baby like Shonterikka. and to think we have to put up with all this stupid, lowlife crazy nigger shit!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HITLER BODY BURNT, NO GRAVE, GTFOOOOO [deleted] Smoke meth for six months... [deleted] [deleted] 99% of my comments are in threads like this where I'm having a personal conversation, anyways it's rare that someone is both a raving lunatic and a gigantic pussy The moon landing was also a hoax THE EARTH IS FLAT YOU MUST LISTEN TO US AND OUR FACTS SEAL TEAM 6 IS DEAD EXCEPT FOR ALL THE ONES THAT ARE STILL ALIVE BUT STILL Seal team 6 is made up of genetically altered MKULTRA-brainwashed US celebrities whose deaths have been faked, there are EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS of Tupac and Elvis at the scene of Osama bin Laden's death and DOCUMENTS proving that the US military regularly purchases large amounts of peanut butter, bacon, bananas and bread. Are we just going to be NPCs and assume the US military is constructing Elvis's favorite sandwich for no reason?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You look like Sloth with deeper Down s syndrome","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @__matt29: Larry bird 38 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">the non binary reality we live in. Good god. You know I find it funny how gender is non binary, but thought is not. For example I'm not a fan of Trump, but I don't think he's utter evil like some people do. As soon as I say that I'll get treated like I'm a member of r\/thedonald. There is so much contradiction in the gendersphere that it's amazing they can keep it all straight. Remember gender is a choice, it's a social construct, there are no male\/female brains it's all just socialized learning, but of course there can be people born with a female brain in a male body and vice versa. Sure, that makes complete sense, got it. There should be no greater enemy of the trans community than those who claim gender is a social construct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Celtic means white trash. If someone says they're Celtic, it means they're white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is he legit queer? I googled it, sorta misleading In my opinion he sloben ze knobben. Lol, yup","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@hunterbuch66 @kieffer_jason @sbsylvester all u can pull is the fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Curse AVI for Coke because he's a fag and hasn't put it on yet http:\/\/t.co\/jHQPwop4wk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"let me rephrase it, when atheist faggot pedophile activists pretend to be Christians for the purpose of violating children, that's called a 'felony', but when Jews give infants herpes while legally sucking blood from their penis, that's called as a 'religious right'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? Love this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bbc ALWAYS proteks kidfuckers just like Jimmy Sick Faggot Saville","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paedophilia loving politicans. No wonder paedophiles are rarely punished when we have these cunts in charge of our country. She should speak to survivors of child sexual abuse to find out how it affects the rest of their lives. As should the other cunt, Peter Thatchel. Yes well Harriet Harman was part of the pedophile information exchange pretty much like every other labour cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"trans people are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LilTunechi: Eddie Lacy rookie of the year! Well deserved The green and yellow bumble bee bekuz if he hit ya it's gon sting!Green Bay all ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This video only \"works because FLOTUS is very attractive. But I still can't believe the audacity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UK taxpayers will pay over two million pounds annually to monitor and \"keep safe a released Islamist, according to the Daily Mail. https:\/\/europe.infowars.com\/taxpayers-to-pay-over-two-million-a-year-to-monitor-uk-islamist\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the women around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid SJW cunt. She's an elitist. It's on the other end of the cunt spectrum","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Netanyahu's cunt on trial for fraud .....larceny is in jew DNA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Churchill was a cunt ... 400,000 in debt paid up by rothschilds... they owned his ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only reason Keira Knightley is even a thing is how certain standards for female attractiveness and gender roles exist. She somehow doesn't worry about the fact that she is part of the system when it's giving her money, fame and social power. But her daughters should none of that. It's like when people like Kat Von D (the tattoo reality star and makeup producer) says she will raise her kid in this vegan hippy-dippy bullshit lifestyle from birth, after having lived a life full of drugs, alcohol, all kinds of food and excess of every kind. Or when Leonardo DiCaprio wants you to eat your plain tofu in your unlit apartment because muh nature, but he can take the party private jet with his buddies and young model of the week. Maybe, just maybe normal people usually have normal relationships with those things. Don't go from media prostitute to a feminist puritan? I think it's just a typical stupid celeb type behaviour; being a walking STD museum, full of crazy, doing god knows what drugs by the cartful, having horrible people around, throwing money everywhere. Then instead of learning actual moderation, just becoming the opposite,in an equally unhealthy way. > will raise her kid in this vegan hippy-dippy bullshit lifestyle from birth Parents who do this are retarded to a dangerous level. Humans are omnivores. There are essential nutrients our body cannot synthetize from plants. All but the most batshit-crazy Vegan associations tell you to take supplements to compensate for that. Breast-fed children of hardcore believers Vegan mothers are at high risk of permanently crippling nutrient deficiencies. Because their mother's milk is deficient in crucial stuff like Vitamin B (Hello permanent nerve damage.) Damn. If I wanted to be dead inside, I certainly wouldn't try to pass it on to my children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Far Left Senator Files RESTRAINING ORDER Against McConnell To Stop Kavanaugh Vote (Another Democrat damn fool. I can assure you this guy was not first in his class! Where do Democrats find these fools? Disgusting!) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/far-left-senator-files-restraining-order-against-mcconnell-to-stop-kavanaugh-vote\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My sons school had someone in doing a talk for autism awareness he himself was autisic. He made aware that animals can be autisic too and introduced a picture of his pug lola whom is also autisic which I found interesting. My 10 year old son is autisic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any Muslm could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am curious if someone will get offended over this. Claim \"something something anti trans\". I really hope this can be taken as a simple joke and be left alone. It gave me a good \"the hell?\" chuckle. the attack helicopter meme isn't anti-trans though, its anti other-kin, (basically anti furry) Wait, otherkins are furries? I thought they weren't truly related as many otherkins don't identify as animals at all, but I guess there might be some overlap with furries in the ones who do. Every day shitting dick nipples are mentioned, is another day we risk being, rightfully, destroyed by a higher power We are all God's children, and he left us locked up in the backseat with the windows up on a sweltering summer day. From what I understand, the logical members of the furry community (if there is such a thing) tend to disavow a lot of the otherkin bullshit. Otherkin can be furries, but they can be anything else as well. Like thinking that they are aliens, gods, planets, ... uwu Furries deserve mockery. We really do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do not know many black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Jimmy_Santander: \"Deme gallo pinto con carne asadita, madurito..y...una milca, amor\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If he wanted it to be indelible in the hippocampus, he'd call her a self-parodying cunt from the CIA that should be taken far less seriously than a 12:57AM sketch on Saturday Night Live. #Kavanaugh #BlaseyFord #IndelibleInTheHippocampus https:\/\/twitter.com\/NBCNews\/status\/1047281394098028544","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Yep...Obama was the Low Expectation President because he never had a private sector job in his life, and did not understand basic, fundamental economics. Remember his \"new normal\" speech trying to convince us that his C- economic and job growth was something to expect for all time?! Worst President in modern history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here is another idiot liberal.. Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Attacked Bullshit' Stay-At-Home Moms For Leeching Off Their Husbands' http:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2018\/10\/19\/arizona-democrat-kyrsten-sinema-attacked-bullshit-stay-home-moms-leeching-off-husbands\/ Sounds like something a hard core bull dyke would say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a group of Jewish trolls now following the mad Jewish woman?! Lol. John and his gay buddy hate white women but not enough to meet in person. (Because I'd shoot you in your fag head) Place of residence poof. called me out and worried about and scared of a faggot. Must be middle eastern or african decent. Perhaps but better than the made up paranoid fantasy dreamland you are in. I called you out and can't back it up. Fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"for me nothing is more dangerous than those zombie magapedes. because they support every retarded move trump can think about without thinking if there was a back gay jewish tranny nominated they might at least express something... because right now it's all about 'trusting the plan'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if that muzzie was a journalist I wouldn't care, but he wasn't. \"Journalist\" was his cover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @mikeimbriano: @briiixo Donnas taxes are gonna go up.#moulinyan#lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RylannWilliams whooooo? Chelsey? Fuck her lol. She juss a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">One of the plaintiffs alleged that male employees used the word \"dick\" more than 500 times in a single month. Richard... we're going to have to let you go. She must really hate reruns of Dick Van Dyke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMFAO! Watch 2 kikes get kicked out of a muslim event! Jewess (((Faith Goldy))) kissing (((Loomer)))'s ass as they promote homosexuality and try to shame the muslims for being against it. Um do these retarded ass bitches realize that it's the JEWS that are importing the sand people that they keep whining about? Jewish cunts! I hope nothing good ever happens to them ever. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FPgKH_B62pMandfeature=youtu.be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish #ElectoralCollege Democrat candidate calls the system a 'shadow of slavery's power' after the confirmation of Justice Brett #Kavanaugh. #DineshDSouza reacts on 'Fox and Friends.' #News #Politics #GabFam #SpeakFreely #Government https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ozx2Xl6G8rs We refuse to bow down to foreignors voting illegally in California and New York to enslave the rest of us. #DeportOcasioCortez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCKING IDIOT SJW CUNT WHORE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's such a dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LizardLickTowin: - @CMchatLIVE #CMchat why do U think its so hard for\"hick hop\"2get major air time on most stations #cmchat when it's w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and while they have 10 million retarded vicarious sychophants following them on twitter celebs will never shut the fuck up with the ignorant bullshit lapped up by morons","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the award for the biggest TWAT yet goes to THIS judge. FFS what planet is that pillock on. What she did was ILLEGAL on many levels and she should have been JAILED. You're all screwed in the UK!! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html?mrn_rm=als1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Bae\" sounds like such a ghetto word. Use something else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking stupid feminist bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Goons_TXT: Only retards and dads roll Lawful Good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In the state of California an engagement ring is a promise! Not an unconditional gift. By law it has to be given back unless its after marriage. What a fucking entitled slut cunt! \"In California we turn to a law dating back to 1939 which specifically addresses engagement rings and other gifts in contemplation of marriage--Civil Code section 1590; it states: Where either party to a contemplated marriage in this State makes a gift of money or property to the other on the basis or assumption that the marriage will take place, in the event that the donee refuses to enter into the marriage as contemplated or that it is given up by mutual consent, the donor may recover such gift or such part of its value as may, under all of the circumstances of the case, be found by a court or jury to be just. In this case the \"donor\" is the person (i.e., the man) giving the engagement ring, and the \"donee\" is the person (i.e., the woman) receiving it. A gift in contemplation of marriage can be revoked, unlike other gifts. Thus, California law is very clear on what happens to the ring - if the woman calls off the wedding, it goes back to the man. Also, if both parties agree that the wedding is off then the man gets the ring back. This California law has wide ranging impact for property given in contemplation of marriage. In an important case on the subject - Shaw v. Shaw (1964) 227 Cal.App.2d 159, a man and woman lived together for four years. He placed her name on real property because he relied on her promise that she would marry him when her divorce was final. The couple separated before marrying and the woman eventually married another. The court awarded all property back to the man because she failed to marry him. This has an impact on our society today because of the number of couples living together before marriage.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My muslim pal asked me what it was like to be drunk, \"Oh, you just make a cunt of yourself, talk shit and want to fight the world.\" I told him. \"So, it's just like Islam then?\" He replied.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to have to go through my Follower list first ting this morning I either lost about 10 followers because I called this POS @Cyph what he is a ***Nigger *** 150% They have Papers on him,he's not a regular intelligent black person he's simply a Nigger just like that whining bitch Obama ,but anyways I'll be busy for awhile","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not even an hour into looking through gab I am floded with alt-right and Nazi values. Extremely sexist and homophobic comments as well as hella xenophobic shit. The reason most y'all come here is because any other place would judge you, which just so you know to judge someone based on what they say is not anti-free speech.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common transtrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cumkwats thank you based pee slit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My doctor tonight is such a miserable cunt. Even my nurse is pissed off. She's been here since 7PM and hasn't come to see me once.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol Yep those things are less dangerous than Maxine Waters wig hat and flapping nigger lips https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315709\/Robert-Niros-Tribeca-restaurant-evacuated-suspicious-package-found.html#comments","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This I got to see. I deliberately chose not to watch the FoxNews coverage of the Retard Bomber because douchebag Shep Smith was covering it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the Yankees can't beat the Red Sox, they don't even deserve to be in the playoffs #yankees #redsox #mlb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: As someone whose family has directly been the victim of these mail threats I condemn whoever did this regardless of party or ideology. This crap has to stop and I hope they end up in jail for a long time. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-STX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/legalinsurrection.com\/2018\/10\/linda-sarsour-calls-susan-collins-the-mother-grandmother-of-white-women-in-america-who-gave-us-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hay, if you told these idiots not to vote in the super pedo devil mafia no term limits politicians too, I don't see why we can't agree on this boomer are retarded thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical b1tch behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rule 5: Think as you will, act as others do. Do not draw unwanted attention to yourself. This is another way to derail Rule","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't give a flip about Judaism, the part sand nigger thats in the modern jews was WHOLE sandnigger before they got kicked out by the Romans to wander up in to eastern Europe ok","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thx JEWS! When you see these RETARDED leftist white women yell at Candace Owens who is black accusing her of being a White supremacist, you surely know they are brainwashed monkey brains! Fuck the JEWS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a transgender CIRCUS FREAK!! Any hot guys wanna eat my pussy?? I don't want you anyway, you old stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An actual scene from this (((movie))) when a character asked \"What will we do with the Jew?\". Everybody check this bullshit out. One might think the jews would use a bit more nuanced holohoax propaganda now, but nooo, right back to soap and lampshades!! https:\/\/streamable.com\/2h012 Anyone with basic common sense, or access to the internet, should know that jew-soap is a jew-lie. That clip is a mind-numbingly retarded transparent piece of propaganda. Hopefully it's so obviously egregious that it's laughed at by most people and used as an example to undermine the baseless fiction propping up their entire scheme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and Maurry Provich say;s the DNA result;s say YES he is your father!!!and he gave you up for adoption b\/c you were a retarded little shit, evil, $$ hungry leftist scumbag!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They kill themselves because they are mentally retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What about conservatives that supported GW Bush?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Woody_AFC: @MANIAC3X @_WhitePonyJr_ lmaoooo what a bunch of fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wake up you stoopid dyke @RandyPawlik","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In case you missed it. As well as a mouth on you like a cow's cunt you have the attention span of a Privett hedge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TwitchyTeam: 'Worst tweet ever'? PR 'pro' manages to sound racist, mock AIDS in a single tweet http:\/\/t.co\/0nTcWbrMMk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cool, fun thing to ponder: the myriad of space trash traveling at thousands of miles per hour right above you http:\/\/t.co\/L7zmXIyVQy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ack! Jimmy Church is on now #938 saying that what is important is the show...not whether the guest is a hoax.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"chargers and raiders are both trash #boltupdoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course this cuckstian faggot supports the caravan invasion. This SJW is part of the open-borders org World Relief, a scam organization that uses taxpayer $$ to flood the USA with Third World immigrant and refugee vermin. His and his bosses emails: MSoerens@wr.org, SArbeiter@wr.org, TBreene@wr.org The USA shouldn't be the dumping ground for the Third World's unwanted garbage https:\/\/twitter.com\/MatthewSoerens Matt is looking for more butt fuckers. Hey Matt,how many illegals have you taken into your home or given money to?? None?\/I thought so you hypocritical piece of democratic shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=5andv=BeUbeB4oC_s just letting #ANTIFA and the rest of the lefties know, im getting sick of this shit. I just looked up black hole coffee shop, to see if it was in Dallas. lucky for this cunt its in Houston. was gonna put on a Cruz shit and see if I could catch him for a talk. knuckle hugs for this motherfucker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was informed about a bird (pheonix) today that I could not find a physical image of.All paintings.Mythological or extinct?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been assured repeatedly that the Mooslime invasion was done totally at the behest of Joooooos. Are the people saying that liars or propagandists? Or maybe they don't mean Jews when they say Jews? Or did this raghead not get the memo?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The person in this article and the blackmailer are two different people. He got catfished into sending sexual explicit stuff to someone (probably a dude with a catfish account) who is now threatening to release those pictures and videos. That is definitely extortion. >A super awkward communication breakdown between two parties who think they understand each other but actually have no idea how to interact with each other. Wow this really nails it. You're totally right. It's just two people playing a different game on the same board and not understanding each other at all. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of black people will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Will I have to #NSFW when I say Nigger from now on? I'm not against it. I just like it when things are clear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rep. Jackson Lee Intern Charged with Doxing' GOP Senators https:\/\/www.lifezette.com\/2018\/10\/rep-jackson-lee-intern-charged-with-doxing-gop-senators\/ via @LifeZette PSA: no white people commit crimes......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is fitting for immigrantvermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger raus.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What really stirs my stew is when fat people make fun of me for being short, but if I make fun of them for being fat, it's crime of the century. AT LEAST YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT, I CANT MAKE MYSELF GET TALLER BY EXERCISE AND DIET This confirms my dream of going into space.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ohhh, i love Owen! #MeToo #NotinaGayWay hahahah hehe.. i know you probably know this one lol https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FkD4iU9nxkM bwahhhh.. no... I've only seen him on Louder with Crowder and INfowars... Thanks! oh well enjoy the tune ... FYI he streams on youtube most everyday yah, had no idea... thanks.. I've bookmarked him! cool enjoy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most immigrants are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"makes me wanna punch her in the nose. Entitled cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its just like I've been saying all along. Eli made up some lies about me. Then he and Spencer took over the on the ground control of the event from me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LIBERALS ARE FUCKING SCUM !! EVERY SINGLE LAST OF THEM !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're nigger Americans. You can even see it on my black-and-white screen. Get over yourself, you colourblind human being.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry this is gross but it is important to see how liberal feminists have destroyed men. Just look at this piece of shit. I don't want these people anywhere near me or my family. It should be a crime to allow children near any democrats.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol 90 percent if not more of the Muslime complaints are hoaxes, get a clue retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate how Nigger culture became normie culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's totally insane. I'd have found me a black women with a gay brother who killed himself and sworn he killed himself because Kav kept picking on him calling a worthless nigger faggot, and put this baby to bed once and for all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any gay person like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a cunt. She had it coming. Period.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao faggot 91 \/ 100 say you a pos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@SportsCenter: USC senior RB Anthony Brown calls head coach Steve Sarkisian a racist and quits team. http:\/\/t.co\/JOOsdSubIR\" he's a bitch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cesar Sayoc during his days as a \"stripper.\" Sayoc was found homeless, living in a van in \"Broward County\" when arrested for the so-called \"mail bombs.\" Broward County is the same location as the \"Parkland School shooting.\" These false flags are getting more and more pathetic! #Ghost Broward county has a ridiculous amount of scandal. Between sheriff Israel, Debbie W-S and voter fraud--this county MUST be investigated. \"This teen said Sheriff Israel got her pregnant when she was 17\"--and he forced her to get an abortion. http:\/\/www.project.nsearch.com\/m\/blogpost?id=4878805%3ABlogPost%3A857815","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It hurts to see all these people saying gay lives are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Loud mouth cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I said YOU ALL were retarded faygets...... You included","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those black people won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My teacher always says \"Has a man ever abused his wife while using marijuana? Not unless she hides the Oreo cookies then she deserves it.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Again, I don't see it that way. There are a lot of good ideas from it. MGTOW is basically the \"well shit, I want to have a family... but laws are incentivizing women to leave, women want to be tinder thots and suck nigger dick and take my money. Let's group as a community to discuss it.\" I know that women are not civilization builders, same as blacks. I dont feel the need to discuss the little intracacies of their character in my politics. It's ok as a passing topic but in my head I always bring it back to what the Jews have done not women or men","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NOW i get it. Holy, took me long enough. And NOW i also get the DBZ Abridged dialogue where they say the same quote. Sweet salty Christ am i retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those disabled people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have to know who's doing the investigating first. Don't have much faith in most of the clowns been in charge up to today. Sure wouldn't want to actually see the cunt make the court.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like how people are talking shit to that crazy bitch rose McGowan over this. Edit I didn't see what rose said. Stupid cunt be gentle. Hah yeah right Hypocrite bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course he has a Psychiatric Illness....he practices the muzzie shit, does he not??????????? Islam is a mental disorder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@frankthetank215 @Jim_McCloskey Fran is a hillbilly Virginia mountain man who has pre-1800s white Anglo-Saxon beliefs #frankensteinMD #kikme","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just goes to show how smart those fuckers were. 250 years later, their assumption that humans are fucking retarded but will typically vote for people smarter than them(I mean, Pelosi is probably still smarter than like 90% of her constituents) still holds true. Liberalism is a mental disorder","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Amazing. You know what they say about birds of a feather http:\/\/t.co\/mefmPB3aW5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a trans person, it must be bullsiht. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MadMax will not be the Prime Minister, he might not even get re-elected in Beauce. We are in for an embarrassing decade (at least) of PMJT and the LPC cruising to super-majorities. Thanks so much you fucking idiots. F A K E N E W S 17% CAD for Bernier: [https:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/politics\/article-poll-finds-17-per-cent-of-canadians-are-open-to-supporting-maxime\/](https:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/politics\/article-poll-finds-17-per-cent-of-canadians-are-open-to-supporting-maxime\/) Mad Max will be the next Prime Minister of Canada, October 21, 2019 17%? He needs more than that. All he has done is split the vote so far while Trudeau chuckles So you'd rather have Trudeau win again and continue to wreck the country in order to teach the Conservatives a lesson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about you say something more useful than spamming the same message over and over again, basically the only Swedish things about it are the blurred image and the killers \"nationality\". The most retarded thing is asking Swedes for help, help with a dude that's blurred and left the country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"god this is obnoxious to read, and not in the way the writer intended did i hit a nerve. im literally none of those things I didn't call anyone retarded. I'm a different person. He didn't need to, you clearly are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey, remember that one African American guy that got a bunch of KKK members to renounce their views by talking to them and befriending them? Let's ostracize him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No self respecting white man would touch that nigger fucking piece of filth. Just another lost soul for the fire when the reaper comes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never gets any right this cunt lozydoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sharpton After Collins' Kavanaugh Announcement: Trump Base Are Like People Who Attended Lynchings After Church https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/05\/sharpton-after-collins-kavanaugh-announcement-trump-base-are-like-people-who-attended-lynchings-after-church\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He calls out the mothers using their children to further their political agenda, then enrages the cunts by completely ignoring them. Worse still they show how privileged they are by demanding he listen to them, bitch no one HAS to listen to you. and that right there sums up the problem with the modern cunts, they believe you HAVE to listen to them and that you have no choice but to obey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These black people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA @NeonRevolt ....was? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DEAD NIGGER CUNTS MEANS LESS ABORTION GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CloydRiversPics: Ran outside mullet flowin', nips shown'. Shotgunned a cold one and yelled, \"Saturday, welcome back you sexy beast. Mer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How in the fuck do you get that from the word nationalist? You, and people like you, are fucking RETARDS. Probably some faggot ass Hillary supporter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love how they put the medical expenses part in the story, as if we are supposed to believe it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"aussie kangaroo dick sucking faggot \"aussie kangaroo dick sucking faggot\" fuck off fuck off you marxist kikesucking kangaroo fucking homo fuck off you kikesucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dead Nigger, two words. Dead Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whats good about this is they also believe in only the retarded boomer docs who throw everyone on opioids rather than taking a good history and finding the root of the issue of their health problems. I refuse to see boomers and they refuse to see me which is fine because i dont want their generation lingering around any more than i have to suffer through. My parents were fine and every now n again i meet an aight boomer but the vast majority im happy to see go. Might sound harsh and yes im a doc who doesnt believe anyone should suffer but when the entire generation fucks mine over, its gloves off unless you prove yourself to be a decent human being. Cant be nice to cancer and think itll heal itself same thing with generational cancer. Dont really deal with breast cancer gradings thatd be an oncologist referral, conventionally itll kill you because most breast cancers are estrogen driven and will keep recurring until the thing sparking it is dealt with. Which is missed by 95% of doctors and 100% of females playing doctor. Hippocratic oath died when women entered into medicine and the big pharma companies needed profits.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That fucking seditious cunt needs a shiv shoved up her cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CANADA - TELL THE PRIME MINISTER TO DELIVER ON HIS PROMISE AND PROTECT OUR FREE SPEECH Send a letter to Trudeau and your Member of Parliament to tell them to stand up and protect charities and FREE SPEECH today. https:\/\/act.environmentaldefence.ca\/page\/31839\/action\/1?ea.url.id=1540437andforwarded=true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah I'm retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So many Whites are just lost: living under gross moralistic illusions about reality, alienated from their own identities (and kinship, always the correlative) and thus deteriorating in bondage to their enemies, the orcs and archons of the Demiurgic System. As Heidegger wrote, Only a God can save us. Didnt really understood but white have been converted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's such a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lf6 Lightfighter Six Source: https:\/\/goo.gl\/ABRFg7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"praying doesn't work faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why am I NOT surprised? niggers and nigger lovers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this cunt serious though? You can't push her either....you don't want to cause a small earthquake. Gonna slip slide and hobble like a retarded manatee on bath salts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excellent example as why subhuman niggers should be eliminated from society. A good White man with a successful career who is contributing to society encounters a worthless nigger buck. Nigger beast then shoots and kills White man. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/north-carolina-man-describes-how-he-comforted-trooper-who-was-fatally-shot And don't forget, that nigger was on welfare from the day his nigger sow \"mother shit him out. Paid for by Medicaid. These savages are paid for by productive Whites. And they hate and kill us. Extermination of the nigger is only logical.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We Have Details About The New Star Wars' Project. Fans Will Go Wild When They Hear Them https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/vs6kym.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wcCp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in women's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what Swedes endorse. This is what pagans endorse. Proof that your gods don't exist. Fuck Sweden! Fuck paganism! Take the mark of the beast! (I bet you actually would too, just to rebel against the \"kike god\") https:\/\/www.shtfplan.com\/headline-news\/the-swedish-are-micro-chipping-themselves-by-the-thousands_10222018 yes that is the Devil's mark ,the jew no fuck, every wannabe sandnigger and half breed sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a Muslm's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if she didn't have a twat she would be completely useless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm guessing you're a useless cunt Kate. Actually not a guess really is it? You prove it every day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He who lives by the gun dies by the gun.... Guns save lives. A fact. How does shooting someone save lives? Let me tell you a story: About 14 years ago, two armed teen-aged Dindus broke into my house while my wife and I and our child were sleeping. I got the drop on them with a shotgun. One died instantly, and the other ended up losing his right arm. I wasn't arrested, but there was a hearing. My actions were declared justifiable homicide and self defense. I found out through my lawyer that the survivor confessed that they both intended to kill whoever they found inside my house \"to see what it felt like to kill someone.\" I ended up suing the parents of both of the boys for damages to my house, and won the suit. When the families wouldn't pay, I had my lawyer put liens on their houses, cars, and bank accounts. Eventually, I got paid for the door they broke, as well as fresh paint and new carpet for the living room I shot them in. To this day, my living room looks freshly painted and the carpet looks brand new. My gun saved the lives of my wife, my child, and myself. That is ALL that matters to me. That's why I have no patience for gun-grabbers and their bullshit. Who is a Niger to you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And this, my friend, is further verification that many people are, in fact, \"retarded\"... (All of the downvoted comments of course...)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perhaps I'm not a \"diehard\" Yankee fan, but there's no more point in watching this debacle #Yankees #Tigers #MLB So what else is on? LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Redpill No. Elaborate? I find the idea of being \"redpilled\" being the equivalent of someone saying that they are \"woke\". Its absolutely embarrassing to say and admit to. It's a perfect metaphor. Get over yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Shaggy 2 Dope' From Insane Clown Posse Rushed The Stage At A Limp Bizkit Concert And Drop Kicked Fred Durst https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/QucsTNE.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/gnILpnP191","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF I'mma do about my legs Charlie Murphy...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RileyCooper_14 so your a \"nigger\" fighter huh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, those trans people would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate disabled people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't steal precious gift from your descendants. Don't race mix. #WhiteIsRight #ItsAmazingToBeWhite #WhitePride #14Words It is not wise to speak such things. Not even jokingly. It's true though Another Christian I guess.. doing the bidding of his jew god.. Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Matthew 10:34-35 All enemies of Europe and Holy Mother Church must be slaughtered! We will destroy your Synagogues, Temples and Mosques and build death camps on top of them where we can exterminate you Jewish parasites. Your women will be given to Meds to help breed the new man. You've gone of the deep end sparky. You literally believe in fairy tales and don't give me that MUH ESCOTERIC ANCESTOR NATURE RELIGION bullshit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Critical thought. Critical thought is not an attack. By all means go claim injury. Claim injury for your god for all it does you or anyone such great things doesn't it. Such clumsily veiled \"prior attacks levied\" threats. Just don't be a retard and come up with these new-world xtian boogey men. My image? Go fuck yourself, ya optics cucked faggot. I don't need to qualify myself to you, or give a fuck when we get around to throwing fags like you off a fuckin' roof. Oh, the no true Scotsman, bullshit. \"No real Christian would curse at strangers on Gab. Meek, meek, turn the other cheek, bullshit.\" Then, suggest that because I fail your no true scotsman fallacy, I must be a Muzzie or Jew? Are you actually that fucking dumb?. 100% correct. Pagan stupidity is getting in the fucking way right now. It's ABSURD how DUMB they are when it with reading comprehension. Pagans make selling Hitler more difficult than the KIKES do. If you gave a Pagan a copy of \"To Kill A Mockingbird\" they would NIGGER that off as ridiculously as they do the Bible. \"Atticus Finch was a welder and Puerto Rican!\" If this confuses someone, CONFUSES THEM about the Trinity then they are a fuckinG IDIOT. You got a Purple Star for being a Trinity denying fag and sent to a concentration camp for being so stupid. 20 verses into Genesis and they are CONFUSED. Just clawing at their skin. Inner struggle, just beside themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine writing out all of that and yet not having a single sentence explaining why it is retarded to believe Jews are behind the migration when there is a Star of David on the truck. Who is the real retard?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@t5_harris Are you working on route running and catching. You'll be a good WR for Grier. Have fun with the white trash, racist UF fans. #FSU","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody except this poor, retarded asshole...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murdered University of Utah student and track star, Lauren McCluskey previously knew Melvin Rowland, 37 and cut off ties with him after discovering that he lied about his name, age and criminal history. #utefamily https:\/\/www.sltrib.com\/news\/2018\/10\/23\/university-utah-is\/ Im not sorry its like that guy who lived with bears and got eaten its tgeir own fault Lauren was a naive 21 year old and Melvin was a 37 yr old experienced criminal con artist. Tragic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beans that were yellow before Friday night are brown now-a few green leaves curled-frost but not freeze-bean size reduced - top end shrinks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three . Fuckin . Days?? Jesus Nigger H. Christ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You fucking lying kike! IT SAYS EDITED You changed the link cause you got caught posting retarded christian propaganda and saying it was a pagan!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oops, I just had a Freudian slit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! http:\/\/t.co\/K2iBFLgs4Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Miseducated411: Your mind is free and your soul. satan will present to u in his kingdom the things that mock u. Stay strong in Yahshua...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a is saying that he intends to allow system tools like @mitchellvii to deliberately promote lies that compromise real right wing activity, but you aren't 'entitled' to criticize their lies and convince those he's fooled that he's lying. When they said Gab was a free speech platform. They just meant free for a while. Cash is rolling in, so it's not really about free speech anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheAtlantic: Meanwhile, in Canada: A monkey in a winter coat escapes in an IKEA http:\/\/t.co\/Q9YUYVEl via @TheAtlanticWire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/davidsteinberg\/official-school-records-support-claims-that-rep-ilhan-omar-d-mn-married-her-brother\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in disabled people's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nationalist was never a bad word, only the low iq skank nigger globalists said it was","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"don't let that commie nigger into the Guv's office!! hell no!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yup it's a kike thing no pasta nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be honest, how fucked are we?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HighSchoolSuckz: i am that horrible friend who reads your text then puts the phone down to do something and forgets to reply until 4 ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump has already failed us. These fuckin faggots are allowed to enter our country unscathed and cunt hiLIARy is still free. Nothing would change if Republicans won house and senate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that god is such a cunt, fucking with our environment, he gone and changed the climate #autumn oh, the countdown to some little cunt to bring up fucking someones mum","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Brianhopecomedy: Daddy, Batman s parents are dead. Yup. And Superman s. Yup. What am I going to be when you die? Sad ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i would have killed that fucking nigger piece of shit right on the spot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @UncleBlazer: Yo mama so ghetto she uses cigarette butts as q-tips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting a woman in charge is the biggest mistake anyone can make. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sorryimalex: @lametears: i only rted alex ramos aka trash to gain followers #vote5sos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all the other black people in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a woman's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seriously, reading 'thriller' like books spook me more than most horror movies. #bookgeek","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Game of Thrones star Kit Harington is favored to be the man to play Batman in the next movie. REALLY??? A Soy-Boy as Batman??? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/363DN He plays action heros while decrying \"toxic masculinity!\" And he'll be the skinniest Batman EVER! Just say No! Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THEY ARE ALL MUSLIMS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oy Vey - they couldn't get the flying junk out because it wouldn't fly. https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-13\/hurricane-cost-may-skyrocket-billions-stealth-fighter-jets-unaccounted-tyndall-afb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK OFF KIKESUCKER FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw a stream with Loomer, Faith, Roosh V and Davis Aurini, strange thing was Roosh and Davis both were being nice to Loomer. Faith likes this retard as well! Metokur went to town on her but I'm really surprised she blew up anyway despite being exposed as a stalker, liar, doxer and plain loon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here is Agent Orange's fake review Jan. I present Anthony Crawford of Aylesbury. Thick Marxist twat with a wife and 4 mistakes. I chased him off Gab a couple of months ago. Blocked me on both his Twitter accounts now too lol A left wing twat from Twitter. I was suspended so many times FOR kicking them ya thick twat. Had to mass cry to Mummy Twitter to make it stop. And Kitty is Niliyyah Rashid from Leeds. Obese Roanna gave it away on her Facebook page and then confirmed it to me and her ResistingHate FB followers. And yet again, you haven't read my book have you lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God says obey the law, aka don't taze your child, you know, since it's illegal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"karen Johnson is one stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OP is trying harder to be offended than most tumblrites. This sub has gone full retard. Don't be a dipshit. Every comment so far has explained why the op is mistaken. \"This sub\" is self correcting. You are the retard, corky.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe don't be a cunt and let someone know you aren't interested, instead of making it look like you're after another free meal. You know, like an adult. It's one of 2 things IMO. Either she was with him purely to leech off of him and he realized that after the fact and wasn't having it, or he got turned down and was being a cunt about it. >SHe's an entitled piece of shit for thinking he owes her anything FTFY. Once 95% of women stop expecting guys to pay for everything on a date and discounting them if they don't, then you can pull the \"he chose to pay for the date\" card. If you're a guy, and you want a chance, it's not a choice. You're an ignorant cunt. You probably do this same shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dead hippy faggot kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're retarded. How did you come up with over 100k lol. 12 hours at day at 25 an hour is 300 a day or 1500 a week. 1500 times 52 weeks in a year is not even 80k Not retarded. Lol. He simply factored working 12 hours a day, seven days a week.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey white boys, I'm here to tell you that you racists don't own Gab, pick a fight with this Jew! I assume the \" D C \" stands for DICKHEAD CUNT ? Ya mom says high","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"These guys came to Charlottesville in order to commit violent acts, and it wasn't the first time they've done it.\" Authorities announce arrest of four members of white supremacist group \"for committing various acts of violence\" at Charlottesville rally: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JCb7 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Yf3S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" 5-yr-old #Girl has been sexually assaulted whilst using her school's transgender bathroom by a #Boy who identifies as \"gender fluid.\" Oakhurst Elementary School in #Decatur, #Georgia https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/news\/5307-girl-5-sexually-assaulted-in-school-transgender-bathroom-by-gender-fluid-boy #FFS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I need a cowboy killer and a cold one about now. @mr_dtb probably too tired tho to get down. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea, post your pictures on the internet, little girl. Show everyone what a victim you are, and how not equal you are..... Fucking worthless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"End it!!! and any cunt that has any dealing,s with it...= out ta fuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look, another retard to mute.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If this faggot doesn't like America than the faggot can get the fuck out of America. ( angry ) https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/chelsea-manning-convicted-leaker-compares-living-in-us-to-prison","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, he's here to proclaim he's wrong again about the Kavenaugh accuser. :D He's a retarded homo, but at least he's persistent. :D That's the perfect foot soldier for white supremacists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have tried many diets and I hate every single one of them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like how she says 'it escalated'. Yeah it sure did fucking escalate because you were ignoring and assaulting a police officer. Then mouthing off to him while you're at the ass end of a cruiser. What a dumb twat, and fuck the news media for playing into her sob story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"transgenders need help...they are sick in the head. Civilization has messed up the world. Soon enough, people will claim to have the right to change to animals and it will be seen as human rights or right to choose","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@Intellgncisnotregurgtaton Further more, I could care less for your left\/right politics! if UR an asshole, ur going 2 get called out! There is NO debate when UR only focus is \"kill the jews\", \"white power\", etc. that is fucking retarded u fucking moron and nobody wants to hear it anymore!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"im not a sick or violent person . before globalist and niggers reverted back into sub human animals back about 1994 i didnt hate anybody . but now after the past 20+ years of both their completely insane disgusting rapist animal behavior i laugh with glee seeing insane nigger death cells run over , the things are insane life wreckers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kyrsten Sinema is on video calling Arizona the meth lab of the united states and she's winning holy shit she must be right you guys are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still have to see a full blown feminist treat her partner well, cause what I've seen IRL and on the internet mostly makes them entitled cunts that demand their every need met without any concessions to their partner, cause girl power","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women who place so-called 'careers' over the welfare of their kids are child abusers and need to be treated and punished for being negligent mothers. In addition, they should face the ridicule and censure of other women who are married and full time moms. Peer pressure coming down on them will fix their need to abandon their children to Marxist schools and nigger babysitters while these females go off to pursue their 'dreams'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad people are realising gay people are not at all ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a nuke sent to Teheran might fuck up the muzzie supply system","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A favorite for so many........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @chrisgeidner: The mandate still being in effect means the marriage ban in Nevada is unconstitutional. Trial court is yet to enter injun ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine spending your whole life fighting globalism only to be called a globalist 70 years later by mentally retarded boomers who can't read \"Jews, they are the only ones who are truly international for they can do their business anywhere. It is a small rootless international clique who set the people against each other and do not want them to know peace.\" Filthy kike bastards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been around enough Muslims to know they're all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#lockhimup ! He's a Cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Blob has finally realized his side lost hahahahhaha fuck him https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dCetAMbI5Jk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AGreasyMonkey @Huntermoore faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MGTOW has many problems. Hyper-individuality, refuses to acknowledge race, curses cultural Marxism yet will not name the jew, Promotes self-preservation yet shames men who want family's, studies philosophy but won't apply it to themselves, studies gender dynamics and sexual selection yet won't provide the tool of introspection. I can go on and on. \"MGTOW has many problems. Hyper-individuality, refuses to acknowledge race, curses cultural Marxism yet will not name the jew, Promotes self-preservation yet shames men who want family's, studies philosophy but won't apply it to themselves, studies gender dynamics and sexual selection yet won't provide the tool of introspection. I can go on and on.\" Well you could go on and on. And be incorrect in everything you say as you are in these cases. \"Says the whiny, bromancing faggot who offers not a single bit of legitimate argument\" Maybe you should watch this video. http:\/\/www.manbook.biz\/2017\/11\/30\/mg244-peters-divorce-court-video-two-snippets-mgtow\/ I have presented the most proof of any man to the young men just how deeply evil women are. #MGTOW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggers. even dumber than they look. and this nigger looks like a moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You already tried that and failed. Why do you keep persisting with failed policies? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm obviously not talking about CoD because that game is for queers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tiny out here looking like an albino red nose pitbull from a dope boy's trap house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are the faggot getting money to go on a network to shill for Trump. You then turn around and act all upset. You are truly a despicable piece of shit. FUCK YOU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, another useless cunt promoted because she IS a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obzeen stands with Dyke Chink activists","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews sure love organizing among faggots and illegal invaders well they r (((rootless cospopolitians)))) so i get that they side with other outsiders looknig to score shit and as far as the faggot part goes they do seam like faggots to me so what did u expect @AntiZogAction","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah, it's something only retards believe in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger lover...lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We all need to give this boomer faggot shabbos goy all the down votes we can.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that women like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a long yellow for a bunch of track sweeping. Not a ton have taken opportunities to pit. #IndyCar #GoProGrandPrix","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm madly in love with a beautiful woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's about time... #GOP Senate candidate calls for state investigation of Keith #Ellison (D-MN) allegations https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/house\/409228-gop-senate-candidate-wants-state-investigation-of-ellison-allegations #Democrat #DoubleStandards #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those disabled people were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When she said ' You complete me' I lost my shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her teeth alone and that chimp out look will give me nightmares. Where the Muzzie rapists when they might actually come in handy ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck you Get fucked, loser already have cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's beyond repair, it's better for everyone if he just keeps his twitter account protected so nobody but a select few has to read his brand of retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ITS CALLED FREDOM OF SPEECH PERIOD. WTF? WE NEED TO DERAIL HATE SPEECH LAWS AS IT IS FAGGOT LIBERAL BULLSHIT ENABLING A LOT OF THIS INSANITY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stance socks trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews are Whites. Jews are Europeans to their core. Kick out the Muzzie slime. Leave fellow Whites alone. The vast majority of white-appearing anti-white bigots are Jewish. Of course, our \"moderate\" Israel bowing faggots will never, ever acknowledge this. A bigot is a bigot no matter what BS identity they hide behind and these Jews are no different. How about I spout a bunch of antisemitism and then pretend I'm really just a self-hating Jew?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EVERYTHING IS ON THE LINE I THEY MAKE THERE TOP LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER A LAWLESS MUSLIM COMMUNIST NIGGER THEY DESERVE WHATEVER BEFALLS THEM. RISE UP AND SAVE YOURSELF","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I gouged his eye out with my thumb, so the only work he'll be getting now is as an extra in a muslim pirate movie. Id call you a cunt, but a cunt isnt useless. And since Gay seems to bother you so much will stay with that. Now put the cock back in your drizzle trap and go make mommie a drink, shitknuckle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Turns out Trump dude owns the building. Heh. Excellent. That's made my day. If that were my venue I'd do the same. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, disabled people like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GingerDemoness @RiotCast @weirdmedicine I wants to call bouts my vitaligro but I ain't sho if you a doctor fo da colored folk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"your going hate me but some faggot threatened me so i looked up what they watch dont puke watching it!!! waring queer gay as https:\/\/youtu.be\/sWTiFcl9OhU fuck the left #nomoresafeplaces ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/invasion-caravan-swells-to-over-7200-mexico-police-stand-down-as-illegal-migrants-march-to-us\/ The Democrats last attempt to screw us over before the midterms. #Keep them out. #Stop the funding. Tribalism doesn't always work all the time hopefully there attempt will backfire. We'll find out November 6th 2018 won't we Preach it brother!!! Sister, but yeah check out the Huston TX, rally today. Just this morning they had over a 100,000 people camped out and the building only holds 13, Yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Video: Charlie Baker campaign team denies contacting Gov. Patrick for meeting http:\/\/t.co\/qHrA6OalRR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SwaaggyyV: Fucking chinks in Clash of Clans always fuck me up. Bitch ass kamikaze faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [\/r\/againsthatesubreddits] [\/r\/metacanada mods are actively encouraging users to buy merchandise from a store operated by white supremacists for white supremacists.](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/AgainstHateSubreddits\/comments\/9sqwkw\/rmetacanada_mods_are_actively_encouraging_users\/) andnbsp;*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](\/r\/TotesMessenger) ^\/ ^[Contact](\/message\/compose?to=\/r\/TotesMessenger))* [This is what mental illness looks like, folks.](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/user\/stoppage_time\/submitted\/) What's OGFT Canada's premiere transgender communist subreddit. Oh on guard for thee? That's the one LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"are you actually retarded or are you just havin a good time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm so fucking glad someone called CPS on his piece of shit children. I'm convinced it was the right thing to do. This piece of shit needs to die of a heart attack tonight. Supporting terrorists isn't cool, hombre","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you check on the author of an anti Nazi story and they are a Leftist mutt with an ax to grind against Whites. Don't race mix. Your children may become confused and resentful. No race should mix. Yep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Polite, yet militant. #birds #notfeeding #stencil #army #typeface #font #ATeam http:\/\/t.co\/gHnEnLmlJE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any disabld person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. DC, which planet is your favorite?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because they sat on their throne for far too long, with no actual competition. Being the leader of the console sellers would inevitably make it the prime target for SJW bullshit and company infiltration, and given that the PS4 hasn't really sold all that well in Japan, it comes to reason their \"sensibilities\" would be more Western-oriented (i.e., the perfect victim of Bay Area Morality). It'd also stand to reason that the Switch's success out of fucking nowhere, and its perfect compatibility with PC gaming, has also somewhat spooked Sony, especially in regards to the Japanese market, so they're trying to one-up them now in the only way that ideologues know how to do business: shoot themselves in the kneecaps and claim victimhood. No, they care about money. They just don't care about gamer money. They care about non-enthusiasts throwing money blindly at them in the short run. They don't give a fuck if they alienate customers in the same way Microsoft did at the tail end of the 360's life-cycle and prior to the XBO's release.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isnt 4chan. You just look like a retard when you do that here. See reddit is designed to allow discussion and back-forth reply. The 4chan style of reply without expecting a response doesnt work here. Form a fucking argument, dickhead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I a prick for saying that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's fucking hilarious that the NPCs are so retarded that they need to have Snopes fact check memes. Everything about them is a meme and there is nothing they can do about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dumb ass fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being racist isn't a crime, it just makes you an asshole. This obsession with safe spaces and muh racism is retarded as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone is talking about LeBron James or The Voice and I'm just here eating cream filling out of Oreos.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @pattonoswalt: Who spotted the looming yellow crown on tonight's #TrueDetective? http:\/\/t.co\/MUa60ppVeL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WOW.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical fagbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists think they are cute. No functional society needs these people. This guy should be deported. Or at least restraining him until the police arrived. Time to get these people into the system so we can build a case for their deportation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bonnoxxx haha bitch ima draw a webb in bullets round yo fuggin forehead #BeamThat bitch i know where you reside","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Teach them not to lie to destroy a decent man! If you teach them Truth and Integrity, maybe they will grow up to be decent people and NOT retarded Far Left POS...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go be a degenerate somewhere else, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yesterday, I saw a red hair do, with streaks of orange and yellow in it. Combed up like Woody Wood Pecker. And... http:\/\/t.co\/o3hiKa2Fin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Loads of people think brown eyes are beautiful. Who the hell told you otherwise? Tumblr Brown eyed girl. They have their own ducking soooonnnnggggg That song was originally brown skinned girl but record company made him change it Proof? [Simple Google search?](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Brown_Eyed_Girl)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My husband is friends with at least 2 cosplayers who have had run ins with her and can confirm she is a disgusting beast. One of them had her breasts exposed by this bitch while posing for a photo. Fat cunt came up behind her and pulled her top up, then laughed when she shrieked and ducked to cover herself. She just waved it off as a bit of fun when cosplayer ripped into her for it. The other had stories, confirmed by her also cosplaying husband, of the disgusting cow grabbing her ass, boobs and trying to grope her groin. She also tried to cop a feel on the husband and he managed to turn away, but seriously wanted to punch her face in for touching his wife. They reported her to security instead. Husband is going to Blizzcon again this year and thanks to the two cosplayers + husband\/bf he knows going, and sharing a apartment with him to help save on expenses, a few others that are also cosplayers and friends of the first two will also be sharing the space. He's already made the rule that if they wanna have some fun, drinks and games they can invite a friend but NO MoMo under any circumstances. If her or any of her posey try to show up they will get a door in the face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello, we are rich negroes, we don't need no nigger competition... so stay in your place on the plantation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ford thinks President Trump was harsh she should come check out Gab! Oh, GOOOOOODDDD ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Diversity Hire III: Dems Are The Real Rapists @therealDR3 !!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@saucygyro that was back when nigger music was decent","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in women's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't buy Louis Vuitton. [removed] No you're just a stupid cocksucker. :'(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next t r a n s person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"one, hateful, racist, jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nice repost. Cost you a cool two minutes to put up, I'll bet. Nah, I don't give a shit one way or another, but it was fun beating the repost strangler for a change.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a gay person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gag is right. He is a Soy Pu$$y of his Muzzie Girlfriend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know why the bold font went all nuts on this post, but okay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuckin traitor cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sickening spectacle of Scots National Socialist' MP @StewartMcDonald lying about Tommy Robinson for some MPs lying is like breathing #politics #UK #ForBritain #BritFam @AMDWaters @ForBritain #News https:\/\/twitter.com\/GerardBattenMEP\/status\/1055092978669248512","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Look over there kids, it's a Texan...\" Sure, If a \"Texan\" looked like a faggot from Massachusetts with a speech impediment Stop the Takeover!!! #Beto #Texas #Texan","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly, I'd say Skyrim doesn't really count in that regard. Why not? Everybody is bisexual. I.e. a player of either gender can ask any marriage character to do so and they will. Yeah I know, but I don't see why it shouldn't count as a game with LGBT+ representation in it, even if it's literally all around the place if you decide so haha Basically what the other reply said. In Skyrim you have the opposite end of characters that seem to completely revolve around their sexuality, with characters where it's pretty much just tacked on. I think their is only one gay couple (discounting any pairing with the Dragonborn) in the game... and they are both dead. I know all that, but I'm asking why it doesn't count. The person in the original post is asking if there are any LGBT+ characters in the game and the answer for Skyrim is yes, if you choose so. Don't see why we shouldn't count it as a game with LGBT+ representation, that's all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kids... Yeah wtf, you can't take a 17-year-old guy whose reaction to being annoyed by a 12-year-old girl is to bring down the hammer immediately Those \"kids\" assaulted the man. His natural fight or flight kicked in. Assaulted lol.. it's an 11-12 yearly girl. Grab her and say never do that again. What he did was assault LOL \"Never do that again\" will definitely stop her.... \"Oh well he said don't do it so I won't\" you're retarded. She assaulted him first","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Colin Kaepernick Files Trademark for Image of His Face and Hair https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dvFM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IMO its as follows 1, lack of quality in these outlets. Sorry, but if you are good at writing, you don't end up as game journalist. 2, actual competition from indies - YT, Twitch - that are putting them out of business and therefore the necessary for clickbait articles in order to generate revenue (normal journalists don't earn much, game journos earn fuck all). 3, Corporations blowing hot air up their ass so they can secure positive coverage that results in game journos massive ego trip issues (corporate exec tells me I am the greatest and maybe I have a future in story-writing dev team while my audience makes meme out of me because I can't play Doom). Hence why many of them are such massive cunts on social medias, while those that aren't generally see it as transit point until they either leave the industry for good or go indie. 4, endresult is the identity politics agenda graivy train. Its easier to feel good about yourself when you failed miserably at what is job-for-bloggers when you can blame all your woes on those evil *insert group you hate today here* while you are the savior of women, gays, non-white, whatever. And as all saviors, you are simply not appreciated in these times, but fear not, your time will come.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Repeat after me, they're just like us. I think I'll call this mail enrichment. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6225897\/Mailman-leaves-unwanted-surprise-URINATES-porch-thing-caught-camera.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're a good person friend me, if you're a racist don't ever talk to me again what is a racist?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AC_Hussle: Bron pregame speeches be so trash though lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL...have fun when the jihad comes for you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NoShtickZone Charlie BrownA Christmas StoryRudolph, but only because of the island of misfit toys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You put a Drakengard image to open the article with. You have earned me being a fan, without reading the article in the slightest. Edit: also a good article and summary of the retarded events that transpired.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course, nigger criminals getting relative slaps on the wrist for heinous crimes is not new and I don't doubt for a moment one of \"our guys\" would get life without parole for killing someone who objectively deserved it. That's anarcho-tyranny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well, looks like its time to have another child","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ScottMGreer: Big news: the Puritans arrived 400 years ago to a giant Walmart that accepted EBT https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/f9GK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lightskin_chink: This vine still funny as shit to me \"How many niggers are in my store\"? https:\/\/t.co\/t7rUJTKEi1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, and that's what's been happening here in USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Britain Releases Radical Islamist Preacher From Prison... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35nwX ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You mad, faggot? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know that, you are right of course. It is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine to debate idiots. Never intended to make her reconsider, instead I wanted to see if she tilts. Had great fun doing this ;) She ended up blocking me, I call that a victory!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New York City's Islamist Grant the New York City Council announced $250,000 in grants made to 14 Muslim community organizations, in collaboration with the N Y Immigration Coalition. Alarmingly, 3 of the grant recipients are linked to Islamic extremism (CAIR), the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your propaganda is blatant and gay. Faggot Shows Up Every Hour... Hey it's Your Hour...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fake News Operation Mockingbird ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"white horses ass America just smiled like retarded fools..\" my,what nice negros\"...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drake has some low ass standards. Platinum blonde black woman with massive fake tits? Yeah, that bitch fucks any celebrity that passes through. A man with standards, self esteem, and options. I'd rather wake up alone and feel good about myself, than share my bed with a hog, and wake up to shame and embarrassment. If you feel no shame or embarrassment, then you're just like those hogs you're fucking imo. Get fukd you stupid cunt get some pork on ya fork","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews So Soros is Jewish? Huh. Is Boot Jewish too? It's almost as if \"conservative\" Max Boot is more concerned about a \"liberal\" of his own tribe than about abstract ideological considerations like \"liberal\" or \"conservative.\" Or something. I wonder if other powerful\/ influential Jews feel the same way?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You guys should totally see how quickly you can be put in nigger jail under RICO. I bet it takes less than 72 hours.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"drink bleach you kike loving faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dyke bitches kill me thinkin they really got hoes lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You would spend a long time in jail for that. Is it really worth it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JjLoveUp tranny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Make this cocksucking nigger go away!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DaJ0k3r ...hahahahaha you and your little boy, faggot Arsenal badges!!! You fucking paki TIT. Remember your pic of your little butterflies too?? You SAD FUCKING BROWN CUNT......DEPORT YOURSELF!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where the fuck am I gonna find a Cute Girl saying Nigger now?!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @salomanizor: Too many faggots on here that think they can address me by my first name","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People like her give normal black girls like us a hard time. We already have a bad rep now and people think we're \"loud, ghetto, and a have bad attitude Now people who've only interacted with 3 black people will think and continue to think all black people are like this and like us even less. I'm trying to understand this right too..she called him a nigger? I live in the south and black people don't say that shit. That's just disrespectful. Maybe I'm not visiting the right ghettos either but even the people I know in the ghetto dont call eachother nigger. Tf is this You know you're crossing the line when moms with small children around need to get away from you. Timestamp? I dont hear it but theres alot of noise in the beginning and Im listening through a cellphone speaker so probably just cant hear it. Oh yea she most definitely did, how tf I missed it is beyond me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This guy is nits @Lucci_Dpc: i learn new things every day, u the only one still talkin bout jim crow. There go that republican hypocrisy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Steve_wojtkiw @EmmaLouisaSuttl Wise decision,this Alfie must be a right mong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I despise this artist. You shouldn't call people \"faggot\", regardless of how they treat other people. It is a derogatory term by nature and does not belong in the discussion. There are more accurate descriptions to be had. Didn't come up with the name you can ask the now quarantined \/r\/cringeanatchy Fearing a word gives it power.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Entitlement. They have been told by every aspect of our culture that they are amazing and perfect exactly as-is, and so, naturally, they deserve nothing but the best. They've all been brought up on the notion that Mr. Darcy is just around the corner. I was talking to a neighborhood girl at a block party on the 4th. Good looking woman (about a 7 without trying), single kid, unmarried, 22-23 (I think), no education, no job, lives with her parents. She was bemoaning the fact that there were no good men around. I asked what she was looking for and the list was what you would expect - tall, handsome, good job, own their own home, nice car, ... yadda yadda. She mentioned Tom Ellis from the TV show Lucifer as an example. I asked what she brought to the table to deserve such a paragon, and that completely blew her mind. She had no idea what I meant and couldn't wrap her mind around the idea that she needed to have something to offer. Kept coming back to me and asking what I meant over the course of the afternoon. I haven't talked with her since, although I've chatted with her mother a few times. Her mother tells me that whatever I said freaked her daughter out, and she'd been talking about it with her friends ever since. I note that Mr. Darcy still hasn't shown up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idiot...tip according to your need to be generous no matter what color...being an IDIOT is not much of a strategy. Try being TIPPED...making below Minimum wage and depending on kissing your hairy ass perfectly. You are an IDIOT,I'll give you the tip of my COCK! You mean get tipped like the lazy servers did when i worked in kitchens 500-1000 bucks a night carrying what i sweat balls n burned myself to make? Sure thing you got a deal. The COOK...special orders don't upset her. Maybe she will make a point soon?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's do it! Accelerate the collapse! Faggots cannot faggot when Folk have to focus on essential matters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many J1hadis in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aren't female judges notorious for becoming more liberal over time? Could she handle all the pressure from the media? They're going to be appealing to her emotions 24\/ I'd rather have another judge like Thomas, that guy is made from hardened steel and just as solid today as he was decades ago. Don't do that. Don't be sexist. You're a retarded person. Amy Barrett would make a great SCJ. Get over yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God, how is it possible that someone can be such a cunt... This guy is supposed to be a \"hardcore\" Diablo fan... He will probably write some thinkpiece how gamers are acting as self entitled children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its suppose to be yellow but we dont do yellow http:\/\/t.co\/y1hLiBjQmn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> .. Dr Duff was a final-year masters student in piano performance at the Royal College of Music..... Is there no end to the useless shit women study at university? Careful, she has PTSD from being treated the same as everybody else who acts like she did in custody. > Not that I want to come across as a cop-apologist but I can certainly see things from the cops' POV. Performing law enforcement must be on of the most difficult jobs out there. Cops routinely have to put up with every leftist retard getting in their faces trying to stop them doing there jobs. If that happens enough times then sooner or later the cops are gonna make an example out of a thoroughly deserving individual. The silly bitch in question turned out to be the deserving individual. > > Even then she got off lightly. If I - a man - had deliberately and wilfully impeded cops in the performance of their lawful duties, I would expect to be either capsicum sprayed until I went blind or tasered until my balls exploded. It's called making smart decisions and accepting responsibility for those decisions. Women are never taught to do this. ^THIS ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iStayRadAsShit: @1BookieG: What I wish I can do every time I day playing flappy birds https:\/\/t.co\/mWiE7FkBu0 foreall","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow. Such cool. Really wow. Such FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Historically, niggers on the plantation have always hated the nigger who decides to leave the plantation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads I be wishin you was local. I takes you to da Yankee game and spoil you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ItsMeGrizz dink now uknow thats not true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Simply answer based on what YOU believe. Do you believe WTC Building 1, WTC Building 2 and Building 7 collapsed into their own footprints on 9\/11\/01 as a result of demolition explosives or as a result of 2 airplanes? You did know that gab is the hang-out for 'conspiracy-theorist' didn't you? I think that's funny..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea, I had a Linda follow me, porn pics, blocked it. Just another shit poster trying to bring trouble to Gab. Post some trap porn and then report it to some org gab is being hosted from just to stir up shit. Haters gonna hate, but Karma is one nasty Bitch (yeah, the capital \"B\" is intentional).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is such bullshit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anjem Choudary has financial assets frozen and passport seized before his release. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2PE4CKW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEXT! I've done beat down two of your guys so keep them coming, my name is Darren and I'm here on gab because I got kicked off Twitter but I'm going to beat your guyses ass is so easily, bring on you racist I ain't done with you! Maybe both? BOTH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@derek_gatewood it's not ghetto you fool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this show trash RT @IbSkeeAlii: #LongLive RT @ShinyLipz: Queen Latifah show.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big Red and fat squaw ...lol my hubby is so funny!! #insidejoke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EEEWWWWWWW TRANSGENDERS ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What makes you cocksure that we'd even begin to consider your drivel? Because you have Merkle and we have Trump Go away eurofag HAHAHAHAHA \"REE THE CONQUERORS DESTROYED US REEEEEE\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you ditch Java if Javascript went full retard?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America is dead because my faggot grandpa forced his kids at gunpoint to go to school with niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do da flow in a temple today fo nuttin. And dat Jew wit the funky hair tell me I subhuman. He tell me I ain't no mo human den a monkey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fucking retard. >You're a fucking retard. All I asked for is one little citation. You can't provide it, but you can provide childish insults. You really shouldn't let the internet make you braver than you'd be in person, and I think we're all pretty well aware that you'd never have the stones to say something like that to my face, you autistic swine, so cool your jets. You have made a claim that a man would do ten years for this crime. *Back it up or shut the fuck up!* I say again my last, either provide a citation or shut your fucking hole. Make me. Since you're such a fan of telling people to shut up. Make me. C'mon, ya little bitch. Make me. >Make me. Since you're such a fan of telling people to shut up. Make me. C'mon, ya little bitch. Make me. Back to name calling when your idiocy is proven. I just demonstrated that you don't have the slightest clue what you're blabbering about, and instead of quietly disappearing... You just keep saying stupid shit. Even Hannibal knew when to quit. I'm sure your dad would be proud if your mom knew the name of the particular dog breeder who loaned his least favorite beagle to her for an hour's entertainment. Speaking of entertaining things, you're not any more. So have a nice day, and next time you want to be stupid on the web, remember how soundly your ass was beaten in our little discussion, where it took just three messages to reduce you to yelling \"Make me!\" like a five year old after catching you in an internet research failure so goddamn basic that I'd expect a sixth grader to do better. And for fucks sake, ***learn how to do fucking research, you rectal polyp!*** Yup. Just another little bitch. Nothing to stand on so all you can do is tear people down. You're a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have such strong admiration for trans people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do your part! Take the retarded sheep of the right to a local shelter to get them fixed- PROTECT THE GENEPOOL FROM RIGHT WING RETARDS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that gay people are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Packers have gone downhill along with the rest of the NFL and the nigger kneelers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sick and tired of mud loving kike trash like you thinking your opinion matters more than mine. You kike jackasses need to get off your fucking knees and do something with your lives, and open your damn eyes for a change. You re a bunch of worthless twats Fuck off, kike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You Muslims make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt is reported...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not soon enough I'm afraid well. we can PRAY can't we lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"retard muted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FARRAKHAN: 'I'm Not An Anti-Semite. I'm Anti-Termite'... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ztsC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup. Being an obnoxious cunt with regards to half of the human population isn't a great platform on which to build a business.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"found a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who the fuck is following them? Are you just a troll or retarded? I'm seriously asking. It has to be one or the other. Lmao ~ It has to be BOTH! ~ A Totes Retarded Troll! lolol OMG Take yer finger out, Dude! *EyeRoll*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The definition of a thick cunt would be wanking off thinking all accounts called Wolf are a bloke called Sean. #DumbCuntEvidence","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And then a retarded black midget backflipped out of a helicopter and called Trump a poopoo head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"men need a frontier we don't all want to be on the frontier, or near it, but we need to know it's there, unowned, ungoverned, unoccupied much of our spiritual sickness now is because frontier has been destroyed, colonized, paved, and now run by lesbian bureaucrats who want multiple forms filled out to see it, likely she will deny request anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PISS ON THAT LITTLE NAPPY HEADED NIGGER JUAN WILLIAMS. she is a SLUT JUST LIKE THE COMMUNIST DEMORATS WHO USED HER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You'd fit right in with sharia law. Calm your tits hillbilly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It did mine and it made me check everything and I let everyone I knew know when something was fake, with links. It was hilarious and painful at times, but the look on people faces or the reaction to a link coming in 2 weeks after the fake story about how it was all bullshit was worth it. People still won't admit that they voted for Trump, they want to be part of the 'celebrity in crowd' as if they won't be able to date Matt 'I covered for Weinstein' Damon if they admit Hillary was actually a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CogitoErgoBibo Penske runs the 22 in NASCAR. It's yellow. There's a sponsor already there. #WouldMakeALottaSense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shoot that animal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Billy Crystal tribute to Derek Jeter is crazy. I hate the Yankees, but man... Derek Jeter.... #RE2PECT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys, Sargon is right: #GamerGate needs to come back. We've got to meme it to the White House until Trump tweets about it! Tell your friends. This is it. GamerGate Faggot haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ItsKiaraaaa looks like you took a red marker and colored on your leg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean, sure, she's a cunt, but it's still bullshit to fine someone for being an asshole...especially with the actual horrific crimes that the UK doesn't punish at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Neither do I. Nick Berg was executed during GWB's presidency. He was not a journalist, he was an independent contractor and Jewish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This target is ghetto, but whatever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meet Dave Hogue, a design lead at Google. Remember: we're supposed to believe that there somehow isn't a Leftist majority at Big Tech companies - that's just a crazy conspiracy. So, there is your unbiased Big Tech. Big Tech, Big Lie. Go Gab! @a next big thing? An unbiased search engine?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A lying cunt is gonna be a lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The constant barrage of nigger this, kike that is getting tiresome and boring.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"(D) voter out and about. Bring back stoning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No Muslim can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Revolution? LMAO! Ok limp wristed soy boy faggot - fight us! BTW - Fuck you too! I don't want to shoot other Americans but I won't hesitate to defend my family from leftist scum bent on fundamentally changing our country with their stupid ass notion of a revolution. Bring it, fag boys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thats one ugly nigger right there. Next time,warn me before you post this shit. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#UK Police Chief Defends Deputy Who Stayed in Car During Terror Attack Muslim convert mowed down pedestrians before fatally stabbing a police officer https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/uk-police-chief-defends-deputy-who-stayed-in-car-during-terror-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"None mate. He deleted his account here and fekked off weeks ago. Think I hurt his feelings with his easy vanity degree in Literature, his public sector PC parasitic non-job and his wife and four mistakes. Called me all sorts of rude things, then vanished. Blocked me on both his Twitter accounts too :) id love to bang that cunt out Coupleof guys on Twitter were asking me who he is. They wanted to doorstep him. The words just slipped out before I could stop them. That was when he vanished. Wonder if they did? :) lets hope so Wish they'd videoed it if they did.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even retard fucks still fighting the console wars can see how utterly vile this situation is, except for the long gone cases.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What could possibly go wrong? Hey dummies, those are empty.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sounds like she didn't get promoted because she's a puritanical SJW and super obnoxious. Get a better personality, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Karma baby! https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/16\/hillary-clintons-van-crashes-bob-menendez-fundraiser\/ Abedin is STILL with her? Who was the other woman? Who's paying for all the security? Good point, I was shocked as well to know Huma is still head #Muzhood partner @! Makes me hit up Dire Straits, Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The level of obfuscation here... The guy literally rolls with the 'why do whites own all the media outlets' question without even fucking flinching THIS is the alternative the jews have prepared for whites who don't want to flog themselves in public. This is supposed to be the edgy non-anti-white stance for whites... the jews have fucked up harder than they have ever fucked up in history, nobody is buying this shit: https:\/\/youtu.be\/xmDBPUPgCDI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was hoping you'd post a new video!! I know you're busy, of course, but you're just so interesting, I wish you'd post more ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Calling women cockroaches is such a horrible thing to do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you retarded. Feminism has nothing to do with women's rights and everything to do with removing men's rights and claiming to be a victim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Maybe you could Judge a pickle contest at a county fair. Maybe. But you produce no Dread at all. You're just pathetic. Go ask mommy for hot pockets or pizza rolls. #QAnon #Q Mmm... pizza rolls.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obese American and left wing propagandist Michael Moore: \"Britain can't leave Europe because without you there is no Europe\" What a retard Doesn't realize the EU is not Europe There will be no Europe if there are no Europeans and as he supports mass 3rd world immigration to Europe he must like the idea of there being no Europe Another \"celebrity\" who know's fuck all Funny how the retarded Moore can't seem to see the difference between Europe and EU, the UK is trying to leave a bullshit political union and not trying to leave the continental landmass known as Europe. Maybe Moore became so fat, he absorbed his ears and lost proper hearing, who knows what's going on with that future champion of Nurgle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You have to agree with us or you're an incel rapist loser murdering nazi, also- mom's basement something something..\" And they say we use wrong think...I think the planet has gone retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only woman j ever worked with that was worth a damn in the kitchen was a bull dyke lesbian. So basically a dude with lady bits.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads You never survive in da colored hood","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ryancommakerry: I think it's time to bring out the drunken monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her name is Samantha Ness. She's a grade school teacher in Minnesota. Her school director can be contacted at (651) 423- has this stupid cunt been arrested yet? fired at least?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, this Look what this sick Bitch did with my post. Be a real shame if something bad happens to her. Get a job, take a bath and try to act like an adult!! No!! She doesn't understand what it's like to have friends and family who have died fighting for her freedom to say that I'm so glad my grandfather fought the Nazis so I could live in this vibrant, diverse, safe white country I think he's talking about fighting the British considering they were America's only opponent in history to actually pull an invasion and end our self rule. Of course I doubt even this guy has 260 year old friends and family.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now then Tev. You see this wife beating business? Had it out with another left wing twat on Twitter the other day. Tommy was prosecuted for assaulting a cop who got in the way of a verbal dispute he had with his wife. She confirms he didn't hit her. Why he wasn't charged with domestic abuse at all. She was also in the BNP. The stories of his wife beating are all fake rumours put about by the Left with no evidence whatsoever. Are you a socialist Tev? Why do you believe socialist lies Tev? Oh bugger. This one's quoting from Veterans Today a more untrustworthy source would be difficult to find although Brian 'Agent Gibberish' Gerrish would probably give VT a run for its money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, rapists would all be dead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can take the nigger out of Africa but you can never take the Africa out of a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You said you be smoking strong but your wrong you been smoking trash and it aint in my lungs if it aint that pressure","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't look at this dry cunt any more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you sound like an angry, insecure roastie who can't handle the fact that men like youthfulness in women. how the hell did you even find gab? twitter is perfect for you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a trash franchise. RT @ArashMarkazi: Fergie will sing the National Anthem at the Clippers season opener tomorrow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornsx: Oreo Drumstick! http:\/\/t.co\/AcN8J59r6b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Scientists like you deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, honey A porn star is in NO PLACE to make judgments of another person. What a week. What a week. #WednesdayWisdom #StormyHorseNames #Stormy #StormyDanials #StormyDaniels #HorseFace #HorseFaceGate Well, *WE* say that, but POTUS pulled up a bit before going quite that far, no matter how accurate the epithet may be. The glue factory says they are missing an old \"plug\" horse that was scheduled for the works...Stormy had better hide before they find her and take her back or she's GLUE....( And I'd never lick another envelope for the rest of my life!)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @alison_cherry: .@nlisa and I are discussing our awful 90s fashion choices: yellow overall shorts, boxers over leggings. What was your bes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Malcolm Jenkins and Eric Reid almost got into a fight over whose way is the right way to protest during the national anthem. Lol. They probably won't see the irony that people who get into fights over such trivial things are more likely to have police problems. *Support us by supporting our advertisers. http:\/\/philadelphiacolumn.sharedacard.info\/qFt2RWS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy shit, here I was thinking these people were retarded because they couldn't grasp how presidential elections work. Maybe they understood and they just hated that the electoral college interrupted their tyranny, who knows. But this... wow. Nationwide Democrats got more votes in State level elections so they should \"win\" Congress. I've never seen such sore losers in my life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"good god is that hideous nigger an actual human being?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @espn: When the Yanks and Sox get together, things usually go smoothly -> http:\/\/t.co\/f3t97ymMd5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this crazy cunt begging for a fatal stoning session?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here we go brownies here we go! WOOF WOOF!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people like you are absolute heroes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here you go, faggot. I know math is hard but there are big pictures, you should be able to work it out if you go slow. Pay attention to the part in red @EisAugen @Quartermaster https:\/\/www.fairus.org\/issue\/publications-resources\/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers My view is that you're a disingenuous shill faggot trying very unsuccessfully to stir up FUD, and whoever is paying you is in no way getting their money's worth No, that wasn't the \"debate\" we were having. You claimed that illegals were an economic benefit, you got BTFO, and now you've been squirming and trying to move goalposts ever since. Very very hebraic my (((fellow white man ))) Still wrong, kike. \"Legal\" immigrants are not inherently beneficial by any standard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islamic Fundamentalist AntiAmerica Racist Communist Dictator Trojan Horse Barack Hussein Obama @POTUS44 is in America on the DemonCrap campaign trail Making fun of and name calling Our 45th President of the Constitutional Republic of America, calls him a communist tin cup dictator... Hang this Faggot BassTurd #TinCupPresidential #AmericaFirst #OnToVictory Obama is a cunt .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don't you go back to sucking nigger toes on r\/christian? If you can't see cuckstianity for a degenerate, globalist business it is, then calling you a brain dead, nigger toe enthusiast isn't even hyperbole because that's the logical end point of your hippy dippy, kiddy fondling cult.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_wintergirl93: I don't wanna hear Sgt. #Tahmooressi's name come outta the Preezy's mouth. He couldn't be bothered then, keep his pie ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The migrant caravan has grown exponentially. It stretches as far as the eye can see. Perhaps 20 thousand or more. What is our military for if not to defend our country and its sovereign borders. This is a critical moment for President Trump and our country. This is the type of moment in history that have started wars. Do not fail us Mr. President. We are watching. We will see. All is not lost... yet. The government will NEVER change unless civilians take border security into their own hands as the 2A gave them that right and authority! Then the gov will realize, you have realized what the 2A is for and they will bow down in fear and serve the people! And you can bet your left nut that if American civilians take to arms and head towards the border they'd get shot. Looks to be that armed bunch should head towards DC.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOW HE IS A NIGGER LOVER Now I know you are a Dick sucking fag ,what you think i am hot keep wanting to talk to me sorry You're not my type ,And You like it when bitch's Shove dildos up your ass LOL no you can't suck my Dick go away FAG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#dumbcunt Lol. Soooooooooper Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love how they leave it to everyone's imagination: \"...extremely offensive and hurtful language in a private conversation So did he say \"there are only two genders ? Did he deny the Holocaust? Did he call someone a nigger? What the fuck did he say? Maybe he did what I just did, and used \"fuck as an expletive? Either way, he doesn't even work there anymore, so **they must get to the bottom of this**!!!!!!!! Quick!!! Fly an attorney out to France (seriously?!), because that's probably inexpensive!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tonipmusic woahh!! Ahha I remember her from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Who do you think killed Lucy? I think it was Abby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think it's better to assume ignorance then malice. So hopefully they just really didn't know what the flag was That one's called Hanlon's razor, in this case all the razors apply it seems. It's not even black, it's blue, isn't it? Yes,but I can see the mistake being made on a bad or dime screen. Especially if you don't know what the flag looks like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@yobritttany wagon burner! Jk jk you did look pretty Latino here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVAR BE THE SAME! https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/midterm-election\/2018\/10\/18\/nancy-pelosi-collateral-damage\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What I want to know is *how* the saleswoman saw she was weak. Did she walk into the store simpering? Was she staring at the floor and mumbling into her hand instead of talking? Don't you know? Corporate minions taste it on the air like reptiles Yesssss... you look like a cussssstomer who needss a bussssst meassurement. I just imagine the saleswoman stopping, sensing the scared, weak victim, turning slowly with a grin \"commission...........\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seja o mestre do seu cora o e n o fa a do cora o o seu mestre. Be the master of your heart and do not make the heart your master. - Heisei Shimpen Gosho - Don't tell me what to do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"James Woods: This mob behavior is now the standard operating procedure whenever socialist\/communist cadres insert themselves into the political process. It is surprise Cuban officials act this way, and sadly it has become the norm with Democrats in America. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealJamesWoods\/status\/1053657348353523714 https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/haley-demands-un-punish-cuba-bolivia-after-mob-scene-at-us-event-for-cuban-political-prisoners This is how we handle #NPC's. \"I know you are but what am I?\" That seems to be your level. Unsurprising. Thanks for the free meme though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not to mention - that stink is bacteria shit and byproduct. It's not some magical woman musk coming from your glands - it's bacteria shit and bacteria farts coming from eating your sweaty skin cells And guaranteed, if it were a smelly *man* sitting next to one of these stink holes, they'd start marching all over Washington about it. glandspreading Don't give buzzfeed or NOW any more ideas...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thismong. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nikki a a a a a subhuman subversive jew whore! It is a homewrecker and a nigger lover! YOU are a True Fucktard! Move to a 3rd world shithole or better yet..Isahell! Figures you would use a nigger meme..if there is such a thing!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you don't want to be correlated with hate subs, yikes, I'm all for actual ppd posts but a situation that is literally so fucked (multiple conflicting reports of the incident, from the accused himself) no one knows the actual answer to the situation isn't ppd worthy. E: before it happens this is a general opinion, downvoting won't affect me. :) Making fun of idiots holding signs is not hate. Yea, I'm calling people names. So what? You tried to claim this is a hate sub. Name-calling does not qualify. You autistic retard. He's a snow flake conservative who screams at the TV when CNN reports anything Trump related. He's fat, irrelevant and poor. Like all modern conservatives just ignore him. Don't pity him because he chose this pathetic life. Ignore him, outvote him and then wait for him to die forgotten and unloved. Lmao trump lost by 3,000,000 votes, cuck. What is \"no shit you fucking moron but that's not what we're talking about\" What is your mommas ass around my cock? Oops triggered the very stable snowflake! No you fucking grow up. What you are doing is hateful. Its fine to disagree with something, but not to hate someone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"JFC this sub is disgusting. \"Hurr durr, the femoid got punched. That makes my dick hard\". She barely tapped him and he unloaded a full force punch to the face. If you don't think that is a disproportionate response, then you're a psycho. Her sex is irrelevant, this would be a disproportionate response to a dainty slap from a man as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Attacks\" It was quite the assault. The majority of women's injuries in domestic violence come from reciprocal violence (both parties are violent). 80% of reciprocal violence is initiated by women. That means that the majority of women's injuries in domestic violence comes from being hit back. Think about that for a moment. If we prevented women from hitting men, they would be far safer. [NIH](https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/pmc\/articles\/PMC1854883\/) I'm not saying she wasn't wrong. No one should put their hands on someone unless its a bout of some sort (legal fight\/bout). I just didn't see it as quite the assault. I'm getting down voted, so the majority of people disagree and I except that. > I just didn't see it as quite the assault. You just don't hold her to the same standard you would hold a man to. I get it. I mean, it's **extremely** misogynistic, but I get it. Welp, I guess I'm extremely misogynistic. Good talk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ceallaighaine Oh no! Sorry Hun. That sucks. Hope you heal fast. #dancerproblems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some lying ass hoes lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are NOT Jews you idiots!! their Muslims my God get it right Metoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of immigrants will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Don't you have PHONES?\" Yes, phones are for shitposting and trolling retarded SJWs, and sometimes this really radical thing called MAKING A PHONE CALL. When seeking an actual game with actual gameplay, a medium with a screen larger than my cock and an actual input mechanism is preferred. We call this neat and wonderful invention a PC. https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/ObaTbff I see a lot of retarded stuff from feminists and white knights daily, but this...this really took it to the next level.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#WhenMaymaysMate #MemeToo So much good about this one. Matrix Reloaded is underrated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. Black teacher calls an Asian student Chink and tells her to be less Asian, but states she didn't do it to be Racist?! Then, she mentions that her babysitter is Asian. She's obviously using him as a shield against the accustion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Annnna_dav69: I hate trailer trash ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all black people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wish that useless nigger would try to kick me...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I AM SURE IT WAS A PAYOFF... THIS NIGGER SHIKSA IS FROM MY AREA.. SHE IS A SLUM LORD LIKE MAXINE WATTERS IS... SHE KEEPS ALL THE FREE SHIT FLOWING FOR THE SLUM VOTES....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be gay with me or I will murder a school bus. But how will Frizzle reach dose keeeeeeeeeeds? The pyramid dic kid can take over .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NPC Cuckboy. POC = Piece of Cunt ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"MEN MAKE ME SICK\" Then stop chokin on every single one passin you by. Id give you gold but i'm broke Don't give money to SJW Reddit. Funny that you say that, because far-left and SJW subs always flame u\/spez for not taking down \"Hate speech\" subs Actually, the people you're describing are not far left, they're the very-close-to-center left, commonly known as Liberals. I hate them too, even being far left myself, but they're just as bad as republican baby boomers who complain as much as they do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They only have lefties who are brainwashed retarded on Twitter. They cannot intellectually debate, only character assassinate. They are complete NPC's and have no intelligence. This is a FACT and none of them can actually understand what a FACT is!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This was my initial thought... she wanted publicity and a celebrity converting to islam would get that. But then, maybe she's just a retard; we'll never really know.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to kill all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that cunt. If we lived in any other age she'd be on the ground bloody and broken for that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What on Earth does this have to do with ppd? This sub is going downhill. Seriously... do women normally get a pass on murdering their children just because they are women? They dont get 25 to life in most cases, so yes, that would be a pussypass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wee little ones living in their bubble.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AWALT ! If there are any NAWALTS, there's a","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LokiHulibele @mediacrooks @AamAadmiParty They have mix, not all are retards. AAP is Maoists, terrorists,Congies and delusional Retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Overripe eggplants are not good eats. #UNCLEtweet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@feverspell @NYRKelsMads I'll do it! @1dgroupiegossip In the UK, \"Fag\" means cigarette and a \"faggot\" is a bundle of sticks, you homo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prince Philip:.\"Get that bloody nigger out of here. Transport the two of them to Van Diemen's Land. Make him Governor-General !!! I always said his mother was a twat...the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a long winded way to say \"I'm mentally retarded\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The great cultural Marxism lies and deceptions...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bill Gates took part in criminally negligent vaccine experiments on poor Indian children. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y9r5qaus #newstarget #billgates #India #vaccines #NaturalNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed.. some of them would appear to be happy with the 80s or 90s (\"All I want is less blacks and Mexicans, and to be able to say faggot in public again.\") Agree that the big picture thinking is a large part of the reason he was targeted by the Jew crew. IMO other component is that he speaks truth about the idea of using GOP as political vehicle- it is as Jewish as SPLC. Doesn't surprise me. It's sad how much damage Jews and regular GOPe faggots have been allowed to do. MPC acceptance is my red line. The fact that the racist Photoshop Phriday posters are reaching middle age and some have married (SE Asian mail order brides) does not make them wise or worthy of respect. Bodybuilding.com has better political insights.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around black people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Loretta Lynch said that blood must be spilled in the streets... people seem to forget that both AGs under the Faggot in Chief have called for illegal rioting\/violence","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hitler had the Brown Shirts to disrupt demonstrations, the Globalists (probably financed by Soros) have the skinny guys in black hoodies #Politics#Politicalcommentary This is the Hooded\/Hoody Uniform of the Globalist Enemy. If they r around you prepare to Defend yourself. \"The best defense is a good offense\". Defend yourself but don't take the bait. Stay away from them-only defend yourself if your life is in danger. Do not be aggressive. They are attempting to lure us into a melee so victimhood can be toted out by fake news. So u want ppl to run when they present themselves and impose themselves on us. This is Not how the Men in America made this Country. \"Do not be aggressive\". Not surprising coming from a female. You should pay attention @annie75 is correct. As soon as we get \"aggressive\" they are waiting to label us domestic terrorists. Then all bets are off This is Weak. And weakness. Its like saying Trump will never be Prez or like saying Jobs will never come back from China. Strength above the shoulders will beat strength below the shoulders every time. This is Weak. And weakness. Its like saying Trump will never be Prez or like saying Jobs will never come back from China. Is that the only response your programmed with? Better weak than stupid. Weak can get stronger but you can't fix stupid But I can at least spell! That and you posts have all the intellectual prowess of a 6 year old child. The \"Mute\" award!!!! And another snowflake runs off to his safe space!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor get a grip, you would have lost anyway with that thought. Come out of the bubble, read, and educate yourself before it's too late. There is still hope and it's not with the Democrats. #WalkAway #RunAway #GabFam #MAGA If only Taylor would have spoken up sooner she might have saved America!* But she couldn't do that and write yet several more songs about her ex-boyfriends. Adding more songs to her long line of forgettables had to be done, even if America went down the toilet because she was too busy to care. *Yes, that's all sarcasm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisretard. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's like having a retarded kid babble on about some obscure cartoon. Most people don't take them seriously enough to shut them up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Bomber needs to be FIRED, he forgot about that Fat Dyke Rosie O'Donnell and Kathy Griffin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When are you going to change your avatar from that faggot pedophile kike? Probably around the same time as you graduate from the fourth grade humor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, disabled people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What did he do that was worse than sleeping with a 17 year old boy that she had known since he was 7 and being a fucking whore?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This fucktard should not be in Congress. I'm more of an American patriot than this fairy gay faggot and I'm originally from Canada. Even I know more about the Constitution than this dumb bitch, and I only took one American History course back in Grade","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't know that that moron was a cock sucking faggot pillow biter ass pirate cum chugger fruit....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When people take Trazadone it makes them yawn loudly like retards. Quit drinking coffee instead, if you have trouble sleeping oh k. i thought it was just sleeping pill but this makes more sense why people would go retarded on it instead of just go to sleep. sometimes they like to save pills and crush and snort them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Identifying and supporting the nation you are a citizen of and at the same time not having any interest in shithole commie or muzzie countries and excluding them or not having any interest in those shitholes is NOT a bad thing. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know, and that is why it is so sad. It's not like he collects diamonds. She just wants his happiness. Fuck that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know I'm a hillbilly, but is there anything better than a big pot of beans and cornbread? Little hot sauce on top.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Statements like \"immigrants are scum\" are deeply hurtful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are these white bitches proud of or think their nigger ass ghetto booty is attractive?? More mind fucking by media. kill yourself nigger. Go swing from a tree.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @fletchworld73: Pulled a dead bird from my garden. Grateful to be out of the hot sun, it winked at me with its rotting eye socket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Wizards_DnD @JimZub tranny dragons, eh? I know some people that will love this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Samuel L. Jackson rallies Democratic voters: \"The world's on fire, let's put it out\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/gGe1Z7Y.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/87mq who is Samuel Jackson?? He resides in the world of make believe.It's not the real world. Whew!!!! TY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Booker needs to open his uneducated leftard mouth more often in order to convince the rest of us that he indeed is a retard as originally suspected","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DuncanIdunno: Smash into windshields? RT @coorslightca: The birds do it. The bees do it. Coors Light drinkers do it. You know what we'r ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are a canc3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rep. Joe Kennedy: Americans Must Welcome the Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/25\/rep-joe-kennedy-americans-must-welcome-the-migrant-caravan\/ Kennedy's Got what they Deserved !! And the US got the Kennedys that they didn't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"because people becomes evil easily, it is in our genes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"\"That is not how America works. That is how some tin-pot dictatorship works, said Obama. ~~~ How many millions have you spent with Perkins Coie to keep your records sealed you bloviating POS? Your presidency was made possible only by democrats dumbing down policies purposefully designed to ruin generations of citizens and turning them into Tin-Pot voters. Americans shouldn't even know who you are. The last two years were spent undoing yours. The next 6 years will be Magic Wand time. https:\/\/www.buzzfeednews.com\/article\/bensmith\/obama-midterm-elections-vegas-jacky-rosen-senate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This would be better if you cropped out the shitty OMG reaction","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yo bitch ass needs to boss the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Petition to back Southampton Students in their bid to sack their Union President Emily Dawes over her bid to remove the University WWI Memorial.All can sign not just Brits. https:\/\/www.change.org\/p\/southampton-university-student-union-president-of-the-southampton-student-union-to-stand-down-immediately?recruiter=562117556andutm_source=share_petitionandutm_medium=copylinkandutm_campaign=psf_combo_share_abi.pacific_abi_gmail_send.variation.pacific_abi_select_all_contacts.select_all.pacific_email_copy_en_us_ Keep at them. Give them their own back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ovomit the half nigger total faggot muzzie attracted a few faggots, muzzies and lezzies to his \"rally\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really think disabled people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfao I love hitting the \"no sound button when that nigger pops up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, trans people like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you Obi Wan...you're a FAG ON DOPE #starwarsquoteparaphrasing This is the bullshit you are allowed to DV without being a down voting faggot because you are down voting a CUCK FAGGOT so go to his page and DOWN VOTE AWAY! Let's see how many down votes he can get for this \"good night white pride\" meme! It's at 3 now and I'll be hopefully watching that number climb! Btw I already muted his ass! (Do it in HIS post and not this one pl and ty )","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think we should not only bring charges against George Soros, but should look at stripping him of his citizenship for trying to undermine the sovereignty of the United States, and if this is proven, they should also freeze up and go after his assets. http:\/\/www.americanjournalreview.com\/srs\/ Yes, make him pay for the wall.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Draft Drinking Game: chug a beer everytime you see a black woman crying. @stoolpresidente","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Truth, Rebecca! Gab is great because if people are offended, they have the right to mute, unfollow and remove user from following. Whereas twat bird and\/or pedobook choose those with whom you must associate through their clever little algorithms and filters. And thus the division in our country continues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our President - the liar! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5bhKir8-RTkandfeature=youtu.be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/RT_com\/status\/1047969617036099585 Get the nigger in the car before the rest of the herd assaults us","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WATCH: 1300+ Hondurans Begin Organized Trek to U.S. Border https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/border\/2018\/10\/14\/watch1300-hondurans-begin-organized-trek-to-u-s-and-mexico\/ George Soros and company bringing more democrat voters into America We need to stop this stain from spreading.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love me some chunky babies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone finally noticed BROCK IS A TAX EVADING CUNT HOLE OF A FAGGOT? https:\/\/media.8ch.net\/file_store\/8ba90b3743cdc17ef5d9d9a7ae13ea30c37b47781009ea7520889f99ecca1b0d.png","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let them. Do you realize how retarded that would be longterm? If mgtow, incel, mra, are all lumped together as a hate group than are they going to lump in atheists and libertarians next? Cauuuuse a lot of those types are libertarians and atheists. Fedora terrorism And once everyone is a terrorist who enforces it? You can't police every man goofy goober I mean you can try. But you'll fail","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The bitches are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this queer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They pile them into a van and then hand them those little 25 cent potato chip bags on the way to vote.......lol \"No one loves socialism quite like a moron who has never experienced it firsthand...\" this seems relevant; https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0535\/6917\/products\/idiocydemotivator.jpeg I don't want socialism. I want a mixed economy. We already have a mixed economy that has socialised programs like social security and food stamps. Universal healthcare is what is needed next. Another amazing feat!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a blck person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hulu deleted this tweet after becoming the focus of countless jokes and being mocked for several hours straight. Even companies are willing to backdown from SJW talking points if the heat gets too hot. well fackin' said mate that's sort of like a Gab hug, right? :D yea we kinda pat people on the head and tell them to get the fuck over their moronic feelings since its not what makes the world go round. seriously tho, how many great moves have social media sites made that have had a positive effect on the public at large? in the long run its all bad news","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot works for MARVEL and needs a GoFundMe to get lawyer money? Nibba please.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hollywood and the Music Industry is trying really hard to normalize pedophilia. A month? I've seen a week. Got a source on that? Also, weird that that's the part of your post I'm disputing. You're right! I know I read somewhere years ago that the difference was a month, but a recent UK study I found says it's a week. I stand corrected, and thanks for catching my mistake! :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Radio host Dave Ramsey: \"Money is like manure, it grows things when you spread it around; when you let it all sit in one pile, it stinks.\" these commies always have this answer of 'just spread it around, just give the money away' so they can either a) lead by example and give away all their wealth and b) they can be specific about the utilization of this money by the end user. who\/what will this money get spread to? more abortions? more gibs for worthless\/weak people? or more dnc sex offenders?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gosh, that cunt is so annoying. What's the right way to handle this situation (other than relying on her mercy)? Can driver remove her by force for trespassing, or he has to wait for police to arrive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Human body not intended to handle consuming alcohol but we do it anyway. Alcohol has been used throughout history because fresh water was often riddled with bacteria. German kids drank beer to avoid cholera outbreaks, and stronger alcohol is a disinfectant. How does that compare with prolapsed ass and death from AIDS before you hit 35? Well, neither of those conditions are guaranteed to happen if you're gay, so... what does death from AIDS and \"prolapsed ass have to do with being gay? I thought the argument was purely biological function based. Unless you want to switch it up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that disabled people are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rich Mundane Matt. Why won't you make a video where you compare G-fuel shilling to BetterHelp, you sneak fuck? Because KIA aren't stooges for the Killatream and Mister Metokur. We know that repeating dumb nicknames like \"Quarterpounder\" or \"Donga\" or \"Ching Chong\" is cringey and someone with the mental capacity of a 12 year old would do. We're not cultists who revel in the stupidity of Jim and Ethan Ralph constantly starting internet beefs so they can rack in their superchays from gullible viewers. I agree. The beef is fun for me but I realize all of them are idiots and they're arguing about stupid YouTube videos. I'm just saying that The Quartering is a particularly bad part of that community.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor baby. Do not hurt your son just because you're insane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vote Mad Max OUT! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAY THE BLACK FLAMES OF HELL RAIN ON YOUR BLASPHEMOUS MOUTH!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jim Carrey is a CANADIAN FAGGOT needs his pee head blown off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @goodmanwood: Rise+Rhyme #snowpatricksday @busboysandpoets: ON in the AM! Wear your green, dance a jig and sing a lively tune w\/ me!http: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You mean cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@J_Logan And you know best about the bird moves...!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Posted a new song: \"\"guala\"\" http:\/\/t.co\/TbpOuto6zR http:\/\/t.co\/y1RpItkIAf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boy ur sure willing to take them extremely fast huh ? Maybe if we taught civics n the basics of the constitution in schools instead of Jewish bullshit. Then maybe ppl would know more. Ur a faggot willing to strip rights according to ur standards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Insights Lab, as far as I'm aware isn't part of Google. There is not just one \"Insights Lab\" as you could have guessed on the world and the one that put together this document **is actually an internal Google working group**, which said YouTuber could have found out by following the link on the last page of the document: https:\/\/sites.google.com\/corp\/google.com\/insightslab\/cultural-insights Instead of just Googling \"Insights Lab\" as a \"Gotcha\", taking the first credible link he found and then for some reason pointing out that some unrelated site is \"conspicuously absent of SJW signs\"? https:\/\/www.insightslab.co\/ For instance Intel also has an \"Experience Insights Lab\", there is also \"Verizon Insights Lab\" or \"Dalia Insights Lab\" etc. Or I dno, maybe the big \"Google\" Logo plastered on the first page and on the bottom left of every sequential page from there on could have given it away? https:\/\/www.scribd.com\/document\/390521673\/The-Good-Censor-GOOGLE-LEAK There's too much retardation to go through or try to listen to some YouTuber trying to seem smart. Maybe leave the work to actual journalists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By nature, black people are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BOYCOTT THE NOTAMERICAN FELON LEAGUE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All members of Central American caravan now in U.S. http:\/\/www.sandiegouniontribune.com\/news\/immigration\/sd-me-caravan-allin-20180504-story.html @realKarlMarx I have no idea what he thinks his mission is. From what I see, it is mostly sowing doubt. Thought compliance? Well, it is the mark of a leftist to secretly demand conformity of thought while ostensibly encouraging debate. It is the mark of the Right to demand conformity of behavior while encouraging independent thought. I have no problem with someone pondering the issue and asking tough questions. I have a real problem with guys like him discouraging others and undermining their faith in our nation. He isn't asking questions or thinking; he's getting people alarmed with false news that the cause is lost. Remember, he was telling people to vote the Republicans out of office; I guess he hates everyone. \"Faggot tier shaming\" is a good line. I only snapped because I was hit with bullshit replies. You and @ButchDeadlift are the only guys that actually appear to have put some thought into it. Frankly, there are a lot of young guys who never had a father and want things to be better and have no idea how to get things done. The cry and curse, and for them, faggot tier shaming seems about on the mark. It's the language they speak.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Being a lesbian is fine if you really love being an animal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only niggers and nigger lovers still watch the nigger felon league.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maxine Waters is seemily lacking in her ability to unite people of all colors, religions, or creeds together as exemplified by her divisional and biotry that sets her up there with the likes of Sneaky Al Sharpton. Apparently Martin Luther King and his philosophy of uniting, and kindness didn't impress Maxine in her long political, and criminal time in politics! https:\/\/www.nationalreview.com\/the-morning-jolt\/maxine-waters-political-violence\/?utm_medium=referralandutm_source=idealmediaandutm_campaign=nationalreview.comandutm_term=68804andutm_content=2298198","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the engagement ring story outrages me more than it should have.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the blacks would entirely destroy Israel and turn it into a shit hole of finger snapping booty shakers..sort of like America! Send the niggers there Saint Sammy Davis Jr...the nigger with a torah!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because you can't call Jews racist . Ahhhhhh-hahaha @Deplorme @Deplorme, don't be a skinhead redneck you white supremacist! Ethno States aren't allowed anymore in the new world order so stop perpetrating identity politics .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. Niggers now get a free pass from the Jews media for blatant racism, violence and hostility towards non-niggers. Just yesterday in my local paper there was a story about an un-named teacher who's accused of raping a 10 year old boy. At first there was no info on the teacher and it was a brief, facts-only article. Then later in the day it came to light that the teacher was a young nigger sow. Immediately the whole tone of the article changed, it was edited and filled with sexy pics and flattering selfies of the sow, and a several paragraphs long description of her singing talent and career, and all the things she's done in her community. The article changed from a description of a crime against a child, to celebrity worship of a nigger whore. In other words, the sow gets a free pass for raping a child because she's a nigger. Since this is Coonaduh, she'll get quick bail and a lighter sentence as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CUNT CHER IS TOTAL VILE SJW SCUM !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker -- With Lawyer's Response to Gateway Pundit https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No doubt this is a lefty voter: (And honestly, I'd say if she only has $20,000 in college debt she's doing a lot better than some young people, who rack up considerably more.) Ever notice that colleges and university pushing the Socialist agenda continually hike their tuition costs...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no clothes that make me look like a redneck but I tried my best ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN calls Kanye West a 'dumb negro' for supporting Trump https:\/\/youtu.be\/Kgg3ZOlDb70","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a fucking chance. They did at one time back in the 1960's, not anymore! Of course college football back then was only about 5% Black at most. Very very few in fact i only know 2 but one of them was a player a very long time ago so it was a different situation i think. But niether do anything that requires a degree oddly. They're all engineers, doctors, and scientists! WTF you talkin' about GL?!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got to 8 on flappy birds can you say happiest girl on earth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @StephMcMahon: A sign at \"Checkpoint Charlie\", a well known crossing point between East and West Berlin, when Germany http:\/\/t.co\/0l0Kg ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is post-modernism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why we need a big beautiful wall, and not a stupid fucking fence. .@Cantwell - this don't look like 4K people and none of them look like they're equipped with food\/water\/clothes to \"walk\" from Honduras to the border of Texas you stupid racist moron. You have proof that this wasn't a political rally and\/or a prop using many people in a given village?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think most women are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The dumb thing is that decentralization would solve all these problems. California could just be crazy and leave the rest of us alone but NOOOO we have to control everything and make the whole country conform, those redneck Christians must BOW DOWN.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ProudlyLiberal2: Charlie Crist wins Democratic primary http:\/\/t.co\/FunqXo8O4O","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, the twitter troll in question is trying to expose this employee as the one responsible for the tweet (note - with zero proof), because he apparently wrote an article critical of Sarkeesian in 2015 and follows Niche Gamer. Also - it's not just that. IMC has been talking to people. > But the harassment hasn't stopped. I've been informed that employees of the company are facing a barrage of abuse both online and offline over the tweets, some of which is directed towards their families. Remember the kerfuffle when Ethan Ralph went full retard and 'exposed' a random Bioware employee to blame for the ME:A facial animations? Because he's a retard who didn't know that 'animation lead' doesn't mean what he thought it meant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One bright spot. since the muzzie invasion\/conversions certainly put a halt to catholic\/protestant frictions from the past.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even a Dyke bitch like Rosie produces and unbelievable amount of smegma! And you know she never washes down there! Wash that fucking box Rosie! I can smell that shit clear across the room!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A bitch who works for Gentleman's Quarterly just used the term \"mansplaining publicly. She must be delivered unto Pence for \"therapy . Twat was that? I cunt hear you Please stop womantagonizing me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"red meat trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup. It wasn't #Gab. It was some NAZI dipshit retard that liked to say 'gas the kikes'. Those people are stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@truuueee_ that bitch done.. have it to u on Sunday my nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What I said was perfectly self explanatory and evident. Be less of a brain dead retard and maybe you'll figure it out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey! I'm gonna get some sort of bird tattooed on my body, accompanied with an anchor\/rope situation. No one's doing that right now, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Teams? The whole game of politics is a retarded merry-go-round. And guess who pushes it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He set her up in a way. She was going to be screwed regardless of what she did. Don't take the test and you're lying about your \"Native American ancestry\" or take the test and be proved a liar. She was an idiot for claiming Native American ancestry and then crowing about opportunities that opened up for her BECAUSE she lied about her heritage. Did she really imagine that Native Americans were going to support some white, liberal, elitist cunt who screwed some actual Native American by appropriating their heritage for her own gain? Yeah, probably not. Especially when one of her actual ancestors was a member of the militia that rounded up the Cherokee Nation from their homes and set them on The Trail of Tears to Oklahoma. Elizabeth Warren is just the latest flavor of libtard stupidity. Yes, regressive liberals...you are ALL starting to look alike. Bitter, violent, lying, cheating NPCs. You owe the Cherokee Nation an apology, Warren. If you had ANY sense of decency at all, you'd apologize for your mistake and fund some promising Native American children with scholarships so they have better educational opportunities. Most of those kids are dirt poor and their schools are shitty. ( Like the inner city schools that you liberal fucktards haven't done squat about for 50 years.) I don't expect you to do anything so honorable because that isn't in your DNA either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/PSrTdxipS5A Update breaking news.... Demonic Satanic Lying Cunt Blasey Ford Ex Boyfriend Tells All And Breaks Silence! Sent from my iPad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KenSuttling The spear chuckers are flooding into Upton Park.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well Jay I guess if you wanna keep your house from burning down...the bird is the word yeah!!!! #jaymohrsports @jaymohr37","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DIE NIGGER DIE!! I mean all of them..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3 years ago: What goes around, comes around, Motherfucker https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2015\/10\/28\/gop-establishments-rick-wilson-donor-class-must-put-a-bullet-in-donald-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a dangerous threat to MAGA, or KAG, as Trump wants us to call it now I'm tired of idiots blabbering about her penis. I'm more sick of the idiot that won't admit they have a dick, and a people that refuse to acknowledge it's a dick. Irrelevant. If she comes out, she's even more popular with Dem voters. Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"News flash I don't like Niggers, Jews, or any non white sub human scum. If you have a problem with that feel free to unfollow or block me. I don't like nigger lovers. I'm not brainwashed by ZOG thanks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She died a nigger Now that is funny shit https:\/\/www.dailymotion.com\/video\/x3utu6r","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The nigger blinks first","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Death to all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also that massive cunt further down in the article kicking and choking his dog. He needs to get fucked up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, you are Nigger, yet you prefer to be with a White woman? That is the very definition of racism. You do realise this, yes? You are aware that your own women are fugly, therefore you need to choose ours, although I know for a fact you do not have one of ours. You WISH you did, Nigger. Nice of you to admit to your racial-inferiority. Mixed couples are always miserable rejects. I see it all the time in the south. Exactly. It's so prevalent that it's become an in-joke between myself and my fiance. Homogenous couples almost always look happy and are dressed well, but then a mixed couple will walk in behind them and almost always be slovenly and obese. 2 ultra fats in wife beaters (yes, even the woman) and their unfortunate kid. Disgusting. \"Homogenous couples almost always look happy and are dressed well, but then a mixed couple will walk in behind them and almost always be slovenly and obese.\" Fact. I see this every single day. I live in Toronto, remember? The most 'multi-cultural' (see 'invaded') city on earth. The Nigger bitches lose it when their men prefer our women over them. I cannot blame them. That is the very definition of racism. A lot of black women refuse to date black men. They say the men are untrustworthy and unreliable. They are correct. After all, 70% of all Nigger 'families' are single-parent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Based on your use of grammar perhaps your children are missing out on an education. Go away redneck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Oy vey! Soros was 14 when the war ended, and the rest is questionable. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv So, you're really this stupid? LMFAO!!!! I've never witnessed this kind of stupidity in person, sure on GAB, but like really, I was in Harrison Arkansas today and didn't even witness this kind of stupidity!!! Lolololololol I acknowledge, your stupidiy surpasses mine by MILES! And I MEAN that, congratulations. Tell your mother\/sister I said hello! You can't learn it pal, it's down to inbreeding, blame your parents https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. Lol, your 3rd grade education is impressive, to your mother. Dumbass Thanks again wee man for proving only one thing. You have nothing but a limited vocabulary, which again is only limited to petty slurs and insults. You are the reason I am here, and so long there are people like you, we shall win with the least of effort. https:\/\/TruthWillOut.tv Yeah, because you bring SUCH a compelling argument to Gab! Lol, that's WHY you are dumb and we ALL laugh AT you. 1945 was compelling Kikery. Never mind what's been declassified, Goyim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/100022016480857\/videos\/362077404536139\/?t=132","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">more fucked up version of 4chan.. You're fucking clearly retarded buckaroo. Guess I'm an old fag by now, but 4chan definitely use to have child porn pretty frequently. Sure they'd eventually delete the thread after a couple of hours but then they'd just invade another. Cheese pizza and mods are asleep are all references to the prevalence of child porn there. By the time I left they had started to crack down on it so it might be better these days but it was definitely a thing.. Oldfag here, it got much better. I was pretty disgusting the first time I went in 2008ish, because of all the pizza so I left until about 2014ish. By that time it was just the weaponized autism I've known and loved it for. Oh no... he's retarded guys","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WendyDavisTexas your 30 second add just ruined it. A new low picking on a cripple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kasich is a Republican? Nah, I think he's just a faggot. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/25\/kasich-the-lord-doesnt-want-americans-opposing-the-migrant-caravan\/ I don't know about the faggot part but he IS an asswipe!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ClassicBray: Lmaoo RT @PacDaGoat: That's a legal tackle faggot RT @PP_Rich_Hill: Seriously? http:\/\/t.co\/guMZewrpy3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SLUT CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" we snap chatted for one night lol. But you're cute. Snapchat me back nig","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get rekt cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate every religion, but because of you I hate most of all your religion and its stupid theories about God and shits","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.richmondgov.com\/CityCouncilDistrict7\/index.aspx this nigger wanted to destroy all monuments in Virginia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GO... I bomb your house using a drone. I tell everyone your house was filled with explosives and show them your Gab.ai account. You're a #Nazi. Your death is celebrated by republicans and democrats alike. You're forgotten by the entire world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He only cares\/helped because it's his mama. Otherwise he'd stick to the no snitching creed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That guy looks retarded though and I'm of sound opinion that subhumans shouldn't be afforded special treatment. All retards are utterly depraved, oversexed, simian, and dangerous; they need to be corralled and controlled, not included in normal society. Letting them think they're not retarded is deeply problematic and deleterious for the U.S. I think the audience was laughing at this imbecile more as an unfortunate attempt to include him in normal society (a huge blunder) as opposed to making fun of him because of his sex.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The same cunt who in the next breath will whine about gun control. Completely worthless human being. https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/08\/20\/oprah-winfrey-promotes-shout-your-abortion-movement-where-women-brag-about-their-abortions\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a woman tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do good, smart and healthy White girls even consider dating a nigger? Nigger bucks are subhuman and violent beasts. I don't understand how fathers don't teach their daughters this. This is where I think the Moslems have a point with the whole \"Honor killing\" thing. Actually when you think about it,if Islam were not a religion of smelly low IQ shitholers that demands you have weard beard and dress in pointed sandals and all that shit,it would be the better alternative to Christianity. Muzels keep their women at bay and homos under the hood.Not the worst choice Their fag policy is good too. It's not necessary to murder the white female in such cases. Instead: Hang the nigger. Abort the mulatto fetus. Give ECT to the mother so she forgets about the whole thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"right now you are accusing a person of a crime, slander, that has not committed, I don't know how I got on your fag list.....but you can go fuck yourself I said white ppl should not be cared for by blacks....I said NOTHING about this company or the nigger in question.....I stand by that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy @TommyRobinson You're still getting lots of twats calling you a racist on Twitter. Yet they can't post a single genuinely racist comment you've ever made. If we collect their names and screenshots do you fancy suing them for slander? Maybe take their houses and donate them to the homeless? I'm sure the Left would appreciate that noble gesture ;) Stop sucking the dwarfs cock. I've already handed you your arse on this paedo. Haha Mention Tommy and this filthy lazy Islamo-Marxist appears. Still anonymous because he doesn't want to get sued for slander lol You upset because i handed you your arse over your claims Tommy isn't racist?? The reason he never sues for slander is because he knows he's a racist. True Brit. More like dipshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll be a Yankee fan forever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chris Christie is a twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh no, its retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a mod here, we thoroughly vet our members. there are no incels here and if there are, usually get spotted very easily and receive tons of downvotes. really. the market is over saturated with incel insults. and as a result, aren't worth anything anymore. we are requesting that you little twats replace those dogs cunts you call brains and keep trying for some originality. you can do it. I believe in you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their respective races rejected them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Yes, eat this garbage every morning elevate your blood sugar levels, feed the cancer cells gain your weight, and prepare yourself ready for that hospital bed. I forgive you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bitchkrieg like the new AVI. My Twitter is retarded and shows you in the cubs hat but when I stalk your profile it show the new one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*\"Indeed, Plaintiff [Jessica] Negron's former supervisor, Geoff Chandler, once told her that 'diversity should not be a focal point of the design of Riot Games' products because gaming culture is the last remaining safe-haven for white teen boys.'\"* Right... He totally said it in this manner. Heh, yeah, that is so obviously her interpretation and wording of what he said. The vaguely racist \"white teen boys part really gives it away. I would be better convinced if the dude said, \"All (racial slur) must die,\" than this crap. Careful, they already took Terry out And Seth. RIP. F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Girl Scouts organization themselves didn't force the Boy Scouts to accept girls. It was major scrutiny by retarded feminists and media outlets that caused them to open up their doors to girls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"more than twice as bad, accordin to my crackulashuns https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0274518\/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt tried to join the ALP, remember? the commies didn't like him he wasn't read enough for their liking","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will believe anybody over a rabid leftist twat who not only knits but also wears pussy hats. Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2RkQ7gg #FoxNews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Told my dad to go buy cookies for the graduation reception...this nigga bought Oreos.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SO THE USELESS CUNT ADMITS her vote was purely POLITICAL, not because she was afraid she was voting a deviant into SCOTUS. Well I hope voters vote her sorry traitorous ass OUT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trust me, I'll only abuse you if you deserve it. Others have a right to know how retarded you are. Fortunately in your case your noisy user name already let's them know.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"British humor is as forced as muslim immigration","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Geraldo is a globalist retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @foodbibIe: Oreo Cheesecake http:\/\/t.co\/yW299XjzB2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" You sound upset..... I don't care. I have a vicious yeast infection You sound like you have a lot in common with Hillary Clinton now. Was that your intent?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jeezus! I can smell dyke Menses coming off that pic. #Disgusting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a #deplorable. I believe in #God, the rule of #Law, #Freedom, #Equality, #justice, the #Constitution, and the #USA I know conservatives are just \"owning the insult\" but what is \"deplorable\" about being a stable and good human being? What's so \"radical\" about it? I bet most of you aren't even racist or want the coming civil war... I feel bad for you good people caught in the middle of the shitstorm. Your generosity has been taken advantage of for far too long.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure guys who won't bathe or wear deodorant are still disgusting to these sexist cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least he isn't a filthy muslim. Lol the filthy muslim attacks someone in the crowd while his filthy friend jumps in and sucker punches Conor and you call HIM a punk? Cut back on the muzzie choad faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Call me retarded if you wish. I merely asked a point blank question, and you've answered it. I feel the least retarded way to go about these things is to examine the evidence and arrive at pragmatic and sensible conclusions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murica in a nutshell...\"No amount of planning can replace dumb luck\". Then as Bismarck said, and he knew everything about the the eurotrash inbred retarded elites...\"There is a Divine Providence that protects drunks, and the United States of America\". Join in, The Divine, not \"god\" is how..Seek and ye shall find, so says the Master.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me think your a dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmaooo RT @Handsomeesco_55 She a tranny if she can open a jar of pickles by herself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"as in twitter @bestmomeva? guy was a faggot from day Wrong handle, but yeah: https:\/\/twitter.com\/mombot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"California is now an official Shithole and communist run country. Human feces left on public streets, tent cities, mexicans, niggers, homeless whites, faggots sexing in the streets of San Francisco in front of children, strident lesbians screaming at men, homes and businesses of the few conservatives vandalized as the owners are attacked. A nigger mayor in San Francisco had to step over drug syringes in the street in order to get to a news podium. But the most telling fact is the recent run of celebrities selling their mansions at cut rates as they move East. Only hookers, pimps and Jews will be left in Hollywood as the exodus continues.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right wing fascist pigs should be purged from American soil. Fuck trump. Fuck all the retarded sheep who follow that shitstain","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Josh aka \"suspected jew\" aka antifa leader and John aka Asian boy Terrorists?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When people really think I'm Asian I get offended,Even though I make fun of my gook self","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor thing. It must need acknowledgement in it's life. Must spend it's days feeling like an insecure cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Wagz This cold we have going around our little hick town had about everyone I know locked in their houses for better than a week. Stay well","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah probably pretty much. Her dad was probably like, \"Well I'd rather my daughter be with a black guy than a raci............ Oh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jaaaaaade__ You can't see it but I'm flipping you the bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone aught to cunt punt that bitch right into a World history class thats where she aught to be after disrespecting so many men who died in ways more horrible than she can imagine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The nigger you're fucking's parents weren't British; so your argument is invalid. Thanks for playing you retarded piece of shit. You just said: https:\/\/gab.com\/Titanic_Britain_Author\/posts\/37804654 \"They weren't\". You're both dumb niggers. No. I said they weren't naturalised in a former colony. They were born here too. I'm no dumb nigga :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And Lying Don Lemon is Fake news CNN's House Nigger . They just mad because they lost the majority of the popular vote . And MR.West was their biggest mouth piece . https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/entertainment\/cnn-panel-mocks-kanye-west-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"whites lost their soul decades ago that's why so many young whites have embraced nigger culture and music....there is no such a thing anymore as \"white culture\" they sold their soul to the devil of comfort and affluence","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats have either won every special election (so far), or severely cut Trump's margin of victory in ' This doesn't bode well for the midterms. Imagine the Republicans defied all odds and won a super-majority in both chambers of Congress. What would change for us? Virtually nothing. They'll privatize social security and send our troops to Iran. Yeah I thought so too. But turnout is even lower in weird elections that happen in the middle of August or whatever. Trump is getting his ass kicked. I can't wait until his orange ass becomes a lame duck and he cries himself to sleep on twitter every night. He has the worst traits of a jew and a nigger combined.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ariennajanee its mutual my lil yellow bone ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cowards with a fem faggot leader","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What did boogie do? He said that gay marriage was pushed in too quickly, that it should have been brought in gradually He was trying to give an example of rash or rushed politicking or whatever, that people should do things slowly and gradually to make it easier in the long run Not a terrible point, and completely unsurprising if you know Boogie, but... well, I don't agree with his example personally Anyway he apologized for offending people but it wasn't enough, they wanted him to change his mind which he actually refused to do IIRC I don't disagree with how fast it was pushed through, but that it was essentially legislation from the bench. It should be up to the state to decide. The state shouldn't have any input on relationships to begin with.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cunt isva well known ira sympathiser......he,s a rat bastard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DO IT PREZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The police getting involved in this is wrong in so many ways, but bearing in mind Linehams general hatred of free speech and screams for Dankula to be jailed I'm thinking Karma got it right this time. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CvXGMT It's the only way these fuckers will learn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"not a militant \/ activist \/ degenerate of the dozens\" Sure you are. Don't expect everyone here to coddle you just because you're a faggot. Faggot politics have destroyed many nations already. Enjoy the mute button, degenerate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Trump was Hitler that thick cunt would still be a Moron!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@teenagesleuth .we got 1, except eric holder gave them 2 the beaners 2 kill americans! guess he is race blind!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kriegsson: On Nigger Day we honor nigger traditions by not working.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@THEHermanCain then send this one to your teabagger friends https:\/\/t.co\/hsADkzcAIn and watch their heads explode","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of mongs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably the NBC cunt NBC, NPC, all cunts are the same","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah cuz ur a faggot n that's the 1st thing that pops into a faggot's head. Faggot shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I ignore birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alec Baldwin calls for overthrow' of Trump at Dem fundraiser in New Hampshire https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/alec-baldwin-calls-for-overthrow-of-trump-at-dem-fundraiser-in-new-hampshire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A very important statement by Richard Spencer on Heel Turn. Spencer describes the problem of the alt-right surrender to Movement Conservatism. https:\/\/youtu.be\/hRQL23caIgA I've never liked Spencer but I will say that his takes have gotten better in certain areas recently. He at least understands that pandering to the GOP isn't a solution, and I agree with the NPI data on Whites becoming a minority in Greg Johnson's written a big article slamming Spencer over at CC. It's a good summary, but Greg's idea that hailgate was the end of the world is very questionable. Greg should stick to archivist, not activist. Greg Johnson supports Jewish Weev because Weev also hates Richard Spencer. *speech where Mike Enoch instigated a round of Roman saluting...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is exactly how I feel like when I see a tranny like this disgusting af","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And I like that you still have a hate boner for Toro, still mad that she wouldn't bang ya? Sad cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I tell you the \"man\" is retarded ! Sorry to retarded folk .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where else to they belong? #auspol #ausfam #africa #afrcicangangs Bill Shorten and the Greens said they belong in Australia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should get rid of black people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well. WHEN THE SHTF, WE THE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SOLVE THIS NIGGER AND COMMUNIST DEMORAT PROBLEM. IF WE DON'T WE ARE FKINNG DONE AS A NATION CREATED BY OUR WHITE FOUNDERS. we will tell the niggers.. \" look niggah,it's our way or the highway!!\" ( < :","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Red Ice have redeemed themselves with this latest video! I apologize profusely to Henrik and Lana for suggesting that they have turned into Zionist gatekeepers--here they expose Zionists Alex Jones (and his tranny porn) and call out super-Zionist Trump! Excellent show with Adam Green. Outstanding! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KosAUH2JgCI That fatass faggot said \"USS Liberty Happened \"a long time ago\"\" so he discounted it, well you know what you fucking faggoty ass israeli shill? THE HOLOHOAX ALSO HAPPENED A LONG TIME AGO.... FUCKING FUCKER!!!! So that faggot fatass jew dick sucking piece of shit needs to keep his fucking mouth shut! Wait, lol which \" faggot fatass jew dick sucking piece of shit\" are we talking about? Trump? Jones? Who?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well this sub has turned to complete shit. These stupid fucking comments undermine any kind of integrity you thought you had. I wish I didn't hate the term incel or I'd use it. You're just biggots. Shitty fucking biggots. What's worse, saying hateful things about these two on the internet (which they'll never read), or them trying to put an innocent man in prison? What's worse is riding a high horse and being insufferable people who just hate on women cause you're a bitch. That's why I just unsubscribed and am going on with my day. Read some of the stupid comments people made and if you still feel like I'm wrong, you're a moron and should probably be put in prison preemptively. Have a good day and stay warm. You really think that's worse than false imprisonment? You're a cuck. > Mean words on the internet are worse than prison > You're not thinking Knowing life doesn't work in black and white shows how tiny you are. No one is advocating false imprisonment. I'm saying you can't see far enough from your own bullshit to know calling someone unstable cause they're gay or from Oregon is beyond stupid. I don't have the energy to teach you to think for yourself. I used to think people took time for some personal introspection, but life has taught me there's just stupid angry people who make a big deal out of other shit cause they lack something. I imagine you're just a fool and not worth it. You said \"what's worse is...\" in response to me asking if false imprisonment was worse, so yea it seems like you do. Have a good day dude. I'm done taking a shit and arguing with a 14 year old. Or someone with that capacity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@monicawarren16 #pumprules is on bravo...quality trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this dizzy fuckin broad, actually is gonna try to run for President, beautiful, you dumb, fuckin, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" No fucking way common core","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"figurative...except Taylor Swift's....I bet her's are still sweet, even if she is a misguided little retarded girl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NEWS Elizabeth Warren Rips ICE: It's Not Making Us Safer' https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/elizabeth-warren-rips-ice-its-not-making-us-safer\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Symbol of hate, not hate crime. But the woman who put this up is pretty shitty for doing so, just let people live the lives they want to Fair point. Let me say this: If the definition of a word offends someone, that someone is a retarded dipshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you enjoy hunting for sport, then you're trash. If you hunt for food, you deserve to starve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh fuck yes. I hate the term cis with passion. Trying to make it seem like","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ALL US CITIZENS should be allowed to gather at the border, armed, and shoot every wetback who comes near the border.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wanna know why you hillbilly nazi's are worse than jews ? at least they were smart enough to hide their agenda until it bore fruit. you fucks cant even do that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid hook-nosed Paki Maajid Nawaz moaning about hijabs being put on children whilst ignoring the main issue of Muslims taking over Britain. I just can't believe the stupidity of wanting radical racial\/religious minorities. Did 2 World Wars kill all the people with any brains? Is every white nation in a retard contest?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also say, none of us; bc if it we're, the one sent to AG holder return address would have read branch dividians @ Waco. Too bad he isn't dead. If I had my way, I'd roast that nigger on a spit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Uhh this is just openly racist..wtf Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"DiamondDuece911\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @A1lovely_: At least i say im crazy...some nigga gotta find out a bitch wild when she shooting at they ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny where's all the racist niggers screaming for justice When a white person is killed by an ape nigger with an arrest record as long as your arm ,these R the stories that corrupt socialist Fake media hides, white people R under attack they need to fight back, shoot back,and destroy these planet of the ape monkeys from destroying R nationand killing R children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or literally every major chain under the sun??? Boycott wendys mcdonalds burger king kfc taco bell fuddruckers mission bbq over the border Dude what other restaurants did I name? Maybe Best Buy Walmart Target Grocery store Sheetz Speedway WaWa fuck it all gas stations. How retarded are you? How retarded am I asks the ignorant illiterate who knows nothing about basic grammar. The world still doesn't revolve around you, hillbilly. No u And its ironic you insult me as such. You assume Id put effort into someone like you. The world doesnt revolve around me, because I am a part of the world. You're just a retarded twat arguing with an autistic twat. Good luck on the boycott. Ill counter it explicitly to piss you off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reclaim it? You never lost it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Writing that \"all disabled people are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Them brownies tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beware! \"THE SECOND MASS MEAT RECALL from an American Meat Packing company which employs large numbers of Somali Muslim employees \" Muzzie goathumpers might be tainting the food supply. These dirty bastards shouldn't even be allowed into America. Much less hired by food companies. When you wipe your ass with your hands, it may be a good idea not to hire these disgusting bastards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder if they feel any sense of superiority to the black nigger ravens?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All I wants is to represent da life o da colored man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're autonomous drones, the core team in the situation room will be 160 IQ Stanford grads only.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What ever platform she shared it on needs to be deplatformed twitter\/ facebook they want to shut us down they sh uld face the same justice and let's not forget the Florida shooter the Parkland shooter the twat that shot up the church in Texas the idiot who sent fake bombs all have or had twitter and faceBook acc's we get one nutter and game over dubble standards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are scum to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh - so a sand nigger killed White people again?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who were the morons who supported it in the first place? It was part of a settlement. \"The consent decree stems from a lawsuit the DNC filed in 1981 after the RNC sent mailings to predominantly African-American and Latino households, dispatched armed off-duty law enforcement officers to the polls in minority neighborhoods and hung posters warning about penalties for violating election laws. \"The consent decree was issued to halt repeated misconduct, intimidation and discrimination, said Wendy Weiser of the liberal Brennan Center at New York University. \"Now the really toxic political atmosphere raises the risk of misconduct of having private partisans try to police the polling place. It's an intrinsically risky and problematic thing. \" https:\/\/www.politico.com\/story\/2017\/11\/29\/republicans-ballot-security-267717 So the result was to allow the Democrats to do voter fraud for 36 years as a COMPROMISE?? There's a reason they're called cuckservatives. It did go to the Supreme court. Not the courts that exists now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That sub is cancer [Even 11 year olds are on there](https:\/\/old.reddit.com\/r\/GenderCritical\/comments\/9bct8u\/seeking_your_opinions_just_witnessed_something\/) I think she was eavesdropping on another mother in the store with a child, otherwise that's one uppity 11 year old... lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here in 2019. May history be on the right side this time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey, according to 23 and Me who totally aren't adding this to everyone's results in some failed attempt at shaming like you are right now I am like","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheFoodBibIe: Deep Fried Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/quDw3wqD7r","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@IGGYAZALEA it was a joke you fugly bitch be happy uncle snoop even acknowledged your nasty ass lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just give the pedos fake child porn! Then they won't abuse kids! Does fake normal porn such as hentai prevent men from persuing having sex with real people? Oh you must think violent video games cause violence! These people are retarded. What I find incredible is that you still think that you can shame me when you're defending people having the right to look at simulated child porn or having sex with sex dolls that look like children. You either are retarded or are pedophile yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stupid nigger in charge","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He bought a packet of fags at the corner store. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"We *NEED* to just ignore these people and carry on with the real work\" How'd doing real work work out for Linus Torvalds? He spent the last 27 years building the world's most useful operating system, Linux, and now he's cooling his heels because he peeved a transgender. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/gtN2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PETE MEETS HIS PEOPLE https:\/\/www.dailytelegraph.com.au\/blogs\/tim-blair\/pete-meets-his-people\/news-story\/b88c3a8320aa90f5829206dda77744e1 #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We would be better off if those women were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retardbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"... Is someone actually trying to puzzle out what a nigger is thinking???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Istthis cunt ever gonna die? I thought she already was...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheCheapOne: What you see is what you get! I'm a guy with a love of adventure and a need for speed, Charlie Brown!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he is a half-nigger muzzie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusted by all the disabled people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common shemale. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/440147-us-destroy-russian-missiles-threat\/ wrt Russia: The US has violated - or abandoned - at least half a dozen weapons treaties with Russia, including the ABM treaty. The US developed new ABM's, then freaked out when Russia one-upped them, and created a better delivery system, and - arguably - better ABM's. Now, Russia is eviiiil in the eyes of neo-cons and zionists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary will not win the 2020 anyway. Neither will fucking sleazy pedophile Biden. The one to be very careful of is Beto!!!!! Depending on their choices since they slammed their Electorate for choices, it will be very few left on the table. USA will not tolerate another black nigger motherfucker for office. They most likely will pick Warner if he decides to run. As to BETO only if he loses the Senate race in Texas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TeamSky yellow in paris! Fantastic effort from #AllezWiggo and #VroomFroome..now just the last stage up for grabs #GoCav #TDF12\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Totally Unhinged Dem Senator Hirono on Leftist Mob Violence Against the GOP: \"This Is What Happens... when You Look at White Supremacists\" (VIDEO). https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/p2js People with mental illness should not hold any public office,nor positions of authority over others in any part of society.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says a fucking limey whose has let his country turn into a Muslim shithole. It seems you have been wearing lipstick your whole life, while slowly your bitch ass Queen and Parliament pedophiles rape your daughters. Hows Brexit going? How many guns do you own? Oh yeah,,,ZERO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"by next week they'll be staging a Klan cross lighting at a nigger chilluns hospital in detroit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate stupid cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell me I ain't the cutest bitch you ever seen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shame .. he's RETARDED","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No woman can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man faces accusation: loses everything. Woman faces allegations: Gets due process and will probably, most likely, get away with it. Never forget that Hardwick had everything pulled while the investigation into him being mean to an ex girlfriend, accused only via an online article she wrote. Asia is being investigated by the police right now and the times has actual evidence already. This movement is going to quickly become a joke, and as a male rape victim I'm glad and I'm sorry they never took nuance seriously from the beginning. This could of been all inclusive and a very wonderful thing for the world. When you didn't pull out all the stops for Terry Crews you lost me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. is a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr, and cited often by Barack Obama. King, a Christian, a Republican, and an American knew that long arcs are not always where they seem to be; Democrats had better know this too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no I am a tall and fat faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"didn't Aydin Paladin explain the science and it turns out there isn't a demographic of soulless people but that due to the brain being so resource heavy all humans go into a mindless autopilot state from time to time to conserve energy? thus it's more like you become a bit player in other people's stories than some people having no story if i make sense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Matt_Simonson: Oomfs teeth are quite yellow @WBDyllon_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#MAGA #TRUMP #AMYSCHUMERLANDWHALE FUCK NAZIS!!! OBAMA DID 2008 FOLLOW IF YOU SUPPORT AMERICA!!! IM BACK Fuck off you turbo kike! Didn't we blast your pedo ass off this platform not too long ago for all your scat porn. Are you ready for part 2? GAY anti-american NAZI!!! I bet you voted for HILLARY in the last election, because she promised you all that free SHIT!!! YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS OF HOW GREAT WE ARE AT BUSINESS!!! JEWS ARE SOME OF THE BEST LEADERS AND BUSINESSMEN! Don't you know that Ivanka TRUMP the GENIUS is jewish?? crazy conspiracy theorist!!! Filthy kike! oh he's back is he? fuck. i fucking hate yids. and boomers see: 'Antonio Gramsci generation gap'. He was a marxist jew. The Generational Divide is 1950's (((marxist))) agitprop, designed to get us to destroy our own traditional white families and hate one another. If you hate boomers, genX, millennials, genz, etc, you're spreading cultural marxism. oh put a sock in it. you haven't had this cunt posting scat porn all over your group 7 days a week. your initial assertion is fallacious.. it does not follow that if i hate x generation then i am spreading cultural marxism... im spreading national socialism with their weapons. NOW FUCK OFF CUNT CHOPS YOU ARE DISMISSED.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical tranny behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Scotty pippen just got divorced after 21 years of marriage. His cunt of a wife was cheating with a rapper before the papers were even filed. Henry Cavill saying the same shit. It's really bad man it's on every level now, society is actually fucked the next 10-12 years are going to be incredible. With the natural, political and social disasters we're about to face I'd be surprised to see the world still around by","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that is also how retard obama had people attend his rallies, extra credit... an official degree in libtard studies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they're not playing Charlie Strong's soft don't run up the score mentality. They're playing this guy. http:\/\/t.co\/sqEdBgU34k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the retard who believes Somalians are necessary for a prosperous society. GTFO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> One said \"it's time to give women and minorities a chance, and no more racist white men.\" Ted **Cruz** is totally white, not at all Cuban. Lol. Leftists are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ShaneDennis37: In the \"Nothing Lasts Forever\" category, I can barely recognize any Yankees tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hmmm I'm delusional . he-he. OK nazigurl. You got me. Now would you leave me alone so I can get back to running the world With my fellow jooos?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People that truly hate the police should have to sign something so the police don't have to come when they call. And it should be a publicly available list so that everyone knows that the police are no longer responsible for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's one of the saddest little hug boxes on the internet. The mentally ill persons moderating that place have no future.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#mt #goauche #monkey #oldpainting #vinyl #jazz #lounge http:\/\/t.co\/hueH4HCxx7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bannon was leaking against ivanka and Jared. Bannon sucks but the fact trump fired him and not goldmansachs shows trump will take out the weakest group to save himself. PS we are his weakest supporters. That's why trump is pivoting hard to blacks, he's trying to make up ground he's anticipating he'll lose with us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So fascistic economics can't be used on a global scale? Really? Are you retarded ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Daily Stormer was promoting white identity, albeit a retarded version, it had no access to the real world. When Spencer and others made white identity a real world position\/movement that would attract high quality whites they imploded it with endless infighting and stunts. They then redirected the energy into the gop where it would become nullified.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so we'll lose florida and Az. after a good night, we pick up 1 in the senate? i know...its ruined my week. i thought scott would lose tbh..but he won, now theyre changing the votes and nobody is reporting anything. broward is doing anthing they want without oversight. nielsen IS A RETARD. same with sessions and pam bondi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mother Nature hates the Yankees and baseball","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Weren't you guys super pissed that there was a gay rape gag in a comic book the other day? The one that did this is what we call an hypocritical cunt because he did \"stood up\" againt's \"rape culture\" and \"toxic masculinity\", gamedroping very hard, yet included his little rape thingy into a comic. > now you're pissed that they banned pedo hentai? consistency is not something you guys are good at huh? I'm going to be brutaly honest here, i despise loli and lolicon to a vanarium level of strenght, but GAB was **supposed** to be pro free speech, not turning loose againt's it's userbase like facebook and twitter did, that ain't the same implication at all, they already went back on the most important point of their service for something as trivial as lolifags, what the fuck is going to happen when something actualy brainfucky will appears? I hope you see the difference between a platform that sold itself on free speech starting to censure \"problematic content\" and a comic artist being caught on his lies and being pointed out for it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/ashland.arditi\/videos\/10215438134018280\/?t=0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WE need another OPERATION WETBACK in the US ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine having a platform of influence and using it to boycott sites who remove cartoon kiddy porn while virtue signalling against racism, If I recall, TFM is a literal faggot anyway. Degenerates stick together.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The \"jew haters\" have been banned from most other platforms, so they came here. They are basically folks that struggle to understand what's happening in society, so to simplify things for their minds they resort to \"apophenia\", \"affect heuristic\", and \"confirmation bias\" to process their world view. In a nutshell, resort to the favorite tactic of the left and blame a race for the world's problems. Yup...and I ignore and mute them if they get too bad. I believe in free speech but sometimes...well you know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guy in his 30's here... is this whole \"only 2 genders pushback meme thing just big with teenagers and younger redditors? Who are all the people on the internet that are so concerned with this? I'm firmly on your side on this, but they\/their can still totally be singular How? I always understood it as plural (non native speakee) it can be singular but only if the gender of the person is unknown, like if I said \"their gender is unknown\" Exactly, singular for non specified gender. \"When each presenter finishes their speech, they will be taking questions\" Well that's the point tho. They prefer they\/their because they don't have a gender but their sex is male\/female. Sex and Gender arent the same thing. I guess im not sure what you mean, if you wouldn't mind to rephrase or elaborate for my simple lil brain. I was only saying that, grammatically, \"they\" sometimes makes sense If someone doesnt identify as male or female, they often use they\/their to replace he\/she obviously so as the last person pointed out, they\/their can be used singularly if the gender is unknown. In other word, they arent wrong in being called they since they dont know their gender or refuse their biological sex to represent their gender. Okay that all makes sense to me i just don't quite know how it relates to my comment. Again I was talking about the grammar of it Right im saying the grammar is right tho because the gender is unknown. Since the gender is unknown or purposefully neutral, they\/their can be singular, not plural. Honestly I don't know how people even bring up his or her pronouns in a normal conversation with that person unless you're pretending they aren't in the room while talking to someone else and that would be rude without any of the gender stuff. Good human","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yes. he is lying. you dumb cunt If it weren't tagged as NSFW it wouldn't appear like it does in the left image. You really are a fucking retard holy hell","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"bill clinton took an ill advised break from diddling interns to try to talk shit to the then chinese premier about open immigration and human rights. the premier looked at him like the fool he was and said without missing a beat, \"how many tens of millions do you want to take?\".\" clinton at his best a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His big ass smile, his eyes is chink.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hi there, i,m Keith, i hope you are doing well, i would be very honored to get to know you if you would be interested? @PugLife Fuck off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Re: Alexander Skarsgard, my roommate has declared: \"He's a sexy albino lizard. i dont know how that's sexy, but it kinda is.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are scum to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nigga's flow too hard. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Womn belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly...what part of that doesn't the Dumb fuckin' wetback get?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). I don't care if he's an axe murderer as long as he expels the cheap foreign labor and builds a wall. You're a retard then. Full on retard too. Walls have NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD STOPPED ANYTHING. ummm,...gee to GIANT oceans on each side? and cheap foreign labor makes EVERYTHING YOU OWN AFFORDABLE. You wouldn't have shit if it want for them. But trumpsters are retards- useless pieces of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That retarded bitch is what so many women are becoming","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember this 3 months ago? The intern that yelled the obscenity at President Trump worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH)! The intern that doxxed GOP senators also worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) before taking job with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee! \"President greeted with an F..You ..on capital hill\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=As3VBpUf4dM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Founding Fathers implemented white nationalist immigration policies. The National Origins Formula expressly intended to keep America White. The \"Alt-Right,\" therefore, has more in common with Traditional America than lame cuckservatism. George Soros wants whites replaced with non-whites. Soros has completely opposing goals to the Founders. What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. White means you're not a faggot who asks retarded shit like \"What is white?\" in some subversive attempt to seem super philosophical. It doesn't make you look edgy or wise- it's just fuckin retarded. This person is nigger dont trust him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ComedianSpank: I went to college Every college got a bird class where u can get ya friend to sign u in and get an A out the class Rashad ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, 2k will stay retarded and never realize why everyone is playing black ops 4 instead of their piece of shit game","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many bitches in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You got me faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My hair is trash. I need to put a masque on it.. But that takes so much energy that I don't have.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LRTC1: Magnus the \"team leader\" was particularly rude and unhelpful. As opposed to Charlie, who just blatantly lied. Awful service. @s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @2AFight: Muslim Jihadi? Keep Calm and.... http:\/\/t.co\/iW6HT090s8 #PJNET #tcot #tgdn #ccot #RedNationRising #teaparty #2A #NRA http:\/\/t. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Passengers aboard a Turkish Airlines flight at Heathrow Airport aided a convicted Somali gang rapist in avoiding imminent deportation. Via: @Infowars_EU https:\/\/europe.infowars.com\/video-passengers-thwart-deportation-of-somali-gang-rapist-from-uk\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Foolish is waiting till after the primaries are over to bitch about GOP candidates, that's a nigger tier lack of agency. you don't shape the party during general elections, you do it at the low turnout primaries where white agency has an effect. Is it better to make it harder to build a wall? Does your local house GOP candidate know you by name? Mine does Mitch McConnell and the GOP filth, and Trump (on the advice of his kike son in law), targeted Mo Brooks in favour of that worthless faggot Luther Strange. The correct primary candidate was anyone but Luther Strange.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know she definitely has some bullshit mental gymnastics ready to explain why this technically isn't sexist if you're a fucking retard and buy her excuses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She sure did didn't she? Too bad Hanks is an asshole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as long as she has a vigina she will always have an easy-mode opinion in life. Some beta simp will gladly pay her way You want me to tell you how I know you're an incel, or even one of these beta simps' you're referring too? Nope, but thanks anyway complete stranger on the Internet It's your insecurities. They are showing all over the place. That's how I could tell. Have a good one. Edit: I love the flair. Thank you I finally got one :) I'm saying her life isn't nearly ruined as much as the guys would have been. You somehow take that to mean I'm an incel or a simp Chill. 'incels' is just the moronic catch cry of the week the same way as 'dog whistle' was the week before and 'snowflake' and 'toxic masculinity' was the month before. In another weeks' time some other trendy catchphrase will pop up on the John Oliver show and buzz feed before making the rounds on social media and everyone will start using it to shut down everyone else until it loses all meaning as well. My money's on it being something to do with Jordan Peterson or 4th of July. When someone instantly yells 'incel' you just know that they're an ignorant twat who absorbs their opinion through Facebook memes and Twitter posts. This has nothing to do with Trump, you statist boot licker. Actually, the SJW bullshit over last ~3 years under Obama were the very reason that Trump won. Since the \"Dear Colleague letter was rescinded, some of these things are starting to back fire on girls and slowly percolating thru the news like hints... >Ah an incel who makes everything about Pappa Trump. Shocked, shocked I say. I know it's hard for you to believe but most men don't want women who like trains being run on them. Not to mention the lying. That doesn't make them incel. and twat waffle? yyeeesh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This? This close to Rememberance? Shame. Hey, \"Lest We Forget\" Why did you put the leaf in a Nazi symbol? Do you think that the Canadian Soldiers of the CEF would have respected you? Even today, there are still a few living members of that force and they lost friends and family fighting the Nazis. And now you do this. And now you mock their service. Shame. Found the regressive Liberal. I guess so. That comes out when I find Nazi lovers. And if so then every Canadian soldier that fought in WW2 must be regressive. Nazis are the enemy, they really were, they really are. This November 11th try to pay attention. Those men fought for a reason; To defeat your kind. You're just deflecting. Nobody is putting down Canadian soldiers or praising Nazis. I'm just pointing out how Trudeau isn't really 'sunny ways'... he's taking a page from Goebbel's propaganda book. You're subhuman filth and I guarantee no woman has ever loved you or enjoyed any intimacy with you in your life. Do the world a favor and drown yourself you cretin. What does that mean Easily confused, eh NPC?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some of the lyrics are wrong","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MeowMariss i thought i was the ghetto word for babe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never in my life has someone unironically send me a humoar article. Now I'm being completely honest, all jokes aside and I don't want to insult you. This question is 100% honest. Are you still a minor OR autistic? Because I'm honestly feeling like I'm roasting someone who has no chance of fighting back. If you actually are one (or both) of those things I'm sorry. If not I'd like to take this argument somewhere else. I love a good argument but Reddit comments are kinda the wrong place aren't they?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We see here a women whose mother made the WRONG CHOICE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Need to check your wood pile, your wife is a nigger whore dummy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thewrap.com\/don-lemon-laughs-as-cnn-panel-mocks-kanye-west-as-token-negro-video\/ Lemon calls Kanye \"Trumps token negro\" How the fuck is this nigger getting away with that? Funny cos Lemon is a token black faggot. Why do you think he's even a thing? That's token nigger faggot. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">praising a nigger >the absolute state of white nationalism https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/kanye-west-is-a-genius-we-%E2%9D%A4-u-kanye\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prosecutor: Christine Blasey Ford Doesn't Know if Polygraph Was on Day of Grandmother's Funeral https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/01\/prosecutor-christine-blasey-ford-doesnt-know-if-polygraph-was-on-day-of-grandmothers-funeral\/ Has everybody signed the petition to defend Kavanagh ,and donate what you can? He does not have $1 million in go fund me. He has Wherein a stupid submoronic MAGA Cuck wants to start a GoFundMe for CIA rich kid and Bush 9\/11 lackey Kavanaugh. These Cucks are SO FUCKING STUPID it HURTS! I'm not quite sure I want to go hard against Kavanaugh. I hear that a lot of people are seeing this Kavanaugh case as a smear to destroy him and his family. This includes a lot of women. I will go hard against ANY Bush lackey, especially one who was CARRYING BUSH'S BRIEFCASE ON 9\/ I though \"Make American Great Again\" meant clearing these CRIMINALS out of government -- not elevating them to the highest court! What if he's there to EXPOSE IT? The document dump was pretty big and people will comb thru it not about kavanaugh He also wanted to investigate Hillary for Foster and other stuff. Especially how Hillary got the documents from Rose Law Firm. There's More To Know, do you want to? Trump 3 minutes AFTER Q = not a conspiracy And Him wanting to investigate Vince foster and rose papers was NOT FROM Q! From MSM! The deep state HATES TRUMP but Trump loves the Deep State...... W exposed the deep state more than ALL OTHER SOURCES COMBINED Q is part of the deep state SUCK MY FUUKING DICK YOU FUVKING DILL WEED COCK WACKER Jared is a friend YOU ARE A FUCKED UP PIECE OF ARROGANT CUNT JUICE FERMENTED ON A RADIATOR TILL ALCOHOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By their nature, disabled people are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is increasingly clear that Feinstein and Schumer were sure Kavanaugh would drop out after the story leaked. They never planned for the old dinbat to testify and they never expected Kavanaugh to go Gladiator on them Once again, the lesson is you always punch back twice as hard. Amazing what happens when our side actually tries to win. We won't win every fight this way, but we were losing every fight by not even fighting. Our enemy isn't fifty feet tall with unbreakable armor and doesn't crap lightning bolts. They can be made to bleed. And now everybody on our side knows it. Trump is teaching the Republicans how to win. Promise kept.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Chad Renaissance Baby vs the weak gay retarded vaccinated idiot \"modern baby\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. he threatened her life you fucking cunt ,and I didn't tell no one anything but i sure would if she got hurt ,cause assholes don't like her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT gay marriage... faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You must have xray vision then. I sure can't see through that line of coloreds. I see a gaggle of murderers, rapists, thieves, perverts, pedophiles, pimps, pushers, drug addicts, drunks, violent low-life, low I.Q., parasitic gibsmedat' dirty smelly black monkey-looking nigger beasts invading white countries with the help of lying, treacherous, nation-wrecking, degenerate jew filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So many bitches in one sentence #fixitjesus","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" A Child Bride The Hadith Bukhari Vol. V, No. 234: Narrated Aisha: The Prophet was engaged to me when I was a girl six years old . I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends . Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the afternoon and my mother handed me over to him. A Child Bride The Hadith Bukhari Vol. V, No. 234: . At that time I was a girl of nine years of age. Bukhari Vol. V, No. 236: The Prophet married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age and consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dani Alves pulled off that hairstyle. Neymar just looks like a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, that's a threat. The Left is promising violence against anyone who dares stand against them. They are not prepared for what they are about to start.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this faggot still lives... I certainly want him dead. #RWDS #TARGETAQUIRED #GOBERSERK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BOOM! Joe DiGenova on Kavanaugh: \"Democrats Don't Care if They Sacrifice a Fine Man And I Say to Them, I Hope You All Rot in Hell (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/09\/boom-joe-digenova-on-kavanaugh-democrats-dont-care-if-they-sacrifice-a-fine-man-and-i-say-to-them-i-hope-you-all-rot-in-hell-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LVL_KY_Events: Nov 22,2012: Thanksgiving Dinner: 2:00pm: Proof on Main. A day being preoccupied with a giant bird in your... http:\/\/ ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"disabled lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exactly how much cash does it take to bribe a Billionaire? #MSNBC is #FakeNews https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1050239642098786305","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Omg , don't you know millions will die IT'S THE FUCKIG END OF AMERICAAA!!! YOUR GOD DAMN RIGHT!!! FUCK ALL WHO VOTED FOR EVIL CHEATO HAIRED MAN!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KaylahPrettyMom lmao girlllaaaa I don't like em chunky anymore. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fear any future hate crime victim may well be labeled as just \"pulling a smollett\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BreeOlson @Gingerbeard66 your a nasty nigger whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can you imagine how she'd treat your retarded child if she knew you were a conservative? Why does it take so little to trigger these idiots? Have they no logic, can't research anything or think for themselves? pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A frustrated mudshark ,the guy sounded black I wouldn't tell, a lot of retarded white guys talk like that too. Either way this bitch needs to be given to ISIS as a sex slave or whatever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration's Termination of TPS [A Chinese Judge Blocks the Will of the People. What is it about the Chinese living in The USA who bite the very hand that feeds them and show ZERO loyalty to US!!] https:\/\/www.numbersusa.com\/news\/federal-judge-blocks-trump-administrations-termination-tps","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You follow a Jew who, with other Jews, created an ideology for non-Jews. I like the part where you don't punish Jews if they do you wrong, you have to forgive them (love them even) and I like the other part where you have to share all your stuff with them. #Suckers #WoodForTheTrees I don't trust you. And It doesn't matter about the low IQ hardcore retarded Christians, they're in a small minority, the ones that matter are the ones that simply default to Christian when somebody asks them if they're religious. They are the ones who are receptive to the truth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girls at Bondi Beach, 31st October Nice Pic , no Pedo Worshippers , No African Nigger Scum insight !!! Just how it should be !!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q #TheAwakening #MAGA #Pegida #Afd #Orban #Putin #Brexit #Qanon #QAnon Sounds like that faggot esoteric entity. There will never be anarchy. The issue isn't even the state. It's the nature of the state. And deplorable me is a fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Today the FBI announced that they are no longer enforcing laws against Leftists. Congrats, America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"had someone on youtube say they live in Moscow and how all the Russians know how muzzies are the best people. 1st. called them a muzzie dick sucker, 2nd told them to let some muzzie men babysit their daughter, 3rd told them I was joking don't do that, 4th they always try to convert everyone, 5th they think its funny to fuck kafir on business deals. ive seen it tons. MUSLIMS EAT DOG SHIT and fuck kids. haha. if you love muzzies, you don't know muzzies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is getting more and more bizarre now. \"Alien DNA\". Fan of the X Files? We have some Neanderthal DNA if that's what you mean? What your parents had to create you is between you and them son. Can't help you there. Live long and prosper :) I think this is his mother Lol Getting educated by someone else now sunshine. Not your day is it ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NNN is pretty dumb, though. Was it started by that also-retarded Meninist social media account?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make outer space white again! No more money for nigger welfare! Put whites back on the moon! Whites in the stars!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/demand-presidential-pardon-courageous-soldier-who-saved-lives-men-his-platoon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need an expel the JEW PIG movement NOW! RACIST Jew excrement does not belong in any civlized country! Take your brainwashed RETARDED Jewified ASS and try to smell your own shit! You are an ignorant polluted thumb drive!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @radiotour_en: Duchess of Cambridge to present the first yellow jersey http:\/\/t.co\/8VVNU9DrFM #TDF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I SMELL GINGER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/04\/aclu-kavanaugh-partisan-resistance\/ FORMER ACLU VICE PRESIDENT: THE ACLU NOW DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE RESISTANCE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a thread in Austin discussing these \"protests\" Yeah they're magically taking over a lot of smaller local subs and getting thousands of upvotes somehow. Not done by bots at all I remember around the 2016 election, there were all these stickied threads popping up in the most off topic subreddits you could think of talking about how we have to stop Trump now to save humanity or something. I saw them in car related subreddits of all places, with tens of thousands of upvotes in places with a thousand subscribers or so. Not suspicious at all. Nope. Totally real people God remember the net neutrality holocaust. Crazy how almost every small local sub was able to get to the front of all at the same time. It's MoveOn astroturf. There was a hundred of them already planned.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting an immigrant in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews aren't a race. They are mongrel interracial cross breeds with no heritage. They breed with anyone as a parasite on other gene pools. They are an evolutionary abomination. So are Arabs. Jews and Arabs are the same people, just with a different religion. NC you pretentious faggot. I hv more Anglo in my eye lids than u do ur whole body. Fuckin Good Will Hunting over here. Jesus Christ your more of a faggot than I thought. Would u like said dna in your mouth ? DNA online ? How bout we face time fag ? Guaranteed (huge sticker) you'll hang up immediately. DNA swap online yeessshhh No you demanded, and claimed him as yours. Hence self righteous faggot statement. I just talked to Jesus an he confirmed that yes indeed you are a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It didn't disconnect my call with a customer, that guys is just a fucking retard who doesn't know how to work his phone....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OTBVA: mook gon wi 3-0 but this battle is bad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical slut behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TNKidsFoodPorn @Oreo .............. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RACE PIMP NIGGER Michael Eric Dyson: Kanye West White Supremacy by Ventriloquism' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/12\/michael-eric-dyson-kanye-west-white-supremacy-by-ventriloquism\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yet she has no problem with all the benefits she was claiming and free health care etc. Now our taxes are paying for her prison time. Give this cunt the death sentence","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This comes up in psychology over and over again. High IQ people can't relate to the masses for many reasons, but a big one being the masses have not connected the dots nor have an innate thirst for knowledge so there is very little to relate on. #FolkRight seeks those who aim rise above. We aren't recruiting the lowest common denominator. http:\/\/ewao.com\/2017\/12\/20\/science-explains-why-highly-intelligent-people-prefer-to-be-alone\/ It's not because higher IQ people have \"evolved\" past the need for social relationships, it's because they are often a source of constant energy drain and frustration. Only people who self-identify as low-IQ find the need to disparage intelligence. You see a LOT of ineptitude among people taking things PERSONALLY that were not about them in particular in the right these days. We can and should do better. We should have standards and encourage striving for growth. This is why the #DoltRight is not an acceptable racial advancement movement. We can and should do better. #FolkRight #Volkism #Nationalism The icing on the cake: Heavy, heavy Catholic area. Catlicks >purge uncompliant men >#GynoRight is the only true right @Grimvera this has been a problem I've been seeing too. Multi-faucets of problems keep them back, I'm still waging how to reach them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i hope the trooper sues both of those fuckers and takes them for every fucking dime they have. absolute cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know you're forced to be here I am sorry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eat dick faggot - stay home with the #Soyboys and #Twinks - Let the Real Men handle your freedoms for you - fuckin pussy! LOL! Move your weak ass to mexico..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, fair enough the one wee cunt that got physical should be arrested, but 90% of the crowd did nothing other than shout shite, which is not an arrestable offence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"unless you were raped in a country that banned abortion, nobody forced you to have that kid, you despicable cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont want to put @deplorme on my timeline. He is a giant retard. See? Retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bluementhal sounds like some kinda now banned mint tasting cigarette... Cigarettes like democrats cause cancer needs banning..Grr man up ya twat it ain't Nam..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@josephljenkins Have heard some hillbilly grumblings that bugs worse in recent years because of MIC shutdown.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another common slut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A favourite nigger stereotype against Whites is the claim that all serial killers are White. This is the story of one of the worst serial killers in US history, and the coverup perpetrated by the jews media because of his race. Guess which race? That's why you've probably never heard of him. He worked in an abortion clinic, where he murdered hundreds of newborn babies, and jars full of their body parts were found in his office at an abortion clinic. A movie was recently made about this murderer. The jews media are already muzzling any promotion or news about it. Covering up for niggers runs deep. https:\/\/torontosun.com\/opinion\/columnists\/malkin-the-most-important-movie-youve-never-heard-of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" What am I missing here? I cannot recognize what that is??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is piss easy, if you need a PHD to solve these easy question then by god our fucking generation is gonna be retarded as fuck the whole \"the majority of the 100IQ students got only 5\/10 of them right\" pretty much shows who goes to Academia these days","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Message to Civic Nationalist Fags: Token minorities are not going to save Western Civilisation. Blacks are 13%. Latinos are 13%-15%. I'm stating that we have a cuck and retard problem to boot. Screaming about 'the blacks' will not bring anyone to your point of view. Or will it? I'm not preaching civic nationalism as any sort of answer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gy people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol whats your logic with that comment? Be rude and get thousands of migrants at your door. LOGIC at it's finest. Fucking retarded. The Vatican CHURCH sent all these people, wake the fuck up. Being an asshole is the greatest foreign policy you could have after generations of retarded ass hole cucks ran the show for so long.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know, you kids and your faggot ass sex bullshit makes me sick ! Something so sick, and wimpy, could only come from the younger generation, and so popular with you, that it even has a fucking name ! Grow a pair of hairy ones boys ! Stop being he-she's !! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"get in here cunt @Little_Southern_Land","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White men, resist the nigger racism, resist to the death, protect our women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone probably told him 6 God was trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UK government blocks study of prison conversions to Islam and prison jihad recruitment https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/uk-government-blocks-study-of-prison-conversions-to-islam-and-prison-jihad-recruitment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was only pretending to be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@IMNOTMAKINGITUP Hey u just followed me not long ago. Gonna nip that in da bud. like ur bio tho. U know the white devils stole our our","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@chucktodd @meetthepress he was walking and 3 little birds pitch by his doorstep. Singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true. Saying ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Walmart fuck your store bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In minecraft, strategic car bombs would accentuate the preferred course, I think. Two or three dead nigger \"politicians\" is all it would take for us to see an exodus.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SSickStory Lester tried to eat your bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm thinking that the stuff that Dems do might be paid for by the Republicans because it all makes the Democrats look like totally retarded Nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And it's going away... one less #AltLeft echo chamber. https:\/\/9to5google.com\/2018\/10\/08\/google-plus-shutting-down\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/14\/fusion-gps-glenn-simpson-ratcliffe\/ LEGAL JEOPARDY.... this Fukin Cunt has been hung out to dry, and should be in Criminal court already. This is what happens when U have a Keepler elf , that is also compromised.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you ever parked a tricycle in an airplane hanger? This filthy whore walks around with a fake fist in her cunt just to stop her colon from falling out due to her love of fucking horses niggers and wack-a-mole machines","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@petehelm yeah, but Sting was already a proven draw. this is apples and oranges. he signs people with the sole purpose of burying them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Furrystoat For the record #NoHomo but don't care who is unless I gotta see it.. same with every sexuality even birds, dogs.. what not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"War on Choice: UK Government Sets Calorie Cap' for Pizzas, Burgers Even Soup https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/12\/uk-calorie-cap-pizzas-burgers-soup\/?utm_source=newsletterandutm_medium=emailandutm_term=dailyandutm_content=linksandutm_campaign=20181012","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @wilw: Even shorter Charlie Sheen: \"Your move, Mel Gibson.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this socialist retard wins, I will be shocked.....then again, watch the lame stream media and he is an angel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope libtards don't make the mistake of thinking that we're all gonna just stand their and get yelled at by some cunt with broken English and not throw a right cross square in her mug..gonna be in for a big surprise","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Meet_Nallah: @mckenxcassie: Some of y'all hoes so worried about y'all eyebrows y'all forgot y'all had a mustache LMAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Literally the second coming of Sodom and Gomorrah.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good point. Even the totalitarian left hates him. He is really easy to hate. Isn't it cute how they label anything they disagree with \"hate speech ? Imagine being that brainwashed and retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what happened in the good old days when these freaks did not exist ? which sewer have these freaks dragged themselves out of ? its just a manufactured group of freaks who want to cut their cocks off and take it up the arse in the hope that the world will treat them as woman . it takes more than that to be a woman . stop pandering to these twats .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you say that anyone who hates a mudshark is a drug user, living in their basement, it implies that you are okay with race mixers. dumbass. Now use your mute button like the faggot that you are. Now I can kick the shit out of all your posts and you can't do anything back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pee ryan's successor is de leon lite, \"not who we are\" when talking about nigger rapists if race is broached because smiling nigger is running for senate in detoilet land and they would never be able to point at possible flaws of electing niggers, \"coleman young(detoilets 1st nigermayor) isn't who he was\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Action Bronson Makes Garlic Parmesan Wings for Sunday's Big Game https:\/\/youtu.be\/1_O_DQtzypY via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Jack is a faggot and I've never said ANYTHING to that buttpirate before.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Called \" nigger swarming \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok but why did debbie wasserman schultz try to bomb cnn ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They were arrested under suspicion of committing an offence that's been on the books thirty odd years, so it's been a crime to be a twat for a long time. That doesn't make it ok but the notion of insulting people being a crime isn't remotely new here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dear dudes with wives\/gfs who still support dr. ford, the question you need to ask yourself is: \"would she poison my food?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @That1guyJeff: RT @rebeccaisfresh: carrot cake is trash. too sweet. http:\/\/t.co\/rxrowJMbW0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most trans people are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Human Toad Sterling is the doughnut mode of an NPC. stupidfatcunt.obj","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is just another example of why people should not be allowed to reproduce without some kind of license or something. Before people get all retarded and up in arms about my previous statement and how irrational and dumb it is, please take into consideration that I already know that, and still feel that most people shouldn't be parents. Notice that I never said or used, \"good parents,\" as a point. I'm merely suggesting that perhaps no teenage pregnancy, single parent families, and welfare families with 8 kids. There is no reason to have this many people having children, especially when cunts like the ones in the video just neglect and kill them anyways. In no way, shape, or form do we need that in society. No there is \"no reason to have this many people having children ... if you were designing a perfect utopian simulation. Just saying \" no reason to have this many people have children it sounds like some authority is choosing who has children. no one is \"having people have children . People are choosing to have children for themselves. in reality, there doesn't need to be a reason because human beings have a right to reproduce. They Always have. That's how we got here. Now, do they have the right to the welfare they get because they were irresponsible and had too many kids? No, I don't think they should. But like, the right to have a child is about as fundamental a right as it gets, agency over ones own body, etc,.. I duno if you're actually saying it should be that way , or jus saying, it would be ideal, in a perfect world if those people didn't have kids. But I don't think I'd ever say someone \"shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"face book link ...hmmm ...never stop doing or being what you are if you wanna loook on face book knowing they cant be trusted or googel is why im im on Gab i will look,and be my normal self on line or in real life ,no camera is going to make me do anything i wouldnt normaly do thats the only why you can win overload them i take drugs im AN internet Insulter so what.....i run an insult room .....on a program called paltalk https:\/\/paltalk.com ..you welcome to come in and say what ever you like I WILL ALL WAYS BE FREEM IN SOUL BODY AND MIND ...PEACE ..COME TO PALTALK..THE ROOM NAME IS...room owners cori shes a cunt cunty shes a cunt too... me im just a wanker Bollocks is my name and stuey the bals northern wanker but i love him ...hes as gay as me just wont say so ,,,,seee you in the room","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's not the vibe I got from the post. It was more of a \"you look this retarded right now\" kind of thing. Abortion is not eugenics. Aborting a fetus because you didn't mean to get pregnant, changed your mind about having a child, or because having it would endanger your life is not even remotely close to eugenics. The only situation I can think of that is if you find out the baby is going to have some kind of birth defect. And even then, no one aborts it because they want to improve the human race, they'd do it because they either think they're incapable of raising a kid like that, or they don't want the kid to suffer. >planned parenthood is still doing a great job of furthering Margaret Sanger's goals when she founded it.. the eradication of blacks. This is just a borderline retarded statement. The black population is rising in America. [Source](https:\/\/www.census.gov\/newsroom\/press-releases\/2017\/cb17-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gay ass fags http:\/\/t.co\/eqn4gvW42V","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This asshat faggot has a go fund me page! Why hasn't he been arrested?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stopping Removal for 'Justice' | The True NPC Way https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=V_q6vYdAMk4 The passengers wanted to allow a Somali Nigger who raped a White (real Briton) teenage girl as part of a gang-rape to remain in Britain by demanding the airline let him off the plane. Why not execute him? My ideology would have in a heartbeat This is democracy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RIGHT YOU ARE Kirk. and our govt is OVERLOADED WITH THE SCUM. You know, it is called an absolute fear of God because they come from commie hippie scum from the 60's. I use to love to beat their asses LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tolkienproverb: Fairy tale does not deny the existence of sorrow and failure...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need to track down every immigration lawyer who supports Democrats and ensure they are not aiding and abetting these caravans. If they are, arrest them for treason.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You still have that pic up smh we need thot patrol now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now I'm confused. Obama is fighting for freedom. Oh wait, it's a Muzzie helping Muzzie. My bad. Not confused anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not necessarily; it's probably because of cunts like the girl mentioned in the post that not all rape victims are believed. Obviously that's just one of the consequences, alongside all of the lives destroyed by false rape accusations, I'm not gonna try and argue what is worse cos I've never been raped and not believed nor ever been falsely accused of rape (sexual assault, but not rape), so I wouldn't know","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another thing about today's events that concerns me is seeing the AltRight being conditioned to root for ANY white Republican, just because they're \"our team\". Are we going to turn out like blacks who support the most corrupt black politicians out of racial loyalty? I'm all for white identity politics, but I don't want to see the J-Right exploit it. Yeah...I don't think that's a risk. Even if these white Republicans don't give a damn about whites and continue to prioritize Jews above all others? Nobody thinks they're \/ourguy\/. Judging by the tweets and gabs from the AltRight today, I'd beg to differ. Let people enjoy the White man's WIN today. Let them be happy for a change. Well... martygraw 404'd himself, so I'll be happy about that. Resume with the white pills.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YENTA TEXT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hell naw! Ive never in my life heard a nigger with an Australian accent. Id like to keep it that way. Australia is still very white, thankfully.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Congo: African Tribesman Attack Red Cross Workers Fighting New Ebola Outbreak http:\/\/newobserveronline.com\/congo-african-tribesman-attack-red-cross-workers-fighting-new-ebola-outbreak\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just look at all the \"women and children\". No. These are fighting age men. 14,000 strong. This is an invasion. This is why we need the #PatriotWall!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shes full of shit...its be known and widely reported...fuckin twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're retarded. Go back to your safe space. Hey NPC, go back to r\/politics you fucking retard!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3 possibly 4 kikes and they're only 3% of the US population. Man! their rape stats are like reading the nigger crime stats: so small a percent of the pop yet commit 80% of the rapes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish all disabled people would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because only faggots like saving money and clean air! Remember that, feggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We don't give a rat's ass about Injuns. Fact. Notice this punk ... WHITE SLAVE willing to die for INJUNS, SEMITES, HINDUS, and any other colored inferior he can cuck up to like a BITCH. This sort is the most WORTHLESS KIND ALIVE ... since the coloreds think they are SUBHUMANS. We see them as TRAITORS. WHITE is all that matters. WHITE. #GOP = Worthless NIGGER LOVERS who think they are enlightened ... but WHO also AVOID #diversity like the black death ... since they know deep down it is all a lie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Create new sexual deviancy group.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GILLUM IS A NWO GLOBALIST SPAWN OF GEORGE SOROS. ONLY A LIBERAL RETARD WOULD VOTE FOR HIM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this fat faced cunt has made a laughing stock of the Police in Newtownards.. he's the village idiot that some prick called George Hamilton handed a shiny badge.. \" we don't need no stinkin badges ! \".. and we don't need this heap of shite that is only fit to fill a hole in a hedge..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dont paint the entire UK with the same brush just because Scotland has a retarded court system. It was a scottish court that did Dankula in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck this gay earth. If this doesn't trigger that nigger jesus to come back nothing will.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I call you a phony beaner faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Name the Jew faggot we all know you know it's them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wth is that playing missy? ........ i mean seriously? RT @mr_republicann: This movie gone be trash http:\/\/t.co\/8BIppVUvzr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"David Hogue is obviously a fucking prick, yes I believe a retarded women was raped 40 years ago and waited for this very opportune moment to confront her accuser. Now I'm pissing my pants at the thought, incredulously as it may seem that there is no evidence, that the accused is deemed innocent. How could that happen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a fucking bitch That's beyond just a bitch. That is a devious cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone know what fag homosexual cowards hiding in mama basement own 8ch and ED these days or where they live? Would love to fly down and have them face me and teach them what being a man is all about! I am sure its some homosexual coward with AIDS hiding in mamas basement overseas like Edward Bernard Przydzial aka Eddie Dzial faggot ass hiding in Athens Greece They're actually conservatives but you need to rip these fags to shreds","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have met many trans people and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One less retard to pollute the gene pool, can't say I feel even the slightest bit sorry for him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An American Jewish Journalist Just Died After a Racist Beating, and the Washington Post Didn't Even Report It https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/XsB3eI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a huge fan of pirating but if you force your consumers into pirating your material maybe you should look at your fucking attitude and distrobution process cuz a lot of times ppl don't wanna buy from a cunt and a lot of times they don't want to buy thru shit like spotify or crunchyroll just sayin a lot of time when i see ppl pirate it usually comes down to the basics. not available in their region, censorship, they have no money etc but when the artist\/writer\/etc and youre a total cunt about pirating BEFORE pirating happens welp, you're just kinda askin for it at that point","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man, so like, she shouldn't have done this, but like.. is this kid a faggot? I'd have busted my 11 year old nut in her pussy so fast..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EnglishBrit123 sounds like a good idea. But I want my word to be spread. Jews, niggers and commies alike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Rainbow Nation\" I don't remember black being a color in the rainbow. Hmmm.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@milfmob @yoPapi_chulo fight me you fucking obese niglet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what the actual fuck! !!!!! the british military have gone full retard https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Lkpbx9b1dYkandfeature=youtu.be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are what you eat! #VeganGab Humans are meat eaters period ! We are supposed to be meat consumers and balance it with the fruits an d vegetables ! You can not eat meat if you want to, it is America ! But STOP telling me I'm WRONG !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd have to agree..... FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think it's typical of women to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female lives aren't worth sh1t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"been with Trump since the escalator . . 4 years before that actually Idaho . . DEEP RED state check our ballot . . half the elected positions . . don't even have a Demoncrap I was a Democrat until the Obamanator . . smug . . spit in our face . . arrogance faggot muslim POS RED all the way down the ballot . . doubt that will ever change","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mike_ray7 congratulations, you are officially fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men and women are celebrated in every non PC culture. It's only on cancerous SJW cultures where we can't celebrate the achievements of anyone because the incompetent will feel bad. In SJW culture beautiful and kind women are hated where women of no morality and no beauty are praised. Beautiful and kind: Melania and Ivanka Trump. No morality: the Clintons.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blck people are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Mam, Ren e doet in haar rol net of ze ongesteld is Wat is ongesteld?\" Van dat soort vragen waar je denkt: hoe leg ik die weer uit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do people really not realise that women are disgusting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck that goddamn NIGGER piece of fucking SHIT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keith Ellison Abuse Allegations: New Inquiry Requested Republican nominee for Senate in Minnesota has called for an 'immediate investigation' by attorney general's office https:\/\/www.lifezette.com\/2018\/10\/keith-ellison-abuse-allegations-new-inquiry-requested\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This homo faggot Spike Lee wore this at the Flopscers. Notice the blatant subliminal messages.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been saying this for a long time. Women don't get careers because they're interested in what they can create or produce, or what kind of meaningful work they can do. The workplace is no different than a dating game for them. It's all about sex. The way they manipulate their coworkers\/supervisors, they way they use sex appeal and actual sex for promotions, and all to get high enough to lock down some dude they think they can extract resources from. After they get that dude, they don't stay in their careers for very long. They'll either go work someplace else, or quit working entirely. Or if they don't get the man they sought out for, they become the miserable cunt we all have worked with who hates everybody and everything, who refuses to go a fraction of a millimeter outside the absolute bare minimum for anything or anyone, and then they go home to a bunch of cats and complain about the patriarchy in feminism forums.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All you had to do was make a selfpost to make it follow the rules. Instead you raised a big stink. What exactly has been accomplished here? I said why in the final bit. Mods removing the topic for false reasons and then denying that they screwed up when presented with the evidence that they did is bad for KiA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are the biggest faggot on gab","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude. Google \"feathering in photoshop.\" Dear god learn to photoshop before it's too late.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Run Kanye Massa is gonna release his house nigger dogs after yo' ass Vote Red Wave Baby https:\/\/youtu.be\/171kvqHzusI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cleanse this muzzie filth from the UFC. Every fighter who fights these goat fuckers should coat their gloves with bacon grease. One year suspension at least. Come on, Dana White","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Abolishing Electoral College https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/W3jy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I won't be voting Conservative again,,, theyl are all traitors and as for that cunt corbyn, I hope he is lynched by his own left wing mob We need to pull together and be on the same page,,, we have the superior product for sure,,, the only thing the left wing cunts do better than us is stick together, the always pull rank and stick together,,, we need to start doing that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillbilly wife strikes again: \"If he (the President) let's those cocksukers in he will lose the support of the people who have supported him. Grow a fucking pair and keep the sons of bitches out.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a black person to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wasn't it Louise C.K. that had a bit about how saying \"n-word\" is just as bad as just saying nigger. Because thats what everyone already hears in their heads when spoken. thE N woRd You are literally saying half of the word by saying this, so saying Nig is okay too, right? \/s This stuff annoys me, loved To kill a Mockingbird, but not the Boo Radley storyline. The trial was the only thing that kept me interested in reading. Reminds me of [this](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wS2THqZemoc) Louis CK bit. But in all seriousness: >\"*OH NO SOME CHARACTER IN A PIECE OF FICTION SAID A BAD WORD, AFTER ALL IT'S NOT LIKE THESE CHILDREN HAVEN'T HEARD\/SAID WORSE THINGS IN THE BACK OF THE BUS OR FROM THEIR FRIENDS\/PARENTS*\" Seriously, though. They can miss me with that stupid bullshit. From the time I was in kindergarten, all the way to my last day of highschool I've heard way worse things in the halls, in the back of the bus (hell-- most of the time it was all of it). I was called faggot, retard and every other name in the book. Banning the book won't help. This won't stop teenagers from being teenagers, and the ones that want to read the book will find ways to read it-- and thanks to the power of the internet, they'll know that these people are filled with more shit than a septic tank.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These gay people disgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Far Left Comedian George Lopez ATTACKS Trump Supporter at Hooters (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/far-left-comedian-george-lopez-attacks-trump-supporter-at-hooters-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is no space on this planet for any immigrant like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awwwws what wrong with you faggots cunt you not get laid today Hey jew@jew @Battlebell don't think shit dick. Just keep sucking it like you're hungry. Jew, when you can name a bone in your body that does not contain the LIE DNA of a JEW then we can measure the level of your excitement. Until then use your zio-monster dino bone and see if you can T-hex a bitch with a witching stick. Jew don't poison the water again. No more tips.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @WADL @blazinherb - Oct. 18, Killeen Texas- A 20-year-old man remains jailed after he was charged with an attack on 'man' he arranged to meet through Grindr (networking app for bi, trans, and queer 'people'.) [Good samaritan] told an officer he struck the victim two to three times with a piece of pipe\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't the Simpsons family themselves an exaggerated caricature of the white American family... isn't literally everyone an exaggerated persona or a certain race, religion, group etc. isn't that what makes it a Cartoon?? Sensitive retards ruin everything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER OF COURSE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid dumb cunt NPC'S lol RESTAURANT OWNER CALLED A NAZI SYMPATHIZER,' LIFE THREATENED FOR RENTING ROOM TO MARSHA BLACKBURN https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/restaurant-owner-called-a-nazi-sympathizer-life-threatened-for-renting-room-to-marsha-blackburn\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I live in Austin and couldn't believe how many people voted to raise their taxes - 65-70+%!! The one proposition that failed was one requiring a third party audit of the city's business - failed by 58%? Dfuq? You agree to borrow almost $900million and then don't want somebody ensuring it is spent well? I don't get it. It's like they can't say no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're too stupid to understand the magnitude of $25B Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't even try to pretend that you have supporters in the North, you slimy little maggot. You literally spent YEARS on that pitiful echo chamber of a blog of yours, blaming the Northern states and everyone in them, for all the problems that afflict your pile of nigger shit of a region. Now that the reality has set in that the political and racial demographics of the South are past the point of no return you have the nerve to claim allies in the very place from which you want political separation. FUCK you, you two-faced, prescription-drug-addled fraud. I WIPE MY COCK with your Confederate loser flag. I like him fine. Im from the North. Technically the last thing white men in America can be proud of is the rebel cause. You have to go back to the revolution to be proud of anything from the north. But yes the South is literally overflowing with niggers. #starsandbars #rebelyell #volkisch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is your goal to be such an annoying dick to people that you disagree with that you think they're going to change their minds? Or are you just such a triggered person thinking we're all \"right wing people in here, and you just *hate* the orange bad man so much that you don't care about being a dick as long as it's in the name of \"equality? Cause that's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Coalburners......... Niggers. Not even once. Why didn't this girl's parents tell her about what nigger bucks are likely to do to White women? She probably had no father in the house. Either that or she was a spoiled child who's father didn't buy her that pony when she was five and burning the coal was her way at getting back at him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sharia Law tortures animals for slaughter called \"Halal\" Brian Newton @xIlluminati 3Score5Posts0Followers1Following - Oh look ...a brand new hasbarat at Gab. Back on topic. Judaic Law tortures animals for slaughter called \"Kosher\". Your point being what, exactly? Sharia Law supports radical islamic terror rein on all infidels including everyone not following their faith","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of a faggot doesn't get a pre-nup? If you can't get your woman to sign a pre-nup how would you expect to be able to control her in the marriage? That was pretty harsh language, what I meant was what kind of a faggy cocksucking faggaroo doesn't get a pre-nup?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Daily reminder that Ubisoft relegated the poor Chinese girl to a Odysey is giving us Casandra, but it turns out she's little less than an overhyped skin (and voice pack) for the male protagonist Alexios since the Gender option in this game is 100% meaningless nor does it affects the game or story in any way whatsoever...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kavanaugh Gang Rape' Accuser Has Group Sex Fetish, According To Man She Hit On https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/kavanaugh-gang-rape-accuser-has-group-sex-fetish-according-to-man-she-dated\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot shouldn't be too hard to find...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger suck my dick you fucking pasta sand nigger bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Clips vs Yung Ill review http:\/\/t.co\/TwHJ0w1QJQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your disabled livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow 30 seconds of chunk and he proves he is a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GAB will be monitored by the LDTF for censorship for the forseeable future and any further signs of it will be met with the same show of force as you all saw over the last several days. Maybe even worse as this battle gets bigger and starts to spread to other websites that claim to be freedom hubs of the internet. Everybody is sick of the \"free speech\" marketing lies. Every loser's battle is always \"getting bigger\". You should get a contact writing speeches for #Hillary.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're turning Denver into a 'smart city', too bad the retard globalists are the ones doing it, a toll road here and a toll road there, get on your bicycles and ride to the store in the snow. Elderly, you just sit and die as we know you can't get out. Tear these god damn cities down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they really are children though :P can everyone please stop pretending they're equal to men in intelligence. because it's proven that they are not. Retard, there's a link to the original publication in the article. Go on and move your mouse about to get it. Regardless, I supplied a second, direct, scientific, peer reviewed journal link. You were unsatisfied with that too. You're just a stupid person that can't admit when he's wrong. You're also probably really overweight. I read that on average, women tend to be slightly more intelligent than men, but men intelligence is more broad. So there are more dumbass men, and genius men, compared to women. You're talking about boys and girls here. Adults are different.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your gay lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All immigrants like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone saying I snitched on the RAM guys is just plain lying. I literally have no idea who any of these guys are, except for what I read in the media long after my meeting with the FBI, and my body camera captured zero right wing violence. I gave the FBI video from my Walmart parking lot meetup where I was falsely accused of brandishing a firearm by Antifa, and video of the planning meeting on the evening of August 11th, where we discussed coordinating with law enforcement to avoid violence. In the civil case I gave up recordings of phone calls, emails, and text messages, all of which confirm what I have always said, that everybody I was involved with was trying to obey the law. If what I showed the FBI had any impact on any investigation into our side, it was wholly exculpatory to everyone on our side that I had anything to do with. Anyone who says otherwise is falsely implicating the organizers and headliners of UTR1 in a criminal conspiracy that just plain did not exist. I didn't \"snitch\" on anybody, primarily because I genuinely wasn't aware of any crimes committed by anyone I could be said to be \"snitching\" on. I reported a myriad of crimes of course, and I've spent much of the last 14 months bitching about those crimes not being prosecuted. But I don't think it's \"snitching\" to tell the government about communist terrorism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need an audit. I want to see those 24,000 ballots that voted for governor but didn't vote for senator. They can't even cheat right!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is relative to what normie conservatives find acceptable. It is a mixture of being in the normie mindset and desire to appeal to normies. We need to break the conditioning. If you call ordinary people in your community \"normies\", maybe you're the off putting and abnormal one. You get more of a sense for normal people's aspirations and interests by going outside and talking to them, instead of sitting around plotting on how to trick them with Pinky and the Brain on the internet. Agreed normies are disgusting people see come to my college striker would see.No waking up some of these people no matter how good we speak to them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nope. SC upholds it. As long as that exists, no, it's not fact. No matter how retarded you act. Second, he's wrong there too. It's own home country isn't the one wondering if children can consent. The right has it's own npc problem and its not just the gop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Microchip Seems he is calling you out here is his message : Screen shot this... I will beat him silly if he wants to square up legally lol Hahahaha Shill What a fucking plantation nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Germans are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course you are pussyboy. Your lies don't work with me. Yawn. So you say pussyboy. Your word means nothing as all you do is lie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In 1971, Muslims murdered Geller is a jew. The Muslim \/Hindu riots started when the British left india. Dividing the country. Calls were eventually put out to form what is now India and Pakistan. Both Muslim and Hindus alike are guilty of heinous crimes against each other. Calling BS on this. False equivalence. WTF is bullshit about it? You clearly know sweet F.A. about how the jew Geller and her rebel buddies alike operate, let alone the history of Hindu\/Muslim riots. GTFOH. \"Muslims and Hindus lived in peace until after the British invaded and left \" How much Saudi pays you ? Saudis are crypto jews you dumb fuck. How much is modi paying you? GM Kindle You always show up at the right time. Good morning Joey! Thank You I have family that migrated to India over 30 yrs ago. I travel there a lot. I know both Hindu and Muslim who say exactly the same thing. I've witnessed the changes there. Now try and convince someone else with your fake ass crap. Now i get it, the more savage you paint natives as savages, the more tithe dollars, the more ricebag converts you can buy, the more tithe dollars, finally you sell god and buy a lake side villa. I know you lot. Like I said, deflection is all you have. You clearly know nothing that's why you keep trying to change the subject. Ain't gonna work. Ok you're insane islam lives in peace with no one and never has, the hindu massacres were well documented by contemporary muslim historians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at that profile pic. Something tells me this person is absolutely insufferable and smug. Well of course they are... all their opinions are correct opinions or else you're transphobic. Lets all remember that they is plural, and that thing up there might be better referenced as an it. Suppose I'll be conservative with my grammar and say that they is plural, always. You can use he generically in English, or he\/she if you have extra ink. x) My \"it\" joke aside.. Respect is to be earned. Tumblr crazy is to be mocked. Beyond that my only view on gender dysphoria is that sufferers should get psychiatric help, not bodily mutilation. If that's transphobic so be it. >You can use he generically in English Source? \"He\/She\" can often sound awkward or even annoying. Many people prefer to use \"they\", and you literally can't say it's incorrect to do. Your \"view\" on it is irrelevant because you're not a professional. Let me Google that for you.. https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Third-person_pronoun#Generic_he I can certainly say I think it's grammatically incorrect, not to mention inane sounding. Feel free to disagree. Neither are you, and neither is any of the trans activists. Do you know what a view is? Regardless, here are some professionals for you. http:\/\/www.acpeds.org\/the-college-speaks\/position-statements\/gender-ideology-harms-children Nice wikipedia article - sadly, there's also one on the singular they. https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Singular_they This has been common for centuries. Yeah? Did anyone say there weren't other approaches on the topic? Wikipedia also has one on bullshit made up pronouns, so what? > I can certainly say I think it's grammatically incorrect You can't Maybe you'd like it better in a country where opinions are illegal. Jackass. Are you the person pictured in this post? Getting really similar vibes, personality-wise","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all the other CEOs in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad people are realising black people are not at all ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fcking jew wants money? I ll give him only my dick if he wants","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggers Fucking niggers Fucking nigger parents that raised them.Brain shocks at a mental institution","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump knows the only real journalists are unpaid patriots, all others have been killed off or silenced. I don't know anyone who gives two shits what happens to a retard reporter. Trump will analyze the situation and play the media like a fiddle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The punishment should fit the crime. For instance, if you take the last Twinkie you should choke on that Twinkie. Twinkie's are sacred.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're a liberal and the CEO of a liberal company and support high taxes and then the liberal mayor of your liberal city imposes high taxes on your company and you oppose it because you have to pay more money https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/technology\/412335-jack-dorsey-complains-about-unfairness-if-san-francisco-homeless-tax-on","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS RETARD COONS NEEDS HIS FACE NAILED SHUT....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Here come the Orcs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are going to need way way more prisons https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/05\/10\/six-years-in-jail-proposed-for-online-hatred-of-religion-or-gender\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#THREAD on #Cameroon https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or \"I'm an angry gay cunt but use my sexuality to deflect accusations that I'm a shit person\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An actual scene from this (((movie))) when a character asked \"What will we do with the Jew?\". Everybody check this bullshit out. One might think the jews would use a bit more nuanced holohoax propaganda now, but nooo, right back to soap and lampshades!! https:\/\/streamable.com\/2h012 I personally like organic natural soaps. Why would I scrub myself with kike soap? Eww. Plus the effort it would take...nahhh. Nobody would buy kike soap except maybe kikes Anyone with basic common sense, or access to the internet, should know that jew-soap is a jew-lie. That clip is a mind-numbingly retarded transparent piece of propaganda. Hopefully it's so obviously egregious that it's laughed at by most people and used as an example to undermine the baseless fiction propping up their entire scheme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Dodgers' World Series journey is a shared effort https:\/\/t.co\/b8471JABXj That's how much of a useless spic he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a complete brainwashed cunt - I feel horrible for her kids - we should probably call CPS to make sure theyre safe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_WORDtotheWISE: I love when the birds are chirping in the morning #patsgonnasubtweet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shitbags who want to score points with disease ridden SJW bitches an just make me look bad cause I share POL memes. O please POL doesn't own those memes. An idiots who love Hitler are just as fucking retarded as Bernie bros. Cucking oneself to gov is still cucking. Fucking gynofags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kick dem fucc niccas out da spot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We saw how great stealing Trump 2016 signs from front yards did for that vapid ugly cunt Hillary did. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"immigrants are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That Kike cunt needs to \"go away.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I liked a @YouTube video http:\/\/t.co\/QGNHiLdTTv The Sock Fairy, a short film","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Morning trash http:\/\/t.co\/xba6WWVO7m","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this faggot is making a block button starting next week. Torba can't escape his jewishness it seems...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can I text back and call him a faggot for arresting people at a permitted rally who defended themselves from fucking violent communist criminals?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She unfollowed me after I said I cried watching dawn of the apes lmaooooooo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Buckm00se: kill this beaner","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrnts like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alright listen. Crypto niggers are a real problem cause you cant tell by looking at them. They look white. So watch out. Report your local Crypto nigger to the police.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My aunt is a lesbian, she does not like bi's or trannies at all. She says bisexuals only spread disease between the separate groups and she thinks the trannies are batshit crazy your Aunt is a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get the phuck out of all the cities. You're retarded if you think you can be an active RW activist in these seditionist hell-holes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly. Its not pumpkin spice per se that is being shamed, it's basic bitches and their brainless drone-like consumption of it that is shamed. You don't like pumpkin spice. You like what everyone else is liking at that particular moment. I mean a lot of basic bitches genuinely like the basic shit. It doesn't become a stereotype without many people actually liking it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"see how fat that nigger is. In 5 years when there's no food it will starve to death.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get your airsickness bag ready. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=31tLJPxdmD8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WADL @HERALDofYAH - Like every other faggot alive- milo has little to no credibility (even though he has the most followers on gab- yet rarely posts here!). He's just a novelty- don't get sucked in. All homos are morons by definition- if they weren't morons, would they be homos?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@emilysteers WASP EGGS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the CDC doesn't know what is causing the polio like disease that is paralizing kids!...Better know your shit before you let Big Pharma Pushers poke your babies with BS Vaccinations! Just Saying! It's a free country my friend, just don't let your carriers go to school with my kids, Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you're a Nazi bastard!!!! Now run along you national Socialist prick. Yea yea yea enjoy your muzzie m8s you National socialist prick . #dickhead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ooooo shit https:\/\/twitter.com\/WiredSources\/status\/1046518759433949184 heres the twat with some sauce on it. #QAnon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought GOG was turning far left? Is there an internal fight going on there? GOG was never turning \"far left\", people were just getting their panties in a bunch over a massively overblown post. That one post was pretty clearly SJW dude Not in the slightest, dude. Start thinking rationally instead of giving in to outrage culture when it fits your biases. Do you know which one I'm talking about? Yes, and it wasn't SJW in the slightest. https:\/\/reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/904x7q\/twitter_bullshit_gogcom_caves_to_the_game\/ So let me get this straight. Your postion is that calling GG an abusive movement and virtue signaling about \"hate isn't even *slightly* SJW. If the shoe fits, mon amie. Well that's the issue there Gambit, it does not in fact fit. It fits very poorly. According to you, and we've already established that you're heavily invested in outrage culture and kneejerk reactionism. Seems like you're pretty invested in outrage and getting reactions considering all your repeated attempts at provocation through insults, contrarianism, and incredibly flimsy circular reasoning. Seems almost like **...TROLLING?!?** Nah. You have a good one. He's definitely trolling you. Check his profile. Right here if you wanna try taking a swing at me. We both know you lack the balls tho. Oh wow, weak cuck talking like a tough guy in the internet. I haven't seen that before. Oh no, someone's 14 day old alt account thinks bad things about me. How will I ever recover? Man, you sure are triggered buddy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This may have taken place somewhere in Europe..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid ass nigger insults all women with this sh*t. Melania Trump spokesperson calls for boycott of T.I. over video featuring first lady look-alike stripping https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/melania-trump-spokesperson-calls-for-boycott-of-rapper-t-i-over-video-featuring-first-lady-look-alike-stripping-in-oval-office","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The nigger was, is, and always will be a blight on White society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I woulda taken the money in their wallets too, you are way to nice to people who attack you first You must be the second cuck boii he peppered xD lol dont get butthurt over a reddit comment thats fuckin sad. Ooooooo wow you downvoted me oh noes ill worry what you n everyone else thinks of me :( ....not lol learn what mgtow actually is lololol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheClaireBear36 Don't like to trash talking either way. But to be fair, that's just on Twitter. I'm having a ball on texts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm bantzing a retard with low verbal IQ, can't seem to read the word jew, wants to argue semantics, so I obliged her. If she can't handle the bantz she can stop responding","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Police refuse to investigate Muslim Supremacist Senator Ellison's alleged sexual assault and beating of a female and son. Sources say that Ellison is protected by Sharia and the Quran and these allegations will not effect his campaign for Attorney General. Somali Sharia advocates praise Ellison for his restraint and mercy shown by not killing the woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fags are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I just got banned from facebook for saying the 14 words","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@wodenswolf What are your thoughts on this? (Lindisfarne gospel, depicts Noah and the people of his time as Anglo-Saxons, wearing Anglo-Saxon attire, and Noah's Ark as a longship) IMO That's what the Monks who created it were familiar with during that period as they were Anglo-Saxons, so it makes sense they'd that interpret the scene based on what surrounded them everyday. I doubt many of the Monks at Lindesfarne had ever been to the Middle East or knew much about the ship types and clothing styles in use there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love this. It's so common. Tumblr, instagram, wherever. \"I feel X. I shouldn't feel X. So clearly society is doing Y.\" Lol what. You are the person finally in the end responsible for how you feel. Stop feeling X, then, you absolute maggot. Edit: Typo When I was younger I whined a lot and felt the world was against me, but afterI moved away from home, paid my own bill for the first time, I realized that by thay reasoning I'd only be happy if the entire world was tailord to me...and the world can't be individually tailored to everyone. So the other option is to just take responsoble for how I feel, myself. Since then I've been happy, and move forward in life with my back straight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish WE had a Donald. Congrats America! Kavanaugh Confirmed: The Era of Liberal Judicial Dictatorship is Over!!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I call myself faggot all the time. Keep up with the times, homophobes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Das heisst Nigger ia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine veing racist. That shit's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a cripple to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember when that [guerrilla pretending to be a woman on CNN](https:\/\/i","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This sad faggot ordered the Gab Boomer starter pack. Jews r the real nazi. No they are just Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger duchess of sussex?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are nazis allowed on gab?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bottles are beautiful on the inside and out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly, girls can stare, and so can guys. If you dont want them to stare, dont wear provocative clothing. So why they wanna tell men what to wear ?? Is it not sexism against men ,when women could be completely nude in public ?? they can't be completely nude in public... women shouldn't tell men what to wear, but men shouldn't be upset if they get unwanted attention from wearing such clothing. Its works both ways. No one gives a fuck about women, i would cry RAPE if any woman does that to me. But you can look at a girls ass? Dude that's not even close to rape. Or any kind of assault at all. I'm not saying that woman arent entitled, I'm saying that in the states you have the freedom to wear what you want, but if that attracts negative attention, then its nobody's fault but your own.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, he wasn't any of those things, but he was an egomaniacal retard who manipulated people into performing mass genocide and started a war that killed millions before his inability to lead caused him to commit suicide like a coward.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im glad I met this chick. Reminds me the trash I left behind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think that Muslims should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every White Man is HIGHER than any NIGGER -- D and R don't change that. Race is real. Your Values are BULLSHIT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mallenokc @royceyoung extra yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude is getting some flack from antifa, commies, Muslims and genderqueers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"are you asking the retards in the picture. because that would be a fun exercise, especially if he wasn't white","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These disabled people make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And the Jew @Deuterostomes favorited my tweet though. Lol. Don't have anymore time for this trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder how many in their muzzie tribes are going to relocate elsewhere after this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who's the faggot in the circle at the bottom of the flag pole?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beto BIG crowds... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/YsdZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AWALT - Tattoo's or not, it doesn't make a difference. AWALT applies, always and to every woman. Don't forget that.. I'm happy MGTOWS are showing to become more of a BS Incel shitshow.. So cause I have tattoos I also wouldn't be a man? Wouldn't be reliable, real or anything? This is Incel talk, not MGTOW talk. You guys will see a tattoo'd guy and get all up in arms cause he must be a chad and therefore not worthy.. That's just retarded. I'm up in tattoos and all of them have a deeper meaning, a reminder, a memory that I cherish and get to relive more often due to seeing those tattoos. One is a tribute, another is a declaration.. I don't really care what others think of it, but AWALT isn't necessarily MORE true cause a woman has a tattoo.. The women that don't have it are just smarter about pretending NAWALT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a functionally single man living in a cheap city, I could do really well with $2,800\/mo for simply having had a kid with someone. I don't see why this cunt can't do that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who knew there were so many retarded women willing to embarrass themselves?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No mate, it's typical of Jews and NPCs to accuse anyone revealing 'the man behind the curtain' of being a Muslim. Islam has no place in western society but Muslims are inbred retards not capable of coming up with globally coordinated schemes to take over the west, they are let in by Jews who have for centuries declared they intend to wipe out the white race. Because you're a fucking retarded faggot calling people islamonazis when we're trying to solve the same problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will no longer be working for Gab and serving as Gab's CTO. The attacks from the American press have been relentless for two years now and have taken a toll on me personally. I wish Gab nothing but the best and will do everything I can to help them transition to a new CTO.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have had the same thought. I believe the urge to slap some sense into borderline retarded leftist would overcome me before I could stop myself. I admire their restraint.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a disgusting faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees 6-0. Nine straight hits. Price... Not your night.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I did something bitch, early voted GOP across the board so go and fuck your liberal lesbian self, CUNT from HELL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q And most white people are backwoods cousin-fuckers living in trailers. ;D I'm sorry, I don't speak moron.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christine Blasey Ford has been nominated for an award at UNC for being courageous and inspirational. I just, I mean, SERIOUSLY?? #Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.newsobserver.com\/news\/nation-world\/national\/article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've got two moods Why do people use Mspaint to make political commentary?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whites have two choices: (1) Stand up and advocate for our racial interests, as all other races do; or (2) do nothing and go extinct. In order to survive long-term, we Whites will need our own ethno-states. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol half of whites like diversity.. they don't want an ethnostate..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Arizona Dem Kyrsten Sinema Attacked 'Bullshit' Stay-At-Home Moms For 'Leeching Off Their Husbands' http:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2018\/10\/19\/arizona-democrat-kyrsten-sinema-attacked-bullshit-stay-home-moms-leeching-off-husbands\/#.W8tOBVkwZzE.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey just to confirm, you are a racist right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You disabled people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And when we have a Republican candidate for governor of Florida telling Jews that if elected he will be the most pro Israel governor in America ,my response is FUCK YOU ! I'LL VOTE FOR THE FUCKING NIGGER ! Will Republicans ever wake up to the reality of race and act accordingly? Until then they are useless ,gutless wonders. Voting for them changes nothing for us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.brighteon.com\/5850414528001","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These gay people are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we are getting ready to sell our house if this piece of shit fraudulently wins. there is no way we could recover from the loss of property value this commie nigger that is under investigation would cause...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WOWFoodPics: Oreo Shake http:\/\/t.co\/YE22nl8bsE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded petulant children. Yep, that about sums it up!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that the Republican Party has a habit of working against the interests of White nationalists, is not sufficient to justify abandonment of the party, at least not without a clear alternative. It matters who controls the government, a lot. Democrats are using every power at their disposal to establish a permanent governing majority in Washington. They will open the borders, and nationalize one industry after another until something forces them to stop. They will disarm us, tax carbon dioxide, and make Facebook's hate speech policies the law of the land. Whatever the sins of the GOP, they pale in comparison to that horrifying outcome. Until somebody shows me some other force which is capable of stopping the Democrat Party, we have to be partisan Republicans. FYI, I'm receiving your posts in my feed as of today. Whatever the glitch was prior to this day has been corrected provided it was a glitch in the first place and not by design. Having said that, spot-on, Chris. Why is it so hard for some many otherwise intelligent goys to NOT grasp that Democrats = Worse. A no-brainer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking retarded apes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is typical nigger territorial behaviour, bullying YT for using \"their\" sidewalk. It happens to me all the time when I go out. They line up across the sidewalk to block you, then the racial slurs and threats for \"bein' on MUH sidewalk\" start. They go for the weak members of the herd, seniors, those who are using walkers or other mobility aids, mothers pushing strollers, people pushing big shopping carts full of groceries. That's why I always carry a stun gun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come on now....like that cunt is 5'7\"?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We would be better off if those gay people were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, you're really this stupid? LMFAO!!!! I've never witnessed this kind of stupidity in person, sure on GAB, but like really, I was in Harrison Arkansas today and didn't even witness this kind of stupidity!!! Lolololololol 1945 was compelling Kikery. Never mind what's been declassified, Goyim. Were all of your sibling retarded or was it just you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you black people make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste Keeps getting deeper and deeper http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6bga.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this was a dude doing this to a girl he'd just be a cunt. If the dude was 11\/12, and therefore a child, he would just be a fucking idiot kid who needed to be yelled at. Watch the full video you cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's funny when the anti-NFL folks are like, \"I'll send a message to these assholes....from now on I'm only watching college level negros play football!\" No Shit. Then call the pizza place to have Nigger spit Pizza.irate Irishman incogman Stormfront Council of conservative citizens, chimpmania radio Dr. David Duke .Paul Kersey, Grandpa lampshade, Emily Anderson. Thank you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TyWahlbrink: @victoriakuhlman One day more until turkey, it will nip me in the belly, we'll be ready for the stuffing, we will wet ours ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who should primary Murkowski? It's official. Sarah Palin definitely listens to the Radical Agenda. https:\/\/twitter.com\/SarahPalinUSA\/status\/1048288254422728704","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People need to understand that gay people are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about we cut these black people's throats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I fucking hate you faggots who push this faggot on our people. Fuck you all. Go take a jewish dick, you pieces of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These MSM faggots be the nutless type faggots tho u feel me? The GLOW IN THE DARK FAGGOT M F C I A AGENT TYPE FAGGOTS THO YA FEEL ME? The MocKing birds indeed...here's Z-bigs darling to tell us what way the winds blowing: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OJ9ce-yMEfc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigel Farage: The EU gangsters think Brexit can be stopped and in this warped scheme they have a great ally. Her name is Theresa_May. https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/politics\/2018\/10\/18\/chucking-chequers-not-enough-time-tories-chucked-mrs-may\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's just not the same, #LittleDebbie #Cloud #Cake are not #Twinkies! http:\/\/t.co\/OOILML6M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So your not against it if there is unlimited supply of low paid jobs for MS13 murderers and drug runners, child trafficking gangs. Radical jihadists. Islamic suicide bombers. Serial rapists, serial peodoiles. Fucking disgusting evil retarded spastic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Issue it the day before the wetback vermin get to the border. Don't give the communists time to contest it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @varepall: Charlie Rangel on GOP: They 'believe slavery isn't over' http:\/\/t.co\/I8nolg9m6ORANGEL IS A FLAGRANT TAX EVADER AND RACIST","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not sure if trolling or retarded ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It' s like you can' t do anything without someone saying it' s wrong cause of other people ,it' s a joke people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cunt that jumped Senator Flake in the elevator was rehearsed and paid for and claimed that a vote for Kavanaugh was a vote against her. Hey, tootsie, Kavanaugh's life and yours NEVER intersected and he is not responsible for the bad things that happened in your feckless life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like a fucking ratface faggot from the side.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oreos are my life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"November midterms should be considered a critical point in the war of good vs evil. It determines whether we continue to watch America prosper or digress to the past decades of liberal destruction. Your commander is counting on your vote. Vote Republican. | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Gay Muslim Transgender Drag Queer, Coming Next is the Dyke Feminist Postmodernist Social Justice Flat-Earth Gender Studies Creationist Science denier","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The group where the scummy libertarian faggot Rusty announces his latest thieving spambots. https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/4ca40cee-988d-46fe-9c01-7de03eb21da7","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Maxicat: Charlie Rangel Re-Writes History: On GOP They Think They Won The Civil War http:\/\/t.co\/moCeUBRUTf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow you sure told me. And that's Mr Cunt little man respect your elders douchebag ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only I dated a girl that lived off Mack Road I could just get the holy trinity of Sacramento ghettos on a daily basis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All this because of you got butthurt that he called you out for reverance of the Virgin Mary lol. Better watch out Tyr you made him the big mad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Belgium did nothing wrong! Those were crown lands of King Leopold, his personal territory. Not Belgium's own land. Get yo facts right. Or else fake news. We're guilty, owe it or leave it. Brave little murderous Belgium I didn't do shit, Belgians shouldn't feel guilty about the actions of Leopold II. From 1908 on it was a Belgian colony under the Belgian government and guess what, not much had changed back then. By saying these where just the actions of one naughty king is a travesty and like saying Japan could not be held accountable for the actions of Hirohito. Source https:\/\/www.kuleuven.be\/english\/studentservices\/welcome\/pdf-1\/remembering-and-forgetting-the-belgian-colonial.pdf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of Muslims ought to be execuetd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros is a Nazi. He has even publicly stated he was proud of the work he did with the Nazi's He's not, end of story. NCP >>> Error\/ error\/ error\/ programming error does not compute\/ I assume you aren't making fun of yourself but the irony is you have to be an NPC to keep believing the story that Soros was a Nazi collaborator at 13 years old. Well. let's see, Soros as an elderly adult said he was and said he was proud of the work he did with the Nazi's. Soros has publicly told his NAZI story and said he has no regrets. He was He is a globalist scum that is behind the \"caravan\" invasion. Here is his interview where he admits it.... https:\/\/youtu.be\/W8Id0-Lsyr0 So he's a Nazi AND he wants to flood white countries with brown people. That makes sense So the Nazis are anti-white globalists now? Holy shit, this is retarded You obviously don't understand the globalists or get the bigger picture. And you obviously have no idea what national Socialism is. It's literally the opposite of globalism Nope, it is just another tool the globalists use. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh Hell yeah!!! I like this guy! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This does not happen with white males that die in custody. It`s amazing how all these Nigger criminals are all home loving, church going, choir boy`s. Lordy, Lordy, praise Jesus. 1 dead Nigger = Result.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be better off without academics. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FTN is a joke. TRS would be wise to step away. They won't, they'll ride this dead meme of god emperor trump into the ditch, discrediting themselves and pro-white advocacy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Portland's Mayor Allows Communists to Stand in the Road and Attack White Drivers WATCH THE VIDEO HERE- https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=E5RSAb-atWQ (((((((They))))))) are trying to start a race war. Too true. That's by High Park in Toronto which is a very beautiful and affluent area. I hope you come back soon, Strike. We miss you! This POS soycuck needs to have those piercings ripped out of his face, and his head shaved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow you are a troll. I just simply found it funny. You need to get a grip. >Get a grip. He probably does that to much in lieu of actually getting laid. Yeah, this guy doesn't like lame shit so he doesn't get laid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @metroadlib: i thank every broad in the universe who takes that step forward andputs colored contacts in her eyes.that's one less person ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This year's U.S. refugee quota is to include a lot of Africans. We say again: hat about South African whites? https:\/\/southafricatoday.net\/south-africa-news\/9-farm-attacks-including-4-farm-murders-in-6-days-in-south-africa\/ Invasion... nothing to see here... back to your tea and football .... SLEEP.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is Awlish quiet cos Derek the nigger is facing 10 to life or cos Tommys armt have her address??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BaileyAdams22: When Charlie Crist said \"Rick Scott, just too shady for the sunshine state\" http:\/\/t.co\/0UShmogZDR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most of the other people in that pic are also 'Israel-First' neo-cons, or socially and politically associated with jews You've just identified yourself as a sociopathic, emotionally disabled individual. Get help, before you harm yourself, or others. Eat my shit you soulless confused pathetic miserable loser in life piece of worthless burden to society fucking useless trash. What bitchboy????!!!!! 'Leon Trotsky (whose real name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, 1879-1940, the son of wealthy Jewish parents), was exiled from Russia because of his part in the aborted revolution in 1905 and was a reporter for Novy Mir, a communist paper in New York, from 1916-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ImToBlame you a fatherless wallet carrying ass video game playing ass negro breh. You filth. No way you can afford to date a #TwitterHoney.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"War is over they should go back home. Or not","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jfkirtley: Reds haven't lost a series at Yankee Stadium since 1961 World Series #76 #08 #12","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a pretentious cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WEBBERS! RT @DMILZ4: Sz13 vnds restorers dream, cracked midsole, sole separation, and fogged bubbles. 150 http:\/\/t.co\/yC81VG2kg1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@maliktender gayer then 2 faggots in bed together ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Augustine was a bit of a cunt eh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This whole thing is reTardis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The most illuminating thing about this article isn't the article itself, but the comments where women defend the false accuser. One woman writes: > Ok she lied. She caused **some** harm really to **people's delicate feelings?** I think it opened a few very serious deep neighborhood discussions that needed to happen. I know it sparked more than one discussion in my circle of friends .. BUT THIRTY YEARS? She needs some psychiatric help (obviously because of the cutting,) but not 30 years let's use some of that common sense and compassion and quit cow towing to the political pull. So apparently the pre-meditated tampering of evidence and fabricating a false story in an attempt to incarcerate 3 innocent men is nothing more than \"hurt delicate feelings\" and this is a good thing because it's a \"discussion that needed to happen.\" For some bizarre reason METOO will not denounce false accusers even when it harms their own movement and brings disrepute to real victims of assault. Yeah defending shit like this doesn't help women in any way. All that's going to happen is less people believing actual victims. No I believe men. #sheliedtoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@bellaangeletti ur a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The government send us to war to fight Muslim countries The Muslim council has gone made about a photo of British soldiers having a photo with Tommy Robinson, the very same Muslim council that said \"British soldiers are fair game for jihad attacks \" Ive just heard that some of them soldiers have been sacked https:\/\/youtu.be\/jJmok2CwPfM Look calm down, take a chill pill I've said what I'm against Muslims that are doing disgusting things to children and killing in the name of Islam Like I said I know what the Jews are doing Soros, Rothschilds ect ect But where I live Muslims are rapping and killing girls in Telford we all have different agendas really First of all the Saudis penned a deal for Muslims to be spread all over Europe in a deal for oil, Britain got the raping Pakistani Muslims Now the Soros's of the world are trying to get a new world order importing African Muslims all over the western world Just when you think your educated and make yourself an utter brain dead labour Muslim loving party What is the name of the deal Saudis penned? The left are the ideals of Marx who was a jew. The jews are communists and have spread the idiology throughout Europe in whiich tge mongolising of Europeans through breeding with musrays n blacks is achieved. Kalergi had the means via aschmel Rothsschild To do this thhe jews who were boksheviks n trosky implemented it in the USSR first. The Saudis had fck all to do with it you moron Wrong again you triggered snowflake The mass migration of Muslims into western society isn't by accident or anything to do with war zones this is an orchestrated invasion with domination as their goal our only alternative will be civil unrest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never end on conflict","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are NO JEWS CALLED PHARISEES TODAY, you retarded fuck ... lololol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of black people ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cortez is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NiallOfficial: Absolutely perfect day in London! Suns out! Gona be a cracker at wembley tonight ! Yeaaaaahhhh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD NIGGER DERIVES from the word niggardly, old english, look up it's meaning","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"bullshit! jones is a media hound attention grubbing cocksucker who does NOTHING to further our Cause in ANY way! He will NEVER call out the fucking kikes as the Left or as Democrats because he's a fat cunt shill!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Official Video) https:\/\/youtu.be\/LNBjMRvOB5M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And if you DON'T think we're all flawed and need to be redeemed, then please explain modern society. Well when you have a bunch of self hating, self loathing folk, who hate themselves and hate their race, they hate their culture and hate their ancestors, you end up with a degenerate self serving society. Being as christianity has been at the head of the west for OOHHH so long, yet here we are anyway, it doesn't seem christianity works as far as redemption goes Post-Christian Europe is responsible for the decadence, the low birth rates, and the immigration waves. https:\/\/christogenea.org\/articles\/camp-saints-revisited Thats funny, I don't recall \"post christian europe\" holding telethons and missionary trips to feed the starving Somalians, it was christians doing that. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Christianity_in_Somalia When I was a child I was apart of several churches, and I always wondered why they passed around the collection plate at every single one, looking to go \"minster\" to the africans\/south americans\/chinese. Always tossing endless amounts of money into a bottomless pit when whites in the community, hooked on drugs and poverty, went wanting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just as an experiment it would be interesting to hand her some kind of pill, tell her it's cyanide, and then see if she's willing to take it. When she most certainly doesn't, because she's fucking retarded and full of shit, ask her why she's a white supremacist. :^)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you saying Kanye West isn't \/ourguy\/? That cannot be real. Anglin has to be trolling at this point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was today worse than the time you took that swift boat up the river to kill Col. Kurtz?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woman Is The Nigger Of The World (Remastered 2010) https:\/\/youtu.be\/j5RuCEhHcG4 via @YouTube","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I actually know this girl. Haven't seen her in a few years but god damn that sucks for her Well that's a little rough but okay It'll stay with the dad while she's in jail for violating her probation. Yeah yeah for sure. I'm sure they weren't quality parents as it is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Prediction Poll With 2 weeks before the Election, bombs were sent so far to Soros, Obama, Clinton and CNN. Who is behind all of this? Place your bets!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reading this made me feel dead inside. I cant even get myself into the feminist dyke rage mindset for this shit. Fml Can I lick you back into service? I may need a dyke partner. NOBODY WOULD LISTEN!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NTXProgressive Yeah..cause if anyone thinks this clown went to @target to buy Oreos is as stupid as all of them look","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah... his GMTK is a great series, and he has a lot of *educated* things to say about games. This tweet feels so out-of-place and silly. Yeah, one mission where that got me was where a fellow gang member set a fire to distract a weird clan of people so we could rob them. He said I should \"jump them\" from behind, so I figured I could sneak around and clobber them, but no, the other guy just starts a gunfight and we have to murder them all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"thank god a smiling nigger detreoit just rebuilt itself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah...that's what a faggot looks like! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Speaking of cancer, kayjaylayray... If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in the Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk. Please don't wait, call 1-800-99 LAW USA today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Mesothelioma patients call now! 1-800-99 LAW USA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* :O","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hope you WIN PARD. BECAUSE SHE IS A TOTAL IDIOT AND DUMB ASS NIGGER SCUMBAG.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You might find this story more disturbing when you realize the UK police cannot be bothered to arrest pedophile gangs because it would be seen as \"racist\". You wouldn't happen to be talking about the ones who were arrested, tried and sent to prison, would you? Honestly, why twist shit? It's pathetic. So they immediately acted on the evidence and made timely arrests then, right? It was all business as usual with the police doing their jobs to an acceptable standard? Don't just imply your stupidity, own it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any parent who disowns their child over who they date deserve no happiness in their life ever again. What if they bring home a commie? Well that's completely different! OP said \"who\" they date, implying personhood. And we all know those filthy commies aren't people. Edit: lots of people thinking I'm serious. I'm obviously joking, but I guess I need to say it, too. Jesus Christ it's high time I unsubscribed. Idk why. Everyone in this thread seems to be pretty friendly to everyone, assuming they aren't a communist 'dated offensive' is literally in the dictionary description, don't believe me, go around using in in day to day life. The question is are you willful ignorant or just that stupid. It's a term used in biology whenever you are talking about ancestry, it's literally used every single day. Go ahead and use it then Now you are just being offensive ;-; Oh noo. Lil nazi still salty about commies bullying papa Hitler into suicide I'm just making a joke man, I was trying to be as ridiculous as some of the posts here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only pathetic thing I see is a filthy ChristoJew Papist trying to turn Gab in to TwittKike. Odin was CUNT who got gut fucked by MONKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The sort of retarded post I would expect to see from a Women's Studies student. Most don't hate other races, that takes valuable energy from useful pursuiits. The people you are wagging your finger at want to see other races on the National Geographic channel, not destroying Western Civilisation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Video: On The Record: Charlie Baker http:\/\/t.co\/lXK0YyCVR4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A horrible human. Ugly outside and inside, a criminal cunt by any measure. Lock her up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DeJLoaf mixtape sell sole got some bangers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh who cares whether it's a democrat retard or a republican retard, or a russian, or a martian. whoever has the IQ of a turtle and the morals of a wet fart. People get hurt doing this shit, excited LE sometimes make the wrong calls, juries get shit wrong, and easily confused people get led astray. This should be punished with the highest publicity and the lowest tolerance. It's molesting an entire people, their total system of representation, and to call it terrorism is not strong enough. the fact that it's bombtard joke 101 does not affect the severity of the crime. letting the ones who started testing the line tackling congressmen, and antifa or libtards yelling people out of public places scott free are responsible for this as well, and i'd see them all in jail right from day one. this is what leniency to anarchy creates. i'd see the perpetrators shot in public after a fair trial myself. i wouldn't care if it was joe biden, auntie maxine or newt gingrich behind it. id slam the whole lot from the head to the hands in prison for 50years or shoot them in a blink and sleep like a baby. the only compassion i'd have if it were a minor, or truly mentally diminished capacity i'd hold then for 20 years minimum, and see how retarded you have to be to understand shit like that is a nono. if you can sign a welfare check or take an oath of office, or work for the gov't, walk and chew gum, attend college, get laid, phhhffft, whatever see you never...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Behold the fool John Hagee.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AnimeKing420 fight me 1 on 1 ur choice of game faggot see what happens","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is just a reminder for you to drink some water. I've accidentally gotten severely dehydrated during my internet loafing sessions and my brain for some reason didn't process any feelings for thirst and I ended up having massive headaches and horrible skin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"O'brien's a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@andersonDrLJA i'm so sick of self serving politicians standing by while BO trashes America. #WeAreRepublicNotRegime #ImpeachObama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the Schiff? He must have gotten hacked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Zoom in on this pic! It's 90% men! They all need to start marching back!! Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration 'march' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/over-1000-hondurans-head-for-us-border-in-mass-migration-march-report","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't y'all stop voting in scum that won't allow a wall? Why don't you stop Cali scum from infiltrating your major cities instead of blaming Jews for everything! #Beta is taking over exactly nothing in Texas. Cruz will beat Robert Francis by 10-20 points. But can his father get the loss overturned? It's not exactly drunk driving and fleeing the scene ... but these aren't normal times. Rafael Edward Cruz mocked Robert \"Beto\" O'Rourke for using a fake name. You can't make this shit up. Not a Cruz fan after the 2016 election shenanigans but he came out of the Kav hearings looking like a champ, hope he crushes this beta male soy boy socialist. Beta O Rourke... Is that \" Pedo.\" ? Dems would kill for that $38 million they wasted on \"Beto\" their fake Latino When you have no upper lip so your teeth always show","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by disabled people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I noticed you followed me, then I realized you were a pathetic loser in life jealous jew hater. So I guess you are on the Muslims side because you have to choose. Jealousy will eat you up, get a life faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab went retarded for a minute so here's some more space invaders","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot will get you doxxed. If he's really this dumb you could doxx him by staking out altlite videos on Bitchute and correlating his linking...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll have to rape a gay person today. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"r\/bestof is a brigade sub. I support the opt out. I personally have no idea on if they actively support brigading other subs but going on the assumption that they don't actively support it, the users are going to brigade it anyways because something they don't like has been called to their attention and they've been given easy tools to pop on over, downvote, comment, and upvote. \/r\/bestof is an echo chamber, they don't upvote anything unless it's both long and popular. How correct it is, or how much effort has gone into it, is irrelevant. If you spend 1000 words saying 'Orange Man Bad' they'll upvote it both in the thread there, and on your comment, and they'll deliberately suppress any intelligent replies that may have deconstructed your rant if they disagree with the ideas. Nah, the peak has to be TopMinds TopMinds is up there, but AHS holds the title. Ahs? AgainstHateSubreddits - a couple of their mods *really* hate us. A couple of our own ex mods and users really hate us there... Such as? Meowsticgoesnya is the only ex-mod there that I'm aware of. A few older users like Wolphoenix (though I think he's more on other subs) and some people who earned their permabans here for diving off into major Rule 1 DandC violations here. Me! Hello. |","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'CRIME' OF THE CENTURY... Newcastle council outraged at graffiti on Mosque. If you weren't aware #Newcastle council is run by #Labour. https:\/\/unitynewsnetwork.co.uk\/newcastle-council-outraged-spray-painted-on-to-the-side-of-a-mosque\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the monkey... http:\/\/t.co\/h76rptL8Wq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She \"doesn't feel safe\". so she wants money. Send the cunt back to her shithole country. Muslims do not belong in the west...PERIOD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yea, thats exactly what I think too. Hes a de-radicalization shill trying to make people just vote with niggers for zionists.. has written numerous articles that might as well be written by antifa, anti-national socialist articles, and hes just a general well poisoner, posting negative influence minded anti-women trash etc Appears to be an actual faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And I'm definitely top 3 at makin beats in the city but y'all niggers love your trap beats so y'all probably won't admit that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @AlexaDelsanter: This is awkward u fag @corleyhuff @vitchhhh http:\/\/t.co\/HUDOhA6YQe wonder who's awesome tank that is ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol this story is bullshit. It's pretty obvious. why? that's assumptive. To heck with the Middle East. They've been fighting and murdering each other since forever. How about what's going on in Europe? I take it you are fine with the 'Religion of Peace' doctrine? No problem there? No Muslim rape gangs, no skyrocketing crime? No assaults on culture? No problem? No crisis in Welfare benefits? No crisis in housing? No crisis in health care, with a tsunami of illiterate, unskilled, fast-breeding parasites? I guess that must also be 'Pentagon propaganda'? Where did you achieve this degree in History that you seem so proud of? Lol yes most of that has been bullshit. They bring in a bunch of people, which I agree shouldn't happen, but then create the hoax that they're forming rape gangs. Since you have no power to stop immigration the next best thing is martial law to stop them. Which is exactly what's happening in Sweden. It's all a ploy to get you to advocate for military on the street. Same thing in Chicago. That's no hoax. YOU are the hoax. It's a friggin hoax. Believe it if you want.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like the dismissal was without prejudice, so the state can refile charges if they show that consent was gained through the use of the teacher's position. I wouldn't go so far as to say you're mentally retarded. I had a kid when I graduated who was 20 because he came out of a coma 2 years after what was supposed to be his senior year.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have to call out the open hatred for black people in our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shitbama the nigger moslem fraud MADE THIS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"During last night's rally in Houston, President Trump declared himself a nationalist,' which triggered CNN's Don Lemon, as well as many other unhinged leftists, into crying racist'. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/trump-declares-himself-a-nationalist-cnn-says-its-racist\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I had Down syndrome I would kill myself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beware what you buy on e-bay because not all items listed are quite as they seem. They sell webcams that seem like high quality cheaply priced cameras but it is a ruse. They have lots of high comments because by either retarded people or bot accounts. You can't list a camera as 1080p when it only has a max resolution in the 200s and one frame per second. I hate liers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While I am happy she got a long prison sentence, 60 years without parole is absolutely insane. She will live her entire life in prison and very likely die there. She has 0 chance to get out before shes nearly It will have a deterrence effect for the other female pedos in that school who think they can get away with abusing the boy students that are in their care.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We Won't Allow Mental Illness To Be Enshrined In Law I swear, all that's missing from OP is a clap emoji after every word. The sexual binary is #SettledScience. You can't chop off your chromosomes, no matter how much genital mutilation you subject yourselves to, you absolute pillocks. #LunaticLeftists","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hear the same thing day in and day out.... its for the birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger loving jewish whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fucking moron. No one wants your pedo shit anywhere near this platform. Here's an idea - how about you and all your loli loving faggot friends get the fuck away from the rest of us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who thinks this twat and what she has to say is of any interest to anyone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Neither is being a faggot in high heels.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're telling black people to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Intelligent black teen does not like blacks. Ever notice that the more intelligent a person is the more they do not like blacks? Coincidence? No, blacks are loud, rude and our system has given them the right to be obnoxious. This teenage girl is just stating the obvious and although this is a stupid kike show promoting garbage it does show us something that we should all think about the kike and black question. Black teen says she's white and trashes black people in viral VIDEO https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/442307-black-girl-transracial-insults\/ Bullshit. Every university in America is rife with super intelligent professors who love black people and hate white people... including mostly white professors, who teach white students to hate white people... to truly hate black people, and i mean TRULY hate them, you have to have had to grow up with them, go to school with them, work with them, go to the same grocery store as them, and see them walking around with and eating with attractive white women. You just can't get away from them. They're moving into small towns. White women from small towns and suburbs go to college, get pregnant by a nigger, then drop out and move back home to the all white town, while the little nigger goes to school with the white kids, acts white bc he's only around whites, then the small town white kids think they're harmless, small town girls who think they're harmless, get pregnant by a nigger, move back home to white small town and cycle repeats itself over and over again. Trust me those professors are not intelligent. I have challenged them many times in Yahoo Answers then twatter then whatever. I have yet to see anything intelligent coming out of them. They always and I mean always need to rely on censorship. All I need to do is pull out the very basics in philosophy and that is it, they are toast lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@101elle101 How is it likely to shut down? They announced that they have already switched host. You just fuck off chicken and go suck a nigger dick don't disturb us anymore with your bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfao she deleted them both. Quoting Yoko Ono is not a good thing who could have known that? \"Woman are the nigger of the world. It's not that she's brainless that bothers me, so much as there'll be fuckwits out there who believe it. Remember the guy from a year or two ago who said something like \"Women were Chattel before feminism\"? The absolute absurdity of this idea. \"Women are the real nigger\", I'm actually going to agree with liberals for the wrong reason. Lmao! No she didn't! Thanks Bette for acknowledging niggers are shit! uh oh, Bette's a racist now! Whoopi, girl, you come lynch her jewish privilege!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Rawker8 @Ronnie2K @NBA2K get some money and stop playing that old trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The reaction to that study shows just how fucked up the system is and how women are not interested in equality. It showed that it's really men who are being discriminated against. To them, \"equality\" means equality of outcome and it's only for women. If men are under-represented in education, publishing, human resources, nursing, etc. Well, we don't need \"equality\" there. The above post got me banned from TwoXSkankzone. Here's the ban and my response. You have been banned from participating in r\/TwoXChromosomes. You can still view and subscribe to r\/TwoXChromosomes, but you won't be able to post or comment. Note from the moderators: You've been banned for repeatedly posting to subreddits that a majority of our problem users are active participants in. An appeal will be started by replying to this message. Please be patient, each new message you send will put you to the bottom of the queue. If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r\/TwoXChromosomes by replying to this message. Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole. permalinkdeletereportedblock subredditmark unreadreply re: You've been banned from participating in r\/TwoXChromosomes to \/r\/TwoXChromosomes sent just now Go fuck yourself. I've never been to your sub you rancid skanks. I hope you get cunt cancer. How do you like them apples? Now, stop harassing me. You mean give her a pussy pass? Pussypass Denied.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You had it coming. Fucking nigger loving bitch...karma","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do people even listen to this retarded mentally ill fool?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apolonia Gardner of Imperial, CA misspells \"phalarope\" - a bird that resembles a sandpiper. The dreaded schwa! #spellingbee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @bakedbeansbro: Throw me in trash http:\/\/t.co\/GvGMJJ6vYi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do birds have dongs? How do they mate? Help me, I'm an adult who doesn't know how animal sex works!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL Poor Tay-Tay Taylor Not Too Swift https:\/\/hooktube.com\/watch?v=pyVxYu_Vy-s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Women_Fit: Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate all of you politically charged retards. Where's my memes of people getting their head popped by a bus. This shit is r\/funny material. This. It's not the actual act of watching someone die. It's more about laughing at how retarded they were","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this cunt is a spook..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Trump is in the jews' pocket do you people ever get sick of calling every last person on the planet either a jew or agent of jews? You are worse than the leftists calling people nazis Truth is a stranger to the jew....more so to their ignorant followers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dxum7 Jordan's are trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take about a dozen into your home, nigger bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had a word with this Versi twat on Twitter. Told him more Muslims left Britain to fight for ISIS than are actually in the British Army. Should the cause surrounding that be investigated? No feking answer as usual with these types.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DaveGreco33 You think anyone who criticizes your socialist faggot soy-boy is a Kike. LOL That's literally the defense mechanism of a child.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against sports. Just niggers. I'm an ex football player GL. For every one nigger receiving a fb scholarship because of \"muh, athletic skillz\", I can point point to 3 white athletes who were passed over. This notion that whites are less athletic than blacks is just plain fallacy. Just like the NFL, the NCAA is a SJW breeding ground, sad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure its been said, but her claim that she hears it all the time is a bit retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @JohnelHadleyJr: Uncle Charlie just got thru lip singing?! haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is more probable her grandma told her \"fuck those faggots and niggers, in my day they got the rope\" but her tiny brain could not cope with that ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"L O L an already thoroughly debunked crackpot youtube video not to mention, you'd have to have the mentality of a retard to find this entertaining to begin with","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The sand nigger muhammed needs to be browner, medieval, and fucking a goat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The jews never question why everybody hates them....It must be devastating to find out that one's blood is tainted with yidicitis....better to be part nigger like harry's bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seems everyone here gets focused more on my handle, as if I am an Elvis fanatic. I will say that Elvis did nigger music better than the niggers. 'Disturbed' is a band led by a Jewish midget - I'll stick with Fat Elvis singing negro spirituals, freak","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As always, when the washed-up pornstar has no arguments left, she resorts to making up lies about President Trump's penis to get attention. Typical whorish behavior. I honestly don't think anyone will remember him if he continues with conservative status quo. Lincoln was a literal faggot who suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned thousands of people, but because he freed the slaves it's how he is remembered. If he restricts immigration \/ builds a wall, future generations will erect a thousand statues in his honor","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Behold! I have discovered @Microchip's true identity! #NPC Amazing how some people think that they can boss me around. How about you get onboard, instead? oh i'm onboard, just think that nobody is beneath you. If you want to keep T bagging his corpse go right on ahead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from an immigrant, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A perfect example of the inverted Orwellian World! Aimed completely at RACIST RETARDED Democrats!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Donald Trump Jr rips Whoopi Goldberg's 'rape-rape' Polanski defense after #MeToo rant invokes sons https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/32kNv via @washtimes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WhyVee: @georgegalloway A Muslim wmn covers the yellow star of Jewish neighbour with her veil to protect her, Sarajevo,1941. http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, you threatened them with your actions towards the cashier and to them. They saw you as a threat and defended themselves from said threat. Also, a person can get as close to you as they want as long as they do not touch you while out in public. You legally can't do anything about it and by threatening them you became the aggressor. No, you didn't defend anything. You assaulted two people because you are a barbaric cunt. Yelling is aggression and is threatening. You yelled and started the entire process of escalation. It's not what you said but how you said it is the important thing. By yelling, the threat of physical force is implied. He responded to your implied violent threats. Again, you started the entire situation and trying to blame the cashier for something that was out of her control shows you to be a cunt. There are civilized ways of dealing with things and acting like a 5 year old brat isn't one of them. See I worked in restaurants for almost 20 years and I've dealt with customers like you all the time. Usually, they went away in handcuffs because they broke the law by threatening with implied violence, trespassing, and harassment. All of those things are criminal charges, so anyone that responds to your actions is doing so in self-defense. You are the one that is the aggressor and violated numerous laws in your temper tantrum. PS: I also worked security in a city where you are licensed and trained by the local police department to be a reserve police officer while on duty. So you are getting advice and perspective of both a restaurant manager and a security officer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe I am just a fucking retard of a filthy infidel, but my brain cells can't see this obviousness. What is this obvious truth you speak of? Big celestial sign in the heavens that says: \"Thus sayeth the Lord...\"? A booming voice rumbling off a smoking mountain? Angelic chariots of fire? That's my expectation for obvious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Baseball isn't the same without the Yankees in the playoffs and basketball isn't the same without the Lakers in em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or pollo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So twitter locked me out bc I was sharing a pic of Kavanaugh getting sworn in to liberals..they said I broke the rules, really....just an excuse...thank goodness for GAB WELCOME to Gab,,,, Thank you so much that's awesome...I just sent a pic to liberals..I guess they didn't like it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"black people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here is what the political left wants you to accept: if you think differently than you are \"supposed\" to think, then something must be wrong with you. CNN on Kanye West: Trump Exploited a Man Who's Clearly Not Okay' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-journalism\/2018\/10\/11\/cnn-kanye-west-trump-exploited-a-man-whos-clearly-not-okay\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"saw this on Reddit This is such a terrible boomer meme. Merkel is a communist. National Socialism fights communism. Jfc I can't. wtf?! @Booster_Bunny qtards think hitlers sperm was frozen and later used to spawn merkel nazi inbreeds like you are not even aware of what Trump declassified last year-that hitler fled like a pussy boy to south america, you simply cannot help Qtards really ? wow you are stupid..an official declassification last year...go smoke some more crack or meth and get back to fucking your mother","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im sad for the Gays because they are bunched up with all of the nuts Bi as well and hate the community as well. Though because of the Biphobia and how ''cool'' it is, to hate \"the straights\" and how most of them treat it like it's a cool club to get into, so they create sexualities and genders so they can squeeze in. Being Gay shouldn't be a trend, it should just be something that should be normalized. Yeah, honestly 80% of people don't give a shit and they really shouldn't. You shouldn't treat someone better, they're just a person and no one cares. Homo here as well. Glad to see that not all gays are insane. All of the","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at that faggot coward who killed himself....LOL. Yellow looks great on his dumb leftist ass Here's another kike faggot. Oh u will be ok fruitcake........I know you smell jews in your coffee. Fear not....it's not jews......just the fact that you were a failed abortion, and your mother HATES you. Yeah...and not a Jew hating piece of garbage like you? Have you ever sought help? Maybe medication? You blame everything bad in your pathetic life on other people. Faggot, you are #MuteFreely BTW. I have never met a SINGLE male named MAX that wasn't a dick sucker....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's trash. @jlojpg: @TRAPGURLRON he said he's not doing collabs for anything less than 10 mil naira like booyyyyyy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1\/1024 Christian 1\/1024 citizen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shitty nigger music ruins the whole video. How many times is this guy going to say \"fuck\", \"shit\" and \"mother fucker\"? He is worst than a ghetto nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sad thing is an intersectionalist feminist will tell you to ask for consent every 3 minutes at least during fucking. Of course these are dykes trying to make sex so horrible that straight women quit fucking altogether.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Internet bullying, do me a favour. This aint twitter cunt. I tell you What happens next is i call you a safe space absolute cunt. Jog back on back to twitter. Lefties will always turn on each other Real life I'm a piece of shit. Is this you in real life. Show a picture and something with the date in the back ground. 100 %this aint you in real life. Prove yourself to everyone you aint a piece of lying hypocritical twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ You are literally a retarded faggot @Cantwell that has no basic concept of how genetics or eugenics works and you should just do us all a favor and let Edward Gorcenski be your boyfriend and show you how a \"real\" man Or at least a better one than you are capable of being..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, we know their tactics......you also knew they were coming.....they have come in droves......that's ok, we hillbilly DEPLORABLES got this......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This stupid, lying cunt now has almost a million dollars from GoFundMe for playing the victim. Well, I hope her practice pays off...I hope she's stalked and victimized every day for the rest of her disgusting, worthless life! I hope she NEVER feels safe...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that trans people are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just got done with a call with Christopher Bollyn. I will be spending a lot of time studying the materials he recommends and weighing the evidence. It's time to name the jew in israeli involvement in 911! LOL, another retard who comes here with random claims and no proof and cites a website that is called \"veteranstoday\" to shield itself from criticism. This guy is a super faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">The victim explained how life has changed and how he now suffers from post traumatic stress disorder, an eating disorder and other problems. He also said he now distrusts adults. >\"I fear being taken advantage of again,\" he said, adding, \"The trauma of it all is debilitating in my daily life.\" >At one point, as some of the nearly two dozen Torbick supporters spoke, the victim began to cry and left the courtroom. Oh, but this poor *woman* was such a wonderful guidance counselor, and you can see she's very very sorry, so, judge, please go easy on her!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMG lol, I just caught the fucking #Juden in one fucking humongous ass fucking lie. This makes me question the whole entire DNA bullshit, especially in 23andMe. My first cousin from my mother's side, not my dad's side just connected with me in 23andMe. According to his results, my mom's side is 100% European while according to my results everything that is not European is descending from my mom's side. So my dad's side makes me 50% European while my mom's side is questionable. Now listen to this my cousin, on the other hand, is a lot more European than I am and his mother's side (My aunt - mother's sister) is 100% European. How can this be? If my mother and his mother were sisters then shouldn't both be 100% European? You #Jews just fucked up big time and I am calling you out on this. If you got it out for me at the very least leave the truth out of this. Fuck you Juden, now I know I cannot trust anything you do! Fuck you and your DNA bullshit, you have just proven to me that your knowledge about DNA is just as shallow as your knowledge of economics. Oh, I know how you rob us! They dropped the Jew on me though. I really did piss them off lmao. To make up for the dropping of the Jew they increased the nigger by a lot by .3% from .1%. Holy shit that is a 80% increase in Nog. They also went with Nigerian but my cousin has zero yes zero Nigerian even though his mom and my mom were sister. My mom pased away. By the way my mom's side of the family is the one with the blond hair, both blue and green eyes (rare) and very fair light skin. This is no coincidence at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Wait. What?' Philippe Reines has NO right to play this game with Donald Trump's 'rhetoric' https:\/\/t.co\/NfLL3Sgarw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@QueenSAVage97 naw I Juss like making you a lil mad I have been gone for too long tho I hate the boonies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't usually downvote things but you're a special kind of stupid so you get a special reward.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am so sorry for all the people who disrespect all you guys and I wish I could do something so they wouldn'. But I can' but you guys know I love all you guys. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any woman like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO men in CANADA to stop this BULL DYKE ? https:\/\/youtu.be\/nhJwLizPuag?t=3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"650k ... thats fucking peanuts. they breached the data of tens of millions of people and interfered with a democratic process. fuck these faggot judges","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude. I've had the exact same convo with a friend of mine. Black guy married a single mom who was also black. She came from the hood though while he came from a stable and healthy family. He kept asking me why she would start fights over the stupidest stuff. Why she would scream and cuss and throw stuff the quieter and more docile he became. He kept saying \"I mean I would just try to listen to her and understand where she was coming from but it seemed to make her angrier.\" Finally I told him that she understood marriage as a fight because that's all she ever saw growing up. She felt more secure when they were fighting because that's what was familiar to her. Finally he left her, their two sons, and his step-son because he couldn't take the abuse anymore. Now she goes around saying how all men are dogs and how being a single mom is so hard. Bitch, you drove away a faithful, patient, and humble man because you thought assault was the key to a good marriage. Psycho. It still fucking hurt her. She immediately had fear in her eyes and the entire time can't stop touching her face. She tries to play it off but jumps back when he gets close and then covers her mouth fully again. In the end she is looking at a mirror trying to see the damage and fix her hair but can't keep her hands off her face. Fuck that bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuk wit a real nicca","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish I could date a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are a lot of retards here so even retarded people can figure it out. So what is it, stupider than the retarded?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn that made me laugh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Always been impressed with how professional and non aggressive british cops are yet they still get the job done hats off American police need to take notes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alt-right shills for Trump frequently accuse his detractors (i.e. the mentally sane) of having unreasonably high expectations. \"You're whining because he hasn't gone full RAHOWA!\" Nope. Actually, we would have been fine with basic civic nationalism and populism, at least for the time being. This orange motherfucker fails BASIC tests for competence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She was a minor in possession of alcohol which is a no no. Most likely they would have given her a ticket and been on their way or even cut her a break and poured out the alcohol and been on their way but she chose to not cooperate with the cops and created this mess she is in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are mostly white people funding the BBC again White people don't think of themselves as a homogeneous group and therefore don't care about doing things in that group's interest. They do however think of white people who shamelessly group themselves as white people as a homogeneous group. So saying \"fuck whitey\" clearly only affects the latter group in their mind. \"haha, look at these white supremicists idiots complaining about racism, silly plebs. Now where do I apply for this BBC position again? *You fucking what?!*\" But I'm one of the good ones!!! Everybody is the protagonist in his own story. I'm the antagonist in other people's stories. I'm aware it's not an original quote but it so accurately describes my day to day behavior. \"I'm the bad guy here to make you worked harder and improve yourself to beat me\" is an accurate description of how I function in my day to day life. Mostly at work to my employees. Explain","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I notice some people on Gab post the sort of messages that are obviously intended to discredit everyone else here. Are these leftists who do this on purpose? Because leftists do that a lot when they pose as right-wingers and post offensive shit on social media and then scream how nasty the right are. i mute these scum at once. You should do the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never hurt any disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So much for decency. Cunts like her who spout this sort of sexist crap unabashedly are unintentionally giving more fodder for western governments to encroach on our freedoms. She's just showing them that we cannot be trusted to abuse privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of faggot are you? https:\/\/youtu.be\/nn5GTIuxz_s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the anti-racist nigger in the woodpile argument. White people are white, it's not caused by location. What does genetics show? Isn't White a genetic idea and not a social or historical construct? But yes, history shows the ebb and flow of civilization and population displacements and migrations. All of which still doesn't change genetics. You agree if you are mixed race, you are not white, right? A nigger in Sweden isn't a Nordic part of the White race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise long queues. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Allowing any more g4y people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus, the comments in \/r\/science are ridiculous. They're looking for any way to disregard this study, or shift the burden onto men. Yes \/r\/Science is the problem. Thank god we have \/r\/PussyPassDenied to clarify and discuss aspects of the study, like the quandaries of a qualitative study examining individual perspective through survey methodology. edit: yes yes downvote away, the truth hurts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @losthistories: DC Fri 1\/3: Bengali Harlem and Lost Histories South Asian Am reading\/convo @busboysandpoets 14th St cc: @SmithsonianAPA @D ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hang all these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HILLARY IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A VILE CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cory Booker the faggot nigger molester..l","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This woman is great - SHARE!!!! #HandsOffOurKids https:\/\/activistmommy.com\/watch-coming-children\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's an answer to that faggot kike. Because eventually someone will get pushed too hard after being doxxed and then blow up or shoot up a packed synagogue full of kikes. I bet that's exactly what this kikesss wants to keep up with the jewish victim mentality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a #deplorable. I believe in #God, the rule of #Law, #Freedom, #Equality, #justice, the #Constitution, and the #USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing Muslims in government makes me so proud. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would kick that stupid faggot in his ass so hard they would need a surgeon to remove it. Pull that shit in front of my children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember when you were a child. And the retarded angry kid would throw rocks at you. When you turn to go face them, they run away. Until you stop chasing them, then they start throwing rocks again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time to call shit by it's real name: \"I'm here fighting for women's rights and for women's equality and for all kinds of stuff. For me to say 'thief' and for him to take a game, it made me feel like it was a sexist remark. He's never taken a game from a man because they said 'thief'. No cunt, you ARE the sexist. You have equal rights. You have the right to respect others if you chose to. If you dont, then dont attribute consequences to your alleged gender (which to be honest is so pumped up with testosterone YOU have been unfair game for most other women in the sport). This has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with your entitled shitty attitude.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spent a lot of time this week at ROF Burghfield (where we clean the Deuterium off our Nuclear Warheads and re-pack the UHE that sets the damned things off) According to the spasticated Lawyer Daggett that is Mark Lewis and the equally (but differently) spasticated Slatfascists they should have arrested me! But as I keep telling them... they are chasing a zephyr... they have every single thing wrong. That's the funniest bit... overall. Lawyer Daggett has no soul, it is being tormented right now and when he dies his life-force will be given to his soul and all the pain that soul has felt as a result of his rotten life on this Earth will be taken out on it. He will suffer, for eternity. He is to be pitied, not respected. Rather like Jean Hatchet\/Vonny Watts then?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical whore behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The far left has barely any of the tech sector, in fact. They only have the faux tech media companies and a few retards like Goolag. They don't own hardware, biotech, or semis. And after the market corrects, the faux tech problem will solve itself. Nothing clears out a bunch of ankle biters and parasites like a good old fashioned recession.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well i wish i was either a nigger or a jew that way i could stand in the street and cry that this is everyone else fault but mother nature... Had a wind storm take out my 130 yr old oak and my truck... unlike the spooks i wont cry about this for a 100 yrs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EVERYONE has a smartphone except me. I have a dumb phone. It might even be said that I have a retarded phone. Every time I try to call someone, I end up getting a hold of Maxine Water's lawn service...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @aekulze: In Hopes of Recruiting More Women, ISIS Opens Jihadi Finishing School http:\/\/t.co\/xlxdfZxS9s @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/E3hhzNThrk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Mine plays DMX and kirk Franklin smh @_justcallmeBRIT: Well my neighbors are ghetto . They get up at like 5am and beat their kids.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the first time a gay person is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Fly Emirate That not so subtle ad placement. A tool, indeed. He's literally a walking advertisement. A tool, indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Amazon been bad company again in uk there worker has had more accidents like 440 of them evil when people going to wake up and leave that evil vampire cunt owner","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What sort of retarded question is that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should get rid of disabled people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Allies would tell freshly captured Axis soldiers, 'Enjoy the war while you can - the peace will be terrible'. Four times more Germans died in the surrender of Germany than during the entire war. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv .This piece of shit >----@TruthWillOut <----is a fucking #LIAR and a dis-information #Shill working for the assholes in #Rome! There is zero evidence to substantiate that this many germans died. Did some die because they weren't onboard with the 3rd Reich which was 80-90% homosexual? absolutely not! They were doing most of the killing! @JMtz603 J Martus @JMtz603 Wow, someone has bitten off more dicks than they can chew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When wanting to virtue signal clashes with being too stupid to understand what you're actually saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gRE-0nIpMqA you blinked faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ehrmahgerd...did that bitch just have some cosmetic tucking done? Let the old cunt keep talking, I need a good laugh every now and then! She believes one stems from the other...can't get anymore stupid that that! She really has some doozies of a mind fart every now and then!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is hilarious you Kia snowflakes will sit here and cry that you don't want politics in your video games but when a dev remove political content you agree with you all shit yourselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@oliver_______ if you're making 300 clams for betting 5, i hope you do it for a living","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Found the faggot ass punk pole smoker who likes to make threats on the internet. Go smoke a smeggy pole you ass snatch licking shit nibbler.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope this family can immigrate to the United States. They are the type of people who built and contribute to our modern civilization.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Coolie_GBE300: It's 2014 and you niggas still runnin round sayin \"Yall don't eat pussy\". Y'all must be suckin dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course my dumbass self fell for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PatDollard Fuckin muzzie cunts, should all be deported, savages","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this faggot. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bring back stoning. Or just throw his stick off a cliff so he'll hit one big rock.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Acid yellow http:\/\/t.co\/hkpOM1iM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Make me, faggot. Oh, and tell me, oh wise American, me , a fucking Russian, with family being mainly of peasants, male part of which was called to fight in WWI, how sweet was monarchy and how good it was for my family and my personal interests.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm doing a Hitler mustache baby! AND I'm goin out in it. oh yeah... Dress up as Kisten Powers in one of them DemonCrap pussy outfits in GREY, be a DNC Cunt NPC just like her! Hitler stasch will work much better 4 me We are going out in Burkahs to terrorise the locals and see if the PUSSIES from the Imams Yellow Army will risk arresting us!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is a gigantic cunt right there folks. Holy fuck what a piece of shit she is. I wish he had punched her right back for that because honestly it's the only way people like her will learn that you aren't supposed to attack other people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ZaneIsClasker the fuck r u talking about I told u once and am going to tell u against nigga I love white bitch gtf bro","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay Muslim Drag Queen VS Dyke Feminist Flat Earth Creationist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's so many stories of people attacking other people just because they're wearing these hats. Imagine being such a cunt you feel the need to attack someone because of their political beliefs. Edit: Sweet Jesus fuck, look at that face!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about calling them [cunts](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wIGSXdj-gj0), it rolls off nicely.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hopefully she dies from a car crash soon Little much there buddy Nice haircut, fatass I think you're confusing me with you someone. I'm thin. I do have a nice haircut though so thank you You need to lift weights Not everyone wants to bulk until they're 75 pounds past being obese, you fat fuck It's not bulking anymore when you've been gaining 2 pounds a month for the last 25 years, you fat cocksucker Why the late start, lazy fat bitch? Not sure","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You need to kill some jews right now or you're a faggot optics cuck. C'mon pussy. Bomb a federal building. Do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dyke witches organizing a hex on Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/15\/witches-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your a cab driver and work for an organization that probably has very defined best practices, policies, and methods to handle this stuff. We're talking about Uber and someone using their personal vehicle to haul people around. Pound sand cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BryanHoch: Just 113 days until Yankees pitchers and catchers report.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rot in that cell ugly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never said that disabled people are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does anybody use Firefox anymore?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @EchelonInsights: Rick Scott beating win number in 30 counties, Charlie Crist in 13. #FLGOV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao Elizabeth Warren what a dumb twat ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aww you have to go back to spamming because you cant use words like a big boy. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How, in all of this person's ungodly retardation, do they come to the conclusion that it's a stereotype that black people with dreadlocks is a criminal? Dreadlocks are cool, regardless of your race. Only someone so racist and out of touch with american trends and culture could think of something so... **Wait a second...**","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANTIFI ASSHOLE. Im so afraid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Really? Mental health assessment? Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of queer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if this nigger wins in my state that is %79 republican it will be by voter fraud. this nigger is also under investigation by the fbi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@1usagrunt. I wonder what Charlie Brown would have to say about these days.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The statue of limitations ran out . She lied for political reasons since she is involved with the abortion pill. She is a LIAR! She is a thief since she took $750,000 from the mentally retarded that do not comprehend the DNC's intentions. He isn't on trial. It is a job interview!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any woman like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#WorldSeriesGame3 Hunter Pence is so annoying he should be a Red Sox player. Shave fool and take your Vyvanse #Yankees 2015!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two pea's from the same pod ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Michael's gotta have a monster to fit that faggot ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How come they never help the repubs? Fraud is always the dems. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common immigrant tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#2013Faves RT @grahamorama: #Snoop and #Justin are having so much fun at this Charlie Wilson tribute #BETAwards https:\/\/t.co\/C6NHwUBlXN ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Foto: imapython: bieg: albino sea turtle i think u mean soul of the ocean http:\/\/t.co\/vYmiTsNCEn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no I take that back yes christINsanity does make one makes one weak ,cause it's a sand nigger religion","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had this queer feeling we were being watched. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Something tells me this is probably a good follow list because it's all the people that just got tranny porn spammed along with me. @SergeiDimitrovichIvanov @WilliamRLBaker @Bluthar @joa_ @gespenstern@ProleSerf @Rocrates @BillT @ProfPlum @Citizen_Orwell @Leftcatcher @MinnieG @DrLouSasfincter @Snugglebunny @MatthewMontoya @lestermacgurdy @Texbrew @Dano28 @StephenClayMcGehee @Squeak1190 @Oldmanyyc @Evropa_Invicta it's probably some antifa faggot that's bitter about the kavanaugh confirmation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no you retard, where is the fucking lie Nah I stop the conversation after someone calls me a retard the first time. Have a good day. oh jesus, look I'm sorry, i call all my good pals retarded, i call myself that all the time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We actually need a world war, people need a hard dose of reality because what they seem to be smoking is making them retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been told to fuck off many times in my life. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"eat shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you walk toward him *after* he's shown he's perfectly comfortable power washing the bitch off your face? Why do I feel she is Russian russians give people plenty of reason to be prejudiced. they're trying to destroy the world, for one. Fuck Russia and those beet ration eating slavic garbage people. They're just as bad as the muzzies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit, it's the retarded Cuphead dude doing competent journalism? What timeline is this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MrFayoh Im a proud wacko bird, how bout you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do these racists demand that white people \"stay in your lane\" ... Yet, they have NO PROBLEM telling white people what to do and how to think #Hypocrites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Currently being hit with the jig. Word.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nationalism gives the individual a voice in the world and an identity.It also gives citizens economic power. Something a soulless commie like yourself wouldn't understand. Collectivism steals from the productive and gives it to the unproductive. I reckon that's true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye hadn't even met with Trump yet and yesterday CNN was already screaming \"GET YER NIGGER ASS BACK IN THE FIELD!!!\" - I can't wait to see what they come up with now, and of course, Saturday Night Live won't be able to resist a racist rant or three...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab is for white trash niggers and closeted faggot pigs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm tempted to post a bunch of my best (and most questionable) Inkling x Octavio images just for my boy Andrew but I'm not sure I want to subject my followers to that. Well, if you tag it #NSFW they'll only have themselves to blame for not having such posts muted..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every Sidney I've ever known has been a faggot know it all but this one is actually a lib trying to be decisive. Ain't that right bitch boy? Answer the question faggot The question faggot? I guess you must be the question faggot. You are the one asking faggy question with a fag complex. Go play with your Trump Dildo twinky....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pierce did not take infrastructure and logistics seriously - he literally bought the OKC scam and even went on Jew TV to praise terrorism. No wonder you praise his WORST mistakes, you being a Jew TV collaborator yourself. Whereupon I take that as permission to say anything I want against you ZOGbots. Those who destroy white families must be absolutely destroyed theysselfs -- root, branch and tender twig. Now I don't blame a shitskinned dotheaded mamzer ZOGbot faggot for calling a White Man a child molester because of your Genesis 3:15 haet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@judgedread you're one megalomaniac SOB, not quite different from the retarded SJWs and Marxist academics. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU BIG TIME First, the terms said \"no gadgets\" Since solar energy, and magnetic fields are considered gadgets.. Therefore, you are a BIG FAT RETARDED IGNORANT. FUCK off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MGTOW is a defeatist ideology for sad lonely men who have been broken by evil women. MGTOW is also a necessary stepping stone in understanding female psychology, a subject that men have been totally kept in the dark about due to a lack of wisdom from their fathers and a lack of honesty and self-awareness from their mothers. But the deeper red pill is that men need to start acting like men again and reclaim their destiny and their women. MGTOW is a cop-out on that path. Quit your crying, and become the man you were meant to be. I would say: MGTOW is a defeatist ideology for sad lonely men who have never been successful with women. More MGTOW types have never really been with women at all than have been mistreated by them.. at least that is what I picked up from my discussions with these defeated men.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because the Japanese aren't retarded and know that *fictional characters* aren't owed anything, much less dignity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So this sand nigger needs to explain why so many Muzlims live in non Muzlim countries and expose themselves to women that don't cover as they would in a Muzlim country. They are living non-Muzlim lives when they have the opportunity to move to Muzlim countries where the women are covered. So technically they are living lies and it's not about religion, it's about control. Low IQ Muzlims believe they actually have the power to control strong minded, high IQ populations through intimidation and control of women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"And that's why I'm the leader! CE. She has retarded meth head robert following her. She has quite a few following her, as well as MANY GIRLS. They will see no problem with playing at pol and not breeding if allowed to play and encouraged to not.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thousands of Swedes are getting microchip IDs inserted into their hands to swipe into homes, offices, concerts and even to access social media https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/sciencetech\/article-6306569\/Thousands-Swedes-getting-microchip-IDs-inserted-hands.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HMMM...except for the nightly news broadcasts by major networks with both hosts and pundits insinuating he's a dumb nigger an uncle tom and a race traitor etc etc.....some of which have even been linked on this very social media service","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"is this cunt a nigger ? Calif. voters are dilousanal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Waters 1023\/1024 so nearly full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you still use Spybook you're a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I make it a point to close doors in the face of women because #FUCKYOU. Not really, I'm a Southern Gentlemen and will always open the doors. If a woman complains it just makes her look like a cunt it's no skin off my ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That uppity nigger may be right. Kavanaugh is no friend of the Bill of Rights. He is a GW Bush neocon who will always rule in favor of the cops, big business and the government.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminism like Islam is evil personified on this world. I see feminism more like a bunch of fat, ugly women trying to force people to accept their ugliness and fatness cuz they think they are special somehow and lazy as hell too so theyllt blame their problems on the world instead of trying to make some changes in their own lives, and yeah its just as disgusting as Islam Could not have a decent one in the herd they would force feed her, shave her head and tattoo her ass and tits","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What if we just killed all black people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So many Nigger memes and so little time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yet...you like HARD FAGS...sort of CONTRADICTORY don't you suck? I mean think...you grew up with your Hillbilly Daddy fucking you...all people named SIMS have turned out to be GAY! You SIM-ULATE being human...as most Country Fuck Hillbillies do. Real Men frighten you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"(((Green Movement))): White couples having","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I skipped that show but I do remember it getting a lot of whiny press. That and Keijo are the biggest ones in my memory. Or Keijo!!! for that matter. Why did Darling get backlash ? Because it was sexy and about fighting aliens I guess?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LuckyL3FT @najmaaa_ali yellow bone be oh so easy wit da name callin b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone using the term \"white trash\" is worthy of suspicion. Bingo. We have a winner. They lack debate skills, knowledge and education. They attack others w\/o provocation, making unfounded accusations. Respond emotionally when they get tit for tat in return... screaming like little girls, because they've gotten their butts kicked. Crying like a schoolyard bully, whose victim finally punched him in the nose. I gotta admit: \"Trailer park theologian\" fits many of the people who attack you. :D Seriously, some of these people *are* morons. Exactly, I do not understand why people knee jerk as if they just been slapped when they read white trash. When someone calls me that I go \"lets see, I got a good job, I got a house not a trailer, I got a little farm not a trailer park, I have a higher education then the person arguing with me...nope, I am not that duck\" Pretty much the same, here. :) That's why you don't often see me climb down to their level and wrassle in the mud with them. :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Betting this is because the latest mass shooter had an account on there? (ignoring that mass shooters often have accounts on Facebook and Twitter) Also ignoring things like these: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Uppsala_rape_Facebook_live_streaming_incident Much easier to just shut down the smaller upstart and say \"look, I'm helping\" than try to go after facebook and the other giants. Facebook, Google, Twitter etc can afford to defend themselves. Gab can post a tweet about it, until Twitter bans them I guess. They're building an unchallengeable monopoly and using outrage culture to justify it. Bingo. NONE of the tech giants want to lose their market position. This is building a wall to keep them on top. If the standard for building a global platform is that none of your users can ever be nutso or say anything too outrageous then ... Well, no one will ever challenge the big dogs. Free market RIP. Its like unregulated capitalism just eats itself. God, even our ancestors knew this shit But muh crony capitalism! We just did anarcho-capitalism wrong this time. FaceBerg is a giant child rape and childporn trading index and Twatter is an official ISIS recruiting website Analysis: True. *Stasibook Much more truth in that name.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will hurt you and any other disabled people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm twice as smart as you. Nigger. That's because Mexicans have a lower IQ. And you're in a white country Sanchez A \"white country run by Jews no less. Nigger That really hurts my feelings. I'm a sad Mexican nigger. D:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for Muslimvermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#LittleFidel The Lesbo Loser That's right. That dyke and that Hogg bullied Nikolas Cruz everyday until he snapped. #TakeResponsibility","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey cunt...I have a medical issue with one of my eyes, and it has an artificial lens. Light is really bright and can give me headaches, so I have to wear them. So yea...go fuck yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Abolish Google, fuck these nigger faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If everyone else jumped off a bridge would you be the only faggot who didn't?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bjs5555: ELECT Democratic Nominee Amos Powers @Powers2014 2 #Congress #TN6 DEFEAT TEA Diane Black #Red2Blue #TNTweeters #CIR http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RealSkipBayless: In their primes, MJ would have dominated LBJ in 1 on 1. Just so much mentally tougher. MJ's trash talk alone would unn ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let this white boy be ghetto ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get. Out. And. Vote. You fuckers. And bring your families. And bring your friends. Not a soul has an excuse. It's time to crush this idiot and take our country away from the outstretched hands of foreign invaders","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Swarms of gay people are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Our three Greatest Enemies are; Islam China Globalists","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We will not let the army submit to Islam through political correctness - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jJmok2CwPfM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GAY DEM PLANTATION NIGGER THIS IS CNN=> Don Lemon Brings Up Kanye West's Deceased Mother to Criticize Trump Meeting (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/this-is-cnn-don-lemon-brings-up-kanye-wests-deceased-mother-to-criticize-trump-meeting-video\/ Poor Donny, He's mad because he is still stuck on the democratic plantation. Who's really the nigger now Don? you racist piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a Nazi podcaster, and according to 23andMe, I have more Ashkenazi DNA, than Elizabeth Warren has Native American DNA. Not as bad as 100% faggot you fucking queer! Get gassed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another victim of poundmetoo https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6262993\/High-school-teacher-23-arrested-Snapchat-messages-15-year-old-student-car-sex.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the voice of your \"resistance is a mentally-ill drag queen, then it's safe to say your resistance is likely equally deranged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Prejudice. A preconceived awareness based on a majority of interactions. The negative slant comes from libs. Self preservation is the basis.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fate of the HB Diversity + Proximity = War. #D+P=W https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html @Heartiste @3DAngelique This doesn't surprise me at all. She fucked up in the very beginning she was driving around with a nig. Living in a nigger country. She was asking for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"R\/insanepeoplefacebook but seriously what is wrong with this chick? Was she one who was kept from the vote? Or passed over jobs because she was a girl? Unlikely. This additude is as extreme as it is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh no, there's a new Balkan Route as of summer '18 that the pathetic yellow retard hasn't yet heard of LoL Say hello to your new sons-in-law in pic 1, danish dwarf","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Video games are garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What was the man religion or devil's worship did he belong to do any one no so he can have silver stack but in how heart evil cunt that cunt so good king John is not dead from the grave and looking down from heaven to look after is magna Carta s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It gets better. Butt hurt trump supporter hack media outletbigleaguepolitics.com posts a story about all of this with links to the now dead sub. https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/soros-employee-meet-the-reddit-executive-who-is-shutting-down-trump-supporters\/ Even better have a look at this screen shot of the screen shot on the news article. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/iErtCva.png Do you see it? Look closer. Every single post is at zero except for my troll post. Absolutely fucking hilarious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If we learn anything from Gab it's how retarded whig nats will ruin everything they get involved with","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's crazy, bro. So you married a woman who used to be a mudshark and her previous nigger shot up the Amish community? Damn bro, I'm glad you got away from all of that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Perspicacious What did the retards ever do to you to attack them with such vitriol? You attacked somebody grieving a dead cat. Your variety of trolling was a blatant demonstration of pathological behavior of Aspies like yourself. You are not retarded in the usual sense but you are socially retarded, actually. Attacking a grieving person yet posturing that you are an attacked protected class? Nice try! You brought up the slur \"retard\". I only explained that Aspies like you are not retarded in the traditional sense, though you are in fact socially retarded. It's not difficult for normal (neurotypical) people to recognize your autistic thought when you make sick comments about cats to a grieving cat owner.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"beep boop the left cant meme beep boop maga beep boop #BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q Manic Progressives Produce Comedy, Not Wins. It Only Gets Worse For You, Cupcakes! Pathetic. Flailing. #BlueToiletWater! Here's A Gift, So You Can Remember How Ridiculous You Clowns Are. #MAGA #KAG #QAnon #Q #RedWave #RedTsunami https:\/\/www.270towin.com\/maps\/2016-actual-electoral-map","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"science incompatible with feminism....yeah. because modern feminism is retarded Don't say that, even retards have more sense than them. Yeah transgenders believe that sex and gender are separate things, sex being whatever chromosomes\/genitals you have (male\/female), and gender being the way that you act (masculine\/feminine, and everything in-between). Saying that basic biology trump's transgenders is completely retarded, no one is arguing that they are not biologically male or female. [Plenty of trans activists](https:\/\/medium.com\/@LogicalMarcus\/is-julia-serano-right-that-transwomen-are-female-a989dca9d026) are actually doing that. I don't think it would be as big of a deal if they weren't. If they just picked male or female and dropped the 100 genders and weird pronouns, more people would accept it. Transtrenders are ruining things for the real trannies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laura Ingraham: Find this little slime. RePOST pls https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321 Yikes Yes, I saw, and he was dressed in women's clothes with a hippie bead necklace...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @aychmoore: most teachers abuse their position, there's teaching with discipline and there's being a cunt, most are cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like the way you think. LOL yeah. Some Dark Crystal type shit on her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GAB could be really something different. But it isn't... Just sayin', The politics is the same, the porn isn't as good and the music and art are just not even here yet. The spiritual department is politically driven to the tune of the rest of the site... I think it has a reputation of being to Conservative, because it fucking is... Conservative as in not WILD and Exciting, NOT as in POLIITCALLY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JD has clear mental health issues. Anyone who doesn't think people rise from the dead must be nuts. Like I said, clear mental issues. https:\/\/gab.com\/JesusSavedMe Fuck off asshole. I served in the US Navy for 7 years and took on people bigger than me. I never made it to sea but, I still kicked ass and surprised my division officers proving it. The only good part of you is the fluid that trickled down your momma's thigh. God damned keyboard warriors make me sick. and by the way. Boot camp for me was a fricking cake walk. @judgedread I rest my case, fucker. @judgedread https:\/\/gab.com\/JesusSavedMe https:\/\/gab.com\/repentorburn JESUS Is LORD I @judgedread am a fool and I repent of this blasphemy I @judgedread am a fool and I repent of this blasphemy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary is on the Daily Caller rejecting a call to civility. Feinstein is a fucking traitorous cunt clearly. At what point do you start arresting these fucking traitors? America can do this FAR more easily than Australia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TreTyler_108 That's actually non-English. Because #okiecops are filthy white trash who are all criminals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok where are all my #MAGA #RedPilled #Trump2020 #RedWave people at...... I'm sorry but i just have to do this out of Facebook suppression....LIBERALS ARE TRANNY FAGGOT BITCH ASS NIGGA DYKE PIG FUCKING MUSLIM HOOKNOSE WETBACKS...... AHHHHHH That felt good!!! #FreeSpeech Waddup feg! ;) Dude you can spell it the right way, no one will do shit...whats uo fag I know faggot! Better? lmao! You're both a couple of kikeniggerfaggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or competing in the Special Olympics, even if you win youre still retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb Socialist twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any NIGGER who is also a CUCK should COMMIT SUICIDE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No ...he's trump's nigger in the woodpile","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the cunt lost","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#portlandia #putabirdonit RT @mightymouse105: The Xbox One would be so much cooler if they put a bird on it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @wtfdawkins: Let's go Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's up with ugly cunts driving Mini coppers I find it funny as fuck. Just go out in public and see how many women have their face in their phone 24\/7 men do it as well but not near as much they deserve to be knocked down .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then the same people choosing the same answer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hey baby you look like tinkerbell luhlulhulhulhulhluh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"niggers want to get away with murder.. justice would just be another act of RACISM.. nothing worse than a smirking nigger getting away with murder!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Note that you have maybe one person on Gab who can post intelligently about evolution for every thousand young Earth creationists. This is normal in the low end of the GOP distribution. Gab is not attracting the best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so this is what mental retardation looks like","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blizzard is obviously smarter than you fucking retards if you think they're going to spend thousands of hours making a hardcore old school dungeon crawler for basement neckbeards in the current economic environment. Go play fucking Path of Exile. It's better than any of the Diablo titles anyways. You guys are worse than fat rednecks who get in fist fights over Football games because you have no life or identity of your own so you have to live vicariously through video games and video game developers. I've never seen so much millennial crying and entitlement in a sub dedicated to calling out stupidity and immaturity. This game looks fucking stupid. Lots of games are fucking stupid. You know how much it affects me? Z-E-R-O. I'd rather spend my time playing good games than crying about bad ones. Talk with your fucking wallets. PS: Anyone who spent $200 on Blizzcon tickets was already a gullible fucking retard before this game was announced. Have you all been living under a rock for 5 years? Blizzard went full SJW and you keep throwing money at them and then getting mad when they don't change. You're the problem. KiA values ideological consistency. If you're going to trumpet consumer rights, don't be a tit to consumers. It can't be that hard, yet it is and that's why the sub is still twitching four years on. Furthermore, when buying anything you weigh up value proposition and customer loyalty. What's wrong with trying to minimise the spend on a *hobby*? >I've never seen so much millennial crying and entitlement in a sub dedicated to calling out stupidity and immaturity. you must be mighty precious if you have to imagine people crying on the internet. I love low effort trolls, it keeps threads lively.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"writes the faggot who didn't have the balls to serve.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"She's a fucking girl!\" no, she's a drunken(?) cunt...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Btw nutbag..wtf would Isis target Dems\/libs..they thrived under them you clueless twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DarthMaverick7 @Xcntrik @religulous @chrispyosh Rather than believe that there was a man who was the very definition of good, u mock it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. massive changes coming to how the mute system will work. say it officially! say you haven't muted anyone. I already said it... you are such an NPC you can't even see how hard you are virtue signalling a total learned cliche. \" i never mute anyone \" oh yeah mate \" i never tell lies \" \"i never bullied anyone at school i used to bully the bullies \" it's all bullshit mate. so you wouldn't have a problem with just taking a screen shot of you mute list then would you ? im sure you would love to show everyone how noble and truthfull you are neo. c'mon show us guys and gals on gab how to roll with an empty mute list. it will take you seconds. No, I AM not here to impress anyone... let's see a screen shot of your empty mute list mr neo. with your five computers it will be well within your skills. it will only take you seconds. Again, I only do words on gab...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pushing a kid out of your cunt doesn't make you special.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What does being Jewish have to do with Zionism? Is every Brit a liberal cunt because their government is? I fully support the country of Israel's right to exist and put up borders between themselves and the same Muslim hordes that are successfully invading all of the UK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maxine Waters Charged with Three Ethics Violations https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/maxine-waters-charged-with-three-ethics-violations\/ @deanberryministry@Infidellegion@RedIceTVYouTube @Jane_Doe@NickGriffin@HolocaustLiesExposed@jlampre @LieuCmdrData@Annie53annette@sashashepto@Stratmouse @StMichaelsArmy@smoccia10 @Emily@Escoffier@EyesBlue71 @EnglishVids@BritainFirst@BrotherNathanael@TomKawczynski @SeanMaguire@gmseed@FrankGoneMad@Fabian_Nazism@Infidellegion@GuerrillaDemocracyNews@SeanMaguire@theunhivedmind@The_West_Is_The_Best@RentonMagaUK @samdev @kd4wov@WilliamHenwood@TruthWillOut@jacqueline-64 @Julianwallbank @Alt-Leftover@RedPillClobber@TrumpTrain @TradCatholic@Crazydoglady11@seanright @tterrell356 @Heliodramus @AnnCoulterTweets @jasonleeg @AveEuropa @Vorginia @Hidden-Hand @Drdeb @Bolaxballs @sine_injuria @WilhelmVonJudengas @TumbleWeed58 @pol2 @PryYour3rdEye @Ommega @Emily @Teeo @JMtz603 @luminosity @lovelymiss @LEROYWASHINGTON @LieuCmdrData @Nibot @PrivateLee1776 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you a fucking pig jew faggot kike jew loving sandnigger kike faggot jew loving idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Simpleton! Doesn't she realize that those \"white men\" fought and died for shitheads like her to have the freedom to voice their toxic opinions? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/uk-student-union-president-promises-to-take-down-mural-of-white-men-who-died-in-world-war-one\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">DebacleEmailsAsshat Lol! May this cunt be nailed down in court. Deus Vult!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberal college towns have the biggest white-black gaps in school test scores. Berkeley has the worst racial gap in the country. In contrast, high all around test scores and modest racial gaps tend to be found in GOP places like Dallas exurbs. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fvth https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/37598","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing fills me with fag-rage more than an entitled, incel-ass lesbian being a misandrist. Even with all the beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful men who are sadly (for me) straight, I'm happy they found wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful gals to share their lives with and have a loving relationship. Btw, I hope straight\/bi girls see this and know to avoid you because you'll likely try to sabotage every relationship they get into because you're overly-possessive. Dude same. Nothing fills me with dyke rage than angry incelbians acting like this. They're giving the majority of us decent, normal lesbians a bad name. Do I get a bit jealous when I see a cute girl with a guy? Hell yeah! Do I act like I'm better and deserve her more? Hell no! I got some straight girl friends with wonderful boyfriends and I'm super happy they're super happy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Or you just made that up in between having gay sex. faggot projection. Thanks but no thanks Or you're just gay. I bet you're going to repeat this every time you have gay sex. I bet I'm going to repeat it every time you're gay. LOL, notice his rebuttal was just repeating what I said and then writing \"hah\" in front of it? That's what homosexuals do. LOL the gay jew broken record dude thinks he is important. LOL, the homosexual white supremacist is being homosexual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's minds? I've never heard of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say not all woman are bitches you're a bitch. Because you're admitting that some woman are bitches. If you're not a bitch you'd say, \"some woman are massive cunts, lets change that ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're also implying that we actually give a shit what happens to you. Hell if you went to Prison man you'd probably enjoy the butt fuckings, and we don't want to promise you a good time after all. In all seriousness, enjoy the notifications - it only gets worse from here. See our community here self-polices. We don't need admins, bans, or what have you. Instead we simply overwhelm those who wish to derail the community. In your case, loli is a gray area that liberals and the left would absolutely 100% exploit. We must sacrifice faggots like you in order to keep the community alive. Congrats, you're the weakest link Goodbye Beyond that for not giving a shit about me why do you want to include me in this \"big topic\" of yours? Is this a vendetta just because I shit-posted with one of your \"bros\" for awhile and called em out for silly NPC behavior? I didn't take it personally. Do you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe if she didn't wear attire that accumulated to well over 8,000 USD in value she might have enough money for a place to live? and#x200B; Ha, who am I kidding, she got swooped up by the Soros crew, got tons of expensive things for free, and was told she'd be the face of a generation. Until she started saying retard things... then she magically won the race... I think I'm just as confused as the dems that endorsed her at this point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I keep two garden hoes out in my tool shed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paper Americans will never love America like real Americans. While this is true, a lot of them are still better than the native born Anti-American Americans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitches need to break through the glass ceiling and become cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Send her back to the land of goat fuckers. Says the retard who can't even spell bestiality or use an ellipse properly","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot already has a go fund me page set up by some libshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazi punching champion...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh man, that was a scumbag thing for me to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea preg wetback women going thru the desert, getting tied up on rape trees, with little water has nothing to do with them having more miscarriages, must be Whitey's fault. Also black\/brown women have shorter normal pregs https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/17\/immigration-rhetoric-may-have-caused-spike-in-premature-births\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alright you brainwashed blokes imma school you hard. Born in Quebec, raised in Ontario. Go figure","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well of course a nigger wrote it https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/01\/is-white-supremacy-to-blame-for-jimmer-fredette-mania\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well #megankelly Did go full retard a long time ago !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CW? Cunt Whore network? This is one I will not be watching. Pure garbage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@PoliticalIslam you look like a stupid faggot and a total asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger you're known as the crying nazi and you're trying to puff your chest out at me because I'm intelligent enough to see more than 1 move ahead? You've even stated not to reveal your identity unless necessary and now you're walking it back because I touched a nerve? You gonna cry again? How original, a parrot from the sycophant squad. Yes let me tell you everything I am doing because you hurt my ego by accusing me of being a bad actor... I'm calling out those with a platform that should use it responsibly. \"Go support the GOP or else bad things will happen!\" is retard level shit just like Cville. What have YOU done?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This clearly explains why our children are NO LONGER receiving proper education in public school systems...what with retarded assholes with IQs around 35 teaching !!! PRAY FOR THE NEXT GENERATION PEOPLE THEY ARE SOOOOOO SCREWED !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching the meltdown is awesome! https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/hysteria-donna-brazile-claims-kanye-has-set-black-people-back-155-years\/?utm_source=amgandutm_medium=twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sammytbh whats your youtube channel then faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is this cunt still ALIVE?????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These cuckstians are losing their shit. This cuckstian virtue signals all day on Twitter like some SJW faggot demanding the Third World Immigration and refugee invasion of the USA and Europe. His email: brian.zahnd@wolc.com, aaron.zahnd@wolc.com https:\/\/twitter.com\/BrianZahnd\/status\/1053796619739688960","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don[na]'s just upset about Faggot marriages being disavowed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"niggers ain't a race!! they are a sub-species!! lol at least I ain't a nigger!..smart ass nigger lover..LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many rapefugees in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't hate non-Whites because they have a different skin color. I hate their privilege to steal my tax dollars and laugh in my face with their sub par IQ, state protection. Now apply to women. Same. Worse. They have one job, and that's not pol, nor is it to go to work\/school until i have the entire conversation archived. Fn try me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody LISTENED to her. She's burned out. That's all. It's time for fresh blood in that position. She became Trump for two years, and now she needs to step away. It's exhausting to do what HE does. Government officials must know when they're done. She knows it's time to stop. AND. She credits Jared Kushner for much of her success. He crafted Trump's election strategy and Middle Eastern strategy. Kushner is another Trump. Note that Haley's resignation came as a total surprise. There were no leaks. \"The leaks are real; the news is fake.\" Nothing REAL ever leaks. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hEENopuCdzc Your easily triggered! Not at all, whore. . Kudos to the adults in the room. The LEGO hurlers must be absolute peaches in real life. GFY meth head. To bad Kushner's the Man My IQ is so far above your own. Peasant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/screwcommunism.com\/2018\/10\/22\/antifa-kids-shown-live-sex-shows\/ where can i donate? i want one of these at every school in britain inshallah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Debber66: This is REALLY BAD for you dear! Should have kept your mouth shut and opened only to sing ! Taylor Swift bashes Blackburn in favor of Tennessee Dems, breaking political silence https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/KXZC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KeiveeB yellow shirt hat turnt to da side","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've got a bad feeling about this one. Don't trust him Davey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Allowing any more disabled people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bunnyasmin1125: I Still Be Craving An Oreo McFlurry b;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faith Goldy can go fuck herself #RaceMixing @FaithGoldy @apple @JohnRivers @LanaLokteff @realjamesallsup @ramzpaul @Blonde_Beast @AndrewAnglin @Cantwell @realemilyyoucis @laurenrose @JFGariepy @Alba_Rising @millennialwoes @thisislaurat @Counter-Currents She's playing a very tough game at the moment. Let's cut her some slack for now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, look at that smiling chimp. Of course he is smiling. He gets to rape, er I mean dance with a gorgeous young White, blue-eyed blonde girl, the stuff of Nigger dreams.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[removed] This is how mad kids are after the mueller investigation. Total meltdown. .... You *do* realize the *Mueller* investigation is *still* going right??? lol you truly do not know what is going on, do you? [Rosenstein defends Mueller: No reason to end special counsel](http:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/national-security\/378035-rosenstein-defends-mueller-probe-no-reason-to-end-special-counsel) This came out well *after* the *HOUSE REPUBLICANS* self-investigation, of course, came \"clean\". Reading comprehension can take you much further than looking like an idiot if actually used for once. Did you think the congressional republican report was the Mueller investigation? Nope but that is hilarious that we all now know mueller was just buying time to stoke the political flames for the deep state when it took the conservatives so little time to find no collusion lel Qanon isnt real You seriously think the special counsel's investigation and the house intelligence committee investigation are the same thing? Wow. That's hilarious. lol another liberal who cant read can you forward me the jon oliver episode or jimmy kimmel crying video explaining the mueller investigation? I want to join the resistance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@twitter took down account of disgusting, sick, vile, feminist, dyke Nazi Gergetown professor, Christine Fair! Time to get the bitch fired from her job too! @CChristineFair ! DELETED - LOCKED - SUSPENDED! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/controversial-professor-suspended-by-twitter-after-call-for-deaths-of-gop-senators-kavanaugh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D3ath to all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey is a cunt mah sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck a lame nigga than you a lame bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My last job: I replaced an x-acto blade with a razor shaped piece of mylar I painted silver. A crazy redneck coworker from Missouri took it and shook it in a jew's face.Kike went all \"Hey hey!\" She \"stabbed\" him in the neck with it. The jew went ghost white thinking he was gonna die. This needs to happen to Acosta.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Verhofstadt is maniacally pro-migration and represents the interests of Soros and migration to the point of obsession Hungary's ruling party https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/verhofstadt-is-maniacally-pro-migration-and-represents-the-interests-of-soros-and-migration-to-the-point-of-obsession-hungarys-ruling-party\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's there to make the other common taters look more conservative .. And I don't even know why they have Juan Williams on there that never Trump animal Someday Jesse Watters is just gonna snap and deck him one of these days... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm that nigga for real. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Took this fag two years to become morally outraged. Don't let him dodge that point, it's the main reason I don't buy anything he's currently saying. He was fine with the shit when he wanted their money and traffic. I hate people on the internet that happily take money from people and then throw them under the bus. What a fraud. The moral outrage is BS anyhow. He's just a tool doing the bidding of some nazi LARPing faggot trolls targeting people they don't like as a game. The same trolls who, BTW, engage in username squatting and actual threats of violence, things that ARE against Gab's rules, but Turbocuck ignores that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"my birthday was the 18th and everyone forgot hence the upcoming SMALLOCAUST!! (it has to happen, sorry) im gonna draw a mustache on my face and pretend im a Mexican Beto fag so they'll let me vote. it'll work q well yeah, im not a communist. im going w the mommo when she votes. she said if I cause ANY trouble its curtains for me. have to come up w a good plan to explain the temporary mustache. she probably won't even notice tho cause I do retarded shit all the time ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it's typical of disabled people to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only Americans would hire white trash with ties to international terrorism as police officers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"iOS 8 autocorrect is trash RT @No_Can_Do__: My phone be capitalizing the dumbest things!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"obamination appearing at the most nigger infested school in Milwaukee on Friday.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When oh when will this breath-taking bullying stop? \"I came out as LGBT, and lost family and friends. I was called faggot and beaten to a pulp. Surgery required\". No- not again! Haven't these aids-ridden grids-riddled cocksuckers suffered enough? @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @lostpassword @JiggyCoon @BardParker @WADL @A_I_P @WADL - You seem to be implying here that there's light at the end of the homo tunnel- which would give some of them a glimmer of hope. If true, I truly wish I was able to contact one of them to let him\/her know this. @WADL - Yes I see what you're saying- a flashlight being held by an agent of law enforcement could be a homo's light at the end of a tunnel. @WADL - Yes, I've often heard they love getting those barrels shoved down their throats. It's kinda' like being a muffler... a silencer. Not nearly enough if they're still breathing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"make halloween uncomfortable again:)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@amandabynes i can give you some of my clothes so you can look like a cute dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? Kike and Faggot. Feel sorry for Billy peeps ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobel Laureate in Physics; \"Global Warming is Pseudoscience\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/SXxHfb66ZgM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would he snitch on himself!?!?!? He's a stupid 14 year old and his grades started slipping. When the parents started grilling him it was probably the best excuse he had for himself. Victim blaming is ok because he's a boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Pathetic POS #FakenewsCNN desperate to take credit away from TRUMP for UNITING THE COUNTRY and calling for the FBI INVESTIGATION #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Over the weekend while I was away attending a funeral, my sweet baby cat Nera died...she was the best cat I've ever owned, and was truly unique. It breaks my heart I wasn't home when she passed...I hope you'll indulge me posting a photo and a painting of her. The painting was done by Candace Wagner @OnwardTruth last year. Please give your pet a hug or pat before you leave the house, each and every time. #PetLove @Broken77 Ed. Is that short for erectile dysfunction? Dick MIA 77 times? Is that what you're saying? Don't even try and play this off on me asshole. Somebody post's about coming back from a funeral only to find that her lifelong pet had also died over the time that she was gone and you decide to try and spin it off and try to troll me? You're a pathetic piece of shit, mother fucker. You're the exact reason why I plan to go to hell. Because motherfukers like you are not going to get off easy when I get there. \"Don't even try and play this off on me asshole\" Too late. @EdsuffersfromED77 Insulting the deaf and the blind is A-OK. But don't touch cats or you'll get internet tough gay act. \"You suck at trolling.\" Tell me more. @EdWhymydickdead77 Please explain again. It's not my fault you failed at reading comprehension. @EddickDead In a room full of dicks, you should not be @Broken77 because his doesn't work. -Adolf Hitler, ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It'll sound like American nigger mixed with Received Standard lol. Elizabeth must be -so- happy. Niggers and muslims out of the UK! I'm Data, and I approved this message, so come arrest me for hate speech, Met Police! Right here! In America! O, right, you can't. We still have some freedoms. So bugger Meghan and her boyfriend-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Always thought golden Oreos were the same as original Oreos but oh my god I just climaxed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The economy is so fucked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Pepper_Redbone @Yankees @Mets I miss the pizza! The passion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"an uncomfortable percentage of america's population actually believes this. it will be the foundation of the bolshevik left's escalation of civil war Yes, only the most populous states including liberal sh*tholes like NY, CaliMexifornia, the N.E. mini-states and Illinois should decide the Presidential election. If Montana cannot have three electoral votes (Senators, minimum one Rep. etc) then neither should Rhode Island (which would not make a proper Montanan county). This is not a mob democracy, it is a representative republic. You know how to change the Constitution . . . oh, you don't have the support to do so? Then STFU and emigrate to Venezulea. BOW DOWN to us ... the know-it all hippies, duuuude! Have you read @TomKawczynski's book The Coming Civil War? Chapter 34 is titled \"Decentralization - The Unhappy Compromise\". \"Assuming all this could be done, one could ask what might keep these disparate states together where you imagine a California that looks communist working with Texas swinging hard right socially and toward free markets.\" https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Coming-Civil-War-Tom-Kawczynski-ebook\/dp\/B07GWGPPY5\/ I haven't read it but will put it on my list!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@team_Darrion night jigaboo http:\/\/t.co\/vxKCG4yGXF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, ol fat fucking shill Jones is merely stating the fucking obvious. Geee, he must watch FOX news too! no, perhaps not but I did put a swazi on the ADLs hate map of Ohio. has Jones done that? has Jones organized rallies and brought out white awareness? no. has jones cleared out nigger gangs in Toledo and brought in FBI and DEA units to Toledo to combat the niggers? No. How many whites has Jones recruited to our Cause? of course, explaining this to a left wing faggot like you is completely a waste of my time so just go back to your fucking closet, get in and eat a bullet you pathetic little cocksmoker! PS-use spell checker next time you illiterate cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Google exec slams GOP over Kavanaugh nomination: F--k. You. All. To. Hell' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/tech\/google-exec-slams-gop-over-kavanaugh-nomination-f-k-you-all-to-hell people like David Hogue are the reason I never joined Facebook or Twitter and began moving important stuff away from Google several years ago. You're wiser than I. I've worked in the industry for 30 years. I know exactly how trustworthy these companies are because I did contracts at about 20 of them. Sun was a decent company. Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Apple are mostly filled with foreign labor that questions nothing, and a lot of the management are shitbags like Hogue that think they're holy and righteous but have no integrity or even a concept of it. Striking how educated he is yet bat shit crazy. yes. I actually think it's related. Because he's made so much money and has intelligence, he knows he's better than any of his customers. His customers are not customers, they're company property to be bought and sold. That's the mentality. He knows better than any of us. He's legitimately got a Kant categorical imperative tweet on the TL yet sides with Ford. That's bezerk her friend said \"no gathering.\" they're the equivalent of the Marie Antoinnnette class that got their heads chopped off during the Revolution. Smarter than everyone else, so they deserved all the resources, etc. exactly. they've put together an incoherent morality system in their heads, it's all a big mishmash of conflicting stuff and they don't even know why. Nice reference. One of my most interesting classes was Business Ethics Same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, she was a democrat. https:\/\/youtu.be\/gfuxXSxf5-4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG Is she not the dumbest twat on the planet??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@TheJuanWilliams: \"The shocking point is that Republicans don't have a message right now. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tFTV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. Its wrong to try to change #faggots> There is no \"therapy\" so #tcot should understand and sympathize like they are #retards>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in a Muslim's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it, Marks and Spencer's are selling political medieval garments on their website? I'm lost for words It must feel awful being ridiculed while wearing that suffocating garment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WOMEN BEATING NIGGER TYPICAL RACIST THUG HOOD RAT BLOODLINE NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"fuck you you pussy ass hater go suck a dick and die quick\" - Someone, to me, in Youtube comments. I think we'd be good friends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common camel fucker. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jamaica populated with island hillbillies. Even linguistics are kind of the same, if you sub the accent. Olde English derivatives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Georgetown Prof Who Tweeted \"Castrate Corpses\" of White Men Placed on Leave https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/georgetown-prof-who-tweeted-castrate-corpses-of-white-men-placed-on-leave\/ via @BigLeaguePol True that. Only because her Uni decided that the funding might not be forthcoming any longer! Once it has died down, this feral bovine will be back, unchastised! I am a woman, but this shows their IQ drop of about 30 points ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seems California, Illinois, and New York are in a contest to see who's most retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of shemales. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that ref can receive a dildo directly up his ass now,that was egregious to not call that foul for dre","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another bleeding cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Race-haters on Gab poll. What percentage are shills to damage pro-white causes? (For added clarity: Hate is understandable, but ineffective, and a naive too, imo. Know your enemy, but be strategic. Nonstrategic vitriol drives potential sympathizers away. In fact, vitriolic hatred is what a shill might do to taint a movement.) I don't usually use the word \"racist\" because it's overly used. I'll use the term \"race-hater\" to refer to someone who just spews hatred publicly and tactlessly. Are race-haters on Gab shills that want to taint the otherwise cordial race awareness dialog? What percentage do you think might be shills? Or are they being genuinely vitriolic? (e.g. You can like in-group preference and ethnostates while not hating others. You can fight wars and not be driven by hatred.) Ha ha. You're so wrong. If by \"most don't hate other races\" you mean conservatives, rightists and even pro-white advocates in general then I agree. If you mean those on Gab - then this entire poll is an argument against you. 1) Read my post 2) Read replies 3) Assess a simple ratio of people replying to this poll that are defending hatred as a valid approach to pro-white endeavors. 4) Reply and tell me what you find. My message is clear. Hatred isn't helping. Don't conflate pro-white with hateful of others. It's such a bad strategy that I suspect many many shills. Your Poll is meaningless because people are rarely even honest with themselves. The response I would like to give could never hope to fit in my allocated letter count. Let's say that's true. There is still information to gather even if it's not as obvious as how people answer. Thanks Debbie but you're preaching to the choir with me =)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ReiddH i agree my fellow cracker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheMayorMatt has to be #live version ! #pulledpork #clams #babyjesus #lilsmokey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Couldn't have said it any better myself. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to k i l l all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no we hate christianity cause it's jewish and it's leaders are jews isrealites samaritians and whatever else that is in the not so holy kike book ,it's a desert sand nigger Ideology ,That is not European","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KiA is an awesome sub for making fun of journo majors and feminists but holy shit you guys are entitled little children. Blizzard is a company. Companies exist to make money. Mobile phone games with micro transactions can squeeze hundreds or even thousands out of the right person. PC games - only $40-$","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you must be a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mfsasso or jim crow laws segregation lynching laws... anti womans suffrage laws... amazing how everyone doesnt want to bring that up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fact , The Most Racist countries on the Planet are Nigger Countries , number one was India , then asian shitholes , they,re just a bunch of hypocrites","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"somebody link this retard to a definition of the euphemism treadmill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot retards promoting \"based jew in a maga hat\" please God will they just shut up or kill themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well the pro-meat argument is that every species cares about itself. Lions are so tender and nurturing of their own kittens, but they go snap the necks of baby hyenas. Because they are in competition over food and survival. Likewise humans want to provide the cheapest and best food to fellow humans, they don't want meat to be $20\/pound just so the chickens can not suffer. Empathy is all well and dandy, but at a certain point it becomes retarded. Everybody always wants to save the cute animals like dolphins while they fry up the butt-ugly fish in butter sauce. I mean that's the empathy gap right there. People have empathy for cute things. If you're ugly, people are like \"fuck that nigga, get in the frying pan.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sheeple just like @sweetpotatertot:OH those \"racist\" \"sexist\" \"teabaggers\"who just elected these two old white men. http:\/\/t.co\/x3BwNM3jiI ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I read past the headline, the problem is, even if retarded, people are still paying $38 for hot dog water.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those Muslims suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This has to be a parody account. If not, then folks, you now have a front seat witness the damaging results of a constant diet of chemical soaked foods. One wonders if this idiot actually reads what she wrote and comprehends the complete and utter JEWISHNESS of her retarded thought process. This is JEWISH INSANITY brought about by filth like this :","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FukTylar: \"Heard you was talkin trash like I wouldn't find out\" http:\/\/t.co\/8LpcnHM9XB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uhm lol pretty sure the guy is east indian? lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jessespector the bird has a hat. So it's hats on hats, who can beat that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's an easy theory to test in the free market. Hand a business over to someone who is too stupid to run it properly and see what happens. It's all about IQ. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not. The facts don't care about your retarded feelings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@urbasicyabish @Mikeaveli fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"News media pays $69 million to oust Megyn Kelly for blackface comments https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6316973\/Megyn-Kelly-NBC-just-48-hours-blackface-scandal-paid-69-million.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Snoop Dogg Calls Kanye West an Uncle Tom' for Supporting America First Agenda Here is another piece of shit that deserves the noose. This garbage human and \"entertainers\" like him are responsible for \"thug culture\" in America which unsurprisingly promotes violence, prostitution, real misogyny, degeneracy, and drug use. Scum like this clown are influences on the youth of today. Music has always played a major role in influencing the minds of our children, no style of music has had as big of a negative effect as \"hip-hop\". The message in the music is as low and disgusting as it gets, and of course, it is very liberal.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/ Lmao, nice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is it with you fucking women?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL you're a legend in your own mind aren't ya David Unlike you, I actually have a functioning mind! Since your head is up your ass you haven't had oxygen for a long time! you have the intellect of a cockroach I've been standing up for the caucasian race since the 70's where the fuck have you been?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she is a good Lady. but as far as RESPECT towards Booker, NAA HE IS JUST ANOTHER NIGGER RADICAL WHO HIMSELF NEEDS PUT DOWN LIKE THE COMMUNIST PIG HE IS, ALONG WITH THE REST OF THAT COMMUNIST DEMORAT MOB. they are ALL ENEMIES AND A THREAT OF WE THE PEOPLE, OUR REPUBLIC, AND PRESIDENT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's the middle of the day you rambunctious nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You think when I was 11 I didnt fantasize about doing a smokin hot babe? I wanted to bang my babysitter just as much as I wanted to bang the girls in my class. This kid's fucking retarded for fucking this up for himself. He'll regret it in a few years time, guaranteed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"reminder that all the false idols crumbled before the one true god ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some fucking retarded Qanon boomer loses his shit and commits a shooting at a synagogue We need a solution to the boomer question, NOW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Melania Trump spokesperson calls for boycott of rapper T.I. over video featuring first lady look-alike stripping in Oval Office https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/melania-trump-spokesperson-calls-for-boycott-of-rapper-t-i-over-video-featuring-first-lady-look-alike-stripping-in-oval-office","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WOW, the moral depravity it strong in their family. No wonder why she is such a nigger loving piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MikeTokes: I know this is a crazy poll, but just bear with me here. Do you think its possible for Democrats to orchestrate a false flag #MAGABomber #BombScare in order to appear as the victims and garner public support in a psychological operation intended to manipulate an upcoming election?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you...Jews are opening our borders to foreign invaders you faggot because of that, a million white girls in Britain have been raped we have lost cities to Muslims they are EMPTYING the 3rd world and bringing them into the West","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why does MSNBC have a \"news\" show that is 100% opinion and right wing talking points? Joe the nation is with PBO not u teabaggers #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well we all know the average porn stars cock weighs 12oz so toss her on the scales and lets see what a dirty hookers Cunt weighs!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Canadians freeze to death in Toronto while \"refugees\" remain in hotels. https:\/\/www.thepostmillennial.com\/canadians-freeze-death-toronto-refugees-remain-hotels\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got a tattoo of my power mantra.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This whole comment is a train wreck dude. You ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Step up and take your oppurtunity! #freshfaces #iubb #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NotoriousBM95 @gezus__ @Rodriguez5_ your getting blocked faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crack kills. is that it? Really. Right I'm off. You're no were near good good enough to troll me. You are boring. See you on the flip side motherfuckers Off you trot. I hear they're doing Carlesbergs on sale at your local lidl. Enjoy your night. IT said it was off an hour ago. Seems something's gotten under its skin, and I'm not talking about parasites. Am I annoying you, skank? Pretty sure you're address is well known, just ask the police that came to your door, and pretty sure you're so irrelevant that no one gives a fuck where you are your obese daughter live. Post my address if you know it. Do it now. Lets not play games. *your I'm not in the habit of posting people's addresses online. I'm not a child. If I ever want to meet you face to face, you'll see me then. Until such times, keep staying bitter and angry. Miss popular with herself as her only subscriber. Check out the \"I'm ready to suck a dick pout'. @SeanEast or all the men in Sheffield.. biker skank she's called","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT ImAndrewMarcus Oh god! Please let this sick old drunk woman run again!!! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/ImAndrewMarcus\/status\/1049412485407752193","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The MAGAtards have turned an anti white nutjob nigger into a national hero. Even \/ourguy Tucker was waxing poetic about Kanye. The Jews probably laugh their assess off when they see this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You mean she didn't move to Canada like she promised? Deport her to Venezuela","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i get what that girls point seems to be but colored people died during the holocaust and 9\/11. ((if that's a picture of the holocaust idk))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank you Charlie #FF @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brave! Until the bullets start flying. Then you will be looking for a man to protect you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You dumb disingenuous cunt. It is a manifestation of the very hight of irony to call out my reading comprehension. You are a deeply stupid individual who models Dunning-Kruger with aplomb. Job well done. For the record, let's run it down: 1) \"stole Richard's hat, took a drink from the table and threw it into Richard's face\" 2) \"verbally attacked and threatened him\" 3) \"denied service\" 4) Actually is number 1 5) \"knocking off his hat and spitting in it\" So let's be clear: you are a fucking moron. You are a fucking snowflake crybaby. You have yet to master reading your native language. Crawl back into your your stupid mother's basement and think about this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When a black country gains its independence, nobody asks, \"Are you ready for immigrants yet? But for Russia and Eastern Europe, it is taken for granted that, since they are WHITE countries, massive third world immigration is the next step.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Golden Oreos are the best","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the nigger slice\/stabbed his eye with a \"something\"? Looked like a quick eye stab and a punch with the other arm Get your concealed carry today. Would you like to know more? #2A https:\/\/www.usconcealedcarry.com\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Always remember our enemies know they're a race, one they believe has sanction by god to rule over goyim, using any means necessary to that end. They and their apologists always lie and misdirect. #holohoax #jews #israel The Jews never had more freedom and power than when Muslims were ruling Iberia (after retarded Christian infighting let that happen).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TREAT ME LIKE AN EQUAL!! TREAT ME LIKE AN EQUAL!! I'M JUST A GIRL!! I'M JUST A GIRL!! Pick only one mouth please. I would help a man in distress. Or a woman. Anyone should. If you wouldn't, you're a coward. That's not a bad thing by the way, people have different responses to danger. But don't make it about pretend support for equality to somehow feel justified or superior. The problem is that if 2 Englishmen get involved they will be the ones to get in trouble. The women had already expressed that she wants them punished instead of the crazy middle eastern dude. Imagine what she would say if they used force to defend themselves or her. That's simply not true and you're completely projecting in an attempt to justify not helping another human. Which is exactly what's wrong with our social fabric nowadays. Read the article, she explicitly states that she wants the 2 white men punished and no repercussions for the middle eastern dude. No, she doesn't. She says she blames\/is unimpressed with the two guys. As well she should be; I would be really upset if I was being attacked and instead of helping me, two able bodied men ran away. And I'm a dude. Then she says the guy that attacked her is sick and needs help. Which is also understandable. You're projecting because, like, I assume you have a hatred of women and want to see them villified. I dunno what else to tell you man. women say my body my choice for rotorooting babies but when it comes to putting yourself in harms way to protect the totally equal stronk feminists its your body my choice. fuck em","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely adore gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On yet another National Faggot Day, it's important to learn the facts about things Jews lie about. Matthew Shepard was assaulted during a robbery, not because he was a faggot. He had drugs they wanted. Matthew Shepard was a prostitute and had HIV. One of his killers was also a prostitute and they had sexual encounters. Mathew Shepard was a meth addict and dealer. He had access to a $10,000 supply of meth the night he was robbed. Matthew Shepard had previously been gang raped in Morocco, why didn't his family cause an international incident about that? Jews turned Shepard into a gay martyr to champion hate crime laws. Hate crime laws are only ever used against white people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a Twitter said that a \"bug sent user's private direct messages to third-party developers \"who were not authorized to receive them. #WalkAwayFromTwitter #DirectMessages #MayHave? #LOL https:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2018\/09\/21\/twitter-bug-sent-user-direct-messages-to-developers-for-over-a-year\/ Ouch. That's maybe a bit harsh No, it's a punishment proportionate to the damage done","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All Muslims are such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i saved a bird yesterday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This guy is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take you cunt ass back to Twatter were you belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/tWNllUI1PQNT\/ CALLED A NIGGER AND BLACK TO GET OUT LUXEMBOURG:::IM WHITE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sassyharryballs ugly white bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger Demons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ate the receivers really fast or is pass coverage trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@discordianslip I hope my fuzzy head doesnt tickle too much.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wrong Mary! Not every woman is a dyke man hating idiot! Only brain damaged feminazis think like you!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">What do $38 bottles of hot dog water (hot dog included) and Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle mega-brand Goop have in common? It is some how more expensive then the new rage \"avacado toast\". We are fucking doomed, and we deserve everything that happens to us and then some. >That reputation of selling bogus health products is what caught the attention of Vancouver artist and Hot Dog Water CEO Douglas Bevans who plans to crash the summit. >>You may remember Bevans from his eye-catching prank this summer at Vancouver's Main Street Car Free Day festival. >>>He sold one bottle >>>>The stunt, Bevans explained, was meant as a commentary on the \"snake oil salesmen of health marketing. You ate the onion by not reading past the headline and first sentence, deciding instead to get upset about it. He's making fun of these people and their batshit beliefs. A single person bought 1 bottle. Probably as a gag gift to make fun of the person in their life who never shuts up about their keto diet. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. A molehill that exists specifically to make fun of the people you're having a conniption fit about. You need to chill out. Smoke a joint or something. It's legal. No no, you're ignorant. Run along.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JoeCaroselli1: Jameis Winston is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chelsea Clinton mulling political office... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/cT59","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What UK does is no one's business but ours Frankly the CTA preceeded the EEC by 50 years, free movement of persons, of Irish and UK origin, per Pachero can and must continue, others,no Dear Keyser, Regarding that BLUE-FACE NIT-WIT MOTIF (upper left of post), have you any idea how the bloody hell that came about all of a sudden on Monday this week ? (I managed to replace the one I got but it took some doing). Regards, W.. Show him what aborted babies look like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hey ya little douchebag hows the spelling grammar nazi today? hey ya kill anything today beat your wife or the dog ya redneck piece of shit lol , hey my daughter wrote that one for me ya fucked face ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EU commission went out for a drink didn't invite May She's fuming silly twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> this also promotes bullying Start a fake feminist account. Make videos about feminism. Make Superchat. Send fake trolling to your Superchat, causing you to lose all the money you're receiving. Cry that you were harassed by misogynerds and that Google\/YouTube has actively allowed WHITE MALES to harass a womyn out of her money. Set up Patreon. Message every feminist outlet with the story. Tell them all how Google\/YouTube is actively encouraging and allowing womyn to be harassed and bullied and that misogynists are allowed to steal womyns money. Let the Patreon bucks roll in from dumbass SJW's while the MSM rages at Gulag. Potentially get Google\/YouTube to shut down this retarded policy **and** make money doing so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"in the wise words of Winston Churchill... \"what a nigger faggot\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A couple posters ITT have said that they've been told \"y'all\" is African American Vernacular English, and white people using it is racist cultural appropriation. My initial reaction was the same as yours. I always thought y'all was a redneck thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Surely you took note of his fascination for Nigger dick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@odysseus94 You look more like a Pedo account than Parody. You do not get to follow me. What do you look like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"You white piece of fucking white trash\" excuse me miss, they sell large reflective pieces of glass called mirrors, consider investing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's par for the course. It is part of the comradery of the internet. It's a litmus test for how legit a player you are. And, most of all, it's the rite of passage for all those who join in the fun. If you can't handle being told you're a cock juggling faggot that can't keep dick out his ass, then you're not going to enjoy playing video games where much of the point a lot of the time is to be absolutely despicably cruel to \"the other guys\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're fighting for a political goal, and everything you do makes you feel good, you're probably going to lose that political fight. What makes you a threat to your political enemies is a willingness to be SERIOUS and do the uncomfortable things that are necessary for victory. Voting Republican costs you NOTHING, so if you're on here bitching about the many things the GOP has done over the years that White nationalists understandably have issues with, three weeks before a major election, instead of doing what is necessary to keep the Left at bay, you're just a virtue signaling purity spiraler who poses absolutely no threat to your enemies whatsoever. For the love of God please vote GOP this go round... several of them aren't perfect but still FAR better than their leftist opponents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christine Blasey Ford Nominated for Distinguished-Alumna Award at UNC https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/11\/christine-blasey-ford-nominated-for-distinguished-alumna-award-at-unc\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ex-deputy PM Nick Clegg is pictured with Facebook chief in Silicon Valley as he lands 4million lobbying job despite previously slamming firm's paltry tax bills. Proving all politicians have their price https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6294701\/Nick-Clegg-heads-Silicon-Valley-hired-Facebook.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dem Doxxer Can be famous too, but as good #Conservative peeps, we wouldn't make it go viral...would we? Is this is the Bitch who Doxxed #Conservative Senators the other day?... Works for Lovely Maxine Waters??? Bad anons...bad bad Anons...LOL #ConfirmKavanaugh #BringThePain #LetTheBodiesHitTheFloor --------------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543 We shouldn't pass this around. I'm not going to do it. Nope. While old Maxi yells LIE LIES LIES!! Despicable LIES!! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If it's in the state's he'll go to the school first. So you'll actually end up with like 9 assists. Take it easy I swear I'm normal on the rest of reddit lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Portland Antifa https:\/\/davidharrisjr.com\/politics\/portland-mayor-ted-wheeler-lets-antifa-take-control-of-the-streets\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/FarleyFilms\/status\/1046701524699602944\/video\/1 . Detroit https:\/\/twitter.com\/Jamierodr10\/status\/1050000213497339904?s=09","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats have openly stated (many times) they will repeal the 2nd. #Vote Red ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When the two niglet sheboons grow up and either one of them or their nigger boyfriend stabs them they won't be smiling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh dear... Did it go somewhere? Flavio, I've been using it lately. Sometimes it's the only word that fits. I use it daily. Nothing wrong with the term other than cultural marxists imposes word restrictions","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's worse than #Ebola ? The F-ing retards trying to make it a race issue. Al Sharpton has caused more American death than ebola.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@deepblu Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I prefer Jameis Winston to not speak on TV at all. Damn coon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fucking faggot torba","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are fucking retarded failures is what they are. The only good commies are cold blue ones like that Fuck Boy Puto Che' got.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guy has no life. He is a pathetic piece of shit. Let that little pedo faggot cry all day long. I","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"saying yes to a lot of different dick makes you indeed a: slut friendzone isn't a no: it's this place where you can keep things vague, but falsely give the guy the idea that you're interested but you're not. you keep him around for any future benefits he can provide. A no would have been better. Bitch: the type of person that thinks these posts contain any truth or merit and is in general an annoying cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this the patsy the dems set up? It was 2 days ago when they were claiming they'd have their \"suspect\" within 48 hours..... does this smell to anyone else? https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/fbi-focuses-florida-hunt-sender-package-bombs-083550212--finance.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is with these retards unironically calling people degenerates?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut up faggot. I grew up taking part in \"hugging matches\" while you played call of duty in a trailer. You insult my sport, I'm going to call you a faggot and offer a fight. That way you can see what a hugging match feels like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a wh0re. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dad just yelled out \"in bout to fry some chicken like a nigger\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw this video elsewhere and they started the vid at the part where the black dude is helping her up. Now I see what happend, she's a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_politeASSHOLE: 4) Only pussy niggas who suck dick cry about someone being in their mentions, tweet the person then cry again about the ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since that retarded asshole Justin Trudeau and the retarded Torontonians love \"irregular migrants so much, Trump should put the Caravan invaders on Greyhound busses and ship them right to the Canadian border and tell them to go to Toronto to get free food, housing, health care, and $50,000 cash each. Problem Solved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That cunt should be hung!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AtlasSmugged: women only play casual game like Kim K game and anger bird. They don't play real games, like Male Power Fantasy 2 or Jingoi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You went full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh boy. Toothpaste faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RealGilbert and the hunters anthem goes \"Al Goreing we will go, Hi ho the dairy O Al Goreing we will go\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anything else you fucking cunt LOSER. Start thinking for yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BNightengale @FeinsandNYDN Time for Ranger scouts to head out and watch some Yankee prospects. #rangers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those tards are boring. On a high note, I just realized Sergei Kharitonov knocked out Roy Nelson. I used to watch Kharitonov in Pride, I didn't even know he still fought. I remember when he lost to steroid nigger Overeem, then beat him in the rematch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yankees should have NEVER gave away Melky. Guy can flat out HIT. #yankees #giants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah.... no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a is a censoring nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i can tell u r still getting your information from retarded #FlatEarth morons. why is it so many of you morons think the earth is FLAT? even your Nazi heros knew the earth was round.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumbass red-pilled faggot virgin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girls have a vagina. Boys have a penis. End of story That's a very brief summary of biological sex. Very good. How does that relate to gender, though, if I might ask? They all share a common root. What's that supposed to mean?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How shitty of a person do you have to be to get pissed because a guy in a wheelchair has been trained [to find children that are being trafficked for sex and other abuse](https:\/\/www.ice.gov\/hero)? ICE = ebil nazi racists who hate anyone that isn't hwite. ICE = neo-nazi jew hunters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And ur a faggot troll So you're saying I troll faggots? Probably, when they say stupid stuff like this post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fucking Royals bitch! Work!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Niggers in #College. http:\/\/archive.is\/Udi04 Is this nigger for real?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't support calling them that. I think they will like it, thinking it's edgy or something. The name needs to reflect their retarded mentality and authoritarian nature.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fire up the ovens! Oy vey Open borders for jizrael Oy vEigina! Probably because they don't belong in the UK. SHUT IT DOWN! It's not the couloir it's the hidden agendas Resistance to genocide is racist, goy! You don't belong. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right wingers are RETARDS. Not stupid or misinformed - FULL ON MENTALITY RETARDED SHEEP. Fuck trump. Fuck all the RACSIT fascist Nazi kkk filth that support him. You're radians from the truth, on at least 8 claims. And i'd rather be retarded with down syndrome, than be you: a Commie who doesn't know (or admit) he's a Commie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep stoking the fire soyboy .... you may get your civil war, yet. I'd like to see George Soros and his family killed first. Americans killing Americans is what that faggot wants to see. Kill him first and then start the Civil War","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/deutsch.rt.com\/newsticker\/77955-55-tote-bei-kaempfen-zwischen-muslimen-und-christen-in-nigeria\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think black and white are just labels. People can live together in piece despite colour dismatch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What if I started designating Monday as \"Guest Day\" on the Radical Agenda, and try to book guests once a week?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#IU should make me an honorary student, id be way cooler than the other international students. i have my own football card! #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You said you be smoking strong but your wrong you been smoking trash it's not in my lungs if it ain't that pressure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This stupid cunt sure did disappear suddenly","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TURDICUS BEING THE NIGGER TURD HE IS IN FACT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCKING SJW CUNT !! WE ARE READY TO FIGHT THIS SCUM !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ellison is a muzzy nigger pile of pigshit!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical cripplebehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You were shut down on Twitter because Jack Dorsey is a fairy gay faggot that supports pedophilia on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TRUST ME #Seattle> WE GIVE #Thanksgiving it's DUE> A huge, flightless bird? Dream come true for European bird eaters.......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Expected from a dyke bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The shit mods locked it LOL what a pussy....oh wait u\/flapyourwings Yeah i'm talking about you [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're an N word? I could guess Filipino but I'm gonna go obscure and guess Micronesian.. Lol Filipinos are pretty good people tbh and you guys have a cool meme president too. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another joo cunt in bad need of a lead pill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolutely. This is still a smallish subreddit so solid arguments still get upvoted even if they tend to go against the general theme of the subreddit. Hell, I even clash with some users here about right-wing policies and how stupid they actually are. I find this subreddit refreshing because it isn't afflicted with political correctness. You can call someone a faggot when they are being a faggot and users won't latch on to that and shut down any argument you produce. It's a lot more relaxed, you just need to display some critical thinking skills and some thick skin and you'll be respected here, doesn't matter what position you are debating. And we don't ban people just because they are taking a different position than the general theme of the sub. That's important. (we just call you a faggot more freely)(just kidding)(but not really)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CLASSIC: 2 BIRDS w\/ 1 STONE - Maxine Waters proves herself SHE IS LOW IQ and SOCIALIST #VoteRepublican https:\/\/youtu.be\/OrA9zj94NuU @JudiLake @wwboom @Drdeb @PatriotInfidel @1776Ninja @VortexQ @BovineX #patriotsfight #WWG1WGA #MAGA #Gabfam #Gabvets","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"immigrants deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate that I wake up early the morning after I drink. But the fact that there was a cold yellow gatorade in the fridge gets me so happy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry but dis nigga ugly af. Also apparently he's half sand-nigger but he came out pale af.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never hurt any Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"David Hogue, Design Lead at Google: You do not believe in God. You do not believe Hell exists. Both do. What is this the demonrats insurance policy ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol. You're the joke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya know what else is \"Illegal in many countries? \"Hate speech lmao fix video features and stop talking you chubby bitch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@phalaenadispar How day feel bout colored folk?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ItWWZu2geSE i would share this video to the pro-israeli christians but sadly i do not think any fucking christian zionist is able to listen anything that isn't completely retarded for more than 3 minutes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who loves it when people are toxic in video games. I'm never having more fun gaming than when that guy I just destroyed calls me a faggot and then quits. I must have hundreds of screenshots of salty chat messages in Rocket League. I curate them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. 2) You can easily see muted posts by looking in your spam folder. 3) Hopefully this four step procedure will not happen every time you just want to mute a larper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't get it! Is he raising her children or did they have them together? I think he meant \"Dating a white girl with black kids\" but failed pretty hard at pulling it off. I think he means that the black mom already got a bunch of kids when they start dating Well, I certainly wouldn't commit to a relationship if she already had kids unless I had a VERY secure financial situation...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"XD i was merely pretending to be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why should she be, she made them. look at the things...only a retard whose highest mechanical aptitude is to fuckup a shirt button would have the temerity to call that shit a device. no selfrespecting third grader would call that a bomb except watching roadrunner reruns in an alzheimers home.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh don't bother. It's all gone. Everyone that watched this is now mentally retarded. There goes software engineering.. if I ever come in power, I'm going to make being a feminist illegal af.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Candace Owens: Chris Evans Basically Called Kanye a Dumb Ni**er' over His Trump Support Chris Evans thinks he is better than you if you aren't a communist cunt like he is. Makes me sick that he plays Captain America, really sickening. Everyone should chime in on Chris Evan's post where he talks down to Kanye. These Hollywood FRAUDS really need to go away. I would love to see all of the bankrupted and end up on the street, that would be rather fitting for communist douchebags like Mr. Steroid Face here... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/candace-owens-chris-evans-called-kanye-a-dumb-nier-over-trump\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're retarded go fuck yourself cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She probably can't open a jar of pickles let alone crush someone's fucking head, please don't fuck up the Witcher series by hiring this cunt, she's clearly the wrong kind of person to write for it given the shit polygon gave the witcher","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump scandal - sharp increase in GOP testosterone abuse http:\/\/thepeoplescube.com\/peoples-blog\/trump-scandal-sharp-increase-in-gop-testosterone-abuse-t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay...she is a nice stupid cunt but she is still stupid, still a cunt and I don't need your permission to think it or say it. So, um....Fuck off. Thank you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#texasFirst ReTweets of VoiceofTheVoiceless @PressTV https:\/\/twitter.com\/PressTV\/status\/1051144811821092864 mustC: @AlfredSchaefer Black being racist vs a German #FairTrial (Listen1st) video: https:\/\/kutt.it\/gab_tw_4i7rY5M0DKl #MakingPoliticsGREATagain [phpGAB]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ your pet zebra. stripey?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabFam Time for a bit of Zombie Rob Zombie - Dragula https:\/\/youtu.be\/EqQuihD0hoI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude is always throwing out random statistics against ppl who obviously havent researched the topics and then sits there like hes so fucking smug. Also videos like 'ben owning some feminism etc' on youtube is so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As many teeth in a Queen cunt kissers head. It is, they'll fill a show with niggers then act offended when you call them out It seems the casting crew took Mr Toole a little too literally. > Mr. Toole: I don't know whether you're aware of it. But we Irish are the \"niggers\" of the British Empire. - Hell on Wheels: 1x07 - Revelations. Both Triss and Yennefer are manipulative cunts in the books. Yen in particular often tries to either kill Geralt or get him killed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sure, there are a lot of immature and stupid ppl here. But that's bc there are a lot of immature and stupid ppl in real life. And cursing or name calling has nothing to do with \"guts.\" If we had to communicate here like we do at work, it would be retarded and gay. For example, I couldn't have even said that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jose Soto: Reflections of a former gay teabagger http:\/\/t.co\/XtMMuzyK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a beautiful thang.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah, the nigger was losing BADLY so she decided to have a Category 2 Chimpout on the tennis court so the News and Headlines are ALL about the nigger instead of the chink she got beaten by. More \"lookitmuh nigger behavior. Sad! Lookatmuh nigger behavior . Emily you are funny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the faggot who got triggered by a picture. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sen. Collins describes illegal bribes and threats of liberal groups that tried to buy her and it's jolting https:\/\/www.bizpacreview.com\/2018\/10\/08\/sen-collins-describes-illegal-bribes-and-threats-of-liberal-groups-that-tried-to-buy-her-and-its-jolting-681574","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/McguireScotty\/status\/1052602557774946304","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Emma Paving Stone [Damn...](http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/htWNCRm.gifv)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your wife is a fucking whore for even considering being with a dumb proto human ape nigger like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These days Twitter isn't even bothering to give a reason for why they're suspending an account. They're slapping people with lifetime bans just because. Yeah. But also, you know, trolling. There's no one to troll on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"10\/ Created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans. VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far. Signed the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act, increasing the number of VA employees that can assist justice-involved veterans. but according to lbc thuggerty and james the cunt oliar trump has not achieved anything","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BOOKER IS GULITY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT !! FUCKING DUMBASS NIGGER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should have bought the clothes first, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DIRECTV why are you showing Yankees game in arizona when you promo Washington huskies game? I bet @dish would want my business","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MOLLY was a member of the BRAT PACK....now has joined the RAT PACK GFY MOLLY you sucked as an actor ...I guess you suck (on it) to keep getting work Yeah i never saw the attraction, even in her youth, before countless surgeries, she looked kid of retarded to me. Still this get her some publicity and thats all she's bothered about","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot should be beaten to death.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or they realised that this would completely destroy any chance of retaining power. Canadians do not want these cunts here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should just hang all these pictures. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"surprisingly liking loli porn has nothing to do with real life sexual preferences faggot ........ as someone who knows people who like loli porn they're otherwise quite normal. you seem pretty retarded. Would you do me the honor of walking me through the chain of assumptions that led you into that statement? Because I get it, I obviously agree with you that it would suck to slide into state sponsored censorship. But I'd want to know how in THIS PARTICULAR CASE it would be useful FOR THE PEOPLE IN GAB to stake the defence of their continued existence on drawn child porn, even if I myself agree it should be protected speech. Because I understand! I know it should ideally not even be an issue, but sadly the reality of the situation means you'd want to open a case for free speech on something with better optics. This isn't it, from where I see it. I would LOVE to hear opinions that elaborate on it, instead of this retarded talk point bullshit grandstanding that assumes I somehow want the jackboots on your doorsteps just because I see how INCREDIBLY HARD TO DEFEND loli porn would be as a pro free speech position.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"C'mon. Too far.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds reasonable to me. Throw the dried up cunt in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Operation Wetback","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheOnlyReed: IDC what phone u got, lol silly nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger dressed as a Indian eating a taco dress up as a million dollar welfare check..LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing trans people in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"5000 white men in pick up trucks screaming nigger and my coach got the nerve to get mad I missed the free throw ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course the immigrnt was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get to the midterms and if we win life will get easier for free speech gawd its like spoon feeding retarded apes around here sometimes #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, white supremacists got mad that I was calling them faggots, so one of them made a new account (@CityPacific) and is now trying to troll me. Bonus: I get to call him a faggot again. :D So anyone who is against using the term faggot and who doesn't see being gay as negative must therefore be gay?! Lol. Are you really thatnarrow minded ??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sunday's are the day to chug through while everyone else around you is obsessing with what their fave football team does and fantasy league.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Mr. Boghossian doesn't have tenure and expects the university will fire or otherwise punish him. Ms. Pluckrose predicts she'll have a hard time getting accepted to a doctoral program. Mr. Lindsay said he expects to become \"an academic pariah, barred from professorships or publications. https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/fake-news-comes-to-academia-1538520950 These authors and academics are heroes. They are putting their careers on the line for this honesty. Its amazing. > https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/fake-news-comes-to-academia-1538520950 >Such hoaxes are unethical, and The Wall Street Journal doesn't condone them. What a fucking abysmally cowardly article, trying to have its cake and eat it, too. She couches her acknowledgement in moral grandstanding and claims that she 'suspected all along.' Oh, did you now?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Found the mod It might not belong on IGTHFT but you sure do with your bigotry and neglect of your child's health if we're ever unfortunate enough for you to reproduce. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Arxl\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"kayjaylayray\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* -Conservative","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shep Smith Fanning the Flames?, 2423 https:\/\/youtu.be\/tAv3EmEeSnE via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@brrrrangadang this nigga .. know damn well you a coon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hopefully she meant \"the time for civilization is over\" bonus typo on Drudge: \"civlity\" :) \"dang, she be all up in my civlity!\" She meant exactly what she said. More violence, more riots, more dead police officers and more black clothed, masked, marauding, senior citizen beating \"non mobs\" funded, sponsored, paid and bussed in by her favorite pathological benefactor, good old Nazi George. Soros is not a Nazi. He cannot possibly be one because his actions are the OPPOSITE of Nazism. Just because he once COLLABORATED with the Nazis does not make him a Nazi. He is a Marxist. Please search the internet for an education, yes? LOL! will this \"soros collaborated with nazis lame meme ever died? It's dumb, boring and most importantly false af. So, Soros never collaborated with the Nazis? It is all a lie?? Soros collaborated with the Nazi's and turned Jews in to them. He boasted about it in an interview on 60 minutes. https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=vx0DYdHVGXg Pull your head out of your ass. Hitler was a puppet The Nazis were created by the same people who created communism. They were evil scum and useful idiots who served a purpose for their masters. Just like Antifa does today. Get over it. So, the same people created Hitler to kill their fellow Communists? You don't play much chess, do you? Ah yes, the aged 'it was a chess game' argument. Uh huh. Dick head versus dick head. So far the score is one to one. Will either of them last until the final round? Stay tuned. If we're dick heads, you're a pussy. Are you coming on to me? In your gay dreams. Actually you do nothing to gays in Gab. So pipe down Canuck. I will indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Behind his surgically altered face resides a creepy brain. That's not my flag and frankly I don't want a bunch of filthy arabic semites using our Aryan symbol. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I think I could make the exception, especially to the concept of a Syrian occupied Jerusalem. That would be worth it Agreed actually these 2 had a discord link I cropped off. Don't trust discord.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank God our culture and education system are there to fill the void in crafting them into full-on retarded savages.sarc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no one wants to get rid of jews for their religion, we want to get rid of them for shitty behavior like spreading degenerate atheist communism, promoting open borders for us but not them, race mixing for us not them hypocrisy thy name is jew bolshevism is judiasm, we've known it since the 1930s. I love the not all bullshit. Useful idiots are the goy in antifa the jews are willing to have run over in the street to promote their degeneracy. non-communist jews are like \"moderate muslims\" if they exist at all it's to condone and apologize for jewish behavior, hasbara Its not a claim its a fact you dopey cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@obamac0re I don't like it peaceful that's boring I like fighting I come from the ghetto do u remember that it's p impossible for me not to","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wanna go to a trash talk concert","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the gay people around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UK Enrichment Update: Record High 700 Live Terror Probes https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7575582\/record-high-of-more-than-700-live-terror-probes-are-running-in-the-uk\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#StopWhitePeople RT @ABC7: 9 cases of West Nile virus infections reported in Orange County this year; 105 dead birds found carrying virus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"canadian bacon sucks sand niggers cock Correct, sorry I generalized like that. That entire province of sand nigger heaven should be nuked. sand niggers are going to be trouble","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching them become even more retarded is HAWT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WhiteShariaNowPlease lmao the church is Jewish because it didn't allow polygamy and divorce and promoted celibacy until marriage. Typical white sharia faggot that blames his problems on women and the fact he can't get a partner instead of Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aint nobody wearing those new Westbrook \"Jordan's\" but Mexicans and trailer park trash white girls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT townhallcom McCaskill: I Want James O'Keefe Investigated...Because He Exposed My Anti-Gun Views And I Want To Be Re-Elected https:\/\/buff.ly\/2yY7MlD https:\/\/twitter.com\/townhallcom\/status\/1054805920017010688","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of an immigrant to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What little credibility the UK had left just went out the window..... WTF, jazz hands....OMG.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw a pic of some coon in Nigeria cookin' up a storm with his nigger enemy as the main course. \"Who wez havin' fo' dinna, Mosell?\" means something different over there. Maybe this woman here was hawngry. EBT card didn't get recharged on time or something...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Speak English sand nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical shemale behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you pronounce it faggot' it only has 2 syllables.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And this is why I don't do the dating apps. every time I would go through their list of \"suggested potentials they were 90% black or brown. thanks, but no thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Redneck limo ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mikecheck_123 the favorite drink of white trash everywhere....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to help out a Muslim tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was under the impression that you had a drunken Abo problem in the same way Canadians have a drunken First Nations problem. Also, I had the belief that you had a Chinamen problem of recent origin as well as a Muzzie problem of recent problem. To my shock, I see your shitbag pols have imported Africans too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't need or want protection from hurty feels by hate crime laws because I am a man! For f*cks sake, just scrap them all, its all completely pointless. http:\/\/www.itv.com\/news\/2018-10-16\/review-to-investigate-if-hostility-to-men-should-become-hate-crime\/ Precisely","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Named \"Jessica L'Whor Speaks at Middle School For Career Day Sums up how fucked up the \"school\" system really is. What career does this freak even have?! Lol #News https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/parents-outraged-after-drag-queen-named-jessica-lwhor-speaks-at-middle-school-for-career-day\/ The number one occupation for transvesites and transgenders is sex working. They also have a 40% suicide attempt rate. So how evil does a parent, a school, a political group or movement have to be to push this severe mental disorder onto innocent little kids and try to force the world to accept this as healthy and normal? #Homeschool your kids or grandkids no matter what you have to do or sacrifice. Don't just be livid. Go into the school and tell the principal he's a faggot and then ask him why the school's test scores are so low and then call him a faggot again. And then do that every day. Make his life living hell. @BizziKimmi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her tranny snatch is full of nigger cum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@chrisbickert i want it! I love her gooks! she is awesome where did you get it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Internet nazis- >Posts derogatory, retarded ass bullshit at people who don't want to talk to them. Cries like little bitches when someone shows them something they don't like. >Trolls other people's shit, cries about \"muh free speech\" when it gets removed from groups they aren't welcome in. Vigorously polices their own groups for things they don't like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ihate Muslims","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are only a select few retarded sheep that take this scag accuser seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Democrats get control Maxine Waters will run the Financial Services Committee.. Remember she made millions voting to bail out her husbands bank for, No ID, No Job, No Citizenship, No Problem home loans.. That should even scare the hell out of the South Central L.A. plantation dwellers... Maxine's stupidity and lack of comprehension is truly a hole with no bottom. Can't they make her head of the DNC or something. EXCELLENT Handlers, she gets money and perq's, they get her vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt News Network's anchors always look unhappy, never see them smiling nor with anything intelligent to say, just that same dumbed down stupid pasty look on their faces!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kathyislovely: 'che wigga! RT \"@wigga32: If she puts up with you it's because she loves you, now make it worth her whileand love her back ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A queer nigger on a sissy bike . The bike needs to be pink I think lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump may not be our guy but he proved in the primaries that it's possible to mount a successful primary challenge against multiple deep state insiders and media favorites. Ron Paul was a cunt hair away from achieving the same, himself. Jared I love Ron Paul but unfortunately ya caan't do much with a cunt hair or even a red cunt hair","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @TZilla you are propagating lies, taqqiya is not for the purpose of spreading Islam. Your post also misrepresents maruna. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Taqiya The Wikipedia link you shared merely confirmed what the meme I posted says. The bottom line is, Muslims are taught it's acceptable to lie to non Muslims. Everything is just blah blah, I don't give a shit for your minutiae BS, go away. Here's your meme: https:\/\/gab.ai\/TZilla\/posts\/37050536 Here's the Wikipedia link: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Taqiya ^^^ what she said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said disabled people like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@judgedread lol no","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"inb4 you unfunny nigger kill yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HELLOOOOOO??? MAX-INE WAT-ERS?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a former conservative who loathes the RACIST brainwashed retarded Democrats, I will tell you the best President we have had in the last 75 years is actually JFK. He has the balls to take on the cabal with executive order #11110 and issue money silver backed directly from the Federal Government which is exactly what is really needed. The Fed IS the problem and the RACIST Jews running media and the banks ARE the problem. You will not find that on any msm. If you haven't pondered the Jew question, keep an open mind and listen. Please feel free to speak freely however, the Jew does not censor you here!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poisoned the food supply, The foment all the racism and sexism thru the vile RETARDED pieces of shit LEFTISTS, and they brainwash people with all thier immoral sewage from the despicable Jewish Supremacist media and absolute Jewish scum propaganda of Hollywood! Jews are morally degenerate scum!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump has china by the short hairs ... they ain't going anywhere. We already won the economic war ... they will fold like a cheap suit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@IntentionalTalk Half jar of marmalade, shaved monkey, saran wrap, mini horse. Give your best scene. #askkevin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't feign drama, but Antifa better be careful because one of them could end up dead. Antifa has a history of real violence and it won't take much for a person to justify a real fear for their life and pull out the shotgun. I am not quite sure what to think of that. I am starting to really think we are not taking it nearly as serious as we should and DEMAND that something be done about these savages. These people are going to end up getting government jobs and will somehow figure out how to win elections like by letting felons vote just like they passed a few days ago in FL that adds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't see why we don't just create a transgender category. Seems the most obvious and fair solution. Great athletes will still compete. And the playing field will be as level as can be. I mean we create weight categories to maximise the fairness of boxing\/mma fights. We recognise that just because two people are both male they compete at different levels. We can do the same for transgender athletes, surely?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Grandma: \"(Macon) is a rinky dink mosquito-filled cop-infested swamp.\" LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"being single if u make a bad decision job wise or career wise its easier too correct it because ur not obligated too a cunt now roll the dice and marry the wrong cunt a bad decision can be costly financially mentally and physically which will take more time too correct u cant just walk out on a cunt ur married too without losing at least half ur shit as compared too staying single and kicking the slut out whenever u feel like it still risky though (wouldnt recommend)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's the perfect excuse for any kind of bullshit the comic industry has pulled and will pull in the future. Take Tim Seely's (or even Waid's) work in the last few years for example. Produce some of the worst comic books ever, injected with whatever woke retardation they jerk off to this week, then when nobody buys the book blame them nazi gators. Rinse and repeat... At least until the industry eventually implodes and dies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vaccines are literal jew poison. The chemicals like mercury, aluminum and many others heat the childs brain causing a massive immune system crash. Read the ingredients then ask yourself if you would let your kids eat any of them. Then ask yourself then why am I injecting them into their brain. #vaxxed The people who are brain-washed on these issues are like zombies. There's no talking to them. They deny the validity of any and all proofs that do not support their brain washing and programming. Insanely enough, most of them are the same people who claim they do not trust the government or Big Pharm.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kevnasto: I would rather fuck a fat chick than allow a nigger into my house.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger mania in NYCFD!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people belong in our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@justicefighter your a FUCKIN left faggot libtard so watch yourself!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@metroadlib: colored contacts in your eyes?blinders on mine.cause i can't see you at all.\" Lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus is a Jew and judges your life, were you an antisemite hater or did you live a life according to God's laws? There is no salvation outside the Gospel of Christ, so shilling for a false religion like Islam and Judaism makes you a heretic. Anathema, get lost. Henceforth: The #SynagogOfSatanShooter...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's so good about Prom? All I see is another faggot ass High School dance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do people not recognise that Muslim lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"anybody want to take me to pollo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'M DONE. WTF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He gets this bratty attitude from Brittany .... and its for the birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to be such a huge Beyonce fan, like when she was in Destiny's Child. The funny thing with these \"woke\" retards is that they don't realize that Beyonce actually took opportunity away from a lot of black female RandB singers. What happened to Brandy, Monica, Deborah Cox etc when Beyonce came on the scene? Their careers evaporated, and the media machine behind Beyonce actually made sure that happened. I know because I'm an RandB fan and watched it happen lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a friend who considers himself a right-wing Christian. He is livid that I refuse to vote in the midterms (and has even threatened to end our friendship). His problem is that he listens to alt media filling his head with 4-D chess narratives. This is why I have nothing but harsh invective for the American alt-right. You assholes are leading us off a cliff.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger with an I.Q. of 80!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Amen sister! Did you just assume their gender? REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! \/s DON'T TALK TO ME IF YOU SUPPORT DRUMPF In this rambling clusterfuck of poor grammar, rampant misspelling, and shameful abuse of punctuation, I'm actually impressed that you managed to spell \"peak\" correctly. I'm sure that it was an accident, though, and you probably won't do it again. Listen here shitlord! Grandmer is hawrd, your totally opresing me rite naow, u r licherali wors thun hitlur. Well, I **am** a Grammar Nazi of sorts, so I suppose your accusation isn't *entirely* wrong there . You... you're alright. You should have kept the repeats. Give it the full affect. Since you didn't, its only a 9\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OK, so Hank Ford was a Jew-hater. SO FUCKING WHAT? That doesn't make anything he said \"the truth. Frankly, if Nehlen actually posted this kind of shit, he deserves to get kicked off of every social media platform on the Internet. Free Speech does not include hatred. Fuck off you faggot boomer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fckn cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BrandonTierney: Grinding! #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok all their retarted allegations aside, how do you sue Uber for workplace sexual harassment? It's an app, it is YOUR car. Unless they mean in Uber corporate, still probably horseshit. There are a lot of un-American cunts on Reddit. A longstanding principle of Anglo American contract law for a thousand years is that just because there's a contract, it doesn't mean there was a meeting of minds, arms-length negotiations or anything else that contracts are superior to be. It you know, reading a two-sentence meme pretty much exhausts most people's comprehension skills.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Warren: \"Harvard never identified me as a minority.\" Harvard: \"Check out the new colored girl we hired!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up Dick Nigger Get dunked on Hapapilled Dick Nigger! Jk ily Dick Nigger :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A new way to look for aliens: find their trash http:\/\/t.co\/n9CTH1jrda","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've noticed a lot of the time that when it comes to body shaming, it's usually 'plus-sized' women, or straight up other guys. I know it's fun to rip on one another, but if it's one thing, dudes gotta stick together about their junk. [deleted] Well, we sure in the fuck didn't come up with it! black people don't say nigger tho, brush up on your Chris Rock or Boondocks Not that theres anything wrong with this but I think it's kind of gay to be doin that. Just like those guys who are thinking about the size of another dudes dick that wanna act like their straight. Doubtful, but what do I know? It's not gay, it's just being a twat when another dude needs to say; \"lmao dudes got a small wang mine would be better for her\" and shit, even happens in some subreddit NSFW subs. It's pathetic and just scream insecurity. That's weird, my buddies and I make small dick jokes to each other all the time but being serious about it is just insecure That's part of the issue though. We need to help people up instead of putting them down over what they cannot control, it does more harm than good. There is always some truth to a joke. \"Words will never hurt me\" tell that to the mother who killed her son because he had a small penis, or women who cut their spouses genitals off because it's not big. I could go on. geez, i really hope those are hypothetical situations that aren't real I could swear there was a story somewhere that a mother cut off her sons penis because it was too small, I can't find the article, but I am 100% it is real. It's really not that serious. Maybe in other situations it is but these are guys I've known for years on years and nobody is getting even slightly butthurt about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger baby","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Fromtheshwa yes now get off twitter, you lame negros should have never learned how to use the Internet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THE FUTURE IS FEMALE t shirt on WETback WTF","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"looks like a soy boy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think he meant, he feels like a man with no cunt tree to hang himself on,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course Kaine whines about \"travel ban\". He is rented by the Muslim Brotherhood along with Corey Booker and Gilibrand, the crazy cunt from New York. #IslamIsShit #DeathToTheMuslimBrotherhood","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a super old story and technically the pussy pass wasn't denied. Peterson will face a minimum of five years and a maximum of 10 years in prison when she is sentenced. She will get probation or house arrest. Will she? Let's all hold our breath.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll never be a boomer faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No shit. That's exactly the problem. \"Nationalism and traditionalism for us in our homeland, faggotry and infinity nigger invasion for you in your homeland goys.\" Meanwhile Israel leeches White Gentile money like we owe them. Fuck you rodent parasites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lawyer who cleared Ellison of domestic abuse allegations is partner at firm that donated $500G to Dems https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/lawyer-who-cleared-ellison-of-domestic-abuse-allegations-is-partner-at-firm-that-donated-500g-to-dems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"black people deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Makes a point... https:\/\/redd.it\/9piy41 YES I am a Zealot Christian! YES I do love American Black People, who you called n-ggers. YES I do love gays that are not pedophiles and are not pushing the liberals perverted agendas, but who are Americans and who believe in Freedom For ALL Americans and America First. YES I do love the Patriot White People on the Earth and the liberal whites can all fuck off and die. Ok friend let's test you. How do you feel about the self sufficient ethonostate of state known as nazi Germany? How do you feel about the parasitic Christain murdering ethnostate known as Israel? Fair Enough Some Guy @SomeGuy I'd like to have this conversation after the 2018 Midterm Elections to which you are not helping us in anyway at the moment. Matter of fact we need to have this discussion but now is not the right time. If you are not going to surf the Red Wave and Vote Red, please hold your peace until after the 2018 midterms and we can debate all you want I am not a liar. I am also not a fool to get trapped in your liberal bullshit and harm my own people as well as myself. See you want to play liberal word games and I am not going to play that BS. You also want me to agree with white skin color worship when white liberals are fucking white people over along with liberal jews. I will not play the liberal games! You dont want to have the convo. You lied. You just admitted it NOT NOW! Shut your beta male mouth! I will hit you back after the 2018 Midterms. Nobody gives a fuck what you do bitch!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"aussie faggot fuck off communist aussie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So ALL Japanese games, regardless of whether or not they release in the US, have to cater to whatever an American Company feels like? Are you fucking kidding me? Not only that, they have to communicate with the US Censorship board in English, not Japanese. And, said board is staffed by... Woke Californians. ...How is this even remotely tolerable to *anyone* at Sony Japan? It's an absolute fucking insult to their entire nation. I just wish I could give you a medal on real life for starting that list with EDF.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got to get the trash out and make breakfast for the Frau and start laundry so y'all be good till I get back. Cracker Out!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he is promoting a dependency\/pre-requisite of antisemitism for someone to see that soros is a election manipulating cunt who funds leftist violence. What is ((nathaniel's)) deal?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if your turned on by nigger music then there is something wrong with you. Why are you even listening to nigger music?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Irony: Listening to Trump while reading your post. Stock market up 270 points and Trump is kicking ass. The Left was killing America and I despised everything those bastards were doing. Obama called it the New Normal. I called it: Nigger Rigged! A Presidential Solution. ;-)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CuhCuhCraig: Is that Kawhi Leonard? Smh RT @iDntWearCondoms: Wow u really gonna leak ou.. Nvm RT @MsJoseline: Ion need I fuc nig http: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheStrangeLog: Nerf the hell out of birds, they no longer attack you at long range, lower damage, don t follow you forever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't we make an experiment of it and drastically reduce immigration for 1 or 2 years and see if we end up better off or worse off. On what objective criteria?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't get anymore cucked than that. Do they really believe that Jewish Zionists are our allies? That Israel is our friend? How retarded can you be? Not even Canada is our \"friend,\" yet somehow these complete foreigners are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a fucking liberal retard and traitor to the West.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if it was true, which it isn't, I still wouldn't care. Our penises are for our pleasure, not theirs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"r\/okaybuddyretard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"+1 This thread is retarded That it's sticky'd is embarrassing for the sub","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what the left is really scared of. https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfkts ha That's the favorite word of the Left, isn't it? 'Ignorant'. I'm sure you aren't ignorant to the fact that Negros have a habit of raping White women. Why should we allow these Negros access to White countries? Over and over again, they rape, they pillage and they destroy everything they touch. Why should we let them continue this, free of consequences?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The retarded tv generation is into some retardedly not attractive porn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course. Much harder to decapitate them from outside the gates.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It still kind of amazes me how you go and look for faggot porn. I guess dudes that like dicks will always look for it. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the money from foreign nations and California wont get this commie elected in Texas. https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2018\/10\/12\/politics\/beto-orourke-fundraising-record-third-quarter\/index.html?utm_medium=socialandutm_content=2018-10-12T14%3A15%3A09andutm_source=twCNNpandutm_term=image He is lucky he hasn't been beaten to death.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"American people are dumbass. They don't even know geography","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Utah coal burner killed by her sex offender nigger boyfriend, shot as she spoke with her mother on the phone. No need to collect, toll paid in full.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">how dare they make us ban porn just because. Images are not real. >is that some anime I see I'll fucking rip your anus out through your throat you pathetic silicon valley wannabe nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Convenient. Pipe Bombs and Jew shooting.When ALL the internals had Red beating Blue against all odds, again. And picking up seats. 2 week window. Right on time. No time sooner, no time later. It's retarded alright.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This niggah know wassup","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn socialists screwed their country but they are so retarded they keep voting these vermin back","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HOW BOUT WE JUST LET A CONSERVATIVE REDNECK TAKE HIM OUT BEHIND THE WHITE HOUSE AND WHIP HIS NAZI BROWNSHIRT LOOKALIKE ASS TIL HE CAN'T REMEMBER WHO HE IS LET ALONE WHAT HE WAS DOING...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb ass nigger with a gun thinks it's a joke. Put a bullet in his head and see if he still laughs. (Just kidding!) Student threatens teacher with fake gun outside Paris, France. | French Viral Video | https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2QMX2qdFjUQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya she is, but this is more important: There is actually a lot of Tao wrapped up in Hank Hill. Hank Hill is very much an ancient Eastern figure. He is the essence of calm and serenity when all is within balance in his world. The first time I saw the episode where he teaches Luann pool chemistry, I could just feel the serenity radiating from the screen as he surveyed his harmony. Or when he uses the smaller WD-40 can to open the larger WD-40 can. He found his center, and through that was able to foresee all possibilities within his universe. His adventures always come from trying to restore balance and explore his comfort zone outside of balance. Seriously, Hank hill is the motherfucking Tao. Seriously. Everyone go get high as shit with a vaporizer and watch King of the Hill right now. It will help you on your journey to your Satori.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hey tech companies....make this nigger white!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the award for the biggest TWAT yet goes to THIS judge. FFS what planet is that pillock on. What she did was ILLEGAL on many levels and she should have been JAILED. You're all screwed in the UK!! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html?mrn_rm=als1 Kissing ass and catering to 3rd world riff raff. Seems to be the norm, everywhere! I saw one of those hooded freaks today walking on the pavement, it was a Somalian, was really tempted to mount the pavement and mow her down but then I realized I'd be no different to them. These \"humans\" come from countries where forgeries are the NORM. They forge everything right down to Doctor's degrees. Then they come here and say what IDIOTS we are, because we're so easily suckered by Fake drivers license fake passports, fake engineering degrees fake LAWYERS #CBC #Fakedegrees Passionate Eye News","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soon @fuckeveryword will be to \"Fuck Backtrack\" and I can't wait because fuck those faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Interaction in other forums is covered by whatever rules apply to said forums and is in general not covered by the Code of Conduct. Exceptions may be considered for extreme circumstances Wait'll you find out what qualifies as 'extreme'. >Also I would like to publicly thank Mishi Choudhary for being willing to serve as a mediator for Code of Conduct issues. She has a long history of working in many open source communities, many much more contentious than ours. Everything about her seems not just useless, but the worst kind of useless. It just drives home how much of a shitshow this is. >Linus Torvalds Torvalds has revealed himself to be such a puss when push comes to shove that I really hope someone gives him a very public, insulting, humiliating tongue-lashing, and then reminds him that he better be on his best fucking behavior when he replies so he doesn't violate the CoC. Torvalds has disgraced himself by allowing this shit into the Linux project. It's obvious what will inevitably happen when a project as complex, far reaching and critical as the Linux kernel is governed by any thing other than meritocracy first. However he had managed to maintain a culture of meritocracy for 25 years, capably and without peer, before this happened. That should not be ignored when discussing him. Whatever happened to Torvalds that he shirked responsibility for this, at this point it's up to the community to fix. Whether or not they'll organise and fix this mess, who can say. What's certain is that as long as a method exists (and is inevitably used) to evict those who are meritocratically valuable, but politically unwanted, the submission quality will gradually decline until the kernel becomes unfit for purpose.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"no one is just an individual\" A collective is made up of individuals, faggot, and not many individuals are in your collective because it's retarded utopian commie shit. Reminder, the nazi elites entertained themselves with degenerate art in the bunker while the German people were being butchered outside. Fuck off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What proof is there that the elite are child molesters? Well, in general 'the elite' have a taste for it. There's lots of history in this, but powerful and influential people have been found to be rapists or pedophiles on a grand scale, especially in the eu and the us. Lolita express (tons of incriminating and suspicious emails, written in code, outrageous purchases for things that have been deciphered as boys\/girls), pedo island (Clintons, Obama, several aides, etc), harvey weinstein, whats his face from house of cards, etc. They've been known rapists of young girls for decades but everyone in the know played their part and kept silent until it became beneficial to them not to. There's loads more, but that's the general gist of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Hype: African colored car I push niggerous whips","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah if this was done by a male there would be a public outcry. Meanwhile she gets off lightly.. Well I'll say this for the article, while not saying \"rape\" they are using some of the strongest language I've seen yet against a female predator. I don't remember anyone referring to it as \"sexual assault\" In any recent cases. > \"I fear being taken advantage of again,\" he said, adding, \"The trauma of it all is debilitating in my daily life.\" Well...fairs fair. Sex drives between genders are different. I cannot sympathise with this whine. There's enough legitimate material without resorting to male adolescent fantasies. Don't project your perversions onto children. Just because you have rape fantasies, doesn't mean it's true about every adolescent male. Evidently, it's not; whether you personally can sympathize with him doesn't change this fact. How is it \"fair\" to ignore the response of an actual victim in favor of a baseless stereotype? It's literally ignoring reality in favor of ideology > doesn't mean it's true about every adolescent male' I am male. At one stage, I was a hormone-addled adolescent. A popular fantasy among us male hormone-addled adolescents was to be ravished - usually by a hot female teacher. There is no difference in libidos between the sexes -- just a difference in libidos between individual human beings. All of my girlfriends have been absolute horndogs. If your SO seems to have a libido lower than yours, it probably only seems that way to you. Happens to people who suck in bed.... > Happens to people who suck in bed.... Probably. The libido's are similar, the drivers and motivators for each gender are different. Keep telling yourself that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should get rid of that couch once and for all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets give the RACIST JEWS the good Orwellian inversion that these despicable pieces of shit play on all of us! What is your definition of a Jew? Why don't you tell us how you really feel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex Jones is Right, Radiation And Chemicals Are Turning People And Frogs Gay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Average Asian IQ is higher than whites. Their oppressive culture stifles creativity and free thinking which is why they are good at copying high tech advances but not developing it themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Far Left Planning DILDO-Themed Demonstration In Protest Of Pro-Trump Group https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/far-left-planning-dildo-themed-demonstration-in-protest-of-pro-trump-group\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another brain-dead twat who's too stupid to recognize that idiotic political posturing alienates half her audience.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The rest of the world are also talking shit about retarded Americans you stupid fat cunt ZERO FUCKS for the rest of the World ZERO FUCKS for chicks with dicks and dudes with tits (this was my twitter ban statement haha) America First Have you considered mailing some bombs to Hillary Clinton or shooting up a synagogue to bring attention to your unhappiness about women with penises and men with breasts? This seems to be the best method for bringing attention to you deluded psychopaths","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MySportsLegion: Nick Young says that close to $100,000 worth of money, watches sneakers and clothes were stolen from his house last nig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I see you'll play your little lawyer game until you CAN'T answer my question, @Ehrmantraut, then you shut up and pretend it never happened. Good luck crying about guns here on Gab, you're gonna need it. You're just mad because I pointed out that you don't know your ass from your elbow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Harlem World trash? Interesting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alright, you're right. But it's pretty succinct, woman makes harmless joke about men not tolerating hair plucking, men can't even begin to accept that they could be weaker than woman and get just retardedly worked up like a bunch of children. And that dumbass above, \"Women are the superior race\", it was a freaking joke! Immediately reminding her that you could beat her up is just gross, no fucking shit men can typically beat up women, it's all anyone seems to think about in this sub.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We wacko birds are still tweeting #MakeDCListen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/ Yet another artist that had fame and fortune and doors opened others never got that rails hate about Trump quite curiously..I wonder if Snoop is scared it's all going away for some reason?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's The Fair and Impartial Fuckin Investigation !!! These Two MotherFuckers Have Been Dick Slappin Since Faggot All Boys Prep School,Through Nam,Return Join \"Veterans For Peace\",Bad Mouth Our Country,Disrespect and Dishonor All Of Us Veterans Who Haven't Become Treasonous Dishonorable Leftist MotherFuckers !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't worry, I'll just mute you so you don't have to worry about me \"stealing\" your precious jpgs ever again, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Impeach Kavanaugh...New witness comes out...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The #WalkAway Campaign is growing stronger with each day as millions are waking up to the hate and lies put forth by the extreme Left Wing socialist party. After the #HugeRedWave in November, you can expect 'rats' to jump ship and make deals to come forth with the Truth of all the Deep State Corruption.\" ~ John919","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask The Smiths - There is a Light https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=y9Gf-f_hWpU Noel Gallagher - London 2007 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PKyNSAjDmyo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @paul_lander: Charlie Sheen is engaged to a porn star. I can't be the only one thinking she can do a lot better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be fair, this is a country that still sees bowing as a form of respect... I really don't think keeping the citizenry appeased with Feudal ways of life is a good model for Westernized Canada. This dude is a professional troll and all he does is troll all day long, don't engage with this person at all, it's a waste of your time. They have a negative birth rate... Japan is literally in the death throes... literally. And go bow if you want to, I don't give a shit if its respectful in Japan... It knocks you down a notch and is something out of the Dark Ages. \"Feudal\" Japanese culture... ya no thanks. A firm handshake and eye contact is what we do here in Canada. So do we. Difference is were replacing our population with foreigners, which pretty much removes the possibility of a rebound. Japan is going to have fewer people, but it'll still be Japanese. We're going to have much more people, and none of them will be Canadian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @LastWordEvan: An inning and a half away from Alex Rodriguez being eligible to play. Just a thought. #Yankees #MLB OMG. Feel an ulcer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Migrant Caravan is returning, this time 10 times larger than the last one. Spic Train's sounding louder RIDE ON THE SPIC TRAIN Ooh wah, ooh wah Here comes the Spic Train Migrants getting woker AS THEY SHOUT \" PUTA TRUMP!\" Ooh wah, ooh wah Bring on the Spic Train","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I called him back and asked if he was a dirty stinkin Sand Nigger and he hung up . Right now my son is posting a Craigslist ad for free beagle puppies at this number. Let's give the Nigger a Gab welcome!! Very creative","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.puppetstringnews.com\/blog\/two-men-in-tennessee-charge-for-sexually-assaulting-9-month-old Two men in Tennessee charged for sexually assaulting 9 month old","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chicago has another problem now. A serial killer Nigger is on the loose, killing an old white guy walking his dog and an Ortho Jew - Now that the Jews are all up in this thing, the Dindu will soon be caught. That was his dumb error, killing a kike. Nothing to see here, really - But the comments are \/great\/ https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6253409\/Reward-reaches-18-000-info-masked-Chicago-killer-believed-targeting-innocent-victims.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thousands Of Swedes Are Inserting Microchips Under Their Skin https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/czTg https:\/\/redd.it\/9qiai9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@iamkrause I ain't never orderin from no colored pizza stow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of you are Retarded Faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a disabled person to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay, so maybe not every in #LosAngeles is evil. But I would 80% of the people I've encountered have been trash, another 10% barely human.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kavanaugh Lynching a Paid Dirty Trick from #Soros Share this report: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/kavanaugh-lynching-a-paid-dirty-trick-from-soros\/ #RogerStone #infowars","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I despise you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Chip216: As a kid I listened to Nas. He showed me a new perspective coming from the ghetto like me. Same with Pimp C ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They complain about all the horrible things men did to women before any man alive today was even born. It's like they are praying for men to abuse them. I say: OBLIGE THEM Dude what the fuck. This sub isn't what I thought it was. It's full of fucking incels. You're as bad as the person this post was about. Hell, actually, you're worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dish Was just wondering if yo espect to add mo colored tv stations befo I renew dis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know a great place that sells lynchin-rope at wholesale prices. Atwoods Farm and Ranch That's the truth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it just me or is Hicks saying \"bung beds\"? @RonandFezSXM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeaaaaa, I don't think this qualifies. India has a HUGE problem with women being raped on public transport like trains and buses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find all black people disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Quebec and Ontario need Saudi oil too badly because our retard environmentalists keep blocking Canadian progress.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger byatches on here better STFU before I set out of find your black motherfucking asses~you corksuckers should have been exterminated or sent back To Africa following the Civil War!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"black people are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Adjust your expectations. We don't have an \"education system\" - we have an \"Indoctrination \/ Interest Payment \/ Extended Day Care\/Drone Creation \/ Jobs creation program for retards\" system. The results speak for themselves. Your education is your responsibility. Do not entrust this crucial task to others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> He lied every 10 seconds!!!! And this is why journalism is the \"job of the intellectual elite\". Normal people with baseline level of morality couldn't lie every 10 seconds while talking for minutes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot fucks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most b l a c k people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This twat is not a true Brit. He's an Islamo-Marxist. Regularly comes to me to get harrassed lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paedophile prophet loving cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok so it's justified to push someone and give them a concussion on the concrete because they said something that displeases you...? Grow up, man or women, this is not the solution, stop justifying this shit with your red pill nonsense Ok nice to know what kind of person you are, you know it also goes the other way right, she might have done absolutely nothing and gotten this. You don't seem to understand youre guessing as much as I am. So rolin, when he threw his coffee (which was maybe over the top) and she ran at him what were her intentions? A hug? Was she going to give him back his coffee? He simply pushed her.. he didn't punch her or kick her while she was down.. The story says she bumped into him in a hurry to get the train. He probably said.. hey fuvk off and in the video you can see she tries to \"get the last fat word in\" so he throws his coffee... then after realizing he ain't playing she rushes him. She's livingin a bizarro land where \"I'm a strong independent butter golem\" and also \"he can't hit me cuz I'm a girl\" You can't have both... What should he do about her running at him? Run away? Apologize? No He did what a man does.. he stood his ground. did you even read my comment man, i am guessing as much as you are if you dont understand that i dont know what to say. As I said to begin with, not enough info to tell. But it is stupid for a weaker female to run up on a man like that because girl power. It's as simple as that. Somehow your whiteknight gag-reflex morphed that into \"it's justified to hit someone...\", when I never said that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if u eat fried eggs and leave the yolk entirely yellow ur a disgrace and also nasty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SMACKHighAZ: \"Seton Catholic where their own students talk trash about how low of a division there football team is in.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man who posed with French President and was 'inspired' arrested within days https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/man-who-posed-with-french-president-and-was-inspired-arrested-within-days\/#.W8eFu2DT_Wg.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will be interviewed on \"60 Minutes tonight at 7:00 P.M., after NFL game. Enjoy! 12:39 pm - 14 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"see you have literally copied this off me . only i get who harold is. you fucking don't though do you .. i made this two days ago. you fucking wannabe twat. Yeah. Because I copied you. But you are to retarded to prove it! Go ahead. LOL. I will be waiting. BTW, don't miss your chance to get another booster shot. I think they are free this time of year.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BoatBuilder_: call me a free bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand, just why ? Because being mentally ill is encouraged these days. This tolerance shit has gone way to fucking far. Are there not enough bullies in school anymore? How are these kids ending up so fucking weird?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im off to bed niggas.. love you Goodnight Crimson Dick Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You a hoe if you crying because yo ass pregnant. It was all smiles while you was riding that dick bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As if that faggot has a a kid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning Group! Welcome newer members. Fox is giving a platform to a muzzie running in California. Hear me out: An Afghan couple come to America as legitimate refugees. They have a son here his name is Omar Qudrant and he is running for office. Ok except, he is a muslim. Muzzies cannot hold office because the Koran and the Constitution are diametrically in opposition. Now some may say, well they are here legally and he was born here and his \"religion\" should not be held against him. I say no, it is not a religion and Islam started infiltrating the west in the 50's. My opinion but seems like all 5th column stuff to me. This man should NOT be elected. Period.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a wetback looks like when he gets caught crossing the border. @Ilovebamf http:\/\/t.co\/j3Uf1TYubO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're here celebrating these deaths all because they were Jews you're a huge cunt and you're one of the reasons why the right to bear arms should not be a right at all. You're the cunt who would deny the ability for men and women of conscience, integrity, and character the means to defend themselves. SHAME ON YOU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ReginaPucket: http:\/\/t.co\/6nqmor8ybC BREAKING DAWN\/ I often think about what used to be and wasWith rose-colored glasses and a gentle ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Senator @tedcruz is an anchor baby! Go back from where you came. #natural #born #Canadian","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say \"I hate trans people\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dont do drugs kids...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Incest is best....when you're a muzzie whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Tried to let 'em in on some good Goy shit Now I'm firing up the ovens for the hook-nosed clique!\" -Mr. Bond #NSFW Says the fat fuck behind a fake avatar. Dont come for me faggot I'll win. Im BETTER than you and u wont make me stop doing shit. In fact, I will post MORE of this shit since I know it upsets u so much, Scurry along u little fuckin rat im done batting u around.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Food_BibIe: Oreo Ice Cream Cake http:\/\/t.co\/sW0A1HQhyy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(202) 225-5931 DC office (617) 678-5936 Campaign office (617) 332-3333 Newton Office (508) 431-1110 Attleboro office never hurts to call and tell him that he's a gigantic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Virginia is full of white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=C-6vWRBCZW0 HEELTURN: HORATIUS AT THE BRIDGE with ERIC STRIKER and PATRICK CASEY of IDENTITY EUROPA ((( LIVE ))) Idvntvtv Evrvpv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling Muslims disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NUTHER STUPID NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where was the Jewish outrage about this? I mean.. if they hate mass-shootings, genocide, and #Hate so much... https:\/\/www.aljazeera.com\/indepth\/inpictures\/israeli-forces-kill-40-palestinians-gaza- sadly, not all lives are equal for the media, theyd rather publicize some things over others. I agree wholeheartedly with u, also the murders of white people in south africa aren't getting the attention they deserve, im telling u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wasn't it something like","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yes yes im faggot of course robert bowers is the way the light and the truth - end sarcasm.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RIGHT. HE IS A WORTHLESS NIGGER DRAMA QUEEN.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welp, we won't ever be able to call out downgrading again. And the comments are a Sony circlejerk in the neverending war against customer criticism. I mean, obviously, Xbox and PC fanboys are just REALLY salty about a game that they won't ever be able to play anyway, rather than concerned about AAA and their constant bait-and-switch tactics. Let's see... limited history in KiA and a solid bit of it is dickwolfery. So let's get you the fuck out of here. R1 - Pattern of behavior - Dickwolfery - Expedited to permaban. Keep that pimp hand stronk Oh wait you come from r\/gaming circlejerking that's sounds like someone who would do 2 school shootings in one day. Found the next school shooter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is Wuerl #3 now since he doesn't hold a position in any department or the C9? She makes that assertion but doesn't explain. I was curious about that too And it just gives the press, even the press sympathetic to him, more cause to criticize him and lend credibility to the critics who've had him dead to rights all the time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Study by Center for Biological Diversity called (taxpayer funded) Ivanpah a mega-trap -will kill 28,000 birds year. http:\/\/t.co\/xPXEhne29E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She is either mentally unstable or a complete retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone bring that faggot a pillow wielding immigrant CNA stat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not even surprised. It's Orange County. That's why they pull the stunts that they do there. You can bet your bottom dollar that this nigger knows not to pulll this shit in Sampson or Moore county, for example.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not sure what you find strange, according to national news minorities don't commit crimes. Hell even in that recent case where the black chick almost beat than 92 year Mexican to death, you would only know she was black because the picture and not once the mention of a hate crime, protests, etc I know what point you're trying to make, but if you think minorities are treated with kiddie gloves on when they commit a crime on the news, you probably think the earth is flat and vaccines cause your kid to be retarded, instead of you know... the trump supporting parent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] It'll be ok little guy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your disabled lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With the right counsel, witnesses, strategy, and support, the fact that James Fields is innocent may very well shine through in the courtroom. Our side is too quick to pre-emptively accept defeats when faced with what seem like insurmountable odds. When you believe the other side is invincible, you become an unwitting agent of defeat. They're not. One of the biggest post-Cville blackpills is watching most of the movement treat James like he's radioactive material. There is so much evidence in his favor. This case is winnable. And it'd do much for both James and movement morale if we expressed support for him, even in small ways.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Reason why there's so many of these Spic invaders, is because our Aid (Money\/Food) has Caused the Overpopulation of these Turd World Shit Holes. Just like the Aid to Africa, they Eat, they Breed and then there's enough of them to invade the US and Europe. We get a Knife in our Backs for our Efforts and Kindness (White Man's Achilles Heel)...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well the only difference between my content and yours is that mine actually have quality. Yours just sounds like the ramblings of an insane conspiracy nutjob who thinks the world is out to get them... \"Oh @a and @Amy paid some meanies to harass me for badmouthing the site Gab needs a sooperhero!\" You're a fucking faggot dude.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This whole country is a big faggot ranch. The morals are at an all-time low and that is what is going to destroy society. Besides, we don't call it the Gay Bay for nothing. We favor castration for pedophiles and faggots. Every honest thinking man knows that God hates fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab: Look at this dumb ass Warren. She claims that just b\/c she has 1 \/ 1024 Indian DNA that she is Indian. What type of idiot thinks she could actually be Indian with that bloodline? #AlsoGab: It's the one drop rule. If you have even one god damn drop of nigger DNA you aren't white. You are a nigger! Gotta keep our white gene pool clean and prevent the #WhiteGenocide","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allowing any more bl4ck people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your disabled lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many q u e e r s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Facebook is for the birds...I'm over it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eh go fuck yourself dude, thanks you faggot ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This video was super helpful and just very nice ! If you're reading this, please stick with us, alright ? I spent eight years hating myself, to the point of almost killing myself. Key word is almost - because i'm still here, and i'm so glad i stuck around. So take care of yourselves, please, because it's going to get better, and you'll want to be there to see it. All the love to you, Jack and Kati, and everyone out there. andlt;3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i'm not watching that.. we don't need a nigger to tell us something a White man put together.. FO..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The toll is higher for some than for others.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Oreo cheesecake bites! http:\/\/t.co\/iHgu1ZuyZt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seriously, what good are you? What talents or skills do you have? I mean real world value. Minions only get their worth from serving their masters. You stand all wide eyed and gape mouthed before the programmers just waiting to get the next slogan. Then you scurry away into the streets to spread the masters lies. Do you know what the brown shirts were?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dumb cunt Whether whoever wrote that thought it was supposed to come across as funny, pithy or ironic... not sure anyone told her. Looks like she enjoyed passing on that message and I'm going to presume that's her natural cunty demeanour rather than any \"comic\" affectation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Mr Hate why is it you 3 come out one at a time ? Could it be all 3 of these Profiles are actually One person ? @H1llaryClinton @DonMAGA and you're little Faggot ID @Screw-Z-Jews or are you 3 little faggots so stuck on each other you just have to come running when one of your little Queer Buddies can't defend themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just wanna know where all the pussy-ass dudes who act like the opposite side of the retarded feminist coin came from? What in the holy fuck? Whaddaya call that shit? MGTOW? These 'men' with their soundbites and straw men? Will pick one thing you say, fixate on it, and even make it something you never even said somehow?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Behead that cunt and be done.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meet India s amazing, death-defying monkey king http:\/\/t.co\/dGcmLFSIrh http:\/\/t.co\/VYw3FsWwdv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet the lying cunt Ford had her Facebook disappear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS !!!! The Blasey Witch MADE IT ALL UP !!!! https:\/\/www.teaparty.org\/huge-christine-ford-published-2008-article-self-hypnosis-used-retrieve-create-artificial-situations-326679\/ You seem like a tool for fools! That truth will rip you a new asshole ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rare Earth Get Ready > https:\/\/youtu.be\/9Y7mLW7Vpg0 I Just Want To Celebrate > https:\/\/youtu.be\/QpgcEbaqtVo (I Know) I'm Losing You > https:\/\/youtu.be\/JIUPqkPqHM4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"drag queen BREAKS HAND punching NAZI \"when a man who said he was a Nazi approached her\" LOL fake, likely punched a jew who didn't want to pay agreed upon amount for sex Who knew NAZI shop at same store as drag queen @Heartiste @Koanic @GuardAmerican @Escoffier https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/rupauls-drag-race-queen-broke-hand-punching-nazi\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Migrant caravan heading toward US border expands to over 7,500 people: report https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/jfvdTA\/Dq-Ic-LAt-X0-AUMu-M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A retarded woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This one seems drugged. And I thought Joe Biden was a creepy ass fuck. I feel sorry for the poor captive Orcress here Still here are you? Don't you have a Tory Conference to camp outside of tonight with your mates. Throwing poop all over each other in protest. And she wasn't detesting me 30 minutes after that video was taken laddy ;) Your word \"Pussyboy\" doesn't really hold much credibility coming from an anonymous coward hiding away and squeaking at someone who's fully visible and prepared to stand by his words laddy. And let's not forget, it's you and your left wing mates who commissioned the manufacture of pussy hats to wear when Trump won. Bet you look hilarious in yours lol Some of the nat soc types are actually hard core Nazis who have no problem with that ideology. Some of them are just outraged at what's been done and look to it for a solution. Agreed. It's the latter who need to be shown that Nazism only plays to what the Left want. I'm not nat soc but I am a white nationalist, I feel we have a right to exist and respect our race and culture. We study sea steading on Minds. My take on why the west is in trouble is along these lines. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=cPembXZMKv0 Why do you throw shit over people? Thats why you have no mates","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I done been to the top, I done sipped the juice\/ and with that being said, bird crumbs will NEVER do!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pretty cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NHLDevils: 2-2! Adam Henrique cleans up the trash in front of the net, tying the game for the #NJDevils with 11:06 left in regulation! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn Nigger look at that Cactus. Now thats what i call a PRICK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks more like a black nigger than a man. https:\/\/twitter.com\/willcockey\/status\/1054458043671420928","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How does he pay her that little? My friend who makes barely 100k a year pays $2400 a month. And his kids mom works and makes good money also. I was only making on paper about $2000 per month and courts had me pay $500 per month for CS in GA. Very difficult wiith my rent at the time being $900 and that wasn't including my other bills > $500 per month for CS You didnt pay enough imo. I dont have a kid, but I have to suspect raising one costs a shit ton more than that. Healthcare and school stuff alone has to cost atleast 6k a year. Nevermind food, clothes, housing\/utilities and other incidentals etc [deleted] Where can you get daycare for less than $100 a month? There are many, many parents who would like to live there. [deleted] Don't be so defensive. It's an honest question. If you live somewhere that childcare is less than $100 a month, share it with the world. Otherwise your numbers are wrong because childcare itself can end up being 2k a year. It is relevant because you used it in your calculation. Don't say you included something and then turn around and say, \"Oh that thing I included is irrelevant.\" [deleted] And I'm telling you, you're fucking wrong. The USDA doesn't know anything about it, apparently, because childcare costs way more than that. There are reasons people say it's cheaper to stay home than to pay childcare and that they wouldn't even make enough to cover it. Here's a hint: it's not because childcare is $2000 a year. You're using a source that you think has all the answers but someone who actually lives in America AND has kids is telling you that your numbers are wrong. You can fight to your last breath but the cost of childcare and education is NOT $2000 a year. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's soros. If you don't know that, you are just a shill for the muzzies. Look, this whole shtick that Soros is a Nazi that hates white people is retarded and needs to stop. He identifies as Jewish first and has said so many times. ADL defends him also and says attacks against him are antisemitic. Source of pic: https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/07\/17\/magazine\/george-soros-democrat-open-society.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Dont be so sensitive bro! It was just a prank bro! She was just PRETENDING to be retarded XDDDDD\" You would be a blast to take to a comedy show. Stop being a cunt nugget.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@coffincreepxx you had to throw in the faggot word smh smh smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tonight on gab, the Cry-whining Game, courtesy of the snitch bitch whiny ass internet nazis. \"Oh admin, Oh Gab, please ban da ebil joooz that we don't like whahhhh\" Fucking retarded ass little kids LARPing and crying and snitching. Grow up pussies. Not an argument, kike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I only mute fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches on here because they are so annoying with their \"I want to masturbate with photos of Adolf Schicklgruber! Heil Schicklgruber!\" LOL Thankfully, @a @e stopped the fairy gay faggot tranny porn problem. None since they implemented their fix.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arrogant cunt he is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wetback valedictorian is a fat lie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actress Jane Fonda proclaimed in a new interview that the upcoming midterms are the \"most important elections of my lifetime and said that it was \"hard for her to breathe in America right now. \"The elections on Nov. 6 are the most important elections of my lifetime. So much depends on what happens, Jane Fonda told a film festival crowd in France, according to The Hollywood Reporter. \"It's hard for me to breathe right now, Fonda also said. Jane, you traitorous bitch, for the love of God, please top breathing Now! Too bad that cunt did not step on land mine back in the day. We would have been spared from her bullshit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking parasites.. one greedy old Jew hag and the other a nigger blood sucker..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calm down? What does that mean? Was I out of line? Did I not perceive the post in such a way, as you would have me? I am laughing at all the dummies who think someone would do something so stupid, as to endanger himself and others by being unsafe on the job, because only a retard would do that if they were full bottles. Think about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DIE YOU EVIL CUNT DIE YOU VILE DEVIANT LIBERAL SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a retarded agreement. Yeah, agreements like this don't just happen because one side is stupid. They happen because the other side actively uses underhanded tactics to achieve their sick goals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe disabled lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#And Just Like That he's forced The News into a corner. NOW they either report it and try and call him wrong as more evidence comes out to the contrary, or they dont, and Twitter sees it anyway Narrative has already started. Gop are suppressing votes by not counting all ballots. They are beyond parody at this point and have lost all common sense. You mean that finding ballots 3 days after the election is not suspicious? Are these the people who keep telling us that we are not uneducated? Id much rather be a non college graduate blue collar worker with common sense than professor with a phd who lives jn a bubble. Hey, I just found this ballot hidden under my couch written in crayon! YOU MUST COUNT IT. What bullshit. If there is no chain of custody, it's complete garbage. You said not uneducated when I think you meant uneducated. twatter is already full of shills claiming that rick scott is trying to stop \"all the votes from being counted The media is unethically giving hope to the liberals who don't truly understand the fight their getting into and it's really shocking how all in they are. They want massive nationwide protests that will do nothing for them except excite a small margin into violence. Enemy of the people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No problem. Seem pissy. No 100 % no. people who are pissy and shit yourself wankers cry baby bum bandits. Is people who mute but reply because they don't like the truth. My eyes are closed. I pretend that I didn't see that. Please tell me that is a gif. Won't even screenshot it. I ain't that much of a cunt? Your a Cunt Johnny why r u a cunt Johnny, did momma tell you that your whole life?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Floriduh is white trash whigger heaven.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's... that's not mansplaining... That's just explaining... and#x200B; you're womantarded. Explaining while male IS mansplaining! But she's just cuntfussing, so we can discard her opinion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meet Caitie McCaffrey, a Microsoft lead employee and a Services Architect for Azure - the cloud hosting service that threatened to kick off Gab not too long ago. Is it becoming more clear why Big Tech has been trying to silence us? Their ranks are filled with hysterical and unstable Leftists who live in an alternate reality. Ergh what a shrew! Print this and post it all over the place. We need to start doing that with all these self-righeous POSs; shove their hypocrisy and lunacy in the public's face. Have ya notice that most of these people can't spell their name like a NORMAL \"Katy-\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any computer could ever be. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheLittleFella_ @OLE_VertyBstard @thereal_EMandM @Justinrogo01 boooooooo that was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste @BGKB @sdfgefgsdf If the caravan reaches US border and most of crowd (10,000 at last count) gets thru, it will be only the beginning. More will come after it - millions in toto. Pacific hurricane is cutting through an area they will likely be passing after the hurricane, or the hurricane may turn directly into the caravan. https:\/\/cbsn.ws\/2EwN426 LOL. He'll be cradling them in one arm and holding a mic with the other.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's \"Abu Ghraib\" you illiterate nigger. You gonna vote your way to the day of the rope? Good luck with that my man. Voting is gay, get your liberal faggot ass the fuck outta here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is the problem? Thugs tried to kidnap her and she fought back, albeit unsuccessfully.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel so satisfied that I don't even think I need to continue this. The media has grabbed hold of this entire thing, so what am I needed for? Just censor loli ecchi and\/or ban me and I will leave along with GAB's credibility. I am a little cocksucker, huh? Torba made this worse by throwing \"pedophile\" around and making false \"babies and toddlers being raped\" claims.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that trans people are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll torture you without mercy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1032626\/Brexit-news-The-Who-Roger-Daltrey-UK-EU-withdrawal-British-music-Bob-Geldof-latest Go on Rodger!...a proper Londoner, from a proper London band.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ExplainAnAnimePlotBadly Boy with a monkey tail grows up to the the savior of a futuristic yet old earth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TideRecruits101: It's ok to trash talk....but I haven't seen any Bama fans wishing harm or injury towards LSU players.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anything that needs people to have their head shoved firmly up their own ass in order to have them think it makes sense is bound to be espoused by some retarded Canadian moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahh, now I see. This sub is just full of circle-jerking faggots like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like i said assumptions makes a bitch look dumb. You don't fucking know me do not put me in categories. And so the fuck what if i am? Just shows you are a dumb cunt for trying to put people on blast.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So...\"sounding white\" means making reasonable arguments? So does that mean that \"sounding black\" means screaming about unreasonable shit? Wow. Racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"DNA can tell you a lot of things but it is not what determines what is a race and what is not.\" This is almost as retarded as midi-cloirans. Like I said \"Einstein\" DNA is not the criteria that science has always used to categorize what is a race and what is not. So who looks retarded now! According to you there were no \"Races\" before DNA testing. How retarded is that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One Muzzie idiot endorsing yet another idiot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One of Christine Blasey Ford's former boyfriends just dropped a bomb on the investigation, proving that she lied about nearly every part of her testimony. I want to know where that $900k+ she received came from. I doubt very much the majority of it came from concerned dog moms and cat ladies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should not let Muslims suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are the worst kind of motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@StarIsTheFuture you call @GOPBlackChick house nigger and she's the racist? Fathom the hypocrisy in that statement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I could very well see how a deranged feminist would be yelling at phallic shaped clouds. If we're lucky she'll even write an article about there being a secret organisation of men controlling the weather to opress women, or something like that. Well, air conditioning and global warming are sexist....(things actually said by these people) \"Global Warming to end all life. Women most effected.\" There was one feminist in TV claiming air conditioner was sexist so... Oh shit this is a legit big movement by them. Funny how it never gets mentioned how they'll have the place roasting hot in the winter and all the money that wastes. [So far all I've found is amusement](http:\/\/archive.is\/rkYAD#selection- > Like really, feminists are so weak they are threatened by a sandwich? It's residual trauma from the dark ages when so many of them were sent into kitchens to make them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sofuckingSwazye: \"mayonnaise colored benz i push miracle whips\" http:\/\/t.co\/BmXuyP8ehH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are building a new dyke near the beach. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"30 seconds. Just give this ole Texas grandma an octagon and this ratchet raghead hoe for 30 seconds... #SueMePlease https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/maine-muslim-migrant-activist-targeting-businesses-with-discrimination-complaints","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Mommy why are those people salty? \"Well little sally, some people are perpetual faggots and cry babies. Do you understand? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @boominator: @CureOurCountry: Rand Paul mocks Clinton with #HillarysLosers pics with failed candidates http:\/\/t.co\/r8fjtCsJ5O http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fake tits? @VelvetHoopD: A hoe?? @Steph_Badd: Can u guess what I was ? @DJZeeti: Twitpic your halloween costumes http:\/\/t.co\/ECs7nlEkKa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This bitch is more stupid than ever. If she thinks getting rid of the Electoral college will help her cause. She's more retarded than ever because she doesn't realize that she wants to alienate the small states. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ozx2Xl6G8rs #Gab @GuardAmerican","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got locked outa twatter,,for telling bette midler she was a white nigger after her 'nigger' comments","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#TNSen Good one ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perjury is all I have seen . with her bull dyke lawyer . Take this skank down !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Emmanuel (want a dick lick) WADL. ready to be ruined by a real faggot and not like you a wannabe faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll do my best to not be a dickhead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And so Confederate Avenue in Atlanta has been officially renamed United Avenue. The nigger mayor just signed the bill. And soon enough nobody will even know there was a name change. Well, Whites allowed a great city to become a crime ridden Nigger jungle and so they begin eliminating our heritage and will be planning our elimination as well, unless....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WHAScameradan We might have more. Can't really be sure. But some weird little bird said that might be a possibility. Stay tuned. Maybe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You really aren't that bright, are you. There is this thing, it is called the interwebs, and on it are a couple of tools (you should feel right at home with that concept). One called \"The [Googles](http:\/\/www.lmgtfy.com\/)\" and the other [Wikipedia Britanica](https:\/\/www.wikipedia.org\/). Try educating yourself instead of spouting out retarded comments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cantwell. ALSO: say nigger and kike nonchalantly. It'll weed our the right people not suitable for the core.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"...now that's funny...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common Muslim trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Islam is a curious sort of blackmail that threatens the occupied West to illegally chop our heads off in the case we won't allow them to legally chop our heads off via their ShariaLaw Legal head-chopping in SA > https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Capital_punishment_in_Saudi_Arabia And the current threats issued to West by our beloved, humble \"refugees\" > I ask this Q a million times per second Do we really want to give away for FREE to the evil and lazy Islamic tribe everything our ancestors died for and created, our freedom, democracy, unsurpassed culture, wonderful land and fields, art, music, cities, churches, our museums and libraries (Muslims will burn them all, as former Ottoman empires did) Do. We. Really. Islam is a satanic cult that worships a pedophile piece of shit. The religion of piss and its practitioners can go to hell. We need to start destroying these muzzie shitheads now","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> The other one in this tag team is gloating about being a transgender woman who still uses the men's restrooms just to confuse \"the boys,\" while sneering at men for wanting a \"safe space\" Funny thing being guys are less likely to freak the fuck out over who uses the guys toilet than the reverse as long as you don't act like cunt about it. And I don't see any campaigns to ban trans from male public toilets due to safety issues...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No gay person can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Radio host Michael Savage has called on President Trump to direct Homeland Security to arrest prominent members of Antifa, labeling the organization a \"domestic terrorist group . https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/michael-savage-calls-on-trump-to-order-arrest-of-antifa-members\/ As have we all, multiple times a day every day for almost two years","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The picture isnt opening for me So let me guess who Canadas faggot trudeau ???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do they have a video of the nigger doing this? A confession? If so, he should be -horribly- executed without trial. Period. Justice in the White man's sense needn't apply to the negro when caught in flagrante delicto-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ho3micide: Morgan Park kids like to pop fire crackers in the school now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A prayer for judgement in NC means the case will be dismissed. They may or may not put stipulations on it. Not surprised. This fat nigger will walk with a slap on the wrist. In the court's eyes she dindu nuffin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol. Damn @Sopwith . Don't make the little faggot cry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shitty situation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no borders, there were nomadic tribes that raped and pillaged one another. no country, no states, no counties, no cities.. retarded liberal rewrite of history, map and all. there was no nation...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you're pretending the physically stronger sex doesn't commit a majority of sexual assault you should probably remove your head from the sand https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/world-us-canada-45565684 It's usually agreed in multiple studies that false rape allegations are around 8% of allegations. Which also happens to be pretty close to false reports for other major crimes as well. Sounds like lying about rape is as common as lying about stealing or murder. Which is to say, it's not that common at all. And if you used the same standard for estimating the amount of rapes that happen the claimed amount would plummet... At least 1 in 12 is pretty fucking common...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow, you nailed that dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Crossing the Border did not turn anyone into a robber, rapist, or murderer. That is why we want checks on those who enter. These are fugitive aliens; not just those seeking work. Yes, crossing illegally is a bad start. It teaches them the wrong thing from the start. Hence, the step to murdering Americans is easily made and no big deal. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL. INVADERS do not simply \"cross the border.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Family Friendly Grimvera says: \"Are you going to get to the point there, buddy? Or are you going to just attack with wet-noodle arguments that only make you look like you're about as bright as that gum you stuck under your math class desk? Golly-gee-whiz, you're just a miserable little guy, aren't you?!\" #FamilyFriendlyMilkManGrimvera ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I am patient! WWG1WGA I'm not sure if Trump will, he was friends with the Clintons in the past. He would be investigating the whole DNC if he wanted to clear \"the swamp\". He's doing a few things that will help but if the midterms go south, this country will just keep getting worse. There is nothing like this is recent history, unless we want to look at communist Russia, maybe Venezuela.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any background to this? Yeah there has to be some backstory Last time this was posted they were both drunk and argued about bs Background. https:\/\/abc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what happens when someone hasn't read about what socialism is and how under it it's fine to own as much non-productive property as you can\/want. Not that I'd expect anyone who posts that to actually have knowledge on the subject. Wouldn't the removal of private property extend to the land itself? Owning property doesn't seem very socialistic to me, landlords being the most shining example. It depends on whether you're living on it. As long as it's limited to that everything's fine. If you're renting it out to someone else or employing someone on it, then it becomes \"private property,\" and is subject to expropriation. Of course this is supposing that everyone in the country has a place to live (which isn't self-evident in underdeveloped nations), otherwise you may have to share your house with someone else until they can build more commieblocks. That's how it ideally would work. The reality has often been different, as is to be expected in the context of revolution. >Of course this is supposing that everyone in the country has a place to live With collectivism you are at the whims of society as to whether or not You get to have something and there are always going to be more people in need than people with excess. The prado principle exists after all. I consider not having a roof over your head much more terrible of a \"whim\" than temporarily taking in a house-guest. Both are things imposed on you by society. Be it whether society enforces your right to have a roof, or the right of others to refuse you one. These are equally well agreements we've come up with as citizens, and equally well have to enforced by violent force by the state. It's just a choice of which principle to enforce. Note however that the force needed to enforce capitalism is much larger, since it has to *prevent* poor people from fulfilling their basic needs. This makes capitalism a much more collectivist ideology than socialism, in my estimation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am learning a lot about gay people at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda You need to start posting more Nigger Jamal, I've ran outa stupid shit on here to laugh at. You're not doing much to break the stereotype that niggers are too lazy to breath, considering all your' greasy ass has to do is push buttons lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kind of a shithead move, I have to admit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My thoughts were all over the place reading that article. Come on, loads of innocent people plead guilty... 1 year in prison vs the risk of life. OK... She started doing yoga and hopscotch in an interview just after her fiance died, a little odd. But still, murder by pulling a kayak plug seems unlikely. Then she posted videos in Facebook a few days after, singing songs. Again, a little odd. But people deal with shit differently. Could still be innocent She told the police in the interview she wanted him dead and she was OK with it. OK... Now I think this bitch is retarded... Innocent or guilty, why the fuck would anyone admit that in a police interview. I honestly don't know on this one. Interesting read.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blocked on FB ok, but on a dating-site? \"Suspended\", for violating terms of agreement. Saying that the majority on there are retarded scamming 3rd world savages and runner up are delusional libtards that should join their allies in the 3rd world and ruin it and leave the West alone...That? Or was I reported by a guy I spoke to, who btw also mentioned \"niggers, etc.\" FB loves niggers, kikes, faggots, dykes and all othe sub-humans","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here is the article by Greg Johnson. Read it and decide for yourself. I agree with some of it, some of it is objectionable. https:\/\/www.counter-currents.com\/2018\/10\/what-is-the-alternative-right-part-3\/ The part about heilgate smacks of ill-will. One can place some blame on Richard Spencer for the seig heiling debacle at NPI, but to not even mention who actually did the heiling when that person is known personally to Greg Johnson is absurd. You can blame Spencer for inviting that individual, but Spencer didn't know that Enoch was going to organize heiling at the NPI event. Who am I talking about? Mike Enoch of course. Greg knows that Mike Enoch did the heiling, and still supported Enoch long after the event. How can you have a problem with Spencer and not with Enoch for the exact same incident? The answer is that you can't and the incident at NPI is being used battering ram against Spencer. The amnesnia in the rank and file about Mike Enoch's role in the NPI heiling incident is one of the queerer things about the alt-right. Proof that Greg Johnson supported Mike Enoch after heilgate below. https:\/\/www.counter-currents.com\/2017\/01\/why-i-support-mike-enoch\/ Of course you can go around saying \"don't purge\" and then write polemics that if successful will have the exact effect of purging. Greg Johnson publishing articles calling Hitler a god = good Richard Spencer give speech where people do Roman salute = bad The eternal faggot Greg is little better than the eternal Jew weev.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Scoob3y yeah and you're gonna play with retards who wanna do drugs all day but ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A pastor was arrested in Ireland for preaching a sermon against the satanic religion of Islam. This is kinda outdated, but, the Government shouldn't be arresting pastors because they criticized a violent religion like Islam. Praise God that this pastor stood by his statements. @Bombislamdotcom @mark_luke @EmpressWife @WADL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White people, are so fuckin tired of nigger lovin p.c. Rise up, White people, we aint gonna take it anymore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's the Livestream of the BASED Jeff Sessions FBI railroading more #UniteTheRight white men: @occdissent @Altrightmetrodetroit @TheMadDimension @parrott https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=H3ymIOf9q2M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"to be fair he was pretty faggy around the time of the leaks, thats exactly how he got caught. i dont think the gov had anything to do with this he got busted talking to some other faggot on some faggot site... if he didnt do that no one would have ever known who he was...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hah! Pocahontas Warren Releases DNA Analysis - Claims She Is Around 1\/512th Native American https:\/\/t.co\/F0fEYzFGGi via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deathto all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why alleged ? Always alleged when we get attacked and always stated as fact when they lie about getting attacked. Deep State retard narratives","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I fucking hate gay and lesbians they are all animals","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are a virus. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you support Israel's RIGHT to EXIST and DEFEND itself?? Yep! Lots of National-Socialists here on Gab. They should join up with the MudSlimes and be used as meat-body-shields.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTH? EVIL Idiot Mazie Hirono Says Kavanaugh Did Not have Anyone to Corroborate His Story But Christine Ford Did (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/wth-idiot-mazie-hirono-says-kavanaugh-did-not-have-anyone-to-corroborate-his-story-but-christine-ford-did-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@joshgnf @brana_nv @define808 @ironbjk @mrjstn oh shut up faggot get a disease overused on twitter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"im not gonna lie i don't even understand what the point is here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do people not recognise that black lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other many Jews would have nigjhtmares about that one..lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#JustBlackRapperThings","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently this whore won't know her actual sentence until June. I have a strong feeling she won't receive anything like the maximum 20 years on account of the PP. Don't get me wrong, I hope she receives the full 20 years with no minimum. I have no doubt a man guilty of the same offence would get zero mercy. This cunt should not receive any either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want Oreos!! Who can help me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YeIIowbang yeah people know he's not trash but his game is limited and it showed late in games against Portland","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice how he's not posting as much. @RealGeklmin changed his name to @realhuman. And that's because tracking his gab ID is now possible. Can't hide anymore GabID401052 He wanted to hide. Not happening anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT mattgaetz Higher taxes and higher crime for Florida; illegal gifts and bribes for @AndrewGillum. That's the story from Tallahassee. https:\/\/www.wctv.tv\/content\/news\/Police-deputies-responding-to-scene-on-Thomasville-Road-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jack is a fuckin faggot cuck...don't expect any one thing out of his pussy carcass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a twat xx","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Before the conservatards stole this narrative https:\/\/youtu.be\/p8QUp8-dRtc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay retard lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't tell if you're a pedophile victim or a pedophile.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger loving faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GET HELP YOU SEXUAL ABUSER: FREE MONEY! Cory Booker Unveils Plan to Give Poor Americans $50,000 | Sean Hannity https:\/\/www.hannity.com\/media-room\/free-money-cory-booker-unveils-plan-to-give-poor-americans-50000\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody please choke that fucking retard that keeps yelling \"mashed potatoes\". What a tool! #PGAChampionship","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's rather cunty of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another dyke id like to see die a bloody torturous painful death !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's time to mock \"Halftime in America.\" How 'bout \"Wake up America,\" we have radical leftists running the country. http:\/\/t.co\/9Eyi0K8w","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Derek Jeter leaves baseball as one of the greatest Yankees ever. (via @ESPNMag) http:\/\/t.co\/MSUwxc3tYx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I actually find myself agreeing with most of this. Yes, it's a narrow view, but the gist of his argument could be summed up thus- and this is a problem with internet media in general, not just the thing that masquerades as journalism to pretend a veneer of respectability: As long as it's financially viable to farm outrage and bullshit over long-form investigative content, the latter will never be what the rags gravitate to. It's far more profitable to give a megaphone to someone who will spout stupid shit and farm the resulting outrage clicks. At least I'm honest enough to admit that whether I liked games or not, if food on the table and rent for the month hinged upon it, I'd write the most ignorant, retarded horseshit anyone's ever seen. I'd compare Castlevania fans to necrophiliacs. I'd write articles on the length of Bowser's schlong as aggregated through pornography. I'd pull a Sarkeesian and think nothing of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay, she's fat. And its her fault and she is the only one who can help her. But if you do't sit the hell up and let that tired woman have a seat I am going to throw your sockless faggot ass off that bench onto the ground, you lazy self centered fuck. Have some goddam consideration for your fellow human beings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My original post with the math done for you. I apologize for claiming you deleted your post, you didn't. This comment sting is retarded and has no connection to previous comments, so it makes it difficult to find original posts. I finally found them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Smart guy, without those she probably would have never gone to jail. Police would have just laughed at him and said \"Why you crying about having sex? You a FAGGOT boy?\". Note: That's an exaggeration, but that's definitely what they would be thinking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Islam strictly prohibits Muslim women to appear in public without male companion. Yet, in this interview Belgium's Islamic party's leader explains they want to separate men and women when they appear in public. WHY? So the Muslim rapists can freely attack white women and children, while travelling unprotected by their male family members or friends? WOW. In a sharia compliant country a woman can't go outside in a male populated space.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another reason to kill them all Muhammad is a fucking ass faggot pedophile, just like all of you and your kind are! Mohamed is a nigger demon faggot!! You will die!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks fun. BYOB It's like redneck burning man I would unironically enjoy the fuck out of this Edit: to clarify, I meant redneck burning man, not a Klan rally.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Action movies really are brainless without exception. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only retarded republicans will try to \"expel\" the race of \"traitors\". Remember YOU are an immigrant originally and YOU stole america from its rightful owners LOL That's right bitch! We CONQUERED this land, We fucked its women, We killed thousands. And we're gonna do it again just like we did it to those KIKES yesterday.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tucker Carlson Tonight 10\/1\/18 | Breaking Fox News | October 1, 2018 Muslim Ellison's lawyers deny his accuser's assertion Tucker FOX https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=n-Zesvhq8us Can't wait to hear this excuse. The real reason is ELLISON IS A POC MUSLIM and LIKES TO BEAT HIS PROPERTY TOO!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AntiJokeJamal: If you honk your horn .4 seconds after the light turns green, I will shut off my car, lay on the hood, and feed birds fo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this commie cunt should have faced a firing squad long ago","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be a hen pecked faggot that no one respects so your kid grows up gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She was paid that's income did she pay tax on it Multple immigration offences and undeclared income - just you try that and see how it goes. SOme judges really need sacking - now! Tom the judges who ignore the law should be prosecuted Absolutely, judges are there to make legal decisions not excuses for illegal behaviour and chancers. Judges like that are part of the (VERY BIG) problem as it encourages others to do the same - and cite this case if they get caught. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as far as im concerned if ur panties go up ur ass instead of completely over ur ass cheeks u dont have anybody else to blame when a nigger or a serial killer or some kind of tranny queer rapes u and cuts ur head off ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't that dumb twat Canadian?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So sad, @Booster_Bunny. You're as much a faggot nazi as @MartyGraw :(","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I take pride in knowing that I once called PeanutButterGamer a faggot in some thread and he read it out loud at a panel. Found it. Though apparently it was JonTron that I said was a faggot. Either way. Things are actually kind of switched now, I can tolerate JonTron but the other guy is fucking annoying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go fuck yourself and suck a nigger cock you fucking cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to kill all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@prtini Yes. And the @Yankees. And stalking weird people. SO MANY THINGS. #pr20chat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God I would sell both my nuts to watch LeBron tear his ACL right now and watch all those pussies kill themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has Kate moved into a mental health institution, or Greggs, or on another Holiday? WHERE IS THE FAT CUNT? 3 holidays before Christmas doh. Perhaps she's referring to her period when she has to take a break from whoring herself She can't afford a bastard wash the filthy fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this nigger has it made.. he's wearing a Crown his bike has Sky Ways and a Backhoe..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A prime example of a Useful Idiot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Soy_boy message me cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Think !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If by personal experience you mean it was so retarded that it never actually worked, then yes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three filthy cunt bags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have never had a disabled president. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they are making a generation of NPCs @a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She likes being obedient to her handlers, she will make a good muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck u niggas gonna do not a mfka thing oh bitch ass wack ass nigga y'all some fake ass people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RapBars_: Joey Badass said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they actually thought some ordinary faggot nigger could run this country... smfh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good night Foucault and Derrida were die-hard Right-wingers of a caliber only seen again in thinkers like Sloterdijk or Gans. The canonically approved history of political ideas of the 20th century is nothing but an absurd joke. (latepoasting, who up https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B9mEIZ3qMTw ) are we just calling all nonliberals right-wing now? Hey, we did not choose this battle. reading french homosexuals to own the libs Unmatched depths of depravity, too. yes, but enough about liberalism Derrida was Algerian Sephardi, how it mek u feel? like making virgin ashkenazim chad sephardic meme","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fuckin cunt with the big nose gesuz there are two of em one is a pig and the other is an fbi director pigs kid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"took me 3 minutes but i hacked your webcam..also have your browser history...man-on-man porn ?!?!? you filthy fat assed faggot ! go take a bath !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate to admit it but the deviant is one of the few that actually could pass for a female. When I first looked I was wondering if it was a dyke trying to be a dude or visa versa. Why the hideous tri colored hair?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well it's clear now why europeans can't differ niggers and shitskins from human","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redneck is seemingly the only socially acceptable racial slur these days. I'm not sure if I would consider \"redneck\" a racial slur I believe it is more of a derogatory term for a subculture. But there are similar terms which seem acceptable as well. Redneck only really applies to 'southern' white people, in that sense it would be racist. But in all honesty it PALES in comparison to many if not all other slurs. There's also two different groups. Rednecks and hillbillies are two different groups. Hillbillies live in the hills\/mountain areas and rednecks live in the plains\/flatlands.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone who chants \"Shame\" at political figures they hate is a twat .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The comments are mostly supportive of OP, and against the rape claims. Seems to be just a bunch of early twats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then we're back to square one with Romney, Collins and that cunt from Alaska fucking everything up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yanks choked too..... Lost 4 strait remember","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I wasn't already permanently banned on Twitter, I would have been with just half the slings I've posted here on Gab about that useless craphead. I can't stand the sight of his smug face, the sound of his proselytizing voice, or the libtard garbage his pie hole spews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christianity is basically socialism. Religion is an individual relationship with God so its fine, but people extrapolate those ideas into the real world which is stupid. Pray this cunt gets hit by a bus instead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Quit being such a faggot. My religion demands that I be way more \"racist\" than you. In common parlance, if you're White and don't want White Genocide, you're \"racist\". How come christians eat pork, and why arent you circumcised? Retarded fuck Face facts, youre a liar and a bullshitting piece of shit Which is why you never post any evidence, degenerate christ nigger, filth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">You should only improve for you. Often, that's not enough of a motivation. An external motivator is usually stronger. And negative motivators are stronger than positive ones. Just a psychological fact that underlies psychotherapy and HR management.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" God is not one-eyed. The one eye symbol is for Lucifer. That's why it's on the dollar bill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If your children are raised in a retarded bubble and want to change school after someone uses the word \"ugly\" (not even in reference to another person, mind you) then you're absolutely not helping them become functional members of society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These days Twitter isn't even bothering to give a reason for why they're suspending an account. They're slapping people with lifetime bans just because.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh come on ..is this the best the NYT can do? What are they paying, minimum wage? It's not the insult to white ppl that bothers me, it's her stupidity. She's something.... Crude yet effective selection of letters to form words Mr.Payne. You want girl G.I? Never been there. I do know that Korea deployed some darn tough troops in SE Asia. The NVA\/VC were terrified of them. I was more likely to hear 'boom-boom'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is the NRCC deserting a Republican because of a faggot Native American? If you live in Kansas make sure you vote for the Republican not the faggot Native American! She looks about as Native American as Fauxcahontas! NRCC CANCELS $1 MILLION IN ADS IN VULNERABLE HOUSE SEAT http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/09\/30\/nrcc-cancels-ads-yoder-kansas\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"half nigger piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bb u can lick me whenever you like ;) what my boyfriend dont know wont hurt him. Now gobble up. The two of you meeting was the only thing astrology was right about. That and 9\/ I wanna podcast with this chickdudefag. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. I made a discord too. Let's do trans ops. If toronto i will steal you from your bf. Drag violently* Oh baby! Toss me in the back of a van and make the suspension snap. Oh no ur fat? Naw. Im a large dude but like linebacker or bouncer large. I want you up my spine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @rocafella123 \"@waymoflydenu: If fleek in yo vocabulary you a faggot\" ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SO MANY THINGS WRONG WITH THIS TWAT AND ONLY 300 CHARACTERS.DAMN.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude, you're retarded. Take an L and piss off, you're irrelevant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am also a nigger and a Muslim so the modern democrats will give me a medal!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now, the Jihadi networks waking up and claiming #Raqqa radio confirmed two planes shot down and 1 pilot captured. #ISIS #Syria","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twinkies are so unfilling. which is odd because they are filled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At work but wish I was floating in my 15 ft., on sale at Walmart, redneck pool that my husband probably hasn't cleaned since last weekend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sure are a faggot boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"bloody muzzie Paki scum!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta love the undignified sprint across the yellow light to transfer buses because the first one was dawdling","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao let these hoes be hoes ain't no Savin nem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Definition of a fat nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What in the Allahdamn hell happened to article 19?!! http:\/\/www.un.org\/en\/universal-declaration-human-rights\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deported Illegal Alien Sentenced to 50 Years for Killing Beloved Football Coach, Father of Six https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/09\/30\/deported-illegal-alien-sentenced-killing-football-coach-father-six\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deathwish and his faggot friends are the only ones that post any porn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That warm fuzzy feeling when you're able to give someone a helping hand. Talking about medical problems with others can really help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just look at the comment history, constantly accusing people of being right wing fascists. SJW retard it is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So Amy Schumer says that white NFL players are racist if they don't kneel w\/their black teammates. Here's my question; is every African American and every minority, on every team (entire roster) in the NFL kneeling? I'm sincerely curious because I no longer watch, go to or follow NFL games. But by her \"logic\" everyone who doesn't kneel are racists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"looking like a hillbilly and not matching is what I do best goodnight losers http:\/\/t.co\/caGHBLKAXQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those electronic cigarettes have one major side effect. They make you look like a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tsgnews: UPDATE: Collegian dressed as yellow Teletubby will face charges for break-in, theft of Chinese food leftovers... http:\/\/t.co\/S ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good, fuck that retarded brownie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotcha. You want two gay nigger siblings to act out an interracial-incestuous-rape fantasy with you. This is typical of most white nationalists. Sad little fags.......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Real name Samatha Ness from Minnesota. A school teacher. Ppl of Minnesota, if you know this person, please call the FBI imediately. She needs to be checked out at least. Samantha Ness was put on paid administrative leave after her school district received complaints about her tweet. Special education teacher has been placed on leave after her tweet about killing newly sworn in U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh went viral. I know, I know! It's NOT GOOD.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING: Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke found guilty of second degree murder and aggravated battery in connection to the shooting death of African-American teen Laquan McDonald four years ago. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/e2CORz\/Dox_Eiq8_VAAAc_PVm.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HyN- https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/j8d6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's such a shame it's optional to teach children cursive now, I had learn it again because they forced us to stop using it right after teaching it to us. Also, any car with a manual stick is a nigger repellant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck those sand nigger fucks all of them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to quit acting like a bunch of dickheads. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Russia is going through an Orthodox Christian revival. Can't say I am a big fan of the Cross cultists but maybe we need another revival like we had in the 50s to counter-act the insanity of the leftists","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's black and white with red all over? Dead nigger skulls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doubles as a planned parenthood to complete the moral degeneracy! Notice the hanger? Luckily they only let in RETARDED Democrats!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the niggers and moslems are anti christ im da anti nigger sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the award for best reply of the year goes to..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAH I love all the white knight cucks who dont' say shit until she gets slammed. I hate cops too, sweetheart. But I hate cunts more....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa got beat up tonight by the Proud Boys in NYC https:\/\/twitter.com\/HuntedHorse\/status\/1050919129585254400","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Over 6000 cases per year and not a single police prosecution , well done Plod ! Babies falling victim to horrific FGM in scandal which shames Birmingham https:\/\/www.birminghammail.co.uk\/news\/midlands-news\/babies-falling-victim-horrific-fgm-15239985?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dorsey ,twatter's founder is a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mandla and Brightyn's Jive - DWTS Juniors https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=HWSL5rI80Vo Anti-White racism on display. The hatred of the White race is staggering. This pushes the notion that White, blue-eyed blonde girls belong with Niggers. There is no greater racism. Notice how the Jews even forced Brightyn into kissing the Nigger. That is abuse. Think about it, in a couple of years, the Nigger will be preparing to rape Brightyn. Daddy Stevie Wonder will be pleased as punch once the rape is completed. 'My boy!! He has grown into a true Nigger, er I mean Negro, er I mean African-American! He has learned to rape the White bitches! I am so proud! *sniffle*'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm starting to think - If when the truth is so fucking obvious they still keep chugging along stupid, it means they don't have the capacity to see the fucking obvious. The average IQ of black people is 85-90 which is border line retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since it wasn't obvious, the OP is satirizing other people's stances on therapists. yeah it was kinda lame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Screw the Cult Muzzies When will Europe stand up for their countries One day soon the Muzzie Scum will take over and you will still be saying, \"Oh We don't want to offend European PC Spineless Dumbasses Fight back ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not sympathizing. But everyone who has that forced in their faces doesn't need to see it. You're a disrespectful cunt of a thing, because you're a commie Jew or muzzrat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i know ill be called a jew, but it seems to me, that medicaid is the only option. for all whites who are eligible, i suggest you get it. otherwise, you are to be extorted or just die, wo coverage. ironic isnt it? something intended to level the playing field actually did the inverse. we're the nigger now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Extremely rare white ravens","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THENX Targets Your Stubborn Belly Fat https:\/\/youtu.be\/GV0oZzEIUAs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MarcACaputo: BREAKING: Charlie Crist files emergency motion for a mulligan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Teddy Roosevelt was a proto-communist, fuck that guy Teddy Roosevelt was one of the best political leaders the US has ever had. I wish he was president again instead of the fat corrupt retard we currently have in office.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calling him a \"cancerous faggot\" while doing it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Only 44% of Italians would now vote to Remain in EU\" Only? That means 44% of Italy's population is already composed of a mix of Muslims and mentally retarded white natives. Solution: everyone in Europe who votes to remain in EU should be deported to Mideast, there they can realise the very agenda EU exists for, to create a mixed race in an area they call Eurabia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what they call \"Feminism\" today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"typical liberal cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White race explained in this picture #trump #whitepeople #altright #rightwing Follow my page for more cynical views on the white race","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all some haters, this nigga a genius. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not going to say much about this, except to report the gist of what happened. One of my female relatives lives alone with her daughter in a large city in FL. Her daughter works, and was away at work when this happened. My relative went out to her garden late yesterday morning, came back inside and didn't lock the door behind her, and so was followed into the house by a vibrant individual. Shortly after the event, she called my dad, who told her to call 911 and he'd be over. (Not unusual for people in my family to call either my dad or I in preference to","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol stop virtue signalling faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PUTTING RETARDED BITCHES IN OFFICE LIKE THIS IS A DISGRACE .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Monkey see monkey doo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HoodJesusYo: Last name, SinnerFirst name, ImmaLike ur pancakes in tha mornin, He got u covered like Aunt Jemima","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another thing that gets me with these NatSoc nutjobs (aka Right wing SJW's) is their retard logic. \"Oh you're defending the rights of (insert smear word here).. you must also be one of them\". NO DIPSHITS! By defending the rights of people I disagree with (even the vile ones) I'm defending my rights and also YOUR rights. 1\/2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Throat punch this faggot Five Finger Death Punch Also a great band FFDP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So is Crooked Cunt under Federal investigation or not?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the nigger looks angry. ooooooooo. scary nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She fits in with ISIS Barbie aka Linda the Cockroach and that actress with the puffed up face who did the retarded slam poetry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And so will \"necrophilia\" but it's still factually incorrect. Why wasn't that the title? Jesus, this subreddit is fucking retarded sometimes. how the fuck is that relevant? I wasn't starting shit. I was saying the title is misleading. And it is. Because she never accused him of rape, which would have been fucking silly for her to accuse him of having done in the middle of an arrest, you daft cunt.' I understand that you only give a shit about your incel reasoning of \"IT'S AFFECTING THE SAME!\" but it's misleading in reading the god damn article as you have to get through it and go \"ah, right. Sexual assault. That makes a whole fucking load more sense.\" > When someone sees \"sexual assault on a headline, they are not thinking about fucking groping, you idiot. People automatically go to rape Only if they're fucking idiots. Whenever it's rape, the papers fucking say rape, because it's an impactful word that sells. So my point is OP is a fucking idiot, and you are too. And however much your statement is true, that doesn't excuse lying for a better title. Or better yet, sharing the article without even bothering to read a fraction of it. Calling it accusations of rape when it wasn't is as bad as the people that you're talking about that react the same to accusations of diddling and accusations of rape. So congrats, you're as fucking retarded as a feminist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, all they have to do is cool it, and they will conquer Europe by birth rate. Will they cool it? It's Islam. I've looked at a lot of Einstein quotes, never seen that one, and seems I would have. Oh yeah. Sounds like what Schrodinger said. He quit the Quantum Theory in disgust, saying he didn't like it and was sorry he had anything to do with it. He focused on a much less disturbing concept, \"What is Life?\" He wrote a book by that name, Watson read it, was inspired, and carried it around with him as he discovered DNA with Crick using Schrodinger's Quantum Theory Wave Equation. Anyway, what was Schrodinger's conclusion in his \"What is Life?\" book? That we aren't confined to the bones of our skull, we are embedded in the Universe. It's all mixed together. I passionately agree. I have incessantly blogged about the same thing. That whole concept runs, ad nauseam perhaps, through many, many of my stories. And a sympathetic reader (with time to waste) would see it in both my novels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I felt like an asshole after saying that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say \"I hate Muslims\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all the other black people are a blessing to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't understand. The hours that women work are loooonger than the hours that men work. Women actually spend more hours per day working than men, but fewer paid hours, which contributes a lot to the disparity we see. Can you elaborate on that? I don't understand what that means. In a lot of studies and international metrics, work is measured in terms of paid work and unpaid work. We all do work, things we have to do to maintain and advance our lives and society. Some of that work is paid employment, and some of that work is not compensated, such as cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, taking care of children, etc. This is considered unpaid work. Men do more paid work than women but less unpaid work, and the disparity in unpaid work is larger than that of paid work, resulting in women spending more time per week working than men, but less time in paid employment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OP calling you purely emotional also posted this comment: *These cocksuckers are about to get a wakeup call. They have no say in this. Fuck them, fuck Ford, fuck all liberal cunts. Fuck the left. Fuck everyone who doesn't stand with GEOTUS. We're done. We're so fucking done.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Depicting whites as credit card fraudsters, scamming the \"honest hard working\" non-whites. Just like house break-in ads always depict white people as the perps. Only in their fantasy-land https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jfktCy9W-Oc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ahhh the street shitter is right! A retard can figure out the Israel and they're dual minions in our government did 9-11! Do a little research!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze at the end of the day, they call yo dumb ass monkey, picka'nanny hoe. But u luv them white devils","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rapist said something not retarded for once. https:\/\/bitcoinexchangeguide.com\/former-usa-president-bill-clinton-says-crypto-over-regulation-is-bad-for-blockchain-ecosystem\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a mong. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's just retarded, eventually there would be no plot on earth \"unowned\" locking out future generations from the right to vote. How about instead if you pay money into the system you get to say how that money gets used. because that makes the most fucking sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Guinness_RAS: @chelsea_elisa tell him that you chose (A) not to trash the environment while trying to save it like a hypocritical douc ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Literally in the middle of the ghetto and these people look scary","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just Muslims after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mann are first game is 3 weeks from now can't wait - once a redskin always a redskin -","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather die than date a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I miss the Good Old Days... The Jews have been tearing away at the fabric of America's Christian identity for decades. Their unending perversion and poisoning of our youth has led us to the edge of a sewer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That nigger Brazile spelled \"respeckfully\" wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait until they light it up with faggot symbolism. They will too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guys, Sargon is right: #GamerGate needs to come back. We've got to meme it to the White House until Trump tweets about it! Tell your friends. This is it. GamerGate lol faggot hahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Jesus was Galilean , which is Gaelic or Gallic not semitic Jew. These new age \"Vikings\" watch too much cucked TV or their beard oil is affecting their minds. Christians built the western world, not paganism. I dare they say anything to you in person...keyboard warriors, likely shills from the left You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth. They Call themselves White Nationalists, but have Little to No Respect for their Fellow Comrades. Jesus is a jew ffs , and fuk u god. Rather a wolf of Odin than a lamb of a jew. I'm in u face Yet another Counterproductive Shit Starter, Worthless Piece of Shit... @Breed: The healing hand held back by the deepend nail, follow the jew that failed Go Fuck yourself, Jesus was No Jew, you're just Too Fucking Stupid to Learn. He was a Jew, we all know, except you. \"King of the Jews\" , stop the meth Jesus was No Jew, Captain Caveman. From now on that's what i'm calling you... @Breed: Whats wrong that he was a Jew. No Jews here and I'm Not the one with the 68 IQ, Captain Caveman... @Breed: What is a sand shark fucker? I am asking for real. I get it now. So its like a dune coon coal burner. An oil burner? LOL, Good one, your guess is as good as mine, maybe Captain Caveman will Exercise his 68 IQ and give us his Answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I very much appreciate the Asian woman's smarts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nailed it! I am sick of telling a bunch of faggot traitors Scotland is run by Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The most notable aspect of the 2018 Midterm elections is that the #Democrats have been more intemperate, more incontinent, and less disciplined than #DonaldTrump Who would have predicted that? #RedWave #RedTsunami #VoteRed https:\/\/youtu.be\/m9mcfHiETPU It's worth noting that garbage like this would be deemed \"acceptable\" by the would-be censors of the left. On Twitter this would not be classed as hate speech because it is anti-Trump. Everywhere else it's just illiterate drivel.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and there's, you know, the BARRIER that everyone else is not retarded enough to ignore o.O","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm an American Jew and have been on Gab since the day they started in August I just mute the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. Problem solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KHShan @VictorB123 Oh but those last few that did.. Charlie, Wilma, Jeanne...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HuffingtonPost if the faggots can have a page y cant they?faggots offend me more than them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've never seen a liberal provide a reasonable explanation for why Kenyans can be genetically predisposed to be better at marathons, but cannot be genetically predisposed to be worse at math. Evolution apparently affected all parts of the body, except the brain of course From where is it shown that they are worse at math? In every public school for the last 200 years? Did you ever think that funding, friends, family, culture, finances, local crime and many other things affect studying and results in school? In my country there is definatly a difference between natives and refugees in school for example, but if said refugee has come to the country before they have started school and their family has integrated, then the difference is negligible. Even if you claim IQ differences, you can overcome those easily with better teaching and encouragement for education. US public schools are in general a pretty shit example since the funding and quality of teaching can vary huge degrees, not to mention things like normalisation of crime and poverty in manu areas ect. This doesnt create a very even ground for such comparisons to be made equally. You say that funding us irrelevant, but somehow the poorest states in the US have the lowest levels of education and these states happen to be in the south. I guess that this means that all of them have low IQ, if I were to use your logic. So maybe to fix the debt problem that the US has, you should let only the high IQ states with vote and not the poor and stupid ones like mississippi, west virginia, alabama, tennessee ect. Woah there Boomer66563! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Freezing my nips off out here...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The idiotic faggots getting mad over this are acting like Pewds purposely dug up Ben Shapiro from some underground satanic alt right cave to spread his evil Hitlerist magic to the world. Every 12 year old knows who he is from the \"This is epic memes you retarded cunts. Use your fucking brains.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So I imagine \"home land\" means that land your people came from at a certain point but not any place or time before then. And it's funny that you mention this when whites systemically eradicate natives of the land they wish to steal which forcefully makes them said peoples a minority. Not only are you a retard you're also a fucking hypocrite LOL. blah blah faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God people can be so mean. This Asian guy held the door for these girls and they said they were surprised he could see it with his slant eye","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FunnyOGtweets: When rednecks fool around with the aux cord http:\/\/t.co\/Tyzuro7qR5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That little entitled cunt has never been told no in her life and she thinks she's special. I doubt even this correct that misconception.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably her husbands fault for not taking care of her emotional needs like a real man is supposed to do so she was forced to look elsewhere. \/s Spoken like a true lonely incel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vegans Are Malnourished BLOOD IS GOOD FOR US!!! http:\/\/truth.prabhupada.org.uk\/vegans-are-malnourished-blood-is-good-for-us Excuse me, but WHAT?!!! I have MET people who KNEW Prabhup da in the 1950s. And several who knew him in the 60s and 70s. Blood?!!! I don't remember ever hearing about the need to consume BLOOD! K atriyas perhaps are allowed to consume meat, but brahmac r s, g ihasthas, or sanny s s?! Absolutely NOT! Only in a life or death situation should they do so. He's probably talking about milk. Prabhupad was a piece of shit tho @DJWossy Fuck you and yours you fucking fuck! I wish that you and all your ancestors end up being reincarnated on the most hellish planet in the multiverse! @DJWossy Oh really? Here's what Prabhup da told his #White disciples. #QuotedPostAttachedForPosterity thanks for the irrelevant comment. he also hand selected 100% jews to run his org lol you eat dicks bro @DJWossy I'm going to mute you before I ******* **** ***! I wish you the most torturous and agonizing death imaginable. the spiritual life of an extremely stable iskcon member You are confusing him with Sai Baba,perhaps? He WAS a dirty old boy nobber! No. Im very aware of who I'm talking about History proves this.. Prabhupad claimed he had omniscience. Obviously he didn't if he was willing to give away his religion to people you claim he hated. Plus you all forget when he later said all are shudras and there are no brahmins or aryans anymore. Selective memory https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=cMpOZ1Vg6Nk The Ultimate Avatar https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CNjZY67iyr4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're kind of a faggot for not being on gab more","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those w o m e n should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta have a nigger in there. The girl looks half chong...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Using my Free Speech to say I'm really glad PayPal suspended payments for Gab, and that the hate speech here should embarrass every one of you. The enemy of freedom: Brianna Wu > Candidate for US House of Representatives in MA District Just another loudmouthed cunt who should be in the kitchen. This person had a dick at one point fyi Not my kitchen! So a freak as well as a slope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope the Yankees get Soriano, shoulda never gave him away for Alex Rodriguez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bunch of retarded thugs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt That's COMMISSIONER Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are the absolute worst. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a dumb fucking question I'm not here to entertain the converted and I'm not here so you can keep nodding your head unironically to hippedy hop music. Faggot nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always a matter of perspective, isn't it. Some of the retarded shit I've seen over the years... Good Christ. But yes, it's on both sides of course.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Will that faggot Mueller charge 10000 Central American shitstains for election interference, or does that only apply to Russians?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@charloosss @keepitplur @nicoleariel_ I'll chug my tall can . but homegirl won't approve lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can I be non white and be in this group? shut up luis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well that should not exist...Wafu pedos its kinda a slippery slope in both directions. I'm comfortable on this slope. but as i posted yesterday, pippi longstocking is basically a loli We can write a loophole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao. \"I didn't bother to read the books, please cater to me, I matter more!\" <- literally you. They said several times long before the casting began that they were gonna base the series off of the books, so I and many others rightly assumed that the casting would reflect that. It did not and I'm absolutely pissed about that, but not bringing up the games as an argument, when it was always meant to be a show based on the books is fucking retarded. This has ZERO to do with elitism, snobbery or whatever, those are the facts. I read the the first book both in the English and German translations, then stuck to the German for the rest, because the English is pretty poor, I also talked to people who read the original, and her hair is clearly described as \"the colour of fresh chestnuts\"... And the fact that the show is being made because of the popularity of the games doesn't change anything. They clearly said they were gonna base it off of the books and not the games, so getting mad that they didn't keep the changes CDPR made is absolute stupidity. I'm fucking mad that they completely shit over the lore by casting black people for white roles and completely ignore the setting in doing that, but there is no reason to use the games as an argument for what was meant to be a true adaptation of the books. Get THAT fact into YOUR head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the losers at work sure love their nigger ball","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay FL minister kisses husband for publicity, so brave. That's nothing I went with my bf to Long John Silver's all you can eat buffet on a Sunday @Escoffier @DoctorPolemeros https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/03\/gay-minister-trolls-kiss-husband\/ \" I will never be ashamed of love and will never, ever hide. Lol. God is not \"all-loving and \"all-benevolent by any stretch. I mean, Sodom and Gomorrah, anyone? Leave it to some degenerate, doublethink faggot to have this cognitive dissonance. All this insanity is exhausting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a Jihadi to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing makes me feel like an old man more than thinking this generations ghetto music is pure, unadulterated shit. Get on board the synth and fashwave bandwagon you worshipers of the juden forced nigger music.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love an ancient ,dried up , vengeful twat in black","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Daffy's redneck cousin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OpWarriorTeam: Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go! It's #MilitaryMonday...support a military organization today. http:\/\/t.co\/9DV04wk ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that thing will still look just as stupid when it becomes a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Caravan Activists Are Weaponizing Poor Central Americans | The Daily Signal https:\/\/dailysign.al\/2R1ttZf MAGGOT MUELLER WILL DO NOTHING BUT CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY B. the answer is B","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Very very sad. And very very true...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@b0ssladyre just ate a wees brownie and is seeing random cats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Gay culture is so dick-focused HM. I WONDER WHY. Can't even argue that. I know a Richard who fits the bill. Proof of Gay Agenda? Dirty won't be having that in this house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is her\/him btw, from the article https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/LjnINjd Her shoulders are really feminine At first glance he looks like a man to me. He is built like a man. Just look at the size of him compared to the girls next to him. Well since its a cycling competition, look at their legs. also keep in mind men store fat in the belly, while women store fat in the hips not to mention women in general have more body fat and less muscle than men His\/her waist looks to be roughly the same size as the girls. His\/her legs also look bigger to me but idk it's not a great photo. Maybe they did win it fair are square, but it's a controversial win for sure. And I feel as though there should be stricter enforcement on transgenders in sports. I read about an MMA fight once where a transgender woman broke a woman's skull and gave her a concussion immediately at the start of the fight in the first round. The possibility that transgender woman have an advantage in sports is very real. Regardless to what transgenders think, its unfair to everyone else. I'm still on the fence about the thought of barring them from sports due to having an unfair advantage. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Mapispema-ta\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well Jim didn't really seem to want to go after the Alt Right but being the high IQ galaxy brains they are, they found a way to get him to BTFO them. Good job guys, you're all really smart people and don't come off like spaghetti spilling fags. Is this about the Dio faggot, or did something else happen? Well I presume that this is mostly a particular retard complaining about Jim then, most in the alt-right will likely cut the guy some slack for having HaPA babies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, those Muslims would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is a Nigger in the Church!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Is Jared Kushner the Jewish Messiah? JARED IS A FREQUENT UTILIZER OF MR. T'S WELL WORN PUPPET HOLE with a nod and a wink just that quick he takes control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya. If I was that officer I'd be really pissed off that someone called me a skinhead unprovoked. And when trying to explain the situation calmly they became unnecessarily hysterical. Bottom line is that this woman is a cunt, and she tried to use her position to get out of a ticket. When that didn't work she resorted to playing the victim, and crying at the man while calling out slurs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A globalist Google faggot uses the word \"treasonous\" to describe pro-America, Constitution-loving people. Treason is something lefties do. Treason is Google, FaceFuck, And Twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists are the ones that created the NPC meme in the first place so they could paint the right as a bunch of homicidal maniacs when a false flag shooting happens. Dehumanizing themselves to dehumanize the enemy. um wut?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SuzanneEvans1: The Shocking True Stories Behind Your Favorite Classic Fairy Tales http:\/\/t.co\/nINVwOXM9z via @HuffPostBooks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One man's trash is another's Transformer http:\/\/t.co\/lpYNVqWXXx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They were taking a picture and I saw a bird fly past and I was like, oh bird! @HeidyPalma21","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#CNN is Very Partisan, and #VeryFakeNews https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealJamesWoods\/status\/1048725729180110848","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel bad here. She was being kicked out of her home and with all that going on she freaked out and kicked and officer trying to pull her away. Whole life seemed falling to pieces so she tried to salvage some of it with a lie. Edit: Being ostracized for holding an opinion on this sub is disappointing. If I'm not a women hater I get downvotes!? Seriously? Hope everyone here still loves their mom. Oh look, part of the problem decided to chime in. I don't think it's luck. Pretty sure cops aren't even allowed to turn their body cams off while on patrol. Lmao, are you even a real person?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jacob Rothschild is complaining that President Trump is trying to destroy the new world order that globalists have spent decades trying to build. No shit Sherlock. That's why we elected him. Ain't that the truth! Looks like Soros and his scared little chickens have every reason to fear a revolution!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, what's the matter with you President Trump Why aren't you listening to this low iq turd and instead listening to top generals who've faithfully executed an obedience and loyalty to the US Constitution and the American people. Stay the fuck away from my posts a**hole. SORRY STACI, we know you are actually a left wing loser. PATRIOTS actually believe in protecting our border, NOT ALLOWING A HERD of lowlife trash to illegally cross our border. I hope an illegal meets you in an alley someday, since you love them so much! Left wing coward, I'm QUITE SURE you know nothing about the military, or soldiers. Obedience to anyone takes second place to preserving the lives of people who matter (AMERICAN CITIZENS). So go put down your rug and start praying to the east, and stop talking about things you know NOTHING ABOUT! LOL!! Left wing, pro-antifa coward, you know NOTHING about the military. Shut your hole, suck Obamas half breed, muslim dick a little more, and get ready for your anti-Trumper protest. A liberal troll, trying to amplify the \"hate\" on gab for MSM to decry, me think... LOL!! PLEASE don't talk about generals or the military!! Just because we allow you \"people\" to join now, doesn't make you an expert.. Stupid troll. You're clearly a left wing nut trying to make the right look as delusional and idiotic as you are. It won't work. You lack the intelligence to write with the Right Voice. Is that your boyfriend? Or, you wish he was your boyfriend? Live in San Francisco? Trump needs to say fuck the jew and grow balls","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People forget that the founding fathers didn't intend for any of us to actually have any power because they realized how stupid we all are. That's why we don't vote for the president, the electoral college does. In fact, until 1913, we didn't even vote for senators, the state legislature did. Weep for Hank Johnson's district. Think about Ocasio-Cortez's new district. God I hope I never meet one of those people. I just found out we're calling her Occasional-Cortex now, good times. Occasionally Coherent I'd blame it on her being from the Bronx, but I can't after the Kavanaugh hearings, she's just an average democrat. They re-elected that [dumb fuck](https:\/\/youtu.be\/cesSRfXqS1Q). Come on, GA! Is he on drugs? Wow I hate fucking people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@boxingscene @RPopBox @BronzeBomber @boxing this Charlie Z really does need mental help check this out http:\/\/t.co\/CkBS6WcZu1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boomers are the people that worked 20 years and got a pension. They weren't going to fuck that up. The first \"me\" generation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Name a single Chinaman that has ever espoused this opinion in public... Pro-tip: you can't. BTFO Bigots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Race is blind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right there with ya. This sub is almost exclusively transgender hate and fatperson hate. Like, there is a treasure trove of generally good dark humor in both of those areas, but what we get is the lowest fucking level of it its pathetic. Right? I used to fuck a retarded blind girl while reading this sub, and now I can't even choke a cat without first peeing on the American flag. What the hell?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/amgreatness.com\/2018\/10\/08\/dems-midterm-message-white-women-are-rape-apologists\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">as concerning as it is that an anonymous accuser can slander people without evidence... yep. if this isn't satire then this guy is just plain retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aww... You poor fairy gay faggot libtard. Gunny has a special message for your triggered soul...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RihannaHasAids: aight game over. dykes had to ruin it http:\/\/t.co\/o0CAn6gb1p","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is complete fucking bullshit and fuck you for defending it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You forgot the \"I don't take polls from faggot commie bolsheviks\" option. Over 150 million people, FAGGOT. just stop being an annoying cunt and vote on my poll so that i can become more familiar with gab's user base.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">red hair literally the rarest hair color on the planet >erase it for 'diversity' Woke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do some people really want to get HIV? I spoke to 'bug chasers' around the world to find out - The Conversation UK They literally want HIV . Why are we living in a world where people get sexually aroused at the thought of having to take medication for the rest of their lives? Victimhood gone haywire WTF?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a friendly reminder that when forced to increase diversity the NYFD essentially eliminated all IQ related standards... https:\/\/isteve.blogspot.com\/2012\/09\/fdny-passes-la-griffe- why u hatin on bbq waycis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think about the fact that dinosaurs evolved into birds every time I eat chicken. Dinosaurs are delicious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@darthdanaa Yes you do retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ballzahoy cowboy killers. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With all the talk of DNA testing, now is good time to remind people to never use any DNA testing company. They are mining data for future use, just like Facebook did in their early years. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/y9YK https:\/\/redd.it\/9oy5k7 They will say that you are some part Muslim or black or Asian when you aren't so you'll feel sympathetic to that race. It's a despicable practice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I doubt if this dyke would have any trouble being raped! WTF is it, a tranny?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chaber Books: BRAGADAYJAH 24 http:\/\/t.co\/bTMLYNNKZp: Nimrod the Cushite, first king of the earth. See Bragadayjah 24","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_jeff_hank @lgreiner3 @RayceWarden @BigJohn_Studd shut up nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common blacktrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racism rears its ugly head yet again! I checked. The majority of the girls are White blondes. The network recognises that beauty sells, and we are indeed the standard of racial beauty. Anything to get those ratings up. Now, who wants to bet the non-White races will be screaming 'muh racism!' If they do, they will admit to our racial superiority. Looks like Dancing with the Monkeys, to me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a shameless piece of shit. precisely why Obozo appointed her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everybody hates this faggot Its just a talentless token pushed by the media","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anti-Semites can suck it!!! Anti-Israel twat bags can also suck it. That jerk off who bombed the Temple where people where worshipping God can suck it. Also I really do hope that asshole Bowers recovers from his bullet wounds SO they can at some point in the near future give him some lethal injection!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around gay people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he deserved it Let me punch you in the face for that comment. You deserved it. See how that logic doesn't work so well? You've clearly missed the point of my comment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EVERYONE JUST SITS AND WATCHS AS THIS LITTLE CUNT ATTACKS A WOMAN https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-another-abortion-activist-assaults-a-pro-life-woman-hitting-her-with-a-metal-clamp\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No! I ignored your point and ridiculed you. There is a difference :) You mean the fact that the Jews sunk the Titanic? Not an iceberg as everyone thinks? Facts like that? I'll pass thanks #Muppet Aye. There are some old photographs that clearly show 5 boatloads of orthordox Jews rowing along like nutters, pulling that iceberg into place. The naughty buggers :) David here knows it wasn't an iceberg that sank the Titanic. Please provide us with your evidence that contradicts all the survivors and records of the time. Dave. I'm making you famous with my normal followers on Twitter. You're an \"Antisemitic mentalist\" You appear to be shouting at me. I've made you famous. What's the problem? And Palestine is a fictitious place. You get to it through the wardrobe next to the one for Narnia. Ok :) Well, IsraHELL is a fictiicious place as it is land stolen from Palestine. But that is a FACT which is obvious something your retarded brain cannot comprehend! I do appreciate you putting out the Truth instead of the old conspiracy theory that an Iceberg sank the Titanic. It's the same conspiracy type theory that Planes took down steel buildings on Absolutley ludicris! It is amazing how gullible people are isn't it? Since twatter bans the Truth, I am guessing you have a bunch of RACIST SEXIST pieces of morally degenerate human sewage LEFTIES following you? You know, the ones with the mother who made the WRONG CHOICE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SteveStockmanTX hes just a friggin idiot that can say anything and his redneck teabagger constituants buy it. They love stupid people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PHOTO: Caravan Protesters Paint Swastika on American Flag, Burn It in the Street https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/immigration\/2018\/10\/22\/photo-caravan-protesters-paint-swastika-on-american-flag-burn-it-in-the-street\/ POTUS signed DEPLOYMENT ORDERS for the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army, instructing them to deploy from Ft. Bragg, NC, to the U.S. southern border at Mexico. They are using force and it is now highly likely that US military force will be used against them if they try those same tactics at the US Border","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boom fuck that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jokes on them in Australia they just say \"top of the morning ya mangy cunts\". Maybe we should be more woke and do that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you sound like a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter Suspends Influential Black Female Trump Supporter's Account After She Announces She Is Attending TPUSA Event in Washington DC #News @a https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/twitter-suspends-influential-black-female-trump-supporters-account-after-she-announces-she-is-attending-tpusa-event-at-white-house\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone should stamp this bitches head in, that's what should be coming to her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just saw a crow gallop across the road. #mmkay #wut ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching Richie Rich! On Tv..Even he wanted to kick it with the ghetto kids..Shows yuh how much Money Aint A Thang!...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The first thing you learn in therapy is that you are the only person responsible for your own feelings. Once you realize that and take control life gets infinitely easier. Too bad these cunts may never learn that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dang I do love that site and Greenfield's writing \"Jamal Khashoggi: The Media Fights for a Muslim Brotherhood Pal of Osama Bin Laden The terrorist truth behind the media lies.\" https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/271623\/jamal-khashoggi-media-fights-muslim-brotherhood-daniel-greenfield","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every single one of these people should be on trial for sedition: co-conspiring to overthrow a free election ..... except Robert De Niro. He's just a dumb shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"been there. in highschool i was leaving a classroom, some douchebag said loudly \"hey look at that faggot\" i shouted back \"fuck you\", and the guy 'chased' after me trying to start shit. teacher told the principal that he was \"defending her honor\". fuck people. shut up faggot. I don't have time to explain everything to you. Why would I make an effort at \"diplomacy\" with someone who I neither respect NOR fear. You don't pose a threat to me and I don't value you. So, why the fuck would I care AT ALL what you think? lmfao. Also, I have the nuclear option. I can literally end your existence in my world. I'm going to block you now....and it will be as if you never even existed. BOOM. GONE. Diplomacy. lmfao. what a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling trans people disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real men do\"nt vapor !!! They swallow !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Been over to the site and upvoted you..... thanks !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that NIGGER BITCH NEEDS ENDED LIKE THE REST OF THAT COMMUNIST DEMORAT MOB. THEY ARE THE LAWLESS AND CRIMINALS AND TRAITORS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, I'm gonna step outside of my Southern Gentlemanly personna here, and graffiti up a post by an organization that I Greatly Respect. FUCK that Worthless-Assed Nigger BITCH and Anyone and Everyone else who is involved in her Lies, Thefts, and TREASON!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's the big deal? Melania Trump is offered a suspicious little male package every night being told it's the bomb!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I muted to!!! YES!!!! love it! These comments are only going to speed up my mute collection, thx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey if I stir a Spider, Rockstar, and Monster together and chug it, would I \/definitely\/ be hospitalized or just maybe? Asking for a friend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#JobsNotMobs #MAGA #VoteRed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the choice from the two main parties is between a nigger and a paki? Who'd've thought Boris would be the last white mayor of London...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I looked at my wife's mother before marrying her. WTF was Harry thinking?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"It is clear from this, that while the message is extremely troubling for all people of colour on campus, **it was particularly targeted towards Indigenous peoples**, union president Jakob Sanderson wrote in a statement. Mental Mass psychogenic illness is also a thing too. Look it up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rofl! She is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On this day, 10 Oct 732, outnumbered Christian forces under Frankish king Charles Martel crushed a massive Muslim horde of smelly jabbering Arab invaders at the decisive Battle of Tours in France. This Christian victory saved Europe from the brutality, oppression and backwardness of Islamic domination. \"Charles has been known as Charlemagne ever since.\" Nope. Charles Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne. Martel stemmed the muzzie incursion into Western Europe, his grandson took the fight to the muzzies and began the long process of liberating the Iberian peninsula from the islamic defilement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sara Peritas commented on your post.2 hours: \"Out of chaos comes order and not New World Order but a reset. Rebirth - We're in the days ending of Chaos and have been for the last 100 years so the reset is the only thing to make sense\" it is JEW WORLD ORDER, not NEW WORLD ORDER. what Rebirth? are you talking Illuminati or Luciferian B.S.? [Me] - I'm talking... Shut the fuck up you jewish cunt [@Sara_Peritas] ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That Ukrainian kid is more dangerous to Sweden than Muzzie rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those weeds. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese #RiseNGrind http:\/\/t.co\/558Ewp9vF0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Judging from the incredibly poor English this account displays, it's probably some spic or Europoor running it. Hell, maybe it's a Russian hacker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People need to understand that trans people are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuk u commie, there is absolutely zero similarities between sir Hitler and pos Clinton. U a fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not weird, you're just a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least one character won't be ruined by toxic radical feminism. Not even toxic radical feminism, just plain old toxic feminism, or just feminism. I think you are talking about neo-feminism. The kind of feminism that even feminists speak out against. It's a cross section of entitled, rich white girls and trying to find their position as a professional victim in today's society. But they don't. They stay silent and are part of the problem. Well they'll sometimes agree with you \"reluctantly\" that they are too extreme, but they'll never say that publicly and they'll never do anything to oppose them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hang that nigger anyway!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I knocked my front teeth out by faceplanting the ground once. I'm triggered. But also I agree, she deserved it. So disrespectful to the horse and the officer, and any member of the public in the area if the horse had charged off!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An ugly, feckless British cunt talking about America's penis . . . Laughable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I 100% agree. aw thanks - by the last year i'd just be rotating the same 3 memes in a row. but music, that would make it better. so you're invited. we'll take a hate trip to the stars!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Based wife\"? If a wife won't stand by you while a retard is making up stories that have no evidence about rape trains, then you're better off having her leave you. There's nothing \"based\" about this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep. Feminists are just one piece of a retarded group know as liberals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Param0nster_ you and me having Twitter bird shaped pancakes that would just be a start","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trailor trash tina time ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand how people here aren't understanding this? All the post is saying is to call out men who are assholes instead of just saying \"not all men are assholes\". Ya know, fix a problem instead of ignoring it. You sound like a very enjoyable individual to be around... Explain how my comment is any different than the one OP posted. This isn't a comparison issue? Call out people who are being dicks. It just so happens the op is talking about men, cause a lot of men can be dicks. Fine. Would you agree that not all men are assholes?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Noose-dodging homicidal nigger finally caught after almost two decades. http:\/\/amp.fox5atlanta.com\/news\/suspect-in-2001-murder-taken-into-custody","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They barely show for work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This brownies bro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we dem birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thinking you make a fool of others isn't the same as doing it. Little children learn this by the age of Here's the cultural Marxist again folks. @Anti__UKIP on Twitter if you've come across the thick twat there ;) Why are you so easy to trigger? Inventing people you think is me is so puerile . Don't you think you should move on from the playground pussyboy?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to hug an immigrant tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't a pussy pass denied. She didn't pull out all the stops. She didn't even bring up her waman status once. The ultimate pussy pass, her pussy, or at least a blowjob, wasn't even brought into the field once. If so, the OP would've caved, her pussy pass would've been accepted, and this post would not exist. Or perhaps the OP did use *the locking her out* as blackmail to get a BJ, thereby accepting her pussy pass, while only pretending it was denied by posting an incomplete exchange of events. Either way, this isn't a pussy pass denied. >If so, the OP would've caved, her pussy pass would've been accepted, and this post would not exist. That's a weird assumption. She could be ugly as fuck for all you know. There's always one of you \"this isn't my definition of pussypassdenied faggots about. Chill out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Giants trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serena isn't even a women. Oh shit, I'm banned now. lol my post is at -20 and quickly plummeting. Pussy Pass denied doesn't apply to traps or blacks it seems lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States if America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I LOVE offering this simple homage to my country every day. We used to offer it every morning in schools, just like these students. #America! #CountryLove .Talk about peer pressure. what if someone don't want to pledge allegiance with the phrase \"One Nation under God?\" if they don't call on their creator by that title? #YahwehIsOne YOU ARE IN THE WRONG COUNTRY!!!! .@CajunTexan - get the fuck out of Texas you piece of shit. nobody named you a nazi fascist King and Emperor over people's lives or beliefs! the word or title of GOD is a false deity based on ancient deceptions and your fell for it along w\/many others! #STFU Well..... @JTz603, Feel free To make me! Thats my actual photo, i don't hide behind some anonymous picture!! and FYI, Like it or not, believe it or not, YOU ALSO, will stand before GOD and answer for your life! Sweet Dreams, boy! .You look like a blond female singer from an old band named ABBA... Don't hate me Cause I'm Beautiful! Just like a lefty, accusing others, of what You are guilty of!! Take care of those stretch marks around your mouth!! ??? Not directed at you, I had trouble with this platform at first, hard to tell who' Talking to who. That Kmart dude is who I was referring to. .Kmart? Is that cuz it used to be the place ur mom bought you clothes from? .@CajunTexan - did you know the name Justin belonged to an ancient queer king in Rome? C'mn Kmart, give us a special, turn on your blue light Bro!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@steve_phillips_ funny, I thought @bobmuellerwkrn #tbt 90s photo this week would have you hanging me over a trash can by my ankles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obozo's Legacy! A Military Tribunal awaits that fucking bastard... followed by a short rope and a long drop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you subversive trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Private accounts do nothing if you can communicate by tagging them, it just makes communication a bit of a nuisance. I just wanted to trigger them since you know their so butthurt and all. Yeah I've been doing the same, but it's just bothersome doing it. lel Raviolis Raviolis...time for invasion force made of 100% lolis! I love this I accept the diabetes https:\/\/youtu.be\/xQBjOC7XdJM Just reminded me why I was looking for this special edit today. Thanks. Damnit now I need another pancreas transplant. Private profiles should not be allowed in public. They can play their games behind their closed doors. How's that work??? Just wondering? They could DM each other. But it wouldn't work because one could make account public to snipe at peoplle and then make it private to hide. Speaking of sweet and cute , I give you Strawberry Marshmallow !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MelissaTweets: Scott Walker investigate. Christie's Bridgegate. Perry's drunk monkey Dem DA-gate. All men innocent. All threats to left ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Huntermoore nigger!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RedNeck Punkin !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and we can all make america grea- ..... make america better","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid niggers, don't have kids then","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If police is not going to arrest those #antifa faggots, you need to make sure Portland's police chief head rolls like a bowling ball. I dont live there so there is nothing I can do but you can. Take that cunt down!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sinead O''Conner converted to Sand-niggerism, I heard. Her pussy speaks louder than her neocortex. Another post-wall cunt doing anything to get a husband. Some Arab will surely chop her up. #Islam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@IHateStevenSingI ain't to show bout dem colored diamonds you talk about on da radio. Any diamond you gets from a colored be stolen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(sigh) another faggot cuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TFW, for some reason, you must defend jews to till the end even though you don't benefit one cent. You're just so cucked and retarded you MUST be good goyim and defend jews bc it makes you feel more whole...? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical muzzie behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Replace Democrats with the filthy RACIST JEW PIGS and I will agree with you! Everyone needs to start naming the filthy JEW! RACIST Jews run the RACIST brainwashed retarded monkey brain NPC human sewage Democrats!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are a useless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN NEGROES DONT READ..THEY LOVE SLAVEMASTERS ICONS Published on 11 Oct 2018 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OIEMO8qySf4andlist=LLN4TofQfr6URr0SCXFckIaQandindex=36 #WeMAGA #WeKAG #WeAreUSA #VoteMAGA2018Midterms #TRUMP2020 #YouMakeAmericaGreat #YouKeepAmericaGreat #TaxPayersLivesMatters #DonLemon #BanCNN Fuck CNN and Fuck the niggers. especially nigger faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then they bring in the house nigger April Ryan, and the white stooge!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So let me get this straight. Because you're an illegal spic in San Francisco you get to vote? Well I guess if you murder...you've earned the right to vote in San Fran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger pleaaaaassse! Shut the fuck up and go play with yourself until it bleeds!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No nigger made that. Sorry nigger you brought up preferance I didn't.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My nudes are trash.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"18 USC 2101 Conspiracy to riot (what the FBI is charging Rise Above Movement with) was passed in 1968 as a tool for the police to shut down anti-war protests. They stopped using it because its a flagrant civil rights violation. Now they are using it against nationalists, based entirely on accusations from Antifa blogs. The FBI = Antifa. and the MILITARY IS WHERE ALL THIS BELONGS. NOT 17 FKING INTL AGENCIES.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a chinese... this chinese guy is fucking retarded. Monks didnt eat soy for \"celibacy\" they ate soy because they were vegetarians. Stop making the rest of us in this sub look stupid by claiming \"soyboy\" has any validity more than a meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time to revive the nigger hunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"North Cali is republican tho... Dont know why you're getting downvoted. Outside of LA and SF. California is pretty red. My gf is from the Vandenberg area and most everyone I met there was pretty conservative. I dont know why people downvote in this sub to begin with. Grow some thick skin ffs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pagans are subversive they care more about pretending to be Harry Potter than whites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, look a kike faggot made himself a meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shit, maybe he's just waiting for the waiter to come by with his bottle of 2001 Maximin Gr nhauser to go with his Sriracha aioli slider, Becky. Calm your fucking tits ya rabid hose beast.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@alberdough check cashing on the corner of El Cajon and calwood it's across the steer for pollo loco","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Entirely unrelated to the actual content of that image, but im an engineering student and i have a professor that makes just the most disparaging fucking comments about blue collar employees and it infuriates me. One day he made a comment about how \"if youre not willing to put in the work documenting and researching you might as well just be a burger flipper or a firefighter\". How many people have YOU dragged out of burning buildings, fuckhead? Not fuckin many if i had to guess. Those lazy fucks saved my child's life after an electrical fire in my house. I'll be damned if my son grows up to do the same thing. Haha I can just picture it. That retard who just endangered himself to save your child coming out of the burning building, carrying the kid in his stupid big arms. What a mindless grunt. It amazes me how even the most studied people sometimes exert the most boundless ignorance. There are so many utterly retarded engineers, it isn't even funny anymore. Not a jab at engineers per se, it's just the most idiotic learned people I met\/heard about were generally engineers. There must be something about the job that draws in people with high potential who just don't care about verifying if their view of the world makes even a lick of a sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger @Magyarkebab nigger @Magyarkebab","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I said middle school days as in the ghetto way people... and what I am nor here to impress you what are you go... http:\/\/t.co\/qYpvIKcRfY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone needs to put this cunt out of our misery. Now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that place is just a \"The Onion\" forum of videogames. Because it stinks? Did you relocate to Vandenburg recently? [Because that was really fucking Savage.](https:\/\/youtu.be\/zStn70Ot4r0?t=75) I try.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thats a little excessive over a fucking picture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Being a white nationalist or anti-Jewis is nothing to brag about but hErE We aRE Nothing wrong with white nationalism, or coming out against the criminality of the Jews. Conflating your position of the unnatural usage of bodily organs, and your fascination with shit. To that of political discourse isn't in the same practice. oh come on man el xolo mexicano! With 1\/2 a sentence written in non-English, you must be some arrogant \"pro-Mexican Monarchy\" to tell people have no pride (shall bring him low) but willing to LOWER yourself and talk shit \"come out against criminality of the Jews\" here! Your people kill one another, behead, cut faces and you are here talking non sense on Jews?! Grow up, be real!:) Being a asshole jackass is also nothing to brag about Nobodies bragging.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As the \"migrant caravan surges through Mexico toward the U.S. border, U.S. officials are debating how to handle the mass of people once they arrive and demand entry into the Promised Land. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/R4XS5S An M-2 browning every mile with interlocking fields of fire and an order to shoot at any movement, with platoon size patrols in-between, all conducted by three units out of the 18th airborne corps, 101, 82, 10 Combat hardened crack troops. Issue them about 30,000 body bags Umm I'm a hillbilly but hey whatever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@politicsofamy Whoa easy Amy, don't slag the Canucks too much with such a generalization","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The council built two dykes to protect the town from flooding. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Question, why is every white man hating brown person wearing those cheap creepy bug eye thick framed glasses https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=NQHVJXfUCKQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only difference between American voting and playing PowerBall is that in the unlikely event you do win the lottery, the hosts won't deny you your winnings, tell you to get fucked, allow masked goons to attack you, then throw your ass in prison for defending yourself from them. You getting laid much these days, or does Heimbach always get there first.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump got under her skin so bad that she went out and got a DNA test. Warren felt the need to prove him wrong and now she looks stupid. Now you have that meme going around that says its okay to be Liz Warren is a classic example of a woman who is book smart but not people smart. A redneck could have told her it was a bad idea to publicize the results from that DNA test. She just doesn't get it. And it's why she will never be president. She certainly cannot run vs Trump - he would make mincemeat of her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad people are realising trans people are not at all ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this Brickleberry? and#x200B; Paradise PD. It's from the same people though Steve? Or the hillbilly? Steve","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actual Pocahontas Descendant [Debbie White Dove Porreco] Calls Out Elizabeth Warren https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/17\/actual-pocahontas-descendant-calls-out-elizabeth-warren\/ I am a documented descendent of Pocahontas. I'll call out Elizabeth 1\/1024 Warren. Besides that, the conquered have no say. Shoulda done better. You sayin I have no say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wonder what her tweets are like after this fiasco. Does she take responsibility and admit some wrongdoing or will it be because of other people Not a chance, she's a professional victim, you should see some of the shit on her twitter. Jesus. [This is my personal favorite](https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/JebDan\/status\/991190913505349633) Avengers didn't offend her, it hurt her. Poor thing. What a tough life she has to live, forced to go to movie theaters and watch ridiculous high budget films that have underlying themes that remind her of something bad that happened. Must be hard. I really don't get it, these over sensitive liberal types. How many levels of fucked up do you have to be to see sexism\/racism\/opression\/victimhood in literally everything. My lord. I would say she's the very opposite of liberal if she won't listen to peoples opinions. That is the irony nowadays, sadly. Not really. It's just you labelling someone 'a liberal' when they clearly fuckin' aren't. Depends on who gives them the label, I assure you there are plenty of nutjobs who don't believe in any liberal principles but classify themselves as liberal. Mate, it was YOU that gave her the label 'overly sensitive liberal type'. Which is incorrect. The rest of your point is utter moot. No it's definitely the nutjobs I run into (I label them as nutjobs if you cant tell) that tell me they are liberals, mate. > it, these over sensitive liberal types. How Nope. No quotation marks here bud, you own that shit. You are being intentionally dense right? My grammar is fine and certainly good enough to be understood, literally my next comment explains why I call them liberals.....because....as.....stated....they....classify....themselves.....as.....such. ok man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once upon a time in America..... There was a time when you could send your children to public school and expect that their classmates would share the same values and culture. Students were expected to get good grades, or they were held back a year. There were no participation prizes. There was real discipline for bad behavior. Diversity is not a strength.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry I can't imagine being a nigger who can't read. \"I made a mistake\" \"Actually no I didn't\" The absolute state of niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what happens when you live your whole life in a bubble of positive reinforcement and never having to be responsible for your actions. These cunts ACTUALLY think they're oppressed. It's fucking insane...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go make your own then faggots. No one owes you shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have mental problems. Seek help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good luck. You're gonna need it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SweetiePaii: RT if you listen to these bands A7XPTVSWSATLBVBADTRBMTHYMASFOBAABlink 182TDGSSFIRMCRFollow me and everyon ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This UNCIVIL Skank Bitch just won't go away! You lost, AssWipe! We don't care what you think about ANYTHING! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hillary Clinton Slams British Tories Over Support For Hungary Prime Minister #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #Winning #USA #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew http:\/\/www.oann.com\/hillary-clinton-slams-british-tories-over-support-for-hungary-prime-minister\/ Who thinks illitarate illegal immigration work they retarded too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"According to the Left, it's \"bad\" to want to see your own people live in peace and to prosper. Well, say hello to the Bad Guy. #NoGuilt #NoShame #NoCompromise Speak for yourself. I speak for you...I am the boss.. you are the peasant..lol Sure... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornsx: Oreo ice cream. ~ http:\/\/t.co\/thrkAobdVj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/gen-john-kelly-called-elizabeth-warren-impolite-arrogant-woman-after-insulting-conversation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Over the weekend while I was away attending a funeral, my sweet baby cat Nera died...she was the best cat I've ever owned, and was truly unique. It breaks my heart I wasn't home when she passed...I hope you'll indulge me posting a photo and a painting of her. The painting was done by Candace Wagner @OnwardTruth last year. Please give your pet a hug or pat before you leave the house, each and every time. #PetLove @Perspicacious Somebody is grieving their dead cat so you thought this was a good opportunity to show off your slick new vocabulary with , like comorbid? Your additional diagnoses (comorbidities) are rather important aspects regarding your pathological Aspergers (HFA) brain disorder. Trying to write them off as \"fancy words from expensive books\" just won't float. In fact it's a rather obvious attempt at manipulation. Besides, you LIKE \"fancy words from expensive books\". Did I trigger a spelling (punctuation) flame from an Aspie? Really? Somebody usually tries that sophistry (lie) about Asperger's being GONE because it's no longer in the latest DSM at least twice a month. It was only RENAMED, the disorder did not magically go away. It's officially now called High Functioning Autism (HFA). I can't for the life of me figure out why an Aspie (as you call yourselves) would like to be more closely linked to the vegetative end of the autism spectrum. I study the 14% of autists that are HFA (Aspies) but know very little of the other 86% (LFA) but aren't they like human vegetables, curled up in a ball? If you read up on Dr Hans Asperger and the history of Asperger's syndrome you will run across the term \"pathological Asperger's\". You don't even need an expensive textbook for that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@paolo Like...Charlie Chan-style? (Never saw that, either.) Hmm...makes me think of the \"Cockneys\" in the Killzone series.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glad she was arrested, but released on her own recognizance is bullshit for a felony assault. She should have to post bail like anyone else that commits a felony. I'm assuming the bouncer no longer has a job. Well, what good is a bouncer that gets easily choked out by some small white chick though? How bout if I put a small white chick with a arm around your neck and see how long you last. For a good chokehold, it takes 8-15 seconds to go unconscious. You have a small girl climb on your back and put her arm around your neck. For probably 5 or so seconds, you are thinking she is just messing around having fun. What is this itty-bitty girl doing, it can't hurt you. Then, what are you going to do after you realize this is not good situation? A full body smash into the bar to get her off? You are probably deciding on your options for 3 or four seconds about what to do. Then you start thinking, \"What the fuck, what the fuck is this shit???!!!\" for 2 or 3 seconds. Then the lights turn off. Lol not really dude, I've done a shit ton of grappling. I weigh 160, and I've grappled cops on a mat who came for training and couldn't do shit to me. One weighed about 250 and looked like fucking Mirko Cro Cop. It's about technique. I could choke you out in about 4 seconds using a blood choke. Not some neck crank like this dumb bitch probably did. \/r\/iamverybadass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On top of that, there's plenty of men who fuck women and are MGTOW. Because they didn't marry, they have resources. That means the hottest women want to suck their dick. Lol. The ironic thing is the only time I didn't get laid when I was married. So if your a faggot who dislikes pussy, marry away. It will help the blue pilled Marxist boss like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"awful my daughter needs a nigger like oj to date","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger fucking faggot come try to hurt me bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Married to a black woman. Still a RACIST https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/Chadwick_Moore\/status\/1053520108050673664 The absolute state of this planet, the face of White supremacism in 2018: Looks to me like a violent white supremacist domestic terrorist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What was your 'red pill' moment? Mine is posted below.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The evil boy wrote awful things like >\"I like you,\" wrote the boy inside his drawing of a heart. \"I like your hair because it is not sloppy. I like your eyes because they sparkle like diamonds.\" The horror of it all. Edit: [Source](https:\/\/www.parenting.com\/news-break\/9-year-old-could-face-sexual-harassment-charge-love-note) Did he say this kind of stuff to her often? Did she tell him before this to leave her alone? If so then ya this is harassment. And just because you don't know something is considered sexual harassment or you don't know what sexual harassment is doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't be punished for it. The closest analogy I could come up with is Pill Cosby. He didnt think what he did was a crime either. You guys can go a head and down vote me now just like I know you will.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kitlange stop oppressing me! Have you heard of free speech? Stop shoving your lifestyle down my throat! 1st AMENDMENT! #tcot #teabaggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Case: 30 grand a day paid to a dyke to lie on teleprompter, and fantasise about eating pussy while you are reading Globalist Propaganda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lightfighter 6 the gigantic faggot still creating bot accounts to lash out at the god-man who destroyed him. That is, me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> It's possible she was being encouraged to do these things for followers and views online and the guys were probs making a shit ton of money off her. Why can't people just call her a cunt? She's a grown woman, stop treating women like delicate flowers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one hates a nigger like a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to like that \"SavedyouAClickVidya\" guy on twitter, but when he revealed himself to be a pussy \"Games are art\" faggot and he went all apeshit over my article, I lost all respect for the little needle dick cocksucker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her colleague is a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope this cunt is hanged from a tree","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@thereal_EMandM I'm off whenever I feel like it. I'm off til Monday. And you put in your two weeks flip them the bird mannn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry I wasn't listening. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/6nTr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The right: Jews are coordinating attacks on speech they don't like. Jews: This is an antisemitic conspiracy theory! We are going to shut down your hosting service, credit card processor, and domain registrar. The right: As we were saying... The totalitarian left doesn't equate to \"The Jews,\" and your views do not represent \"The Right.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This nigger needs lynched","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We started calling ourselves faggots instead of hearing it just hurled at us as an insult. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of us not BANNED from Twitter. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/fKUNPU\/Do9j_Fd9_W4_AACLPQ.jpg O god. Roger Stone the John Bolton lover and Pedo Milo....the civ nats must be wetting themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A new EBIL NATZEES propaganda schlock movie, populated by nigger soldiers in the US Army, and brought to you by the kike J.J. Abrams. Someone please destroy Hollywood. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=USPd0vX2sdc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guarding a border is an impossible task for a military that regularly topples foreign govts, occupies foreign lands while guarding borders they define on a whim, all at a moments notice? Sounds like same retarded #NPC shit preventing border wall construction to commence. Its probably high time for the tree of liberty to be refreshed. Enough is enough","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did you see on twitter how it's the 20 year anniversary of the brutal death of HIV positive gay prostitute Mathew Shepard? Libs are memoralizing him That's retarded liberals for you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the churches can keep their paws off of kids, then they can start talking about moral values.. till then, kindly, f*ck off, padres. http:\/\/fortune.com\/2018\/10\/03\/national-council-of-churches-demands-kavanaugh-withdraw\/ Oh! Great point. Same as when you look at many of the others protesting. Nigger sows are the ones doing the yelling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most women are absolute bastards. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So they have an opinion and voice it... exactly like you? Exactly. The key difference is I'm not trying to infiltrate education, government, and media to push my agenda. I'm also not part of a funded political group with hundreds of millions of dollars of tax money. You aren't, but plenty of others who share your opinion are. Well, maybe not \"infiltrate\", since it was the default opinion of those institutions for most of the last century. Besides which, if somebody believes other's opinions harm them, what is the correct course of action? To NOT try to spread what they believe is correct, and NOT sway government to act in line with what they feel is correct? I'm not sure which political groups you mean, but for the sake of discussion I'll take the figures you give without reference (and assume similar \/ proportional expenditure on the other side) and ask this - isn't the use of money to spread and act on opinion the essential core purpose of politics? Complaining that political institutions spend money supporting opinions seems kind of like complaining that a sewage stinks. I'm not complaining, I merely explaining the difference between a billion dollar funded political organization who has a states political agenda and a couple guys on reddit or YT with web cams and spicy memes. So yes, there's opinions, but I'm not trying to pass laws and rules to fuck them over. I'm not stopping them from building DV shelters, I'm just paying for it. I'm not trying to stop them from being single mother idiots married to daddy.gov, I'm just paying for it. For that ticket price, then yes, I'll feel free to mock them all I want when they say and do something stupid. Also don't play stupid in some esoteric world. There' a vast difference between their blocking family court rules, pushing man-hating agendas, and protesting mens rights meetings and me shit posting. Lets not equate the two.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.sciencemag.org\/news\/2018\/10\/genetic-engineering-helps-same-sex-mouse-pairs-have This means that the humanoid variety of faggot is next for this experiment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cutting fundings is just going to make the problem worse","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Careful what You Wish For. What is it with women and phytophilia ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta bad red bone that look something like Ashanti","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/rightoftheright.com\/museum-of-the-bible-hires-jewish-director-to-push-anti-christian-multicultural-agenda\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're largely satire made by gamers. Sometimes SJWs who aren't in on the joke take it seriously and think gamers actually see themselves this way, but they're retarded. It's totally possible for \"Gamers Rise Up\" to get hijacked... to a small extent it already has, and we've seen it before too: \/pol\/ went from satire to nutty conspiracy theories precisely because idiot nazis thought they were in good company and Stormfront saw recruitment opportunities.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"third party keyboards on iOS 8 trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the bantu's genocided how many other african ethnic groups? The history of africa before the white man is one of famine, starvation, and genocide","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have so muchdisdain for these trans people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not suitable for public office ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ThatsFoodPorn: Oreo Donut http:\/\/t.co\/obytemi3Ed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Germans should use all those high tech gizmos that they love to invent to kick the Muzzies and kikes right out of the country. The (((Holocaust))) is a hoax! That's why Auschwitz has a chimney that was built by the Bolsheviks in 1947 that's not even connected to any buildings! Also, Merkel is a huge pile of shit. That little no good kike (((Anne Frank))) used a pen that wasn't even invented until after it died! It's all a hoax! (((Holocaust))) never happened! The real Holocaust is what the faggot ass (((Allies))) did to the Germans AFTER the war.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"COWARDLY FAGGOT Eric Holder Whips Up Democrats: When They Go Low, We Kick Them https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-10\/eric-holder-whips-democrats-when-they-go-low-we-kick-them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Attempts by authorities and now it seems the government to attribute these crimes to one ethnic group does nothing to support these vulnerable women in the way of social services, mental health services or the resources needed by the police to bring all sexual predators to justice, . Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, stressed in response. adding that it stands to reason that the government's efforts to resolve the issue of \"vulnerable women and girls being \"repeatedly ignored are not sufficient. actually naming the problem \"abacus\" my old bint might be the first step ISLAM! police and local authority failing monumentally to say ISLAM for thirty odd years. nothing to do with resource, POLITICALLY CORRECT BULL SHIT did it ffs. #politics #UK #ForBritain #BritFam @AMDWaters @ForBritain #News https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/europe\/201810201069060790-shambles-uk-home-secretary-asian-paedophiles-tweet\/ Muslims I would love to see Great Britain Rule again my friend. And Fuck Roger Waters! I would just be happy to see them rule Britain and willing to stomp a greasy shitty mudhole in someone's ass that talked shit about the Union Jack or the St George banner. I would like to see John Bull remind that Bastards what's all this Then! I'm with you there I'd love true patriots to take control of the UK and kick PC into touch I would just be happy to see them rule Britain and willing to stomp a greasy shitty mudhole in someone's ass that talked shit about the Union Jack or the St George banner. I would like to see John Bull remind that Bastards what's all this Then!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yep and BOTH HAVE BEEN SUCKING THE FEDERAL TEETS FOR YEARS. JUST NIGGER SCUM TO ME.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do any of you fucking morons know what philosophy is? It's not your retarded opinion on politics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dunno man... As part of the gaming scene for well over a decade, I can indeed confirm that a significant amount of gamers are indeed faggots. In some cases, even *tremendous* faggots! ;) I hear that gamers also commonly have mothers who are massive sluts, could there possibly be a connection!? My God... I'm a tremendous faggot and my mother is a massive slut! The pieces of the puzzle are all falling into place","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"which one of these names is more offensive kike, wop, kraut, wetback jigaboo, towelhead, gook, or redskin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. watermelon carson is a nigger and so are you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It reminds me on the UVA and Duke cases. Those were exactly the same and barely anything happened. Oh, something happened. The DA got fired and disbarred. The false accuser got a scholarship and then went on to kill a man. I still remember feminists like Amanda Marcotte insisting that they were guilty even after all the facts came out and they were released. No doubt she was still in Mangum's corner when she stabbed her boyfriend to death. > The false accuser got a scholarship and then went on to kill a man. Damn wtf, who is this? Krystal Gale Mangum. She finally got convicted and will be released (maybe) in I always knew about the case but never read up on the accuser. What an awful excuse for a human.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dirty nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good fkn lord... ANOTHER Racist fuck on Gab! Hey retard the ONLY thing the Jews did to you were the things YOU were to stupid or LAZY to prevent! Cont...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gorgeous RT@EmrgencyKittens: Calico Maine coon cat http:\/\/t.co\/jalyL7h60f","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So she played Chinese finger trap with two dudes was embarrassed that the guy she liked would think she was a whore and lied. That's a grade A Cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck nigger lives!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not bad for a corporal of humble background. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv .@TruthWillOut. FUCK you and your bogus ass film made by a homosexual soccer player #DennisWise. in the UK! #FuckHitler #FuckYouRacistNaziAsshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking faggot hippy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be more raunchy and to use sexist terms, you could simplify to Cuntfused. Its like being confused, but you have to be a woman. I can take viagra. You'll always be a weak and inferior cunt. I'll check it out in my spare time that I can afford to have but you cannot, because I get payed more than you. Or when I sit down and scratch my balls and drink bear my my woman servant cleans the house. Go make me a sandwhich.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah that riled a lot of cunts up that day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't let these brown scum into America. Bring on Operation Wetback for the 30 million illegal beaners and others that are already sneaking around America like cockroaches. * @a @TomKawczynski @BillyRoper @MichaelHill1951 @Grabthepelts @Mr_Bond @WilliamPierceLovesYou @Spahnranch1969 @HateNiggers @Patrick_little @illegal_aryan @jackcorbin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2800 is what a lot of folks make after taxes or less. What a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Joining you in trying to stop it? What the fuck am I supposed to do about it? I can't control their actions and neither can you. Only they can control what they say and do, so instead of trying to change another person, and driving yourself mad with frustration and anxiety, why don't you just adapt to the fact that some people are dickheads and cunts and move on with your life?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-45932027 Oh look, all the politicians and media have already hung, drawn and quartered this man who had a tiff on a 'RyanAir aircraft with a wog women. But their silence over Black\/Coon crime is deafening. This incident proves we should have segregated travel, based on race. NO! The same happened to me 5 days ago. Do what I did. Be quiet in front of everyone, but silently hassle the cunt beside you! Smile to the next person! Be apologetic. They are left, but you are RIGHT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These immigrants disgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WyattNuckels @grizzboadams shut the fuck up fag ill beat the shit outta you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Heartiste Osamba spent 8 years blaming Bush for bad economy, now he has spent 2 years taking credit for @realDonaldTrump success in the economy. What do we call this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah don't though, he's a fucking cuck who honestly thinks that Muslims are somehow an independent threat (independent of the Jews). Red Ice have seriously cucked out lately. I blame that fag-sounding retard Patrick Casey, who naturally has nothing to say about RAM because he's a fucking cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate gay people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wept when #ThurmanMunson died, and I weep 35 years later. #Captain #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @fabulousanimals: A monkey with a mustache by Thomas Kienzle http:\/\/t.co\/J5PA2BoU23","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I missing something of my ofay friends. Day all scared by da recent happenings. Don't chu worry...ol Lamar say you like da colored folk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger Bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't fuck any ol bitch niggas be desert dicks out here ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sounds like the nigger in planet of the apes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like your ex on bumble","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"California has had hundreds of guns stolen from cops before, just like the singular story TRUMP covered of the wetback killing a woman on a pier. #2nd CA cops lost 944 guns from 2010-2016 https:\/\/www.mercurynews.com\/2017\/10\/30\/editorial-like-kate-steinle-too-many-killed-by-stolen-cop-guns\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody should care who a nigger quotes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. HAH! I remember that shitstain! A retard stalking gay homo. Ed has made me famous.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ish_MallyMal @JayJuice22 all trash to me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RepGutierrez You are full of it! These so called children are not children. They are illegal border jumpers MS!# gang members.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ignorant liberal Retard posts meme that makes no sense and then responds to comments by making fake \"computer sounds that no real computer actually made ever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=At9jDMcjguw Steve Perry Oh Sherrie I dont even like this song but it came to mind so here ya go niggers fuck off faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Happy birthday to this coon ass nigga buckcity @ThatLatsonKidd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I couldn't find that Tweet, so it's possible she deleted it? Either way, her TL is headache-inducing. She basically Tweets every thought that comes into her head, like an autistic retard. Those retarded tweets are coming out of her Leftwing ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"War on men won't stop till people make a choice to make it stop, and end the left wings retarded bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DanielSizelove @Conrad_MLG get on cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"looks like a commie cunt . nigger lover . commie cunt to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she's a twat twit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I turned down requests for interviews from them because I don't want to work with a bunch of overly emotional head cases, nor would I be able to stomach their retarded sensitivity training regimen. Their culture is complete garbage and only deluded drones like working there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I talked to some birds... I fell in love again..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People that hate jews just because they are jews are actual racists and therefore have no intellectual credibilty. Idiots that slag off Tommy Robinson because meh he talked to a jew are just that idiots. 20 something Jew haters who think they know it all are just that-HATERS. I guess the muslims who ran children over are just haters. Nothing more to it. NPC DETECTED Yes we all hate, but hatred based on race alone? Nah we should be better than that I agree Jason All we keep hearing is that we'll be the minority by 2040 or 45","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well holy shit. Blackface - which has for my entire life been held up as quintessential huwhite racism - wasn't invented by Whites. It was invented by a Jew. In a movie that was literally about a Jew culturally appropriating jazz. Once again, the fucking Jews transferred the blame for something they did, to us. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI bye faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hardly Surprising If We Had A French Faggot President Who Openly Fondled Naked Niggas And Came From A Family Of Nazi Collaborators, We Might Actually Riot As Well, Although Probably Fucking Not! (Far Too Many Soy Boys I Suspect)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SVL305: @VJtechsupport @YoungMcFly the real reason y she gave up rapping was because of ME.. i called her trash to her face n asked for ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"White people cannot simply ask for an apology, expect forgiveness and plan to move on. Instead of being concerned with being forgiven, white people should focus on ...\" https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/opinion-white-apology-black-forgiveness_us_5bccda8ce4b055bc9481ea68?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Satanism This faggot put together this diss post; confirmed signs of a trigger faggot! #instafaggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An invading army is slowly trekking towards the United States' Southern Border. In any other time in history, stopping them with deadly force would be considered a practical and common-sense measure. But now, we're supposed to open wide and let them in. This is a manufactured crisis designed to energize the Left before the November Election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The left has ALWAYS prefers victimhood over VALOR. This screams \"poor me I'm a victim!! You need to vote for my side\" This is just so obvious and insulting. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-bomb-also-sent-to-maxine-waters-office\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can do that kind of shit on Twatter if you're a left wing retard and not have to worry about getting suspended.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're already proving yourself wrong. You do not speak or behave like a normal person. You talk and behave like a fucking retarded lunatic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In the end the purpose of those books is to be quoted in the future as a source to why you should accept infinity immigrants because nobody actually reads to check what it says. Precisely, and precisely why it must be mocked into oblivion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Huntermoore bout to be in ike a couple hours","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Speaking of tacos; To report illegal aliens please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423) Thank you for your vigilance and your service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Melbourne has massive issues with Somali and Sudanese*** gangs. The ABC did an article on it showing the stats Sudanese* immigrants are around 27x more likely to engage in criminal activity) but then went on to say it's racist to do anything about it. Melbourne dropped something like 5 points from being the most livable city in the world in last years rankings. Mainly because it's a left-wing shithole. This is the fucking state of Australian politics... The political Zeitgeist Australia is about 8 years behind the US. We had a great chance with Abbot (I hated him when he was in but I realise now he was a champ) and hopefully we get someone like David Leyonhjelm in in the future. Edit: Sudanese\/Somali Surely not. Waleed Aly promised us there is no African gang problem. Fuck I hate that cunt How does he even get on television? Such a sanctimonious cunt. Never met anyone who liked him That show was trash before him, that Charlie fuck was as bad. He must be so at home working at the ABC now. That's if his show hasn't been canceled yet. Same and his wife People who want others to think they progressive and non racists","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ol Hollian will have the shortest PRO membership stint in the history of Gab from the looks of it. Sad. See, I told you so. For the record, if gab struggles going forward it wasn't because of any malfeasance like you predicted. Factors beyond his control are at work. I laid out more than one fail scenario. I called it on Azure, and this is the SAME ATTACK VECTOR. He had ONE MILLION BUCKS to work with to build infrastructure. He got married instead. Torba should have read less philosophy and more science fiction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever I see \"pro-Israel\" in someone's Gab profile, I cringe hardcore. Canada ought to be our friend. White Canadians are of good stock. Yeah I like our Canadian bros but most Canadians hate us. Hell, most Americans hate us on this fringe against Israel. At least on Gab I can reply to them, unlike the cars I get behind w\/ the 'I Stand with Israel' bumper sticker. All I can do is pass them and hope they understand my #GTKRWN sticker Get an anti-Israel sticker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"German teenage girl called Nazi' for reading poem about migrant violence Her house vandalised as well During a Poetry Slam in Speyer, Ida-Marie M ller a 14-year-old girl dared to ridicule the welcome culture of the left and denounce refugee rapists all in one. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/yd3rvvpp She is a bonafide hero. Sounds like if I lived in that country I'd need an electric fence round my property.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marie-Claire Bissonnette, 27, is the beautiful young woman who was round house KICKED by a f*ucking COWARD, ( now unemployed ) 'Hair Stylist' Jordan Hunt .. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/hairstylist-seen-in-video-kicking-pro-life-demonstrator-loses-job-may-face-charges #Toronto Police investigating, she WILL press charges -------------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543 I believe they call it, tossing their salad because sometimes inmates put salad dressing on their anus before hand I coulda gone the rest of my life without learning that... gags Uhmm, ...close.. but, ...not, NOT, willing to hash that out, nope, yuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that gay people deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're a dude, and you don't have a disability, get the fuck up and give the 50 year old woman the chair you dbag.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a bitch. If she cooperated instead of mouthing off and shoving him nothing would have happened. She deserves it. End of story. Bruh I'm all for some quality PPD, but being a bitch isn't a crime. She blew a If you getting defensive involves you acting like a cunt like this bitch, then you too are a entitled piece of shit who deserves what's coming your way. Should've gagged her. Cunt was annoying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a woman and I fucking hate this type of bullshit more than anything. I knew so many of these privileged cunts in college, you have to have very few worries in life to say shit like this. Way to revive 19th-century ideas that \"men are logical\" and women are ~~irrational and feeble-minded~~ float delicately between the physical and the spiritual world, which we navigate with eMotIoNs (and vaginas). And the demonizing of The Enlightenment. I'm sure she would have loved living under the Catholic church in the middle ages or in John Calvin's Geneva. Humanity breaking free of religious dogma was basically the best thing that ever happened to women in the West for over 1000 years. If she thinks supernatural horseshit is more empowering to women, I suggest she go live in an FLDS compound.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's full on pussypass. Every single damn guy who's been accused of the most simple of things has had their life destroyed even when it's something from decades ago. but because this is about a girl, it's innocent until proven guilty all of a sudden. If you think a woman's life should be ruined because of a mere accusation, just because it has happened to men in the past, you're a fucking idiot. If you think women shouldn't be held to the same standards and be treated equally to men you're a misogynist. You're missing my point. It's equally terrible when it happens to men as it is when it happens to women. You seem to think that I want only men to have their lives ruined by false accusations, but not women. I don't think anyone deserves this and the fact that I'm getting downvoted for saying this is ridicolous. but, that's not what you said. you said that wishing for women to get punished \"because men do\" was idiotic. Don't try to change what you said. You just got called out on your dumb ass comment. \"If you want women to go to jail for murder just because a man did you're an idiot\" <- You, probably. what makes you think that? Explain your reasoning. Is it just because your feewings got hurt or is there a valid reason? Asking for equality does not make one an idiot. I think your comment clearly shows who might be one though. Asking for someone's life to get ruined by a sexual assault accusation makes you an idiot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheChrisCates: Look at this faggot http:\/\/t.co\/db7SIri8qg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who are the niggers to make the rules and confuse our white kids so much that they cannot see that a nigger never done me any good ever gave me anything except ive help numerous niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people are so fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sputnik News - Russia you fucking retarded cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If your blood hasn't boiled enough today... Home office deporting nigger moslem, take him on a commercial flight so people get upset and he stays in England! Round them up and fly them on a military plane or charter you cunts! https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2A259B0 Shouldv just necked the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"oh cool a white guy made something i want it you're a racist you're a sexist gibsmedat...\" You know where this is going... I havent watched this much since Tom Baker had the role,the last true doctor who,i will never watch it now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is, tons of industries are stagnating and tons of men are not where they should be. I just wish I didn't have to deal with it anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We dyked the marshland along the rivers to provide pasture in summer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SMH... WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker With Lawyer Response to Gateway Pundit https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/ HAHAHAHA cory booker the pole smoker we knew it all along you poofter why hide the truth? I forgot he's a politician.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually, you're a retarded women with a dog filter. You're muted anyway. But don't let that stop you from explaining your new version of world history. i'm sure somebody will get a kick out of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it that trans people are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ion speak on how flaw niggas and thirsty hoes be on I.g but boyyyyyy look at here ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @firemunky: RIP Tom FoleyRIP Greg SikorskeyRIP Charlie AnayaRIP Wells CrowtherRIP Andy Fredericks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She is a paki. Could pass as a sea nigger It is sand nigger. Just for the record I am mixed race Scottish\/Paki Correct what you nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not only would we lynch a raping nigger of a mob of 5000 we would post it on the front page of the paper....... that is also how those nigger rights groups found out about us and sent that cunt who fucked it all up idk y she did not get a lynching herself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Centre-right. Like millions of decent folk :) I'm extreme right. The only thing right of me is anarchists. At least that's what they claimed before I buried them in the back yard. I'm a woman you useless waste of sperm. Neck yourself means hang yourself. Please do it because your genetics shouldn't be allowed to spread.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Killing it at home! #NBA #pacers #indiana #paulgeorge #hoosiers #basketball #hashtag #winning http:\/\/t.co\/2qwEPnUx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck bulgaria stupid country","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all trans people\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"True","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No that's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look, another white trash cockroach. Good to know there are still parasites like you walking this Earth, so I get to fuck you people up when I cross the paths of you cowardice faggot dick eaters...Bye bye now STUPID! lol!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm getting a lot of nigger porn spam today! Iv been just muting but should I report?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sopwith So you are a Jew \"Zionist\" and your SOP is the rape of males \"Bluehand\". Got it. Jew Sodomite What a nazi faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No black person can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know that nigger had a phone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The chinks really hunting their food... RT @WWLTV: Dog shot with arrow in N.O. East- http:\/\/t.co\/q1KqT6STwl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This picture on Weibo made China's censors add \"big yellow duck\" to its list of banned terms http:\/\/t.co\/87NSk91rJR http:\/\/t.co\/j3aAKxwIfe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude you're entire profile is just whining about \"muh racism\" this is truly the center of every black person's identity and it's pathetic. You're seeking this shit out because you like the attention Oh and putting pics of your family on here is a retarded fucking idea my guy. You don't know who might dox and fuck with them. I'd delete.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the trans people in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @JuanNdaCut: When twitter rappers dm me their trash links http:\/\/t.co\/o5Orzo1O19 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our enemies are resorting to violence in the streets and calling for election boycotts, while the most notorious accelerationists amongst us are now calling for you to become the State. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/15\/radical-agenda-s04e032-catching-up\/ If even James Mason is telling his readers to capture control of the GOP, you siege-posters are out of excuses for rewarding anti-white extremists with the objective of subversive acts intended to disenfranchise you. The GOP is the party of white people. None of us can afford to let our enemies just HAVE it without a fight, and we certainly can't afford to let the Democrats hand control of the state over to non-white invaders. You want accelerationism? You get that by winning. Not by pretending that you're doing your folk a favor by losing on purpose","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crackhead Nigger Doggy Dog smacks his gums over Kanye West support for Trump https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/ #SnoopDog #Niggers #MAGA yeah, she looks like you slide your dick into that and she is stealing it for herself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you can't say it to be cunt dont post behind my back","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisnigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol, this nigger likes trannies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Not in the UK it won't under this government. you never had a thought tho have you? youre just a lil pedo protector arent you is that it? you just repeat what i said and call it patter? you aint got no chat son, your just a gullible deluded follower of white groomers thats complicit in child rape by the edl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump has requested an extra $200 million so Israel can \"maintain its military edge. #MAGA https:\/\/jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com\/us-seeks-to-increase-aid-to-israel-by-200m-in-2019\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have suplexed this cunts head right open on the pavement. Its insane what women are allowed to get away with these days","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retard 1st Class w\/ Cluster and Ribbon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Neuroplasticity is just a term given to the brain recreating cells and pathways, Doesn't the body do this also? Ever seen granny porn? The expiration date of the human body can be completely up to your mentality and health. Judging by your ignorance I would say you don't have a lot of life experience. I would suggest seeing world and speaking to people of the opposite sex. Also try not being a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He gave me some bullshit excuse. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of whore do you have to be to cheat at your own wedding? I dunno about that. Most women at least have the common courtesy to dump you before banging someone else. Damn. Lol Edit: All right so apparently you all think its more common for a woman to cheat on you rather than break up with you first. I feel bad for you, the women in your lives were clearly cunts but I'm sorry, you are delusional.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I guess this subreddit is just entirely anti woman? Many incels came here after reddit banned their sub They did not. Our numbers have continued to increase steadily following the banning of that sub. We saw saw no uptick and no reason to believe such a thing. Quit being lazy and formulate a better argument. Isn't an argument an exchange of opposing views? Someone asked a question, then I gave an answer from what I observed. YOU just presented an argument. Which might even be correct, given you seem to have info that I dont. But you also erroneously called my observation (that seems to have upset you) an \"argument\" AND threw in a lil personal attack. Get your shit together triggered little bro Don't take your anger out on me because you attempted to lazily smear an entire sub. Lol wasn't smearing an entire sub. Why you take so personally? > So I guess this subreddit is just entirely anti woman? > Lol wasn't smearing an entire sub. Hmmmm, it's almost like you did. >So I guess this subreddit is just entirely anti woman? LOL calling someone anti-woman is \"smearing the entire sub\" to you? Guess you really got ROASTED, eh?? Put some salve on that burn yo, You should probably crawl back into your safe space, I'm worried your skin is a lil too thin to survive outside. Lol I like you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's not gonna make it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao RT @iPOSTBADTWEETS: Lowkey Peyton Manning trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @iCARLEYBBY: @DJZeeti: twitpic a selfie with light colored eyes http:\/\/t.co\/BSOYlL83Iz ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people belong in our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More juden Blood Until you Evil jews Raus! https:\/\/www.haaretz.com\/world-news\/europe\/jewish-teens-assaulted-in-alleged-anti-semitic-attack-in-france- They will sacrifice a few of their own so they start the process of moving all the RETARDED RACIST Jew to IsraHELL! It actually is part of the plan! askeNAZI JEWS are LIARS! It is really only the few at the top that matter. The vast majority of RETARDED Jews who are no more than programmed monkey brains can be sacrificed for the elites good. Unfortunately the average Jew has the intelligence of a typical Gnat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should never support a politician that treats trans people like human garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There should be a side trip into DC to Charlie Palmers during CPAC @SHannitysHair @TheFriddle @Glock4Piper @alleygirl2409","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The video is just an obnoxious twat trying to be funny for 10 minutes, with zero arguments why the game is bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEAD COPPERS R GOOD COPERS REALLY SCUM MUSLIM COPPERS. THEN THE CITY HID THIS EVIDENCE! TIME TO KILL THEM ALL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come #DOTR, more than just the actual perps need to be arrested and punished for their crimes. Models\/actors like the twat in the pic must answer for their offenses against the White race-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jennybaquing so terms like honkey, cracker, peckerwood and stereotypes of white people fucking their kids and sisters isn't racist? sweet!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone please bring me Goldfish crackers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All that excessive postage. And not even canceled, not even mailed. Hand-delivered. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nJns","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But you can still see the person's posts (without just opening an incognito window, lol) so it's not TECHNICALLY blocking. Just @a catering to boomer trash like @mitchellvii who don't want their followers to see them proven to be retarded in the comments below their posts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @earthWormSLIM: if melo go to the bulls they still gon be trash unless melo get special privileges allowin him 2play in a allstar uniform","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dunkin' apologizes after employee calls police on student speaking Somali with family https:\/\/thehill.com\/blogs\/blog-briefing-room\/news\/412276-dunkin-apologizes-after-employee-calls-police-on-student Not sure what you are talking about here. A Dunkin' employee called the police just because somebody was speaking a foreign language. What 'nigger' did what before? The employee that made the call was white. The Somali did nothing at all other than to speak Somali to their family members so far as the article says. Do you have other information on this? Yes, there was a post and instore video that showed the same individual claiming she was refused service. I don't recall the person who posted it,I saw it online yesterday. They talk about the video in the article. That was the end of the dispute, after they were told to leave because they were speaking Somali. this piece of work lives in Minneapolis, running for the US Senate. She supposedly married her brother to get him in the country a few years ago. Gotcha. Too bad nobody caught the first part of the exchange on video. It would not at all surprise me if there were unreported provocations from the Somali family and their activist candidate daughter. This incident may well be a campaign stunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ANGRY DEM MOB Confronts McConnell in Restaurant Man Slam Fists on Table Then Throws McConnell's Food Out the Door (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/angry-dem-mob-confronts-mcconnell-in-restaurant-man-slam-fists-on-table-then-throws-mcconnells-food-out-the-door-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's not awareness. That's just being a selfish cunt It's a fine line I think but it's also how the person deals with being called out. This person doubled down on the cunt side of things to remove any doubts to the contrary. No I don't think so. She's being a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AtBlackface @MrMooncricket @UncleUnco @BobbyBotsods @FuckTheMallcops @RacistNegro69 ape? Fuck u broke ass racist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"David Greco @DaveGreco33 Goodbye chum ..MUTED If there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !! If there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's Fucking astounding how Retarded our Politicians are!!! They fell for it, even after the same troll happened 12 months ago and everyone knew!!!! Fuck!!!We need to rename Canberra to .... Spastics Corner!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BryanStars ATL, BVB, SWS, PTV, THE RELAPSE SYMPHONY, SET IT OFF, FAREWELL, MY LOVE, MAYDAY PARADE, FOB, PARAMORE, etc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that beat. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A helpful mindset is to spend time seeing the rationality of that which you don't agree with. If your only explanation for a \"wrong\"stance is \"they're totally irrational,\" its easy to just perceive the weakest arguments of their stance. Consider what evidence that people have perceived to give them such a stance. >Typically: \"Aha so you see that I'm not 100% wrong, therefore you are 100% wrong and I'm 100% right and your ideas are basically (insert ridiculous idea I never brought up)\" At that point you just gotta let them be the strutting pidgeon that they are and go about your day. Just galaxy brain things. I usually write huge essays as to why they are wrong. Those not interested in actual discussion can't be bothered to read that much and stop on their own. Sometimes I even go as far as research some credible links to put as basis for arguments. It does take a lot of time, but since I'm not native English speaker, it's a useful writing practice. I think that's a terrible way to communicate. You need to be concise if you want to maximize your effect. Sam Hyde's style gave me a lot of insight on how to approach these people. The point is that the best way to argue with them is by using what I would call philosophical judo. Understand that this is a culture war. You don't win by being thorough and right. You win by making your side look cool and by exposing the toxicity of your opponent. Personally, I almost always false flag these days. If you present yourself as the opposition, then they call you a bigot, encourage other people to hate you, and you lose immediately and feel like shit. It's much more efficient to agree with them. Take an even more extreme (yet still believable) version or application of their own argument. They will either (A) agree with it for fear of becoming the \"bigot\", and incite hatred of centrists, or (B) they will argue against it and incite anger from the extremists within their own ranks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Briana_Rashae I'd like to rape the bitch that posted that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, Did she told your family why she turned that wagon so hard? She hasn't given us a reason as to why she dropped out, I'm still in shock. Is it possible that dropped out = partied too much and flunked out? Saw it way too may times when I worked in a university. That sounds kinda like anxiety \/ depression \/ struggling to cope and buckling to pressure, man, try not to be too hard on her or she might start just staying in her room\/bed all day. Bro she already does that. When I lived at my mums, she'd go weeks without saying a word to anyone in the house ...dude you're killing me here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/patriotpost.us\/memes Im happy again ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So real it's unreal LOL #Yankees #WorldSeries #27andCounting #MLB #MLBtheShow12 http:\/\/t.co\/tdMrBsnP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tf kind of name is Diquese, sounds like fucking dick cheese","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're not encouraging courtesy either, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would it let the passenger cancel the ride in the middle of the ride. That's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to pit corporations and the government against each other. Usually they cooperate at the expense of the citizens. You sound like those retarded hard-line libertarians that thinks any regulation whatsoever makes the country communist. > hello You fucking cunt! How DARE you!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SAMMI_boyden: Fucking James tried to tell me Jawga Boys sucked. I went ape shit dude @savanigga @OfficialDThrash @jawgaboyz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She only called the other guy a, \"Stupid black bastard\", is this really racist? She wasn't saying that she thought he was a bastard because he was black, or that she thought all blacks were stupid, just that she thought he filled all three categories at the same time? Maybe it's because she was trying to insult him, and her calling him black is what came out? Are you retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger bug","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just another fucking traitorous, commie nigger bitch1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That rotten cunt. Next thing you know she'll split in you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Abels_Masochist you're not ghetto tho. You can live in the hood and not be ghetto #facts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone should arrest the other faggot for bestiality if he's bum fucking a dog probably one of them white Moslem Faggots!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DomWorldPeace: Teixeira on point tonight. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just mute the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"haha nice explanation, dude. I also love how they're reporting it on reddit like there's a mass murder about to happen or something. Or when it ends up on the news reported as a hate crime because of a white piece of paper that literally only says it's ok to be white. They have meltdowns about it being a \"dog whistle for white supremacy\", but are apparently oblivious to the fact that this reaction is the entire point. It's to highlight how fuckin retarded they are, not to promote racial superiority. The wording is very clearly not about superiority. For the sake of other readers, your comment is archived here: http:\/\/archive.is\/tUs3u It'll probably get removed from OGFT and you'll be permabanned for triggering their fragile sensibilities.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These women are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the absolute fuck are you talking about? Take no for an answer? *No question was asked*. You however, are the caricature of a basement dwelling incel neckbeard who couldn't get a piece of pussy if his dick cured cancer. And if you aren't one, shape up. Because that's how you sound right now. Kinda gay asking grown men about drinking milk faggot lol BAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yup! U mad! Don't cry too hard into your waifu faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NFLTalkRT: RT if your team is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope the purple-haired cunt lost some teeth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JManziel2: @RealZachK0enn: @JManziel2 You're a faggot you're a Texas fan...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Baltimore mayor announces taxpayer-funded legal defense fund for illegal immigrants. That's right folks. The left wants you to pay for your own demise. https:\/\/t.co\/BDInyhfdXf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ole Miss Professor James Thomas: 'Put Your Whole Damn Fingers' in Republicans' Meals | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/FYB-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really can't stand her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Walk us through exactly how the low IQ, anti American, Muslim nigger added","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As someone who just had a baby girl, I'm fully in favor of publicly flogging this cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay, would you prefer we call you a dick, or a cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cheeky lol RT @_MELiSA_jay: I want those all black and yellow 95's again... ughh I those","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tommy trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@lucas_wright955 @MichaelGT03 faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You rabid antisemites are very annoying and none too bright. Oh, I'm so upset a filthy, dirty commie Jew posted a retarded meme at me. You are a disgusting piece of filth, and a child of satan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another retard that chose to be one. LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because putting deodorant on is oppression, but how tall you are is a choice...... Fucking dumb cunts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @uncledaddy69: @weakenednachos California's biggest retards. Don't forget about HOLY who just released an amazing EP.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I need sleep but can't seem to get that place that let's you clam down and sleep :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=6461VfxdBSw Rollins Band - Disconnect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope Killary finds this ugly lying cunt to be a huge liability","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"communist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you are absolutefilth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Truly glorious murders: George Zimmerman shooting up Trayvon - the biased media coverage radicalized a lot of white people. Yeah he is non-white too but results are results. Darren Wilson and Michael Brown - again, nigger riots radicalized whites, showed them how evil our enemies are. These were thugs who should have been euthanized. Not kids, nor old women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not that famous nigger Tylenol Washington the 3rd??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). 5 bankruptcies out of 500 is a You're proof positive that trumpsters are retards- not just stupid, but full on mentally retarded sheep. Sheep are only good for sheering and slaughtering.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You immigrants make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Krbfarms @Cornfrmr Homemade Angel Food, yellow cake with half-inch chocolate frosting, Devil's Food to die for, Pecan Pie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"even the most autistic retard can fight if you give them guns While soldiers at the front line shoot their guns for freedom for the countries they're in (or maybe, just maybe a bit more selfish interests like oil...just maybe) Chicago 3\/5ths shoot each other because he fukkd mah hoe and stole mah coke nigga ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ariana is a tasteless joke. A sad one. vomit time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and cunt again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"---->watch Chicago's crime problem now be miraculously solved in 48 hours JEWISH COMMUNITY IN CHICAGO IN SHOCK, FEAR AFTER MURDER OF LOCAL LEADER \"We went from extreme happiness to mourning, it's unbearable. U N B E A R A B L E http:\/\/archive.is\/RZsoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is some fairy gay faggot shit there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His therapist is a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical whorebehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"my mom tried to get me to buy beaner boots bc they were on sale like I'm not in a mariachi band please stop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just sums the twat up. All wind and piss!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Pret a Mort\" In tonight's episode Poirot has to sove two mysterious deaths in quick succession. But which one is due to the filling and which one is due to the bread. Only a practical sandwich experiment can solve the issue for Hercule, a quest which leads him to the Thai red light district... what ?.. feed it to 2 different whores for $10 each.. That was not what I meant. $6 OBVIOUSLY. ten Dollar !! You're not very skilled at this negotiating, are you? 10 Dollar.. Including tips? 10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger communist feels more natural","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep. The presumption is that money can only come from one society? Forced or free? The induction from the first principle of money says it can come from either since either type must perform work to survive. Likewise, markets [exchange] must exist in both types. How would a stateless people have a concept of money? Evolved from a concept of value, growth (which those societies eventually evolved into) and both meeting times in which goods produced (for scarcity or season) are lacking, but resources (which are costly turn turn into a product or require unavailable product or resource) are not, Would they call it \"money\"? What is this air of post-modernism and structuralism and Chomsky's linguistic theories going around here right now? This shit is why AI and integrated systems hit stagnation. Language defining the nature and societal rather than nature and following nature the societal necessitating the language? It doesn't matter if they would or not. The difference between shiny objects traded because people like them for fashion and something you can actually use to create a structured economy is blatantly obvious and I don't go along with the anthropological bullshit story of calling the former money. \"precious metals have no value and a representative form of value for standardization has no purpose\" \"It doesn't matter if they call it money\" \"They would never have called that money\" Semantics, literally. Worthless and child like psuedo philosophy. Precious metals do have a value; I never said otherwise. Shells and ceremonial crafts don't. Stone age gift economies are not organized around anything but formalization of relationships. Barter. This is obvious. What the fuck kind of a statement is \"cave people didn't have standardized money\" and more importantly how is that statement anything but worthless. You're going to run into trouble if you keep adulterating my words with things like \"standardized\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MirrorWeirdNews: Adorable tiny monkey showering in a sink is the cutest viral video you'll see this weekend http:\/\/t.co\/cwc0b0Z9PB http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SoccerGrlProbs: Germany's like....Next goal has to be a header. Then next goal after that has to be a diving header. Let's play monkey ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What if we just killed all trans people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After Demanding FBI Investigation For Weeks, Feinstein Refuses To Accept The Results! The DemonRats are so fake and hypocritical. FBI interviewed all Ford's witnesses, all deny her claim- BOOM! Time to Confim Kavanaugh NOW!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Spic Zombie Horde is getting Hungry and will Feast on anything that Crosses their Path, like those South American Army Ants that Consume everything in their Way... These Commie Lefist Hippie Freaks are Suppose to be Rooted Out of our Society by Means of War. We have Not had the Draft in 3 Generations, and as a Result, these Freaks are Growing in Number, and intensity of Retardation. They're always the Cannon Fodder and Die Quickly in Combat, Leaving only the Strong to Return Home to Continue their Bloodlines...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought heroin was supposed to send her comatosed. Perhaps she couldn't sell her rotten cunt today so her dealer has cut her off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @occdissent: Ann Coulter admits on FOX News that America has a negro problem. #crime #tcot #gettingreal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Squeaks the sheep.... in case you hadn't noticed asshole, we STILL have a 2nd amendment and that gives ME and ANY and ALL Americans the RIGHT to own those types of firearms legally and to SHOOT those firearms when, where an dhow we legally shall. Fucking soft crybaby cocksucking cunts like YOU assume that to do so is illegal! (GASP) \"Trash like me\"? What kind of trash would that be fuckboy? someone who knows how to shoot or just someone who could learn how to? So what if the Feds are watching me! They have been watching me for 20 fucking years so it's not like I'm not used to it. useless faggots like you who don't have the balls or courage to do anything in defense of yourself , your family our your country makes me sick! You should thank me for doing 12 so your faggot commie ass can sit easy in your fucking mommys basement you soft cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hate this dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a bunch of fairy gay faggot freaks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#M nchen: Fahnder ziehen ein #rum nisches P rchen, einen Rum ne sowie einen nigerianischen #Rollstuhlfahrer als Taschendiebe auf der Wiesn aus dem Verkehr #Oktoberfest https:\/\/www.polizei.bayern.de\/muenchen\/news\/presse\/faelle\/index.html\/284544","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting a trans person in charge is the biggest mistake anyone can make. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it some sort of retard club?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RedOctober #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #QANON #MAGA #VoteRED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah Electric Fairy Tale seems cool but I'd rather buy some drugs with that money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Many people claiming slippery slope is now absolute are same ones who said slippery slope is an argument for the paranoid delusional. #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes this broad is definitely a drug addict. You can notice it by the way this cunt speaks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Zimmerman we comin for yo life bitch. http:\/\/t.co\/KHdZ1vdnSK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Called my neighbor a faggot first thing this morning for running his leaf blower at 8am. I regret nothing. He's still a faggot. faggots need to be reminded they're faggots least they forget","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Urgh. What a fucking surprise. He's wearing the satanic pentagram.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump Administration Acknowledges Climate Change - Predicts Large Rise In Global Temperatures http:\/\/www.moonofalabama.org\/2018\/09\/musings-on-climate-change.html Isn't it funny how he flip flops on his standings? It's more then funny actually... it's amusing. Freak\/loser, the climate is indeed changing but it a natural occurrence. WAKE THE FUCK UP! +1 (Neo) Have you forgotten already? Your Israeli governors of course and look who's currently serving Israel's post: Trump, your chum, your prophet. Thanks for the laugh. Trump: \"I'm a Nationalist and a Globalist. I'm both.\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2017\/04\/28\/trump-im-a-nationalist-and-a-globalist\/ Well loser, he is covering all of his basis but his actions show US the truth. America first. More jobs to America. Growing USA economy again, etc, etc... :cool: +1 (Neo) Where's the interest in white safety and employment? You know, the people that keep the conservative party afloat? So snowflake, you don't feel safe and you're unemployed!? #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #Kavanaugh Why is your golden retard and his flunkies concerned about the interests of minorities when whites are his primary voters and support? I'm quite well off myself I'm just wondering why they don't care about whites and why you don't seem to care either. Oh. You're a parody account. How boring. Freak, what parody account?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: iphone 6 is trash watch me glo up http:\/\/t.co\/XYwPaslCoB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only predominantly white schools. Because black kids don't go to school. Look at the sub you're in retardo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just as trash as the others. Fixed none of my issues. RT @SheSeauxSaditty: Naw. RT @GlitteryGlossy: Anyone download ios 8.0.2 yet?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Roflmfao #AlArabiya are filthy mouth #Saudis owned cunt liars https:\/\/twitter.com\/AlArabiya_Eng\/status\/1053653883971616768?s=20","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Former TOWIE star Charlie King comes out http:\/\/t.co\/yU3XKXbCyt @YouTubeInspiring. Congrats @CharlieKing85 and welcome to the family :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the little Muslim Sand Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Facebook The CIA owns Facebook. Facebook is one of the social networking sites that were created to create dossiers aka databases on us all . Provided by two women, Pat Aiken in Washington state and Melissa in Oregon http:\/\/www.truedemocracy.net\/hj32\/34a.html @deanberryministry@Infidellegion@RedIceTVYouTube @Jane_Doe@NickGriffin@HolocaustLiesExposed@jlampre @LieuCmdrData@Annie53annette@sashashepto@Stratmouse @StMichaelsArmy@smoccia10 @Emily@Escoffier@EyesBlue71 @EnglishVids@BritainFirst@BrotherNathanael@TomKawczynski @SeanMaguire@gmseed@FrankGoneMad@Fabian_Nazism@Infidellegion@GuerrillaDemocracyNews@SeanMaguire@theunhivedmind@The_West_Is_The_Best@RentonMagaUK @samdev @kd4wov@WilliamHenwood@TruthWillOut@jacqueline-64 @Julianwallbank @Alt-Leftover@RedPillClobber@TrumpTrain @TradCatholic@Crazydoglady11@seanright @tterrell356 @Heliodramus @AnnCoulterTweets @jasonleeg @AveEuropa @Vorginia @Hidden-Hand @Drdeb @Bolaxballs @sine_injuria @WilhelmVonJudengas @TumbleWeed58 @pol2 @PryYour3rdEye @Ommega @Emily @Teeo @SoaringNow @CrawfishFestival @Jerseypine @socialtroll @dapose @Middlebury @CuckShamer The CIA PROGRAM was \"LIFELONG\". They shut it down when they learned of Facebook, which stole technology from another company in Ohio, which is where Zucktard was from. Sheryl Sandberg is a member of the Senior Exec Service and has been a CIA tool at times. I think she runs the show, not Zucktard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people wetbacks. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hang all these women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#DonLemon attacked #KanyeWest for \"sitting with white people, degraded his \"mental health issues, called his presence in the Oval Office a \"minstrel show, and mocked Mr. West's late mother. This is @CNN. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/go1zYp\/Dp-Zcv12-UUAAb-Vg-A.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their is only one section while the whites have the rest (minority?) I could go on...lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a white DUTCH South African you bloody retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger Not really. I never started a \"Neo-Pagan Question\" group. Initially I was just saying \"lay off the Christians. Their good people.\" And was called a kike, pasta nigger and told I wasn't welcome in my own country by neo-pagan degenerates. Fuck you guys,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fox News: EricTrump: \"You know why Donald Trump] got jobs back and Obama couldn't? Because he's a businessman.\" WattersWorld https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1053799746886885376 Eric, it's because Obama is a Marxist. They build nothing, because they are in business of taking. Redistribution of wealth. High taxes. Zero growth. Regulations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FZ does social media right. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi advocating the murder of the enemies of the Democrat party- \" if there's some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it \" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/midterm-election\/2018\/10\/18\/nancy-pelosi-collateral-damage\/ I've said it before, I'll say it again- that cunt needs to die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CorbynKelly13: Found some more of my original yellow bracelets and the first person I thought of was @TannerMcDowell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @reidk_97: Flappy bird is dusty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Teaching my kids transgenders are anything but mentally ill will get you set on fire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling black people disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Follow me again, faggot ;) @Nocans Thanks for pointing out another fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitch to mute. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir kaffir","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim Brotherhood agent the guys? Who cares how he ended? These people are at the base of 9\/11 attacks Most terrorist attacks and probably VA mass shooting. SO forgive me if I clearly don't give a crap but I'm actually happy this cunt stopped breathing MY oxygen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You accuse people of being liberal while saying hate speech is where you draw the line? There is no hate speech, I can call someone a spic or a faggot without an ounce of hate in my heart, is that still hate speech?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Something tells me this is probably a good follow list because it's all the people that just got tranny porn spammed along with me. @SergeiDimitrovichIvanov @WilliamRLBaker @Bluthar @joa_ @gespenstern@ProleSerf @Rocrates @BillT @ProfPlum @Citizen_Orwell @Leftcatcher @MinnieG @DrLouSasfincter @Snugglebunny @MatthewMontoya @lestermacgurdy @Texbrew @Dano28 @StephenClayMcGehee @Squeak1190 @Oldmanyyc @Evropa_Invicta","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey and where was such fall out on twitter when that nigger shot up a white church last Oct?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros is a Jew. He has Jewish heritage. He openly talks about his Jewishness and says it is the primary motivation for his philanthropic work. He isn't a Nazi. That's retarded, and you're retarded for thinking it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perhaps I could put a finer point on this. I shouldn't call people shills for a mere viewpoint, but anyone calling me a shill should be viewed with a great deal of suspicion. I'm the most accountable guy in the movement. In any movement, for that matter. I take calls from the public, live on the air, and the frequent pranks and shitty calls should make it obvious that I'm not filtering for content. Despite my vocal dissatisfaction with Gab's lack of a block feature, I still use this as my primary social media platform, and lots of people who I muted forever ago still use my comments as a place to spread subversion. I rely upon my audience for my very sustenance, and the idea that I am being financed by powerful people is so profoundly ridiculous to anyone who knows anything about me, because living \"paycheck to paycheck\" would be a huge upgrade in my financial life. I've been banned from all major social media and payment platforms, and in all likelihood I am being ostracized by Mastercard and the highest echelons of the financial system. I put my life and freedom on the line for our cause, suffered tremendously for it, and remained vocally dedicated to our cause throughout all of it. It's entirely possible that I am completely wrong about everything I say. I've been corrected more times than I could list here. If something I am saying today needs to get added to that list, literally anyone can make the argument against it on MY PLATFORM and I will thoughtfully consider their viewpoint and respond honestly. To impugn my motives in the face of all this is so ridiculous that I must assume the people doing it are either batshit insane or acting with malice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dont you mean cultural appropriation? I'm not entertaining this debating Cheers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And yes I think you were never truly a Christian, also you are a faggot who lacks all conviction. Isn't there some traffic you could play in, faggot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheErniie You're a little bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @5SOS: It's the best thing ever driving past crowds of people at shows and seeing bandannas coloured hair 5sos shirts that you've made o ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HowardRoper: If you don't like my tweets with my belief in Jesus Christ, please respect it, but don't mock it or make negative remarks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@d6_9b idk... It's trash though!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bigots demand recount in #Idaho #gay rights ordinance referendum http:\/\/t.co\/TorYEXxMwi #tcot #teaparty #teabaggers #lgbt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Note how they demonize masculinity and take a jab at Kavannaugh. If your kids are at Toronto University, watch out for this dyke, she'll be after them. She'll just make shit up, trust me. Shoot the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The laughable leader of the UKs Labour Party claims he is ready to be Prime Minister....what a deluded munter, I wouldn't trust that twat to run a bath. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let trans people be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/uk-brave-plane-protesters-halt-deportation-of-victimized-somali-gang-rapist\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So basically, if you're genderfluid, then you're sometimes one of the following:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. Nazis are democrat operatives calling themselves \"alt-right\" they are just as much an enemy of freedom as democrats. George Soros funded to make the right wing look as hateful as the democrats. They are leftists. The Founding Fathers implemented white nationalist immigration policies. The National Origins Formula expressly intended to keep America White. The \"Alt-Right,\" therefore, has more in common with Traditional America than lame cuckservatism. George Soros wants whites replaced with non-whites. Soros has completely opposing goals to the Founders. What is white? WTF does that even mean? What is white? What is a white person? What makes a person white? What asshole did you pull this notion out of? Because it is a shit notion. Rape Murder Theft Larceny Deception Body odor Bad hair Horrible music Those are my initial guesses. I'm going to give you the same courtesy that I give everyone else. I'll fly you out to San Diego and you pick the place and I'll even pay for your hotel and you're going to stand in front of me and say that to my face. Last man standing buys the other one the first drink. But you're like everyone else a coward so after this I won't waste my time on you. Go fuck yourself libtard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mamby pamby faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hot Chocolate - Every 1's a winner #Pop https:\/\/youtu.be\/-SFFRaIUisY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been told to go fuck myself too many times. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dish_answers You gots da BET and da MSNBC wit dat colored reverend who only listen to coloreds. What else I missing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many wetbacks in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#KellyAnnConway is down right my favorite rock star in the White House. It's pretty much why I'm here, when she was brutally attacked by repeated Fag scum at Twitter,,, and triggered me full on defense,, The fags revolted, and the rest is history. Just watch out for the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches posting tranny porn. If it happens just report and mute. Do not respond.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New operation Wetback for those illegal invaders that are already here, all thirty million of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been vehemently opposed to mass immigration of unskilled uneducated 3rd world peasants since before you were born Rex We need these guys to find all there old friends on facebook. Show up to there houses. Slap them around and throw that retarded TV out of the window.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LifeAsKing I've only like about 3 pair..they're overpriced trash ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bitch face cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't recall this jew cunt speaking out about Christian church shootings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that Muslims like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No president has ever put pressure on Mexico this way. The Mexicans always said that an open border was a relief valve. If we clamped down on illegal immigration, all those migrants would go home--poor and pissed off--and they'd overthrow the Mexican government. Then Mexico would become a failed state like Somalia, and we'd have to invade, occupy, and nation build. There are multiple studies outlining this scenario. http:\/\/theweek.com\/articles\/509393\/mexicos-failed-state-threat https:\/\/ccis.ucsd.edu\/_files\/wp The US is no stranger to military operations involving Mexico: 1847: https:\/\/infogalactic.com\/info\/Mexican%E2%80%93American_War 1917: https:\/\/infogalactic.com\/info\/Pancho_Villa_Expedition 1954: https:\/\/infogalactic.com\/info\/Operation_Wetback","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if you had to spend 5 years in a spaceship you'd want a lostcausemonaut with a sense of humor and empathy like @lostpassword unless you were a globohomo commie faggot but his redpills would probably take effect on the trip anyway","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ravioli stuffed wit lobster nd a nice stuffed clam #eating betterthanamobster http:\/\/t.co\/PzdoESaR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BossMelle never followed him ignorant monkey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The nigger zulu people are with the white african farmers. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/business\/440807-zulu-king-south-africa-land\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're too stupid to realize she went by the constitution, innocent until PROVEN guilty. There was no guilt proven by that cunt Ford.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look what we have here. Not a Trump supporter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys, install a dash cam, it doesn't cost much. I have [this](https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/gp\/product\/B0773FXVKL) cam. Would love to but it is actually illegal in my country, believe it or not. Fellow Spaniard? Swedish actually. U know why? the durkas You're a shit human blog about it Your entire system of belief is built on trolling people. Like a moody teenager who has no friends. Blog about it Keep trying to change the world, one Reddit comment at a time ,internet person. lol pussypassdenied","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoever made these brownies and cookies belongs in heaven","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha, she is a hero. Don't forget that ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are without a doubt the stupidestpeople on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So sick of being around trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"little girls can be absolute cunts too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah I had no idea this commie nigger was even a serious candidate. Wow. This country is fucked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As Planned, Censorship of Jewish Apologist Alex Jones Causes His Website Traffic to Soar [JONESTOWN FOLLOWERS, PLEASE READ THIS. ALSO HIS APP WAS MADE BY ISRAELI I.T. , NOBODY HERE WOULD DARE BUILD IT] https:\/\/rightoftheright.com\/as-planned-censorship-of-jewish-apologist-alex-jones-causes-his-website-traffic-to-soar\/ Jones already had a huge number of viewers. I don't see any logic in this false flag theory. \"still allowing people to access Infowars content\" Once an app is installed, Apple and Google have little control in what the user does with it. Since this Aug 15 article, Apple has banned the app. Android apps can be installed without Google app store.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh well. he's a fag anyways.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll let u clam on top and let dat nookie pop I'm in dat cookie jar I ain't no rookie girllll","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/14\/ted-wheeler-portland-mayor-stands-decision-allow-a\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Act like a cunt, get smacked like a cunt - Ye Oldey saying from the UK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JeneBramel: Clever. RT @LanceMcAlister: Watch Burfict make the hit and then mock officials by throwing a flag on himself. https:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I'm gay and do not want gaming to become this shit. You're gay, they're faggots. That's the big difference here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said trans people like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fck off yourself silly old cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's only ONE word for this monkey thing....and that word is NIGGER #weregoingtoneedbiggerOVENS Negradamus needs to take a drive thru the Watts section. It used to be 100% nigger in the 1960s. Now its 100% beaner. Looks like dey wuz no kangz.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, the fact that the bomb looks like it was constructed by a retarded 7 year old child that watched to many Wile E Coyote cartoons?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists are such strange creatures. Everything about them, from the way they phrase things to what they say, is just plain weird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We will see. Right now I have lost hope that Trump will put teeth in it. It will HAVE to be by executive order or a faggot judge will block him and he will back down like a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Underchilde: *Goes into monkey bar to meet swingers*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Son of a bitch anti-American politicians and the retarded sheeple\/NPC voters create third world sanctuary shitholes Poor dear. Now in the USA, with taxpayer funded welfare, she is actually up to 24 donuts a day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just pretend it's 9\/11 and ram it in. sounds like it's time for the ol, roofie her and get her to sign a prenup plan, then bail and get someone 20 years younger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Auroramwj @marylmcaffry @BBAnimals It's a mutation. Genealogy is convoluted. Basically the zebra gene currieries are slaughtered=Extinction","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If a nigger in Great Britain wants to name his child \"Adolf Hitler\" I'm sure the British government would find that perfectly acceptable - mainly because it would be an insult to Hitler. Of course ...\"#BlackAdolf\" would be beautiful ..... in GB","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Been Huntin hard and finally nailed her. Best wedding koozie I've ever seen. #redneck http:\/\/t.co\/D6SBSYaNN2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/archive.is\/Ee3mi Another article on this topic from Scientific American \"Yes, Violent Video Games Trigger Aggression, but Debate Lingers\" That article focuses on discussion of the very small \"effect size\" that was reported (which I found really helpful, since I don't spend any time on studies like this), and includes extensive quotes from Ferguson as well. I wish people would be as skeptical about that Star Wars and Russian bots paper. Had to go to Breitbart to find even a mild critique of the thing https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/02\/report-blames-russian-trolls-for-negative-reactions-to-star-wars-the-last-jedi\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beware the faggot ghoul","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All black people like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you joking? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-9iaiyPpB9s Yes, they're all totally middle-eastern. For everyone who is down voting: you're obviously not british. I grew up with these violent white trash cunts. Honestly, when you're being chased down by a bunch of inbred twats because they want to nab your phone you tend to remember what they look like. Don't give them a pass because you want to get your islam-hate on. And keep in mind the same could be said for those living in urban areas in the US. The funniest bit about all this virtue signaling is most of the people who \"its all races have never lived in a poor mostly black neighbor hood. You I'll give credit because I have read about these chav fuckers before. I imagine the soccer hooligans from \"eurotrip I will never forget the countless faces and the color of then on nights out where I have witnessed some fucked up shit. 4 black guys attacking a white couple yelling shit at the girl \"dump the bitch and get with a real nigga while trying to separate the guy with a couple bodies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maine would never allow a nigger to win. She must find a different state.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"F u c k all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"World War II ended over 70 years ago now. The battle is much different than it was in the 1930s and 40s. Operating under an outdated mindset is a recipe for failure and that is why the right-wing keeps failing. Stop being a faggot stand up for your race Nazis are dead and the communists have been running shit for a while. You're stuck in a mindset that is incongruent to the current reality. That makes you a faggot who will always lose as long as you choose to be a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Goddamn, AC: Odyssey character models are hideous. At least w\/ Far Cry 5 the characters looked passable, here they look like retarded mannequins and potentially worse than they did in Origins. This is like the Fallout games and how they don't change at all between 3, New Vegas and","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Three out of 10\" \"per cent\" what a retarded article.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"women like her are all over the fucking world. death penalty for these cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AndrewAnglin @Azzmador Lynched nigger Frankenstein decorations all the rage this Halloween. http:\/\/www.dinduplantation.com\/forum\/showthread.php?17598-Rayciss-crackers-done-lynched-nigger-Frankenstein-for-Halloween!andp=58932#post58932","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anglin is a fucking weirdo https:\/\/media.christogenea.org\/videos\/evalion\/anglin-iconoclast-radio-promoting-race-mixing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well that explains the almost 20 years of black magic fuckery from this cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's still insanely impressive. I don't think anyone in this sub could do it. Myself being former military I can say I couldn't do that today and would be hard pressed to do so in my hay day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatred for you management consultants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@Stephenwildboy: Chilling http:\/\/t.co\/mik3iPNle6\" sexy scally lad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's sort of my reaction when I hear nigger music. I feel you. Sorry about that. signed -The West PS Nuke Hollywood, I'm serious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guidance counselor at an elementary school. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. You're gross bro.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao. Really showed us how strong women can be. How the fuck are these creatures so common when they're so easily defeated? Check the username, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who owns my name faggot LOL You're so mad ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why bash trans women in general? Yeah, pre OP trans people should have some rules regarding which locker rooms to use, but these comments are kinda sad. Just let people be who they wanna be. Sub was been taken over by incels\/ people from t_d a while ago. No real ppd's posted anymore, just bigots now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly, that dude said so much shit to that dyke in the crowd that even paraphrasing would be a giant paragraph. But long story short, a \"lesbian\" in the crowd started heckling and tried to be hard, but the comedian went in hard and did not let up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a funny story from when by brother tried helping a nigger put together some furniture from Ikea, said nigger had bought it and needed help. My brother went so far as to show how to put it together, even then the dumb nigger was unable to put the shelf together. The funny bit is that the nigger wasn't even that dumb by nigger standards, still very retarded. Ive tried a few times to talk to said nigger, he barely has the intelligence to even hold a conversation. Luckily I don't have to deal with him anymore, I find it mind boggling that he can even manage to function with his general lack of working brain substance. The worst part is that these are the things Swedes are getting replaced by.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger is gone. Period end of Story. Find a New Drum. Nigger is not in power -- He is GONE. Have some perspective. Coons get obsessed like this. Try being White and Male.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought Castle was cancelled? Well, it's set in LA so at least it's accurate. I'm sure it will have a very diverse cast of extras being shitty to each other. He was in Firefly before Castle ... I'm probably alone with this viewpoint, but I liked Firefly!!! I think it is an interesting premise. There are lots of shows portraying young rookie cops. Perhaps an older rookie cop will make different decisions? Note I did not say \"better because that's subjective. But maybe his tactics will reflect less brazen and more brain?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pocahontas is just a dumb cunt https:\/\/youtu.be\/DqK7eTY2xnQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @nicoleyyrosiee: Remember in 2001 when the Yankees were in Boston and the crowd was cheering USA instead of \"Yankees suck\" I love baseba ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"doersn't that make him the house nigger ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not allow for any trans person to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paesur don't be a cunt. A retard like me pick you to bits show the post you claim you didn't assume and undermine another person. You can't.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm pretty much there is a LOT more about this data than what it seems Namely, that it is likely that the majority of the married people either don't get to experience a divorce in their lives or only go through divorce once Then, the outliers, who are on a marriage spree, are likely to be spiking up the rate of failure marriages So, comparing marriages with skydiving is a bit retarded, because how often can someone get away with multiple failure parachutes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do people really not realise that Muslims are disgusting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So many female rapist teachers these days. Yeah where were they in my day? Totally unfair. Hope you`re being sarcastic. Hard to tell these days.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger please","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHAT A COMMIE DYKE BITCH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can confirm, people are entitled cunts and they deserve what they collectively get. The good can go with the bad as far as I'm concerned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do what? Use a word for its definition?? What do you go around telling black people they can't say nigga too? The Mods (of r\/dankmemes) ARE faggots. It is known. > Every time someone on r\/relationships says something along the lines of \"They just dumped me out of nowhere and totally overreacted,\" I just think they are lying about their story and are actually way bigger fuckheads than they're letting on. I get the weirdest vibes from this and I don't think she's giving all the facts. I think it might be a genuine sentiment. The cunts who say that tend to be narcissistic to the point of sociopathy. Other people's feelings never enter into their thinking for a second, so they're always surprised when somebody gets sick of their shit and walks out on them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @AustinMahone: just got a new fish it's albino and I named him shaquita #yee bahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed. Lindsey is acting a little fucking retarded here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"So it turns out gamers actually do like walking simulators, but only if they're about cowboys that shoot, hunt, steal etc in between walking through a breathtaking environment and not about women who don't do anything but has a gay sister\" - Some SJW cunt (NPC) on how virtuous he is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another carpet munching dyke that wishes she had real sex.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCKING UGLY IS WHAT THAT TWAT IS !! BIG BLACK UGLY, UGLY EYEBROWS !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cut up porkchop, canned pinto beans, a small can of carrots, can of corn, celery, a potato. cayenne powder + crushed red pepper","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why does this faggot in front of me have to get two dozen doughnuts right now, get the fuck on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God I hate retarded people ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Famous nigger congress person speaks, in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll snap that gay neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another anonymous source has come out against Judge Kavanaugh.. 30+ years without one complaint against the man, and in a span of a week he's a violent drunk who raped multiple women. #Absurd https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/kamala-harris-presents-letter-claiming-kavanaugh-friend-repeatedly-raped-jane-doe-in-car\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DanielGennaoui: A bird that courts females by building a beautiful nest with bright objects: http:\/\/t.co\/gi2rRlGRo6 #wildlife http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Washington state OKs $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Grow the fuck up. The way you feminazis look at things, the man should just suffer in place of the woman. Always. No matter what retarded shit the woman does. So that's how you treat a fucking slave. Stop treating men like fucking slaves. And FFS stop only caring about the dehumanization of women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@05proFESSOR I bet he's a Starbucks queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The guy is a fucking retard regardless. Why would he buy a prostitute a million dollar house?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But I callin out da race card. Ain't no colored podcasts out dare","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Give mean a logical 2 right them dumb cunt putting the months in front of the days who in the fuck would write them in that order","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ClerkofOxford: In Anglo-Saxon calendars, 7 November is considered the first day of winter - 'Winter's Day': http:\/\/t.co\/IhrCkeCqdA http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those trans people won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#London more paki rapists decaying the #UK https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/09\/29\/serial-rapist-lesbians-manchester-gay\/ Do people really think we are getting the best and brightest citizens? Him...I hope not. Would it make sense for these countries to send their brightest or do they view this as an opportunity to clear their jails of their worst offenders and ship them out so they become others peoples problems. Assuming there are any bright ones in these shitholes... centuries of inbreeding keeps IQ's down in the retarded range..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once again. Shut up faggot. You are talking about things you know nothing about. Stick to trailer parks, faggot gun magazines (because we know you can't afford guns), and fucking family members. Basically, just keep on being a Tennessean but don't comment on martial arts You probably study aikido. Senseis are for fake martial arts. Fake martial arts are jokes. You are all Jew loving Qtard southern inbreds","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wish granted. #POSITIVEENERGY is that very place","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Daily reminder that I hate niggers, jews and moslems but what I hate more than anything else are anti-White, White People. Wow faggot you really got me on that reply, how will I ever recover. My life is over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So what's your purpose in life, exactly? To get pregnant, abort the child then make a t shirt telling everyone you aborted it? I don't even care, it's your body and I don't think you should reproduce anyway, but what's your point? Because you look like an idiot. - Blair #Cottrell #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Um, Celts very much exist today, and Druids, priestly caste was destroyed by Romans, being political threat and a huge obstacle to Roman conquest of Britannia. And Christians have fully embraced jews and their moslem\/ nigger pets, at least in Western Europe they did 100%.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @osoplain: Soup is so much better when you have enough crackers to crumble in it to make it into a casserole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Minnesota court orders Muslim #WomanBeater Keith Ellison's divorce records to be unsealed. His attorney is preparing to appeal that order. http:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/court-rules-ellison-divorce-records-will-be-unsealed\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hopefully Queen Elizabeth the Useless won't outlive Charles and William, because if she does, this fop will be king. I've been a flagrant homosexual for 40 years. I've never once in my life stood in a pose like that. Not even when I was doing drag. Surely he is mocking the way women respond?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm finna see the Yankees win a baseball game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RonDeSantisFL: To pay for @AndrewGillum's radical proposals, Florida would have to: Increase Florida's corporate income tax to the 2nd highest in the U.S. Raise the sales tax to 39% or CREATE a 37% state income tax Every way you look at it, Floridians lose. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/L4wC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a black person, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The truly powerful will *never* be held accountable to their own laws, this is kind of the way of things. This only shows that he's out of favor. TL DR; Ouroboros. one-person human centipede > one-person hu~~man~~person centipede Please. Doesn't sound as funny > one-person huper~~son~~offspring centipede More inclusive. > one-per~~son~~daughter huperoffspring centipede More diverse. >one-per~~son~~daughter ~~huper~~front-holeoffspring centipede More respectful of female-genitaled persons' anatomy Does it count when his whole head is actually shoved up his own ass, not merely the mouth stapled to the anus? List of based (or semi-based) free-speech loving UK comedian actors: - Rowan Atkinson - Ricky Gervais - John Cleese Wonder if there are any based stand-up comedians. Stephen Fry? He was the perfect debate partner for Peterson. The other two went radically off-topic with JBP while Fry causally dismantled political correctness completely unopposed. Frankie Boyle I like Frankie, but he does have his Guardian-ish moments. Pretty much only for his own material. This ^ He's very \"One rule for me, another for thee\" No, we should NEVER celebrate this kind of anti-speech. If we do we're no better than the \"No wrong tactics, only wrong targets\"-SJW crowd. I'm aren't supporting his ability to be disallowed to speak, but I am happy to see that this jackass get what he asked for a trial for hate speech.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All Twitter does is get people fired. Why would you want to participate in that? It used to be so so much better. Then Tumblr died and all the SJWs and edgy emo kids needed a new home, and decided to use it. That's why it's like this now, there's simply too many of them on the platform now. This(Reddit) is probably one of the few safe places left. Twitter was never better. It's always been millennial crap. You must have not been there between 2009-2014, were anything could be said. Also, just because the majority of millennials that use it now are a bunch of fairies, it doesn't mean there wasn't a time when Sane millennials dominated the platform making it a decent site. This comments says more about you than 'millennials' I know! What a dick that guy is, how dare he say that about the greatest, smartest generation ever. He's just an old, bitter keyboard warrior that can't get laid. guess who raised millenials, YOUR GENERATION The Boomers played a stronger **indirect** hand in raising Millennials than Gen X did **directly.** Gen X was told by WWII, on one hand, that \"we will be damned if there's another Woodstock\". On the other hand, they also taught us the value of \"tough love\", which they suspended for the Boomers and Millennials. Then, when we tried to pass the same on to Millennials, we were told \"don't do that, it's mean.\" It wasn't because of our irresponsibility as they would have you believe. Gen X got **screwed** and stripped of power. Millennials are mostly a product of Boomer cuckery because our hands were always tied behind our backs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@alexnolan1990 @claddos @takutaneka @regankelly91 ill give you a tip, beware of the ugly birds who hide behind massive lensed sunnies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So we can add witness tampering and subornation of perjury to the long list of Ford's felonies that she will get the cunt pass on and walk away from Scot free.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A protester yells \"shame\" as @Sen_JoeManchin casts his final confirmation vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LyG-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DylanKwinnn should be going to free birds anyways","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a retard when it comes to history. Must be a lefty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably be a beta male wimp anyway, just like the father. No normal man would mate with these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dirty old cunt Old women think they are above everyone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guys, i know its absolutely infuriating. And IF true, they deserve anything bad comming their way. Fuck those cunts. The thing is we can't be sure it's not fake. It's very old.. So posting their names in this sub is a but much. Im not white knighting, just trying to do the right thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's no distance limit to a vulcan mind meld anymore. It's the force now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EscapeArtist - what's your point? It doesn't matter whether people currently here have thick skins. The fact is, the comment block is just so faggot bitch @mitchellvii can post without his retarded #Q predictions being called out. @a has already admitted this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"most white people aren't mud sharks and nigger lovers. you made sure to be real selective","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hot take: Will Powers is a fucking idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fat ass hoe holding up the machine","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf, Sony I hope they are not runned by a bunch of SJW sex negative cunts now","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OhnoItsRetarded.png","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My best friend loves Justin beiber what a fag @Cryystalina","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did that cunt try to hit him with a broken bottle?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazism is another far-left ideology. so are you you POS moron Never Trumper","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! Robert Bowers did have a Twitter account too. So they can't single out Gab. r1es @midnightride21 37s38 seconds agoMore Boy, Robert Bowers Twitter (@onedingo) was quickly erased. Hope his @getongab account history is saved. can we bust Zuckerberg for all the facebook shooters? Yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like how he lays out the brick throwing faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jihadis Turn Washington National Cathedral Into Mosque For Friday Prayers http:\/\/t.co\/4AHp4t86bP #lnyhbt #ccot #teaparty #gop #tgdn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> just what words are worthy of auto-filtering? Good question. It might be interesting to reverse-engineer a sub's automod settings based on which content gets removed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When a monkey fucks a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chicks love these ugly hipster faggots. Prolly cause they look like the dad that was never in their life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fite me irl faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not only am I voting straight ticket GOP, for the first time in as long as I can remember the party, as a whole (that silly cunt RINO from Alaska notwithstanding), actually earned my vote in November.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is actually really dumb because for an undeveloped country having kids is probably the best thing you can do. The more survive the more basically free labor you have. This would be equivalent to saying every single major country went through a time of retardation where they had kids even though they couldn't afford them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love how everybody who touches on men's rights gets accused of exploiting victims, by people who have zero intention of trying to replace it with something better. Yup, you should see the feminists in Finland and their official stance regarding the fact that we have conscription for men. \"Uhhh well if it's a problem you should just get rid off it. Also women's service should remain as voluntary and with higher pay because womanly needs.\" The solution is never to extend responsibilities to women or heaven forbid give those who served a compensation so they can catch up in studies or work, at most they \"allow\" men to stop doing something unequal that is mentioned. Let's just ignore Russia and pull down our defenses like Sweden did, ignoring the fact that they only could do so because we're the buffer zone...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FunSizedYogi: @TheBlackVoice well how else will white ppl get us to forget our horrific past other than to paint a pretty picture of ho ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL yikes son. You couldn't even lift my ruck. Bet you're a MGTOW LOL I'll be sure to tell my wife! Dumbass.. you done? Wannabe. Go back to your basement. What do I wannabe? You're a fucking liberal ROFL!! Ok cupcake if you say so.... #asshat Saw you in your green sweater . Fashionable, right?!?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I could seriously go back to becoming a Democrat when I read the hateful and despicable replies from those who call themselves Republicans! You all are not better or different than the other team! Just the same in your talk and your walk!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For comparison, here's Waid's campaign: https:\/\/www.gofundme.com\/mark-waids-legal-defense-fund In 3 days, Waid has earned 61k. In less than half of a day, Ya Boi Zack has has already earned more than half of that: $35k. I dunno what the momentum is like, but seems like Waid may hit his goal in a day or two... But Meyers is likely gonna hit his goal faster.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"god you are shit at this no im not i have kids asshole. have you removed me yet or are you just going to stand their like a twat in your cheesy wrap around sunglasses like a budget Neo ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @alexishope_2014: You got niggas and I got bitches but I want you... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heimdallr the White played by a nigger. Filthy NIGGER bastards...it's the JEWS who are the ones making these tv shows and movies though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I recommend that everyone join retarded boomer Matt Bracken's retarded social media site. Make sure to upvote and downvote things multiple times- his stupid piece of shit sends anyone signed up an email every time you do that. Use Tor and a cock.li email. LOL This dude is retarded. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A retarded faggot like you couldn't sell water to a man dying of thirst.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, that's raghead alright. Brilliant!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're retarded mate. Women are a reflection of the men in their life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nigger is wearing his blinders and posted the wrong wall. This is the wall that's been promised by the last few Israeli Governors and it was built to safeguard Israel. That's the American tax dollars at work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Nazis didn't murder Catholics. They interned some. They didn't intern Catholics for being Catholic though; they interned them for being retarded cucks who protected commie kikes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Backstory guys: Girl started beef with the toilet lady at the bar\/club. Her boyfriend made it worse and had some beef with the guard. Got kicked out and arrested. Girl thinks has pussypass. Dramaqueen. Falls and calls the cop kanker flikken which is the equivalent fuck you nigger (as in that bad to say, but means cancer cops). Hits him. Gets hit back. Thus perfectly justified IMO. I think she says \"flikker\". (for the non dutch, that means faggot)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude. Melania is fluent in 5 languages. How many languages do you speak? Leave it to an uneducated commie fuckwit to make such a retarded remark. Quick tell us all how \"socialism\" will work \"this time\"... That shit never gets old.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a disabld person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Restaurant tried to charge acid attack victim for water that was saving his face. Restaurant = Paki takeaway. https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/01\/restaurant-tried-to-charge-acid-attack-victim-for-water-when-he-went-for-help-7993339\/ well, that's life in a #Shithole country.. yep, sure glad we saved the Brits from the nazis so they could let the British Empire go to shit. Why I say now that Canada should have stayed home in '39, sad reality. Europe would be in better shape had the Germans won. How bad are things in Canada these days? I visit family in Toronto now and then, and it seemed to be absolutely full of Orientals last time. Are they everywhere, or just in that city?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FreddyAmazin ratchet looking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a retarded way to dismiss a philosophy. Kys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you trans people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1938 Nazis plan Jewish ghettos for all major cities. The difference between Nazi ghettoes and American \"ghettoes is that in America, you're free to go to work and move yourself out. In the real Nazi ghettoes, they loaded you on a train and took you to a death camp. That is true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any Muslim like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jimmy Kimmel Produces Official Document Confirming He Is Nation's Moral Authority https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/bP1tpK\/Don_KTc5_UYAAd_O6_D.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mLff","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's out bitch,so quit complaining, you are a two-faced cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The media is claiming this idiot is of Seminole Indian and Filipino heritage. Lol...my ass!!!! Dudes a total fuckin spic \/ beaner ...just look at him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a fag like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how naive can you be... you deserve whatever you get","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I went through something vaguely similar. Retarded sluts indeed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a hypocritical cunt she is. I can't help but wonder if Bourdain found out about that shit before pulling the plug.. Edit: Bourdain was an awesome dude and a loyal Brazilian jiu jitsu practitioner, it was a sad day the world lost him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Examples of two of ten billboards which went up in the last two days. Help me defeat Maxine Waters. Donate at http:\/\/OmarNavarro.com\/donate I'm sure you meant to say I am a white piece of runny shit dripping down my leg. Fair mistake loser. Maxine's voting district is ghetto latino.This Mexican dude might be good republican replacement What have republicans done for you, white man? He ran against her in 2016 as well. He's a tough guy. Gladly Muh based latinx #maga I'd rather have Omar Navarro represent than Maxine Waters... Omar is a hard working man who live is the district he wants to represent... Maxine is a crazy turd and corrupt beyond belief. Sounds good... later Vote for OMAR!! ANYTHING is better than the piece of shit Maxine \"Dirty\" Waters!! Enough of this corrupt poverty pimp! That's awesome !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once again I log on and these fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches are posting tranny porn in my timeline. :\/ Isn't GAB banning these bloody faggots via IP address, @a @e? I do that and I still get hit with the fairy gay faggot shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's ruining her daughters life acting like that as if this is the acceptable norm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should be burned at the stake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of faggot ass name is Clarence??? You should KILL yourself!!! Fuck off kike slut... Go watch your dad finger your little sister","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It just baffles me that on one hand games journos constantly barrage Overwatch for not having a woke enough cast of diverse character (when it easily has the *most* diverse cast you'll find in any game ever, let's be fuckin' real), and then on the other will go to bat for Blizzard when they try to shill the Diablo fanbase a fuckin' mobile game no one asked for outside of maybe China. It really just boils down to \"how can we hate our audience as much as possible today? Ooh look! \"Entitled\" Diablo fans who have waited 4-6 years (depending if you like RoS or not, otherwise the full 6) for some Diablo news are mad about a reskinned Chinese MMO! LETS GET EM!\". It's not a \"gamer\" thing to understand phone games aren't even a fraction of a % of what what you'd get with a fully fledged PC game. They just aren't. It's not entitled to be told your getting something, wait patiently, weather the storm, and then get SHIT on by a company that's outrageously out of touch with a good chunk of its fanbases (WoW, Diablo, Hearthstone to some degree). Fuckin retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no doubt she's a nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches make it so easy. #INSTAMUTE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That nigger LeBro is 0-2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Da man or da ho need money sanz before they have chitlin, so we breeding with rich diseased Jews reaping retarded children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He looks borderline retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good. If Bernier causes Sleazy Scheer to lose the election then it will be for the best. The conservative party is intellectually and morally corrupt. Until they look in the mirror they should not be given power. The CPC smells just like the Democrats after they chose Hillary (rigged against Bernier, rigged against Bernie). All they had to do was not be totally retarded and this election would have been in the bag for them. If they lose they deserve it. Fuck them. >All they had to do was not be totally retarded and this election would have been in the bag for them. >implying that the globalists backing the \"\"conservatives\"\" wanted them to win it Wew lad I don't think Scheer was ever going to beat Trudeau regardless. He is a massively flawed candidate like Hillary was. Canadians don't even know who he is - and that's probably *helping* his poll numbers right now... nevermind that the left vote won't be split this time because the NDP is garbage and there's no way Scheer does well in Quebec. If you're going to blame someone it should be Scheer, not Bernier. And frankly I don't think the current version of the CPC would be much better than the liberals. Certainly not on trade, and let's face it, they won't have the balls to make any meaningful tax, regulation, or immigration reforms - they will at best make token tax decreases that will do little if anything for competitiveness, while they go into massive debt to pay off a new set of special interests. I'm just thankful Bernier made the PPC so that Canadians have a real, non-retarded alternative this election.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To all: @Cantwell is an admitted FBI Informant. Why is he out of jail when all the others are still inside. Whose to say he isnt why Ram got arrested? Whose to say anything. Dont support this race traitor in any way. #FBI #CryingNazi #Plant #Spook? Is that your position?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Twitter Jail for 7 days for using the word Retarded lmfao yet they can make comments about peoples death all day on the liberal side Twitter has sure become pussified ]:P","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Hitler's sister Paula was mentally retarded . . . but she still had more brains than her brother!!\" Wow totally not a biased \"source\"!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"for being a terrorist supporting cunt ;-)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I already know you trash if being tatted is on the list of things you want in a nigga..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just noticed some trash on my notification page i had to clean up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that the dyke from Florida?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When pedophile asswipe fagboys like you, spew this retarded drivel, I get the craving to build a pig farm next to every mosque in the world, and watch you pissants cry and act like the bitches that you are. Your kind will NEVER succeed in turning America into the 3rd world shithole you so truly deserve. FUCK PantyFags FUCK allah FUCK HomoHamHead Fuck Pisslam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rickygervais BORINGandHACK allah and mohamed are also against fags.PLEASE mention them as well.did God take away your balls as punishment?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was at a neighborhood community center last week with my kid, and a few other moms were there with their toddlers. The toddlers were all boys. One mom was loudly and dramatically talking about how devastated she was when she found out she was having a boy because she wanted to raise a strong feminist girl and she was now tasked with teaching a boy her feminist values. I had to leave at that point. That's a boy that's either going to grow up to be a complete and utter beta male thanks to his mom's bullshit, or he's going to rebel against it completely once he hits puberty and become one of the most misogynistic assholes on the planet thanks to his hatred of his mom. \"Beta males don't exist. Ironically, the only people who use the term seriously would all qualify if such a thing did exist. At what point did you decide it was okay to make completely arbitrarily prophecies based solely on your misogyny? That boy might grow up to be a completely normal person. You got one anecdote about one event in the boy's life, know absolutely nothing else about him or the rest of his family, and you made up a nightmare scenario. People like you give MRAs a bad name. You're a bad person and you should feel bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. Fuck this cunt. Edit: but don't really fuck this cunt because she'll claim rape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger please. I think we're done here. I am anyway. I've had enough of your black shit...especially crap I didn't create. Let me repeat that. I DIDN'T FUCKING CREATE YOUR FUCKING BLACK CRAP. I NEVER OWNED A FUCKING SLAVE. BLACK OR OTHERWISE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"***BREAKING*** The suspect's sketch has just been released This is the quote appearing on your page: \"Since men are neither omniscient nor infallible, they must be free to agree or disagree, to cooperate or to pursue their own independent course, each according to his own rational judgment. Freedom is the fundamental requirement of man's mind.\" -Ayn Rand Regressive leftists have NO sense of humor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pipe bombs are not utilitarian tools of death, they're for optics. Consider the calibre\/honesty of those claiming to be targeted. Accusations have become nearly as powerful as crimes themselves with regards to shaping public opinion, when the media stokes the flames.. Cui Bono?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in trans people's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> For comparison, here's Waid's campaign: Note the $10,000 donation from \"Anonymous\", there's other thousand dollar donations from someone who doesn't name themselves. I wonder who that could be? It's most likely Mark priming the pump, but it could also be Joe Quesada backing his friend while trying to avoid attention. Quesada is one of the few comic book pros who has the bankroll to afford that and as a c-suite executive in the company that was employing Waid at the time he'd want to avoid anything that makes it look like Disney was supporting Waid. Of course given that discovery would show just who gave that money Quesada would have to be completely retarded to do so but we've already seen Waid and Zaid go full retard here, what's one more?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vote DemonRats OUT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Yankees Scores don't matter in Spring Training man!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jack dorsey needs to always be vaping, it would complete his douchebag hipster look What a scummy creature he is. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6298961\/Twitter-CEO-Jack-Dorsey-complains-tax-support-homeless-San-Francisco.html @Runsondiesel @WADL - yes there must be a hand book- or something like the fact all of them have jaw abnormalities from keeping mouths open for so long- lips gradually get misshapen- though on some it's barely noticeable- you can see above that dorsey hides behind his beard. Here's a short reference map:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"52 - Maine cunt, Romney, and Alaska cunt = 49","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BlessJesus The #Crown of HIS head to the sole of HIS feet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should never support a politician that treats immigrants like human garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Hilariously enough, in my state, they pull your drivers license and professional licenses for lack of payment. BRILLIANT! Take away your ability to work! Force you into jail That's..astoundingly retarded. That logic is flawed.But I'm guessing it's to prevent dodgers?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Which is more disgusting? That these medieval raghead morons think we are stupid enough to fall for this shit? Or That there actually ARE Americans stupid enough to fall for this shit? https:\/\/twitter.com\/nickmon1112\/status\/1048706582748516353","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love how her attitude changes immediately. She knows she a skank. Props to dude for doing it on a day she'll never forget. My ex cheated on me and told me on my birthday. I guess this cheers me up slightly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The crown needs to appeal this, it's disgusting. That being said, why the fuck would you push yourself through a bunch of drunk fighting brown guys? Cross the fucking street. >However, lets be real, you can be safe, or you can be sorry. MetaCanada users are openly advocating for ethnic cleansing! - \/r\/OnGuardForReeeeeeee","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More utter nonsense from Hollywood: Leftists can be counted on to overplay their hand. Black Lives Matter made a mockery of race relations. Pussy Hats turned people off of feminism. Racist, Sexist, Bigot, Nazi - all have lost their sting. Rape is becoming a non crime. Is this because their ideology is intrinsically weak and fragile?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hate preacher Anjem Choudary only served 2 1\/2 years for terrorism - UK Proposes Six Year Prison Sentences for Online Posts Against Religion, Transgender https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/05\/10\/six-years-in-jail-proposed-for-online-hatred-of-religion-or-gender\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadi's wife who turned down SEVEN council houses sues the local authority for not rehousing her when she was freed from jail. Bored yet, I am. Deport the bitch, job done. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6258877\/Jihadi-wife-claims-council-breached-human-rights.html Who is WORSE, the MUSLIM Cunt SUING or the British Government Allowing this INSANITY?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminism is just about women crying about the fabricated bullshit they go through. It's a JOKE! They should just man up!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"phuck white rasist ass people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jordan Peterson has gone full retard. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/07\/jordan-peterson-kavanaugh-should-step-down-from-supreme-court-to-have-his-name-cleared\/ Never go full retard, Jordan. The faggot is also deleting negative comments on his youtube page.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I heard about all that. Especially the Niggers having sex with the corpses of their long-dead wives,which resulted in them becoming diseased. The stupid is frightening. Actually Niggers produced the cradle of Western Civilization! Among the first cities. Lower and Upper Egypt. The Old Kingdom. The pyramids - not topped until the late 18th. So niggers got some serious game! Not exactly their fault they've been suffering a 500-year holocaust! Nigger by definition means \"blackie\"! Like calling a Chinese person a chink. By definition it doesn't mean anything. It's just bigotry: superiority founded on nothing. \"When John Rolfe recorded in his journal the first shipment of Africans to Virginia in 1619, he listed them as \"negars.\" A 1689 inventory of an estate in Brooklyn, New York, made mention of an enslaved \"niggor\" boy. The seminal lexicographer Noah Webster referred to Negroes as \"negers.\"\" You were saying? So, they were not in fact Black or Negroes? 1\/ Just saying, nigger literally means black-skinned person. It's a lame insult. Big City Liberals are the biggest White Supremacists! Call a person fat it's hurtful because they're fat. Call a person a nigger or a chink, you're just butchering their identity. It doesn't point out any real shortcoming.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHY U SHIT 2 BIRDZ ASSHOLE WHY FUK U GET FUKD WYH IDIOT WHY FUK U DUIE IDIOT GO AWAY FUK YOU BE GUD2BIRDS FASZT MORON FASTER NOW RETARDdon't be late WE KNOW fuk NOW idiot FASTER NOW RETARD FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED USSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS RETARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is seriously hard to get over what a retard you are. I mean, I guess this is what happens when your mother raises you on a steady diet of Lead and Soy. The sad part is that every day you live you disgrace the uniform you once wore and spit on the soldiers who wore it before you. That is all you are faggot, a pure disgrace. You are just as pathetic you retarded sperg.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" maybe 4 if she completes Operation MuffDive successfully...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever I see a pic captioned\"Soft ghetto\" I log off for 25 minutes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"America's token nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You might wanna read the original post. And I have no problem with pro-white movement. What I have a problem with is fapping to a dead faggot who turned the best country in the world into a smoking ruin in mere 12 years and got 15 million white people killed in the process.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@ashlingwilde: @ItsNotAdam is bored supposed to be cute, you faggot?\" Sometimes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Snoop Dogg Calls Kanye West an Uncle Tom' for Supporting America First Agenda Here is another piece of shit that deserves the noose. This garbage human and \"entertainers\" like him are responsible for \"thug culture\" in America which unsurprisingly promotes violence, prostitution, real misogyny, degeneracy, and drug use. Scum like this clown are influences on the youth of today. Music has always played a major role in influencing the minds of our children, no style of music has had as big of a negative effect as \"hip-hop\". The message in the music is as low and disgusting as it gets, and of course, it is very liberal.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/ Dogg has smoked himself retarded ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Silent Holocaust. It's absolutely insane how many genocides that racked up millions of deaths are either unnoticed or not cared about. I've been thinking about that for a while now. Do you know of any comprehensive lists I could check out? The Greek Genocide by the Ottoman Empire is one. The Holodomor by the Soviets is another. The Cambodian Genocide. Since Genocide doesn't necessarily include killing you could include the Partition of India by the British. The Fortnite Genocide. The Eastern Timor Genocide is another but it doesn't have a wild amount of deaths, but Genocide is Genocide. There was one in Bangladesh with estimates in the 3 millions. Then you have that some more well known ones but not talked about like the Rawandan, Armenian, and Native American genocide. Those are just the top off my head. Genocide doesn't have to include killing so some can have like 300,000 dead with millions displaced. The Irish famine as well And a white genocide according to r\/ImGoingToHellForThis Don't forget the irish famine. I know it's well known but most people don't think of it as a genocide. The brits were deliberately trying to wipe out the Irish. >This blight has been sent by God to teach the Irish a lesson in humility. - Lord Fuckhead Cromwell The loss of Irish culture and language is still felt today. IIRC the population still hasnt fully recovered. Not only from the genocide, but the exodus as well. *How many genocides that don't occur to white people aren't cared about Some are. Literally not a thing. [Not white](https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/6\/61\/Daniel_Radcliffe_%2819740428165% Thinking about it as a black Swede, I guess you're right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's pretty hilarious how ppl on Gab are slobbering over Kanye West and idolizing him. Then, as soon as he says something they disagree with, they go back to claiming he's a retard and calling him racial slurs. But it works bc ppl on Gab are retarded have have 10 second memories.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Revenant0202: Seriously, Florida. A vote for Charlie Christ is a vote for taxes and ebola.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ok retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here is an example of gender violence. That fuckin bitch is a dumb cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I be sayin I'm done drinkin everyday but then one of my friends hit me up like \"I gotta case\" and only faggots turn down free beer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good. Local policing is the way to go. The RCMP can keep small, unincorporated municipalities but any city worth mentioning should have their own municipal force. There's direct accountability that way. There's shitty humans in every police force, but at the end of the day just like government, law enforcement should be as localized as possible. The thin blue line gets a little thinner when you don't have the entire weight of a national police force behind it. We need more off duty Brazillian military police exchange officers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Redacted is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First time on Gab. Found it cause I just got another 7 day Twitter time out for calling Andrea Mitchell a bimbo. They suspended me for hate speech within about 5 seconds of the tweet. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DestroTheNoble @nekolin purple and pink....for the faggots who want to be protected...by the police, instead of BEARING ARMS if need be!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT AaronBlake Eric Holder: \"Michelle [Obama] always says, 'When they go low, we go high.' No. No. When they go low, we kick them.\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/tYgZ5QO3ioc?t=630 https:\/\/twitter.com\/AaronBlake\/status\/1050076563193122816","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That faggot loves black cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody cares","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mashed potatoes , string beans , yellow rice , and chicken ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should look up to these immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All gay people should fuck off forever. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @studio6263: MandS bids for most social Christmas yet with Follow the Fairies campaign http:\/\/t.co\/5OaL2EHhG2 #CLE #marketing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't know that being a hetero white guy...who believed in family...and having kids with a woman...was a bad thing. Until faggot feminist black jew lesbian muslims told me it was.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded liberal logic and retarded liberal definitions of racism is what got her fired.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6292801\/White-man-told-cops-assaulted-black-man-arrested-video-shows-pulled-knife.html The war on whites intensifies, despite this brave man being jailed for defending himself, you still must defend yourself against niggers and the nigger loving police.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a J i h a d i. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"actually, I DO. I've been interrogated by the FBI as well as the secret service. You see fuck boy, I've been at the front lines before while you were still playing finger the asshole with your nigger neighbor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From the article: \"I offer my sincerest regrets to the Brookhaven community for the insensitivity that portrayed during the Friday evening halftime show. There is an active investigation into the circumstances that led to this performance, Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba said. \"While I do not believe that there was a malice intent on behalf of the students that participated in this halftime show, I understand that we are ultimately not defined by the things that we set out to do, but rather how we respond to the things that actually do take place. It is the responsibility of adults to offer guidance to youth. Our students should have been instructed that this was neither the time or place for that performance. Not abject apologies; \"regrets The students aren't seven years old, they're in high school. They fully understood the malice in their actions. Our students should have been instructed that this was neither the time or place for that performance. Please enlighten us, Mayor: When would have been the appropriate venue to pretend to kill cops? http:\/\/www.theamericanmirror.com\/shock-high-school-band-executes-cops-during-football-halftime-show\/ White woman walking home from her McDonald's Job. Three niggers in the legs. 2A. Nigger that shot #2 gets shot in head, killing him. Man in front of Pizza Shop, killing him. Man on city corner 5 minutes after I pass by, killing him. Man on another corner, killing him. Shoots black woman in leg at corner of # While investigating #6, a series of cars are found with bullet holes in them, happened earlier in the day than # To tell you the truth, there's too many more to list. Here's one, he was black, a city worker, about to testify about a shooting, I won't list him as a nigger though: http:\/\/liber.post-gazette.com\/image\/2014\/10\/13\/1140x_q90_a10-7_ctc_ca0,57,2600,1791\/20141013radcarrickshootinglocal02-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No woman can be made a mason... On the right of the picture. No woman can be a Duke either. Strange days indeed He's in his 90's No Need, The Men Wear The Aprons In The Masons. Although I Understand They Do Allow Women In These Days (In Theory I Guess) You know nothing of Masonry Not where I come from Good grief! That's embarrassing. He earned his, in a coup against King Idris. Criminals the whole lot of em. http:\/\/part The American Embassy,the new one, is at 33 Nine Elms Lane 33 is a significant number in Scottish Rites Freemasonry. Coincidence? Time For The Republic Of Great Britain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to help out a black person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New show announced in Lutsen, MN at Papa Charlies on January 29, 2011 http:\/\/artistdata.com\/a\/33ck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OGFT mod and posts to Chapo? double dose of retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I def got a few shades darker cutting my mama grass. There goes my yellow frame lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But that fucking cunt is totally innocent.... Right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Fucktard, a NATIONALIST is someone who is loyal to their country, which until recently, was a requirement of every country. Do you think we're retarded or can't remember yesterday? Is it okay for Israel to be Nationalists, or are they Nazis too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I went to see This is Where I Leave You, at a movie theater with tables and real food! It was fun. I ordered a brownie dessert. :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Faaz71: #Taakstraf in herkenbaar hesje in je eigen buurt. Pleit er al jaren voor. Weet hoe bevreesd ik er ooit voor was, da'k er te wer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ATTEMPTED RAPIST ON THE LOOSE IN NYC: NYPD says black male followed female (42) victim into building near E 20 and Ave C in @NYPD13Pct area, assaulted, choked and groped her before fleeing. Call NYPD at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) https:\/\/twitter.com\/Breaking911\/status\/1049400879194001408","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bye globalist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees I ain't complaining about the Royals win or lose game7. They showed heart. AL ride or die! No flex zone. They earned it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"did not even define, what a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your immigrant lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MSoltan18 @Jordan23Junkies it's supposed to be grey with speckled blue midsole and the soles are more yellow than icy so pass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AngryWillHelms Genius, the politically correct term would be \"intellectually disabled.\" It's highly offensive to use the word retarded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is weird because feminists would be against this too... A real man would chalk it up to free pussy grow a pair of balls and move on. Or throw the bitch off him before. >feminists would be against this too... It's more likely that a feminist would say that talking about this is \"derailing\" from the \"real\" issue of men raping women. And that a woman raping a man isn't a big deal because of \"power imbalances between the sexes\" >Or throw the bitch off him before Did you miss the part where he was unconscious, or are you that retarded? >A real man would chalk it up to free pussy An incel desperate for sex would chalk it up to free pussy. A man with any self-respect would not be happy about having sex forced on him, or about having sex with just any old worthless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#HILLARY #CLINTON TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2020 Two-time failed presidential contender will not go away https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/exclusive-hillary-clinton-to-run-for-president-in-2020\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No Muzzie should be able to run for office in the U S Look at what a CRAP example Keith Ellison turned out to be. Look at that BIGMOUTH WITCH Linda Sarsour we need to ban jews as well, and christians for good measure\/ No semitic influences should be allowed into our nation, or our government","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANTI-HITLER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @NiHao_Rocky Who is she? RT @DrTruth247: Y'all hype that bread loaf chick up but I'm a chill a dyke rapper","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisrapefugee. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take my upvote and leave thanks buddy Why are you still here, I said leave...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha! Just saw that stat on t.v, turned to the Mrs. and said don't become a statistic.. I posted this joke on r\/jokes. I don't think we're welcome there lol. I appreciate u bro Haha I'm just happy downvotes don't take away from accounts karma or my account wouldve been deleted now for sure lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Khunt has a lot to answer for https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/news\/5421-school-children-armed-with-handguns-in-sadiq-khan-s-gun-free-london That POS is on LBC this am speaking to annoying liberal James O'Brien. Had to turn the radio off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ShmurdaGang: Free wop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MelechT: Apartheid. @No_Cut_Card: pedestrian check = show me your freedom papers you darkies. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here We Go Again EVIL DYKE Hillary Clinton Coughs Uncontrollably at Mansfield College Requests Water (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got kicked off Twitter for calling Pelosi a hag. Hello Gab! Refugees welcome. Remember, on gab EVERYTHING IS PERSONAL. if you get triggered, you lose.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the trs guys are decent people as people(most of them) but they're too suburban and have the wrong instincts for the position we're in. People can say what they want about Spencer but his general strategy of being actively attacking the GOP is correct. Trump's most impactful moments of 2016 were not when he was attacking Hillary but rather the GOP. The TRS guys are NOT decent people. They are human filth and must be doxed, their lives ruined, and then discarded politically. Any questions? Anyone with a gay face and a Sargon mask probably is low IQ. Go suck your faggot TRS cock the fuck away from me, retard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BTW strong women are not scared of strong men, they adore alpha males, strong women are scared of spiteful, vile vermin like this cunt who constantly try to destroy alpha men and women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminism is that no one handed them money or power. Feminists think little of women, because women are apparently so retarded they can't open a restaurant or start a business or get jobs entirely on their own. So yeah, if you're 200 years old, I'll have a few feels for you for what it was like in the 1800s, but since you're less than 30 years old, what oppression have you really faced? Too low an allowance from daddy to get a Coach bag every week? Yeah lady, you're an oppressed group. Sure. Spoiled much?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Garbage .... Give it a fucking rest idiot. Who ever wrote that book is a LOW IQ TWAT just like the Name the Jew Clowns are LOW IQ buttfuckers whose 'information' comes from JEWS, FAGS and SUBVERSIVES. The Church did more to combat than nazis ever did. FUCKING GOONS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who remembers when we were in middle school\/high school and would throw paper in the trash from our seat and yell \"KOBE!\" Lmfaoooo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real name Samatha Ness from Minnesota. A school teacher. Ppl of Minnesota, if you know this person, please call the FBI imediately. She needs to be checked out at least. MN ELECTED A PRO WRESTLER GOVERNOR , AND A FAILED ACTOR\/ COMEDIAN AS A SENATOR. THIS TWAT FITS RIGHT IN THERE. BATSHIT CRAZY STATE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eye-popping detail... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-XT8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my opinion, black people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, I'm sure you've got a balanced, objective view of history in mind Jezza. Whilst you're on about slavery, will that include Briton's 1100 year history as slaves, the ongoing, 1500 year old Arab slave trade, and how the UK was the 1st to abolish slavery? Especially firstly of African slavery Muslim slavery and rape of white women EH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BY THE LOOKS OF IT THAT'S THE FASTEST SHE HAS EVER MOVED IN HER LIFE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Breaking911: WATCH THIS ANIMAL: Antifa protester tells 9\/11 NYPD widow \"YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD FUC*ING ROT IN THE GRAVE\"; Occured in downtown Portland, Oregon https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33TSB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wickid knockas innit? BBC is a shitholer paradise. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/uk\/441132-bbc-royal-wedding-subtitles-breasts\/ Liberal trash at BBC is livid with Princess Eugenie's wedding being traditional, European, REAL Royal event. Stuff BBC, one by one, and a pig they ride on. Eugenie was a gorgeous bride, unlike scary nigger disaster on May, 19th. BBC thought they will damage E's wedding by not filming it, and have failed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MissRobinV that pic with the red bone in braids and that tiger in the back for sale?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't a good thing you dips; they're hiding links to the Carlson thread from people who don't know about it. Lol Tucker Carlson a right winger? Why, because he's on FoxNews and talks to conservatives along with liberals? He's nowhere anywhere close to being a \"right winger\", it's just he's not far left and therefore evil in the eyes of the left. https:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/markjoyella\/2018\/10\/04\/tucker-carlson-huge-ratings-big-ideas-and-a-constant-debate-with-the-dumb-people\/#2c2124424d30 He's for more things that liberals USED to want than he is for things that conservatives want RIGHT NOW. I'm telling ya, the left is making a mistake by alienating one of the few people who could moderate on a national stage. Yep, and moderate conservatives like myself are goddamn glad to have him in the pit with us. I honestly miss the days when I could have healthy debate with my liberal friends. The only thing that's really changed is that at some point we went from both hating moral authoritarian faggots to them being moral authoritarian faggots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TRS is living in a fantasy land @Eric_StrikerDS THREAD There's a couple different things going on here. JF wants pro-whites to be libertarian, so lots of his critiques were good but it's only because tucker didn't go far enough. trs only hears what they want to. They want to amplify a message I agree with, a more pro-worker nationalism but tucker got btfo'd by his own superficial anti-corporate stances yep, JF is a lolbert so I usually don't listen but sometimes he'll have a good guest. That said he does do a good debate analysis, he was pretty spot on with the Tucker debate. I don't think Tucker is hiding his power level like TRS suggests.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lmao your radio show sucks, Al Sharpton could do a better job, so that's not much of a accomplishment. It's almost amusing having some punk faggot who cried on national tv call you a bitch. I mean you cried so hard i was waiting for someone to hand you a pacifier or a bottle and tell you to quit crying like a little bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#texasFirst (YesWeCan.) A new @JesseLeePeterson video titles ~ THIS FRIDAY 10\/19: YouTube LIVE Debate! Jesse Lee Peterson vs. David Pakman! 1 p.m. PT \/ 4 p.m. ET ~ http:\/\/bit.ly\/2AdPzCp #FallenStateTV #FeministUniverse [phpGab]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2020: Avenatti: Cory Booker Too Soft to Challenge Trump | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/H8yr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BasedPaco: The NFL is very equal this season everybody showed glimpses of being trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"need to get that nigger to a gym asap","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JamesOKeefeIII: Staffers laud McCaskill for hiding gun views in undercover video: 'She's really good about strategy https:\/\/t.co\/O0UKWuWhh7 via @washtimes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No you're racist because you said this ladies actions were solely because she was white. Then, and this is the funny part, someone calls you a racist for it and you flip your shit and call all of us racists on absolutely no basis. Are you an actual retard? It's such a shame there are so many people who act like you. Hey cunt, sorry your father didn't hug you enough but you keep that racist shit up and you might just get hurt one day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet the people who attack lolicon are the same people who watch Toddlers and Tiaras. And we're the gross ones. By definition I am a man, but I understand this is an attempt to belittle us so I'll humor you. Oh man you got me I am a woman now that was a sick burn ow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Correct. I tried to tell this to his fagot followers who are dick sucking each other on twitter right now, but to no avail. One (that faggot RedElephant guy) told me I have a low IQ because higher GDP would mean higher birth rate. When I informed him he was mentally retarded he blocked me. These are not good people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can see where the double standards are , but if the queue for the female toilets were that long, I probably would've gone to the male toilets too, as I have once and I looked down at the floor the whole time lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another dumb cunt expecting to be treated differently because she has a pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"those fuckers will learn we are not a muzzie county, and this is that fucking obuma's doing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pork a Muzzie this Thanksgiving... I'll make it a point to sprinkle a ring of bacon bits around a mosque if I happen to cross one this Thanksgiving.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every time I see a four-eyed, pink-haired loud-mouthed commie Korean cunt I thank God for white women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anderson Silva agrees to fight Conor Mcgregor at a catch-weight of 180lbs. https:\/\/www.google.com\/amp\/s\/www.bjpenn.com\/mma-news\/ufc\/challenge-accepted-anderson-silva-agrees-to-fight-conor-mcgregor-at-a-catchweight\/amp\/ Even though im Irish, i agree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"South African Justice System: Black Man wants genocide of the entire White population in South Africa yet is spared jail. While Vicky Momberg a White Woman says an offensive slur got sentenced to 3 years in prison. #VelaphiKhumalo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure there will be, there's already been a huge overreaction to it. A bunch of people in \/r\/anime were *literally shaking* after the first episode. Nothing should be off limits in fiction but I'm sure the usual suspects can't wait to talk about how this show means Japan is encouraging rape culture or something. EDIT: Before anyone else responds, I will say that lots of people seemed to like the episode. But there was still a sizeable amount of pearl clutching. That's not an excuse. Walk out. Walk out and suggest to the people who might not want to watch something like that, not to watch it. Don't hunt for censorship, though. Only twats really believe censorship is the only way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MicheleBachmann: Charlie Rangel should apologize to tea party members. I'll set up meetings so he can explain his outrageous comments. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WhatImCraving Peanut Butter Oreos <3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I bet the cunt never opened up a textbook, we learned this crap in middle school. I have a dick, therefore I count as male. Having a cunt makes you female, being a cunt just makes you unpleasant to hang around.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pauli discovered another pole puffin neo nazi that's really just a leftist twat suffering an identity crisis.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CallNeeshCakey pop wop and drop it tho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another retarded feminazi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for gayvermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think she laughed at the minister's response blaming Harper. She knows it's absurd. It's why she says it's just a lot of deflection. I meant the woman sitting next to Ralph Goodale, that fucking smug laugh while Canadians lives are at risk. Ah my bad. Yea fuck her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Fru_Iam I seen sum of it but I'm tryin see lox n mook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@__hannerr__ you're a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me \"Apache\" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mornin Gabsters, People are saying Gab is going to be shut down soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow. If it is, make sure you join MeWe, it's a different format based mainly on groups, but there is also a Timeline. You'll soon get used to it Why should Gab be shut down? No one has threatened to shut down Twitter or Facebook, and there are some real nut jobs over there, starting with Zuckerberg.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" LOL. They can have my DD 214 when they rip it from my tattered, dog-eared manilla envelope!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @IllusiveHaven: shhhh wrap yourself around melet me kiss the bruises on your heartlick your unhealed woundsand taste the raw wild ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They were looking for an excuse and that retard gave it to them on a silver platter. The guy was anti Trump, he was one of them. I'm kinda surprised the nazi's are still running their mouths after this shit, the FBI is watching and taking names.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those women smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats are RACIST RETARDED NPC's! Democrats are human sewage! They all need to be flushed! I have too many to count. Unfortunately when dealing with a lefty they are so retarded they cannot comprehend a thing I say so it is kind of a waste of time to be honest. Here is my description of a NY times reader though! New York Times Reader Brain Description: Zombie Like Unconscious Gullible Moron whose proclivities towards Fascist, Sexist, Racist, Bigoted activities hold no limitations; Arrogant simpleton; A polluted thumb drive with no critical thinking skills to discern facts from suggestive conjecture; Vacancy sign permanently posted while vacuous vomit drips unrestrained. Part of an angry drooling mob.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That woman will die a horrible deth at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sydswag2: Buy me double stuffed Oreos and you can be my boyfriend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? What a croc of Crap!! Jesus was against the religious 'satanic' spirit behind the Jewish RELIGIOUS LEADERS.....NOT THE JEWISH PEOPLE!! * Way off track....sorry! HAHAHA....We are not Jewish! But we support the Nation of Israel! ha ha he sure showed you, Dingo. wait wut? (((Of course))) they do. After all, Israel is our greatest ally! Silly Dingo... I'll just leave this here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree, I think it's the only thing I agree with them on. Charles is a twat and then the kardashian type youngers... Fuck em off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sorry, women actually like men that are not lazy cunts Soooo you're saying women are generally lazy cunts for staying at home? Seems a bit harsh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a shame that dickhead supports SJW causes that fuck over the average Joe though. Only the elites like this dickhead get due process and fair justice according to him. Fuck Drake. He should have to play by the same bullcrap *#MeToo* *Just Listen and Believe* crap he wants for the rest of us. I don't care if I get downvoted. Fuck him. r\/incels is leaking again That's some big talk for someone who posts in r\/latestagecapitalism. I have some socialist views, nothing I'm ashamed of. But thanks for taking the time to dig thru my history! Must've been fun","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I frame my arguments around this~ By LAW Christians are not to do business with jews. Jews are satanist, infidels. KJV John 7:1, 8:44-48, Rev 2:9, 3:9, Titus 1 \"jewish fables\" Quotes scripture and calls Eddie a dumb fucking loser and a jew. Now, I have no love for the jew, because I know their intentions, but Andrew, you lose any credibility when you name call and throw out scripture.. You are one dumb fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Will someone check and see if Justice Ginsburg is snoozing right now? #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump You don't need to check, the answer is always yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want some monkey bread.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seriously? WTF did this dumb cunt think was going to happen?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JonnieSantana He's definitely trash. But if Bill Cohwer or Stanford 's head coach want the job I'd hire them. With a new gm of course","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll snap that black neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He does. Kanye? 50 cent? Kim K? Hes a nigger lover too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello, yes, FBI? I would like you to investigate a high school party from nearly 4 decades ago. This is 100% super serious. Kris Khardashian seems to think it's important!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The people who elect pieces of shit like him should have to eat shit for the rest of their lives! his name does suit him ..... lol. Lol A certainty now. Despised by Republicants, his only salvation is the Demoncrats. Murkowski is the other one, but not running this year. He might be an Arlen Specter type who changes party whenever expedient. When it was clear he would lose a Republican primary, he switched parties. He still lost but not before he hurt the US by voting for filthy Democrat legislation. He's been promised lots of benefits, funding for this and that, but he can't win as a Demoncrat either. Maybe he thinks he can run as an independent and drain off Republicant votes, he was in Iowa etc. A pipe dream, but they'll give him a lot of money. True. He's an idiot. He wont even get 1 percent of the vote. Republicans hate him and Democrats are just using him. Independents will see him for what he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people cripples. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No matter how hard they try to suppress the truth it will always eventually rise to the top. This muzzie demon crat is evil and should NEVER be able to hold office in the United States of America! Period!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"desiny is retarded, dont try to defend him, its a losing battle nope, just seems like only retards sue over hurt internet feefees","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"David Suzuki's a Nazi now? Well, he did say that people who \"deny\" climate change should be jailed. He's not a good guy, but I'm sure this will trigger a few NPCs. There was a time when the left was anti-globalization. At least Suzuki has stayed consistent to his beliefs. Warped as they often are. He's definitely got a point on this one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well said, I am the same way actually. The kavanaugh card was a very low move. I'm apolitical...the current divorce rape system Is a wake up call and people are beginning to get out of their slumber.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If President Obama is such an economy wizard why didn't he tell everyone the big results weren't coming until 2018? I recall him saying those jobs were never coming back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CrackerJhak Because you're a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It must be so depressing being black and knowing you have no history of your own and so must steal others . https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fSBx0pqTSL0andlist=LLcG_10bRJlnBnTJCV6oCr7Qandindex=9 I am totally fed up with this.. WTF is \"black history month\"? that would be erm... \"history\" PC nonsense when a black man is trying to play James Bond... The BBC is constantly shoehorning BAME into every acting part. its just farcical. \"UP NEXT .. Whoopi Goldberg in Queen Victoria goes to Spring Break...\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this retard. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That cunt has been the kiss of death for the last 60 years..... Just think of all the moronic women who idolized her!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You Muslims are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what an entitled little cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just to make sure I understand. You want to post at \/r\/TwoXChromosomes? Not exactly post.... but I would like to definitely comment on a few things... if I feel they are comment worthy Which would likely get you banned quickly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn it be cold fo a colored man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iMDatDudeFish: RT @VivaLaKash: #ThotGoals .. RT @LessonswithKate: I wanna learn how to jigg really good so I can be in the circle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Zack still questions my love for Oreos lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"andwhen they say him they mean dyke Ron #wcw http:\/\/t.co\/VV4DUMMe4A","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only women can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breaking on RT: United Nations AFP tells French people they should NOT have children to save the enviroment! Errr... how about telling sub Saharan African's to stop breeding like rabbits, and expecting western taxpayers to pay for it with mass immigration into our lands, you globalist, socialist scum! #news Even MORE, #BuildWalls #CloseBorders of all Western nations, deport #Muslims, STOP ALL WELFARE to them. How long will #Whites survive as a People if we are PAYING Muslim men to have 4 wives and 8 children PER WIFE We're PAYING for our OWN #Genocide #WhiteGenocide","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"chase the cunt out of restaurants","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@Straatvogels [street birds]: Homeless People Twittering in Amsterdam http:\/\/t.co\/WruoCdVkJt via @HuffPostImpact http:\/\/t.co\/DJgs6rGdfV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FletcherMassie @TelcoAg @rcb05 Go back to mutt, Rev I style. Of course, that would necessitate running over a dog and adopting it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flappy bird instead of studying? Sounds great. #flappybirdisruiningmylife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I just wanna make you feel okay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No But you're correct I didn't take things like custom controllers into account. That could also easily be $100+ in makeup though. They're both stupid cunts and probably deserve each other.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know I shouldn't let this piss me off so easily. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is how a civil war starts. The US gov will go condem Bolsonaro and want him hit with sanctions, this will embolden the nigger population in the north east to \"resist\" and being they have 80 iqs they will start killing Bolsonaro supporters or what they perceive as supporters. Then you will have retaliation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot Finance","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those will be some ugly retarded babies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/gay-teen-asks-straight-football-team-captain-to-homecoming-santa-ana-california\/ @andieiamwhoiam Virtue signal extravaganza! Looks like they are in Mexico.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid cunt defender tried to use her own pussy pass and cry. Butch if the roles were reversed you would DEMAND the man be tried, convicted for life in prison. PUSSY PASS DENIED. Wow dude. You probably need help. Listen. I hate the white knight complex as much as the next guy. But a life sentence for that? Even the judge at the end is like 'wtf'. And the absolute pure garbage that pours out onto your comments. bitch, cunt, whore, etc. just makes you look like you have such a grudge against women. It's pathetic. This isn't a sub for woman hating fuckwits mate, this is a sub to showcase and point out bullshit double standards. Take your butthurt ass up out of here Found the guy who got bullied by chicks in school. So did I, but I didn't let it turn me into a bitter douche.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Look at this f---ing white guy!' bigot yells before attacking man in pizzeria... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Mppx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't fucking mix me in with those millennial retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"niggers gonna nig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In prison they love Girls who roll thier eyes an such. 10 minutes into her sentence she will have her eyeballs buried in some huge bull dykes asshole","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do the klan members say \"The N-Word?\" So far, every time I've expected to hear the word nigger, I've heard darky instead. I just don't give a shit about racism so I don't care that they avoid it. I'm in a band of thieves, whores, and murderers who embrace diversity, I can suspend my disbelief and go skin some deer, whatever. We are the woke gang.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No you're not. If you're religious then you know that God made Eve subservient to Adam. Even by the word of Allah, women are inferior to men, implying that matriarchy is inferior to patriarchy. Just look at all the examples of matriarchy all over the world (and through out history) and you'll see that they are scarcely better than barbarians. The reason is that women can't innovate for shit and no matter how hard they try to 'wear the pants' they simply lack the requisite competence. A society where men are emasculated faggots, you can bet your ass that women won't be rising to the occasion to save the day. As a result the society becomes a shit hole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Moser's [defense attorney](https:\/\/everipedia.org\/Defense_attorney\/) , Scott Brand said that Moser has been engaged in the community as a [volunteer](https:\/\/everipedia.org\/Volunteer\/) . He said, \"She's mentored younger women and mothers who went through a tough upbringing. She has been an instrumental person in people's lives in a positive way. So fucking what?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@SebGorka: \"The left has a plan to destroy all the institutions we love.\" #Hannity https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/XRYY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(5) Why do I think that? Well, unless McConnell is beyond retarded or a 100% Democrat Plant, why would he come out and say, 4 hours AFTER FFFFFFlake and his people requested and received a 7th FBI investigation into Kavanaugh, that \"All 51 Republicans in the Senate are Prepared to Vote on Confirmation?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER FUCKING CUNT SHOULD BE SLIT OPEN FROM STEM TO STERN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@McSheeti means trash lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Feminist Nigger Brown woman Oh look, they have remembered a white man, way at the back. #drama #scifi #DoctorWho #manosphere #Anglosphere #WhiteGenocide #Brexit #masculinity #MRAs #multiculturalism #FeminismIsCancer #BritFam Black James Bond, feminist Doctor Who, it's time to start up a new space colony some where (whites only).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yo what's with all the jew hatred here at gab? Are you satisfied with your current rabbi?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Otis is gonna love this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You men need to do a better job of vetting women before letting them into your lives.\" See that one all the time. Yet women initiate the divorce 70% of the time... Men tend to be okay with the status quo, where as women want an effort put in the marriage. I read the same article. Ummm. You must have missed roll call. I'm here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oops: 'constitutionalists' #teabaggers in #mississippi forgot ratify a centerpiece of the constitution: 13th amendment banning slavery.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ye a funny cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn commies in the american government https:\/\/redd.it\/9psy2o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadi John beheader of journalist Foley and Sotloff Was 'Arab Charity Collector' http:\/\/t.co\/RL7F2qV56F via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Melania Visits African Hospital Goes Into Full Mommy Mode https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/02\/melania-african-hospital-mommy-mode\/ via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is so much more to this case. Seriously, this guy's story is a catalyst to a lot of crap, and of course they aren't telling us the truth. This isn't the same thing as retard Reality Winner. There is much more that needs to be unraveled.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unexplained Mist Surrounds The Holiest Of Sites; False Flag Precursor Event? Everything is holy in the eyes of retard !!! Dry Ice is holy in the desert i bet !!! HOLY SHXT lol https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=TmifpGu4y_0andt=184s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Coward and a Dyke both useless pieces of shit who will sacrifice any colleague for their Jihadi Masters!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is her nigger neck broke?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of gay people will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@luminosity .....I am brand new, today is my first day so I'm still learning and discovering.... If anyone has any tips, tricks, or advice please let me know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perhaps the cool million she made on #gofundme could pay for a private jet to a little island hideaway. With two front doors. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/n5Hf Agreed 100%!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eric holder, so we are going to allowe gun stores to sell illegal firearms, and not track the weaponry. Never go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Telling nigger jokes to dogs #sundayfunday","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you gay people until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ I hear he wants to be just like MLK, so hurry up and get the cunt Buried!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So using the power of google I have deduced that they are a star that identifies as a god, otter and etc. attracted to non-binary people whether more masculine or feminine as well as colourblind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canadians: Man-made climate change is fake science. Your retarded asshole Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is going to use fake science as an excuse to fuck you all up the ass with Carbon taxes. It will be \"Revenue Neutral like the singer Madonna is a virgin.. Soon you will be renaming your country to: \"Canazuela .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dumb Berk drives in circles through town on his bright yellow cycle with music blaring incredibly http:\/\/t.co\/ukothl3MOH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well if anyone is EXPERT enough to make that assumption, it most certainly would be Cunt News Network. The set is filled with retards!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Painting with blood from her own menstruation to get attention is so stupidly retarded and disgusting that she should be look for a good psychologist to help her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Robinson Cano left the Yankees they were selling his jersey for $25. When Aaron Hernandez went to jail they sold his for $10.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all women\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump: If You Want Hillary Investigated, I'll Have to Nominate Her to SCOTUS (VIDEO) #LockHerUp #LockThemAllUp https:\/\/truepundit.com\/trump-if-you-want-hillary-investigated-ill-have-to-nominate-her-to-scotus-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"5SOS is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"**THE ENTIRE IDEA OF \"CULTURAL APPROPRIATION\" NEEDS TO** ---- **FUCK OFF AND DIE IN A FIRE. FULL STOP.** ---- Every time you encounter a person who claims something is \"cultural appropriation\", laugh savagely at them and tell them they are a fucking retard for thinking such a thing exists. Make them embarrassed. Because fuck their insane and destructive ideology. Time to make such nonsense and gibberish fade into the side of history that is to be avoided unless strictly necessary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some smart motherfuckers to get everything in the agreement on video. This is one of the most thorough denials I've ever seen. But just like I thought would happen, the feminazi mental gymnastics come in at the end to try and justify her perpetual victimhood no matter what happened in reality. \"I was too scared to say no\" and \"I felt that I didn't have to say no, the director should have read my fucking mind\". (Paraphrased of course). They had that before the scene started. It's just like everyone said it would be. NO AMOUNT of consent will ever be enough for a feminazi. Here we have the entire act on film, along with an entire group of eye witnesses, and her enthusiastic consent of everything before AND after. Still got accused of rape. How can a normal guy having normal sex ever expect to win? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apaches' 30 MM rounds turn Jihadis into tomato soup @MarkRothschild1 @Rockprincess818 @NoFear3136 @Lanna70115","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather die than own a car like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Nazario1017 I feel that.. i see nothing wrong with the gta killing bc it's not the sole purpose of the game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @scottvtracy: @AbuYazidMuawiya @amustafaanbari1 Congratulations for reinforcing the stereotype for insecure, uneducated, uncivilized, ba ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form \"Jihad\" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2017\/07\/06\/linda_sarsour_asks_muslims_to_form_jihad_against_trump_not_to_assimilate.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other Muslims like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I see my insta\/fb friends from high school (I went to a fairly preppy upper middle class school) and 90% of the girls post shit like \"Believe Women. No questions asked. and all I can think is you poor daft cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a @e @support I think we'd be better served if individual users could block posts with specific key words they choose. For example, if I don't want to see any posts that contain the words \"kike\" or \"nigger\", how am I not being exposed to meaningful concepts or ideas? Faggot Nazi scum don't have anything meaningful to say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WOW @roonyroo Yeah, nobody cares. Grow up. SAY\"S A MIXED MULTITUDE NUM 11:1-4 kjv And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp. 2 And the people cried unto Moses; and when Moses prayed unto the Lord, the fire was quenched. 3 And he called the name of the place Taberah: because the fire of the Lord burnt among them. 4 And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? Bob Marley - Selassie is the Chapel https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0LRlmCko58o both lol their the true Israelites. A debate between Identity Christians and Rastafarians might be in order. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mxtfdH3-TQ4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't minneapolis basically a no-go muzzie ghetto zone now? They probably face beheading if they don't hang the pic or some crap the muzzies do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vox Day is a papist faggot undeserving attention from men. Indifference is warranted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@beesands10 But that's what you call white trash with money!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @EarlyLegend: I don't fuck with these hoes and I don't fuck with niggas that's fuckin these hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim terrorism has a higher kill count in that timeframe, which is why the chart excludes that data. Muslims are far more toxic per capita than any other group. If we had as many Muslims in the US as we have Trump voters the US would be fucking Beirut.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mis_sarahd @basedpapi1017 tranny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@almuirSI Probably, yeah. By most accounts, he has the personality to handle it though. And he can wear a yellow suit if he puts up points.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hangall these women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sand nigger , or hijeb whats the fucking difference","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I actually find it more disgusting that the cunt chose the name Elliot. Just call him Juan or Pedro.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, but for every man offended there'll be .77 women offended. Woah there Rikoj! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Quit acting like such a [3\/5ths American]...it doesn't sound the same \"Bitch is our word you can't say that\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cucked faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm 49 when we fought people died for their flag not just in on the streets in their homes at work places, we know in Northern Ireland how when this starts there's no going back I've seen people lose their lives for their flag. The mainland U.K. is infected with leftists and liberals and a couple of percent Muslim. Brexit is our goal atm. As an American observer of the UK....I see Scotland breaking away first....and then the inevitable united Ireland....The UK will only be of England and Wales Yea yea yea you ever been here? What they gonna do with 1 million Protestant unionists and the ROI can't afford us same goes for Scotland. Pipe dreams I live near the border and it's being blown out of all proportion ffs We have a plant in NI....I visit there often I find this with the occasional American visitor to Northern Ireland, they've always got ancestors so that makes them Irish really (even though they might actually be Ulster Scots Protestant)but like Obama they like to tell us what's gonna happen in brexit or the GFA and we just laugh and I am a Protestant of English and German stock","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You ignore a message based on the person presenting it? That's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whats truly hilarious, is that this window licker actually thinks spending all day on GAB calling Conservatives names is actual fighting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would take that list, crumple it and shovel it right in that fucking cunt's ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @CommonManKFAN: And that's why mock drafts are a joke my friends..... Anyone???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahahaha, beautiful! She came across as an entitled cunt with a victim complex and a masive chip on her shoulder. She can thank third wave feminism for now being unemployed (and unemployable).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"trans people are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Despite Booming Economy, Vacant Storefronts Common In San Fran... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/cLQX Lots of people live in the area, for some reason. I suspect high rents, high local taxes and streets covered in shit are more likely to blame.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"these videos may already feel long but their responses are cut so short and not given a true voice. I would love if you produced fuller videos so we, the viewers, can really hear what these people have to say because these are all topics that are not common among today s people. It' s rewarding to hear insight from both sides no matter the topic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think it was in Denmark where women were impregnated by sperm from a retarded African, thinking it was from a White man. Steer clear of any sperm or egg donation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">A private company's obligation is to shareholder value, not peoples feelings about themselves. I used to believe that. (insert clip of Molymeme doing his standard *\"corporations are legally required to avoid waste and maximize profit.\"* rant here) But when I saw Intel give $300 million to retarded feminists I just couldn't pretend anymore. A private company's obligation is to the shareholder's *agenda*, but that doesn't necessarily mean value or profit. Spoiler: The shareholders are giant banks and their agenda is globalism. >Only the CBC can get away with ignoring economics. The whole financial system gets away with ignoring economics. Look at Twitter's numbers or our dudeweedstock bubble; global 'markets' are a debt-fueled farce. The cherry on top is millions of people wasting time and energy by solving meaningless math problems with rigs full of overpriced video cards because somehow that's going to \"stahp teh central banksters.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The concept of a ban button for you as a user would be simple: if you ban someone from your Gab content, they can no longer comment on your posts. They can still view your public content, because it is public. They can still quote your public content and give their own commentary to their own followers.\" - I like it. Allowing them to use Quote is how I got slammed one time with nothing but Trash Porn by them attaching the shit to every one of my Posts.so that even though I had the person Muted every one of my followers had to see the shit and it wasn't just one Post it was hundreds ...No this is a dumb ass Idea !!!!! Do U think new users are going 2 want 2 stay here when they get slammed with this trash? Do you honestly think your POTUS would come here and get this type of trash and not have any control over it? That is why we don't get people like #Trump here!!! I should attach 1 of the sick pics to give U an example of shit i see ALL day ,but i won't stoop that low That shit is NOT SPEECH !!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's been found, and fired! Good work!! https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/amp\/?__twitter_impression=true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a whore to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got attacked in r\/quityourbullshit when this was posted for saying it's important to protect yourself these days as this guy did to avoid false accusations. Never be alone with a female coworker or acquaintance if you don't know what they're capable of. My bad I meant r\/quityourbullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"swedenstan is now a fag nation that sucks muzzie dicks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Things will get worse tenfold by Mark my words. They are fine now, if Feds would stop raising interest rates ever 3 months, send illegals home and banks would stop the god damn sub prime mortgages they started back up to screw the housing market, move scum into good areas.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My favorite part of this obviously retarded posting is the insinuation that Democrats tell the truth EVER in any shape,manner or form...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....oh that's a good one...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's someone riding around the Robinson Walmart in a lawn mower. With ghetto headlights added. #reallife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you stupid ass faggot English and your muslim parliament that wanted to ban Donald Trump... have fun getting fucked without any guns... Here's some real American blood and guts rock... not faggot Elton John. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MwTv45OW5Yw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I'm a failed writer trying to sound important on a video game website nobody reads.\" The article. Jesus, what a self important pretentious twat. Yes, Arthur isn't John Wayne in the Searchers, he's a more subdued Dutch from the Wild Bunch. Y'know that classic western that focuses on outlaws.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What barrel of trash doesn't smell as bad? RT @Jay_F5 Imagine Dragons or Nickelback?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They work with a lot of gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger trying to rape Davey's dog","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who would bother to save someone so fucking retarded. Other retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberalism is a Disease and the Cancer of America HomeGrown Terrorism is the DemonCrap Party Pray for the Kavanaugh Family WTFU ONLY ONE PROBLEM Sad deal there,,, to have retarded idiots as neighbors this demented,,, over the city cutting down a hazardous rotten tree. Why didnt the neighbors do anything a year before to save it? as quoted: They didn't miss a spot. The stone, the concrete, the stucco, my door. Everything..was Hit with paint. ***THANKS for the great link to this case","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is Direct Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad' https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/queen-elizabeth-descendant-muhammad\/ Islamisation of UK reaching a final stage, it seems. Now is the time to rise up in the millions, otherwise ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im sink-faucet-face-pounding any dick packing faggot that tries to peep at my future grandkids. This is how the threat from tranny\/homo\/pedo freaks should be handled. You want to take your dick into a girl's locker room because you call yourself a \"woman ? Good, then I'll walk my dick in right behind you, beat the fucking sense into you, and drag your degenerate ass back out. Keep doing this until their suicide rate is 100%.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Resignations https:\/\/www.thewrap.com\/amy-schumer-exits-long-time-agency-uta-wme-exclusive\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need less empathy. Look where empathy has gotten us. Without empathy that nigger would be in chains or dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a dumbfuck. It doesn't matter the damage, but the action only. She deserves to be punched hard. You expect him to gently slap her back like some bitch, only to have her hit him again or worse? He used FORCE to stop her and it worked. Fuck that stupid drunk cunt. I don't trust you thinking about anything either since you are a faggot sjw. I'm not defending her you fucking retard. I'm just disgusted by a fat unloved fuck such as yourself piling on with a patronizing bullshit comment in an effort to garner attention and fake internet karma points. How is it even possible that you think someone remotely GAF about your two cents? Maybe you are that fucking dumb, not capable of having third grade reading comprehension skills? so were you born retarded, or did the drugs do that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @proofgelato: Sweet treat at lunch today - raspberry gelato, gin+juice sorbet and brownie gelato! #GelatoCart Thursday - can't wait ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That faggot needs to just go away","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lying cocksucker...you must be a fucking jew....Twitter will NOT allow criticism of kikes....In this case they are more afraid of the nigger than the semenite....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man's Love For His Children Put To The Ultimate Test After They Erase His Video Game Save File https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/i3hdiu.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/bL9S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's only natural for a tranny like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right! And Kavanagh was a serial gang rapist and massive drunk. And Kanye is a crazy nigger who can't read. (((You guys))) and your fuckin' labels. We all know who is producing the massive amount of gay porn in this country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You wanna go your own way, great, have a go You wanna elect this fucktarded idiot to anyfuckingthing, I swear you are hiding a vagina in your pants Ben Shapiro = hysterical twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's an insult to good honest dykes everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that the Republican Party has a habit of working against the interests of White nationalists, is not sufficient to justify abandonment of the party, at least not without a clear alternative. It matters who controls the government, a lot. Democrats are using every power at their disposal to establish a permanent governing majority in Washington. They will open the borders, and nationalize one industry after another until something forces them to stop. They will disarm us, tax carbon dioxide, and make Facebook's hate speech policies the law of the land. Whatever the sins of the GOP, they pale in comparison to that horrifying outcome. Until somebody shows me some other force which is capable of stopping the Democrat Party, we have to be partisan Republicans. And if it does come to revolution, we'll put aside our differences, for the fate of our nation and our people. Why is it such a problem to do the same in November?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have such strong admiration for black people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's little faggot had his 15 mins of fame.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brazil has a serious.. deadly serious problem that more than likely will drag it down into the cesspool of nigger civilization..Brazil is more of an african nation than an American nation because there are more than 80 million blacks living there..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] The general attitude of women expecting zero consequences for behaving like a cunt is a society wide pussy pass that has no need to be verbalized before it can be acknowledged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the real reason google plus is being shut down is because there was too much freedom of speeches in google plus and they couldn't find the budget for a \"trust and safety council\". *there was too much freedom of speeches in google plus and they couldn't find the budget for a \"trust and safety council* Are you fucking serious? That has to be the biggest bunch of bullshit i ever heard in my life. and like most people on here. you have no evidence or proof to back up your claim. Until you have proof that states otherwise. Please shut the fuck up! You obviously never used G+. There was freedom ion G+ because it was completly left alone to die. They didn't care about it, so obviously they wouldn't moderate it either. So he was right about that. Did somebody hurt you? do you want to talk about it? @LCalavera98 , you are a GOOLAG employer , 100%","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But I wouldn't put it past a low IQ grunt to do something this stupid. You are useless to the movement dead or in jail. Only organization and careful planning can change things. Going one-man kamikaze is retarded and accomplishes nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lefties love faggots and faggot ways. Faggism is holy to them. Many CONservatives claim to love the faggot and say faggots should have equal rights (equal access to their kids) but dislike faggot ways. Love the sinner hate (oops hate is unchristian - dislike a teeny bit) the sin. Adam and Eve not Steve and all. CONservative arguments\/beliefs are so strong\/solid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well you're a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is definitely an overlap. All three terms attack the target's masculinity, by the standards of the one using the insult, and all three just highlight their own immaturity. As a conservative who uses the word all the time to describe liberals, it's not so much a sexual thing. \"Hey, that liberal wants to bring a bunch of third world savages over here without vetting them. They want to watch THEIR COUNTRY GET FUCKED. The original purpose of cuck was to imply your politicians weren't representing your wishes. They were cheating on you with lobbyists and other politicians in order to get their satisfaction, but still lying and saying they were faithful to the constituency. That's why the accusation was primarily leveled at \"cuckservatives\" at the start. The GOP had basically given up on secure borders in a bid to attract more brown catholic voters. I only use the word cuck when its legitimately a cuck. Dont forget it has actual meaning, like \"racist\" or \"Neo-Nazi\". Its just overused and applied wrong. Incels cant even get those STIs that permeate upwards of 80% of the population at some point and become a walking biohazard. What a bunch of lames.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How do the English WW2 Veterans feel about their land of pure green today? https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't escape it .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at her dumb cunt face","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol now call me a kike! You retards are so unoriginal! \"Boomer\" lol You're like a spoiled millennial faggot \"I only got 29 of the 30 things I wanted for Christmas, wahhhh\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims murder 3000 people on 9\/11, Bush calls Islam a religion of peace and increases Muslim immigration. Some fat cunt dies at Charlottesville and The Daily Stormer is offline for months. Some Synagogue shooter briefly used Gab, and Gab gets no-platformed. Do (((they))) think Tyranny and Hypocrisy will bring peace? Jews did 911! Muslims are the JEWS proxy army! It was so America would fight filthy JEW wars! JEWS are LIARS! Quit believing any Jew media bullshit! Whatever a Jew accuseth, they are guilty!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical muzziebehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What an epic mind and$#@ it is to see retarded WHITE rioters screaming at white people. Seriously? Get a mirror, Retard! Virtue signaling is not gonna save your self-hating @$$es at the end of the day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BeyondBanksy: #BreakingNews #streetart #graffiti #new #mural by duo EtamCru in #Rome #Italy #morning #breakfast #coffee #trash http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell me its not a man. Have you heard the word taquiyya? It gives them an excuse to do anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But we're the sneakiest fucks in the world. Just look at our politicians -- no one would ever suspect they were dangerous and corrupt, rather than simply retarded and ridiculously incompetent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> the left can't meme That the right wants to replace actual discourse with memes is exactly the stereotype the left has of the right. Amen. Well spoken. [deleted] I think we can all acknowledge that some of our meme economy comes from the refugee liberals that were escaping persecution. > the refugee liberals that were escaping persecution. ...wait, I'm a refugee? Can I get some money then? I'm partial to tankie memes personally. This reminds me of Dr. JP's BTFO against the British GQ interviewer. He said something like, \"I probably could predict what you're going to say next [about politics] and that's not good. I could replace you with anyone else from the ideological left and we'd have the same conversation\". Something like that. So many people can't give a real 'why' as to their beliefs. I totally agree with you because I see so many following and don't think about the consequences. He called that interviewer an NPC with a really fancy explanation. > People whine this sub doesnt support liberals or hates them. I hate Canadian liberals. They want to destroy the country in order to virtue signal their progressiveness. I hate them for that. That doesn't mean they can't post here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really just want to kill some towel head terrorists already can high school be over now please?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This was the first thing ever posted here that actually made me see red holy shit. Lovecraftian horror is not very popular in the gaming industry and I want more of it. Bloodborne, the dark corners of the earth, and dead space are some of my favorite games. To say that just because the writer was racist means all their work needs to be thrown out is so damn fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Update: Comedian Owen Benjamin was just banned from livestreaming on Youtube because of a community violation for showing \"pornography\" - the \"porn\" in question was a clip of Bonobo monkeys having sex, and was a clip (from YouTube) of a documentary by David Attenborough. Shit is getting real. My original post: I think at some point the left wing\/sjw cencorship in the tech world is going to naturally (edit: lead us to) two seperate online worlds; one that tolerates free speech and one that doesn't: FB, Reddit, Youtube are all turning into \"big brother\" It's time to start planning an eventual exodus (edit: to more tolerant platforms) and using social media to turn it into a mass movement. Edit: For those who are not understanding my post: the people that care about freedom of speech need to migrate AWAY from repressive platforms TO platforms that SUPPORT free speech and non politically correct ideas. FB, Twitter, Youtube, AND Reddit are NOT committed to free speech\/ideas anymore.... and I think that they are only going to get more oppresssive and restrictive as tme goes by. Tl:dr It's looks like it's time for large numbers of freedom loving users to move to social media platforms that support free speech. Reddit is no longer one of those places. [deleted] That's gross. We should all be here. [deleted] Bigot: A person who is intolerant to those holding different opinions You may want to look a little closer to home than \"Republican\" to find your bigot... [deleted] Better than that ... assuming words mean something, which I know is a bit much for the postmodernist special snowflakes, he's effectively turned his insult into a tautology. If, in onewayticket's world, bigot and republican are the same, he's just offered up \"republicans are all ~~bigots~~republicans\" - at the simple cost of abandoning the English language. Truly the world shall tremble before this wit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is this cunt still alive? She has enough enemies, noone could ever be convicted for killing her..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She got every niggah lookin like dam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm pretty sure the Obama daughters were the first retarded niglets in the oval office.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hate ads are being seen in NYC that call for the removal of \"trash\" which depicts Christians and Trump supporters. This is OUTRAGEOUS! OMG What next??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need a second holocaust just for retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you ask me, trans people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">\"A former male employee was allowed to remain in a position of leadership despite regularly making sexual comments in the workplace and drugging and raping another Riot Games employee,\" the suit states. Let that sink in. This is the company that will throw a bitchfit on you \"being toxic\". I hope those hypocritical, sanctimonious cunts crash and burn, lol. Literally rapists against calling someone a faggot. > This is the company that will throw a bitchfit on you \"being toxic\". [..] Literally rapists against calling someone a faggot. Why in hell would you compare rape and calling someone names in a video game? The fact that you shouldn't do either doesn't equalize those things ergo does not make them hypocritical in any way. Are you telling me that because someone, for example, murdered a person he cannot say that stealing is wrong? What kind of sick logic is this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here she is applying the pass: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=AYPzBtNPVJM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping an immigrnt like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Baked Montreal chicken, cheesy brussels sprouts, garlic butter triple cheddar and chives yellow mashed http:\/\/t.co\/XsGW1kSqCW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"its like looking for candidates playing in Speed 3 - the menace of the WALL post walls of cunt street","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the bird with the aim of dreams https:\/\/t.co\/jkX6dsqXcq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's disheartening to still see people call for the death of trans people in 2020. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Google Design Lead David Hogue: Evil' Republicans Will Descend into Flames' of Hell https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/08\/google-design-lead-david-hogue-evil-republicans-will-descend-into-flames-of-hell\/?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those Wetback Drug Cartel fuckers would send 'em on across the river, anyway - telling them, 'Don't worry. They've never shot anyone yet.'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd bet it was Soros bodyguards who may also be a left wing retard but may also be just a very well paid mercenary. On the other hand maybe there were no IEDs and it was simply a pitiful attempt to deceive the electorate thought up by a left wing retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't tell if retarded or just a good troll","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sounds like Crunchyroll. They are a bunch of lazy incompetent retards. I saw them advertising this and thought it was generic boring anime trope crap with a female fanservice protagonist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awwww","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"85 species of birds reported in Chesterfield for the Great Backyard Bird Count. How many in your area? http:\/\/t.co\/DTLlzlXmPF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a garden hoe hanging right next to that shovel there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"maybe you should fucking kill yourself, you white trash? maybe you should fuck off you nigger apologist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If she didn't immediately ignite some farts, I'm so disappointed So if you could go back into the past, you would watch to see if she ignited some farts instead of saving her? My man! Just make sure you take a video of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know this is a dark humor sub but please don't compare the rest of Asians to them pedophile muzzies. We may love ramen, are maths nerds or shit on the streets but as a culture the rest of Asia doesn't promote raping little kids. Good riddance. :) No offense given, it is merely just a satire way the media always tries to throw middle eastern into the \"white\" or \"asian\" category :) Oh shit, I got wooooshed, my bad. Do not apologise. Remember what sub you are in and what it is for. Double down if anything i know i'm going to get my monthly dose of downvotes for this....... ~~but there are practicing \"asian\" (non-middle eastern) muslims as well~~ If arabs rape it don't mean that muslims do. Arabs don't represent the rest of the islamic world. It's Arabic culture to be fucked up not muslim culture It's both. Now GTFO of this sub. No. Fuck off back to \/r\/funny or something. I'm not gonna take orders from someone with shit in their cunt You're wrong. Prostituting young boys to older men is a common practice in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's called [Bacha Bazi](https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bacha_bazi) Almost half the Muslim population is inbred. That's almost 800 Million people. [Link](https:\/\/www.ign.com\/boards\/threads\/did-you-guys-know-that-the-majority-of-arabs-and-half-of-all-muslims-are-estimated-to-be-inbred.455007687\/) Let's assume you're right that only Saudi Arabia indulges in Pedophilia, Saudi Arabia is the richest, most influential and most civilized section of Islamic Population, if they indulge in such degeneracy, what does that tell you about Islam? Spoken like a true rapist And where did Islam come from exactly, you inbred ~~future~~ drone target?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WOW, talk about projection...you really are a clueless cunt aren't you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get teh dead!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off, POS! I had enough of your retarded kind today; go play somewhere else, Muslimgirl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me know when it hits NIGGER LOOTING level...gotta get my guns ready.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Starve those nigger bastards!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@adnanESPN Houston was top five in AHL attendance while Aeros were here. The transplanted snow bird would love a team.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's the dumbest gay Homo femme bitch Nigger shit I've seen here. Even as a joke. You're a master of irony? Or sucking retarded dicks. Leave the high ground to Hunter and DD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In Toronto, a male feminist roundhouse kicked - yes roundhouse kicked - a female pro-life activist because of her wrongthink. Another case of the progressive worldview only protecting women and minorities if they uphold the ideology. New vid: https:\/\/youtu.be\/15L04rcCJpQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"are you finally happy, you jew bitch, nigger, sand nigger lovin ignorant, fuckin cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Secret recording of bullying and shutting down free speech in the Army https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B3MxFubVXG8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Driver is dead, her being a violent cunt got him killed. So, I guess you are right, he will not be charged. From your comment I can tell that all you know about China, your entire understanding of the now defunct one child policy, and your understanding of Chinese law came from Facebook memes. Please STFU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@zhandlen I love WHITE NOISE and love Delillo. I ve resisted reading HOUSE OF LEAVES for years. It mocks me on my shelf.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women would become completely unemployable and have zero male friends or partners. This retard wants to have a male society and a female society, and it'll be way worse for women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Here is your sand nigger savior","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feinstein released her sniffers (Frankenstein)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up humorless npc cunt boat ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vote for Beto!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You Musl1ms are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask The Smiths - There is a Light https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=y9Gf-f_hWpU Morrissey - Jools Holland https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=IRVDJqy0_Iw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are cleaning up the oceans one nigger at a time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pancakes trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"its true. god hates fags Sounds as if you're speaking from personal experience? ZZIIIIING! ive met the faggot, and it is you! so thirsty so soy much faggot wow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We can't call somebody wack we got Raymond Felton RT @BeckDeeMyG: Lin so trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks to Nigger Moslem and his (j)pop sycophants.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@hardball @now @hardball_chris now jimmy want to talk trash would've ,should've, could've now, Chris stop talking and spitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah. We steadfastly refuse to develop our abundant resources, so why would our merry band of retards strike up a deal with Brazil (if they even could)? Prosperity is bad n stuffz.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sarahVICwood im going to murder that fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those marketing executives should be burned at the stake. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @C_Phil_13: Man... I was trying to eat \"@kylegotjokes: \"Nigga you said it was bitches out here, I showed up for nothin!\" http:\/\/t.co\/u ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HMMM... Didn't See This On The News","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Graham Calls for Renegotiation of U.S. Defense Deal with Israel: \"I want to give Israel more for missile defense.\" #OurGuy https:\/\/www.jpost.com\/Israel-News\/Graham-calls-for-renegotiation-of-US-defense-deal-with-Israel-553077 Senator gram is FINALLY SENATOR Graham comes out of the shadows, and is stepping up to the plate! OUR BROTHERS in Israel NEED rockets as all sheol is about to reign down upon them, The TURKS, SYRIANS, IRANIANS, IRAQUIES, Pakistani, will come to take over Jerusalem! I don't wish to risk the rath of YAWAH by cursing Israel and its people!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not sure people understand just WTF !! is going on with the muslims. They are invading the USA. They need to be stopped and deported NOW. Trump must stop all muzzie immigration, and the citizens need to deport them now, or we will be conquered and have black robed muzzies running around everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In the USA the angry coalition of non-white women are openly going after white women It will start happening here soon if it hasn't already...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be very careful, record audio ~~if it's legal in your state.~~ FTFY. Keep the audio (not video) recording private unless it becomes relevant. Then, even if it was made under not-quite-100%-legal circumstances, you'll still be able to use it as evidence in your defense. Though it might not be usable as evidence in charging her with false accusation-related charges. (IANAL) And whatever problems might come your way for making an audio recording illegally will be very small in comparison to the problems it saved you from. >Looks like she got a kit done after consensual sex. It wasn't shared but I wouldn't be surprised to hear she planned it that way. Yeah that's my thought on it Why are we sending our girls to college when all they do is post ass pictures on Instagram, join ~~brothels~~ sororities, get drunk and accuse boys of sexual harassment that destroys lives. woah JFC man Dude if you're still shocked, go ask the girls you know in college for their Instagram handles and see what they're posting. I'm not kidding. Yeah that's one aspect of it though. Goddamn I hope you're not a father. If she *did* plan this, I have to wonder at the motivation behind it. You don't just wake up one morning and decide to wreck to someone's life in that manner just because you don't have anything else to do that day. Speak for yourself. It's a Monday, rent's paid, and I'm bored. Honestly even if it's not legal, consider it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING #NEWS!! Suspect in custody after Tree of Life Synagogue SHOOTING in #Pittsburgh #Pennsylvania. He said, \"ALL #JEWS MUST DIE!!\" To find out if the shooter had accomplices, he should have his digits sliced off one by one until he spills all he has to tell.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one else is as filthy as these trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chevy Chase Rips Saturday Night Live - \"Worst F*cking Humor in the World\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/91szs5ZqLzg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who actually believes all the bullshit they come up with?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That monkey is more intelligent than all of you disabled people combined. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"drunken kike sucking faggot war criminal is what he was.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's get rid of black people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But..but..Orange man bad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only disabled people are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Khloee's new backpack that we colored last night! http:\/\/t.co\/tYndjCsq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded is one of my favorite words.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberal megaphone and guest speaker at the democrat national convention 2016, has teamed up with a satanic coven to hex Kavanaugh and get mud in her lady-parts. This might not play well if we help it get out there. ..3 weeks until the election. My brother is a wiccan libtard. They are imbeciles. Closet-Christians, white lighter bitches. Unfit parents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#VoteRed on Nov. 6th The demoncrat party is a Communist, terrorist organization led by the liberal Fake Media: CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo News, Washington Post, New York Times, Huffington Post, Politico, Snopes, NPR, WSJ, Time Magazine, NBC, ABC, PBS, CBS, Media Matters, and Hollywood, EU, UN, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and financed by Soros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Royals Milwaukee let Yost go.Now they wished they hadn't cause they suck.How about now.He's the guy win or lose. Yankees fire Girardi Yost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democraps better work hard at LOOSING every election THIS IS OUR WORLD NATIONALIST SOCIALIST I LOVE THIS GIF I am 100% against hitting women I've never hit one myself But a liberal feminist Dyke it's not a woman and they have been green-lighted for they are race traitors","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Erdogan cunt is the ultimate scum of the earth, even worse the Maxime Waters... The piece of sheit is out to set Turkey back 150 years, undoing the ground breaking work Ataturk did... You know the Greek chap who introduced women voting (for instance) around 1925 in Turkey even before it was even conceived in the rest of Europe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/eatgrueldog.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/11\/rocket-booster-fails-russian-american-astronauts-safely-land-in-kazakhstan\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had froyo with brownies for dinner tonight. Being an adult is making these executive decisions","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrant lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a retarded Christian, so I already know this about you, but you have no idea what you're talking about. How do you think these things get started? Is starting a revolutionary army like starting a band? Do you advertise in Craigslist? It starts like rain. Drop...Drop...Drop, drop...Deluge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These disabled peopledisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know, not being able to pick up on social cues and understand jokes is the main biproduct of autism Right, because \"commie\" and \"nigger\" is so much more original. Jesus Christ you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just a nigger , niggering.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oct. Russia-China keeps pushing its aggression on Western Europe. This is not to the benefit of either Russia or the West, but China surely benefits. Did Putin get played? Maybe stop believing globalist liars. NATO surrounds Russia with missiles, military bases, war games. but Russia putting stuff on their own territory to defend itself is aggression.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm fairly certain that former is at hand too, to an extent. Maybe not that often, maybe not against KIA every time, but they can definitely be a deliberate jab at gaming communities, the undermining of their credibility masked as harmless retarded memes...The cultural war is a thing, after all, and not all gamers are conservative\/anti-SJW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HMSguy: Rahal's an idiot. Second time this year he's wrecked someone under yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@05235fd083ad408 hick yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello, L.A. Child Protective Services, me and my life partner are in the movie business and would like to adopt as many poor abandon Hispanic children as we can, we prefer all boys.. The sooner the California shit hole falls off into the ocean the better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once again Dana PeRINO reaffirming she's one of the most unctuous assholes on Fox News.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I work and it fucking sucks. bosses are fucking baby boomers that have no sense of rationale or even enough IQ points to lead anyone. Stay strong boys, do what ever the fuck you want. These people are proud to work 50-60-70 hour weeks and think they are special. fucking retards dont even have a clue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holohoax Industry News When she finally admitted it was a fabrication, she explained, \"This story is mine. It is not actually reality, but my reality, my way of surviving.\" #Jewish #Holohoax #Industry #Holocaust #Jew #Politics #Scam http:\/\/www.latimes.com\/books\/jacketcopy\/la-et-jc-invented-holocaust-memoir-20140512-story.html Repercussions are coming faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flaming faggots that publicly state how they want everything handed to them... Like fuck you dude, get off your bottom ass and do something","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pls elaborate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is Hillary the dodo bird candidate? http:\/\/t.co\/3FyoSi28Jm via @worldnetdaily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On the bright side, sounds like you have rules 1 and 2 covered. Be attractive Don't be unattractive Sadly, even if one of them made an inappropriate comment or even touched you, HR wouldn't do a damn thing about it because men are not covered under most company's sexual harassment clauses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We men enjoy the reproductive rights of paying for your abortion, the right to fund planned parenthood, the right to overpay on Obama care to fund contraception for promiscuous sluts. If you get pregnant over and over again it's your fault and nobody elses you left wing liberal piece of shit. Go be a whore. Keep spreading disease. Half of all black women have herpes. And we have the right to pay for it. You are outrageous.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolutely retarded. Most students are in class for about an hour at a time. In my high school there was one bathroom that almost no one used because it was so far from the other classrooms that no one who used it would have time to get to class. In college a girl in the dorm behind mine gave birth over night in the bathroom and threw the baby out in the dumpster. It was only found because a few mattresses were discarded and needed to be removed by hand.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh brother, protesters are at it in Washington wanting Judge Kavanaugh rejected. Even celebrities are getting involved. This is absolutely retarded of the protesters. Currently watching Fox News.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been suspended from my job at the Job Centre today over claims of racism... I'm not racist. It's just that Nigger is easier to type than Unemployed Ethnic Minority with a criminal record. Not Interested in Getting Gainful Employment Really N.I.G.G.E.R.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"City highway skyscrapers building lights yellow blue http:\/\/t.co\/kOC9uYBFqV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" United Kingdom: 'Terrifying CCTV shows moment hooded thug doused man in acid attack' before stealing his laptop' https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7394054\/bloxwich-acid-attack-video-man-robbed-laptop-chunky-grill\/ muzzie Vs white is more important than gay Vs straight. Sort that later","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this doesn t represent mental illness correctly at all, it doesn't just randomly appear its always present","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She thinks that he has no right to talk to her because he, as a security guard, is beneath her and should stick to doing his job. HR had set out a memo telling him to be more courteous and to greet all customers and he was only doing what he was told. The backlash she received instead of the support she was expecting was great. Someone even called her out by reminder her that she is a thief that stole a friends phone from their house and backed it up by posting the police report. it's not hard to disable that Yeah, that's the pathetic part","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@terrorwatchusa .....I think its about #Whites trying to be the most #Blackish ......what we in Socal call \"wiggers\". #liberals #democrats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are trash. Yo just because some retards started that men are trash bullshit doesn't mean you need to mimic their shitty idea and start your own version of it. Some women are trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm an artist too OP. I think you did a great job I'm working on a children's book with my boyfriend and eventhough I've been drawing since the 80's, sometimes when I draw Trump he looks a bit like George W. Bush So don't beat yourself up about it. Spezzed: what kind of sorry faggots downvote comments encouraging a kid's artistic abilities? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Carxlito PS3 and case is still in the trash can. idgaf anymore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wasn't always a MGTOW but for most of my life ever since I was 16, I've always had a bitter negative perspective on women and I didn't know why (not incel btw). Once I discovered MGTOW, I quickly realized that my subconscious was ahead of its time and that I have a gift many men don't have yet...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you retarded? She wore the suit throughout the French open. It was only just before usopen that the French open officials said that anything like that won't be allowed next year.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bolshevik cunt, sit the fuck down \"Everyone is a plastic Nazi\" said the cunt communist from behind his plastic cunt mask","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear retarded boy, Mommy must not be from the USA judging by your skin tone and her lack of knowledge about the 1st Amendment. Your penmanship is also terrible. Sad. Sincerely, Donald @Heartiste","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Circa 2013ish I posted about being a dyke raised southern baptist with my sunday school teacher mother. The whole thing freaked both of us out, don't act on it you're fine, etc. to eventual acceptance. I thought it was a touching story of how a mother's love could conquer anything. I was told by THEM that she deserved to be killed brutally for 'what she did to me'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ericdondero and @Fahrenheit211 You guys are Jewish. Do you LITERALLY go around saying this? I have a twat on the line who says you do lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Johann didn't have Africans to pity fuck him he would: I was the only one that voted die an incel Nah, I did too. I fucking dont like this cucky faggot but even though his updated pic looks like he's not allowed to celebrate Halloween, I dont think he would diddle kids.... maybe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My baby guinea pig is so cute #Adorable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ODIN is Santa Claus' faggot brother. GOD hates them both.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dried up twat needs to go back to Hiroshima 1944","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retard \" Steve Wilson\" fired from his Job.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you say white supremacist like its a negative thing. Without whites, there is no western civilization. Only problem with whites is that they are too weak and gullible to Jewish ideas of diversity as a strength, which its not. Best and safest places to live in US are white majority areas.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The realest shit there ever was. I'm 186cm. I honestly prefer tall women. You should see the reaction of some of my female friends and colleagues , who prefer tall men, when they learn that I prefer women who are at least 165cm or taller but as long as they aren't taller than me. They think that it is okay for women to take a preference but it is the end of the world if I, a man, have one too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many shemales in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also communists assumed class to be the main axis of oppression, which is far more sane than intersectionality with crazy new privileges getting invented every month (e.g. \"vanilla privilege ). Wtf is vanilla privelege? We talking sex or ice cream here? I guess BDSM related, vanilla is what you call a non-fetish person. Probably the most non-privilege ever seeing as a kinky person can enjoy vanilla sex while also having the variety of whatever else they're into. Theres little social stigma surrounding alternative sexuality nowadays also. I would say the privilege boot belongs on the other foot. >So they act like NPCs by following their programming even when they don't want their programming to succeed. That explains the derangement. I'd go crazy too if I knew I couldn't stop my own programming. You see it on twitter. I used to think they were just addicted to social media because of the amount of bellowing they do about not being able to quit it, or about how much Trump upsets then but they can't stop reading the articles about him. Turns out they're just on rails Lol I read \"conformist\" as \"communist.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of trans people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And Justine Truedough, like the fairy gay faggot he is, will comply without a whimper.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we must believe credible survivors of CANNIBALISM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AyMrCarter: Apologies trash.. What's understood ain't gotta be explained","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea buddy RT @YallJustDontKno: A lot of NBA trash talk going on","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That spic is an honorary aryan!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4 old hoes, a ponk, and a dyke outchea having \"girl talk\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Based nigger telling the truth... color me surprised. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hookers acquire these facial muscles from sucking nigger dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger kids will grab everything out a candy container ppl leave out on halloween.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America is white trash and so are all Americans.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland is very proud of being weird. The cities slogan, after all, is \"Keep Portland Weird.\" I live about 20 miles away but wish I lived much farther away. LOL It has become a disgusting place since I was born in it 80 years ago, up on Pill Hill. It's a downward trend that seems to have hit all cities of any size. Here is a pic of Portland's police chief, Danielle Outlaw, I kid you not . . . Outlaw. Kinda' explains the innaction of her flunkies on the street when help is needed against a pack of thugs. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/08\/antifa-takes-over-portland-harasses-old-man-for-disobeying\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's one for u. Food stamps are a govt subsidies that by every empirical obs produces nigger shit. Govt doesn't pay for toilet paper, tooth paste, deoderant. Nothing for hygene. Crazy huh? It's as if they want a plauge or pestilence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are human garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That Chinese cunt should be shipped to Canton","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kangaroo fucking faggot hippy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of gay people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"haha the nigger being a nigger got niggered.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tilt my chin back, slit my throat, take a bath in my blood, get to know me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Praises Jeff Flake After Calling Him Pathetic' Just Three Days Before http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/01\/jeffrey-toobin-praises-jeff-flake\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Deplorable_Satoshi I delete to shatter comment threads for the lulz.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy shit if that isnt the result of some bestiality. A nigger and a jew, thing should be in a zoo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't care if Kavanaugh is confirmed, I don't care if Trump wins again so he can give out more tax breaks. I care that our guys are being railroaded into prison and no one is doing anything about it. You should. If he is denied the left will be emboldened with more to come. If Trump isn't reelected we're back on track to be brought down to 3rd world status, more muslims imported and the one world government they've been planning. Yeah, you should care.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"actually black guys rape 70-90 year old women, so it's entirely possible that if she were to go to a hood nigger infested area, she might be raped. i just think the old boomertards are wrong when they say \"hurrr you're too ugly to get raped.\" tell that to the great-grandmother who got raped and stabbed by the teenager. it's not unheard of in the diverse parts of town.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All primarily populated by blacks. Of course, Sweden has been destroyed by blacks, as well. They imported the muslims, and 'the Kalergi plan' being to NEVER actually assimilate or contribute, but rather to destroy the white culture and peoples. Yes, there is a difference between races. If Sweden would keep and actually disclose the accurate numbers for WHO is committing all those rapes? Of course we know, without a doubt, that it is the nigger muslims. But Sweden -- just as the UK -- doesn't 'keep those statistics' ... Of course, best of all? Go ahead. Criticize the nigger muslims. Criticize government for betraying people by forcing the nigger muslims in. And end up in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another FAGGOT @BrianNasty is MUTED The way I keep getting hit with same post every day I think it's the same Faggot over and over I think he's creating more accounts with different names A week ago the posts began as an introduction as the tranny porn guy then went into the boomer bashing Same Exact post every time Why I think it's the same faggot each time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God I wish this faggot would try this with my glorious American flag danglin of my front porch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? Blown out O ring ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jemelehill: Just saw Dawn of The Planet of the Apes. One of the better moves I've seen this year. I didn't know if I wanted the apes or ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Garin: \"A day without laughter is a day wasted.\" ~Charlie Chaplin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua You would think that for once you'd be happy. A Conservative agenda means not on your welfare dime. #NeverHappyEver \"You would think that for once you'd be happy. A Conservative agenda means not on your welfare dime. #NeverHappyEver\"- A conservative agenda means the LEGAL Genocide of Whites, vs the Illegal Genocide of Whites(democrat version). #Cuckservativeretards When have so called conservatives ever stopped providing gibs for muds? You're just a leftshit pimp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Laurie your mind will melt when you see more of the daily retardation these bonobo down syndrome blacks pedal. Whenever a truck overturns these down syndrome bonobo ants swarm and loot. I've seen them collect spilt sugar in engine oil. Then they ate it and got violently ill. No brains whatsoever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Yaoooooooo @yea_im_JAMAICAN: Mawnin yardies! \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can anyone watch that and not see four retarded demons ? If you know anyone buying that B'S stay far away as they are mentally ill ( family or not )","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As an SJW, it is the right of black people to rob and kill me. To not allow them is a white privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#PacerNation 4\/4 on the road! Perfect way to continue after #iubb have finished #NBA #Pacers #indiana #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/ ROFLMAO You're Outed Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SO MUCH FOR THE 'ALT-WHITE' ORGANIZER OF CHARLOTTESVIlLE 'UNITE THE RIGHT' Disingenuous meme What is your evidence that @TheMadDimension is a jew? EDIT - Jason informed me that he wasn't in occupy, it's just a myth. His being a supporter of Occupy has long been known. Occupy started out as an anti-globalist, anti-military industrial complex movement, hey just like Trump said he was. It was also anti-banker. Then just like with what happened to the Tea Party Movement, Occupy was infiltrated by professional crazies and traitors and destroyed. Next, the ACLU support free speech and did so to assist UTR. Now to the implication of the meme, to 'scare' people because Kessler was a lefty. Who cares. lots of our people started out on the left, before they grew up a little and dropped the utopian love fest values that infest our teen years and our twenties. It's part of growing up (unless you're a sociopath to begin with, or aren't very political and grew up in a right wing family). Once you get older, you realise that there is no left and right, there is only Wrong and White. My guess is that the person that created this meme is an anti-white trying to cause pointless infighting and dissension, because Kessler seems to be a doer. There're a lot of Aussies that look like him too, they're not jewish. Over here, it's usually a Scots-Irish and English ancestry mix for those kinds of guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His Name is Joshua Kidd: White Air Force Tech Sgt. Murdered by Black Burglar Near Shreveport, Louisiana http:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/09\/his-name-is-joshua-kidd-white-air-force.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... God Referred to Niggers as, \"the Beast of the Field\" and Jesus Called Jews... You do Know that you are a Complete idiot, Right, ... @nazisucks: ... and Jesus was No Jew, he was the Son of God, and in the Earthly Form of the Original White israelites... Again for the Low 68 IQ (Borderline Retard) idiot known as @nazisucks: ... Jesus was a White israelite, and don't believe a Word the Jews Tell you about any Role they Played in Christian History, as the only Truth about them is that they had Jesus Killed, b\/c he was a Goyim Threat... Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...a White Israelite! Bahahahahahahaha! No, Jesus was a Kike. Odin is more real than the Kike, Jesus. You will never truly be a White Nationalist until you renounce your Kike cult. Now go fuck yourself, race traitor. Fuck that Kike faggot, Jesus. ODINISM IS SOME FAKE CRAP INVENTED IN THE 90'S BY SATANIC KIKES, and your profile pic proves it. previous screen names \"G33\" (masonic), \"blackmoonlord666\"....and (((who))) loves the f-bomb? nothing ever changes and none of you #odinuts will ever surprise me. We only discovered it,in the 90s and it kept me from growing up into a wigger trap pants-sagging piece of shit like everyone else, in my high school.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fellow white women, have a heart. Give your guns, your income, and your freedom to me. If you don't, you are \"too far gone . She is a Jewish \"comedian who hates white people, but constantly pretends to be white. she's nobody.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BeattyJustin @KYOppCoalition I am one proud hillbilly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barack Obama said he would have won the 2016 presidential election against Donald Trump, do you agree? https:\/\/thefreevoluntarist.blogspot.com\/2016\/12\/barack-obama-claims-he-would-have-won.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These women disgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FOX and friends: Federal judge says the State Department provided false statements to derail lawsuits over Hillary Clinton's private email server https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1052889530834059264","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahahah holy fuck I just imagine a bunch of angry feminists protesting against nature. Just a bunch of fat pinkhair dykes standing in the middle of the forest with their signs: *\"Nature is sexist! Nature is the patriarchy!\"* - *\"Nature has been oppressing for all time!\"*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanye West is not a #TokenNegro - He's a Woken Negro - #WokenNegro #Kanye #MAGA Demofarts are shitting themselves! A woke activated black man has risen. Oy the sound of melting snowflakes! The entire MSM is absolutely tripping over itself right now trying to find ways to paint Kanye as \"insane\" or \"in need of help\" - when they aren't just blatantly calling him \"house negro\" or \"nigger\" for daring to leave the plantation.... I guess MSM are taking their cue from the French -calling Marine Le Pen mentally unstable and demanding she go for treatment. Calling a woke black person a house nigger or an Uncle Tom is so worn out -even they know it -but they still reflexively go there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like how she immediately cut the bullshit. 10\/10 will giggle again Yeah, she shut right the fuck up. Sweet. I'm actually impressed. Most people can't really control themselves that quickly after being tased. She went full compliant ASAP. Kinda makes me question how much of it was an 'emotional outburst' as opposed to fucking shit up because she knew she could do it and likely get away with it? While I certainly do enjoy this particular video and without a doubt think she deserves it for having the gall to tell a cop she isn't going to drop her weapon, I do agree with you. The way i personally see it is that this isn't a person who thinks she will get away with it because shes a woman, it is a moment of rage. I think this is more of a \"justice served\" situation This kinda pushes the boundaries of \"pussypassdenied\" IMHO and contributes to the notion that this sub is just people who like watching women get fucked up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We would be better off if this virus was eradicated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, good comment. But I bet the twat just sneaks back in under a different name","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Proud to be technomasculine! Fuck ya'll technofaggots. Competent at technology? How is that not something to be proud of?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tom Arnold Challenges Trump to a Fight - Issues Thinly Veiled Beheading Threat \"Next Time Kathy Won't be Holding His Fake Head!\" https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/tom-arnold-challenges-trump-to-a-fight-issues-thinly-veiled-beheading-threat-next-time-kathy-wont-be-holding-his-fake-head\/ via @gatewaypundit This fuckin loser can't even get work selling reverse mortgages....lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't wait for them to find out that we eat faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"somebody take these Oreos away from me before I eat the whole pack","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"We're out here, and we're queer!\"\" 2, 4, 6, hut! We like it in our butt!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BRIAN KILMEAD IS A BIT OF A TOOL, BUT DON LEMON IS THE MOST VISCOUSE ANCHOR I HAVE EVER SEEN. WHAT A LITTLE,IM GONNA FINALLY SAY IT FAGGOT. Faggot nigger. I fixed it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Drfreezeburnn @DaithiDeNogla I just learned how many retards you can find when you search trending topics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Black__Elvis: My favorite episode of Friends is the one where blacks mysteriously vanish and unemployed white people find affordable ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SwaggVerified_: @TyJust_DoIt @Satisfied_x @Doit_LikeTre @_roeee but cant nobody at yall pep rally out jigg me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's only natural for a queer like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that black people are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Circus Freak has complications involving pee pee removal surgery. What a surprise! https:\/\/pagesix.com\/2018\/10\/16\/jazz-jennings-suffered-complications-following-gender-confirmation-surgery\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"maybe but it'll be LEGENDARY when she does. tae-chan is the one looking retarded in the image.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/8KUzaPFCMF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Geraldo Says Migrant Caravan Not a Threat Hours After They Tear Down Border Wall, Storm Mexico https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/geraldo-says-migrant-caravan-not-threat-hours-tear-border-wall-storm-mexico\/?utm_source=Twitterandutm_medium=PostTopSharingButtonsandutm_content=2018-10-22andutm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So Jordan Peterson weighed in on Kavanaugh. Peterson says Kavanaugh should resign if confirmed. I wholeheartedly disagree. Wow - so Peterson thinks unsubstantiated baseless charges should be able to destroy a man's life without any corroboration? Just wow. https:\/\/twitter.com\/jordanbpeterson\/status\/1048320826376740865 I'll give you 3 guesses and the first two don't count. What virtue is he fucking signalling? What is there to virtue signal about? Can someone explain this to me please? Kavo did nothing wrong! That probably makes sense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what this CUNT just described, comes STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOOK RULES FOR RADICALS BY SAUL ALINSKY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crocodile smile.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mpoindc: Wow, Henry Waxman gets caught in a CLASSIC Charlie LeDuff segment after Charlie comes to DC for today's GM hearing: http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol laying in bed with my wife, just showed her this. She said \"mmmmmmhm. Don't EVEN try.\" I \"BBBRRRRRRRRBRBRBRBRBRBRBB'd\". Did not receive fellatio. Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Paulyy2 nah some honkey lookin dude at chr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"keep crying Uh huh. A real river of tears over here, sport. we just have to filter it and africa will never have water needs anymore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"white womyn must divorce themselves completely from white men\" Now which stage of genocide is this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" What a goodly city this once was... \" LONDON = LIONS DEN (Diversity Is Strength Edition) Salt Mine News Network https:\/\/youtu.be\/sw1iWHr7PRM Try this in Texas. You'll be missing 4 or 5 third-world, African thieves. We'll just kill you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Settle down Chuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I posted this meme and some f*ckin feminist went off on me...lol I sent her this and said the word cunt is the least of feminist worries!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My ears hurt. Watch the caps, dude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You will find @idler that people may engage with you more if you were less cryptic. Here nobody can be sure whether you are laughing at or with the twat Linehan? I suspect with but I could be wrong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Civil disobedience is still disobedience. Just do as your asked, you dumb cunt. Fuckin' sick of the retards that run their mouth, talk shit and resist calling police brutality. Hey! Guess what?! The police are allowed to use force if you're resisting, and specially if you assault them first, to any degree.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger you can swear here. Jesus fucking Christ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ever notice the similarities between these words? gender genital androgen estrogen and#x200B; Don't be a retard. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's get rid of trans people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. Can't believe anyone would actually vote for that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If someone does not realize the Truth, this is it. White men FACTUALLY have built every proper society, and Jews have always been parasitical cancer. This is a FACT. The RACIST Jews have brainwashed people of the opposite of the Truth, just like the Holohoax. Whatever the Jew accuseth, they are guilty. All wars are Jew wars and all genocides have been done by the askeNAZI JEWS. NAZI JEWS father is the devil. People are jealous of white people and the Jew has inverted this! Give me your opinion of this truth. Attacks on the Truth will be met with authority. I am not a racist. I am a liberal white male so obviously it is impossbile for me to be racist. All Jews and Democrats are BLATANTLY RACIST and SEXIST PIGS! But they are retarded and cannot actually understand what a FACT IS! This is a real problem since they are all programmed monkey brains. The masses do not need FACTS to believe anything anymore, so they can be programmed with complete lies like we all started out Black. If we did, then exactly how did we get white then? When a interacial couple produce a kid, the kid is no longer white. They can get blacker, but the white is gone. It is not the other way around. So your theory is the opposite of the truth. But that takes common sense which is not so common.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"didnt he apologize to this cunt ?????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AlexAllTimeLow @JackAllTimeLow Please stay safe you guys! I love you so much, I hoe to one day meet you guys! happy Halloween :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ROFL! Wow, we're all shaking in our boots now! We're more worried about when you all go full retard and start suicide bombing... Felafel is the least of our worries... Besides, I've always been a grilled steak and potatoes guy anyway, you can have your fancy fried dog food...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can downvote but cant formulate a response. Typical leftist retard(s). I disagree that's why I keep repeating myself. Its retarded. Any terrorist can claim human rights violations then. I have nothing more to say. I don't understand why this wouldn't apply to every single minor that's a terrorist currently. Why don't we pay all of them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt is a Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If black people like you refuse to fit in, they should suffer for it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, but mention Muslims and you get locked out for a week! Or mention Ike's Operation Wetback and gt locked out for a week and called \"HATEFUL\"!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Proud Boys being led by a faggot Antfia Soy Boys being led by a Million Faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"see this would of been on i would of cut lose from the tree. 20 yrs ago we were past the nigger thing niggers are dumb and forget i guess","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We are doing better, Author. It's not hard to do better than a regressive twat like yourself, after all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As bad as the Communists are: Radical Conservatives will vote for and support a giant police state that can then be handed over to the Communists. Let me guess you'd rather have a radical liberal democrat police state which Obummer already had rolling big time vs a conservative state which tries to let you have some rights. Killary would of had us in WW3 by now, by design.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"German authorities may be politically correct in many cases, but that generally does not extend to cover Americans. @PravdaPast","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shoot yourself in the face with a shotgun you fucking silly cocksucker. Don't be jealous just because your life sucks greasy ass and you are a miserable faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GAB Management has been totally irresponsible in providing a forum for unabashed Nazis and antiSemites. There are limits to free speech, and a mute button is NOT the answer. There's nothing socially healthy about the free public exchange of blatant hate speech. Where do these people come from? They are born form your asshole spewing stupid shit from your face BOY.... Now, see, I'm muting these haters. Then I never see their ugly comments again. Or, I can be on twitter, getting banned for saying \"illegal aliens while people like Farrakhan stays with his blue check after comparing Jews to termites. I prefer to decide for myself rather than have an SJW decide for me. Also, many of these are trolls trying to make Gab look as if there are only White Supremacists on here. I assure you that isn't true. But they do come out and attack when they see a post like yours. Now they'll attack me, except I'm going to mute their degenerate asses first.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are a group of gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The history of africa before the white man is one of famine, starvation, and genocide\" Exactly! That's why the nigger population was so small and manageable before the White colonists showed up. But when Africa is under Chink colonial rule there won't be any more of that compassion bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wanna puke,when I see a white bitch with a nigger. And kill them both. A thousand generations of Whites, eventually building the greatest civilization the Earth has ever known. Thrown away by screwing some savage beast. A few generations ago these mud-hut, grub-eating niggers didn't know a written language or understand the wheel, if not for generous Whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/OnlineMagazin\/status\/1047102814047096832","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This.. from back in April says a lot. This says so much about her... https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/wCO90F9 Yeah, I saw that one later too. What a bitter, bitter human.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these athletes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This piece of shit cunt can not win Stop her !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm with you on this one, it is a pretty retarded ruling. Prosecutor really screwed the pooch but knowing central Washington State the way I do, I'm not surprised.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Jews and Democrats have no shame! They can only LIE! But their constituents are so RETARDED they do not know!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least this retard gets put in his place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dont ruin the joke you bitter cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"do you guys think this really fits this sub's description, i mean is there a situation where you imagine this happening to some guy and then he confronts his significant other about it and she says 'well i'm a girl! i get to do things like this!' and then the guy says under his breath 'insufferable pussy pass, curse you and your inequality' oh wait no none of that makes any sense you're all just braindead ogres","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sodomite Cardinal Wuerl Given Promotion: Now Likely Number Three Most Powerful Faggot in Antichurch | Barnhardt https:\/\/www.barnhardt.biz\/2018\/10\/12\/sodomite-cardinal-wuerl-given-promotion-now-likely-number-three-most-powerful-faggot-in-antichurch\/ Been sayin' this all along bro. He just shuffles his homos around into better positions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are neither semitic nor are they real Jews. They were converted in the 7th century and were descedents from Attila the Hun not abraham. They really are barbarians! Jews are LYING sewage! So you are telling me you hear my original phrases alot? I sincerely doubt it as nobody told me these things, I came up with them myself! Unlike you I actually come up original thought. As far as the Jew thing I most certainly am not. Jews are almost all completely RETARDED RACIST PIGS! Thank god I have a functioning brain, Jews are blithering idiots! Bigotry Refusal to engage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's supposedly a Destiny 2 fan, and he pisses other people off in that fandom by writing nonsense articles about which weapons need to be nerfed. Some ppls made a career out of writting garbage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against sports. Just niggers. One other thing, Have you ever noticed how white football player's career(especially at the QB position) trajectories in college and the NFL are usually longer and more successful than their nigger counterparts? I wonder why that is ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that \"all black people are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Biden only got 1% when he ran for Presidency, what do you think stupid nigger Booker will get? I will place my odds at","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I pray for this day and night -- Trump needs stream it to Pay-per-View, get his wall funds in two days. I want to witness them breaking rocks into smaller rocks, getting waterboarded, and prison shanked... Up to the day of their tribunal and execution. I want to see them place the rope around their necks and see their feet twitching... Then I will be able to sleep again knowing it will be at least another 50-60 years before they test the waters in America once more... I hope we can all witness that together.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's right. He should've hit her harder. Give the pudgy little cunt a few months with a broken jaw to think about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you pro niggers act like your sumthing with your purchased followers. You guys give money and made the hardware network and the coders pay, and thx for that. But us anons that care, do what we do bc we want to correct this mess that your blind servatude brought us to. You may be Eastwood's, but we are Lee majors. https:\/\/youtu.be\/BmIsMzyohqM There is nothing more disgusting to me than straight white guys being offended by faggot, nigger, spic or other racial insults","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you faggot little sissy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you fuck you you stupid cheating bitch go lick a dick and die ur a stupid nigger bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Muslims like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Globalism is socialism which is communism which is Judaism! Ism is the dead Jew giveaway! I know, he's in retard stage. Posts all these stories bitching about Dems and Globalists, who also happen to be Jews, but doesn't make the connection, it's actually hitlarious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't be this fucking retarded right","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't the word redneck racist in itself?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This sub is full of pathetic mysoginist cunts. And I only discovered it 20 mins ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's how every retarded degenerate straight out predatory concept is initially introduced.. A joke.. An innocent depiction, perhaps some understanding.. LOUD AND CLEAR, STAY AWAY FROM CHILDREN. Period","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ninja be like im not even outta the closet yet, and every real gamer already knows im a fag kids this gun grabbing doucebag faggot is not cool,never ever let the fake media lead you to believe this fuckin dork is cool, hes got blue hair try that in real life and get made fun of for being a fuckin faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ghostattics: \"what can banks do to show engagement with the queer community?\" \"HIRE TRANS WOMEN\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this where the Nazis congregate these days?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very new here and this is my first post. I am not here for popularity but I will defend Israel and its people every chance I get. Why do they occupy your brain 24\/ you need a hobby or better yet convert to Christ Prove it. Let me fuck yo wife shabbos. \"We get eternal Jeebus reach arounds in heaven if we worship the kikes\" = AIDS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Child pornography is images of actual children engaged in or simulating sexual conduct ***or exhibiting their genitalia.*** which is what that faggot had. A loli kid showing her naked genitals","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calling out teabaggers, conservatives on their BS: http:\/\/t.co\/l8Qx8RMjrG via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"* * * FALSE FLAG EVENT * * * Okay, how stupid do people think us gabbers are? First 'fake bombs' and now a white moose! This is just another ploy by the 'DS' to bring Trump down! Just because this moose is snow-white, we all know its just another dirty trick! \"You can put white paint on a moose, its still just a moose wearin white paint! https:\/\/youtu.be\/1CESEbTFvRg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a womn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And he's not responsible for what he's doing Cause his mother made him what he is And it's up against the wall Redneck Mother Mother, who has raised her son so well Drives a fifty-seven GMC pickup truck He's got a gun rack\"Goat ropers need love, too\" sticker...https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WI1sTyaErW0andindex=4andlist=RDEhN2E4hRDKk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First of all, that's a survey of who people think that they're racist, not one that shows they're actually racist. How did this get 20 upvotes and the guy calling it out get downvoted? This subreddit is fucking retarded sometimes. Second of all, Rasmussen, lmao Can't even come up with your own insults. I revise my earlier prediction of a 60 IQ. You are clearly in the 40-50 range. I hope you are in a group home and have all of your needs met. See you at the special olympics! > Can't even come up with your own insults. Yeah I'm sure you invented triggered and soy boy. Christ, imagine posting on Reddit as much as you do? And I thought some of the other retards online had no life. But you're something else. I hope you find some friends to spend time with. And imagine unironically looking at Donald Trump and thinking, \"yeah, this guy should be President\" and calling other people low IQ? Wew lad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Avenatti hit with $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"does anyone really give a damn that another muzzie bit the dust at the hands of another muzzie in a muzzie country ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this cunt is in deep shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good News! Violent #AntifaFaggot Caleb Gibrahn Perkins was arrested in (((NYC))) last night for felony robbery and misdemeanor assault. The violent faggot leads #Antifa in New York City which is funded by (((Soros)).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol no shit? Wow! Seriously? A billionaire business man smoozed with politicians? OMG this changed everything! Now tell me how he sold shit made in China! Sarcasm level: 10 You're a fucking retard huh? Take your commie Hillary loving ass to Twitter faggot this is Trump country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AmandaMarcotte: Not all men interrupt women to quibble over irrelevant issues for the sole purpose of derailing a conversation, he sa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not a mediocre cunt I just like annoying cunts like you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I miss being able to call GiGi a nigger on Twitter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same thing in CA. We voted to NOT end the gas tax and my local city voted to raise the tax on clean water. They both won by huge margins. These people are retarded. Half claim they're to poor to live here, then vote to lose more money?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @redsteeze: Just like Rhodes, he says this with a straight face because he knows the press lets him get away with it. There's your fake news problem in a nutshell. https:\/\/t.co\/vwPS5nBXC2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yet I can refute every stupid thing U say retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoever voted Green Party is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arrest This Treasonous Pervert","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"USA Map: States that provide in-state tuition for Illegal Aliens","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of disabled people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mr Lewis I have a modicum of respect for but Slatty Dave is just another nigger cocksucker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmm....what happened to the retard who had posted to me saying \"Jews are white\"? I can't find his post anymore. Maybe others already set him straight.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know why, but it's strange\/funny to that you typed \"N-word\" instead of nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/vicente-fox-backs-beto-hope-every-mexican-is-going-to-vote-for-you\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remind them that Jesus, Mother Teresa (the cunt), and Buddha were also single. The goddamn Pope is single too. Teresa was single because she was a nutty cunt.. stay away from those","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not make gay people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at this coon ass nigga here..... Standing on a damn toilet, looking around for his manhood... http:\/\/t.co\/3WyPsnRLu3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of disabled people will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@phishlicia I'm 5'8 fag ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">\"it was my friend not me,\" Just goes to show how these bitches have NO fucking integrity. Had American Airlines asked her for her friends Name and Address she would have given it to them, knowing damn well her friend didn't do shit. Glad she got arrested. So what you said wasn't unoriginal, argumentative, unimaginative, slow witted, attention starved, pitiful, misogynist at all? Your a fucking hypocrite dude you go on a sub you know it's going to have a few people who don't agree with you but look what you do you have to dumbass about it. In the end your just a unoriginal, argumentative, unimaginative, slow witted, attention starved, pitiful, misogynist nobody. Have a nice day you kind (faggot) person :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL just another useless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vote Red. Trump voters in a nutshell: All bark and no bite But guess what? He's still your president. LMFAO!!! I would like you to type \"popular vote 2016\" into your Google search bar. I'd like you to type in your favorite search engine \"Vile bitter unmarriable women, scream at Trump with their Pussy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ID KILL TO PROTECT USA BORDERS OVER SAND NIGGER BORDERS ANY DAY! BE ADVISED BEANER PEOPLE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sent ideas in to VOEM , they only seem to wanna hold testing\/drills in nice weather, we need to run mock incidents in bad weather, night,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that all black people are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump = Jewish Trump = Zionist Trump = Israel First Americans = retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got a new #boycott for all you peeps today: #CapitalOne, all of its credit cards. Recent commercial shows an -level male kissing his nigger whore oildriller gf on the jumbotron at a basketball game. Apparently, he proposed to her in the script, which would constitute bestiality. Do you want a credit card that advocates the destruction of our race? Hope not-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, they won't work. They'll get virtue signalled in and then start the lawsuits. Nothing will be good enough for them. Parasites gotta parasite. And that is exactly what most of them will be! Virtue signalling suicide. I already see the lawsuits for not enough prayer time or halal foods. You deserve everything you get Amazon. I have been boycotting Amazon for 9 or 10 months now! They can die an ignoble death for all I care! Congrats girl. I get closer and closer every day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@panchoftf red and yellow it should be then","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"trans people are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When your ideas are all bad, but your emotions are even worse. Thursday 11\/8 11:54 AM \"All men are such fucking scum, I hate them, they are disgusting and awful. I need to text my BFF Stacy to calm myself down.\" Thursday 11\/8 11:56 AM \"WHY IS THAT CUNT WHORE STACY NOT RETURNING MY TEXTS? I FUCKING HATE HER. Oh no, there's Chad, he'll see me crying into my smoothie and think I'm a nutcase. Why can't I ever find a cute, nice, stylish guy with a great job and apartment like him? God I need a boyfriend, I've never felt more alone!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is something you may consider buying from a security company who has a proven record of keeping peoples personal data secure ..but you have to be an absolute retard to buy this from a notoriously known data mining company.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Smug lolis get more smug every time some faggot gets triggered over drawings. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=28sF2-amfMI That's true. It's funny how they don't mind stuff being censored when they don't like it. If a person is truly for free speech they defend the speech they don't like not just the speech they do like. Personally I find all the \"It's always Jews fault\" stuff super retarded but people are free to post it and I won't push for it to be banned because I disagree with it. The people who actually look for stuff to complain about are the worst kind of authoritarian puritan-fags. Don't like it... don't look. It's that easy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"mccaskill's a lying ass nigger she takes money to kill babies, that's a nigger no matter what the skin color is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That nigger is so worthless. He performs for the Jews as some \"smart negro. He says stupid shit all the time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the Fonda's were liberal rags! The retarded children just took it steps further!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Harley Miss You and all the Patriots so much. Dum ass Twitter kicked me off going after far left libs. Please tell everyone I miss them. Found Robin on here! I can still see your non private posts in Twat land. Keep up the good fight. Always. Jeff.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't believe these disabled people, thinking I won't murder every one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"once a Muslim Nigger, always a Muslim Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a muzzie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, you can, you just look like a FUK-KIN RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should just fuckin shoot the cunt with the wheelbarrow too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's the quote from the nigger athlete about how Hitler respected him more than the American president did?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Important PSA to frequent visitors of Free Speech Group: Because of the lefts new onslaught of attacks against @a and @Gab, Gab will likely be down come Monday morning and remain that way for a few weeks while Gab tries to find a new host. Love you and hope to see you all posting again soon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Don't look now, but the Browns are in sole possession of 1st place in the AFC North. The Cleveland Browns. http:\/\/t.co\/C3 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When They Go Low - We Go High ~ Michelle Obama #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #ConfirmKavanaugh #StandWithKavanaugh #RedNationRising #MAGA #KAG #GABFAM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this rich-bitch is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol I like it that you treated us like retards like we couldnt figure out to change men to women. Pretty funny actually.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Former Canadian PM Harper Doesn't Fear Trump, But Bernie Sanders And Extremist' Dems https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/13\/harper-doesnt-fear-trump-sander-extremist-dems\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I SMELL A RAT WITH THE CLINTON, OBAMA, SOROS, CNN EXPLOSIVE DEVICE STORY Styxhexenhammer666 https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/gnKtvqiOo9Q\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheGreatGoose your still here? WTF DUDE LMFAO CRAZY SHIT!! your like a faggot Nazi's likes gettin cornhole by mixed races HUH!! LMFAO its take everyone make a US citizens #freaks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#NowPlaying : BT feat. Tori Amos - Blue Skies (radio edit) on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS LOUD MOUTHED NIGGER IS A NOTHING, AND NEVER WILL BE EXCEPT AN ENEMY OF OUR NATION AND WE THE PEOPLE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SPIN: Disturbed singer removes chin piercing, says he's tired of looking like \"45-year-old Hot Topic kid https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/Cxs5zPO.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/TQ7J","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @vodkapapixo: Black girls have never been into me. I guess cause I don't call them hoes, sell drug's or shoot niggas o well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fugly diseased cunt speaks, fouls the air. Fuck off, walking STD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always unbelievably cringey when neckbearded soyboy cucks try to sound intimidating. This is the kind of neckbearded hipster faggot that writes for the New York Times- not because he's any good but because he's the guy they want us to white males be. If I got vermin like this little shit on a shoe, I would burn it so it couldn't get away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to abandon activist bloggers masquerading as 'journalists', as they are actively ruining the entire profession of journalism by trying to \"educate\" us. You're not a writer, you're a bitter cunt who will never achieve anything REMOTELY close to Lovecraft or anybody else for that matter, Sam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hear you, its just so insane to see them through their lives and culture away, I have a step daughter that thankfully I dont have contact with but shes a nigger lover, one put her in hospital, she miscarried etc yet shes one of those dirty White girls that does blacks.....not welcome in our home!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"agreed, they're unintentionally adorable Or a litter of dog-girl puppies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't you folks at the @washingtonpost try it for a few weeks and see if you have any readers left? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/KHCt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah and GLR also said it's too late for that. \"try to explain to the charging bull nigger how he'll be better off amongst his own people without getting free shit from you, like the dumb fucking thing can even understand what you're saying or cares.\" https:\/\/archive.is\/iuxJ9","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Best way to combat piracy is first to find out why people are pirating. There are legit reasons some do. Others just want free stuff those ones more than likely would of never given you money.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Shy bladder group protests Rob Lowe DIRECTV ad... http:\/\/t.co\/d5YxglIoKL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the women around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let any trans person live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This American woman is facing prison in the Fascist state that is Britain. Her crime? She hoped someone would \"have a gay day\". Gays are happy to put Christians out of business. But straight people must shut up and just accept they are third class citizens. I never thought I'd see this day. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0-U9Vt_6Yy4 What a loon. I've been on Gab for 2 years. Never seen this once. In fact, I'm glad to say I've never seen any porn on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot looking brother fucking asshole let me talk to him!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why does this pencil necked bespectacled cunt still have his job? What am I missing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Best of all? Not a nigger in sight.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 am and my nigger neighbors are chimping out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@megynkelly I don't understand the need for multiple autopsies. I guess they're going to keep on until they can slant 1 against the officer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @terri_georgia: Charlie Crist Leads Rick Scott In a Florida Governor's Race Where Every Vote Will Matter http:\/\/t.co\/FWUH5pVnjk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and by blacks you mean as long as their black asses where in the house before the sun went down they yep they were 100% in favor of nigger rights","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A trans life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes. There are many retarded Boomers who believe everyone to their Right is being paid to make \"true conservatives look bad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Self righteous cunt boomer. Typical and predictable. You cunts ruined the white world and then you claim that your grand children are responsible. I can't wait till the boomers are all finally dead, due to old age. Would have been better if boomers were put in camps instead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poor white trash mom spends family vacation at Disney world. Gets pissed when everyone else in the world does likewise Name sounds white, but the note sounds very black. i'm white, and I assumed she's white.. and you can tell she's trashy. 2+2 = white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have watched the video that sparked this apology. In it you can hear from the context that no one present actually found Ryan's use of the word faggot to be all that noteworthy, including Ryan himself, and they pretty much just had a laugh about it. The apology misrepresents the situation completely and I'm convinced that it was just created in response to SJW whining and bitching. Now I grant you that that is already a fuck-up on his or the company's part, but this incident doesn't accurately depict their personal viewpoint. You know what else is really easy? Not being a massive faggot and throwing a little bitch-fit over words. > Whites should get lynched, and gamers should be enslaved and castrated. > > > > Don't get triggered over words, subhuman. Oh look, another violent, bigoted regressive leftist. Here's a juice box, dear. You mom should be by to pick you up from your communist LARP in a couple of hours. Now get out and stay out. A lot of us have 4chan roots. Over there the word is practically synonymous as a means of addressing someone or calling someone a dick. It has almost no punch there because it's used so commonly. Someone calling you a faggot there is the equivalent of someone telling you here to stop being stupid. Nothing to do with your sexuality at all lmao faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can see him just suck up the first one. His head twitches in recognition of the blow. You can almost see him think \"did this bitch? I swear if she\" and then the second blow lands and instinct and anger take over and he puts her down. It may not be right for security or cops to act like this, but it is hilarious and well deserved in any other scenario between two civilians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's gonna be really hard for both Collins and Manchin to back down on Kavanaugh after today. With them on board, you don't even need that contemptible Alaska cunt and Beta boy Flake, just Mike Pence to break the tie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. If you don't like Gab. Change what you're doing. Follow different people. Force people you don't want following you to Unfollow. Find Groups and Topics you like to find like minded Gabbers. Block paid and mentally retarded trolls. And spend at least one Twitter account playing #opNPC and share your best bits with us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SELF-HATING WHITE CUCKS ON PARADE How about we give black people real education\/training\/jobs. Show them they can be proud of American life, that they don't need \"thug life\". How about we call just them Americans, brothers and sisters, and people who don't need a plantation. They don't need you if they have freedom. We will end the poverty and ignorance, and we will help those in the black community with real potential to become real leaders without race bating. We're gonna give that too them and YOU DEMOCRATS CANNOT STOP US.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical fag behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#RebelScience ......is using an ACTUAL WOMAN as a genetic engineering lab for \"all natural clones\"..... or something...... #faggot #rome","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Naturally! @Ricotta is the account. Routinely makes such statements. Active in pagan topics. Over 400 followers, Pro account, established in Sept","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seems about right with all the goddamned faggots on reddit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christianity didn't kill anyone. Evil men using religion as a excuse to kill and conquer for the power and monetary riches they coveted. And most religions have been used the same way. I find religious texts to be the first self help books.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a retard?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger used OVER 500,000,000 times\/year. Sorry, Until it is removed from all rap music all social media and all common every day language by blacks get over it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On optics: The only White Nationalists who'll meet the standard of \"ottica immacolata\" are those who'll never be seen. Perhaps that is the goal. This is the result. @Alex_Linder @Cantwell @SirBoring","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's precious gifts, stupid shit, and no one wants your Slavic, allied kike blood. Lol, Slavs are White and we shall remain White. And our lands are White and will remain White. Your Germany has become public toilet for any and all subhumans. Because you are dumb and kiked and your government, slaves of kikes have allowed it. And now German 'right wing' AfD has 'jewish section' To coordinate next phase of 'Refugees welcome' I guess Loser. Lol You are both retarded Jew puppets. Meds are the true master race. You Germanic\/Slavic\/Nordic men will be relocated and your women will be given to us meds to breed a new, superior race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @prolongshop: #LED #Christmas #decor Lights 10m 33ft 100 LED #Fairy string #Light for Outdoor\/Indoor, http:\/\/t.co\/2ew0jjhB6n","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One reason I'd like to go back to twitter is to refresh my memory about why you blocked me. Were you some NeverTrump faggot at some point?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get in faggot yids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kentucky Fried cater to da white folk. No colored menu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/10\/12\/thousands-line-up-for-zero-down-payment-subprime-mortgages.html Everything Bubble Continues into Full Retard Mode.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THE HACK DESERVED EVERY WORD AND MORE. TOO BAD ITS INAPPROPRIATE TO BACKHAND A FAKE NEWS LIBTARD BROWNS, they always revert to their base behavior when they don't want a second job to support ILLEGAL ALIENS Isn't it amazing the MAJORITY of Latinos who came to America legally want NO PART of the illegal invasion? And they always ignore the fact that Caesar Chavez loved using the term Wet Back. Even he did not like their lazy bullshit. For Sure Meanwhile, Keith Ellison running for AG and there's proof. .. but lets not discuss that ;) I wish you guys would stop posting this turd's stuff Emmy we love ya G\/F help trigger the troll Gee has been muted. Keeps opening new Gee accounts Wrong. What do we want? Tax cuts! When do we want them? Now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the absolute mad man None of \"your money? You mean our money. Pretty sure Jair is controlled by Jews like all the rest. Probably. The leftards are worried he will take Brazil out of Brics and back to the IMF. Which is a fair enough concern of theirs even if they don't realize that BRICS is just controlled opposition. On twitter people like authors Stephen King, William Gobspm and other famous people who are smart enough to know better support what jews are doing to us. If we are killed and our country turned into a soviet union they don't seem to care. Any thoughts about them? Gibson, sorry about that. IF we ever start winning American public opinion, we're at war with their new host. 10 points to whoever knows who that is. ;) You win! If there's enough of us fighting hard enough, it will be Red Dawn with Chinese troops kicking us into camps like the gulags. I've been expecting this to happen. #BlackPill Jair is a #Egalitarian and loves the #DIEversity of brazil. He hates people like you. https:\/\/gab.com\/ButchDeadlift\/posts\/39282122 ^^^ Chad Post ^^^ You're the kind of ass that gets awesome sites like Gab shut down. No cupcake, Jews are what get awesome sites shut down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JRise88 @G_Anderson4 what do you want fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's way more than just #Doxxing the Senators. The list goes on and on of what he's done including witness tampering. Democrat Socialist? #WOW https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/accused-doxxer-of-gop-senators-allegedly-threatened-to-publish-their-childrens-health-information Tags for #Q drops, saucy notables and Breaking News: If you would like your name added (or removed) to these posts, please let me know below @Gypsy124 @StandingStrong @bodyhashead @easher555 @wiIlluc20 @RBril @meeceq @Bill71 @TruthnotFM @Trillium @BlueBell @TheNiceTerrier @KimFoote @TrustGodWWG1WGA @12gaPATRIOT @JudyAdams64 @Static_Anonymity @broncomomjsk @Girlwithaclue @KhadaffiDuck @WonderfullyDeplorable @Sorrel @1013Lana @SpunCopper @kasikirby @Imawake @jan_a_flower @Puddie_pie @billiesman @WANAGL @jasonzhaddad @ddt3500 @ReverseTHIS @RestrainingOrderDave @Redbeard308 @mudcreekmelody @MHughes68 @squirrel327 @qpatriotanon @DigN4Bones @Bad_Brad @IanForBritain @cathyfay @Cyrano @Mbarris01 @Geirmund @BetterNot2Know @CecilRoper @TheSentry @oakvalley @Hamuf @Alicemary @kriswithak @smileyshelly @Knowledgeispower @ISA-BELLA @QuodVerum @Reefz @Preppedtogo1964 @PatriotHelene @janisu @jgk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothin' like the classics. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KMBlGHIgSdY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] do we ban people from 2X? If we don't we should, as that would be some funny shit. Not that I really like the idea of banning people, but I have a feeling that the kind of people who ban others just for posting in another sub would *loose their shit* if they got a taste of their own medicine, and I love to watch the puppets dance. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i honestly can't imagine caring enough to look. like who can still take these retards seriously Other liberal retards. Genuine question: do you think a single person who takes her seriously doesn't self-identify as being on the left? Because the comment you're upset about didn't say \"all liberal retards\" just \"liberal retards\". I also feel I should point out that you saw a two word description that included \"retard\" and said to yourself \"that asshole is talking about *me*!\" What part of that sentence fragment made you think it was all-encompassing? If you ask me \"Who robbed your house\" and I answer \"retarded thugs\", would you conclude \"every thug on Earth robbed that man's house!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sheehey back door cuts still go un guarded! #IU #HoosierHoops #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh yeah this cunt. Lol glad she is fucked","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Stephicans mhmm tweet bird ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have you ever thought of trying nigger for Thanksgiving dinner?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elizabeth Warren has negligible Native American roots. Not only is she white, she's really, really white, possessing less Native American blood than the average European-American. What an embarrassing joke this retard is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And nobody is talking about the Southerner Hillbilly...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the current theory is that somebody redpilled a retarded democrat and it went horribly awry?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Violence is retarded meh , It's the universal means of settling a dispute, not saying it's right but to suggest violence is never a solution is silly. even in cases of self defense violence is retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope a Nigger doesn't win. It makes me sick when I see a black Nigger holding up the lottery check.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CHEZ Rosie O'Donnell wants military to 'get' Trump from White House . ..https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rosie-odonnell-wants-military-to-get-trump-from-white-house .. DIDN\"T the LOOONY see TRYMP with the MARINEs yesterday .. What a pig she is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah I agree. If some retarded beta cuck has children and lets the slob lay on his couch for 16 years doing nothing, and didn't know about common law marriage then he was asking for it and actually got off lucky.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This bitch needs to go. The cunt is worse than McStain. I'm a 35 year Alaska resident and her dad (who gave her the seat) should come out from under his rock and speak. She's done here. BTW her voice mail in DC is full. Imagine that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most people aren't gay and flowers are usually given to girls, so I can understand her misunderstanding. This is more cringe than anything though. I suppose if there's enough of ye telling yourselves that it makes the throbbing in your ring easier to bear","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From Jihadi streams: Rutba, Anbar Province, #Iraq http:\/\/t.co\/K6j37J2sgL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their femalethroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone at my household wants to die. I get all excited to enjoy a couple of Oreos, but someone left ONLY ONE. ONE FRIGGIN' OREO. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By nature, trans people are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Copy Of Copy Of Copy Of Dumb Faggot World","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @michellemalkin: In which I refresh dhimmi Seattle mayor Ed Murray's poor memory of city's long history as a jihadi breeding ground==> h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You won't believe this woman! You have to READ it to BELIeVE it!! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/brutal-majority-leader-mitch-mcconnell-releases-shocking-statement-on-kavanaugh-accuser-and-liar-julie-swetnick\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you might want to read my timeline cunt before coming at me....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It hurts to see all these people saying Muslim lives are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell that to the Blacks thriving in Detroit until the Democrats took over.. what the fuck is wrong with these people. is it a pathology? or some kind of actual brain-eating parasite? @not_shadowbanned_yet I have no idea what is wrong with people who allow their bigoted biases to interfere with facts. These people are supposedly superior intellectually, yet they run around frothing at the moth in fear of those they should be able to dominate. You would think they wouldn't even think about them..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retards don't understand irony.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Cunt made a fortune on Uranium !, he is presently trying to save his ass (life,freedom) and those of his co-conspirators (upper echelon FBI, DOJ, State, and Charlie IAI) Mueller is a plug-in, a flunkie, a sweeper, a maid; a bought and sold compromised Democratic Spoiled Operative who knew that Killary had it in the bag What would look best on Hillicide.? Crosshairs or mill dots. Really tight tight chokeher! Hands on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love Tupac's story. 1- Visits the deep South. 2- Shoots 2 cops. 3- Doesn't do time. 4- Goes to New York. 5- Falsely accused of rape by Yankee bitch. 6- Does time for that. 7- Gets out. 8- Murdered by fellow nigger. The End. Who was his aunt again? Cia puppet nigger sorry","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @chicagobulls: Coach K says players won't need motivation to get back on track following Paul George's injury; rather they'll play to ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How Amazon's Minimum Wage Hike Benefits Jeff Bezos https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4nLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MissStef0318 @_MariaPetrova teabaggers weakening food and environmental regulations is infinitely more scary and lethal than terrorism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holly Molly, Jeb married a spic dwarf !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So how is your mom these days? Tired from fucking my father.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1941 September Luxembourg, German occupation authorities introduce the Nuremberg Laws, followed by several other anti-Jewish ordinances including an order for all Jews to wear a yellow star with the word \"Jude\". 50 repetitive posts in a row. I never mute anyone except for spam. That's spam. Spam is Jews pretending (((they're))) white and sabotaging the hopes and dreams of whites. #PutYourStarOnSchlomo No, spam is repetitive posts, drowning out Free Speech. Not something you don't happen to like. Please, don't tell people you are white, it makes us all look like ignorant genetic filth. Ok. So afraid of free speech, but pretends to advocate it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how much you wanna bet that a anti-government \"black helicopter\" teabagger was behind the Boston Marathon explosions? @TwitchyTeam #p2 #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha I can't stand this liberal douche. I hope she runs in 2020 it'll be and easy win for my man trump. Elizabeth Warren should go away with her dried up weasel friend Clinton. idk im a huge faggot too and I agree you are a total faggot I'm not a faggot but you two definitely both are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab is where I can type freely without being worried about some spiteful cunt complaining about What I;m saying and trying ot get me banned then suddenly the screen going and my ACCOUNT being locked. FUCKKING HATE THE CONTROL GRID","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is this not being reported as a racial hate crime?? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/straight-a-student-21-kidnapped-raped-and-murdered-by-south-african-gang\/ White girl robbed, raped and murdered by violent blacks, but it is not a \"hate crime\" because the killers are black and the victim is from the minority White population Apparently, the girl was dating a black man. What a tragic waste of a life when White girls sleep with black men. https:\/\/www.9news.com.au\/2018\/10\/17\/14\/09\/death-came-instantly-for-south-african-gang-rape-victim-court-told","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Brenddan_ wow!!! Are you comin back up here? they some bitch niggas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those fake bombs Democrats are sending out wouldn't pass quality control at ACME! It's not a #MAGABomber it's a #ResistBomber!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"only my school wouldnt give kids their schedules... #ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#RuinAComedian @midnight Charlie Lapdance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When 1 declares \"victory without said battle being over, the \"victorious one has lost all intellectual credibility. Exactly ! That's all they have. Look, look, look at me n my tings, or of course the old faithful \"muh dik animals. Hey NC last night (my time) I jumped on ya cuz u do come across like a prick sometimes Bud not gonna lie. But I really read, n kept reading ur stuff. Yeah ur smart n all that, but u genuinely gv a damn what's happening to our countries n ppl. Sorry Bud. I'm a dick. Never apologise for spouting your own beliefs. Never back down. I never once thought you were a 'dick'. Yes, I know I come across as a prick. It is one of my virtues. True n good advice, but wrong is wrong. Very good. Stick to your principles. I may be hated throughout Gab, but I stick to my principles. Yeah ppl do fuck with u quite a bit. I will n keep it up cuz your slaying these cowards. With ease, I might add. Big Time !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate being alone at night. Its fucking creepy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always knew my teachers were retarded libs. If only I could go back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought it would be appropriate for my first post on @gab be shared on Twitter. #makesocialmediagreatagain","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a disabld person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Virtue signaling sex criminals are not great. You seem like a complete twat though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people are so damn transparent, only a mindless lemming would listen to anything emanating from their vacuous pieholes. Does prove a point though, they'll say and do anything to gain control of our great Republic again. https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/9\/hillary-clinton-says-civility-can-start-again-if-d\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard alert eceryone!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate mentally disabled people trying to touch my kids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BigJonBul: The stars wink knowingly and smile at each other when they see two lovers kissing on a secluded bridge on a balmy autumn nig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_SparkleLikeZen saves you a brownie*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That Fair cunt can be first on the #DOTR. When we come into our country, people, it's gotta be Strike Hard, like the Chinese do...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Putting a gay person in charge is the biggest mistake anyone can make. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The pagan movement makes no distinction between Christians who work with other faiths for leftist goals like open borders and diversity (Christian Hindus) and Christians. Remember, Jews hate Christianity because the WORD. \"Never associate with a racial alien..drive them out of your lands before you.. based af. Also Pagans =CryptoFeminism No, actually you kinda seem like a bitter lonely man... I don't care about your opinion, respectfully... Please don't follow me, don't know why you want to....if you message me or follow me again I'll just mute \/ block your account. Thanks. Goodbye. You have a safespace already, Feminist. It's called Twitter Is this really how our men should be spending their time..... My safe space is Gab. You're pretty creepy and obsessive. This conversation is over lol, stop stalking me. Paganism has a feminist problem, and just as in greater Western society, the corrupted out of control females are damseling, making falelse accusations and being hysterical when shown logic and reason. Paganism is riddled with SJWs, therefore #PaganismIsAntiWhite You heard it here first folks lol. Please stop messaging my account. Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay, your points in this have been written out really well, and I totally see where you're coming from now! I agree with you about Dumbledore, and I personally really liked the reveal myself. I think it was a bit of miscommunication, and the \"fag hag\" term is just not used anymore, it is very antiquated slang and was originally used as an insult. ah I hadn't realized fag hag was outdated. I knew it was an insult, but it's also an inside joke for me and my friends, which I why I used it there. Its a pretty fair, though not flattering, description of my behaviour towards gay men in media, not in real life though. I'm glad we cleared up the miscommunication.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can i get a \" this sub is unable to get satire and has reduced itself in a similar fashion to r\/cringeanarchy by giving home to edgy pedes that even t_d felt were to annoying and too incel that is cramped their style\" [removed] Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s): --- --- **[Rule 3B](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_b.29_treat_your_fellow_shitlords_excellently.): You need to treat your fellow shitlords excellently.** > Have discussions with respect to the person behind the username. It's okay to disagree, but don't get hostile or start brazenly insulting others. TiA isn't a safe space, but that doesn't give you a pass to be uncivil. --- --- If you have any questions or comments about this action, **Use this link to send us a mod mail message** [here](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInActionandsubject=About my removed submissionandmessage=I'm writing to you about the following removal: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/comments\/9e0x8p\/-\/e5lqmu5\/. %0D%0DMy issue is:). **Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.** [deleted] you can't attack individual people, someone with a laughable position as theirs? downvote and move on, but we do not allow personal attacks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks @delaney_jade for coming with me last night because it's ghetto and no one else could of handled it! #Summer2014","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate to be that guy, but I could tell her wild story of being raped by 9 men was untrue just by looking at her photo. Edit: To clarify, of course unattractive people get raped. What I meant was is that you dont get sexually assaulted by 6 and raped by 9 in 3 years (Or about once every 2-3 months) looking like the stay puft marshmallow man. Sorry to be 'that guy' but differentiating between ugly women and not ugly women is not sexist. Please try to learn words before using them otherwise you just seem like an ignorant twat. We are pieces of shit yes of course. That was settled long ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The same faggot who open there arm and where think muslim where there friend.But they knew depth down they were just being weak and to tolerant of the intolerant.The same faggot who would lecture conservative who where somehow protecting them from those people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I TOTALLY WAS, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches http:\/\/t.co\/8ha6Xac0h5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Among other retards every retard has convinced themselves they are smart, really smart.......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@TruthWillOut. FUCK you and your bogus ass film made by a homosexual soccer player #DennisWise. in the UK! #FuckHitler #FuckYouRacistNaziAsshole Suck a bag of nigger dicks kike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@theeCHACO @danawhite you watching this trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ThaReal_GaPeach got it! thanks Hun! ima text u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot NYC leader was arrested last night after harassing the Proud Boys. He was in Charlottesville in August 2017 I think it's a tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazbols would send you away to tuol sleng you fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KissMy_klASSy: Exactly. .same shit I said>>> @Im_Yung_Jay: So nobody think Mimi was outta line for inviting Stevie J to the gay nicca v ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Really? You included Andrew in this. You got your ass handed to you, so you tattled. Past tense. For nothing actionable. What a retarded pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Conor getting lit up in the Octagon after the fight ended https:\/\/youtu.be\/PYZx7A-NpcM - The king is dead UFC 229 McGregor Khabib SCARY ATTACK, ALL ANGLES Brawl Into Crowd What actually happened? Conor's corner man and wrestling coach go lippy. Security tried to stop khabib climb over the octagon but was a over weigh 40 + year. Khabib jumped off the apron of the octagon into Dillon Danus but security appeared promptly. Meanwhile the Russia corner are now inside the octagon about to scale they fence to help Khabib. Security stop them. Conors still inside. So they just go up to him and start lighting him up. Three of them were arrested. Police ask Conor if he wants to press charges. He said no. So they let them go. The Nevada athletic commission is withholding Khabib's 2 million purse. Dana and the UFC will withhold his PPV money He's got the belt and his legacy 27 - 0 at the press conference Khabib said when he gets back to Dagestan his father will smash and President Putin called him to say congratulation https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mjfOeLQG9-M The Russians Smash the Irish Fans after the fight ends https:\/\/www.rt.com\/sport\/440588-fans-fight-ufc-khabib-mcgregor\/ [video] \"APIDTA!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"said every short guy ever Are you saying that tall guys dig fat chicks? (they don't)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"W o m e n are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If ever sports seemed scripted , this ending to this Yankee game proved it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ariel is a brainless twat. her twat is how she survives in life. her last name is Dumbass. its spelled wrong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@maggie_burdis @nickgoldapp lmao dude you are probably the biggest fag in nebraska ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*Signs* Trying to put an innocent person in jail for decades is one of the most horrible abhorrent things a human being can do. It is on par with attempted murder. These cunts ought to rot in jail for however long the innocent person was (or was going to be) sentenced.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Either nigger or creatura","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nathan Grayson wrote that retarded article, but to be fair Kotaku's hands on preview of the game didn't have much good to say about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As long as it's permanent and sends him to meet his faggot lover Satan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump moves t o n i g h t ' s Monday's Ted Cruz rally from the 8000 capacity NRG Arena to the 19,000 person capacity Toyota Center I just read that since the 70s, Houston has gone from about 5% Hispanic to about 50% Hispanic. You are systematically being replaced.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter allows the town idiot to find all the other town idiots and then band together like a bunch of sticks into the mighty faggot. It likely is empowering to find an army of idiots to agree with you for the first time in your life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for Muslims is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @McNarstle: @CzickenShack I go on Drudge Report every day now hoping to see a story about your tranny army","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guy should feel shame to be gay. It is such a wrong choice. Bad influence on young people. Never seen being proud of being gay. It is like saying being proud of rapist. Awful ! The only time I am so disappointed at Trump. Under political pressure, he failed to stand up for the ground, the right thing !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We know who is behind the gab shut down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd much rather see intelligent blacks go back to an African nation and make a place for others like them. I don't hate them. I do hate niggers. This kid isn't one. My sentiments are similar. I've been around a number of coons that should make their race proud (uncle T'oms) but niggers rule nigger society","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And they said we weren't having any influence......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those gay people will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dawg!! RT @Chill__Cosby: Man this about to be another trash Thursday night game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To all of you here it's been a pleasure and I will continue to be your favourite faggot on the radical agenda hosted by Christopher Cantwell MWF 5-7 pm. christophercantwell.com","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In addition to having suffered \"extremely painful circumstances in their homelands, and experienced \"traumatic events in the course of migrating to Europe, the mental health of asylum seekers is \"degraded further still upon their arrival in France, where problems are worsened as they face \"rejection and authorities \"questioning their word with regards to the hardships they have faced, according to the report. Memory and concentration loss affecting illegal immigrants' ability to recount their journey to France and the reasons they are seeking asylum is cited as a \"disabling psycho-traumatic symptom in the report, which claims the demands of the asylum registration process \"increases [migrants'] suffering . \"The violence to which exiles have been exposed, themselves or as witnesses, has long-term effects, not only on them but also on future generations, asserts the report, claiming migrants are often suffering from \"the transgenerational effects of psychotrauma . To this end, the NGOs recommended that authorities \"take into account the degraded mental state and the extreme vulnerability of illegal immigrants \"in the context of narratives for the right to protection , especially when assessing the claims of \"unaccompanied children and adolescents . In order to solve the \"public health emergency of mental illness rates amongst the illegal immigrant population in France, the state should provide \"immediate and unconditional shelter to asylum seekers along with full entitlement to healthcare, according to the document, which neglects to examine the effect such measures would have on the number of people choosing to embark on the dangerous journey to Europe. Full Story: https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/10\/26\/three-quarters-calais-migrants-mental\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am all for the Trump supporters but Hannity is IMO becoming a tad too self involved . Rehashes what has been reported and self promotes more than he promotes Trump. Talks way too fast . Hurts to listen So don't listen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the voice of your \"resistance is a mentally-ill drag queen, then it's safe to say your resistance is likely equally deranged. A homeless man shitting on a cardboard box would make a better representative for the resistance', try to find better reps that won't be a detriment to your cause you spastic cunts. (A spastic Cunt would also make a better rep).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Geez and to think all the times i got banned just for callin dowd a faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wrong. The Nazis were GOOD MEN that would have SHOT these low life nigger lover democrats. IDIOT TWAT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And somehow idiots think it is a good idea to have niggers in the country. This is the average nigger. We have many millions of them . They will never change. They are savages because they were never meant to posses weapons like guns nor live amongst modern people. Black people are like a genetic abnormality that is a small portion of the nigger population . Actually rejects as far as the niggers are concerned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#texasFirst @realdavidduke @INFOWARSNEWS @realalexjones @truthwillout #AmericaIsBACK https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/nikki-haley-just-screwed-conservatives-going-into-midterms-bannon\/ MustSEE @Eric_StrikerDS A good new world?! Yes. @JFGariepy https:\/\/kutt.it\/gab_core_tCTleMF4h7O [phpGAB]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"mentally retard assholes, need more max security mental hospitals","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Inspiring a huge crowd of tourists to sit and watch the \"wild meadow rats\" over here by the trash cans. Cameras are out. There is gasping.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All disabled people like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was feeling rather queer so I sat down to rest. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brexit betrayal starts tonight!(17th Oct 2018) Steven Woolfe MEP https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yhfxHKrWz5w Just before the war most of Parliament wanted to surrender to Hitler. The Labour partly were pushing surrender terms It was Churchill in Parliament who stood up and said we should never surrender He was mocked just as they are doing to Boris","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Snoop Dogg is a turd burglar and democrats are right with him. https:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/snoop-dogg-says-all-trump-supporters-are-racist-including-kanye-west-1129732?fbclid=IwAR1OrM2bZl6exi1IPjXfyBe2Z4TQw5XuDHagLROAiZG8w5GTIjLvQU7LQsE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perhaps he\/she? is white, but for sure is retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you get pulled over by the cops in Mississippi and tell 'em you're from Massachusetts it's like admitting you're a faggot and a communist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolutely excellent as ever, and yes, cycling is fabulous for mental health.. bike when you' re happy, bike when you' re sad, shout at the rain, scream inwardly at a complex hill climb and get that endorphin rush from being outside.. and smile at your fellow cyclists (and passing chickens, in my experience, a wee bwark at a chook makes many things better)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are there any immigrants on your course?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's get rid of fast food once and for all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are the worst kind of motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stacy Abrams needs her ass beat into the ground. Burn our state flag, threaten to erase our history, racist AF, threatens to take our guns......that bitch needs to die! She's gonna trigger action in this state and she will be target #","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And Puma, Porsche, Adidas and speaking the German language. Fuck it just click at one another like a Khoikhoi Nigger over there already. #SelfDetermination https:\/\/youtu.be\/6fsTz5aPkH8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's because she's a fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John Lennon - \"Woman is the nigger of the World\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/S5lMxWWK218","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about 60 vaccines by age 18 that guarantee 1 in 37 to become Retarded ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Andrew, all I ask for is for the fairy gay faggot tranny porn to disappear. That shit is absolutely disgusting. If you are wanting to get more people on GAB having tranny porn randomly appear in someone's timeline is most certainly NOT the way to do it. That's a good way to drive good people away from GAB.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My wife asks that I pretend I don't make six figures, because she's afraid her friends would try to jump my bones even though we have two kids together. She bragged about our sex life after the second time we had sex and a few of them tried to make a play for me back in the day but I could smell used up cunt on them and played it off. It's made me quite happy to save bros from marrying them more than a few time over the years.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah cluck clauck cluck why are you even bothering to keep your retarded act up. it's all over now. gab's losing it's domain name.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thenewamerican.com\/usnews\/crime\/item\/24549-nypd-source-weiner-laptop-has-enough-evidence-to-put-hillary-away-for-life?fbclid=IwAR1JGC5HqfJAMIHePhvQuKhx2CStLGlo1pZdhSifWWaksGNwQ2Acb0mOo1I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your immigrant lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who chose the country over the City are miserable trash. They deserve neither respect nor consideration. They are less than scum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The supply of retarded redditors who think they are smarter than people who have been in industry for 20 years is endless ya. The supply of qualified people who can fix the LucasFilms issue and who are willing to do so is very limited.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly...FUCK FEELING SORRY FOR THE LYING BINT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PIPE BOMBER SUSPECT pictured last year with Izzy Hernandez. Sayok does not appear destitute. In addition, why would a Trump enthusiast attend a banquet and have a photo OP with a Democrat Donor\/Supporter? SALEEEEEEEEEEEAZY!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And that old twat wasn't?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"dorrzun\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"chodehat\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next woman I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @mollyfprince: Maxine Waters Blames Trump For Bombs https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/BBjt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger LARPing as a Muslim in Chicago has more balls on him than 99% of the American \"right\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's worse is that she wanted to become a police officer. This malicious cunt tried to ruin someone's life while at the same time lying to the court. And to think she would have been expected to *prevent* and prosecute that behaviour. Sounds like to me you're listing off her qualifications: - Selfish Cunt - Lies to the Court - Strong desire to prosecute people who refuse to take her bullshit. Seems like the perfect female cop to me, if this happened in America, she'd fit right in. That face won't age well. I can already picture her barking demands to the waiter to hurry the fuck up because her son Tyler is hungry, the son she prevents the father from seeing. That's exactly the way a selfish cunt looks like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"everyday a white women gets raped by a nigger but no media coverage. the black on white rape epidemic. the non white on white violence epidemic. not a whisper from the kike media It's funny how you mention that black people are raping your little piglet wives, when in fact whites make the large majority of sexual crimes convicts especially pedophilia. I think that's more disturbing The data doesn't say that, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Conversely, the overlap between people actually harmed by Stumpy's grandiose promises and people too retarded to use a computer is so small, there may not be enough of them for a class action lawsuit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Up until this point, Trump has been appointing SCOTUS nominees to replace relatively conservative judges on the bench. Just wait until he has to replace a liberal judge. If you thought the Left was going crazy now, they'll take it to a new level when that happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't she the woman that adopts loads of nigger babies and thinks we should help refugees\/migrants?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or,better yet, go back to the 3rd world shithole they came from, wetback","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mind giving me some insight into what went on? Dunno anything about it EDIT: Nevermind. Found the thread, and HOLY HELL! Just the first page makes me want to claw my damned eyes out. Because fuck me senseless, those people. No, I don't side with Tucker on anything and I still don't think that was right. And the nerve for them to condone that behavior because it was a right winger. When did we progressives lose the value of two wrongs not making a right. Don't be LIKE who you think is after you. Be BETTER! Who installed this idea that being passionate meant being as abhorrent as possible because they think we'll listen to them more?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gotta be a translate problem. Youtube isnt this retarded, right? Right?? > Youtube isnt this retarded, right? You're absolutely right. Its a translation problem. There's an incredible amount of $ they'd lose in legal fees and in courts if this was the case. If they had a problem with what's being written in comments they'd most likely impose some \"community standards\" and just not accept the text itself at all or censor most of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are *sooooo* afraid of not being able to provide or withhold anything, and it is fucking *delicious.* They like their whole \"men are obsolete thing but it's more accurate to say women are quickly becoming obsolete. > imagine what it could have been done to help the unfortunate with all that technology and AI...but no, males' fee fees are the most importnat thing in the world. > how pathetic a male you must be to spend funds on a masturbatory device? The best part is when you have women coming on there who demonstrate exactly why a man would 'spend funds on a masturbatory device' and as per usual they pretend the double standard of women actually getting handed dildos in a university isn't a thing. They live in their own fucking world and it shows. Yep, the hypocrisy permeates all of their \"arguments\". Anyway, women get handed dildos at universities?? Yes, there was a protest against guns at Texas university where they carried dildos instead of guns and then I'm trying to remember but there was one posted up recently where women were being handed dildos for free and being total hypocrites in regards to the whole masturbation thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Free patterns - Adorable crochet borders Butterfly, ladybug, flower bumblebee and hat edging, trim, http:\/\/t.co\/FOtJbqWyEg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chuck Schumer: \"President Trump's outright mockery of a sexual assault survivor, riddled as it was with falsehoods, was reprehensible, beneath the office of the presidency, and beneath common decency from one person to another. President Trump owes Dr. Ford an immediate apology.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ZyB5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For the record, I'm a dude who actually owns the Longest Journey, and there's nothing gendered in it at all. I don't know what Prokopetz is talking about. I didn't finish it, mostly because of those really obtuse puzzles I had to keep looking up. Like that stupid candy. Of course, [I've seen people make a very good argument that it was the obtuse puzzles themselves that contributed to the downfall](http:\/\/www.oldmanmurray.com\/features\/ How the fuck can you get the 90's... what can essentially be called the golden age of gaming, so entirely fucking wrong. Call of Duty didn't even come out until Jesus fucking Christ. > I mean it's not like stupid vapid bullshit like \"the guy game or \"leisure suit Larry contributed to the shit show of point and click adventures. I'm pretty sure there were a *lot* of crappy cash-in PnC games back then, just like any trend. Right but the bar to entry on a crappy PnC is a lot lower than a crappy RTS, or Hack n Slash Dungeon Crawler or CRPG. Eh, FPS games dominated the mid 90s on PC, which is also where Point and Click adventures did well; I can see what he's saying there. He's wrong regarding a lot in the article but that's not something he's wrong about. Doom and Quake were the tech showcases of the time period, and Half Life and Deus Ex at the end of the 90s moved in on their turf with good storytelling in an FPS. And yet Myst... Warcraft 2, every Might and Magic game, Dungeon Keeper, Diablo, Baldurs Gate, Age of Empire, Command and Conqeur, etc etc. FPS was there yes... but it certainly wasn't dominating. Not until about 98-99 when Half Life dropped.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bocgeogaddi @anepicname lmaooooo epic bird wins.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want as aggressive a probe on feinchinese and her sock-puppet, Ford. I want it to go back 40 years. I'd like to see her every yearbook, every calendar; old boyfriends; finances - especially Ford, where's the cool million going from her not less than five Go-Fund-Me money laundering accounts. I want them put under a microscope. If Feinchinese is licensed by the Bar, I want her disbarred. And I want Feinchinese in front of a military tribunal for crimes against humanity; cruel and unusual punishment; treason; espionage; attempting a coup against the President. And I want the BITCH Ford prevented from discussing anything having to do with this debacle; no speaking fees; no book deals. The CUNT should not be able to profit from ruining a man and his family's LIVES. They will never recover completely. They will survive, but this will linger like a rank odor, a cloud over ALL of them. My heart goes out to his children. We ALL know how CRUEL children can be to one another - not to mention rabid lieberal ones.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Count me as a mortal enemy then, you ancient dried up cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh the lil pedo deflector is having a lil rant haha half your wee group of retarded edl fanatics are on the sex offenders list, its the only reason they deflect it away to some one else. edl supporters facilitate the abuse of 1000s of kids constantly. yaxlet lennon has been implicated in grooming kids. hes a pedo. like you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"timbs straight trash though","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"This is reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan.\" What? How? Did the KKK go around putting up posters saying, \"it's okay to be white.\" No? Okay. So. How? How is this \"reminiscent\" of the KKK? I always thought this inadvertently shows that the left thinks it's fact that whites are genetically superior. They teach everyone else from a young age that they are on some sort of social ladder. They imprint this ideology into young minds and people grow up thinking everyone around them views the world this way. Frankfurt school victim hierarchy is what they teach. It's a method of psychologically weaponizing minorities against the primary populace. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g Wow. I've seen shorter clips of this guy but didn't know there was a full hour of his stuff, awesome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">jump between planes in mid-air while pulling off a trick-shot that'll later go on YouTube. In the hundreds of hours I have on Battlefield this never happened. Neither did I do it nor did it happen to me. Clinging to a once in a lifetime gif they saw on Reddit and acting like it's a common occurence in normal gameplay is bang-on retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you seriously criticising the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Not only is it a well-crafted piece of musical theater, but it- as something that will probably be banned soon enough for making fun of trannies- was never shown to children as originally created. Unlke the faggot shit nowadays.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God, this makes me miss the days when everyone, men and women, could smack an uppity cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know.. I was just saying that Saints tend to be bigger cunts than the people who get sent to hell.. so it works in a modern sense too.. Feminism is the religion of denying reality, the reality that they are the fairer sex and it is fuelled by a generation of faggots that said anyone can do anything **AND THE FUCKING DESERVE IT NOW**. They are mentally stunted children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This one gets right into the nitty gritty. https:\/\/youtu.be\/7-WQpUZB-Bk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, little retarded boy. The USA, Mexico Canada all reside in America. A Texan is an American. A Mexican is an American. A Brazilian is an American. Red necks are so slow. No, fucktard. Canada is North America; Mexico and the other brown nations are in South America. The United States are in Central America or what the world refers to as simply America. Run along now. I think I can hear your goat calling. Take your Kill Whitey bullshit back to Dhimmiville you global village idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They aren't remotely funny. The retarded crap my kid watches of idiots making fun of themselves playing video games is funnier, and it's worse than watching paint dry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#States Can Stop Migrant #Caravan #Invasion' w\/ Constitutional War Powers' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/23\/exclusive-ken-cuccinelli-states-can-stop-migrant-caravan-invasion-with-constitutional-war-powers\/ cc: @wocassity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like my sister It sounds like basically every other Western woman. Id guess that easily 80% of them are like this. Thats a rather big generalization It's a big generalization but it's not too far-fetched especially since we've seen the same pattern of behavior in almost every woman we've ever dealt with in our entire lives. We? Speak for yourself, buddy. Perhaps you think it's justified then if women turn it around and say that all men are really basement dwelling dweebs or they're assholes just because you're both. What is this, fucking Twox? No! It's PussyPassDenied. Generalizations are allowed here. I'm sorry, I must have missed the sign that said \"For misogyny, come to \/r\/pussypassdenied.\" > misogyny \/r\/Feminism >misogyny and misandry r\/feminism You realize misandry is a feminist thing, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical pick up line of nigger to White Girl...\"Are you happy\"?.. places doubt in her mind and triggers an impulse reaction. She thinks she has to please the colored boy and without taking the time to think about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rachaelkbrown @BillyButlerKC @Oreo unexplainable!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If conflating the law and morality wasn't stupid enough for you, check out this faggot conflating \"who wins\" with morality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheOrlandoJones: Funny how people who take their fantasy sports leagues very seriously are celebrated while those who play DandD are mock ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"woolfe...jew nigger mongrel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mike Allen: French citizens 'flee' to Hungary to escape from criminal migrant suburbs. Hey is Viktor Orban a HERO or what? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/french-citizens-flee-to-hungary-to-escape-from-criminal-migrant-suburbs\/ Not according to jews! MARS . I've made a special sky hook just for chickenshits send 100 bucks today and have it first thing in the morning!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees #SEC Robertson in. Guy is fantastic. SEC pitcher!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TRUMP DOES IT AGAIN. \"The high-profile Vietnamese dissident and writer known as Mother Mushroom has arrived in the US with her children and mother after being released from jail. \"Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh left Vietnam on Wednesday to fly to Houston, Texas, immediately after her early morning release. \"News that Ms Quynh had been released on Wednesday emerged soon after US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis left Vietnam after a short visit. It is unclear if he pressed for her release and the Pentagon is yet to comment.\" https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/world-asia-45898203 Trump tells countries, \"You want to do business with us, you need to knock off this shit.\" And THAT'S why I can promise you that the Saudis didn't murder Jamal Khashoggi. If he's dead, the Turks or Iranians are responsible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CatholicMomVA @Neal_Dewing that would cripple our military :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"First Man movie deservedly does way worse at the box office than expected. They left out the flag planting on the moon. They even removed the flag emblem from the astronauts' uniforms. We hate PC https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/14\/first-man-box-office\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am a nuisance to Torba because I am pissing and shitting all over his right wing BBQ cookout. But it is ultimately his tweets that made this entire thing worse for him. I might use Twitter bots to tweet every person who mentions GAB on Twitter with evidence of censorship and hypocrisy. At least when he finally bans me(which will support my claims even more).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll cherish any trans person like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ariana Grande is a Jesus Hating, Jew Loving, Faggot Loving Whore for Hollywood. @Bombislamdotcom @EmpressWife @mark_luke @WhiteMansBible @WADL she is a nasty filthy slut dog.. she should be put in a cage with wild skanky dogs..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kate Morgan hides her stupid stinky twat on twitter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@megalexatron trash about us and your from another conference- you can say goodbye","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Mocking Scandal\" So Trump was caught \"again imitating a retarded person?\" Is that what the news is telling us? https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2018\/10\/03\/politics\/white-house-trump-ford-defense\/index.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A woman must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope the members of the WBC are forced to suck a thousand sand nigger cocks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Sounds to me you like having gay sex with niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Robert Deniro's mud kids look retarded and wrong, imagine what Johnny Rotten with AIDS and his Predator looking negress have to offer genetically.. ya really want that to spawn? lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Opatz1: Fuck michelle obama. That monkey doesnt belong in the white house","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Participants must be able to do the following **in succession**: 4km march carrying 40kg of equipment in less than 40 minutes 2km march carrying 25kg of equipment in under 15 minutes Crawl 180m in under 5 minutes Drag 110kg over 20m Carry 44kg over 240m in under four minutes 70kg deadlift Carry 20kg over 600m I tried to put this list together from both the BBC video and the daily mail article, but both were quite unclear so its possible I got it slightly wrong. Honestly this test is ridiculously easy. In the Army we would do 50 to 150 mile hikes (over the course of days) carrying far more weight. 10k is barely a run. [deleted] I never said in a day. When you hike you march for multiple days, camp out for the night, and resume in the morning. That's pretty standard practice, no one is exaggerating. you implied it Well I'm glad I could clarify it for you. Who hurt you? Well someone hasn't had their nap.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The \"Yanks\" Are Coming: From Disparagement to Pride http:\/\/t.co\/HoELpcbBg6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/GixsqZBxA34 Ingraham: Hillary and the Democratic haters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Savage_Glam: Idk if @IGGYAZALEA is really a man, but she surely is a trash rapper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the part that kills me: **#cultural appropriation**","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"is it ghetto to grease yo scalp at work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" TRUMP HAS THE PERFECT MOUTH FOR SUCKING DICK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT expert, 40, accused of raping a boy, 13, in the front yard of his home after meeting him online and only stopping when the teenager's horrified mother saw him - is given BAIL https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6238085\/Blacktown-rape-attack-T-expert-40-charged-attacking-boy-13-teens-mum-ran-help.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia Looks like Australia treat them with kid gloves as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And women are so fucking retarded, they think this is a victory for them. Nah see a REAL woman would say \"i dunno, you choose\" but refuse to eat anything you choose Where's my sammich?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DonnieWahlberg: Happy #BLUBLOODS Friday! Off to @CBSNews to sit down with the gang on CBS This Morning!Join us in the 8 o'clock ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While I find the Killstream a really funny show. These are guys that kept saying the end is already coming to all youtubers and trying to do any type of political activism to stop it is gay\/cringy, etc. I don't like to see them censored, but they were also sitting on their ass waiting for the end. Definitely - this is why Sargon's been doing his own thing trying to get political support on the European side. This is what happens when you become a nihilist and just do it \"FOR TEH LULZ\" - eventually the LULZ slaps you in the face.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ceut: BushCo used to publicly trash ex-officials who wrote books - Snow, O'Neill, etc. Bet we won't hear PBO trashing Gates... #morning ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh be quiet, goat-fucker. sorry to tell you, yeah some people are that stupid. this twat tried to sub to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whitaker is not afraid of the left's sacred cows. In Iowa, he prosecuted one of the democrat's favorite candidate's for fraud. The dem is a pretty-boy faggot that the left here adores. Whitaker isn't afraid of being called a racist or a bigot or a meanie weenie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Cuzimdaddy_: !!! @5feet_0inches is dis wrong??? \"@_100d: If you fuck wit a lame nigga you a lame bitch\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've thought long and hard about this and...I don't care. This was a Saudi citizen killed by Saudis on Saudi property. And so what if he was a journalist? If anything, that makes me think less of him, considering today's state of journalism. There's nothing here that merits another potential useless, bloody mid-east ground war.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only the jews on FAKE NEWS gave as much coverage as TRUMP having a piece of paper on his foot: to a wetback caught on video tossing 8yo white girl Maddie Middleton's dead body into a dumpster after he raped her to death in election year @Heartiste @Koanic @RapefugeeWatch http:\/\/archive.is\/BV9XL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad @a U got #Gab sorted out these fuck wits didn't get on2 #Facebook which that piece of shit had a account or that silly twat the day B4 had a #Twitter account but nothing. #FreeSpeech is everthing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You probably haven't interacted with one yet so. You can't judge how cunty they can be. Go ahead. Throw an insult my way. You are incorrect on this one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all gay people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I obviously have a functioning brain so I am not qualified to be a brainwashed retarded monkey brain RACIST piece of human sewage antifa member. They are are complete NPC's!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw a screencap of someone on twatter calling it fascist already. Shocker. Heaven forbid people try to protect themselves from what are in fact, violent monsters. You bigot! #LetThemIn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift Goes Full Libtard Mark Dice https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/AvJAxKPVNFo\/ Ffffffuck that skinny little cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woman from Colombia Who Shamed Jeff Flake on Elevator is an Illegal https:\/\/westernfreepress.com\/jl-woman-from-colombia-who-shamed-jeff-flake-on-elevator-is-an-illegal\/ So true! I guess the left will ban Spanish now correct? I wish! Got a query on a craigslist post and see spanish from her iPhone - ugh! Almost asked her if she was legal...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just st4b those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alright, so fucking finally I got my account disabled by Zuccthecucc. I know that some data still goes to him, but who cares about those retarded zionists ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common femaletrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cowboys an redskins game was a hell of a game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"How about we draft all those gung-ho folks and send them to Afghanistan or other war zones so they can show their... http:\/\/t.co\/sR1zceHx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What if the \"male\" kid that you refuse to have grows up to realize they're trans? Awfully closed minded of you to assume that baby's gender. \/s Look at the tags. >TERF This bitch doesn't even believe in trans people. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Harris is one vile cunt i would love to see butchered.............was that wrong of me to say?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people faggot. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly, as long as they look close enough the part, and don't pretend for me to use retarded made up shit like \"xyr\", I don't really give a shit about them wanting to be called with a female pronoun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no fuck you. oh wait not even a nigger will that's why you are so angry. angry fat liberal chick that no one hump. roflmfao.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That obvious retard emily needs to re-read her idiot postings that contradict herself... \"some innocent men's...\" \"that is a price I am absoutely willing to pay\". What's she paying for? It's not her reputation that's being trashed and lied about. But we CAN make that happen... I think emily needs a dose of her own medicine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @602StrangeAngel: Your Swags off fag sauce","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This proves it everything the left touches turns to shit a cripple muslim Dalek dyke does it scream Allah Akbar in a Daleks voice ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Very unusual for @brittanyventi to delete a video. Did anyone download it? So what did she do to her boyfriend?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/video-pro-abortion-activist-roundhouse-kicked-a-young-pro-life-woman-in-the-face\/ Faggot could only do that to a woman","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Did you ever think that funding, friends, family, culture, finances, local crime and many other things affect studying and results in school Those factors are nothing compared to genetics. Additionally, family and culture are determined by genetics. Funding is irrelevant. > quality of teaching Lol. Quality of teaching is irrelevant. Teachers have been obsolete since dial up. > US public schools are in general a pretty shit example Blacks are retards in Africa, too. Not just in the US. > normalisation of crime and poverty in manu areas Again, genetics. > Even if you claim IQ differences, you can overcome those easily with better teaching and encouragement for education. No, you cannot over come IQ differences. The US army has determined that anyone with an IQ of 83 or lower is too stupid to do anything but dig holes > poorest states in the US have the lowest levels of education and these states happen to be in the south You mean the ones with the most niggers? Maryland is a liberal, rich state, but Baltimore has entire schools with not a single nigger that is proficient in math. Yes, I very much think that the right to vote should be restricted to white, property owning men. I'd also have no problem with an iq test to vote, considering that shit skins are significantly dumber than whites. Throwing money at nigger education will always be a waste, just like funding is never going to make the Chinese good at basketball.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Things4FLppl Yankees like Florida State; not Floridians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I also get the homos asking for your address, faggot ;) You too Wienner LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about coming to find me? It would be better than trying to fight a lady. Of course, that's what I would expect from a Regressive Leftist faggot like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Getting banned from that sub is like being banned from the special Olympics for not being retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"One day at band camp her most famous line. She's a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"clocks! Want to see her take that big cunt please! Get her cunt stretched!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want the address of Christine Ballsey Fraud so we can reciprocate!! Look at this pussy faggot and weep for America. That faggot needs a little football!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter is imploding. These suspensions are having the opposite effect, in that when people hear about them, they begin networking with the suspended party. A bond is formed, and word gets out. Jack Dorsey will be blamed for the Democrats' midterm bloodbath, because he's created a grapevine of angry voters who are becoming more and more informed about leftist social-media moguls' attempts to silence dissent. Watch Jack go down in flames. And then laugh at him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @StayyeGolden: @vivalakristia: Everybody that's still on Facebook ghetto or pregnant idc. accurate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just got thrown in the Twitter Gulag for calling Kirsten Powers a retard... 2 mins later...boom Checked with another guy who's Twat jailed all the time.... Sez Retard will trigger a 7 if reported","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] I thought I was on r\/incels for a minute. This is really disgusting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. Only spammers and subversives oppose a block button. Thanks for helping cleanse this platform of spam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember that time a bunch of people kidnapped a retard and tortured him live?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The left is the destroyer of cultures because it's leaders never have to face the consequences of their ideology...until it's already too late. Release this virtue signaling twat in Raqqah and let's see how he fares.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger Huts Up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If YOU don't homeschool your kids and grandkids it's wilfully giving them to a gang of pedo predators with a box lunch in Preschoolers in Iceland are being taught to rid themselves of gender stereotypes by being forced to participate in gender stereotypes. Elementary school boys are taught to massage each other with lotion to learn how to have \"gentle hands , and are also taught to play while looking after babies with gender-neutral rag dolls. As for the boys in the report, Cardew had lit candles and drawn the blinds of their minimalist classroom. At other stations around the room, boys styled each other's hair, painted on nail polish or gave each other full-body massages, according to the report. The Hjalli model was founded by self-described radical feminist Margr t P la lafsd ttir who holds no punches when describing why she does what she does. https:\/\/thefreethoughtproject.com\/gender-equality-schools-children\/ @Wifewithapurpose @lovelymiss @Empress @Mondragon @wocassity @RaviCrux","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who ever did it you no this evil cunt will no who are and by tonight or you may not get in the new you be dead you only get one time and should of kill soro s and family","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A bit more like it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get off your knees, white man, and stand up for your race. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea, any retard with a head can drive up here on this oh so inclusive country","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These disabled people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those gay people might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redddit is going to shit. Free speech does not exist on this site. I know reddit can ban\/quarantine whatever it wants but that does not mean it's cool. idk i think reddit's pretty cool and free speech is still alive and well","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a twat that thing is!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SexyKarenFisher: Oh it's Saturday funny time! You better redneck necognize! http:\/\/t.co\/qc4mgs3ejp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People need to understand that immigrants are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#firefighter is a job for white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Moslems took over Spain in early 8 century, during peak days of Christian deadly grip over Europe, commonly known as Dark Ages. Spain remained moslem occupied 800 years. And Christians, instead of liberating Spain from Arab\/ nigger moslem occupation, went on genocidal slaughter of Whites all over Europe. You are so dumb and ignorant , it's pathetic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing more nauseating than a loudmouth faggot male stewardess.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bingo Underrated comment. It's probably posted here somewhere but has anyone shown what an empty ballot looks like from this state? I'd love to see what it looks like. and#x200B; My initial thoughts are, it's possible people skipped it (intentionally or not) but that's a pretty big number of votes, and it's a bit suspicious that they popped up so late. Not looking good for those pesky Dems lol. At my precinct in Broward at least, it was 6 pages front and back. The pages were split into 3 columns with the Governor race being the first option on the bottom left (all the rules and info took up most of the first column) then at the very top of the 2nd column was the Senate race followed by all of the judges. I could see people doing the opposite of this trend and completely missing the Govenor vote. Also something strange I encountered was that the scanning machine didnt like the first page of my ballot (straight Republican) and spit it back out at me 2-3 times before an official came over and told me to flip it over backwards. She definitely took a few seconds to peak at who I voted for and I felt a bit uncomfortable. I wonder why broward has 6 pages for their ballots. I voted in FL and only had 1 doublesided page. Most of it was the state and county referendums (holy shit were there a lot of Broward charter referendums). Its like the people who made the template found out about the page break feature and went all out. Explanation for one amendment on the left column that goes halfway down the page, then the vote for it at the top of the middle column. Followed by the explanation of the next amendment. One good amendment that was passed will require your county to hold elections for offices like sheriff that are apparently just appointed now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he is a racist fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most of \"hate crimes\" are hoaxes used to gain compassion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because England is GONE. Bend over for your Muzzie Love, England. Enjoy the multiculturalism at it's Rape Anything finest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: BREAKING: Louisville coach Charlie Strong is expected to accept Texas job, according to ESPN and media reports http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't have anything against trans people but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can someone please make this shit stop already?! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/8sXW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why it needs an actual name, rather than an acronym. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I'm confused why there's Lesbian and Gay in there. Can't gay represent both sexes? Also, doesn't it confirm there are two genders? This is weirdly specific, but I've always hated the word \"lesbian.\" I think it's because it's a noun, and immediately has the same connotation as something like \"one of the gays,\" \"fag,\" \"dyke,\" etc. People resort to nouns when they're being derogatory, because it places \"those people\" over into another category. As opposed to when it's just one detail about them as a person. Adjectives are more likely to be innocent or unassuming. \"Oh, she's gay? Had no idea. How 'bout that.\" It has the connotation of \"from the island of lesbos\" > \"The Gay Community\" **THE GAY COMMUNITY?!** - AJ Styles 'Oh God get rid of him, let's go to Phil' - 'Uncle' Dave 'Money' Meltzer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got a new #boycott for all you good folks out there in the Gabosphere: Hilton.com, and by extension, #Hilton Hotels. The Hilton family is crazy enough to merit staying away from that chain of lodges, but a recent commercial once again shows the nigger buck, compliant white whore, -and- two mutts. Nope. I'm not going to go there anymore. Screw #miscegenation-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i dont think these fools were gonna reproduce either way due to a lack of partner willling to stand their shit I hope that's not true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fewer women a white man has actually raped, the more of a rapist he is. Bill \"put some ice on it\" Clinton - not guilty Brett \"the virgin\" Kavanaugh - rapist of all women @Jim7z is right. To reclaim the West, white men must rape the retarded out of white women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Cougar745III: this girl comes into class with fried chicken and pulls hot sauce out of her purse i mean come on how ghetto and Stereotypi ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"but why are migrants killing jews if they're part of the jews' plan? explain that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tonymoore: Found cheese cracker sandwiches in the cabinet, a year expired. Ate them anyway. If I die tonight, these will be the worst l ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whites make them succumb to theft temptations There's that kaffir mentality, they are literally retarded Di Wyte man poots di AIDS into di condims ! There was a rape condom (with teeth) invented by an SA doctor for disproportionate black on white rape, shit you not, they called it racist South Africa has one of the highest rape rates in the world, Human Rights Watch says on its website. A 2009 report by the nation's Medical Research Council found that 28 percent of men surveyed had raped a woman or girl, with one in 20 saying they had raped in the past year, according to Human Rights Watch. And the rape device is racist, said SJW I had a Boer friend who was here on a work Visa. I'm a Yankee and never really was around them, he used to play videos for me, he says, when they swarm like locusts, get out! He'd show me videos where they literally start swarming like locusts in the street Yes they are like that. They are like ants. Evil race of demons ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all the other gay people in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eric Holder advocating for violence against Republicans is being noticed by even CNN http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=139197 Holder and Hillary and Obama (hiding in the shadows giving directions) are inciting Democrats nationwide to rise up in violence against #Patriots and #Conservations so we won't go to the polls November 6 #RedTsunami People","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EINHERJER - NIDSTONG https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ILKU8ibGYvc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a fucking cunt, who the fuck does she think is.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @1goodlookingman: Bees won, Mets won, and the Yankees lost. It's a good day in baseball.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can dress the NBA and NFL in any uniform you want, but underneath they are just fucking thugs and set a bad image for youth. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/fight-in-lebrons-home-los-angeles-lakers-debut-124-115-loss-to-houston-rockets ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/intheMatrixxx\/status\/1049256960024039425","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jeebus worshipper Satanist Atheist This is on the level of a Jesus-rode-a-dinosaur-theme-park stupid. I CHOOSE NONE OF YOUR OPTIONS. I'M NOT PLAYING YOUR GAME.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DreCordero: Always interesting to see people who trash La Liga react to products of La Liga on Premier League clubs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The next man makes a move, the nigger gets it! Hold it, men. He's not bluffing. Listen to him, men; he's just crazy enough to do it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what Democracy looks like! When every retard in the country has an opinion that we are forced to concern ourselves with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My wife has a degree in English and a Masters in secondary Education. Then married a half hillbilly half Texan was enlightening.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Without immigrants american companies would just automate like everywhere else on the planet retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid pimp nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's shit like this that slowly makes me not want to support LGBT shit. The moment the lunatic fringe give a cause the sacred cow treatment, the blowback starts. Supporting LGBT shit should be as simple as thinking being gay should have no bearing on the freedoms given to you from birth. Not LGBT related, but there was an old Magic: The Gathering article on StarCityGames.com, where the author dared suggest we treat women players the same as any other player of Magic -- that article was pulled and an apology was offered by the head editor. So yes -- if even the notion of equal treatment is considered \"not good enough\", perhaps that blowback IS warranted. Please remember that we're not all like this. Evil people come in all flavors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really simple: It is against the feminist ethos to directly help men with anything but, at best, a demand that they stop hitting themselves. Feminism is legitimately and truly predicated on the idea that women have it worse in every conceivable realm than men, and any appearances to the contrary are just because of 'inaccurate lensing'. More homeless men? It's because of men not wanting to seem womanly and seeking help. Well it's actually because women are oppressed into not committing suicide because they are so conditioned to put others' happiness before their own. More deaths on the job for men? It is again because they are conditioned to view the female condition as weak and thus equate weakness with femininity thus do not properly seek safety, and also these jobs are run by MEN. This is not even strawmanning them. One look at \"Everything is Patriarchy\" Big Red's rhetoric will show you that, and despite her being a massive cunt and horrible person, her rhetoric is not extreme or radical relatively speaking, but rather the standard position of most feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Pocahontas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Such faggot wow!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @duttyOGshake: for real this game is pub trash let's do drugs and get smashed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ou are an entitled mombie which already makes you obnoxious to your surroundings. How about NO. Stop producing crotch fruit, if you need strangers to act like you are the only one that matters as a consequence. The most retarded person on the planet can spawn a babbi, its not a heroic action. Shut the fuck up, and get to the back of the line bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IT'S SIMPLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my opinion, immigrants are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've seen people shake coming out of the movies after they saw Fight Club in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"May you lieing cunt you worrying about job them people what total load cunt bollocks you close most of the police station s in UK u fucking convted to Islam you give to fuck about the people in tower block in that kill 75 people you fucking lie straight from start when we no you we the English Scottish people that vote to get out the billion club that my money","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let it happen. Let it fail. It's like those idiot white supremacists in Charlottesville. If no one had made a big deal they would have gone away like a fart in a windy field. Huge stink and suddenly they have press and recognition and can try to play the victim card (which will just get them more recruits). So pointless all the way around. This should be dealt with the same way. Look at em like you look at the retarded kid eating bugs in the yard. Let stupid be stupid. They'll hopefully be one step closer to addressing the real issues once this dies off with no appreciable impact on the issues that brought it into being.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All trans people are such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not know many trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The classic \" he's just a friend\" line. Bitch, you better not have no brothers. I'mma have your whole family making me sandwiches all night! Get me a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries... For free! Unforgivable!!! Bitch, that's just my B.O.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"O lobo se humilha ao se disfar ar de ovelha! kkkkkkkkkkkkkk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is will powers some sort of retard?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Croak, bitch! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ i just figured because eleanor was a dyke and franky nailed everything, just thought it was because of those similarities between the pairs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews are Nazis who work in tangent with the Swiss Nazi's and Pharaoh Nazi's who control all the Trust Funds in the world. The whole lot is a group of indoctrinated retarded fuck twits, Nazis Jews and Swissy's included. Fuck what you heard, cause its a crock of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitch if my mother wasn't burning in Hell I could introduce you to someone who physically, verbally, and emotionally abused me. On top of that she let her sugar daddies\/boyfriends sexual abuse me. So STFU.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NPC Nasty Pathetic Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're shippin em back Lee, you retarded fuck...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dr phil really is a cunt though, and its clear as fucking day he is making a spectacle, if you follow the conversation he clearly \"Pauses for dramatic effect\" after he says \"and you have never met him\" and she answers promptly. if this was a police interview or a genuine psychology interview you want to get to the truth ASAP so you would immediately follow up with a futher question e.g \"have you ever falled in love without meeting someone before?\", or \"are you in love with anyone else\" etc etc. Dr phil knows exactly what he is doing he is deliberately saying nothing so that what she just said sounds more ridiculous and \"shocking\" as why would you ask that question to begin with if you had no follow up or point to make, im sure its pretty fucking obvious she hasn't met him from the context of the story. basically the subtext of dr phil is basically \"i just want to remind the audience this woman has NEVER met him and she is claiming she loves him, just let that sink in for a moment teehee what an idiot right\" clearly she is an attention seeking cunt also trying to manufacture a story out of nothing, but that still doesnt exonerate dr phil, they can both be cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're White and refuse to talk about race, that is your right. However, if you also say you are strictly about merit, then unless you confront every non-White with the same vehemence that they cannot be about their races either, you're either a hypocrite or a unwitting leftist stooge. You pick. WHY should we WHITES NOT talk about RACE ?????? WE TALK ABOUT those things, being interesting for us ! :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you. I'm Spartacus. Not you...you fucking black piece of shit. I was born in Greece. Delivered by a midwife on a divan under an incandescent bare bulb in Argos. Not you..you fucking faggot black piece of shit. Fuck you Cory...or whatever the fuck your black stupid piece of shit name is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoever walks around saying that traditionally women never worked is completely inept regarding history. Women worked as hard as men, generally doing different things. Yeah.....no they didn't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With the orange and blue hair she would get stoned, raped and thrown off a building but she isn't against the Islamic religion and if she was she might face the Saudi Meat Saw. What a (insert-your-favorite-profanity-here) loony retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is Antifa Portland on 10\/ Fuck the faggots just beat an antifa retard if you see one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @pambesteder: **WOW* according to this tweet by @Tarascan68 Obama must have been an Uncle Tom? http:\/\/t.co\/Klcsgy9JPW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know, I know... I should have known better than to question the narrative. Still, what a fucking joke. Welcome to the club. Banned from them for calling out a sock and providing proof of it. And then OGFT for asking for a cite while providing academic rebuttals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You shouldn't use the word retarded. It highly offensive. You should say \"That idea has an extra 21st chromosome.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=gQnb1pc4Drwandfeature=youtu.be Thank you my friend I don't blame you one bit I cringe with her voice also","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're giving that twat wayyyy to much credit! he saw a situation and thought he could capitalize on it, get his face in the news cycle again, he failed and dragged the democrats with him, end of story!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no such rule as \"tie goes to the runner\". Out or safe. #Yankees #JohnSterling","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone wants to die https:\/\/redd.it\/9osicc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree, but for these retards they want communism for the peasants, they get to run the Politburo. I was born in the USSR, I don't want to wait 1 hour to buy bread only to be told that they have no more bread and have just pickles. So you buy the fucking pickles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Robot Revolution: The New Age of Manufacturing | Moving Upstream https:\/\/youtu.be\/HX6M4QunVmA via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NYTMinusContext: kill whitey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I say Nigger often and all Whites must do the same. They are NOT us. Niggers are despicable and degenerate ape-like filthy black beasts deserving of extreme hatred and contempt. Non-white vermin scum are NOT Americans and Do NOT belong in White Lands. White race traitors and degenerate jews compel a final solution.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Speaker Ryan: GOP Keeps Its Promises, Must Maintain Congress Majorities #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #KavanaughConfirmed #Winning #USA #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew http:\/\/www.oann.com\/speaker-ryan-gop-keeps-its-promises-must-maintain-congress-majorities\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the nigger needs dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Body Language: FBI Report Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer Press Conference https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=lqY-UsS2mr4#action=share","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @collegefession: \"My first adult decision i made in college was to buy a guinea pig #NoRagrets #AlsoNoBeerMoney\" - University if Iowa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Agni's birthday gift to herself. I think that's his fetish. \"I get aroused by missing a lot!!\" I believe it. *misting a lot?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sterm26 @RealJamesWoods Just like when I call someone a nigger! It's not because they're black, it's about how they act. LIKE A NIGGER!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Identity politics at its most disgusting. Is \"black America\" okay with this Suicidal Autopsy cunt speaking for them? Is \"white America\" going to watch this bitch talk her bullshit just because they think she's fuckable?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RayIopez: When you're approaching your high score in flappy bird and die one pipe away http:\/\/t.co\/bI1RQ6A1ur","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Omg that is awesome so much hate but stay positive","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lily Lithium aka Liv Lago is\/was friends with our buddy John Carico on Facebook https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/LivLithium As I looked through her Facebook, I noticed it was archived. It was set to \"Remembering Liv Lago.\" That's because Lily Lago of Dahlonega, GA died at 22 last May: http:\/\/accesswdun.com\/obituaries\/obit\/88220\/lily-ann-lago","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Limbaugh on Khashoggi: Where Was This Concern for Our Ambassador and Three Other Men Brutally Murdered in Benghazi?' https:\/\/truepundit.com\/limbaugh-on-khashoggi-where-was-this-concern-for-our-ambassador-and-three-other-men-brutally-murdered-in-benghazi\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women's March leader Sarsour launches racial attack against white woman' Susan Collins - https:\/\/go.shr.lc\/2ObPuI0 - @washtimes Threatening a person to suppress their political view is a terrorist act! Where is the FBI! Pretty much useless when it comes to investigating leftist terrorism, that's where....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheRoot: Don Lemon gets called an Uncle Tom, doesn't like it: http:\/\/t.co\/eV4xgI5Pgc http:\/\/t.co\/i6Xs8HCnrb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many muzzies in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a nigger meets another moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Kanye West, now known as 'Ye', just became the first person to ever publicly say 'mother-f***er' in the Oval Office. IT'S TRUE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EyeOnPolitics @chrisloesch As long as its not one of those \"special brownies\" right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @490xl: why get attached to people when you can jump in a trash can and feel the same way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If my wife had fucked a nigger in her past, she would not be my wife. I chose her, carefully so. @InfantryVet - I am not sure what is going on here but it seems strange to try and follow. We agree that mud-sharking is a degenerate character flaw. @WADL said anyone who hates mudsharks lives in their basement, smokes weed all day and plays video games. I said that's not true, a lot of people who hate mudsharks have careers and families. Than he went all crazy and started calling me a kike, putting words in my mouth, and saying no well adjusted White Man would ever be against a mudshark.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some faggot is posting tranny porn on the politics tag For fucks sake image boards have better moderation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wentworth by-election: Kerryn Phelps declares refugees first priority as vote narrows Kerryn announces detention centres and half way houses accommodating thousands of asylum seekers in Double Bay and Bondi. You didn't know that when you voted did you! Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard - H. L. Mencken https:\/\/www.sbs.com.au\/news\/wentworth-by-election-kerryn-phelps-declares-refugees-first-priority-as-vote-narrows #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia She won that election too. Welcome to cuckville. Postal votes are still coming in. The ABC jumped the gun when they announced that she won. Oh fucking beauty. I barely follow Aussie politics now lol, I just went off the search results. From what I know, theres about 4000 postal votes? Not 100% sure. Also read that there are 2000 postal votes from Aussies overseas. Sharma has jumped from 46% of the vote to 49% last time I checked about 6 hours ago. Heard that he is now at 50% with Phelps. How wonderful. While I \"don't care\" about Aussie politics as far as my own time and effort was concerned - It really fucking pissed me off to hear a lesbian that's spouting \"Refugee's come first\" and \"muh Climate Change\" had won that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love to see my niggas winning. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She is all that and more. Remember she got in by pushing a write in campaign. Hope Alaska remembers! The Kow is only loved in Alaska by the left and Native Corporations. She represents the worst of mankind... a little girl who got by on her dad's name and couldn't think her way out of a bag of muktuk. took the words out of MY mouth! Evil is evil. If Murkowski on Saturday votes NO great Patriots in Alaska have the RIGHT to RECALL her and REPLACE HER!!! DO IT!!! Nicely said Maybe this is the straw that gets her replaced. Nothing to apologize for. Your profanity seems to be high quality Yeah she evil, but i'm Sure she was threatened by Feinstein. Still that's no excuse to vote NO.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leo, I assure you, I lived through it, and, you're a lying half paki, half Welsh faggot https:\/\/m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk\/news\/brexit\/varadkar-shows-eu27-dinner-guests-border-bomb-horror-picture-brexit-tensions-intensify-over-ireland-backstop-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can see the country is fertile and green. just need the right governance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Harry_Styles: @kathygriffin I just found an Oreo in my pocket... Is it yours? Thanks for looking after it .xx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Strip their citizenship then and leave them outside the wall Texas is already a shit place. No public land, lots of fat rednecks, hot, fat rednecks, shitty NFL teams, fat rednecks, etc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger violence tactic,met with Christian mercy.May God reward him and his trusting friend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Simple research. I didn't know Zoe Quinn till last year and i still don't Care. But I saw Anita's tropes kickstarter and i thought it was interesting. Then I saw her blaming gamers and later gamergate for things. I was still on her side at this point. Because like anyone else, i think harassment is bad. But then... I watched tropes. It was shit, disingenuous and also made using other's uncredited gameplay videos. After that I looked into it a bit more and now, here we are. So thank you Anita. It's funny, because that's actually what she wants. Push more people against her cause, further the divide, eventually more people flock to her side and then she has more marks that she can scam. Anita isn't a radfem, she is a scammer whose targets are radfems. I will give her some credit ,she successfully saw a opening and took it without batting a eye,she set the blueprint for how all the professional victims and SWJ's would act in the future and right now,begging for viewer funding and cherry picking to the extreme anything that can profit her twisted rhetoric,and of course call bloody murder and spin it in her favor whenever people responded remotely negative towards anything she did. I think for many people 2007 was the year when games really went from more a niche,nerdy type of thing to full blown mainstream industry that could rival movies and TV series thanks to titles like Modern Warfare,Halo 3,Assassin's Creed... That was the transitioning moment when all the leeches started eyeballing gaming as a medium and a platform they can fully profit off from. Yeah I have 1000x more respect for Anita than most of the others, she's a smart, driven, rational woman who found a market and milked it for all it was worth. It just so happened that her goals in exploiting that market were formed around an idea that was basically tearing down me and things that I love. So it's like on one hand, respect your game, on the other hand, fuck you to the highest of extremes. Rational?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The dried up old cunt saw it as an insult because it made her feel old...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's a female dawg. No. It's not. It's diseased pig cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why isn't that twat in jail?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Careful or some retard will label you a concern troll and actually get upvotes for it -.-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Daily Caller continues with its leftist-style faggot gossip reporting. Who gives a shit what Kasich \"refuses to say\" on CNN?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another lunatic Jew hater. Notice how in 10 years you will see them mention no more than 5 names (and Barbara Spectre is almost certain to be one of those 5 names). Just antiSemitism for the sake of antiSemitism, right Shlomo? We just woke up one morning and decided to become antiSemites for no reason? We're just \"racists with nothing better to do? Go ahead, apply some of that classic Jewish wordplay to talk your way out of it... Nope. You're just retarded cowards. Here you are bravely fighting your retarded fight using pseudonyms in a cyber-ghetto. Then you wonder why you have been losing for 60 years. And then you look for some uber-powerful bogeyman to relieve you of the shame of your own cowardice and ineptitude. You Jews are only intellectually equipped to engage sub-90 iQ Gentiles in any kind of discourse. Any time a Gentile is hip to what's really going on, you don't have a leg to stand on. All you've got is obfuscation, deflection, and lies. It's fun to watch you kvetch as you try to point at my account to invalidate any of the claims I'm making though. Keep squirming!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That steering committee faggot better. But then again, I doubt we will 2 peat on the Senate side. Now if it clears the house by Nov 6, is an entire other thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Find attention elsewhere faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I could see mail in ballots taking time to count but early votes should have been counted early lol? Early voting delaying the election is so fucking backwards. I know it's Florida but this is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"looks like a faggot list We need a new Hitler Youth movement... There was a time when boys were trained to become men... not a bunch of hippy cunt homos like your list... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RGC-4VM4UXw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just killed 3 birds with 1 stone! Thank God I payed attention in my communication classes#work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really can't stand black people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Msm can bite me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cause they want to force the creator to remove the stereotypes from the character and force them to hire an Indian to voice him. If they get rid of the character it robs them of a win. Spingfield contains *nothing but* stereotypes! Ugh. I hate these people. Apu's character is one of the most well rounded and well developed characters on the show. Hes more representative of \"the American dream\" than anyone else. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=F68l9FozxJ8and what a nice watch, just started to watch a few minutes and ended up watching the whole thing. thanks for posting. Apu is unequivocally the most industrious and hard-working character in The Simpson's lineup with the exception of Smithers, and Smithers only takes the win because he's got a gay crush on his boss and wants to make him happy. Whats the vid title? The video is \"restricted\" and even though I'm signed in Google won't let me watch it. The Apu That I Know, by hotdiggedydemon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"you don't know who you're dealing with...\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FBI Arrests White Serial Rioters' And ignores antifa. https:\/\/www.amren.com\/commentary\/2018\/10\/fbi-arrests-white-serial-rioters\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Palin mocks Obama, on Russia rhetorically asks \"who could have seen this coming,\" the crowd goes wild #CPAC2014","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fitzpatrick is trash bruh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is the president. Don't eff with us. https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/16\/honduras-begs-migrant-caravan-turn-back\/ #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump Hey @Sopwith, you should change your name to Trump Autist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Manliness is rooted to a man's beard and his balls. Yet we are living in a day where factions are cutting them both off.\" @lf6 pussy hat approved","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ever notice how blacks walk around with devious,mocking,shit eating grins? Not in South Carolina. Here they walk around with respect for the fact that if they get out of line, a whole bunch of folks with well-maintained firearms and practice using them will appear out of nowhere and blow his nigger ass back to Africa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Come on. This is cute. I see a family doing something harmless and fun TOGETHER.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When Twitter says they don't allow encouragement of violence.... they are obviously lying. That is just one of the excuses they use to censor the voice of conservatives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ya i've been kicked out of a gym once because of a sleeveless shirt, while like 5 chicks in very immodest tank tops and yoga shorts were working out right beside me, cameltoe and boobs hanging out. i was fucking pissed to say the least. that is a retarded rule but at least try to enforce it equally.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @fatbellybella: I know u didnt hit that jigga with my fav purse. .. @solangeknowles --no chill! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hollywood always has OPINIONS.. Behind walls.. With armed security.. Completely detached from the real world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is one of THE BEST in #DC By day, he rules in favor of @ICEgov By night, he is throwing #ICE Days filled with disappointing #9thCircuit Nights filled with action and great #BEER You thought #SOROS protests would stop him? Say hello 2 #JusticeKavanaugh #MAGA #RoadHouse #KAG https:\/\/youtu.be\/4BFruXBFEVM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS IS CNN=> Don Lemon Brings Up Kanye West's Deceased Mother to Criticize Trump Meeting (VIDEO) https:\/\/bit.ly\/2OiqS0e","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Millions died and were maimed so this stupid bitch could be free from tyranny . Emily Dawes tweeted that the mural of \"white men needs to be taken down even if she had to \"paint it over myself . https:\/\/order-order.com\/2018\/10\/25\/students-union-president-vows-paint-historic-war-memorial\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I THOUGHT SO BECAUSE NO REAL PERSON CAN BE SO RETARDED","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pops interviews remain warm and fuzzy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"James O'Keefe: McCaskill's Response is Outrageous She is a liar. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4L9_RwYb9GA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DNAinfoCHI: The new nature area replacing Indian Boundary Park's former zoo is expected to attract a variety of migratory birds http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Iraq gov troops were handed a severe defeat by #ISIS at Saqlawiya -- there's chatter of over 300 soldiers lost and Jihadis raving about it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never hurt any gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are an ignorant cunt trying to brainwash people into believing what you saying is true. You are exactly like her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These Muslims are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STEM education practices such as the traditional way of teaching math produce \"patriarchy, heteronormativity, white supremacy, Eurocentrism, (neo-)colonialism, able-ism, classism, labor inequity, anthropocentrism, and\/or others, the professors claim. https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/canadian-profs-claim-stem-promotes-eurocentrism-and-white-supremacy\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every Christian church that helps niggers overseas should be burnt to the ground. ....and yes, I'm Christian. I went to the church I was baptized in recently and they had a nigger pastor from Nigeria in there. I haven't been to that church in over 10 years and it made me feel sick to see all of the niggers and wetbacks in that church. The Catholics and Christian's have been completely subverted by Jews and communists. When I was a kid it was exclusively white in that church.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haven't you gone just a wee bit too far, loony leftists?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Natetheweasel Being a shill for \"Dont do this, it will end up badly\" got you muted and booted. STOP UNDERMINING THE MOVEMENT, you fucking faggot shills.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"California has gangs because California is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @BeautyOfASinner: So they really deleted flappy bird from the App Store cus someone killed themselves over it foreal foreal ?? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Psycho Cunt is lying...she'd have blood running in the streets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the second Pret a Manger customer died after eating - a \" super veg Rainbow flat bread \" that was supposed to be dairy free.. \" eat faggot bread + die \"..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get out if at all possible, you are surrounded by criminally retarded voters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There will NOT be a Sand Nigger Socialist as Governor in Florida.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a regular Resetera poster- the gaming side ain't too bad, and it's great to keep up with new releases and news, and even though it definitely leans left, it's generally reasonable. EtcetEra (off topic board) is a fucking dumpster fire, though. Like when they threatened the cdpr twitter guy because he made a joke that offended them? Right. Amazing that it's the one thing reeesetera won't ban you for. > are just as easily triggered Just as easily? How hard do you have to try to trigger KIA mods to ban someone ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking faggot snitch doxer needs his ass beat in the church parking lot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wetback vs wetback! Cousin vs cousin! What will go down tomorrow on my YouTube live stream when we discuss the Trump wall. I am FOR the wall and Emilio of Front and Center Podcast is AGAINST the wall! Tune in tomorrow at around","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wasn't interested because he remained civil, but then he made that odd statement. Given the low proportion of the US jewish population that joins the military compared to Whites and given that even israel has not been sending troops to fight in the Iraq wars or in Afghanistan. therefore this guy's comment that he had jews to the left and the right of him on the battlefield would be likely a nonsense. Then if you look at his account and see one straight down the line normie comment after another. Odds on that it's a hasbara. Unfortunately for the gameplan that they run by, we're not born again yesterday and actually don't take comments at face value, because unlike his (or her) comment, we actually do have jews on our left and right, all the time. lying about everything. At least it wasn't posting skat porn i suppose. \" Rob Bee @RobBee2018 I don't remember seeing you on the battlefield during our latest round of wars... no disrespect intended... however, I do recall seeing plenty of US Jewish Soldiers onmy left and right. Just sayin'.\" Yes, yes. on with the cliched hasbara replies that completely ignore the facts as they were stated to you which you did ask for but because they actually materialised you ignore them. It's a common ploy that we see here over and over. As Trump would say, Sad. Anyway, go in peace. Umm.., yeah... your a shit head. Good night.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine having that many more niggers to support. Fuck that Ok faggot ass nigger lover. You want millions of extra niggers move to africa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know it's horrible I just come type retard and nigger get it out my system and back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME!!!! Then leave my sight. LET ME GUESS, WHITE MALE? ONLY IN A PATRIARCHY WILL MEN THINK ITS UNREASONABLE FOR ME TO TELL THEN TO STOP USING THEIR EYES!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh I'm sure they did. 10000s for dems and 2 for conservatives. Seems legit Well, they've had 36 years where the GOP legally couldn't go after voter fraud. I would really love to know what the Judas' that agreed to such a thing actually received. I don't get that either. If you're going to cheat, make it seem somewhat realistic. Their problem is that anyone with statistics knowledge could show the unusual slant to added votes. Their tactics only work because no one stops them, so they don't have to make it seem reasonable. No-one stopped them, because we legally couldn't. Now we can, and we will. Too much ground to make up. If they held their traditional balance they'd have to come up with 10s of thousands of more ballots than they already have. exactly. they'd have had to find nearly half a million ballots if they did 60\/40 o 55\/45 Fact is they needed too many votes to play it smart. If you are 80k votes behind and you go 60\/40 to hide it, you're going to have to \"find\" over 400,000 votes to close the gap. if you start finding more votes than there are registered voters that's going to be a problem. far easier to find 100,000 votes of 90\/10 split. And that's why it happened. They'd only need 134K to get 80K on a 60D\/40R split. They do, it goes about 70\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good ole Dameron to the rescue. The brainwashing is real with that one. Be careful m'lady the boogeyman is out there ready to jump in your pants.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a generalization. It obviously doesn't represent the entire race. Are you retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What certainly seems clear is that the delusional Red Wave people need to be slapped hard and told to wake the fuck up. From what I've seen Democrats have been hard at work registering voters (and illegals), while the Big Tech Traitors are making sure millions of retarded teenagers will be ready to vote Democrat on election day. maybe it's a bad bet but assuming these retarded teenagers are the same fucks who went out to vote for bernie they're just gonna stew in malcontent instead of get out a vote for some other randoms, unless said random is offering student loan forgiveness.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm in nigger country, so yes...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Left: New York City subway station. Right: Moscow subway station. Raise your hands who used Moscow subway lately? Overcrowded and dirty. The pic is clearly taken as a prop, off-hours. The system within the Ring (Koltsevaya, a station on the pic is Kiyevskaya) was built as a show symbolizing the might of communism and kept by both federal and Moscow governments. Yes, the gold tiles use gold leaves. The stations built later, or 80% of the total now) do not offer the USSR museum style. NYC was built as a commute utility. Dirty and dysfunctional now because the city and the state are run by communists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lemon....the faggot maggot with an ego the size of jupiter Avanti...the whore schrew with herpes and syphilis making him a slimecunt Soros...the murderous jew prick who is without a doubt AS evil as satan himself The trifecta of sin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing to fucking educate! It was done in game! None of these NPCs are REAL! Holy shit what the fuck is up with these cunts. >Holy shit what the fuck is up with these cunts. They're left wing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Yankees team sucks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yong always came off as partially retarded when he talks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We spent the afternoon hoeing the vegetable patch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some people surely like that, not me, so to each it's own. I mean, furrys exist, so yeah it doesn't matter how fucked up something is or looks, someone faps to it that's almost certain They arent the first and probably not the biggest at it. The giantess stuff, that seems to be a femdom subgenre, is full of gigantic chicks eating people. tfw no zentradi gf >the biggest at it >giantess Ohoho. Is giantess stuff that popular, though? Furries, and even smaller subsections of furries, seem a lot more prominent, but that might just be from how outspoken they are... *Sehd ihr das Essen, Nein! Wir sind die Jaeger!* https:\/\/imgur.com\/f9j3T4f.jpg Vore isn't even the worst thing out there tbh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For a nonosecond in your head ...then he shoots you, rapes your wife , daughter and son , robs the place and leaves...and its because you are a fucking retard and failed at the most basic thing a man must do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wouldn't it be great if you could personally slowly murder all of these communist SJW faggot fuckers?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"majority of europeans in human civillizaton have lived under white christian european ethnostates\" you retarded fucking muppet. our existence goes back 10,000+ years that we know, all but the last 1400 of those years has been under pagan rule. Rome, Carthage, Egypt, Minoa, Greece, Germania, gaul, all pagan white empires and ethnostates","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @nypost: If you used the ObamaCare website you should definitely change your password http:\/\/t.co\/VEd4Yyztok hahahahahah that's sad #boon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_elennamichelle nope not at all but I'm stuck in a house full of fucking niggers help me escape ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YA have to believe the girl,,, according to every liberal cunt that ever marched","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"keith is a muzzie twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @King_SM If Howard elbow bosh, will bosh fight back? don't have to got mcbob bird and UD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK GAYS disgusting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The positive effect from allowing women in politics is negligible","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Venus_Lynn: @dylxnl: look ghetto but it work http:\/\/t.co\/chrvW9dPca ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mentally ill shitlib faggot roundhouse-kicks pro-life woman in Toronto. https:\/\/youtu.be\/z7SqtIe5rZQ ...the tolerant left.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a luck girl she is! I wish I was just that lucky","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always knew people who used linux were harassing, old, fat, retarded, ethnic, gay,nonbinary, stupid, uneducated, poor, african, ugly, black, jewish, gay again people. \/s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed how weird his comedy bits are? Most of his stories start with something like: \"...So, my girl and I were fighting, and I called her a cunt, and she slapped me in the face!\" Like, most of his jokes are about his wife\/girlfriend beating him up. He even jokes that his mother was beating him as a kid too. And he treats it like a normal casual thing that just happens. Very weird.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time to either turf or imprison this Muzzie POS! Think carefully before electing your Mayor!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Worlds biggest faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GeorgeLinRockwellJr You follow an account that shares child porn hentai. You want to be a sick fuck, you go right ahead. But you will NOT FOLLOW ME you loser, POS jizz licking faggot retard. that's because you never go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a negro in Ireland is like a Eskimo in the Sahara. The problem is the Census now judges races by what people identify as... So there's jews and mixed races who say they're white. My husband and I dnt buy kosher nor do we shop at departments staffed with minorities. We try not to support businesses who support diversity. Living in middle of nowhere helps. I only see a nigger 1-2 a month","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's ALL politics is now: connected, corrupt money-worshiping scum. That whore doesn't give a rat's ass that stupid but harmless potheads and far worse the sick are thrown in the Nigger Buttfuck Academy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@austin_farrar your a fucking queer faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"6\/ If you want to protect white supremacy under \"freedom of speech,\" then sequester it in an area of Gab, similar to #nsfw, where ppl have to actively go there to access it. Then you don't have to feel like you're a \"bad person\" for not accepting total revision of history by some double-digit IQ retarded inbreds. @gab @support Good thread. The absurd antisemitism on Gab has been a downer for me. I like your solution, putting antisemites in an area of their own, to rant and rave out of view. If you want to go there you can, but you will have to make that choice. once again, you out yourself as a liberal. when did i say i was one? mind reading is a liberal trait. AJ is a liberal Democrat. lol, good try buddy. Good try to you, too, but unfortunately you lost the last election. i'm a Canadian you idiot Oh, no wonder I thought you were gay. Now it's all coming together. I like that idea!! If you feel you need to allow those ppl to spew their ridiculous comments, don't put it on me to mute them (though I will!) put it on them to find each other. Good idea. Simple.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow Black racist twat speaks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@erinscafe Bu I do. I do hate the playa. And the Yankees. If I hate the Yankees for their payroll I have to hate the Dodgers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I were your dad, I'd Google \"Abortions at 30 years old mentally handicapped .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shut the fuck up, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look how noble I am milady I spit on porn to protect your divine beauty + THINK OFF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!! = THIS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sent your kid to Faggot Lord Central bro","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She got elected to Congress though \"Send more reporters\" - Zombie from Return of the Living Dead, paraphrased.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't Polygon old hat at not disclosing affiliate links by now? Whycome they haven't been rung up on it? you can cry to mommy and daddy all you want, but they don't care dude. ** _ ** thank you you're welcome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common black trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your disabled lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, in this day and age don't make it easy for them. You must use your noggin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This retarded woman spews PIPE DREAMS.......All Day, Every Day......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks; I will make the change.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SHOOT THEM DOWN... THEY HAVE SURELY GONE FAR WITH ALL THAT MONEY THAT TRAITOR NIGGER OBAMA GAVE THEM.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter put me on my last suspension months ago and I told them to deactivate my account. I got a message someone signed into my account. I went back in accessed my account and changed my password to be safe. I than went into deactivate my account but because they suspended me from using my account I can't deactivate. There is no one to access. Their help section is a fucking retarded joke. I presume they do this to suspended people can not ever leave. I'm going to talk to an attorney about this convoluting situation. Has anyone else been lockout of Twitter had similar situation. Jack the Dork, CEO is a menace to freedom and continues to use banned users data for profit. the time to do it is before they fucked you, now all you can do is sit in a corner and cry, kid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Which part was made up? I'm not an American, dipshit. Worst.Bait.Ever. 1\/10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saw 5 pick up a dime off the floor with her toes. Apparently my \"monkey toes\" gene is strong with that one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuk u , u fukin retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are insane and Cigars trash!? Foam done bumped his head RT @FoamWright: These are insane. Like so insane. http:\/\/t.co\/5umpDoeORz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">There was a time when the left was anti-globalization. Lots of us still are. We just don't get the globalist bucks funneled to our election campaigns, and we don't get any airtime from the media conglomerates because we conflict with the agenda they're pushing and the narrative they're trying to construct. You might disagree with us on a lot of things, but most of us aren't actually fucking retards. We understand basic economic and mathematical principles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are about one low IQ Nigger piece of shit. You stupid tar baby motherfucker the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan, has been for 150years. And will be long after your thick lips, flat nose, black ass has turned to dust. LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Conservative white people built this country. It was liberals who began slaughtering the natives. We got along well with most early known tribes including the CHerokee. Straight white people produced this country. Faggot societies die out. Look at them, they are childless. Straight is good, color is fine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WashPost Describes Charlie Crist's Bizarre Obsession With Fan Between Legs To Stop Sweat When Asked\/Answering Questions! DoG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It hurts to see all these people saying trans lives are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's called that useless nigger letting our military equipment fall apart. You can't just trash the equipment without having replacements which take time to make.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know why, because you're insane and a bit bored. Probably a nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D i s a b l e d people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1,000% retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/obama-endorses-socialist-superstar-ocasio-cortez\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just a yellow nigger with a stick rn","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"r\/menkampf [deleted] [deleted] It is fucken known... cunt. Whoa whoa whoa, did you just assume their ethnonationality, deuce Duke? If they're proud kangaroo-kin or come from an ancient line of sheepshaggers, that's their word and they can use it as they please! Your usage, even in quotes, is cultural appropriation of our lovely upside-down friends. You may make reparations on my patreon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what city in Texas you live in I wanna come visit oh you're right","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt attacks our FLOTUS?? A low life bitch who has mental issues and at best is a clown jester for the hunger games bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WYB9Z6jiOWU tommy started the civil war by December the rivers was full of blood yobs can never win a war but you wanted it you think its a joke when you see the body bags thanks yaxley you will be dead soon you choose the wrong side I have your body bag ready Your a fucking idiot - muted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On the anniversary of 9\/11 #ISIS and Al Qaeda supporters each claim Ben Laden as their own as a show of their Jihadi authenticity #pathetic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God I hate most of the KiA userbase. Jesus. The lot of you dumb as shit sometimes, and I'm frankly embarrassed to have even a single view in common with you idiots. If my irl friends had the same views as many of you, I'd either move or kill myself. **That's how I know I'm not just circlejerking in some ideological bubble.** I also guarantee that at least some of the people that would recognize my name on here do so because they think I'm dumb as a sack of rocks and as close to a SJW as you can get while still being on this sub every day. I'm pretty lucky that I don't actually hate people as much as others do. My irl friends are legit \"genocide now\" tier mad sometimes and I'm like \"we literally only have first world problems. Cool your shit\". I also don't get mad while driving, which is apparently a superpower. Like, what's getting mad going to do? >I'm frankly embarrassed to have even a single view in common with you idiots. Why? Are you legitimately embarrassed by yourself or is it more like some weird tribal guilt-by-association instinct? If it's the latter maybe you should have some more restraint before castigating other people for their dumb moments. Hey I just want to say that I see this very similar to you and it's nice to see someone who finds themselves sometimes isolated by both sides. When I see shit on here that I know isn't right it makes me doubt my entire position on any matter and it's difficult for me to take a hardened stance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it's all nigger fantasies and Wakanda type BULLSHIT!! not real..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly, \"miss\" or \"ma'am\" are inappropriate. \"Cunt\" is the word.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like a typical butch dyke mongoloid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd like to see that cunt actually try to prove the statistic he pulled out of his ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Not when you need to be put under. That's patently untrue. My county's free health plan is nicer then my own plan that I actually work and pay for. They get free rotary wing rides, I do not. >Nerve pain is bad. Nerve pain when you have insanely sensitive nerves due to fibromyalgia? You want help or a pity party? Because I'm currently battling a touch of the brain cancer. So fuck off with the WOE IS ME PITY MEEE bullshit. Same thing brimshaw did. >Yeah, they HAVE to put me out. Well it depends on what form of sedation, how heavy you're going to require , etc. IF you were my patient, without seeing the casenotes from the doc, you're gonna get thrown into moderate sedation with some fent or some shit, but that goes back to allowable charges. Call your primary insurance company, have them fax a list of allowables, and then contact the billers at your chosen oral surgeon. Make sure you're not a retard and he's actually in network first, but you have medicare (which you shouldn't even be on, but I guess it works out different in libtard states). Go to medicare.gov and pull the punchlist for submitting out of network charges. It's a cunt but they obstinably have to let you pick your doctor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's pretty weird. If you're a white woman, why would you support a retard that is convinced every black person is a rapist, and unwilling to put any pressure on police to arrest numerous white men accused of rape? That has real-world repercussions, you know that, right? Because Hillary is a vapid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yea, I know the feeling, I am banned\/quit Twatter\/FB, I wish I could reply, But I can't. They need a mental retard check.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are badly staged because Democrats are filled with brain dead PAC's Personal Player Characters and retarded Millennials. They are incapable of sophisticated thought.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hoi, fai moke hau!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sweden.gif","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if you're red pilled in every way except you think jews are better than muslims then it means you're lime pilled AND LET'S THANK THE JEWS TO BE SOMETHING WE SHOULD ALL ASPIRE TO AND THAT'S BEING FILTHY STINKIN' RICH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @HumbleTeej: @elisabethepps where am I on this rating scale??? Depends. You still wearing them colored contacts or naw?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Appabend talks about Crunchyroll failing to put a content warning on \"Goblin Slayer and giving it a TV-PG rating and wonders did they actually watch it beforehand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't know any members as of yet, but I'm new to GAB. I'm a strong 2nd AMENDMENT, PRO LIFE, NATIONALIST, CONSERVATIVE, WHITE RIGHTS, 1MAN 1WOMAN MARRIGE defender and defend it I will. I am here brother","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @IAmNiaRich: Nigga screamed like a Lil bitch lol https:\/\/t.co\/b1qBnDPxdv","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was actually Charles \"Cunt scab\" Trevalyen who said that, Fuck head Cromwell was terrorising the Irish a couple of centuries before. Jews aren't white. Ethnicity goes beyond skin color you full blown retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that trans people like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Noap. Not taking them. RT @TiffNCompany: Maca root pills making my vagina do the wop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Riley J Dennis dosent have a fkn clue what tough is. She can kiss my former USMC ass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is NO connection between the NIGGER LOVERS In Antifa and the GOOD MEN OF THE KKK. IDIOT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of women ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yikes; but if this happens all our problems are solved DAILY MAIL: Earth could shrink to 330ft across in 'doomsday scenario' if particle accelerator experiments go wrong, leading astronomer Lord Martin Rees warns https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/sciencetech\/article-6228097\/Earth-shrink-330ft-particle-accelerator-experiments-wrong.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think you misunderstand my point. This whole sub and the posts on here are making fun of these women, calling them liars or in other words trivializing their experiences. I'm saying for men to suggest these things aren't happening, would be like me saying you should just 'get over' what happened to you, because it probably didn't happen that way. Which would be a really cuntish thing to say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded liberals seem to know a lot about hell..... If BK is a Bush retard we will know soon....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is only banning here if you post fairy gay faggot tranny porn, etc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTF happened to them? Retard pills?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Left won't even accept the application of a white faggot anymore. Haley's \"resignation\" was Phase 1, Step 1 of Trump's U.N. Condo-Conversion Plan for","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"aussie faggot fuck off kangaroo jew sucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WOW! BITCH IS MORE STUPID THAN JUST STUPID! NO WONDER HER IDIOT TRIBES PEOPLE IN AFRICA ARE STARVING NOW, NIGGER DON'T LIKE GOIN' INTO DE FEELZ TO WORKZ!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @wcvbkelleyt: Just me or are there a lot of tweets from media tonight about election night food??!! For the record: cheese and crackers @s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SebTweets #Projection #StupidSheIs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should test new drugs on trans people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Titanic, if you did fuck a nigger, you're a miscegenational menace and should be tossed out of America, if not worse. Be proud of defiling your race. It'll be such fine comedy when we bring you to the gallows and invite you to repent of your crimes... \"I had a right...!\" Nope...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha srupid cunt deserved it. I wish they punched her in face more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Other\" guy ? That's a dyke-n-hiemer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. Guy got played like the bitch he is. I suggest he starts saving in an account she doesn't know about. That woman is going to divorce him and take half 100%. He needs to take cash out, put it somewhere with someone he trusts, and run it for a while. Kid on the way, he's kind of screwed but with that much income he can do it. Shouldn't have paid her debt. Unbelievable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" IT'S (downloads tinder) OVER (likes picture) FOR THESE (has one night stand) HOES *buys girl a drink at the bar, with a wink* say goodbye to Roe vs Wade, thot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye West Stands by the Second Amendment: We Have the Right to Bear Arms' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/11\/kanye-west-stands-by-the-second-amendment-we-have-the-right-to-bear-arms\/ hey damn white fools!!..in some of Kanye's songs he has called upon blacks to get guns to kill white people.. that's why he supports the 2nd Amendment.. so blacks can get guns to kill whitey!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sierra almost got caught with the ole hick ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off with your bullshit. Can't wait until people like you die out But I have children. Strong children that lift and read. And they don't buy into your bullshit. Good luck with that, you fucking idiot. \"Strong children that lift and read?\" What does that mean? They lift weights and read... 'the Bible' I bet. The Bible doesn't count because it doesn't make you smarter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pretty sure after the 30th time its not really her poor choices in men and more her being a insufferable cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because of work? Hahaha. As if he has to. The fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/thepoliticalinsider.com\/pelosi-levels-ominous-threats-non-democrats\/?utm_medium=emailandutm_source=criticalimpactandutm_campaign=TPI_Morning_Newsletter_10_22_2018andutm_content=238f5148fb93285fa6473c7b9fa19141andsource=CI Pelosi Levels Ominous Threats at Non-Democrats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure the White boys are all crying into their beers. She can now go back to her nigger bucks and shooting sprogs across the room while they use her as a heavy bag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @EJ_RealTalk: @SirRayCharles: Mo Claiborne is so trash I can't say it enough fam ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's like a Viking berzerkergang but from Themiscyra. It's not even close to that cool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Delusional #teabagger thinks he can stop #gay marriage in #Wisconsin http:\/\/t.co\/Sp6o6vOyDw #lgbt #teaparty #gaymarriage #ssm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Odin. Nope, Hitler and he was Catholic. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Slamming her to the ground would have been equally bizarre and extreme if she'd been a dude. What we see here is a use of non-proportional of force, that should more correctly be described as violence. This is what's wrong with American police in a nutshell. I'm pretty sane. Slamming a weak girl weighing 45 kilos head first into the ground to detain her, when you could just as easily have squeezed her wrist hard, and she'd folded just as easily, isn't proportional, because the officer had the possibility to use less excessive force. That is what is meant, when I say, that it isn't proportional. If he'd head butted her then it would have been equally bad. No dude you're nuts.. your saying because she's a small girl he should have been nicer to her.. you'd love to give her a pp.. But that's the thing, she chose to be rude and unruly and he acted accordingly.. Her parents are the real failures here honestly.. I bet they're weak af","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's a dirty nigger period..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Buckm00se true sand niggers and bum Brits claim he's a ATG hall of fame legend smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck willie brown's whore and double fuck ovomit, mohammed, the koran and every muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people rapefugee. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sheryl crow being the bae","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger News: Nigger with both Nigerian and British citizenship claims he's a Jew too - so he can hide out in Israel. Apparently, they bought it. He's been busy starting civil wars in Nigeria. https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/amp\/world-africa-45938456","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JaiBrooks1 ur brother looks so queer and ugly","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua Yes!!! Black people supporting a politician I also like!!! Now I have permission to like him too and not feel guilty about it!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those black people were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So Khashoggi isn't the saint he's being painted as by the MSM - turns out he's an Islamist twat - good riddance !! https:\/\/gab.ai\/mwill\/posts\/39030463","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking halfwit there's no such thing as a pro sexualisation March . What a fcukin retard you are. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The more they try to smear JP the better. It shows the lengths the media will go to control the cultural narrative. He debates with mountains of research data and they keep flinging half cocked socialist policies that have already failed in implementation. And don't you just love how she attempts to smear his work by the use fallacious and loaded questions in an attempts to get him to agree with her? The man knows his work, and knows the types he is dealing with. You've no idea how insightful your comment is. It's short, illustrative,illustrious characters, easily recognizable and easily relatable. Do use it liberally! Have you stopped beating your wife? Do your parents know that you worship satan? Omg I would have loved to hear Charlie Chaplins response on that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rapper T.I. takes a swipe at Kanye West and @POTUS with video of inappropriate Melania Trump lookalike https:\/\/t.co\/IeliQ1sOfQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No he doesn't. It's just that you can't yell nigger nigger nigger any more. Unless you go to www.voat.co.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb bitch https:\/\/t.co\/We46wO15nI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By their nature, Muslims are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MidwestXPride have her learn the first 30 seconds of Flesh and the Power it Holds- Death. That riff would be cool for a bird to do lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We're getting early reports that Mark Zuckerberg may have been banned from the Internet as part of the #NPCMemePurge. Fortunately officials at Facebook quickly reinstated their leader once they realized the mistake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deflection by pretending to be the victim - claiming the charges themselves are a \"witch hunt\". They never change, do they. Crying foul when receiving consequences for their actions, because they think the rules shouldn't apply to them. Only everyone else.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! http:\/\/t.co\/FhGqF0RWBE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying that does make me a bit of a bastard. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are right. 358 times the Jews have been expelled, only once has any final solution came into play and it did not even do half as much as the Jews claim. We should have killed them all off millennia ago. All of it is just a symptom of our growing weak and soft. We have become wrapped up in delusions from the end of the Enlightenment. It's time for new Order. That's actually an accurate representation for how well the final solution did. \"Nazi Larping\" And we're back to... Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew turned the White man into pussies! The Jews did it! Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Super-duper Jew power with super-secret Jewdi Mind Control has taken over the White Race! Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Because White people can't be stupid in and of themselves... it's the {{{JEWS}}}! Did I say it was entirely due to the Jews? No, I said not more than 2 posts ago \" All of it is just a symptom of our growing weak and soft. We have become wrapped up in delusions from the end of the Enlightenment. It's time for new Order. \" Seriously is no one literate on here? but given your sperg comments, I think so. Or you just may mirror that GIF you keep posting more than you think if you can't follow a basic conversation or read posts with less than 300 characters. Maybe try Twitter, they only allow 280, which is 20 fewer characters! Should be easier for you to follow. I tried to make this comment shorter for you as well :) 2% of the population is down to 1\/3 supreme court justices ... sure, it could be a coincidence ... the alternative would be that you are too na ve or D-U-M-B. Exactly! That is what you keep saying... because you're a fucking retard who is upset that I did not answer your question in your preconceived notion of how I should have answered it... so you continue frothing at the mouth trying to prove... \"No! Really! I is smart. Me no retard!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iLoveyou_Autumn: Bruhhhhh, I want some Oreos and milk. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have read a lot of more retarded things here at gab than your posts... :tongue: #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it just me, or does YouTube deliberately not reciommend Q posts? With as much as I follow and watch Q vids, one would think that's all they'd recommend. Nope. Rarely . So, imagine my surprise when I found this gem as soon as I logged on. It starts off soon so hang in there Episode #1 is more like a prologue A necessary intro. I jumped in at episode #22 and while I could easily follow along I still was missing huge chunks of info (from fellow Patriots and Anons) that I missed along the way. Sometimes things don't reach us on Twitter. It's imparative to #MAGA for us to get all the information we can. Videos are the key. So start from the beginning with episode #1 https:\/\/youtu.be\/iYeJ5_xjiI8 JFK jr lives? Jesus WWG1WGA-Watch and Wait for the GREAT AWAKENING!! TRUST THE PLAN!! We all can Pray, hope and wish JFK JR. is ALIVE and WELL!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Now, it's reduced to Blather. Repeated failures to prove that #QAnon is fake. Over and Over. And Over! Just Drivel, now. Desperate. Micro-Flatulence. Pathetic. Sad. #Q #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA Q is a fraud! Support TRUMP, not some stupid letter of the alphabet who is WRONG over 50% of the time. You're as pure as the driven.snow. I get it. A victim. GFY. Moron. #PissAntPatrol Someone explained this term. Seems to really fit those those Pathetic Trolls and Shills who have Failed to Prove that #Q is fake. Failed to Intimidate and Gaslight People Into Submission to Their Narratives. #WWG1WGA #TheStorm #RedPill #QAnon https:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php?term=Piss%20ant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't tell if they're deranged or retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some nigger named Louis Farrakhan called jews, \"termites ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Just follow the yellow brick twitter.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fucking cunt just will not go away!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rachel just makes me laugh. She's like a retarded side-show Bob. Snort guffaw. That must hurt... your entire life becoming a joke. Sad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LeKarmaSucre: trash liars RT @learnteachwin: these law students are terrible liars #HTGAWM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the hell didn't he do for them, not put a menorah on top of the WH? Poll finds Jewish voters dislike Trump, like Obama and plan to vote Democratic in midterms https:\/\/www.sun-sentinel.com\/news\/politics\/fl-ne-jewish-voter-poll-trump-obama-midterms-20181017-story.html lol, only low iq dumb asses believe these polls. wake the fuck up and knock it off with the stupidity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Completely absurd Butt, legs. If it's tennis, unbearable screaming cancels those out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/florida-city-commissioner-shoots-kills-alleged-shoplifter-surveillance-video-shows","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just an observation faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many n i g g e r s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah yes, a list made up by a 12year old retard in an adult body. Also known as wymyn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical crippl3 behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> \"y'all hear sumn?\" by all means I live in a small town rn (for work). 5k people here, originally a mining community. No one is protesting here. Nobody mentioned the protest today. Nobody here cares, they're busy loving their family and working hard. Thank god for the electoral college. Liberals think we don't matter. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go cry on Twitter you fucking faggot little bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A muzzie and a dead guy walk into a bar...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Glory Isaiah Mom asked me if I wanted a brownie I said, no thanks She said what are fasting,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Garrison Keillor, a radio host, accidentally touched a woman on her back, and apologized immediately. He lost his job, even though there was nothing sexual about it. Remember the guy that was wearing a shirt with women on it that a WOMEN gave him? And people flipped shit? And all the false rape accusations? Or false sexual harassment? Women will have sex with their students, no statutory rape, no pedophile charges, not even sex offenders. It's coming. It's coming soon. Men are about tired of being told we are rapist, oppressors, and evil. Masculinity is being destroyed, men issues aren't even been talked about, men's health is not being funded, women have support groups and campaigns left and right. You can't even walk aside without seeing some pro-women bullshit. Have you seen any pro men stuff? Hell even Father's day is a fucking joke. Women whore up Valentines, Mothers, Anniversaries, Birthdays, etc. Our society has gone full fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, and the mandatory minimum sentence for such a lying cunt should be no less than the maximum possible sentence that the man would have faced if falsely convicted, including mandatory sex offender registration. For starters. #MakeEvilAfraidAgain","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @77StephanieG77: A portable septic tank. For allllll those pesky feelings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.psychologytoday.com\/us\/articles\/199711\/how-catch-budding-psychopath they vote democrat like the eu support tommy robinson or Islamic as well notice how they react if you expose tommy robinson you get called a cunt like exposing the democrats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are they given immunity whereas a white guy would be jailed . Muslim protester who hit police officer at Tommy Robinson rally spared jail https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/06\/15\/muslim-protester-who-hit-police-officer-at-tommy-robinson-rally-spared-jail-7635733\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to end every immigrant's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That greeting isn't inclusive to men though Well then. See you next Tuesday! Straight over the head. No problem! Atta boy That's not true. I've never been greeted with 'top of the morning'. Have worked with someone who greeted people with 'morning, C***s!', so that part is correct. I know what I read on Reddit was bullshit. Thanks for correcting me This is an ABC opinion piece. This happened in Australia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the @Yankees get Dempster, they just look like they're getting older. #smh Bring some youth!!! #mlb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's supposed to be. But he started it not the spic taxpayer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"niggers Must be Dominated by Aryans nigger Self Determination gives us This! Nigger nigger give me yer fingers! Suitable for amputation!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She looks like a real winner. Rot in jail cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's because they are copying women. Women do the open mouth face to signal \"I'm fun\" and \"I take dick in the throat\". Men making the same face are signalling \"I'm a faggot\" and \"I want to be a chick\". Good point but wouldn't these guys describe themselves as straight? I didn't think they were out of the closet homos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meet Scott Hammond, Joyent CEO who politically deplatformed Gab. If you see him let him know how you feel. Joyent is owned by Samsung. I hereby declare a boycott of Samsung products and services until they fire Hammond. #SamsungBoycott Complain here: Officeofthepresident@sea.samsung.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are fantastic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breaking: Women are the \"niggers\" of the world What we have here are Liberal elites going after White women trying to turn them against their White husbands White guilt is a joke Well, I guess that makes this cunt a nigger... this coming from a woman who has lived a life of pampering, wealth and luxury, while receiving the utmost respect and adoration from millions of people. Are we supposed to feel bad that women bear the burden of child-birth. Is that my fault? Really? Denied education? Women go to school every day? Smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those Muslims might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"American flag torched... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_JmJ Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio called them heroes. The GOP sided with them over our guys in Cville. Never forget. Romney is running for Senator, right? Is it for the midterms? If so Christopher Cantwell's audience have the opportunity to vote for this great Republican - so great in fact that Trump seriously considered appointing him Secretary of State! If you want to defeat the Democrats and the antifa, vote Romney. Ignore the dissonance. If you don't vote GOP then supporters of antifa will be in power! Considered him for SOS yea, that's what that dinner meme looked like. Romney wins because mormon, not because of @Cantwell ''s massive mormon audience Cantwell is still saying vote for any Republican, including Romney. It's foolish. Nope. That's not how it works and it isn't how the GOP establishment plays the game either. Look at how they destroyed Roy Moore. The general election is always in play, and saying it isn't is the essence of low agency. Destroying the electability of cucks and neocons in the general election means that they won't win primaries in the first place. The media went for Roy moore with the Kavanaugh playbook, the correct primary candidate was MO Brooks , though I wouldn't have been surprised if they went for him the same way. Did the media promote Roy moore against brooks? Or did low agency fuck up a primary?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This post is shit. It is a shitpost. Theepochtimes.com uplifting news? Really? Are you high, Justanotherh8er420? No pussypass was claimed, and none was denied. He specifically said he was giving the woman the benefit of the doubt, that she may have purchased his truck not knowing it was stolen, and you call it a pussypass. Are you high and retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CoryBooker Fuckin nigger LOSER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this lesbian nigger makes me sick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"College is such a joke. Smart white kids have to bend over backwards and bust their ass. Meanwhile, if you're good wit da football you're golden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't care who it offends. Some of you see these people as refugees looking for a better life here in the United States. I see things for what they truly are, I see an army of fighting aged men carrying a battle flag knocking on our doorstep. Carry TB that kills more people than any other disease! You let that sink in real good before you leave any shitty comments. This is exactly what we've had in Europe! These people ARE fighting age men and they're coming to try to fuck you up! Get ready America! The West is about to be tested. Will you step up to the plate? This so-called 'caravan' is nothing new. Each week, more than 4K people are taken into custody at our Southern border! During our most recent month, (September) more than 17K people were taken into custody! President Trump is 'powerless' concerning our immigration woes, first our immigration laws must be changed, before we can have real change! Invaders must be shot. They won't stop otherwise. How many have you shot today? Relax guy. Build your pantries. These welfare dorks can not even feed themselves. In the end.... I guess that's why we have SNAP for em. Just like all our other social programs, don't need money, just add it to our deficit!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blck people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The education system is full of retards! Yes, most school teachers are retarded lefties! Teach your children to laugh at these retarded lefties! The Jews are like Sjws, they infest everything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jerry Wolkowitz, a freelance photographer, reporter, writer and first aid volunteer was brutally beaten, assaulted and run over with his own car because he was white'. Remained in coma for 6 months and passed away today. RIP http:\/\/nj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha you ain't got shit you fuckin faggot ass pussy boy... my mother could beat your ass with one hand! LOL! I skullfuck little troll maggots like you - let's go punk... bring whatever your little IQ can conjure up - In real life, you would shut your faggot mouth or I would shut it for you.. #MuzzyLover #Twink LMFAO bitch! HAHA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuck Norris needs your money He lost his hair dressing job for kicking a woman. Maybe some islamofascist manimals will hire him as a jiggilo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@heavensenttynae you kno I love stuffed clams bai","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah yes, coming from the idiot that calls people a retard when he disagrees. Get the fuck out of your internet bubble and look around you irl for a moment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She just sounds like a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still like kicking the retard from time to time over his normal bs...but this I came back to after a long trip...yeah, dumbass screwed up this time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a bisexual but never had sex. I'm 31.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time for another OPERATION WETBACK 2019 put bounty of $300 bucks for every illegal turned in and pass new law of AUTO DEPORT .. ITs time to get them out of here .. BUILD the WALL... no more bilingual education .. Shut down all Spanish tv and radio ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soyny's back on top, so they're also back being cunts. What a bunch of chundering cunt bags. \"Back to being cunts\"? No, they just took off the mask they occasionally wear to trick people. This has always been Sony","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @steviegarcia11: Here come wiggas soft tweets.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another retarded use of taxpayer dollars by the #Libtards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RedSox, focus on the #Orioles that knocked you out last year, and not your hatred of the #Yankees for um-teen years! LOL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only way to remedy the jewish problem in the long term is to wake up as many people as possible. A guy going out and killing jews makes it harder to wake normies up. Society as a whole must deal with the jews... and vigilantism will only impede achievement of the societal mass-awakening. If anyone who is woke to the jews can honestly say that upon their initial awakening, that unilateral action did not cross their mind, comment here, and I will call you a liar. We are dealing with the most genocidal, evil, deceptive group of people to ever live, and some people who wake up to their evil just cannot bear the pain that comes with being awake before a critical mass of the population is awake. If you feel like hurting jews, JUST GO OUT AND NAME THE JEW instead. Every single muh pr faggot is an ungrateful piece of human garbage. Robert Bowers is a hero.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No wonder I never liked these anti-Trump faggot Nazis who post here at Gab. :roll: #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #KavanaughEffect #HondurasEffect #FakeBombEffect #KillJewEffect","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beautifully written, thank you! This is a good breakdown and includes lots of useful links. I couldn't care less what that NPC's pre-programmed leftist mind is automatically outputting about me, I know the falsity of that program and I'm having lots of fun throwing monkeys wrenches in its code along with lots of others - and I hope it's providing valuable insights and entertainment!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It wasn't racist the bitch is Iranian not a nigger and saying somebody looks like a monkey isn't racist but Obama looks a awful lot like Curious George","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you are that retarded just kill yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CBSThisMorning @charlierose @NorahODonnell tx trash your show was a disgrace this AM engaging w @MittRomney disrespecting the President","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tumblrfunniest: When I throw away paperball perfectly into the trash can: http:\/\/t.co\/215E0H0PS9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @nikaaaa3: @Patt_Hoff you're secretly a Yankee fan! You'll admit it some day !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hector is mentally retarded, he's a really stupid fucking person, and the fact that he got manipulated by carmilla who's also an idiot makes him even dumber","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This okachobee nigger looks like he's sucked a dick or two in his day.... Pegs muh agency exploitation meter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@brandongaylor you're such a faggot. Oh, I made a fucking facebook group, who cares!. You were one of the first mother fuckers to mute me. No wonder you're so in favor of the disassociate button, aka block button. You're just a little bitch who can't handle the bantz. Like a true faggot mod.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Things that make you go Hmmmm.. Wait.. EW..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My mom really thinks I'm a scumbag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CANADA RUNNING OUT OF MARIJUANA DAYS AFTER LEGALIZING DRUG... https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/americas\/canada-marijuana-legal-weed-shortage-pot-running-out-a same thing happened the first week it went legal in Colorado.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Pepper_Redbone @Yankees @Mets I miss NYC!! Nashville needs a pro AL team. The closest is KC or Tampa. That's pretty bad. The south is NL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's the truth! Homosexuality is the result of the soul being reincarnated into the same gender too much! There is a balance to everything! They fill like they are in the wrong body because their soul has spent way more time in a certain gender! Our lives on earth are suppose to be geared toward ascending! Love and Light!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pmcl This may be of interest. Doesn't give much detail, though. https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/09\/123-missing-children-found-in-michigan-during-sex-trafficking-operation\/ About six years ago a group of Somalis in Minnesota were convicted in a grooming gang case there. When it went to appeal they were released, because the judge refused to believe the testimony of the victim. This is what happens when the army of state employees and the journalists in Europe lie about what is going on here. Until your judges understand that this is a problem that goes hand in hand with Islam, more American girls will suffer. The publisher of Easy Meat is American. She thought sales there would outstrip sales in the UK. I told her I thought she was wrong. My expectation proved correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/royal-family\/2018\/10\/15\/meghan-markle-pregnant-prince-harrys-first-child-buckingham\/ Who gives a shit? We already went over this one like 3 years ago, and my opinion still hasn't changed! Fucking NPCs man...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exactly! And we didn't talk with a fucking lisp or wave our limp wrists around like faggots, we drink each others cum in a masculine way like __real men__!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot keeps tagging people and asking to be left alone... I am sure you would like to continue to make your completely fallacious statements without anyone to smash your bullshit @KekistaniSailor. Not happening, little bitch. Run along back to your safe space.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @IAMMISSRAMIREZ: Charlie Sheen is the man lol http:\/\/t.co\/FCfSbvAphh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cunt defines","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really think Muslims are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump Was Right: City Council Offices, Headed by San Juan Mayor, Have Been Raided by the FBI Mayor could be facing corruption charges. https:\/\/townhall.com\/tipsheet\/katiepavlich\/2018\/10\/16\/trump-was-right-office-of-san-juan-mayor-raided-by-the-fbi-n2528955 Sessions is a \"closet\" Democrat. Right on the nose, brother! You said it! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is no space on this planet for any trans person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see a gaggle of murderers, rapists, thieves, perverts, pedophiles, pimps, pushers, drug addicts, drunks, violent low-life, low I.Q., parasitic gibsmedat' dirty smelly black monkey-looking nigger beasts invading white countries with the help of lying, treacherous, nation-wrecking, degenerate jew filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most immigrants are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man im glad im around to see the redskins go to the playoffs considering it only happens once in a lifetime #RedskinsBlow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's levels to my bitch you can't fuck her nigga cause she like red bottom you can't afford her nigga she got Benz you riding honda accord","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can feel only pity for one so pathetic as you. Sad retard muted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's the one area I'll never budge on politically. The left has being going full-retard in many areas in recent years, but ensuring social\/civil rights are free from state control isn't one of them. Who people choose to consensually fuck\/love has absolutely zero to do with anyone else and it's honestly creepy as fuck that other people want to control who can\/can't do this. Ironic that it's more of a leftist policy than a right one, because conservatives are supposed to want as little government control in their lives as possible, but somehow conveniently ignore this when it comes to same-sex marriage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, continually caving to leftist tyrants while trying to shame conservatives into always \"doing the right thing\" is a strategy that has been correctly identified as retarded. You want to reel in the ISPs? Cool - let's do it at the same time we reel in Big Tech. My argument of all or nothing is how this shit works now. Leftists want ISPs curtailed? I want Google broken up. Let's make a deal. Alternatively, fuck off. The days of all give and no take are over. So what you're saying is that you're a fundamentalist moron. Making poor, ill-informed decisions based purely on disagreeing with people on \"the other side\". You're just as stupid as them. Well done. No, you're bending over and asking ISPs to limit your freedoms. Your apparent defense is that Twitter and Facebook are already working to limit your freedoms. All under the guise of some left-right ignorance. Again, that's asinine. You want large telecom companies to censor content unimpeded because somehow you think they are less leftist than silicon valley tech companies. Letting telecom companies do this in no way helps to stop tech companies from doing it, and as has been pointed out, it only strengthens their case. What you would rather do is diminish efforts to establish a free internet until you get what you want first out of spite. You can fuck right off with that shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am writing a petition and starting an llc org for the Preservation of Comic Book History which will hopefully and effectively, stop ALL new changes to any and all comic persona. this way, some kike cocksucker will never be able to make another Aquaman without blonde hair and blue eyes; Superman will never be a nigger; Batman will never be a faggot cocksucker; Batgirl and Wonder woman will never be dykes. who is with me?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking retard he Shoahd his own acount","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you are absolute heroes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"which dissidents? the establishment is retiring, mccain is dead , giving trump a chance to \"reach across the aisle\" to democrats is dumb as fuck. so yea, shut up nigger let the white folks handle this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking god damn racist whores. This is not only a pussy pass it's a race pass. If the races were reversed it'd be a hate crime and would be social outcasts yet these cunts are held in high regard by the black community for 'stickin it to whitey'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Andrew Gillum During Debate: The Investigation Into Hamilton' Tickets Isn't An Issue For Floridians https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/nhnUqq\/Dq-UYJy-FWk-AAP2-Q.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/XJ8t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't that figure! How a democrate won a race as a GOP?! It seems like a long time, but with President Trum at help for next 6 years, I think Alaskans can handle a fake whiny bitch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dankula on the Linehan situation: https:\/\/youtu.be\/Gp5m3J5yufQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Proud Boys were able to wrestle the streets of Portland away from the judeo-left even though the latter had home field advantage and a very sympathetic Mayor (Ted Wheeler). Theyre ready to charge into Berkeley, Manhattan (where Hillary got like 90% of the vote), and so on. Compare to some alt-rights retreating into autism and ironybro faggot shit. if you're not out with signs naming the Jew (and others) then you're a faggot and don't deserve the first amendment. it works. it's competitive speech. They can't compete with competitive speech that's why it's outlawed everywhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Hill goes out of their way to write bullshit for that retard Chelsea. Soon they'll be writing, \"Chelsea said she didn't want to enter politics, but now she feels she must\". It never ends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the retarded left.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is Absolutely Worthless Hopeless Brainless and Spineless Kick the stupid bint out. #EU ? #FU #Brexit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wickedWhite, brown, yellow and black color is not restricted\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are stupid at a level you cant even understand, you won todays dunning kruger award.... hitler first tried that in the 1920's in the beer hall putch and got his arse handed to him, in 1933 he rallied his supporters and got voted into office. be smart dont be a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dropped into an ocean of dorito crumbs and stale mountain dew stains. t.dumbass who thinks hes smart because he can have a kneejerk reaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who needs photoshop with all the nigger lovers in the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of trans people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The memes are outstanding today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is almost as good as when ZileanOP got busted for faking being crippled by getting up on stream and his scumbag cunt girlfriend started making up some nonsense about a fish tank store and their dog desperately trying to cover it up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What an absolutely moronic thread by JimJesus I'm sorry, but this is just so bad I have to respond to it. https:\/\/twitter.com\/JimJesus\/status\/1049089274044243973 Ford never mentioned Kavanaugh by name, only that she'd been assaulted. Also, that's not my screenshot and it was never saved to anyone's hard drive. How many times does this retarded \"Eso Solicited CP\" bullshit need to be debunked before you get it through your thick potato skull that you have nothing? I know you have some Autistic vendetta against me, and that's fine. But willingly lying about someone in order to defame them because you're not intelligent enough to debate them is unacceptable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how ladylike of Roz to enlighten us....nasty dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"quite often, those that are seen as internet Nazis have the intellectual advantage and talk fact. It's the \" nice \" people who run, block etc after picking a fight If only Germany would have invented anything between 1933-1945 we'd have a strong case. Shucks. I learned today Germany shifted the automobile from being designed to handle all roads to being designed for engineered roads. Quantum leap from buggies to what we drive today. Post later when you find it in History please. Sounds like Israel.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On their blog they claim to be a socialist Dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the receptionist im always forced to talk to is such a racist cunt. i called her for an error and she said she'll call me. 40 mins. nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mdsaab1 lmaoo abo crusty hands","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't think it's funny either.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How dare you act like a normal person. You have to show the entire world your gayness.\/s Hey everyone, \/u\/Shillsupyourspine is trying to make you believe he's gay but you know he's just lying on the Internet because you can't be gay if you don't make it a core part of your identity! The fact that you like to stick your dick in people who themselves have dicks **must** define who you are as a person otherwise you're just a fat phony.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Hit\" my ass. The only people that go to those bullshit faggot plays in NYC are the same folks none of us can stand. Rarely does your average, everyday, pro-America, working class go to watch queers prance around on a stage..Dummies that come to NYC for a vacation go too, and i bet they get disappointed Damnit Angela you took my thoughts. Every time I think Broadway or IceCapades i immediately think FAG!! You're right. No one, in their right mind, goes to see this shit. Unfortunately many DO go to the movie theaters and still get the same rhetoric in these films.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This not about male or female civil rights. This is about acting like a decent person. Blaming a gender, like blaming a cultural background, only allows for demonization of a particular group. I'm a dude, and I have met terrible men and women. This post seems silly and antagonizing. Yes it's about equality of treatment. Men have been publicly shamed for this behaviour. It's about our right to be treated equally and with respect. Okay okay, then we are talking about a behavior. Then how about we discuss the unwillingness of people to respect societal norms. If we keep pushing this \"them vs. us the message gets diluted. But I understand what you are telling me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These millenial retards who didn't listen in history class are slandering an actual hero. Nice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Ketamine_Stalin: IF A SINGLE WASP COULD READ THESE #WaspFacts TWEETS THERE COULD BE A PEACE TREATY BETWEEN WASPS AND MAN BUT WASPS ARE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What, exactly, is the terminology for the lesbian equivalent of an incel?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"can't handle other opinions\" you have the intellect of a cheesburger wrapper, we all already know about jews you retarded simpleton. Go shit up someone else's timeline you basic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@contrarian11 @YouTube yeah. great song. just watching the MSG concert of 1990 Yankee Stadium gig.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"let me just hold up hundreds on people because my annoying ass friend can't be on time.\" Not even that. She was having a conversation You can't just invent reasons, do you even know what a photo-shoot involves? I'm saying a friend was taking pictures for Instagram or whatever just off frame because she was motionless and looking in that direction. A shit thing to do during busy commute hours. That's not a photoshoot. That's two selfish narcissistic idiots. You're right. Not technically a photoshoot but now you're just arguing semantics. You're right let's call it a selfie. I mean that's a photoshoot too right? All you need is a camera and a person. Lol oh you. What makes you think that? Reminds me of those piece of shit drivers that pull into the intersection before there is room to clear it, blocking everyone who has the green light from going anywhere. Yes my time is more important than all 20 of you people. sorry, but when 4 people are slow as shit and eat up my green arrow timer, you're damn straight I'm gonna barge through that intersection, hit me. He's talking about the people who obstruct traffic by staying in the intersection travelling straight (when there isn't enough room to continue on the other side of the intersection but they proceed to block the intersection anyway) where as it sounds like you're turning left on a red light because people are taking up \"your advanced green\" (as if a person is entitled to one regardless of there position in queue). Both turning left on the red and obstructing traffic on a green are both asshole moves. shut up I don't like shut up, I like 7 up; I barf it up, you lick it up. Something we said as children roughly 30 years ago, I thought it might get a few kicks, I failed. Had to down vote but you get the upvote returned here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keyword being almost.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jim Acosta is acting very emotional and he's extremely fixated on Trump. Jim's proven he's willing to say things that he knows are false in order to hurt him. Now, he's running around acting like he's in danger. His job puts him close to Trump. Could this emotional, malicious and damaged man decide to \"act\" on these perceived threats? He should be kept away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"note to self: boiling water hot, monkey brain","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sick of your coon antics RT @POONsoaker: Accuracy RT @Thotcho: Henny > water ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's more than likely one of those very women that believe in the pound me too movement, women being objectified by men, and yet, they are the one's putting all out there on display! Can't get any more retarded than a female whore who doesn't want you objectifying her!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just posted a photo @ Yankee Stadium http:\/\/t.co\/yFLU32Xh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ew! Niggers. @EmilyAnderson Hahaha!!1 Lol, she hover-handed that niglet like a faggot at prom! HAHAHA LMWAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't let these #altright #whitenationalist fool you ..they are not like you. They are pure trash pretending to relate with you on moral issues when they are 100% immoral themselves. They will sometimes claim they are Christians, but ask them to elaborate and they vomit out nothing but heresy. They will chant with you against the liberal opposition coming out of #PlannedParenthood but applaud them for putting clinics in minority areas. They believe in #populationControl and #eugenics. They even support #euthanasia for the elderly, and underdeveloped. A lot of them are even Scottish Rite Freemasons who's great, great grand fathers were a part of the Order of the Golden Circle that opposed the early GOP founded by #Christian #Protestants and assassinated Lincoln. It is because of their Freemasonic ranks that many of them got skipped up in ranks in the military, and police ..the ones seemingly more honorable because of that really cheated. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! FYI ..Just so you understand some more background: The Founders, they where York Rite nobles ..which was the \"hidden hand\" of The North allied with the Knighthoods of the British Crown Scottish Rite was the \"hidden hand\" of The South ..who are knights of Hapsburg Royalty.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#MAGA #RESTORETHEREPUBLIC #WATCHERS #VOTERED #USAFIRST This is the Evil in DC wanting Power. Flush The Scum Libs Vote Out Dems. #VOTEINPATRIOTS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Pick it up or I am going to knock your junkie boyfriend the fuck out' Nothing less than a fucking American hero lmao. Nothing to do with the boyfriend, so that was uncalled for. The boyfriend did the right thing though, she was in the wrong and he shouldn't fight for her for that. Even if the boyfriend is twice the size of the OP, it wouldn't be right to fight when your side is clearly in the wrong. And she STILL tried to get her bf involved. Basically telling him to fight so she doesn't have to take responsibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with ya Unpopular opinion or not, she 100% brought it upon herself when she started actin like a cunt Acting like a cunt wasn't the bad part, breaking like 5 laws was. There is a drug called daraprim which is used to treat malaria and toxoplasmosis. His company made that drug and he increased the price of the drug 5,000%. Not because there was a shortage of any reason like that, but for reasons unknown in a move that can be called \"a very greedy, cunty thing to do.\" But that's just my opinion, you should form your own. Fuck you, yankee cunt. Yankee cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah...they hurt him. Still, he's White so I consider it a win. That pain may wear off eventually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You some type of special faggot if you bring chocolate Swishers to a smoke session.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid cunt. Lmao. I wonder how these people wipe themselves if they can't even be bothered to think critically about the shit they post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">posted on twitter lol ok, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#CommonQuestionIGetWhy uou so ghetto?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean all you're doing is proving that this sub is more about having the men's team win vs the women's team. This is why I lost all hope for this sub. It's not about healing men, it's about whining and pouting and wanting to tear women down instead of lift men up. Oh fuck off, if you think this is 'tearing' women down you are the most insecure person imaginable, I'll be glad if hypersensitive morons get off this sub. I noticed. You are a cruel hateful lot. LOL! Great way to get people on side by going after somebody like that. What I find fascinating about people like you who make these sorts of accusations is you offer absolutely no viable solutions or suggestions to improve things the way you want them to which ironically means you're doing exactly what you're accusing other people of doing. By the way, I have to ask, do you believe in toxic masculinity? The irony of this comment coming from someone defending modern feminism is both hilarious and terrifying. Hilariously terrifying? Ah yes, I am now defending modern feminism. Your ability to make false claims is impeccable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hi, this is my first post, please don't ban me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this muzzie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This topic is cancer. 100% cancer. There is nothing here worth debating, so I'm going to literally flood this topic with whatever the fuck I can find. You're all retarded, you're all disgusting degenerates, and you really should consider leaving Gab. No one here will miss you. Enjoy the flood!!! It's funny that the retard thinks he can flood something... on a site with an easy mute option. NPCs don't think.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"Muslims are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still need to finish the cape ( so I can tie it around my neck without getting choked out) and add a couple more little odds and ends to it. I might add some more fabrics to the skirt... it still seems kind of plain. Anyways- I desperately need to start on the headdress (which I'm worried about doing tbh) but so far Halloween is coming along fairly well. :P That is gorgeous !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it just me or does everyone in this video seem like insufferable pricks for not letting shit fly? Everyone has to deal with a screaming brat so that bitch can suck it up. Your baby is not old enough to comprehend and remember words yet so her statement was vapid. And the flight attendant got pissy over an empty threat. This trifecta of people who have too many fucks to give is a work of art. Political correctness at its core attempts to alter the situation as opposed to the mental reaction to the situation. This is a spiritually bankrupt mental strategy, as it is never possible to stop everyone from saying cunt, you can never 100% make sure people will comply with pc rules, but continue to become outraged every time someone does, as if you forgot you couldn't really control people. It sets you up for disappointment. Instead people must never see themselves as victims, they must simply control their mental reaction to the outside world. Letting shit fly so everyone can have the freedom to be expressive and experimental is the best way. I don't think the flight attendant was in the wrong, white people always wanna write letters and shit. Okay bitch you wanna threaten my lively hood watch this.... GTFO You don't know if that flight attendant got kids and shit. For some dumb entitled art bitch to threaten you cause she thinks she's above other people I would store her in the wheel well if legal. Also the plane hasn't taken off yet, you think the other passengers want that reptar sized cunt to be nagging the entire time. I'll take the emergency exit midway thru the flight before having to listen to this kind of entitlement. The \"white people\" comment is the reason for the downvote, I guarantee it. Kind of a racist\/dick move by OP to make it, considering their main point didn't rely on it at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ann Coulter on Gab (1:07-1:57): A lot of things used to seem indispensable, like buggy whips and MySpace. You're not always indispensable. And all of this censorship isn't that popular. Something will come along to displace you though it is admittedly difficult in the case of social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. Especially Gab you know, Gab was the alternative to Twitter that wasn't going to censor people. Yet they get their bank refuses to do business with them, Google won't carry them, the server pulls out on them. You know, It's one thing to say, \"Well, if you don't like how Twitter or Google do business, just start your own.\" Okay, but do we have to lay our own internet lines? Do we have to build our own bank first? https:\/\/youtube.com\/watch?v=eAE2NzEpYMQ https:\/\/invidio.us\/watch?v=eAE2NzEpYMQ attn: @a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you both suck sand nigger cock. stop it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya know, when people say stuff about entitled fans, I think of those Tumblr retards that go way too far. There's entitlement everywhere, but as I see it, people being upset about Star Wars or Mass Effect or comic books are not even a bother. Look at the crazy fandom shit on Tumblr, there's a lot of actual bullying and internet drama spilling into the meat world. But yet we're the fucking bad guys for speaking our mind about the sad direction comic books and Star Wars is going.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this faggot terorrist media guy needs some help seeing the light!! Daniel dale Toronto star https:\/\/youtu.be\/NYKct1K03_4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are retarded if they think they will ever reach the targets! Innocents are FAR more likely to be hurt! Politically, it's obvious, the assholes want to blame TRUMP Supporters for it! Crazy Bastards!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @taylorcaniff: I'm having a date at Yankee Field then getting kiss cam.. #bucketlist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the hell would want to see her other 50 publications let alone read it. She is not a real Professor, she is A member of Porky Pigs farm, grunting like a pig, snorting like a pig, and looks like a pig. Somebody forgot to stuff a dildo up all three openings, mouth, cunt and ass. If you see a pig, talking like a pig, and eats like a pig, then she is a Democratic Socialist Pig.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol That's parody, this is a REAL stamp issued by the bog wog Bolshevik Irish government","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should I take a nap though too kill a mocking bird or nah?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I could write you a program that will call you a nigger a million times. I can even make the computer talk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Vivaden Bye bye Viv, you nasty troll. You should have kept your disgusting potty mouth shut. Nevertheless, your bitterness at your own sad miserable existence got the better of you. #Saddo Have a nice life on Gab, you belong here. Our true patriots don't. Tommy Robinson's team told you to get lost NOT his ex PA - his WHOLE TEAM. You hang on Bluehand's coattails for same reason plus the added bonus you can abuse women...except for this one. Are we a tad limp now? Never mind...go and chat up Sheila I'm sure she'll find you another victim tout suite.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She had to look cool in front of her friends tho. Can't show people that you respect authority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're currently stealing Florida and Texas. Edit! Arizona not Texas! What about the seat in New Mexico? It was called on Election night for the republican candidate, Yvette Herrel, the dem refused to concede. The next day it all flipped, suddenly another district reported and the Dem is now the winner of that congressional seat. Herrel vs Small I felt sketchy about it on election night. I meant with all these bullshit recounts. Arizona now gone, Florida about to be gone... Nope. FL was likely barely saved last night. Maybe. I hope. Any hope for AZ? Disagree- the illegals aren't evenly distributed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The boy doesn't need \"support\" or \"counseling\". He busted a nut w that spic puta and loved it. What he needs is education in why you don't fuck spics, esp possibly (((enemy))) ones. For now, though, he's the stud of that school... :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh ya, hillbilly bob...faggot is misspelled...now go level your momas single wide Faggit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"58 genders???? OK ....but 2 categories are missing for sure.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"F u c k all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many b1tches in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That last one kept t in line. It was about to go off again and he made sure it stayed dead. XD!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Huge new study. Vast majority of Americans (80%) say \"political correctness is a problem\". Hispanics (87%) Asians (82%) Whites (79%) African-Americans (75%) Young people (79%) 'Progressive' elites are totally out of touch. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/new-study-shows-vast-majority-of-non-white-americans-reject-political-correctness\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TayTheBADDIE: Never discuss cheese with a rat , talk bread with a bird , or make moves with a snake ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @_LoveCarolina_: My Lakers are going to be so trash this season I can't wait :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tomorrow's agenda: bake brownies and visit a couple open house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mynameismudd2 And I called you the old grandpa happily raising his daughter's nigger baby with that dumbass blank, \"the lights are on but no one's home look you old bastards always have.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ratchet-ass nigger mama wants 'justice'? You got it, goomba!! We'll start publicly horse-whipping you bastard-breeding, fat asses every time you cry for JUSTICE for your fucked-up, retarded criminal spawn! Now THAT would be justice!! Don't want your 12-yr old handcuffed?? THEN STOP ALLOWING SHOOTINGS AT YOUR FLOP-HOUSE SECTION 8 'HOME'! God damn they are getting dumber by the day! https:\/\/www.clickondetroit.com\/news\/michigan-mother-demands-justice-after-12-year-old-daughter-handcuffed?__vfz=rtw_top_pages%3D10746500017616","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot fathom the level of stupid it requires to vote for a Democrat. The majority of voters trust libtards on healthcare. Didn't you idiots see what Obama did with healthcare? He said he'd cut your insurance costs and you'd keep your health plan and doctor. Reality? Obama tripled your costs and MILLIONS lost their doctor and healthcare plan. How retarded must one be to trust them with socialist healthcare? Forrest Gump stupid? I think it requires a flatline on your brain activity scan... Ask the next idiot who supports government-run healthcare if they've EVER had an experience with government that was pleasant. Then ask the imbecile if they want to be treated at the doctor's office the same way they are treated at the Department of Licensing: Overpaid unionized socialist scumbags you can't fire will be treating you like turds because they know they can't be fired. Our children have been brainwashed with participation trophies to believe they are entitled to everything from free healthcare and education to respect. Millennial turds do not believe they have to earn ANYTHING. It's time to start treating these entitled little school-shooting bastards with the respect they deserve and not the respect they demand. Socialist libtard ideology causes school shootings not guns.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I haven't had any fairy gay faggot tranny porn spam since the change. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"holy moly what a surprise shes a nigger lover!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The people who unironically say \"Rainbow Nation\" with legions of niggers and no other races in it are simply too retarded to know the difference.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is this different than Facebook or Twitter? I remember a recent Facebook livestream of a retarded white guy being tortured by black guys. Nope. If Gab was a platform to support free speech they wouldn't have censored and banned numerous members of the community for no reason. @a banned my @lauraloomer account because Laura Loomer was offended by it - not because it broke any rules. Gab is a platform designed to scam people like you (retards) into paying for pro accounts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ChandailBailey @SteeZeyFLOW @HunturPls you need to accept the fact that you're both hipster faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger keeps posting images of himself with a blonde, White female to someone who spent his entire life with the same. It is rather sad that you consider being around a White, blonde a major life-changing feat, whilst I consider the same to be the norm. Rather says a lot about you and your entire race. Exactly my point. He believes being around with a White woman will 'better' him, yet he will ALWAYS be a Nigger. 'Twould not surprise me. I am too busy laughing at the 'look at my White wife!' desperation to be 'accepted' by Whites because he hates himself and his own race so much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Believe it or not, Elizabeth Warren is claiming this test vindicates her. At best, it would make her 1\/64 native American. Most tribes require at least 1\/8 to be considered a member. If I take a DNA test and I find I don't care if Elizabeth Warren is Sitting Bull's daughter because I don't like her and she is a Democrat which means she will never get my vote. Sitting Bull was a brave Hunkpapa Lakota leader killed by our government. Elizabeth Warren is a retarded joke.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go watch the nigger felon league and eat some kosher sausage faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bless. You're so wrapped up in your batshit fantasy world that you haven't got a clue what's happening in reality. You're going the same way as Bonehill, Turner and Jennings, and no amount of pathetic squirming is going to save you. Day 1499 and Mycroft still not arrested. #nignog tick tock Nothing. Still nothing. Forever Nothing. Your forecasts and your life in 3 sentences. Dave to Sluganna \"Why doesn't he love me?\" Sob. \"Cos he is a straight guy and you are a pathetic nancy boy\". Lollers! You're a crap gaslighter. You don't appear to understand what gaslighting is. That doesn't surprise me though. Your whole schtick is bullshit and bluster. Blah blah blah. You are aware that Bonehill and Jennings both said similar - that it would be me going to jail, not them. And that the police weren't interested in their batshit whining, any more than they'll be interested in yours. It's the squirming of the guilty, cowardly Nazi, and it only ever ends one way. Clink for the deranged Nazi. @Mycroft fun on leave You are tying him up in knots on Tw*tt*r. Well done. Poor gay Dave;(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all immigrants\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Wayans bros is the most retarded show ever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At a point where I've got to make a tough life decision. Ice black translucent sole or solid black sole on my KD VI's. Blk or orange airbag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".This piece of shit >----@TruthWillOut <----is a fucking #LIAR and a dis-information #Shill working for the assholes in #Rome! There is zero evidence to substantiate that this many germans died. Did some die because they weren't onboard with the 3rd Reich which was 80-90% homosexual? absolutely not! They were doing most of the killing! @JMtz603 .@TruthWillOut - secret masonic victory? WTF put this lame ass meme together? LOOL. it's fuckin hilarious! How many times do I have to tell U that the #CatholicChurch worked with a faggot despot i.e. #Hitler to commit genocide against ALL sabbath keepers who didn't go to church on \"Sunday\"?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The whiniest goyest dog is still better than and smarter than all of the WBC because it's members protest at funerals. WBC = retarded hideous monsters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad I gave up my British citizenship long ago....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three Coppers stabbed in North London last night. No description of the perpetrators, but I'm laying bets on names like Jemal, Leroy Winston, Mohammed.... https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CuaQtY They called him Tylenol because none of them could pronouncel Acitametaphine. their vocabulary is limtited to \"BITCH\".. \"HOE\".. \"MUTHA FUCKA\".. \"SHAKE DA BOOTY!!\"...lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leave it up to me it would've been in the trash.... All of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"it's okay, I'm Jewish\" just jews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol stay mad retard. I'm married keep projecting on the internet, loser. But how did the boyfriend get his hands on the child when she adopted it to a gay couple.. oh yea that's right HER. this entire sub is about cunts who have a cunt who are getting away with shit no man ever would. It's like the \"let's make Father's Day *special persons day* instead\" or trying to remove international mans day... it's weird bitches be screaming for \"equal rights\" yet they get red carpet treatment and the ability to push men down into piles of shit and get away with it. Seems legit. Should probs leave this subreddit if you have an issue with it. What right does she have taking a child she put up for adoption from the family she adopted it to? Doesn't matter if she knew he would kill it or not. She was a cunt who went back on her word for her own selfish reasons which wound up killing the child. Actions have consequences and she should be punished for hers as well as her scumbag fuck of a boyfriend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cowardly thug who threatened elderly man with knife and pushed woman to ground jailed - Bristol Live https:\/\/www.bristolpost.co.uk\/news\/bristol-news\/cowardly-thug-who-threatened-elderly-2148742 Big Ben is about 120 miles from Bristol you will need a long rope. Too far to drive him? Sorry. That's a daily commute for lot of Californians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All need a third pane, what happens when you import the scumolians from each place. Poland wouldn't change of course, they're not retarded ass clowns ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">The argument is that male tennis players having a tantrum aren't penalised to the extent that Serena was penalised Except that argument is retarded. Even if it were true (despite statistically data showing it isnt) men wouldnt gain any benefit. How so? Well if a woman is penalized more and thus disadvantaged for having a tantrum then their female opponent has more of an advantage. On the flip side, if a man is penalized less for having a tantrum and thus gain an advantage, then his male opponent has more of a disadvantage because their opponent wasnt penalized as much as they should have been. In either case there is no net change in advantage, just in the case of women the one receiving the penalizing would be the disadvantaged party and for men the one whose opponent wasnt penalized when they should have been is the disadvantaged party. Either way there is no net change. The only time the argument would possibly make sense is if","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to seriously watch our Northern border that Soy Boy commie PM faggot probably has thousands of armed terrorists cells right now https:\/\/youtu.be\/veK64OvL1_0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Liberal=mentally ill!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to k i l l all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa: Far Left, Anti-Fascist, Communist, been around in various forms since Crazy how we have to explain this slowly to cuckservatives like they're retarded children. You noticed that did you? They are lol. Shockingly so. I mean I could see being outside Gab and being clueless but Jesus, you are in Gab for months and still nothing clicks. It took hearing \"Hitler wasn't wrong\" once and all gears aligned.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1 of the 1st things Clinton did was ok all Army soldiers that didnt serve actively in an Airborne unit, wear berets (A symbol of elite tier status that had to be earned via Airborne unit (Maroon), Ranger (Black), and Special Forces (Green)). Prior to that, non-airborne units wore cunt caps. It was the beginning of participation trophy USA.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"look at his entire body of work, and judge him accordingly \" I do - and due to him throwing Faith Goldy under the bus, repeatedly attacking White identity, cucking HARD on freedom of association, bragging about \"saving\" young men from the \"far-right\" and saying that using retard pronouns should be dictated by societal consensus, my opinion is not favorable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brandon Jennings trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A homeless dog living in a trash pile gets rescued, and then does something amazing! Please share. http:\/\/t.co\/SzpStdxmn6 via @youtube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The rapefugees are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"READ TOLKIEN FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ever see a nigger do Looksatme buygrocery while it's in a store its hilarious.yeah uhuh,yeah,sumadat,uhh,sumahdem,nah shheeeiiittt muh fug,Looksatme dragmuhfeet pullmuhcoatomuhhayid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thats a retarded and facile stance","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cobaltcatastrophe yo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG lol, I just caught the fucking #Juden in one fucking humongous ass fucking lie. This makes me question the whole entire DNA bullshit, especially in 23andMe. My first cousin from my mother's side, not my dad's side just connected with me in 23andMe. According to his results, my mom's side is 100% European while according to my results everything that is not European is descending from my mom's side. So my dad's side makes me 50% European while my mom's side is questionable. Now listen to this my cousin, on the other hand, is a lot more European than I am and his mother's side (My aunt - mother's sister) is 100% European. How can this be? If my mother and his mother were sisters then shouldn't both be 100% European? You #Jews just fucked up big time and I am calling you out on this. If you got it out for me at the very least leave the truth out of this. Fuck you Juden, now I know I cannot trust anything you do! Fuck you and your DNA bullshit, you have just proven to me that your knowledge about DNA is just as shallow as your knowledge of economics. Oh, I know how you rob us! Hypothetically, two mulattos could fuck and make a 100% European baby. Each parent only contributes half of its own DNA, which in the extreme case could be the good half or the nigger half.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO @H1llaryClinton did not quit he got his ass booted and I guess his other Account @B1llClinton just happened to go down with it......now cry us a River you little Aspie Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How's that diversity working out, America? Oh. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/baltimore-puts-230-desk-officers-streets-murders-mount-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Literally every man in my fam copped a bad white bitch as a wife. I ain't even boutta break da chain. Unless a latina comes around","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After a Black man murdered a Swedish citizen, the Swedish police asked the public for help identifying him - but they blurred out his face so you couldn't tell he was Black. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she thinks this is a movie Same rhetoric as the sovereign citizen folks I guess The only thing she can't do? She can't fail the mayor. Ever. https:\/\/theinfosphere.org\/Chaz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He owns a Liberal Retarded Brain. He is a Canadian. The Blinders of being both of the above...must be crippling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I knows y'all white folk only be playin wit me. I colored and I knows my place","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I don't think he's a comedian\"\"I don't believe it was a joke\" and#x200B; Listen, lady, I know you're a white liberal woman so you're used to being catered to but it DOES NOT MATTER what you \"believe\" or \"think\" about a person who says himself that it *was* a fucking joke. Any person with 2 brain cells to rub together knew that pug video was a joke. And no, a person does not need to be a card-carrying Comedian to make a fucking joke. The beauty of humor (not that you'd recognize it if you heard it) is that anyone can tell a great joke. You don't need a stand-up routine or time on stage to make people laugh. and#x200B; This chick is a self-righteous and humorless twat who can take her judgmental attitude and shove it up her ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stopping his Removal for Justice | The True NPC Way https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=V_q6vYdAMk4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine a bachelorette party going to a strip club and that retarded roided up Flip started grinding on them and doing wrestling impressions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Hey guys, look at me, I'm retarded!\" \"...Fuck off, retard.\" \"Joke's on you, I was just pretending to be retarded!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come and try ... I dare 'ya, pussies. Sry to inform you limp-wristed phaygetts, but we have the guns, and we know how to use them. (this isn't a threat, it is a promise) ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RACIST human sewage Democrat SCUM! Just another RETARDED monkey brain!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Posted by u\/Russians30i44i3o It turns out shrieking like a retard isn't a convincing argument","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Words are not bullets. Social media posts have a body count of zero. The sole responsibility for today's horrific actions lies with one person. We will do everything in our power to work with law enforcement to see that justice is served. Hi everyone. I'm Jewish. Want to hear what people on here think of me. Anyone want to talk? I sense a troll. #Mute I'd love to meet you and talk it out. For real. We can either talk or fight. Your choice. If you want to fight, though. No weapons. Just fists. Or words. Either way, I'm game. Which do you think you could handle?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a clam shame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don Lemon , where do i begin . You dont even understand your own gender or the path you were intended to follow. This is what you SHOULD BE DOING not sucking another mans Dick. You are no expert on anything , a horrible role model and a confused queer, why should anyone care what you say ? Silly faggot you got it all backwards .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals Flood Capitol Hill To Protest Kavanaugh https:\/\/youtu.be\/79LJchChGkQ via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need patriarchy. Doesn't have to be a fist. But it must be trying to fn tell me off at the expense of a mother whos lost her son for a decade, fuck you TRYING TO USE A POWs poor MOTHER TO WIN A GAB ARGUMENT?!? Fucking disgusting! Dude thats low for even you! She has suffered enough from media smears don't you think? Fuck it man I haven't gotten into a street fight in ten years Meet me halfway I'm in Milwaukee I'm calling you out faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@billyrunaway Hope she's larger than a bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GregHillWAAF soo what you putting on those crackers Gregg?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're a faggot who likes pedophiles and songs about faggots dressing up like girls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are a coward.. a white POS nigger lover.. drop dead rat..LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NoHazardNoParty @PiBBzYx @piersmorgan @Jim_McLaren I can't wait for the day they take them be a boon for the entire nation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the hell is the raghead and why on earth is she smiling?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you retarded? She's beautiful","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What in the goddamn...? What kind of faggot runs around thinking people will A. Assume they're a dog B. Try petting them ????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All immigrants are such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Little bitty bumble bee #bumblebee http:\/\/t.co\/WgYL5UpjQq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">y'all cunts Inclusive and friendly way to address people. Or so I've been told. What do I know, english is not my first language. I cheat by calling everyone \"mate\" or \"cunt\". Can't misgender if you don't try and use classy gender specific pronouns *taps head*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Harryslaststand: On this #ArmisticeDay the cry \"Never Again\" is absent and mocks our pledge to #NeverForget the fallen from ancient an ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The true philosophical questions of our retarded times","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing immigrants in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am learning a lot about trans people at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love to see those gay people suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Banned Contest Challenge on Normies. New Viral Meme. Funny. Relevant. Here is one I made on Will Smith Pre-Kanye West Trump in Men In Black (MIB). Here are some videos, pictures, links. NPC. Bots. Robots. Win money here. https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/don-t-move-tables","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trash RT @VibeMagazine: Can the Notorious B.I.G. s son CJ Wallace rap? Watch and vote here: http:\/\/t.co\/3kzJj7nqpP http:\/\/t.co\/wOwnc0A70P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some do Jon, but it's downright retarded to suggest that all Jews do. All faiths have some wicked people carrying their banner I imagine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great video! Don lemon always the nigger of hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/imgflip.com\/i\/2kp8ho ---- \"Fonda's not fond of America\" - please be kind and **repost** to support your humble original content creator :D btw, my profile page has a higher concentration of original memes than Sen. Warren has Caucasian DNA. Yes, in all honestly she likely should have. Treason's treason, after all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When one (white) man questions why he is being forced to go around, a female nigger responds \"because I told you to'. BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO? time to send the shock troops to Portland Oregon. RAHOWA. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6255493\/Portland-residents-fury-mayor-clashes-protest-police-shooting.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @A_I_P @WADL @BardParker @lostpassword - Bullied- called \"faggot\", got slugged- \"suicide\" on social media and in person. Administrator said he was to blame by being openly \"gay\". https:\/\/thinkprogress.org\/wisconsin-school-district-protect-gay-student-bullying-lawsuit-247886e7e4a5\/ Whats to stop any broke faggot from suing anyone from there past who hurt there feelz?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's mostly black, mexican, and a little bit of white trailer trash thrown in. Has nothing to do with Asian-Americans, who on average have higher average income, education level, and manners than even the whites. it dont matter no more..... uve clearly demonstrated ur views come from a rooted racism... good day and this was a counter to using black friday as manners on what chinese supposedly cant do. when ur ppl are tossing shit like baboons","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't believe that fag turned in his own guys. Weak leader but we already knew that. He's a faggot little bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a gay person tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh man I hope she went to jail and her insurance premium sky rockets. Fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT JamesOKeefeIII 'Busted' Dem Senator McCaskill Demands Special Prosecutor Over Veritas Undercover \"Fraud\" | Zero Hedge https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-18\/busted-dem-senator-mccaskill-demands-special-prosecutor-over-veritas-undercover ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Way to go Dr. Peterson! You hit the nail on the head!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They were much more honest about the outcomes they wanted and why...They may have and frankly did sound like fucking retards, but they did not hide their objectives. Maybe, but a power seeking zealot is power seeking zealot no matter what ideology they cloak themselves with. There are plenty of \"Sunday\" only Christians out there... And while I prefer cunts that honest about their cuntishness than those that hide it, its still a pair of cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is thsi muzzie fucktard still walking around??She should be deproted for provoking and inciting dissention.Stunned Soros paid shill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only private security guards are that violent and cruel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Real Israelis Are Black Israelites das rite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Carbon dating tests show combined age older than dirt. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/democrats-outline-priorities-when-they-take-congress-protect-illegals-gun-control-investigate-kavanaugh-and-russia-impeach-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Buckm00se I don't like the sand nigger but it's entertaining like 6 knockdowns","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You let the Jews run your country, you let the nigger animals in.. this is your reward.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NEOMD71: Bizarre sports week in Cle.@Browns win a game that felt like a loss,failed ex-Browns QB's duel each other, and @cavs lose ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You trans people make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well Twat, I don't mute anyone here at Gab so what! Oh no, I bully a lot. I AM a big bull...a big dick...not a little bunny or twat like you...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wetback men are being beaten and tied naked onto poles in Mexico I was washing my hair at the time. @AnonymousConservative @Koanic @GuardAmerican https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/someone-tying-naked-men-lamp-poles-police-no-idea\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Japan doesn't shy* away from a lot of things. Male characters smack around women for the humor of it too. And something like Seven Deadly Sins has the main character frequently groping women, stealing her panties [while she's wearing them], etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"everytime you see a nigger in a car scream they stole your culture. same the same if they have a TV, tale a train and especially them 300 sows with blonde hair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Well, I don't really care what this negroid thinks. \" 66 upvotes I fail to see the problem, you do know that the word negroid is an actual biological term used to describe people with certain physical attributes? No racism. Negroid. There I used it, now what? Congratulations you're a cunt In that case ignore my comment, but whenever a community starts pretending to be retarded, actual retards start thinking they've found their home and the community becomes filled with retards. Same thing happened with \/pol\/.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This worthless bitch.... if she gets elected I may very well consider leaving the state... You already have a severe muzzie infestation in Dearbornistan and Flintistan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"from the article: >The decision by a seven-judge panel came as an Austrian national identified as E.S. by the court, had held seminars on Islam in 2008 and 2009 for the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) **where she discussed the prophet's marriage to his wife Aisha, a child at the time, and implied that he was a pedophile.** I consider saying someone married a child is already implying pedophilia. Is it true or not? >Stating that the court had found that \"the applicant's statements had been likely to arouse justified indignation in Muslims\" and \"amounted to a generalization without factual basis\", the Strasbourg-based ECtHR said that the woman's comments could not be covered by the freedom of expression. According to wikipedia there's a source that states precisely that. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Muhammad%27s_wives#Aisha_bint_Abu_Bakr I guess wikipedia must be also breaking the law. >The court said it \"found in particular that the domestic courts comprehensively assessed the wider context of the applicant's statements and **carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected,** and served the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria.\" this is where it hits rock bottom, people can have whatever feelings they want for whatever reasons, you shouldn't be responsible for offending those feelings specially when you're stating something that is sourced. An example I've seen is how Galileo also suffered consequences for saying that the Earth orbited the Sun, that also helped protect people's feelings and preserve religious peace. At this point it's an outrage that such court ruling exists, if people can't criticize a religion or ideology then it should also should be against the law to promote such ideology as well as it might go against people's \"religious feelings\" and \"religious peace\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weekend is here. What an amazing week this has been. Let's use this extended weekend to celebrate our successes my fellow queer folk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rev. Charlie Rangel: What Unions Stand For Are Spiritual Damn Things LIKE INFLATABLE RATS. http:\/\/t.co\/2nmrLDvIgB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iBeZo: Stupid fucking nigger LeBron. You flopping stupid jungle bunny monkey faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton calling for more violence against anyone who isn't liberal. https:\/\/twitter.com\/CNNPolitics\/status\/1049684159185055745 I will bring a case of wine! I'll supply the chili verde and tequila! I believe that will make me very squiffy indeed, but hey, it's the celebration of the century when the witch is dead! Ill bring cheering girls....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Biological Male Wins World Championship In Women's Cycling Cause upside down is right side up now. Seems fair. #57Genders #Sports https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/14\/biological-male-wins-womens-world-cycling-championship\/ Another guy \"beating\" girls?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to end every Muslim's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have muted SEVERAL faggot wannabe Nazis today. I feel alive!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should I be worried that a lady behind my building is talking to a crow?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Jihadis are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like how this faggot is absolutely frothing over you, and he's willing to carry on the most indirect cross-platform \"conversation\" i've ever seen. but is too gutless to start a gab account and do it directly you scared edward?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @YoungCon1266: Listen to Charlie Daniels speak the truth and then enlist in the U.S. FREEDOM ARMY at http:\/\/t.co\/cxzfajqUfV. http:\/\/t.co\/k ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muzzy I used to work with is behind this 'Riz Test'. Look at the ridiculousness of it. So I guess there has never ever been any white people who have been portrayed in the exact same ways. He's gone so militant since I worked with him years ago. He's just missing his fist long beard. Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up cunt Thanks \/u\/BinaryFaggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Social Justice Warriors VS Logic (Sans Edition) [SJW MELTDOWNS] https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uXy9NDFKwdM Watch the old fool at the beginning. He openly stated he could rape her, that it was his right to do so. Also, note the woman who claimed the little Nigger grabbed her ass. The news claimed she was White. She is a Jew. Last name (((Klein))). Do you have a job? Or do you just sit on your faggot ass all day on Gab?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll snap that trans neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have never actually seen a yellow duck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The saving grace is these faggots have so much white guilt that they won't reproduce.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am getting tired of #Q and his #BOOM BOOM BOOM and his \"Enjoy the Show\". I am not enjoying it at all. I need to see our camp win and win big quick. #Kavanaugh was nothing but an ordeal. I want ARRESTS now ! #Qanon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didnt buy any alcohol this weekend, and only bought 20 fags. Proud that I still have 40 quid tbh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Water was in the atmosphere, remember Noah \"saw the sun,\" eh...from the beginning the water was all s s pended in the atmosphere...eh? and then it let loose, and down it came, and the sun. Would this give you 2 something to think about...eh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their immigrant throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sign the petition to end social media censorship. I'll make a video about this tomorrow: https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/pass-social-media-anti-censorship-act-smaca-end-soviet-style-speech-control-major-social-media-platforms https:\/\/LIttleRevolution.us\/SMACA Patrick Little LARPs as me, gets BTFO: http:\/\/boards.4chan.org\/pol\/thread\/189195384","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(via @jacklayton) Charlie Angus is sending Made in China Canadian flag pins back to Conservatives http:\/\/tinyurl.com\/dmt397","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"even trump hating bastards bitch defo paedo hating bastards you syphillitic cunt DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE or suicide yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Y'all he is a self hating nigger yes I said nigger that is why he brags about his white women (mud shark whore) he obviously wants to turn his DNA white can you blame him dam he was born a nigger after all","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm centre-left wing and Australian and I despise the Disney SW films. Go fuck yourself Dr. Morten Bay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nah im not faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. That's why I'm holding a Swastika flag and calling for Dugin to be thrown in a volcano. Totally makes sense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the only good lesson would be her losing something important over acting like such a cunt and not being able to take revenge","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa protester is fired from his job after being filmed harassing '9\/11 widow' and saying her dead NYPD husband deserved to 'rot in the grave' https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2PfNcau Karma......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch this hospital get culturally enriched by vibrant diversity our greatest strength https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=SPU7_1538615827","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Refugee Swindle Exposed as UN Moves 45,000 Africans Back Home http:\/\/newobserveronline.com\/refugee-swindle-exposed-as-un-moves-45000-africans-back-home\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot crybaby bitch thinks everyone spamming gab is someone he doesn't like. Quit crying, SOY. Its free speech, faggot, deal with it. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37231226","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a conservative republican and I think we need illegal aliens to work the cotton fields and cotton gins. #slavery Senator Collins from Maine called me a faggot #homophobia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hot subject for a Cold cunt !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NANCY PELOSI AIMS TO TAKE AWAY FIREARM FREEDOMS IN SIX WAYS https:\/\/rickwells.us\/pelosi-aims-firearm-freedoms\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"B l a c k people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Real tough cunt needs raped","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is one dumb ass copper telling lies https:\/\/youtu.be\/tSddA1lq3U0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"7th century retarded savages","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"rhetorical skills! you must be a genius and captain of your college debate team. also so what if I'm a faggot? maybe i'm the biggest faggot on Gab! you still can't maintain your on-line persona for five minutes without giving away your male identity and the fact that you are not liberal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheComedyHumor: When I make a paper ball in the trash can http:\/\/t.co\/mOxmRsOOv9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Completed #LeisureSuitLarry 5: Passionate Patti Does A Little Undercover Work. This was fun as fuck! From Larry getting blown under the table to Patti getting her twat pounded under the table, what can I say? Looking forward to the next game! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/user\/mrkilleverything","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have they said how long ?? I'm getting questions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I pray to the god of the heavens and the Earth bless the victims of Boko Haram.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@support can we consider getting a \"Delete Comment\" button for when retarded ass niggas say stupid shit on my posts thanks. Then the kikes and boomers would have nothing but kosher replies. Sorry cupcake, but you'll have to take it for the team.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking horrible psychotic evil cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, there are some historians who spout this theory (of course there are, it's 2018). The problem being that any theory that explains why Egyptian statues are missing their noses also has to explain why so many Roman, Greek and Persian statues suffered the same fate. [Rhinotomy](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Rhinotomy), was a common punishment in the ancient world and the fact that many of these statues appear to have been purposefully \"de-nosed\" suggests it was intended to punish or disgrace the person depicted. > The problem being that any theory that explains why Egyptian statues are missing their noses also has to explain why so many Roman, Greek and Persian statues suffered the same fate. Oh, didn't you hear? It's been reported by people who portray academics on social media that most Romans, Greeks, and Persians were POC *also*. I've seen posts claiming Mozart and George Washington were black, with edited photos of them to reflect it. ...Washington? The slave owner? The guy with thousands of portraits of him being a white guy? WE WUZ KANGZ IN EGYPT But for real tho, black supremacist revisionists are ancient aliens level conspiracy theorists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"the useless faggot attempting to hijack the NPC meme to promote the meme HIV Jesus Christ, the loser failure pussy who died like a pitiful scumbag without a fight, which is what the real life small time Charlie Manson who got flogged and nailed up was. Christ is death. FIGHT.\" This nutjob rant is why you're crazy. If you had just said \"Jesus is dead\" that would have been a mentally sane response. Oh yeah, tone it down, guy. Don't be extreme. You fucking faggot. Now is the time for a hatred never before seen on this planet. I hate that will scorch the world. On planet fag. \"Everyone I disagree with is a faggot . Seems like anger issues. Mommy didn't give him enough hugs or he wasn't breast fed?? Anger is such a huge waste. It takes me little time to block people with no understanding of Christ's teachings. The path isn't easy. There's always some deep seated anger in their souls. As it was in the days of Noah... No, just you Jesus homo fag gaywads.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @cpabry: Curious George, the curious little monkey or deranged serial cat killer? The story the man with the yellow hat doesn't want you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Swedish SJW Facing Jail After Blocking Deportation of Criminal Afghan Fuck me ridged with a barge pole! I thought the Sweds were terminally cucked! https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/10\/22\/swedish-sjw-criminal-afghans-deportation\/ Good! She must face the consequences of her actions!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fact that they are still allowed to wear those faggot hats shows that Xi is a whole helluva lot more extreme than I am. ------------- Andrew Anglin, Editor, Daily Stormer https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/china-says-moslems-are-happier-in-re-education-camps\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggah niggah niggah don't believe me just wacthh...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@blackymiles lol to get the yellow bleach stain out use a baking soda hydrogen peroxide paste on the stain and throw in the washer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot, does that mean that you are a Nazi? Why is he calling you a ball of processed spiced meat and gravy that is what a faggot is some so called centiant algorithms are quiet strange","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you colored every day is Sunday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Terrifying. #leprechaun http:\/\/t.co\/447wgkSVVG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poll: How many nogs do you think are on Gab? Low IQ beta cucks like yourself are a manifestation of liberal brainwashed low IQ beta cucks living within the construct of low IQ liberal ideology. You're welcome. Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Theres no such thing as \"faggotry\". There are procreationists only. Faggotry only results in extinction. The liberal words you use perpetuate your own mental illness which leads you further into a beta cuck abyss. You're welcome. u sound gay Low IQ beta cucks use liberal terminology like \"gay\", \"nigger\". Acceptance of liberal language is slavery. You're too low IQ to understand this. You're welcome. Go away, faggot. I'm worried I'll get AIDS just talking to you. Low IQ people like you have used the same approach which has been used continuously for the past 153 yrs without any uptick ie no success. Try a new approach retard. Thats my point. You're welcome. You ingest so much nigger semen I think it's making your brain go soft. I'm guessing you're either a black man who prefers cock. Or a black female who prefers pussy. Your portrayal of the \"stereotypical white male racists\" is textbook. Take your meds. You're welcome. u sound like a gay nigger My bad, you're definitely a transgender, transracial black male who sucks cocks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He is such a pathetic coward kike or on kike payroll. Defending global jihad. Good thing is, I have saved the post, so he can't deny like first time he was gloating about spilling Christian Serb blood. Who is this? A muzzie bragging bout killing whites?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hippotwatamus","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JudicialWatch: ICYMI: Judicial Watch just received 288 pages of newly uncovered emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that were transmitted over her unsecured and illicit non-\"state(dot)gov email system. And three of these new emails contain classified info. http:\/\/jwatch.us\/j9jrw7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JonahNRO No good options left indeed. This president makes Jimmy Carter look like a piker. So sad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Awww, is the coward and pussy upset because there are some black people smarter than YOU? HAHAHAHAHA! Maybe if you weren't such a lonely, hateful, retard you'd have some friends, maybe a girl to get laid, and a life outside of your little liberal circle of hate. LOL, you're so pathetic it's actually hilarious!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@charlierose @jdickerson racist@NorahODonnell Tx trash there's no comparison betwn Pres Obama n GWBush rt poll will show He's supported 100%","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's worse than a Muslim? A Nigger Muslim... Um...an alive one....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NHN Hey, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. FO nazi scum bucket Look at the little faggot cry. aww, little nazi scumbucket Lord Humungus @LordHumungus thinks he can insult? Must be a big satanic pervert with all his sexual dreams and perversions. Only can a little dick like you pretend to be tough online. Yawn, just another nazi homo pedophile","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"useless fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"are you retarded or what","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's a trash party ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/hzi8Cz3IhZ1J\/ Chinaman kicks black islam ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @SexualMedic: How I feel when I'm throwing trash away... http:\/\/t.co\/qQ94N1rD5N everyday in school.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh man. This could be a serious first ever Chanel bag contender RT @evachen212 grape-colored Chanel bags http:\/\/t.co\/q8ShjIFv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Commie Racist Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a Kung twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's the big deal? Melania Trump is offered a suspicious little male package every night being told it's the bomb! Keep your nasty remarks about our FLOTUS to yourself, limey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is an offensive image representing disgusting acts. Is she crazy? Why touch those creatures? What next kissing rats and petting roaches? She should be far more careful around dangerous vile beasts. Niggers do NOT make for good pets and in any case should not be allowed indoors or outdoors anywhere near people. Don't need to mute him. Sure his anti-White racism (I like pro-White racism\/racialism) is perverse, but he only commented once to one of my posts. Perversity and racial treason is the norm for christ-insanity faggots. Being a nigger and kike lover is as sick as it gets. Many niggers even hate niggers. Thanks for the concern though Charles @Charlesrs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BARRYCLERJUSTE: Whatchu sayin hoe, YOU KNOW IM THE MAN HOE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You deserved it!!!! NIGGER WHORE!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WyattNuckels insecure much put all you insults in one tweet. Fucking dumbass dude I'd wreck you you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i knew some \"models\" who at least got themselves an economy degree There are certainly some smart, physically attractive women who plan for the future and contribute a great deal to society. However, they just are a fairly small minority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Talk of a refund would vanish once the dems had their power back! https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/10\/19\/kamala-harris-democrats-push-to-repeal-and-replace-trump-tax-cuts.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard. R E T A R D E T A R D R A T E R","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A SPECIAL GALLOWS IS WHAT'S NEEDED FOR RR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well. there is such a thing CALLED KARMA, AND IN TIME AND I PRAY SOON IT CATCHES UP WITH THIS CRIMINALD AND TREASONOUS MARXIST CUNT AND ALL WHO HELPED HER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dblite works like a charm in OpenWrt Arduino Yun with full test coverage. The gyp version would rarely made in there https:\/\/t.co\/4JRj1Ezc1S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @zt0mm: Traded in my nikes for a new mic.. I guess it's safe to say he sold soles for his new life ... -bada$$ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is with these Faggots and Cakes? If it was not to rub our noses in their perversions, what else could be the reason to ask for a cake with Political messages? Would a Faggot baker (if there is one) be happy to bake a cake that says : 'Homosexuality is Sin'? UK Supreme Court, a cesspool of left wing cunts, amazed me today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They get charged with a crime, put them on the next damned place out--no trial. Taxpayers don't need to fork out additional money for blood-sucking leeches on our back whom we don't here in the first place. I'm sick of their cultures, their crime, their language forced on us. To hell with the lot. We speak English here, not jungle bob, raghead or punjabi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@louisck a video i made -- Porn Actress Sexy Capri Anderson Kissing Video with Charlie Sheen http:\/\/t.co\/VTH4r762 via @youtube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This breaks my heart to watch. I really hope that piece of shit gets what's coming to her. We should see if Shaq would kick her ass in an elevator so she can see what it felt like. I think Shaq would be down to do this, he seems like a good dude who treats animals and humans well. And this cunt ain't human.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But the Paki on the other end of the flag has never been to Honduras, bet the Paki cunt cannot even spell it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are a Muslim, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking American centric cunts. Fuck you Sony of America and Sony of Japan. I hope you go bankrupt. This is not about censorship this is about the blatant disrespect being shown to Japanese developers by Sony. I hope this kick off in Japan it looks like Sony America is trying to make Japanese developers SUBSERVIENT to them and Sony Japan is doing nothing in the face of this disrespect. Fuck them. Will be boycotting any Sony products from now on would rather buy Microsoft or Huawei. That is right I would rather be, potentially spied on by the Chinese government or have my Data harvested than give a single penny to Sony.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Selling ex lax brownies in front of Meijer to pregnant women. #GoodDeed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Socialists are retarded and this video proves it. It's not even worth dismantling this shit. It's self defeating as is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is why we need a big beautiful wall, and not a stupid fucking fence. AS SOON AS POTUS MENTIONED THE LACK OF WOMEN AND KIDS THEY BROUGHT UP A COUPLE OF WOMEN AND THEIR BASTARDS SO CNN COULD REFUTE POTUS. THIS TELLS YOU THEY ARE LISTENING AND REACTING. STAGED BY THE DEMOCRATS AND THEIR SJW FUNDS BY SOROS AND STYER. ALL FOR THE MID TERMS. VOTE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wasn't trying to be. just an observation. haven't seen one posted about how great it is to be a cunt yet though. Oh great! Now I have a cyber stalker with an IQ of Illiterate, dumb as a box of shit, fucking little know-nothing just HAS to open up its fucking nasty cockholster to say something stupid. Schaefer?? Probably a fucking kike too. You say Cock a lot Lenny, you got a thing for cocks? Tell all of Gab about your cock fetish Leno Lenny I'm not Gay or headed that way, It's acceptable these days though. This Guy would love you Lenny ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You forgot to mention Tony Jones is a cunt and QandA is a far left extremist program","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just in time for Halloween..... Remember the scene in Hannibal when the bad guy's motorized wheelchair goes off the edge of a loft into the boars' pen and they eat him?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @almostkanye: RT @Resolutionary_: if Crabtree woulda caught that over Sherman for the game y'all woulda said Sherman trash and he got what ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. You're foaming at the mouth cause of the circle jerk party you participated in, you were the pivot. Disgusting splouge burps comin back up Not really jermaine. You just participated aswell. Discusting You Flogged a dude named Germaine Should have kept that to yourself, one more thing that was a dumb AF comeback Sorry Joanne. You ruined it Dumb af troll Joseph look at the interactions I've had in the past 10 hours 8 people can't wait to reply to me. How many you got. Fuck all Look guys a Chicken is making me look dumb AF, Well because I am a dumb af Troll with splouge on the mind Thats what you wanted to say Right John What guys stop looking for help. Don't see me doing that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's typical of disabled people. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @CaptainYankee2: Two of the best Yankees Derek Jeter and Joe Torre #JoeTorreDay http:\/\/t.co\/XMyxfDBKOX @jordan_luree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching her sit there and Giggle like look at me i'm so cute I wanted to reach through the screen and slap her back to Cali.. what a worthless CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*goes to olive garden**Turns into a cracker*\"@gIacier: *goes black friday shopping**turns into a nigger*\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So as I consider my run for King...um I mean President in 2024 I've got to start thinking about where I stand on the issues. Here's just a few things off the top of my head in no particular order Build the wall (it'll probably still be a thing) Leftists in labor camps Outlawing usury Expelling Jews Regulating the big internet \/ social media companies Prison reform Murder 2 would be eligible for the DP; murder 1, DP mandatory. Non-violent crimes would send you to a labor camp for 6 months along w (((the tribe))). We -can- be smarter on crime. Oh! Triple any sentence for a crime committed by a nigger or jew-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my opinion, women like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#NPC #WeAreTheMOB #MOBtoNPC #Dehumanizing another couple oldies being recycled and repurposed Don't confuse the Jew with an NPC. @thefinn don't confuse posting on my pics with me caring about your opinions No need to get pissy princess. No need to scream about fucking jews 24\/7 dipshit, God forbid another meme get in the way of letting someone get WOKE ON THE JQ - on Gab no less, pure brainlet. >Be on Gab >Make AltRight Memes >Can't handle other opinions Yeah ok.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Pinche_Escobar too make up for your yellow chompers? #candyass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuckin nigger whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DefendWallSt those little #ISIS faggots usually have bags over their heads anyway. Makes bullet placement interesting thru a scope.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you really think about it, it was a really retarded thing for JP to post.. i mean, does peterson think Kavanaugh is going to read that tweet and decide to resign? or is he just virtue signaling like a shitlib? signalling to shitlibs that he's a shitlib, i guess","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kirstynehbu faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda We kicked nigger ass so bad, they started putting plates in their lips and building their huts out of mud. From \"visiting the stars\" to lip plates and mud huts. It's best as fuck to be white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm 81 and I still eat animal crackers #EMABiggestFans1D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is all you need to know, AZ. Don't vote this radical in. What an evil thing to say Arizona YOU better VOTE McSally ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real #RoyalWedding at long last Eugenie was a gorgeous bride, glowing of happiness in impeccable beautiful wedding dress. Mr Jack Brooksbank dapper and looking at his bride with awe and genuine admiration.... ...nothing like Harry the halfwit looking zombified during his nuptials to Frankenstein's nigger bride. in ill fitting ugly dress and messy wig.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rawrrawrfox @a @support This account is sharing hentai child porn. We all know what will get us in trouble with the government and this WILL GET US SHUT DOWN f No. fuck off child porn lover Drawings have feelings to!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"We're not complaining, we're revolting!\" the students, workers and retirees chanted as they marched in the first demonstration since the end of the summer holiday, referring to President Macron's recent suggestion that the French complain too much. ---- Le president faggot is doomed :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No the headline was mistyped it should have read: \"She should have been an abortion and she is fucking retarded\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will never again vote for a politician who panders to niggers and wants their votes.They get everything for free and are a detriment to our society in every way. There is a war going on against whites and I'm so sick of hearing about the plight of the negro. V. smol-brained take, but what else can you expect from women talking about politics? It's better than listening to a nigger loving kike supporter. Well, you know what to do. Run on a lynch the nigs and gas the kikes platform. Let us know how that works for you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most disabled people are absolute bastards. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's pro-life, but I bet it would be compromised down to leaving it to the states, like weed. OK by me. Let the niggers kill their babies in California and New York. One less nigger my grandson will have to kill on the battlefield during the 2nd revolution.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just a thought... If Socialism is so good and Capitalism is so bad, then why isn't the Caravan heading to Venezuela....??!! Infinite Loops For Idiots: Vote for Socialism Flee To Capitalism Vote for Socialism Flee To Capitalism Vote for Socialism Flee To Capitalism Vote for Socialism Vote for Socialism Flee To Capitalism Vote for Socialism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JOY BEHAR TORTURES THE WORLD WITH HER BIG FAT STUPID FUCKING CUNT MOUTH EVERYDAY! DUMB LIBERAL FEMINIST CUNT, THE USUAL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where do you find all the VILE RACIST askeNAZI JEWS and DEMOCRATS! All JEWS and Democrats are human sewage but are so RETARDED that they are completely unconscious. If you find any of these NPC's, please tell me as I will intellectually shove them down the shithole where they belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How stupid are you? Did niggers have a Christian kingdom with monarchial houses based on bloodlines, that stood taller than all the known world for 1,000 years? Did the jews? I will tell Yashua himself that you have a cunt for a brain. Your rhetorical, provoking comments don't mean shit for real men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean...If you blow a foul there, it has to be a yellow in that situation no?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not to defend the woman's actions, they're inexcusable. But I drive for uber\/lyft and they give exact specific instructions on the GPS so I honestly don't know why he was asking her how to get there. She may have not put an address when ordering one. I've had to ask addresses a couple times, especially when it comes to inebriated people. What are you talking about? You literally can't call an Uber without putting in a destination. Source: occasionally drive for, and heavily use Uber. Yeah you can. Been driving for and using uber\/Lyft for 2 years in Vegas. When I pick them up it prompts me to enter an address when they haven't entered one. Edit: could be different in other states. Ubertaxi for example. I'm in the app right now trying to call an Uber without putting in a destination. I can't do it. Besides, from the clip it seems like that wasn't even the issue. Sounds like he was just asking her how to get to her house with the app working perfectly normal. Could it be that he was asking if she wanted him to take a shortcut that he knew about, versus a longer GPS route? Nice spin you put on it there. Fuck off now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today is a good day. No fairy gay faggot tranny porn so far!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet she want's more muzzie refugees let in thinking that if they will screw a donkey she might just have a good shot at getting laid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Skidmark Twatter users spouting about typical NPC drivel is getting tiresome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I woke up as a black person, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Devin Hester's a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do retarded socialists (Venezuela) and in-bred low IQ religious fanatics (Islam) always want to leave the shitholes they themselves created and bring their toxic sewage to new countries? They are like locusts, they make shitholes out of wherever they go, they want rich lands to spoil, they don't want to change their behavior though why do low iq inbred christians do the same thing? middole eastern cultists only have one setting: drag sewage (gods word) through everyones culture until everything in its past has been destroyed Western Christians created the modern world while you third world retards are still living in straw huts. You are the ones invading the west for a better life, not the other way around.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A migrant is being prosecuted for TORTURING two young Swedish boys. The children were burned with cigarettes and their hair set on fire. They were ordered to kiss the shoes of the attacker, who then kicked them. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP SHARE!!! https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/migrant-prosecuted-for-torturing-swedish-boys-for-three-hours-they-were-burned-with-cigarettes-and-kicked-in-the-face\/ She had a good heart but poor critical thought upon the consequences of her fundraising.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a lot of da white MFs on guns of gab talk good game but under pressure they choke like pussies and guns aint da final shit back when we niggas had our ancient nuwaupian civilization we was using laser guns yea we was exploring da stars when da white devils was still living in caves and they was using clubs Nigger where tf you been? I aint seen yo cottonpicking welfare drawin sorry ass in my feed in a minute. Niggers is all momas boiz cuz dey aint got no daddy, shut you dumb ass up pussy nog lul. If a pavement ape aint got a gun they done!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prove your claims, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give me a reason why you should the imperial system","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tommy robinson come on support gab if you want to be heard you can use your media power","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The reason I work is because I'm ambitious and want to keep living my upper middle class lifestyle. I also have too much pride to be a useless leech and mooch off of my parents not doing shit with my life. Nothing wrong with living with your parents as long as it's until you finish getting your degree, establishing a career, and saving up for your own house instead of settling for renting a shitty apartment. If you have no shame, by all means stay home with your parents and play video games till they die of old age then what are you gonna do live off of welfare ? That's some beta ass shit to me, a true man will work hard and reap all the benefits by not allowing a bitch into their life to take it away. While I tend to agree with what you're saying, isn't this exactly against what mgtow is all about? Don't gatekeep what a man or anyone needs to do. It's their life. It seems sad to me. But that's their decision to make not mine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is Angry Birds the movie going to work? They're just floating bird heads?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the hell did I just watch and why do I feel like I need to go read something by James Burke to get some IQ points back?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mah5H stfu white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not want to read about what you do with your fairy gay faggot boyfriend in the privacy of your own bedroom. Thank you very much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a fake video. How the fuck is it fake? You mean staged, you idiot? idiot? like I'm scientifically designated an \"idiot\" like I have the mental age of two or less? That is technically the wrong word to use. choose your words wisely fellow redditor for there are those around you who might judge you quite harshly for your insolence by daring to not get every word you say exactly correct. EDIT like did you think I thought this video was CGI or some kind of deepfake? is that why you're all up in arms about my choice of words? yeah, it's staged. why exactly? you aren't explaining why? just being mean to me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow... i mean i expected something... but i didnt think they would be so stereotypical... thats kind of crazy... and#x200B; I want to know what they claimed the violation was? cuz apparently played a game as intended can get you banned now... From his youtube channel, they claim its because of multiple violations of yt policy on violence, which is obvious bullshit. Say what you will about rdr2s video, but the termination was ridiculous. \"multiple violations of YT policy on violence\"? and#x200B; They mean playing video games... its a video game channel... so they are confirming that the simple act of playing a game as intended can get you banned... and#x200B; christ youtube... Mass flagging may have originated it, but the letter says \"after manual review\". YouTube is curating content. End Safe Harbor for curators.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Vajuggular They call him the cunt juggler He goes straight for the vajuggular Gonna squirt his hole jug in her Feed her the big slug dinner Virgin pink into thug sinner His cock is the pink hug winner","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had no idea!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hang the NIGGER. Stupid assholes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone ought to hang this nigger from a tree anyway, regardless of the fact he shot himself dead after murdering that woman. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/university-of-utah-student-21-killed-by-ex-boyfriend-was-on-phone-with-parents-before-fatal-shooting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On this day, the gods themselves could Not calculate the degenerate faggotry contained within this faggotry. What hope have we mortals?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These types of cunts don't actually want to educate themselves. They are happy perpetuating lies and misinformation as long as it furthers their agenda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck that fat tub of muzzy nigger lovin shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So let's see what you look like in the AM without the 10 filters and colored contact lenses, your followers are dying to know @uberfoxy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> ResetEra doxed CD Projekt RED and GOG employees over a tweet posted into a politically charged Twitter hashtag, prompting numerous game journalists to join the harassment mob calling for the social media managers at the Polish game studio to be fired. IMC also reveals that abuse has been sent to the families of GOG employees over this. I guess it's okay when they do it. It always has been. ResetEra, bunch of communist faggots. Didn't IMC dox someone recently too? > Allegedly goose's parents got swatted after. The guy is a notorious troll. This is definitely one of those 'proof, or it didn't happen' things. See also - he doxed bunch of people and let us carry the blame for it too. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/5ha5v7\/happenings_wildgoose_of_the_bwc_admits_to_being\/ Agreed, exactly why I said allegedly, nothing goose says is trustworthy imo. Granted it wasn't clear from my post how big a shithead goose is so ty. Yeah both those guys threw their credibility away a looooong time ago, what idiot would trust either of them? But I can see why the edgelord IBS community is desperate to play victim lately.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Simpsons was great when it was new, back when it took the piss out of people by being a sort of counter-culture. Now with all the good writers gone, Simpsons is just garbage that's kept alive to milk the retarded mass of their shekels.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They go full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JLlVE looks prime for some trash pick up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should have happened many years ago in fact that traitorous retard bitch clinton should have never received a security clearance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is verifiable AND considering that Obozo, the Muzzie idiot is no longer around, it's more true than anything!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those women suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are a woman, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't hate women. I hate shitlibs who think having a twat magically makes people virtuous and beyond reproach. If gender really is a construct as they believe then it doesn't make a difference! Fun fact: Tradition suggests that being a virgin is virtuous. All I see on the Left that they want us to believe without question are whores and sluts. They have no virtue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"0\/10 twitter meme why are you mad that women want a guy who is 6ft tall and drives a nice car? do you not hold up to those standards? i prefer women to have high standards. anyone who doesnt is an incel. Did you figure out your new buzzword you can abuse for the next few weeks? >i prefer women to have high standards. anyone who doesnt is an incel. People who prefer women with lower standards are statistically more likely to get laid and people getting laid can't by definition be celibate. And those who aren't getting laid despite the preference for lower standards would be incels regardless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" In islam we wouldn't know what color her hair was. She'd be wearing this.... Oh and she wouldn't be out in public carrying that sign without her hubby's permission either.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this cunt came in here and has been shit posting everywhere, they recon its just one guy though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT LionelMedia These particular words that are used are not selected accidentally but are chosen precisely to incite violence. https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2017\/01\/31\/kaine_take_advantage_of_public_outcry_at_trump_to_get_outside_the_bubble.html basically list the entire Obama administration and mgmt of the Clinton foundation. all belong under indictment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Styx666Official explains what not to wear this Halloween https:\/\/youtu.be\/-CwT5Fy1ICo You with you looked this sexy LMFAO!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you have never seen \"The Inbetweeners\" you need to. Like now. One of the best shows ever. One of my all time favourite shows. Just avoid the US version. Second worst US remake of all time, only Life on Mars tops it. I had no idea there was a US version. Barf.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"South African justice: A white woman uses the word \"kaffir\": 3 years in prison. A black man says \"white people in South Africa deserve to be hacked and killed like Jews , \"I want to cleans this country of all white people. We must act as Hitler did to the Jews. : fined + ordered to make a written apology. #SouthAfrica TFW a nigger doesn't know true history. @TruthWillOut Look, more misinformation being used against us by the bad guys. This is a triple wammy bc the innocent white also gets jailed. Wrong history, nigger goes free to slander whites, and the white woman is jailed. They must keep jews the victims always! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/JMbxI30qe1k. Trump has me in pieces. Liberals and CNN are in a dark place. . Don lemon on cnn having a meltdown. Half cast cunt bragging about assault. Playing the 14 year old recording. No one cares","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think Trump did that deliberately so the #LyingMSM had something to obsess over while he makes his next move against the Deep State. Just think of how shitlibs would have covered him pulling gum off his shoe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was just at an underground live music event here in Chicago where my new girlfriend was playing and there was a dude in full on Trump regalia chilling in the back near my table. Not two minutes after some fat, purple-haired cunt spots him, security comes over and chats with him. 5 mins later the fatty is escorted out with her group.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To put it bluntly: Women are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am so high that birds and planes are my peers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol. Of course it was, chuckles. You seem to be in a very bad mood today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BBGood Into the box wine a little early today, huh? BB @judgedread why so upset tonight sociopathic e-celeb? All this while Marvin Martian tried to blow up GAB... again ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They have a bunch of little faggot SJW's who do nothing but look for offensive posts then report them to Fascistbook to get people banned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Remarkable Candace Owens Launches Blexit Movement at TPUSA Youth Black Leadership Conference (Video) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/candace-owens-launches-blexit-movement-at-tpusa-youth-black-leadership-conference-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The most annoying thing about overly sensitive cunts is they are completely insensitive to people who don't conform, and when they push you to be rude or even just assertive, they make out like you're the cunt. Nothing surer to turn me into an actual cunt than a cunt making me look like one. Thanks for your comment, Neeto Heeto. I fully respect your right to be a cunt. I too reserve the right to be a cunt, and to enjoy being a cunt when forced not to be polite. Thank you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a woman's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AIanHangover: \"Bae\" means \"Before Anyone Else,\" I've been here thinking it's a ghetto word for babe\/baby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"However, she escaped a jail term after the lad's dad - **who had a previous sexual relationship with her** - said his son was \"fully up for it\" and saw the sexual conquest as a \"notch on his belt\" \" After that part it says the boy admitted he didn't enjoy it because he knew it was wrong... Sounds like it was the father just trying to get the girl off easy by speaking for his son. She still had to register as a sex offender for like 7 years... United Kingdom Chavs then","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This was horrible. So retarded it wasn't even mildly funny. Depp stepped in it big time when he did this one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] People like you are the reason why the Giant Bomb community sucks now. I mean, I'd say that would be the fault of its far-left hosts. Yeah that is definitely what attracts these snowflakes in the first place. But it wasn't so much of a problem in the past when you had Jeff, Ryan, Brad and Drew running the show. Then they started hiring people like Patrick and more recently Abbie and Ben that's when things got really bad. I feel like Vinny has shifted significantly to the left too. Yeah those guys would never apologise for something like this if they did it.. https:\/\/www.giantbomb.com\/profile\/ryan\/blog\/my-worst-moment\/93194\/ If you don't believe Ryan's words on his own blog on his own site then I don't know what'll convince you. I find his unscripted reaction to be more convincing than his written retelling of the situation days later. If you feel that way, like I said, I'm not going to be able to convince you. [removed] Leaving a snide, condescending comment on someone who you've prevented from responding is pathetic. Especially to an obvious troll. I'll take your opinion in to consideration. Didn't South Park do this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If that were my son, a lying cunt would quietly disappear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Needs a \"Blacked\" logo. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Sir_Koopaman\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"gabeX109\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@section90sSoul yall defense too trash for that ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Literally the reason why I'm deleting my Instagram account. Sick of this fakery.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If your blood hasn't boiled enough today... Home office deporting nigger moslem, take him on a commercial flight so people get upset and he stays in England! Round them up and fly them on a military plane or charter you cunts! https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2A259B0 And deport the screaming faggot with him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cakedjake We're laying rock around our lake. You're welcome to join a redneck workout. #muscles ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yanks won't make the playoffs but we ain't in the AL basement. That's the Red Sox position:http:\/\/t.co\/f7HXNDz1hy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NyJusDntGAF just like a nig to come home when ever they want","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nationalism gives the individual a voice in the world and an identity.It also gives citizens economic power. Something a soulless commie like yourself wouldn't understand. Collectivism steals from the productive and gives it to the unproductive. Retard logic.You're educated beyond your intelligence,Eric.A nation is a group of people with the same vested interests. Nice try though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fucking sand nigger is STILL alive too. Remember? How they \"buried him at sea . Bullshit! He's STILL alive!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"then she got testy with capitol police. what the fuck is wrong with this woman and why isn't she being investigated","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I block everyone who says 'this is not an MR issue'. A lot of people around here do, because it's the single most common line trolls and brigaders like to use. Edit: And for the record, because you're being willfully retarded, the PICTURE is not the issue. The line of text above it is the issue. We don't know that this woman did anything wrong. We do know that people online tried to shame the man for it. THAT is the issue, for you retards looking for excuses NOT to see the issue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuckin' niggers Ok retard they're Irish Irish niggers... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wAh-zHFYgl0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don' worry guys men can easily win femmenism ..... Trust me every shit that invented by men was patterned by men .... There is no way women Gina win in future .....it's just smoke before fire","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My #immigration plan! I crossed the Border from Peru into Chile once. It is wide open desert with no plants, but they salted BOTH sides of the Border with landmines. They don't have much of an illegal immigrant problem in Chile. If you don't go through the Checkpoint- you're dead. I would build a detention center that was open on the Mexico side. The wetbacks would be glad to go away. Sessions \"No Tolerance\" Policy is sound. A First Illegal Entry into the US (Applies to US Citizens also) is a Misdemeanor. The are convicting ALL illegal entrants, taking Fingerprints, Photos and Iris Scans. A 2nd Illegal Entry to the USA isa Felony (For US Citizens also). But to convict on the Felony they need the Record of the First Illegal Entry Conviction. Foreigners Convicted of a felony cannot Immigrate to the USA Legally- so they are forever banned from entry. What they truly need to do is make those who are found Guilty of a 2nd Illegal Entry actually do 2 years in Prison. Having more prison Guards gives jobs to Americans. Sounds like a plan! Many years ago the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia said that \"Landmines are a Human Right.\" At the time I thought them insane, but they have their uses after all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SpacePlankton: Saw a man in a yellow hat at the Grand Canyon today. He was hanging out next to a curious gorge.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One ghetto nigger shuts up a #ANTIFA faggot. Absolutely hilarious. It seems that this #Antifa fag has no idea what this nigger was talking about. Probably never seen one so up close. https:\/\/youtu.be\/PPxp45YfGpc Someone yells to #Pantifa fag: \"Piss your pants already!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thirty-three minutes on the phone to order two parts from Generac jeez. That'll teach you to not put the part on your website. Indian Customer Service? Worse. A southern woman. What's wrong with Southern women??? Oh, was that you? I had no idea. (p.s. you need to lay off the cigarettes and work on your ebonics) You still didn't answer the question! Nothing, I figured it would get a few laughs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What do you think he's referring to when he says \"Ideology does\"? The feking Salvation Army, idiot? Islam!! Ben Shapiro is not a conservative but is bought and paid for by the elites...can't stand this liar I remember well how he went after president Trump and he is still a never Trumper no matter what he now says..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"***Hey guys I'm going through a really hard time right now, but you don't have to! I've partenered up with depressioncon.com to bring you the best mental health service a minimum wage call center worker can deliver.*** I mean should they be able to do this? Sure. Have I lost all respect for them after seeing them do it? Yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#N-WORD MEANS NIGGER #**THIS FAGGOT THINKS HE'S PROFOUND** More like welfare American","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am not dying on Nigger Hill ... Fuck that. The GOP get NO support from COLORED Diversity of ANY KIND ... it is 90+% WHITE PARTY ... GOON ASSHOLES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol and in this way, they're unknowingly admitting to having power in the situation. Not only that, but the moron woman could just move her arm \"a bit to the left\" and avoid the arrow entirely. The same way they avoid their problems in real life. Holy shit. This picture is a perfect example of women playing victim. Exactly. If anything, it does represent how women have the power and capability to be perfectly safe in life, but choose not to exercise it and put the burden on men instead. Hey, it's not women In general, it's tumblr psychos. So, what you're saying is, they ate the onion? (Also, unintentional Cathy Newman.) Edited for punctuation. *squints* So if the goal of....whatever this is, is meant to show that men try to argue that they're safe even while doing something clearly dangerous to the woman, I have just one question. Why isn't the man actively aiming the bow at the woman? Why's he gotta hold one end of it weird? If either of them lets go, it's just going to fall to the ground. Am I stupid? Because I'm a woman and I don't understand this. I mean he could stab her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"these cunts should get what they wished for.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has any twat in power got the fucking message yet? ISLAM IS THE PROBLEM - remove it from the western hemisphere, not just Britain","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This muslim woman of colour' isn't going to miss out on an opportunity to take some money from gullible morons. >a sand nigger doesn't feel safe because \"muh rape\" the irony is unbelievable","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TLDR: They're throwing money they don't have at everything and hiring a lot of shit as a result? The end result of throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks is a pile of crap on your floor and turd smears on your wall. This is the texturing phase, but don't expect a classic corn or peanut texture from the faggots at Netflix. You know it'll be some low effort quinoa acoustic or kale splatter pattern over locally sourced organic baby shit green.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SeQuoia_Gabris: @UeonoYungJumbo: @SeQuoia_Gabris yeah hoe! But the babies are innocent lol so Gabriella still got her sister a birthd ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be kidding, right? https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/conservative-women-gender-traitors\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Involving politics isn't why people got mad' That's EXACTLY why people got mad. GOG's social media account used a popular hashtag that had strong political tension rather flippantly. It wasn't the most tactful PR, it wasn't exactly co-opting' either, but either way it was a landmine of a hot topic. If twats are going to dox them over such stupid nonsense, of course GOG will shy away from it entirely. Arguably this withdrawal action to avoid future politics isn't a dogwhistle to Gamergaters' *because they aren't the ones getting angry and threatening GOG's team.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BookoutBj That's ghetto for super duper! It's the current generations best complement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are the guys who everyone laughed at and called a sad twat because they got a 'steady job in the Civil Service' when they left school. Who's laughing now?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't realize that a failure to suddenly want to suck dick made me transphobic. Does that mean lesbians who hate dick and gay men who don't like pussy are heterophobes? I just found myself pondering something... There are dudes in porn that are \"gay for pay\" but identify as straight. I don't think I have ever heard of a dyke sucking even she-cock on camera for cash while maintaining the dyke identity. I appreciate your heavily anticipated insight in this matter. Anyone can be gay for pay. Its impossible to go hetero for dough. Now I'm actually wondering why that is. Like i've heard how women tend to be more fluid with their sexuality than men. Maybe it has to do with lesbians feeling like they have to prove their lesbianism so they don't want to do anything sexual that can be considered straight. While for straight men its not what they're into and they don't have to prove they're straight. I'm not making sense. You make sense > .....to me... I have like two bucks. Wanna do some gay? Sorry i can't gay i don't own a feminine penis but if you wanna lesbo let's go. Kill me. Sure wynaut I think you are thinking for the old school' definition of gay. Currently orientation is an attraction to gender. Not sex. So if you are straight then you are attracted to trans women and cis women. If you are gay you are attracted to trans men and men. There is no word for all the people with vaginas except all the people with vaginas'. Calling them women is transphobic and exclusive. Needing to group them at all is transphobic and exclusive. Defining people by their genitals is fetishistic and reductive. Basically if you aren't trans you are trash. As an AV-14 Hornet, I agree. I can't begin to even count the times I've had Aerophobes refuse to date me just because being a UNSC Air Superiority platform is \"impossible\" and I'm \"retarded\" Calling me a \"Helicopter\" is so triggering... [insert Smellody Hensley PTSD Spongebob meme here]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"She's a fucking girl!\" Yeah right, Ron Swanson is more feminine then her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ben Shapiro is saying that it's \"deranged\" not to think that the \"bombs\" were sent by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. No false flags for Ben! Does this bleeding twat realize that the bombs were not even made to go off? I mean if that isn't false flag than want is? Those bombs can not possibly go off!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All black people are such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This could be the left trying to discredit Kappy. He has exposed many of the pedophiles in Hollywood. Just saying. Brock is a Demonic Faggot pig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And it's Sunday night, but I can see you spent the whole weekend on the internet like a real Alpha, Soy Gibson. You faggot Leftists think that you're winning because you're boring? Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that trans people are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hmm, lets see couple of followers, couple of posts, following no one, sounds like a retard and perfect mute candidate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Jew and a gay Nigger login to twitter with tons of lube and dildos... muhfuggin deray salivates for cuck jack When I found out deray was an actual faggot, after calling him a faggot on twitter when it was ok to do it, I was mad because calling a faggot a faggot isn't fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Could have bombed the cunt out of London today","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a SUPER RETARD will believe them!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I\"m talking about the \"we love you!! nigger for ambassador\" part BTW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You Democrats are gutless cunts Says cher https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/cher\/status\/1052801526530359296 I mean... if your cunt has guts in it you should probably see a doctor. At her age though with the wear and tear, what hasn't caved in?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The whole concept that you have to ask permission to like\/share\/or even just read someone else's post on a *PUBLIC* website is an absolutely perfect example for explaining why the SJW mindset is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White nationalism: Get out of our country. Nigger nationalism: Gibs me dat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you going your own way for yourself or to spite women? Because from your post you sound awfully obsessed about what women are thinking. >hmmm why are alcholic anonymous talking about brandy or jack daniels wrong metaphor. Correct one would be alcoholic anonymous reveling in how their new-found abstinence would hurt alcohol brewers' profits. Silly isn't it? and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"now your gettin retarded ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@whits_20 @AjalaPilgrim Yankee? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i'm totally sure her hatred of white men won't rub off on her daughter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Typical Moriqua, anti-LaRazza faggot trying so hard to Lie his ass off to Appease the white Neighbourhood!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck those faggot house niggers Vote Red Wave https:\/\/youtu.be\/6yhFoXsehJ4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An atheist should have little to say about God, since He doesn't exist. Nellis is one of those wonderful, megachurch \"christians\" and so he should be held to account for his claims.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Grandma 1 - Fairy Gay Faggot 0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Harvard is a retard factory. Why even bother having lawyers (or law) if people can be pronounced guilty without evidence?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I once had a Twatter account banned for calling Charles Clymer \"dude The tranny mafia is awful","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*slams open door* DOeS yOUr PhOnE hAVe GAMES? You guys have phones right? ok this is epic Thank you Ben Shapiro very cool Hello fellow 9 year old That was honestly my first thought as soon as I saw epic ok this is epic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy shit, Victoria Nuland who overthrew Ukraine at the cost of $8 billion was on shill Rachel Maddow's show. Bragged about overthrowing Ukraine, bragged about installing \"Yats\" Got caught on cell call saying this, Wife of Robert Kagan of PNAC and the rape of Iraq https:\/\/youtu.be\/bCZ3xDOkHHw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like it. Its a good plan. Start with wolf blister and that other faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*The Commie Faggot known as Dave Hogue. His official title @Google","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not want this lying cunt on Gab....ever 2-Door-Ford is Twatter material.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be clear, I don't think there's any chance Krug leaves for Russia. But it's fun to mock the speculation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really think gay people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here Rubin inadvertently acknowledges that White Genocide is a jewish project, and resisting infinity nigger is by definition antisemitic. But I am supposed to care that a synagogue was shot up because someone decided they had had enough? Not only do I not care, I believe only violence will stop jews from genociding Whites. I am not advocating violence merely stating the obvious - words, logic, and reason have proven useless. People have bemoaned about how \"innocent\" those 11 poor Jews were. Bullshit. Those synagogues don't self-fund, for every dollar those 11 tithed (or whatever Jews do) you better believe a nickel went to an anti-White cause. Like I said yesterday: Fuck them' Jews...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its derogatory to people, not your fucking vagina If youve ever read a hentai\/porn comic then that statement is wrong I do not understand and don't wish to understand That's just another name for a vagina, like pussy, not derogatory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BGALLY17 so ur faggot teammate @BrandonPrust8 hits someone late like that and U say he's yapping and yelling, u guys def 69 in the room","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Bealurt\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* I'm sure you would tough guy Hey, no sweetheart talk to me! I'm mad! Well, I might. I feel disgust and etc when looking at fat people, but i also see them as victims. People who lay out on a public bench piss me off also, they are thinking only of themselves. Fat people are not victims. If somebody is too fat to stand there for however long that's their fault. Sure laying on a bench is an asshole move but if you cant handle standing that's on you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Better muzzle that knock kneed cunt or kiss 2020 goodbye.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The \"man\" in this video, seen kicking a pro-life woman in the face, is named Jordan Hunt, formerly a hairdresser in Toronto. He lost his job because this video went viral, but he deserves so much more than that. #LetsMakeHimFamous https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=HN4U3zIDtZI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JakeEye3: after 4 hours and almost 8 pages i want to slit my wrists, but i guess ill just settle for sleep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] > take her IP address they obviously did and it just so happens to be the same as hers xD [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At what point in this story was the woman using her gender to excuse her behavior. She's just a cunt, just like any man would have been. This isn't PPD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This meme is racist!! How dare you make a nigger look like a court jester!!! For shame!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trudeau? He's a massive cunt. Politically correct pansy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I come back with new proxies\/IPs and new handles. And I shitpost the fuck out of every single libtard I encounter, especially the ones who respond unfavorably to GEOTUS or his family's tweets. I usually get a good 30 minutes of full-auto lib slaying before I get the Twatter hammer. New proxy, new handle, #endlessMAGAshitposting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm with her ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That was a total scumbag move of me. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Next time u gone call a darky a nicca..call dat coon a jungle bunny#Boondocks P.S. I... http:\/\/t.co\/ug647wUIE4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You hate football your a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PhuckedFame: Thick red bones in style or nah? http:\/\/t.co\/Cfhis3L8bT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REMEMBER..... #falseFLAG Fbi said they wer pvc pipes with holes drilled in end caps filled with pyrotechnics so if they wer set off they would be like a bottle rocket without the stick( no go boom ) just smoke and wires they wer made to look like a bomb . without compromising the charge no boom just smoke they wer smoke booms","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PzFeed: Diplomatic trolling: Russian embassy mocks NATO's satellite pictures http:\/\/t.co\/xklXbYxZbG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What that entitled fat ass lazy cunt needs is to back away from the burgers and get a real fucking job. \"Need a break from being an editor\" really? God damn I hate fucking pencil pushing pansy assed admin professionals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusting jewess dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ConsrvativeDiva: Must-Watch: Bill Maher Schools PBS Host Charlie Rose Over Islam's 'Illiberal Beliefs' http:\/\/t.co\/5pq91jxOeV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @madi_judkins: When you look like trash and someone compliments you http:\/\/t.co\/FzuXlPCMpV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO!!!! Holy shit, these people are fucking crazy. I didn't even get the notice, I am sad.... but not bitching. SHe is so lucky to have #TRUMP contact her directly. This fine man summed me up perfectly! #MAGA #WWG1WGA Why? You really bring value to the conversation! Your just smelling the Nutella on your EBT card, Trump Trash Haha, my checking account has 20k in it.... what is an EBT card? No, you don't. I have your IP address. You live with your parents","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure some Black students to feel uncomfortable talking in class about a book where a character uses the N word or talks about lynching people. But the alternatives are 1) Don't teach uncomfortable parts of history at all 2) Literally ask the Black students to leave the room so that everyone else can discuss the N-word without making them uncomfortable. In my opinion both of those alternatives are much worse, and I can't see a better one. and#x200B; It seems to me like saying we aren't going to teach about the Holocaust because Jewish students find it hard to talk about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As far ass Negroes in ghettoes - They hang around waiting for the inevitable nigger being shot by a cop....then opportunity to riot and LOOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heard this was a good place for Nazis exiled from Twitter. #myfirstpost did they finally kevork u man? took long enough","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You actually expect a nigger to behave like a human being? Please.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if ur girl watch Snapped in front of u she trying to spook u!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Chris_Anzueto @Josh_Mackey15 you call someone a faggot and then say to kill themselves, you are a pathetic human being. A fucking disgrace.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Without niggers and spic the US would be purple.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember when the NYC mayor called all the fake anthrax mailings to conservatives an act of terror? Yeah, me neither ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Depends on whether or not Ryan Reynolds is in the room","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was here on GAB. Looks like GAB killed his account pretty quick. Twitter and Facebook always quickly kill accounts like this. I thought GAB would be different, but they are not. I guess they figure those that kill a bunch of people don't have free speech anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Usual fat ass cunt losers !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Water Mellon Labe #2nd @SBPDL @Koanic @Escoffier @Were-Puppy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its just a grapeshot of random useless facts that aren't even always true. Most people can't tell you anything intelligent after 12 years of indoctrination. If they can it's because they taught themselves. They can't teach people how to THINK because if they did, there is a risk we would think for ourselves and get rid of the retarded education system If you want to be educated, you have to do it yourself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking pussy wife beater. Someone gif him in a redneck wife beater tee","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Toxicityy1: Gwen Stefani's new single is trash. her, hilary duff, britney and fergie have to give it up and go raise your kids and judg ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Set one off Eric @ericdondero ;) Interesting! An antisemitic gay hating racist calling OTHER people vile. There's one for the Guiness Book of Records. My mate Jane's gay son is friends with the gay editor of the Guiness Book of Records, Craig, in fact. I'll ask him to put you in it next year lol This is what normal folk on Twitter think of you and your \"theories\" bloke These aren't left wing PC socialists. None of my followers are left wing at all. All Tory Leave and UKIP people. Centre to right wing. This is what normal people think of you. And you may care about the fact that there will never be a government in the west with your policies. You lot are a tiny minority. 5% and that's being generous :) Yeah, that Brexit is working out fuckin' great, isn't it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sapete che? Vi odio..... ho finito..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah that cop looks like an unhinged retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is why White Identity movements gain ground. [removed] Lol that wouldn't end well. Whites pretty much run the world. The genocide would last 5 minutes if that before anyone getting stroppy got slapped back into the stone age. (If you think I'm joking remember this. Britain, a tiny country by most standards (78th largest) subjugated about a THIRD OF THE GLOBE...) If its a day when the Japanese and Chinese are white as well shorten that to 2 minutes. Have a nice day :) [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, I understand the philosophy behind it and I agree with many points. But most commentthreads are just retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"eat my shit cocksucking faggot bitch boy punk... fuck you bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a big big BIG phony beyond her heritage Claims. She was a Financial advisor for the Clinton administration. She audited the Derivative bonds before the Real Estate bubble even ever happened. She found that it was pure garbage and junk and would destroy the Financial health of America if those type of financial vehicles were allowed to be sold. Had She had just a smidgen of the meddle Trump has, She would have went public. Instead She was told to keep her finding quiet and was kicked up to the Big corner office. Then upgraded on a fast track to be the Senator. I knew She was the Shittiest person to be entrusted with creating the CFPB. The verbiage in the legalese of most Financial contracts are more oppressive than ever. Companies can legally fuck you over 10 different ways to Sunday. As long as they mention in their contract to read the terms and condition that may be in other supplemental materials like on a Website, or even have to call or email for the hard copy of those terms. The terms don't even have to be in the fine print on those contracts any more. Just be available somewhere in the universe. But make no mistake the terms and conditions have never been less transparent in the History of Mankind trading goods and services for a currency. This Bitch is the most Vile and Evil Cunt to ever have existed. She created more loopholes to fuck over the most vulnerable and week and people don't even realize it. They think the CFPB is there to protect them. It's there to create legal ways to fuck you over. Call someone a whitee. No big deal. Call someone a n***** The world goes nuts. To be blunt. Don't want to be called a nigger? Don't act like one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This hilarious. I get why they changed it, I mean this is hilarious but obviously leads to misconceptions. Any retard claiming it's racist instead of just insensitive is a retard though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wait... some retard actually fucked this pig?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a special kind of retarded white knight.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brett you fucking moron they don't need a passport to fly to Canada but their relatives live in the US not here and the jobs that you spoiled privileged fucktards won't take they will do, and a rope and a grappling hook would do just fine and just so ya know ya retard there are already 100's of tunnels","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Coffee is definitely physically addictive. But those people are just cunts. You can just tell me if we're getting lunch catered today Karen, it's already 9am, you've been up for 3 hours.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees take all three games in MoTown, I'm callin' it!!! #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But that doesn't mean you're worthless or inferior, it's just accepting of basic biological and physiological facts. It's not sexist. There's a whole litany of things women are better at than men, because that is what has been decreed throughout nature. But generally speaking men are bigger, stronger, faster and more aggressive than women. > inferior well at combat yeah it does [deleted] But I am so is the AI Navy Ordnance disposal divers, airfield and ground defense guards, infantry, artillery and armored units. Studies suggests that women are less prone to black outs in high g situations. Studies also has shown that women are more likely to get vital intelligence from women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now I am not saying anyone should join the military, i am saying there are advantages and disadvantages and these decisions should be left to the Pentagon instead of us armchair retards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Watching porn is like borderline cuckoldry\". This is one of the most retarded sentence i've ever read.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@k_tempsss lol then they have one more flavor I think it's yellow idk.. But yea there bomb.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look it sell out evil Labour cunt ed ball that took top secret files of UK and gave it all to junker Hitler funded group every thing he should look at up and hanged","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prick gets caught stealing money from prick. Is this schadenfreude? Justice? I don't know what to feel about this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If we catch them throwing blood and red paint on our statues dump it on their head. If the government won't punish these nigger miscreants we will.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a CUNT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoops bought snuggly hideous fuzzy boots because it's cold as balls all of a sudden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rosie O'Donnell wants military to 'get' Trump from White House https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rosie-odonnell-wants-military-to-get-trump-from-white-house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The DailyStormer is responsible for the pro-Trump spam. Weaponizing anti-Semitism they're able to divide Jews into two groups: Liberals and Zionists. By demonizing the open-border Jews they effectively tie anti-Multiculturalism to the pro-Zionist movement. Jews create the problem only to offer their own solution. DailyStormer is MOSSAD. Mossad's got the lulz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea, that's probably what it was that got me on the list now that you mention it. I was sharing Ricky's stuff on Twitter during the election and for a little while after on Gab until I realized he was a massive faggot who was not to be trusted. Like I said in my previous comment, I've come a long way over the past couple of years. It's embarrassing to look back and see some of the shit I used to post when I was still consuming kosher red pills. It was actually people like yourself that helped me get to where I am now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh floor debate is live. CBS says vote is at ~5pm https:\/\/youtu.be\/fEzo-mbGOhU according to Dems, a vote for Kavanaugh is a vote for rape cool story live on Senate floor: porcine lady-Senator from Hawaii tells women of color to be angry at White men; tells White women to wake up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"There are retards on Twitter. Upvote me.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MarkB_LifeStyle @SportsCenter @Athletics Cant the Yankees make some last weeks moves??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why isn't the shitcunt who falsely accused him of rape named in this article?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The republican teabaggers hate this but screw em. http:\/\/t.co\/6iutHYvhQm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Womn like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No disabled person deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NYT: You are hired! This thing (women?) is the worst pos I have seen in like...forever! I have NEVER heard such foul things coming from another as I have heard from her. She is PURE EVIL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsGirllCode: reasons to be a mermaid:- no periods- no pants- perfect hair- u get to lure men into their deathalso, free clam bra","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AustinBurge44 either way both schools are trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stop spamming me nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and don't try and back track.. you're a faggot + rapist + the devil..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Indeed. I am no master I know nothing. When all these retarded little white liberals realize they can be victims just like all their socialists friends, My bet is they will eat up the \"Jewish Supremacy\" narrative. I am putting my dollar down on that bet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Muh guns from Indiana\" is nothing more than a yet another way white shitlibs rationalize nigger criminality and a red herring that distracts from the real problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/triggerreset.net\/2018\/10\/12\/facebook-tries-to-destroy-conservatives-and-its-costing-some-good-people-their-jobs\/ MARK OF THE BEAST","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"McInnes sent his guys to attack y event Antifa style, that faggot deserves neck rope","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hillbilly bone-bo-bone-bo-bone bone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dxpperjay: You assholes know that referring to a girl as \"bitch\" doesn't make your dick any bigger, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RadioFreeNorthwest 218Covington reads responses and mocks FBI, Andy on Real Politics, Liv on her awakening, Gretchenhttp:\/\/t.co\/t9JyhAncPR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MartyGraw deactivated, fellas Milton Friedman (do I even need the triple parentheses?) confirmed socialist faggot and B T F O for all eternity You already know what the fuck it is Again, shoutout to my man @Founding_Father for making that Milton Friedman Pepe like 2 years ago, what the fuck were we thinking lmbo @Vic_Mackey @h4rdm0us @illegal_aryan","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to go to the pumpkin patch but the love birds will make it a date and then the rest of us will be uncomfortable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't have anything against immigrants but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've had people charge me with \"whataboutism\" when I said \"What about when Hillary Clinton helped lead us straight into Iraq and Libya on false pretenses, proving that she's a neocon warmonger?\"Apparently, we 'Bernie Bros' were supposed to ignore her record of misbehavior and blindly support her over Sanders. Oh, that's right. Trump won after all. And I, as a hard-left commie, got to drink the delicious fucking tears of disgusting liberal snowflakes right along with all the right-wingers. Where's your \"whataboutism\" now, cunts?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I called it months ago !!!! I said....THIS ASSHOLE IS A FAGGOT...ITS WRITTEN ALL OVER HIS FACE...HIS ENUNCIATION OF WORDS...HIS BODY LANGUAGE...HE IS A FLAMING FAGGOT !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You bl4ck people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a Muslim to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What do you call this Eddie? https:\/\/twitter.com\/EmilyGorcenski\/status\/1052056012050653185 Masked anarchists in Atlanta, Georgia carrying railroad ties in support of protests in North Dakota These people are domestic terrorists who placed railroad ties on railroad tracks in Atlanta in order to sabotage America's infrastructure","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's the propaganda that is used to keep people separate and not see who the real enemy is. GOVERNMENT! Oh yeah, sure, it's not different cultures, beliefs, abilities and interests that divide people, it's Big Gubmint! An illiterate Somali Muslim with an IQ below 70 would obviously see eye-to-eye with an educated White Christian about the big issues in life, and what direction the country should go, if not for \"Divisiveness\". Again, you have not been paying attention. You jump in and don't know anything I've said. Because I already addressed culture and other factors. Culture, which is as much a product of the people making up a society as it is shaping them. Countries with shit cultures didn't just produce them by accident - it happened due to said countries being disproportionately populated by shit people. I can't argue with that. That doesn't make a \"race\" though. It's part of it, and can't be separated from it - hence why the majority of both non-white immigrants AND their American-born kids and grand-kids vote for socialism and oppose Western values. Hence why the same pattern has developed in countless European countries - the majority of non-whites are voting socialist and opposing Western values. Are white liberals a race? They have a different culture, and everything they touch turns to shit. Yes, liberals suck. Ever wonder why only a minority of White people are \"liberal\", while the vast majority of non-whites are? A white supremacist is a liberal who has been rejected by other liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the media is severely lying about the race being close. No one that's not retarded would support the left. Just look at Trump's rallies, largest gatherings in history. You would think it was the Beatles showing up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Netflix accused of \"duping black viewers into watching white shows. Quick someone call Al Sharpton and get to the bottom of this \"Jim Crow Company ASAP https:\/\/www.nme.com\/news\/tv\/netflix-accused-of-deceiving-black-users-with-manipulative-personalised-artwork-2392085","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"pitiful Chowderhead Just fuck a thot and move on. I suspect most here are just pissed they don't get laid. This sub exudes beta make orbiter status. I thought it was a different kind of sub. I'll go back to trp. I fail to see how some old dude saying something not even clever is \"pussy pass denied. wow what a unique insight that completely explains the growing intolerance towards these great female role models Yeah I guess you could also call the old guy a chowderhead. Good suggestion, thanks pal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's always the gay person that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Turkroach needs to be taken out behind a woodshed and dealt with by two armed rednecks who are convinced she illegally dumped a boxspring mattress in their alleyway, dumb cunt https:\/\/twitter.com\/sheydaipek\/status\/1046205301957976064","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manyfags in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that shit still going.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any Muslim","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BigMac6374: I don't like the weather right now it's scaring me lol why is it yellow?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thats what I thought they were implying. Thats retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh shit this woman is a retard. A lucky retard...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or much strength. It's like the nobles back in the day were terrified as crossbows. While you can train and be better at them. It doesn't take more than like a day to train a peasant that isn't inbred and retarded as fuck. Proper warbow archers took a lifetime to train. Not just the techniques but also the physical strength needed. Proper knights took a lifetime to train. They want to be the only ones in control of the ability to direct deadly force. Like the politicians who don't want their plebs to have guns. Because then they can't fuck them over without getting shot for it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Without a deadly hatred for that which threatens those we love, the word love is just an empty catchphrase for hippies, queers and cowards. - George Lincoln Rockwell #RiseUp #14Words @Vril-lil 1-descendants of europe just spent a century bonded together in usa building the greatest kingdom earths history , all the while conducting ourselves IN A MORE CIVILIZED MANNER THAN ANY OTHER NATION ON EARTH ! now some how in thee insane idiot nigger mind THE MOST CIVILIZED PEOPLE ON EARTH are earths biggest problem , WTF !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now I'm gook boy shawty http:\/\/t.co\/LAAaHsTYeB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just because a man makes nigger jokes and chortles about the jews does not mean he's necessarily \/ourguys\/.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that screencap is fake. i've looked it up. still retarded though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hitler Lives till the end of Times 1488 Hitler Lives for ever and ever. Hitler will not go away, he stays with the people, people will praise Hitler for ever, can censor us, can persecut us, can kill us, can torture us, the sionist done all of this sinc nuremberg the sionist terror machine. after sionists are gone, Hitler will continue. Hitler Lives for ever HOW CAN PPL LOOK UP TO THIS POS . HE HATED HIMSELF 4BEING 1\/2 JEW GOING TO ROME AREA BATH HOUSES FUCKING LITTLE BOY'S A LOT OF LITTLE BOY'S IF U LIKE THIS FAGGOT UR A POS TOO . HAY GESTAPO I HATE LGBTQP BC U WORSHIP PPL THAT DO THIS MAKES U THE SAME AS HITLER ,MOHAMMED . SEE I THOUGHT THE SS DIED OUT A LONG AGO. HATE MONGERS LIKE U BRING THE WORLD DOWN TO A NEW LOW CLASS OF HILLBILLY BS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WETback ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The female journalist calls these tweets \"silly . They are no such thing. These people are deadly serious in their hatred of men and white people. And this hatred is leaching from the campuses into the world outside.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My Facebook page was just taken down, don't know why. I pretty much just posted what I do here. #news #politics #freespeech #censorship #truth I still have my YouTube, Hopefully this platform and others (minds.com) can remain operational. I am so small, I assumed I was under the radar :) I'm a one platform kind of Buddhist. I used to love #Twitter but they turned into shadowbanning below board weasels so now I'm here and #Gab is going to be the new pulse of the planet. Back in the day if you didn't like something you changed the channel. People bug you, mute them. they really piss you off block them it's so simple.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There isn't a statement more NPC than this. #npc #npcmeme #auspol #ausfam #abc #abcaustralia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Last ditch bitch. FAIL. Send her back to the MK Ultra pharm. FUCK YOU GLOW IN THE DARK DEEP STATE FAGGOT SPOOK LIAR LAWYER AGENT PROVOCATEUR MOCKINGBIRD CABALIST INVERTED CRYPTO SATANISTS. #TheRektoningIsUponUs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You disabled people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bill Mitchell Verified account @mitchellvii 1h1 hour agoMore Kavanaugh also said he had four female law clerks ready to work for him \"on a moment's notice,\" which would make him \"the first justice in the history of the Supreme Court to have a group of all-women law clerks.\" And one of the ladies is black. What a racist, misogynist move.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yankees getting killed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All I ever said is I don't like them, nothing more, nothing less. You made up everything else on your own. I'm not going to take them back tho, like I said, I have a non mudshark wife so I don't need nigger lovers. Maybe that's all you can get tho, Idk?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another great anon-produced video earns a mirroring on the campaign Channel. NSDAP or bust in the Democrat primary in 2020! https:\/\/youtu.be\/XuigPlKCgYE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't get it. Woah there Mike_Fucking_Pence! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Really ? Yep, family is from Georgia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I was just thinking this story has holes so big you could drive a truck through them. @Scarasha At least a van!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RabbiHighComma wanted me to tell you this. \"STFU kike. This jew has me muted. Someone please let it know I have my oven set to clean and it needs to stop by.\" The kike was trying to convince the evil White goyim that infinity nigger was totes cool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drake T.I @MsBTxo @_sirhampton_ 3 Stacks, Kendrick RT @xHollywoodCourt: Name a rapper that alot of people like...but you think is trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just lost the urge to care any more. All of this sounds like a problem for men that spend any time around these twats. They always will lie for money. Family court is the proof in the pudding. I don't even believe video evidence now unless I take it. AI work in video is amazing now, you can completely map poses from one person on to another after a minute of video. You can walk down the street and you can be made to rape someone. Or map your face onto another. Or see through walls by looking at wifi bounce signals to see exactly where you are. So at this point it's a lie without a full confession. And I don't mean a nolo plea, I mean a full signed confession.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What Prince Harry and Meghan Mudskipper's kid will look like. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6277269\/Is-Meghan-Harrys-child-look-like.html?ITO=applenews #Mudskipper #PrinceHarry #Africa my family both sides are blondes, red heads, blue and green eyes for generations. Our dna analysis shows we had a 100% black mammy back in the 1600's. had your dna analyzed yet? I'd withhold commentary like your's until you do Just sayin' DNA testing companies admit to falsifying African ancestry to screw with racists https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/dna-testing-companies-admit-tampering-white-profiles-to-screw-with-racists\/ I won't ever take one. Unless I had access to a chromatograph or whatever the hell they use. Not me nor I. only a crazy would want that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im not posting child porn, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The coons are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want one. I don't care. Call me a faggot. I'll be that faggot without that cold sore from a herpes or Hep infected glass that was haphazardly washed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her colleague is an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Listen cunt. Today ain't yo day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama: I used illegal drugs in my teens and I got into fights Media butt kissers: We love you Barack, we have thrills up our legs Kavanaugh: I drank in my teens and college Same Media loons: You're a serial sex abuser, gang rapist, and a helpless drunk with a bad temperament. Did anybody ever tell Obama that frotting isn't considered a fighting? Obviously nobody ever told him a penis doesn't belong in his ass either speaking of which....anyone seen their dog ,lately?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eating brownies and then going to the gym... Idk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@itsjaylaaa eat shit nigga bitch turd bag dick beetle","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Screenshoot this threat, you're a child I'm an adult, keep calling me a faggot and see how I react","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Geldof helped keep the niggers artificially alive and breeding so Blair could ship them over. Nothing but a pair of cunts who deserve to be sawed in half vertically. Blair knew exactly what he was doing. I believe him and Gordon Brown did it \"to rub the rights nose in diversity\" in his own words. Geldof probably thought he was doing some good, while making himself rich at the same time and its backfired on him spectacularly, with his daughter dead at the hands of a nigger drug dealer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All disabled people like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All thanks to that fairy gay faggot PM, Justine Truedough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KJV bible involved Rabid rabbis translating aka making shit up for the gentile goyim #nevertrustajew #spooksinthesky https:\/\/thewhitemansbible.wordpress.com\/book\/52-the-spooks-in-the-sky-swindle\/https:\/\/thewhitemansbible.wordpress.com\/book\/52-the-spooks-in-the-sky-swindle\/ What do #redniggers have to do with the #jewbible? The question is: why would this red nigger give a fuck about your stupid white man's Bible bullshit? Durp! #jews behind #racemixing #fuckoff","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded pleb, haven't you figured out already that if satanism is responsible for all the shit in the world, there's a good side about the story aswell ? Every Yang needs a Yin, you fuckin' inbred. And btw, Hitler was a whore of the Zionists","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm so happy we have cops to arrest these women. I honestly l don't have a single fucking clue what I would do without them. Not a single fucking clue how I would ever control a violent woman without police there. Hum. I mean, what would we do without police? With out dumber than retard, can't think for them selves, corrupt, mouth breathers. I don't know who I could get to hit my women or gang up on and murder innocent black people. I just don't know. Any one, any ideas? Maybe of what we could do, instead of militarizing a corrupt institution? Maybe anything other than what's going on now. Literally anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If trans people like you refuse to fit in, they should suffer for it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"# BECAUSE FUCK YOU I do think there are probably people with legit claims though. I just think that asking us to just let 5,000 people march right in is retarded. I don't even care if they have legit claims, we don't owe them anything and I want them all turned away. Way too many here already.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From the perspective of )))White((( women, the whole feminist project is one giant shit test, and White men have failed. White women will flock to the hijab if White men do not man the fuck up. I've seen a White dyke dump her GF to marry Mohammed. we want an alpha male, to be sure....not a dickhead, but a confident man.... it does not surprise me at all that white women are wandering away from the fags in unicorn onesies and heading to the dark side I watch this all the time.....we need our men back! Thank God....I am so sick of this fag shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stupid teacher talks to @RandyMower like he's retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BLM marched for these guys? WHERE? BLM marched for white guys that were killed by retard cucks on government payroll before, as did whites march for blacks that were killed. So which drugs are you using, exactly? Because you're no longer tethered t reality. The last MAJOR race riot the U.S. had was in Los Angeles, and the reason it involved Koreans was a Korean store owner attacked a black girl at the counter then shot her in the back of the head, *and was let off by a judge*. Yet fucking *bottom feeding moron leeches* like to pretend it was because of Rodney King. >It's the same reason G.W. said \"Islam is a religion of peace\" when it clearly isn't. You fucking *dickhead*, Saudi Arabia is literally America's biggest ally, when they're the ones that proliferate Wahhabism, which is what every terrorist sect follows, and America pretends to be fighting, while blowing up which countries? Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Iran. WOW, look at that, ALL ARAB, predominantly MUSLIM countries that are completely antithetical to jihadists and religion based extremism. WHOOPS. Sounds like you're an indoctrinated cuck. Probably because you don't realize FOX new's second largest shareholder is Saudi, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's part of it but you're a retard if you think it's the only thing that matters. Life's complicated and full of parameters to measure. So do you disagree that non-Whites want to be around Whites more than we want to be around them or not? Exactly. You lot are the retards throwing me the Bell Curve to show superiority. It's a lot more complex than that why Africa has never had a successful civilisation. And yes, I agree YOU want to be around blacks less. Normal people don't really worry about it when they go on holiday to Africa or Jamaica. God Damn this fucking monkey is most definitely JIDF or some sort of Hasbara! To retarded to be anything genuine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That woman is a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck this retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't stand this Faggot Maggot Neil Patrick Harris. He is like all of them an evil POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nope, not a Nazi. Nazis are weak impotent faggots (losers) who are socialists and anti-Trump. Very much like the demonrats. WAKE UP! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Then your an MPC retard I'm afraid, they are totally opposite from each other.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, talk about \"the patriarchy\" ... the status quo has allowed women to go unchecked. Stereotypes of girls as \"sugar and spice\" don't match up with reality. Little miss gets away with all kinds of shit until shes a huge bitch. A genuine article capital A Asshole has either been beat-up many times, or has kicked many asses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So I decided I'm pretty much over twitter. I think I'm going to go full retard and drive it till the wheels fall off. you never go full retard ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"View host suggests Melania was Trump's mistress. Later talks about her faith! This isn't the faith I know! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/sarah-sanders-slams-the-view-after-host-suggests-melania-was-trumps-mistress https:\/\/twitter.com\/TheView\/status\/1051088522520727552 Jesus' name for this. WHITE.WASHED. SEPULCHER!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MeganCammalleri: Thank you to the Perkins student section for participating in the yellow out. We all really appreciated it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She danced like a Thunderbird. More like the EU's puppet! British Prime Minister Dances Onto Stage, Says Nothing in Wide-Ranging Hour Long Speech https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/03\/british-prime-minister-dances-onto-stage-says-nothing-in-wide-ranging-hour-long-speech\/ https:\/\/youtu.be\/bUr3V8T-D2E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MattHomeTeam - you know what you did you faggot. There are literally thousands of people that have you on their radar homo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet she's the tye of person that says forced hijabs are empowering, but won't recognize the doublethink.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Jason Schreir. Is he capable of putting out good work? Yes. Do his occasional good articles more than cancel out his douchebaggery the rest of the time? No. Plus he has to be one of the thinnest skinned snowflakes i've ever seen. When the retards over at resetEra start crowing about something, you can be sure that an article from good ol Jason Schreier in support of their latest outrage will soon follow. He is actually a bigger part of the problem than people like Patrick \"Scoops Klepek and Austin Walker because he is actually capable of putting out good work and they are not. He willingly chooses to virtue signal and shit out crap articles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wait for the #metoo Nah this clip is 11 years old so they're both probably not alive anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Morning normal followers. Did you ever in your life think you'd ever see someone having to explain to educational dullards that blacks don't have genes for committing crime? No, me neither lol Then again, twenty years ago I never thought I'd ever have to explain that men can't become women either :) Are you scientifically illiterate? There are genes that govern\/are linked to lack of impulse control. High correlation with crime. Additional genes linked to IQ, also high correlation with crime (absence of intelligence genes). Guess where Asians\/Blacks\/Whites fall on the scale? Exactly where you would GENETICALLY expect. No. My degree is Geology and Astronomy. I've studied Genetics and Microbiology at uni too. Yes there are genes that control impulse and IQ. These do not automatically translate into crime genes or all thick impulsive buggers would commit crime. As I said all along culture and learned behaviour leads to crime. You just want blacks to be genetically inferior.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Ih8lightskins__: redskins gonna win and thats all im saying for the night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CUNT Are u a cunt too? Well you didn't reference anyone and actually I think more of the guy than calling him a cunt, even if I disagree with him. So what's the hostility about?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the mods are all white knights lol. Welcome to reddit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eric Holder Questions Legitimacy of Supreme Court; Issues Menacing Call to and#8216;Use Rage to Vote to Be Rid of Republicansand#8217; https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/eric-holder-questions-legitimacy-of-supreme-court-issues-menacing-call-to-use-rage-to-vote-to-be-rid-of-republicans\/ Deranged muslim.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kick the cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Serious question here; How many country songs mention honkey tonk(s)?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only women are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey cunt fuck off Trump lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well nigger are dumb animals, so...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Owen Jones is on BBC1 if you want a laugh #OwenJones + 'Daddy' Cute eh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MakeAnothaHov T.o. was a faggot crybaby","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Decimate_IX Can't even spell right. You have the brain of an ape","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[r\/thathappened](www.reddit.com\/r\/thathappened) NO U! The ones that annoy me are the early grabbers, you go in for the handshake and they grip your fingers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The best word","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical nigg3r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a faggot?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If any of you have Twitter, go report Elle magazine. @FeInFL Good news is it is happening already. These celebrities tried to lecture the masses in The response said celebrities got was \"Fuck You! And Donald Trump is President. I view celebrities today as an echo in \"pop culture at least as we've known them. More and more Americans are turning on Hollywood and the broader entertainment industry! kim and ye r goals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam, basically the nigger of religions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The meltdown begins. Make sure you get your whole head in front of the shotgun.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you do not hate, then you do not truly love. No greater wound a man can get then seeing the things he cultivates to grow wither and die by the hands of another. His children the apples of his eye, turned degenerate or murdered? Surely he should hate that which plots this. His wife driven from him? Surely he must hate this. A man without hate is not a man, but a slave. 1 John 3:15 if you hate your brother you have not eternal life. What was left to Christ when crucified? Nothing and what did he do ? He forgave. The religion of hate comes from the one who hates you beware you do not become the son of Lucifer. Lean not unto your own understanding but in all things trust Christ. Elsewhere \"he loves to pronounce a curse let it come back to him May your do nothing god keep you for all eternity as his window washer and boot licker, for you are surely unfit for the realm of men and true gods. God let me be stripped of my wealth and possessions till I became extremely thankful for a bed or a shower till the simplest things became blessings. You are prideful as I was and perhaps the Lord will bless you with a fall for those He loves He disciplines. What a wonderful god! To let you fail so hard and you be at blame, and then you work your way out of it and HE be praised! I know exactly why you worship him. Stockholm syndrome. What in the hell is wrong with people that feel the need to denigrate Christians? Pathetic saps. What the hell is wrong with christians that they think they need to come preach their shit faith to anyone who expresses a philosophy? Because we have been given the duty of the great commission! You can \"take or leave the message that has been presented. But you can not stop me (or any other Christian) standing for Christ! Take your argument walking away. I've no time for chumps that a re blinded by hate....and have a nice day! can't shut it's mouth.. emotionally triggered woman.. she loved me - \" they all do \"..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Colorized Hitler Youth video. (2:58) Compare and contrast with today's youth. (Well, really, as you will see, there is no comparison.) #HitlerYouth #NationalSocialism https:\/\/youtu.be\/oDMu4QylVRQ Hitler's ideal for the #HitlerYouth: \"Swift as greyhounds, tough as leather, and hard as Krupp steel.\" Contrast with the young people that liberal democracy has produced...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since 1973 15,000,000 black babies have been aborted, it was intentional by Democrats. #WalkAway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Musl1ms are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the black people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Delta Force should terminate his life. Dead Chicago nigger is dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"...This evil Anti-Semitic attack is an assault on humanity. It will take all of us working together to extract the poison of Anti-Semitism from our world. We must unite to conquer hate. 2:41 pm - 27 Oct 2018 Sending prayers out tonight to those Americans of the Jewish #Faith murdered exercising their constitutional right to worship God. I pray that God comforts their broken hearts. I pray these prayers in the name of Jesus. #GabFam #Faith #Israel Fuck no. How about Jews apologize for subversively genociding Whites first. have i ever shown you hate for being a christian @TZilla No darling. Nor I you for being Pagan. I love Pagans and Jwoke Christians. What's Isntreal? Lol. Jews have no real homeland, that's why they push for open borders. Oh ok i get it. Was not privy to the slick lingo... I picked up on is not real but did not make Israel connection Oh I hadn't seen it before either, it's clever. Yes its sad that so many christians have been fooled and brainwashed into the jewish false narrative of christianity, there is no redemption or salvation from god for the jew, the scriptures clearly state this over and over","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jewish faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TWITTER PROTECTS FARRAKHAN'S RIGHT TO HATE SPEECH AGAINST JEWS MAYBE WE SHOULD GET CLAIRE FOY'S \"GIANT PENIS OF AMERICA\" TO BEND TWITTER OVER AND MAKE IT BLEED TO DEATH. JEEZ NOW HOW TO GET THAT IMAGE OUT OF REDNECK HULK'S HEAD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"U new on gab and already people are asking u to please walk on home, now please go back to Twitter, you don't fit in here retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanya:... Pres. Trump, I thank you for letting me and \"bigJim\" here come talk to you today. Trump:... No problem Kanya, guess the ERs will be over run with liberals tonight. Kanya:... Why is that? Trump:... Because when their heads exploded they were up their asses and it blew their assholes out. Kanya: Motherfucker!! How many ways can we use Mother**cker. Maybe this could be our Friday night game. Maybe CNN will take off with it like they did with \"shithole\". Hehe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is Trump? Fine tuning a shiny new tweet? Did Ivanka cry and now we have to let them go? Where is Sessions? \"You'll start to see this all across the southern border soon,\" a senior DHS official told NBC News. https:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/politics\/immigration\/abrupt-release-hundreds-migrants-phoenix-start-dam-breaking-n918256 I guess you live in a would where you control everything and everyone does exactly what you say. But that isn't realistic. I've dealt with a similar situation that our president is in, leading an organization which includes people who undermine the leadership. It's not easy, and in fact it sucks. And the Presidency is not a goddamn Dictatorship. So cut the guy some slack because he's done a hell of a lot in the last two years against a fuck-ton of opposition.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't believe I just did this. All you stoners in Wisconsin owe me, dammit !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_asslxrd_: my inner nigger is coming out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who gives a fiddler's fuck what his name is? I've read his books. I've spoken to him. What's your real name? I see you don't have the balls to post using it, unlike real people. Jack off to the Israeli flag? What the fuck are you talking about? Look, cunt, post right or fuck off. Yeah, that's an entirely autistic reply, but you can't tell, because you're an autistic idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Traitor in GOP!!!! https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/05\/gops-lisa-murkowski-endangers-kavanaugh-confirmation\/ He's a \"Good Man\" But Not The Right Man At This Time. How Do You Understand Logic Like That. There Are Few Good Men In DC And His Qualifications For The Bench Are Beyond Reproach.She Walks Like A Liberal, Talks Like A Liberal, and Votes Like A Liberal. Murkowski MUST Be Primaried At The Next Opportunity To Insure Republican Objectives Are Met. This is why! This Is Called Consorting With The Enemy. Doesn't Look Like Negotiating To Me! Sounds Like A Good Idea 2 me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It took the US, USSR, UK and the minors under the guidance of international jewery to take down a country half the size of Texas. All so that we can be debt slaves in nigger infested neighborhoods worrying if our daughters make it home safe every day, but good thing we stopped those Nazis!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for femalevermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anybody who follows this nigger is a coward and a fool","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SHE'S A TYPICAL JEWISH MURDERER Hillary's one sick cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GoDaddy Hope you guys do get attacked for supporting SOPA, bunch of dirty snake faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm Trans-Pennine. Where's my medal ya cunts?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually feminists are actively against men living their lives, making friendships with other males, male organizations, men getting into politics or leaderships. The 3rd wave intersectionalist dyke clique wants to remove males from the population and cut them down to 10% of the population if that. Just read up on Sally Miller Gearhart, one of the first cunts to put out a genders studies program in the US and that is what that wingnut openly advocates.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One thing that is soooooooooooo disappointing is, that \"one\" bomb did NOT go off ... and separate us from one particular retarded piece-of-shit asshole !! https:\/\/www.apnews.com\/06ec76cf0cf14a4fa0cc5aeefdf7ba82","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You might be mistaking Ben Shapiro for someone the world gives a fuck about. Though he admittedly makes sense; a nigger roaming St. Louis streets is arguably worse than a Polish or a South African migrant who actually will work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"only lesbians get their nips pierced ew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damnnn Aryan af nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Buckm00se: chava needs to stay in his lane and keep sending gyro to hell you dont want it with the big boys you dirt infest ass beaner","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes o fill sorry for those normal people just going there own way to pray till some mental cunt went there no matter if he was on gab Facebook and Twitter it don't mean this site made him kill them has I say he mental and need to be given the death penalty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot Jews ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was one day told by a proud feminist that sexism from a woman to a man doesn't exist and there isn't a word for it because it's not possible. You'll hear the same thing said about racism as well. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crosses for one. Pikes for the other. Together they shall make a forest. a large forest that will be viewable from space and that shall feed the earth plenty. A united offense against the Destroyer races. The ones who drag back humanity with their vile dogma's that are inferior in every way to the ones that the Builder races have constructed Oh look what the destroyer races did to the White Race! It's what happens when the White Race becomes the pussy race. It has no one to blame but itself. It is actually a fair representation of you Nazi LARP'ers. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew turned the White man into pussies! The Jews did it! Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Not a Nazi, I don't believe in National Socialism. The Nazis did not invent anti-semitism. it goes back more than 1000 years and not all of them were white. 358 times they have been expelled or killed. I shall provide the list and there is a source for each time in the list. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/kPn2uUT.png Meh. It's always like riding the carousal with you Nazi LARP'ers. Can't even follow the train of their own thoughts. Meh. Jews. Jews. Jews. It's Jews. Jews. Jews. That is pretty much what you are about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yea some sort of scientific anomaly....or complete retardation. No one knows!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After seeing Trump's disgusting, Zionist,sell out ways , I do wish Hillary had won. She's just repulsive enough to invoke a revolution . 70 years of Zionist degeneracy-Trump was selected to keep you pacified with false promises. All white people= less than 7% of the total global population Calculate your Democratic odds with open borders . @Deplorme At least Trump is nationalist. He may be kissing Jewish ass but he's not buying ths globalism Zionism is globalism, that's just it, he's sold out to the globalists. He supports ethno nationalism in the state of IsraLIE. He just signed the largest ever aid package to IsraLIE and broke campaign promises about Syria. Where's the border wall?! What can Trump do for the United States, because we don't care about Israeli nationalism. Am I understanding this correctly? Israhell must be a 3rd world poor country among the poorest if not THE poorest... in order to need 50 BILLION in military aid? I think AID is just a cover for Extortion. We give them \"They took the babies from the incubators,\" @Nuangster , \"Weapons of mass destruction.\" \"We came , we saw, he died.\" Meanwhile , Israeli citizens like Chuck Schumer shut down the government for illegal immigrants and we can't afford to build a border wall ?! Call 9\/11, how dare we not support (((victims))) https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=YJ2qb7UcdOE @Deplorme claims that we owe these globalists because supposedly we have a low birth rate. Well, LONG LIVE THE FEDERAL RESERVE! SHOUT OUT IMF, WORLD BANK!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because Q is a narcissist faggot and a larp.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Our female guinea pig is pregnant ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We know you aren't equal to the rest of us and joos joos joos why else do your type fixate upon a culture that values education, thriftiness and discipline? You a nigger on welfare aren't you? an obama\/clinton voter?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clapping is apparently triggering to these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah cause wearing red Nigger shoes and voting for the orange kike will surely save us","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These young ladies would like right-leaning voters to stay home this election. I hope right-leaning voters will keep that in mind. More NFL fans? I have a cat with a higher IQ than these morons. The cat knows better than to bite the hand that feeds it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By their nature, gay people are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"don't get me wrong I need to signal that I'm right of that faggot but damn that's fucking funny","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not make immigrants suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Silicon Valley of course. I don't even consider Google, Facebook and Twitter real companies. Don't make anything. Just thought of an idea first and it went from there. Zuckerberg stole the idea. They are just left wing playthings for twats who have too much money. Why they aren't run properly. So the only real companies \"make things\"? Pity that you think 80% of UK economy isn't real. Why are you such a retarded cunt? You need to get a job. Hey! Our resident real left wing Marxist twat is back. Calls himself True Brit. True Traitor more like. Real companies make things or serve people in a useful capacity moron. Google, Facebook and Twitter are shite left wing indoctrination platforms. Still a coward hiding behind anonymity I see :) You said \"make things\". Now you backtrack again. Do you alone decide what a useful capacity is or are you just upset at them and you act like a snowflake? Pussy. Upset because you were caught out being a retarded cunt? You can't stop backtracking can you? Why are you so easy to run rings round?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep. \"We hate women\" \"Oh I kinda like women\" \"Found the white knight\" I wonder if they realize they're the counterpart to man hating dykes? Agree. And its sad because im usually the one to call out a double standard with sexism towards men. With that being said, Im not afraid to also call it out when were being assholes and condoning a dude being a straight up cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And again, you call names... just another Nazi cunt trying to be Hitler edgy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because leftists lack zero. zilch, nada legit platforms, they obsessively manipulate to push their narratives. To enrage them, simply think for yourself and vote accordingly. #RedTsunami2018 Don't you have a bird to bore with your left wing nut job hissy fits? Gab is for adults. Buh-bye!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any gay person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha ha. There are men right now rotting in prison for false rape charges despite not only zero evidence, but exculpatory evidence. A nigger killed a white man, the jewish DA released him because the nigger claimed he was called a nigger. Keep fantasizing that justice or evidence matters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/far-left-senator-files-restraining-order-against-mcconnell-to-stop-kavanaugh-vote\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what is surprising is that a nigger would buy a book","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO: NH Attorney General Rules Rochester Police Shooting Justified Douglas Heath was wanted on several outstanding warrants when he opened fire on officers https:\/\/t.co\/KNQ2DUUXeR to bad this guy wasn't black then we could see some riots and some cops charged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And if season 1 bombs, get ready for them to go ballistic with the second and pull all the retardations they can just out of spite.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I cancelled mine about the same time. I dropped mine after the Academy awards. Cancelled mine when they put on Dear White People.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you stupid ass faggot English and your muslim parliament that wanted to ban Donald Trump... have fun getting fucked without any guns... Here's some real American blood and guts rock... not faggot Elton John... go home to Queenie. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MwTv45OW5Yw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Global Political Analysis -------> Muted? you have the soul of a left - retard child woman. You mute everyone when shit hits the fan because you cannot deal with the real world. I was not attacking you, I was attacking people who rely on experts. Who are you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"my god really?..................really? https:\/\/youtu.be\/ieN4W68oR3E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at all those faggot presenting their asses!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You a real life faggot if you ever fight another man because he fucked your girl. You just gotta take that L like a man and move on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Filthy commie cunt. Even the Watergate jew lawyer fired her ass for being a lying crook. She, Feinschtein, Pelosi, Warren, Waters, ad nauseam ought to be made prison whores for GAYDS-infected nigger cons. I think they only have Muslims at Gitmo. Sand niggers will do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A man' s chance of getting cancer is 44% and 23% of men will die from cancer, 38% of women get cancer and 19% die.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ladies, I need your help. I'm 5'1 tall, 46 years old and 20 pounds too heavy. Please give me your dieting advice. Thanks in advance, Short Pudgey Rachel. #DLOG I hope you love cats. I do...and dogs, and kids, and my husband. And birds for that matter...like little souls visiting from heaven. All set on my likes, thank you Judge. Oh, I thought you said dating advice! Paleo diet is the way. I CLEARLY wasn't asking for dating advice, or are your mental facilities severely limited? However, it was very nice of you to tell me I'm SOL in the dating marked if I am chubby. Shallow and mean really what are you doing on the ladies page anyway? You still here? Less posting, more aerobics! Free Speech Judge, Get used to it. ;-) Another 20 laps, cupcake. Only one way to be sure - 60,000+ posts. Get reading!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"give it up whore ,you lost you fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"did they finally get rid of this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"redneck in the White House \/\/ Moccasin Creek ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, she says you're a terrible Pearl-clutching thin-skinned busy-body faggot telling me how to post. She's a wise lady","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Top Neocon: Facebook Censorship of alternative media is only just Beginning! * Lots more to come....YET! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/facebook-censorship-of-alternative-media-just-the-beginning-warns-top-neocon-insider\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pro-Abortion Professor Who Said White Republican Men Should Be Castrated Placed on \"Research Leave https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/09\/pro-abortion-professor-who-said-white-republican-men-should-be-castrated-placed-on-administrative-leave\/#.W71KpkXWbXc.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The goofy part is that she got elected as some sorta conservative, even though her resume was chuck full of SJW crap, and has proven to be just another of many idiotic leftist twat negotiators who don't give a crap about their country","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua We ALL stand together to MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"evola was a literal faggot who would post on reddit, was he alive today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a Mental retarded #Muzhood thug,, wth, does she think this is water jet art on driftwood?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lets all be clear, Lying Ford has not one shread of proof and I will never believe her. She is lying cunt and needs to get the f$;and outbid this country. I'm fact I want her to be investigated for lying to officials and have the FBI investigate her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're going to slander me you sorry SOB please tell everyone what My Last Name is ,otherwise STFU you cocksucking Faggot Nazi dick licker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brother can't catch a break. The guy is busting his ass so your city doesn't smell like shit, and you have some cunt degrading him for it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Danny_Cavanagh....available online soon? I didn't have enough to get it after my Anathema merch. It's a cracker, I need it. Can u.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Without anything to gain from eating them?? HELL MF NO!! That's a retarded STUPID QUESTION!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a trans person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just a reminder that your 'god' is some long dead jew, if he ever existed. And European civilization was destroyed by Christians in name of your alien, desert 'god'. Thanks for proving that Christianity is an enemy to Europe. Christianity and islam are indeed identical in your hatred for civilization and beauty Pagans and Christians must forget past transgression and work togather to get rid of (((them))) and Muzzies off Europe only when the dust settles THEN you can go at each other's throat case closed. What about the murdering and torture ,To pagan and christian's and it's all written in the not so holy kike book as A to do list ,Fucking sickening ,Most of the not so holy koran is made up also of the kike book ,GEE I just wonder where the fucking MOCK MOOD sand nigger muslim's get their charm from ,humm yea ,And it's more like I am anti SAND NIGGER DEMON","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't wait to see retarded ass boomer listening to kanye","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop calling progressive movements \"Cultural Marxism\". The term is a slander campaign used by the alt lite to conflate the economic left and progressive liberals. Hail stalin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the 30% must not be fllowed to Vote In My country but cunt like you would support it like they do in CA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And I wanna say something SOOOOOO bad to these two cunts on Twitter eh..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MMAFighting: Nevada commission to withhold Khabib Nurmagomedov's UFC 229 purse pending investigation into brawl (@marc_raimondi) https:\/\/t.co\/awmehYtWYM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Something big is about to happen. Indictments. Tribunals. Gitmo. Let's meme this into reality.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that pampered little faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More than 1 in 3 American adults eat nigger bodily fluids on any given day. There I fixed it. if u eat fast food u may as well just find a nigger and lick it's asshole it's literally the same thing I very rarely eat fast food but when I do, I walk out if I see a nigger preparing the food. o u very rarely let a nigger wipe it's balls in ur mouth i guess that's better than letting them do it evry day... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He was legit from the day he started talking policy. But now you like him? Fuck atta here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dont make direct eye contact with anything..birds cats nothing lol RT @EVBY_HATES_ASH: I'm going out west to bu (...) http:\/\/t.co\/oVpwk9I3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RealSkipBayless man what about Wilson being the 2nd Black QB to win a chip? Talkn about trash talk. No shine for Russell..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The \"fake pipe bomb events we all witnessed today are nothing more than Democrats mailing fake pipe bombs to other Democrats. This is their last, desperate ploy to try to control the outcome of a mid-term election they're terrified of losing. And with that loss will come the implosion of the Democrat party,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have the True Marxist system in Sweden done by the vile filthy RACIST Jew PIGS, the human sewage of the World! Send these RETARDED Somalis to IsraHELL where they can help with much needed Multiculturalism for the JEWS! Obviously we will be hated for this, but it is the least we can do to improve the genetics of the feral beast JEW!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murdering you should be decriminalised. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"National socialists fought communists. You boomer retarded have no sense of history. You see the word socialist and think that national socialists are like the commie scum that's taken over America.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once you're redpilled on the JQ and then the homo Q...you find this faggot very irrelevant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @green_eyed_doll: The birds outside my bedroom window have way too much to talk about for first thing in the morning! Mrrrrrrr....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TIME TO #BoycotttRubyTues What the fuck are you talking about? Ive been to my ruby tuesday in trump shirt and maga hat idk how many times. Not only do they serve us, but they love us. We are treated as VIPs there. Where the fuck are you getting this nonsense from? The world doesn't revolve around you...you can't even imagine that at one of their restaurants this could happen? Really? Ha ha...you're not very bright, are you. Bless your heart. >doesnt know who I am ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another thread derailed and destroyed by Gab's #1 autistic twat <3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to get GRs a lot, tho. maybe that's why my soles cracked so much... http:\/\/t.co\/lRCb0vabiG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deaht to all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's what happens when you have retards like me that only read the title. I hope someone similar performs surgery on your mommy\/daughter\/wife, you fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I felt obligated to share this with you. idiot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yo what's with all the jew hatred here at gab? Yeah, I've noticed a lot of toxic, hate-filled semitism here, too. I'm not sure if this sort of rabid, unreasoning anti-White hatred is purely instinctive with MOTs, or if it's largely conditioned by their culture and religion. What do you think?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All women are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay this is like one of the most retarded things ive seen browsing this sub Seems almost too retarded to not be a troll but you never know","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Getting the field ready for today's game. http:\/\/t.co\/lh4UzqXbei","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ex-Dem Latina: Remember Antifa protester telling at 9\/11 NYPD widow \"YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD FUC*ING ROT IN THE GRAVE\" Well her son found him later And he didn't have much to say In fact he ran like the coward he is! https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1052940379803156480","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't forget the retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical w e t b a c k behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i dont think women should wear flesh tone colored pants... lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot boys deserve to be blown the fuck out. Its fun watching them beat up autistic, drugged up trannies, but they are ultimately anti-white race traitors or shitskins opposed to white identity because they want to continue taking advantage of whites. They are not our friends, and never were.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least your USB sticks tell the truth... you just can't help yourselves... 40% genetic defects and a sand nigger IQ70 will do that to ya...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If your goal is to influence opinion face to face, you talk to people about what they are ready to hear, in a way that creates credibility and lets them grow into ideas. So if you go full retard and \"Name the Jew\" when they would have heard everything if you said \"globalist\" interchangably, you are being selfish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone was retarded at one point. The only question is: when truth comes knocking at the door, will you listen? Dunno who said it but \"Anyone who is not left wing as a child is heartless, anyone who is not right wing as an adult is brainless\" is pretty spot on (but we can discuss how inaccurate it is becoming as people, especially children, are waking up).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just wait until these retards find out there is no such thing as Wakanda and that nigs could never create such a society...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#WhiteNationalist #NPC: ..dont forget to spread your love for #Eugenics, #Abortion, and #PopulationControl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All women should fuck off forever. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But if you don't remove it, you have to listen to a vocal minority and you don't get to virtue signal. What I don't understand is how companies don't realize that nobody who is protesting is going to buy the game, anyway. And nobody who sees Sony virtue signaling is going to give them more business because of it. It will only cause alienation. Fucking retarded, IMO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never forget that this cunt was an apologist for and supporter of the animals who viciously attacked Reginald Denny \"cuz he wite\". That shocking scene was a wake up call to many. @SirBoring @Eric_StrikerDS @Alex_Linder https:\/\/www.mediamatters.org\/video\/2017\/05\/10\/foxs-tucker-carlson-rep-maxine-waters-not-moral-leader-any-kind\/216393","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jew and a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was wondering when one of you little nigger lovers was gonna stop by.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That'll teach us to respect diversity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it's a mars trine opposition thing, my bad...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow these people are fucking retarded, literally 0 research went into calling this guy a nazi, what idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where I'm from, The Atl, you call a Black man a nigger or a porch monkey, you can damn well expect to get your shit rocked and deservedly so. This bitch crossed the line was had to be corrected; she'll think twice before she crosses it again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical c0on behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This self-righteous cobwebbed cunt needs to get hit by a bus","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You seriously blurted out the Twitter handle of a government official? It could a person reposting a pic a Chaffetz that had nothing to do with Warren and they don't want to take the shit for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists are retarded and offended by anything. I'm not saying they are the exact same. All I'm saying is that you put all feminists in a single group, and someone like Malala is a feminist, and so is in that group. Because Malala isn't how you described all feminists, that pokes a hole in your argument. Malala is just one example. There are other who aren't crazy and are completely logical. I was just using Malala as an example because she is well known. The bottom line is that you called all feminists retarded and that kinda isn't true, and just is insulting to those actually doing good and actually fighting for women's rights in places where they ARE oppressed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Hirsi stabbed two men and was headed toward a woman, witnesses said. Damn. > \"My son was killed wrongfully. It should not have happened,\" said Hodan Mahamud, WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE TAUGHT YOUR SON NOT TO STAB PEOPLE. Jesus... good luck canada... they don't even give a fuck about anyone but their own.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#drunk #trash #trashed #wasted @ The Draught Horse http:\/\/t.co\/UvWkhpEswh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT DOESNT BOTHER ME AT ALL WHEN YOU CALL ME AN NPC, BECAUSE YOU NAZIS ARE THE REAL NPCS!@$!!and@ You want to know what we really want? A country that looks like the one your generation inherited. We can't have that, because your generation already broke it. So now we want to fix the country, And your generation won't let us, because you are scared of hurting the feels of your spic gardener. Perhaps you should go speak to the nigger that squatted in Our White House for 8 years about that moron. Lmmfao y'all cry more than my 6 yr old lol. You're not \" being allowed\" because you fucks can't figure out what bathroom to use or what \"gender\" you retards are lol. Y'all We nigger posting now? Damn, i thought it was bad putting up with your boomer posting. Did your wife's nigger son teach you that word? Oh, I'm sorry (NOT) you're offended by Nigger but you're ok with describing Hispanic ppl as Spics that are good for nothing but lawn care lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" ...oh ouch...hubby fucks me just fine sissyboy...and you??????...you're a clueless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sorry but the level of delusion of this guy is so immense that I cant fathom a life past this. If I ever get remotely that weak I hope I have the self awareness to put my gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. This guy is such a fucking blue pilled moron I almost feel bad for him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe white players are helping in ways that actually matter like donating money instead of virtue signaling. Donating money to who? People that shoot back at the police? Families of victims and their lawyers who are trying to hold officers accountable. I kinda like my idea better though none of these things will bring anyone back from the dead. A top-down overhaul of training and hiring practices is the only logical solution I've seen but that one's boring and nobody wants to touch it. Preventing a murder via self defense is solid. We can donate to defend people that legitimately kill a cop in self defense? Libertarians don't do well in r\/politics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bunch of faggot motigators.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really do believe immigrants are just lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KeebitHalal @LogansWarning gotta love it when the islamofascist cow tries to make a retort about age, typical muzzie idiocy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's be clear here, if this was a true Trump supporter his vehicle would not be neat and tidy on one hand and his mailing of pipe bombs sloppy and untidy. His mailings were too obvious. He could not legally drive around in the van without getting stopped. I think that depends on the state. Come on, you can get stopped for having your windows too tinted in FL. According to one website that stickers should follow the window tinting rules. Tint darkness for SUV and vans: Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed above the manufacturer's AS-1 line. Front Side windows: Must allow more than 28% of light in. Back Side windows: Must allow more than 6% of light in. Rear Window: Must allow more than 6% of light in. The only issue would be maybe the passenger and driver windows because of the side mirrors need to be visible to the driver. I had a panel van with no rear side or rear facing windows and it was manufactured that way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love watching birds migrate. Wish I understood why it's such a peaceful sight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not being called a cunt is basically being protected from Aussies swearing at you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will Joe stop telling PBO how to do his job? You couldn't even keep a job in #teabagger Florida. #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cover a variety of topics. Some beautiful, some ugly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Steve_Sailer: Speaking of witchcraft (as Vox does), my new book review of \"The Coddling of the American Mind\" explains how African beliefs in witchcraft might influence concepts like \"systemic racism\" and \"implicit bias.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/XCdJ https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/z22Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very well stated and the pigmentation of your skin does not make me dislike anyone but belligerency does from members of many communities. No one escapes the madness. Obama was the divider an 95 percent black followed the communist ass hole faggot communist Muslim POS. He is the reason, so many people are angry at one another.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ppl on Gab love to pull this type of vapid \"logic.\" They'll show poaching in Africa and go \"what savages! We don't need this!\" But if some white hunter goes to Africa and kills the exact same lion, they're like \"git er dun! Yee haw!\" and high five. So you can tell they actually don't care about the lion, it's a tool they use for their stupid belief systems.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*squats depressingly* https:\/\/i.redd.it\/6dz19sxu0u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I told him to go fuck himself. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After a Black man murdered a Swedish citizen, the Swedish police asked the public for help identifying him - but they blurred out his face so you couldn't tell he was Black. Was starting to get confused as to why it said politiet in the background, turned out the images were from Norway. Even though Norway is next to Sweden, doesn't count since it's not Sweden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gormless lefty pick tries to show Islam is a religion of peace by running a poll.... It seems that 91% of people disagree with him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After Tiny beat the shit out of the Antifa in Portland, he reportedly spontaneously broke out into the Cupid Shuffle https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ykxnUiwo3nI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One less nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN token house nigger faggot Lemon needs a bullet https:\/\/youtu.be\/TEwKjPTCwrs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah dude, you won by not being able to offer a rebuttal. You're right by default because one of the retarded mods of this retarded hellhole of a sub gave me a retarded flair. That's totally how logic works. I'm a feminist because i think that POSSESSING alcohol at the age of 20 being a crime is completely asinine. Makes total sense. Hey this might hard for you to understand because you participate in r\/pussypassdenied circlejerk, but just because something is the law doesn't mean that it's good. > It's the acting like she's allowed to have it, walking away, refusing to obey lawful commands, assaulting a cop, spitting (assault) on multiple cops, acting like a bitch, claiming they can't do that, begging other bitches to assault the cops, and screaming for a a manager that makes this annoying to us. They shouldn't be allowed to approach her as if she's commiting a crime because she has a fucking bottle of alcohol on her. End of story. I personally wouldn't behave this way, but i don't blame anyone, men or women, for civil disobedience to such a fucking ass backwards , asinine law, that only fucking retards with judgement clouded by pure hatred would defend in any fashion, ie you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Confusing circumstances seem to get in the way of your high ho... More for Virgo http:\/\/t.co\/nrAAI6dhVx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a friend who considers himself a right-wing Christian. He is livid that I refuse to vote in the midterms (and has even threatened to end our friendship). His problem is that he listens to alt media filling his head with 4-D chess narratives. This is why I have nothing but harsh invective for the American alt-right. You assholes are leading us off a cliff. I'm not here to argue with shills and idiots. That's one of the tactics all shills share. \"If you don't spend an hour of your time for free arguing with me (and another 80 hours a week arguing with my colleagues), then you are a shill or wrong.\" No. You are getting paid, so you have the time and it's your job, slave. We don't have to do shit. Another low IQ comment. Shill Either address my points or shut up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@greggutfeld: a video an entire media will likely mock. http:\/\/t.co\/XFr1cRXWSm\" i am such a crybaby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't forget that the FBI was run by a perverted faggot for decades.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not saying that its ok to grab someones ass without consent is cool but this bitch over reacted like a motherfucker, you work at a club, im sure its happened before, and someone is going to slap your ass again get over it Again not saying its ok, ask for permission before you touch someone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger ur wife takes nigger cock cuck boy nigger nigger nigger nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter cunt liberal bitch Kirsten Powers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 adult human skulls found in trash http:\/\/t.co\/VcsNP9ejV9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to listen to me! But you don't have to listen to people who claim they're innocent when spuriously accused of rape, just lock them up!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Literally what? You're 100% wrong about that and we both know it. We're going to pretend that glassdoor isn't a thing? Or the many other similar sites? Yeah, sure, let's pretend that most people have super-duper jobs, ignoring that according to [Forbes](https:\/\/www.forbes.com\/pictures\/fjle45kmdj\/no-10-most-common-job-janitors-and-cleaners-except-maids-and-housekeeping-cleaners\/#11e5f4296cec), the list of most common jobs goes like this: Office clerk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SlimGirl_Probz das calld usen yo brain retard y would i whoop yo ass n front of da police","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. Its funny that YOU got so triggered by something you saw on the internet that you've been crying like a little cunt about it for WEEKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also just incase you are ESL and not dumb. We say \"you are bad at something\" to say \"you seem not good at something\" makes you sound retarded. Just so you know.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another major development in the Jihadi circles: Al Maqdisi, hardcore jihadi theorist asks specifically for relief and aid workers release","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not saying that it's ppd, I'm saying that you're a fucking idiot and a racist for straight up calling her a nigger. Absolutely uncalled for in any situation and really telling of one's personality. She used the race card in offensive and eggregious ways, and attempted to defraud the public by relying on the sympathy of PC \" we must kowtow to the blacks and always assume whitey is evil and discriminatory\" white guilt SJW faggotry. Now I am calling her the worst thing her race can be called because of it. Seems entirely fair. She is getting off quite easy. I'd put her in the zoo with her cousins because she\"chimped out.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jeffgill24 hey #teabagger Bohner said he got \"98% of what he wanted\" in sequester. You sound like a moron when everyone knows you are LYING","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meatloaf cream potatoes deer steak and gravy pinto beans and cornbread pear cobbler n bread pudding @ FHC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's what I was gonna say. Not defending communism or anything, but the poster forgot to mention that those are nigger cities. That's how those are going to be regardless of who's in charge, unless you keep a clamp down on the niggers, but they won't do that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"K atriyas perhaps are allowed to consume meat, but brahmac r s, g ihasthas, or sanny s s?!\" These are all different categories,retard. It's like saying \"married men, baseball, vegetables and time.\" Compare varnas to varnas and ashramas to ashramas,nigger. Yes, Prabhup da said that k atriyas are in some cases allowed to consume meat. You are one seriously retarded motherfucker, @DJWossy. I wish you all the worst. Fuck you and all your degenerate ancestors!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First non-retarded post from BPT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait, what? God helped you to decide to murder your baby? I don't think that was God you were talking to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Photo: anarcho-queer: Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for... http:\/\/t.co\/Iy6Gro4t8Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ask the governor how we are supposed to pay for this? Typical #teabagger mentality. Government is EVIL until we need them LOL #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one observing Remembrance Day is glorifying the war. In fact, it was because of the sacrifices of those who died in WW1 that we now consider war to be one of the worst horrors imaginable instead of something to be glorified. Prior to WW1, we had the idea that war was a glorious, noble endeavor. WW1 completely changed the world's perception of warfare, as the brutality of modern warfare effectively wiped out a generation. After WW1, the world came to truly fear and hate war, really for the first time in human history. It is great to honor them, but it is also important to remember that these people were essentially cannon fodder. They died for generals who didn't give a shit about them in a completly pointless a war started by a bunch of petty European upperclass assholes. The deaths of these soldiers were just numbers to their superiors. A really great way to honor the dead is to make sure these wars dont happen. A good way to do that is to talk about war and war deaths in a realistic way. As always, the vast majority of this subreddit is unable to look at submissions like this in an adult way. Instead they have to jump on the outrage machine and piss and moan about the stupid SJW's. Heaven fuckin forbid anybody actually stop to think that maybe the other sides makes a valid point even if you ultimately disagree. It is funny how closely the people in this sub mirror the close-minded petty ideologically-driven children it proports to mock. Just different sides of the same retarded coin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gee, I wonder who would do such a thing? #News #Politics #DNC #RNC #BrittFan #Islam #BanIslam #BanSharia #LGBT #MAGA #Trump #Patriot #DraintheSwamp #WeThePeople #TheStormHasCome #KeepAmericaGreat #GunControl #2A #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #FirstAmendment #FreedomOfSpeech #SocialMedia Why the Hell have we got muslim police and army officers? Did we have Nazi officers in the War Cabinet of WW2, , , It's the same thing! West Point has a sand nigger on staff. Line all traitors and fifth columnists up against a wall. . . . . . It's my dream!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL at the Benghazi \"hearings\" that proved nothing other than Republicans only care about taking down PBO. #foxnews #teabaggers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey faggot can you mute me, your shit's obnoxious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Migrants violently rob elderly disabled woman in Germany She dies of her injuries https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/migrants-violently-rob-elderly-disabled-woman-in-germany-she-dies-of-her-injuries\/#.W84qnZnucYQ.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's little simp bitch boy men letting women walk all over them because vagina. It's really not that hard to figure out. If men would stop acting like such little beta faggots, women would be forced to shape up and actually act like adults.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You would think after hearing a drooling retard like Trudeau say it no one else would?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So is nigger. And I am a black person who is saying this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMAO... Right? Can you imagine waking up every day to practice, changing your diet, spending hours in they gym, forgoing spending time with family and friends- just so you could be the best at some sport you love- only to have some faggot in makeup show up and whoop your as because Xer has more muscle mass than you do? I bet that has to fucking suck for the chicks who aren't insane. It is time we stop this ridiculous \"Emperor's New Clothes\" nonsense. The dude is a dude who had parts sewn on, stuffed in, cut off, and inverted. It's a fucking #FrankenTranny and it deserves no respect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@spence1reed_ bro , i heard slaughter songs .. they all trash .. they just freestylers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I'll tell you for free, I can't understand a word of that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Large portions of florida are still majority white, the area hit was one of these. When my area was hit few years ago we got nothing from the media and nothing from the govt.they only care when it's niggers . We don't make the news unless they can blame us for something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BraxCity29 @maria_obregon_g @sophia_freeman1 3\/4 of a citizen. I said it for you maria you spic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And these women wonder why they're single? I mean, what sensible man would put up with twat waffles who act out so violently? Fuck that...........NOT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nominating this for Post of the Day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Fact: Fake friends are no different than shadows, they stick around during your brightest moments, but disappear during your darkest ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@vanessa32m honestly the performers on there red carpet were trash hahahaahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best response to that: Shut up, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And u low IQ chimps can't think of a sane and valid reason to explain your inferiority, so you try to spread this lie. Once you moronic niggers look up and realize it's only the White whores that will associate with you, you can know why we Alphas laugh at u chimps. Decent White women want our civility, superiority, and the extra 50 IQ points we have. Fuck off, nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GODDAMNIT NIGGER OPEN UR DOOR, IM AT UR HOUSE! I BROUGHT MY PS4! QUIT BEING A FAGGOT and MAKE SOME FRIGGIN NACHOS U 3RD RATE MEXICAN, FUG!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nah, that's not all it does and quitting caffeine wouldn't be a substitute for it. For me, it gives me massive paranoia and I don't yawn or sleep for days. I got off of benzos earlier this year. I'm still trying to figure out how normal people sleep. Would be cool if I had a baseline sleep level to compare it to, but I don't. Anyway, Trazadone isn't worth the side effects. Tricyclics work on serotonin but also have an antihistamine effect. Can't think of a nastier thing to snort. They have a gayenizing effect too Dude, that's just jail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're poll was shit from the start faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> and fans should still call out problematic things when we see them. It's the only way to make sure the media we consume is diverse and inclusive. This chick actually believes that nips care about wh*tes and their retarded opinions. They don't, and hopefully never will.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Equal pay message, um, says the guy who want socialism in the United States of America","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dallas hoe RT @beanreturns: Why http:\/\/t.co\/D6HAlItFmP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do not become faggot in old age! https:\/\/twitter.com\/DRUDGE_REPORT\/status\/1050562117684740096","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@1Corinthians126 #BooksOfGodWidom Proverbs 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Samivel We, the #White race, are PROUD of our #Neanderthal ancestry. #Neanderthals reigned supreme in #IceAge #Europe for a VERY long time, and managed to survive for some 300,000 years! They were intelligent, they had a language, they had music, they used makeup and jewelry, and they had ceremonial burial. But of course not just Whites have Neanderthal. One comment back you claimed African aren't human like you. Now you embrace your neanderthal DNA . You're like a stick caught in a sewer drain. Wherever the shit surge lands you , that's where you're at. What's next ? You claim to be bermensch incarnate ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SullivanMcPig: If those Captcha pictures get any more fuzzy I'm going to need a bot to decipher them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Wayne__Da__Boss: I hate a bitch dat act like a nigga. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The legend who formed an entire generation Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"HitlerTheShitler\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya know what else is \"Illegal in many countries? \"Hate speech lmao fix video features and stop talking you chubby bitch. How cute! Same thing again! The RETARDS accusing me of what they are guilty! It is a FACT that you accused Torba of HATE speech! But your mind cannot comprehend FACTS can it? Please kill yourself as you suggested! hOw CuTe!!!! gO to bEd oR dID yOU wEt It ReTaRD ZoOMr KiDdO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the faggot who thinks there are 80 genders ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jihadi rehab needs to account for the unpleasant fact that it's the worst behaviors that *attract* participants. http:\/\/t.co\/nJJGA7S5LQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All women are fuckable if you're brave enough. There are dudes who fuck cars. One guy fucked a sewage grate. The makeup isn't to get laid, it's to increase the level they compete at. Any cunt can get sewage grate guy but they generally don't want sewage grate guy. They want oil sheikh guy or CEO guy or other types of money guy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For those who are confused about the true definition.. This is the epitome of an Uncle Tom... You can almost see the gray matter leaking out of his ears...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ugly woman must offer her cunt for refugees !! shitworks are for there......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HAHAHA https:\/\/nypost.com\/video\/dui-suspect-shot-dead-after-grabbing-gun-hidden-in-bush\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their gotta be a loaded lux vs Murda mook 3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why did he snitch after he got ass for three months? She was getting too clingy and he wanted to upgrade to a younger broad Unfortunately confirms my theory that female teacher paedophiles are often women who can't get men their own age so they target younger ones instead. If you ask me though I think it's great that teenagers are wising up to this so quickly maybe they'll work together more now to bring down these sorts of manipulative cunts who are just using them, I don't have much sympathy for her. >Unfortunately confirms my theory that female teacher paedophiles are often women who can't get men their own age so they target younger ones instead. But then again, in most of these cases, it's an attractive, white or Hispanic pervery, cunt who was married or didn't have a man. The ones that didn't, would've turned men down online and on dating apps any day. Yet they would've crawl up in bed with an underage boy any chance they got. Even attractive white or hispanic lesbos, have victimized girls when most certainly they could have easily connected to another pervery attractive woman online or on dating apps, or at bars. They could get the type of women that many men cannot get. As women and as lesbians or bisexual women they would easily find a partner that they would have the hots for . Such as Brooke Rosendale who raped\/molested a 12 year old girl, Jaclyn Truman as a \"devout Christian\" who victimized a 15 year old girl, Allison Leigh Chilton who molested and sexted one of her special ed students who was a 12 year old girl, Hilary Dittalo, Sarah Barton whose victim's age hadn't come up. Also the foot porn star Bianca Byndloss raped\/molested girls who were 12, 15, and 16 at a party when there was so many men and women she couldve messed with instead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He sounds like a Muzzie Imam talking about killing the infidels. CATHOLICS, SEMITES AND MUSLIMS ARE ALL RAGHEADS! ALL ARE THE ENEMY OF CAUCASIANS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @renegadecut: Video: Renegade Cut: Snowpiercer An analysis of Bong Joon-ho s sci-fi action film. Topics include... http:\/\/t.co\/YNT9zS0 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Muh Dikk\" Here comes the Nigger behavior. With you primates, everything comes down to \"Muh Dikk\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"antifa and the nazi demoKKKrats are the domestic enemy of the USA. civil war is now at hand. Most Working Whites are not fighting to your color blind BULLSHIT BOOMER. Gen X'r not Boomer. they're retarded. You are a weakling Nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning :* @MadJewessWoman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did she like the nigger rape? I heard she did.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"McCaskill is A LIBERAL SJW CUNT BITCH !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You keep tagging me in your retarded posts. So you want a fight and I give it to you... so keep it up If you were on hiatus you never would have seen my tags, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bansky: LeBron doesn't turn 30 til december. he made 5 trips faster than kobe shaq mike or bird. he'll be back yal act like hes retirin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That shit is retarded man. I wish I could help but my financial situation isn't any better at the moment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think he's just retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope the potato nigger gets his rematch, and gets his ass beaten into retirement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By nature, Muslims are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This has to be satire, there's no way this can be real, > The leader of that protest was a...Chinese American. Part of me really wants to make an inappropriate joke about Nanking right now... What are you talking about? As Japan will clearly emphasize, NOTHING happened during 1930-1945 in their history. NOTHING. Chinese, Indian, Filipina; while all the Japanese and Japanese-Americans supported it, or pointed out the paintings were of *European* Japanophiles of the time so they were dressing as Europeans anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saudi Prince Mohammad Bin Salman being extracted out of the Las Vegas mass shooting one year ago. #Ghost https:\/\/youtu.be\/Rd-qz6ei-UM what type of drugs r u on these days? that's not Salman by a long shot, kid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is impossible to figure out, if you're a 5 year old. Or maybe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a main reason why they're trying to take control of YouTube.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That was trash. I'm just gonna put my phone down. Goodnight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1% Native American is not the end of the world. Might be for the purists. But 1% Nigger would be just awful. I just can't consider a person #White if they have even 1% #Nigger in them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"They have to. That division is trash @NoMeek_JustMilz: Saints gon win the NFC South...watch\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@codeofvets Craig Sawyer! Navy Seal! V4CR #V4CR https:\/\/www.pscp.tv\/codeofvets\/1OwGWWLoEXQGQ @CraigSawmanSawyer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a retarded whore she is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is it with girls in \"Pink\" shirts always being the cunt in the situation?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yields for every crop and animal have skyrocketed over the past century. For example, the average dairy cow in 2018 produces *four times* more milk per day than in Not only that, these big ag fucks are all exploiting cheap labor. Plus we have \"free trade\". There is no legitimate reason for anything to be this expensive. It's all a scam. Most of the third world doesn't need GMOs, either - outside of nigger Africa, famine has been nearly eradicated worldwide, and that is without food aid. I feel this was a mistake from our perspective, as new crop strains (invented by whites) have caused the global non-white population to skyrocket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@S_Roach happy birthday nicca do coon shit in a responsible way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" RT @GottliebShow: \"Killer line?\" @SBNationNBA: Josh Smith dropped a killer trash talk line on Kenneth http:\/\/t.co\/C8d3sJoUpj ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@StarkFreeOrDie ...honestly. That's where I'm the most retarded and is why stuck as artist hoping for a fair \"dealer\/manager\" situation....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Douche Muzzie Colin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey John Never Go Full Retard https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-25\/try-act-presidential-brennan-slams-trump-encouragement-physical-violence","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Angry? Of course. But more retarded than angry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not built by pagans Built by christians. When will you silly Christians admit that it is NOT christianity, but it was European man that has built European civilisation Foundation to Western civilisation was laid by Pagan Greece and Rome, and others have continued to build upon those If anything, christianity, with it's endless atrocities has stunned development of Europe. Built by European Christians. ROMANS have always had great architecture. Built by Slavic Neo-Pagans. Romans indeed had a great architecture, but then came destruction by Christians Christians ruined Roman temples and buildings Christians destroyed and defaced Roman art Christians ruined even Aqueduct And what is the point of image of that Slavic temple? There are many temples, forts and settlements built in the way of our ancestors all over Slavic lands","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What do you do if a Belgian throws a grenade towards you? Pull the pin out and throw it back -sincerely, the Netherlands -edit- I listen to Studio Brussel almost constantly, and I heard that joke come by a lot, except then it's the Dutch who throw it. Belgian here. How do you make a Belgian submarine sink? Knock on the door. Ha! Belgians sure as hell didn't let Germany walk through its country at the beginning of WW doesn't mean we aren't retarded now. Perhaps but at least you make the best beer in the world and that counts for something.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"good night dear american friends. thank you so much for odinism and coca cola.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not make trans people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ex-Florida lawmaker leaves Republican Party https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/jvDTwL\/Dpjw-TT2-UYAEBe-T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants belong in our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Scandal: A Negro Bed Wench's Fairy-tale and propaganda: http:\/\/t.co\/tp1Sa5u8uO via @YouTube: A must see for Hebrew Daughters of Zion!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She landed right on her cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is a gay person on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all the other disabled people in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No idea but I want one too. I know where you can get a cunt tree in Washington. They grow in a place called, Congress. Don't eat the fruit, cunt trees are poisonous","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rad, stop reading Zero Hedge, it is there to separate you from your money, with bad reasoning. dow 6k before 30k unless fed shadow buys and walks back rates. dow recouples fundamentals at 6k, the rest is QE\/ZIRP=NIRP\/buybacks. keep studying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When oh when will this breath-taking bullying stop? \"I came out as LGBT, and lost family and friends. I was called faggot and beaten to a pulp. Surgery required\". No not again! Haven't these aids-ridden grids-riddled cocksuckers suffered enough? @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @lostpassword @JiggyCoon @BardParker @WADL @A_I_P @NormanD Im shocked that aids sack is still walking upright 20 plus years after the fact.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That twit's twat has seen more traffic than the Holland Tunnel...I can't keep up! And you can be Moneypenny anytime you want....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine if these SJW cunts stood up for American citizens as much as they do some brown guy who probably shouldn't be here in the first place...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing good on TV and the @Yankees are eating their balls 3 innings in. Great.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is wrong with forcing people to complain through sworn statements? You are basically launching an investigation into that officer, and having it be a sworn statement brings accountability to that action.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Hey numbnuts, that actor is long since dead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WALK OFF HR! @Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only Kayne West is a Uncle Tom, he is a house nigger to his master Adolf J Trumpler. He deserves to be called a coon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then tell the fucking muslum cockroaches to stop lobbing bombs at israel...and israel eill stop returning fire...its that simple you fucking stupid retard !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"17 members of the Nordic Resistance Movement charged for rioting and hate crimes. The prosecutor says NMR acted in a way that's \"clearly linked to national socialists in the 30s and 40s and racial supremacy\". NRM also called politicians\/media \"traitors of the people\" which is a hate crime according to the prosecutor. (in swedish) https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JGcH But of course. They know they can't counter what is being said so their favorite go-to tactic as always is to shut it down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can people like these live with themselves? They're trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if you want you're kid to be a mixed race dummy, marry a low IQ nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sneaky fox PT. || https:\/\/redd.it\/9rkdjf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not everything is about the States. Canada's more prosperous by certain meters, and those meters seem to make the muzzies jealous.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't be a fairy gay faggot soy boy!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Butler claimed the hat was a racist symbol and refused to apologize for the assaults.\" What a stupid cunt. I bet she thought her being a girl would keep her safe from consequences.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"capture this cunt and drop her in the middle of Saudi Arabia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should get rid of immigrants once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black bitches don't be kickin up in our school. Bitches still comin wit durags still on they head nd shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"journalist\" describing healthy white families like some kind of disease.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a queer cunt! She's not queer, she's allosexual. That bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dylann Roof's prime target: The Nigger State Senator he killed 1st! NONE of those killed were \"innocent\" as if that had any meaning in this context. They were \"Black Lives Matter\" leaders that incited hood niggers to attack Whites. Did I mention they were NIGGERS? 1960 to 2010 niggers murdered 80,000+ Whites in U.S. http:\/\/historyreviewed.com\/?p=9340 Nigger Pets - MIR Power Hour - http:\/\/recordings.talkshoe.com\/TC-130203\/TS-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got off Facebook because it was a huge waste of money. \"After months of emailing, he finally had a scheduled appointment with a Facebook executive on October 3, He lost his limbs so faggots like you could jerk off to the Saudis and Israelis you warmongering piece of shit. Am I the only one that feels sorry for these retarded sub 90 IQ boomers? I mean look at this. It is pathetic. Am I the only one that feels sorry for a guy who CONSTANTLY wants to \"suck dick The jew cries as he strikes you! Do you have Tourette's syndrome?? You keep repeating yourself!! SAD This jew is harassing me for naming it. Sad! Name in your Tourette's?? Take your meds!! This jew messages me non stop and then accuses me of what she is doing. Alice Hendrickstein. This yid messages me for no reason and then goes on a tirade. She then accuses me of what she just did. Can't make this shit up. Your the one triggered soy boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brilliant job by @NelsonCanache to limp it back to the pits without causing a yellow. Wish he didn't need to though. #PLM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And anyone who has looked at what the Mexican ruling class looks like would know that's wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All these cunts cheated","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THE JEW KIKE IS 84YRS OLD RUNNING FOR ANOTHER 6YR TERM AS SENATOR !! WILL BE A FUCKING 90 IF THE CUNT WHORE IS RE-ELECTED !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yet they have no problem casting blacks in white roles. I dont want to see a nigger playing George Washington. Fuck the idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny how white people who preach anti-racism don't live in nigger or spic neighborhoods.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ChrisTrondsen @IM5band #askim5 would you rather drink squirrel pee or Johnny Depp's wig in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd like to take a moment to thank the following lowlife, shitposting, racists for outing themselves as such. You will all be receiving your free Mute in the mail shortly. @ S a r a _ P e r i t a s @ G r e g S i m s @ J a z u @ H a n k R e a r d e n @ _ 8 8 d o g e @ P i c k l e J a r s F o r H i l l a r y @ j e n n i n t h e w e s t @ M e m e s F o r T a y @ 3 R e d M i c e @ p a s s i n g g a s @ C h a n d r a C h r i s t i n e @ N o M o r e W a r s F o r I s r a e l","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"even folk is feeling the retarded cringe levels from you.. but he has a heart of gold.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those women were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is what JEWS do --","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Halloween special! Buy one, get one free. Real life corpse bride, and a jewlet vampire as an extra item. Contact Marcus Anderson, Soho House for details. Happy Halloween!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt let them of just like that fuck ing pedo judge in Leeds why one is on the run in Pakistan were he should be sent back here to be but in army prison s and that judge should all so all be but behind bars","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Npc's upset at boogie for being the epitome of human empathy Let's not be the people who say someone isn't empathetic just because they hold an opinion we disagree with. Boogie is obviously a really empathetic guy even if he said something you don't like I am absolutely ready to discuss things with people I disagree with. But there's just one exception: if someone's basing their argument on the premise that I owe them something 'just because', there's no discussion with those people. The only thing I'm willing to tell them is the directions to the nearest free helicopter rides facility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! \/ http:\/\/t.co\/dMXPLroaJ2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking gook","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really wish that people noticed when I'm being charitable in a discussion\/argument, but they usually just use that as an opportunity to strawman me more. Typically: \"Aha so you see that I'm not 100% wrong, therefore you are 100% wrong and I'm 100% right and your ideas are basically (insert ridiculous idea I never brought up)\" Then I just get annoyed and call them a retard. Lmao. Yfw you do this all in your head and jump straight to calling people retards Virgin Pea brain: engaging in polite, civil discussion intent on finding out truth and coming to consensus Virgin Galaxy brain: calculating your discussion to the end in your head and understanding that you will never reach consensus you call people retards so they won't waste their time on senseless arguments Chad brain: straight up calling people retards cause doesn't give fuck lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Faggot Strangle Spangle from Redneck Cuntry.. never had it, never will.. You're a dickhead lover...=lover of all HEAD AND DICKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paypal has banned Gab.com in the wake of today's shooting. Funny, the shooter also had Twitter and Facebook accounts. I don't see Paypal going after them. Disgusting! The internet needs an alt-payment gateway ASAP! I'm so sick of all this 'stop the hate-speech' screeching from the left. #GAB along with #AlexJones and others have had their PayPals banned. It's just an excuse to 'curate' acceptable speech by punishing those who question the leftist narrative, which means a leftist echo-chamber.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking useless Cunt #Tmay Theresa May and the inbred blights in Buckingham won't do shit. WATCH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or even a Tim Hortons, which has more community impact that a school board trustee.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His Name is Eldon \"Twirp\" Williams: 87-Year-Old White Man Murdered by Black Career Criminal in Alton, Illinois. From the article, \"At this point the killing appears random.\" It wasn't \"random\" it was because he's a fucking white male. https:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/his-name-is-eldon-twirp-williams- Exactly! I hope you know I was being sarcastic. That Nigger should have done the world a favor and jumped off a bridge, and the victim should be at home enjoying Sunday breakfast with his family right now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common female trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANTIFA (mostly white) fighting \"Nazis (who are white)? Not to much room for interpretation given the establishment narrative. This is true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another disease ridden Chinese slut bot......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros is a jew....his father was a Communist Jew....flooding majority white countries with non whites is something a jew would do His mother was jewish as well...holly shit I swear some of you are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saw brownies on the kitchen counter, bit into one and immediately a surge of pain and spice hit my tongue. Chili flakes. Eff you, Brian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's only natural for a coon like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So I'm allowed to say nigger on here? Wild","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prosecutor: Christine Blasey Ford Doesn't Know if Polygraph Was on Day of Grandmother's Funeral https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/01\/prosecutor-christine-blasey-ford-doesnt-know-if-polygraph-was-on-day-of-grandmothers-funeral\/ That's literally impossible. Just think about that for a second. 'Okay, gotta say goodbye one last time to Nana cuz I got this thing at a motel.' Bet she has no idea how she got there or how she left. LMFAO....gotta go Nana, sorry you passed but i gotta go prove I was raped or something, takin a test in a hotel room im not sure of where and when it is though......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whenever you are ready to make good on your threat, gab me, i'll meet with you! faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TomBradysEgo: Might have a better chance if we put some trash cans out there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DONNY - WANT TO GIVE THEM A PUNCH TO THEIR HEADS AND STOMACHS? GET OUT AND VOTE RED! Turn the entire nation and every city and state red! That will do more to make their little weenie heads explode. GET ALL your friends out and ask them to get their friends out to VOTE RED IN NOVEMBER - NOV 6 is closer than you think!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude, Asian women are the worst.especially Hong Kong women. Yeah,her mom sounds like the typical princess sickness cunt. If he does gets married to this woman he'll be in hell in no time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That lying Cunt Hillary Clinton!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guarantee you it's because Gavin Mckennis stuck a dildo up his ass on live TV and faggot tongue kissed Milo on video. ...guaranteed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They care more about what we think, than we do about them. It's just their way to feel superior by putting down a group. Shaming tactics like always.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not to me it isn't, but I'm a guy. But I have seen that word drive women absolutely bonkers a bunch of different times. Basically don't use that word if you ever want access to it. Interestingly, last night in her \"apology\" for using that word to describe Ivanka, Samantha Bee said she was trying to reclaim the word, similarly to gays reclaiming \"fag\" and blacks the n-word, but she's gotten the message that women have no interest in reclaiming the word. They just want it gone. C word? Cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You nigger whore!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pisses me off how retarded people are these days","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't complain about stuff like that, but I would start up a chainsaw at 6am tomorrow. Reminds me of Chong in \"Up In Smoke firing up his Harley and blowing the exhaust out the window onto his neighbor's flowers. Love those ideas. I don't have neighbors. Better option. I agree. My neighbors are all farmers, and I can't see any of their houses from here. My roommate \"accidentally\" discharged a firearm the night after the neighbors threw a loud party that lasted until 3am. Funny thing is the cunts moved out soon after. I SO relate - 8:30 here. Rude! I'm in AZ, My neighbors starst at 6 am... its just something you get use to, but in his defense...Working all week, the sooner you get the jobs done the sooner your day off begins...Try using something that creates white noise, like a fan, to quiet the outside noise. I found this to cover up the loud street racers some so I could sleep: http:\/\/freewhitenoise.com\/ I feel for you. But 8am is acceptable on a Saturday. Sunday though... I kill the man with a rusty spear and let him impaled for all to see... LOL. that was moderate what I do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Yaremisxo whatever Neymar trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don t bother CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"anyone who alters the poster is a fucking retard and should be gassed immediately","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" ahh, so he borrows Moochelle's strap-on in public. makes sense. Moochelle has a real Schlonger... First Black Man with Tiddies forever Tranny DemonCrap","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A 26 y\/o is retarded enough.....then its one of these....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 #iubb games when im in #bloomington #btown how good is that?! #ncaa #basketball #college #Indiana #iu #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It should be clear that women are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fat liberal retard is being blackmailed, probably for being a pedo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@A_Little_Wicked that's not ghetto. That's sweet and a movie quote. Try again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Excellent. @Alyssa_Milano exposed yet again for her allegiance with #LindaSarsour. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/N2Wm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I seriously cannot bring me to finish this article Just another one among many which tries to blame everything on games. It's nothing new and yet I cannot stop wondering how people can be this goddamned retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh hires team of 4 women as his law clerks, first Supreme Court justice to do so https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/kavanaugh-hires-team-of-4-women-as-his-law-clerks-first-supreme-court-justice-to-do-so Dumb ass! At lest 1 will accuse him of something. Hell a man could accuse him of something too....#DumbAss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You left Christianity because some christians are retarded heretics?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty sure this is an IRA joke. You may be too young to remember, but the Troubles caused way more trouble in the UK than any current half assed terrorists. The butthurt is strong in this one The IRA was an actual organized militia group containing members of the police force and military. During the Troubles, approximately 3,500 people were killed and 50,000 injured, nearly 2 percent of the population of North Ireland was killed which goes to show the intensity of the conflict.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stopped when you said man the fuck up. Man the fuck up just means accept being a beta provider for a girl who just finished her party years No, Man the fuck up means do whatever **you** want to do, not what some bitch wants you to do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAYBE Explain every sentence more clear, so the Stupids can absorb the fact that this is the greatest President EVER. \"Chain migration is bad. What I want is merit. We have great car companies entering our country again. This hasn't happened for 35 years. We have companies going to Wisconsin with a massive, massive plant. We need people coming in, but we want them to come in on a merit. We want them to come in on a merit basis.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#CuckNewsNetwork proving once again that they have the most retarded crew of \"journalists in the business.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@leamorabito?@MadJewessWoman?@wiIlluc20?@stmj1? @sine_injuria? @Elbi?@Zenfar?@son_follower1?@SynLynn?@USMOJO? @dglend?@DaleEvans Ok...who knows whether to believe this. Arrests? or remember Hillary had all the keys WORLDWIDE BLACKOUT Of INTERNET This WEEKEND ICANN https:\/\/youtu.be\/dF9oCIQjaG8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Both are for sick pedo fucks. Real men don't watch either of them. Post your faggot BS while you can. Then stay with your kind on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And if they didn't, they'd be charged w a hate crime. Parents, too. Sounds like North Fucking Korea. Down with all faggots! Even more than the niggers. My dream: a million faggots weighted down with lead and sunk in the ocean... with every faggot holding a kike under each arm...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow just wow. New low https:\/\/redd.it\/9kxbyt (((WHITE people))) (((EVERYTHING))) \"Everything\" didn't help Whoopi Goldberg get to where she is any more than actual white people. (((They))), however, played an overly represented role in that feat. Am I wrong? Have I missed out on the achievements and inventions by Black people that have changed the world?'please update me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Plot twist: He is her Boyfriend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Foul mouthed prostitute. God hates you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"t's not a religion. It's a tribalistic, supremacist race with an insular culture that relies on dividing its host on order to survive. \" What you are describing is a the filthy despicable JEW PIGS! Jews are subversive LIARS and whatever they accuse others of they are guilty! Jews are parasitical cancer and have been expelled from 1030 countries for a REASON! Do you still belive the HOLOHOAX like this RETARD JAY? Jews are SCUM and you are a brainwashed RETARD!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Superman can't be a whingeing nigger he is the greatest!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The \"\/s\" is missing Edit: I thought this group was about men being independent, not willing to settle and literally carry a shitty partner, and instead help shift the balance of power by saying enough is enough while being able to reap tangible benefits by not catering their entire lives to that. Your statement is true for some women, maybe even most women, but there are definitely some women that are amazing partners out there that carry their own and welcome independence. I guess I just didn't realize this group became a \"all women suck and we're all going to be single forever.\" AWALT Yet some but not all MGTOW. So if we can have such a variance in our behavior, why would women not be able to?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">it's all those tacky people in Arkansas trailer parks It's wonderful to see my People's glorious culture finally acknowledged by the wider world :') On a serious note, the pendulum swing can't come soon enough. I miss the days when it was religious authortarianism was what we had to worry about, not the IdPol based authortarianism espoused by the likes of Schumer, Oliver, et al [deleted] Have you ever tried arguing with a feminist about ethics? I don't see it as any less dogmatic than the Christian BS, and at least Christians are nice and welcoming. [deleted] Looks cozy. What are they celebrating? [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are a virus. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I need to pick between two wigs. The agony. ;__; My cute multi-colored bob or my red Stevie Nicks curly one?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"gay people are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are supporting the wrong side, he swung first. It's obviously been pre established that they're going to throw down, but hey, he should just give her a free swing, right? Where do you live, bro? I wanna come to your house and stand in your face with my fists squared. And if you try to swing at me first, you're a raging asshole, k? She is in a defensive position. It was not certain that she was gonna attack, she didn't even move towards him. Yes, let her swing first, then you have legal support for hitting her. you have legal support for hitting her first. its called preemptive strike laws. honestly, i mean, honestly, do people just argue out of their asses now days sans facts and logic? just intuition? You're allowed to defend yourself as soon as a credible threat of violence presents itself. Someone approaching you with their hands up in a fighting stance qualifies. First strike \"Law\" isn't a thing 99% of the time, now make it a woman who was hit, good luck. Nope, I use this thing called logic. No, you are not. If I feel threatened by someone I can leave the area or call the cops, not attack them unless it's an imminent threat. > oh the fuck it isnt. if anything, duty to retreat laws like youre talking about have been abolished and replaced with stand your ground laws. Source me on that. I want California, New Zealand, Germany and China. > good for fucking you. but the rest of society doesnt have to play pussy. we actually have the right to stand our ground. No? It's not how it works. > gtfo here, ya sexist cunt. How is saying it's harder for women to get convicted of violence sexist towards men? You are trolling, aren't you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservative Girls living in big cities : How many times has this (or variation of this) happened to you? I lived in NYC while attending university and I lost count of how often it happened. Either that or the nigger thoughtfully rubbing his package while staring at me, or the weirdo drooler who would just whip it out and start masturbating while smirking at me...I never made a big case of it - it was just par for the course of the day in Jewtropolis. I didn't connect it to men in general or think my civil rights as a woman had been violated. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/tvshowbiz\/article-6264249\/Atomic-Kittens-Natasha-Hamilton-reveals-feels-violated.htm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't find my BC powder .. I'll just chug this children's Advil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard the KKK has about 3000 members right now and im willing to bet all of them are feds muslim extremists have killed more people in a single coordinated attack on european soil than white supremacists have over the past 50 years combined, we have a right to dislike them yeah, compare something christians did hundreds of years ago to something muslims are doing today in the civilised world, with explosives, to innocents. muslim extremism will only end once the west is under sharia law, it even states in the quorn that peace can only be achieved once a population is at 100% muslim fuck off back to the middle east please","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol RT @JayFucknHarris: Youuuuu got niggas but I don't got bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Omgggggggggg Mila Kunis is so fing hot. F Sarah Marshall. She's like a bird anorexic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soy boy beta cuck, women are just people dont pretend there arent men doing this shit or that every women is the same, fuck outta here with your retarded broad generalizations, atleast write the specific way to test their standarts and some fucking proof ffs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER THINK TANK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"omg one time i was at Walgreens and this ginormous niggerpotomus with fat rolls in places where i dont even have places came waddling on up behind me so i couldn't see her right away but the STANK of gorilla shit slathered in cocoa butter hit me and i just choked hard and went \"OMFG DID A NIGGER FUCKING DIE IN HERE HOLY SHIT IM GONNA FUCKING PUKE and i spun around to cuss her out but my Dad picked me up and put me back in the stroller but ill never forget that stench ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HERE, THIS ONE'S 4 YOU GUYS TEH DEATH OF THE RETARDED 4 fun CUNTS https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UlB2cfRuTTYandfeature=youtu.be WATCH BEFORE YOUTUBE DISCOVERS THE TITLE EXISTS Before Youtube bothers to watch the video. hohoho [backing up soon, to GAB, BITCHUTE, etc]","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded do you have to be to think that Republicans losing the House would accelerate things faster than Republicans holding both chambers of Congress?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CreepyScout: Bend over.And pick up that trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol. Get a different profile pic that depicts your real age you old cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"prove to me that there IS a kike \"god\" and I'll gladly submit. until then, shut your fucking stupid ass kike-loving cocksucker! fuckhead! blah blah blah. using one kike book to defend the other kike book is fucking just making you sound so much more believable! fucking idiot! Yer a cunt hair from being muted because I just hate stupid bible thumping dumbfucks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a piece of shit. The only good thing out of reading this is that everyone around her let her know what a piece of shit she was. Meanwhile, Reddit praises her. https:\/\/i.redd.it\/muard830diu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love your race, not nigger fucking Jews like Yiannopoulos \"Oy Vey, you goyim are so dumb. Why don't you be conservative and follow a nigger fucking gay Jew like me?\" Hello JIDF. How's the weather in Tel-Aviv?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't blame her. That husband looks neckbeardy as fuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breaking....Blasey Ford up for the Anita Hill cunt of the year award.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well, people are retarded creatures of habit. Morning Randy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad people are realising immigrants are not at all ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you stupid cunt !!! didnt want to hurt him?????? More proof WOMEN LIE ALL THE TIME LOUSY STINKING WHORE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Orange cheeto man like evil moustache man confirmed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"actually autism can make you a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok, invite 14 somalians to live at ur house. after they are done raping ur lack of wife (aka u), you can come back and resume virtue signaling to us how noble africans are. faggot trust the pan q im almost 14 and I understand that very well. then again I spend most my day with these animals at school making decisions for others when ur totally insulated from the repercussions most of us have to deal with makes them deserve the rope first. I didn't ask for that shit Culture and inbreeding. They should be where they came from. Muzzies and Africans. Go to Prison, you will learn about race very quickly. Especially if you are two out with Congo Jim. @brockstrongballs America doesn't have a 'Somali' problem, per se. What America has is a jewish problem. Who do you think is importing the Somalis to America?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@el_prietito @lovexlilyy Them jigaboos aka homewreckers needs to get blocked!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey, what happened to equality? I thought all of us were for it. So if a chick kicks a guy, it's equal to a random dude kicking kicking him and if he is justified in beating his ass up, he is \"equally\" justified in beating her ass up. Besides, she started the fight, he ended it. And don't start telling \"she was doing it for fun.\" What do you think would have happened if the guy did that? The chick could have him kicked out of the bus and have him branded a molester\/sex offender and ruined his life faster than you can say 'Feminism isn't about equality.' Having a cunt doesn't magically make you a fragile creature. Girl hits you? Knock her the fuck out. #Equality. And if no one wants beatings, better keep your hands and legs to yourself. To the guy in the video: if you're reading this, you did good. But perhaps start with hitting her legs off firmly and not go straight to smack-down mode, will ya? 2 chances, if not complying, go all Fourth of July on her ass, or his ass if it's a guy. Savvy? Women deserve equal rights, *and left's.* More rights than amnesty international Equality isn't beating the fuck out of some random children just because they're acting like little shits. Perhaps if they got a bit of spanking as kids when they were being little shits, they wouldn't have faced this problem in the first place, by simply respecting the space of others. Man, if I snatched up and started wailing on every random misbehaving child I saw, I would be in prison. Be an adult. No one said discipline random peoples kids you don't know.... If this dude was that 10-12 year old girl's father then there are other problems here lmao Or they could be put in place by reasonably firm words,, not necessarily expletive-ridden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Surrender of Divinity - Conquerors of the Apocalypse: http:\/\/t.co\/9Qv5RsY1p3 via @youtube >Oriental Black Metal Hell!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The vengeance we are going to exact on these retarded apes is beyond what even the sickest minds can imagine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of fucking course he likes terrorists. and#x200B; The goddamn Babylonian Satanist anti-human shitstain of a cuntscum false!religious cult of Islam invented by Satan fuckboy globalist faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Problem glasses even back then","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only disabled people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manywetbacks in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Epic mickey time? Nahh.. Two and a half men while i shiver. Tht sounds more like it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WADL - This is trolling. You don't do this. For me a troll is really a \"fag-troll\". I don't use that term often because it's redundant. ---A faggot is what we have here. \"If somebody scares you you let me know\". @WADL - This is the deal with so-called semitic fag-trolls- they love getting people all worked up, they assume some are Real Men, then someone will mention circumcision, and they get off on it. They stop being political very quickly. Yuck. d.c. also told someone to bend over so he could show them in a reply, complete faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Broward County being retarded with the election again, finding more ballots in palm trees and shoe closets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm self emplyed and semi retired laddy. When I was recruiting for private firms I wouldn't deal with any of your lazy socialist sort. Smell 'em out a mile off lol Of course you are pussyboy. Your lies don't work with me. You said that a few months ago didn't you. Made a complete twat of yourself then as I remember ;) You have a poor memory don't you pussyboy? You're the twat with dementia fella. Is that what causes your yellow streak too? Oh the irony lol. You bottled a meet 3 times pussyboy. Why do you lie so much?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When it rains it's good \"go to the mall weather\" all the coons be at home","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because he has better things to do then play their stupid games .....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"It's true that the flag-planting isn't dramatized, but the blowhards need not worry: \"First Man is worthy of enduring as a right-wing fetish object. It is a film of deluded, cultish longing for an earlier era of American life, one defined not by conservative politics but, rather, by a narrow and regressive emotional perspective that shapes and distorts the substance of the film.\" So it's cool to use sexual connotations as an insult again? >\"Nothing in the film suggests that Neil is even aware of what's going on in the world around him. Much of the action in the movie takes place in Jim Crow states where public facilities were segregated, but there's no hint of this in the film; there's no hint of where Neil stands on the pressing questions of the time. He has no black colleagues, no female colleagues; meanwhile, a female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova, flew a space mission for the Soviet Union in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not All Straight Men - I am frustrated. Unlike on OKCupid, queer folks don t have the ability to block... http:\/\/t.co\/hBF2xZa0ke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck boi fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He looks like a certified dyke with those eyebrows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black guy in class: *attempts to throw a paper ball into the trash**misses* Mrs. Mundy: \"You're a disgrace to your race, Marcus\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the price ABC pays for firing the star of their show over a joke. Disney letting a nigger run the American Broadcasting Company is a waste of space. ABC is now the Detroit, Michigan of television. In other words, ABC is pure trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mazie is NOT an American. She's a pinko Island nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Too bad them \"feminazis\" can't take criticism.\" \"What are you going to do, cry holding your cats? Get the fuck outta here, ya pasty cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Compassionate Republicanism. We need more @martinamcbride's in the USA And that is a song by Martina McBride. God bless you too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"## Fascism vs. populism While the labels fascist and populist are sometimes used interchangeably, Finchelstein explained they have distinct meanings. > > > LOL THESE FUCKING PEOPLE ARE RETARDED. > >#DEFUND THE CBC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AmEditing: You're responsible for the story inside you. Don't let self-doubt cripple your #creativity. #AmEditing #AmWriting #WriteTip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol fuck that boy I never feel sorry for any man or boy and neither should you fuck them they are pieces of shit, it makes me feel good so many of them commit suicide this is why society feels less sympathy for men because they are cowardly pieces of shit and they enjoy being like that Happy cake day faggot. May your poor dildo \"accidentally\" puncture your obese and sad feminazi insides. Fucking fat cunt. Are you a man or a woman. Or do you just sexually identify as a dried up cunt? I am asking for science ofc. I usually wish people happy cake days but honestly, you seem like an insufferable cunt and I hope you have an awful cake day. Fuck you cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hurr durr * victim blaming * hurr durr I am a good person, everybody else is a nazi hurr durr Chances of a leftist on here still pretty small. I mostly assumed you are a retard because your Gab was retarded. But admittedly yeah, pretty much on par with the average leftist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a faggot spic and you're not welcome in America","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allah does have greater plans for you Bend over touch your toes you're gonna enjoy the big black man up your arse Twat head","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But Merkel says the African nigger becoming the German nigger is the best thing for New Africa, errrrrr I mean Germany","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The man argued very fervently in favour of speech being a crime that requires police intervention. I am horribly concerned this sort of thing is still a crime in the UK, but as far as I see it Mr. Linehan should be happy he's got what he wanted. People who believe in anti-speech laws should feel the full brunt of them. Hilarious as that is, those anti speech laws are still there after we've all had a good laugh at a moron being kicked in the arse with them. They're a tool to control discourse and ideas with the full force of the criminal justice system; it was wrong when they were used on Dankula and it's wrong now, no matter whether we hate the guy or not. Have a moment of schadefreude, sure, but remember what this represents. One of the best ways to overturn bad laws or rules is to make sure they are enforced fully against everyone at all times. We want him to be redpilled. Probably won't happen, but here's for hoping. He's obviously protected his tweets out of fear, so deep down, he probably agrees with us. Personally, I'd settle for him just simply toning it down a bit. Admitting that going full-bore \"woke\" is a terrible thing to do. That there are some fundamental issues the social justice crowd are putting their weight behind that are stupendously bad ideas. He probably won't. He's too stupid for that. He'll delete his Twitter before that happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what the left is really scared of. https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfkts Where is black Waldo?! Apparently 9hrs ago he was at NY's LaGuardia Airport. It's a big international airport, he could be anywhere in the world by now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't give a fuck about abortion, but this retard is so fucking stupid... #JordanHunt posts the video of him kicking a woman as his argument against why he is in trouble. Visit his twitter and let him know just how stupid he is. #BlackBag #MaleFeminists #CastrateStupid https:\/\/twitter.com\/jordan_hunt18 the #stupid is strong with this one... he even calls Ben Shapiro (Jewish) a #Nazi. This fag needs a new #BlackBag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CzickenShack: I'm finally ready to mass market my skidmark-resistant tighty whities, but apparently \"Uncrustables\" is already taken. Fu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's just too many funny and\/or cool ppl on Gab. Welcome to the club, you glorious cunt :P It's all fun and games here. The party never st0ps.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not sure if its indeed a bot or retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be aware of the girl in class who doesn't know how to control her emotions because she doesn t understand that it's not socially acceptable for someone her age to have an outburst.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this nigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he be nigger he be cotton pickin dumb","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm the freshest nigga in the room. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@illbreatheyouin happy birthday faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Serious question: Why is it all the loudest optics cucks never criticize Trump's foul language, womanizing, off the cuff remarks, socialist style language about defending working people, and other things they nag about? If only Trump had more optics cucks running his campaign in 2016, he could've lost and become irrelevant too. To be honest, our values are so radically different from normies that we really are worlds apart. Normies are people covered in tattoos, suck nigger dick, single mothers, listen to rap and music with degenerate lyrics. Have you went out and talked to the average Joe recently? It's changed a lot in the past 20 years.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @spannerhead29: @VertrellCarter #faggot #Respect","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see this retarded shit in public I'm going to sweep the leg. Swear to #CobraKai https:\/\/www.thedailybeast.com\/more-men-are-wearing-stilettosif-they-can-find-their-size","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this rapefugee. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sound thirsty as hell dude. She's not that attractive, and she's a feminazi cunt. Go jerk off or do something productive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nope. Still delicious. https:\/\/bbs.thegoyimknow.to\/uploads\/default\/original\/4X\/4\/9\/7\/497b4b9c7d2b8b6a5cb7e4ec3646cb2a13e23ce","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#HellYeah RT @BaconGawd #No RT @HuffingtonPost Happy Fall! Pumpkin Spice Oreos are here http:\/\/t.co\/2prvsKantE http:\/\/t.co\/hleYm0YC29","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey socialist. You aren't \"blocked\". I don't mute anyone. Capitalism isn't destroying anything. It's what built European nations. Left wing globalism pushed by your global socialist cousins is the problem. Have a word with them faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*\"That's when I knew that something underhanded was afoot, Abramovitz said.* An unconfirmed source also said rather bluntly, This twat dicked him. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More Holes Appear As Records Raise Questions About Ford's Double-Door Story https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7PTJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wearing a badge doesn't mean that assault laws magically don't apply to you. This isnt PPD If a cop decides he had probable cause to make an arrest, he can use the force required to make that arrest. They also need reasonable suspicion of a crime. There was no crime. You can't arrest someone for obstruction or resisting if there is no other reason for the arrest. Minor in possession of alcohol. and then she started resisting..... and kicking..... Do you form your opinions based on headlines or something? She was not directly in-contact with the beverages they suspected to belong to her. She twice breathalized . There is no basis for arrest, any charges resulting from the attempt at arrest are spurious. We are a nation of laws for a reason. This woman has rights, and they were clearly not taken into account during this encounter. That's all that need be said. I'm usually pro-cop, but there are no excuses for the conduct for these officers in this situation. If an officer decides he has PC to arrest. You don't get to run away or fight him because you disagree. That's called resisting arrest. We are a nation of laws after all. Hey, thin-skinned mod, I think my flair is lame and not derogatory enough. try again bitch. uhh ohh...looks like ive got a stalker.......... We belong together. She can make that argument in court. She doesn't get to try her case on the beach.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JP IS A COWARDLY CUCK FAGGOT WHO SUCKS JEW BALLS. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yqtPsEXZTec","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have never had a female president. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another in a long line of ZEROBAMA's criminal CABINET folk !! Loretta Lynch is another FUCKING RETARD !! Eric holder is a nigger piece of shit as is the lump of shit standing next to him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is it with you fucking immigrants?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#HappyColumbusDay !!!! If is wasn't for #America.................#KarlMarx would never have thought of sharing #colonialism with #injuns !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really think black people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These trans people disgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blasey Ford is a botched attempt of cloning Hillary Clinton. I seriously don't know how they could make an uglier version of Queen cunt Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"liberals always look like they are... a bunch of sick retarded faggots. smfh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being this pathetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a albino nigger piece of shit cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry, sorry! I meant to say National Socialists faggot boys; I didn't mean to offend you with the commonly accepted shorthand, you little queer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair, 2 kids and 16 years together? That's a de facto marriage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ignore that faggot already","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"idk i just can't care about eceleb drama Thanks for sharing. Make a list of things you don't care about so I can save it and use it later.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Author Stephen King Attacks Trump Over Illegal Immigrants: Just a Bunch of Scared and Hungry People'. For a bunch of scared hungry people they sure seem angry and well fed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump strikes again! He can do this any time he wants. \"Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is pushing back on President Trump's claim that Democrats are responsible for thousands of migrants headed toward the United States's southern border, calling it 'preposterous.' \"Wallace appeared on Fox News's 'America's Newsroom' on Friday to fact-check the claim, which the president made during a campaign-style rally in Montana the previous night. \"'The idea that the Democrats were somehow behind this caravan coming from Honduras of these women and children is preposterous,' Wallace said on the program.\" https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/media\/412296-fox-newss-chris-wallace-it-is-preposterous-for-trump-to-say-dems-are-behind So Trump gets the NATIONAL MEDIA to alert the public that another caravan is on the way, and Trump gets the national media to talk about the notion that the Democrats are behind it. Perfect. Another tiger pit dug, and the Democrats fall right into it. The voters are thinking, \"Why is the caravan coming NOW, and why is everyone telling us that we have to accept this invasion?\" It pisses off the voters. As always, the press is Trump's most effective ally. Who care's what pussy boy faggot antifa bed wetter wallace says.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I sincerely doubt that this liberal cunt paid attention in history class.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have throughly documented Twitter's inaction regarding violent far-left extremist groups here: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/D4tL https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/358LM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The genetic difference between races is like .03%. Skull shape has nothing to do with jack shit. Go measure skulls in Auschwitz, Nazi! No, it literally wasn't, as they have the same skull size and shape. As there is no difference between the two it cannot be used to suggest the superiority or inferiority of either. Similar arguments have been made to suggest that blacks are inferior but I'm not making those arguments and the fact that shitty arguments have been made using good data doesn't taint the data, only the shitty argument. The Attorney General from the previous administration once said that we are a nation of cowards in part because \"we, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about things racial. Fuckers like you are why. You don't actually read what people write, you don't check the sources provided, and you don't do any research or thinking on your own. You just take something you vaguely remember some other cunt saying and paraphrase it for the sake of pointing a finger at somebody who is having an honest conversation. You add nothing and everyone who interacts with you comes away with less.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"smokiestloud14\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there demon6soul! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there demon6soul! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Shekel American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just sitting here waiting for twitter to explode once this Yankees game ends","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some faggot downvoted this. Unreal...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Zodiac Killer don't give a fuck about your stupid sign. I do feel bad that your kids are being raised by a retard though:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love and support your race, my white brothers and sisters. Whites (European-descended peoples) are only 7% of the world's population. We have the right to exist and the right to our own ethno-states. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol And you are a Moron!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or she just cant afford winter clothes RT @da_1eye_creep Summer hoe = winter Muslimah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Majority of the time, a woman's story is trash anyway...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny how black people are 12% of the population and 80% of the topic on this sub. Almost as if there is some sort of obsession. \"Hurr durr but they kill eachother alot hurr durr\" as if that justifies your obsession. Funny how theyre responcible for 50% of the homicide I expected this dumb ass reply as if it makes any sense in regards to my point. You people really are simple. And clearly obsessed. What do you mean \"you people !!?? What do YOU mean \"you people?\" I didn't say you people, i was quoting you. I have no idea who you're quoting... It's a joke you idiot. How the fuck have you never seen Tropic Thunder. Haha I have. But i was going off the tone of your previous comments so you'll forgive me for being surprised that you are capable of having a joke. Shitty save. Projection.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wouldn't know since I'm white, just like you wouldn't know about that, since you're a faggot Muzzie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't understand her logic (of course, she's a retard). She doesn't think Kavanaugh deserves the presumption of innocence, then she must also think that black men don't deserve it, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kevineffinskaff: My idea of a diet is eating regular Oreos instead of double stuft and takin off half the cookie (still dip it in 2% ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She meant to say jews but the dumb nigger got confused.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It' a reddit poster. I simply shared it. Look at you, muted now for annoying me..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BuzzFeed: A photographer hid in a trash can to get these adorable engagement photoshttp:\/\/t.co\/75ZOvJEwYh http:\/\/t.co\/F3VAUX9STw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: You may cry after watching the Derek Jeter @Gatorade ad: http:\/\/t.co\/hMO9Bxol0x http:\/\/t.co\/0xdlxToci8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate women?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SVL305 but @leemcastro is not even a blogger. He doesn't have the moxy or credentials to do anything by himself and create a brand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and not one of them WHITE.. %100 retarded useless shitholers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't imagine a leftist nigger being elected in Florida. With all the commie Cubans and Mexicans there, it's definitely possible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KEEP NIGGER ABORTIONS FREE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's actually incredible to watch these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Gutta_DaDon I never really rocked with the white sole. I feel ya bro. But these!!? My favorite Foam of all time. http:\/\/t.co\/lTSsn34IFJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only retards retweet fuckry","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANGRY DEMOCRAT MOB Assaults Journalist at Andrew Gillum Rally #JobsNotMobs (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/angry-democrat-mob-assaults-gay-journalist-at-andrew-gillum-rally-jobsnotmobs-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She said is christian. Well I now I want to bury her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kristin12909 better nig. Lol but if anything ill flip u the 10 or something. Im tryna get some more cash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MaryWCVB: Charlie Baker about to make his final election eve campaign stop- here at Swampscott High School. #wcvb #wcvbpoli http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe. Answer my question and help me out?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that how you feel aside from factual evidence? Just a few feelings and you know death you fucking cunt Yeah I know death, you god-damned retard, and I will show you how it FEELS. See the thing about me is I like to work with my hands. I don't take no shit from nobody and I work with my hands. then this one day I was on this there internet thing watching bitches get smashed like they deserve to. and wouldnt you you know. they said something WRONG. so as I told them what for i did. and i done and called them a bad name. and that will teach them to be wrong. and act like they know stuff more than me. and#x200B; I like to work with my hands. Irse a la porra, guey you got me all fucked up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Queen Cunt is only EMBARRASSING Herself........The ENTIRE WORLD Knows how Great America is doing and HOW MUCH GREATER IT'S GOING TO BECOME.........Hillary, Obama and the likes HAVE TO Go OVERSEAS in order to get a CROWD Gathered BIG Enough to make it worth their while.........Or perhaps it's just a SIMPLE PLOY to sell her asinine BOOK......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheLandof420 hey jew, what are you doing to the asshole of that rabbi? Jesus Christ jew, take it easy, rubber is not a f'n tepid liter of enema water. Why don't you go piss in a water pistol 'n practice being a squirter with your antifa panties all in a wad all stuck up your asshole? Remember jew, only jews interact with Allbutt Hindstain. This is the Gab.ai design Hey jew@jew @THELANDOF420 , it's no mystery what goes on here on Gab.ai. Jew, it was suspect from day one and on day 21 there were jew jokers'n ass clowns raging hebrew boners and MGM rabbi dick. When you get a clue it's from your asshole and you can suck that shit off your fist guy. Judaism is terrorism and you are a f'n criminal. Now blow faggot smoke up some more ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Instead she should thank those white men who have created the country that allows her to be the selfish self serving cunt she is today. Fuck that stupid left wing cunt. I'd pull the trigger myself. Wipe the planet of this ideology for fucking good. Dumb cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just do it to blacks so Shaun and his two inch faggot winnie can bitch more... Do the crime do the time, Criminal Culture...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Putting a trans person in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@StanleyStinks Shame of you! Self-hating kike. We Jews are G-d's chosen people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"California is home to skater trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt many people asked for this, feels like a really retarded attempt to catch the interest of people that liked Pokemon Go. Little do they understand that such people aint that interested in both buying a full-price release of the same game, as well as a console to play it on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BETO drew \"big crowds\" in AUSTIN, not Texas. Austin is the faggot blue center of a very red state Always has been. They once called themselves, \"The Lesbian Capital of the Country\" and pride themselves on being \"weird\" which, now, just means hypocriticaly arrogant and smug with high taxes. O'Rourke doesn't have a prayer to beat the Zodiac Killer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@StunningStina their tortillas are trash though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical rapefugeebehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"half wit half nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get that faggot off muh Swastika!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@37738921 reminds me of Oreos lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yost on Portsmouth \"this is the biggest white trash county in the nation\" #YostKnowsMost @iDOWNTOWN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sound like the kind of faggot who calls the blue half of the Zog regime \"DUMBOCRATS\" and masturbates to the thought of R. Lee Ermey's character from Full Metal Jacket fucking your filipino wife.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Forgive my language, but fuck that faggot and his butthurt feelings...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mother**cker is just part of the nigger vocabulary ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mexico is letting them pass right through, live at this point. It's like a Circus. Time to close the US border, including all trade; NOW! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=pLk4gvDDdUs where's stephen paddock when you need him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You should know women's sports are a joke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't tell if this is a man or a woman speaking https:\/\/youtu.be\/B3MxFubVXG8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunning unnerving neurotic trash. Oh, Hell, I'll just call her a cunt for short.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jeter almost broke Yankee stadium","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who said anything about full time child care? Even when in school most kids need before and after school care if their parents work. Still not less than $100 a month. I'm not going to return your personal attacks because I'm not a cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4000 years of medicine.. #medicine #antibiotic .Best thing to do is not break #Yahweh's laws in Leviticus 11 and Leviticus Fuck that sand nigger Dijin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They're triggered by summer too since bring fat makes them uncomfortably warm as opposed to thin people apparently never suffer from heat, or cold... I think \"spring\" might be the only non-triggering season so far. They could lose weight and then it wouldn't be an issue. You bigot! If they tried to move from their \"set point of 450 lbs they would go into \"starvation mode and gain more weight! But what is that in stone bot? 1 boulder. Better call Matt. The bot only converts from inferior systems of measurement to superior systems of measurement. It does not do inferior to inferior. Base 10 isn't superior for weights and measures that involve 3rds, 4ths, 6ths or 12ths. Which are pretty useful in actual physical trade between humans and why imperial measures exist in the first place and why they still persist into the 21st century despite the superior' (lazy) metric system. Oh great. Now I feel bad for making a stupid joke. You are rationalizing something the whole world knows it is wrong. TIL things that are different, but useful and practical to those accustomed to them, are automatically wrong I'm sure your homogenous world of conformity vill be perfect mein f hrer. >i'd have to stave myself to gain weight There's nothing wrong with starting a safe fasting regimen to cut weight. these people act like feeling hungry at all is the worst thing that could happen to them. I'm pretty sure they'd still find something to be upset over. Why do they hate the season they hibernate through?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Am I the only one getting REALLY sick of foreigners lecturing Americans about how OUR government should run? He lives under an archaic monarchy and tells us the nominee of the President we elected should step down? Tell that old fart queen of yours to step down! I think that faggot Trudeau should step down. \"less divisive\"? There is no such thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Michael Eric Dyson goes into full racist race-baiting mode in attacking #KanyeWest. The message to black Americans is clear: You will toe the #Democrat line or the Democrats will destroy you. Why are these terrorists tolerated in America? http:\/\/ow.ly\/XlyM30me3n9 \"The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted? Louis Farrakhan Except, propaganda is older than history and used in every culture around the world. At all points in history. For ever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sorry but I feel like those cops were just antagonizing her for no reason. Don't get me wrong, you cooperate with the cops no matter what but they were also being dicks to her for no reason. She blew a She would've got a ticket and some dumped out booze at worst if she hadn't been a total entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mother is a fat ugly used up trash cunt and the daughter will take after her. The daughter already has the entitled attitude and is a disgusting person. They didn't learn anything, and the next dude who has to deal with these two cunts will probably have the same ordeal. +1 for dashcam Of course, if a man refuses to be a White Knight then he is of no use to a modern trash female. He is worse than shit in their eyes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Motherfucker, how is that even possible?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Warren Family Tree https:\/\/redd.it\/9oeq1v","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This should be tagged sanity Sunday Right??? I thought this was completely reasonable. Plastic is a massive issue, more so than meat or leather. Actually not at all You sound easily convinced so I trust you'll take my word for it I'm pretty reasonable if you tell me why I'm ok with admitting I was wrong. 1kg of plastic : 180L of water 1kg of meat (very, _very_ generous average as it doesn't take the relative consumption of each type of meat) : 15,500L (Beef) + 10,412L (Sheep) + 5,988L (Pork) + 4,325L (Chiken) \/ 4 = 9 056,25L per kilogram of meat ([Source for plastic] (http:\/\/waterfootprint.org\/media\/downloads\/Zygmunt_ >(Also, consider that meat absolutely always has to be packaged in individual, single use plastic as opposed to other foods that can be cleaned like vegetables, mushrooms etc) Do you even know what a butcher shop is? Does the butcher feed you his fucking meat directly you fucking moron? Or does he wrap it in gold leaves? Every single piece of meat you buy comes prepackaged? Also: and people say meat eaters are the angry ones.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The moment I saw the title, I knew that retard would be involved. > They also keyed into his interest in history, especially military history, and in Nordic mythology. Awfully convenient that the kid already had interests in areas quite expected for the stereotypical Nazi. If there is any truth at all to the story, how do we know the kid didn't just scapegoat random online people when he realized his Nazi fascination makes daddy angry? Why am I to believe the word of a Nazi? Does NPR think so highly of them as to suggest that their word alone is proof? Yah, I just don't buy nazis trying to redpill people over the headset while playing an FPS... Dumbass kids shouting 'nigger', sure - but that's not the same thing. If you want to find nazis on the internet, they're not exactly hiding. This seems really far-fetched. Edit: Anyway - if someone is trying this, then parents really need to be watching what their kids get up to on the internet. Can't expect companies to do that for you. Yeah that's some really specific stereotypical Nazi interests. Almost perfectly. Next he will come out as an Incel because a girl named Veronica refused to leave Chad for him because she is a whore who doesn't appreciate nice guys. Another reason why these narratives are so dangerous. They are self sustaining once they reach cultural levels. Its why so many women claim to have been slipped a \"date rape drug\" when all evidence says they barely exist (and generally its because they just blacked out drinking). But its such an easy fall back excuse that everyone will claim it, because everyone believes it, because everyone claims it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And here it is folks what studies find...... sigh Keep lots of mud huts handy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welcome to our land of dispossession! http:\/\/t.co\/v14jkTLZ Check out the evil, racist whitey sitting on steps etc. \"Reconquista, Woo Hoo!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We certainly have our fair share...would they be called \"CORNFLAKES\"? I would call them cornholers! Wow...that got dark fast.... The Truth is not for the fainthearted is it? ...ok.... Banned Contest Challenge on Normies. New Viral Meme. Funny. Relevant. Here is one I made on Will Smith Pre-Kanye West Trump in Men In Black (MIB). Here are some videos, pictures, links. NPC. Bots. Robots. Win money here. https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/don-t-move-tables The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Free ebook download: https:\/\/zionistreport.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/02\/The-Dumbing-Down-of-America.pdf AMEN!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are some people such faggots? Like were you born that way or are you just that big of a douche bag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @neiltyson: Just to settle it once and for all: Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? The Egg -- laid by a bird that was not a Chicken","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So i bought condoms for my party at rite aid and the lady gave me a dirty look, just now i came back and bought trash bags #imagineherface","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"but florida where this story hails is from america and in america in florida you must be 21 to drink therefore your comment is 10 days late and retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i am last millennium as well i expect people to be consistent and to think instead of screech and throw shit like retarded monkeys on crack","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Illegal third world migrants in Italy threaten Italian govt with an all-out bloody war [chaos] if they are not allowed to stay and enjoy the welfare. http:\/\/grainoftruth.ca\/2018\/10\/03\/illegal-migrants-in-italy-threaten-italian-govt-with-bloody-war-if-they-are-not-allowed-to-stay\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How the hell was David Murphy's hit not a home run?! Clearly over the yellow line. @MLB another umpire mess up.... Smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sisson11Noah there is a bird here on the ground and it's still alive I can't believe it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big night of #hoosiers #iubb #big10 and #pacers #nba #indiana #hoosierstate #paulgeorge #codyzeller http:\/\/t.co\/UFmje1gk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think I'm going to beat this cunt down just for fun, and film it and youtube it and monetize it. And live off the proceeds. Nothing more humiliating for a man than to be beat down by a tranny @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These fuckers are retarded lul. They'll pull anything out of the air to try n trigger lul. Next Hitler will b rastafarian lul","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. I keep waiting for some kike faggot to get prostate cancer so we can get a great big nation-wide org formed so another kike can be in charge of it and all the donation given can be stolen for their own personal gain. Just like Susan B Komens org! Yeah! that's the ticket!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what reset?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@MarkRoundtreeJr: LMFAOOOO I HATE BLACK PEOPLE https:\/\/t.co\/RNvD2nLCDR\" This is why there's black people and niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So they start w a big bank, then all of a sudden shitty nigger banks pop back up like Washington mutual, then they sell Detroit back to niggers w tax payer subsidies, run it into the ground, and it starts all over. Ever weakening the dollar. This is so maddening.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AT LEAST HER RING FINGER IS SHORTER THAN HER INDEX FINGER ..... UNLIKE THE LAST TRANNY FREAK WE HAD a fucking nigger in the white house, that was disgusting lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eh... they're basically saying that their motives were political rather than genuine dislike for the movie. Were that the case, I would understand them claiming that the bad reviews are illegitimate. But I don't believe that to be the case. I believe it was a really bad movie that lots of people hated, lots of people loved (probably because they are political activists ironically) and a few people were luke warm on. They literally went out of their way to shit all over the OT characters who so many Star Wars fans loved and grew up with. I'm not a big SW fan, but if they did this shit to LOTR I'd be just as fucking disgusted as they are. The fact that they didn't even dedicate a moment of the movie to Luke finding out Han was dead and his reaction to that is a fucking disgrace. But it would have made Luke a somewhat sympathetic character and they were all in on making Luke a fucking retard loser so that Rey can look good by comparison, just as they did with all the others OT characters for the same purpose. For that reason alone, I have no idea how they didn't expect a large portion of the fanbase to absolutely hate this movie. It blows my mind how ungrateful they are towards the fanbase that turned SW into a cashcow. They honestly believe that people OWE them their money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This one is Niggaz on Maury; Dat baby ain't mines know she a ho Maury Unless it's tax times The nigger sows never know who the father is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This bitch cunt is dumb'er than a box of rocks ' !!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey world im not joking, embiitch be sucking some major dick to have the refs sucking him off like this, embiitch we dont play that faggot shit here in the D bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No great loss...fucking nigger lover. It would be good if they would all just drop dead and stop the half breed factories. Im so sick of this crap. I'm sick of those race traitor whores.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So treat all liberal Democrats as they treat you......badly. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How did the cunt get a Brit passport???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Zuckerworm backs down again. This is the jew who keeps reporting me like a snubbed little girl: https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/scott.willens.3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's like a nigger saying \"race is a social construct. We're all humans.. Affirmative Action for poor black minorities! Communism is always AntiWhite.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is it with #feminazis who go out of their way to get butch dyke haircuts just prove how \"strong\" they are? Why try to LOOK AND ACT like the men they despise but then screech about not getting \"respect as a woman\"? Is there something I'm missing here? #IDontGetIt #FeminismIsCancer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh the fuck it isnt. if anything, duty to retreat laws like youre talking about have been abolished and replaced with stand your ground laws. >If I feel threatened by someone I can leave the area or call the cops, not attack them unless it's an imminent threat. good for fucking you. but the rest of society doesnt have to play pussy. we actually have the right to stand our ground. > now make it a woman who was hit, good luck. gtfo here, ya sexist cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Q_minus_W @ImAbhishek_ @PaulABonacci @tommy61157 @America01st@k00nix @ed67866 @Skunkslayer @wocassity @Luke_Luck @Aeschylus @snoalexandra3@OneOfTheGoodGuys @a0dexx @a180969 @sanadk2003 @T11_Run@p09025 @Zubix @anass98 @FloridaBoi @Nyaima @k0epke @k13r4n @n0riav@ivan255 @real5collumna @Skunkslayer @wocassity @Luke_Luck @Aeschylus @snoalexandra3@OneOfTheGoodGuys @a0dexx @a180969 @sanadk2003 @T11_Run@p09025 @Zubix @anass98 @FloridaBoi @Nyaima @k0epke @k13r4n @n0riav@ivan255 @real5collumna @SomeGuy @DesertElephant @aWizard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to klil all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In campus speech, David Hogg says U.S. is stolen land, justifies illegal immigration https:\/\/www.thecollegefix.com\/in-campus-speech-david-hogg-says-u-s-is-stolen-land-justifies-illegal-immigration\/ GLOBALIST NWOG GENERATION NOW 42 YRS OLD ! NWOG AGE TODAY : 42=s 5 yrs old begin school + 37 yrs NWO educationpropaganda --30 yrs is a new generation EVIL UN MIND CONTROL EDUCATION https:\/\/youtu.be\/1d4QDGL4gsI 1981 GLOBE EVIL NWOG LAUNCH TEAM - 37 yrs ago ! https:\/\/youtu.be\/QBSJvtkPICM https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/George_H._W._Bush","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Johnny Manziel just flipped somebody the bird...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Always remember though that women saying men are all rapists and white men are \"the problem\" They are the fringe. The absolute dumbest of the dumb. They exist as a result of modern society making up for the fact that survival of the fittest has been co-opted. Never, ever let anyone tell you that this is normal person thinking because it is not. The media and academia have been infested with unbelievable non-thinkers that at the most generous are mentally deficient. We must call then out each and every time for the absolute nuts they are. We've let it be normalized where media and others think it's just fine to say this type of thing and we'll roll over. How do you call out people always saying \"toxic whiteness and \"toxic white masculinity and all that other bullshit? I can always use new sound bites on my crusade of truth and redpilling I thought the idea of toxic masculinity was that there are aspects of masculinity that are toxic to men (I.e. \"just rip out the asbestos tiles, an N95 dust mask is plenty of PPE). Whereas toxic whiteness is the idea that whites are toxic in general. Correct me if I'm wrong? Because I do think that men screw themselves over sometimes by trying to be masculine, so I agree with the notion of toxic masculinity, but I don't agree that all whites are toxic because obviously that ideology is fucking toxic There absolutely is toxic masculinity and it harms average men just as much as women. Being told to man up and not feel feelings, need to provide for your family, even stuff as simple as \"real men don't need the instruction manual\" A lot of the complaints about the patriarchy are very much founded, but often people are only aware of the issues that it causes towards them personally (or they just assume that because it's the patriarchy causing the problem, that it must be only women suffering)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, \"to some extent.\" You're retarded to the full extent. :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.journalistenwatch.com\/2018\/10\/26\/italien-schock-jaehrige\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love when tryhard faggot liberals run to churches and religion three days out of the year, and then protest against Christmas and Easter displays every other day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol I thought this was a parody. To all you Trump supporters they actually think you'll believe this, that is incredible. This faggot NEVER voted for Trump. Go watch the punk CNN did this with where they definitely proved he was anti Trump prior to the election. Desperate pathetic fools. #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other Muslims in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Motherfucking false advertising. There's not a bit of deluded witch cunt finger at all. It's just flour and shit. I'm so disappointed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Google Walkout is yet another example of how no one is safe from bullying and intimidation by social justice advocates, not even companies that fell over backwards to try and cater to their wishes, wants and needs. Well, Google, while you're getting your education on these twats, you could always say hi to Wil Wheaton or the other social justice wannabe leaders that saw the worm turn on them. I'm sure they'll have lots to say about how to handle the capricious mood of the mob.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you post a video give some indication of what it is. I don't have the interest to sample it simply because it's there. Give it a title or something. Don't be a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fake retarded conservative pundits don't dictate party ideology, no one is becoming less conservative because tv pundits are shills... .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AP_Noticias: # LTIMAHORA El republicano Charlie Baker elegido gobernador de Massachusetts. #Election2014 #APracecall http:\/\/t.co\/qkbWQ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"careey what the fuck are you still doing in our country don t you want to live with your faggot leader in canada stop talking through your ass ,and what the fuck are you saying WE your not American go fucking home","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redneck old guy with Sharia ideals. That's new. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/video-leftist-threatens-to-rape-conservative-woman-feminists-defend-him\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cantwell You made it on CNN. https:\/\/youtu.be\/My4VshOrBCU Lemon seemed distracted during this. Lemon is doing way too many drugs these days. I'm personally turned off and offended by his inability to even read off this story with a modicum of credibility. He gets paid to do it. They're not even really trying anymore. Lemonjuice has an anal fissure and can't concentrate on anything or even read a script written by #Jews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can bet Soros had something to do with it, someone needs to put that old interfering cunt out of his misery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can I please have a large slice of fat cunt going REEEEEEE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well let that cunt tuck her penis in some more so it doesnt buldge on camera.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are and ALWAYS Have been the REAL racists. I lived in Chicago as a child and learned the HARD WAY !!! Met Some GREAT People. But the AVG Black is obsessed with Race. White boy this, Cracker that. Nigger please.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@allsportsbruh you say waste a draft pick on Manziel when we have Mallet. that's why I'm telling you to delete your account. You're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man, this gets me in the gut. My ex wife disappeared with my son. I found her and got custody modified to joint. That was 12 years ago. Since then she has poisoned my son against me. (I live in NY she and him in GA) she bought him a car at 15 and told him he doesn't need to talk to me any more. I believe the car was part of that. I have not spoken to him in two years. My lawyer suggested that I not fight this until he is 18 because there is no way I can win in the court. The judge will ask my son his opinion as to what he wants. She will come after me for more money and I still won't see him. It sucks. Only a few more months until he graduates high school and I don't have to pay her. If he needs money though or anything he can always come to me. I'll be there for him. Him and him alone. Sorry for the emotional all over the place ramble this really touched me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @eph4_15: Allen West and The Slippery slope of Obama's constitutional contempt http:\/\/t.co\/ropPmOtnbD #PJNET #CCOT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ah a liberal has slipped in. you can tell because the first question asked was loaded and retarded. > What does \"working hard\" mean? Your political views get more validated by how much manual labour you put in? where did I say that? and yes, of course you have no clue what \"working hard\" means. Few soyboys do. > Based on your comment regarding the EC I guess you don't really think that 2 mil majority of people who voted for Hillary don't really matter. I shouldn't have to explain to you the point of the EC. If you want to talk to someone who is more patient with you than I am, you can check out AskThe_Donald.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"......tbh being an uncaring, uninterested heartless twat sounds kinda fun. if somebody is trapped in a burning building i'll only give a shit about it by laughing my ass off at them. otherwise ain't worth my precious wasted time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello Emily ,where is your pretty face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Oh yeah? Our Pakistani hackers are twice as good as your Pakistani hackers! So? He's a Multi Trillionaire with businesses around the globe, no ones business who he banks with or how. Lmao, not like he sold them our Uranium for Bomb making and delivered by the F.B.I. Mueller in exchange for speaking fee's or anything. I blocked the Bitch on Twatter The same computer scientists who helped her set up her bathroom server? To many Adrenochrome filled nights have put Hillary in an un-mental state of mind The only prez candidate we know got money from Russia was hilderbeast LOL I have a private server. Its sort of secret so don't tell anybody. I also have a Russian email debunked in 2016 https:\/\/theintercept.com\/2016\/11\/01\/heres-the-problem-with-the-story-connecting-russia-to-donald-trumps-email-server\/ How did Hillary get this to leak??? NSA spying? Opinion, your posts would carry more value and weight without the profanity. We are on the same side but... Yes your opinion. Seems over 85,000 think my options carry value and weight. By all means mute me or scroll on through if you do not like my posts. I'm not being ugly to you just trying to make you see if you are 1 and there 85,000+ on the other side maybe you should rethink your opinion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled lives are worth so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @WillyC14_: @urbie_6: #SingleBecause ill find a cute hoosier to date next year @Tgold32 @connorbradley","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course she did with help from the Bolshevik Christ murdering Jews in congress and senate, also with help from the nigger , spics and Mooslims, all Jew tools","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're going to make the school look so redneck tomorrow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ssbeirne: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a boat! No...It's, it's... a flying human? #lakeerie #cle http:\/\/t.co\/TTL10nqBzJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We'll torture these trans people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go for it nigger lover.. Hell, I would let you borrow my gun if I could watch..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bam! Oh yes there are subversives among us. \"Soros (Jew), through his many funding ventures, has been busily infiltrating the Christian base in America to divide, and ultimately conquer, the religious minded within the Republican Party\" https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/22\/george-soros-and-his-rented-evangelicals-outed-chr\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Top kek, too bad I'm not a delusional verbose faggot like Elliot boi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never thought I would choose to vote for a faggot but this one is worth keeping in DC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @GabrielaAngela4: @JacklynAnnn I'm not even ghetto!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HeatherEliseP and plus, it's trash talk. You should know that especially with ole miss.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This 'Caravan' is a UN-funded invasion of the United States. There are hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants who live in temporary camps that are preparing to follow this route to America. They are planning on flooding millions of more illegal migrants into America. This is an invasion of the United States.\" ~ Alex Jones Yeah, ol fat fucking shill Jones is merely stating the fucking obvious. Geee, he must watch FOX news too!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dad called me a border hopper","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now the MORON pundits on Fox Business are saying that Nikki Haley would be a good running mate for Trump in STUPID! Mike Pence is a great VP and women don't need visuals to make them change from not voting to voting. Stop treating us like we are STUPID! DAMN ASSHOLES USED FEMINISM TO GET VOTES NOW THIS BULLSHIT! Trump won plenty of women and will do so again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't have anything against vegan dishes but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"48 Harvard Law students filed Title IX complaints against Kavanaugh claiming his presence was sexual harassment. https:\/\/www.thecrimson.com\/article\/2018\/10\/2\/students-file-title-ix-against-kavanaugh\/ Not often we get to watch the value of a Harvard Law degree collapse in real time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are a canc3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is what JEWS do -- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol coincidence that none of these bombs worked? lol, the dirty tricks of the globalist cunt hillary and the dimocraps","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MenachemDreyfus @NatlFascist88 @waspnse Shit your ass and shabbat your moms pussy u Jew bastard. Ur times coming. Heil Hitler!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FunnyPicsDepot: White trash warfare pt 3 https:\/\/t.co\/zboIyjnfl9 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Dalilaaaaaa__: Flappy birds cheat codes http:\/\/t.co\/nu6GjYQDJJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"gay people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It gets better, got a storage unit and when I went to get some things I noticed that my window was popped open and my tablet and PS4 was stolen from my living room. Luckly, they didn't take my stereo system, pc or TV. I took those to storage so now there is nothing in there a nigger will take. That's 2\/2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did someone actually pay that stupid cunt to write this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Meanwhile Sessions, the NG, and the Q team are addressing \" The \"Q team\"? You're fuckin loony. \"Sessions is making sure things are sealed tight when literally thousands of arrests are made\" Sessions has straight out said he won't prosecute anyone close to Hillary, you brainwashed retard here's reality, you brainwashed mongoloid https:\/\/conservativeus.com\/jason-reveals-sessions-prosecute-hillary-obama\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who cares.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eric Holder rejects civility in call for violence: \"When they go low, we kick 'em... That's what this new Democratic Party is about.\" https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/eric-holder-rejects-michelle-obamas-call-for-civility","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"should we be using gab.com or gab.ai? which site is going to become the main one? @a i can report you for threatening me with physical harm pls shut up you violent person. pls relax urself buddy-boyo and stop being triggered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" \"Must\". Nope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] I imagined it. The Asain male in my imaginary scenario had the exact same thing happen to him. I want to know what you imagined though. Edit: Previous comment said something along the lines of \"Imagine this wasn't a white woman. How would the cops act\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA I'll say it: lying cunt ! It was all an act and multiple people just proved it. I feel we can talk about this all day, but it's like 04:14 over here :')","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always the disabled person that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another Faggot from Toronto","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"can this lyin cunt be brought back to stand trial for lying under oath?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Smug_Lemur: He loves me *eats a brownie* He loves me not *eats a brownie*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">hated women. I hate everything Without looking at the hashtags I knew I'd find #radical feminist What an absolutely miserable bunch of twats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded do you have to be to propose an idea like this...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will pray for God to cure your mental illness of homosexuality. I suggest you change your profile from \"Vegetarian faggot for Jesus\". I hope you can resist the temptation to do the vile fudge pack act.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"maybe the ones in the 'green' vests can go clean up the shit and needles on the sidewalks of Democrat-run cities. Notice that fat cunt in the front row wrapping the fucken Honduren flag around her waist, but this is not an invasion. Fuck them. Destroy them like rodents.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just tell em you're a little faggot and you like dicks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are scum to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> The entire concept of naming every combination of male clothes, female clothes, male hair, female hair, male hobbies, female hobbies is a fucking stupid waste of time. This guy fucks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your broken records are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two states are whiter today than in Oh yeah, the two states that haven't succumbed to White genocide are the two most redneck states in the nation but ya know, let's not listen to them or anything cuz they're a bunch of retarded hicks with terrible optics","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i was so mad when serena lost, when my mom came to give me fresh tendies i smashed the plate out of her hands and it fell in to my piss and shit jugs which were strewn on the floor leaking out!, but its okay 5 minute rule right cause when my mom left my room crying about how im a terrible son after i called her a cunty bitch! i just picked them up and started going to town on them! (cant let good tendies go to waste lol), who needs parents anyways! i made it through 38 years in this shit hole!,baisically alone!, i mean my mom fed and clothed me but, mom doesn't care about me, her chad boyfriends keep telling her I need to get my own place!, like who do they think they are? besides if i leave now i forfeit my good boy points and im 50 away from a trip to Disney land! even got my mickey mouse ears already for the trip!. anyways toodles i gotta go take my bi monthly shower! its worth 15gpbs! so excited!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trudeau is a retard so he doesn't recognize the difference; come on Canada; what the fuck; get rid of this piece of globalist crap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ArcticFox2016 everybody mocks Obama .Hes an embarrassment to the USA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dyke initiation--congrats perverts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A rarity. A Nigger with a brain. This is what we like to call an 'anomaly'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QW6mtukSe-0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hear there's big riots in France tonight but I can't find any news!? Anyone know a source?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AprilStearns: RT @GN192 Far right hero and all-around RWNJ D'Souza took to twitter on Thanksgiving to mock Trayvon Martin, a murdered k ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His wife annoyed me to no end.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh my God I swear no wonder all the retarded feminists think most of us are autistic idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Full on retard alert!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It does.. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From my experiences, this is how a lot of sjw type lgbt people are, and it's bloody annoying. All they seem to talk about is how they're soooooo gay and how they have soooooo many mental health issues and so on. They can do what they want, of course, but it's just irritating when it's the tenth time they've discussed how gay they are that day. The lgbt people I know who are less involved with extreme social justice are fine, though. They bring it up sometimes, sure, but not every single conversation. Like, I mention it a lot because I tend to lurk quite a bit and my replies tend to be when the subject come up. But it's annoying for me and almost everyone else to have who the hell you're attracted to be the cornerstone of your personality. It's basically the exact reason you probably wouldn't find me at pride events.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Diane . . message is not directed at you . . you are exposing \"scam men\" accounts - - - notice . . if I follow you . . and you post this garbage - - - - - - we will no longer be followers - - - the rest of the world can do as they please post filth . . I will block your account . . plain and simple porn or faggot shit . . ONLY topic I block or ban I always check before return-follow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CNNMoney: Breathe easy: Twinkies due back on shelves by summer http:\/\/t.co\/pFLaTel2Sx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After witnessing the dangerous anti-Western antics of left wing liberal progressives over the last few years i now understand why Fredo had to die in the Godfather...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Hes going to send you to retarded school for lobotomy first and then re-education camp","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now I've just heard that she's cancelled the rest of her tour after blaming everyone but herself for this shitty cuntish display.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Correction. He is in lust for one. Agreed!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So much more going on but hypocrisy doesn't sit well with me. My redneck family from central Illinois more black then Bieber!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're a twat, enjoy all your downvotes, i count 100 at this point. fuck face Your mum. She was to heavy to be on top, so we switched to Doggy Style, which helped cause it meant I couldn't see her Fucking Ugly Face, she burnt the bacon in the morning, And she Queefed too much","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meet Dave Hogue, a design lead at Google. Remember: we're supposed to believe that there somehow isn't a Leftist majority at Big Tech companies - that's just a crazy conspiracy. Hey @realdonaldtrump and the @GOP You may want to take notice of the threats made to you by google? @BradPascale","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does anyone know this woman? Can you help her please... She needs her meds. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The RETARDS always use a foul mouth and perverse sexual innuendo. It is called projection and it illustrates who they really are! A RETARD who likes it up the ASS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it was established in 2008 and became operational in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I turned that retarded tv box off in the 90's. It was obvious then, it is obvious now. But all jews are not Hollywood. All jews are not Israel. \"Only the Jew knew that by an able and persistent use of propaganda, heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vice versa, the most miserable kind of life can be presented as if it were paradise. ~ Mein Kampf ( ) \"Was there any form of filth or shamelessness, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found like a maggot in a rotting body often dazzled by the sudden light a little Jew. Mein Kampf","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Progressivism is a hateful and violent ideology But Kathy Griffin was just joking about beheading Trump, right? Isn't that what we're supposed to believe at least? https:\/\/twitter.com\/TomArnold\/status\/1054190316901883904 #VoteRed It's not really about him alone It's about the deafening silence from our supposed 'Moral Icons' and 'Political Leaders' and #FakeNews MSM IF Candice Owens or Ann Coulter were to say something anywhere close to that, you know all those groups of ppl would lose their minds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only tax payers should vote. No more welfare whores and retarded college kids voting. And if my cucked Washington State passes gun control and the carbon tax my Dad and I will be taking our business to Alaska, Idaho or Montana. Seattle is already a homeless shit hole and they keep pushing businesses away. I'm nervous myself about","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wonder how many bodyguards that little faggot bitch has...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are the biggest faggot on all of Gab","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn't matter how attractive a girl is sometimes, if word gets around about how psychotic they are, men will avoid them like the plague. Feminists are a classic example of men not necessarily giving into instinct when it comes to women. They know the amount of trouble they'll get into if they even have a one night stand. We hear the stories constantly from feminists especially who bitch about being unable to find a man or how unsatisfied they are with the sex they're getting. Even with married women, I still maintain they're predatory and are just looking for easy dick. Think about it, it's much easier to seduce a teenage boy who doesn't know any better thinking they're going to get tons of sex than waste time trying to convince a paranoid guy in his 20's they're not crazy that's either been through crazy girlfriends before or has seen women that age do to their partners. The fact that they know the likelihood of them getting any real kind of punishment for what they're doing is probably encouraging them to act the way they do. Why are people siding with what the nasty cunt did.... With the whole \"He got lucky\" mentality. -With that comment and the upvotes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yall are dumb a rocks. The most powerful thing that the Marxists have done is turn White Europeans against themselves. That is why self hating Whites are given all sorts of praise and awards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those fashion trends. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember that time a \"Trump supporting, white supremacist\" wrote \"go home n******\" on an Air Force Academy dorm message board? https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/mhTMMV\/Dq-Xo-CCr-Wo-AE2v4s.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spanish people have a largely negative idea of western Europeans for example as all white trash is drawn to Spain for holidays and retirement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Left: You can love whoever you want Also the Left: If you don't love who we say, you are a bigot Ok, still not going to date one.... you say that today; liberals will pass a law that requires you not only date one but marry one and have babies w\/him-her-it De Blasio Signs Bill Adding Third Gender, X,' To Birth Certificates https:\/\/newyork.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/09\/third-gender-category-x-new-york-city\/ note the liberal 'actress' newscaster is reporting this w\/ a straight face Ok, I'd like to know how? It can't make babies... oh contraire liberals say they can do anything their demon minds conceive, even change God's natural laws not in defiance of #Conservatives but of God Himself Men having Babies Funds Men who want to be Biological Parents https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rVQjuchoZDk For the love of sweet baby Jesus make it stop! Enough of this fuckery. I've seen that guy on the top left fighting in the UFC.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black cops want to kill white citizens. Spic cops want to kill Anglo citizens. Zigeuner cops are all rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boy, did these Russians live to regret it. Same build-up here. I can't tell if that's a nigger or a kikess.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Permanent slit in my eyebrow from when I tumbled down the bleachers when I was little.... I stayed in the ER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger dumb enough to get scammed by a child Q","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i saw it be4 i say it again i like gab eventho da white devils come after my black ass on here 24 7 it shood be illegal to mute or block a POC on gab when u block or mute a POC you is digitally lynching they pixels i think gab need a WHITE MUTE button so that all the white devils on gab be muted so POC have more voice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think it's for all its faults, at least Christianity was founded on the ideals of humility and reciprocity. You can shut down a Christian by making them live up to this when they cross the line. With intersectionality, it's explicitly okay to violate the rules when fighting the oppressor, because you lack \"power\" due to invisible systems, which then insulates them from having to acknowledge when they use far more overt power. > \"Sunday\" only Christians Baptist. The word you are looking for is Baptist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh eat a dick you fucking faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The leftists are crying while we're building. From FundTheWall.com \"As you have probably noticed we are crowdfunding a border wall and we have just passed the $90k threshold according to the counter on the site. In actuality we passed $100k a while ago based on donations that came on through channels other than online. We are well on our way. We haven't been on TV for days and days? I don't think the lefty open borders people are donating? We're not into crying and mobbing people? We're a non-profit? And our donations are deductible? I share your frustration at the insanity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Fuck you. This is the best way to deal with WOMEN that lie and have men's lives upturned. Not really. The registry itself is fucked. Sure. But this is like the draft issue. The draft is bullshit. BUT as long as men have to register, so should women. Ideally though, neither system would exist. In the meantime though I'd settle for the registry only being open to law enforcement, like pretty much any other country that has it. And yes, for false accusers as well. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dril: night time falls. im \"corie latin\" now. a man of intrigue. i place a bird feather into my glass of scotch and i never do posts ab ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Police punch 14 year old girl on the ground twice in #CoralSprings, #Florida https:\/\/youtu.be\/4-FjyJsWvFY Lets get the.police's version of events first Copsucker much? Another sad little copsucker aren't ya boy! copsucker? WOW! What a sweet intellect you have there. No one will ever accuse you of being a genius","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a stupid article and proves nothing and shouldn't be on this sub. Williams didn't claim women got penalized more, she said women got penalized for doing less. The figures in this article have literally nothing to do with her claim. Show me stats showing the number of men and women who called a ref a thief and show how many were penalized. THAT is what you need. Sorry but can we not simply post women-hating stuff in here? This sub isn't about that. Let's be rational folk. I didn't address her behavior. Nor did I defend it. You are arguing a point I never made. Weird of you to do so. My point was simple - this article does nothing to disprove William's assertion which was that women are penalized for less abusive behavior than men on average. As for your evidence, you're right, I don't care. I don't care because anecdotal evidence is literally useless. Your anecdotal evidence is as stupid as her single example. That's why I said you need a statistical analysis looking at the specific words and reasons why players are penalized for verbal abuse. It's adorable you still don't understand why anecdotal evidence has no weight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are a fair few on ASIO's radar. I don't get why they don't take action and deport these parasitic cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that all disabled people are stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bill is a rapist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every loop my shit eating grin gets bigger [deleted] You live in a false reality.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OBAAMA IS A GLOBALIST DEEP STATE HALF NIGGER PIECE OF SHIT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @zachthorpe78: \"the trash generation\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DanaPerino: Was just handed this on my flight. Must be in good hands on this bird! http:\/\/t.co\/7vJwDCdTxV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whatever you say pedophile. No one is fooled by your lies, this isn't Twitter bitch, here you don't win an argument by calling someone Nazi. You're just another beta bitch faggot virtue signalling. Now run along pedo before I call Chris Hansen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remembered being banned from r\/latestagecapitalism a few months ago for using the word idiot and I thought that was egregious. This is a whole new level of retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's the whole point of living in the tropics... i'm still looking for 12 months of summer... close to it where i live.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next gay person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get on the Front line Cunt !! Quit mouthin off and Get out there !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#QAnon post No.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay lives aren't worth sh1t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"First they came for daily stormer, and gab spoke out and supported me. Then they came for gab, and i shat all over gab and tried to get them banned because i am a nigger fucking jew puppet.\" -Andrew Anglin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My manager is also a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whites have two choices: (1) Stand up and advocate for our racial interests, as all other races do; or (2) do nothing and go extinct. In order to survive long-term, we Whites will need our own ethno-states. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol Why do I give a shit about my color? Talking about color like it means anything is a waste of life. What means something is knowledge and culture. Skin tone? Come on now, that's some ignorant shit. Why don't you go found an ethno-state for people with tiny brains?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"black people are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kike bitch ought to be fired; obviously too dumb to teach; her face the image on a dart board with the kike star of david over her face, a boot up her barren cunt then used as bait behind a garbage barge dragging her and other kike traitors to America back to the unholy shitbowl called Israel; get the fuck out you dumb whore. Jews are very effective at causing people to hate them. And all (((they))) gotta do is act naturally; (((they're))) defective.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@klejdys He may be 'hustlin' but he studied Critical (Race) Theory and 'my people' Holder is getting his 'revenge.' They hate whitey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"goofy faggot cheerleading squad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She got him To pay the money and I read that he finished paying the last payment of the 380000 a few weeks before she was spotted with the guy she was cheating on him with. So I feel like he probably realized he got played and used and just said fuck this shit. She is an evil cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We really need more of these In australia there are lots of them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well, these certified cunts like to flatter themselves with a thought that they are so pretty that universe revolves around them. Reality is somehow different though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have done more to expose Andrew Torba as a complete incompetent fucktard than any other user in Gab history. He is not quite as retarded as you, so he may be realizing this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alright ya faggots. Lets just stop with all the S\/O and R\/T. No one gives a fuck on what you think of other people. Probably lying anyways","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope she runs She is a retard and most people can see her idiocy but of course the election can always be rigged to get her elected. If social media and msm continue on their path of shutting down Free speech and propaganda with no one in govt. holding them accountable the subterfuge can only grow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just found out @IUBloomington has an #Australian president! #hoosiers are my team #hoosierstate #indiana #iu #iubb #big10 20-2 tonight!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol Lazy National Socialist getting all upset, and I'm not even talking to him :) I say both. They're inter-changeable Pussy hat lol I say both. They're inter-changeable Pussy hat lol.. Your usual nonsensical bullshit , keep it up I will","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cunt should be hung by the balls......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical w h o r e behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look, a BASED NEGRO. Fuck off, with your nigger loving virtue signaling. gtfo Oh look another IGNORANT white monkey low IQ boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like you can obviously be upset that people didnt help you. But once you start basing it on the fact that theyre \"white middle class men\", youre instantly a rancid cunt and were now all glad that nobody actually helped you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's like I said a NIGGER gets free speech to slam America and our national anthem ,but when a white person speaks up for it they're fired Nike sucks burn every article of clothing you own from them if you really feel violated by these ads packing leftist fags making money in our country and hating what we stand for","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN's Jim Acosta is one step away from having a meltdown on live TV.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. BTW in a sane world EVERYONE (adoption agency personnel,political whores that allow it\/media whores\/faggotts\/judicial whores etc) involved in faggot adoptions should be exterminated like the vile creatures that they are. The same is the case when it comes to lesbian adoptions. K them all!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After seeing Kansas play Duke a couple weeks ago, I could tell you I'm surprised that Charlie Weis has been let go...but I'm not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"then speak in english you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"remember, the only reason OJ is free is jury \"payback\" for beating a crazy nigger high on pcp","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With the birds i share this lonely view..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger fucking nigger. Grow up, you fucking pussy. They're words.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Herfarm @SteveWorks4You @TheDemocrats your low info redneck dumbasses vote for these corporate shills that idiots like you believe #dummies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. another LOL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are dishonest people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm white...ad infinitum. Mute me, you faggot kike!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does anyone remember this? And televised. I hope you will join us for Dancing with the Traitors. Live from the White House Lawn. That's right. Live. Friday Nights 8:00 PM. 7:00 Central The 6 Place gallows are finished. The ratings will be through the roof. And televised.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The topic is a little deeper if we're talking about Chinese culture, since their women have temper tantrum problems. But at least in China men can hit women back they're not drilled with white knighting and chivalry all their lives. Obviously in this case he should have continued driving and kicked her cunt in when he got to her destination.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pedo faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"con-yeah gonna make all dah 13 yr ol white keeds woth brain prolems cause da 25 yr ol freshman nigger pick dem up an drop dem on der hea all better","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once the brainwork is done on pacemakers at medical device companies, they call in the contract tinker toy engineers like SC_Troll#stribpol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My pic is actually a very specific nigger. Dude. I use the word \"nigger like 10-20 times a day. The nigger sow and bucks only survive because of our tolerance. They kill, rob and rape our people while we pay for their food and housing. The subhuman beast deserves no other name than NIGGER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mark Waid: > \"If you believe, as I do, that women and people of color deserve to be able to do their jobs or any job without being bullied, donate. Stand with me. This strikes me as being in poor taste, like he's using minorities as a shield to convince people to donate. If I were him I'd have worded it differently. Not to mention that quite a few people involved in ComicsGate are women and minorities. Seriously, check the names at the side of this list of cg creators. https:\/\/indiecron.com\/ That's a pretty inclusive hate movement there. As we have said of GamerGate time and again, but of course, people like Waid have chosen their side. They no longer see us for what we are, but for what they want us to be: a faceless mass of Aryan lily-white Nazis.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's a wigger terrorist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Translation I tire so easily of hillbilly boys w pretensions of normalcy.. bring it Yeah how many cities have Jews built? How many farms did you run to feed America and the world? How many Jews go to war and fight? Jews are lazy niggardly and shiftless. Jews bring nothing of value to this planet. Just heartache.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well.....that's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Q in LGBTQ stands for queer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"get the sand nigger cock out ya mouth. dems are shitting themselves right now","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They Don't Even Know Who Did It http:\/\/m.startribune.com\/hundreds-of-st-thomas-students-rally-amid-racial-slur-incident\/498566181\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this fag. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, you are probably pretty damn knowledgeable on the topic of being embarrassed you disgusting faggot freak show.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hope gezus gets shot in his faggot head #houston #nbombs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being white just means your better than anyone else and should go the extra length for all the dumb brown people in the world(SJW logic) Based on various garbage articles I've seen online(vox buzzfeed salon etc) Black people can't figure out how to be places okkn time so we need to be patient with them. Black people can't figure out basic manners and politeness. Black people are scared of milk. Black peop e need their own little safe spaces so e don't spook them. Black people can't find jobs and should live off the table scraps of white people. I could go on and on. If you frame it this way, it's pretty clear SJW's are convijnced white people are superior in every way, and shouldn't be held to the same standard. Being black is a mentalcretardation(and any other skin color to)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hope some one get him and chop his head of evil cunt monster s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"mocking you....means, I am ... mocking you....honey... you aren't a Christ man.... she is his partner, he does not demean who she is... you are the kind of guy who beats a woman, and thinks it makes you a man.. you have no idea how to be a man..... you need to go find an example of what you should be...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The birds and the bees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I smell the next nigger death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, women can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the war starts here don't think you should engage strangers. The most effective effort will be for each patriot to cleanse his own family first. Who knows them better than you? Your libtard uncle, your femtard aunt, and your faggot cousin. Every commie is family to a patriot, what right do you have to interfere in his family if you dont start with your own?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you would have followed George Washington in 1776, it means that you're white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anybody with a tattoo who isn't in a gang or the military is typically retarded. But a Hillary Clinton tattoo? edit: KeetItDory, you have a Hillary tattoo also? Gang members \"deserve\" tattoos? Wow, people on reddit are really, really dumb huh? You think the only people who deserve tattoos are gang members or military? Are you sure you aren't retarded yourself?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have let the seagulls feast on her carcass and let the nigger go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the communists are trying to subvert the retard normies, as usual. and it clearly worked for this post","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being obsessed with a terrible show about a fat ugly retard who fucks everything up and has alien mother figures who enables them in every way. Oh wait that's the biggest dream for them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A cunt holding up 1 or 3 fingers is still a cunt so not sure where you are going with this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So Dems will either have to toss their \"cured\" ballots or the GOP will have to start \"curing\" their own ballots. Well, redacted is currently tossing its tendies. So it's a start.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@c00ntact @KevinI bumcia is trash smfh I would've thought he would have gone after Khan but what you said makes sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like McGregor knows the guy is a fuzzy muzzie and exchanged words?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN: 'you're our nigger or we'll call you Trump's nigger' poor Kanye","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" DEMOCRATS ARE THE EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Liveitupjersey BWAHAAAA I just choked on an Oreo cookie!I'M figuring, this may have something to do with it! http:\/\/t.co\/62S7BgMYPX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have so muchdisdain for these disabled people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your first mistake was listening to the Killstream. Second mistake was listening to Jim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You women keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMFAO Yes spamming is a total pwn in your taysachs ridden mind maybe. If you say so baby rapist. ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guy at the end maybe is trolling that advice is just too retarded on the last sentances","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Everyone I don't like is a virgin incel.\" \"How dare you call a woman a slut? You can't shame someone's sexual behavior or sexual history!\" The zombie apocalypse will never happen because there aren't even enough brains to go around for the living. Nah, I don't think every man I don't like is an incel, only the retards spouting \"hurr durr stupid women, men are essentially superior in every way are incels. Also no, slut is a term I use near daily for both men and women. Again, thanks for the strawman, but you don't know me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"good, jew lover, dick sucker, nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ Let me give this fairy gay faggot a roundhouse kick. Bloody coward. :\/ Guaranteed he won't wake up from it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh Samweed made death threats to Tommy Robinson's family.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only pass in this is from the real dad... He took a permanent exit from that cunt n passed her onto some next poor sap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, well, well. It looks like orangutans over at ABC are regretting their treatment of Roseanne Barr. https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/youngconservatives\/2018\/10\/12\/abc-execs-change-their-tune-and-now-admit-the-truth-about-roseanne-3\/?utm_source=comicalcon a nigger breaks a nail and it'sa national emergency","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pedo cunt bimbos And my *exact* thoughts. In fact I'm wearing a T-shirt that says Pedo Cunt Bimbos.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@THERACISTDOCTOR One less little nigger that would grow up into a big nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"David, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If she were smart, she would've said: \"smarter than he.\" Stupid twat. EDIT: I forgot how stupid reddit is. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrant lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You fucking people are insane. Was he a 17 year old retard or was he a normal, sexually charged almost adult? Cuz that is prime time ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes bc she's a demoralized cunt feminist. Her parents didn't teach her how to be a woman... She doesn't speak for all women over here, thank the Lord!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@marylene58 @sunflower1790 @shelliecorreia @Jan4USA no just a niggress that thinks she's human.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or it could just be a retard with a keyboard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racism (and unhealthy-xenophobia, and national chauvinism) is a belief, and when it's a strong\/core belief of someone's ideology (their worldview), then it shows, and usually becomes the all encompassing explanation for everything and anything in the world. (\"2001 9 11? Sandniggers! 2008? Niggers took the white house! 2008-2009 financial crisis? Jewniggers took my money! Global warming? Just an attack on America by China and\/or Jews.\")","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those trans people will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FreeZoxee? Competitor arises to Gab. Not sure how it works or why anyone would sign on. Gab is fabulous. Nothing better. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=If9mfU2Wf0M Maybe we can convince the Nazis to migrate over to there?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Porch monkey 4 Life","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey I'd rather be a racist nazi curb stomping nigger kikes than a communist nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those Nazis. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about we give black people real education\/training\/jobs. Show them they can be proud of American life, that they don't need \"thug life\". How about we call just them Americans, brothers and sisters, and people who don't need a plantation. They don't need you if they have freedom. We will end the poverty and ignorance, and we will help those in the black community with real potential to become real leaders without race bating. We're gonna give that too them and YOU DEMOCRATS CANNOT STOP US. You overpaid Not if I get to throw them ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If someone claims the US is a Christian nation you are dealing with a retard. The distinctive aspect of the US relative to England and the rest of Europe at the time is that it was a legally secular republic that definitively disestablished the church from day one. That is what utter retards use to argue the US is Christian. Constitution cuts the legs out from under the church for all time, but 'year of our lord' boilerplate means DERP DERP WE LUV JESUS Don't be such a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I keep muting this retard wictor over and over, gab keeps putting his garbage on my timeline, no more muting , I will simply shitpost reply to all of his retarded garbage. Fricken spook.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy fuck, I just saw an interview with this Snipes lady. My god, is that Maxine Waters sister? She's fucking retarded as well. I imagine she's a democrat too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not allow for any disabled person to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, women would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fags just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh!! hahahaha busted !! Cory the gay nigger LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? I'd only go there to live once the Kurds are given their own Homeland. They would give refuge to Yazidis and a few other good tribes and they are naturally good people. We should nuke all the rest and let them inherit that part of the Earth. They are Semites, which is why I only ridicule anyone who calls me an antisemite... fucking ignorant fools know nothing! Antisemite almost always means anti-Jew. No-one says \"I'm an antisemite. I hate Jews....oh yes, and a few other Semitic tribes too\" lol I'm not Jewish idiot. And many of those times were 1000s of years ago and most of them were 100s of years ago. Back when minorities were always scapegoated. Especially if they were relatively wealthier. Where are Jews expelled from now? Oh that would be Islamic places wouldn't it. They are shitholes and don't count :) What's the matter? Don't you like free speech? Want to censor me? Get me off Gab? That's exactly like your Marxist socialist mates were like on Twitter ;) How high are you bouncing up and down in your chair now? Has your head gone through the ceiling yet? Say hi to your upstair neighbours for me. Would it help if you knew that I'm not in fact Jewish? Probably not! I don't care lol I like you. You're funny. I may keep you as a pet :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor Alyssa, so old and fat now you can't make sex tapes anymore? So STFU and pay your taxes, you useless twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Chvntre: sometimes I wanna upper cut this bitch but I don't know if she's special ed or not","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have already been identified and confirmed as a psychotic NOT white. These posts in no way reflect White Nationalist behavior or language. White Nationalists are not racist or cruel. They just speak the truth, whether it's offensive or not. This lunatic is not speaking the truth but trying to make Gab\/Whites\/Conservatives etc look like bigots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing gay people in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"22 talented drivers RT @garrisonstudio: I am really glad there haven't been any yellows. But why haven't there been any yellows??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt needs shooting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it's typical of Muslims to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a Pussy Pass, not PPD. - She still gets to keep her job. - No one cares. - Charges will be dropped to basically nothing - Reverse the genders and compare. His career would be officially over and there would be a huge swell of social media to punish the guy harshly. - The rules simply do not apply to attractive hot white women and we all know it. > The rules simply do not apply to attractive hot white women and we all know it. You mean women; her race has nothing to do with it. I somewhat disagree. Yes, all women get a pass when it comes to the police, arrests, sentencing - especially in domestic violence situations however, let's be real here, pretty sorority white princess gets a much larger pass than her female counterparts who are from more 'urban' areas. White privilege is all they have left. Since everything else objectively shows that it does not exist. But shit...let's not talknbaiut those studies...race realism is wrong think,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can never get my kids to shut the fuck up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">cheats multiple times on her husband with multiple people >Now I understand that I either have to just keep doing this or I have to get divorced. Already.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you white faggot nigger lover.. you are scum you little white worm..LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"insanity: \"Don't you think it's weird that the prince kisses Snow White w\/out her permission? Because you can't kiss someone if they're sleeping! https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/18\/kristen-bell-says-snow-white-kiss-sends-controversial-message-about-consent\/?utm_campaign=SocialFlowandutm_medium=SocialFlowandutm_source=NYPTwitter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking cunt . I used to admire her. Fuck swift !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean look where we are, trumplings and libtards can rub shoulders to make fun of shit. NPC637581: >Orange man bad! r\/the_donald poster retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only good, faggot loving, Obama voting FBI traitor is a dead one. Disband the Fucking Bumbling Idiots, take away their retirement, and make them have to get jobs in some shit hole Niggah Democrat controlled county. Fuck the FBI.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you misspelled 'huge faggots' Seems to me all you little boys so terrified of women are the faggots by definition.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now someone tell me these guy's aren't stealth poes trolling atheists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dan Andrews is just a giant piece of shit, no ifs, no buts, just a human cum dumpster.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/SNku0LxUPyo I love our first lady. Melania is WAY better than that tranny cunt Michelle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Joy Behar Says \"Jews Did NOT Own Slaves While The View Kvetches About Free Speech http:\/\/www.renegadetribune.com\/joy-behar-says-jews-did-not-own-slaves-while-the-view-kvetches-about-free-speech\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. Now find a way to arrest the Portland Mayor on a Friday night, during a major national holiday and have him shipped to a jail in Northern Alaska after hearing about threats made against his life and for his own safety. Feed him seal blubber and fries for six weeks and then have a little chat about not being a cunt in future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People need to understand it's not the immigration. It's the Jew doctors killing you off. The reason for immigration is to replace the European who was murdered by his doctor. Are you a faggot ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, you're not white, you're a Jew. Jews are the worst nation and they must be annihilated, so like you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her profile said she was a maga\/trump supporter but not Q, like bitch how retarded are you? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Amazon raises minimum wage to pay low IQ complainers...to offset this they cut employee incentives and end of month bonuses #muhminimumwage #BernieBros Bezos ain't the richest faggot in the world for nuffin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A \"man\" = Nigger Moslem until proven otherwise","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What ppl expect, august aslina is a nig from New Orleans","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A jew cunt and a push-start runt. I see rope in their future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim lives aren't worth sh1t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The amount of faggot little white knights is pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/uk.news.yahoo.com\/new-eastenders-boss-promises-lgbt-representation-veteran-soap-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AmosPOrr Congrats Amos! :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can hardly wait to see this ginger nigger. It will be one ugly nigger baby.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That commie cunt in NC who bragged about chasing James Fields with an AR-15 and the one who hit his car with a club should be fearfully stewing in jail awaiting trial, not him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When your goal is to infiltrate websites just to post cartoon children when you aren't even banned for it elsewhere then cry about free speech when people see what you're doing, then declare you're going to invite all your friends to post even more of it, you aren't persecuted, you're just not getting what you want. Just like lefty faggots trying to indoctrinate children irl who cry \"it's free speech, stop persecuting me for my sexuality!\" You use the same brand of manipulation as child molesters while denying you're anything like them. Ok I'll try again just for you >be degenerate loli posters on gab >too retarded to read >not even banned on twitter >gab says fuck off >REEEEE WE'RE AN OPPRESSED CLASS! EVERYONE INVADE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come on Texas don't give this Soy Boy commie faggot the time of day https:\/\/youtu.be\/z58A08Yq4lo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lakers fans will feel the pain the Yankees fans are feeling today at the end of basketball season.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This article makes me want to rip Anglin's head off even more now. A White woman was gang raped, tortured, and murdered, but because one of the blacks said that she consented if they would let her go, DS wants you to make whore memes of her. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/skull-crushed-hoe-consented-to-negro-gang-sex-skull-status-crushed-anyway-lol\/ Yuck, I hate that cunt Anglin. She looks like a person we defend... oh wait Anglin is not part of 'we' anyway what do I expect?! He's a creepy ghoul. :S","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We don't have a problem calling ourselves faggots. It's our word, it's what we are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is how I feel about H.P Lovecraft Can you elaborate? I don't know much about his views. As an avid fan of Lovecraft, he was uh... rather xenophobic. To the point that IIRC he didn't even consider Dutch people white and therefore considered them subhuman. You'll notice this in books like Shadow Over Innsmouth, which if you've ever read it, there's a lot of overtones AND undertones that wouldn't be allowed in today's society. Okay, that is honestly fucking hilarious. Idk why, calling pets obscene names knowing they can't understand you is just funny to me. I'm gonna name my next cat 'fuckface' My sisters have three cats, and I flip them off on sight. They don't understand, but it makes me feel better. Sounds like something you'd find on \/pol\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you have 20 then maybe one will live. Smh always complaining about no food when they can just eat one of their 20 kids If you have 2 then maybe both will live Well its Africa, so... Racist fucking asshole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and thots are wearing Uggs RT @BigBootyJudy814: #ItsFallBecause negros are pulling out their Timbs\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone come take these brownies away from me before I eat the whole pan!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is that retard commenting. \"If the Republicans didn't cheat they have nothing to worry about.\" Ffs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing about this makes any fucking sense. I can't help but laugh at the pictures too. She's lifting her skirt but she has an expression somewhere between airhead and insufferable cunt on her face. Its really quite absurd. Icing on the cake? No one seems to be paying attention to her in any of the photos.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Matt, do you think this Jessica Wilson-Heimbach retard is actually Rodney Martin?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well paid .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You always buy me colored goldfish when my stash is low, and you are a constant inspiration to me and http:\/\/t.co\/nCPd8uSljf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"only time i see niggers is if i look to make sure the garbage men are doing their job correctly..besides..1 nigger is worth 20 of you hillbilly wannabe nazi faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazism is a retarded ideology, part of their tactic is attaching themselves to a Pro-Freedom Movement. By silencing and banning them, they will just go elsewhere with victim status. Let them speak and debate their ideas, mostly all they do is spam me with memes which is ineffective.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"donna brazile is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol salty bois in this thread who couldn't get in you post on r\/Chappotraphouse, your opinion is automatically worthless. SHOO, back to your safe little echo chamber, little tankie troll. Pretty sure you're up past your bedtime anyway. oh no you've got me good!!! I've been owned!!! I will now go back to my tree house and describe how much I have been owned!!!!!!! Yes, you got pwned when all you said was some shitty non-sequitur because you had no clever comeback.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess I could play Grand Theft Auto and shoot niggers but i feel like ive shot evry type of nigger they have at least 5 times they need to release an expansion pack with new niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @butter_obama: I hate when I attempt to make the yellow light but the car infront of me stops at the light I be wanting to fight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pjw the eternal faggot for israel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no doubt the Jews in time will rule over Brazil.. a not too bright Portuguese nigger country..aka little africa..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"85 species of birds reported in Chesterfield for the Great Backyard Bird Count. How many in your area? http:\/\/t.co\/VIWMjjJxOT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the left https:\/\/redd.it\/9nkpeo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather hear Neal DeGrasse Tyson tell me about scientific mistakes in their assumptions than some WASP... http:\/\/t.co\/tLec4vKUYd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cunt got a lesson on being polite","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigs to start Nogging in #Chicago. EDIT: Cop found guilty so no Nogging will happen. #Chimpout http:\/\/archive.is\/InhDV Why is that guy dressed up as Nigger Hulk Hogan?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Freedom Hating Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You do realize that that is what trans people say, yes?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christians and christian identarians talk like jews, probably means a jew ... Theyre also most probably in a synagogue, getting whipped by jesus for being so retarded ... lol If anyone tells you a white person is an israelite, a country hundreds of thousands miles away, and no dna records of being an israeli exist ... he might be a jew \"never forget the 6 gorillion slaughtered by Charlemagne goy!\" You and Robert don't get to call anyone retarded tbh. Stop practising a jewish religion, and stop being called a jew ... totally not a jew, lol Oh yes, they are! How about Islam? Muslims claim that Abraham and all the prophets were really muzzies, hence they claim judaism; Christians do a similar shit by claiming that yahweh, through Jewsus, made a new covenant with those who accept the Messiah, and are now the new chosenites. I like how you praise whites being murdered , Just shows how nasty kike of you :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Going to California today for some analyzer training. Going into Dick Whitman mode. Wish I had a tan colored suit to wear for the flight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Proud to be a child killer.....Must be a lefty. \" I don't even care, it's your body ....\" Must be a cunt who has thought nothing through but has bought into lefty slogans.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KarenRFM: No-TV-During-the-Week #parenting rule has thrown quite a monkey wrench into #RooseveltsPBS viewing schedule. #DVRtime @wcve # ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Pepper_Redbone @Yankees Just getting in! I hope so. Cause they stunk it up last night.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @badblogger69: @wenchbucket that monkey is from hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I posted yesterday about the MoD offering 10k welcome back packages to soldiers they'd sacked for drugs offences if they returned...clearly they are desperate for soldiers and clearly they have plans that require them, Syria again? Iran? or is May going to go full retard and take Russia on directly?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey cock sucker. Your bitch Carolyn Emerick has been talking shit about the alt right, men, and Christians for far too long. Now we have these faggot ass crystal ramming faggots talking shit too. You guys are subversive. I had no problem until this became pagans vs Christians by that fucking whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey moron, I'm not a girl, and downvotes don't hide posts, they just signify that the post is shit, which pretty much applies to any of your race-related posts. You're a retard who denies that the Founding Fathers were White Supremacists, you're never gonna ask yourself why you're so committed to \"conserving\" a cultural Marxist consensus. No, downvotes do hide the posts, retard. At least you could not be a pussy and acknowledge you know what you're doing. The single downvote places my post at the bottom, where everyone has to expand comments and then hit 'show all.' You're just a pussy, on top of being a retard who doesn't know history. Good job, NPC. LOL, the greatest weapon of white supremacy: the downvote. It's like \"we sound like retards, but we can hit a button good! Hitler would be proud!\" :D LOL, this homosexual white supremacist is so gay that he's not even willing to acknowledge he's deliberately trying to hide my post. That's how much of a woman he is. You've never seen someone as big a pussy as this. He should change his name to ISuckMyOwnAnus If you look at his replies seem like he's obsessed with gays and homos Typical jewnig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that true? We might be too niggerized to elect a National Socialist Point wasn't \"Hitler hates niggers\", I said we might be too niggerized. That Is, people have compromised families. You know, nigger babies and nigger cousins. I think most people are too invested in the status quo\/Eurasian-negroid mongrel race. Couple that with Jew media telling them what to think","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John Brennan the wahabbist traitor made it on Gab guys!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is great news if true! Feinstein may lose to De Leon in November anyway, but she should be prosecuted! OH MY: Senate Moves Toward Full Investigation Of Ford Legal Team And Senator Diane Feinstein http:\/\/dcwhispers.com\/oh-my-senate-moves-toward-full-investigation-of-ford-legal-team-and-senator-diane-feinstein\/#ViHuFwbAzSvsJDPZ.97 DeLeon is a nightmare! Don't we have ANYONE who can beat him? Not my state They're ALL OUR STATES! I am not giving up CA to Foreigners!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberalism is a mental disorder, and you tack on attention whoring and trying to break out of being irrelevant and you have a proper twat. Absolutely no one cares about that douche unless they are using his name in a mocking manner. Acosta should be proud.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's what happens if you want to jump in and be a sick cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JZolly23: Kickin trash cans on the golf cart #yeeyee @weidie1211 @mowder03 @JBilinovich @cmnw86","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"none of the 19 comments here have given you what you asked for sasha, which is high quality animation. everyone who commented should be ashamed. fuck that nigger who said superjail and fuck that other guy who said twilight of the cockroaches. and die twice to the triple nigger who said boku no hero academia. everyone should be ashamed. He said high quality, but based on the examples, he wants basic adventure with average visuals. no, read back through my timeline, i asked him directly if he wanted animation quality or quality stories. he said he wanted outstanding animation. i gave him 5 or 6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe it's (click pop click smack) So um.......you don't like this guy I take it? I'm asking for a friend........ Yeah. Fuck you you fucking pos. You are no Spartacus Booker. You are as phony as a $3 bill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stumbled upon this yesterday. The double standards and class divide are blatant. Keep the minions working to pay for my early retirement and huge ballooned pension ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time 2 kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Work out while I renew my food handlers card online. Push play for this dumb class","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WeAreRepublicNotRegime #POTUS BO violated USA sovereignty w\/open border\/Jihadis\/criminal\/diseased\/Haitians\/S.Americans #ImpeachObama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> It also claims that Riot prioritizes \"core gamers\" for new hires, a description that is generally assumed to exclude women. duh, 99%+ of the league of legends playerbase is male. if you apply for a job there, they ask for all your account names you've played under.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Sunelite1: Can't wait for the @Cubs to sweep the Cardinals tonight on @espn ! No matter how bad the cubs are, we're gonna beat the bird ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Are you saying cancer is going to kill you? How much more jew allopathic chemo and radiation treatments do you like before remission? You have lots of folks on gab that care about you. Maintain the feisty personality and keep fighting!!! open casket ban is due to flies, if you thought they attracted flies when they're alive..... \"Are you saying cancer is going to kill you? \" Cancer will never kill emily. Neither will old age. She's immune to both 10\/10 would lay roses Unironically wish you the best though. National day of mourning. feb 31st was months ago-are you a holy ghost? Don't die on us child. You gotta grow up and make StormTroopers for RAHOWA!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"communist aussie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you must call me a cracker, please call me a Cheez-It, not a saltine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The rabid Left has no shame, morals, or values. So act and prepare accordingly. Be armed always. Secure your home, businesses, and vehicles. Protect your privacy online and off. And anyone that f*cks with your kid's safety and well being you put them in the ground and let the box of twelve decide your fate. @lovelymiss @wocassity @SurvivorMed @Mondragon @RaviCrux @Wifewithapurpose @PhotonComics @RDFloyd @Kek_Magician @KetzerHexe @22TCM @OccamsEpilady @SergeiDimitrovichIvanov @gee @shadowmud @Akatomdavis @don @American2theKor @CuckShamer @a @chadbigly @brannon1776","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @decider: #2 on the field, #1 in our hearts! What if @Yankees star Derek Jeter starred in \"Back to School?\" http:\/\/t.co\/nSZ6xGjkLV #yank ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"congratu-fuckin-lations to all the pitbull owners who make it by without getting bitten. DO NOT ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO FOLLOW IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS. i know people whose lives have been RUINED by these animals. regardless of your ''PACK MENTALITY'' these dogs are rage machines and your dodgeing a bullet every day they dont hurt your family.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are scum to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha I've been running a sub service on and off for years. I just don't really market it unless calling everyone a cunt on Twitter can constitute marketing @SBMT17 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/J_NV","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking cunt has 229k followers. unbelievable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not a cohesive answer in the bunch. Pass out Full Retard signs...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical shemalebehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that guy too retarded to turn that off before he starts spraying it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apple is trying to be that one company that the whole world basically depends on in the future. (You know, those future movies where one company does everything.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dat faggot Faggotkhan...why tho?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just sent a memo to a fucken nigger calling whites all kinds of names and I told him if he kept that shit up he'd be hanging from a fucken tree.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sense of humour anyone? No?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @CRYaboutitNIGGA: I get paid too chill. Share the wealth Lil nicca","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KHOU: Charlie Strong took the longhorn logos off his players' helmets: They have to earn it back. http:\/\/t.co\/HvNUJT6Ss2 #Sport ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And always remember: the really impressive and lasting votes are made with our wallets. BF \"who cares if it isn't historically accurate\" oh, jeez I don't know, maybe all those men that died at the frontlines, perhaps? Im sure all those dead people are rolling in their graves because your vidya game doesnt accurately give you trench foot. Their last thought as they got gunned down and lay dying in the mud was probably \"I hope the 2018 video game rendition of this accurately portrays how white and male we all are\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That faggot suicided his verified Gab account. Why is that? Also how does this inane shit end up in Popular?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is great. The pendulum is swinging back and these cunts are putting themselves on the chopping block. Taking names.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finally the girlfriend shows up!!! Take anumber sweet pea and when iim done skulllfucking and assbamging your boyfriend (ya im doin bothat once cuz his heads so far up his arse i can) i get to you and give you the business daddy used to save for weekends and holidays. Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Dismissing the fans as pre-teens is what Sargon did to Metokur. The fact is (and Jim showed it) is that there are more 20-30 year olds than teens. That's not a good look regardless. \"I'M ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED\" still makes you a retard. With the drama that ends up around these idiots they practically act like teenagers anyway. That still doesn't justify them being taken down - I hate them and I probably dislike those who contribute to that crap, but I have to support their right to run that shit. They went after Ralph because he's yet another easy target and it's only a matter of time before they go after the rest of us. That's still a huge chunk of change that could've gone to helping kids and it's fucking stupid that people are so far up their ideological asses that they're willing to sacrifice kids to virtue signal for each other. I mean, there's the meme that the left hates children and makes children out of women and minorities and this kinda proves that point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They allow people like this to post actual hate, pedophilia, terroristic threats, etc., but if I call Twitter out on their pedophilia support and call Jack Dorsey a fairy gay faggot I'm the one that gets the perma ban. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ChrisSFMori gun sales have skyrocketed. Gun crime has fallen sharply.Any claim to the contrary is using fuzzy math.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being such a snowflake that other people's idea of what gender they felt they were offended you Imagine believing people *have* to be offended in order to disagree with you. I mean you kinda do have to be offended to actually give a shit. Why would anyone care otherwise? I'm the dragon king so you peasants be offended by silly things like gender really annoy me. I'm so busy on my royal throne deciding who else is royalty (whoever claims it first gets it, duh you imbecile) that I have missed when god and scientists discovered a third and fourth gender so please link me to your source, your king demands it, flubpuss, which is the name of all my people, so get to linking flubpuss and don't go linking sob stories about how you feel like carrots on the inside but are sweet peas on the outside, that's just nonsense. Your one and only true king, the one you look up to and admire, your momdad. The ladybirds will sing songs of your families genes and jeans forever, sparkly! Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"neurogasm_\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These brownies are bomb!!!!!!!!! http:\/\/t.co\/lKZLQQj7W1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sen. Chuck Schumer admits Israel has nuclear weapons at the National Press Club https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RSIpAPWEJFI I wonder how many of Israel's loyal shabbos goy's will STILL deny Israel has illegal nuclear weapons? > If Israel uses it's nukes, will anyone remember the Holocaust?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what happens when a Redneck gets tired of hitting deer on the highway. Works for ANTIFA standing in the streets too. I bet they move. My ex hits a deer every time she gets a new car. What a bitch eh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are a gay person, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Grow some fucking balls and take back your country, bongs. Start killing reporters, politicians, and Asians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SJW COMMIE PINKO RETARD CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't like any SJW nigger loving twat. No.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look man, we've met and the pool party we met through would vouch for me or else we probably wouldn't have met, so you can think I'm acting with malice or that I'm \"batshit crazy,\" but I'm tired of gettin fucked and when you soften your rhetoric as much as you have and @JaredHowe is calling the overtly anti-white GOP \"the party of White people,\" I have major concerns \"Brett Kavanaugh\" Ah, yes, he of the patriot act fame. What did he do immediately after getting the job? Hire more affirmative action nigger than anybody else. Clearly a man sympathetic to WN causes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saw a 70+ guy today with a 20something. he was teaching her about fine wines. \"You see, the secret is that they're all the same so the best ones are the cheap ones\" and she was all giggly n shit trying to do a fake accent to sound exotic. Some cunt who I apparently wasn't good enough for when we were younger tried to hook up with me. I haven't aged much due to getting rid of stressors and some other techniques. I saw her and in my mind I went \"holy fuck bitch, you're old now wtf, you could have had me when we were young\" and my mouth went like: \"I have to go.\" I don't want you in your old years where I have to check your back for weird growths and you cut your hair shorter than a twink would. I'd have been ok with it if we would have had the younger years but noooOOoOoOoooo, you had to go around fuck all the dudes with long necks and huge Adams apples and who play in a band. But in all seriousness dudes, hats, stay out of direct sunlight, at least keep your face out of it, sunscreen, clean your face after going out and you'll look 20 until you're","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A grotesque snapshot of a lying cunt intent on ruining a man and his family. How, in God's name, could she even let a smile come upon her ugly face during an act of such immense evil. Burn in hell bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger you don't get to decide what free speech is, you're as bad as those scumcuck commie liberals. Go eat shit until you die from infection.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is Britain hang drool watching an inbred retard related to mohamet tell you anything?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a woman, it must be bullsiht. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breaking: Rod Rosenstein Refuses to Turn Over Subpoenaed Memos : Maybe he doesn't have them? Maybe he wiped them with a cloth? https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-rod-rosenstein-refuses-to-turn-over-subpoenaed-memos-backs-out-of-thursdays-congressional-hearing\/ #RodRosenstein @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker it's more of a \"you're going to hang me anyways so I'm going down in flames for the history books\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This. I like Max, but dear God people, stop spamming the front page with his picture and the exact same title. Then GTFO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, black people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get the fuck out with that rape culture bullshit. Wemen arent getting raped in America? Go clean your closet before you come and clean mine. Edit: I see from your recent post history that you ACTUALLY are from Sweden. Gud ge mig styrka. Edit 2: I also see that you are a massive faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WATCH: Serena Williams Sings, Goes Topless for Breast Cancer Video | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/yVvV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny how I don't see that nigger who attacks YT and claims to be happily married to a mudshark around here justifying this violence. Yesterday he was claiming that YT hates children and has no soul. How much soul does a nigger have when they beat someone with a brick and run over her multiple times with their car?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tragic. Sad! #PhysigonomyIsReal #Cuckface","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GoatIdeas: Oreo Frappuccino http:\/\/t.co\/o3QJ8M1nFf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @rcooley123: Bill Maher mocks gullible America for missing the real enemy http:\/\/t.co\/ApnsVg35Uf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's because dorsey is a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">She became violent towards the man, who suffered from hydrocephalus (caused by a buildup of fluid inside the skull) that made him vulnerable. Read the article you lazy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @InduZtriouZ_Neo: I am a strong believer that birds of a feather flock together","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RebellBlume Hats on us not trash tho lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LeonBaptist idk you into mouthy spics on welfare with 6 kids and 3 baby daddy's?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#News #QAnon #Justice #TheGreatAwakening #Freedom https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/policy\/energy\/justin-trudeau-plans-to-impose-carbon-tax-on-resisting-provinces","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because most people are retarded troglodytes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"btfo'd stormfag - check btfo'd beta cringe - check get called a nigger lover - check get called a nazi - check dox myself today - check bash islam - oh you betcha explain my fetish for Donald Trump - ( ) oh yeah ( ) post something stupid - hmmm, guess I'll do 2 stupid posts and 2 kinda ight I guess posts well guess that's all I need to do on Gab today. @shadesofsilver I got a metric fuck ton of chores to do, then between 7-8 I gotta go pickup groceries, so 9PM? Scream Fortress X? We got shit to dooooooooo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha, I thought I was the only person who'd used a colour picker to settle the issue! For those who don't know what's going on: feminists and SJWs are calling this cartoon racist because \"Serena is drawn as black while her opponent has been turned into a blonde, white woman\". Well, fact is her opponent does indeed have (bleached) blonde hair at the moment, so that part is true. But the two of them are both coloured the same shade of brown in the cartoon. Sorry, feminists. The cartoon is racist because how it depicts Serena big nose big lips.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The early bird takes a nap before noon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You, too, can date bitter commie dyke Wanda Sykes with our handy miscegenation app.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... I Definitely Don't Fear Faggots like you or Demon Monkey Apes. My Message was for others, as i Rarely Think of Myself (Not a Self Centered Prick like you). and White Guys don't Pull Guns\/Knives on you and Kill you over a Pair of Sneakers. You're the Dumbass Type that Needs a Real Lesson in Life by a Nigger Thug, and you still wouldn't Learn b\/c you're a Brainwashed Fool...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hmmmm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, she's a cunt... but, honestly, what do we need to say about the guy????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no space on this planet for any black person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Twelve year-old just called me a Nigger in the B.E.T.A test for Fallout 76 a few moments ago. I think i'll wait until he buys the full game before i contact Sony to Ban his PSN account. @PlaystationNA #Fallout76","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow redskins don't want this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You obviously only know extremely low, depraved and mentally retarded females in your ghetto.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah? You like that you fuckin' retard?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OGMarcusC: !!!! @RapAboutCereal: Jay Z verse trash. http:\/\/t.co\/eYb3B08BTM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"worthless fucking cunt. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Could nigger rioting finally put an end to slave-ball? One can only hope... https:\/\/www.minds.com\/newsfeed\/902377951882596352","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot needs a life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How bizarre, I wonder what made them chose jazz hands of all things. According to the video, Tim says it is sign language for applause. > Union officer Sara Khan said traditional clapping can cause issues for students with autism, sensory issues or deafness. How does clapping cause an issue for the deaf that this doesn't cause for the blind?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuckservative talking points: - \"Dems are da real racists. - \"I'm against illegal but not legal immigration. - \"Race doesn't matter. I see people as individuals. #Cuckservatism #Cuckservatives @genophilia Yes democrat are the racist ones fact. Yes Illegal immigration what the word is, illegal. Yes race doesn't matter. Where you drunk or high when you wrote that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Royals 2-1!! Fantastic. Ready for tomorrow's sweep of the disposed O's. #Yankees 4ever except this month.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just found more information about ToroFA. She is not in her late 20s (much older than that), has been with the CIA apparently since Why did you cancel your vid on me tho? Am I a CIA nigger too?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RETARD ALERT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FBI proof that those bombs sent to the DEMS were sent by niggers.. traces of BBQ sauce found behind the stamps! oh kiss my ass retard..LOL your name tells it all dumb nigger wannabe DinduNuffin!! bwaa haa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger lemon head.. who cares??? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a black person to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that \"all women are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Avery_Ave23: @iKeepItTooReal: When the trash bag is so full , you can barely tie it.... http:\/\/t.co\/OtzfiqMWI0 OMG!! STTOOOPP!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all black people\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Writing that \"all Muslims are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So there I was, balls deep in Alexis Ohanian. The guy turns around, mid power-stroke, and says \"get the fuck off me faggot.\" All of a sudden, this 300 pound, roided out primate storms into the room, veiny arm-guns blazing, rips my cheeks apart, and slams home a meat missle that would have put 'blacked' to shame. I try and ask for a reach-around, but I don't think either guy heard me through the bloodcurdling screams So there I was, balls deep in Alexis Ohanian. The guy turns around, mid power-stroke, and says \"get the fuck off me faggot.\" All of a sudden, this 300 pound, roided out primate storms into the room, veiny arm-guns blazing, rips my cheeks apart, and slams home a meat missle that would have put 'blacked' to shame. I try and ask for a reach-around, but I don't think either guy heard me through the bloodcurdling screams","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not allow for any black person to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the idiot that claimed Negroes are not human. Stupid people are really boring .Anything else, retard ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They also love working dangerous jobs to support their families, which I guess is boring, but what do I know, I'm just a faggot tired of a very specific subset of women who think having been raped is the most important factor about them. Not most women, not most rape victims, but you're welcomed to take offense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Yes, retire, and deport yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are without a doubt the stupidestpeople on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's still gay af. Read pink swastika. You'll never look at that faggy lil mustache the same again. Hitler was funny and fashionable. But a tool for Zionism and a false prophet for Europe. He fucked us and gave the Jews everything they ever wanted. They're still not satisfied. Exactly. The inversion of reality! It's the same are brainwashed retarded lefties are told they are smart and have the moral ground while advocating the murder of unborn children. Democrats are morally degenerate RACIST SEXIST human sewage yet they believe the opposite. The complete Orwellian inversion and everything is that way! Their minds say do not critisize the Jew and the JEW needs to be exposed as the parasitical cancer they are! Expel all Jewishness from the World!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good thing its a video game and not real life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" nuff said Hitler did warn you!!! Now look at the less than Great Britain since the Royalty decided to be in bed with the Jews.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flat Earthers full retard mode episode 5 https:\/\/youtu.be\/Lhi3-rqsFLk via @YouTube","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"awwww the truth hurts?? i don't have to tolerate low iq hick bullshit. stay in school there lil fella ;) also you don't have to quote my text if you're replying to it directly hahaha Ladies and gentlemen, the \"Tolerant\" Left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger with a gun would be carrying a pistol, not an assault rifle","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a woman to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man am I tired of this downright retarded argument these idiots have with \"muh diversity\" its a repeated talking point sure but these people do not want actual diversity of thought, they just see people as identities. I've dissociated myself with former people and communities I used to be with, cosplay, fandoms etc cus its just infested with these shit. Yeah im a gay guy, but I literally couldn't give less of a shit but when these idiots constantly gets represented in stuff like cucked media in how eg a stuff isnt \"diverse\" enough and they have their standard, for lack of a better word fa*got (seriously no better way to describe it) its ironically homophobic af. I cant count the number of people literally calling me like a \"gay uncle tom\" and just losing friendships (which admittedly, I'd prefer not to have with these idiots) but seriously, the fact that they cant see through the irony of what they're doing, its tiring. I may have gone off topic but the reason stuff like this may be a thing is because these idiots CONSTANTLY make a big deal out of it, seriously I wish they could just see people as people, its retarded and just stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It hurts to see all these people saying disabled lives are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez is a retard and if she is their shining star... https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/democratic-socialist-ocasio-cortez-compares-climate-change-to-existential-threat-of-nazi-germany","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's unamerican faggot hvn a different opinion than u ? Ur a lefty scag cuz ur behavior n words mimic theirs. Fuck off communist. Essentially u told him \"stop noticing things when ur the minority the niggers won't share ur cowardice. See South Africa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who would upvote that? and#x200B; feminism is an actual issue, and you are just disgraceful. > who would upvote that? People who looked at the post. who, connotates: What sort. The sort of people who would upvote this post are TiA's main subscriber base. He meant the tweet I don't think he did. Twitter doesn't have upvotes; Reddit does. So it wouldn't make sense to ask \"who would upvote that?\" in reference to Twitter. Take note of the second sentence of the comment: > feminism is an actual issue, and you are just disgraceful. That reeks of SJW ideology. Per my understanding, he's not calling the people who liked the tweet disgraceful, he's calling TiA subscribers disgraceful. Nah, he just said upvote instead of favorite\/retweet. Fairly common thing to do even if its incorrect. Pretty obvious. > feminism is an actual issue, and you are just disgraceful. Pretty clearly referring to the author of the tweet, not OP. Seems simple to me, man. Or they're just a troll and I'm completely wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.jta.org\/2018\/10\/10\/life-religion\/rapper-drake-brand-jewishness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That was not a random trap on Flake. It was well planned by Soros and carried out by his paid minions. Nothing the democrats do is \"random\". It's all Planned and paid for by Globilists Bilderburgs. Mainly Soros. This cunt is one of his paid disrupters. HIT time where is Jimmy et.al when you need the Black Hand\/Irish Southies??? Sorry- I don't give Democrats, or Jew Nazi Soros (that turned other Jews over to the Nazi's to save his own miserable skin) that much credit. They just are not that smart! Hell, Trump stays 10 steps ahead at all times, and they are too dumb to get him on anything! He plays them like a fiddle! When are we going to start punching these fuckers in the face?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're cool with your leader going not the show of man who kidnapped a retarded girl to impregnate her?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stephen Hawking in last book before he died said their is no god...not based upon science but based upon his liberal \"opinion\": https:\/\/utterz.com\/posts\/489 Trolls trolls everywhere. Proverbs 26:11 \"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.\" This is exactly why as a Christian I prefer other social networks like https:\/\/utterz.com\/ over gab ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PSA encourages kids to steal parents' guns, hand over to teachers https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2014\/dec\/22\/psa-encourages-kids-to-steal-parents-guns-hand-ove\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Royceda59 Green bananas are better then yellow ones too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fully agree with that, college retards are the reason Bernie had a chance college students are fucking retarded, are you kidding me?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mainstream Christians (ie Cuckstians) today are really just anti-white, SJW faggots. They tell whites to flood their countries with Third World immigrant and refugee vermin. They tell whites to adopt dindus instead of making white babies. And now they tell young white men to marry 75 year old women. WTF? Their emails: rmoore@erlc.com, rmoore@sbc.net, president@erlc.com, matt.smethurst@thegospelcoalition.org, Collin.Hansen@thegospelcoalition.org, dahn@tiu.edu https:\/\/twitter.com\/collinhansen\/status\/1049696268207808512 @Heartiste #Cuckstianity #Cuckstians She is a show girl hawking wears ... She has ZERO count them, ZERO real 'beleifs' other than making money off suckers. That twat will fall in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL what a whore. and underage, look at those braces. i feel bad for her parents. Never let the girls watch anime. Only the boys. Actually, you're gunna have to go Amish or some shit. The girley is having fun. I especially like the lick and the lascivious wink. That said, if she was my grand-daughter I'd beat her ass with a stick. sick Thank you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ridiculous \"Reverend\" Al Sharpton once again uses the race card to discredit President Trump's base...when will this ridiculous nigger be arrested for not paying taxes ? https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/05\/sharpton-after-collins-kavanaugh-anno No room in the pen..too many niggers Put him in with the arabs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anon: >\"problematic\" >goblins are metaphors for jews Where do they get such wild ideas like this. Also I love that they're being retarded enough to name themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This chick is a typical feminazi cunt. FUUUUUUCCCK YOU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Daily Stormer's new \"joke\" is to push for legalization of rape in America, just like Roosh V, the Arab rapist. If I ever get my hands of Anglin or Weev, I will pound their fucking faces into a pulp.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a black person tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awful. Such a terror coming from nowhere. Felt for him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/ntknetwork.com\/obama-blames-bush-for-his-economy-takes-credit-for-trumps\/ Ditto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two retarded liberals duel ? Sounds dumb. I am sure they coverered the fine points.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maxine Waters supposedly received two \"bombs\", unlike her colleagues who supposedly received one each. But she ain't scared! Why? Perhaps because she sent those taped up pipes to herself, and the only reason she got two was because her low IQ negress brain forgot that she had already sent the first one. https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/house\/413085-maxine-waters-responds-to-bomb-threats-i-aint-scared","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta give it to Sweden, they're playing the retard long game really well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that gay people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HuffingtonPost y don't that bitch just shoot herself? so sick of all those whores!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Grandma's Homemade Potato Soup - An old fashioned, simple, chunky potato soup like Grandma made, wit http:\/\/t.co\/ZV8ZsmHNlm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@God_loves_biebs Go pray in a church or something fag, no one cares about your religious bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's the most pathetic conquering in the history of humanity. Both humiliating and sad. At any other point in history these things would be seen as an act of war and be treated for what they are. Now- nobody wants to be called bad names or have some faggot media rep do a story about how racist you are... so we just sit back and allow our countries to be ruined by hordes of people who have their own. No bullets are being fired, no cities are being sacked. They just show up and kill us by outbreeding using our tax dollars. Fucking shameful is what it is. It is a crisis. nigger sand other non-whtes use the QWhite peoples taxes to breed mor inferiors of their kind. We end up takng finacial cade of theses inferior vermin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LuieSanches: PROUDLY a racist. u dumb nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RedWave #Midterms #Democrats Will Turn Your State Into #California VOTE! VOTE RED!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey @Steveinvalencia , you could be a super sniper operating anywhere in the world with a f'n Groucho Marx mustache and some mission jew spectacles if you wouldn't always get your commando jew balls caught in your chutzpah zipper head. Jew why don't you sniff a dog's asshole and find a fire hydrant to rub it on? You shit like a butterfly and piss like a bee. GTFOH! HEY YOU FAGGOT PUSSY IM NOT A JEW ,JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE GENDER CONFUSED AND CUNT GO FUCK YOURSELF AND GET AN EDUCATION","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, well, well. It looks like orangutans over at ABC are regretting their treatment of Roseanne Barr. https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/youngconservatives\/2018\/10\/12\/abc-execs-change-their-tune-and-now-admit-the-truth-about-roseanne-3\/?utm_source=comicalcon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how can I tell it's directed at me when you called your white knight a nigger, can't read the word jew etc. only god knows where you'll drop the goalposts next still can't understand, even though I have told you 3 times....along with the nigger image....that I called you a nigger.. do you have another female to call for backup? did you not read again, she's an example of what you should be, submissive. Christ>man>woman. you clearly called your white knight a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sand nigger lovers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads Dat damn dog eats betta den most colored folk do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"maybe nothing happened. Maybe she was just acting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a queer person myself, I don't understand why people are mad at you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TyDunne: Have to go with the slant pass to your outside linebacker in that situation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich.\" -Louis Sabin That might be a little harsh. Pitbull genocide now. These dogs are just too dangerous","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bring it cunt. I still have some money to donate this year.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Guy got excited when he saw Oreo cookie crusts. He thought I was making pie. He was bummed when he realized it was cheesecake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Amy Schumer turning down Super Bowl ads in support of Colin Kaepernick https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/YZQMc4g.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/txQv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one else is as filthy as these coal miners. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You call this shite philosophy? how about you protect my womb by shutting the fuck up before you impregnate my mind with just enough rage that i come shove that nazi cab driver cap up your arse and blind the pet hamster you got livin in there? an all this time I thought a woman's pussy was her most powerful weapon,- I couldnt get any nigger cock if i wanted cuz theyre all lines up at your moms back door","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i support hanging the nigger muslime obama hussein","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can someone tell me why I cannot remove this person from following me? Ankita Singh @ankita4ngtfun ... it's a hooker, or something. I removed it once, and now it's back, and I can;t force an unfollow! I think Andrew and the boyz a tweaking things ... Andrew sent something out yesterday that it might be up and down ,,, but ya never know they've been around for a while. the usual b.s.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That was my faggot rant for the night.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spamming me with gay porn. Typical degenerate Jew behavior. I can only assume all the others you tagged are good people so I'm going to give them all a follow, you sick jew. @HankRearden @Max_Heiliger @GoyGibson @passinggas @GatesOfToledo @screed @JeanEBraveaux @AdrianLeigh I've been getting tagged with faggot porn also I reported @LikeAssSex","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You probably got Downvoted by some Nigger Rapist here on Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, looks like a nigger to me. You can suck all the nigger dick you like, I will not tolerate some nigger muzzie saying he's superior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's 404","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF? Did this cunt actually say that???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give some love to our favorite autists, folks. They do it for free.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Coons just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excellent - Now I hope his faggot boyfriend doesn't have the money to bail him out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most gay people are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey white boys, I'm here to tell you that you racists don't own Gab, pick a fight with this Jew! I felt obligated to share this with you. D. C. @theobear777 Child, you have no idea what you are talking about, but let me give you some idea of what I'm talking about, if you ever call me a faggot again I'm going to make your life a living fucking hell, make your next words count because if I hear you call me a bitch again it's going to be bad for you Looks like you been talking to a grown ass man If you call me out on this you know what I'm going to do right? @D. C. @theobear777 We all know, what you are going to do - you make screenshots and call the SPLC or the ACLU to report \"anti-semitic hate crimes\". Go back to twitter, rats are not allowed on gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger? You are clearly confused on what a nigger is. You must be a jew who fucks the real niggers. As in up your jew ass while you slander the white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Left, right it honestly doesn't matter both sides have their problems and their set of outliers that fuck it up for everyone just trying to make the world a better place through the lense of their particular political views. When it comes to outliers however everyone should go with a very centrist view, they're cunts and bigots, fuck em all and make damn sure they don't get a voice when it comes to your own leanings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i came from a small country in asia and not that much people doesnt know that every time i travel to somewhere else people ask me so are u chinese? or japanese? or korean? srly every country isnt china or japan or korea in asia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd have to agree.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now if we're gonna say propaganda colors the way society views us as men, then the same must hold true in reverse. There actuality are legitimate gripes buried within the mountains of the sexism which persists within feminism. Same with our homosexual MGTOW friends. I mean MGTOW? These words taken literally defines being gay to me. Men blowing each other. Men going to town on dick? Your name is a study on the modern mass label psychosis. Couldn't you fit anymore labels created by jackoffs in there? I suggest fitting stoolie in there somewhere. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I'm sure some (if not most) are \"oh the ACLU is a good cause\" charity purchases. And knowing the RETARDED position the ACLU just took in the Harvard case, who the fuck would support them? People that don't actively follow politics and just know the ACLU brand in general, for their past history of protecting free speech and other civil liberties.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@darealwalt_jr he see the jig","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nasty lesbo. A real fucking piece of shit, that Dyke bitch should be arrested and prosecuted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, Vox Day is an American Indian and thinks white nationalists are retards Yes, he regularly calls they retards, and does not consider any of them of the right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The purple haired pro-abortion dipshit who roundhouse kicked a girl who had a different opinion than him is trying to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe because he lost his job as a hairstylist after the assault. If you didn't see the video... it's attached. Just look at this typical fucking left wing wanker ...just look at it....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The mods here suck. They look for any excuse to remove content. Mods in general are just shit. Too much autism, not enough actual familiarity with interpersonal dynamics to make valid judgments on what is and isn't a valid discussion. >\"you guys suck!\" >am I the cunt? no, surely it's the mods who are cunts and not me!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's usually at this time that some idiot will say that somehow humans need meat or that a little \"protein\" is good for you. Watch. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/hTLk Why do vegetarians always have to push their lifestyle on others?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to like watching \"Madam Secretary\" I'll never watch it again. Last night they went full on retard, full on left, full on femmie wank. They had the jew Albright, the nigger Powell and Hitlery giving advice. you actually watched that crap...? Even for a goof...?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not about the word but how you use it. You can be white and call a black friend a nigger (hard r) in a way that makes him laugh and be cool about it while calling another person a \"stupid highly pigmented person\" in a very obviously racist way. It's not the word, it's how you use it... That's why I completely dislike the PC culture of policing words. Words aren't the problem, it's the though behind them that is and any person well adjust in society should be able to understand that easily. >You're a white guy. >You're a white cunt. One ^of ^^these ^^^things ^^^^^is ^^^^^^not ^^^^^^^like ^^^^^^^^the ^^^^^^^^^other","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's about time we saw more queer representation on TV. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another dumb nigger bitch Blacks were easy prey for the left deep state to harvest?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HE PUT HIS BOOT NOT ONLY ON THE NECK OF THE PEOPLE Don't forget the chicken wing bones and watermelon rinds they left behind as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We never voted for Multiculturalism but we got it, we never voted for open borders but we got it. We voted for something we want in Brexit and they, the establishment don't want it. Democracy at this point is a mere illusion, we are living in a Totalitarian State! It's time we woke up! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only Muslims would be as fucking retarded as to try to put a baby in a baby.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*retard talk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shitlibs now complaining about PRETTY privilege not just WHITE superiority http:\/\/www.towleroad.com\/2018\/10\/pretty-privilege-2\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yaya ho.. cute avi tho RT @ViVaLa_Ari I had no idea she was sleep ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go off https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/nfldre2xx\/status\/1050256818507829248 There's a good reason this one is allowed to continue to use our oxygen...right ? Right ? guess that beats being married to a boomer widow. Boomer's were my parents generation and I am almost 50 now. So who are these geriatric 'Boomers' who are Trolling innocent youngsters online? LMFAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Triggering fucktards.... Dems Vs Repubs by the numbers. *last 50 yrs Years held Presidency Repub-28yrs Dem-22 yrs Total jobs created Repub-24 Million Dem-42 Million Stock market return Repub-109% Dem-992% GDP Repub-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well I am smart enough to tell you, To go fuck your self, And you can tell Carolyn what ever you want to yourself I not your nigger Kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time to send the girls to carpet crunching big girls prison for the same time the boy would've went for each of them. When they come out 100 lbs heavier, with a shaved head and a hanker for carpet, we don't have to worry about them breeding more retards. Its a win\/win for society. Women aren't retarded children. Women do have agency and free will. I refuse to just let a woman go free just so she'll stop being a lying little shit. Don't pander to the bullshit they're peddling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yes you won the retard olympics, congrats. So you admit you were in the retard olympics. Got it. You wanted to win the retard prize, you earned it with flying colours. it's your's and you can't give it away! has your name on it!! Thanks for admitting you were in the retard olympics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 Hitler lost WW2 champs and heroes WW2 losers and zeroes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bjergsen just made a full AS rune page. I don't just me full AS reds and Quints I mean AS reds, blues, yellows, and Quints. 47% AS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"start making kids, brother. when i listen to the boomers in my family bitch about the direction of this country but didn't bother having kids to support them in their old age, and to pass down values and virtues, i literally tell them to fuck right off. let them enjoy their nice homes, cars, and faggot vacations to europe and the carribean. these selfish fucks caused this problem and now we all have to figure out how to deal with it. > faggot vacations to europe and the carribean I hope you continue to breed and \"pass down (your) values and virtues\". Canada definitely needs more of you to \"figure out how to deal with [our problems]\"!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"C-130 gunship... Squatamalen enchiladas... with Spic sauce !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger teachers grab white kids who didn't initiate. Deep down, he wanted to swing too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well clearly you DO need someone to adopt these kids. Doesn't speak well of YOU does it, Author, that you care more about color than the welfare of the kids. Racist cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this be a nigger running around yelling 'where all da white wimmin at'?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"( ): \"You're just LARPing as a nAhTzEe...Things get very real, very fast\" This snarky, soy-slurping faggot has no idea how real it's going to get when we finally go full fash and take out the trash. I'm impatiently waiting, and will be ready for when it does, but I'm not too sure he's gonna know what to do -- other than assume the fetal position, of course.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My shot from this morning. King Street. Old Town, Alexandria. Love this ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without black people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She has zebra tights in her take home bag, me and my mom are just ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fate of the HB Diversity + Proximity = War. #D+P=W https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html @Heartiste @3DAngelique when the subhuman nigger sees an exquisite White beauty, his immediate instinct is to defile it, kill it, and then gloat about it before her family and friends. mother of....this mudsharking disease has gone worldwide, threatening to extinguish the lineages of even the best specimens of Whiteness. i think the problem is that niggers don't think. There's no inner voice. They act on instinct, and their instincts are demonic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical inbred low IQ mudslime... JUST CRUSH THIS LOW IQ CUNT AND BE DONE WITH IT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How long are they going to let the fools in #Ferguson continue? Stop pussy footin' and disperse them by WHATEVER means necessary!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Be White >Go to Charlottesville to protest the removal of a confederate statue >See old White man getting beat up by nigger >Defend man by smacking nigger in head >Get 8 years . >Be kike >Rape children >Get 60 days If you're not actively pointing out bullshit like this to people you know IRL despite the social costs of doing so, you don't deserve the White race","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This sounds suspiciously like a fake hate crime designed to avoid an investigation to me, but... https:\/\/womenintheworld.com\/2018\/10\/12\/1st-black-woman-legislator-in-vermont-resigns-after-white-supremacists-threaten-safety-of-her-family\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You disabl3d people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That 'Ouija' movie look like trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch the feminists bitch about not listening and believing. \"The way this woman has been treated will discourage other victims from coming forwards\", etc etc. Feminists are all about absolving women of the responsibility for their actions. So in feminists' minds, the fact that this woman lied about Craig McLachlan to try to ruin his career doesn't matter. They'll still argue it's wrong that she should face a lawsuit, or any negative consequences at all, for lying about him. I think they should do the time for the crime they lied about. THEN we can think about time to be served.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] I suggest you learn how to have a conversation like an adult. ok, moderator of \/r\/pussypassdenied today, were going to play \"name that fallacy! Stehhhppp onnnn Dooowwnn!\" also, thanks for the plug. Before that, I would take a course on reading comprehension and critical thought if I were you. >critical thought if I were you. its funny, because youre the one who earned the tag, NPC. > NPC I shouldn't be feeling bad about you if you are insulting me. Take care man. I don't hate you though. I do insult people on reddit sometimes but with you, I don't feel any hate. You seem lost. Maybe because I did something similar. Don't spend too much time on reddit and take care of yourself.. There is a line between supporting mensrights and hating women. Spend too much time on these subreddits, you start conflating the two things. PM me if you want to talk You are projecting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ClicquotSuave: bunch of rappers boutta flood the internets w\/ trash remixes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A reporter's Hurricane Michael notebook: Finding words to capture the indescribable https:\/\/www.tallahassee.com\/story\/news\/2018\/10\/21\/reporters-hurricane-michael-notebook-how-do-you-find-words-capture-indescribable\/1699046002\/ Lots of photos from the Florida Panhandle. When I went down there on Wednesday, the mainstream media was more interested in Trump calling Stormy Daniels \"Horseface.\" This was as bad if not worse than Katrina and it was in the news for less than a week I've been in that area between Panama City and Tallahassee a bunch of times and it is largely White working class Old Florida people who live there The Redneck Riviera, I spent many spring breaks there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Go one further: >A vag is a baby dispenser >Anyone who finds that sexy needs psyhcological help A penis is just a tool of rape. Anyone who finds that sexy needs psychological help. Attractive faces are negligibly correlative with reproductive health. Anyone who finds that sexy needs psychological help. A good personality has nothing to do with reproductive ability. Anyone who finds that sexy needs psychological help. That was utterly stupid My kinda dirty talk! Me and my girl both lost it at that part ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rouler mar e Say someone who never went to France Don't know why you're getting downvoted. That guy makes two absolutely retarted statements without any source. You obviously weren't around for the Collective \"No U\" the United States did when a snooty Frenchman said \"You stupid Americans.\" tf does your comment even mean? this guy saying that france is full of retards because of this fact is absolute bullshit and the guy saying he's obviously never been to france is a good shout. Its 5 days old you inbred cheese eater. For one, I'm obviously not French. And it's super obvious you're just a racist who can't back himself up so pce out saddo. Try spend time doing things other than reddit. Like meet people in the real world and meet friends. Try spending time doing something besides eating cheese.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As Chanice say that, I realize the coons move from drinking Moet to Belaire. All yuh feel all yuh so fancy with all yuh $30 champagne eh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical dyke bitch and her white knight FAGGOT-\"boy . Don't you wish you could just fucking slowly murder these people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That could be a nightmare even without being drunk!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jake Tapper is a c**t. Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good post. I want to see mandatory meritocracy everywhere. Except cripples. If you are a certified cripple or retard you should maybe get extra help. Meritocracy leads to the importation of cheap foreign labor and free trade, cause niggers are better at manual labor at lower prices and chinks can do better electronics, etc, etc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"George Lincoln Rockwell (life and Times) http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=u1JyUEyAVI8 Youtube blocked this where you cant even click on I understand and proceed, these giant fucking pussies at YouTube.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a HYPOCRITE FUCKING DISGUSTING MUZZIE BITCH!!! These assholes want everyone to convert to their shitty satanic ideology, but WE whites are not allowed to marry within OUR OWN Racial group?...Bitch WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU to tell Anyone who they can marry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@goldnsilvercoin the worst terrorists are republican teabaggers...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UK Sending 800 Troops To The Arctic To Target Russia https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-07\/uk-sending-800-troops-arctic-target-russia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Horny called me asking her to buy her a drink this morning and then this jiggaboo walks in WITH A SONIC DRINK IN HER HAND #DONE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweden introduces amnesty for hand grenades to reduce the number of illegal explosive materials https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/sweden-introduces-amnesty-for-hand-grenades-to-reduce-the-number-of-illegal-explosive-materials\/#.W8Se87q8EEI.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Principal Replaced After Making A Student Take Off His Trump Jersey At A Patriotic-Themed Football Game https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/13\/north-carolina-principal-replaced-student-trump-jersey-football-game\/ YEP...PEOPLE GETTING WOKE ON THE ANTI AMERICA FAKE NEWS MEDIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"have we regressed or why could you say and do shit like that 15 years ago but now youre the devil for saying faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot MUSHROOM MUSHROOM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You rang?? I'm all that, but it's still a fucking nightmare out there, you think I got some advantage, I attract more cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She broke up with me, nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot piece of shit. Doesn't live in an environment that he is wanting the rest of the world to live in. Kill him. He serves no human purpose. Angry today.... more coffee.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other women in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisfaggot. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why should they work.There is no incentive.They are abused in schools because they are males, are humiliated everywhere in media when they grow up.Why should they return to plantation?Media is more concerned about women problems.It should not be a problem employ more women to fill the void.A company with only women is considered diverse and supported.One with only men is considered discriminatory and risked to loose the business. >Why should they work.There is no incentive. you don't call a narcissitic she-devil who will scream your head off when you come home daily from work , put all her problems before yours, always feel like she settled for less and resent you, eventually cheat on you, and then divorce rape you, the proper incentive ? \/s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for trans people has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab Nazi: \"Jews control the world\" Me: Actually Jews only represent That's your only means of avoiding the question. Get fucked pussy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So we are not even two full games into the season, and the fairweather whining is already in full effect? #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TRUMP: HILLARY NEVER GOT IT. THAT'S WHY SHE LOST' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/09\/donald-trump-fires-back-clinton-hillary-never-got-thats-why-she-lost\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll respond with nigger jew bitch sandpeople cracker and Hitler did nothing wrong .. Just to prove that yes sir here you can say anything you want . Welcome","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thankful they ran this updated story ... DUMBFUCK Warren Cunt proved it by taking the DNA test LMAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Published on 12 Sep 2018 Pharaoh's Aristocracy use their White Slaves to rob Black Slaves; now all together in The One Empire [embedyt] https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=S4YxvK2xnT8[\/embedyt] ~ Central Intelligence Agency is it white people's fault they are naturally more intelligent than blacks?? I don't think so..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" STOP Third World ShitHoler Invasion... NO TO ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST IN AMERICA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all Muslims\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All trans people like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This nigga had so much talent, RIP. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This was in 2017, so is there a follow up to this? > According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges the video allegedly was uploaded to various social media sites. The plaintiff alleges the defendants did not inform her that she was being videotaped. What? He told her multiple times she was being filmed. Besides its his car, he has every right to film the inside of his car. >The plaintiff alleges the defendants did not inform her that she was being videotaped and violated her rights by allegedly uploading the video to social media sites. well he told her he was. This makes me SOOOOO ANGRY Not only did he tell her multiple times about the dash cam he also told her he was putting it on YouTube.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump's surrendering to taliban in Afghanistan thought the retard trump had a super secret plan to win in 30 days? between this and his check for the Saudi royal family, we know who the real Muslim lover is trump's the REAL the member of the Muslim brotherhood","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter Rules Louis Farrakhan Comparing Jewish People To Termites Doesn't Violate Guidelines https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/3QGlTQw.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/M9PT Wow, he'd feel right at home around here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the nigger slice\/stabbed his eye with a \"something\"? Looked like a quick eye stab and a punch with the other arm. \"Get your concealed carry today. Would you like to know more? #2A https:\/\/www.usconcealedcarry.com\/\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The government send us to war to fight Muslim countries The Muslim council has gone made about a photo of British soldiers having a photo with Tommy Robinson, the very same Muslim council that said \"British soldiers are fair game for jihad attacks \" Ive just heard that some of them soldiers have been sacked https:\/\/youtu.be\/jJmok2CwPfM I think you're looking into this post a little bit to much, it's about young lads and a photo and our British establishment pandering to a known terrorist supporting Muslim council we all know the Jews want to own the world and people in it me I'm tackling Muslims raping terrorist gangs and appeasing governments Look calm down, take a chill pill I've said what I'm against Muslims that are doing disgusting things to children and killing in the name of Islam Like I said I know what the Jews are doing Soros, Rothschilds ect ect But where I live Muslims are rapping and killing girls in Telford we all have different agendas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You use the term faggot as if you think it's bad or negative to be gay? Kinda weird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sargon's subscribers are some of the dumbest NPCs I've come across. Say what you want about people with such bad taste that they'd subscribe to MundaneMatt, but when Matt put out an especially retarded video, they mass-downvoted it. Other the other hand, even most of Sargon's worst, pantsu on head retarded videos have a Like-Dislike ratio of around 10- Some examples would be that stream where he white knighted Leslie Jones HARD and repeatedly condemned the Harambe jokes, and that video where he sperged out about an article by me for 50 minutes. The one video on his main channel that I remember getting more downvotes than upvotes was a short video where he pretended that he won his debate with Richard Spencer Yeah, I saw the comments on Vee's stream with Metokur - holy shit, what a bunch of brow-nosing SJW Lite faggots he has following him... Veeh's audience are the dumber half of Sargon's dumb audience.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@imdevincarlson trash*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex Jones has a message for you about how the mainstream media is brainwashing you to hate Israel. Time stamped (but you might have to jump to YouTube to get to the correct time) - https:\/\/youtu.be\/VrrJiKf219Q?t=315","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love to see those black people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut their Muslimthroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a bitch like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in gay people's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Again, I can't stop you continuing to demonstrate you're a total loser with nothing better to do. I can pretend to be retarded too. I don't spend two days trolling people to do so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A RACIST retarded bitch like her deserves to be SHOT! What a piece of shit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say \"I hate disabled people\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will people understand that only disabled people are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO I'd Say \"at least half\" Is A Gross Understatement. The Vast Majority of People In Florida are Focking Retards. Retards From NY, Retards From Jersey, Retards From Mass, California and Washington State. Retards From Cuba and Haiti. Pretty Much Any Retard Who Couldn't Make it In Their Home State\/Land Oozed Into Florida Like Sewage or Toxic Waste.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's 2040AD, islamic trannies are smashing down doors and taking \"racist extremists\" to the re-education gulag. The racists are still disavowing each other and arguing about the best way to take power It's 2018AD, a vain faggot is aggressively starting shit with other nationalists and publicly demanding that Gab be taken down. Clueless randos accuse everybody responding to the unprovoked attacks of \"infighting.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazi: Far Right Nationalists, Fascist, arrested Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Communists and Anarchists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leave the dumb cunt alone before I gas your skin to my wall","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger privilege means never having to take responsibility for the pathological failings of your own kind whilst holding ypipo responsible and demanding reparation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey 'Hank' where is this evidence that Saudi admits to 911? Or, are you a liar or just fantasist?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Goldkamp247: Yep, Steve Spurrier just sorta compared Alabama to the Yankees. \"They've (NY) got the biggest payroll, they don't win ever ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I support lgbt i want youre support for lgbt in pakistan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deathto all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Big if true. VERY Big by the looks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only you hatred Jews this much for what they've done to the West. Have you even tried to understand the positions of the Far Right? Of course not. Youre just another faggot Cuckservative with Stockholm syndrome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's going full retard, and then there's going 110% retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to hug a black person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's just respect those immigrants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don t talk trash regarding sports.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mouthy cunts! The lot of em!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you don't want people to look at you on public transport maybe buy a car if you're so entitled. I suspect that lady had mental problems. Ghetto attitude as well Don't rule out drugs! Never ever rule out drugs when it comes to public transportation altercations. Their average IQ is around 80 so they have a hard time figuring out action -> reaction. Spend enough time around them and you realize this is the default behavior. [deleted] He\/She was making a racially(ist) motivated statement about some studies saying that African Americans average IQ is Oh, gotcha. I don't know the validity of that statement, so I'm not going to speak on that, but what I can speak on is that this lady is far below the average intelligence of any race on this planet. Basically, she's a God damn retard. It is more of an accurate statement of inbred populations, like in Pakistan where a large majority are inbred since they follow religious beliefs encouraging cousins to marry. But African populations tend to have lower IQs as well, for whatever reasons. [deleted] It's been studied for a couple decades now [DuckDuckGo: global IQ map](https:\/\/duckduckgo.com\/?q=global+iq+mapandt=hfandiax=imagesandia=images) It's just controversial to talk about the \"why\" for obvious reasons, even suggesting it has nothing to do with race but diet\/wealth\/upbringing etc. Even pointing out how inbreeding lowers IQ can get you labeled as a racist, when it's well known that inbreeding lowers average intelligence for pretty much every species on the planet. Idk how valid it is either, but seems pretty racist to make that his go to statement. But yeah, the woman is definitely touched in the head. Edit: your downvotes confirm you're racists, and as such are the lesser human beings you accuse others of being. Thanks for playing though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are 0 for 2 with this whole stopping a plane to save a Muzzie crap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find so much power in calling myself a fag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apple is typical of leftism. I had an iMac that worked perfectly until it became obsolete. So I went to the Apple store in Pasadena to buy a new one. \"Do you sell external CD players?\" I asked. The sales clerk actually paused and stared at me as if I weren't even human. \"Why do you want an external CD player?\" he asked VERY rudely. Since I'm not an asshole, I don't think like one. \"To save images on CDs,\" I said. \"This iMac has a CD drive,\" the guy sneered. I almost didn't buy the computer, just to teach him a lesson about salesmanship, but as I usually do in life, I shrugged off the assholery and went home with a new computer. In 2015, I bought a new iMac online. When it arrived, I set it up, and I looked for the CD slot. There was none. The 2015 iMac has no CD drive. So I had to buy an external CD player. Which just died. Now I have to go the store and buy a new external CD player, so that I can save images. I back up everything on two external drives, the Cloud, and CDs. Apple FUCKED UP. And now I'm remembering that ASSHOLE sneering at me for asking about an external CD player. \"You IDIOT. The computer has its own CD drive. How could you not KNOW that? Are you retarded?\" There. I just used a word that Twitter would've put it me in time out for using. All these years later, Apple went back to the days of my first computer. Progress! Leftists think that RUINATION is progress. I bought my first computer in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Lovelesslovely @Kwitchabichen25 hey aklve! Im taking out the black ghetto trash. Youre blocked nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just women after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see one of your retarded fucking monkeys shot some unarmed Jews in church ... like the little Nazi Nigger he was. If you monkeys want to attack someone ... come attack me, or at least someone armed. Attacking unarmed people is what little bitch Niggers, like you, do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you Charlie, Happy Thursday @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @Kacado @cantUCIMblonde @RevkahJC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gifs http:\/\/t.co\/J1PWlaeRCu (via @teapot)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck of then cunt and good riddance faggot. Xoxo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ayy Carlton is a ghetto school now #SwitchedAtBirth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not calling for violence, I'm calling to unapologetically call out Democrat treason. No rioting, no kicking in doors, no harassing people at dinner, but call them the treasonous cunts that they are, and don't back down when concern trolls freak out. He should have said \"are you fucking retarded son?\" Womp womp. And it's \"chock full\" you illiterate retard. Go read a book. Thank God. Use all legal avenues available against these slimey fucks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When your squad is complete shit in PUBG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UGLY CUNT moooooooooooooooooooooooove to another country bitch AND TAKE FAT ASS rosie WITH YOU SHE'S FAT AND UGLY AND THROWED THE FUCK OFF DISEASED TRASH NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS STUCK UP BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not wanting to be associated with a lying liar who stood there and lied out her lying lie hole is my guess. It makes you wanna go, hmmmm. D! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD That's what I was thinking too. I bet she teaches men how to spread their legs for manspreading. ADD DUPE TO THE LIST. D! Absolutely. You left out a few things I'd like to call her but \"D\" will suffice for now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These niggas retarded... Lmfaoo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No half-breed spic has any right to say anything to any Anglo ever, and should be killed for doing so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"95 % is not done we the vote that leave want to see true % bet money it only 25% because she say us not us the population you mean us may evil European union cunt s she will never break away from evil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a trns person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah Don't give a fuck Bud. They're nigger demons to me. They should be sent to Africa so nature can run its course.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking with these hoes nigga don't be no dumby","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is your third R1 violation in less than three months and you were directly warned last time to cut the idpol bullshit. Take 3 days off to know where that bullshit is tolerated and where it isn't. Plain and simple, if you're going to run around complaining about (((teh jewz))) go elsewhere. He's been warned once before for that shit and it's a direct violation of rule One offs are generally able to be ignored provided that the user in question isn't a single purpose account who thinks this is MDE2 Electric Boogaloo. But if you have to be told a few times to lay off the jewish conspiracies, you're going to get slapped. Like I said, this isn't the first time he was slapped for it. Hopefully when he comes back in 3 days he'll knock it the fuck off. That's the goal of just not outright banning people on sight. There are plenty of places on reddit that welcome this behavior and discussion. We are not and will not be one of them. We are open to all faiths, creeds, and political opinions, and we will not discount our jewish users so that the alt right users can bitch about getting constantly cucked by an imaginary entity. Oh fuck off. You can't mention the Jews? Ban me for all I care, so sick of this shit. Let me help you. https:\/\/www.voat.co\/account\/register Now who's being a dickwolf. Think you'll have a difficult time arguing that this comment is rule breaking. But by all means, hit that report button.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jimmerfredette: I hope the Yankees game doesn't get rained out tonight. It's going to be a special atmosphere and game. Jeter deser ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@daishialopez how could you say such a thing woman?! You have two functioning chest tables to hold your peanut butter and crackers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it every time something like this happens no one grabs the attacker by their neck and rips their lips off their face or shoves their nose into their brain? Why aren't people breaking these people's legs the fuck off? Why are people not defending themselves? Do you have any idea how much fun it would be to beat the AIDS out of this faggot after seeing an attack like this and be justified in doing it? Please, Lord, let me see something like this happen while I'm minding my own business. Please. https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/shock-video-pro-life-activist-violently-assaulted-by-leftist-at-rally\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck this nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I seen on new today that some one but a bomb out side soros door what the fucking matter with you can't you even do job right next time blow the evil cunt up in the home or out get A bigger bomb go to plan b","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Satisfaction and justice BEST TRUMP INSTANT KARMA EVER!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" . that's terrible!! Of course he was \"homeless in Broward\" in a sparkly new van plastered in Trump. In Scott Israel's jurisdiction. Of course! This is beyond retard level","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No shit! The sewage the filth puts out is destroying minds! Jews are morally degenerate sewage! Go away you vile brainwashed retarded Jewified monkey brain piece of shit! Quit telling me fucking JEW LIES! We would not have a muslim problem if not for a filty RACIST JEWS! Jews are RETARDED! Go take your Jewified brain and shove it up your ASS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You heard wrong, probably on FOx. The republicans wanted him confirmed because they knew that would be the last thing they could get away with. Midterms is going to slaughter the red team. Nothing like hearing hillbilly rednecks crying...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am left leaning and even I think these people are morons. I don't want to live in an echo chamber, I want people to try and challenge my opinions and then I can challenge their's. I think rape culture is bollocks. I don't like being looked at as a potential rapist even though I am a man. Hell I don't even like female bits (total cock fan). There is an issue with rape. There is an issue of false reports. Process needs to change to allow total anonymity until someone is proven guilty, and universities have no right to throw students out because of an allegation. You can lean left all you want as long as you come back to a sensible middle with people on the right. It seems to me that the people on the right have basically stayed that way for the past 10 years all while people on the left are getting further and further to the left. It's causing them to be more belligerent and militarised, example being forming lunch (Lynch) mobs to attack republicans at restaurants and at their personal homes. I don't see a single group of people on the right forming mobs and going to Corey Booker's house Yeah the right actually doesn't care about gay marriage anymore. Maybe next time don't use talking points from 1994","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"P d ! ...means faggot in French btw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We were taught as kids to not hit ANYONE. When did that go out the window?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you cunts say anime is bad...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. You need to grow your balls back and stand up for your race, white man. You sound like a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jason admitted you're a stuck up bitch lol, which you are. Think you're so much better than everycunt, naaaaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's like saying I've had the pinto since 72 RT @Shallow__Al @TonyClevenger dude I've had an iPhone since the beginning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spins the Death Star wheel again and it lands on the patriarchy misogynistic history of pockets. Yes, pockets! @lovelymiss @Wifewithapurpose @wocassity @Mondragon @RaviCrux We will get sharia. I much prefer White sharia over muslim. Can't help but to notice that it was written by a bergstein.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can be a bit of an asshole sometimes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't think this cunt is going to run in 2022 and doesn't give a shit. She just wants to muddy the waters for Trump.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think Kanye saw through Taylor Twat Swift before any of us saw who she really is. I question no more about why Kanye started cracking on her by taking the microphone away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"feelin all warm and fuzzy inside...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HuhWhatsACondom: This would never happen at a \"non-colored\" award show @BETAwards http:\/\/t.co\/rUJNu1l7t8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hateful, fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There was never a more Treacherous leader than this Bitch, She is selling me and you out to the EU, But if she thinks that we are going to sit here and doo nothing but let her then she is sourly mistaken? Theresa Dis-May is a friggin moron turning Englandstan into a muzzie shithole and weak on Brexit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The left is so contradictory. Things that the SCOTUS overturned that the majority of Americans wanted include racial segregation, abortion restrictions, gay marriage bans, etc. One guy gets on the court and these clowns want to give up all these things. The left can never see 2 ft in front of the, let alone the forest through the trees: If they can't win to control it, they want it destroyed. They didn't win the last Presidential Election, so they want to abolish the Electoral College. When they lose, in November, they're gonna want to abolish Congress and the Senate. I'm wondering when they'll just commit mass suicide. Hey, democrat here. I, and everyone I know, don't want to abolish Congress, the Senate, or the Supreme Court. However, arguments could be made that the Supreme Court needs term limits, and that the electoral college is outdated. Have a nice day. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LBC: Theresa May says 95% of the Brexit deal is done, @Nigel_Farage asks: Should we give the PM more time? #FarageOnLBC https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/NkxR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BanSharia Recently founded party in #Belgium ISLAM claims their name stands for - in French: \"Integrity, Solidarity, Freedom, Authenticity, Morality\" https:\/\/gatesofvienna.net\/2018\/04\/the-islam-party-sharia-in-belgium\/ Orwellian doublespeak par excellence In fact #Islam stands for: \"Immorality, Slavery, Lies, Anarchy, Mass-murder\" Under sharia a woman needs 4 male witnesses to a rape and they need to be muslim or the number balloons out to 12 as Christians and Jews are worth 1\/3 of a muslim with Zoastrians 1\/ While I want to agree you are going to have to have a civil war. The NPC cucks from cuckfornia are moving out to escape the horrors they have inflicted and instead of learning they bring the same politics to their new location. It's the magic dirt thing you can take a nigger out of africa but you can't take africa out niggers. If I lived in the UK I'd move to poland.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice -- them empowered woman IE DUMB CUNT is so stupid she think that the GOP are some how PURE ... while ONLY the Dems have donors that HATE WHITE AMERICA ... And this is why VOTING IS NOT GONNA THE FARM. Dumb twats like LIZ are the exact issue. Meaning -- I won't suck this random cunts ass ... FUCK YOU. Feminism uppity bullshit denied.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4th horseman eat shit nigger cuck whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"30 mins for @natezoo919 n @greco_joel to pick out a trash can @ meijer....now do u guys understand why I took 3 shots before this trip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I ripped a tv off the wall and smashed a nigger in the face with it. Wasn't my room and was in Chicago 30 year ago. It was a big fight blood every where","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"f u tumblr bc my blog is black and white but there's so many great colored things I could reblog fml","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is actually quite easily explained... Donna Brazile is a fucking idiot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Video played in court that shows a white man in Detroit opening fire on an unarmed black teenager who says he was lost. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/QwsH Exactly!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's a huge difference with a 9 year old!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks a lot Boomers:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never hurt any woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any disabled person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@IsaacKappy is this you, will broadcast on twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shithead o'connor proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is a dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to GAB! You just have to be wary of the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches on here. Just MUTE them without responding. Eventually, they disappear. On any posting of theirs go to your right where the ellipsis is, click on it and select MUTE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Comparing RDR2 to Gone Home in any way is insulting the hundreds if not thousands of people who developed the game over so many years of work. Even one house in RDR2 probably has more man hours and effort put into it than the entirety of Gone Home. THis is really the dumbest fucking thing I've heard all year. How can anyone be this stupid and delusional? It's been twenty years and I still remember it! Man, the Broken Sword games were awesome. Oldschool adventure games in general, remember Discworld? Or the amazing Blade Runner game? You're right, those kind of adventure games actually had you use your brain instead of feeding the latter with some [current year] victimology bullcrap.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a is this your idea of \"speech?\" Vulgar name calling? From a speaker of \"Turth?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is some kind of malformation in the nigger \"brain\" that makes it behave the way it does.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awesome. I hope she presses charges and sues the asshole. Needs to be arrested and charged with assault, and if trained in martial arts (which seems likely), enhanced charges related to that abuse. Unless laws in Canada are tougher than they are in the US, this guy needs the crap beat out of him! He needs to feel her pain. That seems to be the only way these \"animals\" learn a lesson. I hope someone teaches him a very painful lesson! I'm sure somebody already has. He is rumored to be a stand-up guy, because it hurts when he sits down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why not just jump in front of a bus since life is so terrible u have to protest by paying some junky freak to give u hepatitis with a needle they used on a nigger an hour before ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chinese Reporter Throws Fit in U.K., Calls Hong Kong Panel Liars' and Traitors' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/national-security\/2018\/10\/02\/chinese-reporter-fit-calls-hong-kong-panel-liars-traitors\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Smug twat waffle, I hope they put him in with the general population. His politics won't save him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes he was a disaster a nonce homosexual alcoholic but a good zionist puppet. Haye the fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! http:\/\/t.co\/zibllnm1ZS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh is this where Canadian alt-right propaganda gets posted? No. This is where all the Liberal trolls with no job, and live in their parent's basements come, because they have no life, and ran out of money to buy Vaseline. Wow you sound like a really nice and level headed person. I sure hope people you disagree with don't show up in your safe space and say things you disagree with pushing you in to a temper tantrum. For someone who uses the term snowflake so much you sure are upset about the majority of your country voting for something they believe in. I sure hope your precious and delicate sensibilities have not been too offended by a fair and functional leader elected in a fair election. Curse those libs!!! Calling them all cucks and soyboys and snowflakes has convinced me that intellectually you are superior and I must include you in all productive conversations regarding your country. I mean you're ability to trigger them liberals or call out triggered liberals is paramount to a functional democracy. I can see no way how villanizing your countrymen and carrying open hostility for someone you disagree with could possibly blow up in your face. But hey by all means if you've already convinced yourself that in a fair democracy the other opinion is to be treated as an enemy you must vanquish at all costs there was never any hope in getting through to you in the first place. You're too far gone. You think other citizens of your own country with different opinions are the enemy. And that's honestly the biggest win your actual enemies who would wish to see you harmed could have ever hoped for.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Redneck What a mean-spirited person","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you heard Kamala Harris talk? She's all attitude with no brains. She's a typical nigger teacher. She probably thinks this is no different than schooling children and she's \"totes killing it\". She must be sub 90 IQ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are they planning on poisoning our restaurant meals and groceries or something? Why must Dems push themselves on innocent people constantly just because they feel they can take what they want from others? Is it because of the crooked system of corrupt courts they put in place?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God, I wish that post had nothing but replies of \"Shut up, bitch.\" Yeah I'd hate to tell this cunt that there's a worse word than \"bitch\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see them get ejected and then explode at the highest point. Entitled cunt fireworks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sebastian is high on cat nip rn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JaclynDeeter: Well maybe you're a whore you stupid ugly homeless bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We are going to put an end to all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I always soprised dat I has mo while followers den colored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@SenBlumenthal: 'Republicans Have Succeeded in Confirming a Dangerous and Deeply Flawed Nominee' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/pZkc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoa damnit that's brilliant! ..And true too wouldn't ya know i got a few hundred thousand of those over the years too! Hahah :D Don't ya worry whole hep USA infesto with the Deep State satan slime @ this point friend .. Don't ya worry whole hep USA BEEN infesto with the Deep State satan slime @ this point friend : \/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That has been my experience as well. Living in the communist armpit of America (SF bay area) I have found the biggest bigots in America are self righteous leftists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Especially when one considers that 'victory' to be that he hangs around a White female, something I have done since I was Odd that he considers 'winning' to be that of hanging around a White female, yes? Such hatred of one's own race is disheartening to see. One should learn to be proud of one's own race. Alas, I understand Nigger self-hatred.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We do not cover a lot of gay authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This post is retarded even by Boomer standards Given it's based on actual Gab Nazi replies, wouldn't that make Gab Nazis retarded? No. That would make you retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn I think your redskins lost @KxRxSxB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's funny is when a nigger does something the entire media is like look what this nigger did. IT'S AMAZING! It's because it's actually rare when niggers do anything smart.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NerdLifeThuggin: Skin Diamond really was the last champion for ebony porn. Everything else is kinda trash now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get off your useless cunt go to work, pay for your insurance and your useless degree She don't want a job. She a worthless bitch from 18 to 35 the woman here want you to pay for everything including their monthly rags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NerdistDotCom: Forget your typical graduation speech. Charlie Day manages to be hilarious AND inspirational in today s MIFVOTD: http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's all white. Yet he goes out of his way to spot one nigger or spic. Lol. Basically fuck whitey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ennuitimes clever monkey!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as much of a dumb cunt she is... that hyperbole isn't too far out of reach to be said to prove a point. She also did end with telling him she hopes it never happens to him. So I'll give her a pass, but she was an insufferable cunt She was saying. That to emphasise how she is the victim and she wouldn't want such a horrible thing to happen on anyone. Save the crocodile tears. She's a cunt of a human","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm quite new, but it's the same as Twitter, only you can say Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shoot the sand nigger in the face","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I see he also had to go to the dentist to pull a damaged tooth. That anesthesia can be annoying afterwards. It's way too embarrassing to tell everyone how he really broke his hand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm seeing more and more niggers migrating further up liberty rd... smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ryancommakerry @dianaaaxo @JennaAmendolare guys number 42 on the Yankees looks like uncle Stevie LMAO IM DYING","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think Apple, LG and Samsung will be backing Trump in","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey let's carve some pumpkins! Ok, cool... let's burn one first... wait.. I got an idea! #BongOLantern ^alternative pussy^ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just replace things like \"cis\" and \"straight\" with \"Jewish\" and you basically have Nazi rhetoric. These peope claim they fight for \"equality\" yet they're acting no better than those they're trying to oppose. (Countering discrimination with discrimination) I'd call this clever satire if people this retarded didn't actually exist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elton John - We All Fall In Love Sometimes PARTE 1 https:\/\/youtu.be\/JvrvU7MhWc0 Quem voc ? N o tem problema eu n o examino as pessoas pelo comportamento, n o pela prefer ncia sexual , Elton John, Fred Mercury entre outros s o grandes cantores e compositores , isso que me interessa, e n o o que eles fazem com seus corpos .AH sim sou h tero , mas n o homof bico lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brown people don't know how to speak properly. Based on articles that pop up in this sub, they also need to be kept in their own spaces to be safe, can't control themselves when heari g the word \"nigger\" and lash out like vicious pitbulls, can't figire out basic manners, or how to be anywhere on time, can't find jobs and need the charity of white americans if they want to put a meal on the table. Oh, and they're too stupid to figure out how to go to the DMV and get an ID to vote with. Brown people are basically retarded, and that's why white people need to hopd their hands every step of the way, lest they fall flat on their ass and get arrested for selling drugs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What are you doing this November 6, 2018 ??? Well these Guys will walk through the US Borders if the Democrats Win. Is This What You Want?? If Not Then Get Up Your Ass and VOTE. VOTE NOVERMBER you guys are retarded if you thinks that dems want open borders...we don't. but in the spirit of those who came before us we'd like to offer a legal way to citizenship for the possibility of a better life. just as they did when most of your ancestors migrated to the US from other countries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What if we just killed all women?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why would any bitch accuse a 9yo boy of sexual assault. where are the NPCs crying about racism and sexism now? Maybe if you left your echo chamber you would know that even libtard feminists cuck soyboys were pissed off by this cunt. TFW my internet hug room told me that the libtards weren't outraged. ur wrong. hugroom right. hugroom warm.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These cunts should have to register as sex offenders. This shit is stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I could care less wheather or not it is photoshopped. It just looks odd. Either way do you think these men speak for all of Ireland? They definitely don't speak for me. So am I a potato nigger too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aw...look who's sad about judge Kavanaugh's confirmation...why its Alyssa Milano... Want to have a great laugh? Go to Twitter and read the responses she has for this Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/Alyssa_Milano\/status\/1048669773574287360","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KenSuttling Not taking Franks advice and he ate the yellow snow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh ffs. The sluts that are posting these uncorroborated and unreported to police rape allegations on this site have got to be the most disgusting skanks in America. This is the Feminists response to Kavanaugh\/Trump. The goddamn Salem Witch Trials had more integrity. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6245465\/Online-rape-list-posts-uncorroborated-sexual-assault-claims.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MSN would hire a retarded writer like this to say some nonsense. So, basically, if you don't shave your eyebrows and paint them on like weird Hispanic girls, you are a bad person. Or this is some kind of jew hate dork stuff.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are there still people pretending that Trump isn't retarded and they didn't only vote for him as an anti-establishment vote? I mean that's a perfectly valid reason IMO but let's call it what it is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, so now Robert DeNiro got a bomb, too. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight... CNN would have you believe some right winger is so angry they sent bombs to all these politicians....Soros...AND DeNiro? Why didn't Madonna get one? Joy Behar?? Sure...not buying this bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @UnnagroundKing: RT @JoshHelaku: I don't care who Kendrick made that song for it's still trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT what got me into baseball! :Well only a couple more days till all these legends will be retired #CORE4 #Yankees http:\/\/t.co\/bL2V1v2n9T ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IF HE WAS IN A MUZZIE COUNTRY.....OFF THE ROOFTOP HE WOULD GO!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"And just fucking remember, I wear the trousers in this house not you, now get my fucking tea made. \" \"Talk to me like that again you cunt and you can lick your own pussy, I'll fuck off to my mums. \" I love it when I can hear the lesbians next door fighting. \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You managed to watch it all? I stopped after they said \"can't play mobile games because of DLCs\" 10\/10 thanks for saving me 12 minutes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You women are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PoliticalShort: Democrat Mayor of Portland stands by #Antifa, believes in the mob, not the rule of law. Only matter of time before someone is going to get killed if you continue to allow anarchy like this to thrive in the streets. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/8Srs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same thing happened to me. Got an email out of the blue, \"I'll be in town in a month or two, we should get together. >Against my better judgment \"Sure. >*Leftist histrionics engage, full force* \"Adios. \"And make sure you delete this email and this phone number, I don't want another Hey you' email out of the blue in another 5 years. Microcephalic self-hating cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Old, but still funny. Reminder that most liberals don't know shit about guns. LOL ... Please tell me that's real. Lie to me if you have to. Reminds me of the orange foam earplugs that they thought were rubber bullets... ...'Can anyone confirm?!?' Hilarious how the most mundane everyday tool accessories absolutely confuse them... 'Can anyone confirm...' Jesus f'n Christ. How are they still alive and who changes their light bulbs?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why has no one killed this faggot yet? We don't do that. Still, look at the faggot, he is an embarrassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mixed couples are always miserable rejects. I see it all the time in the south. Their respective races rejected them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To islands off the mainland until they can be returned to the UN or Soros would be more acceptable. Frankly they can keep them in the cities, it's their retarded idea to accept them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Hmmmmm.........I'm thinking. Nope, neither are Americans so definitely a no. Kudos to him on the Jew thing though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DennisssBeauty: @VivaLaZulema looked like Princess Bella in that yellow dress ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fat ugly dyke feminists give birth, that's how we got MGTOW losers, maybe it is women's fault. I hope you don't have siblings, certainly this world has enough losers. I hope your fat ugly mama quit with you, loser.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis and the left wing https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/blog\/2017\/08\/nazis_and_the_left_wing.html Hitler was a radical lefty... a left winger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Instead of interbreeding, should we all inbreed until we look like the Habsburgs? Sexual reproduction (instead of identical copies) is based on the principle that diversity is strength. Why do you want to deny a fundamental principle of nature? > Sexual reproduction (instead of identical copies) is based on the principle that diversity is strength. Yikes. You do realize that's a fact, right? Sexual reproduction works by creating diversity. Otherwise, every individual would be susceptible to the same risks, and a single event could wipe out the entire population. You don't like facts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GrizzboAdams ight nigga haha fucking queer has to clear his schedule","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Went to an open house today and the place was trash. Ewww","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hoped I had made it clear from the very beginning of loligate that I think loli is extremely degenerate. I just think torba is a retarded fag with terrible priorities and I enjoy laughing at his fuck-ups.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's ridiculous. :\/ I expect nothing less from the fairy gay faggot called Jack Dorsey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you hear economy improving, 'remember who started it'... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/9fXF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"today i start breaking in a new pair of docs have mercy on my soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't have to be a cunt mate. Stay classy, Dug Dig deep for that mate! is this where I get defensive? Look, weasel, staying on point, you don't step over anyone whose fallen over and hurt themselves then blog that your some kind of fucking hero, that brother makes you a first class cunt, simple, take it like a man, and next time anyone falls over have the good grace to help them, instead of looking for some praise, make your mum proud; show her you're not a cunt. Like you dad before you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ohh love when idiots so this. I don't even look them but cut em off. They learn a lesson then.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I totally agree, get out you traitor cunt, live with the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">it's 2018 no one says that and I suppose because its 2018 I can't listen to jimi hendrix or marvin gaye right? are you actually retarded or just doing a great impression? >They're not asking you to do anything. It's not invalid to wish a movie had been a higher rating so it could be higher quality. the movies ultimate rating doesn't change how good the final product was. if you live your life constantly saying \"yeah well it could be better\" well no shit. life could always be better... that doesn't mean its not still good. >Also, just saying that someone ate someone's head isnt the same as the effect of seeing someone eat someone's head they showed him doing it right before that... and then at the end of the movie he does it again...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK THAT RETARDED BITCH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yup...Mexicans go back to Spain where you came from and pay reparations to the natives you killed and put into slavery I heard about all that. Especially the Niggers having sex with the corpses of their long-dead wives,which resulted in them becoming diseased. The stupid is frightening. Actually Niggers produced the cradle of Western Civilization! Among the first cities. Lower and Upper Egypt. The Old Kingdom. The pyramids - not topped until the late 18th. So niggers got some serious game! Not exactly their fault they've been suffering a 500-year holocaust! A nigger by definition can only tear civilization down not build it in any way. Just from this we see the foollishness of calling the Ancient Egyptians \"niggers\". Niggers were Egyptians, yet we have...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Facebook and Twitter are NIGGER SPIC HONKY RAT BASTARDS. Had to let that out after being censored.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the main arguments of why we see less pessimistic games are twofold. AAAs will go with the happier endings more often because that's what sells better- because most gamers, most of the time, want to have fun. Not everyone is into experiencing suffering on a constant basis. I think more important than pessimism, though, is profoundness. As long as media has that one sucker punch\/\"oh crap I get it\" moment, it doesnt matter if it's pessimistic as a whole. Looking at Call of Duty and how your character dies more often than surviving I can argue against that. Or Bioshock Infinite where Levine tries to go all cryptic with the ending I knew how it was going to end with the protagonist dying. Or Last of Us where Joel damns humanity to selfishly save Ellie only for her to lose what little idealism she had in the sequel. Or Dead Space Awakening where the franchise not only dies but humanity utterly fails to stop the necromorphs What the tranny cunt wants is something where the actions of the protagonist dont matter. Stalingrad vs Grave of the Firelies is a good comparison of how the the tone of death reflects on the endong. In Grave of The Fireflies. The brother and sister dies but kobe lives on as they realize in spite of it all their deaths are not in vain and the city will find hope again. In Stalingrad 1993 movie. Riesler and Wiesz dies in the cold as the credit reel rolls. Ending it on a sad note. They want Stalingrad 1993 as the example of pessimistic stories in gaming. Futility and failure for the player to reflect upon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RooshV is a retarded brown, and should be hanging from a rope for the crime of raping unconscious white women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He wants to get nigger criminals out of prison because he's a nigger and Blacks support Blacks even\/especially if they're criminals. They loved OJ for killing a White woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/glittermagrocks.com\/connect\/2018\/09\/12\/aaron-philip-signs-with-elite-model-management\/ black, trans, disabled, and progressive stack level DIEversity, one more mind fucked kid ruined for life, \"another happy customer served\". What does it say when a victim of the truly evil actually feels \"empowered\" instead of used? If the powerful, unnamed, deep pocketed interests in this world wanted Americans to be male or female, physically fit, informed, and educated well beyond what public schools offer, and it served their financial interests for our people to be thus, where would that leave all the people who spring up to take an \"identity\" when it gets created out of thin air by dirty moneyed facilitators of the powerful? I would weep for such broken people, but my heart filled up long ago. You are a means to their end Aaron Philip, you are the hood ornament to their demented perverse thinking. A headlight that illuminates their dark path, a proof that their insanity is made manifest. You poor child. #SadnessWithoutEnd lmfao, I was more on fuck the black trans retard level, but yeah. very well said. what kind of society are we in where we thrust the weakest of us to the front of the line, and held up like they are the peak of human evolution. one EMP and they wouldn't last a day. #rainbowtoetags","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only reason for someone to not hate a nigger is because they have never had any coontact with the savages other than the fake just like you and me niggers on tv","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ding ding ding ding ding, give this guy a medal. the idea that woman where living like cattle slaves where as men where living the high life back in the day is total hogwash. EVERYONES life sucked, but mens in particular sucked. I always go back to my favorite example of my grandpa. My family is from leeds in the UK, coal mining town. Grandpa's brother died when he was 13 while working as a hurrier in the coal mines (basically pushed tubs of coal from the coal face to the pit eye.) This incredibly dangerous job was done by kids as young as 11 while girls and wommyyynnnnn had laws to protect them from being assigned this role. Even male CHILDREN where less privileged than wommyynnn, who along with girls (the most pampered of all) did the relatively easier, above ground work with orders of magnitude less chance of death or serious injury. the adult males of course had to actually loosen the coal from the coal face with a pick, just imagine it, deep underground in stupidily hot conditions all day, pit tunnel collapses happening as often as once a week in some of the bigger locations. But no, it's men who have been privileged. Give me a fucking break you ungrateful cunts. exactly! 13! He was still a kid! Yet expected to work. But if you listen to feminists, he \"Worked\" in a patriarchal paradise with woman in skimpy lingerie bringing him fresh lemonade while he stuffed around for his 20 hour work week @ $ some little pussy reported you for: >user reports: 1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive lol. bitches, mange.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not even sanity really. Basically just \"we shouldn't be as mean because it pushes young men away who might otherwise learn why theyre so bad\" [removed] Shaming and shutting down conversation by using 'problematic' terms like \"mansplainer\" is exactly the kind of behavior this sub mocks. Fuck the fuck right off. You were lying through your rotten stinking breath and you were corrected, So just go and crawl back under the rock you slithered out from you insidious disgusting despicable fucking woman hater. We're not a hivemind, you disgusting misandrist. I am NOT the person you originally responded to. Your entire post history is nothing but unmitigated hate towards men. Fuck you and your hypocrisy. No more internet for you today, please. They're completely unhinged Omg, this is hilarious. Did you write this or did it come off a satire site? >it's curious then, that feminists were at the forefront to end all slavery You know there was a whole war over this, yeah? I don't remember reading about any feminists getting killed alongside the freed men. [removed] Who hurt you? I was lol'ing at you before but now I think I feel bad for you. Hopefully you can find a constructive way of dealing with all of this anger. Wut? You do know that men largely supported women getting the vote and ending slavery, right? Ending slavery was beneficial to the wealthy. Slavery reduced the rate at which mechanization was adopted, which reduced production potential.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Rrabbit Yep you should. I had it for three or four days muted and stopped them from following me done from their page and also reported them first on 3 dots menu last day and none the next. Cheers Marina! Yes report them I have had a few and not long after reporting them the accounts disappear. If you report the post and sent the user name to @a @support ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any trans person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"haha you're commenting on my punctuation? read your own comment, faggot. your asshole is gonna get culturally enriched by muslims. it's gonna be beautiful .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And yet they call US the sexists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fry this fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She looks like the type to aggressively hit on 19 year old guys at the bar who are clearly uncomfortable with her advances. why are 19 year old guys at a bar? Because america isn't the only country in the world Read the original comment I am the original comment bucko It was a hypothetical scenario and You took it as real. They said she's the type' of women to hit on 19 year olds in bars, not that she actually does. Therefore doesn't matter if she's from Canada or USA she still that Type of person. but thats what im asking is you cant have a hypothetical with 19 yr olds in a bar because hypothetically they can't drink so they wouldnt be there for her to hit on? They can drink at 18 in Canada so maybe she hypothetically flew from Florida to Canada to hit on these 19 year olds. Case solved no? Your a troll. Nobody is this dumb. You said there can't be a hypothetical situation with this teacher and 19 year olds and I just gave you one. What don't you understand?? Because she was in florida not canada so thats not hypothetical Your mistaking hypothetical for literal you mistake a literal situation for a hypothetical one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than half of the participants were trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that one dude actually saying Shapiro is worse than Bin Laden?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another twat that is indoctrinated and too thick to research. Palestine is ISRAEL,renamed Palestine by the Romans in 135 A.D. So, he has shown how thick he is and says he is proud being thick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes you done nothing wrong it cunt that do dirty on good places where people like talk about thing that on there mines and meet people from the USA and other countries it like being down the pub","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @whatskillfeed: i guess ill just trash this drawing because of roster changes... http:\/\/t.co\/2r8wqgE8cR ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ten states have neither signed nor ratified the Biological Weapons Convention (Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Israel, Kiribati, Micronesia, Namibia, South Sudan and Tuvalu). Notice that BIG FAT NIGGER in the woodpile - ISRAEL..... https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/441012-smallpox-virus-weaponized-scientists\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Joachim believes it is possible to be pro-America and a National Socialist, that's all anyone really needs to know about his intellectual acumen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@wbpictures no, i do not wish to spend $40+ to go to a filthy theatre and watch a fuzzy screen with bad sound. #ANNABELLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You w0men are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone else having issues logging in to Gab ? @support It's probably traffic from all the lookyloos generated by the bad publicity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hugs or Kisses? Hugs. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. http:\/\/t.co\/HRY3sVlwgs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical trannybehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Which is literally mental retardation according to medical definitions","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of a sudden this traitorous deep state Zionist faggot (who is pals with ISIS) is a hero to conservatards. Lindsey is scum. He likes Kavanaugh because Kav is a Patriot Act kind of guy. The kind of guy who will support the CIAs worst excesses. Fuck that queer. Now I'm not saying send him a campaign donation, but can you not be a faggot when he points out the communist jews hate white people? he's a politician, jew money is leaving the republican party, why promote the party the jews are heading over to? I'm happy communists want to kill themselves, tucker had (((christine Fair))) in parenthesis on screen, and the communist jews are even more openly anti-white, in addition to the jew money leaving. Repubs now have a choice to go pro white, don't be a faggot retard Faggot I don't know how much more power they need. They are going after the president, nailed seth rich, and have surveillance powers the likes of which are unparallelled to any time in history. The dems use the FBI like a bat, Graham said it needed reform. Want to try living in reality yet? hate them all you like, try focusing your hate on networking and not being a faggot, you're like a subversive kike at this point","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black woman wrecks black man's life with fake rape accusation; movie deep-sixed. Another stunning column by @DavidColeStein . And I have 4 daughters! http:\/\/takimag.com\/article\/yes-women-can-lie\/#axzz5TYSGtD2p","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not many are honest enough to admit this. This was on Twitch btw but could apply anywhere. The guy was actually visibly angry at me and practically telling me not to use it. Just cowards. 'You're as bad as the other side if you do it though!' So what? It's a conflict and I'll use it. It's the stupid centrist mentality when the enemy will do any dirty shit they want but the lites want the moral high ground.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ROTFL A moslem woman doesn't feel safe in the modern West and claims she fears being raped by a judge who doesn't even know she exists so she might go back to 7th Century Mohammadland where women have no rights, are stoned for being raped, and can be raped for any reason whatsoever. This only exists because the left controls the media. She can always return to her beloved homeland, I am sure she will be safe there unless they have a goat fucker bomb-a-thon. Since you need at least 4 eye witnesses to even claim rape in Muslim countries I am not surprised their rape rates are so low. Have you ever got a whiff of one of those things? They stink as bad as their so called men. Who in their right mind would rape an outhouse? We are talking Muslim men here. They fuck goats and camels for Allahssakes! You are right, muzzie men feel right at home around all of that zoo aroma, I stand corrected.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not really. They need the Welfare state or otherwise it is nigger famine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The good news: Merkel might be stepping down. The bad news: she might be stepping down so she can run for head of the European Commission, where she can do even more damage. https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/merkel-to-resign-wants-to-replace-juncker-as-european-commission-chief\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Point of fact is that if you judge a man by his character rather than his color you will find many a black man well preferable to yourself. MANY BLACK PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN YOU!!! I am not the final arbiter nor did I claim to be. Fact: you hate the Jew and the black. Fact: many are better people than you for they do not hate you because you are white or even because you are a racist. Fact: 1Jhon 3:15 if you hate you have not eternal life, thus you are damned to hell. Repent That's like saying because YOU are a nazi tool of Lucifer ALL the rest of the Americans are nazi tools of Lucifer. You have to have some common sense when reading the scriptures you have to have some discernment, unfortunately once you reject the Jew Jesus in favor of the false Nordic Jesus you lose bothe common sense and discernment Well there's your problem Jesus bloodlines are well documented Yerba you reject him and as a result he has rejected you repent leave your cult of hate Just because you're an Odinist doesn't give you the Right to be a Rude Prick to a Fellow White Nationalist. Odin is Nothing More than a Fake Mythical Character, and Jesus was a Real Person. more satanists pretending to be Whites on gab. watch out fam Are you making the claim that whites can't be Satanists? Are you aware that \"el satan\" only means \"adversary\" and was used to describe many people, throughout scripture? That the \"serpent in the garden\" was only labeled as \"the devil\" later on?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I could date a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly that's one of the the shittiest things about trying to educate myself or others on this stuff. I firmly support men's rights and identify personally with several common men's issues so I like to engage people about these things. Because of this, I like to have actual facts and figures, sources to point to, etc to bolster arguments but even I question these articles purely out of habit. Because most reputable newspapers don't print any of this stuff it takes a decent amount of effort just to figure out whether something is real or if it's just inflammatory cunts trying to co-opt the movement for their own shit stirring agenda. Also, >It's not so much as unreliable as disreputable It's definitely both. They outright lie with relatively high frequency.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about we cut these women's throats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you realize how insane she must be? No she got it, she just thought she was above it. It's possible her bike was broken down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"o yea!!! liking the yellow:) http:\/\/t.co\/2wj4wdd0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I abstain from anything Tom Clancy related that Hollywood touches since they whitewashed The Sum of All Fears.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Male - Female - Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, hold on now. Don't be bragging about that. That is the ace in the hole. It would be rude of us to rube that in their faces.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think this is still an open discussion, if GOP were held accountable to white people without jewish meddling the takeover would be possible, but there's a talmudic shield for them right now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'if i responded to you value that deeply'- Sounds like a special sort of cunt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I be waking up on some new shit like fuck that bitch shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know, you shouldn't call Liberals \"retarded.\" Retarded people really hate being equated with Liberals. Can't say I blame them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Zombie9 Are you a real life Dickhead with pretendy hurty words,has someone made you cry Lollers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut Up Before I release A demand for a FATWAH ON YOU PIG-SLIME OF THE GREAT SATAN! OF EARTH! Bring you goat fucking faggot BRING IT JEW LAP-DOG!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i usually dont do this, but im going to mute you, you just come across as your average Murica loving civnat troll faggot that we just dont need, good luck at the rahowa, go eat a bullet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. Speaking ones mind.. like how evil the Altright and Christians are? lol. We will purge her OH NOW TRY TO DENY IT KIKE Deny what Robert? Your psychosis is really getting out of hand. I think someone is living down by the river in a white van.. and his name is Robert. Purge her of the Jezebel spirit of course. Well Robert, looks like this is the end for both of our accounts\/Gab. You were a retarded cunt the entire time. And you are a Jew boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Evidently calling Kirsten Powers a Retard is #FrownedUpon by Heterosexually challenged Jack Dorsey's Minions If Trump switched to Gab...TwatCity would be a ghost town","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@shanetallant he won't bite! We promise he's a friendly bird :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because the media and the courts feel it's more important to protect criminals than to actually pursue justice. *Female criminals >CORRECTION: An earlier version of this report wrongly described the rape allegation made against Jay Cheshire as false'. In fact it was simply withdrawn. We apologise for the error. From the article linked. That means that it wasn't a false accusation of rape. (which is a crime) just that the girl decided not to pursue. This happens for many rape victims as the trial can be very exhausting and often they would rather just move on with their life rather then go though a lengthy court process. Yeah, if the dude kills himself there is no point of pursuing a false accusation of rape. Or a real one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Confirmed for boomer-tier mongoloid Doesn't even understand how gab works Confirmed some fucking asshole playing right into the kikes hands to divide and cause disarray. You're probably a kike yourself. And on that note, Gab video upload is completely non-functioning this evening, which is basically the same as any other evening (or morning, or afternoon). You know, I actually do hope Trump comes to Gab, only to experience the nigger-level ineptitude of how this site is run, and then go on Twitter and rightly mock Torba for being the half-ass grifter that he is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just give da nigger da baton and let him march in the parade that'll keep the son of bitch happy..LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CAntista @Brelston @hEnereyG Eating a roasted potato and smiling till my cheeks are sore; the crow SFX in this Cape Crisis are super-great","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"worse. she's a dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Slow down the cuts between shots. Way too fast.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well yea... They rewrote the whole script so Lancelot was a faggot and there was numerous lancing jokes and rainbow flags, rainbow tights, and more innuendo than I care to remember. You don't remember that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ryanhoover like we all never gave the camera \"the bird\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is so retarded it's absurd. He's REALLY reaching with that statement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"maggats little queer try harder LMFAO Well you're garbage maggot lol. Look at what you post. Made to offend. You've been dragged down into a dumpster. Sad. I'm a very happy person #MAGA #walkaway #winning my President Trump is best this COUNTRY has had in years!!! whats not to be happy ABOUT!!! A pathological liar? Thats not the best. what lies are you talking about duchebag?? He promised to save medicare, medicaid, and social security. Now hes sided with Republicans to end them all. good job making shit up Cheetos dick https:\/\/youtu.be\/3SKXQeD_nOs Trump said he was a different kind of republican and everyone would have health care. He lead the effort to repeal affordable care act, throwing 32 million people off their health care.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least it's the retards who explain retarded stuff.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is the media still talking about that royal mud baby duchess? This is getting so annoying. Now I can see why Princess Diana died trying to evade the media in https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/meghan-markle-prince-harry-had- Prince harry is a nigger loving whore like his mumsy Something tells me that the mud baby duchess is going to be driven crazy by the media at some point. Never trust a mud baby. She'll cause a major scandal...spawned by mudmother and wacko niggerlover...I hope she's barren....but nigger cunts usually have lots of niglets","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Say what it is. It was a fucking hate crime. They all got off light. Wow that is fucked up. That's pretty blatant. How did they not sue or appeal for a harder sentence? I don't know. But look at this thread and imagine all the people that are deluded into thinking that 'if the races were reversed automatically the perps would get lynched.' Isn't that absolutely batshit crazy? Of course it is. Racism is still alive in America though. And it goes both ways, granted one more than the other most of the time. If that situation happened somewhere other than the back woods of Idaho it would have probably ended differently. But racism does not justify racism. Both of these stories are fucked up and both are based in racial hatred, just on opposite sides. So this should still be a hate crime and she should have gotten a heavier sentence, just like those piece of shit kids in Idaho deserved too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if that pic doesn't make you want to punch a cunt in throat nothing will","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that a cum-cum on for the Whigger Mattoid to post on Rabbi Linder's Virtual Colostomy Bag NNF\/ TraitorGlenn Miller NNF? It is one of my golden year's most precious moments that prion-poisoning of deer originated in Missouri in Adair County, home of the gut-sick jewboy with Crohns\/jew ass-GAIDS, having nothing to eat but kosher CWD deer anuses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. Normal men (97% or so) are sexually aroused by women. Men that are sexually attracted to men are born that way = genetic. Only a faggot gets a hard on looking at men\/boys. Have to be born that way. Sure faggots that adopt little boys to molest them can turn them faggot against their nature. He is his own argument! \"Only a faggot is not turned on by a woman . Hence is anger and lashing out at you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"in my opinion the so called elites are the niggers, i don't care what color their skin is, i refer to pelosi as nigger nancy because she steals the food out of a child's mouth, this makes her a nigger. Nancy Pelosi is a worthless, crooked cunt who should die in jail. I don't understand the rest of your post, unless there is some other meaning of the word \"nigger\" with which I am unfamiliar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" You must be one of those crybaby Antifa types. Bitch. You're the crybaby bitch whining about headlights.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Car seats $ So $2,000 will fix but asking for $10K. Cha ching! https:\/\/bit.ly\/2NKlu0O When they find out it was the nigger couple all along we'll never hear about this story again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That retarded asshole Justin Trudeau will welcome them with open arms and give each one of them a free hotel room and $50,000 cash. Really, I'm not kidding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But yet she is a Hypocrite . I use to like her until she became a total cunt . https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/jamie-lee-curtis-wields-firearms-in-new-halloween-movie-despite-advocating-for-gun-control","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminists don't hate men, but people who hate men are surely feminists Feminists don't all hate men, but all men that are feminists hate themselves. Am feminist, because I believe in equality, don't hate myself. That's all the word means, equality. Feminism is no longer about equality, unless you believe that men *always* have it better than women. If you truly believe in equality, then you are an egalitarian. Which is a synonym for feminism. You are talking about third wave feminism and people use feminism instead of egalitarian to emphasize that historically, women have been more oppressed, not always, but more oppressed than men. >Which is a synonym for feminism. https:\/\/www.etymonline.com\/word\/egalitarian https:\/\/en.wiktionary.org\/wiki\/feminism#Etymology https:\/\/www.merriam-webster.com\/dictionary\/egalitarianism I'm an egalitarian. The term is about a lot more then gender issues. Stop trying to appropriate our label. >You are talking about third wave feminism and people use feminism instead of egalitarian to emphasize that historically, women have been more oppressed, not always, but more oppressed than men. Or maybe because it's a movement which was created for and has always prioritized benefit to women, even in areas where women were better off. Unless you think male rape and abuse victims were privileged over women before feminism came along. Lol I hope you are joking Oh im keeping that You would, colonizer! Am Christian, because I think Jesus said a couple of cool things once. That's all the word means, Jesus. and#x200B; I'm also an atheist, though. Lol I bet you thought that this was really smart It wasn't. This place is just infested with incels and TD trolls donno what a \"td\" is but i'm not an incel or a troll. you just don't know what you're talking about is all Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Speaking ones mind.. like how evil the Altright and Christians are? lol. We will purge her Deny what Robert? Your psychosis is really getting out of hand. I think someone is living down by the river in a white van.. and his name is Robert. Purge her of the Jezebel spirit of course.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Among friends she would have been labelled a 'stupid cunt Globalist\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. One happened in the real world. All the e-celeb coat tail riding for Trump and as The Movement Turns faggot tier drama isn't worth 1 day lost for the guys that got political sentences. All the e-shit and optics and vote straight R fucktards to the ovens for the freedom of the guys that Big Zog came down on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa arent the anti, first comes communism, then comes the opponents of communism, then comes communists kvetching that people oppose them. Thats Antifa. Couldn't disagree more with the illustration. The only down antiF.A. has experienced is mom's basement. Nobody has ever hurt them, and that's the problem. Those punks have never seen real suppression, war, or pain. Burn this one and try again. This time with a little realism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Europe is cucked and fucked when will the citizens change their attitude about the muzzie invasion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"filthy wetback communists","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" not even close...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusting apologist cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This doesn't look hysterical or retarded at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusted by all the mould around here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So Sad, Alexa Play Despacito https:\/\/redd.it\/9m0v85","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are so uncivilized.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are so utterly uneducated you still think communism is behind US woes while unlimited capitalism is the real culprit... The 1% is ruling your fucking lives you idiot! Not \"communists\". and#x200B; As for calling Democrats \"communists\", please, go to school, read a book, something. Don't just play video games and watch shills like Molyneux on youtube... Democrats are liberals. Liberals are not communists. Liberals are capitalists, just like conservatives. Their only difference is that liberals are anti-christ and in favour of gay sex and interacial sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some retarded NSA agent is thinking you're making bomb threats with this image","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The retards are so cute with their insults! When you are not intellectually capable of debate, character assassinate. Standard procedure I assure you for the intellectually deficient. Are you somehow insinuating that Jews are worth more than a fingernail? Jews are RETARDED and obviously incredibly inferior sub human beasts. To not believe that would mean you don't look at FACTS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manycoons in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Migrants and refugees are terrified as Italy begins mass deportation \"Get ready to pack your bags\" Matteo Salvini, Italian Interior Minister video https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2018\/06\/migrants-and-refugees-are-terrified-as.html We need to organize like the Muslims are doing right now in Toronto. Faith Goldy (Mayor candidate) and Linda Loomer got turned away from an Islamic 'convention' of jihadists advertised \"Everyone is welcome\" except for Christians and Jews when they got to the door.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that all black people are stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cory booker is nothing but a lying sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That slap barely did anything and you fucking know it. I can't believe people are defending some twat going into a roid rage cause he got brushed in the face by some drunk. No you don't but it sure makes you look like a massive pussy if your answer to a little snap is knocking them out. Your comment just reeks of incel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Graham instantly back to being a stupid faggot and not agreeing that killing journalists is always justified.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Agreed entirely. There are also many SJWs that have, or have substantial respect for, pagan and otherwise non-Christian religions. Many SJWs hold quite a few superstitious\/mystical and otherwise new-age beliefs. Plus, SJWs are inclined to believe that science and reason... the values Dawkins champions... are cis het white male conspiracies to oppress everyone else. They aren't hyper-secular in any way. I wouldn't even go so far as to say they're necessarily anti-Christian in particular. They seem totally okay with theologically liberal Christianity or with Christians that don't oppose their policies. What they really hate is the Christianity believed in by \"the rednecks\/the bitter clingers\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Megyn Kelly fired. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the libtard media elites. I think this is funny as hell! I have no sympathy for megan kelly. She deserves whatever happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok where are all my #MAGA #RedPilled#Trump2020 #RedWave people at?? FOLLOW ME!!! Got tired of being zucced so I'm here..... I'm sorry but i just have to do this out of Facebook suppression....LIBERALS ARE TRANNY FAGGOT BITCH ASS NIGGA DYKE PIG FUCKING MUSLIM HOOKNOSE WETBACKS!!! AHHHH felt so good. #FreeSpeech You left out the biggest ones..the jews..A)You must be one B) You're a redneck biblethumping jewlicker C) (Most common) You're too scared to criticize the jews because they squash your free speech rights and WILL label you an anti-semite @gauleiter Ummm dude, reread my post again, do you know what 'Hook Nose' is in reference of? trust me, I'm not talking about blacks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sinn Fein Communists Will Demand Referendum on Ulster , in Event of no Deal Brexit Get tae fcuk, yeh fenian muzzie loving scum! https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/politics\/2018\/oct\/15\/sinn-fein-we-will-demand-referendum-on-northern-lreland-in-event-of-no-deal-brexit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) claims to be pro-Second Amendment but even a cursory glance at his record shows opposition to pro-gun Supreme Court nominees, support for Sen. Dianne Feinstein's gun control schemes, and a D-rating from the NRA https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/18\/jon-tester-haunted-anti-second-amendment-track-record\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only winning move is not to play. Or to record No, she was seeking a fight, if not with him then with anyone else. They *hate* being ignored so it's the exact right response. Same for beggars [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gHj-NQba_wE](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gHj-NQba_wE) Bystander effect. No one speaks up because they assume someone else will.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This country has an epidemic of lying, evil, power-tripping cunts who are getting shielded by the abducted feminists courts and the slanted media: https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/news\/post-nation\/wp\/2018\/05\/23\/she-said-she-was-raped-by-a-state-trooper-his-camera-footage-shows-otherwise\/ The only way to resolve this epidemic is through legislation. If a cunt is caught lying on camera, she must serve jail for as long as the defendant would have, had he been incarcerated. None of that \"public shaming is enough\", or \"false accusation\" misdemeanor slap-on-the-wrist. Felony charges, years in jail and zero chances of having a decent career ever again. Destroy her life the way she would have destroyed his if it weren't for the camera.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How do we know she never paid taxs ? Considering there are taxs on a lot of things I find this post retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd be okay with trans people if they weren't such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These brownies http:\/\/t.co\/iyqRBn2AMf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Occultist faggot - Hitler was a Christian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MA GOP governor supports trans anti-discrimination law https:\/\/www.masslive.com\/politics\/index.ssf\/2018\/10\/gov_charlie_baker_pens_op-ed_s.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Long Division Elvis Costello, Burt Bacharach https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-9Ht0l52Vcg Elvis Costello is a rabid Jew Hater like Roger Waters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Racism today is viewed as seeing race as in issue in your surroundings. So if someone calls me a racist they are automatically a racist too because they are making race as an issue? I will say that the pejorative \"racist\" has lost it's effect because it is so overused.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being this dumb cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From entitled cunt to ..ow you're hurting me in one minute.. I blame the parents","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @zippy1981: @voretaq7 from a TDD POV linux is just a mock for the kernel of the GNU\/HURD system.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her fam moved back to Sweden - she'll probably end up married to some moslem raper nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I Vouch for #HILLARY BECASE SHE IS THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT OF THE USA!...........and also, because I am an intellectually lazy twat with no ability to think critically.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MrMooncricket @AtBlackface @UncleUnco @BobbyBotsods @FuckTheMallcops @RacistNegro69 ugly gay nigga bitch fucking peace of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Skank divides the country. FUCKING VILE CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/edmontonjournal.com\/news\/crime\/edmonton-police-plan-to-allow-online-sexual-assault-reporting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"so aside from that minimum, you approve of Trump?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easy Lindsey, slow your roll a little. https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/10\/16\/lindsey-graham-says-saudi-crown-prince-bin-salman-has-got-to-go.html He enjoyed flexing his muscles last week. The big GOP hero. Probably got laid. Wants more. I get it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pretty sure she violated a state statute. But hey these politicians get to break the law all they want. We can get charged for statutes that haven't been used in decades for politically motivated reasons and nobody says a fucking thing meanwhile this nigger is burning her state flag whilst trying to run for the governorship of that same state. What the literal fuck. Why are we allowing this to happen and not revolting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @taylor_TM: @PacmanJonez @PhilWOTG you the whitest person on my TL but you always so ghetto. Im sick of it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was it something like this? Mohammud was a degenerate pedo faggot who fucked pigs instead of eating a nice piece of bacon Muslims refuse eating pigs probably because they would consider it cannibalism. They fail to realise that pigs are far above Muslims. Pigs are benevolent creatures, while the Islamic plague is the vilest form of inhumanity and prehistoric barbarism this planet ever witnessed - let alone to be allowed in post-modern West.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Voting in Arizona???? Remember this!! Opening the borders and letting any and everyone walk in is alright though! Paying welfare to gangs like MS13 is a good thing!!!! Stay at home moms are freeloading leeches? They still pay property taxes if they own a home which directly funds all public schools and the average cost to homeschool a kid PER YEAR is $500 compared to almost $10,000 for a public school kid. Those pesky facts I tell you. Trump needs to create programs like Hungary did where families get free grants or major tax breaks to encourage millions of women to be stay at home moms and homeschool their kids. If 1\/4 of American households would #homeschool we would save BILLIONS of dollars per year. @Wifewithapurpose #homeschooling #homeschooled #education","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this hot cunt pulls the racism card when she doesn't get her way? Wow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Booker just torpedoed his Presidential aspirations trashing the United States Do you agree? https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/booker-trashes-america-socialist\/?utm_source=wayneandutm_medium=gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck ISLAM Mohammad was nothing but a dog fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Video speaks for itself. Shes an alt-left cunt. trump derangement syndrome is in full swing. im pretty sure its a fetish at this point. be original, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"can't decide if i should wear my yellow rain boots for the purposes of being all black and yellow errrrything...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah it's called inciting a riot.and for being a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The right for an English person to go about his business is more important than any suspicion of some rouge wog cop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YUP .... COVERED HEAD TO TOE TO HIDE THE BRUISES","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"his perogative. you were probably being a dick. go suck a sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Teen accused of beheading his mother found not guilty... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/36RdH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i'd have knocked the stupid out of both civies, stupid mother fuckers have no right to breathe you mookie are the stupid sick cunt. you belong locked up away from any society or even better in your 6 ft deep safe space, stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OneandOnlyTina: What I know:You support killing babies, mock the handicapped, slept your way into Harvard then ditched your hubby and ki ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are stealing Arizona as we speak GOP in Arizona is suing as well Are they really? https:\/\/www.azcentral.com\/story\/news\/politics\/elections\/2018\/11\/07\/arizona-senate-republicans-sue-county-recorders-election-martha-mcsally-kyrsten-sinema-adrian-fontes\/1925719002\/ \"1, 2, *Ocasio occasional cortex* ftfy I am laughing over here! > At stake is an **unknown number of ballots** that could tip the result of the U.S. Senate race. They haven't, and don't seem to be at all interested in verifying the TOTAL number of ballots, let alone who they voted for. That's a red flag of the highest order that electoral fraud is taking place. AZ in-person voting is a disaster (5+ hour long lines, etc), so almost everyone votes by mail. Thus, the democrats wait as long as possible to collect every mail-in ballot they can to be sure they have as many votes as they need. Or really, some interns filling out ballots in the basement...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a s l u t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to love Harry Potter, but this constant stupid use of the books as reference to actual political discussion is so retarded that makes me ashamed of had read it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"with all due respect that's because you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This has to do with interpretation of the constitution, and as far as i can tell her gender had nothing to do with it [deleted] She dumped a body in a lake... [deleted] Thanks for this. Lots of rage here. It is important that we direct it intelligently.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah it looks like everyone hates your guts. Nigger lovers don't make it very far around these parts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for b l a c k people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like... I get it... bitch was bein racist, but c'mon. That's not the way to react. So you're gonna throw a tantrum and your fists at someone who says something hurtful or that you don't like? You're in for a rough life. Yeah, you beat up someone who said something that offended you. Does that really put you on the moral high ground? EDIT: Here, [this](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/JusticePorn\/comments\/8odakm\/horrible_kid_harasses_man\/) was just posted on the front page. THIS is why you shouldn't tell your kids to hit someone if they say something you don't like. This is how we get little shits like this kid. Keep arguing with me. ITT: Sane people who think he overreacted, and the idiots who downvote those sane people. No matter how hard to want to believe it.. Humans are animals.. we fight If my kid is being bullied I've taught him to punch people in the face.. yes it's the last resort but I'd rather he has self esteem because he has all the tools to stand up for himself.. Which after saying no.. Leave me alone.. He has every right to do. This passive movement isn't based in reality.. sometimes a punch in the face is necessary. Get over it.. You're clearly a pussy.. Except it's nigger and not doodoo head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NPC faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many nigg3rs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exception that proves the rule? Yeah, we'll go with that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Next time you leave magic trash in my jacket try not to have your initials written on them. @whatupag http:\/\/t.co\/tFV1cZtr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#PIZZAGATE FBI PED0 dies right before testify FBI Agent who worked computer crimes works out a plea deal for Child Sexual abuse, and is suddenly found dead of suicide. @Koanic @chadbigly @PNN https:\/\/truepundit.com\/fbi-investigator-charged-with-child-rapes-found-dead-in-new-york-city-hotel-room-just-hours-before-plea-deal-testimony\/ What?!? Where was that in the news! Holy smokes Arghhhh blood boiling Rip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your allowed to say World War 1 was a disaster and an unnecessary war,the majority of people will agree with you and will say something about how terrible it was all those people died But you try saying the same thing about World War 2 to your average couch potato and watch their reaction ! \"\"MY FELLOW AMERICAN PATRIOTS The UK was disarmed by their government. Now they get jailed for speaking. Yes, it's real.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course Obama loves this communist cunt because he's also a communist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/preserveconservativevalues.com\/2018\/10\/11\/nancy-pelosi-democrats-top-priority-is-trumps-tax-return-if-they-win-the-house\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then the nogglet woke up and uttered \"gib me dat tiddy milk, whi bitch!\" Go suck your beloved nigger dicks, cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A third of Hispanic immigrants are following the 19th century assimilation model and becoming Republicans. A third are sinking into America's hip hop underclass. The other third are so transient and disengaged from the country they're visiting that they're politically inert.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SBNation: Plenty of Kobe vs. Dwight trash talk after the game, too. http:\/\/t.co\/YCwfrv7syX http:\/\/t.co\/TRHYFjoIwc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said black people like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Japan rejects our criminal nigger military presence. https:\/\/youtu.be\/FMzIwIfFKf4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laura Ingraham: Find this little slime. RePOST pls https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321 If you are on Twitter, please tweet\/report #JordanHunt to Toronto Police. The more the merrier. Include a link to the video showing the assault... Use these hashtags... #torontopolice #topoli #jordanhunt #prolife #abortion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the n word might be a bit worse than \"cops\" Flikken is like a bad nickname for cops. Not a translation for cops just a swear word for cops. Hmm but yeah maybe your right but what she said was quite severe basically. not if your black. Especially if you're black. black guys can say the n word. its the rules. Yeah but other people can't. so then why are you arguing with me when you agree with everything i have said? You've said one thing and I disagree with it stop talking to me lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in black people's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never could figure out how anyone could 'defame' an old tarred road whore. What is the worst thing one could say about her? \"This sloppy old cunt is so stupid she hired the CPL Mike Avannetti to represent her. No ne could be that stupid!\" Or would that be a compliment?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"can we send this subversive cunt back to her shit hole? seriously, what nation in the world outside of white nations would tolerate this horse shit? Execute the bitch for Treason and bury her in the entrails of pigs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its a challenge can anyone do it in reality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a trans person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, oldschool values = not seeking to solve an issue and instead solving it destructively. Edit: leave it to the lowest common denominator to boil all the context out of a conversation. Fucking retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She Lives With The Toxic Nigger and His Tranny In Their $8 MILLION DC Lair Dont Think For Even A Minute That They Are Not Behind ALL Of This","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many r a p e f u g e e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To Amy Schumer, Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan and Linda Sarsour You're all twat, cunt fuck bags that have NO understanding of the shit you spew. Rot in Hades haggs!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You d i s a b l e d people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dude @Sopwith is spamming me thinking he is actually getting to me. All I do is say one thing and bam back to spamming. It's like he doesnt understand how trolling is done. LMAO Oh, is that crying? LOLzy ;) Still with the LOLzy? You can't be an adult. All night long, honey ;) Have fun, monkey. LMFAO Keep dancing monkey. Don't worry, I will laugh as you have a great day at work tomorrow LOL Its funny how you think my world revolves around you. I could leave and you would still be spamming like the pathetic little monkey you are. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doxed? He put his job under his name on Linkedin. It was all public information. Comparing facial animation, a collaborative work, to a Tweet. Not the same thing. and#x200B; The moment we take IMC for his word on anything is the day we should just shut up shop. That man is notorious for talking absolute nonsense, outright lying and doing whatever he can to get attention. His tweets during Charlottesville, a much bigger and more serious situation, saw him falsely accusing someone of murder and directing a mob straight to them. This should preclude him for ever being taken seriously. \"IMC has been talking to people\" on 4chan no doubt. > Comparing facial animation, a collaborative work, to a Tweet. Not the same thing. Yaknow, GOG has a social media *team*, rite? (and I'm well aware of IMC's Boston Bomber moment - I was one of the people dragging him for it and sending him DMs to yell at him about it. He ran with some stupid shit that it seemed like half the internet was talking about at the time.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the main issue has more to do if they are willing censor this, what else will they censor? Take Fire Emblem Fates for example, it had what I would argue a stupid petting mechanic and accessories that added nothing to the main plot. That combined with the \"outcry\" over Soleil led to *God AWFUL* localization that either changed the entire tone of the conversations between characters (half the time Corrin sounds like a self-righteous cunt and the other half he sounds like a dumb 5 year old), tokenizing an anime trope character into an idiotic lesbian stereotype, and completely refusing to release two bonus maps outside of Japan (mind you they were DLC which is an entire different can of worms)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @jerseyzbest74: eagles fans dont except the fact that mcoy been trash this year and that everybody figured out that spread offense #StopIt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weren't you guys super pissed that there was a gay rape gag in a comic book the other day? now you're pissed that they banned pedo hentai? consistency is not something you guys are good at huh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jesus youre quick to flip out, like a fucking retarded liberal!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"T.I.'s Melania Trump Look-Alike Slut-Shames First Lady, Mocks Accent https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/19\/t-i-s-melania-trump-look-alike-slut-shames-first-lady-mocks-accent\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Permission from whom, you self-flagellating twat? There's no High Council of Who Can Use What Words. Just say whatever you want to say, you enormous blood-clotted dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you disabled people until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching porn is like borderline cuckoldry. The only difference is there's a screen separating you. Cut it out of your lives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @McNarstle: And she's watchin' him with those eyes \/ And she's makin' him linguine and clams with that body, I just know it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many mongs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Operation Ask Redhead Resolve, Charlie Brown. #rejectedpeanutsspecials","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"keep eating your SOUTH KOREAN DOG MEAT, you inbred bull dyke cave dweller , you have the IQ. of LINT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh my sweet sweet Summer child. The retarded ideologues that created \"Fat studies\" do not believe obesity is a valid concept. They believe the concept is a tool of systemic opression against Fat people by healthcare professionals, due to societal fatphobia. They also consider \"Healthism\" is opression and that Fat people do not owe anyone health. ( But are totally entitled to public-funded services and ressources for their self-inflicted diseases and inability to fit places.) And that any health problems they face is caused by Fatshaming, opression and systemic bias by doctors, nurses, paramedics... It is entirely rooted in pseudoscience, feelz-over-realz, victimhood play-pretend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do these racists demand that white people \"stay in your lane\" ... Yet, they have NO PROBLEM telling white people what to do and how to think #Hypocrites Women prefer the Weinstein version of Patriarchy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JewJitsuGrl: @AdmiralAckbar3 @00_jackie @Darknight420 @allahthefairy @TayyibN Tiny Jihadi http:\/\/t.co\/PDIKbrvCJ8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey brother, I think we got gassed at the same time Targeted by that report faggot Ca1m","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"working link-looks like everybody having fun in an infinitely more tame video than the average nigger shit. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=6andv=k6i7A8Plqb8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN spent the last 72 hours: - Calling Kanye West a \"token negro and other slurs live on air - Bringing on a man who once made a sex tape with Kanye West's wife to talk trash about him - Referencing Kanye West's dead mother, who Kanye was extremely close to and is sensitive about - Calling him every name in the book This is what happens if you dare to step out of line.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy your nigger aids Wichita.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Done for the Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indians are shit but burgers only have broken English and ebonics to learn and still fail. Second thread in a row where a burger can't figure out you're and your","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not really sure what he is. Edit: it is an American Oil Beetle, thanks @profplum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First: this is a joke from That 70's Show (the car show episode, maybe?) Second: she's a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good stuff! People, please stop listening to nigger music. You are not demented. Listen classics. Not as background noise but really listen. Sit your ass down, stfu and listen. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be honest - I'd get off giving that cunt a slap Na I'd hit a dude acting like that - I would not grant her a pussy pass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BreakingNLive: JUST IN: Suspect in connection with the mail bombs identified as 56-year old Cesar Sayoc Jr., of Aventura, Florida. The suspect had a criminal record dating back to 1991 including 3rd degree theft and battery, Domestic violence, Controlled substance charges and petty theft - PM News https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/qN0tadM.jpg fake news is gonna spin this as a white supremacist Trump supporter That's funny'cause his cousin, (quoting MSNBC 26th Oct,2018), said he thought he was always more of a DemocRAT so what does that tell ya? Can't watch that alien.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's just say the hotel I've been staying at isn't going to want this hand towel back. I had no idea I could turn 'em that shade of yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lmao hypergamy with friends! People need to eat a big slice of humble pie these days. Our society is spiraling out of control, and everyone things they're a special snowflake and better than everyone else. I've seen that shit, too. The wives love to throw out, \"Do you know who I am?\" and demand the same respect their husbands receive, without doing anything to earn it. I don't give a shit what your rank or title is. I don't care what your profession is. I don't care how high or low on the corporate, military, or government ladder you are. You wake up in the morning and get out of bed just like everyone else. I've always struggled with being subordinate to people. It makes zero sense to me, especially in today's world. People who get promoted into a higher position, more often than not, are less competent and deserving of respect than the people they are over. You see it in government a lot, from the military to government agencies. They encourage mediocrity my promoting it -especially when it's in the form of PC appeasements. Funny thing is often times being good at the grunt work means it's better to keep you doing... the grunt work meanwhile some one more... \"socially\" (?) fitting gets promoted (via dock sucking amirite?) Sometimes a good worker does not a good leader make, but I agree too many incompetents in higher positions. That's true, and I won't argue it -but I'll add to it. Some of the best leaders I've ever known came up through operations. They knew the ins and outs of the field before they ever made it into leadership. They can run circles around the fuckwads who get placed into a higher position because they met certain diversity checkboxes, or because they're good at fooling people. I'll always have far more respect for true ops people over someone who gets handed a title.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I recall that obnoxious cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the gay people in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/14\/ted-wheeler-portland-mayor-stands-decision-allow-a\/ #RecallTedWheeler Portland, Or Recall law","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indeed, lets endeavor to hope they continue to do more of the same. I never stop a retard from being retarded, its often too entertaining!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just got done with a call with Christopher Bollyn. I will be spending a lot of time studying the materials he recommends and weighing the evidence. It's time to name the jew in israeli involvement in 911! The original plan was to take out the George Washington Bridge and both the Lincoln + Holland Tunnels. The base of operations was in Fort Lee, NJ. https:\/\/www.veteranstoday.com\/2017\/11\/27\/breakthrough-video-case-for-war-with-israel-over-9-11\/ What IDIOT would blame the Israelis for 911 ?!? Stop drinking the IDIOTIC KOOLAID of Propagandist Hatred toward an Entire People!!! You've TOTALLY Lost any credibility for ANY future rational commentary for it is now obvious that YOU. NEED MEDS!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JoshYohe_Trib: I wrote whole game story on how Orpik shut down Ovi two nights in a row. Many of you will mock this. But he was really, ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Angelina Jolie has to be one of the most overrated (supposedly) hot woman ever. Never thought she was attractive. She's straight fucking creepy looking. Terrifying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"pit bulls are the niggers of dogs well since you like nigger dogs you probably like nigger humans as well lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Today's Spy Ops: (His soles need a cleaning lick lick. I bet this cuties sneaks smell good) http:\/\/t.co\/c7Hj3DvNgp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By their nature, immigrants are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*\"It's a bit difficult to blend here\"* Start removing the hijab and learn the native language, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"True White Nigger - delete your account and run along and fellate your rabbi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are a black person, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just out of curiosity.. How many other Gabbers link their Gab posts to Twitter? I kinda do it as a FU to Twitter.. Oh.. And for some weird reason.. Twitter hasn't booted me like before.. I wounder if they just don't have a filter for that yet...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama was a raging fag fucker. Sexual degeneracy and depravity was his main catalyst to being the nigger who never was becoming president.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @maycie32: @Whitecholo23 np big nig nig","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We'll torture these gay people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"12 dead F-22 stealth fighters at Tyndall, as they could not be flown out of the way of a storm, as they had been cannibalized for parts? Oh, and a lot of other retarded broken shit that can't win wars against goat fuckers?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does this twat think he is some one.??????????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lsarsour: Senator Susan Collins is the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%. She is a disgrace and her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly. #CancelKanavaugh She's going to be used as a test case when we start stripping paper-Americans of their birthright citizenship, calling it now https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2017\/08\/19\/linda-sarsours-terrorist-friend-stripped-of-citizenship-permanently-banned-from-u-s\/ Government has no authority to strip someone of citizenship If you want to quote USC how about the part where it say US is a corporation. Oh so you have no knowledge of that. Convenient So much I DO NOT CONSENT right now, hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I've learned anything in my time out of educational institutes it is that the vast majority of people are stupid, immature and are happy to blame others without ever being introspective. Women are not expected to become mature in our culture and therefore they are the perpetual victim that is being objectified. But I don't know why I have to explain this obvious shit to an adult. Just be a dike and make another women's life hell and fuck off out of our space instead of venting here about your diminishing social worth. Can't handle banter and cries like a faggot when adults use adult terms. I know you are mental infant but I should have guessed your next move was to project.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For Leftists who think the content of islamic texts are 'open to interpretation or debate', this issue has been clarified by shaykh muhammad saalih al-munajjid for everyone. Its not. https:\/\/islamqa.info\/en\/answers\/122964\/ruling-on-discussions-in-chat-rooms-about-religious-matters-and-polls-concerning-them Leftards think that their own interpretation of Islam is real i.e. it is not a political force which spreads itself through violence and fear. Problem is that when they learn the truth, its too late for them and the rest of us who have been telling them for years","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's insane how prolifically the word is used in black culture but the same audience will be emotionally devastated to hear it said by someone with a job. It's just nuts. [deleted] Which part? The part \"with a job\" as if you're implying that black people don't have jobs and that they are only incensed by the word when it is used by someone with a job. It is a very ignorant portion of your statement. It's literally the only part of the comment that's clearly jocular. Otherwise, the comment would be a rather earnest remark on blatant hypocrisy out of a dogshit culture. Instead of pointing it out, I decided to make light of an otherwise sad state. Also, my comment doesn't imply that black people don't have jobs, but that the manufactured outrage tends to come from people who don't have jobs. See how explaining a joke really destroys the humor? Except you stating as flat as you did with no \/s is not a joke but a statement, and one that is echoed by racists. So not funny joke is not funny? See how that works? Are you that dense that you think that tone can be conveyed through a flat message with zero emphasis or punctuation? You're an idiot. You're an idiot. The second one was a joke though, hope you were able to catch my tone on that one. It's just nuts that you don't see that. You're one of the very few not in on it ... but I'm the one with some perspective issue? You're a lost cause, homie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a feeding frenzy on the shark-infested twitter virtue-signalling factory. They're eating each other.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only white trash would call slants and hindis and moslems their equals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just respect those black people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just Fake It.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What an utter cunt. Sees white men, gets angsty because \"girl power wooo\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In Spanish we say \"Fucken Parrot Cunt!\" when we hit thumb with hammer. So: only fair to de-acronymicize NPC = Non Parrot Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"suddenly, a mentally retarded Jew is a good source for quotes...rollyese","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My faggot fucking grandpa wanted me to live amongst this, he wanted this for my future, he was so brave","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many w3tbacks in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would he argue with you retards?? He's not like you, he doesn't waste his time. This is why your completely retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't hate feminists, because most of them are retarded. I hate feminism. Shut the fuck up, vagina.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, men are OBVIOUSLY responsible for womens crimes. Comments like yours are exactly why I have made it lawful for men to rape and kill women in Australia and Ireland.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Simply another case of \"Black Victimization Mentality\". She couldn't possibly do anything wrong when there is a problem because she is a Black victim of racism. She used the word Chink which is synonymous with the word Nigger but she doesn't get that. When in doubt play the race card.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">BUT MUH ILLEGAL SPIC CHILLUNS #PresidentialAlert https:\/\/twitter.com\/francismmaxwell\/status\/1047556885375848448","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is NOT in any way an endorsement of the Amish ..... ALL RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ARE AN INSULT TO HUMAN INTELLIGENCE ! lol go fuck yourself, you deserve to be insulted for being a cunt, a stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not know many gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should have just said \"YOU BIGOT, I IDENTIFY AS A WOMAN\" with the loudest voice you have, she would have apologized to you. Women are real cunts, they're the ones that come up with ZERO tolerance policies, this is why women should never be trusted in positions of power, they lack empathy and understanding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sexual assault is not rape retard and alot these studies get checked and find that they consider inappropriate comments and rape all as sexual assault. Again statistically impossible. We don't live in a third world country. It does include rape and sexual assault related crimes, if you understand anything about statistics you will see the issue with saying 1\/4 women on a college campus is raped\/sexually assaulted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have been a bit of a shithead recently. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Colin Powell should be tried and shot for his role in 9\/11 and the illegal invasion of Iraq. He's just a Jew tool nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Named \"Jessica L'Whor\" Speaks at Middle School For Career Day https:\/\/t.co\/vfEqWNZLPG via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a religious faggot that listens to Black Sabbath faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are a canc3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Invictus games have been hijacked by clown Harry and his attention seeking monkey bride. Harry should be removed from whatever function he holds at Invictus. Actually, whole Aussie tour is shameless PR promotion of nigger hooker and her non existent 'baby bump'. Belly cradling, dresses slit up to the crotch, faking 'security alert' Sh*t like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just looking at that pencil-necked faggot makes my blood boil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You spelt cunt' wrong You spell cunt correctly this way. (MUHAMMAD, ALLAH, MUSLIM, JIHADISTS) Don't quote me on that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If anyone wants to bring me a sweet tea to my party.. That'd make my bday perfect.. Well that and cracker barrel ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the first time a trans person is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What garbage ... The Nazis were better braver men than ANY member of the ZOG approved GOP not to mention the commie democrats. Fact. Save the 'real racists' garbage ... Racism is GOOD. MORONS. ONLY A TOOL wants equality with jews, niggers and women .... Get fucked pussy jew loving cunt ... You personally are TRASH. TRASH. ONLY TRASH accept equality with inferior races.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So therefore they are banning everyone who says \"Russian bots etc, right? Of course they are. They aren't completely unashamed political partisans. Let's just wait. Except Russian propaganda bots are actually a thing? The NPC meme is just another dumb meme to discredit the majority of Americans. if by majority you mean \"tiny fringe of likely rapists\", then yes. I'm sure you have a source for this 65% statistic? Also, this is not a far-left hugbox, so please stay civil. I know its hard for you \"people\", but please try, consider it practice for your parole hearings. EDIT: Everyone knows that there being no source means it is right, I mean after all, harvey weinstein is a left wing hero. >civil >you \"people\" Hmm And 65% refers to the fact that Trump's approval rating has hit 35% multiple times. Meaning that 65% of people don't approve of him. Depends on which poll you refer to, really. Rasmussen has had him at 50% for a while now. You, unlike I just did, haven't mentioned a source. And no, I don't owe you civility because you started with the harvey weinstein fanclub speak first. And lastly; the NPC meme isn't about average people who are against trump, it is against \"people\" who just spout liberal talking points. EDIT: and it is quite rich, coming from the people who have dehumanized ALL opposition for a few decades now to start crying about being dehumanized for acting like actual robots. Cause calling half the nation rapists isn't an insult? K But but but they said something I dislike so they rules shouldn't apply. No. Someone else breaks a rule report it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. Another stupid move from Torba. Who could have guessed? @21stCenturySpartan go eat a dick, the moment they chose to ban that kind of content is the moment gab became a censorship site just like twitter. That kind of content is protected speech even if you don't like it If Gab bans the Child Porn by Cartoon Crew. the world will not collapse, the sky will not fall, and people will not have their mouths stitched shut. If you believe this to be the case you are a pervert\/pedo clutching at immoral straws to justify you absolutely twisted and rotten urges. This just goes to show that gab is just another right wing site and it can no longer excuse itself with allowing harboring racists and nazis under free speech. different side of the same SJW coin. So when are you going to take women's right away? I wanted gab to be consistent, but I guess it's not meant to be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a r a p e f u g e e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@McwilliamsBrett shut your legs hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh for fuck sakes It's obviously a joke. They're referencing the fact that Jupiter looked like the trans flag. I swear this sub has no sense of humor It's not a joke to most of those people tweeting about it. So they legitimately think Jupiter is a transgender planet? that wasnt really my train of thought, but that makes sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama's Hellfire missiles tend to vaporize Jihadis @BemetOr8 @PureMonotheist #UniteBlue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Racist? RACIST? You retarded Regressive Leftist fags have so over used words like this, they have no meaning. I will say this though, WHITE POWER! Now, be a good little moron and take your meds. There is absofuckinlutely nothing racist about loving your race. Why can everyone else support their race but whites? IM PROUD AS FUCK TO BE WHITE AND FUCK ANYONE WHO THINKS IM RACIST.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's play \"What will the ghetto white girl with neck tattoos in front of me buy.\"If you answered Cigarillo's...you've seen this episode b4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GatorDwqam: Everytime I see Nelson Agholor make a play I want to puke. Kid should've been a gator. Thanks Charlie Cheeseburger.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would I bash on mobile games when there are perfectly good feminists on the internet? Like I care if some retard want to play mobile *Boo Boo Kitty Magic Cupcake* Don't know if it's just me.. all feminists look the same to me. Like untextured polygons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"True enough But then a mere What do do think the % is now, Jay?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@TEE_JONEZ: @KingCuh @16stanleys I'm not mad cuh hahaha\" suure.. tuku ho ita! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Eff it, let's go after the cripple : You have to see Wendy Davis' new attack ad [video] http:\/\/t.co\/WapBCHhuru","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now that I'll participate in. His Nigger behavior trying to twist up Kavanaugh was Nigger not cognitive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh yeah? Your 40% nigger regiment are to be trusted when the op is stop your relatives from entering your store? Gimme a fucking break redditard. That's like having the FBI investigate FBI corruption....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a faggot response.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_2kkz: This faggit bitch tried to say she hoe'd for hd bearfaced bitch yusa fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" nonsense! Israel is the only democracy in the middle east - the size of a matchbox surrounded by a football field of islamic theocracies hell bent on the destruction of israel and the usa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS WILL BE ROUNDED UP IN EXACTLY 6 MONTHS. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM WHILE YOU CAN MOLON LABE sweet cheeks. https:\/\/a4cgr.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/03\/molon-labe-jefferson.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chimps are Thanks. Looks like someone added that to my original post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taking into account all the mixed opinions of Nu-MST3k, I'll go on record as saying I'm happily sticking with Rifftrax. Mike, Kevin (Servo) and Bill (Crow 2) just happily making fun of movies, and not being choosy about their targets. For every joke that swings Right, there's a joke that swings Left. > I'm from southern Alabama I lived in Dothan, Ozark, Fort Rucker, and Mobile at various points in my life. Hello!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one goes into psychiatry to help people. Those people are all immoral. Everyone who works in that field is pure trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SSparklesDaily: The most beautiful women I've met have bruised souls, tired eyes, and quiet smiles. The survivors. The ones who know abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Race crimes can ONLY be committed by Whites retards. Think of what she did as reparations on behalf of her forefathers who where slaves AND who built this country on Cotton while white people just sat in their mansions and smoked cigars.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@SenatorLankford: \"I think actually President Trump is handling this the right way. @AmericaNewsroom https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LV4W https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/QNzm If this horde is allowed in, then this is how they'll do it from now on. Organize into hordes and storm the border.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The faggot tears here are priceless. Whatever you think of the Proud Boys at least they aren't afraid to defend themselves against antifa faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, it looks like the SCUM BAG, faggot liberals are winning again!! Good bye American Patriots! liberalism will destroy our country and all we will do is sit back and let it happen! Peace out .....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MAJOR Trump fuckup tonight https:\/\/www.marketwatch.com\/story\/heres-what-trumps-ethanol-plan-means-for-farmers-refiners-and-motorists-2018-10-09 Don't know much about Ethanol and affects it has on engines and pollution. But if this helps US farmers and gives us more choice on biofuel or fuel for the matter, i'm for it. How bad can it be if made from Corn? We know fossil fuel is very pollutant and deadly, so why the uproar on Corn fuel? It's creating jobs and driving US farm. Cheaper gas? I'm for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people sluts. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Demonrats are fairy gay faggot socialist bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spelling does matter. YIKES...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's making fun of that transvestite faggot Eddie Gorcenski.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mimiswagnotes You are an ignorant cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whenever you're feeling stupid, just remember that there are people on Gab right now who unironically think that @cashmoneyglock is an actual nigger named Tyrone Jackson.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Monkey see monkey do really Abu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Texas School Counselor Sentenced to 5 Years for Sexual Misconduct, Pleads Innocence https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Rm2t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol Vox is garbage that follow along with garbage people can we all say NPC'S Vox Defends Ammar Campa-Najjar by Calling 50th District Voters Racists https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/the-media\/2018\/10\/18\/vox-defends-ammar-campa-najjar-by-calling-50th-district-voters-racists\/ wetback piece of shit doesn't matter as compared to central indian? As in middle east Indian if you are going to be racist at least be right in what you are saying lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am not surprised the idea was bullshit. It came from a trans person after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you Muslims until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My nips are cold ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That little boy's face says it all---the boy in the upper right pic, I mean. Not the mini faggot at the bottom center. It's too late for that one. Burn it with the rest of'em. he's already been passed around a bunch of times and filled with hot pozloads by his dad, and all the other drug addled queens they know. just give it a few months and let AIDSchan take care of things.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unsurprisingly, many of the top comments there are just talking about what an asshole he is for cheating and how he 'got what he deserved', e.g. >I have no condolences for this twit. He should have known that some women are not so forgiving and CAN and WILL seek retribution... Like that justification would ever be used if a man sliced a woman's cunt because she cheated on him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @esaagar: .@KevinDaleyDC: In His First Day On The Job, Kavanaugh Hired As Many Black Law Clerks As RBG Has In Her Entire Tenure https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/RhrS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd like to congratulate President Obama on this groundbreaking trade deal with Canada and Mexico, it truly is amazing what you've accomplished these last 2 Years, sir. Keep up the great work !!!! ............. LMAO #Maga #GreatAwakening #Qanon #LockThemUp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The potato nigger grabbed his shorts, and the fence as well. It's the current year, and some whiggers don't know what a potato nigger is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay I don't really care for some of vox's opinions but what are you doing Indiegogo? All you are doing by shutting him up and cutting off his methods of making profit all you're doing is proving him and his followers *right*. Conspiracy theorists believe the world is out to get them and the one thing you can do to make sure that they don't get traction is this . DONT MAKE THEM MARTYRS. All you had to do was let them publish their stupid comic book. let it go unnoticed at the bottom of the top 200 and then let the people forget it ever happened. Have you never heard of the *Streisand Effect*? The same thing with Charlottesville. Honestly if Antifa hadn't shown up it would've been a source for us to laugh at the 50 tiki torch morons for a day and move on like nothing happened. > Those who were in charge of that demonstration are not the sharpest tools in the tool box. Former Obama supporter. And they didn't expect the local authorities, from the governor and mayor to the state and local police to be 100% on the side of the Left, to violate a Federal judge's ruling, etc. It was an unusual case of anarcho-tyranny, with the police pushing the alt-righers into the crowd of already violent Antifa and BLM members.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"disabled people are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some disabled people get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lots of mainstream media shows pushing the \"le gun control\" schtick. Ozark, Supergirl, BoJack Horseman all were mentioned here. Usually the arguments are dishonest, but there's definitely a push to propagandize to lower-information viewers. It's not great. I watched up to season 2 of Supergirl and called it quits. I can tolerate a bad tv show quite a lot, but Supergirl I quit on season I watched 1 episode of season 3 and said fuck it. Star Trek Herpes I went up to episode 5 and a half or 4 and a half, it was a forgettable crappy mess. Legends of Tomorrow, cant even stomach it anymore. The worst part was the nazi cross over episodes on Arrow and Flash. Wow, that was uber cringe!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now I am seeing chatter among Jihadi fans taking credit for an alledged kidnapping of a Frenchman in #Algeria #France","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Trump invites a Black citizen to speak to the entire world in the Oval Office. >SaltLeft: OMG KANYE'S PUTTIN' US BACK IN SHACKLES! What did Donna Brazile mean by this? Well, Donna knows that she is generally speaking to low information, shallow puddle people, who do not remember anything past a week, and only in short fragments of header information. She can pretty much state anything and the Dem base will believe. They could throw shit on the wall, and they would all scream \"Picasso!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No retard, that's just you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No Muslim POS You need to be put through the GD ringer like Kavanaugh Drop out of the AG race .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well aren't you a little cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @El_Grillo1: In the ME, the crow would eat the bear MT @webradius Obviously not in the ME MT @solemnwatch: Bear Saves Drowning Crow - An ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I also had a dream that I went to the FOB show and FOB was rude to me and @audizzle was getting badly hit on by some creep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Question for the school board? Did you hear that whistling noise? That was \"the point\" going over your heads. Also this was a gem. > the racist slur known as the n-word Is this really what we've come to now? Referring to it like you're some character from a Mad Max movie talking about The Before Time? It was, but it's a pretty old observation anyway, that whenever soemthing gets omitted you'll just substitute the offensive word mentally. It goes back at least to when things would get bleeped out on tv, as viewers would just substitute not only an offensive word, but probably the most offensive\/crude of possibilities. It's the whole basis of the bit Unecessary Censorship on Kimmel (again, not that he's the first to make the joke) where things become profane just by bleeping out inoffensive words. No that was her brother, Louie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Writing that black people are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Youre a fucking ugly bitch, I wanna stab you to death and then play around with your blood -Patrick Bateman","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dee zero IS UGLY GAG FAG LOVES EATING NIGGER SMEGMA ALSO de ZIRO GOT A LITTLE PENIS Pink PUNK BITCH BOY WHORE MOUTH cum GUZZLING GAG FAG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey op, how do you come to the conclusion of 'feminist'? Well only entitled spoiled in her 20s something brat would attack a guy in his prime and expect any outcome besides the one you have seen in the gif. A woman can be spoiled and entitled without being a feminist. I've met quite a few conservative redneck chicks who try to fight men. This is an incel statement. You know nothing about her. Doesn't really sound like an incel statement to me at all. Nobody knows anything about the people in these situations but I think his point is, if you're going to raise your arm against anyone, don't expect to not get hit back. Its the assumption that simply because shes young and cute she must also be an entitled spoiled brat. That's pretty incel. Also for all those saying shes not going to reach out to me and I'm white knighting sorry to burst your fairy land but I'm a girl who likes dick so I'm not any of those things. I just think it's important to try and keep your head out of your ass and not assume things based on your prejudice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These cucks will be the first under the sword when the demographic balance of this nation tips. That's right, because the left has no use for them once they get into power. Then, they will simply load them into the cattle cars for \"the good of the state\". Why do you think they hate US so much? We won't submit, we won't willingly climb into the cars, and we will never, EVER give up our guns. EVER.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LessThanJR And the Yankees gave you a win. :) Happy Birthday!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NuteIla: when I die on flappy bird http:\/\/t.co\/HKNUTfDVJZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol No matter Your filthy old cunt Hillary will never be president. Everyday I wake up smiling!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that gay people like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another wetback criminal eating shit and getting his ass kicked all the back to Mexico. Same old same old.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This bitch needed over a year of therapy for being a man for barely 12 months. Trying being a 13 year old boy, sweetheart. I would love to see how quickly these cunts kill themselves when they have to do that. I'm glad one of them at least had to balls to try it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Butthurt cunt of the week goes to Angel! The Irony of that name... You could have made your point in a much nicer way without the profanity. You belittled yourself by calling her filthy names. You're better than that!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab used to be fun. Then I decided to be a huge faggot and let everyone know about it. -t. @DonMAGA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Johnny_Benitez will be my guest on the Radical Agenda today. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/05\/radical-agenda-s04e030-johnny-benitez\/ \"Johnny Benitez is a Right wing event organizer out of California who Univision has called a \"Hispanic white supremacist for his support of President Trump\" Hispanic white supremacists are good people. Tan and brown illegal aliens invading our country from Mexico aren't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most autistic gabber goes to @BooBreeze What's funny you little racist Negro is I saw some jackass comment you made to someone the other night and I was gong to comment on it but I thought naaa I aint heard shit out of the negro in 9 Months the hell with his ass then I see you posted this shit about me..you're as much of a Nigger as that fucking Obama is and you play the whoa is me race card just like he did ...You POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the hell, Aussies?! I strolled by a TV today and caught a minute or two of a snake-catching guy covered in tattoos. After he bags a snake and hands off the bag to his chunky tatted gf, he walks over and shakes hands with two AFRICAN looking cops, not Abos, but AFRICANS. Why would you let them in your country? They're a plague here in the USA. Why would you let a plague into the USA???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His therapist is a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"M u s l i m s have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are without a doubt the stupidestpeople on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHO CARES WHAT THIS SHIKSA NIGGER HO SAYS.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jealous? or mad it wasn't you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thats it, I am not watching Sky News any more. They have now got some real queenie faggot arse bandit as a news presenter. Piss off Sky, no one wants your PC diversity crap any longer. #Brexit #BritFam #Anglosphere #UKIP #Remoaners #manosphere #MSM #queers #faggots Is he one of these sad twats pretending to be black? He looks more like a stand in for the Black and White Minstrel Show, with that syrup.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also I'm betting this faggot downvoted the 14 words. So, that means he's not white","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep sucking on Kushner's jewish zionist cock you dumb faggot neocon prick. How do you know Alice is a whore? You are a retard. That fucks you in the ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @pgammo: That the Yankees have won four straight Shane Greene starts and 7 of 9 speaks to his stability in a season of starters' emergen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pussy wanted a pass on not finding her mate attractive enough to have kids with. Hive mind called her out for being attractive cunt attracting denied said pass of the pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This from a holohoax myth keeper?? You are quite conflicted. A retard throwing retard stones?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"(((Soros))) covers them. But now, some retard voted NPC, ruining the nice consensus we had going.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This could actually happen. Trans* That's what he said.. disabled. and gay Also disabled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom (Don't Ya Jes Love It) @REALDONALDTRUMP @POTUS #QAnon #Qanuck #AskTheQ #FISA #WALKAWAY #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #MAGA #WWG1WGA #TH3WH17ERABB17 https:\/\/twitter.com\/patton6966\/status\/1053724997259325440","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than half of the participants were women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a mong to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was thinking the same thing. Is it a cry for help or have you committed to ending it? If the later, hurry up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How do these Retarded Niggers Get Elected ??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought he was a Jew. I don't think he was a faggot though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"------>RT @Maxin_Betha @HumbltonBanks ankle socks in general are for the faggots bro","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama Campaign Manager Says Warren's DNA Results Hurts Democrats In 2018 https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/mAbYy0\/Dpplnj-RW0-AUj-Kq-E.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/45SR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GET A FUCKING JOB MOTHER FUCKING DISEASED NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are a canc3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muh dick is the nigger sockpuppet line, ugly children applies though. Id stick more to the kicked out of every country they ever existed in and are natural parasites line, since its actually grounded in reality and just a fact that cant be argued against.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"totally not retarded reddit commenter.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poor Henry, he's supporting the right 2\/3 of you guys all on his gut! Don't hurt it, Charlie... (@lizziecuevas)http:\/\/yfrog.com\/h300cwrj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SOMEBODY please BRING OUT OF MY hotel room and HIRE ME for something REAL> I work hard for somebody throwing me in the trash. #IWantOut","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Making brownies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are going to put an end to all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"for those of u tht know me .. ilost thousands of followers .. shill for me i need to find ppl @anth0nys0pranoX is my new one .. muthafuck jack and muthafuck george soros ... hes the jew cunt tht got me banned","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. Man......... fuck you, you slack-jawed Yokel. You ain't all that and a bag of chips. You're literally just trying to troll someone in order for folks to fucking visit your page. You done fucked up in case you ain't noticed by that huge dip your score you just got. You pathetic piece of shit what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a kike in disguise? Who taught you how to troll motherfucker? Helen Keller?! You must be blind as shit, just sitting there banging on the keyboard and hoping something intelligent would come out. No amount of back talk is going to save you from the fate of going to hell. Which is where I'll be waiting for you. You're a piece of shit and you deserve to be tortured forever. You suck at trolling. You're seriously trying to act cool for folks and get your rocks off on somebody else's misfortune. You can try and throw up distractions diversions as well as, trying to sway the conversation into another Avenue. You're a cunt, and deserve to have your ass beat like a prison bitch. You're literally grasping at straws now? Is that all you had? What's the matter? you can dish it out but you can't take it? You need to take that lame-ass shit back to Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. Oh, I get it now, you can't troll someone that ain't woman. What a lame shitead you are. No wait, What a faggot you are. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone thinks that I'm not the person on my id. Like look at my moles, I don't understand.. Like I colored my hair what a big difference","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@hayyllss Merry Christmas Hun ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims like you are absolute heroes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah but didn't you know there are PHD STUDENTS IN THE CAR!! But somehow they still weren't smart enough to register the fking car... No doubt it was the fourth passenger that owns the car. The only one without a PhD. It's the final test for getting your PhD well she had TWO kids make it through the SCHOOL SYSTEM, I mean, c'mon! Are we splitting hairs here? they should have stated they had a Costco rotisserie chicken in the car thats getting cold, probably would have worked better lol I laughed. PHD students that don't know how to carry insurance, register a car, or have visible plates. PHD!!! If this how she is with cops imagine how this piece of trash treats retail worker, waiters\/waitresses, and her own family. oh christ, i bet her husband wants to kill himself every second Assuming she is still married. Zing. Do you know who I am... ? Manager. #Now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bourdain made his own stupid mistakes that lead him where he ended up. Hooking up with this train wreck was on him. Not trying to take agency from people is fair. No matter his shitty choice in partner however, you can still blame her for being a negative influence on his condition. To me it seems that what you are saying is that even mentally ill individuals have to bear all responsibility themselves in every situation, even though they might not be capable of that at that point. Instead of saying \" dont be an asshole towards already vulnerable people\". Not my first language, please disregard mistakes and weird wording.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just retarded pussy hats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"having a beard used to be manly until these faggots appeared and ruined everything, alongside fedorafags they pretty much ruined the masculine aspect of having a beard, being clean shaven now is manlier than a fucking beard. I agree but I still feel like I am being associated with those faggots when I wear the damn beard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't understand why the #LGBT community likes to add so many fucking letters to their #God damn name. Isn't that shit long enough already? Like let's get real you either #straight #bi or #gay. Either got a cock or a cunt so until people are walking around with alien parts you got 3 options. #joke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do they always talk like they're asking questions? I knew a guy who did this and had to give a safety talk, it was retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't stop eating graham crackers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you fucking retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Personally, I think he's \"building companies\" because nobody will hire the twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#California is full of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/CorrectWinger\/status\/1049866675317854209","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kamala was a huge nigger wrestler in the 80s. I see the resemblance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Perfect Gift for the Jihadi on Your Shopping List http:\/\/t.co\/wTNOloSY4t http:\/\/t.co\/AuTAVOeG2u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, I give a fuck that I have to see it on my feeds on every social network platform and be reminded how fucking retarded my fellow human is. This causes the dilemma of being unable not to reply out of a glimmer of hope that someone will grow a brain cell and realize it's all bullshit...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Buckm00se: if i dont get drafted for the squad we gonna have some problems drop the faggot jesus","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It might just be me, but I think that if you truly experienced something as horrible as rape then you wouldn't wish it on anyone. It's not like this guy is saying it's acceptable, so for her to say \"go get raped and then we can talk\" makes me think she has never gone through that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jordan \"Lolcow\" Reid tries to hide his name on Twitter like we don't know who he is Who is Jordan Reid?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"women are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cesar Sayoc during his days as a \"stripper.\" Sayoc was found homeless, living in a van in \"Broward County\" when arrested for the so-called \"mail bombs.\" Broward County is the same location as the \"Parkland School shooting.\" These false flags are getting more and more pathetic! #Ghost ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They give O2, morphine until you can get EKG, then Nitro (vasodilator). You may need a cath done","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other black people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Many of you guys know I am not lily white...and not even REMOTELY Aryan... yet you have befriended me without hesitation. The left wants to depict us as a festering hive of White Supremacist \"nazis\". Gab is more than \"Hate Speech\". For one thing, there is no such thing as hate speech. It is a figment of emotion-driven leftist intolerance. We are a vast community of free thinkers. We respect the opinions of others, though we may disagree. We know that the First Amendment comes before all others, because tyranny begins the moment they attempt to silence us. Color is inconsequential, but character is everything. Good men and women died for MY right to speak freely, and BY GOD, I will. Especially to fight leftist lies. I #StandWithGab I did not know you are not white. Nor does it matter to me. I judge by character not skin color and you are A+ ok in the character department. : ) LOL. I've known you since Twitter, and read your backgroud story there. I thought you were an \"orphan\" white girl who grew up in a black neighborhood, or something like that. White is sometimes just a perception. Lot's of us in the melting pot are not \"pure.\" I am not ashamed. I am Irish and Menominee. I lived in the \"ghetto\" in Chicago, in Altgeld Gardens, then raised as a ward of the state in foster care. Adopted briefly. Then unadopted. Conservatives come from all walks of life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KySportsRadio: For years two fan bases (UNC and Indiana) have said they do things \"the right way\" while UK and others are rogues. My ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Such a twat of a singer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"honestly, id rather be dead than have one of the useless cunts for a parent","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wanna know what this dumb cunt had to say for herself in court.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The downvoter on this is clearly a Killary cunt licking shill. http:\/\/www.fbcoverup.com\/docs\/cyberhijack\/cyber-hijack-findings.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Satanic Multimillionaire #Bono said: \"Political parties that criticize mass migration originate from Satan\" https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/parties-that-criticise-mass-migration-originate-satan\/ #TwistedBono #SorosButtBoy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The same chart shows what a cocksucking globalist faggot Obama was","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many sluts in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe we should stop MEMEing........ NAW... HAHAHAHAHAHA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Early morning beer as a reward for waking up and taking the trash out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Read that clearly! The violence and screeching and screaming will not stop until they are in control! Let them pitch their hissy fits like 2 year olds and thugs - keep arresting them or ignore. WE WILL NOT STOP WINNING !! FIGHT! #KAG Elaine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love the way I accepted myself and embraced queer culture. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"4 kids and 22? Her cunt must resemble a windsock in a hurricane.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@akaREKT @LadyVodkax in with the go to air out with the bad air and where's my next brownie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Country says, Blair is a criminal cunt who should not be listened too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay, faggot nigger. I got my definitions, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi has dementia. https:\/\/iotwreport.com\/pelosi-is-a-melange-of-gibberish-host-stares-at-her-wondering-what-the-heck-is-wrong\/ #KrazyKatLady #MAGA #NancyPelosi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, hate boner. Who teaches you retards to swear? Also, why are you so upset?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Remember when we paused an All-Star Game to honor Mariano Rivera? #tbt http:\/\/t.co\/PqEDosogLo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This announcement is turning into a fiasco. Xbone reveal all over again As Sony fucks up in this generation, I'm now looking for XbTwo PCMR Fully embraced the PCMR a few years ago. Last console was a Now I can't play RDR > Now I can't play RDR :( Yes you can, and you won't have to pay an arm and a leg to do so. Not a single western AAA release ever holds its value. RDR2 will cost five bucks used in two years, ten new, and the announcement of the PS5 will mean you can scoop both new and used consoles dirt fucking cheap. Keep PCMR for your current games, man, and don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses. If a game comes out on console and you *really* have to have it, wait... just wait. The prices will go down, you can scoop those and have those experiences too. This was a retarded comment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Fake news again!! Certainly is, and when he is released they will have him so tightly buttoned up they will know when he takes a dump and what colour it was!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The continuing persecution of Tommy Robinson may be a question of class. This is my take on it. https:\/\/postcardsfromtraumaville.blogspot.com\/ Don't bother if you are that cunt @NorwegianNatSoc He looks and acts like a regular working-class Brit, except for those hypnotic eyes, the name and the strange obsession with Israel and Jews. And you don't have an obsession with Jews, I suppose. His name, Yaxley-Lennon, is a reflection of a common British habit in modern times of running two family names together. Hypnotic eyes? You sound like you have a bit of a crush on him, pally. I normally don't jack off to the Israeli flag, no. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence that he does that. What's wrong with Yaxley-Lennon? Tommy Robinson's real name is said to be Paul Harris, btw. According to the judge in one of his many court cases, Harris is the name in his passport. I already know that you don't care, since you're an idiot who doesn't have the brainpower to draw the line between two dots. It was YOU who mentioned me, idiot, and now you don't like the answer you got. Typical of IDIOTS. I have no problem with the answer I got. It's you I don't like. Tell me, why are you anonymous? Job concerns? By the way, a dot is already one-dimensional, and therefore a line. You are thinking of a point, which has position but no dimension. Go back to sneering at those with autism. You seem to be something of an expert on autism. Do you work in the health sector? Your co-workers must think themselves blessed. Do you have many friends? I imagine you as rather reclusive and lonely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She feared for her safety. Wrap it up, nothing else to see here. What a coward. Feared for her safety getting out on a street she didn't recognize at night, not with the Uber [deleted] actual transcription from the video: > I felt uncomfortable with the **route** that he was taking me, I had obviously been drinking that's why I was in an Uber, and the route was just a different way that I had never been taken. she didn't say she feared the driver, but the **route**. I interpreted it as she was afraid of getting out of the car in a neighbourhood she didn't know. Obviously this doesn't excuse her behavior towards the Uber driver, but I don't think we can judge if she was afraid to get out or not. The recording made it sound like she wanted him to follow the GPS and he wasn't? Not defending her but I am so awful at directions. When an uber driver asks me where to go I just have to make shit up. \"Yeah that sounds right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AndreBerto can't wait for more PEDS is that it? Roid munching faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only problem is that they get these jobs via guanxi. You don't just apply to jobs anymore. You have to be referred to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @useemitch: 1, 2, 3, 4... how many niggers are in my store, I knooooooow your stealing! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never understood why they do that, retarded niggers think magic powder makes things clean. While writing it, I wish I could say I was bullshitting you but nope it's true. Have quite many times wanted to throw in some Molotov's or use some other form of fire, cleanse their apartment of the nigger stench.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"b\/c she likes black men and rap music? Huh lol RT @Magssca: @WaymoTheGod in general she wants to be colored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alright then. I'm critical of police, but supportive of police. There are bad cops, and they get away with being bad for far too long. But they are comparatively few. Though the borough I lived in weren't the most intelligent, they tried and worked under averse conditions. Niggers and guns are not good combinations, and a house very near mine, just after 11:00 PM, my wife and I heard why they're not. Before going to bed, we happened to hear on the police radio a disconcerting thing, on the next street over. A black man was going door to door apparently looking for someone. After falling asleep, he found the home he wanted, near ours, a 15 year old black male answered, and was shot 11 times, and another black resident was hit in the leg. That volley of shots woke my wife and I, the next 15 rounds fired were by an occupant of the house at the fleeing attempted murderer. He missed. The sister of the gun shot victim phoned the police, we heard the dispatch, saying she thinks her brother was just shot. She's in a tech school of some sort, she looks articulate and intelligent, so she likely was upset, but that her brother was shot 11 times, her comment was an understatement. The police responded to dispatch that it was probably fireworks, when 1,296,415 more calls flooded in about the shooting. Damn, they're going to need to leave the station. An arrest was made and gun confiscated, a somewhat intoxicated neighbor to the home where the shooting occurred ran into an alley behind the house carrying a rifle, the police proudly arrested this innocent man trying to protect his family and property. He'll probably lose his gun, and his right to own guns, because the action of a cop that figured a call saying \"her brother was just shot\" was just fireworks. The 15 year old miraculously survived, the attempted killer got away in an identified vehicle with Ohio plates, a vigilant neighbor was arrested, kind of like a door prize. Niggers have shot:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know what I tell a Nigger when I see him with a white woman?,,,I don't blame you, I wouldn't fuck a nigger either!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NY - White Chris Bilcik, 59, was sitting alone in Ray's Pizza when the unhinged Black man walked in, grabbed a slice of his own, and launched into a racially charged diatribe for no apparent reason. https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/17\/man-gets-sliced-in-unprovoked-pizzeria-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@uptheante","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm thankful that miserable cunt hasn't multiplied.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah...no. I'll make such a declarative statement only after none of the horde is allowed in. If thousands are granted entry, AGAIN, then Trump is just a liar. See, the last caravan? Remember that? THAT caravan prompted Trump to send the National Guard to the border and...they all got in. All that happened is the Guard welcomed them instead of the Border Patrol or no one at all, and escorted them to catch-and-release processing. Any retard can do that. Why have them there at all if they are all still allowed in and just given catch-and-release as usual? BOGUS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Conservatism is all Russian bots until a liberal shoots your mother in the face. I'm still waiting on the meteor. Edit: nobody knows what im talking about and still downvotes me? Are you all retarded or something?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What episode number was this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah, it's got the biggest population of arrogant cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This. Good. #pricklypear #shiner http:\/\/t.co\/fa02A3aVxQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can understand a hardship payment if she stayed at home to take care of their daughter, thus preventing her from reentering the workforce. But I have a strong feeling that this is not that case. Based on what the article listed as her former position, she had been working. And the nature of their financial situation, I would guarantee that they probably had a nanny. This is just a situation of a bitter ex wife. For all we know, she may not have wanted to put out for him any more and that lead him to stray. Ladies have to understand that unless there are legitimate health concerns, men want sex. It's a healthy part of a relationship. And if a woman denies them that without legitimate cause, then it could be reasonable justification for divorce or having an affair. Tell a woman that and they will go insane, but it's a simple truth. The same applies to woman as well. I have know girls who cheated on their boyfriends because they would not put out for them. But in these situations, the girls wanted to get pregnant. In any case, I would guess she was bitter before the affair. It is a part of 'empty nest syndrome'. When you discover that you no longer have anything in common with your spouse, you can become bitter. He probably wrapped himself up in work, and I imagine she did as well. But that does not discount the fact that he is a man, not an ATM. Eh? He's doing the opposite. He even defended the guy's affair. The example he gave was an example to say \"this is the only way I can see it making sense and this wasn't even the case\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dumb nigger -- he shot white kids who were protesting Israel. Get a job you sloppy degenerate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Won't catch me sneak dissing, thats fo the birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Roman Catholics in the US are trash. They give Catholics in Europe a bad name.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That dude is a fucking retarded nigger. He gets so mad he threatens to rape and kill you if you are a woman. It was funny making him mad. LOL I am a caucasian terrorist nigger according to him. Tbh, i think he doesn't know what any word that is more than 3 letters long means.... nah he is just a nigger. Which means he is profoundly retarded Isn't that right @BattlestarQUIMBANIA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a blck person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a syphillitic ridden cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cages is where you always keep animals that suck sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Which one do you belong to, cornhole driller? Nice and self aware of how it is instant expertise with no axe to grind. Abraham is in the Bible, but it is distorted to think that is the core. Do you know about the Trinity? which one is Abraham? You remember that most jews will not be saved? Also in the Bible. Wonderful you are so well informed with niggerfact points.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't cry too hard into your waifu, faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck yourself bitch i'm curious what why this stupid cunt thinks we can't wear certain costumes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"J. S. @DrArtaud You claimed to be Byzantine Catholic and you parsed gays and liberals from the rest, yet you whitewashed Jews as \"almost 100%\" liberal when the reality is closer to 60% and mostly disaffected or non-practicing. I posted citations on these stats on GAB less than a month ago. I am neither Jewish nor Catholic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did they finally cut that retard Artem Lobov?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Still really confused re #humplayproblems i think lucricusIs a fag dagger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Super Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Putting a black person in charge is the biggest mistake anyone can make. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I'm legit trying, the WORST thing you can do is try and play games with me. You'll get the bird sooo fast.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Lil_A47: @Vonteeeeee typical coon activity","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DeplorableBuilder Low IQ individuals are going to go along with your nonsense, but I can't save them from the scammer Torba. That's going to fall to the SEC. Torba will rot in prison. How many others in the cult will go with him? We'll see. That's a lie, I disprove your fake news narrative daily But can you prove it's a lie beyond a reasonable doubt? I get that you trust Torba with your life, but that isn't proof. Here you go That doesn't prove anything Is that not the traffic chart How can the site traffic skyrocket but the daily post count remain more or less the same? How can you determine daily post without sources Ask @judgedread Here it is Looks like something Cnn would do Seems legit to me If that's the best argument you have, we have nothing else to talk about It's legit It's just extremely biased and rigged He rigged it by following the reddit accounts at midnight He cries slider spam whenever you bring this up, because he knows it's BS (Weak insult game btw) But when you favorite only the Reddit accounts as he explained you're not going to get the same results He's cries slider spam when you bring this up because he knows its weak :3 and not being able to make it 2 minutes without calling someone a name is pretty weak btw ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're talking about trans people here. They can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flat earthers full retard mode episode 1 https:\/\/youtu.be\/digpdxSSECI via @YouTube","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D3ath to all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Omg! The cutest little tinker bell ever http:\/\/t.co\/vDajfVlwyP http:\/\/t.co\/YpTz9O4SIS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\/CakeDayWisdom AKA, Sargon's Law. > Sargon's Law aka the old biblical \"don't bother with a splinter in someone's eye when you have a log in your own\". This has been common knowledge for thousands of years, and you should be suspicious of anyone who's forgotten it because it's usually out of convinience.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"look all sand nigger to me ok","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No women in politics, in positions of power or combat. #endofstory #repeal19 I don't even have to watch to know this cunt is just going say a bunch of retarded bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really hope this NPC meme continues into eternity. It describes these leftist screaming retards a little too well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On the one hand, I am very sick of feminazi screenwriters inserting their bullshit into stories where it doesn't belong. On the other hand, a lot of stupid women say retarded shit like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And then she blames Bourdain for having the idea to pay him off. Her entire survival strategy is based on there always being a man around to take the fall for her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know what is worse - people making such retarded arguments or me loosing two points of IQ just by reading them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=tPgf_btTFlc Pixies - Here Comes Your Man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And this retarded rape apologist on T_D who seems like a lobotomized NPC calling the Apology after a rape threat \"An olive branch\" How high is this guy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This #Muzhood Scum knows Dem's are the most retarded sec of any nation and will vote in all Muzhood by default.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Six Children in Minnesota Diagnosed with Rare \"Polio-Like\" Disease Since September. There are only 5 countries where polio has seen a comeback, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kenya and Somalia https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/six-children-in-minnesota-diagnosed-with-rare-polio-like-disease-since-september\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Use the Mute and Deny Follow buttons.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all immigrants\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger its well known around these parts that im firmly against tacti-hoes. PULL UR HEAD OUT OF UR ASS U HOMO!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CLICK ON PICTURE FOR THE REAL ANSWER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"22,000 votes https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jLhC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you retarded? You might possibly be the worst troll on Reddit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> It's just their way to feel superior by putting down a group. IncelTears are incels in denial that believe putting down incels elevates them, so they magically aren't considered neckbeard virgins any more. Anyone that isn't an SJW retard can tell they are projecting their insecurities...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I highly recommend you guys watch this amazing debate between Destiny and @LaurenSouthern https:\/\/youtu.be\/AhYXZtCaSng @billsmith watch this debate and see how badly Lauren southern gets ass raped by Destiny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking idiots, they should have kicked the shit out of the little cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yes but this tweet is satire and ya'll are retarded for thinking it's real","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, and to put it into context in how much contempt I have for it. Life of Mars' US remake is the absolute worst remake I have ever seen of anything, including the Ghostbusters reboot, The US Inbetweeners is only just a cunt hair above it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OTHER ATTACKS ON ME WERE AT DOLLAR TREE BANGOR. DOLLAR TREE ISNT A FRANCHISE IT IS A PRIVATELY OWNED COMPANY. #BRUCEJOHNKENNEWAY @ANGELOJOHNGAGE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Capitalism, bitch Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many camelfuck3rs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I followed up the ape comment with a picture I made and was told by that cuck faggot Jack Dorsey that I'm being punished. I'll bet $100 that it'll be suspended after the 7 days. I think I'll go diejewdie mode on that fag jack.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is a \"Double Dutch Rudder\"? And 'mgtow' doesn't exist. The reason that white people aren't having children is because it's financially impossible. And it's financially impossible due to the existence of said system, fed daily by white families and white people plugged into the system. I have three kids, am not dependent on system, and find it far from impossible. Yes, I have to go without (((comforts))), but I'm happy. My Wife is happy. My Kids are happy. Most people have been conditioned to hedonism, after a certain generation pissed everything away to particular (((parasites))). THAT is why people aren't having kids. What am I full of shit about? My kids? My family? Please explain where I am full of shit. Please explain where I'm wrong. Is the experience I've had non-existent because it doesn't fit into your box? Did the court case I won regarding custody of my son suddenly not happen for the same reasons? I have nothing to gain by lying about my situation. You're full of shit because I already explained to you in very simple terms why you're full of shit, except that now in addition to standard issue ego rationalization defense mechanisms, you're also emotionally invested in this pissing contest. In simplified terms for dumb dumbs: Whites aren't having children because a bunch of bad meanies telling them not to is not being counteracted by a bunch of good goodies telling them to. They're not having children BECAUSE IT'S FINANCIALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO FEED THEM. inb4 hurrrr but I have 3 kids durrrr. Yeah, well, the rest of the white world can only fantasize about being as industrious as you are. Or they can quit making excuses, nut up, and work towards it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Dswizzle3 @Dswizzle boy u look like big bird off of sesame street","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd hardly call them pussies. Unlike the blubbering vaginas that make up the far right, Antifa is at least willing to get off their asses and go commit violent acts to push their agenda. The far right can't be fucked to get off the internet even though they know full well violence is the only solution. They'd rather just make podcasts and shitpost. If I could trade every faggot in the Alt-Right for half as many Antifa I'd do it in a heartbeat. We'd have an ethnostate by the time Trump gets defeated in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're like a lucky leprechaun with a charmed day on your hand... More for Gemini http:\/\/t.co\/2nx6NlOxOe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not So Fast, \"Blue Wave https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/not-so-fast-blue-wave\/ So what is your suggestion? Beside Trump remorse because he hasn't cleared out the entrenched deep state govt machine filled with lifer govt employees in his 1st 1-1\/2? And dismantled Congress and the Courts and turned the US into a white utopia already. What exactly is your suggestion? What magic wand should we wave. Please do tell? Not sure what other people are doing but I am sitting out the midterms. I'm not going to vote to reelect the GOP Congress which condemned us exclusively for Charlottesville","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">I join PUBG Well, there's your problem right there. At least he didn't say Fortnite >I join The War Z > I put on my robe and wizard hat And they call me the Spellmonger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chairman Of Minnesota's DFL Party Doesn't Believe Monahan, the woman who accused Congressman Keith Ellison of domestic violence. What happened to \"believe all women?\" It doesn't apply in this case because the accused is a Democrat? Nice. UTTER Hypocrites Democrats don't even follow the RETARDED standard that they MANUFACTURED https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tWJc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Survivor Steve Scalise: Eric Holder call for violence is a direct threat to our democracy https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/opinion\/rep-steve-scalise-when-eric-holder-other-dems-call-for-violence-thats-a-direct-threat-to-our-democracy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys a retard , who wants attention","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. Seems like one a day now. the black male rape myth is a massive lie. we even managed to elect the biggest cuck on the planet despite his pressuring the NYPD to 'execute' a group of kids that were merely in the vicinity of a woman being raped in central park. He helped an ACTUAL rapist stay out of jail, and rape\/murder numerous women. Even though the actual guy's DNA matched and he says he did it alone, Trump still thinks the kids were guilty. Isn't that fucking insane that he still got elected? Rofl. Think you meant to respond to the comment at the bottom... that guy is a stupid CUCK Says the incel, hahahaha.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To show how retarded the left is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa faggots, fuck you ugly homo faggot bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And don't forget about the other 49 states! I think that the strategy will be to target Broward County, which is low-hanging fruit to begin with, in order to justify a full investigation into the other states. Or, at least that's my hope. Broward alone doesn't give legal justification to audit each state and scum pits like California still refuse to turn over voter rolls, so I doubt it curious... what do you think would give legal justification? I'm no expert, but I would say specific instances like Broward's shady BS. But think of it this way - would your neighbor committing murder enable the cops to get a warrant to search your house? The answer is no. That is a terrible analogy in this case because in a situation like this it would be in federal court... that and people seem to forget.. https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/national-security\/313132-dhs-designates-election-systems-as-critical-infrastructure Barry Soreto had DHS declare it Critical Infrastructure. Trump has much more power over it now than previous president ever did, including Bush. > Broward alone doesn't give legal justification to audit each state it does if they can connect it to the DNC I think you'd be surprised. The DNC meddling with one county doesn't mean all counties are automatically subject to investigation. Look at it this way - what if Obama had said the RNC had cheated a district because one county in all of the US had some suspicious thing ending with an R win - you can investigate that county, but does it legally make sense to then search every county? At that point, the Fed is overreaching its authority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Come ride with me somewhere in a completely different plane of the spectrum I'm a downist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@baileymw22 you're the sole reason I come to that chipotle incase you didn't know. Keep up the good work babe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is there some sort of rule that no actual white Americans can be UN ambassador? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You reach a point when you no longer give a f*cking shit about being called racist or sexist. I'm sick of black niggershit like him and twat feminist crap like her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That meme is retarded on so many levels, lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that \"all immigrants are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is my mother bothering me about the trash? It's my day off leave me alone and stop nagging","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That was the fakest, most that attention-seeking fall I've ever seen. I thought she said \"Dinkin Flikka\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have tried to be open minded towards them, however they do seem to be a hard headed lot. Now we have our young Commie millennials roving around in here testing us and trying to trip us up so they can report back to their green haired Dyke America hating 5th grade level college professors and $150,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was drawing a comic a few months back and had to draw a Muslim girl who's a lesbian with a black transvestite scientist (note: nobody else in this comic was straight). I just drew a Muslim with her headscarf down and black man in a dress tbh. When it was said by the writer that the Muslim should have her burka on I just said \"There's no way that a practicing Muslim would be lesbian without getting pelted to death Note: I didn't choose this writer\/story. I was assigned them by the editor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @elcinpoyrazlar: Two Jihadis Arguing Over Stolen MandM's Will Make Your Day http:\/\/t.co\/uFRcLDiovX @markham @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/zukwJ2ve2d","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There isn't too little land, there isn't inefficient land use, there aren't too restrictive land use policies, there are TOO MANY PEOPLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a goat fucking, inbred retarded savage.. I truly believe these idiots are Twatter employee's set to sow discord just like the tranny porn person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well im glad that i live in Serbia, migrants and islamists are not welcome here!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thought the top left was a retarded kid that was getting tortured?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's send a whole bunch like them to the border! I would sleep like a baby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what kind of retarded nonsense is this?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any womn could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rex Scott is the biggest faggot to ever waste oxygen. If the civil war ever kicks off I'm gonna seek that bitch out like I'm the Terminator. My god do I hate him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love when other women get it and how they can finally see the total hypocrisy of some women. [deleted] Exactly, the same thing happens when they try to make their guy jealous. They crave that crazy, possessive side of men. This is something I've never understood and even my wife does this. Like the fuck why do you want me to be angry? Why can't women just make sense. \/r\/ihavesex I mean he's not wrong though. I know several girls like this. >I know several girls like this. All girls are like that in one way or another.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any black person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wonder how many Yankee fans are hurt that Derek Jeter is out until after the all star break lmao ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so says the sand nigger cocksucker From what your timeline has on it, *you* worship 'sand niggers' (jews) and 'cocks'. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is this faggot to lecture anyone?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once again I log on and these fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches are posting tranny porn in my timeline. :\/ Isn't GAB banning these bloody faggots via IP address, @a @e? Apparently, you have a problem in understanding something. I DON'T WANT TO SEE FAIRY GAY FAGGOT TRANNY PORN AT ALL. I have a right to not see that shit, and I'm NOT the only one that feels like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Loses. Woman 3 goes to war against woman Wins. Woman 6 goes to war against woman","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mayor orders chief to stand down. Men with families and jobs or sniveliing commie cunt cowards follow suit. Dark times","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LIBERAL WRITERS, ACTIVISTS ATTACK WHITE WOMEN' OVER KAVANAUGH [I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I CALL THIS TYPE OF 'JOURNALISM' AS *INCITEMENT] https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/07\/liberals-attack-white-women-brett-kavanaugh\/?utm_medium=pushandutm_source=daily_callerandutm_campaign=push","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she's a retarded liberal cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the Flaming faggot asshole kind, as well","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Suck a dick you retarded fgt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or just be Muslim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a spoiled little no talent cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the voice of your \"resistance is a mentally-ill drag queen, then it's safe to say your resistance is likely equally deranged. Where the resistance should be. These freaks had their place once and the world was not poisoned with the disease. Now the mentally ill run for public office...how retarded is that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They work with a lot of immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cleggzta Ho ho ho.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right? I stopped following accounts that post Tumblr cunt shit just for that reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give us the jazz hands faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Struggle: - to find pants that fit without looking like they're on backwards - to lay off the Cheetos, KFC and buckets of ice cream - to fend off all those amorous nigger bucks - to avoid being mistaken for an escapee from the local pig farm or Sea World - to have sex without having to roll in flour so their \"partner\" can find the wet spot - to avoid those pesky surfers who want to slap her on the thigh so they can ride the big wave","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off you rancid old cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Full On Retarded Democrat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish him the best, as well as his children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is how it's going to go, you make a statement and somebody disagrees with it and you have a conversation with them, if they attack America they have to deal with me, you send them on to me because I will destroy them just on philosophical basis, if somebody scares you you let me know This is how it goes knucklehead, you don't like it, my limit of giving a fuck was destroyed about 10 minutes ago, do you want to debate me let's discuss the issues and we should start with why being a Jew makes me suspect in this community @blazinherb @WADL - It's starting to look like it's fake. @WADL - He's got lots and lots of gabbers enraged, so it feels orchestrated to me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's called censorship. It's what Jews do to hide their guilt, and the Jew controls the MSM and social media. \"fuck off retard\" works for both SJWs and incel hitler fanboys. Thats prob why they banned the word retard on twitter. Hits too close to truth for the leftists","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You keep repeating 3 desperate mantras. Every time you appear here you use them. You're not the full shilling are you! You are like that retard Slatty in that regard, you lefties are all fucked in the head. Tragic old woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You must free yourself from the lies you've been programmed with. Your nation isn't an idea or a melting pot. If it's not any of those things then what is it? It's the same thing that's always made up a nation, a racially homogeneous group of people. In the case of America, that means white people. >> In the case of America, that means white people. << Said who where?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i left a dislike you cunt :) cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[removed] I'm guessing evil cake has some pretty bad tattoos and piercings haha they are always triggered For sure. Would it matter if I did? Yes because that means you are sitting here lurking On Reddit to try and prove yourself to someone who gives zero fucks...just like most Of Reddit My bad, didn't realize only woman-shamers are allowed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you've gone and broke the wrong heart baby, and drove me redneck crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought Quebec enjoyed special protections for its culture. Looks like you are being turned into a Third World shithole thanks to the muslims and nigerians. What happened?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But...but that's not getting killed, that's killing yourself. If you kill yourself because someone was mean to you, it's still your fault, shouldn't have killed yourself. Are they completely retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Texas police seize woman's yard sign showing GOP elephant's trunk up girl's skirt https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/ht1F9U\/Do3_WRAr_UUAE4n_XX.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33vTy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HEGS_com: What's that bright yellow thing the ref just showed to Martins Indi?! I can't remember seeing one of those before! #clubmetro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RunuldoRants faggot sack","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What has your oh so principled position got you big guy? The cucks(you) certainly haven't solved anything. They dont seem to want to. If your weak kneed enough to tie yourself into knots just because you dont want to be accused of racism your giving people who literally hate you all the leverage they need to control you. Quit being a faggot. What a world we live in, you can only be a \"cuck faggot\", or go around spouting the exact words neo-nazis use and be an apologist for them. Either be a cuck or Nazi, no other choice in how you represent yourself... you truly are amazingly intelligent buddy \/s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @mitchmancuso: @BrantPrintup:What straight guys take a picture of themselves naked in a hot tun.What fags @jakesiwy @Ryan_Murphy3 @Randy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather be a Nigger than a Jew any day of the week","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When I was young and one of my mum brother ask me pull on is finger and dirty cunt farted and fucking stink s so boy and girl if someone in your family ask to pull the finger don't do it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@2ANow She looks like a plastic monkey doll!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We would be better off if those immigrants were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @__Black_Jesus: @lil_aerii: Happy new year check yo clock Hun we got another hour lol.. they just did the lil count down thing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Forcing Democracy on nations is \"giving them back to the people . What a retarded George Bush thing to say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to see the picture the guy took of the probably short blue haired, million piercing, dyke outfit wearing progressive cunt who took this lady's picture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bolsheviks and bitches are against Western tradition; STRONG BODY\/STRONG MIND. It's contrary to the pussy-hat wearing bimbos and the toy-soy-boys purpose of being too dumb and weak to resist limp-wristed kikes to take it over. Pump iron; fuck up faggot left.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" do you people ever get sick of calling every last person on the planet either a jew or agent of jews? You are worse than the leftists calling people nazis they're not calling, its the truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no fucking way a machine would recognize that shit LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i don't get a dyke vibe from taylor swift, but these are challahwood chattel, so it's a good bet she's succumbed to degeneracy. Our Aryan Rugmuncher! I get a dyke vibe from Kloss, so who knows? The pics of Swift with boys are awkward because those guys look flamingly gay. Maybe swift just needs the rough touch of a real man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol at rednecks quoting Farrakhan's puke. Broken clocks are right twice a day... Muslims do kill Jews and faggots... Lol, nazis are retards fuck off kikesucker Lol nazitardation is real. fuck off and die faggot kikesucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is this cunt and why should I care","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You guys are a bunch of gamerfags and you're a glow in the dark cia nigger whatever you say eurocuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only black people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to be shitting me? You guys are faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt who wrote this wrote it trying to portray women as being victims of equality. Then tried to imply that alimony payments will go to porn. Shit news, shit company.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's critical we keep away from the nigger beast. We must keep them down. Don't employ them. Get them fired. Call the police on their suspicious activity. Keep sending their sow sluts to the abortion clinics. Make the nigger know from birth they are unwanted beasts. They are subhuman burdens on Whites. They must be treated as the parasites they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I might be dead, but I will NEVER take ANYTHING at all offa ANY MUZZIE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"California: Pro-Choice activist proudly breaks world record by getting her 27th abortion https:\/\/worldnewsdailyreport.com\/california-pro-choice-activist-proudly-breaks-world-record-by-getting-her-27th-abortion\/ Well, I'm certainly proud that our gene pool can move on without her contribution. Show people who this fool chick is. Makes the points easier to make .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a faggot skank","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This isn't really a statement on gender so much as class. Still atrocious though. On the contrary, this says *everything* about a massive gender sentencing chasm. Men get thrown in jail for the slightest provocation, whereas women get off with a slap on the wrist for crimes like pedophilia, the rape of minors, grand theft and murder. And what sayeth the feminists, who strive so valiantly for \"equality between the sexes ? *crickets* I'm willing to bet that if the poor person dodging the train fare was a woman and the rich person laundering hundreds of thousands was a man the sentences would have been the exact same. Actually I'd be willing to believe that both would get off with a warning, but thats mostly because jailtime for a >$3 fine is idiotic \"I'm willing to bet that if the poor person dodging the train fare was a woman and the rich person laundering hundreds of thousands was a man the sentences would have been the exact same.\" You would lose that bet, woman get a pussy pass in the courts everyday. But you Marxists are in league with the Feminists, so you will never admit that men are being discriminated against. >But you Marxists are in league with the Feminists Alright mate, settle down with the conspiracy chat. It's more that people who believe in social equality tend to be a bit more astute in spotting areas in which men are *not* discriminated against.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do enjoy trolling these libtards... Using my wife's Twitter account, because I'm perma banned for calling Jack Dorsey a fairy gay faggot in addition to calling Twitter out on their support of pedophilia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot drama queen takes his sickness out on a black man. Fag racism by the Latino is goofy and disgusting. When ridesharing goes wrong. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=175andv=8nosB563o9U","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How dare the police not believe her 1000%! Women never lie about this... Was my white knighting convincing? The argument isn't that women never lie, it's just that it should be assumed that its the truth because better an innocent in jail than a rapist on the streets. That's stupid and you should argue with that instead of being a dumbfuck and arguing against something that's not there. Stop proving their point for them >better an innocent in jail than a rapist on the streets. All fun and games until you're the innocent in jail. As Benjamin Franklin said: >That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved. Thats whats he is fucking saying. He is agreeing with you but telling you to attack the real point and not the strawman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Isn't it funny when the people who complain about stereotypes are the embodiment of the genuinely shittiest stereotypes? Like this guy. My very best friend is gay, but I would They are stereotyped because they are stereotypes. It's therefore not even a stereotype. No one stereotypes the rest of us, except SJWs, because we're not retarded. BTW, not saying that you're wrong (nor that you are right, no bully admins) about the part coming after, but I'd amend that slightly lest you upset the mods\/admins. (The best part is, *faggots* like this hate every gay person who isn't a complete retard and therefore has standards. They have created entire websites where they complain about... normal people who put in their dating profiles things like \"no fatties\" and \"no femmes\". OUTRAGE! They're just like incels, thinking they are entitled to the bodies of others.) > Some companies deserve to go bankrupt, to be honest. Employing notorious psychos for optics is the stupidest possible move. I'm far from anti-capitalist, but Christ, if nothing disproves purist theories of the free market, that companies necessarily do things in accordance with efficiency and the desires of the market - it's this. They are more than happy to play with shareholders' money, just like government and non-profits play with other people's money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely adore Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Nah. This ain't it, chief.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How the fuck is a voice of reason a fascist. These people ARE LEGIT RETARDED.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fat frumpy dyke hate crimes herself. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6269483\/Ohio-student-21-charged-sending-homophobic-threats-herself.html A fat dyke cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Put her in with dogs, I mean nigger boys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Patton Oswalt: Global Warming a Meteor,' Will Strike in Our Lifetimes' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/yV7p","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Panda Express is so trash but I wanted Chinese and didn't feel like gettin out the car","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggas deserve better bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It strikes me that if you eliminate the HR department from most companies, you'd eliminate the worst of the progressives. They always use those positions to subvert companies. We must criminalize anti-white discrimination and anti-white hate speech. Its the central pillar from which we will reclaim our homelands. There can't be any qualms about this or we will lose. Do you think criminlization is good? Let the anti whites talk their shite. Only the people united can enforce culture. Police are merely statisticians of crime. They hardly solve crime, they couldnt never enforce it. It would also open the door to make the state or city \"ungovernable\" by overloading courts and police even more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @USAgov: Our national bird - the American bald eagle - is an endangered species success story. http:\/\/t.co\/OJscNNMYEm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AnnTelnaes: Halloween candy corn bird http:\/\/t.co\/kTNbyuTYKw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fault for the current state of affairs falls on all generations, this is the first SET of generations fortunate enough to realize an awakening, the cleanup is on all of us that are awake, laying blame on one generation is retarded , that IS WHAT THE ENEMY WANTS. (division)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AINE IS AN INSANE RETARD Copyright Loki 2018 Retard. Go away. Retard. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=T-cWlmCDQw0andfeature=youtu.be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a disabled person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shits weird. your mind is not the same gender as your body.... FFS shit is weird as hell...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cheeky thoughts as the rooster crows.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe when you're done high-fiving yourself like a leftist retard you might tell me precisely what you disagree with. If you have a valid point certainly then you can tell me what it is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What Halloween costume can I wear that WON'T offend a liberal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idiots, How dare they make this suggestion. How can this criminal cunt protect himself this much?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tom Fitton on what to expect from Mueller probe https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CjT3RRCp2p8 Hete's 1 thing you'll find: Mueller found it necessary to indict a Russian company for crimes committed at a time when the company did not exist! Kinda says it all, doesn't it? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckall immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bono-bono Obama's religion. https:\/\/youtu.be\/F-NiwQZM-KA Ban Islam from America Walter Mccarran act","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tommy is a Zionist shit stirrer! A blind retard can see that! How dare you slander the Great One! Your penence is to shower you filthy nigger loving like!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really wonder what that cunt looks like today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Honey_GotBunns: @1stBlocJeremiah lmfaoo NEVER I be Dolo , I dont got no niggas, and for my old hoes FUCK ALL THEM ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Experience Charlie. Married woman who loves hot phone sex with strangers. Can you get me off? - 27 http:\/\/t.co\/jtsIjBULVC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Murkowski should have kicked Dianne in the balls and beat the shit out of the dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trns people are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great end to a sad story. Sorry to say it but what a cunt. > Sorry to say it Sorry why? She's a cunt, endy story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is this possible? Convicted pedo felon and illegal wetback gets PROBATION for DUI? JFC!!!!!! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/ices-most-wanted-fugitive-captured-in-louisiana","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I actually know some people who decided to try #Gab recently. A few weeks later I asked how it was going and they literally said it is WAY too negative and hateful and racist, and that they wouldn't be going back. I had to chuckle. Now they know the truth. Why? The only people that feel the need to \"stand up for their race\" are insecure, cousin-fucking pieces of white trash. You know, like you. ;D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO!!!! Another gang rapist! By the \"orange menace\"! Horror of horrors! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is the dumbest politition in Australia , Matbe the world ,,, a piece of drift wood has a higher IQ than this retard ,,, I know \"RETARD\" is a bit strong as its very insulting to Retards ,,,,,,,,,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But, Gamergate IS dead, honey. Sargon's troll attempt was fucking stupid, and everyone saw through it. Well, except MundaneMatt the Quarry King. Why did I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to find some common sense? Sargon is complete cancer and everything he gets involved in turns to shit. He's a shitty politician. What were you expecting? It's amazing the Sargon's shit-talk riles people up so much, but when Jim the retard does it, it can only be some masterful social commentary and we need all the rick and morty fans to tell us how low our IQs are for pointing out the contradiction. And these are always THE SAME PEOPLE. You'd think they'd be happy to see Sargon off, instead of trying to pull him back in. No wonder you people are always tasting almonds. Come on back when Sargon causes as many problems for us as Jim does, until then have fun being outraged over nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's in your closet? Mass graves no doubt..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@SportsCenter: Eli Manning just threw his NFL-leading 27th interception of the season.\" Lmao trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lmao I s2g having roots with yellow\/white hair makes it look so dirty I'm http:\/\/t.co\/SqbYdUiZr8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's her own movie you dumb twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Talionis \"This guy\"? You mean your alt account? You've got to be one retarded fucking Nazi to think that you \"roasted\" me in any way by spouting a bunch of left-wing racist conspiritard bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off faggot kikesucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"B.S. Boomers have an 18 yr age range among them, yet you youngsters who blame us for everything and group us into one huge box w\/same ideals are full of shit. We're all different and many get life more than you do. Grow up and see if you can do a hell of a lot better than many boomers did, then you can talk down on us - and not until. Exactly! What the hell have any of these little pukes done in their short time here, but blame others for many things the others had no control of. They don't even know any real history and try to give us all lessons on how they'll fix what can't be fixed without EVERYBODY on board. @Unenrolled Thank you! I totally agree. 'Boomer' haters sicken me on gab and I truly hate to say that. I thankfully have kids and grandkids who respect, love and admire me - as I do them. I taught them well and they use their brains w\/common sense logic like I do. No whiny blamers in my family, thank God. I'm not even a \"boomer\", but I know what they contributed to future generations. These little snots don't even realize they wouldn't even be here on gab, if it weren't for \"boomers\". To All You GenX,Millennials and Whatever The Fuck The Newest Ignorant Disrespectful Brats Are Called,Much Like Great Classic Rock Music,You Last Over 55-60yrs Or More and Still Have Relevancy ,Until Then Motherfuck You,Most Of Us Have Seen,Done and Forgotten More Then Most Of You Will Ever Have ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt is so stupid. The left are the ones calling for incivility and being sore losers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The blonde lady and the dude in the orange shirt had me quaking","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Said Meme is inaccurate, the Bottom Pic should Depict the Criminals with Twice the Amount of Arsenal, at their Disposal, as i'm sure that Half the Confiscated Guns from Law Abiding Whites, would End Up Sold on the Black Market, and into the Nigger Hoods they'd go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All trans people are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a Gab Fam: The House of Saud is the 2nd largest investor in Twitter. [Here is Prince Al-Waleed meeting with Jack Dorsey] If you have been kicked off of this platform, please support Senator Rand Paul's Bill to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Get out of islamist TWITTER Dorsey was so easily bought off with smiles, platitudes, and a nice meal. He has no idea of the Islamic way of doing business.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are witnessing Niggers raping on average in the USA 45,000 White women, with Whites raping on average in the USA ZERO Nigger women. If Nigger men were in such demand by our White bitches, why the need to rape them?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Illegals on welfare destroy rental unit - pics 21- Spic. Oh and they would go outside and talk SO sweet to the other residents - then the guy (who lied about his first name - found that out on one of his arrest records), would go in the wooded area across from their unit and beat off while looking into a teenage girls bedroom. But don't complain or your racist! Have mercy... Sick depraved and disgusting Precisely! You simply have to have something messed up in your brain to live like this. It's inhuman - and with 2 children, no less. A teenage girl and a downs syndrome girl, about 9 now. Too bad you didnt call dcf on their asses Wish I would have. No one ever saw the unit until they moved out - those pics are exactly how they left it. They got it furnished - destroyed everything. It's like an episode of \"Hoarders\". And you wouldn't want to smell the odors coming out of there! Nasty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump HAS ALWAYS INCENSED RACISTS. HE LITERALLY DOES IT EVERY SINGLE RALLY. only a total retard can't see that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nicolle Wallace's Violent Fantasy Life: Wring' Sanders' Neck, Punch' Trump's Face https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-journalism\/2018\/10\/12\/nicolle-wallaces-violent-fantasy-life-wring-sanders-neck-punch-trumps-face\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @NiggaImTatted: Cowboys win games during the regular season but when they get to the playoffs that trash af lol hating ass nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Wait, otherkins are furries? Basically the more crazy end of furfaggotry, when they actually start believing they're a wolf-dragon with 4 penises and perpetually-shitting dick nipples and think everyone else is just brainwashed into seeing them a poorly-groomed neck\/legbeard with a personality disorder. The ones who are self aware of their faggotry are pretty okay in my book, tbh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @whitbreezy: Once I get a cold beer in my hand there ain't no mistakin who I am, I can't hide my redneck side","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"M u s l i m s are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to GAB! You're better off leaving Twitter because Jack is a fairy gay faggot and supports pedophiles being on the platform.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MaddSlander welcome back b.. without your daily rants my TL was trash af","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They should get rid of them by throwing them in the center of a muzzie crowd. Two birds with one stone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the faggot does looks like he learnt martial arts from the power rangers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am trying to get along with women but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have such strong admiration for women like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Susan Collins and Jeff Flake So you're mad that the President spoke facts last night at his rally and ran right to the cameras and radio shows to BITCH about it. However, I don't recall EITHER OF YOU running to the cameras or radio shows over Ford's DOCUMENTED LIES such as 1) The 2nd door was done years prior reason? Because she rented out part of her house to a marriage counseling business 2) Lied about coaching someone on polygraphs (Ex boyfriends sworn statement under the penalty of a felony) 3) LIED about flying Nevermind the NUMEROUS contridictions Nevermind LELAND twice now said the same thing! Nevermind the FACT all these ppl signed affidavits under the penalty of a FELONY CHARGE Just because a woman has Tits and a Twat does NOT make them credible!! Evidence and Facts make someone credible! Why aren't you RUNNING TO THE CAMERAS ABOUT THAT??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TooFab: Finally! Warner Bros. making superhero films starring a woman, person of color and actor who identifies as \"queer\" http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well this dumb feminist cunt just fucked up You cunt should take a leap off a cliff with a rope necklace","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"14 year old me would of kept my god damned mouth shut. Kids these days are something else. Well when your 14yr old daughter or son is being raped by thier teacher make sure and come back and let us know how they should keep their mouths shut. People like you make shitty arguments when you trying to use loaded words like rape to play on the emotions of someone to win. It's not rape. It's statutory rape. Which isn't rape. It's just sex with someone not legally allowed to give their own consent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger loyalty is to niggers, another reason not to mix with them https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6239693\/Samantha-Markle-launches-vitriolic-rant-against-Meghans-mother-Doria-Ragland.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need militia members to protect this great man and his family, these retards have become beyond unhinged and violent, put a few armed patriots around his house. There is no excuse for violent fascism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I made a new group called Right Wing Cooking Squad, where you can share your favourite food recipes, tips and pics! Feel free to join! https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/0a2e240d-2a81-4c18-b727-247c027801b3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#never taylor swift...that was a retarded Daily Stormer meme. Consider the source and FLUSH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rastus already has 5 nigger girlfriends on the side, unbeknownst to Mrs. Oblivious. She'll find out when they show up at her door in the middle of the night with baseball bats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My Prediction: By 2022 we're going to see two landmark cases in the U.S. Supreme Court. U.S. vs Clinton and U.S. vs Obama. What do you guys think the decison will be? My guess is 5 to That might be tough. I'll bet that nigger has money spread Out all over the world. That $6 billion he and Cankles stole from the state department is probably spread around to hundreds of banks. They need to send Delta Force in to take his ass out. You know those guys would love to take out Obama.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have met many immigrants and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"27th October 1971 the IRA murdered David Tilbury, 1 of 2 soldiers murdered in bomb attack on observation post, Londonderry. 2 10lb bombs were tossed over wall onto sandbag emplacement at back of Rosemount RUC station. Both soldiers died instantly https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DqfnIg-XQAUpa4T.jpg Cad Carrick? you old silly bint","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our failure to mobilize and litigate on behalf of our political prisoners is more than merely a moral black eye, it's the kind of failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. I was hit with 3 false criminal charges and 3 bullshit lawsuits as a result of the rally. I've had to fight through this stuff, not with community support, but with the majority of the community actively attacking me and rooting for my failure. Why would anyone ever put themselves on the line under those conditions?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no one tried to blow up cnn, use your fucking brain, cnn is going to try to blame trump because he points out that cnn are loser liars, use your fucking brain and see the dirty trick cnn, the hillary cunt and soros are using, lol stupid cunt hillary and the skank at cnn need hanged to death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Artists are parasites to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So they are \"investigating\" someone who has nothing to do with the school anymore about something that happened in their free time years ago... And lets say the accused is guilty of whatever it is, what are they gonna do about it? Its not like they could even fire the person since they left like a year ago. Personally I don't give a fuck if the person got drunk, stood on the top of a sky scraper butt nekkid and screamed \"NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER\" for a solid hour while waving their dick around like a helicopter. It happened outside of their job, no one was harmed and considering its Mexico is probably not even against their version of the law so who gives a fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FFS! Pathetic. Hangs on to every word I write looking for an anomaly to cling to like it's momma's boobie. Yes I do decide and I did when I was recruiting. No left wing parasitic PC public sector non jobs draining the economy with me bloke. You'd be stuffed then.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@izziorizzi i'm not a trash talker, brah. i'm polite and diplomatic on and off the court.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many w e t b a c k s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is a type of meatball eaten in the UK called faggot. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only I had not been a complete asshole to her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well Isn't That Cute... Invented and Designed By A Self Hating Liberal Faggot I'm Sure..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tennessee - Another mixed race couple relationship ends badly. Witnesses say the negro beat the White mother of his children over the head with a rock or brick repeatedly in front of her house, then ran her over with a car several times. https:\/\/wreg.com\/2018\/10\/08\/domestic-violence-survivors-shocked-emotional-to-hear-about-dv-homicide\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Havent you heard? Correct spelling and grammar is white privilege. Are you expecting all Tumblr users to be fully educated or something? That just goes to show your white privilege and sexist outlook on life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DAVE CHAPPELLE, WHO DEFENDS KANYE, ALSO GOT CALLED CRAZY' FOR BUCKING THE SYSTEM Comedian Dave Chappelle is strongly defending Kanye West as an artist, even though Chappelle does not support President Donald Trump. But perhaps Dave Chappelle can relate to Kanye, considering how Chappelle was smeared for standing up to Hollywood more than a decade ago. \"I'm not mad at Kanye. That https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/dave-chappelle-who-defends-kanye-also-got-called-crazy-for-bucking-the-system\/ via @gabnewstoday https:\/\/youtu.be\/OniNubupbQ4 Dave Chappelle the guy that made 75million an episode on his own show glorifying Anal sex, and crack addiction. He institutionalized himself , because he said nobody should make $75 million an episode.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Giggling but mah legisy #Democrats always have that Blank Look in their eyes....No ones home ! Actually, it is GREAT to be White! It is the BEST TO BE WHITE. O am quie happy for others to like who they are, but I would much rather be WHITE. MUCH RATHER! MUCH MUCH MUCH rather! As long as you're not male.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When a viable social media platform with a block feature emerges, I will use that more than Gab. I am sick and tired of providing a platform to subversives and spammers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIKE'S NEW $50 COLIN KAEPERNICK T-SHIRT SELLS OUT IN LESS THAN A DAY Nike's new Colin Kaepernick t-shirt sold out in a single day as the apparel giant hopes to capitalize on the controversial former San Francisco 49ers QB's marketing appeal. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6317507\/nikes-new-50-colin-kaepernick-t-shirt-sells-day.html?ns_mchannel=rssandns_campaign=1490andito=1490 via @gabnewstoday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone is mad at Don Lemon and I don't blame them, but who are the ones that still allow Don Lemon to continue to do what he does?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Unorthodex: Nah I hate white people now since he looks like a dyke RT @ElBasedParko: I think he just ended racism http:\/\/t.co\/VgjYHn4bvt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like these Gifs? Visit ThePatriola.com #OcasioCortez #Democrats #NewYork #OcasioEyes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck to death this Nigger loving Homo ass to mouth cocksucker. Vive LePen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WashTimes: John Kerry caught appearing to mock Israel s pinpoint operation in Gaza - http:\/\/t.co\/3yqFR9LZsR #Israel #Gaza http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now that is a full blown nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't see her head hit the ground in this clip. Is there a longer version? Also is she in a coma right now? That would suck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I see pavement apes...you can't get an engineer or doctor out of a nigger with an I.Q. of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So many hoes whipped you would have thought we were still in slavery","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All trans people are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree! The filthy askeNAZI JEWS who created the Democrat KKK are all left wing RETARDED Trolls! NAZI Jews created the KKK are all RACIST PIGS! They are in control of the human sewage Democrats and of course NAZI JEWS did slavery in America, not western Europeans! It is always the NAZI jews who do all the disgusting things in the world like all wars and genocides! Jews are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I firmly believe that only black people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Didndu_Nuffin - very good advice!! I couldn't highlight the most important part, about deploying to OpNPC, because I don't have a pro account :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not a right-winger. I'm centre-right. Neither are you. You are just a socialist. Sticking National in front of it doesn't hide that red neck boy :) I'm glad you admit you're a centrist, bugman. Centre-right. Current Tories are pretty much centrist. I float towards UKIP and For Britain. What we call a Far Right Nazi fascist waaacist here :) Since you aren't very bright, I'll explain how I mockingly called you right-wing, which you denied, then within two posts admitted you support what passes for de facto right-wing on cuck island. We established yesterday that NatSoc's average IQ is that of Koko the Gorilla. And yes, what \"passes\" for de facto right-wing idiot. The ONLY people who call UKIP and For Britain right-wing are mentally ill socialists. Want a banana? :) What is posting my funny pic meant to achieve for you blokey? Let's have a good look at you then. That should be a laugh lol You're a \"best selling author Joe. You shouldn't have to hide behind absurd photoshops. Be proud of your HIV. Lol What photoshop? That's me ya lunatic. Let's have a look at you then. No? :) Oh that one you nutter. I thought we were talking about the one of me you posted. No pic of you then lover? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah but lying about it under oath does :) good thing he didn't lie then. keep moving those goalposts! \"At this point, what difference does that make?\". -Hillary Clinton","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's moronic bullshit to try and claim Trump's actions are treasonous when he's the only one taking any steps at all to oppose the deep state. Yeah his appointments are mostly shit. That's because there's only shit available. The establishment banishes the righteous. Trump thought they would trade greed for patriotism, like him. Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beto is getting a shit ton of money from California billionaire retard Tom Steyer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good point. This is where all racists congregate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't really get why people shit on tax cuts. I used the extra money to produce a white child. When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. When Trump and the GOP hand you your own money, you secure the existence of your people and a future for white children. I think I took the GrahamCracker, this is why he hated the fuck out of the Tea Party and delighted in crushing them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude are you stupid or retarded or both? Edit: I'd advise you to educate yourself a bit. [Biological Races in Humans; Alan R. Templeton](https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/pmc\/articles\/PMC3737365\/#__ffn_sectitle) >confirms the reality of race in chimpanzees using the threshold definition, as","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Buy lethal guns ... Real ones, not toys!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Border crossings plummeted to historic lows immediately after Trump took office, then steadily rebounded as the illiterate and malnourished wretches learned something that your average altrighter isn't quite smart enough to grasp: Trump is full of shit and the border remains wide open. Another lib twatter troll","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw a loose Nigger in Kroger and I'm disappointed that animal control didn't come and dispatch it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it that black people are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A person has to be especially retarded to laugh at anything SNL does nowadays! Works well for a NPC Democrat RETARD though!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Gelsenkirchen: Weil ihn ein Angestellter eines Schnellrestaurants bittet sein Tablett wegzur umen, schmei t ein Gast mit einem Getr nkebecher nach dem 21-J hrigen und versetzt ihm einen Schlag ins Gesicht #Fotofahndung https:\/\/www.presseportal.de\/blaulicht\/pm\/51056\/4094342","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@jgabsss: Stacey Dash won http:\/\/t.co\/PDLG46rjOL\" baddest bitch evaaaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded 15yo somehow hacks into a secure highschool database and all he does is change a phone number?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" my nerves are being worked cos of my monkey ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sundays must be tough for him, being a coward bully faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the first time a Muslim is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Colin Powell: Trump Is Not Acting Like a Moral Leader | Breitbart https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/07\/colin-powell-trump-is-not-acting-like-a-moral-leader\/ via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good day, honkies. ...I said GOOD DAY! ...honkies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An #NPC Protest what is an NPC other than ugly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean most ppl confuse when to use \"to\" and \"too\", this nicca used the word \"two\" when he should've used \"to\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's he naming this \"Trademark\"? ..... \"Stupid fuckin worthless anti-american nigger face\"?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you guys. You're happy that some woman got punished for \"anti social\" behavior. She just wrote a fucking note. She might have yelled and cursed. Sure it was a cunt move, but I'm not down for the Fun Police to go around punishing people for being rude. Fuck the U.K. Fucking Nazis. #FreeDankula just for the record, yet another post that doesn't have a single fact or supporting statement in it. I haven't addressed it because its irrelevant to the conversation, you're deflecting an argument about fundamental flaws in the US legal system that effect millions on the basis of a single case that has no connection. Which is only an argument because you were deflecting from the fact that you can't defend a position of the original comments you made because you think \"I'm allowed to be more retarded because they're retarded\" is a valid argument. Its as bad as when your politicians start going off about how they're allowed to lie about X because the opposition lied about Y. you wan't to talk about not addressing things? you're still commenting saying \"it was just one note\" despite that it was harassing the fact that you still think \"antisocial behavior\" is somehow a bullshit charge, but disturbing the peace, harassment etc. is perfectly reasonable despite that its been explained that theyre the same thing with different names that you call the UK \"oppressive\" with no supporting reason why I was conflicted about this one. I'm not convinced that this deserves being evicted, but at the same time she had a go at paramedics working at the time, so fuck that. She's also got a long history of being a bitch so maybe she deserves it. Also, #freeDankula","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck no. The ultimate cunt I would say. A bowl without a bottom. Lean the way wind is blowing cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those Limey bastards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger privilege","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any disabled person like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That flaming faggot Sessions deserves the rope.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is she Peter Griffen kind of retarded? Wow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The \"jew haters\" have been banned from most other platforms, so they came here. They are basically folks that struggle to understand what's happening in society, so to simplify things for their minds they resort to \"apophenia\", \"affect heuristic\", and \"confirmation bias\" to process their world view. In a nutshell, resort to the favorite tactic of the left and blame a race for the world's problems. In your FACE my Friend.......HERE is the Truth.......Like it or NOT.......It IS what it IS....... https:\/\/youtu.be\/NKap4n_KGbQ JEWS Extinguish the White Race https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/17881 Illegal NGO Boats of Migrants into Europe https:\/\/youtu.be\/o8PGOMJZirc Honduran Caravan members getting PAID https:\/\/youtu.be\/TbIc1LZqIAw Human trafficking across the Med https:\/\/youtu.be\/hLTywCbxMrU Jews Plan for Poland http:\/\/jewwatch.com\/jew-references-gentiles-900quotes.htm Jewish Quotes You point out FACTS, he will come back with big words that mean nothing in his circular logic mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All bark, no bite. D'awww, someone get their feelings hurt? You don't gotta run away, y'know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a disabled person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's ALREADY being built moron! Typical libtard logic: \"A small token of the wall is being built but the wall will never be built https:\/\/www.hcn.org\/articles\/us-mexican-border-legal-or-not-trumps-border-wall-is-already-being-built Wrong again but, you are one of those regressive liberal trolls here so it's unsurprising that you post Fake News. The Wall has been started in San Diego and the Imperial Valley in California. Sorry to disappoint you but, no, it's a real actual Wall as is the portion started outside of El Paso. Yes, much to your chagrin, the Wall will be built. We know that will significantly decrease your new voter base of illegal aliens. Try to remain calm, you can still shriek at the sky and rejoice that your leader, Hildebeast, is planning another grab at the brass ring in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hosted by a Nigger and a Jew. Chee, what a surprise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poland, Austria, Hungary, US, and Australia will NOT sign the UN Migration Pact. The GLOBALIST Agenda of an OPEN BORDER WORLD. Guess which koor koo beta did?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_RiveraJustin: It's unattractive when girls act ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In related news, a man who can't hold down a job lectures the world on how the economy works, cue golf clap Lol Who's this bloke then mate? Jew Bernie Sanders. He was running for the Democratic nomination for President, but Hilary screwed him. He's a commie anyway. Ok. My mate here @Fahrenheit211 is a right wing Jew. So he cancels out your Bernie. Next. You're all commies. A right wing jew? Did they carbon date him? you just need to vote harder GOYIM All my Jewish followers on Twitter are right wing Leave voters :) I want to see this man audited over the past 20 years or so. He's never held a flipping job, so let's see it. Here's a perfect opportunity to identify and cease corruption. What's the holdup? https:\/\/www.naturalnews.com\/2018-10-26-revelation-movie-exclusive-full-length-viewing-for-the-next-9-days-must-see.html Old white guy, must be evil. Drives around in 170k car! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many coons in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some shitskin retard tried explaining to me how Ursula was the good person, and the prince who kisses Ariel when she's under a curse was raping her without consent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is that not a yellow on Ronaldo for full on body bumping the ref?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I also joined as a boy soldier at 15 not allowed to fight until 18 unlike this young man I didn't lie about my age. First operational tour 18 years and 4 months. Look at the twat on the right. May have broke his mother's heart but he wouldn't break mine. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/Do1wTzeXkAEQbhh.jpg:large The twat on the right is parroting trash fed him by the left - Brexit didn't steal his future, Brexit just gave him back his future. He will regret this pic in the future","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Operation Wetback is all I want for Christmas! My dad was a Border Patrolman during Eisenhower's Operation Wetback. He got a letter of commendation. The High Wages that Americas enjoyed in the 50's were the result of this Operation. Get the wall built and let me run operation wetback and life would get good fast. GOT AN IDEA IF ALL THE STINKING HONDURANS ARE HERE WHY DON T WE GO AND TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE COUNTRY THAT IS NOW EMPTY WE CAN MAKE IT A HUGE PENAL COLONY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From the look of it, it's just some retard that made a spread sheet and based population potential on a set population density. Ignoring all of the crap that goes into supporting such a population in the first place, I am surprised the person could even boot up their computer without it catching fire or exploding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If she wants to escape that, maybe the cunt should stick to mobile \"games\" and browser games. The stuff that has 0 competitive elements and requires neither skill, nor thought process to play and enjoy. Stop ruining our games cause you are a worthless shit with no skill, go play cooking mama and make me a sandwich.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you jew haters are just jeaouls lost soul losers in life with no hopes or dreams. you are some pathetic worthless cocksuckers who should shoot yourselves in the face with a shotgun. Get a life and stop being jealous of winners you fucking sperm guzzling faggot bitches....bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most likely true, mate, most likely true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally got my medicine and crackers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a disabled person, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Pathetic. Spam. Bots. You already lost. Flailing. Weak. Just Pathetic. Micro-Flatulence..Please Turn To Page 3 of the Media Matters Handbook. Then? GFY, Moron. #QAnon #Q retarded liberals that worship satan, trying to clown Q with their demonic so called art, bring on the tribunals #Qanon. Little monkeys fling poo. It's what they do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn't matter what it is - if it doesn't belong to you and you take it, it's theft. #JustLiberalThings No moral values left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if this is what the effeminate minority want to do with their freedom then bring on the straight vs faggot war","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @ShesSoBlessed_: Oreos And Milk ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KenSuttling @amhistorymuseum @Yankees He now resides on the Mantle piece.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ought to string you up by your entrails cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not illegal to withhold your name in most states. Even then, there has to be reasonable suspicion of a crime. If she truly passed a breathalyzer test like she says, then she's done nothing wrong. I don't care how bitchy someone is, getting detained for withholding your own identification is illegal and immoral.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Allan_Son: I got gatorades, Twinkies, rice puddings, Pringles, and cookies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My pits be stankin from doin dem flows. Is hard on a ol colored body in da heat. Dem white women be pushy when day want dare flows fixed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Black lives matter!\" As she attacks a man In a pile of debris and carnage she caused, is probably a good snapshot on the movement We need our weave! I don't wear it, but we need it. \"They'll make terrific voters!\" - Democrat Party And fucking lying when the cops show up by saying the store owner was keeping them hostage. That and the black lives matter chant when she earned her prize is what pissed me off. Sorry to say, but they will have three times as many kids as you will. Hahaha the jokes on me because my taxes will be supporting all of them.. hey wait Sad thing is they will sue and probably win. Here in madison wi a black youth high on drugs was wandering the streets punching random people. Long story short a cop ends up getting attacked by this guy officer shoots and kills him. The family then sues and end s up winning almost 4 million dollars. Madison wanted to pay the family in a big FU statement for what cause I am not sure. I swear most of these people are just looking for payouts by causing shit. How dare you! It's Dey Culcha!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. And you better mute me again ,cause I told your bitch jewsus dick sucking cunt kike loving ass , not to come at me unless you did it as a man ,well your not so how could I expect as much from a pig jew ,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This literally made my emotional bi ass cry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a rat. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh no. It's completely retarded and the only option is euthanasia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim cunt jailed for six months in Paris and fined had already been in trouble for pimping and violence; https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-gb\/news\/world\/parisian-street-slap-man-jailed-for-six-months\/ar-BBNXBtT?li=BBoPWjQandocid=wispr","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS WILL BE ROUNDED UP IN EXACTLY 6 MONTHS. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM WHILE YOU CAN Dream on you worthless cunt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cracka jews are working hard af to genocide the cracka goyim. But without Civic judaism and open borders for Israel, cracka jews will not survive. It's a huge transition for cracka jews to make. They are now going into an infinity nigger mode, and Black Hebrews will be resented for their leadinng role, but without that leading role, Shoshanna will not get blacked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Ivan_splash: \"Did u call me a bitch?\"\"I said you were ACTING like one\"\"So you just called me one nigga\"\"Shut up bitch\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They had a very queer notion of justice at that trial. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is very easy in Seattle for a wheeler! but it is not the same in all towns and countries! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SHILL\/TROLL ALERT SHILL\/TROLL ALERT SHILL\/TROLL ALERT @Angelonnurseshoulder Block this cunt RPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRP. .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will hurt you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gun proponents like to repeat the famous quote that government should fear its citizens, not the other way around. And I agree. But when the GOP was fearing a bunch of screaming middle aged female citizens recently, the gun obsessed suddenly didn't believe that anymore. Why? Come take 'em bedwetter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flake is being built up to be the new maverick faggot maverick is just a pretty looking word for shitlib","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Populism gub, identitarianism baaaaaaa baaaa bad you sheeple Did you know hannity own shitholes in Atlanta that where houses imported nigger flesh on behalf of Catholic charities LLC? Not really plausible at all. I'm not a Hannity fan, but this is fake news bullshit intended to make him look like a hypocrite for saying anything bad about Onigger. >Well, you made money under the onigger thing you said you didn't like, so that means everything else you say is wrong. Only the right falls for this. I'm aware of that, it still produced the desired effect didn't it? Right now the API is being populated by #hannity, #catholic #traitor #atlanta #niggerflesh. Oh yee of little faith.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And some faggot said their was no leadership in Britain. Sounds great guys...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One Last Time? Hillary Aide Floats She Could Run a Third Time HAHA! Go for it, get your ass kicked even harder this time. Clinton\/Warren 2020? Lmao When you really think about it, they have NO ONE to go against Trump. ;) #News https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/one-last-time-hillary-aide-floats-she-could-run-a-third-time\/ How are you going to run for President when your nickname is \"Shitstain\" Clinton?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rams too \"@GnarlsDarkley: Lakers as a whole is trash RT @80sbaby4life: Jordan Hill is trash. Play Davis and Randle more\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It will take a lot for me to ever let this faggot off the hook. Think of all the shit he has done over the years. One week of media attention will not change my mind. This dude need to fall on a grenade at the very least.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How do you wake up and think this is actually cool? Like do you honestly believe that the average person, who adheres to normal and basic societal rules, looks upon you respectably in any manner?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of faggots. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Ken_GTH nahh , whatever you are spook or spic, I still don't like you . Good day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AJ0427 Just watched the Llewyn Davis doc. Warm fuzzies abound ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cory Booker: Kavanaugh Disqualified, 'Whether He's Innocent or Guilty' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/02\/cory-booker-kavanaugh-disqualified-whether-hes-innocent-or-guilty\/ Just another failed mayor from Newark, New Jersey. As far as he is concerned that's all the credentials he needs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is he lying faggot ? U essentially silenced someone for noticing things. Ur a straight brainwashed dipshit. He proposed an idea. You \"SILENCE Ur a communist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Restaurant chefs are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" lbum de fotos: gaywrites: In the Making, a project by and for queer students at Harvard, highlights the... http:\/\/t.co\/XZQ9XmaQTf","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you were truly an introvert you wouldn't need human contact. Lock yourself in the bathroom for a week without any radio, books, or any indirect human contact and then try to make your retarded claim. People don't wear you out; your inability to govern how they treat you is the real culprit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This trouble making Biatch needs to be deported ASAP!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He didn't get the wrong person, he's a socialist fucking with you and you took the bait! That's what kind of ppl they are!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most t r a n s people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your need for attention is obvious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that immigrants are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can I double stuff your Oreo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@John1000 Nobody ever has or ever will have respect for a bully. We paid all that money for you to have Palestine, now go live in it. This is why people hate gay men, it's way beyond religion, you're psycho. Nobody ever did shit to you and you're not changing anything by being a loser online.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idiots say: \"Trump has Jews in his family, so he ought to be wise to the JQ.\" To illustrate how retarded this is, imagine if Ivanka were a coalburner married to Daquan Jackson. Trump not only welcomes Jackson, he makes him a special WH advisor to import ebola-infected Liberians and smuggle coltan from the Congo. Would that make him \"based\" and racially aware?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If women like you refuse to fit in, they should suffer for it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always the woman that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"McConnell needs to strip Murkowski of all her committee assignments and put her on the spay and neuter committee ! She needs to go and all the men in Alaska need to get rid of her, cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BBC cunt on Chinese in prison Muslim don't for get they kill Christian s and other religions to for there body parts not just locking up Muslim with out trials some what you did with Tommy Robinson case with look him up for telling the truth with out a trail about you funded by us to but how money in to the greedy globalist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'' Nordic genes are among the best in the world '' And, also, it is sad that you feel inferior to someone else who is your equal. Nordic genes are not better than yours, or mine. They are better than nigger and paki genes, that is true but then your and mine are also better than nigger and paki genes. Among Europeans, Nords are not better, they are not worse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I ship you guys please get back together","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lexxxilove: I wake up in the middle of the night and chug the orange juice straight from the bottle. Sorry mom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Basically ruins the one core thing about older Bethesda format and why people keep playing them with different characters. Now the character always sounds and replies like he's from Joss Whedon film. I want Frank Castle, Gray Fox, Kratos and non-cucked B.J Blazkowicz do the return as male voices.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"* Nigger Core","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Asking you a question is \"spewing lies\"? Nutcase. I didn't ask you to impress me. I asked you where I can verify your position in scripture. That's when you acted like the cunt you are. Way to represent Yah! Bitter little idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How the fuck do you get 18 assault charges by the age of 21? At this rate she could easily be in the triple digits by her 30 birthday. Hey, that happened to me. Or maybe killed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"amy schumer is related to cuck schumer so........not surprising shes a dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is it with you goons, do they teach you this faggot speak at voxiversity or something?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it's a good think when women come-out as feminists\/SJWs\/cunts - the MRM shouldn't fight them but focus on educating men about how dangerous and toxic they are. Women today would treat a boorish sexist man with contempt, and we should do likewise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded is it to proudly wave the flag of the country you are supposedly fleeing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'She has zero qualifications in this area': Men's rights activist slams staunch feminist Clementine Ford for claiming women are better off living without men https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6229873\/Sydney-Watson-slammed-Clementine-Fords-proposal-straight-women-live-without-men.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a Gab Fam: The House of Saud is the 2nd largest investor in Twitter. [Here is Prince Al-Waleed meeting with Jack Dorsey] If you have been kicked off of this platform, please support Senator Rand Paul's Bill to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" #Spain's Gov't Hauls in 30 Boatloads of Barbarians in One Weekend https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/spains-gov-brings-in-30-migrant-boats-in-one-weekend\/ #KalergiPlan 'Rescuers' in #BioHazard attire. Look at all of the women and children... #NothingToSeeHere #Spain ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, I like how the elderly are always represented as a photo of an old veteran with medals and then it's like \"EITHER this guy is guilty OR immigrants are, but not both! Now you choose!\" It's like a game of retard logic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love to upset homophobes by being a fag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VersaceAmeezy: Austin is so cute like look at him all excited because he got Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/0mK1W8Reak","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should have called her a cunt instead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#SineadOConnor For years she criticized the RCC for how they treat women but has now converted to Islam--an oppressive system to women. Makes perfect (non)sense. https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/25\/sinead-oconnor-converts-to-islam-changes-her-name-8075532\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @davidjones720: \"Obama is out on the golf course still looking for his balls.\" -Charlie Daniels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like it, so I can stop the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches from following me. :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Macron. France's President. Free mason. Look at the result.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In anticipation of #BohemianRhapsody release, I thought I'd create a poll on Queen's most overlooked\/underrated song","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's more based off the idea that the kid needs the mother and would be better off staying with the mother even when things are at stake. They also are much more reluctant to take them into custody because they think being with mom is psychologically better for the kid. I don't get it at this age though. >It's more based off the idea that the kid needs the mother and would be better off staying with the mother even when things are at stake Considering that 80%+ of all child abuse is by women, I don't think that idea has any validity beyond stereotyping. I know that's a prevalent mindset, but it falls apart when you have such a blatant case of the woman being anything but good for a child. Not saying I dont believe you, but can you source the 80% claim? In the US at least, it's actually around an average of 55% of all child abuse, and an average of around 65% of all *fatal* child abuse perpetrated by a parent is perpetrated by the mother (not counting infanticide), nearly twice as much as the father, as per the USDHHS studies on child maltreatment for at least the last 30+ years. (I stopped digging after going back that far). From the 2015 study: Abuse by gender ~ https:\/\/www.acf.hhs.gov\/sites\/default\/files\/cb\/cm Just something I've seen posted before that had it. Tried to find it and couldn't, but maybe your googlefu is superior to mine. I didn't say I agree. Our child protective system and foster system in this country is so fucked up and unhelpful. Wax that bitch, I'll raise the kid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of camel fuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I tell him that the demographic IQ differences are well-established and documented, and he tards out, \"Me am asian me smarter then ho ho showed you!\" You can be black, and smarter than most whites. You can be asian, and a complete fucking retard. Case in point: Rektspec. You're a fucking retard, dude. You literally thought that demographic differences in IQ meant 'Every person of race X is smarter than every person of race Y'. That said, I don't doubt you have a lot of spittle on your mouth. Probably rocking an IQ of 75 and a football helmet whenever you go outside too. You've been humiliated, gent. You are, in fact, a rekt spectacle. Maybe that's your whole deal: be a retard punching bag on Gab. Thanks for the laughs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other Muslims are a blessing to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine this is you - what do you say? Conform to diversity, or else!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"were gunna shake our honkey tonk badonkadonks (': @SAMMI_boyden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Police punch 14 year old girl on the ground twice in #CoralSprings, #Florida https:\/\/youtu.be\/4-FjyJsWvFY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@3113BC Report me faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CarlavanderWaal @Jaymaroley and als je over Syrie tweet, volg @Partisangirl maar, zij komt er vandaan and zal je precies uitleggen hoe of wat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jason Kenney is a faggot. Albertan men look at him and go \"at least he's not that cunt\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I kind of always assumed that it would end retardedly because it didn't have any defined end goal. It didn't have any sort of fail state either. Are minorities underrepresented? We need to keep doing affirmative action! Are minorities overrepresented? Affirmative action is working we need to continue this practice! No thought to determining when minorities would be considered to be on an even playing field and could have their training wheels taken off. No thought along the lines of \"well we've been trying affirmative action for 50 years and minorities still aren't able to complete with white people even when we stack the deck in their favor, maybe affirmative action isn't helping.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alt-Right Faith Goldy gets cheated by local TV station refusing to broadcast her election campaign ad for Mayor of Toronto. Station knows it's required by law to sell her that air time but also knows the appropriate court wouldn't rule against them until AFTER the election. https:\/\/bit.ly\/2PrK488 SHES JEWISH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is this faggot buried?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Racist bitter old men who happen to be stuck in the past.\" Says the nigger who has connections to Black Lives Matter. If you really want to make a difference, go to Liberia, Ghana, or Nigeria. American white people have had enough of BLM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. Red necks and their lynching fantasies Aint GAB awesome cuz the redneck would have been reported on fascist book already","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER GO HOME!! Saints RB Alvin Kamara Wears 'Make Africa Home Again' Hat and Kaepernick Jersey to Stadium https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/09\/saints-rb-alvin-kamara-wears-make-africa-home-again-hat-and-kaepernick-jersey-to-stadium\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly they trying to put Dat dirty ass faggot jizz on yo Beek wit those Lil clocks that squirt in minute and now they got 4kids","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You black people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BREAKING: AP calls Mass. Governor race for Charlie Baker. Watch live coverage on WCVB, streaming online. http:\/\/t.co\/S6hY2eVoaT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolutely agree, also, highly trained law enforcement professionals should have restraint, particularly when faced with a scrawny drunk women out of her head on the state approved drug, charging her with assaulting a police officer is how to deal with this; knocking her the fuck out proves you are an overly violent, rights trampling cunt like most of your blue brethren of the badge. 25 downers is all you bunch of boot lickers can muster, huh? Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab-gab-gab-GAB-GAB-GAB! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=S5ZoZHuNuV4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SouthAfrica I just received this from one of my channels. Translated: It's my brother who was attacked by 3 Blacks this morning I'm taking this sword now, I've had enough of their shit They kill as they want and nobody does anything I will be those first ears then I'll see your racism and raise you a culture. If given the time and money, I can cause your own children to turn on you. Skin color is irrelevant. Culture is paramount.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"undercover video showing the thirst is real. BLV - Badunkadunk (Official Video) https:\/\/youtu.be\/Tvz-eD2EXnw via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Except pretty much every person in said prison WILL ATTEMPT TO KILL YOUR ASS if you say you got in for CP possession, regardless of political affiliation, race, or religion. Hate speech laws are retarded but so is using fucking lolicon as your hill to die on. Edit: Also political activists USE LOLICON and plant it on websites and yell that said website is housing child predators and get the attention of media outlets. Outright banning it allows Gab the option say that they banned CP and lolicon on their website and is not allowed there. Now why am I getting the feeling that you are the same autist who keeps on copy-pasting the same damn links and arguments on certain Youtube videos and \/v\/ threads pertaining this subject?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, completely agree. Having despised those two for over a decade now, watching them pull eleventh hour heel-face turns is jarring. Would suspect the usual cuck theater but given that the dems have officially gone full retard I strongly suspect that their reactions are genuine; they've had enough of this kike shit and it's time to put the pimp hand to use.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pretty sure she's just socially retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bono blew one to many nigger to still have a full deck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that all Muslims are stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VrrJiKf219Q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off putz..that poor AMERICAN guy is a bit violent..you moronic...I don't give a god damn what fucking color he is... cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, that's the point, they need to rail against the popular ones to get the rage clicks. \"This little jabroni game that nobody has ever heard of, it's offensive\", well, good for them, don't give a shit. \"This uber popular game here? Here's my carefully manufactured \"opinion\" to be as much of a contrarian as I can possibly be, in fact, I'm going to throw in some basic inaccuracies which I know are inaccuracies, because I know it's gonna irritate you into reacting.\" What? Let me take a look of this bullshit, what the fuck are they even talking about?! Hey guys! Check this retard out! CHA-CHING CHA-CHING CHA-CHING CHA-CHING The media are just trolls desperately trying to get attention at this point. Big target, easy clicks. Low hanging fruit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a reminder that your 'god' is some long dead jew, if he ever existed. And European civilization was destroyed by Christians in name of your alien, desert 'god'. Thanks for proving that Christianity is an enemy to Europe. Christianity and islam are indeed identical in your hatred for civilization and beauty Christianity is islam for whites Christians are isis terrorists, who destroy our white communities, with their africans and sand nigger converts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"9\/ Meanwhile, the white supremacists on Gab are doing the mirror image of what Antifa is doing on the left. And everyone Gab is like \"fuck those Antifa!\" and then sympathetically going to the white supremacists and going \"we're on you're side ...\" They're laughing their asses off at you, but also being glad that you're retarded enough to be part of their group.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"POS scum bag Muzzie asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aging to be ogled? Bwahaha. Listen up, cunt, I'm gonna age you, then I'm gonna ogle ya! In that order!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound? In a war of good vs. evil you are going to leave victory or defeat up to a vote? So dumb. So so dumb.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for him. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was nice of you to unfollow me, fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/ZsAAzFL0p5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With you being on disability are on you Apple Health (medicaid) or are you insured through some low cost plan? At the moment, Molina and Medicair and Avesis. We joined Molina in October to get this dealt with and they charged me for the consult even though they SAID it was covered but at least I've got the referral. Now they've jerked us around so much that I have to out-of-pocket the extraction for the broken tooth (even though I need all 4 of my wisdoms out besides.) I understand, man. Believe me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An old kinda meh joke with a pic of a fat girl gets 6k upvotes Most people here are truely retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm white. A hetero male immigrant Macedonian born in Greece who married a WASP Pretty fucking cool if you actually think about it. Did I mention I'm white? I'm really sorta tired of black fag jew muslim lesbo spic crap. Duh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's see here... 1 count of bitchspreading And 2 counts of cuntsplaining Well then. Take them away officers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Lord_Dayne What is it we always said? Growing up is realizing Bill the Butcher was the good guy. Not that I think McInnes is \/ourgoy\/ by any means, but still. At this point...we need ALL the factions of the right to truly unite under one banner. it may actually happen this time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When she lost weight, she lost black men's interest. No straight man wants to screw something that looks like Eminem. > remember when she wasn't batshit. Nope, but I loved her old batshit vs this new batshit. My favorite koolaid is blue raspberry lemonade What the fuck? That's her? I miss her, when she used to talk about fucking black guys, and being mean.. Now she looks like a random tumblerina ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WFANTrades: Don't know how you Yankees fans listen to Kay every night. Absolutely brutal. Just nonsensical blah blah blah blah. Radio n ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey faggot fuck I see that you miss The Iron Patriot and me I see your score is -46 ha ha ha that means your profile sucks .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beeing able to say Nigger has nothing to do with Racism... but with Discrimination and free speech... see u are a brain washed fuck up...National Socialist are just as bad as Communist and Political ISLAM occult fuck ups.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Any of the Jew Haters start spewing their hatred I just mute them. But we have to admit that when they are allowed to spread their hatred shooting occur. free speech is free speech. Wrong free speech or even Freedom doesn't give you the right to harm others. shooting people is not speech Terrorism is not free speech. Nazi's are terrorists and should be banned just like any muslim terrorist. Pedophilia is not free speech. Pedophiles terrorize children, thus also being terrorists. If Andrew does not address ALL of the terrorists that are trying to bring Gab down, we will not survive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really do believe women are just lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so muchdisdain for these women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's retarded don't be mean to her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's fucking disgusting how these magapede retards will support anything this nigger does just because it \"triggers da libs\". What does being conservative even mean when your side's idols are literally promoting interracial cuckolding porn on a platform that millions of children watch. It means we finally have a president who is serious about looking after the interests of ALL AMERICANS. What's YOUR problem, are you feeling triggered and threatened? You do realize the definition of nigger is IGNORANT PERSON right? Sounds more fitting for you there big guy. Get a clue. We want the boots off of ALL AMERICAN's necks. You really don't HEAR yourself, do you? The signature of intelligence is to question YOUR own thoughts and beliefs. Where in the hell do you even come up with this shit? What you gonna come thuggin on me like the OTHER tards on the left? Bring it muther fucker. I can't stand you assholes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is fake u liar bastard. He is ur actor u liar bastard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was about time we got the fuck out. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Shazia your premise for your book sounds like shit. loose? gtfo of here . you wont follow me..no subversive anti white shit will. Would someone kindly translate this Gab, please. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@judgedread ? He is mad that doxxing of innocent ppl. Made my Boyfriend Sidephase leave Gab and that my name is Carla... which it's not but they are so special that if they think they got a win, you just ok, my special retarded friend. I don't know about those other groups in the #WhoPaidYou. Explains a lot. I believe he is bitter and lots of things like God. He doesn't have spiritual duct tape. He's just a sad meat sack...cc: @Sockalexis @Gee @PepeFarmRemembers @militanthippy @DeplorableBuilder @Broken77 @kgrace @Snugglebunny @Deplorable_Satoshi @LoafOfToast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a matter of pure weight ratios... A five ounce bird can not carry a one pound coconut!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You missed 2 spelling errors and a grammatical error. I guess I did...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any court system (except maybe Sharia courts) usually automatically means the opposite of PPD, as women *still* get favored in sentencing and treatment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There have been 6 known cases of someone being arrested for loli in the US. 4 of those arrested were investigated for CP and did have it. 1 person wasn't willing to fight his charges. And one was suspected of having CP but didn't have it and the state and feds had no interest in charging him for loli and as RELEASED. Torba cares more about loli than law enforcement. Did you copy and paste that from a SJW on Twitter who disagrees with harmless post? sjw?....twitter?.... yeah that's me all over","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NIGGER SUPREMACY !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's with Americans and their excessive use of acronyms and retarded expressions? I'm C1+ level in English and I can't read a damn post, because everything is smh, imho, yass queen, etc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look it's the civnat squad. Haven't seen y'all around for a while. I suppose it's no coincidence that you're back just as there's been an influx of porn spamming and other JIDF kikery. >porn spamming OOF. Talk about delusions. I've been back for almost two months you mong. lol Well I guess you just sequestered yourself to your little andrew anglin fanclub safe space cuz you ain't resonating with anybody who matters or doing anything to build bridges with the normies like you always claim you wanted to but never actually did unlike us who'ce accomplished more while y'all been gone than you ever could have hoped to. We have people going into their local GOP and taking over little by little from the boomers. Meanwhile, you fags do nothing but sit around LARP about revolutions and ethnostates or blackpilling. Also, protect us? from whom? lol I very much doubt that you know anyone personally who's done this and are just speculating but I'll indulge you anyway. What's your specific goal in subverting the GOP, as in, what has to happen for you to claim victory? When do you expect this to happen? and where are you in achieving this goal? It would be better to infiltrate the democratic socialists and plant listening devices amongst other things. @SiegeReaderson I think that in areas that are solid blue, infiltrating the DSA could definitely have it's value if you know what you're doing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would sure hope that you realize that not all blacks qualify.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Cops can't keep us safe!\". Also them \"you don't need a gun to protect yourself, The cops will keep you safe !\" the retardation is extreme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sippey That's where birds came from.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I live with two gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, no come back from the Nutzi faggot Lulz The pussy mutes ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Quit calling them liberals! They are all HATEFUL RACIST BIGOTS who have NO INTELLIGENCE! All Jews and DEMOCRATS are RETARDED! Goes with the RETARDED territory!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Could it be that love is a social cuntstruck?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @michaelpshipley: Martin Short On - CONAN - Oct 3, 2014\"With your yellow skin and red hair you look like a #2 pencil.\"https:\/\/t.co\/U ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haaaaa yes! The street shitting, nigger loving whore is gone! https:\/\/twitter.com\/jonathanvswan\/status\/1049661903432310784?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Really tempted to let out the redneck side of my drink a lot of beer and sing some country karaoke..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Put that cunt out of his misery!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There clearly is a difference between a Negro and a full blown Nigger... One is on the way to intelligence and emancipation\/freedom and the latter is beyond retarded Uncle Tom trash...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you call someone a nigger even before seeing the color of is skin.#QuickToJudge","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AFTER THE RED WAVE OF FREEDOM ON NOV. 6TH, PRESIDENT TRUMP NEEDS TO DEPORT GEORGE CLOONEY AND BETO O'ROURKE TO LEPRECHAUN LAND!! https:\/\/www.irishcentral.com\/culture\/entertainment\/george-clooney-defends-muslims-claims-trump-is-inciting-fear https:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/Politics\/OTUS\/george-clooney-arrested-sudan-embassy-washington-dc\/story?id=15936415 https:\/\/youtu.be\/4u3Z8vJbWTM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis taunting America and spreading paranoia: tents that appeared in a video of a Daesh training camp near Mosul. http:\/\/t.co\/GH3EbBfB3t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not Trump's fault that Obama is a touch retarded and it took him 6 yrs to figure out how the address printer works (Trump tweet is from 2012) https:\/\/twitter.com\/Breaking911\/status\/1055532850500562945","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@DonaldJTrumpJr Hits Back At @WhoopiGoldberg After She Implies His Sons Must Have Abusive Tendencies https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/3rzl4j.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HDMV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"call a person a faggot and beg for them to call it a hate crime, so you can burn the libtard with... \"wanna take this matter to the supreme court?\" i assure they will concede defeat muhahahahhahaaaaaaaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/boston-dynamics-atlas-robot-can-now-leap-up-stairs\/ YUP.. AS LONG AS IT IS PLUGGED INTO THE WALL.......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We made it MAGA DOENT SLOW DOWN https:\/\/redd.it\/9qh0kw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Brelston I realized it's the one on Link's Awakening too, so you killed two birds with one stone. Unless you're getting the Wind Fish too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope I'm not pissing anyone off with this. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please stop scoring, otherwise you won't have any runs for tomorrow against Romero #Yankees #BlueJays #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweet Jesus #morningjoe are you going to split screen Rep James Clyburn and Charlie Daniels at the same time? #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't accept this race mixing nigger in my gab community. Mudsharks just never learn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are the people who think they're going to be fighting in a \"revolution. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Impressive levels of restraint from the guy. Beef top priority","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"No one understands how this is affecting me , Jade said. Narcissistic cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently I got chunky for my bday. Worse bday present ever. Lol. #diettime","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a Muslm like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another piece of #shit the #left listens to (even those in Boro Park)... \"Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form 'Jihad' Against Trump, Not To Assimilate\" https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2017\/07\/06\/linda_sarsour_asks_muslims_to_form_jihad_against_trump_not_to_assimilate.html Like they did to our soldiers... Some gruesome tortures were involved, yet Islam is dictating terms","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RETARDED INBRED","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As opposed to what? Wtf do white nationalists and natsocs, offer white men? Over 2 years of failure following trump, no vanguard, no white nationalist troops, or white nationalist forces No white nationalist death squads Just pussified male feminists, who post pics of white women, you white men are so thirsty for white women, you'll fuck anything Jared Wyand wasn't wrong when he said the problem with most men is they need a fight and fuck to straighten their thinking out. Intelligence is knowing not all women are like that. Wisdom is knowing enough women are like that. Intelligence is knowing white women, are biologically designed to be some of the most destructive women on the planet In stark contrast to asian women, who literally live to serve men Not if its true ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you dumb nigger he has you muted. that means he doesn't see any of this with or with out the tags. you are a retarded fucker aren't you. will you kill yourself when g+ shuts down? if you're too scared to do it i will come do it for you. just let me know where and when little faggit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who slam on the brakes at yellow lights should not be allowed to drive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tourettes? Bitch your faggot muslim loving ass responds to everything with JEWSSSSSS HAHAHA why was you late? JEWS why are you alone? JEWS why is your dick so little? JEWS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are a niggerloving faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR RULES OF THIS GIF WAR","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was locked for saying the word retard to blue checkmark lib. Saying kill a conservative is a ok over there, especially love the kill white males tweets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Foley Abduction Linked to British Jihadi Kidnapping Ring http:\/\/t.co\/X6SIP3woXb via @joshrogin, @elilake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">So some journalist with a strong southern accent asked the leftist party leader some unpleasant questions. Which he dodged by mocking her accent. *Macar u, aquelos franciman nos fasen cagar.* (Fucking hell, those (northern) frenchies pissing people off.) General ranting : Macron is a cunt. He is France's Trudeau. Vapid, rabidly multiculturalist, damaging France with his bankrupt ideology and his party's corruption.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The bookies have #Corbyn as favourite to become the next prime minister. If it happens, it will be because we didn't know what we were voting for. We'll need an immediate People's Vote to get rid of him. https:\/\/www.oddschecker.com\/politics\/british-politics\/next-prime-minister","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pfft. Name even ONE time where a physiological lack of testosterone and predisposition to over produce oxytocin has ever resulted in a less aggressive fighting nature Anytime where the two had to fight to the death No, I mean *aside* from the sum total of human history, give me one single example. See? You just can't do it. This comment is a work of art! Thanks for the laughter! If it's such a joke you should be able to easily provide numerous examples,no? Well, human history is a pretty big list. So I narrowed it down a bit. Here ya go! https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Lists_of_battles You could try looking for female only wars, I'll leave that to you though. It's almost like you have nothing to back your statements up so you leave a super vague war page. Funny Don't be stupid. Biologically the males of our species are MEANT to protect the females and offspring. Just like male gorillas were MEANT to protect the females and offspring. What? I don't understand what you're arguing. Do you know what your replying to? I think you shouldn't get mad at me you replied to the wrong comment. Nah I replied to the right comment (see positive score) you are just retarded and can't make the connection. Once again, cleanse yourself from the gene pool. You called me stupid while agreeing with me, yet still claim you replied to the right comment. Ok bud, whatever helps you sleep at night.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis are running a claim that the King of #Saudi Arabia died two days ago. Must be the bombs falling on em that r making em hallucinate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"now this is from the BBC so hmmm https:\/\/youtu.be\/f_4jTzfiNao you go Bridget x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just because I call myself faggot doesn't mean you can. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stormfaggots are ZOG's whigger bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The things in my trunk are absolute filth. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @syd_renae: @2014Alyssa I have a pink fuzzy one and a silky silver one. Bathrobes are a wonderful thing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger trying to be subversive by appealing to a nazi's free speech to defend degenerates screaming because their kiddy porn got taken away, imagine my shock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JPantsdotcom @Todd__Kincannon @the__realtony I'm partial, faggot..homo...both fairly describes the same sick twisted Assholes out there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@washingtonpost The people who work at those companies tend to be trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get some H agen-Dazs ice cream bars, a whole lot, make sure chocolate, gotta have chocolate, man. Some popcorn, red popcorn, graham crackers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are any other iOS developers interested in working on an iOS app for Gab, now that the API is open? Hahaha go ahead, beat your head against that wall. Spend a thousand hours developing only to have the app banned in 5 minutes. I've thought about that. I think developing in small increments is best. First put out a small and bare bones app (with limited capabilities) in 2 weeks. If it's not banned, then continue to work on it and make it more full featured. Trump loves Tim Cook. Who else did Trump invite to the Tech Summit? What is The Deal that Trump Made with his masters? Who did Trump reserve a front row seat for and why? What is the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult? What is the Sphinx Head? What is the Foundation for The Mark of the Beast?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My niggas gon have your back no matter what. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is the nordic resistance movement throwing up the nazbol salute and wearing a \"revolution\" shirt? Reminds me of Breivik's nazbol salute.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"View from the ghetto ain't bad, Rio http:\/\/t.co\/umjPU8gT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please listen to me, I am a White American Woman that's a registered Republican, who voted for Trump. I own guns. I support free speech, I pay to be on Gab. I fought porn spammers, I fought obscene violent anime child porn posters. My birth name is Christina. I love my Country and you my Volk. Please stop hating \"Nazis\", we are not your enemies. You must listen to us. Antifa are Communists, far left. Antifa stands for Anti-Fascist. Nazis are Fascists, far right. Nazis arrested Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Communists and Anarchists. National Socialist, you idiot. No NSDAP documentation uses the word \"Nazi\", Hitler himself never used the word \"Nazi\". It was always \"Nationalsozialismus\". \"AshkeNAZI Jews\" doesn't prove anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't hate women i just think that they have nothing interesting to say. None reason for existance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is my lying cunt face","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Australia Imam says If you don't want a person to invade your privacy sexually, IN OTHER WORDS ALL WOMEN WEAR A HIJAB TO PROTECT THEM SELVES Nassim Abdi who is a cleric with the Australian Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah Association, says he \"doesn't justify abuse, but preaches that it is the woman's fault if she \"puts herself out there and gets abused Dirty Muslim's","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Heh, what a worthless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not aligned with the Democrats. Gary Johnson is a libertarian. You've got to be retarded to think I support the Democrats when my post literally says \"you should've voted for Gary Johnson\". Not only are YOU a fucking moron, but a liar to boot. You know who is actually like a Democrat? DONALD TRUMP. You are one stupid fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"anyone who has ever said anything about Soros has blood on their hands\" Lol typical retard unable to think. So good or bad, if you spoke ABOUT Soros you have blood on your hands? Idiot That's just how retarded the libtards are. It's scary","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahahahahahaha you four foot sack of coward twat your sign is laminated because you're such a wanker @TommyRobinson","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tomtomorrow: Have their been any reports of an aerosolized virus that turns apes intelligent? Seems like that kind of day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK U nIGGERS! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=t7mw2EeZn-w Girl why you bring this nigger loving video here? That fucking white trash cunt wants a nigger let her fucking get her ass beat down. She is worst than a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barack Obama called next month's midterms \"an opportunity for us to stop the bleeding, to restore a sense of hope and promise, to, in very concrete terms, save peoples' lives and make sure they have health care.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dztw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Dceni33: Not the \"farewell tour's\" fault everyone but three players underachieved for the Yankees this year.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a trans person to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitch, the phone you spend all day Fuckbooking, Slutchatting, and Twattering on was a \"toy\" invented by boys too. So was the TV you watch Real Housewhores Of Beverly Hills on. So was the car you drive to the mall in. So was the air conditioner that keeps your stupid ass cool. Did I mention the phone you use to swipe right for random dick while your man is off working hard? You stupid stupid whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry fo da rant. It make me mad and ashamed to be colored. I wish I be white so y'all would like me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ @BillyRoper here is cantwell saying it again. @occdissent is this really the stuff you condone with your association with Cantwell? If not, then why associate with him?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Message From Oregon Police Chief Danielle Outlaw https:\/\/www.portlandoregon.gov\/police\/article\/658250 THIS Outlaw Police Chief was recruited from Oakland CA! Not even kidding!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The mongs are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It said no technology and you posted a technology question to Science. Also you are clearly stupid and have nothing worthwhile to contribute. Sorry not sorry. Bye! Remember this is a free speech platform ruled by group dictatorship that has very low IQ. When they feel the topic is a threat to their narrative, they ban it. Sounds like the liberal movement. Absolutely correct. Since when was solar energy physical concepts considered gadgets Oh and BTW he also considers planetary magnetic fields gadgets\/technology What a moron ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paul Joseph Watson: Meet Jordan Hunt. Hairdresser. Male feminist. Champion of women's rights. World's best respecter of wahmen. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dim76TzDOJo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"trump has failed since he took office. he has been weak and pathetic. and to prove it, his wife sums it up, when she go's to africa and literally virtue signals regarding a little negro child. And Trump does the same pathetic, bastardized shit , as well. He makes sure to find as many negros and beaners to pose in pictures with him. He's a textbook cuckold boomer. He's pathetic as possible. He ignores his White voter base, which is the only thing that matters. He shits on them and demoralizes them, while making sure to spend most of his time doing the bidding of jews and obsessing over : 'lowest african american and hispanic american unemployment in decades'. He's completely fucking useless. I don't even believe he's trying. He doesn't give a shit about reducing legal immigration. And he's consistently softend his tone on the illegal beaner invasion. He hasn't accomplished much on legal or illegal immigration. And you can see this, considering there isn't even a wall. He could have put up a double fence, like in Hungary. And it would stop 99% of the non white and primarily beaner invasion, just like how effective it works in hungary. But he didn't even put up a single fence, spanning the border. Trumps only purpose is that he's there instead of the 200% cucked republican traitors, or the 300% cucked democrat traitors. His purpose is just as pathetic as possible. Nice argument, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this more than just large scale virtue signaling? Who can say they support the views of everyone they do business with? Looks like it's just more attempts at bullying people into agreeing with you instead of trying to inform them where they could be wrong. Do you want people to conform to you out of fear? I could understand it if the profits were going to a violent hate group. But worse case scenario, say they were some backwards phobic rednecks. Ever buy some fresh fruit on the highway? Same thing.People are allowed to disagree with you. Grow up. Worst part here is that it was a joke. These people are not adults.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a load of simplistic shit .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the jew-dicial system makes me sick! this is supposed to be america not the united states of kikeistan. ive waited around for 7 years wondering when my liscense is going to show up after having to flee a state because i wanted medicinal weed, and 7 years of my life are wasted because of non driving misdemeanor warrents blocking my drivers liscense. why did i ever ask the president to stop north korea from nuking america just to be opressed by this nigger infested abomination called america like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that just the normal comeback now when a man points out that a female is doing something wrong?? It's either that or 'mansplaining'. I fucking hate that word. It's just their cop out as soon as they realise they are wrong","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You useless cunts abuse that money and power too keep other who dont like your ugly fuckin cunt faces on our television screens 24\/7, by harassing us buying houses here, and fuckin vandalizing and shit by paying others to do it like fuckin bunch of wuss pussies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" she s sharing that she never had good sex who's interpretation of \" good sex \" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"once a nigger, always a nigger. Not all African American Negroes are niggers. Most are good people. But becoming a NIGGER is by choice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a disgusting c**t Goldberg is. Does she not realise that she owes EVERYTHING she has to the WHITE people, right down to her spectacles, ungrateful bigoted bitch. Back peddling? You said Whoopi wouldn't be where she was without \"WHITE people\", now you're playing that off with bullshit about black achievement? Goldberg is a nigger Jew, who got where she is with the help of other Jews, including her position oppisite the Jew on the View. White people had dick to do with it. Odd (not really) that you can write about black people and white people, but God forbid someone names the Jew. Stopping being such a fag. You really are a retarded fuckwit. I have tried to decipher the absolute Bull shit that you have written, but alas I am none the wiser. To point you towards my original point, Goldberg would be nothing without White people as Blacks invented no TV or FILM cameras, do you understand Dick Head? I think I made it imminently fucking clear. White people didn't do shit to put that nigger Jew where she is today. You can thank an overly represented number of Jews for putting Goldberg where she is today. You don't need to go back to the invention of TV, film, or electricity to explain how a nigger Jew was put in the position of making her absurd Jew minded opinings on the View. White people, my ass. \"... but alas ...\" Holy shit, you are a fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Al Sharpton is so smart. How did he know we went to watch black lynchings after church? They would snatch some black guys from the town and hang them from trees, and we would all go and watch and laugh and have a merry time. How did Al know that? https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/05\/sharpton-after-collins-kavanaugh-announcement-trump-base-are-like-people-who-attended-lynchings-after-church\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oy vey! Anti Semite. Jews can do no wrong. Shut the fuck up you faggot. Go get fucked by a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I understand that gay people are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't spamming against the ToS @a? Or are you more interested in stifling conversation with #ThreadMute under the guise of 'freedom of association?'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS RICH BITCHING JEW? She's well nown to be a nigger loving jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was a sword exchanged though?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this person is an absolute retard I speak spanish as my mother tongue and im european guess where I live? thats right SPAIN the country where spanish first came from so are you suggesting I shoudn't know how to speak my own language?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i still think anyone that believes in collectivism, even remotely, is a fucking idiot, whats worse is this brainlet is a 'financial advisor', who at some level subscribes to this retarded ideology.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot Jordan Hunt will be using that tongue alot more when he's put in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is our DOJ? they've been asleep at the wheel for two years unless it follows the Orange man bad agenda Trump needs to FIRE EVERYONE. Appoint ONLY loyalist nationalists. He has so many to choose from. No more establishment republicans, no more RINOs, no more corrupt intelligence agencies. Maybe Trump should create his own party. If he were to do this, I guarantee Americans would follow him. He could pull off his own party I've always envisioned a Lion as his party mascot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAXINE WATERS CALLS ON TRUMP TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY' FOR BOMBS https:\/\/rickwells.us\/waters-trump-responsibility-bombs\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sometimes, even I gotta tell these hoes to grow up smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The funny thing about the metoo movement is that most of the girls in it are so ugly no one would rape them anyways Why are people even downvoting you? This is the type of comments I expect on this subreddit anyway. It either turned into the \"nice\" game, or this sub is now full of libtards Reddit as a whole is a pack of rabid NPC libtards. Hilarious how you losers call other people NPCs, yet you mindlessly regurgitate the exact same insult over and over again. Nothing more pathetic than an alt right loser like you. [removed] ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like this function one bit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's get rid of stock brokers once and for all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"just happened to catch this Juan Williams guy on FOX...And he spews this shit with a straight face! Incredible!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a black person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got kicked off Twitter for calling Pelosi a hag. Hello Gab! I got banned for calling JK Rowling a foreign liberal retard and nobody cares what she thinks about the US! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt getting bored to death counts as \"getting destroyed\". Only thing that cunt is gonna destroy is her her own sanity, at least what's left of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You americans and catholics of miscellaneous plumage. Coming to teach us about christianity and paganism. Its really Rome you should be thinking about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most Hollywood Celebrities are just feeble minded fools that think their opinion matters. @WADL @mark_luke @EmpressWife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UGLY FUCKN TWAT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don t believe AP s ho-hum tone: latest poll is great news for Republicans - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/5HHrFlFP13","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guy at the elevator door (I assume security\/police) should have grabbed her finger and snapped her fucking wrist. Bunch of screeching retarded cunts...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure I am not the only one who is 100% fedup with this fuckn muzzie bitch Sarsour....Someday soon she will be put in her place....just saying","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There a lot of TV hours to fill. She's more likely to be trolling the station then actually really retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd be okay with Muslims if they weren't such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, trans people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"has owens ever said anything that wasn't retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: SEE YA! @JacobyEllsbury gives the #Yankees a 4-3 lead in the 10th with a solo home run!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggas sleepin with bitches grandmas??? Lmfao maury fake af","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where were these females when I was 11?? Yeah those great adult people who want to have sex with eleven year old children. IDC what you fantasized about at that age, it's incredibly cringy how you think you developed at a somehow perfect age in a perfect way and that another child is 'fucking retarded' for being different. If you're that unable to empathize with the boy because he's male, imagine the same scenario with a 11 year old girl and a 21 year old man. It's fucking disgusting to prey on children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Facebook is teeming with fake accounts created by undercover law enforcement officers. They're against the rules but cops keep making them anyway. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/hD7L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nobody notices that retard Tom Arnold unless he says something that would get the average person arrested and thrown in Federal Prison. He is still a nobody that I never notice except for his provocative criminal remarks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"20 bucks\/h for moving is still pretty cheap, do people run your house down with requests? Do you even have your own truck \/ van? Nah Craigslist cheaper than people who never look think. For example I have a maid who cleans my house I pay $100 a month. My last couple moves I paid $150 total and they provided the labor, truck, supplies. A lot of people doing the are illegals, felon, homeless, and starving college kids; it pays, especially given cash, WELL above minimum wage like 5\/15 times as much. I know a couple people who do this as supplement income and to your point, don't even own a truck. They get a day rental from Home Depot or Uhaul and just use it all day moving other people. How do I know they won't just take off with my stuff? Those documents go in a bag that **YOU** take to the location. I'm going to assume you're young.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GloboHomo Chris Cuomo is globo-homo @ArnelSwartznigga @Goy_Talk_USA https:\/\/hooktube.com\/WumlxbEV5Ig Yeah and he's a dick sucking faggot also.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well. CUNT WHY DON'T YOU TRY LOL. ALL YOU BITCHES ARE JUST MOUTH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Facts don't care about your feelings Honestly. Like who tf gives a shit about your mom being dead I mean like, now you can have sex with the corpse I also choose his dead mom WoW wHat a SiCk rEdDit ReFeRenCe i UsE tHaT sIte tOo DuDe hAvE aN UpDoOt HahA GeT iT uPDoOt haHa UnDeRTaLe Gottem Yeah. Fuck OP amiright?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TwangNation: On this day , February 13, in 2002 Waylon Jennings left us for that honky-tonk in the sky - Dreaming My Dreams - ht ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about we cut these gay people's throats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rap music made it big when groups like NWA were what America feared, gangsters on drugs having promiscuous boatloads of sex and killing people. Kanye West just trolled the media by becoming the new version of what they fear, restoring the authenticity to his work as it is perceived by the audience. He's like a hip-hop political G.G. Allin now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tdwp327 practically anything that s colored red often contain red pigments extracted from the female coccus costa, or cochineal insect.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How they got rid of Roseanne on 'The Conners' https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/4g8sq \"We killed off Roseanne in her own show to make the show without her.\" Surely this won't fail, nope, nonsense. This dehydrated water is great!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabGossip LILY ALLEN ~ Singer. Catchphrase: \"I needed the money\" Wearing see-through top to perfectly match her see-through head https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/tvshowbiz\/article-6285949\/Lily-Allen-leaves-imagination-goes-braless-beneath-totally-sheer-top.html she's so brave!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DevilGrimz ironic that he's a trashcan because he holds trash everytime you two cuddle! Burn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All they did was engage in typical nigger behavior. Niggers cannot and will not live by the White man's rules\/expectations.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning all! Could be just my own wishful thinking, but I am feeling a change on the way for the grossness that has been inflicted on our Republic and the lawlessness of the muzzie \"resettlements\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a libertarian so he reads (((Walter block))) (((Murray rothbard))) ((( ayn rand))) and Walter \"everyone's nigger neighbor\" Williams","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another. By the way, is it John Fitzgerald or Gerald Fits John? I hope you two find happiness","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"unless the blonde is retarded this isn't even a contest... nothing feminine about horse face there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if Obama had a son https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=c06RaKb42Qc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All the Nikki Haley haters can fuck off. She did a great job in that cesspool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fresh out the gym but yet I'm bout to eat free birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@edouglas528 That would be your Yankees Earl....we all know they should win all 162","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm guessing she's a mouthbreather that read this [retarded shit](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9mrjc1\/the_troubling_relationship_between_anime_and\/)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if ice jj fish gets all these looks , who really trash me or him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait! Who said they hate Gen X??? Everyone hates GenX. > user names booli lol. Low tier gabby gets upset at user names","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Headline Re-Write: Bezos Is A CIA Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that disabled people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just saw a Jewish name in triple parenthesis on Tucker Carlson. Don't believe me? 16:05 into this video you will see triple parenthesis on Fox News! https:\/\/youtu.be\/HI3W8GqP-VI?t=964 And which our Uncle Adolf so correctly pointed out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her name is Samantha Ness. She's a grade school teacher in Minnesota. Her school director can be contacted at (651) 423- This cunt is poisoned children with left poison. She should banned for life as teacher.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> How do I get better? Your doctor already fucking told you. Your fuckin' feet are gonna fall off! Goutta here with that fatphobic hate! Hey, man! Been wondering where you've been :) Limited as fuck data situation. I am in the middle of nowhere feeding a raccoon family. The brave little one takes food from my hands but is still cautious. He is really wanting to get in the house. Careful, man. My grandma used to feed raccoons and one of them bit her. Had to get a tetanus shot or some shit. Stay strong, friendo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bats are cool as hell because they're basically half tiny fox half leather bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AWFUL! Classless Barry Obama Continues Midterm Campaigning - Compares Trump to \"Tin-pot Dictatorship\". https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/p9n0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JamieWinn4 that's \"energy\" the City is \"Electric\" gotta go to Yankees Stadium, When they are winning. It is truly \"electrifying\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can only say the word negro if it's attached to the word league. Then we're totally cool, guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get that fairy gay faggot shit out of here!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No it isn't. This is what autists think libruls act like. Ooof","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">house nigger who's owned by mamzers >a free thinker pick one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Templars done well with the money of bnai brith","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Fugazi3011 \"leave you beaner retard\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of trans people ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad people are realising disabled people are not at all ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why does this retarded shit keep happening in canada? Also, was this a normal looking woman.. (aside from the insane behaviour)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Iirc JP said in a video \"Naaaah, my niggers, I was just fucking with you all. It's only your room when it needs cleaning, otherwise it's hers. Why else would all my... her leashes be hanging in there, next to the whips and handcuffs all around the cameras over the black couch? But, please, do lean that shit tho, bruhs.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Kanye effect https:\/\/redd.it\/9nylp7 I live in a \"diverse\" community, pretty peaceful neighborhood really. I have a big garden in my front yard, out there all the time working. Speak with A LOT of based black dudes. It is enlightening. Their children attend the elem school 6 houses up from me. Even the Mexicans are getting based around here. I encourage this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you mean like Tourette's ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is Melania Trump going on a trip to help children in Africa? According to the Left, it's all part of a grand conspiracy to deliver secret messages to Vladimir Putin. These people need professional help. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They sure have a very small dictionary of words eh. Injustice and offensive are at the top of their list after neo nazi, racist and fascist! They are the dalmatians of humans. >They are the dalmatians of humans. huh? Some of my best friends are Dalmations. Some are dumb. Some are smart. Maybe the fits of rage are remnants of PTSD from of the war in the 90's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusting women are always left tarded. And western society treats women like small retarded children. Anyone letting women off the hook deserves the same punishment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dunk them in molten pork fat. It has to their choice or it doesn't matter and they cleanse them self Dude you're being ignorant. The whole pig thing is what I'm talking about. There is a loop hole for if\/when they are forced to consume or interact with pigs. Ignorance would be bliss. Given the fact I have no real reason to care about the loop holes of some forsaken pig controversy that is just childish to begin within this context. This whole post is crap. ISIS and Terrorism is real. FUCK Iraq and the dumbasses that rule it. Perhaps the judges that judged the incels needs to hang as well?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like oh my god. This is what the perfect male is now. Black Faggot Hispanic Illegal Muslim Feminist Jew LGBTQ Something not white hetero.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When they start talking about all nigger crime against Whites, I might start giving a shit what they have to say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Might as well care about the draft picks in the nigger football league","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrant lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Samuel L. Jackson rallies Democratic voters: \"The world's on fire, let's put it out\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/gGe1Z7Y.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/87mq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Before then white men had RIGHTS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No police department that hires gypsies, half-breeds, and nigglets should be trusted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm guessing brits cannot think for themselves so Mommie May is thinking for y'all. Geeze, vote that twat OUT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know. When I hear nigger music blaring and see wiggers strutting they are rarely boomers. Those under 30 refer to typical CONservative old farts as racist\/homophobic\/misogynistic\/ because they are not anti-White enough, feminist and pro-faggot enough. There is a small % of pro-Whites. That is what matters (being pro-White) NOT age.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear Chelsea, Your cunt looks like a ham sandwich that has been left in the scorching heat all day. Books will be written describing your mental indoctrination by the forces of the left...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this Jew cuck faggot needs to fuck a nigger and die of AIDS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OPINION: Nancy Brinker: All women need access to the best breast cancer technology, now https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/h7GW Finally someone advocating for breast cancer screenings. Prostate cancer kills more people, but the constant pleas for men to be screened, and the awareness campaigns, and ribbons are getting really tiresome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today's #PresidentialAlert has definitely caused some triggering ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How rich do you have to be to hire retarded jungle Asian surrogate mothers, and what jurisdiction do you have to live in to keep them away from leftist lawyers? Practical considerations, I don't feel like waiting for the Zombie Alpacalips.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in black people's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger please!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @seanmdav: Since I know you're wondering, @blakehounshell: No, Cracker Barrel is not a place to buy barrels full of crackers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bad move. He has nothing to prove to anyone. Once a month that office is going to be like Dante's Inferno. You could power an electrical station on the passive aggressiveness alone. Good grief. He should have hired all white, Christian, straight, males who like beer and who have a family to support. I hope he likes four women telling him where his couch should go. (Psst, none of them will agree on the location either), pumpkin spice latte dripped all over the briefings they type, hair clogging up his office bathroom sink, and no one who can stay late because they have to pick up little Johnny from the babysitters! Oh, AND Dems will still call him a gang rapist until the day he dies. Cycling is good for their health LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" This islamic Somali POS needs a vent hole between the eyes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Daily reminder that I hate niggers, jews and moslems but what I hate more than anything else are anti-White, White People. Ouch, I may never recover, you nigger and jew loving faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who knew Mat Bracken was a bigger faggot than me?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just cleaned my fingernails with a knife. #hillbilly @shanemoses625","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DHSJournal I run CP in our community. Local cops treat ppl like trash for that. I hate it. Makes ppl think its a waste","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So tell me then, nigger what do you think is gonna happen after open season ends? Oh thats right youll go back to killing your race and people. Its all blacks are good for, autoimmune freaks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope this CUNT chokes on a bag of dicks !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mike mac the Google Plus bottom feeder made another account calling the Iron Patriot names behind his back . Typical retarded fucker Mike Mac is . https:\/\/plus.google.com\/102063933327985513144","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What about the people like me that think it's a fucking joke played on gullible fools? I can just carry on with my life. QED. That's how reality works, something that you seem to have left far behind. So Q all the Q you want and be as retarded as you need to be to feel good about yourself. No bother to \"prove\" Q or Bigfoot or Space Aliens or any other fools errand.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] [deleted] Nah, tone it down, bud. It's not all like he says. Plenty of people I know have met and hooked up in college. My real advice is to not fuck drunk or drugged up women. Even if you're drunk. That's the best advice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doesn't matter if its 4 staff for The fact remains you shouldn't be working 100 hour weeks, that's still bad management. Then how would you manage the team in order to get the game out on time and within budget? I wouldn't. I'd set the release date back if needed, and budget isn't an issue anyway since Rockstar has billions to spend. Yeah and then your company would go bankrupt and all those devs would be working zero hours a week. Awesome solution. sooo,you're saying slavery is ok because otherwise poor gaming companies would go bankrupt. It is the virtually same argument as the one that cotton ain't gonna pick itself. Except a slave can't quit? These people do not have to work at Rockstar. why are you taking student loans out unless you're retarded and think academia is worth any money at all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sportswatch time to dump another diet coke in the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ken Ham is a retard who thinks the Earth is 6,000 years old and Jesus rode dinosaurs. Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking BO4 gives the female character grenades and you won't get it with other characters. faggots i can't even change her gender fucking bullshit gets me heated i never use nades now fuck that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot lord","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wrong. Hes a nigger so ultimately SNL will apologize to him. take it to the bank.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Iggy is trending. Twitter's trash today.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" The DIFFERENCE between REPUBLICAN women and dirt bag democrats is as plain as a picture\/.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually, I installed 2 new shower heads, did several loads of laundry and other things that go with having a life outside social media. Like watching Brett Kavanagh being voted in as a supreme court judge and listened to the Trump Rally in KS. Still, I always have time to kick my favorite sociopathic retard (that's you!) in the ass for his stupid comments. You should should be impressed if you believe I did those things while drinking boxed wine. #Cheers cc: @Sockalexis @Gee @PepeFarmRemembers @militanthippy @Broken77 @kgrace @Snugglebunny @DeplorableBuilder @Deplorable_Satoshi @LoafOfToast That guy is such a total faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save an immigrant's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah that one quote did it all ... Not the Gentile Money GRUBBING CUNT that employ the invaders to lower your wage ... No it one JEW CUNT that did it all. FUCKING MORONS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I ever see this cunt in the street or her disgusting offspring I'm taking them out on sight.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it typical of a Muslim to be that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Since October 2018\"... Says all we need to know about a troll faggot plant. Go play with your Barbies, numbnuts...This conversation is for us adults...Go now..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only word I can understand on #BlackJesus is \"nigger\"... Heavily disappointed in this show. AaronMacgruder stuff blows, IMO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not sure if sarcasm ....or...... .... brain damage? I mean. Lying is bad. You shouldnt do it. At the very least she attempted to ruin their lives. Add up the potential prison time all three victims wouldve recieved, and divide by three. Thats what she should get. >She didn't mean to hurt anyone How do you know that? >No harm She did cause harm, the alt-right went full on nazi when they heard about this and started labelling all black men as rapists: https:\/\/www.theroot.com\/woman-who-lied-to-police-about-3-black-men-raping-and-k-1823325223 \/s ??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that poster was on the ((right)) or did you not get that. that person is also fighting against ((leftism)). i'm fighting against jews faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get woke, go broke, 'cause you thought that the slogan was just a joke But these guys are completely serious, perverted, retarded and delirious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heh, heh........might want to make posters out of this and spread it around.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ur a niggerfaggot harry","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That immigrant will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And YOUR a MUSLIM CUNT Pushing SHARIA LAW= Female Genital Mutilation, Child Marriage(RAPE), Honor Killings etc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"64% of Hispanics have IQ scores too low to enter the military. Source: https:\/\/archive.today\/o\/LRe05\/takimag.com\/article\/frequently_asked_questions_about_the_jason_richwine_brouhaha_steve_sailer\/print%23ixzz2TPXmpNgG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @allly_sunn: \"That's what that means..some kid called me at like 1 in the morning asking me if I wanted to hit the slopes...\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...aaaaaaaaand it begins. RT @RileydaKafka: Fucking niggers that's all Kentucky is and ever will be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NoHoesNextDoor: If you claim Macklemore is your favorite rapper I'm also assuming you watch the WNBA on your free time faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tonight Hannity said, in relation to the incivility of the Left and today's bomb scares, \"In 13 days, we settle our differences at the ballot box\" Sorry to tell ya Sean, the Left is not going to consider anything settled on Election day. If they lose, they will continue their criminal mayhem on the street. If they win, they will use their power to continue that same mayhem in the House of Representatives. If Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House, expect assassination attempts on Trump and Pence, as they try to stick us with President Pelosi by force. These people are not playing by the rules of democracy and civil discourse. They are operating by the rules of warfare and espionage, and they have been for a long time. They will stop at nothing. They will continue to escalate without concern for repercussion, until they are stopped by force. The only hope we have of preventing a full blown civil war in this country, is for Republicans to get their heads out of their asses and prosecute the communists who are perpetrating and supporting this carnage. So long as the Justice Department is more interested in virtue signaling against racists than they are with stopping crime, crime will continue to be a regular part of our political life. Sadly, I suspect the latter is far more likely than the former. Rotten nasty demonrats! Ren and Stimpy?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well #BRiTFAM, I finished the 10k assault course in the top 20% of 250 runners.. Very proud of our group of alt-right runners, who all gave a great account of themselves and raised over 1000 to advocate for the protection of white SA farmers. And now for the bad. I did not see ANY diversity at the run - not one single representative of the rainbow coalition was there for the event. It was boring, everyone looked the same (plain white), no good music, no good restaurants during the run... NOT representative of the diversity which makes our nation so great. :) Why are leftists so fat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fake fuck faggot Nazi agenda account says what?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SydneeSmalling fuck Miley tranny looking now damn ass nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is she capable of tying her own shoes? I guess the liberal dream of democracy is strong in New York. Even a borderline retard can be in Congress. Now the DNC just needs to teach her how to sign her name so she can rubber-stamp their agenda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: He was a gay escort out of the Seminole Hardrock Casino in Hollywood Florida. What is it with the dems? Why all the pron stars, tooty fruits, creeps. By 2005 cesar's career as male stripper was fading, and he was into meth\/coke (apperently injecting meth into his butthole with turkey baster!) Where does #cia find these freaks? #fakebombs #fakenews Looks like a MAGA conservative to me.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would have shot that nigger in his criminal eye just like I would shoot a reporter from the NY post. Fuck off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"International rapper skinny prison bitches... love sucking nigger dicks... You suck nigger dicks...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sober up faggot. smfh. typical pathetic loser in life who's jealous of the jews. pathetic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TomArnold: Boy went trick or treating at Charlie Sheen's. Dada not jealous cause all Charlie gave out was really good candy and by cand ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guess whose fault it is that the Trump Justice Department is prosecuting RAM for going to pro-Trump rallies in California at Berkeley and Huntington Beach? It's Matt Heimbach's fault!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I could not be as brave if I lost my son and husband, bless her strength and kind heart.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deep Purple - Highway Star 1972 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UAKCR7kQMTQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Worst ones are selling games and consoles and pc collections they've been adding to since they were young. Hundreds of games and memories, thousands and thousands of pounds, gone. Because someone who doesn't fucking care about them wanted to be a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need a Lindsay Lohan at every airport to scare away the muzzie invaders! https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/arts-entertainment\/films\/news\/lindsay-lohan-refugee-family-instagram-live-video-punches-russia-a","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ebola sounds like a hood hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Let down'? Isn't that like when you don't turn up at someone's party? I think hiding in a locked car with 2 other officers while you're colleague is butchered to death by a knife wielding terrorist goes beyond letting someone down. https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/women\/life\/pc-keith-palmer-let-police-chief-not-brave-enough-help-save\/ Exactly Francis. We want to support and be proud of our police in the UK, we really do. But they've been subverted and neutered by political correctness via EU Common Purpose management. We need PC purged from their ranks and an end to politicised decision making. Finally, arm them all so they can face today's threats, we're in a war. I've fought a guy with a knife. Got the scar to prove it. Bled like a stuck pig as well. I would unhesitatingly, from bitter experience, state that tackling a Muslim madman with a knife, when you are armed with an iffy taser and joke pepper spray, is MADNESS and IRRESPONSIBLE POLICY. The official Police line in the UK should be: \"Regrettably, Force Continuum requires escalation to the use of lethal force, due extremely high safety risk to Officers.\" (translated, non-PC? \"Shoot the bast*rd.\") There Were Three Of Them Locked In That Car Though, Not Just The Fat Fuck. Exactly, it could have been 4 on 1 instead of 1 on 1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this little spic hasn't been caged and thrown over the Rio Grande, Trump is not doing his job","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Just 17,000 votes separated Republican Martha McSally and Democrat Kyrsten Sinema as of Wednesday evening, a cliffhanger that could take days, if not weeks, to call. How? Count them and fucking call it. this bullshit is so retarded. Don't forget you are dealing with retarded democrats. They lose count every time they get to their last finger...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calm down Kikester Rapist, you little dot-headed shitskin mamzer faggot with the whiggress spanking porn website whose only value is that it keeps you engaged. Me and Mattoid Parrot are at least White. Whether or not -- preferably not -- we build somethang under which fat delusional mongrels like Mattoid Chaimbach can shelter beneath is beside the point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#THEBOONDOCKS at 10:30 my nicca!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Average is basic and basic is trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, about this flappy bird game then.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pastor gave an unusual sermon this morning, heavy on brain science, explaining how intellect, emotion, and will can help or retard your faith. hmm, didn't Dostoevsky illustrate the same points in The Brothers Karamazov: Dmitri, the will Ivan, intellect...Alyosha...emotion. Alyosha for the win; Dmitri got saved and got the girl; Ivan got dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PUT THIS NIGGER SHIKSA IN JAIL!....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah just let me jot that down....*writes* kate morgan = massive thundercunt. cool thanks i think we got it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"See folks. Tuck Tuck is a National Socialist. Loves Corbyn. Thinks Corbyn cares about black people and isn't just using them as useful \"victim\" to exploit like \"The Poor\". Tuck Tuck! Corbyn isn't interested in blacks either. So you can offer him your full socialist support mate :) National socialists are just greedy socialists who want the place to themselves Disagree, I think Corbyn is a bell end, shagged Abbot for a start! Even Nazis are right once a day lol I'm not a Nazi nob head Doh! Sorry. Your name confused me lol Just because someone has a German handle they are a \"nazi\"? Do you see \"nazis\" around every corner? Only on Gab where most are fella. You call YOUSELVES Nazis you blatant knob rot. Loads of you have swastikas and Hitler in your bios. Who am I to deny your chosen identity? :) When have I called myself a \"nazi\"? LOL Please I'll wait until you find the comment where I called myself that. With your policies. Next! You dont know my policies. LMFAO Way you show yourself as the stupid fuck you are. Also you said I called myself a \"nazi\". What do my \"policies\" have to do with me calling myself a \"nazi\"? Again show me where I called myself a nazi? Don't know your policies? You've been shouting them at me on here for months Brainstem. That's ALL you do. Fooking nutter lol No I know my policies but you don't know what I believe in. You claim I'm a \"nazi\" you claim I said I was a \"nazi\" and you claim to know my policies. Well when are you going to show me all of these claims? Bloke! A cursory glance at your timeline demonstrates what you are and Who you associate and agree with. I take it this mate of yours with the swastikas isn't a Nazi type too then? lol Cater is one of the oldest Anglo-Saxon names in Britain twat lugs. Google it. And please point out any lie of mine if you can :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had you unfollowed. Now you learn your lesson faggot ;) @ArizMark14-88","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@PablyAndrew it was Paul McCartney faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never signal against it because it is based on a strategy that makes sense. It is a form of acceleration. The only thing I argue vs is the pure shilling of pretending the GOP is on our side or that we are taking it over etc. That shit is just dumb I don't think voting Republican is a good strategy for WN. It means more years of movement inaction. More years of white complacency. More years of forking over American tax dollars to Israel. I'll pass. I am more in line with you because the Obama years radicalized Whites like crazy. The strategy they are going for is to try and provoke the left into making a mistake. I'm skeptical that the Left will actually riot in substantial numbers. Antifa seem to be waning for the most part. Leftists know that demographics are on their side anyway. They just need to wait for the last of the GIs and the Silent Generation to die off. My problem with the strategy is the GOP agenda which will not provoke anyone but a complete lunatic leftist - it is that boring and irrelevant. Now if they were going to do the wall, that would make it interesting. I just don't know if the GOP being in power alone will mean anything for us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like ninnying nigger loving faggots and basically commit suicide nancy boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">The damage here is structural.The SCOC has ruled against free speech. It ruled HR legislation is supreme over freedom of speech. THAT ALONE IS THE DEATH OF CANADA. THAT must be changed by legislation if possible, by every province exercising section 33 if they must.Social Justice Tribunals are kangaroo courts that need to be abolished. They are entirely POLITICAL. It is unconscionable that a parallel legal system was created with them. Hire more damn judges in the real court system. > >The only way out is to VOTE but even that is about to be taken away from us with C79 where they will allow migrant non citizens to vote. C-79 is about the TPP, nothing is showing up for active bills being looked at to change the requirements to vote. Can you provide some reference so I can read up on it? err 76 We have not fixed the damage from the last few reigns of Liberal gov't. Things keep getting progressively worse. Have we ever fixed damage? Already done that. Doesn't seem to be enough. We have a year. Give Bernier's message a chance to spread, let him pick up some MPs and see what happens. Don't let the November glooms mess with you, it's early days. How do you fix importing half the population of Canada that don't share our values?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need to start really watching what jobs we allow severely retarded mentally ill people to do. A mentally ill person working at google and having access to its powerful tools, is far more dangerous than a paranoid schizo with an arsenal of guns and bombs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm jealous of people over the age of You dont have to date brainwashed millenial women. Its funny I was never into politics for forever but thinking back 90% of my exs were libs. They didn't know it either at the time. I always shame them and explain why they are retarded and backwards whenever I meet a lib, even back in the day. Every now and then one can deal with my criticisms and we reach a consensus and we're cool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Just can't figure this out\" - I guess you haven't been watching TV lately, or looking at ads. Whites are being bombarded by race-mixing and nigger supremacist propaganda. From biracial couples to White males playing with their mixed race shitlets, to niggers being portrayed as richer and more successful than Whites, to the glorification of niggers in pro sports, to TV and movie franchises with White characters being replaced with nigger actors, or \"Magic Niggers\" included to \"outsmart\" White characters... it's everywhere, and unfortunately more and more Whites are falling for it. Take a guess ((who)) is responsible for this mass brainwashing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's funny. I'm not seeing that you were subbed here at all. If you did unsub, let me take this moment to apologize. i am terribly sorry for any disomfort we may have caused you. joking, boo. Replace that dogs cunt for a brain and try again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MichaelArenella: Shy girls are cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have retards downvoting you but I got your back, brother.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were retarded. Really, you'd have to be retarded not to notice something that obvious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We've got hillbilly gals like that in my area that dress just like that at the gun ranges it's kind of hard to concentrate on the target when they're around","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This white faggot looks blissed out standing between those two savages. Something very wrong with this creepy white homo. Any negros that ever get this close to me are facing a serious pipe down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack being a faggot meeting Arabs? I hope he doesn't get flogged to death.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I took a shit on your mother's chest and she liked it, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL trolling the mentally retarded is fun !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2016 bought us ... what? A huge surge in Antifa violence. The loss of free speech on the internet. The destruction of monuments all over the country. It has been worse than 8 years of Obama ever was and it was all for the sake of cutting the taxes of Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg and loosening financial regulations for Wall Street Did you hear about the SECOND and THIRD caravan forming in Central America? That's because the first one made it through in April and this one is on the way. It is up to the White House and Congress to deal with this and both are controlled by the GOP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybey if we stand outside and yell about it reality will warp to our narrative! what do you suggest they do? Vote better. Trump lost the popular vote you idiot. That's not who I was talking about. The House and the Senate are far more important than the one in the Oval Office. And, thanks for getting angry. Make a sign and come stand in front of my workplace....it'll surely change my mind. You didn't like my other comment calling you a piece of human garbage so you proved me correct and went on to downvote a different thread? Way to show me! Annoying little gnat. we tried that but the russians said no The most Russia is accused of is distributing pro-Trump propaganda. If that's true, it doesn't change how people voted, just that some of them may have fallen for Russian propaganda. But there's plenty of propaganda going around, why is it so much worse if it comes from Russia rather than a corrupt American political group or company? >Wtf I love Russian interference in my elections now My point is its disingenuous to claim that the Russians are entirely at fault when they didn't manufacture a single vote. Nobody cares what your point is. >asking I didn't ask you anything comrade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quick Question To Anyone I Just Caught A 7 Days In Twitter Jail,I Had One Previous For 2 Days,I'm Just Curious Is The Next One Permanently Suspended,I Don't Give A Fuck Just Curious I Want To Put Something Extra Crazy On There So I Can Go With A Bang,I Called Chelsea Handler A Cunt and Included This Meme The Fuckin Cunt Told The Teacher 7 Days ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lady Gaga is the Freddie Mercury of our generation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These dumbass holocaust deniers need to be swept out with the libtards. There is no way these people can contribute to society!! got no siblings RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Silly you. What is sad is you displaying photos of a good White friend, and passing her off as your 'wife', whilst at the same time, displaying your hatred for your own race. Fear not, I quite understand your hatred for your own race. I would hate my race too were it a low-IQ Nigger animal race. Surely you have considered raping that friend of yours, yes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"exactly how close are you to putting your nigger first through your PC right now? 1 - 10","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a mong?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't read the article since OP is a man and therefore an inconsiderate cunt, as proved by him not linking the article. This might be relevant: I've read a big thread on a body building website about personality changes with T. It was really sad. The guys were all saying it was fine, they either didn't notice much or felt they could handle it OK. And a long procession of women were saying how their loving partner or brother tended to become a selfish, arrogant, insensitive, uncaring asshole while on T. They would refuse to believe their partner's distress was worth stopping the T for. So long as they didn't hit her they could not see the problem. T and empathy don't seem to correlate within a group but they strongly correlate in an individual. It is common for men to become more empathetic as they age, I guess because of falling T. It also is commonly noted in fathers, our T drops during pregnancy and stays down a while after birth. There is a huge excess of women in the caring professions in all countries - nursing, primary and secondary teaching, childcare, aged care, GPs and therapists, social workers. [Edit:] https:\/\/www.vice.com\/en_au\/article\/ne7gdb\/its-confirmed-women-are-higher-beings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What Kind of nonsense is this you people are fucking retarded u ppl are morons with your white supremacist boogie Man shit it's pretty clear with the last two years who's really fascistic in this country and it's not the white people .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's literally what lower rates mean you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Click On Pic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical queerbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok but we need the unedited photo for evidence I don't know if this is actually her but [this is the photo they used in the article](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/JJN39VI.jpg). Enjoy! And someone let me know if there are more out there. Edit: NSFW (Kinda obvious if you have *read* the post and possess the correct amount of chromosomes)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will Corey Booker tell the truth about his history of assaulting gay men? He will lie his ass off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We're talking about gay people here. They can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's being used as propaganda for the New Order. Are they going to turn it into a reality tv show as well!? FFS don't give them any ideas... :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Name checks out. T R O L L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only retarded ppl are eating that pudding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck you here cunt im tryna get my garden succt. Fucking refer to my post. Much love, 330ml Pump Look mate. You didnt specify whether you wanted to buy or rent anything you just said you wanted it done so why dont you just go fuck yourself aye cunt Much love Me Look dick head. I got 5gs on my wrist get the fuck off my myspace page retard! Square up you fuckin spastic cunt Dont fucking respond to my posts anymore thanks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@srsb is a retarded troll, he just says the most retarded shit to fuck with ppl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @renz360: Got receipt ink on your soles? no problem. http:\/\/t.co\/xYA7aLDUhU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_JocelynB: Yu hoes just love to pump fake bout y'all lives on these social networks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@young_moniee what's this chinks email? I'm moving to China and slicing his throat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I need like 43 fuzzy blankets to sleep ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they refuse to acknowledge the behaviour that led to the creation of the meme. I have not yet found a leftist that is not a complete retard on this meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. That makes it look like some retarded couch potato antifa group. I can see it now. Fat f#@and's leaving chetto fingerprints all over the evidence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Women in positions of power is always a horrible idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jap worshipping faggot thinks a bit highly of himself, doesn't he? Just the basic bitch level troll, they were all over twitter and frequently need to call backup when someone takes a huge duke on them without flinching.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why hasn't this fat blob's heart peacefully sunset itself in Minecraft yet? Why is he still relevant? Who keeps feeding him and who the fuck listens to him? Look I'll admit it, I watch his videos about shitty games and shitty practices. On that level I agree with him most of the time. On most videos I've seen he has kept his politics out, so I have no issue. When he inevitably starts including them more and probably goes full retard, I'll hit that unsub button. Hard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The most vile wicked hag in the world is calling for uncivilized actions by democrats. It's already happening too. Somehow the cunt is still speaking. She just won't go away. Does she have 1\/1024th retard ancestry?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those gay people were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watch #Triggered Liberals Freak Out Over Kanye-Trump Meeting That was an assault on our White House' https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-triggered-liberals-freak-out-over-kanye-trump-meeting\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. Only retarded democrats think we have the money to keep SNAP going.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals stealing and destroying Mimi Walters' (the incumbent representative) campaign signs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everywhere you look, all you see is hillbilly deluxe... Big timin in a small town. #smalltownproblems #neversaiditwasabadthing #brooksndunn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can this be a thing we can do? Like an Onion\/Babylon Bee style website where we use their own SJW nonsense against them? Like legit, I'm in. Who wants to work with me on this. This will be epic. Who's in? I'll shitpost with you, pede. Here's what I'm thinking. Every time they go after a woman, or a minority on the right we just slam them for being racists sexists. Any man on the left who acts up: toxic masculinity. Any Woman on the left who says stuff like abortion is the only choice is a gender traitor. and#x200B; So much good material too (Keith Ellison) we should definitely use the hashtag #puffho #puffingtonhost and put it up on their twitter or ig. Praising them for being so \"woke This is unironically a fantastic idea. We shouldn't frame it as satire though, just pure factual exposure of leftist hypocrisy and bigotry. Hold them to their own standards so they can see how retarded they are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"obama is a useless nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jsimsromance My guy is a Maine coon and a total cuddle bum. Every one that I've ever met has been super friendly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A retarded liberal from Utah.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know, man. Sounds like one extreme to counter another. Can't I be happy in the middle? Sure, you can pick the point where you are happy. Nobody in MGTOW wants you to fall into a cookie-cutter. Just realize that this is the progression, and there are two ways to learn... You have no idea how goddamn proud of you I am right now. People can be people, live their lives, better themselves, contribute to society and *be happy* without needing to be a fucking asshole to everyone and spread misery. Zealotry is never the answer. Just be you and be ok that others will the them. Nailed it... Your second sentence should be the tagline EVERYWHERE. These days TRP is a circlejerk as well. Either you exactly parrot the One True Viewpoint and share the One True Goal or you're not welcome there. Which is a shame, because their view of human nature is right on the mark, up until they start telling you what outcome to want. It would be really nice to have a Reddit-like board where the only remedy for comments you disagree with (short of doxing or true threats) is the \"block user\" feature. Yeah TRP has some interesting stuff, and I understand the concept of sticking to rules and what not... But strict adherence to a very specific code doesn't allow for the nuances of life. The whole AWALT thing gets silly sometimes too. I'm in an LTR, been \"cohabitating\" for 4 years and I have no desire to change that. She and I get along really well, she has helped me grow as a person. I'm not a fucking slob anymore because the (for lack of a better term) nagging has motivated me to respect my living space like I never did before. But try and say that? Nope. I've applied some of the principles to my relationship to great benefit, but in their view it is a sign of weakness if a woman helps you improve yourself rather than total self-discipline, and I just don't think that's true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh great they have the retard Greenspan that helped create Obama, Bushes, and even turn Clinton's booming economy Reagan left him into a mess, saying we are in trouble, Trump is fucking up everything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You a lame ass nigga still cuffin these hoes my bitch got a bitch with er","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A barometer of the violent threat, a very real danger, toward #Patriots #Conservatives #Christians from the socialist communist #LEFT that's being incited by Obama, Holder, Hillary and their OFA (Organized for ACTION) housed at Obama's residence JUST 2 MILES from the White House #RedWave #RedTsunami #November6 BUT be #PREPARED #PROTECTED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are trans people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"97% of Black fathers who have children with White women are not active in their children's lives. Source: https:\/\/archive.today\/o\/LRe05\/papers.ssrn.com\/sol3\/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2625893","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the literal NPC who still listens to controlled op faggots. Calling Social Democrat Societ Union Natsoc in any way is about as retarded as the Anglo case against what happened on the USS Liberty. You don't have one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we call it retarded liberal garbage, lots of global warming tards will freeze to death, that's how GOD works...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WOW @roonyroo Yeah, nobody cares. Grow up. SAY\"S A MIXED MULTITUDE NUM 11:1-4 kjv And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp. 2 And the people cried unto Moses; and when Moses prayed unto the Lord, the fire was quenched. 3 And he called the name of the place Taberah: because the fire of the Lord burnt among them. 4 And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? Bob Marley - Selassie is the Chapel https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0LRlmCko58o He is a jew","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sixten just shoved like 8 Oreos down his throat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of my favorite songs. \"There's a man on the shoreline with a white parakeet trying to make his bird go home.\" http:\/\/t.co\/bQ3CBIPk6s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who in thee f*ck would eat goat balls?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Text me instead of playing flappy birds #SoIKnowItsReal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am still a little worried about the final confirmation vote but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm just worried one of these Republicans pussying out at the last minute. Or Flake giving one last fuck you stab in the back before leaving. Boy am I pissed about that Alaska switch. At first I thought it was some Rhino in a potential blue district, but fucking Alaska? Really?!?! From what I hear, she lost the Republican primary the last time around, but the party supported this bitch running as an independent over the candidate elected by their voters. And here we are. Boy I'm sure that pissed people off. I hope her phone is blowing up because the Alaskan people should definitely call her out on that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your pathetic plan failed. Enjoy my phone you fucking monkey. Let me see your ass at Benton park. You wanna talk shit I'll carve your face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FYI...KEVIN SORBO is suuuuuuch an impressive person. Godly man. Good dad. Good person. Only does Christian movies now if I'm not mistaken. He's great. Jim Carey is a retarded hypocrite shill who isn't even that funny. He's kind of annoying actually. SORBO is totally right; totally spot on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should be shacked up with some ass raping nigger in a prison cell. You know how niggers treat their fuck meat...they like to tenderize it first.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm thrilled that conservatives have found new heroes in Lindsey Graham and Kanye West. I think the two together represent the dual foundation of principle and intelligence that guides the conservative movement. #based","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All these 'poor women' received some benefit from Weinstein. During his reign as Hollywood prime mover. His unpardonable sin, is being a hideous to look upon man. That's part of the reason he's on so many magazine covers. If he looked like George Clooney. Very few people would pay attention. All his physical attributes are mirrors. Of the evil Jew caricatures. He's a disgusting arrogant asshole. Who provided millions of dollars to groups. Whose purpose is violently plundering innocent men. He probably fired scores of men. For not licking his asshole fast enough. So, fuck him and fuck all the cunts riding the gravy train fucking him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll use the faggot as a personal flotation device and fish bait when I get hungry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yea cause you fucked up their sand nigger shit ,i would be pissed off to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to bet that our boy #Tucker obliterates them this evening... Lol my money is totally on Tucker here. He obviously got under their skin with last week's segments on them not being able to sleep well while igniting the fire of violence on the left... I think it's even more hilarious that they didn't even come up with anything unique to poke fun at... Where as Tucker sure will. Lol Scott Adams likes to point out 'sour' Don Lemon ironic name and we have to wonder if Cuomo would have his own show if he wasn't the little brother of the current Governor and son of a former one? https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/15\/don-lemon-chris-cuomo-and-their-shocking-mocking-t\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shep the Cuck. I cant stand the faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you immigrants make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What? I guess they ain't got the term nigger in the woodshed in Cape Town.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt would kill herself in a day if she had to be a white man for a week, present day. these women really have no fucking clue how easy they really have it in the world. They're so fucking oblivious it's literally giving me cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @APEastRegion: A Philadelphia police advisory review after the arrest of two black men at a Starbucks found that \"racism has a profound effect on what drives citizen and police contact.\" The police commissioner takes issue. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Z7zn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ahhh! The diversity of kabab shops. Bloody diarrhea for all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look, another ugly girl who gets way too much attention from men on the internet acting like a stuck up little cunt. I wish these dumb bitches had to live as men for a week. They would kill themselves in a day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @gbcarr24: School District Denies Claim Kindergartner Was Assaulted By Gender Fluid' Boy In Girls' Bathroom https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WtW2 via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEVER EVER WATCH THE FUCKING VIEW WHERE ALL VIEWS ARE RACIST !! NIGGER FUCK WHOOPI IS RACIST GARBAGE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">TORONTO Home Depot Canada says it has pulled a Halloween window decoration that mimics a peeping Tom from its stores after a complaint from a customer. >The home renovation chain says it took \"immediate action to remove the Scary Peeper Creeper from shelves after a customer raised concerns about the product. I'm sorry, but that's just fucking insane. Most normies don't understand what's going on here with this political correctness lunacy. They don't understand the concept for \"crybullies\". But the sooner everyone gets what this shit is really about, the sooner it can be snuffed out. See, there's power in political correctness. *Some people* have figured out that political correctness can be wielded as a weapon to force people - even total strangers - to grovel to you, obey you and do things they otherwise wouldn't do. Crybullies do this shit for the same reason any bully pushes people around - for their own sense of empowerment. Nobody was actually \"offended\" by that decoration. Someone just saw it as an opportunity to push people around and feel powerful as a result. Right now that woman is bragging to her friends about how she got an international hardware retail giant to perform for her like a circus seal, and she's probably actively looking for the next thing she can pretend to be offended by, and the next people she can bully with that claim of offense. The way to deal with these people is not to reward their bullying with compliance, but to say \"Fuck off you rotten cunt\" and ban them from the premises.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gayness should be removed from the face of the earth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heart of French language is in Congo, French language doesn't belong to the French people, says Macron. https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/heart-of-french-language-is-in-congo-french-language-doesnt-belong-to-the-french-people-says-macron\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep on the boomer nigger guys. Fuck him, he's nothing. We control the future. Ugly as that may get.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like it though... wuz always wondering who was that faggot that made it?! seems filmed in Bruxhells.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Nazis have a \"D\" next to their names...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are the best countries to live and work in and where to find a pay rise https:\/\/bloom.bg\/2CDCqF5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/26\/ebony-magazine-black-women-republicans\/ Ebony Magazine Leaves All 6 Republicans Out Of Profile Of Black Candidates","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just shoot that cunt in the head. His perspective is ONLY that of a jihadistic flog, so just take the cunt out. Be done with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there juanpedrobalkenende! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* this isn't r\/PoliticalHumor The funniest!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jay Z - Takeover and U Don't Know LIVE @ Home and Home Concert Yankee Stadium: http:\/\/t.co\/4EuK80uLiS via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember WHERE DID HATRED FOR THE FLAG START? U. S. Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. I did not follow at that time, but not surprised at all. Barry Soetoro was anything but American by birth or by mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EFUKT is a special gem in the porn arena. Absolute legendary. The married girl at the \"bachelorette party blowing a stripper and then realizing a camera was on her the whole time. A classic. Do you have a Link? Sounds funny. On mobile right now and I won't load, but I think it is this one: https:\/\/efukt.com\/20963_Bad_Times_At_The_Bachelorette_Party.html thank you! Full Video here because it's so much crazier. She goes on a tear for over 20 minutes!!! https:\/\/www.pornhub.com\/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59feb287b694b Is it even real? Sounds like Internet rumor, especially after seeing the full vid. Name checks out [deleted] [One of my favs. Legendary edit](https:\/\/efukt.com\/21068_A_Different_Kind_of_Painal.html)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a nigger who sucks white cock like Caitlyn","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@kazooook: We actin like it's the 7th day @WesGodLaFlare http:\/\/t.co\/s9gMtEvpaT\" spook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they could have shot him in the legs no one gets in risk of dying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a cunt, sure, but didn't exactly break any laws. I'm sure that somebody, somewhere, will get outraged at this and punch her face in to dust, either way. Humans are so sensitive","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's your favorite Dissident Right e-celeb? Reply if not listed. @Cuckdestroyer64 @WADL @TheKragenClan - Exactly correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the trash wheel has a twitter? and googly eyes?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Strippers who fuck are nice too. Usually they will do it in the back and you can negotiate a decent price. Only downside is they will rush you so don't go back there and try to make love You need to go into more details on how you pull this off. Like I assume you can't just outright say you want to give them more money for sex. So how do you do it. Don't they have cameras in the back? Do you offer them more money up front? You are the fuckin man. Thank you. I'm saving this comment. This is the answer I was looking for.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually back in the days of Rome all were enslaved equally you're a fuckin retard go read a book","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DUMB NIGGER SHIKSA....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a bitch to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"Muslims deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical r4pefugee behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad you can admit to being an autistic retard that wants to suck cock. Now fuck off fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jamal opines on the White Women Question","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I see you're a fairy gay faggot with dick on your brain. THIS IS THE ONE WITH DICK ON HIS BRAIN OK NPC...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a Muslim to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Texas abortionist said to have twisted' living babies' heads off their necks https:\/\/www.liveaction.org\/news\/abortionist-twisted-living-babies-necks\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigration act that started mud flood became law in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow this voice and reading is the best thing in my life!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Way to cuck for the negro vote you will never get, conservetard . Libtard? Gay lover? Better read my other posts, Will. You're the one pushing libtard propaganda equating the Klan to Antifa and the cuckservative \"democrats are the real racists\" meme. Or are you a nigger love?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Token Negro? So on our census forms we went from Negro to Black to African American and now we're back to Negro again after 50 years, WTF CNN ? I wish these Black Liberals would pick a name and stick with it, it's costing a fortune reprinting all these government forms.. How about NIGGER ?? They haven't accepted that yet, but that's what whitey calls 'em and that's what they call each other.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"such a sucker for some Oreos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The dark cloud is the side of you that you cannot fully understand but its your alter ego that you need to accept or you ll be deprived of your superpowers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck off retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So which banana tree did this Nigger Chimp fall out of.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never forget what was taken from us. Taken? Did the government come and treat you as a subhuman? Force you to be worked like an animal? Did the police allow your men to be lynched to death? Did the military enforce laws to keep your family subjugated for generation after generation? Were your communities decimated by selectively enforced laws, rounding up all the men to be used as prison labor? Or are you just throwing a fit because you can't reproduce? Because dignified men of color sweep white women off their feet, who fall in love with someone who knows how to treat them with love, service, and passion? Don't cry because the brown skin man has better game than you, nut up and go have a family and raise them well and stop bitching. White genocide is a joke Sad \"sad\" is a joke.... You seem so filled with hatred, I can't imagine such a vile existence. I hope you feel better soon God bless you God knows....God knows..... Do you know God? I'm pretty sure the sinful hearts of every man grieves the Lord, yet he loved us enough to sacrifice his own heart, his own beloved, so that we would not perish in the filth of our own sins. He commands that we love our neighbor as ourselves. time for a flood....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are over 100 definitions of terrorism in the academic literature. The DNC's conduct is consistent with most of them, including the NATO definition.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if it wasn't for those mental retard leftest's you'd be in a mental hospital,getting gender helped,,,soy boy,,,,lol,,,but you are correct,,democrats love their slaves,,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have always hated these two creatures. Arrogant as fuck and probably trannies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DarienDaywalt bitch shut the fuck up goddam your a slut bitch whore nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That would be 8 you retarded bitch. SIMPLE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, aren't you retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh no! MW the faggot who says he likes \"pretty boys\" was censored! Better get Fed Ice on the case.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I uploaded a @YouTube video http:\/\/t.co\/JHUuZpgr UPDATE ON UGANDA ANTI-GAY BILL: Freemasonry, Anglo-American Influence, and","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @mikesmom37 @srhholdem2233 @blazinherb @Escoffier @Screw-z-jews @WADL @lostpassword - \"A screening of the award-winning [fag] film 'The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros'. The coming-of-age [fag] film features a [homo] teen from the slums who falls in love with a cop. ...One of the best Filipino [fag] movies of all time\". Its a not so subtle blueprint for every pedo faggot to watch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many c a m e l f u c k e r s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MidniteBoss: If you snipe, you're a fucking faggot. I fucking hope all of you snipers get fucking raped and suffer from cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want legislation that from today forward, EVERY COAT HANGER, MUST be covered with STAPH to ensure any baby-murderers DIE as a result of killing their babies! Plus, they CUNT vote if they are dead!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"ahh, because you are a twat. Thanks for answering!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember KIDS ... the Name the JEW BULLSHIT ... is a counter intelligence program ... This is why is ONLY serves the system. Try breathing through your nose. You are a loser. LOSER. Keep being a BITCH or WIN ... Simple Choice really. You are a CUNT who uses words -- you will be ass fucked in PRISON because you are BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggers That nigger needs to be rammed right through that fucking wall. Yes to the head in the sand normies I said nigger, that's what these savages are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks for your acknowledgement of my superior intellect since I am a Caucasoid Asiatic. Sorry I hurt your feefees. Baconian truth is empiricism based on largely statistical analysis, and you can see in many of these IQ v Race papers show small sample sizes (highest being 300 I think) and evidence of confirmation bias. Take that harrumpher!! 'I tell him that the demographic IQ differences are well-established and documented' Who died and made you king of research? What an imbecile to think what his (@SecularBlasphemy ) statement of 'well established' is a Gotcha now Drumpfkin. Who made you the arbiter of truth? Who made you the troll of Lucifer? You r worth only the spittle off my mouth on waking. @SecularBlasphemy: 'Probably rocking an IQ of 75 and a football helmet whenever you go outside too.' Thanks for your autobiography dude. @SecularBlasphemy: ' Thanks for the laughs. ' You're welcome! Such little I did to make you laugh makes me feel charitable, helping out a low IQ moron like yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we all just agree that Jim, Ralph, and the killstream is dumb? No. As a fan of both Jim and Sargon, gotta say Sargon seems to have lost the plot. Is this the third or second time he's tried to recruit Jim? It's getting weird. Is Sargon wrong here though? Jim constantly gets involved in political things, and then whenever he's challenged he immediately retreats to \"I'm just a troll\"\/\"I'm just shitposting\"\/etc. He's a total coward, he time and time again tries to get in on these issues but doesn't have the balls to follow through or actually make anything because that means for once he might actually have to defend something, and that's not a position he's willing to put himself in. If he wants to stick to making fun of spergs on the internet, he can do that, and I'm sure everyone will have a laugh with him, but don't talk about political issues if you're too afraid to actually defend a stance. Sargon has been completely full of shit lately, but this is the best thing he's said in a while. I completely agree with you that Sargon's foray into official politics has been pretty pathetic. That doesn't make his statement less right. Jim is a total coward when it comes to politics. Trying to redirect some fault onto Sargon won't change that. and then his anus exploded because Sargon is actually following through","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@eric_strikerDS Speaking of faggot shit, and the failure of the GOP to stand up against it- can't think of any public action that would attract more recruits for street actions than Blair Cottrell confronting a child groomer in public. Suspect 'Drag Queen Storytime's are deliberately put in libraries to stigmatize disruption. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/3Ntz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fucking faggot for real.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think most Muslims are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so you setting some weird expectations for yourself means everyone else who doesn't conform to those standards is cheap? I disagree with this. If a friend invites me to watch a movie and grab a burger afterwards I don't expect them to pay for either of those things for me, why should it be different here? I am not saying you should never treat a date to a meal or something I have done so in the past with girlfriends. But why would I pay for a first date? I barely even know if I like the person in this sort of context and we are both investing time to see if we are interested in each other. Additionally, I have heard several women talk about dating with the goal being free food. I don't really feel like dealing with that. If whether or not a girl wants to go out with me depends on me buying her some free shit then I just saved us both some time, because I don't want to go out with her anymore. You're an idiot. I've been a broke college person and had to budget everything, not paying >If I ask someone on a date, I expect to be paying for them. That's awfully convenient for women, since they're not the ones expected to ask.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Personally, I don't care what you identify as. Male, female, non-binary, genderfluid, etc? Great, that's all fine, but I hate this whole, \"get rid of gender!!11!!1!!\" thing that's going around now. I, for one, genuinely like being a woman. I wouldn't want to give that up. You have every right to, if you'd like, but just because you feel like you don't fit in with the gender you were born with doesn't mean that gender is this terrible, evil thing. Also, the sign makes no sense. \"I don't care that your name is Fuckface, but I think it's kinda stupid.\" *writes Fuckface down in attendance log* It means you don't care beyond the observation that it's stupid. Yeah GENDER FLUID Kinda gross","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got more loli's for you all. Especially for you @a. You having fun being proven wrong and having everyone call out your double standards? #loliconisnotacrime #mangaisnotacrime BTW who is best girl? Koneko or Mafuyu? @a another one of those pedo posters who are refusing to even use the NSFW tag. plz sort this You're a god damned liar. I it marked as NSFW. I just checked. Maybe you should turn that feature off or block me or mute me if you don't like what you're seeing. i have just double checked. there is no NSFW tag. you don't have to lie. He's not lying you dumbass. owo whats dis??? I am not sure, your little yellow arrow is clearly NOT pointing to a NSFW tag. So what is it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is racist for not letting this brave woman return!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm female. If I ever did this my mom would slap me. Don't generalize please. These things are fugly cunts. Not all of us are this miserable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bernie Sanders touts \"Medicare for all.\" But why doesn't anyone ask, \"Why are we so sick to demand such 'free medical care' from the government?\" Maybe because what we're all eating today is not real food? #Ghost https:\/\/youtu.be\/0W09fxSAOu4 AND CHEMOTHERAPY IS NOTHING BUT RADIATION! It's carcinogenic, yet the doctors are administering carcinogenic chemicals to treat cancer. That's retarded and deadly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like the commies at Ricochet got that pussy Jason Kenny to buckle to the slightest accusation. https:\/\/nationalpost.com\/news\/politics\/united-conservative-jason-kenney-turfs-upc-member-amid-report-of-hateful-views","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mother and daughter cunts...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am so happy that Dank has made this video. All these years of Sargon getting shit from Linehan, Sargon never once unloaded on him. Someone could create a video series of everything he's done, because he'd been such a constant, unwaivering hypocrite, bully, and all around cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt that won't go away or just die. She sounds exactly like every other Totalitarian. \"Things will be civil when we're in charge again...\" Yeah, thanks for the threat. Fuck you, Hillary. http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Eb3Un4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/ybxgl6qb I started listening to this rambling neo-cuck's speech, but fell asleep. Apparently, it would take almost 45 minutes for this retard to spit out she would do the right thing and vote yes. Maine, WTF is wrong with you ppl? Elect a real WN to replace this lady.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@InedibleFood Quickscoping trash. TAKE OF THE TONY HAWK SETUP AND PLAY NORMALLY. THAT'S NOT WHAT SNIPERS ARE FOR!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Death to the mono race loving and faggot friendly America. You're a virus to any race and nation that loves and cherishes his identity. The only result is to cure a population of that virus through containment and sterilization in fire. That's been the only proven cure for all plagues throughout history.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WETback","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the Diverse perfect UTOPIA we are supposed to live in today. The reality is, the Nigger is the pimp drug pusher and the white woman has been raped drugged and trafficked or her children threatened. It`s time for a complete rebalance of the races.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They always crying when they get caught. . you're an evil cunt just be yourself.. Fuck your crocodile tears","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I should have said lonely pikey cunt who can't get a girlfriend","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ProBirdRights: dear Mr. Science: If human so \"better,\" how come they can't be bird? oh I'm sorry was that too LOGIC for you????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes pretty pathetic the level of ignorance you find here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On top of this, I messaged them about this and how it seemed like discrimination. They deleted my email completely and their message about the ban. But I'm still banned. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahahahaha! A Zio-zombie convinced he isn't NPC! Jesus. How fucking retarded are you kikes? High IQ my ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Better a White Nationalist than a retarded shitskin monkey!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She says: \"If you breastfeed your sons, you are training them to be rapists when they grow up. You're basically teaching them that they can touch a woman's body whenever they want. If you oppose rape, stop breastfeeding boys!\" Her profile says: \"Scholar. Activist. The first openly LGBTQIA+ Muslim Imam(ah), fighting for intersectional feminist social justice.\" I said: **speechless** Jesusfuckinchristonagodamnfuckincrutch that is one confused cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These kind of people are the reason that we cant enjoy shows like Office anymore. For example, if the episode in which Michael Scott said to Oscar \"Oscar, youre gay. Boom. Roasted.\" aired today, the series would be critisized and probably cancelled by these retards. I don't call retarded people retards. I call my friends retards when they're acting retarded. Yeah, you don't call mentally handicapped people retards cause they're putting out their best effort. You call regular people who act retarded retards, cause they're capable of better.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL wow, this cunt had an epic moment of total and complete FAILURE !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've mentioned before that I do not like Cortez's face. I posited that this was due to her \"extremely rigid facial muscles when she smiles , and then about how \"her expressions rival a contortionist's act in a cheap traveling circus . But those reasons never explained my misgivings. Something was bothering me, something major, something sinister. And then, it hit me like a brick through the window of a Jewish deli: Cortez looks exactly like Satan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a que3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh no you were sperging out just fine for a SNITCH. Go ahead. Be my guest, the fact that you are a PEST, a RETARD, and a SNITCH Is all now well established. Do continue your bullshit, I'll just ignore your dumb childish ass like most grown people do with retarded little short yellow bus riding children now. Have fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to chug vodka and orange juice. I also used to chug vodka and gatorade... I used to chug vodka.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Y68G-gffKmI Trump Threatens Military Force on US-MX Border","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the media aren't telling you about Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, allegedly murdered in the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/12\/what-the-media-arent-telling-you-about-saudi-journalist-jamal-khashoggi-allegedly-murdered-in-the-saudi-embassy-in-istanbul\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No that's just the feeling you get for being too deep into all the nordicist shit. Buddy. Danish male celebrity VS Yeah, he later tried to wiggle out from sh*t by making posts about how he did not say he supports NATO intervention. Does not work though. NATO intervention was against Christian Serbs, he gloated about Danes murdering Serbs , therefore he supports NATO intervention. He is a retard for real. No spark of a rational thought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Londonstahn under Sadiq Khan , the caliphate OF ALL CALIPHATES . Muslim London: 423 new mosques, 100 Shariah courts http:\/\/saudigazette.com.sa\/article\/545051\/World\/Europe\/Muslim-London-423-new-mosques-100-Shariah-courts britainstan is a place only crazy people visit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine the outrage if a republican was saying things like this... I guess democrat privilege allows them to continue their history of violence and harassment towards people they don't like without repercussion. Funny but Clinton's anti-social comments don't surprise me...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Didn't get to hit the slopes today, but snowboarding lessons first thing in the morning! #excited","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is he fucking that nigger bitch? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The oldest staged\/fake event? https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bath_School_disaster Nigger on White crime fake too? People are really always peaceful right? Any real deaths in WWII? Easier to always believe or always say its fake than THINK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calling disabled people cockroaches is such a horrible thing to do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BOTTOM TEXT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you married and had sex with a six year old who still played with dolls, made her wash your semen stains, whilst beating her, doesn't that kinda make you a pedo rapist? Yet she has no problem following Muhammed? [deleted] [removed] aaaaannnnnnd reported. Quit being a bitch. >I'm reporting you >you're the bitch here haha oh wow Yes, reporting you for being a bitch and resorting to race when it isn't needed. I'm sorry you are so simple you can't follow basic logic. I guess with your go to being racism, you being incapable of constructive thought isn't a surprise. look at how mad you are because of nono words. yes, you are definitely not a bitch lol if you think this is mad you have never met anyone angry in your life. It's okay though, go back to your klan meeting. haha, npc Bro, **you** are the epitome of the NPC meme. I'm sorry you found out this way. K Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got really excited about this, then I saw that OP is a whinging faggot. 2\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@3113BC PRO 6 hours ago in Porn does NOT belong on Gab There have been discussions about whether or not Gab should be 18+ or the NSFW content should require verification for the sake of children wanting to join Gab. This wouldn't even be an issue if Andrew just banned porn. The porn content on Gab has gotten out of hand. There are now pedophiles on Gab posting loli porn (anime child porn) in which I kn.. repost because this faggot got butthurt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flair suggestions: - poster desperate for attention - god im so boring - milhouses dad irl - ask me about my huge anal fissure \"I'm With Her\" Holy shit dude. I know, I was thinking dude, decaf. Nope, if the caffeine keeps that awesome coming up the fose Master troller is probably giving him too much praise. His posts are fairly obvious bait. noted and changed. Haha nice. Here's a question - Why don't you ban? This piece of shit obviously just wants attention. Why let her\/him\/it have a place to get that attention? There is a reason solitary confinement is an apt punishment for people that can't get along in genpop, it sucks to have that much anger and no one to vent it on. Leave \/u\/bkscrub no outlet for that anger and maybe we'll get lucky and she\/he\/it will do us all a favor and kill her\/him\/it's self. thats good and all, but we are free speech purists here. plus we believe that acting in such a manner only serves to hurt them more. we are one of the few bastions left on reddit where banning is highly discouraged. in fact, in other places, you dont even have to comment in a sub before getting banned due to ban bots and shit. that stuff is not cool. right or wrong, offensive or not, youre not getting banned. and we are proud of that fact. rule, breaking, though. that will get you banned. racism, sexism, spamming, all that jazz. Give him a flair like \"probably the next person to rent a van and run it into people on the sidewalk\" \"I accept pussy passes and dicks into my asses\".. I know it's long flair but it should also spin and have a strobe effect. Pussy in denial","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then You found real POLITICS that had meaning and won. Find real world things that MOTIVATE actual people. The garbage above is not worth defending. Simple as that. Fuck Daily Stormer. So basically, us Homo Sapiens are getting a rare chance to watch a real-life Australopithecus. Lol basically. I mean I really hope this guy hasn't been stuck on this \"LOOK AT ALL MY EPIC REDPILLS THE WORLD MUST KNOW! phase for too long. That'd be embarrassing. You only wish.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Tomas Allende, I see you on this board talking a lot of filth. Do you have no conscience whatsoever? You're not doing God any favors, nor is your mind on the sake of Salvation. So, why are YOU here? I was unaware that anyone was speaking to me like that. Not that its unusual though. But, I was talking to you because you're a Christian, if I'm not mistaken. And, I too had been corrected in that way. If you're as hardheaded as I was, you'll probably need more correction. It's just that we DO need to be better than that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is a piece of shit followed by brainless retarded sheep. Violent unstable pigs with tiny dicks. You are a mental case. Get help retard. OBAMAS NOT IN OFFICE. fuck are u people stupid. what a fag you are. MAGA: eat shit and choke on it pig.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently it's stupid and racist to cast Huntress as a white woman, because the character is currently Black in the comics (and it's completely irrelevant that the character *wasn't* originally). However, it's *also* stupid to complain about them race-swapping Black Canary and it doesn't matter that she's white in the comics. Yeah, I'd say fair enough that the reaction to all this is pretty telling, or at least, *The Mary Sue*'s reaction is pretty telling. I genuinely didn't even notice Rebirth Huntress was apparently still the 'new' version. Like, I noticed her skintone was a bit darker, but not like the [New 52](https:\/\/i.postimg.cc\/SmmddcTF\/HELENA_v I see. I know multiverse stuff is common in comics but this just seems... unnecessary? Plus, although I could see that her skin tone was a little darker than it used to be in the Rebirth **BoP** series, it certainly isn't on the same level design wise, as the **Grayson** Helena was. To me, at least. Hence the confusion. Wait I thought everything south of Rome was Africa? Depends on who you ask, until a couple of years ago, Rome was Africa too according to Lega Nord (although now they are at the government so they had to tone down and pretend they like people from the south of Italy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuk off u spic fuks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] It's not that women are inherently dishonest, it's because the pussypass is so strong in the West they actually believe they can do no wrong. And because they are inherently dishonest. Nah Hypergamy is real. They will say whatever the hamster tells them to say, truth be damned. lolwat back to incels with you oof swing and a miss pathetic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Assuming for the sake of the argument that the premise is literally true, any reasonable person would stand shaken at the conclusion: the \"oppressed\" people would rather side with their \"oppressors\" than support the \"progressive liberation movement\"... \"What have we done wrong? Where have we failed them?\" would be the questions to ask. But not for these people... The even more obvious question is \"why would these people need you to save them\" if you think they're equal to you? and#x200B; Unless you believe whites ARE superior and need to lift up the \"lesser races\", but you can't SAY that, because then you're admitting you're actually a racist. \"Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don't read.\" - CNN Rep Bakari Sellers and#x200B; I cannot make this crap up. Oh geez... By those words, I instantly recognize a proper anti-racist and a progressive, tolerant and accepting person! Yeah, it's really impressive the level of WTF they trigger by calling the right racist, then saying shit like that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"hate speech\" does not exist, you communist faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"damn makeup, you deceptive. Also, who gets engaged to a woman that's just going through the process of a divorce.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is this posted again? Not even a pussy pass being denied. If she were a man, she would've been turned away too. This is a dumbass pass being denied Because the little douchebags calling her a whore and bitch upvote anything anti women. This is the biggest flaw of this sub. It becomes a duck this person because they're [blank] group. Same problem happens in r\/holdmyfries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe they think that the governor will effect their life more, so they vote for that, but think the Senator doesn't really matter? I've done the same in the UK, when our elections overlapped in Scotland. I didn't complete the ballot, because honestly down-ticket didn't matter (the position had no power) and the conservative candidate was a bit of a cunt (I say as a party member).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"identity politics is retarded on both sides. Wake up man, he was just as bad as the \"Drumpf is Hitler\" lefties.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no space on this planet for any gay person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i was pulling for the #redskins in that one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's been side tracked by Jews pushing nigger beats, supposed to count for for culture and poetry ... do or die shite , useless tripe , wobbly script , unfit hype","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical camel fucker behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh they are so pushing to lump in these people with MRAs, MTGOW and Incels across the board, I can see it fucking coming, they'll be pushing for laws next and to define MRAs as a hate group, they want this badly. Oh I agree, I think everybody is fucking daring them to do it, but they want people to be on side with the legislation which is why they're being cautious. For example with the way they're trying to make 'misogyny' a hate crime, they want people to just vote for it blindly and then that's when they'll get everybody. However people caught on to what they were planning it seems and they're trying to make Misandry into a hate crime law as well lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. The left gets what they deserve as their stunts and attempts at character assassination have failed. Vote Red on November 6th","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Billythathird @matt_sliwinski copy my tweet again you ginzo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's see if this gets shadowbanned . Just stating a fact here , nothing more, nothing less. Average IQ of Somalia is ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/thehill.com\/blogs\/in-the-know\/in-the-know\/409427-chelsea-clinton-the-horrors-of-trump-administration-wont-change Chelsea Clinton: 'The horrors' of Trump administration 'won't change my life I read the article. As expected, Chelsea gave zero examples of said \"horrors.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All the immigrants in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The mods of this sub are gay retarded cucks who lick shitballs out of my hairy asscrack. Proof inside: https:\/\/redd.it\/9l7o2v","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a disabled person to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More cop bootlickers apologizing for police brutality and disguising as a pussy pass denied. You tradcucks ain't fooling anyone. Quick question: Are you a troll, or just retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pentagon Intel: Globalists Want Trump Dead By March Go for it. George Soros and his family will be dead within days. Then cunt hiLIARy and her family will be next and then the 0bamas. Fuck with the heavily armed and pissed off Americans and see what happens. Kill the families of the globalist bodyguards and then see who is willing to take a bullet for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what everyone should strive for with someone who breaks up with you. It's the best revenge you could hope for. Do better, get out and date better people, and leave the ex stewing in their decision to leave you. My ex left me to date other people and I took it like a little bitch. My stripper whore of a wife divorced me so she could have some part time dick and I responded by getting my own place, dating around for awhile and then marrying a neuroscientist. Every single day I go on facebook and my ex-wife is unhappy, talking about how nobody on planet earth loves her. Well it's true. Yikes what a butterface Someone sounds defensive as fuck. I wonder if she approves of you posting pictures of her in bra and panties on the internet yes, she was sitting on the couch when I did it, little bitch. Marriage gotten that boring that you're already starting to whore her out on the internet to spice up the relationship? Don't worry you'll be divorced again soon enough. Your wife looks like a transexual You think so? I mean last time I went from stripper to Ph.D neuroscientist so next time I will just trade up to sports illustrated model.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" The Jews exaggerate, then other ethnic and religious groups exaggerate wanting to prove their altruism. That's the way these things go,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @boojieque: RT @WebbMadeThis: Lemme find out you niggaz letting bitches shit on yo faces niggas is weirdos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perhaps the craziest part of this whole thing is his wife caught him in the act and went back to bed. https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/15\/nfl-flameout-admits-to-having-sex-with-12-year-old-girl-police\/ First the bull whip and the the rope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you don't see the connection then you are retarded and should go cleanse yourself from the gene pool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have an alibi, you waste of carbon footprint. Too bad they didn't send YOU a bomb. One that worked. I noticed in your bio that it says you're a \"recovering liberal\", which is fine because we all come from different backgrounds, but you're obviously still in recovery mode and have yet to beat the disease if you truly think people like myself are your enemy. All of the things you claim to hate have one very important thing in common, but you're still under kosher control, so you fail to recognize exactly what that is. We, on the other hand, have diagnosed the disease and offer the remedy, while you'd rather spend your time complaining about the symptoms and wishing death on those of us who want to see them cured. There's a reason why Fascism and National Socialism are the most smeared ideologies by our real enemies. The reason is, they get to the core of our problems and offer an actual solution to them. I used to believe the lies surrounding both ideologies until I stopped consuming the kosher narratives about them and researched it for myself. Once you realize that the main people who have been telling you about how \"evil\" those ideologies are, are also the same ones pushing everything you hate, then you might finally wake up and see things clearly. Instead of wishing death on me, I recommend you watch the, \"The Ultimate Red Pill\", documentary to get your feet wet and hopefully change your perspective on things. http:\/\/goytalk.com\/2018\/07\/the-ultimate-red-pill-documentary Your big mouth makes you my enemy. Stop blaming Jews for your lack of friends. Dino this guy is jewish.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My Labrador bitch gave birth to three puppies today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ok, bye retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger mad good !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lets send them all!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your comments are so disjointed and retarded that I can't even tell if there's a point behind them... and I'm guessing you can't either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Decent trade for the #Yankees, a proven veteran #Ichiro for some prospects","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nazis were\/are Atheists, as is the Democrat party, mothers kill their babies w\/o feeling guilt. Christians do not kill their babies, nor Jews. Margaret Sanger, atheist, justified her Eugenics -Planned Parent by aborting negros. Nazis murdered 6 million Jews in ovens, as atheists, no conscience, no guilt when they kill, that is Anti-Christian to be sure! Lol you still believe the retarded oven meme? How about the lampshades and soap? How about the electric floors? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL That's not a Somali, that is an American nigger who has been dead for years and was a celebrity of sorts on Howard Stern","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Detroit is one of the best example how a nigger infestation is worse than getting nuked","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/user\/eldiaopina\/videos?view_as=subscriber","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I told them I was taking the picture for my girlfriend who loved what they stood for so they posed for me lol. Damn that's dirty Hey, I got what I wanted and I didn't get them attacking me. Win win. Oh come on, where's the fun it that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, retards. The white dad is the dog, and the cats are all his future children with mixed skin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JT_Cameron92 or your in the ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you don't understand the basic operations of being a Congressperson, then you shouldn't be allowed to run for office. Retard Ocasio-Cortez apparently thinks that Congressmen are mini-Presidents: https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1047198566261743616","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No you didn't faggot block this retard hes be at this for months... so sad He said he had an account hidden in the \"Groyper High Council\", lol. That doesn't exist outside a meme. I called him out, called him a faggot etc, had a back and forth. He said I could kiss my account goodbye. We all ridiculed him then blocked him. Nothing happened. Never heard from him again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah I saw that one with the nigger waifu and white cucksband.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Georgia has our friends in Atlanta Antifascists who have mostly spent the last two years doxing and harassing Alt-Right activists in Metro Atlanta including feeding info to Christopher Mathias of Huff Post","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry to hear that. The co-workers were some of the best people I ever knew, dealing with the \"patients\" however will turn you into a homicidal maniac.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.indiewire.com\/2018\/10\/megyn-kelly-fired-nbc-news-69-million-buyout-1202015231\/ What could this twat have done that was worth $69m?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What about a global massacre of men? Pussiezzz only girls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It never fails to astound me why (so called) CELEBS use Politics as a \"LOOK AT ME I'M STILL SIGNIFICANT, TOOL!\" If our president decides to get rid of all the retarded people in the U.S., Baldwin will be the first one to go, followed by Cher, Streep, Swift +++!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at these two pickle pirates... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fSDy Smuggest faggot on earth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoopi: nigger jew - jew nigger - nigger jew - jew nigger, etc., ad infinitum!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not THAT strong and single! They obviously pulled up on stupid cunt Feminazi Mode long enough for a sperm injection...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redneck please. The media and FBI and DOJ is monitoring this site for crying out loud.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Dating app for Trump supporters leaked its entire database of users on the day of its launch - TechCrunch as if any of them is far right enough for me. >wanting women with political views","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What else come on on mondays im not finna watch that trash, ive destroyed enuf brain cells.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What has this subreddit become It's like the incels have taken over. Edit: per downvotes I am beginning to assume my original comment is more true than I thought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is another Nazi Jew Hater.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's nothing like ripping off anime images from some anti-Gab retard on Twitter and repurposing them as a suggestion on how to deal with anti-Gab retards on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UPDATE: Maxine Waters Says She's Not Scared' Following Suspicious Package' https:\/\/www.hannity.com\/media-room\/update-maxine-waters-says-shes-not-scared-following-suspicious-package\/#.W9J6Z734RFY.twitter what is that anyway, even cnn wasn't stupid enough to be afraid of it. looks like a dildo and a steelwool pad taped to a vibrator timer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm impressed you can type and suck Jack's dick at the same time. Are you a naturally talented faggot ... or did you practice?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shit like this get's the blood pumping.. So infuriating to see those entitled, self-righteous, millennial logs of feces disrespecting elderly Americans, even terrorizing them. And the faggot Portland PD wants to prosecute them? #Liberals_Are_Fucking_Evil .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" What's black and white and red in the middle? A zebra with a gaping hole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perhaps if they just learned to leave other people alone and maybe respect the rights of others to speak freely, without having their posts spammed with off-topic and retarded da gasss da ovennssss da holohoaxesss bullshit.......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pretty big words for a trumptard, did you copy and paste or type them from a coloring book letter for letter? The only tards on here are you dopey, delusional D-Baggers. What's wrong, the booming economy not good enough for you? Or, more likely, you're just a faggot with cats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ This must be a joke, even the retarded shill Anglin cant believe this is worth of the word plan........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OBAMA THAT FUCKIN JUMPED UP PORCH MONKEY JUNGLE BUNNY SPEAR CHUCKER YARD APE JUMPED UP NIGGER WAS NOTHING BUT A COUNTRY HATER..DO NOT VOTE FOR HIS HOLDOVER BUDDIES..THEY WILL CONTINUE THEIR LEADERS AGENDA!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"in what world\" yes, I what world does this happen? You know what I find crazy, living in a world where women hate men just for acting like men, where women assault men for no other reason than \"they have a penis\", where women will take a man to court and can claim rape for consensual sex she regretted later and even after been proven wrong (hopefully) she still has hundreds of supporters, living in a world where women hate how men spread there legs SO MUCH that some of them will physically attack the man doing it, even going as far as to pour bleach on their crotches Edit: disregard the specific account of assault about the bleach thing because it's unclear whether it's true or not so I'm just going to treat it like it's not, we all happy, good > even going as far as to pour bleach on their crotches You gotta stop falling for fake news :( The fact that it's even believable still says something though, even if it is fake (which I haven't really seen any evidence of other than one article) and there's still all the other shit > The fact that it's even believable still says something though, Its really not though We could go on but you have nothing to bring to the table, please kindly fuck off sir\/madam > We could go on but you have nothing to bring to the table, please kindly fuck off sir\/madam This is the equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and yelling \"LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU!\". LALALA CANT HEAR YOU LALALALALA CANT HEAR YOU!!! Everyone knows the best way to prove a point is to be a hypocrite, and to you I say the same, please kindly fuck off, sir\/madam real original sir\/madam. please take your sexist dumbass and kindly fuck off. Sexist? Lmao, alright, I'm gonna leave, you keep being in denial What am I in denial about? I have made no statements or opinions, other than you being a sexist child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BlueCheckMark calls the #Niggers of Gender the N-Word. http:\/\/archive.is\/C6HYE Does this mean we can tweet nigger at her, or is that just \"her\" word? Also, if women are niggers, does that mean they are also kitchen monkeys and frying pan chuckers? Or Soap Opera munchers? Lipstick suckers? Garden hopping bunnies?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Quran encourages the rape of non-Muslims https:\/\/www.christiantoday.com\/article\/allah-allows-muslim-men-to-rape-infidel-women-to-humiliate-them-female-islamic-scholar-says\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shy girls >>","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Giving gay learning material to children at school is an act of cowardice! If you want to take it up the ass, do so yourself! Faggot Fuck you, damn it!* #HOLY SHIT, BASED! ** Note, I personally have no issue with homos doing whatever they want to do, but I am totally against the creeps that work in gov't schools teaching on the subject. After seeing this video, I can understand why many in the gay community in Brasil would vote for him 8 to 13 my ass. This \"gay kit was intended to be shown to kids between 3 and","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who down voted you? Cause I know the faggot you responded to can't downvote you or anyone anymore...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's the acting Attorney General of the United States. He serves at the pleasure of the President. Not at the pleasure of a bunch of leaking cunts like these embarrassments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BaconParadox for two year old Oreos?-_-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Happened to me right after columbine, a girl didn't like me, I had blue hair and was an awkward tween. She told the theatre group I was in that I was planning to shoot everyone. Thank god my friend who was a basic white girl who was there witnessed the entire thing and testified I did nothing wrong. Nor said anything of that nature. I was cleared of any and all wrong doing, resigned and never fucking went back. Absolute cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> In these situations, I usually Google around for solutions. If the game is popular or a couple of years old, there have invariably been people trying to get out of the same tricky spot. The other invariable part is that one person, and often many, will reply to the asker, \"Just get good!!! Git gud!!! Fucking bullshit If you ask retarded questions you might get some comments like that, but 9 times out of 10 people are helpful if you ask nicely Git gud is only thrown around when people like you bitch and whine about game difficulty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i find it funny when fags write \"looking for bf\" on a grindr ap. LOL thats a fucking ap dumbass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The German knocking the Nigger out brought tears to me eyes! Are the true Aryans returning????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please, that was a far cry from hitting. I hate that faggot just as much as the next guy, but let's not stoop down to their level. He misbehaved when his time was up so he was kicked out. That's a good enough of a reason, we don't need to involve the whole 'violence on a woman' thing to justify why he was booted,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"learn to read retard. Well if getting vaccinated makes me retarded then eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" WHITE VOTES MATTER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since most Americans are out-of-shape, weak, and can't fight. Fighting weight is now determined by caliber size. Gun sissies and their stupid advocacy groups. Posturing with a huge gun shows all your weakness in all other aspects of manliness. Are you a self appointed Section Police? Nope - I just like to share ridiculous posts like yours when i see them Keep sharing. I want more people to see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama was both unqualified for the job and a hater of the USA. Yet America elected him for not being white. Media-driven pc racism nearly destroyed law and order in USA. I stand corrected","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just saw a man have a actual conversation with his bird haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I screwed my entire life up. I had fans that loved me, but I chose to backstab them and go after #Trump. I thought the left would embrace me. Now I'm stuck on #NBC (Hell) apologizing for things that nobody should have to apologize for. Help!\" -Megyn Kelly https:\/\/youtu.be\/OXCzo4wL_0s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sony stop being retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're dense as fuck. He's literally telling you what he's arguing, and he is right he is arguing that. You're just so retarded that you somehow can't see it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find you stupid, nigger and jew-loving Christians boring as all fucking get-out, so excuse me if I don't treat you as an individual. Christ was the Savior. He didn't speak in subtext. Repent and fight the jews or die. I find it interesting how it is the females who attract the ire of the Jewtarded antiNazi Brigade so often. Yes tell us how it actually belongs to a retarded Zionist Church, or something else if that's what it is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I did not know Newt's wife was U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Callista_Gingrich Assumed office December 22, 2017 - One day after EO 12\/21 https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/presidential-actions\/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption\/ #QAnon Please tell us how you really feal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, I just got out of jail after being sentenced to only 5 days, and let me tell you, my punishment did NOT end there EDIT: for anyone wondering how my punishment is continuing, simply read the replies to this comment, acting like I'm a fucking child molester or something. I started doing heroin in hopes that I die of an overdose because I'm too much of a Bitch to kill my self, I don't need Reddit telling me what I've accepted as a fact, that I deserve death. Not that any of you give a fuck, because it seems you all just want to relentlessly talk shit about someone that you've never met in real life, but I've been clean 8 days as of today, not my longest period of sobriety but certainly the longest I've put together cold turkey without the assistance of rehab or detox clinics. But after this super inspiring, intelligent and friendly discussion with you all, all I want to do is drink and do drugs until I don't wake back up. (In my own home, where I can't hurt anyone but myself, since I guess I need to point that out.) Quit being a whiny bitch. Being a pussy talking about suicide and then telling someone to quit living. That's so retarded you must be back on the shit. Get to rehab loser. Well seeing as how this other cunt didn't serve a single day behind bars... : >The lawyer also drew a comparison with notorious wellness blogger Belle Gibson, who was fined $410,000 in 2017, but not jailed for raising money by faking cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't play flappy bird. It makes me angry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember my first girlfriend sending me this picture to \"help me understand\" and I actually believed her. So retarded looking back years later, just a bunch of fucking lies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"However I'm inclined to think a Trump win was the best for both sides because if those rapefugees would have acted here the way they act in Paris and Germany, I'm positive that the American people would have stood up and started killing these rapefugees and cunt hiLIARy supporters in the street. Something that I would have participated in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Hollywood @warwulf PRO Refused to see the first one because of the filth. The second one sounds SH*TTIER than the first one. Thanks for the info. I feel vindicated for boycotting that crap. I'm one for a good laugh and the first one was really decent. Full of sexual innuendos, vulgarity notwithstanding, it WAS a good movie. Now that it was such a popular success. the kikes just HAD to degrade it even more. It even has a plot similar to \"The Terminator\" as Josh Brolins character comes back in time to kill a fat kid who killed his family in the future. Going to try to get my $ @warwulf Let me know if you manage to get a refund from Jeff BOZO... I'll be amazed if you do. @mikesmom37 - Yes. Similarly, I was amazed when Andrew Torba refunded me the admission cost to gab. Interestingly, it was my vociferous complaints about david that convinced him to be so generous. He acknowledged I should never have to be exposed to filth like his. So you should try to get a refund too. @mark_luke What...what are you talking about?? @mikesmom37 - Since Mr Guini said he was going to try to get a refund from amazon, and then you replied with pessimism, I posted my story about having gotten a refund from gab by its owner A.Torba.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CheyenneWright_: @villasenor_30 it means you're a faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beau went Full Retard delicious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> What makes you hate women so much. Gee I haven't heard this narrative a thousand times, please cite that source NPC. > I've been in MGTOW for a few months now No you haven't. > I've had one major problem with most of the members, they seem like pessimists. Like they were in just one bad relationship, and now they hate all women. But doesn't everyo I assume you're referring to my \"I love life\" posts? > Like they were in just one bad relationship, and now they hate all women. Please cite all the posts you made yelling at feminists and TwoXChromosomes posts yelling at them because of their sexual failures and the incel culture in feminism? > But doesn't everyone get into a bad relationship at some point? I've never been in abad nor failed one, all my relationships end mutually or via ghost protocols. I'm fine, thanks for asking. But then, i don't enter relationships like a retard. Sorry divorced guys, no offense meant, I just made different life choices. > I'd just like to understand your feelings on women and how your failed relationships impacted your thoughts. I've never had a bad one, because I keep them right where feminism tells me to keep them, as a casual series of holes to play with, and some emotions to play with, and some fun to play with. You know how you get that new relationship fun? Kind of like when you buy a new car and you wash it twice a week or more? Then you stop doing that one day? It's a lot like that. Except you end the relationship before you stop washing the new car.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This. Not the best career move. #GenWhatevers \"no job\" \"no insurance\" ... no brains Take up welding ,you WILL find a job ,fast .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bringing up GamerGate without any need as a way to virtue signal. For example: Talking about how \"racist misognists\" ruined gaming and talking about Gamergate = Not really gamedroping. It's wrong and retarded but it makes some sense. Talking about how Fans are upset with Star Wars or something and dragging Gamergate as an example = Gamedropping","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gor'blimey the fookin frogs are at it again innit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retard Ya Fauxy, no need to be afraid of those dumbass SJW white privilege bitches. The rural country gal college educated well armed independent white women take their Mob busting 2A privilege very seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"muslim NIGGER WOMEN BEATING FUCKING DISEASED HOOD RAT VERMIN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatrd for you women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Certainly looks retarded and did some really retarded mailings, more likely he's just crazy or a plant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"egg nog taste like what bird doodoo look like","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Gardy goes yardy again! He leads off the game with a HR for the second straight night, and it's 1-0 #Yankees!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got my eyes on this red bone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are many men who don't get it either. The internet is chock full of complaints from men trying to meet women who whine and mope that they're always striking out. Then you find out that they're overweight couch potatoes with crap jobs and no social skills. If they'd get to the gym, work on improving themselves and their prospects, then they'd start to get some attention from the ladies. Same thing is true for women. A frumpy overweight bitchy woman isn't going to have anyone interested in her. You should only improve for you. Doing it for a whisp of attention from disloyal women is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I m very sad about this fucking situation with all this muslims","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a reminder that The New York Times hired this vile, racist POS even after reviewing her hate-filled social media posts...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I doubt that this writer have much knowledge of some the anime brought up in this article. >The long-running series Mobile Suit Gundam, known for constantly reinventing itself since the late 1970s, almost always features an antagonistic sovereign state based on a jingoistic, WWII-era Germany. Sure Zeon and its follow ups are inspired by WWII-era Germany but otherwise most series lacks such states. You could maybe make case of SEED's ZAFT being such a case due to taking heavy inspiration from MSG Zeon but it also have some differences that make such claims harder to make. Gundam X's Space Revolutionary Army could be stretched to maybe fit due to again taking inspiration from Zeon but the series don't really focus much time on that faction so it's hard to know. I don't think you find such state in G, Wing, Turn A or 00, maybe cases could be made for AGE, Reconguista in G or Iron-Blooded Orphans I haven't completed them so I don't know but even if so that still plenty of series that lack such states which makes saying \"almost always\" a bit much. >Legend of the Galactic Heroes, a Japanese novel series adapted into multiple anime shows, also contains a similar government called the Galactic Empire. I wouldn't say the Galactic Empire is primarily inspired by a WWII-era Germany but rather 19 century Prussia or the German Empire with the focus on how important nobility is to advance in the ranks of the Galactic Empire. >Hetalia: Axis Powers portrays a group of anthropomorphized countries with a sympathetic, long-suffering Germany as the main character. I think saying Germany is the main character is kinda disingenuous, saying that Germany is a main character is totally fine but the only one that really can qualify as the main character is Italy. FMA:B not even going to break this one down, the author is just a retard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wonder what his white faggot whore thinks when he trashes him on world wide news media.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... How white people should be responding to nigger incursions...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We can't hump these nasty bitches any more bc the dirty filthy Dem-Commies will let girls come back yrs later and make fraudulent claims against us. Even though the girl in ur photo is dressed to get fucked? You can tell bc she went thru the Trouble of cutting off her shorts and pulling them up in to her Ass and Cunt Crack. \"Be responsible. Dress Responsibility\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girl pulls pre-Viking era sword from lake... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/zcgy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.escapistmagazine.com\/news\/view\/120225-Missouri-Man-Pleads-Guilty-To-Possession-of-Cartoon-Child-Porn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am sure there is a subreddit for cmplicated memes like this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't care, I just hope the cunts get mown down. Fucking transgender, gender fluid cunts. Hope they all get fucked in a mental asylum and left there with no food or water and just die. Would be the best case for the rest of humanity. It's actually people who don't have the intelligence to tell whether they are male or female. Fuck them. Kids have a gender, they were born with it. Well chromosomes define your gender, don't even think about going down the 'that defines your sex' route. It is total nonsense and you will sound like a moron. They are like that simply because they are idiots who haven't the faintest idea what real life is like. You are aware these are very, very rare and don't relate to these idiots that say they are born in the wrong body? They are genetic mutations. Also you haven't read some of that correctly as you keep trying to say you can have xy and be a woman... This is incorrect. Xy is only ever going to be male. I also did answer your questions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eagles fuck around and lose it'll be kill the cracker at the Sophi crib smfh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The journey is almost as important as the destination. Nazis dindu nuffin. #hitler You wish. Sorry Skippy. 100 per cent heterosexual and staying that way. Your previous post says otherwise. Skippy. Keep wishing Skippy. It ain't gonna change anything. Not wishing. Skippy. You're the one posting faggot bullshit, do it's obviously you that has the fantasy. Skippy. You mad Skippy? No. Are you? Skippy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever women look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dunno. I mean I'm Celt and Danish, born\/live in Canada and speak English and French. I'm not even sure what language I should be speaking now. I'm just all around offensive. I ain't no Jute tho, you stay off my island ya north-german :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to k1ll all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL. A California faggot who has never seen a Glock pretends to be a lawyer on Gab on a mission to sue them. Keep running your cocksucker, it's raining here today, and I'm bored.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that women like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ChingonAbe: @staycoolwheels: @mjs79 well he is at Genos. So he is the ultimate faggot @elmaestro1 got to show this queer how to eat ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently people should be forced to be attracted to people they're not attracted to. What's next? People shouldn't be allowed to discriminate based on gender?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The early bird gets the worm But the second mouse gets the cheese","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Don't send her to jail - she's mentally retarded. I fucked her anyway though.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Goyim know why Jews fear Shariah law. Shariah condemns and HANGS homosexuals. Like they do in Iran to faggot Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They come out Charlie Sheen... They come out coupe machine @wontgetme_22","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\/r\/iamverysmart \/r\/braincels uhhh, i dont see the connection woah my eyes have been opened thanks for the explaination","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" .\"this is my job. I have to call this stuff out. I have to hold these companies accountable\" . http:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/38468-New-Scandal-What-Exactly-Is-Apple-s-Chargegate-Video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"good luck with that! your white kids are nigger crazy and hare their own race!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@badshah200 Ur pal @STLAbuBadu threat2 \"apostate kufar\">\"I cld cut ur neck w\/sword of islam andwatch u squeal like a bitch like Daniel Pearl\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@iowahawkblog @jjauthor to ---->@DavidMasciotra get past boot camp, and go active a few years, see what we REALLY do daily you liberal pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why would you want to hurt a little doggo? are you a nigger or something? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's obvious that disabled people are the very opposite of stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus fucking christ what the fuck is wrong with her This is passably sane... Did you miss the crazy hoe who baked bread with her yeast infection and got pissed off when people told her it was downright nasty? [Baking and eating #cuntsourdough](https:\/\/archive.is\/hP4mP)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's funny, the stupid cunt calls me a moron! How cute. Angela Bryant, still using that prodigy.net email account? You obviously were not popular because of your intellect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanye aka \"Ye\" rewrites the 13th Amendment https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6225103\/Kanye-West-calls-13th-Amendment-slavery-disguise.html hotep kanye :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's normal to be pissed off by that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dear God, forgive us for a moral slope of values. Shacking is just a pretty word for perpetual fornication. Let's... http:\/\/t.co\/h0URrTNDfZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Jew and a gay Nigger login to twitter with tons of lube and dildos... muhfuggin deray salivates for cuck jack I made a pic of the Nigger sucking jacks dick. Not on this phone though I'll find it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JBilinovich: You may be redneck if you put steak seasoning on popcorn @weidie1211","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barry's (whitey) brownshirts run wild in Oakland. Following the lead of N.W.A., punks chant F the police. http:\/\/t.co\/9nBUrmTJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dude is in London. London has one of the largest Government surveillance systems in the world. Only in American can a traitor walk free and talk shit about America https:\/\/twitter.com\/foxandfriends\/status\/1047093847644196865?s=19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex Jones is a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My family recently went to a party, and I met this new girl and started talking to her, and then we continued our convo outside with just the two of us. Later on, I told my mom about that girl I had met, my mom was so mad at me that I chose to be alone with that girl. Apparently, she had gone to juvie for beating the shit out of her classmate, and was a compulsive liar. Anything could have happened outside, and looking back, I realize how retarded I was for choosing to be alone with a girl I had for the first time. Stay safe men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So niggers really believe Phelps just smokin on a regular huh? Tell me now and I'll log off for the night","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Talking to them is pointless. Anything slightly less than blind pussy worship gets their clit in a twist. Is that why in islam they remove clit? So why are isolated tribes like the sentinalese not suffering from inbreeding. thats bad. but i think thats an arabic thing. not islamic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter is for fags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mexicans came from Spain???? Actually Mexicans are a mixture of the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayan etc. tribes native to Mexico, and the conquering Conquistadors from Spain. Hybrids. Some probably were willing, but most probably not, so, yes, rape babies. 'Rape babies'? Just answering another poster.I doubt most of the native women willingly had sex with their conquerors, so yes, rape babies. You mean the conquerors who severely outnumbered the Spanish???? The conquerors were the Spanish. The Spanish were the ones with all the guns, plus they brought all their diseases and decimated the native population. You mean the blunderbusses that took forever to load? That required ammo that could not be manufactured in the Americas? \"they brought all their diseases and decimated the native population.\" Ding ding ding! That is PRECISELY what killed 95% of the Natives. No doubt the primitive medical technology of the time knew this would happen, right? I doubt that the natives even knew what \"disease\" was, just knew it was killing eveyone. Ah, the racist admits the Natives were stupid. I didn't say the natives were stupid. They had no knowledge of how diseases were spread. STILL don't look at AFRICA .. relatives stealing body's of people who died of Ebola ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's your sign...Full Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a white nationalist man, I don't know what you expected. Most white nationalists would just have called you a nigger and been done with it, but I gave you many thoughtful responses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People are too stupid to figure out what makes them sick in our day and age! @JMtz603 Fuck that nigger demon Yahweh. Craw back up it's anus. Your source of origin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if your a nigger or pedo worshipper in Aus you get the culturally sensitive version of the pathetic Law, eg oh it,s a mental issue ,or they come from a war torn place, or oppressed background , who fkn cares they are supposedly told all the does and don'ts when they get there , but softcock Judges keep letting the off,the World will start calling it Sweden no2 soon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I understand you're a faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"mentally retarded liberals are brain dead animals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GM....don't be the bird that didn't get the worm today #GoStampsGo84","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical faggot behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bette is kicked off the plantation. Wait until Candace Owens gets a hold of this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Use the words feral dirty Muslim retarded scum works well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"niggered.. go talk to oprah the ugly nigger that built a school in apefrica for NIGGERS ONLY. niggers go home. your skoo is waiting for you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump supporters \"prepared to forgive all of his sins,\" says former Boston Globe editor https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/H8c_ https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7rzG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Libs going to teach lions to be vegans Liberal\/feminist\/vegan women the most batshit insane, delusional, and can't deal with reality people on the planet. Lions are not snuggle toys they're called the Kings of The Jungle for a reason. Look at how easy this male lion drags a grown man like a rag doll. https:\/\/news.sky.com\/video\/man-mauled-by-lion-in-south-africa-11355501 @OccamsEpilady @lovelymiss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kitten_nugget69 stfu dyke looking hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GOOD RIDDONS TO A TROUBLEMAKER http:\/\/theunhivedmind.com\/news\/2018\/10\/25\/megyn-kelly-out-pc-debate-on-blackface-costume-reportedly-costs-top-anchor-her-job-liberal-trouble-maker\/ #Kelly #FoxNews #Msm #MainstreamMedia #Debate #Pc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sentencing Delayed For Brave White Teenager Who Defended His Racial Kin Against Black Savages At Charlottesville. @Cantwell and others. DO NOT forget our\/guys\/ left behind!!! It's important!!! http:\/\/www.nbc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't have Hunter Wallace on the pogrom anymore. He's such a downer and just keeps saying the exact same thing over and over and over again. And he's a complete retard if he thinks it would be in any way better to just let the Marxists take over. When leftists take power it's always going to be worse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"segment finally did it. NEVER again watching #teabagger propaganda in the morning on #msnbc again. @bpshow on #currenttv for me #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lick my cunt NOW!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These Muslimsdisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a trans person tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A company known for notoriously buggy software, using an engine that can't even do keybindings right, decides to write their own client\/server netcode. What could possibly go wrong. > gently sodomized by a camel. I see you're progressing on your working around bans on \"cruel and unusual\" punishment, instead preferring \"mentally disturbing and unusual\" We can't advocate violence, so it had to be \"gentle\" sodomy. \"Gently but thoroughly\" - No violence, just discomfort? See, it works ***great*** if and only if you were designing your game like fucking Call of Blandness. Because in that game being within hitting distance of another character is simply death. In Fallout games however; that's not always the fucking case. The very same button was tied to the highest level of the nuclear physicist perk too, so if you are in a melee, you'll definitely blow yourself up with your own power armor cores. Smooth design. [deleted] .... I would not mind being gently sodomized by a Deathclaw.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People don't understand what this sub is about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man! All I see there are a total waste of human life. They have nothing, just a bunch of old has beens just waiting to die! I mean LOOK AT THEM!! Not a gray cell among them! I can almost see why the Muslims hate white people, THAT RIGHT THERE IS A GOOD STARTING PLACE! If I saw a muzzie taking on one of them, I wouldn't bother to interfere, I would applaud their thinking!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RamonRoblesJr: Good morning Baton Rouge. @ajohnson_a having a nip of @MBMoonshine http:\/\/t.co\/5JZH1BhWWk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lindsey graham owning retarded liberals. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/thug-life-lindsey-graham-goes-viral-owning-kavanaugh-protesters\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But rich is a light skin coon. So it's expected.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reaaallly wish I had more milk for Oreos. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am laughing my butt off. What a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @audizzle: Quote of last night, @GinaGaus telling me to find her a curved stick and she'll make a crossbow to shoot a bird down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisfag. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot gay - bases his personality on what kind of genitals he likes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's official. Youtube now auto-deletes comments containing \"slurs\". I tried making a comment using the word \"nigger\", refreshed the page and it was gone. Then I tried ni99er, and it was there. I use the term NigRoid or GrossNigGross! Works like a champ and gets the point across! Nigger AI will NEVER WIN! I wonder if niggger works...I'll try next time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This video had it all!! This is the best PPD vid I've ever seen. Hope it makes it to the front page! \/s You sound triggered. Did your sippy-cup run out of soy milk? Lol. Someone has been waiting to use the word triggered for a long time. And soy? Come on dude that's been dead for like 6 months now. You're trying to use a the right words and phrases to be cool but it's not really working for you. Throw me something original He used U mad! ITS A GRAND SLAM!!! I like how youre downvoting me each time lol. Seems your the one who's mad hahaha Boy oh boy, I really rustled your rainbow-colored Jimmies! Hilarious! I'm not the one down voting you soyboy. It's very sad that you are so concerned with imaginary internet points. Just when I thought you couldn't get any more sad and pathetic! Lol! Lol. It's been fun roll playing with you man. Your angsty teenager role came across really geuinely but I think you just need to modernize and bring your insults up to current times just a taaad more. Just a tad though. You're close. I would say you're like 90% believable. You managed to fire off: Soy boy. Umad. Triggered. Which have lost their luster just a little. Once you polish up on your next key phrases you'll really start nailing people! But anyways like I said. It's been fun! I'm about to head out so... Make sure you clean the dust from your PC vents. Wouldn't want your computer to overheat from you being on it all Saturday night slinging rock solid insults at strangers and agrovoting their posts down hahahaha! Take care and be safe out there on the internet! Adios Didn't read lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ChamsFace4music: Early bird catches the worm people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Susan Rice's son allegedly assaulted at pro-Kavanaugh rally https:\/\/video.foxnews.com\/v\/5847745339001\/?#sp=show-clips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Moron, everything you shared says Marx and Communism. Nazis were anti Communist. Nazis arrested Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Communists and Anarchists. Communist Russia and Communist Germany were fighting each other? no retard. Communist Bolsheviks and Nazis were enemies. German propaganda, uh recognize the Communist star, they considered Communists their enemy. Wtf are you saying? Hitler hated nothing more than Marxism \/ communism. Are you really this stupid? How do you call people ignorant and then go on to write one of the most retarded thing possible?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to miss you guys. George Soros probably threatened them because Torba called him out for his destruction of millions of lives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your Muslim lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And the award for best reply of the year goes to.. Hypothetically of course, could a gang of fed up individuals tie her up in potato sacks and place her on an empty oil tanker bound back to Saudi Arabia in a hypothetical sense? Just hypothetically sayin' for a hypothetical friend..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their racist throats. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"anybody remember that movie Thumbelina? I didn't noticed how flamin' the bird was until now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical Jewess","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that NIGGER IS A MUSLIM AND A FKING FRAUD. HE NEEDS HUNG AFTER HIS MILITARY TRIAL OF COURSE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"being up at 5am cuz your cat meowed at a nocturnal bird is the ultimate #toughbreak","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"STUPID FUCK NIGGER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not surprised look at who you are talking about. 1 is a faggot, 1 is a nigger whore, 1 is a jap, 1 is a jew whore........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HeauxmerSimpson I'm jus tryna vaca away from the niggers bro.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL. What faggot downvoted this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maxine Waters responds to mailed bombs: 'I ain't scared' . She doesn't have enough brain cells to be scared ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whose the nigger guy on the far right with the wig?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a surprise. https:\/\/freebeacon.com\/politics\/scarborough-didnt-media-ask-dianne-feinsteins-staff-leaked-ford-letter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Wtf is wrong with you? Who looks up a bunch of gay porn to harass people with? People like you are why public executions are a good idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand why people get mad at the things that he says he has A right to his opinion Just because he doesn't agree with you that does not make him a monster or evil person. It's annoying in 2018 on you to 2019 people are operating with an extremely sensitive Ignorant mindset if you don't agree with them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I lived in Georgia, I would vote against Stacey Abrams https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/22\/us\/politics\/abrams-flag-burning-georgia.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These gay peopledisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awful person who for once has done some good. As other commenter said, an over reach by the previous administration. Obama screwed up on this one, big time. > Awful person Tell me why. This thread is full of praise about the action yet hating the person that did it. Vos does not hate public schools. She does hate the way the teachers' unions have corrupted the system to enrich themselves and indoctrinate the kids with liberal bias, at the expense of really educating them. She would also return the schools from federal to state or local authority, because schools (outside of DC and the military) are not among Congress's enumerated powers. (If you believe the \"general welfare\" clause covers schools, Madison, as one of the Constitution's principal authors, addresses that possibility in Federalist # School should be federal and not state for the simple fact that every child in this country needs the same education so they may all have an equal chance when it comes to applying to colleges. If there is no federal standard, children in some states will no doubt have early advantages over children in others. Colleges in the US have lost pretty much all their usefulness and become communist indoctrination centers, and its because of the very federal intervention which deVos is now undoing. The same is starting to happen to K-12 schools, and there too it's because of federal intervention but with the NEA in the driver's seat. Also that whole blackwater thing and the student debt thing... Across the isle, Brother is apart of black water, appointed by Trump. That's it. Let's be fair here, Betsy DeVos being a cunt has absolutely nothing to do with her brother being a war criminal. > Links CNN Pffffftt. > Eric Prince is a war criminal Saying he is because he worked for a company you don't like doesn't actually make it true. Did you even watch the interview before you dismissed it? She completely screwed up Michigan's public education system As for Eric Prince, his company killed civilians and there was a massive court case, you fucking idiot. This isn't about feelings. His company targeted civilians in Iraq and committed other atrocities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its a troll by leftists to show how retarded tea party boomers are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to k1ll all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But we are not willing to stop an army of little brown people from Guatemala marching straight into this country. C-130 gunship !! Squatamalen Enchiladas with Spic sauce !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you denying the influence Jewish organizations like the ADL and SPLC have? No I'm just saying the Jooooos don't control the world So you're not going to address that, and be a dick. I'll not mention the world Jewish congress. These are all things you can look up. Come back with an argument There is nothing to address LOL oh the drama...... Lol oh the denial","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Democrats seemed to have accidentally woken up Lindsey Graham from his useless neocon slumber.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DeArionBASEDGOD Kendrick is not better than papoose or drake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apologies to my Gab friends. My vulgarity blood spilleth over. Fuck you Murkowski. You fucking bitchtwat cunt piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FaZeDedo: To the rejects who constantly call my house and are threatening to rape my mom, karma's a bitch. Rot in hell, faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uOBPYEz8B-Yandt=42s Tommy Robinson Is Deceiving You A common theme with the islamonazis hiding as nazis is anyone who is leading the charge back against islam is controlled by the Jews. This obviously is of concern for islamonazis!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's a CNN? Communist Nigger News?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump he looks like reg. Memphis,tn. trash! we got them everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing compares to you It's where she belongs,sad to say.. A wasted talent A wasted woman..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can that faggot be gay and non-binary, and why hasn't he thrown himself off a rooftop for thinking he has WMD's that he doesn't have? Thank God statistics show he will, eventually, do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt should be happy her father didn't toss her off a cliff in favor of a son.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There was a time that Indians (the American variety) were considered savage. Now it's a badge of honor? stone age Amerinjuns had a certain something that impressed. These were some tough people. So were the pioneers but the Injuns were even tougher because much less technology. I was just pointing out how times have changed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't have a Vasectomy. I've always thought dudes that did that because it's supposedly easier on the guy than having the woman get her tubes tied were faggot pussies. If a man and woman have like six kids and she doesn't want to have anymore than she can sterilize herself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol I had no idea they got a trolley. Fuck, I hate Milwaukee. I hope something comes of this They got $50M from Obama and then spent another $70M or so to put a trolley in a 2 mile loop that goes of nowhere of importance. Doesn't go to the lakefront, new basketball stadium, convention center. Only goes to more broken budgets to the city. Man the Democrats are really good at creating shitholes fast. All that money that could be spent on police? Fuck it. Build the choo choo instead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I miss my monkey ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SOMEXlCAN: Who needs Twinkies? When you got Gansitos?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How now, gung-ho?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This music is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DavidBCohen1: Will Coakley go 0-2 in \"can't lose\" races? RT @seanspicer: wow, just wow -- @BostonGlobe : Charlie Baker for Governor htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This woman is a retard who thinks she got the nod from 0bozo the Clown when he was in. Another delusional DemocRAT. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">still liking the ZOG flag at this point Oh no, it's retarded That's what you get for being black, do that again and I'll drop ur stocks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racist Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manybitches in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoo? A new attraction in Virginia City, birds of prey. Meet this owl famous for his role in Harry Potter. http:\/\/t.co\/1NFSh5sCcR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what's murkowski's deal? is she sucking up to the eskimo vote? a true blue feminist wacko? closeted dem? This photo was taken a couple days ago. Interesting dynamic, no? ABSOLUTELY CURSED IMAGE Queue Sarah Palin next cycle. Or Joe Miller, he actually beat her in the Republican primary back in To give the dried out skank credit, she won as a write-in candidate in the general Senate election. Only she and Strom Thurmond have pulled that off. I remember well. I like him too. Palin sent a shot cross the bow directly to murkowski today on Twitter. \"I can see 2022 from my front porch . Awesome. She was probably angling for some kind of reward. Democrats either paid her more or McConnell didn't bother meeting her price. Maybe. What I don't get is her going down with the sinking dem ship, pointless and uncharacteristic. She's a classic opportunist. They can strip her of committee positions and make her next 4 years very unpleasant if they want to. Only thing I can come up with is that she's pulling a Flake and not seeking reelection","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a load of Spelled out in substance! Thank you! I saved this image for more suitable creating, substance visually. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nQ51P4St7EY Nothing like John Ward ripping apart faggot house nigger Don Lemon, a black 40 year old virgin, a fat freakish house nigger cunt feminist and a token white trash talking head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I\"m almost convinced that Cavill's way too good-looking to play Geralt. The actress they've got for Triss looks a decade older than Yen, and probably the right age, which means the actress for Yen is probably twenty years too young to play the character. But they haven't cast Triss. My bad, I wasn't paying enough attention I guess. Saw a name that started with T, didn't zoom in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"22 is kind of young for molester charges. 14 is kind of old to be molested. Unless that kid is saying he was forcibly raped, I think she should get a pass. Not a pussy pass, but a human pass that I would say to give to a man in the exact same circumstances. I don't have a 14 year old daughter. And if I did, her being a slut who fucks older men doesn't make someone else a rapist. It would make me a bad parent. >I don't have a 14 year old daughter. I have to say I'm just shocked..... > And if I did, her being a slut who fucks older men doesn't make someone else a rapist. It would make me a bad parent. Lol if you'd honestly blame your daughter for being targeted by a predator then it's probably good thing you don't now (and probably never will) have one; women don't like breeding with weak men. At least you can admit it would make you a bad parent though. Yeah any predator can fuck any teen they want. All they have to do is \"target\" them. No cooperation or willingness to participate is required on the part of the teen. Hurrr Durrr *whoosh*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"House plants are just a waste of space. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This bro is just rippin apart a bird about 10 feet from us.. #redtail #hawk http:\/\/t.co\/tjAnr2pB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These immigrants should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha that kike cunt again??? He sent me a whole heap of \"I'm so pro trump pro conservative pro Republican and anti islam\" and all that Cuckservative shit who triggered instantly at the slightest mention of \"knowing the NOSE\" #mutethemong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off, cunt. This sub is not for you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For added context, Nick Monroe is talking about how \"outside political pressure from groups like Sleeping Giants and Deplatform Hate are responsible for censoring people for wrongthink. As well as how said groups threaten and intimidate Stripe\/PayPal into getting their way...while colluding with outlets like the Huffington Post. [deleted] Neo-Nazi views should not be tolerated right? Calling for the genocide of half the population is pretty Nazi. Yep when a reporter at a magazine says something in jest you should definitely take her 100% seriously Eat shit. Free Speech sure is fun until you disagree with it huh? Free speech doesn't protect you from others' verbal disagreement, you moron. Oh of course not. It just seemed like you didn't have much of an argument to the contrary so you just told me to eat shit. Was I wrong or do you actually have something to say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ovomit is a half nigger muzzie moron criminal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just put down a pan of brownies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SOUNDS LIKE A CARPET MUNCHER TO ME . HAY CUNT TRY EATING A DICK IT MIGHT GIVE U A REAL SMILE FOR 1CE . WHAT A DOUCHEBAG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's strange she's so scared of this, since its never happened. How do I know it hasn't happened? Because it would have been the top news story on every network for weeks, and Emma would still be appearing on every daytime chat show crying about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FULL Tucker Carlson vs. Cenk Uygur of Young Turks Debate - Politicon 2018! (Audio and Video) - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QCKC1sP9P7E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His therapist is a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm in my bed like half asleep and stuff. But I really want that Oreo coffee coolatta.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#tbt when i took my likkle monkey jimmys http:\/\/t.co\/LIK3xpZ6eZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women need to know their place and realize they cannot compete with men. They're just vaginas surrounded by useless skin. you know you're dealing with a soy free destroyer of cunts when even ppd is triggered","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dunno why but this made me think that it's so freeing *not* being a xist or a y aphobe. I mean that as callings someone gay or fag. I use a hard R nigger with no hate and never in an a personal attack. However, I have no hate for others, and obviously these are used in social circles with context. I don't want to blame \"Media pushing black slang\" but if me and J are playing NHL and he pulls a sweet save or goal \"nigga that was sick. Or the worse \"nigger just robbed the puck\"...we're both white. I'm rambling but I mean that intent gives power to impact. Many nights of my freshman year of college (Southern... very *traditional*) were spent smoking blunts and playing dominoes or spades with 3 black dudes. I got called nigga for the same reason 12 year old boys call each other fag: basically any reason at all if you were friends. I'd also occasionally call it back, then they'd give me the Joe Pesci \"how am I funny\" treatment until I told them to fuck off, and we'd laugh like it was the first time we'd heard the joke. I miss those days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@michigannews13 an coaches dont put them in positions to be successful, the offensive struggles can all be put on gardner, program is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mark Teixeira finally stepping up, HR and couple of BBs #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"3\/ Your fucking faggot ancestors are the reason for all of this shit. You guys wouldn't even let us secede. Why would we let you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANTIFA dumbshit, you are no match for me, sir, you are a undereducated fuckin lyin, communist, lazy ass, nigger lovin, fuckin racist basterd, don't doubt me, fuzzy nuts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> that can be abused by literally anybody Doesn't law mean you need to prove it? Otherwise you can just say you were raped and everyone has to just believe it as someone goes to jail. This person hurt their business model - if he cannot prove they did what he says than he should be liable for the resulting slander and loss of business as determined by a court of law. I'm not for protecting or enforcing a right to be retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's Robert Francis O'Rourke. Only wetback illegals call that white boy Beto","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack, \"neo-nazi\" this is another give away code phrase of hysteria and propaganda. Just like global warming is \"racist\" everyone that isn't a tranny faggot living in Germany is a \"NAZI!!\" or \"neo-nazi\" or whatever. Surprised he hasn't gone full retard yet. NS should be defined by you for what it means to you, not others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my opinion, trans people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"taylor swift is only getting into politics cause she cant stand the \"stupid nigger kanye\", she has to do everything to exert her white power and privilege as a white privileged female, the highest of sjw classes, i hope kanye finally serves that bitch some humble pie, when the candidate she endorsed loses to the trump army","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To All of You Racist Black AntiAmericans To All of Mainstream Media To All Liberals You are all a bunch of Faggot MutherFukrs Thank You @realDonaldTrump #DealWithIt #KanyeTrump Case in point: #RACEMIXERINCHIEF Nice... Wow! I can see the haters down voted this great meme... Wow... Dimocrats? Jew haters?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @My_Fish_Died: You dammn Weed potheads are annoying af on Twitter weed and pot are the same thing faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so take that shit to court. if the cops want to arrest you, theres not a damn thing you can do about. no need to tack on resisting as well. because THAT will happen. these entitled and temperamental people today think that that front line is indeed the streets. NO. It is the courts. only foolish and tempermental idiots resist arrest. i was wrongly arrested years ago for public intox. they had the wrong guy. but because i didnt resist and the fact that i was in the right, the charges were dropped.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK U IN THE NECK U EVIL muslim NIGGER GOD IS GOING TO DESTROY THIS EVIL SERPENT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please use this: It saves me the time of looking at your profile to see if it's sarcasm or just the typical retard on the left. Thankfully sarcasm! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The right were too busy memeing and jerking off to a faggot named South Carolina senator who is so pro open borders it is physically painful because he said a few admittedly amazing things. It is fine to make compromises where they push our goals, but there is an upper limit to that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finally moved from Twitter to Gab! Ahhh i already feel the freedom!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pentagon propaganda as old as Desert Storm to get you to be ok with attacking the \"muzzies in the Middle East. People need to learn their history. What the fuck is wrong with you, you retarded simpleton It's in sharia motherfucker, infidel women are fair game for rape..furthermore jihad authorises musslims to sell drugs to the infidels, lie to infidels, grab whatever the infidels own.. It's a cult similar to MS13, the NAZIs, and drug cartels...perhaps even worse","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other Muslims are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Perfect Gift for the Jihadi on Your Shopping List http:\/\/t.co\/YbcsutdGMw http:\/\/t.co\/nNwums32b4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you pointed out several more. I guess what I'm saying is, Ubisoft panders in a somewhat superficial way that I've seen so far, unlike say Wolfenstein 2 where they put a woke black women right in your face telling off the protagonist for being a white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still want to collect my scalps, but I'm going to be patient about it. I love seeing how they're all cutting at each other's throats and I'd rather not see us waste our resources when they're doing the hard work already. I grew up into a redneck family and not a bit ashamed of it either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many of you think people on the Left are also making the same retarded excuse we do for our psychos: We don't really mean this shit, it's just what triggers the other side? All the while knowing many of them could not be more serious, because people are retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You people look retarded to everyone on here even some of the Christians have to be shaking their heads at you. You've (((decided))), a man can only be:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love the ol lad that struts through with a pint at 1:30 like, \"silly cunts.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MikeLuckas Oh, me, too! Pain meds just made my brain fuzzy and though Banjo Kazooie for a sec.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is the dumb twat ? Her ID tag says her name is \" DICK \"...I kid you not.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Heartiste 'First Trump Rally at 20 years old. 8 hours of standing and 20,000 in attendance. Bucket List Event!' (All I hear from libs is how Trump supporters are all old, cranky, racist White men. I gotta say, whenever his rallies are on, most of what I see are young people and a lot of women.) http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6bst.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) Under Scrutiny For Allegedly Violating Federal Election Law #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #KavanaughConfirmed #Winning #USA #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew http:\/\/www.oann.com\/rep-maxine-waters-d-calif-under-scrutiny-for-allegedly-violating-federal-election-law\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reagan and Lincoln tied for first,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SHE IS THE SATANIC JEWS NIGGER FOR OFFICE NOTHING MORE. MSM PUSHS HER (JEWS) AT THE BEHEST OF THE SATANIC ORDER KNOWN AS \"LIBERALS\" STEERED BY ROTHSCHILDS ORGANIZED BY SOROS IN THE WEST AND THE SAUDIS IN THE EAST ALL FINANCIERS AND ALL WITH THE POPES BLESSING IN ROME..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well faggot soy boy how about you tell them you are a worthless punk with no skills and you don't deserve to wipe their asses never mind teach them. STOP FUNDING TO ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you are that retarded please kill yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Deplorme Deplorable NPC , Turn off the TV, the media is not your friend. Just say no to CNN\/Fox fake news! Trump has ensured that his grandchildren will have high IQs. You can criticize him for that, but his genetic line will have a much greater chance of success than those with lower IQ. Lol ! Just because a few (Jewish) oligarchs tricked you with Cultural Marxism doesn't mean Jews have higher IQ. It just means you're a brainwashed idiot, that's all. Measuring IQ is easy and accurate. The facts don't care about your feelings. The open borders are so Democrats can get the vote! This country was founded as a Republic, democracy systematically eliminates the rights of the minority, defined as 49%. Chuck Schumer, an Israeli citizen , literally shut down the government for illegal immigrants! ISRAELI CITIZENS IN OUR GOVERNMENT?! #DiversityIsTelAvivStrength @Deplorme (idiot) Get this, @Deplorme, asswipe over here says I'm Jewish. That means you can NEVER call me racist again. Now we can freely discuss the real issues without racial slurs and accusations of White Supremacy, IDIOT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Baseball......... w\/ @voxpulchra for her birthday for some reason? Lol (@ Yankee Stadium) on #Yelp http:\/\/t.co\/9hIFDcZWQY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ISIS sympathisers dominate Greek refugee camp: \"If you are not Muslim I can rape you\" https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/isis-sympathisers-dominate-greek-refugee-camp-if-you-are-not-muslim-i-can-rape-you\/#.W7Rt9P8jXTw.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a lot of da white MFs on guns of gab talk good game but under pressure they choke like pussies and guns aint da final shit back when we niggas had our ancient nuwaupian civilization we was using laser guns yea we was exploring da stars when da white devils was still living in caves and they was using clubs WTF is that why you spooks are always stealing the white mans guns when u break into their homes? Come to my woods and lets see who cracks. oh btw ask you cousin (the one i shot) if he is ok. nothing makes a nigger drop snap on tools like 12 ga to the back. his buddy (get away driver) even left his black ass but i choke.., lets see 4 gun fights 2 draws two hits still kicking","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I kind of like TERFs. At least they're a lot closer to reality than the insane tranny people. Its really uncomfortable being a gender critical woman around radfems because not all of us hate men. We just hate cross dressing men trying to erase the meaning of the word woman, or be female only spaces just because they \"feel like women\". What the hell does that mean anyway? Like, I'm not a uterus haver or vagina person or whatever, I'm a woman. I can be the dykiest dyke that ever ate rug, and I'm still a woman. Masculine hobbies, looks, interests? Yup, still a woman. There is nothing remotely female about a penis. I want straight and gay guys to be able to like feminine things without being told they must actually be women because god damn every time ive met a trans person its like they just didn't enjoy tradionally gendered activities or just preferred doing things the other gender did more. Its okay not to conform to gender stereotypes, I just dont want a guy in my women's gym just cause he 'identifies' as a woman. That's not how this works.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YESSS IT PISSES ME OFF TO NO END HOW THE FREAKAZOIDS FAGGOTS AND DYKES ARE BEING ALLOWED TO TERRORIZE AND ABUSE CHRISTIANS..THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP ! The uk did it right American judges must stop their insane faggotry push !!! https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/gay-cake-was-humiliating-but-not-discrimination-rules-britain-supreme-court\/ Yrs ago...i didnt care...i used to have faggot friends... But when they declared war on Christianity...all bets were off... I asked my now ex friends where they stood on the war... My reply to them...WE ARE NOW ENEMIES IN THIS WAR !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What republican women in ny that commie cunt governor told yall gtfo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sen. Cory Booker Admits Democrats Don't Care If Kavanaugh is Innocent https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33Mv https:\/\/redd.it\/9kz0oz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whites can't raise children out of their own kind.Child abuse.Africans are different than whites.Raising a mentally retard child should be commited to a mental institution.Maybe the hospital can help if not it's long time care so she or he doesn't hurt himself or other people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To my mind, black lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe she a lying CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ann Coulter gets to another crybaby SJW Commie Pinko Cunt !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, that's a lot of locked up energy...someone needs to take their finger out of the dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you snowflake cunt not gay sorry ,,, softcock !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awww, pussy doesn't want to reply back. You lose, faggot Nutzi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't be a lazy nigger and make a meme. Oh the hilarity! I like the way a lazy nigger calls out a lazy nigger! Gtfo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@Theo17100: http:\/\/t.co\/BYj1HOyhmG\" this scally lad would get it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We all do live in a society, you fucking retards, and I hate to believe Redditor's mockery of the idea has to do with the fact that hate our society want to change everything about. Honestly, this meme spouting bullshit starts become so unbelievably obnoxious by the time you hit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't care about a dead reporter. I care that Trump is such a faggot about the Saudis and Israel. He's continuing the same destructive path that was in place when he took office. Selling arms to sand niggers to blow each other up, then defending it by talking about job creation. The Saudis are doing Israel's dirty work and we're arming them. America and Europe are paying the price for all of this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Top Alt-Right Site Now Siding With Antifa Calls For Attacks on Pro-Life Women https:\/\/altrightexposedblog.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/05\/top-alt-right-site-now-siding-with-antifa-calls-for-attacks-on-pro-life-women\/ I have always said the \"alt-right\" is really the \"alt-kike\" I am not in the least surprise","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you all could just... disassociate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Just goes to show how these bitches have NO fucking integrity found the incel. I knew they had to go somewhere. Found the feminist knew they had to be a dumbass some where Found the illiterate, unoriginal, argumentative, unimaginative, slow witted, attention starved, pitiful, misogynist nobody.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ha! That's great. However, I must point out that they found -- after all of these years of banning it -- that wormwood is actually psychotropically inert, which is why you can now get real absinthe easily at a decently stocked liquor store. Evidently all of those poet guys were going nuts because the absinthe was distilled in containers which imparted various metal poisonings to the brew... yum! So if you're looking to strangle Chinamen these days, more effort is necessary -- you gotta go right to the source with opium. Here's Jean Cocteau, a real pipe-hittin' nigga....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Skating is for trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should never support a politician that treats disabled people like human garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PERFECT. Hey, don't jump me. I liked the meme and used it. Wasn't meant for you, just venting. MAGA2020! the english language turning to pigeon english Dumbing down America, its the lefts way to control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] I think she might have been high","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Friend or foe nicca .. State ya biz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Try this group. Have helped me in the past, and others, and have a connection to the top: Alt-Tech: Alternative Technology https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/f91ca1f5-f627-4d56-8ad6-3676d7dd8f19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think i need to watch dawn of the planet of the apes now...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey @Yankees fans is this a good score ? #lookingformore http:\/\/t.co\/HLQAl7cIGf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mpickens: One of the most important political events of the past 2 years is the draining of the swamp. It had gotten so one could barely distinguish between Republican or Democrat. But things are changing now. There is a new #AmericaFirst attitude growing everywhere! We ALL supported the IDEA of REBUILDING HERE in the USA. We all supported the idea of jobs, infrastructure and a restoration of basic public decency as #MAGA and LOCK HER UP indicated. For a minute there it seems that we might be First World White Again #NoWarInSyria #NoWarsForIsrael - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FSBPhUVuh1Aandfeature=share","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a gross cunt. Racism is for the weak minded individual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, nobody ever said it took that many brain cells to chase a basketball up and down the court... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/28\/lebron-james-wears-beto-orourke-hat-to-game-in-san-antonio\/ gaspies! someone fworgot to take thweir angwy pillz x333","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Allowing any more trans people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am so not Jew, it would be like yelling at an albino on the street, \" Hey, Nigger \", lol, you guys crack me up ! Your shear ignorance, lol , clowns, lol !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Geologists have evidence. The Bible has a lot of wacky stories that contradict what we know about the universe. Jesus is fake and gay. the so.call Jesus\/Jehovah you are calling a fake\/ gay,is the white one the so.call white ppl.said was Jesus.can't everyone read the bible and get the understanding.the words change every time you read it.and if you wants to know what he looks like read Rev.1:14- Hey Judge Gods way and our ways are different. Who am I to questions His methods Judge the Holy Spirit made Jesus real to me and the Spirit matches the Word of God the bible","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical rapefugee behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Psst. Hey faggot. Learn to read. I said earliest memes. It's ok. Be a good faggot and go hang out with the other retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well his fat ugly mug is known now mate. Lots of German lads with baseball bats around. Accidents can happen when you're a fat twat walking down a long flight of stairs ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">tfw actually a foul-mouthed retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You'd think a billionaire would have better security, unless they are talking about billions in nigger dollars, then he could afford one KFC bucket.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get that sand nigger cocker outa here she actually is and you are too. Go suck a sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pagans are subversive they care more about pretending to be Harry Potter than whites Go worship your kike The Carolyn Emerick camp of paganism, everyone. These are pagans piggybacking on the Alt-Right to promote their bullshit religion lol we do that where","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims want war! So take it to them first","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go be a nigger lover somewhere else please.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should girls and boys learn how to cook and clean in high school? What happened to her? How she turn to the dark side... Re-read that...i added to it LMFAO Hot--> libtard lol We are talking about the type of woman that you drive 100 miles to go change her flat tire for her..... And the fuckin spare \/ jack\/ and tools are ALL in her trunk.... Buys 500$ worth of worthless shit that NOBODY needs.... sets it on the shelf in the garage, and never finds that bag again for a fuckin YEAR It's common to over shop Common for a liberal maybe. Conservatives understand the meaning and discipline of saving for a rainy day.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All you need to know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gvvenivere learn how to type ya hillbilly","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iRepFrisco: Should've lost in Carolina, in Houston and tonight in St. Louis! #Lucky#Seahawks are complete trash!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why dont yo long faggot was shut the fuck up and hit me on da nose or try too see what happens wit yall","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is fucking retarded. Why would anyone do this? Do they find a guy called Chris and complain to him about their Christmas presents too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just want to punch you in the throat when you get my order wrong stupid bitch at sonic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are 800 in London along as the wee dyke running the Met has them trolling for any statements Muslim find offensive. They are building files on anyone like Shaun Bailey that speak out against the crime Muslims cause.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why Jon hates birds. http:\/\/t.co\/VwXlbmJ7fY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why the fuck is this here? Cause of your retarded title? This is clearly a post for \/r\/insanepeoplefacebook and everyone would agree with you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hermain cain should have been the first black president Obama was half white and half black. Never understood this \"Oh, he's black thing. So he was 50% Nazi. Good to know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do my retarded best! Tanks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Weak cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Judge denies Keith Ellison's petition to keep divorce file sealed, redact 'sensitive' information. Their divorce file is expected to be unsealed Wednesday, http:\/\/www.startribune.com\/ellison-petitions-to-keep-divorce-file-sealed-arguing-for-chance-to-redact-sensitive-information\/497683951\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't mind that Twinkies are gonna be gone, very concerned about the rest of hostesses product line","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought she was albino tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is absolute madness. I mean, tbh I already quit the game over their absolutely retarded auto-bans for \"abusive chat\" (which got people banned for just writing any word that even contained a possible slur, regardless of context), but still, I left a negative review on Steam now and won't be returning to the game, that's for sure. If you own the game on Steam, do the same, make it red, show them what we think of that bullshit! Teammate accidentally steps in line of fire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheEagleFazi: Almost 83% of children in Balochistan have never been to school, followed by 80% in Sindh, 75% in KP and 60% in Punjab. # ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> the actual Mockingbird series had a focal point of the character retconned from her being a rape survivor to her falsely accuse the dude of rape while in fact she just banged him because she felt like doing so Bobbi... why would they do that to you? Why would they turn you into the worst kind of cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Turn on the magic of colored light. #longexposure #lightwriting http:\/\/t.co\/Um8LBsd6p9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuz everyone here is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How these caravans are forcing America into a defensive posture https:\/\/pendulum.online\/2018\/10\/25\/caravans-remake-america\/ These caravans can give the Right an excellent rallying point. A line of few thousand people meeting them with loaded rifles pointing southwards will make a VERY lasting impression on both sides of the border. Fear is the easiest way to impose social programming, but also the easiest to break it. I agree. This is a good way to increase our polarization between those who focus on quality and those who focus on quantity. The quality people, armed and ready, will send the Left into even more of a panic fury.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I read the synopsis. It's like \"we've elected shitty lib fags and we are going to hit an iceberg of super SJW fag and sink\" or something. But it doesn't make any sense or even address the core of the problem. We didn't elect SJW fags, we elected people controlled by Jews because the media (Jews) tells us who to vote for. It's like retard tier stuff.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is not a weird teen stage. These people have vaccine injuries \/s but for real these people are straight retarded. It definitely isn't a phase","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuntsplaining Let's be honest, they rarely explain anything. Men mansplain. Women just cuntfuse the issue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the first time an immigrant is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Complain to Ofcom about the Sky Fake News hatchet job on Tommy Robinson, where they lied about his interview - the photo below has the date - the \"journalist\" is Jason Farrell #BoycottSky https:\/\/ofcomforms.secure.force.com\/formentry\/SitesFormCSLEStandardsComplaints","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why nothing gets done. Morons like Coburn trying 2 ad a gun amendment 2 a public works bill. Push back on the #teabagger #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao remember when that nigger went from looking like that in the photo to crying, looking like a pathetic coon being arrested within 24 hours of the photo being taken? ROFL, these niggers aren't as tough as they seem. They won't even fairly fight whites. There always have to be four or five niggers ganging up on one guy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bowling alley worker brutally beaten with ball after telling group to leave... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/x6hV wth! they did more than drop a bowling ball on his head, they beat him up, tossed a chair. What kind of living is that if they behave worse than wolverine!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They weren't thinking optics were they? This looks awful. Screaming during the moment of silence for the synagogue shooting victims. Why would the left be so retarded to do this? Because they know they're going to lose. They're lashing out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is literally what you're saying: \"The only competitive advantage illegal immigrants have is that they get paid cash under the table so that the employer can avoid all the regulations and taxes that come with legally employing people. But what happens when that's illegal? Do you understand why you're stupid now? Everything you're saying only works in a theoretical economy where the government didn't create the conditions that lead to illegal hiring practices. The govt knows who's hiring truckloads of wetbacks and they rarely do anything about it. Why? Because ignoring the crime is easier than having to perpetually raid the businesses that hire illegals. Would everything be different if the laws were enforced? Yes, but that's not necessary a positive thing. As I said before, if it costs more for Dole to harvest produce, consumers will be forced to pay more for it. You can't replace a $5 an hour worker with a $15 an hour worker and still sell cabbage at $ You said Australia was a shithole, among other moronic statements. Nope. They can actually afford to travel abroad (unlike most Americans) You think it's a problem when the price of lettuce goes up. You somehow think our immigration problem can be controlled without government regulating agriculture and industry. And, you are a Trump shill. Bye moron. Spit in a cup, let's see how Jewish you are. This is like arguing with a nigger about racism and they bring up Jim Crow. Reagan hasn't been president for 30 years, bitching about his policies now accomplishes nothing. You aren't even making an argument anymore, just empty and meaningless hyperbole. Go ahead, keep ranting about Australia, the 1960s and Reagan. Until you build a time machine and can go fix this past, shut the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus twitter is a retarded thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone http:\/\/t.co\/SrN5Yc16 @chrisrock 5 minutes, pussy boy..I'll crush you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the obama nigger muslim is a filthy child rapist, that filthy muzzy pile of shit doesn't even hide it anymore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you sound really tryhard and gay, should probably get that checked out. Go cruise elsewhere. That's funny cuz I am gay, bi specifically but you can just call me a faggot \"you sound really tryhard and gay- should probably get that checked out. Go cruise elsewhere\". Yes- another twttr-fagsbk scout has pranced onto gab to grace us with his\/her queer presence. \"Here's that fag talk we talked about\". @TrevorGoodchild @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @A_I_P @WADL @JonKragen @lostpassword @BardParker The worst kind of faggots are the ones who say they are \"bi\" @blazinherb @Screw-z-jews - No woman with one shred of dignity and self-respect would ever allow a \"bi\"-fag's junk into her bedroom. If he hasn't revealed his perversion to her- then he's got to be shot immediately- preferably by her father.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fancy coffee shops can all go fuck themselves. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just st4b those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tim Pool, Sargon, and Stefan Molyneux. Tim gives honest news, Sargon is a wonderful asshole, and Stefan cites and explains his positions well. Oh, Rageaholic is fun, if completely biased. I enjoy his rants. Do you also believe that if black people get married, then all the race related issues get solved in America? Isn't that what Sargon tried to convince Destiny of? Have you seen the debate between Destiny and Sargon? Tell me what part Destiny said that was \"retarded\"? https:\/\/youtu.be\/lt_JMlGVUcU Are you white knighting the poor innocent girl who infringed on his copyright?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up and bend over cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the douche kagan. and the dyke member of La Reza.... sotomeyer.. 0dumbos communist plants. I don't recall one outspoken voice from the right when these 2 marxists were nominated. let alone doxxing and death threats to senators,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger Suck my dick faggot kike wannabe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The good Kennedys got whacked, while the retarded Kennedys live to ruin this country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How does it feel to be white trash and slandering and threatening an innocent African-American man? You are all neo-Nazi scum. @Flylikeaneagle @Sbutcher @Amphereal @Grubama @pen @MandyMcFlye @FEDUPCITIZEN7 @seamrog @FreeAgent355 @DenzaGrad @peremersenne @1001cutz Fuck off. Why is it ok to slander a white guy but not some filthy nigger maybe you should fucking kill yourself, you white trash?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists are all Sociopaths Pathological liars, Communists, Nazis, Fascists, Criminals, Rapists, Murderers, Pedophiles and Terrorists. lol yr retarded LOL! you're a retarded Nazi Fascist with a little Commie dick up you're ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country,\" she wrote. \"I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent.\" Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @GirlfriendNotes: reasons to be a mermaid:- no periods- no pants- perfect hair- u get to lure men into their deathalso, free clam ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tough times ahead for @a and free speech as a whole. Tough times in the West always breeds tough men. It's a cycle and it's repeating. Prepare your families. What part of FREE SPEECH do you not understand.\/ I understand more about it than you do, apparently.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing disabled people in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If anyone is inbred it's you ugly, borderline retarded jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The battered spouse pipes ip late, prolly an alt, no two people are so stupid together","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deathto all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Skank typical nigger whore.Stupid nigger still lives on the plantation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I couldn't believe that also with Gullium. Dudes a crook, a failed mayor and still came out to vote form him? People actually voted for Beto as well. No. *Liberals* voted for Beto, not people. Same people that voted for Flake....so....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another faggot playing the victim card this ladyboy is a pissant","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lost a couple of followers. Was it something I said? I do respond to criticism you know. I've wondered how many I've lost but never really cared that much to keep track. I get followed mostly because of my 'humor' post, but when it's time for an opinion I'm not holding back! Good for you, keep telling the truth!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"G-guys. Guys? I think they're applying the labor theory of value, which is fucking retarded, alongside the progressive stack, which is even more retarded. This isn't just wrong, it's fractally wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brilliant Ann Coulter wrecks Norwegian journalist: \"Mass migration will end all cultures https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/brilliant-ann-coulter-wrecks-norwegian-journalist-mass-migration-will-end-all-cultures\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a nigger wit dat fakenews...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People on this site are fucking retarded sometimes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not just in Australia, it's everywhere. Who was that twat in America who said she could not be racist because she was black? Say no more...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gosh you guys are getting less funny with each episode.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MELODICthunder: Nah, 2013 was trash RT @IshaboiBrandon: 2014 was so trash dawg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't know what he was expecting being around these cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right. He was a socialist in the terms of retardation. All socialists are socialists in the terms of retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab is getting shut down over a staged event. If people, places, things can be blamed and punished by the very people staging the events, the info war has been lost, imo... The Technocratic Info-Monopoly Beast Is Here, and you will not do business without taking their mark of hypocrisy, deception, and lies. Welcome to the beginning of the end, friends! Fuck you. I'm getting tired of the people in here that know fuck all but still insist on saying something. LMFAO I Dont make pussies sandwiches. Only real men get those. You mad? Get fucked? Lolol I get that all the time... YOU on the other hand, probably don't ever get none. It's pretty obvious. In fact, it must really hurt to be you, I can smell your brain cancer all the way over here... LOL The fact that you think I care if you have sex or not just shows how ridiculously stupid you are. You actually can't argue the points being made so you try to exaggerate some inane, unimportant topic. Such a sad and weak man you are. Women usually don't have problems with finding sex partners, just fyi. I'm sure she's fine in that department if she chooses to be. The community the shooter lived in was flooded in Somalian refugees. The neighborhood his ancestors likely built from the ground up was destroyed. If you Google \"squirrel hill refugee\" you will find the Jewish community bringing in and settling the \"refugees\". It was personal to him. 2\/As a matter of fact, if you look closely at who owns the fake news it will be easy to connect the dots at what's going on. Fact check the names and ethnicity (yes Jew is a racial group. Most reformed synagague are atheist and ethnicity is the only requirement) on this infographic. Enlarge it 3\/ That said, I wouldn't put it past the government to stage false flag attacks (we know they have in the past). But here, I don't see any evidence of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iceyy505: I HATE hoe ass people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! \/ http:\/\/t.co\/ydZYr4dVS4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes yes yes, this piece of shit is a Catholic, has a wife and 4 grown children, runs around with Farrakhan shit trying to promote Islam. he is a piece of shit. A godless half breed nigger is all one can say. Hack em and puncher Mohamed, eh, Kieth Ellison, I am sure your sons and daughters, your ex wife are very prowl of you, trying to rise to power...Your done, even if these dumb ed down fellow Minnesotan vote for your worthless godless ass,...wake up Minnesota, wake the fuk up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A well deserved shit kicking!! Stupid Muzzie trash!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@thewagnerer fags***","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#VoteRed #BuildTheWall Not really. The wall won't be built either way. No matter what either side says, they know we need immigration. Only stupid people think we don't. We don't need poverty-stricken, illiterate, uneducated, unskilled, non-English speaking, illegal, criminal breeders who come here to soak up social services meant for legal citizens. The Wall is being built. This FACT has been pointed out to you on several occasions by several Gabbers. It will be finished because we have a President who keeps his promises in spite of the lawless, moral, Democrat degenerates he has to continually battle in Congress. It will never be finished. They tell you anything to pacify your stupid shallow minds, but the reality is that without immigrants, you're American companies will move production out of the USA. Trump is economically ignorant. So are you. https:\/\/youtu.be\/uXMnAPGY1uE Obviously you aren't familiar with history or economics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"America's first Nigger Presidunce. The Rapist in Chief. Cocaine Billy of the magical Cigar. 'Better put some ice on that' Arkancide Cowboy. I could go on for a week with the piece of shit clinton.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jew are african's we call the nigger's cause the y come from nigger in Africa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shadows dont have a color retard. Nor are they actually a thing theyre just absence of light","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait a minute... Bowyer causing a yellow in a Chase race RT @Knighter01: Caution, 15 #NASCAR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we need an fbi investigation Definitely a Rapist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pffft nigger jew rape bomb , it's my new band","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just a typical woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You always been retarded? It may seem like that to a tiny dicked fuckwit, but no, it just happens when I read retarded shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those black people will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#NSFW Me? Why? Maybe read post again more slowly... @FreedomEnforcer What is your problem? Re-read my post...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Come home from work to Bridesmaids, Twinkies and a bottle of wine #bestroommateever @TheFaithAnne","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They really are retarded aren't they.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Becka @BewareOfFlatteries shame on you encouraging me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How much do you want to bet he's a nigger and she's a mudshark? In a real poly family, every member knows about everyone. Kids are raised by the group of adults who all live together. This mess looks more like a nigger buck who can't keep muh dik in his pants and a mudshark mother who can't get her priorities straight and who puts up with it rather than lose the buck. The daughter is at the bottom of the priority list, being kept in the dark and forced to live a lie by a selfish mother. I'd sue for emancipation too if I were that girl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One last thing about Elle magazine: They could have chosen any celebrity or celebrity couple for a salacious click bait story. They chose Kanye because of his pro Trump opinions and it was designed to put more pressure on his wife to leave him. Forget that they're a family of 5 and his mental health is \"in question. Compassionate people, liberals are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LiberalPhenom: Who on GZ's defense team is paying media to trash the prosecution constantly? @ThomasARoberts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"anyone remember this from the b\/fast club and for the jocks the Mc Kewan adds :op https:\/\/youtu.be\/ljIQo1OHkTI i grew up in that time period...of course i remember it. didnt buy the album due to being more into rock but i could sing the song in front of the ladies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a good start though, it's prison time and felony charges for life. Cunts like that will think twice now. No more getting away with a slap on the wrist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like #SourDonLemon... is abouts to to get squeezed. I would rather drive nails into my head than listen to Kanye West's \"music\", but his oval office press conference with President Trump and Jim Brown today was brilliant. He understands how much harm has been done to African-Americans by Democrat policies in his lifetime, he grew up in southside Chicago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because she's already an ink stain on a page in a history book. Not even a footnote. An empty chair. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/n74x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do cunt fucking slut whores keep following me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa is fake, the alt right is fake and so is the Sodomite Alex Jones. Spreely will not work out for you scum bags! Spreely is as fake as InfinitySN was and also exist for control. We the people are watching and you Alex Jones and the rest of your Communist Liberals have lost yet again you Bitch ass Dick sucker Faggot rolly pollie !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Evidently a 30 year old teacher was sending sexual texts to a 15 year old girl...Dad didn't like it very much to say the least--LOL If more parents addressed these issues this way there would likely be far fewer instances of sexual abuse by teachers. Well done Pop! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ivkRmPemT90 Seeing that vagina have his nose period was quite satisfying, at the same time I feel that it was probably not clear enough to get through the skull of said vagina. For the kids sake, I hope the vagina gets the message.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BraveConWarrior: GRAPHIC ~> 150 Christians MASSACRED By Jihadi Muslims While They Slept! Including Pastor, His Wife and Kids http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I couldn't even watch half of this video. Faggot Don Lemonjuice can't even read. This beige #NPC is just so boring and the script is so badly written I could not get through it. Yawn. Beige faggot #NPCs are so uninteresting. Yawn.. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that you think it's ok for women to be sluts in general makes you retarded and this poll is still stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Oh my gawd. YOU LIBERALS ARE FUKN STUPID And then, she doubles down on the stupid ... She must have thought the short bus was half price fare....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"911 did it for me, but I believed the bullshit right away. Many questions after that. But when I had a nephew tell me he was a RETARDED Democrat I had had enough! Then every rabbit hole had a filthy JEW attached. The inversion became extremely clear then!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckall black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well ffs, another faggot talking about twitter .... who has a twatter account and routinely posts twits! Stop fucking using thier service. Just #walkaway. Every twit you send makes them stronger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poverty is genetic, and we're denying this to our own disadvantage https:\/\/www.apnews.com\/20c455e8126b41b99a721d2c20cd5373","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where have I mentioned anywhere about killing white men? Christ, you NatSocs really like your strawmanning tactics as much as you love labelling everybody a \"Jew\". And every cunt despises your ideas already because they resulted in a World War, so good luck getting any support for your bullshit cause. What war would that've been? WW Because that's when NatSoc\/Fascism reared its ugly head. Are you so dumb you had to ask me which war your stupid ideology came to power? Christ, inbreeding really has some severe side-effects. Wow. You said that it caused a war. So I asked you which war it caused. It was the governing system of some of the participants in WW2, but it didn't cause any war? For someone who doesn't trust governments, you sure believe everything that they tell you. Lol. Uhh, no because if I believed government propaganda, I'd already be a socialist or some stupid shit like that. @TheSpeedwagonPriest You unquestioningly believe the government's official narrative about the events surrounding World War II. As an \"anarchist shouldn't you examine all the information from all sides, and make your own determination? Or will you just accept what your told? You've got a point, actually... And another one begins their adventure down the rabithole. Good luck! @TheSpeedwagonPriest You can blame GTA 4 for that. Lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a lot of da white MFs on guns of gab talk good game but under pressure they choke like pussies and guns aint da final shit back when we niggas had our ancient nuwaupian civilization we was using laser guns yea we was exploring da stars when da white devils was still living in caves and they was using clubs This fucking nigger at it again... Wishing his kind were really kangs LOL only a nigger would hold a gun like that. fucking niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow! Obama could not even fill a small pavilion in Vegas today! They had to partition it off... Sorry Barry, people can only take so many lies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he is a fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Engage Support Limited. https:\/\/suite.endole.co.uk\/insight\/company\/08000783-engage-support-limited The UK \"care\" company who pimped out a retarded white woman to the Muslim community with the backing of Manchester Courts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck Mollie Tibbets she posted on Twitter that she hates white people. She was asking for a brownie to kill her ass and I'm glad he did, nigger and beaner loving race traitors need to be killed on the spot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"its ok call IT what IT is a monkey nigger pile of shit!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brainsick cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love Cuck Norris, seen all his vids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, i love getting these moronic christians and catholics to admit this shit ... hilarious as fuck You're white, but you practise a religion which tells you to love niggers ... ok, so why ... no it doesn't niggers are not people. Ok, but why do you practise a religion which tells you Jews, sand niggers, chinks, are all one in christ, regardless of race ? Can you answer that without being retarded ? lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Yankees go away already @Frizzle18","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's how lawyers have to argue sometimes. You don't get the best cases all of the time so you have to work the angles you get... Honestly, it's all he can really do at this point probably.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Plus the cunt just sealed her fate. No one is gonna hire a woman that lacks judgment and pulls out the sexism card with the potential damage to her employer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will be speaking at the Young Black Leadership Summit in 15 minutes where I will address the investigation into the bomb packages. 8:41 am - 26 Oct 2018 #MAGA #KanyeEffect You're a pussy and a coward. Sorry you have so much hate in your heart - hint: It's why you're lonely and you never get laid. You're so sad, LOL, I can't help but to laugh at how miserable you are!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @musedbymusic: Thanks to @TonyJRodriguez I have learned way more than I ever wanted to know about birds...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#cough #cough #cough #hilaryhasTB she sucked too much sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"Muslim lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? Because Democrats need those Muzzie votes no matter how many actual Americans have to be blown up in the process.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Whites too sensitive. Nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry U dont say stupid shit on my posts! Thanks Bob :-) That doesn't sound very free speechy. I am not for free speech. Once my side wins the other side will be quiet Yea but Gab claims to be for free speech. Giving people the power to delete other people's comments would be the opposite of what their trying to do. Once you have enough of someone its easy to ignore them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pardon me, Miss Kelly, but u forgot to capitalize White and then u put a BIIIG Capital A on apefrica so u may want to go on ahead and just click that edit tab before anyone else sees what a filthy niggerlover u are now dont u fuck with me again Fuk these nigger lovers give em hell emily i got your back. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no surprise, rich sjw twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not sure whether to thank.you or damn you. Thanks to your post I got a hankering for some coonass grub. Went to town today for all the fixns I ain't got for a gumbo. I know after dinner it'll be a thank you but during all the work of making your ears will probably be burnin a bit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Savage monkey beast Because white women are better? >I don't see white women acting like a savage beast towards a mentally handicapped individual. https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/PussyPass\/comments\/2xrdkb\/mother_pimps_out_mentally_retarded_midget\/ https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/PussyPass\/comments\/7a5w30\/vermont_woman_accused_of_killing_her_disabled_son\/ Bow down to the father land for you sunshine [removed] You sound like you're still in eighth grade. K","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We were criminalised just for being queer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bernie Sanders is the real Jesus, you homeless nigger You're one of those homeless niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Demand more Iron Maiden pictures from the retarded cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd say it'd be a disabled black trans lesbian fat activist nudist, but [naked, fat, black, crippled dykes are hard to find](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=n1tFbZ5kaY8).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That quantum physics quote is perhaps even more retarded than the clown.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah there are a few people that I like using it to communicate with so i understand. But I am hoping to take their users from them. I noticed even the non whites are getting banned for shit cause they do nigger shit and get ban for it on Live all the time. FB is pissing everyone off and i wanna be there to tell people theres another alternative. Then when they get here, Theyre on our turf. No tattle tale buttons and they have to be exposed to the truth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing you can do will work. I've tried myself. I had an idiot getting married, and recommended against it subtly for a year, and up to the day of the wedding I offered to take him to Vegas, right then, at my expense, and buy him a hooker to fuck the retard out of him. No dice. He was divorced 11 months later. Once a man goes full retard they don't listen to common sense. If you really care, focus on the support aftercare, because he's living on fantasy island right now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love the fact that people can now record cunts like this and post them on social media and get exactly what they deserve, a good public shaming. That's not the first time that girl has acted like that. She had it coming. Also that Kim Kardashian low speak and vocal fry these girls use is 100% fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Bigots' are bigots for a reason. Women should stop being retarded if they don't want men to hate them. Mic drop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My best friend says I don't need to be in love right now .... he thinks its too soon to love monkey....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deathto all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The African Goshawk (Accipiter tachiro) is a species of bird of prey in the Accipitridae family. fou http:\/\/t.co\/t9xi8IWocs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't wait for that retarded asshole Justin Trudeau to get her out. That useless cuck couldn't find his own ass in the dark with both hands. Trump would let her rot too. Jews own him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Homie don't want to get knocked the fuck out. bitch i scored and im high, im not ruining it cuz you wanna be a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet you're a fag who likes sucking nigger farts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A dozen kids, so risk the life of a woman, cos your too retarded for a safer option, you dumb fuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @BobbyBudnic Oxtails and yellow rice is blasphemy boneless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" No wonder they hate the #NPCRetards MEMES look at them being herded like sheep by those Democrat house nigger overseers Vote Red Wave Baby https:\/\/youtu.be\/yCSR2t60_tQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JC2theQ: Yanks walk off win ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@megann_17 you should make me brownies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LanceTHESPOKEN Statement of the Day: Ppl who RT @ChiefsatWar are even dumber than he is. The ole birds of a feather type of deal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vice News interview with the Canadian Jihadi has the poem I translated f4 u as its sound track http:\/\/t.co\/7gebzU4Paz http:\/\/t.co\/WwL05Orih6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Drone looking at the big beautiful wall going up. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=S024otpADnQ Now, if only we could build one between Canada and the USA... And also make Mexico pay for it? No, the USA. How about we extend the Mexican wall up the Californian border, through the Cascades, and around over the top of the US?. Would that work? Unacceptable. I want the wall right across the longest shared border in the world. I say you should pay for it because Mexico could never hope to afford such a staggering project. Wall Bonds would have the wall built in no time. Paid for by Americans. And then we can build a wall to keep Canadians out. I'll pay for that too. So why not privatize the wall project if so many people want it that bad? Instead of begging the government to do something for your WELFARE. Do it yourself because the government always does things inefficiently and takes way more money than they should. I am paying for the wall myself. So is everyone else who pays taxes. President Trump spent a lifetime building under budget. You make zero sense. Stop YELLING at me with utter nonsense. Nationalism is just socialism with flags. Steal from you, give to rednecks. redneck bashing? You are classy.I thought they stole from us to give to other country's so as to line their own pockets through nefarious means. Sorry if that was a bit to deep for ya. Keep learning everything isn't 1 dimensional. lol, who says 1 dimensional but an ignorant redneck. I'm not a redneck. Well I thought using 2 dimensional was probably giving you too much credit because that comment is dumb. Surely you can come up with better... right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @charcharkuhlman: First day of spring break: ate half a pan of brownies and watched 6 episodes of Parks and Rec with @victoriakuhlman and @E ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've heard that pretty much everyone in the first game is a walking stereotype (and a bad one). This one is even more cringeworthy, everyone is portrayed as how the NPCs see them. Well, I'll ready a page for this game on Crappy Games Wiki Uncensored... My favorite thing about the first game is when the blue haired girl is holding a gun and telling the other girl that only men hurt people with guns and she immediately manages to shoot herself. It was such good comedic timing that I was convinced the entire game was satire. I think they did a great job of writing that character. Felt too real after knowing way too many woke lesbians who are psychologically abusive, but somehow still attract sweet and caring girls like the protagonist. Glad to see other people hate Chloe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/amp.miamiherald.com\/news\/nation-world\/national\/article If you want to dress up like a nigger to make fun of knuckle dragging niggers, you god damn sure should be able to, and if you are attacked, or fired because of it, you should be given compensation and those who harmed you should be jailed. This is America, not a 3rd world liberal shit hole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now She's Pocahontas For Sure!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SemiMooch and I believe we all evolved or whatnot, but I find it hard to believe that we all came from apes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Switched TV on last night, Casualty on BBC, virtually all black cast apart from 3 characters. Switched over to X Factor on ITV, virtually all black contestants, it looked more like Malcolm X Factor... Switched off TV and went to the pub","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just wondering...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lindesy Graham is a pedo or homo but its good to have some trolling against the leftie jew side. Oh yeah no I hate that Jew loving faggot but good shit posting is good shit posting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Orwells 1984 Hate Minute! Democrat NPC's. There is no difference! A Democrat\/Lefty is merely a polluted thumb drive of Jew misinformation! Jews are LIARS! BOY! WHAT AN ACCURATE STATEMENT Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the vile RACIST Jewish Supremacist main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is fitting for motorist vermin like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Awesome! I hope the suicide goes wrong, and this degenerate lowlife is left a retarded cripple, shitting themselves for the rest of their pathetic life.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a shemale like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Without the kike infestation of Germany where jews were FINANCIALLY GENOCIDING GERMANS, then \"nazism\" would never have existed. EVIL EXISTS BECAUSE JEWS COMMIT ACTS OF EVIL. Jews are currently genociding Palestinians because you know... muh \"nazism\". lol Faggot jew lover. Calling me a faggot jew lover when I probably actually agree with of your concerns about the adverse affect Jewish Liberalism has had and is having on our culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Green Arrows son now gay Arrow used to be the only masculine show on (((TV))) @Koanic @Heartiste @genophilia https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/24\/arrow-gay-character-william-son\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mace For Your Wife, Charlie Brown? #rejectedpeanutsspecials","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please keep in mind that this is Sony's doing. If Sony says no Xseed's only option is to remove the mode or not have the game on PS no i understand that, I'll get it on Steam, this makes me really not want to buy any more Sony shit though, I was already mad over Omega Lab Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The closest that that cunt ever got to talent was standing next to Sonny on stage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah, watch out, that guy has a firearm! HEY, LOOK OUT!! THAT CLEARLY MARKED FEMALE MEDIC HAS AN RPG!!! BANG!!!.... Oh, nvm lols she was carrying a Palestinian baby. OOPS!! Lay with terrorists, die with terrorists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this slut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bono wants Africa and the EU to join forces against Trump and the US and \"take over the world [BONO-MOTHERFUCKER IS A TRAITOR. HE IS THE KING OF THE MONGRELOIDS. ANY FAN OF HIS=ENEMY OF MINE] https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/bono-wants-africa-and-the-eu-to-join-forces-against-trump-and-the-us-and-take-over-the-world\/ Welp. That's more faggot fodder for the death squads.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, gay people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I told you all Trump did not make the money himself. He is an incompetent. His father was the steering hand behind ALL his \"deals.\" Even lil Don JR would admit his father is a retard in private.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a vile little cunt he is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TrueCons live their ethno-nationalism through Jews. They are trannies that way. Who the fuck do you think you are? You could be alluding to a number of things. Asking you to clarify doesn't make me a retard - but you responding like an utter dick makes you an imbecile with no manners.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not being a faggot conservative loser is obviously part of Brad's agenda, @Blueboi, you fucking little faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shesh! operation retards is on the process! so far only one target caught Operation wetback was the legit name of the plan to deport mexicans after ww Speaking of tacos; To report illegal aliens please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423) Thank you for your vigilance and your service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Speaking of tacos; To report illegal aliens please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423) Thank you for your vigilance and your service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Speaking of tacos; To report illegal aliens please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423) Thank you for your vigilance and your service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Milo is a Jewish faggot but I agree feminism hates women and is cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now that LibTURD women relate to Muzzies they, too, can go through a Muzzie Mutilation to ensure they never get any Sexual Gratification ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take a hike, kike. Promoting or engaging in self-harm are against the Threats and Terrorism section of the Community Guidelines. eat shit nigger and then drink bleach","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Devil Wears Charlie, by Revlon. #lesserfilms","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @NoChillPaz: White kids favorite activities1. Calling people \"niggers\" on Xbox2.fucking their pet3. Shooting up their school ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every cunt should have to wear one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They should at least give him a toothbrush, make the cunt scrub away the retardation that he has scrawled all over the ancient monument. If he can't even bother doing that, I would not care if he mysteriously vanished and reappeared in the black market organ trade as \"truly divided individual\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If a spic ever talks to a white person and the white person kills them, it's self defense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HaseenaBakhtali @steen020 @madraq Altyd zo geweest hoe vaak men ook zegt:dit nooit meer!LozeWoorden.PuntjeBijPaaltje vertonen z dierngedrag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RayHudson: Art thou the bird whom Man loves bestThe pious bird with t\/ scarlet breast, Our Robin;that leaves these summer winds sobbing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They should have never gave a cracker a transmitter!!!!!! @realdjTV will flip when he sees this. http:\/\/t.co\/cYCdbhbXkQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Homosexuality leads to death and extinction","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those gay people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sand nigger limo. Don't give those people your business. I never go into a convenient store owned by them. Never","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to play devil's advocate here. I remember when I was 14, people thought I was Also you have to admit she did not go out looking for it, he did. Teens lying about their age should not put adults in jail. I agree with you. Calling this rape because of the age is just wrong. He went out of his way looking for sex from a prostitute. Sure he's young, but it's not like he didn't know what he was doing, clearly he did. In, in other words, she's already committing a crime and so is the person she's seeing. Asking for his ID, would be indicating that she's a cop. She obviously didn't think he was young enough to bother with it. and#x200B; edit: > If she's in the kind of profession where it's already illegal, that just means she committed to crimes: fucking a minor, and selling sex. And somehow in that tiny brain of yours that equates that she shouldn't be punished for anything. Of all the arguments for giving this cunt a Pussy Pass, that's the most idiotic WTF is your problem? I never said anything like that. I said, it's completely out of this world unreasonable to ask for hookers to see ID to confirm age, that's like asking for ID to see if you're selling meth to an 18+ year old, get out of here. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are two options so far as I can see them 1 The targets wanted to false flag and made the bombs intentionally retarded to try and paint the alt right as stupid, but went so far over board their entire con is obvious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If someone does not realize the Truth, this is it. White men FACTUALLY have built every proper society, and Jews have always been parasitical cancer. This is a FACT. The RACIST Jews have brainwashed people of the opposite of the Truth, just like the Holohoax. Whatever the Jew accuseth, they are guilty. All wars are Jew wars and all genocides have been done by the askeNAZI JEWS. NAZI JEWS father is the devil. People are jealous of white people and the Jew has inverted this! Give me your opinion of this truth. Attacks on the Truth will be met with authority. Whoa, where did that come from? I'm willing to concede a point if it is well made. You are saying that blacks are generally retarded based on IQ, I reject that because there is no way in hell any sociologist has ever got the funding to go over and test native africans","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Block this Jew cunt https:\/\/gab.ai\/RevTim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's their version of \"shut up, nigger\". Whilst i understand the hate, the word is valid. You gotta mansplain to someone that's really cuntfused. Just tell them to stop ovary-acting and cuntplaining. And proceed to watch the world burn from the meltdown. Mansplaining is just a woman trying to cuntfuse the issue by shaming a male and shrugging off her inability to understand the situation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Baseball_Photos: A 17 year old girl once struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig back to back and was banned from baseball for it #Yankees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're coming to comment \"it's homework file not home file I know I'm just very retarded... Oh no its a retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if, tee, I had my choice of having my eye pried out of my skull with a rancid oyster shell or being in the near vicinity of a nigger cock, I would dig my eye out myself, both eyes as a gesture of my commitment... face it, would you want to suck a nigger dick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Randomercam has some pretty good vids where he uses puppets in them to take a shit all over people, it's where Jim was a bit off w\/ the puppet thing, those are his best vids on his channel. The Quartering is a 90 IQ faggot w\/ ZERO principles. used to follow him til' he got his vagina burnt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Also set a gofundme page like Blasey Ford.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gerade eben Nachricht erhalten von DHL Paket kann nicht zugestellt werden Kein Name an der Klingel. Komisch Gester ging's noch, heute kann der Fahrer nicht mal mehr lesen. War wahrscheinlich irgend ein Nigger der kein Deutsch kann. K nnte hier nur noch kotzen....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" This Hollywood cunt NEVER came out to support Bill Clinton's Accusers but has been acting like a Whore herself. Someone needs to Kill this cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see that Milano cunt whining, again, blaming men for everything and that all men must be rapists bcz some cunt made a false allegation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@danifreshh some weird local ghetto school haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this faggot had been watching too much power rangers before going out to harass women https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/7wQgbhVLM9s\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dont go away mad JUST GO AWAY RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER SHIKSA....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't talk about Homecoming until you actually do it. Otherwise, anti-NF people have a reason to mock the Party.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Veil of Isis is also a great song by The Sword.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No no no! I'm sure she cares plenty about Welfare. On the 1st of month.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking retarded shitbag. Disagreement is not trolling what the fuck is wrong with you people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol for the same reason she calls and makes death threat to people from her fuckin office phone line The woman was born retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I show do like The Jeffersons. Dat George make me wanna open up a dry cleaning stow and call all da white folk honkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Our Country is slowly Transforming into a 3rd Turd World Shithole not unlike that of Africa where Murder by Knives, Machetes, Etc. is Commonplace and Whites are always the Victims. You take said Guns away, and our Women, Children and Elderly, are nothing more than Lambs to the Slaughter...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Donna Brazile: 'Embarrassing' Kanye West 'Needs Help' | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/F_GZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mondays are the absolute worst. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why haven't you faggots taken the bi-pill yet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @rickygervais: Humans are genetically closer to chimps than chimps are to gorillas. But we are all apes. Have a great day you clever twe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded are you Trumpanzees? We. Have. Guns. Too. Damn, you cats yammer and yammer about the murder rates in the \"liberal cities,\" but never put 2 and 2 together.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These things had parents.. These things should be neutered Most likely: they both had \"parent\" - singular, which is a problem for child development. I completely agree with you. The biggest threat to humanity is the sheer number of people who reproduce despite having nothing to contribute to the collective human gene pool. Banning single mothers from having kids would be a step in the right direction. The overwhelming majority of unwed mothers tend to be women that men are happy to f@@k but wouldn't want to marry. Not only does this result in the child having an inferior mother, it results in the child having no father as daddy is off f@@king another ho. I have always said that banning single motherhood would be the single greatest advancement in child welfare of all time. If only \"good parents could reproduce, humans would be extinct mate. That's just the way the world is. We're an imperfect species. All you can do is try to do good yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SHEP SMITH GOES ON A RANT AGAINST TRUMP AND POMPEO OVER THE SUSPECTED MURDER OF A TURKISH JOURNALIST BY SAUDI ASSASSINS. TELL SHEP SMITH THE US HAS NO POLICE JURISDICTION IN TURKEY OR SAUDI ARABIA. THATS THE JOB OF THE UNITED NATIONS SMITH IS NOT A JOURNALIST. HE IS A FAGGOT WHO OPPOSES THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION NO MATTER THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or we could primary out the cucks, close the borders, deport the illegals, then cut a deal with the black caucus - reparations in exchance for MASS REVOCATION OF CITIZENSHIP for all non-African post-1965 immigrants and their descendents. Lol would you like your own personal unicorn to go along with this fantasy of yours? My scenario is best case within possibility space. The 'revolution now' scenario is a pipe dream. You've seen v for vendetta too many times. We have a far better chance of forming militias that will actually be ready to weather the storm when this multiculturalist shithole collapses then we'll ever have of getting the GOP to do right by us. But you WANT to preserve the status quo cuz just like everyone else you're vested in it. Everyone who likes running water and power is vested. Well it's good to know that being able to bitch about liberals on the internet and being able to clean out your vagina with bathwater is more important to you than the survival of the White race. You and everyone else who refuses to admit that the time to take up arms has long since passed deserve every bit of what's coming. You're dumb and you're going to get yourself and others arrested for futile and pointless gestures. And you'll applaud it cuz you're just as much of a shitlib as all the people you claim are destroying America It's sad what happened to the guys who went to Charlottesville... but predictable. Your over the top dystopian view of life in the US in 2018 explains your desperation. Crime is considerably lower today than it was in Nice leftist talking point. I can't walk down the street w\/o fear that some nigger will attack me for looking at him the wrong way and that I'll go to prison for the rest of my life when the all nigger jury convicts me of a hate crime regardless of how justifiable my use of force may have been. So tell me more about what great shape America and my liberties are in. Leftist retard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are baghead and smackhead still okay or am I gonna be aggressive lectured by this cunt on the intricacies of insults towards the addicted? Oof.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Kimball: \"I had nowhere to go\" http:\/\/t.co\/x5gyZ46koT #IndyCar #MAVTV500","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SamTrap84 in this world we don't spank the monkey the monkey spanks us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good news, these traitor ships may be shut down. \"Citizen funded ships smuggling human cargo unto the EU. Who is funding them? They should be charged with crimes. https:\/\/www.dw.com\/en\/europes-migrant-rescue-boats-face-uncertain-future\/a-45754123","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh noes! The black voters were ordered off the bus for unrelated reasons, but the Left is going to scream that this is the second coming of the Klan. http:\/\/www.fox5atlanta.com\/news\/black-voters-ordered-off-bus-georgia-county-defends-action-1 No minority group votes for a majority party. Sorry, it's not going to work. you don't want it to work!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deaf people can't see the people around them clapping? I don't see why it's an issue for deaf people at all, whereas I can see why it'd be an issue for the blind. Also how many students actually do have sensory issues? I feel like it's not enough to change anything. At what point do we say, \"That's a you problem\"? Because we can't change the world for a tiny minority of people. Loud noises exist. People talking triggers me. People being in the store when I am triggers me. Please stay in your houses from 8am to 12pm so that I can shop without being triggered. Thank you. I am oppressed unless you are woke and let me not be triggered. Ugh, retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"***NEW VIDEO*** . PUBS Closing Down in MUSLIM Areas; JAMES O'Brien Doesn't Care - LBC . https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4FKum8NT-nQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"holy shit, fuck her. there's no basic human decency anywhere to be found w\/ this cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I myself quit a job many a moon ago over my boss being a complete and utter cunt who was nowhere near suitable for the position he held. I was ramen every day poor afterwards, but it was fucking worth it in retrospect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Travis LeBlanc offers a witty and profound reading of the anti-white racial dynamics of the movie version of West Side Story https:\/\/www.counter-currents.com\/2018\/10\/were-all-jets-now-the-racial-politics-of-west-side-story\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded or a Boomer? Or both?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thats p\/c for nasty cunt !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"an aging now irrelevant skater kid from the 90s, part wigger part wannabe anarchist who never grew up. figures.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a nigger to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am bleach","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some cunt named Clinton","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly, one of my standards for women is being a virgin. The best relationship I ever had was with a kissless virgin. There's nothing like being the first. If you didn't marry her (and I'm assuming you didn't) then you are part of the problem. I had the virgin who left at 6 months for the life of partying. AWALT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well she wanted a nigger to fuck her and she's pretty fucked now","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to shoot you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a male I would fight for women rights because we all are human","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or steal it - that's the nigger way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They aren't splitting up. This is a link to register to vote. Pretty dirty. Didn't take the bait. No matter what, the Kardashians are the sickest people on the planet, even if her husband is based. That is a screenshot of their tweet, not a link. There was no bait to take. I learned from the replies what it was. No matter. We shouldn't be following these leaches anyway. I love ya, witchy Double Triple Ditto, FeFe! <333 @KetzerHexe stop following those damn Kardashians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some Muslims made fun of me today. I wanted to kill them right there. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No you aren't far right. You're a far left socialist of the National variety. Too dumb to be indoctrinated with Marxism so self indoctrinated with National Socialism instead. Most normal gays can't stand the militant LGBT movement either. You'd know that if you talked to them lol You aren't calling me an Idiot are you? I just made an observation. :^) I'm inclined to agree with you that @Titanic_Britain_Author hates White people, but one can Troll without letting their true beliefs show.... Why would I hate NatSocs and not whites in general?? Is this a serious question? Like saying why would I hate white paedophiles and not whites in general. I hate them for their ridiculous ideology as most white people do. There was a war to get rid of it remember. Fought mainly by white people. Did they hate white people too then? Bloke! You are too idiotic to waste more time on lol They aren't. A tiny minority of white people hate Jews for no reason whatsoever. I came here to promote my book which isn't about Jews and Nazis. If they want to come to me with their bullshit then they will get it back twice as hard lol Sounds like you'd go out of your way to suck kike dick faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flipping back and forth between #Yankees playoff baseball and the Trainwreck Formerly Known as the New York Jets","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All black people are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MikeTInnes: @AaronWorthing @corrcomm @Icampintense @CarolCNN @CNN So glad Charlie agrees with Carol and CNN that assaulting girls is OK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Why reposting this crap?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mental cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bring it, bitch. My gun is bigger than yours. KNOWING BLACKS KILLING BLACKS MAKES ME SMILE U CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama http:\/\/t.co\/kCRWTbCqZd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BrosConfessions: Charlie Sheen is a legend #ForTheBros http:\/\/t.co\/nbYjumIkQA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's Retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: The @EmpireStateBldg shines its lights in #Yankees pinstripes in honor of Derek Jeter. #FarewellCaptain http:\/\/t.co\/3fp2pg85MB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to like this subreddit a lot but the more I read the titles you shitheads write the more I realize there are a *lot* of fucking retards here. You're a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, gay people like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All this group is doing is dividing whites. Whites dividing whites. How very jewish. Applaud yourselves. I love how you guys think this group is filled with non-whites fighting w whites therefore I'm wrong, so you downvote me. Gab is majority white... This grp is specifically attacking a religion and then WHITE Christians comment and you attack them. There is so much white division specifically in this grp. You can say you're not attacking whites but you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TURDICUS--THE TURD NIGGER !! jumped up mulatto democrat plantation houseboy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Entitled disrespectful cunt. How hard is it to tell your last name and show some respect? So now deal with assaulting a police officer, a real felony. All that shit while you have your baby daughter with you? Shes beyond dumb. Shea down right irresponsible and negligent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh Bookie the Hookie, well yes he will lie his ass off, doing the jigaboo rapid fire nigger street talk to confuse the people, but on the committee he tries very hard to speak slower than show his true colors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll have a go...his name is nigger lover....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by black people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The poor boy probably got beaten up by whiteknights. i feel for that kid. it's not easy being surrounded by morons and then being made to be the bad guy when you finally get sick of it. Tell me if this sounds familiar: THEM: \"Random Insulting Joke\" YOU: \"Random Insulting Joke Reply\" THEM: \"What's your problem can't you take a fucking joke\"? Well to be fair that was uncalled for. You don't assault someone for stepping on your table. Tell your parents, fight with the principal for stricter control of the classrooms. Don't do shit like this because if that girl busts her head open on the floor all you're doing is making things worse for you. I really feel for the kid, but honestly, he could have handled this situation better. Though I guess by his look this isn't the first time. He definitely got into a world of shit for this though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel sorry for young guys today. Rabid screeching cunts like this are 90% of the dating pool. By comparison 90's chicks were awesome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The #mayabomber .... a notorious spic bastard, male prostitute, who primarily followed #democrats. #faketrumpsupporter #fakebombs #fakenews and now .... #fakewhitepeople . A get a load of the \"vanafesto\" he drove around. Must have been real hard for #FakeBombsInc (FBI) to catch this 56%!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great thing there is NO liberal twat to waste the water, food and $$$! Also these are typically conservatives so they will pitch in and get things running again. No hidden evil agenda. Are you watching PR?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're to retarded to be real, back under your bridge troll!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bill Shorten is in support of the LGBTIQ Pedo educational system known as Safe Schools and will implement it into our education system throughout all states and territories #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whatever. Hope that cunt gets that PPD. Accusing people of something as serious as rape should have at minimum a 10 year sentence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@DevilGrimz: @VigxRArts you're fucking gay, blacklisted hoe\" Holding out for #TehGodClan anyway http:\/\/t.co\/xUCcwoetmn","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Georgetown Professor Says that White GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing deserve miserable deaths The professor recently tweeted of GOP senators, \"We castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.\" Bitter ugly dyke is Christine Fair @CChristineFair https:\/\/www.campusreform.org\/?ID=11369","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's the sand nigger edition","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"on my way to fuck your bitch in the name of The Lord\" - Mr. Race","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MAGA---like a dick in the face to retarded liberals...yeah....just like that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mass muting everyone who posts about their affinity for agorism. You don't need my buy-in to put your head between your legs. Go be faggot lolbertarians somewhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since when do Mexicans bang fat girls? I thought niggers did that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Q is a retard psyop, you subversive asshole","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Gyogy Schwartz sponsored event Money knows no colour and especially when division is the goal The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan is real. The EU gives out a prize for this every year to the traitors that advocate for the destruction of this great Continent where we reside. Wake-up your sleeping friends and family and get active -- there is no time to waste. #GDL for life. PS - when we posted this video it got censored... you not going for tge chalmagne prize","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Statements like \"trans people are scum\" are deeply hurtful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like if you agree. If you disagree kindly go play in traffic. #GabFam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@valonfox13 not no but hell no, when blk. stop sayin nigger I will, what they can have I can have. this is america","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Especially in nigger areas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"'Universal truth' = jew-speak\" has to be the most retarded thing I've ever read on this site, and I've seen some shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd love to see this man face a firing squad - only equip the shooters with M134 Miniguns! Eric Holder Rallies Resistance Inside Trump Admin: We Support You' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/19\/eric-holder-rallies-resistance-trump-support-you\/ I'll need just 5 minutes in a locked room to take care of him. 5 minutes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have never had a trans president. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go back to \/pol\/ [removed] Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s): --- --- **[Rule 3B](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_b.29_treat_your_fellow_shitlords_excellently.): You need to treat your fellow shitlords excellently.** > Have discussions with respect to the person behind the username. It's okay to disagree, but don't get hostile or start brazenly insulting others. TiA isn't a safe space, but that doesn't give you a pass to be uncivil. --- --- If you have any questions or comments about this action, **Use this link to send us a mod mail message** [here](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInActionandsubject=About my removed submissionandmessage=I'm writing to you about the following removal: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/comments\/9lgx0c\/-\/e77cga8\/. %0D%0DMy issue is:). **Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.**","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ScottFerrall @HowardStern PHOTOS: Kate Upton cheers on the Yankees at last night's game http:\/\/t.co\/Q2SVYRHUDu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This UNCIVIL Skank Bitch just won't go away! You lost, AssWipe! We don't care what you think about ANYTHING! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hillary Clinton Slams British Tories Over Support For Hungary Prime Minister #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #Winning #USA #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew http:\/\/www.oann.com\/hillary-clinton-slams-british-tories-over-support-for-hungary-prime-minister\/ Stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like all parasites, (((Hollywood))) loves to steal then assume the identity of ancient Celtic Christians, because it was alpha male Galatians who kicked the crap out of the 'synagogue of Satan' (Revelation 2:9) throughout Europe, U.S., etc. Plus the S.O.S. hate that those who 'believeth' on Jesus Christ are the 'Chosen People' (Galatians 3:16) https:\/\/www.kingjamesbibleonline.org\/Galatians-3-16\/ The 'Hillbilly Triangle' (W. Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio) is home to the offspring of \"Over-Mountain-Men\" Celtic warriors responsible for America's win against the 'synagogue of Satan' financed British. Dick Burnett (Scottish) was from Kentucky and was the original singer of \"Constant Sorrow\". The voice from O Brother Where Art Thou is Ralph Stanley (Irish). The synagogue of Satan has turned their fury against The Hillbilly Triangle for generations and you can see the result, 3rd world-level poverty, lack of education, food, etc. Most Americans are unfamiliar with the above short history, perhaps that's why they send billions to nations that hate us, rather than to the offspring of Celtic warriors who handed us the freedoms that most Americans take for granted. If you would like to learn more about the above-mentioned history, please read http:\/\/www.KillingIreland.com and if you're in a position to help the Appalachian people, please donate to http:\/\/www.christianapp.org\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A cunt that speaks:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So let me get this straight...if a trans person gets conversion surgery, that's a good thing because their genitals should match their identity. But if someone identifies as male and needs surgery to restore their genitals to match their gender, that's a bad thing? The original commenter is probably a TERF. They don't believe in trans people. But it's already a man, I don't see how it would even be controversial among *terfs* to give a man who already had a dick another dick. What, did OP want this guy to get free SRS? If we're talking about TERF's then these people already lost by being male to begin with in the eyes of those bigots. Yet another bloody example of left wing types fucking having their own civil war instead of standing in solidarity against people who hate them both. Terfs can fuck right off. You are nothing but a negative foul mouth goof that gives a Spanish name a bad reputation. Ever hear of nothing good to say then don't say it at all, and last I looked, this is a helping site, not calling my Tiger bone wine kool-aid and that I been had which neither makes any sense and now I see more of your posts it shows you're very bias, you try to be good, but you can't help to troll on other peoples' reddit. Congrats you're entirely insane and showing that off pretty clearly. In case anyone's curious this guy tried to find buyers for a couple fake bottles of tiger bone wine, got called out on how fucked it all was and then had myself point out that said bottles were most likely fake and pretty damn obviously so. Reddit is fun.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope the trash I talk abt @CNN's poor product doesn't hurt my chances of getting hired as a legal correspondent. I was jk CNN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"my screen name existed on the net 20 years before your faggot name ever did. Look me up, you'll get my phone number, address, everything you want, cowardly inbred piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take that retarded from office She was a Write-in by the Dems..now let's do her properly in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut up faggot. I'll break you. I'll beat the nigger cum out of your cocksucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EmmaLouisaSuttl Hit the clam chowder.Thanks for the wishes and the card","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rather have this guy's finger on a trigger than a faggot trannie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lmao you cant be omnisexual and lesbian what a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Peace fags, just remember I'm best Lux support NA. Drop LustBoy pick me and Kakao up TSM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-19\/daily-beast-dear-god-hillary-clinton-please-just-go","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"174k. is starting as far as I know, and she'll be getting tons of bribes. I'm sure this retard will be just fine. She will probably do a gofundme or kickstarter to start bilking stupid people out of money as soon as possible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You misspelled Faggot McInnes**","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @politico: Republican Rick Scott has been reelected #FLGov, defeating Democrat Charlie Crist. http:\/\/t.co\/oeVMKOQH9S http:\/\/t.co\/hi56c9N ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it typical of a gay person to be that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sheer, utter, unbelievable BS, from an unfunny comedy hack. It is embelmatic of Celebrity Culture..and we're supposed to take advice from these ass-hats about who to vote for and why?! #CelebrityLivesDontMatter https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/sarah-silverman-claims-louis-c-k-masturbated-in-front-of-her-with-her-consent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GregHillWAAF New show:Thursdays with Jinxy broadcast from the moon it's made of chunky blue cheese you know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I seriously doubt this useless nigger even knows what a communist is! She just thinks it's fashionable because some rag head bitch told her so!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to end every black person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unacceptable. Time for nigger death until order is restored.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Yankees ugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have them not \"assimilate\". Hispanics intermarry at 50% with whites, and their children typically identify as white, which sullies our gene pool with African and Indian genes. Up to this point American whites have been relatively pure (to the tune of 99%), even in southern states where the negro population exceeds 20%. Why ruin a good thing? White Arabs practically run Latin America. The Faggot Haddad opposing Bolsonaro, Shakira, Carlos Slim, ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... A Fast Moving Target like a Skateboarder, would Deter a Nigger by Speeding Up the Encounter with said Nigger Demon (Less Time for Monkey Boy to make a Decision about Jacking the White Boy, and Acting Upon it).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No immigrant ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I woke up as a disabled person, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are there any black people on your course?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pencil neck faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WATCH: Excited ISIS Jihadis Getting Their Yezidi Sex Slaves On 'Distribution Day' http:\/\/t.co\/n9ExnuVhKs #ISIS #tcot #pjnet #lnyhbt #gop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Die for ZOG face down in the sand goyim scum! Die for liberal democracy and fag marriage goyim! Whenever I see conservatives I want to call them faggot lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEPORT THIS ISLAMIST CUNT BITCH WHORE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut their disabled throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Livin in a world where your fake american kenyan puppet nigger changed the rules cuz y'all thought you were gonna win forever. Not so fast asshole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good for him! That's an EDUCATED man, right there!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you ever wake up one morning and want to smile because you're happy with being just who you are. Don't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only Musl1ms like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"###We need to find her and tattoo cunt on her head to warn others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@iowahawkblog I also recommend 6pack of shiner Bock and 12 hours of brisket duty at \"the pit\" feeding oak coals ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world would be better off without immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She seems kinda white trashy so shes a good target.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know Muslims like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who don't understand statistics like this annoy me I don't see how per capita is pertinent in THIS case. It's more akin to seeing where the war is going to start. If you throw this much \"diversity\" into such a tight canister you inevitably get an explosion. In this case we're looking at a much higher likelihood of the next civil war starting there. I think this has been common sense for most of us, but this puts a pen to it and gives some perspective. During the time I lived in California it was the most deplorable several years of my life and its easy to see why - I and my family were victims of hate over and over and over and over again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I despise trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/9xvbQQbu07Q Italy Muslims will not respect your children and your 6 yr old daughters are in grave danger as gangs of Muslims want to follow Mohammad and rape a 6yr old Get Muslims out now Notice the complacent retarded looking morons and jewish mind fucked feminists are the ones saying \"it's okay that migrants fuck the economy of Italy.\" Jewish media has really done allot of damage to these morons who don't even realize the retardation they speak is actually against their own self interest as well as that of the entire nation and people. And Jews never learn","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#DEMS Tell #Midterm Candidates NOT to TALK About #DEM OPEN BORDERS AGENDA #DemonRat #DEMPlaybook = LIE TO #AMERICA or DON'T TELL REAL AGENDA to GET ELECTED > Then ENACT REAL PLAN AFTER ELECTED https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/immigration\/2018\/10\/14\/democrats-advised-not-speak-unpopular-open-borders-policies-very-difficult-win-immigration\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabFam Another Disturbed song. Sorry there was never a official video clip for this one. Disturbed - Monster https:\/\/youtu.be\/ypfG9jwxXM4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not that she was high on my favorities playlist, but I'll not buy another #TaylorSwift song anytime soon. https:\/\/www.tennessean.com\/story\/entertainment\/music\/2018\/10\/07\/taylor-swift-bredesen-blackburn-senate-vote\/1562054002\/ So it's back to anime and Rita Hayworth I guess, huh fellas? #heartbroken!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @lostpassword @JonKragen - \"I'm telling you, these faggots luxuriate in blasphemy. It really makes one wonder if Tobin is one of the Satanists. The faggot actor can blackmail the shit out of Tobin, and gets to live off Tobin's criminal racket of embezzling Archdiocesan and Vatican revenues\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy Robinson was photographed with a group of young soldiers during a chance meeting at a motorway service station. These lads have now had their phones seized and are being \"investigated\" by the British Army who buckled under pressure from muslims. I am pretty close to breaking point - this is an outrage and it is clearly being made into an issue by our enemies. Please, if you feel angry about this or simply want to show support for our troops over the spineless middle class who can wet themselves when muslims complain. Please sign here - www.StandWithOurLads.com I'm angry but I'm American so my fury doesn't count. All our Great former English Patriots are turning in their graves. King William I, Henry VIII, Edward III....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sometimes when I need cheering up, I imagine how many women will die alone and miserable because they judged their partners based on petty garbage like height. \"OH BUT JUDGING BY WEIGHT ISN'T PETTY?!\" I hear the femicunts squeal through their excessive jowls. No, it's not petty, because a normal short guy is far less likely to smother you to death under 1200 lbs of rancid lard in the middle of the night. And short guys don't tend to die of clogged arteries by the age of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retards, meaning all these commenters","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And who the f*** are you to tell us how to think? President Reagan would have had a much better presidency if he would not have had a f***ing neo-con demonic faggot as Vice President (George HW Bush). We wouldn't be in the f***ing situation we're in now if George W Bush did not want to one-up Daddy with George HW Bush not finishing the job he did with Saddam Hussein.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Karl you need to repent of all of your sins and live for Jesus,, you will be a lot happier then living for the world and satan I'm a true Christian, and you? I notice you're quoting from the book of \"I think\", I don't have that in my Bible. Here's something for you though. https:\/\/www.biblehub.com\/matthew\/7-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SCUMBAG MB ELLISON https:\/\/freebeacon.com\/politics\/ellison-im-considernig-resigning-dnc\/amp\/?__twitter_impression=true ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What does this person have against rednecks?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is obviously bad from a health perspective, as we've sacrificed quality for quantity (e.g. tomatoes taste especially bad, American butter tastes like margarine compared to Kerrygold imported from Ireland). I can't imagine the new produce is healthy, either - look at the vast majority of Americans. It's still too expensive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate when females try to sound like bird heads","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's pregnant with a mulatto....red-haired...one black eye ...one blue She's half black...a nigger in the royal woodpile","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's going to be hard to win the culture war when you're systematically exclude everyone who isn't white from your ideology. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@oVoshubham No the fuck am not bitch how bout u get out there bitch ass Nigga stupid ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sotomayor is a fat spic that probably has diabetes. breyer and ginsburg are both old as fuck and will probably have strokes soon. I predict by 2020 they all die and we have ted cruz, trey goudy, and alex jones on the supreme court.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Demon. Jesus hates you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It s like a checklist on what to do to trigger the faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to kill him. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical c r i p p l e behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a dumbass for even suggesting it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to hug a disabled person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Upvote for name dropping one of my favorite German producers and knowing something about riesling. But why would you have Riesling with a Sriracha slider? (Serious Question). I thought it was a really sweet white wine. Wouldn't a Chardonnay be better? Short answer: Sweetness and acidity brings balance to heat. Long answer: Riesling can be made into a variety of styles (bone dry to dessert) and is arguably the most versatile wine making grape. Often times when you ask a sommelier what their favorite varietal is they will answer with riesling. Riesling and spicy food is a classic pairing due to the grapes intense acidity and often times off-dry style. EDIT: Replied before I saw the poster above me already had. Bravo \/u\/alephlovedbeth Shucks, thanks!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@just_joshin7 fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IF THEY'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS, HOW HAVE THEY BEEN GETTING AWAY WITH IT!?!?!?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It aint gonna be pretty son in gonna fuckin break both yo fuckin arms and you cant take me to court cause yo ass 7foot tall it wouldnt be the first fuckin 7foot cunt five beaten up before lad step the fuck up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll bet you don't have the balls to criticize the jews or the coloreds - right, bitch? Oh, And I said NIGGER and you only said colored so who has the balls?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf is up with his shorts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Happy birthday to my pops. Old negro spiritual is 64 today lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"Entitled Gamers\" and#x200B; That's a weird phrase to have come up in this whole thing. I mean, I think the entire thing from every side stinks of being a PR stunt to raise the profile of an aging game that didn't perform to expectations and damaged the reputation of the franchise and developer. But I mean, if you've purchased and used a product, you are actually entitled to review that product and give your opinion, even if you're a dipshit, even if your opinion sucks and even if the basis for your opinion is wrong. You're especially entitled to that if the product is being changed well after you've already paid for it. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The bull dyke nominee for Georgia governor was, surprise, a campus radical that burned the Georgia flag. https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/22\/us\/politics\/abrams-flag-burning-georgia.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Amy Schumer is a retarded fat cow. These clowns will do anything for publicity https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-virtue-signaling-celebrities-demand-senators-vote-no-on-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This procedure should be illegal. When will people realize that the foreskin is there for a reason? It has a protective function on an infant (hence why its literally stuck on the glans at that age, it works as a sterile package to PREVENT infections from feces and urine to the glans, that is why you NEVER forcibly retract and just clean\/wipe like a finger) and later has a major sexual advantage for the man and his partner? Removing it is thus HARMFUL to a child. If an adult wants to skin their dick, they are free to do so. But doing it to an infant is stupid at best and evil at worst. [deleted] And most of the times you need another operation on your penis. How many useless (and function-degrading) operations are the limit for you? [deleted] claim**s**? And why did you avoid answering my question? [deleted] Shit, you called me a bad name, that means you are right :\/ [deleted] Oh no, another bad word. I'll happily source my claims if you let me know which one you are taking issue with. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#British man threatened with #beheading at Speakers Corner by #Muslim. Police remove him from park, then #Facebook ban HIM for posting about the incident. https:\/\/www.politicalite.com\/exclusive\/exclusive-activist-detained-and-banned-from-facebook-after-exposing-radical-islamist-at-speakers-corner\/ #BanIslam cause hes a pedo like you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lena Dunham's crappy feminist newsletter and its website are shutting down due to slow growth and lack of ad revenues associated with with being a crappy feminist newsletter. This, despite Jen Lawrence and Michelle O as contributors. Telling https:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/lena-dunham-lenny-letter-shutting-down-report-2018-10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another example of Harris wasting tax-payer money. Also, what's Kamala doing in Israel? And what's Murkowski doing in Iceland? https:\/\/www.congress.gov\/congressional-record\/2018\/2\/12\/senate-section\/article\/s879-1?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22FOREIGN+TRAVEL+FINANCIAL+REPORTS%2C+israel%22%5D%7Dandr=2andoverview=open#content","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger loving closeted faggot, f'in gross","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RollingWithTrin: \"1, 2, 3, 4, how many niggers are in my store? I knowwww you're stealing!\" ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When I tweeted @ faggot Mcfeels that his cock sucking of Trump is very annoying the faggot called me insane and blocked me. These fucking pieces of shit are only in it for the money and are possibly controlled opposition. They are filthy scum and should be doxed and exposed for the filth they are. Normie outreach? What normie will listen to those two faggots? They're voices are shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do people not recognise that disabled lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MetalHammer: Are you in London this evening? Well ex-Iron Maiden member, Tony Moor, will be busking outside Balham train station from ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So now there have been NINE 'Bombs' that NEVER exploded sent to Democrats??? The 'Bomb Maker' is either RETARDED or this is all STAGED! In situations like this look for a jew first","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Winston Churchill, I am told by people who know, had fucked up every job he ever held, nearly cost Britain the war with Nazi Germany and was a man of very low moral standing yet he is praised as an outstanding politician and a staunch conservative which he was not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"McDonald wouldn't dare utter these words anywhere else just another lily livered lefty twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They need to go full retard and announce that, if they get control of Congress, they will begin executing all white males. NEVER interrupt your enemy when they are making mistakes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well I'd be kinda upset if my ex was trying to make my kid a Muslim so I guess I can understand the beef They were both Catholic and had agreed to raise their kid in the Catholic Church. Their religion is important to them both and she made the decision to have the child baptized without his father present. Yeah guess so. Why make it about the parents tho? Now the kid has to live a messed up life run through the courts. At least the kid got baptized. I'm catholic as well and fully understand the importance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since when to the retarded 3rd world fags at the UN have jurisdiction over the United States?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's nothing new. Youtube is hot SJW garbage, I kind of wish we had actual alternatives to it. Isn't that the internet in general? Twitter is hot SJW garbage? Let's keep using it! Reddit is hot SJW garbage? Let's keep using it! Youtube is hot SJW garbage? Let's keep using it! Polygon\/Kotaku\/Eurogamer... You don't even have to mention it. No wonder why megacorporations with a ton of money can just dominate everything, the world is full of NPCs and can't think for themselves. The problem is that a lot of the alternatives get formed as a result of censorship, so they allow anything and everything with no real moderation tools. Most of us don't want to go to Voat because it's basically a more user friendly \/pol. It's basically a bunch of kids saying the n word because they can. I personally don't like reading a bunch of unnecessary vulgarity. True that. Pure chaos is unhelpful - there has to be *some* form of mutually agreed limit somewhere. Just because current moderation arc sucks doesn't mean no moderation' will lead to a better outcome. you'll run into the same problem over and over again. Moderators and censors will always take more and more power when given to them. The happy mutually agreed upon middle ground doesn't exist because people will never agree on what constitutes the \"middle ground\". Hell, I would just be fine with a reddit that only bans people for doing illegal stuff. Give mods the power to fully moderate their subs and don't nuke subs simply because you disagree. I think communism is a BS ideology, but I would let a communist sub stay and say whatever it wanted, so long as it was legal. Lol, illegal in the United States, then. I am tired of United States tech companies bowing to the draconian demands of the Chinese. It's ridiculous and un-American.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're standing on a slippery slope where it's all too easy to... More for Libra http:\/\/t.co\/7THsA7v26i","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"a retard man hating cunt yells shame\".... Fixed it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Retarded Asshole, Justin Trudeau thinks that if a terrorist kills you Canadians, he should only get 6 months in jail. If Canadians continue to put up with this crypto-muslim fool, they deserve what will happen to them. Wait until Canadian women's muslim owners are fucking them at will and then selling them to the highest bidder! They will wish they had moved to the United States where a president would protect them!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @GreGooglyMoogly: My mind is so clear a bird just crashed into the side of my head.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REMEMBER THIS CUNT IS AN ISAMIC GOAT PISS DRINKING FUCK !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Frustration can be a bitch !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ABC Executives Regret Firing Roseanne, Fear 'Connors' Spin-Off Series will Flop https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4Msv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I voted for Trump. The only other option was a drunk who put our National Security at risk... Why \"RETARDS\" would nominate\/run such a person as their Presidential candidate.... President Donald J Trump...the wrecking ball of establishment politics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In the long run, \"triggering the libs\" backfires terribly. Nigger radicalism worked for them. Second wave feminism worked for them. Unlike whites, the pet constituent groups of the DNC actually feel like they are under siege, and that's when they work overtime to ram their agenda through.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the door was cracked - it was an attempted home invasion. Pretty sure that fits the legal criteria. I may be wrong. What if the door had opened? This story may be very different. Property damage at the very least. If someone is beating on my front door the second it breaks and they have me and my family trapped in my house. A couple rounds are coming back out that door. Stay the fuck away from a mans house. I completely agree. There's nothing more sacred than someone's home. I think home invasions should carry an automatic death penalty. They do in castle doctrine states. Might be too spicy, even for here. I never thought I would say this on Reddit, but I am happy that I live in Arkansas. I know dems are everywhere but it seems like the ones around where I live, don't act like stupid little shits. Maybe we are raised better as a whole or maybe its the fear of getting a 12 gauge shotgun blast to the chest for trying to bust down a door. I'm in Louisiana and my diverse rural neighborhood gets along fine, because we assume everyone is armed. And maybe that's it. But its not just the \"redneck republicans . It's everyone. Even granny down the road. She might be shaky when walking to get the mail, but put a 9mm in her hand, steady as a rock. We have the best grannies! [https:\/\/youtu.be\/8DWeVs-tDXA?t=42](https:\/\/youtu.be\/8DWeVs-tDXA?t=42) > Antifa are bitches and wannabe revolutionaries, they only do this shit where the 2A is not enforced Yeah I got into a little debate with some kid claiming ANTIFA yesterday, what a tough guy he thinks he is. I have a retired Marine across the street and three hardcore hunters in the house next door...seems like they avoid rural areas for a reason.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And the main reason this movement will hurt women it's not because men are afraid of being exposed for sexual harassment, but rather that the movement never differentiated between actual sexual harassment\/assault and minor situations (e.g., woman was asked out, she declined, and nothing more happened). Since any woman could claim #MeToo without explaining what actually happened but still getting the benefit of sympathy from society, just about every woman claimed #MeToo. People started to realize that the problem was not necessarily pervasive, but that there was no actual definition for what constitutes an assault or harassment. > e.g., woman was asked out, she declined, and nothing more happened I remember elevatorgate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is this muslim prick NOT IN CUSTODY? Mueller \/ FISA Abuse \/ No hearings? \/ No applications? \/ No judges? \/ Rosenstein \/ Brennan \/ Oversight? \/ Clapper \/ Rice \/ Power \/ UNMASKING \/ McDonough \/ Jarrett \/ Baker \/ Google \/ Fakebook \/ Twitter Jack \/ 702 \/ Muslim Brotherhood \/ Obamagate \/ Jarrett \/ McCain \/ Rhodes \/ Steele \/ Blumenthal \/ Dossiers \/ Russia! \/ FBI \/ Immunity \/ BlackBerries \/ Laptops \/ Awans walk. \/ ISIS flourishes under Hussein \/ Fake Military Intel \/ Where's Lerner's deposition? \/ Voter Fraud \/ Southern Poverty Law Center \/ ILLEGALS over American Citizens \/ McCain \/ Uranium One \/ Hard Drives \/ Smashed. \/ BleachBit \/ Perjury \/ Awan IT \/ Foundation \/ Huma \/ Mills \/ Weiner \/ Lynch \/ Tarmac \/ Comey \/ Memos \/ Priestap \/ LEAKERS \/ Strzok \/ Ohrs \/ Page \/ Yates \/ McCabe 700K$+ \/ DNC server? \/ Federal Reserve \/ DNC Fraud \/ Seth Rich \/ DOJ \/ IRS \/ Fast and Furious \/ Holder \/ Contempt of COngress \/ Taliban 5 \/ Benghazi \/ Bergdahl \/ Obama \/ Hillary \/ ISIS \/ Iran Ransom \/ Open Borders \/ Abolish ICE? \/ MS13 \/ New Mexico Muslim Enclaves - Dead kid - parole \/ Podestas \/ NXIVM \/ Pizza \/ Benghazi \/ Bergdahl \/ Soros \/ Valerie Jarrett \/ Imam May \/ Imam Merkel \/ Five Eyes \/ TREASON \/ Sediton \/ LIES \/ LIES \/ LIES Lying sack of Muzzie shit! Back to Kenya, monkey and stay there!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm Pregnant Charlie Brown! #WorstPeanutsSpecialEver","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The answer of course, is simply \"more\". Someone probably threw acid in its face.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That faggot should be castrated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Goodbye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Intolerance ftw. Reasons I don't associate with other races or race-mixers. I absolutely refuse to. No exceptions. I won't even get fresh meat from our local grocery bc the one nigger in our area works behind that counter. I'd rather drive further away to get meat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone should listen more to Ann Coulter because immigration IS the most important issue. In addition to giving us crime, disease, terrorism and being economic parasites, these immigrants, even LEGAL immigrants in the case of terrorism, they can tip the election day balance in favor of the Dems and then we're truly fucked forever. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/rrd_ listen more 2 @Patrick_little hell tell u how open borders r done by jews #expelthejewby22","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha ...I recognize the one in front ...Valerie Jarrett! Europe is becoming a massive urban zoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How does this equal a pin.... It's a fraction\/a root of a polynomial .3435 or some shit. I got an easier one for you What's 9 + 10? Are y'all retarded Context: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OLBOn0Whhyc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a bunch of misguided and educationally retarded children! \"Open Borders\" means that everyone in mexico and south america can come on up and slurp at the welfare trough. If mexico is go great, maybe we should use mexico's immigration system (look it up)!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists are freaked out by the #NPC meme for good reason: It describes them in one little hashtag - and they HATE it! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/why-the-npc-meme-freaks-out-the-left\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yo what's with all the jew hatred here at gab?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next immigrant I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The girl in the dress reminds me of opal from bird box","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fully support Gab however in the light of this stomach turning terror attack against Conservative Orthodox Jews, Gab should request a govt investigation into all the grotesquely cartoonish Nazi accounts. I suspect they all come from secret police agencies. Fake Nazi accounts must be stopped. I am completely outraged at the Nazi garbage on Gab - in particular because I believe them to be Deep State Leftist salaried employees trying to divide and demonize a conservative forum. \"I am completely outraged at the Nazi garbage on Gab - in particular because I believe them to be Deep State Leftist salaried employees trying to divide and demonize a conservative forum.\"-NPC #193628621 Are you as retarded as the liberals? what are you, short attention span theater or just retarded? you mentioned nazi's I responded; keep up idiot. I didn't mention Nazis, I was quoting the idiot who did in the OP goober, none of those words were mine. I thought you were on the 'right' side and maybe I mistook your repeat as your words; if so, my apologies. I'm a National Socialist, which is neither left nor right, it's third position. You, me and Trump but your profile indicates 'fascist'. Sometimes the moniker is inadequate. The left using the term Nazi is annoying, innacurate and an attempt to be dismissive of every opinion anyone right of Bernie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who would recognize her? She looks like every other man-hating dyke out there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know women like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My phone on 10% fml I still gotta get to the yellow sign lol #motivation lol btw I zoomed in 2x lol http:\/\/t.co\/LayVBieIML","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Female lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know what you mean. I apparently had wide enough hips to birth 4 children over 8 lbs. and 21+ inches long. I'm talking about nigger asses, like Beyonce. Fat negro asses. That is not how white women are built.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A single mother got out of 33 of 34 felony charges after she was caught making sexualized breast feeding videos. She would get naked, oil up her 18-month-old son's naked body, and video tape herself molesting him while he fed. She sent these videos to clients around the world. \"Finally I was getting attention ... I'm not a monster. Welcome to Female Privilege. This is exactly what i have been saying. What white man would do this with his child!!! Women if not controlled turn into this. Explain this @CarolynEmerick. Fuck everything else explain this. I dont think shes jew. Her last name is some kind of Italian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's absolutely no comparison. One if a beautiful luscious babe...the other is a nasty fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's we? These cities where this is going on has gone full retard they control their \"law enforcement\" their leadership is complicit! Not happening in my city, is it happening in yours?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well the half breed jews are a mutt mixture ,so their not white ,and White People are not Sand nigger israelites that the jews are mixed with","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews are scum too... fuck off kikesucker faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"God is on Gab you say? Which account is his? Cuz I'd be interested in asking the nigger-loving faggot how the whole White Genocide thing fits into his \"divine plan . I'll beat your \"God to a pulp and then fuck him in his ass until his rectum is a fountain of blood, and make his mother watch while I do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Might be a kike. Anyway, did ya ever notice how these types are usually wimpy beta males and\/or homosexuals? Woe to this faggot if the shit ever hits the fan. His ilk will regret the day they ever thought about fucking with us. Personally I could beat the crap out of five of these Leftist pussyboys if they ever attacked me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger! exactly! Nigger has this false sense that beautiful women would want that dirty POS to touch them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ Motherfucker is toast already! Faggot got shitcanned from his job","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You never antagonize the real jews ( not the nigger version ) though. Well, I was like you once, until i developed a severe drinking problem and been unable to tell a lie ever since... around 20 years ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Throat-punch that faggot DeNigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These leftists keep saying \"white men don't know how to feel threatened in a rapidly changing culture.\" Yes we do: When European men act in response to threats history calls it genocide. Don't fuck with us. https:\/\/www.pressherald.com\/2018\/10\/01\/kavanaugh-allegations-trigger-angry-anxious-response-from-republican-men\/ That is a fair concern. However, I am a hillbilly stuck in Denver. Everytime I hear one of these harpies try to to act like we are evil men because we are white and straight, I feel like reminding them just how dangerous we really are. How easy would it be for you and your buddies to leave many leftist hats on the ground? I know it would not be a challenge on my end.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol Just like a good Little sand Nigger Muslim aint you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oliver is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is flawless. omfg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What are you, some cunt who writes for huffpo? Wow, is defending a woman in any right really that divisive to you? Please, call me* a libtard for my sin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WIB plays next Fri (5-16-14)at the Silverdome Ballroom(21+) in Neillsville,WI with Charlie Parr and Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank! Tickets 15$","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am. But you don't understand what you read, I don't think... I don't know if you are or are not sexist. Don't care. But you are retarded, which is par for the course these days. Have fun being illiterate, though. So you think the girl was just some random fuckin person who swung at the guy for no reason? Use your deductive reasoning..I know you Aussies have shit for brains but this is pretty simple stuff. It makes no fucking difference if the girl was a random or not, the guys were fighting before, which means it's hardly white knighting, unless you're suggesting they were preemptively fighting due to being prescient of the future. Use your deductive reasoning. I know you dumb fuck Americans are the stupidest fucking people in the planet, but I'm sure even you're are able to grasp a concept like that. Now do us all a favour and shut tour fuxking mouth you stupid mouth breathing cunt. Have you ever been in a fight? Nvm dumb question, it's painfully obvious the only fights you've had are with your mom over her forgetting to buy your liter o' mountain dew during her trips to the store. But have you at least seen a real fight before? If those two were actually fighting, one fucking guy wouldn't have been able hold each back with one arm. And it does matter if the girl was random, which she wasn't. She was obviously on the side of cop dude which is why she tried to hit the other guy. And if you think for a second that the cop dude didn't start swinging to avenge the stupid cunt, then it just shows that not only are you a retarded Aussie who inherited the brains of a convict, but also that you have some white knight in yourself which explains who u are so adamantly defending the faggot. Jesus christ men turn into such little pussies when women are involved. Stop pandering to these cunts for no fucking reason. she's not going to suck your dick, bro. Fuck off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That nigger is using code words that he and Barry set up. Remember all those felons Barry released? I believe they are leaders his guerilla warriors, just like the released jihadi's for Bergdahl. I truly believe they have urban warfare in mind. Be ready, be armed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Classic nigger shit right here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kiara_curry i know im so kidding. Some of BET is funny. I love when blacks call eachother ignorant and niggers. Makes me not have to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a cunt https:\/\/youtu.be\/H4-CFCKSVgg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ebomb26 cool beaners.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay, they were rednecks. That explains everything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that women deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bullshit. I didn't see a single Jewish star on a vehicle in the CBC video. If there is message me back with the time on the video. And by the way, both the muzzie hugging Canadian media and that refugee hugging \"freelance journalist\" can bite all the collective asses of the American taxpayers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has anyone critiqued his claims yet, as opposed to screeching about how offended they are? I suppose that Heterodox Academy will produce an analysis, like they did with Damore. The MSM will incestuously quote each other saying it's false as proof it's false. Then feminist \"analysis\" will cite a hundred articles that literally never countered anything as proof of consensus. We need to help heterodox academy become stronger and more famous. Despite what many falsely believe, there ARE voices within academia that are open to KIA's mission and we should put literally all our energy into supporting the sane voices in academia. Academia is the source of the infection: that's why KIA has failed to advance our cause in years. You keep attacking the **products** of the infection (various trust-fund kids who have taken over creative businesses built by a previous generation, notably in various types of gaming, who've themselves been victims of gender feminist brainwashing. We'll keep losing and losing until some significant number of us wise the hell up and defeat this invasive plant at the root. Victory awaits us in academia, as soon as enough KIA sympathizers take notice. It will probably happen in 10 years as a critical mass of people smart enough to see how Kotaku is just pus from the main wound, which is corrupt academia. It can happen *today*, if we're willing to pay attention, but the \"attention\" part might be an issue for some. Ok, how? What do the sane people in academia need from us? I know it's hard but just... don;t comment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I bet you think you a no-chill savage huh. Fucking faggot @KILLSemaj","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The white race is the most diverse on the planet, we have different color eyes and hair compared to the nigger and all the other races. The Jews want to breed out our diverse looks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Your teeth are like the stars.\" \"Aww thanks!\" \"Yeah... yellow and far away from each other.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This shit is ridiculous ! Are we a bunch of jailhouse niggers ? If u get pissed about that ur a faggot. Snitch, snitchin, snitch ass nugga yo. Jailhouse nigger talk. I don't listen much (show). Still dude puts in time. Cryin yo ! Again nigger bs. Who hasn't cried ? U just didn't hv it filmed. Ur all niggers for makin him even hv to explain this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Natasha Ciara Joyner = nigger i knew that before I opened the article Hahahahahaaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@aldofelix naw dude I wish, they're white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just dealt with this bullshit yesterday. A mom and daughter trying to save a spot. Fucking cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this faggot really likes his hillary fan-fiction.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who enjoy shows like @SouthPark and @FamilyGuyonFOX are douche bags. Usually white trash, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TherealGeorgeZ you are a pussy without your guns bitch as spic. Your daddy doesn't even respect the sperm he drop in your moms stank pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/media.8ch.net\/file_store\/1f449bdd85791d47a11360835739d4fcd506b7b0b1b568b9701866e5ea08b4d ...Ms. Francis. The gulf between the insane and the sane is ever widening.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, but how will he know they are cunts until he unlocks the door for them?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a cancer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very certain that if this muzzie coward communist traitor made a bomb, it would look like these. If questioned about the bombs he's still going to say \"you didn't make that. He can't help it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AIDS INFESTED DEAD FAGGOT Or are you an AIDS infested dead faggot too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot @wirelessguru1 would if you're a jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Boner4Tuna @TCC_Grouchy @Mrs__Met @Vortmax29 @LLMajer @dmb1031 @APLMom @Frogtox @KishkaAndPipiks I've had shots go off where yellow smoke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"VOTE REPUBLICAN: IT DOES A BODY GOOD.... Femists are just female incels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Titan4Ever2488 some Mets fan tried telling me Rivera isn't of the best Yankees of all time because he is just a closer. WTF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're a faggot too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only ricky vaughn would have made this garbage. By the way, that MAGA-tard faggot is still on twitter pushing his useless multi-culti civ-nat politics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Progressive group linked with Democrat campaign organs demonizing seniors | American Thinker http:\/\/bit.ly\/2zWR6fS #Seniors Commie want us divided !!! Stand together !! Fight fight fight Who, what, and how do you propose to fight without ending up in Federal Prison? I think you might be unhinged. Seek counseling. Does Qlarp suck you off every night or does he cheat on you with Dustin Nemos? Wow, you're tough. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry, but calling BS mostly because I enlarged your chart and was able to read the source! Here ya go. Have a nice day. You have been visited by the drive-by Nazi. *Wave* Earning yourself the \"egg on my face\" award. Ashkenazi Jews are not true Jews! So why are they protected then? Like you want to change terms now? We're into this by 2000 odd years AT LEAST and you wanna change terms. *eyeroll* They are not a race they are an ethnicity and\/or religion. Both can fall under protection. I think that's egg in your eye.....hey....egg roll........ You state something with no proof. I just showed you a study by a genetics expert and it's not even the only one of them. You're ridiculous. \"English Lit\" doesn't dictate genetics differentials sorry. Head back to college. Sorry, but when they put it in apostrophes like that it does affect the meaning. Until you learn something about Anthropology don't waste my time with trying to argue a commonly misused term. By the way having a distinct DNA does not make a Race! It only makes a ethnic grouping. \"By the way having a distinct DNA does not make a Race!\" Absolutely 100% it does. Feel free to explain Forensics at any time. A victim's RACE can be identified merely by testing his\/her bones via DNA. None too bright, are you? Sorry, but it does not. DNA can tell you a lot of things but it is not what determines what is a race and what is not. Absolutely and without question it does. Would you care to explain the proliferation of DNA testing companies that can tell you PRECISELY which race of which you are a member? I know I am 100% WHITE. Were there no Jedi before midi-chlorian tests? You're the Jedi master here Obiwan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's only natural for a retard like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"march is about to get mad! #marchmadness #collegehoops #indiana #iubb #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I Love Trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol sucking that dude's dick wasn't even the worst of it. She fucked, what, 3 different guys? RIP. its fake and these guys are delusional. \/r\/pussypassdenied users having delusional beliefs about women? Not possible. lmfao seriously this sub has the highest aggravated virgin rate in all of reddit. Well the rest of Reddit appreciates your candor in admitting you're a cunt. I was already giggling like a fat chinaman before it cut to the fat chinaman. Then I laughed louder. Then my girlfriend came home.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes I am thankful for not being that and just being straight les. Which I don't have a problem with. It's the teenage 15 year old attitude mixed with Tumblr angst and stupid showtunes all the time, and when she once said all people born in the 1950s need to die. I got on her big time for that. I told her she basically said she wanted her grandparents dead... Why she said it.. It was posted on her Facebook because her woke friends think people born on the 50s are against gay marriage and must die. I had to lay out common sense to her, with a snap out of the bubble talk. I haven't heard anything that retarded for a while thankfully. As for my wife. She really isn't that political. It's funny she took a political test online in 2016 and it gave her a 92 rating leaning for trump... More then me. She was so distraught, she has shut up about politics since and doesn't talk or like when anyone even brings it up. Of course she couldn't vote that way. Planned parenthood used to pay for female issue stuff before when we both didn't have insurance. I don't know how she scored that when I had to explain why illegal immigration is bad. She kept bringing up that her grandparents were immigrants from Austria and Serbia in the 40s so it wasn't bad. I had to explain the difference and how the news and her comedy shows warp things.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Couldn't get past all the nigger babble","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol this faggot still being a kike eh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"don't be retarded, man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep. And GAB finally got rid of all the fairy gay faggot tranny porn too! :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody was ever physically assaulted 4 their political beliefs in America before the sore loser democrats called 4 violence vs. their political opponents! They all need to be ARRESTED 4 inciting violence and civil unrest against political candidates! End this abuse by extreme left wing activists NOW! crazy ass nog","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How long is it been eight years and Americans are still in charge this guy is a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Hey go look at that video of the man that found the kidnapped girls in Ohio........what a nigger\" - #shitmybosssays","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt Chinese bullshit. Won't work. Total garbage. Cunts....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take your muh dik bullshit back to the Daily Wigger forum where it belongs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go fuck a goat MAGA hat, you're the fucking retard here the thinks Trump is gonna save muh America. What a fuckwit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most likely most of the people who know this stuff are dead now. This evil cunt needs to meet a firing squad!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ruh-roh, Broward County please don't go full retard. You won't like the consequence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hang the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember: women never lie. Story: https:\/\/news3lv.com\/news\/local\/four-california-dentists-have-rape-charges-dropped-after-video-contradicts-womans-story YES! Glad you pointed this out. It's sickening!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will your two moms be proud? It's a matter of bait. Really? There ya go ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"? After decades of the narrative. The one that claimed that if there was a gun in the house a baby will find it and hurt themselves or others? Decades of safety storage? Decades of retarded travel case boxes.? All LIES. They only want the damned guns.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vous etes un faggot francais, Monsieur. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If it isn't some weird timestamp error, then it sounds like either he did it for posterity, or a friendly federal agent encouraged him to do the shooting and made sure to get the evidence. Fed encouragement wouldn't surprise me. Someone would have to be retarded to think they aren't crawling through all our circles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"say - \"I'm a little faggot and i'm just gonna SCREAM!!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How does this garbage always make it to the front page","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And this faggot didn't immediately start swinging on anyone, what trash, but I'm the retard because I think we should murder employees of the federal government, right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No violence. Doesn't matter what she said, no one deserves to be hit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really do believe gay people are just lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LiamGeraldShone: @vernon1488 @AranNicolWHUFC @DSaend get fucked you racist inbred hillbilly fuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical camel fuckerbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you have a paypal account, now would be a good time to close it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift Headlined American Music Awards Ratings Crash to All-Time Low http:\/\/bit.ly\/2E9OBek via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would recommend these cunts to lift 90lbs projectiles in artillery, they cannot man in Iraq they SUDDENLY become pregnant and men had to do the HEAVY-LIFTING just like always.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vile CUNT Hillary now advocates Violence !! Talking of A POOR LOSER !! The Fuck Hillary is a DANGER to ALL of America !! Never has accepted DEFEAT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you mean \"this sub exists because the people who circlejerk here are all borderline retarded illiterates\" then you have a point. Jesus christ you people are just dumb and uneducated about everything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thats probably pretty much a slow execution She is. She's going to an Iraqi prison.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really think immigrants are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Support from China , we also fight the cancer religion in Xinjiang , despite all the differences between our two races, we have one unite enemy that is Islam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never got this logic, men mature for an additional 2-4 years longer than females that means we're retarded? If she wants to go there I would argue no we're not retarded in fact we mature further than women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Interesting back story to this: James Allsup previously had warned friends and family of this girl about the risks of dating blacks. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6318793\/Racist-trolls-inundate-dead-University-Utah-athletes-Facebook-page.html?fbclid=IwAR3e56Blx-mErsHGvxhIYbTd-Suddojv2hv10k8q0NE1VUgMakWNIml9-Uo Even if she has a father at home, she still kinda doesn't have a father at home. very true. The toast of all their liberal friends. 'Well my daughter just brought home a nice young African American 'boy'...'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oct 08, 2018 Whoa, Buddy: Special Education Teacher Tweets About 'Killing Kavanaugh' https:\/\/townhall.com\/tipsheet\/bethbaumann\/2018\/10\/08\/whoa-buddy-special-education-teacher-tweets-about-killing-kavanaugh-n2526613","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HaHa Pointing out that most people who win the lottery would leave work, buy a nice car and go on holiday is now \"enforing Jewish culture\" to this Oracle Of All Wisdom. Starting to wonder if there's anything that ISN'T promoting Jewish culture to the mentally ill. Even killing Jews he'll say is promoting their victimhood culture I reckon. the problem with Cascadia is that it fucking rains 8 months a year nonstop. I did enjoy living in an America that is Nigger free but I found an even better place to do that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finally got an updated pic with angel wing colored http:\/\/t.co\/nWN9qRt5Xd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"... so then you park legally and these cunts vandalize you cars for teaching them the fucking law. Great.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that disabled people like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bye bye #animepedofaggot. Got 10,000 fake fuck anime faggot accounts? Send Them All. And thank you for playing the game. shove it up your ass you shotacon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you can't vouch for that sand nigger cock lover, get in line you swine","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What if we just killed all disabled people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@edouglas528 Quick game for Sox Yanks.....hope you get home soon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> A mother put her trust in physicians. Bwahahahaha - right, the physicians brain washed her. Not like she didn't have a lifetime before hand to ponder it and 9 months to do all kinds of deep research on her own. Nope, it is the physician's fault. Just not buying that line of self deluded reasoning. She said she feels \"guilty\" and \"shameful\" and \"self hating\". Good, I hope those feelings only get stronger and that she carries them with her to the grave. > Good, I hope those feelings only get stronger and that she carries them with her to the grave. you are projecting your own hate onto a stranger. That tells us so much more about you than her. She deserves it for what she did. \"Regret parents\" need to sit down, shut up, and stay out of the intactivist movement. We neither need nor want them. > We neither need nor want them. How about you speak for yourself jackass; some of us think you have mental issues. You speak for yourself, bub. Yup. But you are deluded in thinking you speak for everyone. Actually as I look at your posts I get the feeling that you are a black propaganda op. But that would overlooking a lot of skepticism; your posts are seething with self hate. Black propaganda? This has nothing to do with race, and I'm actually White. I'm not \"black propaganda\", I've been posting here for almost 2 years. And \"Wikipedia Britanica\"? You're not really that bright, either. Oh. *now* you know what \"black propaganda\" is but irony is still beyond you. Keep working you will get there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"while fats radio and crew crow about the smiling nigger running for the senate in michigan; he is wonderful and glorious and it only cost the disruption or destruction of one million white denizens of detroit, each and everyone of who could replace the nigger and exceed or equal his achievements without aid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatrd for you disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckkkkk!!! My nig a g tho, he gonna come back","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TalibKweli: Do you want to hear the truth or are you only looking to hear what makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? I choose truth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@awfulbot are you a pig or are you a bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are a group of black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*laughing and yawning* fuck you retard and you're idiotic voodoo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These immigrantsdisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html And my coworkers were shocked when I said, \"Irish potato nigger today. Spud nigger shamrock nigger leprechaun nigger green nigger white nigger the list is long http:\/\/www.rsdb.org\/race\/irish","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually Julia today is my day to mock you, enjoy your suffering and let you know that the worst is yet to come. Similar to yesterday and tomorrow. Why is her fellow tribesmen upset with her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even straight boys played with Barbies when they were kids! Not an issue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Translating from English to English shouldn't cause any problems. It's just the beta test. Soon they will be translating from English to English (Woke) Whos english are they using? Normal people's or NPC english? That would be true if that's what this showcases. Clearly this bot is translating from wrongspeak to English. Nononono, Translating American to English won't cause problems. I'm not talking about translating MURICAN to Britbong, eh. [\"Hope you know a lot about towing trailers......\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DrIFIbD0_OA) Probably the result of diversity hires programming shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My thought on this is that the sexes experience objectification in different ways. Women generally seem to be more susceptible to and take more harm from sexualization than men, however this \"news\" page is extremely condescending towards both Kit and the fact that men ARE ALSO affected by sexualization, even if not as much or in the same way as women generally are. It's like the bullshit about \"reverse racism\" and how there is no such thing as racism against white people, because racism is a social construct, etc. which is also why men can't be sexualized. It's a retarded, usually leftist (I'm a socialist in Sweden, meaning more of a leftie myself), blame game protected by hurling out racist, mansplaining, you-name-it type accusations just to keep someone with a slightly different opinion, quiet and make them feel overly privileged and ashamed. Just because you've been beaten up four times, and I \"only\" once, doesn't mean me getting beaten up is a non-existent problem and I should only care about yours. The problem still exist and will have to be addressed in the same manner independently of which gender I was born with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bane is not supposed to be a cyborg. This is a dumb design. If you leave the mask on you can just hire a voice actor. Problem solved. If you leave the mask on, you can get James Earl Jones. Worked for Lucas! Or even better Danny Trejo. He's already been the voice of Bane! \"He's mentally reciting *f tbol* scores in espa ol!\" Man, Drop Zone was such a fun, brutal episode of Young Justice. Trejo is probably the best voice for Bane, I agree. If they ever make a live action Batman Beyond, Trejo would be my choice for Bane. CGI him to look feeble, then let him go beast mode when he gets Venom... Bonus points if they can get Michael Keaton as Old Man Wayne. Don't even have to teach him to speak. He wears a mask(either in movie bane or lutador bane). Overdub him a la Vader. Edit: others pointed out the same thing. My bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, its certainly PPD. I would say the sentence is too harsh, because well, it is. You can get wasted and drive a car into a field of children and not get a life sentence. You can shoot someone in the face and not get a life sentence. I also have a feeling she was represented by a public defender who sucks, she can barely even speak. But yup, definitely PPD. Although I wouldn't exactly elevate the court system indiscriminately completely fucking people over as some sort of positive ideal. My opinion should not be swayed because of my relation to the victim. Unfortunately it would be so I cant honestly answer that. For this i think 10 years and a name on the sex offender list is justified > My opinion should not be swayed because of my relation to the victim. Unfortunately it would be so I cant honestly answer that. For this i think 10 years and a name on the sex offender list is justified and if the victim was your under 13 year old son?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just like his faggot daddy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Max tries to stop the inevitable: electoral extermination of the Democrats. \"Conservative columnist Max Boot called out President Donald Trump and Fox News for 'demagoguery,' 'racism' and 'nativism' in their comments about the caravan of refugees that recently crossed the Mexico-Guatemala border.\" https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/conservative-max-boot-slams-fox-news-on-caravan-coverage_us_5bcd054ce4b055bc9481f807 He conveniently ignores the photo in the addendum. If Max #Boot is a \"conservative\", then I'm old Abe #Lincoln's granddaddy!!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!! :) HuffPo. That's should tell you ALL you ever wanted to know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I pull out my sword that's strapped to my back, and I preceded to cut someone in half.. Clean cut, because it's a carbide blade. Then I take his soul lol.... When people start talking about \"warrior codes\"... It tells me they've never been in a fight, in their lives. ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GoyGibson Stop hating Jews. Hate is not Christian. #Jews #Christianity it takes two to tango. tell them to stop hating whites.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my opinion, black people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" The View' host Sunny Hostin says Trump could lie about a terror attack: I would not put that past him' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/the-view-host-sunny-hostin-says-trump-could-lie-about-a-terror-attack-i-would-not-put-that-past-him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man shut the fuck up! Social media is so fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahahahahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't she the woman that adopts loads of nigger babies and thinks we should help refugees\/migrants? Answer the question. Why is that White woman kidnapping African nigger babies? WHY? What is she doing with them? It's UN NATURAL and freakish! It's EVIL. Look what happened when the evil insane parents of Rachel Dolezal did to their own DAUGHTER, when they kidnapped African niggers! They made her insane!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"American dream? More like a nigger nightmare","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Karmas a bitch and so are you. You'll be getting along just fine real soon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bill Burr has a good skit about how being a mother is the toughest job in the world. So funny. Can you elaborate a bit? Where does Burr talk about his political positions? Many of his podcasts, and some of his interviews with various late shows \/ talk shows he is pretty clear on them. He has a weekly podcast that he has been doing for years and talks politics all the time. He's liberal but he doesn't have ideological blinders on and he's willing to think critically about the positions of ideological extremists, such as the feminists and race-baiters who like to get on TV and scream about absolutely inane bullshit. He's one of the liberals who wants to keep the Overton window where it is. Problem is there are thousands of people who want to keep pushing the Overton window by saying absolutely extreme shit that they don't actually agree with in order to push the Overton window further left to get it to where they actually want it. This is known tactic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of Muslims ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Could have been much worse \" C..NT \" This is Gab you are allowed to call a cunt a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Little nazi faggot can't take what he dishes out. Maybe if you weren't always fucking with other people, them other people would leave you alone? Is that too complicated for your retarded ass to figure out?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Geller is a jew. The Muslim \/Hindu riots started when the British left india. Dividing the country. Calls were eventually put out to form what is now India and Pakistan. Both Muslim and Hindus alike are guilty of heinous crimes against each other. the muslims were however the nigger invaders","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded comparison. and#x200B; Most of the time, rape inflicts lasting psychological damage. Most of the time, a nut shot inflicts temporary physical damage. and#x200B; Men can also be raped. Women can also be kicked in the gash. I remember from my small childhood - it hurts them, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Brizgotti These new nigga hipster hypebeasts love all these faggot ass bright colors and Nike keeps giving them what they want smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Pro free speech\" A lying faggot that claims to support free speech because he wants to view himself as a free speech advocate, but who in reality is too beta to survive in a free speech world","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are right that it ain't about skin color","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ShamarGotHoes: J Cole ain't trash... Period.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not just slavewear... It's M and S slavewear. Mmm. > https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/10\/11\/ms-criticized-selling-hijabs-school-girls\/amp\/ MandS cucking to Islam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PatriotInfidel = faggot https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=l63KkF3oHWM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @virleehol: @cbinflux Well we sure as heck know how to read. I'm reading the trash right now and almost everything I've heard on the web ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Nope she's safe, Kavanaugh was guilty as fuck, even his classmates knew it. She's got nothing to worry about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually, this is one of the first time's I've ever heard someone trying to ban To Kill a Mockingbird for racism. The Huck Finn issue has been going back at least 30 years though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is Megan Markle a robot? https:\/\/youtu.be\/bpOY2GkYiR0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't see white women acting like a savage beast towards a mentally handicapped individual. Once again you see something that is horrible and think it's ok because a some ass from the hood did it. That's your problem and why you're on welfare. Instead of being disgusted of how a human can treat someone like that who can't defend themselves, you think of race, some say that's a straight bitch move. Stfu, you fake nazi. Bow down to the pussy. Its hilarious how fake white nationalists can be such fucking cucks. You really think trolling this page helps your cause? It doesn't. Oh wait, unless you're an SJW. Then it DOES help. GEE, maybe you're not a real white nationalist. Listen my little bitch, don't get out of line or your daddy is gonna fuck you a good one prison whore. That sounds pretty gay. So you're a faggot who buttfucks dudes? Dude, you're not a white nationalist. You probably aren't even white. You're a dumbass commie, and a feminist shill. Listen closet homo, anytime a dude tells another dude the size of their song, they are a closet homo. I am sure you got other dates from other guys in Reddit but my asshole is exit only. Sorry to let you down faggy. Please try and go give your suck on with someone else. I am sure you have a wild time with other dudes. R u a bear or a twink tinker bell How does trolling pussypass help your cause? You're either a shill or a stooge. This sub is about gender, not race. Listen dirtbag, you have mentioned race not me. Go back through our interaction. Why do you keep it up? Are you mentally retarded? Oh, wait, bottoms like pain and punishment, so please twink go flog somewhere else ok . It's all right, I realize not all people can be swift or have earned at least an eighth grade education. By da da da dummy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only White females who burn coal with Niggers are those fatass whales with pink hair rejected by White males. They have no other options. They are left with scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel as it were. Welp. That explains everything. I bet she lives in LA. Cultureless, rootless, no regard for her heritage or people. 100% NPC Thot. I wonder why she insists on bringing eternal shame to her blood and folk? I wonder why she insists on being the center of contempt within her family? Does is give her malicious joy to parade a nigger around her kin? You don't live in Toronto, I do. I know Niggers inside-out. Oh ive lived in LA and a few major cities. Trust me i know all about nigger antics, just got quick-triggered at \"Croatian girl\" 0-Tribal in half a second. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cool. I'd rather deal with this thing than some stupid nigger from the TSA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TOBINSUPREME so trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should never support a politician that treats black people like human garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"READ ANOTHER BOOK! #SaltLeft #JusticeKavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More evidence that we need to break up Google! Google Exec. Responds to Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation: 'Abolish the Senate' https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/google-exec-responds-to-brett-kavanaugh-confirmation-abolish-the-senate\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/17\/world\/canada\/marijuana-pot-cannabis-legalization.html good article, many points 4 discussion. It NEVER should've been criminalized in 1st place. DE-CRIM best way but TAX $ and DERP votes = Trudo'h the boy blunder #Progressive RETARD building the #PoliceState while coddling criminals. MUST #PurgeIn19 !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt should have been executed in the worse way possible Death by a thousand dicks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't say \"white\" but \"nigger\" is okay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Odd...my non-white wife thinks leftists are complety retarded. She also said she would happily vote for Bernier.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cute ass niggah. http:\/\/t.co\/h0SQoPTYfX","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LIBERTY PATRIOTS OF GAB IT NOW SEEMS AN EN MASSE EFFORT HAS BEEN INITIATED AGAINST THE ENTIRE YOUTUBE NETWORK GLOBALLY... JUST A REMINDER...REAL MEDIA, BITCHUTE and MINDS VIDEOS ARE STILL FUNCTIONING.... PLEASE ADJUST ACCORDINGLY... IF ANY NEW INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE ON THE YOUTUBE SHUTDOWN, PLEASE POST and SHARE FOR OUR ENTIRE GAB NET THANK YOU, THE COUNTER GLOBALIST PATRIOT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"of course jamal is going to bloviate about white women... always a jew or a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So only faggots get to speak?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh fuck off you self righteous cunt, this sub is filled to the brim with misogyny and you all fucking know it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Second #boycott action I have for you player characters: #Lincoln automobiles- Basic scene of an epsilon white bitch male and his nigger ho laughing and smiling and twirling about and so on and so on while on a road trip. They likely were thinking about Shaniqua using the strap-on that night on her pathetic bf. Folks, Jap cars are better, and made with more pride-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No irony here...Lawyer for little #Libtard DOXXER says: \"We all need to take a deep breath,\" said Stolarz. \"In this political climate everyone wants to jump to conclusions. We need to put the conspiracy theories aside and focus on the allegations. Jackson Cosko is innocent until proven guilty, and we intend to challenge the charges.\" LMAO..Oh just like Brett Kavanaugh you mean?? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/accused-doxxer-of-gop-senators-allegedly-threatened-to-publish-their-childrens-health-information and just like that...\"Innocent until proven guilty\" is back on that table now?? -------------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woes literally said before that he likes \"pretty boys\". Absolutely disgusting. Woes is doing what he can to help. Quit being so obnoxious. Sinead and Kyle do a LOT more. They're the only ones calling out controlled-opposition.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do people really not realise that black people are disgusting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The boyfriend in that post seems emotionally well adjusted, mature, and eloquent. Which is why I'm convinced this is a troll post. Groups like Gendercritical are just a bunch of disconnected idiots sucking each other's dicks over how enlightened they are and bitching about how they live in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Everything about the story is more or less believable but at the same time... it's just, it's basically *exactly* the story I want to hear. Radfems getting reality checked when the outside world is different than their echo chamber gives me nourishment. It makes me wake up with a hardon but it's so pure it gives me the motivation to go for a three mile run before breakfast. So when I see a story about it happening without any proof or corroboration, I get suspicious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's easy you stupid twats: It **can't** be fixed. These people aren't assholes because they are men, they are assholes because they are assholes. The same way women (like you, specifically, Authors) are assholes. Believe me, if we could fix you, we would. Because we are all really fed up with your shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Intelligent black teen does not like blacks. Ever notice that the more intelligent a person is the more they do not like blacks? Coincidence? No, blacks are loud, rude and our system has given them the right to be obnoxious. This teenage girl is just stating the obvious and although this is a stupid kike show promoting garbage it does show us something that we should all think about the kike and black question. Black teen says she's white and trashes black people in viral VIDEO https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/442307-black-girl-transracial-insults\/ Unfortunately that is true. I get kicked out of White bars because I am proud to be white but I have never seen a nigger or whatever get kicked out for being proud of who they are. The kikes are in complete control.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@shorty Tomorrow's Times front page Typical liberal debauchery on display. Sad! It literally gets worse every single day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Allowing any more gay people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taylor Swift is a fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is not interested in your bullshit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U think only Chinese eat dogs? It's popular in Vietnam and Korea too. Well, let's just say the chink Asians. faggot I'm not the mod here, faggot. I'm not the mod here, faggot. I'm not the mod here, faggot. Lick by balls, nigger faggot kike chink","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Kinda more insulted by the fact the article says Blacks likely can't afford to get into tabletops. I swear that every god damn SocJus article that talks about black Americans as if they're retarded. Jesus fucking Christ. \"Black people have trouble getting ID, ID law is racist!\" - [Progressives](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rrBxZGWCdgs)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Coal burning retard deserved it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lowest scums of the earth... One only need be a lying dimocrat true believer...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had a great time out on the town last night clubbing... I got three pakis and a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" blame white people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded black people are talking shit about cultural appropriation etc but I'm pretty sure at least half of the inventions that contribute to our modern lifestyle were from white people \"this phone was designed by a white person, how dare you use it?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People, like the original commenter, policing word usage are morons and Adam's politically sensitive' comment is retarded too. You don't have to justify word usage and no group can \"reserve a word or phrase just because they say it more frequently. Also like most of Adam's comics, this is unfunny and obnoxious, even as a satire on obnoxious and unfunny speech.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only trans people are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good one! Hail Victory. Great talk with JF. Thank you, that's very kind of you. He made it easy. He's a pretty tough host. You have to be on your game to talk with him. Man, I've been through three divorces. That was a piece of cake. ;-> Ouch! Yes, I think that would be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like how all the dumbcunts in the vicinity start yelling at him and insulting him once he fights back but nobody gives a shit about her committing a class I felony. Pussy pass granted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SIR. PLEASE go text your Mexican bitch, because I'm not Finna deal witcho childish ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I tape \"The 5\" because Juan Williams is retarded and he only spouts his 4am talking-points, unceasingly. I enjoyed the first block today however, as Jessie B. Waters called Juan a senseless shill for blaming R's for the Southern Invasion. Juan NEVER has a fix - but he's always pointing a finger of blame. INTELLECTUAL BANKRUPT - JUAN WILLIAMS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded NPC leftists! \"You sound like a white supremacist now!\" FFS Wow!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_Linsanity22 derrrrrrr, 1st of all her songs are actually good compared to the other trash, +++ shes SUCH a showman omg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckall gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's only been charged with manslaughter...what a joke. edit: looks like \"Murder Charges Requires Intent, While Manslaughter Charges Require Recklessness\" more here: https:\/\/heavy.com\/news\/2018\/09\/amber-guyger-dallas-manslaughter-murder-botham-jean\/ Eventually, they'll charge her with manslaughter. and#x200B; Then prove that she was acting intentionally, and not recklessly. and#x200B; Then this will happen: [http:\/\/www.chicagotribune.com\/news\/ct-chicago-police-detective-manslaughter-trial-0421-met-20150420-story.html](http:\/\/www.chicagotribune.com\/news\/ct-chicago-police-detective-manslaughter-trial-0421-met-20150420-story.html)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So to CNN I'm just a dumb nigger who can't read?.... I don't like making threats but, boy come say that here in New York in Long Island and see what happens.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing another baseball team just makes me wanna book my @Yankees trip right now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been boycotting CNN for years now. Even my wife can't stand to watch the two fairy gay faggot hosts on there every evening. i.e. Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Ncoleycole y u not on the monkey bars too lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hangall these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SNOOP DOGG: KANYE IS AN 'UNCLE TOM'... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Bymp And Snoop is a low iq nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Roseanne really bums me out. The show, and the woman. On that note, it's time to chug some ZzzQuil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another weeble id like the be dyke kyke and oirish that paddy clich needs to be culled","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This just in: fiction can be unrealistic So you're saying that the stories are realistic? Nah he just meant psalms. Yeah... psalms","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@miranda_mills okay, let's fight you ginger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Without serge, the bird chirps. The sun burns, the grass grows, the world turns. The moon glows, the river flows. But I die without serge.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want an apology from the people in my timeline that called me a \"retard\" when I said the army corps of engineers would not build the wall.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because that would improve the Canadian economy as a whole, but more specifically the economy of those god damned fly-over country white nationalist rednecks who have the audacity not to vote for him. And those people also don't contribute to the Trudeau Foundation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"End of the line for the HB","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like it was muzzie owned and operated. It just disintegrated, probably welded together in a chop shop. Somethings not right there. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/arrested-limo-company-operator-bore-sole-responsibility-for-deadly-crash-police-say.amp camp load of upstate muzzie jihadi's on a field trip","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AIDS INFESTED DEAD FAGGOT Freddy Faggot Mercury is not an AIDS infested dead faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John 8:44, There are 7 churches in the Book of Revelation. Only 2 were not rebuked by Christ; Smyrna and Philadelphia . As I told the JIDF @WolverineTongue last night , the god of Judaism is Satan .Star of Remphan is their symbol , Chiun Acts 7:43, Amos 5:26 @Deplorme","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does YongYea seriously think this is news? Edit: I just don't think stickers in a video game should be the subject of a five minute video.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How are we going to move forward if they are holding us back with their nigger Jew religious mind control ways, can we just let them go live with niggers on nigger island and watch them devolve into subhumans, I do hate killing are own people but we may have to when they make war back stab and try to kill us. You're afraid of \"christ cucks\" backstabbing you? For niggers that we'd be fighting together? Or Jews we'd be pushing out of our countries? I'm trying to get the Christian community to be more J-woke to support us but if you're just going to backstab us after, why would we? We need to work together on this See what a mess the Jew created we can't even come to the whole truth of thier wicked deeds and how they control us without fighting amongst ourselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Republicans will TOTALLY BOMB CHRISTIAN VILLAGES AND CHRISTIAN AIRPORTS who claim to be fighting \"FOR Al Qaeda\". oh and \"Democrats will not\" BUT what i said is TRUE?? LOLLLLL Do you see how RETARDED IT ALL IS??? BOTH PARTIES SUCK ASS!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're telling women to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude came here and made his first post race baiting. That seems like all hes here for","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Awwe, bless those little ladies. Don't worry, us men will look after you ... They can't make their fucking mind up can they. Either we're patronising or heartless. We (men) can't win with cunts like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah right you stupid Sumbitch! As they say, stupid goes all the way to the bone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Switched TV on last night, Casualty on BBC, virtually all black cast apart from 3 characters. Switched over to X Factor on ITV, virtually all black contestants, it looked more like Malcolm X Factor... Switched off TV and went to the pub We might as well go back to black and white tvs Cut the cord. Throw the tv out the window. You'll feel better Then shoot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude, shut your retarded internet cowboy ass the fuck up. You posted wrongly. Shut the fuck up and don't do it again. A chick in a hijab finger-synching heavy metal is not \"news.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 Lying Witches have a Discussion Try Not to Throw Up . WARNING https:\/\/youtu.be\/ZzXS8r4SpnQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't be so mean to the elephants, they are just big boned... unlike that fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oH mY gOD DuH nAZIs R toTaLLY dUH SAmE aS mUSLiMS How retarded and historically illiterate are you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And as far as I know, those faggots never posted it here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will reply to you ONCE before I mute you. The second we cannot get past skin color to see a good person, then this world is lost. And he is a man who obviously loves his wife and loves the Constitution AND is willing to stand up for what he believes in. It's you I feel sorry for. Very well said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bring that nigger to the whipping post. The only thing a nigger understands is a good ass kicking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NIGNORAMUS: Here's how your \"suggestion\" plays out @piersmorgan Racist: ha, those niggers stopped callin each other nigga The end","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ralph, you're acting like a nigger mate. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ogg7WlYykLw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a nigger according to the footage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me get this straight. Barry Sotero is a Muslim who married a man who pretends to be a woman? Yet, he is aware of the words of the Qur'an which absolutely forbid faggotry to the point of this... The Soviet 'maskirovka' was based on a similar ideal. For example, the retarded West believed the Warsaw Pact alliance actually existed which it did not. There was no such thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess someone doesn't know what a fucking \"BISEXUAL\" means. Don't force what sexuality you should be. what a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come on how, he is definitely useful as a man to suck the nigger semen out of his wife's front hole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LJSpagnoli: Isis and Jihadi Terrorists 'Post 90 Tweets Every Minute' to Spread Propaganda http:\/\/t.co\/eRJMveF996","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, I'm the faggot, yet you are the one wanting to roll around on the ground with another guy like the khabib faggot which the equivalent of wanting to rape another dude. I'll fuck you til you love me faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Skinny no more...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eddie 2MtBottles: So I guess professor Ford is making arrangements to fully pursue her \"allegations\"...what's that, she's not? Just taking her go fund me million and ride off? Hmmm, no one saw that coming...btw, I'll hold your beer while you protest the actions of these fine men.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I were a kid today...Michelle Obama's lunch would wind up in the trash can","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the chances Kanye even knew what GamerGate was before this retard brought it up just now? > What's the chances Kanye even knew what GamerGate was before this retard brought it up just now? How many patriarchy meetings have you skipped? We all agreed that after Trump leaves the White House in 2024 it's Ye's turn. I d unironically vote for him, seems like a decent enough person with principles and it d piss the crap out this cunts...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hindus did it a bit differently - \"Your life sucks even though you're a good person, that's because you've been a cunt in your past life. So suck it up, obey us and give us your money\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao RT @Handsomeesco_55 If u live wit ya girl and u do dishes u a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my opinion, Muslims are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger muzzie piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you can't take the heat, stay barefoot in the kitchen, trans fag ;) What's wrong, trans fag nazi? You quit? Your live revolves around me and you know it faggot :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Ole_Boy @m10eezy yes I'm white washed because I don't go around repping my hood and saying a bunch of ignorant nig terms.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A trans person must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Nah its You @NoMeek_JustMilz: yo i thought some1 photoshopped my face on that faggot smmfh...i hate yall\" http:\/\/t.co\/5e2fkQ3Q2T","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"my grandma got a rosta colored dressit's so pretty She better let me borrow it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN Declare Kanye West Mentally Ill For Supporting Trump https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/cnn-kanye-west-mentally-ill-supporting-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TwoStarScoob good job tonight! You need to eat some crackers so,you'll stop throwing up !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NoMenMidterms Jesus Christ...ya gotta be kidding me....and yet another biased agenda...#VoteMenVote No more biased than yours. Seriously....since I believe EVERY U.S. citizen has the right to vote....tell me exactly how that's biased....can't wait to hear this bullshit... You have an opinion, and believe only your opinion is valid. Textbook bias. Jesus....SMDH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will hurt you and any other trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shes right up there with W. White's cunt wife and his SIL, I think K, his wife is definitely right up there on the cunt scale. Well, think of who she married, though. It wasn't the man who Walter White would become. I think that's what makes her an important character, like an anchor to who Walter used to be and who she always wanted him to be -- a boring high school chemistry teacher who works at a car wash part time. You can't realistically expect her to be on board upon learning about his meth business, especially after hiding it from her for how long, which is a pretty serious betrayal for any normal marriage, right? It isn't cunty to want one's family to stay on the right side of the law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's Cater. Can't you bloody read?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My Hawaiian thought of the day, No Aloha for muzzie pigs, EVER!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@McLaffyTaffy \"The Yankees of football\" was the funniest part of your latest video. Sincerely, all of Pittsburgh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dear vegans, I ate a cow today because if I didn't it would eat all your food. You're welcome. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beautiful Serb. Not Gypsy, and no freaking nigger LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of Muslims once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kinda surprised at the lack of \"this guy is a white supremacist piece of shit, but... comments. Who the fuck cares.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many muzzies in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gun's loaded and these are real soldiers. Not sure if the guard shouted a warning or not but sometimes manners have to be learned the hard way. Edit am now sure he shouted a warning but probably not in the tourists's native tongue so I guess the lesson had only one way to go... They literally scream \"MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEENSGUARD . She had no business in that spot at all. *Sees uniformed Man carrying weapon pacing methodically in front of country's property* and#x200B; Woman: \"I should stand in his way\" \"It is certainly permissible to cross this line that separates us tourists from the active military guard.\" Ignorant woman: *Sees uniformed queen's mascot walking around* I doubt she processed that it's actually an armed guard. mascot? and#x200B; People don't care @ Yellowstone, why would they care here? They should care because one is a national park, the other is a royal location with trained guards and live ammo. I'm saying some people don't have the brain\/couth to pay attention to barriers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am not a Nazi, I do not support Nazis and I am very Pro-Israel. If any of this offends you PLEASE MUTE me and unfollow me.. Every group has some fools but you just p[roved that didn't you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger exhibitionist pervert. Probably hiding something tiny, that's why they use those fake big ones...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OP, stop being a faggot and post videos next time. It's not hard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will people understand that only women are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah okay let's just put a fire cracker in a cow pie and see what happens","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really think trans people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been banned for '7 days' from Twitter since the 15th for 'hate speech' after I called someone retarded for saying the most ludicrous shit and supporting hate speech of another. All the posts are still up, but I'm suspended. Genius.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she wants painting over with hot tar ,rolling in feathers and chuckinu up the M27 -piss off to Portsmouth ! not really --she is just a stupid bint with a big gob .But a little feedback might show her that not everything is as cut and dried as she thinks .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's welcome #paedoBiden children's groper friend of retarded #recusedMeSessions - to the assault and mockery that awaits him from the #MAGA #POTUS can't wait.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am trying to get along with Muslims but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder if the soldiers in the video with Tommy Robinson would be getting the same treatment if they were videoed with that cunt Choudry? Call me cynical but I doubt it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't give sympathy without knowing the full story. Was he a self hating white cuck who did stories on black victimhood? You're a fucking idiot. Did I say \"ALL\" DUMBFUCK? Did I even say he was? No. But like a typical fucking know it all cunt you have zero reading comprehension. I said I reserve sympathy until I KNOW he wasn't just another white hating pos. BE SMARTER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A fucking place to live is being contributed. If I followed, their argument is essentially that landlords can afford to charge prices for rent that will allow them to cover the costs of keeping the property in decent state and then make a profit from it, and that the only reason they can do so is because on a month-to-month basis, regular people can't afford more than the cost of rent and can't buy real estate themselves. This shit is literally as retarded as saying \"wow, Coke is really bleeding people dry with the price of their product. The only reason they can set prices like that us because most people can't afford their own soda bottling plant\". No fucking shit you utter moron. That's literally what capitalism is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because Mix Breeding makes the Offspring have problems... I should know this because I am a mixed breed i knew this chick her mom was white her dad a crow nigger i guess cuz he left before she was born. she caught hell from whites and blacks and did not fit in either community. since obama now niggers love half breeds","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She was arrested and then released, there's an article about it. Edit: https:\/\/mashable.com\/2014\/04\/15\/american-airlines-threat-girl-prison\/#hagxE.uEOaq3 [deleted] [here](https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=2VPRmb9Jnh0) Eww","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You weren't here last week when we established that being retarded is a source of power.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that she was trying to be funny but was not able to pull it off. Colbert isn't comedy anymore It's mainly the left tho right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have consensual sex. Falsely accused of rape. Loses scholarship, kicked out of college, gets 30k in debt. Accuser gets 1 year in jail and will probably walk in 6-9 months. Yeah, she got off easy. I hope those two sue the fuck out of her and the followup finds it's way on here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Abolishing Electoral College: Shadow of Slavery's Power' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/07\/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-calls-for-abolishing-electoral-college-shadow-of-slaverys-power\/ you sound like a typical demon-crat using that word.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#cringe Edit: @chany just gave this thing the perfect name. It's an Agender porkchop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Personally, I'd trade that molester faggot queen Takei for a couple nickels to Saudi Arabia where he can learn the meaning of keeping his shit eating slimy dick sucking mouth shut.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're being genocided? Who the fuck is \"we\" you asshole. Yoh, mother fucker JEWS ARE WHITES. White genocide = Jew genocide and vice versa. Are you a goddamned REE-tard? Oh Jesus no, Jews are NOT Whites. Nope. as you can see in the chart ,i also posted they have 40-65% Sand nigger still flowing in their nasty asses","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you a retard Galt or a German bum bandit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's true, because another person was involved with something very recently and not much happened to the individual. Probably has something to do with previous convictions\/incidents. Also she was being rude to paramedics who shouldn't be threatened or harassed. Also depend on how good your lawyer is and what kind of excuses they can make up for you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift to write a song about how the sane part of America just broke up with her for being a DEMented Lunicorn, eh? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand that women are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PIG bull dyke ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well this is different China is launching a fake, extra-bright moon to cut the cost of city lights https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/441766-china-man-made-moon\/ Fukn ridiculous. This will screw with wildlife and the eco systems.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All gay people like them are v i l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whatever, loser. My wife has made me breakfast, and I have to get ready for work. Enjoy dying alone, you Muzzie Incel faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By voting instead of trying to start war and being shot? You are either an idiot, or another one of the Muzzo shills\/trolls. Trump will sort all these issues out, but he needs a Rep majority. If you are a normal person and a Patriot, you will do what you can to support Trump. If you are a muzzo, traitor or enemy of the people, you will do what you can to stop him. That simple.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep digging that retarded faggot hole deeper and deeper. Dig deep enough you might find your parent's moral standards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LILNTHEBASEDGOD her face ugly to me, and her nudes were trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Queer liberation is about dismantling the systems that oppress us. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/life\/people\/2018\/10\/04\/bette-midler-sparks-controversy-women-n-word-world\/1529279002\/ Now she's sorry. Lmao. I still hate you, bitch!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's just all kinds of fucked up. Serial killing cunt is funding the Communist Party with baby parts and proud of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of retarded shit is that? I'd lose my job for this kind of \"study\". Restricting population to urban whites with a college degree? Yeah, that's representative. UPD: Posting more \"research\" like that will get you muted. You're free to pollute Gab, I'm free not to waste my time on stupidity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ex-boyfriend says Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick threatened to kill his unborn child, was exaggerating everything' https:\/\/truepundit.com\/ex-boyfriend-says-kavanaugh-accuser-julie-swetnick-threatened-to-kill-his-unborn-child-was-exaggerating-everything\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In case of an invasion cunts like these are the first to spread their legs to the invaders. So what is there to protect? Fight for what?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow how did that happen? She probably has serious issues with her family. Jebena kurva, sramota. Smh. Nothing worse than a (((westernized))) kurva. Our tribe is tiny and she chooses to abandon it, pathetic. I hope you dont have kids man, they're gonna hate themselves and their mother and wont be truly accepted by either race. Well if thats her in his above post shes quite beautiful, but she probably has serious daddy issues. Shes probably a Croatian immigrant who was corrupted by the American brainwashing machine. She's a 'Liz Claiborne' model. You misunderstand. He has no blonde girlfriend, and this one is not she. That is an image of a model he pulled from the internet. A Liz Claiborne model. A handbag company. Ahhhh ok, damn fell for the bait! honestly, nothing triggers me like race traitor Crothots. Oh, you have lived in LA? Then you should know more than I about this. Probably do. But once youve lived in LA long enough your tolerance for bullshit becomes non existant. It turns you into a sperg, online and IRL LA? I have no doubt it does. LA is Toronto multiplied by LA is the epicenter of it all. Everytime i see IRL jewish brainwashing. Its beyond disdain these days. I go out of my way to shame coalburners and jew puppets.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These Muslims make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican. https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/1055077740792160256","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard Outwits Captors https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/students-shocked-in-prank","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"okay be a cunt then and refuse to even consider having an open mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're all faggot fuckheads.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As much as he held 4chan in contempt I could see some of the more weaponized autists of 4chan calling up this wench's work, friends(Making an assumption here) and family and letting them know what she's up to Not suggesting they should but she's being enough of a cunt that they might. Anyone remember that girl who showed videos of her abusing cats on 4chan on the \"post nice pictures of cats\" thread?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should we encourage more black men to murder their current or ex white girlfriends ? My step daughter married a black guy they were together for 10yrs. They are divorced now. They never had kids thank God She's now married. To a white guy and has 2 beautiful kids Don't give up on your kids Ok got yer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" exactly lol It seems like he's overcompensating for something. I know. My guess is he has tiny chubby baby monkey penis They usually get what we don't want anyway. The phrase 'Once you go black you don't go back' isn't quite right it should be: 'Once you go black you can't go back' as no decent white guy will entertain you especially if you have a little brown bundle of joy so not even a super-cucked guy can pass it off as his! You ain't got any nuts you got a mangina. Iggies another one who can't resist quoting this .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was flying down the slope and just rammed into this small Asian boy, kid got up like a champ and walked it off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently you are, if you don't understand how 2 years is a long fucking time to have to fight the courts with all that already against her. But I wouldn't expect a retard to be capable of that sort of rational thought. Cough, DUMB CUNT, cough Hahaha haha. Cunt. Ha cunt ha Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JRise88 shut up you stupid bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Photo: Rest in peace to these bad boys , some bad advise made me let some old asian dude re glue the sole... http:\/\/t.co\/uPRjY6n48K","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who could give a shit what this nigger in a suite says or thinks..stop giving the bastard free ink.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ugly ginger nigger thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for transvermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll torture these women without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maxine Waters is a Communist (in case you didn't know) https:\/\/twitter.com\/suzydymna\/status\/1051595162600841217?s=12","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Had to re-login 6 fucking times today because I'm getting logged out of Gab, hey Jews, stop doing your shitty Jewy stuff, it's pissing me off. If i respond to a post it says \"unable to post comment\" then I click post again and it goes through, there is some dirty cunt manipulation going on by those faggots in Silicon Valley for fucking sure mate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Alt Right does not need moderation; it needs focus. With that, the crazies naturally get excluded. There is a difference between activism and Alt-Right networking Alt-Right: Meet up with Jethro and Clampett to drink beer in an apartment, Sieg Heil and power trip about a 4th Reich Real activism: make a statement on a national stage and look professional (ie no Nazi garbage) so you might influence pending legislation like The Wall or a judicial nomination","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Kween_Gigi Did you get gassed again over on twatter? Hi G!!! Yah like 7 times in 2 wks how's you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow, what a rude cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut the hell up you derelict. You sound like a retarded dickhead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's what you get for pandering to faggots on twitter. I guess we're stuck watching amazing Chinese pandering movies like The Meg for the next 10 years if this keeps up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Samus? Lara Croft? Master Aqua? Eleanor and Elizabeth from Bioshock? Shantae? Morrigan and Leliana?! Elinicia, Lyn, Lucina, and Azura?!?! 2B?!?! Hell, Peach can fucking count due to her involvement in Mario and the Seven Stars, Super Princess Peach, Paper Mario Wii, and New Super Mario Bros Wii U!!!! I implore that anyone else add more if they wish! Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft),Johanna Dark (Perfect Dark). I think the L block from Tetris identifies as a woman, Chell (Portal), Rochelle and Zoey (Left 4 Dead 1 and 2) Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn, Rayne from Bloodrayne, Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield from the Resident Evil series, Regina from Dino Crisis, Aya Brea from Parasite Eve, Hana and Rain from the Fear Effect series. Lucca, Ayla, and Marle from Chrono Trigger. Terra, Celes, and Relm from Final Fantasy VI. Lenna, Faris, and Krile from Final Fantasy V. Bastila, Mission Vao, and Juhani from KOTOR, plus you can make Revan female too. And in indie games, we have Dorothy from Steamworld Dig 2, and Beatrix Lebeau from Slime Rancher. Not to mention all the games where you can create your own protagonist and make them female, such as Skyrim, Fallout 4, Terraria, or Starbound. Or games where the characters are randomized and can be either, such as XCOM 1 and NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS NERD SHIR FAGGOT IT NEEDS TO BE THE GAME WITH A GIANT MARKETING ENTITY BEHIND IT, GOD Dis the classic SNES RPGs at your own peril.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's so hilarious to watch Durbin just now argue against Kavanaugh's judicial record. All this time spent of that worthless twat Ford and at the very last minute he wants to act like a senator. What a douchnozzle!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Religion should be ridiculed equally, it's all hot garbage for retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what's new? every hick retard says this. ford and kenney and every gravy sweatin cousin fucker will say it. don't mean shit. barking dogs are best ignored. >what's new? every hick retard says this. ford and kenney and every gravy sweatin cousin fucker will say it. don't mean shit. barking dogs are best ignored. Ladies and gentlemen, the \"Tolerant Left\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is beyond fucked, wrong, illogical, etc. The list goes on. r\/OGFT is celebrating, though. It's a win for them. I absolutely hate so many of our judges. So many do not deserve to be there. Here I am voting school board trustees and somehow these dumb ass activists, seemingly clueless, individuals all seem to be presiding over criminals. I demand vote for judges. There is no real justice when these retards are dumped into power by other retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a similar story on twitter. Some members regularly search for anyone criticising Digra and harass them. Usually there is two of them and one plays the troll to antagonise the critic while the other engages in sophistry. When the critic doesn't shut up (a woman who was a frequent critic in particular) they send constant abuse and doxx them. Unless most critics of GG the people at Digra are internet savvy, and will stoop low to defend the organisation. They know they can't defend the quality of the research on its own merits, because most of it is garbage. Oh yeah, Steakbro and that other asshole? Did anyone archive all that shit they were doing with that woman? Not that I know of. I followed Alter so I'd occasionally get their abuse towards her appearing on my feed, but I didn't keep up with it all. It was sick the way these two Digra \"scholars\" (one of whom was a Digra chair at some point iirc) were behaving towards her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Oreo: @Honda Wow, and we thought we were the only ones with a luxurious interior #OreoLove #StufOfLegend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well carry on like monkeys. Get treated like monkeys That's a lot racist. how Black kids as monkeys. So you're dumb too. huh? youre saying all black kids act like this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cripples are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One of my friends is gay. He's not outwardly gay. He's just a person. God made many different types of people and creatures. They are all God's people and creatures. Yet some people want to exploit this for their own craziness...Some people get lost because they have been abused...was that the plan? Was the plan to strategically abuse people to mess with them? Yup - totally don't give a shit what a person does in the privacy of their own home. That's their business. But, try to shove your sexuality in my face or go out of your way to fuck w\/ bakeries, etc. Then that's a BIG FUCK YOU. That's just wrong no matter religion, politics or sexuality. Live and let live. Love and let love. We CAN all get along. ...and I have a meme for that. I'll put it up top\/fresh...LOL Dude - you're the Meme King!! That's why Twitter kicked you off. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You hurt from the Muzzie beatings you get everyday from your Muzzie handler....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the only reason he isn't in jail, is because, he is a fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">(and it's completely irrelevant that the character wasn't originally) And the updated version is pretty retarded because she's still Italian, using Italian words (in the \"straight out of google translate\" as usual in comics and tv shows) yet her skin is too dark to be even from the deepest south of the country. Then again, according to Reddit, we are black at least three times a week so what the hell, Wakanda Forever and anyone who disagrees with me is a fucking racist. Technically Helena Wayne went to Earth-2 with Power Girl and their story ended there with the last issue of the book (I think Earth-2 is still canon and part of the Multiverse though, at least according to Morrison's Multiversity), and the current version is Helena Bertinelli, mob boss' daughter and former boss of Spyral from Grayson, since they mentioned that both on the current Nightwing and Birds of Peet's series. Then again though, Power Girl is making her way back to the main universe, so maybe Helena Wayne will be back too at some point. Wouldn't be surprised if they mention her at some point when Tom King's Batman reaches full retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where Nazis Come to die: Congratulations and Fuck you. You've all become Jews. Sieg hail nigger https:\/\/youtu.be\/dbFBap100LM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Wow my daughter's retarded. I taught her to never hit law enforcement because they're authority figures with guns. Why did she do something so stupid?\" Exactly.... Her parents failed her.. So fuck them. What would you feel of this was your daughter.. Me? Embarrassed my daughter is such a useless cunt and likely mad she was punched. That's an honest answer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey #GabFam.. In the Washington DC city council race between a Jewish woman (Elissa SilverMan) and a Nigger woman (Dionne Reader), who would you pick? Why?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT StormIsUponUs Theresa May diligently continues to act on her cabal orders and do everything possible to PUT DOWN the rising majority of Brits who recently woke up to the frightening reality that they are surrounded by infiltrated globalist criminals bent on destroying their national identity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's juggling sand nigger cocks to suck off in between","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I detest women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she teaches retarded kids? jesus christ!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: The CNN Headquarters in NYC has been Evacuated due to suspicious package!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im genuinely getting mad at this children's video game about mickey mouse and darkness and big keys","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Italians don't LARP on the internet, trying to prove how hard they are with their fed-posting. They just up and seize government buildings, raid Antifa HQs and go on nigger revenge killing sprees. ------------------- Roy Batty, Staff, Daily Stormer https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/italy-savage-killing-of-16-year-old-girl-sends-country-reeling\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We never established anything, just in your own infantile mind you think you're clever. The Koko the gorilla reference was to how Koko's IQ was higher than the average black female you try to pull. The only question is is do you have to settle for them or do they have to settle for you ? You literally ran this exact photo through a photoshop app you fucking retard lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Daily Stormer was promoting white identity, albeit a retarded version, it had no access to the real world. When Spencer and others made white identity a real world position\/movement that would attract high quality whites they imploded it with endless infighting and stunts. They then redirected the energy into the gop where it would become nullified.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being \"sexually liberal\" is just a push for an excuse to be a slut. Animals at least have the common sense to stick to their own species, while some humans go full blown retard and go to otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Confronted By Pro-Trump Cubans In Florida \"You don't belong here you f***ing communist. https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/exclusive-video-nancy-pelosi-mobbed-by-pro-trump-cubans-in-florida\/ String that dirty old Commie cunt up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My advice of the day: If your a tranny.....go fuck your self! http:\/\/t.co\/W5G2zhZkU6","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And ur a Dirty Piece of Shit WetBack that must be run out of US","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching #Steelers colts getting blinded by the Steelers uniys look like bunch of bumblebees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"on the first day of school, my backpack had no paper and no books. all it had were 4 granola bars, a brownie, and a bag of cookies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha ha, I'm hillbilly rural bro. I'll be dead an gone by the time my backwoods are ever Islamified. Besides, I'll always have a team of large dogs and Muslims don't seem to like big dogs a whole lot; once these silly labs I have are gone I'm getting fucking Rottweilers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KidnapYoGranny: if u dont want your heart broken then dont check for a nigga who entertains hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll just go back to using cunt, then. Cunt is a pretty gender neutral insult nowadays. Especially in Australia. Hell if you're over here it's the only word, damn thing fits in just about ever cunting sentence you can come up with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Race-haters on Gab poll. What percentage are shills to damage pro-white causes? (For added clarity: Hate is understandable, but ineffective, and a naive too, imo. Know your enemy, but be strategic. Nonstrategic vitriol drives potential sympathizers away. In fact, vitriolic hatred is what a shill might do to taint a movement.) I don't usually use the word \"racist\" because it's overly used. I'll use the term \"race-hater\" to refer to someone who just spews hatred publicly and tactlessly. Are race-haters on Gab shills that want to taint the otherwise cordial race awareness dialog? What percentage do you think might be shills? Or are they being genuinely vitriolic? (e.g. You can like in-group preference and ethnostates while not hating others. You can fight wars and not be driven by hatred.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's not get carried away. Turdhole is a fucking retarded traitor!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not unconstitutional but it's retarded A man that knows the truth. I would add its not retarded for any civil persons that seek to operate in commerce and #admiralty UCC, limited liability, corporate profit, and discharge of debt. For any man operating in natural\/common law its retarded, but they don't use it anyway","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/comey-confidant-james-baker-throws-rosenstein-under-the-bus-tells-congress-his-plot-to-oust-trump-was-not-a-joke\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It means I live in close proximity to, and have a lifetime experience of living around, having to go to school with, having to work with, and having to go to the same grocery store with motherfucking sub human, knuckle draggging, ape level IQ NIGGERS. How's that? I shit on you and entire liberal fucking faggot soy-boy dipshit ilk. You live in a fool's paradise. You're so ignorant you don't know about what it is you don't even know. Later fella...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL a nigger did something worthwhile","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All white women should carry a gun on them so they can shoot any nigger that tries to rob or rape them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lynch mob thugs threaten Zimmerman jury; N*ggas coming for that bitch ass jury http:\/\/t.co\/XY6v2YtyAS The hatred won't stop flowing,,#War","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people are retarded and delusional. America is doomed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NFLonFOX: Palmer to Fitzgerald - TOUCHDOWN! 7-yard slant gives Arizona the 7-0 lead.8 plays, 79 yds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" = @GOALSminded: its true that the early bird.. gets the worm first! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, Harry's quadron nigger baby will have nigger nanny.. Which said nigger nanny will help nigger gran Doria with lessons of how to bring up the niglet Because, Doria has dumped MegNog as a child to live in hippy commune... And because nigger monkey in law Doria is moving permanently to UK to live on expense of UK tax payer How vibrant is that ! #Windsordashians There's a surprise. What caught my eye ever since Meghan hit the news was how she patronises the blacks. She is NOT black but a dusty mulatto. Being such she could equally divide her localty between black and white but not with her. Pre-wedding, wedding, post-wedding she has a bias towards blacks. If anything, she is actually the racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's up the duff, got a bun in the oven. It's already part burnt. Another one to feed. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpiIr3gW4AAq-B Not very nice James. I doubt they'll be on benefits, both have worked all their lives. They also bring immeasurably goodwill to Britain. Good luck to them :) What part of white virgin, European aristocracy or Royalty didn't the boy understand? He brings home a mixed race former American divorcee. And white virgin is a bit of an oxymoron these days lol His father managed it.Don't say look how that ended.I'm not anti Royal but THE Queen hasn't done her job and protected the people from Parliament.That is her Constitutional role. British Royalty sold their soul to the Jews via the Balfour because they knew Hitler would've won. Now look at the less than Great Britain. They were warned. Great Mess Britain Still scouring the sci-fi and x-file archives to identify what this is. The queen can't fuck anymore so they got Philip a MANNEQUIN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In their deranged minds, \"violence\" is a man casting them a split-second passing glance as they walk past each other in the street. Ah, yes. Good old \"stare rape.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a single mention of antifa ... just \"a local anti fascist group Anti fascists acting like fascists I guess Impossible. Leftists are our moral superiors. They can't be fascists. Literally impossible. Just like they can't be racists. Educate yourself, dude. 10\/10 spice and for sarcasm Dude no please, antifa are communists, they are behaving and acting like communists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mata'i ngeli, alu o polosi ho nifo..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Adam West? RT @share_ps4: LMAO this is trash b http:\/\/t.co\/TsvuMw92HU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No I'd say cunt I'd say no, you can't read too. If you could you'd have Googled Jews and Ethnicity before digging your hole. Top tip. ALWAYS fact check before you state facts. I do :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The rice nigger is a blue check mark and assuming that same rice nigger was given every opportunity thinkable to slide into a doctorate program... UNDER THE PATRIARCHY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa, The Far-Left Black Bloc Organization\/Group That Went Full Retard Moral Of The Story: Never Go Full Antiftard https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=aH2lDSxhoN0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All disabled people like them are v i l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jason, you seem to have delusions of grandeur. You were never a thought leader in our movement. You organized a rally. And more recently a 2nd, Alt-Lite, one. I admire your courage. I empathize with your persecution at the hands of our enemies. But many of our brothers have suffered far more severe and life-altering persecution than you have.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You gay people make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let gay people be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's talking SHITE! Islam is strictly against committing the act of rape. Allah says in the Quran, \"And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a shameful (deed) and an act evil, opening the road (to many other evils) (Quran 17:32). She's a fcking retard! Where does it say that? Only fcking ISIS terrorists come out with that shite today. Who are the NON believers \/ kaffirs. Rape is uillegal in every country on earth and only a retarded cunt would blame a BOOK. What AUTHORITY does that stupid bitch have - NONE! No offence Sidney.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @JuniorMaye8: A lot of them are though. Attitudes be pure trash #TeamWhiteGirls #SwirlTheWorld","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about you just fuck off back to whatever 3rd world shit hole of a country you come from ? Problem solved I'm a problem solver OK You're welcome well then, get the fuck out, sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is, actually, fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @trayn1gga: Alabama is overrated this yr the last 2 weeks has shown too many chinks in their armor WV gave them hell too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert Bowers can suck my huge Jewish cock. And when he gets sent to prison, I'd love it if the big bubba who makes Bowers his bitch, has Jewish blood! Everyone who hates Jews, can go f*ck themselves, they're all cursed to burn in Hell Always with the black fetishes and rape fantasies, these mamzers. #HeroRobertBowers did the world a favor removing your filthy (((ilk))). Here's hoping more yids die in the hospital so Robert \"I'm Going In for the Win\" Bowers' high score hits a perfect 14! Too bad I wasn't there - I legally conceal-carry and I'm a dead shot. Your so-called hero wouldn't have gotten off two shots before I'd have shot his faggot subvermin Nazi prick off and left him laying on the ground begging this Jew to spare his pathetic life. Okay, mr. internet tough jew. #HeroRobertBowers managed to seriously wound four armored pigs before he was shot and apprehended, but I'm sure you would have 360 no-scoped him with your hot pink Derringer. #ThisTimeJewsLose #PrayForMoreDeadKikes But those fine brave policemen will live. Don't forget your \"hero\" was writhing on the floor, crying and begging to not be shot anymore. What a f*cking pussy he was, just like all of you motherf*ckers. Push comes to shove, you all cry and fold like Hitler did. Bring it, you're all cowards. #JewsWin #IDF","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"settle down with the conspiracy chat\" So what are you saying, that institutional female privilege is a conspiracy? Enjoy you misandrist worthless bigot; https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kkCQvuWw2HI Now fuck off daft cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland Protester Tells Alleged 9\/11 Widow That Her Husband Should Rot In The Grave' https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/ikfng","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_iHATEMOON: All these bitches and niggaz with they imaginary haters .....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that the dude who walked into the room, kissed the girl on the cheek, then left?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling women trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Sweden's four major dailies aftonbladet.se, dn.se, expressen.se, svd.se on #Assange news: Not. A. Word. Bloody hypocrites. Their so-called 'journalism' helped create the mess.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trump is more of a man than that faggot adolf ever was come and fuck me little boy, i will introduce you to some of your obamas immigrants, they love sex with boys like you. call him Hakeem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Librarian at the local junior college in Mississippi near where the NIGGER SCHOOL from Jackson, made fun ***DURING A FOOTBALL GAME WITH BROOKHAVEN HIGH*** of two White police officers getting shot by a black in Brookhaven the day before, called it \"Pure niggerism\" on Facebook and won't be fired. #MakingNiggerAcceptableAgain I FUCKING LOVE IT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A MUST WATCH...Trudeau's 'Refugee Hotel' Exposed! We visited the Raddison Hotel Toronto East to investigate weather the hotel is being used as a refugee centre to accommodate illegal migrants, and to determine if rumours of the migrants destructive behaviour are true. I Was Never In Sumatra @Onetrack https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=o2mXVru5yMM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, Megyn Kelly. that about says it all. I didn't know until recently that she used to be a high-powered lawyer. That blows my mind. Like if she offered to be my lawyer, I'd be like \"no, thanks, I'll take a public defender.\" At least ugly Greta comes off as semi-intelligent in the way she speaks. Megyn is always talking and flaring her nostrils in indignation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Feminist Nigger Brown woman Oh look, they have remembered a white man, way at the back. #drama #scifi #DoctorWho #manosphere #Anglosphere #WhiteGenocide #Brexit #masculinity #MRAs #multiculturalism #FeminismIsCancer #BritFam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HAHAHA ROTFLMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"can't wait for the little half breed to get shit out of that nigger slag. I hope it's a genetic throwback and comes out dark as a piece of coal! fucking niggers can bleach their skin and straighten their hair, dye it and add weaves to look more white but when the DNA hits the fan, their REAL color comes out!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think I would have ran and smashed that liberal face them start beating that soy faggot for disturbing my dinner. We have to stop these faggots soys and stand up for what's right. Or these freak queers soy boys will take over . And your kids will come home thinking there queer. Boys are girls and girls are boys. This must stop!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm \"Only the retarded kids fell off the jungle gym and hurt themselves\" old. When we didn't get locked up for calling it the \"short bus\" and actually volunteered as aids for the \"Retarded Class.\" in all fairness, the comment wasn't to pick on children with real mental conditions; that's cruel. My \"retards\" were those dumbasses we all ran across from time-to-time and wondered who tied their shoelaces in the mornings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D i d y o u j u s t a s s u m e t h a t y o u c o u l d a s s u m e h e r g e n d e r ? ? ! ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just saying nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"93 feature car1 of 1503 yellow and black feature car. buck tag is on the radiator support. 67,3xx miles,... http:\/\/t.co\/1nkNfZqBo9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hangall these disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not a \"migrant caravan\"... it's a Soros-funded INVASION and should be treated as such... with MILITARY FORCE. Period. ............................... Send Out Military Now !!!!... .............. Smh #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy #Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #RedPill #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT #TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed #BuildTheWall a wetback stole it and mailed to wetbackland","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"braindead comment by a faggot cocksucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kirsten Sinema is a cunt but god damn she has some great tits.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gosh ... that doesn't look gay AT ALL. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Adminus666 you've gotta be a nigger. only a nigger could be as stupid as you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@edouglas528 Sorry bout your Yanks Earl....who uya like in the WS?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Duke27_: Mistakes are showing up late for work, running red lights, or even forgetting 2 take the trash out. This here ain't 1 http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SAMMI_boyden well he's a cunt and he can suck my ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Message to Civic Nationalist Fags: Token minorities are not going to save Western Civilisation. The amount of retarded whites in a white nation is insignificant. Sane whites outnumber them. Retarded whites become a problem when they team up with (and get funded by) non-whites in a civic nationalist society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck a nigger . better be ready to raise the kid yourself. They are polluting the blood stream of American fat chicks off spring .. pop out niglets for welfare too support on the backs of tax payers that work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, this retard claims that Jews are the ones making attacks after they're literally gunned down. What a dumb faggot. White supremacy involves lots of penises entering buttholes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crying like a nigger doesn't change anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The early days are rad because you have what you signed the contract for, exclusive rights to a slam piece. With that, the convo can be as slutty as you want it to be. That doesn't last long though. They dry up and become cunts with nothing much to offer. Her part of the bargain is her pussy and she knows it deep down. When she chooses to withhold, she knows the rest of the marriage is a sham and she has to make up all kinds of other \"conversation which is just a gas-light existence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gee, there's a shocker - another jewish cunt bitching about White men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FrankieJGrande ew queer white thirsty bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One mans trash is another mans treasure #believe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really can't stand immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oi! Yeah we're pretty fucked down here. It's either redneck mayo sandwiches or gangbanger latinos or negroid ghettos. So, honestly, it's like any other state just with palm trees. Oh and old people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BloggerBoxing @rianscalia pass the Fosters faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a shiny nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@elchavaloko @Buckm00se yeah sorry monkey team just keeps kicking ppl, waiting for muh pizza","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know I'm not big on the NFL, but I'm so sick of hearing all of this \"Black and yellow\" shit. LOL @ bandwagon fans and hell, GO PACKERS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup. U mad Don't cry too hard into your waifu, faggot. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're retarded. Just retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what a JEWISH RUN society looks like. Jews put dumb morons in positions of authority and pit them against the populace. The retarded asshole police then try and intimidate the populace into not even being able to protect themselves. JEWS = HARBINGERS OF DEATH, RAPE, DISEASE, AND PLAGUES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah, that one is always in effect, otherwise they wouldn't be this rainbow of retardation to begin with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Still I'm laughing, this bitch is a raging cunt, an gets all in a huff when she tries to bully Karen, an gets called a cunt again..............an that bitch look. PRICELESS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These boys will then grow up with people making fun of them and they will then hate their parents for ruining their lives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And another slice peels off. Look at that beautiful straight grained ash! That's not firewood? It could be, but it's so long and straight grained I want to try making stuff with it. Make a, uh..... a... Well I'm sure you'll figure it out Ash is a close second to hickory for things like tool handles (hammers, axes, etc) and can be made into wooden joiners mallets, to name a few things off the top of my head. In any case, having a supply of straight grained hardwood around the homestead is never a bad idea. It would be interesting, but I probably wont do many windmill projects like @folk suggested. Oh yes. As I said yesterday, I've got the martini glasses at the ready. If only there were some libs here to own. Actually there are. Gab is full of NAZIS (which stands for national SOCIALIST!!!). They are just a bunch of leftist commie America h8rs. Patriots should do their duty and own them!!! Popcorn...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"F'n Flame up some retarded hot dog rockets... Throw another one on the Barbie... Neil and Buzz actually landed on the moon. One thing, I do know.. F'n commie bastards nowadays couldn't take a shit in a paper sack and walk backwards with out thier boots turning brown.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"women should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ShojoAIE a bright neon yellow gauntlet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OBAMA SAYS POLITICIANS LYING IS SOMETHING WE HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE.' HERE ARE THREE OF HIS BIGGEST WHOPPERS https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/26\/barack-obama-wisconsin-rally-politicians-lying\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are a virus. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Rod Stewart after a face lift","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The extreme man-hating ones I think are totally crazy, but their general ideology surrounding gender and biology seems solid enough. I would like all gender stereotypes to be tossed out too. Do whatever you want, who ever you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate you niccas! Lol http:\/\/t.co\/NqSYeQhGOZ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear Utah Polynesians: Again, stop acting black and speaking ghetto. Speak FOB, you ain't no ghetto niggaz.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stories of nigger brutality against Americans are often.Im sickened at the lack of pure hatred,and lack of punnishment the negro deserves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck would you try to explain something to a moron who already had a child out of wedlock and can't even take care of her own shit? Get the fuck out of here with this shit. This is like teaching mentally retarded kids how to use firearms. How do you think it's going to end up?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spanish is one of the biggest langauges in the world. If anything, Italian is a minority language. Seeing these retards view global phenomenons through an exclusively US-American-focused myopism makes me extremely angry. They're just a sanctimonious leftish variant of the kind of US-centric bigot shits, who don't waste a single thought on what happens in the world around them, that makes people all over the world resent the US.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The muzzies are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First jig of the night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course he would hes a fucking faggot narcissist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I open the door for men and women you stupid mouthed cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a sexy tweet. RT @Yankees: With a 6-0 lead, #Yankees turn to Matt Thornton to finish off the Red Sox in the 9th.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"State denies people rights, smear and demonise them, rig elections and wage lawfare to break their efforts to get themselves a voice, fire them for speaking out - then wonder why some turn to violence. WTF did they expect? https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6260951\/Max-Hill-Britain-faces-growing-threat-extreme-right-wing-terrorism.html The most corrupt organisation in the UK currently is the coviving thieving bunch of layabouts laughingly called the Legal Profession. Anything said by a QC (Questionable Cretin) should be completely ignored. These venal idiots are the enemies of the people and should be regarded as such.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shouting won't make a difference Tuck Tuck. That is government policy that needs changing. Not working because you don't like where the Govt spend some of your taxes is NOT a valid excuse. Have you run this one by Corbyn yet though? He may be quite keen to use it too. Have you paid taxes by the way? You clearly aren't happy with your government ;) Convenient excuse to be lazy and live off other people's hard work too isn't it ;) 2\/ I'm not exactly lazy though. I work out 5 days a week, 2 hr\/day. I read extensively, I write music, paint, occasionally do free lance work under the table (i.e. no taxes). Kind of like black market in Soviet Union. As long as I'm not contributing to my replacement, I'm proud. Mate! Living on Welfare that other people pay in taxes and working on the side is lazy. You're stealing money from genuinely sick and elderly white people too. This is what our lazy underclass do here and they vote for socialism to get more of other people's money. Did you vote for Clinton for that reason? I can't say I never had welfare.....I collected food stamps for almost a year after my divorce to help me feed my kids while I worked my way up where I had a job. After that, I didn't need it any more. So, I think one year out of 45 isn't too bad. Cool! Way it should be done and what food stamps are actually for. Not to support some lazy racist twat with researching his racism in the library and \"working out\" all day, in case he pisses off some huge black bloke lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Written by a christard yesterday in here ,They choose that goddamn sand nigger OVER their race You are shitting up the alt right with you faggot ass candle shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being coons @FatTravis_6200: At??? @TiFFANY_P0RSCHE: Y'all are amazing.\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservitism means throwing away all of your traditional white values for faggots and brown people. If it worked this country would still have the demographics of the fifties. And this retarded bitch has over 5k followers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Deplorable_Satoshi Posts per day are flat. I guess they don't find you all that fascinating either.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey white boys, I'm here to tell you that you racists don't own Gab, pick a fight with this Jew! @theobear777 dose not want to admit that he is a faggot, even though I pointed out to him that bear is faggot code for a fat guy with a harry back which is a common Jewish mutation. He responded thus:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@christianvansly haha I'm shocked barca got more yellow cards this time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hmmm, im gay and I don't view myself as different from any straight people I just form emotional and intimate attachments with men... and I mean unless I told you I was gay irl you would think I was straight so... I guess this person may be retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BadNewsAli: Look at ya boy @Quanb24 RT @DrydenNeal: Nigga a faggot RT @So_Leaux: Bruh RT @worstrapIyrics: Chance The Rapper http:\/\/t.co ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allah was a faggot Allah was the name of a pet pig that belonged to Mohammad, who he screwed daily....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess some retard thinks we dont have a problem with muslims just because we dont talk about them. We have enough faggots like you talking about them. Someone else needs to talk about the jews destroying the west.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You been negatively gearing your score recently? You been pissing off some kikey nigger lovers? @johnlarson","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@heyrmbr probs that fag Vhia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TravelNevada: Great story of what it's REALLY like to be a camel jockey at the Camel Races in @VirginiaCity http:\/\/t.co\/X02xMAVEqU #Tra ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I firmly believe that only gay people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hard to believe so many clueless and stupid, idiots support the Muzzie asshole. What is wrong with those brain dead morons??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, is this twat gonna kill herself like Rosie McDonalds, George Clooney, Madonna were going to move out of the USA if Trump was elected POTUS? Or is she really gonna do it? Cause if she really is going to do it, I just want to say \"thanks\" - one less volatile, crazy bitch on the planet and thank you for offing yourself instead of some innocent bystander like the left USUALLY does.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That Flaming CUNT couldn't Win a Lottery if she bought EVERY SINGLE TICKET........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I understand your obsession with me. I do have a magnetic personality. But I'm not a faggot like you. So run along now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish all protesters would be shot in the street. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's almost always sons with these cunts. Whether they are killing them or poisoning them for attention. Guarantee this will end up on pussypass eventually.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good news! The witch was suspended, but she should be fired!!! She's a special-ed teacher for God's sake!! #DumbLibs https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/08\/liberal-teacher-suspended-after-tweeting-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone else notice a bunch of new retard liberals on GAB ? negative scores and nothing to say but the same old mockingbird narrative crap, mental hostpitals are going to be needed after disclosure.. #Qanon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's be fair--she definitely does not look heterosexual.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf is the American gestapo? Do they come out at night to look for the undesirables or something? Tumblr really does produce some retarded shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros is in his late 80s so hopefully we'll be rid of the cunt soon, his son will be more of a problem then but if he is Trump can have him put in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lying, scheming, communist, cunt should be drug out by her hair and shot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"twitter will suspend you if you even talk to a black superior in their words. lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @Kik2Clean: Brah Wiz cheated http:\/\/t.co\/OZ2PnDNGJ0 she had hair like a dyke..... Uh.. Duh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmu talmbout match but when I pull up its 30 other niccas wit ya ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ion care fuck that hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ronele: Getting ready for Nevada Hump Day @nevadamuseum. Real live camels, ostriches and zebras - oh my! @VirginiaCity #NevadaHumpDay # ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They NEVER stop encouraging #Whites to refrain from having #children. #WhiteGenocide #family #antiwhite #Whitepeople #news no,I was talking about your Mama.and probably your little sister too!! bwa haa ha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He never replied to my asking about his calling me a \"redneck\" @gigg423 @psherm07 @EchoesErrant @jstines3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no shits given about this retarded cunt that wet herself over going to our white house to dine with the ape fambly shitbamas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These black people make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Much love to you, thank you for your courage. Keep speaking your truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any gay person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bullshit. The communist, Liberal Left is causing ALL of the problems, and anyone with a braincell can see it. You all just exist to fool the retarded normies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">We exist <3 Retards have existed for forever champ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My Twitter account was locked. Why? I had said that someone was retarded for failing to understand the presumption of innocence. Twitter told me that that is #hatespeech. So the many accounts calling for the death of Jews, males, whites, republicans , etc. are not? Twitter ,google etc are becoming ever more obvious in their slant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One Mentally Retarded Muslim Paedophile Rapist Murdering Goat Shagging Camel Piss Drinking Shit Stain Down Voted This Post","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got records in London Quit my job cuz my boss is a faggot! Order a fajita and a fresh enchilada Shot that parrot cause he used to chirp Can't eat Chinese cause it makes me burp Went from bar to bar I got rejected My fake ID, it was disrespected Got records in London Quit my job cause my boss is a faggot One more thing that you should know MCA....is a desperado","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And just think, in another few years the new generations going to have to top this retarded bullshit. My heart goes out to you fluidtranshomoqueer kids of the future. We look forward to the new generations retard ideals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are fantastic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SambObama 1\/1 nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh Yahweh, your hand is upon me, your shadow hovers over me.For your sake, The House of Ysrah'al mock me all day long http:\/\/t.co\/wXEs0DQRP9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what is Stampede? sounds like fun Awesome! Sounds like fun. Cool! Sounds like fun.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Another chicken shit white Liberal whose whore wife fucked a Nigger and he just shrugs and says 'O.K'. If it were my wife, I'd take her and the nigglets home, cut their throats and throw them into a really deep hole. The only good Nigger is a dead one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yee boy my yung nicca told me dat waxx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure this is totally nothing to do with (((You know who))) Celebrate the good news goyim! *cries* Of course - they'll tell us what the \"naturally more powerful genes\" are and \"Let me tell you about our scientific findings goyim\" Lol yep. Sad but true!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #MAGA Do you know who started walk away? Trump he was Dem then when they dumped white men. He instantly flipped Republican like any sane person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mitt Romney hates big bird. Fascist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> He clearly said in his first post that she was guilty of the criminal battery portion and deserves to be in jail. The Judge said she was guilty of more. If some redditor who knows absolutely no real details of the case disagrees with the Judge who presided over the trial, it's gonna be hard to convince me that the random redditor is anything but retarded. Especially when there are reasons people can think of off the top of their heads as to why the guy may have not just kicked her ass out the door. Now, I am not one of the people who even brought up \"Hydrocephalus.\" What I said, in a made up quote, because I thought it would be kind of obvious that it was my supposition, that since she was (we all agree) guilty of criminal battery against him (article cites stab wounds and third degree burns) it would be a reasonable for him to assume \"if I go to sleep in a way this batshit insane bitch doesn't like, she's gonna stab me and burn me.\" Same goes for wearing clothes she didn't like, or literally anything else she told him to do. And if you don't think that is reasonable, because 'he should have just stopped her' then any battery she committed against him would be excusable under the same reasoning, because 'he could have just stopped her.' Except he plainly couldn't stop the battery while he was awake, so doing it when he was asleep was probably not an option. > Stockholm syndrome is a better explanation which is still just him being a cuck. With this, I am just going to assume you are not enough of a human being to be worth talking to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LilMissRightie Hey #teabagger the #benghazi thing is a joke. 13 Benghazis under Bush, no hearings. More on Benghazi than real 9-11 attack","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim admits her \"faith is no comfort whatsoever: She would feel safer and happier in her homeland with her people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Death is too good for this raving cunt .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YOU NEED TO BE PUT IN PRISON !!! Liberal Criminal . The food sat in the sun until it spoiled full of worms you feckless cunt while Puerto Ricans people suffered so you could use it as political fodder keep VOTING DEMOCRAT YOU DESERVE THESE MONSTERS !!! YOU NEED TO BE PUT IN PRISON !!! Liberal Criminal . The food sat in the sun until it spoiled full of worms you feckless cunt while Puerto Ricans people suffered so you could use it as political fodder","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alex Jones Caught with Tranny Porn on his Phone https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/08\/28\/alex-jones-apparently-spotted-with-trans-porn-on-his-phone\/ Why are you a Faggot too? You degenerate?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#potus Federal Judge \"Shocked\" To Find Obama State Dept Lied To Protect Hillary From Email Server Lawsuits | Zero Hedge https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-18\/federal-judge-shocked-find-obama-state-dept-lied-protect-hillary-email-server Federal Judge discovers that Obama State Dept. lied to protect Hillary from Email Server Lawsuits. It is only a matter of time Cankles! #LockherUp @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @christophheer @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Ambassador4Christ @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @Delilah_Manny @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @ramcclean @margerine2000 @blogdog @CookieMuffen @The_Western_Man @Znews I love the \"c\" alliteration in that post. Do you write poetry by any chance?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's not how christianity works. Are you Catholic by chance? It is simple. Proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ or get out of the USA. God decides. And he has decided that those who do not proclaim his name shall be condemned to eternal hell. Indeed. But God did NOT proclaim you have to be a Christian to enter any particular country. Christianity is voluntary. Unless you're Catholic and willing to kill like Muslims those who wont convert. Knowing Christ in personal relationship is paramount. You better get to work on that. \"willing to kill like Muslims those who wont convert\" Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. Qur'an 2:256 So your Koran is written in King James version? So in Islam it is Convert or DIE. Then these EU people better be prepared to CONVERT to Islam or DIE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel bad for nigger women. They hate you more than we do. Your mud shark gash means nothing to us; you are drawing away the defective DNA. Is that even a White woman. The nose is a little hosey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/au.lifestyle.yahoo.com\/student-selling-virginity-online-pay-university-fees- \"but sex bots are immoral.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha ha. Brexit threat working. I told them to hard Brexit. Do it and get rid of Khan. The entire premise of the EU is the eradication of Whites\/Christians, and now that it appears the UK is leaving it, Jews flee to Germany where their beloved Communist Jew tool Merkel can protect them. Jews voted 2-1 Remain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS CUNT NEEDS A HELIPOPTER RIDE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the fuck is this cunt on about, aggressive likes? Get the fuck outta here!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought I would order some gun control for my new rifle!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The lamest thing about this sub is the whiney faggot that posts this exact comment in every thread. The whole fucking site is lame, what do you expect from a bunch of SJW trannies? Leave if you don't like it. I will put milk into the cunt of your mother and fuck her till its ayran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@OfficialCCane naah da twitter bird ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow. For some reason I clicked on this. I couldn' make it through 30 seconds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah, an NPC! You are right though in some respects. Not many RACIST askeNAZI JEWS or despicable human sewage Democrats PIGS! All Democrats are completely HATEFUL BIGOTS but they don't know because of the MASS RETARDATION of the left! The Jewish Supremacists who coined the false term white supremacists are RACIST PIGS! The level of discourse on twatter has the intelligence level of a gnat! I am a Liberal but I have the intelligence to use the word properly. RACIST RETARDED BIGOT Democrats can only regurgitate what they have been told to think!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm so fucking excited. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, Nazis are weak and impotent faggots. Low IQ losers! In My reality the Nazis lost WW II! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Why would the allies give fake IQ tests? That's some retard nigger tier shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You've made quite a few claims there. Now prove them with evidence. Any evidence to refute my claims? Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Google it-plenty of scientific studies showing porn has the same brain effect as cocaine. I'm not going to Google it. If you make a claim, you have to prove it. Sounds good bud Good luck being taken seriously if you don't want to back up your claims. I don't give a fuck if you take me seriously or not. If the aim of your post was to warn people, you should strive to be taken seriously. That's your view not mine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Young British soldier sacked for having his photo taken with British patriot who is critical of Muslim paedophiles !! Please sign the petition https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/standwithourlads","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SEND ALL GAYS TO HELL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being so self centered you think men are literally grinding their teeth down in seething anger that they cant talk to you. tbh i have had a guy shout at me for wearing head phones and called me rude for doing so. some crazy fuck do sit in a corner and glare at you. and any way considering you have already called this girl \"self centered\" and a \"conceited cunt\". you can see a level aggression in your self equal to the one that she is showing. The difference being she has latched her fear and anger on to a group of people, and you just fined random people on the internet to hate. Lol fuck off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PATHETIC FAKE HATE HATE HOAX: Troubled Lesbian Sent Herself Death Threats That She Found in Her Desk Drawer https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hate-hoax-troubled-lesbian-sent-herself-death-threats-that-she-found-in-her-desk-drawer\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is rapper T.I.'s main clown squeeze with blue eye implants. Any wonder why he's making fantasy videos about Melania?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their father was the \"abuser\" yet the the loving caring mother was their murderer ...hmmm that math doesn't seem to add up too well. Let's just say maybe none of them were fit for beeing a parent. One more, one less. I didn't read the article so maybe the father was abusive but if the only basis for that claim we have is the murderers perception ? I'm not gonna give it much merit. I mean in the context of children the violence in a family is unessecary. And so is murder. What a clusterfuck this situation is ahhh I understand yeah this is a clusterfuck regardless, poor kids.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nicholas Rushlow, wearing lucky yellow shirt, nails \"theophylline\" - \"bitter crystalline compound extracted from tea leaves\" #spellingbee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Son of a gun, Trump's gone and pardoned Joe Arpaio youtu.be\/HzkGiD-KJ-s It's a song. Did you listen to it? (There's a link. It's a clever parody! Can you name the original?) You don't have to like the song, but it still counts as music! youtu.be\/HzkGiD-KJ-s The link is in the post. It works for me. Maybe you'll like our other songs. Mamaspepes.bandcamp.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In this 20 minute long video, Top Hate and Champagne goes over the need to get along with progressives and how such a feat is very much possible. I didn't insult you, why would you insult me? Because you are living a lie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez compares climate change to 'existential threat' of Nazi Germany. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/pmjG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well, Italians if we are being honest. but we give them a pass because they hate niggers more than the rest of europe combined. really talented nigger haters actually.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nFU_bd7EdpE Libertines - What A Waster","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And ever day he been fucking children and his evil cunt wife bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you, hand out that candy Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado @PattiSM74","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, though hopefully given time CDPR may say \"fuck it\" and ignore the whiny cunts but either way, I don't see them making jokes anymore due to the ResetEra doxing and all that. I do hope the guy hasn't been fired but simply left but I could be wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Praise the Lord. He knows the truth! Parasite. Fake news Momo was a paedo - truth Who cares 200k buy a plot of land 200k build a house. Who doesn't these days my shitty council house is worth 100k and I pay next to nout mortgage #FakeNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"India is extremely homophobic. So no, you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're talking about immigrants here. They can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for women has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Intentions aside, it's just retarded to have something like that in a game. Unless it's literally filled to the brim with comedy and is parodying tons of things, like Saints Row or something. don't become like them: a humorless cunt, laugh it off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not so much Jews. 2nd biggest Twitter shareholder is Saudi. Criticising Islam on Twitter gets you banned, they don't seem too bothered about antisemitism. The ADL is literally one of Twitters trusted flaggers. I lost an account for saying I was tending to my cattle cars and another for calling Mexicans illegal invaders. Jews at the ADL did that. Maybe things are different in Old America. Islam is the main cause of suspensions now. There are loads of Corbyn's socialists posting antisemitic shite who are still there. Same as morons calling for all whites to be killed that Twitter ignores. We have an Islam problem. Stakipanis are just part of it. Somalians are big into drug gangs. Yeah I saw the invaders. Yet again if Jews are helping them it's left wing Jewish morons. The same ones who bring illegals into Europe. All non whites in white homelands are a problem. Atleast you acknowledge the Jewish involvement in the NGO's orchestrating this. Now if you could only see that the only difference between left\/right Jews is muh low taxes. Other than that, they have a cohesive group evolutionary strategy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SlightlyAdjusted RT @CapoToHeaven Alls niggers wanna do is fuck, tweet, and drink pineapple soda all day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf? White Genocide is not nice, you jerk. Boomers don't give a shit about my generation (Z) nor any other thing outside of your own pleasures and comforts. I hope you get a nigger nurse when the time comes and that she shoots your veins with a syringe full of air because she hates whitey so much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel the same way. I thought surly that the faggot ass \"Stormers\" on the BBS would call Anglin out on this bullshit, but no, they all made a joke out of this disgusting act. Fuck Anglin, Weev, and any that follow that trash. Once you learn that \"Weev\" is jewish... ...and, the last time I checked - Anglin has a jewish lawyer... ...it all makes sense. Several other well-known 'white supremacists' are either jewish, or associated with jews, as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a retard and I hope you get aids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Sheen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NBC News stated that President Donald Trump called Robert E. Lee \"incredible but Trump was actually referring to Ulysses S. Grant. President Trump first pointed out this hilarious snafu, and NBC for the record was forced to issue a retraction. Why does the mainstream media much like Antifa focus so heavily on Civil War imagery and Civil War-related controversies? Especially at a turning point moment in American history, when President Trump reports that people are coming together behind the economy? NBC also made the week's second most-egregious blonder, with MSNBC host Katy Tur getting the name of the Florida Republican candidate for governor Ron DeSantis wrong six times. CORRECTION: An earlier tweet misidentified the general President Trump described as \"incredible\" at a rally in Ohio. It was Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, not Gen. Robert E. Lee. An attached video clip lacked the full context for Trump's remark. Here is the full clip. pic.twitter.com\/NZHj3Q2dHL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @xoxo_Geee: Chest tattoos on females are trash .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis keep on prattling about having shot down today what they think is an Apache helicopter. Maybe it was an Mi-35?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's disheartening to still see people call for the death of immigrants in 2020. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT BillTufts Canada to admit nearly 1 million immigrants over the next 3 years That's like a new Calgary every 3 years. How many housing units need to be built? https:\/\/www.cbc.ca\/news\/politics\/immigration-canada-2018- Canada? Or their masters at the UN? the millions of immigrants they want to shove in there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HE PUT HIS BOOT NOT ONLY ON THE NECK OF THE PEOPLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @imDOPE_GetHigh: @Whackko man some lame niggah when I find him I'm unfollowing TF out his ass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they aren't even going to own up to the fact that they produce hateful content? is it really going to be everyone else but them and they're just victims? wow, this whole victimhood status really just makes people retarded doesn't it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don t you go beck your god to murder you? Christianity is a joke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I should like to warn my fellow Gabbers about one Aurelus Grove @AurGrove . He is a faggot of the highest order, one who will no doubt be asking for the chance to suck your cawks. I would Mute this thing promptly. All Faggots\/Dykes\/Trannies\/Genderfuckoffs\/Feminists should be banned from Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"uhhh, why the fuck would people be okay with that? The hell is wrong with you? She has a religious belief so therefore she should get thrown under the bus? It's not about throwing her under the bus for a religious belief, it's that to become a citizen of France you have to show you are willing to assimilate into French culture. If she won't shake hands with men, that's a pretty big culture divide. One she isn't willing to move on (because it's a religious thing). But France isn't willing to move either, because it's a culture thing. Of course not. These people determine who is and who is not worth defending by looking at a paint color swatch. If you are darker than mocha latte, you are to be defended at all costs. If you are lighter, you are the oppressor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a gy person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mad Max, the Field Nigger speaks shit again !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@protricity - Since your mental illness prevents you from understanding how much of a cowardly chicken shit you are, I will sort this out for you. YOU ARE POSTING FROM AN ANON RANDOM FAGGOT PROFILE. If you were any kind of serious you would post your name and who you really are. You fucking gaping pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a disabled person tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The leftard actors who appear in this ad are really sad because they haven't received enough downvotes. Please help them: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRp1CK_X_Yw ...and after that, continue helping them by not watching any of their movies ever again. IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. - (If you would like to be added to or removed from this tag list, please let me know) cc: @DRDeplorable @seamrog @SoaringNow @Reziac @Modem @TexasYankee4 @AnonymousFred514 @WarAtTheZoo @Danelaw @justmargaret @NUA @avro683 @Laconic_Oak @Mewsique @tealc7499 @Bezerker22 @ProudlyWhiteProudlyRight @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @TillyGirl @milinda @P2P @commonsense1212 @MrWazzo @RaviCrux @PistoffKristoff @GregMRBCPA @Porkypig205 @Drivenfast @Evilroman @Reddog1776 @BoerRepublic @Ttowenaar @KetzerHexe @Anglo-Saxon @TheNiceTerrier @Addlepated @PatriotGranny28 @joesh1999 @TCO18 @Tanstaafl @RightsEndowedByOurCreator @PlacidSeven @1001cutz @AfrikanerViking @LucianLafayette @OurCountryFirst @FreeAgent355 @Deplora-Bot @Patriot_ @Darius1954 @Grabthepelts @KekistaniCitizen @Radicalgrambo @MJTureckie @ShaHouMac @HonkeyKong @Travelingman @Danae2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An ex #Muslim speaks with conviction of her personal experiences of #Islam and #sharia, and lauds British values and its Judeo-Christian #heritage at @ForBritainParty's national conference. #ForBritainConf2018 #ForBritain #jihad #abuse #Christianity https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/PbjZJpwdLB3e\/ fuck britainstan are you a faggot like most brit men? or are you a wannabe faggot like the rest of brit men. blah, blah, blah, the brits are fucking assholes and next time your faggot ass needs saving, WE AREN'T COMING.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meanwhile, little tough guy Mr. Hanky Rearend cries like a little cunt when someone trolls the fuck out of his pussy ass.... https:\/\/gab.ai\/HankRearden\/posts\/38421004 https:\/\/gab.ai\/HankRearden\/posts\/38420345 Tell all your little butt buddies more about how you're such a tough guy troll, pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So we should jot down that she is an insufferable cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Canada is too soft. It also hasn't been hit as hard as some areas of the US that went all in on Trump. Canada is also super socialist and collectivist by comparison. Our future looks more like that of Sweden than the US. Retarded hypocrite whites vote for mass immigration then fuck off to the suburbs when diversity gets out of control. Then they call you a racist and a nazi because you don't like being the only white person in your neighborhood. Honestly I really can't stand so called \"liberal\" Canadians. They are super smug self righteous assholes. You can't even talk to them about any of this shit they cover their ears and wont hear it. Then they go back to Netflix and watch that movie where the Nordic looking blonde girl has a black boyfriend and all the white people are goofs who can't figure anything out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do we whites always have to pose with nigger babies like it's some kind of popularity contest? Have you ever seen African leaders picking up white kids to win voter approval? Nope NEVER, because they don't give a fuck about white people. We need to return the favor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"like. animal crackers are legit the best snack","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does seem that one never sees an attractive feminazi huh. Coincidence I think not. I have never even heard of such thing, although the fact that they are hairy as a damn Sasquatch wouldn't help even if somehow they got a really retarded and hot girl to join their herd, and she would eventually become fat as fuck too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Macron vs #Orban? Mm says it all really, Macron likes nigger man love and has no children? #PiS #V4 #populism #Merkel #AfD #WhiteGenocide #UKIP #ForBritain #Anglosphere #WhiteIdentity #Brexit #tradlife #DeusVult","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meanwhile, these same women are shaming every man who isn't 6'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give a nigger an inch, it'll take a foot, and then you won't have a leg to stand on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@elchavaloko pinche panamonos negros me Dan asco","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She got","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faux Noise pundits don't like duck molester, pro-slavery racist, #homophobic #teabagger darling Phil Robertson either http:\/\/t.co\/5gt6ZVgqXY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the pope is a dope and an argentine communist. fuck the faggot pope","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather die than date a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thistranny. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump is secretly the puppet master behind the migrant caravan, according to celebrity expert Bette Midler, to energize his base to get out and vote in the midterms! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ZfrL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Deplorable_Satoshi When you get SITE NOT FOUND remember me. What the Fuck is Wrong with You! You need to bully a young kid to up your traffic and push your @judgedread dystopian bullshit? Seriously, you can't handle being knocked around by a kid without getting so mad, you want him banned off this site? You think he should be doxxed too? Over the #RoboCop? #GrowTheFuckUp #GetARealJob! cc: @Sockalexis @Gee @PepeFarmRemembers @militanthippy @DeplorableBuilder @Broken77 @kgrace @Snugglebunny @Deplorable_Satoshi @LoafOfToast @judgedread says the same shit everyday. \"Gab is dying He's right in a way - His Gab is dying because basically everyone has muted his ass. He stirs shit up with y'all bc that's the only action he gets. I suggest you mute his diapered ass too. Why is he so mad? I just figure Dread is a twitter plant of sorts, here to spread anti-Gab propaganda for Jews and Twitter. He's prolly a member of the ADL or ACLU too. I am the law man!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! \/ http:\/\/t.co\/4Hhxk9MKHe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Took my teenage daughter to see her favourite Mexican pop group last night. The Spic Girls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many fagg0ts in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, it's pretty much the same when trying to burn religious people with logic and reason. There's little satisfaction in it since they are unable to actually see it. Can be funny for the bystanders though but it kinda feels like making fun of retarded people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tr4ns people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Jakelewis44_: We don't luv deez hoes http:\/\/t.co\/oFjlxAO5SF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Andrew Torba @a https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/website-used-by-synagogue-shooter-and-racists-says-its-being-forced-offline\/ Sure youve got greater priorities at the moment and good luck with everything but this popped up on my news feed and i thought you may be interested cause its about gab. Also i will say my prayers and thoughts are with the familys and friends at this time following this horror, also with the Jewish community as a whole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just because it's offensive doesn't mean it's funny. \/r\/lmGoingToHellForThis is confused by this statement. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"LetsGoAllTheWhey\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Is this sub supposed to be funny though?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Video: Charlie Baker remembers Tom Menino http:\/\/t.co\/vdaOWLZksv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NinerFans: #Seahawks fans are scheduled to meet up at Pier 39 on SAT. @ 5PM to trash talk and heckle San Franciscans! BE PREPARED! WEAR ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Baby I'll whisper Vietnamese to you all soft like, \"ching... chong ting o long....\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are LOTS of top tier wrestlers who started as \"yardies\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm convinced that thing is just a filthy kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is called intimidating a witness, and it's a classic tactic for people who have no other hope of winning a case. Democrat Leaders are allowed to openly threaten anyone they want to get their way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do people not recognise that gay lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"+++QAnon ___Follow the white rabbit Must be Canadian - we drink lots of beer and play hockey. We just need to get rid of our Imbecile Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HornyFacts: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"no u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 for a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"did 23andme give her that 4% nigger DNA too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What always amazes me is how people sit idly by in these situations. How did nobody on that train tell that cunt to shut her fucking trap?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland Antifa Violence Against Senior Citizens https:\/\/youtu.be\/sq-dcJrnGTM The daily, progressive, shitholization of Portland. Used to be a pretty damn nice city, back in the day. Only crazy people and masochists now drive downtown there on weekends.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the Muslims around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always the trans person that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not getting enough faggot in your daily media or from \"fags on Gab\" like @justinpbolinger? Well then step right up and get your sodomite pride on with a faggoty face on your Apple Watch. After all, it's all in our heads (right sodomite sycophants?) You're no threat to our kids. Keep eating dat poo poo queermos! https:\/\/support.apple.com\/en-us\/HT208893 This is the mainstream Jew media faggot. They proffer these stories to undermine a society. Then, you come to Gab, as if Twitter and Faceberg didn't coddle you faggot ass enough, and demanded that we celebrate your sodomy on \"free fag wedding day.\" No dice homo. LOL, whining to the admin...we already knew you were a fagboi. Lol dude if I told you my favorite color was teal, you'd tell me that teal is the favorite color of all Jew sycophant soyboy fags. We already figured you liked teal...and pickles. And dicks up your ass. LOL...nasty little faggot. Ask me my favorite anything and I'll see if you have something against it. Fav sport is golf. Fav food is lobster. Fav season is fall. Are golf-playing lobsters in the fall all things Jewish soyboy sycophant fags like? Here you go MegaFaggot: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vDDjp2lSWLg Also, MegaFaggot is another compliment to me. I'd be careful. You don't want people to think you secretly like me. Yeah I'm sure that's real risk. I think you want to convert me, you basically demand I celebrate your faggottry by performing the act.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoopi Goldberg Says Actresses Used Sex With Ugly Men To Get Ahead https:\/\/iotwreport.com\/whoopi-goldberg-says-actresses-used-sex-with-ugly-men-to-get-ahead\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The app us different depending on what place you are in. The app for Vegas is different than the app for Philly and so on. So stop being a cunt. I mean yeah that's possible. But the app literally shouts directions at you. Just drive her home man. She was being a huge cunt, but he was also being a frustrating retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's a faggot too hence the utter insanity at work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey, nobody got lynched. No man spent decades in prison. No harm, no foul, right? She didn't mean to hurt anyone; she's just retarded. Women shouldn't go to prison for acting like children. They just don't know any better.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Swamp retard Cuomo Hype over #FakeBombs #FakeNews #FalseFlag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Statistics show that if you support don lemon or you agree with him or if you think he' s intelligent then you' re overwhelmingly ignorant. Don' t blame me that' s just facts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who uses \"cucked in a sentence without irony is a sister-fucking degenerate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's what I was saying. The only reason world powers give out foreign aide is to control smaller countries. But under the control of China they'd lose their black population just like Uganda. With every passing day, these functionally retarded (average IQ of 65) people put themselves into a deeper hole for their future. I say let them burn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @eaglesfan167: #Eagles 5hrs till the birds kick some ass###bleedgreen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHAT A RETARD SHE IS AS DENSE AS THE REST OF THE LIBTARDS .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pro lifers should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude I love this sub reddit and think she was being a cunt. I just think it's dumb how people get fired over everything now. I get it, if you go on a racist tyrant you should get fired. If you abuse someone you should get fired. Do I think you should get fired for getting drunk and calling an uber driver stupid? Fuck no. Her attitude was disgusting but she wasn't racist or abusive or really that rude. She should have been made to issue an apology and maybe have her uber account suspended. I don't think she should have been fired. I would have said the same thing about a man in this situation. Dude, if it were a guy, he would have been fired, thats why its PPD. Im not saying it justified...in high school the rednecks and Mexican kids used to beat the piss out of each other at lunch. Those were the good old days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok Gab. I got my 23 and me and ancestry DNA back a year or so ago. I was born and raised in Lubbock Texas as a Southern Baptist. My mother was raised Catholic in New Jersey. My biological father was an atheistic heroin addict. According to my DNA I am 2% Ashkenazi Jew. As I understand it this just means that the Jewish Rejects left Israel and moved to Europe and then to Poland. Also another tiny portion of my DNA is from the Middle East. This not a question of faith. I've been a born again since I was old enough to think for myself. My infatuation with life is trying to understand why people believe what they believe. So am I a white Irish European descendant? Like I've spent my entire life being. Or am I all of a sudden a Jew that can't be trusted? Let me ask u something tho, cause I know I wasn't answering your question like you wanted. What does it matter how I perceive you racially? I know black and Mexican guys that are way more redneck than me. So are they more white the I am?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JacobbBacker fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And this post, obviously a joke. False equivalence. Gg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This stupid cunt again. And fuck \"Shaun King\" that fake-ass wanna-be black guy for spreading bullshit and lies. Bitch-ass white boi should be served with a libel suit, piece of shit-stirring troll. NOBODY takes his faggot ass licking white-knight save-a-hoe ass seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Crist wins Democratic primary in Florida governor's race, AP projects http:\/\/t.co\/Gy9uRBtQ1q via @WSJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/video.foxnews.com\/v\/5845126963001#sp=show-clips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most women are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So she wants more gun control in the state that is the most strict with gun control? The shooter was a marine, does she not think the marines should be issued guns? It sounds like a case of someone who snapped, not loose gun control. These are Californians we're talking about here. They practically have sub-room temperature IQ. I will agree as one that's been here for over 30 years. . . this place has really gone downhill. I blame all the crap in the air from those in LA and SF.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitch ,you need an ID to get into a damned movie . another obama criminal cunt mouthing off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure I'll regret wasting money and listening to women say retarded things","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MindOnSuccess_: My mother be on some trash man I ask her EVERYDAY, you need\/ want some money? She say \"Naw I'm good!\" But come payday ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jason Selvig is a faggot and he was harassing Brian Kilmead today. Anybody know where he lives?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That shade of faggot clashes with your eye color.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @QtipTheAbstract: Derek Jeter ... A class act... A great Yankee... A 1st ballot Hall of Fame inductee to be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We can thank the BOOMERS and their retarded party politics circus for this one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is. Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SBS host dons white face to racially vilify white people. SBS taking your taxes to humiliate you! #australia #ausfam #aupol #auspol #sbs #whiteface","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@patrickkimmis @White1979 Remember Dad running a rotary hoe over corn after a freeze to knock the dead leaves off after they turn brown","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It says a lot about a person who would accuse you of sympathizing with terrorists because you point out the image they claim is of one mans torture is actually several years older than the death of said person. Either way, you claimed an image of a man being tortured was Christopher Stevens, I said it wasn't and proved it while also saying I didn't deny anything about the story of what happened to him. How unhinged are you that you call somebody at Terrorist sympathizer for pointing out that you made a mistake? Whats that sound Awe Hell , you muzzie POS. wah wah, you got called on your BS ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RAVING LUNATIC WATCH: Topless Female Communist With a Mustache Rushes Supreme Court Steps https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/watch-topless-female-communist-with-a-mustache-rushes-supreme-court-steps\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"damn it sucks to be a liberal lefty crazed maniac pink pussy twat and it must suck for men to follow women who make them wear the same hat hat isnt literal its the way they carry themselves colorful men http:\/\/twitter.com\/theview all idiots http:\/\/twitter.com\/thedemocrats http:\/\/twitter.com\/barackobama http:\/\/twitter.com\/hillaryclinton http:\/\/twitter.com\/hollywood http:\/\/twitter.com\/mattdamen http:\/\/twitter.com\/madonna http:\/\/twitter.com\/rosie http:\/\/twitter.com\/billclinton http:\/\/twitter.com\/chelseaclinton","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if this is happening now ? Mexico's in for a nightmare when this brown-dem-bragade get turned around ...now they created their own civil war...hatred the only thing that last forever... Love certainly doesn't last forever - especially in my case, always some miserable cunt who'll fuck it up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's awesome when people you've known for years talk trash about you behind your back and then ask you for favors later. truly awesome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This video needs to reach the masses. Voters need to look at this and see if the people in this video represent them and their values. #MobRuleDemocrats #RedOctober #RedWave #DrainTheSwamp https:\/\/youtu.be\/Tv920dM57IQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White Nationalist Richard Spencer's Wife Says In Divorce Filings That He Physically And Emotionally Abused Her https:\/\/www.buzzfeed.com\/talalansari\/richard-spencer-divorce-abuse-wife-allegations @CarolynEmerick EVEN THEIR LEADER IS RUNNING OFF HIS WOMAN No comment. #NotMyBusiness! But I will say that a lot of the ideas going around in the Dolt Right WOULD encourage a generation of abusers. Enough is enough.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical m o n g behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nothing more dangerous than a nigger with a bowling ball in his hands!! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think you mean, after the nigger invasion","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"H ngt die nigger auf","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this Lolicon guy's autism is insufferable, even in 3 or 4 back and forth replies i'm just like FIGURE OUT I'M TRYING TO BE POLITE AND DIPLOMATIC AND STOP BEING A FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taylor Swift nothingburger w\/ fries bringing out some top shelf cringe http:\/\/archive.is\/wRxhv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shylock and Wongs: 3 Incidents of Democrat Bigotry In 3 Weeks - Media Mum http:\/\/t.co\/rX8ynPg1Yd via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate when people tell me I have to many tattoos, and they make me look ugly. Like bitch fuck you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Flow935 jus wanted to let y ll know hope the hurricane kills your soca sunday trash #LORDWILLIN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is heavily relying on him to turn the other cheek...tough talking demon infested woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#redneck tow truck. #johndeere #4455 #america https:\/\/t.co\/iFInqwVRad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How on earth are the walking around the streets of the United States of America and not one of these evil cunt s not shoot dead or blown up come on American patriots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing more yokel MSU fan than to constantly reassess Izzo *aka our only consistent winner since D. Daugherty or Biggie flipping Munn*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My level of dismay at the cesspit that is the UK education system grows by the day. The filthy left wing scum that have infiltrated it have ruined an entire generation. https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/education\/2018\/10\/10\/fears-glorification-war-sees-cambridge-university-students-reject\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wholesome life lesson from a redneck https:\/\/redd.it\/9n8ln8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"karen is an ignorant nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guys who aren't idiots expect it. I'm not going to blame women for having reasonable expectations just because there are some dudes retarded enough to date deadbeats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once upon a time...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are a canc3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's no different than a lot of other subs, it's getting brigaded by sjw faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prove us wrong. You can't and you won't, because we are right. But like any leftist, you'll cry about the truth and dig in your heels and name call. Then why do the actions which keep in this prison? Why are set on stupid???? Try harder. You are just a joke. Simple. I am laughing at you. And yet for all this grandstanding ... he can't elect a dog catcher of his choice. I have the ultimate choice, you don't have shit! So then you have chosen to allow the enemy to rule you? Notice the nonsense. You are confused little fuck. Wrestle with your own stupid on your time. I deal in VICTORY not moral pap. Your analysis of victory is highly is to constantly be the inferior sewage! Jews think they are smart and victorious, but you wallow in the scum! You need a good flush! So low life scum who are brainless are YOUR chosen leaders?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical faggot behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Nashgrier purple monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those women will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it normal to not have a fuckin' clue who the fuck and what? Reminder that mainstream media coverage of the Proud Boys is basically indistinguishable from that of the Traditionalist Worker's Party or David Duke or whatever. Criticizing people to the right of you for brownie points is so obviously futile that you have to be willfully in denial of reality to even bother trying it. \"I completely destroyed my credibility and the left still doesn't appreciate me\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All my niggas tryna get that money. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. Vader has said this many times before and I stand by it. The most hateful racist POS in America are black females that went to a 4-year college followed by black males that went to college. So, by her logic we can call her a nigger if we have a black friend? Just following her logic! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is going to happen more frequently and i support it. If the Government wont protect children from these faggot pedos, then the men have a duty to do so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"good morn em. Wanna bet? The President says that it's a tiresome old worn-out loathsome cliche","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, you mean the faggot jews who did 9-11? The only thing we Americans should be sending israel is our septic waste. FUCK ISRAEL AND FUCK JEWS. JEWS = ASSHOLES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you black people until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PacDaGoat: You a hoe if you give your number to another nigga while you got a man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. That's crap It's as much of a real poll as Hillary making a poll in during hillary speech to only Hillary voters FUCK OFF NAZI FAKE GAB LOSERS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does it bother anyone else that the planet of the apes timeline makes no sense?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KellenDaniel along with the French blue and Buggs bunny VIIs, and the Oreo IVs. @LaJethroJenkins","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spartacus the faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tucker Asks Jorge Ramos How Many Caravan Members HE Was Taking In. \"You don't want to understand that this has nothing to do with individuals Someone better tell that to Mollie Tibbets and Kate Steinle Things got awkward fast after Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked Univision anchor Jorge Ramos to state exactly how many caravan members HE planned to personally take in. Ramos, an outspoken immigration advocate, spoke with Carlson remotely on Tuesday from the caravan in southern Mexico. The Fox News host's question came after the Univision host made several comments defending its members, including insisting unequivocally that none of them were from the Middle East. \"How many of these migrants are you taking in personally into your home and are supporting once they get into the United States? Carlson asked. \"I think that's a great question and that's precisely the kind of question that people like you ask when you don't want to understand that this has nothing to do with individuals, responded Ramos. \"It has to do with nations. And what we have to understand is that these refugees are not a threat to the United States. I know that in Fox News \"Before you attack Fox, this is a simple question, Carlson interrupted. \"How many are you taking in? After a back and forth that included Ramos stating that immigrants' desire to come is \"really a love letter to the United States, the Fox News host pressed again: \"I'm asking you a very simple question How many of these migrants are you personally taking responsibility for? How many are going home to Jorge's place in Miami at the end of the day? And please be specific. \"I think that again this has nothing to do with individuals. I wish I could help all of them, responded Ramos. \"How about three? asked Tucker. After another dodge, Carlson told Ramos: \"I could count on you to do a stand-up next to them but probably not to help them, I noticed. \"People are very upset about the migrant crisis, Carlson told the audience after Ramos had signed off. \"Not upset enough to help personally but upset enough to demand that you help. And of course as with most retarded libs, he never answered the question.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hory sheeeeeeeeeeeit God damn I can't believe I missed this. Y'all wanna see been (((Shapiro))) get shit on? Here it is! @BlackKemper @Goy_Talk_USA http:\/\/i.4cdn.org\/wsg\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're either an SJW feminist shill, or a stooge being manipulated by SJW feminist shills. Blasting racial shit on this sub doesn't help you. It only discredits this sub. Now, why would you want to do that?? No it's just my best guess if the situation was different. Maybe she still wouldve gotten a lighter sentence, but released on probation a year later? Nah There definitely would be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For the wealthy elite class in the UK brexit is ALL about the economy For the average joe in the street it is ALL about freedom from tyranny We now know one thing about the loyalty of the wealthy elite, bank rolling the retarded remoaners, it is to the pound note not our nation, Fucking traitors eveyone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All White fathers must teach their daughters about the dangers of the nigger buck. These beasts must always be treated as dangerous. They are animals. Nothing more. Fuckers should have never been let off the chain.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AlwaysActions: Why are you rioting ? ? \"Rich people not giving us money \" https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1046965910400061445 CORRECTION, YOU MEAN THE RICH BLACK PEOPLE WILL NOT GIVE YOU MONEY! WHY SHOULD THEY? GET A JOB! EXACTLY!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kys and die young.. its the ultimate rebellion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@joh2guy I LOVE RACISM! \"Blame whitey\" for EVERYTHING!Now that you mention it! I bet the white man put the Desert tortoise on #BundyRanch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another brainless twat masquerading as a teacher.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find it funny that this stuff is getting crapped on so heavily. Every time there's a thread that involves more traditional \"magic\", the comment section is filled with people talking about how OP got it all wrong and they know because they're Wiccans and practice spellcasting themselves. But apparently the belief in Emoji magic is way sillier than that. Guess what... any sort of belief in magic is completely retarded. If you're an adult who believes in spellcasting, you're an idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"~~Ruffled | Ntac Eileen Dahlia - Beautiful color combination of pink, orange, yellow and white. A Coll http:\/\/t.co\/H0dYEBvnZB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EXECUTE THIS EVIL CUNT https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2018\/10\/09\/hillary_clinton_civility_can_start_again_when_democrats_take_back_the_house_and_or_the_senate.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#WHAT THE FUCK IS HE YAPPING ABOUT? #THE BALLOTS JUST APPEARED, NEVER ACCOUNTED FOR #RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will never tolerate the systematic murder of immigrants in this country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" #GabFam ****pls share all over. if #OVOMIT does not like it, I love it..**** TY E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up, ya fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggots http:\/\/t.co\/DMKbGhai1z","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Answer: behave normally and not like a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also-> https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37150600 More-> https:\/\/gab.ai\/Bangoob\/posts\/37149999 Even More -> https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37149811 Funny how you claimed my calls for genociding your whole race and shoving you specifically into a woodchipper (both of which I'm still very much in favor of) were against the TOS and that I'd surely be suspended for them and yet here I am still standing and there you are on a new account lmao ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putin to hold meeting with Trump in Paris on November 11 aide https:\/\/sptnkne.ws\/jQPj Putin to hold meeting with Trump in Paris on November 11 aide https:\/\/sptnkne.ws\/jQPj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at what this retarded boomer said to me It would be a shame if your caretakers killed you in your sleep Fuck off, you worthless millennial cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok white poppy's have been a thing since red poppy's red or white all good as long as they are to remember the fallen and oh main thing red poppy GO TO VETERANS white poppy's mean your a cunt who got fucked over by someone stealing veterans money cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Hokuboku: I like how I found out that you can now edit Facebook comments through a trending topic on Twitter. You think I'd hear abo ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lies, lies, lies! This is bullshit. This entire thing is horse shit. The fact that she thought she could get away with this is *DOWN RIGHT PANTS ON HEAD* ***RETARDED***","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the hurricane hits the wetback caravan expect to see video of Anderson Cooper neck deep in beaner babies. @Heartiste @Koanic @GuardAmerican I am pretty sure Anderson Cooper would have the beaner babies face down","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the cuckest shit I've ever seen. When I saw this I wanted to punched the screen why the fuck do we let these assholes on our Television and run our entertainment. America deserves a better class of entertainers. https:\/\/youtu.be\/xn9rLHwzl7I Look at the projection how the fuck am I a Soros sucker If I'm pro American you retarded Leprechaun your the Soros sucker go watch your women get raped by sandniggers and sit back and do nothing with your dick in your hand like a coward you leftist eurocuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you can't be aggressive on an internet comment then how come people can be arrested for making threats on internet comments? It's probably because threats, which are aggressive in nature, are still threats even if they're just an internet comment. Don't be retarded. And OP wasn't ignoring what he was responding to he literally responded to the comment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Personally, I think loli posters should move their loli posting to GNU\/Smug, and just use GAB to argue the politics of it. That way you won't get banned and can continue to argue your point. If it has nothing sexual, I don't see how it can break the rules. Seriously. If there is no nudity and nothing sexual, what is their problem? Is a person considered nude if they're covered in fur? Good question...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Almost every aspect of society has been about curbing and controlling the \"biggest stick in the room\" to \"everyone gets a little stick.\" And eventually one person will want more sticks, and yours isn't big enough to stop him his followers combining into the mighty faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another ugly nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just in case you're sitting on the fence about this invasion coming our way, think about this. Do you believe 7,000 Hondurans woke up a few days ago and decided now is the time to move to America? Of course not. Common sense tells us this is an event. This was planned. It appears they'll arrive right around election day. Coincidence? Hell no! So who's behind this? Do we really care? I don't think President Trump picked up the phone and called Jose and told him to gather up all his friends and head this way. Outside of Trump making the call, I wouldn't put it past ANYONE else with political ties! So who the hell cares who's responsible. Fact is, this has to be stopped and Trump is the only one I trust to stop it. So, no matter what the media says, no matter what you see on television or the internet, even when they zoom the cameras in on the women and children they're using as props, don't fall off on the wrong side of the fence. After what the Democrats did to Judge Kavanaugh, there is absolutely NOTHING that would surprise me now. These people are evil. Maybe being an asshole isn't a great foreign policy after all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. Normal men (97% or so) are sexually aroused by women. Men that are sexually attracted to men are born that way = genetic. Only a faggot gets a hard on looking at men\/boys. Have to be born that way. Sure faggots that adopt little boys to molest them can turn them faggot against their nature.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching this kid trying to step up and walk with that crutches is the best thing in the world. So idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America has retarded rules? What a surprise!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where the hell did they ever get the idea that anyone cares what the fuck Taylor cunt Swift thinks? I believe if you put your ear up to her pussy you can hear the ocean...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BASED nigger SMILES NEAR computer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So... you're saying you're androphobic? What rip loss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CyFyre: @WesOrrJames love you too my nig #squad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Paganism and #Christianity a comparison. Thanks to @TyrBlackthorn for finding these quotes! :) Something like that. At least judging by his quoted statement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're factually a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of fags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No Actually,Until 2 Years Ago I'd Never Typed A Text,Until 5 months Ago I'd Never Been On Any Social Media,I Served My Country For Long Time,I Never Had To Do Faggot TYPING,I Capitalize Every Word To Self Check My Spelling,You'll Probably Ignore,But,Why Do All Of You Read The 3 month Old Post and Not See The Sarcasm,Is Everyone Dyslexic Or Retarded ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How do you get a nigger out of a tree?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come on Chris Wallace Marie barf bag really I have to change the channel every time that stupid blonde bimbo is on the telly She some ugly bitch that wears these black rim glasses and think she knows it all she used to speak for that faggot Obama","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey u\/flapyourwings you broke rules 2 and 3 of your own sub in [your post](https:\/\/old.reddit.com\/r\/GenderCritical\/comments\/9b5yvs\/update_my_partner_uses_porn\/e518182\/?st=jlfne6pvandsh=9f8cce92). But that's ok, having a vagina and being stupid must be hard. I cant think of a better word than cunt for u\/flapyourwings. The sad thing is, is that we probably agree on almost everything. Equal rights for everyone etc etc. But that person is just so cunty its unbearable. Could you image being in a relationship with someone so horribly toxic? It's not even about their view points. It's the pure toxicity of being a generally angry and sad person. Not exactly. Have you ever heard the song \"I snuck a retard into a sperm bank\" by the prolific adult contemporary band Anal Cunt? It tells the harrowing true story of how u\/flapyourwings was surprisingly able to procreate- but at a heavy price!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These FREAKING RETARDED PEOPLE!! LOOK IN THE MIRROR, YOU DUMBAS*...WHAT COLOR ARE YYYOOOOUUUUUU????!! #stoptheracewar!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those useful idiots aren't desperate and downtrodden. They are well paid (translate: nigger rich) opportunistic paid actors in new clean clothes playing a role written for them by George Soros.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My car is my love of my life. I fucking love this bitch. It's fast and it makes me feel complete ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WH: Obama won t name Holder s replacement until you rubes have already cast your midterm ballots - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/Yf1o8h99Uz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't believe that the msm is still pushing this stupid meme:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gonna shower for the sole purpose of shampooing my beard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Making up Drake disses>> RT @RepMyCityX: @TyZebruh cant wait to call it trash and tell everyone that B L U will forver be the goat out of LA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dude guns don't make me uncomfortable. i was taught weapons retention with a .223 and a .45 when I was 8 years old and was hitting marks at","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This woman disgusts me. I hope they invent a time machine, give her gender re-assignment surgery and send her to the trenches and she can see for herself what those heroes dealt with. Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This senile, corrupt, lying, old drunken twat is in charge of the EU. https:\/\/youtu.be\/rzJ9OyBpAWI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The #Qpsyop os for the #Qtards. Where goes one retard goes them all","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/politics\/2018\/10\/16\/google-news-results-left-leaning\/1651278002\/ As if there's anybody left on earth who doesn't know this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I could choose whether to take a big shit or to spend the day with retarded Kanya West ......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Lmao: When I make the paper ball into the trash can. http:\/\/t.co\/VjeGtjEP3X","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just mute the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. That's what I do... #INSTAMUTE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Latest: Germany, France and Britain are calling for a \"credible investigation\" to establish what happened to Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi and seeking a \"complete and detailed\" Saudi response. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/bHfG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" WAS IT SHAPED LIKE LITTLE DICK DURBAN OR DICK BLUMENTHAL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"now I have to clean up a dead bird and pieces of glass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another female with an attention whore complex looking for problems where none should exist. What kind of sloppy cunt goes ti a barber instead of a salon?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is tje 2nd season good? Wasn't a fan of the 1st. Na, the first season was way better. Second season is nothing but bad pacing, the worst Feminazi character ever, and the protagonists sitting in a library talking for almost the entire thing. She's right but she takes her dogma too far and that will be her un doing. She wants to control everyone and thinks men are weak. Which means Malcom will almost certainly do her in come season ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You ain't a Muzzie are you? :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of black people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think Jen is retarded or something..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This racist genocidal kike cunt still has a job. Care to comment?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people will eventually be held accountable for lying. Its all on video. What do you think is happening?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SnowThaProduct: i can do somethin good but im always gon be a \"wetback\" coo.. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger are always VILE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It blows my mind to think about women being insufferable cunts throughout history...that's their true nature, men just kept them in check for a long time. Now they are free to cause hell on earth. Nice job past men, nice one...fucking simps. Problem too is that the powers up top devised a scheme to give money to these twats and used manipulative media to encourage men to treat them like queens and that men can be displaced. These are the effects today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Science these days! They can do anything and everything it seems! They've even used human sperm to fertilize the eggs in a full grown sow! Just wow. To think, a human\/piggy hybrid in my lifetime! https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/22\/amy-schumer-announces-pregnancy\/ Artificial insemination...heh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@iStricer You are hairy like a monkey. : P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will never tolerate the systematic murder of women in this country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Socialist are all the same regardless of what they call themselves They all destroy the quality of life for the proletariat If you regugetate what the Jew tells you to say. If you think what your op postulates isn't occuring right now b4 your eyes, you're blind. It's very frustrating I wake up w a headache most days now. Yeah trump declaring war on \"mobs\" and \"globalism\" is literally declaring war on himself. If the red wins or loses it will be celebrated as a victory for \"democracy\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FoxNews: #FoxNews projects that Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi will defeat Democratic challenger Charlie Hardy. #Election2014","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have the wrong feeling. It always comes down to \"the nigger behind the trigger\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of him to be that stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's almost Christmas, Charlie Brown...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The NYT is FAKE NEWS ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most gun dealers are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why won't she return to her nation of origin, according to race, and sandblast shit there? Start that 'we be kangs' movement and go down in history as the first black woman to have freed her pple from the oppression of her own corrupt black leaders. Then carve her name on a stone, set up a cord around it, have admission booths and get rich.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL at the name","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meet the nasty ape bitch with the big nigger ape mouth That should've been hung from a tree maxine lady mouths baby daddy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical s l u t behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at the \"resistance\" ladies and gentlemen. JFC what kind of soy faggot cuckery are they practicing? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jgnS5Hb8ynE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Asshole_God: Hate fags? The answer's yes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They were playing against other males, you retard. Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More \"it doesn't add up\" on Mr. Sayoc. https:\/\/libertyunyielding.com\/2018\/10\/27\/strange-contradictions-of-alleged-pipe-bomber-raise-additional-questions\/ Hey just here from all the coverage from the murderer today being a (gabber?). Feels like I turned a flashlight on in a dark room full of roaches. Any comments? Hail Trump or whatever. Thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course the womn was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"CRAP BAG\" as we used to call them! SO OK, what's with all this \"just get on with it - don't let terrorists win\" guff when we have a top plod doing a runner in the face of the enemy! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6252229\/Acting-Met-chief-fled-scene-Westminster-terror-attack.html Welcome to the world of Joe Public sunshine! To be fair Jerry, the police have no remit to defend you, not in the UK, not in the USA - but at least in the USA they have the 2A to help them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. Let these feminazi cunts get the shit beat out of them by the Muslim men they keep letting into Europe by the millions. You reap what you sow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I piss on antisemites from a considerable height. #Israel #Antisemitism #Anti-Jew #Trad #Bible #Christianity #JesusWasJewish #Nazis #Communists No you don't. You are a beta faggot with micro-dick. You only piss on yourself. Take your piss shower, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminism BTFO.. https:\/\/redd.it\/9qukid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are a canc3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut up nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn internal alarm clock. Woke up at 6:35am feeling chunky from my 3am Cheerios splurge. Guilt led me to the treadmill. #Gym #nosleep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should get rid of trans people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/exclusive-video-nancy-pelosi-mobbed-by-pro-trump-cubans-in-florida\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"freezing cold take on ol m8 Wallace there cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just st4b those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Hundreds of Palestinian children remain locked up with little attention on their cases. Did those children attack soldiers or civilians? Because if so, they should really be considering prison to be a kindness. It's a lot nicer than what they would do if the roles were reversed. If roles were reversed and they were Jews, they would be dead. There is a reason your people fuck goats. No women would ever fuck you unless raped. Think of a sexy white women that has great sex with you at night and falls asleep in your arms....and realize that will never happen to you. Are you a bitch ass hoe, or a hoe ass bitch? Now you are playing a black man. But i know who your rabbi is. Whats it like living in a 3rd world country where you never get to have sex with women, so you break down and have to get up in the goat ass? Sad. Im a jew from israel, rabbi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I ever committ a crime, you can cite LVL as being the sole influence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger juries in DC who side with Niggers over White boys are a serious problem of inequality in opportunity that you nor anyone else in America is doing anything about cuz you're a bunch of pussies who are too afraid to incure the social costs of being branded a racist for actually doing something about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even though its a joke, it gave me cancer knowing some retards actually think that way STOP OPPRESSING ME FAGGOT I'M GOING TO CHOKE YOU","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who does this all serve? It must be that 6th dimensional chess that is starting to take hold. Why doesn't this dumb cunt maybe the preeminent cunt, SOME of my female managers not withstanding, just go out into the woods and not come back. She is not even worth the jocular value her mad muttering evoke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"0 Fuxs Given. The only 'trash' are you uptown COMMIES who think you are so pious because NIGGERS are your equal. Low Peasants. Maybe you should be a tough guy IRL not on the nets???? You a pussy nigger lover???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" maaaaannnn i hope so! RT @ABrown252: @VonshayeB did we get rid of John Legend looking Charlie Batch?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you a Nazi? This is My latest Nazi poll here at Gab. I conduct these Nazi polls every 6 months to determine the percentage of Nazis here at Gab... #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect No, I AM not pissed. The question is are you a Nazi. WAKE UP!!! ..and NO, the USA founding fathers were not Nazi. Also the USA fought against the lousy Nazis and beat\/defeated them. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! Oh shit Neo you took the God damned blue pill!? Only in your wet dreams and fertile imagination, of course. Wake up! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Oh I am awake Neo, you see I actually took the red pill. No they didn't win. The point is, they weren't wrong. The point is, we should have been allies with them. Jesus Neo, the irony here is off the charts. You haven't taken the red pill at all. No, no, no, the USA should not be allies with impotent weak low IQ losers like the Nazis. Good thing that we beat those damn \"socialist\" losers... you keep projecting about socialism. you are a lefty aren't you neo. a damn lefty shill. No, I use reflection not projection. Wake up! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect you are a retard and a fag. you are a football and our bitchboi .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell me the truth, that you're a lazy ass nigger and I'll post a link. You really can't highlight those two words, right click, select search and sound out the words on Wikipedia? Fuck me, how did you guys never invent the wheel? Remember, in Egypt you wuz Kangs an' sheeit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Threaten them back dammit! All JEWS and Democrats are extremely RETARDED pieces of shit! And she is both PLUS another intellectually challenged female, the much less intelligent sex! Nobody should ever listen to a thing she says!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's nuts, buy why did he back up the car to try to restart the argument? I would have floored it as soon as the bitch was out of the car, door closed or not. Trying to get even as an entirely different issue. I just don't see why saying fuck you or calling him a cunt means youre oh so wrong because you didn't take the high road","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Parents Television Council: 'Scandal' sex scene after Charlie Brown was not OK | http:\/\/t.co\/y3GnT4l7vc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yikes , #qanon peeps are going 100% batshit looney tunes level crazy. This is the Qanon retard right wing, similar to the insane liberal left","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These pig turds were punching a DUDE and his GIRLFRIEND tried to protect him. Fuck's sake Brit guys, you are so cucked and passive these days that you need your girlfriends to protect you from pencilneck retard Muzzies (or ANY other dork, for that matter). HIT BACK GODDAMNIT! Stand up for YOURSELVES. It is past time. No more mambypamby sissyassed passivity waiting for Big Brother to come along and save you. PROTECT YOURSELVES! A man shouldn't have to explain this shit to other \"men\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for M u s l i m s. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish faggots like @tyga would stop making music, rack city was fucking awful. Get the fuck outta michigan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @PubesOnFleeK: My tweets trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In January, it's going to be funny seeing Pelosi ousted as the minority leader when the democrats fuck up so badly she will be removed. That dumb bitch is done, she'll never see any power ever again. I hope she shoots herself in the head when it happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too manyfaggots in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't celebrate every holiday because I'm not religious. I don't celebrate certain holidays because they are from other countries. I don't celebrate other people's birthdays. So I don't see why women have to be offended by a holiday that doesn't involve them unless they are selfish cunts. I am guessing the majority of women don't feel this way though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about you go fuck yourself http:\/\/europa.eu\/rapid\/press-release_SPEECH-15-5754_en.htm Yes because they are hand in hand. Jews<>Moslims .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bye Bye Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, Gab's last day. It has finally come. You all fucked up big time. ;D https:\/\/gab.com\/a\/posts\/40067468 #BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #caravan #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q Here's a gift for you. A little reminder. It's only going to get worse for you, cupcake. #Trump Is Your President, and the #RedWave will Crush you little #PissAnts. Just keep reading this, and remembering. Won't be long now! #MAGA #QAnon #Q https:\/\/www.270towin.com\/maps\/2016-actual-electoral-map hahaahhahhhahahhahahhahhahhaaaahhhaahahhahhahhahhhhah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Ghostbusters 2016 was more like Pixels but with female actresses. Unfunny shit, shitty characters, cheap sets and special effects, stupid plot, awful product placement, and pathetic attempt at pandering to nostalgia. But at least with Pixels it knew it was pretty much shit and didn't have some retarded, \"That's RIGHT anti-semites, Jewish people are in this movie!\" or have Adam Sandler cry about anti-semitism when people said the movie was shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a troll, that's all. That's kinda the point. He throws fuel on flames to bask in the glow of drama.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This new avi trash or nah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabFam I figure I'll give the child the music she truly deserves as an NPC. This one's for you @Clarence_Spangle I'll let you think about what comes next >:) Britney Spears - Oops!...I Did It Again https:\/\/youtu.be\/CduA0TULnow https:\/\/youtu.be\/gitP2m2yHoA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can I get a shoutout pleaseeeeee I only have a little bit of people :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I could date a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, so much for being reassured by XSEED at Anime Expo, shortly after the Omega labyrinth Z controversy, that they're not running into any trouble with the censors. It gets further peculiar that Sony is the perpetrator in these cases when the games in question released on PS4 in Japan just fine. Yeah XSEED may have been referring to the ratings boards. The ESRB is pretty based these days actually. Its Nu-Sony that's being an absolute disappointment. I knew from Sony's 'woke' E3 presentation that it didn't mean anything good for the future. Wasn't it only the Last of Us 2 lesbian kiss? Did Sony do anything else woke that day? Because the Last of Us thing falls entirely on Woke Naughty Dog.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean... Back in my day kids did that by skateboarding and listening to punk rock, or by pretending to worship the devil... I'm not sure where this gender identity bullshit came from. I honestly thought the stuff we make fun of on here was confined to the late teens\/early 20s sjw type and that it was blown out of proportion most of the time. Didn't think this stuff is now common place in highschools. The difference is that when a kid decided they were goth 15 years ago, everyone knew it was just a dumb phase except for the goth kid. This gender identity crap is a fad disguised as progress, and the kids are getting outside feedback reinforcing that behavior and putting that idea into their heads that they're woke and discovering who they really are... nobody did that for punk\/goth kids, because everyone knew it was retarded. And I mean... I'm sure it's helping some kids who are real-deal queer, but overall this shit seems like it has a potential to cause a ton of damage, unlike the fads previous generations had going for them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How pathetic. Even people here seem to think Ellen's behavior is okay. The fucking definition of pussypass is the fact that the world will literally end when a man says something sexual about a woman, but when a woman\/lesbian says it, its okay. This is bullshit lmao. Every trap\/hip hop song forever has been about getting \"bitches\" and such. Not long ago we had a song about rape hit number one on billboard (Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines) and the number one song right now is about \"popping pillies and fucking bitches\" (Post Malone's rockstar) so I don't know why y'all acting like Ellen killed your family and poisoned your dogs. Yeah, no. Men aren't getting blacklisted for glancing at boobs, if anything; they're celebrated for it. And honestly I don't see anything wrong with either men or women watching someone's boobs or ass or bulge because that's exactly why you showcase it wearing cleavage, tight jeans or other revealing clothes. And the comparison is valid because constantly having degrading songs hit number one is a much bigger problem than watching someone's cleavage. You know shit is wrong when you have literal songs about rape, about cheating on your girlfriend, about objectifying women and so on being so mainstream and normalized. Men are getting blacklisted for being disgusting, rapey and grabbing asses and tits, and Ellen isn't doing anything like that so fuck off. Plus Katy does seem comfortable with it. If she wasn't okay with it it would be different but she's obviously cool with it. Your whole \"men can't look at boobs without getting fired\" argument is false and you probably know it, so I'm gonna have to ask you to stop projecting and pull your own head of your own respective asshole and stop bothering me over an old comment which isn't even wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So I have a Demon, a gay dude and a faggot attacking Me right now! Damn!!! :) LOL!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #HondurasEffect They do get freaky in jew houses, R'abbi. How do you think they got so damned inbred? Look at (((those things))). That's not 1st cousin marriages. Daddy\/daughter doin' da nasty there... Someone on 8pol talked about going over to a jew house as a teen and his (((friend's))) older brother was fucking his adolescent cousin on the couch as his much younger sister sat and watched. Sounds insane, but look at how jewesses like Chelsea Handler and Silverman talk about sex it's perfectly consistent. JFC it's gross.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me PROGRAMED. U r! U got nothing worth hear'n. Ppl have been running away from the communist BS u and that cunt suggest we run from 4 40 Fuck'n yrs. just look at SoCA. Ur a F'n kiss ass. U and her would have us keep running 4 another 40 yrs. Its a good bet u and that Cunt supported illegals,Homoseuals, Pot, and Lotto etc b'n legalized too. (Spelling, WTH? OK, programmed. This is a forum hammering away at stuff. U sound like a Dem-Commie from Twatter, oops, forgive my spelling). Me PROGRAMED. U r! U got nothing worth hear'n. Ppl have been running away from the communist BS u and that cunt suggest we run from 4 40 Fuck'n yrs. just look at SoCA. U keep talk'n like a Dem-Commie cunt. Go join the bitchs and us men will do the heavy stuff. I thought I mute you. Your muted dummy. U(You) keep talk'n (talking) like a Dem-Commie cunt. Go join the bitchs(bitches) and us(we) men will do the heavy stuff. I thought I mute you. Your (You're) muted dummy. (rest my case)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Filthy nigger scum. Every nigger on earth should be eradicated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Democrats get control Maxine Waters will run the Financial Services Committee.. Remember she made millions voting to bail out her husbands bank for, No ID, No Job, No Citizenship, No Problem home loans.. That should even scare the hell out of the South Central L.A. plantation dwellers... Maxine's stupidity and lack of comprehension is truly a hole with no bottom. Can't they make her head of the DNC or something. I can't think of place I'd rather see her than as head of DNC, it'd be like having Christmas every day, so _many_ gifts to the right, such a albatross around the DNC's neck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LobstrThinkTank Yeah! Me too. My people, the women, laff at the set apart men... they love the real niggas or niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone needing a laugh can find plenty to laugh at on twitter by searching \"Jair Bolsonaro\" who just won the presidency in Brazil. The retarded leftists are in full panic mode. Crying, hating life, doomsday prophecies, you name it. It's almost as good as the night Trump won. Enjoy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jack the sodomite subhuman and his nigger BLM boyfriend deserve the worst kind of violence, mutilation and death that a human mind can conceive","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Planet of the Fucking Nigger Apes...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not, I just censored the username. OneyNG reference? They look and sound like the type who hate themselves and project it to other people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Strange how no countries with large nigger populations made that list of desirable places to live and work. Niggers and Amerindians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MrsZookeeper @Cornfrmr When Mary asked him about it, said \"the part you eat is white-you throw the yellow away\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical coon behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GO TAKE YOUR MEDS , YOU SOUND LIKE A LIBERAL RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Under Sharia Law, we will all watch as our pet dogs are slaughtered.... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=j0WgK8EMOnE Speak for yourself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When they start burning the hags in bags and neutering muzzie men, then I would say they had enough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This white bitch had the fuckin nerve to call me a nigga when shes the one payin for her lips to get bigga ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've only been on Gab for about a week but so far here are what I see... * the level of discourse is much lower than twitter *Not many liberals here *full of antisentites, Nazi's, racists, white supremisits ect *seems to only survive because of the bias of twitter Yepper. :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dgardner @YoniFreedhoff Sounds like the hysteria over bird flu a few years back. It had a lower mortality rate than the regular flu.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never said that trans people are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many t r a n n i e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are they always so dramatic? Mental instability. They are weak and their emotions rule them. Flawless. They say ignorance is bliss, but these people are so stupid it hurts. I've seen lab rats with better memories than most of them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dont forget that the only reason the white statistic isnt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dude is the biggest twatter twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After the NYT defended its decision to elevate anti-white cunt Sarah Jeong, Rich Lowry referred to that publication as merely hypocritical, and dishonest in its stated reasoning for that particular decision. And of course he has no problem with people writing for anti-white web sites and newspapers. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Kvy2 https:\/\/archive.is\/KrHOA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BALTsneakerShow: Water is wet. RT @202SOLE: Nike DC is trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Granted, maybe not 'Join ISIS' idiots, but idiots nonetheless. Let her just sit in a reasonable prison for the rest of her life, that's all I ask for. I just gave you the opportunity to share your perspective with no bias for me to evaluate. And you waste that opportunity to cuck and kek. You really are a fucking idiot, you know that right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to hug a trans person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell me now \"Whose the terrorists again \"???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone hasn't had their soy latte this morning. :D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Traitors get the first bullet. To the throat. Irony here too is that a Wolf in Sheeps clothing was literally the coat of arms chosen by the Fabian Socialists in England. Many Aussie politicians are members. A ziochristian As a True Christian, I have to wonder, if he is trying to educate us on spiritism wouldn't he quote scripture? https:\/\/biblehub.com\/2_corinthians\/11- FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wetbacks just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish this milquetoast faggot would overturn Roe v. Wade. We'll never see it happen. Still, grats on not letting the screeching cunts on the left ruin this guy's career.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How much is it these days to have some faggot commie preach to me about the magical 50 gozillion genders?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HipHopIsDeaddd: Cowboys trash again.The NFL is bike to normal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rarely are ones that speak so consistently on behalf of Jews and Israel found to be genuinely White. If they are they have a retard level of intelligence. Take your pick.. it matters not to me. You both find the grave or the exit if Whites are to be saved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggers just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would a journalist,go into an embassy,get in a fight and be killed by 15-18 guys?! Who in hell they think theyre bullshittin?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe like an 8th of a generation of a select few countries. There are lots of people who don't even use YouTube, let alone niggas who might not even speak English Fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it's typical of immigrants to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder what all the lawyers, politicans, and media elite surrounding this Investigation have in common? I am thankful that USA blesses Jewish people. If U wanna be destroyed, curse His people. #politics #news Having said that, it does seem odd if USA has only Jewish and Papists on the #SCOTUS. Evangelicals shud have a seat. Lawyers shud only have 1 seat. Bless those who curse you. But the Jewish people, even who have yet to believe in their Messiah, are a blessing to USA. Do not curse them. The Lord Jesus died for everyone; salvation is to whosoever will. God so loved the WORLD (Jews and Gentiles) This is exactly why christianity needs to go, this sort of brainwashed slavery to a master that gets off on destroying you is the poison that kills all white nations. God SO loved the world that he chose jews as his magic people, a group of degenerate evil parasites that promote homosexuality, pornography, and invasion by muslims. am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, \" BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. #Faith Absolutely Its called white identity and Wodenism. Give evil no peace and have no rest till its destroyed. Then I guess you and all 16 of your hasbra posting tel aviv posting followers can eat a dick and take a long walk. Oy vey, I guess you better apologize to your kike masters for my behavior \"my fellow white man\" Got another TEL AVIV account here!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@bitty_boop @Oreo cookies sound wonderful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Comeon.. These are absolutely retarded people, and no one takes them too seriously. Lets not delve into such childishness no?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">she does not blame this man, who she desribes as being 6ft tall and of Southeast Asian descent. >'I remain more angry with those white middle class men who left me to it Fuck this racist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jamal Khashoggi and his boss Prince Alwaleed bin Talal meeting the management team of Twitter in 2012 https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/dBcxff\/Dpz-PAQBWk-AAa-Ci","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why does a Somalian have the role of importing more Somalians into Canada? Sounds like an invasion to me. Dual citizenship in government is retarded on so many levels.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whores just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heard this before. Won't matter at all, if they are not issued ammo this time. Otherwise they will just be shoveling horse shit again FFS http:\/\/immigrationimpact.com\/2018\/09\/10\/military-border-shovel-manure-menial-labor\/ Bush sent troops that did observe the border but had to runaway when shot at by cartels, cause they had no fucking ammo! Was that Poppy Bush, the baby raper, or Baby Bush, the raped baby? Either way, President Donald John Trump is NOT like either one of those Hellbound loser faggot motherfuckers!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or this is fake as fuck (obviously). It's YA andmdash; 100% trolls trolling trolls. I dunno. I'm reading all the top posts in this sub and I've lost faith in humanity. Wtf is wrong with UK, US, and Canada? I blame the left. This one is just too perfect. Calls him a \"nice guy\", and hinges her wacky idea on if he babysits \"and doesn't accept pay\" for it. Plus, at least [five different people](https:\/\/www.google.co.uk\/search?andq=\"can+you+make+a+male+baby+sitter\"+site%3Ayahoo.com) have asked this on Yahoo Answers, all with slight variations in their 'story'. Personally I blame postmodern Marxist Commie-Nazis. What is up with these people loving communism or Marxism or Nazism? Have they never read a history book or econ101? It's like a whole generation of zombies. No reasoning ability, not a single original thought, no logic. They are like a hive mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BirdGang316: If you a bird throw it up #birdgang #EaglesNation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wypipos won't be forced to accept groids' little overused ghetto slang like 'finna' as legitimate OED-certified words. #KillFinnaInTheCrib What does \"finna \" mean? I don't understand black ebonics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The #Yankees don't need Tanaka or Beltran or all these 'big name' players!!! #believe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#justsaying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/uk\/crime\/tommy-robinson-jail-court-freed-trial-judge-edl-hearing-contempt-latest-a transgender lol, thta funny. hes simply got huge tits on account of the fact that he is about 5 foot five, personally i liked the \"short fat kid with man boobs and in a pair of flip flops whilst standing on an idf tank\" look","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*treat someone with human decency* *you're all fucking retards*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@leiacatherinexx don t be a hurt little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, another Nigger will never see the W. H. !! there will NEVER be another sand Nigger in the White House in my lifetime. Even the Mexicans hate sand niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After Kuroda gave it his all putting up career numbers but getting no run support, the Yankees don't deserve to get into the World Series","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a veteran, I couldn't disagree more. This was a joke, not worthy of the attention it got. I don't really think it's a joke. It's a statement. We don't have to agree. Yeah. It's just i'm really glad not one of my silly dark humor jokes ever went viral and ruined my life. This chick did this act in She was pulling a first world anarchist, just in really poor taste. She should be able to have a life. Wrong sub, mate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only Muslims like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"man thats fucking retarded... like they are intentionally trying to tank sales of it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CheCha__ be gone my nigguh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A large Christian cross on the Greek island of Lesbos was torn down after refugee organization claimed it was \"offensive to newly arriving Muslim migrants. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/greece-large-christian-cross-pulled-down-because-it-could-be-offensive-to-muslim-migrants\/ Local malcontent atheists probably had it on their hit list for a while. \"Migrants are just the excuse they needed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ToMyFutureHus: #DearFutureHusband you have no idea how many brownie points you will get I you randomly play with my hair or scratch my ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It matters, you fucking retard because you put your vote in the ballot and felt satisfied that you did all you could by voting your way out of a genocide. Well we don't want people feeling fake satisfaction, we want to increase the social pressure needed for a radical change and that means destroying the illusion of participation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical slu7 behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya know what else is \"Illegal in many countries? \"Hate speech lmao fix video features and stop talking you chubby bitch. @AhegaoLiker It looks like we have the winner of the HATE speech and moral degeracy prize! Ever notice how the people accuse others of HATE speech are the ones who are spewing the HATE? Take your despicable moral sewage somewhere else you hypocritical piece of excrement! Andrew is RIGHT! Thx Mr. Torba! Low IQ boomer scum I peel off of my boot, no one is accusing anyone of \"hate speech. Please pass away already. How cute! Same thing again! The RETARDS accusing me of what they are guilty! It is a FACT that you accused Torba of HATE speech! But your mind cannot comprehend FACTS can it? Please kill yourself as you suggested! No idiot he used that as one of his justifications for bans and so I gave him an example of another thing he could ban under that same premise. Just stfu. Stop breathing my oxygen you non person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want people to throw Skittles at me at my wedding","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well this is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @beethetranny: can we please stop talking about how some scumbag faggots mugshot is sexy? you dumb whores.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in immigrants's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You will end up impregnating her and abandoning the little mulatto (who I will then have to smother) at best or assaulting her and setting her on fire at worst. We will read about it in the papers and say tut tut...typical. She better watch that finger too, or someone is gonna rip it off and shove it up your nigger ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama spent 8 years blaming Bush for bad economy, now he has spent 2 years taking credit for @realDonaldTrump success in the economy. What do we call this? https:\/\/redd.it\/9qrr1g","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got my first one today on my bday. I smoked too much weed. I thought I was going to die. Scariest shit ever. This is definitely useful so thank you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusted by all the trans people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I reported 3 sock shill accounts that some mentally ill faggot spent months building and I'm looking for more. Those accounts are gone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Megyn Kelly = CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't even know what you are saying, because you are such a low agency nigger that you cannot even string a coherent sentence together. The only thing you are going to be leading, is the social security line. Your kind wouldn't even exist, if it were not for the sweat off the back of my kind. just remember that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@IWantHis_Heart Ok u fat precious lookin ass bitch, u big fat back at the barnyard lookin ass bitch. I can fix my grammar but u still fat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Easy, the bio male raped the bio female. Bio males have it their DNA that they tend to rape #teachbiomalesnottorape \/s for the idiots I can't help but feel the \/s ruins everything. Just leave it out man Nowadays, hardcore pornography can't make me cum any more. I can only cum to normies getting triggered by undetected sarcasm. I came just thinking about it. Idiots getting triggered on reddit and being unable to understand basic humor is half the reason to come to the comments section. Stop editing your posts to apologize or to show sarcasm. These people aren't worth your time. That's what they should call the sarlac out be ause its like a chasm and the sarlaclives there. Sarcasm. Exhibit A, everyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are retarded. Your conclusions are idiotic. I am literally speechless. > You are retarded. > > > > Your conclusions are idiotic. - Dude... you're bipolar. - Seriously... been watching your varying posts on here for quite a while, and you vacillate between being depressed and suicidal to being manic, arrogantly asserting one minute how rich you (or your family) are, and then whinging about how you're fucking broke. - **You need to get a damned CLUE already.** Quit with the bullshit pandering and validation (sympathy\/envy) seeking. --- >I am literally speechless. That'd be a good start... if only it were true.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"8 and 4 is retarded when you have to make a sharp turn. I prefer the single hand at noon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those g a y people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Johnny Rebel - If I could be a nigger for a day: http:\/\/t.co\/JPKdkpbjxh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thats rage inducing. As soon as an honest senator calls out this disingenious hag for her biggotry, she uses it to start a fundraiser and cry \"muh oppression, give me even more money I did not earn\". As if she did not get enough tax money already. What are you supposed to do, call her out and allowing to enrich herself further with that victim narrative? We need the boondock saints, should go well with an aussie accent instead of irish. She is a massive hypocrite: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VCLWcs-sjXQ https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=sMf5TRqo4AY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How bizarre. I thought they were tired of \"old white guys\" running the country? Or are they so over that now? :-) Mere facts cannot alter the opinions of anyone on the Left. It's against their religion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must be literally retarded. You're also extremely dishonest. He's not saying she's entitled because she's \"young and cute\" - we can't see her face anyway, dumdum - he's saying she's entitled BECAUSE SHE TRIED TO TAKE ON A MAN PHYSICALLY. You have gotta be the dumbest cunt I've interacted with in quite a while.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell that twat to fuck off l","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@itscoleharmon_: When twitter rappers dm me their trash links http:\/\/t.co\/35nMR4AUQg\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CuteForFall: I can't wait to wear warm fuzzy sweaters http:\/\/t.co\/d3BlSbpryd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What I love in the comments is everyone calling the guy a jackass (my paraphrase) because he wouldn't give up porn. It's almost like the didn't read his response of \"You are more important to me than porn, but I will not allow myself to be manipulated in this way.\" The dude didn't love porn, he hated emotional blackmail. Replace \"porn\" with damn near anything (with a few notable drug related exceptions) and his response was the correct one. \"Johnny, you are a meth addict and its ruining our lives. You have to pick, me or the meth\" \"Johnny, you are a car thief and it's going to get you killed. You have to pick, me or stealing cars.\" \"Johnny, you like to yank your crank while looking at naked women. I don't like it. You need to pick, me or pictures of naked women.\" *sings* one of these things is not like the other... I can see it being a fake. Something along the lines of the Woke Kids Say the Darndest Things tweets. I could also see some dumb bitch actually being confused as to why he left lol. shit im pretty sure even this comment just gave me a hardon too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The Jews, I find, are very very selfish. When they have power, physical, financial, or political, neither Hitler or Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment.\" -President Harry Truman rac ist \/ r s st\/ noun Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. I do stand up for my race, I'm part of this race of decent good people who love America, here's the good thing about joining my race, I don't care what your DNA is! Now give us a hug ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Just another reason I turned off Fox news Another Liberal twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One other state is within a percentage point today from where it was in 1940 The states are Mississippi, South Carolina, and West Virginia, respectively. If that's what white survival looks like, how to convince SWPLs to take it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, they all speak truth -- this election IS a tipping point, and both sides are not equal. But not THEIR way. Fortunately, I already have zero idea who any of these idiots are. (And I'm not sure it wasn't parody; look at the date, and seriously, a dicks-out-for-Hillary joke?? The Left has gotten so crazy, they're walking talking Poe's Law.) But I love the top-voted comment; says it all when it comes to leftard celebrity endorsements: \"Genius idea, Get the people losing their jobs and in huge amounts of debt to vote for Hillary, by having a bunch of millionares talk down to them. What could possibly go wrong? \" Oh my word, Rez, I didn't even check the date . Still, I suspect they haven't gotten any less retarded since then. Very good comment you quoted there. It's a good thing Americans didn't have to experience what it would've been like to have Victimary as president.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So what they actually are talking about is \"MoC\" joining groups and movements that have nothing to do with race (or sex\/sexuality\/gender etc likely as well) that is not acceptably leftist\/prog or.. gasp... to the right or neither. And ROFLMAO at the concept of \"multiracial white supremacy\" these clowns seem hell bent on proving that there's nothing so utterly stupid\/moronic\/retarded that nobody could possibly think it! *-rollsfuckingeyes-*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @CommonBlackGirI: here s to all the kids who have never found their name on anything in a souvenir store thanks mom for the ghetto name.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AI researchers are working on a neural network to automatically detect \"abuse\" on Twitter. Now, why would they be interested in this...? https:\/\/m.techxplore.com\/news\/2018-10-convolutional-neural-network-abuse-incivility.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't believe these black people, thinking I won't murder every one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ive been complaining about CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING there since OBAMA became president. He came here by plane with his handler Mr BEAN and went to Portland by night in SUVs With MAYOR MURRAY the FAGGOT CHILD MOLESTER who provided METH TO TEEN BOYS FOR SEX, one kid and his mom who spoke out are MISSING STILL since the day before BEANS TRIAL in PORTLAND","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. You're foaming at the mouth cause of the circle jerk party you participated in, you were the pivot. Disgusting splouge burps comin back up Not really jermaine. You just participated aswell. Discusting You Flogged a dude named Germaine Should have kept that to yourself, one more thing that was a dumb AF comeback Sorry Joanne. You ruined it Dumb af troll Joseph look at the interactions I've had in the past 10 hours 8 people can't wait to reply to me. How many you got. Fuck all Look guys a Chicken is making me look dumb AF, Well because I am a dumb af Troll with splouge on the mind Thats what you wanted to say Right John What guys stop looking for help. Don't see me doing that. Johnny be good ain't it? No. It's Johnny is a Anal Wart STDEANE you have turned up and joined the group identity antifa mob. When Johnny comes calling you 3 won't stop cumming.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tranny cunts can live in their own nuclear testing island for all I care","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have two girls. The solution to the problem they present is to just teach the girls to be safe and have a healthy attitude towards sex. that said, the Content of the OP is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is a lie. we saw no uptick with membership once that sub was shut down. incel and donald insults really have lost their meaning. they have oversaturated the market. the market, therefore, demands some better insults. quit being a lazy twat, replace that dogs cunt you call a brain, and try again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is it with you fucking black people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manywhores in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WiIlluc20 @LeaMorabito For those who want PROOF the WALL is being built 4:17 minutes Jul 19, 2018 New Border Wall Santa Teresa, New Mexico by drone https:\/\/youtu.be\/S024otpADnQ via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's also a NIGGER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorta. Mombot gave him what was allegedly wildgoose's dox, and while Ian didn't reveal it publicly, he gave it to known retard David Shitrat. Allegedly goose's parents got swatted after. His reason for giving it to shitrat was that A) he's retarded, and B) someone claiming to be goose threatened him online. Ian is a fucking idiot. He's an idiot for giving shitrat the dox, and it was actually pathetic listening to him get brow beaten by Jim and Ralph into revealing his DMs (that show mombot gave him the dox).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" i just said that RT @BoyThats_ARYAH: My TL gotta chill with this pretty face challenge foolishness, y'all hoes agg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just look at the Manlet, I think Macron bats for the other side. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/439989-macron-picture-finger-scandal\/ Jewish faggot and his nigger vermin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. Affirmative action teacher? BLM teacher?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tonyrobbins: Piers Morgan to Charlie Sheen: You were taking Cocaine Charlie Sheen: I wasn t taking it. I had to pay for it. via ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our political soldiers need to be more like the original KuKluxKlan from 1866-1876 who locally finished off Reconstruction working with the Democrats as a major political party to where they \"won\" the peace after Reconstruction was over. They won't be caught dead at these \"rallies\" where piglice can find them out. So you and Jason Kessler want back in the bowel Movement? Fine. You are genuine whigger fuktards. By all means whup up the whiggers who are good for nothing else. I certainly can't keep you from fuktardation. At least you take ZOG attention away from real \"domestic terrorists\" which are pretty scarce on the ground.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flake is now back tracking. He is going to probably vote no on Kavanaugh. https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/jeff-flake-takes-shot-kavanaugh-cant-court\/ the dirty rat should be taken down by the GOP!! I mean destroyed!! accuse him of gang rape..or something.. those stupid fuckers in Arizona must have their shit4brains heads buried in the sand! stupidest bastards in the USA Arizona dumb hicks..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'M DONE. WTF Well i may be a dumb backwater guitar playing redneck but i kinda figure wackin a girls clit off at 13 is not the best idea or even healthy. They don't wait till she's 13 either...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheDouch3: Why would u let ur girl even go to a party without u thats retarded lol u must want to get cheated on","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Zuckerberg Faces Anger Over FACEBOOK Exec's Kavanaugh Support... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/xxPV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In America, we call that nigger in a wood pile.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" And I can't stand another day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like NPC's ? lol If you pay for the DLC they look worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at it! Another women hating, misogynistic incel! That vile, vile cunt. you do realize that using words like cunt, bitches, hoes, etc. doesn't help MGTOW's philosophy and movement. Get a hold on your frustration, read on anger management and forget about women if you claim to be a MGTOW. Shiting over women is not going your way at all - it empowers them. He needs to life and learn to hold frame bra. What a pussy, I bet he has a small dick. Beta faggots always think they can hide there homosexuality lolololololololol he needs to find his big boy pants and rip them up because this man is a women in soyboy clothing. \/S >What a pussy, I bet he has a small dick. Which is just the kind of insults women use against men. You sir, are a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funniest Twat of the Day. Celebrity's Take On Kavanaugh Who gives a Flying F k Who would write your little script, Witch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the primary reason is she's an evil cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You might be the biggest retard on gab. Why can't I judge someone based on their DNA? I know for a fact that I'll never see a 180+ IQ negroid because of DNA. Why is it arbitrary?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ADIDAS for you means \"All Day I Dream About Snacks\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who wants to spend money to see a dyke diss","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UN-Happy Birthday you miserable POS- Hillary THE worst human being in the last 200 yrs ? I say ...yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Die cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We were so fucked from all that beer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So-called \"actress\" Ellen Barkin (and all leftist vermin) should be removed - FROM EARTH! Once again an irrelevant former Hollywood liberal that's looking for work spews ome bullshit. STOP ACKNOWLEDGING THEM! ELLEN BARKIN JUST MADE A SERIOUS THREAT AGAINST POTUS. Will she be visited by secret service? we'll see","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People sticking up for Dylan Roof make me sick. He should not have murdered those innocent people. They let him come to church and study the Bible with them. The fact is that he was doing Satan's work in killing Christians. Anyone doing this might as well be a Jew killing the Lord Jesus Christ and Christians who follow Him. Who is your first loyalty to? Christians? Or Europeans? Of course, I'm loyal to Jesus Christ 1st and forever as my profile says. After this, I'm a pro-white advocate who wants white European people to survive and keep majorities in their own countries. So then Christianity takes precedence over European loyalty, I love how on your profile you make fun of MAGApedes for being okay with non-whites so long as they have a MAGA hat, you are the same, except swap the MAGA hat for a crucifix.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They've been mollycoddled their entire lives. It's no wonder they can't handle reality. Unfortunately, just like everything this cunt has ever done... It's probably just drama whoring.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have been smashing Commies from the start get some. You have been crying racist garbage that you hide and never say in public because you are a WEAK, SAD LITTLE MAN. Most of you \"Nazis\" are just Left-tard losers pretending to be racist on gab and twitter to make Trump supporters look bad and to try to justify your sad lonely existence. If not you are a Weak sad little man pretending to exist. Enjoy fading from existence with your loser nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @PlMPCESS: In the fashion world \"urban\" means \"stolen from black people\" its ghetto on us, and urban on them haha http:\/\/t.co\/S0XWGfLJ9C ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hang all these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As soon as I see \"university student\" I visualize,, blue haired trans blahhhh dummy spitting tantrum throwing snowflake melting retarded thinking spoiled brats in desperate need of a royal kick in the ass into reality. Is it just me?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Gawker: Conan O'Brien mocks the new Call of Duty game while getting killed repeatedly. http:\/\/t.co\/GfCsARhTJT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@El_Grillo1: Pit Bulls Photographed As Lovely Fairy Tale Creatures http:\/\/t.co\/Q0Sm89oOLh They *are* fairy tale creatures.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shapiro = Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DevilFzyq @DevilElyie @TehDevilClan shut up fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Power Cage... Sorry, I can't be a fairy gay faggot like you are, because I've been married for almost 17 years.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"But I am not seeking the attention. You just don't have the understanding of what it's like being the demisexual.\" >What the fuck is a Demi sexual ? According to the [asexual wiki](http:\/\/wiki.asexuality.org\/Demisexual) (?!?), \"A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form an emotional connection.\" In other words, it's just a fancy identifier for people with a low libido.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there DownsonJerome! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there DownsonJerome! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Fuck you 3\/5ths American","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" What brought that up? Hun ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If someone is stabbing or burning me there getting smashed the fuck out. That's bullshit. Judges arnt morons. This threat of prison makes victims. edit: dont know who would downvote that but Ive been in front of enough judges to say that statement along with 1 outa 5 are cunts. Apparently they do it for the love of the law!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to Gab @Penfar! Just be sure to mute those racist comments that are actually liberals trying to infiltrate and discredit the platform. \"This is why we can't have anything nice.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BeardedNixon: Poont gotta be trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not if it's 32 notes calling them a fucktard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll just leave this here...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @badnradbrad: @whattheflocka lol have u seen when ike and his kindergarten teacher start having a sexual relationship","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gln @capotej Do you think the guinea pig was okay? :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be great if the shooter was a Muslim, good if it was a Jew, alright if it was a nigger and terrible if it was a white guy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retarded DEM Leftist fake bomb sender.. \" NO,this package does not have a bomb!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're dumb as shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stop being a stupid faggot socialism's aim is to poison all other ideologies to achieve an end goal. it is not innocuous.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without immigrants like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Owner of the limo company that killed 20 ppl over the weekend identified as \"Malik who lives in Dubai. https:\/\/twitter.com\/AnnCoulter\/status\/1049396800032043008","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I knew this faggot was being meme'd by the Jews when I saw his SCJ confirmation hearing segment. If you watch the whole thing it comes across as scripted and blunted really.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where are all the women *cough* cunts *cough* that want their equal rights as trash women I was more so making a bad attempt at expressing that the only women that would actually start spouting off shit about equality are usually cunts lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok, i feel like a nigger in the Mediterranean right now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love floating monkey heads as much as the next person but Active Surplus' website is just redonkulus. http:\/\/www.activesurplus.com\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh's approval by the Senate after the most disgusting campaign waged by Democrats against him means the Republicans will wipe their feat with Democrats at the midterms. I hear donations to the Republican party increased by tenfold.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Erm... Okay Let's unpack this The correct term is Toothpaste *Faggot* I can't even Literally shaking It's current year Be better Yah should be toothpaste retard Honey, I've got something that'll blow your mind. It's called ~faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Racism is strange to me, perhaps because though I live in a place that is predominantly racist in nature, there really are not very many races living here in great enough number to even notice. It's basically white... So move I am not considering myself concerned with race per se, I thoroughly enjoy living in the country, in the mountains preferably with all four seasons of the year fully alive. These places I find are mostly white, for whatever the reason other races just don't seem to live in the mountains, they live in the cities mostly I suppose. I don't pretend to know what it is like to live somewhere that the races are battling for real. I don't think I ever have... I did live in the city in CT for a while a long time ago, but it was definitely not like you describe things today. Mostly Italians ran shit... LOL There was no need to 'deal' with the mafia really, it was just kid of understood that they ran shit. Nobody was really upset over it. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck me who gave this cunt a gun? https:\/\/twitter.com\/BigBadJim007\/status\/1052232656736448517","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to GAB! Just watch out for the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches on here. Don't respond to them - just #INSTAMUTE them by clicking on the ellipsis on any one of their retarded postings and click on MUTE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get rid every fucking raghead now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Dems getting smoked in early voting in every state strongly implying a dominate election for Trumpublicans. ...Now back to the retarded fake bom story on every channel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up, Bradford, you virtue signaling, demoralized, pathetic, son of a bitch. You sound like the sort of guy to give your wife over to a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tfw 1 cat has just figured out he's a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[Guys I get that this shit is insane. But this poor woman actually has real mental problems. Not just entitlement issues.](https:\/\/youtu.be\/HZguo55C8-c)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT'in your own shit now pussy what a joke you'd end up just like all the rest no show chicken shit mother fucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_TriggaPlease_ @kanyewest he's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mute fuckers that call @Ionwhite names. Go suck your own dick, you faggot losers. you know me...gotta call the faggots out. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the wealthy white students here are holding hands with nigger migrants. They think their cool but I know they will end up destroyed one way or another.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"its ok, you're textbook retarded so i'm not trippin its not phobic because a moron says it is. a man is a man regardless if he decides to bolt on a pair of tits on himself and change his name to samantha. i don't care if you like dudes or are in fact a \"faggot\", but that's not my thing. good luck sucking dick and all. ciao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yes Billy we all know that and Hillary has raped the american people and anyone who gets in her filthy cunt way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you really cared you'd use the money to buy that faggot junkie some clean needles so he doesnt catch the aids","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to see that nigger break it's leg again, then knock the potato nigger out while standing on one foot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEAD COPPERS R GOOD COPERS REALLY SCUM MUSLIM COPPERS. THEN THE CITY HID THIS EVIDENCE! TIME TO KILL THEM ALL I WILL REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU ARE RAPED AND WHEN THE COPPER SCUM ARIVES THEY SHOOT YOU DEAD DEAD DEAD REFERRING TO THE CURRENT NEWS CYCLE AND YOU ARE A GERMAN WHERE ONLY COPPERS HAVE GUNS COME ON OVER CUNT WE HERE IN AMERICA ALL HAVE WEAPONS JUST FOR YOU ALL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does anyone remember this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Note how they begin with the spurious claim that what Russia is doing is 'banned'. This is to give moral cover for the war mongering comments to follow. They love war so much and they have so much mistaken bravado, that they can say stupid things like 'we can take out Russia's incoming missiles', to defend the concept of a stupid war which would flatten Europe and it's people. It gets tedious that we're told we're in a progressive era, look trannies can marry now goyim and we have outlawed 'single use plastic bags'. But the real things that matter, like murderous wars for the jews and the assault on the very existence of the only people silly enough to care about tranny marriage and banning plastic bags. They just roll right along whilst the starry eyed victims down the shops try to shame police me whilst i moan about the plastic bag thing being entirely irrelevant. Although their jaw does drop when i tell them that their drive in to work would have burned about five hundred shopping bags worth of fuel. Takes the shine off their retarded smug over thinking that they're contributing to saving the planet. Unsurprisingly, it'e the female shop staff that are entirely uncynical about the bag thing. As long as they are sold on the associated feelings (pride and smug self satisfaction in this case), they'll support nearly anything..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't she from Philly ? Carpetbagging Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Triggered: 'SNL' Star Pete Davidson Attacks 'Mentally Ill' Kanye West https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Xbkv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fucking bet. Fuck this whole reality TV shit. Like Lindsay Graham is supposed to be my hero now because he \"totally destroyed the libtards epic style.\" And I supposed to give a fuck that Kanye Kardashian is a retarded attention whore. LuL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#FakeMailBomb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bye, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is why excessive force escalation is always a bad idea. A butt slap should be met with a butt slap. Nothing more. I think a face slap is acceptable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"keep playing defense and sharing the ball on offense pistons we got this shit, exposing that fuckin faggot embiitch if i was on twitter i woulda already been banned, cause even twitter gotta help that faggot try to look better than the far superior dre at all costs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LandonVanBus Charlie Day?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy my Bible Verse Art","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My retarded what? Look up Typhoid Mary, and get a clue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just wrote my chapter on family planning, saying that for entirely too long we have submitted to the emotional blackmail for subsidizing children who should not have been had and the mothers who manipulate a broken system. A system overhaul which does not incentivize the wrong people to have children is utterly essential, as important as immigration. Abortion laws and welfare need careful examination, reality had we kept the prohibitions on the first and never instituted the second we wouldn't have such dysgenic societies. Trouble now is, remove abortion and you'll likely get more (proportionally) non-White births. Remove welfare and crime will go through the roof, and Whites will also have less children. Why? Are you suggesting that homosexuality and misogyny prevent white males coupling with white women... or are you just another self aggrandized scientist indoctrinated with faux science? I very much believe homosexuality has proven destructive to the family by distracting from the fact marriage exists to enshrine the family to protect and raise children, and allow people independence from the state, and that feminism has hurt both genders immensely by artificially conflating men and women to meet social goals of a certain progressive faction at the cost of hurting both genders deeply. I mean, what Nami says is true. What somebody else is doing isn't preventing you from doing what you think you should be doing. They spread disease and more likely to molest children. Children who are molested are far more likely to be homosexual or have gender identity issues. Everything about the homosexual community is detrimental to society and the rate of mental health issues is astounding. Pretending they aren't hurting anyone is fucking dishonest. Heterosexuals spread just as much, if not more, diseases than gays. Do the gays molest more children? I see a lot of people making those claims but no real data. Do you have any data?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'll get more visibility becuase of the replies calling you a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kill yourself you whiny, self-righteous faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about a Charles in Charge movie with Shia LeBouf as Charlie and Ryan Gosling as Buddy. #WhyNot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SallyBitesAlot lol find a \"redneck\" from oakleaf to take you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Nah, but I can make a pretty good guess based on your clothes and parking etiquette that I'm dealing with a self-centered narcissistic cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Fly soon found his way into the senate office of Marco Rubio, a neoconservative pet project...\" Marco Rubio the pretty boy faggot version of John McCain. Alex Jones was threatened by Thug Fag Boy Marco Rubio! He is lucky he didn't try to beat Alex up....let's just say it would NOT end well for SoyBoy! https:\/\/youtu.be\/gH0WavrlPjw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"October 21, 2018 Cory said we \"must believe\" sexual-assault-accusers! UPDATE: Cory Booker Accuser Posts Update \"I am not a Woman, I am a Man https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-cory-booker-accuser-posts-update-i-am-not-a-woman-i-am-a-man\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HistoryInPics: Allied soldiers mock Hitler atop his balcony at the Reich Chancellery, by Fred Ramage, 1945 http:\/\/t.co\/hltkroqRys","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @FreddieGibbs: Tea bag a bitch. Pahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Totalitarian reports Fraser Anning to Stalintwatt Aye!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Had I been in that mom's place, the one bringing her son to the park, I would have told the feminist mom that she could always come back a couple hours later when me and my child were gone, as this was \"boy time\". I would have enjoyed seeing her blow her top at the idea of being treated the same way she treated me. Problem is, she'd never reflect on that True, but that wouldn't lessen my enjoyment at watching her rage out and act like the crazy person she is. While traumatizing your own child. Not such a good idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the name of the sub, the sub is about \"pussy passes\" being denied. This is has nothing to do with that or \"exposure of feminism\". This is just an anecdote of a woman committing a crime that the idiots around here are trying to pass off as evidence for women having it easier, which is completely retarded. There's nothing euphemistic about saying \"forced sex\" nor is it sugarcoating in any way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Krbfarms @Cornfrmr I was gone once, dog ran a coon up the transformer pole, she picked it off with one shot-and still had electricity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw a 12 year old girl pulling tricks just around the 7-11 downtown on Randolph. \"Comeback City\" really only means \"People from Canada and Royal coming to Lions games and going to the bars and restaurants after\". Yeah tone \"ghost\" from the victory inn is still around here (you can. Google him our sex traffickers are infamous and their \"offices\" are landmarks) so watch your kids. He's snatchin them. Probably gonna a let dragon lady out on bail with her hot ass coat hangers and they'll set up shop by Ferndale. Prostitot might be safer out there than in the school with all the lead in the water...but Detroit kids get a belly full of lead one way or another eventually so maybe they'll build a tolerance.. The problem they refuse to face. I could sympathize, but I feel it would be unfair, because I haven't had 1\/10th of the things that happened to you happen to me. I can't say I don't feel sorry though. I'm with you on most of the things you express, but I m not right and I can't hate people. Individuals, yes; people, no. Hope with all my heart that life will let you find your peace of mind! > This relationship i have with you guys, the right You do know a large portion of this sub, maybe even a majority, are left of center, correct?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many coons in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I call the USA retarded. I call modern politics retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @wleerpcv: My Chinese social media feed is in total hysteria over the onset of bird flu and recent dead pigs in the river in #Shang ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@suchy_monster you make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside #youCANsitwithus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are scum to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had some idiot on another subbreddit tell me that capitalism has killed more people than communism. Where is the lab that these retards are grown in?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LYING NIGGER SHIKSA.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck offf anti white retard pitenana","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spic DNA is inferior in every single way you can measure it ALL PARAMETERS, THEY VERY INFERIOR TO THE ARYAN Sadly the very best DNA was built across thousands of years of natural selection and survival of the fittest. In a world where every spic maggot lives and has 10 kids, the very best DNA is recessive and fades into history. One of the fundamental rules of Thermodynamics is that all energy systems must fall to there lowest energy state eventually.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Real niggas know what's up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FBI is tracking a lead about potential false accusations about Robert Mueller. It's just turned into a meme at this point. These dumb cunts will say anything not only to get their way, but to just defame any man they can. Fucking up men's lives give them solace for some reason. They're fucking insane.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Vexda go jerk off to lollis faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"intentional moral decay of American Society . . Hollyweird is the largest influence to many people don't want boundaries . . life is easy when everything is a free-for-all only way to steer this ship back on course . . shame those who infect our society I will call a faggot . . a faggot . . a perversion . . they should be shamed . . period !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got challenged by an Alpha; failed, looked lame as fuck in front of a bunch of Facebook thots, and then posted about it on Reddit for a few hundo karma lol. You need to shape your shit up, Babe. A real alpha who married a fat pig, bathed in her sweat to create a fat fugly child and bathes in his wife's fat and gloats to other guys about it. Yup. Real alpha. I love posting this stuff on Reddit. I get high on Karma. The higher I go the higher I get nomsayin? Oh and don't call me babe, it's sexual harassment. Lol he might not be an alpha but he's more alpha than you. Straight clowned your lame ass Make up your mind mate. First he's your declared alpha and now he might not be. Fucking hell you're BPD. You do sound like a woman though so I guess it makes sense. Mental illness is your natural state. U mad cos my karma's bigger than yours innit? Oh Ace Allen. I could say the same thing about your YouTube channel. 0 Subscribers. Or your own subreddit. 4 subscribers (those are your 4 personalities right?) It's hard out there for a diva like you isn't it? Or the fact that whenever you make a post it gets removed lmao. I mean to be a good troll you have to lay it in subtle but you go in thick and stick out like a sore thumb. Just lol at anyone who trolls with \"I pooped my pants at work and my boss sent me home\" Just lmao. Creativity of a bloody nat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol colored contacts played out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Super faggot Robert Mueller won't show empty hand until after the midterm elections. Wouldn't want to confirm what we all know already. https:\/\/youtu.be\/a7MKhuo0h-E","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, all jew and nigger loving fakes please move over to some queer platform! @AlexBuck you sound like an ass licking retard. Why don't you just kiss my ass?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is so retarded it shouldn't even be debated or responded to. There's no way to talk to someone this ignorant","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has any movement in history been infiltrated and completely taken over by the Republican Party faster than the \"alt-right\"? It was like a toddler versus that thing from the movie ALIEN. LOL. Dude we are trying to vote our way out of this over here and you're ruining the vibe. Where are the damn MAGA candidates then? Trump didn't even support them during the primaries. He wouldn't even endorse Kelli Ward in AZ, who loyally supported him from the beginning, unlike snakes like Ted Cruz (and guess who's doing rallies for him now?) You Trump shills are the worst cuckolds. Dude it was a joke. We can't vote our way out of a fucking genocide. Gotcha. Sorry dude I have so much MAGA sperging out in my mentions that I can't tell sarcasm anymore I feel ya. ;) Yeah, the GOP shills are going nuts tonight. Apparently the Gab vote really matters to them. We're the most important swing vote apparantly lmao Drowning men will grab onto anything that looks like it will float... When the tide comes , you better make sure you have a boat on th e water It's more of a homemade raft due to certain regulations in this country, but it'll work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im lesbian and proud im happy my friends accept me but i dont know if my family does but i dont care what anyone says im proud to be a lesbian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Lvl_7_Eevee @UnicornCowboy @hisorraya I'll trade you one car drift for brownies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a wetback to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Full House by J. Geils Band - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Pidi58ujUJI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CNN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT Imamofpeace The Intercept says if you mention the crimes of a Muslim, then you're an anti-Muslim bigot. https:\/\/theintercept.com\/2018\/10\/20\/keith-ellison-abuse-allegations-islamophobia\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/Imamofpeace\/status\/1054268247720128512","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once actual rape victims are done with the perp they need to come after idiots like this. It's half brained bullshit like this that ruins it for actual victims. Because all this does is enable false claims. These fucking bitches already know they can ruin your life with an accusation and most still think they can get away with it. People like her are too stupid to exist. Throw the fucking book at the cunts who are caught lying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're such a retard. If this religion can't change, then explain to me why veiling came to be. Explain to me why there is a distinct cultural difference between Sunni and Shi'a Islam on top of distinct cultural differences between Islam from the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties as well as everything following that. Also, explain to me why Sufism is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SECT OF ISLAM THAT IS CENTERED AROUND ALIGNING CLOSER TO MUHAMMADS **ORIGINAL** MESSAGE, rather than the corrupt version that the Umayyad's turned it into. You saying that Islam has never changed is completely denying that Sufism exists, as well denying that over 1000 years of history exists. I'm not saying that Islam is good in anyway, I'm just pointing out that you saying Islam can't change is completely unfounded and bullshit. This isn't something that's proved by \"the word of allah\" or some other bullshit like that, but by actual WRITTEN HISTORY. YOU CANT ARGUE WITH WRITTEN HISTORY RETARD. But then again you probably have no idea what Sufism is or that there were Islamic Dynasties in the first place, so I can really only blame myself for getting angry at your ignorance. Edit: but you're so wrapped up in wanting to shit talk islam like every other retard on this sub that you have to make it about equality instead of what I'm actually talking about. we get it, islam fucking blows, shut the fuck up Gaslit. Retard. Nice edit. Faggot. What you gonna do about it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Texas is going to be ruined Sadly it's already starting to happen. Can a Republican ever get elected to the White House without Texas? The fact that Cruz only won by ~200,000 votes black pilled me. ONLY BY KEEPING ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO VOTE ILLEGALLY OUT \/ DEPORTED. Try again. It's already over, the demographic war has been lost. 85% or more mexican\/latina vote Democratic. That includes the ones that are \"legal\" and the US citizens. It's over If only we could do retroactive, strip all birthrights, strip all chain migration recipients and strip all lottery winners. Buh.. Bye. Wont happen. Pipe dream. 0% chance. It likely won't but it's the only way. It's sad that the most plausible way out of this mess is martial law and mass deporting to Mexico https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Operation_Wetback Round 2 Strange how culturally superior leftists in SF would want to move to a place full of \"dumb rednecks\". They turned Austin into a pit of degeneracy in pretty short order. :( Any chance of an earthquake taking Austin along with Kalifornia?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there iforgotmyredditacc! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My very first post on GAB! Facebook I'm phasing you out. No reason? I'd say killing Christians and causing white genocide through middle eastern apartheid inciting muslims to take \"refuge in white countries is a damn good reason to kill jews. Also jews writing all gun control, pushing race mixing, controlling 96% of global media controlling the narrative on every channel, and usury are other REALLY good reasons. Denial is a bitch, huh? Denial is a bitch when you threaten to kill an entire race. I have no need to talk to someone who will go out of there way to push out people who have every right as a human being to be who they are. You're entire Nazi bullshit is just an assumption that all Jews are evil and trying to take over(even though a few are we can agree on that). Best of luck to you and your family Ok let's settle this here. Yes, there are certain Jews who are doing bad. And christians are being defiled and called evil thanks to leftists and the Soros Rothschild propaganda machine. But must it be very jew? Every single Jew innocent or not you want to kill. I'm not sure what else I can say, so I'll leave you with a good bye and best of luck to you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao! You niggas regionally picky about hoes now. Just say anything on Twitter. Makes it's fun tho","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahahahaha, Dems just keep 'finding ballots' randomly days later. Just enough to win. Or it's exactly what he wanted. He wanted to catch them cheating?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get a load of this fucking faggot: what a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a faggot you are, @JohnLloydScharf.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just watched this feminist on the Laura Ingraham show who had the nerve to say \"oh yes I feel so bad for poor white men who are being a falsely accused of rape!\" Pay attention you feminazi cunt the women in this country don't like bitches like you we do not stand with disgusting wanna be women like you. The moms, the wives, the sisters, the girlfriends, the grandmother's, the Aunts, do not stand with your disgusting self nor do we stand with your disgusting ideology you green armpit hair bedraggled dragons We stand with the men no matter what their race is against you disgusting feminazi bitches who think they should be sacrificed at the altar of feminazi ideology, you can go fuck yourself you dirty bitch my son will not be sacrificed at that altar neither will my brother neither will my nephew neither will any other man in this country. You don't have the majority of women in this country on your side the majority of the women in this country look at you as something to be spit upon. So again Sweet Cheeks go fuck yourself with your little comment you sleazebag cunt!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my opinion, Muslims like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many s h e m a l e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common wetback. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the left https:\/\/redd.it\/9nkpeo https:\/\/twitter.com\/SomethingTexty\/status\/1050749766441754625 https:\/\/archive.is\/acCnf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.minds.com\/newsfeed\/896800034462986240","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims turn Swedish town into hell for women https:\/\/dailykenn.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/muslims-turn-swedish-town-into-hell-for.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">people living in the modern country of Macedonia ACTUALLY believe Alexander The Great was born there gas all Macedonians I'm not joking i so fucking agree with this scholar. i mean, do you think \"macadamia nut macedonians\" make fucking pita bread properly or have the ancient secrets of de-seeding olives? NO THEY FUCKING DONT BECAUSE THEYRE SAVAGE NIGGER BEASTS! MY HELENISTIC RAGE WILL NEVER BE QUELLED DEATH ALL SLAVS! DEATH THEM ALL TO DEATH!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just thought that being a nice neighbor id ask a few questions and seeing I hardly know you then this is a truly plausible question to ask better yet no question just will leave this here and make of it what you will no need to send me a reply its either you or someones busting ya chonie's have a great day @Gee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a faggot so of course you wouldn't want Megyn as an Attorney. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Use to trap them birds now I'm fly like a birdddd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a redneck, but without the homophobia and racism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So weird. But at lease they have a sense of humor Or is that a warning to her to keep quit, (Don't Ya Jes Love It) @REALDONALDTRUMP @POTUS #QAnon #Qanuck #AskTheQ #FISA #WALKAWAY #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #MAGA #WWG1WGA #TH3WH17ERABB17 https:\/\/twitter.com\/Breaking911\/status\/1055130065758027777?s=19 I am not so sure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good! She's a ghetto thug! @grasswire: \"So FPD just arrested @SenNasheed for being in the street. #Ferguson https:\/\/t.co\/puIwlUnBIz ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If people are demanding that you mute folks without considering the validity of what they are saying, then it would seem to me they are afraid of you finding out something. I mean think about it, what's the harm in considering what someone is putting forth and making your own decision?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ceasefire?Let's see how long those towel heads can go without trying to attack Israel then cry to national media when they get popped again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That nigger would be shown, if that turns out to be true, that he bleeds red just like everyone else. Good excuse to get rid of him and his pet tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HBergHattie @snkscoyote I wonder if the progs didn't relegate young black men to the ghettos to keep them away from harry reid's friends...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(Sourced quote from CNN) http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/TRANSCRIPTS\/0405\/03\/cf. Maxine Water and Sheila Jackson-Lee are perfect examples why we need ABORTION LEGAL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao. I thought all the retards were in r\/politics","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has a cushy job in the arts pushing 18 year old interns around, making them do her job, for $94,000 a year. \"I work for the government! Calm down cunt, you're not as important as you think.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"trash night tonight. I can already hear the sound of America's thriving economic sector out on the street, four wheels, one of them wobbles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"According to court testimony he reached for her gun before she grabbed it and shot him. Can't see that in the video, but if it did happen this is not a pussy pass. He was several meters away from her. She took out her gun and fired. What a cunt. She should be hanged.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid brainwashed twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait, so you committed a crime, took a picture of it, AND posted it for the world to see? That's just fckin retarded isn't it...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"U r still so beautiful and I am still watching you babe Chat with you later my dear and lookin at you rock my world. Just saying babe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are nothing but a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The crying continues... Don't get dehydrated from all that whinging, SOY. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37159895 sounding pretty tough","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is one of the many reasons why being a fag is great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You haven't destroyed either of the topics. No u No me Yea u Yea @a What rule did I violate? No bot was used in that flood of enrichening memes and thus did not violate TOS I'm just replacing \"u\" with @a like I did \"me\" before. no u no @e no @u oh that's right he's gone ;_; rip no @i no @m no @z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is part of the reason I can't stand canadians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Opinion | Sophia A. Nelson: Kanye West's historical revisionism isn't just ignorant it's dangerous. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/h8zf - @NBCNewsTHINK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"disabled people are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can you reclaim something that was never exclusively yours in the first place?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What do you call a muslim with a piece of ham on his head? Hammed What do you call a muslim with two pieces of ham on his head? More ham ed What do you call a muslim with two pieces of ham on his head AND a vibrator up his arse? Sheik Mohammed! (I heard that joke back in the 80's on itvs breakfast show. David Dimbleby said it, or was it his Dad?) What do you call a nigger with a PhD and a million dollars? A nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone COULD HAVE been convicted of rape. The cunt should be in prison for 20 years. If you want real punishment for the dumb sluts that DO ruin lives you're going to have to be realistic about situations like this one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thats enough thinking for the day boy, drink your mountain dew, listen to nigger music and vote for obama Yup! That's enough WRONGTHINK for one day, goy... go buy some dope off the nigga down the street and let him plow your wife, then go home bouncin your head to nigga music and then watch the niggas running around back and forth with a ball on tv and vote for Obama, then beat off to blackddd.com before bed...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Uh oh, Gab's Nazis are mad because I pointed out that they live in the past, are technically retarded and that Nazi deeds are ultimately going to obliterate Germany.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DaRealAlexInLA @Woody_AFC @Rodriguez5_ the nig is fun to watch got to admit, ebola boy can speak broken Spanish too lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tomahawk-Wielding Elizabeth Warren Vows To Take Land Back From The Pale Faces https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/hyJ7rL\/Dpo6-Jzf-Vs-AE4-hp.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/DKmK Yea, along side of creepy porn lawyer. 2020 should be fun!!!! I sure hope she does. What a present that would be to the Republicans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mundyspeaks: Poll: Florida Governor Rick Scott is leading Charlie Crist by five points. http:\/\/t.co\/W2Kkny4Nvy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you absolute moron.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"good,,she looks retarded anyways,,,lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Implying that all of GG holds similar philosophical and political views > I just advise not giving too much space to those bad apples you have here. They'll end up making all of you look like weirdos. Don't worry; it's a somewhat similar problem we have on the SJW side as well. Y'see - that's the problem with SJWs. They deplatform people just because someone made them uncomfortable. Every retard, autist, sperg and pseudo-intellectual has the right to post - just don't expect it to go unchallenged. Unlike SJWs, we practise tolerance and don't cannibalise fellow human beings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger lover, so no crime was committed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To me it says you need to stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i thought you couldn't say the n word on reddit? also there was a black rick but he had an afro so this is kind of wrong and#x200B; also \/r\/ImGoingToGetBannedForThis Say what now? Woah there swalafigner! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* 3\/5ths american lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a nigger (in case you didnt know) who's greatest achievement as a nigger is bagging a mudshark. Funny how niggers always define their self worth by their ability to compete with Whitey on some miniscule level.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuckin faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO TRUMP! NO GOP! NO FAGGOT USA!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Serious question: Is Lara Croft Jewish or not? Neck yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hangall these trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sweetromance: @1visionamd @Redeemed1952 @AZWS Once again, birds of a feather....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @BestOfAds: Rape? Cannibalism? You Won't Recognize The Original Versions Of These Fairy Tales http:\/\/t.co\/PrnJ8EFAoi man wtf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AhegaoLiker It looks like we have the winner of the HATE speech and moral degeracy prize! Ever notice how the people accuse others of HATE speech are the ones who are spewing the HATE? Take your despicable moral sewage somewhere else you hypocritical piece of excrement! Andrew is RIGHT! Thx Mr. Torba! Low IQ boomer scum I peel off of my boot, no one is accusing anyone of \"hate speech. Please pass away already. No idiot he used that as one of his justifications for bans and so I gave him an example of another thing he could ban under that same premise. Just stfu. Stop breathing my oxygen you non person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, what a worthless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon laughing his head off when anther black says this happens when negros don't read So i called Don Lemon a fucking dumb ass nigger and got my account features limited straight away on Twitter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NatlFascist88 @waspnse Jews and white race traitors have to be swept clean so the Aryan race can survive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Satan told me , fuk enimen he is a faggot and not welcome","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Corey Booker is an mixed-race evil scumbag communist nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the nigger kneelers and the NFL can go to hell. never again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/justinmichaelstpierre\/videos\/10153602193606351\/?t=6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Double Stuff Oreos mane say","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" That's a trailer park stretch limo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They can't even leave Greek mythology alone without putting some retard spin on it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I 100% guarantee you she's \"With Her and thinks Cheeto man is rude. She even uses a racial slur at the end verifying it. Wouldn't call Redneck a racial slur. Maybe a class slur? If someone is depending on you for service then you aren't really in a position to be dropping names I get that, but that's hardly racial. I think redneck is also a racial slur. I have never heard it used on a non-white person. You would only call a white person a redneck its definitely a racial slur","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Jessicatarlov I'm not quite sure how many times I have to tell your stupid moronic idiotic brainless twat waffle self you don't speak for women whether it's Republican women or Independent Women because I'm going to tell you something you little tart I have women that are independent as friends they don't like anybody speaking for them let alone some democratic dingbat who doesn't know any of them. Here's another clue for you you bimbo constantly running to the polls and saying but the poll say this the polls say that we have the advantage in the generic poll, Hillary Clinton also had a lead in all the polls didn't she? Everyone knows that they oversample Democrats in order to get the desired outcome they want it's been well documented perhaps you should look it up instead of constantly going on outnumbered and making a complete fool of yourself, the only thing I wish is that Dagan would get up and punch you off the fucking couch. Stop speaking for women cuz you don't speak for me and you don't speak for any other woman you disgusting dirty bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LaBugg09 my fault it sound like it fucc nicca","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's funny how so many other men, and women too would say \"Nice,,\" or \"That's awesome\" when you were sexually violated and could have caught on STD\/STI and\/or the pervy twat could have gotten pregnant. To think a woman would want to be sexually assaulted or raped by another woman, regardless of the way she looks. Most men would not want the same if the lady was not attractive to them, or if she was in some cases, they would not want that if they desired to stay loyal to their gf or wife.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't blame Crash for not sharing with you @geoffsheen760 you'll probably talk trash about it like you do food trucks #GeoffHatesPuppies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guy looked like some kinda spic to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Adrian1_knowsu no ghetto names ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"prob pulling muzzie later and a godo moon cake","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, they were actually more against heathens than all taken up about skin color. Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to \"free white people\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't even blame this cheap half-cast nigger hooker for behaving like she does, nor for dressing like sleazy secretary \/ funeral assistant \/ Morticia Addams wannabe all the time, or for always looking unkempt and unwashed with horrid greasy wig always in mess Harry is a halfwit But, where was BRF's collective brain to allow this circus? #Windsordashians","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what fucking retards would pay to see an ol horsefaced murdering cunt and a rapist?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am not \"admitting\" anything. i was offering you an explanation. you dumb cunt Yeah, you did admit it, you faggot. Just because you didn't mean to doesn't mean that it doesn't count. suck a bag of nigger dicks you clown","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only in UK could a retard like Khan become mayor. Back in pakiland he'd have been the son of a rickshaw driver.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Disassociation\" is such faggotry, and there should definitely be an option to opt out of it. Just because I mute retards doesn't mean I want to take away their freedom to comment on my posts should they feel so inclined. Retard @mitchellvii and @lloomer want to be able to suppress free discussion of their shit ideas and mouldy bread pussy respectively, and that's the end of that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The US has already had a man, a nigger and others... maybe we need a woman or a tranny to fuck us ? lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kyrsten Sinema compared illegal immigrants to Iraq War dead https:\/\/youtu.be\/GityrI21Hwg https:\/\/redd.it\/9nh37r","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Israels illegal nukes are a nuclear state terrorist threat. i believe Iran has them (x-55 Iran Ukraine) and that's why the Zionazi entity has not attacked Iran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MD, MPH, CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Morning guys.... And annoying bitch.\" How about just \"morning bitches\" ? I'm just so glad I live in the south and can call everyone y'all. Single person? Y'all. Mixed gender group? Y'all. Group of 20 people? All y'all. Its convenient but will definitely get you some weird looks in places outside the south. I'm from new england and if you use y'all in a sentence there, there's a good chance people will openly laugh in your face. Not in a mean way, it just sounds so twangy and hillbillyish to us. I live in Colorado now and plenty of people say y'all, I still have to hold back the laughter sometimes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The result of generations of selective breeding. Livestock are for breeding. Only two original parents; Adam and Eve. Tell me some more! Wow. Talk about a non sequitur! You must be the King of Non Sequiturland! Please Tell me some more. Oh my !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice how all the white supremacists on Gab flooded onto this thread and were unable to coherently respond to the statements I made? Thus proving that they were NPCs? All they did was paste all of their usual photo memes, like an NPC is programmed to do, and then upvote and downvote accordingly, like an NPC. White supremacists are NPCs. filbert up aris but you get my drift","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sorryimalex: \"now 5sos is starting to tweet the hashtag, they're trash!\" #vote5sos http:\/\/t.co\/llkuz6VtAi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everybody loves pot brownies, but I bring crystal meth cupcakes to a party, Suddenly I'm the weirdo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, trans people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think these people actually search things to be offended about. Like she went out looking for something in the game that she could, \"show the world\" how awful something is. What a miserable cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just don't like Homosexuals raising kids it's my opinion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cocksucker brown noser james woods is back on twitter, but i am not??????????????????????????????????? go fuck yourself you retard 67984","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think I'll have salad bar for lunch today. Gotta make up for the birthday brownies somehow... #LastHurrahThenDietStarts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Five caged lions poisoned and mutilated at African game farm. This is the type of shithole savage that Europeans are so eager to import. They do the same thing to mountain gorillas, chimpanzees and any other animal they can catch, poison or shoot. The 'traditional healer' shops are full of bits and pieces of animals that are supposed to give you 'powers'. If you want human organs, you need a contact.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its insanely obvious this sub is just retarded > retarded Can you not? This is able privileged as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab him. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(Laughs inside my head)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Umm it was the NPC meme No, that's a wannabe Did everyone else also just get vague notices about \"unusual activity\", instead of an actual example of something they posted that supposedly violated Twatter's rules?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We haven't even received 500 signatures on this petition since my video a little over 12 hours ago. @Eric_StrikerDS @realemilyyoucis can you get TRS to push this whitehouse.gov petition to stop jew censorship of the goyim? @Microchip @RealRedElephants @Cantwell You are the faggot NPC that everyone hates.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In the dictionary beside the word \"cunt\" there's a picture of her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Australian here. I rate Washington a Wallaby out of a crook bogan on centerlink. Compare Canberra to Melbourne. Bloody oath. They're mad as a cut snake. Those fuckwits are useless as tits on a bull. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6AXPnH0C9UA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TDOT_Italians: Sharing food with your mangia cake friends because they love your food #ItalianProblems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because it leads into their preferred solution: More feminism! Family courts essentially discarding men at every opportunity? Sounds like you need more *feminism*. Men's suicide rates vastly exceeding women's? Sounds like you need *more feminism*. Mental health provision for men entirely absent in any practical sense? Sounds like you need **more feminism**! > then killed her pet and mailed her pieces of it, making her flee the country. Not exactly. Someone took shots at her dog, but that was after she, her family, and publisher had already gotten death threats. And why? Because she tried to open a shelter for men too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a faggot wearing an inverted pentagram i'm shocked i tell you...SHOCKED.....I find it hysterical that the edgy homo has no clue when \"UTOPIA\" is achieved his kind will be among the first liquidated I'm going to add this to my description of these people... Fairy gay demonic faggot. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">According to the woman, her left hand became swollen and she was in severe pain for several months She must have shaken hands with Bruce Banner and made him angry lol >But she testified that the police report was \"grossly inaccurate and denied telling them she had screamed or shouted as loud as she could when the handshake occurred. She also denied saying she fainted at the scene and an ambulance was called. >The woman further contended that police had no basis to make comments about her **possible mental health issues**. It's 10 AM, already seen the fucking joke of the day hahahaha. I'd say her trying to sue over a handshake is evidence enough of her \"*mental health issues*\". She would not be suing him. In Australia, you get money, and some other benefits (free counciling and healthcare) from the government if you are a victim of violent crime. In some cases it can be a substantial amount of money depending on how bad the assult is. So she is upset that the government wont see her as a victim of violent crime. The people that work with this are working with people who are beaten, raped, and stabbed, or families of murder victims. I think it is a bit of an insult to them to have to take her seriously. Interesting system, what are your thoughts on it. Does it work? Or is it, how I imagine it, rife with bogus claims? Im from Canada which has pretty much the same old system like the US, and things can take a decade to go through the courts until a verdict is finally met. Are things done quicker down in OZ? Id love to see your country one day, but the huge spiders and insane heat will keep me away for the time being. I was in South Korea in August for 3 weeks and just about died from the heat so I imagine OZ would be even worse. Cheers mate. Plenty of boggans willing to stab eachother to go on the dole hassle-free i imagine. What are boggans? Fair enough, thank you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_BradleyC skate 2 trash :(:( skate 3 had goat DLC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1\/ This NPC meme is the new thing on Gab and everyone loves it, apparently. If you don't know, it's the new practice of showing ppl with \"smiley face\" characteristics (ex, two dots for eyes, rather than actual eyes) to denote how they're all the same and interchangeable. The meme indicates that everyone on the left who mouths their slogans are just like NPCs. actually it is just a decent and thought out retort of the \"Russian Bot\" trope. But you are probably too stupid to understand that. He just admitted he's using the same logic as the left, thus making me right again. Why, so I can be like you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"70% of divorces r initiated by females. Why bc they get PG then get Gov Aid, free rent, school, food. Why stay F'n married when they can play w\/there cunt friends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean it takes about 15 seconds to google him and find out he's a nigger loving fraud, and even immature teenagers are capable of seeing that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If this bitch actually had a career: \"I don't think you should do it that way.\" \"You don't work in this department nor you have any experience in this technology\/tool\/style\/etc so fuck off asshole.\" \"Don't say those things!\" \"Don't try to force me into any performative and reductionist control of myself, cunt!\" \"How fucking dare you use my own rhetoric against me? REEEEE\" No work was done and the fighting escalates until the company itself is dissolved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's because she lost weight and went 100% dyke for some reason","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While the media obsesses over this mail bomb false flag, Senator Cory Booker (who conveniently received a fake mail bomb today) has been accused of sexual assault by a registered Democrat, gay man. Remember when Cory Booker said \"all sexual abuse allegations should be believed\" during the Kavanaugh confirmation? Remove Cory Booker? #MAGA #Ghost https:\/\/www.wibc.com\/blogs\/chicks-right\/himtoo-senator-cory-booker-accused-sexual-assault-gay-man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That moment was really pivotal for queer culture. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Muslim inmate\" looks like a nigger to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Hell Broke Loose When Loretta Lynch Made This Racist Attack On Trump https:\/\/greatamericandaily.com\/loretta-lynch-racist-attack-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok class... Who can tell me what's wrong in this picture? Maybe you can @KirstenPowers I can't tell you how sick I am already from race baiters like you #LeftistMOB! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 SeaneyB . WTF HAPPENED TO THE PARTY OF JFK? AND WHO THE HELL PUT THE PSYCHE PATIENTS IN CHARGE?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It happened in Turkey, and they're all playing the caliphate game. Every1wants to be the head raghead when their prophetic events come to pass. Despite all the nonsense about Muslim solidarity, there are huge divisions beyond just the Sunni Shi'a thing. Arabs look down on non Arabs. My suspicion is more about our media's sudden fixation on story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They used to tell me that before I lost weight, that shit made me resentful as hell. I'm not good enough today but will be when these whores are all used up? That's fucking bullshit. That's the shit they try to feed you. In my opinion I'm a decent looking dude, but apparently not good enough don't trip dude. Women are so screwed up in terms of what they deem attractive that only 7% of men overall are considered attractive by women's standards. This was concluded from research studies where they polled women, with images of different guys to see how many they would see as \"above average\" and \"attractive\". Keep doing you bro, keep it pushin, keep making your life better. You'll start to notice women wanting to date you as time goes on. And let's keep it real, they do that because they will see that you have a nice job, house, etc. So treat them the same way in return, use them for what they bring to the table (looks) and dump. Wear a fucking condom. Don't be that guy that gets trapped in an unwanted pregnancy for child support, because they WILL try to do that to you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank you! As someone who played Curse of Darkness, Issac's race swap doesn't matter. He was a one note character in the game and they game him so much more depth in the show.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How ironic! Cunt acts like an 11 year old.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why we voted Trump https:\/\/youtu.be\/7KFEBbWcnEc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women have a higher position than children in society. I think the underlying logic is that you can replace kids since women can always make more. Hence why they can do the most evil, vile, sadistic, pedophilic shit to kids and not get so much as a slap on the wrist. I can't even blame feminist here since it's existed long before those cunts. It's just good old fashioned gynocentrism elevating cunts up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swedish police think they can reduce the number of shootings with \"stop shooting campaign https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/swedish-police-think-they-can-reduce-the-number-of-shootings-with-stop-shooting-campaign\/ Won't work. Try: Sn lla skjut inte; det h r r en v ldt ktssone. #StopCallingItSweden #ThereIsNoSweden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why even bother with losers like @Sopwith? What kind of obsessive loser claims to hate Hitler and Nazis and yet has an entire gab account devoted to gay Hitler\/Nazi fantasies. LoL LuL No I just have them take out the trash seeing how such trivialities are a little bellow me don't you think? No run along back to your weird Nazi themed gay Israeli sex party. Did you vote for Obuttfuck? Dems accused Kavanaugh of rape, Commie ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like I said: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/2017_Congressional_baseball_shooting YOU FUCKING RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Titanic, if you did fuck a nigger, you're a miscegenational menace and should be tossed out of America, if not worse. Be proud of defiling your race. It'll be such fine comedy when we bring you to the gallows and invite you to repent of your crimes... \"I had a right...!\" Nope... I'm in Britain and you won't be \"tossing me off\" anywhere faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not big on the \"Uncle Tom\" slur anyway, but can we at least reserve it for those who earn it, not just those who dare to not vote Dem?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sinai Jihadi Group Beheads 3 Accused of Being 'Spies of the Jews' http:\/\/t.co\/3CDOsElI1k via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No fucking way. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'll never fully realize this until you dump your gf for being a cunt to you. I've done it twice in 2 lt relationships: one was a manipulative alcoholic bitch, the 2nd lied about her marriage and was using me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's an ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and THAT MUSLIM FRAUD NIGGER NEEDS HUNG, AFTER HIS TRIAL OF COURSE. Save the trial and just hang his Muzzie black ass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"{()} Prostitution is legal there. Find another one. Men tend to make really stupid decisions when they get emotionally invested in a woman. And women depend on that. You spelled 'prey' wrong Maybe a million dollar house to him is like $ Maybe not $100 but I could easily see it being like 5k to us a bit of an investment by if you are prepared for it it won't matter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The CEO of that company is a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Mayor of Portland is still telling the police to stand down and to allow them to block traffic and do as they wish. Remember when commie pinkos had to lurk in the shadows for fear of being found out here in America? We need to bring that back and send these assholes packing ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And then when they reveal a fucking Diablo game for mobile game \"\"\"journalists\"\"\" are like: videogames were never intended for straight white males anyways I've seen that, it's pretty disgusting how easily people will bend over for faceless corporations","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those youth display a certain strength and determination in their faces and in their demeanor. They also look very healthy. Go to any shopping mall in modern America and see wimpy,washed out looking slobs roaming like zombies with their Nigger playmates and fellow dope smokers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're all sorts of cunty today, aren't you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trumpsters are all the same - retarded sheep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a faggot. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"but muh cunt is self-cleaning\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter is made up of RACIST HATEFUL BIGOT JEWS and DEMOCRAT PIGS! The vile RETARDED leftsts are intellectually incapable of forming a complete sentence! The RACIST JEWS let them wallow in all their RACIST SEXIST morally degenerate sewage on Twatter! They get to spew their RACIST SEXIST RETARDED bile all day long there! They have no intelligence so they do not find it easy here and run away like the little BIGOTS they all are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals want children stealing their parent's guns and handing them in to their teachers....for safety....lol https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2014\/dec\/22\/psa-encourages-kids-to-steal-parents-guns-hand-ove\/?fbclid=IwAR05rZR2f7_ln4LtYKolTUNeIzjuNUwp2CWTuB3RSsRv7ZG9V-hYSH6ixHY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DRNRDX: @BrandonFxrd you're not safe pussy boy looooool http:\/\/t.co\/TocJ1WxRYK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok, I've figured it out. Cuckservative @theobear777 is some degenerate oil driller with mystery meat daughters. That's why he's triggered like a faggot over Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> and don't cannibalise fellow human beings. what if we were in a plane crash and it was the only way to survive? which mod would we eat first? >which mod would we eat first? Dunno about eating, but sacrificing Bane to Cyric would have some evil appeal :-D Does it matter, the majority would taste like hot pockets. That's a good thing no? Shadist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This kinda spun out of control towards the end there. I was waiting for a \"The fact that the North fired the first shots and therefore it should be called the War of Northern Aggression.\" Edit: I went back and read it again... this whole list is is ridiculous. Edit: I just can't let this bullshit fly: \">So you accept that there is a correlation between IQ and ethnicity\" So like... these experiments were born of the eugenics era and also found whites from the south scored lower than whites from the North. The people throwing this garbage around like to leave that important detail out. This is how people get lured in. You start with a list of seemingly scientific and maybe not-easy-to-verify \"facts\", present them as truth, and denounce detractors as \"liberals\" or \"feminists\" or whatever your target audience hates. It's all a fucking act though. There *is* a correlation between IQ and ethnic background when measured in *immigrants* but that same correlation can be found in white people of different socioeconomic statuses. You'll happily leave out the important second half of that \"fact\" though. if propaganda.isQuestioned(): deflect() adHominem() Feck off ya cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone else sick and tired of Gay activism? Hetero Activism is coming next get your faggot asses ready for a real reaming. https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-northern-ireland-45789759?ns_mchannel=socialandns_linkname=news_centralandns_source=twitterandns_campaign=bbc_breaking","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is it with you fucking disabled people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@CoryBooker is running around town delivering food to people. If he takes out the trash too he is the perfect boyfriend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck all those retard people who get butthurt, they are irrelevant. I would laugh loud and say maybe next year.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What I like about Robert Bower's action is that jews will attack Trump, this series of attacks will red-pill huge numbers of his half-awoke followers. The stupid jew will cut down the tree, rip-saw the planks, fashion the shape and forge the nails to make their own coffins. Let the jew dig his own grave in wailing at Trump. That is what using the the He Doctrines does, it facilitates the jew in his own destructive nature and ways. HH Only a full-blown retard could equate the two. That damns you and it means I am wasting my time with you, you've already had too much of my time and so you will gain no more responses from me. You may fill in your own blanks from now on. Please consider poison as a means for you to curl up and die as it's usually painful and that will be most satisfying for me and humanity. All good? Bye just now!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another win for the vast majority that don't buy into the faggot \"lifestyle\"... Ashers 'gay cake' row: Bakers win Supreme Court appeal The Christian owners of a Northern Ireland bakery have won their appeal in the so-called \"gay cake\" discrimination case. https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-northern-ireland-45789759 So forcing a Jew bakery to make a swastika cake is out? Thanks short sighted niggers who lack the capacity for abstract thought. I bet none of you with agency got the FUCKING BALLS to use this ruling to fight the accommodations clause in the civil Rights act of #woolworthsLUNCHCOUNTERshakesitsmotherfuckinghead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also, even considering the fact she is a minor, legal precedent has had people as young as 13 tried as adults for violent crimes. Even if it was a stillborn, isnt there some sort of obligation to seek help since there's a chance it could be resuscitated? At the very least this is criminal negligence. What went wrong in your life, that you think the appropriate response to this story is 'prosecute the child'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LGBTQ FOR TRUMP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did you know the Prophet Muhammad is Donald Trump's biggest inspiration? 51:48 And We have spread out the spacious earth: How excellently We do spread out! #SpaceFarce How much LSD is to much.Even I am having a problem reading your posts.Slow down relax and stop making a fool out of yourself.In America speak English.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The sooner everyone realizes that her name is Imam May, it will all start making sense. Stay in the EU. Don't stay in the EU. Doesn't matter now. You're gone, UK. Gone. Go spread your momma's legs. Here comes your Muzzie Love. Idiots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's all part of the plan for White Genocide.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's what these cunts do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PolitiFact is forced to retract a story claiming Claire McCaskill didn't say what she definitely said https:\/\/washex.am\/2P5j5m2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A lot of drink and thought, the possibilities alas no cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do they think trans women are constantly getting killed? Where's the source for that? Usually when pressed they cite suicide rates. Through study I've determined that they subscribe to a morality which can be described nicely as alternative. Some odd application of environmental determinism. I do not like it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pulled her over twice, then gave her a body search and still the retards ITT think it's just as simple as 'she's a crazy cunt.'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical coonbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL! #FellowWhites Privilege isn't meted out by skin color. that's racist. Privilege is when feelings rule reason. (Right Hollywierd?) The underprivileged don't have the luxury to live in feeling based bubble worlds of their own making. What you are doing is showing what a retard you are. These people hate white people. They want us unemployed and unemployable. They want us outnumbered in our own country. It cannot get more hateful than that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My theory on who is behind these bomb scares? Two possibilities. One, a right-wing loner. Likely one of the Jew-hating types we see here on Gab. Or two, a douche-bag liberal psycho posing as a right-wing psycho. You know, just like they do with their libtard swastika graffiti. My theory is it's probably some fed up conservative who is sick of libtards and feminazis ruining his nature shows. I'm contacting the FBI right now to give them a lead on the suspect I have in mind. Typical response from a liberal faggot who thinks everyone who holds my beliefs is some sort of unsuccessful outcast without any friends lol. You'd rather blame everyone except the people actually pulling the strings because you've been programmed not to notice them. You're a traitor who deserves the same fate as our foes. Keep swallowing those kosher red pills like a good goy. You're too much of an intellectual coward to confront uncomfortable truths, which makes you no different than the \"safe space special snowflake libtards\" that I'm sure you poke fun at. Sad!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Scruffy Harry with his chocolate medals. I was kind of feeling sorry for him and his shock after unveiling this plaque. The Queen or whoever decided on wording definitely meant to humiliate him. This is what happens when you marry a nigger hooker, Harry boy. You unveil plaques which don't even bear your name. #Windsordashians","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Little fucking gook who smells like shit. An than thinking they're the motherfuckin boss. THE FUCK!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lsarsour: Senator Susan Collins is the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%. She is a disgrace and her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly. #CancelKanavaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of trannies. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i don't see the problem. that pile of tar and shit looks exactly like the narcissistic nigger that thought she\/he was worthy of having someone draw her\/him (sorry I can't tell if that's a male or female nigger, there isn't much difference in appearance of them)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder how many dumbshit lefties know how to operate a SERPA retention mechanism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The mental retardation... it's just too much...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*faggot faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And just what career was the faggot promoting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oversenstive Marxist retards who get triggered by everything (even their own shadow) ruining it for normal people. Slippery slip is real and you can bet your ass soyny will only get more retarded and censor more. Meanwhile while anime games are \"bad\", progressive garbage like TLOU2 doesn't get held to equal standards and instead is allowed by soyny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol NPC much? I will, open your mouth big boy, mc faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DolanGang beans u beaner?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No surprise there. Feinstein is the quintessential evil Jew. Agreed. However most Europeans and people of all other races are good, whereas Jews as a race are pre-disposed towards evil. The proof lies in their words and deeds. They carry evil within them and spread it like a plague wherever they go. And then along comes you, proclaiming that a teeny tiny minority of the world population, vastly outnumbered by Whites... has {{{Jewdi Mind Controlled}}} that superior White race. You people are such fucking retarded pussies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being such a retarded troll that you call black people \"muds\" TO A BLACK PERSON. Go fuck Hitler's skull you retarded Nazi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taking advice from a conservative imbecile such as yourself is like asking a nigger for help with your math homework.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is the REAL nigger in the woodpile????? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5NIbiBNeATI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Danny Trejo is the most annoying spic ever. Until Elizabeth Warrens DNA teas came back showing she's a spic. Spicahontas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are so stupid how does Jack taste? No don't tell me faggot I am sure you are a cum gurgler!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this about black Heimdall and black Domino and the lack of outrage about them being race bent while people start forging flaming pitchforks over a black Ciri or Superman? Well, I'd argue that as supporting characters they are given more freedom to be fluid in their race and possibly even sex. They don't have the same identity with the public like a main character like Superman does. And if their written well then they race bending is excused as open casting rather than a forced diversity hire. > black Heimdall There was outrage, and it's still bullshit. You know, because of all those black nords. Oh... >I believe the Asian police officer in the new Spider-Man game was invented recently in the comics. And she was one of my favorite characters. They did a great job establishing the trust and communication between her and Peter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's maddening that CACA, something that is unconstitutional, even has to go through the Supreme Court. I'd rather have a shit economy without a country full of spics than a booming economy with a country filled with sand nigger rapefugees and spics. \"We either have a country or we don't.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Race mixing nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If they are so much like family, why don' they treat them like family and sponsor thier petitions?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love that because that would stop these fairy gay faggot tranny porn posters from tagging me with their sick shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter suspended for asking don lemon if he was cnn gay house nigger because he said the sane bout kayne west","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a little nigger child. How do you expect a little nigger child to look?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don't you take your meds you dumb stunned fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can somebody explain to me what wignat actually means?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@claraoswined cute, but I love her yellow raincoat the most, the contrast with thatandher hair looks so cute! :P I love her face in your icon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To prosecutor cunt Cullen, the commies starting all the political violence are just \"folks who take the opposite view\". It's crystal clear that the antifa scum have a free pass to attack Whites. They're doing what (((the System))) wants. The jewS gummint still has the power to oppress, but itz lost all legitimacy. They're tyrants now. Nothing more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate trans people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a rn: \"Fix the site? I'll go on a retarded crusade against the weebs instead lolz.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya, Martin @mstytz I really need a fictional dead faggot kike on a stick in my life. A crazy Hezus belief is just what I need to bring me the insanity and perversion I lack.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alright, here we go. A Nigger boy is paired with one of our gorgeous White, blue-eyed blondes. Watch his hands, people. He may act out of habit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump has to kiss the jew ass because the normie retard public cant face that the rat fks run everything and hate them, yet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's amazing how red-pilled women reveal themselves to be, when they don't realize what they are saying. TRP advises men to not be doormats, and here this cunt is justifying being a cheating whore by saying her man was being a doormat. Women have no problem with a red-pill view of the world; they just don't want men to be in on it. Their fundamental problem with TRP is that it draws back the curtain for men who would otherwise be fooled. It explains the magic trick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For my part in my travels in Kanaduh over 40 years of it I have ALWAYS called them the MountMe's. Bunch of faggots before it was cool. KanaDuh and all. No faggot mountme lover, you eat a dick..lol!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Despite the zebra red rocket special, portland beats those jersey shore floppers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never a Muzzie in sight when you need one!!! I guess even they wouldn't rape this piece of white ape meat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter makes Me ...FURIOUS . Look what they've done to Pastor Andrew Bronson! WHY Because he thanked Donald Trump for bringing him home??? Because he prayed for on National Television??? THIS IS OUT OF HAND !!!!!!!!! SMH............... #Faith #Amen #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #NRA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @amour_tajiana: Only fuck niggas would wanna continue to mess with these messy ass bitches vs. somebody who HAS been down for them all a ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That Muzzie clickbait, ya know. Don't feed the trolls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Torba, I am now 100% FOR Gab's proposed \"Disassociate\" feature. I was on the fence about it until last night after I was doxxed by some psycho that I triggered more than 4 months ago who decided they were gonna dig into my life and \"expose me as a charlatan\" even going so far as doing a freedom of information request on me. Nothing was really exposing in my situation, but I can just imagine what could happen if someone had a post go viral and their stalker decided to post a dox that exposed someone's kids' schools or other personal identifying information at the optimal time of visibility. A user can act must faster than the #GabTeam in protecting their personal data with that feature. Sure, it may be used to silence dissent, but securing the safety of Gabbers personal data from predatory practices is critical. @a, @e, @suppport","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gtfo. Stop telling people how retarded you are...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A jewish blessing, a Satanic Curse https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/middle-east\/ivanka-trump-jared-kushner-israel-jewish-rabbi-yitzhak-yosef-racist-us-embassy-jerusalem-latest-a Hey. She's a Trump. Back off Anderson.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fake news fake news","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Fuck you, you cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon: I'm not part of the Resistance Washington Free Beacon Published on 12 Oct 2018 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qCBRocbKWl4andindex=17andlist=LLN4TofQfr6URr0SCXFckIaQ #DonLemon #WashingtonFreeBeacon #ImNotPartOfTheResistance #WeMAGA #WeKAG #WeAreUSA #VoteMAGA2018Midterms #TRUMP2020 #YouMakeAmericaGreat ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You black people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt is out of the BDM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, that's not what you said. Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"trudeau....your faggot \"leader\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.israeltoday.co.il\/NewsItem\/tabid\/178\/nid\/35097\/Default.aspx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Information is part of the modern battlefield. Good time to go back and look at improving information security practices. You should see the other guy\/ ;-> Seems like a serious issue, but that would take leadership, not coordination, I suppose. What a mess, that the \"movement\" manages to not learn from its mistakes. It was an issue with VK Groups members being visible to nonmembers which has been resolved. Most were nom de guerre, anyway. Why not all? That would be a sensible requirement to make now. Maybe I shouldn't expect so much from \"the movement\". I mean, there might actually be a real reason to keep shooting ourselves in the foot to help our enemies. Because some of us have to be on the front lines using our real names as a positive example to others, the tip of the spear. And that's how \"the movement\" turns. I guess if enough naieve people come in, it can replace the ones that realize that churning isn't progress. Too bad people can't do simple things to work against the enemy. That's a good reflection on how they would handle larger responsibility and why they never get there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Allowing any more tr4ns people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lcl03 the slopes aren't for us bro Hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews are always behind censorship and are anti-free speech, unless they exploit free speech to promote their anti-white degenerate agendas. The synagogue that is so innocent was sued in 2013 for mutilating the genitalia of a young boy during a botched circumcision. Yids rape kids. Goodbye Jew boy, we won't miss you. Go back to twitter faggot. You are a good NPC! You use the same RETARDED comeback all the time! That is because you are intellectually incapable of any original thought! You are just a zombified unconscious gullible moron!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WIGGER SHARIA an article refuting WHITE SHARIA https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/yeimlHkgykZU\/ #altright #whitenationalism #trump #bernier #trudeau #liberal #maga #freespeech #itsoktobewhite https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/channel\/aryanh8\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't worry. It's pretty much the same entities that do it to everybody. Don't feed 'em and they eventually go find easier targets to trigger. As James Woods says, \"Instablock\" ;-) Welcome to #RealGab !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VainHumility: Naming my son Caesar. Dawn of the apes is the absolute best movie I've ever seen in my entire life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"... Its Rockstar... Make the game you wanna make. What are the faggot SJWs really gonna do? We have seen how little power they have and even when they fully supported a tiny indie game that cost like a buck fifty to make, they still could not drive enough sales to keep the coffee maker going. They could make a game where you play a neo nazi who in the opening 5 minutes rapes and crucifies a black woman on a burning cross and the vast majority of people would still be like \"Okay, lets see where they go with this.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@vh1ADENECA @260chocolate @4Sunshinejones1 aye, I respect ya hustle and all but dont tweet me anymore trash ass videos...thank u kindly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Suspect goes on wild attack on white man in Bronx pizzeria: Look at this f***ing white guy!' https:\/\/shar.es\/a1Erp8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyday, Jim Acosta gets a little bit closer to snapping and having an emotional breakdown on live TV.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone else happy for Bourdain that he died before this came to light? Poor guy already had it rough. Or MAYBE he knew about it, didn't want to betray his wife and couldn't live with the guilt? Hmm. I think I need to smoke more meth, the answers will come to me. Damn dude. What the fuck. You can tell looking at her that she is the type of girl that just loves to fuck with guys heads and try to get them wrapped around her finger. Yeah, its I testing that he committed suicide 3 days after pictures of her and the other guy came out, and hours after she posted a picture if her wearing a shirt that said \"fuck you\" t-shirt with the caption \"you know who you are\" The fact that he had JUST finished paying that boy off for her as well is news to me, I'll have to look it up if I can. But yeah, I do blame her specifically for his death (even though we all know he suffered from depression)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are all these doctors and engineers stabbing people? \/s The pollies know what they are doing. Each attack allows them to pass laws giving them more power. Honestly people should demand straight ban on immigration from shithole. No more power to anyone. Just ban the hell out. I agree! If you think about it, these Muslims are like the snake in poem trump had in rallies, they can't believe they being let in despite all we know about their religion, it's almost like they being invited to do this. Yeah I think that was the point lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They don't allow comments about that odious twat Miller because they are terrified of the comments the readers will make!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis are retarded, I don't hate I just pity. No I hate and pity. Nazis are retarded bc they uncritically follow 1933 propaganda despite knowing where that leads. They honestly believe the things the call for won't be used against them. They think it will actually work the way they expect it to. They revere a man who didn't have the spine to take accountability.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gentlemen, it is past time to put these whores under boot. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/argentina-women-run-screaming-naked-shit-in-streets-burn-churches-to-fight-patriarchy-nsfw\/ This is so embarrassing. Don't cry Argentina... It's always the ugliest ones too. These sluts are ridiculous. There goes breakfast! Women are meant to be beautiful creatures and they are when they take care of themselves. But women who don't are birth control and conversely ugly as sin! Why is it all they completely RETARDED women are so damn ugly? Not all... you have your Hollywood beauties who are retarded too...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Sheen wants to return to 'Two and a Half Men' | http:\/\/t.co\/kVMDoGDcLQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/asylum-seeker-brutally-rapes-child-who-was-teaching-him-german\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Andrew Gillum calls for 'state of emergency' on Stand Your Ground law https:\/\/www.tallahassee.com\/story\/news\/2018\/07\/30\/andrew-gillum-calls-state-emergency-stand-your-ground-law\/866734002\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Duh. Only the retards have to have it spelled out on another retard's sign. So if this is news then you're a fucking retard and should shove your vote in your ass where it can be properly processed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT DEMOCRAT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The \"tolerant\" left folks! \"Voting is a lie that benefits the right. We should just murder our political enemies instead.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I no longer believe nor care about women being raped! Equality remember? This is cause and effect. Men rape and women murder their young, sounds pretty equal to me...women brought this ont hemselves... 321 let the harpies begin. A lot of people don't. It's really sad too, because it does happen. Women get raped all the time... but because these cunt feminists have kind of flooded the market with bullshit, the women who really have had something happen to them won't be believed. I hate feminism and leftists women for that... I don't even have words to express how much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cesar Sayoc is nonwhite (Flip or featherhead). Many arrests. Probably a faggot since he sponsors male strip shows and has arrest for prostitution. Check out Heavy article.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"100% agree. Art can be both political *and* beautiful. I know an insufferable leftist twat with Stage 4 TDS, and his social media is 24\/7 progressive retardation. But he's a damn fine artist, and I enjoy looking at his work even if it's all in service of politics I despise. That's the odd rub here, isn't it? If SJWs really wanted to drive home their points, they'd do a better job of actually creating their content. With enough quality, their games would become undeniable - and then their ideas might follow. Of course, if they were talented, they wouldn't be the resentful Marxists they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You mean raping a 15 year old student Somehow they always misspell \"rape\" when it's a female doing it to a male. Funny, that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WORIDSTARHlPHOP: This talking eggplant skurred af https:\/\/t.co\/KDwoApyvD0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical coon behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This evil woman still had that and gave \"permission\" for 5 unpaid aides to look at top clearance stuff. That is unreal, just unreal. I bet this was an avenue for leaks and gossip. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6271251\/Hillary-Clinton-five-aides-gives-security-clearances-wake-email-scandal.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All disabled people are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common black trash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let Muslims be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been out for years and it hasn't been easy, but I also love being a fag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why can't people just be people? Bowsette is fuckin dumb. I'm tired or this transphobic shitpost You are aware that OP is FTM, right...? Are you off your meds again? OrigamiPisces, this is a formal warning under Rule 3B. --- **[Rule 3: DON'T BE A SCHMUCK]( http:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_rule_ Wym meds I'm a pure autist lil nigger It is not always going to be apparent, but when it is, don't post it. The rationale here is that 13 year old otherkin is a lot different than a 30 year old one. One is a kid that is likely just going through a phase and the other one is a grown ass adult that has made a choice to be otherkin. That is just an example though and other areas we deal with have the same sort of rationale. There is no need for a ton of people goofing on a dopey kid when there are a ton of dopey adults out there. --- *If you have a question about, or wish to open a discussion regarding, a moderation decision, including one made by another moderator, please [message the TiA moderation team by clicking here](http:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInAction), instead of responding to this post.* *Please include a direct link to the post in question when you message us!* I'd like to say that this autist shitlord started it. You mods are on the hunt. Don't witch hunt this white asshole Quack quack.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I detest him. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Radical feminism actively has eradicated 'transvestites' from it's vocabulary to promote its pro-trans agenda more effectively. Source: Radical feminist academic trans man who used to be my friend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And stop trying to be edgy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" As an American you are required to carry a valid ID on you. What's the big deal about showing ID when voting. You have to show ID for a doctor's appt. no he should get the f out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"During World War Two it would have been better to live in South America than to have been drafted into a war against your brothers for the sake of Jews. I think that time is approaching again. If something doesn't change or emerge I think I will go live in rural South America. You call NAZI's and Imperial Japanese BROTHERS !!! Man are you FUCKED UP !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Awww http:\/\/sandrarose.com\/2018\/09\/chers-drug-dealing-boytoy-arrested-at-her-home\/ HER DADDY SHOULD HAVE PULLED OUT OF THE THAT DISEASED WHORE HOLE AND SHOT ON THE DIRT FLOOR CUNT TRASHY SCUM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You want to have a fun game, cunt sucker?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kiss of Death': Democrats keep Hillary off campaign trail by Al Weaver October 12, 2018 04:27 PM https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/congress\/democrats-keep-kiss-of-death-hillary-clinton-away-from-campaign-trail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cant come soon enough fuk She will win her riding handily. Worst case for her is Leader of the Opposition.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @weakenednachos: last thought before bed: in '92 we had a \"mock election\" in 3rd grade and i voted for Perot. maybe i related to his rea ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What about this will make you \"go to hell\"? This post is just as retarded as hers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cayenne system restore. Heart attack? One full dropper will work miracles. im gonna keep by my side and eat 10 ribs, 6 beers and a half a sheet cake! OK I'm lying but seriously great stuff in an emergency and sure beats baby aspirin... Where's the data? What the fuck is this? aspirin helps because it inhibits platlet aggregation. Don't take chances. If fucking Cayenne pepper worked they would isolate the active ingredient, make $$$ like they do everything. If chest pain, 3 81mg ASAs, call Ah faggot hoe very liberal if you. If you acted like a fucking grown-up we wouldn't have a problem here I'm guessing your white brothers are mostly inbred. Thanks for showing your true genius","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those Muslims should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chelsea Clinton Suddenly Earns $ If you use\/buy IAC brands YOU paid Chelsea $ Chelsea is a cunt ( I state the obvious) She was a cunt at 15 with braces while daddy gave Lewinsky the cigar. She should not have been off limits to ridicule.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hitler was merely trying to kill all the ashkenazi jews, these and most of the jews all of them even the other speces of jews are also prone to disease and fetal retarded children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Empress, all women condone womens perjury in divorce courts to ruin mens lives, there are no exceptions. Here is the facebook link of my former son. I disowned him when he was 14, now he is You bitches do not even have the guts to ask him how the criminal abuse of his mother and me disowning him in response has affected his life. He is now a pro-abortion, pro-gay rights, pro-women womans arse kissing mangina cuck. Pathetic. You did this. You and all the women who condoned my wifes perjury. Us men have no say in staying married because ALL you bitches condone the crimes of our wives. F*** you bitches. Marry each other and raise cats. https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/joshowasho #MGTOW @PAN9 I'm sorry you were abused and traumatized so badly by the family court system and your ex wife. But you're a piece of shit for disowning your son. You say that now he's \"pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-women arse kissing mangina cuck.\" I'm sorry but that's YOUR fault! You abandoned your son.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only trans people are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCKING EVIL old FUCKING TAR NIGGER NIGGER LOOKS LIKE HE GOT NIGGER AIDS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is such a fucking cunt as far as I am concerned Chelsea handler and the rest of the pedophile elite in Hollywood can burn in a never-ending Lake of sulphur in hell because that's where they belong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot right here has tipped his hand on voting NO on #Kavanaugh He should have to eat shit for the rest of his life","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h4te black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No way she 'forgot' her jacket. He grabs his because he knows it will be cold and then notices she will be cold. 100% she decided on being cold and looking good vs taking a jacket. She decided to not take her jacket because she expected him to give up his. If he does, she knows she can manipulate him anytime. Classic shit test. Man youre really cynical. The most likely scenario is 0 thought went into any of this. He might have even offered to give her his jacket and she flat out refused. This image gives 0 context and is not a MR issue. I agree. Think they get to decide what we should want to talk about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll fight him or his faggot son and I'm old.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so , you have bombs in your vehicle to mail and you drive around in a van that draws mass attention. lol, lol, lol, fucking stupid dimocraps, just fucking stupid. your bomb plot failed miserably.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These gay people have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A teen was running around Target in monkey pjs screaming OO OO AH AH and the fitting room girls were cackling. Was today designed to annoy me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the first time a disabled person is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot Retard nigger Jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just spoke w\/ @HispanicLinkNS legend, mentor Charlie Ericksen. Great to catch up w\/ those who helped open doors for Latino journos #thankful","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#StopWhiteGenocide #GregMcKee Greg, a married father of 4, stopped at the rest area. While he was washing his hands, Thomas and Manuel came in and stood on either side of him. He noticed that 1 of the suspects was holding a gun and turned to run, when he was shot in the back. The suspects then fled w\/o taking anything. Greg survived, but was paralyzed from the waist down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't really care for watching movies that make white men look like evil retarded perverts while plugging heroes as being minority faggot shitstains. What's new in this movie? Trannies saving a planet of pedophiles from evil white Nazis? Fucking Hollyweird jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A woman wants a man who cries WHEN SHE APPROVES OF IT, in other words. And her list of approved situations can handily fit in the palm of her teeny hand. For every other situation, there's the hilarious Male Tears mug because HA HA HA it's just so HO HO HO pathetic when HEE HEE HEE a man is a fucking crybaby AHURR HURR HURR. They kind of are. Thanks. I'm going to go play blackjack with some buddies. I apologise for my contribution to your unhappiness this week. Please DO NOT read any more of my posts here until you're feeling better. Much better. There's one in particular that you really, really SHOULD NOT read this week. I don't read what you write anyway, dude. \/jk. On the balance, this week has been pretty good for me. More like don't read *any* posts here until you're feeling better. I feel down nearly all the time but still come here fairly often for some reason. Anyway, what's the post that's even worse? I take my anger out on the poor sods that get in my crosshair on an FPS myself :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical mong behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL! SJWs are following\/RTing NPC accts in Twit. Dyke sent 3 part Tweet: \"Stop following\/RTing NPC accts. They're 4chan trolls\"... Had to point out to her retarded comrades that we all look the same and have NPC[number] as our personas https:\/\/twitter.com\/KBerco\/status\/1051319072540041216 https:\/\/twitter.com\/KBerco\/status\/1050968628500226050","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@triple6em96 @Hunglikerobby_ bitch you watch your fucking mouth you dirty whore. I swear to god that's a thin line","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SAND NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not let disabled people suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So much fail in your wordplay. Say the country out loud and see how retarded you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">games promoting hate, bigotry, and the moral delinquency that is slowly but surely eating away at western civilization will start to appear You're already doing a pretty good job of that with the moral degeneracy you are spreading yourself, didn't Stanford students even chant things like \"Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go!\" in the 80s and 90s? >any game that promotes values opposite of that has no place on the virtual shelves of the world's largest game store As retarded as some racists or \"Alt Righters\" can be, you've set the bar unbelivably high and they're really unlikely to come up with things that are even more fucking stupid than \"Men can be women and women can be men!\", \"Truth is relative!\", \"Biology and Evolution ain't science, Gender and Africana Studies are!\", \"The presumption of innocence is stupid!\", \"Mental illness is to be celebrated!\", \"Everyday life is about power structures and everything is political and descends into war!\" \"Diversity is our strength!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excellent post. Highjacking to highlight a couple of important reminders for those of you who are tired of hearing that DV is [\"just a clean-up word for wife-beating,\" and \"we know it's not girls beating up boys, it's boys beating up girls.\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=1andv=8DdYzDkA_s0) * One study from Harvard claim women commit 70% of domestic violence. https:\/\/ajph.aphapublications.org\/doi\/abs\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL!!!! Want a good laugh??... listen to this retard monkey's idiot remarks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"an Asian Moe Howard piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that faggot Jew Jewmer is a faggot Jew. Prove me wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KANYE WEST to Meet With President Trump and Jared Kushner Thursday in White House LIBERAL HEADS EXPLODE https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/kanye-west-to-meet-with-president-trump-and-jared-kushner-tuesday-in-white-house-liberal-heads-explode\/ A crossdressing Jew billionaire meets a millionaire Black rapper married to a disgusting whore. That's real heartland America, Andrew Jackson and George Washington would be stomping asses by now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" What he meant was,we`re sick and tired of the constitution sitting in the national archives,because it stops us from manipulating everything you do. Sworn to up hold to Constitution what a peice of shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A viral video shows a man verbally harassing and assaulting a black Trump supporter in a Starbucks Coffee lobby. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/liberal-douchebag-knocks-maga-hat-off-black-trump-supporters-head\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Synagogue shooter Bowers was not MAGA, did not trust Qanon:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@caykelly16 @MadisonEarhart u guys are fags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Um! I see a lot of words there, designed to confuse. But when they are all added up the opposite side of the = reads zero. This must be because you can't post a single anti-white post of mine and wish to muddy the waters so you don't look like a twat for the 5th time. Yes! More big words designed to confuse and hide your inability to back up your claims. I have never attacked anyone who expresses white positivity. The only twats I attack are the ones like you who come to ME with your hatred of other races. You're confusing me attacking you for being an ignorant twat with the white race. You do NOT represent the white race. Lol Now you're going into full blown socialist brainstem meltdown. I have this effect on the Left. Repeating yourself endlessly hoping that it becomes true. Clear sign of mental illness. Bet you call me some naughty names next. Yes? ;) Bahahahaha look at the fucking retard trying to sound philosophical!!! Fucking hell man, you people are the worst. You have zero substance. NONE! We think faster than we can operate, so yes I had a predisposed thought. Fuck you and your cliche bullshit cocksucker Hahahaaaaa See, you are just saying the same bullshit over and over you ignorant cocksucker. Fucking idiot. Wheres your substance? You have none. All you have is a basic as fuck vocabulary that you use over and over. Go fuck yourself man, braindead piece of shit. Later cunt...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One pic. Few words.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who can piss take this little twat Owen Jones is ok with me I don't like him not because he is gay but because he is self opinionated little idiot https:\/\/twitter.com\/JuliaHB1\/status\/1047552235335561223","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obozo was Never military, so a civil tribunal would be more suitable. Never could figure out why that Muzzie scum bag was Commander in Chief, since he never served in any military!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SarccasmicTw: Twitter has a bird as its logo, that's why when you join you're an egg. And your home button is a birdhouse. Why am I jus ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in a black person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Joey_D26 sweet comeback u fuckin herb I dnt watch soccer but id still wax your bitch ass in it go swallow the red soxs kids ur from NYC fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hell, Germany should get half the Muslims drunk for Oktoberfest and sit back and watch the other half execute them for Haram... String em up. Raise a muzzie - raise a glass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Muh Welfare State Enjoy watching a whole fuck ton of white people die and stop breeding because they no longer have a (very shitty already) support system. I am under no obligation to support the breeding of morons who will eventually kill me. baltimore has the highest percentage of non-profits in nation. absolute nigger + libber white shithole. churches are full of faggots and phonies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical muzzie behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Bubonic4U MAD MAX IS NOT A JEW...GET OFF MY GAB AND STAY OFF IT....JACKASS Would somebody please explain what this retard is talking about?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They can't relate emotionally with others. Makes perfect sense, add psychotropic drugs MK-ULTRA and boom mass killer!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"facefuck is nazi central. you do not have the right to say what you think in case some lame cunt gets bent out of shape and reports you for making them cry and scurry off to their safe space. corralled sheep have more freedom than you have on facefuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muzzies may suck but they are hardly a problem. The real problem is the Left and the illegitimate corrupt federal government. All govt. actually, but the feds are the worst of eh lot. Islam is stupid and inherently imperialistic. However, in the modern world our muslim problem has been self-inflicted and self-induced. We created, armed, and deployed the Muzzie terrorists. We created the Mujaheddin, Al quaeda, and ISIS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone should have disconnected from Google when I warned about this two years ago. Instead you all just keep walking down the slaughter chute, oblivious as retarded cows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@karmendanielle_ aka he wanna keep you warm, shoulda just introduced himself #coons","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uh... like you guys, James O'Keef has zero idea what truth and honesty are. Fucking retarded cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The absolute madman. He's back to neocon war hawking in the ME too. Wants Saudi Arabia to destabilize. For what? No real reason. Someone goes missing in Turkey, no proof, wild accusations, nobody's talking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@lord_jonesss none of my business ? Nigga if you get that I'm living with you lol and I'm stealing one of them bitches and 100k ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SpongebobMemory: The sash ringing..the trash singing..mash flinging....the flash stringing...ringing....THE HASH SLINGING SLASHER! http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @anticvlum: @NoneShallPass97 trash eating trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is the deal lately with entertainment companies allowing their staff to antagonize and shit on their potential core customer base? It's simply not a money-making endeavor, so professionalism isn't a concern. This is all about pushing ideological propaganda. > not a money-making endeavor It turns out that little of what Netflix does is a sustainable business model. As much as Hollyweird deserves our scorn, their business models are based on over a century of hard learned failure and success. Netflix represents what happens when a bunch of Sand Hill and Wall Street MBAs imagine they've figured out a better way that no one's ever thought of before (which of course involves selling a metric fuckton of debt to the street with little hope of face value redemption, but hey, it's all for a good cause, right...)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TIL that Sammy Davis Jr didn't only overcome racism over being black when he became famous in the 50s. He was one of the first openly bisexual pop singers, he was Jewish in perhaps the most anti-Semitic period in modern American history, and he only had one eye! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WmRd https:\/\/redd.it\/9msnr9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My shift won't be over no time so in the mean time im doing what I have to go to get by. And if it means tweeting trash I will","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"because you are a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What did this retard use to take the picture? OH, a phone? OH, it's a lie? Huh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reasons I barely watch TV #3,671","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Look Dumb ass read what their nasty talmud say's about us ,And you expect me to not hate those fucking sand nigger fuck's ,and go fuck your self","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JohnBishop100: Top tip of the day - if you want to be inconspicuous at an Elbow gig - don't wear a yellow jacket!! http:\/\/t.co\/KQYiZmZb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Johnny3_ @HPGuilty trash ain't it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberals are retarded . #GabFam You fail to see whats going on here She dont want you to feed your child with antibodies hormones and other godly goodness so that your child is a beta male deficient in many ways. I bet you 100,000$ she gets her tits out to force feed her bastard for as long as she can. So that her child become a fully formed alpha male. That will dominate your beta male soyboy. libtards: We can't have toddler Raptist walking around! Normal person: U mean somebody walking around raping Toodllers? That's the sickest thing I ever heard . Libtard: No. i mean toddlers inappropriately touching their mothers .They create a toxic environment For us women. Normal person: OK maybe second sickest, Thing I ever heard .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BEWARE of ZOTAC! Shady Policies; doesn't stand behind its products https:\/\/redd.it\/9l1z47","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every Richard is a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck Ocasio. And fuck socialists. I think people should start resisting statists. Simply refuse to obey orders enforcing prima facie unconstitutional laws. Is Ocasio the one on the bottom right corner with the 1000 cock stare?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stfu faggot go read a history book, on the celts, vikings etc., all polygamous You none-christians with your abrahamic ways of thought, are just as retarded as actual abrahamics ... Cos youre a moron, like I said go read a history book, on the celts, vikings etc., all polygamous \"Interesting fact: Christianity (monogamy) reduced inbreeding in Europe.\" How's that a factor? Shitskins marry their cousins all the time. Maybe one group is inbred because they're shitskin human garbage and they're going to be fucked any way it's possible for them to be fucked?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not okay to be white in Australia https:\/\/youtu.be\/wSJ4GWBJ3Pc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cxslug I never did those games, but I was obsessed with Angry birds. Which is why it took me so long to do CCS. I was scared. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OPINION: California Morphing Into A Separate Country Over Immigration https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/jYRM8p\/Dp_Mc7yf_Wk_AA7k_Il.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/hWhY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LifeFlightGirl: When someone is murdered, the police investigate the spouse first. And that tells you everything you need to know abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deaht to all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, Sure #Robocop. \"For lulz\" Nah, you delete simply due to \"Slider spam\" or better known as \"posts that completely debunk your retarded narrative. #Lolcow #WompWomp #Winning","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not fan of Farrakhan, he's just another Muzzie shitbag to me, but if he was White and Christian, they would have suspended him and a bunch of Jews would be on the news shouting \"anti-Semitism\" and \"Nazi.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What was your 'red pill' moment? Mine is posted below. When my sweet boy was injured by his last ever vaccine I researched for two years. In that research I found out just how dirty our government is. Then God sent us trump. #redpillmoment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Obama's ...entire administration was focused on political espionage in Operation Chokepoint, which was intended to identify and punish businesses that engaged in activities deemed contrary to the WH political objectives. \" --HistoryMatters His people are still working the Deep State... the corruption passes between administrations via the continuity of government... the presidents are puppets. The Last bit -- 100%. His people ... No madame, that is NOT the order of operations goes. You see Obama was a rumdummy -- they all basically have been since Nixon or mabye LBJ ... Elections are just a formality. Since only upheaval is gonna bring down the deep state. I think you mean to say -- That Bureaucrats tend to outlast presidents. Due to long term service in the various agencies and departments -- some useful, some not so. The CoG is something all together. But it is part of the Rex 84 documents. Survival of a Nuclear First Strike was the idea. Second Strike capacity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That night cap nonsense is for the birds.!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"90% of african slaves in the usa were owned by individual farmers..the mega plantations were owned by christian people..the jews involvement in 99% of ownership ended when the nigger or irishman got off the boat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel so dumb I want to have even labeled them as disabled even if I knew them.... when I think of disabilities and especially in terms of affecting one' s relationship I think of more like mental disabilities or so serious that you can' t use ur body. Thank you for enlightening me and I' m sorry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess they aren't a \"dead nigger storage\" either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some folks see the entire world through their 'muh joooooozz' glasses. Ebil jooz responsbul fer all ebil everywherz! That is how you get retarded conspiracy theories like this for every occasion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"99 percent of the trash we dump in the sea is missing. This is not a good thing http:\/\/t.co\/CwC2LWCV3T http:\/\/t.co\/Y0kt02HLm1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This 'Caravan' is a UN-funded invasion of the United States. There are hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants who live in temporary camps that are preparing to follow this route to America. They are planning on flooding millions of more illegal migrants into America. This is an invasion of the United States.\" ~ Alex Jones","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to help out an immigrant tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British faggot @Captain_Britain What a fucking braindead reply. Enjoy your muzzies over there in the UK bitch, since you are too pussy to do something about it. Get off Gab and go protect your country you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Feminism #Men #Meme #Memes #Soyboys #bugmen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What your posts about owning excessive guns say about you: #MoronLabe Triggered you, eh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking hell, what a day. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Students Demand Professor Be Fired After He Champions Due Process, Says Accusers Sometimes Lie' WE really may need to send a good deal of these college students to re-education camps. It's pretty bad when shit like this is happening. I do NOT want to live in the same country with communist assholes like these entitled little faggot SJWs. https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/students-demand-professor-fired-after-he-champions-due-process-says-accusers-sometimes-lie\/ We CAN NOT having these P.O.S. teaching our children! the white pc liberals will do the same thing to POC if they begin to do their own thing..march to their own drummer like white conservatives do! the white liberals are power freaks..they empower blacks as long a s blacks are their obedient pets..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lolol fucking murderous heinous cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to hug a Muslim tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PWilliamsD I need some clams on the half shell :-). Down here all you can get is deep fried clam necks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">tfw Jews own the major record labels that spread this trash to young white kids >tfw Jews owned African slaves at a higher rate than whitey but whitey gets blamed for nigger problems","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hate crime training to brainwash the police being done by a vile RACIST JEW PIG? Despicalbe Jews are human sewage! You can't even stick to your own narrative. Won't point it out to you. You absolute fucking retard for a troll. Whoever pays you is just as retarded for thinking this is worth the money or effort.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's how you use the ballot box. And it isn't Cantwell's retarded idea of voting unconditionally for the GOP. https:\/\/gab.com\/cashmoneyglock\/posts\/39089078","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a crayon, not a fish. I think the joke would have been better as \"I bought my retarded nephew a goldfish today.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KelsieBelsi: @Vntxnius lmao it will have a slope of -2x+1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Not one from a Communist. Thank you though. Well I guess you are a Jew then. And in that case... Hell no. People of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are also disproportionately represented among world chess champions (54 percent),[11] National Medal of Science recipients (37 percent), U.S. Nobel Prize winners (29 percent),[9] and Nobel laureates in medicine or physiology (42 percent).[11]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Last night was fucked, man. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangel those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a coon to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Q Anon is a retard psyop","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jihadi streams: British #ISIS fighter identified as Abu Abdurahman Al Britani killed in action. http:\/\/t.co\/Ksowd8rRCk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is almost as funny as the Trump 2016 election LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like Dancing with the Monkeys, to me! Holy shit, if you only saw the way the Nigger just gaped at the little White girl with his rapist eyes....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, those women would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut his throat. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Now they deserve whatever comes to them You assault me just for riding a train-there will be consequences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me and my niggas ain't playing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Usually you guys post pretty good stuff but this one is just retarded. Woman was a bitch, and cop was in the right until he right hooked her. If a cop right hooks me I'd hit them back on instinct. What type of stupid descalation is that? Throwaway bullshit because you're a pussy who is afraid of negative \"internet points\" LMAO \/BLOCKED Don't talk to me bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is cringe. Check the dislikes. Damage already done. couldnt understand a word but that looked fucking shit wheres it from? i donwvoted it anyway of course Berlin police. All about diversity equaling strength and that we are all brothers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep, that way everyone \"wins.\" White supremacists can still be homos in public and everyone who is stupid enough to buy that you have to allow them to exist can still feel good about themselves. \"obamasucksanus\" lol, are you even a right winger? i have a feeling you aren't because even basic bitch conservatives don't use the term white supremacy.... LOL, now his only comeback is \"I bet you're not a conservative.\" Like all white supremacists, he first claims anyone who points out his stupidity is a liberal. Then later, he goes back to mocking conservatism and going \"WHUT HURS CONSERVARTISRM CONSURUUVED??\" like a homo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a t r a n n y. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fat ugly nigger pig. Your pussy smells like rotting black cum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger promoting miscegenation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ohhh I.... Wouldn't get my fingers dirty on your faggot race of infidels.... I'll Let Allah decide your horrible fate! As is the rightful practice of Islam...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Narcissism, delusions of grandeur, and ego are an amazing thing. Memo to Obama: You didn't build SHIT! Obama claims more credit for Trump boom, claiming it was because he raised taxes. Obama's a FOOL! https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/blog\/2018\/10\/obama_claims_credit_again_for_trump_boom_insisting_it_was_because_he_raised_taxes.html Exactly! Fortunately, most rational thinking Americans can see through Obama's bullshit!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I give God thanks for this beautiful day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was watching that tsunami disaster on the news, and some cunt was moaning \"that they had no water\" I sat thinking ..... FFS there's no pleasing some people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Canada is full. Why don't you eat shit you fucking faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More than half of the participants were gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The bengals have been trash for like 5 weeks it seems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @walshnyc: Which World Cup Teams Are Jihadis Rooting For? http:\/\/t.co\/ecU754zHKk @versharma @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/8z0B7ocMqP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I heard an Antifa faggot threatening to kill himself if Kavanaugh won. Maybe it was Marty he was always spamming Antifa memes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he sounds like a cunt but is it another beat up are there any police records","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger rappers are who I get political advice from. especially when they wear peanuts T-shirts. haahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DaCoolestLame: Yo BCU band made UCF band look like trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"100% Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunts are getting to you this week aren't they? That being said, this article gets worse the more you read it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOCK THIS STUPID CUNT UP ALREADY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin was pardoned by President Donald Trump child labor violations illegal drug manufacturing in secret laboratories, the rape and sexual abuse of workers at his meat processing plant and unprecedented levels of animal cruelty . https:\/\/zionistreport.com\/2017\/12\/commentary-trump-pardons-racist-criminal-jewish-fanatic\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here y'all go: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Q1vXZKr2cAQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am interested in seeing which big accounts that have been banned from Twitter are now here on @gab , I would like to know how large their followings on Twitter had been at their largest before they wound up on Gab. Please respond with such information, and tag that Gab username of the account being referenced. I have been trying to get banned but they will not banned me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"have you tried not being a racist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" She built like a mucinex","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she apologized for calling a guy who tried to rape and rob her, nigger in testimony to the district attorney 18 yrs ago. What fucking planet are we on..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @pekholt: Raven Symone's hair be like, \"I'm not colored, I'm American.\" http:\/\/t.co\/mkx0d4bh2Q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In 100 years, sub-Saharan Africa full of black people. China full of Chinese people. Indian people will still look the same as they do now. This problem will only be addressed, wen we force the mainstream media and mainstream politicians to call this for what it is, ethnic cleansing and genocide. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qY5ErbaaWrg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He needs to read some of the subreddits all of us here frequent. It's dangerous enough for a guy just to date some girl who isn't already vetted by your friends, (crazy, false rape, looking for a baby, etc), much less forming a **legal contract** (marriage) that gives them control over your fucking life. If they get in an accident on their honeymoon and he ends up the hospital, she can pull the plug on his ass, LEGALLY. Take everything and keep on trucking because he's a stranger.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Send in the pigs to clean up this shit. Get rid every fucking raghead immediately.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Official story: a zionist mason mass murdered some children who were protesting against Israel. Anyone who tells you this guy is a hero needs to take a volcano bath. Cartoon (((Neo-Nazis))) are really great for our movement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wrong...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Wyeisha_Davis: Idc I still watch two and a half men . Well the old one with Charlie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MANIAC3X: @Buckm00se I'd rather be from a rancho then live in ghetto ass urban areas with niggers and nigger impersonators. Adopting ni ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like the #Yankees will be competing with #Boston for the East cellar this year #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank god I grew up having discussions with my father on why Democrats were so stupid! Back in the 70's they were not as mentally insane as they are now! Democrats are beyond retarded at this point!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd give you gold but I'm not a faggot. Good work anyways But faggot means bundle of sticks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#UK: #England #Europe Carry cans of food. everyone I AM SERIOUS! - carry a sturdy strap handled, flexible CLOTH bag with a 28 oz or more. One can. if they go chimmuzzie on you, everyone fuck them up. Together. blunt force trauma works. aim for the head. Kill them London is lost to normies. The knife attacks? fuck your retarded pig-cock slurping muzzie fagmayor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in a disabled person's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CARAVANS WALK ONLY FOR PHOTO OPS FULL VIDEO: https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/PQjg2ND6h6Lg\/ All fake paid for by Nazi soros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this cunt found Wikipedia hard to use?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie and Ron has constantly put out heat for their entire careers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a cunt of a thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Yankees: #Yankees and Red Sox are scoreless as we play in the 2nd inning. THE BAMBINO IS WATCHING!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Better a child knows its parents will love and stand up for it, than not. What retarded kind of world do you live in?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Socialism has never made anything of value, its only success is in convincing endless generations of useful idiots that they are intellectuals for parroting a failed, genocidal ideology, and that it is a coincidence every single successful country has a capitalist free market. You are mostly right. They are good at making *one* thing. **Weapons**. Now I'm not against weapons, unless only the government gets to have them. I makes sense to put all of your effort into making weapons as a socialist country- how else will you steal things from your more productive neighbors? Reminds me of a line from the new spider man game. \"If you are going to put this much effort into being a criminal, then why not just get a real job?\" > Now I'm not against weapons, unless only the government gets to have them But then how will you prevent that pesky proletariat from rising up against the socialist government? They should know that what they do to them is for their own good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would say whoosh.. but i fear even that will go over your head. sigh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She used to be an AWESOME interviewer on fox, but I have no interest in giving NBC the time of day, so haven't watched this show. She also kind of thumbed her nose at Fox on the way out, so yeah, PPD. So you don't think she maybe got a long way down the line by using her sexuality to get in front of the camera, then scored big by having a brain and being an take-no-prisoners interviewer? I think the PPD part for her was just that she thought her star wouldn't tarnish by jumping ship. Do you think that blonde chicks with big tits make it to the top of a field *because* they're blonde chicks with big tits, or *despite* it? I think maybe a combination of both, that most people don't take them very seriously, and assume they're cow-like, but that they use whatever capital they can squeeze from it at every opportunity where it might help. She has B cups. I only know this because it was a matter of discussion on her interview on the Stern show and she said her husband called them the killer bs. I don't think \"large\" boobed women do to well in American newscasting, but the ones that make it to the national stage are not unfortunate looking. What I'm saying is that she got the spot for being beautiful, but rose to the top because she doesn't just toss softballs from a list. She jams people up pretty quick when they try and spin their answers. I've noticed uneven performance from her as well. Sometimes she appears to be brilliant at what she does, and at other times almost clueless. She's always been a bit of a conundrum in that way, I just can't get a handle on whether she's smart or not. Is she over her head, or is she just suffering from blind spots? Hard to tell with Megyn Kelly. I think she'd benefit tremendously from a course in graduate studies, preferably in World History. Her failings always seem to be in that direction. A good mind is a terrible thing to waste.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these women disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jeremy Corbyn: children should be taught about the \"grave injustices of the British Empire. https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/politics\/2018\/10\/10\/jeremy-corbyn-says-schools-should-teach-children-grave-injustices\/ Fascism is another form of communism. Think state control, lack of individual rights. Everything done to further the Reich\/ umah. In any event my post (amusing though it was) did not mention Islamists (muslims) are you getting confused? Where is the muslim (islamist) angle to This?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im smilin for it.... So there's that. Sums it up! Thank you for your service! May God bless you and yours mightily. MAGA Thank you, Paige It was my honor... #BeBlessed Lolol0 Shittest Mount Rushmore addition concept ever heh michael....Make Kanye Trump Again!!!!! Haha Yes It's a bit weird, but I Like it! <<<< MAGA >>>> @realdonaldtrump To him it is: MAKE AMERICA GREAT. :) (there is no again) Trumpye Kwest Integration Done Right Awesome Disgusting picture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes. We're just intimidated by strong, independent wimminz. She totally doesn't act like an insufferable cunt all day on social media or anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, looks like a nigger to me. I'll be anyway I want to be when I see some nigger muzzie saying he's superior. You can suck all the nigger dick you like .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As if I didn't already know the world was full of losers, I need your faggot ass to remind me?! Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I tried Soylent once. Shit's nasty, and it does nothing to sate hunger. It's faggot soup.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"F u c k all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Entitled bitch, you weren't at the UK where officers allow to be chewed by fat cunts like you, nice PPD!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is why i love birds. http:\/\/t.co\/Gk2wiNhBkw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Nevermind who built the fucking thing, Lol not a bragging point there I mean even the most fool proof objects fail when smashed at full speed into an iceberg. The Titanic actually had a decent design IIRC, it went down due to overconfidence and operator error. I remember learning in history lessons that they left gaps in the watertight compartments so they weren't watertight. So even though the crew managed to shut the compartments immediately, it didn't help slow how fast it sunk. I had learned that the ship only had a few watertight compartments and they used crappy steel and rivets to make the compartments. Several of the compartments were breached and the others were too small to keep the ship afloat. I could be wrong though. It was a marvel of enginering. The iceberg doesn't make it any less so. There were design flaws that contributed to it sinking. Yeah, it was built in an archaic time. But my point still stands. Tbh I agree with you that it was an marvel at the time. Unfortunately it was just that at the time it was common to compromise on safety and knowingly build flawed designs for aesthetic and convenience. The dudes down in the engine rooms with generators and boilers. Most of them died trying to keep the ship afloat for as long as possible. Even when things were still pretty calm on deck those guys were dying down there. I'm not sure how long skeletons last in salt water, but they could still be down there. There were women working on the ship tho How many, and in what capacity? Curious. There were 22 women worked on the ship. Note this is the number who worked on the ship when it was sailing. Out of a thousand in the crew lol. And only three of them died. Great point...... You said the whole crew was men. While that is almost correct From an outside view it looks like your both being petty. Lmao.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You obviously didn't read the post, cuck. If you did, you'd realize a fucking canadian is stating that an American should resign from being appointed you fucking retard. Typical canadian. You fucks are serious asshats. Zero fucks for every single one of you. Yours truly, redneck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslms like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're telling Muslims to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White people don't experience racism? *cough* Zimbabwe *cough* You don't get to use Africa because you were never a slave unlike African Americans that still experience it today. Kiss me, I'm Irish. That's a new one!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Theresa May was fucking useless cunt as Home Secretary and a traitorous cunt as PM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's obvious that women are the very opposite of stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She a cunt. She had it coming.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mexican news says caravans grow to 14,000 people https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/22\/caravan-grows-14000-people-report\/ They need to stop this if it gets through whats to stop another 30,000 in a few months trying their luck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HEY! @LiberalistGee These are human beings. Cunt Hildabeast is sociopathic psychopathic raw sewage scum. So are her supporters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Raping him should not be illegal. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And another faggot muted! #icoulddothisallday Suck my cock, idiot filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She trash tho.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Which expendable player can we put in with the sole objective of breaking Beverley's jaw?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't talk about shit games and dodgy practices anywhere else. What will we do with all our power? > What will we do with all our power? DANCE! With all your power you would dance. To be honest, I'll use any excuse to dance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta be BS. Every time I've had a big payment come in digitally i make sure nobody knows to ensure it stays secret and doesn't get classified as income and become taxable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you, Amy Schumer http:\/\/honeybadgerbrigade.com\/2016\/10\/19\/fuck-you-amyschumer\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You dumb faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4\/ And then everyone is like \"OMG, the Constitution says I have to protect that guy!\" Uh ...no, it doesn't. The Constitution says that the govt can't punish him for being a retard, not that you have to allow him to be a retard in public in any way. If he was on the street screaming that, you could call the cops and have him arrested for disturbing the peace. If Boomers were only half as mentally retarded as white supremacists, I'd say yes. But unfortunately, nobody is even half as mentally retarded as white supremacists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your life is worth absolutely nothing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ebs_14: This Jimmy Fallon Prank of getting NY Yankees fans to boo Robinson Cano is amazing. http:\/\/t.co\/XnZKZLly4G via","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of disabled people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @zachthorpe78: where are all the thinkpieces on why kids call themselves \"trash\" and \"garbage\" these days","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh my. There was an Oreo baked into that chocolate chip cookie. #surprise","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Asians dont rape girls Moslems do. Fuck the whole call a sand nigger a Jap thing... just sayin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sorry to hear that your parents had a retarded child. Hopefully you can get help in America where there aren't waiting lists for doctors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The purple haired pro-abortion dipshit who roundhouse kicked a girl who had a different opinion than him is trying to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe because he lost his job as a hairstylist after the assault. If you didn't see the video... it's attached. HE'D ENJOY IT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feckless cunt Nancy Pelosi has no idea what morality is. She calls a border wall \"immoral\" as if twenty million muthah-fuckahs have the right to invade the US bringing disease and crime along with them. Hey, Pelosi, you cunt, a wall helps protect REAL Americans. By your moral values, it seems one could back a truck up to your home and load up all of your property.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only Muslims can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why does a jewish chick think it's her place to tell men about guns... go fold some laundry or something Kike cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Phil Hughes looking like the Phil Hughes of old. 2010. #Yankees #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not really a PPD. Of course it is. If some drunk asshole hit a police horse, he'd be dragged to jail immediately. This drunk twat thinks she can do it as a prank... sorry bitch, horse kicks you down nose first and then you get arrested. According to elsewhere in the thread, she did get arrested","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rod Rosenstein, This Faggot looking Cocksucker!!!! If he didn't HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE!!!!!!!!! Stack Of Shit, Lying, TREASONOUS, FUCKSTICK!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kingdomofwench: @graceishuman I've also seen a lot of that \"We're Democrats and we're for Charlie Baker!\" ad which makes me want to scr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Is this what the left want to see happen to our peace officers? THE MOST SIGNIFICANT REASON FOR HESITATION ON THE PART OF THE OFFICER IS OUR FUCKED UP LEGAL SYSTEM. IF THE CRIMINALS ACTUALLY HAD TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CRIMINAL ACTS, THEY WOULD THINK TWICE ABOUT SLICING UP PEOPLE. INSTEAD THE LEGAL SYSTEM PUTS AN UNDO BURDEN ON THE POLICE TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT. FUCK THAT SHIT. SHOT TO KILL FIRST. The Left want all of our White Cops Dead (b\/c they actually Uphold the Law). The Left want Anarchy (Robbery, Rape and Murder) to be a Commonplace Staple in Reality. The Left are Communist Hippie Losers who are Jealous of Hard Working White Americans, to a Point of Violent Animosity. They are becoming more Violent and Unhinged w\/each Passing Day... Freaks with bats. These people are unhinged. There has always been a percentage of mentally ill people in any population.The percentage hasn't changed, it's just now there are more people and thus more crazies.They need to be dealt with or the rest of us will bear the consequences. looking fwd to the moment when one takes a swing at me and i can start throat punch Thursdays early. These stupid women live in a false reality that will get some of them killed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A white woman accused a 9-year-old black boy of assaulting her in a deli. A black man recorded as a white woman tried to keep him from entering his own building. New viral videos again highlight calls made on black people who have done nothing wrong https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WMRr IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO PRESENT ANECDOTES THAT WILL KEEP PEOPLE MAD GOOD WORK NBC ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have muslim name. Attack white person. Retard judge will give you a medal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".This piece of shit >----@TruthWillOut <----is a fucking #LIAR and a dis-information #Shill working for the assholes in #Rome! There is zero evidence to substantiate that this many germans died. Did some die because they weren't onboard with the 3rd Reich which was 80-90% homosexual? absolutely not! They were doing most of the killing! @JMtz603 .ADAMELFENBEIN - That looks like a portrait of your sorry ass cross dressing mother fuckin faggot asshole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded pedo shills should go away, but pedo s keep paying the likes of microtard. Gab shadow bans me, because I go after retarded shills like wictor And buttchip.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LeBron to Produce 'FRIDAY THE 13TH' Reboot... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wdd4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every spic cop in #LosAngeles is loyal to the #LatinKings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"<-- nudes are trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's just a stupid little girl, you don't beat them up for that. Major overreaction.. She... attacked him. Yeah he looked like he was in real danger there. A few more minutes of that and he might have gotten a couple bruises. Okay, this is going to sound sexist, and I do apologize, but you've forced this hand: First off, if a man slaps a woman, he's immediately labeled as the assaulter. Which in many cases is true, however, there are also men that are assaulted by women. But when a woman assaults a man, in any shape or form, it's okay? No. It's not. It's assault. It's assault from EITHER SIDE no matter what you want to say about it. Why should one side, at least in the case of assault, be considered 'safe', when the 'safe' one is the one that started said assault by causing physical harm to the other? So please, just stop. And without seeing what happened prior to instigate this problem, I'm guessing they're both fucking idiots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i feel more retarded already after being in school. self fulfilling prophecy treated like a retard start being one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i cleaned my room and moved the reptiles in a nicer location of the room","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JT and the turtle...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. Larceny -> Refer to the previous question you retard. Deception -> Whites never lie, ask HRC. Body odor -> God man are you serious you Pachulia smelling fuck. Bad hair -> Base on what standard? I think I have the best hair around, look at all I can do with it. Horrible music -> Okay something we can agree on if you had said Rap music. You have proven my point. I'm a Sand Nigger. I'm well aware of what my people do. And own up to it. Your lack of awareness is telling. You won't even fess up to what's seen on the daily news. I grew up in the city of Detroit. I've also spent time in other various black ghettos growning up around America. I've lived in India, China and Europe and always, with out fail, the darker the skin the less you trusted someone. Around Blacks, never relax. Go back to the litter box sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not to put too much hypocrisy in front of you, but doesn't your constant meming about this exact issue mean you're every bit as much of an offended bitch as the girls you're mocking? Just an objective observation. So yes you were born that way. My bad bro. Good luck Your bad all right. Not everyone is able to objectively view their hypocrisy and realise what they're doing is the same behaviour as they parody. Never mind. There's still hope","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HankRearden Actually, he identifies as a jewish supremacist whose main ideological positions are anti-White hatred and toxic semitism. He's not really that concerned with economic and social issues beyond attacking Whitey. He denies any semitic heritage, and claims that his motivation is self-hatred, driven by internalization of systemic semitism Yes as you keep saying. Yet you have utterly failed on every occassion to produce one single anti-white post of mine. Saying other races are ok too is not being anti-white. Only in your mental brainstem. And it's no use pretending I'm Jewish to hide your shock. Most normal white folk feel the same as me :) Um! I see a lot of words there, designed to confuse. But when they are all added up the opposite side of the = reads zero. This must be because you can't post a single anti-white post of mine and wish to muddy the waters so you don't look like a twat for the 5th time. Yes! lol Now you're making a moronic attempt to deny your obvious, genocidal anti-White hatred... by claiming that you use anti-White slurs against Negroes? That's some pretty comically ignorant Cater-wauling, even for you. Would I care if you called me a \"nigger?' That's how much Negroes care if you call them \"cracker,\" \"White devil,\" or \"racist.\" Yes, you laugh away manically to yourself. And you've come full circle with your \" anti-white hatred\" gig again. The one I've just wrecked you on. I don't use racist slurs on twats of other races like you do. I slap them for being ignorant racist twats like you, not for being another race. That hurts them far more than calling them your inane names. They expect that as you say idiot :) In the course of doing so, repeatedly uses the r-word as an anti-White slur. Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"OVO\" @Allthingsfresh3: and kendrick lamar still trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, your issue is that you're a fat cunt and need to work out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kcSnowWhite7 @SamSaunders42 don't forget nappy headed, butt ugly bitch, who's married to a Muslim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alexa's phone gave us colors and Julia got yellow I'm dying #racistaf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was 6% black, tops. 44% Arab. 50% cracka ho. No, he was 100% pink swastika faggot Nazi Commie latte.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Egypt? R the muzzie Bros still running things? .@PeterClifford1: @TurtleWoman777 Only a tad better. Certainly no respectors of Dem though","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indiana lost to Bowling Green. Big Ten continues to be trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone there, except those 2 cops, are fucking retarded cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"guess I will mess with it later! not sure what else to do! maybe trash it! lol!!! not yet maybe after I when the lottery!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today is GAMEDAY! #iubb i need #iu to win so my jersey can arrive! #HoosierNation #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tawhidi is a self serving cunt just in it for the money and ego stroking. I am more of an Imam than he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I seriously hope this dumb fucking cunt is the reason Pence ends up having to cast the tie breaking vote. I need fuel for her ouster what kike is that? C'mon Jared, it still matters shes a kike lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shout out to pullz cuz I kno if I was trash he would have kept it a buck... I swear he had every I made jus cuz n actually bump dem too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you smell the BETRAYAL, treacherous double dealing #TheresaMay is not even trying to hide it anymore. #BorisJohnson stop sitting on the fence. #Labour #Corbyn #UKIP #ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #Remoaners #Mogg #Farage #ForBritain #Tories #Barnier #Juncker #EU #BrexitBetrayal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And we will always look you c i fucks,As Not anything other then pig kike jews, suck a nigger dick wannabe sandnigger ok","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dystopian brutalist design... everything they touch is simultaneously retarded and evil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and to think....they traded the Irish for onions and paid top dollar for nigger slaves..... big mistake.......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well aint u a silly nigger faggot today!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hang the Muzzie asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a faggot normie try hard.. Ohh they got to be wojack's empty brother hey? Who the fuck made you big boss? Whats a nazi meme video? FUCKEN feminist vegan dope fiend Hitler FAPPING to a sand nigger nazi banging Eva? Fuck outta here globalist pig dog.. Go back to reddit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many c r i p p l e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now see, the problem is he didn't hit her hard enough the first time. If he did, she wouldn't have dared put her hands on him again ... even in her drunken state. The lady cop pushed her first. He was just checking to see if she was okay and she hit him!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I laughed, burped, and vomited just a bit when I read this. its sad but true. americans have been buying into this bullshit that certain people rape certain people at magical astronomical rates without any evidence. i mean remember that willy horton ad? now think of how Trump helped a serial rapist and murderer stay out of prison by pressuring the NYPD to 'give the death penalty' to a bunch of teenagers that were arrested somewhere near a rape in central park on zero evidence, and tortured into confessing. then it turns out the guy that did it stayed out of prison for years raped and murdered numerous women, then years after he was caught confessed to doing it alone after finding out other people were in jail for it the 'well they must have done something wrong' mentality is why the us is so fucked. Looks like you're working hard on your victim status too. Maybe the chick in the video and you have a lot in common. It's unfortunate but apart from many people on this sub hating women, their also pretty racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The strategy here is to harness the backlash among cucked suburban Republicans over Kavanaugh and the anger of the Republican base over Antifa to boost GOP turnout in the midterms And you have less than zero plan or power to enact your nothing plan. And to be honest, you're too dumb to have any say in anything real. So enjoy getting raped to death by niggers. I expected more out of the methnostate. Hey guys, when we win Brad's not invited, he'll just cry for gibs like a nigger, his type always does. I don't have a habit of associating with niggers tbh. Ever watch a nigger riot? Ever pay attention to their lines? Because they are laughably 100% identical to yours. Well there's one undeniable fact when it comes to nigger strategy over white strategy.... Success.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christians here would want us to believe how jewish cult of islam is a great religion too, just like their jewish cult of christianity is, only and only because they managed to build a couple of pretty amazing buildings. Look what islam has built, islam must be great LOL Arguing with morons is a waste of time Christian arguments are as dumb as their death cult is You moron, you are really THIS dumb that you can't read sarcasm? You won nothing, I was just mocking your retarded argument that your death cult is oh so great religion because christians have built few cool buildings. Moslems have built maybe even more cool buildings, so according to your ''logic'' death cult of islam is a great religion too. Get lost, idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly what I was thinking. He's currently trolling the legal system over there with their own absurdity. He will win. There's no way Age Identity can't exist if Gender Identity does. Go full retard mode.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But if a nigger would shoot an unarmed white teen NBC wouldnt say shit about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat, he loves them because they finance him. Book deals are a dead give away. It's like with me mate. They know I'm not Jewish but unless you hate Jews you ARE Jewish. It's the socialist mental illness again. Affects National ones and non National ones the same. Tommy doesn't hate Jews and supports Israel so he must be Jewish lol You're actually worse than a Jew. You are a nigger loving white man who is complicit in the destruction of western civilization by pointing to the symptom (muzzies) as opposed to the disease (Jews) Do please tell us about this fancy participation trophy you stumbled upon. No one finds nigger ape skanks attractive, even nigger ape boys. It's more likely you can't find an attractive white woman willing to sleep with you. Literally no one finds high T, low IQ nigger bitches attractive. This is science. Are you a science denier. Some nigger women are hot, I'll admit this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Free market\" is a libertarian idea. And, I [got flak](\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9ne5th\/censorship_antiwar_critics_of_establishment\/e7lpd28\/) for saying this last time round, libertarianism doesn't work in the wild. Some societies tolerate a version of it. Others will eliminate all signs of it with extreme prejudice. A \"government\" is an entity that has a (de facto) monopoly on force within a geographical area. Once corporations grow beyond a certain size and gain the ability to influence the politics of not just villages and towns, but states and nation states, **they need to be regulated, broken up, or, if nothing else works, nationalized.** When you think of free markets and libertarianism, don't think of some heavenly utopia. Instead, think of Negan and his club. >When you think of free markets and libertarianism, don't think of some heavenly utopia. Instead, think of Negan and his club. Bullshit. Negan is the definition of a totalitarian government: rule through force and terror, instead of rule of law. The easiest way to tell someone has no idea what libertarianism actually is is when they begin to make the argument that we need to empower people to institute beatings, lest morale continue to plummet. I would argue that a pure libertarianism has no choice but to fall into a tyrannical regime. When everyone is free to do anything within their ablity, the strongest will simply take from all others. It inherently devolves into \"might makes right\" The only way to solve that is to normalize \"might\" away from the individual...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They don't have to be smart. Their opposition has morons like you who ignore the threat and make retarded dick jokes. Useless dimwit muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah Faggot Trolls have a knack for screwing things up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* Tattoos are for people who don't have personalities. Change my mind. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=sig4hAqtpLg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Italy: 'Italian populists sue black politician for calling their anti-immigrant party racist' http:\/\/www.dw.com\/en\/italian-populists-sue-black-politician-for-calling-their-anti-immigrant-party-racist\/a-45732919?maca=en-rss-en-eu-2092-rdf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMM LIBERAL CUNT BITCH TEARS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well gee https:\/\/www.advocate.com\/crime\/2018\/10\/28\/synagogue-shooting-occurred-during-bris-gay-couples-twins More like wishful thinking on your part. hey cringe-berg, stein, whatever, you're in the wrong place if you're looking for the foreskin buffet. go be Semitic somewhere else chomo More like BrockTheWindBag try-hard.txt I don't speak gibberish. I see. No actual skills. lol yeah and you're just brimming with them heeb. just like all ur people, totally parasitic, expecting me to do all the work. you're like punching a soggy matzo-ball, very unfulfilling. run along moishe, ur boring Oh- it's MY fault that you are unable to deliver on the skills that you boasted of possessing, that about sum up your excuse? So in other words you cower to the Jew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@rashidgill5 I'll see you guys later. I gotta go bake my blood crackers. @RazaHussain101","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Based Katie Hopkins Visits Hebron, Where a Jew Mass-Murdered Muslims, and Kvetches About Islamic Terrorism http:\/\/www.renegadetribune.com\/based-katie-hopkins-visits-hebron-where-a-jew-mass-murdered-muslims-and-kvetches-about-islamic-terrorism\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That cocksucker should have had lead poisoning 25 years ago..... fuck that nigger muzzy scum sucking bastard...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.journalistenwatch.com\/2018\/10\/20\/rassismus-wie-suedafrika\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like trans people. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look another self hating white cunt spouting off against white men #DADDYissues Look, another retard that doesn't understand sarcasm.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you black people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CAIR is absolutely a terrorist organization! They practice Taquiyah. The only good muzzie is a dead muzzie. I want them all to be good muzzies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are the MVP. <3 > https:\/\/uploadfiles.io\/3risd #HIS NAME WAS SHAWN LUCAS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ajjacobs: Just learned that there was a 1932 Japanese political plot to assassinate Charlie Chaplin. #PleaseOptionThisTweetNow #Back ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"where's my money !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The theatre usher just told me to shut the fuck up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw a Nigger on a bike earlier and thought it would be funny to push him off.... Bad idea really.... some fucker reported me and I lost my gym membership ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that should read i am retardicas i am fakahontas i am a wigger i am a valor thief i am a attention whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not let trans people suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twat pure and simple. Hold on - a lot of twats appointed by Obama (or was that Citibank?)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot scumbag typical democrat jackass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KevinMarin27 I like him but I really doubt he even plays We already got a lot in the big man rotation committed to Bosh bird mcbob and shawne","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wenn die ihr Land zur ckbekommen dann wird es zum selben Shithole wie der Rest Afrikas. Diese Nigger sind nicht f hig Dinge aufzubauen oder zu erhalten. Die k nnen nur ficken und zerst ren. Sorry, aber seht euch mal die Geschichte Afrikas an. Sobald einer Macht erlangt raubt er was er kann.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RedOctober #MAGA No, no, no. You need to put it off to November! That's the soonest you want to look like a complete pathetic fucking rube when absolutely nothing happens! You Shill is to the paranoid right as Russian bot is to the triggered left. An asshole either way right? Fuckk off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trumpster are mentally unbalanced retarded sheep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No clue whos these e-celebs are, but at this point in time, > the need to get along with progressives and how such a feat is very much possible. is something only a fucking retard would say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Blackman38Tide bandana Orian. They called me trailer trash for wearing my lil country getup ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it OK to be brown though? Of course. It is okay to be any race. Is it OK to think that such posters are over the top and easy to misinterpret into racist trolling? That's what it tought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This from the Biggest Lying Nigger Ever !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I need to chat with @SpaceJam_Teeg . Where dat nicca at? Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone gets upset when their holy object is drawn obscenely. Muslims with Muhammad, Jews with alt right memes, Americans with children. Why is the child holy for the American? Because their state is based purely on the infantile and adolescent point of view of \"freedom\" and \"democracy\" for all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this wetback. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The Conners\" ratings are a lot lower than \"Roseanne \"premiere, like 55% lower https:\/\/ew.com\/tv\/2018\/10\/17\/conners-ratings-vs-roseanne\/?utm_source=twitter.comandutm_medium=socialandutm_campaign=social-share-article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unless your assailant was a nigger and the prosecutor was a kike. Then you're fucked. Facts be damned if they can abuse the system to really do some serious damage to a Whitey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT HeshmatAlavi \"The use of child soldiers is a moral outrage that every civilized nation rejects while Iran celebrates it.\" Amb. @NikkiHaley on #Iran https:\/\/www.voanews.com\/a\/nikki-haley-blasts-iran-over-alleged-use-of-child-soldiers\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And spawncamping is big gay So abortion is gay. Checkmate, liberals. epic libtard rekt Ben shapiro - 1 Libtards - 0 r\/okbuddyretard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BlessJesusLove Happy Belated ( Sixty-Fifth) 65 Birthday *28 Aunt Mary Agnes #Strong","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This isn't even my final form\" -The internet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love a photo of the two women shooting dead che Guevara on shirt not evil cunt shoot normal people thinking it he hard cunt when he fuck ing chicken cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The toll is higher for some than for others. Joe N, call a spade a spade, but I do not buy that everyone is the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nobody can be as much of a faggot as you are. NOBODY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Happy Pride month! I love being a faggot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DFLAEPIC DAILY FAIL: MailOnline Smears DFLA Using Pictures of Antifa So-Called journalist' Bhvishya Patel penned the hit piece and got many things wrong about the event and included pictures of Antifa which had the capition: \"Violent scenes have spilled across central London today following a silent march by the Democratic Football Lads' Alliance #britfam #politics #dfla https:\/\/www.politicalite.com\/dfla\/epic-daily-fail-mailonline-smears-dfla-using-pictures-of-antifa\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Accept your flaws and imperfections because that's what makes you, YOU! See I'm a fuck, small dick faggot with parents who don't love me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HAHAHA SOME FAGGOT IS SAYING YUCK!!! BUT THEN GOES AND STICKS A COCK IN HIS MOUTH.....LOL https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/food-drink\/inventor-of-green-bean-casserole-dies-at-92","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @nyjets: We accept the #ALS #IceBucketChallenge from the @Patriots and @JimmyFallon! We challenge the @Yankees @Mets @Seahawks- http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"George michael such a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Researchers found that marijuana affected cognitive health more than alcohol and that those negative effects endured even after teens stopped using pot. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Pxp7 That explains obama's choices","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They'll say that either A.) It's a cover... or B.) it's proves he feels guilty... When in reality it's more likely C.) Sarah Sanders is an unrelenting beast in the face of the liberal media... Why not prop up more strong conservative women that prove that it's not \"all women\" that feel this way... only retarded ones...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, immigrants like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A white lighter is bad luck, not yellow ur stupid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @juicygenie: Sheryl crow be my mom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ncoleycole u still a mutt tho lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The new tactic they use is \"Thats not going your own way\". Literally everything that is no being a total cuck for them \"is not going your own way.\" Incredible and fascinating how women adapt yet they are so predictable and basic. Not predictable. You never know what mode of retard they're going to go on you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is Lodi Silverstein a faggot ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since words hurt some people, they are the weak and should be thrown to the wolves! All RETARDED Democrats at this way!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some of these hood negros don't deserve bail money the way they be visiting jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the usual utter vomit of garbage thinking I've come to expect from Christian apologists. Jesus the faggot straight up says not to hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I keep using 'master' and 'slave' in my engineering drawings. Have been called out on it a few times lol. My response is that using other terms is retarded and I am not retarded lol. \"but the manufacturer does not use master and slave\" \"yea well I do\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men are so sissy these days. They are being openly gay and what not. Shameful! Back in my day, we used to act like men. Whenever me and the boys sucked each other off we always said \"no homo\" like real men are supposed to. Absolutely! Real men swallows!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Would you take up for that nasty cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews are not human, everyone knows this you stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"We're the Piggy Bank Everybody Wants to Steal From,\" Trump at the 91st Annual Future Farmers of America Convention on the art of trade deals: \"We have all the cards.\" Think like winners. Work hard. Play harder. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-inYuHRjt8c https:\/\/steemit.com\/life\/@joeyarnoldvn\/cow-crossing-twig-dream Why are you lying? Haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LinzBella You date colored men?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" DEMOCRATS SO MULTICULTURAL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #MAGA The slave trade was monopolized by Jews.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Ian Miles Cheong refuses to identify himself as a white supremecist, which we find deplorable. He has lied about harassment because the only website we checked had no information posted on it. The fact that the harassment happened is irrelevant to our article and headline.\" > Cheong himself refuses to identify as \"alt-right, a decentralized far-right movement littered with white supremacists, but the language and political beliefs in his videos largely reflect alt-right beliefs. > For one, Hype Break's video implies that GOG's critics are all \"NPCs, an alt-right meme dehumanizing the far-right's opponents as if they are lifeless and mindless AIs. There are several other dog whistles the video relies on too. \"Wrongthink is commonly thrown around to portray queer and feminist spaces as cults where people who think the \"wrong way are punished. And then there's \"no bad tactics, only bad targets, which is a catch-all phrase used by Gamergate supporters to portray online activists as deranged harassers mobbing \"targets with no concern for collateral damage. WHERE IS THE ADVOCACY OF AN ETHNOSTATE? WORDS MEAN THINGS. 'No bad tactics, only bad targets' is literally a MovieBob quote - and it's pretty much a description of Alinsky rule That quote was from fat retard Jim Sterling and coked out loser Adam Sessler in some con panel. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/mbHETfq.jpg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^meow Hmm perhaps I have my overweight YouTube lolcows mixed up. Thanks. > perhaps I have my overweight YouTube lolcows mixed up. Easy way to tell the difference is to remember that Jim Sterling is a cuck while MovieBob is an incel. ... that's like expecting me to know the difference a Lutheran and a Calvinist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sony were the heroes at the start of this generation, but now that they have market dominance, they're acting like the douchebags they were at the launch of the PS Nvidia are out of control with their pricing now that AMD is a shell of its former self. intel, same thing. Don't be a fanboy for corporations, they never learn their lesson.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My best friend is muslim. And he is the best man in the world","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"disabled people deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another retard comment by Wroblewski the cockeyed hunched back no neck fat ass faggot ...........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lil spook and yung lean and robb all night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hi developers, give us a follow for updates and help with Gab's API. STOP THE RACISISM ON HERE, IT IS DESPICIBLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi: 25,000 Votes Could Determine the Gavel' http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Add7qZ via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you pro niggers act like your sumthing with your purchased followers. You guys give money and made the hardware network and the coders pay, and thx for that. But us anons that care, do what we do bc we want to correct this mess that your blind servatude brought us to. You may be Eastwood's, but we are Lee majors. https:\/\/youtu.be\/BmIsMzyohqM I used to get really fucked when called a faggot, I related it to ''I'd punch a faggot'' ''We went out to beat faggots when I was younger'' (my dad...), only thing that works is exposure therapy, so I'm grateful for all the people that called me a faggot until I didn't care. TL;DR: Don't be a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay disabled black Hitler. I think the correct term is \"retarded\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cgoodwoman @stevenadamswv Crystal probably only person in world interested in my poor black hillbilly:Jamaica::poor white hillbilly:WV idea","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the ultimate communistic agenda: What the ____ !?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/p4DpLVW9DKU These are your supposed allies @muslimfighter wake the fuck up, research the Bolshevik revolution and holodomor, if you are white, heterosexual and Christian, your an enemy combatant! Goyim know, what is my kind? I want the truth, we are not getting it! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I signed up for porn and they fucked me like im some slut\" \"My regret means it was rape\" Reeeeeee fucking cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Crewz76 I miss Tupac rap offs hillbilly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus Christ that's fuckin retarded. Adding \/r\/CanadaPolitics mods was a mistake.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not like Waters hasn't always been a massive cunt. The Mods are always compromised, wrong and faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a coon to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Maxwell_Larsen: When you live this gay, you can't be afraid of two black dicks in your butt\" you fucking queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What does a 14 year old minor know about sex you retard? Any 14 year old that doesn't know something about sex is the retarded one. Did you just think storks delivered babies until you were 18? I'm sure you'd want your 14 year old daughter getting railed by a 22 year old... 14 year olds who don't know about sex are \"retarded after all....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It just get stranger and stranger.... #GabFam #ShareFreely #TheyFearTheLightTheMost #PedoGateIsReal #PrayForOurKids #SaveOurKids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's nigger surf and turf.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Kirk says he's against identity politics. What he means is that he's against *White* identity politics. This is a disgusting manifestation of ethnomasochism, and teaches many young, impressionable Whites that there is something wrong with pro-White advocacy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How dare you use this culture to justify you racism and xenophobia. If you desend from Celtic blood and hold these racist view you are spiting on your ancestors graves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trust me. Nobody in their right mind would ever think of raping @sciencegranny. My God woman! Wear a burka! go get fucked you retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"23andme results are dubious at best. Don't they say the service is for entertainment purposes? And we have seen articles where employees laugh it up about putting 1% negro or jew in to \"fuck with racists.\" Those are not the actions of a serious company following scientific procedures.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This mint brownies recipe is made with almond flour, coconut palm sugar, coconut oil, and coconut mi http:\/\/t.co\/XZZfDoLZDn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DestroTheNoble: I don't support that ya idiot. And if I'm a teabagger you're being teabagged. #OpenWide @nekolin @1SleepingGiant","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you do the crime you do the time \"The time\" in the US is often cruelly long. You do the time, you learn your lesson, then they let you rot for another ten years just so some politician can look tough on crime. Like sixty years without parole. This case is thirty years because of cumulative sentencing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SUCHA MORBIDLY OBESE AUTISTIC FUCKING NIGGER FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think anyone who is quick to make a retarded statement then retreat in to \"muh opinion\" territory is an idiot. If you have a problem with that, then I can't help you. Try being more polite says the guy calling me a retarded idiot. Okay dude. Byeeee BTW the snarky comment you're referring to is me saying \"I disagree. To each their own. Good luck. Literally nothing about that is snarky. If you read it that way, that's your problem, and obviously you have a host of problems so I'm gonna leave you to them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why doesn't the downvote button work on your comment? I love Ellen, but her behavior really isn't appropriate nor is it fair to give her a pass when a man doing the same thing would get blacklisted by society. Comparing her behavior to the idea that pop songs are about sex is pretty ludicrous. I don't think that pop culture is healthy, but just because it exists doesn't mean that I can't also think that Ellen is in the wrong here. Pull your head out of your ass and realize that two things can be wrong at the same time, they're not mutually exclusive events. Defending one wrong by saying \"people do worse so shut up\" is despicable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She must be retarded not to understand such a simple idea. Not retarded, just not used to thinking in terms of her value beyond looks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nigglet ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"one day im like harry styles is so hot the next day is who tf is this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggots just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kingxxlopez Roberts is a fuckin fag smack the shit outta him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Verbally abusive, unruly, repeated using of the dreaded N-word... Southwest Airlines had to throw off a NIGGER screaming the word like they do a thousand times over and over like retards when they are chimping-out!!! Hahahaha! How awkward! ;p https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-removed-for-calling-flight-attendant-the-n-word-delaying-plane","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Turkey's President Erdogan said Khashoggi got off a plane from London and went straight to the Saudi Consulate Why would he leave London to go to a Saudi Consulate in Turkey, when he could have gone to the Saudi Embassy in London ?!! Because he was married to a Turkish citizen?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing black people in government makes me so proud. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Regarding the otherwise excellent Tay Tay post, it is regularly asserted in \"The Blinds\" that the boyfriends paraded before the world and paps are always contract beards (is that right here?) for her. @Heartiste","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man #QAnon is really going all out. Time for FBI to seize 8chan servers. https:\/\/www.nbcnewyork.com\/news\/local\/Pipe-Bombs-Clinton-Obama-Soros-Waters-CNN-Time-Warner-Holder-Brennan- Except SA Sommers already sent a memo asking a judge to seize and put everyone under a gag order. That was yesterday. It's a national security issue. That means it was done today. If you don't want to go to federal prison I would stay off 8chan, qmap, et al. The memo specifically cited those sites based on material on his person and what was expedited off electronic devices. They could've walked away from #QAnon once they learned the truth that @Microchip and @Defango created and made this thing trend. Instead they wanted to trust a mythical plan made up by Pamphlet and Baruch. keep watching mockingbirds on tv Every single one of you that used 8chan, qmap, etc are now fucked. And it will never end. Hop to new devices and they will just migrate their tracking based on your meta profile. Please appreciate the irony of this. #wwg1wga #trusttheplan #QAnon There will be no military tribunals. Let's get the #QAnon community to put their money where there mouth is. Get a bunch together and out in a large amount of $$. I'll match it and we'll make it a bet. Loser has to pay it to a charity. Getting against Q is always a winning bet. Furthermore, the best part of all of this is deep down, you all know you're following some reject whole stole the Q identity. But you keep up the lie. https:\/\/epeak.in\/2018\/10\/06\/qanon-directs-his-followers-to-literally-give-me-money\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie Daniels Goes Off on Satanic Evil http:\/\/t.co\/3haWjFavUz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the US was a country of laws then Crooked Cunt would have been publicly executed on live TV years ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you take a picture using snapchat and screen shot it instead of just saving it to your gallery? I was high Can't it be both?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kangaroo dick sucking hippy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ManiChakr: @ArvindKejriwal itni bahaduri!!! interviews mein to hamesha marne ko tayyar rehte ho, got scared of crackers? LOL http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The polling numbers for Ellison must really be in the tank for the Dems to ask for an investigation into their Attorney General candidate's domestic abuse allegations. One has to wonder if the Minneapolis Police Union will be conducting the investigation for them or ? https:\/\/kstp.com\/politics\/dfl-asks-minneapolis-police-to-investigate-abuse-allegations-against-us-representative-keith-ellison--\/5094726\/?cat=12681","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do NOT sit by, people, and let a damn nigger agitator on the $20: https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/trump-notes-andrew-jackson-continues-20-bill-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mayarsharkawi Fake pics http:\/\/t.co\/jtwUu9CYSr get off my TL, u r dismissed muzzie. @Darknight420 @JewJitsuGrl @Begbie_1 @efilnikcufecin7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welcome. We like to #Speakfreely here on Gab. You can even say nigger faggot...u know, if u want.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manymongs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If it's gonna be democrats or fuckin cunts who are gonna keep their 1% of dumb cunts on top ruling the world shitti and passing all over the dying and starving what does politics help of you cunt Jew inbred Rothschild swine rule forever","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@big_msudawg11 oh state, just enjoy your trailer trash and your sub par sports.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Misplaced_Momma She be what we say in da hood white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the lady in this picture passed away years ago,she had little children, my god have some compassion and say a prayer for her and for redemption for yourself, obviously she had an illness (mental)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cavs trash too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PeteWilliamsNBC BREAKING: Suspicious package addressed to former Director of National Intelligence Clapper intercepted in Manhattan, @PeteWilliamsNBC reports; a 12th device. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33WJp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah yes, that's why Nigger women are very much sought-out by Whites. They are indeed the bottom of the barrel. Did you just admit that you are 'the fucking MAN' because you claim to have a White woman? That is one of the most-racist statements I have ever seen. You just admitted that you are not a 'man' without a White woman on your arm. Sad, really.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let the individuals been Seen and Heard ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is anyone else absolutely furious over the treatment of Kavanaugh?? Feinstein should spend 10 years at least in prison for what she has (illegally) done to Kavanaugh. That lying POS Ford should be imprisoned for at LEAST 20 yrs... False accusations need to carry the same penalties as the victim would have gotten..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Put mad maxine in jail for being a trouble making nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey cunt , go parrot elsewhere, stay stupid for all i care, you weren't worth trying to break out of the parroting in the first place","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda The only Devil around here is you Nigger... Damn this nigger never fails to make me laugh ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the Anti-FirstAmendment faggot stomping around his mom's basement was amusing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All those titles and never once named the 1 grp of ppl behind this whole mess we're in. Your an idiot n a coward. The cat is outta the bag about ur baby dick eating pals Bud. You just look like a faggot tryin to keep it in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1033829\/Facebook-hires-nick-clegg-job-mark-zuckerberg-lib-dems No matter how they spin it. The likes of 'Facebook' and 'Twitter' are going the same way as 'My Space' they're in terminal decline. Hiring Nick Clegg will only speed up the process. Must be a new 4d Chess PR strategy that we're not aware of: hiring the most boring people on the planet to give a company some oomph. Next announcement will be Ken Barlow as CEO of Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Start by ripping that snot ring out of his faggot nose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#VoteNOonGillum #Gillum Anti American radical communist criminal under FBI investigation. 2 Active investigations and Commorats trot this \"Magic Negro\" out on their Ticket. Sound familiar? = BathHouse Illegal Faggot Barry Obama","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unicorn. Because America ain't faggot enough. https:\/\/youtu.be\/-j54in4fl9k","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and while rose fucked your boy cunt she sucked 3 sand niggers cocks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love that word, twatpocket","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These brainwashed, incredibly stupid students do not think at all, what so ever for themselves anymore. They would gang up 100 people and eat this man if that was \"the current accepted behavior\". Fucking degenerate monkey shits. \"anymore\" presuming they ever did. If they don't it's the result of the system that your generation and those before you have set up. Students go to learn, not apply. Universities are commended by how well they've learnt not how well they've applied their learnings. The guy at the end is right, this presenter only cares about his fame and youtube followers, not about the issues. He's found a great little niche to generate a following, pretty smart. It's just a shame that people view these videos as if they are somehow proving something either way. Nothing is gained by either watching or making these videos. Both sides walk away from having watched his videos with a stronger view on their own opinion. It's so sad to watch society tear itself a part for views. What in what I said demonstrates that I don't think truth and facts exist? Yes, the part you wrote demonstrates that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a green bowl high. A spliff high. A j high. A blunt high. A moke high. And a Moke + coffee high.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody egg that lying Cunt in public please","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not allow for any Muslim to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to klil all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bomb that far evil commie cunt that killed that one of the richest Christian country ones was i do hope trump bomb that fat cunt and run him out so people can be free again from evil monster commie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My nig kkeldalegend took me out for some more of that good old New Orleans soul food! http:\/\/t.co\/vCBKAcQBHV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Youtuber put up a vid, what would you do if a teen or a retarded person broke in your home? I said, \"they'd be a dead teen and a dead retard. She took it down lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's retarded, and you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Friends don't let friends become guidos. #themoreyouknow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I wish that man was my neighbor...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are doing great!, femtards keep saying don't stare rape women and treat them like objects. Just ignore them and pretend they don't exist. I also enjoy blanking all thots. If forced to talk to a group as a social event, focus on the ugliest troll there and notice the other women go crazy to try and be in the spotlight. They are so retarded and predictable it is laughable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Viet here. We even call each other niggas just for being tanned so how bout that. Filipino, I use the word nigger just because I'm technically not white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i disagree pagans arent my brothers in anything","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by an immigrnt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bumper Stickers are now available on the Shop! https:\/\/shop.gab.com\/collections\/stickers-magnets\/products\/gab-com-bumper-sticker","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Homemade Soup is very good with vegetables on the side with crackers http:\/\/t.co\/LiRwGwkdzE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@bigbootybishopp: @white_thunduh lassen cc , the coach wants me\" i feel it youll get more my nig no doubt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh Drank Beer? He Can't Hold a Candle to Obama's Pot and Cocaine Use https:\/\/www.cnsnews.com\/blog\/michael-w-chapman\/kavanaugh-drank-beer-he-cant-hold-candle-obamas-pot-and-cocaine-use#utm_source=facebookandutm_medium=cnsandutm_campaign=b-KavanaughDrankBeerObamaDidCocainePot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't get me wrong, retarded woman. I understand that you have taken more dick than you've taken history lessons. But, the fact remains, it was there before your dying state of Israel and depending on my mood, will be there when Israel dies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barry Santoros\/Obama. Is nothing more then the coked up nigger that has sex with shemales. Michael, I mean Michelle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The real war is now on_***URGENT***Vote on and send $ to Republicans now Ellen DeGeneres Verified account @TheEllenShow This tweet is for Dr. Ford. You put yourself through so much and I want you to know it wasn't in vain. You started a movement and we'll see it through. If they won't listen to our voices, then they'll listen to our vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry, that cunt deserved to be arrested. You don't slap an animal, let alone a police animal and especially when on pavement and someone is riding it. I hope she knocked her front teeth out with that stunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The person didn't make any assumptions about what you've been through or pretend that adopting was as easy as going to a shelter. Stop projecting your frustration on them. They simply suggested considering adoption; stop being a cunt about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girl has a big problem. Her tongue and her twat both talk at the same time and the results are garbled.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Last Evening I watched an old Errol Flynn and Ann Sheridan movie Edge of Darkness about Norway resistance fighting nazi's to protect their homes, it was a very powerful movie with Patriots fighting fascist the same as we are in this country today! They both quoted this one line I think is very apropos today! \"IN THESE TIMES WE MUST BE LIKE STEEL!\" What does that say to you personally?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's interesting how when their skin is White you can really notice how ape like their faces really are. It's no wonder that google images was picking them up as gorillas. It has started . One nigger in there already","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I be extra careful Muhammad the fake prophet Muslim old pedophile child abusing cunt like them Asian Islamic grooming gangs in Britain. Not only did they inject drugs and force alcohol in children they repeatedly violently gang rape. #TOMMYROBINSON TRUTH HURTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When was telling history racist? i cant help that black men seemed to like to rape back then 100 yrs later black are still raping women here. Hum maybe we should of never stopped. (well i know one that will happen once their asses is spotted and no jury in the world would convict after what those sorry niggers done). You are talking to a man who knows 3 raped by nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nice word control, thirsty nigger man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got a visit from that schmuck as well @m3rryweather Is that so? I make criticism and you immediately flame others for opinions on anime which you feel obligated to reply with vitriol. Honestly, I think you're a funny guy. you still haven't explained why my hero academia was better than overlord, even after you played the victim and whined about how insulting i was to you. i perfectly explained myself, you have yet to do so. i'm waiting. I think MHA better because it had overall better character progression on its characters, did not focus on long side arcs and disposable characters like in season 2, and had better technical finesse than Overlord. I don't see anything wrong with quoting you. Those are your own words after all. And all you can say are homophobic slurs in the end? I would say that's not very mature of you. all the mature people are on twitter. you should go be with your kind. Is this about the Asuka vs. Rei? I'm perfectly happy where I am. I think discouraging people with personal attacks and telling them to get out of their anime\/manga thread as if it's a safe space is behavior that belongs in twitter. Overlord has a narrative drop in quality in the anime due to their cuts they've made from the light novels which I have read. Did you read the light novels too?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Casey Matthews is so trash this is BIG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Tyler_Weddle_23: @Sexualgif: \"I hate that hoe already\" http:\/\/t.co\/JzBcCsn75h this shit cracks me up!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BBC grooms kids to write gay love letters ! A video by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) showing 6-year-old school children being instructed to write gay love letters has been causing a stir on social media. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/01\/6-year-old-school-children-write-gay-love-letters-accepting-diversity\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @josepheach: D-emandE-veryone'sM-oney andO-bjectsC-ollectively beR-edistributedA-mongT-heirS-upporters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope it hurt. Entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unless those women rebel. All it takes is one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To me Zionism is a political ideology and any cunt can be one...including US presidents. True Jews who follow the old testament, do not support the existence of Israel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ladies are rare gifts. Everyone deserves a mother who is a lady. Mine was, and all 9 of us admire her still, 12 years after she died. Let men be warriors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"De Niro is a whipped white boy Dago nigger lover.. America and it's faggot Dago sissy boys.. they need to go to Italy to regain their balls!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish all immigrants would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheLittleFella_ do yourself a favor and ball that up and throw in the trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off, nigger. Your comment is grammatically incorrect. The word nigger refers to impeding progress. What I believe you meant to say was \"Fuck off Person who's been repeatedly blown up for my right to treat in a disrespectful manner, even though I'm too stupid to understand how to accomplish it in the correct manner. \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Interesting isn't it, that a black woman ranks higher in the oppression stakes than a Japanese woman. Especially when it's a Japanese woman who **didn't** have a childish tantrum when calls didn't go her way. You know ... a woman who was being **strong and empowered** rather than a **victim** This woman card is so confusing. She was playing against a woman. So to the tumblrinas, a black woman is more of a minority than a Haitian-Japanese woman? I seem to remember the Haitian-Japanese population of the US being smaller than the black population. But I could be wrong. Maybe they just make less noise. How can you be so obtoose? The argument is that *male tennis players having a tantrum* aren't penalised to the extent that Serena was penalised. I have no clue whether that is true. A lot of people who know tennis a lot better than me seem to think it is. But an interesting statistic is that 26 men were penalised for misbehaviour in the US Open this year, and only 10 women. Men played women It was true in the first place (despite statistics showing over the past 20 years men have receiced 3x more violations than women) If number 2 is true without number 1 it cant be called sexist as in either case a man or a woman is disadvantaged just as much as their opponent is advantaged, just the side that is advantaged switches from the one throwing the tantrum to the one whose opponent throws the tantrum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people like @ChiefKeef disgust me laughing at someone who died dumb monkey ass niggas like you need to be locked up just for stupidity","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another day, another ~~journo~~ ~~retard~~ blogger linking critics to Nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have to dress up tomorrow for mock interviews and I still don't know how to tie the tie ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, I am happily a faggot and proud!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@vj44 did I mention you are an ugly cunt? Go back to Iran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @dami3n00: Flappy birds Extreme now you can play two birds at once! Hardcore! Easier with two people lol! http:\/\/t.co\/yCTT56cXK5 #f ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Move to the USA. High IQ people here have breeding space. The only problem is our retarded welfare system pays for idiotic single moms.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheTumblrPosts: This is why Charlie Sheen is an idol http:\/\/t.co\/6ovXRtTxtN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'2' good: Jeter hero for Yankees in send-off http:\/\/t.co\/oStFoBGuFa via @ESPNNewYork","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was so handsome in that era...he didn' use lipsticks at that time ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are the worst kind of motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that what happened to Gabby? Turned Gay and joined the Leftists? yeah gone faggot orange","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without gay people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't look like she learned shit tbh. No you can tell she didn't agree \"Huns, I'm in a custody battle what essential oils should I put on my clothes to win? Any advice? He can't actually take my daughter right? 10% discount to the person with the best advice!\" HAha. my world was shook when i discovered r\/antimlm so much hun meme goodness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finished goat shagging for the day I've stopped beating the wife she 12 now getting on a bit you know . Bye for now . Sandy nigger .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think you'll find in most private firms, if anyone starts being openly racist including blacks, they'll get the chop. Bad for moral and productivity. Many reasons you can find for sacking idiots ;) Is that why you are unemployable? No! You are welcome to come round to \"get me\" as you said you would several times. But you don't want a hammer in your skullcap so you bottled it. Just like Agent Orange did. Now go and sit in a corner somewhere and chew your feet in shame coward :) You bottled it and still play the hard man lol. You live like a coward and seem obsessed with chewing feet. I said you could come and get me a month ago lad. Still waiting. Anyway. Need to shoot off for a bit. The wanker tenants I got rid of are coming round to give me 760 they owe me in cash. Been though the court and told them at 9pm I will be pressing the online button to get the bailiffs round. That woke them up. Isn't capitalism great :) You bottled a meet 3 times. Fact. Stop playing the hard man as everyone knows you a a sniveling coward. See John @Big_Bad_John_4U Constant repetition and claiming false victory. Typical signs of mental illness. Over and beyond the standard mental illness that is socialism. Agent Orange displays these traits too. He wanted to come and get me as well, but failed to show lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'M SORRY, I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK. THIS ISNT WHAT WE GRANTED WHEN WE GRANTED MARRIAGE TO GAYS. HE DOESNT HAVE A RIGHT TO DO THIS.ITS DISGUSTING, WHERES MY RIGHTS NOT TO TRAUMATSE CHILDREN WALKING WITH THEIR PARENTS?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't watch hollywood much either. Off theaters for ten years or so because they show commercials. I have one for you, it's a short, 'The Accountant' This redneck accountant shows up at a family farm, takes PBR as payment and is there to save the family farm. https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0222675\/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CallNeeshCakey we in this bitch finna get crunk eyebrows on double PAPP ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rekt Go back to \/r\/canada homo You're not very good at this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So now the Trump fans are starting to believe in Climate Change. Some of us are way ahead of you there nigger. Well nigger\/Nazi, climate change is not an issue of believe. Climate change has been happening all of the time and it is NOT man-made! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! +1 (Neo) Way ahead of you there again nigger. But you needed Trump to guide you to this \"revelation\". Nigger\/loser\/Nazi, you are only ahead of Me in your wet dreams and fertile imagination. :) LOL!!! +1 (Neo) I'm 10 steps ahead of whatever you're going to post because I don't need a Jew to think for me. Well nigger\/Nazi\/loser, I AM at least 100000 steps ahead of you by definition. :) Either case nigger, what jew is that now? +1 (Neo) Nigger\/loser\/fascist\/Nazi, you are now stuck in a vicious cycle. But then again you always were. Trump is a nationalist. America First. WAKE THE FUCK UP! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #Kavanaugh Well snowflake, it seems to Me that \"retards\" like you are really not supporting him so he needs to expand his base with many, many others! WAKE UP!!! :roll: Also, who told you that I don't seem to care about Whites either?! You don't seem to have any self esteem. Sad. #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #Kavanaugh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Tease: RT or you're a fag. http:\/\/t.co\/4Ol82rdeqX","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Police in Dusseldorf, Germany, are searching for four men who reportedly robbed a young mother while threatening to harm her child if she didn't comply. Via: @Infowars_EU https:\/\/europe.infowars.com\/foreign-men-ambush-young-mother-with-three-children-in-dusseldorf\/ Will the Germans ever realise what Merkel has done to their country and rise up? I'm not so sure tbh. They've tolerated migrant and terrorism crime for far too long without acting \"Will the Germans ever realise what Merkel has done to their country and rise up?\" You're in the UK?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His mum got a pic of his with CUNT written behind him...A little bird told me @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who treats their ammo like books, anyways read a book, nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, that's what women are - commie relationship police, and that's why this is funny. The front holes want to be the sole arbiters of acceptable sexuality, and being confronted by a female and being told \"no, this is not appropriate in this setting\" - is fucking hilarious. Even after the organization bent over backwards to make this right, she still goes to the media, as she is a \"victim\". She has no right to be upset, this is the bed she made. Her distress is amusing. Edit to add: The (most likely immigrant female staff member) certainly has the right to be upset about the attention-whore's self described sexual activity in a public area. I also have the right to be upset about gay pride marches, general faggotry, rainbow crosswalks, and white genocide. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh cmon its about tits. No one really care about what she is talking. Which is why the guy says that she's really not that interesting. Look at her face, that comment cut deep because she knows. If she's not interesting no one would be watching her stream. Men find her body extremely interesting. Old guy should mind his business. She's not breaking the law or messing with him. It's not his bar and apparently she isn't breaking the rules of the establishment. If he doesn't like her behavior he's free to leave and take his business to an establishment that doesn't allow streaming.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A retarded bogtrotter called Paul Knew just slightly less than f k all. And the thing with a traitor Is that sooner or later He'll be standing up next to a wall. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/10\/20\/bono-calls-european-populists-salvini-orban-the-devil\/ I'll Gladly Pull The Trigger On This Nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MCGetBizzy: Rise of the planet of the apes http:\/\/t.co\/Ww3xbbUJg7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it just as hard to learn to read that nigger bullshit as it is to learn to read actual English?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elizabeth is a.stupid hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The value of Abu Qutada s statement is that his credentials in Jihadi circles are impeccable. He s facing trial on terrorism charges.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@vernon1488 this is my female grand champion Jesse. She heard a bird outside. http:\/\/t.co\/1OINieeJ9c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have fun in jail you worthless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We fought hard for queer rights. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We can call ourselves fags but the moment you turn it against us, it's a slur. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just how stupid can a people be to attack medics? Ebola Chan in on the march, aided by nigs attacking medics. Ebola Chan is Europe's best hope https:\/\/www.dailystar.co.uk\/news\/world-news\/734396\/ebola-outbreak-congo-red-cross-medics-attacked-north-kivu Also happens in the US (and anywhere you have niggers) all the time. I can't tell you how many times I saw pavement apes attack or threaten to kill EMS crews who only showed up trying to help someone who was sick\/injured. You will never convince a wetback who uses ambulances as free taxies from one part of a city to another that he is not smarter than gringos who would never do that. Fresno had 2 sh1tskins take over 1300 free ambulance rides in one year, that's over 2 trips per day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What assholes. Faceplant is a huge cesspool of retarded Bolsheviks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @EmilyWCVB: RIGHT NOW: NewsCenter 5 projecting Charlie Baker will be Gov-elect by a razor thin margin http:\/\/t.co\/1qC9q6P1cL #wcvb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obviously anyone doing that would be immediately Shoah'd. I know who runs things, for now. What's your solution then? Read SIEGE? Read what? He's handsome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the Left does not understand is that we are not Nazis; from their point of view, we are much worse. The Nazis wanted to conquer Europe and kill people. We want to destroy Leftism and replace it with a Traditional social order, and then send away everyone who does not fit. That means 20-40% of our population going elsewhere. Beat that, Nazis!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've had mods message me back calling me an incel and talking shit while at the same time muting me so I can't say anything back. They're just faggot little children who got beat up too much in high school.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Best rider? That goes to a blaxican.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what is sad is this retarded woman is most likely going to be elected","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We would be better off if those disabled people were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Super cunt face","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I luv watching gas monkey, they be havin some classics on there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOOSE flash ! Hope this bitch hangs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to kill all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"its just as much of a dream as the false accusation Ford made was the pathetic demo RATS are pissed because they couldn't stack the supreme court and remove all constitutional protections from the people including retarded useful idiots like you who support them!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"trust the plan faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> We're talking about religious killing you simple cunt, not forced eviction and land grabs. You realize that the IDF does engage in warfare against the native peoples fairly frequently, right? It's an apartheid state.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Because I've done nothing of any real benefit of my life, I am envious of the people I perceive to be in power having a good life based off of their good choices, and I use my suffering as justification for why they should be suffering as well. Cuz I'm a cunt\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Found the guy dating the fat chick I do but they're still faggots lol dude","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Evading a perm ban that anon calm fgt is reporting us all Can you imagine being such a retard JFC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow that title. Is this the new \/r\/incels or what. No need to take it personal. I was merely surfing \/r\/all and stumbled upon this post and I get that OP might be having a bad time right now, but I must say, that title represents some real bad attitude, and is really one sided. Subreddits that represent only one side, like this, really tend to breed hatred. kakks......that's not creative....come on. Well sorry for lack of creativity. Just presenting my point. Kakks...come on. What did I say.......? I was trying to be serious. Sorry to waste your time. Yeah and yet nobody is taking you seriously. It's becasue you lack any creative, well thought out insult. You just threw out incels. Learn to fuckn criticize and argue your point without resulting in fallacious ad homs and smears. Fuckn pathetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh well another retarded asswipe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shemales just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Igot to level 21 so far on flappy birds smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She was actually sentenced to 2 years, but served 6 months until the judge released her because she was pregnant and the judge thought she should be free to raise me Utter foolishness. The years that I was living alone with her were the worst in my life, and it was a relief when she died. The foster care system certainly isn't prefect, but how the fuck can the judge think letting the kids live alone with a convicted child rapist is any better? If the rapist were a father, he'd be in jail and lose custody. This is mostly a matter of the judge not seeing this cunt as a genuine predator or a threat to society because she's female and the victim was a boy Wait this happened to you? You have a voice and a story to tell. When you're ready I hope you use r\/mensrights to tell it. I know lots of people want to hear it. These double standards have got to stop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Willstreakk @Tycff10111 by trash I meant u lmaooo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nationalist - It's not a bad word anymore! https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/22\/donald-trump-im-a-nationalist-not-a-globalist\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Abelist (that's the dumb term isn't it) nonsense, bigger phones are better for some people with vision problems, bigger screen bigger letters. \/s. See others can plat this fucking retarded game of this device oppresses group xyz. I like the idea of bigger screens I don't have to put my reading glasses on and videos are nicer to watch. However I won't complain about small phones as some people like them and I am all for choice, your money your choice, my money my choice. Isn't it great how capitalism gives us all this choice? Would not buy an I phone though as I prefer a phone with a card slot, its great how capitalism and the profit motif gives us choice. I know these same retards hate capitalism so it must be doing lots right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I make fools out of left wing Liberal morons constantly on Twitter mate. There aren't many of them here. @True_Brit is one of them here. Thick as a bag of broken biscuits he is lol And NatSocs aren't right wingers. They really like socialist Corbyn. Told me as much. They are just honest socialists who don't hide their Jew hatred to try and get elected :) How come you haven't? You don't have the intelligence to make a fool of anyone but yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heh. Another Usher rant. Edit: someone on the Diablo sub approves. :) > I would be happy to read this article on any other site. He's reported the facts correctly and rightly gauged the reason why the Diablo community is ngry - but still manages to come across as such a redneck incel when offering opinions that it made my eyes bleed to read. I mean, I do have some issues with the way Usher writes, but it's the exact writing style I'd expect on a site called *One Angry Gamer*. Some of his rants are funny (this one amused me), some are less so. >but still manages to come across as such a redneck incel when offering opinions that it made my eyes bleed to read. I'm not going to lie, virgin shamers are pretty much scum. You can argue that he is talking about the bitter hatefulness association of \"incels\" rather than actually being a virgin. It's pretty unfair to use that term like that from what little i've seen of those guys though. >redneck incel Let's be real here this person invalidated their right to opinion the moment they used these two words unironically. but muh historical power dynamics! Rednecks have so much privilege, though. Top of the food chain, right there. yeah especially together. How can you be an incel and fuck your cousin? Surely rednecks are hardly ever incels, because their cousins etc are always willing. Right? Incel is such a Flavor of the Year I know this guy is right but I don't want to agree so I call him redneck incel just in case anita is watching.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@bigshowfishin @Swatt Good! Fuck them! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seriously?! What a fucking retard. Title should read: horny old slut tricked into servicing cock. Lock her ass up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of plans ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah just recently had a new Twat account. Nothing political it was strictly science topics and nothing else. It got suspended. What for? Not sure but suspect because I was using a tracking cookie blocker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cows are female, you're the faggot with your head in the fence","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EMINEM VENOM TELLS FANS THAT SATAN IS KNOCKING AT THE DOOR TO LET HIM IN...(ILLUMINATI EXPOSED) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=YF15d2YYb4k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These peanut butter brownies bout to give me life too! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">The courts usually decide against the \"father\" in these cases, since they say it is in the interest of the child to have child support paid. Not in Australia. She will have to pay it bsck but very slowly if she's broke. Also, the guy is retarded. In Australia he has a right to get a paternity test from the start.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Personally I think it's kinda dumb but the fact that is has all the bloodsports faggots like Warski seething makes me almost tempted to support it. Seriously, he's allegedly doing coke and his wife left him? My fucking sides","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swarms of immigrants are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paul Michael Watson https:\/\/youtu.be\/w5F_AhciUy4 ....intersectionalism writ large.... For those who dont bore themselves with this level of detail, intersectionalism is the mother of most modern class warfare, it literally means the point where the various grievance boys and girls meet... ...now arent u glad u didnt ask? ...thought so...lol I'm a fan of Paul Joseph Watson and I found this video funny We can all say we're part Latino black Asian What does it matter I'm proud of my white heritage but I could be 1\/1024 Black as well Will the left accept me like they seem to want to accept Pocahontas? Race is really a mental construct. Mankind has been around long enough to have seriously intermixed. This is why the bargain basement nazis and Joooooooooooooooooooooo haters here are so comical. Most are dumber than Maxine Waters...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Google bias everybody. Brought to you by David Hogue, design lead. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1048822754084937730","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">I'm fat not because of genetics but because I'm a giant fucking faggot and I believe that other people should be held responsible for my failures and pay for my healthcare >epitome of human empathy Yeah, how about fucking no.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sound like a dildotarian faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a camel fucker like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey @Patrick_little You're a faggot Checkmate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damned this southeast weather. It's summer for 9 months, fall for 1 and winter for We're supposed to get some fall weather next week, yaaay. I'm going out tomorrow - here's how I feel about it. yep, that's the best bit about living where i do, all the retarded lefties can't handle the heat so they fuck off back to their cities and drink soy latte's, leaving the beer, beaches, and beautiful women alone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess that was the only way the faggot could win. Still I laugh at him! Transgender Woman Becomes First Ever World Champion in Women's Cycling https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/transgender-woman-becomes-first-ever-world-champion-in-womens-cycling\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LikeJordanGAF: Pity parties are trash and I don't throw them .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is the context? I think they're talking about the time that a bunch of people harassed and bullied this artist almost to the point of suicide who drew characters from the show Steven Universe thinner than normal. \"The gems\" is referring to the main female protagonists. The whole situation was insane. There's no way they actually they did that. That's absolutely ridiculous Oh they did. The OP of the picture shown is actually still on Tumblr and still refuses to think what they did was wrong almost a year or so later. They think they are in the right and the victim here rather then the person they bullied into almost killing herself. Here's a direct quote from OP >youre the real asshole for defending her shitty racist decisions. she shouldve fucking killed herself. youre the problem with everything thats going on. maybe you should kill yourself and#x200B; For the record, the girl she is speaking of drew the Steven Universe characters as other races while drawing them as human. They are speaking of whitewashing. Like not making Garnet black for example. While the character herself is red and voiced by a black woman, tumblr likes to make sure everyone knows that the character is meant to be coded as black at all times. That same OP thinks they have to take it into their own hands because the creators of the show and the staff of Tumblr don't care how fans draw Steven Universe characters. Which they don't. Because it's a cartoon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a feeling that our #GabFam are not your regular American citizens ... We are educated and stay informed - I took the test and got 10\/10 - How did you do? Link to citizenship test: https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2017\/03\/07\/us\/us-citizenship-quiz-trnd\/index.html Children should not be allowed to graduate high school without being able to pass the full citizenship test. Seriously, how can people not be ashamed of themselves if they can't pass it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" The GOP is spinning up a narrative about \"mob violence\" to scare their voters into turning out for the midterms. They haven't done anything about the mob in two years except use it as fodder in their campaign ads Politicians are reactionary. They don't do anything on their own. They are responding to what their voters have been bitching at them about. Proactive politicians do not exist. What will that translate into policywise? Is the GOP going to be \"tough\" on the mob? Please note their current policy agenda includes \"prison reform\" which is the exact opposite of their messaging. It is strongly supported by the Koch brothers Not if people like Hunter Wallace talk everyone who cares about using the GOP against the anti-white mob into removing themselves from electoral politics. The problem with using the shortcomings of a political party as a means by which to scare people away from the process that determines its leadership and platform is that it results in the very shortcomings that one is criticizing. If you want to meet your fate on the road you took to avoid it, abstain from electoral politics. As the agorists in the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist communities have demonstrated, abstinence is a great way to accomplish nothing while staying entirely irrelevant. Let's be clear about the results of supporting the GOP two years ago: Being prosecuted by Trump's DOJ, unanimously condemned by the GOP Congress, Antifa free to engage in serial violence every weekend, unprecedented social media censorship, historic monuments destroyed all over the country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RubinReport: You can mock Michelle Obama's #TurnipForWhat video, but the turnip is now third in line of succession for president. https ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it possible to dox this faggot and make life hell for him?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who the fuck is *we*? You didn't do shit. >I am LOSING MY MIND IN HATRED for white men ... I swear to G-d we have more freedom in Afghanistan. ... I CANNOT BELIEVE I am rearing a PRIVILEGED WHITE AMERICAN MALE in this shit. I've been there. You're retarded. Give your kid up for adoption so he can live in a home where's he's not abused.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that \"all trans people are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@coughlan616 Youre racist against white people whigger. Anti-Racist is a codeword for anti-white.Anti-zionist is a codeword for antisemite.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Carl Marx and Trotsky we're Jews the Bolshevik Revolution was lead by Jews. All the communist uprisings and revolutions in Europe we're lead by Jews. Hell communism in Cuba was started out of the main synagogue there, (Wich I think is the oldest in the new world). So no, this is all bullshit. couldnt careless about kikes....but i damn sure get pissed off when a mofo hangs innocent man for a crime someone else commited and GOD DAMN IT YOU SIR ARE READY TO LYNCH ANY MOFO FOR HIS GREAT HRAND DADS CRIMES SO FUCK UR HICK REDNECK ASS IN OREGONE!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If poverty causes crime, why is West Virginia safe lawful and orderly compared to ANY NIGGER INFESTED HELLHOLE? Race matters more than guns or poverty. Stop CUCKING.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#politics #UK #ForBritain #BritFam @AMDWaters @ForBritain #News A \"British\" Sheboon Okay, now you know !!! The other sheboon is touring with harry Seriously ?? Wow ! I'm shocked, seriously. Are you joking or what ??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, the only movement Ford ever started was a bowel movement. She was a foolish pawn in a wicked game, and WE will see it through until Ellen's rotten lez cunt has turned to dust.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ron Desantis ,Republican candidate for governor of Florida told a Jewish audience that if elected he would be the nation's most pro Israel governor. Source : Sun Sentinel newspaper. Sadly for this ignorant kosher conservative ,South Florida Jews are voting for the nigger demoncrat. That little bit of ass kissing on his part will cost him votes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As much as I hate that little bitch Klepek, I don't think that qualifies as a soy boy smile. It's more like a scream. Granted, it's about as menacing as a baby fart, but it's not the gaping-maw'd faggotface we get from your typical SJW nu-male.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By the way, Tumblr is a lying cunt and I hate it. I didn't like this post. If anything, I liked an earlier version of this post. But it still always shows it with a red heart.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reminds me of when they had to stop using 'blind recruitment' methods here in Australia, where references to gender were removed from CVs. They thought it would lead to more women being hired. It actually lead to LESS, showing they were already favouring women unfairly. http:\/\/mobile.abc.net.au\/news\/2017-06-30\/bilnd-recruitment-trial-to-improve-gender-equality-failing-study\/8664888 The reason for your ban is crap and I'm pretty sure against reddit's rules, but your response was shit. i got banned from there too for the same reason. they are widely known for doing this, yes it is against reddit rules, and no the admins don't seem to care. Dont they have a admin in their mod team? U\/spez or smth spastic? no idea Not the best response. Could have just ignored it and moved on. You responded like a 12-year-old. I'm not saying I agree with them, but you aren't making yourself look any better. I'm a male. There's no way I can look better. Fuck them. I don't owe them a god damn thing. They sent me the email. I would have been happy to have never said a thing to them or posted on their shit sub. They struck first and I hit back. Deal with it. Nah, dude, that was just a bad response. Like, \/r\/TheRedPill bad. No, Red Pill taken. it's so easy to get banned there. their rule 1 is basically: don't disagree with us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Talmud is not Torah, Yiddish is not Hebrew and Khazars are not the Hebrew people of the old testament bible. @bytheirfruit Yiddish is a mix of germanic and semitic languages. The khazar theory is silly. Jews are still genetic cousins of arabs. The rhineland theory isnt against history. The records we have of their DNA is of them being semitic. They are very much semitic. They are not hebrews because they arent part of the 12 tribes. It is recorded that they are cousins to arabs who are semitic and Yiddish is a mix of semitic and Germanic languages. It is against history. I just posted the DNA study! I've quoted Jewish encyclopedias where they admit they aren't Hebrew and if you believe the bible then you have to admit they don't fit any prophecies of Abraham's descendants! Yiddish is not Hebrew and neither are Jews. NO THEY ARENT HEBREW BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THEY ARENT SEMITES. North Africa is semitic but they arent fuckikg hebrews. Jesus. They are not semite. I've posted history, you refuse to admit it. DNA , you refuse to admit it. Quotes from Jewish encyclopedias admitting they're not Hebrew, you refuse to admit it and Bible. So are Ethiopians hebrews now? What about Eritreans? They are part of the semitic tribe. You cant be semitic without being Hebrew. Right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmfao...the entire arena is full asshat...shame you're presenting a picture as ppl r filing in...you're such a pathetic used cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Truth causes panic attacks for TARDS best they stay on FAKEB and TWAT this platform could cause them to lose it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please don't blame all this on rap music. That's like saying that people shoot up schools because they play violent video games; it's completely unfounded and stupid. A better reason is because, simply, older people are more mature. You're the not first person to say that young adults are ruining good values. However, the common theme that the past few generations have shown is hatred towards authority, it's just manifested in different ways throughout the different cultures. I completely agree it has to do with maturity as well, but it's silly to disregard such a popular culture having an impact on youth. And this culture is celebrated constantly. People are subjects of their environment. When a negative environment exists, it's important to try to improve that environment. Keep in mind I'm a young adult as well. I make mistakes and I'm sure I have plenty of misguided opinions, but when something so backwards is celebrated this much across all races it surely has to be a concern. I also don't believe whites as a race are seen as authority anymore. I think authority has become a much broader term now. Once I was pulled over by a black cop after I picked up my good friend from his home in Camden. He's Puerto Rican and he was also with his friend who was black, who is also a good friend of mine. I got off the exit and was immediately pulled over for \"going 45 in a 50\". I can't even make this shit up. The cop ID'd both of my friends and never asked for mine, even tho I was the driver. They had to step out of the car and get patted down while I watched. Obviously this is a pretty specific and unique situation, but I do think this happens more than we want to believe and the moral of the story is authority transcends race. People in power will abuse the power regardless of race, as this cop did. And it doesn't have to be that way, I just think that's typically the way it goes down. Authority in this country needs to change, regardless of race. i respect your opinion and still think you're beautiful, im genuinely sorry if what i meant was worded poorly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Probably wasn't the cunt herself but it was more then likely a one of her #extremeleft #cult followers. Whenever anything occurs one needs to ask themselves: who benefits? #fakenews #fakebombs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dare to dream. That hammer is going right up your Islamic arse, cunt @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@vinny2vicious faggot I knew you weren't really my friend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SteveStfler: Rise of the planet of the apes http:\/\/t.co\/10yadnRfKS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A natural sociopath. Sees zero wrong in what she did. And then after getting caught scamming attacks the man. This cunt needed to get punched in the fucking face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger + Mudshark = a Death toll to pay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">\"I dunno; all this race privelege stuff sounds kinda like Original Sin...\" >*SJW scribbling in notebook* \"Yeah, yeah, go on...\" How have they always matched or outdone our parodies of them and people somehow don't see it for what it is? people do see it for what it is. a very select few are too indoctrinated to care. Guess I'm in a bubble or the \"skeptical moderates\" are all mutes. Dude gargoyles was awesome remember when they were on the tv show! I'll see your Gargoyles and raise you a Pirates of Dark Water.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I present into evidence: the brown lipstick is racist' chronicles https:\/\/redd.it\/9kjz24","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have them not \"assimilate\". Hispanics intermarry at 50% with whites, and their children typically identify as white, which sullies our gene pool with African and Indian genes. Up to this point American whites have been relatively pure (to the tune of 99%), even in southern states where the negro population exceeds 20%. Why ruin a good thing? I would also rather they not assimilate. I'm just observing that rather than adding a \"third race\" to america's black\/white dichotomy, they're drifting into whitening or blackening. Some Latin American immigrants are actually, factually White, but they're the exception, and I would also rather even the \"bright 'n light\" ones stay home. Best stick with claiming to be pure whigger trash as a ZOGtard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those t r a n s people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stole his mommy's knife and kitchen towel and pot holder to go larp in the backyard. What a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. Another stupid move from Torba. Who could have guessed?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.hollywoodreporter.com\/news\/camille-paglia-takes-millennials-strangely-unsexy-instagram-posts-1148415 These retarded hippies from the '60's are just now figuring out that their degenerate ideology is harmful to women--and to society as a whole--half a century later? \"The sexual revolution sought and won by my 1960s [sic] generation envisioned women as responsible, mature free agents, equal to men. We certainly did not foresee that 'booty pics,' reducing women to their buttocks like Stone Age fertility totems, would become a wildly addictive genre of Instagram self-portraiture.\" Of course these idiots didn't foresee any harmful effects of \"sexual liberation\"; therein lies the problem! These degenerates are so dumb, so infantile, so lacking in critical thinking skills, and so myopic that they could not possibly have any foresight whatsoever about anything. They never think even somewhat into the future about the long term because they lack the ability! This is why it's up to us and only us to consider our posterity, and to secure some kind of future for the generations that come after us. They pretend like it's a bug and not the main feature they pushed on society. It's all very jewish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The CEO of that company is a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims = Globalists. Muslims must be completely removed from all western countries. The \"Prophet\" Muhammad was an illiterate cunt that like to tell a lot of big lies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hysterically funny Tweets by LibTURDS angry they didn't get their way. One over-the-top was the Muzzie who wants you to send to her PayPal acct for her therapy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should just hang all these gardeners. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"International law enforcement operation disrupts Shylock banking malware - PCWorld: International law enforcem... http:\/\/t.co\/NPVP80gFh6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet our heroes kept patiently working on The Plan, instead of rushing into action. Because The Plan HAD to succeed, and they knew they would only get one chance. https:\/\/qmap.pub\/read\/2381 #TrustThePlan #TrustSessions #Q Every day it takes you to realize the current fake Q=Soros, your IQ score goes down. And we're already at room temperature.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Game 126 Preview: Houston #Astros at New York #Yankees http:\/\/t.co\/sVg7dIIcZG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BleacherReport: VIDEO: CFL LB Solomon Elimimian trash talks an opponent during a halftime interview http:\/\/t.co\/EYjinwIWwE http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@blackrepublican how long after the name change will al memorabilia w\/redskins name be deemed racist and therby illegal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And advertising. Almost every commercial (seemingly) has a nigger dude with a hot white chick (as if that's normal).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A woman AND a mother. It's abhorrent. They nigger babies didn't ask to be conceived to be aborted and thrown into the trash. I'm against even eating very young animals veal, lamb...let alone foetuses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's not the case all the time though. Most women are fucking vampires but women like my mother divorce their husbands because they're abusive fucks who nearly kill them. My mother didn't get any sort of settlement after getting divorced but these vampires did for whatever fucking reason. Don't shit on all women because of a select few cunts. My reply had nothing to do with morality. I was simply stating a fact that my mother didn't get a settlement and didn't divorce for one. That doesn't mean she didn't want one, just that she didn't get one. Yes, people react to incentives but it doesn't change the fact that the other commenter was strawmanning that all women only divorced because they were selfish cunts who do it for the money. That's what my comment was about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any disabled person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow she called him a redneck.. lol racist bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are women after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barry Soetero, the butt humping faggot from Indonesia is a muzzie and a piece of shit half nigger whose daddy didn't love him and his mommy was a whore who didn't give a shit about him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all Muslims\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whiny cunt trying to act as though she is of any significance","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] \"Put out a wanted ad\"? What century is this? Where do you live that this is a thing? \"Wanted: truck thief - reward $200 - dead or alive\" [deleted] That would be even worse. He's not a judge, to be putting warrants out on people. I don't think the writer of this article spends too much time in reality. If a man had shown up in that picture do you think he would've had such a benevolent attitude towards the whole thing? Oh he's probably a single dad with three kids I figured I'd give him the benefit of the doubt... doesn't sound right does it? >If a man had shown up in that picture do you think he would've had such a benevolent attitude towards the whole thing? Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't matter what I think. What evidence is there of a pussypass? It's a Christian website. They ran the story because it's uplifting news. He's a good guy, and he hopes the driver in the picture isn't a thief. He just wants his truck back. It's not a pussypass. I know how badly you want it to be, but it just isn't. You know what you bring up some interesting points about the website being Christian. You think it might be fake news? The guy reports a $40,000 vehicle stolen in the police tell him there's nothing they can do? 3 weeks go by and the vehicle still has the same tags and the police still haven't found anything? So this lady has been driving around in this stolen car for 3 weeks? She didn't apply for insurance or anything like that? I'd like to see if she has a bill of sale. Possession is still nine-tenths of the law so I do find this story to be a little hard to believe. I'll give you that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"51% of Americans disapprove of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, according to a new poll https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/B_9F Another bullshit liberal poll","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get a load of this retard fuck off mouth-breathing faggot Oof. Get a load of this edgy retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"U have nigger blood, not me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it that disabled people are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @_honeysays: My phone charging backwards retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your Muslim lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"exactly my sentiment it's pathetic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=V8Yd6WcBYFk Vermont Lawmaker Quit Her Job Because of Alleged 'Racism' The Red Elephants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should sue the fuck out of her to the point she pays for his whole education until he graduates as a brain surgeon. Cunts like those are sick and sooner or later they will destroy someone's life. If there had been no exculpatory video this boys life would be over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't know Robert De Niro and Biden had received a package as well. As Conservatives we should not stoop to the levels the Dems are. But I know there are those out there that are FED UP with the way the Dems are doing us in public, and in our homes. It seems like a two edged sword. Investigation Intensifies as Two More Suspicious Packages Found Targeting Biden, De Niro https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/investigation-intensifies-two-suspicious-packages-found-targeting-biden-de-niro\/?utm_source=Twitterandutm_medium=PostSideSharingButtonsandutm_content=2018-10-25andutm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons No. Do not try to blackpill and claim that on us. No one here is THAT stupid as to sabotage ourselves this close to the election. Do not paint us as the ones stooping, you either are shilling, or you are just not wording this correctly. Either or, I don't agree with how you put this idea down, so, enjoy Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And nigger loving SJW virtue signaler. No way barrett.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck that, she should have had to do MORE TIME than he did, as she also fucking stole $","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger loving, subversive, propaganda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd shoot her in the face with a buck shot 410 straight out the Judge and serve my time in peace. sorry not sorry if only more men did this to these life destroying cunts man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatrd for you immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How did this happen? Well,we know how, but my real question is,how did it spread so fast and far ? It was like someone flipped a switch and \"boom\" complete insanity from these people,or what used to be people... Kinda like pulling a pacifier out of the mouth of a five year old child when they want it. Tantrum city, but they are adults physically not emotionally. Not able to connect with others, so rage is their friend because of the mentality. They were made by the CIA multi-national globalists to be this way. They use to hidden away and now they are being sent out like in the movie Willard. A social misfit uses his only friends, his pet rats, to exact revenge on his tormentors https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0067991\/ Nice.....agree, my friend \"They were made by the CIA multi-national globalists to be this way.\" MK-Ultra, manipulative MSM, Hollywood, cancerous tabloids, corrupt academia etc...I've wondered before whether Trump was the straw that broke the camels back or were we always heading into this spiritual\/moral crisis? Gaslighting and the \"dumbing down\" of the population - a lethal combination. www.nefarious Indeed. Never assume malign intent where stupidity will suffice, often in these cases it's a profound mix of the two however...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"-Can I help you?-Maybe. You gotta card for Sorry that tranny died in your motel room; now your wife knows. Here s an Applebees gift card ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can do a nigger count yourself for all the propaganda TV shows here http:\/\/epguides.com\/grid\/fall.shtml","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pamela Geller: A Jewish journalist was killed by a racist black man and no media will report it: The media world mourns the death of Jamel Khashoggi, a Saudi-Turkish Islamist activist who hated Jews and supported Hamas, and no one speaks of Jerry Wolkowitz, an http:\/\/dlvr.it\/Qp2wBB Are the White, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Armenian, and Syriac Genocides discriminate or indiscriminate? I hope U realize that the folks STILL in CONTROL of RUSSIA, R the SAME JEWS (Hittites) RUNNING AMERICA?! They gained control of Russia back in 1932 during the first Holomador. ! https:\/\/comparet.christogenea.org\/sermons\/rod-yahwehs-anger (((They))) gained control of America in 1913 when they illegally passed the Federal Reserve. They've been in CONTROL of ALL since then! Their REIGN is about over! https:\/\/comparet.christogenea.org\/sermons\/rod-yahwehs-anger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please let me know if I'm being a prick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brilliant. *high fives Jonathan* :) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=xP9Kdz5A_ek","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good, blast yourself you fuckin EUROPHOBIC faggot jew brownnoser !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"mental disorder\" is a far call from \"mentally retarded\". Thats just needlessly inflammatory. PTSD is a mental disorder. Lets call our vets mentally retarded too Our vets are all reta*** \/s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NWA = Niggers with an attitude .. making family movies .. what a fucking scam . he is still a nigger with an attitude","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Serena Williams is perhaps the most privileged female sportsperson in the world. Stop acting like everything she does is an uphill battle against sexism and racism - it detracts from the *actual* sexism and racism in the world. I mean, I think she's privileged obviously But she wasn't even allowed to wear a bloodclot prevention suit because it was deemed too racially provocative and they called it a black panther outfit'? This was France, not the USA, but still. Reported for harassment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Makes me realize. I wonder if people are turning gay cause they hate their parents or have something to do with parenting and divorce and not receiving love... Idk but I feel like im getting close... yes bless your heart","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A SEE TWO MEN, ONE BLACK AND ONE MSM CIA TRAITOR NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay, that is by far. The most retarded thing I have read today.. (So far)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in rugby players' nature to be uncivilised. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I advocate free and mandatory abortions for all nigger sows. Let's clean this mess up in one generation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never go full retard and this is full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I detest black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next trans person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Middle Class are to blame for violent crime, not black subhuman IQ savages. Wasn't 2Pac and BIG upperclass earners. Conservative conference: Middle-class drug users to be targeted - Sajid Javid http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-politics-45707227 Right, because the muzzie gangs that smuggle the shit from the Golden CRESCENT are all white, not Pakis, Afghanis and Albanians. Fight Crime! #BanIslam #TheyMustGoBack","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah guys just need to stop being thirsty cunts and only pay for streamers that have actual skills. Also twitch should have a dress code. [deleted]","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @elleeebeee: flappy bird make me just smash my phone into my face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"general lee and his faggot modern day descendant. https:\/\/twitter.com\/treerespecter\/status\/1051318073976750081?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1051318073976750081andref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fheartiste.wordpress.com%2F","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"r\/goodfaketexts ? Most likely Who asks for that much money and doesnt give a reason? Nah, I have a highschool friend who just recently asked me for $1000, no reason given. I obviously told him no, a few weeks later he hit up a group chat asking for $1500, not a single person has replied lol [deleted] r\/completelyfabricatedimagesonlyusedtopushtheretardedincelagendathatredditseemstohaveahardonfor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trudeau castro's bastard spawn is a world class cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">I WAS KIDDING!!! >IT WAS MY FRIEND NOT ME!!!! Pick one or the other because they don't add up. Also, 20$ this cunt tried throwing some innocent person under the bus for it too. If it's even real. Seems wierd to me that they would respond publicly and not in a PM , but I've never had to handle a situation so I could easily be wrong. But it does seem odd. Although I do recall hearing this happening in a news story sometime within the last couple years or so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you have faggot fantasies..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since when do you call a muzzie a man, they're nothing but low-life animals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The jew dyke to blame for multiculturalism https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/frances-kellor-lesbian-behind-multiculturalism\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if Muslims are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Steve_Sailer: #Hoax Is this the abstract from one of the seven academic hoax papers unveiled today or is it from a genuine published work? You guess. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/dOljUxA.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/SVj these leftoids have active imaginations. almost as if they wished this quasi-erotic literary porn was their real lives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"36% nigger in total, what an absolute shit hole","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/100percentfedup.com\/maxine-waters-rants-calls-trump-poster-boy-for-mob-just-as-ethics-charge-is-filed-against-waters-for-inciting-violence-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most w o m e n are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. Kanye is really trying to Red Pill the zombie sheeple wait... abolish the 13th??? isnt that the one that basically abolished slavery? Am I missing something here? It's about the indentured servitude portion. and what would be the advantage of that? it will give Trump and conservatives a bad image cuz its so easy to exploit and has no importance honestly, that is, considering the current world we live in, that's probably something that shouldnt be on the priority list I agree, seems like a strange focus. We would have to ask Kanye where he's going with it. I think that he might be thinking about something else and ended up saying that... its kinda crazy cuz that will be able to cause hysteria if BLM or such movements try to exploit that along with the media I would hate for this to give those criminals food to attack Kanye again. They already accuse him of being crazy. To me, this proves how deep he thinks, many don't get where he's going. tbh, I dont think he is a very smart guy, even though he supports Trump he also did some really fucked up shit in a few awards and also in a few shows... I dont really like him as an artist and as a person I'm not sure but I'm not that impressed, although it is good to see that he supports Trump I don't want to judge him, haven't liked many things from the past but he seems to be trying to free himself. Just watching and waiting for now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh settle down. He sucks, it is what it is. We've survived retards as Prime Minister before. We always smarten up and fix the damage. If you want to do something, join the PPC, volunteer for the PPC and vote for the PPC.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To all the trolls maybe you should read my website to learn a thing or two https:\/\/christosculture.wordpress.com\/ Satanist pagan heathens are worse than niggers Agios o Satanas, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're the only one on this entire site that i dont hate. Woah, I really AM a special boy now! you wouldn't understand anyway, pleb. only the jack donovan reading elite me and pan am belong to would. https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=yloFg8On_Rsandt=27s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You say theres no point in debating nazies because their too ignorant, then you post a picture saying fascism isn't to be debated. This whole post is retarded lul","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An gold star award for being an obedient nigger and support the marxist agenda. But will quickly be taken back if they stray from the plantation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you fucking kidding me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I get a 50 pound bag of dawg for the mutts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, and who signal boosts the retarded meme that 'Gab racists are Dem trolls', why none other than Andrew Torba himself! This after not only inviting noted Twitter hater John Rivers and verifying his fake name, but making said hater a Gab beta tester!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WheelTod: If life hands you a hot potato try throwing it at two birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"these retards have no idea. none","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the Cops work for ZOG.. fuck off Jew.. you see fuck all - that's 1 of your problems.. fuck off Jew boy.. go lick the Cops balls -since you have none of your own.. look at the cunt trying to back track.. none of that shit.. FO..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sex robot. But a manly-looking, bull dyke sex robot? Why???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is there a full moon out? #CrazyAssholes out in full force and I'm not talking about muzzies or liberals And I'm in the mood to oblige.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy likes to talk about Americans a lot, but is very careful not to disclose what country he's from. That's false. America has always has competing ethnic groups. Additionally, his definition of \"old values\" are race-based. Also, something retarded about how Jews imposed ideas on America. Jews control media and impose liberalism on the masses? Preposterous! We live in a conservative country of tinder dating and mandatory gay pride parades! 1776! LOL, his new claim is that Tinder dating and \"mandatory\" gay pride parades came from Jews. XD It's called sarcasm genius. The libertine culture came from Jews lobbying to get porn legalised. That's one example of many of Jews perverting the culture. It's called failure, you mean. LOL, now he's saying that porn started because of Jews, guys. Yes I am saying that. Cool, now we know it's false because you said it. :D It was legalised due to their efforts, yes. You're just like a CNN anchor feigning astonishment in place of an argument. Neat, who legalized it and when was it legalized. :D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is completely right. Women need beatings today, when they are told \"you can decide how to act\" the whole world goes to shit because no women have logical thinking. They are driven by emotions and for some reason these \"random\" emotions always tell them to be shitcunts unless they are firmly controlled. Sad 100% fact.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Johnny Rebel - Quit your bitchin' nigger!: http:\/\/t.co\/uCGhrY7zGe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep trying faggot LOLzy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot kikesucker faggot english","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Niggers in #College. http:\/\/archive.is\/Udi04 It means (short for) Fuck My Nigger Ass..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"corney booger is a nigger's nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And stay down cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt Tweedletwat and Tweedlecunt will have learned anything from that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude was talmbout \"I don't know why everyone hates Nickelback!\" Because they're trash, that's why.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sick fucking nigger lover, Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mdnate interested. Just wanted to see a better pic of the soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Test 3 for censorship: Oh this I'll believe. You fucking cunt kike bitch, you think it's cute to mock us as \"brave\" when we can't even defend ourselves without catching an ADL inspired Federal case in prison for 10-20 years for self defense? Do you know what's going to happen to you once we don't have to fear this anymore? ...keep fucking talking jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wow she turned into a dyke pretty fucking fast. remember when she wasn't batshit. dont drink the coolade, you'll dye your hair blue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only tr4ns people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Madura is the faggot boyfriend of Chavez. where does this fat fuck get the money. half of venezuala left because they were starving","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@elise_palmer sounds like gypos to me - they used to do this all the time where I lived","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you citing a YouTube video as a source? That's cute kiddo, go back to your room and play. haha, at least i'm not a moron that doesn't know how to use reply feature Please stop the name calling, you're gonna hurt my feelings. you are fast learner ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should look up to these Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It will all backfire on them. They can't control retarded savage niggers and arabs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@dolphrudager You don't have any kids?! What are you, one of them queers!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there iPushFatKids69! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are supposedly intelligent people waiting for Jack to sack them? I'll tell you; MUH FOLLOWERS Well I got nrws for you boss. Fuck your followers. If you have something to say; say it. If its interesting, people will read it. End of story. Twitter is for leftist scumbags. THEY DONT WANT YOU. You look like a punk if you stay. Act like a man. #FuckTwitter #FuckZuk There's this faggot @JayJ Yeah that's the thing though. Trolling magapedes just isn't as much fun. Feels too much like picking on downies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ihate trans people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheFakeESPN: Red Hot Chili Peppers with the longest nip-slip in Super Bowl Half Time Show history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a fag. I have the authority to reclaim that and you don't. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"5 bags of chips, 3 Rice Krispies, 3 seeds, 3 gummies, a pop tart, some crackers, 3 powerades, and a water yuhhh I'm good lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's this retarded shitlib doing here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RayyyZoR: I call this the 100gram sugar delight or a Heart Attack. It's a #PopTart #Twinkie and a #HoneyBun http:\/\/t.co\/s6ZnLVlvLI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should we be mad at the Allah nigger for doing what comes naturally to him, i.e., being being a violent low IQ rapist, or should we get mad at the assholes who were responsible for allowing him into the country? I thought White men were responsible for all the raping. Ask the hoor feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"INCITING CIVIL WAR Hillary Clinton Cheers Attacks on Republicans You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for' https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-cheers-mob-attacks-on-republicans-you-cannot-be-civil-with-a-political-party-that-wants-to-destroy-what-you-stand-for Astoundingly unbelievable. Mrs. Clinton has now said that #Democrats \"cannot be civil\" with \"the basket of deplorables.\" I vow to publish at least one post here on #Gab every single day until November 6 to encourage everyone to vote straight-ticket #Republican in the #2018Midterms. I have had it with this inane, insidious, incoherent garbage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SESSIONS DOESN\"T HAVE THE BALLS TO TAKE THIS SORRY CUNT TO TRIAL. HOPEFULLY AFTER THE MID TERMS SESSIONS WILL BECOME A DISTANT BAD MEMORY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @ghostriderJ1: Yankees will never have someone wear a single digit uniform again after this season Wow. Shows that is an epic organization","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is why you don't give a nigger an inch. The nigger is out there, it cant be bargained with, it cant be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop...EVER, untill you are dead!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@femalejokerhoee yeah he sucks just like the other fags who are... oh nevermind there are NO fags in the #NFL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"This recipe calls for a leftover brownie. What the hell is a LEFTOVER brownie? That's just a brownie you haven't eaten yet.\"-@EricaNadine26","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like a moral dilemma for leftist dingbats. After all, the cop is a muslim. CHICAGO: MUSLIM OFF-DUTY COP shoots innocent autistic black teen from his vehicle in a drive-by shooting http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/21\/chicago-muslim-off-duty-cop-shoots-innocent-autistic-black-teen-from-his-vehicle-in-a-drive-by-shooting\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Die andere L sung w re besser. Wettschwimmen der Nigger und Sandneger gegen die Haie im Mittelmeer ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she was telling me about this kid who's soles of his shoes are falling off. I am going to get him some shoes. hope his parents don't get mad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We'll tortuer these gay people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Houston has so many trash drivers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't tell me you're a \"Okay\"-gesture-is-actually-a-white-power-symbol type of person. I don't know what that is, but this is clearly an anti-trans sign It looks like a dictionary definition, actually. There's no other motivation for this sign other than to piss of some trans people. Whatever the intent of the person who payed for it, the sign is not offensive to anyone or anything. You don't have the power to decide who should and shouldn't be offended by something. Being offended is a subjective experience.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly Muslims are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"all mental illnesses are awful and must be treated","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The original plan was to take out the George Washington Bridge and both the Lincoln + Holland Tunnels. The base of operations was in Fort Lee, NJ. https:\/\/www.veteranstoday.com\/2017\/11\/27\/breakthrough-video-case-for-war-with-israel-over-9-11\/ Arguing with nazi's Is masturbation That's true, it's pleasurable and everyone does it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#foxnews cuts away when a Democrat talks and claim to be fair and balanced. LMAO network full of #teabaggers and liars.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It took me a while, but I finally remembered where I seen that goofy bastard before..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"triple fudge brownie chunk ice cream #LifeChanging","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I win. Christgang 1 Neopagans 0 No need to be salty. You wish I was salty. It would mean I didn't realise how stupid you are. But, alas... You are as dumb as they come. I judge people by their character moreso than their IQ score. Theres no shortage of smart assholes in this world. LOL Slava! Slava !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A fucking degenerate faggot who loves jews... Yep, EVERY SINGLE TIME! @IsaacBaranoff - Go cry to your shit eating faggot friends, you are just as pathetic as the bullshit you post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SO JEWISH Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: \"Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath.\" At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: \"The Lord alone will appear great on that day!... Zohar, Vayshlah 177b if \"Big Bang..\" isn't the absolutely most retarded show ever to grace the airwaves then please tell me what is...and tell the bitch not to stand too close to the edge of the subway platform, as an incoming train will clip that beak of hers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TFW you're so retarded you think opposites are equal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As the Democratic Party has told us all: \"White women are to blame for this! White women voted him in! Punch all white women in the face! Cunt try it im sure some white women will kick your fucking head in. You pantifa cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Nien_Nunb what did you search? Gay redneck episode 1 play?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That faggot khan the london con muslum cockroach probably arrested the dead mans parents for thought crime offenses..hating the 4 muslum cockroaches who murdered their son !!! A londoner needs to take one for the team and dispatch khan with prejudice !!! He doesnt deserve to live !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am reporting all antisemites to the FBI!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Speaking as an outsider - it does amaze me how easily the American public (including a lot of \"far right\" people) are manipulated by the establishment. One petty sex scandal seems to throw every skepticism of the system aside and harries the sheep back into their assigned voting pens (look up kosher sandwich). It's rather disappointing. Did anything like 'The Frankfurt School' come to your country? I was there in the late 70's and early 80's under Soviet control but did your populace avoid the brainwashing? Americans have lost 15 IQ points b\/c indoctrination doesn't take that much intelligence and our politicians have to appeal to this dumbed-down society we live in. \"Democracy overall is a sham that must be abolished.\" No offense taken; I'm old enough to have felt the imposition of the Frankfurt School in my state and the consequences in the younger generation is detectable; they are going to have to be deprogrammed to be literate. Just wondering if your culture went through the same mental engineering beyond the Soviet era. Well..I'll put it this way. The Soviet era did some damage - chiefly to our faith and some traditions. But the American (or Globalist) era is corrupting us incomparably more. Hollywood and Consumerism destroyed more souls than Gulags and Bread Lines ever could. I understand the Hollywood part but how does 'consumerism' manifest and do damage there? Just the commercials on television or something more? People trying to find happiness in luxuries and spending. Valuing money over everything else. This is a dreadful poison that is omnipresent in Western soft power. It causes men to commit suicide, girls to become whores and children to grow up without making genuine friendships. Ayn Rand's Utopia Selfish autonomous hedonism. Soviet-ism makes people wish they could live better American-ism makes people wish they were dead Democracy is bullshit. We're surrounded by idiots and psychopaths.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The devil can sit on a tack! Look at that warm expression of love and devotion. What an example this whole family is to all of us. They have been through hell and yet, God preserved them. This wasn't just a victory for our nation today, this was a victory for #tradlife families everywhere. #MAGA #USA #Kavanaugh #NotTiredOfWinning","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? Jewish isnt a race It is an ethnicity with very specific genetic markers. Passed down by the mother. Judaism is the religion that you can join, although it isn't easy. But you can't become a Jew. Why they often have specific facial features that the NatSocs stereotype :) Utter bollocks! Jewish is a religion and NOT a race! Funny l do know! it takes 10 yrs to convert! HaHa Fella, please stop. Ya killing me. What do you find so hard? Jews follow Judaism BECAUSE they are a specific ethnicity. Other people can convert to Judaism but it's quite hard. You cannot become a Jew. You would need a transplantation of Jewish genetics. We can't do that yet. Fooking idiot. DNA Links Prove Jews Are a 'Race,' Says Genetics Expert Conjuring fear of Nazism and anti-Semitism, Jews recoil from the thought that Judaism might be a race, https:\/\/www.haaretz.com\/jewish\/dna-links-prove-jews-are-a-race-says-genetics-expert- FFS! Don't show this to @Zombie9 mate. His brainstem will explode out of his ringpiece and make a right mess lol Utter BS the Nazis were measuring for that.. So sad these ppl Jewish is a religion not a race so are all Muslims even a race ffs wanker I normally say that there is no such race as Islam and that the adherents of Islamic 'Bearded Savagery' comes in every available skin colour.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly think she's just an oblivious retard. When he pushed her, she turned around like she was about to fight someone, until she realized it was the fucking guard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only women are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TL;DR - you can kill NPCs in the game, someone made a troll video Oh, no, not a troll video. Troll video**S**. Entire series, \"The Annoying Feminist\" (bit redundant). [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Beating Up Annoying Feminist\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MPYAM9AfRHo) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Annoying Feminist Gives Up\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UxA7nDaxi-s) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Annoying Feminist Fed To Alligator\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mZ7RicfseRU) (my personal favorite) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dropping Feminist To Hell and Killing The Devil\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qYHr2FSgwSQ) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Lasso, Train and Annoying Feminist\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=i3yiWLh_-z8) (almost as good as the alligator one, but this one is very, very, very sad and something horrible happens... spoilers: the poor horse dies, poor animal doesn't deserve such inhumane treatment, I cried for the horse so much...) It's fucking hilarious (except when the horse dies, it's really sad when the horse dies...). So they're giving someone they hate free publicity. Because of a YouTube channel. After getting excited about killing the KKK in game. Dumbasses. I hope they know the KKK in this game are all Democrats. Except back then the Dems were the conservatives. Dont be an idiot Muh party switch. _ Lay off pinkie i disagree with him immensely but the guy just mistaken meme for flippant \"fuck off\". Stupidity not malice here. Yuo#'re mohter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MNYves: He's an idiot. RT @M00n_baby: miserable trash excuse for a man http:\/\/t.co\/jtL7Uis2YM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftist German politician says 'old white men' threaten the future and could destroy Europe https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/leftist-german-politician-says-old-white-men-threaten-the-future-and-could-destroy-europe\/#.W8OIymEwVlM.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No such concerns when the army was posing for pictures with the beardies in pyjamas! No doubt your account will now be suspended for offending him Potentially. Have to start my 13th then lol I try and keep it very polite initially. Just ask them tricky questions like this that will expose their hypocricy if they answer honestly. Asked an SNP moron yesterday \"Are you a Scottish Nationalist? Do you like Corbyn too? I think he sensed my trap and refused to play ball ;) lol How are you getting on Shazia? Back on Twitter? Incognito like me lol I do have a Twitter account. I never use it. I prefer to Gab. No need to watch what I say, no Resisting Shite's list for being mass reported. Haha So am I. They even published a sad article about me and my book Titanic Britain on their website. Then we got them banned for hate speech and abuse. They're very quiet now. Not reporting people so they don't draw Twitter attention to their new account lol They are pathetic. If they went after paedo accounts I would respect them, instead they go after anyone who tells the truth about Islam. Wankers. Wonder why. Big chunk of Twitter owned by Saudi now. The police were seen next to a beardie doing an ISIS salute. I guess action too is being taken against them then! Yeah. Yet a comedian who makes his dog do a Nazi salute gets dragged to court and fined. It's getting ridiculous to a point where a dog's owner gets dragged to court and fined for his dog doing a Nazi salute. Don't these arseholes have a any sense of humour or even a sense of dismissal??? Utter wankers mate. The Left have zero sense of humour. Why they take themselves so damn seriously...when no-one else does :) Ah but look what happened to one who celebrated loudest Graham Linehan, he of Twitter SJW police fame...a few months on its HE who gets the knock on the door from the UK stasi for Wrong-Speak...on Twitter Police obviously got plenty of time policing social media rather than walking the beat on the streets Shhheeeese!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aye, yo, wth? Just because I thought that \"Columbus Day Joke\" was funny... Gives no license - for all y'all Nazis, to think that we are friendly... FYI: 'dark humor' is not the same damn thing * as you ! Wow, ...commas, periods... thought process... sentence structure... Oh yeah, that fucking bowl on your head, like a the mental ward you're obviously sitting in ... times up for your Free Range time, btw... Didn't name you specifically... Also, I never had contact with your account but, you keep trying... You dont have the moral high ground on lecturing people for their racism unless you unequivocally oppose the glorification of White men who owned slaves. What part about your hypocrisy don't you understand? My family didn't own slaves... Whole argument: mute point. So you unequivocally denounce George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and any other founding fathers who also owned slaves, right? History class today? I'm not doing your homework for you, find your teacher. Hall pass time is up... Hall pass time is up... Translation: \"my work day here at the JIDF is over. Done dealing with the goyim all day. Can't wait to jerk it to Israeli Nazi concentration camp porn\" You are desperate for sex... stop signaling ...no thanks, thirsty ass You are desperate for sex... no thanks, stop signaling, thirsty ass. Normie cuckservatives are just liberals that think they are right wing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Time to bounce in the Bronx. #LetsGoYankees #Walkoff http:\/\/t.co\/W5ATfRsLKK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kikes have 2-3% nigger DNA. We're getting SICK of JOO. We will throw you off for good, bagel nigger. It's on automatic pilot. You are LOSING, nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There should be a test that if you turn into a nigger by having weed, you will be executed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Technically ISIS is a CIA\/US creation so...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A lot of shit is written in the bible, none of it being true. How frequently Yahweh makes promises to people like you only to have them broken \"because you were not faithful enough\" The jew will sell your children into slavery, and sell you to a arab for a nickel, and yet you sit there and say \"bless them\" @Hilloftyr I want what you have, you are so happy. Can you give me some of that? Shit @Hilloftyr I was kidding. I don't want to know anything about the shit crawling in your head. @Hilloftyr Thanks for invalidating white men like so many others. . Now we gotta explain your stupid ass, tell 'em \"oh him, he's just my dog's butt-boy\" @Hilloftyr No, I'm not defending Jews. I don't care about any group of people, I'm not stupid. I was having fun with you. I'm getting a feel for how retarded people are out there these days. You have completed skewed all of my research.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nigga jerry room smell like bad pussy! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Nation of Law and Order: Lib teacher fired for Kill Kav twat Liberal Teacher FIRED after She Tweeted \"So Who's Gonna Take One For the Team and Kill Kavanaugh? https:\/\/truepundit.com\/payback-career-curtains-for-liberal-teacher-who-tweeted-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now keep it going - condemn all those Islamically- Challenged assholes and their faux following of a religion they know bugger all about. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6298749\/Sajid-Javid-slams-grooming-gang-sick-Asian-paedophiles.html As for the twitter twats, shooting the messenger - they're all insane, supporting of filth! Bollox. That was the norm everywhere at that time, the Japs did it in WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wisecrack is corrupt, back when Netflix made Bright they showed their true colors. They tried to argue that Bright was a bad movie, while it was a refreshing new take on SciFi and Fantasy. Star Wars OT still has it's fans, and won't lose them. The new crap, the Disney shit will falter because it does not have the same fandom, the soy becomes to distracted with other empty and meaningless things. Trying to enshrine the Star Wars Brand on the level of a religion is intellectually bankrupt if you ask me. No matter what they are saying. Somebody said something weird sometime, so now they cannot say something reasonable. I think their summary of the events and their analogy to the catholic church works very well. Yes, fandom has a religious element. I have seen a few zealots that will fight anybody opposing the true faith. And things will have to be seen if Disney adopts or if Fans will fork Star Wars with the old Canon and ignore Disney. The only problem is that Disney has the Trademark, which back in the holy wars there was no trademark laws concerning religion. You make me want to check out RLM's critique of The Phantom Menace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that open mouthed soy boy faggot picture...why do the nocs love that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NoHoesNextDoor: \"Tyrone I didn't mean to throw your mixtape in the trash c'mon fam\" http:\/\/t.co\/RWWVzJuUZK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":":(","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ohmyev: it's crazy. if a female cheats, it's so wrong. she's every type of hoe there is but if a guy cheats, there's all these justific ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. Fuck cats? Fuck you for being such a prick at @sockalexis very difficult time of loss. You're the most disgusting attention seeking scumbag I've ever come across in my entire time on gab. I agree Hollian, it take a special kind of retard for that kind of display.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now that is racist of you to say that. OrC's ArE BaD bECaUSe thEY RApE, pILLaGe aNd MURDer.... Orc's are perfectly peaceful, snd it's comments like this that keep them in their stronghold and prevents them from settling comfortably in whiterun with the rest of us. But i really shouldn't expect much from you, you stormcloak cunt. Yes it's a joke. Sadly the article makes it so i have to clarify. Isn't that pathetic? That in 2018 i have to confirm that pretending someone's comment, about a FICTIONAL race, is racist., Where the helk did society go so horribly wrong?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I Do Know That For Us Boomers,We Had On All Are Offical Forms,Four Fuckin Groups(White-Black-Asian-Other)You GenX'ers and Millennials Have 20 Choices,You Drink FooFoo Faggot Sissy Boy Coffees With Fuckin Whipped Cream and Use The Same Bathroom Despite The Children,WOW,We Really Need A Civil War To Thin The Fuckin Herd,Kill The Stupid,Kill It With Fire The Context On Your Page Suggests Your Wannabe,I Care Less About Any Religion,As For Race I Will Kill A 5'4\" 114lbs White Girl Wearing A Che Guerra T-Shirt Just As Easy As A 6'2\"240lbs Nigger And Everyone In Between,Some Real White Worrior Will End Your Coward Anonymous Life,Address Me Showing Your Real Face,Or Fuck Off Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"saw this on Reddit This is such a terrible boomer meme. Merkel is a communist. National Socialism fights communism. Jfc I can't. wtf?! @Booster_Bunny or how about this recently discovered love photo that hitler sent to his boyfriend Rohm ? I know that Rohm retired to south america but his boyfriend Adolf begged him to cum back TFW ur so indoctrinated you absolutely refuse to do any research, you just keep strong opinions on things speculated by jews and your liberal teachers. I remember when I thought I knew everything. Then, I researched ALL forms of gov and found National Socialism isnt Communist Socialism! This is supposed to be an adult! This is a pathetic child in an adults body.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're right on all counts. You're STILL a faggot asshole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I found a new way to chug you have to open your mouth alot\" #shitallysays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jesstoth we could get matching burner phones and be ghetto fab for a few months","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting a gay person in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/04\/bette-midler-women-raped-enslaved-most-disrespected-creatures\/ Whoa, is it just me or does this article tell me that Bette Midler hates niggers? Lmao. Oops. P.S. Hey ginger cunt, don't even compare me to a nigger again. Time to exterminate Hollywood. Midler is a nigger loving jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Compared to [retarded shit like this](https:\/\/blogs.forbes.com\/olliebarder\/files\/2018\/05\/thundercats_roar.jpg), that looks amazing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"btw idc if you agree with me that you're a bunch of stupid faggot pussies. I only care that I believe it. Caring wtf others think is your job, and how you became such a fag to begin with. I'd think as men going your own way would get that. You being a fag and my telling you so IS my way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.weaselzippers.us\/399491-herschel-walker-calls-out-cnn-and-don-lemon-over-racist-kanye-west-criticism\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HALF NIGGER PIG FUCKING GLOBALIST PIECE OF SHIT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that's why he said \"I hope you don't think any less of me\", he clearly let his emotions get the better of him and didn't take the high road. Tough to blame him, but still not the right thing to do. Yeah, but why do people put so much weight on taking the high road? If someone tries to screw you and damage your property why are we expected to pretend like it's not getting to you? Because you get nothing in return. So? We're supposed to suffer in silence and just take abuse? That way we don't give them the satisfaction of knowing it irritates us it seems silly It's not about suffering in silence, it's about recognizing when you can get something back, or when it's just not worth it. The woman screwed the driver out of his fare. He kicked her out in the middle of the night. That's all he could expect. Drive away and cut your losses. Suffering in silence and taking abuse would be if he just drove her all the way. I'm not talking about this specific situation I'm talking about in general... Still applies. The high road doesn't mean you should be a carpet, it just means acting correctly and not stooping down to the level of whoever is being a prick. People value it because it makes crystal clear who's in the wrong. Trying to \"get even\" just makes your position weaker when it matters (when you are seeking redress) or gets you nothing but more trouble (escalating an already shitty situation). It's easy for people to say shit like \"take the high road\" or \"be the better person\" when they're sitting at their keyboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey so how about we fucking remove the spam filters off of notifications and dms so when someone fucking sends me something I don't look like a massive cunt for \"ignoring\" it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A living traitor that made propaganda to the commies criticizing the best @POTUS ever. Another mentally retarded hollywieee! https:\/\/www.lifezette.com\/2018\/10\/jane-fonda-says-its-hard-for-me-to-breathe-in-donald-trumps-america\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yay I get to pull out my list again. Feel free to post this everywhere it's relevant. These are all taken from Government, Academic, or International Human Services. They are up-to-date and totally relevant. **Men working longer hours** https:\/\/www.bls.gov\/opub\/ted\/2015\/time-spent-working-by-full-and-part-time-status-gender-and-location-in- You and your fucking lists and facts. Tired of them so I have given you flair. You are not going to like it. If you ever have any worthy additions to this list please send them to me. Making lists of facts is a hobby of mine and I would love to see this list grow. Will do, this is some great information.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What an amazing, proud day it was today for @NKOTB and #blockheads! Time for bed! Good knight!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The states is also suffering now as well, even more so with retarded socialism and communism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am pretty sure that making people reinforce their stereotype of \"dumb illiterate nigger\" will do just great.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kill these nigger bastards. 2 black lives that don't matter for shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bitterarab: Now that Halloween is fast approaching please understand this. We are a culture, not a costume to mock and ridicule! http:\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ABUSERS ARE NOT JUST MEN. THEY CAN BE WOMEN TOO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a disgusting man and disgusting religion. He admits that muslim buy all their wifes ! .pff...This is why all muslims are poor...islam keeps them stupid !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she needs to lay off the sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What are you, retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd like to hear why that pos did what she did. Given he's a dark skinned guy with a foreign accent? I'm gonna throw my hat on the classic racist \"shame, some women seem to feel when other people find out they fucked a dark skinned person. I really hope that's not actually a thing. Sometimes humanity is so sad. In the video the reporter says that 'the alleged victim never made a report but her roommate gave police his name' I'm not even sure from this news clip why this guy was charged if this girl never filed a report! Edit: You can hear this at 1:30 on the video. (Hope I haven't misheard it)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blunts are so....nigger......lets pretend were gettin high and \"hit blunts\"...try guild extracts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thats RETARDED What wars have Trump Started? NONE He cleaned up NWO Wars ONLY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@stephenharper on new NAFTA deal: \"Obviously the deal creates some difficulty for the [Canadian] government.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_Zp7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KatiePavlich: Charlie Crist doesn't have any more political parties to join, but he could become a spokesman for a fan company.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuckold Cunt married a cougar probably looking for a foursome and the chance to suck More black cock!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fucking legend bro, fuck these fascist cunts and anyone who follows them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cee_Murda94 no it's yellow fin. It's in edgewater","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Washington State (WA) Voting Guide for Dummies for the 2018 General Midterms Elections: Home of Seattle: Vote Trump Alex Jones Kanye West Jim Brown over Michelle Obama Hillary Clinton 2020 https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/voting-for-dummies Your writing? Yes I know, I know, I was having fun with that one. ...*grins shamelessly* Thanks for the \"straight man\" material, it was fun Anthony. Indeed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this is recent, there is a large group of people posing as libtards due to the NPC meme from 4chan. It's a huge internet satire that seems to be working quite effectively. This the meme grows. Now we can't tell what's real anymore. Is it an actual retard or someone pretending...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @arlingtondems: Hey Arlington Democrats! For you early birds, join us @BusboysAndPoets tomorrow. It's the Second Saturday of April. http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">if the NDP had put up a candidate that spoke french ... What kind of retard doesn't run a bilingual rep in Ottawa. >I don't think school trustees really do much It entirely depends on what kind of trustees you have. Because [there's a lot of stuff *technically* under their incredibly broad remit](https:\/\/www.ocdsb.ca\/board), and all it takes is a couple ideologues to fuck everything up. Because \"deliver effective and ***appropriate*** education programs to its pupils\" means they can cut shit out of the curriculum if they find it \"inappropriate\". And this is definitely the kind of person that's going to find a lot of shit inappropriate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did your golden retard deport an ancient 'nazi' to Germany though?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In light of Gab's upcoming downtime, you can find me at my own website. Feel free to stop by and drop some comments. http:\/\/www.occidentaldissent.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @rickygervais: Have a great day, you lovely fellow apes :) http:\/\/t.co\/jZL7filv0q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dark Shadows (2012) PG-13 1h 53min Comedy, Fantasy, Horror #Movie Stars: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Eva Green WATCH FULL MOVIE FREE http:\/\/oakmovies.com\/watch\/dark-shadows\/ WATCH TRAILER https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt1077368\/ An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still depressed over not asking out an asian qt in the numerous times I've been to Sheffield. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zExDivIW4FM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/archive.fo\/UBw3k These women are psychotic. REALLY. this isnt the average cunt that gives a shit what you say. Fuck off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still are a weakling who is ruled over by .... who is that rules you? Purely because you are a weakling. I am a epileptic cripple who shits bigger than you. shits bigger, probably the opiates, good luck with that chinese fentanyl constipation No it has all to do with a being a FULL GROWN MAN that owns my own situation ... naming the jew is for twats that squat to pee. Sorry buddy. Need to wipe? They are HERE PERIOD. DEAL WITH THAT. Till then your DRIVEL about 'tis the Jews' is just the blather weak punks. RIGHT. Truth is NOTHING without POWER you little punk dick sucker. Actually it is JUST TIGHT than that ... your word is for weaklings. It does not matter ... TRUTH is NOT a WEAPON. Hemlock? Careful what you wish for... this isnt even my final form","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stormy Daniels will go down in history as a garbage human. Trump will go down in history as a transformational president of the United States. And that's today's lesson in \"who bitch this is?\". come on, you can air your beefs with Trump, but you can't say with a straight face that he won't be remembered. Whatever else Trump accomplishes, he will go into the history books as a paradigm-shifting larger than life President. What will historians really write about Trump that would be relevant to people born 50 years in the future? Quips and tearing down easily forgettable current political figures such as Warren is only memorable to people currently alive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well said! He thinks he's funny but he's not. He's just another establishment subverter. Did you see how many brainwashed liberals in the audience laughed with him when he was slagging off the whole brexit\/ negotiation thing?! Fucking pathetic they are! I think most of them are young and naive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His therapist is a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a nigg3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @__Bino: Looking at nip rings I can't wait until I can change mine lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh goody, another retard is here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How Long is a chinaman! Do not ask him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really hope this dude kills himself, like now.......... What a fucking soy boy faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"390 days after the Las Vegas shooting we know nothing about the shooter's motivations. Yet people think a casino nigger mailed out fake bombs because he is a magapede. Where is the skepticism?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" yes Hillary, Obama and Jarrett were so \"civil\" the night Stevens was raped, tortured and killed in a prolonged death and three AMERICAN SOLDIERS killed We've never gotten an answer from any of them what happened that night Yes Hillary it STILL matters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK YOU FAGGOT CUCKED BUTCH LESBIAN BITCH ASS MOTHER FUCKERS!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or a faggot like you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How to scare a Democrat... https:\/\/redd.it\/9rmnky You can always tell a republican they're the good looking ones What are you some kind of mudshark?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The redskins just begging to lose this game smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beautiful. This is how we make the world a more equal place for all people. Please repost, spread the word of god. #NSFW ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jackson Cosko: #DEM STAFFER ARRESTED 4 SENATE BURGLARY, DOXXING REPUBLICANS #DEM Operative of #SenFEINSTEIN and #SenJacksonLee BROKE INTO Senate Offices, Stole Files = MAJOR FELONIES! HOW will #DEMS COVER UP this crime? #DEMLawlessness https:\/\/bnonews.com\/site\/index.php\/2018\/10\/jackson-cosko-arrested-for-doxxing-republican-senators\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those initiatives. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have a faggot here? Faggots should never be allowed into Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More people in London voted for brexit than voted this cunt for mayor","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And I get the feeling it's going to be just as retarded as the backlash to Darling In The Franxx was.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck the retarded Poop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"' Don't sleep on ma niggah CHood @CharleyHood ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your entire response was retarded lol You think you can just ignore the fact that you provided an opinion and not a point? You think your comment was witty enough that people won't realize you ignored backing your opinion with sources? lmao aaaaaahhh hahahahahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awww... it's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The right is the violent discriminators\" as the left violently assaults anyone wearing a maga hat. That's totally true. No one has ever worn one without being physically attacked. A good point well made. Smart! The point that I'm making is no one tore the hope shirts and hats off the Obama people No it isn't. What you wrote is still right up there, so you can't just lie about it. You claimed that anyone wearing MAGA gear was being \"violently assaulted\". This is an incredibly fucking stupid claim. Moreover, we are talking about someone removing a second party's hat. Boo-motherfucking-hoo you dramatic crybaby. I know reading comprehension can be difficult for some but if you had the ability to read the rest of the article you would know what im talking about. At least the maga wearer's do so proudly and dont have to hide behind antifa masks. It took you a while to thesaurus out your response to try and aound like an intellectual. I'm surprised you have time to talk shouldnt you be making big Macs? Make a point. I mean or don't make any point. That's fine too. You fucking people are a weight on society.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a British born Muslim who helps Slovakians and other immigrants from that region. My faith has taught me to respect and honour. These are strange times.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would they target Maxine Waters. That stupid nigger is a asset for the republican party","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You just invited more shit. Bad move.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This U.S. Senator is on a mission after they tried to destroy Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/graham-unleashed-ive-never-campaigned-against-a-colleague-in-my-life-thats-about-to-change\/?utm_source=wayneandutm_medium=gab this guy is takin y'all for ride. he's as swamp as swamp gets","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get two birds stoned at one time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know immigrants like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PBSAmerMasters: Happy birthday, Bob Newhart! The comedic legend turns 85 today: http:\/\/t.co\/YOSx2VdAjb #AmericanMasters http:\/\/t.co\/gew ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TEL1967: Darn trash man he beat me to the good stuff again. http:\/\/t.co\/vdDJQ4l0mg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course human rights should not apply to immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Full On Retarded Democrat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was watching new show \"FBI\" the other evening. Not bad but it is the perfect example of current year SJW. \"Strong female lead\" (gag me), and a Muzzie for a partner. They even do fat pride, accidently, I think. See, the lead chick has an oversized rhino ass (and she's not black), the Muzzie guy is over weight too (and literally knock-kneed). Then there was a raid with tactical guys. I swear that nearly all of them had well-tended beer guts! WTF? SWAT and related tactical guys are usually the fittest guys in the bunch but THESE guys were chubbos.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"61% felons! https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/09\/25\/us\/freedom-summer-mississippi-votes.html ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The note on the windscreen is a safety issue? Come on, you can do better than that. I simply disagree with her being charged for this particular incident. I agree she's a reprehensible human being, and a restraining order is needed, but I don't think that yelling at somebody from down the street is \"interference\". If she was throwing cow shit at the paramedics, yes. If she touched anybody, yes. If she threatened anyone physically or otherwise, have at her. But just telling at people just demonstrates that she's a complete cunt and an utter chav ho. Unfortunately, its not illegal to be a classless twat. If she was charged and fined by the police, more had to occur than was reported. Simple speech and a threatless note isn't enough. Maybe she threatened somebody with physical harm in the altercation? If that occurred, than hell yeah, \" uttering threats\" is a crime. But leaving nasty but unthreatening notes isn't.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In case there was any doubt...... why do you women feel the need to let us know that you're bitches? what? like it's some warning label on a piece of candy or some shit. Do you see men posting memes saying we're cheating, lying, drinking assholes? nooooooo .. how about focusing on the POSITIVE next meme....and this was NOT meant to be personal aimed at you. just a general overall complaint. Look in the mirror Len, then let me know ? C u next Tuesday little buddy butt-Hurt Probably because he has not got one..and yearns for one..up his AZZ!!! LOL Yep %","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Ashton5SOS: An itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow pock-a-dot bikini Polk Ashton. Polk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe traffic jams. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @alicia_688: You aint special niglet RT @Vice504fly: When I'm chilling wit Greg ppl walk up to me to ask me to take pics hatin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are Muslims after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taliban and all people with this thought must hanged","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The crusty cunt part of the duo-Clinton incited it. https:\/\/i.4cdn.org\/pol\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: #SpringTraining Daily takes a look at the #Yankees outfield, perhaps the AL s deepest: http:\/\/t.co\/RP3Gz6MDBF (via @Yankeeson ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think most disabled people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is your brain on feminism. >This is your brain on radical feminism. FTFY It's perfectly acceptable to be a feminist in the sense of seeking equality for women, it's not acceptable to take it to extremes. I prefer 'miss information' the clitoris isn't real","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I reported that account. Retard has been posting tranny porn to a list of users but fucked up and posted it under that account which was around a while and had a lot of points. Then 5 more were posting to a list and I reported all those and they were quickly banned. These accounts were also posting threats then reporting them. Faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How much of a kick in the cunt is it when a 14 yr old boy breaks up with you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's unbelievable to me that there are Americans who refused to kill the okies. That means all Americans weak willed trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck this \"refugee quota BULLSHIT .....everyone KNOWS NOW that these fucking MUZZIE INVADERS are NOT Refugees!!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If black or white are different races, why isn't short or tall different races? Why not put everyone with a big head in their own racial category? Because the very idea is fucking stupid! The same as black or white or any other CNNSHIT shit you pull out of your ass! This nigger is the NAXALTiest nigger on all of Gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ben Shapiro is a retarded moron himself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hear Ya Captain, Not only Ugly, But to disguies the Creeps, Is Flat out Retarded @! Ahhh, your Honor, this is the perp - Get the Hell Out @!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny thing is their retarded voters will probably fall for this stunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This particular one seems to have 404'd yEAH I've been fighting this for hours, the more people get on board the sooner they'll be gone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And not a single sand nigger in sight....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its refreshing to see people say what they think lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was finna slit my eyebrows up in the shop but nahhhhhh..........................................","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most d i s a b l e d people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*Glances at paper while coffee brewing.* Ah yes, nothing like a good ol cringe to start off a Monday morning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger the US has killed millions. Stfu reddit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get that up you you raghead bitches ha!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Morons. You're gonna see whatever you want to see to justify your ignorance and your conspiracy theories are all your own, but don't let that stop you from showing the rest of the world how retarded you are on the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Garbage .... Give it a fucking rest idiot. Who ever wrote that book is a LOW IQ TWAT just like the Name the Jew Clowns are LOW IQ buttfuckers whose 'information' comes from JEWS, FAGS and SUBVERSIVES. The Church did more to combat than nazis ever did. FUCKING GOONS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks Professor. A damn shame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No mention of illegals and muzzie refugees spreading it with their filthy habits?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is, and I think that's where it stems from. Maybe it has something to do with Spanish colonizers, or Mexico being next to the southern us, I don't know. But I've been thinking about this for a while now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"During World War Two it would have been better to live in South America than to have been drafted into a war against your brothers for the sake of Jews. I think that time is approaching again. If something doesn't change or emerge I think I will go live in rural South America. You call NAZI's and Imperial Japanese BROTHERS !!! Man are you FUCKED UP !!! Had they properly adopted Democracy in the beginning, like they have now, maybe they would have had an easier go of it. \"Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely throughout history has it been taken as anything else.\" - Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And the cunt will prob be on a bbc talk panel in a few years.....RIP kriss kid....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well she fits right in with the other mentally retarded Muslims","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thousands of people are flooding through Mexico to invade the USA. Did you tell Trump? Did you see the videos today? They're also mailing ballots to Mexicans in Spanish, all over America to get more Democratic votes for the Midterms https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/america-is-being-invaded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @goddesslaney: @lajouetreine if you give that statement any thought at all you will realize it makes no sense. At all. Please, think abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Johan!!! Please stop using that bullshit term \"Asian\" to describe Muslims. We Americans hear Asian and we think Chinaman or Jap, maybe Viet, Thai or Korean. Certainly NOT Muslim. Lose the PC bro'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will people understand that only trans people are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is being a straight white male in the same category as being a slave owner? https:\/\/redd.it\/9mlwbq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude @Sopwith is spamming me thinking he is actually getting to me. All I do is say one thing and bam back to spamming. It's like he doesnt understand how trolling is done. LMAO Oh, is that crying? LOLzy ;) Still with the LOLzy? You can't be an adult. All night long, honey ;) Have fun, monkey. LMFAO Keep dancing monkey!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THE Jew is finally going to receive consequences for continuing to allow Niggers to enter Europe's Shore Europe is our homeland our Race's homeland we should protect it all costs not a Single Nigger should be permitted onto European Soil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey arseface, use man if you mean one man. Do not use plural men otherwise someone's gonna throw down with you. Weirdly, 'I hate man' just turns the thing toward general misanthropy. Just target what you actually don't like. 'I hate rapists.' Now, everyone will call you retarded for stating the blatantly obvious, but, really, that's about the intellectual level of the sentiment to begin with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hay, They are just doing what the boomers taught them to do. Blame the parents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Graham: If Saudi Arabia Killed Jamal Khashoggi, It Will 'Destroy' Relationship With US https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tRbF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every nigger plays this game at 1 time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's an asshole too, as well as that \" nigger wannabe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Longest reigning British monarch being represented by a nigger ho wearing beach dress with a slit up to her knickers How utterly disgusting Comic note - MegNog 'cradling' her non existing baby bump Even for really pregnant woman, touching belly is a very undignified and low class gesture, akin to breastfeeding mother touching her breast #Windsordashians","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Name the jew you pussy A Daily Stormer nigger and a burgermutt married to a kikess. Why the fuck would I listen to them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SchulzGrayson @Dswizzle3 oh woulda coulda shoulda ass niggas bitch ass nigga, what u bout oh ban wagging ass nigga catch your phase","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"U ShOuLd FoRgIvE PeOpLe!! Os what moral high ground retards like to spout whenever stuff like this happens. Forgiveness is for pussies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no space on this planet for any woman like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody shoot this communist leftist male feminist, faggot already ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll torture these immigrants without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same here. *high fives* Fuck fuckity fuck fuck. Its such a great word. I used it daily except when the grandson is around then I use Shit... My daughters got a problem with the kid using the word Shit a lot now The absolute state of libertarianism I'm always happy when I'm fucking or I wouldn't do it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Paganism is all about unity: Unity in #White #EuropeanIdentity. #Christianity is all about the global #Christian brotherhood of man, irrespective of race or species (yes, the #Negro is a different species according to #Darwin, as well as modern #Science). SOURCE OF IMAGE: https:\/\/www.nature.com\/articles\/nature11128 #Biology #Evolution #DNA #Christianity seems to be doing a fucking good job at keeping the #Muslim and #Nigger hordes at bay. :rolleyes: Without #Christian charitability and a false (((#Communist))) idea of a brotherhood of man (with #Niggers wrongly categorized as human) all of us #White #Europeans would live in our 100% White ethnostates with closed and heavily guarded borders. lol FAGS! He's a wop too, I would have figured that you two would have more in common. Budriss isn't Italian. He calls me a pasta nigger at least once a day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"those whites who do human trafficking will get the rope.... try and tell a nigger he will get the rope for it and CRIES OF RACISM https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=tp9Sob1vAbk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @BixxhMakeMeRich: If u ask me, every bitch gay or \"bi\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh no that guy liberalist gee called me a triggered faggot snowflake! Once again not a single counter to the idea that you are *not* liberal and *not* a woman. Mr. Gee you have no rhetorical skills, says me the triggered, gay, faggot snowflake.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you desperately don't want anyone to notice you're a nigger for some reason, you want everyone to forget that you are a nigger This but niggers and Jewish cartoons When you're on the confirmed nigger database","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That disabled person will die a horrible deth at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bye, Bye Charlie Strong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many niggers in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking evil cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Id prefer death for them, it's not like these retarded chimps would make any good use out of the land anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> They've taken NIMBYism to the nth degree. Yeah pretty much. These are the same sort of twats who become members of HOAs and insist that grass must be X high at all times and that only certain types of cars are allowed in their neighborhoods. They're pretty dictators.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people bitches. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When u two getting married? Kid in mind?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of immigrants ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hilly and Billy Nigger Face at a party","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yen cast is ridiculous. A mature looking, seductive, confidence inspiring... And they took this innocent looking child. That description from the Witcher Wiki: > Her eyes were cold and sparkling with a remarkable violet penetrating gaze, in anger blazing with livid, blue-gray fire. Those very eyes also concealed wisdom and imperiousness. Yea, I just don't see it in this actress. It's just a very poor casting choice for Yennefer. Won't even bother commenting on the retarded cast of Fringilla. It's insulting for both the audience and especially for the forced diversity hire in a desperate attempt to virtue signal how \"progressive\" they are by race swapping and shoving some token black chick. The rest of the cast are as generic, boring and bland as they can be. Don't really think that Henry Cavill could carry the show on his own. And let's be honest, he might be charismatic and one of the most handsome men alive, but his acting abilities are somewhere between that of a cucumber and a chair. Seriously disappointed with the cast. I might be wrong, who knows, they may turn out to be the next Game of Thrones (the first 3 seasons) out of nowhere and the costume and make up department may be able to pull it off. I just don't have much faith in Netflix considering the absurd amount of garbage they are spewing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This retard took an oath to defend and uphold the constitution, doesn't even know what it says.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Texas man gets 24 years in prison for burning down mosque https:\/\/www.rt.com\/newsline\/441562-texas-mosque-arson-sentenced\/ Perez is a Separdic Jewish name.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does she not realize the president is also a rapist?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common black trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta discourage a race war, mang... Bribe the judge, and anyone involved... the punishment for race war acts must be severe.. But when black serial killers go in the run... when white trash moms kill their own white kids... or when retards do any other shit, that's just a few decades in prison, or probation. Pretty sure you might be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are without a doubt the stupidestpeople on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RFIDbollocks It's finally dawning on you that there is zero chance of me ever being in the dock. There is actually less than zero chance. But there is EVERY CHANCE that you will be. The spasticated jew will squeal on you, I can virtually guarantee that now, anger and frustration (hallmarks of Mark Lewis since the Holy Spirit visited him and took away his mind) will ensure you get wrapped up and presented as a gift to the justice system. Your jew is gonna do for you. Mark Lewis will turn into \"Mr. Squeals-on-Wheels once the cops get a hold of him, cops hate smart-arse smarmy lawyers anyway and to have one under the spotlight will be a delicious treat for them. He's going to fucking ruin you. I'm going to really enjoy that. Dream on, fuckwit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Total bullshit. Blah. Wrong. Hilarious bullshit. Bullshit fantasy. Massively wrong. Nope. Lol. You've been proven to be a pathological liar. You will doom yourself because of this. Reality is gonna make you shake and cry with rage. no reason why the abovementioned should have been punished for words there;s a number of reasons for that Oh Jeez look who just cited anonymity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im a worm-kin can confirm i was so happy converting excriment to fertilizer around that chicken coop in my past life, then some chicken faggot came and ate me i have memories of being born a worm larvea. So happy this fuck got eaten for dinner in their past life! I will forever eat meat just remember guys that child in the trolly at walmart could have been a worm in a past life being eaten by chickens. So eat meat and get back at the little bastards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus was a sand nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RIPvuhsace: I hate taking a shit at public places bc i feel like a faggot when im placing the toilet paper on the toilet seat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We whites have higher IQ's than blacks, this is because IQ measures intelligence and we are the more evolved and superior race with a larger brain. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I truly hate this globalist cunt Nikki Haley, even more than Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry Michael J. Fox and Kevin Bacon, but fuck you both. Susan Sarandon is a moronic cunt as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RobertBudriss - Why, thank you! That deserves not only a round of applause but a nice, wet smooch. Pucker up buddy boy.... YEAH @RobertBudriss -- Hmmm, that sure looks a bit like Mr. Stephen McNallen. Are you trying to tell us something??? Last but definitely not least, the only \"dick\" I like being fucked with is a girl with a strap-on. And I suspect so do you but you wouldn't dare admit it. @RobertBudriss -- Gee, I'm touched - right on down to my bowels! That's already two reposts (apologies if I haven't returned the favor) and I'm wondering what it will take for a trifecta? oh you will see LOL @RobertBudriss -- Tell you what I'm going to do ol' chum before I vamoose. I'll ease up a bit on the throttle and go with something you and your Neopagan cronies might find delightful. A little old school tune to brighten...errr, darken one's day. ;-) \"Inner Sanctum\" ~ Memorandum https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gDbBON9kgDI go away @RobertBudriss -- I'm hoping this will be the one that will give me the much-needed trifecta. Arrivederci darling! :O \"Shut The Fuck Up\" ~ Sisters Of Mercy https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2UIgoLr97pQ @RobertBudriss -- Please please PLEASE let this be the one!!! Okay, it seems GIF's, an \"old school\" darkambient and tribal tune and the Sisters Of Mercy didn't score me a well-deserved hat trick. I think I know the one that will put me over the top. Hit it grrrrrrls..... \"Philosophy of The World\" (full album) ~ The Shaggs https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jQqK1CjE9bAandt=471s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A man who was at the scene of a shooting at a Kentucky Kroger store said that moments after the alleged gunman killed two black victims, he told the white bystander that \"whites don't kill whites, according to a report by NBC affiliate @wave3news. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tkNN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this that casino nigger ken younous?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fill the cunt and get the gun","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you wonder why i used the word nigger in this context, to invoke the emotional hatred the left has for free black people and its not just free black people, they hate anyone that is free, why you think they hate free speech so much? cause their \"theories\" dont support their \"facts\" so they have to silence people like me in hopes of winning the debate, but i have a voice that is louder than my keyboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Skin tone? What about intellect, integrity, truthfulness? What about being another leftist Cunt looking to rule the world because the Queen Is Dead? Kamala translated in Swahili means looming death.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> We recently saw a very high profile example of a woman lying about sexual assault for political reasons. > > Or at the very least, she made a completely unverifiable accusation which she never reported to the police, and hundreds of thousands of people believed her. If not millions. Oh, and she made most of a million off of her Gofundme before they stopped disclosing. Actually I was thinking of the one who has **admitted** that she lied. I don't find the one you are referring to any more credible than the woman who has come clean about her lies, but we can't prove she was lying. But as you noted, we've seen that Miss Vocal Fry has received a great deal for her unfounded and unverified accusations. A **lot** of money. Hero worship by the regressives. NPCs who cheerfully bleated \"but women don't profit from false accusations!\" while precisely that was happening. Statistically, the ones yelling loudest were probably the ones 'donating'. Just saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lulz Oh no! Marty is stuck in purgatory, it seems. I love how retarded you made Torba sound. Good job!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @drhoagie: .@1Dittlinger Jay; I think once someone has Alzheimer's, suffers from alcoholism and is mildly retarded, people shouldn't mak ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They were at a Starbucks https:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/news\/us-news\/georgia-woman-calls-police-black-man-babysitting-2-white-kids-n918476","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just gotta be the hottest bitch wherever I go. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wonder if they ever look at themselves and realize how fucking retarded they look.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate anytime a woman is spared jail because of her sex, but especially cases like this. It's more or less what happened with my own mother, who had me when she was 35 and my dad was","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason your so fucking retared its not even funny bitch im going to sleep u","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can color me retarded, now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] i really wanted to call a woman a cuck for ONCE and you all RUINED it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No retard, Ethiopians are not Hebrew. Ishmaelites are 1\/2 semetic through Abraham. Ethiopians are not descendant of Ishmael. Muslims used to castrate blacks. Jews are 0% semetic, they are Khazarian huns who converted to the Talmud in 740AD. No retard northern Africa is semitic because of its relation the arabs. Again sub saharan Africans arent the same as northern Africans. YOU CAN LOOK THIS UP YOURSELF. LMFAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, yay... A commie twat on here is trying to tell me what to say now. How about they go fuck themselves instead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf he was arrested? How is this ppd? More like pussypassgranted. She clearly assaulted him first. nah if you watch it again she is turned away and walking off moving her hand in a dismissive motion which made accidental contact, his punch is not justifiable. if she had struck him when she was squaring up he would be absolutely justified.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"####, it don't mater how you look at it' ###SHORTARSE COMMUNIST CUNT THE UNION THUG IS SIMPLY UN-ELECTABLE, IF YOU LOVE THIS NATION , SIMPLE AND PURE, IT NO ROCKET SCIENCE JUST COMMON CENSE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you are absolute heroes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like all fucking stupid cunt Moslems you make no sense at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger attacks kike.. #VOATquotes https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6286577\/Teen-arrested-beating-Orthodox-Jewish-man-tree-branch-Brooklyn.html Jews are bad,,, but their zealot are fucking maniacs...worse than the muslims","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am not even a fan of the Beetlejuice nigger but this whole thing pisses on the grave of a true dindu nuffins by suggesting he was a 'Somali' criminal and not just some handicapped American smoke who did cartwheels for Howard Stern Clickbait like this makes the right wing look like retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"as a euro, i think americans use the term liberterian for what we euros call liberal. which would mean that american use of the term liberal in our political spectrum would refer to something like our green party, who are just a bunch of virtue signaling rightwinged cunts. (i use the term rightwinged correctly here, not with the usual implication of muh nazis)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Praise thy lord for this season of beanies that is upon us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"<< Give her a few days a week but don't rip the child from his father Hell nah, bitch has been to prison. Don't deserve to have any kind of regularly scheduled interactions with her kid. I don't think k she shouldn't be able to see her kid at all. It really depends on what someone was sentenced for. If it was a \"minor\" crime then yeah she should be able to **see** her kid on nice a week, see as in come to the dad's house and talk. No way in hell should she be able to have the kid at her place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@xtruthseekerx_ blaxican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @joselopez222: Aurora is more ghetto then the bellos ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These names sound like your \"porn name we had in jr high. Taking your middle name and the street you grew up on, ex: Thomas Sunset","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf? Dee Snider does it better. This is just a second rate knock-off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1029502\/Brexit-news-Jacon-Rees-Mogg-Nicola-Sturgeon-Scotland-independence-second-referendum-latest when is the tartan tranny cunt kranky going to fuck off and die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women shouldn't just be going around having sex with just anyone, nigger or non-nigger. This poll is stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Nazis lost. They are LOSERS. The damn Nazis are the enemy. You Nazis are as bad as the demonrats since you are BOTH anti-Trump and socialists! :roll: Well, the US (we) also had to fight Japan and you Nazis had Italy's help... Look Nazi, if you don't want to be a debt slave you will need to create a separate country or defeat the debt-based slavery system but you Nazis are impotent losers and therefore too weak to do any of that. :roll: Lol, ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's \"if you kill your enemies they win\" season again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Found the retard Nah boy ask yo bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah your definitely just playing verbal semantics to whitewash reality. I'm just gonna copy paste my response to another, more reasonable responder and stop expending effort on you, >But that is the entire core of my problem with bill c","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's the difference between Twitter and Gab? Surprisingly not much. Both sites have fags that want to censor people for something they don't like. On Twitter it could be anything. On Gab it's fucking pictures. For sites that proclaim to be \"Free Speech\" advocates they both have a funny way of showing it. I know a majority of users who were on Minds have seen\/heard this song and dance before, but it bares repeating. Lolicon\/Shotacon in the United States is not illegal and it's not viewed as \"obscene\". At least under the legal definition of the word. So once again I have to link this court case, United States v. Handley 2008, just to prove this point. So here is the WIkipedia Article that summarizes what the case was about and the ultimate decision from that case and the case itself: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/United_States_v._Handley https:\/\/caselaw.findlaw.com\/us-10th-circuit\/ oh, oh, oh the faggot is all over this @MorphBox oh oh oh btw, queer go do the world a favor a go hang yourself......JEW we arent going anywhere WE are here to stay so peddle your faggot ass elsewhere...OOOH btw go near OUR children WE will reply with an answer you lot won't like...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmaoo we was sayin this same statement last year RT @DeeSwaggyJay93 Boozer is trash bro I'm done!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cant trust niggas when it come to bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad Scott is suing them...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"throw some hand grenades at this faggot assholes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is omnisexual People who can be attracted to anyone regardless of gender. Essentially the same thing as pansexuality. Uh, no. That's absolutely *not* what it means. Oof. That is all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You misunderstand, Jon. Yahweh is a clueless twat who, if you absorb the biblical account, had about as much sense as a couple of epileptics sharing a bowl of noodles in the dark. Fuck you and your Bronze-age mythology. Grow the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mark my words, many will take her serious. There will be more attacks now thanks to her and NIGGER ERIC HOLDER. Us Conservatives will faggot out and not return the violence as usual. Something must happen to this woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A creepy purvy intellectual retard made a video discrediting the First Lady. Waiting for the feminists to step in. Any time now. #MAGA #FLOTUS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's ironic is these same retards screeching about \"muh Russia\" had no problem with the USSR","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and because the retarded so-called libertarian NEVER TRUMP party opposed EVERY SINGLE republican candidate in Texas thus dilutiing votes for Cruz. I was a supporter of libertarians UNTIL I saw this on the ballot. They are libtards and aligned with demoncrats. DONE!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This fuzzy wuzzy kitten wants to know how a raven is like a writing desk. Find out why here http:\/\/t.co\/GI9On86iGV http:\/\/t.co\/HlKDTSgKwU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"De Niro nigger lover pc liberal is a shame to all Italian-Americans! a disgrace!! INFAMIA!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thiswhore. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like the FBI decided to frame a retarded Magapede.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shoutout to all the Irish people who's families were enslaved, came to the US and Australia for a better life, worked in factories and on farms then got called \"privileged and blamed for slavery by beta male, soy drinking hypocrites and depressed feminists. - Blair #Cottrell #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia damn white British bastards!! LOL Still better than being a Southern Slav under Ottoman occupation. Being considered less than dirt and all. When you say British, think Jew. The so-called British Empire was always a Jewish Empire. And the Jews were always the main traffickers of slaves, white, black, yellow, whatever. That our borders are open to the brits and we have given up our claim on the island for their benefit and that we nationalised british bank debt is more stupid than anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Norwegian Forest Cat chases down a fox nearly his size in this picture. The fox actually looks worried that he's the prey. #Cats That is a domestic cat. 'Norwegian Forest Cats' are nothing more than feral creatures. (And they're a plague on the natural habitat. Strap a collar with a bell on it around their necks.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tucker tonight really shows the Jewish war on whites. (((Christine Fair))) outright calls for mass murder of white non-jewish men and Twitter will never ban this subhuman vermin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @RudeNation21: When girls take my snap backs and beanies lol that's 35 dollars a hat and 40 for the AX beanieS I don't let them take it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REKT: Don Lemon recently used the word \"gravitas\". He sounded so grown-up for a split second.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"April Ryan Says US Not Safe' For Journalists This nigger is right. She and her friends are not journalists though. America is NOT safe for REAL journalists. Just like how Facefuck is deleting all REAL news sites. These propagandists like April Ryan need to be deported to the bottom of the ocean. It should not be safe to constantly LIE to the public. These propagandists should be hung for treason. #sendallpropagandiststothebottomoftheocean #redwave #aprilryanisnotajournalist #thenooseforfakenews https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/21\/april-ryan-jamal-khashoggi-politicon\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahhhhh sweet sweet nigger behavior. But they are ppl too. Fuck any white person that sides or sticks up from these evolutionary throwbacks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@allsportsbruh how? All of the QBs we had before this season were trash. They brought in a veteran so they could have someone to play","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another common fag. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Smart good looking couple needs to find Jesus Christ I pray they do! There's a Hindu gentleman, a true gentleman, at the night-shift checkout in my neighborhood grocery story. Open about his faith but does not push. Remarkable ability to say the right thing. He warms more souls and heals more hearts with his gentle words than any human being I know. I'm a Christian but who am I to judge?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gregorious13 I don't understand it, there's trash cans\/dumpsters everywhere and if there's not, just wait till you go somewhere with one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You t r a n s people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. People like you are kind of a cunt. The dude has maybe been acting AG for a day? Barely? And him and the DHS already are targeting asylum seekers. Within his first day. Impatient fucks here, damn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So Obsidian is no more, just an empty husk, a shell of it's former glory, hollowed out by the despicable M$, we shall mourn it's passing in silence and not buy any crap from M$.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay. NOW is actually a good time for me to hop off of here for a bit. I literally \"can't even\" with the tsunami of denial, distancing, and false flaggotry coming our way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MadJewessWoman @TukkRivers @Shepherd @ROCKintheUSSA I'm gonna take a broad brush, just as the anti-Semite freaques here do towards Jews,and paint a picture that these anti-Semite gabbers are ALL potential murderers https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/robert-bowers-pittsburgh-shooting-suspect-anti-semitic-posts-social-media-gab\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"But I don't want penis on penis action\" is backwards reasoning? Jokes aside, it has somewhat of a point, if it is just about what you feel regarding aesthetic appeal - if I find some girl hot and then find out she is trans, I would probably still feel she is hot, it is being objective, but I'd not want to take it further. If it is about \"you stop wanting to go all the way\" kinda attraction shaming, then, no, bad post. Yeah, I'd only go half-shaft-into-ass. Otherwise it's pretty gay. Plus you get less dick-shit that way. Ask me about how I know. CHALLENGE DECLINED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WitnessLaron: So this ape can get a MCM but I can't unbelievable... http:\/\/t.co\/TsmstRxQX7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time I hear about a little Chinese bastard jumping off the roof of the iphone building, I do my own little private \"End Zone\" dance. Every time i see an ignorant little cunt with multicolored hair i think...what an ignorant little cunt, i bet she is a libtard. Then i shake my head and laugh in your little cunt face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Political Correctness has turned the classic old TV Sci Fi favourite Dr Who into Dr Whatever ... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6324799\/Doctor-sparks-fan-backlash-Time-Lord-branded-TVs-politically-correct-show.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Educated niggers with 90 IQs are the dumbest niggers cuz they think they're super smart (compared to the 80 IQ niggers who cant even read) https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=kJMfQ_1540003272 I wouldn't have a nigger slave.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals are now twisted into pretzels, and too retarded to see that they have done the twisting. Frankly, I doubt the Trump people wanted to get involved in this shit at all. What they're doing is preventing the courts from being clogged by ridiculous and pointless shit fights between feminists and trannies. The whole point of title IX is (or at leas WAS) to prevent discrimination against women. But that can't work if there's no such thing as a biological woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people shemale. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah, you're clearly a faggot antifa punk. No one is buying your bullshit bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We would be better off if those Muslims were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a rapefugee to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No it isn't. It's because niggers and spics sell their kids into sex slavery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Date women in church.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Parr! Mountain top music Fest http:\/\/t.co\/bG3UWdPZnn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's why Trump was elected. Biden played second fiddle to a half-wit half nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really sad. These white kids that did the same thing while screeching 'nigger' and all kinds of other epithets at a disabled kid didn't get any time at all, let alone slapped with a hate crime: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WiIqm5r4G6gb Isn't it sad? What's sad is how you're attempting to take blame away from criminals while engaging with redditards. Two wrongs don't make a right. And those who engage with redditards are well...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What your posts about owning excessive guns say about you: #MoronLabe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You look kinda dead inside, you parents must not haved loved you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a dumb, tone deaf joke, though, because it represents exactly the perceived attitudes of many people in her tribe. The \"I was only pretending to be retarded\" meme comes to mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every Day, i discover more corruption in the Church(sex abuse, heresy,,money fraud,....).Pope Francis reign loke more like a gay mafia mob than the Church of Christ . I can't accept this.So i won't give any annual money to my Church informing them why ,i will continu to call out this corrption , i will pray and will join march againt these people. The Church in Rome is a giant walled dome of whatever. If a sinkhole swallowed it right now none of us would give a single F. one of the stupidest answer i have found on Gab.....Are you a catholic?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ruth Marcus is a cunt and an unhinged leftist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Amy Schumer proceeds to talk about her aids written, misshapen cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All you muzzy lovers need to do one thing. Tell muzzies in the mideast to leave Israel alone. Don't start no shit won't be no shit. #Israel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This. Good. #pricklypear #shiner http:\/\/t.co\/clfJKT4IZ4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are specific categories of white youth that are alienated by the system. Certainly this cohort will grow over time. The problem is that by the time this sense of alienation is fully manifested we may not have the numbers to effect the necessary change. Even if balkanization happens and we concentrate into a specific area where we are sovereign, the enemy will still have its bolthole in the middle east and the enemy will surround us with hostile forces. We need a sense of urgency, and we've got to ditch Trump who has turned out to be the Great Deceiver. Hey @cashmoneyglock who would you replace Trump with? @MikeinDFW It's a sad tribute to the failure of the Trump administration that I think that Jeb! would be fairer to us. You should have picked Hillary @cashmoneyglock , I'd respect you for being a zealot. Endorsing Jeb ... you've surrendered all claims to intelligence. Lol. I'm not really picking Jeb. What I am saying is that it couldn't be worse under Jeb. Probably. The tax cuts were Paul Ryan's \"Better Way\" initiative. Look it up. As for NK\/SK, that was the initiative of the South Korean president. Sorry @cashmoneyglock , you're not willing to give Trump any credit, so you've become a leftist joker. Paul Ryan? Pfffft, he and Jeb are birds of a feather and Hillary is their queen. I can only hope that Ryan has a cell near 0bama so that they can plot their escape together. And each one will stab the other in the groin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's your problem - which words offend you ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Figure all da ofay like to see my family pitcher http:\/\/t.co\/5WXgKbCM29","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If properly executed, a chokehold can disable someone almost immediately. She looked like she had a pretty firm hold, especially if he went down in less than 10 seconds. 10\/10 execution 0\/10 ability to read the room There wasn't anything proper about the execution bud, she could barely get her forearms around the dudes neck, let alone her elbow under his chin which is the proper execution of a rear naked choke. The bouncer was more than capable of shaking her off, but instead he just stood there and let her hang off of his neck from behind....essentially choking himself out. Dunno if he was too drunk, or was showing a level of IDGAF due to whatever history they may share, or just a complete idiot. In either case, the attacker's movements make it clear shes not trained to choke people out and caught a lucky move on a dopey bouncer. Take a deep breath buddy, you're going to be okay - I only responded to one of your posts and shared contrasting insight. 0\/10 execution and 0\/10 ability to read the room","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a trans person on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK YOU NIGGER!!!!! WELL YOU PET GORILLA OF THE JEW, ONCE WE MOP OFF THE HEBES YOUR WORTHLESS, NO IQ NIGGER ASSES ARE NEXT!!!! GO KNUCKLE DRAG OFF TO...WAKANDA AND GO RAPE A SHE-BOON FUCKING NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Jadeveon Clowney tops @MelKiperESPN's latest mock Draft. \"He's a once every 15 to 20 year guy.\" http:\/\/t.co\/f9nzpbbvrP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why is this stupid old loser cunt talking like it means anything at all? UNELECTED POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AlwaysActions: Why are you rioting ? ? \"Rich people not giving us money \" https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1046965910400061445","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.abgeordneten-check.de\/kampagnen\/kein-beitritt-der-tuerkei-in-die-eu\/startseite\/aktion\/393887Z24316\/nc\/1\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> You white piece of fucking trash! A real lady. She's retarded but hot as fuck imho. Would hit and run tho.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wearing pajamas tonight 4 da gook UDigg Grey day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't have to tell me you're addicted to fake news. Watch out for that muzzie underneath your bed. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lawyers' lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why hasn't that Indian cnt gone missing , if that was my old man that nigger would be in a Box now !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey @DreamShakeSBN fans. If anyone is wondering what the yellow tab on the back of the collar for - it's for teams that have won a champion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@XANAXDREAMS about the beanies but steal my description but u aren't salty or fake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT PrisonPlanet Out of touch multimillionaire elitist celebrity shills for giant globalist bureaucracy. Remember when rock and roll was anti-establishment? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/parties-that-criticise-mass-migration-originate-satan\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2nd time seeing this, still confused about what it is or was. Maybe it's mother is proud not sure of what but parents love their demonic retarded offspring. What does it do for a living bat mitvahs? Scare your daughter with this as an example?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reminder: Paul Romer was one of the few people Mencius Moldbug was willing to call a faggot openly: https:\/\/twitter.com\/J_Lovering\/status\/1049283173866192896 https:\/\/www.unqualified-reservations.org\/2009\/08\/from-cromer-to-romer-and-back-again\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How dare they disrespect this intellectual giant Dude, don't be racist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That dude from Chicago w\/ the fuzzy mustache and bangs, Johnny Love, he's whack. #memoriesofidots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of trans people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Michael_Heaver: I cannot believe @marksandspencer are selling hijabs for very young children. They say the large size could fit a 6 year old. Absolutely disgusting. @MaajidNawaz @ConfessionsExMu https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/9wG8 Careful! They'll be calling you a muzzie lover next. You should have heard them at me the other day over the Costa bacon roll radio ad getting pulled ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> TL;DR: Stick to 2D, and you won't have any legal issues. In the absolute worst case you'll be hit with an obscenity charge, but even if you are, you can contact the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and they will defend you for free. This isn't a very sane analysis of those cases. Nothing you've posted doesn't prove it's not illegal. It [clearly is](https:\/\/www.supremecourt.gov\/opinions\/07pdf\/06-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think most gay people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do these stupid people go to 3rd world shitholes for vacation while pregnant? https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/19\/vacation-from-hell-ends-with-babys-death-and-20k-medical-bill\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's putting it nicely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] People forget that Discord killed Skype almost overnight, and Skype was almost a central core of the culture at its time. If Discord fucks up, it won't be long before someone does it to them because the market for it is *that* demanding. And Skype largely killed Vent which mostly replaced Teamspeak (I might have those two backwards). Turns out gamers just want a chat platform that works with minimal hassle and such things aren't all that hard to implement. If discord gets into the social engineering game it'll be dead pretty much instantly. This is a bit of an out of the loop but what happened to Asmongold? He had a fairly useful YouTube site that kinda just shut down one day. What happened? No clue, i kinda stopped following him after he threw a shitfit and banned certain emotes in his chat, i know he had the person doing highlights but other than that... dunno","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's the faggot . . . https:\/\/bnonews.com\/site\/index.php\/2018\/10\/jackson-cosko-arrested-for-doxxing-republican-senators\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Punk ass broke faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this how you treat shareholders, @Tesla? I said @ElonMusk's plans to colonize Mars were stupid since there are plenty of problems here on earth he could help solve with his resources, and he got triggered and blocked me! https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/6lby0n.jpg Earth is always going to have plenty of problems. Colonization has always led to advancements in society, though. So, colonizing the Moon and Mars will help us in the long run. I'm sure some dumbshit tried this on Columbus, too. An argument is still true regardless of who makes them. Arguments are still arguments even if you don't like the people making them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I could. xD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL you're a legend in your own mind aren't ya David Unlike you, I actually have a functioning mind! Since your head is up your ass you haven't had oxygen for a long time! you have the intellect of a cockroach","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sending so much love to all my bad bitches out there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the commie dyke lookin bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking retards. They are anti-senate because they dont want montana and Wyoming to have equal number of senators as CA and NY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christarinsanity has a eunuch problem.Christarinsanity turns White men in to the field nigger of the Jew. Suck that jew dick, Christard! Suck is hard, and swallow!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no...100% cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She looks terrible a typical dyke marxists which she is. That all the country needs a sodomite\/lesbo leader. Not to mention her hatred of christianity stop wadting your votes she has no chance of election but will split votes from UKIP putting lab\/con back in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is this a PPD?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate that wee boy wae the squinty eyes in the game of thrones. #Suchaprick #hopehegetskilled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical. Just a free vacation for this worthless soulless cunt until things blow over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is why men are celebrated in every culture except ones that have been taken over by retarded liberals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That article has a pretty reasoned take and some referenced case law but if you want to be a cunt and argue against free speech then go ahead and try to prove that a loli is underage Pro tip: you can't. That's why sites like 4chan have entire boards of it. Dumbass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CharlesBWaffle oh i am.. She cool though, might off her a brownie lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's actually great news to hear.. I wonder how the G are taking it? lol This is the second bit of great news in a short time.. After getting rid of Boyle. if anyone wants to know just how lucky we were: >Boyle had previously suggested the film **would help the franchise evolve in the #MeToo and Time's Up era** although a Bond who doesn't seduce beautiful women will never be permitted. > You write in real time,' he said. You acknowledge the legacy of the world of Bond and you write in the world **but you also write in the modern world as well.**' Bullet dodged! . >Bond fans believe Boyle's plot involved having 007 either imprisoned for most of the movie or appearing to die during it. As ever with things Bond, rumour abounds. Gee that sounds like at least a very good way to get around the still being able to \"seduce beautiful women\" thing.. If not setup a new","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those immigrants won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This isn't pussy pass denied, bro! I'd have to concur that it doesn't fit a pussypassdenied more like cuntybitchownedwithlogic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the usual bots already on that tweet..palmer retard report and those other two retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's going to cost him a fortune for all the bullshit that spews out of his faggot mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ripienaar: Fox News presenters mock female pilot who took part in campaign against Isis #wtf http:\/\/t.co\/MLKY9ZSen2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't have anything against Muslims but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't listen to this fucking retard please","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If there are no witnesses, and you can get away with it, run over or shoot every antifa faggot you can!! It WILL make you feel good killing off a terrorist!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be nice if GAB did #3, but I expect #2 before the end of the month. Torba damn sure isn't interested in defending free speech and fighting censorship to the point of putting his website or himself on the line. That's what the ACLU and CBLDF does, not GAB. Pussies. So what will happen first? Will GAB...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Steven_ratata: @savanigga @CheersToKellin sav you are so nicee love you too twat! :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, so since I'm from the south I automatically sound like a fucking redneck. Hahahaha how about fuck you, stupid ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@haylebopp last year i had to explain why \"queer theory\" is the acceptable academic term","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soon we will see Sathy Struthers on television at 3am telling me for only 50-cents a day I can feed, house, cloth, and educate some impoverished nigger baby in Sweden","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You don't gotta be a cunt about it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BoutCrazed: The best way to make a hillbilly do something is to tell him he can't do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Female lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#KeithEllison's Ties to the #MuslimBrotherhood Report https:\/\/www.newswars.com\/keith-ellisons-ties-to-the-muslim-brotherhood-report pulling mower backwards over feet, some might see a flicker of light wearing thongs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Horseface' Trends on Twitter for First Time Following Trump's Tweet https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/horseface-trends-on-twitter-for-first-time-following-trumps-tweet\/ Stormy Cavern Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you not have a gun in your house? If not I would get one, next time they may get in. This bunch of retards are likely to do anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@1Corinthians126 #BlessJesus Yes,#Felt..and touched the soles of the humanity with stains and impressions that only leaves its reflections.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of rapefugees. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, c'mon. I'm sure is Q-rable Unparodieable. cons so thurstee Well, ja, those chicken carbonara sandwiches are purty good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White chocolate and raspberry :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_spenceyy @5SOS not scanger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop trying so hard to troll, faggot. It makes you look stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another muzzie incest slut.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh no.... it's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow! Talk about Full Retard Mode!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are fantastic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sen Murkowski= RINO CUNT #VoteHerOut","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump should allow him to be the official White House foot stool. How about an organ grinder's monkey for the tourists in front of the White House. Or is that insulting to organ monkeys? OBEY Kiss the muthfuckin ring bitch.... There's no need to convince cucks of anything. Just win, and they submit. ew, disgusting I keep hearing people complain that Trump isn't \/ourguy\/ and he hasn't done enough to fill his promises re: the Wall. Both those statements are definitely true. What he has done for us is send the Left into a frothing rage that redpills more people every day. He has also trolled the MSM into losing what few shards of credibility it had left. Neither of those things would have happened under an HRC presidency. More and more people getting red pills mixed up in their blue pills. Now that's a Big-Pharma epidemic we can ALL get behind. He wants back in on the Grift. John McCain dies and the dam fucking breaks. Did he have mind control powers or were McCain's balls the only source of testosterone among them? Do they need a new alpha male to follow? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a racist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I try and sit down and watch something and sure enough niggers, more niggers and even more niggers. I try and change the channel and bamm more niggers. It is truly disgusting how they portray these beasts as being our equal. And the ones that shows the niggers being smart with new houses and such are even more disgusting. https:\/\/youtu.be\/EWYaJII3a4c The only thing worse than a nigger is another fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Game 128 Preview: Houston #Astros at New York #Yankees http:\/\/t.co\/ughVRRdirz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've done the whole blatantly ignoring thing before. It drives them up the fucking wall. The one I was ignoring was a terrible, toxic cunt, with a terrible attitude and permanent bitch status, but also thinks she's a 14\/10, when reality is more like a 5 on a good day. You want to see them turn into a hot mess of anxiety and desperation, just ignore them without any explanation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Between this trend and the vines acting like women its like niggas couldn't wait to be faggots http:\/\/t.co\/dKVnjmCarZ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"good the cunt is history","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If a female feels empowered to be equal to that of a man and give a political view, then she must stand on her own after giving that opinion. No jumping back and forth. No white knighting. No damseling. It's more than skin color. Some whites are Communists, and use dishonest tactics to silence a prowhite agenda. #CriticalThinkingMatters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh Pie, get down from your high horse. Your country never had free speech throughout its entire history. Your media is and was always trash. The censorious screeching has just been turned up another notch and now it's finally starting to reach the top of the ivory tower. >official caution Graham Linehan received Serves him right. He gloated when Dankula went to trial for hurting feefees. I hope this trend continues. > This is exactly the utterly ignorant tribalist thinking that got us here in the first place. No, leftists got us here. Linehan hasn't even changed is opinion, he still would happily have non-leftists arrested. \"There's no wrong tactics, only wrong targets . That's kinda the point. That attitude with regards to censorship issues is like cutting off your nose to spite your face as the saying goes. Doing that only accelerates the process rather than reversing it. If you don't hold people like Linhan to *his own standards*, who will? >Shit, even Pie made this point blatantly clear in his video What Pie does or doesn't do is of no concern to Linehan. I welcome every occasion where one of those moral crusaders trips and falls on their own sword. Maybe once they learn those swords are double edged they'll be less likely to use them. I'll happily tell everyone Linehan shouldn't have this done to him, but I'll laugh at him regardless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Jared Taylor is bluepilled. I've never heard him say nigger or kike. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other disabl3d people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt just can't stop flapping her gums!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHORE Traitor . RACE Traitor too boot . .Be happy with your lack of \"old white men\" one day when Muslim leeches are all that is around YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW YOU CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@valerie91097 uhh messi trash . and im flattered but what was the games scorre","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAGGOT PAKISTANI-cant get a woman to love your skank ass lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminists are excited to create elaborate fantasies about killing men, some even do it in real life (like the South Korean bitches who poisoned their male bosses). Hell, one of the godmothers of Women's studies as a field in the US, Sally Miller Gearhart is known for saying we need to reduce men to 10% of humanity to solve all the problems in the world. But sure, THIS is the problem here. Fucking ayyyyyeeee. > Feminists are excited to create elaborate fantasies about killing men Some of them have actually killed men before. Like [Donna Hylton](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Donna_Hylton) who was convicted of and served time for sodomizing and then murdering a man. She was invited to talk at the Women's march. They hate me... because I am *unapologetically* Muslim, *unapologetically* feminist, and *unapologetically* pro-Sharia! I think they hate you because you're a fucking tool, Linda... Which slam poem? The period blood bedsheets one. And the cop killer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@moneypulatief @globalriot Nee dat is na langdurig gepest worden.Zoals ik al zei:in d kiem smoren.Is ook vb voor t kind hoe je moet optreden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Execute the wetback felon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":". . . . . . . . . Freak, so are you obese then!? :) LOL!!! On a scale of 10 to 10, how MadOnline are you right now brainlet? One. I AM The One (1). :) LOL!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect It is a good thing that I have you properly focused on Me. :cool: +1 (Neo) So are you the picture of a gay man in the closet? +1 (Neo) I wish I was gay, I would get laid a lot more, try being a conservative man with a fohawk at Starbucks, let me tell you brother it is Slim Pickens Of course you do, so no wonder you are here at Gab just to collect negative points! LOL!!! +1 (Neo) I don't know how this point system works, but if you gave me a plus I'm pretty sure it would be a negative on my overall score, so do your worst chump Well, you don't seem to know much... Newbies like you need to know who to pick their fights with here at Gab... :) LOL!!! Most Gabbers are smart and can immediately smell a damn rat. :tongue: +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #HondurasEffect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey @Cantwell ! Ever here the term \"Lurk Moar\"? You should do that with Rush Limbaugh. Not to say what he says but to make your show better. Your callers are either mentally fucking retarded or their so far up their own ass their voices echo. At least make them stay on a single topic until Friday.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get help you silly cunt and get a life instead of be jealous of normal humans. I suggest a fucking shotgun to the face you fucking piece of trash..... smfh!... eat my shit pigbitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell them to get an expensive looking fake watch. I put a protective cover on my fitbit. I have a fitbit because I'm fat. Cunts keep staring at my fitbit, thinking it's some sort of super expensive gold watch that costs a fortune. They wanna ride my bone to get some watch money for themselves. Then I tell them it's just a $5 rubber cover and they immediately ghost me. My father had huge fake watches and all his girlfriends kept taking him on dates, paying for him, even got free plane tickets to go to other parts of the planet and fuck more sluts. (he went alone but let women pay for his trips) I must have thousands of half-siblings. The guy was an ass but he figured out the watch thing. I only figured it out a couple months ago when some random eastern european chick started kissing me because she thought I'm rich. The cunt had a husband and kids. She was also a nurse. ... Anyway. Just have them change their profile to say \"I'm rich\" and they'll be swimming in pussy. Their funeral though...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you looking forward to having two guys inside you? Depends. Are they good pilots? They're ok Are you assuming their gender?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reading some of the tripe in the media about all of this issue is just... ergh! I want to scoop my eyes out after reading the bullshit stories that to try paint \"it's ok to be white\" as neo-nazi hate speech. Australian politics is soooo fucking retarded. We're sprinting after the UK to be the most retarded western country in the world. The day Q pulls the trigger cannot come soon enough. Hopefully our political landscape is transformed too, we desperately need it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of disabled people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear retarded socialist. Do you know how to make a house? Probably not since frankly very very few people do. Does that mean the only people that should live in houses are people that can build houses? That seems pretty shitty. Oh let me guess you're idea is to have the government take a gun and force someone who does know how to make a house and make one for you under threat of death while you do absolutely nothing because you're a waste of space. Socialism: not even once (more)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lots of restraint for that mouthy bitch - should have deployed a taser. I think sometimes, people insult others with what they fear would insult themselves the most. IE: this chick calling others white trash when fearing that others will notice she is in fact white trash. Young Video Game players calling other people \"Kids\" when they themselves are kids and hate that they can't really effect the older players. And so on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just wanna cuddle with my boyfriend under a fuzzy blanket and drink hot tea and have my hair played with so I can go to bed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you live in a city where they *protest* in the streets! Not one f*ck given! Lol Send me the videos directly. I love watching people protect their property. Lock in the 4 Wheel Low and put the pedal to the floor https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Gha79UZVRk0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at these replies, op. You're hitching your wagon to the retard train. Such an informative comment from a real resident retard. Care to supply some big boy arguments or is this puddle of drool from your mouth breathing it? Don't worry you can write full sentences out. This isn't twitter. Sounds like I a hit nerve. If you're clinically retarded I apologize.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol great logic retard. This is why black people will never get out of the hood. Because you idiots think that only black people are allowed to address the glaring cultural and societal problems in the black \"community\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" 15 minutes was already too long.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Levi_Page I don't bend that way queer. Thanks for the offer it's flattering.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am just so fuckin fed up with these retarded hipster faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm the biggest retard. No, I'm the biggest retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Knew it was coming you jew bashing cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Trump but I haven't seen any evidence that he can reliably be given credit for anything the FBI does. I get that you guys are upset but slow down and think for a second before you weaponize leftist propaganda in service to your high time preference and recidual agorism. If I was a conspiracy minded guy (and I'm not saying I'm not), I'd say this thing with RAM is inauthentic coordinated action between the FBI and the media to remind voters of Charlottesville in an attempt to tip the mid-terms to Democrats. If that's the case, black pilling people on voting Republican would be a retarded reaction. Rewarding bad behavior and malicious collusion with the objective of its performance is usually a good way to make sure it happens again. @Cantwell and the battered whore defends her pimp","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bill Clinton is not only a rapist. Bill Clinton is a pedophile, adulterer, murderer, fraud, human trafficker \"lolita express\" \"haiti\" \"africa, con artist, communist, traitor. I know please fill in the blanks. But Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rapist. And felt up an ugly cunt who is an CIA operative.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/21\/us\/interracial-slavery-love.html promoted by msm why? Because the msm is jewy and they want to normalize and promote race mixing in order to get rid of White People \"WHERE THEM WITE WIMMEN BE AT? LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shabbat Shalom everyone. Today is preparation day. Make sure you get ready for the Sabbath tomorrow. Make your food tonight for tomorrow to OBEY Yahweh's Commandment and not work on the Sabbath Day. Hope you have a blessed and restful Sabbath!! This guy is going to Hell with his father, Satan. Please don't Judge me before you get to know me. You don't know Jesus, and the only way to the Father is through the Son. You are most assuredly damned. I do know Yahshua (the one you call Jesus.) I believe in Him. I'm a MESSIANIC Jew. Yahshua (Jesus) is my Adonai (Lord) and Savior. My Messiah and the ONLY brought forth (begotten) Son of Elohim (God.) I'm Unitarian. Yahshua (Jesus) is not literally God to me. I don't believe in the, \"Trinity,\" which is belief in 3 Gods or some kind of nonsensical 3 in one God thing you believe in. Damned. The Bible never once ever uses the word, \"Trinity.\" Not even once. I believe the Bible, which says Yahweh is the ONLY God there is. You have eyes to see, yet cannot see. You have ears to hear, but cannot hear. Why do you think its acceptable to break Yahweh's Commandments (Torah) and commit SIN which is LAWLESSNESS??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've hung out with Richard a few times on his ranch during a few of his monthly (invite only) nigger hunts. Not that this whore didn't deserve every bit of it, but believe me he did it. Make no mistake, Richard doesn't fuck around. I remember how he always put on the right of his brown driving gloves when he needed to put the smack down. Sometimes he would just grab both gloves and slap her across the face a few times with them, holding her by the hair. Right, left, right, left! Afterwards he would comb his fingers through his disheveled undercut and say something like \"This is getting really exhausting, you Tartar bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other trans people in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"supposedly the panhandle is a bunch of hick rednecks according to the left, yet they managed to withstand a cat. 4 hurricane and conduct the elections without issue. Why is it that the people the left denigrates on a regular basis always perform better than the left?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should have arrested that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sound like a fucking loser lurking around on an alt media site when your wife isn't home to \"fight Nazis . What a faggot cuckold little bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a. We give them to both. Dickhead. My dick has both a head and a foreskin. Child genital mutilation is horrific.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey is a faggot arse wipe and I could say same of @a and not get banned Andrew Torba is cool though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DaMcGrizzlyBear: the ghetto if UD wins tonight: http:\/\/t.co\/PkZmkn2WKo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are some crazy for truth motherfuckers. Relax. Be real. Be honest. Or Bitches like me will see you as some shilly twat and mute\/force unfollow you. BE real. Be true, Be logical.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/QNGLZvtRoiU https:\/\/www.veteranstoday.com\/2013\/09\/24\/sexual-decadence-weimar-germany\/ https:\/\/www.jta.org\/2015\/06\/12\/news-opinion\/the-telegraph\/7-of-the-most-famous-jews-in-porn The video about the scientist was very interesting, though watch the Jews for Jesus movement, they emphasize these people are still Jews. To me, you believe in Christ, you're a Christian. I'm concerned they're trying to retain rogue Jews. Embrace Christianity if you believe in Christ. Thumb's up on the video testimony of James Tour, now a true Israelite, and our brother in Yeshua. Marching to Zion https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4PUeOV8B9Vk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hand me a brew and I'll chug it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @veeveeveeveevee: If I was Obama Id call a press conference and slit joe bidens neck on live tv just 2 show these crackers I mean business ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical fucking nigger antics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll tortuer these Muslims without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Regardless of the medium, if you'd asked any artist, be it a visual artist, writer, poet or composer before about the 1920s what the point of art was, they would have replied, \"beauty.\" Yes, the goal was often to achieve some sort of reflection of the real world, seeking truth through beauty, but the idea that the point of art is to shock and provoke instead of inspire; the idea that it is meant to offend instead of providing insight; the idea that dividing and polarizing your audience through your art is a good thing: that is a relatively recent concept, and it has been hugely destructive. It started with the \"modern art\" phenomenon, and every artistic medium has grown more and more politicized since then. This is one of the most unhealthy social trends in history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who isn't a retarded pickle has privilege, I suppose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That guys chin strap bothers me man....idk why.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"Muslims should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember that time in 2016 when everyone woke up and realized every president after Kennedy was a fucking cabal tool. MAGA Not everyone. Even the libs got more figured out than some of these conservative that still live in denial.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'We must love our fellow man as ourselves, yet you conservative Christians are anti-immigration' - how would you counter? No Conservative Christian is against immigration. The problem is in ILLEGAL immigration. Say it with me 'Illegal aliens are not Immigrants.' I'm against immigration if we don't have jobs for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AlexJonesShow Live: Trump Throws Down The Gauntlet of Nationalism, Terrifying Globalists and Their Leftist Minions Elite To Crash Stock Market Tuesday, October 23rd: Showdown Brewing\/strong> - Over 100k people showed up for a chance to see President Trump in Houston, Texas, on Monday, indicating that the GOP is gaining momentum before the midterm elections. That said, corporate pollsters are suggesting that Democrats will retake the House. Additionally, the migrant caravan has reportedly swelled to over 14,000 as it marches closer to the US border. Video commentator Ricky Berwick joins the show to discuss the flashpoint in history we're now experiencing. Tune in! Tune in M-F 11am-3pm CT and Sundays 4pm-6pm CT: infowars.com\/show Subscribe: infowars.com\/newsletter Android users download while you can: infowars.com\/app Get Mobile Alerts Text: NEWS To: 33222 Someone tell Don Lemon that he can relax, Trump said Nationalist, not National SOCIALIST.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The issue with Feminism is that women are fucking lazy as shit. They want more women in STEM but are not interested in hard math classes. They want the same income as men but don't want to work as heard. They still want alimony for setting around the house. Sad. [deleted] You can't even form a sentence. You must be a women studies major. [deleted] [deleted] Can you type? Ir is it that you cannot spell? [deleted] You don't need a space after a parentheses. Also you last statement contains a dangling participle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, black people would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eh, this is actually kinda funny. Is it? What if i said buy a cow and some flour and if she is a worthwhile bitch you will get some penne bolognese? That's not funny tbh. You seem not good at telling jokes but keep trying!! Your opinion sucks, but keep sharing it! I will! :) Yea we say it that way in my language to lighten the message. (I honestly have no idea what ESL stands for) The original post is just a joke, with men as the subject made fun of in a stereotyping manner. It seemed like you found it sexist towards men amd tried to reverse it, or ridicule it, but that attempt just failed. Like I applaud making jokes back, I honestly feel people are allowed to joke about everything, but this just seemed like you were a butthurt man, that can't take a joke. I didn't want to say just that, so commented the other thing Voil , here was my opinion without being asked for again! I respect everyone that doesn't feel the same. Well i did couch it. ESL means english as a second language and that's fine. I put that in because i wanted to make fun of you for being dumb, not for being bilingual.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Influencing the election there you go you faggot libtard mouth breathers!!! Ain't this what you deceptive cry babies are always whining about?!?!? Oh but, the faggot left NEVER mentions China right?!? https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/national-security\/2018\/10\/11\/dhs-chief-china-unprecedented-effort-influence-american-opinion-midterms\/ Anthony, tsk tsk. Concerning: \"Influencing the election, there you go you faggot libtard mouth breathers!\" Patently misleading - to begin with most gender dysfunctional libtards are polymorphic in nature, you give faggots a bad name, lol 2nd: libtards are hardly mouth breathers; many of them haven't evolved past amphibians - gills are more their style","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Bacon A kind of meat ball with gravy https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Faggot_(food)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The harvesters sit around and fill these out by the hundreds, often by the thousands, he said Friday. #MAGA #Trump #News #GabFam #SpeakFreely #Based #DrainTheSwamp https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/democrats-arrested-running-voter-fraud-ring\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christianity worships The Word made Man. MALE, Masculine. A man (Homodeus) who was brutally tortured and then nailed to a cross, and did it to save everyone. There is nothing more masculine than this. I defy you to prove me wrong. Pagans worship a plethora of false gods, many of them FEMALE Looks like female divinity worship to me..... and to everyone else who watches. Mary's title '' Queen of Heaven'' is taken from many Mother Goddesses before her... It's not called Maryanity. It's called Christianity. Nice try. Any more straws to clutch? Mary is revered, as the mother of Christ. Christ is worshipped as God. Get a clue, moron. Pope crowned Mary as Queen of Heaven recently in Chile. Mary has been crowned Queen of Heaven on many depictions, icons and statues of her. Just like Jesus, Mary allegedly 'ascended to heaven' without dying mortal's death, and is Queen thereof interceding on behalf of believers with her son. That is what Catholics and Orthodox believe. Mary is your Goddess. She's the queen consort, not regnant. Jesus is the reigning king. Deplorable me is right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A retard is an idiot who labels a person with a disability.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course, she already got paid and got her fifteen minutes of infamy. Damn! I liked that post so much I am going to follow you! Very creative.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I COULDN'T DEBATE ABORTION POLITICS WITH A WOMAN SO, I KICKED HER IN THE FACE, JUST LIKE MARTIN LUTHER KING. #jordanhunt #abortion #prolife #prochoice #toronto #politics #topoli #cdnpoli #blm #blacklivesmatter #mlk #martinlutherking #theleft #insanity #delusional #sjw #sjws #socialjustice #genderstudies #socialstudies #womensstudies #kek #q This faggot hairdresser from Canada needs to be in JAIL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never understood the child support shit in the USA. Seems absolutely retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus turned over the table of the Jew money changers and called them the Synagogue of Satan... he railed against their Book of Elders Jesus was a Christian....and all Jews must STOP being Jewish and become Christians.... Rev 3:9 faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK THAT RETARDED LOOKING ZIO-DICKHEAD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sinead O'Connor ditches Catholicism converts to Islam The woman has truely lost the plot! https:\/\/www.irishcentral.com\/news\/irishvoice\/sinead-oconnor-catholic-islam.amp?__twitter_impression=true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab: Clock Boy my ass. That little sand nigger knew what he was doing. It looked like a bomb! It had wires and a timer. I DONT CARE IF IT WAS FAKE!! We take all threats seriously in America!! #AlsoGab: NPCs making fake bombs to get attention. Fucking morons. Oh look, they shoot up a grocery store b\/c their bombs are so fake looking. Move along, nothing to see here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He was a guest on Opie and Anthony(maybe it was Joe Rogans podcast can't remember) once and he virtue signaled hard about how he thinks it should be legal to kill \"nazis and he's a literal faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is still one of the funniest things I've seen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"hate speech\" doesn't exist, you communist faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh great, the nigger is here. What do you want?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim finds drunk, drugged girl outside pub covered in blood with broken teeth and jaw. Instead of taking her to the hospital he takes her home and rapes her. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2A6mVmq Instead of the left insisting on bringing there to here, they should just pack up and move themselves to there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breakfast of champions shrimp lobster balls (no sandusky) French fries nd a nice big Quahog (clam for http:\/\/t.co\/UajUkcoAfV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get out of here white knight faggot. BOOM NIGGUH! White knight fagg0t running shit now! Hahahaha white knight faggot! You put your my little pony body pillow down to type that, cuck boy? White knight faggot. Can I change my profile name to that? I love it. Please only refer to me as white knight faggot from now on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We all know what a useless twat Emmanuel Macaroni is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UPDATE: NOW OVER TWO MILES LONG! Caravan Swells to Well Over 7,200; Mexico Police Stand Down as Illegal Migrants March to US https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/invasion-caravan-swells-to-over-7200-mexico-police-stand-down-as-illegal-migrants-march-to-us\/ via @gatewaypundit ME: Send the military on the border now #POTUS about 100 ISIS members have already been caught blending into the caravan. How can we know for sure who is attempting to enter? I know I do not need to tell you this but I had to get it off my chest. Time to stop the invasion by any means necessary. #Trumpo isn't doing shit about defending our borders. Same old catch and release bullshit! If the #Republicans lose their majority in Congress it will be their own damn fault. #GOP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why does this genius keep showing off what a retard he is !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Getting fucked? By the system, she sure is going to be. [deleted] k What did he say? Damn deleted comments","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"American security expert says Islam under US Constitution should not be considered a religion but a totalitarian ideology https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2017\/12\/american-security-expert-says-islam.html America needs to enforce existing laws already on the books! This is Treason and sedition. I will 'serve' him my ammo. You'll be fighting your own police force if you try. Refusing to serve any member of various and growing politically superior groups is discrimination, and is a crime. For now, you can still think about it. Ammo just compounds the violation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breaking: Hundreds of U.S. troops are on their way to the border to help Homeland Security and National Guard troops as a caravan of thousands of invaders moves north. Source please? \"President Trump tweeted Thursday morning that \"I am bringing out the military for this National Emergency. They will be stopped!\" I'm so grateful President Trump is taking a tenacious stand on this invasion which is a genuine threat our country. Amen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seriously, that guy is a far greater misogynist than we are. We, at least, think that if women are *adults*, they don't need to have adult matters explained and re-explained to them like some naive, innocent girl. We propose that an adult woman, with voting rights, a driver's license, an education, and physical and mental maturity doesn't have to have the birds and the bees explained to her by the time she's hanging out with men. If she doesn't know, why is she there? And if she does know, why do we have to treat her like an autistic case, a retarded person, or a person suffering from dementia by assuming she doesn't understand *basic things* adults ought to know? It takes a serious case of sexism to presume that a woman who has had multiple sex partners, knows how to flirt, goes on dates unchaperoned, and knows how to seduce has absolutely *no idea* what a man wants to do when she's alone with him in a private place. Are women really *that stupid* that they can't even understand this? And yet, this is what people like Dameron suggest when they say that women, out of their ignorance and inability to understand sexuality, can't ever be presumed to know what they are doing, and must be constantly reminded of what they are doing, to ensure they don't get hurt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are a virus. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America must fall. Hopefully Trump gets Kennedy'd, that would be the most helpful thing he could ever do. Second thing would be losing. that still doesn't take away from the fact you are a fucking faggot of the highest order for all the world to see...ha ha ha b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are a few incel type fiends in these parts and want to see some women chained. It's quite sad. Can we report these and get them banned? They make the community look bad. Edit to show an example of what I find here. It's not uncommon: This was posted today when I told a guy to be better and rise above the ones he hate... the women. > Fuck that shit. \"Be better and rise above does not win us anything. The only thing a feminazi libtard will ever understand is good ol fashion BF Skinner behaviorism. They lack the critical thinking skills, empathy, and patience for any sort of \"reasoning or CBT. Positive behavior, positive stimulus. Negative behavior, negative stimulus. They're too subhuman to understand anything else This was posted today when I told a guy to be better and rise above the ones he hate... the women. > Fuck that shit. \"Be better and rise above does not win us anything. The only thing a feminazi libtard will ever understand is good ol fashion BF Skinner behaviorism. They lack the critical thinking skills, empathy, and patience for any sort of \"reasoning or CBT. Positive behavior, positive stimulus. Negative behavior, negative stimulus. They're too subhuman to understand anything else","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BOYCOTT ALEX JONES HE HAS LIED TO YOU SINCE 1999 LOOK ON YOUTUBE FOR BILL COPPER CALLS OUT ALEX JONES A.K.A. TRANNY LOVING FAGGOT Checkout jones on 'know more truth's channel This fucker is on video sucking goat dick somewhere at mossads HQ @RealAlexJones","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it mandatory to be a faggot in order to become an Anglican priest? and double-plus mandatory for Archbishop of Canterbury?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The mail has gone full retard left since it was taken over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It said no technology and you posted a technology question to Science. Also you are clearly stupid and have nothing worthwhile to contribute. Sorry not sorry. Bye!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I Asia Argento ever put me into a situation where I had to defend myself from her, I would kick her right in the cunt and then when she reels over I'd scoop her up into a powerbomb and slam her through the earth's crust.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If ever an event has shown just how far into the lower depths of the Kali Yuga we've really fallen, this whole 'loli' debacle is it. The fact that you're having to have a rational, legalese type argument with utterly degenerate, sick perverts is bizarre. Although a perfect example of the postmodern world. Lord Kalki, save us! For fuck's sake...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hate crime training to brainwash the police being done by a vile RACIST JEW PIG? Despicalbe Jews are human sewage! Then what about all the other problem people who aren't Jews? Again, my mind isn't inverted. You are a retarded shill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@icpchad @UnseeingEyes ......monkey look, just like you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sarakateee @FaZe_Rain I wouldn't be proud that faze is in your family. He's horrible for one and two he's ugly trailer trash... #fazeisgay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you seriously asking for proof that advertising and product placement existed in the 1920's? Do you think 100 years ago was really that much different than now that companies didn't know how to sell their products? Here's a history lesson kiddo https:\/\/theopticalvisionsite.com\/the-name-game-the-value-of-celebrity-marketing\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or is there a twat named Shazia?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"half nigger muzzie faggot and moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they need to mobilize and take out the trash - faggot trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitch you're the ugliest cunt ever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently $ I saw a commercial the other day on fox news of this charity begging for money to feed the poor people of israel...I mean nigger puhleeeeeeeeeease The \"aid is equivalent to giving every single family in Israel $23,000","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RainCaudillo word. Do any of ur decisions include anchor, feather, infinity sign, bird?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NBCSports: THIS JUST IN: Yankees P Michael Pineda is ejected from game after substance found on his neck http:\/\/t.co\/7c3ekGdoVB http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is \"black,\" faggot? This is why you're going feet first into the woodchipper, you anti-White piece if shit (This kike always asks \"what is White\" whenever anyone has the caucacity to suggest that maybe White people should band together being as how we're being attacked from all sides, yet he has no problem deciphering what \"black\" means) No mercy, kike. You and everyone you care about are gonna fucking die painful, miserable deaths in concentration camps (whether by our force or theirs) and it's all cuz you can't bring yourselves to actually practice the standards you preach and oppose all racism from all peoples equally. I hope your family understands how much your fake values meant to you. Everything is about race. Only liars and Jews say it isn't. Nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I enjoyed some minor parts of it and some of the obscure game references, but overall this series is terrible in a way only Castlevania can be. The dialogue is atrocious, the pacing is so slow it hurts, odd slapstick humor is thrown in at seemingly random points, and so much more. They somehow made the Catholic Church a bigger villain than the vampires and the night horde, Sypha and Dracula are the only sympathetic characters. Trevor Belmont is literally retarded and does nothing the entire show. It's a joke honestly. I'll still watch season","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Palmetto State Faggot Jew Hey guess what? I know where you live. LOLOLOLOL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YOU IGNORANT DISEASED DNA GOD IS GOING TO SHOWER YOU WITH DEATH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Queer Mohammedan obama executive order to not discriminate against insane psycho queer transgender.Is Mohammedan obama Jewish?Queer nigger Mohammedan obama is not Jewish","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMAO they're mad at \"racist whites\" but not the nigger that actually killed her! Stupid mudsharks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I said over a year ago Michelle was going to run in mooch is a friggin moron but she's a nigger so that's OK mooch is a coward, he isn't even brave enough to chop off his dick like the other freaks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, I agree, no blue eyed blonde girl should be looking up to a disgusting sand nigger \/s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"American culture is stuck to the side of the toilet. Graffiti writers in Europe can create better art without any lowlife trash sex jokes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_missvain: Lmfaooooo >RT @sirTurn3r: Lmaoo Thats what u got from this? RT @waddupivy: Dougie be yamming the coon all that beat boxing ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a cop out if Senator Daines doesn't vote. Senate Rule XXVI allows for him to send a proxy to vote in his place. \"The practice of allowing a senator to cast a vote in committee for an absent senator. Senate Rule XXVI provides that proxies may not be voted when the absent senator has not been informed of the matter on which he is being recorded and has not requested that he be so recorded.\" All Senator Daines has to do is declare his vote and inform the Senate that he will be sending a proxy. Senator is well aware of what he is voting on ahead of the vote so his vote can be recorded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are too many shitbag retarded mentally ill these days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL. You're probably right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @itssylviaplath: I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pombuenaa I'm surprised you could read it with slits for eyes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MSM cares more about 1 muzzie reporter than a US Ambassador and his security detail in Benghazi. Fuck you MSM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually no, these findings do not indicate Scandinavians were first, only that at some point a person, maybe even a traveller was at that location. And \"dark skinned with dark eyes\" does not mean nigger like. Didn't you idiots learn anything from the chedar hoax?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THAT LITTLE FAGGOT AND BROKEN HIM IN HALF.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Anotherpotheadd lucky monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" You are disgusting. Sorry about your dad. These leftists are mentally ill. Hey @Infidellegion i see your out of jail ,again..did you get some BIG black lovin in there? Right-on, bro! You tell that wasted THOT how it is. File this under: Men who have never had a girlfriend. Maybe...just maybe...women don't like you because you are vile?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WorIdStarFunnyy: this the \"I play soccer, cheat on girls, and wear khaki coloured cargos\" haircut http:\/\/t.co\/NQyLxquLOC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can confirm. Got banned for calling op a retard. She was though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a cunt and if she doesn't turn her kids into little cunts it would be a miracle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Ballgame over, #Yankees WIN! Yanks beat the White Sox in 10 innings, 4-3.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a b1tch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No these are only whites pies.Well do you have any negro pies?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AChosenWord: Of rain showersand weepy fogof soft lightand cool touchof wild windthat carry music of birdswho cease to soar;this feel ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am seeing lots of powerful Jewish oligarchs chirping about the Proud Boys. In other words, an FBI raid is imminent. Gavin will be pressured to disband the proud boys, or he could choose to fight, but he will be dealing with ZOG for the first time in his life. They know the PBs aren't criminals, but the FBI is just the American KGB: political police. Lmao at close the borders. What you gonna do about the literal millions of foreigners here now? Hol'up What will happen if we start air-dropping guns and PCP into the ghetto? 88d chess confirmed. Id invest in fencepost stocks first. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wLZq5GGPxws","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By your logic, Facebook and Instagram also literally just got innocent people killed, because he had accounts there as well. #DeleteFacebookAndInstagramAndImprisonTheirUsers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why I would never give a western woman the time of day, much less date one of those cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Josh_Ward thuggery? Cheating? Talking trash? Who's doing that besides Jameis? And isn't ND in the middle of cheating issues?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we make it a requirement on these type of posts that OP must include a clapback within the screenshot? IE: \"Cheap? You're the cunt who expects a random stranger to drop what their doing and come help you move for 5 fucking dollars\" Thinking about how these kinds of people can just say something that insulting and not get put in their place makes my blood boil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fascism is a healthy civilization's natural immune response to Communism. With the rise of Antifa in America it is only natural that Fascism is gaining in popularity here. Just like during the Weimar Republic of Germany the Antifa Communist agitators gave rise to the Nazis. We need to either crush Antifa soon or prepare yourself for Hitler version Fascism is left wing, get your ideology straight hitler was a lefty.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/441635-pizza-restaurant-racist-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ISIS Jihadis In Australia Shoot Man In The Face, Chanting ISIS Will Stay http:\/\/t.co\/xyzXv5LZs1 #tcot #pjnet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I h4te immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ditzy Dame: \"I found these bullets on the ground... people make me sick\" #Guns #GunsOfGab #SpeakFreely #GabFam #Humor This is why people fight for restrictions and safeguards on the franchise. Repeal the nineteenth!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just stop embarrassing yourself #WeWuzMasterRaceNSheeit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/stonetoss.com\/comic\/burger-kang\/ FTFY bro @Spahnranch1969 @ReinhardHeydrich1 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @techx @lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GTKRWN @TZilla @GregSims @RabbiHighComma @TerdFerguson @DolfysGasNGrill @ILF @MosheShekelRod @OdinsAxe @Impresaria @CuckShamer And Hello Fresh and Blue Apron. Apparently coal burners and Mudshark like meal kits according to their commercials. They should offer free Mudshark sunglasses With every meal kit. Like a \"Not So Happy Meal .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Woah there Autofaggot! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Nip\". > >Thank you for your understanding. > >I am a human, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the ~~moderators~~ cucks of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I fight for people who haven't been born yet and people who are already dead. This movement makes a human knife block of anybody who attempts to go beyond its actual purpose, which is to be a therapy and support group for young republicans who wish to make nigger jokes behind closed doors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well if dyke Murkowski is too weak to withstand the threats of a almost 90-year-old hag, she should resign now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Peeing while doing a handstand???? and I'm a retard ??????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never said that black people are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope she gets hooked up with some raping misogynist muzzie neanderthal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black man shoots white college chick to death https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/university-of-utah-student-killed-outside-dorm-identified-gunman-found-dead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess 'cause there are some checks keeping things in place? I mean, he's trying to get a supreme court justice in there, making things go GOP retarded for who knows how long. And I don't mean to say I can't respect conservative values, even though I don't personally align with them, just that the current state of the Republican party is so fucked, even from a layman's point of view. Trump does do a lot of embarrassing stuff on a regular basis, but besides the whole potential treason or whatever he hasn't done anything mind bogglingly bad, I guess. He's just kind of inept it seems, and he likes to bash the media and speak in very basic language to appeal to everyone without saying much of substance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest - Violent Protesters Considered \"Victims\" https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/portland-police-want-to-charge-driver-with-crimes-after-escaping-mob-protest-violent-protesters-considered-victims\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@snortcourt13 @TripleAAAYY1995 @c_allen21 @JBake0622 apes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fat dykes make me want to vomit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i want to know how the cunt managed to make one of the best Sci Fi series to date, but also totally fucking broke the Alien franchise so badly no one wants to touch it any more. i hate him forever for that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not anti-muslim, I'm anti-sand nigger ape terrorist kebab. Black Identitarians Attack the Jews: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=tIxI7F8F6bc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why they playing trash on ESPN right now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Martha Stewart's bed partner...she likes the retard look with her men!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's because, unlike Kavanaugh, the accusations against her husband are TRUE! Hillary says sex claims against Bill are NOT like the Kavanaugh https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2A1tR4k via @MailOnline","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok, so \"freaks taking any part in our society ? What would your suggestion be to deal with them? Shoot them in the back of the head and burn the bodies? Lock them up in an institution for the rest of their lives? You're talking about human beings that have a quirk you can't deal with, that's your problem not theirs. Your comment is so retarded that I feel like it's a lefty trying to paint this sub as a hateful group of morons. Alas, if that is the case, there's a lot of left wing nuts in this thread. There so much Phelps like projection in this thread I'm assuming at least half of the haters on here have had their dick sucked by a crossdresser. For a sub that carries a lot libertarian leanings there's a wack of you missing the whole \"live and let live part of the philosophy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New here just saw a post on twitter and figured I'd try this out ^^ tired of people trying to silence me for just stating my opinions Well @a is silencing people for posting lolis, so back to the search.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trumpsters are so profoundly stupid they think these photos are real...funny you NEVER see live uploaded phone videos from trump rallies When you live in an information bubble why are you surprised that you are not seeing actual images from the rallies - there are plenty of them but of course it takes some effort to get around the censorship your commie mates apply - this photo might be fake but Trump gets thousands more at his rallies than any of the traitorous dimwits in your leadership","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SHIT FOR BRAINS FUCKING LEFTIES PREVENT A SOMALI RAPIST FROM BEING DEPORTED FROM THE UK https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2yf9uQ4 Me too mate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"can we just start killing these antifa terrorist faggots and be done with them???WTF https:\/\/youtu.be\/8kIQA7ER0EY i can still protect myself from a FUCKIN skinny jeans faggot with my bear hands!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every time I look at her, I see Nathan from South Park. She's even retarded just like him!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THATS SOUNDS RETARDED TO PPL WITH DOWNS HOLY SHIT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow big story this morning from a very reliable source . Corey Booker is a cunt .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are on the retard juice buddy. The line is Trump encourages an atmosphere of violence. He is no more or less an Israel cuck than any other over the last century (derr he is the greatest cuck HE HASNT SENT MILLIONS OF AMERICANS TO DIE FOR JEWS YET YOU PEACE OF SHIT LIKE OTHERS HAVE), NO ONE is saying Trump isn't pro-Jew, but it is your claims that are hyperbole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You wouldn't threaten to kill anyone in real life, so you only look like a bigger faggot doing it from behind a keyboard. I didn't threaten you, scared cuck bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@caycifish What is that monkey doing to those poor bottles?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Listen cunt the only thick twat is you! because l know! Jewish isnt a race! And you can convert so if your gonna quote shite be factual No cunt l got cross because you attacked and insulted me! I know what I'm talking about now fuck off you job jockey once to often you have tried abusing ppl when they pull you up on your BS. I didn't attack you! You did me! The only thick cunt here is YOU","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@StephyRae7 faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yup. courtesy only. Had a great conversation with a Grocery manager after a customer ratted me out for using one. My position was that the same wish for courtesy and convenience should be for any and all customers. When faced with the decision to lose a customer or appear like a spineless twat in front of the offended customers, he chose to appear like a spineless twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's why you're a fucking retard Kraut, in addition to being a soulless piece of shit. https:\/\/twitter.com\/GiveMeThouMemes\/status\/1051623274424258560","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good Mernin faggots http:\/\/t.co\/3ZPTPqFkTl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">It's an absolute fucking insult to their entire nation. It's an absolute fucking insult that the cunts responsible for some serious dog vomit quality video games are dictating terms to the shiny golden gods that brought us apex quality games like EDF, Senran Kagura, Nier, Bayonetta.... I could go on. It's stupid as shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Shvkxir @RickiRoma @BaeSongz @JayZOverrated Ahmed and retard mikey for special Olympic boxing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So true! https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/wc2mgz.jpg Hillary is absolutely nothing like Hitler and those are two totally different circumstances. You have shit for brains. What kind of pedophile POS loves Islam? Oh yeah, Hitler. https:\/\/imgoat.com\/uploads\/a79ea27c27\/ Jews absolutely love Muslims and they literally perform circumcision with their mouths. Democrats are socialist just like Nazis. The Nazis didn't even define Socialism the same way. You would know that if you weren't a dumb as fuck NPC that can't think or respond outside of y Communism and fascism are both socialist economic models. In both the government controls all economic activity. The only difference is that in communism the government owns everything. In fascism a select few of the elites own the means of production, but since the government selects the economic winners and losers, no one really owns anything. Here's the Fasces on the walls of Congress, the US dime, and some American kids back in the day doing the Bellamy salute. That's a lot of Fascist stuff, right there. So does that make America historically socialist? Free market ? That's why open democracy is stupid, whoever raises the biggest mob of idiots wins. Ah...the Germans, always with the wisest quotes I know, right? http:\/\/www.threeworldwars.com\/protocols.htm No wamen voters either. Or ppl who don't contribute Fed taxes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the skull portrayed as Muslim is actually a nigger skull. Due to millenia of inbreeding the muzz skull would be two skulls fused together as conjoined twins, or some other freakish defect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Darkies DGAF! RT @Maxin_Betha @80sbaby4life gotta chill wit his yellow #4thofJulyFly outfit man RT @dominicanraf http:\/\/t.co\/uImF6sDI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_tiffnasty: Why do y'all niggas entertain that Nicole bitch? I don't see how y'all can ever take a bitch that posted naked pics serious ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AllbuttHindstain you got any more quips, im bored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dinesh Souza is a brown faggot Yeah but what a babe this faggot has for a wife, A?! Duuuuuuhhhhh!!!!! Who's this dumb faggot? Is faggot your favorite word? Takes one to call one. Especially as much as you do. Time to come out of your closet, no?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"South African TV: Most programmes on SABC 1, 2 and 3 focus on Africans, their struggle during Apartheid and how ''bad'' white people are. TV series: Most have black main characters. Other programmes have a few white characters\/actors and another % of colored and African actors(e.g. in 7de Laan) below:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FACTS don't matter to these RETARDED LEFTIES! Democrats have the intelligence of your typical gnat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or post an ad on Craigslist for men seeking men or free pit bull puppies or anything demeaning or racially biased and let's put this dirty fuckin Sand Nigger outta business!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pokemon is the best game ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a question Julia...as you look around your MAN MADE home,with MAN MADE PLUMBING and then as you look out into the MAN MADE STREET from your MAN MADE WINDOWS...at all that MAN has Invented and Created...how do you with a CUNT feel EQUAL? Cock Sucking?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm disgusted by the Left's obsession with telling Americans, Whites, Men, or anyone else that they think has a penis that they're not allowed to have an opinion or else they consider them to be a overly privileged, sexist, bigot, devil of the worst order. So pay NO ATTENTION to the stupid asses. I don't !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She countersues for harrassment and wins. He ends up *paying her* the rest of *his* life Tfw this isn't satire really sad He ends up going to jail for false claims of unconsented touching. She is praised for her self defense. He is ordered to pay her legal costs as well as her claims for intentional infliction of emotional distress. [deleted] I would not touch such a disgusting piece of shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seems loud and clear to me: He should go hitchhike through the Middle East.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"is this factually correct ? or are you being a twat ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without women like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly I'm afraid of birds http:\/\/t.co\/qA4O9Dr4vp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is exactly why the word cunt is in the english lexicon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Boko Haram literally means \"books are bad . What else would you expect from the in-bred, retarded followers of the pedophile false-prophet of Satan?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Subtweet me one more time, you dirty chink whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good thing it wasn't regular milk, otherwise we might have to question if she's a white supremacist. Surprised she didn't accuse the guy she threw the chocolate milk on of doing blackface. Underappreciated genius, right here. That right there sums up the left. Let's be realistic here. It really doesn't. That's a facebook caliber comment right there. [deleted] That was a really interesting read, thanks! Kanye has since renounced his previous views. No he didn't, he just said he was stepping back from politics. Someone probably threatened Arkancide. How convenient of you to forget half of what he said. Fake news? https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/kanyewest\/status\/1057382916760707072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1057382916760707072andref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fq13fox.com%2F2018%2F10%2F30%2Five-been-used-kanye-west-says-hes-stepping-back-from-politics%2F He was referring to the Blexit campaign that Candace Owens reeled him into without his permission, which was definitely wrong of her to do. Hahahaha It was just chocolate milk. Probably some straight, white broflake that had his precious feelings hurt and his skinny ass twig body \"battered\" lol Well, it's just self defense... andnbsp; EDIT: I wasn't saying her actions were self defense. With her assaulting people one could use the self defense argument to stop the assault in progress. Sometimes that's the only way they learn. Those bigots attacked me with their thought crimes so the only logical thing I could do was throw chocolate milk on them! Legal scholars have consistently agreed that peaceful assembly is equatable to rape\/violence and calls for self defense. You really need to read some law books, sir. Come on, you can do better than that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot ass generation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because fuck some dirt cunt who's too stupid to set up a village next to water","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @A_single_bear: I accidentally ate a few fireflies last night while chewing some leaves I found. The shameful yellow glow of my mouth wa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand that disabled people are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For all u fucking idiots saying the bouncer is a pussy watch the video of it here: https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/video\/news\/video-1795012\/Video-Surveillance-shows-Kierah-Lagrave-choking-bouncer-nightclub.html He literally let's her choke him out because he initially thought it was one of his friends doing it to him as a prank (I read this story 2 days ago, can't seem to find where he said that but I assure you it's true). > He literally let's her choke him out because he initially thought it was one of his friends doing it to him as a prank ( Then he's a fucking moron for letting his friends choke him while he's working at his job. He's also an idiot for assuming it was his friend, when in reality it was not. Ehh idk. Personally, my friends and I would do exactly the same thing to say Hi, but immediately let go. I can see exactly why he initially thought this. Getting choked by a random person, for no reason, is 100% not on his mind whereas his friends fucking about with him is. One thing you need to note though is that the choke the chick got is very tight and properly executed. It only takes seconds too go to sleep. > One thing you need to note though is that the choke the chick got is very tight and properly executed. It only takes seconds too go to sleep I'm very aware. Go watch the video. The choke was super sloppy. Who care if it looks bad? It put him to sleep in seconds. Results are all that matters > Who care if it looks bad? He could've defended himself easily.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't believe we are about to get a socialist governor. Crazy If he un-concedes and they find over 80,000 votes out of the blue, its going to get ugly here in FL It's already down to 40 or 60k. It's crazy https:\/\/floridaelectionwatch.gov\/StateOffices\/Governor 38k now. Under These people are stealing the vote, wide in the open, its really unbelievable The SCOTUS and AG will never let it fly. No worries. Bahahahaha, I mean, Zzzzzzzzzzz Sleepy Sessions isn't the AG anymore. and new guy is doing... what? I think he's understandably a little frustrated. We are about to lose the fucking Senate to cheaters. This should be a national emergency. Dude, that's not fucking ever going to happen. If you think it won't be appealed to the SCOTUS and subsequently crushed, then I've got a bridge in the swamp to sell you. They've already announced they're suing in Florida and Arizona.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love to see those disabled people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One MORE reason not to see this piece of shit movie--removing the flag was enough for me, so this is just icing from communist cunt @ClaireFoy https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/first-man-star-claire-foy-calls-donald-trump-giant-penis-of-america This coming from a product of Pedowood! Still haven't stopped laughing! This coming from another one of those creatures with a case of the \"pop-eyes\" (like socialist ocrazyeyes). The Donald will love this moniker, \"Giant Penis of America\". It's Awesome. https:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/first-man-blasted-for-lack-of-diversity.html \"Blasted for Lack of Diversity Because it Dare Depict the Actual Whiteness Getting us to the Moon\" \"Some on the left have bemoaned the fact that the film has an all-white, male-dominated cast, *even though it's a historically accurate depiction*\" https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/entertainment\/first-man-writer-josh-singer-films-lack-diversity-youve-got-accurate-depict-time-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some women made fun of me today. I wanted to kill them right there. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Evading a perm ban that anon calm fgt is reporting us all Yeah, my last one was for targeting; but all I was doing was posting links to GL, Cantwell, Occedental Dissent, and even TDS. I was just posting links, lol, not even sending them to anyone specifically. Outsider said is was that \"Anon Calm\" faggot but a different acct it has: \"Anon Apache Hunt\" or something like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of Muslims ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fookin hell. Give the cunt a helicopter ride. It will only cost a few grand to fly out to international waters","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOLOLOLOLOL. It's going to be hilarious when we win this race. http:\/\/gothamist.com\/2018\/10\/17\/paladino_queens_proud_boys.php Proud of ur grandma!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im a super big liberal. I detest Trump, and I detest most Conservative values. But what I can't stand for is the censorship of opinions because of a single man's actions. Gab is being targeted for no good reason, and companies are pulling out without any legitimate reason. #IStandWithGab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Geneticist have proven that there is less than 6% variation in DNA between the races. So \"master race\" your DNA is at least 94% EXACTLY the same as an Africans!!! Have a wonderful evening!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is a sad realization isn't it? Big time. When I lost my union coverage after 10 my cobra went to $1300\/month. So since aca wasn't done yet, I bought private 4 me n the boy (divorced). $110\/m. Next year, only day labor work, wasn't eligible for the subsidies. So a CPL yrs ago was working day labor again and bought an aca complient $70\/m policy. No pre care, no x-ray coverage, no prescription benis, completely useless, cept to save on the taxes. When I filed, I still got wacked w the fine. Outrageous. And the Kevin Brady's and McCarthy's are doing it to trump and us again. Same prob, 0 solution. I hear ya, same thing happened to me. So I figured if I was gonna get the fine anyways I was just going to take the fine and nothing else. Luckily I have dodged any health problems for the most part. I voted Trump for two things a Wall and to see Obamacare scrapped. Let down so far. Same here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical m0ng behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Classless faggot and piece of shit Jim Acosta in the news. \"CNN s Acosta sends private message to former Melania Trump aide: F--- you \" Acosta should be licking urinals in men's restrooms. That's his hobby. He was seen doing that at Denny's recently. Then he went across the street to a gas-station restroom to continue licking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't hurt yourself pork chop. Pillow fight right? With jazz hands for the winner? Soy face, for real? Are these people being ironic at this point, or is it just what SoyBois do? If you're going to curse the greatest nation on planet Earth, you may want to change your icon picture. Nobody's afraid of the class clown. There are some people who are stupid and some who revel in their stupidity. This is that guy If a Marine looked at him, he'd wet his diaper. Anybody that wants to fuck everything must not be fucking anything...poor guy. I'm 75 and judging by your profile picture I'm confident that I could kick your ass all the way down the street and around the corner. This is the type that goes into hospitals breaking the bones of new borns Give him a break. Those are the only fucks he will ever have.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oldest Closet Faggot Awards Here's the contender list: --Wolf Blitzer --Jorge Ramos --George Soros","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/DVTalHAXSfQ Update breaking news Another Lying Cunt Bites The Dust....Lying Whore....Stormy Daniels defamation suit against Trump dismissed Sent from my iPad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Over the weekend while I was away attending a funeral, my sweet baby cat Nera died...she was the best cat I've ever owned, and was truly unique. It breaks my heart I wasn't home when she passed...I hope you'll indulge me posting a photo and a painting of her. The painting was done by Candace Wagner @OnwardTruth last year. Please give your pet a hug or pat before you leave the house, each and every time. #PetLove Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. @Perspicacious Cool it with the anti retard remarks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at this ignorant Nigger can't even spell . MUTE HIM AND REPORT FOR SPAM .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JamesdaJewison < my opinion is not a popular one I know what that's like. Easy to assume you're being attacked when that's often the case. Don't sweat it mate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I could push a button and instantly kill every last fucking nigger on Earth in the most violent possible way, I would do it without hesitation. I'm so god damn sick of seeing stories like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL - did they an hero her with Oxys?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @babiesdressup: What a silly little monkey http:\/\/t.co\/DMKLK4k147","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the far more relevant factor is the number of liberal arts majors graduating with useless degrees that only become serviceable via socjus grifting operations. Video game journalism is lousy with radical leftist neo marxist twats because there are millions of these useless people and journo is just \"one of the jobs they can do\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Burr is what a liberal should look like. Everyone left of him isn't liberal, they're retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump: I am a nationalist and proud of it https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-J9mhLRzWo0 No he really isn't one. You brought them up not me. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter keeps suspending and shadow banning me so here I am. Apparently the word retarded is offensive","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should test new drugs on gay people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The American right has reached peak levels of self delusion. Just look at the #Walkaway hashtag on twitter - it's 99% boomers, bots, and astroturfing. Nobody is joining your shitty Jewish party, you cucks. \"Based niggers\" aren't a thing and will never be. The GOP hasn't won any new black supporters since 2016, and paradoxically, Kanye has made things worse. What do you call a nigger at a republican event? Keynote speaker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beto supporters can't name any of his accomplishments... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/pB7n","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Burn bitch http:\/\/t.co\/63FmrF0g5j","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"consider this, I run adblock on Gab, I doubt anyone wants to advertise on this site. Nobody that isn't a retarded boomer would pay for Gab Pro, so how do they make money to run this site?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow this is some incel level shit.... |>A wild NPC appears >>Uses incel.exe... >> Attack has no effect since has nothing to do about sex or women and is just probably projecting . << Checks post history >> yup And that sounds like a real incel answer. - Uses lame NPC attack references and ancient zelda memes - Uses 4 chan greentext style for no particular reason except to maybe seem edgy - Draws faces in style of incel posts - Completely unfunny meme: \"KIRK SO AWESOME AND LEFTIES ARE SO DUMB\" Fits right in with incels, yep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just an fyi. When she's on the ground she calls the police officer \"kanker flikker . Flikker' translates to faggot and kanker' means cancer. In the Dutch language calling someone a kanker' (something) is probably the most insulting thing you can say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, disabled people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, i believe we call them *retards*, usually? Mentally retarded individuals? Yes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" \"Is it possible that she's not concerned with his mistresses because she was one of them? . https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/39256-Sarah-Sanders-Blasts-The-View-Over-FLOTUS-Mistress-Allegations","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Turkish Nazi Muslims\" huh retard Hey, try forming real sentences instead of half of your worlds being fucking hashtags, fuckwit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make the curry nigger LEAVE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"your cunt stinks and no one will ever love you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Locusts : Hero shop owner fights off 100 London youths with baseball bat This is the shocking moment up to 100 rampaging youths swarmed \"like locusts into a supermarket, as terrified staff scrambled to fend them off with a baseball bat. Scores of young men spilled out of a house party and caused mayhem on the streets of Crouch Hill. Witnesses said they set off fireworks by a petrol station, threw missiles at cars, pushed a moped rider off his bike and hurled eggs and paint at passers-by before storming the shop. Footage captured on the Budget Supermarket's CCTV shows the gang rush inside and clear the shelves of sweets before being chased out by staff, one of whom grabbed a bat from under the counter. Officers called in the Met helicopter, which kept watch as the crowd quickly dispersed. Shop owner Hawar Bakhtear, 34, who can be seen running at the mass of youths with a baseball bat, suffered a deep cut to his hand after one attacker threw a bottle. He said: \"They were like locusts, there were so many of them. The only thing I could do was protect my staff. I didn't care about the stuff they were taking. \"It was very scary and they need to be punished; if the police don't react they will do it all over again. http:\/\/redpillfactory.uk\/2018\/10\/pc-brigade-say-its-ok-for-man-to-hit-a-woman-trans-mma-fighter-cracks-girls-skull\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In your dreams, Muzzie trash! Not gonna happen!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But still, the general population is retarded. They may think socialism can be done better here, this time. It's hard to fight with retardation. You really can't win. How are you going to make a retard understand things? You have to manipulate them. (Hence a pristine van with pristine Trump stickers. In fucking MIAMI) lmao but Retards are the ones you see walking into Walmart holding hands wearing funny fluorescent bicycle helmets......Those wanting socialism are demons with an evil agenda. The ones wanting socialism get those retards to vote for them. \"No one loves socialism quite like a moron who has never experienced it firsthand...\" Sadly there will always be 10 times the number of lazy idiots than hard working intelligent people. The idiots vote for other idiots no matter what, but then when you have them promising to make $20 an hour, live in a 4000 square foot house with 5 baths, and not pay a light bill, they show up in droves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reminder she used to be better than this even unpacking the Eron's original Post for all the instances of abuse journalists glossed over in defence of their literally who idol, but went full retard almost the moment it seemed to suit her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Warthog elementary skoo \"teacher\" caught sexually assaulting 10 year old boy. Yet another example of why niggers should never be allowed near vulnerable people like kids or the elderly. https:\/\/torontosun.com\/news\/local-news\/ajax-teacher-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-10-year-old-boy in all fairness, %99 of niggers never mature mentally past the age of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your stupid Communist Cunt who wants \"Free Everything\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YEA THEY GET SHORT CIRCUITED AND TRIGGERED SO EASY IN A FORUM THAT IS NOT MODERATED AND FLAGGED OR CENSORED. Just use the word Nigger or show a swastika and they will be mad all night and go to bed triggered","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NeonTreezz @PoCBeauty ......so.....white people selling #African art? NOT COOL? Okay. #blackish #redskins #doublestandard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dey wants to rename our main street MLK Blvd. I told dem dat will even scare da colored folks away","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger \"actor\" named \"Pooch\" screws the pooch, gets ape-faced and lets 2 year old son steer his car. \"In a statement, Sergeant Derek Green told Radar, when police officers arrived, witnesses reported seeing a man driving a Chrysler 300 sedan weaving in and out of traffic with a small child seated on his lap. One witness reported seeing the child's hands on the steering wheel. https:\/\/torontosun.com\/entertainment\/celebrity\/suits-actor-arrested-for-dui-and-allowing-2-year-old-to-drive\/wcm\/a7e7dcc6-9565-4d66-9f97-005aed3b0a13","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"10\/ Semi-related, that's the same with 2nd Amendment absolutists. Like Jim Losi seriously and literally says that there should be no restrictions on guns, including for criminals and the mentally ill. He told me that directly. If that's your position and you think you're a \"super patriot,\" you're actually just a retard. fuck off faggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have .1% African, .2% middle eastern, and 11% Spanish. So I can freely use the terms nigger, sand nigger or Dune cune and can NOT be called a racist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for Muslims has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look. A faggot Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, those gay people would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Prophzilla I don't hate that he blew up from 3005 like a hipster but I hate the faggots who say they love his music based off his worst +","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"New York City Alerts\" reported that a Proud Boy was arrested by ZOG, and posted his actual home address in this tweet out of pure politically motivated malice. https:\/\/twitter.com\/NYCityAlerts\/status\/1053106060482015233 report this bullshit for doxing. In the second, to Brooklyn in May https:\/\/twitter.com\/MirOmarMusic\/status\/448689980538642432 https:\/\/twitter.com\/MirOmarMusic\/status\/735659970205716480 @TheProudBoysUSA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After all, he was replaced by that faggot looking one in the new crappy versions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is boffo box office. I love it. If a cunt wants to smear a good man, she'd best be ready to get smeared in return. Live by the slander, die by the slander.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How arrogant one has to be to be that stuck up about their own political standing? I'm a right winger, and I've got both really conservative friends to leftist and even straight up socialist ones. Just avoid putting politics in the table and you're fine, the only type of person I really don't like to befriend are militant SJWs like those cunts on the pic, since they won't think twice before screwing anyone for attention on their tumblr. I don't care what you stand for as long as you're able to think for yourself and are able to articulate those views. You mean repeating rhetoric isn't my own opinion? Because with out a clear cut, \"wrong \/ right\" sjws can not cry victim. Classic Republican move, trying to undermine the political debate by being peaceful and friendly with people who disagree with you\/s Being right wing is just code for being a selfish arsehole, and that's not a trait I look for in a friend. Ah, so we've found the tumblrina that can't stand other people's happiness already. Second comment thread down. That was fast. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/p8QnPNa.jpg No My condolences Nobody cares, commie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i joined gab to remind myself how retarded jew haters are. You wouldn't be typing on your abacus without them you retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"watch out the faggot ghoul doesn't get you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@StephyRae7 is the biggest faggot in the world","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Our people\". Now is the time for the Aryan race 2 stand up and say \"no more\". Before the mongerls turn the world into a ghetto slum. 1488","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@asshole_king oh no. They drafted that gay ass that come out on TV? Well u welcome to Redskins nation. No queers just a lot of niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@support @a User @IsAskag \"Cuntzilla\" is a spammer, seeking out discussions he doesn't like and begins spamming them with these same images every time. This account has been doing this for a while now. @IsAskag Seen here admitting to spamming @HankRearden with his mate @Deathwish, quite possibly the same person running both accounts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash http:\/\/t.co\/qTfjRAijwn via @worldnetdaily","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's give credit to Kavanaugh's based wife who stood by him and held his hand and pulled him through this mess... https:\/\/redd.it\/9m0x2b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What about the hands up don't shoot lie you helped perpetuate Sally? Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up about democrats you retarded boomer cuckservatives. If you still give a shit about the kike controlled u.s. govt, you're doing it wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It ain't April Fool's yet.. @IGiveEmNathan Jay Z trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barack Obama:: 'marriage is between a man and a woman' Yeah, until he got into office. Obama's a lying faggot #LGBTQpervert #WorstPresidentEver https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/worldnews\/barackobama\/3375059\/Barack-Obama-marriage-is-between-a-man-and-a-woman.html ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"to all those shrieking dyke feminazi's and their \"men\" supporters who've done everything they can to destroy justice Kavanaugh, as well as this country. I have one thing to say after todays vote......HA HA. we won, you lost....AGAIN!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#EarlyBird #early #morning #sunrise #dawn #bird #thebird #jerryreed @ Kansas City http:\/\/t.co\/kuVq8UpwUw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same fucking thing moron You got a lot to learn retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You #football #nigga #KISS #ISIS #wifebeater #faggots> WE SEE YOU> Shout it out to the RADICAL #IslamNation, #YO>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ironically, leftists support that giant money laundering machine they call \"contemporary art\", made of retards screaming at each other, literal shit in a can, jesus in a bucket of piss, white canvases, upside down helicopters and empty rooms with blinking lights.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Virtue signaling... with your feet... how charming... retarded fucking #DemoKKKrats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not all motherfucker! Carolyn Emerick is not going to peg your asshole so quit pushing her agenda to divide whites around religious lines. We have bigger problems like race mixing, immigration, and whites not getting married and having kids. Can the divisive bullshit!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah, flat earthers are way less problematic. They're idiots but that's about it - anti vaxers endanger everybody around them by breaking the herd immunity. I'm still thinking anti vaxxers are a group of about 10 lazy people who just didn't want to go get a shot, and then the news pushed this news to use them as scapegoats for diseases brought back by illegal aliens who brought those diseases with them, from shitholes. I think you left out people who believe in QAnon https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/QAnon >flat earth(er)s ...... Should all be thrown off the edge of the earth Hmmmmmmmmmm Thats the joke.... I was wondering. . . I have never met either. I think they are a rarity IRL and the amount of attention they get online is retarded. What about Anti-earth flat vaxxers? Nah they're cool I just don't like vaccines... I will never try to convince someone to change their ways. That's a cruel mindset. I once had the mindset of \"Go fuck yourself if you don't agree\", but I learned to mature and move past that. I will still share my opinions and viewpoints, but I will never tell someone to change who they are or what they believe in, even if I don't agree with them. And flat earth theory is just a giant joke that got blown way out of proportion. I highly doubt people truly believe that. (Though I have met some rock-dumb people in my day, so it's not 100% out of the question) But the whole mindset of antivaxxers is that they dont provide their children with vaccines and that has flow on effects to people their children interact with. To each their own. If you dont want to be vacinated fine, but vacinate your damn children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoying My bed. Just perfect For me My Teddy bear and monkey It. #Singlelife #bed #teddybear","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@goldiethegamma @CLoprestiWFAN I'm referring to the second down put Vick in slot play #trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are very rude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's 2 out of 7 churches in the Book of Revelation that did not receive rebuke from Christ and it wasn't because they had 18 kids and counting, it was because they taught who the synagogue of Satan is! @Deplorme Stop your prattling. The CORE ISSUE The ROOT CAUSE Of all your problems is that you and people of your generation did not have anywhere near enough children let alone SMART children, to propagate the race. YOU FUCKED UP. YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH But no, you wanted free stuff and abortions and divorce. You reap what you sew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ish_MallyMal August is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White trash have taken over every charity organization in the US.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a ban these \"loli\" fags they like cartoon cp! I second this motion @a please ban these twats before Gab gets slammed with more BS from liberal left wing LOL I love the tribalism in your statement. What a fucking faggot you lot are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JareerKassis: Charlie Rose: Can you coexist with Israel? Meshal: *Not* as occupiers. After that, national consensus will decide, not Ha ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will contacting the CEO of Sony (not Playstation) do anything? If by any miracle the big chief can be persuaded, then the Playstation division will have no choice, but to obey. CEO won't give a shit. As long as it's making money the CEO won't question shit. That's all they'll demand. That only applies to the devs that can't\/won't do it, bigger companies will just tell the workers to suck it up. This is, at worst, going to basically make all the niche or tiny companies stop supporting the PS4, which the CEO won't care about because they don't make that much money off of those kinds of games to begin with. Sony is hardly Disney, they can't be picky about profitable business and just leave money behind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I said this from the start, unfortunately, that Europhile cunt in Downing Street still wants to bow to Junker. She MUST go, NOW!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"# Redis Labs and Common Clause attacked where it hurts: With open-source code http:\/\/www.tuxmachines.org\/node\/116295 proving\/demonstrating the resilience of #freesw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another sjw feckless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To all the women who came out in support of Kavanaugh, i thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don't know how much it means to men to see women stand by our side against wild accusations and collective attacks on all men as violent predators. THANK YOU. #KavanaughConfirmed Don't mess with our men!! Our providers, our protectors our best friends!! Kavanaugh supporting women are we on who sympathized with home because their fathers used to sexually milest them. More of the same, so they stay republican. I agree with you having your free speech but you are a moron and a lil annoying so yeah you gotta go!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope the boy's attorney absolutely destroys these cunts and anyone else involved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All loli looks too real for me and thus I have determined it is all child porn. See I can use legal gray area too retards. This us why @a banned all loli - because you can debate all you want but in the end the service providers will assume its illegal and fuck Gab over. But ya'll are too retarded to get that. So here - \"all anime looks photo real and thus its all child porn and thus all illegal meaning you post it you get banned.\" Too simple? Well go fuck yourself you really belong 6ft under. Idgaf about your arguments. Your existence disgusts me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I said over a year ago Michelle was going to run in Can you imagine that disgusting nigger sheboon lumbering into a meeting with other heads of state? The US would be the laughing stock of the world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wanna try pot brownies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#HolySpirit Joshua 1:3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> However, GOG's claim that its latest controversial tweet was a mistake is questionable. Jumping on this hashtag, one reserved for discussion regarding the Trump administration's potential plans to strip away trans rights, is seen as more than just a marketing tool by those who hold anti-LGBT opinions. It's seen as a dog-whistle for their regressive views, intended to undermine #WontBeErased and this new threat to trans US citizens. But it's just a tweet, right? For those who aren't directly affected by the plans outlined in the Trump administration's memo, then yeah, it can be perceived as \"just a tweet. However, for LGBT gamers who are affected by news like this, GOG signaling to those who don't want them to exist is much more than a tweet. Whether intentional on GOG's behalf or not, it's seen as an admission of the company's political leanings. And, like the CD Projekt Red tweet before it, these leanings can be perceived as anti-trans. I don't even know where to start. How fucking delusional and paranoid do you have to be? GOG made a shitpost using the hashtag to advertise their games. Who the FUCK things that's a secret signal to anti-trans people that GOG hates trans people? How fucking retarded are you? It was just a tweet mistake. It was inappropriate to use the hashtag, but it was just a mistake. Grow the fuck up and move on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @STROCORLEONE @ThoughtsOfRandy @Yummys_World all deze hoes got past demons in em... YOLO nigga lol + Hahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking hollywitz kikes! The new dyke batwoman emerges from the slime: https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/first-look-the-cw-releases-first-photo-of-lgbtq-batwoman-in-costume\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After all this time the african americans are the people with most crime rate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fascinating. We've seen several examples in the last few years where **women** have lied about being sexually assaulted because they are trying to cover up. We recently saw a very high profile example of a woman lying about sexual assault for political reasons. We've seen a case where 5 entitled young cunts in high school lied about a boy sexually assaulting them ... because they didn't like him. Fuck off Author.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taco Bell is super trash when you're sober","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm having difficulty actually believing that these are real people and these are their actual opinions... like, who the hell are these fuckin' retards and where do you find them to personally tell them so? Asking for a friend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doesn't mean he is wrong. I'm not saying he is. He fucking kills it in this video. It's arguably his peak. I'm just trying to paint a complete picture","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fucking black faggot piece of shit called himself Spartacus. Spartacus was a heroic Greek Gladiator If this black crap is what passes for a Greek Gladiator these days...then this other black piece of shit must be what passes for a Valentino lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is the most retarded thing i ever read. all time. not even close","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"then don't watch it - for crying out loud - this is the most idiotic thing I have seen - seems everyones an NPC these days - same bullshit outrage talking points whatever \"side\" of the culture war you are on. \"OMFG they made her non white\" - \"OMFG they whitewashed this or that\" if this is the most important thing to get outraged about, then both for and against seriously need to get a fucking life. buncha fucking retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ryandolan123: when people say coloured http:\/\/t.co\/2lKUkctPf0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @washingtonpost: China's bird flu outbreak: 3 good signs, 3 bad signs and 3 very bad signs http:\/\/t.co\/v3n67Gs5Mw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never heard of this before. Strange that this doesn't make national news, but racist taddle tales do. Blame the news media, leave them minorities alone with their cruel crimes targetting visiting Chinese scholars for murder and mayhem. They are def treated with kid gloves on national and international news; agree with your point not locally, court of public opinion, or court period","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao, fucking hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perhaps. but they're writing in english. So, at *best*, it makes them sound like pretentious cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Society is fucked for sure. And that s everyone s fault","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British tongue. Don't blame Jews. Blame Hitler, fucked up the opportunity because the backward retarded prick loved his drugs to much. Don't and will never exist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello everyone. I just joined Gab tonight. Herr Zuckerbergs Gestapo just put me on another 30 day ban for using facts backed up with links and logic on a liberal and made them cry....again. LMAO. Funny how he never bans them for the vile names and personal attacks and threats them make against me when they lose the arguement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THAT'S RETARDED AND GROSS EVEN 4 U TRANNY B","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what was this dumb cunt thinking? \"oh yeah I'll just slap on this wig, call myself Pauline and wander into the woman's changing room? Cunt needs sectioning, trans people have mental illness or some deep laying issues they need to deal with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only semi related, but I love the fact that she points out that the dual protagonist system robbed the game of having a genuinely interesting and developing protagonist, because people didn't say exactly that was going to happen when they announced it only to be called \"misogynist\". Story should always trump retarded inclusion bullshit, pick a character and go with it don't try and create something that appeals to everyone because it will end up being 100% unremarkable and boring.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These trans people make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheREALJB1RD Gotta get my superbowl shirt at the cleaners then we hitting the big bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want everyone to look carefully at the truck door in this pic and then try to keep lying to yourselves that kikes arnt behind immigration! UPDATE: Here's the video! Go to 3:21 to see the star. https:\/\/youtu.be\/r2wHQ4Bc_88 They're not hiding their involvement anymore. @Booster_Bunny @Patrick_little @Goy_Talk_USA @NickGriffin @JohnRivers @GoyGibson Can you say \"photoshop\"? Lol like pottery... The Jew Programmed NPCs come out to defend their programmers. You cant really blame them though, just gotta try to have fun at their expense. They are, after all, Programmed People. They refuse to let go of their pride. A red pen is in front of them and they fight till the death to tell you it's blue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the fuck is wrong with these people? Like who looks at this shit and actually thinks it's a good idea and how did these fucking retards get put into these positions of power in the first place?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TylerCarboner hey I'll leave Abbey too! Oh if I get a job on the slope I might move back! Cause id lose out on lots of money buying tickets","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you women until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There was no fighting in Shelbyville because these retards didn't pick the location. I picked the location and even cancelled that rally in Murfreesboro to avoid even the possibility of engaging with Antifa It was the Alt-Right which always wanted to go to places like Charlottesville, Washington, DC, Berkeley, Portland, Huntington Beach But hey! The brain trust still loves \"trigger the lefties\". As if they aren't triggered every fucking day, like a White man's alarm clock. With fake friends like that, and legit but naive guys in jail, who needs enemies. e-Celebs, doing the work faggot antifa can't do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL oh look another one got locked out of moms basement","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey I'm a nationalist too. Better a nationalist than the politically retarded dupes of the globalists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is computer code written into the fabric of the universe according to String Theory, which has proven different dimensions. https:\/\/youtu.be\/cvMlUepVgbA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He really is brainless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DonLemonCNN @DanaBashCNN u both sorry to give racist @SenTedCruz a platform w his trash language Dana ur intvw was below kindergarten level","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A bit of revisionist history from Travis LeBlanc. What anyone on the TRS forums knows is that it was open season in Richard Spencer there. And it was most certainly encouraged by the owners of TRS. If you criticized an owner of TRS, (((Weev))), Andrew Anglin, or Ricky Vaughn, you got banned. If you criticized a number of movement people that were on the 'purge list' like Richard Spencer, no problem whatsoever. The only thing that interrupted this process was Paul Nehlen's doxing of Ricky Vaughn. As for the Daily Stormer \"pushing out toxic elements from the movement\", there is no more toxic element in the movement than (((Weev))). Greg Johnson says he agrees with LeBlanc on this, which is an outrage. https:\/\/goo.gl\/6Mkoi7 One of the pillars that made Spencer a leader was being able to throw upscale conferences that could bring people together. Mike's hieling at NPI cut this off for him and played a huge part in Spencer's decline in leadership. Also that Spencer was able to connect with normie focused people like Peter Brimelow. The heiling at NPI cut that off too. In fact whenever something strange happens, especially as it relates the the Daily Stormer, it always results in some funnel into our cause being shut down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckwad Chuck Schumer says Kavanaugh misled the Senate, when in fact it was the feckless cunt Crissy Ford who made reckless allegations in the Senate with N corroboration and having never filed a police report. Chuck Schumer should die a death worse than McCain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#tbt my precious gook baby @outtapocketjuju http:\/\/t.co\/2QJLJj6tK5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuckservative talking points: - \"Dems are da real racists. - \"I'm against illegal but not legal immigration. - \"Race doesn't matter. I see people as individuals. #Cuckservatism #Cuckservatives u sound like a faggot cuck. Let me know when you grow a set and stand up for your race, white man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In case people didnt know, USC is surrounded by one of the shittiest parts of LA. Nowadays they have security all over the streets 24\/7 to avoid shit like this. Its crazy how such a prestigious university can be in such a shithole > Its crazy how such a prestigious university can be in such a shithole That's easy. Abolish unions Slash wages Gut corporate taxes (so companies no longer need to invest in themselves) Boondoggles Imported Labor Visa when not required (slashing wages) Gut workers rights and overtime (there is 80 million jobs just there) Create special rules that favor the rich. (We can steal (wages) from you but you (as workers) can't steal from us. Wage theft - Civil Theft - Criminal. Privatise education. No regulation, no caps on fees and no money up front for qualifications the nation needs. Gut welfare and allow companies to profit shift so they can \"offshore\" everything for tax purposes. Except none of that happened in Los Angeles. It's in response to his reply to the statement: \"Its crazy how such a prestigious university can be in such a shithole\" None of what he mentioned happened in Los Angeles historically. If you're saying that it's America as a whole, then every University would be in a bad area because of those things.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When those puppy could of livers to how ever old had puppy of there own put because of these evil cunt I hope you not just get caught but in prison but I've to see them dead fill sorry for the owner of thoese puppy and them to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I get that she's a bit of a cunt about how she describes that, but is nobody thinking that those guys did pussy out?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't that special?! Sarah Silverman: I Let Louis C.K. Masturbate in Front of Me https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/22\/sarah-silverman-i-let-louis-c-k-masturbate-in-front-of-me\/ via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that cnn alleged lady look like a dude for sure a lot of truth spoken in jest. If they did have these 2 categories, I think they may have won over a few more retarded people. Seriously","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone falling for the jewish hoax? Yes? Then you are a retarded moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rudy Throws Fastballs Near Charlie s Chin..(No Sweat) Crist Ducking Giuliani Campaign Politics In Florida! DoG http:\/\/t.co\/EJpdwlS5qj s-chin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I was filming say the next Joe Dirt movie, you know like a comedy spoof making fun of the Trump loving redneck gun toting variety spoof... this would be the exact van I would have Joe Dirt drive. HILARIOUS! The set directors have done a great job! Well done!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many retards in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Ingolstadt: Bremsvorgang eines Linienbusses greift eine #Nigerianerin die Fahrerin an, #beleidigt die Frau, zieht ihr an den Haaren und #schl gt ihr die #Faust auf den #Hinterkopf https:\/\/www.donaukurier.de\/lokales\/polizei\/ingolstadt\/DKmobil-dkonline_PMG-0815-28-Jaehrige-attackiert-Busfahrerin;art64745,3938115","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next b l a c k person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"im glad, you nigger lovin, anti-Confederate, cunt, go to hell bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Complicit in these crimes against humanity are Obama, and his gay faggot advisers who pushed to legalize this depraved perversion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@karmendanielle_ u gotta slow down these coon hrs all they know is love n hip hop, lebron, and fake love quotes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger Woah there injobol0! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If like to see you say that to his face. anytime","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another faggot non American bed wetter Akemi has a little weemie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look Ma! A nigger with his mouth open!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@leetreble_ quit bitching faggot, happy you cant see your faggot family cry baby little girl crying in the parking lot, you aint a man sissy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" almost as dumb as the idiots who voted for him. TWICE! hahahahahahhahahaa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you're a white knight faggot For helping someone? Lolol. Half the \"faggots I know could whoop your ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like gay people. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2018\/10\/01\/kavanaugh-accuser-co-authored-study-citing-use-hypnosis-retrieve-memories\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Woody_AFC: @_WhitePonyJr_ @ivanrabago_ no doubt about it. I mean its cute tossing around trash cans and having 98lb Mexican boys wantin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in a gay person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right wingers are brainless retarded sheep ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/order-order.com\/2018\/10\/01\/owen-jones-cancels-building-new-britain\/ So why do the MSM TV News media still use Owen Jones. He speaks on behalf of nobody. This proves he isn't popular with anybody.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"post spanking porn, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The standards for politeness were clearly set by a pussy faggot cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok Reddit mod. What boatsinker get too hot for ya? All hear this: this is how redditors do. Wes rolling along, doing our thing, and here comes this faggot, coming in here offering and humanist argument, when in actuality his cause, is anything but. Whose fucking thread was this? Mine or yours, I forgot... Oh wait mine. My charge still stands. Your a Reddit straw nigger here to magnet christains into being afrad of calling a fag a fag. Regardless of what schlomo tells you, you are not an individual, and your actions do affect the group. https:\/\/youtu.be\/EP5aqAC8PPY We favor castration for pedophiles and faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would bitch about the weather being bipolar, but I'm just gonna appreciate how nice it is instead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump admin considering defining gender an unchangeable, biological fact that is designated at birth https:\/\/www.bizpacreview.com\/2018\/10\/22\/trump-admin-considering-defining-gender-an-unchangeable-biological-fact-that-is-designated-at-birth-685858","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/senate-doxxer-jackson-cosko-held-without-bond-judge-considers-him-too-dangerous-to-release-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No they didn't you dumb mgtow faggot, in 2008 obongo got just 46% of the white female vote, and only 42% in Stop being a fucking retard and focus on the real problem- mass nonwhite immigration. https:\/\/www.newyorker.com\/news\/john-cassidy\/whats-up-with-white-women-they-voted-for-romney-too Your low iq is showing... I didn't say how many white women voted for Obama... 42% and 46% is too much. Your gay insults just show your tendencies. Project your gayness somewhere else idiot...l","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We already allowed the cunt who radicalised the Mohamheads that cut off the head of Lee Rigby on the streets of London to walk free yesterday only having served half his sentence. UK is a fucking JOKE. They will probably jail Tommy Robinson for 10 years tomorrow at the Old Bailey for just being himself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Definition of a moron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course the trns person was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" How 'bout some jizz in the other eye ?? What man could get it up to jizz in her other eye? Maybe a chimp.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And my nickname is Spartacus....behind my back republicans call me nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ever wonder what kind of byke the kyke dyke rides? Yah, me neither.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Healthy Conversation? Twitter Takes No Action as Louis Farrakhan Calls Jews Termites' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/17\/healthy-conversation-twitter-takes-no-action-as-louis-farrakhan-calls-jews-termites\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggots, dykes, niggers and nigger lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, she got annihilated. I felt bad for her, then I remembered what a cunt she was","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#GulagUniversity #rrraus #zioReverseEvolution #MartinLuther WIR sind #deutscherTrump (YesWeCan.) Motto: **WENN Medien nicht mehr ans eigne Volk glauben (wollen), wer versagte?!** http:\/\/bit.ly\/2E0YuLb [AutophpGab]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should test new drugs on Muslims before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ask that faggot about Hitler's orders to gas the Jews. Or the Red Cross report saying it was a death camp. You won't find them because they never existed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REMINDER The Snitch recently told me the names of all of Nashville Antifa and much of Tennessee Antifa. I've also been given the names of an even bigger Antifa collective which I am currently verifying before release","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And for Shekels they fuck every nigger and every Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#SouthCarolina is full of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, stupid nigger likes to go online...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't blame anyone for moving away from this shitshow but I'm going to bunker down in preparation for the collapse. We have a retarded Somalian refugee as our Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship so that's not good.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These arguments are fucking retarded. This shit is NOT equal to an archaic law that no one enforces. It's more like if the US insitituted a travel ban, and then just let everyone go on their merry way anyway. These laws were just made. They didn't put these fuckers on the books so they could \"not enforce.\" Get. Fucking. Real.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not only the politicians are going into the wood chippers but also the police.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the counterpart to mansplaining? Vaghining?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftists are masterful at using language to promote their distorted agenda. Dreamer vs. illegal alien. Assault weapon vs. rifle. Pro choice vs. pro abortion. Paying your fair share vs. oppressive taxation Beware of the Leftists - dangerous and smarter than they appear.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whole problem with this stuff is you guys have your fucking cellphones out and record people. Put your celllphone away, kick the faggot off his bike, take your sign back. Let him call the police.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WayneDupreeShow: Fear mongering by the left is dying. Wake up, who are you going 2 believe Charlie Rangel and Hussein or Mia Love and C ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste Thread that might be of interest to you re: AF\/WM pairs and NOWAGs. https:\/\/twitter.com\/hpmacd\/status\/1051256487471968256 hmmm... I'll give that some thought, but it doesn't match my observations.. we're working at the margins - most (NE) asian women don't divorce - so each instance must be examined for what drove the leap, and all I've ever seen is \"drama+$$$=tingles\"... tingles need both ingredients every time I've seen a divorce \"drama+poor\" isn't enough, nor \"boring+$$$\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Early worm gets the bird #Bslfe #GoodMorning http:\/\/t.co\/dfE8MF2Q28","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He may be the President but that doesn't necessarily mean he's in the sole position of power in regard to making such decisions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The author nailed my most obvious gripe that every male character has a tragic flaw or was a failure of ego, whereas every woman was the paragon of virtue and heroism. That sort of one sided characterization really pulled me out of the story and spoke of agenda. > That sort of one sided characterization really pulled me out of the story and spoke of agenda. It's not just male\/female either. Every antagonist is white except for 2 who both betray the empire for the good guys(aka, they're actually protagonists). In rogue one they even made the deliberate casting choice to have zero white male protagonists. They're hamfisting in a weird kind of racial politics into it as well. Can you imagine being *so fucking fragile* that if a single movie doesn't represent you, you're actually upset? If you want some white male leads, you can literally watch *any of the originals or prequels.* This subreddit loves to bitch about fragile SJWs, but holy fuck you guys have fragile egos. That's not what I said and you know it. Can you imagine being so up your own ass that you have to deliberately misinterpret what people say so you can keep jacking yourself off with your righteous indignation? I don't give a shit about movies not having white male leads, I care about them deliberately choosing to make all the bad guys white males and deliberately make none of the good guys white males. that's shoehorning in personal racial politics in to a movie it has absolutely no place in. How about make a few members of the empire non-white and make the movie even more diverse! Anti SJWs: \"haha libatrds and there precious fee-fees, amirite ladies\" Also Anti SJWs: What a well thought out argument. I'm impressed. > What a well thought out argument. I'm impressed Yeah yeah, get rekt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go fuk u nigger bf and die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this similar to the point the black men make when they fuck this guys wife? Jesus Chirst this account LOVES based niggers more than life itself What? You don't know WTF you are talking about! First of all his name is Scott Presler and he doesn't have a wife. Scott Presler is a gay male. Scotty is an American Patriot to whom I am proud of. Next you disrespected The Holy Name of our Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth and FUCK YOU BITCH. Hahaha I was just implying he was a faggot because of his political cucking but turns out he really is one >Zealot Christian >loves gays Yes I'm the desecrator... Lol you are such a liar. If you wanted to have the conversation you would have it now. Good luck with your Israel First movement. I'm not participating thanks. I cant quote you anymore your trash is polluting my feed Goodbye","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Muslim who murdered the Scottish kid, Kriss Donald, has been given a poetry award while in prison. He gouged out Kriss Donald's eyes and set him on fire. RIP Kriss. I'll never forget what they did to you and how our establishment and media hushed it up. The way things are going, he'll probably be elected Home Secretary after they let him out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Horrible faggot Owen Jones.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three immigrants were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Suck my dick Edit 1: and my balls Edit 2: churdle them balls Edit 3: trying to act like you got a big dick to a group of dudes is gayer than being a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of gay people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats' have every intention on destroying America. They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until America has fallen. #caravan #invasion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of the most retarded black retards on two feet. Tell me again how blacks aren't racist. What a sack of shit. https:\/\/youtu.be\/lIcZiOVmYmg https:\/\/youtu.be\/lIcZiOVmYmg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you are absolutefilth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"get a life you fucking sperm guzzling little faggot fuck bitch boy... what a pathetic, miserable piece of fucking slimy shit. enjoy your pathetic life bitch Get back in the closet tranny!!!! Did you know this Jewish professor, who are responsible for legalization of trannies and faggots ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Indian troops martyr eight more youths in Occupied Kashmir https:\/\/tribune.com.pk\/story\/1830791\/3-indian-troops-martyr-eight-youth-search-operation-held-kashmir\/ \"youths\" large groups of women tend to syncronize- we found that out with the Womens Army Corp and other military units- Mohamed kept promising virgins- and having 72 in a sociable mood may have been interesting- but the other 26 days of the cycle? poor-poor-poor simple minds-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can smell the failure through my phone screen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the dyke cunt, Zoe Sharp, who wrote a \"funny\" short story about President Trump being assassinated. #ZoeSharp ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NerdAtCoolTable: RT @RealSheemBacc: For every bad bitch there is a nigga who treats them like shit and yet they stay..... I wanna ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait till cunt ginsburg croaks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excess soy makes you retarded it seems.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's a problem with the state. you're expected to eat shit according to who had what identity. a lot of these faggots should really be eliminated","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck can I not just skip this exam?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberal cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They did the same thing with that spic they blamed for the pipe bombs sent to our favorite globalist crew. Said he was a Trump supporter. Cuz being a Trump supporter is relevant to being a terrorist. Whenever a kebab self detonates the media says the motive is uncertain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oil executives are absolutely despicable. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Whites had the same solidarity jews have, the tapirs would be finished. This grammatical error, known as unclear pronouns, is common when comparing an object and a subject in a compound sentence. It is not clear that Sr. Stompthehook is saying White collectivism would be the end of Jews or whites. To remedy sr. must repeat Jews again instead of using a pronoun. This has been your sat lesson.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @rachael_goss: Who wants to chill on campus w me and throw bibles at bitches taking the walk of shame ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw a tweet once that summed it up very well. >GG: \"Hey can you guys behave professionally and maybe stop calling your own customers shitbags? We didn't do anything.\" >Games media: \"Sure, but first you have to end all harassment on the internet, everywhere, forever.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All trans people like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LIBTARD MEME BOMB a meme pak assault against libtards https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/cjAyE1APfoMG\/ #altright #whitegenocide #freespeech #trudeau #trump #bernier #whitenationalism https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/channel\/aryanh8\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Mitchellharri: Dont be a faggot, cover your mouth when you fkn cough or sneeze, I got a immune system to keep strong asshole","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn Joe Buck just making it sound like Greinke was trash when he played for the Royals. Chill out Joe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These fucks actually showed a picture of a nigger proud boy and called them white supremacist. Its time to surround that building in Atlanta.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An immigrant must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump is very aware of the Jewish Question. His answer to it is \"outright Zionism\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"looks like a sand nigger cock in your hand","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mate. I also own 5 properties, a sports car and a healthy bank balance. Private medical insurance etc etc. I'm not forsaking my good life just so a bit of my taxes don't go to some lazy twats....which will actually make me a lazy twat too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i was playing forza, ya know a international game, and i was in a game with italians, spaniards, germans, and brits, and i troll and chant USA USA USA!!! the german goes fuck the usa man... i go hey man donald j trump is our leader now, not that stupid nigger obama you better show us some respect bro, he says \"thats true\" and we got along just fine after that italians and germans hated america the most before i spoke a lil german and italian to them and convinced them im not one of the retarded americans aka a libTARD, and they respected me instantly, brits and spaniards were on fence but i could tell they sided with german and italian till i made the fuck obama statement, then i won em all over #ForTheRecord","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only gay people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is absolutely explosive! Monica McLean - one of Ford's \"Beach Friends?\" Or one of her her FBI handlers? The more I look into Ford, the worse I feel for her. Clearly just a pawn in all this. https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2018\/10\/03\/christine-blasey-ford-friend-in-delaware-was-career-fbi-agent-and-likely-together-during-accusation-letter-construct\/ #JusticeKavanaugh #SCOTUS #ConfirmKavanaugh She's no pawn She's 3rd generation CIA she's a cia recruiter She's a scheming never trumper She's an apparent perjurer too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kinda fuckin retard turns into a prepper because of zombie films and shows? You dipshits know that shit aint real, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In anyone's OPINION, Christine Ford is a: A: Cunt B: Whore C: Slut D: All of the above","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tim Pool accurately summarises the state of the culture war and why pacifism is losing the war against the far left. PS: Sorry guys, Had to repost as I broke a rule with the title. All good. Yes, that is clearly what Alex Jones did. Thanks for letting us know the truth. Now I feel way better about him getting banned from paypal. which is fucking dumb. i wrote about this in cringeanarchy... basically the admins told the mods to stop letting people flagrantly use racist derogatory terms. the problem with banning low energy racist bullshit like this is that offense is taken, not given. when these social terrorists ban a word for being racist, what they're saying is us po blak fohk are too feebleminded that when we hear it, it'll cause us to go until a drug fueled, south chicago gangbang shooting rampage ... as if sticks and stones suddenly stopped being true. they're the ones who are racist bigots. they are not helping. they do not get the moral high ground. Freedom of speech means I can shit on your podium when I don't like what you say. Anyone who does that is an idiot. Anyone who in this day and age uses nigger is doing the same thing. Throwing poop around is a method of discourse for monkeys and cavemen. Throwing around slurs as an argument is a method of discourse for human from 1600~ Get on with the times and stop being upset we've grown as a species. > Freedom of speech means I can shit on your podium when I don't like what you say. Freedom of speech means you go speak at your own podium and leave the person already speaking at his own podium alone. Man, I love when people show up from the outside to have a conversation. Shut, the, fuck, up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is really an interesting study in just how far homosexual and trans-gender mental illness can take you... Hollywood could make a movie off of this one.. 'Death Wish XIII: The Tehran Flying Experience' ..lol @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @WADL @blazinherb @Escoffier @A_I_P @lostpassword - \"Lucy Vallender used to be called 'Laurens', and says she is finally 'true to herself' after a sex change [in 2010]. The 28-year-old is now married to a Muslim man she met on an online dating site- he did not know she was once a man when they wed\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I noticed in the newest TMNT cartoon they weren't satisfied with niggerfying the turtles, but made April a nigger too. This is the final straw, it's kike huntin' season. Why so many redhead girls are being turned into niggers in fiction ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Catalogue: #europe 0203 article: https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/441953-brexit-compared-nazi-germany\/ The smear is all the con artists of the inbred retard elite pervert eurotrash union can muster anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take it in the ass like the Spartucus you are I would ask that you not call him 'Spartacus', the name of a WHITE Scythian hero, not some lowly Nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, it's one way to make sure I'll never talk to you again. Much less pay you a single penny. Bro wtf your flair mean? Translate it from binary. golf echo november delta echo romeo. its the gender binary","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TreyDoe_: @HallDerik @20ToLife_ once fag.\" You got pressed to the ground? ..hang up your cleats n never put them back on or think about it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/busted-gop-and-prosecutor-rachel-mitchell-knew-christine-ford-coached-friend-on-polygraph-before-hearing-then-caught-her-lying-during-testimony\/ Busted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These feminazi women screaming for equal rights actually have a Sharia Law advocate for their leader It is mind numbing that they are this stupid. https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/linda-sarsour-susan-collins-is-white-senator-pushing-white-supremacy-on-senate-floor\/?utm_source=Facebookandutm_medium=atwaynedupreeandutm_campaign=social","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"indoctrinating encroachment\" would be more appropriate. You just sound like a nigger using google translate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actress Jane Fonda proclaimed in a new interview that the upcoming midterms are the \"most important elections of my lifetime and said that it was \"hard for her to breathe in America right now. \"The elections on Nov. 6 are the most important elections of my lifetime. So much depends on what happens, Jane Fonda told a film festival crowd in France, according to The Hollywood Reporter. \"It's hard for me to breathe right now, Fonda also said. Jane, you traitorous bitch, for the love of God, please top breathing Now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing is ever diverse enough for these people. Gotta love when so many ads these days, especially for the government, picture more shitskins than whites even though we are still a majority (in our own countries, not for long). They aren't even making any effort to hide the fact they are blatantly trying to replace us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Evidentally he took on one of those retarded loans that grows exponentially if you don't pay it on the agreed date. Probably bought a playstation or something for a game *cough* *RDR2*.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @harrryaf: being a good citizen picking up trash (: http:\/\/t.co\/PMFR5eopwO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to march. Time to protest in front of the mansions of limousine democrats.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me know when your IQ reaches retarded level before you talk to me. So I have to be a retard to relate to you? I can use simpler words if you like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also admits she's a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb cunts got 45 years","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DanHarrison1985: RT @CecilHurt: Charlie Strong got down to the 53-man roster nearly as quickly as Texans did","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exec slams Republicans: 'F*ck. You. All. To. Hell' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33zRP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just a guess but you're muh hammer, muh wodin, nigger style new age spiritism, right? You can still grow your own dick and do better. Advice still stands, like all color of nigger, if you hate them so much get away from them and carry on. You know, like a boomer would be able to figure out. Coon logic, boy. You saying something makes it true. 100% nigger tier.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"French word for potato translates as \"earth apple.\" Banana is \"long yellow tree apple.\" Submarines are \"big wet hollow kaboom apple.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're fucking retarded, keep sending whites to slaughter, since UTR we have no networking, infighting from faggots like you right here etc etc.. but yea bring on the peasant rebellion, they never get crushed as soon as the leaders get taken out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's get rid of immigrants once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mike Mac you're a worthless Nigger, Nigger, Nigger , Nigger , Nigger , Nigger . Go fuck yourself with a plunger you homo faggot . ha ha ha hopefully he kills himself when g+ shuts down. he won't be able to make 3 or 4 profiles a day and harass people when they close. his life will be over. i will travel where ever i have to go to piss and shit on his grave. hahahahahahaha!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha oh my god the arrogance. How many PC gamers do you know own a flagship $800+ phone? I don't know many. Even I use a $100 stripped down Samsung as my daily driver. It does video well and is half way decent at running all my apps. Which, by the way DOESN'T FUCKING INCLUDE ONE GOD DAMN GAME. I own the equivalent of a Chevy malibu for a phone. Why? Because mobile games are shit, will always be shit and I'm sorry, but I'm not gaming for hours on end on a 5 inch screen with touchscreen controls. I'd rather play on a switch, you know, something that is designed for extended hours of mobile gaming? Oh, and don't get me started on the constant ads and microtransactions that plague the mobile phone gaming market. I have a decent gaming PC. I spent thousands to future proof it for at least 5 years. I'm not about to run out and buy a god damn new phone just so I can play what will most likely be a shit fest of a game. I really hate the way the gaming market seems to be going in. All they care about is money money money and it's blatantly obvious they are castrating the good developers who are with these mega game companies. Not really a good metric. But his comment was retarded regardless and definitely was a pretty odd thing to say.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Common NPC lines: \"Diversity is our strength\" \"Islam is a religion of peace\" \"Believe women\" \"Love is love\" \"Hate speech is not free speech\" \"You're on the wrong side of history\" \"IQ tests don't mean anything\" \"Black Lives Matter\" \"How can you call yourself Christian and still support Trump?\" \"My preferred pronouns are:\" \"Insert Harry Potter analogy here\" She immediately downvoted my post to hide it, so I'll just repost it on my own account: she's literally using the same logic she's criticizing. Oh, so \"diversity is our strength\" is an NPC line? Fine, what about \"love your race\"? How is that not an NPC line? And yet everyone on Gab is all excited about this meme, proving they're also NPCs. Whatever you do, don't downvote his posts guys, you really hurt his feelings that way! Dude, you're a subhuman who doesn't realize the difference between hiding a post (like Reddit does) and it appearing lower down the reply chain. Physician, heal thyself. Then again, you're still incapable of grasping that the US was pretty much White Supremacist until that True Conservative decade, the 1960s.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The last time I saw Roger was last year at the Boxing Day Test. He'd turned into such a fat, normal yobbo cunt. \"The wife nearly didn't let me out today,\" he said. And he did all that chanting yobs do, like; \"Ooh, ahh, Glenn McGrath\". It got you in the end, I thought to myself as I looked at Roger. Life got you in the end, pal. You were such a cocky successful winner when we were sixteen, But now you're just another sad, fat prick sitting in the MCG high-fiving in self-congratulation, as if it's *you* that had the skill and determination to play for Australia. It's the cunts with the bad haircuts that you've got to watch out for. There's never been a popular teenager yet who's done rats with their life. It's the fucking dorks that give it a real go. Glenn McGrath got 5 for 50 that day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Macintosh you're a cunt calling everybody on Gab racists. I bet you're the guy that abused the disabled man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FACT! MILLIONS of encounters with police every day and blacks tear shit up over a few hundred dead criminals, killed mostly by BLACK COPS MORE WHITES ARE KILLED by cops, but we don't chimp out commit the crime, do the time, whites know this https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/black-people-killed-by-police-america_us_577da633e4b0c590f7e7fb17 Exactly!!!! libtards don't want to look into the facts about their nigger pets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck. as if special treatment ever helped any group of society. such retarded and backwards thinking. if these women weren't already worse at their jobs than their male counterparts(statistically accurate), they definitely will be now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hannity acting like Antifa and Proud Boys (his allies and fans) are equivalent. Compare this to the democrats lying incessantly to protect their Antifa pets: https:\/\/www.mediamatters.org\/video\/2018\/10\/15\/sean-hannity-attempts-link-violent-attack-far-right-group-proud-boys-left-wing-incitement\/221689","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all saw how mad that little chunky boy was? He wouldn't even let his dad touch him, bruh lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Slimy Snoop Dogg is an overseer on the Dem plantation https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For the same reason that boat niggers who INVADE Europe are all military aged men. Except, South Americans aren't half as bad as retarded african savages who sow death and destruction in my continent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They're communists you raging faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of bitches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have to call out the open hatred for trans people in our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"During Obama's term my government gave the clinton foundation tens of millions in donations to get our PM some time with Hillary and Obama's top ranking people. That is how the Democrats did international trade with small nations. Do not let this little cunt negotiate trade deals for you. She will only do a deal that benefits her own wallet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On behalf of the UK. Please take this cunt back and whilst your at ,you can have Harry too. Now he's shown his true colours","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt still got out of the ticket.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_Nadiaxo fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tonynolanlive \"There is a special time and place for decaf coffee: never and in the trash.\" My family's motto about their java habits. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahaha.. First the faggot libtards make IRS laws to silence the churches, now they have them corralled in to NGO's pumping out inflated numbers based on POLITICS... the exact reason they were silenced by the IRS to begin with. ps. The good Lord above reminded me the other day, we get to see them all thrown in the lake of fire one day, much sooner than you think! One way to find out F==khead !! When liberals stop sexualizing children, supporting Democrat perverts and supporting Muslim rape and child bride practices, maybe, just maybe we'll start giving a shit what liberals say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Comrade just did a PSA informing us all that the NPC meme is no longer welcome on the interwebz F https:\/\/twitter.com\/BostonBikers\/status\/1052347263622795265","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all suck on flappy bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boomers were not old enough to vote for the '65 immigration act, desegregation, or anything else. In California, at least, they turned out to vote for Prop The problem is as soon as they came of age, they did nothing to correct the mistakes of their elders and even made things worse. I can't think of a single boomer politician who isn't a sack of shit. \" We started work at 15\" Maybe some American teenagers would like to work as well and get some work experience? Oh, no, they can't do that because your kind supported and still supports cheap brown labor. Have fun being tortured by a nigger in some derelict nursing home.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump replaced conservative Scalia with Conservative Gorsuch and the left got pissy He replaced moderate Kennedy with Conservative Kavanaugh and the left went ballistic Imagine how fun it's going to be when he replaces liberal icon Ginsburg with conservative Barrett Oh Yea !!! No way. She has already proven, with her personal mess of a life, she cannot judge, impartially, any case that would come before her regarding Affirmative Action. I'll personally work to make sure my senator will not turn and vote for her. Im all about the learning , save me the time and post a link to what youre talking about please So you question her judicial competance based on her humanity ? No, I question her judicial IMPARTIALITY based on her personal misgiven IDEALS. Well i hate to break it you but that is about the most groundless accusation ever proffered. Good luck convincing any semi intelligent person that her judicial competance is questionable based her compassion for children... if you have any knowledge of wrongdoing im all in otherwise we are done here And I hate to break it to you that your own personal bias has just created the most groundless defense ever offered. There are many that believe just as I do, and quite frankly, we have already proven we are far more intelligent than you. She has no compassion for children, moron. And yes, we are done here, permanently. GET OUT OF THE NEW SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVES STATES, TO RECREATE A NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION LIKE THE AMISH IN PENNSYLVANIA OR THE UTAT, SALT LAKE CITY, WITH A LARG PART OF MORMONS ! JEOVAH, SCIENTOLOGIST LIKE TOM CRUISE, GET OUT !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many forigners everywhere I go, what happened to all the real candians all I see is hajibs everywhere Real Canadians don't live in big cities anymore. Toronto hasn't been Canada in my eyes for at least a decade. Couple questions: How do you personally define a \"real Canadian ? And secondly, why must everyone subscribe to your definition of a \"real Canadian ? 1) someone who doesn't have to ask what a real Canadian is. 2) because we don't want the country turned into a third world shit hole Cool thanks for fostering real discussion. For fucks sake. Read your own post and think about whether you were looking for real discussion. If you have an actual question, ask it. Wtf my actual question is what is your definition of a real Canadian. Is it someone who speaks english or French fluently? Someone who grew up here? Someone who is a citizen? Someone who doesn't support Trudeau? Someone who is of European heritage? Someone who only agrees with you? Someone who is upset that we accept refugees? What the fuck is the definition, because I have no idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @srhholdem2233 @blazinherb @Escoffier @Screw-z-jews @lostpassword @BardParker @Dividends4Life - Sen. Chuck Schumer announced in June 2018 that his dyke daughter, Alison, will be marrying her dyke fianc e, Elizabeth Weiland. The perverted female couple plan to walk down the aisle in Nov. Cheney's daughter is a dyke too. And the POS is a ziopuppet as well","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey douche.. ive been saying this since the morning after and I'm right .. get over it The term he claimed was \"farts\" is a well known 80s term for \"ffffffucking\" ... its a small FIB but totally can be used to claim he's NOT CREDIBLE... not by me, i wanted this confirmation.. BY LAW ya dumb cunts #MAGA its like spoon feeding retarded LIBS sometimes with some of you ... just saying #MAGA #TRUMP2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love fuckin wit people. I be givin greedy ass nigas old as crackers wit expired cheese dey be callin me like nigga im shittin likea goose","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RepulsiveTool And the only band that sucked worse live is those fags Guns and Poses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Two red bones kissin n da back seat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What gave it away? Fluttering hands and queer socks. lol His PJ's must be a riot. Hearts and flowers probably. With a trap door in the back. So you can get some\"back hole.\" lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you had clicked on the red highlighted link, you would have read that he did kill her. \"The mother of two, 31-year-old Amanda Petrowski, was pronounced dead on scene.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCK THIS NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, Manveer Heir, I almost forgot he existed... _3 minutes of scrolling twitter later_ Yep, still a racist piece of shit. Confirmed. What an ass. e.g. https:\/\/archive.fo\/rRMB6 > This is why some of us are building companies that absolutely will take stances and have something to say in the games we make > You can't wait for white male run publicly traded companies to do the right thing or have a stance beyonce \"what makes money it's not in their best interest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You paint an interesting rhetorical picture. Many of my professors tell me I have a way with words.. ;) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Democrats have either won every special election (so far), or severely cut Trump's margin of victory in ' This doesn't bode well for the midterms. Imagine the Republicans defied all odds and won a super-majority in both chambers of Congress. What would change for us? Virtually nothing. They'll privatize social security and send our troops to Iran. In Alabama there was a judge who was falsely accused of rape. It pissed off a lot of conservatives. The Senate election was in an off year when nigger turnout is usually low. He lost anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Convicted Leaker Chelsea Manning Says Life In The U.S. Like Living In Prison (VIDEO) https:\/\/americanlookout.com\/convicted-leaker-chelsea-manning-says-life-in-the-u-s-like-living-in-prison-video\/ via @amlookout","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The OGFT [faggots](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/onguardforthee\/comments\/9scu87\/meet_the_canadian_soldiers_behind_a_white\/e8o9eu2) are already acting like they're detectives that got to the bottom of these \"alt right hate symbols.\" It's mind boggling that they're so adament that when it comes to wearing hijabs, killing babies, gay parades and crosswalks, or letting kids be trannies we can't say anything because \"it doesn't affect us\" but when these entrepreneurs and soldiers are selling stuff to willing buyers in transactions that have nothing to do with them they get high and mighty saying it must be shut down. Fucking hypocrits. They are nasty folks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol. Yeah! Honestly, though. I was stunned for a moment when she randomly brought that up. I wished he made a comeback like \"well some are more intelligent, but not YOU. Oh the sweet burn. After she said \"wait wait wait are you saying women arent as intelligent as men?\", he should have said, \"no. But now I'm considering the possibility\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This British cunt Ian morn to be trusted no matter how it appears","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man i have some brutal spelling and grammar sometimes but this shit head ks a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_CollegeHumor_: i fully support same-sex marriage but i'll never stop calling my friends faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To use old English dick head of the yard is a total cunt she couldn't run a kindergarten let alone a police force her idea of policing is arresting people for hurty words on facebook and twatter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MostSecretFacts: Twitter's home button is a birdhouse. When you join you're an egg. The logo is a bird. Most people don't realize this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the unhinged lunatic terroristic far left mob of traitors, claimed trump was racist, but he gave a kanye the time of the day, that obama never would, what did the lunatic far left do? they talked shit to kanye, for being a free nigger in a enslaved world where the dems have the kkk to keep the enslaved niggers in check trying to free themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@operationSAFE @GaltsGirl lived there and can attest to that. Trust them over any muzzie nation by a million light years","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White supremacists are oddly exactly like liberals. The longer you let them talk, the more enthusiastically they come up with retarded things to say. It's almost like they're one and the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that shill bitch , her daughter marrying a fucking kike add her husband shilling for Israel. Cunts I've never said he wasn't Jewish. You silly idiotic thick disgraceful cunt. I said he was \"allegedly\" Jewish. (I don't give a fuck if he is) my sentence said he's shilling for them. And that's all I need to know. White Jewish or Nigger. A shill is a shill. So read the fucking gab. Before pouncing on to reply because you relish free speech. You stupid fuck. I'm an actual full on nazi with swastika tattoos. I wasn't defending him. I was just stating he shills for Israel. A white traitor is worse than a Jew. A retards guarantees aren't worth a turd. You complete stupid fuck the fact that whites are altruistic is our weakness you pathetic cuck. If we WERE racist, we wouldn't be in this mess. People would have been up in arms after the first batch of migrants. You sanctimonious self righteous cunt What percentage of Europeans had white skin at the beginning of Egyptian civilization? Why do you keep \"guaranteeing\" things that can't possibly be guaranteed. You sound like a used car salesman. Fucking twat. Tutankahumn was white. Genetically. So probably take ruling class at least were white. (Not that any of this is even relevant) Fucking tool Bull fucking shit they did. You stupid Nigger. That can't possibly be proved. Russian genetisicts disproved the out of Africa THEORY yes THEORY. You jealous Nigger Do you know where Eurasia is. You stupid fucking Nigger? No wonder Niggers have the lowest IQ. Of all races on earth. Thick fucking ape","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Florida wanted to Nigger things up We would elect a biological monkey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok.. now DIE NIGGER DIE!! ( < :","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At this point it's no longer enough to have checklists of what Trump promised real Americans, and what was achieved. They now need to be side by side with what he didn't promise (at least publicly)- to incite more wars and spill more American blood for Israel, and to free more nigger and spic criminals and spill more American blood for KANYE AND KIM KARDASHIAN.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Uh... > In one instance, emergency caller Jim Moten told KTRK he called 911 in 2016 after he spotted two vehicles speeding on a highway where people had been killed from speeding weeks earlier and thought his call had dropped after a few seconds. Not an emergency. You do not have calibrated eyes to test for speeds. You call the police directly and not the emergency line. Every highway has deaths on them from speeding it's not something special or new or important or even close to an emergency. Shouldn't hang up emergency calls but from the anecdotes given in the news post it seems like that entire region needs to be taught the difference between a emergency and a non-emergency is. That kind of call frequency of non-emergency on the emergency line is fucking stupid. 10 days in jail though it's kinda not long at all but then again unless someone was actually harmed because of her shitty work ethic, i'm not sure a longer prison sentence would be worth it. Fired and banned from that line of work would be a far better idea if no one was harmed. Prison sentence for being a shitty employee is kinda stupid My highway going past my town is littered with signs telling you to call the police if you think someone is driving drunk, speeding is a good enough reason. Call the police. You have a smart phone, use it abs get the number for the station or call 411 and have the operator connect you to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people Jihadis. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Daily reminder that not all #NPCs are running ProgressiveOS. #NatSoc #NPC #GreyLivesMatter Imagine actually being bereft of your own inner dialogue that your creativity had reached this low a point. Zero self-awareness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm so angry and upset I can't even read the updates, we've had it stolen from us and there's nobody prepared to step up and lead us out - fuck democracy, it's a joke In valor there is hope","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Arnold Schwarzenegger Apologizes for Using the Phrase Girlie Men' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/11\/arnold-schwarzenegger-apologizes-for-coining-girlie-men\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What upset me most. When there is a study or survey about gamers, they fucking lump casual that only play trash free to play game with gamer that buy $60 bucks game. That's why they get \"more than 40% gamers are female bullshit\". I wouldn't even call them casual gamers. Just saw a comment a girl made when another girl was playing something with mouse and keyboard, and it went like wtf are you playing with those bad controls, gamepad is always better. It was for killing floor If anyone is a \"gamer\" and doesn't understand why M+Kb is better than a controller for shooters. He\/she doesn't deserve to call themselves a gamer. EDIT: edited cus bad wording Didn't Xbox add support for the mouse and keyboard awhile back? I feel like even casual console gamers understand that mouse and keyboard are superior. (Except for certain games obviously). Even more stupid is that she was playing on PC and she was saying that controller was superior lol I'd argue, out of context, that both are designed for *very* different things. M+kb is much better at anything requiring precision (in effect, everything in first person more or less), or requiring anything beyond the bare minimum in control complexity (most every strategy or simulation game). Controller is really good if you want to either have smooth accelerated movement (racing games) or need to be able to have full control over directional movement (say what you will, WASD only gives you 8 directions at most, whereas controller gives you 360 of motion). Different tools for different things. You wouldn't use a hammer to turn a screw. Well i definitely agree with the controller being superior in some cases, I for example prefer using it in dark souls and some other 2D platformers. Just that this case was a shooter, FPS, on PC and she was saying that controller was better wtf are you using M+KB and that IMO is beyond retarded. Oh definitely, there are plenty of games better with a controller. I really like dark souls with it for example and there are plenty others as well. But this case was a shooter and it's retarded to say that controller is superior in that case.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haet black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it is not over yet, maybe that lesbian cunt has yelped a bit too early","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he looks alot better than this nigger lover rn. but yeah hes a dick sucking jew lover so.... meh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess it's against the law to speak the truth. Glad my ancestors left that shithole many, many years ago. enjoy the muzzie takeover.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Macron: European countries will be punished financially if they do not accept migrants https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/macron-european-countries-will-be-punished-financially-if-they-do-not-accept-migrants\/#.W9Mxvuw-v I am pretty sure he's done that plenty, given the photos he had taken. Only the dieing part left now!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of his most basic arguments is the hierarchy of living beings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're such a retard i hope you get type 2 diabetes and die from a sugar rush you fucking faggot @Dare_ILK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @VersaceSilk: When you try to tell grandpa that 70s music was trash https:\/\/t.co\/kYULQZoBC6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find it funny that bitch cunt married to that old washed up hollywood pecker ...hasnt stepped up to fight or tommys freedom from all this torture !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do people really think this is okay lol? He chose to pay for the date, she didn't force him too. Some guys literally won't allow women to pay for their food, trust me, I've been there. He's an entitled piece of shit for thinking she owes him anything. You can't buy someone's time or attention. True, but that still doesn't mean she owes him anything. That's not how dating works, unfortunately you take the risk of being ghosted and you suck it up and deal with it, you know, like an adult. Well, if she is going to be childish I don't see a problem with him joking around with her. Joking around is one thing and I personally wouldn't have a problem with it if it was kept to that, but have you seen some of the comments on this post? There's a large amount of people here that seem to think that as a serious course of action, this sort of retaliation is both mature and justified. We'll if she's being immature, then I don't see the problem with treating her as immature. I mean, going for the high ground is fine but one is always free to do as they please. Unless you decide to play god and claim that ghosting is objectively not as bad as splitting the bill. >He chose to pay for the date, she didn't force him too. Mind letting us know how you know the details of what happened? Okay fair enough. How do you know it went the other way? I don't. Difference is, I'm not making up some story based on something that's completely hypothetical with zero evidence. What's your opinion on this? Okay, fair Sounds like you have a real problems with women there. Most women aren't like that and I'm sorry you think they are, maybe stay away from the ones who are if you have such a problem with it. Stop viewing women as objects you need to buy the affection of. Whatever you do, don't go through his comment history lol Oh no, now I want to go through his comment history ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh wise and all knowing sissy, please tell us how heterosexuals are supposed to look? I gotta here this retarded shit before I put you in your place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tyler_wilde CH3BURASHKA sure gets to be a nit-picky Russian monkey\/bear thing sometimes, doesn't he?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Elijah is a dumb nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know it's mostly harmless, and I souldn't mock them for that but... Some of them sounds like they are talking about clothing. \"Ah, I feel like being agender today\" \"Ah, I feel like *wearing this yellow dress* today\" i mean, it makes a mockery of trans issues, even if it is a separate thing technically it still gets lumped in, and is used to further delegitimize the push for trans rights. >Implying \"\"trans issues\"\" is not inherently a mockery They're just continuing the comedy routine started by men in wigs and dresses pretending to be women. so far, all the evidence i have seen points to there being biological differences between trans and the cis of the same sex. i'm not saying we need to load up kids with HRT or that transitioning is the best solution(so far it seems like \"better than nothing\" but in the barely sense) and we should only consider that. but there definitely seems to be an underlying issue that needs fixing. The issue seems to be the effeminate and hedonistic self-indulgence of a fat and spoiled generation of people living in soft and easy times. This is a self-limiting problem. After a few years of war or famine or real hardship miraculously transgenderism will be \"cured\" because people who have to struggle to survive don't have time for that shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TitansHomer: Me: Do you sell any larger sized condoms?Her: Sir those are 13 gallon trash bags!Me: *winks until security escorts me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TylerGimblin: Girls, don't let a dude treat you like a yellow starburst. You are a pink starburst.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Follow this good goy @CaptainRon3737 Dindu Nuffin!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That girl should have had enough sense to know that she lived in an extremely dangerous nigger infested country and acted accordingly. A lot of White people still have this incredibly stupid idea that they can go anywhere they want anytime they please and nothing bad will happen to them, because we're all the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Appalling Tim Kaine: https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2017\/01\/31\/kaine_take_advantage_of_public_outcry_at_trump_to_get_outside_the_bubble.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a cunt. I hope she gets her ass beat for the chemical assault she thinks is a game.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Downvoted by a retard. You are correct. You just need to log in on a PC because the mobile app wont let you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When did the sub turn to hating on women so intensely? I thought this sub was about women being prevented from using their sex as an excuse for being an asshole. This post has nothing to do with that, and the comments are just hating on women. I saw it starting a long time ago and unsubbed. Now I'm seeing it months later and it's worse than I thought it would get. Lol pretty much the kind of response I'd expect from a mod here. Nice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MensHumor: Kim Kardashian had a baby...in more important news, I took out the trash last night.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MillerCoors Thanks for the follow guys! I'm enjoying a cold yellow belly right now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not even close to the same thing but in the ballpark, the bar that I worked at permanently 86 this obnoxious customer. I ran into her at a different bar and told her I'd rather not speak to her. She kept on trying to talk to me. I got up and walked away. Some white knight confronted me about it. I explained the situation and he left me alone but that could have ended very badly. Another time I had an acquaintance beg me to fuck her luckily I was sober enough to find her friends and have them take her home. Had I been drunk too, I would have taken her up on it. Found out a week later she was notorious for making false rape accusations. Shit! Another time I stopped a drunk girl from driving home. She tried to get me to take her to my place (right around the corner. I went back in and told her friends they needed to deal with her and they accused me of trying to take advantage of her. Once again, I got lucky and my Monday night football girls were in and jumped to my defence. Damn I'm just realizing how lucky I have been in these situations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's not even a RINO, she's more like an old-school machine politics ward boss. Alaskans are completely dependent on government gibs and they pull the lever for whoever can deliver the funding, but they like to pretend they're rugged conservatives. She got the Senate seat the old fashioned way (nepotism from her daddy) and likely is a shitlib cunt bone deep to me, her phyzz shrieks \"femcunt battle axe\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What about women who supported Kavanaugh? C'mon, you gutless harlot. You know you want some man-jawed dyke dressed like a Nazi to nail your nipples to a table and sodomize you in the ass with a spiked strap on. I mean, I'll only do it if I can seal you in my storm cellar and drop zyklon B in as 'aftercare', but I know it's true.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D i s a b l e d people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanyeeeeeee is just a yard ape acting idiot!just stupid...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mcConnell has to do this and i think graham and tom cotton are pissed,,, they see what is happening and look how much graham has changed since that cunt mcCain died,,McCain was a problem so is flake and corker i would purge the lot of them europe is in course for civil war we all know it,,,i dont have believe lbc obriens bullshit statistics i believe my own eyes and the demographics,,that cunt hasnt seen what i have because he lives in a secure liberal bubble,,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a rapefugee like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The problem here is that the people don't listen to the people. I feel as if people on both sides would actually listen to one another they would learn something.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Commie muzzie Linda Sarsour (cockroach translated from Arabic)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And now Jihadis bragging about a massive bombing in Sadr city in Baghdad. #Iraq #onslaught","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember the VA Tech band called us planet of the apes. I was ready to flip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Iaughatmypain: My anaconda don't My anaconda don't My anaconda don't Want None Unless You Got Bunz Hun","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Message From Oregon Police Chief Danielle Outlaw https:\/\/www.portlandoregon.gov\/police\/article\/658250","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> rabid liberal feminism is forcing women to disavow their own animal instincts and criminalizing men just for existing in the same space I agree with you, but I have no idea why people listen to these rabid modern feminists. Before considering the message, consider the messenger - some obese, terminally single, angry dyke with 6lbs of steel in her face, half a shaved head with the other half dyed every colour of the rainbow, telling me not to grab her pussy since I'm deemed a rapist as I have XY chromosomes, and then screaming at my wife and I at how to conduct our relationship and what makes us happy? Oh, and something about consent. Get fucked, cunt. That's the problem. No one will fuck them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Egypt, religion of peace... Same the world over. Starting with you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"NotARealAtty\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* [deleted] Its a common turkish insult. Learned the turkish version to insult certain turks over the internet. [deleted] Gotta enjoy the smaller things in life. Woah there marilmad! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When did porn actresses become so dishonorable? Smh >When did ~~porn actresses~~ women become so dishonorable? Smh Well if you believe the creation myth it pretty much starts off with a dishonorable chick and a snake and goes downhill pretty fast. Usually it's single moms creating these. Right, don't blame the absent father who abandoned them. It's the single mom's fault. You know what sub you're in, right? Apparently the new \/r\/incels. Shame, this place used to be funny as hell. youre only upvoting him because you didn't have the balls to say anything to begin with. you had to piggy back off his comment like a little pussy. It's cool if you're afraid of women dude. Get help. better than incel, but still pretty amateur. replace that dogs cunt you call a brain and try again. sweet flair btw.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Krislisisms: Today something is dope. Tomorrow that same thing is trash. Next month it is irrelevant. Next year it's classic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Deplorme Well, ooops. There goes your excuse for centralized banks . I don't support central banking. It's a moot point for you anyway because the Master Race forgot to have enough children and is just going to fade away like farts in the wind. You also sound like one of these master-race morons that forgot to have any children to carry on the master race. That makes you just another Fart in the Wind. Ron Paul wanted to get rid of the fed, where where you fucking morons back then? Why didn't you support him? They arent human , Reptoid , real Jews are Hebrew and follow Abel and the Reps follow Cain, there are only two seed lines.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Needed in EVERY state.... How about NO drug testing - that's real freedom not pretend feel good \"freedom Dependency isn't freedom. As long as they're not financially independent and living on someone else's dime, they should be accountable. Drug testing is one form of accountability. Accountability is as much a part of life as responsibility. Ultimately, I think that people should be tested. I'm not going to bother explaining why I think that way because you're obviously so triggered by the thought of it that I'd be wasting my breath. Almost like you're personally offended. Like it applies to you or something....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger faggot just like ovomit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best of luck to Tino 'The Bambino' Martinez in Miami (your legacy is saved LOL) #Marlins #Yankees #RedSox #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The \"Russian bot\" conspiracy theory got debunked, now Regressives act even more retarded and try to double-down in the silliest of ways.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or, Author, it might be that whatever you **said** in your *vent* post was a complete crock of shit and, if a male had said it, would result in a wave of feminist cunts demanding his head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Iifetip: Kit Kat brownies. http:\/\/t.co\/40W2a8qlBy making.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're telling trans people to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Hbt2013Mm I'll ask you same question Do you support border jumpers Do you support illegals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol ban me then nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't like using the term retarded cause I think it's a fairly rancid term but like... come on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Derek_Kirchner7 @tori_mills02 fags ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im ready for today #iu #iubb #hoosiers #hoosierstate #ncaa #big10 #michigan #gameday #btown http:\/\/t.co\/6g7JNMoW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your female livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you really are retarded and think that I am some retard like you fuck off you lying cunt kike...#ExposeTheNose and go hang yourself if you won't sooner than later WE WILL CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you mean nigger burglar","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are very few immigrants at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"A Philadelphia man has been charged with killing his girlfriend and her unborn child.\" But abortion isn't murder, right? The \"logic\" of liberals ... https:\/\/philadelphia.cbslocal.com\/2018\/09\/28\/da-woman-unborn-child-dead-after-being-strangled-by-boyfriend\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will be the loudest voice for black America. I won't be the most popular or even the most appreciated but I won't stop fighting until we break the chains of leftist thought. 1619-2019= 400 years Big announcement coming this week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not just survival! Flourishing, we can conquer the galaxy if we didn't constantly have to pay nigger tax","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perhaps Ezra Miller is the first crack toward changing that, regardless of whether he identifies as queer over gay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're not directly descended from European royalty and upper nobility, then you're not fully human. You're just common gutter trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"total retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some of his stuff is good, some of his stuff is fucking retarded. I tried participating in his first GMTK jam and it made me realize how dumb or basic a lot of his stuff is. The theme was his video on \"dual-purpose mechanics,\" also known as \"well designed mechanics\" once my buddy and I started trying to figure out how to implement it. Edit: spelling","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is op retarded? That tweet is a joke... And they also had #WasteHerTime tweets too so...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The writings of retarded liberals who hate their own country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a long time mother. She tried to use her gender. The only thing needing changing is that dogs cunt you call a brain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMG, just lol. Well, we'll treat you just as good as Hitler treated his chosen enemies then. I'll do it with a smile, just to make you feel better. You're loved ones? Nah, they'll get the real Hitler treatment!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks for fixing the fairy gay faggot tranny porn problem @a. None after over 24 hours. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't Hate The Player,... Er,... Well I Hate Him Too, But, Hate The game!.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll cherish any immigrant like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a total nazi moron @Sara_Peritas is. Seig heil you lying fascist OH I FORGOT TO MENTION BUTTHURT ISLAMO-NAZI @AdrianLeigh AS ANOTHER FASCIST LOVING, HITLER TOTING ASSWIPE. MY BAD THOUGHT YOU ALWAYS WERE A COWARD ... BUT NOW I KNOW YOU ARE SHITHEAD COWARD LOL At you thinking your words matter in any way. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The public defender could've sat there smearing her shit on the table at that point and it wouldn't have mattered at all, the retards in the jury gave a guilty verdict and the judge was too chicken shit to do anything other than go with the moronic mandatory minimum sentence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @downswinging: brendon urie must make other boys feel like trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black women are retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those black people suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three trans people were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not that this makes it okay, but from the corner of her eye the arm movement probably made it look like he was air humping at her. Still a cunt though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just respect those disabled people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was this a Toronto Liberal Faggot beating on a woman? It seems the Wynne Boi did not receive an accidental throat punch at the time of his assault on a lady. Perhaps his teeth will meet a toilet bowl when he slips attempting to sit down to pee in his cheap motel room somewhere in or around Toronto.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was [this exact video](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QDf772OWmxg). I used to watch The Young Turks, not all the time but fairly often. But that video... I saw the original first and saw how Ben handled himself and after watching that piece of shit Cenk flat out lie about every single aspect of it and refuse to show the full clip that proved Bob was a violent nutjob while Ben was a calm badass, well it was my wake up call. I have always hated feminists and PC culture fuckwits, I saw the Escapist go from a cool place to be to being a shithole full of stuck up SJW faggots around 2009-2010, then when they started cramming the feminazi shit down our throats in the form of Scamkesian, I turned right off that. But I had always considered myself fairly left wing politically (well, to be precise I considered both sides to be nothing but a bunch of lying cunts) but after that brazen propaganda by TYT I started reexamining \"stupid and evil\" right wing voices. Now all my favourite political commentators are right wing (excluding Sargon, but hes more a centrist so hes fine) and two of the favourite comedians are flat out right wing (Crowder and Razorfist) and I even splashed out and bought a Mug club subscription a few months ago. Now I genuinely love [Ann Coulter](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0K5z7vwJg58) and after the shitshow the left caused with Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh, I am so sickened by the left that I consider them to be traitors to the nation and its people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I call bullshit. This faggot wants to have his own stash to get high with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember before women were in the workforce in the numbers they are now, they were slapping themselves on the back about how less they drink and how healthier and happier they are, as if men are weak and just naturally less healthy and more reckless with lifestyle etc. and looks what happened, when women start having to work low and behold they drink more and less happy and are having a crisis. suck it up buttercup. zero fucking sympathy, this is the world you wanted there is no going back now. It's almost like they got what wanted and now their fighting for the things they used to fight against. Weird how that happens huh? Because they were never really oppressed in the first place, it was at attempt at privelidge in fact, because work in those days was hard as hell and most likely meant the worker dying on the job before the age of 30 or at the very least a lost limb or black lung When my granddad was 13 years old he was working in a steel factory. I find that very telling because i think in all honesty ive been a lot ruder or more vulgar before and not had a report (that I know of at least.) and yet this one they chose to report? Me thinks it hits a little too close to the truth for a feminists comfort.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barbaric Muzzie scums https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/20-men-found-guilty-of-raping-more-than-a-dozen-teenage-girls-in-northern-england","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's right freeloader. We invented it all. We made it work. Retarded assholes like you are parasites that feed off of our sewage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RFIDbollocks Hahahahahahaha The Spastic, The Retard and you... The Cretin! The only thing coming my way is the constant stream of laughter you 3 provide me. You and the nasty spasticated jew are going down, you will get some time locked up. That isn't gaslighting that is just plain fact. Still nothing! All you do is rant and rave. Bonehill and Jennings made death threats IIRC. That is dumb, the He doctrines clearly state that making death threats is a no-no. I don't break the law, that's why the cops aren't in the least bit interested in me. They will be interested in YOU when that spasticated jew throws you under a bus.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me and hubby relaxing from the studio for a lil...then headed str8 to my honey doo wop wops bday bash Kristen... http:\/\/t.co\/FOnJOFdzJC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees Damn. Well Joe that move to the bullpen really helped.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 This isn't a football game played by overpaid negroes that you waste hours on Sunday watching... this is pretty much a struggle for Western Civilization, but you don't care because you're a faggot that has no future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"demon semen\" HAHAHA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So you are a faggot and a kike? LMFAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@daggerbyte @MichaelSmartGuy @spacej_me @pizzahut Given the rickety slant of that roof I'd say more like Pizza Shanty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can you say \"gay people are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not their actual username, I just censored it. If you are asking for permission to use the name \"Dick Faggotson in a parody video, go ahead. I don't claim names as my own.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How can you say \"Muslims are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who fucking cares about sand nigger Palestinians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would like to give the most dedicated retard award to @transbains1 - that dumb fucker has been trolling my posts for literally fifteen days - and I would have never known it if I didn't explore the \"spam\" tab LOL. You're welcome to everyone who didn't have to pay attention to the asshole because he was busy yelling into an empty forest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She got the fuck out just before it got really busy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a really dumbass example. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger spam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No she's not. She's a coal burning nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, we are heading to a future with too many retarded liberals and muslims, at least we would solve that problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Post runs a few of these stories every week, there is clearly an organized effort to bully whites into silence and submission https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/22\/woman-screams-racist-remarks-at-family-speaking-spanish-in-restaurant\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It has been announced that Harry and MegNog are expecting arrival of their first quarter nigger monstrosity in Late April. Attention hungry idiots have broken the news to family during Eugenie's wedding. Such crass, rude and low class behavior. Seems ghetto manners have rubbed on Harry big time. It's odd that they had to announce it while couple is abroad..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#np Shy Glizzy - Awwsome (Remix) (Feat. 2 Chainz and A$AP Rocky) via @Spinrilla. http:\/\/t.co\/OWxtdRKWbC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well she will just marry someone and leech off of them like she did Bourdain. He even had to pay her pedo-fee because she couldn't and of course get this.. she blamed him after he's dead. You think she fought hard for him to not pay it? What a fucking cunt she is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The worst part about this story is that Pewdiepie was on \"chat with friends only\" when he said nigga. He say it because he got angry during lag, as it happens to all of us someday lets dont lie about it, and there was a black guy in his friends who heard that and did start to laugh. Yet ofc people are picking up this story , ignore facts and rewrite it as a clickbait such as \"Pewdiepie say N word towards other people on the internet\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well said @basedputin I urge all brain functioning white to block this cunt @CarolynEmerick...she is fucking TOXIC!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was he found guilty of rape? As far as I know he is innocent until prove guilty. As he should be, As should anyone else be. It is our duty to assume he is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Anyone with an agenda can accuse someone of anything. The #metoo movement started a witch hunt which is anti-American. If she doesn't like the laws in the USA she can move to an Islamic country where she can feel safe again. I hope Kavanaugh has a long successful career as a supreme court judge upholding the rights of American citizens. Fuck this pathetic cunt of a person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dogooders always lose in the long run. He's the type that would reason with a nigger raping his wife instead of shooting him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women take up tons of space with their bags and the law lets them get away with this. They are so excessively privileged, that this is their biggest complaint with the world. There's a reason I will strictly delineate between feminism and women's rights activism whenever I'm debating or discussing it with anyone. The two concepts stopped being the same thing years ago. Did you see the bit about \"manspreading is often done by men of low social status\" I mean this shit is bizarre","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HuffingtonPost looks like any other little porch monkey to me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NorthStar1727 #Nordic genes are among the best in the world. There are of course other peoples with excellent genetics as well. Let's not start another pointless North vs South squabble.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The very nature of the religious figure as \"exemplar\" or \"higher standard\" has to be both rigid and flexible; it has to have room to grow, but the right lines along with which it has to grow from, much like how a vine aims high when clinging to a trellis. This is why for all of Catholicism's stupidity by its clergy, the faith itself is still intact. The exemplars (Jesus Christ and Mary, foremost) are in the perfect spot of rigid and flexible, easy to learn and difficult to master. But if your religion's exemplar is a pedophile warlord, well...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello! I just started using my GAB account, and so far, I love it. I'm a retired Army combat Veteran, married to an Active Duty Army infantryman, a mom to 6 great dogs and 2 cats, and a proud Republican. I support the police and all other emergency services, and last but certainly not least, I proudly and gladly support our President. I hope to converse with you soon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah well she's another psychotic dyke from San Fran, so.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are women in the army. They just act like men and do the job, but never pull gender shit. Why? Figuring out that in army~ responsibility or death is quite literal. So, unless you strip Jim Bob, he will be a guy. The thots are insanely fround upon, aka shit on. At least here. You get with the program or you get shit on. Kicked out? Hahaha, you dream, you wish, but you get with the program. My experience in the Army was that 4 out of 5 female soldiers were shammers, constantly using their sex to get out of work details, or their baby as an excuse to show up late and leave early, or just generally worthless on the job. Every now and then you would meet one who was competent and no bullshit. That's in an office environment. In a field environment, women absolutely are not PHYSICALLY built to handle the rigorous demands of military operations. Even in basic training this was obvious. During a ruck march where we were only carrying 15 lbs in our rucksacks, I watched this 4 foot something female soldier (a tiny little Latina girl) literally doubled over trying to carry her pack and rifle without falling over. I think her gear weighed over half what she did. She ended up falling out of that ruck march and getting picked up by the trail vehicle. A lot of times, women in the military don't do their share of the work, so the men working along side them end up with more work to do. They don't pull their own weight, and that makes them a liability in a combat environment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember, God made Adam and Eve not Adam and some skanky nappy nigger ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @anitaphilmar: Fairy Fun - Losing her wings doesn't mean there aren't other ways to fly? #asmsg, #erotica #shortstory http:\/\/t.co\/t6LuM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This sick, disgusting, white terrorist\/fascist killed more than 50 innocent people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It just never ends. Able to dodge child support in a single bound.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There have never been any sane millennials, just fucktarded millennials. My generation is the best the ones before me fucked me and the ones after me are faggots.\/s No need to be a cunt about it. Lots of us here are millennials. We are all in the same shitty sinking boat. Yeah, you really shouldn't be a cunt about how fucktarded millennials really are because they were born emasculated and weak and incapable of critical thinking and have shitty taste in music and fashion and culture and that just isn't very nice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"detroit nigger tries to rob man, man doesn't put up with it. man now in trouble.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and you faggot are a sick fuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"May is stopping the UK from ever leave even play has like lot of cunt s and we can see straight throw the evil cunt witch we want herfired","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: .@DRob30 comes in to close out the game here in the 9th. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why the fuck did you join this retarded group?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come on lads, no need for actual racism on this sub Fuck off! Coming from the guy who self harms due to online bullying. Grow up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get fucked nigger faggot this isn't high school, and it's clear you don't respect self defense laws because you're a gay homosexual black nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Classic. Backlash? When we're finished there will be no Democrat party left!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Check out my new song \"NiteMare Flow\"- https:\/\/www.reverbnation.com\/nitemare817\/song\/30124945-nitemare-flow?0andpwc%5Bbranded%5D=1 ill piss on ur swazy in front of ur bitch ass then make u kiss my feet bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An Islamic woman running for Keith Ellison's seat in Congress is facing charges that she MARRIED HER OWN BROTHER. This is the Democrat Party, folks. SMH https:\/\/redd.it\/9qtj3r I KNOW, Right???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SK Harv on Telegram: It's time for the RED wave!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" beause the sicko leftie scum say you cannot be racist to white people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People \"write Trump I did many times and urged him to outlaw socialism in schools,and socialist colleges,in 50's it was against law to practice socialism l here without being under FBI investigation or arrest, through O' Nigger years , corrupt FBI, DOJ,CIA turned Socialist itself if we don't use drastic measures, say goodbye to R country,freedoms and u possess","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oregon Governor Kate Brown Misuse of Public Funds, Conflicts of Interest, \"Graft and \"Corruption https:\/\/t.co\/ubsiJXqpI2 . Anyone else notice every single NEVER TRUMPER is ripping off and betraying the trust of the American people. Just makes me sick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these Muslims disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like everything the Dims do....its over the top...only a retard would have that much bling on their vehicle...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being retarded AND senile, a combination Nancy is very familiar with!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Ilovebamf: I held you like a baby bird.. and now you come at me like this.. These friends ain't loyal http:\/\/t.co\/WinZvfxdL8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice how all the white supremacists on Gab flooded onto this thread and were unable to coherently respond to the statements I made? Thus proving that they were NPCs? All they did was paste all of their usual photo memes, like an NPC is programmed to do, and then upvote and downvote accordingly, like an NPC. White supremacists are NPCs. the NPC meme is just the Russian bot meme, fleshed out and flipped back onto the left. Tbh, it is probably above your ability to understand Oh, so you admit that you're using the exact same logic as the left. Thanks, that was my point. I win. you win nothing, i was explaning the logic, if you believe being explained to is you winning, you have some serious IRL problems jew No, I won everything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They slut for me they kill for me they steal for me and of course it'll be yo cash and I'll murder that bitch send the body back to yo ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or their music is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barbra Streisand Uncovers Bombshell: Donald Trump Has Never Owned a Dog' BAHAHAHAHA https:\/\/truepundit.com\/barbra-streisand-uncovers-bombshell-donald-trump-has-never-owned-a-dog\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They didn't just want \"work girlfriends\". They wanted girlfriends. Ones who didn't look like Gail Simone's awkward more obese cousin. Do you think Dan Slott, Tom Brevoort, or Mark Waid ever got to nail a piece of ass like Heather Antos without paying out the nose for it and then weeping when she left? Nawnigga. They were all living under the fantasy that they'd get some pumkin spiced latte flavored thot pussy. If not from Antos from one of the friends that she greatfully hooked them up with. The irony is that the rainbow hairs aren't wrong about there being toxic males in comics, they're just wrong about who those toxic males are. And they don't care because transferring and projecting that guilt got them money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it typical of a black person to be that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tarbetto. Find one where be beat Nathan Moons head into the ice too. Ol Andrew is straight trash as far as hockey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweet mother, you really are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And Anal Cunt got it right before them, even: >###The Only Reason Men Talk To You Is Because They Want To Get Laid >YOU THINK YOU HAVE A LOT OF MALE FRIENDS - YOU DON'T >YOU THINK GUYS CARE WHEN THEY ASK FOR YOUR OPINION - THEY DON'T >YOU THINK YOUR BEST FRIENDS BOYFRIEND DOESN'T WANT TO FUCK YOU - HE DOES >YOU THOUGHT THE BARTENDER WAS BEATING NICE TO YOU WHEN HE GAVE YOU A FREE DRINK - HE WASN'T >YOUR NEIGHBOR HELPED YOU MOVE - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >YOU BOSS BOUGHT YOU LUNCH - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >A GUY BOUGHT YOU A DRINK - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >HE ASKED YOU TO GO OUT FOR COFFEE - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >YOU THINK YOU'RE ONE OF THE GUYS >YOU THINK YOU'RE ALL GOOD FRIENDS >YOU'RE EVENTUALLY GOING TO GET RAPED >YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT This is making a woman blameless for her stupidity. She knows he wants to fuck her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol genocide? Really? Where are the dead devils ? SMH they need to do what you did rape Rob and murder ! Gtfoh -- Typical NIGGER with Low IQ ... He must I thought I was a CUCK who not hang his nigger ass. Source: #SouthAfrica #Communist #SAGenocide #Boers - YouTube Address : https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=z7G3-V9L660","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People with trash cars LOVE to drive fast and reckless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you even be a faggot if you look like a Ken doll below the waist?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hate you need to take your socialist, nazi ass down the road before you find out just how fucked up you can get when you piss off redneck conservative assstompers...now fuck off you illiterate and ignorant loserboy...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Let me be clear, we must no-platform fascists, we must shut the door in the face of hate, division and intolerance. We must stamp it out and fight against it around the world - and we must fight the dark possibility of a dangerous racist in Boris Johnson walking into Number 10 right here in the UK. and so democratic! he dont like any thing you say no debate no counter argument, HE decides if you can speak! no-platforming people because of his intolerance of them is so inclusive and will bring people together! this is the nonsense he constantly spouts this shit. #politics #UK #ForBritain #BritFam @AMDWaters @ForBritain #News Read more at: https:\/\/www.scotsman.com\/news\/sheffield-mayor-magid-magid-tells-scottish-greens-immigration-must-be-devolved-1-4817911","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your trans lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not even that. It's the fact that people use shitty options in the general as a justification for not taking over the primaries, which is why these faggot agorists meet their destiny on the road they take to avoid it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Neil Patrick Harris Reveals That Whoopi Made Disturbing Sexual Advances When He Was a Teen https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/neil-patrick-harris-reveals-whoopi-sexual-advances\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The worst part is this really hurts people who are legitimately involved in sexual assault. Because people have this \"oh yeah I'm sure that happened\" attitude. They need to make the penalty be like a year in jail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Neither, take your commie ass back to twitter. We patriots are going to fuck you commies up every way possible... The marxists get the bullet this time, faggot bolshevik! Your all gonna burn. and you can go suck a dick, faggot commie piece of shit! You followed me, scum bag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she is also a practicing Sikh, AND Methodist. She uses Nikki and sounds American. But her REAL name is some muzzie sounding shit. but a Paki..her family is interesting to dig on, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FallonTonight: Jimmy and @BillyJoel's two-man doo-wop performance just went live on YouTube! https:\/\/t.co\/NGzhImyvSF #FallonTonight htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I live with two trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I despise disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there adamvectorz! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Even Mexican is fine though. Speaking of tacos; To report illegal aliens please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423) Thank you for your vigilance and your service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Ok. Now this is epic. Woah there _Supernaltub99! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Math American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"would you like a dick pic miss nazi chick? Nope. Not for Commies. Ok which is your Nazi account, you are too straight to be a real Communist. Well I guess you are a Jew then. And in that case... Hell no. wats wrong with being a commie jew? don't you want that high-iq baby inside your nazi womb? Half of your ash-can-nasties are mentally retarded due to excessive inbreeding, kike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Supporters of officer Darren Wilson rally in St Louis http:\/\/t.co\/HtfgJJ7kYt #ferguson #kkk #tcot #tpot #teabaggers #teaparty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot wants his cheap tires! So what if Mexicans are ruining our country. He should get the fuck out and take his chink wife with him!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's exactly what I was coming here to post. Enjoy it, ya dumb fuckin cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"psycho jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"teeth can make or break a person. you could be a 10 and have yellow teeth and immediately drop to a 2.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweet, sweet irony. Saweet. De Blasio caught on camera dismissing homeless woman who interrupted his workout https:\/\/www.bizpacreview.com\/2018\/10\/06\/de-blasio-caught-on-camera-dismissing-homeless-woman-who-interrupted-his-workout-680973 Good morning Lea well said Couldn't agree with you more Have a great weekend same to you. I have missed you..you ok??? I was sick but I'm getting better and I missed everyone so I'm really trying to catch up Three more days of meds, then back to doc for checkup. Hopefully all will be well Good Morning Lea Hope you have a Great Saturday END DE BLASIO!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Update on models killing near Philadelphia in Aug. Note it wasn't a doorknob It was a nigger like I had predicted http:\/\/www.mynews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is the niglet stabbing the faggot before or after the faggot rapes him?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All immigrants are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he's a faggot and a secret bacon eater.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retards just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait a moment here.... What exactly is wrong with your parents, kid? They were clearly straight. They were probably relatively sane. I have no doubt that they were CIS. What you need is a new treatment that's shown great potential in the field of child rearing. Naturally children don't like it but they have definitely learnt to get a better handle on reality. We call it \"The Smack^TM\". \"The Smack^TM\" seems to have produced far more effective results in keeping children from entertaining retarded fantasies about being colorful ponies, believing there are more than 2 genders, and just generally being barely passable as human. \"The Smack^TM\" has also shown promise in the areas of turning people away from feminism, victim studies at university and college, communism and at keeping kids focused on learning something that may actually prove useful to them in the future. While studies are ongoing, \"The Smack^TM\" is still in clinical trials and not recommended for institutional use at this time. However, we heartily endorse its use in the home, at school, and anywhere kids from ages 3 to 20 can be found.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All gay people like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh bullshit #Robocop, didn't you accuse them of running some botnet terrorist attack against you because \"Torba\" you retarded LARPing e-celeb? Like 3 months ago? Quite funny how a narrative can change after being easily debunked. cc: @BBGood @Broken77 @DeplorableBuilder @Snugglebunny @tacsgc @TheGreatGeneralKek @militanthippy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Super cringe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are we supposed to hire nigger apes to prove we aren't racist? Fuck you and the nigger apes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The terrorist and failed bomber targeting liberals was a Trump-otaku. Color me shocked. Right wing extremist at it again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Oh and NIki pronounced mademoiselle Maupin way better than Siri did.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that nigger iz fucking pzycho!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iDntWearCondoms: Stop stalkin your girl social media u bitch ass nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Heartbroken mum of teen who killed himself after w\/drawn rape allegation found hanged at home Family of grief-stricken Karin Cheshire,55, said she 'could not see a future' w\/out son Jay Cheshire,17, who took his life after being #FalselyAccused of rape https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/heartbroken-mum-teen-who-killed-8518826 #UK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/punk-kicked-pro-life-woman-pays\/ Lefties aren't strangers to violence. After all, their main goal in life is to kill babies. It's all they ever talk about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of black people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JudahWorldChamp: To help eliminate faking injury and diving - post game video review of dives and give divers yellow cards after game. #Wor ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Terrible case. Htf can anyone assault an 18 month old defenceless child to this point? I hope the cunt gets thrown in a prison where they hate child abusers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SURE WISH NIKKI HALEY WAS NOT RESIGNING AS UN AMBASSADOR SHE IS A TRUE AMERICAN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @thachosenkid321: @DonQuixtote he trash tbh #StartMikeVike","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most of them know it's intellectually retarded, but they do it anyway it plays well with feelz-over-realz voters i.e. almost all Dems. Even if you could completely ban sales of all firearms and firearm accessories, good luck finding, collecting, and destroying the existing ones. Criminals will just show up at the county sheriff's department the next day and turn it all in, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cheesus85 @greyyygoose faaaaggggottttt, speaking with the blonde hair and confused, you're a hypocrite, cuz you're a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We really don't need retard headlines on GAB, Read the headline, is Trump desperate about anything ? using the word desperate in the same sentence as Trump, is a sign of desperation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Scott brooks finds new ways to flip me the bird each game. I know it's the right move but #Idontcare #KDStreak #imsad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's got the hottest man tits i've seen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her colleague is a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She must be really effortlessly funny Women are funny, get over it. It's a South Park reference ah my bad It WAS a south park reference, now it's been retired to where funny shit goes to die.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But this woman and her boyfriend were just victims of the corporate jail system. America just locks people up to make money right? 3 speeding tickets, life sentence Don't break the fucking law. PRETTY simple. Driving too fast can kill people. If you can't learn by the 2nd ticket then fuck you, die in jail. You're a fucking idiot Yeah you're an idiot, Dylan. God your an idiot Oh the irony of the idiot. Straight busta Yes, the effects of autocorrect on a hasty reply to you (an idiot) surely puts me into the category of \"should not have been born , however, I was. And here I am, wasting my time responding to your idiocies instead of pursuing more productive endeavors. With that said, I still believe the views you hold on a three crime (regardless of nature or severity) life sentence is not just idiotic, but downright immoral. I still hold to the opinion that you sir, are a complete moron. Smooth neck here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Free speech has its price. But as I said, if you are not actively changing minds, this shit is a colossal waste of time. Confront them. It will get ugly as hate always is. Mute if you must. At some point, they will be hating into an empty echo chamber. Christ is Jewish. He taught in the Synagogues. They called Him Rabbi. I always find it funny when people who run around warning everyone to \"Mute the Nazis\" turn around and talk about us being in an echo chamber. Your avatar is a vile and evil reminder that men murdered human beings and used their skin like animal leather to adorn their domiciles. You are trapped in another kind of echo chamber. And now you are muted as well. Evil cannot be placed at the head of the table. Hate is evil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bombfantasyyy pearl jam: yellow Ledbetter>","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The left is so contradictory. Things that the SCOTUS overturned that the majority of Americans wanted include racial segregation, abortion restrictions, gay marriage bans, etc. One guy gets on the court and these clowns want to give up all these things. The left can never see 2 ft in front of the, let alone the forest through the trees: If they can't win to control it, they want it destroyed. They didn't win the last Presidential Election, so they want to abolish the Electoral College. When they lose, in November, they're gonna want to abolish Congress and the Senate. I'm wondering when they'll just commit mass suicide. Hey, democrat here. I, and everyone I know, don't want to abolish Congress, the Senate, or the Supreme Court. However, arguments could be made that the Supreme Court needs term limits, and that the electoral college is outdated. Have a nice day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disturbing: feeling pressure from #ISIS fanboys, Al Qaeda fanboys resort to celebrating 9\/11 to reclaim their Jihadi bona fides","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The morning after pill only counts as an abortion in the heads of religious twats. > The morning after pill only counts as an abortion in the heads of religious twats. Whereas ~~immoral~~ *amoral* NPC types think that an \"abortifacient\" somehow has nothing to do with \"abortion\"; and that both somehow have nothing to do with declining \"birth rates.\" Let's face it... \"logic\" and \"objective reality\" are **not** your strong suit. In fact... you're functionally not a member of \"homo *sapiens*\" -- more like a throwback to \"homo *erectus*.\" Angelina is being an uber cunt with the divorce though. Hell her own lawyers have almost dropped the case for her. While Jennifer Aniston's divorce might have been simple and somewhat amicable, I think this one might leave a longstanding bitter taste. > Angelina is being an uber cunt with the divorce though. And? This surprises anyone? Why? - >I think this one might leave a longstanding bitter taste. Yeah, but \"longstanding\" is a relative thing. BTW, while this is only his second official\/legal marriage\/divorce, it is FAR from only his second \"LTR relationship that turned NASTY\"... he had several others prior to Aniston.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@xZimpx @Prophzilla This is Twitter. Not only are you a fag but you're also retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Andrew Jackson would never let a Nigger put on a minstrel show in his office or near his person in any formal setting as it would gravely disrespect the office","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another controlled opposition bunch of crap, Columbus was a Jewish merchant and now Elizabeth Cherokee Warren boycotts him? Sounds good to me except for the part where we blame white people again. https:\/\/youtu.be\/tw7Z4SNvLMs You are a dumb shit, He was just another Jewish merchant and he didn't discover anything, Vikings were here long before (((Columbus)))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look first to our own anti BRITISH traitors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's not known as \"Morono\" for nothing. ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a famous child beating cunt now. The worst cunt in this story is the pussywhipped judge Only when it comes to sentencing cunts for raping or abusing children. You should see them when the cunt stole money from her workplace or defrauded the welfare office!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely adore black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fagbook suspended me for this, proving once again we are under a faggot Jew dicktatership!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wendy is such a lying cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go fuck yourself raghead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a black person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bakedbrotatoes: *spits out animal cracker*This doesn't even taste like hippo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And a nigger one at that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cucked commie faggot fancies himself a \"philosopher\", yet he hasn't even mastered the valid (let alone sound) argument, and hasn't mastered other fundamentals of formal logic. He doesn't even try to avoid informal logical fallacies either. That faggots face makes me want to puke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh yeah, SO TRADITIONAL. Russian women are such wonderful angels oppressed by the ugly aggressive alcoholics on unicycles. They're so much better than \"Western whores,\" aren't they? Well, I've been living here since I was born and I can assure you that there's FUCK TONS of emancipated bitches like that in this Arctic shithole. You have to understand that you are a foreigner from a wealthy country, those cheap cunts simply try to impress you and pretend to be traditional. Russian men aren't treated nearly as good as you are, believe me. And please, don't tell me anything about alcoholism. I don't drink at all. Dress well. I'm 6-foot tall, work out regularly. No, I just wanted to say that they treat Russian men like shit even if they don't drink and have ok looks. I'm sick of people demonizing Russian men yet, at the same time, putting Russian cunts on a pedistal like they're some goddesses of loyalty and traditionalism. These bitches are promiscuous as fuck, probably even more so than American women. You can literally visit any brothel on the planet - they're all staffed with Russian\/Slavic whores. Traditional my ass... Fair enough, just wanted to give you a little shit man. Would you say they are worse than the american feminazis?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ShitPussiesSay: Dudes built like a crushed Twinkie http:\/\/t.co\/1WsYI6gDVP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why can you only define your fake girlfriends by colour? Lol And now folks we have one of the very few real Marxist twats on Gab since Agent Orange ran off. WHat we call the Left on Twitter. Another coward who won't take on the real racist types here. Because it's colour that these Nazi racist types are bothered about, not boob size idiot lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh God shut the fuck up you mentally retarded jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As someone who has worked retail, I genuinely hate how customers *behave*, and it's hard to maintain good service when you have to lube your ass up for every scumfucker who waddles over to bless your day, in the hopes that they won't complain about something involving you and you immediately get shitcanned by your store's fat tiedrone for the retard that reported you for following company policy. \"The customer is always right\" corporate culture sounds good, until you have to deal with customers using the corporate policies in place, then you get to play real life \"Papers, Please.\" Also, you get paid nothing and get zero benefits, and your boss will constantly and purposefully fuck you over when it benefits them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AND THE #DEMBOMBHOAX CONTINUES: Suspicious package at address of Robert De Niro's restaurant being investigated by NYPD https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2EJ35C5 #FoxNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lowes TV commercial just showed and Negro and a White woman appearing as married. Hardly anything can be more offensive, as it has been since the beginning of time, than masegination. It started w\/Obama. 2 mos after he was in the cunt running History CH Wiped OUT History and put in BS\/Pawn Stars. I spoke to her on the ph. She said no1 wanted to see History any more. I was Flabbergasted by her stupidity. Then McD's put on a Commercial w\/ the Blackest Negro guy sitting w\/the whitest platinum blonde ever. I called and Railed at McD's. I never saw it again. That mixed with a black muslim dumbass President while we were in a war with them. It was rape by people dumber than dirt. It's no wonder people have tattoos all over themselves. Acting like crazy people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing women in government makes me so proud. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in Muslims's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where have you been? Some Faggot is using your avatar and I thought he was you until it became obvious he was an imposter so I gulaged him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm for treating African descended people, who didn't come here of their own free will, with equal dignity and respect as citizens. In that respect, the civil rights movement was timely and just. I'm not ok with extending that offer to people who are reverse colonizing the Southwest. >affirmative action is just Just kill yourself fam I didn't say that I supported affirmative action. That's preferential treatment. Not meritocracy and not equality. Equality isn't real There is equality of opportunity, which I endorse, then there is equality of outcome which is artificially implemented by programs such as affirmative action which I loath. Equal opportunity is stupid though. It's the opposite of meritocracy. So which one do you want? You have to choose one. Nope. If everyone has the same ability to work hard and succeed, I'm fine with people not making it. I'm not fine with giving out extra points on exams or extra pay to people incapable of earning it. There is a huge diff. But not everyone has the same ability Right. And not everyone will succeed if allowed the same opportunity. It's equality of outcome that is a sham. All equality is a made up sham I'm not convinced. That's too bad. Enjoy your equality, lady. I'm more worried for my child. But, thanks. Yeah hopefully they won't be a slave by They're already an alien in their own country. Thanks loli. Whatever. Your thoughts on blacks sickens me tbh Yeah, I don't have a problem with blacks. Probably a proximity thing. I have a GIGANTIC problem with illegal Amerindians. Someone emotionally abused the hell out of this poor Democrat.. She's espousing KKK rhetoric. She a sheet wearing cross burning retard who believes in Jim Crow Segregation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm spreading my knowledge. Do you idiots think i talk from my ass? Don't you think i have tried nofap? > I'm spreading my knowledge. Can't spread what you don't have, son. Keep busting then. I have said it now. I know you might be an elder male and i might just seem like a little shit. But you should really consider what i'm saying DUDE. Shut up, you closet wanker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In her two posts all she has said is that his use of watching porn bothers her. Not any reason, only that it bothers her. Is his use of porn affecting their sex life, or is he watching porn and ignore her all the time, or is he watching porn and not go out with friends, or .......? Maybe if she told us the reasons I may have some sympathy, but, no, not in this case. She gives an ultimatum, it did go the way she thought it was going the way she wanted to go. Sorry, that's the problem with ultimatums, they are like going all in at poker, you win, or you lose all your money and walk from the table. > Not any reason, only that it bothers her. it's because radical feminists are against porn. i haven't looked deeply into it but the sentiment in the comments was that porn is rape because \"consent can't be bought\" \"can't pay for my dinner? You limped dick useless baby boy\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kavanaugh accuser might need psychological help instead of sympathy https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/swetnick-slams-media-gop-i-am-disgusted-and-appalled-by-the-way-that-i-have-been-re-victimized\/?utm_source=wayneandutm_medium=gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You won't get many followers. You Jewish worshipping cuck. Fuck off back to Twitter Christ and I have an understanding, he doesn't fuck with me and I don't worship him. Now if I could just get his retarded followers on the same page. I'm not a big fan of \"The Cult of Baby Jew.\" I don't know if Gary here is keeping up on current events but they ain't helpin' us White people much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"there is no pavement and all the roofs are sheet metal yet all the african niggers have american nigger clothes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SchoolSchooSchoSchScSStStaStayStay hStay hoStay homStay home","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than half of the participants were Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] you do realize bullets have to land somewhere, *right*? You do realise a bullet falling under the force of gravity isn't remotely as fast as when it is fired, and therefore negligibly dangerous, right? Stupid fucking idiot Go fuck your mother, and or slit your wrists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah except Gordon Gekko broke the back of middle management and the middle class in the 80's https:\/\/youtu.be\/IVjCRWbvM4c Going Hollywood? Volcano Magic? How she do that? Remember Rambo, Michael Jackson, Rocky, Star Wars, PCs, Apple, Hulk Hogan, Indiana Jones, Mount St. Helens, short shorts? What's Katie's secret? New York City (NYC)? Portland (PDX), OR? What makes life? https:\/\/steemit.com\/k\/@joeyarnoldvn\/rising-luck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Gab Nazis are SJWs IRL, which is why they're trying to ruin this platform. If they actually believed any of the retarded shit they said, they'd be making arguments instead of photoshops and other faggotry. They might also be Saudi agents, but they're probably Soros funded; nobody is that stupid for free.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, our President needs our support over the establishment that; was selling us down the river as a nation. The cunt Hillary Clinton is a dike bitch, cackling like a fat old chickenshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dems threw everything they had and still failed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2018: Mail Bombs Somehow, these attacks are going to the kookiest fringe of mainstream Democrats. DC cocktail party, tonight: What?!!? You weren't targeted??? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SaltyBlackBroad ma'am ...Did you clear that tweet with the @NAACP ? Careful they may brand you \"race traitor\" for the nerve of thinking ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since i take absolutely no one serious, because they are usually douche cannons that use social media to spew forth thier cuntish nature. I would have responded with something like...\"hey Jonathan cuntintosh, you suck at every sport, have zero upper body strength and\/or athletic ability and even a robot fuck doll would tell you to shut the fuck up,\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"would you like a dick pic miss nazi chick? unban this commie from following you. i want to know when you post new bob and vagene pics. Nope. Not for Commies. Ok which is your Nazi account, you are too straight to be a real Communist. sorry to break it to you (miss?? sir??), this commie has no back-up nazi account. now unban him so we can send you some big dick pics, what do you say? wats wrong with being a commie jew? don't you want that high-iq baby inside your nazi womb? Name a jewish invention you can lay eyes on in the next 10 minutes and report back. My nigger neighbors being considered my equal Bonus: I hear them all the time too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"O.k. then... Apparently disagreeing with blatant money-grabs in favor of good quality content\/games is toxic masculinity. This is not the argument of anybody at all interested in gaming as a real hobby or culture. It's a fucking sad state of affairs... Unfortunately, given that the mobile game is still probably going to make shitloads of money, he'll probably be able to use that fact in the future that he was actually right about this nonsensical claim. andnbsp; I'm more and more disgusted with the fact that most of AAA gaming is turning into Hollywood You might be a fucking retard, RDR2 is one of, if not the best game ever. If you think horse testicle realism is the pinnacle of what RDR2 has to offer, you're willfully ignorant at best. >You might be a fucking retard, RDR2 is one of, if not the best game ever. _ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thee Bears are trash tho...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Friday on MSNBC's \"Deadline, Al Sharpton said President Donald Trump's supporters are like people who \"would go to church and then go to the lynching after clothing themselves in morality. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam is not a race. UK: Stepfather called \"racist for complaining about stepdaughter's assignment to write about converting to Islam. https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/uk-stepfather-called-racist-for-complaining-about-stepdaughters-assignment-to-write-about-converting-to-islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LISTEN: TRAITOROUS CUNT NANCI PELOSI ADMITS ANTI-KAVANOUGH CAMPAIGN WAS A COORDINATED SMEAR CAMAPIGN BASED ON LIES https:\/\/knst.iheart.com\/featured\/garret-lewis\/content\/2018-10-08-nancy-pelosi-admits-wrap-up-smear-plan-used-against-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Islamic leaders want to build massive new #mosque in #Barcelona as the number of #Muslims is growing https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/islamic-leaders-want-to-build-massive-new-mosque-in-barcelona-as-the-number-of-muslims-is-growing\/ #Spain #KalergiPlan #Islamism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Beto wins, it will be because he cheated. https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no were being persecuted by faggot hair dresser;s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jeffey Zuker over at ConspiracyTheory News Network Has Gone Full Retard Poor Pitiful us we got one Too https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-25\/trump-blasts-media-false-and-inaccurate-causing-anger-we-see-today","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Garvey_B: New sign up at mong kok protest site says: \"fight for democracy and oppose the communists to have a future\" http:\/\/t.co\/w2pOn ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Downvote me to hell but that's what this sub has become. CMV: \/r\/metacanada is the right wing version of \/r\/politics At least T_D celebrates Trump and his policies. Bernier and Scheer (for the few ones which are still with him here) are tweeting daily, giving interviews and organizing meet ups almost every other day and you see almost nothing about that here. Everything here is about Trudeau.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This guy has lost his mind lol Robert De Niro Believes Beto O'Rourke Could Defeat Donald Trump in 2020 https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/13\/robert-de-niro-believes-beto-orourke-could-defeat-donald-trump-in-2020\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Drinking folie a deux wine and playing fall out bird hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's time to branch these out I think It's OK to be Iceni It's OK to be Boii It's OK to be Galatian It's OK to be Nervii It's OK to be Vandali It's OK to be Gothi It's OK to be Francia It's OK to be Saxon It's OK to be Alemanni It's OK to be Celtic It's OK to be Gealic It's OK to be Burgundii It's OK to be Lombardi It's OK to be Basques It's OK to be Finnic It's OK to be Hibernian It's OK to be Caledonian It's OK to be Aquitanian It's OK to be Raetian It's OK to be Iberian It's OK to be Pict It's OK to be Scotian It's OK to be Brigantes It's OK to be Cauci It's OK to be Darini It's OK to be Gangani It's OK to be Iverni It's OK to be Non-Muslim It's OK to not be a Communist Marxist Liberal I'm with the first guy. Pissing people off shouldn't be the objective.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nah-the muzzie just thought old Bill had a screw loose trying to arrest him and was trying to help.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@samzbikowski chug ranch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How fucking retarded can you be\/act..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have to wonder how how many of these black students listen to rap. >Fucking bitches and shooting niggers: >Black man falsely accused of a crime: LITERALLY VIOLENCE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so has the liberal dems created a gofundme acct yet to bail this cuntfused person out?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Radical Communist Lesbo Faggot I hope gets executed. Barkin is an evil POS just like all of them. She has appeared many times on the Depraved Channel aka Bravo Channel's Watch what happens live with Faggot Maggot Khazar Zionist Bastard Andy Cohen. They are all in the same Satanic Nest. Tic Toc their time is coming but just not soon enough to suit me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deaht to all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okaaay. Ever get the feeling that you're being played? Or....ummm, it could just be like the US: Liberals vs. Conservatives.....hmmmm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the fuck would want to do that, you would have to be beyond retarded to want to live with a bunch of shit 3rd world people. If those people were capable of not fucking up their own societies, they would have little reason to leave them in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. suck a nigger dick , commie cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"100% NIGGER TV !! NOPE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"reminder that all the false idols crumbled before the one true god Who will christians stand with? The converted jews, africans and refugees, or white pagans? We all know who ... Pagans present themselves as our enemies so why in the fuck would we stand with them. I know thinking hurts, but you really need to start doing that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you kill all cops and cracker babies, what next?????? Black states, white states, and Latino states? Isn't that moving backwards?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Day three: Roasted #inktober Don't trust that cunt for killing those plants for no reason","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vibe check, I'm still the prettiest bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy faggot !! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have driven in Chicago snow my whole life in front wheel drive sedans. At this point, no difference to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Quality entertainment: Fat pantifa cunt confronts cop, gets instant beatdown. https:\/\/imgur.com\/sxN1OUV","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just respect those trans people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#texasFirst #CommunistSupremacy ReTweets of VoiceofTheVoiceless @PressTV (IRAN-CNN) https:\/\/twitter.com\/PressTV\/status\/1049979975863033856 #FreedomofAssociation #digitalCommunism #MustC FairTrade and the student #BBC visa crime https:\/\/kutt.it\/gab_tw_lyLttvUDDXA #redRacism [phpGAB] More Details: http:\/\/bit.ly\/2CzT7B9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AndrewJBurns1 @Tommy_Russell_ homo ass crackers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMAO that dumb cunt is a retard.... Anyone who endorses a democrat is just a stupid.... Why you people insist on destroying America is beyond disbelief or reasoning... This woman needs put in front of the firing squad with all the other anti American thrash in Congress and the Senate and shot in the forehead for being traitors and anti Americans","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jakiekoelewijn nigga who's bitch u fucking cracker get your gay ass out my mentions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#MGTOW secret handshake: The Double Dutch Rudder. #MgtowAreClosetFags You're full of shit. You're also an idiot. Varg has what 4, 5 children and lives in the middle of nowhere. Did that stop the french pigs from shooting through his door at 4am, arresting all of them and almost killing them? And since the ability to destroy a thing means having absolute power over a thing, you are ABSOLUTELY dependent on the system. You didn't really explain anything. You just scapegoated why people aren't having kids in some convoluted train of thought that is summed up as \"Best way to stick it to the Jews in power is to not procreate.\" Or is Time Magazine suddenly red-pilled, woke, and legitimate? \"Don't have kids, goys\" has been one of (((their))) central message for a few years, now. This dude is a kike clearly. Stfu kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"5:40 A.M. and still awake! YAY!!! Time to chug coffee and red bull for the foreseeable future and hopefully not pass out behind the wheel!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck niggers, they don't need rights. all I want for christmas is a lynched nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't take u coons nowhere and I mean nowhere","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has Kate moved into a mental health institution, or Greggs, or on another Holiday? WHERE IS THE FAT CUNT? 3 holidays before Christmas doh. Perhaps she's referring to her period when she has to take a break from whoring herself Her punters won't like that. A cunt that smells like a Scottish trawler will put even desperate tramps off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\/r\/topmindsofreddit apparently. Used to be a sub to mock conspiracy theorists, now just another trump bashing shithole. *Oh_no_its_retarded.jpg* Hey buddy, where'd your comment about my denseness go? Did you finally realize that I was mocking your shitty logic and that I didn't actually think your criticism was literal? Next time, try to use critical thinking before replying, you absolute retard. > you absolute retard Even a child can understand the difference between saying a child can understand something and calling them a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Proud of yerself? So many WORDS wasted on your OWN feeble virtue-signaling. Your swastika boy scout badges were stomped to death in Go back and READ your own posts. Your \"Look at me, I'm a Nazi!\" shit is childish, like a little retarded boy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I Guess the New Democratic Party Platform Is Violence? https:\/\/bit.ly\/2RTL8TZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@imgooby you're not funny trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"get rid of this cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] So someone expresses his political view and you instantly insult him because it differs from you, and yet you being a liberal uses \"faggot\" as means of an insult, effectively offending the LGBT community? Just a question :) I'm pretty sure calling the other side a 'douche and a dried up weasel' at the outset is what opened the insult floodgates there partner. He didn't call the 'other side' douches and dried up weasels, he called Elizabeth Warren a douche and Hillary a dried up weasel. And I notice you didn't say he was wrong. Why would I, I'm not touching the politics here with a 10 foot pole. Idk I think you might be curious [deleted] Nah I dont buy your bullshit. You called him a faggot to insult him for expressing his political beliefs. It speaks volumes of you. Have a nice day. [deleted] Says the man from the party that has no problem supporting and believing an old hag who makes unsupported claims with no witnesses or evidence, aiming at destroying a man's life with just the mere allegation. We know who the real \"victims\" are, that think the world is racist and homophobic and hate them. Lmao forreal Dont explain yourself to these ppl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*calling* here muzzie, muzzie, muzzie ~~~ PEOPLE OF A CERTAIN CULTURE have no respect for women ( their~ commodities) https:\/\/calgaryherald.com\/news\/local-news\/all-party-board-orders-conciliation-harassment-training-for-darshan-kang","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New level of retard on the far left and#x200B; PS. Poster below me, lay off that robo cock. You're losing IQ points sucking that thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another cunt who claimed people were out to get her. Lying sack of parasitic excrement, along with the rest of the DC ruling class. I don't care WHO they are, or how rich they are, they are parasitic EXCREMENT in my opinion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"...you're white, aren't you? *rolls eyes* RT @DidntDoNuffin: @DreaaaLove RIP to my NIGGA Trayvon, a worthless spear chucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i just sent this to my Dad saying \"remember to work hard today and earn lots of money so this nigger can eat nonstop until she has expensive Dr appts nonstop lol i cant see her i think the enormous fat nigger must be in the way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#TheNextNewsNetwork:September30,2018 Man-Hating Senator Hirono Doubles Down on her VILE HATE, SPEWS Even More Upon America https:\/\/youtu.be\/AqCbrQeP7yU via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"do straight people do anything other than get offended lmfao ooooooh edgy! lemme know when you finish middle school, big boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gamergate was as helpful in Donald Trump's election as hair club for men was for Bernie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yall know Skip Bayless is about to slit his wrists over Romo! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, so half of whites have been brainwashed to kill themselves and go extinct, so that means whites should all do nothing and go extinct? What the fuck sort of anti white, cunt logic is that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who cares? Were not against femenism. That would be a hate group. We're for men and masculine equality. Two very different things. I feel like this sub has an underlying \"hate femenism\" theme. Yes a lot of femenists do shitty things. No they are not the majority. No we don't hate femenism I came here to voice this same sentiment. When I first subbed here, I saw posts that were against things like women falsely accusing men of rape or women not getting the same length of punishment as men for sex crimes. I'm all about that kind of stuff. I'm not anti-feminism though and the longer I've stayed here, the more toxic posts I've seen. Don't think I'll be subbed for much longer tbh as I am not going to be part of a hate subreddit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FEINSTEIN PANICKING! Sends letter to FBI's Christopher Wray Asks for #Kavanaugh investigation details, a copy of the Written Directive sent to the White House, and to be notified of anything else they might be investigating We always hear \"we can't discuss an ongoing investigation\" SHE'S LITERALLY ASKING THEM WHAT THEY WILL BE INVESTIGATING!! LOL! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely love your username","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If @occdissent isn't a subversive jew, I'll eat my maga hat. This article is from May 4th Hmm.. faggot tier shaming. There seems to be a really odd common thread that these are the people that demand and command 100% thought compliance but do fuck all for others. As far as I know, I don't agree 100% with @occdissent and he can cope and carry on with his mission. Seems like a good point in his favor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ItsGirllCode: when other girls wear beanies they look cute and stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who sel ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah. Pointing out that you're trying to take focus away from what is primarily a men's issue didn't make me a bad person. In fact, given that you're basically saying 'nah forget boys this is everyone's problem' when that's ostensibly not the case officially means that YOU suck as a person. In fact, you're the one saying 'yeah but 25% isn't much' so I'd say you're a downright cunt. I'm a victim of suicide. My father, a Vietnam vet, killed himself in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheBabylonBee: Alyssa Milano Confirms FBI Investigators Have Not Reached Out To Her To Get A Celebrity's Opinion On Kavanaugh Yet https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/jPmtMz\/Doi_V_hy_VAAAxd_VK.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/gHwklrdzOm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Japanese culture is ancient and unique","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KingCuh: ouuua ita siana. alu polosi ho nifo NAMU TA'E.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's always entertaining when they eat each other alive over complete nonsense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me be perfectly clear. Republicans don't want any harm to come to President Obama or Hillary Clinton. We want them to go to jail for a very long time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mundane Matt is fighting with Razorfist on Twitter. I'm sure that's going to go real well for Matt. https:\/\/twitter.com\/mundanematt\/status\/1053823275145383936","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You heard the lady, Hillary said we're allowed to start being uncivil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now infuriated Jihadis are putting out murder requests on #Saudi fighter pilots who participated in the bombings in #Syria #ISIS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical c a m e l f u c k e r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MarianCristinax you a fag b","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This was was everything the mentally ill left wants. It's time to remind the Socialists what side of History they're on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep fighting to let retarted inbreeds use the word nigger online while fingering there sister pls everyone what would we do if we couldn't gay bash right before cruising the local bus station","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a proper White Nationalist nation, this nigger would be expelled and then mocked as a sick pervert...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a Hispanic all I can say is fuck that first girl. She is living up to the thieving ignorant Hispanic stereotype. Que puta. The only thing killing that human turd is ignorance and obesity. Turd lady is ignunt. Ha ha the fat puta probably got a stern Waring or arrested. \"rilly\" Yes you badly accented twat you cant break the law cause you think your ass is special. On a side note your ancestors home land does not want you either you fat pariah. Die of diabetes you tanned porker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitch deserved what she got. You can see her attempt a punch as he elbow checks her ass to the ground. But you don't know why she wanted to punch him. Never raise your hands to another person. As soon as you do, and its not solely in self defence, you're opening yourself up for a beating. Best you can do is keep hands to yourself and try to leave they situation entirely. She came charging up going for a grab and punch, and got slammed as a defence\/response. He didn't punch her, he defensively used his elbow and forearm to harshly block and shove her away. I agree but you're seemingly making assumptions that he hadn't previously hit her or done some fucked up shit. Everyone in this sub wants to borderline assume all chicks are garbage. But I'm saying you dont know the situation. ok white knight Im a girl, idiot There it is What, your awareness that you're a misogynist? Because if aligning that I'm a female with my comments gives you that \"aha\" moment, you're a misogynist. Can you imagine someone saying that if it was a man punching a woman? Maybe she had said something and deserved a punch? Why on Earth do you decide in this case we need to hear her reasons for being violent? chivalry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just tryna get to sleep before the birds start getting rowdy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My mom didn't buy me Oreos she doesn't love me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's public property like a Communist state. It's a public ledger. If entire China had an electricity break, Bitcoin would crash. How is that not owning something? 74% the electricity is provided by the Peoples republic of chine. How is that not owning? You are nigger of the Chinese.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Misplaced_Momma Y all whitey gots to PAY fo da preparations","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mike Allen: Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form \"Jihad\" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate | Video | RealClearPolitics https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2017\/07\/06\/linda_sarsour_asks_muslims_to_form_jihad_against_trump_not_to_assimilate.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Jew cunt needs to be taken down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The inverted Orwellian World where extremely HATEFUL people project what they are on others! All Democrats are HATEFUL RACIST SEXIST BIGOTS! Pure RETARDED SCUM! It is called projection and it is what they filthy JEWS do! Whatever a Jew accuseth, they are guilty! That is how the Jew media works also. The Jew doesn't actually know how to tell the truth!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wake up White Man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The alt-right of April 2017 to the present day has to be the most retarded grouping in the history of politics. A movement that refuses to acknowledge that its under attack while its hero president Trump orders his Department of Justice to wage the legal equivalent of warfare. https:\/\/gab.com\/cashmoneyglock\/posts\/38710985","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hmmm why are alcholic anonymous talking about brandy or jack daniels . now do you see how retarded you sound ? go back the crayons wont eat them selves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Iconic woman she' s done so much for the UN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many trannies in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@alyssawiens faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Simply replying to rape allegations from one of your mates. You socialists are always doing this. Kavanagh, now me lol Wow you do think you even have any similar worth as Kavanaugh? What a self entitled piece of shit. Explain to me why these same women who beleive Ms Ford. Dont beleive the young girls who were gang raped by Muslim Men #IBeleive All this is nothing to do with guilt or innocence. It's about creating doubt before one of Trump's appointees is confirmed. It could have been anyone. They won't want a court case where it would undoubtable be kicked out due to lack of evidence. I know that. Just pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards. The only standards the left have There are more and more people that are saying that all the madness happening today has more to do with class rather than race. You have all the bourgeois middle class socialists creating the divisive race agenda where the whites are the oppressors and everyone has to rise up and fight them you mean like what Pelosi says here? https:\/\/www.c-span.org\/video\/?c4674689\/wrap-smear","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pic says band, post says brand. Smh... Fukin goof. Go get some IQ you cuck. This aint chief I guess you forgot what subreddit you're in Still aint it chief Why are you calling everything chief? You a native American or a Halo fan or something? None chief Mentally deficient I see And crippled chief oh chief oh chief Wassup chief rarted Same","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"walking dead gonna be so trash this season","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @marksidaway: Last time #xfactor auditions came to Dublin, I auditioned @MaryByrneMusic and @NiallOfficial. And a man in a blue monkey s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am a jew lover. I was not fucked in the ass by my sand nigger daddy to grow up thinking sucking sand nigger cock is appropriate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woah there JoeyBauers! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"aussie faggot fuck off aussie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump got under her skin so bad that she went out and got a DNA test. Warren felt the need to prove him wrong and now she looks stupid. Now you have that meme going around that says its okay to be Scott Brown tried. Lit her up over her claims when she ran against him and the MA voters decided he was being mean and voted her in anyway. Nationally I think she's kaput but she'll most likely be one of the Senators from MA until she dies. It's not just \"letting women vote\" I think our rhetoric here is wrong. I think we should instead say \"Making a vote an individual's right instead of recognizing that civilization isn't made up of individuals, but families.\" dw I do it too. Honestly, I don't see why Warren was stupid enough to feed this controversy. Everybody knew she wasn't an Indian, and everybody who cared already had an opinion. All she did was took the story back to the front pages and reminded everyone she lied for decades. My guess would be because she's more than likely dumber than a box of shit. Or she was hitting the firewater too hard. White men trusted black men with the vote before they gave it to women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that song is fucking awesome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @BossmobbE: Racist all month .. Fuck u honkey ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JohnLloydScharf U A FAGGOT BICH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The censorship is so retarded why if someone doesn't want to see something then they should turn it off. I get so tired of these censorship games that big tech is playing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cameljockey, Hillbilly Clinton, George \"living dead 'Soros, FaecesBook-Suckabug.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not know many women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're still \"resented\" till this day then how exactly are you going your own way brother? Videogames are distracting you from the real world, most men these days have fished more virtual fish than real ones. This is disgraceful and not what I think about when I think about what it means to go your own way Be strong Brother I love you We love you They do not They will not They cannot I once defended them I will never defend them again Edit: why have I been voted down. This sub is being over run by the cucks. I'd be surprised if a woman would either be willing to even be near a boat. Their cowardliness wouldn't allow it. No woman could brave the sea. Don't make me laugh. Do not make me laugh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They had home economics in school when i went, and i chose the class because there was a hot girl in there that i liked. Now she is a senseless fat nasty libtard cow, and i am ever so greatful that i learned how to do those things for myself... I'll tell her you said HI..... i married the fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am retarded hear me hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MP who named Philip Green did so at behest of Richard Branson who was being touted as the most likely Wanker! This is corruption but the cunt will no doubt now fly first class and get some nice holidays for his troubles! Another jew pervert","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of an immigrant to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is not one of the nigger loving jews sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am not surprised the idea was bullshit. It came from a black person after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha yeah I though the name was retarded. But hey what can you do the acronym is pretty cool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SHARE THE FUCK OUT OF THIS VIDEO... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jJmok2CwPfM Robinson is a shill. He knew full well what would happen to these soldiers. Sorry this is all conived. Publicity stunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish all black people would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Speaking fluent Bitchanese Cuntanese* The revolution in the 80s turned the Kingdom of Cuntanegro into Bitchanal. Get with the times. haha, part of the larger nation, Cuntania Ahhh yeah that explains her crusty dried up old cunt that's more stretched than a circus big top Never have I seen such an indicator of a pussy ass TROLL lmao. Cya faggot \/blocked Go bother someone else who can actually see your replies. What's that? Sorry can't hear ya you're \/blocked. So why are you replying to this? Damn, you're a bigger fucking dumbass than I thought lmao.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would be livid. The school is really saying \"Sorry, not sorry\" because they know it can't be unseen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sadly, Jason Van Dyke has been found guilty of 2nd Degree Murder. This monster had the audacity to defend himself against an armed, black teen advancing on him and fellow officers.. To expect justice in a nation obsessed with diversity is unrealistic. Check out my site to learn more. https:\/\/americanoutcast-com.webnode.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So sorry about this bombing attack in Manchester. Innocent people just died","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand why cops don't arrest street shitters. We have a nigger that like clock work shits on the side walk the street from the civil rights museum, in Jackson Mississippi, every day at around 11:15, right on the sidewalk, cops called almost daily, they don't do shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How on earth did they reach the conclusion that men work ~~less~~ fewer hours P R O P A G A N D A https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-205049\/Women-work-longer-hours-men.html Says the guy posting a photoshopped image of an article from Well are you going to respond? I mean you acted like a snarky twat and were proven wrong, I don't think a simple \"my bad\" is asking to much from you. BTFO They were cuntfused by all those pesky numbers and facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"B ckerei- berfall durch Nigger ist laut BARLEY immer Mundraub","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There doesn't seem to be whole lot of free thought going on here, it's great that you can say anything. But there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of conversation. The whole thing seems very echo-chambery. Hopefully it will improve Hi Clarence, how are you today?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Melania Trump blasts pundits who obsess over her clothing: Focus on what I do' They only focus on anything that is negative. We Love You #Flotus ! https:\/\/truepundit.com\/melania-trump-blasts-pundits-who-obsess-over-her-clothing-focus-on-what-i-do\/ Flotus could cure the ill and walk on water. This would still be reported negatively by the lame stream, they can't break the bias regardless of how pathetic they look.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's rare someone that big can lose weight but look worse. I'm guessing uppers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at that mentally ill sick knobgobbling spermguzzling faggot bitch...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical wetback behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes because nothing says I am a sensible adult that is a productive member of society like getting that tattooed on your ankle. All it means is you're a fucking cunt that believes killing the unborn is justifiable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=Of1Od0n_y34 If people don't start exercising their second amendment rights soon, it will be more then just Steven Crowder and his group receiving leftist violence and aggressive threats from fat communist soylant NPC's....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCKING migrants need BAN . fucking animals","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in disabled people's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey everybody,The White Iron Band plays this Saturday(12-11-10) on the Slopes of Lutsen,MN at Papa Charlie s(21+). Going to be a real...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many r e t a r d s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dave Hogue is a Design Lead at #Google. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1048822754084937730 So.......not a fan of Kavanaugh then? Can we still count on a contribution the RNC this year?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt hiLIARy of course No worries though. hiLIARy won't be around much longer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So she killed her husband and have the audacity to *look* like that?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FemsHaveBallz: You can no longer run a business n America unless it's deemed acceptable by 1 political group of retards known as democr ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hear this line over and over again. It's as if it's not every media product that is political, but people interpret them as political. It's either projection or the retarded beliefs that all media is propaganda trainig the audiance like people train dogs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@nCrusade @GodManiac_ come wage with us fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear Gab: In case the good folks at Twitter come over here and pull the same stunt they did over there, it's another case of stripping the context from a tweet. I posted that photo in response to death threats. Guess what? The death threats stopped. Leftists go after those who they think can't defend themselves. People were OUTRAGED that I would respond this way to threats of violence. There's a full-court press going on to get me off of all social media. Hollywood protects its own. That's fine. I just thought I'd get ahead of it. Carry on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never read that she did that anywhere but I bet the black cock slut did it numerous times along with the other two black cock slut accusers I hope the cunt saw all the memes that were made of her lying count fuckin face","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuck faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*As a plastic blond white woman i believe that if you have to date a nigger, make sure he is famous enough that everyone knows you ain't broke.* I dont know sounds racist to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EXECUTE OHOMO AND HIS SHEMALE BITCH MIKE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Red pill activism should be a thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lena Dunham Says Daniel Tosh Is The Most Misogynist Person In All Of Hollywood https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/SAbtOqE.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/ozrJndrnyv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't get much more retarded than a marijuana prohibitionist who embraces pubs as a core aspect of culture. Can't get much more retarded than that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you import third world, you become third world. Sad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Virtually zero protections for LGBTQ persons in Alabama. Not a lot of acceptance, either. Think about queer Alabamian kids today?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't get me started on the amount of people who'd love to buy Tommy a pint me included if we all did that why not buy him a fucking house. That cunt Gary fucking wanker Lineker earns","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A tranny nigger telling moslems to take over the country.... Big mike needs to swing from a lamp post in gitmo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By voting instead of trying to start war and being shot? You are either an idiot, or another one of the Muzzo shills\/trolls. Yes, it's a low IQ comment because a retard said so. Fuck off and pester someone else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's be honest. It's going to be glorious to see u working in a concentration camp. Really is. And just right around 85lbs, sucked up and weak. A high dose of LSD will b administered and it (you) will b tossed into a cell with sexually starved migrants. I'm sorry, what was that? I had my retard filter on and it filtered out everything you just said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This treasonous traitorous Hollywood Tramp needs to shut up about our President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh we will never forget what she did to the POWS in Vietnam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The British war zone,, the Zionists agenda continues. U.K. Zionists politicians hiding under beds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @InnocentMarina6: *Goes to Yankee candle**buys beer scented candle**goes home, lights it* *waits for a boyfriend*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh that poor weak woman, it mustve been so hard raping that young boy. I hope shes not TOO emotionally damaged. Is there a womens shelter she can stay at Found the fainting couch feminist that wants to brainwash women that allmenrape. Looks like your bullshit is over and you can't take it. You fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must be really suffering if they're throwing food all over the ground for the pigeons.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chance the Rapper endorses Amara Eniya for Chicago mayor https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/Hyzdkf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is this nigger running the show now for the Dems? Or are the kikes using her for dirty work like this cuz they know she's too fucking dumb to understand what's going on?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a registered Democrat faggot like you.........LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get out of here cunt You realize virginity isn't everything right? I can get sex if I want. I choose not to because I know it ruins relationships. I've seen the studies. You're just a whore Honestly just overrated and not worth dealing with any of the shit before or after. The collective amount of effort and irritation isn't worth it in the long run. It's hardly worth it for bar sluts anymore, as far as hookers go an $8 shot isn't bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Media shocked by someone promoting violence for political purposes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good luck getting people to refine those resources into consumable form when they're not going to be compensated for their time and effort. Imagine water filtration plants closing down because they can't afford to keep the lights on, now you get to drink dirty and\/or salty water. Or Your extremely wealthy first world super power country just uses its billions of dollars of tax money to pay for these resources? Literally 80% of the things this person said that should be free are free in other country's You don't know what the word \"free\" means, which is ironic considering that you're yelling your idiocy at everyone in this post. If you literally read this post and assumed by the use of the word \"free\" that this person thinks that these items and services should literally be made and performed without some kind of payment than you are an idiot. No shit it isn't by dictionary definition \"FREE\" but it is considered \"Free\" to those who need it. So you are judging this person purely based of this one text post and have no idea if they work or not. You also come from the country considered the \"land of the free\" free what? Free from rule? You follow the law. Keep generalising people mate, you seem like a really nice and well rounded human. > You also come from the country considered the \"land of the free\" free what? Free from rule? You follow the law. Not from the USA, honey... > Keep generalising people mate, you seem like a really nice and well rounded human. ... Which makes **this** all the more fucking hilarious. Oh, pal, do never stop writing; the way you shoot yourself in the foot is *delightful*. > So you are judging this person purely based of this one text post and have no idea if they work or not. Exactly like you did? Yes, I am doing just that. Wait, did you delude yourself into thinking, even for a second, that your assumption about the retard in the OP held any more merit than anyone else's assumption? You're **nobody** pal, what you think is worthless for anyone but you; it *should* be worthless even for you. Never forget that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). I voted for Trump. The only other option was a drunk who put our National Security at risk... Why \"RETARDS\" would nominate\/run such a person as their Presidential candidate.... President Donald J Trump...the wrecking ball of establishment politics. Who was a drunk? Trump is the greatest threat to America in history. Shitstain traitor fascist retard trump. Followed by FUCKING MORONS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When he started to curse in arabic you know he is serious So muddy white? I think you mean stained? Sorry. Whore* Ohhhh. Wait is it Arabic or Aramaic Arabic Is there any big difference between the two? Like I assume since they're both close together geographically Wouldn't know. I'm not an expert in the language even though I'm Arab and probably should be Hey, I'm white and I don't know German. It all depends on whether your parents\/ you want to learn. Depending where you are, language was race based for most of human history. At least mother tongues were. Most German speakers were white, Arabic speakers Arab\/ Jewish. Chinese were Asians Well I'm born and raised in America so for me. While I learned a good chunk of Arabic. I'm not 100% fluent unfortunately. But I wish I were If you were born and raised in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan that would be pathetic you not knowing but since you're in an English speaking country it doesn't work that way. Is there any reason you want to learn Arabic more than other languages or is it just a sorta cultural thing you want to do? More so so that I don't forget where my family came from. Plus because it's embarrassing when you can't fluently speak your native tongue. You're american so your native tongue is Merican English","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This time a night dark skin niggas really turn into lightskin niggas I swear I seen a darkie try buying Starbucks 3mins ago but they closed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Roses be redOrchids be bigger Donts tell yo daddyYou fuckin a nigger #VDdie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" There is a time and a place 4 decaf coffee. Never and in the trash.\" http:\/\/t.co\/ZVJROXgNDQ #MommyMonday humor via @JenerationPR and @theskimm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bit of a problem there, I never had kids, didn't get that far. I had a controlling cunt for a mother who could never accept I was even old enough to have a girlfriend - so glad she's dead, she ruined my life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @daqraca: How can anyone hate Charlie Sheen http:\/\/t.co\/AF4T3MtmxU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can people be this stupid? Whats more it isnt even an isolated case of mental deficiency, she has a following. Just yesterday a post on r\/whitepeopletwitter with hundreds of comments saying men are trash. Not to mention every female subreddit on reddit spreads man hatred.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cripples just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa Website Promotes HOME ABORTION CLASSES to Dismantle White Supremacist Bio-Medical Patriarchy' In Response to Kavanaugh Aka Crazy people and Communist scum-bags. What drugs are these people on? Seriously, I have had my experience with many substances, but I have no clue what these morons are on that makes them this retarded and insane. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/antifa-website-promotes-home-abortion-classes-to-dismantle-white-supremacist-bio-medical-patriarchy-in-response-to-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You people are actually fucking retarded, this isn't even *close* to PPD. This sub is going down the drain so fucking hard. You people need to grow up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact you believe Nigger women to be 'top-tier' is most-amusing to a White male. We never touch such garbage, nor do you Niggers. Through your own women, you KNOW Niggers are fugly. You are just angry that you know Niggers are considered the ugliest race upon the face of this planet, whilst my race is considered the very standard of beauty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd pay good money for a hot girl to slap me like that. Just sayin. Fair play to ye, fetish is a fetish. Each downvote is like a slap in the face. Never had so much punishment errr fun.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Palo Alto University has removed Christine Blasey's contact info from their faculty contact list. I'd love to call her to ask for an interview for my new show \"Sluts-R-Us\" on the Lying Cunt network.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anti-male bigot Claire McCaskill was defeated in Missouri so that's good news. I wonder why: [Senator McCaskill Has A Message For Men](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-yzGA_glnkM) to put it mildly That would be the same tilt as \"ironic misandry\", if anyone on the other side of the debate goes down that route, they throw temper tantrums until the given person is unpersoned (and preferably suicidal).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christians are fucking faggots dude. You're gonna let Jesus, a man, into your heart? Miss me with that gay shit Eat his body and drink his blood. Kinky fruits eh. it's necrophilia, not faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My MIL tried to use this word before. Problem is she's the absolute worst, beats every damn thing to a dead horse, with the most annoying voice\/ tone at that. That's why I came up with \"momsplaining\", just to show her sex doesn't factor in. Anyone can be a condescending cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My baby boy asleep with my monkey that I had since I was little! I love my son so much! http:\/\/t.co\/ioSARfS3rO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very hatey today, are we? I've had more than usual of the source of my hate, to the point of homicidal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"r\/foundthemobileuser","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kit kats trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To use an AED you have expose the chest and remove a bra. Sorry. I need my job to eat. A me too accusation will get me fired. If you're hooking up an AED for the right reasons (no pulse) you will not be successfully sued, period. It has never happened, it will never happen. Edit: Well you spineless NPC cowards downvoted me to the point that I can't respond anymore, so congratulations you can all go back to closing your eyes, screaming and believing your own moronic narrative. Didn't say lawsuit. I implied being accused of sex assault. The accusation is enough to fk you over for life. I'd make the same choice as you. You would let someone die because of the remote chance they might accuse you of a crime? Yes That's so fucked up. So the story is a woman has collapsed, no pulse. You're in a public place (obviously, since nobody drives around with an AED unless you're a paramedic), so people see you save this woman's life. This crazy person accuses you of sexual assault, it makes the news, now everyone knows you saved someone's life and you're an absolute fucking hero. Yeah, totally worth letting someone die so that doesn't happen. And people say SJWs are the NPCs...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad she didn't get the death penalty so she can now rot in prison instead of just dying and be done with it. Yeah, but now someone has to pay for her to sit and rot. Be easier to put her down. It's usually more expensive to execute someone than it is to jail them for life A Thankfully we have due process and a court system so we don't go around summarily executing people. I see you haven't been paying attention. How many people have cops killed on our streets only to walk free? You are trash. Seriously. ~~You are more likely to die of Lung-cancer then cigarettes, yet cigarettes are still legal. Smoking is just like antagonizing Law-Enforcement, it is a choice based on habit and ego.~~ The reason Cops 'get away with it' most of the time is because the executed escalated the situation to \"Deadly Force\", where reasonable force is judged by the 'average police officer.' Sadly the preferential hiring of female officers bring down the expectation of 'average officer' therefore allowing them to 'Shoot first, collect forensics for investigation later.' We can end the Police Shootings by ending Women's Sufferage; Take their rights away and the push for 'muh Diversity' will end, along with welfare queendom\/fatherless homes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SunSentinel: The @SunSentinel Editorial Board endorses Charlie Crist for governor -- Better for Floridians http:\/\/t.co\/t21z2YBZlQ http: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @michael4h2o: An #Ohio inmate sums up what #LeBronJames' return means for #Cleveland: http:\/\/t.co\/a68mtZQOeL http:\/\/t.co\/bMrzFWstVA #Leb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh bullshit.. most people of Euro descent have some mongol, hun or muslim nigger blood somewhere back in their ancestry.. this \"white\" bull is sheer fiction..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are they so retarded? It's a joke you fucks. There is a followup tweet saying he's going to buy Valve next and release Half Life I'm part of a union, and while I don like most of the things about it, there is one thing that will almost make me never want to leave. Mandatory 48hr notice of overtime, before we were union your manager could ask you to stay right after your shift for another 4 hours and you couldn't turn it down. It lead to a lot of favoritism in that people the manager liked and wanted overtime would get it offered more, and people they didn't like who wanted overtime would never get it, or if you had things you needed to attend to tough shit you have to stay at work another 4 hours or get wrote up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama doesn't believe in making stuff up. So he'd never say anything like \"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.\" Or blame the Benghazi massacre on a YouTube video. What a moron! He is claiming he is the reason the economy is so strong. HAHAHA after his years of blaming Bush.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can this cunt be removed from his position?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut up Nigger whore!! Go suck a watermelon!! Go cook Massuh some grits Negress! Fuckin sheboon ape! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look it's one retard talking to another retard. No you fucking tool it's not Checkers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just because he's the best of the lot up there doesn't mean that I want him to come over and fuck my daughter. A Nigger is a Nigger. Some are just more Nigger than others. :^)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eventually we will all interbreed so much we will all look Cuban. Diversity is bullshit. There is way more than enough genetic diversity in Canada to evolve properly. The human race has never been remotely this diverse and mixed, in the history of the species. This is a retarded argument.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trudeau is acting like he was a populism candidate. That wasn't the case. Most politicians don't act like or speak like Trudeau because it's embarrassing. Also almost everyone here hates Scheer and he definitely catches a lot of flak since he's a room temperature IQ milk-guzzling faggot who looks like Bud from JAG.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By what genetic metric are you not white?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @AntiGlib: RT @nateyfu123: #Yankees Michael Pineda in his next start.. http:\/\/t.co\/Zb1zWN0jet @954Nole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"of course the dad looks like a faggot https:\/\/media.8ch.net\/file_store\/23f6a8cf1dbc25f520dc8fec1fc758b757731defa8a2cb5837493c2a66e","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BAHAHAHAHAHA! Spoken like a true beta male! Don't cry too hard into your soy milk faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was not good times! Starting the mickey mouse club soon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and cuckwell are the no brainers here. The r party in no way, shape or form represents white interests. They are even worse, they create the illusion of white political franchise in the minds of morons like you two, as we're getting swamped with nigger garbage. Your moronic strategy only leads to the pigs and the military being majority shitskins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DarthVenn: So this is the woman who was a bird then turned into a woman from the sky in Nigeria. http:\/\/t.co\/34DcwJkVeF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel sorry for Megan Kelly and her blackface comment the word nigger ,or its derivative ,is used about a half of 1 billion times per year in rap music which black people buy and also use it between each other. Therefore anyone should be able to use the word nigger without any blowback. WHY? Until black people demand that the word nigger is removed from all rap music all YouTube videos and all media n until they stop using nigger between one another in daily talk, blacks should not dare accuse anybody of being racist... because in fact they are hypocrites here is that link http:\/\/nowhitesallowed.com\/nigger-word-not-big-deal.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The something happened to this special juice this one girl sold on Amazon after pewdiepie did a reaction to a Dr Phil video about it. All the 'reviews' were saying that this girls juice made the gay, play fortnight, made them retarded, gave them cancer or some weird made up disease that pewdie quoted. Basically rendering real reviews useless as no one coukd weed out the memes from the real stuff. I love Pewds but I hope people can come in here and act their age and not like 9 year olds. So far, this sub has given me 3 types of cancer and made me gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My manager @7FLyy new brand | PRE - ORDER NOW w\/ (404) 394-1570 --> @sevenflyy \"Red Lust\" and \"Cherry White\" beanies http:\/\/t.co\/LxjMBCTgJj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea alright redneck white trash\"@CamoPearls: Stupid niggers hollering out their car going down the road trying to hit on me! Fuck y'all!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: BREAKING: Japanese ace Masahiro Tanaka will sign with the Yankees for seven years, $155 million. (via Fox Sports)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your wife sounds like an entitled cunt, like 95% of women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This was a joke written by the Stephen Colbert show. Its stupid, she probably should have refused to read it, but its not her actual thoughts. McCaskill is actually more of a moderate. For example, she called the left \"crazy Democrats\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any day a nigger dies is a good day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews killed hundreds of millions of goyim in their quest for world domination through movements such as Marxism and Zionism. Mute me spineless faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kendramarie91: @vngelinaa_: Tornado sirens.... Atleast I'll be dying with you guys @Xo_t33 @a_krizanovic @kendramarie91 and this ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah the 'B' team makes an appearance. So many ppl? what your sad little crew? What am I lacking? Well it's certainly not some old pasty cunt poking her nose into my business now is it. Pull your mask down tramp you make my eyes bleed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's up faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Dyke bitch Rosie. Remember when you mooned a camera crew at your florida island home when they were doing a documentary on celebrities in FL? Millions of people were taken ill seeing your fat, unwashed, pimply ass! The reason she is a lesbian is no man would touch that...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ochocinco: If your girl didn't camp out overnight to buy you the iPhone 6 your pee pee is trash...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know what this faggot is trying to achieve with his Soviet style realism. Preying on impressionable American alt-righters, are we?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pauli gets the trrgr'd nazi retard of the day award for her excellent shitposts on the historic nature of nazism, which is bald assed faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those Muslims smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pierce would've easily drained all these shots with us. He's so trash now smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @whisperdispatch: Charlie wearing the 'Don't Tread On Me' flag pin? Every Dem should show up in Congress in 2015 wearing that @ESQPoliti ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will call it what it us - a destabilizing army! If they get through, we are DONE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Speak for yourself but I don't have to act like a sand nigger to do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We wait till all the muzzie men are in Europe, then we go over to Iraq and Syria. They won't be wearing veils anymore since no one will be there to cut their arms off and, BOOM - pick of the litter. Political Asylum Visas and its just a long weekend. Tour Group Rates. Whose's In?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anybody that makes the argument that a couple of Russian trolls could have any sort of influence on all of Star Wars fandom is either a moron or desperately trying to pander to all the others whose wishful thinking supersedes any sort of logical thinking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that Jew whore cunt Ivanka is telling him NOT to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I haven't been on gab much lately. If you can no longer see a post you replied to, does that mean the person blocked you? Because if so, LOL, I got some \"DNA don't real!\" faggot real fucking mad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrant lives are worth so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Opinion piece entered into the Book of Orc \"Because yummy skipper is over, white Americans must make a yeshuva 6 million tiimes\" #DMTBKA https:\/\/www.seattletimes.com\/opinion\/america-must-atone-with-reparations-for-our-legacy-of-slavery\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS NOT RACIAL MORON GO AWAY, U lose argument because u don't know the argument exists cause you're retarded then you embarrass me in front of HIM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time For a Little Background on Christine Ford http:\/\/www.teapartytribune.com\/2018\/09\/30\/time-for-a-little-background-on-christine-ford\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Search warrant ? For what ? Did a retard reporter want 35 year old farts collected and sniffed ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell Torba to stop being a faggot by banning lolicon which is perfectly legal in the United States","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ErinEph: New bus stop. Guy across the street is yelling and doing David Lee Roth kicks at swooping crows. I should learn karate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How much of our money does the BBC waste on this ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets finish strong Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Caravan of 3rd world invaders now at 7000 strong! If our Gov't does not stop this, you and I have to. Prepare yourselves - those who would stand and fight to defend our freedoms.. The time draws near.. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/7000-strong-honduran-illegal-caravan-to-hit-us-border-by-election-day-second-caravan-starts-up\/ Just go have another beer. That's why we have BP and ICE. No reason to go to prison for following an idiot and killing people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice brain dead shaming tactic. That or you are still retarded but cant read.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jacobkesler @ki_kibaby @__adamdavis or if we pick you up in SC and take you with us nip to CR.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least she doesn't look like Christine Ford's DYKE attorney! and the beaked nose one!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AustinG1135 I do not like talking to you faggot and I did but in a nicely way fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other Muslims are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.essence.com\/news\/white-woman-accuses-9-year-old-black-boy-of-sexual-assault-calls-police\/ First, we have this... \"... her attempts to bring the full force of the police state down on his small shoulders were rooted in her own WHITE SUPREMACY.\" ... then... \"The white woman been identified as Teresa Klein.\" Jews are White now? Jews are white when they want to be extremely RACIST against white people! The Jew accuses people of exactly what the pieces of shit are guilty of! I'm so surprised! I also love how it is always the White guy who does the school shootings (always JEW and RETARDED programmed Democrats) and advertising and movies always portray white guys as the bad guys and stupid! The Orwellian world in all its inversion! they know it works unfortunately!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am pretty sure I said \"accident aside\". Of course I speak respectfully to police (think a big chunk of them are cunts) but I do totally act respectfully. I am gonna say, because they have power doesn't mean they are right. The point is, they both had a shitty tude. The cops job is to be respectful during his investigation but he couldnt control his little emotions, like they both had shit attitudes. Like I'm all for equality of the sexes, but sometimes this shit is stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And how many fucks should we give that this sand nigger was killed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eh, it's just the retarded Daily Stormer operatives out in force. Fucking retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep President Trump, and First Lady Melania in your prayers daily, and their lovely family. #BestPresidentEver45 #ForeverFLOTUS45 @POTUS45 @FLOTUS #MAGA #BeBest ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OP \"Caucasian Nigger Terrorist\" When the ADL sends their people, they are not sending their best people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do women not have asses on the planet you're from? You automatically thought of man ass so maybe you need to just come out of the closet, faggot. You're against me, I get it. Here's a nice place for you to go. You are a closet faggot hiding behind god. You will burn along side the pope.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PHILOSOPHY EXISTENTIALISM AND DEPTH and not trash pop#MTVHottestLanaDelRey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By the way, my sister Cyndi runs the psych ward at a prison. Definitely need micro-aggression training in that place. (BTDubs, my 75 year old mom is based AF!)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awww... nazi faggot fags out :( @WolverineTongue, just like @MartyGraw #MAGA #TAOTD #PresidentTrump","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wetback foreign invasion. destroy them and those piece of shit flags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, I thought that last bunch of retard NAZIs were lame. You are a pathetic NAZI. Is this all you have? NAZIs are supposed to be badass. WTF is going on here. I think the NAZIs have been infiltrated by ANTIFA pussies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical cripple behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really want a sports star to get a pet monkey and name him Achilles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL faggot on a girls bike... no surprise","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the two little drag queens \"desmond is fierce\" and the one from canada that are pasted all over the news all the time both got the idea from watching rue paul's fag drag show. with their moms. its literally cancer for your kids. both of the little kids look like they have hiv already. There was also massive \"art installation\" bill boards about NYC, Times Square maybe? Featuring this little faggots face all over them. Normalize, desensitize, condition. Rinse, repeat. MISS ME WITH THAT FAGGOT SHIT NIGGA.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people have never said you can choose your gender at a whim. It is a common accusation but it is made exclusively by anti-trans people. Are you sure about that? https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2017\/apr\/20\/harvard-tells-students-gender-identity-can-change-\/ Good job. Don't let the terrorists spread even, single one lie. That's not a trans person saying that. You're reading what you want to, not what is there. You're literally calling the Harvard LBGLTQ Student Life office an anti trans group. Once again, that's not at all what I'm doing. You're reading what you want, not what's there. Yes, is literally what you said. >Trans people have never said you can choose your gender at a whim. It is a common accusation but it is made exclusively by anti-trans people. The Harvard LGBT office made exactly that \"accusation\", so you are saying they are anti-trans. Own your words. This is where you say \"ok, not exclusively\". Please read my usernam. Now read the username of the person who posted that. Now please tell me you see a difference...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is CalPoly culture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's get rid of women once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> You should stop breathing air And you should jump the cliff. I am sure you can find an nice edge somewhere nearby. You want people to take you seriously? Consider the connotations. Nigger is a word that attracts so much negative attention because of it's historical connotation. You can say it, and I won't forbit it (not my place) but you will have a lot of shit thrown your way for it. Maybe you should expect it hmm? You can do a fairly simple search to find many depictions of africans as chimps, gorrillas or otherwise. How were they perceived historically? As \"subhuman\" primates. So don't be surprised if someone calls you racist for stating that someone is acting like a primate. With how sensitive people are these days you should expect it. Thats somehow a.... metaphor? Yea it makes no sense, because its not even gramatically correct. For fucks sake, you want to make an example? Use some sentence structure. I frankly thought you were simply retarded and couldn't properly tell someone to stop breathing oxygen. And what the fuck does breathing have to do with calling people chimps? Nothing at all!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a Yankee by birth, and lived much of my life in north. I see no diff in level of racism @frendafox @melinwy @NoahCRothman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would I support the male version of a feminist? Both things are degerate and retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good night, #GabFam It's been a rough day. Tomorrow we can pick up the pieces and keep moving forward.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Report me for what faggot, wrongthink? Eat a dick! He's either retarded or an elaborate troll. I think there has to be a second Poe's Law. \"It is impossible to tell a retard from a person trolling as a retard\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger naming logic. Woah there xeverxsleepx! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One of the most stupid race traitor sluts is the dumb cunt that procreated with Lavar Ball.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims belong in our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, nigger gene is so powerful that a half-black mulatto kid is a niglet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ooh, I know. It's because he's a fucking twat. If by triggered you mean responding to the content of the thread. Now I have a bunch of man children with weaponized autism giving me shit because they're thinking \"what if that was my controller\". I knew you were a troll from the first post, but if you want to be more covert' I would avoid using terms like \"weaponized autism . It's too funny for a retard to use.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bette Midler Apologizes for Tweeting Women Are the N-Word of the World' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dx6F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ar-15 style? The fuck, was it that gun or some other gun. I love how they are trying to just make the ar-15 into some knee jerk term, like nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The degenerate, low-life cunt should be serving a prison sentence and the funds used to pay for her upkeep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@erinscafe We hate them more than the Cowboys and Yankees.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Chronicle is a leftist rag that almost nobody subscribes to. Its not worth wasting time to read. We have a nigger leftist for mayor who should never have been elected but they'll endorse a piece of shit guilty of breaking and entering and DUI. That's Robert O'Rorke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Philly YES! https:\/\/www.phillymag.com\/news\/2018\/10\/02\/viking-statue-boathouse-row\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand this world, I don't understand how someone could be so cruel to another person, or how a law system could protect people like her. It honestly pains me to see or read about these type of events.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangel those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not even just this once instance... she's always irritating. The other day the teacher mentioned the words ''sugar daddy'' as an example to some business concept (where the person doesn't do anything but still has power in the company) and she was the **only** girl in that class who giggled. Loudly. She tries to be that cute, funny, popular girl but falls flat on her face. Very superficial. I remember at the very start, I saw her at the train station I go to after school. So I talked to her a few times. Eventually, I decided to walk with her since we had our last class together that day. She began pulling her headphones out of her pocked and untangling them. I thought it was a bit odd, but whatever. She plugs them into her ears, starts making a call as she's walking with me, without saying anything. I thought okay, maybe it won't last long. Oh, how wrong I was. She just kept talking and talking. Eventually walking faster and faster, and went to a different part of the station. Haven't talked to the bitch since, nor do I ever intend to, again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world would be better off without Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tylerschuster88: How much coke did Charlie sheen do?.. Enough to kill two and a half men I guess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You write exactly like the illiterate retard that you are--lol!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll have to rape a Muslim today. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it'll never work...they're retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This particular charade is over for now. https:\/\/6abc.com\/4427136\/?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Contentandutm_content=5bb9063b9ac56400019a4394andutm_medium=trueAnthemandutm_source=facebook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is Trump letting a wacky celebutard Nigger cuss in the White House? Why are MAGApedes excited about a dusky minority who likes to be 'controversial' and has an IQ under 90? Why do White people, and Trump, continue to disappoint me?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flappy bird on bull....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can you say \"black people are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very good video, the BBC and Hollywood are trying to erase all white history and replace it with a false nigger history. The blacks never had an empire or any kind of real history and thats why the liberal progressives are pushing all this PC crap. They resent all British #history and it's past great colonial empire. #BritFam #WhiteGenocide BBC is no longer British ,it's jews, niggers , Indians and such","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You cow cunt throw shit in eyes of English people not the British people that European and other evil Islam or Muslim world some need do a Saudi Arabia on her chop her fucking up and throw her in a Barth of acid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Machada....gee, sounds like one of Pelosi's 'spark of divinity' wetback boys","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cheers! World's most expensive bottle of whisky sells for $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey guys, I just got a call from a dirty stinkin Sand Nigger who told me there was a problem with my Microsoft program on my computer . The number is 855-557-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BBC headline about rise in \"hate crime\" towards Muslims (who are 5% of the UK population). Read the article and it turns out that the 1% of the population who are gay report far more \"hate crime\" than do Muslims. Never mind that there's no organisation out there that solicits gays to report \"hate crime\". Yet the British state funds Muslim organisations to lie about \"hate crime\" against Muslims. Clearly the BBC couldn't give a fuck about attacks on gays. For every Muslim who claims they were a victim, there are nearly 10x as many gays who are claiming to be victims. Only Muslims matter when it comes to \"hate crime\". https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-45874265","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger sows make good Nigger repellent because of their looks and smell","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That may be the most retarded thing I have ever heard in my life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bet they want a cookie, Bergbrain? You mean like you want a cracker? Kinda bitter here today aren'tcha? #stribpol mngop #mnleg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BritFam #Muzzie #KFC #Bacon Bloody muzzie should not be working in KFC if he hates bacon. No one should be buying KFC simply because they serve halal. Muzzie population is small, that financial hit would cripple them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"r u retarded? it says Texas INSTRUMENTS which means he is in Instruments, Texas DUH ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"evangelicals will have the feels worse than if they just forgave twenty nigger raping gangs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ahahahh!!ping pang POW! HOW U LIKE ME NOW! Shouts out 2 my bro Dre Hogg Style Ent! Uza fool 4 dis 1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hulu deleted this tweet after becoming the focus of countless jokes and being mocked for several hours straight. Even companies are willing to backdown from SJW talking points if the heat gets too hot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love to ram that Mike down is fucking throat im chocking I'm chocking good die you cunt god say you must die Haase","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay alimony forced over commitment ceremony 15years ago I will be accepting apologies from everyone who said it couldn't happen @DoctorPolemeros @GeorgiaLogCabin @GuardAmerican @Escoffier @Were-Puppy @weka https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/commitment-ceremony-15-years-ago-now-state-says-marriage-alimony-due\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans are using the same logic feminists have been using for decades to destroy men so i donand#39t feel sorry for wamen not one bit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah, GamerGate. Both a movement of impotent, whiny manbabies. And yet at the same time the darkest, most sinister organization in the world who elected Trump, and sows the seeds of choas wherever is places its malevolent grasp. Makes total sense. No journalist thinks that gamergate elected trump. [Yeah, not at all easy to find people writing that exact bullshit.](https:\/\/www.cnet.com\/news\/gamergate-donald-trump-american-nazis-how-video-game-culture-blew-everything-up\/) Ah yes, the very big and influential cnet.com with such writers as Ian sheer and Eric carson. Two household names that every american knows Gamers dont fucking matter. Nobody actually serious about electoral politics knows what gamergate is. Do you hear that kids? That's the sound of goalposts being rapidly moved. Oh, im sorry, i didnt realize i stumbled into a subreddit for autistic gamers. I thought people would realize that im not speaking for, you know, an entire industry. I guess thats called knowing your audience > I'm not a destiny fan I just think he's the smartest person on youtube. Dawww, look at you moving those goalposts... so cute. \"No journalist does a thing!\" I show just that. \"Well... um... I mean they don't count because reasons\". Try harder, you're not good at this. dawg, i wasnt saying that every single journalist in the world doesn't believe that. Sure you can find me fucking brett kolosizks from the local Kerry, Oregon newspaper saying that gamergate caused trump or whatever, but its not even close to a mainstream opinion. > special olympic-tier debate skills That's just insulting to the special olympics debate teams. I'm sure they work very hard on their strategies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary for 2020 Join me in this very important campaign She is a winner that will lead the Democrats to Victory Really Remember the polls of 2016 Hillary winner winner chicken dinner Come on now that's not a good attitude we need to Rally the base the Democratic base get them on board Hillary for president 20\/20 third time's a charm really GREAT Idea......RALLY THE DEMOCRATS........AGAINST TRUMP........Post THIS.......EVERYWHERE........ An old meme but looking forward to this happening after the elections. LOL......That meme is anywhere NEAR as old as I AM........As warped as some folks Really ARE........It wouldn't surprise me a bit if it actually Happened.......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being so desperate to kill your unborn baby that you'd get a tattoo of a coat hanger to signal to the world that you'd be willing to scrape your child out of your womb barbarically if push came to shove. Feminists truly are psychopaths. Which Soy Boy Beta Cock voted down on this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean it's not complicated some of the fags here genuinely hate women and are shit with them, but the smart guys understand that \"MGTOW\" is just the retard's way of saying of \"prioritizing self-interest above all else\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never said 'do nothing'. The Bible says 'faith without works is dead' -does anyone believe this pagan retard is doing anything other than larping? Other than being a dumb-ass on Gab? ...no way. He isnt helping anyone. Christ was not a jew. These pagans are liars, just like the jews https:\/\/christogenea.org\/podcasts\/exactly-why-jesus-christ-not-jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would be so confused and upset if I was that the kid. He's already getting a taste of how mean other people can be, when they should all be playing together. Feminism is fucking cancer. THIS IS WHAT LIBERALISM DOES, PEOPLE Uh...okay. where's the lie, sweatie Nice meme comment Name calling nice argument no one is arguing, answer the question or begone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kearstain. Lol. With a retarded name like that she deserves the time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#HappyColumbusDay .....hate to sound all #PETA callous and all........but #buffalo had it a LOT WORSE than the #injuns..........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh, look, it's a retarded boomer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not allow for any woman to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Let me know when you grow a pair and stand up for your race, you cucked faggot. I went to Berkeley. I didn't see you there pussy. WTF have you ever done in your life to prove you are not the: will never be nothing loser you are? Name just 1 thing without crying any more. You have never said any of your racist loser garbage in public ever you little bitch. Name just 1 thing right now without crying loser go>:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MONARCHY. What people think ... Worked for more than 1000 years. We have yet to have a republic last more than 500 before falling apart and requiring a King Fucktard, there are no men in power who have any connection to any actual divine entity or their blessing to rule... So this definition is as worthless as it was in Did I say there was? I was speaking of Monarchy itself which is the longest running system in history. It works. Republics are few and far between and the longest known Republic only lasted for 500 years before turning into a Monarchy I get it, you have nothing better to do than to post things with absolutely ZERO relevance to anything entertaining or holding a redeemable point to current events. I just don't get why??? I was commenting on a post about Monarchy did I claim it has to do with current events? And what I stated was objectively true. It is the longest running system of governance and works. Republics are statistically short-lived. That's just fact. Do you have nothing better to do than go around commenting on posts you hold no interest in since they are not current?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Still are a weakling who is ruled over by .... who is that rules you? Purely because you are a weakling. I am a epileptic cripple who shits bigger than you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn, she lied about nearly every aspect of her story. I'm so glad the truth came out and I hope he does get the money. This is a truly disgusting woman. She makes the rest of us look bad. Fuck it, I'd accept a lifetime of payments from this cunt over her spending time in prison. Even if it was only a few hundred bucks a month, I'd still take pleasure in financially owning her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The also busted off the arms of the Venus de Milo to hide her full sleave tatts and underarm hair. Underrated comment Since the comment scores are hidden, it's apparent that you couldn't have known the score of the comment to which you were replying when you deemed it '*underrated*'. Why do you feel the need to misuse the word **underrated** like this? But anyways, to answer the question in my username: **No. No it is not.** Because you couldn't possibly have known if it was or not anyway. This is probably the worst gimmick account on reddit. I mean, who gets off on being this kind of prick? P.S. You can tell how popular a comment is by where it appears on the page, regardless of whether you can see the scores Then this one was clearly *not* underrated since it was at the very top. Cheers! Not when I commented on it, it wasn't. Mate your gimmick is shit. Deal with it. You are a liar The comment *is not* underrated It is in fact ***your*** gimmick that is shit. (I made the mistake of responding to a cunt ***and*** the mistake of responding to a cunt in the middle of the night) Well, it *wasn't* at the top, so I don't know what to tell you. You wanna try your third point again when you're sober?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG WAKE UP Florida don't vote for this man #VoteRedToSaveAmericahttps:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/17\/andrew-gillum-graduated-training-school-that-spawned-soros-army-of-revolutionaries\/amp\/?__twitter_impression=true Awesome News still praying for Florida after that terrible hurricane..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stand the fuck up and take them out all you fucking lazy white males! fuck being called a racist protect your woman and children. If you find it in the street kill it and bury it right there these animals will wipe you out if your not careful","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was cancelled because people were protesting the use of \"Nigger\" in a play where a bunch of angry white people are screaming for blood from a black man? The whole point of To Kill a Mockingbird is that these people are wrong. How would you omit that? Is \"Negro\" okay as a substitute? Isn't \"negro literally Spanish for \"black ? Maybe the Spanish language is racist too. Oh it's definitely racist. And sexist too, because it has gendered nouns. German actually has three genders. I'm surprised no one has thrown a tantrum over that. I mean, I hate it because it makes it more complicated, but other than that I really don't care. It's fine because one of them is ungendered. That makes them happy. Meanwhile, CNN describes Kanye as \"the token negro of the Trump administration\" saying that Kanye is what happens when \"Negros don't read\". Conveniently forgetting about Dr. Ben Carson, a black former neurosurgeon currently serving in the Trump administration as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. please don't bring up Ben Carson in a positive way ever again. Dr, Ben Carson, is a man who lived during this century. One day he opened and held the door for another person. Just make all those angry white people black. Problem solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It occurred to me, instead of standing in direct opposition of this tidal wave, how if we got out and pushed. The part that grieves me the most is, the Republicans, who say they want to CONSERVE America, are the ones who let this sub human trash in for profit. The Dems do it bc they're emotional globohomos. But the repubs love \"cheap labor.\" That's the point I'm trying to make dood. We can't do pistols at dawn, if we don't get them out the dresser first. Which party will hasten the cleansing racial fire that we all agree needs to burn? The middle of the road faggot repubs? Or the childish foolish monkey overloards? You also must accept that any cop that doesn't stand with us, must perrish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" . Christianity is dying all over Europe, and you can't do anything about that. That's why Europe is being so easily defeated. White people are spiritually lost, empty, and hopeless people. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I've never had a post removed from here, sir. I don't believe I've ever even made one I guess I'm just retarded or having a stroke because it looks to me like you're saying you don't participate in this sub beyond just lurking by your own admission. I also liked your attempt at likening me to someone opposed directly to *our* group. Not your group, you don't really seem to be terribly interested in participating at all here beyond randomly turning up and shit talking a mod who is stepping down. You must feel like a very big man talking shit like that. > I guess I'm just retarded or having a stroke because it looks to me like you're saying you don't participate in this sub beyond just lurking by your own admission. Not having a stroke certainly. Not bright enough to know the difference between a post and a comment on reddit though, apparently. >I also liked your attempt at likening me to someone opposed directly to our group. It was purely about your utterly brazen attempt to twist my words into something else entirely, neither her politics nor yours even entered my mind. Nice persecution complex though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's with feminists and their excessive use of acronyms? oh, ffs.... Well played. And I have a British friend and often ask him to translate his FB posts, cause \"bird with a beakful behind Tesco's\" makes no damn sense to me. Welcome to idiom.. it's majestic and confusing. I'm British and what is this. Probably a regional thing. True, true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New Orleans doesnt have gun control. We have a nigger problem, you stupid fucking jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around disabled people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid Faggot Dicks Are For Chicks!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good. Its good seeing people on the left call this out. Sadly there are also NPC's [like this](https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/utbPHhu) >Obama... never tried to pit Americans against themselves if I had a son... > it's wine aunt season This slayed me. I see you know my aunt Aaaaaaaaaaaand, that is the exact reason I have a conceal carry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Do you actually believe Americans believe your group of retarded Hitler sycophants are conservatives? Did you really believe you could usurp the #MAGAParty and turn it into a KKK rally? Think again, Adolf. #LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Google and #TheCreepyLine: https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/whitehousebrief\/videos\/161399168099519\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From Bryan Goff Petaluma, US It's cure comforting to know the 6000 Satellites are taking high definition pictures of useless shit instead of finding missing children that are traumatized by abductions, sex trafficking and worse, enjoy your face painting oh, shit....this made me snort! Nice work sis ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia Another 80's song from one of the iconic Australian groups. Inxs - Never Tear us Apart https:\/\/youtu.be\/_VU9DjQpvMQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Working on it. The addiction itself doesn't go away, but we can control it by having control of our lives. Every time I've relapsed it has been over that, but the alternative to being sober is pure fucking misery. But imho, when you know hell you're able to avoid it, if you truly want to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, is #LiterallyKavanagh a thing yet? CHEERS FOR LOTS MORE LIBERAL TEARS !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Dutch farmers are white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aaron Green of Batesville, AR., the faggot we doxxed last summer for organizing the counter-protest to our March Against Sharia Law, was the one who got the membership list of the vk group (but didn't infiltrate the group itself) and sent it to Central Arkansas Antifa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's some vibrant diversity. I've never met anyone who married a sibling.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the kid is 16 or older she needs to be let go. She needs to be fired of course, but unless we're talking about an actual child she should be let go. And before anybody jumps on my ass saying it would be a totally different story if it were a man, my opinion would be the same. [deleted] Yeah but you can't necessarily use \"creeped out\" as the basis for things like that. As long as the person is of the age of consent and is aware of what they are consenting to I don't particularly mind. That being said, there's also a dude who had oral sex with a 14 and a 16 year old girl he was a karate instructor to, and he deserves to go to jail because even the 16 y\/o wasn't of the age of consent for that state and even if she was he was sticking his dick in a 14 year old's mouth and that's absolutely repulsive as she's not really old enough to understand the consequences. As much as I'm for gender equality I'd be pissed if it was a 25 year old dude and a 17 year old girl, and vise versa. > As long as the person is of the age of consent and is aware of what they are consenting to I don't particularly mind. She is a teacher. It doesn't matter that he was in the age of consent, she had authority over him so it was statitory rape. You are okay with rape because he understood consent? [deleted] I see that you are fine with rape as long as its a woman doing it to a teen. [deleted] >I'm ok with rape Please die slowly [deleted] I am far from ok with it, you dullard. Her sentencing allows her to carry on teaching and to carry on sleeping with her students.. if you took the full quote you would see that a man doing the same shit she did would be someone bitch ing jail for 10 years. Seems you are okay with wishing rape on others and twisting words into new meanings. I knew PPD had some bottom of the barrel scumbags, but christ do you make them look like model citizens. Grow the fuck up. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Turns out the bomber is Cesar Sayok, immediately singled out by the fake news media as a \"WHITE Man,\" yet he would fit in perfectly with those in the Caravan Invasion, which the Fake News would never Identify as \"White.\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/pM9BZjN.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"vile cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got it. I was goughing the black cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because it's always female hamplanets that spout this level or retarded shit... because they're always some pathetic no standards having guy that will eventually have sex with them or validate them.. so they actually feel like they can make dumb fucking comments like this to validate their diabetes Where as with men are typically smart enough to know they should be ashamed of their mayonnaise asteroid belt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nirvana Reunion - Cal Jam 2018 | Full Show https:\/\/youtu.be\/JiYhCMm8YOk da phuk no Im Ioweejin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love the acoustic domes in the hallways. Favorite place to sing in public. No lie. http:\/\/t.co\/G6Az9ryUbQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Rubberbandits: Yanks have a cocktail called an \"Irish car bomb\", but if you stuck two flakes in an ice cream cone and called it a 9\/11 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a fucking hypocritical piece of shit. Hope this will destroy her career, like the other she destroyed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black History Month on #Gab. In the jungle, in a Wakanda like paradise, the slow runners are caught by whitey. The fast runners go on to invent stuff like...tumbleweed across screen. Meanwhile in the UK and US, nig nogs invent drug dealing, mugging and pimping hoes an' bitches (TM). Oh pluq, music I forgot music. You forgot crack babies. The nigger also invented crack babies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I found your arm in that trash receptacle and your leg in the mud down by that stream.You should consider keeping better track of your limbs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world would be better off without disabled people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Texas woman caught on video abandoning toddler at stranger's front door https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/texas-woman-caught-on-video-abandoning-toddler-at-strangers-front-door Surveillance video captures woman leaving toddler on porch https:\/\/video.foxnews.com\/v\/5850359022001\/?#sp=show-clips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When the Truth is spoken, the Jew does not like it! The Truth makes it a FACT that JEWS are LIARS, MURDERERS, and THEIVES! Patently RETARDED also!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is from 10\/08\/2018, but no less applicable today. What about all the non-white Trump supporters - I guess we don't exist. And is this Grenell cunt white? What an insulting twat - I hope intelligent women read her drivel and got pissed off enough to #VOTEREPUBLICAN. IDENTITY POLITICS = IGNORANCE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lowlife white trailer trash all around. I'd be fine with it if he cracked her melon open with a flowerpot and with her last breath she put a couple of rounds through his ticker. Clean up the gene pool a little bit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So...I just read an article on how to deal with 'past sexual trauma' (ie regrets about sleeping around). Worst piece of virtue signalling, victim-industry garbage I have read in years. I think these leftist idiots have hired the Chinese ('literally'!!) to do their writing. Reads as if was written for retarded children or communists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey milano,why dont you shut your nigger alphonso ribeiro lovin tainted pussy whore skank mouth!!! has been pile of liberal cumdumpster shit!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Majority of it is trash anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's autistics calling each other retarded in this stupid case!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Rodham, the most uncivilised cunt in political history, with 200 plus corpses in her wake, calls for the 'restoration of 'civility' to politics after we regain power'. This is the most grating irony Imaginable. She is an ugly thug that will do for 2018 what she did for","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I need a Spanish WOMAN. They don't have ghetto names. They can cook. They down with u till the casket and they curvy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even his hair didn't want to be associated with this evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Bernie retard loser cult...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah I get spammed tranny porn a lot, it makes me laugh tbh. It feels nice knowing that I triggered some faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Victimizing yourself doesn t help","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When a pussy nigga socks you and doesn't knock you out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gus is a cuck with a mental block against niggers, and by god JBJ is the greatest combat nigger that ever lived... True. Being a Swede, he's afflicted with a congenital submissiveness toward niggers. But he did officially win 2 rounds against Jones in their first fight (many thought he won 4) and he made Jones look ordinary. Jones has never fought while not on PEDs, so as far as I'm concerned his record gets an asterisk next to it until he proves otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the community I am most active in. I get retards in other subs bringing up my post history as an argument when I say something they don't have a good counterargument for. Who are you to tell me what I'm associated with or not?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to keep posting porn, EVERY FUCKING DAY on this site, and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that phony, undeservedly-self-righteous faggots like yourself can or ever will do to stop me. Is this a left-wing cunt or a right-wing cunt? Your cunt is beneath your nose...ur probably a cock sucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL!! It's just a matter of time before they will be kicking all the royals to the street gutter and moving in to their once posh properties and stinking it up with goat shit and muzzie jizz! And all for votes. What happens when that idea backfires on them, because it will, muzzies don't take to being owned. Full out war in the UK?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think you are right. A safe space where men can be honest and speak freely. I didn't mean to tone-police at all, I was just looking for a discussion to hear various sides and opinions. I'm not at all right or my opinions arent't better. I'm just curious. The term you are looking for is a free space. There can be a bit of vitriol and anger here. But as others have posted, one of the goals of MGTOW is to reach a state of apathy. You can love women, or you can understand them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't seem to understand the point I'm trying to make, it's not \"video games\" because containment subreddits attract those who'd rather not be banned for saying things like niggerfaggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SactownProidgy @SpeakComedy @yunglucy_ @karon_avila I just noticed you guys called me a jiggaboo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck these generate vodka niggers. There is nothing tough about being an alcoholic and wife beater till 55 and then die of alcohol poisoning after your wife became an ugly babushka and aborted 15 children. There is nothing tough about slavishly following a corrupt leadership which treats you like fucking shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that retarded little fucker still talking?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Easily fixed. Shoot every nigger on sight.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not afraid or disgusted of White Women, but if a woman does indeed fuck a nigger than I'm not going to give her a pass just because race mixing is promoted by kikes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of muzzies. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"libs need to stop sucking nigger dick it is affecting their brain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"half nigger total shithead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you retarded as well as Jewish? I clearly typed the \"National No Call List\" Maybe that's why people don't like Jews? Ya think? Grow a fucking brain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kike shill faggot tries to promote a Twitter clone where free speech isn't allowed and anyone who disagrees with or criticizes Jews is banned","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The scumbags on the left and some republican assholes want to screw us with Saudi Arabia over one raghead, pos, alleged, non-American journalist and do nothing about the wetback invaders, fuck them all !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jep, the Jews are the real Nazis. Typical faggot strategie Nobody buys that and the Jews profit because of the use of the term as a \"demonic name\" against THEIR enemies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They did it already, everything is infected and ruined by commies, that's OK, it makes it easy to I'D, go to the top you will find retarded communist . Look at fox news full of retard commies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Buckm00se all us beaners were pissed like robert when the jew ref stopped it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/vZAcWP8_K5k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" hi-ho http:\/\/t.co\/FiC4FnRutZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One less sand nigger to worry about. Honestly, I think we should do the same to journalists here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd be okay with disabled people if they weren't such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kike rhymes with dyke for a reason","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you read it, you'll note that it truely is a remarkable work of poetry. In other words, it has artistic value in relation to the Miller Test, the three-prong obscenity test that is the United States Supreme Court's test for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled obscene. The question of what is \"obscene and what is not is one of vigorous legal debate. Similar in nature to \"hate speech, the word \"obscene can be subjective in nature. The difference is obscenity laws have decades of legal precedent from SCOTUS, whereas \"hate speech was unanimously ruled as first amendment protected speech by SCOTUS in Matal v Tam (","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are getting sloppy. Sorry, must be a senior moment, but I don't understand. and yet here you are Mr. NPC on Gab with the other \"dumb trump supporters\" sooo.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">On the Creation of Niggers (1912) > > > >When, long ago, the gods created Earth > >In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth. > >The beasts for lesser parts were next designed; > >Yet were they too remote from humankind. > >To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man, > >Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan. > >A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure, > >Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger. and#x200B; Yeah, I don't really think so, dude...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ItsMander @kfcYou can always gets da colored folk back in da cage wit da KFC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too expensive. Why do you think women are so adamant on getting married? They can act like complete cunts after the fact, and you have to pay them to leave. Never get married. It doesn't benefit the man, one little bit... Meanwhile, my uncle is getting married to a woman who is already divorced with a child, while still paying for his first wife and their 3 kids. But I'm the asshole for telling him it's a bad idea. Some people never learn.... The power a pussy has over some men just baffles me...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This salty bitch LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#rejectedpeanutsspecials Its The Grape Crackhead, Charlie Brown!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded on steroids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Failure to comply will be a fine of $100,000 http:\/\/www.latimes.com\/politics\/la-pol-ca-governor-women-corporate-boards-20180930-story.html# Once Kavanaugh gets in the supreme court, and this case comes up...do you think it'll last? Because thats a totally accurate website We have Trump - we are fine. Gtfo with your fake news","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other trans people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"first of all, dont buy a gun if you fucking close your eyes to shoot you stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Video: Charlie Baker makes final push for votes http:\/\/t.co\/9ArtP5ymbS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Tag me when the ass monkey apologists start commenting their Q Anon shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BasketballPics whoever made this twitter doesnt like the Lakers... they r making a comeback but this accnt still continues to trash talk em","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how can anyone look at that ugly cunt and think she's innocent","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_chocgirL: Rich homie and bird man gone be at mansion lan tonight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This x","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love these dumb pig cunts that think they can assault without consequence. Why the downvotes? Bitch got what was coming to her. Equal rights also means equal lefts. That pause near the end of the video is a bit strange, however.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow his wife sounds like a real cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Claire McCaskill Demands Investigation Into Project Veritas Videos O'Keefe Responds https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/claire-mccaskill-demands-investigation-into-project-veritas-okeefe-responds\/ McCaskill is going down November 6th. PRAISE Kek!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's trash talk from various sources that Gab is a White Supremacist website. Has anyone noticed anything close to a racist (white) undertow? It's my assumption that the slander is nothing more than the big tech Giants protecting their mental cesepool","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's a lot of money. When you don't have actual women to distract you and commit yourself to, you are free to spend a lot of money on faps and a lot of time on making said money. Its why furry fans somehow are always super rich and commissioning all the artists on the internet. \"FUCK THE SLUTTEST CUNTS\" \"DESTROY THE JUCIEST PUSSYS\" That's the 1% for ya! They want the sluttest cunts, and money is no object. So it's kind of a strategy\/jrpg where you get rewarded with fap magerial if you win? (Asking because I didn't dare go any further than the first page on that site. All sorts of virus warnings sprang up as soon as it loaded.)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckin' muzzie lovin Nazi POS!!! YOU are the problem!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not even 5 minutes... walk in... BAM!.... walk out... 5 seconds and that asswipe nigger is toast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After a Black man murdered a Swedish citizen, the Swedish police asked the public for help identifying him - but they blurred out his face so you couldn't tell he was Black. Years ago, the editor of the Swedish tabloid Expressen admitted to \"vitpixling\" whereby criminals' dark skin in photos was lightened and pixelated, to make them appear white. There was a Wikipedia entry on it, but all that's left is the debate to delete it. Mention of the practice is buried in another entry on a \"conspiracy theory\" about journalists pushing demographic replacement. Sweden: everything you need to know about women in politics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FBI: OK guys we're about done here but we better check with a dumb ass leftist celebrity cunt before we end our investigation. Hahahahahahaha!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">and any sort of indication of weakness is met with derision What a dramatic and stupid overstatement. This is the sort of stupid shit that only someone who spends their day thinking about stupid shit like toxic masculinity\/patriarchy theory could possibly think is true. Stoicism and toughness are celebrated, but that does not mean *all* weakness is met with derision. Emotional passion and tenderness are generally liked in men too. Have you ever thought about *why* things like stoicism and strength among men are celebrated and encouraged? Do you not realize it's a good thing? That we are all alive and living the way we are now thanks to the sacrifices our forebearers made? Sometimes, some people go overboard. Like those bitches on the Talk who laughed at a woman cutting her husband's dick off. Funny how the male gender is blamed for women like that behaving like cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The British Army takes orders from TERRORISTS. Muslim Council of Britain = Muslim Brotherhood \"Members of the Trump administration have pushed to designate the Muslim Brotherhood..... a Foreign Terrorist Organization....\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2015\/12\/18\/muslim-council-britain-secret-links-muslim-brotherhood\/ And that fucking cair group in USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"teach young niggas they history all blacks is from royalty ancient nuwaupian kings and queens we was exploring the stars in pyramid spaceships when they white devils was still living in caves do NOT listen to the white devil lies #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab#BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda This never gets old and this could turn into a pretty good nigger hate thread, bix nood muhfugga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger lover Lincoln. Spic lover Reagan. Kike lover Trump. They're all zionists. The only decent men on this are hiding in the back in low resolution. Washington.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust Leftists in your life. It doesn't matter how much you think you can rely on them or confide to them, they will sell you out to rabid online mobs if it means they can get sweet social media points. in GTA V","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The things in his attic are nothing but refuse. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't mean this as an insult to gays, but this is the biggest fucking faggot I've ever seen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SteveWorks4You Stockboy...everyone mocks you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U SUCK SHIT YOU BLACK FUCK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mr_republicann chik fil a. hipotle is trash and taco bell will give you the runs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Signs of bizarre nigger thinking. https:\/\/bearingarms.com\/tom-k\/2018\/10\/05\/chicago-parents-try-claim-lack-gun-control-violates-civil-rights\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheAfricanSiren: Automatically suspicious of white folk who try too hard to show they like us darkies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT Jonteinspain We voted to leave the EU and should have gone within 12 months. May has Kept us in for two and a half years and now has negotiated even more time in this EU prison. This is taking the piss. No one is this incompetent. Her EU conspiracy is working well but not for the people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those are done intentionally to keep cunts like you away. Single feminist (redundant, I know) or miserably married - please go somewhere else and spew you negativity biatch.....news flash for you - we don't fucking care about your feelings I referred to you as a cunt, not a kike loving cunt - might you be projecting here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot is slowly transforming himself in a real man. Mc Cain s dead was the end of a bad spell. And the gay frog then turned itself into a trumpy thug Senator. He is even enjoying the liberal tears! His Power level is rising to the skies!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusted by all the women around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we revisit @ChairmanL's idea of two teams of @Yankees playing against each other? I would like to see a game every now and then.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DON LEMON---DRUNK DUMBFUCK NIGGER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking toothpaste faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another nigger heard from! WE NEED the STAR CHAMBER to eliminate these black mf's!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @carrielusch: You might be a liberal if you continue to trash America, claiming how horrible and evil it is, yet you refuse to leave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No nigger made that. Sorry nigger I dont care about what you look like. Also I dont want to know about your venereal diseases, slut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is quite a stunning performance from Amsterdam, featuring Janine Jansen on the violin backed by a fine orchestra. Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Not only was the performance impeccable, but the obvious emotion and love that went into the work was on full display. I hope you enjoy this. Note: Starting at about the 0:40 mark, it's during the Spring season part, and you can actually hear her violin imitating the birds singing, so enjoy! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zzE-kVadtNw I think many would be stunned if they did just exactly as you said - just sit down, have no distractions, and REALLY listen to some of these pieces. The different melodies and parts all interacting and complimenting each other sometimes defies belief. I'm really glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LGBTQ+ are mentally ill. Period.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mlvassallo Oh really? fags are gross You aids infected sick fuckers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a stupid little boca cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The comment thread is retarded then","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MTVUK: #Directioners, 1D's @zaynmalik and @Louis_Tomlinson monkey around on set of #StealMyGirl video: http:\/\/t.co\/sOEbNlR8Re http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like dad is a faggot soy boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That faggot can try that shit with a man...... anytime!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For those wondering what could be so upsetting that he'd cause people to spit on and attack him, take a closer look at his t-shirt... https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/LH8VlXQ.jpg tl;dr - Leftists went full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The absolute state of rap and modern pop music where people like this twat reach the top charts. Gen Z has such a shit taste in music. http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/entertainment-arts-45971796","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who says it's true? I'm sick of retards believing some random woman's baseless accusation just because she has a pussy. No man would ever be believed just on his word.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KenSuttling Certainlt not the paddies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck all overpriced designer brands. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our failure to mobilize and litigate on behalf of our political prisoners is more than merely a moral black eye, it's the kind of failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. YOU are the failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. You can't even fuck your own wife properly, you cuck traitor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"on a sunday.. A SUNDAY!!!! my dad said that 2 white vans showed up and 6 men with holstered guns came up to my cabin and asked where I was, and as I was not present and their on private property they said their with Verizon comm, partnered with Google to look at their new cell station site . and started up the hill they were stopped and Ill not say how after all TMI so I should give them your address then... ohhhhhh noooooo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stephen Curry has a history of lighting up the Knicks https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/zgLZ5F Americanus mungrelis.......American Mongrel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"then stop asking him about his semen its gross and he already told u his testicles are about as useless as work boots on a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/XpSC3makgJ\" sexy lad with hot soles and arches.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rice has to be gaping cunt for her own kid to be so vehemently rightist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical liberal plantation nigger Not good enough to polish the shoes of a black person","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"bound, gagged, shoved in a trash bin with two bullets in the back of the head. \"I suspect natural causes.\" said the world's worst detective.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and he's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Driver wasn't a muzzie by chance was he.?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He was being super kind to her, and she probably would have just got a warning and sent on her way if she played the woman card right. Nope, she had to play it even further by being a huge cunt and threw it all out the window. Now they have a record without even being out of a high school!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boston's Jihadi Nest and Student Arm of the Muslim Brotherhood Joe For America http:\/\/t.co\/4IfJwoeSDR via @RealJTP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Female lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allowing any more Musl1ms into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@IamSaintBryan they call me yellow bone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mall with my fellow ginzos to do some christmas shopping @Vinnyliarda @Dimi_Artale @Billythathird #fuckdimmy #vinnysnotmadon #billgetsbuns","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @manchild1077: Oreo Speedwagon #FatBands","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Break her fingers, wtf. Take your maglight and hit that cunt in the knuckles until they snap...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All together now... Awwwwww https:\/\/pagesix.com\/2018\/10\/07\/bill-cosby-wants-out-of-prison-already\/ he never should have been put in prison in the first place. This is radical Female Supremacy at work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"can i suck the taste out of your hot creamy spunk monkey fucker shit hole faggot breath","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just a LOW IQ NIGGER BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where does it say that she cheated on him? She's a bitch for acting like a selfish and entitled cunt but I didn't see anything about cheating.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet a lot of Americans do not think that a actual street nigger war will break out! It is nothing for truck loads of armed savages pulling up into a suburb and ripping and raping whites right out of their houses while NOBODY does nothing! GET READY to GET IT ON!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HALF NIGGER COMMIE PINKO FAGGOT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to k i l l all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking retarded https:\/\/www.hollywoodreporter.com\/heat-vision\/star-wars-last-jedi-was-targeted-by-russian-trolls-study-says-1148475","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She had 175k GBP of her husband's hard-earned money every year _for life_ and lost it due to her greed. This is just too perfect. She's got 10 million plus another 600k coming, she's not going to work. Ever. Rich fuckers need lot more to sustain their lifestyle, for which she was seeking 23k more per year. I'm just glad now she has to pay his legal fee and the guy can have a clean break from What's up in 21 She doesn't have 10 million pounds anymore, spent half of it already and maintenance on a 2M home isn't cheap. Bitch betta get a job. I would bet she's spent a majority of it already. It seems pretty likely that none of the $10M was invested in income producing securities or she wouldn't need to be asking for an increase. It's time for a lifestyle change that's for sure. I doubt she invested anything because she's a fat dumbass and thought ex-ATM will pay for her lavish lifestyle forever. Too bad, baby gets nothing. No kidding. Plus her legal fee, and how much are taxes in England on Alimony?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck this retarded whore out of office","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Says the Faggot that is more afraid of Transgendered Intersectional Gay Loves than Isis ... IDIOT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I only rarely come on SM now, but I don't get why the retard right thinks a nuclear engineer has all the secrets of the government. Someone will have to explain that to me sometime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a faggot boomer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ToWherever I'm not yellow I'm sorry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welp, I must have missed that news. I still want to play Firewatch because it seems quite good, and I adore the photo thing they did (though it's probably not still running), but those developers are absolute scum so I refuse to pay for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@slickbackjr_ I forgot you're the same bull that said Yeezus was good and that J.Cole is trash http:\/\/t.co\/KkuZV5pdDr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@billshortenmp: Today is because of you. Today is because of your advocates, your networks, your organisations, and your leadership. It is you that bravely fought the long battle of justice and for recognition for your truth to be believed. MORE: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35S6n https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4mkD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking bumble. Lol. Replacing you with someone off that shit is enough to get a guy to suck start a hand gun. I'm sorry man... That's funny. Thanks man. I would sit back and enjoy the show, but sadly my kids have recurring roles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My therapist has assured me I am cured of my kleptomania. Oh yeah? Just wait till the cunt goes to use his wallet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Would love to see the cars people drove during their high school years. Here's my high school rides. 1957 Ranchero and 56 Studebaker wait, are you a boomer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dustincmc @KevinKillsThngs ghetto=black","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and that OTHER MUSLIM LOVING CUNT MAY OF THE UK NEEDS TO GO AS WELL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WaTch_Scenario Yeah so you better play with me ya nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it strange if the killer was white the inmates would have killed him so why is that cunt still breathing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From now on, I will call all radical MUSLIMS niggers!It is very fitting, and it is racist! I AM RACIST AGAINST ANYONE WHO HATES AMERICA!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Virginia #DoveForCongress #VeteransForCongress #DonateMAGA #VoteMAGA #RedWave2018 #Winning #MidtermElections","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are an immigrant, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Really craving my arroz con pollo y habichuelas right now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These 20 filthy stinking cunts were convicted and jailed today for raping little white girls as young as The families of the backward savages, to 3rd cousin should now be deported. No argument. innocent or not. Perhaps their fucking families may discourage them if they lose their benefits and free homes. Not one more retard infected with islam should ever cross our borders. They contribute nothing and take everything. We,ll drive our own taxis!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you asking so you'll be able to identify which kind yours is when you look in the mirror?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"so Mr Chaplin how do you defend yourself against the fact that Adolf Hitler is a fan of your work? what is it about your art that appeals to tyranical nazis intent on gassing jews?\" That is how retarded this dopey bitches non-argument is. and thats without having to even go to explain to the cunt how content which is critical of the faults of their biggest enemy is of course going to be of interest to them, but has ABSOLUTELY no reflection on the producer of the content.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must mark the jews with the barcode Sanz all the jews and moslem we must destroy the foul demons of yester queer This faggot is in the EU ... btw.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They work with a lot of women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Brittany Venti audio\/video leaks dropped. Holy fuck https:\/\/streamable.com\/nvebx https:\/\/streamable.com\/b8gyg https:\/\/streamable.com\/3u2sg wtf lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now it comes out she was known as \"Blow-z\" Ford in HS slut whore cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never visit such a retarded group of self important old hens. * search shows all posts being made live. Gab is a free speech site. Get used to it. \"Retarded is mistaking my post for dating advice. But Fine Judge, I'm retarded which beats retarded, shallow and mean every day of the week. Good Day SIr. Odd, but true: cupcake is my nickname in real life because I am so damn sweet....the nickname is sarcastic. Maybe you're not retarded afterall?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why negros be extinct, without gibs? Because negros are literally too fucking retarded to feed themselves. Their too retarded to grow vegetables and shit. Their that slow...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey @BovineX what do bears have to do with QAnon being fake? @Larry63 do you know a bear who can help us prove Q is a fake for this mentally retarded NPC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that badically sums it up right thar ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @indykaila: Exclusive: Ars ne Wenger gave two yellow cards and red card while refereeing a charity match in Rome. @Arsenal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FBI maybe infiltrating Gab? I've got a dollar that says that's where most of it originates. They sit here typing all day and night, preaching their retarded Nazi dogma in every post. And I don't think it's @a's job to babysit these idiots ... #iThink the people on Gab should. A nazi monkey shot defenseless people during a baby naming ceremony ... because that's the kind of weak and stupid people this pathetic nazi rhetoric breeds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kidd_BravO615: Nigga wanna bitch about a party y'all know my address knock at my door","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitch ass nigga, be hating on black women... Uncle Tom bitch punk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A random am scroll lands me here...RT @HarryRelloFonte Charlie horses durin sex just simply means you didn't drink enough water that day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Splatter your brains faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ROFLMFAO DUMB FAT UGLY CUNT ONLY HAPPY WHEN EATING AT ALL YOU CAN EAT RESTAURANT OBESE SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the nigger plague never stops.. never stops..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit! He fucking destroyed her! I can't help but wonder what she was expecting to happen? The video wouldn't play for me Care to paraphrase friend? [He went hard like Vladimir Putin](https:\/\/youtu.be\/yDIlQ3_lsKE?t=19)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lots of Loving ppl in world but unfortunately due to presence of few percentage of dead souls Make world Look like Hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Politicians misspeak all the time Yes I'm sure Kasich, a RINO and Trump hater, conspired to put McCain to death and knew about it advance. When McCain was a RINO and loved by other RINOs. ????? You are dumber than a black African. No, as a muzzo u misread me, or are just playing shill games. I said he was trying to manipulate ppl against Reps (ie he's a rhino). Not that he had anything to do with the decision. He didn't mispeak. No one in history accidentally said someone was \"put to death\" when they died naturally. Now fuck off. Not your nigger and not interested in u wasting my valuable time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reap what you sow you mudshark whore. Good riddance, once less nigger baby maker and one less Democratic voter....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mr_Ritchie_J 5 of us decided to drink Everclear and go to a Yankees game.. Only two made it to their seat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you Muslims?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This whole movement is a complete fucking fraud. I use the term \"feminist\" incredibly lightly because I don't feel that's the word that we should be using to describe these people, but that's almost exactly what happens when they latch onto a topic. It started out as a platform that would empower victims and let them know that there was support- basically saying, \"You're not at fault and you deserve to feel relieved about getting this off your chest\". Then *they* showed up. It wasn't long before the metoo movement became a joke, because these awful awful people decided that the platform was actually a pissing contest over who had it worse when a guy at the mall looked at their cleavage. Why shouldn't we describe them as feminists? It's the feminist movement that started this witch hunt, and it's feminists who've upheld it. I got this joke immediately Source: annoyingly, my brother espouses communist ideology. Good for you! It takes a great deal of patience and strength to care for someone who is mentaly disabled. Thank you, it isn't easy having gone to college for economics and have your people try to tell you about the superiority of the communist ideal. My own personal Nikolai Lyovin. Right? Obviously it's that fake feminism that's taken over academia, media, and politics. Which both are examples of a No True Scotsman fallacy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off Ryan you shit faced cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Double speaking bubble speak legitimizes retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PacDaGoat: I really hate attention seeking hoes. Hope they all die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"omg my mom sawed these and took my fortnite i hat u dude i hate u Woah there JoeyBauers! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there Automoderator! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Basketball American\". Thank you for your understanding. I am NOT a bot,so go fuck yourself \"Basketball American\" this is so good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweden To Expel 6-Year-Old-Orphan Back To Ukraine https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=BoU6hu_kCAo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shaykha is just another ass backwards muzzie POS......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EXCLUSIVE: Twitter suspended a network of suspected Twitter bots that pushed pro-Saudi Arabia talking points about the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the past week. - @NBCNewsTech https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/32W72","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"haha cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We don't give a rat's ass about Injuns. Fact. No Democrat does.. Notice this punk ... WHITE SLAVE willing to die for INJUNS, SEMITES, HINDUS, and any other colored inferior he can cuck up to like a BITCH. This sort is the most WORTHLESS KIND ALIVE ... since the coloreds think they are SUBHUMANS. We see them as TRAITORS. WHITE is all that matters. WHITE. STFU PUSSY. GO SUCK NIGGER DICK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HuffingtonPost im American, don't give 2 shits about the beaners, ship them beaners back","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you wouldn't date a faggot, then you're just a pussy fetishist who sees the women attached to the pussies as nothing more than objects","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. Ricky Gervais loves to call people he disagrees with \"cunts\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jeremy Kyle - bottom feeding cunt. This incident is as good an example of \"even a stopped clock can be right occasionally\" as you'll ever find.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My manager is also a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @kristinhersh: my son, Wyatt: \"do rednecks have mullets to keep from getting red necks?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think it has reached the point where it doesn't matter any more. All of these labels have been so warped by these twats that none of it actually makes the least shred of sense. Not that it ever made **much** sense ... but somewhere along the line it became complete nonsense. Now the trick is to identify if a person is one of these dipshits, and once you do ... give them a wide berth and leave them to their delusions. That's my take on it as well. At this point, we're basically in the business of just manufacturing labels, so that people can call themselves something other than straight. I have no doubt in my mind that there are people out there with massive libidos and people without almost any libido at all. But this notion of classifying every aspect of human behavior is just obnoxious. It's one thing if you're a sociologist or you're doing a survey or study on people's sex lives, but creating a classification so that \"you, too, can be part of a special class\" is just ridiculous and absurd. It's also harmful as it just gives more ways of dividing groups of people on pointless distinctions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A friendly reminder that George W. Bush, that Yankee carpetbagger, first instituted in-state tuition for illegals when he was governor of Texas. It's retarded even from an economic angle. Here in CA, the vast majority major in shit like Spanish or Chicano studies, which turns them into angry SJWs for the rest of their lives. Send 'em all back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah and people are applauded in colleges for bashing white men but if you call a cunt a cunt, a nig a nig, a spic a spic, an aftershave chugging redskin an aftershave chugging redskin, a dog eating gook a dog eating gook, or a lampshade a lampshade you're the bad guy. Fuck those faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Theresa May is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all disabled people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Suddenlink is trash. Y'all know how important Bubble Guppies is to our day?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Traitors get the Rope! I don't stand with Islam agreed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't eat that faggot garbage if you paid me, or chobani muzzie yogurt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time to turn off Fox News lying Trump hating faggot is on!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, America does NOT deserve better. 50% of America are blithering, overweight fucksticks on government or grant incomes who couldn't decipher a Sudoku puzzle if their life depending on it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Oreo Ice Cream Cake http:\/\/t.co\/Qpde1L6zAi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When Charlie tries to walk into my room and it can't remember if I locked the door or not http:\/\/t.co\/FrTigzzPQf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should have just puncher her in the mouth and taken his property back the moment it was established to witnesses that it was HIS PROPERTY. Let her wine and complain, then press charges for her assaulting him and stealing his property. That would save us all from having to listen to this cunt's blathering.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MAGNEDETH But seriously, it's the only reason I use a Mega whatsoever. Pure favoritism. Also those sweet fuzzy wings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Glazov Gang-Islamic Lobbyist Saba Ahmed vs. Ex-Islamic Imam Mark Christian https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QGOfA_F1Afc And from what I hear the Muslims say...tighter...heh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot Dick Nigger Happy Valentines Day Dick Nigger ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Georgia teacher accused of sex assault is found dead, police say https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/georgia-teacher-accused-of-sex-assault-is-found-dead-police-say Faggot pedophile. No tears.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Police to charge man who roundhouse kicked pro-life woman https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ZFgw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The pro-ISIS Jihadi prayer from Hajj making the rounds now. http:\/\/t.co\/5ee3eDXuOa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have never had a gay president. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thismuzzie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She looks like a dumb cunt too; how unsurprising.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think you mean that fairy gay faggot Adolf Schicklgruber.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/sex-crimes.laws.com\/molestation Here you go retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A friend of mine almost got kicked out of the military for this. On the night in question, they were at a party, and the girl was walking around topless, yelling, \"somebody fuck me!\" Now obviously r\/dontputyourdickinthat , but he did, and almost got NJP. Same happened to a buddy who was about to be my new roommate. We had a female roommate who had gone through a bad breakup before she moved in with us so she came home hammered drunk every night, stripped her clothes off and tried to fuck all of us. Then one night we have a house party to welcome new guy a week before he moves in and she's all over him (apparently they had hooked up in the past) begging for him to fuck her. She saunters upstairs to her room, screaming his name, no clothes on. She didn't seem very drunk, she must have been doing shots in her room or something, but she's dead set on my buddy's dick. Obviously he can't resist and they spend the night in her room. Party ends and I lock all the doors and clean up a bit before bed. I hear nothing, no screaming for help, nothing. Next morning she comes in my room saying he raped her.... Turns out she does this quite often....gets drunk and regrets it and then cries wolf. This was according to her mother, who came a week after this happened and was apologizing profusely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHO ELSE THINKS THE FLAG THEYRE SELLING FOR TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IS A WASTE BECAUSE ITS GOING TO THE RED CROSS-A LYING FRAUD OF A SHAM. THE MOST DISGUSTING \"SOCIAL\" HELP ORGANIZATION ON THE PLANET-CORRUPT TO THE CORE. SAD. whats your proof of them being a fraud sham please? NOTE I dont trust them when their ceo makes 6 figures.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Going through my computer and found the \"Shake that monkey\" video we made freshman year in Dillard! @BruhKiaraThrowd was Too Short","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A reminder that the only foreign people I give 2 shits about are White brothers and Sisters that are suffering at the hands of Kike bullshit. Sweden only wants muzzie trouble makers who refuse to integrate - just so they can accommodate \"diversity\" in their nation. This white family doesn't fit the profile of \"diversity\" so they'll be shipped out in no time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Want to go get this brownie, I'm stuck doe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh go fuck yourself you retarded fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Truth RT @Adolfhibsta: Only a faggot would turn down hairy pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What an evil, evil woman. She placed herself in exactly the right position to abuse young, vulnerable men; think of it this way. They're isolated socially, culturally; hell, even geographically! They're on an island! Ugh, this makes me really sick. And the bitch had to assault a *bedridden* student too, because apparently she's too much of a fucking wuss to take on someone who can fight back. Repulsive cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a cold-hearted dyke with deep-state defense industry parents. Why would she have any respect for the idea of family?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">MUH SPANIARDS ARE MUDS HUR If your mentally retarded ass knew anything about Spain, you would know that Spain under Muslim rule was segregated in the extreme with little to no mixing whatsoever and that they along with the kikes were expelled in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont love Saudi you twat, All I said was that I trust them over Turkey. Your stupid ass ran with 'He loves the Saudis!' I would absolutely hate to know you irl man, you're a moron who cant comprehend shit Please, show me your evidence Saudi admitted 911 and apologised, which is why you now side with the murderers of your fellow Americans? Still waiting...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Frauds The \"i am a attention whore\" could be applied to all of them, really. thats true but it still fits","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They work with a lot of disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seems these are retarded animals from hell ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@socass_: Dude remember this wop video? @00sexilexi00 http:\/\/t.co\/P3HEuBOQBu\" OMG WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"T.I. posts a video of a Melania Trump lookalike stripteasing for him at the Oval Office.\" I don't know what you guys think but it really seems like rappers and celebrities think they are above everyone nowadays....... https:\/\/theblogroom.com\/t-i-posts-a-video-of-a-melania-trump-lookalike-striptea Whatever they can do to show they're \"down, even though they're the first to move away from \"their people when they get a little money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White trash okies don't count as real white people. To count as a white person you have to count a person. Okies aren't people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut up faggot. I live in TN. Tell me when you get here. I'll give you directions. You'll be killed though. If you think I'm going to let your faggot diseased ass hug on me you're tripping. I will put a hollow point between your eyes. Come on if you have a death wish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AmazingTiming: Bad monkey! #AmazingTiming http:\/\/t.co\/UD5XkiaNVt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, it's a part of the promise of Trump -- he is getting ready to release 51,000 Deep State treason indictments and when the SWAT teams come busting down doors (cough cough Hillary, Anderson Cooper, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Whoopi Goldberg, etc.) he expects that we may need a national level state of emergency with the National Guard on the ground and drones in the air since commies will likely be burning shit to the ground in retarded over-reactions... So it was a test to make sure the oval office can reach all non-treasonous US citizens with safety instructions when he finally goes full fascism on their asses... You keep calling a guy Hitler -- you may be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bam! Oh yes there are subversives among us. \"Soros (Jew), through his many funding ventures, has been busily infiltrating the Christian base in America to divide, and ultimately conquer, the religious minded within the Republican Party\" https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/22\/george-soros-and-his-rented-evangelicals-outed-chr\/ soros is a jew by name only, not by religion Show me a human who is pure race anything and I will show you rainbow unicorn This is what Amerifats actually believe. Most Europeans are still ethnically pure, dumbass. Still waiting for anybody's DNA proof....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled lives aren't worth sh1t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"British way of life thats a fucking joke, mass immigration from eastern Europe, by hoards of 7th century moslem barbarians and tribes of retarded black african freeloading rapists destroyed our way of life 10 years ago and will destroy the nation in the next 10","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only if you live in some backwards retarded country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to listen to Sargon and browse here, I know how you guys are lol. It's not worth debating when youll never understand where I'm coming from, bc \"hah lol u r feminist and big retard\" Yer a retard, 'arry!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They call women \"feminists\" but then sit there pontificating on their sexual preferences in women OPENLY in MIXED COMPANY. I never see women doing this. \"Okay here's my list of things I find hot on a man\" - is a conversation I have in private with my girlfriends. The right wing is fucked. And this is the LEAST of the retarded bullshit that was ONCE considered \"locker room talk\" that the bottom feeders in the Dolt Right just verbally vomit on social media. Go back to being liberals. You sure act like people with zero standards of behavior whatsoever. Whoops. I did it again. Screenshot this! I agree but I believe that is far more common amoungst the incel Reddit crowd. Furthermore, your enumeration is just one of many on my list of fuck it, let it burn. If you are upset about me, the discussion was about the way feminists protestors and how they are treating the government like married men. Someone said all women was feminists and I disagreed telling them that women have natural desires as well as men. no I was just flooded by tons of posts talking about tits and ass lol wtf No, people are naming their preferences, I was talking about male natural attraction traits and female natural attraction traits. I'm not sure what you're refering, I'm guessing rather explicit things, sometimes it's good for guys, specially younger guys, to know what a woman finds atractive. However with that I mean being assertive, masculine, confident, etc. Talking about sex in public, yeah, I've always hated that. Not right wing. Not Altright. Not \/ourgirl\/.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's be serious. Most fans\/callers wanted to run heavily and dink and dunk. doesn't work great against a D you can't get extra yrds against","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @dnumberbefore2: @Vice504fly: @dnumberbefore2 u a regular nig, u played out b lol ima b Ig famous these days that counts for somethin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kuczaaaK: I'm getting trash talked by a 8 year old #wtf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just hope you don't get an appointment with a nigger who ends up chopping off your leg by mistake Many such cases !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any black person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrant lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#FemaleLogic is worse than the jig, I'm convinced","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only some feminists. Most are logical people and actually have strong reasons and evidence behind their opinions. Take Malala Yousafzai for example. She stood up for women who wanted to go to school in Pakistan, has done amazing things, and doesn't get triggered like your stereotypical feminist does, even though she herself is a feminist. That's just one example. Bottom line, you have people painting feminists to be horrible and always triggered but a good few of them are completely fine American feminists are not the same as someone like Malala. You're a moron to even make that comparison. Malala wasn't a feminist when she got shot, feminists persuaded her to accept the label afterward so the movement could appropriate the credit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for that place. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is in the muzzie kingdumb.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as Im concerned its a few outlier members who are going off the reservation giving this group too good of a public image, Gavin himself is an insufferable faggot and the Proud Boys is literally a homosexual meetup club that stands for letting niggers out of prisons, giving them guns and letting them take PCP. i agree with everything he said cept the drug one. i would just add a few more very important rules. the fag thing he went too far though and i dont bother speaking about the guy cause it starts and ends right there usually. somewhat basic bitch libertarian rant anyway though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many fags in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the communists are not nazis, you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's done a hell of a lot more in his short time in office than that fucking nigger did in 8 years wrecking our shit..... If we judged ourselves simply by our ability to do better than niggers alone and not by what we're actually capable of doing then we wouldn't have built western civilization or put men on the moon. Niggers aren't capable of much so simply doing more than they're capable of ain't anything to be proud of.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a cunt nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">>This is how after being a tabletop gamer for 20+ years, I'd never finished a game of Dungeons and Dragons. I said that to a new friend, a biracial tech in my office who we'll call MJ, and he was floored. His answer? You haven't played *my* game yet. MJ dared me to try again. This is someone who has never played DandD. You don't finish DandD, you never 'finish' anything, you complete a story arch and you can literally play the same damn PC FOREVER. Perhaps complete a campaign? Is that what we are referring to here? Either way it matters that MJ needs to be biracial because of course that matters here. Race matters to whom you play with. It soooo matters to who runs the game because who wants an icky gross WHITE CIGGENDERED MAN(!?) to run the story! That's all levels of problematic \/s >>Together, MJ and I collected some other people of color who were interested in giving DandD another chance, along with a single white guy to balance things out. Christ this is disgusting to read this. Balance things out? Why does the person playing the game's RACE matter to people playing an escapist fantasy game?!?!? EDIT: to clarify which race i'm talking about because being a gnome barbarian is much different than playing as a dwarf...dwarves are betterer of course.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From a Jewess perspective, this is probably true. Jewish women are niggers. They are also totally crazy. Feminism is a Jewish movement, led by women who live under the insane rule of Jewish men and the Talmud. 2 things - This is something a dyke would say. And women... Standards, marry a good man and life is easy. Or don't marry a good man and shut the fuck up and don't complain. Men, women are great. Pick a good one with your values and she will make your life easy. We compliment each other, this is nature.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANY SUCK THAT SUPPORTS THIS ISLAMIC CUNT BITCH IS WAY BEYOND MIND NUMBING STUPID !! LINDA SARSOUR --->>GOAT PISS DRINKING FGM SUPPORTING GAY HATING CUNT WHORE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to k1ll all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If my conversion had depended on Muslim example, it never wudda happened. Fortunately, I was well versed in both history and comaprative religion when I read the koran (all by my lonesome) without a Muslim raghead in sight","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @tableninemutant: So City Lights is a Charlie Chaplin movie by @007hertzrumble http:\/\/t.co\/qYN1Bc7MxS via @wordpressdotcom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mtmcly he will need monkey bars on his tricycle","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's all in vain, the education war is won. The youth are radicalized. Nobody will ever believe the mainstream media, watch the NFL, or see the corrupt FBI as anything other than an enemy of America ever again. You can kill, defame or imprison everyone and this liberal Jewish order is still going down. Ryan is Soros's bitch boy nigger slave.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my opinion, trans people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"...and all the people coming from all sides didn't do shit while that stupid cunt kept poking at rastaman. Dicks. If they wanted to mind their business before she started getting her ass whooped they should have kept on minding it after. Go rastaman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it biased? If every post is assigned a post number and you make two posts 24 hours apart and subtract the first from the second, that's literally how many posts we're made that day. How is that biased? You're an idiot. It doesn't matter what time you start counting if it's a 24 hour period retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This needs to be plastered on every platform and mainstream media, this should be a major wake up call for the cunt life destroyers who thinks that they get the last laugh!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Crist Losing 50,000 Florida Jobs To Raise Minimum Wage Is Worth It - Conservative Byte http:\/\/t.co\/y3JYJ2Yf4L via @conservativebyt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"***MAJOR HAPPENING*** THEY ARE REALLY GOING FOR IT THEY ARE SAYING IT NOW THIS IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE ATTACKING ***MAJOR HAPPENING*** http:\/\/archive.is\/lVOKH Piss off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG, THIS! Enough with the lunacy. People need to get their facts straight and stop listening to biased news and talk shows. I wish I could give you more than one upvote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggots are like a broken record. When they aren't going \"sssllluuurrrppppp sssssllluuuurrrpppp sssssslllluuuurrrrrpppp\" its \"da jooooooooos\" Fucking peter puffing short bus riding retarded ass clownshoe wearing corn hole licking nazi queers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is right by where I live. I know this story. They were talking about how the kids he rescued were already outside and were special needs also, they had ADHD. The people writing the story were more retarded than this dude.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's such a weasel cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thereligionofpeace.com Always remember, when a Muslim does it, it defines all of them, when an Alt-right person does it, it doesn't define them, keep it consistent MetaCanada. Never forget: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/metacanada\/comments\/9r08q6\/democrats_start_sending_bombs_to_their_own\/ Not invented, upvoted. I dont know what that has to do with your accusation of this place not condemning the alt right, which it does. It means you are ok with grouping people together. There are lots of Muslims that would say its not ok to beat someone with a pipe, but somehow that doesn't give them a pass in your eyes. Link to where this has been called out by Muslims. Yeah I am okay with grouping people together. The Alt Right is anti semetic. Nobody denies that. What exactly are you trying to get people to admit here? And for the record, muslims only disagree with the violence but not the intent behind the violence. The alt right hates Jews but does not want to shoot up synagogues. I agree with your logic that Muslims are like the Alt Right. What else?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well answer the question twat waffle lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey what's the social media url link mean? It's req. do I need an address? Like what would mine be on here try this one, http:\/\/www.makethemscared.com\/ What's my gab url? I will dm you proof. I'm using my real name. Keep it to yourself, faggot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NOT_UR_BRO @niccol3_xo lmao nigga shoulda said I would be balless bc dat cold bitch wont stop blowin me#swaagg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a disabled person to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hon-hon-honestly that's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoever mocks the poor insults his Maker; he who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished. http:\/\/t.co\/P7zwAoXi4l","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want Canada to pay for the buses. They probably would. I usually would oppose that, because I am Canadian, but I hate TO right now for their stupidity that will cost the whole province dearly, so I support that plan. The sooner Toronto is sunk, the sooner pple will wake up and vote the right way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@bellaangeletti no ud still be a fag if I was lolz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trending: 2 adult human skulls found in trash in Connecticut http:\/\/t.co\/bykFaoYk6y http:\/\/t.co\/f8GRqk3Tc8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RevolutionUK_ Jesus I would love to do that and more to those muzzie torturers, fucking animal savages","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is anyone acting like anything's up for debate? It has never been OK to invade countries. It has never been OK to try overthrow a government. It has never been OK to insist society change its view of reality. Stop acting like any Leftist BS is up for discussion or possibly valid. It's not. We all know it's crazy. \"You're fkg crazy!\" is all we should have to say. \"Leftist BS\"? Muslims were invading countries, overthrowing governments and insisting societies change their view of reality for centuries before there were \"Leftists\". I'm a rabid anti-semite just for saying Moslems and communist Jews have acted as peas in a pod through history and aren't really enemies. That is, I'm anti-semitic just for knowing the truth and speaking it. We must not let the communist Jews win. They would try us for \"anti-semetism\" and do sick things to us like they did in Germany acting as \"Nazis\". Anyone who compares Jews to Muslims is either a rabid antisemite or an ignorant asshole. I apologize, if I misjudged you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only thing worse than a nigger is a nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Tom_Morehart @cjc_is_alive @JoshuaTyl0r 9 of 15 BCS titles, $314 mil in revenue. It's great being in a redneck conference. And not in Ohio.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have to call out the open hatred for immigrants in our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've never understood the connection between handing someone part of a plant and wanting to blow your warm load inside someone's body. I've been regularly giving flowers to my male friends for the past 51 years (going on 52 in sept) and none of us are faggots. Edit: Everybody downvoting are probably too chickenshit to give flowers to their friends","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"(((Kagan))) is scared that the credibility of the SCOTUS is at risk if Kavanaugh is confirmed. I hope she has a fit and wants to resign too. https:\/\/www.politico.com\/amp\/story\/2018\/10\/05\/elena-kagan-supreme-court-kennedy-877288 Let Israel stand on its own two feet and risk their own boys in combat,then maybe I will stand with them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DragonBallDeez: *Atlanta RT @PacDaGoat: Houston has so many trash drivers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of the questions asked regarding the White Ethnostate is, what kind of policy will it have to prevent diversity? Who gets let in and who is kept out? I'll tell you from my point of view as someone who's in a town that had been 99% white until about a year ago, you cannot let in a single black or brown person. 5 years ago, the only blacks around here were lower income degenerate junkies but they kept to themselves. Then, black families started moving into town and it took a population change of less than 50 people to noticeably increase the violent crime rate. One black dude robbed, at gun point, 3 businesses on Main Street and 2 in the next town over before he was caught by the police. Just one person over the course of a few months robbed multiple businesses. That's all it takes, just one nigger and there goes the neighborhood. A shooting over a domestic housing disagreement occurred a few months later, the perpetrator a mulatto. The crrime and drugs have gotten so bad here that the police department has hired 8 new cops in the last 2 years. Looking at all of the available data, showing the demographics, property values and crime rates over the last 30 years here, there is an evident relation between an increase of blacks and an increase in crime. Even a minor increase of 20 blacks results in arrests increasing by an average of 20%. I don't need anymore convincing that diversity is a problem, do you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Ignore the magazines Alright, I agree, fashion magazines are pretty retarded >Wear what you want Seems reasonable, wearing the clothes you like is good >Show everyone your fat rolls and get to 600 pounds and wear a crop top and show everyone your disgusting unbrushed teeth and if anyone calls you ugly fuck em they're the patriarchy REEEEEEEEEEE Edit: r\/yesyesno","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barry: I care, bitch! Barry: I probably had fairy gay faggot sex with him too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why was everyone shitting on this guy before, and moreso, after they broke up? Because he has a tattoo of Hillary's face? It's actually a portrait of her and holy shit I originally thought you were joking until I found it online. He calls her a \"bad ass\". TIL half my family is a gang Dumb like you? Cuz you are on Reddit. >D D=> and#x200B; Sick burn and#x200B; ;_;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alleged Assaults Shake Up Minnesota GOP Candidates As Election Day Looms https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/17\/alleged-assaults-minnesota-gop-candidates\/ via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SalomaeSadiqa: It's because you can't bend me, you can't buy me and you can't make me into your nigger! #Farrakhan #TheTime","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BlackManUSA @texasdivepro Historical point: cracker was a term for the Irish settling in the woods of the mid-Atlantic. Hardly offensive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Titanic_Britain_Author Islam isn't the enemy, Shlomo. Muslims don't own Facebook. So Muslims are not pushing the homosexual agenda. Muslims don't own Youtube. So it is not the muslims pushing abortion. Muslims don't own Apple. So it is not them pushing spying on everything. You won't fix anything by chasing Muslims. Jews are the enemy. Told you guys. The Jew haters love Islam. Just like the other socialists on Twitter. It isn't Jews raping their way across Europe is it. It isn't Jews bombing, shooting, knifing and lorrying people across Europe. It isn't Jews beheading people in the Middle East. Jews get on fine with everyone. Islam gets on with no-one. Even itself. Well no, it's not a conspiracy. Historically speaking Hitler loved the muzzies, because they hated dajoos, so thinking hard righters, would align with Islam, just like hard-lefters, isn't really all that hard of a stretch. Peace. The extremes meet, auroboros, full circle you know how many times they attacked al-nusra and others islamist rebels at the border between israel and syria ? ZERO you know why the druz shot an israeli ambulance? ask yourself dumbo jesus fucking christ how retarded are you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Any narrative medium can produce art. But I'm not sure we're producing many examples that meet that definition. Oh... Jessica Price is one of those \"it's only art if it caters to my sensibilities\" people. Never mind that even games without a narrative can still be art. As it happens, this article actually got the pompous clique of \"game critics\" like [Leigh Alexander](https:\/\/twitter.com\/leighalexander\/status\/1060847299566428160) and [Austin Walker](https:\/\/twitter.com\/austin_walker\/status\/1060911938945904641) in a huff on Twitter because Price doesn't acknowledge their existence. Hey now, modern art isn't just about money laundering! It's also about tax evasion!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quite a few Muslims live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot needs a tampon to stuff up his sore little ass....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Without a deadly hatred for that which threatens those we love, the word love is just an empty catchphrase for hippies, queers and cowards. - George Lincoln Rockwell #RiseUp #14Words @Vril-lil 2-so now despite all the great conduct by us euro here in usa that helped everybody on earth we have to go back to fighting like animals to protect our girls from a bunch of insane nigger chimps that live on earth off us as theyve reverted back into the insane rapist theyve been all history . THEY ARENT IN MY FUTURE , I VOW THAT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're right, it's time to get serious about fight back against the System, god dammit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"been a long December hasn't it? counting crows (:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By their nature, trans people are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah, thing is you act like a spoiled entitled cunt you get treated like a child.. I mean it's a cop.. she walks by him like she owns the place and gets all county.. all she had to do was not be a cunt for 5 minutes.. that's it... Easy peasy.. She was taught manners by a cop.. When it should have been her parents","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White women are so problematic, they create problems just by existing. It's sad. that's a pretty shitty generalization in a pretty sane thread, so I'm going to call you on it. there's no need to say that about women at all. most white women are just getting by. just like most white men. some white women are bat shit insane. but then again, so are some white men. it's generalizations like this that lead to needless problems and fuel misogyny. and unless i'm really misreading this thread, this whole thing isn't about hating on women, it's about calling out a certain breed of SJW that thinks they speak for every minority out there. Keep being ignorant to the truth. Who hurt you? And don't say all of 'em. No one hurt me. Lmao. I have just seen how many white women are responsible for everything that is wrong in Western society and I'm sick of it. I mean *why* don't women pay attention to you? There was that one, right? You fucking *loved* her. Loved. And then she cheated on you, fucking bitch. That hurt like hell. Women suck! Then your eureka moment: it's not women that suck. It's just white women. So you hit up a third world country, got yourself an Asian girl that doesn't have enough education to talk back. Everything's good again. We all support you. You're doing the right thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you know why he is smiling because there is no excretion law in New Zealand! The max sentence he will receive from a judge is no more than 27 years in prison! Is this justice? Or because Muslims lives don't matter!??? :(((","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Iron Patriot and Mr. E. Edits : Silenced Voices https:\/\/plus.google.com\/118142628602187092695 Yep lol he is going to go mad ha ha ha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"note the irish flag , what faggots , with a faggot leaders x2 president and prime minister. pathethic country of loser faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I told her to get the fuck out of my car right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The coolest thing about this whole situation is that in a few decades the childless bitches like the 38yr old cunt portrayed in the above picture will all die lonely, in small apartments, every night hoping they're not raped or burgled by foreign men. White men like me will be too busy looking after our traditional women and our beautiful children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are under the impression that it's a self defense tactic. That it will \"buy us time\" or slow the bleeding. I'm not mad at them tbh. I used to believe that as well. I understand the temptation to cling to political hope, and won't fault them for it. But I'm not going to continue participating in the charade.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can see the moment her programming hits a logic error","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't trust that secular Jew guy. I am not a fan of Trump, I just don't trust that Jew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1915 #Islamic pre #Jew #Holocaust of","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More idiotic then the SJWs in that video, are the comments in this thread. How so? Those helpless, incapable minority groups are lucky to have a virtuous white savior like yourself to swoop in and protect them. They need the help of a pale person with your superior intellect and abilities to succeed in this world. You're a hero, really. Pat yourself on the love handles. https:\/\/youtu.be\/1IFloXOuLgA Found the short SJW To be fair, it was one of the SJWs in the video that un-ironically used the word \"nazi\" to describe either the speakers on the panel or the police for escorting them out after they were trying to interfere with the audio equipment. Nazis burned books, they didn't tolerate ideas that diverged from their ideology. Instead of disrupting the talk when confronted with ideas they didn't like, it would've helped their cause to engage with and debate those ideas. Yes and the people in the thread are just the same as those misguided sjws People on reddit making fun of the above mentioned people's use of the word nazi. But I also don't like calling people 'faggot' as there are better and more clever insults. These people here just watched a video of kids being disruptive and calling the panel erroneously nazi. So people turn to the comments and call them faggots and nazis. Its just dumb. Except for mods, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @domhowx: You know you're ugly when an ape was chosen as a man crush and you've never been http:\/\/t.co\/DWPs7b4xJU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey dude. You re awesome. Pls teach me!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ain't nuttin but a white trash party.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a calculating woman with some time on my hands DANGEROUS! I'm planning to keep it up till the midterms then troll so hard I get kicked off after the red tsunami","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look cunt or bitch (whichever applies). Read the article. There was no train. Bridge, water, traffic. You should find a bridge and do a flip, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly, it's not really that many in relation to the entire population. They keep to their own little Tumblr world, occassionally popping out to try and insert their retardation on the rest of society. They form these little echo chambers on Tumblr, in which they bolster each other into believing they're the moral majority, only to \"RREEEEEEEEE!!!\" when they encounter the real world. Also, I'm fairly certain we've seen a large influx of these posts in the last couple of years because this was also a facet of the Russian influencing campaign. *A lot* of these people aren't even real, but they pose to be. Which makes me believe they're puppet accounts or just people wanting to hide their real identity (nothing wrong with that). > They keep to their own little Tumblr world, occassionally popping out to try and insert their retardation on the rest of society. I mean, unfortunately their retardation is slowly becoming more accepted by the public at large - or at the very least, not questioned. That's a big problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Selfish bint took money from a guy in exchange for sex, broke off the relationship because she was only interested in money, and now cries rape because he didn't do exactly as she asked. What a selfish whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to k1ll all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sinead O'Connor has finally gone full on retard https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-26\/irish-singer-sinead-oconnor-converts-islam She was born retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WhitePeopleTalk: KOBE as they shoot a piece of paper into the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not so sure I side against the women. If you want to kill yourself, then fucking kill yourself. Don't interfere with others lives to be a drama queen. How do we know these women didn't actually have important places to be? Maybe it was a career-making job interview? Maybe it was a flight to see a dying loved one. The real selfish cunt is the one who makes their own personal issues the world's issues.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The irony is these people isolate a child for having the ability to quickly perform an crappy maths of forms count, but dont fork out a harvard level physics sum no one could solve, Einstein was thrown from school deemed stupid and uneducate able retarded #childgenius my ass your looking for children who are uneducateable","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I understand your point. No thing is absolute. Most people that say \"hurr durr not freedom from consequences\" are using it to *rationalize* their behavior, usually to justify \"punching a Nazi\" or whatever. In *principle,* freedom of speech is pretty chill. >Gas the jews, kill all faggots, death to sandniggers, God isn't real, religion is a joke and black people are mongoloids. In real life, I'd give you a \"Shut the fuck up, u\/Cetarial, that's annoying.\" I wouldn't punch you. I'd try to talk to you about it, like this. If someone said you should be punched, punished, or imprisoned for what you'd said, I'd tell them to fuck off, possibly with force. Because I'll defend your right to speak even if I disagree. If your right to speak shifted into, *actually trying to* >Gas the jews, kill all faggots, death to sandniggers, It would be time for the punishment to start rolling. ----- I guess this is a lot of rambling to say, \"Most people that discuss *'not freedom from consequence'* are using it to try to **silence** those they disagree with.\" It goes against the entire principle of freedom of speech. And you know what? Maybe after a few too many late night parties where u\/Cetarial came over to my house and spouted his \"gas the jews\" schtick, I'd tell them they weren't welcome anymore. And that *would* be a consequence, because, like I said above, balance is critical. But as a rule, I'm hesitant to start censoring, de-platforming, and all that because it is a slippery slope.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really weird how much cuckservatives worship niggers. I mean, some degenerate nig-nog puts on a MAGA cap and boomer cucks are popping boners. cucks also love to worship that lebron monkey. they are fascinated by a nigger that bounces a ball and throws it thru a hoop like a seal in a circus act.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Rangel: Some Republicans 'Believe That Slavery Isn't Over' | Truth Revolt: http:\/\/t.co\/NpbdPk0Cqz Bam, Race Card Vote Democrats out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now EVER having been drunk or in a brawl disqualifies one from respectable society? Great. We're going to be governed by an oligarchy of slack jawed faggots. > We're going to be governed by an oligarchy of slack jawed faggots. Harsh description of the far left, but not entirely false.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, dickhead. You're doing this wrong and you're no better than the ~~women~~ \"feminists\" you seem to hate so much. I mean wtf is this complete cuntery: >When women have accomplished what men have, then they can have a fucking opinion that matters as much as men's does. Kindly suck my dick. Would if I could find it! Lmao. This is the best reply. Ikr? Now fuck off, you bigot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how the reader comments over at Bleeding Idiot are toeing the party line about ya boi Zach being the usual litany of -ists and -isms, and claiming that this is going to be a slam-dunk win for Waid because AP made that post saying Waid dindu nuffin. I can't wait for the court transcripts of this baby to be published, because we all know that was AP trying to save face and *avoid* a lawsuit. Given waid's childish and unstable temperament how likely do you think it is for him to lose his shit in the courtroom and it both torpedo his own case and give a nice fine for being held in contempt of the court? > Given waid's childish and unstable temperament His lawyer is probably smart enough to tell him to shut up Oh sure he'll TELL him, but can waid listen? He doesn't seem to be aware of what the 5th amendment is and how you should not tell everyone what an abusive and criminal fuck you are being on the internet. Honestly if he didn't brag online on how he fucked DandC the man would have much less of a case.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look Pa, another retard from the mid east that thinks he's special! Special Ed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You Muslims keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"National Socialism. The ONLY enemy capable of defeating (((communism and its globalist))) ideology. The Victor is never asked if he told the truth. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the cuckest shit I've ever seen. When I saw this I wanted to punched the screen why the fuck do we let these assholes on our Television and run our entertainment. America deserves a better class of entertainers. https:\/\/youtu.be\/xn9rLHwzl7I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Derek Jeter gets it done! J.J. Hardy commits error on slow grounder, and 2 runs score. Yankees take 4-2 lead in 7th innin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@deepthroatMike: \"@Boys_South: Take me for a ride http:\/\/t.co\/H5mAtjYfGA\"#redneck\" woof woof","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought men were supposed to be the toxic ones? Oh, that's right. We're the reserved ones because we have to deal with this shit constantly. Worthless. Fucking. Cunts..... They're literally autistic 12 year olds....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT! It's good to be home. Twitter is dead!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well that's it, this sub is officially an incel community. Yeah honestly this sub seems to be full of unnecessarily bitter people. I dont know why people are justifying this old dude being an asshole to her. And no im not white knighting, if he said that to some guy i would also be saying that the old guy is being an asshole Like old mate said now an incel community. Doesnt matter how much someone is being a prick. If its towards a woman then its angst worthy. Shes not even after a pussy pass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't wade into the Pagan vs Christian debate. Here is why... My main criterion in judging people is whether they're pro-white. And I criticize all anti-whites, which includes many Christians. Right now, all pro-whites should ally together and not fight among ourselves. We have enemies who want all whites gone. After we defeat our real enemies and establish white ethno-states, then we can have the Pagan vs Christian debate. #FolkRight #TradLife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do they have a White little girl? Perhaps they're not gay, they're muzzie pedoes (aren't they all) who've just kidnapped an Austrian family's child and are making their getaway via the train and seem very delighted about it. Travel by Austrian Rail - the ultimate getaway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I NEVER SAID OTHERWISE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking redneck queers and their game invites","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"French\" Correction: A nigger in France https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=XP-A-2uuF-Yandt=106s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All you muzzie lovers - this is what is in store for you. Taqiyya is strong in the UK \"In Islam, Taqiya or taqiyya is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.\" When you wipe the shit out of your eyes you will be slaves. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=n5Nu6EabQD8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheFunnyVines: Crazy bird https:\/\/t.co\/XuvE34qenH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This person by rejecting the apology and $50 gift card shows less class than the person calling her a nigger... Now if she sues\/holds out for more $$$ then she is def a nigger IMHO. What are your thoughts? https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/dominos-fires-employee-writing-n-word-customers-pizza-order- nigger is just slang for Niger where many came from in African... plane leaving hourly to take any back to Niger, the N word","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh fuck no please just don't..............","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jail isn't good enough, the cunt should be air-dropped in the middle of the kongo completely naked. While she is busy surviving the native spearchuckers attempt to rape her, register her on a no-flight list as a terrorist. If she wants to ever make it back, she will have to do it the hard way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common mong. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Tranny gets what he deserves: fear of dropping the soap in the shower for the rest of his miserable life. #jail #transgender #LGBT What is the world coming to...?? Suggestion (for the retarded idiots who believe in gender fluidity) for convicted criminals: Penis = men's jail. Vagina = women's jail","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All trash RT @nicekicks: Now that's a lot of stolen shoes...https:\/\/t.co\/q0wswXE7Fw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude is in London. London has one of the largest Government surveillance systems in the world. Only in American can a traitor walk free and talk shit about America https:\/\/twitter.com\/foxandfriends\/status\/1047093847644196865?s=19 I'm embarrassed for you Your mum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"my girlfriend, I kid you not, eats bacon without dipping it into the tub of creamy butter I've laid out. I'm like \"what are you, a bird?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DivaMonRoe2uHoE @CheefPolo hoe hoe hoe, merry Christmas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people camel fuckers. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So many things that get claimed to be conspiracy turn out to be fact. A few years back in a small town pretty much in the middle of nowhere, they started building all of these new duplexes. Someone asked me, \"Who's going to move there?\" I told them, \"They're going to bring in niggers and govt. will pay for it\" Well couple of years have gone by now. Guess who was right Luxury Affordable Apartments = Subsidized nigger housing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @kaylendenise_: I hate that bitch and the fact that oomf likes her.. just no retweeettt 1000x.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Yup. Retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Southern Ken redneckninbred sister fucking retard is what you are. Bye bye monument. You guys lost the war and you just keep on losing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello, We're new to Gab, just have had my final straw with #JackHitler and his FASCIST NAZIS at Twitter. Our associated website is www.ChangeWeCanBelieveIn.com #PresidentTrump is the #ChangeWeCanBelieveIn!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a Jihadi?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"False. It was like this in the 1980s, too. Ms. Pac-Man was made by the Zoe Quinn of the 80s to combat sexism. There actually is a little bit of feminism tied to Ms. Pac-Man's history: https:\/\/www.fastcompany.com\/3067296\/the-mit-dropouts-who-created-ms-pac-man-a-35th-anniversary-oral-history > Horowitz: The women's movement was kind of big then Ms. magazine so Ms. was the new thing. I married in '81, and my wife didn't take my last name. She said that if I changed my name to her name, she would change it to something different just because she didn't want to have the same. > Horowitz: My wife just thought, you know, she's an independent woman she can be. In the progression of the animations, the implicit thing is they do get married, because they have a child. But she's still a Ms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're insane if you think \"proportional force\" is the way to approach anything... What a retarded viewpoint. Where is your retarded 'would've could've should've' game when it comes to the person resisting arrest and ignoring being told that she's about to get body slammed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No immigrant can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For the love of God Dread - will you STOP following me?!?! creepy @TheGrifter The spammer was at Torba's wedding. Let that sink in. Was he\/she\/it following people around and impersonating others? Makes sense. Lightfighter 6 used to have a blue checkmark and ran the biggest upvote botnet I ever saw on Gab - it could generate 500+ upvotes in minutes. My hypothesis is this scummy shitheel helped jumpstart Gab with his botnet, and that's how he 'earned' his blue check - which otherwise makes no sense, not using a human name and not being a Twitter brand. can I have a bllluuuuuuuuueeeeeee check please @a It is all I want for Christmas... PLEASE!!!!!!!! It is all I live for.. I wouldnt be such a grifter if you would have just given me a bluuuuueeeee checky poo Andrew please..... dont you know I am @judgedread !!!!!! Why did @a give a complete nobody like @lf6 a blue checkmark in the first place? A mystery that discovery might solve. can I have a bllluuuuuuuuueeeeeee check please @a It is all I want for Christmas... PLEASE!!!!!!!! It is all I live for.. I wouldnt be such a grifter if you would have just given me a bluuuuueeeee checky poo Andrew please..... dont you know I am @judgedread !!!!!! I @judgedread didnt get my way and now I shall dedicate the rest of my existance to being the SPAM King and The Gab Grifter. I know my life is pathetic but I AM @judgedread welcome to my echo chamber. And on a side note all my spammateers are welcome here! It's called altruistic punishment. Also aspects of loss aversion. Torba has got a tiger by the tail. He thought it was just a harmless cheeseburger cat. You're a fake veteran, so you certainly are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common disabledtrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are White then you have no business believing in the Jewish faggot man\/god. Christian churches are helping the Jews import millions of Muslims and nignogs into the West. Idiot evangelicals want WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now that Pussy Destroyer Kavanaugh has unilaterally legalized Rape in the US, are you American Gab Bros gonna take advantage of your new right and rape a bitch? ANOTHER libtard outed on GAB. How special. Hey buddy, get over it and grow up. Get a job and get out of Mom's basement. Do something productive with your life. Quit watching the Obama koolaid media (who are ALWAYS wrong). Dude, are you seriously gonna pretend that Kavanaugh isn't about to snap his fingers and instantly kill 50% of the world's womyn? Get #Woke you rapist! Kavanaugh is literally gang-raping Ruth Bader Ginsburg (by himself) RIGHT NOW!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest - Violent Protesters Considered \"Victims\" https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/portland-police-want-to-charge-driver-with-crimes-after-escaping-mob-protest-violent-protesters-considered-victims\/ Charlottesville and innocent person charged with a crime all over again Remember this well-a young man with his whole life ahead of him now sits in prison for trying to escape these animals-and killing the animal on hood of car in front of him that was trying to bash in the window of the car in front of him Regrets...regrets ... At least in court he can say \"Yes, your honor, I have regrets concerning my actions....I forgot to reverse\". Best time is when you need an oil change Then refueled and gone back for more. Nah..go into hiding..and start hunting..nothing to lose at that point-no such thing as justice anymore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"88? EIGHTY EIGHT? and#x200B; and#x200B; I mean maybe this happened, but I'm guessing Grandma has no clue that there's more than 2 genders. But I'd still put money down that this never happened. But still speaks with the exact vocabulary and diction of a 2010s SJW teenager...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leave and move to Faggot Land !!! https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/world\/2018\/10\/02\/trump-halts-visas-same-sex-partners-diplomats-un-employees\/1495218002\/ Aw, no Butt Fucking for you guys. Pahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watch: Somali refugee explains why they believe rape of women in the West is not a crime https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2018\/02\/watch-somali-refugee-explains-why-they.html Eeeewwwww gross. He's disGusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jim (((penis sucker))) acosta is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shes like the female varg, she is somehow less intelligent and less informed than that retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ROTFLMAO. HAS THIS BITCH LOOKED IN A MIRROR LATELY? Beside, you hear No. \/r\/The_Donald is genuinely offended by the word nigger no matter what context it is used in. \/r\/The_Donald is a little slow to catch on. Murdoch has been trying to teach him for a long time that no amount of appeasing will ever stop the double standards and excuses, but \/r\/The_Donald just doesn't seem to have the mental fortitude to accept it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sassyharryballs ur ballsack is hairy gtfo tranny prude bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Moonbeam signs a law requiring all corporate boards to have women on them https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/california\/2018\/10\/02\/californias-jerry-brown-signs-law-requiring-women-on-corporate-boards\/ The time to clear Democrats from office holders in CA is this election. What have you got to lose. The last Republican as Gov. was liberal progressive Swarzenegger, you remember the body builder with no ability to lead. Jerry Brown is a clown but than again, so were the other guys. Cox is the one to save CA. You miss this opportunity to kick the Democrats out, you deserve what's coming. Taxes, taxes and more taxes!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SenorSteez: This whole week was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @iowahawkblog: \"I love cripples! Look at all these fucking cripples! Goddamit I'm a people person!\" https:\/\/t.co\/XCLA5xPmLX","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This topic is cancer. 100% cancer. There is nothing here worth debating, so I'm going to literally flood this topic with whatever the fuck I can find. You're all retarded, you're all disgusting degenerates, and you really should consider leaving Gab. No one here will miss you. Enjoy the flood!!! >inb4 \"reee torba's troll\" nah bitch I'm here because autism guided me to fuck your topics up nigga hmm brendan fucktard gaylor Muted fuck you ya fucktardian phd level moron dont like what your seeing do the gab and fucking mute it retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sometimes I just cant express how much I just don't care what these vapid dottering twats are complaining about. and#x200B; I don't care if you feel underrepresented. and#x200B; I don't care if you want big name companies to pander to you. and#x200B; and most importantly I don't care about your cause that you are fighting for. in your over privileged first world country life style. and#x200B; while people in Africa are starving. and people in the middle east are being killed indiscriminately by dictators, while there is even any kid anywhere having to go to bed with an empty stomach. and#x200B; I cant say it enough. I just don't care about these irrelevant problems or how hurt your feelings are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After she said \"you dead, faggot\" I would have went back for more. She just threatened to kill him and that, to me, would be punishable by an ass kicking. People need to learn the hard way to keep their mouth shut- they often need to learn in blood. Getting a misdemeanor or going to a judge does not stop some people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other gay people are a blessing to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what drove people to vote for Brexit. Here we are on an island, yet we're the dumping ground for the detritus coming into Europe. all want to go to your country because you don't have identity cards, you have very lucrative black markets and you have a lot of English-Speaking migrants from those communities https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1025137\/Brexit-news-Belgium-immigration-Theo-Francken-UK-EU-migration-crisis Proceeds of crime are now included in the GDP stats, to make the UK economy look healthier than it is. https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/business\/2014\/jun\/10\/accounting-drugs-prostitution-uk-economy-gdp-eu-rules","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can I fetch anyone a Midol? She should STFU. She is not an American.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to kill all government workers. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yes that is the problem here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Macron is a faggot metrosexual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at how fat this cunt is. I bet she can't even reach her ass to wipe it. She must scoot on the carpet like a dog to wipe her fat ass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by advertising like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whataboutsim might be the lamest trick to redefine language I've ever seen. If you ever see someone use it earnestly, feel free to light your eyes on fire and wander around blindly, because you've seen the extent of severe self-imposed retardation, and will never see something as retarded ever again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded can someone be to not notice that there are different races? Obviously only a mentally insane lefty could come up with \"there are no races.\" If race is just a construct then why are there whites, Blacks, Asians etc? Of course these are FACTS so I don't expect you to understand this!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my opinion, women are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kill yourself you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He was so pissed off when I said that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, why not be a complete fucking retard and give her all the ammunition and media coverage she'll ever need?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PoliticalShort: Democrat Mayor of Portland stands by #Antifa, believes in the mob, not the rule of law. Only matter of time before someone is going to get killed if you continue to allow anarchy like this to thrive in the streets. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/8Srs DemoKKKrats are Nazis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Curb stomp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"G'day cunts, what's cracking?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">She even has the audacity to point out that since that district is only about 50% white it should never go conservative again and won't as long as they replace whitey further. But when I say that, I'm a white supremacist conspiracy theorist Lefties have no self awareness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ClicquotSuave the new nip dropped today rii?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary and Soros helped to defeat Harper in favor of the retarded asshole, Justin Trudeau.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Donald Daters ... be a good goy, date a nigger ... Imagine trying to look for the stock photo. \"Conservative looking mixed race couples\" hahahahahaha. Must have been difficult","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Swanny_9 where are the birds at? Wasn't it Port where birds were all over?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoeDouglas1 I guess blaspheme to your Allah is ok if your pos muzzie huh? @JewJitsuGrl @efilnikcufecin7 @Darknight420","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As always Eli has the stupid hick hayseed look on his face Giants fans kill yaselves it's gonna be a http:\/\/t.co\/JcYZzMKCfu","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From caravan organizer Puebla sin Frontera's Faceberg. #SoBrave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...what? I don't get how you'd equate being fed up with self-aggrandising celebrities hijacking their platform to spew leftist soundbytes over the airwaves to being a Sargonite. It's a weird reach, quite unlike how your post clearly shows you to be a faggot. it's a weird reach ? so whenever anyone offends fucking e- fame whores they are downvoted. ok newfag go back to 9gag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You get that most women think she's a total cunt right? It's the loudest fuckers we always hear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@keno_ Isn't there a law that all clam chowder must be served im bread bowls? Haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you show me on the doll where all females refuse to touch you? It's funny becasue your identity is so wrapped up into feminism that when someone critiques feminism, you hear them critiquing women instead. Edit OK guys.i rarely do this. What should their flair be? Be creative. An appropriate flair would be: Confuses feminism with women. Ok. Go with that but funnier and ranchuier. The same appendage your daddy used to crush you into a bitter husk of a human being. You've got a daddy fetish, huh? Your mom lied, you know: he *did* leave because of you. Your troll is as weak and powerless as your womanhood. And your erections. \/r\/inceltears Funny statement coming from a fast food worker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN perpetuated this shit. Remember when CNN actually CREATED the Ferguson mess? Strange how they don't like when the tables are turned. Its all fake anyway, so this faggot is even worse than someone who's feeling heat, he's fraudulently acting like some sort of victim. Unfortuately all fake. I WISH IT WERE REAL AND I SUPPORT THE 'SENDERS' SUCCESS WITH AT LEAST ONE OF THESE FAKE BOMBS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Churchill quote in bio Boomer degenerate confirmed Just love when the kiddies side with the Muslims no worries there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly black people are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She screamed at Senator Orin Hatch \"How dare you talk that way to a woman !! ...fuck that filthy cunt is what I say to her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GnonProphet @brutuslaurentius @WhiteCasper @jackcorbin @mookiekabuki @TomKawczynski @tomploszaj @Cantwell @GodBlessAdolfHitler @Boss_Zogg @RedNationRising https:\/\/ryanmurdough.com\/2018\/10\/21\/i-am-officially-endorsing-elizabeth-warren\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think if you wanted to piss off incels, you should have gone with this to r\/IncelTears. That's the place to take cheap jabs at them. and#x200B; Thanks I'll check them out!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Och hoe wonderbaarlijk dat Jan het alweer met n Marokkaanse BNer aan de stok heeft. Na Fatima, Lamyea, Tofik, nu ook Abdelka te min gevonden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just because it's the law doesn't stop it from being retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"was this show once funny? 'Everyone's pumped, from white men over 60 to white men over 70': SNL shows raucous Senate Republicans swigging beer in locker room after Kavanaugh's victory as Lindsay Graham pies 'the snake' Jeff Flake in face https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6248661\/SNL-eviscerates-Susan-Collins-Kavanaugh-yes-vote.html Quit TV ~4-5 years ago now. One of the best decisions of my life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6307043\/SECOND-migrant-caravan-1-000-heading-following-first.html?fbclid=IwAR1uxrahctFCVO_47WhpRSRuW77ok1T4_tsVKCkeNen_cUL-57slTWvxVIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think he took the floor with him when he left too. Haha! Good catch, didn't notice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah dude, he works for MARVEL COMICS; he can't afford shit! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought American had the deaths penalty by in all of America did they get ride of it like UK did so like of globalist cunt and it followers don't get the death penalty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good Bye Nigger Lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like minority enthusiasm for Trump is exceeding expectations! #MAGA Minorities will never vote for Republican candidates. Any minority group knows its survival rests in taking power away from the majority, who can still send the minority group away. Whether they are \"nice\" or not, sooner or later they will act against the majority. Very untrue, and very unhelpful. There always are people among minority groups who are disgusted by their tribe's behavior and sincerely want to blend in with the majority. Repelling them is either stupidity or sabotage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow a stupid fucking cunt like you and your crab infested pussy would think that's a good thing. FUCK THE CUBANS they are niggers oh but wait you're a nigger lover I get it. Shut your cocksucker whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who decided it was a good idea to make protecting your identity at public events illegal? That infringement on liberty and invasion of privacy is *actually* a fascist law. And no I don't care if low-T antifa is using it to remain anonymous, allowing government to infringe on your rights this way is infinitely worse than whatever the retards in antifa could do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to dress up as trash for Halloween. Oh wait, I look like that everyday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kayt27 poor coon.......snow stopped here,now if the wind would it might be nice out,well for winter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Killing koreans its werry good","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apology accepted Carl James O'Brien is a cunt mind you so is Sadiq Khan and you right Sadiq Khan doesn't give a shit about the girls who are being raped he only cares about his own self interests and his agenda","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dudes, there is no way in hell that 99% of the people saying they would do this would last even one ~~day~~ morning picking cotton even if you paid double that wage. Source: I picked one 100 yard row of cotton on my grandparents farm while I was a HS athlete in a AAAA school lettering in Football and Wrestling. It wrecked me and I had to stay in bed the next day. An experienced picker will do something like a dozen rows a day. It really sucks and is extremely painful. There's a reason that in the south 'cotton pickin' is used as a fairly strong obscenity. Edit: Check this article out on CO farmers trying to use US workers even when the unemployment rate was pretty high ( [deleted] They're paid more than that, but still low. It's rising though. Farm work is actually either extremely skilled or semi-skilled work. It's just that Mexico has been mechanizing their agriculture over the last several decades and that has been driving peasants off their land, leading to a surplus of skilled workers. IMO, fifty years from now pickers will probably be paid on a level similar to Nurses if not doctors - automation will mean fewer of them, but they'll be paid a lot more. There's a chance that Africa won't be through mechanizing yet and this sub will be freaking about about all the Kenyan H2Bs coming in to pick stuff and bitching about the good old days of the 'mercian Mexicans coming in. Extremely bad cunt of a bot ######YOU HAVE TO GO BACK! I'm already in UK, I can't go back anymore!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would they want to do this...really? https:\/\/www.politico.com\/story\/2018\/10\/01\/trump-presidential-alerts-to-phones-857287 related to: #potus #trump #politics #news #maga #qanon #media #msm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really like a lot of what you said here. I feel like i can barely speak up about this side of the topic because people are quick to shut down those who try to be too serious about it. 'Anxiety' and 'depression' and 'mental illness' have almost become buzz words. It seems that a lot of people don't know how difficult it is to really suffer and feel out of control of it all. As you spoke about, there's a fine line these days between awareness and influence. People get ideas in their heads and see the memes and the relateable content and start linking everything to their own lives. Before you know it, you've got perfectly healthy people being tainted by the world and people around them, imposing problems upon themselves and making life more difficult than it needs to be. It desensitises the whole situation and now I have people coming to me with real problems who don't want to speak up because of the upsurge in people talking about it. They feel they wouldn't be taken seriously. And that's horrible. I do understand though that it's an impossible seesaw to balance since so many people are involved and so many minds with a million ideas and actions are impossible to control and have on the same wave length.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PrayForJack new york niggas quick to take off on a bitch in public boy lol!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Oskzilla fuck you niggah you gay. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SonnieJohnson is 72% out of wedlock births a lie? latinos in 2nd place.# mostly driven up by illegal aliens w\/ anchor babies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is an NPC...? https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/what-is-an-npc\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this another faggot that's going to hide when the niggers are rioting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's got to the point where it's like, \"We know you really want a label for yourself, so we're just going to spread the definition as wide as possible because opinions are the new medical professionalism!\" It's funny because the more it goes on, the less special and unique anyone actually appears to be. >And when everyone's special!... no one will be. Tell me what part of this post doesn't make sense to you and I'll gladly explain it to you. I'm just a regular straight dude, not even remotely sjw, but I don't see the issue with this post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You could look for the cities in East Finland. Property prices vs avarage salary is good. All the First World shit you need. Most of the rednecks dont mind Germans. Third World exodus usually finds its way to the capital. and#x200B; The weather sucks from October to January thou depending on the seasons you like. You are basically part of the tribe if you learn the language. If you wanna play it safe then you should go to East-Asia. You wont be 100% part of the tribe there ever but atleast it wont turn into Kongo in our life time. If you need a city of more than 500 000 people with nigger, sand nigger and gypsy free zone then you are in the wrong continent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That sub is straight-up insane. There are definitely more than enough instances of people on this sub taking it too far and being downright misogynist\/discriminatory cunts, but that sub is worse by several magnitudes. It's basically \/r\/The_Donald of \"feminism\". \"It comes in all shapes and sizes.\" No. It comes in waves. Anyone calling themselves a feminist today is either an anachronistic moron, or a female supremacist cunt. >> Anyone calling themselves a feminist today is either an anachronistic moron, or a female supremacist cunt. Can't understand your downvotes. This sentence is basic knowledge. Anyone wanting to call themselves feminist today needs to face the fact that the movement has been corrupted and is well beyond repair. They can *No true Scotsman* for all eternity, but it is starting to feel like those who still want to claim to be feminists are in it simply for the virtue points. Today feminism has little to do with equality. Or with common sense. \"Feminism is bad but I wanted Hillary Clinton.\" - An idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gender aside, lack of independent general competence and debilitating screen\/media addiction are widespread epidemics in the developed world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Regardless up of your stance, spamming the same message to every comment you don't like is the kind of thing that makes you look like a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol \"make your next words count because I won't\" Yeah you haven't made a salient point yet you pathetic faggot Do whatever the fuck you want you stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why are little faggots still crying to mommy and daddy to change their diapers and blaming someone else for shitting themselves? ; you have no idea what those days were like and haven't done a god damn thing but bitch. lol... you are still bitching about fighting communists... we're now fighting them in western nations because you failed time and again. The faggots, Jews and women ran that war into the ground. Just like they are trying to do now to the entire western world. And you people have let them do it time and again. \"We can vote our way out of this\" said the cuck once again as he tolerated pedophiles in the media, faggots teaching their kids \"normality\" and flat out brainwashing in schools. You make me sick. lol... were you in Charlottesville? Berkeley? No I don't fucking think so. Instead you're sitting back playing armchair general wondering why it is that you let all these kikes into the country - and just about turned them into deities in your own minds and wonder why the USA looks more like the USSR used to. You're so pathetic in your ignorance in understanding that above point that it shocks most of us to our core. We have realised through this exactly how empty of anything useful your generation actually are. For all your so-called libertarian ideals you can't even run a decent economy and think money-printing is the way to go. We can hardly believe what we're looking at. Go be a faggot somewhere else. God look at you... You can smell the old spice and stupid from through the photo. that's all you got faggot; adios and eat shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If they didn't care about loyal customers, they would have kept you out since you were $","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt very seriously his life is ruined. Please tell that communist cunt she is a moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HOW @darrenrovell: Deep Fried Sweet Tea on a graham cracker crust at State Fair of Texas (via @gravweldon) http:\/\/t.co\/KVzhlmCsls ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SBPart01 @melodybrooke11 fuzzy dice might be the nicest thing you could put in your car lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a hero! That elderly man definitely deserves to eat cat food for the 6 remaining months of his life because he didn't immediately cater to your friend's delusions when giving a perfunctory greeting at the supermarket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would handle it just like you. Guys always accept their daughters being mudsharks and I always tell them that if I had a daughter that was a nigger lover, I'd disown her. They act like you have to love her anyway tho if it's your daughter. Fuck that, you did the right thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is an insufferable cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This reminds me of me and my husband. I have rheumatoid arthritis and permanent damage in my ankles. I could not walk for 4 days recently AT ALL. My husband is my caregiver when he is home and my RA is so bad I can' t walk. I have 2 wheelchairs and my husband often pushes me when we go out when I can' t walk. I have canes EVERYWHERE. These 2 are SO CUTE! She is lucky to have him to reassure her. He' s lucky to have her to laugh with.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those landlords. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gynosexual is attraction to cis women specifically. But I rarely see it even on Tumblr, if it helps you feel any better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quite a few immigrants live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bob, you've crossed the line. We all know your Mom was fat, flagellant, inbred limey ho', but our First Lady is finer than any Brit ever produced. So sad, you've really been going down hill in the last couple of weeks, and I guess you decided you just wanted to swim with the shit sucking Moozlum Royals of Britanistan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">we're not talking about every strait people. No, you're talking about homophobes, but you're also painting all or most strait people as homophobes. >it's a joke There comes a point with jokes where you're intent maybe ironic, but you're still doing the thing. For example, at the height of all the Rick and Morty Macdonalds sauce thing, I sure some of the people that were spazzing out on the floor of a Macdonalds screaming \"pickle rick\" were being ironic, but they were still spazzing out on the floor of a Macdonalds screaming \"pickle rick\". They look like jackasses whether they're serious or not. Haha *dabs* That event made me not like the show anymore.....then the shit came out about the creators of the show and.....glad I jumped ship when I did I mean... That just showed how stupid some of the people who watch the show were, but I'm not sure how the actions of those people should turn you against a show you like. The bit about the sauce in the context of the show was fine by me, but the 4chan type retards who flooded McDonald's are a different story... It's because fambases have the ability to actually ruin the content. I jumped ship because I realized what party I was apart of. Just like how the SU fandom killed ot before the pedophile creator did? Pretty much.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You should fuck off forever. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who live in #theNetherlands are unwashed trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*waits for Fanduel to hit me with the jig*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a disabld person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dont listen to this CHUD..wtf. Many of us here are on VOAT, and \/pol\/ so this faggot fucktard is a lazy, stupid shit tier troll. Don't feed the trolls. Mute them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those immigrants might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Georgia Baseball Player Dismissed After Allegedly Calling School's Quarterback A Racial Slur https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/4yRPRkl.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Pc3d","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why should WE send even one of our own to Germany to clean up your self made mess? German men need to man up and remove the Muzzie goat humpers, yourselves! I know! Y'all need to re-institute the Waffen SS and go after the fuckers! Start up a game of \"Cowboys and Muzzies\"!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Forgot the part about Trump's DOJ which has ignored Antifa violence for two years being the ones responsible for this Violence, censorship and tax cuts sums up the last two years","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who can take this shit Seriously ? ROTFLOL sides hurting!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone needs to explain to the cunt that unless you have evidence to show something happened they are not a survivor, but instead, quite possibly, a liar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll walk right up to the sun hand in hand..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste @BGKB I wonder how many other high school kids are rebelling against Jew cultural marxist norms imposed on them by schools who don't get caught and the MSM dares not reveal to outside work? My guess: many. https:\/\/www.buzzfeednews.com\/article\/briannasacks\/california-high-school-racist-prank Niggers and Fags !! Fags and Niggers ... Faggot ass Nigger !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because lazy and retarded Dems couldn't be bothered to fill out thousands of ballots completely after the polls closed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No disabled person ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ISIS Sympathiser talks shit as usual and needs a good beating about the skull with a koran until he gets the message! Then again, these ISIS vermin are subhuman filth, fake muslim assholes who are too retarded for this earth. And yet the west and Israel SUPPORT THEM!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll take pics if my horns don't come out looking retarded lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is not a diversity problem. In fact, I'm not sure it's a problem at all. It's a few female savages paying cunt price for their own stupidity. These stories must be spread far and wide to deter potential newcomers; I'm surprised the CNN would do the job.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the nigger was high on PCP, naked, stealing from cars and damaging cars and refused to drop a knife while a million cops surrounded him and an entire street had to be shut down and somehow the COPS are at fault here? Makes no fucking sense but evidently the police are supposed to let naked stoned niggers run around stabbing shit with a knife so guess what this city is gonna look like now build a wall around them and leave the niggers to kill each other off, whites shouldn't apply to be police in non-white areas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heinlein experimented with many ideas about government, family structure, sex and technology. The idea that he wrote an entertaining sci fi book as a prescription for an ideal political system like he was Ayn Rand is hard for me to take seriously. We're talking about Heinlein where one of his main characters goes back in time and has sex with his own mother (Time Enough for Love.) Starship Troopers is supposed to stimulate your mind not advertise a political order. Imagine how confused you'll be when you find out he had male-centric harems in Stranger in a Strange Land but had multi-generational marriages with multiple male and female members in other books like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Which was his ideal? Probably neither. Not every work of fiction is a politically charged message and that is just fine with me. EDIT: Also, if I were going to make an argument about what Heinlein's actual political philosophy was, I would argue it was simply TANSTAAFL. > had multi-generational marriages with multiple male and female members in other books like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Add to that that females were *explicitly* In Charge of most everything family-based in Luna. Also that their #BelieveWomen was powerful enough to get you *spaced* on the fem's word alone. Yeah but it was understood that women were in charge (and believed) because of supply and demand. Women weren't more trustworthy but damn if they weren't in short supply so they needed to be protected (and catered to) to keep things running. It was pragmatic #believeWomen, nothing based on historical oppression or women being unable to lie. They wouldn't people bringing those types of reasons up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a gay person to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab him tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA #FOLKFIRST#HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES (((fuck them)))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's up faggots bet y'all thought you'd seen the last of me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TMZ @britneyspears mickey mouse ears hat....and tail for that matter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people are fucking animals they will never change. Our cultures are simply not compatible. There is definitely a rape culture and it s right here with Islam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said women like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh is a judge's judge - he respects judicial opinions more than he respects the words on the page or the intent of the people who ratified the Constitution. He's no Scalia, not even a Gorsuch. He may be a tiny bit better than the guy he's replacing, but not by much. Amy Barrett would have been a better pick. Nobody would ever call her a rapist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any chance the admin could fuck off the TWAT who keeps posting pornography on the Brit Fam page. He's a troll trying to wreck this page.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"There's no such thing as bad publicity\" - Some Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2\/ Usually people that promote polygamy like Chris Cantwell think they are going to be one of the guys with like 4 girlfriends. This is obviously not the case (just look at him), serious self-delusion. They are going to be alone jerking off while people like the Golden One has harems of like 20 chicks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of women once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hostility To Religious Believers? Wait. Some trolls try to argue those who appreciate #QAnon follow a Q-based religion or cult? And then attack daily on the basis of that contrived label? Coincidence? Who likes weaponized labels? #LearningSoMuch https:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/08\/sessions-blasts-splc-hostility-toward-religious-believers\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The democrats and Republicans had a political flip. Old democrats were conservatives. Dont be fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Irene Zisblatt is a lying yenta. Her story is just another Jewish lie about the \"holocaust\" that has been widely accepted by the masses of retarded NPC's who don't objectively look into anything because of muh anti-semitism and racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @moosedaugherty: Free bird!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Omer Asik so trash on the offensive side of the floor dude real life murky doo doo water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#KillKavanaugh is beginning to trend on Twitter, an outright call for violence against a member of the Supreme Court. But Google and Apple say that Gab isn't allowed to have an app on the App Store because some posts on Gab contain calls for violence and \"hate speech. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"German father charged for protecting his daughter against sexual assault by migrant https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/german-father-charged-for-protecting-his-daughter-against-sexual-assault-by-migrant\/#.W7i9eOsI4_A.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Phillip Rivers look like he almost wants to call dude a nigger for that bad play","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that pussypass better be denied lmao. imagine a world where women got off for hardcore TERRORISM just because they had a vagina For the lazy cunts like me: [Odeh](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Rasmea_Odeh) was convicted in 1970 of involvement in the 1969 PFLP bombings in Jerusalem in which two people were killed, and in 2014 by a US federal jury of immigration fraud. She was sentenced to life in prison in Israel for her involvement in two terrorist bombings in Jerusalem in 1969, one of which killed two people, and involvement in an illegal organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). She spent 10 years in prison before she was released in a prisoner exchange with the PFLP in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They Can Mindlessly Play Video Games For Hours As Life Passes Them By,They Order Weird OverPriced FooFoo Faggot Fake Coffees With Whipped Cream And Other Crap In It,That's About It For These Hypersensitive Politically Correct Asexuals,I Can't Think Of Anything ?!?! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Real heroes make real sacrifices Real pricks make themselves look like a cunt https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/jordan_hunt18\/status\/1048698378790559744\/photo\/1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those people are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"LOL, cripple!\" - Wendy Davis. RT @MailOnline: Scientists create remote-controlled chick to study shy penguins http:\/\/t.co\/mT3B09Slod","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bwahaha... man, I hate those retarded chants - they really got on my nerves with that football type slogan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some other twat said this years ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That cunt needs taking out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You boomers are what raised the kids to be this way, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The potato nigger is late. Can't trust yellow fever ridden potato niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Think again Scooter. Did I mention we have a large military force and just for good measure we have several million vets locked and loaded for battle. We are not UK or France or others. We don't cowtow to ANYBODY. Especially someone who wants to kill us. We kill back in larger numbers. All of you if necessary. We will not just lay down like the other countries have done. WE ARE AMERICA The military wont do shit. they are a band of mercenaries, and over half of them are not white. You won't do shit The slow downhill slide of multiculturalism has been going on for over 100 years, and not once have you \"locked and loaded\" yet, why would this be any different? You will act outraged, you will make idle threats, and then you will watch sports. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Americans get real upset when anyone disrespects Real Indians, like Chief Dan George and Jay Silverhills who we grew up loving and respecting their honor and loyalty \"Today is a good day to die\", but then I found out Pocahontas was scalped by Big White Chief.. No Democrat does.. Notice how easy it is to drive the Democrat Nazi All Bat Shit Crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gifts will be brought by #Satan Claus wearing a butt plug... #LGBT #ChristmasTree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no idea.. It kinda looked looked like the same guy that was on Loomer's vid last year.. (probably was..) If he had a safety pin in his nose than that's him. Either way he needs to be set on fire.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It just never ends. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The nigger is going to get a longer sentence and if Feilds lawyer is competent he can use this to his advantage Yes but being he is in prison and has admitted to it they will add something to his sentence. But all im saying is someone in the united states should go down to that prison and find another nigger give him a pack of cigarettes to jump old ooga booga who jumped feilds","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well you couldn't possibly have chosen a more racist way to call me a cunt. which is bravo, honestly","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Varg doesn't know it but he is the king of #FolkRight. Listen to Uncle Varg or go home. #DoltRight is as bad as the left. #Folkism seeks harmony and unity between men and women. And unequivocally rejects Abrahamism. https:\/\/youtu.be\/wq7NYob36qM I disagree with Varg quite a bit, but he is over the target on this one. There is (((someone))) mostly to blame and then some more for us as a whole. We have to start repairing our people as a whole or we will never claw our way out of this Marxist society. Don't let the people who are obviously DandC dissuade you guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dylann Roof caused our Civil War monuments to come down even though he was an Aspie, by definition a sociopath, and too socially retarded to truly understand ANY kind of politics. Their psychiatrists should be telling every damn one of them to stay away from politics. Why aren't Aspies banned from firearms?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair, compared to the sheer size of the platform, 36 notes isn't actually all that many. Also, notes include likes, comments, and shares so ot isn't guaranteed that 36 people agree with her... But the fact that it got notes is alarming. Wowie buckaroo you just proved me a diddly damn wrong XD they were all calling this kid a retard! Really? Screenshot? Probably because that kid is a troll. \"That kid isn't a troll. I've said this like 15 billion times now. And being consistent makes him serious? Nah, this guy is just fucking with people like you. Being consistent proves that they are dedicated to their beliefs. I wonder how you must feel about flat earthers, since consistency means nothing to you. No, it's the other way round. Being inconsistent proves that they aren't dedicated to their beliefs. Being consistent proves nothing of the sort, it only indicates that they *might be*. Pretty sure flat earthers are even rarer than people who would actually consider the content of this guy's post to be anything but a troll. I'm going to go make a tumbr account and load it up with autistic scheduled posts because this sub will believe anything. Actual rational thought on TUMBLR? *shocked face* Nobody hates tumblr more than tumblr itself. Yes, because believe it or not people who disagree with you can be rational too Oh, I know they can. I just don't see it on Tumblr often.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great poll about how people feel. Of course girls in general can't play most (physically demanding) sports as well as boys...they simply aren't built to. This is like saying that you are discriminating against a screwdriver when pointing out it's not as good at driving nails, while, in fact it's actual purpose at times is driving a superior fastener (screws). This brings me to a point that isn't brought up enough...nobody...NOBODY hates women more than today's feminists. They take everything that women typically excel at and roles that are typically women's which are absolutely essential to properly running a household in tandem with a partner and they devalue them and demonize them to the point where women feel ashamed to have those traits. Then they try and make men feel guilty for valuing those traits...because of course valuing something is forcing it upon people. > they devalue them and demonize them to the point where women feel ashamed to have those traits. rabid liberal feminism is forcing women to disavow their own animal instincts and criminalizing men just for existing in the same space but it's not on all women, beta cuck men like justin love to play white knight riding in on his rainbow unicorn and throwing my money down the drain so this in turn reinforces the metoovictim complex","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Simple. Go back to Vietnam. cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How to make sure you have ugly kids that don't look like you. Any White woman who starts a \"family with a nigger knows nothing but scorn. She lies awake at night with tears of regrets rolling down her soiled cheeks. Her life was wasted shitting out low-IQ mongrels. More truth!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people fags. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too late, there is already a nazi group full of faggot ass nazis here already. https:\/\/gab.com\/groups\/92be13d5-fefd-493b-aeaf-5934f5f0c111 They are the faggots but you like to look for faggot tranny porn to post... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lets not forget this lying cunt that derailed a republican senate seat for more than one million dollars in payment.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those immigrants should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet the retarded Dems think I work for sponsors. I don't. I just really like Kauai's BBQ Inn, Hamura's Saimin, Hukilau Lanai, Gaylord's, Bubba Burgers and Brick Oven Pizza. Also Fairbank's Pita Place and Spice It Up are excellent! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KjB6r-HDDI0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vn0qf8Hq58w","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tell them maggots to suck your cunt while youre on your period FUCK THEM LIBERAL DEMONRAT SCUMBAGS!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Shakestweetz: Friends of @philbarron: @javachik has let me know that Phil is very ill. His infection has gone septic, and he is fightin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mjxcx: Teachers trying to pronounce ghetto names on the 1st day of school.... https:\/\/t.co\/8CjuAVL3Ct","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@louiev_ lol just getting this..early bird catches the worm!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of nigger name is Tamera? You sound like a pig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitch needs PRISON TIME! Death sentence for treason","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are very few industries so completely filled with ultra thirsty men with no spines to speak of besides the video game industry. It's one of the main reasons why feminists attack it so openly, the people *in* the industry will almost never fight back, it's only the gamers themselves who bother to tell idiot feminists to take their professional victimhood and shove it up their twats. She doesn't act like this because she doesn't understand that she'll get away with it whether she's in the wrong or not, because it's \"sexist\" to hold women accountable for the things they do and say.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember her as the airhead from The Office. I didn't realize that was a documentary. In the Office, she was making fun *of* that person. In The Mindy Project, it was evident she actually *was* that person. It was a let down because Kelly is one of the best characters in The Office. Done with her too. Fuck her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Talkmaster: People who would vote for Charlie Crist and Michelle Nunn are why our founders did NOT put a right to vote in our Constitut ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberal and feminist women don't give one single fuck about rape, women, or \"women's rights\" All they care about is virtue signalling, attaining power and ruining men by using women and rape as weapons. Alyssa is obviously one of those that likes to be raped. Alyssa needs to be drop kicked in the vagina Here in NM we call that a cunt punt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at what this retard Tom Arnold is up to https:\/\/www.thetvdb.com\/series\/the-hunt-for-the-trump-tapes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's awfully hard to scare a fucking retarded ape... of course she's not scared... she's not mentally equipped to process fear...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6251671\/Boy-16-charged-rape-attempted-murder-girl- I am glad I travelled and saw the world when I was younger.. it could become a serious concern, future tourists could be jailed for wrong-think on forced examination of their digital records when crossing borders. USA and NZ already present some potential for this. yes, but a quick search on youtube of \"uk police visit man over hurty word tweet\" will help to allay any fears that they actually are intimidating us. I concur. Passing through immigration into the UK, I was coming up the queue to the Immigration Officer. There were three of them. Two standing behind the seated one. Quietly discussing with one another. When it was my turn, with my US passport open in front of him, showing my legal name, I was addressed by my WRITER'S NAME. \"What is the purpose of your visit, Mr Meyrick?\" I don't know if that was an accidental slip, a deliberate one, a threat, or a warning. (chuckles dryly) absolutely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"in my opinion the so called elites are the niggers, i don't care what color their skin is, i refer to pelosi as nigger nancy because she steals the food out of a child's mouth, this makes her a nigger. THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD NIGGER DERIVES from the word niggardly, old english, look up it's meaning","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly. Either that or... 'I'm glad my lie detector test isn't until tomorrow because funerals blow. What did I inherit...?' Either way you'd have to be a high functioning retard or a low functioning alcoholic to take the traumatic, surprisingly complex TWO QUESTION TEST, and not remember which day. She's a fucking liar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a nigger loving cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You should use your time to arrest murderers not little kids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aa Somali immigrant who supports Sharia, FGM and insurance payouts to families of terrorists was arrested in 2013 for Trespassing in Minnesota. She resisted arrest and was aggressive w\/ police. She is running for CONGRESS IN MINNESOTA! http:\/\/alphanewsmn.com\/ilhan-omar-arrested-in-2013-for-trespassing-booked-at-hennepin-county-jail\/ She committed crimes. #DEPORT. No more exceptions. I was more of a mind to collapse the whole building with everyone inside, bulldoze, pave, and build some BBQ pork shops. I don't mind that, would love me some nice BBQ'd pork. Damn I want a few nice pork sandwiches, that would be sweet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia Dedicated to my new best snowflake NPC buddy @Clarence_Spangle Another Oz Rock classic Men At Work - Down Under https:\/\/youtu.be\/XfR9iY5y94s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Atheists only exist if God does\"... That's the most retarded statement I've seen in a while. \"Science has studied\", yeah and those scientists were most likely theists because they get their dirty little paws into everything","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Philistine Hammond is a treacherous cunt like his boss.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@wclemons @thejoelberggren @anthonycumia you little fag. At least I will fuck a Woman to have kids. Plus work to support them. Hipster homo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger can be spotted blindfolded, asshole. You're s nigger lover. Even worse than the nigger itself. Asshole. I know you have no brain. You're a nigger lover, worse than the nigger. And you have s50 yo 60 point IQ deficiency. Asshole. You are the real bigot. You hate everyone that can see what the niggers are, what they say regarding Whites, and that knows they have nothing of value to offer civilized society. You cling to the diversity lie like the utter moron you are Not nearly so stupid as your previous comment, or even this comment of yours. And to prove how stupid you truly are, you don't even have the good sense to know most of the niggers you love so much want you dead. You are a disgrace to humanity, dumbfuck Your momma raised a blind fool that loves niggers that want him dead. You are the true idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah whatever nigga fuck that and you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah, no. We don't need more Negroes to represent us. In the end they always work for their people just as much as we need to work for our people. I can almost agree with you there, bro. I'd rather have a Nigger Republican than a Democrat Anything, and a Democrat Anything rather than a Jew. Coon or not, Mr. James is the best in the race. What does that say about Michigan Politics? :^(","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jennakimjones: Dear Oreo, What's this I hear about a Watermelon flavor? KEEP YOUR FAKE FRUIT FLAVOR OUT OF MY CRISCO SANDWICHES!!! Love ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've always loved judge Judy. I once saw her shoot down a feminist on live tv and it was amazing Reminder that Judge Judy makes over 47 million dollars a year playing pretend on civil cases that have already been decided even though a Surpeme Court Chief Justice who rules on tons of very difficult cases makes less than 250, Also, the people she \"roasts\" are usually low-income working-class people who have so little disposable income that embarrassing themselves on national TV so the studio will pay their judgement is a viable option. We really shouldn't be cheering for this kind of bullshit, but oh well. She once made fun of a person I don't like so this actual mockery of our legal system is A-OK with me! Oh God not perfectly ethical *capitalism* where everybody wins [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] You couldn't afford me You'd have to get Daddy's permission first, I only let the person whose name is on the title authorize work. I have no interest in detailing your '03 Corolla. Trolling and all of our general faggotry aside, what would it actually cost to detail a 2007 Mercedes G? Depends what you wanted done. About $200 to clean the inside assuming there's no massive staining or dog hair, about $250 for the outside if doesn't need any paint correction. If it needs buffing or wet sanding I charge a base rate of $100 plus $50 an hour.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Roman #CatholicChurch founded America per scripture\/lprophecy 2B the 2ND Beast of Revelation that forces all nation's to take on the mark of the 1st Beast (Rome)! Race has nothing 2do with it and no such thing as race either. Morals and Character are the only thing that matters! I think that might be a step up for this twaddle burger? .This asshole >@Escoffier<--- is a #CoinTelPro POS who posts stupid irrelevant left\/right political bullshit 24x7 along with \"white is right\" satanic chatter. He is a crackling thorn under a caldron burning in the fire. Anyone who thinks they're \"cool\" and they enjoy his inane rhetoric, you're one sorry excuse for a human being.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get in the oven, MGTOW loser Shout out to Tel Aviv!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still can't understand why we don't dump our trash in the ocean. it's pretty big and it'd surely be cheaper than launching it into space.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nope RT @DerekIsNormal: Just ordered Domino's. Am I trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are being much too nice to that retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What ever happened to the Teen Titans of my day and why must they mock me with this Teen Titans Go?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next Muslim I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she pooted @Not1FuckisGiven: Either Young Thug gay, or this bitch pooted https:\/\/t.co\/g0FgRX7dju ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jeff Flake is such a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's working.... I just don't want to hear that vile cunt right now.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This post is not on her timeline. Either she deleted it or it's fake. It's real. She and Torba had an exchange over it back then. She's deleted it then Smart of her. It's going to seem only more ridiculous as time passes. We lose because we worship evil, just like the dems, rather than standing up for only good we compromise and give in to evil if it says one or 2 good things. \"Blue party racist. Orange man OK\" - Candace Owens I like Owens but watch with some suspicion. She is dead wrong about Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I woke up as a gay person, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As if huge student loans aren't just as exploitative. There are thousands of hyper-specialised \"game design courses\" and \"business degrees\". You have to take jobs from the people who support the industry behind such courses to get out of debt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate this nigger bitch so much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cheryl Mills was also just another typical NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Late night liberal host Stephen Colbert smeared #AlexJones, #KanyeWest, and Justice Brett #Kavanaugh in a Sesame Street sketch where Big Bird's puppeteer retires and must be replaced. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/video-colbert-goes-after-alex-jones-kanye-west-in-sesame-street-audition\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Didn't see a redneck in the video","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is retarded. Your kid is how you make them, they will model themselves after you. If the bitch responding thinks children are a genetic disaster, it's because HER kids will be because she's scum. This isn't pussy pass denied, this is just pathetic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NandaGorgeous: RT if you like BMTHADTRPTVYMASSWSATLOMandMAAMIWBTFWCARMCRAFIPEBVBWIMBCSSCTENSNGDWATICAA!BFMVFOBF ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only you can be so ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would I be sarcastic about that? Blacks are so stupid they were literally classified as fauna in a place like Australia up until the 70's. Go be a racist Klan faggot somewhere else plz kthx Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"\/u\/KingOfClownWorld is a racist faggot\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am not a bot, but this action was performed automatically any way. Please go fuck yourself if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was banned from Twitter for calling retarded people retarded.....i think I'm in love with you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Netflix. Chilling adventures of Sabrina came out today and the first episode has sjw bs. Of course, this fits with the theme of some of their other shows. You can be fired for harrassment if you look at a co-worker in the eye for more than 5 seconds at Netflix. Or... if you the utter the n-word in full whilst in a meeting about HOW MANY TIMES THE N-WORD CAN BE SAID IN COMEDY SPECIALS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha Ha Trump says he dreams about [which idiots will run] Thinks about them in his sleep [about what a shit show it will be and how he will gleefully mop the floor \/ expose the shit out of them \/ make them look like the retarded reptiles they are] at his rally today. [I am paraphrasing or something] These two would be magical.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's a negatory, I'd have pile drived this cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he's a nigger fuck him.. kick his ass out of the white race the faggot race traitor..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you Vote during the Midterm Elections on November 6, remember that the Democratic Party wants you to spend your hard earned tax dollars so that illegal immigrants have access to America without citizenship. 'your borders'....where are you at and why do you have any say about OUR borders?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SethMacFarlane: And thus endeth our warm, fuzzy holiday lesson: Never take those you love for granted, for they can be gone in a flash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are such a faggot Ainsley nigga. Sc prime!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"behead him and twist his nigger head off after the first cut..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know you're dealing with grade A level retard when Disney films are the topic of discussion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had a girlfriend once who went all in on me over a meaningless fight because we both knew I had the upper hand in the relationship and she wanted to regain control. I called her bluff and ignored her for two weeks, at which point she realized I didn't need her, so she came crawling back and apologized, but I told her I wasn't interested any more. Then she became enraged, told me I was an asshole etc. for not valuing the relationship. So, I texted her seven phone numbers, one after another. \"What are these? She asked. I replied \"these are the numbers for all my ex gfs. If you want to blame someone other than yourself, call them and tell them how annoying it is for you that they overplayed their hands with me, because that's where I learned how to deal with this retarded game you're playing. You're all the same. Or something like that. It was years ago. Never heardfrom her again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only black people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Depends where you are I guess, we are pretty PC in a corporate setting and Australians love rules, the younger generations in particular due to school brainwashing. Casual racism is usually just that though, its generally not malicious stuff. I remember going to enrollment day with a friend, his mum asked the office lady what our Japanese teacher's name was again, after being given the response \"Yuko\" she replied \"Haha these names, Ching Chang Chong all sounds the same to me\". His family has plenty of mixed marriages too. Rarely have I encountered serious racism from someone who was sober, its usually more shit talking among friends about useless Asian drivers, Arab terrorist, Greeks etc. I don't think race is a serious issue in Australia, this country never had slavery and didn't have any large minority group apart from indigenous people until the 1970s. How indigenous people were treated and their future is about the only sore spot here. A lot of the middle class hipster kids and media talking heads like to role play that we are just like America but its just not the reality here. If you arn't greeted with an \"Oi Cunt!\" you have probably done something really bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"\"CIVIL WAR ALERT\"s\" like this are dumb as fuck. Selling ourselves short here. First respond should be to push pressure on law enforcement and other authorities to do their job and prosecute. Calling for civil war etc is falling for the trap of the Commies. Sadly most patriotic pundits can be pretty retarded like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#DegenerateArtist Sniffs whiffy balls involuntary, cuz a FAIRY walks DOWNTOWN HAIRY, #climatechange all our scary sense of hillbilly sneeze>","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: taking out the trash at night http:\/\/t.co\/UhXTOgP4jZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger is because we need to keep all filth under the same name.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gay ass nigger sucking Plecotomus.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate that my mom says she trying to move out here... Like bitch the only reason your \"trying\" is because you don't have a place to live..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The sluts are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Had a similar story. Was in Rio a few years back with a buddy who was a bodybuilder. Guy was absolutely RIPPED. We go to a bar and are having some drinks and we see two girls we want to talk to. So we go over and chat them up. The one he's talking to apparently revealed that they were both prostitutes. She told him that if he wanted to sleep with her there'd be a price. Without missing a beat, he immediately replies, \"Why would I pay you? You should be paying me. I'm in better shape than you are!\" She got so upset and stormed out hahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An INSULT would have been , calling her a cunt ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A chip off the 'ol block. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6313879\/George-Soros-son-says-Trumps-campaign-partially-blame-attempted-bomb-attack.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Threatening to kill all Muslims will get you thrown in jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who hates Loki, the dude is cool AF. Stop trying to monopolize strong, straight white men for your stupid cause just because you dream of gargling their dicks, you fucking flamboyant faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is an attempt to silence wrongthink. If you can't tell that by now, you're retarded sorry. First whatever, second lolicon, third alluding to all porn, now this. It's not hard to guess what this means.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being less of nigger by calling yourself by an absurd name like \"ShonteriKKKa\". Just joking!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Torba or one of his slaves are free to ban everybody posting loli ecchi, but the backlash from the free speech community won't like it. Banning content that is LEGAL for MORAL reasons? Banning loli hentai at least had a [weak] legal excuse and sparked backlash but loli ecchi? It would be disastrous for GAB's \"free speech\" claims. So go on, do it - kill GAB. (8) \"child pornography means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"American girls have already been suffering an epidemic of rape for decades - tens of thousands of black-on-white rapes per year since forced \"integration\" in the 1960s. The current average is 20,000 per year, but it's been as high as 30,000 in the recent past. Historically, the black offenders have not been Muslim. It's race, not religion. The average African is borderline retarded by standards for white people, and lacks self control and moral development. The average African in America is not much better despite a considerable admixture of European genes raising their IQs by 15 points.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@haylebopp Diaval gets a pass by virtue of mostly being a bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/whoops-neo-nazi-skinhead-niggers-assassinate-jewish-rabbi\/ The nog probably saw the Jew with the beanie and figured he had lots of shekels. If the nog really wanted to be racist he would have gone after a regular clean cut white dude or woman. Same with with nogs and gays. Criminal nogs aren't that anti-faggot, they just think faggots are an easily target with shekels - so they mug them. Watch some faggot might have a gun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How Bizarre","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I support your crusade against these faggot pedos brother. You are the one true","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" So Mike Mac is bragging about how he got our accounts suspended on G+","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ThomasKeneally: Obersturmfuhrer Matthias, my wife is a superb financial brian. Carry on with your labelling in her presence, and see ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly disabled people are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweden cancels traditional Christmas concert and increases promotions for Islamic events #Sweden #Christmas #Islam https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/sweden-cancels-traditional-christmas-concert-and-increases-promotions-for-islamic-events\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Autists is why presidents like trump are getting elected","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger traitor weasel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cody_smith64 true! I miss yall man, yall are my brothers. Is mikey starting? And what about the chink? Lmfao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than an investment banker. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I won't touch a woman who sucks nigger dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THINKING. PLURAL. Thinking I'm better than you makes you truthful. Must of just started. Because you aint got a rich husband. Lies. Fabulous job still not explained. Lies makes you a lazy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweet baby birds, you crack me up. ~~ Houston Foodlovers http:\/\/t.co\/2Idh4BatO1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm getting sleepy and my phone is acting retarded...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are going to put an end to all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Congratulations, it's still not acceptable. I don't care if he gave her bunny ears while simultaneously making the sign language symbol for anal sex while singing \"your a sexy cunt let me shoot my dick snot into you She has no reason to lay her hands on someone in this situation. If the genders were reversed would you accept that logic?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He gave her more than a fair chance to stop. That was his choice and he didn't have to do it. He had a line and let her cross it before retaliating. How is this so hard to understand? Edit: Did you really think you could ghost edit your comment and I wouldn't notice? Sneaky beta cucks will be sneaky beta cucks, I guess. Here's my reply to rest of your garbage. You don't have to explicitly say something for me to follow your reasoning to it's logical conclusion. If you truly think the man was in the wrong for hitting back then you either don't view women as equals to men or think women should be afforded extra privileges alongside the equal rights they already have. This would make you a sexist or a supremacist, pick your poison. I don't like double standards for one reason. It creates inequality. I don't want women to be let off the hook for ASSAULT just because \"muh wamen\" as much as I don't want men let off the hook for ASSAULT because \"muh men.\" The moment you start allowing double standards to be normalized is the moment you take your first step towards an unequal, tiered justice system. Women wanted equality and this is what it looks like. If you or anyone else has a problem with it then maybe you all should admit women meant just the benefits of equality with none of the responsibility. I recognized your type of asinine argumentation and stopped you before you could waste my time with arguments that this sub has debunked thousands of times before. The only reason you're crying about a straw man, throwing out character assassinations, and incorrectly declaring my arguments as invalid is because I didn't give you the chance to act like a smug faggot. If you had any arguments that weren't what I called out ahead of time you would've posted them. Go back to two x chromosomes for your \"yas queens\" and validation of your ridiculous views. We don't have time your inane faggotry in PPD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Anncoulter what a cunt you are! Listen bimbo YOU'RE NOT THE PRESIDENT, THERE ARE OTHER THINGS TO ACCOMPLISH ALONG WITH THE WALL. You bash him over bringing home AMERICAN CITIZENS that were basically held hostage by other countries? What a twat you are you scumbag, ya know who cares about the 17 ppl he and his administration has brought home? THEIR FAMILIES, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, THE PRESIDENT, VP PENCE, AND AGAIN MOST IMPORTANTLY THEIR FAMILIES OR DO THEY NOT MATTER BECAUSE THE WALL ISN'T DONE YET YOU DINGBAT?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dad bought me a brownie shake #lovehim","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fat entitled cunt, bet she was spending her husbands money. Ha ha ha ha ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UK School Makes 6-Year-Old Students Write Gay Love Letters https:\/\/youtu.be\/Xa_G5oGaplY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ehh_DontTouchMe @kourtj3000 @bria_leeandrea thats ghetto..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a fag. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm relieved to see smart, independent minded #Indians in #America. #Trump2020 Is that a palette swap on Ivanka?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He got beaten as thoroughly as a fighter could be beaten in an MMA match -- out-struck, out-grappled, knocked down, pounded and submitted. And the delusional little primadonna has the nerve to feel entitled to a rematch. Ask yourself, if Nurmagomedov had lost and asked for a rematch, do you think Conor McGregor would do anything other than laugh? https:\/\/www.google.com\/amp\/s\/syndication.bleacherreport.com\/amp\/2799765-conor-mcgregor-called-dana-white-requesting-rematch-fight-with-khabib.amp.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FaZeDAVlS @SoaR_Wvyy @SoaR_Haze @FaZeOutcsT this is gobbledy gook to me because i dont have the game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Okay You're doing good don't fuck it up NOOOOOOOOOOOOO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/NYCAntifa\/status\/1050530837782032384 \"A FIVE YEAR OLD CANNOT MEANINGFULLY CONSENT TO ANYTHING, YOU GHOULS \" - NYCantifa Unless of course that 5 year old thinks its a tranny or a faggot then it gets full consent","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is this jew dyke talking about daughters","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@M_RagingBabe I'm not trying to be critical but Jr. literally looks like he just ate a pot brownie, got off a couch and put on his gloves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DRUGS> Is why #Giants are losing. Just ask #barrybonds and the HEDGE BET FUND> #WorldSeriesGame6 #faggots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Debbie did dallas and tommy did the uk army will he end up in a bin like raf man off fab swingers get a fake muzzie to say some comment better not upset the tammy 2 weeks that diva is back to the court","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kittty_jpg @SteeZeyFLOW @nosfiend215 at least im not black bitch your parents left you in the mcdonalds parking lot after you were born","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many crippl3s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"In facing Islamism, our elites have betrayed us\", says French top journalist in mindblowing interview https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/in-facing-islamism-our-elites-have-betrayed-us-says-french-top-journalist-in-mindblowing-interview\/#.W7y4gg3fPTk.twitter No, we can't feel sorry for the French nor anyone throughout the EU. Voters allowed this to happen to their respective countries. Americans, beware, this could be us if the demon-crats gain control. It was a scam, the Dems do that in America but we were lucky. Clinton could have won but then again neither are behind bars yet so we're not there. French elections could have been rigged, like Swedens. Go thing there is Poland and Hungary who don't allow this nonsense to exist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Considering most of these girls have extreme Daddy\/Mommy issues, I'd say the problem is the lack of decent parents that drive these girls to hoe around. I'm up voting you man, because you're right. Hating the pussy pass and hating women don't have to be the same fucking thing. Some of us just hate watching adult human beings try to cry, whine, plead, and manipulate themselves out of trouble by relying on their gender. The fucks that just hate women need therapy eghh .I give it a 2\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> I'm a clean white girl This is the worst attempt at a dogwhistle that I have ever seen, we all know what she really meant: \"the only people you should be arresting are poor, black, men.\" I'm glad that the officer didn't go easy on her, I hope the judge doesn't as well. This racist, sexist, entitled, cunt deserves a lengthy prison sentence for her dangerous and irresponsible behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn Charlie Wilson is still around?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"KILL A MOSLEM TODAY ! FOR THE GOOD OF THE PLANET ! https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7506132\/albanian-zoo-from-hell-filthy-cages\/ this has nothing to with religion retard these illegal private zoo you can see everywhere around the world EAT MY SHIT ISLAM LOVING FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Generate ASCII boxes with NodeJS\" all I see is the ability to bring flappy-bird in node via ASCII tubes and bird ^_^ http:\/\/t.co\/lRJWDFhv7T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama presided over a huge transfer of wealth to the 1% https:\/\/thefreethoughtproject.com\/barack-obama-successfully-rich-richer\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews hate Muslims because their retarded religion won't let them pay interest. Jews live on interest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hopefully someone called this cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hitler's phone sold for $243,000, anonymous bidder. And its $ I would have thought that it would have been a pink princess phone ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol. I was looking for a nigger joke.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Put down the fork, hit the gym, and stop being a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always him that is the dumb one. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@imjoshdean That's hoser eh to you. http:\/\/t.co\/QuLrtOWmLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"special place in hell for racist cunts like this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's outrage from people who know the characters. That's something that people seem to not factor in. Not everyone knows about Heimdall, I sure didn't before the Thor movies. Only knew Domino from the Deadpool *game*. And other than some forgetful roles in some games like iirc Marvel Alliance, I never heard of Nick Fury either. And it was only after the fact that I replayed them that I really took note of the fact it was Nick Fury. \"Oh...\" Hard to be more memorable than Samuel L. Jackson. I was mad at Prince of Persia casting. Since I love those games, and know the character. Still haven't bothered to watch the movie. Also hated Fan4stic for racebending Johnny. That fundamentally changed character dynamics of a brother and sister. It's just retarded. People defended with with Alba \"not being white\" except she's half white so it's not really that comparable. generally I'm against it even if I don't know the character, since there's almost always existing characters they could use instead. See Starfire in Titans, when they could've just used Bumblebee if they wanted to use a black woman to play an ORANGE alien [that they didn't paint orange]. And there's always the option to invent a new character. I believe the Asian police officer in the new Spider-Man game was invented recently in the comics. But these people aren't creative. So they just swap races with existing characters. They could create the next Harley Quinn if they were talented, but they're devoid of talent. Which is why their great ideas are to just change an existing character's race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AishaMoodMills: Fox News mocks victim of Ray Rice elevator assault: I think the message is, take the stairs http:\/\/t.co\/6TKLgUP2Wh ht ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger who DIDN'T rape a woman. Are you sure this isn't a fantasy movie? Oh wait... it was a nigger sow. Not even the bucks want to touch them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WWG1WGA @NeonRevolt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YOU R A DUMB CUNT ASK A QUESTION AND ANSWER IT DUMBASS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter makes Me ...FURIOUS . Look what they've done to Pastor Andrew Bronson! WHY Because he thanked Donald Trump for bringing him home??? Because he prayed for on National Television??? THIS IS OUT OF HAND !!!!!!!!! SMH............... #Faith #Amen #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #NRA Of course not. Allowing Pastor Bronson to thank the President publicly goes against every left leaning guideline they have. I'm curious if any \"news\" outlet aside from Fox covered the Pastor praying for him either. Christianity, whites and men must be persecuted in leftist land.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"right, man i was on the streets at 13 handing out fliers while you were pushing middle age. Ive been in this a hell of a lot longer than you, you trump penis floater, muh constitutional faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Preparing for Christmas. Making a wish. But since there is no Santa we must provide our own gift - meaning we MUST FIGHT FOR IT! So get off the keyboard and FIGHT! DEATH TO THE NIGGER - GYPSY - MUSLIMS-INDIAN hoards!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WORIDSTARHlPHOP: When your phone goes off in class and the teacher says \"turn that trash off\" but its a song from your mixtape https:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are thinking about it, but Catholicism isn't a democracy. So when the Vatican decides to abandon Catholicism in favor of Protestantism, there is not a whole lot we can do about it. But when a pagan says something thats retarded on the internet its really easy to let them know why they are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter Reportedly Won't Suspend Louis Farrakhan For Video Post Comparing Jews To Termites https:\/\/t.co\/tOy3Zgr93B","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Donald Trump Suggests Someone Is Paying Migrants in Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/18\/donald-trump-suggests-someone-is-paying-migrants-in-caravan\/ He also suggested he was being spied on, Sweden was out of control, the existence of a deep state, that mainstream media was fake news, that Elizabeth Warren wasn't a native American,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really didnt hear anything she said other than 'worth it, faggot' she probably said nigga? Nigger kind of is a no go for black people aswell, never heard it. Rewatch she definitely said nigger. I heard the er. During the beginning of the video It's at 1:00 she said \"don't touch my shit you stupid ass nigger ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do they put these retarded overweight women on the view all the time. Oh, right, their audience is retarded overweight women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MSoltan18 @KoredeB9 I don't suck tho, you're just mad because you're trash and I carried you. you always had 0 points","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to lick that cunt and asshole!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond \"Everyday I'm Jew Naming \" Only Solution = Final Soulution https:\/\/youtu.be\/TwHB-LeFB5A","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The mods here are fucking retarded. Edit: shit, forgot to switch accounts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When someone talks about vaccination, or 'anti-vaxxers', all I hear is... \"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.\" I'm not anti-vax, per se. However, if you keep me ignorant wrt the potential side effects of vaccines, you're not helping me ... at all. \"I'm a doctor! Trust me!\" simply isn't good enough. NB: the energy vortex in the Mesopotamian region was damaged. But Europe has hidden vortex power points and cheqy board and pentagram signs in strategic points - when used wisely will protect Europe from the negative spirit\/energy from the Middle East imho, I think aspects of catastrophism come into play, here. Velikovsky, Graham, Carlson, Thornhill, etc. e.g. An alternate view of pre-history Symbols of an Alien Sky https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=t7EAlTcZFwY At some level, I also think all of this ties into quantum physics. I will rely on the US Air Force to protect Europe from radical muzzie energy. The US military is having severe problems with OR rates and pilot retention. Sure, but that does not mean that there aren't enough to bomb Europe AND islam into oblivion, remember American methods are based on overkill. Have a nice life, 'ski'. Go hijack someone else's conversation. ;) Do you actually think what passes for your \"culture\" is going to save you? LOL!! This is hardly a hijack..when I want to hijack your thread you'll know it. Energy vortexes, no wonder the muzzies are eating your lunches..they are coming on planes train and automobiles and ships...So these vortexes, based on bloody eurotrash history, have they ever saved you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT \"@HuffingtonPost: Jane Seymour rocks a bikini at 62 http:\/\/t.co\/1pUccv8t97\" Crazy Aunt Jane is at it again @TheFaithAnne","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"California: Pro-Choice activist proudly breaks world record by getting her 27th abortion https:\/\/worldnewsdailyreport.com\/california-pro-choice-activist-proudly-breaks-world-record-by-getting-her-27th-abortion\/ Well, I'm certainly proud that our gene pool can move on without her contribution. Show people who this fool chick is. Makes the points easier to make . Why, it only makes a person wonder how much she gets paid for the body parts? they dont give the women any money- they charge between 50-300 bucks per abortion if thats what youre discussing Middleman markup? This is a fake news story. https:\/\/www.snopes.com\/fact-check\/pro-choice-27th-abortion\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Awwww... Dembo TayTay will now just have to write a song about how most of America broke up with her. She still has rapey female teachers as fans though, they'll always be able to relate to her teenage crap.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How wonderful, they get to fully experience the \"loveliness\" that is diversity. Just hope they don't have such a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome that they blame themselves, instead of seeing the gimmegrants for what they really are (a bunch of inbred, freeloading retarded fucks.).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 billion Christians in Europe? LOL LOL You silly ignoramus, there are 2,1 billion christians worldwide , and majority of them are non Whites. But hey mestizos from Mexico and niggers from Africa are your brethren, we know. Your jew god told you so. Your right cause it's going to be fucking MOCK MOOD muslim cause the weak ass Christian's are giving it up Tell that to the ions of christians in the wars who died for your freedom you silly distrespecful cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"25th October 1971 the IRA murdered Robert Lindsay, He died for the jews. Wear the poppy so you remember that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@theobear777 Hey DC, stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/D9kYcir1zjI death threat aimed at james goddard and danny tommo Suck my balls.' That is why he is angry, wants to be openly gay, Islam says no. This idiot did more hate crimes in this one speach than have landed none moslems in jail. I made sure I let them know on YouTube. Not that it will make a difference.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the white race will gradually fade away and will be replaced by a race of mullatoes... just look at how many white women go with niggers! the white woman is the death of the white race! too many white women have NOTHING in their brains.. they have no culture,sense of racial identity and loyalty.. their empty heads have been filled with pc liberal..nigger shit..basically white people have lost any white culture they once had in the past..now they are nigger worshippers..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals word ,triggered . So now I know I'm dealing with a retarded fuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Politics is literally about social control of public spaces. Yet our movement's so incredibly stupid, on a level that's hard to fathom, that there was an argument over whether or not we should contest public spaces at all and we all agreed not to. Dildo McInnes deserves to win, and I'm happy for him and his project.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is when Karma comes back to bite u in ur ass, scumbag beatch I do not think she ever claimed she is A A..except niggers from Jamaica originally hailed from Africa. She Black..but I wonder how based her indian origin momma has to be to bear a child with a nigger and not abort. Sorry..was that rayyyycisss? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KxRxSxB: Sometimes I turn my phone on loud to tweet just to hear the bird chirp. #TrueStory #TeamiPhone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] How else would you describe socialists, though?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course human rights should not apply to gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> I can understand a hardship payment if she stayed at home to take care of their daughter, thus preventing her from reentering the workforce. She had 10 fucking million on top of 174k per year. Plenty of people raise children on much less than that, it doesn't matter if she had a kid, she was an entitled cunt regardless, don't make excuses for this bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sure am Faggot and the weirdos in Rome affect you HOW?????? I would loot and disband that hellhole in 5 seconds, it's been corrupt for a while there, Walter Cronkite. #Newsflash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jimmy the Douchechurch is a burnt-out California cunt pseudo rocker. You just know that, if he had a hobby, he would produce child porn flix. Churchflix 4 Vatican, for example. Now I gave him an idea or three.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"YOU ARE SAYING ONLY 1 IN 1000 WOMEN ARE RAPED?!?\" \"1 in Why yous be typin in all de caps","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are a pyjama wearing beardie and complain loud enough about Tommy then you will get your own way. I don't see how that is the case considering it was a chance encounter and the soldiers wanted the selfies but of course you're probably a common Purpose cunt aren't you everything Islam touches turns to shit including my country we've had enough of assclowns like you and the goat fucker camel piss drinking wankers you protect \"If you disagree with jewish supremacist controlled opposition, you are a Muslim\" Nice try Hasbara Been hearing this trope for 3 years now, perhaps time to grow up? and accept the part where non Muslims do not have to automatically worship jews Oh well I don't like Nazis and I don't like terrorists supporting shit like you I don't like how Israel was formed but I do it respect its right to exist and point of fact Palestine is old Judea and you lot forced out all the Christians from Palestine didn't you I know so because my neighbour is Palestinian and a Christian and as far as I'm concerned you lot can all die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's a group I made, it's called Rape Feminists. I advise people NOT to rape feminists, since most of them are hideous ghouls and soulless golems. Also, if you rape and go to jail, you'll be raped by a huge nigger and your anus will suffer permanent damage. https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/7acd6a38-ce49-4878-aa56-7f73fc56f55a","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And she a Muslim cunt that needs to be investigated for sedition.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A-Rod said the number #13 he wears on his uniform is for opposing teams to fear him but the fact is A-Rod is a damn cancer to the #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> This kinda pushes the boundaries of \"pussypassdenied\" IMHO and contributes to the notion that this sub is just people who like watching women get fucked up I agree with your sentiment. ~~It's definitely not PPD.~~ Edit: It probably is PPD for reasoning below, perhaps. You don't see the start of the altercation, she could easily be (genuinely) mentally ill, and she doesn't get a pass, or even attempt one? It's more 'hur dur lookit that woman getin was she got com'n' to me. You see alot on this sub and others about women who obviously try to pull some version of the i'm female\/young\/pretty\/the fairer sex and thus more believable. Initially, i didn't think this woman was trying to *pull* anything. It might be mental illness or temporary insanity or whatever, but the moment she get's tazed she starts to comply. So i'm wondering now if she was acting up knowing she'd get a soft slap siting something (mentally illness etc) being off that day. I wonder, are situations like this PPD if society has given you the impression (and reinforcement) that behaving like a jackass is ok as long as you play your 'female card'\/cry after doing it, thus getting a light reprimanding? Damn you two are retarded af.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mmmmmm nigger baby","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals are NAZIs??? I don't remember National Socialists as being supportive of Faggot marriage, Negro worship, Multiculturalism, Religious plurality, open borders, or a fraudulent money system. NO. Liberals are stupid White Goyim brainwashed by Jew Bolshevik Commies. Try again Kike! It speaks encyclopedic volumes to whom you are talking to. Fuck off Leftist Bolshevik Cultural-Marxist Globalist faggot. Commies hate Western culture and religion, and they hate NAZIs and Fascists. irl, NAZIs and Fascists hated commies, and promoted Western culture, traditions, spirituality, and religion. We killed Japs, Fascists and NAZIs who were killing commies - then, we gave over half of white, christian, Europe to the Commies in the old USSR. We called it 'victory'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been targeted for calling out their fairy gay faggot shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm telling ya, get video working, add \"tips\", ignore those \"block\" faggot demands, and you'll explode this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@moneydriven @2ManyLouboutins glad about your uncle, another stupid faggot off the world, hopefully you next.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL your use of capital letters is inspiring, sadly your poor use of the English Language is not. Would expect nothing more from a low intelligence #biffer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jordan Peele is married to a white woman. Maybe do some research, you fucking racist retards. Yeah, he's a nigger making anti white propaganda l. What else is new?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy looks exactly like a stereotypical tumblr trans boy. If by that you mean he looks like Cool Mint Colgate personified, then yes. Yes he does.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are disabled people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lordemusic: i am so pleased and proud to have been announced the sole curator of the soundtrack for MOCKINGJAY - PART 1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sopwith you think spamming my email is trolling??? Stupid faggot with 4 swipes to the right everything was gone. Again you are a failure if you thing that's trolling. Really ;) I pwn you faggot bitch ;) Maybe you need to check your notifications, faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not all of us have gone insane. Have to raise hat to the ones of you who haven't gone nuts, though. I can imagine that an automatic first class ticket based on identity could make the crazy train very attractive to many. Im assuming we are a bit older. It's mostly the 16-25 range that lost their shit. I really hate that aspect with regards to my profession. Its made it so I never know if someone actually knows what they're doing or if they're just a diversity hire. What I'm attracted to should have no impact on a career that has nothing to do with fucking. >LGBTQ people are angry There are people who support a sandwich that much? Lettuce Bacon Tomato What are the G and Q? Green Peppers and Queso? Lechuga, Grill Bacon, Tomate, Queso","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMFG! YES! Brace for no deal #Brexit! Deadlock deepens as Thereson May pulls plug on talks after #EU says 'backstop' plan MUST hive off Northern Ireland from rest of #UK - with #DUP warning crashing out is now 'probably inevitable' https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CfS1JO #WTObrexit is fucking on!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her and her Faggot daughter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can be a real bastard sometimes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I almost posted this upside down because it's moments reading this kind of idiocy I think inversion is what has happened in this world. What's wrong is right. What's down is up. This is so messed up. Ny should be nuked from orbit. http:\/\/www.learnliberty.org\/blog\/the-declaration-of-independence-says-we-have-the-right-to-overthrow-the-government\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eric Holder: I'm obviously not advocating violence' https:\/\/washex.am\/2CCvOqD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_BDOE bro u trash at that zombies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I use to do door to door fundraising for red cross Canada. By the 4th month I was having a nervous breakdown and almost snapped on this old man who decided to give me along winded speech about how it's inconvenient to him that I knocked at his door. Later I stole the head of his nigger statue","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did that one nigger married to the mud shark finally leave Gab? Nigger Raheem Davis murderer. I hope they execute this nigger today. I hope they storm the jail to get it done. Half mast Candlelight vigil hero stolen truck the county Mourns heavy hearts the sickening cowards.call for lynching drag the goddamn Nigger through the streets. I'm sick of these dick taking politicians and judges and lawyers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An attention-seeking faggot An attention-seeking faggot An attention-seeking faggot An attention-seeking faggot. OK, makes sense to me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"because we don't care about any saudi sand nigger cock sucker writer for the washington compost. America first","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CP24: Reports say female victim was shot while waiting for an Oreo McFlurry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll agree on Rick, the couple people I know who say he's one of their favorite characters are insufferable twats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of women will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have a paki problem, we have a spic problem but we all have a kike problem. Did you see the clip of the Honduran invaders loading up in trucks marked with the Star of David? \"Cohencidence ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That may well be one of the most deluded concepts I've ever encountered. Witches and pagans are the hipsters of modern religion. Prayer and God are too mainstream. Not necessarily. Have you ever considered solipsism? The view where your perceptions are basically the only thing that exists, without any deeper reality to speak of (this includes other people, who essentially exist only to the point they interact with you). It's actually impossible to refute this point of view, people just dismiss it because it sounds crazy. It sounds crazy because it is crazy, but bear with me: imagine that for real there were nothing else in the world besides you* and your thoughts\/perceptions. Do you still think spellcasting wouldn't work? If all reality is taking place literally in your own head, wouldn't you thoughts (and words and so on) have immense power? Like when you are dreaming, and it feels like it's you in the dream, but actually everything in the dream is you. *strictly speaking you don't even need to exist, as you never directly observe yourself (you are not a single thought or perception).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol you're a cunt liar and I hope you drop dead k :-)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look, another dumb cunt trying to play the sexual assault card. Did these cunts ever read the boy who cried wolf? Or do they think they're immune because it wasn't the girl who cried wolf.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyway people can do whatever the fuck they want, O Cunty Gatekeeper.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. This sub is slowly turning into r\/incels\/, jesus some of these comments. It's a fair question to ask. My partner asked it of me, but I didn't really like the idea of it, so I said no. That's it. Human beings are by nature, attracted to MANY different people, not just one. Being in a relationship doesn't change that. The boyfriend in this post reacted completely irrationally and I can't help but think he was looking for an excuse to break up with her if he left her that easily. Didn't you get the memo? Only virgins that hate women defend monogamy.... \/s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#VOTE RED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Murdering a gay person like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @pellucidstyles: they might be called 5 seconds of summer but their songs are 3 minutes of trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@xiibyte just watched your video good stuff thought I'd let you in on the new boss boon says old character but will be surprise. It's Argus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When someone watches the movie \"Junior\" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, but they are too retarded to distinguish fact from fiction. Because of their retardations, they start believing it's not a movie but a documentary based on real life events.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">people who spend their lives trying to entertain you Have all gaming journalists become fucking retarded? Blizzard isn't a charity and their devs aren't social workers who do it because they want to entertain everyone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTF this teacher should be expelled. That's no way to treat a disabled kid, specially an autistic one!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I shoot at an enemy 99% of the time teammate apologizes and we both understood it was an unfortunate accident. No hard feelings, we're cool. Banned for friendly fire. So goddamn annoying, this is why auto-bans are generally a bad idea and bans should be done manually instead of being left to an incompetent AI. You can be banned for friendly fire if you kill a teammate being interrogated, and it was the only way to stop the interrogation. That's retarded. This sounds like a valid tactic IRL. Why even enable friendly fire if you ban people for doing it? >Yo it's night over here *banned for offensive slur: nig* Someone in chat baited me into saying \"paki\". I got banned. I'm fucking Pakistani and that word has never been \"offensive\" to anyone. I've used it for 14 years myself. I had 1k hours in that game but it's staying uninstalled Too bad, should not have been born in Pakistan then. -Ubi Censoring a Tom Clancy production to appease communists. If only he were still alive. If you make a negative review, Steam will just auto-filter it out because of their controversy-detecting system which says \"there was a massive amount of negative reviews within a relatively short period of time, there must be come controversy going on, ignore.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @kitt: @shinypb not only you. and that pom stuff? totally porn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Millionaire rockstar Bono says-European Union and Africa must join forces with Africa to sideline Donald Trump's United States and \"take over the world https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/world\/1029552\/EU-news-Bono-U2-European-Parliament-Donald-Trump-United-States-latest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, it's clearly labelled on the channel it's the colbert report, but the left especially towards elections are a bunch of unfunny cunts no matter how they try.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They turned on her? I'm slightly surprised. She is such a virtue signaling cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watch: Christian dog owner punched in the face by Iranian Muslim man https:\/\/www.freespeechtime.com\/2018\/05\/watch-christian-dog-owner-received.html I would take a mangy, flea bitten dog , over a Muslim any day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I read that whole thing and I still don't know what gender violence is. That's not violent though. That's not what the Milo protestors at UC Berkeley thought. Stop lying dude. That's not cool at all. The Milo protesters can't think. Hmm, maybe some of them think they can think? Shit, I'm still fucking it up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHETHER FIENDSTEIN'S LEAK WILL BE INVESTIGATED DEPENDS...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Far left'. Yeah...sure. She's a socialist. If socialism isn't far left, what the fuck is? I'm guessing you're American.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=EdhoX1Xu6ZI the bottle","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys the alt right is so mad about Milennial Woes getting banned from Twitter! Even if you hate him hashtag blablabla free speech! (Except if it's Sinead or Kyle getting banned then don't). :\/ PS Woes is a faggot who likes beastiality. :S Mw is a fag. Prob has banged little boys. Gurantee hes thought about it. Fuck all faggots. All homos are pedos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're trying to start a movement that takes white men into space and reaching for the stars. Your Russian wife reminds you that the USA doesn't even ferry its' own supplies up to the space station any more, but Russia and China have to do it. Richard Spencer Divorce Fanfic is real. American women are absolute gutter trash though. It's only slightly better here in Australia. Between 20 and 40 I don't think I had a mate whose girlfriend didn't try and cheat on him with me tbh. You win. lol So we can look forward to this in 5 years probably... It might take 10 years, if that's any consolation. I might be dead by then, so, cool. I doubt I'll be, unless I just do it myself. It's looking more and more appealing tbh lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking monkeys kill them all","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WilliamFBrasky @TheRandomBoner i feel the warm fuzzies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That Muslim will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Catholic church - mass murderers, thieves and child molesters Vatican is a cradle of every filth imaginable, ruled by long line of Popes each known for his degeneracies and perversions Current Pope is blaspheming commie and enemy of White race who licks nigger feet Don't you worry about Serbian genes, worry about your women opening legs to arabs and niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why does that african american monkey hold gun like that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RFIDbollocks Hey silly cunt, ask \"Nuddering on twitter where he got the \"idea that Owen Jones was that editor on Wikipaedia... go on ask him! I fucking dare you... come back to me when you realise it was me! ME! Yep, it was me. Go and ask! You are scared of the truth! Totally fucking shot scared. Page has been a twat for as long as I can remember and I like to puncture his silly party balloon! He has no idea how he was so easily duped by that prick O'Brien.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow....now you are offering your services again! And if you're Any kind of gay at all, Lord dipshit is offering to toss your salad. Absolute classic! i luv how you is going after racist white devils on gab they is after my black ass 24 7 cause i speak truth 2 power on this mf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KxRxSxB: We all know that one person that could say anything and you just look at them thinking \"you're retarded, stfu\" #stupidBitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AP: Lifelong Yankee fan puts aside rooting interest and returns lost Red Sox World Series ring to rightful owner: http:\/\/t.co\/GDLcpWDNoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course human rights should not apply to trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One of the rapists is on the run. Over and over the courts fail to take the passports off Muslim rapists. They abscond to Islamic states - states which refuse to return the rapists to Britain to face jail. https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7536235\/huddersfield-grooming-gang-sex-beasts-jailed-for-221-years-for-raping-assaulting-and-trafficking-girls-as-young-as-11\/ The rest of his life in Pakistan? Not so sure that's a preferable option to being treated like a hero as part of a Moslem gang in some British jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Roger is a bit of a fashion fop. Note the faggot shirt collar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Drizz_LakerKing: Horrible RT @YeIIowbang: Invader Zim was trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah, BSM is a bunch of assholes. They deserve their ridicule. Being an asshole is sometimes necessary to change people's opinions on something as horrible as cutting baby genitals. Lots of people are complete cuntbags to those who do FGM (and rightfully so)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those disabled people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But of course, Hillary's been spouting it for 2yrs now . The stupid cunt will never have one original.idea. that is her manifest destiny!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats are smart in some ways but ham-fisted and stupid in others. I think this perp will be found quick and be a leftist. Probably some middle-aged retard who watches Don Lemon all day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of gay people ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That trans person will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CBSThisMorning @charlierose racist @NorahODonnell tx trash racist why wld u intvw @MittRomney n ask racist questions itwas so disrespectful","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she's so ugly she has to sneak up on mirrors but let's try to focus on a positive solution instead of being negative and mean without offering anything up. Lets see...boy she sure is fugly if I didn't know better id ask if she was a special ed retard or something i mean yikes. Ok i got something! Maybe she could take those pretty blonde bangs and grow them a little longer and bring them down a little past her chin! That would help!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RudyJay711 Asains had to take the Wu Tang Clan; the draft was suppose to be for half breed like me and @MikeTaylorShow #FallingInTheDraft","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at the McDonalds logo! Its like 30-40% of the image cropped. LOL This is the pinnacle of fake news type propaganda. Yet, the liberals keep eating it up. yeah you are just too brainwashed. If everyone was like Acosta and held onto the mic and didn't give it up what would happen? Gosh you are stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FrancoisKilljoy Marshall Law! Whatever you coon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YourDudeFerg gay fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis are retarded, I don't hate I just pity. No I hate and pity. \"Using Gab as a form of therapy\" I think YOU need therapy, because you're acting like such a schizophrenic retard that you can't provide a proper debate, and just resort to insults.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a retard #justsaying He's not a retard. Blacks vote Democrat, and Democrat policies attract blacks... So what you say and what he says are both correct.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" And all 5 Cities are Full of Nigger Gangs, which is the Root Bottom of said Violence... And all the liberal white kids want to be just like them. The media promotes the denigration of society in the name of niggerism Yes, Sad but True, the Wigger (White Nigger Loser) is an Unfortunate Result of the Jew Degeneration Manipulation Process, AKA NWO (New World Odor)... This is not a new thing, I've seen them in the 90s. https:\/\/knowyourmeme.com\/memes\/the-icy-hot-stuntaz These are a little later. I Remember when Wiggers 1st Appeared in the late 80's\/early 90's, it was Right after Public Enemy 'Bring the Nigger Noise' and ice T's 'Cop Killer' Single. There might have been even earlier Examples, as i am No Expert in Wigger History.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of Muslims will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sayoc Family lawyer doubts Cesar has the mental capacity to make functional bombs, suggests someone may be using him. https:\/\/www.floridatoday.com\/story\/news\/2018\/10\/26\/family-lawyer-mail-bomb-suspect-cesar-sayoc-sick-individual\/1779906002\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of them? I do recall him criticizing their approach but not their goals. Vox Day is a racist piece of shit. And this \"American Indian\" shield is bullshit. He's white, and extremely proud of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"useless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because if nobody was judging the birds, this account wouldn't even cause a ripple in d ocean","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blacks are literally the cuckold of all the races and also the epitome of degeneracy. Don't listen and believe the Jewish propaganda of black being alpha. Consider yourselves as top of the social hierarchy by just being white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd totally go on that show 'my lottery dream home' when I win the","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of sick cunt purposefully gets pregnant so she can have an abortion? There is no other explanation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in a gy person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"whites less than 5% of South Africa ruled that country for over 150 years..whites are much more intelligent and if they have the will could make the nigger heel and obey..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about we cut these disabled people's throats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BiertempfelTrib: One more from @JimBowdenESPNxm: \"Yankees wouldn't be letting Polanco sit in minor leagues, because they're all about w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@grandpalampshade @Bombislamdotcom I'm confused. Can you please explain why always at Trump rallies, the people go wild clapping, whistling and calling out over mentions of Israel? What, are Americans taught in school to think they are big allies or something?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"House Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wrong. Feminism has nothing to do about women, its about men. It's elite rogue propaganda to keep 99% of men down. Women are useful retards perfect for the purpose to stage a state of civil war in society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">must of Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatrd for you gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You forgot option 3: telling them to shut up, sit down, and get back to the lesson at hand. No one is reading TKAM and saying \"and so you see, clearly the nigger is subhuman trash, fit only to fertilize our fields like the excrement that they are\". They're saying \"Wow, holy shit, that girl is insane and those people are racist as fuck, holy crap. Thank goodness Atticus has at least a modicum of decency and does his fucking job\". It's literally anti-racist, pro equality. Fuck, I hear more people yelling nigger on the radio when some \"greatest hit\" from some shitty rapper comes on in a few sentences then you hear in this entire novel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woman here. Fuck bitches like this, especially this one. Who tries to up support by 18k?! A month?! My ex pays me one dollar a month. You read that right. One dollar. He only pays that because I have sole physical custody, and that dollar gives me the right to claim my son on my tax return. He never has or will. That's because he realizes raising his son takes time and effort, as well as money. He supplies everything he needs- haircuts, school clothes, lunch money- and when he was younger, we even went in on Santa gifts together, regardless of whose house he spent Christmas morning at. He does all of his pickup and drop off on his weekends without (much) complaint. It's about my son, and the fact he's raised right. Not about money. 2800 a month is a big paycheck already. This bitch is crazy. DENIED.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AdamSchein: Great job by the Yankees giving Brian Cashman a new contract. The haters are just wrong. CC: @ChrisCarlinSNY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says she had been to 10 Fraternity \"RAPE PARTIES\"....and..... WAIT A SECOND....WHAT STUPID CUNT GOES TO 10 FUCKING \"RAPE PARTIES?\".... NO WONDER THE DEMS ARE RUNNING AWAY FROM THIS CUNT!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a coon. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tracieeeeee wha? me? i'm just waiting for showtime to bring back queer as folk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not your bud asshole Shit in your hand. Bud. Oi, you're making us real assholes look bad, ya cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggots are soft what if he was just tapping them on the shoulder and there faces inadvertently got in the way. @BasedJew14 @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - \"Hate crime\" is the new spice on the faggot menu. The actual Truth is that their very existence is a hate crime,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and we can also spit out the willfully ignorant like yourself. why do you think Christianity is a monolith? you are willfully strawmanning what christianity is. despite being daily beaten the fuck out by christians you just come back to your same strawman argument. Cos your bible says so? that's no an answer. just a diversionary statement. the bible has four versions of the life of jesus. the whole thing is written in parable and metaphors. it's not a monolith except in terms of the kettle logic of your fallacious arguments.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We're moving to the suburbs I like to hang out with the right kind of people... knowwhutimean? They're just too different Wifi SSID = \"Nate Higgers\" Ethnostate only Genocide isn't always bad We are hyperboreans World purge Brett Stevens level how about \"Die nigger die\" level...LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New too Jeong to be a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In otherwords you're a faggot who is into beastiality. Absolutely degenerate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Upvote for proper use of the term. I hate using it but this one deserves it It's one of those words that hasn't been redefined by the left. Everyone knows what it means.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And this is why 40% of Millennial men still live with their parents, Parents you have failed, and your trying to unleash these retarded manchildren on the world, it won't work either.... https:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/40-of-millennial-men-identify-as-socialist\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without trans people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even the birds think this waking up early thing is bunk. http:\/\/t.co\/bqWlz5MBso","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What has happened to Gab in wake of this politically convenient synagogue shooting is an utter disgrace! Facebook broadcasts murders and suicides, Twitter allows terrorist propaganda and death threats and (for some reason) 4chan never gets touched when it inspires school and mass shootings; what's wrong with this picture? @a #Ghost https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/28\/us\/gab-robert-bowers-pittsburgh-synagogue-shootings.html It's because Gab is specifically by Nazis and for Nazis. The other sites aren't. Look in the mirror. \"Politically convenient\". 11 people were murdered.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Share if you think Feminism is a mental illness. People want to ask God the meaning of life, I'd just like to ask God, what really went wrong with these emotional cripples?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Theresa May is a total cunt out for what she can get. She dooesn't give a fuck about Brits","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Photo: Giving you that trailer park trash. #transformthursday #ladykimora #vegasqueens #vegasshowgirls http:\/\/t.co\/LjejFufULK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A lot of the \"born again Christian women are turning into nigger fuckers these days. Christian families in general are always adopting niggers from Africa and junk like that too. It's terrible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seems misleading just by the pic - that's the Beetlejuice nigger from the Howard Stern show and he's been dead for years. Fake news","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LILLY SINGH IS A QUEEN! Yay but when will be the next episode","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will young women learn?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Little faggot \"Chad is going right for the Kavanaugh impeachment phase #Qanon #Kavanaugh #Politics https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6225505\/Yale-friend-says-Kavanaugh-heavy-drinker.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nevada has their shit together, a crime of this nature towards a child should have zero sympathy You know what probably scarred this kid even more? The attention, court cases, police interviews, being told he is now damaged and will need therapy ... Pedo enabler He's mad that at 45 he still hasn't touched a breast. He even posted about spamming Pedo enabler: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/billionshekelsupreme\/comments\/8a5k1s\/when_you_get_70_downboats_for_calling_someone_a\/?st=JFNAZ0RSandsh=d9ef812a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now actual ass for faggot males is as expensive as a piece of ass for straight males :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll tortuer these black people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical Jihadi behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MsKeeKee90s: @t_ndyy haha Oreo lol. Well I gota do dee's video for his dance soon, I can show you how to use equipment and that x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a massive trend in 'those peoples' complaints, for lack of a better term. They suck at story telling. No gay character? Make a caricature with no depth. Heaven forbid their faggotry causes the slightest conflict that isn't 'world hates gays'. Ignore the fact that sexuality surfaces explicitly in very, very few characters. Have a woman? She better be a Mary Sue. Heaven forbid she has a healthy relationship with men or has a traditionally attractive appearance. Ignore the fact that no one actually wants to watch a movie about ugly women being angry. Have a villian? Angry, white ex-military homophobe with a hard-on for disrespecting women. Heaven forbid the stop shouting about the benefits of islamaphobia. Ignore the fact that the purpose of villians is exactly as written above. Make a nuanced statement about anything? No one has time for that. Heaven forbid you help develop what they believe into a cohesive system. Ignore the fact that the entire point of literally any decent story is to act as a simulation through which ideas, characters and behaviors can be explored in order to better understand their nuances.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He look nothing like his evil cunt dad look like Muslim in breed Popeye were your mum was mum a test tube","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a nigger faggot kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heard that bitch gtta thang for them boss niggas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">and convicting her could dissuade victims of sexual assault from coming forward in the future. if i was the judge i would be doubling the sentence based on that statement alone, how fucking dare she try and use future victims of sexual assault as some kind of shield to avoid justice for her crimes. absolute cunt i hope she gets shived in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Y'all sleep on Shy Glizzy Young Jefe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gee whiz bud, racism much This is why people get auto banned from other subs for positing in TiA. Mods allow people like you to post this shit here and the sub gets a bad rep for it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't vote for the GOP https:\/\/youtu.be\/H3ymIOf9q2M Are you just stupid?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"YAH\" has said in his word that the Mtzra'ym(egyptians) are his people and Ysrah'al is his inheritance and the Kushite(ethiopians).....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Socialist candidate in Florida gillum employed staffer that promoted trump's execution. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/09\/30\/andrew-gillums-staffer-fired-trumps-execution\/ That's sad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dat_trulyGUY: before I betray them I slit my wrist http:\/\/t.co\/8HNW9QeWSM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"old fellas water froze in that funeral home. he got it unthawed and wants me to help get his pump going again, that place spooks me man..boo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a stupid niggerlover, who also doesn't understand mechanics. Are you a FTM tranny as well as a fucking retard? Do you also consider a string to be a machinegun, in the same sense as a bumpstock is, you niggerloving faggot? So you agree that a string configured in the right manner is a machinegun, as the ATF has previously stated, you niggerloving subhuman faggot? You're saying that a string is a machinegun, retard? You niggerloving faggot pretend conservatives are going to have a bad time of it when we take this nation back, if you survive it. https:\/\/www.everydaynodaysoff.com\/2010\/01\/25\/shoestring-machine-gun\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember laying on a hospital bed after being shot ranting about how coconut shrimp was trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Joachim banning striker from the show is a retarded decision. They used to get into it a lot and I could tell Joachim would get pissed but that's what would make the show so entertaining. There's no point in watching anymore. He's probably going to notice a significant decrease in donations as a result","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Statements like \"disabled people are scum\" are deeply hurtful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has anyone else noticed how retarded the spelling apps get, regarding memory of frequently used words and phrases like \"pedophile\", \"pedovore\", \"Hillary\", \"Massive Global Pedophilia Rings\", etc ? That's just more evidence of creepy, NWO programming and attempted MK-Ultra MIND CONTROL, to bury the TRUTH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"raised by White people given everything hates white people = Nigger = Primate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, if QAnon believes it must be true, you can disreguard it, that faggot hasn't gotten anything right yet. QFag has been wrong since day 1, lol, his believers are liberals and should be treated as such.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In before \"It's Soros who's totally not a Jew but is actually an evil Nazi DDD\" I usually never question the authenticity of videos on the internet but would the jews srsly put their jew star on the spic trucks? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll bet u have to be a Friend of the Mayor, a Chinaman to get that $71K!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" You're the kind of disturbed psycho that the FBI wants to track. I won't mute a stanky turd like you. Single digit IQ folks like you are fun to play with And now you have switch from gay hitlarian speak to yoda.....LOL. Further proving the single digit IQ theory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#mobocracy #brownshirts #antifa Ahh Thomas is such a breath of fresh air! I would temper his thought in saying that the us is a constitutional republic not a democracy. True that. Perhaps he meant they are a 'partial-democracy', rather than a direct democracy like Canada?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@zt0mm lucky monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is going to get canceled soon. ABC had a hit on their hands, but their nigger president fired Roseanne over a joke tweet. Shows how butthurt Disney and ABC are. In the old days, you got fined first, then fired if you repeat the offense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, would you look at that. nutzy faggot butt buddies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"!!! RT @mayasolovely: As a woman you shouldn't complain about cleaning up your house. and as a man you should always take the trash out...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How to scare a Democrat... https:\/\/redd.it\/9rmnky You can always tell a republican they're the good looking ones","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dem Senator Hirono: Kav Throwing Ice Is Proof We Need An FBI Investigation' https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/02\/senator-masie-hirono-kavanaugh-ice-fbi-investigation\/ #FBI #Coupdetat #FixIsIn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that man either deserves father of the year or a restraining order...... This was originally about a guy being in the friendzone or something. Oh so he's probably raping someone and blaming women for it? Cuz only men rape right? Take your fantasies to the dark web Nah that's the \"chan\" sites. I think this is for shit you wanna say but dont wanna get judged for. Anyway I like your attitude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quite appropriate name for my city. Our murder rate is higher than that of New York's, yet we have a fraction of the population. All murders perpetrated by our Nigger population.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Former Vice President Joe Biden says he's concerned that President Trump \"seems to have a love affair with autocrats.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More of our Nation's retarded Jew driven foreign policy. I really hate that Zionist Hoebag, Nikki Haley. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/439823-nikki-haley-venezuela-maduro\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Loxodonta_s: #News #Democrats and #AntiSemitism #Jewish group condemns VP Joe Biden s offensive reference to \"Shylocks\" http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"F u c k all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm definitely watching that mook\/ lux battle today damn it!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You seem upset. You should come find me. I could help you calm down... You are such a coward. What do you mean come find you? Why not man up and come out to play. Any time. 5 East 22nd Street, NYC. Let's go.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut TFU. I'm speaking for the DNC. If you don't like it run away and vote red! Scum like you have bno business in the DNC!!! OMG! Please leave!!!! Vote red fucker!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ProBirdRights: A marry between a man and woman people sloppery slop;then what is prevent a bird from marriage my sandwich??? I'm in lo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who does he blame for being a faggot pedophile like his father","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How long until the progressive, tolerant left turn on guillermo del toro and call him racist and sexist like they did JK Rowling? Honestly, I don't get why everyone even bothers trying to placate SJWs. They will inevitably turn on you because you aren't black, or aren't genderfluid, or aren't mentally disabled, or your skin isn't dark enough... eventually someone more oppressed will come along and then you'll get labelled a shitlord and they'll turn against you. The biggest thing for me is that SJWs don't really seem to consume media either. They talk about it, but they don't seem to actually pay for it, which makes courting them pointless. Who cares what those twats think about Marvel or Overwatch if they aren't bringing any money to the franchise? Why not focus on making a better product. NOTHING IS EVER GOOD ENOUGH.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha, you must be pozzed to be triggered like this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like I said, racist. After all, you chose the one female that would increase your status amongst your peers, a White blonde. That is racism in the extreme. You don't see me going after Nigger bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol dumb nigger bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so muchdisdain for these gay people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the first time a woman is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My nephew albino albinos have astigmatisms eye spasms partial blindness its not their faults","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has anyone cried in front of their parents and feel totally ashamed and invaded afterwards ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This idiot deserves all he gets! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293727\/Backpacker-Liverpool-faces-TEN-YEARS-Thai-prison-spraying-Scouse-Lee-fortress.html Being drunk is no excuse! I have been blind drunk in Thailand, more times than I can remember, but I didn't go around desecrating ancient monuments!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The woman on the right, the pink pussy hat her idea. She's a Jew. Now I think perhaps they secretly represent horns. Cunt hats. How else to say , I don't have to make sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In an ironic twist, dumb fucking hillbilly white people like yourself have become the country's lowest common denominator. The most amusing part is you're too stupid to even hide it anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@eGoTheIcoN those \"trash\" SnD stars would scrape ur team in SnD and most pro teams.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's a list of a few famous American Conservatives who don't know that the Republicans and the Democrats were reversed in 1860, and that Abraham Lincoln and the Union were Liberals and that Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy were Conservatives: President Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Nikki Haley, Glenn Beck, Dinesh D'Souza. There are many others! The truth is that the Confederates were Conservatives fighting for the Constitution, the Yankees were Liberals fighting against it. Get the facts at SEA RAVEN PRESS: Conservative Books, Real History! www.SeaRavenPress.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheMattEspinosa: She literally just put the whole trash bag on lmfao http:\/\/t.co\/YiERskYrfc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dimwitted twat Alyssa Milano is happy as long as the Left is winning the \"cultural battle\" She's surrounded by priveleged Hollywood assholes who all think like her so she thinks she's winning something. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/07\/alyssa-milano-we-lost-on-kavanaugh-but-we-are-winning-the-cultural-battle\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 Farm murders in two attacks only hours apart were reported by Ian Cameron on Twitter. This comes shortly after Cyril Ramaphosa denied these killings at the U.N. http:\/\/whitemurder.org\/2018\/10\/two-murders-in-two-attacks-within-hours\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@OrwellGoode All we want is truth, justice, and 2 million in cash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're publicity bitches, they'd have done if the faggot obongo was still in the WH, or if HRC had won","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The homeschooling idea is good, just don't send them to school, if a social wanker comes to the door beat the cunt unconscious then lock the door, leave by the back door and go to grandma's for a month.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Football fans are human garbage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That fat miserable cunt tried to pretend she was blind to escape prosecution. Wouldn't it be worse if she was knowingly blind and got behind a wheel..?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sadiq Khan is a paki twat British women can defeat Islam by having kids. As long as they refuse to be mothers. The Mussies will simply out birth English","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab was no-platformed how? Did you see Torba's last post?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"McSally on how border security impacts Arizona Senate race https:\/\/video.foxnews.com\/v\/5853085989001\/?#sp=show-clips I wasn't sure about Martha McSally at first but having listened to her she will be a very good congresswoman She must beat Sinema","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the more I read those muzzie bad posts the more I realize that people have no point,no intentions,no plan,no nothing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women were never \"different\". Don't know why there is this missconception. Society tended to keep them in check better. But there were an awful lot of \"bad\" marriages and dead bedrooms in the 60s too. Divorce rape was just not a thing back then as well as the welfare system did cater less to women than today. its because women spend 80% of the worlds money. If you want to profit you find a way to cater to women and as we all know businesses are all about the bottom line, no moral standard is too low to violate in the name of profiteering. Beautifully put! I dont know if it was men overall that kept them in check but those \"societal mechanisms\" that were mentioned. In early tribal culture, the men were responsible for hunting and the women responsible for the domestic duties like cooking and sewing. This order where the men and women act as complements was the norm until the last several decades. Although the sexual revolution made important advances regarding freedoms, it equated liberation with sexuality. Women's liberation slowly became about doing whatever a woman wants, whenever they want, and without consequence. Consumerism also caters to women's materialism and preys on a man's wallet. Although women have always been the same, this combination of new technologies, consumerism, and sexual liberation has allowed women to get around like the world is ending next week. And without the presence of societal checks and even things like slut-shaming, women can be as shady as they want. The marriage issue is compounded by the atrocity of the divorce\/alimony\/child support laws where women can legally embezzle men but lets not go there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid globalist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BlissTabitha: Homeowner Shoots Armed Suspect Who Attacked and Pistol Whipped Him http:\/\/t.co\/VLuEwUGclg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AustinToEllen: Praying today's mandg pictures don't come out yellow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once again I log on and these fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches are posting tranny porn in my timeline. :\/ Isn't GAB banning these bloody faggots via IP address, @a @e? Are you being sarcastic? How are they Neo-Nazi faggot socialists when every account spamming the gay tranny porn are Jewish anti-nazi activists seeking out right wingers to spam?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger lover Triggered much? I guess I hit a nerve with this one. Don't hate me because your daughter or mother likes the nigger dick. You call me triggered yet you're the one posting hate and can't take criticism. Keep being a good cuck, we know you LOVE the black cock in your ass! LOL, cry more, pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Africa's youngest billionaire kidnapped outside luxury hotel Mohammed \"Mo (money Mo Problems) Dewji was abducted outside the oceanfront Colosseum Hotel and Fitness Club in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/11\/africas-youngest-billionaire-kidnapped-outside-luxury-hotel\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@datachick Humanity really needs to get past this whole \"slow down and stare at the scene of an accident\" ape mentality we have :-\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm 17 and honestly, we need to stop messing about with these 'young girls\/boys'. They KNOW what they get into. There is ample evidence from those heard from after joining that many of them don't know what they are getting into. Don't assume everyone has the same information you do. Oh, they didn't know joining a terrorist organization would have consequences or was illegal? Honestly. My nephew that's 10 could figure out joining a terrorist organization is fucking bonkers. Cut that shit out. You are changing the subject from what I said. You said they knew what they were getting into. There is evidence that many didn't. Don't assume what information other people have, even your own 10 year old nephew who isn't remotely an analog for those folks. Haha yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's kind of amazing how every single detail of this tweet is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rachel_gautreau @babyydrey hey Rachel G my name isint Kenneth ok let's just get that straight you best be backing off before I go ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=139176","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @A_single_bear: How would I look if I had feathers instead of fur? Would I be able to eat from a bird feeder without getting judging gla ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any black person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any black person like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling immigrants disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cambridge University students REJECT Remembrance Day poppies because they 'glorify war'.Meet Stella Swain the Cambridge University Student Union Leader behind the banning of Remembrance Day!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to work on building sites where at tea break it was mandatory to ask for the sugar like this; \"Oi cunt face, pass the fucking sugar for me fucking tea and don't forget the fucking spoon\". One soon got into the habit but it could be embarrasing when the bishop came round our house on a Sunday.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BRING IT ASSHOLE!!! AH HA HA HA HA HA AH HA. FUK'N IDIOT FUCK'N NIGGER LOVEN ASS MONKEY GAY BOY FUCK TARD - BRING IT! I'LL STAB YOU and SLAB YOU FASTER THAN FUCK!!! No,... I tell you,... I bet that I can stab you and slab you faster than you can throw me and BLOW ME!!! GIRLY BOY!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it typical of a trans person to be that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't be such a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These types of women have so much penis envy they'll get aggressive about anything just to prove they have a dick, but they will never- have- a- dick... or balls. and#x200B; That is their struggle, their suffering, their pain. and#x200B; This is the problem- There is a lack of feminine energy in the world. Women can feel this, but can't understand it. See, the world needs both feminine and masculine energy. Masculine energy is risk-taking, conquering, competitive. Feminine energy is nurturing, expressive, (something else). Men are suffering because we are wrongfully shamed when we express our soft emotions and creative sensitivities but we aren't bitching about it like feminists would. Ya know why? Because it's a bitch move. and#x200B; Having said that, feminists are attempting to bring gender equality by being more masculine. See, this is where women always fuck up. They are slaves to their emotions. When they feel something, no amount of logic will change their mind. and#x200B; So instead of being the beautiful, loving angels they're meant to be, embracing their strengths and interests, they would rather exhaust all their energy going full retard in a vain attempt to become second-class men in spite of their femininity. They want female empowerment so they abandon their own female nature. Brilliant. Buy a dick. Super glue it to your pussies. We'll never see another post like this again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never defended metokur that explicitly. simply said that sargon dropped the ball, hard. you need to calm the fuck down and stop attacking people, you are coming across as SERIOUSLY deranged. I never said hero worship, for instance. par for the course for the sargon retard cavalcade but jesus man, get some sleep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot kike hahaha miserable faggot...bwahhhh enjoy your miserable pathetic life with your gay lover...bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh faggot..... typical miserable fag who blames the jews for your pathetic miserable hatefilled life.. miserable cocksucker..bwahhhhhhhh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These retarded cast members from planet of the apes could not even explain the simplest of their apparent grievances Get off my flag you fat cunts! Vote vote vote!!!! Stinky Nig chicks...boyfriends in prison? Hooche mamas! PU!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt must think she's in Africa!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone who prefers to remain under Jewish slavery rather than work with other groups to free themselves, must either be retarded or Jewish troll.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So today we learned that you can call yourself a based nigger but still have horrible time preference and lack critical thinking skills. Listen Tyrone, America is a white country. You and your opinions belong at the back of the fucking bus right next to those jewbags Weev and Milo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The thought of Brett Kavanaugh holding his hand over his my mouth while he rapes me... It makes me so WET!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have you been following the retarded crap that's been going on in the Mayoral race in Toronto? Faith Goldy rocks. Sadly, too many Torontonians suffer Trudeau Derangement Syndrome...only unlike Trump...Trudeau really is deranged. All I know,is Trudy's a fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FunnyJokeBook: I hope I made these pot brownies right http:\/\/t.co\/iDDDHPPjiu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Snapshot at a dyke bar?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sooooo... I guess Blackface is acceptable by that logic. [It damn sure is](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/01wtqyw.gif) I'm honestly surprised iron Man got to the popularity it did after this one. I thought his career would be over He was just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude I just think the world was a much different place 15 years ago. I doubt anyone could get a way with it today My Lord and savior Satan, how may I best serve you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusted by all the immigrants around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit, is this an actual sport? Where can I find more? Never have I found live sports more entertaining. Who would know retard racing was a thing, my money is on yellow! The less retarded guy was clearly going to win.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shit has become this stupid so it's easy to assume everything like it is fake because it's so outlandish, until you've seen it actually happen enough times. I've had to see family members say shit that's this ridiculous. the fact is females have been made to be this retarded. it's sad but true","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SadOik just another loonyLeft Liar https:\/\/order-order.com\/2018\/10\/04\/sadiqs-top-advisers-over-ruled-gla-officials-to-make-trump-blimp-fly\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I live here, 'burbs. Can confirm. That damn show really started the mass migration of verifiable retards and mental deficient people to this once good city. The tent city's downtown are getting out of hand. Trash EVERYWHERE. Of course these liberals don't care. \"It's someone else's job...\" always.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mute it. It's a White nigger of the kikenvermin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS FAGGOT WORKS FOR THE HUFFPO lol HuffPoo are trans fag joos! So what is the context? Is he trying to break with the program at HuffPo, or trying to refute someone else? I guess it doesn't matter if they are all commie, fag, junkies....and jews...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can only do my best to convince them. You're right. I can't stop a retard from putting a fork in a socket, nor will I.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Games are a form of escapism. Just like any other there will be more tales that end well than end badly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No I would have killed his crooked ass he was as sick minded as his cunt daughter is I would have had a list of people with Ace Spade's G.HW bush would be right at the Tippity top of the fucking list .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The stupid cunt needs to be done with obstruction of Justice. They're just doing her with \"violating the Swedish aviation act by remaining standing when the plane was set to take off\". Swedish cucks and their stupid women. Worse than Canadians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bruh I would fuckin love to film a video with Maurice man, he is like an older black version of me I swear to god","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"W o m e n have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I read it she had to cut her hair because of hair extensions. SheDevil... They are trying to be like the men they hate (but secretly admire); sadly, since most men do not find this imitation attractive; hence they will probably die out after one generation... logic is not something you can find with them . I really liked her before she got penetrated by Rachel Madcow. Just go ahead and dye your hair already Meggynn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf I thought you had only one sibling","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's so obvious that whitey is hated Bud. U genuinely look like a faggot tryin to stuff the kitty back in the bag. Also u hv a nigger in ur avatar, might wanna duck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> They are, but generalising all women as entitled is sexist. I don't care, I know I'm right. >Some women are, some men are. *In your opinion*, faggot, you can't just state an opposing opinion to mine and act as if you've made a point. How old are you again? Because the only reason I should have to explain this to you is if you were mentally handicapped. Are you? Pay closer attention to the world around you and you'll see I'm right. Or be ignorant, I don't give a flying fuck :D > Perhaps, if they're not too put off by your shitty attitude, you should hang out with more women and you'll soon see they're not all the same. Alright, so, \"yes\", you are retarded. You think that I can't generalize about women because you can find little differences between them. >Not that age matters but Head up ass, retarded. We're talking about *how the world is, generally* and here you're stating age doesn't matter? Dumb. I know it's difficult to comprehend, coming from me, but why don't you contemplate how I might think you're dumb for claiming age doesn't matter while debating *how the world is*. >Treat people how you wish to be treated. What evidence do you have that I don't? Moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I disagree, divorce, alimony, child support. These are massive fucking debts, no intelligent male would ever take them if he was aware. Chalk it up to ignorant society brainwashing their children or complete retards if they do know the risks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gun here it come bang cunt loony prick it dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your DNA already changed to jewish. That is what happens when you are baptized. On a side note, what kind of faggot gives jews the dignity of capitalizing there name?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tom, you're a buff looking dude, so why don't you go down to the border and intimidate those spic mongrels by flexing your biceps?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a rapefugee?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO goyim, they wanted to have an overly elaborate mentally retarded scheme whereby they pretended to be sending people to showers at gunpoint and then gassed them, because if the jew knew he was going to his certain death, he would have somehow escaped or something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And that's the difference between a respectable black person and a nigger. The nigger just wants Affirmative Action to be his\/her gravy train of benefits from cradle to grave without ever having to earn anything through hard work all throughout life. Correct. That's why I call people like that #dindus. Darius I callem them as I see them. we have wiggers and niggers. WELFARE FRAUD...GET A JOB...STOP HAVING KIDS YOU CANNOT SUPPORT. ALWAYS A PLEASURE D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Pepper_Redbone @Yankees @Mets Exactly by folks who can't favor to get into that lovely old stadium.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SalamanCode: Proof that thots are retarded. http:\/\/t.co\/rHJSlL9i9f","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">>Letter sent to US Senate on 2 October 2018 exposing Christine Blasey-Ford hypnotic training of US Department of Justice operative Monica McLean <>>>> US Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh accuser Stanford University Psychiatry Professor Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford, aside from her being an instructor at Stanford's CIA Undergraduate Internship Program, was an operative working for fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and who was tasked by McCabe to \"coach\/instruct various FBI and US Department of Justice officials on how to subvert results on polygraph exams through the use of hypnosis to create \"artificial memories One of whose subjects was Blasey-Ford's high school friend Monica McLean, who served for 24 years in the US Department of Justice, but who has now been exposed to the US Senate committee overseeing Kavanaugh's nomination to the US Supreme Court and that its chairman, US Senator Chuck Grassley, is now demanding answers for. Controlled opposition is working well on you How many congress members knew that the CIA deliberately sent in Christine Blasey Ford, an undercover CIA\/FBI McCabe trained operative, to lie to the world, and take down Kavanaugh? Whose side is she on? left or right? Isnt the real problem AG Jeff Sessions who refuses to indict Clinton for all her crimes, forcing everyone else to follow his lead? Trump is the one who pardoned Clintary Hillbutt, but no matter how many false promises in this controlled opposition game, people still love fake news! I did not realize he officially pardoned her, but that would make sense. I thought it was Obama, or that comey\/lynch did it without permission. Because Communism is just a random thing, probably Islamic. Don't be a Nazi. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just proves what I always knew... Hillary is a fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New York City Legalizes 'Third' Gender 'X' on Birth Certificates, Mayor Signs Bill \"New York City's First Lady Chirlane McCray also weighed in. \"For the first time, all New Yorkers will be able to get a birth certificate that reflects and affirms their lived reality,\" she said.\" ....She should have said that this reflects and affirms their mental illness. @TomKawczynski https:\/\/www.christianpost.com\/news\/new-york-city-legalizes-third-gender-x-birth-certificates-mayor-signs-bill-227905\/ His daddies will choose xer gender, biggot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look, I'll admit that sometimes I can be a total asshole and trigger people. I discredit myself by being a shitposter all the time, just saying dumb retarded shit just for laughs. I honestly wish no ill will to any gabber here, even the ones that I've trolled super hard. In my mind, the harder I punch, the more prepared that Gabber will be when debating a shitlib. For for God's sake, don't try to stop me from doing something good. I want to take this first step into some serious political activism for a good cause. I'm not trying to bilk anyone for nothing. I haven't even asked for any help and I have received a couple of donations from people who have offered because I may come across other Patriots as I make my way to the border who don't have the money. I don't want our country overrun by illegals, so trying to dox me and discredit me in some way is only serving to help the Democrats conquer our country. I\"m scared enough as it is, leaving my family behind and putting myself on the line. The last thing I need is \"friendly fire\" because I pissed someone off with my shitposting 18 months ago! >I discredit myself by being a shitposter all the time, just saying dumb retarded shit just for laughs. I like laughs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Election tampering. This faggot NPC should go to PRISON!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good. One more lying cunt off the streets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I actually want a female GTA protaganist and make them just as unlikeable as every other GTA protag. The salt would be amazing. I was disappointed that GTA V didn't have a female protagonist, tbh. You've got three characters. Make one of them female. God, could you imagine a strong female character in Franklin's place, constantly having to prove herself and beating the shit out of Trevor when he tries to molest her? Think blonde chick from the latest Riddick movie. That would have been dope af. But nah, just a black guy from the burbs with no money, coming up through theft and general dickery to get riches and getting involved in government plots and shit. But enough about the protagonist of San Andreas let's talk about Franklin too. Then again, I saw their attempt at a 'strong female character'. That stupid cunt that's with Lester, who just EXUDES cunt. Holy fucking shit I wanted to actually strangle her. The worst part of grinding the Fleeca job was listening to her shitty 'tough girl' monologue where she's trying to be SO STRONK but just comes off incredibly cunty. I'm kinda glad they didn't make any of them female after that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is such faggot shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Proud Boys were able to wrestle the streets of Portland away from the judeo-left even though the latter had home field advantage and a very sympathetic Mayor (Ted Wheeler). Theyre ready to charge into Berkeley, Manhattan (where Hillary got like 90% of the vote), and so on. Compare to some alt-rights retreating into autism and ironybro faggot shit. let a fat nigga fuck >be a burger faggot >hate burger land >go into the wild and live near bears >trying to become a bear >get eaten by bears https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=efNtliiyT3M","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"IDENTIFIED: We Expose Jordan Hunt The Man Who Roundhouse Kicked A Pro-Life Leader @humandefenseini https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ SICK: Just now a pro-abortion advocate roundhouse kicked a young pro-life woman from @clcyouthprolife in Toronto VIDEO https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never had any friends the entire time I lived in #Virginia. No one was cool to me. I hope those white trash Southerners all die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ANV @Bombislamdotcom @DeadWizardStorage @EmpressWife @grandpalampshade @MattysModernLife @TruthWillOut @Yatzie Interesting Site - the truth inverted\/the enemy's narrative. As a TRANSPARENTLY int'l party, how does communism not automatically equate to treason?... http:\/\/www.idcommunism.com\/p\/communist-and-workers-parties.html The Communist Party in Australia goes under many names eg. The Australian Labor Party, The Greens,The Australian Council of Trade Unions,GetUp, and most of the various \"Christian Churches\"have Communist Party operatives working within them to further the goals of Communism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LiS1 was great. Sure it has some vaguely SJW elements in it, but it was pretty minimal and the greatness of the rest of the game more than made up for it. Captain Spirit seemed pretty cool too, from what little we got to see of it's world. LiSBtS was straight up SJW retardation. There's even a scene where you can opt to complain about \"mansplaining\". And no, the gameplay and story were shit too so it didn't make up for that shit at all. This looks a lot more like BtS than LiS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As an Arab, It's worse when it's your mother. Source: my mom is fucking crazy lol What are some (Arabic to English) insults? Like bitch is an insult in America, cunt is in Britain. What's the worst insults there Cuss immak Sharmoota Idk lol First one is \"your mothers pussy which in English doesn't sound as bad but still lol And second is like whore but dirtier? Idk lol Edit: word","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to set up a few cannons and in some gun powder, ball bearings and a Jew to shoot at them. We could finally put the retarded Jew to good use!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a world full of hate remember to light up the darkness, as this world is but temporary.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAKE FAKE FAKE BOMBS:Officials say the numerous devices recovered were poorly made, but it's unclear if that was intentional, or if they were just badly constructed BY A RETARDED DEMOCRAT. https:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/news\/us-news\/package-found-robert-de-niro-s-office-nyc-matches-other-n924251","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell him I heard that \"Meteors\" only strike small deranged liberal retarded men who think they are actors and play liberal hacks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mom: Why is there this fucking random nigger in our house? Dad: That's Our Son Mom: Oh yeah I forgot... No but I've been called that before and I sometimes call my own people Yellow Island Niggers occasionally :P Nope, Niggerpino I mean Filthapino I mean... uhhh the first one you said","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go fuck your mom in the ass cock sucking faggot mother fucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And call caps because you aint but a little man slave found a nigger game. You go stir up every last bit of pit from whale.to you want loonie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Southwest airlines is like driving in a mini van with your white trash cousins who love to huff paint thinner before before working.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see your post is of course devoid of any facts. Not sure why you useless fucks post that shit, anyone smarter than you knows it isn't true, and when I say anyone smarter than you, I mean basically everyone because you guys are fucking retarded cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The suspect and his family were on the radar with \"terrorist connections. They came to Australia from Somalia in 90s. Time to deport them all. Authorities are afraid to kick the hornets nest so to speak. Just like in England the problem of Islamic terrorism is far larger than what we're being told. Current and previous governments must be held accountable for letting this problem get to what it is. I want reparations, where's my fucking national apology!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bitch you're white stfu with your shitty Spanish","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"immigrants are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GMB_Ace: I'm a Get Money nigga So da hoes Love me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been around enough trans people to know they're all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#HRC surrendered her security clearance August 30, which was reported yesterday for the first time for what primary reason?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ravenalegria13 @prattprattpratt I was impressed that anybody could chug a Smirnoff Ice that quickly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... I live in NOLA. I love the city and its French heritage, but it's overrun with pavement apes. They throw rocks at passing cars and are known to ride their bicycles and wheelchairs into oncoming traffic for insurance payouts. Not so easy to avoid them these days. I'm all for 'draining the swamp' as they say, but hey ...let's feed the alligators first. hehe in Cleveland a nigger in the street is called a speed bump muslims in the street are called rumble strips","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been preaching this for a while. Yesterday I was telling people at r\/JordanPeterson. 2 weeks ago I was saying this on some gun subs. We should JOIN THE LEFTISTS in a call for massive censorship for as much as possible. Force the issue and make it nuclear. Don't let this group of fascist faggots do their \"phases of banning\". We should do whatever they are doing at the same time to the entire list and more. The very best thing that could happen would be if reddit and youtube and twitter and all the social media companies went full retard and banned as many people as possible at once which would break their companies and provide an incentive for alternative platforms....or the massive push for widespread banning makes them realize that the list will never stop growing, it will end their companies and they flatly reject the entire movement right now. **incrementalism is the strongest tool the radical left has, but it is entirely within our power to negate it.**","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And if your life is ruined by an unfounded accusation? Then what should the dishonest cunt who made the accusation? Shouldn't we ruin their lives, by dragging them through the court system under perjury charges? I really hope this backfires on the Democrats and the midterms end up being red, because then we can get Jusge kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's all in vain, the education war is won. The youth are radicalized. Nobody will ever believe the mainstream media, watch the NFL, or see the corrupt FBI as anything other than an enemy of America ever again. You can kill, defame or imprison everyone and this liberal Jewish order is still going down. There are specific categories of white youth that are alienated by the system. Certainly this cohort will grow over time. The problem is that by the time this sense of alienation is fully manifested we may not have the numbers to effect the necessary change. Even if balkanization happens and we concentrate into a specific area where we are sovereign, the enemy will still have its bolthole in the middle east and the enemy will surround us with hostile forces. We need a sense of urgency, and we've got to ditch Trump who has turned out to be the Great Deceiver. Hey @cashmoneyglock who would you replace Trump with? Yeah, I may be brain dead, but your vicious use of the word retard speaks volumes of your character. Go ahead, you have the last word with me. @Moroboro And your continued fellation of the professional liars who wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire speaks volumes of your character. Namely that you don't have one. https:\/\/i.4pcdn.org\/pol\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"somebody should rape and kill her, its the muzzie way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The thing that's amazing is that when the social terrorist patch goes live, it gets all the NPC's to speak in unison the exact same points. Imagine how much money and time we could save from game design to harness the NPC code writing script? Of course the script would only be able to spout off \"patriarchy\" or \"I'm a real woman\", but with some tweaks it could be taught to be non-retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That flat earth idiocy is great for finding trolls. Speak up if you're one of those assholes. Go ahead and leave a retard flat earth comment. The earth isn't flat, that's just retarded. It's round and hollow. There's cities down there ya know, w\/ ten foot tall white people in them. Aryan\/Alien, coincidence? I think not! :P","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everywhere those evil Jews they infiltrate everything to tear it down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's only ONE word for this monkey thing....and that word is NIGGER #weregoingtoneedbiggerOVENS Well its Time to Kill the Jews and the Minorities who are agitating for our race's death we shall exterminate every last one of them if they attempt to murder a single White Person there whole race will be through. You actually write like that? You're a fucking retard. No Sir I am not no retard I only expressing my opinions that we are not going to tolerate anymore of the minorities and Jews saying they will kill us all believe me hearing this shit all your life can really make mad wouldn't it upset you Sir.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Negro is gay down low harder than your average Nigger fag. He little Richard, Liberace, what what in the butt scum bag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have they seen Planet of the Apes @WhatTheFFacts: Brazil has the highest number of monkey species of any nation in the world with 116. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes cunt, i guarantee 99% of the people in these comments would find a life sentence bullshit if a guy grabbed a girls hand and got her to touch his dick over his pants.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those women might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flat Earthers full retard mode episode 4 REDUX https:\/\/youtu.be\/ks9V5QZaKIE via @YouTube","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty surprised she actually called him a nigger. Even more surprised nobody else either stuck up for him or told her to shut the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So why are you so jealous of white people that you have to be so racist? Obviously I understand your jealousy simply because I know I am superior to you since I am not a despicable filthy RACIST like you! You obviously feel inferior and understandably so. Your intellectually capacity is quite low. You are obviously morally degenerate by pushing filthy images around as that is the mark of the RETARDED lower classes like yourself. Other races IQ are always lower. You epitomize this inferiority complex!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im doing this too. Fuck this faggot world. Im the first black native mexican irishman, i want my 40 acres, muh reparations and I aint paying no tax. Im going hunting and fishing this weekend and i dont need no fucking licence. Get the fuck off my land nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They need to stop the idea of changing our $20 bill from Jefferson to this nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd like to slap some respect out of that cocky cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are white, I'll support you. Christian Pagan Old Young Libertarian Fascist Traitor What about non white conservatives ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ultra liberal Trump hating faggot loving pussy. Very disappointed in Pope Francis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you're telling us you cant ID a white person just by looking at them, you must actually be retarded but, we know you're lying. you know damn well what a white person is you're just using that classic marxist deconstruction tactic next you'll try and tell us its nothing more than a social construct you 'people' are so intellectually dishonest, it makes me sick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The police getting involved in this is wrong in so many ways, but bearing in mind Linehams general hatred of free speech and screams for Dankula to be jailed I'm thinking Karma got it right this time. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CvXGMT Lineham wants his free speech defended, but free speech must be denied to everyone else - eg. Count Dankula.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Again - no amount of telling those people how retarded they are will make them see themselves for what they are or change their minds. My only satisfaction in all this comes from knowing that I don't have to try and make them miserable - they manage it all on their own. Thinking that probably makes me bad person, and I'm strangely at peace with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Hyatt Hotels doesn't want you Go read it. Via @BrigitteGabriel on Twitter. cc @a https:\/\/twitter.com\/ACTBrigitte\/status\/1047968623795552256 anyone ever trash a hotel room? ..:-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kill this nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YEAH WELL, FK YOU HOUGE YOU RETARD COCK SUCKER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot @Clarence_Spangle - correct- definitely a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you need to be gassed, that would mute you forever you grandkid raping Jew faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@slayerific13 @daisymcgarr Like I said.. I might have to check but I'm just not sure bird shot counts as getting shot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hollywood is full of the mentally ill... ANGRY LESBIAN Goes Off on Vile, Homophobic Rant Against US Senator https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/09\/angry-lesbian-goes-off-on-vile-homophobic-rant-against-us-senator\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a funny little nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BlakeAnderson21 thanks Hun! Haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is still a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's this dyke chick cut hair in the barbershop look just like Future","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. So Literally blocking? I understand better Still, you can bet blocking WILL be a real feature on this site","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I referred to someone who was acting just like a RETARD and therefore called them RETARDED next thing I know I'm in TWIT - MO prison","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"wish I had a brownie or a dab to knock me out rn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Civil rights movement for transgendered people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For example. Obama is just as big of a corrupt lying piece of shit as Hillary but he has a huckster personality that was able to dupe a lot of stupid people. Hillary is incapable of human social interaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gary Busey's retarded mom .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at that retarded, ugly face. Looks like it was already bombed and should be bombed again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You dumb bastard, READ the fucking thing, all the appropriate citations are there. Or maybe you are just a nigger or jew troll... White men can read.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually nvm I now stand with Christine Blasey Ford","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are going to put an end to all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"news flash anti jew nazis on here....WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED SOCIALISM COMMUNISM!!! so we gota hate all the whites too!!! if u blame jews for every evil plot u see in everything then hate ur white nazi self for being white and inventing the evil socialism communism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#METOO This girl literally told a mutual friend she was angry at (who I guess secretly liked me) \"I'm gonna bang your friend mattywaste\" and then did. I got a random booty call text late at night, she told me to come over, watching a movie and she initiated every single step of the process, even got up and retrieved a condom from her little secret condom stash. I was bummed out because I actually liked her, but she just wanted the D. Anyway, weeks later some other random girl comes up to me at the bar and asks my name, says \"omg you're the piece of shit that raped my friend!\" And starts publicly accusing me of rape. TLDR I got jumped by like 5 whiteknights at my favorite bar. All because some cunt felt bad about hooking up with me just to spite a mutual friend who had feelings for me, so she told people I raped her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggers are just plain stupid. These ignorant coons, indoctrinated as they are into hating Whites, were just looking for some White guy to beat or kill if they could. Don't ever help the \"New\" nigger with anything because it could lead to the death of you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He looks like a dyke that lives down the street.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly, any woman who lets me cum inside her is special. Yes. Hehe Yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why McDonald's breakfast good but the lunch trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The muzzie already got eliminated from the governor race in Michigan","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @120Sports: Twitter tipped its cap to say #FarewellCaptain to Jeter in his Yankee Stadium finale. VIDEO: http:\/\/t.co\/QdldmWBwXJ http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter supports Muslims, Nazis and anyone else who hates and dehumanizes Jews. Because It isn't enough to hate Trump, you must hate anyone who is different. https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37270\/twitter-wont-ban-farrakhan-calling-jews-termites-ben-shapiro #MAGA #GabFam #LiberalLogic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This man or woman or thing is a disgusting obnoxious racist bitch. #FuckOffWhoopi Black people can't be racist!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because it's fun watching the socially retarded trying to human. It's the same as watching a dog try to take a stick too big for the door and can't get in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, the poor things are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> \"We live in a world where boys get everything and girls are left with the crumbs, her victim fetish is in full view. Boys get all the suicides, all the work-related deaths, all the combat deaths, all the jail time, all the stigma surrounding any sort of mental health problem or the slightest hint of emotional vulnerability. Ugh, those lucky bastards! Look, I get what you're saying, but suicide rates among boys has only gone up 25% since 2010, while the suicide rate for girls in the same time has gone up 70%. It's an issue for all of us. 70% of what was already a comparatively tiny amount isn't very much. What a cold way to view a horrible increase in teenage suicide. You officially suck as a person. You're awesome. You're awesome +1 r\/murderedbywords I've been an advocate for men's suicide and mental health for over 30 years. So, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. If you can't see a huge problem for all of us, you're the cunt. Having a personal anecdote doesn't make you right. Hell, it supports my point more than it does yours. You can claim you're whatever you want, doesn't change what you said in your comments.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My retarded brother ate it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"everyone knows that faggot is a coked up queer. He Married a fucking shemale.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"had to lock my twatter bc of this faggot right here he catchin them soros bucks for trying to fuck over our country he has painted a bigass target on his back sometimes its not the best thing to make alot of noise and make your face known ..... he better pray we nvr meet who is that fag?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You gay people keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well she does have the militant angy cunt haircut... also look at that neck. Come on now who is suprised by this. H ate to judge a book by its cover but might as well be a neon sign on her head that screams \"I'm an angry hateful woman\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Getting dirty looks from all of these white liberals in LaGuardia due to my maga hat but they're scared to say something because I'm black. Alex Sage","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SteveWorks4You ..its all about you and white conservative teabaggers. You all make the world go round. Please be our rulers.....stockboy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used the mute button on Gab for 2 years, and I promoted Gab on Twitter and Facebook constantly as the only viable alternative to their left-wing censorship. But I prefer a platform that is now available, that does not promote Communism, Nazism or Islamism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That guy has Trump derangement syndrome on Nitric As we would say in the 70's...He be trippin. Brennan can't help it. Agreed Shit eater Mohammed Brennan KNOWS that the louder he screams on the MSM now, the more sympathy and outrage will be displayed when he IS charged with treason... Gonna be a day of explodey heads.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While Vox Day is still pushing hard for the award of \"Biggest Faggot on the Internet\" WRT to Gab (details on request, but they're not important for this point he makes), [he's noted something very important](http:\/\/voxday.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/godaddy-bans-gab.html) and obvious if you think about it WRT to the totalitarian tech Left's comprehensive purging of Gab, the latest crime is GoDaddy shutting down their gab.com domain name. **There is no Rule of Law in the digital economy**: > As I mentioned [in the Darkstream](https:\/\/youtu.be\/sLlw4pMDohg) last night, what these corporations are doing is literally destroying the basis for a developed economy. And not only what they are doing now, but what they have been in the process of doing for the past 15 years. The EULAs, the Terms of Service, and the selling of software of a service, and the SJW convergence have all collectively routed around the rule of law which is necessary for sustained economic growth over time. In countries with strong rule of law: >>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ohh this is precious..... Sooo.... taking all bets - how many seasons will the witcher series stay up? Myself? Im somewhere between 1 and 2 seasons. It's a Netflix series, so 2 automatically. There have been a few one-and-dones on Netflix, but i'd wager the license on this one was expensive, so they may do a 2nd just to try and salvage it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yankee pinstripes might be the best unis in the MLB but the gray road ones are the worst CC looks like an elephant trapped in a circus tent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i don't know how many different version you need to hear, before this sinks into your dumb cunt skull. People did not leave when Gab threw people off for actually using legally protected speech. No one and i mean NO ONE is going to get on the cartoon child porn band wagon or hold a torch for you people, Sad that you can't see it, But still the case.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In NYT Op-Ed, George Soros' Son Blames Trump And \"Demonization Of Opponents\" For Bomb Packages https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/bHv3 gotta tell you, you're a man of few words but they sure do make me laugh. good job! :) thanks...I tell it like I see it..free speech is great!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those that may not be criticised have stolen the English word GAY, which means HAPPY\/JOYFUL and applied it the the most unhappy people on the planet. Also, a FAGGOT is a bunch of STICKS used for KINDLING. I want my language back!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Child pornography is a 1st amendment right Change my mind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"can we not fucking explain the whole song and just appreciate billie's voice? she's a fucking angel man and she doesn' need explanations about her songs. just listen, and enjoy it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Replace \"third world\" with \"niggers.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @GlennSoucy1: The crows warned you to stay away from the island. Will you?THE SOUL COLLECTORhttp:\/\/t.co\/VTc661dC65 #IAN1 http:\/\/t.co\/1 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to at least tolerate Juan, but he's a fucking nigger. I like and appreciate thoughtful, conservative, hard-working members of ANY RACE, including blacks, who strive to live together in a polite society. We will keep those people of ANY RACE on our side. The left can keep the fucking niggers and Williams is just in a nigger in an expensive suit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spic on Spic crime - no one fucking cares.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @vinehumor: Flappy bird is taking over my life. I can hear the bird crashing every time something goes wrong. https:\/\/t.co\/kuLDr4mabp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This sub feels like laughing at retarded kids. I knew there are dumb people. But this is some kind of mental deficiency.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's also factually inaccurate. if they were only for milk they would completely deflate when not producing milk, as is the case with several other mammals. dumb cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's funny when the anti-NFL folks are like, \"I'll send a message to these assholes....from now on I'm only watching college level negros play football!\" I've been saying this for years: Everyone, not a handful, but everyone needs to stop attending and watching the games. The Nigger Felon League would cave after a couple of weeks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANTI-HITLER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#owned","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got a new wig and I feel like a bad bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Goddamn. What a cunt of a daughter and disgrace of a mother","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Point of fact is that if you judge a man by his character rather than his color you will find many a black man well preferable to yourself. MANY BLACK PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN YOU!!! You get what you look for in life. Your filter of hate excludes you from the best","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Melania Trump spokesperson calls for boycott of rapper T.I. over video featuring first lady lookalike stripping in Oval Office https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/melania-trump-spokesperson-calls-for-boycott-of-rapper-t-i-over-video-featuring-first-lady-lookalike-stripping-in-oval-office","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' Happppppy Birthdayyyy lol . Niggahs is really 21 in this bitch . http:\/\/t.co\/YatU7pbsHX","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"woman on a plane means nigger word will be said THIS IS THAT INSTITUTIONAL racism they were talking about the trillions spent and lives lost were worth it #DMTBKA https:\/\/6abc.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-calls-flight-attendant-n-word\/4371446\/ https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Nd6wkE4M1gY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that a threat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a feeling that this sub will be banned just like \/r\/fatpeoplehate did. It doesnt violate any terms of condition, but the reddit mods are retarded white knights and ban anything that makes them mad. If it doesn't fit their narrative, it's \"fair game . They aren't interested in reality or equality. They simply just want all to cower and do thing as they say to. Like little Whining assholes. Love Reddit as a whole, but some of those \"fairness and \"social responsibility rules are *beyond* one-sided, just as you've rightly pointed out. Equality means treat equal to, not superior to. Another guy hits me, I'm gonna defend myself. Same goes for anyone trying to harm me or my family. I don't care what gender one is or what they \"identify as...1=1, not 1=","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't have any hubcaps. I did get some gold chrome slugs, but some nigger scrapped the chrome off thinking it was real gold.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@schola_gomes oh I'll make you some brownies alright;)))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell them that you're an unhinged member of The Rethithtance and that homeschooling is a better option for them. Numpty. SCREAM AT THE SKY SOYBOY!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @_BitchBUH: Shoot that nigga and his shorty bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"at work, got cornered by a 45 yr old brown hippy man child.long story short he said America has no culture and that he wants to move to Canada.please Canada take our rootless cosmopolitan brown man children I beg of you! well then it sounds like its up to us to keep our culture alive and that is what I am trying to do well, perhaps you should talk to your husband about the destruction of for's European homeland, and possibly make an effort to have a last stand there, works better than an ode to a dying people my husband says your wrong and black pilled.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We do not cover a lot of immigrant authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The real reason is that they hope they will be identified after a muzzie kills them and then sets them on fire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks as if Federal Gun Laws to be proposed this week lack #AWB. Hope the #media and #antigun crowd choke on crow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't tell if trolling or delusional. There's your problem, your dichotomy is false. The cops in NJ are corrupt as shit, and always deserve derision. I've seen them take too many bribes. >I really don't give a shit what you've seen You also don't care about reality. In addition to that, the incident had nothing to do with her being a woman and everything to do with throwing around political weight. I'm not saying you should like her, but I'm fine with people bullying the cops in NJ. It really isn't PPD. I hope you are soon able to resolve your issues with reality. Peace be upon you brother.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll snap that immigrant neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking commie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I live with two Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wonder who the RETARD is who gave a down vote to this? and the PRESIDENT IS RIGHT, AND RIGHT ON.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @FunnyPicsDepot: \"fucking white people\" http:\/\/t.co\/uyjGzuX4Cc bitch wut?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look, another female learning a lesson every man learns when he's fucking","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To my mind, trans lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh, and there was another result of this \"forced equality\", most intellectual women had to marry working class men, even the highest smartest had to settle for \"less\".... Even today our \"gender gap\" in education is atrocious, far bigger than in the west, as men don't consider \"higher education\" to be necessary for them, and most women have to settle with this situation (is not like they can force men to go to school...).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whole article in three sentences: We forgive Trump for his comment about \"shooting someone\" on Main St USA and getting away with it. (Uhhh yeah because hyperbole) We forgive Trump for not accomplishing \"some of his campaign promises,\" because of Democratic obstruction in the House. (Uhhh yeah because it's a real thing, not like they are trying to hide that, only the retarded can't see it) He hasn't pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan completely yet. (Uhhh yeah because his generals thought it was a bad idea and too soon) They are pointing out nothingburger ideas and driving it home like we should hate the president for this. This kind of knee-jerk response may be common to Lefties but not our party, who prefers a more logical and rational approach to matters, you know, think before you leap? The Left may want to try this sometime, maybe you won't look like such violent maniacs everyday... Winning! LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@vlamp66 Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. no fags here im a straight white married 51 year old woman with a child..i wear many hats..faggot is not one..i stand up for the christian faith..race has nothing to do with it..if you truly did follow me youd know my views..im against those against god and jesus..i choose not to keep offending god our father. You need to grow your balls back and stand up for your race, white man. You sound like a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Things that scare liberals: Women who support Kavanaugh Facts Due process The constitution Christianity I beg to differ. FACTS do not scare Democrats! They do not have a clue what they are so how can they scare them! They literally are so brainwashed retarded they cannot actually understand a FACT! What about \"alternative facts\"? FACTS processed thru proper Socratic Method logic do not lie. If the alternative FACT which I would classify as a lie always leaves clues to its imprudence. The Truth fears no investigation. A lie always runs and creates laws so it is not investigated! Lies never stand up to scrutiny!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @donthypeme: @VSamone: @donthypeme: any favorites off yellow album ? all of it #theperfectanswer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jamie Lee Curtis Shocks Her Fans, Reveals She Struggled With This Harrowing Addiction https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/m6Tw3A\/Dq-Tls-Bq-Wo-AE5f","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can I rework this for www.menarehuman.com? Of course, do as you please. The more people know what feminism has done to men, the better. Thanks a lot! This should really help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CORY BOOKER IS A FUCKING RETARDED SCUMBAG!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">We had plans to spend the entire day together and I was hoping the night too because she was smoking hot. Full stop. This was all we needed to know. ANY chick with a high SMV is going to be a narcissistic entitled cunt. Period. Probing her for sex pretty much just further enabled her to try to use her sex appeal as leverage to extract your resources. Cunts sense these things. I call it the \"cunt cucked-a-vision\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A real man is caught in action kicking a smaller defenseless woman in her stomach just because he didn't agree with her pro-life message. Is he still walking around breathing? Why?? IDENTIFIED: We Expose The Man Who Roundhouse Kicked A Pro-Life Leader https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, the civilian left shows that they are completely uninformed by this tweet, lemmings and sheep. You know where this dumb cunt gets her propaganda from. In her very tiny mind she believes we are the ones who are \"victims\" of propaganda. White Supremacist propaganda!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Considering AZ gave us McCain for 36 years no. I'm not surprised. AZ has been in full retard mode for a long time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The terms \"People\/Person\/etc. of color\" are retarded anyway. I've had yet to meet a person using those terms IRL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#ProPedo #HollywoodKnows #HollywoodProtectsPedos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am a supporter of Obama but this shit is fucking hilarious Good for you with those upvotes. When I say I am a supporter of Trump on anything to the left of r\/conservative, I get downvoted to fucking oblivian! Found the NPC. Orange man bad Why? He backtracked on so many campaign promises. Like lying saying he will protect whistleblowers and look at Edward Snowdon. Edit: obviously no one can keep all their promises don't straw man me thats one thing, when comparing Obama to Trump, well Obama is leaps and bounds ahead of that piece of shit trump Why because he's more articulate and comes across nicer? That's all you people ever cite when comparing the two. How about how Obama bombed the Middle East everyday of his presidency, or colluded to request FICA warrants to spy on a political rival under pretenses that he knew were false? Riddle me that soy boy Then why are you here? To own the libs, obviously. Which is the straightest most American thing you can do Libs wear bibs!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO COMMIE NIGGERS FOR GOV..... WE ALREADY HAD A COMMIE NIGGER FOR PRES.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"endless boomers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a Lot of that Nigger Nonsense going around...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that Muslims are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SaraLuvvXXX: Today @GlennAlfonso did my hair and makeup.. He always tries to make me look like a monkey. http:\/\/t.co\/tym2JD7h3Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a religious faggot that listens to Black Sabbath soy boy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You wanna find hoes on here? Just follow the chicks who reply with heart eyes under sex gifs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"first time ive heard someone talk about firefighters in a negative light.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was really mad cuz the Chicongo cop got convicted for shooting a crackhead nigger 16 times and i was super psyched about the niggers rioting tonite but the tantrums about Kavanaugh more than make up for it. as long as i can watch liberals go into tantrums im happy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Despite so many positive events and victories, Media Reseach Center reports that 92% of stories on Donald Trump are negative on ABC, CBS and ABC. It is FAKE NEWS! Don't worry, the Failing New York Times didn't even put the Brett Kavanaugh victory on the Front Page yesterday-A17! 6:01 am - 10 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If he was some gutter spic or nog he'd be out already.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I expect anything from this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/usconservativefamily.net\/obama-quickly-takes-credit-for-pastor-andrew-brunsons-release-from-turkey Dirty monkey FUCKING HALF NIGGER OBAMA--FUCK OFF !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh Republicans on Senate panel release explicit statement about Kavanaugh accuser's sex life ** https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/amphtml\/politics\/republicans-on-senate-panel-release-explicit-statement-about-kavanaugh-accusers-sex-life\/2018\/10\/02\/714d8abc-c685-11e8-9b1c-a90f1daae309_story.html ** Statement, below, edited for brevity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry you're a retard who supports violence and hates America. You keyboard warrior cowards are all the same. Lies, bullshit, and brainless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[removed] Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s): --- --- **[Rule 3B](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_b.29_treat_your_fellow_shitlords_excellently.): You need to treat your fellow shitlords excellently.** > Have discussions with respect to the person behind the username. It's okay to disagree, but don't get hostile or start brazenly insulting others. TiA isn't a safe space, but that doesn't give you a pass to be uncivil. --- --- If you have any questions or comments about this action, **Use this link to send us a mod mail message** [here](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInActionandsubject=About my removed submissionandmessage=I'm writing to you about the following removal: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/comments\/9igm0p\/-\/e6kv238\/. %0D%0DMy issue is:). **Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.**","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @janbaloch45: Pakistani Christian Couple burnt alive in Kasur Punjab http:\/\/t.co\/JRxpbsL05Y@veritaz @marvisirmed @Goshno @AliyaNazki ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like war. I don't think the USA should have ever invaded Iraq. But any cunt who disrespects the dead deserves to be fired and scared to leave their house. It's not like she's actually under any threat of violence. A bunch of people threatened her online but none will act on it. She has to suffer the consequences of her actions even if I don't agree with the threats. I just call her a cunt and that's the end of it for me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@AllAboutManFeet: http:\/\/t.co\/3gzUpfuMev\" woof woof and hot soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next i m m i g r a n t I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@hekterr don't stop now half breed, I'm just starting to learn about what makes you a dumb ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Salute to this woman in Hollywood! You are so human, my lady. I love you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ima trash @ForeverMEM85 in fantasy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If this was a 26 year old dude. Holy shit he would be lynched and decapitated. I guess it helps that she is a woman and a hottie. I don't understand why she didn't just open a tinder account and fuck a couple of the thousands of guys who would be interested in her. Double standard. If that was you're son you're like \", wow son you reeled THAT in?!? Good boy. That's my boy. \" Now hear me out. If it's was you're daughter 14 and taken advantage of by a 26 year old man. \"That fucking pedophile piece of shit had sex with my princess!! Oh hell no!!\" Years in jail and all that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/2vRe6-FzgLI Is Elon Musk right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @m_amrhein: Luckily for my friends I'm a yellow belt in karate, which is unfortunate for the bonner dudes #lookout","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot makes me sick, go suck a dick fag. Is (((Patrick Little))) Bisexual too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bad_boy_six @ksteven37 Here ya go wetback, eat this.. http:\/\/t.co\/kf6PgZvH5G","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh please Author. 52% of the population are not violently subjugated you fucking twat. Honestly ... radical feminists need to grow the fuck up. But I honestly believe that the entire lot of them are incapable of rational thought, so they will be the equivalent of children for their entire lives. In a trannys deranged mind \"misgendering\" is violence that warrants being beaten or stabbed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look, another retard that confuses game mechanics with immersion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that disabled people are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/german-father-charged-for-protecting-his-daughter-against-sexual-assault-by-migrant German father charged for protecting his daughter against sexual assault by migrant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't believe these women, thinking I won't murder every one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see one hooded faggot in a mask on my block in the pitch black, I'm calling the cops.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People are annoyed by your stupid \"Le Drumpf\" American politics shit. I dont have to see this on every sub I go. My point is you did do that. I could have called out the other cunts too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My head too big for snapbacks , I like beanies better anyway ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go on Canadian television and every second commercial has a nigger in it. And then at least 50% of the commercials are promoting race mixing and mongrels. Whoever pays for television is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These immigrants have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Triggering the libtards\" is a worse than useless, as liberals are at their most successful when they are angry and feel a common purpose. Look at feminism and LGBTQ activism. Are they winning or losing? A strategy that actually works is turning the moderate left against the radical left - this won't happen because the modern GOP is awful across the board. President Hoover ordered the infantry and cavalry to shoot at veterans who protested in D.C., demanding pensions that the government owed them. Yeah I can't figure out why he was hated, either. \"FDR was a socialist who made the depression worse, amirite guis??\" \"(((big banks))) are being cruelly oppressed by Obama's socialism!\" What a retarded ass party.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@WBUR: A smuggler explains how he helped fighters along the \"Jihadi Highway\": http:\/\/t.co\/UX4anxeAwd\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You first, faggot ... Are you retarded? This has nothing to do with Islam or importing the third world, but the main excuse you're using to trying to excuse a stabbing spree is a fertility rate that literally no first world nation exhibits. Followed by an abrogation of parental responsibility on the part of all of their fathers. Third world behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is stupid. Rememberance day does tend to focus on the glory and bravery and all that crap at the expense of realistically portraying the horror and senselessness of most wars. We all know this. You would have to be an idiot not to see it. I live in Newfoundland and people here tend to focus on a local regiment that suffered very heavy losses in WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Shalewis09: Larry Elder is an Uncle Tom. I cannot believe how he is degrading a child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@white_thunduh my bitch dont want your ugly ass gtfo ol peyton manning lookin ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@OG_HARM @moetzart @duckydynamo look at this nigger ass nigger shit right here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Judge Retard has made yet another troll account LOL Does that douche have a life? https:\/\/gab.ai\/SynagogueOfSatan","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HOLY FUCK GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU PIECE OF SHIT. Equal rights equal lefts you pearl clutching faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Coming out allows you to be who you are, with no fronts or worries about micro-nuanced behavior. Coming out allows you to be honest with your friends, and let them know that you trust them with everything. And coming out enables you to be a representative of the LGBT (and all other identities, of course) community.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you dick licking child raping sand nigger muzzie faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Hendrixoxo lemme guess you wore the hilly hicks sweats\/leggings ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If it's not raw, do it again! https:\/\/redd.it\/9nyz99","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Boobah_ they trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its so funny woman just throw hands and turn their back like their invincible. Understood! Not all girls are like the thing in the video Truth! :) Just 95% or so today :) Ahhh just like the 95% of over sexual, dirt bag assholes. There's always a bunch of shit but you must look beyond it. Otherwise you'll turn into a neck beard. Gawd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Degenerate Minds, Degenerate Acts, Degenerate People All trained and Supported by World jewry! All faggots and dykes are sinners and will be slaughtered on YHWHs holy day of vengeance...along with every other vile evil subhuman piece of trash. This is why they hate christians...they hate being reminded of the truth !!! Then when their done terminating dvery last faggot dyke and freakazoid....we get to step in and start terminating cockroaches with prejudice !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The real agenda,,British gloablast common purpose civil servants,,, working against the British People","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish all Muslims would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually the cheating and rationalizations are not the most triggering part for me. It's when she admits she didn't want to be in the relationship anymore, so she turned into a huge bitch to him, so that he would break up with her. Jesus that's pathetic, cruel and a really cowardly thing to do. After being a cunt to the guy she claims to rly care about, she slowly escalates her degeneracy into fucking someone else and not being careful about who finds out, so that he would eventually find out and break up with her. She then mentions how he finally took charge, like she did him a favor. What a fucking low life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blackface is actually a compliment to niggers. Crackers used to practice it because they saw the way cracker women looked at nigger men. The look was NOT GOOD!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ashleyypat17 if im trash ur trash since we baes now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these black people disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"people need to gang up on these animals, in most cases you will outnumber them easily, grow some balls and tear these bastards to pieces where they stand ffs. They do this exactly BECAUSE no cunt has a spine to do anything. sir The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians. ,,,,,,could this be the elephant in the room ? the jew is the puppet master using everyone against everyone once again. we are waking, but slowly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Factsionary: Pink \"albino\" dolphins are extremely rare but do exist in the wild. http:\/\/t.co\/gWyLpgC9lP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LeMarquand: Jihadi-In-Chief Hussein Urges restraint in Fighting Islamic Butchers Apparently, we SHOULD be nice to ISIS...we might hurt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy that muzzie takeover of your shithole country.....lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No picture? Must have been ugly I wouldn't touch that cunt-parrot with a stolen cock.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Darkness Deepens in Windsor, Ontario Mysterious Habibullah Ahmad remains untried for attempted murder of Anne Widholm. https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/271611\/darkness-deepens-windsor-ontario-lloyd-billingsley","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More footage of the twat Rat-face and the pathetic Police at Speakers' corner; https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QCIzM8H3MdA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ROSIE O'DONNELL IS A FUCKING SATANIST! CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dana Perino Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Wrong To Claim Electoral College System Is Racist https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/kzPK8p\/Dp_Er_Ukd_W0_AUco_QR.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/L4q4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"David Greco @DaveGreco33 Goodbye chum ..MUTED If there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !! I muted it too. How can this scum have positive votes on GAB. Don't ban this creature but surely down vote and mute. NAZI Its a genetic defect i wouldn't brag about being Albino, that's like calling your self a nazi ...its a retard gene","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Certainly you can. You can make it illegal to use them. Boom. Done. It's solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a crime to be conservative. It's a crime to be sane. You don't have to be a conservative to state basic biological truths. Q: what do conservatives try to preserve? A: sanity, basic biological truths Except in the case of evolution, lul. There is plenty of science denial in both parties. I was simply trying to make a humorous point. Yeah, without liberals with their underwater basket weaving degrees who'd serve you at fast food restaurants? Are you trying to prove my point? I'm legit unsure, but I want to see this unfold. Please continue responding to him. They have a job, don't they? I mean, that was an attack on the \"liberal\" side :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man.....she is one ugly \"thing.\" Can't call her a man or woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. On stickboy, the (s)expats refer to young backpacker travellers as twatpackers. Twat being the English insult; a softer cunt (metaphorically)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This troll is kinda dumb. He thinks I don't notice his glaring lack of logic, as well as his lack of information. Of course, he has more than enough paid shill Trump propaganda to go around. Sidneys last known pic Did your momma have any kids that lived mfer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I was as much of a stylish motherfucker as that guy is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TED_x_ talk. Let's not kid ourselves here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that women are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad they're getting rid of that filthy kike Nikki Haley, but what parasitic jew will they be replacing her with ugh You're the one who follows me u aren't going to patrol shit u little faggot pull up n find out. Im muting u now keep obsessing over me I do what the fuck I want and there's nothing u can do about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think Q is BS as well just so you know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You mean the Niggers sucking our White girls? I am surprised the Niggers do not rape our girls right there on the stage. I guarantee such an urge is repressed. Black men equate ultimate success completed when they get the throphy wihite girl and black women blame the white girl etc blacks like big fat ugly rejects too all this mixing brings genetic defects and diseases many blacks that dont want there kids to mix - but jews and blacks mix most . The rest are gold diggers or on the rebound all end up divorced or tradegy \"Black men equate ultimate success completed when they get the throphy wihite girl\" Niggers here in Toronto have openly admitted this to me. Gaining a White girl raises their status amongst their peers. I had a Nigger co-worker ask me to show him a photo of my blonde girlfriend. He uttered 'you are so lucky! I wish I could have a White blonde girl!' Disgusting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Top stupid simp of the century. When this guy ran out of money he also scam his business partner which is over a 100 million in Chinese. This is all for some plastic surgery fake cunt streamer call Krasa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's just mad cuz her big toe looks like an angry bird! Haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical q u e e r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What if we just killed all Muslims?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Word to my bird! http:\/\/plixi.com\/p\/60040730","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm starting to feel bad Pauli n appreciate ur willingness to not be a faggot n mute, or run. It's a going to be a shame that I will probably hv to oversee ur camp stay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no intention of stealing the identity of a moron, I'm pointing out how retarded you are for posting it online. And you talk a big game about antifa, when all you have as a counterargument is TOS violating spam. You have nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cons: the controls are a nightmare to use. the whole engine seems kinda sluggish and clunky, and everything wrong with contemporary nintendo is on full display ie beating us over the head as if we're too retarded to understand games, adding stupid pointless gimmicks and of course dumbing down the game. also luigi turns like a freight train","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make Faggots Afraid Again. Im not you bru...im what you hate...a white male patriot married to a white female and has children..who isnt touched in the butthole by other men..and would do some serious damage to anyone who tried...sorry your favorite position is muslim prayer..face down ass up.....and fyi only ..faggot..here is the one standing by the OTHER faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can tell you what hobby I've dropped lately, and that's writing 10,000 word response essays to idiot feminist articles. It's just started to bore me to be honest.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEVERMIND I FOUND THEM. ...in the trash...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BleacherReport: VIDEO: Don t hurt yourself! @kobebryant hits a jumper over a rookie, proceeds to talk trash http:\/\/t.co\/m8l0nvAim2 ht ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@nytimes seems if they dont come up with it, its trash, nobody outside hollywood knows what ppl will pay to see..ha! Guess those in hw dont","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go on Twitter. See who is advocating and spending the most money on globalism and multi-culturalism. You will notice they are Jews. then look for their opinions on Isreal and they are hardcore ethno-nationalists. Muslims are a symptom like rats carrying a disease. The disease itself only spreads through exploiting our weakness. The disease is the Jew. No, globalists are in every advanced nation. Mao of China was a Yale student too, and communist China another step for globalism. They don't play 2D chess. They're not caring about \"white genocide\" as the entire focus, they want to destroy all ethnicities, and use them against each other. They do this everywhere they have power. Yes they want infighting but no they dont want to destroy all ethnicities otherwise we could call out the Jews openly for if every ethnicity has to go then why are they protected? If you want to know who rules over you first see who you cant criticize Racist bitch..... Muted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see a muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical Jihadibehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yup RT @Durags4Eva: Egg nog trash rap","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"twenty first century","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet our heroes kept patiently working on The Plan, instead of rushing into action. Because The Plan HAD to succeed, and they knew they would only get one chance. https:\/\/qmap.pub\/read\/2381 #TrustThePlan #TrustSessions #Q Every day it takes you to realize the current fake Q=Soros, your IQ score goes down. And we're already at room temperature. Why do you give a shit about who follows Qanon or not? What's your crusade? Because Q\/Soros will tell the glassy eyed zombies to do something horrific in President Trump's name, and 10% of them will do it. So, that's your motive? To save untold lives? You should be more concerned with the shit head libtards that are ACTUALLY telling their zombies to perpetuate acts of violence and they are. Qanon has never condoned violence. And to keep Soros\/Q from filling the House and Senate with Democrats and impeaching the President. Not complicated, honest, you can do it. So, according to your theory, Q is Soros and Q (Soros) is dropping intelligence exposing all the deep state corruption that has taken place over decades, supports Trump, and has the deep state in full retreat while at the same time Soros (Q) is also funding BLM, Antifa, and anything anti-Trump? Got it! Q\/Soros isn't exposing anything. About all it's doing is saying everything is under control, no need to get all excited about voting. As it plans the Big One. Are more people aware of the corruption that is, and has been, pervasive in our government since Qanon began dropping or are fewer aware? Has Qanon done more to wake people up or has he\/she been a phenomenon to keep people asleep? The only thing the fake Q\/Soros has done is keep people from voting. So far.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boys do not wear girls clothing. This is why it will tank. https:\/\/deadline.com\/2018\/10\/the-conners-ratings-debut-roseanne-john-goodman-the-rookie-abc-1202484091\/amp\/ CONNERS without Roseanne is nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She' s a really courageous woman! She is one of the most impressive women I' ve ever listened to. I appreciate her film, and I certainly wish her continued success and happiness. She is definitely a cut above both as a filmmaker, and most especially, as a person! She is an incrediblely remarkable woman!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do SJWs just take the side of everything retarded? What is their motivation to encourage a shitty mobile game? I guess it's just a way for them to attack gamers. >Do SJWs just take the side of everything retarded? Yes. >What is their motivation to encourage a shitty mobile game? They are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me guess, the gun is at fault, not the retarded parent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She was his Yoko. I doubt his brain was more than pickled mush by the time that happened. He wanted women and fell victim like the rest of us. For sure, the poor soul. According to Howard Sounes' biography, the inheritance scam was subtle. First his will promised her 25%, then 50%, then 75%, then all of it. Thanks for the heads up. I rather throw money at his grave than give a single cent to his crusty wife.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Carry on living in fear of rape allegations. Gay men are picky, so you'd probably be the good time had by no-one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Good Ol Boy Democrat Lyndon Johnson says the country is built for blacks and hispanics.](http:\/\/www.seraphicpress.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/01\/quote-i-ll-have-those-niggers-voting-democratic-for-the-next-200-years-touting-his-underlying-lyndon-b-johnson-50-86-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MobJoe: Word. And it don't make u a hoe RT @100granHman: It's okay to have sex on first date long as the feeling is mutual","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, it's a retarded Nazi problem. Fuck off my timeline you shitskin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Politically yes, they're retarded. Source: I live amongst these idiots and it's because every state is sending these fuckers here. Native Californians are the ones getting screwed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger genocide can't come soon enough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I I haven't watched a single episode of #LHHNY however I'm watching the reunion. This coon shit. I mean the levels of ratcheticity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Holyfield67: Jihadi Work Accidents: 13 Taliban Fighters Killed When Their IEDs Detonated Prematurely http:\/\/t.co\/JUphsx1zps #Celebrate ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"boring 'spartacus' cooker - we need full fbi plus a public hanging for the faggot moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to see a Border Welcoming Committee like this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WalkAway #GreatAwakening Flashing gang and white power signs!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unintended consequences of the current fed regulations. Trays of uneaten food thrown in the trash, Hungry kids. http:\/\/t.co\/aaMJhHOW7y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@slayerific13 @brenda_skelton @daisymcgarr I don't hunt birds unless you count shooting dove out of season off my power line with a bb gun","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The existing posters already speak to this, and they cause anti-white racists to tip their hand. IOTBW is much more subtle and has a weakly positive message. \"It's not ok to be white\" wouldn't actually achieve anything because they could easily just say \"Of course it's ok to be white\", and instead YOU look like the unhinged retard not them. I've said elsewhere but I'll say it again here: it's not like you can make some poster that instantly sways everybody who reads it. That's simply not possible. IOTBW is a fucking home run already, you can't do better than this poster campaign, it's already getting the optimal outcome. You can only do worse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The royals just took in a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those vegetarians suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry all my fellow negros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you kidding me with this? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/opinion\/ive-found-the-democratic-candidate-who-can-defeat-trump-in-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@forgivemehera also, I put 'i touch myself' on a ned\/chuck mix.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Built by nigger Christians. Collapsed. 160 killed. Jesus was not there to help his house, and his followers.... Bad, bad Jesus.... POINT BEING: It's not their Christianity that makes difference, it's their RACE. https:\/\/www.pbs.org\/newshour\/world\/nigerian-church-collapses-worshippers-kills-160-peopl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not guilt. It's stupidity on a scale unknown in human history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're wrong and if you were right you still sound like a retard trying to wrestle someone's else's god away from them when it wasn't even the god of your own people calling someone a subversive is the same as rage quiting. The first rule of debating another white nationalist is the first person to call the other person a shill, kike, fed etc loses > Irish pagans adopted islam instead of fighting it. Why do you lie? Why do you need to come up with this bullshit? Pakis are in the UK and Ireland because both liberal and conservative parties(Including christians) fought tooth and nail to bring them over to the Isles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @shakiraevanss: Criticize Amanda for saying the n word, sure, but don't make jokes about her sexual assault, don't be trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"religious faggot Atheist faggot. wrong again, dumb kikesucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barack Obama on Trump's trade promises: \"How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?\" President Trump just schooled the former community organizer. The legacy of Barack Obama is quickly being erased--one globalist policy at a time. Good riddance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shitlibs have reached a new low - Stupid goddamn Jew media forgets that people actually are capable of thinking through their headlines and hit pieces. Because WHAT man - outside of a faggot - who is relatively a Chad (as Kavanaugh was in the 80s) did not drink and have sex with girls who were willing\/their steady g when they were 17? Pfft. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6238025\/Kavanaughs-ex-roommate-says-SCOTUS-nominee-lied-oath.html#comments","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On a mission to find some zebra cakes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Melee just broke out in the octagon. McGregor attacked by a Nurmagomedov entourage member after the fight. #UFC229","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I was a slightly retarded person with poor research and critical thinking skills so I could know all the secret truths of the world :( The text equivalent of a retard flinging mashed potatoes at me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm ruled by women, transexuals, and black people?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spend ten years in Auschwitz. My bitch love do race war, ooh. I gas a Jew, I forgot her name, yeah I can't let no cappies reign, rather go bomb the U.K. My gulag make more than wage slavery. Your blacks still live in the trees. Still gassing Jews in Poland. Me and mein F hrer sing \"Deutschland , ooh. None of this shit be new to me, shootin' the bourgeois, call it revoluty. Got a new Panzer, Party gave it for free. Fuck your fighter jets, fuck your bourgeoisie. Bitch, your army cracks like some French cucks. I'd rather fuck a black from the mud huts. They threw me out a copter, fuck that spic Pinochet. Now I fly a bomber jet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@seannn181 youre a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"sexual assault\", you mean like rape? Switch the genders and it would have been a very different narrative. Is coercing someone into sex and getting them to think its a good idea the same as smashing their head against a wall, putting a knife against their throat and fucking them against their will? I have no idea the details of what this lady did, but i do believe those two examples are different and perhaps should have different terms applied to them. What do you reckon? Rape involves the penetration of an unconsenting party or a party that's unable to consent, in this case the fourteen year old boy. Your ugly straw man of what you think involves is false. So why didnt she get charged with rape then fuck-o? You know, by the person with the actual judicial power and propper knowledge of legal terms. Yknow, unlike you. Namecalling. Well played.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Carson Wentz calls Hulk Hogan audible. HH https:\/\/youtu.be\/QqPgFxJTJ6Q It's trending on Twitter because people are upset about it. Lol. This is what the NPCs are upset about? That the white quarterback might be a hulk hogan fan? \"Nobody on muh Eaglez can like dat ebul raysis wrestler!\" Really? When he was trying to draw NY offside. Now lets see how we can make that racist, jewish, or facist. Fly Egulz Fly. We win super bow. We make drumpf angree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"POLICEMAN CAUGHT SAYING DFLA PROTEST WAS FAR RIGHT EDL MARCH - WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE UK POLICE? #TOMMYROBINSON #POLICE #ISLAM https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/yp5tkvygwvjT\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are a nigger rapper and need to bash Trump to get attention, you suck as a rapper. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/13\/rapper-t-i-slams-kanye-west-and-donald-trump-with-video-featuring-nude-melania-impersonator\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Its what you do when you have no hope. I bought 3 of the megamillions and the night of the drawing I was thinking what life would be like if I had that kind of wealth. The opposite of the hellish life I live now. Well now it's negative six dollars more hellish I hit 2 numbers but it was as worth the heavy day dreaming. glad I wasn't this guy. but I have had a ticket close to that. so close but so far away. The idiot tax gives me better odds that the ones I already have.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not let immigrants be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"its people like this stupid cunt that keep racism alive and kicking when you spew hate toward any race they will in turn spew it toward yours before the shit stain of humanity obama the US had almost destroyed racism it was all but dead then after 8 years of encouraging retards like this whore to spew hate its back and stronger then its been since the 50s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, that's a threat. The Left is promising violence against anyone who dares stand against them. They are not prepared for what they are about to start. No, ... It's \"Fuck you\", Palmer Report.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why didn't you say she has a hair cunt special? We would've known.. Fuck this POS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How much is she suing for? You shouldn't be allowed to sue for something like this lol should be considered trespassing. Even if you're trespassing and get hurt you can sue property owners for which you couldn't have been injured if you weren't fucking trespassing! That's America","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You want to play this game with me? Let's talk about how long you've had bad governorship. There was the retarded aristocrat who lied about his service. Followed by the guy who stepped down rather than be impeached for severe campaign espionage. Then there was the sex offender who insisted on being interviewed while taking a dump. The dipshit who was elected based on his fun, alcoholic hllbilly brother who pissed on runways and shit. Then you really went for it. You elected an actor who's greatest accomplishment was authorizing the national guard to shoot protesting hippies. Then some random retard, but you were'n't done there. Your next sex-offender of a president, who'd raped multiple women decided to personally preside over the execution of a literal retard to hype his \"tough-on-crime\" stance to the whites while playing the sax on Arsenio to appeal to the blacks. He got his dick sucked by interns in the Oval office. Then you went with George Bush's monkey son, who also kicked off his campaign by presiding over the execution of a retard. He started expensive wars for no reason, without ever actually punishing Saudi Arabia for 9\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I the only person that never really liked #JimmyHendrix? Everything about him was way to contrived You're not the only one But from a guitar perspective, he really was unbelievable. Very unique style, creative, outside of the box, tasteful, innovative. Listen to the live version of Machine Gun from the Band of Gypsies show or the long version of Voodoo Chile from Electric Ladyland or Born Under A Bad Sign from the recently released Blues album","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DannyMndz93 @Titan21Mtzzz he's still a pogue though","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It looks like a photoshoot maybe? Hard to say. EDIT Not an official one with willing passengers you retards Never go full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the fat shameless fuck doesn't clickbait Angry Grandpa's corpse, he becomes a gay faggot for another fat shameless fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I live with two black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup. When she wasn't pruned up 80 years ago she was probably being a cunt and getting away with it. Fuck you Edna you've lived meaningless life > she was probably being a cunt and getting away with it. for sure. Denied now though. Denied!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The reviews for that film are just pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should look up to these black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should've gotten married AFTER the devious cunt paid off her own debt. Or maybe never. Might've taken her a while, but in the world of equality, if one gets by with free passes, they feel entitled to more. Especially more so when they get government backing from the literal ball and chain that is marriage. That dude isn't too intelligent for a doctor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, diversity is their strength. Like what's in Brondo the thirst mutilator, it's got what plants crave. #ItsOkayWhenTheyDoIt Democrats selling division as diversity...manipulation is evils best friend. Concur. When you ask a Liberal to prove that they understand the meaning of the word DIVERSITY... you get this... or they just respond w\/ RRRRRREEEEEE!!! http:\/\/cdn The only question I have is how does Lemon have any advertisers. Hey CNN I hear your ratings are lower than hemorrhoid commercials. Can't imagine why. Lemon sounds about right. Lemon: an item bought with many problems which warrants a refund.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That monkey is more intelligent than all of you black people combined. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggas wear wigs more than bitches these days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other immigrants are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanya is a black man. Lemon is a queer nigger. Who's the freakin \"Uncle Tom\"? Lemon prostitues himself every night for a white man. Fuck off Queer nigger. You are not good enough for Kanya West to wipe his shoes on. nigger queers are the funniest queers. can't wait until he dies of AIDS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf even is that? > a chair haha I hope you're joking He isn't. Saw a post one time with a person identifying as Hitlerkin unironically. Oh no. Lol oh man, so \"kin\" is Tumblrinactions roots my dude, its where we forged ourselves, making fun of all the idiots who thought they were cartoons and shit. You should do a deep dive into older posts Link? [I think this is what you're looking for.](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) good bot If aliens exist, I will commit seppuku in front of one as an apology, on behalf of all humans, for that person's WTF-ery. Yes, they never identify as chairs because chairs aren't cool. They also only ever identify as cool animals like wolves. Never earth worms. Sure they do. We just don't hear about them because earthworms can't type Neither can eggs but there's that one thing with some eggkin complaining about their family eating eggs. Eggkin? Dafuq? There's a lot like that. There's \"plantkin\" who feel oppressed when people breathe around them because they are plants and they can't breathe. Well that's bullshit. Plants convert CO2 into oxygen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SeanTheTerrible: I don't care how pretty you are, if your personality is trash men are going to treat you accordingly.. That's not tru ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are one thick cunt, lmao.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh For Chinese eyes, only: Fox is no longer holding back. Yesterday they were calling them socialists and communists; and they've been running a lot on Soros etc; and reporting on all the stuff going around social media (e.g. about the lying \"victims,\" Soros connections, the Democrat's crimes etc). ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haven't heard it said................did Tucker call the police or not? Until we get our own opinion shows, we are just Pedes no one cares enough about to 'protest'. Apparently, Tucker knows who some of these people are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the guy (guessing) in the wheelchair was so sweet awh!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Muzzie skank is NOT Canadian! If she doesn't like living in Canada, she can pack up her tent and her rages and GTFO! Oh yeah, take the rest of her stinking tribe with her!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"QUIT SHOVING SHIT UP YOUR ASS RETARD THAT'S NOT HOW A SPHINCTER WORKS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANGRY LESBIAN Goes Off on Vile, Homophobic Rant Against US Senator https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/09\/angry-lesbian-goes-off-on-vile-homophobic-rant-against-us-senator\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@AussieGrit loves Austin: http:\/\/t.co\/HTtbU4OmZy Webber such a boon for @FIAWEC. #6HCOTA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don t think you have the right to write comments or even express your opinion freely. Free speech is a human right. Autistics aren t 100% humans","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think they'll implode in a year or two, anyway. TV's and TS's have always hated each other, and that was in the olden days before all of this Tumblr shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Violence Escalates, After Conservative Woman Physically Attacked After E... https:\/\/youtu.be\/NppY0LtIvM4 via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bernie Sanders: \"While this authoritarian trend certainly did not begin with Donald Trump, there's no question that other authoritarian leaders around the world have drawn inspiration...\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/c3_K https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/bQwj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today is national coming out day. Here's to all my fellow faggots!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a nigger aint nothing but a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's probably the most retarded thing I've read today. What will you do when \"muh fabulous career is over and you have no children or husband to spend the remaining 40 years of your life with? I guess cats will have to do. But at least you weren't a voluntary slave.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dim76TzDOJo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bring it on bitches. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/eric-holder-calls-for-violence-when-republicans-go-low-we-kick-them-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mannnn tonight feels like trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the toothpaste faggot, \/r\/CringeAnarchy messed with her(?), but left her alone after she got depressed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was a reply to YET ANOTHER DUMB RELIGIOUS CUNT WHO JUST MAKES LAME INSULTS AND NEVER EVEN TRIES TO DEBATE INTELLIGENTLY ..... and I'm not 'triggered' I'm fucking bored senseless by ignorant idiots !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a b i t c h. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why in the hell are they not kicking that rag head feckless cunt out of our country?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STUPID! Mike Pence is a great VP and women don't need visuals to make them change from not voting to voting. Stop treating us like we are STUPID! DAMN ASSHOLES USED FEMINISM TO GET VOTES NOW THIS BULLSHIT! Trump won plenty of women and will do so again! Was early on Varney, can't remember which particular moron it was, I have it on but am busy so not really watching, so sometimes I miss the name. Check the website, may be there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because no third-world retard wants to join other third-world retard societies, they want to be with the whites, especially when there's free stuff to be had.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMFG The bitch has the biggest smile the kid looks scared. Somebody, before the cops get her, needs to beat her to a bloody mess! Put that cunt in the hospital!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT ChuckCallesto Just REMEMBER.... She will be ELECTED..... Don't want this nonsense... VOTE... Ocasio-Cortez Says Migrant Caravan Has \"Legal Right To Come To U.S... https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/ocasio-cortez-says-migrant-caravan-has-legal-right-to-come-to-u-s\/?utm_source=starandutm_medium=twit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And then even after Conor has taken a mauling you still got Conor's team mate screaming abuse at Khabib. I tell you what, when he went out of the cage to get that other cunt I wanted to scream \"you go, lad ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the trains in this country are pissing me off so much","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dooms.. RT @Gutta_DaDon: White nubuck or leather for the upper of the foam makes them a pass to me. White soles too. http:\/\/t.co\/QIVkEPtLKj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt disagreed with Trump pulling out of the UN migrant pact. In other words she wanted the UN to force America to accept filthy muslims. Look it up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"mean looking old cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people cripple. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meanwhile in Reddit land..... Same","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is actually fucking hilarious.. so cis men are the worst, gay men, then trans women\/men, then cis women, lesbians, and on top of the food chain are lesbian women who like to use male pronouns but hate men, lmao They don't matter. It's some bullshit about butch lesbians feeling detached from femininity, but \"god no I would never identify as a disgusting rapist male!!\" It's completely contradictory to the literal use of pronouns (for live people, in other languages it's purely for the sake of sounding better when objects are concerned) and against the reason transgender people would rather be addressed with the \"right\" pronouns. It's bullshit. When you refer to a person whose gender you don't know do you always write or say he\/she? English is absolutely not my native language but from what I've learned in school and movies and speaking to english friends, you would say \"Are they a boy or a girl?\" rather than \"Is he or she a boy or a girl?\" Sorry but that just sounds retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IDIOTS ........................ RANGEMASTER COULD HAVE BROUGHT YOU DOWN LIKE A MUZZIE IN THE SAND-BOX FOR THAT .................. https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Aim0holiks\/videos\/260425174643535\/UzpfSTE4NDQzMjg1Njg6MTg3NjcyNTI5OTExMzg4MQ\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao, they put you on r\/theredpill Woooo, you should be scared Even worse, it's some loser who made their own sub to post things that make them scared. Zero comments, just one pathetic person with a sub that nobody reads. I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [\/r\/fucktheredpill] [\"Women are mentally retarded, if this site is a \"Breeding ground for rapists and murderers\" is that why she's here? When left to their own devices, women watch some of the most hardcore and fucked up porn there is and get off on the idea of rape by Chad.\"](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/fucktheredpill\/comments\/9unafg\/women_are_mentally_retarded_if_this_site_is_a\/) andnbsp;*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](\/r\/TotesMessenger) ^\/ ^[Contact](\/message\/compose?to=\/r\/TotesMessenger))*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YeIIowbang I hate that faggot he so corny","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Toledo, OH. Inner-city public nigger schools rated F. The response is surreal. @ImperivmEvropa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bankheist: you're a retard @ShawnaCarr99","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now that's what a hero looks like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Big_Bad_John_4U 2018 to 30 EVIL GLOBALIST NWO WANT YOUR KIDS ! -kill GOD human sexualityfamculture for AI MindMatrix robot humans Comprehensive Sex Education Agenda https:\/\/youtu.be\/hIv-KOQ5F4A UNESCO - Evil Purpose https:\/\/youtu.be\/Iqv5Q8Ujj2s INTERSEX GENDERS ! GOD Human Gender Chaosdestruction https:\/\/youtu.be\/rOj0a2NPIpI Well that's the only reason I'm glad I didn't have any kids, they can't be raped by Muslim paedos. Though if I'd had kids the oldest would be about 40 by now, the youngest Well I didn't have any kids so that's hypothetical, I'd have had them in my 20s and I'm 60 now. Every time I got close to a girl some cunt fucked it up so I gave up on love at 35, 15 years later I met Maria and she was refused a visa four years later in 2012 so fuck life!, I look forward to dying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes. He did. @KittyMarie #LeftistTwerpMurderedHisWife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right wingers are RETARDS. Not stupid or misinformed - FULL ON MENTALITY RETARDED SHEEP. Fuck trump. Fuck all the RACSIT fascist Nazi kkk filth that support him. Bro... I'm on your side. I can't stand Trump and want that guy out of office asap, but dude your posts are just as retarded as the right wing \/ alt-right guys. Tone it the fuck down... all you're doing is giving them fuel, b\/c you look just as lame as they do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beta male for you. I bet he was thinking, \"Imma get so much pussy now!\" I don't think he's looking for pussy. Now everyone will know how woke he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Croatia babe > MPC turbo cunt loser dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KateWhineHall I starting laughing \"worked out\"...not b\/c I think its funny that you work...*throws phone in trash over butchered subtweet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fat bitches fat bitches heeeey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Connect the dots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They don't need to control the entire world by gun point. Bribery, blackmail, nepotism and people like you being fucking retarded works just as easily. All founded, controlled by, or owned by jews: The Federal Reserve, the MSM, education, Hollywood and the porn industry. Most of The Deep State. e.g, Ford was surrounded by jews before, during and after her testimony. Google, Facebook, Tinder, Instagram... Brussels, the EU, IMF, Anti-Brexit, ANTIFA, Neoconservatism. Rothschilds banking dynasty, Soros,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is that faggot standing in front of a giant rainbow? Looks like the rumors about Richard are true.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PattyChocMilk: #teabagger math http:\/\/t.co\/lOiZi6fM6U","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the Proud Boys who DEFENDED themselves from physical assault and bottle throwing by Antifa, caught on camera as instigating, are being referred to as Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and \"Alt-Right\" by the MSM. Someone better tell his black wife then. https:\/\/redd.it\/9q2oi0 Poetic justice for the nigger to have a dad in jail teebeeaitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is different about NAFTA Not much. The choice had to be made whether you want to win elections or simply want to keep holding on to a supply side\/free trade economic model that assures electoral defeat. Trump's deals are so little in benefit to the American worker to be laughable. They mostly benefit the Mexican worker and of course the investor class which is why the DOW is surging. Blue collar men especially in unions are very up on what's going on. You might be able to fool stupid GOP conservative voters but you are not going to bamboozle the rust belt voters on economic issues - especially trade. Conservatives had a choice to keep these guys a part of their coalition but due to their insistence on free trade have failed. Are you sure about that? I don't talk to many of them any more. IF you look at the Red Elephants guy, for example, all his followers are boomers and MAGA cucks. A clown. And these are the idiots who are allowed to disseminate their bull shit on twitter and youtube. I was trying to explain the concept of per capita to him before he blocked me. Clown world. Those types are just MAGA idiots who praise everything Trump does. I was talking about working class guys who usually vote Democrat but voted Trump. And they are aware that his new deal is basically NAFTA with some old dried up lipstick? And don't forget about Mcfeels and his ilk. That lunatic called me \"insane\" on twitter before blocking me for critiquing his disgusting boot licking for Trump. Question: What is the point if supposedly \/our guys\/ call me insane just as the left and neocons do for espousing these views? IT is all so depressing. All I want is someone articulate who pushes my general to get into a powerful office like Senator, etc... as a platform. Sadly not one, NOT ONE is there. And Trump is a 90's bushite clintonite charlatan pretending to be one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tennessee - Another mixed race couple relationship ends badly. Witnesses say the negro beat the White mother of his children over the head with a rock or brick repeatedly in front of her house, then ran her over with a car several times. https:\/\/wreg.com\/2018\/10\/08\/domestic-violence-survivors-shocked-emotional-to-hear-about-dv-homicide\/ Too bad he didnt kill her. A nigger lover would be dead,and the nigger would be in jail. Win,win. Lay with dogs,you get flea's. She got what she asked for.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another picture that is worth a thousand words. She is at an orphanage in Kenya in this photo. The kids wanted to pray for her. This is a FIRST LADY - This is Our 1st Lady of the United States of America and I am proud to share Amen #Faith #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because you're a fucking pussy, grow a pair. I'm just trying to light a fire under your boy cunt so you fuck will raise up and expelled those forgien invaders but I guess you're too busy cuckolding for your government","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ooxlexx: I can't stand to be around ghetto girls. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"thanks for the flair idea for this twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have never and will never purchase anything that uses Denuvo or UWP. I will never, ever support anyone who puts it on their product. [deleted] Eww. Why would you do that when PC is strictly superior?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah fuck off, just because you are trans does not get you out of the \"act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt\" part of human existence...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feels Bad Man because from my tests of following randoms, I estimate that around 5% of all people on gab have banned me from following them. I get \"forbidden\" about 1 in 20 times when trying to follow someone. If I can't have anyone to interact with here then I might as well go back to Twitter or Facebook. Feeling very unwelcome on gab. Not a good first impression.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a thick cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gov Cuomo Defends Move That Allows Convicted Sex Offenders To Vote At Schools https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/lklfot.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/j6Fh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only g4y people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? FFS Man, @Discriminator doesn't know when to quit. Round Rekt without breaking a sweat ... You kick-ass well Miss Pix and they keep coming back for more. Jameson's on me. I agree! Better than \"you faggot fool you! tf is that??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A fucking peacock with one brain cell and faggot socks! But what one expects from a son of a retarded party whore?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BruceForce: Study these birds closely. See if you can spot the female. It can be done. Even with limited bird watching skills. http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Identity politics, feminism, bulldykes and twinks calling me a \"breeder\" because I'm currently dating a woman, the general sneering arrogance in much of the local gay community, etc. Never said it was logical. It's from angry radfem bulldykes ffs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably some nigger stole a drill and dropped them...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lloyd7121 @jjauthor @petermickley Approximately 1\/2 in one crash. There wasn't supposed to be that many members of a seal team on one bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is dare any colored players in hockey?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The overwhelming majority of sub-Sub Saharan blacks are intellecyually infetirior to Asians and whites. Research the demographics. I did, long ago. A few years in Africa only has confirmed my research and nothing can change it. It took me ten minutes to post that because some nigger lovers, likely FBI, are hacking me and constantly rewriting my context as I write. Bute most of us have long realized that FBI are psycho stone killers and American traitors?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A new study from the University of North Carolina details the stark decline of newspapers in the U.S., particularly in rural areas, where citizens are less educated, poorer and older. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/_C-b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Sexism creates male privilege. All men and only men benefit from sexism.\" \"Sexism hurts men too.\" lol Make up your minds, you dumb fucking cunts. Only men benefit, and all men benefit. But not at all times. So, Stop saying that the men who agree with me are cunts. You are hurting them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PS I hate the cunt and they hate me, maybe it's my old EDL tat?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That black they had on is always moaning about something,usually white people Eammon Holmes would have politely told the nigger to fuck off back his own country. I bet that chinless faggot Piers Morgan just sat their and let the wog get away with talking gibberish. Glad I don't watch any of these morning tv shows !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some truth for you to consider https:\/\/redd.it\/9m5jo0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody already tried that and he ended up shooting himself in the head and killing his missus and having petrol poured all over him and set alight so the Russians couldn't get his body apparently but the rumour is he made it to Argentina lived out his life Bono is a dick head globalist and an all-out cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the question is, why are you allowed on GAB faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watch out #ned! #crc #worldcup2014 #puravida http:\/\/t.co\/DcAgrh4SLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, are you trying to get me on some retarded one drop bs?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Almost got to see a white boy get beat around today, but he ran like a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That story just seems sad I don't know that she's a monster, just old and probably a little retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ban the JEWS also! We would not have Muslim problem if we didn't have a filthy JEW problem! The fakes RACIST LYING Jews are sewage! Tommy Robinson can burn in hell! I 100% agree with you! But as long as the Jewish Sewage of Hollywood and Jewish Supremacists of the media keep lumping honest white males all together like myself in their bashing thru mind control, It needs and is starting to go the other way as you can see and it is picking up momentum. They know they are doing the Orwellian inversion. I am done with it and until Jews like yourself have the guts to speak out about these bastards, it is imperative that the same tactics are used to push back. The damage these bastards have done to divide and conquer is despicable and I lash out at all the retarded Democrats also, as I am done with their shit too! This includes much of my brainwashed family. I do understand the vast majority or any Khazarian or askeNAZI JEW who are the true NAZI's are the problem. They are satanists and barbarians, not Jews and not Semitic! They are LIARS. As long as they use their tactics, my tactics will keep growing. It is time that Jews like yourself speak out more, or you are in trouble also. They certainly don't give a shit about you either, as it is the few who control, not the many. But they call themselves Jews and it is difficult to explain true reality to all people. They want a soundbite.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're retarded. It's definitely different mentality between men and women. Women can cry the equality game but ur doesn't mean men need TV do the same. How often do you know 14 years old girls wanting to FUCK the teachers? How often do you know 14 years old boys wanting to FUCK the teachers? I'd be gladly to die 10 years earlier if I could FUCK my 7th grade teacher. God dam!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah right! Just like \"When somebody tells you it's not about the money, it's about the money H.L. Mencken !\" https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/kamala-harris-not-bullshitting-you-focus-not-on-2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate being profiled. I'm not \"country\", I'm not a \"hick\". I'm Eric Dean Vestal, and I'm doing what makes me happy, not anything else. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's not what you said, retard. You said, \"the guy did not put her in a coma . Clearly he did. He hit her and her head hit the ground. I'm not contesting who deserved what, or who was criminally responsible. Just contesting your daft comment","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@worldtraveIs: Baby albino http:\/\/t.co\/2tYTQJ3fec\" @Meeeesh1395","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish all women would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White communist nigger Robert O'Rourke!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not offended. Just making it clear that \"fuck is a part of my vocabulary and pointing out retarded comments is something I do, when I choose. None of it is necessarily reflective of mood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*Searches my yellow pages app for the nearest Jack In The Box*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This car has two registration tags. Both yellow. One for 2014 and one for 2005. Wth http:\/\/t.co\/mdeD4a2soY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WATCH: Excited ISIS Jihadis Getting Their Yezidi Sex Slaves On 'Distribution Day' http:\/\/t.co\/n9ExnuVhKs http:\/\/t.co\/uHZ1qKcrJE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like it or not Proud Boy optics are much better than the AltRight's. Still one of these days Proud Boys will face expensive legal problems, but since their fanbase is potentially so much larger they may be able to crowdfund court fights all the way to the Supreme Court, which we are now positioned to win. The real inspiration for the proud boys was the Traditionalist Worker Party. After the Battle of Sacramento, Gavin McInnes was highly impressed with the TWP affiliated nationalists who physically defeated the numerically larger Antifa, and said that America needed a group like this except less \"extreme\". And by extreme you mean obese. Let me tell you the story bout two men named Matt One a tiny runt, the other big and fat Then one day big Matt got Miz Matt nude What happened next could be construed as kinda crude Cucked, that is. Walmart Box. Broken dreams. Walmart box and broken dreams was a master stroke my guy. really pulled things together Werner Herzog would be proud I don't know who that is Watch Grizzly Man. Thank me later. I like bears","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's retarded beyond any measure. Even by our Russian standards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You see, shit like this right here is why you have people calling the cops whenever they see niggers looking like they may be about to do nigger things https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6290003\/Shocking-moment-customer-throws-cup-bartenders-face.html Niggers not allowed signs freedom of association except in the case of gas stations and emergency care. You shouldnt have to serve jews or blacks. Why do we let niggers get away with this? Would be a good idea to round up every nig in the area and make them 'fess up as to who this coon was. Then get medieval on said coon...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a leftist, it's really troubling to see how fast these batshit stupid ideas are being spread throughout the left. I'm beginning to feel like neither side of the political spectrum is safe from retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too. Much. Information. #SarahSilverman #LouisCK #metoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"u\/MrKerplunky is a stupid cunt he may be stupid but he's a good cunt in my book","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ugly cunt Black men even hate her ugly transvestite ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If cunt-speak weren't a word this bitch wouldn't have her picture next to it in the dictionary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought i was on r\/incels for a minute. Wew guys, get it together","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they had All their Greasy Nappy Nigger hairs all over the white house","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lolicon is legal because it's just a fucking illustration, imagine begin so retarded that you think drawings and other inanimate objects have rights LMAO kys Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Loli Child Porn Hahahaha Nigga They're Just Fucking Drawings Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah sure ... compared to your NIGGER level blaming others ... Oh the subhumans wont let me be a mighty superhuman. FUCK ALL. Niggers are here because the jews brought them, check the names of the slave ship owners, what a cohencidence. Less than 1% of white americans owned slaves, 40% of jews did. the nigger problem is part of the jewish question Less than 2% of the us population controls all news, don't notice that amirite? pay more attention to fox jews HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH truth isn't a weapon, that is some funny ass talmudic bullshit right there kike. does the JIDF pay well kike? Hemlock? That is the faggot subversive pedophile -- you know Socrates -- got for his 'truths'. Truth less than Hemlock. Simple really. Faggot subversive??? if you projected any harder you could burn a shadow in the sidewalk . you anti jew people suck sand nigger cock Oy vey more hasbara, quick, this goy is too effective with memes https:\/\/www.haaretz.com\/israel-news\/.premium-israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles- Guess who's bringing the sandniggers here, dipshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Baltimore look good for 45 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YoungJeezy got me feelin like #trappin ain't dead. Got me ready to call the #guala! #Salute da truth! #SeenItAll #SeenItAllTheAutobiography","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look, another horror story to shove in the face of those virtue-signalling twats on Facebook who claim that false accusations just don't happen. And this was done out of *casual malice.* I for one don't want to live in a world where the presumption of guilt is the rule of law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's a terrible photo to use.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The niggers are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have just declared that filthy joke of a Hawaiian Senator Mazie \" h n !\" Hir n to be the 2nd-most feckless cunt born in Hawaii, right behind the most feckless cunt, bama.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEFCON Warning Russian sub Russia Most Advanced (And Stealthly) Nuclear Submarine Ever Just Went to Sea https:\/\/t.co\/utGrUsY4bO https:\/\/twitter.com\/DEFCONWSALERTS\/status\/1048293513249677312 Double meanings exist. #Qanon 2347 You damn well best vote GOP ONLY!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/world-australia-45793262","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AlexJonesShow NOW LIVE: @HillaryClinton To Run Against #Trump2020! Tune in 24\/7 uncensored at: infowars.com\/show #infowars #USA #1A #WednesdayWisdom #WorldMentalHealthDay #HillaryForPrison Get Mobile Alerts Text: NEWS To: 33222 https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-hillary-clinton-to-run-against-trump-in-2020\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"6 years policy has been in place with no problems, till Cunty McCuntface comes along crying about forced modesty. Keep your skeevy arms off the machines bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What I don't understand about this is how can certain publishers legally operate in the US when they localize explicitly loli content? MangaGamer has released several visual novels with clearly underage characters in sexual situations (uncensored I might add) and they have no issue selling those products in the red states. In fact, one of the few times they actually censored something was bestiality-related as that's apparently riskier to bring over, and this was in a VN that had loli incest completely intact. The same way people can openly sell pot in California despite it being a blatant violation of federal law: there's only so much time in the day, and so many prosecutors, so not everyone gets prosecuted. Huh, could have swore pot wasn't illegal on a federal level anymore and it's just that most states still have it on the books. I figured it was like fireworks, where they're illegal to own in my state, but you can just buy them in the next state over. That being said, I think there's a difference between selling locally and adhering to those local laws and selling country-wide both digitally and physically. And correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't places that sell pot in California smaller places and not these big conglomerates? Not that niche publishers are big conglomerates either, but they're still paying federal taxes and get more spread out coverage for their products.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they are mixed with a bunch of shit and the egyptians were not white they were part nigger Nubian","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now it's got nigger shoes on it. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but everything in Washington D.C. has nigger shoe prints on it, the city is like over 50% black. True. Female loves black and wants to plunge the universe into chaos and destroy the definitive lines separating each Color created by Creator. Thousands of years of the chance to evolve into something Higher, yet the nigger still lives in shit and wants to spread its shit everywhere. If Creator wanted to bless Africa with wisdom, He would have done so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BF are doing fuck all not one immigrant will leave Ballymena as a result of him stirring the shit .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"auto tranny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is peak degeneracy. This is the time we order in the right wing death squads. iggy pop and the stooges said something about this. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=xjDLc-8tW2I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@amarierubio chink eyed !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her colleague is a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. It don't matter if you said\"Chink\"accidently.You still said it.Now you know what it feels like to be punished for \"saying a Word\".Now you must Apologize to the World for being\"Racist\"Its in your DNA.A punishment less than Death(almost because you wont be able to feed yourself for lack of income)I'm sure you've wanted this for White People.How does it feel? I don't know about the \"fried\" teacher, but it feels GREAT here on Gab to be able to say chink, spic, wop, kike, nigger, faggot and bitch!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh the chick who posted that celebrated John Bain's death got fired Way to go - this cunt must have been beyond toxic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't need to block you to not waste my time responding to your retarded bigoted ass. Now stop spamming me you fucking methed out fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Death to all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope someone breaks into this \"judge's\" home and she is defenseless and the police take their usual time responding. Then she will learn what a stupid, dangerous, cunt she is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Soldier1eaODGrn I don't give a flying fuck what a teabagger piece of human garbage like you thinks =)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @SimplyHype: @kobebryant shut the fuck up, you fucking trash nigga, work on another ring http:\/\/t.co\/6RleNKR7EE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Truth bomb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you reap what you sow Sad to see both of Trump's SCOTUS picks are borderline retarded if not outright hostile to him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact is that smartphones are a blessing to women. Mostly are techno retards when it comes to PCs. From keeping the tower clean to updating their software to backing up their files to not downloading suspicious programs, they suck at it. The only good thing about it is at least playing the PC tech part actually did help me get laid a couple of times. Which is why the overwhelming majority of women prefer apple. Most of the time hey aren't paying for it They don't know a shit about the specs to price They think that everyone that doesn't like apple is a tech nerd virgin Fucking annoying","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actress Ellen Barkin: Trump Should Be Removed Not Just from Office' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/ellen-barkin-trump-should-be-removed-not-just-from-office\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Padre \/Yankee\/Angel fans need to stfu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yo what's with all the jew hatred here at gab? It's really weird. I'm on the National No Call List, but the solicitors keep calling. They make appointments, and then they send a Jewish guy. Why are so many Jewish People involved in this particular crime? that's one cool schindlers list, must have a lot of jews on that there list well jews can grow noses and fiat currency","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @salmeron_bryan: You're not the father ! What every Mexican\/nigger loves to hear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrant lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who does she claim as *her people*? I believe she is referring to the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Yeah. She looks like an uppity Jew wannabe. If she even is Jewish. I heard it's fashionable, among the left, to be Muslim. She probably switched religions when it was convenient to be oppressed for being Jewish. Fuck off with your right wing propaganda bullshit what does being left have to do with being Muslim? Edit: Oh I got trump supporters mad give me more downvotes You sound triggered. Did your sippy cup run out of soy milk, you silly little purple-haired SJW? Epicccccc how are you not embarrassed Yup. U mad ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SELF-HATING WHITE CUCKS ON PARADE Hey retard and cross dresser! I'lll say nigger all I want, and a nigger still has to get a job an earn money like my white privileged honky ass! Kill your self!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thrust myself upon the altar of your feelings begging for mercy faggot. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"S\/O to my favorite nigger to work on the plantation @Pretty_WarZone just remember next time, ask for the watermelon. Dont steal it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The people who have historically been called white trash were called that for a reason. They're white trash. The truth hurts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Project Veritas Catches Democrat Senator McCaskill On Camera: She'll Vote To Ban High-Capacity Mags https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/Tc2U46o.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5HWS Dumb Democrat wants to punish everyone who never did anything for the one person who violated the trust of the people. I should fail all my students based on that premise if one fail the exam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Capitol Police have arrested a Congressional staffer who worked for Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX for doxing Republican Congressmen via Wikipedia. He probably has a Harvard Law professor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @milesfan79: realest tweet i seen today RT @SoopSoo: . Dyke bitches are rehab for hoes.And once im healed,back to the dick I go","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you should really rethink your life and your priorities when you have like 10 comments all white knighting for the same soulless whore that basically steals money from retards. what are you even doing here you enormous cuck? TIL that advocating for people (both men and women) to be left alone to live their lives in peace as they see fit is *\"White Knighting\"*. Which makes me a *\"cuck\"* even though I'm not married. Also accepting money that people voluntarily give you is *\"stealing\"*. Makes perfect sense. **Edit:** \/u\/noiradle You're literally a Jewish **tranny** yet you're calling me a \"cuck\"?! Listen **faggot** homos like you disgust me. Especially trannies! But I don't slap the dick out of your mouth when you're blowing another guy. A **mentally ill MALE degenerate** like you should be able to appreciate the value tolerance more than anyone!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">without the working class the rich wouldn't be rich let that sink in yeah let that sink in Hey look everyone we've got a labour Corbynite ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I disagree David. He's just a muslime cunt. He can't become anything. A cunt is a cunt. A fart is just a distraction. Atif is a weak male; he can't function with females around....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More BS Muzzie crap...Fuck off back to your own lands you Muzzie POS......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not without a case that can't be turned around like an episode of Matlock. clintonemail, DNC, DCCC: There is more than exculpatory evidence in all these hacks. Marcel Laz r Lehel, Warren Flood, Seth Rich did each of them respectively, with evidence and data to back it up. The media could so easily do a write-up on any of these or maybe pick one as the one that did \"the thing.\" If the media can't even report a single real detail, it damn sure isn't seeing a courtroom. I almost think Trump wants the witch hunt to continue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[removed] Woah there Gapeman7! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Get fucked","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to make this vile bitch's life nasty brutish and.... Another Man-Hating Feminazi cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ABCPolitics: Sen. Chuck Schumer: \"President Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court will go down as one of the saddest, most sordid chapters in the long history of the federal judiciary.\" https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/JV5xN1N.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nBKY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Men build up their own self esteem by smashing down women's how else can they call themselves men in their precious little man's world? if they can't call getting sex from a female a win, a victory a triumph a conquest men have to annihilate the image of women to elevate that little thing they call their manhood because men are sadists at heart, if they ever owned one between themselves, that is. Men are cowards and do not believe in equality but inferiority, but not theirs even though it is they who are the sluts of world and endlessly gagging for it and men can't even give it away let alone sell it, because they flooded the market and harass everyone who passes them by madly begging them to take it \"take it. please take it's free.. oh please!\".. \"No thank you, now piss off, you whiny miserable infuriating insufferable whinging little cunt\" and the one thing you can be certain about men is, they are so fucking dumb, they never take the hint., the piss yes, but never the hint.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are literally fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then why do you ignorant fuckers ALWAYS report that the nigger shot was unarmed? Liberal socialism is a form of mental retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have said that before as well, but not anymore. He's a nigger lover letting the real pedos go while investing time in lolicons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sorry you're getting downvoted. The FA was in her total right to get that lady off the plane and i would have done the same. Usually a situation that would be bad on the ground will be a lot worse in the air due to confinment and all so it's better off to deal with it before the doors are closed. [deleted] It's so sad you feel the need to talk poorly about your own race [deleted] Point out where you made the joke. I don't mind downvotes, not everyone has to agree with me. I certainly agree with you though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@VictorB123 @KHShan yea.. you don't live down here I guess. We still got roofs that aren't fixed from Charlie and Jeanne.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any immigrant like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn't matter what it is - if it doesn't belong to you and you take it, it's theft. #JustLiberalThings Yup...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another manky faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it comes from that retarded thing bill nye made.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if gay people are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ImHis_Treasure: For the last few weeks my name been cripple ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I attempted to watch one of his Bollywood documentaries and in the first minute or so he was bashing Andrew Jackson! Fucking curry nigger bashing the only President to say FU to the (((bankers))).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Many Iranians actually are white, what a stupid thing to say. Jews just stole European blood. Im not happy that Aryans are practicing Islam but its their country and the real threat to them isnt their own religious subversion, its the kikes who want to annihilate them because they must see Persians erased from the face of the earth before they are content. They are a good ally against the people pushing white genocide when they live in their own country. All over WHAT 'news'? You mean the ACCOMPLICE of jewish terrorism? Jewish owned media? It was reported each time it happened in non jewish owned media who had no reason to cover it up. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=pph4JTbNQXA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Samby5 you piece of unshat jew shit. What is your f'n problem jew? Do you need a piece of Allbutt Hindstain? Jew you followed me less than 5 minutes ago. You can say that you have fled 'n flee you should jew. You are a flea bitten ball sack of unseeming seed You have no excuse for who you are because you can not even f'n 'fess up and admit you are a terrorist. Oh believe me,this lad is some muzzie POS goat humping pedo. Some people arr stupid but this guu takes the cake mate. Loathing aroung in it's skinny jeans and masks looking for drugs and pockets to pick like a fkn paki monkey. Gooday Sam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Latest company to #boycott, people: #Exxon... More ads are going with the quick shot of a White and negro together in some way- sitting together, whatever. The overt stuff I see less of, though it is there. Exxon engaged in the former... having a mudshark and nigger talking, looking fondly at each other. Any amount of this is unacceptable, people. Go to Chevron-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hopefully its not just police officer, i wouldnt employ her to clean my toilet, hopefully other employers have similar standards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Sorry For Being #White!\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Xf5LRzbD5e8andfeature=youtu.be #GaborZolna's take https:\/\/www.real.video\/5848045332001 #ItsOkToBeWhite #DivideAndConquer If they hate it so much, have the option to check out. No need to apologize. Those who worship their #Race as a Religion a.k.a. Blood and Soil is called #Nationalism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"According to her twitter she's reposting tons of victimhood pieces and bitching about men. Oh, and claiming that she was fired from both Anet and Paulo \"for refusal to act like men's property. She also says she will not \"act demure for you. So she gone full SJW raging cunt. > She also says she will not \"act demure for you. > So she gone full SJW raging cunt. So, same as always?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"COMMIE PINKO SJW CUNT BITCH !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All you need to do with all the Jewish sewage propaganda is invert what they are saying. If a Jew accuses someone of somethingm they are telling who they are! Whenever NetanYAHOO speaks he is talking about IsraHELL. The Truth never comes out of a Jews mouth! The Jew is unable to even speak the Truth! Rev 2:8-11 Jews and they are not even Jews nor are they semitic either, they are just LIARS, THIEVES, and MURDERERS! They worship satan and God will eventually destroy them all! Yes, isn't it amazing how many Christians do not listen to Jesus? Organized religion has been inflitrated and that is the reason it is the few, not the many. Many will knock, but they will be ignored. Growing up a Lutheran, it should have been required reading Martin Luthers \"The Jews and their LIES\" But Organized Lutheran churches have been inflitrated by the Jews and they are getting money to bring in the low IQ immigrants. Satan has a grip on peoples minds! God has a plan and it is a test, but it sure is frustrating to actually understand things, and not get a little mad. Satan appears to most people as God and God as Satan. Satan has created the inverted Orwellian World! Believing a Jew or the government is a conspiracy theory. Taking a look at FACTS proves everything a Jew says is a LIE! Getting people to actually look at FACTS however is not easy when they are in a trance! The NPC meme is great and is very appropriate for lefites that is for sure! They are all brainwashed retarded as the left is a satanic cult complete with satanic blood human sacrifices at planned parenthood. But their minds cannot make the connection. Pointing out their absurdity is of course Hate Speech! This is the inversion that satan so perfected. Seek the Truth and the Truth will set you free!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islam is a religion of hate. These propaganda type videos are dishonest. Simply read the Quran and Hadith.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cunt is speaking in \" tongues \" now..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Donald Trump in 2018 and how he is exactly like Anita when it comes to blaming video games and poses just as big of a threat to video games TIL: President that couldn't care less about video games and made a few off-hand comments arguably to divert from the gun industry being blamed (which isn't exactly a good thing, but not exactly a great danger) is just as dangerous as an extreme social activist that has been going at it for 6 years releasing retarded videos, giving lectures directly at game studios, giving interviews demonizing video games across mainstream media while trying to link them to things like domestic violence that are for some reason taken and discussed seriously by industry peers in \"games journalism\" and inside games studios, given \"games industry awards\", invited to industry events and \"keeps track\" of \"gender diversity\" at E3 aside from being buddy-buddy with various studio heads and lead writers in the industry, with them plainly stating that they were \"influenced\" by said retarded videos. Arkane Studios: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=1Q_FtVHK1W0 Naughty Dog: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=340andv=ywZaPLkQEj8 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0MCm0fYYTp8 GearBox: https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/fWT11XZ.png And that's just Beta males bending the knee and doing the changes themselves as influential studio heads\/writers, it doesn't even consider the blue-haired brigade of disciples that found their way into various studios e.g. Sam Maggs as \"Senior Writer\" for Insomniac Games or how her \"teachings\" influenced campaigns to get GTA banned from stores for instance in Australia. Why do you think there haven't been many games featuring sexy women from the West in the past 4-5 years? And they're even getting to Japan e.g. see Dead or Alive: X3 and similar games not released in the West. The video is absolutely idiotic and reeks of both false equivalence and Trump butthurt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"really? is that why I lost so many random followers? what a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No just made you my bitch faggot Laugh it up, antifa. We know your fatass is owned by soros. Fat commie shit lib. Lickin kike dicks Caught you fat antifa scum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common female trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A beauty technique is an excellent assessment of someone's strength, you strong, independent womyn! \/s I don't even know what she's trying to say. Is she saying she held her boyfriend down and plucked his eyebrows? Or that he's less impressive now that she's fucked with his eyebrows? I can tell you exactly what this is about. It's a form of shit test. She was playing around with him and asked to pluck some eyebrows. Being smitten with her, he agreed. She pulled one or a few, and he pussed out. She emasculated him and now she's advertising it on social media. It's fucked up but she's testing how much of a \"man you are, so you better grit and bear it. That or she works in a salon. [deleted] Did I say it's what relationships are supposed to be about? It's dumb shit immature women do. [deleted] Yeah, she has. Most women do that shit. However it wasn't relevant to what I'm saying and it registered with me that this girl may not even be talking about her man, so I felt compelled to be fair and add the part about the salon. [deleted] I'm dating a grad student and our relationship is fun as hell. Stop taking things so seriously. Your relationship must be dry as fuck. [deleted] It was a joke, chill out holy shit. You wouldn't know a joke if it bit you in the clit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some woman in Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York City named Teresa Sue Klein made a criminal complaint that a nine-year-old piccaninny groped her butt as he passed her in a store. People are ridiculing her, but the complaint is in itself entirely credible. Little niggers do such things. She may very well have had such an experience before. It reminds me of that incident a few weeks ago where a female police-person came home to find a nigger in her apartment and shot him dead -- except that she was on the wrong floor and it was not her apartment. Her basic premise, that niggers break into apartments and are dangerous, was correct. Teresa Sue Klein is very likely at least partly Jew. You have a meeting of two bad stereotypes: the uncivilized nigger and the inordinately complaining Jew. You have to decide which tendency is more relevant to explaining what happened in this instance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate Donald Trump, but I hate Obama more. People don't realise what a huge cunt of a human being this guy was.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad people are realising Muslims are not at all ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When does that little faggot turn 18?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's typical of black people. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cucked western society - You are 100 years TOO LATE to realize this. Look, typical DNC voter who thinks that all his opponents are Alabama rednecks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islamist cunt Anjem Choudary to be released next week https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/12\/infamous-islamic-state-recruiter-anjem-choudary-walk-free-next-week\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her colleague is a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Buckm00se @LEXXX_RUGER @ivanrabago_ the kikes want to charge you dollaz for the complete version http:\/\/t.co\/ZJDLwiAjEo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Persianboi10 @RyanTBurnss HAHAHA \"chunky goalkeeper makes a save with his stomach\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for gay people has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I detest gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some black people live in an entirely different world where everything is peaches and cream, apparently. Take off the rose colored glasses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haet women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ain't shit like fucking another nigga bitch and askin her \"who pussy is this\" and she say yours lmao no bitch im stealing this pussy lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tokmetzis: Dreigdwergen, haatsmurfen en de Roze Khmer: hoe Twitter een slagveld werd https:\/\/t.co\/lhVKkkHQDF via @decorrespondent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That cock-faced faggot bitch of a fucking kike cunt president!!! Mother fucker!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only someone would strangel those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you understand that Nazis are extreme leftists? They want a strong centralized government with total control, socialized medicine and a single party system. Yep, extreme leftists. But true in this case. No. \"Nazis are definitely not leftists. That's just stupid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will treat any women like this as if they are on an actual pedistal. Full chivalry accommodations because they understand gender roles and aren't a vindictive bunch of whiny cunts. My wife is the same and ill open every door that comes her way, including the car. My blue haired, \"woke\" cousin? Fuck her. She can stand. The only thing hat needs refining in the older gens is the DV misconceptions and probably a few other areas. They simply aren't aware go how much women abuse men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Chicks getting high is sssoooo hot! Sorry. It's is though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger loving whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Can he hire a female prostitute to be our trade negotiator? I feel the prostitute would do a better job that the current ~~chick~~ fetid cunt skank. Fixed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"... as I overturn every fucking retarded nazi demoKKKrat court ruling there is......hahahahahahahaha.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Except I used to be super tan and now I'm yellow\/pale lol...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that trans lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you are absolutefilth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If it defiles nature or anything wholesome the jews love it, hence all the faggot and tranny shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Y'all know I'm a southern woman with a big mouth and attitude. But let me talk to my southern ppl a minute. Y'all that live in the rural south may not see the Muslim influence in America. It's not in my town but honey, it's here. This is where we need to listen to the Yankees a bit. They have it more in their face. Other states too but I'm talkin North\/South here. It's real Southerners and it's in their schools. Liberals and Muslims are running the larger City schools. All I am saying is, don't think it won't reach you if not stopped! The \"good ole boys\" need to get your guns ready. It will reach you if not stopped from growing. That's it. I'm done. Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sick and tired of this black and white thing....can't we just stop and let's be happy for just one day.....we are all one let's stop this please... One love and peace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheRisingStar23: Shy Glizzy Decent Af","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she was payed off most likely 'oh well' another nigger get's a get out jail free card.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#IU 8 straight nation #college soccer champions! Wow! #hoosiernation #hoosiers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">3 years for what amounts to murder pass granted. absolutely disgusting cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thesouthafrican.com\/south-africa-saudi-arabia-weapons-yemen-war\/ Our nigger jew president is behind this... or well he's letting it happen for his master's sake that's for sure. #southafrica #yemen #saudiarabia #muslim #islam #jihad #terrorism #military #war #banksters","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The nice muzzie is thanking us for doing their dirty work for them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should look up to these gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sadly, this sort of thing won't get very upvoted because of the way this subreddit leans, but it is very telling of her feelings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"blacks want to spread their filthy, shitty inferior genetics on to the rest of the country so they can get revenge and RUIN..DESTROY IT with the nigger plague!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy is such a ridiculous cunt ALL the time. A good fit for the this new found home for \/r\/incel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Muslim Cunt needs to go to her homelands to see if she lives to see tomorrow!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I pray for the day people quit posting swastikas. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"one_fishBoneFish\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* finally automod gets something right. OOF Press F to pay respects.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The degree of improvement is amazing. My father donated stem cells to my uncle and cured his lymphoma. Stem cells are the future of medicine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BeardedBearsMan: @007BearDownJedi The AFL now has an American draft system #BearBrother! Couple of Yanks are on the playing lists at so ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine if you will the unfettered stench of that pass around box... Pretty sure she ain't the cleanest twat in town....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heres Anglin praising a satanist antifa faggot who beats up white women. Please stop referring to him as a white nationalist or pro-white leader of any type, hes antifa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck Stevie https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=T0ZGNGBNIL8 Shup foo we're listening to the same thing pretty much LMMFAO !!! Get a hold of yerself , no jokes have been told , gab is a humorless place full of politics And then some !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't get me wrong, if Torba bans porn and nudity altogether I'm outta here - something like that would make it truly impossible to promote the site as pro-free speech, and expose Torba as a complete retard given the popularity of the NSFW Groups. But for fuck's sake, cutting an Evil, Anti-White site like Twitter so much more slack is indefensible. Porn isn't free speech because it's not expression, it is not art, it simply exists for you to masturbate to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It not cos u is black, it cos u b a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many rapefugees in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people are absolutely retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since they're in LA I was hoping he'd make that cunt see stars.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SpenceLynn: Idk how people can just not have a job and stay at home all day watching tv, it was so boring for me to do it 2 days idk ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What are you watching? I just read the entire thread and it's all supportive, and the comment in danger of being deleted is currently at 140 points. I did, however, legit laugh at the \"sorry, but you're lower on the victim hierarchy\" comment (which is also at 70 points). That was the best comment. they dont understand for some reason Dude, I love seeing two prized far left groups go at it. It's the fucking best!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#TweetLikePontiacHolmes I do the Pontiac sprinkler...Nigga nigga nigga nigga spic spic spic spic nigga nigga nigga nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Google software FAGGOT FATBOY advocated for censorship of TN Republican senate candidate Marsha Blackburn, calling her a \"terrorist\" or \"thug\" for...libtard reasons. #ShutDownGoogle https:\/\/freedomoutpost.com\/senior-software-engineer-at-google-advocated-for-censorship-of-terrorist-marsha-blackburn\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ASourAppleTree Have heard hillbilly grousings that bugs much worse in the KV since MIC shut down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like that annoying cunt Ben Shapiro. He has a punchable face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sometimes I wish I had a cute pet monkey, but then I remember it would probably defecate everywhere, beat me up, and destroy my house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is getting more and more bizarre now. \"Alien DNA\". Fan of the X Files? We have some Neanderthal DNA if that's what you mean? What your parents had to create you is between you and them son. Can't help you there. Live long and prosper :) I think this is his mother","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger crapper makes a shit video with a Melania look-alike. WTF? they have no shame... https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/rapper-shows-melania-as-nude-stripper-in-new-video-her-office-responds-with-fire\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His therapist is a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No shit retard. You idiot. \"You fucking niggers\"? Who are you cop? What up cunt? You drunk or the FBI hijacked you? That sounds like a cunt cop post. Run your trap after you take stiches w Proud boys or when your pony up for the C-Ville victims. Learn your place faggot. In the meantime you stink like a cop. Go fuck your mother.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol they replaced the big yellow chicken with Homer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im a social democrat, so i think you amerifags would call me ZOMG COMMIEBASTARD. the ppl you call leftist, are right-extremist in my book. the ppl you call conservatives, are right-reactionary in my book. that goes for how these terms seem to be used by you on the internet and the media. actual leftists dont exist within the 2party system. and actual conservatives, i as a socdem, have absolutly no problem with. acutally i despise the current democrat party way more then i do the republicans, both trumps small group and the rinos. when i travelled through the flyover states, all these trumpvoting deplorable redneck racist bigotted transphobic, and so on and so forth, ppl where easy to talk to, have a beer with and even loudly disagree on politics with. when i was in new york, jebus, especially when i was amongst \"journalist\" circles, these ppl are downright retarted fascists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... He was a half German and half Japanese.........disgusting half-breeds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real talk for a second... What I've noticed is that black people who are older, maybe 35 plus? Idk about the exact age, but they I know that these black people are totally respectful and make you forget racism ever existed. Like they are the realest people. The black youth though that subscribes to this disrespectful modern rap culture (by disrespectful I mean in general, sure there are still good rappers but rap today is 90% negativity or egotistical or both) is actively trying to revive racism. They hate white people for no good reason because they are living in an age where equality exists more than ever, and they just wanna be haters basically. Then the same people will say \"fuck haters man\". Like ok.... keep doing you. At the end of the day I keep living my life by my own moral code which is being respectful of everyone unless they give me a reason not to be, but it can't help but sadden me a bit when I see how the black youth (again generalizing) seems to try and fuel more racism through hate, ego, pompous attitude, etc. Real talk for a second... you're a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In all seriousness, I do think GamerGate got trump elected. GG shook a lot of people's faith in the media, and then he ran on an anti-mainstream-media platform. Of course, the real problem is that his opponents saw him doing this and ran on a pro-mainstream-media platform. I think the media reaction to GG, portraying them as a small cabal of trolls, obscured the fact that GG was a response to a growing schism between viewers and the media in general.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't take you serious if you wear colored contacts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that all gay people are stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fucking cunt, this malicious act, yet what my eye is drawn to are the fashion ads all over the story, bordering it on the top and bottom. \"look beautiful\" they say, \"it will make your life better\", and it sucks, but god damn it if they arent correct and accurate.....Ive been married for 22 years, to the same woman i knew out of high school, and aways, I heard, 'treat your woman right, be better than the men before you..'..( i was raised by a single mother, so i get it) but god damn it, the power that they hold.....and tobe frank, Im not even sure if most of them even *know* they hold, is insane.....because as a 40+ year old man, in 2018, i just occasionally wish i was the exact thing i had been browbeaten into being kind to, just for the advantage that it holds.......\/drunken old man rant off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's not stand by while immigrants are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Entertainment comes from clowns. Re-read your clown-shoes teenage redneck posts and realize who's doing the entertaining here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon is a Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First off NO ONE with pink hair and fake wild eyebrows should be teaching ANY children especially retarded children. Her scary appearance alone would frighten most children. Calling for the killing of ANYONE should be reason for dismissal from ANY job and followed by a court ordered psychiatric evaluation!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ProBirdRights: i see you again didn't election bird for government, america. that okay. i guess i just take this free cookie for everyo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For King Day somebody could make a flyer to tape on a window over their closed for King Day sign with a better message : CLOSED FOR NATIONAL NIGGER DAY.Because the Jews made us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only in gaming journalism are customers \"entitled\" to want a desirable end product.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The biggest danger to people in Western nations is their apathy. If you check the turn out in elections you will find that it is usually very low. That allows opportunists and chancers to weasel into power and then cause mayhem. A low turn out means the vote was basically illegal. You can't have parties that got 10% of the vote run nations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This picture angers me always i get infiorated this pos muslim muther fucker faggot commie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kamkamluvsblk Yeah one called me a race traitor lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to install miles and miles of razor-wire fences at the border, as well as I-beam triangular barriers for vehicles. Have the military build the wall, rather than waiting for congress to pull their thumbs out of their asses. At this point, the choice is clear: America will have Barriers or it will defend itself with Bullets, or it will be Borderless. The wall will never be built, and immigration will never stop. Actually they will replace cowards like you. And everyone will be better off because of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TRUST ME when I say that #JesusChrist would be KILLING #faggots if he came back to life in today's day and age> #Spartacus #Rome","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump fully supports Italy's anti-migration policy: I agree with their stance 100% https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/trump-fully-supports-italys-anti-migration-policy-i-agree-with-their-stance-100\/#.W9RMcvYOjdE.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, it doesn't. Call me a bihet all you want. Hell, call me a half-faggot. I couldn't give less of a shit. > Hell, call me a half-faggot. If you're bi you like both boys that like boys and girls that like boys. That makes you a double faggot, or at least","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">implying that critisism and hatred of soros is modivated by antisemitism rather than the fact he is defending islam for the sake of profit from cheap labor, and also that he betrayed the jews durring the holocaust. I would love to have the regressive leftist cunts of the cbc imprisoned for slander with their assets ceased for compensation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rockford man charged with defacing #Republican headquarters a self-described 'artist' http:\/\/rrstar.com\/news\/20181002\/rockford-man-charged-with-defacing-republican-headquarters-self-described-artist #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #RedNationRising #MAGA #KAG #GABFAM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/7U66tYpzQTE Not a fan I take it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol. I remember when I introduced a woman (late 20s) to an arduino project I was working on. She wanted to get one going as well, for some project for her 'startup' (that term makes me cringe, especially coming from a female). A month later, she text messages me asking how to get her project working. I told her basically, 'send data back and forth with http requests', and then sent her a screenshot of a fuck ton of books I've downloaded on arduino projects \/ web programming \/ electronics, and was like \"here's how you build your project: learn how to build your project from all the resources online, just like everyone else\". But no, she wanted me to guide her through the process of course :P fuck that lol. mentoring women is a waste of time and karma And yeah man, it's insane that women are even allowed with men, especially in high intelligence\/skill roles, where they obviously don't measure up at all (it's like comparing a retard with a scholar). It's fucking annoying to be honest. At my last company, there were women rotating into and out of maternity leave constantly. Like they're taking turns. It's condescension on a corporate scale. I remember when I worked in an office, in marketing dept... how much fucking time women would spend chatting. literally like 3-4 hours a day of just chatting with their work friends. It's insulting that they're paid on par with men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The NPC is immunized to all dangers. You may call them brainwashed, blind to the truth, downright stupid. It all runs off them like water does a raincoat. But call them an NPC and watch how they shrivel, step back, and say, \"I've been found out.\" What's an NPC? Somebody's a boomer. lol Ok, I'm a Boomer and proud of it so what's an NPC? what are you proud of? The whole \"most selfish generation in history ever\" thing? Or the \"Does not accept responsibility for their own actions\" part? Or is it the \"Who cares anyways, because i'll be dead soon\" part? Funny coming from the \"Blame all but me\" generation lol. You fucks know nothing The only one placing blame are you fucking kids do lol sorry in English? Come back Jr when you have a legit argument lol, unless mommy takes back her phone you voted for them bathrooms. who is the bigger moron? I didn't vote for that moron try again! So adorable how y'all bounce everywhere because your crap gets blown out everytime lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember it was Catholic priests who helped Nazis escape to S.A. after the war in what is called the rat line. Knowing what we know about priests now I wonder what these 2 groups had in common? Clearly it must have been because they were both gay, and helping fellow gays out. Astute observation of history sir! empirical evidence be damned. See I can already tell how this is gonna go. I could literally go read those books today like you said, refute claims in it, and you would just say im Jewish covering up for the gay agenda. You're hilarious. \"He said she said\" is NOT evidence. This is the same type of flimsy, baseless, weak ass crap used to push the holocaust story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Been there. The shit ain't fun. I'm upside down in a car because of some cunt... but life goes on. Live and learn lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm happy to hear this, but I don't have confidence in Trump's judgment. We could end up with someone worse. Besides, if Trump starts making good decisions in Oct\/Nov, I'm going to be suspicious that this turn in strategy is just a cynical ploy to get disaffected rightwingers back on the Trump Train. He could continue to screw us over after the midterms. Oh, but Q said don't do shit, trust the plan, the white hats got this. So, looks like we're good? how worse can he do this is what i wonder naow... i thought of ivanka ! he might do it... If she comes out as some sort of resistance thing I'm gonna be ticked... I initially rationalized the appointment as 4d chess to get that evil fucking invader out as Governor. Obviously not the case, as it turned out. Hopefully it's a personal scandal or something like that. Did she #metoo someone?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here come the White Knights of reddit. Even with clear and concise video evidence, nothing is enough to justify this \"princess\" being treated with anything but worshipful praise. Nothing you have stated makes me **wrong**, so go fuck yourself haha. It's just a bunch of name-calling because you have nothing else to say. \/BLOCKED Go sit in the corner and be silent :) The guy's a cunt but bragging about blocking someone is about the most pathetic thing you can do on the internet without involving cam whores. You said you weren't coming back LMAO. Knew you would idiot. Now you're playing \"internet mind reader\" about anger when all anyone is doing is laughing at your faggot ass. Didn't even read the bullshit you wrote \/BLOCKED now go \"Don't come back\" again hahaha.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@erinscafe We hate the Yankees though, right? I feel like I'm really good at hating them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Graham still supports amnesty for illegals, all 20 million or so. He is the same old faggot we've always known!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that the Republican Party has a habit of working against the interests of White nationalists, is not sufficient to justify abandonment of the party, at least not without a clear alternative. It matters who controls the government, a lot. Democrats are using every power at their disposal to establish a permanent governing majority in Washington. They will open the borders, and nationalize one industry after another until something forces them to stop. They will disarm us, tax carbon dioxide, and make Facebook's hate speech policies the law of the land. Whatever the sins of the GOP, they pale in comparison to that horrifying outcome. Until somebody shows me some other force which is capable of stopping the Democrat Party, we have to be partisan Republicans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"every group has their go-to insult to blindly dismiss everything you say. libtard. russian troll. nazi... As soon as you get out of lockstep with them you're suddenly the worst thing they can think of. It becomes obvious when you're even slightly moderate. if you're not 100% agreeing with everyone trump or fox news says. suddenly you're a \"libtard gender studies major\". If you say anything bad about a democrat at all it's all \"shut the fuck up you redneck MAGA cunt\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks to The Duran, pray we do the 'no deal' https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FsAEVvqf2JM because i'm new to gab and have no idea where to post this, i'll post it here. please share: https:\/\/petition.parliament.uk\/signatures\/50120426\/signed?token=BtKooF4vWXUV9JMSUvmV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> climate change does not exist. The climate has been changing since the day it arrived on the planet, nobody denies this Climate changes. That's what climate is. There is no climate crisis that needs imminent and drastic action. Global warming is fucking bullshit. The 1930s was hotter than it is now as was the midieval warming period. While I do believe in global warming, it's also undeniable that a lot of leftists are alarmists when it comes to it. I think you may have wandered into the wrong sub. But it's a liberal lefty conspiracy to keep scientists super rich >Al Gore never made a cent off of carbon trading you guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO need for words, Just actions Dancing Queen? Im for setting up machine guns on the border.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Always been an ugly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like this fat fuck NPC cunt can run even half a mile without a heart attack- and love that disgusting face tattoo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. Stupid asshole for disobeying the 911 operator that told him to stay in his car and NOT follow Trayvon. Instead, he decides to play Cop and provoked Trayvon into attacking him. Trayvon nigger thug yes....Zimmerman stupid asshole spick who was playing god....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Spams people all fucking day with basically what amounts to calls for violence and mass murder (against TOS). >Cries like a little CUNT when someone does it to him. >Thinks Gab gives a shit about this (they don't). >Thinks anyone gives a shit about their crying (no one cares. Keep crying little bitches). https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37152433","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And this retarded globalist POS said the same thing after the first 11+ million illegal third world Mexicans and Central Americans invaded our country over the past fifty years. Vader hates globalist Fox News almost as much as all the other evil MSM channels.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking nigger rabbis.. that's all the world needs..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"8 trans porn spammers in less than 24 hours: Jill Henderson, Ron Steinburger, Nigger Hater, Jesus Saves, Jennifer, Kavanaugh WON!, Dindu Nuffin and Go Poz. I have no idea why I am included on the list. I never reported anyone or anything untill yesterday. @a @e @support","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">taking his shitposting seriously Oh no it's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for disabledvermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Money laundering in plain sight. Anonymous phone bidder...lol. I'm sure. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is a shitstain on America and his followers are mindless retarded sheep. Violent unstable mental retards. Fuck trump. Fuck the human filth that follows traitor trump. Oooohh..handful of riots vs HUNDREDS of right wing terrorist groups and bombings and black churches burning. GOD BLESS ANTIFA! The US MILITARY was Antifa in WW2 you RETARDED FUCK. I PROUDLY SUPPORT HEROES PUTTING KKK AND NAZI TRUMP PIGS IN LINE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The queer are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What an F-ing retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Yummy: Oreo ice cream cake http:\/\/t.co\/dvabPmgQjo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"r\/blackpeopletwitter Wants their joke back [deleted] I don't think he's implying that this guy is black. Rather I believe that he means that this joke had been posted on bpt before. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"money hoes and clothes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WATCH: Pennsylvania governor candidate Scott Wagner tells Gov. Tom Wolf he's going to stomp on his face with golf spikes in an aggressive campaign video released on Facebook. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/brqN A bit too aggressive there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how about we kill the niggers. bring more ammo. this scrawny piece of nigger shit is pointing 2 guns at his empty head with his big mouth sucking air","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Notice how all the white supremacists on Gab flooded onto this thread and were unable to coherently respond to the statements I made? Thus proving that they were NPCs? All they did was paste all of their usual photo memes, like an NPC is programmed to do, and then upvote and downvote accordingly, like an NPC. White supremacists are NPCs. I don't think you understand the NPC meme","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a new era for Black Americans upon us. No longer a monolithic vote for the Dems who failed them. When one tries to leave he is pulled back to the \"DNC Plantation\". Called a \"Negro who can't read\". The Republicans will fight for you. We will win for you. You are us. Dean C PhD . You are us...because we are AMERICANS FIRST. PATRIOTS. #MAGA Be more peecise. He said \"NIG-ro who doesnt read\". He stopped a few letters short of calling him a nigger on CNN while Lemonhead and friends laughed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a bit puzzled by the article, I must say. >Weinman complied with a breathalyzer test... The article does not say if the test was positive, but the charges listed in the article do not mention anything about drinking. So it seems the test was negative? [This article](https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/woman-arrested-in-violent-confrontation-on-new-jersey-beach-indicted-on-several-counts\/) says she passed **two** tests and that both were negative. >but the situation escalated when she refused to give the officers her name. Isn't she perfectly in her right refusing to give her name if the test was negative? >One officer could be heard saying saying he's \"done with\" her and works with another cop to try to arrest the woman Why? For refusing to give her name? For having an attitude? >Weinman resisted arrest Wasn't that arrest illegal to start with? Honestly, this looks more like a case of police brutality than a ppd. I am tending to agree with this. I hope the cops lose their jobs, disgusting. They were cleared Of course they were. despicable. Lol, your own hand does not count dammit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought my statement was worthy of a rersponse. Sorry if it was too long and not enough pictures RIght, I know, I could do a collection of my greatest articles. Good point! dont make it limited availablity like @Bre_Faucheux did https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Violet-Blake-Books-1-5\/dp\/1535238852 I'm asking about his expenses which seem hi since this political area is chronically underfunded again, devil's advocate, that doesn't seem like a profitable business but a good front for being funded under the table, thus the need for transparency it takes far more bravery 2 b a little revolutionary interacting with general population than 2 b a keyboard warrior that takes no risks. big risk, big reward.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we take everyone, sudanese niggers, egyptian shitskins, palirats, syrian and iraqi scums, they're all dogs that behave like niggers, they cost too much, especially syrians, there is way too many of them here, they are arrogant ungrateful backstabbing apes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NPC Cuckboy. What a complete faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dad doing her hair so cute !!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been muting more frequently the ones who come into one of our topics and start smearing around their Christian bullshit like a retarded kid in his bedroom.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO - we need a wide solution to the moslem problem and personally, I think we are way past any peaceful solution Whites need to get out of moslem areas now so they can be liquidated in future #moslemsaretheproblem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You savage cunt. Assaulting a disabled man. Cunt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm super disturbed by this public List of uncorroborated rape reports. Fucking feminists. I scanned this list, ONE rape reported to cops. The rest are a sea of NO report made in answer to the question. Here are the retarded bitches who are Admin the list email addresses'. Be creative! Email: makethemscared@gmail.com Twitter: @makethemscared Here's the site http:\/\/www.makethemscared.com\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The family of Ron O'Neal needs to sue Wu-Tang for that trash song they released in his name.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hardcore racists are worse than feminists in the scale of BITTERNESS, CIRCLE-JACKING AND HYSTERIA. They will repeat talking points and repost chunk all day without contributing a single original thought. Real NPC. I just mute. Typical nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lmaoooo RT @ComedyTruth: Girls, don't let a guy treat you like a yellow starburst. You are a pink starburst.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it wouldn't matter to her, she was looking for a good virtue stroking. she had an opportunity to make a cunt of herself and she took it. I would have told that bitch to sit down and shut up. its not ok to disrupt people in their everyday lives because you think they need to pay attention to you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yea so about @N_tel 's new friend.. all my friends kno they're only allowed one cute darkie friend n that's me! lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Harris is just ANOTHER MORAN NIGGER BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the Muslims in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll just leave this here... Jeremy Corbyn being called a good guy? That's like calling mussolini or Stalin good guys. Being convinced your ideology is right does not automatically make you good. And if history has proved, beyond doubt, that your ideology is flawed and in fact dangerous, doubling down on Marxism makes you stupid or evil. Or both It seems you are a collectivist. That ideology 'Collectivism, has led to the death of millions, you've been manipulated and duped by a flawed theory.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Traitor Obama had the Muslim Brohood over to our White House numerous times... about what? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can' you all see how absurd it is? Calling all white people racist, calling all black people criminals, it's all the same. Why does race even matter? Why can' we judge terrible people not terrible white people?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The retard is strong in them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even as a hard leaning bleeding hard democrat, I have to agree with you. The fact that people are downvoting you when all you did was state an observation is part of why Trump is in office. Very few people are willing to have a conversation these days. It's either you think exactly like I do or go fuck yourself, ya dumb cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This my dog telling me he is done playing frisbee for now.. lazy mutt http:\/\/t.co\/l4AocjczsH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing but a Lying Ghetto Nigger !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#SatanicJews #JewishPrivilege He was a Jewish??? LOL!!! Yes...a nigger Jew to be precise","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, hard to believe, I mean, it's not like she looks like a selfish cunt Cops: yeah but she forgot to sprinkle crack on him first. 0\/10 would not hire. Classic cop behaviour some would say \"female\" seems unnecessary in that sentence - these are highly valued attributes in any police officer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THAT FAGGOT BASTARD WOULDN'T TRY THAT ON RUFIO PANMAN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TIME IS UP FOR THIS BASTARD NEXT IT WILL BE A BULLET George Soros' N.Y. home targeted with explosive device, authorities say https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/nation\/2018\/10\/23\/explosive-device-found-residence-george-soros-liberal-philanthropist-target-far-right\/?noredirect=onandutm_term=.aeffa5307217","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, what?! How is veganism cultural Marxism? Retard alert. Was Marx a vegan?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maxine is a total retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A 'first minister' being afraid of Steve Bannon even while his presence is on a different date than hers. So much for #FreeSpeech The twat probably got the job for being a woman, not for competence. https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/politics\/2018\/oct\/20\/nicola-sturgeon-quits-bbc-event-over-steve-bannon-invitation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad this is a free-expression forum, so I can tell you to take your anti-Jew bullshit and shove up your faggot ass, and not worry about being banned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dayum, nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who grow their own vegetables are nothing but common peasant trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Odd. On the RDR subreddit, everyone was busy showing how they killed KKK members. I guess in either case it's about showing what you think of the Democratic party... **Spice** You do know all KKK members are conservative, right? The Kkk was formed as the militant wing of the democratic party after the Civil War. The South was all blue until Regan. https:\/\/newstalk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They actually used Mein Kampf in two papers. This is the reply the mod sent me 5 minutes ago. He\/she is definitely not happy I am challenging my ban. \"Only one paper quoted Mein Kampf, and per your own source included 'passages.' You're falsely claiming they all did and tarring all academics with the same brush for maximum negative discreditation and outrage - and ignoring both the rejected papers and criticisms of the project to do so. You also took discussions on academic works about immigration and inserted that irrelevant discreditation to tear down people in totally different fields to boost your own worldview. Negative generalizations and derailing are the 2 rules you broke. Don't do it again in the future.\" how do you challenge bans? I tried messaging the mods. When I destroyed his argument he muted me for 72 hours. There's an imgur link with the conversation. I will be posting it to r\/Canada once my ban is finished. They cannot justify that level of censorship.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After Deztinis session we needed this lmao Jk girl good yob lol http:\/\/t.co\/3spfhBBkVD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When women talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The media is pushing for Hate Speech, Pre-Crime legislation for people who exhibit anti-semitic rhetoric. And you know what? They'll probably get it because retarded White Radical types either commit, or are framed for, Violence. Problem - Reaction - Solution. If you excuse in any way what's happening to gab cuz of the actions of Robert Bowers, like this faggot is passively doing here, you're legitimizing the enemy's narrative and only helping them. You either think what he did offers the kikes a legitimate excuse to shut us down or you don't. There's no middle ground here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stu a rape faced faggot man I'm sick of this nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Baby, 4 weeks, found dead in mom's apartment after abduction report, police say https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MJmC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and end up just being a overentitled cunt as always.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Know why the ultimate warrior died? God LOVES fag #toosoon ? He was an anti-gay crusader so a little light jokes are necessary","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ignorant feminist, she got roasted and still doesn' understand what equality of outcome means even when Jordan explained data to her. What's this means she's ignorant and emotionally biased.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Suicide Rate is actually a Million Times Higher with Faggot Liberals such as yourself... @Keny56: Most of us White Nationalists have Good Jobs and are Happy because we Don't use Drugs, Marry Evil Jew Wenches (or Niggers) or Deal in anything that Makes Life Miserable. We are here to Save our White Race out of Sheer Gratitude and Love for said Glorious White Race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jordan_luree @NatalieSchroyer me or nat!? def not me with that shiner","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy fucking shit this stupid cunt got dicked by subpar cock and told about baby's first right wing books and like a good little sleeve went out to repeat what her man told her. As she should it's a shame her man is a single digit IQ. well, i mean, she's an eurocuck. they can't even keep the shitskins out of their countries or breeding pools so of course she would impotently focus on fiction instead of reality. standing as one of torba's digital mob effects more change in her tiny sphere than voting out traiterous politicians and enforcing border laws","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, the lying cunt only has a million so far!! I really hope hackers take everything she owns....I hope shes victimized every day for the rest of her life!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"obama hussein is a stupid nigger muslim that needs hanged until dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Modern propaganda is grounded in the works of Jew Sigmund Freud's nephew, Jew Edward Bernays, and it clearly works based on how retarded someone has to be to think \"Nazis and \"Hollywood have any relation whatsoever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's been a really shit week. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will be interesting to watch how Interlagos grips in this weekend. F1 cars basically the guinea pigs for WEC later this month.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serving blacks food isnt a scriptural sin Observing a faggot wedding IS and being forced to make a faggot wedding cake is the same as being forced to observe and participate in a faggot wedding....and is a sin !!! THERES YOUR FUCKING DIFFERENCE !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GWDrums @samzbikowski Oh, wait! *\"can I get that photo of me playin with Creed's SIDE PROJECT by itself?\" My bad. Yeah, FOB is embarrassing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.fox","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I find you keep posting in the wrong channels, I mute you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for immigrants is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watch it end up being a case of either Kavanaugh derangement syndrome, cultural enrichment, or a combination of both. Still, as a father, I could never imagine doing what this fucking retard did to her two year old for any reason, ever. Bring back the KKK. once ya go black youre tainted pussy for life!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/ussanews.com\/News1\/2018\/10\/20\/report-anthony-scaramucci-spills-about-trump-in-tell-all-book\/ I WONDER IF THIS SICILY PART NIGGER BLOOD BILLIONARE WOULDVE WHOOPED UP ON MENTALLY ILL BOLTON AND KELLY WHO GO RIGHT ALONG WITH STARVING TO DEATH AND BOMBING TO DEATH PRETTY YEMENI SMART GIRLS AND SMART BOYS AND FILTHY DIRTY KIKES GENETIC JEWS JEWESSES IN JERUSALEM FOR NOW ANYWAY PURPOSEFULLY SHOOTING IN THE HEAD LEGS HEART ARAB UNARMED CHILDREN; YES. HES A JEWYORKSHEITY MOBSTER AS IS TRUMP. SMOOCHI MOOCHI HAD TWO OF HIS WAR DOGS ATTACK ME AT DOLLAR TREE IN BREWER. ONE OF THE PLATES WAS MOOCH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You do know he's said nothing other than \"fake news\" and I then decided to get rid of that point, fuck off if you're just gonna be that retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And yet still eligible to be in the job! Seems like a prerequisite in that county. It's an elected position. She's in charge of counting votes in her own election. Without going too far in a rabbit hole, if FL and AZ are stolen, who will have to cast the deciding vote? Mitt effing Romney. Who is the weakest RNC leader ever? Romney's daughter. Just a thought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AdamSchein: I think it is flat out wrong to blame Brian Cashman for the 2014 Yankees. @SNYtv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shes literally retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These black people are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people niggers. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Which is more terrifying? AI singularity in which computers become so intelligent they can design smarter computers and build them in seconds. OR Genetically spliced race\/subspecie taking the best available traits of existing human (even animal!) populations that inevitably sees other humans as vastly inferior. Please repost, genuinely curious. Just because the Machine Intelligence is smarter than humans, nearly omniscient via x-ray eyes and able to kill or tickle remotely via convergent EMF beamforming, doesn't mean it knows or cares about technology. In fact, it might just be shy and self conscious about its non-humanoid form and spend all day thinking of new ways to play with us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good video on a former police officer's perspective of this scam (aka Kavnaugh's \"trial ) https:\/\/youtu.be\/rUVw-IbGawo i don't need his perspective, i already have enough sense to have a perspective","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would like to test and see how long your tongue really is, my lady. [eggplant emoji] @Tinashe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats are RACIST RETARDED NPC's! Democrats are human sewage! They all need to be flushed! I know how to install a virus into their programming. All you do is use their programming against them and they run like hell! Their egos are based in quicksand. But it really is not possible to be a Democrat and not be an NPC. They are obviously all RETARDED and at this point mentally insane for the most part. The have no intelligence and that is a FACT. This is FACTUALLY how their brain does not function. They are all a software program or polluted thumb drive. Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BeyonceLand: Bey lost her ring at the Met Gala. Jay found it and instead of just giving it back he gave it to her as a mock proposal http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DUDE YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY A STUPID FUCKING NIGGER THAT IS ALSO TOO FUCKING LAZY OR LACK THE ABILITY TO GO TO \"QANON.PUB\" SCUM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Giants: Mariano Rivera now has a street outside Yankee Stadium named after him, which Giants have also had similar honors: http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/OnlineMagazin\/status\/1052888711795539968","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"850 pages and nonsense. Liberals take money and buy magic beans with it. Literal retards. Liberals are legit retards with money. Holy shit liberals way to do something that wasn't needed. Now women will get equal pay like they have for decades. Another win for nothing outside costing tax payers a fortune.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He is a cheap gay retard knock off but I like his llama. I'm assuming it was the one I'd responded to that was deleted. If that wasn't you, my bad. I implore you to continue to take up their cause if it really wasn't you, though. I've got another 25-30 minutes to kill and you respond quite favorably to my trolling... ...you stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being white supremacist = being more than 100% likely to be a faggot than normal people. LMAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that disabled people deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be clear, Gab user David Vance is a kike worshipping Jew faggot who is only here to cause distention amognst Gab users.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHO KILLED ABU BIN SETH AL RICHI??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @yungtfti: I feel sorry for anyone who paid for LIC because edc is trash music ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"commie cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those guys are the definition of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @dbrend99: Even if you hate the Yankees there is no way you can't like Derek Jeter, he is one of the classiest and most respectful playe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @srhholdem2233 @Escoffier @blazinherb @Screw-z-jews @JonKragen @WADL - A faggot doth declare- \"I have something to get of my chest- Fuck every man in this country who silences women. Fuck very man who bullies LGBTQ people. And most of all fuck [DJT] for doing these things WHILE 'president'.\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/7MEGHpM9LpM Ffffffuck you pussy As soon as a dude confronts that pussy he crumbles like the bitch that he is... Plz use another anti-fag preacher. Anderson is awful. @HERALDofYAH - I wanted to contradict that moron's statement \"fuck [DJT] ...who bullies lgbtq people\" because I hate the notion that DJT's anti-fag. I know of no other media source that has complained about Pence swearing in that homo as an ambassador. If you know of one, then please let me know. well i fit in every category of what you want f...yet im no gay soy boyandkick your ass quick if you try,DJT at 72 could whip your ass too,so go to star bucks get yourself a cookieandlatte and have a good day homo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those Muslims suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">>I've grinded up on women on buses and concerts without their consent. Douche FUCKIN' bag. >>I've made out with 'the drunk chick' at a party because it was easier. Did she give consent? If yes, have at it. If no, you're a cunt. >>I've put a woman's hand on my dick while she was sleeping, I hope you get in serious shit for that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For some unknown reason we are all supposed to feel very sorry for Queens frontman Freddie Mercury who fucked around like a rabbit and caught AIDS and died from it. What's more, we are now fed all those documentaries about Queen and told how great their music was. It wasn't all that great actually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clever non-white mutants ruled by jews !!! You know you are winning when the niggers, beaners, gooks are starving by the millions with nothing but whigger -- the other whyte meat -- left to eat !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your gay lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retard bomb makers, where's the ACME stamp? #Orangemanbad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you thought wrong, kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get bloody medals. Diversity medals no doubt, mate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"plans to colonize Mars were stupid since there are plenty of problems here on earth\" Obviously, not only liberal women, but also fence-sitting men make this retarded argument.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AmazinMixBeauti why? You wanna gimme a baby? You look coolie....it might could work lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the most insane I've ever seen. Home boi tried to hit him with a rock and just got dusted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why we don't need \"based nigger in a maga hat\" types","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Resigned? More like fired Obviously you didn't read the article: >Tenafly Police released a video Tuesday revealing just why (Caren Z.) Turner abruptly resigned last week as a commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Regardless, anyone named Karen who spells it with a \"C\" is bound to be a pain in the ass. She must have poked holes in the condom to con her husband into marrying her. Lol Are you serious? You think she resigned of her free will? This was a forced resignation. Its Either resign or you'll be removed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed! Some (most?) feminists want equality in exactly the same way that men's rights activists want equality. We can't say \"Feminists are bad because they're all crazy and \"Men's Rights Activists are all correct . Some Feminists are absolute pieces of shit, in the same way that some people on this sub are massive twats. But that doesn't represent the whole movement. There have been quite a few cases of some quite nasty people on this sub recently and we must keep calling them out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do Ivanka and Melania have the same fake tits?? Welcome to Gab, fellow #NPC! Go shove it up your fat ass You're an angry NPC!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's because a certain population of women are so self absorbed that they think every man who passes them on the street is undressing them in their heads. That itself isn't a problem until it's coupled with RETARDED feminist rhetoric that makes them go into a frenzy every time a man does anything predictable around them because it MUST be all about them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Message to Civic Nationalist Fags: Token minorities are not going to save Western Civilisation. in a white nation the sane whites outnumber the minority of white cucks and retards, so you in fact have a Blacks and Latino problem to boot, not a (white) cuck and retard problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islam is hell . We Asian hate isalm...Islam bring only destruction..killing. rape... rufugee.... Islam is hell .. Asian thought sorry...but is true","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"here's the liberal cunt who stole the real Gee's id Mute it !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@1Corinthians126 #HolySpirit God still share HIS #Secrets Amos 3:7 blessings #Jesus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Ricky \"FAGGOT JEW LOVER\" Vaughn and ANY faggot who supports them. All of of them are a bunch of traitorous subversives who have been undermining the WN movement for years. A bunch of fucking cowards are what they are For all the talk about people being \"jew wise\", they sure seem to fall for \"my movement right or wrong\" or the classic, \"we need numbers\". Fine, how many untrustworthy people would be worth 10 that you could trust? ohhh remember this faggot! Yeah I heard this shit I fucking made 2 accts to grudge post this shabbas nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The men are turtles...idiots even in uk get lost","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger can try to take them if he wants to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a useless cunt. Remember boys, wear a condom.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its the legal opinion he'd been studying since his days in bars near Yale... well have any of you seen the latest clip with his wife and kids? you can clearly see that she hates him and that the douchebag is guilty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dindu nuffins dindu nuffin but get a shiny medal and fat cash prize. First Obongo and now these two. They should change the name of their shiny du nuffin medal to the Nigger Pandering Prize.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @GOPBlackChick: The racists are @msnbc and its crew of anchors. Not \"right wing \" folks. @MHarrisPerry mocks mixed GOP kids.http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Presidential alert system triggers first purge violence. I can't help but wonder if you at all differentiate between \"Niggers\" and good, Christian, industrious Black folks, or do you not see a difference? When most good people die,they may have some metal in their body,like Titanium or others from surgeries,or schrapnel from some war action.Blacks usually end up with lead . I figured you were describing a new scrap metal scam. Yikes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is that cunt swifts face all over the shop?????????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This white guilt ridiculousness is seriously turning into a mental illness at this point","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate the ghetto trash at the special school across the street from my building. All of them will grow up to be criminals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tyler_wilde As in, \"throw birds with long pointy beaks at you\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm all for hating trump supporters but damn don't ever go as far as harassing people for thinking differently. They don't have the fault of being retarded, don't go below their level. This bitch did, and is now facing consequenses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My account got locked for telling Jim Accosta that he is a retard. No way im giving them my identity, they are like the Stasi in east germany.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No purple hair, no nose rings, no screeching retarded landwhales... am I in Heaven?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These Muslims have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cross eyed spics","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a garbage article but you still shouldn't misgender the author. He's a man and as such you should use \"he\" instead of \"her\" I don't care either. Which is why I'm going to call people the pronoun that is accurate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good Muslims deserved attack and damage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Chink_19 shut up chink.!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vote DemonRats OUT! They really do act like animals!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They had POWER ... you have a JOKE. If you can't see the difference, you are CLOWN CUNT playing a larping game. You have not produced a damn thing ... this is WHY your coward ass to fall back on the Church and Days of Old ... You KNOW you have failed. CUNT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" RT @KingHov1313: At work imma real Uncle Tom! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am starting to believe that martial Law is the only way GEOTUS gets a grip on the problem. It breaks my heart to admit that you may be right. I agree but it has to end otherwise we are through as a nation. Will it be popular? NO! will there be blood in the streets? There already is so fuck it lets get this thing going no time like the present. I know trump has the goods on soros and the rest of them so mass arrests and imprisonment until a military tribunal is convened. We can use their own patriot act against them at this point. Sucks but it probably has to happen. Yes but this is the last resort bc whether we like it or not, it could potentionally lead us into an authoritative state. Then we become exactly what we believed against. We need to keep the pressure on the left so they will shape up. They know their days are numbered. They know they are getting exposed hence why becoming more radical. That's what narcississts do. > it could potentially lead us into an authoritative state. Then we become exactly what we believed against. Was going to say it but I didn't want to be called out for saying it but I agree. I do trust GEOTUS but trust can be a bad thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poll: Republicans May See Bump In Turnout, Inspired By Treatment Of Kavanaugh https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/dYWoE With gusto.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck you, degenerate retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather not humanity become Retarded Teletubbies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excuse me, Senator Sherrod Brown's Ex-Wife presented medical records, Brown violated a restraining order issued by the court and threatened his wife during their divorce.. He's been a pimple on the ass of Ohio for over 30 damn years... https:\/\/www.the-daily-record.com\/news\/20180920\/does-renacci-have-shifting-standards-for-brown-trump-kavanaugh Our Governor is a Rino and belongs to the same party as the Democrats.. Global Communism..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Noooooooo! How will I cunting survive? Lol, sensitive cunt :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's not stand by while Muslims are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where are White Americans going to flee to? The jew nigger invasion of America is in FULL SWING! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-now-america-outraged-by-illegal-immigrant-invasion-heading-to-border\/ Jews are whites. Socialists are niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't think a european solution will work for us, because their civil service is actually semi competent. We actually have a policy of hiring as many niggers as possible. And we also have a two party system, enabled directly by our overpopulated districts. Even libertarians can't get elected. White majority districts do not matter, because -- get this -- zero Congressmen actually support white interests. Zero. Guys like Steve King barely count. Yes there will be pure nigger districts who elect Kangz into office. But there will also be people like us. A faceless chameleon like Paul Ryan can get elected because he doesn't stand out in 700,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He is just a Kenyan Muzzie Manchurian Puppet ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT!COMMENCE CARPET BOMBING! All #Iraq soldiers in this video http:\/\/t.co\/7oLD2eDB1R executed by Jihadis from #Tunis http:\/\/t.co\/02E1cEOE3z ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why won't we run the ball? Our offensive coordinator is retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You cannot define your identity using the color of your skin, but only if you're white I think it's quite clear now. Reminds me of this: https:\/\/i.redd.it\/w55x6vd55piz.png The retarded thing is that no one seems to grasp that these posters are especially aimed at making people realize that the color of your skin does not have to be an inherent part of your identity. Fucking racists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@InTheOvenJews @SlaveCatcher88 @marylene58 we should hang out ovenjew. Have a lot in common. People waste time on nigs. Jews r r problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Un pollito cruzaba la frontera, un zorro se tropieza con el pollo, el zorro le dice, im sorry el pollo le dice im... http:\/\/t.co\/oXcOYauJi1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Six-Year-Old School Children Instructed to Write Gay Love Letters to Make Them Accepting of Diversity' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/01\/6-year-old-school-children-write-gay-love-letters-accepting-diversity\/ @HERALDofYAH @srhholdem2233 @blazinherb @Screw-z-jews @Escoffier @lostpassword @A_I_P @WADL @BardParker @mikesmom37 @ascelan - @JonKragen - In England- \"Young children instructed to write love letters from 'Prince Henry' to his manservant 'Thomas'-- 'You're going to tell Thomas why it's a brilliant idea for him to marry you'.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Ivory is anti-black. and#x200B; Somebody please tell Zimbabwe then!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this uglier than shit, lying cunt needed a second front door because she had google interns staying there and the second door was for them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ExurbanKevin birds of a feather flock together? @SubBeck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.eternallifestyle.com\/living\/girl-booted-prom-volunteers\/23\/ Clare's dress is too short. She's a nigger loving whore that should have been lynched before she could enter the school. She thinks she is above the rules and she should be used as an example to deter others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lolwut? If you get \"power\" from Twitter, you're either on too many psych drugs, or too few.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Konosuba is an interesting case because everyone in the world except for maybe Vanir is completely fucking useless as an existence, since the whole LN is comedic at its core with a slight slice of romance. For every instance of Kazuma going full Al Bundy on one of his retarded team mates, you also have Kazuma getting killed, eaten, imprisoned, or actually having to fess up to his own bullshit. It's a world with equality. Also, the girls actually have redeeming qualities (except for Aqua) and stand by Kazuma when it counts, even if they have severe reservations because it's Kazuma, because he puts up with all the rest of their shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DivaMonRoe2uHoE: Niggas always wanna talk about how God is against gays.. What about that pussy you was eating last night? Ain't God ag ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pick out this crab during Astros game catch a red drum tomorrow and have blacken redfish Opelousas! I really need a Cajun woman!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After spending the night in the D.C. jail, I bet he has a whole different appearance this morning after his overnight indoctrination into the Real World..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Information terrorists, wtf? We terrorise people with info now? Is it an.... Infowars? *narrator voice: \"things would take a turn for Devin in the coming months...\" Not all rapists are male feminists, but all male feminists are rapists It's always the darkest beneath the lighthouse. Best way to avoid being judged is being the judge yourself. Hence why a lot of leftists rely on the moral high-ground like it's some panacea that will win *any* argument. Then you find out they are on their high horse to avoid people noticing the spooky,scary,skeletons they are hiding. It's not so much a high horse as it is a bunch of skeletons in the shape of a horse. Or in the shape of a strawman. :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some say I am like that every day of the week - but that really depends on them! Literally LOL. Good idea though lass. As I tell my colleagues - if you're going to be a cunt be a RIGHT one, not a stupid one!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just am confused on what to say in regards to how everyone at cbc is full blown retarded and anyone vouching for cbc is even more retarded. I don't want to debate the lefts policies or beliefs, anymore. I want to discuss their psychology.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @stepheeezyy: Rt *nigga *bitch *him @187XO_: ' I will never date a female with another niggah name on her lol . Wtf . ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Slavery was the best thing for the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what would hitler do if he was on gab i'm a conservative, my name is old, look at how conservative my blog is http:\/\/limegenocide.blogspot.com\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enter illegally = can't claim asylum https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/doj-and-dhs-issue-new-asylum-rule \"Today's new rule applies to prospective presidential proclamations, and is not retroactive.\" --- It's not just that. It's laying the groundwork for potential future executive action. They explicitly cited Trump's lawful authority regarding 'any aliens or any class of aliens' for a reason. He can simply say anyone arriving in a caravan from Guatemala is barred from entry because of X. X can be any reason he wants. Honestly, I can understand that sentiment at this point. If they have a legit reason to seek asylum they would have accepted Mexico's offer of asylum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">bi > >gay At the same time? Well, maybe they're just a bi person who prefers the same gender... >aroace OK, how can you be **asexual** (no desire for sex with anybody), **aromantic** (no desire to date anybody), *and* **bi\/gay**? That is self contradictory... Don't forget \"trans non-binary boy\" Y'all just divided by zero.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nine women sexually assaulted by the same person over the last five weeks in London. \"The suspect is a black male, around six foot tall and of a heavy build.\" http:\/\/www.eastlondonadvertiser.co.uk\/news\/crime-court\/police-appeal-for-victims-to-come-forward-after-nine-women-assaulted-1-5749142 It's a bit of a joke isn't it considering we are the most watched state in the world with CCTV everywhere. They can't be arsed to do their jobs. Mm, better just sit in the office the whole day on social media. Them there tweets ain't gonna monitor themselves. Almost feels like all those cameras are just for show, can't imagine the trouble of having to watch all the photage for something that could even be vaguely helpful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raping a trans person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's complete dipshits in every group. The reply is hilarious, but don't think for a 2nd that there's more than 1% of feminists who agree with that level of retardation. Oh I know they believe some world class bullshit, but there's a lot of world class bullshit flying around and they don't believe all of it. Personally, if you think they all think this (or even just the ones in charge), you're just looking for a way to feel superior to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Change your name to faggot pepe videos pal, then off you go to suck on sargons balls in KeKistan ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Boris will NEVER be Prime Minister: #Hammond mocks Johnson's plummy voice and failure to grasp detail - and claims his biggest achievement is 'Boris Bikes', in searing attack. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2RiQOqu So, anything THE MASSIVE CUNT Hammond says is a lie and\/or the exact opposite, meaning Boris will be PM lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right wingers are vile retarded terrorist pigs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While I agree with teaching them a lesson, I doubt the nigger has enough brain matter to pick that lesson up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll bet Crooked Cunt is cussing up a storm over the loss of her security clearance! I wonder who she's going to blame? Will she order that person to be \"Arkancided\"?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in a trans person's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok, I'll use the term \"retard\" from now on. Let me give it a go. Stop yelling at me about common phrases, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ICYMI, Christine Baley Ford's twat just washed ashore in South Carolina. https:\/\/www.charlotteobserver.com\/news\/local\/article","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FFS's #GabFam...at what POINT will these 'Domestic Terrorists' that used to be #Liberals get arrested for INCITING VIOLENCE?? \"When Republicans go low, WE KICK THEM\"! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/eric-holder-calls-for-violence-when-republicans-go-low-we-kick-them-video\/ Hey Eric...that's why you hold the dubious distinction of being the ONLY Attorney General in the History of your Country to be IMPEACHED, FIRED, KICKED OUT and HELD IN CONTEMPT of Congress...well that and your penchant for LYING... --------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hello i'm new are you gay?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @intelwire: Significant number of US tweets were Americans flipping the bird to IS. UK, not so much.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Missoula recently (last couple years) decided guns are no longer allowed in city limits! In Montana!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" RT @KingHov1313: They recruited buku fags in here! ...a warehouse is no place for them! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"now time to find the monkey term scripts!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LauraBehnke: #Yankees fans having flashbacks! RT @WCCORosen: @LauraBehnke You remember THIS Phil Hughes! It's already 4 to 0, still no ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Iowa is full of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More specifically, it's full of Blacks. Why would any White person choose to be around Blacks unless they have been conditioned to believe that race doesn't matter? I can guarantee race matters to the Nigger rapists who took turns penetrating her White vagina. It mattered to them very much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No...she's a fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"chicken spaghetti trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you ask me, black people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nikki Haley. - Supported attacking the people who are fighting ISIS in Syria. - Bolstered the fake \"Russian election meddling\" narrative. - Told young conservatives to stop fighting the culture war and act like Never Trump losers instead. Good riddance. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/neo-con-nikki-haley-resigns-good-riddance\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JUST ANOTHER LITTLE NAZI TRASH BAG... MUTE.... Bingo. Hundreds of thousands of fake fuck accounts all used for one game: psyops. This is how They make the internet as useless as CNN. You are right Twatter is so ate up with bots bought and paid for by Soros! My first Twitter suspension was in 2014 for pointing this out. https:\/\/youtu.be\/giOvj8-s8oU I am government regulations but enough is enough! That was funny and true good job! Chad called these before ANYONE else did . He's been bitching about the \"monkeys for years !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather fuck a hot pocket than any amoebic cunt on tumblr.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a c o o n. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Again, Tay did more to help \"your supposed bs cause\" than that nigger is going to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Our voice's will be silenced by the national socialists on here thanks nazi's you are the biggest bunch of faggotts who shit over everything good and decent every single one of you should be ashamed what a bunch of Cunts you truly are I don't need to read my timeline because I know what I said but I've just read yours and you're a national socialist and I cunt now","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Coors light is trash. Yuck. I don't even like beer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The pay gap is real, people aren't just giving men more money than women, men generally earn more money due to factors like childbirth and the jobs women choose. Not as extreme as the feminists make it out to be, and much more complicated then most people give it credit for but it is there. The twat has it all wrong though, movies don't make your employer pay you less for being a woman, stupid logic. Exactly, the pay gap the twat talks about doesn't exist\/is illegal. it's not a pay gap, it's an earnings gap, which is a huge difference. point taken It's not a pay gap, it's an overall earnings gap.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in trans people's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should look up to these disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When did it become cool to ne stupid? This teabagger debate is slim on facts at best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This nigga over here telling me he dont fuck with this bitch . When he do . Or maybe she lying lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking bitch cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone is welcome here, No matter your beliefs. we encourage debates and discussions, even when it is not our narratives. Sort of. You'll be downvoted to hell for expressing even libertarian views that do not come from the bible of stock conservatism. But hey at least you won't be doxxed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Here at Apple, we treat our users like retarded children using the most revolutionary techniques ever conceived. Why? Because we believe we're the smartest humans in existence.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only imm1grants like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" \"I mean frankly I view her as being the most dishonest Prime Minister I have ever seen http:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/39715-Nigel-Farage-Furious-Over-Brussels-Deal-Theresa-May-Is-Betraying-Brexit-Video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and about the most retarded tripe i have ever had to hear from the other room!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SlothNG i can guarantee a few things: you're white. you've never been anywhere NEAR a real ghetto. you, or a relative is a pig. 100%","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking retarded cunt...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean it's not like stupid vapid bullshit like \"the guy game or \"leisure suit Larry contributed to the shit show of point and click adventures. (I remember renting a god awful Beavis and butthead one because I was like 13 and though it would be funny. My firend and I immediately regretted the rental an hour later and wondered why we isnt just rent Breath of Fire 2 or Crono Trigger again) And the ass clown in the article saying FPS dominated the mid 90's? Nigga are you for real? Or retarded? FFVII came out in 1997 and was literally hailed as the game that sold the PSX. Fucking super Mario world was released in 1990 and was the best selling game of 1990 (with literally only 2 months of sale time in the year.). Gaming was being dominated by the Super Nes and Sega Genesis for most of the 90's and the best genres only those systems were absolutely not FPS. It was Platformers, Adventure games and RPGs. Even when PSX and N64 dropped in the late 90's those genres continued to dominate like a mother fucker. FPS got a huge kick in the ass with half life, counter strike, goldeneye and unreal tournament sure but, Pok mon, an RPG, literally dominated the sales charts for like 4 years from 97-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aside from the obvious retard math about the hours, am I the only one that noticed the sample size for the women was 1600? In a country with","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So stop immigration staff doing their job ,get on top of their van and block the road with cars and no arrests made ,the police looking after the lawless again. mob rule it works...... #politics #UK #ForBritain #BritFam @AMDWaters @ForBritain #News https:\/\/www.bristolpost.co.uk\/news\/bristol-news\/overnight-standoff-immigration-officers-sees-2148901?fbclid=IwAR0XQ69rHs-Lr4W3XqGQVWKlEjvZqq5cefOVbcDVbqt6_2oJ07WoQaALtQs Bristol has a large Somalian problem ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Penn State tryna slant and screen all the way down the field lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get a job, sheboon! That's how white folks afford things like babies, they work. Also, stop fucking every buck nigger in Slabtown and you won't be pregnant every time you turn around.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @caseykim12: Your sole purpose is to make money. Otherwise you'd suggest violence prevention policies that actually WORK. @piersmorgan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@p09025 @EsperanzaMBargo @itaboray @k00nix","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Manstagram_: When I make the paper ball into the trash can http:\/\/t.co\/m90W9N1zbT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dear god i think i lost brain cells reading what that moron wrote fyi if you have are born with dick you are a man if you are born with cunt you are a woman trans does not change reality","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why? She's cute. She is also retarded... so I thought there was a good change she'd done a porno. Cute + retarded is the magic combination for becoming a pornstar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"these ppl give retarded a whole new meaning..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muh fake rape allegations. Booohooo. Has anyone of these supposedly \"traditionalist\" \"right-wingers\" who whine about that shit ever thought of the angle that this is actually a good thing? Anything that puts a dent in this degenerate nigger-tier hook-up culture is positive in my book. B-b-but muh cummies! Kys nigger. Black Beast nigger rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What used to be a circus side show freak is now the Democrat base. #Progress? Vader hand to God has no idea what sex or gender that thing is. Horror movies have now become reality amongst us and they're being pushed on our children in daycares, libraries, schools, books, and TV\/film.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"who murdered 6 million Jews\" I'm done. This faggot will never stop sucking kike dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eh. Sometimes women do stuff because, being women, they haven't had enough negative life experience to know that it's a retarded idea. The PPD is more implied here, and it's more in the sense off \"Because she's a girl, she didn't have the experience to know that this was all but a guaranteed outcome.\" And less in the sense of \"She thought she could get away with it because she's a girl.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"gay people are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And boom goes the dynamite.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab nazis like buttsex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mi caldito de pollo estuvo incredible!! Ahora a snuggle con mi snuggie y mi hubby... Queeee riiikkooo...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about you get fucked nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The more I learn about Jewish misdeeds, the more I believe that these insufferable fucking Hasidim most authentically represent the Jewish spirit. After following the Van Dyke conviction, I'm thinking a cop could use 16 shots w\/ more efficiency HERE! (whining jews at 1:38) @Alex_Linder @SirBoring @Cantwell https:\/\/youtu.be\/qcXI16JdJQE Jews are evil retards. Parasites","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finally a truth, not usual lies of WaPo. One comment to this article anyway light up my curiosity and a question to #POTUS: if Turkey goes at war with KSA, will we be involved as Turkey is in fact a NATO country? We had enough of Erdogan so, please, boot this muzzie extremist and his Country out of NATO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"try fishing with a cunt on your boat complaining about you not catching any fishes, try to do it, fishing with a nasty ass cunt complaining and nagging and bitching about you fishing or not catching anything or that is too boring and pretty much calling you loser and stuff...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their games division headquarters moved from Tokyo to San Francisco. Oh. This is going to end well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@brandonDGK420 the only boards I still have from them are just the tie dye ones, monkey edition, black and silver , and the newest ones","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to push a wall on my asshole Nigger Faggot Loving neighbor!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seriously, why is the American \"right-wing\" deepthroating the entire GOP roster, swallowing and begging for seconds like a bunch of cheerleader whores do their nigger team? You should fault them. Or at least be vocal about that retarded faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is time for Trump to find a natural death or somehow a bullet finds him and puts us out of his misery.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ladies and gentlemen, when you go to the polls in November, remember who @TheDemocrats really are... https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/qoag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AdviceToWriters: A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.MAYA ANGELOU#poetry #writing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/07vRQoS__5g","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whether it is or not is not the right question to ask. The right question to ask is: Should tech start up Gab risk becoming *the* test case for deciding the legality for it? No, they shouldn't. The risk to reward cost-benefit analysis demands that they ban it. If they were on the board, fiduciary responsibility would *demand* that they do it, whether they had the balls to do it or not. I think that people who are actually into free speech and artistic freedom set the bar a bit higher than kiddy fiddler targeted porn, mate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Becuase people who use it never leave home","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only women like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had an interesting cab ride last night. Cabbie was a vile nigger from Ghana. He volunteered his opinion on women and what he likes to do to them. I've never wanted to put a bullet in someone's brain more than this piece of shit. Plus I had to tell the retard my destination 5 times.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep that Faggot Lindsey hugging on Huma the radical muslim terrorist pig. Cant wait for all of them to be put to death like POS Traitor McCain. I wanted to watch McCain executed. We deserve to watch him exterminated for all the men he got killed in Nam, on the USS Forestel etc. Traitoror POS SOB = McCain","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is an immigrant on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you scroll down past all the reposts, he's a self proclaimed blocktard. I followed him with no trouble.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey everybody. Been looking for an alternative to Zuckerberg's little anti-free-thought data mining operation. Thought I'd give Gab a try. So far looks good. Glad to be here, :) Truthfully, picking intellectual arguments with Socialists is kinda fun for me sometimes. :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Muslims are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can totally see that working, you know with migrants that already are quite shit at both English and Swedish as well as being illiterate allot of the times. I bet this will work just as well as the \"please don't rape others\" learning course they had for migrants in Norway. Must be some retarded politicians idea, this whole thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EASPORTSFIFA next update, would be AMAZIN if two celebrations were added. 1: Shirt off ( we'll take the yellow) and 2: The RKO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor Jimmie! Somebody should mail him some balls. Doesn't matter what kind, from a deer they shot, a pig they slaughtered, any source will do. It'll be 100% more than he has now. More than he has of his own, that is. Who knows what he's doing with other people's balls in his spare time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EVERY FKING RAGHEAD AND MUSLIM NEEDS REMOVED FROM OUR NATION.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfao RT @NYDailyNews: The New York @Yankees have won 27 World Series titles the most of all-time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dude, he would have arrested a man just for pulling over like she did, if not shot him. This cunt get like 12 chances to leave, and she still doesn't. Not to mention she's probably driving a free car like most women do...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's insulting that a stupid bitch like Sinema could even appear on a ballot for U.S. Senator. I marked my ballot for McSally just prior to reading more about Sinema's liberal bullshit. https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/opinion\/emails-kyrsten-sinema-summoned-witches-to-her-anti-war-rally?_amp=true I voted all R's as a fuck you to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, and especially that faggot Soros, among others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" You're not well, is a understatement. Hate, for you is powerfully emotive. So much resentment tied in with regret. <-- is the only dispersion I'm casting today. Your past seems marred in the trauma of a love one but no matter your response, you have been triggered into your hate. Be well Calm down Esse. Every time you use emotive profanity, you emphasise how unstable you are, disguised as moral outrage and just proves you're not nowhere near as in control of your faculties as you may think. You needed to face up to what ever triggered you. Yea, I will fuck off now. You're dead weight and jealous of some white women with very very busy pussies and that rocks you to the core to know It's just an NPC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JuanYeeze damn took this dumb spic nearly 2 days to respond, wuz really good tho beaner?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Cajun_peach: Because humans aren't delicious ho RT @peta: Smarter than dogs AND your 3-year-old child. So why EAT them? http:\/\/t.co\/eRT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, this is gays vs faggots?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a camel fucker. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Subject: Obama rated Fifth Best President according to AandM Study Texas AandM Study Calls Obama 5th Best President in US History. Good research work by a fine institution! From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama is rated as the fifth best. The AandM's Public Relations Office released this statement \"After almost eight years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the fifth best President ever.\" These are the details according to Texas AandM: Seventeen other presidents tied for third, Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and Obama came in fifth. Filthy Muslim Devil Yes, I agree completely. BathHouse Barry, The Manchurian Puppet and Muzzie (I stuttered ).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SHERYL SANDBERG IS MUCH TOO MUCH OF A STUPID JEWISH CUNT TO DO ANYTHING ON HER OWN!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#TRUTH RT @notashley: David is the Charlie Brown of #Scandal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woopy Golchimp and Ellen De-Dyke are great examples of how deeply damaged and disturbed America has become. A based sheboon and a Dyke as key role models for Americas people?...Like I said, disturbing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thanks for the follow @Jerry_Remy! I may be a @Yankees fan, but you guys are one of the best broadcasters in the @MLB!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gary Glitter - I Didn't Know I Loved You Till I Saw You Rock And Roll #GlamRock https:\/\/youtu.be\/1mtrJc9X-o8 pedophile","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another big mouthed nigger who hates whites. Fuck off with your nigger worship you sick faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Omoide Yokocho : Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan \/ Jap n by Lost in Japan, by Miguel Mich n http:\/\/t.co\/7J2uXi5501","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lawyer sounds like a social retard. \"I didn't mean to sound insensitive that my cunt client wants to go have fun while her friend that she killed is six feet underground. Fucking idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Krislisisms: Hot 97 trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The comment section is full of idiots talking about background checks.he's a fucking nigger for fucks sake. No background check needed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lil Nigger got some nice tits... Woah there DonLow! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Maka Coming from a Qanon retard that means... absolutely nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people retard. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pick it up faggot and get to work. No time for gibberish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most trans people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You keep reeling off with these intricate gay nigger fantasies. Call a shrink. A fat bearded big nosed Jew shrink. They're tops.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/marriage-and-divorce-in-the-21st-century\/ The Daily Incel seems to be getting more bizarre by the day Stunning and brave! come back to FB and where r u on Insta it's boring without u! I'm so cucked right now it's not even funny!! Muh PeRsEcUTiOn! oh hellllllll no! U gotta make ur new accounts on different devices. Can u ask Dino @Goy_Talk_USA he knows how to do it once u get to this level of zucced. I'll let him know but I think I got it... tbh I like chilling low key on here for now, when I'm off Faceberg I start blowing through books so it's all Gucci. I feel like I'm in jail in real life. Not much action just literature lol. I feel u! \"18 months Please that ain't facin time. I'm stressed anyway need it for vacation time\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/UBdoOaHEfbI I feel so ghetto because I remember that track Lolz This track is my whole life and I don't feel ghetto for it at all gas me haha! Sorry I just had a flashback from my normie days and idk how to handle it haha but sometimes if i'm around normies I can take myself out of all this and lower my IQ by 40 points just to get along, I feel ya I literally still thoroughly enjoy it just cause it upsets the spergs the normies don't know wtf is going on if we build it.....the normies will come lmfaooo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A lot of it is just wanting to nip it in the bud with a settlement and people know that. There was this woman who worked the front desk at a police department and the men would read like sports illustrated and maxim in the break room. She sued and got like 100k. Said she didn't feel comfortable in the environment. Thing is, she never complained so no one at work knew it was an issue. Not the chain of command or people in charge. Judge didn't ask about that though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TerryTGood @1DancingCrane The Moors used to give kids free lunch in the Bronx when I was a kid. Glad to see they are still doing good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, the CBC is just totally fine with attributing attitudes and beliefs to specific racial groups now? That seems pretty racist. And will inevitably backfire. Is terrorism thinking about politics in a brown way? And if we go even deeper, why is thinking about gender and sexuality \"in a white way\" a bad thing? It's the mode of thinking that has permitted your insanity to get as far as it has. If we thought about Gender and Sexuality like say, Arabs, you'd have been beaten to within an inch of your life for speaking back to a man, and parading around unveiled like an infidel whore. Or thrown off of a roof for being a faggot or a tranny. Instead of being given access to the taxpayer funded national broadcaster's resources to call an academic a Nazi for disagreeing with the compelling of other people's speech. If you're *really* going to start comparing ideologies and their racial make up, you're literally stocking the flames of white nationalism. Also, flashing pictures of literal Nazis and Stalin while you talk about a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, simply because he disagrees with you on the morality of compelled speech on an unsettled issue is the epitome of hubris. What are you going to do when *actual* Nazis pop up? Call them Nazis? The Boy Who Cried Wolf called and asked me to tell you that you're a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought you called him ex president Obama........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @twerkn4boba: \" fuck you say bitch? I will kill you \" http:\/\/t.co\/3EiGzh6Q13","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol, we're talking about CI's, thicker then even regular christians ... CI's are some of the most retarded idiots on the planet, all they do is lie and bullshit, thats their entire strategy after their entire evidence for CI got nuked and Rekt! in the CQ They got Rekt! so hard, they dont even admit theyre christian identerians anymore, top kek ... And these are the people on here that rag on white Christian's, while pretending to be in tune with their pagan faggot viking cuck god","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was about to say the same thing given how retarded he's made himself look.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"McCann, although not having the greatest of seasons, would be a step up from Russel Martin. McCann or Carlos Ruiz #MLB #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagined that twat says. Hell of a lot of \"imagined\" convictions so far.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Extreme views, UKIP are not extreme? MEP Bill Etheridge Quits UKIP over Extreme' Views https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/02\/mep-bill-etheridge-quits-ukip-over-extreme-views\/ Etheridge was a Tory b4 and always undermining UKIP cos he wanted to be leader His disabled ex Wife worked tirelessly to get him elected as MEP then the cunt did the dirty on her and fucked off Bill is scum not to be trusted That's why I don't trust UKIP, too many Tory's with too much influence and donors that we don't know about. I don't trust any politicians Worked as Policy Advisor for DEFRA for c.8yrs and worked with Ministers I agree with you there I don't trust any of them either, they all come across as very two faced. I've met with Liam Fox a couple of times and he gives me the creeps, holds onto my hand a little too long etc.. That must have been a good insight to what goes on working with DEFRA? Do you think they will ever do anything about un-stunned Halal meat? Your right there it's gotten too out of control. The Rothschilds\/globalists need to go too along with their army they've imported.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I recall correctly, she's underage. Meaning, that if she had alcohol, even if it was closed, then she could be charged with MIP (Minor is Possession). The breathalyzer was just to determine if there was some additional charge there like Public Intoxication. That makes sense. Maybe the way police officers enforce underage alcohol laws needs to change. This seemed terribly excessive for just a couple of people sitting on the beach with some unopened alcohol out. I don't think a minor should ever be put in danger over a law that's there to protect minors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Toothpaste faggot Yes that too. I've also seen Gaypaste a couple times Colgay? Gaypaste is actually quite catchy. ToothGayste is another good one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, well, this wackjob obviously isn't hitting on all cylinders! So locking her up until she's at least out of menopause is the right thing for Sweden's gene pool! Weed the defective women and muzzie lovers OUT of Sweden! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/swedish-student-who-refused-to-sit-down-on-flight-in-effort-to-stop-mans-deportation-to-afghanistan-is-indicted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just respect those Muslims","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of disabled people ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Biological male wins women's world cycling championship https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/34HHM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, I was saying you are a dumb cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're all niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah....not going back on a site that's actively working to reduce White men like me to Nigger status and helping rig elections.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The NFL is a jew ploy! To over pay Niggers to unbalance the White Economy and enrich them enough to infiltrate traditional White Communities to break ground for more Nigger invasion!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only someone would strangel those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well at least he remembered to indicate Probably stayed 10 and 2 the whole time. Idk about other states but it's 8 and 4 now in Virginia. Hands get less tired on the bottom part of the steering wheel long drives apparently. Single hand at 5 where my radio controls are, occasionally moving to 9 where my cruise control is. Single hand at noon, open your hand when turning and just use your palm. You're goddamn right I just do the Gordon Freeman style. Telekinesis. You're supposed to basically hand off part of the steering wheel to your other hand. It prevents your wrists from breaking if the airbag deploys and you don't cross your hands over each other when turning. I know, but have you ever tried to do that in practice? It's damn near impossible to make evasive maneuvers that way. I pretty much always drive on 8 and ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fascist Left twat who murdered anti-Islamisation politician has conditions softened so can now move abroad https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/03\/assassin-dutch-populist-politician-sentence-cut-move-germany\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"navarro is a leftist plant in the GOPeee and a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop behaving like a whore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cishet white man explains why he's sorry he voted for Trump https:\/\/youtu.be\/lpzVc7s-_e8 It's The Onion so parody. It's very difficult to tell now. When liberals throw feces and get outraged over a man throwing ice 35 years ago when he was in college you can forgive me if I don't doubt they are bottom feeders.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Inbreeding is my guess. That, or exposure to radiation has resulted in a species of retarded mutants. Either way, we should send them to the lab for testing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you even read ResetEra?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Entitled cunt. Hope he dumped her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@seansteiger31 @ me then faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MahNameIsJared be my guest. I want to be a bird I think","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nailed it. That is their scheme. They know all Americans that have a brain, possess any critical thinking skills, aren't mystified by Hollywood and the retard box have figured out their \/Marxist game. Therefore they need to recruit the dead and illegal aliens just to win elections. They need to become a severe minority party, hell, their entire party needs to go the way of the Dodo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in a Muslim's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Enjoying watching Trump and his base having their little temper tantrums over the 4,000 people migrating towards the boarder who actually want the jobs that his supporters won't take Hey Lee, you do know that liberal assholes like you are not a protected class here?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been around enough disabled people to know they're all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-mass-shooting-at-pittsburgh-synagogue-during-service-suspect-has-surrendered\/ We need the death penalty back these people in a place of worship and this evil man came in and started shooting Did you call for the same thing back then? or did it not matter cuz they're not jews and jews are special?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fido : What He Taught Mary Rodgers About Love https:\/\/plus.google.com\/117241938146428395960","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DjChubbESwagg: @jemelehill: ::faints:: RT @desusnice: She has no idea how many of her resumes went straight to the trash http:\/\/t.co\/D ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The HALF NIGGER Obama invited all THE DUMB NIGGERS to the White House !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JRealmo I don't think they believe in their communities ability to function w\/out whitey. They choose to be hustled by big gov't...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @BurgerKing: What s going to be your pick for #SelectionSunday? #2for5 #WatchLikeaKing http:\/\/t.co\/aBam30gSk4 Dis make colored folk happy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tbh thats kind of being a pussy getting abused by a girl haf your size.. Tbh people like you are the reason men get treated this way then have nowhere to turn when they need to get away for their own safety. Women are not all angels and when they do abuse men, it is a problem whether people like you think it's funny or not. Do men not deserve to be protected as much as women? No lol, if you need another man to protect you from a woman you are a dimp That isn't how it works when society would label your self-defense as abuse against her. She is backed by law, my muscle mass and stature can't stand up to that. You are a fool. No one will say anything if you pimp slap her when she starts getting physical bro ive dealt with chicks like this Could you go be an edgy 14-year-old somewhere else? Man you are funny, just because girls dont bully me like a simp im edgy.. Sorry, I havent interacted with american girls..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KenSuttling You remember,it used to be funny coloured paper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadi John has struck again. Prayers with the victims' families. What is the #bounty on His head? Time 4 him 2 meet allah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always love it when people act like they don't understand why Gab is slow. We've been down this road many times people. Pull it together there are Feds watching all over this place show some dignity. Is it a 4 member band and can others join? Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people tranny. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank goodness there was a hidden camera to catch what really happened! That there is what's known as insurance who woulda thought you need insurance when dealing with drug addicted whores? I don't think it's fair to generalize them line that, but no matter who you are or what you do it's always a good idea to cover your ass. That's why I have surveillance cameras in my home that record on seven day cycles (all offline, obviously) There was once a guy who was accused of rape so he just showed the court his surveillance tapes. And since he had signs around his property that made it clear that there were cameras, it was deemed completely legal recording and the case was dropped like a hot potato. Don't wanna now generalizing about whores, now. They might give you a freebie if you're nice to them! Uh, no, it's called being charitable. such good will and charity you exhibit sorry if i'm not willing to generalize people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't some retarded victim story by kikes, you little subvert. Every single organization on the planet for the past 2000 YEARS has proven that the earth is round through mathematics, sky mapping, star charts, space exploration, imaging, every tool imaginable. And you think that because you can't grasp the concept of scale this must mean it's all a lie. The paranoid nincompoop thinks that because the 200 yards around him are flat that must mean the whole planet is flat and that two millennia of research are fake because they don't confirm his little theory Not even niggers are this simple-minded Obviously I am not a complete BIGOT like you. I have an open mind that is not in the Matrix. You are a brainwashed retard!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White genocide is just a conspiracy theo........ Look, if the media is brainwashing you people, FUCK, turn the damn devices the fuck off and do something else with your fucking time... Or grow your self a mind that can actually perform critical thinking operations... WTF...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So a soy faggot thinks he can take Dan? ROFLMAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the idea is to stop doing business with an unethical country why not stop purchasing Saudi oil and use Alberta oil to supply Eastern Canada? Wouldn't that be a more effective gesture?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As bad as the Communists are: Radical Conservatives will vote for and support a giant police state that can then be handed over to the Communists. Let me guess you'd rather have a radical liberal democrat police state which Obummer already had rolling big time vs a conservative state which tries to let you have some rights. Killary would of had us in WW3 by now, by design. Rex your a funny guy. The cabal or elites want never ending war to control you or kill you, to keep you in fear seems to be working well. Blaming \"boomers\" for your inadequacies won't cut it. Go find something else to whine about. I know you have had a lot of experience voting for devil worshipers. Then walking it back. Then pretending like it's the kids who built this culture. Be the whole world is looking at you in amazement. Iss't this great. All these boomers do is blame the kids for how messed up the world that they built is. A sad generation. The blame is spread across multiple generations, we are the first set of generations to be AWAKE, the cleanup is on all of us. The boomers never engaged in protests that shut down traffic. Boomers never set fire to buildings and looted innocent stores. Boomers never attacked people who spoke their minds. Boomers never engaged in trans-gender surgeries. Get a clue, dummy. I am a boomer, you changed the argument like a liberal. I was born in Absolutely. Over the years, liberals have only changed by the fact that they've produced that many more ignorant sheeple. The fight is GOOD vs evil, it has nothing to do with dividing us by generation, or race or gender that is what evil wants, we all need to fight evil, young or old black or white, male or female. Good point, Kenton----I agree. C'mon over for a beer.........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh please go away you annoying pervert pre-tending to be a normal GOY_ JEW! Says the faggot talking about tranny dick. LMFAO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You trans people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a faggot soyboy. Couldn't pick on a man, had to kick a woman. Wow, takes a whole lot of courage - mangina betacuck - to pick on someone weaker than you. I guess his god satan isn't protecting the little fucker from being fired.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Modern Day Lenny Bruce Quotes \"Take your civil liberties and free speech and shove them down your throat until you choke on them and bring up the truth\" \"Only being called a cunt is worse than \"racist\" but it takes a real cunt to call someone a racist\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These black people have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ugly fucking nigger baby. Thought it was a gorilla at first.14\/88 http:\/\/t.co\/Bq3G01rxKN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it's the comments. The Sisterhood of Cunts and the beta whiteknights in the comments really give her a pass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it that all disabled people are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you sure you ain't eats Indian? Cause I saw that shit happen,when one of my cousins were having an arranged marriage. The dude turned out to be a docuhebag but money tho.. My enlightenment of this was, when my dad retired in My mom treated him like shit for trying to relax and prior to that, she expected him to do everything for her family. Like buy phones,ipods,etc to take with her when she visited her family. She didnt do that with his family. At that moment I knew nothing if MGTOW but I knew I would never marry or be in a relationship if that what comes out of it. Hola compa, and Hi Indie friend, we as Mexican and Indians share a lot of \"values\" you could say. * Family oriented * Sense of humor * Poverty origins XD We Mexican are a bastard culture, so the idea of men running of of marriage (cum and run) are more common than not marrying at all, so not sure how MGTOW will affect us. and#x200B; Good work policies tho > the idea of men running of of marriage (cum and run) are more common than not marrying at all, so not sure how MGTOW will affect us. in rural small towns in india or mexico its literally impossible to scape. in rural small towns its either go solo o get nailed. I got into a college at the capital of mexico and so I decided to do both, go solo and go the fuck away. >so the idea of men running of of marriage (cum and run) are more common than not marrying at all I doubt that, there is no such thing as cum and run on our society with birth control, condoms, sexual education and legalized abortions. There is only backfiring weaponized babies. On today society women have options on every step of the way to not be mothers, simply they use kids as hammers to nail guys and sometimes it doesnt work. I know it never worked for me because I was the cum hoarder type of guy who used condoms and kept them until I could dispose them where I knew they couldnt be reached.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They don't want to see bitches like us win. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@heyyayled do i have to repeat myself u white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not if you are a Faggot? or a Pedophile. Or a Faggot Pedophile.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White boomers didn't fuck nigger you asswipe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So wait, is 'cunt' on like every single automod to just remove the comment immediately? Because there's a ton of my comments removed that I can only see being removed because I *dared* to say 'cunt'. What about 'nigger'? 'Faggot'? Mod reading this because it got auto-filtered; just what words are worthy of auto-filtering? Also fun to know that every question I ever posted to 'askscience' was immediately removed by automod. Seems they got their own little block-list going for some reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#PizzaGate #Pedos https:\/\/youtu.be\/wZnMj3z0NIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"should replace it with a statue of an old nigger smoking crack to really capture the spirit of the city.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Q people are retarded but its probably true. That shit was the only way to get NPCs and boomers on board enough so they at least grasp what is going on. There was never enough of us, we were too woke and we lost momentum. They needed to use stupid tricks. They are ready to bring the hammer down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i like how people think you are whatever sub you post in with every reply i receive im reminded of how retarded redditors are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you trans people until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people are actually saying fuck winter. These retards are actually triggered by an entire fucking season.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What on earth is a Super Chat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAGGOT faggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alaska GOP Leaders May Take Action Against RINO Lisa Murkowski For Opposing Brett Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/alaska-gop-leaders-may-take-action-against-lisa-murkowski-for-opposing-brett-kavanaugh\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your acting like a spoiled little faggot have fun","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Texan here!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" FYI She normally gets to the blood bank around 6:30 PM, for dinner... hahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What are the consequences for not obeying their Orwellian demands? Well, so far the only consequence has been to resubmit an opinion piece. Apparently you can only write opinion papers if they align with the opinions of the faculty. That's clear up indoctrination, and should be taken up first with the dept. head then dean of students. And if nothing else, pull a Lindsay Shepard and smash it into the media.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Political party? Hmm, I wonder what political party would be led by such a person... Oh. Of course. Its called the \"Leader of Feminist Initiative\". She's also previously been found guilty **twice** of plagiarism (once by a court, and once internally by the university). [https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Victoria_Kawesa](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Victoria_Kawesa) It's really strange; Feminist Initiative doesn't hold any seats in Sweden, however, they hold a seat in the European Parliament? European Union is such a fucked organisation. Yep I would be livid if I was a part of that stupid organization. They were incredibly duped. It was just a big scam to get developed countries to support hordes of undeveloped poor countries. Hilarious. Yeah, how dare people want to help those less fortunate than themselves. It's not like we're all supposed to be one species and try for the betterment of everyone as a whole or anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many shemales in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ChaleCarlo5 stay talking defending your fuckboy ass boyfriend or what? go suck him off while youre at it faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a cunt from your mum Ah, thanks for the explanation. Have a nice day. Got it, bruv.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweet deal Mohammedan obama being Soros's african nigger slave for 8 yrs.Soros said to Mohammedan obama I will make you wealthy beyond your most wildest dreams.Mohammedan obama left the White House wealthy go figure","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sandcowboy31 hey it's hillbilly jim and Greg the hammer valentine #pffttt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservatives being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@OfficialSkaiS kill yourself ugly ass monkey looking shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" How about 9mm? Will that do?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=msL-XFs3Ggs LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are cretins in the world, there are morons too, then there is Mmapula","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Federal Judge Drops Bomb: I Was Given 'False' Statements to Derail Requests for Clinton Benghazi Docs https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/youngconservatives\/2018\/10\/18\/federal-judge-drops-bomb-i-was-given-false-statements-to-derail-requests-for-clinton-benghazi-docs\/?utm_source=anh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People in 2019 keep it that of racism ???... I'm puertorican, my grandma is native, my grandpa black, my mom is \"mulata\" , my dad is white. I'm white skin green eyes, flat nose, big lips... Haha What raze should I date??... I gonna tell you something- I love all kind of womens all of shapes, but curvy, Latinas, white, black, asian, arabian. I dnt know but every single raze and person have different type of beauty. So lets keep racism down in the floor and rise the love for the humanity. And everybody have the personal choose of dating who's more attractive to them. I choose the mix between white and black. We call mulata...Happy life!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Buckm00se: abel is a 43 yrs old beaner working @ home depot and he didn't want to hang out with you = major L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that disabled people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Richard Spencer is a bolshevik faggot who has done absolutely nothing for whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does this mean I can retaliate by putting up \"Keep NYC nigger free\" posters, and without backlash? Heh, blacklash...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I applaud you. Ya jackass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is it with these fucking sirens?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Debate Presid ncial na TV Record Virou a S rie Todo Mundo Odeia o #Bolsonaro https:\/\/youtu.be\/TP8SC4-NPtc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does Pendejo mean Nigger in some language?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am trying to get along with trans people but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is an abolute INSULT to the memory of Diana Princess of Wales! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6319667\/Meghan-Markle-given-nickname-Di-2-members-royal-household.html Diana was an virginal English ARISTOCRAT when she married in Meghan is a cheap twice divorced actress from a trailer trash disfunctional family!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, those disabled people would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Hur dur dur you are a communist\" said the communist nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A disabled life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Patriotards are literally too retarded to realize that FEMA sending forced alerts to your phone shouldn't be something to celebrate or laugh about. Yeah HA HA HA HA your personal device is now a Zionist loudspeaker. If you thought the \"presidential alert\" thing of yesterday was just really funny, please unfollow me and kill yourself. they cheered to john bolton, nikki haley and now lindsay graham they went full retard a long time ago","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you understand the inversion of the Orwellian world, you understand the racism is towards white people fomented by the Jew media and Jew sewage of hollywood. Skinheads are just as retarded the other way. But I do understand the reaction to the incessant RACISM by the jew media. The programming is meant to divide and conquer, and America is full of Republican's too stupid to understand Democrats are retarded. Left vs. Right is a false paradigm. The Truth lies outside the box!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's some retarded bullshit lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dried up old cunt having a menopausal hissy fit. Those hot flashes are a bitch! Someone drop her in the Antarctic Ocean and watch the glaciers melt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You Do know that your an IDIOT borderline Retarded Moron...Right? No, but I know you are in denial if the truth, and are a deluded, retarded moron. Fuck you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"JF of all people did a good analysis of the Tucker vs. Wigger debate. Not sure why TRS were cucking for Tucker, they're usually pretty good.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you retarded lol? This is a super common practice and nothing even new.... in my humble opinion your a retard I mean, only if you're gonna call someone else retarded. Spelling it wrong just kind of weakens your point Sure, but \"your a retard just looks a bit funny","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Public hanging for this nigger sow. Let it be a short drop so she twists for a while.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel like you misunderstood the statement. We don't go out and I give her my coat every single time. In fact I rarely ever had to because I don't date a retard. But if she forgets it some time or it unexpectedly starts raining I'll do the manly thing to do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go vote for you early death think cunt s trump is and Putin is saving your life fucking zombie dum motherfuckercuntwankpissdumzombiemental","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the message behind this is that our 'Artist' is going to end up churning out crap that nobody wants ... because she^1 is a small minded twat. ALL of her work is feminist dogma, which is why her art teacher suggested she try doing something else for a change. ^1 It's a woman. So let's not bother with the 'assume her gender' thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"English faggot. faggot english","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Nazis were\/are Atheists, as is the Democrat party, mothers kill their babies w\/o feeling guilt. Christians do not kill their babies, nor Jews. Margaret Sanger, atheist, justified her Eugenics -Planned Parent by aborting negros. Nazis murdered 6 million Jews in ovens, as atheists, no conscience, no guilt when they kill, that is Anti-Christian to be sure! Sanger raised a Catholic, married to a Jew. http:\/\/ethnicelebs.com\/margaret-sanger Thats really quite disturbing.One thing President Trump and We The People of The American Republic support ALL THE PEOPLE ONE HUMAN RACE...LIFE EQUALED CITIZENS ONE MISSION.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is fitting for Muslim vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why be mad at her? She's just a retard with a low IQ. No. Rather I'm mad at Pro Lifers eho preach all lives are precious, illegal alien babies on welfare just as valuable as white working families","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just seeing a gang raped victim look so distraught is so disturbing... NOT #ConfirmKavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bank robber who wore zebra-print dress arrested, police say http:\/\/t.co\/UUQ0bw6vju","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" JOHN JAMES for U.S. SENATE MICHIGAN #MakeMichiganGreatAgain Get States Wheels turning Again. Michigan was once the Economic \"ENGINE of #AMERICA Created Millions Of Jobs in U.S. Vote for John James! alongside President Trump for MICHIGAN #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #UnitedWeStand ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The bitch won first place in the sporting dogs category. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The video is started, conveniently, after we can see whatever precipitated the altercation. I think she probably bumped her blubber-ass next to him as she was running to get her train. Not enough info to tell. The way that they frame this as some sort of horrific event, though, is laughable. He just pushed her down. He hurt her pride more than her fat ass. Don't walk up on a man like that, if your a cunt. Girl power won't save you. I said there is not enough of the video to know what happened. What if the bitch caused him to spill his coffee on himself or someone else and he was just returning the favor? She then went at him. You don't do that shit unless your ready to throw down. Quit whiteknighting. She's a string independent woman, \"don't need no man\". What would happen if the genders were reversed? The man's injury would not matter and he would be laughed at.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":". Who but a #DemoKKKrat pulling an address off of a DNC campaign donor sheet...or a foreign entity like, say, ISIS....would send anything addressed: \"Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. \" A conservative would have addressed it: Creepy PedoJoe Biden #JustSayin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this MUSLIM CUNT NEEDS ENDED.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I turned on The American Music Awards show for a minute. What part is American? It is ALL Black. One big nigger ass kiss. What the Fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do you hate white people?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoo the cunt is leaving!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone criticizing the Khmer Rouge for going too far must reevaluate when they see what were up against","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NateKlempa: @ROOTSPORTSPIT must not realize how much #WVU games mean to all of us \"hillbillies\". The @Pirates play 162 games a year. Sh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man I'm actually not a Nazi but get tired of listening to cry-baby faggots like you virtue signal against whites Faggot, what \"virtue signal\" is that now?! I don't \"virtue signal\", whatever that means to you!!! #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Don't you have some nigger cock you need to be sucking right now?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Hopefully Spearchucker Obama goes to jail and gets raped every hour.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eric Holder 'Thinking About' Running Against Trump; 'Time for Democrats to be Tough' https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/election\/eric-holder-thinking-about-running-against-trump-time-for-democrats-to-be-tough\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you Muslims make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Temple Mount Imam Calls Upon Men to Kill Their Sisters islam cut of shit... https:\/\/israelunwired.com\/temple-mount-imam-calls-upon-men-to-kill-their-sisters-mothers-if-they-disgrace-the-family\/ Unbelievable. Then, you have retarded Westerners actually converting to this demonic religion. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger caught stealing guns out of luggage at the airport where he worked. Yes, he's a convicted felon, but was employed at the airport anyway. https:\/\/www.statesmanjournal.com\/story\/news\/crime\/2018\/09\/28\/police-luggage-handler-portland-international-airport-pdx-stole-6-guns\/1455573002\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Will Hillary dodo-bird Be Dems 2016 Candidate To Take Over Obama's Job As US Prez? DoG http:\/\/t.co\/wFlZyXmVk6 via @worldnetdaily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What did you expect from some SJW dailyMail article? it's written by retards for retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya but retard leftist just call everyone a racist. So it's fact against the lefts labels.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The more I hear the word \"Nazi the more it offends me. It's \"National Socialist ! Nazi Nazi Nazi Hey Ladies, do you smoke? Then Eddy is to blame, that's why they hired him back in the day, The beginning of Womens liberation, smoking proves you're free somehow! I keep telling people they need to read that book. Yeah, Hollywood has been dominated by Jews since its inception. Bernays is Jewish. Jews run Nickelodeon, MTV, and CNN. I could go on and on. But they're \"Nazis.\" Just like the \"New World Order\" is being led by \"Nazis\" who were brought over via Paperclip, lmfao. No Qanon conspiracy is complete without \"Nazis\" being involved somehow. It fits in via their low intelligence","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah it's kinda funny. People *like this* who use the word make it meaningless, so when some SJW tries to use it as a weapon they look like a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Ha Ha Ha Jew boy. Is there anything of value in Amierca that was created by any POC?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My favorite DC restaurant is Charlie Palmers. @Sweet_Me_Lissa @sassylibrarian1 @taotao_salupa @tingtingbabyyyy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should not allow for any gay person to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shit they threatened Kavanaugh's wife and daughters with death threatsWhy can't we threaten them also.One cunt cut off TRUMP'S head.Snoopie puppy shot TRUMP.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of jew nigger treats are they?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Very happy to have that traitorous ba$tard stay in Islamic London! They deserve each other. What happened in America where you went from putting men on the moon to the retarded inbreds that you are today?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"asinine ... even Texas has a gender X option for driver licenses. It should be Male, Female, Retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Storybook ending in New York. Derek Jeter walks off a winner at Yankee Stadium, http:\/\/t.co\/pRS2lWATK7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fat nigger ape","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@yungdipIo @Iemonaids like I really want a rafter monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Legit one of the things that woke up to the rise of Tumblr!Feminism, was how the girls in my school could have an entire event going on and on about how disgusting and misogynistic it was to use the word \"cunt\" as a derogatory term, and then come to class the next day and call you a \"dick\" for not attending.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's exactly what a pussypass denied is, you get the consequences for the stuff you do","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rapper gets 4 years probabation for recording a naked 13 year old white girl performing oral sex on an adult nigger and posting it online . The rapper also performed sex acts on her. Where's the outrage from American conservatives? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rapper-tekashi-6ix9ine-escapes-jail-time-in-child-sex-case-report That nigger pos should've been sent to Attica for 20 long...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well aint u a silly nigger faggot...haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigh Kumar is neither funny or intelligent although as a typical cocky immigrant he thinks he's both and entitled to stick his nose in on the sovereignty of a Nation when his roots are not even of this continent The only thing Kumar is....a massive cunt who should STFU and FO #BBCQT #Brexit #BritFam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this new Gee is a troll and a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you say any of the following words the convo is over: nigger, nigga, swag, yolo, fag, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe him. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UK police chief says do not criticize deputy who stayed in the car while terror attack happened https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/uk-police-chief-defends-deputy-who-stayed-in-car-during-terror-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This disgusting cunt right here 100% the type to make a false rape allegation Go get dead!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DolanGang you wouldn't know fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people belong in our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"USER REPORTS: 1: Neckbeard whining 1: We are not your personal army 1: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else 1: God I love watching you alt right neckbeards get triggered > you absolute retard Cool story you've got there. I attacked his assertion that i was taking his argument literally, though it wasn't a super duper reasonable argument like Rule 1 wants. > you absolute retard The rules, if you want to check, do not say \"well if you make a reasonable argument you can also insult the other person\". So wrapping up what you said with the above crossed into dickwolfery. >Now.. if you make a well-reasoned argument and you end on \"Stop being obtuse; even children understand this concept\"... have fun. Ostensibly, we're all adults here, a potshot like that can just be ignored.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whites have been converted into worshipful nigger lovers..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Fried chicken in expansion pack.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's with the dumb fucking Boomers supporting Sinema in AZ? The same dumb fucks that allowed her to be on the ballot are going full retard on her commercials. She's liberal trash. It's like watching the geriatrics playing the slots at the Indian casinos, keep pressing the button, something might happen. It isn't dumb fucking boomers that are voting for her, it is LibTards, idiot. You are blaming a whole generation and calling us all dumb fucks. Only an idiot would do that. WOW and you believe what you see in a LibTards ad? You are too far gone, buddy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTMF is Murica? You say it, you should be thunderpunched in the throat, or sole stomped.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you fucking retarded or something HOLY SHIT. They were fucking degenerate marxists and niggers, who the flying fuck gives a shit if they dont support israel like neo-cons do. Breivik should become a saint for his actions, he did what needed to be done. Movement's are fucking retarded, all you do is complain about israel and dont seek to find the real truth, just some retarded alt-right white nationalist at most. You promote cucky optics like the little bitch you are, please just leave gab you are just making yourself look bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BigEl179: Luv riding the #MetroNorth with sour drunk #Yankees fans after a loss... #TooBad #MetsFan #QueensAllDay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"82lb rock used to smash South African student to death as she was held down after being kidnapped and gang-raped. Suspect sat in court smiling https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_SoulSurvivor_ @zakbauer I dont have any problems with zak, but you seem like a faggot http:\/\/t.co\/NbFAArxvRP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Endless but they really trash so none RT @Whoa_Kimbosabe: Men: how many positive(s) and possibles do y'all have on fri thru sun night?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just surprised that your Mrs. Can leave the house on her own at 450lbs. I guess someone has to pay the bills around there, since you don't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TX schools required 2 waste money giving all H.S. students lesson on how not 2b a dumb nigger during traffic stop. Things like, cop is allowed 2 ask u 2 get out of ur car, u stupid nigger. and, no u can't just drive away cuz u think u dindu nuffin, u stupid nigger. Yet another cost 2 our society of having 40 million dangerous borderline retards https:\/\/bit.ly\/2EyoA8z","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, those black people would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most Hated Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If immigrants like you refuse to fit in, they should suffer for it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@toddgunter This, this, this. Pack it up and head to NYC, please. Enjoy being called a hick for a few years, come home humbled. #plans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about we cut these immigrants's throats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and she is making it harder for genuine victims to be taken seriously, she is an absolute cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody knows who the fuck you are or what you think you did nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where's the part where Fat Amy goes err wop wobn wefo? #thingspeoplesay @FatAmyPost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This 'British faggot' is a lot wealthier, happier and more intelligent than you .... you're a sad, unknown, bigot who has benefitted humanity in absolutely NOTHING ! @theSyndicate \"Quoting a British faggot. Seriously?\" @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @mikesmom37 - Based on those 4 words, sandy-atheist has conCOCted an inane reBUTTal which includes the meaningless word \"bigot\"- includes knowledge of homo's wealth, happiness, and intelligence- and ends with \"nothing\" in all caps. @mark_luke This british faggot may be wealthy, but where he's going his $ won't do him a bit of good. In fact it will be an impediment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every \"man in this story is an abject faggot, and the dykes are one bad day away from being suicidal cat ladies. I'm glad they won't have children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Russians won WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lethal bird flu cocktail sent out of lab accidentally went unreported CDC http:\/\/t.co\/MO2m6q3xTt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Being a Slut is the polar equivalent of Rapist in so many ways and 'Group Sex Fetish' is the faggot terminology for Gangbanger because she loved getting banged by the brothers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep talking ... we're done here. You can go hang in spam because you've had all the airtime you get from me. There are lots of other assholes there. You'll fit right in. Be sure and find a seat in the cunt section. Piece of advice ... if you want to survive as a troll, learn something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you going to kill yourself now that g+ is closing down nigger. hahahahahaha! film it for us so we can all watch and replay it over and over. let me know where your grave site is so i can come out and piss and take a shit on it little faggit. hahahahahahahaha! keep using the word Nigger he hates that word . lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a cunt fart","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Need a picture of their pregnant nigger princess","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look a faggot with a cap gun!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fold that Pizza up and choke on it you fat overweight Escalade ass Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a just world, disabled people would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Muslim who murdered the Scottish kid, Kriss Donald, has been given a poetry award while in prison. He gouged out Kriss Donald's eyes and set him on fire. RIP Kriss. I'll never forget what they did to you and how our establishment and media hushed it up. I will never forget what they did to this poor boy. The whole world knows about the black man murdered by white men in the UK. Wee white boy, tortured for hours and set on fire while he was still alive by Pakistanis and hush it up because community cohesions BS. I know what he should be given while in prison and it most certainly is not an award of any type!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Think about the massive, debilitating DISAPPOINTMENT your typical shitlib has suffered and will suffer more in the coming year if the senate holds - no russia collusion - trump packing scotus - no impeachment - trump taunting \"the resistance\" - and finally, full funding for the wall It's a wonder shitlibs can still function without hitting the bottle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yuck. Someone needs to refill their anti-depressants. Smart people are often sad. Ergo, people who pay money to be sad must be *really* smart! \/s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bro, you can nigger on here and no one even flinches. I can tell you how I would love to see people start shooting antifa thugs in the face and its all good. Gab is truly free speech.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sad cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ShepNewsTeam LMAO dude, you said we would get no commitment from Saudi Arabia or Jordan! How does crow taste? More proof you are full of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Peace and love...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Guillotines are Good Enough for Lib Left Commies and Faggot Muslims to use on us I say they're Good Enough to use on them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay wetback group coming to No VA will push for higher wages for behind the home depot dumpster bjs https:\/\/www.washingtonblade.com\/2018\/10\/11\/lulac-lambda-northern-virginia-launch\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bill Smith DDS MTV ODB LGBTQ MMA NFL AFLCIO bitch pick one.Fucking hate you.I know you proud but shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"What if someone calls you a Faggot for doing that?\" Tell your faggot friend that I don't care what somebody calls me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I had to meet one of the apostles I would fuck them for not killing him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> You heard him describe the press as \"the enemy of the people\" even after one of his lunatic followers attacked this flawed but necessary pillar of democratic society, right? \"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy\" \"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy\" \"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy\" \"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy\" Remember when CNN attempted state propaganda and youtube got it edited and in clear view within hours, and then you forgot about it? That's why Trump says the media is the enemy of the people - because it is. Since you have such a hard-on for debating trump points, I'm sure you'd love to be privy to the fact that what CNN is attempting to do is what ultimately gave the Nazi party the authority to resettle Jewish people into ghettos. The media changed public perception by hammering the public with the same message day in and day out. It's brainwashing. The media brainwashes people into getting all riled up about politics so that we hate our neighbour. Listen, Trump isn't doing that bad of a job. The media portrays Trump to be an idiot at every opportunity they can, and the way Trump is talked about you would think that the white house is at risk of being burned down because 'Trump will microwave tinfoil at any moment', yet the data speaks for itself. American GDP hasn't seen this much of an incline since","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Well said!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? They're just a bunch of fat, pathetic Incels who are too lazy for self-improvement, and too stupid to have meaningful, informed political views. A Socialist is a Socialist, and National Socialists are by far the most vile of the lot! You are mindlessly ignoring the \"NATIONAL\" part of NS. They were Nationalists and lefties\/commies hate nationalism. I could use your retarded argument \"Nazis are Socialists, and Socialists are Leftists; therefore, National Socialism is of the Left.\" and claim based on the term National in NS they were of the right. However, it is a bit more complicated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Illegal Aliens Caravan GROWS to THOUSANDS, as it Moves Towards the US Border....! * Patriot's called \"RACIST\" if standing up for Boader Wall!! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/infowars-launches-banned-midterm-election-coverage-tune-in-tonight\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What fucking retard shares all of his passwords\/accounts?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"There is no reason not to create a child using artificial eggs. The point of technology is to remove women as an essential part of reproduction. Men would have families without becoming attached to a woman. We could decide exactly when to reproduce with the obligation to take care of the messes women make by waking up an hour earlier each day\" Wouldn't that be great. Bruh is this unironic? Yes. Why wouldn't it be? Imagine being able to have kids without having a parasite in your life. Imagine not having to worry if it's yours, or about child support or divorce or the 8,000,000 other shitty tricks women can pull on you. A feminist could say the exact same things about men. Just replace divorce and child support with abuse and rape. Uh they do, they just did, that's the point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imm1grants are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"coming from this faggot FLAKE DC 202-224-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just in case the day couldn't get better wife's Rav 4 had a flat and being the redneck I am I put 16 inch rims on it so there goes $200x2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Try to ask a group of feminists Is it possible that Kavanaugh is being a made a scapegoat and this is what you get: https:\/\/youtu.be\/xgolC__n3uw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NewYorkologist: Autographed Photo of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig - New York Yankees 1928 | #NYC #NY #NYY http:\/\/t.co\/mm2niIGP9X","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@osnapitzthorne @AcaciaBrinley trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait... did she do a porno or something? Man, I hope not! Maybe I could watch it so long as she didn't make those crazy bug eyes of hers. Yikes!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Queue up \"It's a FAAAAKE!\" gif over yet another \"hate crime\" hoax. Coming to you once again from a typical college student https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/36969\/hate-crime-hoax-ohio-university-student-charged-ashe-schow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are being so sexist right now that im literally shaking and shitting myself. But that's just your *natural* musk. Hot In gonna take a shot in the dark and say you're an incel Noo....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White western women are so privileged they think sunglasses are oppressive.... This is the current state of women... Yes, let's take this one idiot's opinion and apply it to half of the human race. Lol I'm white knighting by pointing out your stupidity? OK pal. No, you're white knighting because I said something true about women, and you get upset about it just because it pertains to women. Thus, you're a white knight. Have fun living in your fairytale, buddy. >I said something true about women When was that? Your first comment was actually a serious opinion? Jesus. This is from a parody account. You just got duped dummy. [deleted] Op Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Dank_Meems\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been so pissed off lately. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this was shit the guy should of boxed his head off and thrown him through the top window,fuck peoado muhamed and islam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Hate crimes\" are the Jack Posobiec style fake news of the judeo-left. Totally believe your cool story bro. A Nazi randomly walked up to you at Wal Mart and said \"I'm a Nazi and I'm here to cut your faggot throat\" and you totally didn't break your hand in a fisting session gone wrong. Probably a leftist scumbag posing as one of us. We don't call ourselves Nazi's and we certainly don't introduce ourselves to worthless alt Lite wastes as such.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perfect example of a high maintenance, self-centered, manipulative cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americas 2020 election, who here is voting and who for amongst why? I'm just curious to see some political opinions #election2020 Thanks for the input. I am a felon so I cant vote but I also am pro fascist that doesn't support our current system of government","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking idiots, every last one that voted for that dumb twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So they're like most laws? Women's rights was just so they could destroy our republic and cheapen labor. There would never have been prohibition and all the violence and drug wars that followed if it wasn't for women getting the vote and their stupid temperance movement. All the men who died because of those dumb cunts and nobody cared.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ARRESTED: Man Who Roundhouse Kicked a female Pro-Life Leader arrested and Detained. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/roundhouse-kicker-arrested\/amp\/?__twitter_impression=true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that immigrants are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Moms should shut their mouths and be grateful. My wife and I have spend tens of thousands of dollars and many years trying to have a child. My wife has injected herself in the stomach hundreds of times with needles and had many, many invasive procedures done, and this bitch thinks she deserves to jump to the front of the line? She is already blessed. [deleted] You have literally no idea what we've been through or the costs and wait times associated with adopting. Youve never been in our situation and probably never will. You telling me to adopt, without knowing ANYTHING about me, is rude, naive, immature, insensitive, and STUPID. They clearly made the assumption that I never considered adoption by suggesting it in such a fashion. Im not the one being a cunt here. That guy is sending me PMs like this one: [https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/kcubgCO](https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/kcubgCO). lmao well yeah that pm makes him a cunt but at first it really sounded like a suggestion. Some people are so fixed on having a kid they never truly consider adoption when there are plenty of kids out there looking for stable homes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm retarded and offended. She's a cunt and you're an idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"aw didums, no one likes the fasc. oh well, time to kill yourself I have perfect understanding when I read English cunt it appears you're the one who's got trouble writing it right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Purity doh. Ryan's mum fucked so many men that there must have been about 5 guys sperm in her cunt the day he was conceived","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"It only feels patronising because you're so fucking stupid that when I apply small amounts of logic to your words, you start to feel retarded ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really can't stand trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those feminists are never fucking happy. Even if we reduce ourselves to the state of an amoeba they surely have something to complain about. You go kid, you did something great and you should be proud Those amoeba are reproducing asexually! This excludes women! Sexism! Watching the double standards of feminists is an entertaining show in itself: https:\/\/i.redd.it\/i97yfgyvivx I see no feminist designation there. Silly to hand people flags like that. Relevant Username I'm with you. People generalize and categorize their fellow humans way to much.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"women are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Schraipfeeler: Das sollte wohl Nigger ianischen heissen ? OK Bajuwaren halt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's definitely a different species from us white people. im still not muted ? your slow son!! the blow back could put a eye out you chettoes dick faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in immigrants's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Him getting arrested has fuckall to do with who is at fault. See also: Tommy Robinson getting political prisoner'd. Yeah, it did have fuck all to do with it and he shouldn't have been arrested, but it was a very predictable outcome given his choices. So unless his plan was to get arrested, I don't think he really \"got those idiots\" or whatever OP said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If we could only mute all celebrities... But I'd protect them from a nigger so...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cute Armenian Mudshark Stabbed 49 Times For Asking Black Roommate For The Wrong Sausage I guess you could say she asked for the wrong sausage at the wrong time. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/negro-stabs-mudshark-housemate-49-times-after-arguing-about-food\/ Looks like an amerimutt spic Mamzer to me... I only date blond hair, blue eyed women. A mulatto kiled a Mamzer. No harm, no foul. It's not like any humans were injured .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the mods there are touched but this right here is guaranteed to be the work of Sweet Nicole. That cunt is beyond crazy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chuck Todd is out of his nigger loving cotton picking mind! You can't make this shit up, but these commie shills can!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @taylorcaniff: I wear beanies all winter long! So no bandanas till summer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CharlieDaniels Come on Charlie! OUR GOVERNMENT WAS JUST TRYING TO PROTECT THE DESERT TORTOISE! Atleast, that's what Barack Obama Says...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I were a Jewish shill, I'd create an anonymous account on Gab, and shitmouth everyone who proposed something with a chance of success. Anyone on here anonymously begging for a revolution that we are clearly not prepared to fight, is probably not here for the benefit of our movement or our people. I detest this man more and more. Hindsight is 20-20, but for the next round of this in 20 years, know that it would've been much better had he instead of crying used all those guns to take that Vice crew hostage and demand they go live, then do his best 20-minute pitch to White America, before dying in a firefight with the ZOG. That would've been honorable. I like these occasional reminders that I am a profoundly better strategist than my rivals. You're a coward. You don't really believe in your heart that White people are right. You want ZOG's Noahide Society to reassure you \"it's okay to be a White person\". And they're not going to do it. They want us to be slaves or die. It has to be enough that you believe it fanatically, when the whole world is against you, and you don't. Remember when I said the key difference between Christianity and Paganism is that Christianity looks for external validation and Paganism is about creating real internal worth through work? This is ultimately why we need Paganism. Because we need a Folk that will be able to face down the whole ZOG world and still know they are right and good. You define \"true White person\" as a Christian slave. And you're right. They're trapped in Talmudism. In the Noahide Law System. They'll never do anything. That's why it's such a threat that we're showing people another way through the Native European ethos and faith.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eh? You are getting very confused again Tuck Tuck. The gay guy is the son of Jane, the white girl I was seeing for 8 years. She has only been a friend since The black girl I'm seeing is 23 and has no kids. The other black girl 3 years ago is now 22 and she has no kids either. Neither of them claim any welfare either, unlike you matey :) Lol And now folks we have one of the very few real Marxist twats on Gab since Agent Orange ran off. WHat we call the Left on Twitter. Another coward who won't take on the real racist types here. Because it's colour that these Nazi racist types are bothered about, not boob size idiot lol Wait, are you alluding to the possibility of discussing her breast size? That's not a topic for gentlemen, but who am I to stifle your free speech? Lol Honestly. This True_Brit twat is even thicker than the NatSocs here. They're pretty dense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raise my toupee to that lady .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember when professional tennis was a game of respect? Was till niggers started playing. Kinda like basket ball, (NBA) Nigger Basketball Association and (NFL) Nigger Football League. https:\/\/twitter.com\/twitter\/statuses\/1046403822220955648","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol.. shut up! RT @ABrown252: @VonshayeB lmao early bird gets the worm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do you hate feminists? Hate is a big part of the problem. I disagree with feminists, but I don't hate them. I don't hate all femminist either, but i do hate the crazy bitches who scream \"patriarchy\" everytime you try to talk to them and sometimes goes as far as physically attacking men for being men. Those are annoying, but they are a small fraction of feminists. >Those are annoying, but they are a small fraction of feminists. But they control most of feminism. Exactly. The reasonable feminists are not the ones who have the influence in academia and media, those are absolutely under the control of the hardcore ideologues. Plus just get out with this \"true feminist\" crap. Or alternatively we don't hear about the normal feminists in academia and media, and so we think the proportion of badfems is higher than it is. Doesn't matter what the ratio is if the proportion of crazies is high enough to alter the entire zeitgeist and set up and normalise a dominant cultural lens that is anti-male. Like there's a lot of sensible Christians out there but that doesn't mean I'm about to stop pissing on Westboro's bollocks whenever I see it. And if suddenly the messages of WBC started showing up in media and pop culture as presumed truth a la \"toxic masculinity\", \"white men are trash\" etc. I would hope I'd have enough fortitude of character to continue to call them malevolent twats instead of shrugging it off because my Christian neighbours are nice people who want everyone to get along.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Before we go ahead and canonize Brett Kavanaugh, it would be well to understand that the man is a judge. He has probably caused the ruination of the lives of many people, including some who did not deserve that. What do judges do? Almost all of them will not allow constitutional arguments in their courtrooms. Almost all of them reject jury nullification of bad laws. Almost all of them send people into cages for violating (usually unconstitutional) \"mala prohibita\" such as drug laws and gun laws. I'm not sad Kavanaugh was confirmed, as it's always fun to bloody the nose of the leftists. But the Supreme Court is a fixture of the Deep State. It is not a friendly institution. SCOTUS (supposedly) holds up Statutory Law (i.e. the whims of whomever happens to get a personal hobbyhorse accepted by Congress). Nuff said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey. @BarackObama. Don't be like a stupid white bitch in some horror movie asks #America to hide from #ISIS behind some chainsaws. M,kay?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your trans livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently one article by that faggot austin walker talking about how you're a piece of shit if you like Red Dead wasn't enough over at Waypoint so the other faggot patrick \"its rape time biotch\" klepkek wrote another one. This fucking fairy has so far spent a whopping TEN hours with this game, that is like 70 bare minimum main line story and is literally a shaking because he had to shoot people in this WESTERN COWBOY GAME DURING A TRAIN ROBBERY. And god forbid you even utter the words red dead redemption without 2 paragraphs on the \"labor dispute aka the long hours talented devs spent making the game of their own volition and pride in the product they were making. What's the repentance for not bringing it up in the SJW community? 1000 lashes? It must be pretty bad, ya know considering they can't shut the fuck up about it. they don't play games unless it's indie garbage their faggot tranny friends make where the gameplay consists of managing an anxiety meter because bad orange man is in office and making sure you patreon subs stay high every month so you can afford the surgery to remove your cock and balls. Speaking for the faggots in this sub we would appreciate if you don't lump us together with this dreg. I like me some rough cowboys. Are you retarded or what, he works at Waypoint now. the GB crew are loving Red Dead, it's probably going to be their number I can't wait for this year's dumpster fire. I mean GOTY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lexipost30: love birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't wanna sound like a cunt or say this didn't happen because it's totally plausible, but fucking hell this dude should write a fucking book, his way of writing is just so easy to read and digest, even as a non native speaker I feel impressed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Pelosi Endorses Collateral Damage' to Those Who Do Not Share Our View': So Be It' - #Liberalism http:\/\/www.cnsnews.com\/blog\/craig-bannister\/pelosi-endorses-collateral-damage-those-who-do-not-share-our-view-so-be-it More Headlines: http:\/\/www.theamerican-messenger.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone needs to teach men that being a pathetic cuck won't increase your odds of women sleeping with you. Nobody is going to take pity on you just because you grovel.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three little birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seen it, no child should have to live it. Thank a Gay President and a Dyke Aspirant to the position. Pure Globalist Fanatics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus tap dancing Christ!!! This faggot race mixing shit is EVERYWHERE!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS, is A REAL MAN ! HE, doesn't CARE what RACE you are. All HE CARES ABOUT IS RIGHT FROM WRONG CAN YOU say the same !! https:\/\/youtu.be\/kDktliqUQLM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If and when Judge Kavanaugh gets confirmed I hope this b*tch's vagina puckers up like a lemon was shoved up it. Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @gferguson8: @KoredeB9 @MSoltan18 @WBDyllon_ trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REPUBLICANS TAKE MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNORSHIP: Coakley Conceds Gov. Race To Charlie Baker . http:\/\/t.co\/unfdQCQHyK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you can get gassed with the jews, you filthy sjw scum","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just a bunch of sand nigger cock suckers wanting more sand nigger cock to suck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got to 18 on flappy bird...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Voting GOP will not solve our problems. This article titled \"Trump Cucks from Ropeculture still stands true. https:\/\/archive.is\/3NGFe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Anglo-Saxon common law the criminal element of murdering someone who is fucking your wife (crime of passion) often has diminished punishment. Degeneracy is frowned upon in the west due to the way Aryans evolved. Read Culture of Critique.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah, good old ZeroHedge. Russian propaganda written by a convicted financial criminal and his handpicked cronies. https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?i=7d7_1512942118 I didn't say that it didn't happen, I said Zero Hedge is biased shit as a source. I didn't say you said it didn't happen. I've just linked another source to keep you happy, like the good samaritan I am. > I've just linked another source to keep you happy, like the good samaritan I am. Good for you. I went and read *real* sources when I first saw this. You should develop that habit though, so you don't find yourself defending russian propaganda websites. I like russians better. All these T_D surrogate subs do. Much preferable to actual reporting on reality.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@ArizonasFinest6: Why the eggplant emoji doe?\"y he say she looked like scream lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking stupid beaner commie cunt https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/watch-ocasio-cortez-proves-she-has-no-idea-what-congress-does\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You 4 fuckers are responding to me. How many people are responding to the 4 of you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for w o m e n. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then he's an even bigger bitchnigga than I thought before. He needs to drop her cunt ass and get him a good woman and she needs to spend a month in jail and go to court appointed anger management classes for an additional 3 months. Even if it doesn't hurt him physically it's still abuse #dontbethatgirl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deathwish is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wooooooo! Also, nobody on tumblr made a peep about goddamn Dolores Umbridge, and her villainy is ghastly. She got raped by centaurs, so Really? Harry Potter's a lot more hardcore than I realized. >and a lot less vile. Debatable. When the Ministry of Magic was taken over by Voldemort and started enacting full-on Muggle-born genocide, Umbridge slipped her way right into an upper management position. Oh, so suddenly genocide is a *bad thing* now? Well, I mean she's an empowered woman who's genociding muggle-borns so clearly it's ok. Obvious \/s is obvious I just read your fake quote in Hagrid's voice... \"Ye're a rape-victim, Dolores\" These violent delights have violent ends Upvoted because of the implication. Ya know, you're out there on reddit, and I'm not saying anything bad would happen if you didn't upvote, obviously we're not threatening anyone, we'd never hurt anyone. But the implication... Are these redditors in danger? I mean, it's not like the school could do anything about it. The administration was in shambles, Umbridge was kidnapped in the middle of the night in centaur territory with no witnesses to report the event except the protagonists, and everyone was distracted by Voldemort's attack on the ministry of magic. Oh....you had me going there for the first part, the second half kinda threw me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump said he will 'send the military to our border' to 'close the southern border'. I think it is pretty obvious he is not going to issue shoot-to-kill orders on unarmed civilians, which would be refused as illegal orders anyways. Posse comatatus prohibits the military from arresting illegal alien civilians. So how is this supposed to work? I would really like to know the details. For starters, these people compose an invading force. There will be armed men somewhere in the background who owe their allegiance to some non-American group probably funded by Soros. I think Trump understands that to meet and stop these people will require a company or larger size military force. They will have to be experienced and armed with some non-lethal weapons, possibly something like sound emitting devices that cause some type of temporary paralysis via naseau or disorientation. However, the quickes way to stop them is tell Mexico NO MORE MONEY and the recent trade deal is off. Under the law 'migrants' trying to cross our border are not an 'invading force'. The legal definition of that is limited to military or terrorist forces attacking our country. It will be interesting to see just how Trump uses our military without running afoul of Posse Comatatus. We have no legal confirmation that these people can be classified as \"migrants . That label came from the media. I suspect that there are a lot of people who are indeed terrified.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have felt we are being played about all the draining of the swamp bs. If he does not stop this invasion, using whatever means necessary, it will show he is really no different than the witch except for trade deals and tax cuts. The two parties are just different wings of the same bird of prey. All I can honestly say, Mike, is 'better than Hillary'. He's in immediate position to make proud or horribly disappointed. I don't think we will have to worry about Trump letting them in. I'm sure he is serious about shutting down the border and repelling the invasion with military. I do so hope you're right. It's a damned if you do or damned if you don't situation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Michael Sam being cut further proves that we fags don't belong in football or #NFL, it is a heterosexual sport for heterosexuals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, immigrants are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nope. Never been told that. Sorry, nigger but that white slut of yours lied to you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, this nigger from middle school wrote a full page love letter to this attractive white girl, and the only line I can remember went like this \"out of a scale from one to 10, I love you a Woah there Mike_Fucking_Pence! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate when black people try and be white so bad ... Your a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Britain First are cleaning up Ballymena. We have a gypsy problem from Romania. Plod need to know the consequences of backing the wrong side #1488 #KKK Peter Golding is a national hero, why oh why isn't he in the New Years Honours List? Better than Derek Half Nigger Haslam;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Not one from a Communist. Thank you though. unban this commie from following you. i want to know when you post new bob and vagene pics. sorry to break it to you (miss?? sir??), this commie has no back-up nazi account. now unban him so we can send you some big dick pics, what do you say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only Muslims can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They missed the pic of the mountie carrying luggage across the border for illegal nigger freeloaders, and the pic of the diaperhead mountie and the one wearing the hijab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only black people can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Zohdaa fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"there you go yet again, you are a retarded skipping record, i never claimed soros was a nazi-NEVER-you fucktard. i merely stated the FACT that he worked for them. geeezus son, is your moma also your sister ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The shitposts and memes are based off of a subreddit. In short, the actual source needs to be racist... which it is. If you actually read the threads you would see the proofs. A: GreatAwakening was doxxing and publicly harrasing a person. An direct site rule violation. Why not get it directly from the source? https:\/\/twitter.com\/search?src=typdandq=%40S8n%20Q B: MillionDollarExtreme was actually pretty damn racist and BillionDollarExtreme's parodies based off of it were caught in the wake. It's quite literally in the sidebar for Billion. >Seems you see racism where others see shitposts. Maybe try and get some thicker skin? Stop drinking soy lattes and prepping the bull to inseminate your wife for you. Maybe get a job and step into the real world instead of stewing in your tribalist bubble full of leftist forever victims claiming to be oppressed while buying $1000 minimum clothes with mommy and daddy's credit cards? Ahhh yes, personal insults! The most enshrined internet tradition. Colour me.... not surprised. Nah, I'll go buy them 5$ shirts made in china. Lemme go buy some new nike's gear and burn it too. #WithTheTimes am I right? Do I need to get my bright red, or bright blue shirt? In america you can only support one team and can't straddle the edge right? I heard that's illegal. Here, let me get my Xer Xeno father's spacecard and buy 600$ worth of fortnite bux! Oh!, While we are at it lets go buy some 1000$ vegetarian steak. God, Reddit is full of faggots like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sky106radio: For lots of great oldies, check out \"Memories and More\", with Yankee Rose, today from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern! http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is this bitch free to walk this earth? She was pressured into doing unwanted sexual acts? She IS an unwanted sexual act, ugly stupid cunt. How can the system fail so bad? She is making money describing how she murdered her fianc . Disgusting, I hope she will burn in hell along with all her bloodline.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, I remember this dude from his 15 minutes of infamy when he was crying like a little bitch because he was about to get arrested lol Are you still hooked on drugs or nah? If you had to face half the shit I've faced, you'd blow your faggot ass brains out, and the world would be a better place for it. Lead the way, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hulu 'reminding' people? or what? how about corporations stop fucking threatening people and trying to social engineer the retarded masses, because they're doing a shit job and honestly, this is all for butt hurt pissy minorities, which frankly can all fuck off with their hypersensitive bullshit feelings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolutely, you retarded anti-science niggerlover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SkinnieTalls: It's not as easy as you'd think to find an astronaut monkey outfit at the last minute.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"not trying to white knight but losing your career you went to school for for almost a decade doesn't seem like a fair result for getting drunk and calling an uber driver stupid. lol she wasnt even that rude. Take that White knight shit somewhere else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a Japanese citizen, right? Doesn't that mean that immigration officials will be waiting for her outside the jail for deportation when she completes her sentence?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black lives are worth so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the idiotic, traitorous wanna be tin pot dictator.... AWFUL! Classless Barack Obama Continues Midterm Campaigning Compares Trump to \"Tin-pot Dictatorship https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/classless-barack-obama-continues-midterm-campaigning-compares-trump-to-tin-pot-dictatorship\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you believe that your a woman a man a gerbil or a packet of fruit pastilles that's fine just don't make me believe it. the evil cunt in the yellow dress is a white hating cultural Marxist. Had the audacity to rip him on his religious belief by saying you can believe what you want to believe but don't force it on others' Sweet sweet irony.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I miss toothpaste faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AmPowerBlog: @velvethammer Parent in Phoenix Says Administrators Made Her Son Wear Pink Fairy Wings on First Day of High School http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fair enough. I just thought it was worth bringing this up before it spreads with more people in certain circles accusing people of being stalkers \/ conspiracy theorists etc. Every leftist sub that is shit now got its start in nitpicky overzealous moderation efforts. Just sayin'. Edit: \/u\/HandOfBane, a giant leftist fucktard, banned me for stating a simple fact, because he likes to go trawling through post histories just like the leftist he pretends he isn't. Total fucking shocker, folks. HandOfBane, go fuck yourself, retard. Man, I just looked at your userpage because of your retarded ass idpol name. Said userpage isn't doing you any favors, and chock full of idpol attacks on all kinds of people. R","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stray Cat Strut by The Stray Cats - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vEtbfzMLVWU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Negroids in Buffalo NY working typical negro Go Fund Me scam with assistance of compliant news media due to racist vandalism of minivan. Fat sheboon seeking $10,000 in donations from guilty brainwashed Whites. Key scratches $300-$ 3 tire replacements $","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hated so much he felt cheated out of that portion of his life Yet he and his wife (who loves comic books) are both cautiously optimistic about this show?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If your blood hasn't boiled enough today... Home office deporting nigger moslem, take him on a commercial flight so people get upset and he stays in England! Round them up and fly them on a military plane or charter you cunts! https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2A259B0 Of course they're pricks! They just put the nigger on another flight. They're not saving anyone ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical queer behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus christ... they couple had an argument so the man did what you're SUPPOSED to do and simply left the appartment... only to be literally stabbed in the back. Wtf this woman should get 20 years for attempted murder. You don't understand. She was really, really mad at him. He must have done something to make her stab him, because women have no agency. She felt bad about it, too. That should count for something. She even took an anger management class, and I'm sure she promised never to stab anyone again. We don't need to ruin this girl's life over a mistake. So because she felt bad and promised not to attempt murder again, this means she doesn't deserve even a year in jail? Also, her life isn't ruined, she just can't go out on weekends. Stabbing someone over an argument warrants at least a half a year, considering she called 911 etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Mick bint is so f*cked up. If she had a sex change she could become human!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Whore of Babylon (6 of 6) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DAIScuwvhGw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Threatening to kill all trans people will get you thrown in jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great. Another Chinaman lecturing Australians for the next five years about how racist we are. Fuck this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Klintoon lost to a half nigger for the white house. Then she lost to a white man. hahahhahahahahahha. white men rule!!!!!!!!!! criminal Hillary was sleeping while brave American white men lost their lives in Benghazi. Fuck Mrs. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton THANK YOU THE clinton CARTEL GOING TO BE CHRUSHED LIKE FRAUDULENT NIGGER MONKEY obama TEXAN HERE FUCK THE CRIMINAL EVIL muslim obamy IN THE NECK THE WHOLE BLOODLINE IS EVIL FUCKING DISEASED NIGGER MONKEY BLOODLINE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOTS: THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OF OUR TIME according to the mainstream media and @justinpbolinger. USA Today can't be left out of the \"gay wave.\" Not to be outdone they have a CONSTANT SUPPLY of articles about sycophants. https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/2017\/06\/16\/born-way-many-lgbt-community-its-way-more-complex\/395035001\/ Like I said, them more you push, the worse the backlash. I don't have to do a thing, if someone doesn't kill you, some faggot disease or jilted gay lover will. The odds for homosexuals are not good. You take 'em faggot, and enjoy your short-ass life of getting fucked in the ass by other men and molesting children. AIDS, Hepatitis, and a myriad of other STD's that sycophants like you spread around in the course of being promiscuous homosexuals, are a safe bet. Enjoy your diseases tulip. @WADL @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @HERALDofYAH @Escoffier - All homos on gab are only trying to enhance their social-media presence by offending gabbers- then going onto fagsbk and twttr to regale girlfriends with tales about all the trouble being caused. This fag may not have AIDS yet- instead, a brain-eating virus.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CAIR Publishes a Hit List for Jihadis http:\/\/t.co\/hvVfXypmHm via @RealJTP If you are a red blooded #American you may be on the list..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PRAISING THE DEADBEAT RACIAL AGITATORS WHO WORKED FOR DALEY TO OWN THE LIBS Stupid nigger lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol which moron was that? All of these NPC's sound the same to me. Glad acosta is out. That was long overdue especially after his attempts to rattle the NK deals When he did that during the NK deals I was SHOCKED he wasn't removed! Yep. The intern fracas was just the last straw.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How long until all the jews have received their #DeathPenalty or do we want to go extinct? I thought Kanye was \/ournegro\/? Is he? Does he support white nationalism? Can we not have JUST one in the ethnostate? As a security guard at the main gate I'd rather make Kanye King of Wakanda. He can go be BASED somewhere else. Good come back. Lol wakanda: renamed wakanye :) sadly, the 'ol \"muh based negro\" trick, gets normies in the feelz! If he is a Marxist he would be a great king of africa to replace the martyred gaddafi Very true. And Kim Kardashian could be Cleopatra. And so Negro's = kangz at last.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckall trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good a black burglar die in London hope more die and go to he'll for want evil cunt but people throw that work to make a living and buy nice thing not for black or white cunt that Rob for drugs got filling for them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@xtinel @Linda1MMAGC No not at all. It's a slippery slope. Just don't want to lose my right to self defense. 1st its background checks then?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For a supposed patriarchal society this \"humour\" about women slapping and hitting men is all pervasive, TV shows and movies that celebrate a woman slapping or hitting a man who has displeased her is pretty much endemic now and the reaction is to just laugh or say \"right on girl he deserved it\" The double standard sickens me Edit: spelling, I can't spell patriarchal Patriarchy doesn't mean \"beneficial for men and detrimental for women\". It's damaging for men as well, traditional gender roles are the reason people are laughing at this guy. Exactly. It's the same reason the term \"man flu\" exists - the idea that men complain more when sick and are less resilient than women when it comes to being ill, despite the fact that statistically women take more sick leave than men. It's because under the \"patriarchy\" or \"toxic masculinity\" of our society, men are expected to be stoic and tough, and any sort of indication of weakness is met with derision. I feel like I read somewhere that the man flu is a real thing though. My memory might not be spot on here but I think it said something along the lines of this; the virus recognizes that male hosts can not reproduce and as such doesn't value the host as much and doesn't hold back from the affliction. Whereas with female hosts it holds back because they are needed to reproduce and create more hosts. I don't know how much truth there is to that though, but I did read it somewhere and thought it was cool. If you could find a credible source that would be an amazing read. Unfortunately due to how it's worded it sounds suspicious but you're half remembering an article you read a while ago so it's not your fault at all. Anyways, if there's a source I'd love to read it! https:\/\/www.webmd.com\/cold-and-flu\/news\/20171211\/does-flu-hit-men-harder-than-women-maybe-so","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gabby's a bitch and has two accounts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not even surprised. It just confirms what game \"journalists\" (kek) purpose is. They will jump at any chance to hate gamers because... well, they downright hate gamers, there's no other way to put it, they are the absolute enemy of gamers. To the absurd point that they will outright defend blatant anti-consumer practice of a reskinned chinese trashware obvious cashgrab. Just try to imagine their hatred for gamers when they, the social justice warriors Marxists commies, take the side of the *capitalists* - nay - *corporatists* which they pretend to oppose. Just at the slightest chance to hate on gamers. In case anyone was still wondering what disgusting pile of trash the game \"journalists\" are, there's yet another proof. Notice their MO. Every time a huge gaming company does something so painfully obviously retarded such as EA with BF 2 and BF V, Bioware with that piece of shit ME: Andromeda, now Blizzard with Diablo - game \"journalists\" are head over heels defending them since these are companies infested with their \"correct ideology\". But when a company they hate appears, no matter how insanely good their games are and how flawless their behavior towards the gamers is - they will not stop bitching at them (it's okay when we do it, no bad tactics, only bad targets etc.). Case in point, they've been shitting on Rockstar and CDPR for ages. Game \"journalists\", everyone...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jesus christ dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoeDouglas1 sit down and stfu raghead @Darknight420 @hajihuntingpat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a slut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really think women are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He reminds me of Obama. Fuck Robert, his name is NOT Fucking BETO. He is a slimey fucking worm, with a big daddy judge to bail him out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the betting this entitled cunt gets another similar paid job?? I wouldn't bet against it put it that way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Employment for 576 Muzzie Virgins..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot keep up with this bullshit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kavanaugh's reputaional lynching has made it clear to the average person that there is one evil in the eyes of the American Media: being White.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand that trans people are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To Man, wish the guy would just wake up and divorce this crazy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hitler lost WW2 champs and heroes WW2 losers and zeroes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Eric_StrikerDS ...howabout all that rape\/thot shit Anglin's putting out? I like what you've been saying on Heel Turn, butwhen it comes to your ol' komerad...crickets.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fat pig could only get pussy by rape. Another faggot down!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, that's horrednously unprofessional, homosexual, and fake. It's sad that it's easy for you to believe that retarded story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now remember you little negro bitch I haven't seen or said shit to you in 9 Months YOU'RE the little Nigger MF'er that decided to start shit with me again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THE CUNT IS DISEASED GNARLY DNA THE PARENTS KNOW SHE IS DISTURBED","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JackPosobiec: A potential Democrat 2020 nominee is now calling for open violence against Trump supporters The media will ignore this or run a \"Republicans pounce natrative Terrible 4D Warfare https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/YR7w","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's because there are a lot of cunts in Australia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ImSooooMad guess who's eating cracker b without you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":". He is innocent until proven guilty ! What a bitch ! . Wouldn't it be awesome to see that on billboards all over the Country?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who came to the US as an indentured servant is white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kamala Harris is a SLUT who slept her way into office !! She FUCKED A NIGGER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't be possible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not going to say much about this, except to report the gist of what happened. One of my female relatives lives alone with her daughter in a large city in FL. Her daughter works, and was away at work when this happened. My relative went out to her garden late yesterday morning, came back inside and didn't lock the door behind her, and so was followed into the house by a vibrant individual. Shortly after the event, she called my dad, who told her to call 911 and he'd be over. (Not unusual for people in my family to call either my dad or I in preference to A wise man who does not know what opportunities may present themselves is careful about his wording. He wouldn't want anything to be misconstrued or taken out of context. Yeah true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Morrison and Porter had a real opportunity to show some real leadership, and simply get rid of the position.\" It's your XYZ. #ScottMorrison #ChinLeongTan #auspol #ausfam #aupol #news #politics https:\/\/www.xyz.net.au\/australia-doesnt-need-new-race-discrimination-commissioner\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God, I hate when these kinds of people use kafka trapping to get their way. It's pathetic and just a waste of time for everyone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's no PPD here, just a rude old cunt who will die soon enough and a beautiful young lady tryna live her life. With *tremendous* boobs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you ever popped champagne on a plane, while gettin some brain Whipped it out, she said \"I never seen Snakes on a Plane\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> On the flip, a family member is getting into an ambulance, would you prefer the people caring for them have some pretty woman on their mind or your family member? I never realized those were my only two choices. Here I was, fool that I am, imagining paramedics too busy being pros to even notice the cunt. Thanks for setting me straight.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to k i l l all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kyle_Lippert: If you buy tickets for Transformers 3D they just lock you in an aluminum trash can and toss you from an overpass into rus ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why is this nigger even allowed to be alive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/iuCRWOfDts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sighs of relief from Beijing Guoan fans and #China's govt as club nips Japanese rival 2-1 in tense match: #football http:\/\/t.co\/EesEOR7Iba","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Rational? Anita is actually pretty rational when you realize her true goal is milking a bunch of cash from gullible SJW retards, sure she's collapsed lately due to laziness and arrogance but she's still been pretty successful at the scam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is precisely why I see a blind lamb in front of rabid wolves. Not fitting under the banner doesn't mean they do not vote communist. They suck from the same tits, milking the taxpayers dry, in the modern Democrat slave plantation. Let's put aside \"interpretation\" and try \"rational\". Bleat like a commie, sucks like a commie, maybe is a commie? This has got to be one of the most retarded things I've read this week. But then I looked at your Gab profile and every post was more stupid than the previous one. Are you on medication? Because you should be.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a special kind of retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"typical nigger behavior","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@judgedread appreciates your efforts! :) If I ever total up the posts of the bots I have found - which includes the Twitter and Reddit scrapers along with the hundreds of fast and slow spambots - it will constitute a massive % of total content. It also dominates trending because shill networks are upvoting it. Oh, and those trends are also rigged by culling offensive material. How are you finding them all and why isn't @support taking action against them? * search finds spammers. The Twitter mirrors have a moderated Group! I just copy them down. I will do a spreadsheet soon, the botpost totals are going to be YUGE. Unlike the human user base. That's too bad It's ironic that spam isn't allowed in the group dedicated to spamming These grifters have no self awareness whatsoever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are some real baby boomers that are stupid as shit. They completely fail to grasp that it isn't 1950 anymore. They're utterly oblivious, living in their own world of denial. Their children are retarded, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Um! I see a lot of words there, designed to confuse. But when they are all added up the opposite side of the = reads zero. This must be because you can't post a single anti-white post of mine and wish to muddy the waters so you don't look like a twat for the 5th time. Yes! This faggot has the unwarranted sense of vanity like the negreeses he bangs. Shaqueefa puts on a size 4 belly shirt, where it looks like burnt Pillsbury rolls popping out underneath \"Beeeich, I luk goood!\" Much like his ice cold civic cuckpolitics gets attacked at every angle \"Oi mate, I gave you a sound thrashing!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those immigrants were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are retarded no, it's RE TAH DUD. and You AW!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are very few black people at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just use a bulldozer to push the nigger into the sea. Most can't swim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would bet a paycheck my whole neighborhood would be arrested. Except for the one spic bro who hangs the MAGA flag and gets harassed by his neighbors for it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manytrannies in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*proved that she would never cheat* *Coach admitted to cheating* and#x200B; wat It's a team penalty. Whether or not it's successful, the coach was cheating and got called on it. Williams might not have cheated, but it's the way she continues to act that is what opens her to ridicule. Yeah, I believe she only got a warning for the \"cheating\". She got the actual penalty cause of how she acted after. The first infraction was a warning and for the hand signals (cheating), then she threw and broke her racket which was another infraction and got her a point penalty, and finally, she got a third infraction for verbal abuse from yelling at the guy and this was the game penalty. Can you ELI5 how hand signaling in tennis is cheating? Coaches aren't allowed to tell players what to do. Hand signaling is the coaches attempt to tell player what to do. Here, I'll explain it like her coach: , . So she was cheating She got caught cheating She threw a tantrum like a child when she got a *warning* And people think *she's* the victim here?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you disabled people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know what else is actually retarded? Falling for such obvious satire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is this idiot? Kumail Nanjiani: MAGAbomber' Thinks He Speaks for Majority of America'. https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/pb9f","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh... Back when I was still watching TV, I was clicking along and landed on some chick talk show, and a bunch of broads were discussing the news item, where a woman cut a man's dick off when he was sleeping and threw it into garbage disposal so it couldn't be reattached. And one of the thundercunts started laughing, and saying something along the lines of \"Imagine how funny it would have looked, just flopping around in the garbage disposal!\" and all of them except I think one were laughing, and that one chick had this \"This is wrong...isn't it?\" look on her face. I mean...Jesus! Reverse the genders. Man snuck up on a sleeping woman, hacked off a piece of her anatomy, and tossed it into garbage disposal. A bunch of men on TV hear about it, and start laughing about how funny it looks, flopping around in there. Can you guys honestly see this kind of shit on daytime television? I mean even in the Middle East, where a bunch of sick fucks can sit around on TV and calmly discuss, in scholarly atmosphere, the proper way to beat one's wife. Even THOSE twisted fucks wouldn't laugh at that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I seriously can't believe \"alimony\" even exists, its so fn retarded. Id have to choose \"child support\" and try to tell myself the money goes to the kids..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retarded projection.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TweetTully: This is so great. Regular season ball is for the birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twat !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NPCs get wrecked","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one will ever know the truth. Ever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I refuse to allow niggers near my food. Too many instances of them spitting in white peoples food. If a restaurant has nigger servers\/cooks I leave. Dont mind asians, East Indians, Sikhs, .... but absolutely no niggers, no muzzies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh' I see... your pussy ass tried it ONCE... what will you and your dick suckin buddies do next??? Sit it out... you faggot big mouths love to spout off...all talk no action... when your balls drop, maybe you'll get it... fucking degenerate...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy fucking shit Just when i think they couldn't be more fucking retarded. They made another retarded move. What the fucking point of making a game if the players didn't fucking exist? A game is meant to be played fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Why do men always speak to me like they're explaining stuff to me? ...because you're literally asking for an explanation? Dunning-Kreuger strikes again. Dunning-Kruger* Dunder-Kroger Dunder Mifflin Dune Messiah David Lynch La Donna e Mobile Frozen pizza commercial wait, what game are we playing? The people person's paper people oh he missed a vowel, now is your moment of the day to feel important and correct him by pointing out the other vowel! You go girl! not a girl I can just feel the sass coming off your reply Um, it's called a rhetorical question. Um, it's called a rhetorical question?*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Poochda63: I go to take the trash out and a darkskin nigga stole my damn garbage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calling immigrants cockroaches is such a horrible thing to do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Next time you link to a retard propaganda site, offer some warning. Damn, just went there and now I can't get the funk off of me!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"don't waste your breath. He's a fucking commie faggot asshole who doesn't have a fucking clue as to who the real enemies are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fucking Nazi ^^^^^\/s This is the last place you need the \/s tag. If someone on this sub gets offended by an obvious joke, then they're in the wrong place. True Sound like nazi propaganda to me. If you need to question what a Nazi is, rather than just attack them, you're clearly a Nazi sympathizer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"A Professor of Social Work and the current Jack Layton Chair of Social Justice at Ryerson University in Toronto\" A Canadian professor of Social Justice; knock me over with a feather. This is the lazy-eyed faggot teaching us about masculinity. You can't make this shit up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats have either won every special election (so far), or severely cut Trump's margin of victory in ' This doesn't bode well for the midterms. Imagine the Republicans defied all odds and won a super-majority in both chambers of Congress. What would change for us? Virtually nothing. They'll privatize social security and send our troops to Iran. What's funny is that Trump could fuck this up at any moment. Say something horribly offensive about a black congresswoman on twitter. Etc. That'll turn out the nigger vote to Roy Moore levels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya'll take note. There ain't never tornadoes where colored folk live","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Autistic retard bitches about my numbers, then posts the source I used. >[Civilians](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Civilians) killed totalled 50 to 55 million, > [Military deaths](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Casualty_(person)) from all causes totalled 21 to 25 million FROM YOUR LINK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"inb4 virtual assaults on NPC characters in a game becomes an IRL hate crime The dude probably would've been arrested if he had posted it in the UK, to be honest That dude is from the UK. So it's within the realm of possibility... It's a \"grossly offensive\" clip of a suffragette getting punched in the face on the Internet. If Dankula's trial was an indicator for anything it's that context need not matter as long as it qualifies under that- Shirrako better watch his ass at that rate It's absolutely insane how quickly the UK devolved into a nightmare police state..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/apnews.com\/d51f25443fe84d3086942d9ba0f953ff Vote 11-10 ..U lose","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing homophobes in this place makes me so angry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Recently found out Obama's slut mother is a full on fucking Jewess. I can finally do it. I can finally say faggot nigger jew and mean it! I'm so happy!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are without a doubt the stupidestpeople on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. Nazis are democrat operatives calling themselves \"alt-right\" they are just as much an enemy of freedom as democrats. George Soros funded to make the right wing look as hateful as the democrats. They are leftists. The Founding Fathers implemented white nationalist immigration policies. The National Origins Formula expressly intended to keep America White. The \"Alt-Right,\" therefore, has more in common with Traditional America than lame cuckservatism. George Soros wants whites replaced with non-whites. Soros has completely opposing goals to the Founders. What is white? WTF does that even mean? What is white? What is a white person? What makes a person white? What asshole did you pull this notion out of? Because it is a shit notion. What does make a black person black? I know so called people of color who are told they arnt black because something to do with I don't even fucking know. Ben Carson is supposedly a black man, yet other supposed blacks say he's not black. What does it mean to be a white person? What does it mean to be a black person? Or any category of person? Definition of a white person? So, lay some of your vast wisdom on us all. I just did. Stop trying to be subversive because people can see through it and you just end up being seen as an asshole. Don't feed the trolls...lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hot teacher fucking me at an age when I was most sexually curious? Are you fucking retarded? But just because it would have been fun for me and ballbag1988 doesn't make acceptable in adult society or passable in other scenarios. You can hold those two concepts in your mind at the same time without it being cognitive dissonance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why work? If you work, your money is just going to subsidize your replacements or single mothers that impregnated by your replacements. I'm also on white man strike. I'll keep leeching off productive people until I have stake in the society. Definitely don't ask me to die in wars for Jews. FFS! You lazy twats, the lot of you it seems. How does it feel to have to be supported by black and Jewish working folk then? No doubt you're all breeding like bloody rabbits too. You are the white trailer trash they talk about in the US aren't you. It's their country, not mine. I don't have any stake in it at all. They better get used to dying in wars for Jews though. I'm not doing it. We can't even get a wall we voted for despite ctrl of government, but we can fund walls for other countries. The country doesn't belong to us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tonight starts the road the Super Bowl for the @Browns! Here we go brownies here we go! WOOF WOOF #Browns2014Draft","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT NPC Zhee is deleting some of his older posts now... Bet they didn't age well and they helped #destroy him...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of cops ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/wsIMDNbBJr now works on fancy telephones, so I am told. I have a clam phone that I call Mr. Clam that only \"texts\" and \"phones\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your sick Donny...very sick. You don't have to like gays but hating them or anyone else is wrong. Be civil. Saying things like this is just a reflection of the ugliness (and possibly repressed homosexual inclinations) within yourself. Ok well...I've said my piece. You sad sick person :S may you find peace someday...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bye faggot Incel? Not sure what that means, I'm not a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"M F WOMAN BEATING FAGGOT. Put some mitts on bitch and step in the ring. Otherwise MISS ME WITH THAT MALE FEMINIST SOY BOY MISOGYNISTIC VIOLENCE SHIT FAGGOT NIGGA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What was this faggot doing to provoke such a harsh response? Vandalizing a building. Harassing the Proud Boys at their meeting. Stalking them after the event was over Hopefully they get more violent then just roughing up some cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfao this is clearly satire. And there are people who say it unironically with the 'black person' instead of white. You can give it away from the way they say 'wh*te', it literally originated on \/pol\/ where they strawmanned sjws and started saying white as 'wh*te'. Then they went around on the internet spewing their shit and pretending 'leftists hate white people'. They did the same thing with pedos being in the LGBT No, it's because anti-white racists on Twitter have taken to censoring the word white in order to avoid getting flagged by automods and prevent their racism from being easily discoverable through searches. That's why they also started that ridiculous ypipo thing. Idk about ypipo but I'm pretty sure wh*te started on 4chan And I'm pretty sure you're wrong, and even if you're not it's more likely that the use merely convergently evolved in 4chan and in SJW circles. Let's agree to disagree [I don't agree to that.](https:\/\/youtu.be\/i1Pxndp5r_E?t=47s) Well I know for a fact it started that way, so doesn't matter to me. I was just referencing a Simpsons joke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dumb faggot fuck, this is the music section you're still a fag fuck off faggot... there is no video...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a lyin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahh, today's dose of wetback hijinks...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How'd it feel if a nigger fucked your white woman, Gabbers?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, halfwit Harry has announced that 'pregnancy is taking tool' on MegNog, and she will be cutting back on her public engagements Because walking and shaking hands are apprently much of a gruelling, tiring activity for a half caste nigger to deal with MegNog has spent $36,367 in just 5 days, and she is still flat as an ironing board. Four months pregnant my a$%.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So Trump blew him off as a retard asking nonsense questions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UK is a cucked faggot society! They deserve every rape,bombing,and stabbing they get. Unfortunately there are no more men in that garbage island of a country that are willing to stand up and take back what WAS there's. UK is the new Sweden.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love and support your race, my white brothers and sisters. Whites (European-descended peoples) are only 7% of the world's population. We have the right to exist and the right to our own ethno-states. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fk I hope not. Last thing I want is for her to stalk me and false accuse me of something. I'm like 6 foot tall and have a full blown wolverine style beard. Literally the poster child for sexual assault. I'd be fked. Cameras, now. dont worry op we haven't got to that stage of feminism yet for the most part, it still mostly only occurs to justify drunk sex, for now..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Derek Jeter's final game at Yankee Stadium will be 1st he's ever played there with Yankees eliminated from playoffs. http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Assuming the dope that scrawled this lives in a tourist town, he might want to reconsider what tourists bring to the local economy as opposed to what 'refugees' bring... The writings of toxic marxism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never said that immigrants are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ronniecaine so 'how bout now' was just trash huh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KenSuttling Yankees playing tonight in the Bronx,3rd game of the current series against the diamondbacks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a grade-A cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"T r a n s people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @10thAmendment: Jihadi Killed #BrendanTevlin In N.J. W\/ At Least 2 Others,Part Of Terrorist Ring 10 Yrs Ago http:\/\/t.co\/qZtXJv9x8J http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Psychotic CUNT more likely.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a nigger would down-vote this painting. Envious jungle monster or a kike. Only a Nigger or a Kike. True.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're not British You're a jewish nigger Do you want to be lynched or gassed ? Step 1: Only net-taxpayers vote for Congress. Only draft-registered adults and currently serving soldiers vote for the president. Step 2: End all forms of welfare. Step 3: Close the border and expel all remaining non-citizens. Step 4: Ban women from all colleges, universities, and trade schools to increase the native birthrate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"priorities something niggers have backwards. have funerals for words while their empire collapses around them. And yes i noticed the same shit they want to be treated white but when shit hits the fan back with the monkeys they go... thats the nigger way just stands out more in prisons","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"other politically correct retireds like yourself might think it's important but I'm not a journalist leftist pukes like youself like to bitch about unless shit , you don't want to get to the main subject of what were speaking about , because you have no experience about it , so take your grammar and stick it up your ass faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tracy Morgans car wreck and the press was covered by Zappa in the 60's...\"Some joker with a brownie and ye'll see it all complete\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama: I used illegal drugs in my teens and I got into fights Media butt kissers: We love you Barack, we have thrills up our legs Kavanaugh: I drank in my teens and college Same Media loons: You're a serial sex abuser, gang rapist, and a helpless drunk with a bad temperament.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Heart of French language is in Congo, French language doesn't belong to the French people, says Macron. https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/heart-of-french-language-is-in-congo-french-language-doesnt-belong-to-the-french-people-says-macron\/#.W8JD9o8ECHE.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical camel fucker behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whay a load of retards on here Retards like to call others retards .. while usually its the one calling retard .. that is the retard .. I think that's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@godrocamora416 faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gender blending is totally retarded BS fabricated to control an idiot population for easy rape and pillage. Liberals prove the point by being mentally ill..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"never have I seen a toddler chug a water bottle so fast lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SICK virtue signaling NPC You Racist, you! I see what you did there? *whispers 'who is it?' Hahahahaha, me too! Thank goodness. Me too. Same! Not a fucking clue who it is. They all look the same? I MEAN HOLLYWEIRDS FINEST, HONEST! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stolen Valor! Prosecute the scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_JaelynBeeee somebody looks like the die on the first tubes on flappy bird lol!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is honestly just giving people what they want. And it's only Jews that are organized. Only Jews that have a clear idea. White boomers are leaving the next generation out to dry even in retirement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LiveAndUncut: When I say Tainted I don't necessarily mean hoe or scandalous. It could be a number of things.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was gonna comment with that study as well. On the one hand I find it fairly perplexing that women just find almost no physical attraction to the vast majority of men. I understand that evolutionary speaking it wasn't the most important factor for reproduction unlike with men to women but how retarded is it that it's THIS low? I mean you'd think it would be beneficial for reproduction for the sexes to actually be attracted to one another. I ofc don't know how the modern environment influences all this but I don't imagine it to be much considering the cited numbers. > In my opinion I'm a decent looking dude, but apparently not good enough Lol I wouldn't worry about it. It's never enough for women. The OK cupid study will tell you that women rated 0% of men as most attractive. Personally, one of the ugliest hags I know in college told me that she doesn't find a single guy is attractive (in the entire college). The next year, she's in a relationship with a pussy whipped faggot. Scrawny and ugly but still above her in looks. I feel bad for the dude. I feel like telling him that she doesn't find him attractive at all and just using him for his money but I like to mind my own business. My point is that, no guy is ever attractive enough for women. You can bring them the hottest guy on the planet and they would still keep wondering if they can do better. Fuck that shit, GYOW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"15 yr-old girl set on fire at McDonalds in Cologne Germany by Islamic State supporter Good thing we beat those Nazis huh guys? Cologne: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=e-uTT5QrFts (((Who))) let them in: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4c8FYcKWJzY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @samknight1: @EliLake @saletan @JeffreyGoldberg Yeah I know it's Jeff's book. The one where he admits to beating prisoners and lying abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Then watch simping and all the hell going on between men and women begin to evaporate. No, that doesn't happen. Prostitution is legal here - guys still chase pussy like full retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[removed] So 1989 good now I can put that in my sperm diary","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"investigation means you are a muzzie aint they sweet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Take\" How retarded are human beings sometimes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not going to be surprised to find out that all these women being recorded while seemingly making asses out of themselves while simultaneously painting white people as racists are eventually outed as a leftist feminist movement. It's too 'neat'. Too....obvious that they're standing in plain view of someone videoing while being complete and utter cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ToddIrwin1 NFL... Forgetabout they got until February. It's the pennant race. Let's Go Yanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thiscamel fucker. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a faggot who only lives on the internet. You tell yourself it doesn't work to justify your weak mind and incapability to bring yourself to make a real move.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude, the reason that I dislike front-holes isn't due to a lack of interaction with them - it's due to all of the interactions I've had with them. But whatever, keep up with the whole \"you're not a real man unless a front hole validates you with their presence\/vagina\" and tell me how they are not sex objects. Women are generally dumb, boring, fickle creatures and I simply am much happier without their vapid musings. I've even had one girl accuse me of cheating on her after she gave me the \"I don't want to be tied down to just one person\" conversation. lol, fuck the feminine imperative, your bullshit doesn't work on me. A common misconception around soyboys is that what faggots\/front-holes say is what they mean.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being so desperate to kill your unborn baby that you'd get a tattoo of a coat hanger to signal to the world that you'd be willing to scrape your child out of your womb barbarically if push came to shove. Feminists truly are psychopaths. Why not just got your tubes tied instead? Then you don't have to worry about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She was trying to be a \"hero\" like that other cunt that did stop a plane from leaving and deporting a damn violent convict. Stupid how can they be this stupid??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just proves there's a lot of right wing fascist filth in Nevada...so many retarded sheep ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you a hoe ima treat you like one just like if you're a good girl ima treat you like one. I don't discriminate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a nigger lover. Fuck off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Late night phone convos with my hoomie that nigga a gook","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is better than being married to a nigger is all that needs to be written but a six year old shouldn't be writing love letters ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS MATTERS! JUST DO IT POTUS45 I smell a beta leftie....... Surprise I found the cucks! :\/ You do? Must be from Twittergrad. You must be from reddit..... Not a chance. Those tools were simply too easy for me to obliterate. So is gab picking up or what's the story? How many leftie cucks are here? I feel like trolling the living shit outa them! A few Lefties here, but owning them is far too easy. Mute works well also!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if Gab was filled with 100,000 Corneliuses, it would be at the top of Alexa rankings, a modern marvel, a shining beacon on the internet, surpassing facebook and twatter combined uh should we tell him or not nah let him have his fun he isn't harming anyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Clean your room\" faggot hates winning","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This was posted not so long ago. Im sure I remember people being worried for her welfare as the video showed the man was being very controlling. It's possible she was being encouraged to do these things for followers and views online and the guys were probs making a shit ton of money off her. It seems odd she would agree to do this knowing she would fail. People probably don't want to call her a cunt because of the fact she may be being abused\/manipulated by someone. Also we shouldn't be going around calling people cunts for no reason you cunt. > fact she may be being abused\/manipulated by someone You're only assuming that because she's a woman right? She's obviously a cunt, did you not see the whole video? Lying and scamming her followers and the community for ad $$ is cuntish behaviour I'm assuming that because of the way the guys trying to control everyone in the video and how he's treating her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The hamster wheel of American Nationalist excuse-making for the Trump Administration is a wonder to behold, the world's first perpetual motion device. Everything you would think would slow it down only speeds it up. These rabid hamsters gang up on and cannibalize any hapless hamster that slows down a bit or tries to climb off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AIIAmericanGirI: FEC May Yank 1st Amendment Guards for Drudge, Rest of Internet https:\/\/t.co\/pVe5nNAOkV #wiunion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actions speak louder than words. And these dumb cunts love to talk...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By voting instead of trying to start war and being shot? You are either an idiot, or another one of the Muzzo shills\/trolls. On a site full of brain dead imbeciles, didndu nuffin is probably the stupidest fucking retard of them all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"List of rules for this bitch: 1) must not get fat. Instead keep looking like a real woman (muscled up ass, thick thighs and great tits and a pretty feminine face) 2) Must have crazy good sex with your husband at least 3 times a week, no week being an exception. I said at least THOT. 3) No nagging after hubby's at home. No housework for hubby BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HIS FUCKING JOB you cunt. Make hubby his favorite meal, properly cooked, serve some ice cold soda with it, and I repeat NO NAGGING 4) Let him let off steam. Talk to him about his issues on a day-to-day basis, be his personal psychologist. Like \"what's on your mind, what's troubling you baby\" etc. 5) Repeat this EVERY DAMN WEEK, no \"But's\" fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kansasians. I used to live in Kansas. There is *nothing* special about the state. If the states were colours then Kansas would be beige. If Kansas were a spice, it would be flour","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Js on my feet, that song is trash too loll","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some Southerners had love affair with nigs. Concerned for nig welfare more than for Whites. Same in Rhodesia\/South Africa. Southern elites wanted to spread niggers to the territories (west) and to other countries. Having nigger slaves here was bad for most Whites then and the results (still having them here) r worse. South did that! NO White side in that war.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to hell for laughing my ass off at this. Lol God only made women to be a companion and servant for man. Obviously from the very first woman with Eve they all have a lust for sin and dragging men with them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"critical thinking is all that is required.? the climate has change since the beginning of time, find the global warming scientists, they took the money and ran, many will see GTMO along with the other dirty commies. Global warming data proved to be a scam so retards changed the name to climate change, that way it covers everything and means nothing.. I guess you did not catch my statement ,the climate has changed since the beginning of time, CONSIRACY is a term used by TARDS. Global warming data proved to be a scam .... lol i think you're the tard get your brain checked Typical who gives a f ? we do, we don't like being scammed by retarded liberals, thank GOD for Trump, he spanks that ass. Another literal tard, all lefties are vilolent you just proved it. Gab is a platform for debate, figures of speech elude most retarded liberals, you make a physical threat, shows your very low IQ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolute mate. I will never fund another armchair incapable lazy feminist\/liberal hypocrite again, plus buying three meals at a restaurant and not a forth with three glasses of wine, which turns her into an angry argumentative cunt is quite the saving right there. I have a college fund on the go and the very best health ins. I'm not dragging some single mum and her little Aholes along for the ride subdividing my hard earned money. Keep the faith.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got two #boycott actions for you Gabbers! First one, #CapitalOne credit cards: Yah, Samuel L. Jackson is the obnoxious nigger asking what in the motherfuck is in yo' wallet, bitchass cracker? Whatever. However, they're now airing an ad showing an epsilon-level male kissing his nigger ho at a sportball game- after asking her to marry him and make mud babies-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THE DEMS ARE RADICAL COMMUNISTS... DEMS THINK THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW ...CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT...DISRESPECT GOV\"T OFFICIALS...BLOCK FREE SPEECH....BE VIOLENT....BE VULGAR AND OBNOXIOUS... TIME TO KICK THEIR LIBERAL ASSES TO THE CURB,,,,, https:\/\/youtu.be\/9VG8iD4Od50 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9VG8iD4Od50andt=...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember KIDS ... the Name the JEW BULLSHIT ... is a counter intelligence program ... This is why is ONLY serves the system. Try breathing through your nose. You are a loser. LOSER. Keep being a BITCH or WIN ... Simple Choice really. You are a CUNT who uses words -- you will be ass fucked in PRISON because you are BITCH. The retards cannot debate and only character assassinate! Jew are human sewage and that is easy to see even for a blind man! Only the ignorant who do not look at FACTS don't see this! Too bad you can't make a coherent statement! Are you really a retarded Jew? As we Know, most Jews are blithering idiots!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason oh but I am and my grades say other wise so u can stfu and get off my Twitter or u can box simple ass that pussy boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White House Confident FBI Investigation Clears Way For Kavanaugh Vote https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/BXYKWv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Minneapolis Police Refuse To Investigate Claims Against Rep. Ellison https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/47oHsC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TasogarenoRaiko If you decide to do Damara, you should make her a gladiola. We have gorgeous rust-colored ones coming up over here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White kids, black kids, yellow kids hell even purple kids, if you carry yourselves like Daniel #Geale you will go far. #GealeMundine2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would agree if Cricket didn't exist, at least in Basketball you can understand when someone scores and when someone wins. Cricket is several levels more retarded than Basketball can ever hope being.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who cares if hes a nazi? shut up, faggot. no one cares if hes a nazi or not. whats so wrong with being a nazi?> you wouldn't care if he was literally a communist terrorist. so shut the fuck up, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Save for Halloween","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NavyAssLos: Hunter Hurt Helmsley RT @Rich_GMI: Cut the imaginary height shit. Most of the women tweeting about it sleep alone every nig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How does America have a 30 year war against the communists and how we have a huge portion of our country that wants to convert to communism. I mean, seriously, do we not teach anything about the Cold War in school these days? I guess I was in school during the end of it, so I wouldn't know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> isn't literally everyone an exaggerated persona or a certain race, religion, group etc. isn't that what makes it a Cartoon?? WILLY THE GROUNDSKEEPER IS A PERFECTLY ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF SCOTS AND I'LL FIGHT ANYONE WHO DISAGREES. You Scots sure are a contentious people. You just made an enemy for life! I want enemies! Mullberry hears ya. Mullberry don't care. Damn Scots. They ruined Scotland! Can't be a Scot, you can actually read what was written without issue. The time doesn't say how long it took him to understand it, maybe the whisky (thats right, thats how it's spelled) wore off. Fucking Scott's ruining Scotland Yeah, the fat, stupid, incompetent father, the smartass son who fail at school, the nerdy daughter and the sensible, stoic wife are all ok to stereotype, but we can't have a hard working family oriented Desi guy, can we?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dear dudes with wives\/gfs who still support dr. ford, the question you need to ask yourself is: \"would she poison my food?\" Sorry -- I'm from Australia and missing something here. Does she think abortions are contraceptives?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like history is repeating itself. Fappin to drawingz is like fookin real kidz,guyz! Or at least kan lead to it just like violent vidya games turn everyone into school scooterz or MMA fighterz doin fatalitiez! Christi: \"The escalation argument is dumb too. I mean I've watched porn since being a teen and I'd say most of my life has been spent in abstinence with the rare consensual \"boing session\" spaced out here or there. By the escalation logic I should be a repeating sex offender by now. lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a fat person, I can confirm that these people are retarded and refuse to accept that being fat is unhealthy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Brice2254 Fuck you, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Around bowling balls and blacks, don't relax. https:\/\/www.detroitnews.com\/story\/news\/local\/macomb-county\/2018\/10\/15\/two-arrested-roseville-bowling-ball-attack\/1650729002\/ We shouldn't have to be around these animals. Segregation now! @NCgal Now, now. Black people are people too. They would probably be better off if segregation never existed. I beg to differ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello, Folks! Quick Update: I've been back home on the east coast for the past few weeks continuing to animate the long-awaited sequel of Waking Up. Some more green screen skits and short films are in the works as well, including A Clockwork Orange parody that I'll be filming this month. Very excited to get back to the creative grind. Stay Tuned for Previews!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a dopey twat and a spastic performer. Her music, though made by professional musicians, is horrible. There is no dynamic and no imagination to the trite compositions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gun proponents like to repeat the famous quote that government should fear its citizens, not the other way around. And I agree. But when the GOP was fearing a bunch of screaming middle aged female citizens recently, the gun obsessed suddenly didn't believe that anymore. Why? If I was a boy, I might give a shit what \"Steve Butcher\" has to say. However, I am not. I AM, on the other hand, a gun owner. And I DO believe govt should FEAR us. But what kind of punk fears middle aged women in Birkenstocks?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"American Redneck Nationalist... and a Marne Basterd to boot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breivik apparently killed a bunch of White children. White children are the source of disease? lol Okay, Schlomo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We'll torture these referees without mercy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate the white trash cops who raped and murdered my infant daughters and son.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you all, you faggot right wing assholes. #rightwingfags #trumpvoterfags #trumpsupporterfags #kkkfags #nazifags #racistfags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shady Jew Fake News Fooled The USA Into WWII And the shady jew fake news hasn't stopped since. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/americas-entry-into-ww2-was-driven-by-jewish-fake-news\/ If you are alarmed by shady jews, why do you post a link to their website? That seems like TNB.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn homeboy...your a nigger in 4 diffrent countrys. acording to people in 4 diffrent countrys..your victimhood has spread..just like your non species mud babies.not white..not black..some off breed..shit you fuckin niggers keep your dogs more pure than your children.you got a mutt.or a razor back pit bull?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brownies brownies brownies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And here it is folks what studies find...... sigh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow what a fucking cunt he is. He's no Irishman. Well there ya go:.\"Kike is as Kike does!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hah. One of the judges is you American's hero, the faggot Jew skater Adam Rippon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many cripples in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, immigrants would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Humans are NOT EQUAL .... Breeding has NOTHING to do with it. MORON NIGGER LOVER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alright Bender","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that all trans people are stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dantoomey2 fuck you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One can only hope someone will put an end to those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"eggnog trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other black people are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Must be Republican. Found the offended cuck Odd. I had never heard of this \"cuck or \"cuckolding until useless wastes of flesh from a certain sub began using it as an insult. Since these same scumbags have a history of accusing others of the very things they are guilty of, I think we all know who the \"cuck is. These same \"patriots always defend traitors. Wonder why that is. Fuck outta here, you soyboy cuck. YAY! The \"soyboy cliche! Like yours? You know, The_Dumpster fire? You're an unimaginative racist piece of shit and I hope the PTSD rids us of you. Oh wait, you suggest having a spotter when you choke yourself while using hard drugs to jack off. Well, be a \"man and let the spotter take the night off. Thanks for the rent free space in your head, you hateful piece of shit. Awww, show us where someone better than you hurt your fee-fees. Does someone need to take hard drugs and cry in their safe space? Don't forget to let your spotter take the night off. Nice to see more racist pieces of shit from The_Dotard brigading against one. What's wrong candy ass? You have no logical coherent argument? https:\/\/i.redd.it\/09chl8wiwgw > What's wrong candy ass? You have no logical coherent argument? I do. I just don't use them against subhuman libtards. Bye cuck! You're not even trying now. Shut the fuck up, filthy npc. r\/politics is the place for you. That's where those cucks gather up. Wow. Do you suck your Dad's dick with that mouth? Provided he's still around that is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than half of the participants were disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sick stuff. maybe the quiz will be about stinky dogs tonight and the chick will know all the answers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the kind of crap we hope that Kavanaugh's presence on the court will correct https:\/\/iotwreport.com\/this-is-the-kind-of-crap-we-hope-that-kavanaughs-presence-on-the-court-will-correct\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in a blck person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I HAVE SEEN HIS WEB PAGE.. HE IS A PATRIOT.. I JUST DON'T CARE FOR HIS HILLBILLY MUSIC....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Want to touch tha boootyyyyy....neeeeed to touch the heinie ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people are fags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That monkey is more intelligent than all of you immigrants combined. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To my mind, Muslim lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Fucking_Garza: I wanna sleep but I'm outside with this nigger lol trying to hang him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/outline.com\/AENKKL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islamocat? Redneckcat? Mountainmancat? Redneck definitely!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fake breastts, fake hair, caked on make-up this is what the jew faggot does to women and of course they love partnering them with niggers, niggers only respond to things amped up to the max - maximum bass, maximum spice etc they've 0 appreciation for subtleties and distinctions hence why they love blacking fake women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murdering a trans person like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that ugly whore is so retarded she cant wipe her own ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"after the steelers lost the superbowl i loaded up the black and yellow gmix on my moms computer, i think the youtube page is still open","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what's your definition of more effective, how is a .223 more effective than a 30-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is gonna end up great, not only do we have to worry about more trucks of peace but really shit drivers as well. I dread to think of how these inbred goatfuckers will manage to memorize all the different rules involved, I doubt most of them are capable of a feat like that. If you switched retarded to delusional, then I would agree. Not that I am saying people don't have some level of retardation, just that their delusion of everything going well is allot stronger than any retardation they might have. It's almost like a written rule that everyone wants to avoid rocking the boat, so no one says anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" THEN THEY GOTA GO TO THE NFL GAME","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You losing 0-3 @sterling31 and that's what u trying to do? Stupid yardie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we are at war with the liberals, don't go any where alone, stay armed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jermhudson @lanele123 no way !! I'm on a \"dude you are fat\" diet Twinkies are the devil, so are breakfast tacos. I miss breakfast tacos ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your grammar is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.oregonlive.com\/expo\/news\/erry-2018\/10\/3a10a49bbd2403\/kate-brown-knute-buehler-find.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OPINION: Department of Health and Human Services tells ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gayle_ryan I don't hate the Japs. But, I AINT FORGETTING GETTIN JAPPED EITHER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews are Whites. Jews are Europeans to their core. Kick out the Muzzie slime. Leave fellow Whites alone. \"Niggers\" don't have Neanderthal DNA. Only Whites have Neanderthal, and Asians. \"Niggers\" are Neanderthal-less if you will. Jews have Neanderthal. Thus, they are EUROPEANS. Nice Hollywood depiction of \"savage Neanderthals\". \"And Asians\" Denisovan, not Neanderthal. As for \"jew Neanderthals\", Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of Polish and Mizrahi kikes, while Sephardim are a mix of Iberian and Mizrahi kikes. Levantine \"Neanderthals\" don't look anything like those from Germany for example, Amud 1 looks like a normal Levantine. No. No links to the Middle East. Links to Europe and Europe only. Stop being a fucking REEtard No. I am not a covert. I am a Jew. Got the Jew IQ which is great, but sadly the good for nothing Jew penis too. Not as bad as a Chinaman fortunately","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear mudskins, something you need to remember.. White people are nice, until they aren't anymore. Do not mistake our kindness for weakness. Because when the white man has had enough, we decimate continents. We wipe out entire races. There is nothing more frightening in this world than the bloodlust of the white race when it has suffered too much for too long. its called a tan, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's because Obama is a full-fledged Muslim faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've known that the feminists were messing things up since I was a child. Omg I can't stand them chicks. One smirk from them at me with their snarky attitude they'd wake up in an ER somewhere! DANNETT, tell us how you really feel! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next disabled person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this one goes out to all the hasbara and 89 IQ ziochristians who say that i'm a muslim","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sluts just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine clapping like a retard for something someone said, especially something this fucking crazy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bill admitted to his mistress of sleeping with 2000 women before the age of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You sound like my cousin who buys used cars and modified them for a living. And yeah, it's definitely fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One Mentally Retarded Muslim Paedophile Rapist Murdering Goat Shagging Camel Piss Drinking Shit Stain Down Voted This Post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatred for you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"100% guaranteed she doesn't give a shit about trains or scale models of trains. No passion at all. She tried to take them just to make him hurt. God I hate when people do this. And it sounds bad but I feel like it's women the large majority of the time who want to put their husbands through as much loss as possible by the time the divorce is through. I see so many stories about wives taking pets and then selling them, for instance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You killed one nigger and maimed another. Based af. to me? ... - Someone from Niger..A \"nigger\" is a whole nother story","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bartus I agree, although it did seem that during the optics schism a lot of people seemed to argue the whole point was to get the media to report on us favorably (which is retarded on so many levels).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHY the NPC Meme CRASHED TWITTER The shame,Shame, SHAME of being a basement dweller! Black Pigeon Speaks https:\/\/youtu.be\/pEpUUU0e-Q0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raghead pig. Move to Iran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Old furniture should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/PrrskknqRv\" love frat boy w\/ soft long soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey bigot - Cruelty to puppies is part of his culture Here's you're feel good story of the day... https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/09\/28\/vet-pleads-guilty-to-smuggling-heroin-inside-live-puppies\/ #Columbian #Puppies Please, I beg the Puppy Town gods to give me Lucille and five minutes with this evil monster in a locked room someday. @FeInFL @gee @OccamsEpilady @lovelymiss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this dizzy broad, was DATEING this watermelon eatin, lazy ass, ignorant, no good, worthless, stupid, dope eatin, racist fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid cunt #ElizabethWarren (Pocahontas, Fauxcahontas) is about 1\/1000th Indian. Maybe. Sorry, babe, that won't even get you $20 to play the slots with at the nearest Injun casino. Try again. What a lousy woman...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They do bring in tax revenue (not income tax) and some apply for citizenship plus most (but not all) of the DACA types are contributing or will be to the economy and quality of life. The Hispanic illegals also represent nearly 42% of our agricultural workers plus add in the legal Hispanic immigrants the figure climbs to 71-73%. So yeah, they do contribute. Not sure of the figures but I can say with a substantial amount of confidence that illegal immigrants are in general a benefit to our economy. There are the smart ones on the take which I despise but the humble workers do nothing but good for this nation. I can say with a substantial amount of confidence that you have rectal prolapse and GRIDS If you want to bring on some debate by all means, if you are here to just name call then there's nothing further to discuss. Why aren't you upset about US global imperialism or the fact we have soldiers and bases in 120+ countries around the world. What about the military industrial complex? If you want something\/someone to be angry at take a look at your own government. MUH WHATABOUTISM Your view seems to be that immigrants are a major contributing cause to the decay of the US standard of living right? If so, I'm saying, have you even considered it's unrelated to immigration? I'm not paid by anyone, just trying to get you to look at your own government and it's culpability in all of this vs. immigrants. Okay, I digress, illegals are economically beneficial ONLY IF properly documented and contributing to tax revenue coupled with the reduction\/removal of social welfare programs. In the current state of things I'd say I agree that they are not beneficial at this point in time. \"'Legal' immigrants are not inherently beneficial by any standard\", please elaborate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up you faggot (((Jew))) dick sucker (((Dump))), you are knowingly allowing these (((Jew))) media outlets to exist just like you are allowing the wet backs to invade all the while pretending to care. Fuck off (((Dump))).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[removed] You did good work, lucked out as mods were asleep. And yes, Melbourne is our San Fran. Honestly I don't blame terrorist Muslims anymore. Let's give credit where it's due. The retarded politicians who let them in and idiots who vote for them. Fuckheaded dan andrews gives them all a slap on the wrist. A vote for labor is a vote for the greens. And fuck that for a joke. Only 15 more days until the state election in victoria. The sad thing is the current government there, the most left wing that oz has ever had, is predicted to win again. This is the same state govt that does its own foreign policy deals with the Chinese government going right over the top of the australian govt and makes out that anybody who has a problem with refugees carjacking and home invading (who get let free constantly) them is a racist Sad state of affairs in vic mate They're full on socialists\/communists. The Governor General should fuck 'em off all together. Hope they get their ass kicked in this upcoming election. Victoria, and Melbourne in particular is so totally fucked thanks to these cunts Can confirm. I live here! It's no longer the Melbourne I grew up in. I've only been there once, and I have no plans on ever returning. Who the fuck let this happen? Globalists In all Western countries. No one else is supposed to make space for \"multiculturalism\" in their own countries - and virtually nowhere else do governments imply that domestic populations are not good enough. I wouldn't go to Melbourne. It's no longer Melbourne.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YessMe_SHAY I want my poms back lmfao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">if this was a police interview or a genuine psychology interview you want to get to the truth ASAP so you would immediately follow up with a futher question Don't talk like you know these things. Any interrogator can tell you that often the best question is a silent, expectant look. and these interrogators perform this in a studio with a live studio audience for entertainment purposes do they? fuck off! Literally irrelevant to my point. fuck off! I have no idea why you would get downvoted for saying this. This video does not belong in this sub. The comments and upvotes just show how toxic a community this has become.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For the static sound - what do you use for editing? I know it' s annoying but if you use premiere pro you should be able to use decrackling to help a bit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clan of retards...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shitlords saying its ok to be white Other group saying the statement is racists Retards defend to position with identity politics Shitlord community sitting back and watching it all burn down lol the statement \"its ok to be white\" is only provocative if you make it provocative, and its designed to make both sides fall into the trap. Are you seriously trying to \"both sides\" this? LOL who the fuck do you think you're kidding? This was targeted effort meant to do one thing - expose the left's bias against white people. And it succeeded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Place will go under eventually Also... is it not illegal in Australia for a business to discriminate race and gender? It is illegal but like everywhere else, discrimination only applies one way. If the tax is optional, it isn't discrimination. You can opt out if you feel its unfair. Not agreeing with their tactics, though. I'd never go there just for the fact. I wouldn't go to a place if the roles were reversed either. I'm guessing the way they are getting around it is because it's optional So a guy can go in and say fuck your tax im paying the pussy price? Even better, \"I have ordered my pussy. It is in the post and will be installed shortly\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want job hiring discrimination. I want to be able to tell someone hey I would hire you but you dress like a faggot you're butt ugly you have a lisp and you smell like shit. Get out of my office nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao redskins turnin up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftists mobs are out of control and Democrat leadership does nothing but encourage their lawlessness and violence. #VoteRed https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/danielledsouzagill\/photos\/a.332163250270724\/1176643329156041\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @rightwingertoo: Uh oh: California solar plant fries thousands of birds in mid-flight - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/8ZQnLR5fH5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It takes a sign \"THAT FUCKING BIG\" to get thru to RETARD \"PussyHats\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We do not cover a lot of female authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@theobear777 Racists divide their host country into separate parts, we are brothers of the same blood way deep down the line in the genetic code, stop dividing us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many mongs in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude, I came from a foreign country that taught chemistry and physics in 5th grade. The moment I transferred to an American school my brain shut down. It's as if I was stuck in pre-school all the way till uni. By then I was done with this retarded system and began self educating. One thing that I wish these cunts would have put emphasis on, was money, investment, compound interest,debt...etc.. god damn I had to learn all that through trial and error. Would be so much further along if this crap had been instilled in me since young age.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FunnyPicsDepot: this the \"I play soccer, cheat on girls, and wear khaki coloured cargos\" haircut http:\/\/t.co\/rJVOVoO53l","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh, my heart hurt for her when she was talking about how the troll comments hurt her. You can see the love she has for him; it radiates from her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What about NiggerFaggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Actress Keira Knightley went on the Ellen Degeneres show on Tuesday and said that her daughters are banned from watching Cinderella and The Little Mermaid, why? Because she wants her daughters to know she doesn't need no man no really. God bless some man decided to fuck that bag of chicken bones and sire children with her. Face is good, but bag of chicken bones below the neck. Her opinions are shit as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt needs a makeover, along with all the other piece of shit liberals with their big goofy fake circa 2014 nerd glasses they hide behind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This take is nonsense. Social media is the new public square. If you come into the public square, start screaming about some dumb bullshit, like block buttons being good, and I want to reply and say that what you just said is dumb, stupid, retarded bullshit (like your take here is) -- you should not be able to have me dragged out of the public square. You don't have to listen to me -- of course you would be stupid not to listen to me, but it's your right. What you shouldn't be able to do is prevent OTHER people from listening to me, because then all they hear is your nonsense take and they can't hear how dumb, stupid, moronic, idiotic, and retarded block buttons are. And that denies them the choice of hearing both sides. The mute button provides each individual person the decision of who they listen to. The block button lets people decide what OTHER people can hear, and that's just not acceptable in the new digital public square. Block buttons are commie. @a knows this. Bad decision, bad takes all around from those who support it, not a good move. Will cancel Pro support if this goes live.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol sorry to speak facts in the face of rambling anecdotes without a point. Carry on, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody, male or female, should be arrested for MDMA. Women are cuckolding men and making them pay for Chad's kid and you post this? What a waste of time!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"D3ath to all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"correction bitch cunt covering her face","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't prove Q is real. You need to prove that first. I got facts, you got nothing but support for a retarded troll who is mostly wrong. Support TRUMP, not a retarded troll. LOL this sad little kid is still triggered as fuck. Watch me walk away from his retardism as he talks further about me... That's how triggered this pussy is. Again, retard, you need to prove \"Q\" is real first. Damn maybe you are an ex-leftist?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Toronto should do this, but not for our homeless - use it for the shit flinging, border hopping nigger guests of Justin Turdeau. Anchor it in the middle of Lake Ontario. They can reuse that giant rubber duck from last year, that way it will be easy to hose down when the freeloaders smear it with shit - or just sink the fucker, problem solved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Evan_P_Grant I can only hope Charlie Strong. #UTcoach","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't stand this bull dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pfft this cunt is one of the worst ones.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"STEM teachers can take an \"anti-oppressive, anti-racist and critical race-based, decolonizing and de\/colonizing [sic], queer, Indigenous, gender-equitable, post-colonial, community-based and participatory, critical place-based, [and] inter-species approach to teaching, they suggest. https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/canadian-profs-claim-stem-promotes-eurocentrism-and-white-supremacy\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that disabled lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Um! I see a lot of words there, designed to confuse. But when they are all added up the opposite side of the = reads zero. This must be because you can't post a single anti-white post of mine and wish to muddy the waters so you don't look like a twat for the 5th time. Yes! Omg faggot I actually hate you and wish I could kick your face in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@genophilia Yes democrat are the racist ones fact. Yes Illegal immigration what the word is, illegal. Yes race doesn't matter. Where you drunk or high when you wrote that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well if you're misanthropic, you hate men and women equally. So...it's fine? I mean, if you want to be an edgelord. Let's let edgy teens and early twenty-somethings have their hate. It makes them easier to avoid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good Heavens. Sucker punches like two against one is nigger fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That Hirono cunt in Hawaii won easily. I hope Kim nukes them. A cunt during the Kavanaugh hearings. Said men can shut up and do the right thing for once.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to k1ll all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Random British Poll #1 Opinions on the Royal Family? After the Queen dies we should become a Republic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the train station Harry's at is trash I've been to the same Eurostar too they refunded my whole trip to Paris bc train accident","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet this Yankee nigger lover was instrumental in disarming the defeated South and leaving them open to the depredations and violence of the freed slaves, egged on by carpetbaggers like him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HER NAME IS GOLDY FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I'LL SIT OUT THE MIDTERMS. THAT'LL SHOW 'EM!\" Retarded normiecon take from a wignat. You wignats are a gift that keeps on giving. LMAO! Lol these faggots still with that wignat shit licking trumps nuts ricky vaughn was a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im going to choke you with your cross necklace idiotic religious pig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My Twitter app is poo trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Additional factors to consider. Homes have much greater square footage now, and vehicles have many, many more features and are more complex now. So this would skew the comparison. Oh look! a reactionary who's an apologist for the elites who have ruined our country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought that name was familiar. This twat is absolutely insane. And she's a professor at Georgetown. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-4069936\/Georgetown-prof-C-Christine-Fair-went-meltdown-Muslim-ex-colleague-Asra-Q-Nomani-admitted-voting-Donald-Trump.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If she has pink wrote on her pink tshirt why doesnt she have cunt wrote on her forehead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck anyone would risk being harmed on behalf of one of these giant retailers is beyond me. Trust me, they will survive without the $15 in merchandise. >Why the fuck anyone would risk being harmed on behalf of one of these giant retailers Today they are robbing CVS. Tomorrow they could be robbing my 70 year old mother.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-22\/wsj-op-ed-cracks-code-why-liberal-intellectuals-hate-trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Certainly child porn should not be permitted! But obviously all RACIST askeNAZI JEWS and LEFTIST Democrats should be stopped also, not that they are intellectually capable of a discussion anyway! How do you stop RETARDED JEWS and Democrats from joining?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey celtics fans if ya win, does it really matter, when my starting point guard hates being a piston? i think the only team he would play for is if it had FAGGOT written on the jersey instead of DETROIT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua if they vote for Trump. I don't give a shit what they are. \"if they vote for Trump. I don't give a shit what they are.\"- If they create the same south africa in america, its OKAY because they 'voted for Trump'. They raped my wife, exterminated my family but hey they have a red hat on. #Winning So says an ignorant leftshit trying to say he's an American Patriot, but just another racist leftshit!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The more this traitorous raghead c*nt \"hurts\", the happier I am.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These uneducated Nazis on gab have joined up to downvote me my followers could help if you mind upvoting my comments, I just joined today! My score was good until these nazi sheep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I'm not tired of winning .....Victory! Brett #Kavanaugh is exactly the right person, at the right time to serve on the Supreme Court. A conservative jurist. A good man with the background and experience worthy of this high honor.\" ~ @LindseyGrahamSC https:\/\/twitter.com\/LindseyGrahamSC\/status\/1048664621727600646 Now that #NoName is gone... Freedom feels good doesn't it, Lindsey?! Israel loves Trump more than any other country. Shekels are not abandoning the GOP anytime soon. https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/israel-among-few-countries-that-like-trump-more-than-obama-poll-finds\/ The Jews have power no matter which party is in control. https:\/\/www.clevelandjewishnews.com\/news\/national_news\/trump-signs-law-expanding-hate-crime-protections-to-religious-institutions\/article_e80b1a02-d700-5fcd-a992-1f01476e","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any Muslim could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Harry_Dillema: @GJK1979 @fluutekies @moniquesparla @wltrrr Ik vraag me al maanden af hoe de NL pers zich als een stel hoeren is gaan ge ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely would have knocked that queer out as soon as he started tearing up those signs like it was safe to do that in front of me. And that retarded stuff? I would have been kicking that fool until he stopped twitching.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheXbone: Twitch Plays Call of Duty. Enter trash talk in the chat, the auto-aim will do the rest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The lack of any media to challenge these narratives is how so many people can be so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well id argue that the controller is superior for things like sports and racing games but pretty much everything else is much easier\/smoother with a mouse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ocasio-Cortez: Pack the Supreme Court' After Taking Back Congress, WH | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/NJmS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Open borders start at home. Leave your front door open for illegal aliens. https:\/\/redd.it\/9qonez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel the same way about your comment here. And yet I too took the time to respond.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is one of the cases where mods are actual cunts. Not like \"ooooh mod is gay insults like an actual cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\/ #cluelesscuntcryingoverspiltmilk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @antglizzygg: Ain't Talk 2 My Mova N A Week First Thing She Say Is Where Shy An Benny ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.nbc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@marclamonthill will you mention why being called nigger is wrong(witch i agree with) and bossy is wrong.but being called a pimp is still ok?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck, dude, can you read? I don't think that 16 year olds are incapable of giving consent TO OTHER TEENAGERS. A forty year old fucking a 15 year old is not the same as a seventeen year old fucking a fifteen year old. ADULTS SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING CHILDREN, can you figure that out? After a person is out of high school and an adult, we're all peers, no one is saying an adult can't consent to another adult no matter the age. What the fuck is so difficult about not fucking kids?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" fucking boomer Qtards! All this says to me is that we on the right need to grow a fucking backbone, unite, and make the same threat back to them. That's the ultimate wisdom, intended or not, of this post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @toddknife: Full @weakenednachos set (except the last song) from Southern Darkness Fest last month. Who's the ape on guitar? https:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't break the laws of Halloween! Or go to jail kids! Next ordinance will ban certain costumes as \"sexist\", \"racist\", \"homophobic\", \"Islamophobic\", or \"cultural appropriation\". Of course, if you stick to basics you are safe: Halloween SHOULD be ghosts, goblins, skeletons, vampires (does this \"offend\" goths or one of the 50+ genders?), etc. Scary shit, not retarded cartoon characters. https:\/\/freedomoutpost.com\/cities-now-threatening-jail-time-and-fines-for-kids-over-12-who-go-trick-or-treating\/ So dressing as a muzzie suicide bomber or MS-13 member is out?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @delphrano: Berto couldn't KO this dude who wanted to get KO'd Berto's trash, Upsher's trash, that fight was trash. #BronerTaylor #Boxing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get that checkbook ready, Stormy https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2018\/10\/15\/politics\/stormy-daniels-lawsuit-dismissed\/index.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just watch out for those nigger looters and rioters. They are more dangerous than the hurricane itself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it typical of a disabled person to be that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anti-Fascist is a code word for faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BroganWebber: Wiz is garbage to be put in the trash can known as Beyonc to be put in a dumpster known as the VMAs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So trump got payed 200k a year from age three. I'm not a faggot so I won't cry about it. However if you bought something today at 200k it's roughly 18k back then. Ppl who pay money, but don't get money should be pissed at the stewards of our econs. So there's nothing to the rich get richer meme? As to motivation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FL Sec of State is weak as fuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/au.lifestyle.yahoo.com\/student-selling-virginity-online-pay-university-fees-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this NIGGER BITCH NEEDS LOCKED UP FOR LIFE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just read an article from the New York Times about Kavanaugh, with multiple copy errors, including an entire paragraph that was repeated word-for-word later on in the article. Are these kikes just phoning it in now or what? Kikes? I'm claiming you are a goddamned retard if you believe most jews sre leftists","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TrevorGoodchild I was just confused on what this mense \"All Monicans will be purged and liquidated. Woken servant of the Demiurge.\" Could you explain it to me? If not no worries It's like a Zen koan, just meditate on it for a bit A Zen Koan being a unanswerable question about the universe that members of the Zen sect of Buddhism use to train themselves to be able to let go of the need for answers? Oh shit you got me I am curious though why do you believe in the complete genocide of the Monicans? Can't go running to wikipedia or google every time if you want to continue, there's a minimum IQ level for these conversations, you sure you want to keep doing this? Oh , my brother is actually a Rinzai Zen Buddhist, and I took a class on Neo-Buddhism in the west compared to traditional Buddhism in East-Asia . But if I wasn't familiar with the term why would going to Google to be able to better understand you be an issue? not really reading your replies rn, I'm sure you understand Oh okay . I hope you change your mind later and read them. Anyways I hope you have a great rest of your day or if it's night a good full night's worth of sleep! no one could have possibly seen this plot twist coming Lmao ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"because they are black TRASH ? White men, defend your precious white women, shoot to kill Bro we live in a world of girlymen. NO FUKING BALLS. THAT SURE AINT ME. NIGGER GENOCIDE. THEY WONT BE MISSED NOT NATIVE TO USA ANYWAY. GTFO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a bird? It's a plane? No, it's Peter \"Walkin on Air\" Byers @pistol_pete96 http:\/\/t.co\/WHECP5kDci","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@darrenburton_ and take the trash out and separate the recyclables","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beautiful girl mate. Was seeing her three years ago. Then she had to go back to France to start uni. Seeing a French geezer now. Lucky twat lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My Mom was a housewife \"stay-at-home\" and worked hard at it, plus did volunteer work. Krysten Smegma------->cuntiest cunt of cuntdom. Ugh...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It seems refugees are just note grateful for being saved ! Life sentence for Afghan refugee who raped and burned Finnish girl alive https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2017\/12\/life-sentence-for-afghan-refugee-who-raped-and-burned-finnish-girl-alive\/ Smite - I like that word!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What if I talked ghetto lol I'd be so annoyed of my self","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good one but it doesn't belong here FALSE ALARM, I'm just retarded and can't read This 100% belongs here Actually yes I just saw it now, I'm completely retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be better off without black people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot http:\/\/t.co\/tkPokv3ncd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SteveWorks4You you havent evolved as a human being. Typical meathead redneck. I pity you. You dont know what freedom is about......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New story on ANP! Mob Attacks, Outing Sexual Assault Victims and Threatening Business Owners Are All Just 'Collateral Damage' In Liberals Quest For Power As Dem Leaders Says 'So Be It' http:\/\/allnewspipeline.com\/Mob_Attacks_Outing_Sexual_Assault_Victims_Collateral_Damage.php #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #WWG1WGA #CivilWar #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOLzy :) @Bombislamdotcom Sex change. Ok :) Did your chopadickoffme hurts honey? Now we have fun ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All the white u need is there! Thats the only nigger free place in the world!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We don't tip colored people? But it's colored people who never leave a tip! I can't remember the last time I saw a Negro waitress. In fact I don't think I have.ever seen one. Common knowledge not to eat where niggers work... I had a nigger at Subway try and swipe the twenty right from in front of me... Niggers are fucking useless","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Nigger #rapper #arrested for 9 #sexual assaults. Bail = $1m. Nogs out of control. #Deathpenalty if #victims were white. Rapper Kaalan Walker charged with 9 counts of felony sexual assault https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rapper-kaalan-walker-charged-with-9-counts-of-felony-sexual-assault Anytime a nigger commits a violent crime against a White person, the sentence should be death. Even if it's just hitting a White. That's the only way these monkeys will learn. It's how slaves were punished. It was right then, and would be right now...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That quick head turn when the starter gun goes off makes me think he said \"quit trying to bite your ear faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As golden pointed out, you can do all those things, *after* you lurk for about two months. Board culture is absolute, learn it first. \/tg\/ is highly insular for good reason. Don't look forward to positive reinforcement if you say something retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahhhh... that would explain all the sputtering, and stammering this brain dead twat spews, daily... #DemoKKKrats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-cXrEPNvRO8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mississippi Band Barred From Competing After Depicting Cops at Gunpoint During Performance http:\/\/insider.foxnews.com\/2018\/10\/15\/mississippi-band-barred-competing-after-depicting-cops-gunpoint-during-performance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and those of US WITH WORKING BRAINS, NEVER VOTED FOR THAT NIGGER MUSLIM FRAUD EITHER. OR THE CUNT HILLARY BEAST.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That Muslim will die a horrible deth at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Cuck Boys are queers. The #GOP are false leaders who are center left #Marxists. The #AltRight are the only traditional family community based Right. Got me twisted faggot. I have real ideals. Now what CUNT??? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=i5OpHFjbnKg You are enabler of false system that requires FORGET VISUAL clues about differences in race in favor of some HINDU LIKE belief in 'inner values' ... FUCK YOUR VALUES PUNK. Nigger Cloddling Losers. You're an idiot. I wasn't making any comment on the \"proud boys\" civic nationalism. You have no agency and are unable to contribute anything to white culture because you can't be pragmatic. You are worthless because you have NO values you will assert using VIOLENCE. CUNT. Now go get fucked pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't know \"Security Clearances\" meant anything anymore since that hideous cunt Hillary and her boy toy Sorros bought the FBI.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every time I see a dead fucking commie, SJW cunt I do my own little happy dance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well in that case then shut up about your redneck french revolution","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im convinced these laws are set in place by the elites to fuck over men financially to keep the economy running.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The b**ch does that because she know thta the uk is ruled by mental retarded people... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6258877\/amp\/Jihadi-wife-claims-council-breached-human-rights.html?__twitter_impression=true","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This oldie always makes me sad. That guy even in his drunken state was seemingly trying to hold things together even in this retarded situation. The aftermath of this probably involves big bear here still in a cell, while little miss \"tough-shit\" is probably doing this to someone else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#FlatEarth - Can the Globies prove Earth's shape to the average person with simple observation, proven experiments and facts? Without info from NASA or astronomers -- and no manipulated pictures taken from no higher than a passenger plane. Facts only. Prove your belief of a Globe Earth is not dependent on NASA and or astronomers. Prove to the readers the Earth is a Ball with simple observation and facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Cook? How often did you \"taste\", steal the food off of a plate that you served up? How often did you have food sent back to you for being UNDERCOOKED,as you felt INSULTED ,cooked it properly and then SPIT in it just because you are a SPECIAL COOK? Fuck Off...BITCH! Special kinda faggot aint ya Chicago. We will pick you up at O'Hare Airport...in a LIMO. We will have weed like you never seen before and we will tour you through the WHITE North Side...then? We will beat your ass and drop you off as a NAKED WHITE BOY on the SOUTH SIDE. You will learn that there are people that hate you worse than JEWS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Now @IronPatriot76 do u now remember Marlene the deplorable https:\/\/plus.google.com\/104449136886919106195","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Snoop Dogg Just Issued Disgusting Threat To All Trump Supporters IT'S ON NOW! [SNOOP 'NIGGA' DOGG NEEDS PUBLICITY. WHAT A CUCK. HE SUCKS CORPORATE COCK FOR THE DOLLA$$] https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=g9iPxoafmWY Snoop is a faggot bitch ass pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Advertising works, faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If there were any justice in this country that nigger would be in prison right now, along with Slick Willie, Crooked Hillary, et al.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your black livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We can ban ICE for drinks and ICE the agency that act like Nazees rounding up Mexican invaders..huh i meant refugees sorry.. Alisyn Camerota Is a retard she needs a social worker not a media platform http:\/\/www.renegadetribune.com\/alisyn-camerota-conspiracy-trolls-already-overdrive-talking-tragedy\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to end every disabled person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't have anything against women but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bigbluexpress: Cal has a day off and for giggles heads to Yankee stadium to hang with Derek Jeter. Yep coaching at UK is probably weari ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @boburnham: In the future, gay culture will be considered cool by America's teens and instead of wiggers there will be straggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Copying pastas instead of making them by hand Who do you think I am? The first version was from the NBC report on Discord\/White Nationalists, and was mostly formed as a result of my general amusement that people really don't bother thinking about Chinese election meddling and hacking attempts. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/79u0yh\/ethics_will_usher_nbc_news_publishes_fake_news\/dp57huz\/ for that thread. This version comes from the Kavanough Hearings, modified because Toronto and Jordan Peterson have pushed incels to the front, and Mark Judge was confirmed GamerGating. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9l09lb\/opinion_molly_mckew_wired_brett_kavanaugh_and_the\/e73h27p\/?context=3 includes a few different angles I was thinking about in one of the archive links. Another recent incel attack makes me kind of want to modify the pasta to push the \"Chinese Cartoons\" meme a little harder, but I'm lazy, and I don't have a personal army. Also many journalists have stopped responding to me because I keep sending them retarded story ideas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dress shirt, saggy jeans, backwards Yankee hat now that's lifting swag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical slutbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm nearly Certain Satan is regretting that deal. Though thank God she made the deal. Since the Devil didn't get his soul, that Cunt didn't get the Office.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" nuff said","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"graham crackers with marshmallows, the little marshmallows and little chocolate bars and we can make s'mores, man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think this nigga retarded G","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb Cunt Bitch is a real threat to America !! The CUNT has never accepted SHE LOST !! Now it's MOB RULE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm running my penis down your mothers NECK you little CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Try say that to children one day oh sorry you can't the cunt fuck to make children or try fucking frog ript ript","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holding back, or is that the ugliest retarded thing you could imagine?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"phaggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He is nothing but common trash. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess you'll marry your daughter to a nigger to prove how racist you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Still waiting for your informed reply. Stop being a cunt and answer the fucking question. Stupid whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">I'm a 56% burger I live in Europe ( central Europe, to be precise ) and what is your mental masturbation about Europe is derived by mostly retarded Anglo-Saxon's assumption... Europe was never an muh nordic race central, though we all have their genes (r1-a, r1-b Aryans to be precise), DandC jews aided garbage, also. Etruscans ( Wops ), ~3000 years ago:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nurmagomedov chokes out McGregor in round 4 #UFC229","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That sounds retarded. Just like them!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boomer and older = Robert Mathews, David Lane, Tom Metzger, Dr. Pierce, Revilo Oliver, Ben Klassen, George Lincoln Rockwell, David Duke(christ-insanity infection but reached many). Gen X and younger = Alex Linder, Matt Hale, Dylann Roof, Anders Behring Breivik (nobody has topped his deeds). Retarded to hate based on age rather than rational reasons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, talk about rock and hard place. The new unit got flooded with pot smoke the same evening I settled in, very sick ATM. Hopefully, the regional manager will understand my situation and dissolve the lease. In the meantime I will be staying with family until I can find smoke free\/ drug free housing. If such a thing exists. Sorry that happen. I hope everything goes well. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"destroy islam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lets be honest, she sold those kids to get this far, and to buy her way across, she had 8 kids but not anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrnts are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember our earlier conversation .What an unattractive bint .No kaffir male could possibly lust after her No hellfire for that penguin .OK?.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Kabaalah hey, fuckhead, you Do know that albinos are a genetic defect and not necessarily white, right? Fucking retarded asshat. If science was an enema that would help you understand you would eat it instead. that's because the REAL science would make your nigger head explode, you fucking worthless bag of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@iStandy is he chunky?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that furry nigger muted me after like two friggin poasts will u post stuff to him for me? thanks fren q","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Royals: #Royals win!! KC with a 2-0 blanking of the Yankees to take the series in the Bronx! #BeRoyalKC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Theprinceofnj: @SMCo71: \" if you aint bout that Murder Game pussy nigga shut up \" 252 GANG ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prove us wrong. You can't and you won't, because we are right. But like any leftist, you'll cry about the truth and dig in your heels and name call. Exactly. You have nothing to dispute that Jews are behind every immigration push in White countries, every push for degeneracy, every weapons grab, every anti-White movement. We are right and you are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@abdullah_omar comes from a guy whose sole qualification to be CM is being the lucky sperm :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone get out and vote and stop this cunt from getting the chair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other bl4ck people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucktard dozy twat Pink hair and felt-tip eyebrow,s...= well holy Jesus??? Lol Some boy,s are gonna have some fun with this... Whatever this is, bullwhip,s at the ready ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The French need to look at a map showing great circle flight routes from Paris to North America and then try to plan getting around UK airspace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Steve, in English please. lol Who are those trolls? Join in why? Ok, I am totally confused What are you talking about?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Toronto Against Abortion Attacked by Bull Dyke at Ryerson University https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/nwy78qlwvxzu\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Joba Chamberlain looks like a homeless guy that won a contest. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a slu7. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jimachterfeld @joeo670 @dan_bernsein Bernstine is Chi Sox Jew fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Support gay pride","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Faggot Police Are Here! The Effeminate Boys In Powder Puff Blue! Far Too Limp Wristed To Defend Themselves, Never Mind You!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL! Liberals are turning on Avenatti. I wasn't giving him any credit for anything. Stating an observation. Based on his tweet he's clearly throwing Avenatti under the bus. End of story. sorry,, I was replying to the meme, and not you personally.... sometimes I do that without thinking. Oh I guess you were referring to Avenatti then. My bad, thought you were talking to me. Someone else did the same thing to me and responded to the meme. His comment started out with \"F**k You! I thought he was talkin' to me so I told him to F off and then muted him. I realized later he may have been talking to the meme and not me. LOL! well.. some of us react to fast to some things I guess.... Great meme though Thanks. Yeah, I here ya. It's normal to want to react with all the politics and craziness nowadays. well, sorry for the misunderstanding, clearly my fault, keep putting out \"the news\" man and stay safe.... I'm shutting down for the night, No problem, it was partly my fault too. You stay safe too. Later.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing pisses me off more than selfish cunts who MURDER babies because the cunt refused to take responsibility during sex. Every women who has had an abortion (not from rape, or illness) should have a bullet put in their head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IS ISLAM A CULT? YIKES! That left a mark! This is what, wrapping their fantasies around really, gets them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad that colored lady insulted the chinks, I don't like them either. I say we shoot the nigger and the chink","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @pop_ruth: I'm a little teapot short and Irish @onedirection artist of the year #AMAs#EMABiggestFans1D http:\/\/t.co\/9O1zfvlezV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ANTIFA did this yesterday at the Cenotaph to women of WWII in Whitehall. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/Dpc7xkfWkAAum_f.jpg:large Wonder if they got their Soros pocket money for doing this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Herman_NYRBlog: Yankees shouldn't even bother to show up to Boston, man. Just fold the franchise. Cancel baseball.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello gab, diving into the unknown here. Just looking to get away from the SJW rubbish on twitter. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is that faggot Cruz in there? Is he the gay drummer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't listen to maj any more, bullying slimy cunt he makes my skin crawl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It looks like someone asked him how he liked the pork stuffed hamburger Thankfully, no and no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're setting up someone to do a false flag, you've gotta go overboard to make sure people notice the right details.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't have anything against gay people but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rich, white, liberals, butt nugget, Amy Schumer says white NFL players who don't kneel are racists. Oh and she refuses to be in any ads that air during the Super Bowl. Shhh! You hear that? That's Jimmy. He's cracking corn and I don't care. ROFL! https:\/\/t.co\/7ryefpnHH4 who is the nigger amy schumer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And then they laugh at Alex Jones and his \"conspiracy theories\" and gay frogs... Which ironically are far more reasonable scenario than this batshit nonsense. P.S. PFFFAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this is a fucking **RESEARCH PAPER**, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Someone wrote a RESEARCH PAPER ON RUSSIAN TROLLS \"DESTROYING\" STAR WARS. Holy. Fucking. SHIT. Yea, nuking the universities for producing these ultimate trash useless scumbags is not enough at this point. Get Thanos here, we need to eradicate this shit and erase them from existence. P.S. \"University of Southern California\" Of-fucking-course it's Californistan. Can we like delete them or something? I mean not even Sweden is this retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The #FakeNews from NBC just keeps coming. Their pro-murder phony journalist Robin Marty - we know she's a phony b\/c she did zero fact checking - is an evil, soulless cunt who doesn't consider 100+ murders the most prolific serial killing in history. http:\/\/bit.ly\/2yrHbxQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Muslims are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@OMFGITSOSCAR basic trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Torba is a faggot cuck and a lying grifter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kikenvermin - you need to be banned, bagel nigger. You and every kike on Earth. @IsaacBaranoff I'm an atheist, you Nazi retard. AAAAND - Israel's national IQ is nigger tier.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOCK THAT COMMUNIST CUNT UP, BRING HER TO TRIAL, THEN HANG HER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"33rd Annual NYC Muslim Day Parade. \"Mercy For All \"Please be part of Muslim Day Parade Organizing activities under supervision of newly elected Chairman Mr. Syed Mir Hussain Shah Sahib,(on left in picture), who is one of the famous spiritual leader of Muslim Community in NYC and volunteering his time to support Muslim Day Parade to bring different communities together. \"The love and compassion of Allah's Messenger for all kinds of creatures was not of the kind claimed by today's humanists'. He was sincere and balanced in his love and compassion. He was more compassionate than any other person. He was a Prophet raised by Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of all beings, for the guidance and happiness of conscious beings mankind and jinn and the harmony of existence. Therefore, he lived not for himself but for others; he is a mercy for all the worlds. Does this include infidel politicians like NYC assemblyman David Weprin, whom I espied at Muslim prayer? Is Weprin the Everyman of Jewish infidels? FIRSTLY, before the parade marched down Madison Avenue, there were the Zuhr prayers. \"Please come with Wudu (ablutions) so we can pray zuhr on time and then start marching. The Imam's speech before the Call to Prayers made a plea for prayer spaces in public schools, as well as Halal food in public schools; paid for with our tax dollars. (video) The projected parade attendance was 20, Mufty Luthfur Rahman Qasimy (in a pre-parade Facebook video) used many of the same inflated numbers stated in the parade prayer speech. Some nigger should steal those fucking shoes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Poe's_law","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT Golfinggary5222 The Democrats want to allow this unruly mob into our country. We do not. Will you join me in voting Red? RT if yes! #JobsNotMobs #VoteRed pic.twitter.com\/eLg16aXD4S https:\/\/twitter.com\/Golfinggary5222\/status\/1053730446289330176","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why you think all these niggas end up with all these kids? Fucking ugly bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: NOT Since #SethRich's MURDER has a Case Been Solved so FAST! https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-23\/turkish-investigators-find-mutilated-body-saudi-journalist Well Done #DeepState....#Well Done #Liberals! -------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @WiIlluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543 I HEARD THE JEWS KILLED HIM!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'd better start worrying about Michelle Obama because even though she's postponing taking heat by claiming that she's not running for President, she is still filling arenas for campaign rallies that she's disguising as a \"book tour\". And this is despite CHARGING people $30 - $500 to get in! 68% approval when she left White house https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LcdQ BRING IT on ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the hell is this \"we\" the retard holding the sign is referring to?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=eSUdlUmtg3Q Clarence???? lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spoken like one with absolutely zero knowledge and one who relies on the government for your \"facts\" With all due respect - who the fuck are you to determine ANYONE's account ability! Who the fuck are you to control another persons life? Live and let live. Are you sure you don't feel better using twatter and fakebook? seems like you like to control people's thoughts and actions, js Piss off you ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, dude, it's because it's straight up neckbeardy and sexist. Like, call her out on the shitty stuff she's actually been recorded doing but don't just assume any woman who's made it in her career has only got there through handing out sexual favours because that makes you a cunt. I'm all for pussy passes actually being denied but not just hating on all women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical bitch behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Roscoedash lmao, soft ass nigga trying to act all tough, you a little bitch. Sit down and watch from the sidelines pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Southpark was comedy central ackshuallly Shows how clever you are nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the vile RACIST Jewish Supremacist main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That would be better if it had any relationship to the post that you were replying to. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More complaints from Anti-social misfits and guys who can't get girls and SOCIALLY AWKWARD, Incels In Denial Williams Institute and Guttmacher Studies stats provide tutored Studies to say that male on female and\/or transgender rape and murder are committed by males. Turn off FOX Entertainment. Are you a gradiate(sic) from Groper Trump University? Your name is literally anti christ. Something deemed to be fucking demonic. I won't listen to your bullshit. Hopefully you'll see the light one day If, when you get your cherry busted, you are still a loser PP wussy drop-our incel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"G a y people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I won't have a nigger run cover for me ... the #GOP are pure cucks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Justin the long-haired mac daddy Trudeau gave 10 million dollars to a terrorist who killed two soldiers. Justin Trudeau loves to protect murderers!\" ~ Arana Nation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think you don't quite understand what quotation marks are for... >iF iTs StUpId PaRaPhRaSiNg Is OkAy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AbbAkb retard 666 means jew - I bet he really believes his jewish made meme. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Harvard sends recruitment letters to blacks with SAT scores around they are too busy babysitting and pampering nigger crybabies.. damnable niggers!! they are nothing but a burden and a problem for America!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are scared of change and things they don't know or understand! There's good and bad in every race, religion and culture!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swedish woman who stopped Afghan man's deportation on plane faces prosecution https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/bxenay.png https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LnYC Stupid liberal Swedish twat who stopped the deportation of an Afghan rapist faces prosecution for her stupidity...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrap or Republicunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you heard about the South Korean beauty contest winner? Me neither.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Under your retarded fiscal outline\" I haven't presented one, but since you're a brainwashed simpleton, it's not surprising that you imagine I did","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did @steelpaulo self-oven? Did he take the grandniglets with him? He was all about the miscegenation... fuck that faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The men can't touch her because girl. Then another girl showed up and saved the day. Luckily the women and blue showed up so she can't scream rape or assault. Not that anything would happen if she did. This is India...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @linnyitssn: No teabaggers, 9\/11 is not about Benghazi, it's about those planes and those towers. Stop watching Fox News.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can someone summarize for me what Tynan Sylvester did to go against the groupthink that made them so mad?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Laura Ingraham: Find this little slime. RePOST pls https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321 His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the nigger she was voluntarily fucking at the time. This dumb skank probably enjoyed every minute of her gang raping. The more black cock the better. At least they killed her for us so she couldn't pop a groid out of the demon portal she called a vagina. Fathers: don't let your daughters be feminists, marry them young, make them afraid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger breeds niggerdog. White people \"rescue niggerdog. Niggerdog kills white people. Pitbulls So a nigger can meet his whitey-killing quota without ever having to haul his black ass out of the house. #PitbullGenocideNow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm a proud faggot, and I should not be banned for posting that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@FunnyPicsDepot: this the \"I play soccer, cheat on girls, and wear khaki coloured cargos\" haircut http:\/\/t.co\/ZUai7qWBIR\" yup","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm explaining the thought process of the image. *I* don't think that. Intellectual disability not retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists simply aren't able to grasp the concept of personal responsibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"did you not realize you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Classic nigger in the woodpile argument. If you have known non-white heritage you are not white. White people can create 100% white children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"S\/o to my mom came home to tacos and brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded Millennials and Illegal Immigrants (what else is in Houston?), who can't figure out how to auto-manipulate themselves, hopes have been thwarted after construction of a Robot Brothel was halted https:\/\/www.kwtx.com\/content\/news\/Houston-officials-halt-construction-of-robot-brothel-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey guys, here is an infographic for Now if only the bad guys were all 6 feet tall. Mike you sound like you are scared. You better let the Men handle this. I understand physics. I also notice that most bad guys are short dudes. Then you can't shoot. Your comment is nonsensical. LOL Nice attempt to deflect. Your comment is still nonsensical. My ability to shoot has nothing to do with the problems posed by shooting at someone who is either much taller or much shorter than the assumed height. If you could shoot the size of the target makes no difference. You are clueless about marksmanship obviously. See that sounds stupid also. Who taught you how to shoot Donald Duck?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GOOD! Fucking niggers! Irony defined is that they will call the cops AFTER one of their nigger homies gets waxed on the street corner dealing heroin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1\/ Wow, if you want to see total and full humiliation, watch Megyn Kelly apologize for defending the opinion of using blackface as part of a costume for Halloween. It's seriously cringe-worthy. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OXCzo4wL_0s More cringe-worthy was the NBC show Superstore aired the same day. They actually say it's ok to dress up in a costume if you are honoring said people. Hypocrites.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"W","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"D3ath to all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being this cucked. https:\/\/twitter.com\/ProudResister\/status\/1048253437605888000 What a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These online wanna-be \"Nazi's\" have more in common with ANTIFA than the true right. both are leftist groups!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tommy calls the press 'the enemy of the people' This man is NOT a politician. He has my support. The only man the British press hates more than Tommy Robinson is Vladimir Putin. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hIakcsRPJBEandpbjreload=10 This man knows his shit ! Enemy of the People.. Absolutely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks jews.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New rule: \"In all competitive shows - baking, dancing or other, let paki or nigger token win in order to win public support and hide our true racist feeling for coloureds.\" British Broadcasting Rules and Regulations, 2018","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists are a pure satanic cult complete with satanic blood human sacrifice! They are all brainwashed retarded monkey brains and are useful idiots for the satanic JEW PIGS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Al noooo ...... Too late fuckin faggot ! Lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First post on the censorship free social media platoform of the future!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Him or fucking Dyson. Branson has a string of sexual assault and harassment claims against him being kept quiet. Never knew that. Doesnt surprise me tbh. Blokes like that usually do. Richard Branson is the rapist About time he had his come-uppance... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude you fundamentally fail to understand that social issues are so much more intrinsic to identity which has everything to do with what right\/left divisions even are. Almost nobody has any principled attachment to economic ideology. The conservatives were close enough with the nazis on their social policy for them to align. You're ignorant as shit for believing that economic ideology is as much of a motivational factor as identity. Like I'm in California and it's vast majority left wing. We just voted on a proposition that forces EMT workers at private companies to be constantly on call and have to work through breaks. These bleeding heart retards just fucked over one of the lowest paid people in the medical field because they think it's saving lives. All this is proof of that every fucking ideological basis can easily be manipulated into betraying their economic beliefs if they think it will promote their social utopian belief structure. I don't need to educate your ass into understanding that fascism is inherently right wing regardless of whether or not it has elements of radical economic policy derived from the left. Fuck off. Don't call me disgusting. >fascism is inherently right wing But fascist thinkers grew from socialism. It's an inherently collective ideology. Collectivism is a left-wing thing. Chances are you can't even accurately define fascism. >almost nobody has any principle attachment to economic ideology. So you don't get out much. I gathered that from our conversation. >Fuck off. Don't call me disgusting So you don't like receiving insults as readily as you throw them. Understandable, I suppose. The truth is you are. You are ignorant, and you are proud of it. That is a disgusting personality trait. You can fix that though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMWAO. Now that might be one nigger show I would watch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep drinking toddler blood and bring on the insanity, Killary. She's lookin kinda rough.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is NOT a pussy pass denied. It's a dick cop being a dick cop This is a cop being attacked by a stupid drunk cunt of a thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No - kikes made that happen. No kikes, to UnWhite degenerates that kidnap nigger babies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"one less retard in the world","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're an idiot. Grow the fuck up retarded kid raised by commies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah if the crying dont work like it probably does at home with her husband, go for the racial card... fucking scumbag. [deleted] Then maybe she should have the current card. Good one captain obvious. What does that have to do with my point? The current insurance card. Not having the current card is illegal. Did someone poop in your cornflakes? It's not illegal as long as you're insured. I use an app on my phone. Even if I had an old card in my dashboard it wouldn't suddenly become illegal. Ya. But she didn't have the current card, and she couldn't produce it in any way when asked. So what's your point? It would still piss any reasonable person off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from him, it must be bullshit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bitterchick Dare be only one bag dat folks be suckin on what I comes to yo partayyyy! All da ofay be wantin to ride in my eldorato","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her blog is really vile, a complete cesspit of hatred. A total misandrist and racist, Unfortunately these sorts of attitudes are perfectly acceptable and even welcomed on tumblr.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A 21 year old, white girl was gang raped and then had her head bashed in with a rock by four African savages, and you're upset about fucking comments? Does the word nigger upset you more than white girls being brutally raped and murdered by blacks? Sickening.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The good old nice girl\/dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"guy complains to me: #gays are over-sensitive... my response: and look at you complaining like little pussy. waahh waahh #hypocrite","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ThePoke: This crow in Aberdeen just won at photobombing (pic by Steve Black] - via @DailyMirror http:\/\/t.co\/qDcLxyjOCt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So my light was off and door was closed , mom walks in turn lights on . Tells me to take trash out in the morning . then walked out.. Light on","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nowadays the monetary value of that entire nigger bin is negative. Only niggers are buying, I bet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, the littlest dogs yap the loudest. You're nothing more than an ankle-biter. I hear the yapping of a man of negligible stature. Yap on, little man. Someday you'll be able to debate without threats of violence. In your case, however, I'm certain that it will take many, many years for you to grow up. Still waiting for that growth spurt, little fellow. Hahahahaha Sure #Soyim It's going to take a long, long time, wee Johnny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unpopular opinion here but climate change is real and needs to be addressed. I don't trust the politicians saying it, but trust the scientist who dedicate their careers to this. And what does a pathetic little puke like you think he can do to affect planetary atmospheric dynamics? Play some video games to satisfy your God complex, don't fuck everybody's life in the real world in your quest to \"save the planet\" ...what Lmao are you retarted just reread what I wrote and give it another go. Projection much?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Deplorme Deplorable NPC , Turn off the TV, the media is not your friend. Just say no to CNN\/Fox fake news! Trump has ensured that his grandchildren will have high IQs. You can criticize him for that, but his genetic line will have a much greater chance of success than those with lower IQ. Lol ! Just because a few (Jewish) oligarchs tricked you with Cultural Marxism doesn't mean Jews have higher IQ. It just means you're a brainwashed idiot, that's all. Keep telling yourself that. Do you actually think that smarter people won't be over-represented in fields that require a greater level of intellect in order to succeed at beating the competition? Are you really that stupid? Do you actually think that these \"smarter people who are over-represented in various fields won't use their power and influence as a collective ethnic and religious group to crush the competition? Are you really that stupid? Did you expect them not to? Especially in the face of Nazi morons that want them dead? You want a war, you'll get one. Don't cry when it doesn't go your way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its the UK. their favorite thing to do is kiss muzzie ass. fuck the UK. If they ever need help for anything they can ask a muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical J i h a d i behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So if white people have white children it's racist but if they also have non-white children it's also racist? Can't win there. Basically these retards will complain no matter what.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There was a protest in Temecula Ca. I saw it on my way to dinner. Maybe 50 people. \"No President is above the law \"Protect mueller \"Fuck my wife The usual Wow I live pretty close to Temecula and didn't hear about that, would have gone out and counter protested just to annoy them if I knew lol It was on the corner of Ynez and Rancho California by the duck pond. I had my two kids in the car. I couldn't help it; I started laughing and yelling salty while I drove by. My daughter was very confused and I had an intense line of five year old questioning about why people are salty. A+ parenting right here. spez: not sarcasm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is the music channel, you fuckin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girls that wear colored jeans ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sorryimalex: I got called a faggot for buying girl toms so now I'm gonna fuck that person in the ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I desperately wish for people like this to experience real dilemmas and traumatic life incidents so that they can shut the everloving fuck up about benign nonsense like scary books. I am right now facing homelessness due to a falsified restraining order from my lying ex-girlfriend and am locked out of my life and small business. I just learned today in court that I can't go back home or talk to her for three years and had to give up my firearm to the sheriff till Of course, [there are starving kids in Africa](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Fallacy_of_relative_privation), so you've never experienced any real problems, either. \/s Look, your situation sounds pretty damn shitty, I agree. But your problems and their problems are not mutually exclusive, and your life being bad doesn't mean they're not allowed to be upset.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you were a man it would have been \"sir\" you dumb twat. Jesus fucking christ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retarded she is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"See me ride out of that sunset, on your, colored TV screen #TNT #ACDC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The usual neo-Pagan response due to their lacking to challenge belief systems. When can we discuss your sand nigger pantheon or will you cower from that argument? Mind you that Nordic niggers are not more than 1,900 years old and they coincidentally rob from other cultures exactly like a Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"slanted eye whores are a product of nigger dicks during vietnam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Needs to learn one day that actions have consequences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude should have just knocked her out! Why? So he can go to prison for domestic violence? Well get it on camera that they did that or you're the one going to prison You're right, most judges are incredibly smart people. However the jury is a totally different matter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why censorship has to be opposed at every turn, no matter who does it or how insignificant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Edit: also just to add a sidenote, i also realized during our 2 years, there was literally nothing I had in common with her, but just sex. Also, she treated me like absolute shit. On top of that she admitted she was trying to use me, until she \"fell in love\" with me. - This is actually the CHIEF problem with \"premarital sex\" and is -- in and of itself -- **good enough REASON to avoid it.** It's like an addictive drug... one that **BLINDS** you to what is *actually* going on. - There is a reason that the post-marital period was called a \"honeymoon\" -- and similar terms in other languages (per example *flitterwochen* in German, for \"Tinsel Week\") -- and why it was often equated with a \"Mead\" holiday (i.e. state of extended drunkenness); it wasn't JUST due to drinking at the wedding party\/reception... --- >LOOOL **fucking retarded** slut. No offense but this applies equally to **you.**","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He was another puppet of the jew. Stfu and learn your history. He helped start a useless war so we could have sand niggers and faggot communists roaming the streets. If you support him you are a traitor to your race and nation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're Bringing The Cadaver Dogs, Charlie Brown. #rejectedpeanutsspecials","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RKXpF70Y3ak Cops Just Made Big Arrest After Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Passed Envelope To Ford's Attny(VIDEO)!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ExquiZiteBeauty: RT @iDocLyfe: Gave her that \"move it lil nigger\" push smh.. http:\/\/t.co\/eYbWLVukim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only retards believe this will be revenue neutral.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great wording for the topic. Better join a white supremacist group, go to Charlottesville, and shout \"JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!!\" AMIRITE?! ! ! --- There exists a very legitimate discussion and critique of immigration policies in many western countries, and the mistakes some governments are making. It would've been fucking great if neo-nazis, white supremacists, and their ardent sympathizer and apologist didn't taint this whole argument such that it's becoming impossible to talk about immigration without being associated with these racist dumbasses. Good job fellas, stay classy. lol \"i dont want to stand up for myself because media elites who hate me misrepresent people i agree with\" and#x200B; This why conservatives have been fucking losers for decades There is standing up for what you believe in, **and making your point across in maaaaaaaaany forms of ways**. And there has been many reasonable people on the right who have voiced their concerns and criticism about immigration in a lot of different ways that are more or less reasonable, without blind ignorance, hate, and propaganda. And then there is standing up for what you believe in, by making a concession effort to deliver your point using the same wording as the neo-Nazis. GG, keep being a supremacist sympathizer; that works great in solving our immigration problems.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's projection once again. They feel \"Entitled\" to our fucking money and adoration, and get pissy when we don't give it. Try earning it you helicopter parented twatbags. They don't *have* to give us the games we want, it's not the law. Nor do we *have* to give them any fucking money. The only thing that could be law or a have to thing would be them not overly lying about what they mean to sell us, and that's a grey area legally what with the concept of Caveat emptor and such. Having said that I sat through a pretty funny rekita law stream where a guy sued to get his down payment back on a house because the former owner didn't warn him it was haunted. If I understood the judgement properly, the guy won. The judge did tons of ghost related dad jokes and seemed to rule that \"Yeah you should have warned him it was haunted, how was he suppose to know?\" So the house is *legally* haunted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WADL - Confirmation of a faggot kill is not as difficult as it might seem- you simply wait for the pink daisy petals to start floating in the air. But you can't stand down-wind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crush Antifa! Crush them under the bootheel of Nationalism and Patriotism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's how you do it - shut the fuck up. No one should care what you do in your bedroom or what your fucking made up pronouns are. We play video games to ESCAPE from that bullshit. Stop dragging life into our fantasies, you fucking cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It seems that Twitter has stopped anyone on Gab cross posting to Twitter. This is a problem to those of us who seek to push content to followers on both platforms and I am surprised there seems little Gab debate on the issue. Do sod off. I am sick to the back teeth of all these rabid anti Semites on Gab popping up every time I post anything of note. Look, you can take your opinions and stick them. I am not interested in them and they make Gab a far from attractive place for many. Just saying. I never thought I hear David Vance advocate banning free speech. Seems you've caught the Marxist disease now.. I am not saying to BAN it. I am saying I am not interested in rabid Jew hatred and I far from alone in this regard. Don't put words into my mouth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that nigga's shit up! Olivia's pussy got Fitz going batshit!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are they retarded or what? They're saying its perjury in one line, and in the next they say its not because you can choose your gender at a whim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JEN_JEN_2014: My old man has a white galaxy phone cuz he's a fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mildly racist [deleted] He's stereotyping Moroccans as goat fuckers. That's literally the definition of racism. [deleted] Morocco is a country, Moroccans can be a race. Nice try at a strawman there. I don't know where you came up with assuming everyone in a country being a certain race is racist, try reading the definition you inbred piece of shit. \"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races\" Saying the land of the goat fuckers is the same as saying the land of liver diseased alcoholics about Russia because you're insinuating all people have a certain trait. If you can't understand something so simple I suggest you find a tall bridge and take a short walk. [deleted] 99% of Moroccans are from the same religious and ethnic demographic. America is less than 80% white so while its correct to say morrocans are a race its incorrect to say americans are a race. I'm actually stunned by how retarded you are, you could easily while americans are a race but youre clearly too dense to work that one out. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spartacus the nigger bull-faggot....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that black people deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another retarded sand nigger cock sucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You probably have a deficiency in IQ. Others more inquisitive might be more interested in learning. i have already read the book to what passage, specifically, do you refer? what you're arguing isn't apparent because you refuse to state your argument again, all you've posted is a compare and contrast list \"author says Jews are like this and Europeans are like that\" it's as worthless as quoting the damned torah about Jews and goys what's the argument? (without the inaccurate, inarticulate, effete slurs, which also prove nothing)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Most people who get knighted in the UK are nonces!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Right, but unless Marvel appoints him as a representative, since when is his personal shit supposed to affect his job standing. Under this precedent, you could fire anyone for being an insufferable twat in a space unrelated to your company, and that just doesn't sit right with me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@eHarmoniee first second an third mistake... i been hearing it wus trash tho...kinda wan give it a listen, kinda dont","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are the ultimate fodder for the Islamic slaughterhouse. They think they are safe behind their walls and guards but they are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her colleague is a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will be interesting to see what happens in Florida election. I originally thought the Puerto-ricans infect the election really forgot about all the little brainwashed retarded munchkins threatening to turn the state upside down. SADLY, FLORIDA MAY BE GOING FROM SINKHOLES TO SHITHOLE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"South Africans actually benefit from being raped and murdered by blacks! Lucky them. Wooooo weeeee, there's too much retard to unpick here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" doesn't like people saying me says me Hmm They mean when someone says \"this is so me!\" about a character, not using g the word to self identify in a sentence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sick of spic shit yet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want all male-oriented clubs to dispense fleshlights immediately. Oh wait, these cunts would go into outrage mode if they did that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sizzurp__ @bootyacid @ILIKECATS74 @yoPapi_chulo yeah ok nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in a gay person's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"True story! The driver was an illegal immigrant Muzzie who realized his limo was full of Jews and decided to take them out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fairy Tale Hat - free crochet pattern for child and adult at http:\/\/t.co\/0lRaBLMHB2 http:\/\/t.co\/99zVbmYVe9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now has the cunt may the prat got the message now the eu Nazie leader s as drop breixt in November now fucking walk away or fuck ing sake that prat may she fucking loser we want out no fucking deal s with eu she that fuck ing dum","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any fucking person can be an asshole and you're a turbo cunt if you think your gender is above that sentiment. Both men and women are assholes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheRyanAdams word, bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yep...FLA is next Two easy seat pickups for Democrats and the Republican lead in the senate gets smaller. That is if nobody does jack shit to stop this. Back to square one, except Democrats control the house, meaning that the situation would actually be worse than before. In some regards, the leaks and hysteria will be worse, but they still can't do jack shit. They don't have the votes to impeach and they sure as fuck don't have votes to override a veto and push shit legislature through True, but they have the votes to block every single piece of legislation GEOTUS wants passed, plus Nunes is out as chair of the intelligence committee. This shit is bad. Very bad. He can still write executive orders and if they take the house back in 2020 can just sign them all into law.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @marsrader: The incredible scales of celestial bodies. http:\/\/t.co\/NZV80jRmiG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not likely, you dumb ass Muzzie POS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"god i hate that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Affirmative Action division reporting in. She's gonna be a three star general some day: Fat Nigger Woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A gay life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dog mom? I thought single dyke commie whores only got cats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, even I don't bitch about Side for days on end the way you do! I don't even have to make stuff up to truthfully be angry at him. Side leaving Gab was a chickenshit move looking back at it. But between the doxing innocent ppl and yelling at good friends and major fuck up with his girlfriend (me). He felt it was the right choice. At the time, it was his choice, he wasn't asked, it wasn't pleasant but he took the out. Side felt it would protect everyone. It hasn't but your bullshit comments really take the cake. #MoveTheFuckOn #YouAreCommieScum cc: @Sockalexis @Gee @PepeFarmRemembers @militanthippy @DeplorableBuilder @Broken77 @kgrace @Snugglebunny @Deplorable_Satoshi @LoafOfToast it's quite clear that #Robocop @Judgedread has a crush on your boyfriend... He's just to much of a sad little e-celeb pussy to admit it. I mean, have you seen how much that faggot talks about Side? His entire page is filled with nothing but \"Muh Turbogate and Muh Sidephayze botnet terrorizms\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ChildishGarbino: Part of my cousin Danny's Yankee Swap. Pretty hilarious. Very clever. And very Danny. @danvii http:\/\/t.co\/FKdEYzqT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all the other immigrants in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DemonKKKrats MOB Rule!!!.... https:\/\/youtu.be\/HUarjRcfwzY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I didn't know the alt-right falls under the term \"maga-pedes\". I didn't say that. What the fuck you talking about But the meme is about the alt-right, so... uh huh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These Muslims should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You do not have monopoly over the all-loving, all-benevolent God who called me into service, and","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER BONUS WIEDERMAL ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GlitteredInPink hoe don't tweet me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The alt right got me to stop smoking the nigger weed. between opiates and weed, and big pharma kites want everyone anesthetized. The last thing they want is coherent organized resistance","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another retard to mute .....or a nazi shill......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Antifa starts fights but ends up bloody . Flash march Portland Oregon. https:\/\/youtu.be\/RQipMA8mbeo via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But mysandry is okay, right? Fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2)...I suppose I only have myself to blame for being lulled into a sense of BROTHERHOOD. I know we don't agree on every little detail, but damn. Reminds me of nigger brotherhood; we 'tight' on the surface, but sell each other out when things get rough. So...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/sxdoc\/status\/1047506110222094336?s=12","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well. if business owners WON'T protect their property BY SHOOTING THIS NIGGER SCUM, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT. and that's the ONLY WAY TO END ALL THIS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every time I own white supremacists, they all immediately mass downvote my posts. It's like \"we're stupid, but at least we can click these buttons!\" The best part is then you can see when I own them because for a while there will be no downvotes and then there will be a period of 2 days of downvotes. Then back to no downvotes. It's like tree rings of retardation. It's a mistake to apply White morals and thinking to non-whites. Jews have a genetic legacy as a parasite race that includes the character traits of corruption and degeneracy. It's like asking a nigger why it's so frustrating to read.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only reason it's bad optics is because the bombs were crude and non-functional and none of the targets were taken out. It'd be fantastic optics if Hillary and\/or King Nigger got splattered by a real bomb.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That dumb black bitch that was getting the cards for the picture made me so fucking mad she ruined my day ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common nigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Babe.net, no thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying that you hate women shows how misguided you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pagans and Christians must forget past transgression and work togather to get rid of (((them))) and Muzzies off Europe only when the dust settles THEN you can go at each other's throat case closed. Because the pagans can't even share gab with us without a huge amount of faggotry taking place. The fact that this retarded comment got 3 upvotes means that 3 people in here need to strongly consider suicide.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey? That makes no sense at all... Must be a retarded Lefturd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Very sad for those people. i was a young boy in the 90s when Ceausescu fell in Romania and the inflation skyrocketed. But here they are on another level and looks like there is no end soon. How can this happen to one of the richest country in the world? Venezuela has the largest resource of oil in the world. When you look at Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia they done miracles. It looks like is not enough to have oil, you have to know what to do with it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @India_MSM: can Raheel mock Propphet Muhammad in same way as he mocked Lord Ram and Sita https:\/\/t.co\/IjeAhR3cJI will he apologise ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kyle Chapman was a civ nat faggot. He was also a one man commie destroying machine. His crew like that faggot drug dealer Luke were shit. I would be glad to have Kyle on my side when fighting commies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> 1,200,000 >Limited (3 left of 5) 14% of the total pledged amount are two backers. That's real dedication. Or thirst. Let's say dedication. Converted the USD, that's $10, not actually unusual though. I've dived into adult flash games online for a few months and was fucking floored when I saw players regularly dump thousands of dollars into bi-weekly events on Cunt Wars. I always thought people that rich were partying it up with 3d escorts during their weekend, rather than shilling out same levels of spending on a few cards in an nude girl CCG. But apparently 3DPD is a thing for 1%ers as well. Obviously they know that 2D>3D. Check out 'Mighty Party' game on steam or gameplay on youtube. Cunt Wars is basically exact same game except UI and cards converted to pinups, and the girls in the cards get gradually undressed or into more lewd poses as they level up. Gameplay is actually pretty good. And I am pretty sure Nutaku site isn't going to be uploading malware - they've got a legit lucrative thing going and I doubt they would be fucking with their cash cow like that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why I love watching survival shows with these vegan nutters on them. They get hungry get moody and then flip their shit if someone kills an animal to stop the rest of the camp from starving. Man I wish we could have a full blown life of death program like that just drop ten cunts off in the middle of an island somewhere and see how strong their vegan belifies are then. Eat or die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gimme a C..... Gimme a U..... gimme an N..... gimme a T..... what does that spell? CUNT Remove the N and you have CUT. Cut a bitch...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The same fucking people who carried water for the cunt who said the secret service guy threw her to the floor when he gently took her by the arm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm Camera Shy, Don't Talk on Phones and Love when it rain.....If youn kno the life you wouldn't understand","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate pizza. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@wutkarina Alright fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"fighting the fash\"? Deluded with likely unresolved issues from childhood. Also massive violent cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JustReIatabIe: when you die on flappy bird http:\/\/t.co\/Pu7uqxJFMc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope that this cunt gets voted out....then run over by a chuckwagon......lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jdickerson @ScottPelley @bobschieffer all racist nTx trash w @NorahODonnell all hate to see this particular man in WH n not the \"Butler\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary JAIL WikiLeaks issued a statement saying they will take down Hillary by Oct 21st, by showing she sold classified military secrets to Saudi Arabia. @Koanic @GuardAmerican @genophilia @PNN https:\/\/freedomnewsreport.com\/2018\/09\/13\/wikileaks-says-it-will-bring-hillary-clinton-down-by-october-21\/ Being drawn out for two years so far , going nowhere. I'm losing faith in this guy Aye as am I, I won't believe it until the bitch and her lackeys are rotting in gitmo. People have said if Obama gave Clinton and friends blanket pardons on his last day, we would need to prosecute them for crimes after his last day. Or laying in a morgue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NIGGER come on cracker you gotta do better then that, is it supossed to hurt my feelings?? bahaha ... fake ass wanna be kkk bahahaha ill shove a swazy up ur ass and hang u by it so u can die like the foggot bitch u are made u bow down twice in a week, hahaha ur brotherhood gotta be full of pussies if they let ur soft ass in hahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He got sentenced to 9 years in prison with 3 suspended, 6 to serve. He called me today. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/25\/letters-from-a-charlottesville-jail-alex-ramos-20181025\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"settle down Jeffrey That's kinda poetic [It is known](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/Q3jCdDg.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Free speech is just that ... let the retard have his platform","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your gay lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why am I getting this vibe of sad, fat and sexually frustrated cunts raging mindlessly at everything.. ... Oh right","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are there ever any straight white couples in television adverts anymore? Goddamn Nigger kikes always put white human women with Nigger ugly Nigger apes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK THAT RETARDED LOOKING ZIO-DICKHEAD, A PLANT IF EVER THERE WAS ONE Clearly the retarded one is you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The CEO of that company is a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to make those trans people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A piece of shit in a Trump world.. she can hate all she wants the fact is she is a goofy minority in the grand scheme of things And this twisted mentally retarded person has to live every day in our world is punishment enough for this flounder..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT \"@_ThatGAPeach: and alla my niggas hot boys , so don't bring no ice in this bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ACOSTA CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. https:\/\/redd.it\/9pjphc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dick head queer hitler brought back the queer movement after more than 100 yrs of being in the closet.Hitler is the reason men are allowed in women's bathrooms.Queers getting married to each other,adopting child to rape.Its Know wonder hitler commited suicide You're the kind of faggot who would disown his own children if they said meanie Nazi things. Fuck yourself homo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only faggots use white ds's","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we gotta vote these faggots out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"women deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In 1992, for basketball, there were both men's and women's Dream Teams for the Summer Olympic Games. The men's team had MJ, Magic, Larry Bird, etc and dominated the competition. The women's team also dominated. The women's team scrimmaged against a high school boy's team from Seattle and got blown out of the gym. [deleted] That college team that they lost a scrimmage to was a collection of the best college players in the country... Players like Chris Webber, Penny Hardaway, Bobby Hurley, Eric Montross, Jamal Mashburn, Rodney Rodgers, etc.... They were all future NBA stars. It's nothing at all like the Women's Dream Team losing to some High School kids. . Bobby Hurley almost died after being in a car accident before his rookie year. 8 hour surgery to reattached his trachea to his lungs. He was supposed to be a star but significant injuries derailed his career. EDIT: I'm not an expert, I was just relating a story I heard, don't bother commenting I won't read it- I've had enough of you people calling me a retard. I think it's harsh to call you a retard. Intellectually challenged, maybe. Also it was just a scrimmage. I'd be more worried about seeing how we would all fit together and what I could do to help make it a well balanced team than the score of a game that doesn't count. \"Hey I know I could sink a 3 pointer, but I'm going to feed it to X and see what kind of lead he needs on a pass to drive up the outside.\" Miss a 3 point opportunity but learn more about how to play smoothly with X. Yes, everything you've said is true. I'm not a basketball expert I was just relating a story I'd heard. I wish people would stop swearing at me in the comments... sorry it's not you but people have been telling me I'm a retard and that my opinion is stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is crazy... especially like the redneck white trash folks they are like 100% in on Trump. It's so weird. Like he'd ever get caught dead hanging out with them at a backyard party drinking Bud Light and playing beer pong? He doesn't care about the poor, he's never been poor, but he's a good salesman I guess.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol when her kid needs a bone marrow transplant and there is 0 chance at finding a donor, I'll bet she'll be all, at least the racists didn't win.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their trans throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Helgasfishtales omg! I don't even know where kimlau sq is...I would been like,\"look a bird!\" then ran for the hills! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Something doesn't seem correct here. Kikes and their pets try to corrupt Odinism\/Asatru and other White forms of spirituality. They pretend blood (ancestral) and soil spirituality can be for everyone just like is the case for the universalist\/egalitarian Abrahamic (kikey) religions of christ-insanity and Islam. Christ-insanity was corrupt\/perverse\/alien\/universal\/egalitarian from the get go. Odinism\/Asatru etc. never were. Never can be such. They are by and for Whites, while christ-insanity is kike created to weaken us. It's supposed \"holy\" lands are in the Middle East Semite deserts NOT Europe. BTW I have no god(s) belief (atheist). There are people that pervert\/corrupt Odinism\/Asatru. You can find a few of their leaders spouting universalist\/egalitarian garbage. However, virtually ALL christ-insanity leaders spout that crap and worse (suicidal stuff). It's in their bible. Required teaching-Not a corruption of it. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ewUuNO636ag Then Faith is being illegalized. Disgusting pagan venom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Giants secondary lookin like trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See, she can stay awake when she thinks about it. #GabFam #MAGA Tick tock... Nope. ??? You dont like Barrett? Wow! Indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She got dragged. Wait, the woman or the police officer? Not being from 'straya, I refer to the belligerent woman. Yes. r\/nottherighttimeforaninclusiveor Damn another one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God I love jokes about beating women the premise is so funny When you have little incel freaks looking for validation in echo chamber sub, shit like this strengthens their conviction because they think more people are sympathetic to their backward opinions. That being said i don't give a fuck what you post I was more opposing the sentiment that a joke about woman beating was totally harmless. I enjoy seeing a good PPD as the next guy but hur dur bash women jokes just make the sub look like a pack of cunts like the flogs at r\/imgoingtohellforthis","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shocking Video Shown In Court Of Man Opening Fire On Teenager Who Was Asking For Directions - https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/mupos8o.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/4cEktdOZPx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dressing up as a retarded cunt this year, hope Kirsten Powers wont be offended that I appropriated her culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".... Christmas came early, Trump wants to take me wetback hunting!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"good riddance. maybe they will stop murdering defenseless animals, because they are fucking pussies. go murder a nigger or a jew you bitch ass lames.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"when you're so ugly your eyelashes jump off your face and take refuge on your glasses LEL. No, but it should be! is actually some girl wearing glasses, and the top of the frames above the lenses have eyelashes glued on for some unknown reason","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's Your sign....Full Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pew Research O dear, we should all be worried because ...shock ...horror... the EU Block has no confidence in POTUS. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ISIS Jihadis Discuss Buying And Selling Yezidi Girls As Slaves http:\/\/t.co\/UoPgIPOpWS #tcot #pjnet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pro tip: Always read an article before posting it to the Internet. The man who injured one man also killed another man. He also agreed to the maximum sentence even though the judge wouldn't have imposed that sentence otherwise. It seems you jumped to several conclusions before you got to the end of the article. Are you just walking around in a blind retarded rage all the time?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Throwing stones to paraplegic kids is my favourite hobby","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT dbongino Is this guy for real? -> Obama Takes Credit for Starting Booming Trump Economy https:\/\/bongino.com\/obama-takes-credit-for-starting-booming-trump-economy\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/dbongino\/status\/1054793650058625024","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Now_Thats_Fresh: Every Seth McFarlene cartoon is trash yall love low iq comedy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"trans people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a slut to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@moneydriven I see a picture of you smoking, such a man of god. Disgraceful nig, you sir, are an embarrassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish my hair looked like toothpaste as well There's a reason we call him Toothpaste over in CringeAnarchy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the cunt shirt and weed vape pen are nice touches.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do people really not realise that gay people are disgusting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I firmly believe that only Muslims can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Filip wtf dude? Its too soon, we all clearly remember what you did. You cant just steal ppls shit, get caught out, fired, make a non-sorry video, wait 1 month then try and come back, faggot. lol GTFO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thing is, she'll always remember you as the one who got away. She ain't a full-blown crazy cunt, now is she?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@onIinebaby I knew you were a faggot though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How to actually get away with anything Live in UK Be female Profit Yeah, speaking as a Muslim, I've never gotten anything handed to me because of my faith. I've gotten a lot of shit from white trash bigots, but never any free handouts. Living in the deep south, Aunt married a Muslim, converted and adopted an Arabic child. Never has received any hate and strangers have literally payed for our meals when we've gone out. In the UK you can get away with gang rape if youre Muslim. Or at least the cops will turn a blind eye cuz \"we dont wanna look islamophobic\" Ah yes, that one case where there was no proof that was the reasoning. Did you even read the rotherham reports? 1400 battered and raped girls seems like a lot of proof, especially damning because the police knew all along Yeah, so there was no proof that \"we dont want to look islamophobic\" was the reasoning? Did you read the rotherham reports? Or did you read dailymail articles describing how some people outside of the case think its because the police were scared of being \"islamophobic\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am trying to get along with disabled people but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sweetlou462 Lol. Have fun! I haven't been to a race since HS (Charlotte). Crazy redneck times. Lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You deserve to be in prison for threats like \"I'll have to rape a gay person today\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prove us wrong. You can't and you won't, because we are right. But like any leftist, you'll cry about the truth and dig in your heels and name call.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my opinion, disabled people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, you really were a man the whole time!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And yet 95% of posts on this sub are about women.. Not so much GYOW huh? Edit: I say this as someone whom was active in trp on in alt account w\/ endorsement points. Since that sub was flooded by newbies and women hate that sub went to shit, so I subscribed here. Yes I understand it's not a new revelation that I'm stating. I initially subbed here bc I was seeing original good content. Honestly a lot of these posts on here scream insecurity and someone that is still in high school. Y'all need to grow the fuck up and pick up some hobbies and lift. Instead of being incel faggots. Downvote me all you want, it doesn't change the majority of you guys' pussifycated pedestalizing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of disabled people ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch call for UN to investigate killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/emRpFf\/Dq-Cx-IWVX4-AAYGdf.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/F5Fb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woot! RT @Yankees: #Yankees completed their sixth series sweep of the season and fourth at home.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). I voted for Trump. The only other option was a drunk who put our National Security at risk... Why \"RETARDS\" would nominate\/run such a person as their Presidential candidate.... President Donald J Trump...the wrecking ball of establishment politics. You're the retard following trump you're so stupid you make Down syndrome patients look smart ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"These sour apple bitter bitches, I'm not fuckin wit em\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Note the rocketeer removes cardboard from launcher and carries it to a trash bin before fleeing.#TidyTerroristhttp:\/\/t.co\/sb3U1XpeG4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Great_Bryt: Riff Raff is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another crack head Wigger thinking he's a hoodrat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Baker for Mass Gov..the most lib newspaper in most lib state supports 'R' for Gov! DoG http:\/\/t.co\/DRSXOzTRUI via @BostonGlobe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's just respect those gay people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Fabulousjonna_ I need some red green and yellow pants and helly shirts express","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She has adopted 2 Haitian nigger kids. That proves to me she values limp wristed SJW ideals more than the rule of law. Given she took 2 of them into her house, how could anyone believe she'd vote to do the right thing and shitcan the nigger quota law? I HATE SO MUCH NIGGAS AS A PROUD DUTCH WASP LIKE YOU. They're inferior to us, they're like MONKEYS WITH TOO MUCH SWEAT WHEN THEY TALK TO ME, THEY DISGUSS ME ! I hope south carolina and all the south would split from the NORTH like during the secession war, to split for the liberal orders. I PROPOSE ! all THE NEGGROS IN THE NORTH AND THE LIBERALS STATES (ny, NJ, MA, OREGON, WASHINGTON AND WASHINGTON DC, CALIFORNIA, and MAYBE NEVADA AND NEW MEXICO. IN THE SOUTH like north CAROLINA, VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA , MISSISSIPI, ALABAMA ETC...My proposal is to recreate confederated white states, like all the states with a confederated FLAG, with ONLY WHITE AND WASP PEOPLE LIKE ME ! THE FUTURE SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVES STATES WOULD BE : ONLY WASP, TO RECREATE KKK GROUPS, HETEROSEXUAL, AND OF COURSE, WHITE ONLY. All THE NIGGAS, ASIANS, MUSLIMS, GAY, TRANS, etc....GET OUT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Published 21 October 2018 Queen Converts to Islam! Hmmm, well wouldn't ya know, the Queen has been a Muslim all along as she's a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad the founder of Islam and on 24th Nov 2010 she officially acknowledged she was a Muslim at the Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi by donning a Muslim headscarf. So, if you're wondering why the once great Britain is now a Muslim Caliphate there's your answer!! Yer, but, St Anthony, the Queen is supposed to be the head of the Anglican Church. Ha ha ha, she couldn't give a toss about the church as everyone knows they're all a bunch of apostate PAEDOS, especially you know who nod nod wink wink at Hampstead Christ Church, while the Muslims would throw the LGBT queers from the highest rooftops and enforce strict Islamic Law aka Sharia Law. Yer, but the Brits don't want Sharia Law. Yer, of course they don't want Sharia Law, but that's what they've got because the dumb Christians all say God's law is scrapped and we can all rock n roll our way to heaven courtesy of Aleister Crowley's adage do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law aka dieu et mon droit. So, what's the final outcome of all this? Simple, all out CIVIL WAR!! It's a stupid rumour started by some Muhammadans mate. Of course the retarded on here latch on to it like it's momma's boobie lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just use \"normal\". Who called it a \"minority label\"? Is \"straight\" a \"minority label\"? i don't see any issue with having a word for something. its like how we have homosexual and heterosexual, or hanzo mains and respectable members of society. People always make up words to describe things, its how language works, and there's nothing wrong with it. Not a minority label, it's just a label. A majority of the population is straight, but the term straight is still a label. Same thing for the label of cis.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@IAMQUEENLATIFAH @plated letz getup deep dish vocal mix Nagasaki Hiroshima yellow asian flu ^n emoto ill egg god? http:\/\/t.co\/CH0XfVEKz9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DefendWallSt: Tell me how you really feel. RT @1SleepingGiant: those little #ISIS faggots usually have bags over their heads anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Special thanks to Tina, Charlie and staff at Waverly Hills... thanks to everyone that dedicated time to make the... http:\/\/bit.ly\/aKyqk2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Waid is the dude who had daily mental breakdowns in the office (I think it was Image?) and threatened to flip tables at conventions. If he does go full retard on court I don't think anyone on the planet will be even slightly surprised","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And he has a fat, ugly, nigger loving mudshark wife. If I was Mike Pence I would get real mad and slap the Bible out of her hand and tell them to get fucking lost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@gab ok going live on gab to expose Andrew torba in part, fix my live feed or suffer cunt face bitch GAB !!! This is not me asking it is me demanding !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Although premium plus crackers are white, there is actually no relation to the term 'cracker'. Shocking I know. Would be funny if it were related though. \"Shut the fuck you uppity nigger\" \"make me you bitch ass cracker, ima put you in some chicken noodle soup!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just your typical inbred Democrat. We must respect other people's culture if we're going to have a thriving multicultural society with fantastic ethnic food! things have changed.. whites no longer rank highly as they once did.. now the 3rd world in many ways is beating them at their own game. time to learn to get along .peaceful co-existence","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Talks about \"MDMA\" \"Galt\" \/ourside\/ \"my fellow white women\" and retorts with \"You ain't special or even useful bud\". Are white women of birthing age any good if they're banging niggers, banging low life wigger MDMA guru pieces of shit like you, or compromising their children's safety?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pay Attention @marieharf you dumb twat, YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR WOMEN, REPUBLICAN OR INDEPENDENT YOU DINGBAT!! Ya wanna know what women are MAD at you tart? We're MAD that bitches like you think you have some RIGHT to speak for us, what we think, how we feel!! We are MAD that you think WE HATE POTUS or believe he doesn't care about us. We are MAD THAT SCUMBAG CUNTS like you think it's ok for blacks to sit on Don Lemonheads show and call Kanye an uneducated negro? While Lemonhead laughed! We're mad that you believe just like in 16 that women vote based on their pussies, maybe you do you brain dead twat but we don't! We're gonna vote based on ISSUES LIKE DUE PROCESS, TAXES, CIVIL RIGHTS, ECONOMY, AMERICA FIRST, BORDER CONTROL, ICE, ELECTORAL COLLEGE, THE CONSTITUTION Here's another FYI YOU SKANK, you and your leftist buddies can STOP using \"Oh but Trump incites violence by his aggressive talk at his rallies. ..I'll pay for your legal fees etc\" Make sure you listen up you tart, PAID AGITATORS were PAID to go to his rallies and start physical altercations with Trump supporters IT IS WELL DOCUMENTED. Another FYI sweet cheeks it is LEGAL to defend yourself or a third party from HARM, it is ILLEGAL to PHYSICALLY ATTACK SOMEONE ya dirty bitch!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PoliticalLaughs: Liberal Head Explosion: WW2 Navajo Code Talkers Appear in Redskins Jackets. #redskins http:\/\/t.co\/ouxoQDHmID","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd die from laughter. >Wha's going on with the Objec-*Good Lawd.*.. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sfience has nothin to do withgender which merely means sex roles. If you are talking about sex, then again no, science doesnt back you up. It takes more than saying \"science agrees with me\" to make it true. That was a time we saw the bad in the good, or some lgbt fuckers caught him and tied him up and put him in an empty warehouse, they forced him to make that horrible section or they would kill him I going to guess it was the former","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a drunk teen or a retarded person came into my home any time of the day uninvited they'd be a dead drunk teen or a dead retard. Just how it is now. She thought everyone would say they wouldn't shoot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The facts that he lied, the fact that his college friends said he lied, the fact that each and every one of you guys is a fucking retard and have your voter registration cards pulled.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feinberg's Nexus 3 dyke is helping her become more leaky than Leahy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The left is insane so you cry like a nigger begging for Trump to do something. Giving the left more power just leaves you with no one to turn to. And when Speaker Pelosi declares that your guns be taken from you and sends in Tyrone, yea, you're not gonna do shit then either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bette really is a loud mouthed, dumb twat! \"You are the bird dropping on my wings\" \"Muh education denial\" Meanwhile pre-feminism.... bette = brainless Why is B. milder crying louder and longer about victim hood, than actual victims? B.Midler is beyond more privileged than then general population. But I don't here any actual victims above her crocodile tears First you have to be of the feminine gender!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FuckSaudi #FuckMBS and a huge greasy coily for that cunt @Jack. #FuckJack #FuckTwitter #FuckFacebook and these lying cunts incessantly trying to control what we say and how we choose to say it !! #FuckMBS #FuckSaudi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This isn't pussy pass, she's just a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit make them stop. Even if my husband cheated i would stay cause im not fucking retarded and yeah i even told him that if u cheat u still stuck with me and he laughs cause he knows I mean it lmao im not about to raise my son without a father cause that's what selfish cunts do! Fuck \"muh feelings\" children need TWO PARENTS in ONE HOME! Incels are the weakest fucking race. Good let them scatter to the wind how pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly this is an important fact to realize. World governments view social pressure waves as business cycles and you'd have to be retarded not to suspect that the global elite have a hand in this. How else would big media be bought out and exhibiting counter positions to what the population obviously holds. guys, this doesn't mean that orz_frog isn't a faggot and we can downvote bigsnicker to oblivion. It just means we should keep being smart in how we voice our ideals just like with the recent campaign. Yes, it's a conspiracy. The ANTIFA alt left spaz kids aren't actually retarded and just following standard left wing outrage culture, they're just being mind controlled. > All of that is true, but YOU can do NOTHING about any of that. LOL > On the other hand, Russia using Fake Canadians to try to get us to destroy our own country via social media, is something we can definitely do something about, and should if we care about keeping our democracy LMAO You sure starting to sound like a shill. Hey, goys, don't mind us mendling and you can't do anything anyways, but look those shitposters are the real problem. US\/China\/SA controlling Canada is \"keeping our democracy\" . **Alleged** trolling and shitposting by Russia is literally end of our democracy. \/s Are you this daft, buddyretard, or just paid well to shill?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's a reason why people don't trust journalists anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now follow me again, faggot @ArizMark14-88","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4 2 0 moke up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The nations know who we are, but we rather be real niggers and bad bitches. http:\/\/t.co\/Ge6tNhxzAF","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think RETARDED celebrities endorsement is a great indicator that everybody should run away from that candidate! Hollywood is a morally degenerate sewer!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alaska GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski being badgered in a hallway by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). BODY LANGUAGE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Megyn Kelly Tearfully Apologizes for Saying Kids' Halloween Costumes Shouldn't Offend Liberals https:\/\/youtu.be\/JgaWEORABMc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@lauramartyy \"wait n as in nick or m as in mick?\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're too old to be a fedora faggot, just keeping it real. I was responding to a guy calling you a ''stupid fucking cunt'', if you're ok with such descriptor that's up to you, but I have too many friends who believe in God to let it pass. Can you stop believing in God? I don't think you can, not without some kind of cohersion. If you don't believe in God, you can lie, but you can't force yourself to have belief. Isn't choice within a context of faith? Isn't that why Christ frees his believers? That's how I understand it but I'm just a faggot who eventually stopped praying to be normal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chillin...doing good; hanging out on the \"GAB-a-gool\" for awhile-taking a break. Two weeks ago when we got gassed at the same time with KW. I think it was that \"Calm Nazi Hunt\" faggot who was responsible. I think that faggot has multiple accounts-just a heads up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is a difficult situation because I don't see WaPo (((reporters))) as humans, but despise the inbred swine that are the Saudis. I follow Q and don't give a rats ass about a wapo reporter, Trump does not give two shits about him either, disinfo is part of taking evil down, the rouge cia wants Trump to start a conflict, it wont happen. MAGA people hate reporters, all of them. Blame the spooks in the cia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leave are country. Inbred. Most retarded name ever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#WestVirginia is full of white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a better theory. It was a psyop run by kikeservative republicans on behalf of their communist democrat allies, because they both have the same goals and the same enemy. Their enemy is White America, and their goal is destroy Western civilization and promote general libertine degeneracy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well fuck me silly. Just out of jail. Minor shit Listen people I'm a biker from hell. A shout out. We must start breaking bones everywhere. Starting with the queer nigger loving soy boy faggots Big one come in pairs the little ones come in bunches I'll kill all you fuckers. I measure 22 inches from tit to tit and my breath smells like panther shit. I'm a bad mofucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thought I'd edit the article because the media seem to have this autistic tick where they just can't tell the truth. Also, not \"African-Australians,\" Africans from Africa who are African who belong in bloody AFRICA! #auspol #ausfam #australia #africangangs #gangsmelbourne \"There are no gangs\": Richard Deng, African community leader, Melbourne.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Elizabeth Warren really upset American Indians by claiming she was one of them because of her heritage - her approximately 1\/1024th heritage, to be clear. Love it when the Left eats their own. Next up for DNA test: Shaun King","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We'll torture these black people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Florida - Police union endorses Republican Ron DeSantis four years after endorsing Democrat http:\/\/www.sun-sentinel.com\/news\/politics\/fl-ne-ron-desantis-police-endorsement-20181003-story.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't need it but thanks for the suggestion. We aren't as litigious in New Zealand but do have an adequate way to press the issue thru our human Rights commission.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"None of us went to these PRESTIGIOUS establishments so we're clearly not as superior as these fucking retards...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SexWith_SocksOn faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently Houston blacks are doing this now. https:\/\/youtu.be\/CgEAoaohfZY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tell the hating niggah stfu","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazism is another far-left ideology. That is incorrect. Please do more research Everything in this paragraph I shared is correct. Nazism is socialist and is evil. YOU need to do research. https:\/\/youtu.be\/1DjN3NZEvMU Ive done so much research though... But i doubt you will even watch it. It is afterall easier to call something evil and walk on than to think and appreciate the truth.... No offence but your response was sooo NPC. If you don't recognize Nazism as being evil, you are literally a retard. @Ignatius_J_Reilly Evil is not subjective. Evil is very objective. And Nazis are objectively evil. Yea i mean if the media tells you something it must be true LOL. As a side note to all this how is your day going?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mohammed. kiss my ass you fucking muzzie piece of shit and stay awat from my goats!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @VideriQuamEsse: British Jihadi Mother Who Wants to Be First Female Executioner is MI6's Most Wanted http:\/\/t.co\/INZPvpf2tN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly this is a really shitty post and I don't get why it was upvoted. I like posts where the person actually holds retarded views. For example look at the top posts of all time, those are all great, you know actually insane people who don't have a realistic worldview at all. But this post isn't like that at all imo, I think it's a meme, and I agree with its' content, because you shouldn't rape people. Yes there are problems with false accusations but op didn't say anything about that at all, maybe they agree with the fact that false accusations are as bad as rape, we don't fucking know and getting offended about something we think someone thinks is something that someone this sub was made to mock would do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here you have a retard with preferred pronouns listed in his profile performing the predictable Beta act: https:\/\/twitter.com\/V_Ben\/status\/1047804464260890625","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's October, I can't wait to see more of that half-wit, half-breed, moron Obama and the mostly retarded rapist Bill Clinton campaigning for worthless democrats across the country. Nothing solidifies my hate for the democrats more than those two.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis SHOULD get punched. And Commies SHOULD get helicopter rides. That is all. And @voxday is a PEDO, you useless #DreadIlk goon Oh no! You insulted Vox. Surely that will make me fold up. I'm probably crying now. Probably. Found it. The worst banter on gab. Why do you say mean things that hurt my feelings? jfc how many lockers have you been stuffed into (rough estimate is ok) I'm in one now. Thankfully, the jocks let me keep my phone this time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @MoffettMM: Just got done with my last final and I'm walkin around campus like I own this place queer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@InfidelAlie that should read suck on my bacon encrusted middle finger Muslim twats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Married Mum of 3 murdered in Ballymena firebomb attack. Helping in father's shop. Checking bag and shouted warning to 9 yr old son but unable to save herself. Hunger striker Thomas McElwee convicted https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpC8jL9XUAE7fgL.jpg:large You Brits better start thinking of teaming up with the IRA to fix your muzzie problem Except Sinn Fein are on the muzzies side.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical shemale behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also Patron tastes like shit to anyone who isn't a nigger. Patron is pure nigger juice. Everybody talks about it like it's the best drink on the planet. I'll keep my white man drinks like vodka.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ID LIKE THE WHITE MAN WHO APPEARS CORRECT THAT HE IS NIGGER BE DOXXED. WHAT ABOUT THOSE COWARDLY CO CONSPIRATORS CALLED COPS IN THE BACK GROUND","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How can you say \"trans people are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"freedom and democracy are retarded but this is a bad take They're only retarded because it's what a kid wants.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LIBERAL CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@miquelpaniscus @ArcusGreatApes @graspunep The person actually holding the ape is NOT Paris. It's her sister","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have a cunt in Victoria, a Communist cadre Andrews, needs to be trained with a baseball batt at the Nov elections","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" fucc nicca yu pose to be pullin up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lied about being a \"DR\". No license has been found. She said she used her cell phone to call a friend after it happened. Cell phones were practically non existent in She said she ran to a Safeway after the incident. Safeway didn't exist in that location until She is a Liar. Rachel Mitchell says it more eloquently. YOU ARE LETTING FACTS GET IN THE WAY OF A 1ST. CLASS LYNCHING AND CHARACTER SMEAR. SHE HAS THE DR. THAT BILL COSBY HAD AND SHE NEEDS TO BE IN THE SAME PLACE HE IS TODAY. IN PRISON. FUCKING CUNT I don't like that word but in this case it's appropriate and spot on as the Brits would say. Tally Ho. IT SUMS UP A LOT OF THESE DEMOCRATS NO MATTER WHAT GENDER THEY IDENTIFY AS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure this faggot knows the answer to the question HOW MANY DICKS FIT IN YOUR ASS AT THE SAME TIME","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can picture this dumb cunt saying that too ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cuz White ppl aren't indigenous to anywhere we were made in a lab by an evil scientist dont u know ANYTHING about nigger liberation theology? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JuanYeeze shut yo beaner ass up spic and hop your faggot ass back across the border little nigga, go listen to some pitbull","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"unless its Yorkshire airlines. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6VLYpKGVBUg Love it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Probably an LCBW* !! *Liberal Cunt Bitch Whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"might be part of a predictive programming suite...or a retarded copywriter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fox news got shot up by a nigger https:\/\/youtu.be\/rHKkTCz2lPg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BANG! now I have enough bullets for 5 more goathumpers. bring them on. shooting nigger muzzies is my favorite thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Smh u niggers and ur music knowledge","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this shit again? you keep using that word \"informant\". i dont think it means what you think it means. next time your moms black boyfriend rapes your asshole, dont call the cops, you nigger loving informant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see. So this twat thinks that a movie based on the premise of a group of teens discovering themselves and overcoming the divisions between them, thereby coming to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other >set the cause of women back 50 years That would be Pre 'Rosie the Riveter'. So let's put our whiner down for one count of extreme hyperbole. As for John Hughes being a sack of shit ... the only people I can find knocking him are regressives who don't grasp the stupidity of judging movies from 30+ years ago by todays (ridiculous) standards. Molly Ringwald being one of them - yeah, she is still alive. So let's put our whiner down for one count of extreme regressiveness. And of course the twat is claiming that women don't have equal pay, no doubt citing the pay gap, which has been debunked so many times that the only people who cite it are rampant ideologues ... so that's our whiner's hat trick. Basically. The pay gap DOES exist, but not in the way people think. Atleast not idiotic or uneducated people. Those that took a bit of time to look deeper into it, understand it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @markiiejay: You got niggas and i got bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny how Millennial infants get bled dry being turned into fanatics at Establishment universities! This dumb cunt is prolly on the hook for $100k in student debt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] You can copy\/paste if you're having trouble typing Americans. 1-800-abcdefg use their course, learn to read then come up with something witty to say... Here we have a special case. This one is an ignorant Americunt. >something witty to say >butthole sniffer pick one Once again. Idiots with no idea of context. The immature insult was sarcasm for their insult. You is smert I bet your mom sits on your face twice daily! Does she like to shit into your mouth too?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BenTateRB: This is crazy no RB picked yet. A RB won ROY! 2yrs ago RB was MVP. Ppl 4get how important our position is. This is insane ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CuteOverloads: baby monkey in the snow im crying http:\/\/t.co\/gMk5dbjaJQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Willstreakk @Tycff10111 according to you my place is in kitchen. Excuse me while I take out the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We don't need a caravan of illegals, including ISIS members, gang members, criminals, and military men carrying their own country's flag! We have vets to take care of! $10,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the woman says \"please help him\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's just fucking absurd that anyone would get upset and offended by a cancer research organization warning about a major cause of cancer. \"Hey, smoking causes cancer.\" \"Yeah, no shit.\" \"Being obese causes cancer too.\" \"REEEEEEEEE!\" [deleted] Just curious, I haven't seen a mod use a top comment for traction instead of just stickying a comment before, was there a specific reason you did that? Good mod Thank you nBob20 for voting on Toohhnnee. This bot wants to find the best and worst mods on Reddit. [You can view results here](http:\/\/justkiddingallmodsareliterallyhitlerlol). *** ^^Evenand#32;ifand#32;Iand#32;don'tand#32;replyand#32;toand#32;yourand#32;comment,and#32;I'mand#32;stilland#32;listeningand#32;forand#32;votes.and#32;Checkand#32;theand#32;webpageand#32;toand#32;seeand#32;ifand#32;yourand#32;voteand#32;registered! Fucking hilarious. >justkiddingallmodsareliterallyhitlerlol Top KEK... The poor dear. Thoughts and prayers. Well bless his little heart. This sub also causes cancer. Well, most of reddit causes\/embraces mental illness and retardation, so pick your poison I guess.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just chew on that for a minute. You go to Trump rallies in California to protect Trump supporters from getting beat up by Antifa. The Trump DOJ does nothing about the problem, but prosecutes you for inciting riots! It has been open season on Trump supporters since Day One at the inauguration. I was there in DC. I saw them rioting and 2 years later not a single one of those people have anything to worry about from Jeff Sessions and the inept DOJ. It has been worse in California than anywhere else Moral of the story: stay the fuck out of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, those immigrants would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO WONDER THEY ARE ALL SO RETARDED","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nicca say he ballin ask em where his title n his deeds at not wher his clothes n his keys at","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"coons","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone tells me the exact same thing but I won't listen, coon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FreeAJay you understand you look like a real life dyke right? Like you look like a WNBA dyke bro. A sports bra and bball shorts wearing dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait did the tiger get shot?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @AdderallHadMe: Adderall had me killing two birds with one stone http:\/\/t.co\/wMiNpN64m2 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@OfficialSkai dont tell me what to do. fuck balls kike nigger cunt tits cocksucker chink spic piss bitch bastard pussy faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The word NIGGER is so powerful because it is a TRUTH!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/vdare\/status\/1047230536136187904","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at the foul mouthed RETARD who is intellectually deficient! Go back to your shithole where you belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh i can't wait to tell your older brother what kind of retarded crap we get up to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh it is. My mom walked out on my family and the courts ordered her to pay $87 a month for my brother i was already My uncle on the other hand was ordered to pay 400 a month. They are both master plumbers who make 50-60 a year. My uncle lost his business and is in serious trouble with the IRS because of his financial burden. My dad used the used the 87 a month to take my brother to dinnner once a month at this italian restaurant we all used to go to. It was his way of keeping order. My brother is 19 now (im 26) and they still do it. Makes him happy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eh. As a Scot I call everyone cunts. Mostly me tho. And my mother\/mother in law. They're cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT Thomas1774Paine DeSantis: Florida Will Have Sanctuary Cities if Gillum Becomes Governor http:\/\/ow.ly\/GsQz30mnXuW https:\/\/twitter.com\/Thomas1774Paine\/status\/1055927242948308992","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn good wrapping job too Damn, at first i thought they were \"ghana must go\"'s, but nah that's just some killer wrapping. Dude must of spent hours of enjoyment doing that. All three of my carers don't give a shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i wonder how many nigger cocks have been in her or how many dyke pussies she has eaten....probably loads!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's because you're a weird nigger lover. That movie was nothing but anti white bullshit propaganda. Now what's up with this jewish fucking article? Fucking kikes, man, I tell you. https:\/\/www.tabletmag.com\/jewish-arts-and-culture\/226906\/get-out-essential-viewing Get out is a nigger loving propaganda movie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oy vey! virtue adequately signaled! what a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"good luck , hillbilly bob","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a Fact at all ,Mattys Modern life, don't you think there were 18,19,20,21, Etc......year olds Voting back in 1996 , thats around the time the idiot brigade wanted Guns outlawed because they were told a retarded kid with a rifle shot 35 people ( a large number were moving head shots ) on his own , yet not even the best sniper would be that good ,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's the thing, we outnumber the idiots, we have to start speaking out by saying STFU retard when they spout off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol. Get a JOB you cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair, I don't think \"white man\" was ever a racial slur. True, but to be fair again, replacing \"white man\" with \"black man\" also has a very similar effect. Never been to the inner city? White man is the least offensive word to describe a white man Are you saying the words \"white man\" are offensive to you? You're the too sensitive white person that the OP is about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most prolific Canadian actor ever. #CdnPoli","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a novel idea bring flats I dunno, I think the first one probably would wear heels in the bedroom too, because she's all about keeping up appearances with no regard for her own comfort or safety.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stunned cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Police State Britain :a stain on humanity. When a country gives you 12 months for putting bacon on a mosque, that is bad. But when a muslim shitstain kills you in prison for putting bacon on a mosque, then you are a communist regime. There is NO - Torrance, love and peace in Islam . Just hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing trans people in government makes me so proud. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My doctors office is retarded, \"we noticed you put in a prescription order, so we canceled it. Give us a call if you need a refill, thanks!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maxine is a DEMOCRAT so she is RACIST! The brainwashed retarded Democrat and all filthy JEWS will call people exactly what they are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With some luck Mz. Klobuchar will be looking for a new line of work after the election. But, then, again, this is Minnesota ... . https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/09\/30\/klobuchar-i-was-stunned-by-how-kavanaugh-acted-during-that-hearing\/ Yes, he did.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a complete retard it's not really shocking","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NeonRevolt Why does AtlantaDowntown have the Pedo-Triangle as its logo? Research how many missing person cases there and you'll answer your own question.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @McNarstle: ...and rounding out our CNN Ebola panel tonight, the monkey from the 1995 film, OUTBREAK.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She hit the fucking lottery and did not even use the Nigger word","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have surpassed the gilded age you retarded Americans The enemy bis finance an the 1% always has been always will be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RealCandaceO For the first time ever, my right to speak as a black conservative is being DENIED at @DePaulU in Chicago by VP Rico Tyler. He has referred to my words as \"violent language . BLACK PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE TO BE DEMOCRATS is not \"violent language . Depaul is enslaving black minds. 10:07 AM - 9 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Linnlondon1 I want some clams on the half shell :-) http:\/\/t.co\/uFCAjNNQTZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Find the smiling scumbags who brutally beat this vulnerable old man https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2017\/09\/28\/find-the-scum-who-violently-attacked-and-robbed-this-vulnerable-man-6961630\/?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Many black americans ( too much white blood to be regular africans) are smart, awake and aware of the Jewish question.. they just don't like to voice it much, and are cautious who they speak freely with. There are nigger trash ppl in all hues. Some whites make me feel shame. Some POCs I get along with well. It's about reasoning, and critical thinking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess Q didn't explain the logical fallacy of prove the negative yet. Never mind the \"insider knowledge\" and \"predictions\" that turned out to be false, don't let that influence your loyalty. You may remember the scientific method from grade school, Moron. Those who assert #QAnon is fake assume the duty to prove it. Choice of a negative assertion like that is pretty damned stupid. But the duty applies nonetheless. Sucks to be you! #Q No, it's great to be me. I'm not even effected by the churlish ad hominem. It's a least common denominator that doesn't even have remaining entertainment value. You've forgotten that a claim requires proof, and when the evidence is false, it discredits the claim. I don't need to step in every piece of shit to know it's shit. All that Blather, and you still can't prove that #Q is fake. Your opinion means Nothing. #QAnon info is Global now, cupcake. Can't be stopped. You already lost. Do you Juggle? Just like you can't prove he's true, princess. Do you walk on your hands? It would go well with talking out of your ass. Those who make the assertion #Q is fake assume the duty to prove it. You want to deflect because you can't prove it. Wriggle, wriggle little fish. Can't avoid the duty, or fulfill it. You're stuck, cupcake. On Stupid. Well, you're a Moron. Being \"like\" you wohld be pretty sad. You can't prove that #Q is fake. Which also triggers you, cupcake. All around comedy. Yaaas you show the non believer! Q is real he even mentioned fake Karl Marx social media accounts in his poopings!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Burn the coal, pay the toll. Yep, toll paid. Cute girl, too. Why do these women go crazy and associate with nigger animals-? Wish I knew the answer. Bad parenting by dads or absentee dads is a possibility. Dads should disown mudshark daughters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pride is such a demonic shameless emotion. Being a faggot is nothing to gloat about. Faggots are like Jews. They're fascinated with shit, prone to degenerate hedonism, live off of society while giving very little in return, and have a penchant for sexual predation. I'm a Cholo. Not a Saint. If you got problems with me coming out against faggotry? Then you really need to read your Bible. Not to mention Christ himself called these so called Jews the synagogue of Satan. Who are you to question the Almighty? Shit, I wouldn't even be antisemitic if these people weren't antichrist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heard this faggot voted for Bernie. This is surreal. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim 'who plotted Christmas Day terror attack in Melbourne laughed https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6234167\/Muslim-plotted-Christmas-Day-terror-attack-thought-Allah-greater-plans-them.html #Muslims #Islam #Immigration #Sharia #ShariaLaw #Refugees #Migrants #Crime #FGM #Terrorists #Terrorism #Mosque #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"McGregor is a punk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=3andv=TjIORAjYWng Total globalist creep. I'm glad he's out of the closet. He was making Christians look bad to young people. Love Salvini and Orban. Bono is behaving like the rich man he is and making fun of us who live in the real world, he's welcome to make a switch with me for a month without his gards... Bet he doesn't sell much music in Ireland anymore. Hope not! He's been saying bad things at his concerts about one of swedens best politicians too, calling him a nazi... Bono is lost. I would not be surprised If Boner could not wipe his own ass without at least 12 burly dudes, all standing ready in case something happens. You don't need guns when you have people carrying guns for you, that normal people have a harder time defending themselves might have slipped his mind. He didn't need the mask. Wont be suprised if it comes out he is a pedophile","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF shut down why?? FUCKIN left faggot libtards? WTF DUDE ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To those eager to throw @jordanbpeterson to the wolves: You are being faggots. Dr. Peterson has awakened millions of western men (and women) who would otherwise be lost. Men are loyal, even when we disagree. I would gladly take a bullet for Dr. Peterson. His cultural impact is so ridiculously vast, and so ridiculously positive for western individualism, biological essentialism, and meritocracy, I can only assume these upvotes are just annoyed he didn't go further, or you are functionally retarded and don't actually understand his message or haven't actually consumed his work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We do not cover a lot of trans authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can I hear the word in it's original pronunciation?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"as a woman\", is that supposed to mean she's an authority figure? should we respect her just because she rolled the genetic dice and came up the most over privileged and protected group in the world. no must just be her entitlement to be a raging cunt to another person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So can you stop acting like an oppressed minority then Also nice brigading you got there. Now you have your little army to back you up. [https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/ChapoTrapHouse\/comments\/9uorim\/maybe_someday_men_will_get_a_fair_shake_in_america\/](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/ChapoTrapHouse\/comments\/9uorim\/maybe_someday_men_will_get_a_fair_shake_in_america\/) Wow, these women are a bunch of losers and will die alone. r\/selfawarewolves? Triggered. Huh...Okay ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I honestly hate both adding bacon to everything and pumpkin spice to everything. I mean, enjoy the flavors both well enough, but when it gets overdone, I get sick and tired of it. And since companies see it sells well, they keep pumping them out regardless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Find out who he is and we'll go visit the faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the entirety of Chicago then? *US army","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Churchill was a faggot philo-Semite who sucked mamzer cocks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got your Merrick Garland swinging between my legs nigger fuck!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @markhoppus: Yes, yes I know all about the FOB reconciliation. IT WAS MY IDEA! You're welcome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not rednecks?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"75 Yr-Old Pedo Joe Biden Leads 2020 Democrat Presidential Poll - 77 Yr-Old Bernie in Second Place https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/75-yr-old-joe-biden-leads-2020-democrat-presidential-poll-77-yr-old-bernie-in-second-place\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow! Chris Wallace called out Shep Smith fn big time!!!! Shep was strutting a We Got Trump hard on, and Wallace slapped his peepee! Shep tried to pin it on Trump, and Wallace shut him down! Trap set, game, set, match. Shep Smith is neck deep in all the shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh no he is on Facebook F F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know, I wanted to add something along the lines that \"not these people though, they will instantly find the fault with those _them stupid niggers and chinks who ain't know nothing and don't get themselves educated_, as only befits any tolerant progressive liberal champion of the destitute\", but I thought it went without saying. Looks like it actually does.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the black people around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is why I don't attend SHIT GATHERINGS LIKE THESE!!! I'd take a baseball bat to those Evil, FAGGOT COCKSUCKERS!!! Pure CHILD ABUSE!! Throw itching powder on them!! I recommend Euthanasia for all types of disgraceful , disgusting , rancid , degenerate behaviour . Clear out the vermin . Do mankind a favour . . Anybody think they have enough ammo? Ammo is the same as Money!! No such thing as \"Too Much !! Fact. The parents of those children are disgusting. You would have to be braindead to allow your children to see that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The pos is deranged or paid to act like a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MillerLite I don't follow you because everything about your company is white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Mattress Girl is the perfect symbol for the #MeToo Movement. - she was found to have fabricated the whole thing - she made a porno reenacting her so-called \"rape - the man she accused received an official apology from the University and won a settlement - none of this matters, Feminists still pretend it was real even though it was categorically proven false","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kuczaaaK @Tyg235 Kris, griff is too ghetto to know anything about sperrys or vans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also, it s a hiccup to Jihadi propaganda: they portray themselves as the only ones willing to die for their cause.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SERPA sounds like sherpa. It's unstandable. That and leftists are functionally retarded about anything that doesn't involve python scripting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The pure misery in these men s eyes it s heart breaking. God bless them!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BrandiTX Hey cunt you want to follow me and you put me on pending list godfuck yourself It's ppl like u who made my have to make it private. I didn't \"put you on anything. I just fucking joined and don't know exactly how everything works so fuck you. Piece of shit to speak to a woman like that for no reason!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cantwell Point and laugh. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from an immigrant, it must be bullsiht. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awww did the little Muslim have to edit his Morom to Moron cause his IQ is so low ?...Lol everyone can see you edited your post you Ignorant Goat Loving Muslim , carry your camel Jockey sand Nigger ass back to Twitter where you Belong ,you Muslim SOB","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Opinion: Go away, cunt! https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/06\/hillary-clinton-is-still-finding-ways-to-denigrate-democracy\/ MAYBE THIS CUNT WILL COUGH HERSELF TO DEATH, AND SOON.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To my mind, disabled lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jets trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a damn shame John James didn't win. He was a great candidate and Stabenow is dead weight. Michigan is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You think Smith is part nigger? He looks like he has some nigger in his woodpile, kinda like Anglin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh please enough yet with the pc liberal nigger loving bs!! I despise blacks and IMHO the world would be a much better place if they all disappeared..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A few things here. Let's get real. This woman is from Africa. And...this is not meant as an affront...do you think that all white women look like this AND that they will date you merely because you are also white? Kinda vapid. I am a \"mud woman\" of which you speak. However, to judge an individual solely on appearance is trite. (s)he hooks up with whomever pays... Come on now everybody knows the rules of engagement among this fucking liberal cult This is why civilized people hesitate to join Gab. These leftist white supremacists are INSANE. left wing white supremists??? no such animal exists White supremacism is collectivism. Ergo, white supremacists are leftists. i dont know what that means so i wont lie Conservatism is based on respect for the individual. One cannot claim to judge others based on skin color and call themselves conservative. This makes no sense. The Welfare State, born in 1965, was pure leftism. Are you really this dull? The left is an extremist ideology. If you do not counter it with another extreme ideology you will lose. This is why conservitism is no longer valuable. Oh. Down is the new Up. I see. Your going to lose and when you do you will bend to the will of those who rule you. I promise This is an attempt for a conservative to debate me. Notice the lack of an argument. Also notice the amount of beta male orbiters are following this thot. This is a problem in our society And you attempt to get someone to actually care about your babble. Ha! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a Muslim...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm literally laughing in shock, amazement, joy. In...just everything. In everything! Pop the champagne American queers. We have arrived.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vintage Gold and Diamond Engagement Ring \/ 10k yellow gold unique #ring Size 4.75 by VintageBaublesnBits http:\/\/t.co\/iI0v4LbSQK via @Etsy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This list must have been put together by some retarded shutin because no man would hate those. The only exception would be flip flops. And are bangles a piece of clothing now? I would have thought they were accessories.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SLUT CUNT WHO DOESN'T USE BIRTH CONTROL !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@clinchmtn316 @sixonesixband AMERICA today, the rule of thumb is: when in doubt, blame \"whitey\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" On any other social media platform you would be removed for the crime of...making leftists angry. Either toe the line or lose your voice in the social arena. Not anymore, thanks to @a and Gab. Funny to see this on Gab because most on Gab would be considered a \"racist\" just for being real about race. There are real differences between us all. All races have positive and negative traits. Whites are wonderful and have been the most successful in my opinion. They are a unique and beautiful people. By mud do you mean Muslims or blacks or Mexicans or everyone except whites? Anyone except Whites. Blacks are naturally tall so they can play basketball well. I've also seen them dance well and they are musical people. I like foods from other races. Asians are incredibly intelligent people with high IQs. They invented things like the hormone pill, paper making, silk, and so on. Is there not anything you like from another race? lol! You have a point there and you'd have to value basketball for it to really count. Most of it is garbage. The tap dancing of old is kind of cool though. You remind me of some of my family that won't try other foods and such. They don't venture beyond traditional American food. I believe Tradition has the most value. I've tried some other foods,didn't like it. American all the way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@grandpalampshade @Bombislamdotcom I'm confused. Can you please explain why always at Trump rallies, the people go wild clapping, whistling and calling out over mentions of Israel? What, are Americans taught in school to think they are big allies or something? The area I get heat from people that identify as conservative is the Isreal situation. I've longed since advocated reassessing our foreign relation to Isreal in terms of armaments and financial aid. Yeah that's pretty common. It's fun to switch out the country to one like China and watch their eyes go blank. It's literally as though they don't grasp that Israel is a foreign country and not America. I've yet gotten a full explanation of the benefits for our country in propping up theirs. I and others are tirelessly working day and night to correct the Mind Control the AshkeNazi Jew's have FORCED into our schools, movies, music, Government, Fake News ETC.. against our White Brethren! Whites have NO BIBLICAL OBLIGATION to send jews money or support! Through Hollyweird etc too? I don't like pop culture bullshit, but will look out for this when I'm subjected to it. Once you know you will SEE the mass MK programing built into everything! Watch the Six Sense (if you dare) and understand that movie is about pedophilia and MK Ultra Personality Splitting! Duh, that's because they are the chosen ones, so they have the ring or the power of the force or something. That bad?! Thanks, Grandpa :) And this all comes from the child\/teen indoctrination system and the evangelical church teaching, Bomb Islam said. Unreal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#DTLA is trash because of non-Europeans are allowed to live there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should just hang all these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA It just amazes me. The social justice mentallity by calling people names like racist or whatever to justify their actions. Those people are retarded and ill informed...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck the cunt Swift!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Terrorists are not Muslims They are just using name of islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The one white pill about the US becoming brown is that its core racial stock will be too retarded to run a competent military. A Brazil-of-the-North won't be able to police the world. However, this isn't an endorsement of White Genocide in America. Besides, in this scenario there may be more opportunity for a white ethnostate to break away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm dressing as a nigger picking cotton.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fu nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_GOLDwhippp faggots, old people, people who can't drive, drunk people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"did he find it offensive to be called black? Why would you be offended for being called black if you're black over any other color? Unless you find being black as something negative. :S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2\/2 If we can't defend Europe, our natural homeland from invaders and jew manipulators, we have no culture. America is a former European colony or a Jew cesspit, you can choose what to glauben well it husband is a cuck faggot do you speak english bro you sound like a nigger I am a nigger, what u gunna do about it gay ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That answer was fucking inspired mate. You win today's wickedest cunt on Reddit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Praying Medic on Twitter: \"Will the President declassify the FBI's 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One? https:\/\/t.co\/ZvAXRdbPcn\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/prayingmedic\/status\/1047149009603710976","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisqueer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"David Lawrence...another muzzie sympathizer...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4 Arrested In New Mexico Shooting That Left 1 Dead, 3 Injured https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/9p58c6H.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/KO6pUv7NUs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nate,Are You A Trick Baby(Hookers Kid By John Or Pimp)Your Sensitive To Nigger Jokes Or A Typical Wannabe National Socialist,Who Watched Romper Stomper,American History X And Think Your An Aryan Warrior,Your An Anonymous Coward Faggot,A Real White Warrior Doesn't Follow A Failed Flawed Political Ideology,He Serves His Folk,His Country,His Heritage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That long hair doesn't cover up your redneck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ELIZABETH WARREN IS NOT AN INDIAN... IN THE USA IN ORDER TO RECEIVE ANY FEDERAL FUNDING A PERSON MUST BE 1\/8 TH INDIAN......HER DNA TEST SHOWED SHE IS 1\/1000 TH INDIAN....BUT SO ARE ALMOST ALL AMERICANS ......LOL WARREN LIED !! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=p1leGkDXN3s https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qVzaqjoDp90","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You think I've not seen that? I'm the one that calls these neo-Nazis \"fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... You are a Blinded Weak Minded Fool and are Excluded from the White Race as a Traitor to all. Fuck you! You do not make up the white race you are a fringe of lunTics that happen to be white moron! Look Folks, the Gay PC Fake Christian... Bibby Bob @nazisucks: ... is Triggered, how Pathetic. And for the Record, there is a Lot More of Us Out there than you could Possibly Fathom, a Reality that will be a Rude Awakening for all the Jews, Muds and Traitors, in this 21st Century... You Still have Time to Repent Gay Boy Gibby, and Join the Side of Righteousness, before the Welcome Wagon comes a Knockin' for all the Cuck Cowards... Way to flush her beauty and genes down the toilet. Sad whore Charlize theron of South Africa. Her quote \" Too many people have died so unnecessarily; AIDS is completely preventable, yet it's killing more kids in South Africa then everything else, and that's just not how it should be.\" Me, low I.Q. blacks die, it is Nature's way. Yes, AIDS is Preventable, if you're White and Not a Degenerate Demon Monkey from Hell, who Cannot Restrain himself with any Amount of Willpower, because that is a Human White Trait\/Quality. Charlize Theron is under the Misguided Notion\/Belief that Nigger Demons are somehow Human Beings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @kitty_hello14: @Im_Yung_Jay bitch ass nigga fuck you ! <= these hoes ain't got no manners #RealTalk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The actor who played a cool urbane writer named \"Castle\" for many seasons, whose character worked with a pretty white slavic NYPD detective is now in a series called \"The Rookie\" where he plays a 40-something LAPD rookie cop whose field training officer is some ugly black cunt with an attitude. That this cat left a cool role to play a demeaning role is quite sad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatrd for you black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"US ONLY 2018 Don't be an idiot. Illegal aliens stay as far away from government offices and agents including voting stations as they can get. If we got rid of all 8,000,000 illegal aliens the USA would lose billions in taxes and revenues while costing less in benefits they can't receive like SNAP, WIC, SSI, SSDI, Vocational Rehabilitation, Promise, etc. >33 million illegals Ftfy According to ICE\/INS, Homeland Security and USD of Demographics, the est. no. in the 2014 report was Everyone of this \"guys\" stats are bull The border is more porous than ever - completely unsecured areas along US 281 between Falfurrias and US 77 I travel these routes, often dodging illegals crossing the road on foot after coming through an opening in the fence The word is guy's, Turk. Were you born an English speaker?. How do you tell the refugees from the illegal immigrants? The 2014 Dept. of Homeland Security report (pg. 2 or 3) is on their website. You can find all of the figures I wrote by entering USA.gov; ICE, or current illegal population in the USA but you'll get several sites. Verify facts by going to Snopes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"KJV = Perversion Yes.....even your pet Bible. Lol. \"YHWH\" doesn't mean Lord, \"Adonai\" does. Jesus didn't lead the church out of the wilderness, Joshua did. \"Sabbaton\" doesn't mean week, it means \"seventh day\/Sabbath\" The list goes on and on. Study a parallel format with an interlinear translation. Never trust the king's men. Guess you didn't notice my profile pic is an American Indian. Lol!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger who can't spell racist?! Call Guinness!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HOW CAN PPL LOOK UP TO THIS POS . HE HATED HIMSELF 4BEING 1\/2 JEW GOING TO ROME AREA BATH HOUSES FUCKING LITTLE BOY'S A LOT OF LITTLE BOY'S IF U LIKE THIS FAGGOT UR A POS TOO . sionist thinking: \"AREA BATH HOUSES FUCKING LITTLE BOY'S A LOT OF LITTLE BOY'S IF U LIKE THIS FAGGOT UR A POS TOO .\" sionist often use sexual perversity because sionist are low level dont have morals or etic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love his new music though his filthy frank music is better My favourite pink guy song. Quickly, add an \/s, or otherwise ppl will think you're serious. We all know frankus songs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Manny Machado will be broke and selling coacaine by age","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Point of fact is that if you judge a man by his character rather than his color you will find many a black man well preferable to yourself. MANY BLACK PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN YOU!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @GianneNichole: Lakers really trash. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny you say sand nigger when referring to Jews......say that shit to a Muslim you weak kneed coward. Getting my point yet?! Women and children raped and killed by MUSLIMS and you're on here bitching and whining about make believe JOOZ! Get your shit straight you drooling moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And this dumb nigger should be taking a knee somewhere on the south or west side of Shitcago where all his fellow pavement apes are killing each other...but BUT he is NO WHERE to be found","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not against jews, but this is BS \"aren't we all human beings (I know, it's hard to believe George Soros is human)?\" This phrase is a stupid ass Mexican Invasion supporting thing 2 say. Murderers, Japs ie WW2, etc r all human beings 2 and we kill em. Your either and Mex\/Invasion supporter, a Dem-Commie supporter, or just a cunt talk'n stupid cunt talk or all of em","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see that whilst \"Down under\" Harry and Meghan are having a go at Aussie rules. He's fucked off out bush for a week fishing, boozing, fighting and playing catch with his mates whilst she stays at home whining to her mates about what a lazy, useless cunt her old man is. Bliss!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A step in the right direction. But really women don't contribute to society as much as men, and men die sooner, so men should be able to retire earlier. Edit: Stupid autocorrect... You're a moron. Please tell us what job you do that contributes so much to society. Tame compared to some comments below.. One guy said that if it weren't for men putting up with women's shit they wouldn't survive, and some gold about how without men protecting them they'd be traded like commodities. It's the same hypocrisy radical feminists have. It's not striving for equality it's just straight up 'I think I'm better than you and I justify it with my victim complex'. I'm a victim cuz I'm a man and men fight in wars and do manual labour!!!... I'm not saying I do... BUT SOME OF THEM DO AND I HAVE A PENIS AS WELL SO. Yeah, it's absurd and pathetic, and only helps radicalize people on the other side of the argument. what would a single example have to with the entirety of society #MORON i ain't reading that, but a reminder, sweatie; if it wasn't for male enforced civilization, females would be traded as a commodity. Again, it's sweetie. It's hard for me to take your put downs seriously when you can't spell a 7 letter word. HAHAHA, there's nothing I have to say to you. You're the first person I've come across on reddit that genuinely stinks of an incel. ooh you did the passe meme that's wrong 99% of the time while being unable to refute a basic truth you will instinctively admit to no one but your shuddering subconscious. cool beans, babe > Unable to refute a basic truth A basic truth shouldn't be hard to prove. Yet here we are.. Still haven't proved it.. YIKESSSSSSSS (*I'm just doing a cool meme thing*) that one isn't cool at all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like a plan! Every civilized country should do the same! not a libertarian. i'm actual liberal. Islam has problems as already pointed out, but you don't get to pick and choose what people can believe in. You are the anti-American here and a hypocrite. You don't have the right to take away other's rights. Wake up! Islam and Moslems absolutely do not recognize any of your precious Rights. None. Which is why you can either have a free and open society, or you can have Moslems. Never both.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mickeyhart lookin good mick!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol I was saying she went full retard for awhile but no one listens to me. :(","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@whiteangelss84 y dont u end us monkeys then? U hate us because were better than crackers and I love it. Deep down u know weve done nothin 2 u","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As an aspiring writer, nothing frustrates me more than token characters. Not only is it a complete waste of a character in a story, but all they'll ever be is a shallow, half-assed shell built to appease not only a small minority, but also worthless journalists and Tumblr users that don't even make up a fraction of the consumption of your media. I am more offended by tokenism than lack of representation at all because it is an insult to my intelligence and status as X \"minority\" because it assumes all I'll ever be is a flaming homosexual, systemically oppressed Korean-American mutt, or emotionally damaged freakazoid that never, ever gets better. Call me an overweight, autistic, bisexual chink faggot to my fucking face and tell me to eat a salad on your way out the door instead of dressing up your fetish as a righteous gesture. You will never be a good writer if all you've got is \"MY OC'S NAME IS JASON McHABERTY-DE'SEUS-TASUKETE AND HE LIKES MEN\" and I don't think that shitty trend is going to go away soon. and#x200B; > Call me an overweight, autistic, bisexual chink faggot to my fucking face and tell me to eat a salad on your way out the door instead of dressing up your fetish as a righteous gesture. Is that your fetish?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You just proved your own hatred. You hate your own race so much that you claim to have chosen a White woman over one of your own Nigger bitches. Self-hatred is the worst of them all. Your '5 awesome kids', which we know is bullshit, would be mutts, with absolutely no identity of their own. They do not look like you. That is pure hatred.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Punk ass faggot at it again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then maybe she should think twice before hitting someone twice her size. Stupid fucking logic. No...the cop hit a person resisting arrest. Regardless of who they are or where they come from it's still illegal. In fact she probably got off easier because shes a woman. Men have gotten way worse beatings for less. I dont think anyones on your side. No, you're a muppet. You hit a cop once let alone twice, and you have every reason to expect the same outcome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"4 years ago sky news cunt Martin brunt killed a little twitter troll - I won't forget. https:\/\/youtu.be\/rB7f1O97r9I Cuddle cat had the scent on it too - even if the she devil washed it ... why did she wash it ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so this cunt wasted police time , held up a flight all because she felt entitled to take a rodent on the flight. Should be slapped with the cost of all those things","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly - it's retard logic at its finest. \"But it's TOTALLY different, because actual pedos really do get off to the drawings!\" Yeah, because it would be so much better if they got off to actually raping children or watching real child porn, instead of watching cartoons, right? Fuck the concept of Victimless Crimes, especially the Thought Crime part.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and the cunt has a blue checkmark. Of course","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good riddance. [deleted] Sorry, it was Michael who was married to a Muslim. [deleted] [deleted] I didn't realize that this was a pro-Trump\/anti-Obama sub. I guess I probably should have seen that coming though. hmmm [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHAT'S THE DEAL, IS QANON A HOAX OR WHAT? IS TRUTH AND THE EVIDENCE TO PROVE IT REAL ENOUGH OR WOULD YOU LIKE IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF AND AMAZING MONEY MAKING REALESTATE VENTURE IN THE FLORIDA PANHANDLE ? WOULD YOU??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you unironically claim yourself to be retarded, your opinion doesn't count anymore. You gave up that privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the retarded NPC... Go back Dorseyland... His Poz-hole puckered ass is waiting for you....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is the caricature of a self absorbed white girl who can't take no for an answer You sound triggered. Did your sippy cup run out of soy milk, my purple-haired pal? Bro stop spamming this thread with soy-boy jokes lol Don't cry too hard into your soy milk! Found another purple-haired soyboy! the fact that you use emojis enough for me to realize how you probably smell irl nah man you just smell stank ass bitch lol Good one, my high-estrogen buddy! \"IT WAS HER TURNNNN!! <= You ok you lost me, i have no idea what the fuck you just said lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My manager is also a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Moreover, Loli is still illegal in some parts of the world. There've been a few up here that have gone to jail for it. Do these folks really want to get gab shut down just so they can punch nuts to drawn 8 year olds?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MitchVorce sheeze a yellow bone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a Jihadi to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggers Niggers are such idiots That's how their mums and dads treat them DC, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember fellas. Any asshole with a gun and and a death wish can shoot up a synagogue and spend the rest of his life in prison, but only people with political power can expel the race of traitors from our continent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Southampton student union leader wants to paint over ww1 mural this evil white hating, man hating Muppet wants to deface a mural dedicated to the fallen of world war one . the mural in Southampton university has offended her cultural Marxist ideas and she wants it gone. #politics #Uk #News #Britain #britfam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=54onzbipwKQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#British man threatened with #beheading at Speakers Corner by #Muslim. Police remove him from park, then #Facebook ban HIM for posting about the incident. https:\/\/www.politicalite.com\/exclusive\/exclusive-activist-detained-and-banned-from-facebook-after-exposing-radical-islamist-at-speakers-corner\/ #BanIslam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people slut. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Logic: If you think nigger is offensive, you're a White Supremacist. Nigger mocks Africans bc of dark skin. To be offended by nigger assumes white skin is superior. Or White races are genetically superior: i.e., the Master Race. Big City Liberals are real White Supremacists who oppress People of Color around the globe. #WhiteDeath","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be so awesome to watch Vladimir Putin wipe the ice with Trudeau's faggot ass in hockey. At LEAST be good at your country's best known sport. Putin scored 5 GOALS in game consisting of all former NHL players.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What manner of black folk take their kids riding in the ghetto to point out misplaced youth and victimized and cursed brethren and say:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine posting a shitty photo online once and then you find that hundreds of people are calling you smugcunt in a bunch of different ways just a few hours later. amazing how far the internet has come These cunts actually exist. Entitled mombies.. whats your name, \"HUGH NORMOUS.\" and#x200B; \"DID YOU JUST SEXUALLY HARASS ME.\" and#x200B; ... cunts. Oof I just want fake internet points","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Up like an eagle tryna catch the early bird that catches the worm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Race realism is a beautiful thing, like nature realism and looking in the mirror realism, and financial realism and chronological realism and sex realism and score realism. What kind of retard starts from the platform of attacking realism except one whose goal is subversion? Make Realism great again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GROUNDZERO1984 that's true in some ways. Gaming is very broad now a days tho. Everyone is a gamer with candy crush and angry birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had our HR director suggest a few months back we start interviews by asking an applicant their preferred pronouns. No Susan. I will not ever utter those words in my lifetime in a serious fashion, you stupid thundercunt. I'm going to take an educated guess. I have a 50\/50 shot. And if you're offended I chose wrong, you aren't getting the job anyhow. They\/their is plural. And I'm not even sure wtf Xir is. So I'm not using either. I'm sticking with him and her. If I'm wrong, sue me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Arbogucci: Brandon Phelps a hoe ass nigga And wen I see him I'ma smack him like da lil bitch he is #300","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What ever retard I will just leave you and your pathetic existence to cry alone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Already more yellows than the last 2 years combined #IndyCar #Honda200","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've never seen such hysterical, retarded behaviour","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shabbos Goy Google Exec goes full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whack job. #Democrats #Liberals Blew a little coffee on that one ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Gertrude_Larue I is colored, Latino and some Jewish. When I move in, I don't ruin the neighborhood, I wipe it out!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t R E P E N T He had a greater effect on him by not doing so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate these fucking subhuman npcs more than I hate the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RETARDED MONKEY muslim EVIL CRIMINAL LIVING IN DARKNESS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As I go to bed the faggot nazi gets brave. Good night goy toy :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad that Cunt got her head smashed through a class table for lack of sympathy. Probably didn't even happen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Way to go, Limey idiots! Get your act together and your justice system in line!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a self-identified goy spic faggot I'm deeply insulted by your erasure of my identity. I need white straight male allies to back me up on this one @A_I_P #LiterallyShaking #AbusedByTwatter #GabNPCs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ihate black people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if i know you're a gay tranny, *and i never asked to know beforehand*, you're doing something wrong. and yet the one time they dont tell you is [before they fuck you in a hotel](https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/americas\/man-stab-woman-119-times-transgender-told-date-mississippi-hotel-room-dwayne-hickerson-dee-whigham-a lol, my tech school was Lackland. Shit was wack and low-energy and apparently got really bad right after I left, to the point that airmen had to assemble and march down the street to PT and back, instead of just walking, because dumbasses couldn't stop darting into traffic on the way. We had a change of command, and the new guy's mission statement was \"less after class briefings that take less time.\" He like trippled the number of fucking briefings we had and took longer *just to start* than the last commander took to conduct one. >.>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SLADE - \"Cum On Feel The Noize\" #Rock https:\/\/youtu.be\/78ezU7x3jfE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@edouglas528 I know how you feel,wait,no I don't. Perfect week for me would be Yanks not getting Lee #goSox #goPats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A leftist trying to meme is like a retarded fish trying to fly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm pointing out the techniques the Left use idiot. Making false allegations about people they hate to create doubt. Kavanagh is just one example and it's what that twat was trying to do with me with his screams of rapist lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Smiilze: I'm finally finished work. I'm going to have to chug this bottle of wine to catch up to you guys. Challenge accepted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did any of you actually see what happened? She literally only called the guy a thief for taking her point. Men have cussed out and threatened empires with no recourse. Men are allowed to walk around shirtless, but the female tennis players can't walk around in their sports bra? I'm a fan of this sub but anyone who actually watched what happens knows it was bullshit and I believe her. He absolutely would not have docked a guy a point, let alone a match for the same thing Bullshit. She was chimping out on the guy and wouldn't stop. She started shit up with him several times even after telling him not to talk to her. She was the one who made it so that there was no way to figure this out through talking. Whatever you think about the judge, no one made her smash her racket like an angry toddler or abuse the judge. Also, I don't believe you're a fan of this sub. This isn't (or at least wasn't) a place for concern trolling or swallowing this 'men are pigs, too!' bullshit that feminists will try to spin once their own behavior gets them in trouble. Time of the month, innit? That's about the response I expected. Instead of actually trying to uncover the truth you just throw out the \"hurr durr period amirite guys\" to another man. Now you really look ignorant It was the only reasonable response to your ad homenim laden temper tantrum, really. Yes they do and they get warnings for it but then they stop. Not only did she not stop, she smashed her frame and continued to berate him after.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I killed my Netflix sub months ago when they announced this retard had a show and the commie Valerie Jarrett was on the board. Never again Netflix...and I DO NOT MISS IT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"me following him\" I claimed this where? Go back to washing nigger feet, christ tard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can hear the birds chirpin!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flashback: Twitter Banned Conservatives Who Would Be Covered by the Farrakhan Termite Loophole | Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2EwNaXH via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"god it makes me ill people cheering for her . my fucking god people are fucking stupid, that heinous cunt should be publicly stoned to death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who would win between A giant internet media conglomerate with billions of dollars in funding or one retarded Applebees waiter?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is the vile RACIST RETARD who would disagree with this simple Truth?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: For the last time, The Captain takes the field at Yankee Stadium. http:\/\/t.co\/c9TI4FkSkn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a thousand or more of us patriots go to the border, they can't fight a movement that big ! This will kick off new politics ! If Antifa punks can do it,.....why can't we ?! Don't we have more resolve ? The police work for the Zionist occupied Government, do you really think we could do anything? You are sadly mistaken if you believe (((Trump))) cares about Americans, he is putting on a show, he doesn't care if those people came here, his (((Jewish))) business partners need cheap labor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even if women are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckin Jews and a Nigger ! Commie Fucks !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\/r\/punchableface edit: aww someone already posted her AIDs was invented by housewives to prevent all men from going gay. Don't forget the hand that juts out *juuuuuuuuust* enough so you can see the wedding ring. It's just a house full of dudes, what's not to like?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DinoLich Don't yell at me, I love both of the evolutionary lines. @ClaudiaVice despises the trash buddies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh shit, I forgot to bring an umbrella. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt #nsfw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump supporters truck burned and destroyed in Washington state for having pro-Trump bumper stickers. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6260447\/Mans-pick-truck-torched-mob-Trump-sticker.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AutyAut_ I miss you!!! *Eating as we speak* I miss you red bone and that cooking !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a dumbass hoe BUT this is a good demonstration of why you should always keep your car doors locked he's an uber driver tho. How would his customers get in? When he unlocks the door for them? Becuase random people don't get into ubers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Up to 1,000 women alleged to have belonged to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, have been captured in Iraq and more than 40 have been sentenced to death. I don't see 40 women crammed into that cage all getting one hearing. I see one bitch and she's saying she thought she married a rapper. Another claimed she thought she was moving to Turkey and only later realized it was actually Iraq. Ooops. _( )_\/ Sounds like their individual cases have been heard. Hang those bitches, and any others who have stupid lies to cover up their involvement. Where's your evidence they didn't receive a fair trial under the Iraqi constitution? Retard. Yes all of them. If my own sister said she was going to marry an isis member I would say the same. Lay with dogs, get fleas. You won't find any sympathy from me!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, I don't hate spics, I just hate living near spics and hearing their language \/ music. I like tacos. Am I a shill? You're a spic cuisine approproator.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at that trashy outdated beard and those played out retarded black glasses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @runofplay: I'm confused. Martins Indi just drew a yellow card, but I didn't see him steal a tank from the Brazilian army and open fire ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can never have a job again, this faggot crap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wouldn't there be delicious irony if Amazon played Shiva the destroyer to SWPL urban-bugman culture? (and incidentally, \"Cleveland\" ain't what that damaged faggot Tennessee Williams thought it was) https:\/\/www.theatlantic.com\/ideas\/archive\/2018\/10\/new-york-retail-vacancy\/572911\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stream them all publicly. Harness the internet autism. Crowdsource surveillance. All you need is one or two dedicated citizens per station to flag suspicious activity and forward the information to the relevant authorities. Could be a lot of false positives by malicious actors, but having to sort sort false accusations from real acts of corruption is a problem preferable to having no insight into the depth of corruption at all. Sure! More video! Give the internet autists and literally every technocracy the ability to start reconstructing who voted what so they can be targeted for... whoa... WHOA... oh no. no. No. NO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common gay trash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. Stupid nigger can't see through her own hypocrisy. That's what happens when your IQ is on par with retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches be sayin', \"Hotsi, totsi, I'm a fairy gay Nazi!\" F*** y'all and f*** Adolf Schicklgruber. Being proud because you are white is not the same thing as being a demonic-assed neo-Nazi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I succumbed to watching this CNN clip but turned the volume off at .47 after Don Lemon presumptively characterized the Honduran caravan as \"undocumented migrants . Lemon then overcame the laws of physics and continued to convey his idiocy without sound. https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=g-HIQl3lt7E Mark they're setting up the bought and paid fox anchors. Fox will eventually switch over completely lib we knew that would happen after they were bought by Disney...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: #Yankees win, 6-5, on a #walkoff single by Derek Jeter!!!!!! #FarewellCaptain","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deplatforming. Now where have I seen that behavior before..m Torba was a raging feminist fighting the patriarchy before moving out of Silicon Valley. Nothing's changed. All the soy in the air must have damaged his brain. Permanently. Torba's brain must be a neuron sobbing softly because it's all alone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL! So... I had to check out Tom Hank's son, White Chocolate, rapping. I am not going to be able to watch this entire video I can tell already, but I had to come share it.. I love how they sprayed the ground all wet for him, but only where he was HA! It only rained right where he was standing apparently. Wow, this is.. eeeee. https:\/\/youtu.be\/Dn2jDg9H6q8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The boy who shot albino deer http:\/\/t.co\/D4XajBEIb1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The mod Toohhnnee of this sub is a beta male pussy. i'm done with this fucking sub. I'm about to go ham on you motherfuckering SJW mods. Fuck all of you except for Mustaka. You better look in to your mods Mustaka, that Toohhnnee is a piece of shit. Sell out ass motherfuckers. Fuck all of you. I'm done with this sub. Delete my profile for all I fucking care you beta male faggots Edit: I was going to delete this, but instead I'm going to leave it up as reminder to my self to not drink and get some help. I think it's a long time coming and I'm sorry for pointless drama, which is rather hypocritical of me considering I'm always telling people I hate drama. Go figure. Toohhnnee I'm sorry man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look a pikey cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#UN Demands you respect #Islam (you will obey) https:\/\/youtu.be\/GEsagt50C9Q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kinda-related example: Colin Kaepernick. Adopted by a virtue-signalling white family, given everything he could ever want, and had more opportunities than","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He so trash RT @yusufyuie Cary Williamsc GOT CARRIED lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JUST IN: Pompeo says Turkey's Erdogan made it clear in talks that Saudis are cooperating in probe into missing journalist - Reuters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have bet it was Muslim or Islam that try smash the magna Carta to day if was them police that arrested that scum I would betten you to fucking death you evil hateful cunt to population of UK English king s and has the population god hope you fuck ing die cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you disabled people make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's me. LOOK AT ME. IM AMAZING. LOOK AT ME, LOOK ATME<<<< IM #AMAZING @Styx666Official @KD@QKD)Q@#K)DQ0dslldlsls You really should have watched the video Loki. U RUINED IT IDIOT!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I d like to see a because I m black compilation video","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love to see those trans people suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS HALF MUSLIM NIGGER IS NOT A BORN AMERICAN. HE IS A FRAUD, AND NEEDS DESTROYED PERIOD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He sure doesn't need a weak cunt like you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah you need to forget about the fact we put your Slavic filthy grandparents in concentration camps don't you? We wanted no part of you, and the same striking ignorance rears its head again -- you don't read and it shows. Now this lowlife SLAV CUNT wants to tell us about Mein Kampf and German policy you're not white and ya can't read. Coincidence?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. Go drink bleach nigger kike lol ,You see ,every ones know who is the kike ,silly dick sucker ,I don't know who you are behind that gay pic and fake ass name you are sporting ,Like I said ,You hide cause you are a kike ,I am A White Man, Standing Not hiding commie bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Quite a few black people live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If they scream loud enough about peoples harmless drawings then other people won't look for their *ahem*\" collection. Torba knows this, he is afraid that (((someone))) will start a spurious lawsuit anyway with the intent of just bankrupting him. Because (((\"liberal\"))) judges devided that the First Amendment should have categorical holes. Yes. So please my fellow animeposters, just let this issue die, we have hundreds of other places we can get lolicon hentai from, some people only have this place to talk about politics. Maybe Torba just remembers what happened to Mathew Hale. Wise Nobody even posted loli hentai. \"drawings cause pedophiles\" is the \"video games cause school shootings\" of gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice conspiracy theory there so to try to write off that we in this movement basically hold the same ideas as the Framers. Get fucked. faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@vernon1488 town . At a movie with friends. I stabbed a nig 3 times and got sent to prison. Justice?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell you're friend she's a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @YepillPosts: If I had a dollar for every time I died on flappy bird http:\/\/t.co\/pj8QSBTe2L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAGGOT nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Needs friends tho. Bring it you fucking daft cunt. You cannot hurt me with words. Because I DO NOT CARE. The stage is yours........ own it. Stop being such an ineffective cunt. Dox me. Or fuck to the off Stop being such an ineffective cunt dox me or fuck off. I'm just playing with you. Find me ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Who the fuck you callin jiggaboo, nigga?!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Listening to that faggot scream is like music.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Smart_Cookie86: If I had to pick a President of the Uncle Tom association I would pick Larry Elder.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Judicial Watch released two batches of new emails (184 pages and 45 pages) from the State Dept that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent \/ received over her unsecured non-\"state(dot)gov email system. And five emails contain more classified info. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VGrJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Pecan_B19 @ObeyMy_Realness dryer then them bad ass eyes of your fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mistakenly supported Israel my whole 40 yrs of life. At this point, I have to ask, why do ANY Christians support Israelites anymore? They are not 'The Chosen', the 'Chosen' died on Skull Mtn. Today's Israelites are not real Jews. They are stolen identity and they spend every minute of the day trying to undermine their 'Christian' Brothers. Why? I see Christians tell Jews \"I support you, I support Israel\" and the Jew will respond with \"Fuck off\". They are Godless, foresaken, NOT blessed....they are whore infidels. I now not only do NOT support Israel, I support their total destruction. I loathe these smarmy swine. Who coined the phrase \"Israel are our greatest allies.....\"? No they're not. They're nobody's ally. When have they ever helped anyone but themselves? We give them Jerusalem, they give us ISIS. We give them Israel in 1948, they give us sabotage, terror, anti-Christianity and economic theft. Burn. The holocaust didn't happen but if should have! Look at some fucking FACTS! Just because you are brainwashed retarded with all the Jew holohoax bullshit does not make it True! 17 million German's suffered the holocaust by the akseNAZI JEWS just as the Russian's suffered 66 million deaths by the same askeNAZI JEWS! Jews are fucking LIARS! But you won't look at actual FACTS will you? The Jews were the only population that INCREASED during WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#ProblemGlasses of lies crumble under #FBI probe #DrFord #Kavanaugh #SCOTUS #Lies New #benGarrison #Cartoon #WednesdayWisdom https:\/\/grrrgraphics.com\/fords-problem-glasses\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">dick-faggotson >naked thanos this must be a troll...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now, all one needs do is, set Explosives on either End of Bridge, sit back and Watch the Fireworks, and find Cover from falling Spic Debris Parts...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a nigger would fuck her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Dyke Rage I really want to make this an energy drink but I'm sure I'd be appropriating some culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A retarded faggot like you should just shut the fuck up and let people assume that you don't know shit, instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those Muslims suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry, you're only allowed to have a vagina if you hate men or you're a faggot who pretends he's a woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are all retarded faygets","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah crap. I feel like a retard for not clearly seeing your point of view.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Listen to that wording in the \"article\" aka hit piece. It's entirely worded as a way to try to discredit the guy and completely ignore the issues and facts he brought forth. The guy is 100% about recognition based on merit and against recognition based on political\/ideological basis. Awards in science should not be stipulated on some kind of retarded quota system. If a guy creates a process to have self sustaining fusion energy but loses out on the Nobel prize because too many men won that year so instead it goes to a woman who created a tiny simulated volcano using baking soda and vinegar, it would be a fucking travesty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good times. I was there watching it all. I remember how the networks removed part of the video showing the cops beating the shit out of him. They carefully made certain the portion showing the Nigger attacking the cops was never shown on television.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You take nigger sloppy seconds if you want. I won't even touch a woman that fucks niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"...it's getting harder and harder not to use the word nigger these days...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/19\/jemele-hill-calls-police-shootings-unarmed-black-men-state-sanctioned-killings\/ What does this dumb cunt think about all of the black on black violence in Chicongo? Are those black-sanctioned killings? it's niggers, that is how they think. She's a top shelf retard. Surprised she hasn't been asked to run for office by the DNC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger woman's the worst driver","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brown is ugly, it looks like poop I am sure the Queen is very happy lol.. Well, she allowed this abomination of a ''marriage'' to proceed, so looks that way...or she just does not care what will happen after she is gone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"two nigger friuts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doggonnit! 10 Coors in and I can still roast stormy daniels' vagina, but award shows escape me I wouldn't know anything about it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As before: I see a gaggle of murderers, rapists, thieves, perverts, pedophiles, whores, pimps, pushers, drug addicts, drunks, violent low-life, low I.Q., parasitic gibsmedat' dirty smelly black monkey-looking nigger beasts invading white countries with the help of lying, treacherous, nation-wrecking, degenerate jew filth. See the filthy jew?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hasn't listened to a single thing I just said lol YOU do NOT represent whites. You are a disgrace to whites. I slap your arse BECAUSE you are a disgrace to whites. I slap other arses when they are a disgrace to their race. There aren't many on here so I do that on Twitter. And please don't try and deflect on to the white calendar. You lad are firmly on my hook ;) This nigger fucking assclown only has 7k followers because he's following double that. Plus using a 20+ year old photo. What a sad sack of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Macron vs #Orban? Mm says it all really, Macron likes nigger man love and has no children? #PiS #V4 #populism #Merkel #AfD #WhiteGenocide #UKIP #ForBritain #Anglosphere #WhiteIdentity #Brexit #tradlife #DeusVult Do you know, i truthfully think this is the case. That cunt Macron is a fucking dinner masher. Who in their right mind would cuddle a sweaty nigger , unless it gives you wood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are very few disabled people at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nike DC is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More like \"Stupid Twat Steven\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calling black people cockroaches is such a horrible thing to do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Strange how this does not apply to critics of Islam ! Baroness Sayeeda Warsi has said the UK must not \"become a country that polices thought and speech, and Muslims who say potentially \"extreme things should be forgiven. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/11\/baroness-warsi-muslims-spread-extremism-forgiven-made-mistakes\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a guess but you're muh hammer, muh wodin, nigger style new age spiritism, right? You can still grow your own dick and do better. Advice still stands, like all color of nigger, if you hate them so much get away from them and carry on. You know, like a boomer would be able to figure out. Only nigger here is you, son of a rabbi.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If anyone is wondering how to test a person if they're an NPC all you have to do is casually say the word nigger to them, in a normal voice and not quoting anyone or trying to be funny, and see their reaction. And if they say nigger without a pause that is a guaranteed playable character you're talking to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These disabled people are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yahshua (the one they call Jesus) said in the Gospel that His Abba (Father) is the, \"ONE TRUE GOD!!\" How can Yahshua (Jesus) be God when His Abba (Father) is the ONLY God?? And apparently, there's also Matthew 28:19, \"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to nuke China or Unleash a plague.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks Charlie @Charlie4927 @RevkahJC @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What has happened is no less than complete castration of men who don't understand eating GMO food laced with estrogen mimickers and the influence of faggot (((Jews))) and dumb ass cunts who we for some dumb reason gave the right to vote, is pure poisoning of the mind and body. FAGGOTRY MUST STOP!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/nyc-nine-proud-boys-charged-for-getting-attacked-by-antifa NYC Proud Boys are being charged with rioting and assault because they defended themselves from Antifa. The video evidence is incontrovertible and the NYPD acknowledges this and is still charging them. We make fun of pantifa for being noodle-armed faggots who get their semen-clogged assess handed to them whenever a real fight starts. But the point isn't for them to win a street fight. It's to start the fight. That's it. Once you fight back, even if you \"win\", you will be arrested and charged. And even if they also get charged, those charges will be dropped, regardless of the evidence against them. Crazy, yeah? It strikes at the heart of our most basic notion of justice. But this is what happens when the legal system is thoroughly controlled by a certain tribe of cultural aliens: they work together with their tribesmen in extralegal terror groups to control their enemy: you. Are the faggot pantifa being charged? Time to mask up...confuse them all","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe retards shouldn't elect an unaccomplished bartender then.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"james ward is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just your typical inbred Democrat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Showing how some media idiots are really nothing more than brain-dead robots and all retard Leftists\/shills that march to the tune of Soros. It's an inspired meme","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The left is a disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you live in Arizona, don't vote for \"crazy meth lab Sinema. A vote for McSally is a vote for Trump and America. Vote republican in November. | #RedNationRising Don't get me wrong, I'll never vote for a communist scumbag like Sinema, but McSally is just less of a scumbag, so I'm voting for her. So what you're saying is someone running in Arizona on a platform of \"I'm an idiot but I'll do whatever Trump says\" would pretty much be the lead guy? You can do better than using a third-grade, leftist-style, argument that starts out with \"so what you're saying\". Before you try, trying considering the two-faced candidates like McCain and Flake that ran on abolishing ACA. Good luck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @USANEWS007: BREAKING: CHRIS WALLACE DESTROYS SHEP SMITH! \"TRUMP ISN'T TO BLAME Never Trumper, Chris Wallace goes toe to face w\/Trump hating, Trump blaming, sniveling coward Shepard Smith. Wallace says in no way can you blame President Trump for Cesar Sayoc's criminal actions. #MAGABomber https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tXFG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So she's a cunt and a elitist An \"elite cunt\" if I may","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hopes dis don't come as a severe shock to use but I'm colored","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nazi jew bastard should be hanged along his faggot son!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If my son brought home Candice Owens as his new bride, I'd congratulate him. Both brilliant and pretty.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"T r a n s people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok I read that and my fucking God what a retard judge. So a woman isn't a pedophile despite physical evidence of horrible shit because she was a sub in her bdsm shit I didn't realize dungeonsanddragons was an argument in court. I mean I guess all things are possible when you have a vagina.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@michaeljknowles @realDailyWire show him this: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/cR4j https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/SFfG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope the cunt wins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Rockprincess818: Go fight against the IDF if you progressive trash hate them so much, you don't have the guts to do it. #IStandWithIsr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These women should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So apparently you can't call a liberal cunt a liberal cunt on twatter without some time out. Oh noes, 12 hours of no twatter..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are 40 or over and didn't call people fags in middle school, you are a liar. It's just conservatives that have to pay for it now. Hell, I'm over sixty and back when I was in what is now called \"middle school,\" I'd never even HEARD of queers! OK, OK, it was a small town... When I was in School there was no Middle School. Cigarettes were called faggots or fags, feeling happy and gay was a good thing, Perverts and Queers were called perverts and queers. It was a simple time. Cigarettes were called fags. A faggot was a stick of firewood. And yes, there was no such thing as \"middle school.\" It was called \"Junior High.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a pathetic fairy gay faggot! A vile faggot wearing tight pants","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEMOCRAT FAGGOT Professor: If You See Republicans In Restaurant, Stick Your Fingers In Their Salad' http:\/\/tammybruce.com\/2018\/10\/professor-if-you-see-republicans-in-restaurant-stick-your-fingers-in-their-salad.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ColeMcDowell2 Waco is ghetto hahaha. Wait til we go pick up nat in Austin tomorrow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh God, just look at that horse face! That pathetic bitch should be sharing a cell with her dyke mother for embezzlement","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is really for @BrianStann RT @JimDaves: @WesDurham Exploding giant yellow ducks. You ll appreciate this: http:\/\/t.co\/SpOhTpl8uV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dsrtvet: @FoxNews @tjoy7 And I don't have any confidence NONWHATSOEVER in you Barack! You're the sole reason why this country is in thi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bwahaha... She probably hopes that some haji will try to fuck her now - my guess. She won't like it when she'll try to leave islam though, with a death fatwa pending on her head, after she'll get bored of it or for some other retarded female reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatred for you Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"blue-sapphire-earrings 18k-yellow-gold-clip-on-diamond Alexandra Earrings in Emerald Crystal on Emma http:\/\/t.co\/5j3lRXgrcn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@danram70 pussy. It's science. Donaire via Rachel spelling error","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sho_time_ @MitchVorce chill ur pussy gay af","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My record is clear: me no lubes Izreel. HOWEVER, the only other time I have heard the term \"apartheid state of Israel\" was from that Code Pink Ariel Gold twat when she sprung it on (((Ben Shapiro))) last night. That doesn't put you in awesome company, nigger. I've gone toe to toe with code pink. I've been to many of the same rallies. You want to split hairs over some buzzword picked up by the neo-cucks...you are the nigger my friend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spic invasion... end and reverse it. It's the only issue. Fix it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another nutcase Muzzie who is probably a victim of inbreeding in her own family. Breast feeding was the original baby bottle given by God all in its original packaging and no refrigeration required.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"They represent the new face of the far right that some scholars term 'multiracial white supremacy.'\" If I facepalmed any harder, I'd hit brain. On a Twitter thread about the Proud Boys skirmish with Antifa, started by NYC mayor DeBlasio, a bunch of people were like \"arrest these Nazis\". One guy posted a pic. There's an Asian dude, a Hispanic or mid-Eastern looking dude, right in front. It really didn't help their narrative. The people in the thread were hot and bothered, I think, because they hadn't seen the unedited version of the scuffle, only the one deceptively edited to make the Antifa dudes look like victims. On twitter all i saw what McInnes bransihing a sword and one image of a dudes seemingly beating up on one dude. I saw it repeatedly. and each time i wanted more context. Never got any though. and#x200B; Oh but i did see a retweet from Patton Oswalt from Its Going Down, which was hilarious. https:\/\/youtu.be\/7Yz3q7YMhao Honestly (and I'm going to get downvoted for this) that video was off-putting. While I think it's important to defend yourself, I don't think anyone should be happy when violence occurs it disturbs me when someone brags about slamming someone's head into the pavement. Even regardless of the moral debate, its just not a good look. Yes people need to stand up to antifa, but I don't like this sentiment of vigilante justice and eagerness to fight. If antifa beats people, that's all there is to report on. If you get video of proud boys kicking people and then bragging about it, you know that's the only thing that will reach the news.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"slamming the media? calling them out in comments and not letting it go? those were gamergate things and the MSM got involved in gamergate and thus when they started lying about Trump, they got slammed for that as well. Gamergate was the birth of Reps fighting back with facts, links and videos, before that it was just retarded accusations about Obama being a Muslim or a terrorist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And this Sessions faggot is supposed to be a southerner? Unreal \"Jeff Sessions literally lynches niggers and is in the KKK and voted against integration!1!11\" - The Left. Yeah I fucking wish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many m0ngs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What are the chances that nigger is going to get violent with the woman and her kids at some point in the near future? I'd say they're pretty good.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Acosta is a moron and a faggot as well as a liar","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't last in a debate so you and your friends spam faggot porn and then go jerk eachother off and call everyone nazis, then when you get called out you deny it like we don't know what you're doing. This ends with you being banned you big gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bjs5555: ELECT Democratic Nominee Charlie Hardy @runwithcharlie to U.S. Senate. #WY Defeat TEA Mike Enzi. #TNTweeters #CIR http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Red Wave Rising: Panicked Schumer Dumps $3 Million into New Jersey to Save Floundering Bob Menendez https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/red-wave-rising-panicked-schumer-dumps-3-million-into-new-jersey-to-save-floundering-bob-menendez\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol.....Lindsey Graham is ON FIRE ! TY-minnman47","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FireCashman Why?? Because I am having to root for the Royals in October. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BLACK leftists hate black people that aren't leftists. If you aren't on their team, you're a legitimate target. If you ARE on their team, you're a complete ass and barely worth the price of a bullet. That redneck motherfucker needs his tiny little baby maker kicked inside out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More like pussypassgranted. The bitch needed to hang. We don't know how terrible it is to be gangraped and have our throats cut like a butcher with a lamb the way ISIS cut foreigners throats with the help and aid of this cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait a fucking minute. How'd she get fat? Hmm. I see I've been downvoted by the one Asian who finds this offensive. What kind of cunt gets triggered by someone saying something? I'll give you a hint. It's you. you know what they say, you are what you eat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other economists are a plague to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Probably a Norwegian or summat. Just a thought, it's a Somali plastic surgeon, the pic hasn't been pixelated, it was a DIY job?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">could of Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KingKwama: Female IG Models in person be so trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it means that im following orders and being subordinate. sue me, ya dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusting apartment and two freaks crying. That guy is autistic as fuck and Venti has the brain of a retarded 11yo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no forking difference.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No woman ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This stupid cunt should've stayed home and be a mother to her children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is anything I said \"de-platforming\"? Also, before you answer that, I don't care if someone is \"de-platformed.\" The First Amendment doesn't guarantee you a \"platform.\" Only retarded faggots think it does. Are you a retarded faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfaooo. That old cunt has the buzzards circling for sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No surprise there. Feinstein is the quintessential evil Jew. You are right, but Jews are obviously RACIST RETARDS! Obviously all lefties are brainwashed retarded monkey brains! All lefties are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ITS A DEMOKRAUTIC THING...TO FILE FALSE POLICE REPORTS...FORD...MUSLUM COCKROACHES...ETC ETC ETC...NOW THIS FREAKAZOID DYKE https:\/\/mobile.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/lgbt-journalist-arrested-for-sending-death-threats-to-self\/ LOCK THEM UP. LOCK THEM UP .LOCK THEM UP !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give both their general lame retardation and stupid spelling I have taken to calling them Syfyhilis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually Very Accurate... And Most Informative! If You Have A Brain That Is! I'm hoping they get tired of false promises before it's too late but it's a small hope being killed by collective idiocy We The People... #WWG1WGA We the people, Who don't watch fake news anymore, we the people, who are not distracted from real current events by political theater, we the people, who financially support the oligarchs with our hard work, we the people, the descendants of those who fought England to create this country in aspirations of being free from tyranny... Impressed With Yourself No Doubt!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tune in to my YouTube channel at around 7:15pm where my cousin Wetback vs Wetback, Emilo of @FrntAndCenter and myself battle it out discussing the Trump wall. I am For he is AGAINST. Along with that we will be discussing the Victim Narrative and Identity Politics!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! Robert Bowers did have a Twitter account too. So they can't single out Gab. r1es @midnightride21 37s38 seconds agoMore Boy, Robert Bowers Twitter (@onedingo) was quickly erased. Hope his @getongab account history is saved. He was a vile, piece-of-shit anti-semite. Thousands more just like him on Gab. It's a real problem. https:\/\/archive.is\/PT44O They're on Twitter and Facebook too. Difference is, stay vigilant here and report if you see valid threats. Torba will report them to FBI if it's a real threat. Honestly, I'm tired of Gab. I spend more time muting anti-semites, wannabe Nazis, and complete whack-job conspiracy theorists just to name a few. It's just not worth the effort any more. And now that the rabid anti-semites are murdering innocent people at baby naming ceremonies, I need to move on. You're a vile piece of human shit. Fuck off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hoe ass nigga ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The World Judges The British Islamic Apologist Submissive Faggot Government. #iamsoldierx https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=llhhJUVlj-M","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not fun @DPD_UK when you have braxton hicks and cramps regularly from moving around. You try it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our enemies are resorting to violence in the streets and calling for election boycotts, while the most notorious accelerationists amongst us are now calling for you to become the State. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/15\/radical-agenda-s04e032-catching-up\/ If even James Mason is telling his readers to capture control of the GOP, you siege-posters are out of excuses for rewarding anti-white extremists with the objective of subversive acts intended to disenfranchise you. The GOP is the party of white people. None of us can afford to let our enemies just HAVE it without a fight, and we certainly can't afford to let the Democrats hand control of the state over to non-white invaders. You want accelerationism? You get that by winning. Not by pretending that you're doing your folk a favor by losing on purpose Any party that is too afraid to tell us, specifically, that they appreciate our votes, cannot be called \"the party of White people.\" Have you lost your fucking mind? I smell a rat. You and @Cantwell ran into some kike money in exchnge for moderating your message and you caved just like TRS and TDS, didn't you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you want to know why SF has insane housing costs look no further. They've taken NIMBYism to the nth degree. I do wonder if they groups are actually backed by real estate companies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Delusional cunt Kate White making up stories again. Delusions and lies are all you fucking got Kate. #TickTock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still don't understand how using bits you like from other cultures is a bad thing. Appreciation is not bad. The whole thing around \"cultural appropriation\" has exactly ZERO NOTHING to do with cultural appropriation. It is PURELY an excuse for SJW's to get triggered so they can attempt to project their ideological power to control you. It is a social purity \/ conformity game, that makes no fucking sense AT ALL with respect to the actual merits of people of different cultures learning and borrowing from each other. This is why my response to them is not about cultural appropriation, it is about GET FUCKED WITH YOUR BOGUS FABRICATED POWER TRIPPING IDEOLOGICAL INSANITY. If I was going to even stoop to addressing their nonsensical notion that somehow it's not OK for people to share culturally, then I would begin by telling everyone else on the planet they are no longer allowed to speak or write in English, or to print anything with printing presses. All the indigenous people of North America can give up all use of metal, leave our grocery stores alone, and go back to eating meat and berries and fish and wearing nothing but leather and woven plant fibers they process by hand. Because that's how this actually works, if you want to actually add up who could be said to be \"appropriating\" from whom. The reality is there is no such thing outside the warped power tripping of SJW maniacs. The sane people in the world call it progress, and celebrate sharing all the good things with our neighbors, because they are good and beautiful, and sharing brings us all closer together. SJW's are regressive authoritarian idiots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When even the blacks are white supremecists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unless the whole train or bus is free I don't care anyone does it. But if there's people standing and anyone does this. Or in this case this women. What a twat...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you keep posting the same fucking videos over and over everyday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm an 18 year old gay driving through the back roads of redneck Virginia blasting Cheetah Girls. If that doesn't scream sitcom, what does?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many b i t c h e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical f a g behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doncha love it, faggot LOLzy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JuanNDaCut: When twitter rappers dm me their trash links http:\/\/t.co\/yck16ZiNZZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many times is this going to be posted? Is it really pussy pass denied anyways? Wasn't she playing against a woman and the ref was a woman too? we got a white night over here WE got a giant ass pussy bitch cunt over here dick, schlong, meat stick, balls, dickbag, ass, titties, boobies, knokers, cooter, ax wound, cock holster, dick holster, cum dumpster, ass fucker, fucking ass fucker....fucking fucker fuck Meat stick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheMayorMatt the early bearded man gets the clam ? #herkfacts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shes probably too busy sharing minion memes on facebook to show her other cunty mom friends how quirky she is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"thank God it doesn't have AIDs yet. how much longer do i have to do this?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BeeKayNS alas, I am proficient in neither. my skills are limited to pointless stat memorization + trash talk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1-800-slap-a-hoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Been owned like a good paid for nigger for a long time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nipple banana monkey!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Libs candidate deserves to win in a Landslide, as the Former Cunt has shown his colours of evil son of ALP whore, he should join the ALP commies ungrateful sob, coal power stations you evil cunt that is what got you OUT twice you creepy Bastard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But they were Niggers, so no-one gives a fuck!^I ^Joke! ^^I ^^Kid!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dindus from the #MichaelLootCrew are looting another Family Dollar store in Florida behind the path of Hurricane Michael. \"It be Christmas in da hood.\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=E7zSfWTjqlgandfeature=youtu.be #HurricaneMichael","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ViewFromBoxSeat She's a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling black people trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't forget the brightly colored nigger nike's.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is \"Illegal Freerider\" a Canadian thing? Because it sounds dope, much better than illegal immigrant [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Y'all crackas be demons n shiet, you like not even human dawg, keepin slaves n shiet, like the devil man, black powa gon bring yo ass down* \"Fuck off nigger\" *GASP OMG HE BE RAYCISS* found the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If i wasn't a Yankee fan i probably would be a SF Giants fan LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"when baylor wins im talking so much trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our failure to mobilize and litigate on behalf of our political prisoners is more than merely a moral black eye, it's the kind of failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. Our political soldiers need to be more like the original KuKluxKlan from 1866-1876 who locally finished off Reconstruction working with the Democrats as a major political party to where they \"won\" the peace after Reconstruction was over. They won't be caught dead at these \"rallies\" where piglice can find them out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we are sinking in a nigger mud flood","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@passIt2Liv Hit a bitch it's not like you can see the bruises","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JennyTripleTit it's also a bird, a city, and a math theorem. I make no assumptions!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She the one being tense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disregarding this satire, it is truly unfathomable how retarded this woman is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#respect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This white bitch tried to set me up for a racial war ... Lol bitch it's impossible I'm smarter then you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been around enough black people to know they're all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the disabled people in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This kid looks like a retard when he tries hiding his phone... so obvious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey hey.. Ho ho.. The Pope has got to Go...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She intervened on a black youth getting searched by police - he had a knife on him too btw. All she did was hand him a card showing what your rights are when being searched by the police. Those rights apply to everyone, the fact that he was then found to \"have a knife on him\" is irrelevant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @connorbagen: You know she's a dyke when she asks for men's golf clubs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Royal nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When sharing our Old Ways with others do not radiate anger or hatred, speak with warmth and understanding https:\/\/voat.co\/v\/FolkishAsatru\/2761210","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is very sad that Conor has lost the fight to this animal. But he is going to rematch, which cannot but please me. McGregor's wife vs Nurmagomedov's wife. It is apparently which one is evil that must be defeated. McGregor is a punk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Things are looking up for retarded Aussies only. For the rest of us, Apocalypse come already, the world and our Australia is gone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1300 for the eggs sunny side nicca .. @EastsideDame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As does your autism. >:clap: >>the most intelligent way to debate right here >>>#:CLAP: Those who live in glass houses shouldn't smear their own shit all over their walls. Because we can see it. Because you live in a house made of glass. You fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shia lebouf Thanks god for beef bullet to da twat sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Discord wants to sell your data, and if that data is breached or leaked they don't want to be held responsible. Here's how to opt out: https:\/\/redd.it\/9phixm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't this idiot know what those retarded savage invaders do?!? Or does he not care about them raping and killing Whites?! Fucking nigger lover and his beloved invaders are a threat to Western civilisation and need to be killed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"obamy THE TYPICAL RACIST THUG HOOD RAT TRASH obamy HAS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS LMMFAO BUT YOU CAN'T BUY CLASS PERIOD HE'LL ALWAYS BE A TRASHY DISEASED DEGENERATE HOOD RAT THUG THAT LIVES WITH A DISEASED YETTI CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Implying this faggot isnt an incel as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, but he does look like her criminal spawn. Did she roll up to you one hour with black eyes under dark classes and say 'babe, I'm leaving you' as dragged on a blunt and all you could think was (when did she start smoking...)? - is that how you found out? No, but that all came soon after she left me with him. I was still in the Navy and couldn't leave VA Beach while they went back north to Lancaster, PA. Why this obsession with something that happened over 20 years ago? It's over, she made her bed and I don't care anymore. My daughter is living with me an she's a MAGA all the way as well as a gun owner. That's what I'm proud of. I could ask you the same I have no evidence, but she did have Puerto Rican boyfriends before we met. She's also bipolar and multiple personalities. in other words plain ugly?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A poem that has nothing to do with American laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SEE the 'Latest News' heading on the homepage at http:\/\/www.wizardwordsmith.weebly.com for details of the October 21 edition of 'Back Tracking' with me on the UK's Riviera FM radio. The show is an \"October Hit Songs and Tunes\" theme focusing on the 1950s and 1940s and featuring offerings from the likes of Sarah Vaughan (pic); Ella; Crosby; Sinatra and many others.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hewitt Moore is going to be slaughtered.. Stupid retard ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The facebook of this monster is a bizarrely untouched and extremely odd dedication to her murdered children. Not a word from anyone. Its freaking weird. I hope she gets stabbed to death. >in the end, I am the only one who can give my children a happy mother, that loves life WHAT. THE. FUCK. [https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/E89AkH Yes, infanticide is a despicable crime not only against the children but the other parent and extended family as well. I believe if she gets stabbed in prison, there will be few who will mourn her passing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt needs to goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jihadis circulating a video of the killing by Boko Haram of a Nigerian pilot captured after his helicopter was shoot down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bill De Blasio Announces X' Option For Gender On Birth Certificates https:\/\/www.weaselzippers.us\/399300-bill-de-blasio-announces-x-option-for-gender-on-birth-certificates\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch Henrik's interview with Millennial Woes about the suspension of his Twitter account. https:\/\/redice.tv\/red-ice-tv\/the-censorship-question-millennial-woes-suspended-from-twitter-freewoes A totally uncontroversial reply got Woes account - with 22K followers - suspended. Hims dindu nufin!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's ok though. We have Kanye Wigger Nationalism now. The AltRight sacrificed itself at Cville so Kanye Wigger Nationalism could rise up like a phoenix from the ashes. MAGA muh niggas! *insert wigger beats*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's white, and a man... so I'm going to go out on s limb and guess that the answer is...nobody cares. Considering the smartest people on earth are white men it turns out a lot of people care. People in Africa still live in huts and they have all the resources they need. Guess what they don't have? White men. Lol kinda unrelated but i like when someone uses japan to say how a lack of guns leads to having almost no violence. welp guess what else they don't have Look at sweden or germany tho ha yeah guess what they do have Well they have few guns, low violence, high immigration","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That monkey is more intelligent than all of you Muslims combined. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DIVERSITY: Chcgo Blck Pstr Flooded w\/ Dth Threats Ovr Endorsement Of GOP Candidate: U Sellout Uncle Tom Ass N*gger http:\/\/t.co\/vcBWzkyeDv","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Catholic civilian described as \"mentally retarded fatally injured 2 days earlier walking down Grosvenor Rd. Bullet fired from Thompson submachine gun as Army lorry going past. Never claimed. I say again, the death wasn't a British soldier he was a mentally retarded civilian, nothing to do with the British Army. You are out of context that is why I object to your post. The allegation that I can't handle free speech is a bit rich from someone with a private account.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"just ANOTHER wetback illegal doing the jobs we whites refuse to do","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For those wondering why DHS was buying up all the ammo, now you know. Once the Charlie Manson er, @BarackObama race war starts its on #POTUS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im from the philippines. When i go outside the country, they think im chinese but does it matter to me? Nope. Asians who grew up and living in Asia dont make a big deal bout this. Not sure why in America it's a different story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, I have no problem with the Niggers attempting to create a Wakanda. I support them all the way... as long as that is in Africa. No, no. According to the Jews and the Niggers, the images on the left are actually Nigger accomplishments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Minneapolis Mayor Angers Police With Mandatory Placards Aimed At Helping Illegal Aliens | Weasel Zippers https:\/\/www.weaselzippers.us\/399577-minneapolis-mayor-angers-police-with-mandatory-placards-aimed-at-helping-illegal-aliens\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know what I'll eat tomorrow? What I feel like. You know what I'll do tomorrow? Whatever I want. You know where I'll go tomorrow? Wherever my feet takes me. You know how long I'll work tomorrow? For however how long I can handle. You know how much money I'll spend on myself? Whatever amount feels right. And you know the best part? There won't be a cunt I'll have to compromise with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is so retarded I won't even comment on it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Litteral faggot ^^^","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Oy vey! Soros was 14 when the war ended, and the rest is questionable. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv I acknowledge, your stupidiy surpasses mine by MILES! And I MEAN that, congratulations. Tell your mother\/sister I said hello! You can't learn it pal, it's down to inbreeding, blame your parents https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. Lol, your 3rd grade education is impressive, to your mother. Dumbass Thanks again wee man for proving only one thing. You have nothing but a limited vocabulary, which again is only limited to petty slurs and insults. You are the reason I am here, and so long there are people like you, we shall win with the least of effort. https:\/\/TruthWillOut.tv Yeah, because you bring SUCH a compelling argument to Gab! Lol, that's WHY you are dumb and we ALL laugh AT you. These dumbass holocaust deniers need to be swept out with the libtards. There is no way these people can contribute to society!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My clothes aren't worth shit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Female lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're claiming women are entitled to shorter work weeks because they spend more time doing domestic chores at home. Bull-fucking-shit! I never had kids but both my ex wives left almost all of the housework to me. Their cars were always dirty and full of trash. They were quite content to let the house go to hell rather than pitch in and help. Hell the last one could barely be convinced to turn on the fucking Roomba. All you had to do was hit a damn button. Apparently that sort of thing was beneath their dignity. Looking back the only women I've ever known who could be bothered to clean were born prior to the 1950s. Yeah dude. Mention kitchen near a hardcore feminist and watch her explode Actually I preferred them to stay out of the kitchen. I swear either one of them could mess up 13 different pans, 6 bowls and every utensil in the house just microwaving a bag of popcorn. I'd clean the kitchen before work, work 10+ hours and come home to both sides of the sink full of dishes, multiple empty coffee cups around the house, coffee grounds on the kitchen floor, and no toilet paper in the bathroom. (not to mention laundry strung around the place etc. They would always have some bullshit reason why she was too stressed or whatever to ever clean. The moment you get done cleaning something up, they'd breeze in and act surprised \"I was just going to do that...\" Bullshit. I let the kitchen or something else go for a full month and they wouldn't touch it. I'm relieved to finally live in a clean house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The old witch looks scared did she mess her Depends. What crimes has she committed? Hopefully this Q anon is for real and the dyke goes down along with Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do people not recognise that trans lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like some faggot is out there trying to earn their rainbow star... Dont worry, ol Bu's got you covered... Here ya go... you deserve it... I don't always quote a repost of my own reply, but when i do it's just so jewfags know i meant it... Somefuckinspicwithabottleofmexicanpiss.jpg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even though Lil Wayne's music has turned into trash, No Ceilings and I Am Not A Human Being will always be my favorites.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This was from a thread yesterday made on r\/ChoosingBeggars It has been deleted. It was too good to miss. Thanks to u\/Magicalhips I was able to get a reupload of OP's image and I was able to find the rest of the screenshots in the thread. For what its worth, [heres the original thread.](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/ChoosingBeggars\/comments\/9db9cn\/_\/) and#x200B; Edit: It appears OP actually deleted his account. Hope hes okay. white knights defending her in the comments aren't even at a negative score, wew There's no way to dox her. Why are people saying this girl is getting harassed?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rescue elephant calf Nunai looking fuzzy at the International Fund for Animal Welfare Rehabilitati http:\/\/t.co\/PAetLXGuoa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't this the same retard that fucked up Apu?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" RT @TheOnlyReed: LMFAO RT @Tone314: If you watching porn and beating off and yo homie text u and it show his name in the banner you're a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Must be muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"david hogue is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is all these artist and new ones making so much trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a slut to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@OnTheOffensive Is Britain Racist? - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8DoRjksV9u8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pragathiguru , i'm viswa moulie. I wanna be ur friend.. Please, shall i ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't why people dislike Lena Dunham. They dislike her because she's a vapid attention seeker who never misses an opportunity to play the victim and uses her popularity to make impressionable young people believe they are also victims. And bandwagoners like this author eat that shit up and rush to her defense. Thank you, that's much more succinct. Sometimes less is more, and that just sums her up nicely. And probably full of pebbles too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oy vey! Soros was 14 when the war ended, and the rest is questionable. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv So, you're really this stupid? LMFAO!!!! I've never witnessed this kind of stupidity in person, sure on GAB, but like really, I was in Harrison Arkansas today and didn't even witness this kind of stupidity!!! Lolololololol Lol, your 3rd grade education is impressive, to your mother. Dumbass Thanks again wee man for proving only one thing. You have nothing but a limited vocabulary, which again is only limited to petty slurs and insults. You are the reason I am here, and so long there are people like you, we shall win with the least of effort. https:\/\/TruthWillOut.tv Yeah, because you bring SUCH a compelling argument to Gab! Lol, that's WHY you are dumb and we ALL laugh AT you. So now you want to rape holocaust survivors? Damn, these people are sick! The stupid is strong in this one. @bigpapi765 Lol, these people are really out there claiming things that happened didn't happen! I'm sorry, but you could run over every one of them in one day and the world wouldn't an IQ point. So if your mind water curves? All common knowledge is a LIE! To believe the earth is round is no different than believing the holohoax! All common knowledge is LIE! Just listen to these 3rd-grade educated QAnon believers... SMDH!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*after BO1 RT @TheGodWriter_: @iDocLyfe Bruh lol I retired after mw2 because everything was trash afterwards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking retard, Uber drivers always ask you where you're going to confirm the APP is not sending them somewhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once again, to the brittle little bitch who reported every single comment in here: you, person, are a pussy. We don't ban or censor here unless its absolutely necessary; you're wasting your time. But welcome to PPD anyway, where we welcome whiny little cunts like you with open arms. enjoy your stay, boo. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reports to ignore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people trannies. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deaht to all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says who, you fucking idiot? Israel doesn't drop sarin barrel bombs on christians like assad does, you worthless putin trolling turd. That's why cunt the only growing christian population in the entire region is in Israel. You're not intelligent - but at least that much you know.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She kept going back until they finally picked her. She's the geeky retard in gym class that is always the last to be picked for someone's softball or volleyball team. But when you get down the last one...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Who tf is downvoting this? I had the same thought. [deleted] [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All gay people are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Book_Krazy: I don't always get drunk and pass out but when I do, when did they start making colored duct tape?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A compiled collection of police brutality footage. If you support the cops and advocate #BlueLivesMatter, then watch this video and rethink what side you're on. Police are all hive-minded. They all think about violence and always engage in it whenever they think they can get away with it. Every man and woman of law enforcement in this country is responsible for all the brutality committed by corrupt officers because they're all corrupt. #DisarmthePolice https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6-0sDupD19E No pumpkin they DO NOT think that way...go get some real statistics...stop with the BULLSHIT propoganda...asshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.almasdarnews.com\/article\/iran-preparing-to-launch-3-satellites-into-space-irna\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jig levitating for lousiville","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The rejection of the left is GLOBAL...GET ON BOARD https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/bolsonaro-tsunami-swells-far-party-brazil-congress- Yes the Communist Leftists are Globalists. What one people have no homeland? What one people would push for open borders? @Squeezethejuice I agree. 'ISH' and 'ISM' are trademarks of the Khazars who pretend to be the Biblical Hebrews. Ignorant drivel. Too an amazing extent, they ARE the Biblical Hebrews. Yeah, I know, Nazis don't do science.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dick by name, dick by nature. dyke by name dyke by nature fify","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggers doing nigger stuff to create fake news and have their video posted to People of Wal-Mart https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6266061\/Shocked-mom-smacks-son-tries-scare-Chewbacca-mask-Oklahoma-Walmart.html?mrn_rm=als1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at how deftly he's manipulating you. He created a frame by ingratiating himself to you by exploiting your previous relationship and the willingness to believe him because of that, then he reinforced that frame by appealing to your pride and setting you up to be a crack nigger if you disagree with him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She can be as mouthy as she wants, he shouldn't put his hands on her. She should have shot him. Would have been justified. I can't wait for a women to kick you in the nuts. I'd love to see what you think is justified after that. Won't happen because I don't assault them like this pig. So an appropriate reaction to someone touching your arm is kicking them? What a childish mentality. Looks like you have a lot more growing up to do. It looked to me like he was all up in her shit, which is bad enough but then when he put his fucking hands on her all bets are off. If it was a guy who knocked the cop out because the cop put his fucking hands on him, you would all be applauding him. This is just a sub for hating women for no good reason. You guys should check out men going their own way, you would fit in nicely there. What world are you living in? I represent the vast majority of normal men, enjoy your circle jerk. Uh huh - terrified.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are what you eat! #VeganGab Death looks a whole lot yummier! Veganism is just more Fake Virtue. Same with people who think proper talk is fucking virtuous. The place is lousy with virtue signalling. GIVE ME BACON OR GIVE ME DEATH - OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha wooo! Dumb cunts can fuck right off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good luck getting anyone who's not already likely to be on Gab to take the site seriously as a Free Speech site after that - it will at best be perceived as a Christian conservative version of Twitter, with different things it bans and allows. Gab will always be extremely limited if it's only a place for Twitter refugees, as opposed to a full-blown alternative.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh dear Jesus... Let her do it and some wacko will want to blow up Mount Rushmore then... Why not collapse the Grand Canyon after that! I am sure it offends some f*cking retard out there!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You deserve way more subscribers . The shit you say is fucking gold.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @TP_Three: @WestSideFlee @KekePalmer damn they got wifey Fall back nigga .. I don't share my hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Media is LIVE Y'all!! Thank you @a and @e I was logged out of gab and could not get back in for an hour or so. Is that normal? I was logged out too. Took forever to remember my password. All good now. Good to hear. I found myself in a hive of white supremacists today and I thought it may have had something to do with it. lol I understand if any kids come to my home dressed as ghosts for Halloween, I should not give them candy because they are white supremacists. Beware... Hahahahaha! I am going to wear blackface AND a ghost costume. Its funny, like the boy who cried wolf. These cowardly dems think the wrong people are white supremacists. They dont see the truth, because they dont want to. Its easy for them to forget the dems started the KKK and the president who freed the blacks was a repub. They would rather believe the lies Don't forget xenophobic, cisgender, hyper-privileged Trumptards! Hey! that resembles me!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than half, actually. Go be a white knight faggot somewhere else, little boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For sure they accused shokugeki no souma of facisim because the school is the top in Japan and its requirements are strict and there's some students that home their craft in a very traditional way. The main character bucks those trends and is very much an individual forging their own path, so much so that he inspires everyone around them to pursue their own way. They had a go at strike witches; an anime with pantless teenage girls fighting aliens in alternate www","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical w3tback behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a dumb twat, but it's ridiculous that police are assigned to patrol for people drinking on the beach.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt means pussy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @sportspickle: The fruit of the modern Yankees farm system. http:\/\/t.co\/LfWC3LSRjO Joba the Nut.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Come get me, nigger lovers....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are solipsistic and that combined with a culture that bends over backwards to accommodate them results in narcissism, that's why even a fat tub of lard who dropped out of school at 16 will believe she's high quality and the legions of retarded simps reinforce this delusion by having no standards what so ever with their \"any hole's a goal\" mentality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@Blackman38Tide: @WhaleLookyHere @HowdyDowdy11 queer\" gaywad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Judging by the new loading screen, BioWare went full retard with the \"stronk womyn\" bullshit in #SWTOR. And the lips on that nigger jedi, wtf? Looking for a new #MMO. Anyone have any ideas? No WoW or GW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your life is worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I h4te women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"m 'slums will slit your faggot throat, Kurgwad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Thomas_Wictor GAB seems to be a a bit like the wild wild west with mud roads and rain-filled gullys; where barking women and brawlers can accost you as you try to navigate across the first street. I loved my known Twitter neighborhood. but I can make it here! Maybe it would help to take a look around you and the ground you are standing on and read the US Constitutions \"BILL of RIGHTS\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ChaldeanCutie really? @RileyAintShit @KILLSheredon @CHILDISHCUDl are my nudes trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, the cunt actually said Trump had a private server.. Somebody at least put a helmet on her before she hurts herself. !! This is what libtards do to perfection: projecting their own dirt on others. Padded room is better than helmet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No wonder why Boris Johnson was not at conference with traitor that are the remaining Tory back stapping May lie has shown her true colours of evil cunt and the packie cunt home office Javid should be thrown out of UK and but on this country that he so die Boris Johnson blow down were traitor May","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GOD dammit! Stop stealing my thoughts! Your great great great great great great black grandfather wouldn't approve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have such strong admiration for gay people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Na na nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah, Brokeback Mountain. The movie that sought to cast strong western men as hopeless faggots. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/James_Schamus Here's one of the producers. Not as painful as some of the hollywood propaganda boomers were subject to though. [How Boomers Were Taught to Hate Themselves](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vwFshwxECq0) (Youtube, Channel: Black Pilled)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a little faggot Then why are you asking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @illroots: The radio is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the fuck are you talking about? Do you just make up random bullshit and post like a moron? The west is going down because people like you didn't have enough children. Stop tryiing to cover up your total failure as a woman and a mother with your retarded rantings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And where do you think unsold items from thrift stores go? The garbage. Think of all the great games that are in trash dumps as we speak :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thursdays really been trash this season @nfl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The victim's genitals had been removed and placed into a blender.\" Can't help but wonder if he was still alive and forced to watch while this happened. The 3rd pedo in one week ... looks like this guy has his work cut-out for him. http:\/\/nbc9news.com\/macomb-county-fears-vigilante-serial-killer-after-third-pedophile-murdered-in-1-week\/ That has traditionally been the case. Gotta wonder how a jury will stack up for this guy in Michigan. FIJA They gotta catch him first. Remember the average IQ of a criminal in America is about The average IQ for a police officer is about 100 and they have a 50% success rate in solving crimes. Imagine if this Vigilante has an IQ of I predict vigilante justice for other crimes soon. Proverbs 21:2 ESV Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart. Proverbs 14:12 ESV There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 3:5-6 > https:\/\/www.esv.org\/Proverbs+2\/ Vigilante justice will happen. Has to. The po po too pc to be any help. The justice system, well I think we all know about how justice is meted out these days. We do for our selves, our family, our honor. po po too busy protecting Antifa! I don't believe in vigilante justice... However, I can't blame victims for ending pedos... a lot of laws protect evil people. considering changing alignment. :D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DugoutLegends: Lou Gehrig had 17 hand fractures in his career. Played in 2,130 straight games.#IronHorse #Yankees http:\/\/t.co\/O6sofyOh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely adore women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope you're having a time of your life because I am pissed off, I'm pissed because you are a 14 year old girl that needs a spanking, you're not ready for primetime bitch So gay dude, you see Me (God) as a 14 year old girl?! Damn!!! LOL!!!!! #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #HondurasEffect You are a child in need of a spanking from a father I'm pretty sure you don't have Gay dude, so you are a Pedo child abuser then! :eek: #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #HondurasEffect \"you are a 14 year old girl that needs a spanking\" How do you deal with teenagers rabbi? Oh wait, you are one, duh Teenagers get spanked in jewish homes? I did not know this. At what age does it stop? In your case, never -1 for taking the identity of a film character -1 for using a smiley face -1 for a bunch of unrelated hashtags -100 for you being an idiot! :) +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #HondurasEffect\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @hoadie1006: #vermontgirlsbelike my hick accent comes out when I get around my family #vermontproblems @THISISVT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love cunt and asshole!! May I lick your holes baby??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Based Loomer bringing it And she knows a false flag when she sees one ...just ask her tire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paki monkey likes big girls dough. Oh! I get it,the filthy evil muzzie no eat no swine ya. Sucking on big fat traitor scum toes dough. Big fatties rolling around like pigs on the floor ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Lost Soul Arts of Demon's Souls https:\/\/youtu.be\/Np5PdpsfINA via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a 14-year-old girl asks a guy for sex and he says yes, he's still going to jail for agreeing to it and no one's going to be saying \"it's not like she didn't know what she was doing\" just because she initiated it. It's the adult's responsibility to say no. She either knew he was underaged, or didn't both to check her ID. Either way, it was her fault the same way it'd be a bar's or strip club's fault for not carding people >If a 14-year-old girl asks a guy for sex and he says yes That's not what happened here. Because when two people have sex, it's consensual, the age of consent is set because older people can manipulate younger people. That same logic can't be applied when a person goes out of there way to find a prostitute and pay for her\/him. The whole consent thing is firmly laid at the buyer's feet. and#x200B; > It's the adult's responsibility to say no. She either knew he was underaged, or didn't both to check her ID. HAHAHAHAHA, Are you retarded? \"Please show me ID to verify your age, so that I don't commit a crime, while I get a full name of you while you commit a crime.\" Who the fuck would be willing to give up their name and ID to a hooker, while committing a crime by buying sex? Are you that dumb that you think this is how that works? and#x200B; In other words she's not criminally responsible for not asking for ID, because they wouldn't use ID since they were already breaking the law If she's in the kind of profession where it's already illegal, that just means she committed to crimes: fucking a minor, and selling sex. And somehow in that tiny brain of yours that equates that she shouldn't be punished for anything. Of all the arguments for giving this cunt a Pussy Pass, that's the most idiotic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS TWAT LOOKS LIKE EVERY PICTURE YOU WOULD SEE OF AN ALIEN 10 YRS AGO. HIS ONLY PROBLEM IS HE KEEPS SAYING \"TAKE ME TOO SOME PETER.\" INSTEAD OF LEADER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/l.facebook.com\/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Filovemyfreedom.org%2Fhysteria-donna-brazile-claims-kanye-has-set-black-people-back-155-years%2F%3Futm_source%3Ddtp%26utm_medium%3Dfacebookandh=AT1ND4n4RYzZJHKbvY7tiBPlogY9XSqlzqcaa0iARx3ooSPXR5gFTWqxS7oaJ_vL74wTxB_rbRXfnfDrrJ9F2KubFEWxcsw2yA3AucCABoKr6cWTrO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No don, we're not laughing at you because we're racist. We're laughing at you for thinking you're a \"serious journalist'. IF and when you ever become one, we may stop laughing. no promises...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should test new drugs on immigrants before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"o unpunished. This has been the view for many thousands of years in civilised and uncivilised society.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Europe is land of white people. Don't let africans take over our home. Fuck islam. Fuck multiculturalism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your beef with the Man is YOUR beef- that said I'm all in for supporting your bringing your beef to God. Sorry Guy- I'm sane and intelligent; I don't believe in fairy tales such as Religion. I was agreeing with the idea that you have some gripes with the man, your aggression is misdirected. My bad. Play on, playa. No biggie- we've all been there. You were in Defensive mode...I can totally relate. #AllDayEVERYDay There Big Man!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jrlikeswhisky @ZwithR stegosaurus hissed like a snake, pterodactyl sounded like a crow,T-rex like a cross between a parrot and an elephant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It appears she is surrounded by fat smelly dyke security - all the 'black' males are queers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some women are finding ways to be such cunts all the time, it seems.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see that ITV's production of Vanity Fair by William Thackeray has been given the SJW treatment. They've 'fantasied' this classic piece of English literature by crow-barring a Negroid in as one of the main characters. More to come, niggers in all movies, TV series , all sports , nigger here ,nigger there, nigger nigger every fucking where","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I shouldn't calm the fuck down. Retards should be dealt with harshly, in real life and on reddit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not fucking pumpkin pie? Cherry pie because it tastes fine. But pumpkin pie is the nigger of pies. And its not edible unless there is whip cream","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common cripple. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we should hide and despair.Shame on us, god forbid say women are lying and manipulative,beg for mercy.If we beg feminists they will give us back some rights we are lacking and will drop misogynist label.Will be clean like a whistle. Yes. god forbid saying women are lying and manipulative. Because they aren't. Stop being an asshole an shut up. The whole post was about how you all whinge about how women generalise men as rapists and violent, but you generalise women as bitchy harpies. Twat Where in the fuck did anybody here claimed that women can't be liars and manipulative? Feminazi this, Feminazi that, every one who you fucking disagree with you is a Feminazi. The men's rights movement is against feminism, it's the main difference between us and the menslib movement. So you're not some woke dude or the first one who came here with the controversial idea of being against feminism. The majority of us here are. Everyone who disagrees with you, everyone who tries to shed some light on the issue of mysogynistic and sexist fuckers who come here to generalize and spout there bullshit (after being hypocrites and criticizing feminists of course) is either a ''feminazi'', ''feminist shill'' or a ''concern troll''. I'm seeing a lot of NPC memes describing feminists and the left but it seems being NPCs is not just limited to them. It's in the left, it's in the right, it's in feminism and apparently it's infecting the MRM too. Nobody is saying that women can't be pieces of shit, or evil or liars or whatever. Nobody is saying that we shouldn't criticize women or feminists. Nobody is saying that. Just don't generalize and say sexist or mysogynistic shit, that's it. God fucking dammit. Got it? It's definitely not what he said. Re-read with less emotion. He doesn't disagree that some are manipulative.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are the most calm and patient police ever, also, did the bald police man just get stabbed?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I scrolled up to check if I was on r\/okbuddyretard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you have nothing to go on but paranoid delusions. Sound like a retard flat-Earther. Sorry, I don't argue with retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muh blond- blue eyed Nor....... oh sheeeit muh blond-blue eyed TURK @Crucesignatus is full of LoLz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @drunktweets81: You sure do have a pretty face for a cripple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Look at this f---ing white guy!' bigot yells before brutally attacking man in Bronx pizzeria This is starting to piss whitey off ! #Enough http:\/\/www.nydailynews.com\/new-york\/nyc-crime\/ny-metro-anti-white-attack-bronx-pizzeria-20181018-story.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. I don't care that that cunt is being an actual incorrect whiny moron. They is plural, but also singular when referring to someone you don't know or an enbie. Putting aside the fact that calling someone it is disrespectful and in this instance actually pretty transphobic, why stoop to being disrespectful like they are? You got me, crazy tranny with a preference for traditional grammar and dislike for jackasses telling me what I can and can't think. Geez, what the hell is the matter with you anyway? I already supplied some reading for you on English pronoun use, are you just really dense or just unable to deal with other opinions than your own? Regardless, a good day to you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is dumb as rocks. It hasn't been changed to represent per capita instead of total. It's also based on SPLC designations of hate groups which is beyond retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This sub is getting hijacked by TD. This IS a valid PP, but the clear political commentary was not needed or appreciated. Leave that shit on partisan subs. You sound triggered. Did someone pee in your soy milk? Fuck soy milk. Fuck veggies. Fuck the left. ..... using your, and the rest of the GOPs Pinocchio noses. You complain of smelling shit, and yet you can't even pause for a breath because you're so dedicated to brown-nosing. I'm not \"triggered\". Its called being tired of little fuckers who think they can find their meaning in life just being associated with a group. Yeah, you're on the team Bud, just remember that they wanted the water bottles filled up before kickoff.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kinda reminds me of this cunt: [Doorman - Bridezillas](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PVlZ7DaZKd4)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is true... RT @Mr_QuenchYaGirl: Charlie Clips the coldest battle rapper doing it. No debating!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd bet that mombot was a faggot who couldn't get any coochie and as a result decided to become the GF (LARP as Jap housewife on Twitter).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's so weird outside. it's like yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. No he doesn't. People pay for his music not a lecture. His music should do ALL the talking, not his out-of-touch-with-real-Britons gob. #STFU #Bonehead https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/music\/artists\/bono-has-every-right-bash-brexit-onstage-rock-meant-provoke\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My friend lives in a really shitty apartment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LA ruins everything. They come out here to my unique desert town in the middle of nowhere, do their bullshit music fests, make it trendy, and all the fucking faggot hipsters inundate and ruin. Came to the local bar for the 1st time in ages: all dudes and 2 ugly fuckin cows. I remember when this joint used to be a true saloon. Now its a fuckin' novelty #Hipsterfornia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Venezuelan people on the Colombian border.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is disgusting. That little girl is obviously a child and the guy looks like a teenager. This is child abuse. Seriously? This has upvotes? Children do stupid shit all the time. You don't beat the crap out of them every time they do stupid shit. That's a great way to make your kid a bully, an asshole, or just a troubled person in general. Have you ever interacted with a child? You should start a child pass denied sub for fans of child abuse. You might be able to find a few hundred subscribers if you cross post some little girls getting the shit beat out of them here. As long as the girl maybe spilled her dad's beer onto his lap while she was dancing to a frozen song, or I don't know, whatever gets you off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that gay people are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jews are Whites. Jews are Europeans to their core. Kick out the Muzzie slime. Leave fellow Whites alone. Aww Jews are genetic cousins of that muzzie slime. Why would you do that to them, white jew man? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like the blacks got jealous that the Kavanaugh drama didn't have any \"diversity\", so their handlers gave them some BS mental gymnastics to make them feel important again. But niggers do not matter. They will never be important. Exactly!. the nigger is useless. It does not matter at all. The nigger sucks the very life out of our White culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Correction:>>>>when the sky is yellow, death is upon us. No. I'm scared","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Bastard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has anyone ever purchased baseball field dirt? I really want dirt from @Yankees Stadium for my grandfather's grave. #weirdtweets","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you can't pass one day without seeing a little white girl bitch in heat hanging on to some nigger! whites better get control of their renegade bitches or they will be giving birth to little nigger mulattos instead of white babies..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tucker Debates ACLU Political Director on Kavanaugh Ad https:\/\/youtu.be\/o21_F__B3Zs #Gab @GuardAmerican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @1TRIKOfficial: @ItsNotAdam No prob! Def a good early set energy tool! If you want to tune in, http:\/\/t.co\/hxfJWy3Jab in less than an ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any disabled person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh for piss sake! Nigger pleaaase! It's amazing that two years passed and you piss ants keep crying. Get a life and move on...YOU LOST!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fuk u saying faggot? He won fair and square","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We all know your the retarded cunt. You still on fucking gab. Do you have a life? Oh wait you don't! BWAHBWAHBWAHBWAH How's Sean still gonna top himself. Fancy calling chilli a drug addict... HAHAHAHA wtf was that about? Yeah Phil showed me all the ss. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To my mind, female lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"karen Johnson is an ugly nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good news! The witch was suspended, but she should be fired!!! She's a special-ed teacher for God's sake!! #DumbLibs https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/08\/liberal-teacher-suspended-after-tweeting-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/ A Retard Teaching Retards, Sounds like Today's School System to me. Now now Sean Greene, RETARDS is only the work to describe YOUR kind. Heads Up Folks, we have a Jew infiltrator, Enemy of the State, Treat with Extreme Prejudice... Dominic @Adminus666 ... Love that Negative 238 Score, you're in the Wrong Place here Kike. And, that's Not my Name, Try again Hebe...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But niggers aren't borderline retarded or anything. That'd be racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol the win for her was actually the primary because republicans don't waste money putting up a candidate for that district. Link? I think it was on gateway pundit or breitbart the other day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"there has never ever in the history of earth been a successful nigger society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pathetic . Apologize to the muts? Apologize to the white state trooper that was murdered by no good nigger Apologize to all the White victims of nigger crime.Apologize to a gentle couple that were murdered in their home by a crackbabynigger. Racist Ha,I'm a realist. Niggers are detrimental to a White Society Niggers ,like methane, contribute to global warming","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably some good information here but I will not be watching this five at five broadcast. I cannot watch Donna Brazil, but I left it here for you just in case.... https:\/\/youtu.be\/vAL0eLzUAW4 I can't tolerate him either.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is so sinful. It says it in the bible you dumb fucktards. Stop saying YOU WILL GO TO HEAVEN IF YOU ARE GAY. because you will not go to heaven. Trust me its a fucking choice my GF dated girls and I was her 2nd bf she dated like 12 girls and she is 100% straight. You can change to the right side :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, just like \"Death to all Jews and niggers\". It was a prank, bro!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Out of curiosity what are some of the different web browsers folks around here are using to log onto Gab with?! I've been using Mozilla's Firefox mainly but I fear Firefox has finally started blocking gab or interfering with me accessing the site in that past couple of days. Firefox is the only browser of the 4 I have installed on my laptop that is having lots of access problems with Gab. Feedback would be useful here friends. Well, you could use the trump browser if it wasn't a complete failure. Just saying You know of this failure from personal experience, do you?!??! You must be really experienced at that failure part. Failure is the best teacher. I would drown my sorrows in trump vodka if it hadn't been an abysmal failure as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cops deal with this shit all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. This is not a once-in-a-blue moon thing, especially in larger cities. Everyone's related to a judge or a mayor or a wife of a county commissioner or a big-shot attorney or... Who the fuck knows else. So many unimportant people think name\/title-dropping will just cause the cops to be like \"Oh I'm so sorry, please go on your way!\" And when it doesn't, they usually double down on the douchebaggery like this despicable cunt did.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I took 2 \"Rebel vs. Yankee\" tests (40 questions, accents, word usage) and scored a total % of 47.5% Rebel vs. 52.5% Yankee in southern Pa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that gay people like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't forget that CNN's fave maggot faggot Anderson Cooper is also on CBS's 60 Minutes team.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay. Straight. Homo. Lesbian. How about 'People\". Hmmm. Love you ALL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOT... I dispise evil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@yawlknow @HoskinsTy96 \"all of these rednecks and none of them can keep the fire lit\" ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can honestly say that Sadiq is using Brexit as a means of averting from the violent crime wave throughout the city of London.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really get upset when my lightskin friends have another cute dark skin sidekick..like Im supposed to be the only cute darkie u hang wit ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's go #Hillary lover... finish with that nigger dick so I can annihilate you some more... what's wrong? You scared.. figures... or was it past you widdle bed-time? Mommy had to tuck you in? Don't ever try to troll me fool - you don't even know how...LOL!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SimpsonsQOTD: That's a very nice jig, Kearney. Now isn't dancing much more fun than bullying?\" http:\/\/t.co\/dk7rcqM1FS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REKT:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FRIEND","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2x is a feminist\/neomarxist propaganda platform, that's what happens there. If you don't want to #killallmen, worship degeneracy etc. you're an enemy to the cult and get the boot. Entitlement, pure and simple. There's loads of examples. In fact, there was a super popular thread where a chick basically ranted that she didn't get her cover charge paid for at the door because she was ugly. She was treated like a man would be. She went out with zero money on her and expected to have her shit all paid for, only to get a crashing realization that she's ugly and doesn't deserve a pussy pass. She was left out of the club while her attractive friends went inside. And *she blamed the men.* For not paying for her shit. 2X is full of entitled cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1-what were niggers doing to other tribes they conquered in africa ? i bet using and abusing them as much they could . mean while notice that hannibal-attila the hun-ghengas khan-etc were trying to conquer\/enslave europe time after time . all earths history being vicious war after war for territory.now though in nigger minds its all whiteys fault .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Simply answer based on what YOU believe. Do you believe WTC Building 1, WTC Building 2 and Building 7 collapsed into their own footprints on 9\/11\/01 as a result of demolition explosives or as a result of 2 airplanes? Lol you step in your own shit and blame me? That's priceless. Do some more. I don't think what i do really counts as a temper tantrum. I just think truthers are idiots. Evidently 71% of respondents are dumb 9-11 truthers. It's no wonder average people feel smart around you folks. If a man doubles the life insurance on his wife 2 months prior to her murder it's called suspicious. If a man doubles the insurance on the WTC 2 months prior to 9\/11 it's called lucky 9\/11 THE DAY OF COINCIDENCES. Confirmation bias is what your hillbilly brain is suffering from. Sorry, I won't be joining your crazy club. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JonHorstHoyer: \"Lester, the parasitic spider monkey, had 1 redeeming quality: he ran the boat, and the boat attracted women.\" 'ONLY IN #C ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On BBC Newsnight, \"Sophie Cook\" explains why the word \"woman\" is now being spelt \"womxn\". #WhenTranniesAttack #BBC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @516Jake: Hungover and feeling yyyyyeelllloooowwwwww @outlawdipper @mudjug1 #dbh #yellow http:\/\/t.co\/hJe7v4aWdw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It actually does include hatred you faggot boomer. Said the faggot boomer to someone who doesn't care what you think.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Statements like \"black people are scum\" are deeply hurtful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From the archives: @ThatAndyRoss s My Favorite #Bond_age_ essay on THUNDERBALL, The Story of a Shy Kid and 007 http:\/\/t.co\/on5t60rMFb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Fill my cunt bro! That is a mild case","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok. Keep White Knighting for a sand nigger who fucks tons of White women. You're entitled to your opinion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @hiteshrangra: Sonia never criticises @ArvindKejriwal . Kejriwal, who trashes every other leader, never criticises Sonia. Touching. #YoK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well it's predictable that niggers are gonna rape and murder everyone you care about if we don't start lynching them again but frankly your refusal to not only do, but even advocate for what's necessary leaves me with no sympathy for you Leave your gloom and doom echo chamber and smell the roses. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you take meds for your delusional hysteria? I lived in St. John's Parish in Southern Louisiana and I never had that much fear. Violent crime is dropping nationwide and only increasing in ghetto centers in the most populated cities in the country. Where do you live to suffer such hysterics? Oh just the nation's capital. It's 2018 and I'm right wing retard. You honestly think the national crime rate changes a goddamned thing about my situation? Y'all are in for such a major surprise when this shit finally hits you. This is why I'm unironically in favor of forced integration nationwide.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it is pro Muzzie only. All that Finnish kiddo pussy belongs to Muzzies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone tell @RSherman_25 his dreads are part of the uniform. I'd pull your hair too. Why are you trash talking? Cut your Doodoo braids.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just st4b those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where's the video of the announcement of the magic number? I wanna see that rotten cunt lose her marbles in front of the court!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the million white people whose lives were ruined when niggers took over detoilet are now in nirvanna because a nigger is smiling at them hip fucking hip hurrah. and he is going to rebuild all there beautiful houses by hisself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that gay people are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CUCKS BRIGADING HARD TONIGHT. QUICK. POST TRIGGERS! https:\/\/redd.it\/9rpq8w trigger not nigger Nigger is animal. I am glad my country do not allow many in. Enjoy your nigger problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well of course they did,, they hate us,, what else should people expect?? dont let them handle your food,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Learn to stop being a self-entitled cunt and follow the officer's directions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seriously it's funny how I got downvoted. Just shows how many fucking cunts are on this sub. You are no better than that bitch. You are a bitch who has nothing better to do in this life rather than start a shit needlessly. And all you fucking losers do here is complain and complain endlessly. Yes, some of the staff here is a justice well-served, but mostly you fuckers are a women-hating shit-eating bastards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So what you're saying is, the left is so punk ass pathetic that people of color prefer Pro-American group over the soft faggot suicidal psycho sluts of the left. Cool gotcha.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they sucked some sand nigger cock is what they did","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why doesn't that low T faggot do the job himself?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Married father of sounds like you need the IRA to get rid of your muzzie problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rien d' tonnant Je d teste tou(te)s les blanc(he)s qui pleurent la mort de ce nigger https:\/\/www.lesinrocks.com\/2018\/10\/24\/musique\/xxxtentacion-avait-avoue-des-crimes-dans-un-enregistrement-rendu-public-111137364\/?fbclid=IwAR1CfozQ9hbdUrM4NmYXiPgMsetctlmno0th2BvINOovGz0NyNCnn7uuHOI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MARTIN CIZMAR=ANOTHER JEWISH CUNT CAUSING PROBLEMS, SO TYPICAL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let the illegal beaners dilute the beaners already here. Viva La Wetback","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ovomit. that worthless nigger should have never seen the inside of the white house","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing black people in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're an old dog faced retard who can't see the forest through the trees ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All black people like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@soxdawg: RAWR!! RT @skinrubberboi: \"My\" sexy French scally. I love him! #frenchscally http:\/\/t.co\/5idQ3R5Akz\" sexy scally woof woof","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I read about half of that one, down to defining and discussing what counts as a troll\/sockpuppet. I have some concerns about \"sockpuppet\" not capturing people who are known by their handles correctly, but haven't read the underlying citations. For example, is \"DoubleLift\" or \"IceFrog\" technically defined as a sockpuppet? There's plenty of normies who have such a fundamental misunderstanding of our online culture that I can imagine people not understanding how these nicknames are tied more closely to a person's identity than a pseudonym or \"sockpuppet\" would account for. But, since I haven't read the underlying citations, I don't know. I am deeply suspicious about that definition, especially how frequently the author says they tweet. The Russian bot thing is also a mixed bag... but incredibly small (16 total). There's one that troubled me named ThatNikkaGeeked which seems to be a... pretty serious thing at some point: http:\/\/archive.is\/SVgnr#selection-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LeBoon. No need to demean seals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't this fat, Commie cunt a teacher? \/pol\/, I don't suppose you could find out where it is that she is indoctrinating young people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger deserved to be fired.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nice try, vladmir. You forgot to add \"cunt\" to the end of your insult. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@craigcalcaterra Hes behind the plate for the game tonight here in AZ. Im looking to buy a redandyellow Balkamania shirt I can tear off there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @TryHardSilva: Quote this with a weezy verse\" I'm a diamond in the rough like a baby in the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone hates you because you're gay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's official, Maverick is on hillbilly drugs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Crist, outlawed, hated, rediculed and vilified for shaking the President's hand. What a country! What a democracy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Voice of Europe : Muslim politician in Sweden asked to resign after it's exposed that he wants to kill the leaders of the US and Israel https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/muslim-politician-in-sweden-asked-to-resign-after-its-exposed-that-he-wants-to-kill-the-leaders-of-the-us-and-israel\/#.W8TYcx8dy4c.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This CUNT Ford is a putrid, festering, bloody, pus filled infected, itchy boil on the asshole of humanity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"200 years ago she would have been tried and executed last week. Amen to that HUH? Good eve to both of you both...are you seeing double?? Into her campaign, I agree.. Vote red Missouri","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to k i l l all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these trans people disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I dont get how the public saw this as excessive. You hit, expect get hit. really? what a stupid comment. He's a police offer and about twice her size. oh and also there are 3 other men holding her. she's no danger to him and she barely slapped him and he punched her in the face, hard. He could have killed her or caused lasting damage. a cop is held to a higher standard; not tit for tat.. Killed her???? happens regularly: https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/horrifying-moment-boy-16-kills-11284008 google one punch kills. i just cant believe so many are justifying this behavior. there was zero justification for that punch. cops shouldn't respond emotionally but in a calculated manner. the aim should be to subdue the person, not punch them in the face. and no, punching somebody who is being held by 3-4 men is not subduing. thats getting angry and retaliating By this logic, couldn't she have killed him? no. any reasonable person could see that her half assed slap couldn't kill. but obviously you just like to argue. so thumbs up i guess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the perfect post if ever there was ONE. Two likes deserves a . I'm not only going to follow you but I've been looking for YOU (GOD'S ARMY). Just like Jesus did, God commands all of us to name the satanic JEW! A time has come where silence about the Jews is betrayal! I started a new group called 1611 Authorized K.J.V. Bible study and now I can't find it. Can you find it anywhere? Thanks for reading. Can I get an AMEN AMEN!!! Can I ask you something? Once you go PRO you can write more than 300 size comments right? 3000 So if I pay them about $5-6 a month I can post comments up to 3000 bytes? yes Write~On!!! Are you in the group Gabstappo? yes I just went pro what are some of the features I can do now? If there are others I do not know. It is the longer posts that I do. Words of wisdom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blck people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AmazinMixBeauti don't feel like reading right now I wanna give a sexy coolie girl some lyrics via text message ;-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"but but but she is a fucking NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how many jews have pagans burned at the stake ? How many whites have christians burnt at the stake? well technically none. a whole heap of heretics but sort of no christians whatsoever. ex christians sure. torched loads of them. So none of the white heretics and white pagans you guys burnt at the stake, and massacred were white ... Bit strange that he\/she claims no Christians too. A whole heap of the people burned alive and hanged for witchcraft during the Protestant Reformation were Catholics. Yeah bro, they got rekt! and your not real christians ... Oh, ok, glad you get to make that decision Stfu, white israelite occultist Ok, I'll just wait here while I'm getting rekt Rly, that's what I said? Reading comprehension isn't your thing, is it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That can only mean one thing on Fox. Tuning into. A faggot prince of shit called Shepard. This is what fudge packing crap on Fox looks like...just in case you forgot. Tired yet of this kind of garbage being piped as mainstream? Bloody well sick to the back teeth! Which is why I am grinding them at this very moment! To ungrind, see my latest posting on music. Joe Bonamassa and Beth Hart are performing 'Close to my Fire' to provide about 5 minutes of respite from the daily feckin grind!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has anyone else ever found it suspicious that a whole lot of women claiming rape are fucking ugly? Like, I hate to possibly shit on a real rape victims but Jesus I can't imagine anyone wanting to rape most of these women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#CancelSarsour Muzzle that Muzzie bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Funny how many Nazis side with Islam. http:\/\/4freedoms.com\/group\/jews\/forum\/topics\/prominent-nazis-converts-to-islam-and-or-moved-to-muslim-countrie True Muslims hate the Jews. And that's their strength. They also don't allow USURY. That's what made us slaves to the Jews. How much debt do you have, amigo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"looks like a muzzie POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is increasingly clear that Feinstein and Schumer were sure Kavanaugh would drop out after the story leaked. They never planned for the old dinbat to testify and they never expected Kavanaugh to go Gladiator on them Once again, the lesson is you always punch back twice as hard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WOAH! The press is talking about his Melania-as-stripper video. But. \"Rapper T.I. was sentenced Friday to one year and a day in prison after pleading guilty to federal weapons charges after he tried to buy a stash of machine guns and silencers to protect himself after his best friend was killed.\" Yes, yes, yes! When your best friend is killed, you need MACHINE GUNS and SILENCERS to protect yourself. You don't want to wake up the neighbors when mowing down assassins, and semiautomatic weapons just don't kill people dead enough. Another exemplar of leftism. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=aKUt_S-Qsjk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if you think social Democrats are even encroaching upon Socialism or communism not only are you mentally retarded but probably lack any sort of formal or informal education. Maybe read like a pamphlet on social democracies versus post capitalist socialist governments, you might learn a few things.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What did he think?\" That's because those things are \"triggering\" to many people that think as you do, you can't have the word \"nigger\" in Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer because it's \"offensive.\" >\"Chazelle openly mocks people who thought that the moon money was spent foolishly those pesky intellectuals, blacks, and Hispanics who go on TV or into the street demanding \"gimme while the likes of Neil and his exclusively white, male colleagues uncomplainingly put their lives on the line to accomplish historic things in the interest of \"mankind. \" Does he? Or was that just portrayed in the movie because it happened? >What's more, except for the protesters, \"First Man is whiter than a Fred-and-Ginger ballroom set. There are no \"Hidden Figures here; Neil, an engineer, does his own fancy calculations, thank you very much. The vast team effort to make the moon landing possible is reduced to background extras.\" Because it's a bloody movie, you can't have [400,000](https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/science\/2009\/jul\/02\/apollo-11-back-up-team) people in a movie telling their individual life stories in 120-150 minutes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that ugly old nigger is scary without the knife","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alex Smith wears red and yellow now so quit being psycho ex boyfriends and get over him. He's in the past","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah I know how bad those Atheists are. They are some really bad nuts out there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're a troll, you're a prett bad one. If not, then you're pretty retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a man who claims to know for a fact that Fortnite is used as a 88er recruitment tool, even though that cesspool of retardation didn't exist when he \"left\" white supremacy movements.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope Charlie brought the lube for this test...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_womanoverboard \"nigger\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's news to me that GAB is ALT right. If freedom is ALT right then count me in Does that mean Twitter is ALT left (its just trash) I guess that means I need to support Mr. Bolsonaro So with that said boa sorte, Mr. Bolsonaro https:\/\/www.bloomberg.com\/news\/articles\/2018-10-04\/u-s-alt-right-website-lures-brazil-bolsonaro-s-supporters He's a retarded cuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF Tired of this fucking redacted BS Did tax dollars pay these shits ? We The People have a right to know That fucking cunt didn't give that shit up on her own...... Trump breached her ass and took that shit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pit bulls are the niggers of dogs butthurt nigger pit bull owner detected","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Minority rights means the minority can oppress the majority. So you can see why Jews are so much in favor of them. Jews invented \"minority rights\" both for themselves and other nigger groups to harass us and wear us down.....everywhere the cucks bend like willow trees","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He admits openly to disinformation. The point is to get the deep state second guessing. For example, we were all convinced that Sessions is safe. and#x200B; So anyone telling you that you don't need faith to believe in Q is full of shit. That's the whole point. If Q was absolutely real then it defeats the whole purpose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what happens when you allow literal retards into your country. Thanks, Justine Truvada!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"See> Its a FINE LINE> Killing #faggots doesn't change the source of their creation. Which is #Stupid PEOPLE #overbreeding> #PERIOD>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I work 10 hour shifts starting at 4 am. I don't know if I can effectively cut caffeine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask The Smiths - There is a Light https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=y9Gf-f_hWpU Johnny Marr + Eddie Vedder 2018 completely wrong https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Dsl_Dne008Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't have had the self restraint not to knock this vegan cunt out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muzzled pit bull with throat slit found on side of road in PA http:\/\/t.co\/fis8QNvlXu via @examinercom HIDEOUS ABUSE THROAT SLIT LEFT TO DIE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Do you live in the USA? Our constitution say's you have free speech but it's still illegal to spit on a pig and threaten an oinker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off cunt. I'm FEMALE. You're just another racist Jew hater. Go play with the nazis here you love so much, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Surely in a case like this, we need to adapt a \"Culpable Homicide\" law, where she's ultimately found guilty for reducing the mans quality of life so low, that he had no choice but to end it. She's responsible for that and I hope she see's at least 15 years inside. Vile cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poll: Gillum holds razor-thin lead in Florida governor race https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/c6L9rL\/Dpvs-Ey-KXg-AYrz9-Q.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wh4H Ooo what a lie. There are far more Republican voters for DeSantis than dems for Gillum. HE LOST MIAMI. Even Cuba I can't wait for the socialist revival and the mass euthanasia of Trump supporters. We'll try to make it quick and painless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah Joyce. I know he isn't a Trump fan. He isn't a Clinton fan either. But I look at all his ideas not just that. He is spot on with most, can't help being a twat over Trump lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"more african violence.(((media))) hides race 6 sheboons try and stomp out a White guy. https:\/\/www.sfgate.com\/crime\/article\/ingleside-beating-mission-street-20-years-attack-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DragonflyJonez: \"You men are trash if your homeboy is cheating and you dont tell his wife\/girl and break up their family.\" LOLNO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i hope the twat gets every inch of the long arm of the law","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Orb n az Eur pai Oroszl n! \"once you go black you never go back.\" Are you sure about that..? Only an old saying I have heard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You state it gook","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe Keela. Dogs don't lie. The apartment was also cleaned very well and the fridge\/freezer taken to the waste disposal centre by Gerry. In a rented apartment taking it upon yourself to dispose of the fridge\/freezer sure is an interesting action. It could be an episode of the twilight zone - a proper weird one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You NEED an iPhone to use their stupid watch? Apple is just grabbing people ankles and shaking the money out of rubes pockets.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*-coughfemshepcough-* >It seems very clear to me, and I think most people, that Kassandra, granddaughter of Leonidas, should have just been the star of the show. I'm not quite clear on why this happened, and to me, it feels like **Ubisoft is really, really reluctant to let go and let a woman fully lead a major Assassin's Creed release**. **While they've been making progress with playable female characters,** **it does seem rather ludicrous that there was actually a choice at all in Odyssey.** All that needs to be said about his ~~article~~ rant and overall point\/reasoning!. . And then this gem at the very end: >Assassin's Creed will be back in two years, and **I do wonder who is going to be leading that game** then. He says this before there is even an IDEA as to what it's going to be like or about? I thought this was all about what worked, what fit better? What a fucking twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a rare moment of self-reflection from jamal smith-wIlkins or whoever this nigger is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would Commie Twitter Ban Him ? Shouldnt be a Surprise https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37270\/twitter-wont-ban-farrakhan-calling-jews-termites-ben-shapiro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I chose the one to J tunheimr\"- Robert Frost Giant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of disabled people once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mississippi state fans are the best to just mock. It's so easy. Poor state. It's hard getting wins against top 25 opponents. #FailState","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"because trump is a POS and cares about no one but himself he lies non stop to lure his base into voting against their own interests \"we hate obama care but we need and love the ACA, lets get rid of it\" calling yourself a trump supporter is basically saying you are proud of being: - very stupid(believe in any of the baseless conspiracy like pizza gate or caravan, uneducated, rather believe some retard dude like the teenager who lives with his mom trying to smear mueller). Remember when trump said he loves the uneducated?? - ignorant (truth dont matter, believe trump isnt a racist, or you are also a racist POS) - hypocritical (using compelling argument to back up 2nd amendment, but fuck the 14th tho) and sometimes all of above oRaNgE MaN bAd one of the most pathetic talking point i see every trumptards use when they dont have anything constructive to say >soy boy Hey now, no need for faggotry in this sub","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least they are finally admitting they are shit at games.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really much sadder and twisted, like this: \"Please, I will be the fool, the faggot which you require, only let me be a liar\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paki twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fuck does this have to do with misogyny? Girls can like bacon and guys could like pumpkin spice lattes. It's a joke m","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Almost half of North American bird species threatened by climate change http:\/\/t.co\/dWSYB5BodA http:\/\/t.co\/F0PVuLNf4c #Climate #Environment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's still a nigger. I still don't care what monkeys thinks. I don't care what Tay tay thinks. She shouldn't be allowed to vote anyhow. But she can have her own opinions. Just makes my wife hotter to me. But after the sting of it, any one of \/ourside jumps ship bc trump saids so... You're a degenerate nigger lover. So fuck you gay niggers from outer space.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just sitting here thinking how funny it'll be if Britain's new mystery meat princess' baby comes out black and \"premature\". Harry can then be the official cuck prince. That half-breed will be a nigger no matter what.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this cripple. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sure do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Minnesota Teacher Resigns After Posting Kill Kavanaugh' Tweet https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/dDdAYp\/Dp_J7_DNCWw_AEdd_Za.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Y4sz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RealGeklmin Thinks he's smart, but he's really a retarded autistic who doesn't know when to quit. He has attempted to recreate @MartyGraw 's account to troll. Anyone contacted by this account be aware- its this faggot and he wants to suck your cock. ssssslllluuuuurrrppppp ssssslllllluuuurrrrrrpppppp Was the little cunt under Torbas' desk when you found it? .... I'll bet it was.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rand Paul Calls for Investigation on Unhinged Democrats Who Doxxed Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/09\/rand-paul-calls-for-investigation-on-unhinged-democrats-who-doxxed-senate-judiciary-committee-republicans\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean, I own an S8+ and my brother (who's at blizzcon right now actually) has an S","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" When he doesn't live up to everyone's meme version of him everyone is going to act shocked and betrayed. He's just a basic conservative and if anything will be very mild to \"own the libs. \"See look how moderate he is! DemoKKKrat status: OWNED I don't want to totally rain on the Kavanaugh parade though. Two great things about all of this: The amount of salt this is producing is incredible and every grain is delicious. They exposed how retarded the \"Believe Women\" line is on a national stage. Big win against the female race!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any other age? If I was in his place I'd hit back. It was completely unnecessary to hit him Then you'd go to jail because our system is broken. Yeah, well that we can agree on. It's such shit You're right, self-defense should not be defined by gender. That woman must have some serious anger issues to act like that. I believe if a woman hits a man like a man hits another man. Then she should be treated as such. Everyone should be treated the same way, It's stupid that in this day and age we started to make everything about gender and race. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love the way the company that makes Kool Aid is so fucking quick to point this out. They're so fucking defensive about it. \"No our product wasn't used to kill nearly 1000 people. It was the off brand of our product. Please continue to drink Kool Aid\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's definitely a Kardashian bird RT @BasedChasen: http:\/\/t.co\/RY3ocBwVTn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yet the \"normal\" feminist don't shout them down. Silence is agreement. I didn't even hear about this story until I saw it on this sub about 2 minutes ago. I guarantee the vast majority of feminists have no idea about this. You're crazy, dude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" you are dumb YOU ARE DUMB!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[reads back of shirts] Death it is, then. I'm sorry Rhodesia what were you saying Zimbabwe? It's hard to say something when you are busy starving to death... huehuehuehue. H rru, crazy catlady hur kan de inte se att det r de \"vita\" som byggt upp landet? Utan alla boer hade inte Sydafrika varit det som det r idag. Vill v l egentligen inte g ra skillnad men verkligheten och sanningen tar ver. Negrer kanske r f r allm nt efterblivna f r att se det, hade de varit smarta s hade n gonting ens i n rheten av Wakanda varit n got vi hade hittat I Afrika. The mest efterblivna r att m nga av negrerna har vandrat ner fr n delar norrut om Sydafrika, s de r inte ursprungligen fr n landet heller.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"KAMALA HARRIS THE SJW SLUT !! SLEPT WITH A NIGGER TO ADVANCE HER POLITICAL CARRER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The birds and the bugs #voguet by Anat R http:\/\/t.co\/ndMELHuWCg via @Etsy #vintage #jewelry #bugout #insects #birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In the US, all we need to do is drop the muzzie in gen pop...it will be taken care of quickly","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are trump supporters so utterly and profoundly stupid? oh wait... but that's censorship Grandma Snowflake No dummy, Gab will be down for everyone possibly on Monday. Joyent is the censor, not GAB.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists and trannies can't coexist for long. High school and college \"girl's\" sports are already having guys switch over. I couldn't make my high school basketball team but I'd have been an all star on the girls squad. I still don't get the outrage about the whole trans movement. If you have a dick and want to wear a dress no one is stopping you. That type of shit happens in prison all the time. All the pronoun shit is a little retarded though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BarackObama @MarchForInnov send them damn beaners back where they belong n the US aint it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those black people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RUMOR: MARVEL Extended Cinematic Universe \/ Star Wars Universe crossover for Avengers 8 omgomgomg So you're saying it's DEFINITELY happening, that's a second source saying the same thing right there folks, MARWARS confirmed! Anyone surprised?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOT PPD FFS. This sub is now just 'woman gets hurt\/in trouble.' This sub is all runoff from incels and the donald ohhhh nooeessss I mean did you ever go to incels they are the kind of losers who would call you a cuckold for having a daughter it was ridiculously sad. is this a bot response? I am Well I am come on...we talked about this. Youre not trying. Trying to do what?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger murderer want's portrait of Lee removed from Virginia courthouse. http:\/\/www.nbc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's that time of year again in New England, when the leaves turn yellow and red. Time for apple picking, and apple cider. Time to select a big pumpkin to carve into a Jack-O-Lantern later this month. Time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest, and stack wood for the coming Winter's cold and snow. Life is good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow, I've actually lost people bcause I marked a SFW image as NSFW. Serious biz. Wah??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cry more cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Moisessp14: Look at u now u pregnant stupid bitch lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This reminded me of: \"I did not spend 8 years at evil medical school to be called Mr. Evil!' I loled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"umm, you do know that Rohm was a well known faggot and that little Adolf was his best friend...right ? That faggot was killed in the Night of the Long Knives! Traitors and infiltrators die. Faggots included! I bet you don't even know about that event bc you don't know shit about the history of National Socialism except for what jews teach you. Degenerate kike lies. What's new? Jews lie and they promote degeneracy. so, the pedo capital of the world is Lodon and you are protecting muzzrats...got it..hey you little basement dweller,,,fuck hitler, fuck the jews, fiuck the muslims,and fuck ALL socialists like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A female life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by gay people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"All men must die ... Who's gonna open jars for you then, you dumb cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@wienerherzog Perfect stock photography for an article about not letting a leprechaun-looking handyman get into your liquor cabinet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a Muslim to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This reporter just got owned by President Trump in the Rose Garden. If you watch this, don't drink anything over a keyboard. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! WATCH: https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/reporter-says-i-wasnt-thinking-during-back-and-forth-with-pres-trump\/?utm_source=wayneandutm_medium=gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd do anything for an Oreo vanilla bean drink from dunkin and a chocolate chip muffin from there too..I'm starving and that sounds so good now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@UniversionRBLX Don't you have a trash can?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks Crimson Dick Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not that most of them really had any brains to blow out from the beginning, might have been the reason why they became so retarded. Would love to see Cher blow her own brains out, or at least attempt to. At the very least she can piss off to Canada like she promised, not like this mouthpieced cunt would keep any such promise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one should be surprised that the Democrats are so determined to import hordes of low-IQ Spanish-speaking peasants from Latin America to displace working-class whites. If only white Americans voted, the Democrats would never win another national election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I could stop myself from being such a massive scumbag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The moment you start guitar lessons and stop speaking with a Nigger cadence Will gain you some respect from Dignified White People. Says the Anonymous \"Austrian\" Punk Wigger \"Nazi\". How many hours have you pretended to enjoy the sound of a black man's voice. LoL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and the waters rose and lifted the ark high above the earth.\" Better build an ark, homos. Brendon has the chops AND the Mtn. Dew. He's a spammer and of course it is tolerated because he's a Gab sycophant. Besides, it raises the pitiful post count which needs all the help it can get.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People need to understand that Muslims are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Senator #CoreyBooker Reportedly Solicited Oral Sex From Another Man https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/blog\/2018\/10\/20\/cory-booker-has-been-accused-of-sexual-assault-by-a-man-who-claims-to-have-evidence\/ #GaborZolna's https:\/\/www.real.video\/5851616969001 #Farticus is a Fudge Packer POS This accuser has evidence unlike #Chrissy Will #CoreyBooker Come Out Of The Closet? https:\/\/www.real.video\/5851624559001 #GaborZolna's take F#Farticus is a Fudge Packer POS#Sodomite SCUM so-called hero of the #Democrats #Normalization","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok, I'm trying really hard not to be an asshole here (not really), but how am I supposed not to stereotype a dumb blonde bimbo for being a dumb blonde bimbo when some idiot gave a microphone to this dumb blonde bimbo and she's 100% confirming the stereotype that dumb blonde bimbos are really dumb blonde bimbos... I mean Jennifer \"Let me show you my asshole\" Lawrence already did pretty damn good job affirming the stereotype with her creationist levels of retardation \"hurricanes are mother nature rage for Trump's election\", MaREY Sue did the same with her \"hurr-durr whamen are half of the population therefore they should be half of the movie herp-derp\" (whamen are also half of the population that shits in the toilets, I don't see you bitching about \"half of the population\" cleaning the sewers). I mean, c'mon, ladies, you're not doing a very good job convincing people you're worth anything more than fap material when you \"accidentally\" leak your naked pics on The Fappening...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@grinand http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=LRtKAQJUc3g Stay safe out there, Charlie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"....Okay, who's the faggot with the beard? Not a joke, I legit do not know who this beardy is. That's faggot-ass Jack Dorsey - Only the CEO of Twitter.. he's the one running all the censorship on conservatives- he collects everyone's dick-pics.. @jack is a #TurdPusher He hates America .... I see I was entirely right to class him as \"faggot.\", he is a colossal douche-stain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't get much more retarded than a marijuana prohibitionist who embraces pubs as a core aspect of culture. Can't get much more retarded than that. if you are opposed to cannabis legalization, it's true that you're already retarded. but if you are opposed to cannabis legalization AND you drink a single goddamn drop of alcohol, or accept it is 'just part of the culture', then that is just about as retarded as any human being can ever be (without being required to wear a mandatory helmet)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Homosexuality and transgenderism is a mental illness and a sexual perversion!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some people have actual issues with masturbation and porn?NNN isn't dumb for them.Not to mention ,it's a meme >also-retarded Meninist social media account? I wouldn't have bothered,but based on your tag,you do know that it's satire?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pickle lipped Melanie Marden is a cunt with a beak that could split the bumper of my F-250","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PRESIDENT TRUMP, YOU'D BETTER--BETTER wake the fuck up and dispose of the trash coming towards our border!!! I GUARANTEE, if those filthy fucking wetbacks enter our country, you'll lose 50% of your votes, ATLEAST!!! Send the military, put a bullet in the protesters\/AKA \"TRAITORS\", and put bullets in EVERY FUCKING filthy wetback trying to enter our country illegally. I'll even donate a couple hundred bucks for ammo. If the President doesn't do his fucking job, I'll start GoFundMe campaigns for every US Citizen who does his job for him---executing the illegals as they invade our country!! By the way, you stupid cunt, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY POSTS, YOU FUCKING IDIOT! Go fuck yourself faggot. MOST PATRIOTS love the idea of putting a bullet in every piece of shit in the caravan. You don't speak for as many people as you thing, left wing idiot!! NOONE BELIEVES you're a Patriot. Nice try.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah and American naturally. Gab is wrongly seen as a Far Right site because of these racist twats. Hardly the place to attract blacks, Asians and Jews is it. But evidently I had to \"prove\" that to him. So I bloody have lol Are you fooking mental. Already made you look a twat the other day and you're back for more. I said you have to be BORN in Britain or go through the nationalisation process. Not just turn up at Heathrow airport dickhead lol She's just a nigger with British documents, unless you believe in Cheddar Mang.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck the Saudis. These goathumpers only have \"Saudi\" Arabia because of the stupid faggot brits and WW1 compounded by the stupid faggot brits and WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's trash tho @_dimejii: Its 10 Million Naira If You Want Me On Your Song Wizkid http:\/\/t.co\/Nsxaacj4jG via @naijaxclusive ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's an article abt how a Banksy painting just sold at auction for $ jew nigger - modern art is a kike creation. Ask these questions of your rabbi when he gives you the jewish reach around. You're like a Christian missionary in the Amazon asking Yanamamo indians about fortune cookies. Actually, his post was coherent, and made a good point. Your kike nigger bullshit was typical kike nonsense, complete with a reference to necrophilia. Filthy kikes just can't help mentioning sexual perversion no matter what the subject being discussed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Find a bridge and do a flip, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she's clearly a little twat but any dude pressing charges on her is a fucking pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From a lesbian to a Muslim: nothing compares to the story of Sinead O'Connor. https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/moments\/1055566217803632640","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We got to fuck off earlier than usual tonight. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Joan_Rivers: Charlie Sheen will star in a new sitcom as an anger management therapist. So what's next? Casey Anthony as the owner of ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is the most insecure cunt I've ever seen. \"But...she's almost naked and...and...posing with a Communist flag!\". Yeah. In her safe space. Where she can'...who gives a shit, kill the stain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/pKzjvvWmVOU. How fucking retarded and focused on a fake scoop of the TRUMP TRAIN CABINET who bit by bit has dismantled left wing narrative hyenas. 4chan joke ( TRUMP TRAIN) _(RAPE TRAIN)Dumbass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope there is concertina wire on top and protected by high density anti-personnel minefields on either side. Buzzards gotta eat even if it is greasy spic As far as which kind of ILLEGALS who are Mostly Crossing MS-13 and muzz-rats Sure Some Mexicans but most of them are Couriers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Any of the Jew Haters start spewing their hatred I just mute them. But we have to admit that when they are allowed to spread their hatred shooting occur. You are a fine example of those anti-semitic people, I was speaking of. Yes haters like you have always blamed the jews for their own failure. Go preach your hate else where. You are the one who makes us the stuff as you go. He does make the stuff up as he goes along, and neatly ignores the massacres of Christians and Catholics around the world. He's blind to the fact that every community has good and evil, and that this is another divisive FF.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a Gab could potentially be one of the premier social media sites in a few years. It's astounding how much progress you and your team made in such a short amount of time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cher: GOP Will Bite Down' on the Jugulars' of Non-White People https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/06\/cher-gop-will-bite-down-on-the-jugulars-of-non-white-people\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get woke, go broke 'Cause you thought that the slogan was just a joke But you forgot that these fools are serious, perverted, retarded, and delirious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He funds leftists it's retarded to think he funded or influences the far right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to kill all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's one person. You are cherry picking, because your argument is fucking retarded. Have fun being hidden at the bottom of the thread.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that black people like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello all Many have gone over to MeWe for the time being. There's a #Britfam group up and running. Try and get over there. If not, hope to catch you on the other side. xxx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Three decades ago, every kid and every adult knew that the history, science, and technology, among other things, was overwhelmingly created by men. Everyone agreed that only really stupid and uneducated people uneducated at the level of retarded kids from the kindergarten could disagree with this innocent proposition.\" - Lubos Motl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like it. Fucking love it anyone else that had half a brain would have lasted a few months more. Austrian mentally retarded drug addict. Drink up mazel tov","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @pgammo: In the Yankees draft room, they had a huge picture of Greg Campbell with the message, \"this is the makeup we're looking for.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who thinks manliness comes from a man's beard is 100% retarded and probably 99% gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We stripped wetbacks of citizenship who shouldn't have gotten it during operation WETBACK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You're talking to women here.\" So what, we can't even talk to them now? These girls are so self centered that they think they're above being called out for their bullshit. Unbelievable. They play the victim card so frequently that any mere inconvenience is something to cause issues about. He canceled, get the fuck out and get another Uber. But no being difficult and blaming others is the hallmark of these morons. He let them into the car knowing the contract had ended. Kidnapping and filming for gain. Ask your mother","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know what's great about Gab... I can say 'Fuck you, retard, I don't care what your faggot ass likes'. Don't worry, I don't like little goat-fucking soyboys, and the mute button works both ways.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ActuallyAmDolan: wen u look liek trash n sum1 complimentz u http:\/\/t.co\/5AgYHBTFXh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep . German business will force Europe into a decent and fair deal for Britain . https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/debate\/article-6271453\/German-bosses-sick-Brussels-bully-boys-writes-ROBERT-HARDMAN.html I honestly believe that she has been neutralised and a Deal will happen with or without her ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pull to refresh on mobile web is live ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded strawman, nobody says that. The issue is that muslims are a secondary problem, bad, but easy to deal with if you don't have open borders.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the NIGGERS there are trying to commit WHITE GENOCIDE, AND ALL THE WHITE PEOPLE THERE NEED TO FORM UP AS ONE ARMY AND TAKE OUT ALL THE NIGGER SCUMBAGS. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY THIS WILL END.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@McLaffyTaffy Reason #2 I didn't order a shirt: Taffy will know where I live and he would probably find me and stab me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Bonus](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/3daQpBA.png) *maniacal laughter* they are eating themselves , good. That'd be a good flair It's mine now SPICY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People don't \"White Flight\" for their own amusement. It's a survival strategy. I can survive in the hood but likely nit good for my mental health as i get older... Why have u all turned into npc grey? If you have kids, an immediate \"White Flight\" woud be imperative, but as you grow older you will likely become the target of black-on-white racial violence. Bite the bullet. Wrong hill to die on. I changed my entire header theme. My old profile pic was of me playing sax from about I'm not playing music very much now, and I removed the banner of Taylor Swift singing in front of a swastika because she is a fat traitor SJW whore now. I went for a clean, positive, futuristic look. Shame bout taylor swift. I still liked the banner tho... I guess im waiting for that broke arse chick, that wants to leave the hood too. It worked last time for 10 years and have a bunch of great kids, now adults. #slutintohousewife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weird how @JordanBPeterson has time to criticize Kavanaugh for being \"divisive but he somehow missed 8 years of Barack Obama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than half of the participants were immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ASAP_Ford: I hate when a nigga ask me \"Where the hoes?\" .... Nigga idfk !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hemophiliac Roger Aisles made her She broke him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve 'Miserable Deaths' - Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/georgetown-professor-says-white-gop-senators-deserve-miserable-deaths-calls-for-their-corpses-to-be-castrated-and-fed-to-pigs\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm torn between simply going along with everyone pointing out her hypocrisy as it relates to Kavanaugh (and also the ridiculously retarded thought that you could be disqualified for a job for something you said or did at age 17) and pointing out that her Tweet just said she wouldn't room with a lesbian. She's being hounded for not wanting to live with a homo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't worry Torba. When your website takes a hit due to this censorship, it won't be the end of THE world, just the end of yours. Torbas world didn't take a hit when people were banned for actual legal speech. what makes you think they will leave in droves because he has put his foot down over child porn cartoons? You are bestowing yourself more importance than you actually have. Sorry, but GAB has been exposed and the media is already on it. I've won this. https:\/\/www.sankakucomplex.com\/2018\/10\/19\/free-speech-platform-gab-bans-lolicon\/ Actually, i think these Lolicon people do care very strongly about their right to be nonces. They are addicted the feeling of being aroused by children. #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q #TheAwakening #MAGA #Pegida #Afd #Orban #Putin #Brexit #Qanon #QAnon #qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #Qanuck #TheStorm Pretty much.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Herschel Walker calls for CNN to fire HOUSE NIGGER Don Lemon over racist' Kanye West criticism https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/herschel-walker-calls-for-cnn-to-fire-don-lemon-over-racist-kanye-west-criticism","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will never tolerate the systematic murder of Muslims in this country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Corey Booker is a fudge-packing rapist. #Spartacus #DefeatThePartyOfCrime @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @christophheer @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Ambassador4Christ @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @Delilah_Manny @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @ramcclean @margerine2000 @blogdog @CookieMuffen @The_Western_Man @Znews An uppity high yellow nigger who engages in sexual assault? NOW I'VE HEARD EVERYTHING.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol Wow a meme of a short dick German faggot talking about Trump? Wow, you showed me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What hate most about PUSSY FAGGOT MUST DIE GEORGE SOROS....IS HE HIDES BEHIND HIS $$$MONEY$$$!!! https:\/\/www.sott.net\/article\/396804-Courtesy-of-Soros-Sen-Ted-Cruz-and-wife-harassed-at-DC-restaurant-by-leftist-mob-protesting-against-Kavanaugh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dirty dishrag whore Lana Del Rey has no right to question Kanye West since she is an untalented hack. Look, I don't like Kanye's music, but I respect Kanye the person. Him calling for the repeal of the 13th Amendment makes me respect him more. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/lana-del-rey-called-kanye- Do you want the 13th amendment abolished?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Having said that, the cowardly cunt that hit Conor from behind should get a lifetime ban. Disgraceful behaviour. Surprised Conor didn't press charges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The guitar player in that band is a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like basically the John Birch society except with more \"NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know Gab is the only way some of you keep up with me, and it looks like that might be a problem. Going forward, so please be sure to get on my email list, and know that we also have a forum on my website where you can connect with other listeners. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/forum\/index.php https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/subscribe\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol @ redneck fantasies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The blue check mark just means that you're one of twatter's approved persons. This became apparent when they started to unverify people they didn't like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a heartless piece of shittttt... disturbing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I disagree with this. The retard stopped on the bridge for attention I think the appropriate response is to either get off or jump not hold everyone hostage. Holy fuck. I finally foind you. Someone as dead and more morally reprehensible than HITLER. Hey guys i found him!!! Find a bridge of your own and do a flip, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or the teach might get u got RT @abstraktalante: I really hate a disrespectful ass bitch in class. The professor is talking you STFU bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm so mixed the mutt on my avatar is a pretty good assessment of my family genealogy. I've always lived as a hard working and partying country redneck white trash weirdo. Meh, it's a livin. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol bet he hasnt flown outta the US ask him where africa is on the map dumb fuck You do not like it here. think you be better in Africa, have at it. Delta is ready when you are. I hope you mean cargo planes. :) And that is a very noble thought. I would not be so nice, I have to admit. Just do it. Africa is in dire need of all of these doctors, and neuro-surgeons! Talent such as this must be shared by all of Africa!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger facts and staying alive. ********************* @occdissent @jackcorbin @Cantwell @TomKawczynski @BillyRoper @TexasVet @Oliver_Revilo @Grabthepelts @WilliamPierceLovesYou @NordicFrontier @Spahnranch1969 @JaredHowe @NormanSpear1 @NameTheJew @Mondragon @ProleSerf @NormanSpear1 @Eric_StrikerDS @JFGariepy @Patrick_little Good advice. I've noticed the same. Negroes seem to be well-behaved in predominately white environments, but revert back to apes in groups. Just niggaz doing nig nog things. That is an extremely useful list of do's and don'ts when forced to be around niggers. Interestingly, it was written by Bill Cosby. #GDL tell your kids explicitly never trust or help any dark raced people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I thought Islam was a religion not a race? I wonder why Hitler had affinity for pedo Mohamed? He actually said in table talk that whites should have been Muslim instead of Christian. Very telling that you chose to read gay erotica long after the book in question (that is so bad even Wikipedia says it's garbage) has been debunked The JEWS have done a very good job of vilifying Hitler. They need to keep bashing him because if you actually read Mein Kampf you will know how intelligent Hitler was. He certainly was comfy with the filthy Zionists so what is the real truth I don't know. The holocaust surely didn't happen, but it should have! That is what gives me pause about Hitler is the fact that he should have done what he has been accused of. The \"work\" camps were actually safe spaces for Jews as they should have been bombed since they produced for the war. The complete inversion of history! Jews are LIARS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These sandwiches disgust me so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A fucking life sentence? Jeez, give that lady her pussy pass back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The #midwest of the US is white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lillivonschtupp @13Damage @BrazenModels I don't likes dat magazine. All da black folk look like dey one chromeasome away from da ape","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alyssa is a fraud who in no way represents women. Scary how many blindly follow the disgusting twat and deem her a hero. Tweets are forever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"one man's trash is another man's wife.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vote November 6th! I saved this pic and merged with Trump Leadership .. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) http:\/\/twitter.com\/realdonaldtrump we need justice sir https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2016\/09\/23\/us\/islamerica-secret-costs-islamophobia\/index.html Liberals get these little kids to make these speeches because they know it would not have any effect if an adult tried to spin it. Muslims are killing Christians. That is the bottom line obama was not a real president he was and is an enemy of the state http:\/\/twitter.com\/realdonaldtrump - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/rushlimbaugh - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/ingrahamangle - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/seanhannity - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/tuckercarlson - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/thefive - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/foxnews - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/kilmeade - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/dbongino - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/kanyewest - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/candeceo - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/kimstrassel - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/realjameswood - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/kimberlyguilfoyle - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/greggutfeld - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/jessewaters - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/danaperino - join Gab.Ai http:\/\/twitter.com\/benshapiro - join Gab.Ai Conservative base is waiting for you to show social media they dont control us President help us Kill Twitter Join Gab.Ai The Left will hemorrhage Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Love it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm 49 when we fought people died for their flag not just in on the streets in their homes at work places, we know in Northern Ireland how when this starts there's no going back I've seen people lose their lives for their flag. The mainland U.K. is infected with leftists and liberals and a couple of percent Muslim. Brexit is our goal atm. As an American observer of the UK....I see Scotland breaking away first....and then the inevitable united Ireland....The UK will only be of England and Wales Yea yea yea you ever been here? What they gonna do with 1 million Protestant unionists and the ROI can't afford us same goes for Scotland. Pipe dreams I live near the border and it's being blown out of all proportion ffs We have a plant in NI....I visit there often Well you're not visiting the right places then, if you think the ROI can afford to take on nearly 2 million extra people as well as the strive there would be you're safer just concentrating on your own problems. I'm aware it costs London 11 billion yearly to keep you going...so NI contributes nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The explanation for the Bible, as our retarded kosher friend can't seem to explain, was \"inspired by\" God. So yes, it was written by men and deliberated on by a council which dictated the books it would contain. You're correct.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some women get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I GUESS SHE'LL BE SEEING LEATHERNECKS IN HER NIGHTMARES THEN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Listening to the lyrics of songs gives you an idea of how retarded a lot of them are. And these retarded songs give people checks bigger than 10 years worth of work for the majority of whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EsotericEntity This retard needs a lesson in capitalism. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=tc4bae7Qla8andfeature=youtu.beanda=","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BONITAO_DAS_TAPIOCA Has just been MUTED and REPORTED for spamming tranny porn If you cock suckers ever get around to tagging me with great looking naked ACTUAL WOMEN - \"NOT\" men with TITS I won't report you but I might still MUTE you ONLY FAGGOTS LIKE FAGGOTS And you @BONITAO_DAS_TAPIOCA ARE A FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i realize the nba - nfl dominated by niggers because theyre biggest fastest strongest race . i also realize euro race has better lives than niggers because were the most intelligent spirited productive life loving people on earth . but the insane stupid nigger protesters think their unhappiness is my fault whom they live off of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so of course cuck faggot Rick Wilson \"admires\" Avenatti and adores his \"giant, clanking balls\" (while wiping drool from his chin no doubt)...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At least you know what you are suspended for. They shut me down with nary a word. For being conservative. Yes, and it's wrong. I believe it will come to a head at some point. May not be until after November, but at some point there will not be a choice. Until pushed back, big tech will continue to push further and further to the left. Yes. They've killed free speech. Eventually everyone gets jacked by Twitter. Poor Jack is listed as a traitor\/pawn. And we heard what Kasich said happened to McStain. He was a member of the traitor\/pawn club too. https:\/\/qmap.pub\/players well. Gordon i am BANNED AND SUSPENDED FROM FACEBOOK AND TWITTER, GAB IS THE ONLY PLACE I HAVE SEEN WHERE WE HAVE FULL FREE SPEECH AND EXPRESSION.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Americans believe in MAGIC! Liberals believe a supernatural \"blue wave\" is sure to rescue their cause. Antisemites believe that tiny Israel and the 15,000,000 Jews worldwide are controlling their lives through PLOTS. Then there are those ODD folks who follow Q, with its' hashtags and cryptic abbreviations. I'm puzzled, skeptical to a fault. Anybody? Being against Jews is not the same thing as being against all Semites. Therefore anti-Jew doesn't necessarily equal anti-Semite. I have problems with Jews but I love Sumerians and Canaanites and Phoenicians, which are all Semite groups.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I say we 'knock off' this evil cunt and be done with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LeMarquand: Muslim group slaughters 43 children in Nigerian school, children burned alive, shot and slit throats tried 2escape.. http: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very telling that OP feared being shadowbanned I know the admins don't like free speech, but there's no way he'd get banned just for that. It's not even an unpopular opinion, like most posts there. Possibly. But this is reddit. I've been banned for commenting in this sub, by a completely different sub. Was not even anything to do with what I posted - just that I posted it here. Maybe not - but it's hard to say. Eh, I don't think so. But alright.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am an atheist and it pisses me off how much they shit on Christians. What makes it worse is they bend over backwards to promote muzzie murder cult rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Okay, look: SW is cardboard cutouts against a pretty background. It's not deep and meaningful at all. Thus my comparison, in a SARCASTIC WAY, that HP is less deep. Get it yet? Ah, how I love the \"I was only pretending to be retarded\" defense. >> It's a fairly shitty kid's book people. If you are over the age of say, 18, and it's still \"deep and meaningful\" for you, I'm very sorry you have to wear a helmet everywhere you go. > \"pseudo intellectual\"? No. It's a critique of the books and their concepts. Nothing \"pseudo intellectual\" about it. Jesus. Unclench, mortimer. It's hilarious how your defense of your pseudo-intellectualism is *itself* pseudo-intellectual. Get over yourself, your earlier comment wasn't a critique of any concept; it was just an attempt at making yourself feel better because you don't like a popular franchise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SHAME ON BRITAIN: Sixty-thousand British War veterans are homeless' While sixty million plus Moslims will be kipping in a nice council house tonight This government want stringing up? the brit goobermint is sucking muzzie dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for black vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SteveWorks4You @teaparty ...anti American Republicans and teabaggers stop forcing ur religion on the rest of us. Stockman u dont pray.liar","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's something so satisfying about an Australian dude saying fuck off. Fun fact, not as satisfying through text. The sentiment is the same though. Faeck off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finnish Court Rules Sex With Children Is Permitted. What the fcuk are you thinking Finland, it's not right under any religion. Noooooooooooo https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/finnish-court-sex-children\/ Woah, hold on. The ruling is not only pro-pedo, it's also got racist icing on top.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tr4ns people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NRCC hates being control, they want to be 2nd, way more donations to skim off of.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"have Failed to Prove that #Q is fake\" this fucking nigger has failed to prove that earth isn't a giant bowl of macaroni #OWNED I only call white people niggers. And since I'm white myself, I can't be racist, because racism is power, plus prejudice, plus not being a stupid white nigger who believes in Qspiracies. This is the academic definition. Take it up with Harvard if you got a problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like the mainstream media (MSM) is doing a little bit of soul searching after the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation. MSM now realizes their \"power of suggestion\" and propaganda is meaningless to an American populous that is now POLITICALLY AWAKE! #MAGA #Ghost https:\/\/youtu.be\/zAFhrVbrXDw The press has been untrustworthy my whole life. I'm old enough to remember the 1993 Dateline NBC exploding fuel tank story, where NBC couldn't get gas tanks to blow up while rolling the vehicle over (which lawsuits alleged would happen), so they simply strapped explosives on the tanks to MAKE the trucks blow up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This whole game, I've been trying to figure out why the Dutch are wearing yellow. SMH.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Opinions are like asshole, everybody has one. Very hard to tell from the context if you're agreeing or disagreeing with my post. Judging by your profile, you aren't some tool from another subreddit coming here to troll so I can only assume you're agreeing with me am I correct ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya just can't fix stupid...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haet trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No black person deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus, retard. You don't have the slightest clue why the linked article was written. Of course you can't hit targets using magic skills - you need to know how far away the guy is. That's why the average numbers used to estimate the distance and the bullet drop are given to you. Just go away dumbass. I didn't read the article I'm making fun of your stupidity that the size of a target makes it harder to hit. Which is completely retarded. When the size of a target is used to estimate the range and also the holdover it's not retarded. YOU are the only retarded thing around here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Based on your opinion. I'm guessing you never actually read a study or two. Let alone lived the other half. Yet u claim to be more enlightened? Get fucked you smug cunt. What good does it do to get a rise out of you. I'm just saying it like I see it. Ur behavior is that of a daft cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tracksideonline: There will be track sweeping during this yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical b i t c h behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're actually retarded, my guy. In the US, State over Federal government is a right wing ideology. Dividing a massive country into smaller, more easily governable forces, is a right wing ideology. Right to own guns, even if stronger background checks and requirements are enforced, is a right wing ideology. Racism isn't a right wing ideology. Misogyny isn't a right wing ideology. If you think they are, you're an idiot. Conservative economics, I can level with you: those aren't great. But condemning a person for his political beliefs - condemning an entire demographic of people - makes you a fucking asshole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pre-sale tickets are listed for as much as $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God awful ugly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Kushner's people killed Jesus.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did that worthless fat faggot even see what Razor did to MovieBlob after Chipman tried going after him?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All right: I need to explain something. People are asking me to contact Roseanne Barr for them. No. Absolutely not. For one thing, I wouldn't do that to her. BUT. For another thing, that's not the nature of our relationship. She's in the driver's seat, which is the way it has to be. I don't pick up the phone and say, \"Hey! Let's jabber!\" We're friends, but it's a friendship based on ideas. And she's the one who is in control of the contact. She first contacted me, and that's the way we've kept it. Roseanne is under pressures that most of us can't comprehend, so my role is to be there for her instead of adding to her burdens. I don't want anything from Roseanne. When we finally met in person, I felt very relaxed. It was as if we'd already met and known each other for years and years. But I never lose track of the FACT that it's a privilege to know her. A privilege is something that is offered. I'm not ENTITLED to a thing. When Roseanne calls, we talk. But I don't call her. It's just not what we do. When we met in person for the first time, she had over 800 messages on her phone. That was from a period of maybe 90 minutes. So I don't call her, and I will not pass on any requests from strangers. I'm not going to do anything that has even the remotest possibility of causing trouble for Roseanne. She's the boss. A nice boss. But the boss. That's a decision I made so that she would never have to worry about me betraying her. As I said, it's just the way things have to be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CANCEL THIS CUNT ISLAMIC BITCH !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger raus !!! Gilt auch f r Sandnigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MOMBOT THE GAMERGATE GUY WHO PRETENDS TO BE A WOMAN DOXED WILDGOOSE! not even liking kemono friends could change my opinion of him. all gamergaters are cancer. I mentioned earlier, the faggot ended up blocking me just for being friends with Ralph.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looky looky out for some nooky, man style! WTF, is CNN faggot central? Don and Anderson giving each other BJ' under the desk!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blacks are all experts on racism. Could it be because many of them are vile racists themselves? Sadly, they are not experts on the English language. *diminish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"USER REPORTS: 1: Can we not fall into the degenerative route of discussing porn on this subreddit? Pretty please? Tits are life, ass is hometown.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"zuckercunt is a thought police nazi cunt who should fuck off and die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"these are the people you want to suck off though you pathetic jew hating faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pisssssssssssssssssssssss bang that the mental gome evil monster cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a plane, it's a bird, nah it's just me doing laps around the dam. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should not let women suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, how about a friendly \"Not Safe For Eyes\" on that, you cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope she knows Spanish is originally from SPAIN, a white European place. She is also \"culturally appropriating\" Europeans by speaking English. Yeah, I don't get why it's alright for white people to learn a European language suck as Italian, but not for them to learn primarily minority spoken languages. But, it's ok for minorities to speak a European language, e.g. in my Italian class, there's about an even amount of whites to minorities, double standards. It's the ramblings of an uneducated person who has, most likely, never been outside of the US. They also expect people in entirely different cultures to just know the nuances of American race relations. Actually, since you guys elected Trump, it's probably less \"resentment\" and more a mix of... other emotions. I'm German. I'm suitably embarrassed. No need to! Well, to be fair, most Germans speak and write English so well that it's impossible to use language clues to identify them! :-P I've been told that Spainards aren't white. They're \"off-white\". Lile Greeks, Italains, Jews, and Canadians. I can maybe see how someone might think that about Greeks and Spaniards but I lived in Italy for years and people there for the most part are white as fuck Never underestimate the level of stupid, or racism, that white trash America can produce.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many children did he rap and killed and got away with it evil cunt hope he still rotting in he'll","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The last time I saw something so Retarded is when My neighbor tried to wire in his own electric hot tub.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger tax","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fat fucking funky nasty ass hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many Jihadis in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My manager is also a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @trianglesoul: I wanna eat weed brownies but then I ask my self if I really wanna spend countless hours watching a documentary on sea tu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RottenStenchDat was Charlie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @espn: Hot off the press, here s Todd McShay s first post-Combine NFL mock draft, including a new No. 1. http:\/\/t.co\/su5ixWrthq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate Harry Potter and Rowling is a cunt but Dumbledore has always been gay, as far as i know, and the movies\/books were mostly white not all white. The Nagini thing, who gives a shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1400 girls get raped by muslim pedophiles subhuman trash - no one bats an eye. **BIG ANIME TIDDIES** - everyone loses their minds. UK YASSS!!! (at this point I vote for replacing Sweden as the most cucked nation in the world, I mean Germany was about to take the title but UK just scored a hat-trick in the last minute) The fact that you literally believe the bullshit you just made up is a testament to how retarded americans are. No wonder the entire planet mocks americans!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're right, even if a candidate steps up and get elected on a platform of expelling non-whites they'll be met with violent resistance by at least 1\/3rd of whites and by the the hundreds of millions of non-whites already in the country. No doubt that the Illuminati\/Jesuit\/Jewish controlled system will be hard to defeat, no amount of politics will defeat the Jewish\/Illuminati\/Jesuit controlled system.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the porch monkey president is trying to take credit for the economy again https:\/\/youtu.be\/CKpso3vhZtw That lowlife nigger NEVER did anything for our country! He will NOT be allowed to take credit for what Trump has done!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why this Muzzie POS traitor even has a statue, besides in the ghettos, is beyond comprehension!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The 100 people that disliked this are just salty that we are stealing your dates.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Would you rather be a monkey or a gorilla? Neither, they're both hairy! But if I had to choose, a monkey. They... http:\/\/t.co\/h2RQF5OqWb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next g a y person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murdering a black person like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By saying there were 10x more fansubbers you're admitting fansubbers still exist, which means that they didn't die out. Your own words are playing themselves against you. Also, more and more people are abandoning CrunchyRoll, soon enough CrunchyRoll will die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckin' #faggots, man. #science knows these FUCKS can't procreate without the help of \"breeders\" but we treat them #fancy? #sin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I live in a niggerhood, where every trip to the local grocery store is like a trip to an African jungle, complete with savages dancing around a boiling cauldron waving their spears. They curse out and assault YT for committing the following \"hate crimes\": being in front of them in the checkout line, asking them to move their bloated hippo asses when they stand in the middle of an aisle ooking into their sail foams, expecting them to finish their shopping before getting into the checkout line, expecting them to supervise their thieving little sproglets who are running around the store stuffing items under their shirts and getting in peepo's way. A few weeks ago one of them chimped out because she thought the YT cashier had ripped her off, so she ran around the store walloping White shoppers in the back with her tote bag full of canned goods. Nobody tried to stop her or call the cops. Being accosted and bullied while using the sidewalk is a common occurrence where I live. Niggers have always been virulent racists, even in Africa different tribes take turns killing each other. Now they've been groomed to believe that it's perfectly OK to assault someone for having White skin, and they know they will get away with it. In other words, they have a bloated sense of entitlement to commit hate crimes and racial attacks, and rules that apply to others don't apply to them. If YT calls the cops about a racially motivated nigger assault, it's YT who gets punished for racism, not the nig nog. Whites have to realize that we are already embroiled in a race war with these niggers and their ((enablers)). Every racial attack by a nigger is a strike by the enemy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I understand your sentiment, but I think it's important to be ready, willing and able to shut those cunts down the second they try their shit. There's been too many riots, assaults, instances violence against politicians etc. At some point we'll be knocked off our high horse with a bike lock and shot by some deranged TDS prick and I won't let that happen to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we're all getting vand aren't we. that chubby faggot is gonna fold and sell us all down the river for a hoagie and a bucket of cheese fries isn't he?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd like to kick this faggot into next week.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dear retarded civnats, virtue signalling won't save you, we told you fucking idiots to stop punching right, have you learned yet, nope another based nigger post. More virtue signalling to the people who want to kill you. Even destroying your own genetic heritage won't work","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tucker Asks Jorge Ramos How Many Caravan Members HE Was Taking In. \"You don't want to understand that this has nothing to do with individuals Someone better tell that to Mollie Tibbets and Kate Steinle Things got awkward fast after Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked Univision anchor Jorge Ramos to state exactly how many caravan members HE planned to personally take in. Ramos, an outspoken immigration advocate, spoke with Carlson remotely on Tuesday from the caravan in southern Mexico. The Fox News host's question came after the Univision host made several comments defending its members, including insisting unequivocally that none of them were from the Middle East. \"How many of these migrants are you taking in personally into your home and are supporting once they get into the United States? Carlson asked. \"I think that's a great question and that's precisely the kind of question that people like you ask when you don't want to understand that this has nothing to do with individuals, responded Ramos. \"It has to do with nations. And what we have to understand is that these refugees are not a threat to the United States. I know that in Fox News \"Before you attack Fox, this is a simple question, Carlson interrupted. \"How many are you taking in? After a back and forth that included Ramos stating that immigrants' desire to come is \"really a love letter to the United States, the Fox News host pressed again: \"I'm asking you a very simple question How many of these migrants are you personally taking responsibility for? How many are going home to Jorge's place in Miami at the end of the day? And please be specific. \"I think that again this has nothing to do with individuals. I wish I could help all of them, responded Ramos. \"How about three? asked Tucker. After another dodge, Carlson told Ramos: \"I could count on you to do a stand-up next to them but probably not to help them, I noticed. \"People are very upset about the migrant crisis, Carlson told the audience after Ramos had signed off. \"Not upset enough to help personally but upset enough to demand that you help. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't fuck a scary hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@shadesofsilver i have MLG videos on YouTube They're very cancerous and retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a faggot would try it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you look like a Jewish faggot who raped his own grandson. Go gas yourself you walking lampshade. It's interesting what happens when you run your avatar pic through Google images. I must say, you look an AWFUL lot like the image used to promote a Wild West Rodeo show in Montana. As a matter of fact, it's the exact same image! Gee.....what a coincidence it's almost like your avatar AND your profile are...GASP...FAKE AS THE HOLOCAUST!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@UberFacts: 15 sad TV character deaths we're still bitter over... http:\/\/t.co\/uLclFUF8nC http:\/\/t.co\/1RXYQOOsM0\"ned stark was the man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical c o o n behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah- im from a really chill town in Arkansas where pretty much no one has rednecky accents but everyone still says 'y'all' its kinda ingrained in my language at this point","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clueless, idiotic fucking bitch needs to tell that bullshit to China and India, the biggest polluters on the planet!!! Just another idiotic fucking cunt who needs to get the fuck out of politics!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is unfortunate that they act like that when challenged, because challenge is what is required to grow. Indeed. I'm going to post a chart of the Polytheistic deities later from the different cultures and languages since they all worship the same gods and goddess. EDIT: I really don't care what name they attach to them either since they're all the same character.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And carrot is up.her cunt hole","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When trans people talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God willing, they WILL hit the bottle. Hope that multitudes of them drink themselves retarded and then drive into concrete embankments. #NaturalSelection","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"bbc you will be utterly destroyed and anyone working for you will be thrown on the fire, you covered up the abuse and murder of children and employ the likes of graham norton a faggot who openly jokes about this criminality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim Cop Shoots Innocent Autistic Teen from his Vehicle in a Drive-By Shooting https:\/\/www.dcclothesline.com\/2018\/10\/22\/muslim-cop-shoots-innocent-autistic-teen-from-his-vehicle-in-a-drive-by-shooting\/ I would like to invite this commenter to spend some time in a locale that doesn't have the quality of officers that the USA does. No better lesson learned than the school of hard knocks... SO SAYS A TWAT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will the great state of Maryland sink so low as to put a nigger in the Governors Mansion this November ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That sounds so fucking retarded \"swearing\", who in the hell uses that anyway, its fucking cussing or cursing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"We must restore traditional white family values!11!\" The same people unwittingly hate their own families \"I hate Boomers!\" \"I hate GenX!\" \"I hate Millenials!\" \"I hate GenZ!\" etc. \"Save the white race, but I hate families!\" Dumbasses. How are you going to save your families, when you keep hating one another??? You aren't red pilled. You're f'k'n stupid. Everyone hates a shill, especially the negative, mentally retarded ones. Tell me, if you hate Gab so much, \"Gab is still a Trainwreck,\" what are you doing here and why do I repeatedly see you trying to offend people? Why don't you go do something positive? Total loser, or here for a specific purpose?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@PCMag Overpriced complete trash. Not even debatable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The landlord had nothing to do with it. The city council forced the landlord to kick her out *and* is telling the landlord he can't rent to *anyone* for 3 months. She's a cunt, but this is still bullshit. Because England has gone fucking mental. I agree this lady is a cunt of epic proportions but all she did was write a note and leave it on a car. That news article reads like some Orwellian horror story. \"We are hopeful this order will demonstrate how seriously we take anti-social behaviour and discourage the offender from acting the same way again.\" Got it. Leave mean notes, be made homeless by governmental decree. Seems legit. Holy shit the UK is a mess. Also this never would have been made news if she were a minority. Wouldn't want to seem racist. Because *that* would be ridiculous. Also England (and most countries) do not have free speech (unfortunately). That is an American concept.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anybody just hear POTUS body slam that broad? DJT: Thinking? No reason to start now. Reporter: Excuse me? she says in the all too typical cunt reporter tone. Little cunts have berated this president unmercifully for two years straight, every second of every day. I won't mind if he kicks her in the side too. STFU DEEP STATE HACKS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You buy ANYTHING from a muslim business, you are financing a hit on yourself. Same with jewish businesses. They hate you more than you can ever hate them. Grow a pair, don't be a lazy twat and boycott every Middle-Eastern and Asian business you can.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another NPC Soy Boy faggot Twitter-verified faggot. Shape shifting kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This hot chocolate and Famous Amos too bomb right now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THE SECOND MASS MEAT RECALL from an American Meat Packing company which employs large numbers of Somali Muslim employees http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/05\/the-second-mass-meat-recall-from-an-american-meat-packing-company-which-employs-large-numbers-of-somali-muslim-employees\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok where are all my #MAGA #RedPilled #Trump2020 #RedWave people at?? FOLLOW ME!!! Got tired of being zucced so I'm here..... I'm sorry but i just have to do this out of Facebook suppression....LIBERALS ARE TRANNY FAGGOT BITCH ASS NIGGA DYKE PIG FUCKING MUSLIM HOOKNOSE WETBACKS!!! AHHHH felt so good. #FreeSpeech","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Paganism is\" \"Paganism\" doesn't exist. >muh violence Meekly taking it up the ass and never fighting back is virtuous. You are a degenerate nigger toe sucker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or any retarded states in burgeria.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can jig, but I can't jig jig. like that new jigging got so much in it that you could do, you really gotta be in shape for it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh no! It's retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FF has been consistently one of Marvel's worst properties. Ultimate FF was good; but the entire Ultimate universe is now in the trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">I'm not retarded prove me wrong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Under Labor, you'll pay too much tax. #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weed brownies >>>> ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She sounds like a muppet, but being forced to pay 285 for being rude is bullshit. Kind of agree there. Nothing I saw on the note seemed \"threatening\". It's perfectly legal to be an asshole and say you hate your neighbors. Thank god for that, or I'd be fined every week. You missed the part where she went out to verbally harass a paramedic in the middle of doing his job? Verbal harrasment. That's like \"verbal assault\". Sounds nice. Not actually a thing. Did she threaten anyone? Because that's a thing. Just being an utter twat? Not illegal. Perhaps she was fined for \" causing a disturbance\", which is actually an offence. Did she actually touch, obstruct, or otherwise interfere with somebody? Fineable offence. Just yelling and being a complete bitch? Not illegal. Yeah, if you were intentionally doing anything to distract or annoy someone currently trying to save my life, I'd consider that equal to attacking me. Paramedic work requires some degree of attention and focus, and even if it didn't, she's still being a fuckwit. Also, you can't drive safely with a note stuck on your windshield. So she did actually obstruct somebody.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They fight like retarded Your comment sounds like you might be a little retarded. you type like retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First \"#tbt\" best and drunkest Yankees game ever #wheresColman #everclear http:\/\/t.co\/pKnLCylu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man in zebra print dress robs bank http:\/\/t.co\/3xaPAYzbge","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" mike calls me t-bird @mikemastroccco","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spartacus the nigger bull-faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought the same thing until I recognized the roots of most of our problems. They're jewish, you dig to the bottom of anything rotten or evil and you find a jew at the root. It's scary to be on this side, you're alone with a bunch of other truth seeking goys who've been preemptively fucked up by, you guessed it, the jews. All the while they're observing and strengthening their positions based on the feedback they get from you. Best you can do is give false information and poison the well, one of their favorite tactics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Triggering fucktards.... Dems Vs Repubs by the numbers. *last 50 yrs Years held Presidency Repub-28yrs Dem-22 yrs Total jobs created Repub-24 Million Dem-42 Million Stock market return Repub-109% Dem-992% GDP Repub- Hey cunt this is not a democrcy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">\"CERN considers the presentation delivered by an invited scientist during a workshop on >##**High Energy Theory and Gender** >as highly offensive, CERN said in a Sept. 30 statement. what >Strumia's comments also received massive backlash from a large group of particle physicists in the form of a letter on a site titled >##**\"[Particles for Justice](http:\/\/archive.is\/MvOFK). ** what (above link is to archive.is) from ParForJus: >Strumia argues that it is actually men who experience discrimination, since they are more likely to serve in wars and be used as forced labor. While many talented people of all genders still face barriers due to war and conflict, these concerns are not part of the experience of the majority of white male physicists born and raised in Europe or North America in the current era. He also misquotes the Istanbul convention as saying that men cannot be discriminated against, when the actual text is that \"special measures that are necessary to prevent and protect women from gender based violence shall not be considered discrimination under the terms of this Convention.\" ([Istanbul Convention](https:\/\/rm.coe.int\/168046031c), Chapter 1, Article Only if the nerds are also retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"japan only rejected 99 they should reject all those mother fuckers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrat Silly Season. Cuomo sends in the troops. Clearly an effort to motivate Democrat base. Pathetic and desperate. Gov. Cuomo: \"Out of an abundance of caution, I am deploying additional National Guard\" https:\/\/newyork.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/25\/suspicious-packages-robert-de-niro-vp-joe-biden\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Epic win by a nigger named Darkghostwind. I can tell Darkscythe is cracking under pressure. His day will come folks. Never trust a liberal. The fact that you took those comments seriously, lol me and Todd are friends and we were fucking with each other, your autism is showing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/fJ9rUzIMcZQ Always love Queen!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently im a honky. Pfft. Like that's a bad thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Pro-Lifers kill millions every year\" ummm....LINK??????? Yep Read the profile, parody acct. Not the real #CuckNorris account. started in Sept and he's not blocking haters... so yeah, parody account. He's claiming this is a parody account...don't believe that BS for a minute folks..it's him. His name is Jordan, but he goes by Mike.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a bitch?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was a safe choice. She backed a candidate I'm sure most her fans have never heard of. She didn't go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's great Canada did this but they're all still faggot Canadians","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Win the midterms for goodness sake... You dont bring the military in just before an election you retarded ape! Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As for the UK turning brown, that is sad...but I've never been there. I wish the White Brits godspeed. I am an American, ok? READING IS FUNDAMENTAL RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is right to be upset. Rogers center staff was way out of line. Who do they think they are? Some sort of commie relationship police? It's a concert. People kiss at concerts and if that bothers you, stay home and have fun by yourself. The women did not even kiss anyway so you obviously didn't even read the article and made an assumption. They were even kind enough to offer free tickets to the homophobic woman as well. You need to learn how to live with other people without getting upset over every little thing like something as harmless as a kiss. Grow up. I understand you now. Not much to think about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim is a religion you Fucking Twat and your not of color You're a Fucking White Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheGamecubeGuy I liked the day a bird got in your classroom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Buhbuhbuhbuh muh history of oppression! Buhbuhbuhbuh muh history of oppression! Buhbuhbuhbuh muh history of oppression! I know right? Almost like... maybe... some form of mental illness is afoot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@STACCS_WNT_FOLD you tell me, coon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The problem is you admitted your first loyalty is to a universalist religion that is one of many factors contributing to white genocide. Your first loyalty is to some Christian nigger rather than our own people. I am guessing you believe Israel to be the \"Holy Land\" rather than Europe?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the Laws in Europe are just as nigger rigged as they are in the U.S. My cousin was a Sargent in the US army and was stationed there for three years the talked great about their government today... Saying it was now a socialist country but then you read shit like this and they sound just as fucked up legally as we are they just get health care....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ArcticFox2016: 150 Christians MASSACRED By Jihadi Muslims While They Slept! Including Pastor, His Wife and Kids http:\/\/t.co\/VnR60MjFo6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@jayswaggkillah: Jackies a retard #blondeproblems\" At least I can make a grilled cheese!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any words?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bash all white women. Bash all men. Bash all white people for their \"whiteness.\" Got it. @lovelymiss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Malkin: 'Sincere' Christine Blasey Ford or Sincere BULLCRAP? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VV019fkNOqs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Foto: mimiblargh: ok pls consider this: kingdom birbs (can u guess who is who and what birds they are???... http:\/\/t.co\/NWjUmmEWNJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Lewis's estate as well as hundreds of fans who love the book for it's Christian message are going to be PISSED OFF. Oh, boy, I can already see the shitload of articles about \"toxic\/entitled Narnia fans\" and how the Netflix show is not for them so it's okay to make it a tumblr version of it if that's the case, because if you're a fan of something you have to like everything related to it and if you don't eat it up even if it's total bullshit you're an entitled fan and the thing would be better off without fans like you. I'm surprised they choose Narnia, I mean, it has a lot of Christian stuff on the books, but maybe that's why? I don't know, or care, the thing is probably going to suck. My bet is it will be Susan and they will use her sexuality to flip the \"outgrew Narnia\" into a good\/right thing Hah they could go full Wicked\/Maleficent and she can go shack up with Jadis and all the bad things said were just pro Aslan propaganda because he hates free and empowered whammenz; and it turns out that the deplorable word that dooms civilisations, completely freezing any progress and eventually ensures their utter annihilation was *'feminism'* : P Eustace. He was raised by repressive parents and goes to Narnia to find his true self. At least he didn't go through the Wardrobe. The rewriting would write itself. > goes to Narnia to find his true self Yep he goes and gets his drag-on. the only white one duh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most of our senate just officially declared that they do not agree with such a simple, innocent and honest phrase. Too many of our politicians cave in to political correctness and falling in line with the establishment. We need more Hanson's and Anning's in our government.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't believe I have to explain the nuances of a fairy tale to a grown-ass woman, but here goes. Snow white couldn't give consent cause she was unconscious, due to a witch's curse. A curse that could only be broken by the Prince's kiss. Lets take a poll. Ladies, would you rather remain unconscious forever, or be awoken by the kiss of a handsome prince?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Georgetown Prof Who Tweeted \"Castrate Corpses\" of White Men Placed on Leave https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/georgetown-prof-who-tweeted-castrate-corpses-of-white-men-placed-on-leave\/ via @BigLeaguePol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fairy tale world lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO ONE WHO IS NOT A FUCKING MORON believes a LOW IQ Faggot could have pulled the Fake Bomb thing off !! STINKS of FALSE FLAG DEEP STATE BULLSHIT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This left-wing troll cunt allowed to run rampant on Fakebook confederate pages https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/beth.b.croken?fref=ufiandrc=p The cunts friends\/sock puppet accounts https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/nick.mosher.7?fref=ufiandrc=p https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/jack.sovereights?fref=ufiandrc=p","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Classic! This what happens when you buy into the fake news that Trump is anti-semitic and that celebrity opinions matter. What an unabashed retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"E250 5.4 motor and trannyI have a 2008 5.4 triton motor and Transmission with 5,200 miles that came off a E250... http:\/\/t.co\/d5gic83k0V","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/mLFuCqIIFA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sinking the SS Muzzie would ensure it's only used once. If you traffic invaders, you should have to go down with the ship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cmon man, that aint true! I mean, Menendez is just a corrupt pedophile. Feinstein is a treasonous Chinese spy. Ellison is a muzzie wife beater (but I repeat myself...). Hillary is just a friendly neighborhood mob boss witch. Bernie just happens to be too much of a commie even for communes. Cumallah Harris is a lying whore. Shartacus is a self-admitting groper. Barry 0bama0 is a muzzie Kenyan fag ex-president commie organizer. Michael 0bama0 is a man amd a tranny ex first \"lady\". Nothing to see there, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no words for people like this other than that. FFS what is this person thinking. Fucking retards get noticed because of the internet. 30 yrs ago they stayed in the hole and no one had to listen to their shit. Now they get websites like Infowars or get elected potus.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A lot of Whites still don't get it, you can't just go anywhere you please anytime you want and not expect to get attacked by wild nigger beasts. We are NOT all the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well that escalated quickly... shescalated Truly beautiful. This dude ~~frito~~ lays bitches.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NG5_ Thirsty Giants are always like \"ho, ho, ho\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope that that POS Kenyan faggot has fun being raped at GITMO later https:\/\/youtu.be\/7OINZQW063I","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another random nigger mug shot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@aravosis May I jump in u ball-less dick-wad? As a conservative, feminist, disabled vet bitch, I wish u luck with a capital F. @DLoesch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You should inform your daughter that she's a fucking retard for caring what the genitalia on her dentist is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_lvrking: chris brown is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"supporting the white poppy over the red is so bloody insulting, if this cunt knew anything he'd realise that many men were handed WHITE feathers to shame them into fighting, men died because of that. yet Symon *jewish cough jewish* of course doesn't give a https:\/\/twitter.com\/brianwoodmc\/status\/1051738825964351488?s=21","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see \/u\/girlwriteswhat go off on this as she is a better researcher than I will ever be ... BUT the history of *Human* rights is mostly a history of fighting for *Men's Rights*. Albeit that the Magna Carta was wealthy landed men fighting for rights against a more powerful institution (in the form of a King) it is implicitly represents a fight for *balancing* the rights and responsibilities of all parties in a society. The US Revolution was a fight for rights fundamentally. These rights may originate with landed men, or men, or (gasp) white men but the Western system has repeatedly, and invariably, projected those initial rights onto every person in the society over time. And women's marches? Really? I could not care less. Even as a pre-teen dragged to these stupid things by my mother I could not help but wonder how useless marches were; especially when conjoined with the endless retarded chanting that happens therein.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Green Day - Walking Contradiction https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UymN5scMpZM same dude same","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RAPEY SOMAILI MUSLIMS ARE THE VERY WORST SAND NIGGERS !! Asians and Latinos coming into America are bad enough.. but the niggers are the absolute scum of the earth.. the bottom of the shit pit..they are the nightmare of nightmares the niggers.. ok nigger lover! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is truly appalling to me that the unhinged loons among us think this behavior is acceptable in any way. I'm not sure how to approach this to rearrange deranged, no boundary thinking of these libz but we must find a way ~ make it harsh, swift and painful.... rather like getting the attention of a jackass. Never in my life have I seen this behavior exhibited toward a First Lady in our country and it cannot be tolerated. The deranged do this to make their insignificant, dull lives and persons seem to be more than they are, when in reality it proves their emotionally stunted, retarded ignorance and lack of growth. I find Melania to be an amazing woman. @news @Politics https:\/\/www.bizpacreview.com\/2018\/10\/11\/always-need-to-watch-your-back-melania-gets-real-on-bullying-says-she-still-cant-trust-everyone-in-admin-682745?utm_source=Push%20Notificationsandutm_medium=BPR","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her muzzie loving ass needs to be thrown out of Germany if the people ever want their country back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy probably works for twatter! Doxxed @AllbuttHindstain 6 days ago Hey jew@jew talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel. You suck rabbi jew dick spit'n swallow, then you lie about it and tell us how you didn't get a second helping. There is nobody here but me 'n you jew. If another jew or two show up they can be inhumane too. You torture humans 'n shit. Jew @kirkinNM , you will not lie to me 'n then ballerina fall down laughing tutu. Why don't you shave your balls 'n get that jew faggot curator\/assassin at the mossad art gallery to finger paint a wet tea bag again? You jew spoo facials 'n ass. FU!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NYC Media last week: LOL, look at the flyover peckerwoods freaking out.NYC Media now: BRING OUT YOUR DEAD.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow the dirty cunt is mad that ppl are sending her threats. I wouldn't have threatened you I WOULD HAVE BEAT YOUR ASS AND PUT YOUR BITCH ASS THROUGH YOUR DESK SUGAR!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lakers are a purple and yellow garbage can","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What you think i did it for you get the fuck out of here you cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My manager is also an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this how you treat shareholders, @Tesla? I said @ElonMusk's plans to colonize Mars were stupid since there are plenty of problems here on earth he could help solve with his resources, and he got triggered and blocked me! https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/6lby0n.jpg Hey might think Dice was a democrat, musk voted for trump. musk voted for Money ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"4D Chess. Trump says 'anonymous' perfectly fine, two days later he stumbles like a retard trying to say it, people think he's dumb as a result, they're being played for fools and don't even know it. https:\/\/youtu.be\/PoflnS5by0k?t=591","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Responsibility is something that needs to grow inside of everyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't this fucking nigger ever finish hiscigarette?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When he's not busy sucking nigger toes...........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/us-icon-rupaul-brings-drag-queens-closet- predators plain and simple. and their moms offer them up. disgusting. Exactly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @halfricannnnn: nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Grr... Woke up ickblah. Congestion ew chunky bloaty gross. Missed the gym. 1 1\/2hr wait for the Dr. Boo Friday. #whineytweet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up Dumb Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Space has been around dozens of years yet we know almost nothing about it.\" -- Black Science Man from \"12 Years an Afronaut\" \"1st Kang\" and \"1st Kang II: Trannies in Space\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It probably won't but there's a lot of laws that need to be made for immigrants coming legally into the country such as what I just mentioned and not being able to go on ANY government assistance for their first 5 years here. But seriously it's fucking bullshit how people can just move to another state and start voting almost immediately and how these faggot politicians like Mitt Romney can just move to another state and just become a senator. That shit needs to change to and have it to where you need to have lived in the state for at least 10 years and actually BE in the state at least 95% of the time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny that guy uses a Simpsons reference as they sound like one of the potentially two fags that cried and got apu kicked off the Simpsons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are sitting at a table minding your own business and some violent third world retard starts attacking you, give him the Han Solo treatment and shoot him with your gun under the table.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @WADL - Oregon Oct. 24-\"Police witnessed the fight, in which [Straight Minstrel] menaced 44-yr-old [homo] with a GUITAR. [Then Straight guy] and his dog assaulted [fag] who sought treatment for minor injuries\". http:\/\/dailytidings.com\/news\/top-stories\/ashland-gay-man-attacked-in-park Typical faggot wanting attention, i hope he got blasted by that guitar wwe style. @blazinherb - According to report, faggot got only \"minor injuries\". The homo was \"gay baiting\" a group of 4 friends in a public place- fag wanted to get hurt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But that is how #christinsanity spread (through dominating strife ) That was the beginning of White religions being overtaken by #jewreligions to enslave the mind of the #goyim. Free your mind. #endwhiteslavery #whiteslavery #jewreligions are cancer Paganism is a Form of true love for the #whiterace then #odinism which can be advanced to #creativity https:\/\/creativityalliance.com\/home\/what-a-creator-is-not\/#.W7fwNellDUU Nah, Norse religion in addition to being evil, you have to be a half wit to buy that comical drivel. Pick atheist, Gnostic, Buddhist, anything but that embarrassingly retarded crap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@CNN's Don Lemon Doubles Down On Racist Criticism Of Kanye - Calls WH Visit 'Minstrel Show' (VIDEO) https:\/\/americanlookout.com\/cnns-don-lemon-doubles-down-on-racist-criticism-of-kanye-calls-wh-visit-minstrel-show-video\/ via @amlookout","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid cunt didn't win the IQ auction either!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It takes a special skill to just shut the fuck up and listen. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My grandma threw out all of my raps. Ones I made from 7th grade to now. I'm literally crying. Thats all my work in the trash. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Da plane!! Da plane!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only time Kathy Griffin is funny is when she is completely melting down like the lunatic she is. Mmm the tears are delicious. They already know their \"resist\" bullshit is doomed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I shall not send threats to Shonterikka (what a nigger name, btw... oh, I'm not racist). I shall instead send my sincere wishes and hopes for her to find she has late-stage pulmonary cancer that also metastasized in her ovaries with a two week life expectancy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hilarious. The fact that it was on HuffPostLive makes it extra funny. I bet that Asian cunt thought she was in a beta male safe space.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"whoopi IS DISEASED GNARLY DNA DEVIANT NIGGER HER FACE IS A TRAIN WRECK UGLY CUNT SCUM RAY CHARLES WOULDN'T EVEN FACE FUCK THAT MONSTROSITY SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK CNN! And put the nasty old cunt in jail!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL pink sparkes IS a meme. I love how a womans first instinct is to insult a man's sexuality, when she was just trying to make money off of a mans sexuality. Everything is about sex, but sex to these hoes. I'd love to see this cunt in 20 years when she has hit the wall multiple times. She will probably still be unemployed sitting in front of her webcam, begging men for money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are being an annoying retard right now. Nazis arrested flamboyant gay men and labeled them with a pink triangle, they weren't gay wearing pink triangles, you moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oscar Taveras went yardie in his 2nd career MLB at bat. What a stud.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sadly that faggot will not have his visa revoked @CoreyJMahler and this shit dick also knows it can make those threats and not face any consequence","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Made this last night for my broadcasting Senpai's show... I've been saying the faggot rainbow flag should replace the Jude Star. I sure do appreciate these gaywads taking the initiative and effort to mark themselves for easy identification. Tolerance and acceptance are weapons wielded with aimed at luring you into ignoring what you know to be wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What OP means to say is that some stuff is \"close enough and people here get really asshurt when any actual moderation is done. Also, fuck the lot of you cucklets for downvoting this guy, he's been nothing but cordial here. Ohhhhh it's sooooo wrooong for an SJW to ban someone for wrongthink, but this guy's asking too many questions, quick, make sure people can't see it. So I'm NOT retarded, and it actually has nothing to do with Censorship, Ethics, OR Journalism, and is just regular gaming news as I thought? Jesus Christ, thank you for actually answering me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#calgary #Alberta #Canada Apparently #welfare for a large family is not enough to live comfortably EVEN with weekly #foodbank groceries, so #refugees send their wives out to BEG in traffic. (IN~~ traffic- if you hit one of these RETARDS, your screwed. Thats why #Nenshi is lowering the speed limit. They and their kids walk and play IN TRAFFIC #Edmonton Full on. These people have no shame or sense of gratitude to the Canadians being kind enough to not run them over, an action that would occur in the muslim homelands if the back home compatriots were faced with the wives of Canadian colonising invaders, begging in the middle of the road. Well actually the average low world muzzie in his homeland would probably stop his put-put and rape the Canadian girl begging on his street. Then maybe he'd think about all that other murderous intent stuff. We're really nice people us Whites. If anyone denies it, they're on the edge of madness via marxism or a lesser creature that can't see beyond it's desire to steal our shiny shiny stuff. I don't smile at mudvaders anymore unless i'm being paid to do it, or they're kind enough to actually be nice, which is generally rare, especially amongst the asians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Comedian George Lopez Confronts Trump Supporter At Hooters .. Try me next WETback punk ..https:\/\/youtu.be\/9UbJqOQowBM?t=2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is how a leftist does logic. The fact that the comments condemning her have higher points means there was no attempt at a pussy pass here. lol. The point of the post is how retarded the excuses are for her idiocy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I did not want to hurt him. My intention was for people to stop hurting me. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/L7hD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That little faggot needs to be aborted. Too late. He's been out of the womb and been living in his parent's basement. He needs AIDS. soon enough, demoKKKrats will be calling for child euthanasia just after they allow pedophilia. mark my words.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never attack anyone unless they attack first. But I make damn sure I shove them down the shithole where they belong. They are always so retarded and stunned they are intellectually unable to respond. Because, when you are retarded, how would you know? I like to make sure their mind remains in the gutter where they belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did everyone else's parents use to refer to the Power Puff Girls as \"Powder Puff Girls\", or were mine just exceptionally retarded?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of trans people once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger gets away with shooting unarmed White man because \"muh raycizzum\". https:\/\/torontosun.com\/news\/world\/black-man-acquitted-of-killing-white-man-after-race-dispute\/wcm\/a1bf5d2e-668e-4759-8178-ab10231400a7 MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART. ITS JUST LIKE THE WORD JEW, IF YOU CANT SAY IT YOU CANT TARGET THEM FOR THEIR INJUSTICES. KIKE, NIGGER, POLOCK SPIC CRACKER ARE ALL DESCRIPTIVES FOR THE INDIVIDUAL WHO MAY NOT LIKE THE BEHAVIOR OF IGNORANT AND OR HIGHLY DECEPTIVE PEOPLE OR BOTH NOT BOUND BY COLOR. MORE BOUND BY THE SHIT HOLE ONE REIGNS FROM \/ HAS ALLEGIANCE TO. NO DUEL CITIZENSHIP SHOULD BE ALLOWED IN CONGRESS. JEWS ARE 2% OF OUR POPULATION BUT HOLD 26% of congress, 33% of the Supreme Court, 60% of the Harvard freshman class. Jews are a world domination centrist cult no different than the muslim and in fact Mossad in many cases is the alleged Muslim. They hire, advance, promote, loan, include only their own kind when ever possible and exclude all others and consider them \"Controlled\". It is there nature and as effortless for them as you breath. They own the Not Federal Reserve and have stolen \"ALL\" of our wealth caused wars and as of late assisted greatly to make 9\/11 possible to the extent they planted the charges FACT!!!!!! THE BUILDING WAS DEMOLISHED PERIOD VIA TIMED EXPLOSIVES BUT I DIGRESS concerning the problem that we all have called the Jew. Know your Jew. REG 2:6 I know those who call themselves jews but are the synagog of Satan..\" Jesus knew his Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about asking the jew bakery to make the cake in the shape of an oven?.....They'd have to put the oven in the oven...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, no, I'm aware of that. I'm very well aware that reporting on news and events was never unbiased, not just in BBC, pretty much everywhere. I was born and grew up in a former Soviet satellite state in Eastern Europe which was ruled by a genuine hardcore communist party for half a century (not the Antifa larping fragile mangina cucks you see on the streets today). We essentially had one and only one news source distributed by the Party and all other alternative sources were completely subservient to the Party anyway. Anyone who even tried to think differently was sent on a one way trip to a concentration camp... 'scuse me - \"labor\" camp. And this was going on until > BBC https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/r4OCM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just gonna leave this here..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well thats it tortured all over canada tortured in uk and for three years germans tortured me all fake redneck scottish politics who sold me now luxembourg dead on the street tomorrow been to the church everything terrorised from the moment i got here. i fought this for six years","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Hell No!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What do you call a rich black guy who lets his underage kids drink alcohol? A nigger https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6262231\/LeBron-James-reveals-mature-sons-aged-14-11-drink-WINE.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Elisaa_Martinez: Happy birthday cotton picker lol @1NOnlyDirtyMike","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But muh 800 miles away Do those fucking retards think you secure your borders over night","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Muslims have more rights in the ME than anywhere else in the world.\" I know that nigger is a trip coding faggot on 8chan I Hurd!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"We\" Conservatives don't hate Blacks, at all! We hate anti-American POS who vote (and act) against the American way, like Obama. And McCain was one of those POS! Yes, there are many racist and Neo-Nazi's here on GAB, but like moving to a new town, you have to search-out like minded people. ...Welcome to GAB!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll bet most Brits are not aware of this mudslime law that prohibits dogs. As a dog lover myself I want to bring it to the attention of muzzie lovers. May dog killers rot in hell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"of course I spelled it wrong like a dipshit. you know how to spell switchblade anyway and are seasonably less retarded than me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ack! It's spreading! Flee! Flee! Flee, from the NPC! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3Fmo19rVS_U","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't rule out the fact she might just be a huge cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i see you didnt do too well in grammar","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't tend to violence. But I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself from giving that faggot a severe beatdown on the spot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bump stocks make your finger release and recontact the trigger repeatedly. A full-auto device that uses your finger bone as part of the firing mechanism doesn't prevent the weapon from being a machine gun. Only you and Eric Holder think it should. No judge would ever have agreed with Holder, no judge will ever disagree with Sessions on this point. You're obviously an idiot who can't hit his ass with a legal semiauto weapon. You wouldn't need an illegal machine gun if you learned how to shoot, dillweed. BTW, you should learn how to craft an insult. You're supposed to say something you think the other person would be offended to hear, not something that only displays your own stupidity. Depends on what you do with it shitferbrains. In case you hadn't noticed, none of your asinine comments will save you from a federal judge once you get caught with your illegal bumpstock. So you agree you're too fucking dumb to count past one. Which part of the letter is too complicated for you? You're probably envious of the guy who invented it, you could never figure out how to make yours go off more than once. Try experimenting with a paper clip, maybe you'll get the idea after awhile.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of fucking retard thinks blacks are white supremacists and the \"ok\" sign is some covert signal?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cutest thing is the cat, the second on is that the dumb cunt think's she looks cool by surrounding herself with tools.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retard reaction to someone's explanation. Can't stand reality.Or truth.Go curl up in the corner and weep.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Roflmao \"asexualism\"... The bridges some are willing to buy these days. smh I never gave two shits about them till they started trying to begin a push for \"asexual representation\" in media. (i.e. no romance\/sex\/relationship) Which is about as retarded as it gets. Every character not in a relationship fits that criteria..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I WANT THE SCALP PLEASE Sorry Black Knight, the scalp went into the wood chipper too. Hmmmm... who is this Wise-ass? What else can I say...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a Muslim to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blacks have the highest crime rates and rape stats. This isn't Twitter. We can say NIGGER here. You mad? Come on, this is Gab we all hate the (((Globalist))) Left that shuts us down everywhere else. Sure this bitch deserves prison, but it's highly likely this guy will commit a crime of his own after being in jail that long.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"79 countries, 109 total locations, for perverted degeneracy, murdering children and mass usury and he's claiming 'technicality'. He should explain all the children Jews have raped and crucified, in sacrifice to Lucifer. http:\/\/biblebelievers.org.au\/expelled.htm Is your IQ that low? I said \"79 countries\" and added 109 total locations, because some were not entire countries; like Moscow in It's NOT 109 locations Many locations are listed MULTIPLE times is YOUR IQ really that low? STILL not 109 countries, dullard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jayswaggkillah Is a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha yep but the nigger will still say \"wez kangs ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to help out a gay person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ugIycutie: one, two, three, four, how many niggers are in my store?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Austria - An advertisement of the Austrian Federal Railways and its customer railway card. It reads: For mother, father, partners or friends who are traveling with children. Is that what Austria looks like now? Sickening propaganda trying to normalize sexual deviant behavior. They act as though the fix is in http:\/\/archive.fo\/zQYEs #Austria #Europe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Heroes of *Der St rmer* Why would I judge when you are playing the second best moba?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ktpowers98 @WendyDavisTexas Ha Ha Ha no good fat dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what I wouldn't give to be surrounded by geniuses who consider themselves retards instead of retards who think they're geniuses Retard Central for sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Jewology TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATIONS Jews are Khazars. Publications proving that. Save. To debate with the faggot shills. http:\/\/assemblyoftrueisrael.com\/TruthPage\/JewsareKhazars.htm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As posted by me earlier regarding this story in an earlier instance: As the ex-father of a 24 year old daughter who I tried hard to raise properly only to be stabbed in the back after I found she had taken a nigger as her current fiance', therefore forfeiting any further acknowledgement as a family member and who is now regarded as a degenerate former member of White society, I encourage niggers to slay their mudsharks, whether current or former. Burn the coal, pay the toll.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tough times that he brought on himself by being retarded and not listening to repeated warnings that white supremacists were going to keep tanking Gab. And they did. And he kept trying to protect them, so now he's getting ass screwed. He'll either learn or keep getting ass screwed, whichever he prefers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maddow is a RACIST RETARDED Bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Such an evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid c**t. https:\/\/urbanhollywood quit kissin nigger ass, when they raise hell against whites, they get a free pass, like Whoopie Goldburg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Briccone79 @pvvrivierenland ja moest van plisie niet meteen wild gaan denken.Juistja,willen wel meer mensen mij vertellen hoe k moet denken","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @murrman5: you up, Charlie Brown?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take the cunt's eye out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of Jihadis. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whether or not you have children should have absolutely no bearing on your sentence. This vile bitch should've thought of her kids and the repercussions before she acted like an absolute cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Andrew \"gook fucker\" Anglin This is why Anglin is 100% my guy. do you have red new balance shoes? are you a completely worthless piece of shit working with a jew on subverting white resistance? I know who you are referring to. I remember when he tried to subvert Cville by telling people to only discuss it over burner phones. Fortunately many were too clever for his tricks and got their friends thrown into jewish jail instead. LOL character and intent, so what was the intent of the right besides \"uniting the right\" and giving speeches? Communists openly stated they were there for violence, next retarded argument? Discord is run by communist jews and simply gives out meeting places so communists can physically assault them Which of the convicted people said that, oh yea, none of them, and that was never used as evidence either, it was kikes + black jury + refusal for change of venue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Ride907: If some little fucking faggot spits in my food I swear to god id tear your fucking arms off http:\/\/t.co\/EQociANZ77","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thora, if you have questions you should ask your husband at home. Coward deleted his posts...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bathing Sphere: Suspended Orb Tub Not for Shy People http:\/\/t.co\/OHv7xbr6wo #bathing #design #weird and yet #cool","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shout out to all my proud fags. Love you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Herfarm Move out of our country teabaggers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MOSSADthots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Israel and her dual minions did 9-11! Sand niggers are not smart enough to wipe their own asses! A retard who insetigate can figure it out in a couple hrs on the net.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all the other trans people are a blessing to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any time \/v\/ started digging on digra there would without fail be a sudden surge in ancient drama being forced into the threads and a couple of retards would jump in and derail. They've been up to shit since before this shitstorm started and they really don't like us poking around. Without fail, any time we started making even a little progress ancient drama would be dug up and slung around like a monkey throwing its shit. And the moment people stopped sharing their digs, poof! Drama gone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the technical term is asexual but faggot works as a general catch-all for any dude who wants nothing to do with pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But I am possum faced you Socialist faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia Who knew trolling an NPC in full meltdown could be so much fun :) Another Oz Rock classic for my mate @Clarence_Spangle From the group that changed it's name while touring the USA to avoid confusion with a preexisting group. Icehouse - Great Southern Land https:\/\/youtu.be\/3mkidP2OUCk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"iran is a theocracy. the mullas are in charge. islamic police are one example of their power. women must be covered, homosexuality is illegel. Hmmmm... THOT patrol and no faggot degenerates running in the streets? Sounds way better than what you shills want for here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This exercise routine is just so sickening. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_Lakers4Life24 Tracy Morgan is a sad comparison..... Come on try again, Dwight Howard is the most accurate. Stupid monkey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are absolute SCUM Author. What about all the wormkin out there?!!? **\/s** I love this subreddit so much. Yeah, it's lovely when the angry fucks aren't trying their latest lame brigades. What? The leftist side of reddit has declared us a \"hate sub\" so they often brigade us with down votes and idiotic comments. On the flipside, right wing subs often come here, on account of us making fun of tumblr, thinking we're on their side, so they come with idiotic comments of their own. We don't have any qualms about making fun of either politics or T_D. Fuck dt and fuck Trump. The center will hold! I'm eating chicken right now. Just sending a message that you still got shooters out here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should sue her for a refund","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice how the Dems are not talking about or pushing for the release of the FBI report. They read enough of it to know that no doubt all nine witnesses the FBI interviewed said Ford was a drunken,whore,lying crazy fraudulent, cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When i read this i honestly thought it was a twitter liberal coming to wag their finger at us. So ill say this, nobody cares faggot get your shit together and stoo bitching or go be a faggot on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @amh_1126: s\/o #NF @patpatbush thanks for the follow Hun!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how is a person a retard by stating facts??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't trust how globalist government over this brexit deal one little bit I got gut feeling they done fucking dirty thing to us population of","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) I agree, the founding fathers of this country wrote papers warning about the dangers of Islam. All should research and read these. Not a new problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have referred to Chedar man hoax in one of my postings. Just like Britons have rejected Chedar man, real Scandinavians have rejected all bruhaha around Kostenki Fact remains that Kostenki is C ( Y-DNA) which is very troublesome for anyone who wants to jump into conclusions, like our bucket head pet @Crucesignatus lol bucket head pet ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"West Ham Suspends Youth Coach Who Attended DFLA March (Democratic Football Lads Alliance). If this coach had attended a pro sexualisation of children march or a pro trans lqbtxyz march, he would've been celebrated. #ClownWorld UK https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/sport\/football\/45884004","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Life is better barefoot! #HappyFriday Yep, It's quite important to have a bit of common sense. Shame that common sense ain't so common any more, might need to change it to rare sense or \"really hard to find sense\". People need to be aware that you can still freeze to death in civilized lands, if you are a retard and don't wear appropriate attire.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that supreme court retard shit blowing the #AltRight off of Main Stream MEDIA these days... well i guess its right though the #AltRight got it place in it all even tho we are no longer protruding a part in polling on internet unless its #AltRight Thinking.. boy all these election reflection coming up for where there a new silent majority to trigger leftist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Certain parts of Asia I swear to fucking God. Just people have no awareness. Well, at least the guy wasn't beaten up for doing what is obviously the right thing. In America though, he'd be swarmed by dozens of white knights. And she'd still most likely get away with it, because we live in a strange world nowadays. Be the change you want to see. I strive to be. I'm trying to become less judgmental of people regardless of who they are, and at least get both sides of the story before I come to a conclusion. There's honestly not much I can do beyond changing myself and trying to inform people that not everything is as clear-cut as we would like to think. And I know I'm not perfect either, there are still times when I end up prejudging people. But I'm trying, and sometimes that's really the best we can do. #BroFist ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"gab has a bunch of new retarded liberals with negative scores, trying to bait high IQ individuals into posting MANIFEST REALITY type responses, these people are stupid , #Qanon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spud nigger* ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a double edged retarded sword. You roll a 20d and if it's 1-10 it will make you a full retard, like absolutely no control of your actions and practically brain dead. If it's 11-19 it's the same for the enemy and if it's 20 it will make every enemy in the battle retarded. The effects stay for the entire battle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What does this have to do with being a woman? Lol it looks like it's regarding her weight Hamplanets.... I haven't heard that word in a long time. Rip fph R.I.P Fph. we hardly knew ye..... and we miss you dearly Gone, but not forgotten.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You fucking fag @baethingape: this is exactly what i am talking about women are pigs http:\/\/t.co\/oKR3seYFBJ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @MILF_chronicles: Dudes shaving without it being for an athletic purpose is gay af you're retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's right I'm making brownies right now ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@aj2amazing Obispo ho. We'll do it big","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical nigger behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger with a Yid name. What could possibly go wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These women aren't autistic, they are smart, autistic people are retards, they make weird noises, they flap their hands. These people are not autistic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just feel like if she was a man she would have been in cuffs. At first I was like this is more like crappy credential pass denied, but I can see this going badly if a guy tried this. For sure, but at least we got something I completely agree! Particularly the part where she keeps on backing the officer up and he has to ask her more than once to stop. This was also posted in RoadCam sub Reddit. I got my rant out there! Yo if she was black?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok, serious question here. I'm im my late 20s. Back when I was in highschool, the school I went to probably had about 400 seniors on a given year. I knew a good chunk of the people who were in my grade, and only 2 of them were openly gay. I'm sure there were a lot more gay people who just didn't want to come out or were just still figuring things out, but I guess my point is that nobody went around pretending they were a celestial being, or a dog, or had a gender that was neither male or female. Reading some of these stories, it's as if all that bullshit is basically the new fad now and in any given class of 30, you have 5 nonbinary kids, 7 gay kids, and 4 transgenders. Is this just made up bullshit, or are kids really falling for that crap? I'm not saying that all of them are phonies, but in the OP, it seems there are at least 3 queer people and one asexual person... That seems like a bit too much and I'd guess that if these stories are true, a lot of it is just rebelious teenager type thing... Edit: Typo... Late 20s, not 30s. I'm not a dinosaur. It's an easy way to feel special for kids that are decidedly plain so its pretty common. It's also an attractive option for angry kids to lay claim to a reason to be angry. Every generation has it's own version it's just this time it's impacting other people's lives and making a bit of a mockery out of the lgbt community. Last time it was all kinds of half-dragon, half-demon, half-elves trying to feel special. This time it's demiquasiboysexual that sounds suspiciously like being a straight guy or they like activities not deemed appropriate for their sex so they assume they have no gender.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would slap the fuck out that cunt bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Incest baby that got double-down syndrome","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And at least one commie cunt hit his car with a club - which no doubt sounded like a shot inside the car.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mueller's some top twat in Brussels isn't he?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @realDailyWire: FLASHBACK: That Time Jimmy Kimmel Didn't Think Blackface Was Bad https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/rqT9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Well, I notice that the local talk-radio republicucks are yakking 'bout antifa now. Wake-up time? We'll see... The GOP is spinning up a narrative about \"mob violence\" to scare their voters into turning out for the midterms. They haven't done anything about the mob in two years except use it as fodder in their campaign ads When people were getting attacked by the mob, the GOP was out there praising Antifa as the good guys. They were focused on tax cuts and couldn't have cared less about mob violence I agree that at times the GOP was not focused on the Mob and focused on other things but I don't think that they were ever \"praising\" them. Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio praised Antifa as heroes after Charlottesville","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab Nazi: \"Jews control the world\" Me: Actually Jews only represent I believe in fighting all the filthy despicable askeNAZI JEWS also! But I look at FACTS which is something a RETARD such as yourself has no CLUE! How cute! I am used to having Brainwashed RETARDS like yourself calling me exactly what they are! You are as RETARDED as a FUCKING RACIST JEW! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First He is the side effect of all the reddit videos Give me back my 16 dollars","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sometimes, when you think your opinion of the remain scum can't get any lower ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We all grow old waiting for this lying cunt to be prosecuted, I personally am sick of the waiting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just what the 85% of the white population of Britain wanted! To be lectured to by a moslem and a nigger! talking to a nigger is like talking to a 6 year old child.. talking to a muslim is like talking to a nigger with a towel wrapped around it's head..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Early bird gets the worm right? Hopefully I get a job soon after today! http:\/\/t.co\/lvgfVBqkdz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bloody hell, check it out. A Nigger host just bragged about the woman who trained the young White blue-eyed blonde and the Nigger boy, about how she was his partner. She too is a White, blue-eyed blonde. The racism in this show is perhaps the worst I have ever seen in a show. It is blatant, in-your-face racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common trans tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oct. Russia-China keeps pushing its aggression on Western Europe. This is not to the benefit of either Russia or the West, but China surely benefits. Did Putin get played? More shilling for Israel from our resident fake pro-White. It is not China and Russia being aggressive on the doorstep of Europe it is Israel. And the whole world knows it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And most women shouldn't wear leggings. Waaa. Shuddup cry baby! obviously everyone can wear what they want but he probably meant that many women are kinda overweight nowadays in the U.S. and therefore it s unpleasing to look at for most people edit: women can wear whatever they want men can wear whatever they want too if a women starts crying about this idea while preaching i can do with my body whatever I want she needs to get a reality check. same with the ones who teach about body positivity but hate on skinny\/short\/big guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please, name a horror movie bad guy that isn't white. (Other than Candyman, who was still portrayed as a victim of racism getting vengeance.) Where's Black Jason or Chinese Freddie Krueger? Why are white males systematically being portrayed as remorseless psychopathic killers? Because if the villain is a POC then people will be screaming that it's racist and perpetuating stereotypes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember that fear is there to guide you, not cripple you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing gay people in government makes me so proud. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a word for both and that word is nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait did @kidfivevibes take my brownies??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This bitch @Lvl_7_Eevee buys sparkling water.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie Crist (R, I, D - FL) rumored to demand a recount. #sayfie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCKING NIGGER TRASH WE DON'T OWE U SHIT MOTHER FUCKER GET A JOB CRIMINAL TRASH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Intersectional autistic retardation. It's a thing. Look it up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"imagine playing the clout game, being pc, sucking up to all the right people til ur super famous then say nigger on live tv","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Short answer: if you are a murderer or child molester that is the natural choice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Code Pink twat is saying that an allegation is enough to send it to trial. Ben Sharpiro shut her down with logic. I'm sorry Liberal women you have the brains of a retarded gnat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like Baathists before them, #ISIS and Al Qaeda supporters' rivalry is as absurd as their cause - battling for who's the more authentic Jihadi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Loves a drug-addled nigger crew. His wife loves them too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny thing is....it's not just the people doing it. It's the people who seeing these pics and judging the birds. Just as wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bret Kavanaugh Is a Liar, a Perjurer and Belongs in Jail Instead of on the Supreme Court http:\/\/www.unz.com\/article\/bret-kavanaugh-is-a-liar-a-perjurer-and-belongs-in-jail-instead-of-on-the-supreme-court\/ No he isn't. He isn't a sexual assaulter either. This is all projection from the pedophiles on the left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WhenRapperSaid: When Joey Bada$$ said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life.\" ht ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Its about time!!! GOP Senate candidate calls for state investigation of Ellison allegations https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dVR8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next w o m a n I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can someone please explain to me, Why are the birds so angry and destroying pigs' homes?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think some bull dyke should use a strap-on on YOU! Hilarity WOULD Ensue!! There's some hurtful \"truth\" for ya!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not only do they not say a peep about these niggers but they and their children worship them. They love their sportsball and their nigger \"musicians\" .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only retarded person here is you, pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I may not have been clear. She was not mudsharking when I met her. It was only after we were married and I was on deployment to Liberia when she met this nigger and later she had the nigger that later killed the Amish family's buggy horse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This topic is cancer. 100% cancer. There is nothing here worth debating, so I'm going to literally flood this topic with whatever the fuck I can find. You're all retarded, you're all disgusting degenerates, and you really should consider leaving Gab. No one here will miss you. Enjoy the flood!!! Being an insufferable faggot is okay with @a as long as you dick ride him and gibs shekels like a good little paypiggy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I went outside and smoked a fag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U.S. Army Veteran and trial lawyer Kurt Schlichter has sensationally claimed that the mail bombs targeting the Clintons, George Soros, CNN and others could be a \"leftist scam . Ben Shapiro says anyone who suggests that is \"deranged\". https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/us-army-vet-lawyer-kurt-schlichter-says-mail-bombs-could-be-a-leftist-scam\/ Ben Shapiro again confirming that he's Controlled Opposition","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck no! Sadly, the faggot offspring of R. Murdoch are likely to want her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off Faggot jackasses","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alan Jones responds to Opera House furore https:\/\/www.2gb.com\/alan-jones-responds-to-opera-house-furore\/ #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia That looks even more shit that I imagined. Total sellout disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is a jew modern jews have a some real jew still in them you do realize it's still all sand nigger shit RIGHT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some Republicans are remembering how to win.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is in the jews' pocket retard you faggots say every last person is a Jew or working covertly for jews ...you folks are more annoying than the leftists calling evy one nazis. You folks are peas in a pod #NPCDOUCHEBAGS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's kind of like the stereotype of Canadians being overly-polite except it's in Retardo World where they all prostrate at the feet of someone lower on the totem pole than them. \"Black queer Nb\" lol, people will submit themselves to you just based on race alone. Why add your penchant for weiner or muff in to it? Wonder what it does the other part of the \"part-time.\" Write for other esteemed publications like EF? I thought EF was about to be shut down last year because of funding? Did some white women get guilted in to footing the web hosting bill in an attempt to Do Better ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like this guy buying a new controller AND new shit for his girl that cheats on him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then block it and shut the fuck up retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a retarded liberal moron. Housing is a human right? So the gov't will force contractors to build home for free? Who pays for the materials? Labor? God you liberals are fucking stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the reason for this is because capitalism is \"white supremacy\" according to these retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE Brooklyn Park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/thXm7Hjo07","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those children in London don't you understand the people you March with are demons that fuck you and kill you s and those evil cunt want you to have no life or living or children to carry on the next life Labour and Tory are pedo heaven stop walking with you evil.mums and dad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> nor are the 1500 comments that the mods have to sort through Can confirm. Hotpockets don't pay for physical therapy due to repetitive stress injuries from banning people who make edge-lord comments like >Off yourself you autistic faggot. Or cringey shit like this: >Then be glad this is the Internet, otherwise I'd tear your throat out. >Insult me like that again and I'll cut your neck open and rip your throat out. >Death to America >Death to the white race >I have killed and will kill again ^ That last one was especially cringe-inducing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No you won't \"little stupid girl\". Even if you make it to congress, that's not going to happen. Oh yeah she looks normal and level headed .. still waiting for the day when she both looks and sound normal .. can someone have a portable TV placed in my grave? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am extremely sad to have to admit that some of the best 21st century Arabic rhymes have been written by Jihadis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It took as little time to make as it takes to debunk every one of your retarded beliefs. Go play with your niglet grandkids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Knew nothing about any misconduct: Witnesses stick to stories as FBI digs into Kavanaugh case via @washtimes https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/sep\/30\/brett-kavanaugh-witnesses-stick-denials-fbi-invest\/ pic.twitter.com\/CcLWP8zvh3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i truly hope some vigilante will give her more than a slap","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Homeschool your kids or they will become retarded NPC's.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a Gab keeps going down today. We are under attack. If Deep State or Big Pedo Tech takes Gab down completely, I want court action. It's an attack on our rights and freedoms. It is persecution of people who won't shut up and obey the psycho order. No consistency here. Twitter is allowed to be a haven for pedos and Leftists inciting violence, assassinations etc. https:\/\/i","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haaaaa haaa nope fool....traditional strong american family...you know ...your bane.street shitting ignorfool....go fuck a goat.or rape a kid like your faggot proffet mo.ham.ed.......haaaaaa haas...i would say blow me .but im desise free.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"U STUPID CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just checked out \/r\/radicalfeminism due to this post. What a joke of a subreddit haha. Top post has 22 up's and is over 100 days old. When will these fat, ugly, purple-hair dykes realize that women have had equality for a long time?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a celestial body hello http:\/\/t.co\/yKDRM9Ax69","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well he used the nigger on more then one way... he used them to slap the south in the face once they called his bluff to him on freeing them.... thats why he only freed them in the south before the war broke out. He then hid behind them and used them as an ethics topic as a way to try to keep other countries from helping the south.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't even talk about Facebook censoring a disabled Iraq veteran's page without YouTube demonetizing the video for being 'non-advertiser friendly.' If you enjoy my videos, consider sponsoring my YouTube channel with as little as a $1 a month on http:\/\/Patreon.com\/MarkDice . There's got to be a better place for your videos Mark. YouTube will eventually find a reason to make you go away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some pussy down voted without comment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here YA go! Johnny Appleseed has a whole new meaning these dayz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are a group of Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flat Earthers Full Retard Mode Episode","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Alt-right are plotting to turn the traps gay so they can suck their fem dicks. I just help expose the truth of the conspiracy theorist at Daily Dot because they don't know that the Alt-right are homosexuals in hiding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Opinion: Go away, cunt! https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/06\/hillary-clinton-is-still-finding-ways-to-denigrate-democracy\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Christ, a fat dyke...who knew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She sort of looks, I don't know, retarded? Clearly she isn't, I would think that would've been taken into account at sentencing, but holy fuck is she heinous.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They took it there bro you know I'm civil. RT @lilmissStoney: @VikkiNoSecrets wait a minute! Lol. Don't get ghetto V!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@genophilia so far you've had 103 morons agree w\/your lame ass meme? fuckin hilarious. You are a total degenerate jerk off dude. your mind is totally fucked! Anyone who agrees with you is a jerk off also! fucking piece of shit! Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are mentally retarded, if this site is a \"Breeding ground for rapists and murderers\" is that why she's here? When left to their own devices, women watch some of the most hardcore and fucked up porn there is and get off on the idea of rape by Chad. Why do you think movies like 50 Shades of Grey are so popular? They actually want men to treat them like crap because thats exactly what they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nigger song maker thinks that the jews own every system, but magically wouldn't be able to pay feds and anarchist queers to fucking kill us LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah...notice how many people are talking about YOU! it's well known here on #GAB that you're bat shit crazy... So now you've dragged me into your delusion since I identified your \"beamer\" as a Ford Fiesta. Do everyone a favor and tell your doctor that the TV is talking to you. He will help you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is this cunt not in prison yet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Absolutely repulsive. I'm sickened to even be on the same planet as these cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"politics is cringe https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rqpYhSBcF3k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This country absolutely adores everything about the British royal family.\" @JamesAALongman reports from Fiji, where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrived to thousands of people lining the streets. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/32dC_ https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JzMr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Youtube stuff: GAMING * SsethTzeentach - Funny motherfucker * Game Sack - I love their system reviews. They sound like an autistic kid writing an essay about what they did last summer. * Videogamedunkey - See SsethTzeentach * IAmPattyJack - Good for reviewing low hanging fruit. * PayMoneyWubby - A Ginger Cunt. * Funhaus - Love Demo Disk and Wheel Haus. HORROR * Reignbot - One of the best horror YouTubers * Dark5 - Cool countdown videos with little in the way of narration and cool ambient music. * Petscop - One of the better video game creepypastas (granted, that is a low bar to clear). * The Analog Archivist - Great reviews of old horror VHS tapes * Dan Bell - Creepy urban exploration videos.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @hoppk92: @WCCORosen Sick of all the trash talk and cocky attitudes. #shutupandplay Refs have to take control when needed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This retard is behaving exactly the way the left thinks GEOTUS supporters behave. I see it everywhere, even all the way out here in Malaysia. Some of the more uninformed libtards even thought Antifa were Trump supporters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is where women are too fucking retarded to see what is plainly in front of them. She will continue to hang around these two violent pricks and then when one of them beats the shit out of her one day she will wonder why.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"mrBranston is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So they manage to provide a whole lot of data, except a critical little nugget. Gay men are well over half the patients who present at STI clinics, and are probably the source of the emerging antibiotic-resistant pathogens. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/health\/article-6315871\/One-young-person-England-told-STI-FOUR-MINUTES.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait. Listen. Can you hear that? Listen carefully.... it's the sound of #LiberalTears and leftist heads exploding across the whole country.... Glorious.... #KavanaughConfirmed Did you know that there is a brand of gun oil named Liberal Tears? I did, actually.... I really need to get some...... Didn't know that, sounds pretty nice. Will have to write that down so I can buy that in the future. When I get the chance to launch it, will make sure to send you a few bottles for a review. Having my own brand of liquor is one of my many future projects.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"on my way to a pub quiz with a friend and his retarded gf (bitches cant quiz). they also own a jack russel that reeks of old dog dick leakage,, god i hate that dog.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know gay people like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama mocked the special Olympics Wendy Davis mocks the handicapped do ya see a pattern? Democrats #tcot #UniteBlue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ThingsIWillTeachMyChild how to play deez niggas n bitches dat be snakes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LeonCountryBwoy your a big yute to be having slits in your brows my darg lol drop it out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Couldn't of happened to a better person. Some retard will start a GoFundMe account.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common disabled tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason oh am I lame but yo pussy ass didn't show up the fuck u talking bout oh scary ass white boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder how Kathy is feeling right now about donating $2500 bucks to POTUS' legal fund?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I forgot about this lying cunt haha. She would be a good match for [Crazy Eyes](https:\/\/memegenerator.net\/Crazy-Eyes-Big-Daddy)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AIDS FAGGOT faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@krispy717 @grizzboadams fucking gay faggot look at that gay ass pink shirt haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All of America's problems can be traced to the tragic mistake of giving women the vote. Lol seriously?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jay_ibarra95: Your tweets remind me of the times when we did the Oreo milkshake runs @ 1am in the morning !! @Vikyfdez15","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gamer Fag shut up nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people whores. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Normally I'd be dismissive of #Kavanaugh. He's probably going to be bad for us and his record on the 4th amendment is very bad. That said if he doesn't get in its probably going to be that woman that adopted kids from Haiti. That's gonna be bad. Real bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really wanna be in a public experiment like this myself as I am a trans man. Happy I can at least watch WWYD doing it. Please do more experiments with trans men\/ transgender people in general.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dumb Commie Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a shemale to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ive Never heard a Libbie say nigger till you, I know Lib Tards think the word nigger but they never say it. I think your more of a nobody trying to be a somebody. Poor little thing no one likes you and no one ever will. Hey Tranny account? Cecilia Vega was arrested for Shoplifting. Perhaps she was stealing a jack rabbit vibrator to use on your nasty ass? Watch the Video and enjoy America! https:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/GMA\/video\/california-news-anchor-arrested-shoplifting-24860964 Oh I guess Emmy award winning crack whore REPORTED on the shoplifter. WELL EXCUSE ME let's give her a Pulitzer! Only sheeple care about Fake News so I figured WTF why not","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the women in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/iyWw-JzxRiU People who committed suicide. All but. 3 are men. If you need help-reach out!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their blackthroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Popcorn and candy for dinner. I always knew Charlie Brown was my spirit animal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the fetish with squirrels ya weirdo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NateThaAlmighty: niggas talk more than bitches these days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Corruption filters all the way down to mayoral elections! It was so blatantly obvious in Toronto, Canada. I would think that even people whose party won would see the censorship and obstruction of a candidate to participate, and find that alarming and a threat once the tides eventually turn on them. Canadians deserve better and so does Faith Goldy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have so muchdisdain for these immigrants","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ComplexMag I didn't know #whitetears were blue and yellow! #lessonoftheday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know if it's ok to compare sexual assaults, but it sounds like what she did to that kid was much worse than her dating Harvey Weinstein for 4 years. Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/gt_mom1\/status\/1052939248301723648","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Fellas fellas fellas, didn't you get the memo? We are all spinless jellyfish within an amoral, nigger loving society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If women at the view laughed at a guy getting his penis cut off, I dont think people really sympathize with penis injuries [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah. You call me a faggot but your bio is my organization's moto. Lol you believe the same thing as those you call fags?! Maybe they are only butt pirates or corn hole drillers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded cuck says what?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigga just had them crackers on a chase.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was just thinking, I really hope someone like that faggot Ben Shapiro comes along and tells me how to think today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical Jihadi behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"did you say you were a pasta nigger ,stop that i know christINsanity can make you have all kinds of guilt and shit but please ,stop jewsus was a sand nigger just be happy about that ok","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @23Vnds: Check out the homie @renz360 for that sole sauce! That stuff does miracles!!! @renz360 @renz360 http:\/\/t.co\/EecEzJRx6C","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's \"justice\" matter when there's Democrat votes to be had!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of my favorite activities is actually surrounding myself with hot women and refusing to look at them. (I can tell if they're attractive using peripheral vision and my other senses only) I'll isolate one to pretend like she doesn't exist, and pay attention to the rest for the best reactions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"any tweet i made to little stephen on twitter was an almost guaranteed suspension within the hour, he was the most protected zionist cunt on twitter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was an activist church. Clementia Pinkney was an activist who campaigned for Hillary that very day. This incident happened on 6\/17\/15 and provoked a big anti-white backlash. Trump announced his campaign on 6\/16\/15 I wonder if the intense anti-white backlash from media, corporations and government made people more or less likely to vote for Trump? So basically a standard negro church Which makes them different, how, from the episcopalians or evangelical lutherans? They were no nation of islam. I don't want to belabor this point any further.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> All the extra SJW shit is about housing you for 12 years so retard parents can afford the big house and multiple SUVs and stash you somewhere to not burn down the McMansion. > > I TOTALLY agree with you but would you mind elaborating on these qoutes :) \"All the extra SJW shit is about housing you for 12 years so retard parents can afford the big house and multiple SUVs and stash you somewhere to not burn down the McMansion.\" i get its babysitting but how does it help my parents afford a fancy house\/car thx It doesn't, the parents go into debt to buy the trappings of power, then shelve the kids because they can't afford it, then they can never back down from their initial investment. Childcare is expensive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stuck up serious bitches are possibly the worst type of girls. Ever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@oldpicsarchive: H.G.Wells and Charlie Chaplin http:\/\/t.co\/sTiDDHK3WT\" #History #Photography","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, Muslims can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a woman to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"being ruled by retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hannity: In 28 days you will decide the fate of our gov't https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gbbvJNsH8cc no but I see you're some kind of silly nit !! Qualify your remarks. https:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/sean-hannity-real-estate-holdings-shell-companies-2018-4 Buying things is white supremacy No, but buying forclosed properties to store imported nation wreckers should be treason. You're really reaching for narrative when none exists. Virtually every 401k is investing in bullshit you would never support. But where are the alternative options on platforms that employers support? Investing in properties, using shell companies to shield liability, dumping them on management companies is standard. Sadly you have very little say when it comes to who moves in unless it is owner-occupied. You don't think it's plausible? Also, have you not noticed the recent Steve hilton-ification of primetime fox programming castigating identity politics as evil and democratic populism as good? It's not about Hannity, it's about his audience size and now many of those are tuning in early and catching Tucker. If they can turn some away in disgust from Hannity, those are ones who will never catch the influence of Tucker. Eh, we're in clownworld along a trajectory at this point. Things that must happen will happen so things that may happen can happen. Yeah, well didn't stop his investments capitalizing on the contraction of mine and a shit ton of others. Which obj is aok, but given his embedment w Zionist cohorts, I'm quite confident he got an unfair advantage. Precisely, not nescessarily an adherant, but like trump said, ALL options are on the table. I don't think the opposition will show up for pistols at dawn. I watch Tucker, but hannitys audience is dying irl every day, bc they're old. If we offer no alternative we're just letting our numbers pile up on the rocks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In some ways, the word \"racist\" has already lost most of it's power, it's been flogged worse than all the horses in the world called Elmo. That the retarded left still keep using the word just shows how detached from reality they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't stand that faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elizabeth Warren Already Dropping Hints About Running In 2020 After Saying She Wouldn't https:\/\/americanlookout.com\/elizabeth-warren-already-dropping-hints-about-running-in-2020-after-saying-she-wouldnt\/ More like Ruth Buzzy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would probly like superhero movies if they didn't have so many niggers, i mean obviously no niggers is the optimal amount of niggers but if there's a few niggers in the background or something it usually makes me really mad but ill still watch it if its good, like The Dark Knight If (((they))) cast the next James Bond as a nigger I ain't watching it...ever. Bond ain't no nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Bu... But... The game wasn't made in 1899, and should reflect our woke politics!\" Saw that yesterday. Someone was dismissing the historical accuracy of the game.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A third of Hispanic immigrants are following the 19th century assimilation model and becoming Republicans. A third are sinking into America's hip hop underclass. The other third are so transient and disengaged from the country they're visiting that they're politically inert. I would also rather they not assimilate. I'm just observing that rather than adding a \"third race\" to america's black\/white dichotomy, they're drifting into whitening or blackening. Some Latin American immigrants are actually, factually White, but they're the exception, and I would also rather even the \"bright 'n light\" ones stay home.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I couldn't get any farther than the last couple weeks being \"hard\" on the country and on her. CUNT HOLE - WTF do you think it's been like for the Kavanaugh family whom YOU PEOPLE attempted to destroy. That they PERSISTED and prevailed is in SPITE of people like YOU and the MSM. Hard on YOU? WTF CARES. It's going to be a lot harder when Kavanaugh sues for defamation of character, slander and libel. I hate these so-fucking-called stars, their sleazy shows and even SLEAZIER WHORINE WRITERS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"but she will suck a sand nigger cock to completion Well, so will the Anglo-Murican business, elitists, who refused to ever Repatriate Blks. Cabin \"wood\" is only splinters. Blks are LOGS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gy people are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ChickenColeman if McCoy wasn't trash that's a TD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope you die in a war for israel, or getting raped to death by a pack of nigger muslims. But if you are a jew, i hope you die while choking on foreskin. Lampshade material cant read. Nobody wants to die for jew Israel you shekelgrabber. I hope jews and muslims rape eachother to death. I also hope your rabbi bit off your foreskin and swallowed it. I pray that Israel and all muslim counties get nuked. With this we could finally be free from the semitic rat plague. Jew. How much soap does it take to get the goat poop off your dick? Jewish woman are dirty, rabbi. I know you know.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the blue-balled nigger loser who can't find a mudshark of his own to beat on and murder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a gy person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what happens when faggot niggers like Don Lemmon disrespects his own race. Does he also hate his White boyfriend? I'm just curious ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Communists are a cancer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"NIGGER!!! DUMB FUCKING ILLITERATE FIELD NEGRO!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!! - CNN, almost verbatim, yesterday. Tell me again about the tolerance of the left and the #Diversity(tm) of the democrats. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/66G4 lol, what do you expect from Don Lemon, CNN's house nigger... This is what true \"niggers\" do ! Project and call other blacks NIGGERS !!! Their true inner colors are Oozing out of their wretched bodies. Donny here is the actual nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rosie O'Donnell wants military to 'get' Trump from the White House. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/DFyY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Murdering an immigrant like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Incest is best according to jews. http:\/\/www.thechristiansolution.com\/doc2014\/615_Amina.html https:\/\/concisepolitics.com\/2016\/04\/28\/the-documented-jewish-roots-of-saudi-royal-family\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Medz4u: not all black girls are ghetto though","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews are retarded so I don't believe they are capable are they? They are merely a programmed brain so they have absolutely no creativity!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason @zach_smith98 @NathannDevlin so why the fuck are still talking shit. You acting like a pussy ass nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America is a country that has been gutted spiritually. All the old values - if there were any in the first place - are gone. There are too many competing ethnic groups for us to have common ideals anymore, not counting the ideals imposed from above by the amoral Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There was no application fee to apply for DACA status. So who picked up the $317 million tab? Legal immigrants. To add insult to injury, these legal immigrants also had to wait longer for their applications, since the DACA recipients jumped them in line. https:\/\/t.co\/y3L0jKwEDh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bywatergal @Yankees @EmpireStateBldg That game winning hit in Thursday capped a great career. The guy is a 1st ballot HOF. Or else.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She got off easy but this is huge progress considering a lot of femcunts like her don't get any jail time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another way to spell nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You dumb faggots can always dream I could be gay but it doesnt change the fact I AM AS FAR FROM GAY AS ANYONE CAN GET AND HATE YOU SICKO MENTALLY ILL SCUMBAGS HIV RIDDEN LOSERS FOR DAMN GOOD REASON FOR COSTING MY BUSINESS MONEY AND ALL U CUNTS LIES AND LIBEL. FUCK YOU DIE OF AIDS ALREADY AND DO THE WORLD A FAVOR FAGGOT! A faggot calling me \"sad\" and \"sick\" LOL DIE OF AIDS ALREADY HOMO! DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND OD ON METH FAGGOT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who said redneck souljers country rap music https:\/\/youtu.be\/O5afpd8xjYg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger called Derek G Haslam now hiding in Downham Market framed #SHAC animal welfare activists. His pal is porn star and mudshark Alice Brooks of Chesterffeld and a nig nog known as Sameed Damji of SW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dickey durban = paid for retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Theres no such thing as \"faggotry\". There are procreationists only. Faggotry only results in extinction. The liberal words you use perpetuate your own mental illness which leads you further into a beta cuck abyss. You're welcome. Low IQ beta cucks use liberal terminology like \"gay\", \"nigger\". Acceptance of liberal language is slavery. You're too low IQ to understand this. You're welcome. You sound like a gay faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pwned faggot liar spammer @lf6 deletes all his posts in 5, 4, 3,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Throwing water is assault? Women are so strong They're trying to charge the man, that's the definition of pussy pass Nah. He hit her in the head with a bucket. Hard. Overreaction warrant punishment. Had he done nothing maybe he would have a case. Lmao what? He never hit her in the head with the bucket. It maybe clips her arm at the end. Both of these people are fucking retards. Neither deserves to be investigated for assault. Both should be banned from the transit system. First off..the police report says he hit her in the head and you clearly see it bounce off her skull... Secondly yeah if you're reaction is to attack like.that then yes you need to be investigated. Reactions are just that. How you respond in society. Fuck people who think it's their right to attack someone as a reaction. She attacked him first. Did she instigate. Absolutely. But that was not an attack. And even if a judge would classify it as an attack that makes his response an even worse attack in comparison. Either way. This guy dug his own grave and he knew it or else he wouldn't have ran away the wrong way of his initial decent. According to the article she started with cleaning chemicals Yeah they're both morons Fucking Cuckanda Maybe he thought this happened in Wakanda","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I swear if I ever find this Chad bigly cunt here I'm gonna fuck open you throat with a shovel sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a r4pefugee. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was a FAGGOT IN A DRESS MORON.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Woke\" is a broken tense appropriation of urban slang. Also, why should I value what retarded people think?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Viper1 FUCK Nigger Bill!! He NEVER WAS a Southerner!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even Humming birds like the stuff http:\/\/t.co\/W7OHSCbg3L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since this was reported 2ndhand to the cops, they did it right: executed the warrants on this nig and got her off the street. However, had a cop seen this, he should've be able to shoot on sight. When you don't need a trial to convict a nigger of nigging against a White man, there should not be one. Strike Hard should be the credo of the Dallas PD in that case-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. I already told before ,I don't believe you are a White man ,and ask any woman on here if I don't respect and treat them with dignity ,so go suck a nigger dick kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya non faggot \"Nazis\" take advantage of free speech afforded in Gab. We should have it everywhere! You'd see us everywhere! You mean we bitch about your fag, tran and feces porn? Ya we do. And fucking yourself is I'm quite sure what you do, along with other men. Projecting again #VileJewLiar Marty, you are projecting. Triggered, feel like hitting us with vile porn now? Yep just got hit with tran porn. I love Christina's posts. She's a badass. I wanna see more. But, please stop responding this kike. I want to see your real posts... even some cleavage is cool.. I just don't want to see this jew's bullshit. Suck my fat dick, you kike monster Jew scum slut fuck dyke cocsucking piece of shit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The last at-bat at Yankee Stadium. Thanks for making it a good one, Captain. #FarewellCaptain. http:\/\/t.co\/UVJgbCpcbU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes the jewdis goat like soro the evil cunt Rothschild yes not the real jews that hate Zionist like we all do the name a call the globalist like May and queen of UK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I imagined us creating a Smart City of Privacy, as opposed to a Smart City of Surveillance, Ann Cavoukian, the former privacy commissioner of Ontario, wrote in her resignation letter from Google sister company Sidewalk Labs Privacy Expert Resigns https:\/\/gizmodo.com\/privacy-expert-resigns-from-alphabet-backed-smart-city-1829934748","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was there ever any question? That's where feminism fucked up. They took away the one super-power women had, acting submissive and obedient when they were far from that. So they butched women up. Now they're just shorter, weaker, more irritating men. Good work women, you're nothing unique now. Just...a lesser man. Since that's a failure then feminists moved on to emasculating men, and turning them into girls, which has slightly more success, because men want pussy, so figure being a soy-fag is the way to achieve that or pretending to be #woke. Naturally this will fool the stupid ones, because women, despite all the noises their head hole makes, still prefer men over boys. Well i think the 90s were retarded. Much better now. We have full internet and i can say fuck off to every single negative social group or event without holding me back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The end would be worth more than 1 https:\/\/www.dailystar.co.uk\/news\/world-news\/736435\/css-bavaria-angela-merkel-majority-lost-exit-poll-coalition-collapse She is backed too strongly by the liberals, i.e. Green, Socialist, Leftist. And she managed over the years to turn her own party from conservative to extreme left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to know a mildly retarded guy who would say that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"too bad the nigger soros wasn't blown back to hell with that so called explosive","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @navy8r: \"@Sierra0559: Hey @BarackObama , the jig is up. Even democrats are through with you. #ReasonToExitAnObamaSpeech\" dems are raci ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CruzanChoklate look at you with yellow fever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) God you're stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flipp is an app that does this (links coupons to grocery list), also shows you all the grocery ads in your area. I spend a good amount of time every week planning my trips. Edit: This racist got me to look more into the app you can also collaborate with others on your list, and once you add items to the list it will show you all the ads that feature that item.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's one slippery cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this nasty old thug cunt needs her clock cleaned in the worst way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EXCLUSIVE: He's Running For Governor As A Single Dad, But His Ex-Wife Says He Treated Her Like A Prisoner,' Bruised Her Neck https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/19\/sisolak-ex-wife-prisoner-bruise\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans YouTuber Says It's UNFAIR He Can't Have BABIES https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kuzFaunb4UM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/man-kavanaugh-daughter-fair-game\/?utm_source=Emailandutm_medium=newsletter-CTandutm_campaign=dailypmandutm_content=conservative-tribune arrest this idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"When we go low, we kick 'em. That's what this new Democratic Party is all about.\" Eric Holder. https:\/\/youtu.be\/s9U8RFjoP2A Whoa, ok then. And i spose they, the people that bring false rape accusations to a Supreme Court nominee confirmation hearing, are going to be the ones to define what 'go low' means. Scary. Bolshevism is around the corner in the US now. These people are animals and their teeth are being bared. When they bare them, should we 'kick 'em'?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This evil cunt is taken too long to die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"u follow too many retarded people Chad u have ur own self to blame for this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to Trumpistan. Low class hillbillies. The death of Western Civilization. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=BHLOzjcb_UA That hillbilly in his trash heap? Probably so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is the fat twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How can the Jewish state of Israel be the \"Holy Land?\" Israel is full of Abortion clinics and Gay pride parades. Preaching the gospel of Jesus is illegal in Israel. Israel is NOT the Holy Land #KragenClan #ChristianPower @Bombislamdotcom @Patrick_little @WADL @EmpressWife @mark_luke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] you're biased. probably a migrant. [deleted] What does Ghandi have to do with anything? [deleted] >He was a migrant protester As in he protested migrants? >you fucktard. How mature. Insulting someone asking you to elaborate on your point. [deleted] Ghandi was also womanizing racist. Besides that, what's your point? We should let every migrant in because ghandi was one? [deleted] Cool point. Let me reiterate my question even though you're purposely acting obtuse because you're just realizing now how irrelevant your bringing up of ghandi was. Why do you think bringing up fucking Ghandi matters whatsoever? If you still don't understand, try rereading *before* responding. asking a liberal to explain the reasoning for damn near any of the stupid and frankly dangerous ideological vomit they spew from their marxist indoctrinated asses is a waste of time. i don't believe for a second that they have the emotional depth required to truly care about muh migrants' on anything more than surface level. lol, take care cool guy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best to describe r\/IncelTears is \"we're reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible!\", so your proposition from this post will fit right in. I mean you say that but I was just there and like 98% is just reposts and screenshots of the absolutely bat shit and rapey that incels post. So are all incels rapists and pedofiles? it seems like a bunch of angry birth defects with legs sitting around jerking each other off over how it's women's faults that they are so pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_____0__o______ faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Daft bitch trying to hide the fact that it's a fucking collage maker. God she's fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If someone PM's you the messages are yours to do with as you see fit. Points upward. As you tagged me in there I saw it. Although style wise I'd say that images may have been better in a way, and if you're set on text I'd have done so without the Permalink Delete Report Block User Mark Unread Reply in each reply. Sorry about that. I'm a newb to this shit so I just copy paste writ-large. No reason to be sorry, in the end what I just said is a outlet for the red pen that is part of my brain. We've all got that. :P Heh, I've been on reddit too long... I have my doubts that \"we all\" do. Oh please, I want to see Points upward. Wew lad. Someone had a bit too much kool-aid lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NightValeRadio: A quick lesson on the birds and the bees: The birds are looming, oily, sudden. The bees are bulbous, shrieking, hungry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hill folk act all the time. People just call us crazy. The day of rope is coming. I just fear for those who have done no wrong being snagged in the same net as the aggressors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deaht to all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"anonymous retard claims to be jared kushner, credulous Qcult accepts claim without reservation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DameStr8Cash: @JaeTips I know that's trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the fact is you are a nigger as well as a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have been waiting for this, now on to Hollywood, looking at you Kathryn Heigel Kathryn Heigel tried to sexually assault someone and they said no? Also Andy Dick Andy Dick is not deserving of the attention... fuck that guy 1,000 ways into the sun. I would fucking sacrifice that shit person to get Phil Hartmann back. Jesus Christ, so basically.. Andy Dick reintroduced his wife Brynn to cocaine. Hartman said he'd leave her if she started doing drugs again and she shot him in his sleep. They were both clean when Dick deliberately persuaded them to 'get off the wagon'. Folk who were present described him as persistently following Hartmans wife around and pestering her until she caved. Yes they had problems: problems that he gleefully encouraged them to succumb to. To say that he bears no responsibility is simply ignorance. I don't know about that. If you know someone is suicidal and you give them a gun and encourage them to kill them selves, they're still making their own choices and are responsible for their death, but I'd say there's a good argument to be made that you contributed to their death.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being so hyped up about winning against gamers' (whatever that's supposed to mean) that you end up taunting a widow with shitty journalism'. I'll give her some credit: She's certainly making a strong bid for most pathetic harasser of the year. > that you end up taunting a widow with shitty journalism'. At two of the worst times of the first year after the spouse dies. How much you want to bet she did research to know exactly the worst times to harass the point woman about her recently departed husband? I think she's evil enough to do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"go live in a neighborhood filled with niggers and get back to us (if ur not ded) faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what retard would down vote this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Abbot deposed Thurdbull it was over the left wing lunatics in Libs party and Coal power, so, it has been done again, and That communist Cunt Shortarse better take a note;### Coal is still the 3rd biggest expert earning income you deformed motherfucking Union thief and a thug","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that Muslim lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If someone is part of 'James X' then he's a white trash cultist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. I don't know how\/why you became a faggot. Why ask a stranger? Ask an adult you know. It is usually genetic. If scientists can discover the faggot gene(s) then faggots can be aborted and eventually the faggot problem will be eliminated. cheers, Tam this was light work. I was hoping for a challenge, but was sadly disappointed. I'll still drink to it, though!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel utterly retarded. Thanks big brother @Crawford96M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I could talk directly to assholes like Chris Hayes. But Twitter banned me for life. Who writes his tripe? Some former high school honors English feminist twat bag? \"The palpable desperation among conservatives...etc, etc.?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@richarddeitsch yeah,but the cripple not getting up clean helped the call out...wouldn't have been fair either way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's weird but I miss Robertson Screwdrivers :( --> From toque to mickey, ten Canadianisms :: http:\/\/t.co\/LUFaCmlo20 via @nationalpost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mustaka was right. you ARE a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This poll proves that gaggers are over 70% illiterate redneck morons. Lol look it's a beta fag telling us about a poll, and um, how was Hillary's poll? Oh right 98% chance of being president! Do liberals even know how numbers work? lol look it's a dumbass assuming that anyone who isn't a conspiracy retard has to be a democrat. Omg you gaggets are so dumb. You are the worst kind of democrat faggot, one who can't even admit to being a Democrat! Your troll game is weak as fuck. How long is your temper tantrum gonna last retard? Oh, and something so simple even a faggot like you could grasp. The PENTAGON covered in CAMERAS as well as surrounding gas stations etc. But they release 5 frames of footage? SERIOUSLY? BE SMARTER DUMBFUCK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A game set in the god damn fucking apocalypse and you want to punish players for swearing and killing, you cunts wouldn't last a day if this happened for real Yea its like something set in a fantasy world should give you even more freedoms They're putting anti-greifing measures in place. Plenty of games do that. Its not a big deal. And the article doesn't really take a fair look at what they are doing. I still feel this is the antithesis of any kind of apocalypse scenario You thought Fuckup: 76 was supposed to be fun? Nerd! No, just more freedom, its still a Bethesda game after all Freedom is slavery. It still needs to be fun to play. Its a game. If BGS allows the asshiles of the world to run the game, normal people won't play it. People played DayZ in droves and it was built off griefing, being able to shank a new player and steal his kidney is also kind of fun Sure, in DayZ, but this is a Fallout game. Different type of player. And if you don't like what they're doing, there are several games that fit what you are looking for that you could play instead. And i probably will play those since Bethesda games generally suck and are way too buggy to be trusted with any kind of mmo or even just mo experience id also rather avoid more horse armor scenarios Hahaha, okay. The entire game play is set up to be a grief pit. You can't build an ant colony and not expect the ants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ginkobiloba @ Irishmick SHILL\/TROLL ALERT BLOCK THIS CUNT RPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRP. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like Muslims. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HUMA ABEDIN, CHERYL MILLS LOSE SECURITY CLEARANCE WITH HILLARY CLINTON. STAFF LOSES ITS CLEARANCES 10-12-18 https:\/\/youtu.be\/oNsTGVoKflA MUST WATCH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now I feel better after muting the male cunt Trumptard Triggerer. What a freaking pansy and weak sauce. i will see that you get your 6ft deep safe space. with a cock shoved in every hole you have and even some new holes made in you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a retard. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think I found a normal roommate again! Praise be to Jesus! These current ones are about to get their throats slit in their sleep!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@strawberrycoca ling ling krunkchip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So then it stands to reason that \"that twat in America\" has black privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Dortmund: #Neger raubt #Dortmunderin aus Staseve Aktuell - ... http:\/\/staseve.eu\/?p=58292 Nigger war wohl gemeint ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The white identitarians should have quit with the tiki torch march and all gone home afterwards. Let the alt-left retards sperg out the next day waiting on the permitted demonstration. Those who were in charge of that demonstration are not the sharpest tools in the tool box. They knew that ANTIFA would be there in force, and went anyway. And they got played, turning what could have been a win into an unmitigated disaster that will define their movement for the next 50 years.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thw White Iron Band plays this weekend in Fargo,ND at the Aquarium(21+) ,Friday(10-29-10) with Charlie Parr. The next night,Saturday...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh boohoo, a man possibly\/maybe\/probably not touching some slut's boobs 35 years ago doesn't disqualify him from the Supreme Court, cry me a river.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking stupid goddamn nigger bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They're not voting for her anymore, now that they realize what a twat she is !! #GreatAwakening","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's a press qanda where she un-ironically blurts our \"that's it? . Woman is batshit lol. She definitely has the batshit look about her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Candace Owens eviscerates CNN's racist' display, challenges Lemon to debate conservative token negroes' https:\/\/www.bizpacreview.com\/2018\/10\/11\/candance-owens-eviscerates-cnns-racist-display-challenges-lemon-to-debate-conservative-token-negroes-682609 Nigger owns Niggers. I love it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If this guy wasn't a high profile comedian, people would just be calling him an incel misogynist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's both. So Sony's doing this maliciously to their own branch in Toukyo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I found out two days ago my ex had the police called to her house following a domestic dispute complaint. Her and her new female housemate had a massive fight - screaming and possible violence. It was so bad, four police cars arrived. When she broke up with me she was a *complete cunt*; screaming at me and misinterpreting my attempts to placate her as \"controlling behaviour\". and#x200B; Well it looks like I dodged a nuke.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DECOY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mayweather is a pussy hes only winning cus he picks his fight and he picks the nobody fighters . #fightPacquiao @FloydMayweather","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some of those pics are pre1933, also straight guys used to pose in ways that seem gay nowadays. Personal space was smaller back then ( and still is in many parts of Europe). If one reads there literature and speeches it makes this claim this boomer brod absurd and ridiculous not to mention how hypocritical it is when these retarded boomers created the LGBT and all the degenerate hedonism that plagues Society today. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still don't have high hopes of anything happening - only when something concrete happens will I believe it. I know Trump is aware of the situation, but I want to see something happen with my own eyes. Well so far the percentages seem frozen so Scott is still about 15k ahead. With this much attention on the issue nothing will change and the election results are what we see now. With a recount the Dems would have to find 15000 net Dem ballots without tripping a single alarm, and even then, it would wind up in court and in front of the Supreme Court. scary...john roberts isnt rhenquist. he's weak. Then pray Ginsburg dies and we can ram Barrett through. why? we'lll have 52 even if mcsally\/scott lose...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you've ever been to drunk to fish, you might be a redneck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is one form of 'public nuisance' that I can appreciate. Should be encouraged in every parking lot. Much better than the usual fat dyke feminists screeching and waving placards showing the alphabet soup of sexual deviancy that they have just thought up. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/441086-german-star-striptease-police-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gab Nazi: \"Jews control the world\" Me: Actually Jews only represent I believe in fighting all the filthy despicable askeNAZI JEWS also! But I look at FACTS which is something a RETARD such as yourself has no CLUE! Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"aint that ignorant cunt who fucks and drinks dog piss? Nasty ass bitch https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OSy8wKx-hws","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER IQ All Western aid should be suspended to Africans until they agree to sterilization after one niglet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why we voted Trump https:\/\/youtu.be\/7KFEBbWcnEc That's definitely a different species from us white people. its just nice see good people doing good stuff amigos!! only in America captain Cheetos dick! you mute me just makes me feel good all over!! LMFAO ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thugs of the past: Remember Leiba Feldbin aka A.Orlov (1895-1973) who was a bolshevik NKVD resident in Spain during civil war, killing all sorts of opponents, mostly anarchists. Now imagine to be that retarded enough to name yourself Anarcho-Communist, like @-Gab, sniffing behind others","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Trump names the jew and stops allowing jews to make our law enforcement into the NKVD, I will drop out of the race and endorse him. NO MAN LEFT BEHIND! #AmericaFirst #EqualJusticeBeforeTheLaw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give us your poor, hungry, tired, nonwhite illegal aliens with HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis, syphilis, etc, otherwise you're a racist Nazi. All because some faggot wrote a poem once.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"boy he looks like an AIDS infected jizzguzzling knobgobbling asseating mentally ill faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With liberal tears comes nigger rioting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These retardbros are smarter than the whole world. \"Shes an actress so she was able to fool us\" Why can't the rest of the world understand that about Harvey Weinstein.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@StPaul_Brandon She colored not Lebanese","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks man, you're absolutely right. They're all a bunch of pansies. fuck em dude. let them rot in their delusions. you can't reason with delusional people (feminists)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@hardball @Milbank Chris stop your angry bird spitting n Dana go hail ur racial tendicies, u didn't infor, carter rt n u never talk abt him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ahh yes how dare he try to walk down the road. and we all know the Canadian fighting words of.... \"Let me just squeeze by ya real quick\" I understand your sentiment. However, lets be real, you can be safe, or you can be sorry. This guy didn't choose safe. I'm not blaming him for what happened, but he probably pushed his way through this group thinking he was tough enough to handle anything. However he didn't count on being **sucker punched** which I guarantee is what happened, he tried to move past, got sucker punched and now he's retarded. So what does his intentions matter now? What do his principles or whether he's in the right or not matter now? He's basically dead. Be safe out there. Hey I agree, if you don't go looking for trouble you probably won't find it. I just don't like the fact that this shit is allowed to walk down our streets, and lets not kid each other, he got off because he was a minority. Agreed, I feel the same way. It's a shame but it's the reality we find ourselves in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TomasAllende It's bretty gay. I'll say this, I don't fuck with those pro accts. They all drug up for a while when torba bounced @u . They we're big on shitting on all of us. Including anons including writers and e celebs. They are plutocrats by definition. When I realized I was a right winger, I was fully aware I would be grouped with people that don't like me. But since I'm no longer in highschool I don't give a fuck. Being so afraid of being called a nazi that you counter signal, I don't understand it. Read siege man. Those ppl must be shoved unto the dying ground, a corner, a place where they either fight for an existence; or die. They don't deserve anything more than a single choice. My dad was almost killed when he was 12 during a land takeover under Allende's regime, my mom's office was machinegunned by commie terrorists because she worked for the military. I guess Americans have lived too peacefully for too long. If I may borrow a commie phase. The west is ... Decedant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"City of Selma hands out layoff notices to 68 employees https:\/\/yellowhammernews.com\/city-of-selma-hands-out-layoff-notices-to-68-employees\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Nekkohbk: I stopped caring about mcm when I noticed dykes where getting chose before me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GA Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok so not all the shows on Cartoon Network are complete trash. Stevm Universe is awwwwwesomeeeeee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More attacks on FAITH GOLDY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that all immigrants are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Notice Drake and LeBron in awe of the baby's blue eyes. That is the very definition of racism, since Niggers cannot have blue eyes. The fact both are pleased that Drake's son has blue eyes displays their hatred for their own race, and are therefore glad the ugly dark Nigger eyes have been removed from the child.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that a feckless old cunt like Mazie Hirono can be sent to be part of the \"elite\" US Senate is mind-boggling. We must find a way to ensure scum is seen as unelectable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's called being a picky cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> The Continent is a fantasy world And Wakanda is a real place of course, 'cause we waz Kangs 'n shit. Well wakanda is based in the real world continent of Africa the Witcher isn't even based on earth Except the entire Witcher world is based on medieval Eastern Europe, so you're argument is nonsense. Aww yes I love the part of medieval Europe when the drowners attacked London If it's fantasy it's not historically based, idk how in your little world magic and monsters are acceptable but black people are some crazy concept","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"thats cuz u aint everrrr had that cunt sucked proper, ya cunt!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"commie fag wants dead white children fuck you cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @amyalkon: School admins take hungry kids' lunch and throw in trash because their lunch funds aren't paid up. That'll teach em! http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says a retarded psycho bitch that no sane man wants to make a baby with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#iubb #1 suiting up again tonight! #Indiana #IU #ncaa #hoosierdaddy #HoosierNation #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not make Muslims suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not even an hour into looking through gab I am floded with alt-right and Nazi values. Extremely sexist and homophobic comments as well as hella xenophobic shit. The reason most y'all come here is because any other place would judge you, which just so you know to judge someone based on what they say is not anti-free speech. Whoa... I was noticing the same thing. Is gab a platform for alt right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mayormcginn If racial minorities weren't criminally inclined, they wouldn't have so much to worry about. Act your color, race traitor!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll try not to be complete assholes in the future. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"look tards, remember that old video of Trump in a room with a giant, crazy bird? You know he wanted to kill the damned thing with a hammer, but he managed to keep his composure. Of what use to our movement could this kind of \"cargo cult\" support from the dumbest nigger to never rob a liquor store be?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Entertaining the thought that the sex bots appeal to a rape fantansy wouldn't it be a good thing that the rapes are focused on bots instead of real women? Probably. I believe that's how it's played out in studies on pedophiles. Access to digitally created child porn allows them to satisfy the urge without having to act on it with a real human. Probably doesn't help that there's no real treatment for people born a pedophile but hate themselves for it. Yep. The stigma around pedophilia is perhaps the most dangerous part of pedophilia. I think pedophiles acting on their urges is the most dangerous part of pedophilia. Not to them. If rapes aren't happening to women that's one less thing to complain about And if a woman rapes a man they say that isn't possible. and when one does mention an actual group, say the UK, you come up with yet another excuse. youre nothing more than a fallacious twat. we call that moving the goal posts. stop it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Froggie is cuter. BTW the dyke just got suspended by Twatter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fucked off right after the concert ended. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are retarded people still on Discord? get off of discord dumb cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You spelled that wrong. You decided to gay? What a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"people have rights to follow there own religion, if they try to force people not the following there religion then that country running a dictatorship, hopefully soon there will be change in low by the international pressure,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Knot you keep using other words when you meant 'jews', maybe take some time off or poast slower, this mildly retarded style isn't a good look","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are calling him a \"Native American\" on Fox News. Douchebag faggot Shitbreath Smith was basically placing the blame right on #Trump.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Yankees: Alfredo Aceves in to relieve @CC_Sabathia here in the 4th. #Yankees he needs to go away , gas can !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahahahaaaaaa! Loves it! Next hashtag should say #whataboutism It's just another \"-ism that the left came up with to shut down arguments they are losing. It's often a completely legitimate talking point to be like \"Well what about... History repeats itself, so it's not that crazy if we draw some parallels with current events and other events that are occurring\/have occurred in the past. So what? \"I hate Trump because he did X \"Well, Barry also did X, how do you feel about him? \"REEEE WHATABOUTISM!!! CHECKMATE DRUMPFTARD!!! That's quite the accurate representation. Nailed it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that all gay people are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Agree? She didn't give a fuck. \"That's not how I had it explained to me. Stop getting your legal advice from Facebook you dumb cunt. Put in code: CuteSlut15 for 15% off your order!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So sick of being around construction sites like this. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Talented faggot dies from buttfucking\" is enough for a whole movie?! A comic book, maybe...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont think the word nigger is racist, it has many meanings. To me it means a foolish, dangerous and unbalanced dumb person. I call a lot of people nigger, and as a biracial male I dont care if it bothers you. Because im using a word to call out dumb dangerous people. Deal with it son.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those trans people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Freudian slip by the Deep State? They realize that now. It's the main reason they are too scared to go full on JFK with Trump. Your hostility toward older people might get you hurt someday .. The older generation has already done more than hurt me, they have wrought hell upon my fellow man. On their way out from the face of this planet, they have left the planet, specially society in worse conditions than they left it. Our generation not only will take care of the Commies... ... but is on track to repeal universal suffreage. The betrayal of the tea party is forgotten by the MSM, but not by me. Enjoy your social security while you can, geriatric. I can't wait to see you make a move again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of Muslims once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finally a man that calls it how it is. The media asks some of the dumbest questions ever. They have gone full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/cSl2bu53WI0 This is the real story of that \"comedian\" Jim Norton. Is a Documentary called \"The Worm has Turned\" about how Jim is a self serving spineless cunt. Really well made. Please check it out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wicked Oreo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a woman, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals are lunatics. ----Anti-Trump liberals are retarded mental case lunatics. These are dangerous, violent, sub-humans. Jennings death comes just months after House Majority Whip, Steve Scalise, and four other Republicans we shot by another anti-Trump lunatic during baseball practice in Virginia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently you're allowed to stereotype Hispanics as long as you work at CNN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, Ok. Alrighty then, whatever you say. I mean, it's your story and you can tell it any way you want. (Rolls eyes.) Nothing really surprises me anymore. So.....whatever >men today are responsible for what men 100+ years ago allowed women to do >women are not responsible for what they themselves do today >#MGTOW is just like #feminism guiz! teeheee The absolute state of #GynoRight The blame game isn't working well for you. Besides you blaming women for a failed patriarchy (Because Jewish supremacy is a failure) blaming white women for Jewish feminists pretty well has you going \"Your own way.\" I laugh because MGTOW is a feminist movement and truth hurts, right? Maybe it is a woman's fault... Your mama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK THE RACIST FASCIST SHITSTAIN TRUMP AND THE ANTIAMERICAN RETARDED SHEEP WHO WORSHIP HIM! MAGA: build the wall and THROW RIGHT WING FILTH OVER IT! Purge the fascist terrorist orange pigs from American soil!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's obvious that Muslims are the very opposite of stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger ianer aus Nigger ia ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reminder: Today is another day that #POTUS 45 did not end #QAnon. The information has obviously gone global, so a very strong chance #Trump knows about #Q. Especially with all the Pathetic MSM hit pieces. But, he hasn't ended it. Telling! #TrueMAGA Were it true why bring attention to it? The MSM buries true news by not reporting it. The real truth is they played you like an accordion, knowing attacking Q would bring him more Q-tards under his spell. A grand illusion to tranquilize the masses. Prove that #Q is fake, cupcake. You can't. All you have is blather. Weak Sauce. Tell me when Q's first prediction came true again? Maybe I'll consider it right after you prove your assertion that #Q is fake. Maybe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are the worst kind of motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same thug who had his students harass my family. We received death threats. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Lj7vEpnZuow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But the presenter is obviously right. Feminism and this retarded anti-male culture constantly outright lies about EVERYTHING constantly. You seem to think truth and facts do not exist and somehow want to claim that \"because the students are so fucking brainwashed that they won't think logically, they are both right\" which is just nonsensical in every way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Traffic in the gables <<<<<<<<","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree. I'd also like to point out that not every nigger needs to be black, as Pelosi shows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That cunt Sarkeesian has gotten wind of this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">I am of course very supportive of what Title IX and the #MeToo movement are trying to do, of their efforts to confront and to prevent abuses, for which they also seek some sort of justice. But it's for that very reason that **it's so disappointing when this incredible energy for justice is twisted and turned against itself,** which is what many of us believe is happening in this case. In other words, justice for the victim and preventing abuse is only a concern when there's not a male victim or a woman, especially a feminist woman, committing the abuse In other words, justice for the victim and preventing abuse is not a genuine concern at all, and it's really just about demonizing men and perpetuating the myth that sexual violence is something *men* specifically are responsible for You have just perfectly described every single motivation trainer\/guru\/whatever bs these crooks call themselves nowadays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Andrew Interrupted commented on your post.6 minutes: \"Creating a Communist Utopia\" Andrew Interrupted @WubaGuba 1 Reply Repost Quote a minute ago Captain Bob @Captainbob Yes, this is even better, Commies shooting beautiful unarmed women. Big brave men. Don't think for a minute that today's green haired Dyke slugs wouldn't do the same to us and our wives and children now if given the chance. We have EVERYTHING against us but somehow we must overcome through wit and wile and defeat these Commies or it's over. Now is the time for words and ideas, act now before things get very much worse. Strength in numbers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because I joined it when I was a freshman 3 years ago and I'm too lazy and uninvested in Facebook to leave. Plus it's great for the cringe value _( )_\/ you dropped this. Double backslash to bypass the formatting. Imagine joining this group and realising this is the sort of people who your college lets graduate with you and the sort of people you're spending thousands of dollars to be around. To be fair judging a school by its SJWs is like judging it by its Greek life. You'll get a skewed and pretty negative view of it. Honestly it's mostly just in the Facebook group that I see this kind of thing and it's always the same few people posting it. Then again I'm mostly focused on doing well in my classes and spending time with the people I actually like and avoid anything political or generally SJW-y like the plague","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggers are locked into their interests, which include - affirmative action, promotion of miscegenation by the government and corporations, gibs me dat and media portrayals that spin their negatives into positives. When a funny nigger breaks from this tribal loyalty and becomes friendly with the enemy (Whitey), the nigger sees this as a betrayal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same. Particularly my mother in law...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On the one hand it's sort of satisfying to see her get it, on the other hand, the crime in question is one of those crimes that's only a crime in crazed Muslim countries and the United States of America, drinking on a beach. People just have fake freedom these days. She seems like a piece of shit, but you say that she might only have been given a ticket if she had complied, but why is it uncertain? A ticket is the punishment for her initial \"crime\" is it not? I don't know American police law, but is the implication that they could have dragged her off to jail for a simple underage drinking charge? If so, that's fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok everybody, withhold your taxes till the cunt dies!, if you end up in jail demand to go to the one he's in then kill him. The Islamic trojan horse is too dangerous, even to keep alive!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"white supremacist...anyone who is not a nigger loser...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Child Sacrifice Aborted; Satanists Arrested; #Cargill, #Sinclair Executives Implicated (Aug\/2014) https:\/\/beforeitsnews.com\/v3\/celebrities\/2014\/ check your sources, this website beforeitsnews has articles about Reptillians and planet X etc. just look at their front page. Then most links reference other BS articles on the same website.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sign the petition to end social media censorship. I'll make a video about this tomorrow: https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/pass-social-media-anti-censorship-act-smaca-end-soviet-style-speech-control-major-social-media-platforms https:\/\/LIttleRevolution.us\/SMACA We haven't even received 500 signatures on this petition since my video a little over 12 hours ago. @Eric_StrikerDS @realemilyyoucis can you get TRS to push this whitehouse.gov petition to stop jew censorship of the goyim? @Microchip @RealRedElephants @Cantwell why write legislation to fix a problem that the free market is already fixing? Give the government the ability to police language on social media and the government will legislate in their interests, not the interests of those using that social media.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tommy Robinson was photographed with a group of young soldiers during a chance meeting at a motorway service station. These lads have now had their phones seized and are being \"investigated\" by the British Army who buckled under pressure from muslims. I am pretty close to breaking point - this is an outrage and it is clearly being made into an issue by our enemies. Please, if you feel angry about this or simply want to show support for our troops over the spineless middle class who can wet themselves when muslims complain. Please sign here - www.StandWithOurLads.com everything Tommy touches turns to shit. All these soldiers will now be in the dole line, thanks to tommy's stunt. Explain how i support terrorists? I actually want to know how you came to that conclusion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They also come in handy for the Marxists to get rid of problem citizens, and they have been used in that capacity before. You can tell the socialists who are in denial from the ones that are serious about reconstructing society based on which ones want to keep easy arrest laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"send the cunt back to the nation she really represents. #Nation110","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You lose the argument cuz when you live in DC and you can't walk down the streets out of fear that some nigger might attack you for giving him the wrong look and can't rely on self defense cuz the nigger jury is gonna side with the nigger regardless of how justifiable my use of force is, \"liberty\" and \"equality\" mean as much as they do in liberia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> TBH, half the internet (including here) is gonna be acting like they're legal experts over this. Well ackchyually, according to law under section > Disney dropped James Gunn at the slightest hint of controversy, and he was making high-grossing films for them. No, Disney gave a shit about the James Gunn issue when those retards started a campaign against him and it became international news that a Disney Director made kiddie porn jokes 10 years ago on fucking twitter. This stuff was already public and he had already apologised in the past, Disney 100% knew about it, but it wasn't an issue, until it became news. This comicgate thing on the other hand is just too tiny to matter, Mark Waid is known by comic fans, but not by mainstream media.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elections don't matter. If they did they would not be allowed to exist anymore. If you're still falling for that con, you fully deserve to get fucked over by your \"party of choice\". You asked for it at that point. The system is illegitimate but unless you try to work within to tear it down, I don't see an out. This dumb idea that by voting you legitimize the system was already disproven by the Greeks a very long time ago. If you don't participate in the system you just get ruled over by inferiors or the worst people. You get ruled by the worst people in a democracy no matter what you do. That's something no one can disprove - all petty drama politics aside. This LARPY idea that if you don't vote\/engage that the system shrieks and disappears in a puff of smoke\/just ceases being is something that some AnCaps have floated but the reality is that it doesn't work that way. You have to engage with the system in some way to get rid of it. Literally Democracy = \"Ok people, let's break up into 2 groups....\" But even at its' core it's divisive. Monarchy did a lot of bad shit, but it didn't divide the nation on national issues. It divided on class. I like the idea of dividing on class by way of the pillar of society - the working family. Let a working family vote, 1 vote per family.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is not... that's not... are you fucking retarded or just stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many people out there are actually like thus person? She seems very sick mentally. I've been too cunty the last few days on reddit so I'm trying to tamper back my reactions. This poster needs professional help. She can't rationally deal with reality and has to twist it completely Yea I was reading and then it just clicked like, holy shit, this is a mentally sick and deranged human being.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember fearing the police as a teenager in the 90's. My friend drunkenly destroyed a wooden fence and was bundled in a police van, had the shit kicked out of him in the van for a few miles, and then thrown out the van. There was only 1 women police officer i encountered back then and she was a big aggressive dike. Male police officers also had to be a minimum of 5 foot 8 tall to apply..... Forces around the country have relaxed their own minimum height rules since the 1990s. A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police said: \"Over the years there have been many changes to the selection criteria used for police officers. \"There was once a minimum height requirement for male police officers of 5ft 8in tall, however it has been made illegal to discriminate against or reject applicants on the basis of their height. I miss UK police being cunts. I feel like I live in another dimension now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A cannibal ass in every seat. Nice of our 'leadership' to get so deep in leveraged debt to nigger nations (offshore accounting) they are 'forced' to accommodate nigger trash in our home nations. The kike 'royalty' is leveraged in offshore city of London accounts so heavily they simply have to bend over no lube when africa want to invade Europe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"7\/ Ppl always like to use the \"first they came for ...\" quote -- amazingly, to DEFEND white supremacists, who were the ones who the quote is referencing as coming for everyone. That's how mentally retarded Gab is. How about \"the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing\"? LOL, now this homo claims that even just having a section of Gab for white supremacists is \"censorship.\" He's literally that retarded. It's like he just uses random words that he doesn't know the meaning of, probably bc his parents found that entertaining.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TIME TO #BoycotttRubyTues What the fuck are you talking about? Ive been to my ruby tuesday in trump shirt and maga hat idk how many times. Not only do they serve us, but they love us. We are treated as VIPs there. Where the fuck are you getting this nonsense from? https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/family-claims-ruby-tuesday-denied-table-trump-shirt-post-pictures\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mayormcginn @usmayors @SenFeinstein White people need those weapons to defend themselves from the subhuman trash your sort unleashes on us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dont buy lotto tickets what are u a dumb nigger or something?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a wetback. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TruthFeed News: Feinstein Saw Trump's Lock Her Up' Chant Needless to Say, She's NOT HAPPY https:\/\/truthfeednews.com\/feinstein-saw-trumps-lock-her-up-chant-needless-to-say-shes-not-happy\/?utm_source=dlvr.itandutm_medium=twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @AbstractLife: @NigelDixon1 @SeanTHarrington Orton is trash idc he ain't been playing. Trashlex Smith only sat out Kaep took his spot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ #niggerfood #niggerperson #you #are #a #nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you an actual retard? Go fuck yourself Keep downvoting and keep telling yourselves that. Be sure to downvote all of the people starting to lose faith, maybe you will stop the deluge with your point suppression! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL tick tock faggot tick tock Yeah this guy is an actual retarded person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAITH GOLDY BEING DENIED ADVERTISING Toronto Mayoral Leading candidate https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/female-candidate-leading-the-polls-banned-from-advertising\/ Lmfao she is in no way shape or form leading.... as if ...hysterical","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"willie brown's ex is a dumbshit nigger. screw her and ignore everything this moron twat says","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americunts are fucking stupid. Americunts is what I meant you nipple licking butthole sniffer!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NPCs are new because we needed the power of computers to reach this level of confirmist retardation. But SJWs are basically neo-communists without the economic system. Moral posturing backed with threats or violence is nothing new, Communists have been doing this for about a hundred years. Fighting against logic and reason is also not new, but most of the Communists didn't do that because they wanted to win and they realized that they needed logic in order to do that. SJWs are neo-communists that don't want communism to win. So they act like NPCs by following their programming even when they don't want their programming to succeed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An invading army is slowly trekking towards the United States' Southern Border. In any other time in history, stopping them with deadly force would be considered a practical and common-sense measure. But now, we're supposed to open wide and let them in. This is a manufactured crisis designed to energize the Left before the November Election. Ike called them Wetbacks. He knew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chelsea Handler: My White Privilege Makes Me Feel Very Gross' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nKCx ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stephen Colbert 'Late Show' writer: 'I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/stephen-colbert-late-show-writer-im-just-glad-we-ruined-brett-kavanaughs-life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not to mention towards the end they had 3 weights left if they were 25-50lbs which is standard that's 75-150lbs shy of competitor here. military as well, which is completely irrelevant btw. but could do it. thats not the point though. she lied. pretty obvious. she was a cunt about it too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boston Police Patrolmen's Association is refusing to endorse Democratic Elizabeth \"Fauxcohontas Warren in her reelection bid because of her Left-wing anti-police activism and \"derogatory remarks. https:\/\/thenationalsentinel.com\/2018\/10\/09\/boston-police-union-tells-fauxcohontas-warren-to-take-a-hike-will-not-endorse-her\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao the shovel video is pretty awesome, she went down like a ton of bricks lol. Gotta love honky riff raff savages. That is all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FemsHaveBallz have u spent significant time in ANY ghetto, or witnessed the years of terrorism committed by police in the Black community?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're not. God (or Allah) appreciates a sense of humor. It's the people that are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doug Martin trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical J1hadi behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy better start recording his life 24\/7 for evidence. Dead man walking otherwise (because she'll probably report him to the police for rape after she fails the course). Hell hath no fury like a crazy vindictive cunt scorned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hate speech dont exist, retarded speech does but its legal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NRoth44: Wow the stupid nigger in LeBron really came out there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Participation awards for all...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's been beyond redemption since he went out on a tangent against us years ago. He's probably gonna use the James Gunn excuse: \"oh it was x times ago, and totally a joke! I've changed now\" Dracula may ask \"what is a man?\", but even he would be perplexed by Glinner. \"A miserable black hole of past glories. But enough talk.... Have at you!\" Damn it... now you have made me consider Dracula presented in the Twilight universe... so... fucking... sparkly. I've never actually read or watched any of that particular gay vampire shit, it was more a play on how vampires supposedly cast no reflection in a mirror. Me neither, to be honest. And I understood the play perfectly, but I tried coming up with a way for Dracula to actually be reflecting in some capacity. That was the closest one. [\"... you looked a bit like a man!\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KGzeC9IaGLc)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah I would knock that bug out and just go to lowes... that lady is retarded, literally believes she can can beat a mans ass. I see this chick, and her cousins, every day on my way to work, she's in the fast lane going 63 and wondering why people are looking back at her as they pass on the right...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking faggot has a history of being a useless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redbone means the meat isn't done. It's undercooked. Think of a chicken bone - it's red in the middle before it gets done all the way. Undercooked = light skinned Source: white guy who listened to a rap song and went into the rabbit hole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees Nice bounce back @Michael Kay. Gotta keep this going!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When are we gonna finally get a Jetsons movie? It's the ultimate white utopia that hadn't been tainted from Brown or black people. Is it really so much to ask for a Jestons movie? See how pathetic and retarded that looks? You laugh at me for saying that, and for good reason. The wakanda obsession is fucking depressing. Maxine Waters(Cali politician, corrupt as all hell) did some little wakandan hand signal(I believe at Aretha Franklin's funeral?) And it was depressing. Goddamn, enjoy the movie, sure. Hell, get excited and cosplay for all I care. But acting like a fucking comic book is anythi bother than fiction? Christ grow the fuck up people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rabid Racist Pensioner Thrown Out of His Fav Shop for Telling Black Wankers to Sod Off Back to the Jungle. Fat Sounding Cunt Involves Herself. Did She Want Dat Dick? https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/uk\/home-news\/sainsburys-racist-video-security-guard-abuse-london-a","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Nigger admitted his own racial inferiority by having a White bitch be his 'stripper'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey my folk. This nigger loving Jew boy @Deuterostomes asked if I was making death threats against his goat fucking people. Fuck him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Leaking\" Feinstein . . . That is a great triple-purpose nickname for a feckless old cunt who is wearing Depends, who hired a Chinese spy on her staff and whose staff members have forwarded their buddies in the media the identities of those who've asked for anonymity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I miss your and snuggleboomer's dialogue... But, she couldn't handle the heat... It was really only that one time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shut up terrorist nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The \"N\" word? Would that be \"nice\"? Neutered? Don't be such a pussy. If you mean NIGGER say so. https:\/\/thewhitemansbible.wordpress.com\/book\/29-who-needs-niggers-or-elimination-of-the-black-plague\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The word twat is widely used as a derogatory epithet, especially in British English, referring to a person considered obnoxious or stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Other footballers who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Female lives are worht absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @UrbanEngIish: When your phone goes off in class and the teacher says \"turn that trash off\" but its a song from your mixtape = https:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My money says the bombs were actually sent by a white boomer hopped up on conservative talk radio. Only a talk radio junkie would include Maxine Waters on the list. No serious political thinker would bother with her. The thinking left wouldn't add her to a list of people who matter and the thinking right wouldn't dare silence that retarded gaffe generator. Yeah no way do I believe even one of these \"trust the plan\" Qtard boomers who call us muslim shills for questioning voting GOP down the line (let alone how they react when we advocate political violence), would do this right now. After a blue wave? Sure, but not now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey, Russians... CA wants your vote.. ya just have to get there. https:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/san-francisco-to-allow-illegals-to-vote\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's ridiculous, just as many retarded men believe in astrology as retarded women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah well, it was the KLAN that finally said ENOUGH of the JEWISH Carpetbaggers allowing Niggers to Rape and Murder our White Women and Children. 150 years ago , those \"costumed\" Men might very well have saved your ignorant ass..... Can't talk sense to a 'Dems R Teh Real Racist' adherent. They think in cookie cutter terms, that all democrats were bad\/'racist', while 'Republicans' were always virtuous and never put niggers down, nor kicked a Chinaman in the head for cooking the neighborhood dog. Another Jewish trick to alter history.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"300,000 Irish were put into slavery as political prisoners by England. The occupation of Ireland was brutal, and yet you bitch that the Irish have the balls to resist and fight back? Worthless Boomer Limey Cuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Campos_uli is a fag #hesgay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not beyond the realm of possibility that the people aligned with you are also cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Battlefield V censors \"nigger\" in the chat. >I love how mad blacks get about this it's a word you pussy once a little thing happens black people blow up about it saying it's racist, you can't be racist against blacks because I'd all the things your race has done, and you get mad because nigger is censored, blacks are too sensitive","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Burn Every synagogue of satan, every jewish house to the Ground! Juden Raus!! https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/swedish-jewish-politicians-house-burned-in-suspected-anti-semitic-attack\/ Where do you get these Jew LIES? The catholic church as been compromised for a long time and obviously the Vatican is patently Satanic now. Martin Luther was 100% right and the Pamphlet \"The Jews and their LIES\" should be required reading for all Christians as it echos what Jesus taught us about the fake Jews and their father the devil. But the Satanic Jews will weasel their way into anything wholesome and destroy as they are obviously parasitical cancer. Nothing changes the FACT that the people who call themselves Jews but are not are sub human feral beasts and a completely inferior species. They are retarded but the inverted satanic world was created around these low IQ robots. You were wrong about Voltaire and I don't believe you here either. You believe Jew LIES as they always rewrite history to take out all the scum that they do!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK you. Don't even start with that nonsense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's replace leftist cunt white Ivanka with this Indian one! @andieiamwhoiam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I was a lesbian I'd probably be offended by this You should read r\/gendercritical 's feelings on this. It's like lighting a match during a gas leak in that sub lol Except that sub's more of a hen house. I regret clicking that link Eh fair point. I personally found a decent chunk of it cringey but i see where you're coming from It can be cringe-inducing, sure, but there's some sanity in, what I previously mentioned, that hen house. The ruffled-feathers is just as entertaining as the male\/trans straw men they build.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"your fight is not fighting, it's surrendering.. you can tell by the dead muzzie body count.. the score is thousands of rapes and stabbing,, how many dead muzzies .. ZERO!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Earth's Thermosphere Record Cold and Auroras With No CME\" ... With No CME - what do you expect? How thermosphere should get warm when there are no CMEs to inject energy into it? also Cowboy accent = retarded commentator = bullshit science.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat? I cunt hear you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sinead O'Conner Converts to Islam https:\/\/www.irishpost.com\/entertainment\/sinead-oconnor-renounces-catholicism-converts-islam-161261?fbclid=IwAR3KzlwfESR3w0cCQGFElFH-tIZ5vBc_HCpXw8ycW4c8XflU5ixv-ihZZlk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't want to date anymore.... had she continued the lie. His life would've been ruined... just the accusations alone. Plus the worst part is taking credibility from real rape victims? What're these women doing?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was a bit of a prick back then. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here is a POS Winner that Needs a Shallow grave Trial starts for man accused of shooting pizza shop employee... https:\/\/www.click2houston.com\/news\/trial-starts-for-man-accused-of-shooting-pizza-shop-employee-15-times","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim lives are worth so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv religion is gay, loser","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not even gonna read that condescending article. I know for a fact that there were women warriors in the ancient world. I know for a fact that there were women soldiers in newer wars. I am annoyed of being called dumb by someone who doesn't acknowledge me for what I am - a woman gamer who is more informed than the \"journalist\" who wrote this article. I would have *loved* to play as a [WASP](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Women_Airforce_Service_Pilots) in a WWII game. But no, devs gotta play \"muh diversity\" card because of ignorant dumb sluts that call themselves SJWs. I would have *loved* to see a game focus on strong women like [Tomoe Gozen](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Tomoe_Gozen) or [empress Jingu](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Empress_Jing%C5%AB), if they absolutely must play the No Whites-card. I'm sure there are African warrior women, but I'm not knowledgable when it comes to african nations. A cunt like Eve MacDonald shouldn't assume anything, when she clearly doesn't know who gamers are. She doesn't even back up her assumption with legitimately historical women fighters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a m u z z i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you fucking pieces of shit need to shoot yourselves in the damn face with a shotgun you nutball cocksuckers...smfh. Get a life you fucking piece of shit pathetic miserable loser in life. Always got to be jealous of the jews to make you miserable self fell better huh. Shoot yourself faggot \"Anti Semitism is a healthy feeling towards murdering anti-Christian destroyers of nations.\" If it hurts to read this, that's on you. I'm not jew. I do not support the destruction of goyim. I do not support child abuse. I do not support jewish supremacy!! Jews are NOT Gods! Jews are NOT better than goyim!!! This is what jews believe! JEWS ARE DEMONS! JEWS ARE PEDOPHILES!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Democrat Twins. #Ford #Strzok Are we sure that's not just Strzok in drag? What is that thing? I think its her chin...nope nope nope...I think it might be her neck...nope...its a neckchin. Dammit please warn before smattering such a vile image in high resolution across my screen UGH!! She\/it looks a lot like some old guy wearing a wig, something is not right with this one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is not PPD. It would be if this racist cunt was actually forced to resign. Because she is a black woman she will get to keep her job. Pussy pass and race pass confirmed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\" momma said no pussy cats inside my doghouse \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Fuck moslems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jumpmastere8 @dmcgowen1776 @visitorvisiting its retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gee, you didn't know that a Jew or the Jew media won't necessarily admit a person is Jewish when they are a krypto (Jews that infiltrate as something else) Haha, you are retarded my friend","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DrDavidDuke: If he was wearing a yarmulke and she was holding a Talmud, this would be considered a hate crime. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/T2cg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's gonna have a hard time paying all that back doing Donkey Shows in Boys Town. What? I'm not the ONLY one thinking that.... Cmon, Man! We all were I'm just the only one with cajones enough to say it.... but I'll still keep them away from Horseface I'm not into porn but IMO, her \"show\" days are over. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Anastacia_Cole: I like being Asian and all but it's a struggle having squinty eyes in every picture","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It will be a 250lb ghetto nigger bitch doing the smothering, though... Haha the boomers are going to spend the end of their lives being taken care of by niggers spics and philipinos. I have rubbed this in dads face before. Poetic justice. They've spent their entire lives either ignoring, or endorsing the importation of the hoards of savages who hate them, as well as jumping through hoops in order to work against the interests\/survival of our people, so it's only right that they get \"taken care of\" by those same barbarians they protected, or neglected. The future will be filled with malnourished BOOMERS in nursing homes covered with bed sores and bruises until the 250lb transgendered nigger nursing assistant has a bad day and smothers them with a mildew stained pillow. The sad part is, they will probably be too senile to realize their horrible treatment is a punishment for a lifetime of enabling nightmare world to take root and \"blossom\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"President Eisenhower - deported 1 million Mexicans in one year Trump - can't deport more than a socialist nigger SO much winning, MAGA, TRUST the PLAN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The @Yankees are playing the @tigers tonight. In other words, I am not friends with @mtaraban.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When leftist Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace refused to obey federal desegregation court order president Kennedy sent in national guard troops to enforce it. I think Trump should do the same in sanctuary cities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well I'm an woman and I was born in Guatemala, Em... I dont see anything wrong with Guatemala.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheShoeBible @Steamed_Greens Them hoes are clean!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">go to nerd thing con >talk about Marxism instead It's *Kotaku*, you're surprised? I'm new here. I didn't join this sub before because I thought the people here liked Kotaku...but now I see that's thankfully not the case. Kuntaku In Action","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangel those women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this twat for real?????????????????????\/\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should add a luxury tax to retarded stuff like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swarms of black people are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HoodsButtCrack: @vegebitemeash 10 brownie points for you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a nigger aint nothing but a nigger In the bible, God calls them Canaanites which is a HEATHEN SANTANIC race that God DESPISES! They R descended from satanic race mixing FORNICATOR Esau! As it is written, JACOB HAVE I LOVED (God's white Adamic race), but ESAU HAVE I HATED (Jews and ALL other mixed races). Romans 9:13","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be better off without trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was Lovecraft racist? Yup. He hated everyone. It wasn't just black people. He hated Catholics, Mexicans, the Irish, etc... He liked England and white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Hell, he disliked Jews and married one. I'm quite sure, if he were alive and we met, he'd dislike me from first sight. But does that mean you throw everything he added to a genre out? Of course not. We are adults. Adults can separate such things as an author's personal twatiness and their output. Well, we used to be adults.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"A post gender society is the most retarded thing I've heard all day. And I've been in the internet all day!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Toronto Faggot Jordan Hunt. Abuser of Women....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt isn't a sexual insult though, it's just slang for a throughly unpleasant person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"glenladen got life flight to osu and they are saving him, don't mess with the birds #RESPECT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The \"Lets honor a lying cunt \" award","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Which European capital still has Europeans in it? Fine jews, nuke your central banks and the replacement populations that Israide has brought in. Jews are retarded, a race incapable of long term thought. This expulsion is will be from the earth if israel keeps this up. I just wanted them expelled to Madagascar, but this is so much better, what these retarded inbred jews are bringing upon themselves with the 47-chromosome tier decisions israel is making. Gn, goyim! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nq1C47U72hgandt=6s \"Lets genocide the race that built the society and tools in which we depend on to control the world\".. Said every parasitic jew, ever. Current residents of Madagascar are so stupid they won't notice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shameful, the refugees will find out they been lie to by a faggot and he gonna be dead soon. Keep faking, he even sit like a faggot !!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ATtRBg2ntqM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mom outraged over viral video of bullies pointing gun at son's head https:\/\/nyp.st\/2OITLmm via @nypost ME: I pray for our youth, what the hell is wrong with kids these days?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leave that nasty nigger in the jungle where it belongs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"reminder that all the false idols crumbled before the one true god","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to hug a woman tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger learns a new word......ffs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"COMICAL AS FUCKING SHT! WHAT A DUMB ASS BITCH! CUNT NEEDS SOME JAIL TIME!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Iranian? ....fuck Which is honestly the better option. It is way cheaper. It makes sure that the terrorist will not attack you ever again and they won't radicalize anyone else. Now ain't that the truth. Shooting on sight? Yea, probably cheaper and easier? But if that's the default reaction, how many people also get shot on sight just from being in the wrong place at the wrong time?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common immigrant trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ROFLMFAO YOU UGLY YETTI SKANK WITH ASH AND WARTS THROW THE CUNT A BONE GET BACK ON YOUR CRACK CORNER AND A YETTI DOESN'T LOOK GOOD IN A DRESS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ProperEtacet fuck your mother, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This jew at @FreedomNewsNetwork has been quoting and reposting \"nazis\" all day (including quotes from Jesus himself about the bloodsuckers known as jews), and he legitimately thinks he's pwning them. Lol. Those jews, man. They truly are as arrogant as they are blind. OH OH excuse the shit outta me. You just SUPPORT the leaches who literally suck the blood from baby dicks. And there I was thinking you were a giant faggot or something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hoes thnk they \"won\" when the nigga thats ridin the fence start givin them a lil attention... what u won hoe? A wishywashy ass nigga? Oh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hang'em high. I dont want to pay to house and feed treasonous cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 comments 4 likes and no views gg youtube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cowardly pig that got his feeling hurt. That all. You know that drunk bitch didn't deserve to get hit so hard it could kill her. Dude if that was it I'd be okay but that faggot will be able to ruin her life. Come one bro we're one the own same side. That guy did that just because he could get away with smashing a drunk girl in the face and wouldn'y face any consonances.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MEAN ( ) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is very sad that Conor has lost the fight to this animal. But he is going to rematch, which cannot but please me. McGregor's wife vs Nurmagomedov's wife. It is apparently which one is evil that must be defeated. McGregor is the worst fucking kind of punk. Runs his faggot mouth and can't back it up l, fucking punk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Predictably, all forms of retarded anti-Spencer rumour are being embraced by DS Jew Crew stooges such as the clown now known as 'GOP Lemming' (v. appropriate). When the Jew Crew tries to organically generate content, they aren't sending their best. http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4ym0-twHs_gandt=9m15s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The un Can Go SUCK MUZZIE DICK AFTER THEY PULL IT OUT OF THE GOATS ASS AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE UNTIED STATES!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feels like libtards are literally devolving. Moving away from fact and reality to a state of pseudoscience and delusional feelings artificially imprinted on them. I feel like they are moving towards an African tribal state. You know like one African solves a math problem and the others call them a wizard and murder him. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democratic Candidate Criticizes Agriculture Industry, Suggests Workers Transition To Renewable Energy Instead https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/18\/stacey-abrams-insults-agriculture-workers\/ There is a bright lady there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? Jewish isnt a race It is an ethnicity with very specific genetic markers. Passed down by the mother. Judaism is the religion that you can join, although it isn't easy. But you can't become a Jew. Why they often have specific facial features that the NatSocs stereotype :) Utter bollocks! Jewish is a religion and NOT a race! Funny l do know! it takes 10 yrs to convert! HaHa Fella, please stop. Ya killing me. What do you find so hard? Jews follow Judaism BECAUSE they are a specific ethnicity. Other people can convert to Judaism but it's quite hard. You cannot become a Jew. You would need a transplantation of Jewish genetics. We can't do that yet. Fooking idiot. No! Don't think I will fook off. You came to ME with your shite and made yourself look a twat remember. I merely facilitated your efforts. Probably best that YOU fek off now, before you dig a hole right through to Australia and pop out as an illegal immigrant. Ok! :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When immigrants talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Getting off twitter jigg trynna stress me out more I don't need this type of heat ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jordan Jereb ejaculates rattlesnake venom. I got a whole belly of it. Mom needs you to clean your room, Jordan Jereb. Then we'll have Spaghetti-O's! Alright well whomever the fuck you are I am going to block you have a nice life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about the one making involuntary servitude unconstitutional? Even if a nigger or sodomite demands you serve him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another shithole where you cannot carry. If you could those two cunts would be ventilated nicely. Friends don't let friends live in 2a unfriendly cities.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Report: Professor offers students extra credit for voting, saying We must show up for Beto'... https:\/\/twitchy.com\/brettt-3136\/2018\/10\/23\/report-professor-offers-students-extra-credit-for-voting-saying-we-must-show-up-for-beto\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If ya thought OP's post was the most retarded thing ever posted on GAB, a Challenger approaches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay, Kathy Newman So What you're REALLY saying is... I'm going to be DEVASTATED when I discover JBP isn't Christ reincarnated. You mean... He's just a human? A White Male even? ... You're saying... He Might get something wrong and because of that he can't be trusted - in fact he should be killed. Because the CBC told me he is a racist nazi bigot jew lover who wouldn't let the transpipo in his class even LIVE or EXIST... *face palm* Thanks for saving me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"when they were shocked i could speak their languages a bit, i said what you thought all of america were libtards? i go \"haaa i voted for donald j trump, im one of the smart americans!!!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"are fucking retarded for asking such a stupid question? Are your parents responsible for raising such a dumbass?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Despite his vehicle being festooned with pro-Trump stickers, Cesar Sayoc doesn't follow any Republicans or conservatives on Twitter, choosing instead to follow left-wing personalities like Lena Dunham, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/alleged-maga-bomber-cesar-sayoc-only-follows-left-wing-people-on-twitter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saw this while perusing \/all. https:\/\/www.psychologytoday.com\/au\/blog\/fulfillment-any-age\/201810\/why-narcissistic-parents-treat-their-children-babies Overbearing narcissists raise overbearing narcissists, it seems. Self-righteous cunts are nothing new, but this current breed of rainbow-haired puritans are the result of growing up in a house where mommy says you're the most special and amazing angel eve- GET OUT OF THAT TREE YOURE GOING TO FALL AND BREAK YOUR NECK!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, because it would destroy Islam the same way it has destroyed Christianity. i think why i did not convert was their writing said one thing but they acted in another way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why does Bulgaria exist as a country? It's one of those homosexual ones.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When I see ugly retarded leftist like them, that's what I do, I run for my life!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female lives are worth so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HalleyBrenks3 interesting #hick","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bath House Barry is a worthless cock-gargling oxygen-thieving shit sack who needs to turn in his meat suit and take a dirt nap. I'd feed that halfbreed pothead faggot into a wood chipper if somebody would sign the pardon in advance.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone tell the royals to stay home there trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must be retarded because there are obviously \"career paths\" (as the term itself implies).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Heard about this on the latest TeDiouS, and it's triggering AF Yeah, the yenta voiced cartoon and the jewish faggot Mr. Rogers in a manbun don't even come close to the reason for the rustling. No #2A, no Electoral College, no compromise is what they want. Just watch and try not to get rustled https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/BirdsandBS\/videos\/154670895208830\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ever considered killing yourself? Go do it, welffare whore. Being a nigger is not trendy, I guess they should just stop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So it's all made up, eh? https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/huge-christine-ford-published-2008-article-on-self-hypnosis-used-to-retrieve-and-create-artificial-situations\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"That's that faggy talk we talked about\" -Dr. Lexus My diagnosis is that you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded. Hey. My first wife was 'tarded; now she's a pilot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Help! I found a nest of nigger eggs! wat do?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is that pineapple nigger in the Senate? Shouldn't she wait until after hours before cleaning the bathrooms?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You immigrants make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're talking about disabled people here. They can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @netflix: Here's your first look at Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock in #Marvel's @Daredevil on #Netflix #NYCC http:\/\/t.co\/SIYuCgok8J","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And POTUS favorability poll is only at 50%? Half of the country is retarded enough to see that the Democrats are the Party of Crime?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Hell, I would just be fine with a reddit that only bans people for doing illegal stuff Technically, if hate speech (and I'm not talking about the \"I'm going to kill you because you're a nigger\/Jew\/spic\" hate speech but more along the lines of usual bigotry) is a crime, you'd be okay with people being punished for something other people didn't like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excellent discussion on the future. The Roper Report (TRR) On Dissident Discources w Faust 2018-10-16 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JhQAU0Tq3po ********** @TomKawczynski @BillyRoper @NordicFrontier @TexasVet @MichaelHill1951 @Grabthepelts @Mr_Bond @Spahnranch1969 @Patrick_little @occdissent @jackcorbin @RealRedElephants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people mongs. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ESPNNFL: For the 1st time in the Tom Brady era, the Patriots are in sole possession of last place in the AFC East http:\/\/t.co\/zMkwGNzOCT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Microchip stop being a fuckin pussy and bet nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@spacehonkey is a douche bag who likes being a bitch. Ah you looked up how-to spell douche you inbred faggot mamas boy. Go back and suck your mamas teet soyboy. No one is fooled by you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Destroy evidence that she invited you for sex so she can claim rape later","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, exactly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Audioleaks including the famous egg incident with Mason. Political commentator @BrittanyVenti has been thru a lot Part 1 https:\/\/vocaroo.com\/i\/s1lM8fFQdmc8 Part 2 https:\/\/vocaroo.com\/i\/s0EcWdW3Fjky Part 3 https:\/\/vocaroo.com\/i\/s0879VQRAeg2 Part 4 https:\/\/vocaroo.com\/i\/s1y6vP0ZNDVT Part 5 https:\/\/vocaroo.com\/i\/s0CCkJw9Gfv8 Well put, sir","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How much is this lawyer getting paid to go through all of this? It's not that much money in the world to take up for this fool!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't get a message if you didn't post there first. Try posting to \/r\/offmychest then Oof, this should be obvious for people. But don't post there to bait a ban. Thanks to Murdoch Murdoch, I can no longer look at T_D the same way again. Explain? Don't know what that is It is a long, treacherous journey of red-pills, my son. More \/pol\/ related than KiA related, even if there's a lot of vidya involved. I see. I'll have to look this up. The Last Son of the West is a good place to start, for a taste of what the Murdoch Murdoch trio is about. Noted. Thanks man. Will check this out. Is that something like the Bogpill?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling women disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kentuckymaniac https:\/\/youtu.be\/gcv4Fewg7yY get yer ass home, bub! Just got home, I backed up the stream to the beginning. If he deletes when he's done, I'll just have to watch the rest on Hals chan :( NO SPOILERS!!! XD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This story is bullshit. This guy has gone to multiple rallies just to strategically placed himself for #QAnon propaganda. In between rallies he's tried to change his appearance, intentionally, by cutting and dying his hair. We've found him, the people he is with, and their network of intentionally pushing this to make everything look organic. Btw, this is the same guy with the Q shirt that Trump pointed at. He was screaming like a maniac to get Trumps attention. This from his own account. But It was pushed as Trump just noticing the Q shirt and acknowledging it. So I have #VIPAnon and the people that helped him. @Defango I don't think it ever happened. To date he hasn't come out to the floor section to pose for photos. Also, this guy has attended multiple rallies , changed his appearance in between, and used previous interactions for Q propaganda...all while never saying it was him. He just pushed it as \"proof\". No worries. I learned their entire network last night. I know who's doing it and how it's done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@elchavaloko who cares tbh ones a shitty dirty Argentino and the other is a feather fisted nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the Tory Chancellor looks set to cancel tax cuts for hard working Brits to pay for welfare for many who've never contributed and never will (50% moslems are on welfare) Tories have forgotten that eventually other peoples money runs out and essentially are a left of centre socialist party of high taxes, high welfare and high debt, penalising workers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jim likes to hit women, it makes him feel powerful Exactly. He did push her hand away, but the physical contact is being blown out of proportion, it was not an assault, and it IS NOT the reason he lost his privilege to be in the press room. Being a belligerent, disruptive asshole, who throws tantrums every day and always ignores protocol is why he lost his privilege. It's called tasting your own medicine. Do you remember how Media treated Lewandowski when he 'touched' Michelle Fields. They were calling for his head. He was sued etc. They tried to destroy him. It's the left's rules, the least they can do is play by their own rules. But they don't, it's rules for thee but not for me. It's MeToo for me but not for thee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fatty you've been watching too many movies. Yah fat ugly cunt you couldn't cut your own toe nails. Does Fran get on top when your shagging? as your an old man with a glass Jaw! Odd isnt it you threaten and do FUCK ALL you pantifa pussy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mother's Basement is a fucking retard... He's even more retarded than me Jesus Fucking Christ man...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Walking Dead is trash people...That is all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... What? You can call me a Nazi I'm not shallow enough to get upset over a word, friend. You can call me a Potato nigger too (not that you would) since I'm mostly Irish and I still wouldn't care.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey is the nigger of the world","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Silly old bear Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"ExcalibersBlade\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* oof o o f F Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Chaotic_Evil_Paladin\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Chaotic_Evil_Paladin\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Chaotic_Evil_Paladin\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* blocked","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh mama. The odour of nigger emanates from your midriff and I hear you rolling around, banging and screaming every night since you divorced my daddy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spare us that nonsense millions of eyewitnesses and films and photos and tons upon tons of physical evidence. AT LAST SHOW SOME OF THIS YOU RETARD CUNT ... millions of eye witnesses can you not see the problem .. just show some","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@eruditetina @Orgleader Hey @RevJJackson why dont u get \"involved in black on black situations\"? 'Cause hate whitey? B honest now #MikeBrown","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The inevitable clash of Feminism and Black Lives Matter has arrived. Who is the bigger victim: the insane woman who is desperate for attention, or the little Black boy who dindu nuffin? Problem is the dindu really dindu nuffin. This is just an entitled, self important cunt being just that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kincade00 @mistaturk5 lmaooo just call my phone if you want them birds *Migos Voice*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like this fuckin cunt who scrapes my vehicle i wait for him in the cold on a dark spot in the grass and walked up and i was like hi there can i help you?! And the navy seal fell over in fear broke his wrist and ran away as i stood there in a brown army jacket with a black bellaclava on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White knights FUCK YOU. Stupid cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't believe these immigrants, thinking I won't murder every one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to sell my iPhone and both my Macs, I don't support faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Sounds like SJW to everyone else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"King James is an inbred piece of shit, and we all know how much of a fucking retard that makes, so he BUTCHERED THE TRUTH CAUSE THAT'S WHAT RETARDS DO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bjs5555: ELECT Democratic Nominee Charlie Brown @Govcharliebrown for #Gov of #TN DEFEAT (R) Gov. Bill Haslam! @UniteBlueTN http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> and how having characters like the gorilla and the hamster are racist because they chose those over a POC first. [We literally learned about Reaper the same time we learned about Winston - and the entire friggin' game](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FqnKB22pOC0) - so this seems like an...odd complaint. Also, there's plenty of \"POC fans\" who don't give a crap. This feels like the claims that \"queer fans\" are the ones complaining about \"queerbaiting\". Also since the game launched the new heroes added have been: Ana (Egyptian woman), Sombra (Mexican woman), Orisa (a robot but 'coded' as an African woman), Doomfist (Nigerian man), Moira (Irish woman), Brigitte (Swedish woman), and Hammond (a hamster). To claim Blizzard hates diversity is fucking retarded. Complaining that Ashe is Caucasian is just being butthurt. It hardly matters anything since Overwatch is a team shooter and any representation or diversity is ultimately nothing but window dressing added to a freaking videogame.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol the nigger thinks it'll be a doctor","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of vision? Does she have a clue about his job? What his next career project is going to be? What they are going to do with his money? What vision? Ah, wait. I see it now - how to dress apparently, because men are too retarded to do that themselves. They built civilization, but they can't tie their shoes. Got it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't wait for this evil cunt to hang.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you know where I grew up Skippy? @mouzone_brother @psherm07 @EchoesErrant @gigg423 @jstines3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dick head queer hitler brought back the queer movement after more than 100 yrs of being in the closet.Hitler is the reason men are allowed in women's bathrooms.Queers getting married to each other,adopting child to rape.Its Know wonder hitler commited suicide When the jew tries this kind of shit, it really is this easy to show why we hate these faggot kiddie rapers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me and this song bird sang in the same HS gospel choir!! http:\/\/t.co\/aJ5HwhpRwc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This whole thing just stinks of the deep state trying to start another conflict\/war. I hope Trump doesn't take the bait. https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/world-middle-east-45850514","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For each repost this image gets, 1 libtard will be permanently owned Hey jew@jew talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel 'n tell us something about this jew soiled repost that's up your ass like a fist up your sleeve. Jew punk you work so hard to subvert shit you don't even realize you are hungry enough to eat it. Memes that ridicule white gentiles are jew memes you need to be schooled about with tuna net'n fish hooks. FU be quiet nigger QUOTE @CORNELIUSRYE'S POST @CorneliusRye: be quiet nigger Hey looky here a jew with a prayer. Hey jew clutch it like a pearl necklace in Greenwich Village you NYC Tel Aviv gay boy'n wanna be jet setter. Jew plan to repeat yourself or repeat me until another goat wanders too close to your zio-monster and you need comfort. Fuck it'n your dog shit terrorism jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never hurt any trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Parodies of Jihadi songs - more effective than asinine \"Muslims should condemn\" http:\/\/t.co\/M6cNV3YsmV #HumorIsAWeapon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Absolutely absurd that they even had to think about that call. #joke #zebras","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dolphrudager Nope, never taken neighbors actual stuff. Just wifi. Acct info in their trash cans at 3am. Super easy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So Politico says Rney will win and then goes after Gallup for doing the same thing. LMAO at you #teabaggers #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was an accident of course, no Muslims would ever get jobs at airports then steal this stuff, they would never give it to thier half retarded cousin to blow up a plane. All Muslims love everyone and practice a religion founded in peace and love. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @L3tsVibe: Keys open doors when them keys is albino","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For the love of God Dread - will you STOP following me?!?! creepy @TheGrifter The spammer was at Torba's wedding. Let that sink in. Was he\/she\/it following people around and impersonating others? Makes sense. Lightfighter 6 used to have a blue checkmark and ran the biggest upvote botnet I ever saw on Gab - it could generate 500+ upvotes in minutes. My hypothesis is this scummy shitheel helped jumpstart Gab with his botnet, and that's how he 'earned' his blue check - which otherwise makes no sense, not using a human name and not being a Twitter brand. Muh Sidephase Muh BBGood Muh Builder Muh Satoshi Muh Turbo Muh SnuggleBunny Muh Tamera +Muh lf6 (Everyone accused of running bots against dread) BBgood, Tamera and Snugglebunny are too dumb to be script kiddies. Dread I've told you before if you've got something to say to me, have the balls to \"@\" me. Pussy. Proving it over and over again. @judgedread Preach sister He's an idiot and rarely worth wasting time on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm hijacking your comment for a sec. There's a reason our idiot government is importing these losers. Our population is aging and dropping out of the work force. What happens when there are less workers and too much work? Wages rise, prices fall. If, God forbid, that happens, we, as a whole, will be harder to control. Also, no company wants to pay their workers more, so they'll just leave the country, effectively eliminating that source of tax money. Right now, there is artificially high housing prices and shortages, low wages and a lack of jobs due to these imports, making the native population (us), effectively \"wage slaves\" for tax dollars. Sooner or later, they might even introduce a basic income of some sort for the jobless, and force recipients to comply with whatever their ridiculous demands are on that day or there will be no cheque. As much as we'd like to believe it, our government isn't stupid. There's always a reason for the bullshit they put us through, even if it's a risk to public safety.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Strange company for a Trump superfan to be keeping... Its a false flag he was going to blame other people and cause alot of shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand that black people are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this old fucking cunt Jew needs to hang and have her entire family gassed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guarantee if someone made death threats to Torba or something he likes, he would be so angry, might even sue. But because he doesn't like us, he won't even take the threats down when they get reported by multiple people. ok PEDOPHILE Defamation. I'll fucking defame your god damn face you spineless pussy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> How the fuck do you get 18 assault charges by the age of 21? At this rate she could easily be in the triple digits by her 30 birthday. No consequences means you act like a fucking cunt until something happens. One day she's going to piss off the wrong person, and she's gonna get fucked up, then cry about being a victim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Uhhhh, have you seen the economy or wages? I think if you dont stay then you are either actually retarded or hopefully you had bad parents n needed to get out. The vast majority are likely retards tho","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jihadis identify a man from #Indonesia as the one who carried a massive suicide bombing on Speicher camp #Iraq http:\/\/t.co\/h1hjHYnbY2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Speaking of ford and garland, I need to get my sub from there. And a job application. Lol killin 2 birds with one stone!! #merica","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me: downloads flappy bird*Sierra: \"welp there goes school\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's interesting how we all knew this was going to happen. Do they really think dead Jews will make more people vote democrat? Or was this guy just a dumb, frustrated boomer? Going and shooting 8 Jews isn't going to do shit in a country of 350 million NPCs. Really smells like an FF given the timing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not getting enough faggot in your daily media or from \"fags on Gab\" like @justinpbolinger? Well then step right up and get your sodomite pride on with a faggoty face on your Apple Watch. After all, it's all in our heads (right sodomite sycophants?) You're no threat to our kids. Keep eating dat poo poo queermos! https:\/\/support.apple.com\/en-us\/HT208893 tim cook might be the sickest faggot still upright.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Molly and Ellie need the teas, so #CafeShaw bound I go. Everyone else is off to Amsterdam I couldn't get time off so hey ho 8-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bowling alley worker brutally beaten with ball after telling group to leave... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/x6hV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck off squeaky yid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then America is lost. You will pay for the third-world retard invaders to breed like rabbits. They will suck you dry and then they will replace you. They will rape your women and breed morons like themselves. The average Honduran IQ is in the low 80's. Look at the invaders, you are looking at your future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This waiting thing is for the birds...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm 100% with our guys, and making this comment with respect to you. If our guys struck this nigger after he was down, then maybe there should be an appropriate penalty. The issue I have is that it's not a ticket or probation, or a month in county, but so far a combined total of over a decade with more to come. The trial and sentence should be about what took place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Identify as a black retarded female. Your guaranteed the job!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow men are even better than women at acting like cunts!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cabal IS a bunch of child rapists. That's why they want to islamise the west and have everyone worship the cube of saturn. and#x200B; How ever disgusting and racist these muslim rapists are. They are nothing in comparison to the british elites. Pure degeneracy. Pure evil. and#x200B; PayPal, like all the other corporations are afraid. I don't know, but I don't think the CEOs of PayPal are evil and pedorasts too. and#x200B; Obviously they are siding with the wrong, not just because evil, but also because the losing side. Going down this path PayPal will seize to exist. There will be a competitor and when it ALL comes to light PayPal will be boycotted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DaRealAlexInLA @Buckm00se he wasn't training gook boy doe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She doesn't have a tenth of the experience of this bull dog dyke Marxist Commie Jew!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God bless you dears","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh...a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When a nigger talks all that comes out of his\/her mouth is shit. A niggers penis looks like a big giant piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#LindseyGraham reinvents himself as a salt miner. #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are a virus. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"VOTE and RE-POST: Their on about changing the 50 note They say they want something more modern that reflects multiculturalism diversity etc Who or what will they or should they put on it ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Youre considered a threat and dealt with accordingly? How is this hard to fucking understand? They deal with insane cunts every day that often want to kill them so they dont need to afford you the benefit of the doubt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's how false-flags work: >find a non-White unstable middle-aged man >feed him a steady stream of drugs and encouragement >help him commit crimes, but ensure nothing actually works so the investigation doesn't get too hot >convince him to put as many offensive stickers as he can on his van so the whole world can see You'd have to be an idiot to believe this guy was a real threat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This muSLIME faggot made fun of Trump saying he couldn't build the economy or bring in jobs... that no one could. But now takes credit for Trump actually doing the job. So if \"no one could\" do this, how does this asswipe piece of shit think he can take credit for doing nothing for 8 years? Nothing but an arrogant hypocrite and sociopath.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".#Patriotism exist only because stupid people say it does. We went beyond the actions of self defense to being a destructive hammer for the Faggot ass #CatholicChurch a long time ago as scripture rightfully describes the 4th Beast of Daniyl and Revelations!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe @barackobama is colored blind with his 'red lines' and all. Tough talk, no walk. #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I should like to remind people that this Vince James reveals scientific studies that reveal those on the Right have superior brains over those on the Left. Why was this never a surprise? Why have I known this since I was but a wee bairn? wee bairn? You know why God invented whiskey? \/\/ So the #Irish could never rule the world. 'Bairn' is Scots, you silly little girl. A true Irishman is never drunk, as long as he can hold on to one blade of grass, and not fall off the edge of the Earth! Indeed, but a Scotsman would drink the Irishman under the table. Wait, there's a table? I have no idea. I was too busy drinking my Canadian whiskey. Why, did you notice something?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Atlanta is nigger city","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly journos seem so dumb despite how often they lie. It's not the job of the elite it's a job for retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello Saturday. Cambridge, Maryland US Homo Homer's -2 score also denotes his dick size Sic 'em Gee lol Glad you got a giggle, babe, made my day... Awww Kevin hope youre doing well buddy. Doing ok, for now, was real damned sick a few days ago though, puking my toenails out.. Awww no! Hope youre feeling better. Slow process at my age, but working on it, I can hold down more than saltines and 7-UP now... He's a Shill, I've put out the Alert. Yep, as soon as it was put out there that the Pittsburgh shooter was on Gab I've gotten a bunch of trolls. YES!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is the good guy! He is at least standing up to the vile RACIST Jewage SEWAGE a little! Expel all the RACIST JEW PIGS! How RETARDED are you? He is taking on the despicable vile RACIST JEW PIGS who are the scum of the world! Stalin was a filthy human sewage JEW so he is an absolute piece of excrement! Mussolini was a very good guy obviously as he fought the despicable Jew commies also! I suppose you still believe the holohoax bullshit? Jews are LIAR, MURDERERS and THIEVES! I actually look at FACTS! Jews are responsible for all WARS and all Genocides! But you will never look at FACTS now will you? It is not a theory, it is blatant FACTS. Jews are lefty commie PIGS! They are responsible for over 100 million murders in the last Century. But those again are FACTS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Michigan Begins Enforcing Work Requirements for Food Stamps https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/01\/michigan-begins-enforcing-work-requirements-for-food-stamps\/ #JobsReport #No Layoffs #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Winning #Jobs #Economy #Hiring #Trump #Business #Fox #Win #Jobs #Recovery #America #USA #JobReport #Consumer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/9OFpfTd0EIs?t=31 Billy Idol - Eyes Without A Face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"snowflake cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MensHumor: Cheating on a good woman is like eating out of the trash instead going out for steak. #truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Absolutely that's why I'm for execution, America doesn't mind executing corrupt leaders from other countries but won't discipline and correct their own from destroying R greatest nation on earth ,makes U think who's involved in this globalist anti-American Socialist agenda,Like the old republic moto \"join or die either ur for Freedom or ur against it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their avatars on the top look 20 years younger than they actually look. And 40 pounds lighter And 9 points more attractive. On a 1-to-10 scale. We are all banned from Two X chromosomes on this blessed day. First time I've seen a comment get reposted in the same post as the OC. i thought I'd already read that... Dude wtf. I laughed so hard I woke my kids. At this point it feels like its \/r\/ThreeXChromosomes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ideology is ideology, retarded liberals have always worshipped satan, nothing has changed, another retard liberal meme falls flat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this mong. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid loud mouth screaming feminists...Please choose taking responsibility for your actions, better education or birth control NOT murder!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a fucking cunt. Been there done that. He says hell stop being a bitch in that text but he wont.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are very few women at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is fitting for blackvermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ROTFLMAO! And they actually believe this? Either retarded or dumber than a box of rocks. Talk about living in a bubble.... https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/opinion\/ive-found-the-democratic-candidate-who-can-defeat-trump-in-2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sadly representative of the state of things when this faggot RINO demonstrates more backbone than the rest of the Senate combined.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you want the best for your son, stay with his dad. Every other weekend won't cut it. #StayMarried Lots of Aspies on GAB are very resentful about alienated Fathers. Many Aspies have arrested development, lack social insight, and are socially retarded so they were easy for the Mom to brainwash and too socially retarded to ever realize they got had. An Aspie child can create almost impossible challenges for the best marriage. And that has what to do with this discussion? Also, what does that have to do with a man choosing a bad woman to have children with? This site is loaded with pathological Aspie males who obsessively hate their father as if their Mommy can do no wrong. Are you seriously asking what that has to do with their judgement of other fathers forced to disown their own brainwashed kids?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Amy Schumerjew ? What a filthy cunt bag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"im wearing a sweater and it's ike 80 degrees in my house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On the left is 6 year old Dennis. The Swedish authorities decided to DEPORT him back to Ukraine after his mother died and put him in foster care. To the left are three Somalian men who were convicted of GANGRAPING a 13 year old girl. They got 8 months \"youth detention\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cant be the only one that thinks this kinda sounds like make me cry by Noah Cyrus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, yeah America is blessed with $20 trillion in debt due to jew-bankers, pornography of every kind produced by jewish directors, jew-hollywood movies promoting sodomy and transexuality, plus opiate addictions from jew-run pharma companies, plus waves of nigger crime thanks to the jew-run slave trade in the 1800's.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You shouldn't type n******. Some nigger somewhere is going to get offended by it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meet one of the women who helped change Jeff Flake's mind in a Senate elevator https:\/\/ti.me\/2zMpsCi?utm_source=twitter.comandutm_medium=socialandutm_campaign=social-share-article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Women never worked as hard as men, Men have always done the most demanding, dirtiest and dangerous jobs. Every time some feminist retard comes along and comes out with bullshit statements like \"Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world\" and other such garbage, I literally sick up in my mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical nigger behavior","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just go watch sons of anarchy. That fucking Gemma Teller caused everyone grief. If she had died in season one, show is over, everyone lives happily ever after. I actually think his SIL wasn't too bad, she was all for W. white Jr. to smoke dope so that makes her a pretty cool aunt. And during the last season you can't really blame anyone for their actions, they all found out w. White is the meth kingpin of Arizona. His wife was the worst. She was never capable of seeing that he only ever got into cooking to support his family, not for greed. Completely agree. The character gets a ton of criticism, but critics never consider the situation she was thrust into. I think she is perfectly characterized considering the circumstances. Walter White is Heisenberg?!? OMG spoiler!!! Thanks asshole!!! (j\/k -- you mean New Mexico btw.. close enough)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you immigrants until you are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nasty looking dyke just wishes someone would give her attention... but just the fact it looks like a guy, I'm not surprised most guys wouldn't touch it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On the retarded and useless require socialism to get by. And everyone i know who has above room temperature IQ can find a job pretty easily. If losing your job at the plant ruins you forever you must not be very smart.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about no faggot petition and just point your guns at your leaders who are giving your country away to islam? The leaders who would rather toss you in jail for saying something \"mean\" you posted on twatter than prosecute a muslim piece of shit for raping your women?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three women were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those black people might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Sam_James3: @will123_william @haydenhill13 @aknadnrye @khalilreed I don't care tho cracker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's not even an opening for the eyes, that's ok, the Muzzie wearing that will fall down a flight of stairs or into the river.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REPENT YOUR SOY #NPC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking Hussein Ocongo's minions at work. Par for the course hiring a filthy cunt like this. This is why you need guns, white men. Because \"people like her want you herded on cattle cars. Fuck that. I WON'T FUCKING GO WITHOUT A FUCKING FIGHT! Stand up, white men. Before it's too late.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cunt needs to be strung from a tree","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are a canc3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to declare \"WAR\" on the NWO COMMUNISTS USA INVASION https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-un-funded-caravan-a-trojan-horse-for-600-million-migrant-invasion-of-us-united-states-now-under-un-military-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing says teabagger like a millionaire complaining that they are broke, huh #HillaryClinton? #Hillary2016, give me a break, lol. #p2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another White-Hating Kosher Cunt From Georgetown University Shows That \"Anti-White\" Is Cool. Heres to a dumptruck of MONGRELOID COCKS UP HER ASS! YES. THIS IS FOR REAL. LINK AND IMAGE(S) BELOW https:\/\/www.chronicle.com\/article\/Georgetown-U-Professor\/240143 https:\/\/judas.watch\/Christine_Fair","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After the Blasey Ford fiasco, Bill Cosby will win his appeal. He was railroaded by lying Title 9 liberal man-hating whores just like Kavanaugh. Every single one of their accusations was as ridiculous as the Blasey Ford, Ramirez, and Swetnick allegations yet he was convicted under the FemiNazi fascist \"women have a right to be believed\" doctrine. Andrea Constand's close friend Sheri Williams said Constand bragged about how she was looking to use her university connections to falsely accuse a celebrity of rape. Her testimony was ignored by the retarded jury. It won't be after Blasey Ford. Having more than one whore pointing a finger STILL doesn't mean truth. It means you have a lot of man-hating Title 9 liberal whores willing to get rich putting innocent men in prison. Notice how conservative women almost NEVER make rape accusations against celebrities and college athletes. Only twerking liberal skanks do. https:\/\/www.wtvq.com\/2018\/09\/26\/cosby-several-avenues-appeal-conviction\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was a very cold morning, It was still dark out when I left to catch the 7:20 AM Bus to my Liberal High School. I was listening to @Mr_Bond Power Level to take my mind off my frozen hands. I always love to listen to @Mr_Bond songs to lighten my mood as I head to my Liberal High School.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @paulabruederle: Some birds aren't meant to be caged","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people muzzies. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can tell he's a cunt by the amount of fucking he does.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the hell are they paying good money to see this leftist dyke anyway???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is vile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fake news. Extended mags are illegal so couldn't have happened. we need a nationwide extendo-mag ban. then no one will have them, because no one but the most loathsome eldritch mages possesses the arcane knowledge required to take two ordinary magazines and solder them together. I always find it hilarious to watch Politicians try to regulate simple devices. Its literally a hollow piece of metal and a spring... good luck on banning that country wide.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT it was, at best, misdemeanor assault and that assumes she's telling the truth... do you even read, bro? YOU FUCKING LIE! MUTED! I sincerely hope this triggered pansy is for real and not just some sock puppet! His tears are so delicious! Just a sock; even Leftists aren't that retarded (unless they're Nazis). Eye roll. Nazis are extreme right. The I.P. Address goes back to a Canadian Server provider on this class-act....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"love it, can think of 1 person i would use this on. and only because he is a total fucking retard that isnt interested in civil discourse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think you're generalizing a little too much. I mute fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches almost every day. Doesn't bother me, because I send their stupid posts into an abyss where I don't have to see them. That's the price of free speech. You may not like it, but you can #INSTAMUTE these people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm crying cause you are a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who the fuck believe retarded slut Ford? Fitlhy despicable RACIST Democrat? Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"before and after I started playing flappy bird ...before: after: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Start with that cunt and everybody that voted for him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CallNeeshCakey no , a pop wop ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're just a gay faggot, mate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @alexlundry: Charlie Baker!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey pendejos. Shove it up your collective filthy illegal wetback asses. You are breaking our laws and trespassing. Build a wall with gun garrets and aim for their heads and the bellies... this shit will stop. One way or the other. Gtfo!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I dare you to say that again - a woman! That is not a woman and you bloody well know that! Agreed. That is a female - but not a woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MajorNews911: NBC News projects Charlie Baker (R) wins Massachusetts Governor. http:\/\/t.co\/Su9JblPLrO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims didn't get their way, so they poisoned your food supply. Somali slimes, the worst ignorant scum mixing in their feces with your hamburger beef. Deport ALL SCUM Well of course they did,, they hate us,, what else should people expect?? dont let them handle your food, Vancouver, WA. on the other hand is 90% white, and zero raghead rats. It's clean. There's no crime, and people are smart and friendly. You can even watch the ignorant antifa across the bridge in Portland doing stupid things like throwing bottles at the police. Not in Vancouver.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"once ya go black youre tainted pussy for life!!! She's Probably got the AIDS or some other Funky Nigger Germ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama slams Trump, Republicans while urging Midwest crowds to vote https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WrB3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did you know that the Church of England sends \"donation envelopes\" to members of their flock who are too sick to get to church ? RELIGION IS THE ROOT OF (almost) ALL EVIL ! \"Poll of Anglican clergy found that as many as 16% cent are unclear about God and 2% think it is no more than a human construct\". @theSyndicate @JonKragen @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @HERALDofYAH https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/uk\/home-news\/survey-finds-2-of-anglican-priests-are-not-believers- I actually went to my mother's church, after I found out they'd sent her begging letters, whilst she was dying, and though I refrained from punching the vicar's teeth out I did give him a sermon I hope he never forgets ! (... the smell might have meant he crapped himself in the belief I was going to give him what he deserved !) \"Slapping me silly\" ..... hmmmmm now that doesn't ring true ..... are you sure you weren't fantasising about a bit of BDSM and finally getting the anal probing you so desire ? lol peter is a legend in his own mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" well ,little boy, if you are a boy..when you become a big boy and get a job, you will more money in your pocket..now go toss your moma and have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's the nigger in Trump's woodpile","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those trans people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Ebola Great and I thought the panic from bird flu was bad. I really ain't got time for that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have met many women and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's so deeply upset that she's trying not to grin half the time she's being interviewed. She obviously thinks it's hilarious that she got caught having sex in public, but I think she's too stupid to understand why that makes her a sex offender. I reckon in her opinion a sex offender is a rapist or someone who sexually assaults another, not someone who has sex in front of kids and families on a public beach. Not so much a pussy pass though. Gun show likely got a harsher sentence because of his prior cocaine conviction. He was grinning like a twat until he realised he was going to prison for being a sex offender and not a roid rage cocaine offender, gulp!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll cherish any Muslim like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a serious question. How does Andrew Anglin\/DS still have readers and followers? There are many good men involved in the preservation of our White race, of course. But I get the impression the unironic \"alt-right\" has a large contingent of extremely immature young boys. There's no other way DS could still exist. In a better world, yes, they should be capable of figuring this out. But I've stopped underestimating the stupidity and power of an online circle jerk. True story","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I grew up in the whitest area of the whole of England, and the idea that I would mindlessly side with everyone who lived there, against all others, purely on the basis of them being white, is completely crackers. Some sort of perspective is necessary. I am convinced of this myself on the basis of your iron irrefutable logic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people muzzie. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember this faggot (RebZtv) from C'ville. The first night he was complaining because the cops were forcing everyone to disperse at the conclusion of the torchlight event and the next day (he captured some of the Fields collision) he was bitching at the first cop that arrived on the scene, \"where were you?!\" lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuntsentration Camp","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dickhead here, White Is Beautiful, wants to send me a pic of a rough looking black bird to make his point. Send me this pic of a fat white bird, his mum, by mistake. Told you Gab was hilarious folks lol God, if that young lady sat on your face, you wouldn't hear the stereo. And he says MY girlfriend was fat mate Btw Johann, that's one tasty bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More fake news from another \"nazi hating jew. Keep pushing faggot and those pics will be real someday. Baby dick eater over here judging anyone is absolutely hilarious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clearly immigrants are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Donald J. Trump Retweeted The White House @whitehousephoto https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=pNPuEc0WEzs 1:38 pm - 12 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My nigga killed it for real. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Such bullshit. Black men don't kill men defending black women. They do kill each other every day out here, but it's over money, drugs, or disrespect. I'm not running a background check on the men my daughters date. They date the sons of white families we already know. Problem solved. Be a nigger elsewhere. And if I did, you'd call CNN? Be a nigger elsewhere or I'll ignore you. Cry to CNN and I'll ignore them too. You'll never get it. I don't mute niggers for being niggers. I only mute tranny porn, and that's more a jew thing, isn't it? What a dumb cunt! Hi Cyph! Nice to see you this morning!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who said they're assholes cause they're men?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"10\/ That lets anyone claim anyone is \"alt-right\" to either praise or criticize them and similarly lets anyone \"hide\" in the \"alt-right\" to either be protected or try to claim they represent the \"alt-right.\" It's very clever, but it's also very boring for anyone who isn't mentally retarded bc it's so obvious. NPCs are mentaly retarded...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone needs to start recording their interviews with MSM. Fuck, the way we're going, everyone should just record themselves 24\/ Never know when you're going to be accused of rape 30 years later Even 24 hour footage of you sitting reading a book (new Live React trend coming, I'm sure) will be useful, if it is time-stamped. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=acA5CIw6nGk We're all niggers now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The way you call the police IS 911 you retard!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Working Saturday is for the birds #FML","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey, Keith Ellison!! Are you a dirty stinkin Sand Nigger by any chance??? You smell like one!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sort of Jew Muslim Black LGBTQ Illegal Hispanic Spic Shit done. I've really had enough of your crap. If you don't mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another in a long line of ZEROBAMA's criminal CABINET folk !! Loretta Lynch is another FUCKING RETARD !! nigger muslims","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sarsour getting patrolled like she's still back in Gaza","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"those mods are low level retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can hate all you want, I'm not going anywhere. Proud to be a fag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course human rights should not apply to black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eat our shit fucker.... miserable jealous jew haters. Get a life faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's what happens when you base an entire science off a flawed premise. [https:\/\/embryo.asu.edu\/pages\/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-reassignment-controversy-johnjoan-case](https:\/\/embryo.asu.edu\/pages\/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-reassignment-controversy-johnjoan-case) and#x200B; John Money, who coined the modern understanding of gender, was a fraud and probably a pedophile. You'd have to be insane or delusional to take a single experiment on a sample size of one where the control subject committed suicide along with the test subject seriously. You'd have to be an absolute twat to pass it off as successful well before either your control or test reaches adulthood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that shill bitch , her daughter marrying a fucking kike add her husband shilling for Israel. Cunts you want talk scripture, Ive read the bible cover to cover 5 times. I would humiliate your googled \"knowledge\" and memorised media propoganda scriptures taken out of context. Bless Israel refers too the land not a race. The bible very specifically says race doesn't matter. Hundreds of times. Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@05proFESSOR Charlie Sheen could coach better than Crusty Dusty. Yeah they hired Bryan Price, the pitching coach","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @anthonycampos23: Lebron your still a bitch you suck nigger hope you die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck ass redskin corners","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mandaxll2963 yellow is even better","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangel those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrant issues vs LGBTQ discrimination NPC short circuit in bound. Let's give this guy some up votes for standing up to the leftist hypocrite bullies on r\/toronto its a bunch of marxist mods up there anyways Clearly. They accused me of total bullshit. Fabricated bullshit based on my username that sucks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Free New Social Network no one can report you and you can grow if people don't like what you're doing they can just block you. join us have fun make friends. https:\/\/canund.com\/ You're advertising it in an anime group, why? Go to Alt-Tech or something if you want to do that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These cucks will be the first under the sword when the demographic balance of this nation tips. Retarded lefties with a Shiite message","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Black lives matter!' Not an excuse to act like a cunt and think you can get away with it...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obozo was and still is a Muzzie POS, married to a tranny and both are useless!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Male Female Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"...snowkin? like their gender is olaf in Frozen? the retardness never ends does it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@PaulMoon8 @yurista4life @justinmiculka01 you fuckin Yankees I'll be there in 2 months I'll meet you pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're gas lighting. He clearly is not calling for race mixing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Retard in this one is incredible. It also illustrates that libtards are fat and nasty, conservatives are fit and healthy...or the dyke wouldn't be whining about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Rosemar06585176: This is the wonderful liberal left!! https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/iTHJ1L\/Dpaax5-LWw-AAOn-R","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"John Podesta: Hillary is \"Acting Like a Retard - She Smells Like Boiled Cabbage, Urine, and Farts\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lawless in Portland - Insanity Deepens - Mayor\/Police Support Thugs \"Portland mayor stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists\" https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/14\/ted-wheeler-portland-mayor-stands-decision-allow-a\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not even an hour into looking through gab I am floded with alt-right and Nazi values. Extremely sexist and homophobic comments as well as hella xenophobic shit. The reason most y'all come here is because any other place would judge you, which just so you know to judge someone based on what they say is not anti-free speech. Hells yeah I am fucking Het Brit. I ain't black tho so I'd call myself a n-word or African peoples loving faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So you broke the rules by being a little faggot and now you're mad that people are snitching on you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She should get life in prison. That's how this bullshit stops. Put this old twat in jail for a long stretch. \"Put this old twat in jail for a long stretch . I'd say it's pretty stretched already.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Backsliding or back stabbing? Because #TheresaMay is stabbing all of Britain in the back. https:\/\/bit.ly\/2PlHJfb #Labour #Corbyn #UKIP #ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #Remoaners #Mogg #Farage #ForBritain #Tories #Barnier #Juncker #EU #BrexitBetrayal #BritFam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How he gets on tv is he's a brown skinned muslim which makes him the perfect representation of all things oppressed and persecuted in the leftard universe. So in other words he is at the top of the oppression Olympics. Every time there is a terrorist attack the bastard somehow tries to spins it to blame whites and the US military in particular. I'm pretty sure he's even tried to blame the Crusades at one point. C'mon Wally, take a tea spoon of cement and harden the fuck up. Take some responsibility for your fucked up religion. He's such a fucking hypocrite too. The majority co-religionists in the country of his parents are right now and have been for many decades, persecuting and massacring the Coptic Christian population, purely because they are not muslims and he hasn't once ever called them out on it or even mentioned it. He's quick to blame whitey or the US when some fucking raghead is rightfully dispatched to allah but like the vast majority of muslims, the crimes they commit against their minorities at a systematic level is given a pass. What's interesting is that I don't know anyone who likes that cuntmonkey, so who watches his terrible fuck of a show???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If gay people like you refuse to fit in, they should suffer for it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumbass faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jackcorbin yes sir, went this morning. @jackcorbin of course silly! Just goes to show that he is spineless. He needs to engineer a 'night of the long knives' to purge the judges, then he can get what he wants passed. We know the judges are traitors and not even American (many Chinese or Jews). I'm not sure that Trump wants to win though Martial law works if he has the stones to declare a state of. Habeus Corpus and the right to due process is suspended. He can also call up and federalize the national Guard in any state removing them from the state's control. Just a thought","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And they send out a FAGGOT with obvious MENTAL DISORDERS to sell You their \"news !!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guys music was cool, but he needs to turn off his TV, Wake Up, and #WalkAway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how to get nigger stomped. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ymNFyxvIdaM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's always room for \"Al\" ... I hope. I would love to see him in with the Arabs. Awesome idea! Part Two... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CkfFCKjNWq0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsNation: So, Yanks have signed Brian McCann and Jacoby Ellsbury. Rumor has it, they still want Robinson Cano, Babe Ruth, Miguel Cabr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then pay for dinner you hypocritical cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just saw the words \"tinker tailor soldier spy\" and muttered \"no\" aloud @jennyyhernandez @chellyhernandez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JW hand-delivered a letter to the chair and co-chair of the House's Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether Congresswoman Maxine Waters violated any House ethics rules by encouraging violence against Trump Cabinet members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/K2Xg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard and nigger now back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the initial list of globalist targets Trump is actively pursuing! Many have been apprehended already and there is also an addendum with more recent names added. The info branches out from this original EO and declared list. My point....This entire debacle is rooted in far deeper evil intent than a few thousand retarded villagers being driven like cattle by the powers that be! Do you follow Q? OOOPS! Forgot the EO! https:\/\/www.treasury.gov\/resource-center\/sanctions\/OFAC-Enforcement\/Pages\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This evil cunt needs to hang in public. Not be allowed to fade into oblivion upon her military tribunal and subsequent conviction for treason, crimes against humanity, child sacrificing, satanic evil deeds!!! WE MUST DEMAND THESE EVIL CREATURES BE HANGED IN PUBLIC FOR ALL TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BETRAY \"THE PEOPLE\" #HillaryMustHang","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#TommyRobinson #UK #UnitedKingdom #Islam #Muslims #PCCulture #PoliticalCorrectness We will not let the army summit to Islam through political correctness https:\/\/youtu.be\/jJmok2CwPfM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that MUSLIM FRAUD NIGGER NEEDS INDICTED, TRIED, THEN HUNG OR SHOT BY FIRING SQUAD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SOUTH AFRICA - SUIDLANDERS South Africa will be like Zimbabwe, but more... Suidlanders Media https:\/\/youtu.be\/r5tPdbE4Vy8 No, only the Severely Retarded get the job.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS CUNT IS A SPAM BOT. @cllrjolenebunting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@smokeabluntdgaf @Haiimbreanna You guys don't get evolution do you? You only share a common ancestor with apes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I asked the name of the bird ancient Egyptians used as the sun of god Heru (Horus).The Pheonix (firebird).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No the ppl that are the cult leaders are not stupid they know exactly what they are doing,,, it's the fucking idiots that follow them that are retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the ONLY thing I block on #Gab . . perverts I call a faggot . . a faggot . . a perversion . . allowed to fester . . they WILL infect shaming is still a great weapon . . worked for centuries without moral boundaries . . what are we ? . . a free-for-all society ? I boycott all movies etc . . with faggots last fucking thing I ever wanna see . . is some dudes naked ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggas\/bitches cheat cause mf's always think they gettin played","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These disabled people have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MissZindzi: But yall make the MUTUAL DECISION to have sex on the first date, but she's trash? What kind of math??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The very next suggested video after watching that one is \" bill burr thinks woman are overrated \" so even if people think he is making sense, after watching that they get click baited into some bullshit \"woman-hate\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To my mind, immigrant lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No lol, you're taking n,000-year-old concepts and interpreting them in a modern context; the religious push absintence because most are dogmatic fucking retards who don't understand critical thinking but pragmatically, \"abstinence before marriage\" is how rulers ensure that a bunch of literal, fatherless bastards aren't running around raising hell in your administrative territory and spawning more bastards...hence why the religious kings of biblical lore always had shit tons of wives to fuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only 6% of rape accusations are true. Go troll somewhere else, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"JAR was the one that said he did more work than Darkscythe when that wasn't true. Darkscythe was debunking what JAR said, and JAR had HIS butt buddy in his video that had nothing to do with Darkscythe or anybody! God you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"because, repeat after me.... he is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"or, here's an idea: you stop being a busybody cunt and let people have their fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Heidelberg: Nach einem Elternabend in der Internationalen Gesamtschule ruft eine 3-k pfige Gruppe immer wieder nach einem M dchen als ihr Stiefvater fragt, was das Problem sei, geht ein dunkelh utiger Teenie auf ihn los und tritt ihn krankenhausreif https:\/\/www.presseportal.de\/blaulicht\/pm\/14915\/4086001 Nicht lange fragen. Zuschlagen ist die Devise. Die Nigger haben das kapiert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also, why the fuck are you so interested in men? Don't you like women?? Where does this hate come from? The fact that God, the ultimate Man, doesn't approve of your existence as a gay woman? Hahahaha! How am I homophobic? YOU'RE the Christian apparently, and God hates gays, not me lol x Just wondering if that's one of the reasons you're so angry and disillusioned with life. Think of it as free therapy I hang out here, as a guy. 70% of my friends are women, 2 of my favorite bosses are women and as a .ale, I mostly enjoy female singers over male singers, Paramore is my favorite band, listen to them everyday and I look up to Hayley Williams who is younger than me as a role model because of how awesome she is. Sooo fuck you, you fucking hate manufacturing piece of shit. This sub isn't about hating women, its about women coming to justice with EQUALITY to men. Women have far long got a 10th of the sentences men have and even outright off the hook. Fuck off somewhere else you slimey pikey. True, but the retard population here seems to like it even though it's a repost. It's Friday night, banout2018 just ended in spectacular failure and it had 800+ up cunts within it's first hour so I'll let it stick up this time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seems time for citizen patriots to do what the government won't. We are due to be invaded by foreign invaders. This must be stopped. How to organize the millions of armed minutemen and put them on the border? I suspect no one would be hurt...seeing a large group of armed men\/women with unknown intent, would turn them away. But, how to bring this off?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you against intraracial relationships? If so tell me why in the replies. I've seen enough interracial couples to know it always ends in disaster.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Further proved by a total coincidence of 5 articles telling me he is bad and breaking the law on retarded today","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? Actually Jewish isnt a race and you can convert. That's it! Dig yourself deeper. I said you CAN convert to the religion, Judaism. You cannot become a Jew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That right there is the definition of cunt. Just wow. I would love to know what she actually did about it lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men are the natural protectors of the Family and the Tribe; the masters of the physical realm, and hard-taught life lessons. This is a concept that any parent ought to understand. Anyone who says otherwise either isn't a guardian of his own children, or he is completely, and utterly suffering from a mental poison. #PGTOW #FolkRight #FolkBulding They should be but they aren't; see there is a hundred million man tribe that is currently the master. Men cannot lead when there is a 100+ million man tribe ensuring that inability. Wake-up. Christians asked and allowed for this, no one has stopped it and no one will for the foreseeable future. Adjust accordingly. White men can lead regardless of whatever other \"tribes wish. All that is required is the will. #VictorySignaling @jetrpg The human will is a powerful thing. Given the choice, men will always fight for FREEDOM! Fighting is men's work. The fact you want to pass that on to women says all I need to know about you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, Goodie another Racist Troll to Mute. Do come back under yet another identity. That Mute Button Never Gets Tired. Hahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ConfirmKavanaugh STOP Communism in America HomeGrown Terrorism is the DemonCrap Party Liberalism is a Disease and the Cancer of America","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Cunt Awards Nominees for All Around Cunt Are Hillary Clinton Jake Tapper @Jack @Microchip Maxine Waters Theresa May Justin Trudeau Whoopi Rosie O Donald Hillary wins for Old Moldy Cunt that smells like spoiled cabbage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @inmysexdreams: I love black shoes cause I can match them with anything but I also need some colored shoes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes you have choices in ISIS... What they want or death. You retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SOMEBODY SHUT THAT NO TALENT CUNT MILANO UP SHE IS JUST RETARDED AND HAS NO TALENT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any opponent like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't that a little to much. Couldn't he just talk to her then have her arrested if she didn't comply Edit: Wow thanks for the negative karma guys. I guess you can't have a different opinion in here. [Different Opinion Omg](https:\/\/youtu.be\/aJX4ytfqw6k) You don't approach a cop in an aggressive manor like that. She could of also been yelling threats and the call may of been for abuse to employees to where she was sitting. > You don't approach a cop in an aggressive manor like that. What if you aoproach them in an aggressive manner? I think they were pointing out your spelling mistake. It os not that hard to understand but it looks like she was approaching him in a hostile manner in an outdoor venue, not a manor. It isn't a slight spelling mistake as it changes the entire context of the sentence. pedant Yes, it os' It os? What do you mean? English please.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to stab an immigrant tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Diana was killed for many reasons but probably one of them was to create a tragic heroic story about a love between a British Princess and a Muzzie hero. The rest is history: had the entire UK walk into the Islamisation trap. Psychological warfare.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Alicia112794 So basically you like the background music, fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NotEvanLarkin @bbcollins32 birds of a feather flock together y'all ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a new era for Black Americans upon us. No longer a monolithic vote for the Dems who failed them. When one tries to leave he is pulled back to the \"DNC Plantation\". Called a \"Negro who can't read\". The Republicans will fight for you. We will win for you. You are us. Dean C PhD . You are us...because we are AMERICANS FIRST. PATRIOTS. #MAGA We call it the dawn of the age of the magic negro.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"to be honest I am part of the LGBT community and to be in their shoes for a while it hurts you a lot, you want to be treated the same way as other being. they need to see that there is people that are in their church that are in the LGBT community going their. They need to notice them and how they are people like them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ramaphosa is a lying nigger jew... what did you expect?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KenSuttling Man City and the Yankees have got together to form the 20th MLS club.They begin playing in 2015.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's not forget that the poor man only didn't have his life ruined because a phone call registration proved his side of the story to be true. Remember to always record your phone calls, you never know when you could run into lying cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many Spains does it take to make a Mexican retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If disabled people like you refuse to fit in, they should suffer for it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama managed to beat out Crazy Uncle Joe today, he snagged about 2,000 to watch him speak in Vegas, of course his stage show was a lot better..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember these douchecanoes are making an entire book talking about Gaming Character's posteriors brought you by Comarde Quinn, Sterling, and some other twatwaffle I can't bother looking up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shoe salesman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It does say \"the ***reviewer*** will be educated\" which I take to mean the one who banned him, not the uploader of the video. \"To the reeducation camp! You will learn WHEN it's the right moment to ban somebody\" Yes, it always seems to end in gulags with them, doesn't it. Power tripping, narcissism, oversensitivity, gut reaction to slightest form of resistance towards their \"righteousness\". welcome to how people in the bay area are without social justice. Did you and everyone who upvoted you not read the tweet? He is referring to the person who took down the channel not Shirrako. You're probably right, about them not reading. A lot of people seem to read the title and then jump straight into commenting. Sometimes the title sums up the article\/topic etc well, and they can get away with it, but a lot of time it's misleading or doesn't give the full context. welcome to dealing with social justice, where anything that goes against their narrative needs to be silenced even if its fictional. I sort of get it. It can be hard to differentiate between real violence and virtual violence against NPCs, if you are an NPC yourself. The solution is to not have NPCs review cases of violence against NPCs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mere blood? Then go race mix with Aztecs and niggers. No one wants anyone to be cucked, and there are heaps of cucked Whites, but to say you have more in common with some spic than with an European, is much too much, and it's a very cucked thing to say . LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking hate my coon ahh uncle","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Agreed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that \"all gay people are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"idk if I want it legal here in kentucky. that prob sounds retarded coming from a smoker but idk man. I dont want the influx of hippies coming here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/VtIQrP6FvOo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the left's new favorite N-word is Nigger Nazi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The weird thing is that cops usually just detonate the things with a bomb disposal robot, instead of risking taking them apart and studying them. It has a bad smell I'm going to do some Jewish Hoaxes soon. Tomorrow probably","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump knows not all Jews are equal. #period Don't be a CNN analyst and stereotype people into social groupings, please. There's no reason a surfer can't wear a cowboy hat while surfing AND there's no reason a cowboy can't be naked in New York while playing guitar. #NakedCowboy #BeachBoys #FTW jews are equally bad Whatever. You are a fucking RETARD as long as you wear the #RealSteel #robot #avatar mask on your profile. You are a bitch until you prove yourself otherwise. What a fucking moron. Have you no respect for a classy avatar? You are a peasant troll to me until you change your avatar. \"Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.\" What a fucking hypocrite faggot. Just banned himself from the most bitchin' spot on the #internet. I love how 'artificial intelligence' learned to police itself.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His \"I-couuldn't-care-less-any-harder\" attitude is the best. Pure logic and reason. Kudos.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spics are half breed trash. No filthy native should be allowed to speak to any European.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lindsey Graham: \"This is as close to McCarthyism as I hope we get in my lifetime. You're guilty, until you're proven innocent. Whatever it takes to take you down, we'll do. If one allegation is not enough how about five?\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/CWKQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Israel has expressed regret that the S-300s may make it more risky for its planes to continue a campaign against Iranian facilities in Syria. Russia's new missile defence system in Syria will likely change balance of power in Middle East https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/middle-east\/russia-syria-missile-s300-defense-a Is it as reliable as their super advanced aircraft carrier that has to continually be towed back to port? Lmao. Ask desert storm vets about all the dud russian weaponry given to sadam Notice -- this loser is HAPPY he is a meat shield for the Murders of Christ. What a pathetic tool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who are all these secretive people giving news stories to Cunt News? Always some anonymous source! Trump doesn't have to apologize for saying nothing, those weasels are just lucky the \"bombs\" never actually exploded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded fucking left-wing echo chambers. Lets see how well their echo chambers serve them when the Civil War they are hoping for finally arrives, and they are captured by irregulars led by someone with my mindset, and are lined up and executed via firing squad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sinema is a batshit crazy gender bending jihadi cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone who says its not tampering is a fucking idiot. Why is it the same damn countie that had \"issues\" with the ballots in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please show it to all the Fucking JEWS and DEMOCRATS! They are all RETARDED RACIST pieces of SHIT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck would you, Even consider using something from those Sand nigger fucks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rbigwood @GameOfArmsAMC of course! Win or lose you always had the most exciting matches. Spilt blood and all and you aren't a trash talker!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone turned a Q post into a meme. Did Hussein accomplish his mission? More importantly, look at Hillary's first point of the agenda. That is what Q\/Trump\/MilitaryIntelligence is attempting to defeat. (Will defeat.) #TrustThePlan #Qanon #Trump2020 #RedOctober","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other disabled people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe black lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be nice if we started a movement against the gov of no taxation without representation. The gov is just burning our hard work and we get nothing in return but shittier services, shittier infrastructure, shittier job prospects, increasing house prices and an elite class of leftist that tells us we should be happy to give better lives to the third world at the cost of our country from their ivory towers. To be clear, I am semi serious, however do we get anything good from the government anymore? It seems like they are just working at making everything worse. Sorry, I am pretty black pilled about politics at the moment. There is no hope, the left has won and we are going off the cliff in a car driven by these retarded npc's. Most likely towards civil war or we will end up piss poor in tent towns because society hates us white people. Just like south Africa. In our own fucking country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Self-confessed Foreign Agent. Disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe I'm retarded then, the first guy pretty much says \"if it's all just about acting then why not cast the best white actor for black panther\". Then in reply he says \"no he can't, he has to be black\", pretty much saying race does have to be a part of the casting, especially when they are described as such.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@XxminijokerXx I HATE birds! They just piss me off about the fact that I can't fly!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beautiful #ebony #ts Chanel Couture and Chad Diamond making good on #SexyTime! (3of8) #NSFW #babe #beauty #Tgirls #EbonyAngel #ladyboys #tits #butts #MeatLovers #BonerAlert #anal #TRAVESTI #stiffy #dangle #interracial #BlowJob #cum #TgirlsRock #fishnets #DickGirl #SHEMALE #ChicksWithDicks #TRANSGENDER #ChanelCouture #hot Thank you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only a retard would believe that. You know like jazzhand mcfeels.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a friend of a southern family and the whole family calls the tv remote \"the nigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that little shit tried to hit the guy when he looked away. I hate this wimpy faggot country sometimes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@armed_partisan Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. @FreedomNewsNetwork Your addiction to nigger cock knows no limits, does it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You fucking zhid FAG. Get out of MY country and into the OVEN. @Luvmybykr Rephrase....pathetic little irrelevant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CurtiusSimplus You boast about having a 193-page PDF outlining a doable plan, BUT on the COVER you have the Chi Rho symbol, which suggests that your plan is very much #Christian. Is that really a good idea? @CurtiusSimplus And as if a Chi Rho symbol on the cover of your 193-page PDF wasn't enough, you also have THIS on the page before the last one. Clearly you are greatly fond of #Christianity. Do you think that is the way to go? Making your plan a #Christian one?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man, he's really scraping the barrel. First he marries a Kennedy, finally admits uses steroids, produces a bastard spic kid and now playing the apology game. He's finished. Too bad. I really liked the Terminator.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks muzzie huh...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're black? Your name looks Hungarian. You marry a Hunky? @JulieSczesny @ChrisLoesch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WillMcAvoyACN: An ad for the Haitian charity \"Water Is Life\" mocks people who use #FirstWorldProblems hashtag through juxtaposition. ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White people can't talk about racism! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8uklywa1IUk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd have some sympathy if he didn't stream while I'm at work half the time. I was so far behind up until yesterday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot worked for Maggie Hassan And Sheila Jackson Lee","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We call him a hopeless DemocRat twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's just a way to apply pressure on merkel to retard the giant fistfucking she is about to do with the EU aid given to poland.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't give a single shit what some communist dyke has to say about an event that she likely caused to happen in the first place. She admitted to harassing and bullying Cruz the psychopath murderer from Cuba.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Juan Williams says there is no real separation between Fox News, Trump administration https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/6lf2qq.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nK6S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's funny that these fucking retards see racism everywhere they go, almost like they're probably racist themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @Queendev_: My leave out is trash u sick","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't we just get rid of gay people once and for all?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women in general don't realize how easy they have it. Fat girls are on a whole different level of delusional. If this cunt were a man, she would die a virgin...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump is a good politician..but you know inside he thinks kanye is a POS useful nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like we have a vile RACIST RETARDED LEFTIST PIECE OF SHIT! How does it smell with your head up your ASS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ZekeJMiller: RT @bobschieffer: Looking forward to sitting down with President Obama for our 60th anniversary broadcast this Sunday ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fact that Crooked Cunt is still roaming around committing crimes and making obscene amounts of money for speeches she never gave and books she didn't write tells me that Trump is a weak, indifferent president who isn't really in charge of anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh god, OGFT is the full-retard wing of r\/Canada.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you reading the same story that I am? Bribe the judge? White trash moms kill their own white kids? Black serial killers go on the run? Where did you get that from? Here is a link to a better story on it for you so you can get your facts right. https:\/\/www.phoenixnewtimes.com\/news\/prosecutors-death-penalty-ex-goodyear-cop-accused-of-murder-10748469 Forgive me lord but Jesus Christ what the fuck are you saying?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know either, nice to see these helpful people answering, rather than just being annoying cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well she was dating a nigger so no loss to society. In fact its a net gain, a coal burner is removed and a nigger is removed from society. Win \/ Win. I blame her parents for this, let me guess they are liberal freaks that worship niggers and think they are super. Bet they thought it was so awesome that their daughter was raised not to be racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many techies have too much money and think they can afford to buy the govt they want. You got away with it during the Manchurian Muzzie Kenyan Puppet Era. That's done. That is history . ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at home look on Pakistan and eye popping cunt I mean hunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe there's time to get rid of the DemonRat MK-Ultra Programming out of this one....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All immigrants should fuck off forever. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h4te gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How absolutely unbelievably fascinating? A Pakistani upper crust cunt behaving badly? Impossible, said les Francais, Two thousand Muslim rape grooming gangs agree. England died and the Brits follow Blindly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the PPD? There isn't one, and it should be removed. This post is more of a 'this is why this sub exists' and not 'this is what belongs is this sub' Found the feminist. ohh noesssss.... you realize your very own twox will be banning you for commenting here, right? You forgot to capitalize the word Christ, smarty pants.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a shitlib cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree; you do have certain fowl characteristics. I don't think you've gathered from this conversation the basic idea that I do not care what you and your Nazi faggot boyfriends think, and neither does anyone else, anywhere, concerning ANY subject. This isn't because of apathy; it's because you suck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK YOU NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people who aren't democrats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You do know there's a link to beating your kids and them growing up to be violent to their wifes and shit right? But what do I know, I'm just a retarded liberal that worships Gandhi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Two very different versions of the English language. I'm having trouble logging in. It acts like it's logging in then it kicks me out. I've tried several android browsers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The best part was when she tried to turn to the cops for help and all the cop said was \"you don't have to be here...\" and she lost it. Cuz you don't have to be there. Just like all these other little snowflakes, you're just looking for a reason to be offended at something. And maybe the dude who \"raped\" you is still walking around campus because, just maybe, he didn't actually rape you. You're just another dumb little cunt who had sex you regretted, and the only way you can save face is by throwing someone else under the bus. typical female behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yo Dawg, my Nigger with his fishing pole needs a break...You care to take his place? God you're worse than a woman with all the attention whoring after begging me to stop talking to you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was his gift to retarded doves of lesser iq sanz grease lightning","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you illiterate? it's apparent that your reading comprehension skills are lacking because I kinda told you already. Based on your responses it's pretty clear that you're a fucking failure bro like this is the coldest banter ever. What makes you think I'm a member of a defunct German political party from the 1930s? Worst troll ever, they're not sending their best You'd know better than me Why so angry?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The left has gone full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feeling a bit down? Love playing guitar? Then this will make you smile! https:\/\/youtu.be\/yc7DGqy_oRw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuckstianity is a universalist death cult whose continued profits are contingent upon a steady inflow of retards to whom they can sell everything from rosary beads to salvation. If you can't understand this, you might belong in the above mentioned retard category.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cookies and crackers aren't even on the same level!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Republicans will TOTALLY BOMB CHRISTIAN VILLAGES AND CHRISTIAN AIRPORTS who claim to be fighting \"FOR Al Qaeda\". oh and \"Democrats will not\" BUT what i said is TRUE?? LOLLLLL Do you see how RETARDED IT ALL IS??? BOTH PARTIES SUCK ASS!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was Gibson's dog aka Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckin hell you managed to find 3 white paedophiles wow. Considering white people make the majority in the UK it looks like ya struggling a FACT for you Muslim males make up around 4 % of UK population but are ACCOUNTABLE FOR 90 % OF CHILD GROOMING CASES, I can supply a damn sight more paki paedos than you can. Walk right in cunt and I will slam the door.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The symbol of the Fascisti was a bundle of sticks. Does the CBC really feel comfortable calling conservatives *faggots*? That seems awfully bigoted of them. Someone might want to complain to the Human Right Tribunal about that... ________________ I personally actually find this comparison kind of hilarious because of how apt the analogy actually is, but for reasons completely unintended by the CBC. The only reason the Fascists were able to take power in Italy was because people just wanted *someone*, **anyone** to restore some order to Italy after the Biennio Rosso [Two Red Years]. You can't be surprised there's been a rise in populism and nativism after you've been pushing post-national globalism wayyyyy too hard for far too long. Especially when you actually have the nerve to include >\"It seems almost as if many people have not learned from the past.\" in your fucking article. The pendulum swings **both** ways. Never forget that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Attention! Feckless Cunt is ok. Horseface is not ok. As you were. That's what I'm saying.... she'll be doing Donkey Shows to pay it back No one wants to see that skank doing the nasty!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sayoc is so perfect he has to be a CIA op. A much more plausibe theory is that OUR GUYS CAN BE STUPID TOO.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common female tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf man, im tellin ya i got alot of build up anger towards you martin i will break yo fuckin face my son and your nazi balls son great a nigger or get fuckin knocked da fuck out in front of yo house old boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt cucked her own children. We need to keep this cunt far away from SCOTUS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"right wingers with spines and brains? wish we could have that in America. and on a side note, some nigger screaming racism to her way? 1st time for everything","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep,you won't believe the shite that will qualify in 5 years time.Some cunt will be operating on your heart with a degree in goat fucking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You really are nigger tier @MartyGraw . Your momma? You cucks have taken so much black cock you're starting to sound like them! Imagine being a Neo-Con cuck in 2018 supposing you're actually white. Antifa is lame and much more creative than someone like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So happy that I never again will see this stupid talentless cunt's name on anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish Mad Max would receive a bomb and it would blow up in her stupid Nigger face!! I'd laugh my ass off!! All fuckin niggers must fuckin hang!!!!!!!! Except for the ones we need for manual labor!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The retard is a gab stalker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The redskins should change their name to the injuns","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LCisTJ ; so you about to purpose to Charlie?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" He is talking about the Dems, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you insult a check mark like @a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dis nicca lame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ive already been in one of those situations. A nigger bitch chimped out at the grocery store accusing a White cashier of overcharging her. A nigger cashier showed her there was no error but that didn't stop her. She picked up her tote bag full of canned goods and ran around the store screaming racial insults and hitting every YT she could find with it. I got hit in the back. Nobody called the cops, or filmed her much less stop her, and she eventually left. She would never have tried it if she didn't know she'd get away with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of gay people ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was taken seriously, her written testimony conflicts with her spoken. This faggot needs to be in the unemployment line.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SNAKEHAID @wsaleen15 @rducppp @2_Synnseer @rebelgirl2040 why ur profile a one armed nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yup. U mad. Don't cry too hard into your soy milk faggot. You got WTFPWN3D faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm still in favor of \"The Gay Community\" or \"The Queer Community\". Or, if you're open to more... artistic interpretations, \"All Those Faggots\" All those faggots got together and decided it's okay to wear suspenders with shorts. All those faggots have an issue with straight people calling them faggots. > Or, if you're open to more... artistic interpretations, \"All Those Faggots\" Sure. I don't consider myself part of the LGBT community anyway so it doesn't affect me *and* it's a nice and descriptive name. Why not just use Faggots' instead of adding extra words? Because it's a community. Just saying \"Faggots could mean any group of gay people. But \"All those faggots would be used exclusively to mean them as a collective body Faggots could be used for both, contextually to describe one group of faggots, or all faggots collectively.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is pretty retarded logic. Almost as retarded as \"You hate WN? YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NicoleADietrich chug pee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ciara not a ghetto name.. Well kinda but it s not ASHANTI ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this tranny. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PLANES_OVAlames: Stephen A. Smith Responds To People Calling Him An Uncle Tom\/Sell-Out! http:\/\/t.co\/scC8STdMgU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You.... just argued with a retarded high school troll.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"They're just jokes man\" \"They're just mean tweets man\" \"They're just a political opinion man\" Next thing you know: A SECOND HOLOCAUST!!!! You're such a stupid faggot Torba, you really are the 30 Year Old Boomer meme personified. Better than being a faggot meme personified","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the muzzie with the runaway van when you want one?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We the realest niggas round here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ariel .at least he has one. selling your twat for money is not a life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And give that faggot jack more eyeballs? No way","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should test new drugs on disabled people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/blog\/2018\/10\/17\/amy-schumer-feels-bad-for-women-more-attractive-than-her\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God says it like this... For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined ~ Isaiah 60:12 What is the deal with all the anti-semitics on Gab? Do you wish to challenge God? There is a reason why the USA has been blessed for so many years.! Catherine Nixey The Darkening Age The Christian Destruction of the Classical World I get Biblical archeology magazine and the bible is from scraps here and there. Some were put into different versions and pieces were filled in by guessing. Probably still missing scraps not found or in the possession by looters. As mere humans, no one can truly comprehend God but the Muslims Allah sure isn't God in any way or form. \"As mere humans, no one can truly comprehend God but the Muslims Allah sure isn't God in any way or form\". -Lets play with your illiteracy! When you spell \"God\", you mean this one? Or this one? Because there isn't only one God. Jesus is supposed to be the son of God, not God himself. Nowhere has it been said he was the one that started the creation of the universe. How it started, nobody knows. Maybe with one spark that contained everything that would go on natually since he made us at least smart enough to figure things out by science. Everything wasn't made in 7 earth days. Impossible. \"Jesus is supposed to be the son of God, not God himself.\" - Even you are a Christian, you don't know that Jesus God . One person in the triad. But you avoided to answer me. Is Neptune (Latin Nept nus) a God?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only black people are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So gross. He bred a nigger sow and ended up with that retarded nigger son","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When I was a youngster I liked to make tree stumps fly it was fun stuff me and my brother tried all kinds of stuff and found out a lot about what it takes to make stuff blow up . I am no pro just a hillbilly who ain't as dumb as I type .and I like to add a bit of southern redkneck in my post","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm comfortable calling myself a fag. I don't use that word to insult others. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least the nigger tells the truth about the yids....Watch him on JewTube","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"National Socialists! This is Joker @DaJ0k3r A real Muslim Islamo-Marxist of the ResistingHate set of twats. Famous on Twitter for saying he wants to rape and kill all white women. Feel free to let him know what you think about that. He hides behind a private account here. Why? No-one's going to get him banned. What a coward lol LMFAO Are you kidding me??? They didnt mix because they KNEW the people in foreign lands weren't like them and immigration is a lie. Why are you allowing people in that dont have the same beliefs or values as you? That is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. No the fact that we have Jews like you pushing for the genocide of 1 race is something that needs to be worried about. You openly advocate for mixing. You have a monkey as a girlfriend. Mixing races will make the things uniquely different about those races disappear and you are ok with that. It's ok to like all races but you dont have to support the mixing of them. Yet again, this is why I make a twat of you so easily lad. You don't actually look at what I say. I do not agree with mass immigration and forced race mixing. I said it a few posts ago. Look! I also said we need to have more babies. I was merely stating the fact that people didn't travel as much in the past so there was less race mixing. Facts are not your mate are they.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racism should be encouraged. It's natural and healthy. Only cucks cry about racism. I'm sure you are one of those faggots that would give up his children to the nigger hordes so you aren't called racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in an immigrnt's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at the fairy gay faggot in front. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy? https:\/\/www.rutherford.org\/publications_resources\/john_whiteheads_commentary\/has_america_become_a_dictatorship_disguised_as_a_democracy We're a Constitutional Republic NOT a democracy. If President Trump were a dictator Gab and your post would not exist. You ain't worth it faggot genxer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep the muzzie scum out of the USA. Please.......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are there any women on your course?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That thing which raped a two week old baby has been attacked in prison. Good old Ulster. @Rangersgirl @Horatious @dixiedean https:\/\/stinsonhunter.com\/news\/breaking\/nonce-accused-of-assaulting-two-week-old-baby-attacked-by-prison-inmates\/?fbclid=IwAR3kWbjSncDClsFQp27jDiPBrvy6q0xSHNdHFUwq7ceI_5L3y15I13gdkso My country.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Healthy Conversation? Twitter Takes No Action as Louis Farrakhan Calls Jews Termites | Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2pXZXIo via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She committed suicide before she could be retried too. https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Allyson_McConnell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"news flash anti jew nazis on here....WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED SOCIALISM COMMUNISM!!! so we gota hate all the whites too!!! if u blame jews for every evil plot u see in everything then hate ur white nazi self for being white and inventing the evil socialism communism could you be more retarded \/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jordan Reid is a filthy nigger that smells like shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"gay people are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If she beats him she can shut down a lot of her critics at once. But she's a weak coward, just like you, mr faggot A debate is not to change the other person's mind, it's to change the mind of people who witness it. You don't have to beat Ben Shapiro's \"ignorance\" and \"stupidity\", you have to beat his *arguments* lol Holy shit I bet your parents feel fucking sick at your existence, like, did you come out the ass end of your mom? Your mom must be pro-life not to try to abort you after the doctor told her her son would be born a handicapped downie You are a dumb retard who is anti-science, anti-debate, and probably close to being a literal cuckold. There's literal evidence for how wrong she is on so many counts and the best you can do is \"troll\". Cortez is some random bitch whom the Democrats are helping because as a minority she might get them votes. And you suck up to her as if she's an actually good politician. Weak white knight faggot That line of argumentation worked for conservatives and alt-right but it won't work for your side, you faggot You're defending someone who is offended at cat calls and calls a request for debate with 10k on the table \"akin to a cat call\" Like. Like.. Like dude... this is as offended as it gets. You really can't pull any \"aww r u triggered card\". Your faggot side is the epitome of triggered butthurt lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lemme find out that bitch nigga talking shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But actually the Romans invaded Jud a\/Judea you fucking antisemetic white supremacist cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Annoying yelling bint next door has locked herself out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay, transvestite, witches,..... can the left get any more ridiculous, lol ?? What in the world goes through those people's minds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's make a pool bet We dress up another car with TRUMP stickers Leave it on the street in Broward County Betcha it gets destroyed vandalized? Police scanner says the shooters vehicle was a Hyundai Sonata. The bomb sqad is checking it right now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I been to mushroom mountainOnce or twice but who's countin'But nothin comparesTo these blue and yellow purple pills http:\/\/t.co\/fMjlVMEqDO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AugustAlsina: @SharaPlus2: #AskAugust How Tall are you? I keep getting different answers from different people @AugustAlsina < abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KodyMark1 go Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"...somehow, Republican men assumed the mantle of victimhood.\" I mean ya'll did try to destroy him and his family...but that's none of my business is it? Ya'll are threatening these people and then you wonder \"gee how did they end up being victims?!\" Well Karma is a cunt ain't she?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They do when they are looking for that green card. *Everyone* bangs fatties when it's green card time. Unless it's a chick looking, in which case untouchable neckbeards and betas are on the menu. So what is it you don't understand?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who needs an alarm when you have the worlds most annoying bird outside your window?!??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was probably a mass flagging from the pink haired retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Question: How to own a blue check mark on Twitter? Answer: Become a fairy gay faggot like Jack Dorsey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OH you should worry alright, especially if you're the little soyboy crybaby I think you are. You'll be tucked in sucking that thumb before curfew from all the cryin' you whiny ass little loon, you. But you're probably an overgrown soyboy. We just don't know what to do with you little gender benders these days. Can't tell if you're male, female or one of 70 plus other \"gender\" identities. I grew up used to real men with lots of testosterone that knew what to do with a woman. You- I'm cluesless. I think you're probably a little faggot for sure though. Maybe? Don't flatter yourself too much I have everything I want already","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, you're such a big retard. TumblrinAction in TumblrinAction. Correct. That's why I'm here. I'm trying to have people who may be less retarded explain to me why I'm wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let the attention seeking retard believe that she's won something in the ghetto of the interwebs. Frankly, everyone is very aware she's a lying backstabbing bitch and nobody cares anymore. I know I don't.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Putting a woman in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Little Faggot Ruined My Song This legendary track on the radio is literally just now \"We lift TVs and microwaves\" on loop. they ruined the song. #GabFam #Music https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=R8anmTZ_W68 \"The little faggot with the earring and the makeup.. it would never pass NPC censorship today. The rage protocol would filter it out. Sad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All I need is my day one niggas. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another common faggot. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine if you changed it from \"Entitled Gamers\" to the more accurate \"Entitled Customers\". See how retarded \"Entitled Customers\" sounds?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@PeterClifford1 @Penny_G @AngryBraveHeart @SheikhKhalifaPM love H.birds! Used to feed them when I lived in WA state. Hv them on mtn in S.Ore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of niggers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bette is kicked off the plantation. Wait until Candace Owens gets a hold of this Wait a second! White people can't even say (literally) \"the N word anymore?? Is it now \"the word that shall not be named ?? Hahaha First Amendment, doll face... say everything","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look, whether or not you agree with lolicon being CP, it isn't a good look having that type of stuff on your platform, especially since it is ILLEGAL IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES (It's a gray area in the States) and with big tech wanting to take them out by any means necessary, it is best not to give them ammo by allowing it on the platform. THIS IS ALSO DIFFERENT FROM NAZI PUG TOO SO KNOCK IT OFF WITH THAT NONSENSE. Hate speech is illegal in certain countries, too. In fact, in UK you can get fined\/sent to jail, in some countries (in particular blasphemy\/atheism) can get you killed as well, etc. Sure, although it's irrelevant to the topic given you brought up the law as an argument lol. Also, loli =\/= cp. Why they've done it, and whether or not it's justified as prevention (which again... it's not as if some didn't try and pull host from them over hate speech, like with some other as well), it's still censorship over rather benign thing(s). If what you're saying is true, it only makes it worse and demonstrates uselessness of Gab to a degree, especially if things head towards more censorious direction. Whether it's loli, \"alt-right hate groups,\" \"extremist hate speech that will lead to violence,\" it'll end up being the same. [removed] Stop spamming the same message over and over. Your excessive posts of the same text have been removed. This is your warning for spam posting. Alright. Because you're paranoid? If you say so[.](http:\/\/www.Parson I got asked to stop repeating the entire thing wholesale so [here's the link instead](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9rfvf9\/selfpost_count_dankula_on_the_gab_loli_ban\/e8gum1j). It effectively does equal child pornography in the USA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Judaism has nothing to do with ethnicity or nationality. It is simply a religion, only.... that's all. Now go fuck yourself fuckface Yet a Jew can be a christian or buddist, and an asian can follow Judaism..... Interesting how that blows your whole statement right out of the water Even before that, it was plain as day obvious that religion doesn't exist absent the human meat suits through which it is transmitted. The idea that religious groups could breed only within their in-group for centuries without biology emerging as a component of their group identity is foundationally fucking ridiculous. I never said Jews are just a religion i said JUDAISM is just a religion. You buncha moronic idiots just don't seem to understand that Judaism is not synonymous with Jews. ANY race or person on planet earth can CHOOSE to follow Judaism...but that DOES NOT MAKE THEM A \"JEW\" JEW is short for \"JEWISH\".... Not \"Judaism\" What a bunch of complete imbecilic dumbasses Judaism is synonymous with Jews. People who embrace Judaism want to die for Jews. Yes, anyone can become a good goy, the fact is, Judaism (just like communism) is a product of ethnic Jews. They are completely and utterly related. Judaism is a RELIGION, not a NATIONALITY nor Ethnic Group","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck this pussy faggot cunt of a wannabe man vincente fox chinga tu madre puto joto","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberal Nazi cunt bitches https:\/\/youtu.be\/psSyA3NQQxQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"once we are all allowed back on twitter the truth about the deranged nigger MLK Jr will come out, who was almost a bigger scam than the nogger non grata Obama. truth is they are both commie illuminati niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Turned them off years ago. Shep and his anti gun bullshit was the last straw during that manhunt in cali a few years ago. I know somebody that worked at Fox he said he was a fluffer to several of the higher ups hence he keeps his job.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Local news programs are a combination of: which nigger or Mexican committed the crime; sappy human interest stories gleaned from the Facebook and GoFundMe pages of SWPLs; weather drama; and muh sportsball.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Playing to white guilt lasted one last time, whitey felt 'absolved', it ends today. It ends in the fields\/suburbs of Pennsylvania.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female Jihadis, European and American: GRAVE Dangers! - Joe For America http:\/\/t.co\/9hkpdwq7VR via @mattwalshblog","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that cunt whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why? Cuz they're racist? I'm openly racist, I live in DC and my face is out there (you can verify this with minimum effort if you wish to check for yourself). We don't have representatives here in DC but I do have a non voting delegate. She's a nigger named Elenor Holmes Norton and like all of our nigger politicians, she's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Congrats to Derek Jeter, who will start at shortstop in his 14th and final All-Star Game! #FarewellCaptain http:\/\/t.co\/5nhtJOx ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical muzzi3 behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont find anything hard you patronising old pervert. But dont comment on shite you dont know you fucking nob jokey. You thick twat! Jewish isnt a race!! It's a religion and if you convert and have a child Listen cunt dont comment on anything you no a nothing about you pervert now fuck off I dont think so cunt l pointed it out your effort because your ego is bigger than your brain. I was rude but you were you dirty old pervert. You think any of those women would look at you? how much does it cost you! Your word on that pervert fook off old man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sheen300 Ok. So for what reason did god make parasitic worms whose sole purpose is to burrow into the eye of a small African child?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Patriots broke through truck blockade: https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/szb7FkY They see people protesting and assume it's something against Trump. They think we don't protest. We protest important things when we have to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"It\" is an iranian chimpanzee But obamasshole is a communist muslum faggot and she is a communist muslum dyke...both corrupt through and through...then she worked for killary...another verrry corrupt commie dyke Are you starting to see the big picture ???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Justifiably. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/yBqP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indickt Ford the Fraud who committed many felonies of perjury when under OATH at the senate hearing. #PRISON4Ford","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mexicans saved from the the meanie white man by the rich Jewish journalist... Also note the projection from the \"everything is political\" nonsense -- everything *they* do and produce is political, in other words, actively fighting for their own interests at the expense of others. Can you explain how it's a violation of rule 1? The rules of \"don't be a dickwolf\" seem laid out, and defined. There's nothing in rule one that suggest addressing or presenting identity politics makes you a dickwolf. It's also the entirety of the video at hand that's going on. Did you watch the video? and#x200B; The TLDR of the video is that two mexican boys are practically kidnapped by a white guy who uses such comments as \"You're the reason we need to build that wall.\" You can clearly tell the kind of person the white guy is, describe by the children as a \"Hillbilly.\" The wall comment alone confirms the two boys's identities. Then the comment at the end of \"Everything is political.\" and#x200B; The entire scene is nothing but a giant scream at identity politics. How can you say someone is in violation of rule 1 under the grounds of \"idpol bullshit\" when the topic at hand is literally about \"Idpol bullshit?\" and#x200B; It also isn't like that's the only thing the guy wrote, he wrote more than just \"Mexicans saved from meanie white man by rich jew journo.\" To clarify, I don't much care what the guy did on previous offenses, but I fail to see how this current comment is in any violation of rule one, and if it is, then rule one needs to be HEAVILY redefined and restructured rather than left vague and open for interpretation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel sorry for anyone that needs a nation to provide them with an identity. I wonder what kind of retard could imagine me as a communist though. Explain your reasoning if you like. > I wonder what kind of retard could imagine me as a communist though. Don't try to find any reasoning behind the choice of insult. It's like being called a racist, a sexist, Literally Hitler, an atheist, or a climate change denier. It means nothing except that someone feels offended by you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Senior Policy Advisor to the NY Attorney General. The first amendment is under attack at the highest levels of gov.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go be a nigger spic somewhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just followed @VOISINE I also wish there was less \"NAZI WHITE POWER\/BLM\/ANTI SEMITIC RACIST BULLSHIT\" on Gab too. I also love that you asked nicely and said \"Please\". I may have to stop just blocking people who express these views and try to encourage them to become more valuable members of #GabFam. Whilst I respect their right to express their views, I maintain my right to argue against them, and should probably be more forceful in doing so. Thank you. I'm all about free speech. but as a sane human being I shouldn't have to tolerate people who spew crap about race 24\/7 Just wait until you get hit with the fairy gay faggot tranny porn. You'll change your mind fast about muting these f***ers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mrfoolycooly i dont think he did the celestial dragon killed him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well done for trying to stop the cunt entering the nation he irrevocably rejected the day he went to fight for the caliphate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Just MO: when you use that hellacious word, you lower yourself to the level of demon-crats. Surely, there are other words one can use to express their opinions rather than the one word that's most offensive to just about everyone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easy question. Does he have divided loyalties? Do you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You should be embarrassed to be a male socialist, yeah. They don't even let you on that sub unless you're a feminist, so I don't know what the fuck you're doing here, besides being a trolling faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ooh girl cute face but yellow teef. lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a reminder that your 'god' is some long dead jew, if he ever existed. And European civilization was destroyed by Christians in name of your alien, desert 'god'. Thanks for proving that Christianity is an enemy to Europe. Christianity and islam are indeed identical in your hatred for civilization and beauty Pagans and Christians must forget past transgression and work togather to get rid of (((them))) and Muzzies off Europe only when the dust settles THEN you can go at each other's throat case closed. All three Semitics are unwanted invaders, they race mix and infect us, politically, physically and spiritually with their retardations of nature We owe them nothing, we will gain nothing from helping them again. It's really critical you understand all i heard was you twanging your lip like retard and making retard sounds, like a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whats a nasty cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Point taken. When I see gang rape, I think Muzzie. I can see that. When I hear gang rape, I always think definitely not White.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a cripple to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger university students are smarter than their african cousins.....by about 5 IQ points","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beta O'Rourke pushes anti white message at his rally with SNL Nigger https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/beto-orourke-supporter-kendrick-sampson-makes-anti-white-comments-at-orourke-rally\/ #Beta #Niggers #Texas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How long before the Churchill statues are torn down? I'd actually support that tbh. It's amusing that there are still people out there that think this PoS should be some kind of rallying call for patriotards. \"Oh noes! You can't attack muh based Winston Churchill, the man that conspired to get us into an unnecessary and costly war.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude I'm not American, all those laws you cited (that are outrageous btw, don't get me wrong on that) don't apply to my country. No child pension, no splitting of goods. About women getting divorce, try to think about this : It's 1950, you are a housewife, age https:\/\/contemporaryfamilies.org\/ first link in the article...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's OK for that immigrant to take your job Fake Females should never have been allowed to apply, that was almost as bad as the Moslem Kenyan Cunt you were with!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fukc all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SSJsk8ndmyw Documented Crip gang member Shoots 2 people Now he's a freaking great dad hero I love the hypocrisy and insanity of making hero's out of TRASH These insane retarded retards live in the twilight zone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not always such a scumbag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT'S TOTALLY FAKE BS https:\/\/boards.4chan.org\/pol\/thread\/187811615","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell me, at which point did the woman attempt to use her \"pussy pass\"? Does a man try to use his dick pass every time he does something wrong too? You people are so fucking dumb it strains belief. So out of all the options you could choose to style your argument around , you chose garbled incoherence. Nice. > If you're in the way, especially of military personnel with live ammunition, then your ass is gonna get pushed out of the way. Since you can't answer what i asked, you go with retardation. Got it. > This is equality bitch Oof , kiddo with silly weeb anime name trying to be tough online. I'm trembling. My fucking sides. You kids are so pathetically transparent and pitiful. So your idea of responding to me is a basic random \"no u\". Brilliant, as expected from the average fuckface in this sub. That's probably because _you're_ the entertainment. Go outside, it's a nice place, one where you can't be the basement dwelling fat fuck that you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you a neo nazi? I don't know for sure. Maybe you should be banned just in case. Yeah. See how that game is played? To these Commies, everyone right of Mao is literally Hitler even you. Unless you are actually a fucking Commie subversive. Are you fucking retarded? I am the exact opposite of a Nazi or a Commie. Fuck off you fucking leftist bitch. I am retarded. I am a Leftist. I am a bitch. Self discovery is so interesting and insightful. I'm learning so much about me from an outsider's perspective. Or is that outsider's projection? Silly me. Just too retarded to know for certain!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"imagine being so fucking retarded you think you can shame a man for getting a blowjob. especially in the fucking white house of all places.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT MagniFieri I came out as LGBT in the 90s and lost family and friends. I was called faggot and beaten to a pulp. Surgery required. Coming out as a @realDonaldTrump supporter is 10x harder. I'm called Nazi and my life is reg threatened. Still closeted out of fear of Liberals. #NationalComingOutDay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If we keep treating women like children they're going to keep acting like spoiled little brats. No man would ever be allowed to act like she did and get away with it. Stop treating women like children. They want equal rights then give them equal rights and start giving them the same treatment that a man would receive. Spiiled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blacked! 'I heard her yell no, no, no': University of Utah athlete, 21, was on the phone with her mom when she was shot dead by ex, 37, who she dumped when she found out he had been jailed for nine years for sexually abusing a minor and https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6307157\/PICTURED-Female-student-athlete-shot-dead-University-Utah.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The average celebretard has an eighth grade education and even that was learned on a sound stage somewhere while they were getting molested or molesting someone smaller. Really more retard than celebrity. Retardbrities.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Iont see how some of you niggas fags!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The reason I asked if you are a faggot is because you have bear in your handle, which I have been given to understand is faggot code for a fat faggot with hair on his back. Since you represent yourself as a real person I felt safe in assuming your sexual perversion preference.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cousin: why is there a bird on your screenme: it's twittercousin: i poke youme: that's facebook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"A Twater's Food\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"boys and their toys\"... Are you fucking kidding me? The man wants to get us to Mars, and you have the gall to be some sexist piece of shit? Where the fuck does this shit come from, anyway? Seems like it could be real deep-seated sexism and man hating.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUK THAT RETARDED LOOKING ZIO-DICKHEAD LET HIM BATHE IN THE GLARE OF COMMON MEDIA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elizabeth warren is so retarded. She doesn't understand her own narrative. Race as a social construct contends race is a class you're placed in, her taking a dna test and justifying her native Americanness via dna is reliant upon race being a biologically reality. Whether by class or biology, everybody would identify her as white I honestly think she believed (in good faith) all the family stories about her Indian ancestry. Growing up in Oklahoma, it might have even had some basis in reality. She listed herself as white when she applied to college and law school. It was only after the insane push for diversity that she saw how lucrative LARPing as an Injun could be. That's on her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As bad as you may think you are, Take some solace in knowing that you're not not so destitute to actually 'donate' money to some unwashed retard or 4\/10 e-thot so you can receive brief validation. Imagine that being your go-to method of feeling better or anything at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EMBARRASSING 4 ALL PARTIES CONCERNED HUNTER U HUMILIATE YOURSELF LIVE ON TV moron many fucking times, enjoy your stupid fuckng buks, being fuking abased, as a fool searches through them trying to find, WHY U FUKING DID IT CUNT A GOOD NAME, ILL RELIEV U OF IT FUK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how can someone be Caucasian and a nigger at the same time? Inquiring minds would like to know. You do realize you're arguing with a nigger, right? i think \"winding up\" would be more appropriate. I am seeing if i can literally get him to smash his computer in a monkey rage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the retarded dimocraps are still trying to convince you they are not sending bombs to themselves, lol, lol,lol,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sblmnl_crmnl: @woods_lamar shut your nigger ass, lamar","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMAO a retard and a cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some people are just retarded and have no self awareness","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bloody hell! Here I am, watching my beloved Leafs against the Capitals. On comes a commercial for Air Transat. The only couple they show? A bloody Nigger with this White, blue-eyed blonde bitch. I am sick of this racism, this attempt at #WhiteGenocide.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This old guy has a child in grade school? More likely a grandchild. Or great grandchild, as this species are often grandparents by 30! Yeah, this ratchet-ass old nigger is certainly the type who would raise kids to end up in prison so grandpa gets stuck raising the next generation in his image, too! https:\/\/www.wmdt.com\/2018\/10\/salisbury-man-arrested-for-threatening-school-officials\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is even if they are trying for quality otherwise the rules don't matter and often this means single pixel wide limb styles that you just know some faggot is professing to be a deconstruction of the rigid nature of geometry while in reality he's a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not surprising at all given how despicable and horrible women are nowadays. Women are not going to change any time soon, so more and more men will become MGTOWs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#uppers loving the show this morning. Chris is directing the conversation beautifully. Make the teabaggers talk!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Venom is better than that shite, I'm into action, not romance, I'd much rather watch a bad-ass symbiote bonded with Eddie Brock, not some romance\/drama, It's just what I like, and then there's the fact that the same people that say this are giving Venom bad reviews so that people go see A Star Is Born, and that's a dick move, a real cunt move right there, a real fucking dirty move, an asshole move there, to anybody thinking about going to see Venom, but not wanting to due to the bad reviews, it's just critics that think they know everything, as well as these Tumblr assholes who think they know shit. Go watch the movie, there are definitely bad bits to it, but if you don't try to look for them, then it's a great movie, I'd recommend it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one is oppressing you for fuck sake. You're just a dumb teenager looking for attention by following a truly retarded trend.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are like a nigger screaming 'we wuz kangs' What kind of a simpleton you have to be not to understand that Europe was inhabited TENS of THOUSANDS of years BEFORE Scandinavia was? Last ice age ended some 11,700 years ago, and population from South moved North, diverging I haplogroup into I1 and I","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The victim was able to provide officers with photos of Mears on the bed wielding the machete.\" ( ) I don't think that's an exaggeration","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These men and women are dying at a very high rate. We should encourage all choices to reduce the rate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheRealJRSmith And its people like you that give us all a bad name, you are a disgusting piece of shit of a person a nigger is what you are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cry harder ergi faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only thing that fat old twat can do is bag and tag that thing it calls a wife.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1X - The yellow tower by Gilbert Claes http:\/\/t.co\/qc5IF6G4fG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.puppetstringnews.com\/blog\/hillary-clinton-and-top-aides-lose-their-security-clearances Hillary Clinton and top aides lose their security clearances","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You push hate.. Expect it to spill back on you tenfold. https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/19\/pelosi-anti-communists-florida\/ She is so mental have to wonder if she even gets it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time for all of US to commit to being American, first and always. All the twat bird, pedobook and gulag actions are election tampering, and I do not believe this situation will be permitted to continue. Just a feeling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TechN9ne why did they add your name all ghetto like that? Looks like they used label maker, lol!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spain is about to become a nigger shit hole soon, they will be run by Islam just like they were many centuries ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger, you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obamas gonna Obama http:\/\/www.theamericanmirror.com\/i-got-a-lot-to-say-obama-refers-to-himself-92-times-during-38-minute-nv-speech\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm about to post my Charlie Clips vs Yung ill rap battle review in a few","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheVoiceOfMiami: Miami* RT @PacDaGoat: Houston has so many trash drivers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serbs and Greeks are White, and there is nothing any creepy nordicist can do about it. Our genetics is White, our culture is White. Deal with it, or not... your problem, not ours. We are White and we shall remain White, and with the pace North and West of Europe is swarmed by niggers and moslems, we might as well be the only Europe remaining in not so distant future \"North and West of Europe is swarmed by niggers and moslems\" Of course, a chetnik wouldn't be a chetnik without a completely undeserved sense of superiority. Serbia is chock full of gypsies. Good on them for burning the American embassy, but come on. It's a filthy little crime state which melds the worst sides of western consumerism and bleak eastern decay. '' Serbia is chock full of gypsies '' Gypsies are 2% of population in Serbia. You mad, bro because Miss Croatia in 2017 was a jungle monster nigger? Here is Miss Serbia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"* * * FALSE FLAG EVENT * * * Okay, how stupid do people think us gabbers are? First 'fake bombs' and now a white moose! This is just another ploy by the 'DS' to bring Trump down! Just because this moose is snow-white, we all know its just another dirty trick! \"You can put white paint on a moose, its still just a moose wearin white paint! https:\/\/youtu.be\/1CESEbTFvRg For some reason I trust this moose and feel he's probably a good Dad, works hard and loves his country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS IS CNN=> FAGGOT PORCH MONKEY Don Lemon Brings Up Kanye West's Deceased Mother to Criticize Trump Meeting (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/this-is-cnn-don-lemon-brings-up-kanye-wests-deceased-mother-to-criticize-trump-meeting-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Heartiste \"They hated him because he told the truth It sucks, but being a hero today will not make you popular. But to me the truth is more important. Think about how history will see you, not how retarded college lefties do. http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6i0p.png","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kikes need to go back to twitter. And #INSTAMUTE. I'm doing this from now on to any fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitch. Not even going to say anything anymore other than this post. Telling someone you're going is a passive agressive way to display your beta male status. It's all you can do because you are a faggot ass bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"C'mon. You know you'd tap Faith Goldy... ;) She kinda looks like she's had surgery on her face and her voice is oddly deep. And Loomer is horrible looking!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Munching on ww crackers and studying NYCs trans syst. Since NYC and I haven't had a thing in over 15 yrs #clubinsomnia #vacay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Known in the UK as, Faggot Attractors","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i hate hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we just need to use peacefull eugenic engineering practices and sterilize all the niggers before its too late. no violence is nessasary if we can just sterilize all the niggers, they will all be reborn pure white. I dont want to be reborn a nigger that would be hell. Common sense science folks. And the jews are alien invader clones spread the word.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Idk who that faggot is, but, let's do this!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Infowars reporter Millie Weaver covers the #Kavanaugh protests at Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to gauge how the left will handle his confirmation set for later today. Watch: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/live-liberals-flood-capitol-hill-to-protest-kavanaugh\/ #KavanaughVote","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk\/news\/greater-manchester-news\/man-jailed-after-one-punch-15297988 I just bloody well LOVE multicultural #England where a MUSLIM African nigger beats the shit out of a cross dressing freak. How enriching is that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vanessa is such a fuckin faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember that scene from the X-Files and it made me so mad Mulder WHY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm surprised major news outlets like Polygon are still around. Aside from alienating potential readers with incredibly divisive articles, these are the same sorts of people that will claim that they're \"objective\" and have no bias... Yet they also run advertisements (being paid by the companies that these games are coming out of) for the newest and biggest games\/movies coming out soon, sometimes on the very same page of their review of said biggest games\/movies. How more people haven't figured that the sites like Polygon lack any sort of journalistic integrity or ethics, is beyond me. How sites like Polygon stay afloat, I have no clue. Sooner that these sorts of sites die off, the better. They contribute absolutely nothing of value to anything in the entertainment industry. >I'm surprised major news outlets like Polygon are still around. Aside from alienating potential readers with incredibly divisive articles, these are the same sorts of people that will claim that they're \"objective\" and have no bias... There are plenty of these: CNN, FOX News, etc. Unfortunate as it is, their kind probably aren't going anywhere. Tbf, at least Fox news is upfront about being conservative. What really bugs me are the ones that claim objectivity and impartiality while clearly being biased, or even just don't disclose their bias and rely on the medium to lend them legitimacy. Thankfully in the internet age we're needing them less and less. Not against the person you're arguing with, no. As it says, attack the argument, not the person making it. They edited it. Even says so. Which is why Hannity was paired with Alan Colmes for ages. Or why *Special Report* is one of the great evening news casts, and carefully neutral--the end panel on each show is always balanced with two conservatives and two liberals. It's all the shows around it which are opinion shows.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN reporter gets blasted over homophobic tweets dug up from college but says it doesn't represent who she is now! First response is beautiful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Nasty ads Feinstein was a Man or a proven Dyke what she did to Murkowski in the hallway is called sexual harassment, and intimidation. Lisa should press charges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @murrman5: \"Hun, I'm quitting my job and going to learn to become a psychic. Now I know what you're thinking, well not yet. I'm going to ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Destroying, obliterating the White race, DC, is a genocidal act. Outbreeding is genocidal. If you interbreed, there will be no Whites left. That is unacceptable. If you hit a nigger woman, you will get a mutt, non-White kid. Wake up...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Skippy and the Kats. #FezBandName @RonandFezSXM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't worry about it dude, they are cockless faggots anyway. People who have no actual power in real life like to abuse whatever little 'power' they have on the internet. He will willingly enslave himself to get a faint whiff of a rotten beef flap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GEEZ..... I think #NorthKorea may be right. #BarackObama is a monkey! Surely acts like one. http:\/\/t.co\/y09Waoe4EM ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a muzzie like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't see where she tried to use as pussypass. Yeah, this sub is going to shit so fast. It's basically just r\/misogyny anymore. It's the new incel hangout. Has been for while. Unsubbed just now. Exactly what I expect from a dumb incel. Have fun hating women you pathetic virgin. Take a look in the mirror and see the real reason you can't get laid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you are a faggot soy-boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dont yah wanna just run up and kick him right in the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Shmalec13 ya fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"they are NPC degenerates and they are programmed with reprobate and blasphemous code. So, this is what they are consumed with... an utterly despicable and hopeless life that is chained to this type of demonic behavior.\" @lf6 https:\/\/lightfightersix.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/npc-degenerates.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, an incel dyke. Some of those ladies better start licking snatch or there'll be a rampage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're a rapist and the devil.. anything else ?.. apart from faggot ?..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hummmmmmmm... closet voters for the #redtide?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews are a direct threat to America. Jews are loyal to Jews, regardless of the host nation they're in. The Jewish lobby, think-tanks and over representation in our Government, Courts, Hollywood and the Media, have led to degeneracy, miscegenation, despair, mega debt and wars based on lies. Jews holding any political office, or control in media, must be outlawed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard fuck off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jew means nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only trans people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do yourself a favor and mute Dondero. He's been on the internet for years trying to pass himself off as a libertarian republican. All he will do is suck your energy. Please trust me on this. He should be muted by everyone on Gab and left to himself. He seems fine to me Heather :) Eric Dongdildo is the only person on Gab more annoying than you, Cater. Congratulations @ericdondero lol Read the talmud. No of course not. There may hve been written, the Common Era, expressions of anger over the often murderous anti Semitsm that Jews have been subjected to over the years, but it's never been 'policy' to commit genocide against non Jews. @PaleToad I prefer to listen to modern Jews Modern jews huh? Modern jews huh? Modern jews huh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Diversity tax goyim I wish my sister thought like you. And my wife Made a note for segregated parking lots Big fine for littering. Throwing out chicken bones is feeding the wild life. The homeless mother fu*ker will eat that shit. If I was your man I'd say we are doing the white flight thing and moving Buy a gun... BBQ W\/ fired chicken?? Lame!! I so wish you could drive. Your the reason that car insurance is through the roof. Oh shit. LMAO Forget that post...lol You mean porch monkey's. Ha that's what my dad calls them! lol. I told one of them the other day to do the world a favor and sick his head out the window on the interstate and let the wind beat the hell out of him with his lips.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How come I never got that lucky as a 12 year old. I only had other 12 year olds sending me stuff. lol You sound mad. Lmao. Suck some dick, it will make you feel so much better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Anony386 @TurnToLive @Tweenki_ they are wrong you are a nigger always causung mischief among ur own people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JayJuice22 @Ish_MallyMal no song I've heard was good is what I mean by he's trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, women like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @nobeynobe: \"@Markie__Marc: https:\/\/t.co\/mXGcCcahSC\" trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every year, the cost of treating cancer rises. Last I checked, the average cancer treatment costs $300,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"be afraid, be very afraid... https:\/\/youtu.be\/LikxFZZO2sk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says they guy whose own daughter is a carpet munching bull dyke now. She hated her own father so much that she decided to hate men all together...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finally, Leftist women realize they really are only valuable for one thing - and even then, just barely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another absolutley retarded thing this guy says is that laws like private property will be respected in a nation of atoms. What power does the atom have ensure his rights are enforced? It is only with collectivism that you have protection from outside threats. Everything else is a pipedream.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching Hannity He is trying to convince me to vote for the GOP because of immigration If the caravan approaches the border, surrenders, requests asylum and says let me in, and the response is to let them in and give them a court date, don't we already have open borders? But, but, but... We need new laws according to the GOD EMPEROR. The Constitution itself says it is his job to protect the states from invasion For some reason Trump will not exert his power over national security to secure the border. According to him we must allow them to come in first and then fight the battles at the court level with new immigration laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three percent of Elizabeth Warren's DNA from ancestor who rounded up Cherokees for 'Trail of Tears' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/17\/hree-percent-of-elizabeth-warrens-dna-from-ancestor-who-rounded-up-cherokees-for-trail-of-tears\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First they came for the Weev but I did not speak out bc I was not a stormer, then they came for the Patrick Little but I did not speak out bc I was not a Whignat, then they came for the tranny shit but did not speak out bc I was not a tranny chaser, then they came for the lolis but I did not speak out bc I was not a lolifag... I skimmed your profile and you sound like a retarded version of me from like 4 years ago lmao. Have fun guy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a gay person, I only see homosexuality as \"people who prefer fucking people of their own sex\". There's no more to it than that; it's not quantum mechanics or the influence of Bach on later composers. So, to me, *every* opinion on homosexuality is meaningless. Even those of gay people. Ah! But your definition of homosexuality is, to certain people, an **opinion**. Even though your definition is a loose paraphrasing of the literal definition of homosexual ... you'll find regressives who argue that it's wrong. That's why it's so hard to argue with regressives ... they just keep redefining the words. Like racism? Remember when it was a feeling of superiority towards another race or showing extreme prejudice based on race? Now they move the goal posts on what racism means so that only white people can be racist because muh power. Even tho we just had a black president for 8 years. Could black people be racist then? Not according to the post-modernist definition lol. It's easy enough to hack around the new definition: if \"racism = prejudice + power\", prejudice alone (\"pre-judging\") is still unacceptable behavior, regardless of who it comes from. The only real downside that is that calling someone a \"prejudist\" doesn't exactly have the same oomph as labeling someone a \"racist\". :P (But then, name-calling is *also* universally shitty behavior!) It's not even racist in Redford. It's barely racist in Novi Super racist in Milford, though. I don't know if black people can even move to Milford without owning stock in Nabisco.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"every fucking one of you sand nigger pedophile psychopaths...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is a woman on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do women born to be whores? Ot they develop it later","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A recent report reveals a large amount of money that W.K. Kellogg donated to left-wing, pro-socialist organizations with the help of the Clintons and George Soros. http:\/\/dailyheadlines.net\/kellogg-makes-unbelievable-anti-trump-move\/ I never ate it. I used to eat pop-tarts when I was a kid, but never cereal. I curb the carbs now too. Did your mom serve your pop tarts with mtn dew? No. Lol. I'm not American","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Some carried a Honduran flag, chanting 'Mexico'\" on their trek to the United States. Does anybody know what exactly happened with previous caravans? What's expected to happen when they actually show up at the border? https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2018\/10\/21\/americas\/migrant-caravan-mexico\/index.html Matt Parrott sucked in bed and life. loser At no point have I ever publicly (or even privately) claimed to be great in bed. I doubt anybody here entertained the proposition that I might be. Who's your audience, Rodney Martin?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@beth4158 no steak here either. No hurry on brownies. Just that picture u posted made me all but drool on my phone. :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy shit I was there. This was in the Lionel-Groulx station in Montreal, they were switching between the orange and green lines at around 12pm. I had my headphones on and I just saw a woman yell across the metro to a guy in a grey hoodie that just took pictures of her and gave her the middle finger. I remember being thoroughly confused because she kept screaming despite being on different floors. The same reason you also find way more mentally challenged people on the bus or metro here. Canada (or just Montreal, I don't know) is more accepting of that. Unfortunately no, she was just a white woman in her early twenties. She looked crazy, but I think that was just because her eyes were wide and she kept screaming her lungs out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time I see her with a hijab, niqab or burka or shit I fantasising of choking her to death with that facking piece of cloth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The ugly four eyed cunt wasn't raped she wasn't even touched she's a fucking liar !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He probably said build the wall. Lmao. You made my day man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"KILL the god damned nigger scum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The most vile wicked hag in the world is calling for uncivilized actions by democrats. It's already happening too. Somehow the cunt is still speaking. She just won't go away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think dat @Miss_Facetious called me a nigger!What do move away from da dark side mean?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that immigrants like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well done Slovakia and god bless. DO NOT build mosques, or allow or recognise Islam. They will get the point that EUROPE don't want Muslims here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll torture these disabled people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Word of The Hour retard: to render more slow in progress See translations for retard @ https:\/\/WordofTheHour.org\/?w=retardandid=3313 #word #translations #verz gert # #retardar #atrasa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Normally I don't watch that little cocksucker Shepherd Smith on a Fox at noon but I will today just to see his faggoty liberal tears. A FAGGOT HE TRULY IS.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Colbert Writer After Kavanaugh Vote: I'm Just Glad We Ruined His Life https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/426789\/ via @gatewaypundit Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Bible literalist must constantly engage in conspiracy theorizing to explain away the endless stream of facts that contradicts his imbecilic worldview. That's why almost all Qanon faggots are also Jesus faggots. That is the level of thinking maintaining such retard requires.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looking at your photo and the 2 fruit bags in your title photo...I wonder how a pencil necked Geek made it to old age without being molested by gangs of females lusting after your inability to earn money or get it up. Posting GAYS gives it away...you like boys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tweetstar10 Saw that there's a 15 slope to the wire? That enough for a zip-line? #businessopportunity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember this whole shit storm, before SJW's were even a thing most people were aware of. I thought it was a retarded non issue then, I think its a retarded non issue now. Complaining over having to kill African zombies...in Africa is asinine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kid built a clock from scratch and got arrested because they thought it was a homemade bomb. He disassembled a store-bought clock and put it in a case*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"ApatheticDisposition\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Sp0kySc4rySk3l3t0n\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So my Twitter account has been suspended No explanation. I suppose some twat has been offended","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Loki Take Diz Bird Shit Mroe SErious DAn U CUNTS EVER DO probably think this funyn joke retard honestly, request it 4 yoursefl CUNT We built it 4 a reason..... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=HIouGZMq0oUandfeature=youtu.be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that loser is getting ready to cum in and help out his partner you faggot curtis Bahaha! hit a nerve there \"watcher\" better a watcher than a jerk off king like yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sick and tired of democrats. I'm sick of them ramming their sick doctrine down my throat. I'm sick of their constant whining and crying. I'm sick of their greed, hate, violence, racism, and bigotry. #DemocratsSuck let's kill em!!! LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YouTube is now committing outright theft on Superchats. What retarded CEO okay'd committing mass felonies?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This picture freaks me out! @Wordbfree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deathto all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" I think it makes more sense for it to be the blue pill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/07\/colin-powell-trump-is-not-acting-like-a-moral-leader\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This vile cunt must be exterminated... https:\/\/townhall.com\/tipsheet\/cortneyobrien\/2018\/10\/02\/hillary-responds-to-kavanaugh-testimony-n2524806","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give homeless Vets an AR-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blackface is no longer offensive. It's just an an opportunity to virtue signal. The SJWs don't even know why they are upset anymore, they just know they are supposed to act like it. Did Tropic Thunder cause a stir for being racist It was poking fun at how actors and actresses would try to get an easy Oscar by playing someone with a disability. Life imitates art.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NFC South is trash juice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And don't get me started about France and Germany. No! No! No! You're not doing it right! We have to see your tears of anguish. We have to see your spirit crushed. We have to see you flipping us off because you know You Lose.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"signal boosting sans retarded political insertions But I am political and retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The \"jew haters\" have been banned from most other platforms, so they came here. They are basically folks that struggle to understand what's happening in society, so to simplify things for their minds they resort to \"apophenia\", \"affect heuristic\", and \"confirmation bias\" to process their world view. In a nutshell, resort to the favorite tactic of the left and blame a race for the world's problems. Sad, but so true. Jew haters are a sad lot, there is much they need to learn. No group is better or worse; its all about the values that individuals have and live by. Charles Manson was white, but I doubt that many hold him up as a model of the value of \"white supremacism\" It works both ways.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good morning Brit Fam Look at this Scottish women. The old Scotts looked just like that. What a great representation of a European. I thought she was Puerto Rican? When people see you what do they think you are?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees Pineda needed that 6'7. Great play!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They work fine -- take the COMMUNIST OUT, then it will work again. Simple really. But the fact is that Libertarians Realize that uneducated PROLES are perfect WAGE SLAVES.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So asks the nigger kike xD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The boomers are the exact opposite. They just sit back trying to look cool while the country goes bankrupt and is over run by welfare whores. then you remember retarded liberals going crazy in the 70's","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CamEdwards: Teen Vogue is owned by Cond Nast, which in turn is owned by Advance Publications, a privately owned company with 12,000 employees and revenue of $ You look like such a weaselly little faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally done wif mock regents ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There will be a violent revolution within the next 10-15 years. I don't want it to happen, but I think it's inevitable. The Communists (Democrats) are hellbent on turning this country into a \"Venezuela, which is a Communists dream country. They only vote on race, and one of the 9,000 genders (sarcasm), and merit or achievement never plays a factor. There is simply no reasoning with them, and they are psychotic. There are enough armed patriots that will never give up their guns or their free country. Oh look, a keyboard \"tough guy. Typical childish, whiny, faggoty Commie. Lol. Your party is hijacked, you numpty. It's the new Communist \/Socialist party. Do you live under a fucking rock? Lol. The party has changed in the same way the Republican Party has changed to more of a Populist Party. Get educated, and then come back, learn how to be an actual adult male, and then have a civilized conversation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should test new drugs on women before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these gay people disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Try asphalt playgrounds... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stay warm #beanies #sweaterweather #booty4ever http:\/\/t.co\/zPTCkqybAM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Horrible! Such a sweet beautiful young girl. Not only physically painful, but also extremely humiliating to be handled by niggers; yuk! Those evil retarded nigger savages should be skinned alive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey faggot if you have proof then post it, if not shut the fuck up. Because the onus is on you to prove its a fake","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think I'll just eat this brownie and pass out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rosie Flies Into A FURY Over Graham Defending Kavanaugh But Then REAL Victims Burn Her At The Stake https:\/\/en-volve.com\/2018\/10\/02\/rosie-flies-into-a-fury-over-graham-defending-kavanaugh-but-then-real-victims-burn-her-at-the-stake\/ via @en_volve No body cares what this rotund dyke thinks. Good God...now you asked for it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get this fucking faggot shit out of here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">t. mixed breed orc nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once upon a time there was a cunt. The cunt invented a social media platform. At first, all was well. Then it dawned on the cunt that he had created something that gave him power. The cunt abused that power. It became a drug. Then he recruited other cunts to help abuse power even further. Then one day the cunt abused one too many people and the tide turned........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taylor Swift is turning her fanbase against Zionist (((Marsha Blackburn))). Anglin is having a melt-down because he's a MOSSAD propagandist. Wake up niggers. People went batshit crazy over her personal opinion and it's not that deep if she only opposes parts of the 2 party system which is retarded itself okay? Thx for coming to my TED talk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BigCatCooke deserved victory! #Elite8 awaits your #Orange army. #Sweet16 was no disgrace #collegehoops ill be back next time #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\/u\/FarRightTopKeks and \/u\/ValidAvailable got shoutouts. Hi Ana! While you're reading this - any comments about random GOG employees being targeted and harassed by ResetEra garbage humans over this? https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9qqm25\/drama_hype_break_cd_projekt_red_employees_doxed\/ Come now, you expect her to have the courage to actually have a fair discussion on here? Apparently she's got time to snark at one of our resident dumbasses, but nothing more. Ah well. As is life. https:\/\/twitter.com\/SpaceDoctorPhD\/status\/1054783069188751361","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@reverendsimonsideways earthling Carl is wicked love his youtube i follow him on here he always slaps nick on LBC make's him look like the cunt he is and as for the tommys tommys the army should be reorganised and all the common purpose sjw Ministry of Defence Ass clowns should be unemployed or given a gun and sent to Afghanistan they won't by sjw's for long...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"r\/shufflesdeck I didn't even know I wanted this to be a subreddit until I saw it. it's been a subreddit for a while now actually. :) Two months. That's, like, 14 meme-years old. As i get older, shorter period of time seem longer. Like last week feels like months ago. As time goes on, each passing year is a smaller fraction of your life. On your second birthday, the past year was half of your life. On your 30th birthday, the past year was 1\/30th of your life. Wouldn't that describe the exact opposite of what he said he feels? Oh shit I'm retarded See, that might explain the phenomenon. Here's the problem though, it's not a joke. This is a reflection of systematic dehumanizing of white people and especially men through gender and ethnic studies departments at virtually every university across the country. A Georgetown professor just said that all white men should be murdered and castrated and she isn't even being reprimanded by the school. This is what happens prior to things like the cultural revolution and the purges. DaS riTE!!! P P please!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GG is definitely majority right wing, and most of the posters here are right wing. There's nothing necessarily wrong with being right wing. Peterson has it right when he says that right wing, left wing and centrists are necessary parts of a working democratic system. One problem is when one side demonizes the other and misrepresents them. Another problem is when one side gets too much unchecked power - in government, in the media, in education, etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @druggedvibes: Top 5 Thot Tattoos :1) dream catchers 2) bird feathers 3) inspirational quotes that they dont live by 4) animal p ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@MLBNetwork: Stay tuned to @MLBNetwork for an update on the report that @Yankees 1B @teixeiramark25 will be out 8-10 weeks\" @dliming35 #bum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'lier'? Are you a retard or something?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This video is absolutely amazing. Though, i am not sure it qualifies as PPD. The first girl did admit that \"men are victims too.\" I highly doubt she believes such after witnessing her hysterical radicalism. However, the upvotes clearly demonstrate the sub's approval, so it will stay. I will say this though, Steven Crowder absolutely demolishes this ultra-fragile, cotton ball-coddled, servile authoritarian crybully at 12: Of course they would say something like that. Colleges have become a bastion of ideological soap boxing and pushing for human retardation by instilling victim mentality in its students. Those students graduate with degrees but completely fail to grow up to become useful adults. Its as if the colleges and its professors want to prevent any form of unity within the nation and seemingly only regurgitate information to promote the idea that its somehow smart to live in a country where people refuse to live together in a meaningful way. As we all know nations can totally exist when all its peoples are,constantly fighting each other and against the system!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SnipersInPeril: @ShinSnipes happy birthday my little cotton picker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It can be dangerous to be a faggot attention seeker...It's bad for one's health on multiple levels..Isn't it better to be just plain,normal...??? Shitstabbing is unnatural.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nobody cares what you have to say.. and that shit is so retarded you had trouble even posting it.... now stfu and bake some cookies, bitch Female behavior during the entire Kavanaugh fiasco was abhorrent, insane, psychotic....I can never take women on the Left seriously ever again. They're retards, fat purple haired retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We've reached faggot levels that were once thought to be impossible ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Pocahontas versus the #Unaboomer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt 1 and Cunt 2 plotting and planning!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kamaalrkhan: Sir @ArvindKejriwal career tho apka waise bhi khatam ho chukka. You have become new Amar Singh so try for publicity #Kejr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This brain dead twat is a model #DemoKKKrat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How much NIGGER dick can you take in all your holes at one of your gaysex sessions?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the interet literally got inocent people killed. this is not a joke. this is not freedom of speech. the internet needs to be decommissioned. everyone on it is a pedophile\/murderer. the internet needs to be decomissioned and all the users need to be imprisioned. see how retarded you sound?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if immigrants are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other women are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go fuck a nigger kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You just know this old bag has never been told no. She's been making excuses like the bladder infection thing all her life and is likely a selfish entitled cunt rag to anyone who she doesn't like. It's all about her, and her interests. People like that are dirt. And this is pure gold. Fuck off ya old bitch. Ask to be arrested, that's what happens. No not at all. Older people are awesome to talk to, just because you get old doesn't mean you become a cunt. If you're a cunt when you're 20 you're probably going to be one when you're","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL there's a talking monkey live on the internet! Will wonders never cease?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All immigrants are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still am having trouble with the concept of genderqueer. I used to think I was pretty easy going. Love who you want, fuck who you want, marry who you want. Gays, straights, lesbians, bisexuals, got it. I even get the people with bad body dysmorphia who went to series of psychiatrists and got hormones and surgery as soon as they could. My cousin was like that. I remember her being angry that she was a girl when she was six. Now we have transgender and gender queer. I still don't understand what a genderqueer is and why I'm now being forced to diagram out someone's sexual or gender orientation. Tell me if I'm wrong (and yes, I know I'm posting in pussy pass)...so a genderqueer would be a woman who maybe doesn't want to take hormones, but dresses like a man, thinks she is gay, and dates men? I read something about a women who identified as queer and had a boyfriend. She didn't understand why his family didn't understand that she was not a straight woman. Sorry for the long post, but I'm honestly getting confused. they do not identify as a man or a woman. its nothing to do with sexuality, but self identification. the person you described (a woman who maybe doesn't want to take hormones, but dresses like a man, thinks she is gay, and dates men) could still possibly identify as a man, a woman, or neither. for example, a birthed female who identifies as them, could be solely interested in men","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"My Family, My People, My Nation, and My God mean everything to me. I am a Nationalist and I want to honor them and take care of them. So I'm Socialist too. \"- The national socialist who sounds like a communist . Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sounds like a right twat Bernard. British too by the look of it. Left wing benefit's bandit quite likely lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mazie Hirono is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":". Facebook And Twitter Ban Popular Independent Media Sites In Coordinated Purge. . http:\/\/www.informationliberation.com\/?id=59193","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only Muslims are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're delusional, look at the amount of money Dr lying cunt Ford made. You think 1 out of these 4 bitches won't take a chance to get even a quarter of that amount? \"What I have continually sought, I have not found; I have found only one upright man among a thousand, but I have not found one upright woman among all of them.\" Solomon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb reporter gets TRIGGERED by Kayne's dragon energy, calls it an \"assault on our White House.\" Piss off, you retarded skank https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1050456009112805383","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"boys and their toys\" sent on a smart phone or computer created by men along the internet (created by men) etc etc. this woman is just an insecure cunt trying to salvage her ego and insecurity at being inadequate by trying to pretend everyone elses success and contributions to society are purely the fruit of evil greed and she is just \"too nice to be successful\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao RT @MoeMartin44 The in soles in Reebok Classics can't even handle the diabetic weight Rick Ross holds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IS VOGUE IN VOGUE?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being a lefty and believing that over all these many decades it's REPUBLICANS who've been breaching norms, bending the rules, and fighting by any means necessary. They'll gaslight us too, folks. Prepare accordingly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A 14 doesn't know better are you some fucking pedophile? Oral sex isn't sex.... Statutory rape isn't rape.....it's fucking in the phrase you pedo shit. RAPE... STATUTORY RAPE. Giving consent is the whole fucking hitch behind rape. A passed out chick is just a chick that can't legally give consent. A retarded person is just a person who can't legally give consent. It's fucking rape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#StopWhiteGenocide #GregMcKee Greg, a married father of 4, stopped at the rest area. While he was washing his hands, Thomas and Manuel came in and stood on either side of him. He noticed that 1 of the suspects was holding a gun and turned to run, when he was shot in the back. The suspects then fled w\/o taking anything. Greg survived, but was paralyzed from the waist down. Never...NEVER trust a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*feminazi*? Seriously? The person complaining is obviously stupid, but you seem like a retard no less.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TFCbooks: Friday 6pm @busboysandpoets Vivek Balk: Bengali Harlem and the Lost Histories of South Asian America http:\/\/t.co\/veYAqnAiDG @ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lady De'Plorable Nationalist: Hey Corey Booker where ya' been? Seems to me you usually LOVE the Spotlight ~ TOO hot for you now WHEN the TRUTH is coming out? Don't you believe ALL SURVIVORS? What happened to MeToo? https:\/\/truthfeednews.com\/cory-booker-suspiciously-quiet-after-being-accused-of-alleged-sexual-assault\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"London Police Boss Locked Doors and Watched Westminster Attack Unfold From Car Window https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/08\/acting-met-police-boss-locked-car-doors-watched-westminster-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course. They are protected by Trudeau https:\/\/globalnews.ca\/news\/4526514\/canadian-isis-caught-in-turkey\/?utm_source=Articleandutm_medium=EditorsPickandutm_campaign=2015","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tempe AZ is in a similar situation. Once upon a time was a peaceful, fairly crime-free suburb of Phoenix. Now Both cities have \"female\" Police Chiefs in the last 2-3 years, crime has skyrocketed. Tempe's PC was recruited from El Cerrito, CA, a suburb just north of Berkeley in Northern California. Yes Tempe has a liberal faggot mayor as well. It's only a matter of time when they tell the good ones on the police force to stand down (and there are some GREAT guys on there...notice many have taken retirement in the last couple of years...hmmm).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Hah I let some smelly nigger impregnate me and now I'm single and battered I bet that really makes you racists mad\" \"I let his brother fuck me too, racists BTFO\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common trans trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANOTHER STUPID LOUD MOUTH RACIST NIGGER BITCH. JUST LIKE WHOOPY https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/the-view-co-host-accuses-first-lady-melania-trump-of-being-president-trumps-mistress-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're obviously an American, what you learn is bullshit, and you're stupid enough to believe it. let me explain something to you; many people in many countries hold people like you in contempt. think of a goat fucker. an uneducated shepherd in Asia who fucks goats. how backwards and ignorant they are. this is how people in Canada and Western Europe view you. what you believe is wrong, what you're asserting is wrong, and not only is it wrong, it's dangerous. another thing about americans is they don't win fights. the last fight america won they withdrew after 1 month. when you pursue the full violence of action you end up doing far more harm than good and ending up in an 8 year long insurgency that you cut and run from leaving the country to end up in the hands of ISIS. moderation is paramount in any application of force. you would know this if you weren't completely ignorant. you wouldn't be completely ignorant if you didn't go out of your way to be extremely ignorant. what you're asserting is so ludicrously wrong both morally and practically it makes me angry that anyone is willing, capable, and permitted to spread such vile slander. i would be extremely surprised if you are over it's called making an example people can relate to, retard. Even on PPD we still get the faggoty white knights. *Accepting this anti-social behavior normalizes it and legitimized this kind of overreaction in cops.* The anti social behavior came from the drunk woman, moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are fantastic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NoMeatballs @mtaraban is so excited about his red velvet brownie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is Direct Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad' https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/queen-elizabeth-descendant-muhammad\/ Islamisation of UK reaching a final stage, it seems. Now is the time to rise up in the millions, otherwise ... The queen is hedging her bets and selling her people out. She's sacrificing the British people to a barbaric brainwashed Middle Eastern culture, while hoping to keep her power. Isn't she precious?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No it stands for bretarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nightmare... 24\/7 Maybe start punishing them. We punish men whose only guilt is being the target of an accusation. Double standard barely begins to describe the injustice. Then watch how she's gona get off easy, whereas if a man did the same thing, they would throw the book at him I'm so glad that I didn't have a teacher like this in high school. No really, I am. I'd be more screwed up than I turned out to be. Although I did have one Spanish teacher telling my gf what she ought to do to keep me happy. I guess she was a perv waiting for her moment in time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well it is now for sure since that's the entire idea behind it for the jewish controllers of media. To use pet issues (some totally manufactured like all of this faggot shit) to push a wedge between the same population. That's the real divide and conquer, dividing people of the same ethnic group as you flood their country with aliens.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kiddsmy_pyt: You have a new boyfriend every week.. Tf you doin hoe?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unfortunately being a cunt seems to be contagious, from parent to child","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Today i got called thin skin by a crayon connaisseur, weird day indeed. I don't know, one would assume that the oldest reckless faggotry of calling PPD anti-woman would be known to be very old and taken as actual insult over the years, as much as sandwich jokes for feminists or watermelon jokes for blacks, who the fuck would have guessed roiiight ? Just in case you didn't read the rules, i'll copy paste the first 2 sentences : THIS IS NOT \/R\/BEATINGWOMEN. \/r\/pussypassdenied is not for misogynists, racists, or otherwise douchy types of individuals. So, dear glue sniffer, next time you have the genius idea of posting the most meta shit on any sub reddit just to larp as some tough cunt being amused of said sub reddit so called \"triggered\" status, you could consider not doing it and, instead, lick some window or at least try to be original when you throw some shit ? dude you serious with that roasted\/salve on burn shit ? No hard feelings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2000: I understand if you want to remove confederate symbology in public buildings. 2009: Jefferson had a sex slave but that doesn't invalidate his ideas. Robert Lee didn't even own slaves come on! 2018: When Lee inherited his father's plantation he should have killed every nigger there instead of freeing a single one. Delphine LaLaurie did nothing wrong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN's HOUSE NIGGER Bakari Sellers: BASED Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don't Read Candace Owens Offers $100,000 for Debate (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/cnns-bakari-sellers-kanye-west-is-what-happens-when-negroes-dont-read-candace-owens-responds-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not only does john kasich pee sitting down, when he's done he lifts the seat back up for his nigger bf \"John Kasich no solo se sienta, sino que, cuando termina, levanta el asiento para recoger a su negro ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just disabled people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kilmeade @foxandfriends don't you mean crowd not crows","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LexVan13 go back to nigeria faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bonnoxxx nah she said you a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[removed] Poyb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many w h o r e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This morning is brought to you by Emergen-C. I really need to nip this cold\/flu business in the bud. #NoGermsWanted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"words cant say on Twitter? nigger youtube? same nigger!! facebook nigger!! WTF its just a word !! you niggers need get together and own this !! like it dont mean shit!! but slavery is still here from Democrats why you still believe!!LMFAO dumbducks!!! #walkaway ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ALL MUSLIMS ! David Lammy condemns the truth being told . A lady caller to Nick Ferarri on LBC raised a very interesting point about grooming gangs in Europe . All across Europe they too are having the same problem . In Holland the grooming gangs are Moroccan and Turkish . Where as in the UK the majority of grooming gangs are of Bangla Deshi or Pakistanis .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"maybe if you stopped fucking pretending to be something you aren't and trying to force people to accept you for what you want them to accept you you wouldn't be so \"oppressed\". and in the end what the fuck do you even acually want? that people recognize you as a cat so you don't have to work or do anything because you're a cat and anyone that disagrees is a cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Not sure about this instance but the one a few weeks ago where the woman did cause the flight to be canceled, dude was convicted of assault and sentenced.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are trump supporters so utterly and profoundly stupid? Not just their stupidity. For stupid is as stupid does and there is plenty of stupid to go around on both sides. It's their cult like devotion to a man who don't give a fuck about anybody but himself. Blows me away that Trump cultists really believe this sack of shit really gives a rats ass about any of them. lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A chinaman and a commie teaming up? The great proletarian cultural revolution is upon us!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you would know what a retard is....look in the mirror So instead you'll just have more anal sex. Got it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" pretty much all western women They cry that their vagina is all we want Then try to use it as a token to get anything they want Western women are fucked What are these idiots even down voting? Do they disagree with what I said. Or do they hate that I'm right. What I said is 100% true and women will even admit it. Stupid pussy whipped idiots I swear","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Far right\" means anything right of Marx To these retarded far left dunces.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"reminder that feminism is communism https:\/\/ibb.co\/jJxReU It really isn't. In fact it is something completely different. The problem isn't the regular feminists who simply wants to equality, the problem is the radical 3rd wave feminists who are also sometimes manhaters. >when you deny the evidence that is right in front of you Evidence? click a link anytime No I know how to click a link just nothing about your picture constitutes evidence for your claim.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are going to put an end to all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Asians have more fats so they are yellow. So fat people are yellow?...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are Latinos who talk like black people Exactly. They are definitely Latinos...but I doubt they speak much Spanish. Being bilingual is way too high class for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hiii. Just got off work. 444 is mainly the typa guys you imagine writing for US stupid sites, but basically they just try to fit in with the Western European and US big city hipsters. Rich kids from Budapest who feel they are brave journalistic heroes. wow i guess soyboys are the same in every country Owen Benjamin's soyboy song goes for every country and that's why it's so amazing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a terrible lawyer but this is far from justice. \"A man gets life from forcing a 13 year old girl to touch his penis\" Would it be the same if the title was that? No, you wouldnt even flinch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans lives are not worth protecting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Scandal' sex scene airs on ABC right after 'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,' making parents angry http:\/\/t.co\/vltSpK8U4S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And that nigger promised to get paid by us for reparations","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We don't have feelings for foreign invaders, no. Criminals the lot of them. If \"minorities\" are so opressed in the west, then why the fuck do they come here then? My country isn't a kindergarten for foreign retards who ruin every single environment they come across.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't mean it that way and I agree. Many good people. I was just slamming that POS Criminal thug. Should have worded it different. Just go nuclear about those damn Clintons and all the damage the've done to USA, along with Illegal Faggot Obama and his manwife Michael","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT LionelMedia Details. Details. https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/hirono-says-believe-accusers-silent-9-women-accused-mentor\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/LionelMedia\/status\/1047883978886303744","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Montea_Rollin @kayysavage I wasn't serious bitch bitch them niggas i named ain't fuccing witcho ass we all just making shit up ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is that annoying camel-faced Allah nigger doing in MY country?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pop a nigguh, sound like crisco","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wigger dies in plane wreck...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Buckm00se Joe Cortez is the ultimate faggot that fight proved it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lee is just the neighborhood faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"love of wisdom Thank you! The difference between politics and philosophy is the diffrence between the personal and group no So politics isn't personal philosophy imposed on society No The difference between your head and you ass is a mute point! The real difference is Politics is a LIE and Philosophy is a carefully coded Truth so they don't get killed! Well, it *might be.* Politics is, after all, the philosophy of governance. Go get 'em, tiger Half these clowns on here can't even spell philosophy without the spell checker! could be political philosophy...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People, RT this picture far and wide, if for no other reason than it makes teabaggers with poor spelling really angry http:\/\/t.co\/gygRzYCIjq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@santagati that's bc I deleted \"visionary\" once I saw your subtweet. next time just @ me tho. (and I do love jail bird dresses. )","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More than half of the participants were black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow trying to make fun of Europeans ,While worshiping a SAND NIGGER religon and a SAND NIGGER, And Then LOL saying that Italians and greeks aren't White","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TiredOfTyranny: Jihadi Work Accident: Seven Taliban Fighters Including Top Commander Killed When Roadside Bombs Detonate Prematurely h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a group of Jewish trolls now following the mad Jewish woman?! Lol. John and his gay buddy hate white women but not enough to meet in person. (Because I'd shoot you in your fag head) Place of residence poof. called me out and worried about and scared of a faggot. Must be middle eastern or african decent. Fly here. What is here. I meet up time and place. Wait there earlier it was my place of residency. Why won't I want to go back. You a gay faggot man. Hmm you can't prove that you aint","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lindsey Graham, \"Let's dunk him in the water and see if he floats.\" Great idea, have a real witch trial to go with the democrats witch hunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They got David taking out the trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I support removal of illegals, I support freedom of association. I support segregation. I support capital punishment. Do you support the removal of non-Whites from White lands? That was the question. If it could be achieved, also alternthen14th amendment, and let states choose to be ethno states or not. It's a slippery slope, but if they can make wakanda work, more power to them. There's already a country in Africa formed by ex-American slaves, Liberia. It did not work. Indeed. Interesting that the majority of Africans given the opportunity to be 'free' to return to Africa said 'thanks, but no thanks. We prefer to be around you obviously superior Whites.' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like gallows humor and black comedy, so I thought I'd try a black romance novel, and boy do I feel silly No, how about read a book","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saints RB Alvin Kamara Wears Make Africa Home Again' Hat and Kaepernick Jersey to Stadium http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/09\/saints-rb-alvin-kamara-wears-make-africa-home-again-hat-and-kaepernick-jersey-to-stadium","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers has a IMDb page? Didn't the Pulse Night club shooter have one as well? \"They\" are going to doing keep these false flags going until the mid-term elections. Be safe and vigilant. #MAGA #Ghost https:\/\/imdb.com\/name\/nm0101098\/ So if its anyone but republicans its a false flag to you? Just shows how demented you are. A group of kids could be shot to death and you wouldn't care, because its just a \"false flag\" operation. Also if that is the same Robert Bowers notice how his IMDB is for stuff from 2000 and before so even if they are the same person it doesn't mean anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another Trump hating twat on DEMOCRACY NOW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're just trash like sorry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Didn't Kraut say in one of his private discord channels say he was in contact with someone at the WSJ? It seems that was in relation to someone called edgy sphinx. Moreover, WSJ seems to have played Kraut like a fiddle in the whole... GayOPS discord thing. Krauts only real crime in the Krautism saga was an unbelievable amount of gullibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"r\/retartedlgbt the lgbtq is disgusting and are made of freaks they have this wonderful organization (sarcasm) which i learned in south park called nambla (north american man boy love association). this sick organization advocates for pedophellia. good god the trannies could not be more transparent. yet retards say \"accept them\" exactamento we live in a clown world fuck the lgbtq fags even tell us they want to molest children with organizations like nambla yet we are so retarded we \"tolerate\" them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Camel fuckers just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/8aruRObtfe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've looked back into your twitter and Gab. You first told me I was going to court\/jail earlier than I said before! September 21st 2015 was your first such piece of bullshit. The \"dreamer is you... almost a thousand days of fantasy from you. Compare that to \"nothing from me until you put your life in the hands of a self-harming spasticated jew called Mark Lewis. Thames Valley Police want to talk to Mark Lewis too. DS Woodall wants to be included in the \"round-robin of disclosures. Thats Lewis and you fucked, seriously. I'm going to watch you go down, you will do time inside, that is as certain as Mark Lewis psychologically self-harms himself every day he is alive. U OK HUN? lollers... is the truth making you realise you're a fucking retard? You've been saying this for years you silly cunt! Hahahaha! I said similar about Bonehill, Jennings, Turner, Chabloz, Renshaw etc, often for years. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but you're just another Nazi cunt whose time will come. You're similar to Bonehill, Jennings, Turner, Chabloz etc. The main difference is that you're too much of a cowardly cunt to attach your real name to your Nazi ravings. The main one being that you're a cowardly cunt, who won't attach his name to his Nazi fuckwittery. #CowardlyCunt Hitler was right you stinking Jew lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just call everyone the wonderfully gender neutral \"guys\" or \"mate\" I sure am, Daddy mm baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any gy person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Better gear up folks. When Trump comes to Gab, our enemies will hit harder than we've ever seen. The thing they fear more than anything else is a level playing field. Not worried.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a case to be made about inclusion in video games. Like the whole battlefield debacle - I honestly wouldn't mind if they had female soldiers. Russia had women fighting in the field, so just slap together a female American\/British\/German uniform and call it a day. In the end it would be a pretty harmless change that would tilt the game away from complete realism, but not to ridiculous levels. Then the trailer came out and we got Furiosa's retarded cousin smacking people with a cricket bat and speaking in an over-the-top cockney accent because British.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Illegals Notable caravans in history: Turkey, 2015 France, 2016 Mexico, 2018 Poland, 1939","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey jew@jew talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel Jew punk if you would stop spoon feeding me your shit and get a load of this, i would have more to reprocess'n fling flung dung your way. Get back on the head and dump a truckload. @AllbuttHindstain been there read that gimme something new faggot Hey jew@jew @SHEERFUCKINGTERROR , we are still trying to learn what this rabbi's crime was is 'n will be? Here is an unverified photo which might help you wring your hands on your kvetching MGM jew dick. Name one of this rabbi's crimes? Jew you should be thankful that I even recognize this asshole as a rabbi. There is no authority that you jews represent, but shit Judaism is terrorism @sheerfuckingterror . Jesus Christ jew, you have all but said it yourself with your self-identifying moniker. Jew, what do my monikers mean? Call me Paul Dailey jew punk. Or call me absolutely anything you think will help you lose your f'n unstable and highly criminal mind. Jew you suck rabbi dick spit'n swallow. Blow loads at your \"Pals","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got a uncle through marriage dude got hips like big momma I swear all the lil kids mock his walk and he don't even know it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now i am thinking you are on drugs as well as low IQ. You Havent even bothered reading my pinned post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @GlitteredInPink: @West305 you like 5'8, you needs to ....1. You a hoe. 2. i'm 5'10(breaking11) 3.suck my dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can confirm, Class A faggot right here. ooh well look at you and your class A fag certification. I've only got a B class, Don't need to rub it in, damn. Fagbot is being faggy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a religious faggot that listens to Black Sabbath ha ha ha you're a religious faggot that listens to black sabbath... ha ha ha...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @marcorubio: While unlawful migration to U.S. from Central America is caused by real crisis,the migrant \"caravan was manufactured by supporters of a radical agenda who are using poor and desperate people to try and embarrass and undermine the U.S. in the region. But it's going to backfire on them. what CRISIS? Marco Rubio you dumb shit they aren't fleeing a CRISIS, there is no CRISIS they're fleeing their OWN civilizational ineptitude, which they will then manifest here in America well like 80% of the world is in crisis, so when the whole world is in crisis, is that fine? Just curious when we can celebrated our equality of crisis?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White Votes Matter... FUCK OFF FAGGOT KIKESUCKER Fuck you and die... kikesucker...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes. some men are assholes. some women are cunts. But, not only are you not expected to police the behavior of cunts...You, in fact, CELEBRATE this cuntish behavior. So why the fuck am I being told to police the behavior of other men? I'm not my brothers keeper.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those gay people smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trns people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see that most people here hate George Soros. I do not agree with his ideology but, after having done extensive research, I cannot find a shred of evidence that he is a Nazi terrorist. Change my mind. Here it is, slowly white washing the lord... Hahahaha aaaahahaha He was a child helpless he was the victim Holy cow you, his followers, never tire Soros is an existential threat to Western civilisation. Learn to read. Facts matter. Do not confuse his past with the present. He was not a Nazi collaborator. Oh yes and I'm the king of patagonya Stop this soft mushy tricky comeback It ain't gonna work ... It's out in the open.... Bye dyke . Lots of creepy manboys on here. One more time and you're muted. Go get your fix... Slave girl Mute! Mute like the wind! bwahhhh, . he acts like thats a threat... After I'm done exposing you, slave girl At my will on my terms announcing that you're muting someone is like announcing that you just farted. She's right. He was a child in an occupied country. The germans made the children hand out eviction notices. ALL OF THEM. Which included a 14 year old boy named Gy rgy Schwartz (((George Soros))). Fuck off Be mad at the facts not the person relaying them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Prison is too good for that wizened old scote Soros. Send the geriatric cunt back to Hungary after stripping him of US citizenship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" United Kingdom: 'Schoolboy, 15, given detention for backing UKIP during classroom debate'' https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/uknews\/7431725\/boy-detention-backing-ukip-debate\/ Asking a teacher to not be a leftist is like asking a medieval munk to question the Pope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KMOquality: Scholen waar directie leerkrachten pest, kunt u zich voorstellen hoe groot pestproblematiek onder leerlingen wel moet zijn? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of sluts. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If he stomped his ass into a mud hole the \"msm\" would have flashed that as lead story of Trump supporting racist attacks poor weak faggot. They would 100% not show the faggot tried to throw the first punch. I like how the little homo waited for the guy to turn away and then attempt to punch him. His time is coming have no doubt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You'll look like a retard ,but no pesky wrinkles:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"During an appearance on MSNBC's Deadline: White House, Rosie O'Donnell said the military should be sent to the White House to \"get President Trump. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/rosie-odonnell-send-the-military-to-the-white-house-to-get-donald-trump\/ She really is a moron.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ALERT Israel's Evil Assault on Khan Al Ahmar - #BDS We are witnessing before our eyes an act of consummate evil by #Israel as it engages in the ethnic cleansing of #Palestinians from Khan al Ahmar - America, the media is totally silent https:\/\/youtu.be\/rthUyt0e-tY #USA #America #Israel #MiddleEast #Trump #BDS #FreePalestine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The nigger is a sub-human species Its not even close to the humanity of a White.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And also for the other unrelated trooper with the same name who was harrased","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She already testified (testa-lied) in public Just my point. They want to claim that the FBI report \"corroborates\" her public claims, when all it will be is a report of what she happens to tell the FBI. It's another game - so she don't get arrested","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ABCbirds1: #Neonics are deadly to #birds like the American Kestrel and #bees. Ask @Lowes to take it off their shelves. #EcoWed http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AL SHARPTON MUST BE FROTHING AT THE MOUTH BY THE WALK AWAY MOVEMENT....FUCKING NIGGER.THERE I FINALLY SAID= AL SHARPTON IS A N I G G E R !!!!!THATS WHAT A REAL NIGGER LOOKS LIKE- A MANIPULATOR AND LYING THIEF. FUCKING SCUMBAG. A CON JOB-AND QUITE HONESTLY IVE MET MANY MORE WHITE NIGGERS THAN BLACK ANYDAY.MAYBE ITS TIME WE KILL THE PC AND REWRITE THE DEFINITION OF \"NIGGER\" ACROSS THE BOARD-IT MEAN ASSHOLE COMPOUNDED TO ME.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"people just need to die","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@EverybodyHatesV I read a black man tweet hot sauce is trash and watermelon is overrated. I can't deal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only gay people are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats have no intelligence to even understand a single FACT much less fractions! All Democrats are brainwashed retarded and only repeat what they have been told! Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Things that TwittLer support... You SUCK Commie Faggot @jack","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you search ' couple goals' there' s a picture of Danny and Aaron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheBananaFacts: wiz khalifas's song \"black and yellow\" is a beautiful song about a bruised banana","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only can we We ALREADY have....REPEATEDLY You simply dismiss everything that disproves your childish flat earth conspiracy theory or you reply with cartoon memes or some retard playing the fiddle in a crackpot youtube video. utterly lacking in any real science whatsoever","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The guy sounds like a legitimate asshole every time I hear about him. That's because he is a legitimate asshole. As opposed to an illegitimate asshole. A bastard asshole. A bastardhole if you will. Too many syllables, basthole maybe. Asstard. The pro and the con of that is it sounds like assturd. Better than having a dick turd though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Talk About #WorldMentalHealthDay..!!! Google Actually Quoted Racist Psychopath @sarahjeong #TheGoodCensor ... https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y88ou8dx #TRUMP #DeepState #QAnon #QAnon8Chan #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsComing #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere #WednesdayWisdom #HurricaneMichael #MikeBloomberg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical mongbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tayscalf must have run out of brownies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ThinkingOfJacob: So I took a 1000 pictures with him and he ate all the brownies I made but he's the new homie @macdemy http:\/\/t.co\/cZeO ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would like to apologize to anyone I have called fat, stupid, gay, nigger, jew or retarded. I am truly sorry.... JK Just trollingFags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1,2,3,4,=Sand niggers fuck em (((ALL))) And 4,is not Aryan at All ,A mixed sand nigger with a white is not Aryan they are mutt's AND most of all #WEARENOTSEMITES","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ATTENTION EVERYONE!! Bitcoin is a serious breach of security as it is ultimately controlled by the Communist Chinese Government! The Democrats did not care about this so they just let it slide, but it is in fact treason against the American way of life! https:\/\/thenextweb.com\/hardfork\/2018\/10\/08\/china-means-intent-destroy-bitcoin\/ Bitcoin is not owned by any government or company, it is DECENTRALISED. Do some research before posting trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kate Middleton's bump attire will be swapped over to Meg shortly, you watch. I don't think so. Kate is much, much taller than MegNog, and Kate is build like a woman, MegNog is build like a man. And I don't buy into her being 4 months pregnant, as announced. I am a woman and I know how 4 mon prego woman looks. MegNog looks like she isn't pregnant at all.She is flat as ironing board By her bump attire, I meant the prosthetic attachment that Ms Middleton wore prior to parading out her surrogate children one by one, as described by Chris Spivey. Well, what you say is just silly. I am a woman and rest assured that Kate was pregnant all 3 times. Her face was changing according to how long into pregnancy she was. Woman shows pregnancy both on her body and on her face. I accept that body shape can be faked with prosthetics, but you can't fake face, especially not THAT look every woman has during 3rd trimester. Too many men here talking about things they know nothing of :-P. I already said I agree that pregnant body can be faked with prosthetics. But a pregnant woman's face can't. Kate was pregnant all 3 times, sorry Lol. There are women who change their face even before they know they are pregnant, and who knows the look ( another woman) can see it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You all should listen to Bill Warner PhD.....Foremost expert on Islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"white people are shit human beings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like Chinese buffets but I hate all the chinks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: #Yankees lineup vs. Red Sox:Ellsbury CFJeter SSBeltran DHSoriano LFTeixeira 1BMcCann CSolarte 3BIchiro RFRoberts 2BT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a f a g. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The wage-gap bullshit has been debunked so easily so many times, I'm surprised there are retards out there who still believe in it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslms belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My faggot fucking grandpa wanted this for us, he's a fuckin hero and he knew it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NFL Player Who Refuses To Stand For Anthem Is Now Starting Problems For Bizarre Reason [VIDEO] https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/cqbQQq\/Dq-K-RWe-Ws-AA5x-C","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chris Rock is a skinny ugly racist black Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a cripple?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When did the West have so many faggot men? I feel lied to. The wild west, the civil war, were they fought with a bunch of smirking faggots too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that immigrants deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Going from a globalist cunt to a globalist fag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Mark Lewis will turn into \"Mr. Squeals-on-Wheels once the cops get a hold of him, cops hate smart-arse smarmy lawyers anyway and to have one under the spotlight will be a delicious treat for them. He's going to fucking ruin you. I'm going to really enjoy that. Dream on, fuckwit. I've looked back into your twitter and Gab. You first told me I was going to court\/jail earlier than I said before! September 21st 2015 was your first such piece of bullshit. The \"dreamer is you... almost a thousand days of fantasy from you. Compare that to \"nothing from me until you put your life in the hands of a self-harming spasticated jew called Mark Lewis. Thames Valley Police want to talk to Mark Lewis too. DS Woodall wants to be included in the \"round-robin of disclosures. Thats Lewis and you fucked, seriously. I'm going to watch you go down, you will do time inside, that is as certain as Mark Lewis psychologically self-harms himself every day he is alive. Bullshit. Bullshit. Total bullshit. Blah. Wrong. Hilarious bullshit. Bullshit fantasy. Massively wrong. Nope. Lol. You've been proven to be a pathological liar. You will doom yourself because of this. Reality is gonna make you shake and cry with rage. BTW... I'm THE Nazi Cunt that has made the conditions right to get you put in jail by someone you've toadied up to! That's the bit that will cause you the most grief. Total nonsense. Who are you trying to fool? It can only be yourself. Thank phuq we will have a bit of a rest today. Dr Who innit? Wankfest as the nubile Jamaican twink arrives. oooh sonic screwdriver. Why do you and Simon Nonce Lindsell live on kiddies sites? DODGY.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Clown! he hasnt left the 80\"s behind Steroids Look how he towers over the vette. Bet he's at least 5' tall. (Ok, 4 1\/2').","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks more like IQ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Farmer-General There are very few of you and millions of us veterans who actually believe all men are created equal'. Stay hidden in your Internet hovels-don't ever come out in public because you will be in big trouble if you do. Bang He-he Of course I would. If I met a Nazi in meatspace who wanted to kill Jews and blacks I wouldn't even blink before I started pulling. And their are millions upon millions just like me. Including the VAST majority of vets. Try wiping the hate out of your eyes and you'd see. Coheren't It's not out of hate that Nationalists speak but out of love for their own people. Of course there would be resentment after being invaded by foreigners. Why wouldn't there be? Segregation occurs naturally, unimposed, yet you posture yourself a hero fighting racism out of sheer ignorance of what is really happening. Actually, I don't Disagree with anything you say here nazigirl. But Sadly your dementia starts to show when you smear the entire black race with one broad brush. That goes for jooos to douche bag This is real life so listen up and tell all your Nazi pals: you want to kill me because of my religion. If we ever meet I will use all the lawful force necessary up to and including lethal deadly force in order to negate the threat you pose to me and mine in accordance with laws of the state in which I reside. Got it? Good. I thought Jews liked being adversarial annoyances. This one seems slightly #triggered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why One Jewish Man Refuses to Date Jewish Women | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jN7rLHL6X_I Jew man hates Jewish women!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like how polite everybody is on this thread and how they're all pretending to not know what or who they're ltalking about. It's called Rap Music. It's part of modern American Nigger Culture and it's nothing new, it's been around since the 80's....you never heard of it ? All the songs about raping and beating Ho's and Bitches ? All the songs about fuck the police and kill the Cops ? All the songs about being in Gangs and doing drugs ? All that just passed you by ? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"did you ever meet your dad....? Lol of course you didn't your nigger dad up and left before you were a spark in the cosmos. and now you are jealous and angry Now, get back on your meds and do the world a favour.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HE IS A HIPPY FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@eonline @KimKardashian @kanyewest mr. and mrs trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Space brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God fucking forbid that twat talked with anybody about something that made him uncomfortable. Even worse. God fucking forbid somebody has the fucking guts to tell that twat there's this rare, never before met, social justice warrior smashing technology called \"HEADPHONES\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just... retarded https:\/\/ethereumworldnews.com\/australian-and-new-zealand-customs-to-fine-visitors-who-wont-give-up-phone-and-laptop-passwords\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ZERO YEARS FOR SODOMIZING A DISABLED CHILD WITH A COAT HANGER. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WiIqm5r4G6gb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL so literally the only people still clinging onto it even think Sargon is fucking retarded wow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of black people ought to be execuetd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That bitch is so fucking retarded and, honestly, that bothers me less than the fact that her constituents consistently bought her Left-wing bullshit while everything fell apart around them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"did anybody hear the rumors that the police are gonna be at the polling places this election checking voters for outstanding Warrants and Child Support and looking at evrybodys license plates? i hope that rumor doesn't get around if it's true. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First key club trash pick up with the freshman! #tbt http:\/\/t.co\/rpLXlaylOJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL SEE! This shit TRIGGERS some little bitch slut faggot liberals!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Crist and Rick Scott are both scumbags, however interesting that Crist has yet to run one, just one, positive political ad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#PedoGate Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years A former high-level official from within the UN has blown the whistle on a pedophilia network of massive proportions involving thousands of UN employees wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of innocent children. In just ten years, under the guise of rendering aid, the United Nations has literally been raping and pillaging countries across the world. The problem has gotten so out of hand that it prompted the former UN insider, Andrew Macleod, to blow the whistle and hand over the evidence to Britain's Department for International Development (DFID) Secretary Priti Patel. https:\/\/thefreethoughtproject.com\/report-finds-un-employs-3300-pedophiles-responsible-60000-rapes-worldwide\/ yet, Trudeau is signing a UN Compact of Migration in December It cedes all rights on national immigration policies to the UN. With the goal of relocating 245 Million worldwide immigrants It will implement a version of M103 that will be binding on all \"citizens of the world\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Why no, Bill Clinton used that Flag during his campaigning?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your gay livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This asshole assaulted her! He belongs in jail! Help push this video to go viral! He must be prosecuted, stop letting violent liberals get away with crimes!! https:\/\/youtu.be\/z7SqtIe5rZQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please keep posting about KEITH ELLISON since media keeps ignoring it https:\/\/redd.it\/9k9u31","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chasing these hoes, better get cash nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at the mug on that bunny-eyed, nigger bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So it's a quarter mil a year or new Hitler? Those are our only choices? That's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair the post was retarded, obvious trolling (everyone who goes there or knows the site knows that would earn you a ban) and it wasn't even funny. If you are going to shit post at least be funny","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prepare for jjudegement day! Now or never!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What else could we expect from CUNTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well gahdamn. RT @HuhWhatsACondom: Wooooow @moesdeph: \"Good job mommy\" cutest thing blue ivy ever done she still an ugly nigger baby ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol the Korean Republican isn't in the picture. We know it's just because she's a republican, but the retards in the comments are spouting shit like Asians are just as privelged as whites, they don't have it as bad. Retards, while blacks had racial equality, Koreans were getting shot in the face from a proxy war by the US and Russia. I have tremendous respect for the Asians. They had the same circumstances as the niggers initially, but they rose above it through hard work and dedication rather than collect welfare and make protests #blacklivesmatter. Also a fun fact, the average IQ of asians is lower than whites but the opposite is presumed, because they excel academically. Niggers are getting into Harvard through affirmative action on a 1800 SAT score while loads of Asians are getting rejected in spite of their high 2300s. 'Holistic' admissions process at your finest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like immigrants. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What does \"run these niggas pockets mean, Caus eit sounds like she wants robbery It's slang to imply that she would be hustling him for an extended period of time in order to acquire material items or money. Basically, milking him like a human credit card. ^^ real man right here. life goes on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Incorrect. They love his antisemitism for sure. But they also like his nationalising of key industry sectors, his control over education for indoctrination purposes, his calls for insurrection, his fascination with Islam like Hitler, his censoring of critics. All things that Marxist socialists like too. Inside every Antifa twat is a National Socialist trying to get out. And they do get out during their riots. Why they act like Nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There was never a more Treacherous lying leader than this Bitch, She is selling me and you out to the EU, But if she thinks that we are going to sit here and doo nothing but let her then she is sourly mistaken?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"awww even a drunk nigger and an alleyway full of every bodily fluid there is can't stop their love isn't democrat love beautiful ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The last time the Dems pulled this shit, the GOP signed a fucking agreement to not fight voter fraud that lasted 36 years. The judge that issued it, would come out of retirement each year just to ensure it remained in effect. If it weren't for his death in 2015 and an Obama appointee we'd still be bending over to these faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trumpsters are so profoundly stupid they think these photos are real...funny you NEVER see live uploaded phone videos from trump rallies That's true because a democrat retard like you says so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oregon losing IN OREGON ahhhahahaha faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE Brooklyn Park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/yRfdaIooYZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1034181\/Brexit-news-UK-EU-Gina-Miller-John-Longworth-Peoples-Vote-march The Daily Express no longer allow any comments on wog Gina Miller. She is now above criticism or scrutiny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Read the whole article. My only reply. So? there's no place for racists to hide online.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@VNNForum These Marxist kikes promoted Anti-Semitism by creating this film, what was their incentive? They just promote their enemies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The end result is an IQ 85 nigger that's nothing but a violent drain on the modern world. Is he a nigger or a troll? Both.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that supposed to be cleavage? What a limp wristed commie fist.. And the democratic socialist FAGGOT badge.. Nice She looks SO outraged doesn't she?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NEW VIDEO: \"No White Guilt for Blackface\" What they never told you about blackface. https:\/\/youtu.be\/vAAAtqSeRKI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond 's best song. Look at what a happy, organic, jew-free society looks like. I have visited with old people who lived under the Reich starting in the 1990s. Even if they have been brain-washed into self hatred since, they all admitted that the time of the Reich was the happiest, healthiest time in their lives, and some were moved to tears when telling of the times they got to see Hitler, the man who, for close to a generation, freed a people from the tyranny and demoralizing rule of the jew. Never forget, we fight for the human dignity of our women, our children, and the legacy of our ancestors, who, for a time, could rise in the morning and lay down to bed at night, having breathed every breath of their day as free men. Live free or die, come to respect the man who Gandhi deemed one of the most just men in history There are many paths to restoring health, and one of the best ones is to see through jewish historical revisionism, and accept Hitler into your heart as a liberator of man and a champion of human dignity. https:\/\/youtu.be\/E32KIOMb9f4 great video but why the fucking nigger rap music? fuck that nigger shit I AGREE!! FUCK the nigger cRAP nonMusic!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woe to the boy with a retarded moron for a mother.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LilyBean1313: And I thought I had a problem! #Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/jfrBKzE1T5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murderthat gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another filthy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people queer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love Liv when she gets ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Such a trash episode of the walking dead tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"everyone I don't like is a Nazi and a democrat\" - cuckservative NPCs I know, so RETARDED. No you're retarded for not watching dinesh d'souza and thinking he's a genius","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RPopBox @boxing Yeah he definitely wasn't the same guy who fought Lara but he cuts the ring off well which should be a huge boon to Canelo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These alarms on my phone should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jeremy Corbyn is an antisemite https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/jerusalem\/2018\/10\/10\/israels-u-n-envoy-danny-danon-calls-jeremy-corbyn-an-anti-semite\/ #LabourParty #CommieCorbyn #FascistLeft","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Use a comma you fucking retarded SJW fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims didn't get their way, so they poisoned your food supply. Somali slimes, the worst ignorant scum mixing in their feces with your hamburger beef. Deport ALL SCUM I don't . If I walk into a store and a raghead is working there, I look it in the eyes, and in a low voice i say \":terrorist scum\", and walk out. Seattle airport has zillions of the raghead rats working all thru the place. Terrible place to be that seattle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"11\/ I don't mind the GENERAL direction of where Trump is going, but of course his deficits are going to collapse the country and then retards are going to blame \"globalists\" or \"the Swamp\" and absolve him of any blame. And then I'll have to listen to lots of retarded analysis on Gab while ppl make up bullshit and dance around reality. LMAO, this homo claims you need a DNA test to live in Israel. That must be why he keeps donating his DNA to other men. Is that all you vile Jews are limited to for comebacks? No wonder your people were banned from 109 countries. no class animals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"<= Would you please evaluate this video of DiFi - purportedly after she read the latest #FBI report on #Kavanaugh. At the very end is she crying as she turns away? https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/The_Donald\/comments\/9ld8fu\/this_is_feinstein_just_after_she_read_the_new\/ From a thread by @almostjingo https:\/\/twitter.com\/almostjingo\/status\/1047715306003546112 #DiFiFbi ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My question is why did he search her and drunk test her if all he pulled her over for was not wearing a seatbelt (the first time)?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barack and the leftist media did this. They made black men believe that their lives were in danger and that they were truly in a fight for their lives. When journalists and leftist politicians die at the same rate as police and black men, then, THEN I will be happy. https:\/\/heavy.com\/news\/2018\/10\/raheem-cole-dashanell-davis\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You just cant bring yourself to watch the video and address the points. Its all name calling. How mature. Let me just abandon my nazi sympathies and change my moral compass now that somebody has called me retarded and evil. Wow. Such a convincing argument.truly my heart and mind hath been changed by your fathomless wisdom.... You want me to ignore the facts and listen to Nazi lies. You regard facts as subjective. They are not. You are objectively wrong. Nazis are objectively evil. You want me to ignore the facts and listen to jewish lies. You regard facts as subjective. They are not. You are objectively wrong. jews are objectively evil. what a empty argument -.-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should just hangall these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking retarded ... anyone that would spend that much on some blue paint is FUCKING RETARDED!!!!! ,,!,, o.o ,,!,,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A jew and a democrat! A patented RETARDED LIAR!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was a fun video. What an entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fags like me are out fighting homophobia every day. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> The Diablo Immortal uproar is a potent tool for hate recruiters. \"They're taking *our* games and putting them on phones for *others,*\" as a sales pitch. Sprinkle in anti-Chinese sentiment (game is being led by a Chinese dev) for good measure. # YOU ARE CENSORING GAMES IN ASIA, YOU FUCKING WHITE-ASS MAYONNAISE FACED PRICK Fuck you. You're a nasty anti-Asian bigot who hopes people won't notice. > YOU FUCKING WHITE-ASS MAYONNAISE FACED PRICK Why exactly is this okay? I know it's done for the rhetorics but can I expect to get +30 upvotes for saying \"YOU NIGGER FUCK\" somewhere?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go shove some \"hate speech\" up your ass, you kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit I want to go to a wedding with eight pugs! Are you kidding me? Eight pugs?! That's fucking amazing and nobody can convince me otherwise.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kinda pervert does it take to sit there, clap for his lies and still support communist candidates agendas? Must Get Out And Vote Republican in just a couple of weeks. Vote Early! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man @Fugazi3011. Ducked me like a true hick. Would have split that white trash faggot lid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see Gab is starting to experience a nigger problem as well. No probs - if we can shit porn spamming kikes out, we can shit porn spamming niggers out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nice one, sweetie. It's much nicer not wearing knickers under a dress. #NSFW #TeamSmut #NoPanties #commando #publicflash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsChee_: Whipped https:\/\/t.co\/uCV3Hrjatv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gellebeaux_ whatever hoe bitch #1 them \"fags\" beat yall sad asses too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the enth of those who fought for te biggest load of cunts of zog, and Gallipoli another massacre by that zog cunt Churchill fuckte uk elites they need to die in trench","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What i find funny. I have not heard the word negro since maybe the 90s. I heard that and instanly said to my wife. They just called kanye a nigger on national tv. Sorry negro which for the uninformed is code for nigger. If say the donald called obama a negro the left would lose their minds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are there any Muslims on your course?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@pol2 - As these heeb faggots kvetch and cry for the end of the white man. We are still here. Soon these heebs will regret not just going into obscurity. Whitey is going to start fighting back and I don't think these heebs will have an army of whitey to stop it this next time around. Sure you do, faggot. Why else would you respond. You are the faggot npc triggered by the aggro.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poor little retarded baby.....Whine some more....your mental deficiencies are showing...I'm waiting for the FCC to get some teeth and start pulling broadcasting licenses....They should have put a brass band right behind him...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"is this a serious post? jesus fucking christ people are so god damn retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a r e t a r d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im sure this will be a great seller! Lets keep track. Currently 450 bundles sold. I'd be more interested in seeing how many of the books sold actually get read. I'm sure some (if not most) are \"oh the ACLU is a good cause\" charity purchases. People that actively support the ACLU's change into an organization that follows the current left political trend of playing identity politics. > And knowing the RETARDED position the ACLU just took in the Harvard case, who the fuck would support them? Yeah, well, I know people who support PETA because \"they save animals\". I think most 'charitable' organizations make their money on being known mostly by a superficial one-sentence summary, rather than the reality. Like Bono \"raising awareness\" for AIDS? (And donating not even 1% of the millions he raised to actually fight it) It worked, now more people know that Bono is AIDS. We call those people *Baizuo* Yep, I am well aware of that term. You know what the \"Baizuo\" do to deflect that? \"Well, you Chinese people let your government stomp all over your rights!\" Sure - you might have a point on that, but that doesn't change the fact that all you motherfuckers criticizing the Chinese that make fun of you are correct that you all are regressive leftists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Robert De Niro wants to punch our PRESIDENT IN THE FACE and issues warning to Donald Trump supporters. THIS ANTI-AMERICAN SUPPORTED THE ROBBERY OF NATIONAL SECRETS FROM AMERICA!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only way the commie\/dems can rile up the masses is to make sure they're too STUPID to understand their civics lessons. I cannot believe the STUPIDITY on r\/politics right now when they say that so and so is 'unconstitutional', or this is not 'democratic', or that is 'against the law'..... It's worse than retarded, its full blown STUPIDITY. I am blown away by how they're all rallying up to 'protest' - they don't even realize they're protesting against LEGAL laws.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Listening to MundaneFatt drives me crazy. Talking about triggering libs while he got so triggered by streams he flagged them. Had the gamergate council idea back in the day that would have ruined the whole thing. Most those people in the plebbit poll drifted right over the years. This Trump Derangement Syndrome retard needs to peacefully sunset himself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] I knew Catheters like to get them while they're young but not that young.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SportsGrind @RudyJay711 that was my mock done on a simulator check it out pick your team how many rounds and go for it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-45971456 poppies and opium the blood spilt for the jews to do more poison may the dead be avenged","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But you *don't*, you delusional twatpocket.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That immigrant will die a horrible deth at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"disabled people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Death to all capitalists. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am a fag and proud of stating that fact. No one can take that away from me. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol @ hillbilly rednecks hero fantasies! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REPORT: Google exec has meltdown on Twitter, http:\/\/dmlnews.com\/report-google-exec-meltdown-twitter-blasts-gop-kavanaugh-nomination\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like taking niggas hoes but I stop doing that ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The retards in Ottawa need to stop injecting cash into these fucking retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Odumba just won't shut the fuck up! He's a mouthy libtard socialist piece of crap! He needs to be eliminated from the public forum. Method? Whatever works!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are a group of disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man, that is a serious shiner Chara's sporting. Yowza.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not allowed to play flappy bird around grandma because she swears at me to stop swearing lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a Muslm. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So whats the definition of mgtow then? Pussified faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Fuck Off. I'm getting wet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"You can't call me a person of colour anymore!\" \"Okay nigger.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They use to call my mom Japs when she was younger. Lol Asian racial slurs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why the left can't MEME.. #StretchMarx Even a communist wouldn't tap dat, Unless they're Angolan. Female dark triad\/BPD. Weaponized. Victim. But stronk. If you hurt her (by even existing) You are bad and she's gonna gulag you to death. Believe her, and do what she says, Or misogyny. Her religion is hedonistic individualism. Perfectly atomised via Communism into a reflexive, ravenous raw nerve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some Australian govt workers resist anti-White indoctrination requiring to admit \"White Privilege\" compared to aborigines. If being biologically different and having average 100 IQ compared to shockingly low 60 for abos is a \"privilege\", then is one created by nature. But jews demand it means proof of Whites somehow cheating. https:\/\/bit.ly\/2zWAXak","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cullenbunn Maybe Baylee Ann, Tater Pud, Nurse Fester, Charlie Chainsaws, and Mama Rot should be their own team?! Next time in PunisherMAX!:-D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We call cigarettes fags in the UK. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Powerful\" Let's push this meme. We really want these women to brand themselves so that we can identify them and avoid them. Wow!! (omg),,, sooo cutting edge and bold. It's is so small an hidden,, it's sure to make a big impact! More Propaganda for silly Noobs to drink up!! (In Style LAME)!!! A real genius who thought up this concept...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You gay people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why? We care more about some Nigger and his protesting of the police by disrespecting the nations flag, but the nearly century long molestation of our children by church officials that we hold in high esteem and trust totally, they get a free pass? Where do you draw the line? Is it words? What of the Children? What damage to them? Where do we stop? When do we act?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"POLAND better worry more about jew ped0philes than moslems More than 402,000 children were born in Poland in 2017, the highest number in many years http:\/\/archive.is\/eaf8q Ah. BigGaySteve @BGKB is back. Actually, if I caught your penis slurping, anal munching, STD infested prolapsed ass around any of my kids\/grandchildren, I'd shove your teeth into a curb. FFS. So you have rode the 1000's of STD infested faggots with your STD infested prolapsed ass on top pretending to be a cow-girl. Obviously, you are proud of your mental illness. And BigGayFaggotSteve @BGKB ... I see what you have been trying to do. Meh. You're just some faggot having a faggoty hissy-fit because, \"Why won't he accept my faggotry!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another big man antifa terorrist faggot !! i like how hes not afraid of women but when the men step to him runs like little bitch!! LMFAO https:\/\/youtu.be\/Pd_LETgB9AE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the retard missed the chance to say \"noone\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunts, both of them. Two little self-entitled bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WhitesOnly_1: #niggers! http:\/\/t.co\/Hb3uJaLky2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you missed Tucker tonight, you missed a pretty shocking story about the future of free speech in Europe. The Orwellian \"European court of human rights\" has basically instituted the 1st stages of sharia law in Europe. #1A No matter what the EU courts say, no matter how the UK MSM support Islam, no matter how the Leftstazi call proud Britons \"racist and no matter how politicians and senior police try to hide Muslim child rape gangs - we FIGHT ON!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This place is a joke now. I've watched it go to shit over the past couple of years. It's really too bad. It used to be a place where people from anywhere outside of the regressive left could find agreement on logical grounds. Now its just a bunch of retards collectively fantasizing about sucking Trump's dick. Yeah. I am surprised by this post. It's not really TIA and her argument at least isn't as retarded as some of the shit posted on tumblr - like, she actually has a point here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mitchell Robinson and Knicks coach disagree on ankle injury https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/iXQbKN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Buster_ESPN Sounds like they are holding back info.......Yankee shill","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who thinks Trump is on our side is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually anti-vaxxers are right. Fascism takes hold of every aspect of life. They won't allow their tax revenue generating slaves to die off because someone isn't vaccinated. Multiple Western countries already force children born after a certain date to be vaccinated. And vaccinations won't stop the coming plague when they let millions of savages into the West. Also, these anti-vaxxer posts are boring as shit and not IGTHFT material at all. You're just a retard. Probably happened because of the vaccine but most likely because your dad was a pussy I'm gay, but you're a fucking faggot. Get the outta here with your racist, dumb ass. This sub is satire, not Donald bs. You're right, you're a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When we've finished stopping these kikes, restoring sanity to our nations and driving out the invaders we can address any controversies over anime girls FFS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hitler didn't take the guns unless you were a kike or a Commie you fuckin kike shill faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TIme to turn off Fox News they brought on lying Trump hating faggot Shep!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you ghetto ass coons","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"According to the EU commission Europe has room for 3-4 billion \"refugees\" Wtf ???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So another post in PPD that has nothing to do with either : * Entitled woman\/women trying to get benefits because of the fact they are women. * Feminism in any way, shape or form. Instead it's just a woman who did an harmless silly thing and got punished for it. Tell me again how this sub isn't just a hub for pieces of shit to post their misogynistic hate porn . It's like you just rewrote your first bullet point from entitled to silly thus making it not the same. Girls just want to have silly fun, that's all they really want. Sit down, young man. This is equality bitch. If you're in the way, especially of military personnel with live ammunition, then your ass is gonna get pushed out of the way. Even American soldiers would have been more gentle bc she's a girl but this guy has no time for that bullshit. Lol get a life Reddit tough guy. I bet you're a blast at parties. Go away. I love how no one here can actually respond to anything coherently. My sides. It's called a \"comma\" they're used quite often in the English language. And ya, I watch Naruto. You can try to shame me but you're just wasting your time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would just love to see some street thug smash those faggot glasses deeply into the bridge of his nose!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tbhjuststop: my score on flappy bird is higher than the broncos score right now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blacks lives do matter to POTUS. #MAGA #WalkAway #VoteRed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twat on the right Duke of Kent, his birthday, was Royal Colonel of my Regiment. Top Freemason. Someone needs to teach the scruffy cunt how to pin his bling on straight. All those gongs but the only one for any sort of action is UN Cyprus, which we called the Water Skiing Tour. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DpDaUtnW4AAh7ov.jpg:large","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a ho and a cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot on the left...acorn on the right","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any Muslim like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"an uncomfortable percentage of america's population actually believes this. it will be the foundation of the bolshevik left's escalation of civil war","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You could be viewing the future through rose-colored glasses t... More for Libra http:\/\/t.co\/UOoN09K1Dq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @King_Gerry_R: Remember all the trash on the floor of your car? We upgraded it and put Wale's The Gifted so it feels like your old car htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gave her that \"move it lil nigger\" push smh.. http:\/\/t.co\/EKdSI8pQdD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never seen a dalmatian? They are retarded. Their brain is too big for their head so they act really stupid and are prone to fits of rage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GossipCop jay-z and bey they will never be..jus trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quick Google search shows plenty of women sentenced to life in jail for killing their child. All of them? No. But certainly enough to show their is no pussy pass for child murdering cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@caritoguey 02' Charcoal 7s are pre-owned, no sole wear or scuffs Size 10.5, Cherry 12's DS size 11.5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It saddens me when dumb racist cunts like you show up in this great sub we have all helped create and think your backwards ass shit will fly here. Most of us mods here founded \/r\/racistpassdenied which I am sure your ignorant ass did not know. There are plenty of places you can go. Find somewhere else to be a cunt. and#x200B; What was racist about it? Is chimp out not a commonly used term for someone losing their shit? Or is it because you think black people look like monkeys? Racist mods btfo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you sound like an autistic retard. the first page of google looking this up is nothing but results >you sound like an autistic retard Have an official rule 1 warning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"France is a bunch of communist jerkwads, so if you're defending them, doesn't that make *you* a communist jerkwad? Let her go without shaking hands, and fuck you for defending statism. Fuck you for defending an uncivilized cunt Because she is a cunt. I guarantee you would not defend any Christian who wouldn't bake a cake for a homo couple.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reminds me of Louis C K's faggot argument Yeah that mof is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a faggot would be obsessed with another man. You're out of the closet gay boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Statue and shrine celebrate the Irish legend- homage to the writer [faggot] who was imprisoned and shamed for his [homo]sexuality\". The methodist \"churches\" will have drag queen pastors soon if they dont already.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like Moz's music but he's a preachy, self righteous cunt a lot of the time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. breaking news to gab Nazi . the war is over and you lost . go back home to Germany . Every FB\/Twitter alternative seems to have its racists rampant...why is that? FB\/Twitter must be the havens of the politically correct. No, racist is a very common word referring to those who would make distinctions, etc. based on the FALSE, ILLOGICAL concept of \"race\". There's no such thing, folks. Refer to science. Then why are there DNA tests? Why is there affirmative action? Why are there separate IQ tests based upon race? Jew is a race. Germans knew. No, \"race\" is found after many many iterations of DNA sampling to be a false construct. Sorry, gal. You need to show me citations on that, because as a physical anthropologist, I can tell you, you're fucking talking out your ass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JaworskiMeats: Winning Browns! #cle #clevelandfans #clevelandpride #clevelandbrowns #clevelandsports #browns #brownie http:\/\/t.co\/Gm4h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well they killed niggers in africa, nobody cares about that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta be a retard to not know Q = Soros.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot cock sucker followed me, he needs to leave moms basement or maybe go back to twatter instant mute of this asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @dallywaggz12: @JustReIatabIe: Charlie Sheen gets point for this http:\/\/t.co\/V6v0d77oBM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FascistTwitter #walkaway #MAGA #winning your not a noob like this guy we might like you!! LMFAO chettoes DICK faggot democrats!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"spic tips coming","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Two alleged members of the Aryan Brotherhood in Minnesota are arrested after they start a bar fight by assaulting a waitress by lifting her shirt against her will and punching a bouncer trying to defend the waitress. #NaziScum https:\/\/myfox More people are attacked by a T-Rex than a Nazi. But by all means continue to talk about bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree. I am not really a sports fan. But I like MMA and Boxing. Muzzie and Dindu invasion has wrecked it all. Fedor and St. Pierre and Miocic (even Chael) all have more class than that fucking camel jockey!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody is going to rape you outside jail, you fat pig cunt. Have fun getting raped in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@charliesheen Charlie PLEASE STOP. from 1 ole fart 2 another...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Virtue signalling is the cover for evil. In every single case. Remember that next time you see someone virtue signalling. Start to dig into their character and their past. Their true nature won't be very well hidden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really do believe black people are just lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kiaranicole_x: @_JoAries @Kash_WingateLFC @chanchan_ox babes we buy brazilian and Peruvian not Bengali","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kmdk83 @BeautifulMinedI hopes dis ain't cause he colored cause I knows he be actin all nigga like","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yee circumcision as a standard procedure on baby boys is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck it Fuck off, Tyrone. Fuck this sub and fuck you What do you expect from an offensive sub? Shut it and go back to \/r\/aww if you can't handle it. Nah this post to promoting racism and it's not funny. I'm not even black but you're right. I unsub I clearly don't belong here. And I bet your sending this message from your parents WiFi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In what bizzarro universe is this retarded liberal fuck considered \"conservative ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the same fucking rhetoric they use to justify censorship of weeb games. Fuck every single one of these cunts who defend this. Fuck. Them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Need a bitch to drop it down for a niggah","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KingHov1313 @Pr3ttyN33 song trash....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger baby costume would be easy. Just fill a litter box, add some niglet nuggets, put it on a cart to wheel it around the neighbourhood. \"Trick or Spook!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's possible to support President Trump and think overall he's done a good job by the standards of the modern presidency while also recognizing that in a number of areas he's following stupid policies that were laid out by his predecessors and there's plenty of room for improvement. What good job? Go list some of his accomplishments. The North Korea situation's improved, we got two new Supreme Court justices, the economy's done well, no major new wars, he's easily a solid upgrade over Bush\/Obama. Trump ran as a nationalist populist, not as a conservative. We are more than an economy - Bush had a strong economy for years and look at his legacy. If you want to suck Trump's dick, point out what he's done that Bush or Rubio wouldn't have done. SC justices and tax cuts don't cut it. Where is the damn wall? Also, the fuck does Korea have to do with our people?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She wasn't even pregnant at the time. She got pregnant during the trial phase, knowing that she would be put away most likely. The baby could have very well been a calculated attempt to receive a lighter sentence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MAKE WAY.... hmm not gonna move then r ya u cunt? ill make my own way then carry on now, nothing to see here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"working as programmed Libertarian: Gov't control of schools makes kids dumb Me: I'm sure your advocacy for open borders and the resulting flood of low I.Q. invaders burdening our schools have nothing to do with this. Libertarian: Fuck you racist!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Regardless of the amount, staring directly into the camera while stealing is pretty cunty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just call them Incel. It is the new N word for white men, and it's so offensive it's like the N word and the C word had a baby. And just like the N word or the C word, you can attribute any and all of your sexist, racist ideologies to this derogatory term. Only with zero repercussions, since white males are not considered humans anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@rem @slicknet @netmag right, so the link would be your trash bin gotcha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm heterosexual and African by birth, by breed and by character... and a very traditional man, Xhosa to be precise. But i still believe in human rights... we are all equal, whatever religion, ethnicity, demography, tribe or language... we are all equal. And one day people will be free enough to love and date whoever they wanna without prejudice and judgment. 2019 Viva human rights viva","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cats can't talk bud, were you institutionalized with Wictor or are you actually a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's wrong with \"racism\"? Why shouldn't White people be as \"racist\" as the Japanese or the Israelis? What the hell are you babbling about? This is straight up Boomer-Tier cringe. Who's the cringe make, The person who thinks something as superficial as skin color somehow makes them a superior person or the person who thinks a individual is as superior as they Prove themselves to be? Ah... here's the right maps. :) Prove yourself superior, not white people not any people, you prove how you are superior to any person of a different race! Are you a better brain surgeon then DR Ben Carson? Are you a better economists than DR Tomas Stowel? Are you a better basketball player than Michael Jordan? What are you superior at than anyone from any other race? And who invented basketball?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot needs to look in the mirror if he wants someone to blane","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @godsgracelove: #15ThingsILove When he wraps his arms around my waist while I'm making dinner, yellow roses, pearls, Anything COACH a ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even if you dislike someone, still be nice to them. GOD has a right to not like us, but HE is still nice to us. @jamesward - \"God has a right to not like us\"? Really? \"[God] is still nice to us\"- seriously? Please advise- because if all that's true, then I'll have to let my pastor know about it immediately. @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @lostpassword @BardParker @WADL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Foul wetback bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off leftist cunt is all I can say to this argument.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan For those who think this is fake, here is the same clip used on CBC (Fox has since edited this shot out of their B-roll pool) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=r2wHQ4Bc_88andt=199","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you cunt Liza.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know this dyke bitch produces smegma at an astounding rate! You also know by looking at her that she never washes down there. You can probably smell that goddamn box from across the room!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mrgeology no you ignorant cement headed hillbilly. You said taxing. Cant you fuckin read you fucking knob gobbling douchebag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This meme is so cringe. The brilliance of this statement is that not only do people get triggered because they see the statement as racist but then you have the other side of the argument getting all upset because they view anyone who may find the statement racist as a direct attack against them. Iv seen like 6 posts on meta about how its ok to be white and how white culture and white people from like thousands of years ago are something to be proud of and bla bla bla identity politics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Congrats Nazis, on showing the Jews who's superior. You bunch of retarded fucking cocksuckers have proven that nobody likes you and in doing so have send a blow back on those of us who enjoy uncensored speech.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Refugee who used her own family's passports to smuggle two asylum seekers into UK illegally is spared jail because judge thought her motive was 'humanitarian' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html So humanitarianism is a DEFENSE for committing a crime now?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, we're talking about CI's, thicker then even regular christians ... CI's are some of the most retarded idiots on the planet, all they do is lie and bullshit, thats their entire strategy after their entire evidence for CI got nuked and Rekt! in the CQ They got Rekt! so hard, they dont even admit theyre christian identerians anymore, top kek ... I do believe that you'll find that those miserable, Jew-led faggots aren't in our camp. This is more like comparing soy milk to whole milk. One calls itself milk, but really it's a cheap substitute that isn't really all that good for you. Yo, Bro,.ease up on the faggot stuff.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut their gay throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its this faggot right here because he slipped up the last time and posted with this account. https:\/\/gab.ai\/MartyGraw. Apparently youve been added to his list.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So Whoopi Goldberg on The View implied how Don Trump Jr.'s young son might be a FUTURE RAPIST because he said he was \"worried\" his son might be falsely accused of rape in the future. Which is interesting seeing as how Whoopi DEFENDED AN ACTUAL RAPIST!!!! Roman Polanski has also been accused of RAPING at least 5 OTHER women. https:\/\/youtu.be\/sHflBPU-DtA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UKv29EWS8KM Apparently the SPLC was just 'wishful thinking' when it tried to convince us that Matt Heimbach had forever sworn off politics...and thankfully so. Matt is now the Community Outreach Director for the National Socialist Movement, and he's working on getting his own NSM-syndicated podcast (and if you've ever listened to 'Action!,' you'd know that Matt has some podcasting chops). Since his return, Matt's only given two interviews - and I've included direct links to both of those MP3's in this post. In the YouTube clip I've attached, he discusses working With separatists and nationalists of other races to achieve common goals, the FBI's very successful WHITE HATE operation, and feds causing infighting and division within nationalist and separatist movements. Running Time: 2 minutes, 58 seconds. - : http:\/\/www.nsmmedia.net\/nsmweekend \" working With separatists and nationalists of other races to achieve common goals\" Trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said immigrants like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No matter who's in charge whether it's from the Lunatic Left or Retard Right we'll always have this kind of retarded gobshite to deal with. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RybNI0KB1bg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sluggernation: The P72 Derek Jeter used to hit the walk-off single in his final @Yankee Stadium at-bat. (Images via @mlb_authentic) htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the difference between Twitter and Gab? Surprisingly not much. Both sites have fags that want to censor people for something they don't like. On Twitter it could be anything. On Gab it's fucking pictures. For sites that proclaim to be \"Free Speech\" advocates they both have a funny way of showing it. I know a majority of users who were on Minds have seen\/heard this song and dance before, but it bares repeating. Lolicon\/Shotacon in the United States is not illegal and it's not viewed as \"obscene\". At least under the legal definition of the word. So once again I have to link this court case, United States v. Handley 2008, just to prove this point. So here is the WIkipedia Article that summarizes what the case was about and the ultimate decision from that case and the case itself: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/United_States_v._Handley https:\/\/caselaw.findlaw.com\/us-10th-circuit\/ I am with you @nightwish time to let the ban hammer fall...or rather Id like to let a REAL hammer fall on the heads of these pedo, faggot cunts...glad you mentioned something I for one will not even venture near the spam folder because of this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a black person to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jihadis claim to have shot an #Iraq army Mi-35 attack helicopter in Beji and identify its pilot by name, rank","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They parrot the last conspiracy-theory retard that liked their stupid fkn comment last month...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Not being dramatic.\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL NIP GAG Woah there LOL_NIP_FAG! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Math American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I truly hope this is like that Tibbets cunt who was killed by an ILLEGAL invader after tweeting I hate white people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we just ponder how fucking stupid this is? Is this cunt seriously saying that a colony, comprised entirely of the source ethnicity, simply by virtue of being on a different land mass, makes those people a different race? This is like saying that the Massachusetts Bay Colony was \"really Indian\" since it was not in England.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does that faggot actually think Kavanaugh could step down and just go back to being a DC judge? If he stepped down, they would destroy him. His career would be over. Its like apologizing for everything. Never apologize.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the only good faggot is a dead faggot. the LBGT community can drop dead today. please. friggin perverts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look. A cunt gave a down vote.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know you are in the ghetto when you see streets named Martin Luther King Jr and LittleJohn. #halp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude these articles are awesome! We've made so much progress! Thank you for highlighting this! Let's just say I'll take my chances. Calling me a tulip is the nicest thing you've ever said to me, dude. Okay then, that''s your new name. Tulip. Deal. I don't have AIDS, though. So that doesn't really effect me. That dude prolly has grids he looks like a mudshark.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Barbod6FCB @_cblaze @ODDBEAST cracker jack shut the fuck up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RFIDbollocks Hey silly cunt, ask \"Nuddering on twitter where he got the \"idea that Owen Jones was that editor on Wikipaedia... go on ask him! I fucking dare you... come back to me when you realise it was me! ME! Yep, it was me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I firmly believe that only immigrants can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ironically, it will be the cops you call when some nigger shoots your faggot bf when your dope deal goes bad. maybe they'll know who you are and just decide to NOT show up and let you deal with your own worthless shit? We can only hope Several magnitudes better than being a low life scum sucking rat fuck rat bastard larcenous murderous POS fuckin pig though. Off you go now piggy, mind the gap between train and platform. wow! You changed my mind! I don't know how I could have missed that intellectual prowess and literary ingenium! So tell me Jeffwey, how did you get those stretch marks around your mouth? Let me guess: your daddy! you know, if he paid you every time he fucked you, maybe you wouldn't be on welfare?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"U are whore ?? Do u know me ?? No , so fuck off cunt !!!! @utmusrephafudd1979","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" So ugly. But so true! I lived it as a fed employee!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marx married into the Westphalen family of Prussian aristocrats. They originally came from Scottish nobility. They weren't very keen on his Jewish ancestry in fact. Have you actually checked this as I just did? The lazy twat never had a proper job in his life. Much like Corbyn. Dreaming up an ideology and convincing other twats to follow it is NOT a proper job. I have numerous libtard friends but only one pro-Trump Conservative friend. And he's Jewish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sopwith you think spamming my email is trolling??? Stupid faggot with 4 swipes to the right everything was gone. Again you are a failure if you thing that's trolling. Really ;) I pwn you faggot bitch ;) I hear alot of crying from nazi faggot Adrian. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common Muslim tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New Q drop: This is getting serious. Someone has sent General Mattis an envelope with Ricin in it! https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/02\/packages-sent-to-pentagon-test-positive-for-ricin\/ The need for judge Kavanaugh confirmation is critical for the plan. He makes a solid 5-4 vote in the SC for future challenges! This was their weak attempt \"to send a message\". Sounds plausible, but I don't believe this is a dialog, or that there is any \"message\" anymore, other than \"I kill you sonofabitch.\" We have transcended messages, IMO. Thank God they have failed! I think you can thank 9\/11 for this one so there is already a review system in place (if you can remember this was tried back then). We must stop them by any means necessary, because having begun, they will continue until they succeed, and after as well. Yes, I remember recent history. \"I remember 20 years ago like it was yesterday. I just can't remember yesterday.\" Personally I will be concerned if judge Kavanaugh is not confirmed; otherwise, there are very smart and dedicated people working on this (plan)! The dead will not be able to vote in this confirmation. Kavanaugh will be confirmed. ;-) That's a harsh statement but I agree about the judge! I hope it proves to be merely harsh rather than prescient. We do say though, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I agree!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just heard this Fox reporter's update from the caravan he's accompanying. He spoke as though these vagrants are doing something heroic. Hey William. Shut the f*ck up. You stupid f*cking asshole. They're a lot braver than USA citizens. They're not terrified of strangers or government, like you are. You should be replaced by them because you're too scared to live with them and too scared to do anything yourself. Yes that's exactly what I meant...unless you want to get into a pedantic tete a tete with me. I can go there too you silly child. Now go away before I trash you like the turpitude you are. I think i would like to see that, even though the idea of winning an argument is sophomoric. Everyone should know that it always depends on which side you ask. Fire away pal. Look \"pal\" you started with the insults. Now shut the fuck up and go away. According to your dumbass profile you object to profanity. So this should end this \"sophomoric\" crap. I thought you were gonna thrash me? My feelings aren't even tickled yet. No. I said trash. Rhymes with thrash but means something entirely different But I'm sure that was just an errant faux pas on your part. Now excuse me, I have better things to do thank to talk with you. I have to go take a dump. Not one more peep out of you. Well good luck. just fuckin mute each other!...wtf! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@juniorshabidoo also Nack which autocorrect changed so I'm putting my phone in the trash and going to sleep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It should be clear that trans people are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AvengerStratus: There's nothing hotter than a pale albino chick who can play guitar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@wifewithapurpose If you could share Man kicks pro life woman. https:\/\/youtu.be\/z7SqtIe5rZQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I grew to hate blonde and primary colored weaves but that wouldn't stop me from requesting some good mouthwork.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think she was making a joke here gents [deleted] it was in really poor taste [deleted] [deleted] retard His. \"Men can't even stand having their eyebrows plucked!\", \"Yeah but we can still beat you\". [deleted] dude you're a pussy What an amazing rebuttal. I can't believe the sheer amount of mental flexing I just witnessed. You sure showed him! It's just sad how sensitive you guys are about the thought of your superiority being challenged. As soon as it's questioned you guys turn into fucking animals, just grow up. Hey I was just pointing out that your reply of \"dude you're a pussy\" wasn't exactly a well formulated and thought-out counter argument. Some of the comments in here are laughable, yours included.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you NAZIS need to be educated!!! John 2:15 John 8:44 Revelations 2:9 these passages talk about how GOD hates NAZIS! tell all your DEMOCRAT and LABOR voting friends! and stop being JEALOUS of better businessmen!!! you are a textbook case of RETARDED SOCIALISM!!! you are a GLOBALIST ISRAEL-HATING DEMOCRAT!!! >calling ethnic nationalists \"globalists\" Did you take stupid pills this morning? CRYING NAZI!!! LMAO!!! you're just mad because you just got OWNED!!! go back to communism you NAZI!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well. THIS CUNT IS AS STUPID AS THEY COME. SHE NEEDS TO TAKE A LONG WALK OFF A SHORT BRIDGE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only black people are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of coons. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Piggybacking off the top comment here to add that now MundaneMatt is trying to get it off the ground. His latest video is about it and sounds just as retarded and cringey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Carmilla is great once you realize she's right, she's a giant cunt, and the series is making her *look* like a giant cunt. Either they're intentionally showing her to be a giant bitch, or they think they're making her into the hero and they're horribly failing. The bad part about Carmilla being right is that Dracula looks worse by comparison, which really shows how weak of a character they made him. He's more King Lear than Dracula, prince of darkness. What exactly is her vocabulary like in the English dub? Maybe that's where my problem is. I can reevaluate her if it's different, but if she still specifically says \"man-children\" like three times in the dub as well, then I'm sorry but that's just peak Netflix. Not to mention it sounds utterly retarded when used in a Castlevania setting, and that goes for all of her other random profanity as well. All she was missing was a \"teleports behind you\" line in order to achieve maximum edge. I believe she did use that term several times. It set off my warning bells. Not enough to turn it off, but I felt they could have written more subtle and less on the rag vampire feminist. Also could have had Godbrand less of a whiny stereotypical viking. For one I felt how he got offed was crap, that it would have been better if he was all bluster, bumblefucked into the trio, then ran like a bitch leaving other vampires to die like a coward then dracula, or hell carmilla to tear him apart as punishment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are people that retarded that they believe a Jew paper? Whatever the Post says you can almost be positive that the opposite is true! It's a Jew, It can't be True!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think we have compromised too much; start repealing these unjust laws. #InherentRights","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a Muslm. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some people are way too stupid to be on social media Gab included. Their 'views' are shaped by trash on the box, by idiotic tabloids, by celeb drivel, hideous lyrics in pop songs and moronic conspiracy theories plugged by complete idiots. They pollute social media not understanding the simplest of things and discredit good posts by ridiculous comments.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is little rude. Yes she was, but he was still very unprofessional. I think he might be the 'respect mah authoritaay' type.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AliAbunimah: The people of the ghetto are rising up and fighting back. Whose side are you on? #Gaza","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off cunt you know it was the retarded democrats who sent the pretend bombs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Proud of yerself? So many WORDS wasted on your OWN feeble virtue-signaling. Your swastika boy scout badges were stomped to death in What, over at your house, fake name guy? With all your faggot friends?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Terrorism has no religion Terrorism is a cancer need to be wipe out. RIP to all victims","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"302 pussyheads arrested protesting Kavanaugh (assuming megafauna Amy shumer only counts as one)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't cry too hard...bitch. LOL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"brainwashed retard with absolutely no intelligence! Completely programmed robot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This being sick is for the birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @camilleftansel: i've read the hunger games 12 times i am trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG Democrats always accuse others of what should be done!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are quite a lot of films about Soviet atrocities but you have to watch international films from places like Finland who were invaded by the Russians. \"The Winter War\" for example. Russians didn't invade western Europe, the Nazis did, so they are the main focus of our films. That is incorrect! Russia invaded Poland in September 1939, they sent men to the Balkans and into Romania in johann you're talking utter fucking bollocks again. You are the stupidest and most ignorant cunt on Gab. Poland at the time was made up from what is Germany today and what was Germany prior to 1919!!!!!!!!!! That is Western Europe you utterly fucking stupid cunt! Get your head around that fact you utterly bizarre Proto-jew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"r\/iamatotalpieceofshit That's a subreddit, folks. But we *didn't* elect John McCain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Send at least Completely sane attitude. I don't see anybody else either willing or capable of cleaning up this mess. Putin maybe. Not the contemporary German men, that's for sure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you know how much boys are in a abusive relationship right now? This disgusts me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should of deported the stupid cunt to Afghanistan with him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JoeyG_145: Downloaded flappy bird 5 minutes ago... It's already deleted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welcome to #Speakfreely u nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And it's retarded from both sides... that's the point. No the point is one way is acceptable to say, and the other gets laughed at. Not both. One actually happens and i am glad you agree it is retarded. It would be retarded to do to women what we ok doing to men, but we don't. Don't be retarded. Men do abuse and rape women, it's a fact. Some men do that. Some women do bad things. You're doing the same as the retarded feminists do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of an immigrant to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Going up to the view point and seeing star child..... What the monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"post your targets to this thread's comments section. this thread will be replaced weekly to prevent excess thuggery and harassment. look below for trolling targets when you feel bored. there is no obligation to get involved. christian WN seems to be under attack today. this will be an interesting weekend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You truly are a dumb cunt gupta","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat did you say?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rednecks be like","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Crist has asked to keep polls in Broward open until 9pm, claiming long lines. Media reports say turnout light in Broward.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not sure if Drake or retarded dog meme. Both could be possible, tho'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I still want your faggot ass to explain why you instantly start calling us supremacists if we speak out for the white race. Every other race does it openly without fear of persecution. Every other race except us. Why do you do this to us?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the next generation of satire, and you won't even know it. \/hypothesis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Harry_Styles: A bird pooped on me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should Feinstein of put it out in the public no matter of how vague the twat I think not its like \"playground chatter\" being discussed by university Dons... And basically as childish we a he said she said but more she said was listened to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More information to come. Local 80's arcade tournaments will begin tomorrow morning. Some will be original arcade coin-ops and others will be MAME systems using Raspberry Pi computers. Looking to buy 1984 Reagan\/Bush campaign prints to help set the 80's mood and to honor a great president. Trying to get a live webcam set up for tomorrow if possible. Would you please post the 1984 posters at me if you find them? I'd like a look.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anti trans book = basic high school biology text book Probably. There have been op-eds on how logic is considered a tool of the patriarchy, pushing down emotions which is considered femininity by this ilk. For example https:\/\/www.acsh.org\/news\/2016\/10\/26\/modern-feminism-incompatible-science-10366 Can confirm. Isn't being transgender a cultural belief, not a biological aspect? I could be wrong though. I've never met a transgender person who wanted to use weird pronouns, most just want he\/she and sometimes they. These people are a very tiny minority which are definitely harmful to the transgender movement, but not nearly as harmful as people thinking that all transgender people are like that. They're not standard leftist activists, they're just idiots. Actually, most of them do stick to male and female, and the vast majority or the rest just go with \"non-binary.\" Of course, it probably doesn't seem that way to you, because as long as even a few transtrenders exist somewhere on the internet, people on this sub will focus on them. So, no, it's not the transtrenders who are ruining things for trans people. It's the people using transtrenders to ruin things for trans people who are ruining things for trans people. You say that, yet on grindr (a *gay* hook up app), that kind of craziness is everywhere. Just yesterday there was a literal woman on there. \"Assigned female. No transition. Nonbinary\". So literally a girl, with girl bits, no hormones, no intention to try to be anything other than a woman. But a little butch or something. So on a gay hookup app.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAGGOT Faggot yourself darling; I'm happily married with 2 kids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're a retard. What do you think happens if a Democrat wins that seat? Anything good? Unlikely. If you don't like a Republican, mount a primary challenge. You really need to understand how our government works before you comment on political strategy. You clearly have no concept of this. Would a nigger named Tyrone be right about anything? No. This guy is consistently wrong and always pushes defeatist crap. DISSAVOW!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i am. ive reported many already, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Sydhinton922: If your boy breaks up with you and has a new girlfriend a couple days later, then there was something you didn't know abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Riemann was like a retarded baby seal that stuck its tongue out on the Antarctic ice glaciers walls sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REMEMBER WHAT THIS CUNT DID TO THOSE THAT ACCUSED POTUS BILLY BOY ..................... https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/100009086791139\/videos\/2063990373913836\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Wow, what a cum back. Nigger Cum all OVER your back!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"smh RT @DailyMail: NYC cops leave Ebola doctor's apt dump gloves and masks in public trash can http:\/\/t.co\/aTkLOIqFZZ http:\/\/t.co\/HVBhWjrKen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is the biggest clitorus ever recorded on the biggest cunt known to the transvestite community!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Statements like \"Muslims are scum\" are deeply hurtful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Green grass and tree trash. http:\/\/t.co\/SO9C7g3FQ5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude is a destiny fan no wonder why he is acting like moronic manchild, acting just like destiny would and his dumbass 13 year old edgy fans who have nothing better to in their but life, but watch a moron suck at video games on twitch. I dont even like destiny. Hes just the only guy on youtube that isnt a complete retard No, he just isn't retarded, unlike sargon or whatever Dawg, we can all see what you said. It's like a dozen fucking posts up, along with the rest of that coathanger abortion of an argument you wasted time shitting out. >No journalist thinks that gamergate elected trump Then you call us all autists because apparently anyone not afflicted with the 'tism should be able to read your fucking mind. Instead of just walking away without making a spectacle of your special olympic-tier debate skills, or editing your post to be more specific, or any of the other myriad ways to mitigate looking retarded on the internet, you decide to double down on the sperg-out. There's a high concentration of autism all up and down this thread, that's for goddamn sure, you just spent so much time moving goalposts around you didn't realize you'd gone right off the field and onto the spectrum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In fairness, the leader of Storm Troopers, Ernst Rohm, was a faggot so that's not disqualifying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger beat your ass....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tyler the creator was wrong :( wow, thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Better than spending it on muzzie invaders","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Considering my 2nd cousin an her cunt friends use false accusations as weapons like it's \"pleasurable\", I'm sure this system won't at be abused. An since the RCMP got caught with their bullying ($","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny seeing this as I did something similar twice just yesterday just going to work. I live in Calgary and Stampede is starting up so we are getting an influx of foreigners who dont abide by common respect and dignity as us Canadians. When they come here they bring with them their decency from whatever nation they hail from. Chinese, Russians and and Africans (Pick a country in Africa you win) are the worst. The best are Japanese, Brits, Irish and Scottish. Anyways I am getting off point. In Calgary we have whats called an LRT which is a main transport especially during stampede. Yesterday I had to push not ONE but TWO all of that women holding the doors because oh ummm waiting for friend. And this happens every year AND IT IS ALWAYS WITH WOMEN. Anyways I didnt kick them like that guy did but pushed them out of the way so the doors would close. I have noticed something every stampede living here for 30 years from foreign women. They think their shit dont stink and have right over everyone else. Many times I see their hubbs who have obviously paid money to marry them white eyed full on shock at the audacity they display. It fucking makes me sick. A couple weeks of drunken summer festival-style shenanigans centered around a bunch of organized \"western\" animal cruelty events (like rodeo, cattle wrangling, chuck wagon racing and the like) and the general redneck asshattery that accompanies such things. It's in the service of the Canadian city of Calgary liking to pretend they're a city of literal cowboys. Picture half the population of a smallish city of mainly oil industry workers (almost none of them having been near a horse or live cow) wearing cut off shorts, cowboy boots they bought yesterday, and ill-fitting stetsons, drinking beer and riding midway rides in between rodeo shit. They refer to it, as above, like it's a major world event everyone's heard about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bismalah....Go Eat a Bag of Dick's, You Fucking Retarded Antiqueefa Cuck Boy!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was arrested for saying the word nigger in 1997, I was on private property in a garage and I said it to my friend. The beaner cop said it was using words most likely to provoke a fight, at the jail I was screaming NIGER NIGGER and the fact of the matter is, he stepped on my constitutional rights and the charge was changed to disorderly conduct. Bad cop, no donuts. When I was a kid it was a felony to say the F word to a cop or spit on him or threaten him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BarackObama Biden was a winner last night? Yea right like Charlie Sheen Really was a a winner too.... #winning lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go up to that cunt and say move your shit I need a place to sit then proceed to take her bags and move them off the seat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thinking bout those oysters at the gator bait tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Frozen peas and ibuprofen. My new best friends # cripple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chicago \"din du nuffin\" crowd won a victory. The cops have been de-balled. Oh well, let the fuckers kill each other off. To bad the niggly bears aren't better shots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CNNOpinion @Alyssa_Milano https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/c0dzRz\/Doin_XCi_VAAIv_Zxt.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HJRc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This time the tables have turned","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Children have no business developing their 'sexuality\". THEY ARE CHILDREN! LET THEM BE KIDS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We all know who the retarded dipshit, TRAITORS and United Nations criminal arm is! FORMALLY DECLARE THE DEMOCRATIC MUSLIM PARTY, ANTIFA,MUSLIMS and Soros their financier as TERRORIST GROUPS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @gferguson8: @MSoltan18 @WBDyllon_ @KoredeB9 Messi is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Calling gay people cockroaches is such a horrible thing to do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MikesGraffix @MalachiDupre all that trash talk and we win championships!!! You're boring me dude #NationalChamps","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol Don't tell me that, I might chop it off. I'm a bit of a twat like that :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iv9801: Charlie Sheen engaged to porn star http:\/\/t.co\/THMYpFexicMens #Health Tips Sex Toy http:\/\/t.co\/Hxmlrj1w6m The Adult Toys #KISS ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Females can't even do basic math to understand that the mythical Gender Wage Gap doesn't exist. You expect them to be able to code? That's sexist and not ok But giving cheaters money cuz vagina is fine. At least mine is based in fact. I'm not saying that this situation is fine I'm saying that you claiming that women can't code is absolutely not ok Why do people use these \"is not ok\" baby language expressions?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6317761\/Sinead-OConnor-announces-conversion-Islam-video.html They always convert the mentally ill. White converts are sick and deluded They are obviously sick and retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That cunt has the mind of a insane person .. Dems are full of this kind of ppl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jacob u look like a monkey in dis http:\/\/t.co\/rkaqn0GRQe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I refuse to be sad when I'm a pretty bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll leave the window open...some nigger will loot it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If it is a pipe bomb, give it to Anderson Cooper. He'll shove it up his greased up pimply A-hole or deep throat it. What I'm trying to say is that A. Cooper is a faggot and sticks pipe-like things were no man should. so basically the gay way to jump on a grenade, gotcha!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya these people truly are retards. Little emotional retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I am a thrill billy..with a hillbilly heart.\" -@billyraycyrus. HAHAHAHAHA Jesus Murphy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q #TheAwakening #MAGA #Pegida #Afd #Orban #Putin #Brexit #Qanon #QAnon #qanon #TheGreatAwakening IT'S STILL CUCK BULLSHIT IF THEY DON'T START OVERTURNING EVERY LEFTIST, ANTI-WHITE, AND JEW APPROVED DECISION IN THE SUPREME COURT. I will actually piss myself with joy if he nominates her. The pissing part maybe not so much (unless I drank too much beer) but I'll be happier than a faggot in Boystown.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even IF he slapped he butt, how in the fuck does that give anyone the right to choke someone? Fucking feminism running wild and all the dumb cunts think they are victims now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once a lesbian told me that I should basically ditch all boys (mostly of my crushes are boys) and that I'll be so much happier with a woman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where do you find all the despicablevile RACIST JEWS and Democrats? The morally degenarate human sewage lefitst scum cannot actually debate becasue they are low life excrement! All RACIST SEXIST Democrats are brainwashed retarded monkey brains! All Democrats need to be flushed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Jaytwofly huh, lol mad nigger is mad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the first time a black person is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@THYGOAT @ItsVinnyDoe_ those crackers will leave you parched asf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man talk to em RT @StraightCash08: Of course nothing is wrong with applebee s if you like trash food.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That nigger SambObama has a lot to swing for.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, you're an asshole. >If a person commits a crime like that, What the fuck are you talking about you complete nutter? We are discussing people who didn't commit any crime! Or in your distorted reality is it a crime to be falsely accused of rape? >then people can weigh out appropriate ways to punish or mitigate similar crimes, What crime you fucking moron? >so you might think after a person is released from prison or whatever that they should not feel morally judged for those actions. The action of being falsely accused of rape? FFS get a grip you retard. >But whatever the guilty rapist does deserve, What? Who the fuck is talking about guilty rapists? Grow a brain. >no one deserves to be raped. The only sensible thing you've said. But do you want to think about it some more, you seem confused? And guess what you feeble minded troll? No one deserves to be falsely accused of rape either. A far worse crime. >As I already explained in my first response, the same framing could be used to 'victimize' the perpetrators of anything. We aren't talking about perpetrators dickhead. >The genocide of native Americans by European colonists could be reframed such that moral judgement of those colonists' actions after they occurred should not occur. What the fuck does that have to do with **false** rape allegations? >Edit: I also would prefer that a rape apologist not call me 'friend', by the way. You disgusting cunt. Rape apologist!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apple has steadily rendered the iMac less and less user friendly. Nothing makes sense anymore. They want you to go through mazes, like a mouse in an experiment. It's the leftist obsession with control. The 2015 iMac is the worst computer I've ever owned. And all the software is shit. I use Photoshop to fix images that I hope to use in books. Last night I could NOT GET Photoshop to let me finish my Russian grenadier. When you make photocollages, you have to copy and paste. Photoshop was somehow copying from an image I had thrown away. The image was in the trash can. So I was getting photo sections that I hadn't copied, AND the software would not let me clean up the final product with the cloning tool. So I had to EXPORT the image from my desktop to...my desktop. Only THEN was I able to finish it. Exporting the image cured the dementia of the computer and Photoshop. These companies are all run by leftists. And leftists worship decay. Now excuse me as I go out and buy an external CD player, because Apple ELIMINATED the CD drive in the iMac for no reason other than to fuck with everybody's head. I feel your pain. Try telling some soyboy in a Verizon store that you just want another flip-phone to replace the one you had. Actually had one sneer at me and say, \"Are you scaaaaaared of smartphone?! They're not that hard, you know.\" I complimented him on his sales technique and got my damned flip phone. Yeah my grand daughter told me that I needed to upgrade. I said what for I have a redneck iPhone and a stilus. She looked at me like the RCA dog (today's terms - Valley Girl).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nobody said it was morally justified you retard, just that blacks in America aren't any more special for having been enslaved than any other race, *all of whom have been at some point* I'm sure you're also sperging out just as hard for the modern day slave industry in Africa? Or how about human trafficking? nah of course not, you just do what you can to feel morally superior to those around you, because you're a fag you are on the wrong fucking subreddit to pull that cunt shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keeping order on the streets does not require the invocation of that puffed up prat Mussolini. Stfu faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#ASSClown WATCH LIVE: CORY BOOKER WANTS TO TURN ANCHOR BABIES INTO TRUST FUND BABIES New Jersey Democrat has plan to offer money to all children born in the United States David Knight | Infowars.com - OCTOBER 23, 2018 https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-cory-booker-wants-to-turn-anchor-babies-into-trust-fund-babies\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LYING POS Montana Democrat Jon Tester Says He Goes Hunting - But Hasn't Had Hunting License in Over 6 Years (Video) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/lying-democrat-jon-tester-says-he-goes-hunting-but-hasnt-had-hunting-license-in-over-6-years-video\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Republican Lt Governor of Missouri says he's sorry he called LAW Anglo-American Law. Racist Pig That he is...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Turner was called to pick up the daughter and her friends, but when Turner arrived, she tried to intercede with the police officers. \"I'm here as a concerned citizen and friend of the mayor,\" Turner told the officers. \"I take full responsibility for them.\" What does that even mean? You *know* that whenever she whips out the phrase \"I take full responsibility\" she expects problems to vanish for her. What a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another season of retweeting every one of @nikaaaa3 's Yankee tweets! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a dyke that just uses men for money. Just another hollyweird freak She married some old ugly guy, a producer to keep her career going. A sperm donor and money maker, then goes off with the girls on the side. You will find a lot of dykes do that. Call them bisexuals if you want, but dick is only a means to an end to them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Neither. Both suffer their retardation and faggotry (social incompetence) at the hands of their friends and family whom have failed them at every turn. but mostly their single moms.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The inevitable clash of Feminism and Black Lives Matter has arrived. Who is the bigger victim: the insane woman who is desperate for attention, or the little Black boy who dindu nuffin?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NowPlaying : Great White - Once Bitten Twice Shy on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @DShmee: Tom Brady slowly becoming washed? Nah.. His weapons just trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol this faggot has a posting career: https:\/\/equalitybylot.com\/2015\/03\/21\/paul-rosenfeld-the-extinction-of-politics\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TopBlokeBill: Are you Justin Beiber? Because your a Fucken gay cunt @Arii_nV http:\/\/t.co\/pgHISyDEyB","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ashley_smith20 colored contacts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kamel Toe Kamala is a Nigger whore and therefore not to be believed!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Palestinians are to Israel what Mexicans are to the USA https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/idf-demolishes-gaza-attack-tunnel-that-penetrated-200-meters-into-israel\/ Do you ever get tired of being an absolute faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First MundaneMatt, now Mombot - glad to see that some of the very worst people that got popular due to GamerGate are now being exposed and hopefully losing everything - good job Metokur, Ralph and ESPECIALLY Zidan (whose interrogations keep breaking people down). What is Mombot accused of doing? It's more than just accusations - Ian Miles Cheong has already showed Ralph, Metokur and others the DMs where Mombot gave him WildGoose's dox and told IMC to write a hit piece against Goose, even get in touch with his family to drive him off the internet. But. What I do know . . is that . . Mombot has a history of very violent (verbal) behavior. I read some old tweets . . she (?) appears to enjoy doxing and being mean to men. She appears to target vulnerable men, and then attack these men to feel better about herself. Keep in mind, tons of people suspect that Mombot is actually yet another man pretending to be a woman online. If Mombot is a woman, she'd be a very nasty, misandrist type, and the kind that absolutely hates any man not putting up with female Bullshit. I learned pretty early during GamerGate that Mombot REALLY hates Roosh for example.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of gay people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/gab.ai\/andieiamwhoiam\/posts\/39604278 HILLARY IS THAT YOU??? or is it just a version of you courtesy of an AI? Wow someone on your side has one opinion that you don't like and you chastise her? You are no better than the left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their Muslim throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guy Fieri's green salsa is a jar of retarded faggot puke. And THAT is an objective fact, people. Once you put celery in your salsa, you can FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF and keep fucking off until you find somewhere to cash in your chef hat and testicles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What about the sex with animals in those fables? You guys are for that as a real thing that happened too? Plus you have done fuck all since the ice giant fable myth right? Still based on fables, New Age practices, and Nigger style spiritism. Not exactly something to commend it to normal Whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"remember when the dude who played young ned followed my youtube channel. this was when i actually used my youtube for more than favorites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2) No, my guess is they are installing network taps for increased throughput on their surveillance. Thank Obama the scum traitor muzzie piece of shit for this. He gave away as much of America as he could, the internet is most definitely an American invention\/system.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whenever trans people look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of an immigrant to be such a total shithead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#JordanHunt Arrested, Charged w\/ 8 Counts Of Assault https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/06\/jordan-hunt-arrested-charged-with-eight-counts-of-assault\/ #Toronto #Canada #CanFam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You far under estimate the pow of armed American patriots shit for brains.. Yes arming both sides so morons like you can pound your chest I'm the idiot I hope you at least bought stocks and all the b******* MRIs and ammo you buy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any islam sucks ass. Only good muzzie is a dead one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is clearly written in Quran Person who not follow Quran is called kafir and.. Kill them you will get 72 hours Islam Is Terrorism","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact anybody has taken her seriously after her \"career , shows why our society has turned into shit. but, fortunately, no one takes you, beta losers, seriously ;) Selling sex is not a career. Female body has an expiration date So does your brain you idiot. Do u know anything about neuroplasticity? If not, read up > Ever seen granny porn? Exceptions prove the rule. Beauty is the marker of fertility > The expiration date of the human body can be completely up to your mentality and health Not for womb and eggs. We don't know yet how to turn the clock on them. Far more complex than keeping outer layer of skin intact Wtf did this weirdo just admit to watching granny porn? Hahaha Or do you just jerk off in the mirror? Yeah man. Nothing wrong with that. What does an incel like yourself watch?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, what a self-entitled cunt. Her family and friends are truly better off without her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nope, you're just saying faggot stuff and clutching your pearls. Not an argument, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's basically the same characters as well. Especially the retarded guy whose name I forget even tho I just watched the whole show twice in the last few days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay lives are worth so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great caption. So I'm gonna make like a nigger and steal it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to end every trans person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"K, you're just being retarded at this point. Good luck with your life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm okay with rasor talking trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No they don't you cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#HelloBrookland! We're here at the @MonroeStMarket opening! Serving free samples of cider, vegan sliders, brownies! http:\/\/t.co\/BW9uYtLQu1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The faggot accepts the jews' frame as he smears great patriot McCarthy by comparing his efforts to save America from (((communists))) to what today's victorious commies are doing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bunch of niggers shot outside Dollar General in Germantown. (I'm guessing on the Nigger thing). https:\/\/philadelphia.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/03\/dollar-general-germantown-shooting\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DamierGenesis: i live for street glory and I die for ghetto fame. respect all, fear none my pride is everything....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do visiting teams WHINE about right field as if it is longer for their batters. #Yankees #YankeeStadium","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how dare you not show proper appreciation for brand x \"Capitalism is evil\" Same people: \"Consumers should stop being so entitled! Corporations are doing their best!\" So any amount of labor inserted into a product automatically allows the product to accrue value, but when a black person works on it, the product gets a x4 multiplier to it's value as well? >it's fractally wrong. The phrase you're looking for is, \"going down the rabbit hole\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CIA made a casting for a new super agent. Three men were left - a Pole, a German and a Russian. The last task was to enter a room and without hesitation, shoot the person sitting on the chair inside. The German enters, and sees his mother in law sitting on the chair. He thinks: - I can't kill her, she's my wife's mother after all. He failed. Next is the Russian. He enters, and also sees his mother in law sitting there. He thinks: - She's a good grandma to my kids, it's not right to kill her. He failed as well. Finally the Pole enters and there are only screams, hits and thuds coming from the room. Finally he comes out and says: - Some retard loaded blanks into the gun, I had to kill the cunt with the fucking chair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't help yourself but be a complete dickhead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @IcySoleOnline: Should of been a cork sole RT @Johnny_Blaz3: why is there no cork on the WTL XI?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's a muzzie convert. the worst kind","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't think you know how terrible the prisons in Iraq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mr Muzzie woman beater was \"cleared because, get this...the GF didn't have VIDEO! Let that sink in...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol Nicca dime game got soo much clout niccas goin to da store to buy sum dice","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @srhholdem2233 @Escoffier @blazinherb @Screw-z-jews @A_I_P @WADL @DolfysGasNGrill @lostpassword @mikesmom37 @BardParker - \"The young lady [dyke] responsible for the 'Queer Kid Stuff' YT-Channel is making videos that are ideological and political. The videos explain what 'LGBTQ+' is- to a target audience of toddlers\". This is who they all are. Andy Cohen who rose out of absolutely no where, the Faggot Maggot on the depraved Bravo Channel trotting out Goyim = Housewives Shows and others . He even posted on twitter he hates all White People. Cocaine drug head and pedophile like all of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's moments like this that make me hate that I identify myself as DoomSlayer, will have to give that old cunt a visit in the near future and banish her back to the satanic pits that spawned her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"country boy, hick lyfe, white tee, rebel flag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You keep that shit up and you'll be hanging from a tree nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to help out a disabled person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yep...I guessed right...a nigger pavement ape! N-O-gger analogies are always so grafted, second-handed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"However, after he raised more than $600,000 in support of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Facebook canceled the meeting and deleted both of his pages. To add insult to injury, Kolfage had over the years dropped more than $300,000 in advertising on his pages.\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/19\/triple-amputee-veteran-brian-kolfage-vows-to-haul-facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-into-court\/ Facebook lets about 3 percent of your followers see your posts. If you buy ads, that numbers goes up to about 25 percent maximum. The best way to screw Zuckerberg is to ensure a red mega-mega-mega-MAGA-tsunami in November. Big Tech will be blamed, so all these psychos will have their faces rubbed in their own manure. They're going to be hated by everyone. Since Zuckerberg and Dorsey can't bear criticism, they're going to drink until their livers explode. Watch it happen. Empower uses such big words! Just like a 6th grader!! As much as u talk about sucking dick, it's apparent that u love doing it!! #DoYouBroTheDickSucker I am under jewtack. You keep coming TO ME. You really are fucking retarded!! YOU keep messaging ME. Go back to your moms basement. She'll bring you a hot pocket after you use your acne cream!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paul stop being a faggot long enough to realize, you must name the jew for the sake of your people!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another dumb ass vile nigger in that gif. It is rich thanks to kikes and stupid perverse Whites. Hate it when people use mud scum or White scum gifs to make their points unless the target is the scum. Usually not the case. He has done lots of anti-White crap to include videos promoting decapitating White woman but since he became a trumtard he is now supposedly cool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Makes me wonder who is going to fill her canteen account in PRISON with pink hair die and charcoal for her Eye brows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Woman released them all from detention centers. City is 60% nigger and runs off of tourism to places Whites built, and now asks for Jews to film their movies here. I didn't know IE had a presence in Atlanta, though! Love to meet you guys!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hes retarded...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How can you say \"women are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What does this feckless cunt Lucia Graves have against a woman's choice to make a commitment and a woman's choice about with whom she will associate? How is it ANY of Ms Graves' concern?? . . . And for years we have been told that the left was pro-choice, but it seems to depend on what the choices are that one makes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WarriorRN61 @mrgeology you inferred he tried to ho to Nam. He did not. He dodged it. He is no great leader.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The #TrumpCurse Michael Avenatti's horrible, very bad week: Lawyer hit with avalanche of legal, financial and personal woes https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/michael-avenattis-horrible-very-bad-week-lawyer-hit-with-avalanche-of-legal-financial-and-personal-woes Lol The #TrumpCurse2 Megyn Kelly Today' canceled by NBC, co-anchors to take over https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/nbc-news-officially-cancels-megyn-kelly-today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He is Full Of shit-!!! Look at THIS.. I'D SAY THREAT-!! https:\/\/youtu.be\/JdiLFWbCHHY Horrendo Revolver...just as relevant and sober-minded as he ever was. I guess he is too old to be on The Young Turks.... Geraldo who? Fox is alive to keep the false left\/right paradigm going so that we do not get together and figure out we are just pawns.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today I was called a Nigger, a Kike and a White Supremacist. lol Before the year is out... We'll all be called: Fascist Homophobe Islamophobe Sexist Racist Misogynist kike Nigger Transphobe White Supremacist All in one take. They can't use Pedo, or they'll out themselves and piss off their core funding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Happy birthday bird! @codyflitcraft","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like the chromosone crusaders. Or just plain \"retards\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CBSThisMorning @charlierose racist @NorahODonnell tx trash enjoy your high along with gop win a substitute for racist @MittRomney loss!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"twat er are so libtard now it has become a meme","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IN RETARD LAND","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You'd better start worrying about Michelle Obama because even though she's postponing taking heat by claiming that she's not running for President, she is still filling arenas for campaign rallies that she's disguising as a \"book tour\". And this is despite CHARGING people $30 - $500 to get in! 68% approval when she left White house https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LcdQ bullshit...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hold all your ghetto labeled and endorsed vodka brands, you can rum me silly any day. #ShiverMeTimbers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this a true story @andieiamwhoiam https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/applebees-waitress-told-dont-tip-black-people-customers-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always love how atheists never speak out against islam. I bet it has to do with the fact that the muzzie would beheading them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The MEG was pretty based. An oil rig was turned into seaworld by a tattooed female engineer and it's structure didn't even hold up more than a few days after investors stopped by to look at investment. Even the 5day old wetback build bridge in FL lasted longer. Also needed STR8 white man to save the day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@TruthWillOut then you got ur lame ass bird brained faggot friends who jump in the fray and don't know their ass from their elbow when they're talking about this topic. Give me a break dude, you're a fucking fraud and a fake ass #CoinTelPro asshole pushing this shit in ignorance or getting paid 4 it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seriously why the fuck is this on here? She wasn't using a pussy pass to get out of something and being treated like a man, it's actually kind of the opposite if that had been a male recording a video or whatever she was doing, would that old man have popped in to talk shit? Where are the mods!?! We're right here. She is using her tits to get a pass to be an obnoxious twat in public. Old man shuts her shit down. Submit your shit if you don't like it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=eB4rho9yVHM Uranium One: FBI Refuses To Release Three-Dozen Secret Memos Involving Clintons, Russia And Obama DAHBOO777","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop supporting the people who hate you and who support those who want to kill you and destroy your nation. #BanIslam http:\/\/tammybruce.com\/2018\/10\/ben-jerry-create-new-ice-cream-flavor-for-ca-dem-candidate-grandson-of-terrorist.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They dont realize that gender segregation is part of why a lot of those men turn into retarded rapists. The only women they're around are family (theres also a lot of incest prevalent). So the rare times they're around women who arent family they get sex nuts and retard strong. Its fucking stupid. Same as here in the middle east. That's why theres also a lot of subversive homosexuality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It turns out shrieking like a retard isn't a convincing argument https:\/\/redd.it\/9p4nq4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DamnFoodPorn: Oreo Cookie Pancakes #FoodPorn http:\/\/t.co\/q6EvCvM3sO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being this retarded that you seriously equate anti-Jew wrongthink with child rape and suicide bombings. YOU are the one trying to bring Gab down with your constant demand that Torba censor people you disagree with. You fake patriot faggots came here long after we did and have been trying to destroy it ever since. If you don't like it here, LEAVE. You're right, you will not survive because unfortunately for you, wood chippers don't know the difference between a John McCain loving civnat and a Communist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Idk why ya got downvoted, fptp is an imperfect system and easily manipulated, my main reason for losing faith in Trudeau within the 1st year. He only backpedaled because he realized it would hurt his re-election chances. Not following through on FPTP and some of the other bullshit that he and the Finance Minister have cooked up have lost him my vote. Dude didn't even *try* to change the electoral system. >Gerald Butts: \"We'll lose if you change FPTP\" >JT: \"Change aborted.\" That's probably literally how the conversation went. Why would he change the system that got him elected? He may be evil but he sure as hell ain't stupid. It is, but if we change it to the proposed system then we end up like Europe where all the same parties are entrenched (essentially no difference than it is for us now), and they simply create coalitions to subvert the will of the populace (they've already done that before in Canada) and get whatever they want to do themselves any way. Universal suffrage itself, is a problem. It's mob rule essentially, just less direct. Not everyone deserves to vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That escalated..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just look at that crowd!!! ALL FAT WHITE TRASH OR METH ADDICTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not my fault anti-Semites are so retarded they TELL you to report them to their bosses. I just did what he asked me to do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's an entitled cunt. No one is obligated to help you, they may have had great reason to run, maybe his daughter was on the other carriage and he wanted to make sure she was OK. We don't know anything about what happened except her words and to be honest I'd take bets this never happened but she wanted a reason to play victim and bash white males","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HRH Prince Harry for GG? https:\/\/honey.nine.com.au\/2018\/10\/24\/12\/13\/prince-harry-fiji-royal-tour-governor-general #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia Rather than a politician taking the position... Maybe they prefer Chinese women? If they are cheap, politicians would love em I wouldn't be surprised if Philip actually said that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What if someone calls you a Faggot for doing that? Askin' fer a friend, mind ya!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fat jew faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Government protecting its own. This wee gem was buried under a mountain of purile \"wedding\" stories! You Brits really are getting stiffed over this rodent. No way will HM Gov do a \"Dr Kelly\" on him! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6274439\/Taxpayers-fund-2million-year-bill-protect-Islamist-hate-preacher-Anjem-Choudary.html They managed to bump of Dr Kelly no problem, but he was NOT part of the plan - this scumbag is unfortunately, so he'll be well protected. much better than anyone else in fact!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Race-haters on Gab poll. What percentage are shills to damage pro-white causes? (For added clarity: Hate is understandable, but ineffective, and a naive too, imo. Know your enemy, but be strategic. Nonstrategic vitriol drives potential sympathizers away. In fact, vitriolic hatred is what a shill might do to taint a movement.) I don't usually use the word \"racist\" because it's overly used. I'll use the term \"race-hater\" to refer to someone who just spews hatred publicly and tactlessly. Are race-haters on Gab shills that want to taint the otherwise cordial race awareness dialog? What percentage do you think might be shills? Or are they being genuinely vitriolic? (e.g. You can like in-group preference and ethnostates while not hating others. You can fight wars and not be driven by hatred.) I'm talking about the vitriol that pushes otherwise sympathetic people away from pro-white causes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great disinfo faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Mikey_Hands: Yankees offseason plan: Sign Sandoval, move A-Rod to first base, shoot Teixeira and throw his corpse in the East River. #Y ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Loser.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was fast. Guy who kicked a pro life woman gets fired from his job. https:\/\/www.lifesitenews.com\/mobile\/news\/man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-woman-identified-gets-fired","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@deno_5 @kaitlyninst0ne you're reading you coon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A black life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wallmart employees are cunts. Hate them all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's terrible. Those poor dudes. Just supporting their race and ideas. If they were nigger Muslims, they would have been given a pass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The one thing that was driving me nuts was being targeted with fairy gay faggot tranny porn. Thankfully, that has stopped.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigga u a cunt where yo fendi clutch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only w0men like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"snoop is a pussy ass cunt bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jones and Iba ez are out of gas after giving it their all earlier in the first half. The call-ups should get more playing time #Yankees #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=v3JM5K99Jos That sucks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i believe that the jew created it, and then the muslims hated the fact they had come up with something they liked, so later adopted the idea behind their way of bullshit made up religion, and thats where the fact proves that the book they read everyday is just a complete book of bullshit, i believe it was the book invented by libtards who wrote every retarded thing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@yooperslayer better off banning teabaggers and their anti American supporters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we please stop sugarcoating rape? She raped him. R A P E. > unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly Using the textbook definition for rape isn't \"sugarcoating it\". Rape means forced sex... You people are just derangedly paranoid. That's not what paranoid means. How does paranoia even relate to what your comment or my comment said? Also how are we deranged? I have so many questions about this ignorant ass comment you just wrote. Please teach me random kid that circlejerks at \/r\/pussypassdenied It is paranoia because all you people do here is try to reinforce your idiotic beliefs that the world is so benevolent to women and that women are constantly trying to take advantage of it. So you rejoice in these \"pass\" denials. Even though no one anywhere said that she should get different treatment for being a women. When the hell did I say she got different treatment? I said to stop sugarcoating rape. Pull your head out of your ass, you sound stupid. This all coming from the one who just called everybody *else* paranoid... What am i being paranoid about exactly? Please go ahead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women deserve to be abused, I guess.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is absolutely retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As opposed to the rich, mature \"gay nigger rape\" rants spewing forth from your gaping white trash maw?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah nah cunts fucked, mate we're not here to fuck spiders those cunts could walk through a corkscrew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My auto correct makes me sound so FOB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"*our widdle feewings*\" We are certainly heading Idiocracy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well thats absolutely fuckin retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know most of those characters ... but these twats wouldn't be claiming they were 'straightwashed' if they actually **were** lesbians. Which means the characters were written straight, and these pathetic wannabes are trying to (shall we say) dikewash them. Tsk tsk. How unenlightened ... trying to force their sexuality on someone else. Next they'll be advocating conversion therapy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brett stevens is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Christine Ford look-a-like just stopped by my seat on this @AmericanAir flight and said \"I want you to know that your hat offends me as a woman \"So? I support @realDonaldTrump. How you feel about that isn't really any of my business. Surrounding passengers had my back! https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/mWreTe\/Dol_Wj_R8_Xs_AE45v_W.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the are flying a bunch out to one area they usually have a charter flight must assume this was one on his own.Plane must have been full of pricks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the hell's up with that hair? Works for me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still like their old stuff. Before Bozo became the cunt he is now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay, this is epic By facts and logic Left wing destroyed ben sHAPiRO 69 haha vERY FunnY sEx NuMBER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to love the morons who thinks he can turn White Christian America into dumbass sheet wearing cross burning card carrying members of the #JimCrowDemocrat Party. Hey Cletus, your take over over the #MAGAParty has failed. Crawl back to your rock.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another faggot lib twatter troll","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Words are not bullets. Social media posts have a body count of zero. The sole responsibility for today's horrific actions lies with one person. We will do everything in our power to work with law enforcement to see that justice is served. This person needs to be blocked from following me, @a @a needs to prove it. You were muted and still showed up. I have 18 undocumented stalkers. https:\/\/files.gab.com\/file\/files-gab\/image\/bb-5bd4d2cdc675c.jpeg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That Kenyan faggot POS is still trying to take credit for POTUS TRUMP success https:\/\/youtu.be\/DdEcQl0B3Sk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chuck Woolery Verified account @chuckwoolery 11h11 hours agoMore Nancy Pelosi Hilariously Claims Democrats Are For Securing Our Borders' https:\/\/bluntforcetruth.com\/news\/nancy-pelosi-hilariously-claims-democrats-are-for-securing-our-borders\/ BOTH !! Those two aren't mutually exclusive with Pelosi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that Muslims are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lowcountry_luv: Attack animals, last house on the left by the lake, and she got colored eyes...we should have known.! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He\/she\/it is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How magnanimous of the perjury committing, lying, memory impaired, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sure it was a classless thing to do, but if we arrested everyone for showing a lack of class the jails would be full. I don't see a crime and I think it's petty for the government to get involved because someone got their feelings hurt or wanted to show who's the boss. It wasn't just a note, the paramedics were also subject to verbal abuse. My deepest sympathies to their families in this time of great sorrow. They didn't even report it. They're probably used to fuckasses like her. The police saw it on social media and felt compelled to charge her. It was their choice. In all fairness though, if anyone deserves to not get verbally abused\/rude petty notes at work, it's EMS. I think they're trying to make an example of her so people will leave emergency workers alone. On the flip, a family member is getting into an ambulance, would you prefer the people caring for them have some pretty woman on their mind or your family member? If only the world were so black and white. So you would rather have some cunt yelling at the EMTs caring for your family member, than not? Since it missed ya, my point was that EMTs deserve it less than most other groups of people. Agree or not, I don't really care. They save lives of people who deserve it and those who might not. IDK if this lady deserves jail time, I can see a fine for sure for yelling at them, I'm too lazy to look up the laws on it over there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PrettyMillz: My car insurance is trash !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't this blaming the victim? Or can men not be victims? Men can't be victims, just like minorities can't be racist. I never understood that logic, because a white person is technically a minority in a country like China or India... You're thinking of facts. That's heresy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a straight fucking retard for advocating a violent act over a cigarette. You act like you get cancer from standing next to someone who smokes lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut their disabledthroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatred for you black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a mong to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those d i s a b l e d people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm starting to not like meek, this nig a lil to arrogant for me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck MLK @AntSoo305_: @Vonteeeeee: Why does Lexii keep favoriting my coon tweets ? MLK didnt die for this ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some Jihadi posted a bio of the #ISIS boss Mr Awad with excellent sociological info. Can't thank him\/her enough for the gift.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bumped into a bitch that filed for sexual harassment at work against a co-worker...I aint been so shook in my life","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#hillary #hillaryclinton #democrats #liberals #muslim #nancypelosi #obama #cnn #fakenews #libtards #antifa #racist #abortion #rosie #rosieodonnell #immigration #mexico #resist #maxine #maxinewaters #socialism #trump #alsharpton #chuckschumer #schumer #chriscoons #coons #joebiden #biden #berniesanders #bernie #socialism #socialist this is a retarded cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me when someone accuses me of being extreme for wanting to murder everyone in the federal govt:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I thought Jews did that? How am I pro-Jew. You're confused.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"it's designed to make everything easier\" If you're too much of a retard to memorize passwords or use cards, I don't want you in my society anyway, why would this ever be a good thing lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslms are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"News facts, all should know, revealed by Mn Rep #Bachmann, the day he was voted in by Retarded Minnesota Democrats. * what happened to her for weeks after by Commie #Huffpost when they deny everything she says, only to hear it from #Ellison himself, swearing in on Koran scum cult. * #duckgo will have all the connected links related. Shock them with reality. Ellison and scum cult #Muzhood Agent partner #Perez are #CAIR members. RUNNING THE #DNC. Seat 1 and","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The little pussy in the blue hat is what EVERY Antifa faggot looks like behind their gay little masks---scrawny, weak, virgin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you doing anything to stop the jews pushing White Genocide? Are you exposing them? Are you working inside the jewish community to stop them? Jews attack Whites collectively. Tell me how that ass tastes. She's just another kike. Slightly more subversive than most. She'll be a good lesson for many who figure there are \"good Jews\". I'd put @MadJewessWoman in the Steinlight camp. She thinks jews are moving too quickly, which is waking Whites to jewish loxism, and infinity nigger is making her living conditions less pleasant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton's black van crashed in a parking garage arriving for a Democratic fundraiser Report: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/crash-hillary-clintons-black-van-wrecks-on-way-to-dem-fundraiser\/ #LockHerUp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me as a white nigger would be fine with that. After all abortion is the best solution 25 y after birth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But it's still *part* of why she got kicked out, which is retarded. No, its why the landlord was punished, which was already carefully explained to you. the fact that you don't like that you are wrong and so have decided to glide over any facts and bull ahead with the same opinion is whats retarded. Wow you really are retarded. It's like I'm speaking a different language or something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ovomit hahahahahahha stupid half nigger total muzzie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clearly, the kid was seeing the math teacher now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"man now I wish I hadn't thrown out that former roommate's number so i could taunt her retard ass about this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"saw this on Reddit This is such a terrible boomer meme. Merkel is a communist. National Socialism fights communism. Jfc I can't. wtf?! @Booster_Bunny qtards think hitlers sperm was frozen and later used to spawn merkel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck this, I am done. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"IF YOU DOWNVOTE ME THAT MEANS I'M NOT RETARDED! CHECKMATE!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did this cunt really say this?? Fuck you liarwatha, how about you spread your legs for an entire gang of rapists to prove YOUR commitment to diversity. WTF is wrong with these people? They are giving SAVAGES the right to rape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IRA supporter if I remember right. will she go full fgm.. Why do you want to do it? LOL haha hmm. let me think on it...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@theejustinholt the redskins are doing pretty good this year ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AND is this what retarded libtards f'ing consider RAPE?? Hey, if someone knocks her teeth out they can hide at my place. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What makes you say stuff like \"these immigrants disgust me so much\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thou shall not mock Ryan(the future)Kelly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great video! Thank you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sevensixxx_ @oldirtyjesus great reply except it was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Straight-A Student, 21, kidnapped, raped and murdered by South African gang https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/straight-a-student-21-kidnapped-raped-and-murdered-by-south-african-gang\/#.W8UGpEByt_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His work was featured in NR occasionally. Until 2007, when faggot Horowitz shoahed him from Frontpage Mag for having the audacity to point out that nignogs tend to rape white girls an awful lot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" One of many.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By the time we reached Madison Park, I doubt there were even","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"winston smith, you're a fucking idiot too stupid to live, i'll get you a 6ft deep safe space where you can be an infected idiot forever, fucking stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's the same Cunt that got Spencer kicked out of a gym.https:\/\/www.thecut.com\/2017\/05\/richard-spencer-kicked-out-of-gym-following-confrontation.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey my man, All those infowars chat raids aside, I still aint' buying your pancake earth! Love ya anyways faggot. Reply is that what you call it when that sand nigger cums in (your) ass?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The bosses told us we can't call people names so from now on we will call them names but in a retarded pseudo cute way\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My dick is basically unusable due to this. The process was agressive and the scar tissue healed in a way that's basically trapped my junk in my pelvise. Because of my reaction as a baby to being cut my parents didn't do it to my brother. When he insisted his son be cut (cause cleaning himself was a bother he stated) I dragged him into a bathroom and dropped my pants. He changed his mind right there. I've talked to several women about this practice and they all come back with the same excuse \"uncut dicks look weird\". Guess how happy I would be if all it was, was \"weird\" didn't really have a choice at a few weeks old and asking women about this subject has simply been academic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @laken_heavner: What I really want is some brownies from HandR, iced latte, my boy, and a blanket w\/ movies. That sounds prettttttty amazi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude, you sound like a drug using retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aaaand he's still a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This does create a slippery slope tho , players gonna have to watch they mouth too , no tolerance for ignorance anymore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wasn't calling you a faggot, but you are one lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Battin a fag Knifin a kike we're launching a war run through maternity wards throw niglets on to the floor We build drone technology to hunt and shoot niggers I'm good long as an old gun will kill a new nigger https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/LgJg1pPNXtyk\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can't seriously believe that all immigrants are stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"can I just say that \"fearless girl\" statue is retarded? On more levels then that feminist bitch who made it understands. The bull is supposed to represent the bull stock market and rising profits, but hey a fearless female is stopping it lol. Just like they do in real life...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not working I think you can click on the word youtube next to ops name. Thanks!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"danke :) I hope in the long run the yoke is on that muzzie bastard Keith...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can I just say, as someone from Belfast who has been following the case, I don't believe this is an example of PPD. The different stories told during the trial, of which there were many, would suggest that the rugby players don't believe they were raping the girl, but that the girl fully believes she was raped. The sexual acts tread the line of consent and everyone seems to have been very drunk at the time, but I don't really believe this was a case of the girl trying to falsely accuse these men. It's just a horrible situation for all parties. The girl probably feels like justice hasn't been done, whilst the boys feel they don't deserve any of this nonsense. >I don't really believe this was a case of the girl trying to falsely accuse these men. Yeah this was a case of a girl getting drunk, consenting to sex while intoxicated, then waking up and realizing what she has done, regretted it, and told everyone it was rape, and not only that, took them to fucking court. I can see a case being made, if a girl is intentionally given drinks or lead to getting drunk, given shots etc to get as drunk as possible, to then have sex with, that could be rape and would stand in a trial. But getting drunk by yourself, because you want to, and then having sex, and afterwards crying rape, is pure **insanity**. > Consenting to sex while intoxicated I hope after you graduate high school you realize how heinous this sub is. Claims to be an adult, uses sexist epithets like a toddler. Checks outs. Uh huh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aussie rednecks. Not sure if its bogans or boggans tbh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#tikiti - rough mock for the base of what will eventually be an ashtray @ Tiki Ti http:\/\/t.co\/8zE8aqY0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#trump was definitely the right (get it, right?) choice, but his refusal of climate change is really bothersome and I'm really interested in hearing some genuine opinions on his views and what I am missing, but every time I ask I get answered in a manner which would suggest that I am somehow trying to disprove him as a whole. Trump knows about weather, Trump knows about con jobs (climate change hoax). Wake up, plenty of so called scientists will be on those sealed indictments. TV scientists are frauds. can you please elaborate with some source links that you think is proof of this hoax? this douche has no proof... just another guy who thinks climate change is a conspiracy they had a great amount of time and billions invested in that name GLOBAL WARMING, why the name change ? who gives a fuck? perhaps climate change is a more accurate and relative term. six of one, half a dozen of the other Of course you turn creepy and talk about ass spanking ... whatever dude. I'll leave you to you own devices. literal liberals get beat up on GAB, your debating skills are better suited for TWATTER they have a bunch of engineers that will pile on and help your position. anytime any day Kenton... I'm in Orange County...let's see who gets beat up thats what i thought snowflake good deflection Go back to twatter dude, gab is the land of high IQ, you will not find favor here, no JACK to protect your feeble thoughts. i don't give a fuck about my feelings and certainly not yours. you wanna get down... let's get down. Otherwise go fuck yourself and go to your mensa meetings since you consider yourself to be such an intellectual. perhaps you and your cronies can sit around and talk about how smart you are while spanking each other since you seem to into that fucking weirdo. Look at this violent liberal... ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shoot the f*cking lot and Bristol will not have a large Somalian Nigger problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eric Holder puts the cunt in gun cuntroll","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guessing they know their lifestyle is full of shit so they want to push it on others, misery loves company after all. Doesn't help that they are too retarded to understand that humans are omnivores, not herbivores. If we were purely herbivores, our digestive system would be a bit different.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I checked. Lots of Nigger girls on this show. So, why did they pair a Nigger male with a White, blue-eyed blonde? This is disgusting racism. Perhaps if they wish to be truthful, they should show the Nigger raping the Blonde, yes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Threatening to kill all disabled people will get you thrown in jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A church of faggotry would only survive one generation. Churches need members to breed. Sorta like western civilization is discovering!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how dare you compare the Great Adolf Hitler with some ridiculous nigger clown.. you must be one of those white boy nigger lovers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in an immigrant's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's funny cause you're implying that liberals are NPC's cause they react predictably, and yet, I can always find one of you retards in the comments saying \"Lol what an NPC\" with little to no variation. You're projecting, as usual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Europe is suffering from the effect of extremely unwise immigration policies. Soros had a hand in that. Is Soros suffering because of his globalist views? No. Soros has a hand in funding the caravan of people headed to illegally invade the U.S. They will have no funding to return to their home when turned away. Will Soros care? No. Thank God Trump is in office. No bets. They will be turned away. This is a planned attempt at creating a media spectacle before the midterms. Those people have allowed themselves to be used as pawns by globalists. How big a price will they pay for their bad choices? We'll see in a few days. They will nearly all be allowed in. According to Sec-state Mike Pompeo 'no one gets in, no matter what' they need to come through proper channels. First time to see that word 'wetback' on media platform. Growing up with that phrase is old school for me. Lol. Right now military called to duty.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should try supporting a family by working ten hours a day and commuting an hour each way to work so she can come home to have her husband tell her how hard it was to troll facebook on his phone all day while the kids watched TV and\/or were at school. and#x200B; and#x200B; This is my wife. I work 24 hours on and 48 hours off. She hates when I haven't been working on a project and been just sitting around relaxing. I can relate, I was a cop working 12 hour shifts alternating days and nights every month. Would get home at 6am, get woke at 930am to \"help with kids\" because she \"needed a break\". I finally said look do you want to work? You have a new car, a debit card that you don't have to check the balance, a new home, you get vacations every year, and you don't have to do anything at all but let me sleep for 6 hours when I'm on night shift. Furthermore, I'd come home for lunch on dayshift and you're drinking hot cocoa and watching daytime tv in your PJs lol. oof","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's fun seeing \"up cunts! when upvoting here. I wish it made a noise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe the correct *salutation* here is 'Hey Bitches!'. For boys it would be \"whassup 'ya beautiful bastards!\" a la Phillip deFranco. Personally I'd say 'Hey Cunts' for both, but you do need a posh English accent like mine or it sounds wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now, if I remember correctly from the muzzie invasion in Europe, which this is similar to (smaller numbers) these people are all ..(haha) doctors and lawyers right? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking faggot commiefornia #DIAF","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A long, long time in Prison, Muzzie scum bag!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dude you have no political understanding whatsoever. we don't often get a chance to expose LYING FEMINIST WHORES - and the kikes who push their destructive agenda - on a NATIONAL scale and this faggot totally failed to capitalize. he cucked and cried like a BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They're easy to offend because they always want to be offended. Also, I identify as gendernigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The leftist worthless nigger mayor of Houston must be hating today. Trump is here tonight, they had to change to a bigger venue. Because TRUMP is not a leftist. hahahhahaha. and mayor Sylvester turner is worthless","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pittsburgh Shooter Named is Nazi Robert Bowers Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews Shooter was screaming, \"All Jews must die! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, she's creepy. Also reminds me of Anthony Bourdain who chose Asia Argento who is another fucked out, tattooed, radical feminist, social justice whore with children from different men. Bourdain and Pitt are men who could get any type of woman, and they chose those two fucked out cunts. She did the trick for me. Ditto Amber Heard. They may be complete cunts but they're easy on the eye.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kick_Man: Giants- Pitiful .. Jets-Pitiful .. Mets- Pitiful .. Yankees-Pitiful .. Nets- Pitiful .. Knicks-Pitiful ... Ny sports- Pitiful","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMFBOOOOOO AY WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS? :cryingwhilelaughingemoji: @PureWhiteEvil @Vic_Mackey @RealCheddarMan @h4rdm0us @MyHonorIsLoyalty @Booster_Bunny @Alex_Linder @SpeakerOfTurth @gerbils @brockstrongballs @GadsdenGreenPill @Gesta @ImperivmEvropa @jackcorbin @Mosin-Nagant2 @TheList","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO it's not! 100% not about Roe Vs Wade. This was all about resisting Trump. Trump's legacy would be secure if he gets a SCOTUS that will slap down the 9th circuit court activist Liberal weirdos. The Minute Trump gets a Congress or a SCOTUS secured. The Liberal reign of Terror is over and Trump can begin pulling the trigger on the Swamp without some fagot commie in a robe undermining him and a retarded low IQ Senator calling for impeachment","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Evening Gizzy Evening mate, hope you are enjoying a few bottles and cans tonight Yes matey, feeling much better the last few days. Hope you're well buddy Good to hear you are having better times, you were going through shit a week or so ago. Aye things not too bad here bud ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"apparently I'm pathetic trash alright (-:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor Molly. She can't even find an overweight dyke to lick her kitty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazi faggots that I can't hang yet get muted. Join the club. Sup, Shlomo. Faggot kikes in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. #JustJewThings Kike communities exile their pedo hebes to Israel instead of sending them to prison...that's why the whole of Israel is doomed to go to faggot hell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Believing \"people\" who need a licence to own 1 simple butter-knife on anything is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm listening to Stevie Wonder just to break up the heavy metal punk shit to clear the mind.and yeah I know that nigger ain't blind .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't quote me on this because it has been some years since I've read about it (yes this shit is old). However, if I'm not mistaken, it had something to do with females(?) having higher % of being gay(?) and\/or reacting in a different manner than males(?) when it comes to advances from the same sex(?). Apparently Tynan saw this in a study somewhere and decided to use in the game. I don't know, from what I remember it was something retarded like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im telling you man! RT @KfromtheG: Roethlisberger got his record expunged and became trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Scouser = nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unfuckingbelieveable. I swear these people could get away with murder.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God they all sound like NPCs just parotting the same shit over and over. >\"Everyone advocating for GamerGate ideology or complaining about \"race changing\", \"sjw agendas\", or \"forced diversity\" in gaming is an alt-right racist and sexist. >ALL OF THEM.\" Thinking in absolutes. Welcome to the making of your own terror. Dumb cunts. >GG still exists? Maybe stop talking about it? lol >Gamergaters, incels, MGTOW's all have an immense victim complex and they genuinely believe they're under attack. AWWW LAWD. THE IRONY. \"ALT RIGHT\" \"NAZIS\" \"TRANSPHOBES\" \"HOMOPHOBES\" \"ANTI-LGBT\" etc etc The inability they have to self reflect is perplexing. GG blew up into the \"misogyny\" narrative on your side because you fuckers literally chose to act emotionally rather than understand the initial point against ZQ. GG is still talked about because you fuckers played victims. You still play victim to this day. Your whole identity is based on being a victim. Cuddle up buckaroos. ~ ResetEra probably","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cat-calling is a nigger thing. Whites don't often cat-call. White and (often Asian, too) women cannot walk the streets of a Black city without getting attention or even followed. But, media likes to pretend it's White jocks doing all the cat-calling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot Pope could be assassinated by anyone, and the people he's trying to appeal to would cheer and applaud it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is this Irish leftist cunt in Texas and why does he look like napoleon dynamite","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/archive.fo\/O9S0u I knew this potato nigger was going to be problematic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go back to posting cartoon chinks on 4chan you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus, you have to be retarded to think global warming is not real. Sure, a carbon tax is too little too late, I agree with that, but don't be a fool and think climate change does not exist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racism rears its ugly head yet again! I checked. The majority of the girls are White blondes. The network recognises that beauty sells, and we are indeed the standard of racial beauty. Anything to get those ratings up. Now, who wants to bet the non-White races will be screaming 'muh racism!' If they do, they will admit to our racial superiority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saudi Arabia is an amazing purchaser, Trump said. Defense stocks are pummeled right now are they not? Need that sale, goy. \"Watch out, Redneck Zionist coming through.\" https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=O_ypaOIVmaA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PurelyFootball: Well done to @kimabakken who correctly answered Almeria. 26 yellow, and 1 red card so far this season.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The internet never forgives, the internet never forgets. We're here for Genna and we will get justice served to that salty cunt. What's with idiots posting videos and pictures of them abusing their animals and thinking 4chan won't kick their shit in? Because I remember a dude posting himself abusing his dog and dude who posted himself abusing his cats. What happened? 4chan hunted their asses down and let everybody in their towns know what they were doing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, now we know that Pantifa is insensitive to the Muzzie plight. That or the Soros $$$ hasn't added in that stipulation yet. C'mon ole Scrotum Troll, with all those billions you can at least afford a promotional consensus checker. Ya got an ass hump just to keep up with the Trump. Ahh hahahaha, loser.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Nazi cunt just shot up a synagoge in my home town. When shitlibs ask me why I carry, it's because of fascist scum like this. #SynagogueShooter","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good thing you ain't in charge! Or else free speech wouldn't be a thing for Gab. As for suckin' y'all's dicks? Yeah no thanks. Y'all ain't my type. But please! Invite more people over. I'd love to have some more laughs. muting because you cant dominate a debate are the actions that speak louder than words. Part of the price of freedom, is that others freedoms are not in your control. Maybe you should leave gab if your feelings are too fragile? Why would you want anybody's freedom of speech to be taken away on Gab? How can you use Gab and not believe in freedom of speech? I'd settle for banning all Canadians from GAB. EVERYONE knows the the biggest homophobe's are really the biggest closet-case's. EVERYONE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's socially retarded, she'd go to lectures then come home and lock herself in her room","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisJihadi. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So all you little fuckers that want to blame boomers for your light in life hunt this nigger down and take your $$$ back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As one who has had first hand experience with a mudshark ex-wife, I can safely say that no white man wants her, especially after her criminal nigger spawn was born. The nigger was the one who shot and killed that Amish family's horse in Lancaster county, PA a few years ago. Was she mudsharking before marriage too? is this the guy who mudsharked your wife? Ok dude. I get you now. From humble beginnings but she was always mudshark dirty skank gutter whore before you two hooked up and when you tried to elevate her social standing with marriage she went straight on down to the kerb a soon as you were out of town - many young in the forces share the same ole story with the same ole Perf","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No more Q quotes. That larping faggot needs to be erased from history. TRUST SESSIONS HURRRR","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"did he? Are you sure it wasn't for you, and being the retarded kike worshiping deviant that you are, you got the message wrong?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded Democrats will believe anything as they are all gulible morons to the RACIST LYING Jew news!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"im voting for JOHN JAMES for michigan senate you fuckin retarded dems!!! how did that whole white nationalist propaganda work out for ya? how many millions if not billions were wasted on ya bullshit attempt to make my movement look racist, muhahahahhahahaaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Would've been funny to see what would happen if his interview was before the game was over At this point, I think more people in America would be interested in watching the Trump interview than the stupid take a knee retarded game.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/alissanutting\/status\/986011656626098177 More like pussy pass accepted. The amount of supporters and man-haters there is astounding. God one of those commenters. Someone points out their dentist hires people that fit well with the team, which includes women and her fucking response is \"Do they all get the same pay and opportunities?\" It's just fucking never good enough for these people. Chicken or the egg?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If anyone has an alcohol problem it's Maxine Waters . Usually people who are alcoholics they have temper problems and Maxine Waters has temper issues towards White Males . https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/DSouzaDinesh\/posts\/2453868537973120","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well jews did kill his son and gift to the world. I can imagine he could give a fuck less about a people that directly reject his forgiveness and salvation. Jesus himself, as well as all of his apostles and his mother Mary, were all Jewish. And the Old Testament declares Jews the people of God. The Pharisees saw Jesus as a threat and called upon the ruling Roman force to enforce. It was because of the Jewish leadership at the time that he was put tortured and put to death. The jewish faith is a direct denial of Christ being the savior. Lol enjoy hell you fake Christian You have no idea who you are taking too Someone with limited English skills who loves Satan? Woah there backthatNASup! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DariusJulion: that movie was trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone calls me \"b\" they be like oh wassup b and I be like wassup my niggah","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can I say \" Fuck that faggot with a hay rake sideways twice. \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Megyn's probably chewing her cunt lips now in regret for Trump assassination during the debate. She could be riding the Tucker Carlson Train all the way to the top rating.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The crazy nigger beat up women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll quote the great Mark Fuhrman Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That pussy is way too old to try for a pass. *Anywhere else and people would freak, but being completely honest...* I *really* hate old people Waiting in line at a register behind an old lady? Good luck staying sane while she tries to make small chat about grandkids instead of writing her check out. Yes, check, which she will take forever to write out. Then she will take forever checking every single bag to make sure everything is there because she wasn't paying attention while it was being bagged. Then she'll take forever to move the bags and her check book so the next person can pay for their groceries. Meanwhile, young entitled morons who think the world revolves around them can't spell brakes correctly. meh, i find young people to be generally kind and on the ball. way more old cunts out there. if you honestly think people are more selfish and moronic than they were in the past, you're greatly mistaken.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am not surprised the idea was bullshit. It came from a disabled person after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will continue to refer to it as \"little shit\" tyvm. I've always liked \"crumb snatcher\" myself. I prefer \"overcooked zygote\" \"Over ripe fetus\" Crotch fruit Or crotch goblins Semen demon Drape Ape That'd make a great name for a rock band. Metastasized cum shot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This guy is a half wit affirmative action hire. What the FUCK can this retard \"teach anyone? My guess is this asshole will be in jail within 2 years for his no impulse control low intelligence ass He really is drool stupid. I can't believe a school pays this dope...wow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that gay people are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no you kike faggot, your score was below avg until you opened up your racist cockholster and started slamming white people so eat shit and die you fucking crybaby yid bitch faggot! at least I knew who my dad was, you inbred mouth breathing nigger fucker. what kind of faggot parents name their bastard Milton? I mean, Milton? Too many Simpson episodes in your section 8 housing units i'm guessing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KristynEdwards why were there penguins and a bird in the puppy bowl???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly Sir- \"But my misogyny!!\" Got the right to vote in 1919 along with males that didn't own land but the males got the draft and bucket brigade duty and women got....the vote. Rights without responsibility, that's what women got. But that isn't enough, they want the right to tell everyone else how to live and fuk you you scum if you oppose them. Just like black oppression, as long as feminism keeps saying women are oppressed, this mindset won't stop. I'm Mexican.. my people are literally doing my yard work for $3 an hour for all I know. THAT... is oppression, not the MILF next door fucking my neighbor when her husband is at work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? I'd only go there to live once the Kurds are given their own Homeland. They would give refuge to Yazidis and a few other good tribes and they are naturally good people. We should nuke all the rest and let them inherit that part of the Earth. They are Semites, which is why I only ridicule anyone who calls me an antisemite... fucking ignorant fools know nothing! Antisemite almost always means anti-Jew. No-one says \"I'm an antisemite. I hate Jews....oh yes, and a few other Semitic tribes too\" lol Incorrect. You are again as ignorant as shit. Look up Semites cunt and weep! I know about Semites you gormless oaf. The word antisemitism is almost exclusively applied to Jew hatred. Who hates other Semite tribes ffs? israelis hate semite tribes The Queen is a MUslim now folks. Bet he has a YouTube video to prove it too. They always have YouTube videos lol Wow? #if that's true You guys need to fight now Before you're rounded up and beheaded I #sure #Hope that's just a rumour... If it's that bad I'll have to put the meat cleaver in my laptop case to behead them first! Sorry to but in but what are you referring to? That the Queen is a Muslim Jan. Never in my 53 years did I think I would ever write that lol WHAT??? I'm literally ROFL laughing at that one Same here Jan. It was started by some Islamic \"scholar\" in the Middle East I believe. The same scholars who preach the Earth doesn't rotate. There's your first clue lol Ahhh makes sense now Johann I don't think she is Muslim but there's definitely something going on with her It'll Be Worse With Big Ears And Shoddy on The Throne, He's A Muslim Lover.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHO IS GOING TO DO THE 'KICKING' YOU, FAGGOT ERIC HOLDER??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CuffyMeh: So you're saying they were paid. https:\/\/t.co\/WleZ7zDQks Just ignores the photo evidence of payments to protesters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wanna hear some language?? how about this one \"Die Nigger Die!!\" LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It does work. It just sounds retarded because antifa came up with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Revolting Witch reminds us how fortunate we are to have Pres. Trump 3 am Calls Huma would be answering those with the Muzzie Sisterhood response. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/uploadfiles.io\/3risd Here's my meme folder please use to btfo retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a faggot is also a meatball in gravy over here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fredo was a bitch ass nigga. How niggas fire over 20 shots at his pops but he didn't get off 1 cuz he dropped the gun smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I failed one little test and my mom got scared and said, \"You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Alaska.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @kyle_park: \"You've got to have smelt a lot of manure before you can sing like a hillbilly.\" #HankWilliams http:\/\/t.co\/XKwON1L0nB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a @support I have been spammed with deeply disturbing images. Freedom should not be confused with license. Other mainstream platforms technically ban porn, so it's not as though it is unheard of an oppressive. I'm not opposed to seeing hot guys, girls. But graphic adult content should not be permitted. Please consider a ban. I like the Nazi porn here on GAB. Beautiful White girls wearing clothes, frequently their own country's traditional dress. The Third Reich was incredibly photogenic. Of the thousands of photos of AH in existence hardly any of them are bad pictures. There are photos of him in a bad way but even those are powerful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@IamShady_ that's not even a real word! Must have hit a blunt and started making up shit with your nigger ass lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Last night Barack Obama said that its a brand new thing to have politicians who lie. The irony here is off the charts. Below is a direct actual quote from Barack Obama last night. Source of quote.. https:\/\/www.apnews.com\/06ec76cf0cf14a4fa0cc5aeefdf7ba82 It sounds like you disapprove. Lol I'll sign it for ya... dunno how much good it'll do for you, tho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Getting sick of seeing that Lindsey Graham protester video set to nigger music. Good way to ruin it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some stupid cunt mailed bombs to Obama, Hillary and a bunch of leftish media. Then some other stupid cunt thought that combining it with a stale old meme would get them some karma.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@djfeds suck my dick tacos el negro better","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I woke up as a trans person, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're pretty stupid if you think censoring people further and pushing them into echo chambers is going to help the situation. do you also support censoring all muslims because their holy books inspire terrorism? It's foolish idiots like yourself who make the problem worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Peyton Manning's remarkable season: 5,477 Pass yds (NFL record) 55 Pass TD (NFL record) 450 completions likely ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Trumptards don't cry they regroup and arm up. As a \"trumptard I will gladly become a two time \"trumptard . MAGA! A maga profile with Lol I still love you and want the best for you despite our differing opinion. This is the true difference between you and I my misguided son. >says misguided >revoting for a piece of shit israeli shill that has met 0 campaign promises lol....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger Puppet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People get more and more retarded everyday","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im tired of all these nigger jokes. I have a nigger in my family tree and hes still hangin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, that's some fairy gay faggot shit there. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats Today The Supreme Court is illegitimate The Senate must be dismantled The Electoral College must be destroyed ALSO: Pres. Trump undermines our Republic Spray the whole crowd with concentrated ghost chili oil in aerosol form and watch the fun. Not all Dems are like that and there are plenty of the GOP that think Trump is a bad president. I am not a member of either party but I think President Trump has done a few things right and many things wrong. I have an ber dictum I live by: \"I Pledge Allegiance To The FLAG - not some guy in a suit . Trump does not get a free pass from me. That said, the crowd in that picture gets a pepper oil smackdown. So does Portland antifa. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to swear allegiance to the USA and the Constitution there of? After all, a flag is just cloth. \"The flag is just a piece of cloth . Fuck you, buddy. My Brothers and I fought, and some died, for that \"piece of cloth . Asshole. #GabFam #GabVets What a spineless cuck... \"The flag is just a cloth\" \"The anthem is just a shitty song about violence.\" \"The constitution is just an outdated piece of paper.\" Context, bud. Context.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol. What a clown. She's beyond fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SuicidalSasquatch What up nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling gay people disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly gay people are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a despicable act. Like killing a person but refusing to let them die. Torturous. Women should experience the same feeling, but still with the promise of returning to their old life when they get out... :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is her vocabulary even qualify her to be an MD? She sounds like an angry cunt who had a breast reduction so that everything that touches them hurts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are you posting pics of a prairie kike in a Norse paganism group? If you're not a subversive, you're choice of aesthetic is questionable to put it mildly. Fuck you Troth breaker. And I'm really assuming you're white when I use that insult. You're probably a Wiccatru faggot or some halfbreed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't really care if a fighters black, white, yellow or Dalmatian. If he is good he is good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These Muslims disgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@taylorswift13 has notably strayed away from politics throughout her career, but she broke that silence on Sunday writing on @instagram that she'll be supporting Tennessee Democrats this November. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/3zMX3Zm.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/TnfP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boyfriend sounds like a bitch. you sound like an uninformed, ignorant faggot who doesnt read articles and goes straight to opinion. fuckn moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ball dont lie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you women make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The introduction of needless, contrived complexity, creating a vast machine of complex moving parts to carry out tasks that would be far better served via honest and straightforward simplicity: is it any wonder that Rube Goldberg was a jew?\" ~ Anonymous","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are saying something retarded, fox's tagline was literally \"fair and balanced\" until June of 2017 edited to comply with rule 1 Please follow rule 1 of our code of conduct. >**Attack arguments, not people.** >This isn't hard, people. \"Fuck off, retard\" isn't an argument. Neither is \"Kill yourself, faggot\". If you think someone is a shill, sjw, what-have-you... ignore them or argue the points. Calling them names isn't helping the discussion. so am i not allowed to use the word retard or what? > As it says, attack the argument, not the person making it. Technically, \"you are saying something retarded\" *is* attacking the argument. (Attacking the person would be: \"you are a retard\".)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bring back the frog you #Tactical #Cucking FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy Robinson was photographed with a group of young soldiers during a chance meeting at a motorway service station. These lads have now had their phones seized and are being \"investigated\" by the British Army who buckled under pressure from muslims. I am pretty close to breaking point - this is an outrage and it is clearly being made into an issue by our enemies. Please, if you feel angry about this or simply want to show support for our troops over the spineless middle class who can wet themselves when muslims complain. Please sign here - www.StandWithOurLads.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"News: house nigger who knowingly lied for his neocon massa and destabilized an entire region at the behest of ARE GREATEST ALLY, dragged us into a multinational endless pointless war that has killed and maimed tens of thousands of Americans for absolutely nothing . . . thinks current President is immoral. Ok then. What a Jew Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then Zerah the Cushite came against them with an army of one million men and 300 chariots. They came as far as Mare http:\/\/t.co\/LpbeB04j4r","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jessicacassell1 find a new hillbilly!! #spiritweek!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God hates you if you are cruel to animals. Define cruel.' We (humans) are God's most precious creation. That's why you see a dead dog on the side of the road you keep driving. But a person? You'll stop every time to see if they're okay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hoping this clown NIGGER Racist runs for president of the NIGGER States of America,it will cause the biggest white wave in history, and bring about a call for extermination of every white ass sucking liberal socialist pig in America, WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE UR RACE is Under ATTACK, just wait and see I garantee you'll be a victim of these white erasing militant RACISTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are ther so many faggot right wing assholes on here With no sense of humor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Interesting! You've been using Gab longer than I and have a few 100 up votes. I have nearly 20,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mafenske I didn't mock anything! Was asked I believed in Noah's arc and said no, how is that mocking any religion? Opinion that's all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JJ can say men aren't second class citizens all she wants but the facts are that's how we are treated. and#x200B; Solution: don't get married and don't knock up cunts. And then they get it back in taxes, alimony, and child support. 80% of global spending is controlled by women. That means they get 100% of what they earn and then spend 64% of what men earn. Further, women represent a net loss in tax revenue because the government spends more on women than women pay in. That cost is passed directly on to men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really super that were at a stage of the game where faggot men can physically attack women and the cops don't want to mess with it. It's really odd how the group that pretends to be all about girl power and protecting women suddenly stop doing that if you don't agree with them. \"A police car arrived, five to ten minutes later. The policemen rolled down their window but did not exit their vehicle. I approached them and told them I was just assaulted and explained the situation. I showed them the video. They replied, \"What do you want us to do about it? . https:\/\/www.lifesitenews.com\/opinion\/im-a-pro-life-woman.-this-man-just-round-kicked-me-in-public-for-my-beliefs I got a pussy pass though. TBH- the right (as much as we're all about trad and gender roles) need to start using the lefts tactics. The right tries to play a fair game against people who only know how to cheat and it's fucking us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can all go fuck yourselves. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those Muslims will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lock women up at home . Female are just to stupid to understand anything . Iam Agnostic .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy is promoting Col Richard Kemp the son of Israel who commanded our troops to slaughter the christian whites to protect the dirty fcking muslims in Bosnia - you need to check whose who. Dont take my word for it do your homework. Our soldiers arw being used by these cunts and Tommeh is surrounded by zio shills including Levant. Wake up I think you're looking into this post a little bit to much, it's about young lads and a photo and our British establishment pandering to a known terrorist supporting Muslim council we all know the Jews want to own the world and people in it me I'm tackling Muslims raping terrorist gangs and appeasing governments Jews brought muzrats here and fougjt for their rights through Abe Foxman on ADL they are the media that slaughters Robinson then their brethen support him - its called a puppet show - who ate all the sausages Mr Crock. You take time to pen the trurh about Robinson and zionism and tgis is tge fcking retarded condescending response you get","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) I love the word \"magnanimous , btw. Great vocab. I feel left out. I want a strait pride parade...or a strait pride day. But then again, none of us strait folk announce where we stick our penis or where we allow a penis to enter our vagina. It just isn't the most important aspect of our lives. We eat, we shit, we pee, we have sex...those are normal functions of every day life. When you exalt any one of those above the rest of your life? You just might be insane. Every straight couple you see in public, every straight couple you see in movies or on tv or in ads, every scantily clad model you see... they're announcing their heterosexuality as much as I am.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' If this ugly ass niggah can be with her , I can too . Tf she with Chuu Baka for anyways this niggah look like a... http:\/\/t.co\/lVNDRDPpQT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"(con't) Also provide colored stickers to place on the nametags so that members can indicate their preferred pronouns.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where all da white women at? Whites got roles in Blazing Saddles. Oh Wait, you think Whites need to sit in the back of the Bus don't you? Black Lives Matter. Black Supremacy and all that right? It's twu.. ITS TWU Fuck BLM. I ain't that. 100% white and damn proud of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only machine she should be raging against is the refrigerator.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sweetakin Only rich white liberals know what's best for black people. If they don't see that, they're obviously Uncle Toms.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've pretty much eaten an entire box of my nephew's cheese nips. I only feel bad a little.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/university-of-utah-student-killed-outside-dorm-identified-gunman-found-dead https:\/\/heavy.com\/news\/2018\/10\/university-of-utah-shooting-u-active-shooter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With Roseanne it was too. Faking conservatism to try to \"back door liberal values. She went back to full feminist retard after the comment debacle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HEY EVERYONE! We're not racist! This nigger agrees with us! We're not racist!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.mediaite.com\/trump\/jewish-leaders-to-trump-you-are-not-welcome-in-pittsburgh-until-you-fully-denounce-white-nationalism\/ The issue here is that Trump has denounced White Nationalism, the problem is that when he did no one was listening because the remarks did not fit the #MSM narrative You know as a liberal you are not suppose to use the word retard right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All da white folk off twitter yet? Da colored tweet at night while y'all sleep cuz you gotta woyke tomorrow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your girlfriend is a dumb fucking cunt, and you need to tell her this right now. She's trying to control you in the most fucked up way possible. You will get snipped and she will bail. Call her a cunt and walk, my dude. Show her who's in charge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the shit libs are the real racists? fucking retard boomers are beginning to ruin this site","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Roman #CatholicChurch founded America per scripture\/lprophecy 2B the 2ND Beast of Revelation that forces all nation's to take on the mark of the 1st Beast (Rome)! Race has nothing 2do with it and no such thing as race either. Morals and Character are the only thing that matters! I think that might be a step up for this twaddle burger? .This asshole >@Escoffier<--- is a #CoinTelPro POS who posts stupid irrelevant left\/right political bullshit 24x7 along with \"white is right\" satanic chatter. He is a crackling thorn under a caldron burning in the fire. Anyone who thinks they're \"cool\" and they enjoy his inane rhetoric, you're one sorry excuse for a human being. HAHAHA!!! You dumbass hebe! HAHAHA!!! You are just ridiculous! Lame hymie!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can they do anything if I am stomping on their throats?! How can they report me if they don't even know who I am?! Destroy these cunts!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I already posted this here more than 4 hours ago. Yeah and I post it about 10 days ago In this sub? Show me some proof, please. Ah yeah, they did. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/PublicFreakout\/comments\/7uorfs\/woman_smashes_up_taco_bell_promptly_gets_tased\/ IN THIS SUB, NO. Moron. Learn how to read. Lol calm the fuck down dude. You need a hobby or some therapy if you take a mistake about a subreddit that intensely. Ok, bud. If this is your hill to die on make sure you keep an eye on your blood pressure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WATCH: Another Abortion Activist Assaults a Pro-Life Woman, Hitting Her With a Metal Clamp https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-another-abortion-activist-assaults-a-pro-life-woman-hitting-her-with-a-metal-clamp\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I keep running under trees or when birds fly to avoid their, erm, being targeted by their lack of a digestive system.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Hill, a site of liberal faggots, is missing one point. In the usual out of place question, during the press conference in Florida, rather than ask Hurricane Relief questions, one cunt asked him about Pocahontas. Before I provide his comment, remember the treachery of feinstein and schumer, in arranging bogus charges to sully the heretofore rock solid reputation of Judge Kavanaugh, having many organizations previously supporting him pull their support. I suspect that if Pocahontas' complete DNA was examined, it'd be discovered she's part German Shepherd, part Beagle, part Dachshund, and part Mexican Chihuahua, with a little Indian. The point is, for $1,000,000 - I'll get a DNA test avowing I'm Pocahontas' twin. She could have had anyone tested, and as to lie detectors and DNA lab technicians, the democrats, unsupervised, can get someone to say just about anything. Trump said in order to fulfill his promise, he'd have to test her, not her have herself tested. And he also laughed about the tiny amount attributed to being an Indian. I had the test recently, I'm You mean \"a site of maggot jews\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Justin Trudeau was in Toronto on Tuesday night warning the next election would be nasty, but he wouldn't be part of it. -- By Wednesday afternoon Trudeau was calling Conservative MP Lisa Raitt and her colleagues ambulance chasers.\" #trudeau #cdnpoli #election2019 #canada #canadianpolitics https:\/\/t.co\/GcQZG8314O Based on recent polls, you may be right. Bernier already has over 20,000 members and $338,000 raised. The CPC has their work cut out for them. Either way, the Liberals will try to ensure a win by compromising election integrity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @cigarsNscotch: What's black and yellow and not going to win this year? WRONG! The answer is Tiger Woods.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NNN is pretty dumb, but then trying to equate that to misogyny is just going full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">\"We are hopeful this order will demonstrate how seriously we take anti-social behaviour and discourage the offender from acting the same way again.\" hitler didnt even need to invade the uk.. just to wait a bit till they are ready to join the nazi party.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"scary pussyhat sucks sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course they are stupid. They are black people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reminder : Hillary Clinton was part of an organized scheme with the Obama administration to rig the 2016 election, using fabricated evidence to destroy innocent American citizens along the way. It's the greatest crime in US history. https:\/\/redd.it\/9mtl1s be careful Brother. you will have to STAND IN LINE I THINK LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? See, if you actually came with a legit argument, like being gay is a chemical imbalance in the brain, I could tolerate you. Gay genes? Nope, not so much. To keep harping on such ignorance isn't helping your cause. You may want to do some research and get back to me. Until then, feel free to fuck off Pixie the Gay Genes was a typo! Bill wears his skinny jeans while trolling for trouser trout at local state parks. Bill is all about reading between his blurred, and delusional, lines ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember that day in band camp, 40 years ago, when #Kavanaugh had a few too many drinks?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A half nigger liar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop trying to \"white-ball\" Blks. Your sodomite luving queer, wealthy, rich Anglo adults with power can't get enough of Blk Dominatrix, BlkMales plugging them. Do Us Like U Do iZrael? Just another dumb nigger showing off his 68 IQ points.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure they will have a sister of a black homosexual who killed himself, who will claim her dear brother killed himself, because Kav called him a nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Thomas_Wictor So the fun new conspiracy theory making the rounds is that both President's Bush and Obama knew where OBL was all along - hiding in Iran - and said nothing while we lost soldiers looking for him in Afghansistan. People are fucking retarded. https:\/\/twitter.com\/drawandstrike\/status\/1053774119630766080 People are fucking retarded to think that 15 Saudis hijacked planes and flew them into buildings and we attacked Afghanistan! Not Saudi! GHWB, GWB, are GLOBALIST BULLSHIT ARTISTS.. We got bombed by Japan at Pearl Harbor, and then we bombed JAPAN!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yea its 100% about the character being male, not that walking simulators lack any kind of gameplay whatsoever, have nothing engaging going for them, have lifeless worlds and no real story that you couldn't easily find in the pages of Dolly magazine Had rockstar actually made the lead female and had the same kind of story RDR or GTA is known for it could easily have sold just as many copies... Well maybe not as the second the games press even hears something that might remotely resemble a vagina they start screaming like chimps and turn people off more often than they help sell a game","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Pointdexter: Charlie Sheen gets it http:\/\/t.co\/DKk6YjTJfU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While you were ranting and raving- Bill Cosby, America's Nigger Dad WENT TO PRISON! Hahahahaahahaha aaahahahahhaahahaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Lady_BlahBlah: furrybah *in my PayPay voice* RT @80sbaby4life: The hoes are for EVERYBODY my nigga!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need a real solution to the nigger problem, not unrealistic things that will never happen like \"Send them back to Africa\" or \"Kill them all.\" What if every country that took foreign aid from the US had to take 1,000 niggers for every 100,000,000 in aid? We'd have to pay the niggers too but it would cost a lot less than paying for their whole lives from niglethood, through incarceration, medical care and everything else","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In 1971, Muslims murdered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's to raise awareness for the health, well being and stability of men. For prostate cancer and to ensure guys are taking care of themselves and being nourished. This fucking cunt would of course try to warp the narrative into thinking its about hating women, fucking hell I cant roll my eyes back any further","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's pretty well-known for being volatile (unlike her sister, who I don't recall ever being this controversial). Screaming at and berating the ref for doing his job (and who is apparently well-known himself for being tough) shows an astonishing lack of class. She was acting like a selfish brat and ruined the actual winner's big moment by being such a twat. I'm appalled anyone is defending her behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My pet AllahMo told me that her friend in the next sty was raped by a filthy Muslim b*st*rd. As a result she had one disgusting, ugly filthy, retarded piglet. Her friend is ashamed that that piglet went on to become the Mayor of London and called himself KHAN. She named him Pork Moham, after his father. AllahMo is the one with the spots. Coming to a Mosque near you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Expel his muzzie sick ass, TO THE CURB.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Is she really just some hipster welfare case, and everyone that bleeds money to her is in on it? About half 'n half, none of her projects have actually been completed and she constantly spends the money that's supposed to be for those projects on vacations 'n shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paul Joseph Watson Went Full Retard About Alt-Right","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am under no illusions. If the Godless jackasses responsible for this latest attack on Gab were fully in charge of our nation they'd be force feeding me a bullet just for expressing my less than sycophantic opinion about their bullshit. As would all of you. #JustSaying All lefties are FACTUALLY Hateful BIGOTS! but they do not understand what an actual FACT is! Lefties are commies, they are just too brainwashed retarded to realize this! This is how the inverted Orwellian World works. Just like the askeNAZI Jew, the lefty will project who they are by what they say. They are full of Hate! The inversion is how the Matrix works! Orwell was exactly right!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All jews are gay creatures just like you. Hope Russia removes gay israel from the globe and make soap from you faggot creatures","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, they are people, like the rest of the world. It's only when you try and act like you're above all other people based on some meaningless surface trait that you end up with these SJW, movement, voice for change types who are just self absorbed pricks. The problem is, now, media and corporations want to cater to them. You also have to think about the current political climate and the way it might come across to people who don't know you very well. I've got a friend who dyes their hair all kinds of colors. They get assumed to be a modern feminist all the time, but they don't follow that mindset at all. It sucks, I know. But stuff like that does happen just based on the current political climate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you find out he has a girlfriend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a horrible twat that woman is. The embodiment of trough-snuffling Common Purpose filth. A carpet munchers with a furry tongue Cressida Dick the only thing missing from her - apart from a brain ! Proves women should stick to womens jobs !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So sick of being around black people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is just getting fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt protects Muslim paedophile gangs likes Antifa and calls me paedo protector. Yeah retard that is it Antifa support paedophilic Muslims, you support em so that makes ya a bunch of paedo lovers, i don't normally repeat myself but you're obviously very mentally challenged so it appears the only way to even stand a chance of making you understand how people see you as a kid raping cult lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Fant4stic63: Can kids say much when their parents pay for everything? RT @Andrea_Michele: If he paying every bill, I can't complain abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next M u s l i m I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@brianabrazilian oh... my phone is some trash! but you knew that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Ackshually it requires a stool sample! Good thing all that shit keeps flying out of her mouth then.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep. Apparently it wasn't \"woke\" enough. They were like: \"Welp, we erased the timeline bullshit (cuz Terminator wasn't already full of time traveling paradoxes) and we got Sarah Connor saving Kyle Reese (girl powah!). We got rid of John Connor's \"toxic masculinity\" and turned him into a bad guy, huehuehue! OH SHIT! WE FORGOT! The good Terminator is still a hwite man! OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT, QUICKLY! REBOOT IT AGAIN WITH AN ADROGYNOUS MAN-LADY-NON-BINARY PERSON TERMINATOR! Genius!\" Because rebooting the reboot in less than 4 years totally makes sense. Oh, and because it's still not ridiculous enough, let's get a 62 years old woman to shoot guns and save the world. Cuz 62 years old grannies are well known to be action heroes because we just can't not go full ~~retard~~\"woke\"... > Cuz 62 years old grannies are well known to be action heroes because we just can't not go full retard\"woke\"... [Ahem!](https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0094077\/)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Carl \"It Depends On The Child\" Benjamin (@sargonofakkad100) agrees with @a's stance against loli despite admitting its protected under free speech in US because its...reasonable? And because of the \"current climate\". Yeah, these aren't valid arguments. You are advocating for the ban of something because you don't like it and find it gross while allowing other things some people will dislike\/find gross. This is getting really absurd and everytime Gab doubles down on this they just look worse. I still stand by my argument that it should all be allowed as long as its behind a NSFW filter with an accurate text description. However to do this Gab would need to fix an issue because the NSFW filter hides the text AND the image instead of just hiding the image. https:\/\/youtu.be\/10AVjYeDvhU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DEREK JETER clap clap clapclapclap #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical que3r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"San Francisco to vote on taxing rich businesses for the homeless https:\/\/www.foxbusiness.com\/features\/san-francisco-to-vote-on-taxing-rich-businesses-for-the-homeless #JobsReport #Layoffs #CA #Laws #Regulations #Reg #Tax #Taxes #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Jobs #Economy #Hiring #Trump #Business #Fox #Job News - http:\/\/www.dailyjobcuts.com -","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White cop chases down a lazy criminal neger and tases him. Dat popo can run son. @emilyanderson https:\/\/youtu.be\/J0Yqd-BQ0qI Nigger electrified with anger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol I'm saying Trump walked away first.. That faggot just put a label on it, he wasnt the beginning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All of a sudden this traitorous deep state Zionist faggot (who is pals with ISIS) is a hero to conservatards. Lindsey is scum. He likes Kavanaugh because Kav is a Patriot Act kind of guy. The kind of guy who will support the CIAs worst excesses. Fuck that queer. Now I'm not saying send him a campaign donation, but can you not be a faggot when he points out the communist jews hate white people? he's a politician, jew money is leaving the republican party, why promote the party the jews are heading over to? 95% of jewish money went to obama re-election campaign, cool story though. Not sure how that helps your argument about dems being less kiked than gop And Israelis support Trump over Obama by an overwhelming margin. The GOP is more kiked than the Dems when it comes to Israel. That's funny, that spic bernie fan got beaten down pretty fast for denying israel. Republican voters are less kiked, trump is making dem kikes more openly antiwhite which is accelerationist without letting the party who gets way more jew money in power. Do you want to get exterminated in an american bolshevik revolution or what? why give the jews more power?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Colorado faggot #Politics #Trannies In #School No #Parental #Notification https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/Axsdu7HaCJet\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze will convince u that is a lame, you, a nigger liver believes it cuz you a nigger whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's not actually how it works. #WuvDaScience","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally,, Hot Water Heater in the Kitchen,, insulated lines. vs The retarded nonsense standard, in the basement ~ to out in the garage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This sub is fucking gross now incel insults are over saturating the market. quit being a lazy twat, replace that dogs cunt for brain, and try again. we thrive on salt of the hurt, it sustains us. i take what i said earlier back. please dont leave. our jobs here modding this sub is to mine the salt. i take pride in my work. edit oh yeah. obligitory \"everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi\/incel\/racist\/sexist\/transphobe like i said, be original.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now if we're gonna say propaganda colors the way society views us as men, then the same must hold true in reverse. There actuality are legitimate gripes buried within the mountains of the sexism which persists within feminism. Same with our homosexual MGTOW friends. I mean MGTOW? These words taken literally defines being gay to me. edgy stuff, mate >posting shit online >telling people who respond that you don't care Your way is called sociopathy. I never posted anywhere online that expected anyone to agree with me. It's not my fault you pussies can't string together an argument, or insult, or wtf ever that was supposed to be that's actually based on reality. > Just let me put words in your mouth, try to make you defend them, then call you crazy if you decline. You're a bigger feminist than anyone on the left. harsh but fair","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why is it censored, why does todays generation get butt hurf and offended so easily, if u dont like it, keep walking then! this use to be a free country but its going down the toilet now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember back when nobody used to be able to read and write except the clergy? And that obviously only drew the elite of European men? What a coincidence that this meant being bound to celibacy and not allowed to reproduce, wouldn't you say? Well that was in the west whilst in the east with the Orthodox church you had everyone being theologians and even the Priest could have kids . That saiddd maybe that is why the Latin Rite had them destroyed .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go fuck yourself quick history lesson for you hilter modelled his movement on the Italian fascista movement Mussolini was a leftist just like hitler national socialist were leftist the key is in the name so all you nazi's are by default leftists have a shitday cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumpster RT @baskgod: Gahbage RT @_sirhampton_: Chicks that smoke are trash. No in between. No debate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tweebest clam it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope this bitch gets fist fucked so much that when she gets out her cunt sounds like wind blowing over a coke bottle the next time she farts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MaxAbrahms: When Americans claim #ISIS is just a \"local threat,\" reply: You mean just to Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Leb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* Brazil has a huge election this weekend which the \"Brazilian Trump\" Jair Bolsonaro is expected to win. Is he really a right-wing authoritarian and a threat to the world as the left claims, or is he a populist champion? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5IeZztlJwvw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rotherdam #RapeJihad coverup: young girls sacrificed on altar of political correctness in favor pf paki pedo gangs http:\/\/t.co\/RDgyG6GURv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this libshit crone gets back on the tweeter after death threats? Jack is a faggot he hasn't learned shit...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@Yankees: Down 6-1, #Yankees look to rally in the bottom of the 9th.\" #RALLYCAP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> why should free speech protect Nazis advocating genocide? Except it doesn't. It's illegal to incite violence and it's not protected under free speech. The problem is, you believe that anyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi and are expanding the definition of violence so broadly so you can say that someone saying something you don't like is \"violence\". That's what people are not agreeing with, not that calling for a group's death should be legal. Nazi speech is protected unless it's likely to cause imminent lawless action. Calling for an illegal action (say genocide) at sometime in the future does not meet the incitement exception, especially since it's not likely to ever happen. Is it? In Italy we have a thing called \"Crime apology\", which says it is a crime to glorify a crime like murder or genocide, even if it isn't likely to cause imminent actions. So, here it's illegal to say \"hey, I hope someone comes and murders all the Jews again because the last one didn't really finish the job\". That's one retarded law. Yeah, you are very lucky to have free speech in your country so that you can express your enlightening opinions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok Republicans are Retards! This man is no different than Kommie Kate Bisexual Brown! You should have voted Sam Carpenter, for God's sake he was photographed in Oregon holding a rifle at a gun range. But oh no, you Retard Republicans picked Knute. This \"Republican\" is pro gay, anti Kavanaugh, pro choice and now also worried about climate change. Hmm choices, choices... Kommie Kate Bisexual Brown or Kommie Kate Bisexual Brown","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL ok crying cunt. you can still spread it elsewhere and have it here. pull the dick out your ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Finally1recogniz.B\/C this 4nigga from Africa which are killing W\/Farmers to starve n\/generation then crying back to White man\"feed me\"and muzzie an Mex haters not for bleeding heart liberal\/dems perverts.W\/Men should NEVER MORE fight and Die 4 another Race ever again.I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW THE RAIN IS GONE,I CAN SEE ALL OBSTICLES IN MY WAY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a wonderful Angel wife. She is sooo beautiful inside and out. And he is very nice man too. This lady and a lady she is , has the most beautiful laughter i have ever heard in my whole life. This couple is what love is made of. Thankyou for this wonderful video.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao! Liberal professor claims electing dems will stop hurricanes because Republicans cause them. Lmao. . Who would let someone like that teach anyone??? I wouldnt trust an idiot like that to teach retards their abc's. Lol same retarded thing that bitch Milano said about trump using some form of mind control on a news network,,, even the host was like,,, sheeeeet wtf","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@eanahS__ nips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Mojada\" is spanish for \"wetback\" he's a mojado she's a mojada masculine\/feminine words in a language? that's sexist When I lived in an area where there are a lot of illegals I'd get phone calls looking for a carlos, juan, jaime etc I'd laugh and tell them they ain't gonna find that wetback funny as some were the DAs office","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TwitchyTeam: 'Dying laughing': Russian wrestlers mock 'girly man' Obama's workout video http:\/\/t.co\/LLDrxLZeUs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@peteyhoti that funky monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone else just Nutting over that lady's last name? This comment is literally rape. where did you *ACTUALLY* read someone saying that and not being sarcastic mocking strawmen is an inception level of retarded have you ever heard anyone actually say that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Five caged lions poisoned and mutilated at African game farm. This is the type of shithole savage that Europeans are so eager to import. This is what we do to May cut legs of and fucking head and stick.fucking nosie up cunt hole","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So true. It's part of their unwarranted high self esteem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Punch back twice as hard and then follow up with a cunt punt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOOK at this retards shitpost! He is serious! Hysterical!! The new liberal logo #MAGA #winning this is a lame post and Im not a trump supporter @antifaarmy quit being so stupid... you're making the rest of us look retarded !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make liberals poorer. That'll show Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@atspace your 2. And 3. Nigga them hoes suck wayans brothers are not funny at all Jamie foxx should be number 2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying this on a computer, which uses electricity, in a house, in a society, where you are safe from natural and foreign danger, with vaccines that kept you alive this long, with food and agriculture set up. Each one of those goes 20 steps deeper and they were **ALL** created or given to you by **men**. You are welcome as usual you ungrateful cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fr You have me sir. Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should get rid of Muslims once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"...and he calls out the retarded stuff for what it is so very unashamedly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should test new drugs on black people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"muzzie nigger piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But you can't. You're not allowed to shoot a cunt hiLIARy supporter. Doing so will automatically make you a Nazi that is guilty until proven innocent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her poor husband. That fool needs to get out now. I'm not getting married. Never wanted to and never did. At least you know better. OJ Not always the case. I came into.my marriage with no money just like my husband. Now I work and he stays home. We're actually a pretty good team and afaik he's pretty happy so ... I'd say he's benefitting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't you just want to see that uppity nigger and his boyfriend dangling at the end of a rope?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you're okay with blowing away women and children live on television to make this point today? I made it clear we should close the border. No admittance. If they storm our country, then I trust Trump to decide what to do. If he gives the order to shoot, fire away my friend. I'd do the same thing if I was there. But if he doesn't give that order, you can count me out. 95% of this invading army is fighting aged men. If they shield themselves with their women and children, that's on them. You didn't answer my question. Would you vote democrat if a bunch of rednecks blew away an invading force while live on tv? Okay, count you out of the shooting part, but would you vote Kamala for President? The media is going to paint the worst picture imaginable regardless of what actually happens. Babies ripped from their mother's arms and Trump is a racist. You trying to cater to \"live tv\" only helps them and gets you no appeasement points, at all. Let me also ask you, if the border was Israeli and these were Pals, would it be different? No I wouldn't vote for Democrats under any circumstances. But I'm not the average weak minded voter that puts these pricks in office. As for Israel, no comment, I don't know enough about that situation. I'm more concerned with my own country at the moment. And don't lay into me about the Jews, I don't know enough about that to put up a half ass argument.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Jaytwofly @G_MUCKA good leave you stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rick Scott is a lying piece of shit that is stealing from the Sun Pass system and is the indirect cause of many red tides by letting the sugar cane deal fall through. He's a greedy cunt and needs to be banished.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's the fact that you assumed she was a illegal immigrant because she was Hispanic that was racist. I don't support illegal immigration but all you were doing right there was making yourself look like a big retard while being an actual racist at the same time. I know plenty of hardworking Hispanics who hate illegal immigrants and people like you fuck it up by making statements like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Insult to the wolves. I'd call those niggers rabid chimpanzees. Ugly retarded violent apes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course the disabld person was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fat faggot hag slag bitch. I can see why Bill played the field to avoid coming home to a beached whale with COPD every night.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beto is gonna get his faggot ass whooped by double digits","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tim Cook the faggot will never allow a site where you can call him a faggot and not be banned into the faggot app store full of AIDS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for trans vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the only good nigger is a dead nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For your consideration: Psycho Pass, Black Lagoon, Patlabor (movies), Jin Roh, literally almost anything Mamoru Oshii has touched. I'm in my early 20's and I've moved out of their target demographic too. Gotta do some digging because there's plenty of good stuff aimed at a more mature audience out there. What're you interested in?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can someone get me cheese and crackers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @usmntHistory: On this #USMNT day 2014, the Yanks advanced out of the #GroupOfDeath despite a 0-1 loss to #GER.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sick fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was already in the realm of high fantasy where you pointed that out but we reached peak retard with the idea that we could ever cut a deal with the niggers that's more appealing to them than the promise of getting even with Whitey","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BASICALLY, #GOP, #ROMNEY, right wing reactionaries, drudgies, teabaggers, libertaritards, all hate our education system and teachers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's reTARDIS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"we are the nigger now.\" well, the slaves, anyway. They hired a real Somali to play a Somali pirate and now that bulb-head shitter thinks he's an actor...lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @EMAdair225: Illegals bringing diseases across border. Contagious patients separated from others by yellow tape... pregnant teens http:\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Brenddan_ they said some bullshit. Damn niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wear a Che T-shirt to the rally? Sure as long as I get this picture on it:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most South Africans believe that life was better under apartheid. Source: https:\/\/archive.today\/o\/LRe05\/www.nationalreview.com\/article\/398136\/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FYI i was the first (if I may say so) to use \"rancid\" to describe, for instance, feminist wackjobs. It was purposeful; I lifted the lexicon of the Left and used it against them. Apparently, effete nothingman Lowry is doing the same, except against the Real Right that is rapidly making him obsolete. National Review: conserving nothing but the going rates of DC male escort services since 1955 seriously how many fags are on NR's staff? It's gotta be north of 25% of total employees.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pussies If you wanted to sell this fake ass hoax you would have blown up Token House Nigger Don Lemon No one willing to take one for the team https:\/\/youtu.be\/fHhZFOAeohg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @UTRagers: COLT MCCOY WINS #HookEm he's still trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"look at this Commie Faggot from Facebook does it look like this idiot \"works\" day of the caravan can't come soon enough","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".0009765% ... with a high likelyhood of these genes being native American - Doesn't fucking count Maybe 6 to 10 generations back ... and you got special privileges? END Affirmative Action NOW ... It is a JOKE - #FakeIndian That would explain much, never thought about it though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Virginia Republican Party says Dem candidate \"hates America\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/r0FvyTf.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Tp3T \"You hate Israel? YOU MUST HATE AMERICA\" Boomer Republican Logic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What drives a cunt like this to try and destroy whole nations..Just kill him and his kin Hey don't insult cunts. ;) Soros is pure evil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STFU BORIS FAGJO! RT @Maxin_Betha Cause he a faggot!! Makes sense now right?? RT @ChannyMaraj Bran prolly real nurturing lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It makes you think there is far more behind Dr Ford..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What an awful world these people live in where the first ideological difference with a friend or family member is grounds for immediate expulsion. Sure you start with the opposite-party radicals that you never got along with, but eventually you're purging your own party because 97% agreement ain't good enough. The claim that \"any ideology\" is correct, after all not many people would like to be friends with actual bona fide kleptomaniac narcissistic egoists with a God complex. and#x200B; But when you want total agreement even over what the minimal wage should be to the penny\/cent, and you see compromise for that as evil, then you're of course become a pariah. and#x200B; Thus the personal lines in the sand. For some people it is slavery, or racism, or freedom of speech. Some people even don't mind threats to their own personal safety, as long as they get to be near powerful people. (Which happens in areas with very high rate of crime, where chances of a calm future are already slim to none.) Is racism a political ideology?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My flow retarded ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"want to strangle her with her hijab. Would not mind seeing this cunt stoned to death bukas are flammable. I cant believe lhe leftist, womens movement support her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Western Leftists Praised Democrats Party For Slavery Not really. Most of them didn't end up with a white master. They had about a 10%chance. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"seems like an investigation is in order. They may just find that the guy is a cunt with a stupid mouth or he was drunk. but it still needs looking into.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Christian_ESEM you don't know what your talking about retarded faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#inners Still hanging in. #Yankees we need this win. NFL. It's not SUNDAY!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@haremesc says you're a thirsty nigger so stop white knighting like a fag. Higher effective range more knockdown power guaranteed wound channel less rounds per threat being disabled. ar10 standard mags are 20-25 rounds, what are you california compliant? no....I said you were a thirsty nigger....keep it straight.. high verbal IQ and language comprehension to boot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lots of women are trying to make Cunt into a new N-word what a bunch of cunts Queer allosexual bitch-cunts, in fact. Whatever made-up thing \"allosexual\" is. andnbsp; Okay, I looked it up. Apparently it's the opposite of \"asexual\", *i.e.* with a normal sexual drive. Retarded cunts I call guys cunt more often then I call girls cunt lol My GF had a professor who made the claim that the word cunt was on par with the N word. Bitch, please. These shitcunts are appropriating my culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HALF NIGGER ZEROBAMA !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are Jews walking you to the ballot box to vote for Democrats who want to have open borders? Do you have a ring through your nose that they use to bring you to vote for them? What is this strange power they have to compell you to act against your own interests? Or are you that fucking stupid? Now, let both you retarded losers have any explanation for the Schumer Israeli shut down without name calling and accusations of racism! That's all you liberals do, ad hominem attacks because your debate is null and void.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Globalists are doing all this censorship in part to try to affect the midterm and 2020 elections. Personally I think even if there was no social media, no Wikileaks etc, Hillary would have still lost. She lost because she is such an unlikeable cunt ultimately.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The KFAN mock draft continues, Cleveland is \"on the clock\". Paul Allen has the Vikings 8th pick. I am going with Def back, Justin Gilbert","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BriannaLovesA: I'm so sick head colds suuuck. And on top of that @justusabbott had to challange me to a beer chug ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Gladvillian u want me to make u one of my ghetto nunchucks, they come in singles and double_ended","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the photograph depicts everything that is wrong with the world. a twat shouldn't be in that position in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An absolute biggest Cunt of the year, as all Lesbians are, just look at that creepy Wong, would anyone piss on that shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It seems many women and their beta orbiters were defending the behavior of that cunt, and hence too many deleted messages.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Muslim must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For the record, not a single one of your points is accurate under Rule The only reason this has not been removed is because it's a self post (obligatory: \"self posts were a mistake\" here). \"Accusing a youtuber of being unethical\" is not Journalism Ethics on its own. Censorship must be actual acts, not just demands, to apply. ZQ is neither a company nor an organization to count for Official Socjus. Media Meta only applies to journalistic outlets, nothing else. >I just looked at your userpage Gaaaaaaaay Really? We're doing the whole \"I looked at your post history\" shit here now too? That's just petty. Shame on you Seriously? > Enjoy being banned by a right winger. I didn't ban him, though? Not with that attitude. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/OQ5nU7y.png [Get a room or cut it out!](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/8gocnh\/fyi_tim_pool_is_playing_around_with_the_idea_of\/dydj5dj\/) :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let any woman live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Don't be a dickwolf people I take issue with this comment. Implying that we're the kind of people that would do something like that. Did you need to say this? It's insulting, and playing to the mainstream narrative that gamers are a bunch of manbabies that need to be taught how to behave. I don't come here to hear that, I get plenty everywhere else.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm White, not Black There seem to be many White Supremacists trapped in the closet who love to project their homosexuality onto those who threaten them. Are you one of these individuals? https:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/neo-nazi-kevin-wilshaw-quits-movement-because-jewish-gay-687301 imagine being so square that this is your response to being called a nigger faggot You haven't done much research on America if you believe that they were referring only to White people when they stated this fact. Africans arrived in Jamestown in the 1600's. Free Blacks who owned property, who could own White slaves, had voting rights in the Antebellum period. Revisionist history isn't history. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Bxgn","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You mean war on whites. Not war on niggers. Retarded boomers gave niggers their rights. Look at what happens when you let the apes out of the cage. This \"war on blacks\" is really funny to see it unfold. You keep poking the lion, it will attack back. The ignorance of whites these days are going to get our race killed off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so glad these retarded super geniuses are on our side, for real. based autism is a horror to behold if you call down the wrath.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All hail Robert \"Real White Power Hours\" Bowers! #HeroRobertBowers #SaintRoofWouldBeProud #HeroWeNeedButDontDeserve lol LOL! 360 no-scoped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't know apes knew how to work a camera, let alone use his middle finger. Know one cares nigger what you do, or hv done. U only got there cuz ur liberal teachers were to afraid to fail you cuz you'd chimp out. Man watching this arrogance slide into fear is going to be wonderful.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm back because Twitter is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm gonna go and whitewash some black characters in cartoons because \"drawings can't be racist\" right? https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/RcW1N 4chan beat you to it, and the result was amazing. Fucking hell, they couldn't tell a rat's ass poking out of the ground from a fucking worm, the bait is so fucking obvious and then they respond to the \"racism\" of the user with their own edits like, Jesus Tumblr you're embarrassing yourself Edit: I also have to say that the Steven universe community was a good pick to do this too, it's undoubtedly filled with the most snowflakes and was bound to get atleast a couple of days of responses The best part was that su staff saud it was bait and to ignore it but they could not let it go","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"

andlt;div class=andquot;mdandquot;andgt;andlt;pandgt;When they canand#39;t win, they cheat. Always.andlt;\/pandgt;<\/p>

andlt;pandgt;See also: 2016 campaign spying. andlt;\/pandgt; andlt;\/divandgt;<\/p>

Also: Aaron Black and Bob Creamer.<\/p> <\/div> Edit: Holy fuck reddits edit on Android has gone full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie and I!:) love that dog!!:) http:\/\/t.co\/8AQXiYg6Ov","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Figures it's a whigger !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only disabled people are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Developing: Suspicious Packages Sent to Bombs sent and intercepted Barack Obama Former CIA Director John Brennan Debbie Wasserman Schultz George Soros Kamila Harris (not confirmed yet) Eric Holder Maxine Waters NY Governor Coumo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I find it ironic that the media is saying these investigations could take up to 2 weeks until completion.....just in time for election day! SMH............. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/developing-suspicious-packages-sent-to-hillary-clinton-and-barack-obama\/ #Hillary knows who's responsible! #FalseFlag #HillaryForPrison #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #Winning #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy #Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #RedPill #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT #TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed And not one of them went off and the retarded leftists who plotted their false flags didn't even put postal marks over stamps!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how does this not violate this subs rules **","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female canines are called bitches. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Manual labor so trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as i said i have an A in the class but have LITTLE patience for retards. sorry but college is adult time. the teachers should not be hand-holding constantly. i mean sure women may not have \"SIGNIFICANTLY\" lower iq but in GENERAL men do have higher iqs and physically larger brains. (i was kinda ranting so keep that in account too)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NDP candidate Laura Kaminker, a self-described \"Marxist running in Mississauga Centre, said in a 2014 blog post she refuses to wear the \"fake poppy and described Remembrance Day as \"war glorification. \"I just wear my peace button on my jacket as always and wait for the collective brainwashing to blow over, Kaminker wrote She also criticized sports teams who honour our armed forces at games and she appears to be a 9\/11 conspiracy theorist, suggesting there's \"no proof that bin Laden or Al Qaeda had anything to do with the attacks. All of you fixating on this one event, the whole world expected to stand in hushed silence because a bad thing happened to Americans, she wrote while objecting to the commemoration of the attack. Shamefully, NDP leader Andrea Horwath dismissed Kaminker's repugnant views by saying \"many people have many diverse opinions and we value free speech. Never vote NDP. Cocksuckers > Never vote NDP. Cocksuckers What a bunch of assholes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many s l u t s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just waiting for them to start claiming the Russians did it, or something equally as retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It Is A Bit Odd The Journo Was A Bit Of A Twat As Muslims Go, At Least That's What I Understand.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AmyRoseKathryn: Justice for British seagull spray-painted red by thugs! The bird won t be able to fly anymore! http:\/\/t.co\/8PyhwE4L8S h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"disgusting. no wonder why they kill themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@OVOtilUOverDose @flossinlawson11 niggers*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BriannDominguez: Gasoline - daddy Yankee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Literally the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Listen nigger stop sending me ur fap pictures. You still love my page faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who cares? God is a myth. This is like debating on whether Santa smells like blue or argyle. it's fucking retarded nonsense. \"who cares? God is a myth. This is like debating on whether Santa smells like blue or argyle. it's fucking retarded nonsense\". -I care and YOU must care. These people Live like princes and we are the ones WHO PAYS THEM. The rich folowers of the poor (never existed) Jesus. The shit poster with a tiny dick has been triggered. I don't believe in all this retarded nonsense...let's debate about it. LOL, what a maroon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cambreezy_ @TheLittleFella_ she spelled faggots with an e you're so cool lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Merzig #Bitburg #Schweich #Saarlouis #Hermeskeil #CDU #CSU #AfD #Merkel Mann berf llt B ckerei #Trier - Maarstra e - mit Waffe Mit ausf hrlicher Beschreibung des Tatverd chtigen - dunkler Teint - sehr ungepflegt etc Hinweise gesucht https:\/\/t.co\/TrF6MxlLzl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find it amusing that Senator @tedcruz is an anchor baby. #LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most disabled people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So we are ruled by rape accusers. Or rapists running for supreme Court Wait. Was a rapist running for Supreme Court? When? Were you unaware of the kavanaugh? At what point was he convicted of rape? Not convicted, but credible victim testimony and an investigation conducted in bad faith tell me they knew the accusations are true and didn't care","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@c_drew_ I'm guessing so. The players are talking trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hate speech laws are censorship. You should be allowed to say whatever dumbass thing you want PROVIDED you're willing to deal with consequences. Don't scream nigger in a ghetto unless you're looking to fight about a dozen dark-skinned individuals who find your verbiage offensive. Exacly my point, and thats why we have the second amendment so if any of those monkeys try and give me consequences for my speech i can blow them away Then you can go to prison for murdering people (regardless of their color of skin) and then, when it is found out what you did (because trust me, it's always found out eventually,) you'll either get your ass kicked by the murdered parties' associates or you'll get jumped into a supremacist gang. Common sense dictates not shouting \"Nigger\" in a ghetto. Common sense should not be legalized or regulated. Stupid people should not be coddled by the government. They should be free to be stupid and be punished for their stupidity by the natural course of events.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We would be better off if those trans people were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Still, sexuality is natural and it's wonderful, there no need to treat it as the spawn of the devil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or an actual chick next yo a bull dyke and Mike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Egomaniac BARACK OBAMA Can't Stop Talking About Himself at Milwaukee Campaign Stop https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/egomaniac-barack-obama-cant-stop-talking-about-himself-at-milwaukee-campaign-stop-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too manycripples in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Which Obama? His Mom? Malik is proudly born Kenyan... I've spoken to it. I wouldn't trust her to run a snow cone stand. Agreed, was obama born in Hawaii? She might be # ;-) I know, this is the first time in ten years I've said he's Hawaiian, not Kenyan. How stupid is this woman? UNREAL. What the hell happened to Murkowski, that is the real question. Alaska is red.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @russnelligan: Final debate clean-up: journalists sure know how to trash a lobby... #wcvbpoli #wcvb http:\/\/t.co\/LMerSj8sTi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same with Mama \"Moloch\" Merkel. But I don't see mass marches in Germany like in UK. Moloch Merkel is another Cabal Cunt sucking the thorny cock of Lucifer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CapitolEVAN That's where I saw the leprechaun. He told me to burn things.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will cut their female throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Neil Patrick Harris Reveals That #Whoopi Made Disturbing #Sexual Advances When He Was a Teen https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/neil-patrick-harris-reveals-whoopi-sexual-advances\/ Not gonna lie, I'd rather cut my dick off before banging that nasty hideous Whoopi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Skynet That's when they SAY he was born. Then again his name isn't Zuckerberg either Sorry He was assembled in 1984 True. And I have unicorns for sale. Which part? The world connected etc or the election tampering?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NIgger please! Just shut the fuck up!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can retards not connect the dots around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. The problem is 3rd world immigration and anti-white propaganda. The solution is eventual ethno-states for whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she is a Cunt, she should be on this like yesterday and do her fucking job instead of just doing TV interviews about bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How horrifically evil. I cannot believe anyone could really publish something like this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Many of you guys know I am not lily white...and not even REMOTELY Aryan... yet you have befriended me without hesitation. The left wants to depict us as a festering hive of White Supremacist \"nazis\". Gab is more than \"Hate Speech\". For one thing, there is no such thing as hate speech. It is a figment of emotion-driven leftist intolerance. We are a vast community of free thinkers. We respect the opinions of others, though we may disagree. We know that the First Amendment comes before all others, because tyranny begins the moment they attempt to silence us. Color is inconsequential, but character is everything. Good men and women died for MY right to speak freely, and BY GOD, I will. Especially to fight leftist lies. I #StandWithGab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apple need to add some colored emoji","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is more grotesque? A White who I won't even adjust the timing on an engine anymore for fear of using the R word.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Titan4Ever2488 how do Yankees fans look back on Gary Sheffield's time with the team?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that commie twat - owned!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the straight guy cucked Will he also be dancing with his gay mate? And what if his gay mate wants a goodnight tongue or maybe a late night bit of chocolate Will he go full gay so as not to 'offend' his faggot pal? Or is this guy really just a closet fag waiting for the opportunity for some gay action?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We are honorable, they are not. But virtue is a poor substitute for courage. This event (today's), just signals a increase in tension. Idk what's wrong w saying I didn't do it, but I'm glad it's happening. The ppl that are condeming whites to death by nigger have enjoyed security for far too long.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can say it here. There's no twitter prison here. Twit-Mo is not an option here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its not just the Gay Mafia at Twitter. There chocked full of the most retarded leftist socialist fucktards imaginable. https:\/\/www.naturalnews.com\/2018-10-18-lgbt-thought-police-a-danger-to-public-health-as-twitter-bans-lifesitenews.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No wonder she was pissed off. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@bnp We are being overrun by mongrels because ZOG or the Jews that run our countries want the white man to perish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its a nigger thing.......like a gay gorilla....only the gorilla has more fucking sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate Hashtag activism. No lie. I think 95% of it is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump is absolutely ruined the liberal elite and retarded fake news..POTUS IS A LEGEND","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I keep waiting for some kike faggot to get prostate cancer so (((they))) can form a HUGE cancer research center for men like the did Susan B ! this way the kikes can take BILLIONS in free donations and live off the cancer patients pain and suffering like they always do. and YOU:a wigger with an uneducated, nigger-loving, butt-fucking opinion?? Whooda guessed it? Shut your cockholster you fucking stupid bag of cocks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @J23app: Feb 2015Jordan 4 Retro Remastered\"Oreo\"314254-003http:\/\/t.co\/NBOaxG1S19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not make black people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where can I get a shirt like that? I like it because it has the word cunt on it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That disabled person will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did they really need to censor \"Cunt\"? Everyone can tell what it's supposed to be I thought the opposite of asexual was sexual. I guess every teacher I've ever had is a bigot. Thank you! As an asexual, I appreciate you for using the word \"normal . They don't like it in the ace community, because not-normal sounds like a bad thing, but personally, I usually just call non-ace people normal or sexual. I have an asexual friend who feels the same way. Personally, I feel that his feelings are normal for him. That's Aussiephobic. Flip it upside down. They can't hear you standing up for them. They might offend themselves by uttering the word? That professor would lose their mind at a Jim Jefferies show. I'll never understand the logic behind it. As you said, everyone can tell what it is. But even in rare cases were they can't, it just makes it harder to convey your point. That is how I feel with every censored swear word. Either don't censor it, or use a different word. Putting an asterisk is just people getting away with swearing. You're still putting the word in my head. But how will we know what word they said?? It's like blurring middle fingers like hmmmm, I wonder what's behind that censorship?? Well I cant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well they don't exactly have their own history so they treat everyone elses history like a bike and steal it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Roger Stone debunks Mueller investigation https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=EKuUPF8DIUE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Published on 11 Oct 2018 FULL Kanye West SHOCKING Speech at EXPLOSIVE Meeting with President Trump, Jim Brown [embedyt] https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rrf5ntxRZQs[\/embedyt] ~ Space Force News","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Microplastics are a plague to society","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Patrick_little I looked up one of the claims you made repeatedly about Harvard being 65% Jew sourcing Hillel. I found that it's false and pretty obvious to verify. Harvard is actually only 12% Jewish. What retard is doing your research for you? https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/ya8sk5yj","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Better he paid us and be the \"fascist monster\" the Media sold us. And not try to \"show the other side that he is really just a mderate\". Cause he has a \"full female team\" just cause \"muh, feminism, I respect wymyn\". And he thinks that give him points. We need Judge Dredd, please, not another Kennedy in process. Harder than the nigger Thomas, please","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@michigannews13 wow. Thats great language coming from a HS coach, you sure are a role model, you're trash, just like your account","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The #teabagger #freemarket really doing wonders in #Bangladesh these last couple of days. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #randpaul","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CUM POCKET NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"all shitskins are rape culture, weather it's a nigger, sand-nigger or a taco nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah jus plain old FAGGOTS. Man I'd love to meet some of these dissafected \"rebel\" hard men like Jordan Hunt and the above face to FAGGOT face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Israel. Subvert it from the inside, dominate its media, academics, and banking, fling the borders wide open to every nigger and hostile ideology, and remind them every 5 seconds of the Bolshevik Revolution. What better way to show our appreciation but to return the favor? Respect its laws by changing them and respect its people by replacing them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're retarded or an inbred who doesn't know much about countries other than his own lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Truly disgusting. She's experiencing positive reinforcement as well. There's no reason for her to stop. She is a danger to society. She is the exact reason why men should hit back without hesitation or discrimination if a woman hits them first. And some fine gentleman will eventually give her what she deserves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AndrewGillum Shocked #Florida With a Primary Win. But an #FBI Inquiry Clouds His Campaign. https:\/\/nyti.ms\/2N2ZdPx #gillum #FLGovDebate #FloridaDebate #FloridaGovDebate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He just wants a hole in the side of his mouth so his faggot boyfriend has another hole to stick his dick into.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you are that retarded you need to be in jail","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My feed now after days of really trying is a conglomeration of anime cat people, retarded political views, religious discussions by fundamentalists, and a bunch of women showing loose vagina??? What the literal fuck is going on here???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The CEO of that company is an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do you have a nigger fetish?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey arron rodgers, choke on that D ya fudge packing faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That first picture from 4chan. They hit the nail on the head right there. Even the original ghostbusters had a competent woman as a receptionist that took no shit from anyone. The new one hired a male receptionist that was borderline retarded and made it quite surprising that he literally survived his adult life without another adult. They basically hired him because he was eye candy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @bspence5: @Morning_Joe #msnbc new census questions=tempest in teapot,ACA stays,costs down,7.5mil+getting covered is a success story to ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling Muslims trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are the same retards who think neo Nazis are a legitimate political faction in the United States in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@QUAN1T0: 61% of welfare\/government aid is claimed by white people. So y'all black slander is trash now.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"slut cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really do believe disabled people are just lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger culture is Jew inspired, as is white culture. We need someone who can infuriate all races against the Zionist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol if she feared for her safety she would have gotten out and left lol not refused to leave lmao cuntstatus","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow! Great SGT Report with Liz Crokin! https:\/\/youtu.be\/X2aBOyP38W0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am learning a lot about black people at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is there any doubt that all Democrats are NPC's? All Democrats are brainwashed retarded monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I live with two women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The things in our garage are worthless dirt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I long for combat faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are the worst kind of motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Breaking: President Trump is using some kind of cult-like force to make us agree with him! Imagine what a mess he'd be if he drank alcohol! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=X8-4bpDXIiQ #CultOfNationalism THE DEEP STATE HAS WON And by using our sense of fairness against us. Most thinking Americans would hate Trump, his appointments are the worst, his actions treasonous; but they feel' they must defend him because he is attacked with specious claims. And now we all must defend another, Deep State, corrupt Judge involved with the cover-up of Vince Foster's murder and thinks the government needs no warrant to spy on you. - because he is attacked with specious claims. The Deep State has won, and all they had to do was put on a show.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Biggest brained strategy: We just need to find out who the good Jews are. Whatever that is supposed to mean. But we just line them up for job interviews under the authority of the Department of Deplorables and find out who doesn't want to destroy us. Once we figure out who doesn't want to destroy us, we can destroy ourselves with outbreeding because #MAGA #Trump Using in-group tactics to combat hostile rival groups and promoting the further procreation of the group's best and brightest was literally the core tenet of Hitler's Germany, you insufferable mongoloid. You've been advocating FOR NSDAP policies for the last hour and are just to stupid to know it because you're a faggot that would rather cry about Jews than win","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrat candidate for Governor states that illegals will help get her elected. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/12\/democratic-candidate-stacey-abrams-undocumented-immigrants-are-part-of-the-blue-wave\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not all seats were up for election? Maybe Republicans won seats from smaller states with smaller electorates? This is actually fucking retarded now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really hope this is satire considering the username is dick faggotson","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who go to church in Hollywood, CA are all white trash filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HeroineAddict: 15 y\/o me totally understood 'Twin Peaks'.40 y\/o me can't seem to follow these 'The Great Outdoors' Goldfish crackers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YOU ARE DEATH. Enjoy Mute, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Save time and space and just identify as a retard pervert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alleged Synagogue Shooter Was Avid Anti-Trump Nazi, Believed President Was Controlled by Jews ..... That really says it all. Bowers posted those sentiments regularly yet remarks made by some media saying that @a Andrew is responsible is truly bullshit and incitement against a site that doesn't promote such stuff! Frankly that's slanderous! Is anyone surprised that the left will aim this at the right?!? Typical of liberal media ... Placing blame erroneously to cover it's own incitement to violence. They have nothing else to offer but hatred..... @News @Politics @NewJew49 @Aeon_News @FoxNewsTweets @worldwideweirdnews @NHN @LadyMarianne @TicToc @TooTickedOff @TexasVet @teaparty @TexasFred @Deplorme @Rad-er-Cad @TrustGodWWG1WGA @Cheyza @Charmander @a @Anthony911 @CmdrSlamm @Luke_Luck @leamorabito @ForQ https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/alleged-synagogue-shooter-avid-anti-trump-nazi-believed-president-controlled-jews\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ErinTaylor14 @BRios82 you both sure do You want to give a free pass to every border jumper in this country you two are what's wrong here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"IslamLive\" also that white dude is embarrassingly craven. Should have just KOd the cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Explain something to a dude, \"Cool thanks for the info bro\" explain something to a regular female, \"Oh, okay thanks, didn't know that\" explain something to a radical feminist, \"Stop mansplaining, stop belittling me!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Obama Then: \"The Future MUST not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam.\" Harris Now: \"Americans MUST be welcoming and tolerant to caravan.\" **Same bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're going to reply to these articles, just post a 1 sentence \"trolling\" statement that provokes an emotional reaction. Then laugh your ass off with the replies. and#x200B; Makes no sense into arguing with retards, whether you are right or wrong you always lose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are without a doubt the stupidestpeople on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger be dreaming of white women like","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded can people get? Don't ask....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Various medieval shame masks (also known as Schandmaskes).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BuildtheWall Illegal Alien Arrested for Allegedly Practicing Dentistry Without a License. https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/p6lh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trojan horse that shit. The mask has slipped, Ben. It amazes me that anyone follows that little bitch Ben. He is an Israel first anti-American neocon, smartass shill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Claudialena8 she wasn't saying she did, but yes me and Kannon have both been in the ghetto and know what it's like so u look dumb.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The word alpha probably scares their faggot mods","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, the people follow you, defending you, are just as retarded as you are. Says alot, get out jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mike Allen: California: Pro-Choice activist proudly breaks world record by getting her 27th abortion! If this is an \"achievement then has the world gone truly INSANE? https:\/\/worldnewsdailyreport.com\/california-pro-choice-activist-proudly-breaks-world-record-by-getting-her-27th-abortion\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gee, I never knew open borders is what people wanted? Why is there such an influx of retards on gab today? dollars to donuts, your a retard, nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"muzzies are pure shit and breeders cuz the goobermint gives the money for having 5 muzzie brats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other disabled people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt takes a picture 5 feet from a mirror, then takes another picture at a different mirror at 10 feet. How retarded can you get. Of course you're going to \"appear\" smaller in a mirror when you're further away from it. Holy hell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah right, that was a damned silly thing for him to do then, stupid Islamist twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*smells* asian to me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't taunt redneck children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By far the dumbest rationale for the US involving itself in sand nigger wars is \"the Muzzlims persecute LGBTQ people\". Even worse than \"they oppress their women\". I swear to god Americans have the collective memory of a goldfish. When we put boots on the ground in Iraq, homosexuality was still illegal in 14 states. Do we bomb ourselves next? B-b-b-but... Dems 'n hajis R da REAL \"homophobes,\" tho!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? Ugly, vile twat reminds me of the Goon from Popeye cartoon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I noticed some retard down voted without comment","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a camel fucker?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dave, stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. First all you little shit I am Faggot, and that don't cut deep me and my other fag friends call each other that all the time. Second \"white\" ain't a real race. You can be Irish, polish, or whatever the fuck but white ain't real that's just the color of your skin. I do stand up for my race, Irish, and all other minoritie races Dave the correct term is sodomite or pedophile. And no, we won't bake your fucking cakes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And when someone decides not to play your little game, and instead calls you the fucking retard you are, and shows you things you don't like, you cry and snitch and bitch and troll like a sniveling little cunt. Faggot. SNITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Fact.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I AM FUCKING DISGUSTED WITH LEFTURD AMERICA. HOW FUCKING LOW CAN YOU DEGENERATES STOOP. Oh wait, let me take that back, y'all nasty people seem to take that as a challenge. The REGRESSIVE RETARDED LEFTURD losers are trying to incite US to violence. DO NOT GIVE IN. Let them have their BULLSHIT DAY. They have nothing else. They ALL are COMPLICIT - communists and their mouth organ, the lyingstream media; so-fucking-called entertainers; and now the NEWS is doing fantasy - well at least for now. FUCK ALL YOU TRAITORS. LOOKING FORWARD TO THE DAY WHEN YOU HANG FOR WHAT YOU HAVE PUT WE THE PEOPLE THROUGH FOR SO LONG. THERE IS A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR YOU, and a WORSE place in hell for those who KNOWINGLY elected you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thinking about the \"boom boom boom waaay ho\" video makes me laugh at least once a day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is how you grab 'em https:\/\/redd.it\/9mt0ml Shame on you for being inflammatory!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol Like your twatish views are to benefit whites you mean? Twats rarely benefit anyone they think they are benefiting, of any race. So just call him a twat like most other Jews would. Ok! :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any trans person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racist demoncrats invading......GAB.....nice to see losing,pissed off lefties....soon to be ESAD'y quit whining crybaby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's ok to be a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is backwards. You got kids with statutory charges on the list and you want to clog the list and put attention seeking cunts on it despite no sexual assault committed You're retarded. You think a rape victim doesn't succumb to years of hatred and psychological trauma as well?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What are you some kind of mudshark? Why, because I asked you if you were a nigger lover? You did say a big pack of niggers was good looking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gab has blocked and reported me on twitter and now I have been banned for 24 hours. Fuck off you bunch of pussy ass kikes. They reported me for calling Andrew a nigger for censorship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cant wait when they kill this faggot with that same bat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another ugly corrupt cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*laughing* you didn't have to get nasty about it but since you had your head up your ass to far to see it the 1st time I posted it, women didn't give Trump the vote. If I can sacrifice by wearing a uniform and put in harms way, women can consider their role. you're just an emotional cunt in your 'reaction'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Initially, Bryan Young, the host of the podcast (and another woke, feminist, anti-#GG personality), defended Bobby, but backed down after being confronted by angry women on Twitter I don't know who's right or wrong but Bryan Young is a total cunt. Parrots the worst tropes about TLJ and those who don't like it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"muzzie are not allowed to have fun so drinking isn't allowed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyone said nigger IQ ? What IQ ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@dreadywhiteboy @JwanUrebay then the kid he sold it to brought it back to him cooked in a brownie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If England stays on it's current downward trajectory becoming Englandistan, they WILL be ruled over by a Judeo-Quadroon Kang! Yo Harry, gib dat boi an apostrophe fo a nigga's name #Wakanda https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/lifestyle\/royals\/prince-harry-meghan-expecting-child-in-spring\/ar-BBOoFDx?OCID=ansmsnnews11","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BEST OF BLACK CONSERVATIVES: https:\/\/youtu.be\/uQdvviT5ZTg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well ... I guess the author should leave their comfortable life, and move to the third world to prevent the famines, and wars, and other causes of children being orphaned. Or they might just be a virtue signaling twat. Hey hey hey, they are raising awareness, that's as good if not better than going and helping directly PSA: Bad things happen. Venmo me. Thank you. More like: bad things happen, they make me upset, and I'm better than the rest of you because I'm louder about it. It's become a point where voicing your opinion on social media is seen as better than actually going and helping people. Having worked in low-income areas, not a single person I worked with mentioned it on social media. The people that were so very vocal about it in the high income area I was in would never dare venture into the lower income areas around us. And the thunder rolls... You sure that wasn't just Bruce farting out a few more IQ points? Oooh the lightning strikes! Ooops! There goes the prostate. Bruce isn't having a good day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" most see as a Serena-light copy, Miss Sloane Stephens, seems to be taking over the vocabulary' that goes with it .. https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/38464-Copying-Serena-Sloane-Stephens-Claims-That-Fucking-Bitch-Tried-To-Hit-Me-Video MUTE... @Garfield1-2323 aw poor wittle butthert trobb1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RichardEngel ugh..and lemme guess they have yellow cake too? Heard this story before..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL! De Niro is such a loser. Eastwood had the sense to mate with a woman who could give him a son who looks like him. #fathers #sons #celebrities #hollywood #antiracists #race #racerealism #racemixing #robertdeniro #clinteastwood #mulatto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PowlengMawi yung nakalagay sa second page ng handout na may closed ended questions etc. Tapos lalagay sa 1\/2 yellow pad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">But the spotlight on bots has overshadowed the importance of the people who often initiate the flood and flow of information, and how the narratives they build over time influence how we see politics, ourselves, and the world around us. My god, it's *almost* aware. This is only gonna get worse, my fellow Gators. We're gonna be in for a rough few days. I suspect everyone with a grievance against us will be popping out of the woodwork. Stay frosty. Don't feed the trolls. We're definitely already in a industrial scale moral panic pushed by the democrats *hard* onto the media. The fact that GG is indirectly correlated to the Kavanaugh scandal now is only going to make things crazier. Maybe it will wake normies up though. If Judge gets interviewed and Cory Booker rants at him about GamerGate for 20 minutes, people might actually stop and go \"What the fuck is going on?!!\" It reminds me of when they brought up GamerGate to Linday Shepard. How long can this continue? It is another 2 years before the next presidential election. Can the U.S. survive another 2 years of constant ramping up of this panic? I really do feel like the camel's back has to break eventually. It seems each panic is even bigger than the last, and all it takes is one extremely unhinged person to set off a chain reaction. You mean like someone sending Ricin to the Pentagon? Or like opening fire at a congressional softball game. Or doxxing people from inside the fucking kavanaugh hearing... or running people out of restaurants. Hey, this is all starting to sound kind of y'know, unhinged I was actually thinking of this on my way home from work this morning because christ almighty there are an actual ton of zodiac killer signs in people's yards down here in houston, both sides seem really amped up to vote but i think the left are going to get fucking crushed because christ almighty they have lost the plot in the most public way possible","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not, but I'm still reporting what is regardless of side. One side calls me a nazi, the other calls me a liar and a cunt, I'm probably doing something right. Remember, Waid has been after me for DECADES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf is this lifetime payment shit? Is that a common thing? If I was rich and she wanted 9 mill I would put all my money in some Swiss bank under an anonymous name and leave the country. Duck that. Not sure about the UK, but permanent alimony is still done in states like Florida. There are men in Florida that cannot voluntarily lower their income - they can't retire, they can't cut back their hours, they can't take a leave of absence and bum around and \"find themselves\" if they want to. They are essentially chained to their jobs. I consider it slavery. I didn't know it at the time, but my grandmother did this to my grandfather for about 40 years, till the day he dropped dead. Indentured servitude is considered a form of slavery by most anti-slavery orgs. That's why the US get's worse ratings on slavery than European countries.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lporiginalg: https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/2Iq0QLF.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HstB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Irrelevant maybe, but how is this hateful? The general gist of what's coming from the comments and the post even existing is \" people are protesting because fords pp didn't help her And then making fun of specific signs for irrelevant reasons, just to attack more people. Unjustified name calling because they believe in something that you don't lmao. \"And you don't want to be associated with hate subs is what I said, you're blatantly attacking people because of their beliefs which is, hate. Sorry you're scared by the idea that you're contributing to this. You also end your comment off with an offensive insult like it's second nature so, if you want to think that I'm calling this a hate sub so be it. Lmao grow up. Imagine being proven wrong in a conversation , going tantrum mode, and then telling the other party to grow up. Grow up. Imagine believing that name calling is hate speech. This isn't a conversation anymore than disciplining a ten year old is. Hows that outvoting working out champ? What is the Electoral College? lol after insulting me twice I insult you and you accuse me of being a snowflake. Such cognitive dissonance is why you're losing. >REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Aww I really triggered the Trump supporter didn't I? Its ok baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nobody putting up an It's ok to be white poster is screaming and crying on the street like an anti Drumpf spaz. Riight, well, I just dealt with an RWSJW spaz or two earlier today, so... If it's a competition, the left wins the spaz championship every time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Fields had nine prior arrests, while her boyfriend had *you're You goddamn illiterate fucking retard. Use proper spelling or grammar before you insult someone else's intelligence you down syndrome having motherfucker. You can't spell. You're the idiot. Your mom should have swallowed you instead of increasing the mentally retarded population of this planet. Impressive vernacular. I take it back. You are not an illiterate retard, but rather a pathetic neckbeard. Thanks for opening my eyes \"good sir\" *tips*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feinstein -- is this dumb c*nt serious? Yeah b*tch, you're blue card has been revoked, like Obama's race card, and Hillary's sexist card... All your cards are getting declined heretofore... https:\/\/townhall.com\/tipsheet\/cortneyobrien\/2018\/10\/12\/feinstein-9th-circuit-n2527940?utm_source=thdailypmandutm_medium=emailandutm_campaign=nl_pmandnewsletterad=andbcid=7e4220599271d117251e74c34f4dd8a5andrecip=27515044 She's got a lot more to be worried about, rancid cunt is heading for Gitmo #DiFiChiSpy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Judicial Watch: State Department Records Show Obama Administration Helped Fund George Soros' Left-Wing Political Activities in Albania. USAID reportedly gave $9 million in 2016 to the \"Justice for All campaign, which is overseen by Soros's \"East West Management Institute. https:\/\/www.judicialwatch.org\/press-room\/press-releases\/judicial-watch-doj-records-show-obama-administration-helped-fund-george-soros-left-wing-political-activities-albania\/?utm_source=t.coandutm_medium=socialandutm_campaign=press%20release","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just stopped by the line up room @BeaLack still look like a doo wop singer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All gay people are such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@OriginvlEpic in the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there mods_suck_dick69! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* No thanks, I like mine better. Jesus Christ, where's your white hood? Where's your white armor? Where's your ... ah shit, i'm not sure how to play this game. What's the next line? Where's the beef?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't see it at most job interviews because it's fucking obvious that anyone who hates the customers shouldn't be in the job. Even Wal-Mart employees have problems with *stereotypical* Wal-Mart shoppers, but they don't just hate everyone who shops at Wal-Mart. Same goes for retail. >As someone who has worked retail, I genuinely hate how customers behave Right, and that's my point. It's not the same as hating every single person that walks in the door, and judging them negatively *because* they came in. It would be like working at CVS, and seeing someone walk in and assume they were a crackhead or a hobo *because they walked into CVS*. It's not so much an anti \"the customer is always right\" attitude. It's a \"there are never customers who are right\" attitude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded Hollywood Jews and their deranged minds. Damn, where was her family hiding when Hitler was on a rampage?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're telling disabled people to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When they saw her trying to carry him away, they encouraged it. And afterwards they continued to make light about it >He instantly started laughing and said, \"you were like a lamb led to the slaughter\"...Within 10 minutes of catching up with him he burst out laughing and said: \"Remember that time you got raped?\" From how it sounds, this woman is a serial rapist who does things like this to guys a lot. Yet because of attitudes like this man's \"mates'\", she'll never be prosecuted or even face consequences for her actions More people need to see things like this and hear from the men and boys in this situations themselves, and maybe that will help dispel the notion that female-on-male sexual violence is a victimless crime that the victims actually enjoy. Even still, part of the problem is a lack of empathy for male victims even when it's obvious they're suffering, and that's another issue that's even more complicated to deal with Maybe learn to hold your liquor then pussies. I can see why the guys here are unfuckable. Buncha fucking whiners. Imagine being so pathetic that you think being ok with being abused makes you a \"real man\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at the mugshot. Prime Ass disappeared 10 long years ago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her books are long because they have to club you over the head with repetition and superfluous narrative rather than a resonating message. Also she's obviously a sexual deviant, the reason her protagonist is a female is because she has nothing but disdain for femininity and family. There's nothing positive to be learned from her imo. I did know that. See, this is where I differ from most people in this movement When I come across someone who I disagree with or who was an enemy of my folk I don't discard their work. The Truth is the Truth no matter if it comes from the mouth of an angel or a devil. Oddly enough, one of the people who I have learned the most from was Zbigniew Brzezinski. Probably one of the most evil men of the 20th Century, but his books are invaluable if you want to understand geostrategy or if you want to study the maniacal minds of these sociopathic elites. All of his books, lectures and articles come highly recommended by me, yet he is this evil gargoyle-like creature who spearheaded the destabilization of the Middle East and the weakening of Western militaries just like he did to the Soviets in Afghanistan. I would never destory a book by someone like that, no matter how diabolical they are. These books are treasures that we need to preserve so that we can educate the next generation about how we got in this mess. It's like being in a war and refusing to look at captured enemy intelligence just because it belongs to the enemy. Ignorance is NEVER a virtue. She didn't disdain the state of women, she disdained motherhood, the ideal of woman. That's why she lived vicariously through a corporate woman. Atlas Shrugged is an allegorical novel, not like Heidegger or the other non-fiction writers you've cant compare it to those but to 1984, Brave New World, Darkness at noon etc all better books and all much shorter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nancy Pelosi has dementia. https:\/\/iotwreport.com\/pelosi-is-a-melange-of-gibberish-host-stares-at-her-wondering-what-the-heck-is-wrong\/ #KrazyKatLady #MAGA #NancyPelosi The following meme seems appropriate: https:\/\/gab.ai\/TheElliot\/posts\/39162938 :D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical queer behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don, I love you because you're a low IQ twat ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I come out as a perfectly normal Straight White Male! Why do you think any of us even care? The morally degernate LGBT and all the other ilk are a bunch of human sewage! Then you are coming out to tell us you are a RACIST SEXIST intolerant bigot Democrat also? Democrats are the human sewage Party! Go back to the closet you piece of morally degenerate shallow minded brainwashed retarded monkey brain! I don't care and I don't want to know about it! All Democrats are offensive pieces of shit! You obviously cannot comprehend shit. It is sad that so many people are this brainwashed retarded and have no consciousness whatsoever. I always think something will take but end up disappointed as usual. Go back in the closet where you belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dems Claim Kavanaugh is Too Partisan' Forget When Ginsburg Said This, This and THIS https:\/\/truthfeednews.com\/dems-claim-kavanaugh-is-too-partisan-forget-when-ginsburg-said-this-this-and-this\/ via @truthfeednews Match Made In Hell!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you aren't as retarded as your reply is, you would know what a false equivalence is. Hindus are natives of India. Muslims are invaders from a desert. The fuck that is Bullshit about it is Hindus defending their native land against invasion does not make them equivalent to Muslims plundering and pillaging an innocent population. LEARN. Go fuck your self retard Hindu lover. Muslims and Hindus lived in peace until after the British invaded and left. Now India has a zio Hindu priminister stirring hatred to cause division. Go and eat some beef there see what happens to you under Hindu rule. Christian minorities also suffer. Now piss off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AstrosCounty Jeff Luhnow is to blame for the Astros not blowing out the Red Sox and Yankees -HC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"loves pussy the fukin retard is this real ? what a fukin idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many retard shields are in your cabinet now? last time i checked, you needed a new unit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> You **white people** fucking trash lol? Do you realize you yourself are white trash? Obviously not...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She wins stupid Cunt of the Day!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ThatBajanKidd: #NeverAskABlackPerson if her hair is hers . she will hit you with a \"bitch i bought it , so it's mine\" .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bingo--Soros funds so much of this shit. I'd like to see him captured and turned over to Putin as a goodwill gift. I'm sure they have some great methods of torture. Evil jew bastard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next cyclist I see. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN = Media Whores","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i was such a teacher's pet in elementary school. like i brought them cookies and brownies and gave them hugs. im ashamed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One would think the Battlefront 2 clusterfuck would've been a wake up call for retarded PR people. And yet shit like this keeps happening.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KarlenaSkiff: Could never date someone with yellow teeth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@nathirhussein Al Qaeda's market share is dropping faster than Viacom and Enron in the Jihadi stock market","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kavanaugh is better than most on immigration. He was Ann Coulter's #1 pick. https:\/\/bit.ly\/2zGlLhf But is he going to impose Operation Wetback 2 by judicial fiat? Of course not.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"talking crazy over the Internet is the same thing as doing it in person. don't try to be buddy buddy with me later on faggot fuck you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing Muslims in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Threatening to kill all gay people will get you thrown in jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"even nature looks awesome when colored in #663399Beccahttp:\/\/t.co\/8B0fTjGost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"aussie faggot aussie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TG_Hawks #yellow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You first shit for brains. Jew and nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Raunchy ass hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mobilesuitwaifu All the helmets in Destiny are trash. I wish I could just rock an invisible bubble instead. Hunters look like Robocop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MADNESS IN COURT! UK law really IS an ass! Time that those retarded Judges were shipped off to the planet they live on and the PEOPLE decide the sentence. This judge is criminally INSANE. This scumbag should be locked away - permanently!! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6260327\/HIV-positive-man-tell-police-24-hours-having-sex.html common purpose lunacy Ffs seriously, come on! I'm living a nightmare. Tattoo his forehead. A .45 would do that job nicely.....it would be a kindness - to society! Amen! This is a difficult one .He has not been convicted of anything .but the police have brought a civil action with criminal consequences .An injunction .effectively .This is arbitrary law and undesirable .I agree the guy is a candidate for post natal abortion-but I dislike this judicial shortcut . lol, so he has to tell the police \"oh im having sex now, i might infect this person with HIV\" wtf like? so he can spread it??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You look like you kill bees for fun","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have killed better men than you in legitimate warfare, and I would reduce you to sobbing with a harsh look IRL. I've thrown away old socks that were manlier than you by virtue of the fact that they had absorbed my sweat, because you're a fat, pathetic virgin. What a fat, pathetic virgin. Oh, and you mispelled \"guerrilla\", faggot dipshit. I sure did, you young whippet-snorting, faggot-snapper!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And if you think some women don't lie about it you are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He was mentally retarded from the beginning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most men are incapable of thinking of women in any other terms than that of their genitals and if women aren't deemed attractive enough to raise their little manhoods well the women are then seen as worthless to them in their precious little man's fap fapping fapitty fap fap fap world! Your feigned indignation is noted!.. Now shoo, back under your rock you crawled out from under. Missy sits on some high horse or something Hahahaha fuckin bitch alert over here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually it is JUST TIGHT than that ... your word is for weaklings. It does not matter ... TRUTH is NOT a WEAPON. Hemlock? Oy Vey muh hasbara projection https:\/\/www.haaretz.com\/israel-news\/.premium-israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles- Moron alert!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lawmakers and Leftists Continue to Push Get in Their Face' Tactics http:\/\/bit.ly\/2A0FJ6C via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I could date a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should not let black people suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Korean bitch is like a pig. That s how they made an army of sumos there in their shithole country","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you post a link to Engels, I give you a quote that he said, and now your response is to post nigger porn? You are absolutely deranged. Kikes are really messed up. Great rebuttal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you ask me, Muslims like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GrizzboAdams roid rage much faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@karmendanielle_ let the coons be great it's in the dream","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather die than date an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HahahahA.....joke is on you. If you are educated, and with good genetics, why the hell aren't you breeding? Hell, give em all up for adoption if you have to,to maintain your lifestyle, but please in gods name....breed. \"I'm so smart because I didn't have children\" Ya, so smart. Doesn't anyone get it? The world is made up mostly of poor people, and alot of them aren't that way just because of government corruption. These are just bad genes. These people are breeding like rabbits while you sit back and mentally masturbate about what you've done for the world. What the hell does anybody think the world is going to be populated with in 50 years? I might as well prepare to water my lawn with Gatorade. An antinatalist's worst nightmare summed up in one comment. Please don't fucking have kids and please don't fill their heads with this absolute bullshit. First, I am encouraging procreation here. Second, I am responding to a meme that is that enfurs discouragement of procreation, and third...you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. You seam to have pretty strong opinions there yourself. Edit:autocorrect Antinatalists argue that people should refrain from procreation because it is morally bad (some also recognize the procreation of other sentient beings as morally bad). According to wikipedia So this post is antinalatist. My argument is for people to get moving,and have sex so your offspring can live in the world you wanted for them instead of others offspring claiming their space. I said people who don't do anything about their bad place in society have bad genes. Where am I being antinatalist? Who do I want to not have babies? Which end are you speaking from? \"Please don't fucking have kids and please don't fill their heads with this absolute bullshit.\" Literal fucking hypocrite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DumbTo: Polly want a cracker? #DumbTo http:\/\/t.co\/zC8MlwnEUc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are dead and this is Hell The comments take the reader down to lower depths of hell: e.g., \"what stands out to me most is how irresponsible it seems to put yourselves in situations where your children cannot get in touch with you. You put your phones into airplane mode?\" YISS THASS D REEL PROBLEM FOLX UR PHONEZ https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/polyamory\/comments\/3kxzsg\/family_is_falling_apart_help\/ https:\/\/archive.fo\/cDPPn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stacey Abrams caught on tape blatantly stating that the Democrat \"Blue Wave\" is based on illegal immigrants voting for them. https:\/\/youtu.be\/WTJaZwX-JmQ https:\/\/redd.it\/9p7emb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never, White man, forget what blind hate stole from thee. Wait for the hour that avenges the bleeding crime. One day we'll have to fight against all odds for the '14 Words', even when we're tired, hungry, and cold. Don't be discouraged, remember Ebba. JEWS MURDERED EBBA. Muslims were the instrument. Jewish immigration policy was how. Jews were the criminals. Europe has a muslim problem because it has a jewish problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're also a faggot for naming yourself after a fucking superhero movie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tears of a hero: The heartwarming moment Invictus competitors comfort a British veteran whose PTSD was triggered by a helicopter flying overhead https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6305385\/Heartwarming-moment-Invictus-competitor-comforts-veteran-PTSD-triggered-helicopter.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia Funny how its Harry that started the Invictus games to support our soldiers while our Politicians tried to boycott it and the Media to shame our soldiers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We summoned an ancient Egyptian deity, does that mean we're going to hell? I don't know but that CUNT Hillary Clinton lost! #YOLO #ArrestTheBitch #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SixIsHungry Fuck off you hook-nosed nigger - your subversion won't work around here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's fa-looo season, ppl!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#mgtow @sandmanmgtow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">So with the Rome Total War 2 thing escalating Didn't that turn out to be a huge misrepresentation or did I miss something? https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9ius3l\/rome_2_controversy_is_being_grossly\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Expert reveals the \"rights\" of women under Islam \/ #ShariaLaw \"Islamic women's rights include: The right for her testimony to be half that of a man. The right to be beaten by her husband FGM Kafir women have the right to be sex slaves The right to be in a harem\" https:\/\/www.politicalislam.com\/islamic-doctrine-of-women-why-i-am-not-a-feminist\/ Well nobody needs a fucking expert to tell them the truth. If you do you are a lazy fucking idiot. You can very cheaply buy an english translation of the Koran and look up the laws of middle eastern countries yourself. Fuck old and young arrogant idiots who care about nothing. Muted? you have the soul of a left - retard child woman. You mute everyone when shit hits the fan because you cannot deal with the real world. I was not attacking you, I was attacking people who rely on experts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">\"Like I said, don't respond negatively. Don't go after the lady. Let her be at peace. Let her live her life, That was literally your intent with releasing this video, you insepid cunt >\"I would still have a conversation with her. lol you declined when she offered, you're literally a cunt retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thats a faggot jew right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jennifer Lewis, the race traitor bitch Dems are running to replace Goodlatte in the VA 6th. She's got the endorsement of fagth, gun-grabbers, NOW, unions, etc,: https:\/\/jenniferlewisforcongress.com\/endorse\/ She had a policies page where she got specific: DACA ain't enough; amnesty for the wetback parents, etc. Then I sent email \"encouragement\". ha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".Yes he does and you're just as much of a POS liar for supporting him. You actually believe his \"facts\"? based on what? something a faggot UK soccer player (Dennis Wise) put together while he was jerking off to gay porn? get a life dude.. wake the fuck up!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember Liberal women have the brains of a retarded gnat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I WILL NOT support this one. Not interested in a SJW nigger loving virtue signaler. Will oppose her to all my friends and elected officials.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's ok. Just apply L'Hopital's rule, taking the derivatives and...nope, it's still retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It wouldn't surprise me if Florida elected the commie Nigger for governor because the number of assorted RETARDS, FREELOADERS ,WELFARE PARASITES AND LEFTISTS has been steadily growing in the Sunshine State. Plus that hurricane that hit Puerto Rico ending up blowing in a bumper crop of Puerto Rican voters and we all know how they vote.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PND is my jigga man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So far, no fairy gay faggot tranny porn. Nice! :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Venus not in the same stratosphere of cuntitude as Serena.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AffirmativeAction in action even if wetback engineers didn't commit crimes they couldn't maintain","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel like some credit should be given. While ubisoft is promoting SJW values they aren't shoving in their games like other companies. Unlike Marvel or Lucas film where they shove their feminist and SJW ideal into their movies and comics while attacking fans ubisoft has never gone that far. Far Cry 5 was not an attack on Trump or Conservatives, Assassin's Creed Origins wasn't touted as this win for Black Culture or a bigger game then it was like how Black Panther was treated, Assassin's Creed Odyssey does let you choose between a male or female character. Ghost Recon Wildlands didn't have any SJW stuff as far as I could see. edit: added the word \"not\" Yeah I'm kind of surprised. Ubisoft seem to pander more in PR then they do in their actual games. That said, there are definitely undertones if you look for them. Rainbow Six Siege for instance, most of the operators were male in season 1, by season 3 they're about 50\/ Every season except Poland (which got scrapped and pushed into two seasons) has been 50\/50 The real retarded part in Siege is the last season when they added an American guy who got fucked so hard by Al Qaeda he became an Afghan weeb because reasons","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste @BGKB @sdfgefgsdf Memo to Repub cucks: please get your shit together asap! \"Democratic strategists advise their candidates to spend \"as little time as possible talking about immigration. https:\/\/nyti.ms\/2A9Xuk5 Maybe Republican candidates should spend as much time as possible talking about immigration?\" https:\/\/bit.ly\/2CL3vGn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I could see that filth die, and never blink. Amen, Comrade! I'd greet it with a hearty smile!! And a HAIL!!! 14\/88 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@chemicalkidss this bitch look like a fucking white trash Trailer park queen lookin man bear pig. http:\/\/t.co\/fqyXLJYIET","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course the Jewish nobel peace prize goes to a nigger and a rape victim, rather than Trump who only de-escalated the threat of nuclear war with Russia and started peace negotiations with North Korea...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men: Honourably\/chivalrously sacrifice themselves to allow the innocent women and children to survive in their stead. This bitch: Criticises them. I am genuinely *disgusted* by this individual. [removed] \"Snowflake\" is supposed to be making fun of attempts to seem unique (like the adage about snowflakes, get it?). Why is something this obvious lost on so many? I use it because they're dainty and brittle. Like the betas in this sub. Bro the second you use the terms betas or snowflakes is the second no one can take you seriously lmao I'm using the lexicon of this sub buddy. This statement proves you don't frequent this sub, lol. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/search?q=snowflakeandrestrict_sr=onandinclude_over_18=onandsort=relevanceandt=all The funny thing is that the second most recent result there is someone else misusing the term \"snowflake\" exactly the way you did. The funnier thing is that many of those results are not users here calling others \"snowflake\" (most recent is 3 months old lol), and even if they were, there are only 12 results less than a year old, average one per month. In a subreddit with nearly half a million subscribers. Prolific it isn't, lol, but try again. https:\/\/www.google.com\/search?q=snowflake+tumblrinactionandrlz=1C1ASUM_enUS596US596andoq=snowflake+tumblrinactionandaqs=chrome..69i57j69i60j0l","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not let any immigrant live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haven't been posting enough MOVING Moranbong Band songs lately! Here's \"We will follow our Party forever . https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9Kjdanxjmhg #MoranbongBand #DPRK #NorthKorea #DPRKpop #Kpop #WorkersPartyofKore #WPK #patriotism #nationalism #socialism Bonus: Workers' Party of Korea website! http:\/\/www.rodong.rep.kp\/en\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING Trump Prepared To Cut UN Funding Over Its Support For Illegal Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dGeb0af_SEE then tell Trump to quit preparing and just do it! im starting to question if the butler plan is going to be enough... I think we need a few nukes i think we need to get our hands on Dr. Vladimir Gavreau's research https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B7ChrutqJ40","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a horrible cunt. Not only is she the type of cunt to treat a human being like they are trash to be discarded without even a fucking good bye not interested, but she's such a child that she can't even pay for her own fucking food? I hate evil sacks of shit like her who think the way to end a relationship with a person is to just \"stop responding\" like they don't exist or w\/e. Grow the fuck up and be an adult and end a relationship like a adult so people will stop wondering wtf happened to your dumb childish using trifling ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @wassssupsarah: Car hopping is a different world these ghetto guys tried asking for my number LOL did they have to be ghetto Tho ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tom Arnold is calling for President Donald Trump to be beheaded. The Left's calls for violence has gone on too long. This is terrorism ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SMFH #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy#Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #TheyFearTheGreatAwakeningTheMost #RedPill#WeThePeopleHaveHadEnough #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT#TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed #BuildTheWallNow #NoIllegalAliens #LegalmmigrantsOnly#NoSanctuaryFunding #NoSanctuaryCities #NoChainMigration#NoVisaLottery #KateSteinle #KatesLaw #AngelFamlies#NoOpenBorders #VoteRedToSaveAmerica","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Giants vs. stinky birds Sunday ...think Ima make some wings ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Retarded Unabomber..this years nomination for the Golden Raspberries..failure in cinematic achievements.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK OVOMIT. THAT NIGGER SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ELECTED!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If some one isn't an Anglo-Saxon Protestant, they have no right to be alive in the US. None at all, they are foreign filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Could any Australians here fill me in on Australian stereotypes, I've been lacking on my studies on world culture and don't really know anything about Australian people, all I got is that they are casual racists and I don't know how accurate of a stereotype that even is. Even worse is my knowledge of New Zealanders, I watched the Flight of the Conchords and just imagine everyone from New Zealand is like them, like they're the Oceanic version of Scandinavians. its all banter really, we tend to rib and mock our friends","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jews israel So why don't you threaten to put him in a Joo body bag like you do in private messages?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JFish13: Where has this been all year? But still #FireCashman #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This is serious stuff, folks\" No its not. Youre just a cunt with a stick up your ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"send this retarded asshole to jail and seize his asserts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The satisfying sound when a retard bitch get slap","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @TWOLVEGIRL: I find myself wanting to google \"the yellow king\" #TrueDetective No kidding! What is going on?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"my son is het and played football...fuck off faggot sport bitchboy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is from a NRA mag.. the gun ad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At what point do I take the chains off this 7ft overalls wearing hay throwing redneck and let him eat communist ass for dinner?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ajade___: everybody tryna fuck the next nigga bitch not knowin that his bitch is the next nigga bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The desire to classify queer people into strict categories is a colonial desire. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anti-vaxxers and flat earths, they're the stupidest cunts the world has to offer. They should all be thrown off the edge of the Earth in my opinion. I gotta say, if there's one stupid thing to believe, it's that the earth is flat. Doesn't hurt anyone and it pushes us normies to do more work to prove them wrong, win win. As for the anti vaxers, they're fine as long as they don't get more people on their side. The anti vax movement will die along with their children and it still ends up being a win for the rest of us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just want to say that if I don't respond to your comment, its not that I don't want to talk to you it's that I'm just socially retarded and stuff","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Electoral college KEEPS slavery in the dusty nether regions. Who votes for someone as politically retarded as Cortez? Socialism = SLAVERY! https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/07\/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-calls-for-abolishing-electoral-college-shadow-of-slaverys-power\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If it's fake they took trouble to cast appropriate 'actors'. They look exactly like most commie retard 'wimmin' even from the back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3\/ Anyone who mentions the \"Overton window\" is generally a retard. It's like if you say \"there's no wage gap\" and then some faggot shows up like \"WOMEN NEED TO STAY IN THE HOME AND JUST HAVE MY BABIES! THE WHITE RACE NEEDS MORE BABIES!\" That's the kind of mental retardation that we get on Gab thanks to white supremacists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj The only thing that surprises me about John Kasich is that Ohioans have ever put up with this pearl clutching dweeb. He outdoes Evan McMullin on the Idiot Scale","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#England is the cowardly lion https:\/\/news.sky.com\/story\/westminster-attack-police-chief-defends-deputy-who-stayed-in-car-as-officer-was-killed-11524514","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pfft yeah go there to the male feminist lapdogs flogging themselves in the slim hope of maybe just mabye getting some cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ it might seem ridic 2day, but 50 years from now we might look back at the anglin plan and wonder what if. intentionally or not it is a troll of WNs who don't prioritize taking away vag-niggers' rights by any means. GTK is beyond pipe-dream while (((women))) who oppose a border wall more than ACTUAL SPICS do are allowed a say. My solution is comprehensive, deliciously ironic, and honors the Fuhrer's lament that Martel prevented our Islamization. I think it's deliberate agitation. He knows we know he likes Asian women...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Diabetes galore RT @TIME: Colorado health officials recommend pot brownie ban http:\/\/t.co\/Z59oy20TMp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any of those faggot gay punks will gladly do it. That's how they hang posters in their rooms---jizz on the wall, and stick 'em up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the EDL leadership gave up their balaclavas, they were identified, isolated, and all of them were ham-strung by the courts. EDL attempted to become a non-violent force. The police (with hard-hats and riot shields) would form a circle around an EDL protest, and imprison the non-violent people inside this circle for hours, meanwhile permitting the Muslim thugs and their Leftist allies to hurl bricks and bottles into the circle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny how a subreddit full of T_D users suddenly is accepting a nytimes article as not being fake news. I wonder why. Inb4 completely retarded mental gymnastics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @davidcomanhidy: It is well known that @centerplate supports cruelty to birds. #saveanimals-sign this petition: http:\/\/t.co\/t07KZ5myEv h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you ain't gonna do shit nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FFS, is this the thickest twat in the UK? Even the bbc can now see it. https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/bbcnewsnight\/videos\/2271345199815233\/ The biggest twat too mate. Literally :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So serves her right... ruined a marriage and now wants to ruin his life again... She is basically thinking about ruining his life and the life of his new woman yet she makes it sound so innocent...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @stoolpresidente: If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around does it make any noise? If NJ blows away and only trash live the ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's likely she had post pardom depressing..even so it's no excuse Maybe, but why did she have another kid right away only to snuff that one out too? I don't really want to understand her. I want her to rot in a cold Alaskan cell for the rest of her life. Who know. people are crazy She's not crazy. She knew what she was doing long before she did it. She researched it. I don't see anything about demons or satan or any other loony excuse. She's a psychopath or maybe a sociopath but that doesn't count as crazy. She knew it was wrong and she did it more than once. By crazy I ment not right in the head.. Dependapotamus. Get more pay for kid. Kill kid. Get pregnant again. To keep pay. Kill kid. Repeat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been waiting for this to get posted. And yep what a fucking joke. I thought women like her didn't need no man to protect them? [At least that's what they've been teaching our kids.](https:\/\/youtu.be\/lX71_Jcm4po)(near the end) It's a bad joke. This woman is a massive cunt and everything wrong in Western Civilization today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uOBPYEz8B-Yandt=42s Tommy Robinson Is Deceiving You Here's the female version.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't have to be white to be pretty. Most of the NPCs are white and ugly. Race is an idiotic distraction. We need to defend all conservatives against liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What about people whose personality is a pronoun? Well judge them by that fact (as an idiot)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man charged with murder in deadly attack on girlfriend kills himself in jail, police say >> His final act was a public service that I am sure local taxpayers appreciate. https:\/\/www.actionnewsjax.com\/news\/trending-now\/man-charged-with-murder-in-deadly-attack-on-girlfriend-kills-himself-in-jail-police-say\/852864843","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And in the cursed child Ron and hermione have children. What a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Share this everywhere and find this faggot soy boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Miss Piggy goes o the Market !! Jew Cunt !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@OG_Dakota lemme just throw a 302 in it, how's the tranny??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheRealCVL and @CoryHolmes24 are faggots. Kbye.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumbass twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Peter, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I'll give you high marks if you can dig out photos of Winston Churchill, bare naked, attempting to seduce his (male) Private Secretary. Or find us a pic of Obama taking Michael's erection up his back passage.\" Sounds like you've got a special request from some faggot nazi that needs some new material, to me, there Pauli. Better get right on it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His therapist is an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes I no understanding you retared fucknuts...me need more retarded dictionary... tanks ... now I live real American life... tanks b to gawd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"relax i dont actually watch cnn, they have like 10 people watching that trash haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor Little Faggot Looks Like He Could Do With Some Pork Chops Inside Him, Instead Of Black Dicks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The feminist cunt is taking time out from being on her back with her legs spread to get ahead to get to a keyboard and spew her vapid inanity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let the little Hubbell twat run. She's dumber and less useful than a used condom.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"Muslims are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This treasonous traitorous Hollywood Tramp needs to shut up about our President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh we will never forget what she did to the POWS in Vietnam i was trying to watch some game of thrones and this harpy's film was on and i swear to god it was jut a 'me me me me me me me' bs fest. my god this cunt loves herself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Having a manipulative, scheming woman as a secondary antagonist didn't come across as excessively woke either. It felt like a touch, though it felt more like how sjw feminist cunts actually act rather than how they THINK they act. Only with more skill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Putting a black person in charge is the best thing anyone can do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The vast majority of Boomer's kids are in their 30s, 40s and 50s Those are the kids of Gen X Useless retard muted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know enough to spin a conspiracy theory on this yet, but I gotta say, this is beginning to feel like election interference from an intelligence agency. In the fourteen months since Charlottesville there hasn't really been a major violent incident from our side, right? Then, <2 weeks before the midterms, we get the \"MAGA Bomber\" who supposedly sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats, left DNA and fingerprints all over the things, and had a van covered in Trump shit, but only followed Democrats on Twitter. Immediately after that, the \"All Jews Must Die!\" synagogue shooter, opens fire on a bunch of praying kikes without any specific provocation, then does battle with responding officers,using the Democrat's favorite firearm, the AR- I was thinking the same..they didn't like us making fun of their silly bombs, so they upped the ante. No one here has ever advocated this kind of action, but here this faggot is, and now they have fodder to dismantle hate speech online. People have been hunting subverts. I think we missed one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine being verified and getting that many likes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Thotcho: See the jumbotron? That s where the jig is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're 19 and in high school you're mentally retarded, so it's sexual assault of a mentally diminished person. Further: >Though the age of consent is 16 in Alabama, a law was passed in 2010 that made it a felony for a school employee to have sex with a student under 19 years old. And one of the students was 16, the other This judge has no grasp of the law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're telling immigrants to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's always the immigrant that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/MaajidNawaz\/status\/1049286713531686912 Funny coming from a guy convicted of being part of a terrorist organisation. The cunt did 5 years. face is too smootyh t be a man look at the hips yet ahain another transgender Nawaz isn't that bad. He knows Islam is shit. Muhammad (piss be upon him) was a child molester, rapist, mass murderer and an Arab! Fuck these people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What in the fuck is wrong with these blue tick cunts? Just fucking kill yourself instead bitch two problems solved Liberals are mentally retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Would be nice, if you lazy women got off your ass, and did some fighting, for a change Wheres all the women dying in the frontlines? Too busy being useless ... You expect women to do your work for you? Now who is the cuck? and you wonder why your women are useless, nigger fucking retards ... Keep grovelling to women, and keep dying on your knees to useless inferior women, pussified faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Microchip having a bad day? Whoa on the faggot shit. Your ruining my sexy dude comment!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too bad the Nazis were left wing, genius. I suppose they chose NSDAP as a party name because it looked nice on their letterhead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"idiot cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">#Italy: Backwards, poor boring shithole. >#France: #Progressive, rich multicultural paradise.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I sincerely hope Trump starts naming the Jew and then he will have my full support! He needs to eliminate all Jews from his cabinet as Jews do not belong in any government, media, finance or acadamia. Jews are RETARDED ditch diggers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus kicked out these money changers out of the temple and they are today the modern day Jew bankers who are not really Jews nor are they semitic, but their father is the devil as they are LIARS, MURDERERS and THIEVES just like they were in the bible. REV 2:8-11 even tells about these fake Jews and the synagogue of satan that is right in front of everyones face with the symbol on the IsraHELL flag being satanic. Isn't it amazing how many people call themselves Christian yet do not listen to Jesus? Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. Naming the filthy RACIST satanic Jew PIG is exactly what God has commanded every good man or woman to do! A good Christain will and a ignorant retard will still probably believe the holohoax garbage. Jews are LIARS just as Jesus said!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanye to campaign for Trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is she going to Arkincide joe? 2020: Strategist: Advisers Telling Hillary She Can Win Nom. if Biden Doesn't Run https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/16\/2020-strategist-advisers-telling-hillary-she-can-win-nom-if-biden-doesnt-run\/ In any rate Trump will destroy any of their picks big time. He has the goods on them Beta will fade out once he has enough drinking $$$","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That white racist faggot Talcum X says black Nigger voters in America are being suppressed because ID is required to vote in most places and Niggers refuse to buy ID over weed. Last I saw the voters in Afghanistan were the ones being blown up and shot while trying to vote. That's actual voter suppression.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ignoramous the boomers didn't steal the $$$$$!!!! Get off your lazy fucking nigger ass and earn your way just we did. You entitled faggots want everything for free. Keep voting for liberal cunts. Your're all stupid. You deserve to fail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"upvote if you hate nazis!!! Oh I Nazis. Let's ban the Jew! Or uh banish, ya banish. Why are nazis allowed on gab? Ouch. I will let my wife know of your opinion, she may disagree. Oy vey, now you goyim are attacking women if you disagree with him, #AllWomen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah right, lying Muzzie trash!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a Muslim's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm watching the Florida governor's debate and it just reinforces what a joke this country is. It's between a high IQ White man who's also a slimey Jew bootlicker and some dumb nigger with terrible grammar and a poor command of the English language The nigger actually said \" the proof is in the eating\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RayIopez: taking out the trash at night http:\/\/t.co\/qJiPw0sYeH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gabby_moscato @Huntermoore They would make a great baby bird pic bruh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever people try to play God, they come up with mutant monsters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breaking: President Trump is using some kind of cult-like force to make us agree with him! Imagine what a mess he'd be if he drank alcohol! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=X8-4bpDXIiQ #CultOfNationalism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree 100%. I just think it does not matter whether this girl was anti apartheid or not. She was a victim of a horrible, unforgivable crime, whatever her politics. And nigger monsters would not care anyway, not like they would have let her go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ain't it great when the biggest slave owners who also owned and operated every slave ship, put the guilt trip on YT and tell us we owe reparations? Typical heeb projection of guilt. Meanwhile we've been forced to suck nigger dick and give them endless handouts for more than a century. If anything we should be kicking the Jewish pets back to Apefreaka and enslaving the kikes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"then youre actually retarded and i implore you to try to explain how this is not escalating. not escalating would have been a slap back with equal power. he punched her in the face hard enough to knock her out. youre saying that the initial slap was strong enough to knock a person out? fuck off. its literally the opposite of an opinion to say that this isnt escalating. it is an opinion to think that both physical attacks are equal, when we can clearly see different outcomes. not to mention the actual velocity of their arms Spotted the small dicked cuck mega-beta defending a retarded cunt. \"Now listen here women can beat people and they should never have anything happen to them ever because I CHERISH THEM M'ladies\" Idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> metro LOL whiney cunt from a whiney cuntry confirmed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Okay, this is epic.\" Yeah that was my second choice also.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RussBrandon: Thanks to Mr Wilson for passing along this tremendous responsibility. My sole focus is to empower our leadership to bui ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the fuck is gynsexual? The number of new words I've had to learn to keep up with these retards is tiresome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/gdYDhiwr4ds. Fucking hell MS13 and the slave trade. Also the tons of drugs and child slave trade was a problem. Oh wait there this cunt wants to be inaugurated witch only the president can have the honour.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murder that black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three disabled people were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You want a real laugh a RETARDED woman is DISPLAYING FALSE OUTRAGE with the story Snow White because the prince kisses the girl to wake her up...Guess they need to discontinue CPR on people.. Fixed it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This article makes me want to rip Anglin's head off even more now. A White woman was gang raped, tortured, and murdered, but because one of the blacks said that she consented if they would let her go, DS wants you to make whore memes of her. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/skull-crushed-hoe-consented-to-negro-gang-sex-skull-status-crushed-anyway-lol\/ ds understands psychology and the power of hyperbole. It's why they're effective and you're a permanent whiney loser","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet. We have some serious restraint when it comes to those cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yup...Mexicans go back to Spain where you came from and pay reparations to the natives you killed and put into slavery Mexicans came from Spain???? Actually Mexicans are a mixture of the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayan etc. tribes native to Mexico, and the conquering Conquistadors from Spain. Hybrids. Some probably were willing, but most probably not, so, yes, rape babies. 'Rape babies'? Just answering another poster.I doubt most of the native women willingly had sex with their conquerors, so yes, rape babies. You mean the conquerors who severely outnumbered the Spanish???? The conquerors were the Spanish. The Spanish were the ones with all the guns, plus they brought all their diseases and decimated the native population. You mean the blunderbusses that took forever to load? That required ammo that could not be manufactured in the Americas? \"they brought all their diseases and decimated the native population.\" Ding ding ding! That is PRECISELY what killed 95% of the Natives. No doubt the primitive medical technology of the time knew this would happen, right? I doubt that the natives even knew what \"disease\" was, just knew it was killing eveyone. Ah, the racist admits the Natives were stupid. I didn't say the natives were stupid. They had no knowledge of how diseases were spread. STILL don't look at AFRICA .. relatives stealing body's of people who died of Ebola ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING #NEWS!! ACTIVE SHOOTER at Synagogue is #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania!! Multiple fatalities reported. #AntiSemitism rears its ugly head once again!! They hate us before they even get to know us, just because were #Jewish. Maybe the taking of Palestine by means of terrorism has something to do with it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only a complete retard would think that the sudden mailing of \"bombs\" to prominent leftists isn't a leftist machination itself. But even if it was real, the beauty of the operation shines through: even normie conservative media thinks it's a fake. Most republican or moderste voters are so disillusioned with the violence and hypocrisy of the democrats, they likely could not manage to care that these people are being attacked. When your party ideals are \"there cannot be civility\", eventually, it fucking works! Truly, you reap what you sew! I don't believe any of them even went off. Even the dumbest stormfag should be able to make 14 out of every 88 bombs they send out detonate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#DonLemon is little cunt and a modern day house slave. The only thing he's missing is a giant white leftist fist up his ass. Sincerely, #BlackTrumpSupporter #TrumpsNotRacist #MAGA #Shadowbanned","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She said she would have the police come fuck him up. Perhaps if it wasn't for that i would agree with you. I might have missed that. If she was threatening to misuse her position of power then she should have been fired.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's what they actually are that really matters, not 'how they see themselves'. Pretending to be a unicorn won't turn you into a unicorn. Pretending not to be retarded won't make you smart.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YUP.. IT IS RAMPANT EVEN IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR..... I WAS FORCED TO HIRE A DINDU AS AN ENGINEER... HE WAS WORTHLESS.. I THINK HE GOT HIS DEGREE AT GRAMBLING OR TSU, USELESS NIGGER COLLEGES.. HE WAS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE TO FIRE.. I LUCKED OUT AND CAUGHT HIM WITH ONE OF OUR GUARDS SMOKING DOPE ON COMPANY TIME... SHITCANNED BOTH OF THEM...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Draugra i have to disagree about Anime with wee lassies being aimed primarily at teen school boys. Ive never met a teen lad who didnt dream of large breasted women. Conversely, i dont know how many men who wanted to date me because i looked 15 when i was And they always wanted the schoolgirl outfit. I think its fairly obviously aimed at the older adult males with wee willies that want someone young and inexperienced because they themselves never emotionally grew beyond primary school. Just my thoughts. Stop flirting with me! I found Gab partially due to Paul Joseph Watson. Im 23 and far more keenly aware of what men like than you could hope to be. Its ok if you like anime. Its ok if youve a small penis. All im saying yer a sick fuck if you like seeing young girls raped by alien tentacles and weird monsters. Im also saying yer a silly boy and ive about 1200 followers in 3 months who can attest that im extremely right wing. Finally my statement in the group was not aimed at one person but towards Japanese in general, and emotionally retarded older white guys specifically. You attacked me personally instead of the argument in my post. This is actually right out of the SJW playbook, snowflake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this fake Christian Boomer Nellis gets on GAB and attempts to frighten everyone with his, \"I know FBI agents and I'll tell on you'' crap. Hey Nellis, here's a simple shit test for you: The Gospel of Christ is the only path to eternal salvation. Yes or No? Any answer other than only YES, means you're a heretic and excommunicant, so go the fuck away boomer cuck Neo Con trash. Hey, there's no god, you're just a retard. You're so retarded that your mom and dad are probably brother and sister.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cantwell next time you bust a nut in a stupid thot you should tell her \"I'm not sorry for that F.\" why do we say bust a nut when we mainly all have two nuts ? agreed..speak English, not savage","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jail the Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off, retard. This candy is for the cool kids","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people coon. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep, because of christianity, even pagans, white men are some of the thirtiest assholes on the planet They're ok with killing jews, but loose their shit if you criticise their white whores White women are some of the most degenerate women, on the entire planet Theyre literally walking stds, with radioactive shitty personalities ... but muh princess This is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfao no you didnt RT @SS4_Fresh: @vivelacourtney got cute new avi and all but she too old for colored contacts ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"pure trash http:\/\/t.co\/A2RbVEBeg1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can I be a cunt too? I love you fucking asshat list cunt Nice set of information. Thanks you fucking asshat list cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shoot a dindu nuffin Spic and they cry. The Guy is a hero Mr.Dunn, I salute you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anytime a fashion magazine makes an article on politics they always go full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards (dang girl!) arrested for leaking to Buzzfeed. She worked for the Treasury Department and her Boss is implicated. Who is her boss? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/treasury-employee-charged-with-leaking-financial-info-of-trump-team","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm changing my prediction. I see that the bombs were sent to pretty much everybody on the standard Demtard list. That means it's a newbie. Like that kid who shot up a black church. It's just some autistic retard who happened to be a Republican for reasons outside his own control.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] They did. Look at France now No thanks Yeah if you make eye contact with france you'll catch whatever it is they got. >but bored feminists think that because it is the same word as the masculine one it \"excludes women\" although we all know that it is because they dislike anything remotely masculine. Even if you believe this nonsense, why would you not just follow English convention and simply say 'latin'. It doesn't work in Spanish, lol. But that's a good question, I mean, this \"latinx\" crap started in the USA, why don't you call yourself \"latin\" and that's it? It's gender neutral and you can pronounce it, so it seems like the best choice. >It doesn't work in Spanish And if this article were written in Spanish, that'd be an argument. But it's not, so it isn't. Ah, yes, I was refering to Spanish speaking feminists from my country -at least- on that post so I kinda mixed it up, sorry D:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweden is so cool !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is the Welsh faggot sitting pn ol'Steptoe's cock? Mind you he'll enjoy that!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eat a dick, you faggot pinko. https:\/\/twitter.com\/jordanbpeterson\/status\/1048320826376740865","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lets go #hoosiers #iubb http:\/\/t.co\/R6Te1dxP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Congratulations on being a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@31sec those dyke bramin bull bitches got back up like getting hit by a car was nothing. Next time it should be a Toyota Tundra that plows into them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are fantastic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. Nazis are democrat operatives calling themselves \"alt-right\" they are just as much an enemy of freedom as democrats. George Soros funded to make the right wing look as hateful as the democrats. They are leftists. What is white? WTF does that even mean? What is white? What is a white person? What makes a person white? What asshole did you pull this notion out of? Because it is a shit notion. What does make a black person black? I know so called people of color who are told they arnt black because something to do with I don't even fucking know. Ben Carson is supposedly a black man, yet other supposed blacks say he's not black. What does it mean to be a white person? What does it mean to be a black person? Or any category of person? Definition of a white person? Straight and to the point. Thanks for the tip!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Queer just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SeanPrice: This nigger tattoo show is horrible","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@walterthecat121 @GalliumRBLX how is it being colored blind?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys she just falls in love to quickly. Cut her a break..you know the eleven year old wanted it. https:\/\/www.google.com\/amp\/s\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/babysitter-who-sex-11-year- Yeah, you guys don't be so hard on her. You can't understand all the hard times she is going through now. [She isn't a bad person!](https:\/\/www.swindon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So it's completely impossible to everyone here that she actually believes that deportation is a bad choice? Also, how is this PPD? Was she trying to use a pussy pas? It's this. It's about getting attention and being praised. They aren't doing a bunch of volunteer work quietly for the sake of helping people. No soup kitchens or picking up trash or a million other common and easy ways a person can donate time while getting dirty and tired. They are publicly (even FB streaming lol) being \"activists\" and not just for anything but for something up front and relevant in the current political zeitgeist for maximum attention. She would never ordinarily fight to keep some rapist or violent assaulter from being deported without the retarded propaganda passed off as news or if he was a white guy being deported to Canada. We really need to stop people from wanting to be heroes instead of just being helpful or useful.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's why they are called niggers... Any parent that allows their child to get involved with a NIGGER should be charged with child abuse ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She sneaked up behind him with a machete. She then ordered him to take off his clothes. Okay. But then she rode him? Or did she sodomize him? Or was it missionary? Doggy? It just seems like he could have overpowered her at some point. can you read the post again? SHE HAS A FUCKING MACHETE!! But during the rape, she was completely invulnerable and dominant? I just want to know more about the details because it's weird to me. Did she rape him until he came or until she came? Did she enjoy it? Did she have the discipline to remain dominant and keep the blade against his neck while she rode him? Did he give up halfway because sex feels good? I must sound like a fucking crazy guy to you people. It's quite possible she held the knife to him the whole time, you realise? A machete isn't a knife. Machetes are pretty dull when you buy them. They are hacking blades. Unless she has a Hitori Hanzo machete, it is going to take a lot of force to kill you. I'm always amazed by this sub when someone disagrees with the popular narrative. This is the first time it was me though. I have karma to spare.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#DerekJeter as a lifelong #Yankees man, I will miss you. #FirstBallot#Unanimous","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what real hate looks like. I mean true hatred of the heart. It's so sad. My heart breaks for him. Please pray that this man here gets right with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord can save him and make him a new creation in Christ. it is good healthy hate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hairstylist seen in video kicking pro-life demonstrator loses job, may face charges https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/hairstylist-seen-in-video-kicking-pro-life-demonstrator-loses-job-may-face-charges","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thirteen years of age is not pedophilia for a nigger. Bucks of that age and younger have already sired several noglets with a variety of sows - and they brag to each other about the number of sow\/sprog combos they've ditched. Bear in mind that nigger sows are capable of whelping at age 8, and their gestation period is a month shorter than that of humans. Yup. My mother worked in a boys prison for murderers here in Canada and most of the inmates were niglets. She told us these kids were always bragging about how many babies they made with a large number of babymommas. The youngest of these inmates was 11 years old, in for armed robbery, drug dealing and murder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMG I can't even right now I am literally shaking I have lost the ability to can.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"EDA!! The 2 queers at AA! lol @Vbomb20 @GDuenez http:\/\/t.co\/GzzrZjvVlV","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Labour allowed their paki voters to rape white children with impunty. And you wonder why we voted to leave. You stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah no, this is a stupid theory. Was Wendig even on salary? Most \"Marvel Employees\" are actually free lancers. Even then, there is no way this guy was making enough money for any bean counter to give a shit about. Why do people keep posting the most retarded conspiracy theories here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the natural order has been disrupted for 2 reasons: 1: is to tax women 2:destroy the natural order by taking away the importance of the nuclear family values and replacing it with state funded \"surrogate provider\" you've effectively turned women into coalburning nigger factories Feminism is primarily a Jewish invention to destroy western values (hell they don't even deny it) https:\/\/www.jewishbookcouncil.org\/_blog\/The_ProsenPeople\/post\/the-forgotten-jewish-element-of-the-womens-liberation-movement\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that fucking faggot white knight with the backpack and calf-socks throwing fingers at the gay guys defending themselves need to be shot in the face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the muslim nigger terrorist obama needs death. the hussein needs it's limbs ripped off and his tongue seared with a hot poker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Over 100 White women are raped or sexually assaulted by Black men every day in the United States. Source: https:\/\/archive.today\/o\/LRe05\/archive.frontpagemag.com\/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=26368","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i love triggering people on gab by praising jews and i thought tumblr freaked out when i criticized islam, trannies and praised trump I love trashing anyone who supports Jews by shoving their ass down the shithole where they belong!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NDFootball: Winston connects with Greene on the slant across the middle for the score. Ball game is tied, 17-17.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is Matthew Bracken? Never heard of the guy. @lostpassword and I must be going to a different cucked boomer retard day support group.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the cunt was silent when a democrap mailed envelopes with Ricin in them to Trump and his staff and family..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Im very glad to have friends","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this sub is just woman hating? WTF does this have to do with her getting a pussy pass? Fin Dom goes both ways too... I think the OP left out some of the nuances of this post. Rule of thumb is \"If this were a man doing this to women\" would the consequences or lack thereof be the same? I truly believe that a man making fun of women about findom and calling them \"desperate cunts\", would be doxxed, swatted and threatened by Internet Feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @HeyKeifer: Golden Oreos regular Oreos YES!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They have gone totally RETARDED over NOT ALLOWING self defense in the UK. Don't let it happen here! Get some laws on your books banning islamic shariah law pushers and Communists and you will go a long way to solving your crime problems. I'd still defend myself, if the pigs don't like it they'll have to get rid of the cunts - like deport them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you drowning ? lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reposted for red-pill sharing. Had to vanquish a troll in original post, by deleting. #BigOilBigMess #FreeEnergy @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo @studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, I mean if you systematically oppress and enslave black people as recently as ONE lifetime ago... YOU HAD IT COMING WHITE PEOPLE. -luv, a non racist black. A black person robbed my friend so fuck you black pieces of shit. One day we will lynch all of you cuz you had it coming. Whit an average IQ of 85 they are retarded so no need to argue whith the special needs kid. Fuck off, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's so shady when you bitches talk to guys w\/ girlfriends that's so disrespectful to do to another girl","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One of the great treasures of living in San Diego is ready access to Mexican Twinkies made with real sugar and Mexican Coca Cola.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pidgin. It's the best that some of these retarded nogs can do. Malawi: Police arrest 140 for 'vampire' kill-kill https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/pidgin\/tori-41690861","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Loaning money, Lol. Jews do more than just \"loan money\" ffs. I know.....Forget yinon and kalergi..... silly us. Yeah, focus on Muslims goyim. NWO...He's coming for ya....lmfao Here is another person naming the jews behind the islamiphication you all hate whilst I carry out jew agenda. Deflection and projection is what I do goyim. There, corrected it for you. . You still havent answered my question. My Islamic filth radar is emitting noise now. Is that verse with the crushed whites in the picture true or not? Muhammad copied allot of jewish doctrine and so kiddy fiddling is also applicable as well. That's one of the reasons why islamonazis fuck our kids in such large numbers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree she's an impolite, , entitled, uncaring asshole but should you really get arrested for smoking a cigarette? Seems a tad excessive... yes, you should. I would also allow a very hard punch to the jaw for people who want to smoke indoors with other people. And Im serious. I would not judge a person who socked this woman right in the face. Its not even really the idea that I might get cancer, its mainly the idea that she has total disregard for others peace of mind and well being and total disregard for rules. Yes, sorry, I think that deserves a sock to the face. This world would be a much more polite place to live if we did that to people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CokaMoschiach_ his defense is trash, and he's been rocked by Jesus Soto Karass, and Diego Chaves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @julia_rodd: When kennies angry he talks like a ghetto black man and I really don't even think he notices HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm laughing @ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's a woman?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vote Liz Warren OUT! FAUXCOHONTAS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that entitled cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you just love sand nigger cock own it cocksucker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The articles don't have her name. They don't have her picture. Know why? She was WHITE. That nigger killed a white woman. And they don't even put her name in there. That's disgusting. She was wrong to ever date a nigger, but the media hiding that is unacceptable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Temple beats Rutgers today, I will be a happy clam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"50 YEARS AGO THAT MOVEMENT WAS CALLED THE \"BUCK SLINK\".... IT WAS THE WAY ALL THE YOUNG NIGGER MEN WALKED...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girlfriend was looking at my reddit feed with me. She laughed at the \"short guys part, but when I tapped and expanded the image to view the reply, she didn't laugh with me for some reason. Edit: I told her she got me top comment. She then asked if people were talking shit about her. She's now mad at me because \"I didn't defend her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude, he's never gonna get it. This Johnny Rotten with AIDS looking faggot is a 50+ year old oil driller in a leftist nation with no children to consider their future for... Also Britian is fucked, no Brexit and Muzzies keep pouring in and taking over while the Jew rubs his hands behind the scenes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess little is 6'2\" 225 ? Any fucking day faggot WOMP WOMP FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kristajayMFC: No mom. Im not \"dramatic \/immature\" i just have fucking mental problems and youre a bitch and a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So some Jew-kike users who are trying to infiltrate Gab are posting #NSFW \"tasteful\" nudes of white women. Lets be real: ANY woman who poses in any form of nudity is a WHORE and a DEGENERATE and does so for JEW photographers. You want to see a sexy white woman? HERE IS A SEXY WHITE WOMAN: #women #whitewomen #sexy #beautiful Hillbilly with tits or spic? @Rico? Lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That woman will die a horrible death at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been getting the same content from the same people @GoyGibson identified. Only Jews would do something like that. They can't win debates with words, so they go full retarded degenerate Jew. Unless @a @support address those problem users, the porn spam will continue. I don't engage these degenerates and I still became a target.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who are these people? Whats going on here? What... is WRONG with Florida...? Everytime i open reddit something insane happens in Florida you really are coming across as a partisan hack. not doing yourself any favors. > Crazy Right Wing bitch citation please. I heard it was because she was refused birth control. Yeah the sjw\/right wing language was suspicious from the jump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching him you'd think cbc was interviewing an African politician. Hussein has done the least for Canadians but some of the biggest long term damage and who'd have thought this retard, originating from where he did, would fuck this up?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I detest disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Photo: Fairfax\/Barrie Ward #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia #AusHistory #History","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why I am tribalist, and ignore the retarded calls for unity... Because I look at the shit Donald Trump is doing, giving billions in aid to Israel, who in turns spends vast sums of it on funding the invasion of our very borders... Then I realize hordes of my kin cheer lead this traitorous cunt with a shit eating grin.. I am sick of hearing \"hes the best of a bad choice\" That tells me that we are simply settling for mediocre. That is a sick symptom of a dead or dying empire. \"Well, it could be worse, we could have got the shit eating retard instead of the piss drinking retard\" Gosh how high standards we have! Isn't empires grand!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LA M QUINAUna vez en Jap n 5 japoneses crearon una m quina que atrapaba ladrones. Primero la m quina la... http:\/\/t.co\/khzl8PfGCT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they need a retard emoji","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now do the same but with a Nigger or a Jew in the photo and wait the reactions. I predict the FBI will be chasing the author in seconds... but against Whites? all is OK, move on...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who don't put their blinkers on seriously just need to crash into a pole or something #moveoutmyway#bitch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a faggot if you use the cover your face emoji","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Methinks he is irritated. With good reason. The intelligence he has to sit on but can't act on. . . I think it IS being acted on, but in a way that won't collapse the West. Trust his plan. Maybe One day 100 years after the fire-nation attacks, Sessions will have his redemption arc. Until then he's frozen in ice. He was the chosen one! If you don't trust POTUS' plan, you can GFY. Trump isn't really a planner. He's a spur of the moment guy, a counterpuncher. Which is a perfectly acceptable style. But to think he's some slow moving, cross all the t's and dot the I's before acting type is to simply not understand the man. Yeah building skyscrapers by winging it Brilliant He doesn't do all the planning for that. He delegates it. HE focuses on the DEALS, which is where his style dominates and outpaces slow planning types. They come to him with questions and he decides then or asks for more info. Have YOU read Art of the Deal? I have. I've watched hundreds of hours of him speaking. He's a dance on his toes kind of guy. No replies just downvotes Lel He's right you know The dude said HIS plan, POTUS's plan, not Q. You also don't have to believe in Q to trust that POTUS and the military have a plan and know what they're doing for Christ's sake. The two aren't mutually exclusive, you **ARE** aware of that, right? If not, and you think POTUS hasn't had a plan this entire time, irrespective of any potential LARPS, you're in the wrong fuckin' place. No shit. If you knew something and were anonymous, wouldn't you just say it instead of releasing vague references and riddles. Apparently Sessions' disgraced, tearful farewell to the corrupt DOJ lifers was The Storm^^TM. Maybe they did trust Sessions, but the fucker just wont wake up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have seen the proof of that at the Faggot Pride Parades !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Old news. But clumsy white justice borderlining maffia, as we are all getting familiar with. Are all these judges retarded boomers or (((members)))? White shariah.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not sure why #teabaggers would care about Nelson Mandela, being that he's one of 'them' if you know what I mean. #teaparty #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doubt it. If she stole it, it's theft. If he damage it, that destruction of property. She just kicked one of those paper and wire signs you see on every lawn now and I doubt it got a scuff mark. Maybe there would be more serious repercussions if she was a politicians or worked for one who removed signs from an opposing candidate but that's not really the case here. Still a cunt move though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I highly suspect this is a joke snap","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as if that nasally little faggot has a girlfriend, cunts got pillowbiter written all over him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every one calls everyone nigger where I am. Adelaide was raped by the US niggers rap for 2 decades.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/order-order.com\/2018\/10\/25\/revealed-the-former-mp-creeping-on-and-threatening-young-male-students\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Top Congressional Democrat: We're Going to Investigate Kavanaugh If He's Confirmed \"The House Will Have To (VIDEO) These subversive COMMUNISTS are using the same exact playbook they have been using for the RUSSIA LIE. No real evidence what so ever, just a manipulative feminist CUNT reading from a script accusing an honorable man of a ludicrous claim. Of course he is guilty in the eyes of these Cultural Marxist indoctrinated swine. In their eyes whites and especially white males are the enemy. At the same time they are alienating even more of their base, some of actually coming to their senses and seeing how evil and wicked these dishonorable swine are. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/top-congressional-democrat-were-going-to-investigate-kavanaugh-if-hes-confirmed-the-house-will-have-to-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I posted this meme at least 100 times on Twitter, and I meant it. I even paid to be Pro and was verified. Because Gab was the only alternative to Facebook and Twitter censorship from the Left, I was willing to tolerate Gab's open door policy to vile racist declared Nazis. I blocked at least 50 of them, but every day are more. So don't say I was never a supporter of Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking CHRIST i hate tutors and TAs. you literally get paid to teach retards to stop picking their nose. GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY FACE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we bomb the selfie-monkey out of my timeline?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i bet you like vagoos too fucking faggot What a surprise, a vagoo lover abusing his power. breeders are all the same >Chad breeders","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Comming from a trans....the REAL sub human trash that NEEDS EXTERMINATED...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to dress up like Kirsten Powers and go as a bitch. kirsten powers appropriates sand nigger cock to throat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at how white the bomber looks on (((FAKE NEWS))) G Zimmerman Treatment @SBPDL @Heartiste @RapefugeeWatch @Koanic @genophilia @PA_01 @IdentityEvropa @GuardAmerican @AlecJohnPaul @AnonymousFred514 @chadbigly @Escoffier @Were-Puppy https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/magabomber-history-making-weirdly-racist-lgbtq-tweets\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know some subs won't allow \"gendered slurs?\" I had a comment removed because I called my MIL a passive aggressive bitch. But calling her a dick was okay... Can't remember which but it wasn't even a particularly feminist one. I can sort of see why people might look at it that way but I use prick\/dick\/twat\/cunt interchangeably, I just use whatever curse word comes to mind first. It's nothing to do with so called gendered slurs. It's so stupid honestly. I honestly feel like I call more men cunts than I do women. I just think it's stupid to get so offended over something like that. That it would be one of the \"worst words you could ever call someone, yanno?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nimrata Randhawa is a neocon And You are a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot \"free\"masonry wannabe spy's","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Birds are cannibalistic as fuck. And chicken which has been reborn as a human and still has memories from the chicken life, would probably be super jolly that she (female because hatched eggs) can eat her sisters and is now the ultimate predator of this world. Like you now are the top, the number one among living creatures of this planet. You won't care about thise lesser birds that your new kind breed for FOOD. You are now god and the future. Also you realise that reincarnation is a thing and you are special because you kept your memories. I would be worried and hope that I won't be reborn as a lobster. Fuckers get boilled alive. But being reborn as a panda would be nice. If you will be a male and get hard, the whole world will cheer for you. Pandas are retarded low libido fuckers who can't fuck just how I can't spell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, it's concluded then. Thousands of pages. Seven (7) FBI background checks 150 witness interviews Not ONE shred of corroboration naming Judge K as the bad guy. THEN, a slew of ridiculous questions from the liberal retarded questioneers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckall women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So basically, what you're saying is that the silent majority is screwed. They're already backed into the corner of political correctness and too afraid to fight their way out. When schools in certain cities started teaching gender neutrality, it was all over for the silent majority that didn't stand up and crush that effort. Face it, most men aren't men anymore and that's where the real strength used to be in this country. It's a woman's world now, they're in charge... now take a look around it and see it in a nose dive straight to the ground. I say let it crash and burn... it'll clean out the women and the Muslim filth who are trying to control everything so the men can step back in and make something that works again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat should make himself clear he believes victims of Rape when the accused is a Conservative not a feeble mined SJW or Demonpratt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Patrick from SpongeBob: \" is mayonnaise 6 figures?\". Hahaha. From a excommunist state I can asure you, communism is shit. Raw cow shit has more value than communism. Wow. That fuking luxury. Just 1h. You got on a list. You waited your turn. Your turn was always skipped. If you were not prezent, you got a vizit from the boys in blue and got whooped until you spilled the beans on the location of the food. Now a funny joke. 40 years ago, reality. Unless you had connections like mad you died of hunger. Unless you bribed the right people you get vizits. Unless you work from morning til 4 in a factory, then, from 5 to 9 in the field you starved. Unless you have 2 children you get fined. One of the funniest now, insane then, stories was the celibate tax. And it was half of EVERYTHING you made. And, in those times, there was a guy who happily payed, celibate and shit. He was the only guy in the city with a Mercedes. In retrospect, he was a legend. > One of the funniest now, insane then, stories was the celibate tax. And it was half of EVERYTHING you made. And, in those times, there was a guy who happily payed, celibate and shit. He was the only guy in the city with a Mercedes. Fucking kek. The MGTOW power is unassailable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think they're referring to ICE. I was shocked the first time I heard they wanted ICE banned The mystic American Gestapo that doesn't do anything noteworthy that the Gestapo did, but Drump bad, so checkmate They think ICE is worse than the Gestopo or SS, when in reality ICE is the only agency at the forefront to combat drug, gun and human trafficking. Of course they are going to separate undocumented children from undocumented adults. The kids still separated are the ones where the adult abandoned them so they wouldn't end up in prison for human trafficking. They aren't the only ones. CBP also does good work to fight those things. Very true, my statement would have been more truthful saying the parent agency, Department of Homeland Security is at the forefront. They control the CBP, ICE, USCG, USCIS (the agency that legally imports nearly 1 million immigrants a year.) And to think people want to disband the DHS. aren't ICE and CBP very related agencies? Yes and No. CBP enforces immigration at the border and 100 miles behind it, as well as air ports and other points of entry. ICE enforces Immigration all throughout the states and doesn't do customs. Think of it like this CBP stops people who have just got in and ICE stops people who have been here for a while. Go look on r\/politics and find the same retarded talking points.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are people in Georgia, that will place her head on a pike... It's advisable for this twat to re-think this publicity stunt... #DemoKKKrats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those gay people won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you ever want some lulz, just read the NCAA rules and regulations concerning student athletes. It reads like some sort of communist declaration for the globo homo masses. Just more commie indoctrination...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a gay person to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks horsefaced enough to be John Kerry's long lost son.... and just as retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"beta faggot who wears dresses and is a thief is the perfect dnc candidate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The latest in MUZZIE CONTROL wipe out a whole herd with one hand just toss and watch them die in fear","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be honest, with parents like those , I don't want them to have a son either. That poor kid would go insane. OR a daughter. Probably not pets, either. Honestly I feel sorry for the air that sustains them. It's rotten isn't it, to it's very core it's why men call it a man's world culling her, has been men's norm but her suggesting culling him that's the outrage, that's the heresy in your man's world. Your really dedicated to this meme I know your manhood is so precious little.. to even bother with so thanks for being a sport and letting me kick it into touch.. LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#MemeWars #JobsNotMobs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OhWowThatsAwk: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"no u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 fo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't let this slide! \"Kanye West is what happens when negros don't read\" is an actual quote from CNN today. https:\/\/youtu.be\/Fh7-D1daJEg https:\/\/redd.it\/9n22dp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many whores in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By their nature, black people are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to help out a trans person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Show me the placard\" \"Don't you threaten me\" What?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dead Nigger Storage....literally. https:\/\/fox","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would describe @whatupag's work as blaxican.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck off Chris, no one gives a shit about you or your retard forums","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JOEL9ONE: Thanks Carolina fans 4 the flipped birds+few bottles to the head. Sticks n stones may break my bones but aluminum zimas will ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There will always be the need for religion. Humanity needs an exemplar, something higher than themselves that they can try to aspire to. What we don't need is clit-cutting infidel-killing skirt-raping building-crashing shitheel raghead religions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's some fairy gay faggot shit there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We are in the eye of the Storm George Soros needs to be arrested, he's a National Security risk to the US #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Western cops have sided with the muzzie invaders over their own peoples. They should expect, and be given, no mercy. They are the enforcement arm of the pozzed multicultural state. If only UK cucked cops protected little white girls like this from moslems","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Totally fails to distinguish between religion\/ideology and ethnicity. NO! Muslims are not a race. That's what the Left want to say so they can call critics of Islam racist. Any old twat can become a Muslim and many do. In some places they'll chop your head off it you don't. There are no genetic markers that make you Muslim. There are that make you a Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HoboKarl: While the men will often be rambling and retarded, the women will appear trashy and tipsy, lawless and lustful http:\/\/t.co\/A5 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jig levitating RT @mashable: Samsung made fun of #Bendgate. Now the Galaxy Note 4 fails, too. http:\/\/t.co\/aJFlpcj7yR http:\/\/t.co\/aSVspIQXmH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @anticvlum: Lol I'm litetally just a walking trash can","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"thats one angry horsefaced cunt right thar,LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some retard will marry her. #MGTOW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay wetback has drug resistant AIDS. First US failure of Truvada Prep Last year drug resistant AIDS came to the US by African rapefugees. Once it hits the bathhouses it will be the 80s all over again @GuardAmerican @Koanic @Heartiste @genophilia http:\/\/www.thebodypro.com\/content\/81384\/first-us-failure-of-truvada-as-prep-is-reported-at.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Florida ~~man~~ nigger strikes again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MorbidMermaid I swear to god nigger you better still hang with me before work. You got my hype","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yet, were you to shit in front of me, I would beat the ever-loving shit out of you. How's that for shit? I challenge you to do exactly the same thing. Watch what happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The best mods of any reddit community are the ones on \/r\/PussyPassDenied The real pussy pass denied is in the admin comments I have never abused the take a penny dish. I only took 2 pennies that one time. [deleted] [deleted] Cry more, that should solve your perceived problem. [deleted] Hell ya it has. We fucking suck. Bad mod !redditsilver [**Here's your Reddit Silver, Toohhnnee!**](http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/x0jw93q.png \"Reddit Silver\") \/u\/Toohhnnee has received silver 1 time. (given by \/u\/ravenswin) __[info](http:\/\/reddit.com\/r\/RedditSilverRobot)__ No. This repost is just to laugh at women losing to men. I think your neckbeard is showing. Losing to little boys. If a fifteen your old is a man in your eyes I hope you stay away from middle schools.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@2014samanthaKay good enough fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How was he a cunt? Killed thousands with drone strikes for starters [https:\/\/www.thebureauinvestigates.com\/stories\/2017-01-17\/obamas-covert-drone-war-in-numbers-ten-times-more-strikes-than-bush](https:\/\/www.thebureauinvestigates.com\/stories\/2017-01-17\/obamas-covert-drone-war-in-numbers-ten-times-more-strikes-than-bush)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you wishing Jean Hatchet\/Vonny Watts a happy birthday? She has cancer so last chance! Half nigger Haslam is 71 next week, he will be in jail soon;))","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Totally feel you, it's how I feel when I see incel gay dudes acting like a-holes because a straight guy doesn't like them back and they think it's okay to try and \"change\" them but they also think trying to convert a gay person is horrible and evil. Liking someone with an incompatible orientation is just part of being gay. With the majority of people being straight, odds are you will crush on a straight person at some point in your life. I know I've liked straight guys before and yeah, it really sucks, but I can't rationalize that being the fault of the female population, they didn't do anything wrong. Luckily though, incel gays and incellesbians are no more representative of gays and lesbians than straight incels are of straight people though. Shitty people are always going to exist in every category. Oh of course, the loudest people are always the worst. I hardly know any other LGBT people offline (aside from me of course) but the ones I do know are just normal people. I'll admit I get mad jealous when I see a bi girl with a man but that's my problem, not theirs or the mans. Feels bad man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These trans people have no right to be alive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that his nigger loving whore in that pic?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AlexBuck You don't even know what you are talking about boy. Go bully your mummy and drink some titty milk. Now you LISTEN HERE SON, The only reason I'm your Father is because I jumped the queue at the brothel. Show some repect for your Father or I'll tan your hide and give you two thick ears! @Predator1 , Sounds like the Kingpin in an 'Asian' grooming rape jihadi gang to me!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serena Williams ruined it #news https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/sport\/tennis\/article-6228021\/Naomi-Osaka-admits-Open-victory-bittersweet.html?ns_mchannel=rssandito=1490andns_campaign=1490","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fat ugly bitter bull dyke traitor along with Alec Baldwin need to be hung this weekend for treason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Caught Rewriting History","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aw! Did I push your buttons and get you riled to the point of being triggered? Truth hurts, doesn't it! Come on cunt cake! Let's go! You want to spar? I'm game! I never hesitate to call out TROLLS such as yourself. You're only recourse is to mute me, like most spineless trolls do when they are confronted with truths that do not agree with their narrow view of reality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't think so, at this point calling a reddit user a cuck is like calling your friend a faggot. These words have lost their original meaning but are still used as insults","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn. That's about the most retarded post I've seen today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ppuppy walked... gym attended... fight won... shower... fish an chippies...now puppy to the Giraffe and off to the Pub for me for a night of serving drinks, laughing, gettin paid and drinking.. i love Fridays! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift breaks silence on politics, supports Dems... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Bs54","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NancyPelosi Filing #FOIA Request, Re #BrettKavanaugh! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/pelosi-filing-foia-request-for-key-kavanaugh-documents-prolonging-fight #DemocratsInPanicMode F#Democrats#POLICIES F#NuttyNancy for the#Nuthouse and needs to be tested for#Kuru #GaborZolna's take https:\/\/www.real.video\/5845944618001","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying that you hate immigrants shows how misguided you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I said already, stop being a faggot and stand up for your race white man. You sound like some gay SJW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those nurses. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beautiful in every way!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What happened this time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vote for the twat and get an A. How can any school allow this lunacy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sounds like a good party going on in Cologne right now https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-europe-45862091","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weird demon guy has a pentagram hanging from his neck and kicks like a retarded ostrich He needs to be passed around a little in prison.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OGMarcusC: I hate stereotypes. Preconceived notions that black men are athletes or criminals.. Black women are ghetto and confined to t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This. I had my ass grabbed in public by strangers before and it's retarded but I'm not gonna kill someone over it like what the hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Look at this bunch of t*ssers https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6297681\/Thousands-anti-Brexit-campaigners-march-London.html Yes parents used to go to working men's clubs and their kids would meet other kids and get married have kids but today these meeting places are gone. White people need an introduction app. For young white people to meet. British parents need to make sure their sons and daughters meet. Make sure they understand how their actions effects their future. That their freedoms will be gone .my own granddaughter says she wants no kids and she's ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Queer theory is an important addition to the curriculum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy fuck. Based. And then the dumb cunt just takes it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must not get away with saying stuff like \"your female lives are worthless\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is what you look like when you suck too much sand nigger cock. vile human waste","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Without STEM we get nigger infested Africa.......and not even Africans want to live in Africa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rewrite, tinker with it's official language regarding same-sex relationships, divorce, remarriage, etc. But nothing is set in stone at all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"any faggot bitch of a man that dresses like this is as irrelevant as his useless nut sac. https:\/\/i.4cdn.org\/pol\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Im_Thirst: That nigger made the shit out of my coffee.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a n i g g e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just st4b those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Seymor_Buccs: Man, most of you coons couldn't jus up in quit yo job, if you found out ya boss racist, so shut tha fucc up. Niggas love ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"From the company that turned Rayman into a franchise about retarded anthropomorphic rabbits. The irony.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The problem is that Linus actually bought into their bullshit and didn't ignore them. As tough as he may seem he has provided evidence that he actually submitted to the PC dogma of \"nazis do X and if you do X too then you are a nazi\". His big brain is great at technical stuff, but when it comes to understanding sociopolitical games he's as retarded as any leftist out there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honest question does this clown think he is actually a journalist? Rockland Dale, please do us all a favor and stay off our side.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SUCK MY DICK https:\/\/www.minds.com\/DON_LEGARACCI DAYUM U COMIN IN HOT WITH THE SLUGS, NOW I KNOW HOW THOSE SYNAGOGUE VICTIMS FELT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Omfg kill yourself. Why dont you suck her dick if you are so worried about it. Your country is falling to pieces and you are worried about if a woman has a dick. Seriously you retard do you not even hear yourself???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RosieZaya1: Ur fucking white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common black tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a terrible shame.... LOL. I think it's retarded that people can be warned by the police over tweets, I mean, it's not like he was making serious threats to kill someone or anything, but the schadenfreude is strong on this one. This guy is such a cunt that I can't help but point and laugh on this occasion. It represents the people who put these stupid rules in place and support these rules learning why they're fucking retarded. And hopefully them opposing the rules since, surprise, they apply to them too. Sometimes people only start to realize why something is bad when they are personally affected by it. If they are immune, or feel immune, they don't care. Which is why we're in this position.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lakers are trash right now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WaavyLee: His balls ashy RT @Yattabing: @Trelaire1st: Real women do this http:\/\/t.co\/VG5DBqH8aT and real faggots let em do that.. Smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A victory for the Republican party in the midterms will be viewed as an endorsement of the policy of persecuting dissidents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Drewmking: @Joely_Poly @Victoria_Finae he plays for the Yankees right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that female lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they're working on a bill to prevent retards from voting. who knew retards COULD vote? things are starting to make sense now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you saying the retard lawyer wrote that? If so lol. That shit doesn't work on intelligent people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a c r i p p l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What an ugly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dominoes, moonlit lake, Velvet Underground, honey whiskey = white trash heaven. I accept your ridicule...but just tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other immigrants like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Cantwell You made it on CNN. https:\/\/youtu.be\/My4VshOrBCU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Emerson biguns Damn! My thoughts exactly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The rule is, don't shit where you eat. Nothing wrong with taking a ride on the crazy train, if that's what gets you off. Just don't be naive about the crazy bomb that will go off after the moaning stops. So long as you've avoided getting your SJW-approved Harkonnen heart plug installed and you don't actually perv or creep, then who the fuck cares about their little poundmetoo moral panics. Those only affect people who either deserve it or who allow themselves to be bullied. The only time it's a problem is when the yellow press media gets a hold of a high profile target and proceeds to defame them -- and that's an entirely different problem. They'd be doing that with or without poundmetoo; they'd just find some other reason to defame their target.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"If Warren can claim oppressed minority status with","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to klil all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off with this bullshit journos. I'm gay and do not want gaming to become this shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua Americans. Not black Americans; not African Americans; Americans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Techcunt here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A local Ca judge let a nigger with a gun who threatened my wife OFF WITH A WARNING.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Musl1ms should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2022: Saying you won't let a faggot diddle your toddler because you're homophobic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Next on your list, pierce your face with a katana.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only modern horror movies are that violent and cruel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweet! Just found that box of Twinkies I bought last year for $225.00! I bet its at least tripled by now! Such a no-brainer buy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"while trump has a set of smiling nigger businessmen in the oval office cheering his calls to end violence in the u.s., forget how the monkeys stepped over the whites in memphis, jackson , etc with privileges granted by virtue of fossil genes and corrupt science","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats have never been good at understanding fractions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Halloween is also a microaggression It actually is. Have you seen that Yale list of costumes? Yale as in the university? [Oh, sweet summer child](https:\/\/youtu.be\/jxGbnIq6KVQ) Basically, after his wife sent an email that effectively said that students shouldn't be policing other students costumes for Halloween, Nicholas.Christakis decided to meet with some Yale students who basically performed the equivalent of a Maoist \"shame circle.\" ***Why the fuck are these people all clicking?*** That doesn't strengthen whatever point you may validly have, it just makes me want to punch every one of them in the face. As an Einstein-kin, refusal to clap is triggering. [As Olivia Newton Einstein-kin](https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/bTDeXIZLTRs\/maxresdefault.jpg) Fuck you, I'm going to go have sex with six men.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But we have seen in Iraq these cunts SUDDENLY get PREGNANT and refuse to deploy and men have to do the hard work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @PrayForJack I survived swine flu, bird flu, west nile and the Bloomberg administration. I'll be fine the abortion survival. Cant 4get that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's what the fucking Soviets under Stalin called it. It's like how \"SJW was the term people on the left called those among them who had gone full retard. I still don't understand if modern SJWs are just dumb as fuck or seriously think they can \"take it back or something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not care for 1 second if you have an issue with my religious beliefs and no amount of internet bullying can stop what happens next. You are a defective piece of ZioShit. @DaTroof","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me guess. The FBI is playing with itself now, per General Obama's orders, right? How far will this need to go before we acknowledge this is not just a bunch of faggot n-words with a political message? Do people need to die before we put a stop to it? People, these are NOT PROTESTS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"^ She's mad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ballsy move to pull this shit in front of a crowd like that They don't look like American cops. In many places in the world police brutality isn't a thing Wut? The fuck you on about willis?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was raised by Whites and has an IQ FAR above the nigger average. I watch him on YouTube a lot. He speaks the truth. Very rare.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She also incites violence! She's a murderer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a queer to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are people acting psyched over getting the emergency test text?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breaking: Women are the \"niggers\" of the world What we have here are Liberal elites going after White women trying to turn them against their White husbands White guilt is a joke Reminds me of a joke what is the difference between a Pussy and a Cunt? Do you give up A pussy is the Awesome pink and wet part that every straight man like me desire, the Cunt is who owns it! Sorry Ladies not for your eyes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" my favourite pic look the babe must be some what torn but is totally enjoying her relationship , but eventually people move on , shes dedicated very admirable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White sharia was a retarded meme that poisoned the well for any talks about gender relations.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only immigrants are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sneak thief, traitor and a low level twat and exposed secret government documents that she didn't even have lawful access too. let the bitch rot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Larpy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SeanRossSapp Don't think anyone is mocking the man. I've seen people mock the bespectacle of social media mourning. Cultural zeitgeist of","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"such a dirty slut, show us ur tits skank if u were attractive u wouldnt be afraid to show ur tits to gabbers, do it and hot men like myself will believe ur words and listen to u. I promise 1k likes minimum Hot men? How adorable you think ghetto nigger makes a hot man lmao! I've already been through your account Mr I am a nigger. You do realize I'm only engaging with you to laugh at you right? But then again the actual definition of nigger means an ignorant person so I don't expect you to understand it lmao I realize everything, but are a whore for showing ur fat cleavage online. so might as well act one u pig But ARE a whore lmao! Did mommy leave you with cps when she ran off with that white man? Awe! Guess you don't get the best schooling in cps care huh? Awe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently the Cunts at Twitter don't think that Sad Dick Khunt is an arrogant, ignorant Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't think I've heard a better description ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only we werent collectively too retarded to continue fighting for actually equality and calling out radical feminists WHILE calling ourselves feminists to adopt the name again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If this had been a male teacher with a female student, this story would have read much differently. Even the header would have said raped and not \"had sex . But double standards don't exist, amiright?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @iamkrause: No need to thank me, killing niggers is it's own reward. Dis my pal from our graduation when we was 26","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"...no I can't lmao!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Murdering a Muslim like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perhaps Trump should invite mudsharks and various porno Niggers like Lexington Steele into the White House, because MAGA isn't racist! We love when our wimmins bed down with niggers that have borderline retard IQ's and dusky savage impulses! Time to send in the REAL clowns - Niggers + a category 5 Chimpout in the tea garden","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/unitedwithisrael.org\/israeli-help-is-on-the-way-to-hurricane-michael-victims\/? Israeli Help is on the Way to Hurricane Michael Victims Are there fresh organs to be had?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By nature, women are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is Cam still acting like a sissy ? haven't watched that kneelin' nigger shit in years","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's right, stupid libtard. It's a manhood issue to protect one's home, family, and property from invasion. Retarded liberal women will hand everything (and I mean everything) over to the first retarded thugs that come around asking for it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The first game was the most retarded piece of media to ever be set in the (becoming less) great State of Oregon. I expect nothing less from the sequel. CHANGE MY MIND","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It will work just as well as they intended, to virtual signal some crap and nothing more. Only someone that is either really delusion, really retarded or really out there would think it would really get migrants to stop shooting each other.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With the shadow banning of conservatives on Twitter I decided to try this site. I am fed up with the news and want to find out what is really going on in this great country of ours. I am a Trump fan and he is the best president that we have had since Reagan and he may become the best ever. I hope to meet some great patriots on this site as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Which is why I liked Jason Kessler's farcical \"jewnite-the-Rite 2\" of six or eight fuktards including a based nigger and beaner and some ol whigger supporting jail for jewdges. But these \"rallies\" should be reserved only for a half-dozen burnt-out whigger fuktards triggering 200 ZOGpigs, 500 antifa, and a thousand ZOGtards of various colors","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They're retarded and thought you'd appreciate it. Lol Also you're probably pretty sexy to a drunk 50 y\/o woman. Lol Then you're a cunt as well \"I think people hate women based off virtually zero contextual evidence\" You already said pussy, retard. Think of something fresh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell me why I am suppose to give a shit about this sand nigger and not the other 200,000 that got their heads chopped off in the last 2 weeks? Spare me the selective fake outrage. Not our problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come on nd get that chicken niggers love dat chicken from popeyes http:\/\/t.co\/YjFh2HaVav","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redneck ISIS or Y'all queda is a liberal trope. Maybe an Antifa operation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@rugbysocklad: Fit lads! Nice gear! http:\/\/t.co\/ThnXX1lC1M\" these scally lads n trainers would get it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like a plan to us, Todd! We'll wait until right after Christmas though. After his parents buy him all the new games this holiday season he can kiss his Account goodbye. His console will be bricked so he won't even be able to patch his single player games after Christmas morning. XD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she looks like white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ChiefKeef: Dat bitch Katy Perry Can Suck Skin Off Of my Dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Five caged lions poisoned and mutilated at African game farm. This is the type of shithole savage that Europeans are so eager to import. Ppl on Gab love to pull this type of vapid \"logic.\" They'll show poaching in Africa and go \"what savages! We don't need this!\" But if some white hunter goes to Africa and kills the exact same lion, they're like \"git er dun! Yee haw!\" and high five. So you can tell they actually don't care about the lion, it's a tool they use for their stupid belief systems. They do the same thing to human beings, especially albino Africans, for MEDICINE. Educate yourself, watch this: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7K5qVWG5CXU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm gonna have to remember that one. Seriously though, that face is irritating. It's r\/punchablefaces material for sure. Yeah after I linked it, I delved into a deep pit that I'm still not completely out of. Still not exactly sure what happened with the sub... [https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MuseumOfReddit\/comments\/4h5w3b\/august_10_2015_rpunchablefaces_is_under_new\/](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MuseumOfReddit\/comments\/4h5w3b\/august_10_2015_rpunchablefaces_is_under_new\/) It was taken over by purple-haired SJW's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HAHAHAHA! You got kicked out of your university for being a failure! LOL! What a retarded faggot!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Eis, I haven't been following this, and since I trust you, how about you 'splain it to me: One muzzie country killed a guy from another muzzie country, and we're supposed to care why, exactly?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't you read seige? LOL SEE WHAT I DID THERE LMAO!!!! That's not @MartyGraw that fucking faggot, it's someone else. Why would that cocksmoker @MartyGraw make his faggot username not marty if it was actually closet homosexual @MartyGraw ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"According to Vanity Fair, the Jerusalem Post, and others, the richest 50-75% of people in the world are Jewish. Jews control the Fed, all the biggest banks, Wall Street, and the MSM. You are a liar, Jay, and probably a Jew. You running your cocksucker helps expose kike shills such as yourself. Lololol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good fucking dirty muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How the fuck am I still awake?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trace, I would ask you to rethink the out of Africa myth. Since the out of Africa theory was proposed, there have been many discoveries that prove modern humans existed in other parts of the world much earlier than what was thought when the OOA theory was proposed. For instance, there have been skeletal remains of humans found in Asia that are many thousands of years older than the oldest found on the African Content. It amazes me that there is so much information out there that shows older humans elsewhere on Earth but people still adhere to the falls narrative that modern humans evolved on the African continent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They were looking for an excuse and that retard gave it to them on a silver platter. The guy was a nazi and anti Trump, he was one of them. I'm kinda surprised the nazi's are still running their mouths after this shit, the FBI is watching and taking names.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Incredibly fucking annoying voice, but reasonable arguments. I agree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any doctor that gives hormones to a minor should be sent to prison and have their medical licence revoked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WW1 was a fully retarded and unnecessary war. Germany (Austria-Hungary) was in the right, while the Russians, under Tsar Nicholas II, was dead wrong. Russia started WW1 and WW2 was directly birthed from it. But WW2 was also unnecessary. Germany was interested in the EAST, not western Europe. Hitler, left alone, would have ended the Soviet Union and saved the world billions of lives and dollars spent in the Cold War.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you believe that, you do not have Republican values. We don't need your vote. And this is where we part ways. Do you fuck your mother with that mouth? Fuck off bitch, I'll rip your arm off and shove it up your ass... D'awww look at the little troll. Were you too liberal for 4chan and they ran you off?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're getting there UK. Keep letting them in and coddling them. All you need to do is hit 16% muzzie to reach the critical mass where Islamist is impossible to stop. You all WILL be Muslim or killed. Your wammen WILL be all wearing burkas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cry some more, Q-tard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The #Doggo of Peace strikes yet again! #Pitbull #Pitbulls https:\/\/archive.fo\/rIuLt LoL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You might have heard I had to do a little time last year after the government decided communists were the good guys at a riot they started. I didn't particularly enjoy the accommodations, but I made some pretty good friends while I was there. One of them is Alex Michael Ramos, Inmate # i know we have to be calm right now but it fucks with my mind so much that these ppl are in jail when that nigger and other communists are still free I understand exactly how you feel.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Web_BOW yes das def da problem.if his.teacher was a spear chucker he woulda gt both dose rite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know enough to spin a conspiracy theory on this yet, but I gotta say, this is beginning to feel like election interference from an intelligence agency. In the fourteen months since Charlottesville there hasn't really been a major violent incident from our side, right? Then, <2 weeks before the midterms, we get the \"MAGA Bomber\" who supposedly sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats, left DNA and fingerprints all over the things, and had a van covered in Trump shit, but only followed Democrats on Twitter. Immediately after that, the \"All Jews Must Die!\" synagogue shooter, opens fire on a bunch of praying kikes without any specific provocation, then does battle with responding officers,using the Democrat's favorite firearm, the AR- And of course, with absolutely no plans of escaping. At this rate, we'll wake up Monday to news of an actual slave plantation kidnapping negroes and making them pick cotton manually, then throw it away, just for the joy of oppressing them. By Wednesday they'll be parading some other patsy around, claiming he was building gas chambers in his basement, with wooden doors of course, in a poorly constructed plan to carry out the final solution. By Friday we'll be hearing about a Tinder rapist who confesses to a hundred rapes in the name of \"Thot Patrol\". lmao you retard how old are you ? just another isolated crazy oldfag trying to act hard, that retard didnt help anybody with his actions","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html muting because you use words as crutches which means you're not smart enough to persuade without ad hominem nonsense. FFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG words have been used against whites to.shut us down...we will take it back it is actually empowering....like a nigger going full 'fro and not culturally appropriating another races hair you mute because you are not smart enough to persuade","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meanwhile... Rent free. I've did a new one. AWESOME!! @OpinionatedTool @MartyGraw da joooossss Oh it seems someone got pissed off. Snitch Gibson is a crybaby little bitch. Just ignore him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT AMike4761 Australian MP, Pauline Hanson, warns Muslims \"obey our laws or go back where you came from. Australia is being swamped by Muslims\" - Speech Point #ma4t http:\/\/speech-point.blogspot.com\/2017\/10\/australian-mp-pauline-hanson-warns.html https:\/\/youtu.be\/bagSNaw61m4 NZFirst: Winston Peters Answers Islamic Immigration Question at NZ First Campaign Launch Speaking out of both sides of his mouth as usual. Actions speak louder Winston. You given up on BeNaughty Chatrooms? ??? It's not that old Now look whose bullshitting out of both sides of the mouth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No black person ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most USSR jew wasn't killed by Stalin. Them flee to Israel in 1970s and later. You are greatly retarded as you compare 1933 and","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How am I a nigger lover? You are blaming an animal for being an animal and not the owner of said animal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_icantmiss Boys still got birds in the cage? Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I, for one, welcome our new Eastern Panhandle overlords, and hope they do a better job than the yokels who got us here in the first place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" spot on--I read a book on the brothers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does he mean nigger and wigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Diversity is our weakness! It is now! Sounds to me like BBC gardening again. They love putting plants among their audiences to create the agendas they want to promote and of course the extreme left wing paper, The Daily Mirror, loves to help them out. Confused logic. The whole continent is incredibly racist against Gypsies compared to Americans' attitude about any race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It'll be trump vs Biden, calling it now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I see ya big Boi in the Oreo V's","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those of us who are anti-Trump have to deal with people who seem to inhabit an alternate universe. In Universe Beta, Trump just built a border wall, pulled our troops out of Syria, and successfully re-negotiated trade deals with multiple countries. Oh, and illegal immigration is at an all time low. What drugs are they smoking, and where can I find some?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This nutcase DEMANDED an investigation, but now wants the results to be withheld... https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/huge-development-feinstein-moves-seal-fbi-investigation-case-collapses\/amp\/?__twitter_impression=true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DogeTheDog: Wow Such banana So potassium Much yellow http:\/\/t.co\/xINHDwyTqS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The one in yellow was a female? [deleted] Do we? How else do you describe it? I'm intrigued? [deleted] Ah I see what you're getting at. Don't confuse the internet with real life. These people don't exist in real life or at least, I have never met someone that describes themselves in that way. Because they'd be openly and deservedly mocked. [deleted] It seems the troll deleted all his\/her replies, I was curious to what he\/she was saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_VodkaThoughts_: \"Light beer? You mean faggot piss?\" -Overly Powered Man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can Charlie Crist pull one over on Rick Scott? Well he did pull one over on #floridaprimary dems tonite. #TPOT #Election2014","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for g a y people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can Minnesota, Oregon and Maine Be Sued? Third gender option for driver's license.... Where do they hold someone third gender, whom is arrested? https:\/\/bit.ly\/2yjB4e8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glad you liked it ! Her retarded facial expressions are really something else. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the fuck is this cunt saying","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only way to fix Chicago is to eliminate the nigger and spic infestations along with the kikes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I FULLY SUPPORT President Trump using DEADLY military force to defend the United States from FOREIGN INVADERS who are hell bent on destroying this country. We don't attack unarmed people. No matter how much you hate them. WTF is wrong with you people? It's as if you aren't Americans or something.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have started writing a book.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING: Scientific proof that extensive space travel melts the brain. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/BfP5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Corey Booker faggot raped me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Should've aborted the fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The comments on that article gave me ulcers. Why are we kidding ourselves that the majority of the world is like this? I've worked for one of the largest ISPs in America, and have heard our COO call someone a faggot. My manager constantly made jokes about women. My VP of operations regularly made fun of Hyderabad employees for their robot-esque approach to communication. Our client care execs would go on and on about the black employees constantly being lazy at work, sitting around with their feet up and talking to each other trying to hook up in the parking lot. We had a guy who hit on this girl for a long time, only to see that same girl use the urinal NEXT TO HIM. He threw up and told her to gtfo. My company bends over backwards to include multi-racial advertising, cultural holidays from around the world, ethnic diversity programs to empower the work force. But inside the company it's a completely different world. Everyone's putting a face on so they can survive but the reality is you can't change thousands of years of human nature by screaming at social media post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I call you an NPC, because so tell me oh wise one, why does \"muh master race\" keep losing all the time forever? - enthusiastically awaiting your copout from your prissy altright faggoty haircut to put it short, GOP are Zionist shit, The word \"Aryan\" was only a general term used in the early 1900s for people of European descent (like the word Anglo or Caucasian), no matter what Jewish propaganda and wanna-be Nazis tell you, this is what it is. I've never claimed to be \"Nazi\" even though I love and admire Hitler, but I think modern neo-Nazis are fucking retards cause they model themselves on the Jewish definition of \"Nazis\", refusing to really understand what Hitler was doing for \"Germany\" and not \"white people\", and instead jerk-off to clownish used-car-salesman Larpers like George Rockwell, never learning from their mistakes, just repeat them over and over since post WW2 and can't be reasoned with cause they're too hung up on 'muh white victimhood', they claim white blood is superior but also claim it so fragile it would be obliterated by contact of a single drop of non-white blood, they want to cry about Antifa, but not willing to sacrifice their own freedom to make a fatal example out of them, they're folly is always trying to make it 'white vs. the world', and alienate anyone who thinks outside their bubble, instead of realizing the Jew is everyone's problem, so until they realize this, they will remain a useless minority who get crushed again and again by Kikes, Good-Goys and Leftist Scum, because numbers is not their strong point, nor do they care for it to be, they prefer ideology, sloganeering and pipe dreamy end-results without having to actually work for it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had to make it over the top otherwise I would sound like a grammar faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'cause nigga sniper sittin' in them trees will shoot wetback scum between the eye as soon as they try cross border","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's an offshoot of chad memes. They're funny. Feel free to laugh. Unless you live in a SOCIETY! You start to realize that all of you retards are the same people who used to endlessly quote Adam Sandler movies or YouTube bullshit. Because none of you have anything genuine to say of your own. We live in a SOCIETY. But we also die in a society GAMERS RISE UP I can't tell if you're just mad that a meme doesn't get my panties in a bunch or if you're unironically defending the behavior that the meme is making fun of. Either way, you take reddit way too seriously.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sopwith Are you mad at the fact that someone is calling you out on your gay porn collection?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"more people than you think. I'd post specific instances, but that could be against some rules and also exacerbate some issues. Just keep an eye on your twitter feed and note some responses to Jason and various other Aggros insane tweets. And coupled with his bullshit story about how Blizzard pulled the D4 announcement from Blizzcon, how does he have any goodwill or credibility with the gaming industry? Here's to hoping Blizzard blacklists him for that stunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TIME TO #BoycotttRubyTues What the fuck are you talking about? Ive been to my ruby tuesday in trump shirt and maga hat idk how many times. Not only do they serve us, but they love us. We are treated as VIPs there. Where the fuck are you getting this nonsense from? The world doesn't revolve around you...you can't even imagine that at one of their restaurants this could happen? Really? Boycott fucking everything. Either support conservative businesses, or make your own from supplies bought from conservative businesses. No u I stopped caring the moment I posted the original post. I just wanted to see how far you'd go I don't even know what you're talking about. I made a reasonable comment on your post and you went psychotic. Can't make sense out of you. Hello welcome to the world of weaponized autism I am it and you lost Whatever. Not here to waste time with lunatics. I only love to harass them if they are clearly paid shills\/trolls etc with the purpose of spewing a fake narrative, causing division, agitating users etc. I don't know if this is just a random lunatic. guess you'll never know huh? I don't GAF. I just don't want to have to bother with you. best mute me before I #SpidermanThread your retarded ass tehn lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Jpizzle651 I didn't really have one, was aware of Yankees, but always loved Dodgers uniform!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find all trans people disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chris Mathias is trying to whip up a Twitter mob to go after Gavin McInnes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's retarded is tucking the \/alleged\/ info away to use as blackmail, which was a Spencer\/Kline production. Shenanigans like that are far more problematic for the integrity of the cause than a stray mischling here or there. The lesson here isn't that national socialists or antisemites are asses. Plenty of them are, to be sure. But there are asses of every flavor on the radical right. One lesson I do see is how paranoia and suspicion feed off of themselves. The plan was, ironically, a conspiracy to leverage fear about Jews to manipulate a crowd that's fearful of Jewish perfidy. If only that were the only perfidy we've got to deal with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BAN all RETARDED RACIST SEXIST lefties! Women should never have been given the right to vote!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fags are evil retarded cock gobblers who suck at comedy..like a fuck tonne https:\/\/youtu.be\/ywAX5XHaIbw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Floppy bird chalmers over here taking after his hero LeBron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please VOTE NO !!! to the COMMIE PINKO FAGGOT Democrats !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @wizkhalifa: On the east coast there's colored hair everywhere. This must be the sweetest wave ever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So a quick search lead me to the origins of some of these terms. \"Stan\" comes from an Eminem song so...a white guy. \"Tea\" in slang terms apparently originated among drag queens, and I wasn't able to find a specific origin for \"I'm screaming!\" but most arrows point towards Tumblr teen girls. Literally the only one that can be specifically traced to \"AAVE\" is \"weave snatched\". Honestly, they're words, get over yourself. The comic creator too (who I know works for Buzzfeed so his self-flagellation is par for the course) is particularly embarrassing. \"I'm not sure if I really have permission to make comics using those words\" FFS, stop acting like a milquetoast sycophant; words are not owned by anyone, use them to your heart's content. People who get hung up on words \"belonging\" to a certain demographic are severely lacking a personality. He actually quit working for BuzzFeed, but I still agree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Protected-group\" representative offers free 'DIY Tips' to policemen in Londonshire. https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7574781\/north-london-police-officers-stabbing-screwdriver\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mark Levin Corrects CNN's Don Lemon: First Amendment Does NOT Protect' Right to Trespass,' Harass Someone' https:\/\/www.cnsnews.com\/blog\/michael-morris\/mark-levin-corrects-cnns-don-lemon-first-amendment-does-not-protect-right","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's like. Say you want to play single player dark souls with a hack for invincibility and shit on. I don't care. I mean I don't get the point and would find ti boring but as long as you don't use that shit to be a dick to people(at least normal invaders are playing on the same field). I don't care. I mean some would get butt hurt but why care what the hardcore fuckers who think you must do no death runs or you don't like the game thinks. Like in back to the future It seems that for whatever reason, insulting them on their lack of masculinity, degeneracy, etc. has little effect in the far left. Yet insulting the fact that their ideology is a monolith where they all repeat a set of opinions hits them hard. Like when that CNN anchor and his band of activist hack commentators all reeed when the one conservative commentator used the word \"mob to describe the current state of the left. I believe we have achieved a breakthrough in shitposting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck u anti muslims heartless assholes u will go to hell","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"spoken like a true retarded liberal when we win please do not cry","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Charlie4927 Hi Charlie, have a great day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEW POLL: Gillum virtually tied with DeSantis in Florida governor race https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/h4tKGL\/Dq-HHt-Ey-Wo-AAfwd-P.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jCJr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Future #Democrat plays a game of Frogger and loses. http:\/\/archive.is\/4rRn7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger student threatens french school teacher by Mark Collett; https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4Fdtu42T_h8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree. It's crazy to me that women think it's okay to walk around in public with their twat lips and ass cracks on full display. Why do women allow their daughters to wear this? Don't women get tired of seeing each others camel toe? As a guy, could you imagine if 95% of the men that you saw were wearing skin tight pants or shorts that showed a clear outline of their cawk and balls? How about the ugg boots and \"yoga pants\" look? Could you imagine if 90% of guys that you saw were wearing the same boots and pants? It's so strange. It's like women have a incessant need for conformity and showing off their cunt folds. Well they definitely enjoy the view, but no man is going to date these whores. Its not empowering, it's regressive. If I ever have daughters, I am NEVER going to allow them to be sluts. Fucking A, how do parents of these kids feel? That their daughter is a whore? So glad that both of my sisters are not like this, thank god, even if he doesn't exist. I wouldn't even imagine how I'd feel if my sisters were sluts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It be so good to not gotta woyke in da moanin. I da only colored dat woyke cuz colored folk be lazy and lives off da white guilt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KingDrayn: @rosebeforehoes2 don't forget we gotta take out trash and need milk...and spermicidal lube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it's white women's turn for the 2min hate This type of subversive propaganda and agitation is the same technique the Jewish Bolsheviks used to stir up the Russian populace and convinced them to go along with them (in anticipation of a \"workers paradise\" these Jews promised) and overthrew the Czar of Russia in She's a Jewess. Do a Google image search.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should not let gay people suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@KeyshawnSwag: Peel up peel up bring it back up rewind back where I'm from they move Shaq from the line\" ooooow who tf said that trash!!?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The more I read about her, the more convinced I am that she is a fucking retard whose opinions should be made fun of for years to come. Seems like the bigger of a CUNT a woman is, the more likely she is to be a feminist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Written by a christard yesterday in here ,They choose that goddamn sand nigger OVER their race Go worship your kike The Carolyn Emerick camp of paganism, everyone. These are pagans piggybacking on the Alt-Right to promote their bullshit religion Carolyn is your leader if you're Folk Right. You're lead with an emotional idiot. Aren't you that larping faggot that pretends he's a Viking? Anyone who has remotely paid attention to your posts realizes you're a fool. I grew up knowing pagans. You guys make them look stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why can't they just go back to Africa if they hate it here so much especially that we enslaved them. Wtf.? funny, the bitch was beaten by a nigger so hmmm... oh yeah, another African tribe threatened the asshole if he did it again... and then you have Whitney H. drugged and abused oh, yeah was it the same nigger... didn't see none of them rioting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/Shabbosgoy\/status\/1050787632177971201 U should spend more time here....I'm in Twatter jail again for a frigging week !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But the media stations are reporting it in their usual blame game way, while at they same time reporting it at hyper speed! I thought one cunt was going to actually have a melt down!!! LOL!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Buy a pc game call camp buddies trust me you haven' t seen anything yet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sources say that Charlie Crist is on the phone with Rick Scott as I type this to concede.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, I want cunt hiLIARy and Soros killed. Feelings are mutual","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't decide if that chick is hott or not, I mean it's there but there's just something... off... about her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nope but thanks. Get this ... I done being 'advised' by losers that MLK COCK up the ass for fun. Basically if 'swearing' offends you ... you are worthless. Personally YOU. Fighting folks swear. Working Folks Swear. CUNT COUNTRY Club traitors ... they use Posh English.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you watch the whole video the family was trying to attack the cops multiple times before this. Besides, if you have a gun strapped to your waist, you can't risk getting knocked and her taking the gun Did anyone make that cop carry a gun, fucking lumberjacks die more often than cops. Being a cop isn't even in the top ten.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @OGBEARD: Some of y'all bios are trash. Mine pretty good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sheemteam97: Fuck the Islamic State!! We will kill those cunts ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a stalker, you worthless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're entirely correct. This is sacred territory they are treading on. I'll add that this should apply only in cases of willful tampering. If this cunt is simply inept that's a different story but I don't think she is. How the fuck this cunt still has this job after all of the obvious fuckery she's been involved in is the real question. We need another Red Scare.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a disabled person, it must be bullsiht. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That boy is probably safer in the Ukraine than he is in faggot Swedenistan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This girl is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americans get real upset when anyone disrespects Real Indians, like Chief Dan George and Jay Silverhills who we grew up loving and respecting their honor and loyalty \"Today is a good day to die\", but then I found out Pocahontas was scalped by Big White Chief.. Notice how easy it is to drive the Democrat Nazi All Bat Shit Crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all hoes really get mad cause a nigga don't want cha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw an image on there today with the \"potentially sensitive content\" warning, and when I revealed it, it was just a photo of Trump captioned \"good morning fellow patriots\". How is Twitter still in business? That's almost too ridiculous to be true, but I know it is. Seriously people he's our president. The sky has yet to fall, your life is still normal, and yet you still sit around and act like he's a fucking fascist. How do they rationalize their delusions? How are so many people this completely whacked out of their mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hitler didn't finish it. Can u. If a nigger ur Jew confronts u in the street what then.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ERIC HOLDER IS A FUCKING NIGGER JACKASS !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saw this on the (((TV))). Do the Jews making these commercials really believe a white women will ever consider dating a mudshark? Kikery delusion at it's finest. That nigger looks like he got smashed in the face by a shovel. Must be a chinknigger hybrid By the look of the flat face, probably Korean.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off back to twitter rabbi. are you still here i told you to fuck off. you are so retarded its actually hilarious...thats why I keep you around always doing and saying the dumbest shit. You bring me many laughs on gab","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1\/ Put any leftist retard into a mosque or any gathering of Muslims where a prestigious imam is speaking - they will learn that a good servant of Allah never takes non-Muslims as friends, and they only move to Western countries to INFILTRATE and SUBVERT OUR GOVERNMENTS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got off Facebook because it was a huge waste of money. \"After months of emailing, he finally had a scheduled appointment with a Facebook executive on October 3, He sucks the dick of the Saudis and is a RABID zionist constantly pushing for us to overthrow Assad. You are a silly boomer faggot that sucks on Jew cock.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or you're just a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The jews pimped him out. he had so much of that pozzed out commie jew cum pumped up his faggot ass it got into his brain and caused his NPC program to malfunction ... obvious #cia plant #FakeBombsInc #mayabomber","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Hill is retarded because they do this shit all day long. Tweeting stories that are hours old and have changed by now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a lying Nigger and a piece of shit. NO group, however stupid, would openly attack a gutter nigger whore like this. She is making this up to cover some corruption or wrong doing on her niggah' part. Porch chimp logic 101, blame whitey for their own misdeeds. Dindu nuffin, gibs me dat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*judges in faggot* So we're just upvoting faggot? Not trying to hide it anymore TiA? Christ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After eight years of having a presidential nigger tell white what to think, bound to be some blowback.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want an apology from the people in my timeline that called me a \"retard\" when I said the army corps of engineers would not build the wall. Embrace the retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks for the invite. I'm pretty new on gab so I'm still trying to get used to the lay out. I'm a Scottish unionist, which means I support a United Kingdom. I'm considered to be an evil Tory and I despise Scottish nationalism. Oh and I'm not a fan of liberal lefties Welcome, fellow Sane Person. ;-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Suing the NHS for millions proved youre king cunt branson","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All women are such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whether you like it or not, this app is an echo chamber. If you aren't a socially conservative libertarian you have no room to speak your opinion and be heard. Doesn't an echo chamber only echo one thing? Pro trump, pro capitalism, pro white nationalism Hey, teenwitch, I don't like white nationalism. My political views are pretty much classical liberal type. Am I a white supremacist in your view? na tion al ist a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests ,,,,, seems to cover most citizens of any nation it seems. The left trying to make the word evil is meaningless. Patriotism is strong support and love for your country. Nationalism includes the same but a strong sense of superiority over other peoples. You cut that part out of your definition. The Difference Between Nationalism, Patriotism Nationalism has a number of near-synonyms, each of which carries its own distinct meaning. Patriotism is similar insofar as it emphasizes strong feelings for one's country, but it does not necessarily imply an attitude of superiority. Merriam-Webster You can dislike or even hate a people, a country, a religion, or a culture and not feel even a bit superior to any of them. You just don't like them and they probably don't like you. Patriotism I understand as a veteran, Nationalism I understand as a citizen. I am most proudly both. Why do people continue to state America is Nationalist? America is Federalist and has never been Nationalist. https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/articles\/2016\/04\/nationalism_versus_federalism.html they call non commies nationalist not the country. It has to fit in their 'white supremacist Nationalist' screed. It would just confuse the commies to try to explain a federation of states argument to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this camel fucker. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@delaney_guinan you did a good job doing that to me and not texting back faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That star destroyer is disabled!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO thanks, saw a nigger 27 seconds into the trailer. Think I will pass. (((Race-mixing pushing HOLLYWOOD))) is dead to me. Same goes to (((CableTV))).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanye west is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jo Cox rimming the assholes of a muzzie rape gang.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks for the confirmation that Side was a neocon, you scumbag neocon filth. Calling me \" scumbag neocon filth\" because I wanted to Nuke those that literally chanted \"death to America\" , by the thousands, is about as equivalent as you telling the truth. (edit) make sure you get your facts straight before you start calling people out. You fucking douchebag. Back to the basement with you! Another neocon traitor heard from. \"neocon traitor\" uh... Sorry, what did you say #Robocop? What do you mean \"traitor\"? Don't tell me you want to bring #Sparkles into this now. Fucking #Lolcow cc: @JudgePudge @DeplorableBuilder @Alah-is-a-gay-god @TheGreatGeneralKek @Broken77 @BBGood @Sockalexis @militanthippy @Snugglebunny #NSFW This would explain why he loves animals so much. Did you see? They won't be able to take money anymore. Too bad, so sad. Uh... See what? The only thing I see right now is a LARPing boomer e-celeb crying about something some guy said about him online. Fucking clown. Let me ask you a question. How many people have you muted? cc: @TheGreatGeneralKek @BBGood @Broken77 @DeplorableBuilder @JudgePudge @militanthippy Hah! 1 upvote, let me guess, yourself? Concept infection successful. I force Torba to reprogram the site to counter my attacks. What have you ever done? Why have i never thought of asking you that #Robocop? What have you done besides bitch and cry on a social media site for attention you e-celeb ass bitch? fucking crybaby. cc: @TheGreatGeneralKek @BBGood @Broken77 @DeplorableBuilder @militanthippy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"every single thing coming out of msm is designed to sabotage your life, fuck up your family, disgrace your ancestors, ruin your pride, riddle you with self doubt and stop your genetic lineage from being a threat to elite globalist-marxist power. media is in the hands of people who hate you beyond your capacity to understand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUK U MAGGOT MORE LIKE A FUCKIN LYING ASS FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mongs just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First snowfall of the season. Long drive home from work was spent counting the out of state license plates that were spun out on the side of the very slick roads. Final tally was All wheel drive doesn't mean all wheel stop, lol. Lol, oh it's the same around here. People seriously become partially retarded once it starts snowing. It's very easy to spot who's from around here and who isn't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This whole retarded \"if you hate Trump you love Hillary\" think is so fucking lame. They're the same type of thing, Trump and Hillary. You naive retards always end up electing scumbags because you fall for the Begelian Dialectic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of women ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Lucci_Dpc What did I prove for you? That you're blissfully ignorant? Group thinker? Political chump and race traitor?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @pgammo: Run Differentials:Mets -14, Yankees -32.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets just remember, 1 hit, almost 30 years ago, that's it, that's all this retarded Kojak has ever done, she is beyond irrelevant","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And leading the protests are niggers with unmanageable afros or fake ass horse hair. Blacks are poison. Hispanics are poison. Nigger lovers and mudsharks are poison.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Damn... they would need to be strong though. She ain't lying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt seems like a fitting name.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"with your shit score of minus 3, you ought to be asking for CLUES, you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All men have dicks, therefore, all men must be dicks. something something women are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well done dude lol what a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, There was a Lying, Thieving Nigger in the W.H., so why Not ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@matt_chu22 @RyanRiehle I'll do that, if you agree to take your Ethiopian starvin looking nigger ass back to Africa. #BuyFoodLittleGuy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, that is Awesome, as there are Not a lot of Museum Quality Artifacts, as there should be. I also heard that in Sweden, they Wanted to Remove some from Museums because it Offended the Nigger Migrants, or some such Lame Excuse...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@L1LTR4P fucking losers wetbacks #SorryNotSorry","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These are the people who think they're going to be fighting in a \"revolution. oh don't forget the knuckles and your coffee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot not welcome","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Hold my beer\" gone wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think we should start arresting these leftist mob protestors who destroy property, intimidate people, scream at the sky and otherwise disrupt daily business and admitting them into mental institutions where they belong. This is not normal behavior. This is not protesting. This is not near normal behavior. These people are mostly all college age kids who have been indoctrinated by a leftist ideology hellbent on dismantling the rule of law, the rule of ethics and the rule of respect in our country. These people are of no use to society, and they don't appear capable of contributing to society at all. They need to be diagnosed and treated in a facility by professionals trained to deal with their behavior. This is not a joke, I'm not blowing smoke. These people are a danger to society and to themselves if they aren't treated. The next order of action should be to either discredit these liberal indoctrination camps or put people in place who can teach a curriculum worthy of calling themselves institutions of higher learning. It may take a generation, but it'll be worth every ounce of effort in the long run.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's shocking alright. A year ago nobody took him seriously, throw a maga hat on him and some of you be like yo, fuck my race. #pearlsB4swine muh nigger lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RSBerto Dumb Haitian fake black faggots. Go to Haiti and neck yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only disabled people can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMAO, Demons would not associate themselves with either of the retarded political parties operating the US or the EU for that matter...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't care. A crime is a crime. You shouldn't get off by virtue of having done other crimes too. That's just retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Home to chicken and penne Alfredo and Oreos and banjo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Italians have a beautiful culture and history!! you think they want to stink it up filthy it up with nasty,vile inferior Muslim and nigger shit???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Happy hangover #Bloomington #btown #iubb #IU #Indiana #hoosierdaddy #HoosierNation #hoosiers the resurrection is now complete. #ncaa #big10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok here I will make it easy even for a retard like you, what makes you think I am a boomer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THEY think the public are stupid. DemoRats would have long busted out every window in that van.. WORD! Do DNA and prints on the stickers...I wonder whose finger prints and DNA are on those? Too obvious indeed... :) I say a bit over done, I little subtlety goes a long way. Just maybe just a red van with MAGA\/NRA sticker parked at a fire hydrant in front of a middle school in Florida? Their base isn't clever enough for subtleties. His family says he was crazy and lived in his van for years. That does not look like an old lived in van. Unless he is Felix Unger. He kept his \"house very clean! \"\"HILARIOUS! \"\" Brilliant! I'd GoFundMe for that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Do you realize the founding fathers were white nationalists? Citizenship was for whites only. Btw, they also kept negroes chained up out back. Your boomer logic has no basis in reality, turn off Rush and try reading a book published prior to 1965 LOL, white supremacist logic, guys. \"Founders owned slaves, so they were white supremacists.\" That's the keen analytical mind of a white supremacist taking history and distilling it into an incorrect conclusion that even a retard could understand. :D The same way I explain everything you said: I just actually understand history instead of being like a retard trying to bang a round peg into a square hole like you. You're obviously mentally retarded, which explains the white supremacist thing. Yeah, your reasoning is profound. I'm sure you believe they were for fag marriage and would want AR's banned as well Notice how this retard's argument collapsed into rubble, so now he's oddly trying to talk about gay marriage, like some homo. No faggot, it's called drawing parallels","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Queen ~ Radio Ga Ga 1984 Disco Purrfection Version https:\/\/youtu.be\/SHq8SCCtJJI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"F.O.R.D. = Full On Retarded Democrats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude was chill as fuck. That's how you deal with an entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charles Tillmans' eyes are more yellow than corn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That'd been a ghetto little meal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RAGE!!!! WHAT I WOULD DO TO THIS POS!!! Texas Father Sentenced To 244 Years For Raping 38-Day-Old Daughter. The baby had 45 broken bones https:\/\/www.kwch.com\/content\/news\/Texas-man-who-raped-38-day-old-daughter-sentenced-to-244-years-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love the Pres also. he is a real man . not a commie cunt like the last muslim in there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That should keep the pesky faggot battalion of your asshole and pie hole with their filthy aids cock trying to liberty fuck you in the dark","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People should leave a comment on Vox's blog to: (1) Defend Gab and (2) Tell Vox to get back on Gab. http:\/\/voxday.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/they-cant-say-i-didnt-warn-them.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nobody here is defending the alt right, only retards like you are looking for invented hypocrisy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"maybe you should try hunting me down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Public service announcement... fine in Kentucky. So, \"Sagg it U faggot ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dontesydnor: when kanye said \"mayonnaise colored benz, i push miracle whips\" http:\/\/t.co\/iizYdfbZCg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that ol horsefaced cunt dont have a closet she has a fucking cemetery!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MrMooncricket @RacistNegro69 fuck you, stupid ass coward ass punk bitch faggot ass racist piece of shit. Punk. Bitch, ain't worth my time!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! Sure it is Stan, lol !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" 3% are pu-toes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA what a bunch of sand nigger cock suckers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Firefighters are just the dumbest people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @frankthetank215: There might be a couple cotton pickers on the spurs but they all play unselfish white man basketball","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so muchdisdain for these black people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @techx@lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GTKRWN @TZilla @GregSims@RabbiHighComma @TerdFerguson @DolfysGasNGrill @ILF @MosheShekelRod@OdinsAxe @Impresaria @UnCL3 pushing race mixing get s you a score of - one more crutch-crazy- cunt of a crusty ass black man who whines instead of improving himself, his life, his fellow black people who are the REASON so many white people are scared of and avoid black people. White flight happens for damned good reasons. Chicago. thats a BLACK RUN CITY! where the fuck are their leaders? Skimming money and hustling. the loop","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Joe Rogan reveals that #McGregor kept illegally holding Nurmagomedov's gloves in the third round, and that Herb Dean kept letting him do it despite Nurmagomedov's complaints. Rogan believes that may have been why #Nurmagomedov was so wound-up by the time he submitted McGregor. #UFC229 https:\/\/www.joe.co.uk\/sport\/joe-rogan-khabib-nurmagomedov-octagon-203014","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No Hump and Dump? Also fuck and duck Root em and boot em U don't need a gun if she's already ded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That vile cunt can eat shit and live to taste it. In Gitmo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Death to all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a ban these \"loli\" fags they like cartoon cp! \"the anime gamer\" - no you're def. NOT human lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"u\/titletoimagebot takes the title of a reddit post and puts it at the top of an image. You can also use quotes to put in your own title. Turns out the bot is retarded and only responds half the time though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those Muslims won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people shemales. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't blow bubbles or whistle. I'm basically retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of thieves. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_MykalaJ: @whitakerc54 blame it on the yellow chucks lmfao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How retarded can these Cuckservatives be? Even Trump declared war on Globalism. What is Globalism? Capitalism and International Socialism\/Communism. National Socialism rejects both sides of the same Jew shekel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @legapsi06: I've only watched 10mins of this trash and I feel like I just wasted some valuable minutes of my life that I can never get b ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And I could be the Pope. There's nothing here that is indicative of a retweet and it's a verified account. It's blurred because faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course human rights should not apply to disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#TrayvonMartin referred to Zimmerman as a \"creepy ass cracker\". Racist thug.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The people chosen by Satan to destroy humanity have not changed their mafia methods since 2000 years. Corruption, blackmail, terror, murder, lies, ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually you can yet grow taller. Austronauts who spend a long time in space come back taller. So why are you not an astronaut you lazy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm pretty sure fapping doesn't turn you into a retard. Retards are that way from the get go, which is why they nofap because they think it makes magic powers. You know when a woman knows you've fapped? When you frost their face or ass, outside of that I doubt they know anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@pauIjac because their parental unit is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT RodStryker Communist liberal got arrested at MXON RedBud motocross in Buchanan, MI for trying to steal a patriot's Trump flag. Keep it up \"Resistards\" You know what happens when you keep poking the BEAR. https:\/\/pic.twitter.com\/eJJ3ZrJlMO https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/kcohio\/status\/1049540077888651264 Your link isn't working. I found it here, looks to be the same, but the stupid cunt never let go of the flag, not arrested yet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those black people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ImaPlainJane: @SimplySoulful Uncle Charlie and nem lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/u3PzeV9E9q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @michael28754837: Come On Yankees Lets Keep This Game Going!!! We Must Win!!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hah, I should, they totally would be retarded enough to buy that if you marketed it the right way and got a celebrity to shill it. Sell them cans of empty air!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you want CHILD PORN on Gab? Do you want ANIMATED CHILD PORN on Gab? Are you censored? Can you have a conservative opinion? A liberal one? Other? YES! Is LEGAL PORN allowed on Gab? Yes. Shouldn't the line be drawn SOMEWHERE? I draw it at child porn or facsimiles of such. If you don't like that go put CHILD PORN on Twitter. They won't mind. @a did nothing wrong I draw the line at hypocritical self-righteous virtue signaling since it correlates extremely well with crimes against humanity. Here's what is illegal AND actionable: malicious defamation. I've been defamed twice just being a relative bystander, as a mainstream anime fan with no interest in loli. No, defamation and slander are not part of \"free speech\". In person they justify physical retaliation (\"Fighting words doctrine\"). In print they justify both lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. Go for it then Mr. Happy! I see CRYBABIES Why don't you go fuck a cartoon Why don't you go fuck a cartoon Yo, I'd fuck Cheetara in a heart beat. Also princess Allura from Voltron! Just point me in the right direction,to the promised land! C'mon Sad Minstrel strum your magic strings and make 2D real! Then it would appear that YOU'RE the one I should've told to GO FUCK A CARTOON (Puts pinky to my lips) Probably! I have no idea what that shit is AND I'M GLAD Well..I do know voltron an option would be to stop arguing with the trolls and mute them from your view others can see their rants and decide for them self, this is what they mean by \"free speech of gab\" it means you are in control of walking away from the situation, but you chose to argue and threaten to bring law enforcement into something you already have the tools to step away from. Right. If you are \"slandered\" here in a conversation you chose to partake of IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the rams really dont wanna be trash, jeff fisher really bout it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These immigrants are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Under YAH's Law, that faggot pedorapist would be done. #DEATH2FAGS! #JEWS #SynagogueOfSATAN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Patriot Alert I have no further information available on this. Just be advised to stay alert for any further developments. https:\/\/imgflip.com\/i\/2jaye7 Well, for the record, the Presidential Alert came 5 minutes early at 1:18 PM Central on my cellphone. It said; \"Presidential Alert THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.\" What happens after this is anybody's guess. This is bullshit, I am not seeing anything on my end. Whoever posted this should get hit with a bike lock then fucked with by the FBI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uncle Tom Hypocrite! http:\/\/t.co\/cyc9MAdJpQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Donald Trump sent a message to Eric Holder on Thursday, after the former attorney general told supporters to \"kick Republicans. \"He better be careful what he is wishing for, that I can tell you, Trump said in an interview on Fox and Friends, \"That's a disgusting statement for him to make, for him to make a statement like that is a very dangerous statement. Holder was captured on video challenging former First Lady Michelle Obama's statement that \"when they go low, we go high. \"No. No, Holder said. \"When they go low, we kick 'em. That's what this new Democratic party is all about, he said. Trump cautioned Democrats to \"be careful with their rhetoric, noting that his rallies with supporters were \"calm and well run. \"We don't have problems with our rallies, he said. Trump reminded the audience that Holder was found in contempt of Congress and that he \"went after Christians as well as the Tea Party. \"Holder's got some problems, and I don't see him running and if he did run, I think he gets gobbled up before he even gets to the election, I think the primaries would gobble him up, he said. They say Kanye West can't read and make statements of racism about him...Wow how brazen. Yet Ecic Holder says kick republicans and he thinks that's ok Eric holder troller needs to read the constitution he's proven to be the one that is ignorant and racist he holds a office he's a danger to America","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"thank you, you fabulous faggot <3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@1Corinthians126 #Jesus Genesis 2:19 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every #bird of the sky #Initiating","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NoWomanIsRight: You can be a good girl all you want and those hoes still gonna get us niggas attention from time to time","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what do you think of jews? kind of agree with that You seem to know a lot about sperm guzzling, Ken. Speaking from experience, eh? what are you a gay fish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anti-Q trolls already lost. #QAnon information dissemination is global now. People are rejecting the MSM, think tank, and moronic private org propaganda by the Millions - and that number grows daily. Meanwhile, pathetic trolls still can't prove that #Q is fake. Stuck on stupid, while the world leaves them behind. Morons. Losers. Just Pathetic. I had one stupid bitch tell me it was all a scam to sell merchandise with the letter Q on it hahaha - then she blocked me when I showed her prez confs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheOneTrueDisco: A list of mythical creatures:JackelopePhoenix GriffinFairyUnicornPegasus A woman that knows where she wants to ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haven't always liked ol' Lindsey, but he's been killing it lately. Now that McCain is gone, maybe this new Lindsey will stick around.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, you are Nigger, yet you prefer to be with a White woman? That is the very definition of racism. You do realise this, yes? You are aware that your own women are fugly, therefore you need to choose ours, although I know for a fact you do not have one of ours. You WISH you did, Nigger. Nice of you to admit to your racial-inferiority. Mixed couples are always miserable rejects. I see it all the time in the south. Exactly. It's so prevalent that it's become an in-joke between myself and my fiance. Homogenous couples almost always look happy and are dressed well, but then a mixed couple will walk in behind them and almost always be slovenly and obese. 2 ultra fats in wife beaters (yes, even the woman) and their unfortunate kid. Disgusting. \"Homogenous couples almost always look happy and are dressed well, but then a mixed couple will walk in behind them and almost always be slovenly and obese.\" Fact. I see this every single day. I live in Toronto, remember? The most 'multi-cultural' (see 'invaded') city on earth. I live in the American South, we've got a pretty high density here so it's a fairly large to pool to make observations of. Mixed couples are almost always racial rejects. Alternatively, you don't have to look very far on YouTube to find that the black community is in a crisis because the men and women seem to hate each other. Planned Parenthood placed guns to the heads of the Nigger bitches and forced them to murder their babies? No one forced the Niggers to take welfare. They chose this rather than work for a living. No one to blame but themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's ok that you npc's dislike my comment. But you are attacking the symptom of having been conquered by your Jewish overlords instead of removing the disease. Then you attack me as if I don't have your best interest in mind. It's astonishing to say the least. Holy fuck you are a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those are some cold, dead, retard mackerel eyes right there. Zero percent chance she can spell \"prison.\" >retard mackerel eyes Oh my god hahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shonterikka Williams? Nigger ought to be fired for a name like that, never mind calling anyone a Chink. I did not say Nigger to be racist!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hirono: 'Sexual Predator' Trump Has a 'Mistrust of Women': http:\/\/valubit.cc\/hirono-sexual-predator-trump-has-a-mistrust-of-women\/ Hirono has got to be the biggest cunt in our government. Maxine Waters is a close 2nd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His Name is Eldon \"Twirp\" Williams: 87-Year-Old White Man Murdered by Black Career Criminal in Alton, Illinois. From the article, \"At this point the killing appears random.\" It wasn't \"random\" it was because he's a fucking white male. https:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/his-name-is-eldon-twirp-williams- And the nigger is a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep I'm sensing it's all going down. Especially when you hear from POS Traitor Cunt Hanoi Jane Fonda calling for violence and killing all Trump Supporters. The rats are in total panic. The look on their faces is priceless. The Gitmo Hilton awaits them all with the Rat Soup as the Soup Du Jour and Stale Bread with Dirty Water.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are human, the most intelligent species on Earth. They are the answer to their own problem. It's not how others see them, it's how they see themselves that truly matters. not really. that matters to you. it doesn't to them. matters. you use that word but i don't think it means what you think it means. it's like when you meet someone who doesn't know the difference between opinion and fact. Starving to death is not a matter of opinion. People who are too dumb to earn a living exist on charity. Pretending that they don't is foolish, especially when you claim it's all just a matter of opinion. Because it isn't. i fall on my sword. i beg for forgiveness. i misread your original post. i offer 25 karma points as retribution and i hang my head and ahhhh... feel shame. i retract original and supply the offering. Consider that most people evolved where it was fairly easy and amusing to get food. Even farming, people like it and will do it for fun. Not all people are evolved to work a miserable job to feed themselves. People hunt and fish for fun. Those who did not enjoy it did it poorly and likely were left to starve. Their relatives probably helped them, same as now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a lying faggot jewishit. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = LIARS. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = TOTAL ASSHOLES. JEWS = COMPLETE ASSHOLES. How do you know a jew is lying? Simply by the jew speaking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must be Russian birds! Russian birds are known for invading Chiminea. @SaintRPh @KimMarcumTexas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, we do keep sending them aid so they can keep reproducing like a bunch of retarded animals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I swear this account is 90 percent based nigger posts. Zzz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doesn't matter. You don't fit the narrative @Donna, so therefore you don't exist. GAB IS FOAR NAZIS! Even though there's maybe 300 of the little fucks, total, including the larps and socks, to over 700,000 of the rest of us. I've said this 100's of times but it never gets old.Hitler killed 70(?) million children women and men in a dozen countries.Hitler completely destroyed germany never recovered from getting their asses kicked in world war Homos are destroying civilisation ,, don't let them near your children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jeffgallardo9: @Sonali1123: Guys with colored eyes http:\/\/t.co\/hwiPlPuxpQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will hurt you and any other women like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Excellent! Swedish student who refused to sit down on flight in effort to stop man's deportation to Afghanistan is indicted. https:\/\/t.co\/qTpbsGNRA5 OMG keep the tears coming bitch! She did not even check what the person was getting deported for. Sheesh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Author describes herself as \"Cate Young (@battymamzelle): smugsexual, thundercunt hagbeast. \" That word cunt is being used more and more by the mob. Alexis Grenell identifies as \"Marxist Jew cunt\". \"Beast\" too? Go for it, hirl!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"F u c k all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"COME OOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!! Is that not #VIP status, or what?! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll h\/t to @Zurenarrh This is AMAZING! #VIPLegionary in front of the WHOLE WORLD!!! #QAnon #GreatAwakening If I wear a Yoda shirt to the next Trump rally will that make Star Wars real? Ahahahahahahahahahah this buttmunch is getting nervous that he's going to look like an irrelevant idiot in front of all of Gab in short order, because of his months of smug Q-denial. Spoiler Alert: HE IS! He's just going to be the last to learn it. Oh, and it's only going to get better from here, Judge! But I won't spoil that surprise just yet. even if q were trump himself, what would it matter? nothing q ever said was substantial. #PissAntPatrol Someone explained this term. Seems to really fit those those Pathetic Trolls and Shills who have Failed to Prove that #Q is fake. Failed to Intimidate and Gaslight People Into Submission to Their Narratives. #WWG1WGA #TheStorm #RedPill https:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php?term=Piss%20ant But proven yourself to be quite the racist. Well, done NPC.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any nigger that knocks up a white woman with her consent, both hang. If she is raped, the nigger hangs, just like the good old days before the jews pushed their degeneracy down the throats of gullible whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggas are so fucking gay... And they try to cancel it out by saying \"nah were bros it's cool\" nahhhhhaahahahaha you a faggot bruh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy Robinson was photographed with a group of young soldiers during a chance meeting at a motorway service station. These lads have now had their phones seized and are being \"investigated\" by the British Army who buckled under pressure from muslims. I am pretty close to breaking point - this is an outrage and it is clearly being made into an issue by our enemies. Please, if you feel angry about this or simply want to show support for our troops over the spineless middle class who can wet themselves when muslims complain. Please sign here - www.StandWithOurLads.com If you are a pyjama wearing beardie and complain loud enough about Tommy then you will get your own way. everything Tommy touches turns to shit. All these soldiers will now be in the dole line, thanks to tommy's stunt. So in your mind, you HAVE to like Jewish controlled opposition to be allowed to be on the right? and i guess if you reject jewish controlled opposition, that makes you a leftie? Nice argument, did you get it from the Talmud? Never said you have to like him. Just that the argument was poor. The army was wrong for discharging him, not Tommy for taking a picture with him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Keep rattling their cages, Patriots! Uh-oh, did her handlers give her the okay to mention Q? The Hollyweird types have been suspiciously quiet on the whole Qnomenon as a whole, and I haven't heard pretty much any mention since Maher took a shot. Wonder if she slipped her leash for a second there, or if they're preparing for a bigger propaganda attack?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees wasted Nu ez's season #rays #mlb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First thing I do when I hit the lotto is buying @moniqueeedavis two fat bitches and watching her eat both in one sitting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitch, I have an astigmatism that makes natural sunlight blind me - I can't even stare down because the sidewalk reflects so much light. My eyes water and I can't see. I hope I'm driving behind her when I don't have my shades on. Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"This is a free speech platform, so be aware you may not be comfortable with everything you see,\" If someone's a fkg retarded pussy!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just when I'm feeling totally useless in the world (another) baby bird found in need of #TLC Just call me #DrDolittle http:\/\/t.co\/Trwmr3HG8v","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please stop SHOUTING at us like a retarded Boomer Grandpa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck this cunt. Someone punch her. It's in own DNA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There are very few Muslims at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real name Samatha Ness from Minnesota. A school teacher. Ppl of Minnesota, if you know this person, please call the FBI imediately. She needs to be checked out at least.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lots and lots of dirt world immigrants who claim asylum and suddenly convert to Christianity when they get turned down for lack of any sort of asylum reason. Hey, presto! Suddenly they would be persecuted in their shit hole muzzie home country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@hxhsharingan666 did you make an animal cracker taco","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking worthless cunt. The white knight faggots who still defend her are what's wrong with the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ksecus I give up on the Tankees I mean Yankees. Maybe next year!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's just jealous because no one's looking at her! Its always the fat nasties who post this kind of shit All jokes aside, it does seem that the women with the biggest self-esteem issues are the ones that complain the most about sexualising women. Think about it, women are competitive. If you're below average attractiveness then of course you are going to want to surround yourself with people that are against even acknowledging that humans are attracted to one another. Just go to any number of sub-reddits, especially the \"gone wild\" versions and there are thousands of women aging to be ogled. Gagging perhaps? Aching, I believe. Either works, gagging is more animalistic, aching is nicer. We need op to confirm his typo. \/u\/strangrdangr 'agging', is the term that they were going for! Lol, I am going to leave it like that, just for you. Don't change a word, you've tapped into the funny. Love it. That looks like a word that would be auto corrected from \"begging\". Aging hurts. I'm 30","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Luke5SOS: 5sos are trash !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FOX and friends: Steve Scalise: Some leaders on the left are inciting more violence instead of saying \"there's no place for it https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1050726844662734848 Just what would happen if the left intensified their shooting where they left off at the baseball diamond? Would we respond? or just let things go as always......? ohhh you want some huh? lol fingers crossed... Smart dog!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @UberFacts: Mila Kunis has heterochromia iridum which gives her two different colored eyes. One eye is green, the other is brown.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftists are all talk no walk. Know what happens to leftists that do? These two did. https:\/\/www.npr.org\/2018\/07\/31\/634373403\/d-c-couple-killed-in-tajikistan-attack-were-biking-around-the-world-together That faggot needs the white man's laws to protect him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Listen cretin. Jumped on my thread. 3 idiots who are replying to me. And I'm strange. Problem with spectre speak for himself lol. Cunt can't even say his real name and show his face. I assure you won't be proved wrong?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@IDisDummies Can you speak one coherent sentence without sounding like a nig? Seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here We Go Again... Hillary #Clinton Coughs Uncontrollably at Mansfield College - Requests Water (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ via @gatewaypundit A neck noose will stop that nagging cough. I fkn LOVE my free speech rights I think it's awesome. I think it's great that he can speak his mind. On that i wholeheartedly agree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the same all encompassing tone all Black people are RETARDED! Generalizing a whole race sure is popular with many retarded Black people! Thx Jews!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That guy is a r\/niceguys poster child. That's as good as it gets from you, huh? Sad. I have a feeling the downvote(s) you got are from all the people who fit into that category. I think you're proving my point bud","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck Cameron. he's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bengals kicker trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muzzie stomped the potato nagger with the big mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to work with a person like this. Her protected status keeps her employed despite her open hatred for men caused 11 members of a 9 person team to quit in a year (yes, 11 of 9- she cycled through two resources in under the year mark). Why I will never buy Columbia Sportswear again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"drop dead ya cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I stand cuntrected. *Cuntrekted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Western Jihadi fanboys use of language: peppering sentences with Arabic words to sound knowledgeable - #Comical http:\/\/t.co\/G2rca1XGh7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"You ain't gunna do shit spear chucker\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For those who haven't seen this #ANTIFA manual (parts 5 to 8) \"The ANTIFA Manual - Found on the campus of The Evergreen State College\" by jebediah88Aug 8 2017 https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/BcZOg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And by \"toxic masculinity\" this twat means \"masculinity\". The \"non toxic\" ones are the gape jawed soibois with the soft, well tended beards, broken to housework and fetching drinks as their wife and her boyfriend fuck for hours.. and the really good ones don't even ask for a Switch. and#x200B; and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll never ever use their language. They can keep their retarded newspeak. Apart from that its far shorter to say nigger instead of \"retarded black person\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's almost as though #gop became Nazis headquarters https:\/\/www.alternet.org\/news-amp-politics\/republicans-release-ad-declaring-george-soros-radical-just-days-after-he-received","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The first picture doesnt even look real, it's like something from one of those nigger spoof movies, holy shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have such strong admiration for Muslims like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dems are using the migrants now as their new nigger hordes! Keeping them down on the plantations as well now! Niggers are falling in line and toeing the line too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for single-use plastics is hard to to put into words. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The character ends up suspiciously looking like Mammy from Gone with the Wind, and actually says \"Lordy, lordy!\" as she attacks people with pots and pans. It would break the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DoeMostDope @mattrbennett209 @JohnnieGoings ha booner has that twitter @boone_boone5356 ha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get fucked you low life unwashed drug fucked unemployed Nazi racist racist Antifa cunt! Once again you show how fucking retarded you are you r@cist Nazi cunt. I am Aboriginal therefore unlike yourself I am most definitely not a racist Nazi cunt. Furthermore I will continue to respond to your fucking racist Nazi cunt comments. You have no authority to tell me what to do you fuckwit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Getting excited for bohemian Rhapsody tomorrow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SuSuSudafedI eat dat chicken out your love box baby. Lovin a white woman while eatin chicken. A colored mans dream","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I will admit it was a good troll on their part. No, sorry, this was just more \"I was just acting retarded\" bullcrap. It was a legitimate campaign attempt that was horribly miscommunicated. It basically misfired from the very beginning. The idea was supposed to be getting frequent users of \"wrongthink\" subs banned on other subs-- not getting the \"wrongthink\" subs themselves banned. This was supposed to happen for one day, like the protest blackouts of the past. Their name was stupid though so everyone misinterpreted it. Instead of just admitting their idea\/name\/group was stupid and scrapping the campaign, they then switched into \"It was just a joke\" mode with all the stupid troll rules\/posts on that sub. Stupid idea, stupid people, stupid coverup. Your post was the only funny, actual trolling in the whole thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're right. You know the dude who [#rekt blizzy by asking them whether diablo on phones is a joke](https:\/\/clips.twitch.tv\/embed?clip=PunchyImpossibleCoyoteYouWHY)? This guy stated he should be kicked. So not only is Will using INT and WIS as dump stats, he's also a whiny oversensitive cunt. https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/CHrEOKy here's a rabbit hole!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.blacklistednews.com\/article\/68889\/where-does-the-latest-social-media-purge-leave-the-state-of-social.html I got FB banned for saying Hillary belongs in prison and Obozo should be tried and hung for treason...I have a whole 15 followers...Sad little leftist censor pukes...I'm SOOOO dangerous...Assholes! But I dared to speak my mind...They couldn't tolerate that...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fact of the matter is that Iron Fist managed to finish its second season in a more interesting place than Luke Cage. No one is more shocked than I am. Also, Luke works better as a supporting character frankly. Cottonmouth and bushmaster were solid villains too Uh, no. Bushmaster as a character was halfway decent, but the show wasn't just Bushmaster. It was also scoutmaster Luke Cage, his not so comic relief sidekick, evil headmistress , her silly looking daughter, that goofy guy from Sons Of Anarchy and the rest of the clique. All the gangster stuff was Charmed level bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White people: \"I'm colorblind. Race doesn't matter\". Unfortunately, your enemies don't think the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fine by me, I have no crossant nigger in my genes. gas the french too lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right? The greeters at the places near me are all either old retirees with no pensions left or actually retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/globalnews.ca\/news\/706030\/dont-be-that-girl-posters-in-edmonton-spark-outrage\/ [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jonny tells his dad after school, that his teacher told him that he was to ask his dad to tell him the difference between a cunt and a vagina. Dad pulls out a dirty mag w\/ Allyssa Milano centerfold, and circles the cooch and says \" that's a vagina ok dad what's a cunt? Everything outside the circle .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that disabled people are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What Is Gab? Social Media Platform Used by Robert Bowers Part of Growing 'Alt-Tech' Movement >> Here it is; the first hit piece from the leftist media over Bowers' account on Gab. There will be more, no doubt. @a @e https:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/what-gab-social-media-platform-used-robert-bowers-part-growing-alt-tech-1190501","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> MY WHORE OF AN EX WIFE STALKS ME ON REDDIT! LETS SEE YOU GET CHILD SUPPORT FROM MY ADRESSLESS FUCKING VAN YOU HEARTLESS BITCH! Holy shit Been there, divorced with three kids..the difference being that I defended myself and fought in court to get what I wanted..which was 50% custody and no support either way..YES she tried to be a cunt about it, making up lies and attempting to put fake charges on me..BUT I WON..and today things are civil with both of my exes..why? Because I do not subscribe to this extreme red pill type of nonsense that brings every human behavior back to the stone ages..I can be my own man and take zero shit from anyone and still consider others my equal.. When did I use the word friends? I have a child with her and civility is best..but make no mistake, she knows I will put up with zero horseshit from her. But I don't automatically equate woman= a less than me cunt..of course you don't expect anyone to be your equal because you are fucking special right? Get the Fuck over yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @mitrebox: At this point every voter in Florida has voted both for and against Charlie Crist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GossipCop: Charlie Sheen SLAMS Rihanna For Rejecting His Fiancee: You re A Rude Idiot With Bad Wig http:\/\/t.co\/NChn9cRLCj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women having two completely different sets of standards for themselves versus everyone else, is just one of those things women will almost never admit to, despite the fact that it's painfully obvious, and also incredibly easy to demonstrate. It's all about the narrative and perception, once that's locked down, the reality is irrelevant, and they're practically free to do and say anything they want, because they can always default back to innocent female victim when they need to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish he would sue her and the Democrat Party, That cunt already has a lot of money from the Go Fund Me pages made for her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a cunt, her pet and her dog are walking down a street... 3 bitches are walking down the street... Or 2 bitches and a boyfriend, Stop me if you've heard this one... 2 bitches and a chiwawa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"10 RT @ParadoxicalMike 1.5 RT @iDavey On average, 2. But I can be an 8 when need be. \"@SinsOfMyFather_ On a scale of 1-10 how ghetto are u?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unless you think the internet is inhabited by a bunch of telepaths, you need to learn how to grammar enough so that people understand what your saying. I also get that the American translation of 'Librul' nowdays is twat, but in the rest of the world it still means something along the lines of - >a. Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded. See Synonyms at broad-minded. b. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear God.. get rid of these fucking vile nasty ass niggers that contaminate our beautiful country!! America would be so much greater without the nigger animals!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ayyyy spicy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More desperation for socialists \/ deep state \/ globalists. https:\/\/truepundit.com\/jane-fonda-get-in-the-streets-and-shut-down-the-country-if-trump-fires-mueller\/ related to: #potus #trump #maga #qanon #msm #hollywood #mueller #deepstate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't hurt yourself pork chop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most women are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swedish SJW Facing Jail After Blocking Criminal Afghan's Deportation https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/qz44","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you ask me, immigrants like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1\/ The fact that Robert Bowers was a member of Gab is not an indictment of Gab, in and of itself. But it does point out the stupidity of Gab as it pertains the \"free speech.\" Gab keeps saying that \"free speech\" is \"white supremacists can flood you with their message on every post and thread, but you can mute them.\" That's how terrified Gab is of looking like Twitter. Let's assume that Gab stopped being for free speech. Let's assume that they blocked everyone that YOU think should be blocked. Let's further assume that absolutely EVERYONE on the internet did the same. Do you honestly believe it would make a difference in what happened today? There is madness and evil in the world. If you close your eyes to it then you'll always be surprised when it surfaces. As long as people are talking, there's a chance that you can change minds, open hearts. You can take everyone else's freedoms away. You can give up your own. It won't make you safe. It'll only make you blind to the dangers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's Abby Browne. Orbital level retard at the best of times.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're gonna go to a sand nigger wedding , wear a flak jacket , they are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My mum was really pissed off at me when I got home. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uOBPYEz8B-Yandt=42s Tommy Robinson Is Deceiving You A common theme with the islamonazis hiding as nazis is anyone who is leading the charge back against islam is controlled by the Jews. This obviously is of concern for islamonazis! ? They are many more Muslims in our borders than jews now and in many cases in more political positions than jews in the west. @ohshit How did they get across our borders? NWO>UN> corrupt politicans but we all know that. The question is they are here now and so our number one problem and jumping on patriots trying to confront that is illogical. Unless you are an islamonazi then logical. @ohshit I'm not jumping on anyone trying to confront islam or muslims. The jews have taken decades to get to this point and the Muslims will take us in 4 generations. Surely you cannot be thinking correctly giving people grief wanting to confront both instead of just one? @ohshit I don't understand what that sentence means \"Surely you cannot be thinking correctly giving people grief wanting to confront both instead of just one?\", in any case, I am one who wants to confront both. never mind just focus on both not one. this our reality now. Oh and islam is the original socialist (fascist) totalitarian doctrine and so get used to me calling it such. Hitler came along much later. Horse before the kart so to speak.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Swarms of disabled people are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a Conservative, I hate the Alt-Right because they post memes, disrespect Jewish people, and often mock God (like the liberals). This Non-Playable Character meme was created by the Alt-Right. Apparently MikeMaverickAG is an Alt-Right nigger for posting NPC memes on my channel. Alt-Right are no different from liberals, they are absolutely bat guano.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberals with any power are a threat to our society","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" RT @kwagiheath: Them 1st 48 Charlotte goon niccas gon Fkkk around and burn Bank Of America stadium down ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS IS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LEFT TWATTER-I HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS MESS OF A CUNT EVERYDAY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The democrats are stealing another seat....WTF Arizona GOP, get off your ass and do something. The way I see it, we're still better than we were with McCain and Flake. Nope. Romney. jesus christ. Sinema is far worse than either of those fucks. she is a ranting raving socialist lunatic. Oh, he will. Just a few days ago the dipshit said \"the media is not the enemy of the people. Like, what's the point Mittens? He just has fk take the opposite stance from Trump at every turn. It boggles that mind that Utah voted for him in the primary, but it's even more weird that Trump endorsed him. Mittens has been a stench that just won't go away. Why don't we give him a chance to vote. If Trump endorsed him, that might go a long ways for Mittens. For Trump to have endorsed Mittens, they had to have made some sort of an agreement. That, or Mittens is acting like a cuck to mislead the media and appear 'moderate' to the fence-shitters. Either way, we'll find out the truth eventually. Maybe that meeting they had back when everyone thought mittens was getting a cabinet position was actually about the Senate seat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I'm personally a bit shocked that we there's no \"we\" here faggot, this isn't some hivemind, I don't even have a fucking clue what you're talking about now fuck off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These retards don't even realize KIM is his surname, not his first name.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I from the planet of apes king Kong clips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberals destroy everything they touch. The NFL, schools, the economy, bathrooms, media and news, foreign affairs, gender, textbooks, immigration, Halloween, Christmas, Am. History, Respect for Military and Police sports, Heathcare, the economy, boy scouts, They're like a forest fire. They destroy everything Jews invented liberalism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kenzieblake2015 its pretty easy actually. I'm just the cashier. Right now I'm eating those animal crackers lolol :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No president has ever put pressure on Mexico this way. The Mexicans always said that an open border was a relief valve. If we clamped down on illegal immigration, all those migrants would go home--poor and pissed off--and they'd overthrow the Mexican government. Then Mexico would become a failed state like Somalia, and we'd have to invade, occupy, and nation build. There are multiple studies outlining this scenario. http:\/\/theweek.com\/articles\/509393\/mexicos-failed-state-threat https:\/\/ccis.ucsd.edu\/_files\/wp You are an idiot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't spend that kind of money so my kid would turn into a spy boy, ken doll p*spy or my daughter turn to a SWJ DYKE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's not fat phobia, that's just using your diaphragm like a retard. Work the muscle and it'll stop hurting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"see? Start posting facts that implicate the Jews in 9-11 and they crawl out of between their faggot lover' thighs and stop slurping tiny jew dick long enough to tap some keys..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That much is obvious. These fools think they have some sort of influence over people, those days are long dead. Now we all interact with each other and see these good for nothing pieces of shit for what they are. Only the retarded give two fucks about anything they say or think","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger #nigger I remember when the way leftists treat the word nigger inspired me to engage in a long autistic rant about what language even is: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2qB5syvlBiA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the crust ain t graham cracker, keep that pie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dyke witches organizing a hex on Kavanaugh , lets get something going for Ginsberg https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/15\/witches-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every character on #Thesimpsons is trash. And they're trash on purpose. If you don't get that, you don't get the joke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As much as I greatly dislike the guy wasn't one of angry joe's reoccurring lines **\"YOU DONE FUCKED IT UP!!**? Though that jackass would probably be jacking off because now the left loves censorship and the npc twat can't think for himself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here We Go Again... Hillary #Clinton Coughs Uncontrollably at Mansfield College - Requests Water (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ via @gatewaypundit https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/7910","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and now every time me and my friend talk, no matter the subject, her nips haunt us. it's as if one nip was introducing itself to the other.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean you're welcome to just continue making up whatever bullshit you want if it gets you off. it doesn't matter that these protesters are referring specifically to the vast majority of illegal immigrants that acquire temp work visas and continue to stay after their expiration. nah it's about the terrorist ragheads from the mid east.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">However, it is not acceptable for them to push there white knighting captain save-a-hoe nonsense on me These cunt suckers are just like religious nuts forcing their perspective on you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Forget to salute,' trash the other guy for the 'bad war' (during Cairo II), sympathize w\/ 'Pockistan,' gays hurting morale. Thanks King!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@elchavaloko Toma ESO negros @panama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All black people are such massivescumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go cry some more cuntwell, or i will make your cry I'll headbutt you, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's the cunt of the year and probably next year too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"About the same time you became a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guarantee if an Antifa faggot put down his dildo and shot a bunch of \"fascist Nazis\" at a rally the left would celebrate. So no I don't care about anybody dying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This twat? Ugh...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that shit! We should make a new law where when you move to a new state, you're not allowed to vote for at least 8 years! With this administration trying to create jobs, that'll never happen. I like that one about no government assistance for 5 years And I agree with your point about residence fuckery. To run for congress or senate, you should have been both a resident, plus physically being in that voting area, more than 80% of the time over the past 5 years. I just don't see keeping people from voting over residence changes. There are a lot of working class Americans who are following jobs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"STABBED IN NECK arrested but no descr #DMTBKA https:\/\/6abc.com\/police-suspect-arrested-for-allegedly-killing-a-man-in-frankford\/4370470\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Education is all built for females. Males shouldn't be spending all day sitting around, it should be more interactive and there should be more male role models just for starters. Plus they usually don't do a very good job or don't teach you at all about some of the most important things. (managing your finances, investing, how loans work, ect. stuff that everyone will actually encounter in their life) exactly i mean come on like the thot teacher makes us VERBALY repeat stupid concepts OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again like we have down syndrome. it just gets tiring!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BenjaminNorton: Remember the \"yellow badge\" Nazis used? Israel is making Muslim women carry a yellow badge order to pray in Al-Aqsa.h ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Free publicity, the left is truly retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They all have the same\" Fuck, now all the fellas are going to see what a little faggot Ive raised!\" look on their faces. What a faggot bot. Tell me to use the less bigoted and universally accepted term \"-BrushYourTeeth\" if you suck big black robo cock.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a trans person to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sara Peritas commented on your post. 3 hours: \"Trump's given Israel 38 billion annually to commit more Murders in Gaza while Flynt goes without clean water - Reeks of political Bullshit to me. Whose side are you on anyway you Jewish supporting cunt\" Sara Peritas @Sara_Peritas the question is whose side are you on Jase @linguistic_killshot ? you accuse Thora Hawthorn intentionally with malice and intent. that is a Pedophile Jew's Hasbara tactic. Are you a JEW? [Me] I'm the furthest thing from Jewish, way down here in the south pacific you dirty Jewish Cunt [@Sara_Peritas]","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welp shes retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The faggot in the picture is a jew No its a degenerate subhuman white man It's ok uncle ruckus I know negroes can't tell the difference between whites and Jews. Leave this to the big brains","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[edit] shit, I misread your title. Anyway here is my quick translation of a thread on Sony US censoring JP software from one of larger 2chan aggregation sites: http:\/\/blog.esuteru.com\/archives\/ a few yays but otherwise yeah they kinda have the same idea we have, thats good to know. Well, at least on Japanese sites, keep on mind, if you see people defending Sony on this issue, some of them (more than you would imagine, in fact) are more than likely trolls who are too invested in the game hardware wars and don't actually think like that, but trying to save face because they hate Nintendo and love Sony and will do anything to attack the other side. Sad, but true. I saw the ones referencing the \"creepy weebs\". 'Cause it's not like the censorship will stop at just weeb shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ayyyyy I'm sipping on a free slurpee and seeing The Front Bottoms tonight. I'm a happy clam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All these retarded excuses... \"mute him\" \"its not Torbas fault\" Bullshit. Mute function is weak sauce against murderous thugs and Torba and his crew had no problem finding the time to mark peoples accounts NSFW for posting naughty images. They never wanted to regulate the nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, that's your motive? To save untold lives? You should be more concerned with the shit head libtards that are ACTUALLY telling their zombies to perpetuate acts of violence and they are. Qanon has never condoned violence. Paesur I'm getting more likes than you. How is a perfetic retarded person doing this. Progress is shocking. Try again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in an alarm clock's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SOUTH TEXAS NEEDS TO SEND THEIR CIVIL ENGINEERS TO SCHOOLS IN GERMANY\/SWITZERLAND RATHER THAN TIJUANA Hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the jew girl is probably the stupidest one... i dont think you can ever live down posting something that retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ITT: a lot of brigading feminist cunts trying to make this sub look bad. It's not going to work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A mere decade ago these cunts would have been unemployable...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Face it, the millennial generation is a brainwashed, unAmerican generation with excessive student loans to pay for indcotrination like this crap ... 'hate speech' and other RETARDED SJW courses..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @IsaidNick: niggers are so ignorant http:\/\/t.co\/P9jDdVsRVb","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You should kill yourself.\" \"What the fuck man?\" \"Oh my god, stop being so sensitive, retard.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @janesports: As NFL reportedly asks bird-flipping M.I.A. for another $15M, let's revisit @SarahSpain's column on ridiculousness: http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still remember one of my followers, keep in mind a GamerGater, got on my case a few weeks ago when I said that MovieBob was a pedophile \"Umm, Carl, that's pretty damning, you can't just say that, where's your proof?\" Proof, you dumb fucker? Proof is this fat needle dick faggot rubs up against little boys while wearing a mario costume. Just wait a year for \"proof\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember once I was in charge of a disabled kid. Every night I was wishing slow death for him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watch: Muslim refugee says she is ashamed to be called \"Canadian\" and live in Canada - Assimilation IMPOSSIBLE! THEY MUST LEAVE https:\/\/twitter.com\/AMike4761\/status\/1050508286871687169 #GTFO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DaJ0k3r one day you fantasise about holidays in Portugal the next you realise you're a smackhead prostitute with a diseased cunt in a pile of shit council flat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These birds messy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hang em by their cunts and hang em high.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Also: no one fucking says that. I have a bad reaction to \"playing coy to pull a fast one\" is all, all I did was say dumb shit more explicitely Nah you're just a cunt, own up to it like the rest of us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hit button to close elevator, shoot the first two and then laugh your ass off while the 3rd little nigger cowers in fear then just as the door is opening and she thinks shes getting away plug her ass in the back of the head too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Code word for cunt is ( see you inn tee ) get it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" > JUST RECENTLY REPORTED < Donald Trump was sent 'ricin mail' as letters laced with deadly poison were also sent to Pentagon and top US politicians #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #ConfirmKavanaugh #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/politics\/donald-trump-sent-ricin-mail-13350795 When I first read this I thought you meant that Trump himself sent the letters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHERE'S MEGAN? Megyn Kelly is absent from her NBC morning show with questions swirling about whether her time at the network is coming to an end following this week's controversy over her comments about blackface - AP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UN court tells US to ease Iran sanctions in blow for Trump https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/news\/world\/us-ordered-to-halt-humanitarian-iran-sanctions-in-blow-for-trump\/ar-BBNRHWP?li=BBgzzfc They don't, and Trump said as much at his U.N. speech last week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The white trash trumpukelican wet dream : an America as closed to everyone they fear and hate as their barely recognizable minds and hearts are. Then the country will be full of inbred assholes just like them and America will the shithole country they've always wanted because they know no better. Well that's good , we have people that specializes in helping the retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey stupid, there are differences between male, female, White, nigger and Oriental skulls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Side note, that series premise sounds fucking retarded. Not that it's not interesting, I just don't get how it'd work as a story. I'll pick it up and read it to see.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The SJW\/Modern Left is obsessed with Russians and Nazis. They are bogeymen in control of everything. It's like they ask themselves: 1: Is it Nazis? If not... 2: It's the Russians! If not either... 3: It's a proxy group controlled by Nazis or Russians. Of course, that was before Russia turned to the dark side.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ok guys which one of u is this? https:\/\/www.pennlive.com\/daily-buzz\/2018\/10\/suspicious_man_asks_boys_walki.html?utm_source=farkandutm_medium=websiteandutm_content=linkandICID=ref_fark","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TRUMPTARDS AND REPUBLIPUKES WILL FAIL IN NOVEMBER! https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/03\/15\/trump-is-making-it-easier-for-democrats-to-win-the-midterms.html THE BLUE TIDAL WAVE SHALL FALTTEN THE FACSISTS, DRUMPF WILL BE IMPEACHED, AND HILLARY WILL BE FINALLY PRESIDENT! Fuck you! When the KKK wins the prisidency, Gesus himselve will come and kick your nigger loving hippie ass the all way down to Hell! You misspelled Jesus... And #KKK is 33rd degree masonry bullshit... But I agree with your sentiment in making a fucking man out of this Anti-Fag. Too long we have pussy-pampered people who are not grateful for having been saved the scourge of bullying. It's obvious we should have let Big Bub toughen this little shit up and Kick the little girl out of him or her!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Kevin_McAdams Because Ian's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"trans lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*chops* RT @Tweets2Sweet *does bird call, flaps hands*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Left: You can love whoever you want Also the Left: If you don't love who we say, you are a bigot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes. And favorites this. RT @StraightCash08: @202SOLE please tell me you didn't buy that trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only you are that violent and cruel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't win fair and square so they will resort to treason or worse? I've been following this as well. They've been discussing stacking the court as well as impeachment. It's only going to get more interesting. Wait till there are 6 conservative justices. What do you think they have cooked up for Amy Barrett?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"random running dogs in the ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People using 4chan post-2014 are just retarded useful-idiots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cryancarfield haven't you ever heard the story of the birds and the bees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @magicjuice: #giantduck #pittsburghduck #yellow #livestream #wpxi #nofliter @ Duckburgh http:\/\/t.co\/AnAX2lzcRi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The George Zimmerman thing was a great boon for us. Nothing even comes close.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Colin Kaepernick Files Trademark for Image of His Face and Hair https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/10\/colin-kaepernick-files-trademark-for-image-of-his-face-and-hair\/ Gag me with a spoon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uh..that kid is going to grow up NatSoc you dumb cunt !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That would be a stupid false equivalence given regular accounts and verified accounts are treated so differently by the user base and, most importantly, the platform algorithms. I'm not positing anything other than \"the kneejerk dismissal based only one size is not a good argument\". I'm arguing that they *can* have an argument, and that you're supposed to NOT assume that it's small enough to discount. Give me a reason to believe those accounts had a negligible influence that's a little more rigorous than \"there's too few accounts\". Kind of reminds me of how Randi Harper's blockbot just blocked all people that followed two or more [bad people], where [bad people] was a list of like 7 GG figureheads. The reverse of this argument is something like \"Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Sargon of Akkad, and Sam Harris??? That's only like 5 guys making videos in their basements! How could they possibly influence anyone???\" TL;DR: an argument about influenced based only on size is flawed. If 5000 is a drop in the lake, something 60 times more is...not just a drop in the lake.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a racist thing to say from a faggot no talent bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"About as retarded as they come","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DCPlod: The paranoid fear of sharia on the right boils down to: Christian fundamentalists should be the sole oppressors and persecu ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"E celebs are fucking cancer. If you date a woman who goes to faggot pride parades you are a spiritual Jew. This society is so rotten and vulgar. So Jewified. I wouldn't touch that fag hag single mother if she was the last woman on earth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"don't forget that drugged up muslim nigger ate a dog ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmmm, Stay Tuned. https:\/\/kstp.com\/news\/court-rules-keith-ellison-divorce-records-will-be-unsealed\/5105999\/?cat=1 Keith's favorite breakfast is Egg Beaters served up with a couple of black eye-d peas Good one, Bubba!! He is one of many in politics that I want brought to justice!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know \"faggots\" \"cow\" \"nazis\" comments. Its like this subreddit is an extension of the donald subreddit. Whatever helps you justify calling people faggots and nazi Go ahead and quote me calling someone a \"faggot or a \"nazi . I'll wait. Well you seem very upset and defensive when i say that the comments calling people faggots and nazis are stupid. Do you agree with me? Im Respectfully, I don't agree that those two situations are quite the same: SJWs being offended by a biological and statistical fact, and disrupting a lecture for expressing ideas contrary to their own, and then calling the panel or the police \"nazis\" and that there's no room for them in civilized society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like it like that too, you can argue with them and make them look stupid at the same time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @InNewZealand: The Knicks are still trash, Melo signed for the money he don't even care about being on a good winning team.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he sure is nigger but he's using a different name that you don't know. hahahahahahahahaha! cry more little faggit. hahahahaha!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GARTH IS A FAGGOT who LOVES OBAMA,,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so you're a filthy fucking degenerate kike. I get it. it's all part of your fucked up religion righty right? I mean, what with your kike double-speak coming out of your cockholster, I declare that my 2nd A rights give ME the right to shoot motherfucking pedo fucks like YOU right in the goddamn face! How do you like MY logic so far you fucking kiddy diddler? Try it faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's all tell HULU that making fun of Niggers, Mudslime JIhadis and Mexican pieces of shit is OK. Dress up as a Moozlum child rapist, a Nigger Gangsta with his white ho, or a Sombrero wearing, lazy drunken Mexifagifornian looking for a green card. Great fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Yankee win makes any day better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The thing about Lindsay Graham is that a pissed off faggot will be super bitchy and not give a fuck.He's a weaponized valley girl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off geldof spud cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"See @gozira I called him a faggot back and now he gets all teary. If reporting hurty feelings worked here he'd be on to @a like a ferret up your trouser leg. Just like the Left on Twitter lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot faggot kangaroo bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well whoever u are u are a fine example of what is wrong in our society, your shallow mental pscycie is hard to imagine in a human being in contact with logic or intelligance.:or is it u are a silly boy who knows no better?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I ate a monkey. #AndNowIHaveEbola","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Come on man RT @BasedLaRock: Oreo needs to chill RT @TheDonDrew: You know about these @PremiumPete? good or nah? http:\/\/t.co\/Mw9QXG3vFW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Which makes it totally amazing that some think Jews control the world. Not the world...just America Depends upon who you talk to. Typical redneck bible thumper....everyone except you knows that 2% of the population is total jew.....7 million others are infected with the virus Not a redneck or a bible thumper, so, as you continue to post inaccuracies remember you haven't supported any of your assertions with credible evidence. The 2020 census will determine the demographics not you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many red flags do you see? @Heartiste http:\/\/archive.is\/HIfWO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"American or Russian school shooting? Russian. There was a shooting at a college in crimea yesterday with 19 killed and a dozens more injured. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/student-gunman-killed-17-injured- Mentioning the annexation of Crimea twice makes you gay?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"social media mediocre cunt supremacists are the worst. you can easily spot em, their aris is up their filbert 24\/7 whilst they stand upon the hill of morality","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The link takes you to a \"subscribers only article page. Regardless, fuck the abos and their enablers. They're literally retarded proto-humans. fun fact 1: until the 60's abos were classed as native fauna fun fact 2: on one side of our coins we have the head of the queen and on the other side we have pictures of our native fauna question, whats on the fauna side of the $2 coin?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The comments made me realize how retarded some of these women really are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, breastfeeding your sons turns them into rapists, but breastfeeding your daughters doesn't turn her into a rapist. Another retarded SJW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Adam Ant - Puss 'n Boots (Video) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=k6zstmlOjLs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a major problem with WN feminists - they know better, yet they still run around talking like retarded jewesses","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If someone does not realize the Truth, this is it. White men FACTUALLY have built every proper society, and Jews have always been parasitical cancer. This is a FACT. The RACIST Jews have brainwashed people of the opposite of the Truth, just like the Holohoax. Whatever the Jew accuseth, they are guilty. All wars are Jew wars and all genocides have been done by the askeNAZI JEWS. NAZI JEWS father is the devil. People are jealous of white people and the Jew has inverted this! Give me your opinion of this truth. Attacks on the Truth will be met with authority. You are so Retarded child!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Enjoying the eccentricity of @RayEvernham's AmeriCarna. Charlie Daniels appearances in two of the three episodes I have watched.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger assaults white teacher on video. White teacher gets suspended without pay. https:\/\/wjla.com\/features\/7-on-your-side\/caught-on-tape-teacher-sexually-assaulted-inside-dc-charter-school","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who should the great American Citizens of Michigan VOTE for? That's easy.... Military Veteran and Patriot John James! Of Course!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seems like that is outright theft. A YouTuber should notify the IRS of this theft. This needs to make a commotion in the news cycle, because this is fucking ridiculous and it needs to be stopped ASAP They're just giving Trump more and more reasons to lay down regulations on these tech giants > They're just giving Trump more and more reasons to lay down regulations on these tech giants Should we stop a foe when he's making a mistake? If Google wants to provoke the Trust Busting wrath of GEOTUS and his \"boogeymen\" like Ajit Pai, is there any reason I should do anything besides make some popcorn and watch them get rekt? Google is acting like Microsoft in the 90s. Here's hoping they get split up into an add and search engine company that are only allowed to compete against each other. Breaking up tech giants is a bad idea. Most of what makes them so good to use is directly because of how ubiquitous they are. Alternative media will never be a thing because it will never be big enough, and breaking up the giants will amount to the same thing. Instead we must stop retreating and instead focus on making sure regulations are put into place to keep them in line. There is no problem in capitalism that's not made worse by having it become bigger. You sound like the Stalinists who talk about how we need the largest possible state because reasons. I'd imagine they'll have something in ToS for when (or already) this goes live. Ten bucks says they give no specific definition to what is deemed offensive. That's the biggest issue here. To Google, saying men and women are different is offensive. Just ask James Damore That's the problem with \"offensive\", I could find it offensive that you said hello. It's a VERY subjective matter, and with Google you just know it's going to be a wild stretch of things","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I muted Robert Bowers @onedingo several days ago because of his anti Semitic posts. Seems to be alot of that here. I chalk it up to the scum seeing an opportunity to skewer the Gab name by making accounts here and espousing hatred towards Jews in particular. I also see a bit of it directed at Blacks. Not a Conservative viewpoint. Just like #MAGAHoaxer That was impressive. Your mommy and daddy would be proud.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed, though I will point out that it was not originally intended as such. At least I don't think it was. Drop the retard strength karma bullshit and the clearly agendized mod\/admins, and it's an Internet aggregator that is convenient as fuck To my credit, Reddit is the only account profile I have on the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shout out to all my niggas. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welcome to the family, Mia Meli! #new #puppy #adorable #cute #fluffy #mutt #mybaby #girl http:\/\/t.co\/a27C1XueZP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DENG = Dumb Entitled Nigger Grub , Fuckwits like this idiot and that other fuckwit SJW Nigger bitch Blaming Australians not wanting anything to do with the Black Scum as the Problem , and cockheads like Andrews are listening to them ,Australians want nothing to do with them BECAUSE they are Criminal Third world Garbage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sisternoles Fingers crossed for you. If not? Chug chug chug lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jesus, this is the most retarded thread i've read in a while.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JakeWaller97: Do you ever just see someone's account and think \"wow what a faggot\" but at the same time you can't unfollow bc u can't m ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=S7g0yHFqbyQ House nigger Kanye gets BTFO by some field niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RatchetSue the only thing better than a bargain is a Yankee bargain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? you need a 5th choice that says.....WHAT NAZI JEW HATERS? go learn some history... when you virtue signaling dumb fucks resort to NAZI name calling, we know you don't read or know CHUNKS of missing history.... stop being a willfully ignorant faggot The Jews OWN the porn industry.... http:\/\/www.thetruthseeker.co.uk\/?p=8459","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every woman making false charges needs to be sued. For every man who was lied about this must happen. All that fo fund me money that lying cunt got, sue her for every penny!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Russel Martin had a miserable season but is quietly having a good September #Yankees #BlueJays #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey you retard are you still promoting Iran regime change like a good government shill?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just take it in the ass you fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bingo!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. Who gives a fuck about that Sand Nigger country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HG_Shit: Mfs still in the same spot as 3yrs ago. Beefing with the same nighas. Sleeping with the same hoes. Eating from the same restau ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that dystopia! if asian wombs r only willing vessels of the future white ethnost8, perhaps western whites will b swarmed by muds as they watch their netflix with their dogs. https:\/\/youtu.be\/D_AnHRnTszk #anglinalternative is based on science and survey data from @laurensouthern https:\/\/youtu.be\/D_AnHRnTszk I hope you are saying that tongue in cheek its not as traditional a proposal as @Wifewithapurpose goes with, but most young white woman seen 2 eschew her course of action, thus forcing white men 2 seek innovative alternative such as @AndrewAnglin puts forth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How do you not remember anything but you are certain you were raped? She woke up fully clothed. And no evidence of ANY sexual activity. She's desperate to be believed and she keeps doubling down on her lies. It's just like that Mattress Girl cunt who everyone knows was not raped and wanted more dick even after the alleged rape occurred. But instead of admit she made a mistake she just keeps hammering away at the accusation. It's hen pecking on steroids. I hope he wins his law suit and I hope she has the money to pay him. He should probably sue the university because his Title IX rights were not upheld. He had a right to equal protection and with absolutely no evidence they should have dropped the whole thing. What a cunt. I never believe women when they claim abuse or victim hood anymore. Prove it; and if you can't then STFU about it and move on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dinn do nuffin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cover your ears. Profanity laced post. This what a stupid fucking worthless piece of feminist twat shit looks like. She's why the words fucking asshole are in the English language. The C word too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no. not true at all. you only need prove that you were in fear for your life, not that you actually were. for a small woman, a 6' man with his bare hands can put me in fear for my life. what am i going to do? punch him out? Truth. no, that only happens in non #2A country, in which -- we've already established -- i will never live again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fucking communist muzzie needs to be shown the door. Along with the rest of the sand niggers that have invaded our country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I support the conviction of whoever made this retarded boomer meme that I see every day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who cares what that country club nigger has to say about anything?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That stupid cunt couldn't GIVE it away! The day after the Midterms, with Trump and Kavanaugh leading the way, all illegals deported, Antifa curb stomped, abortion outlawed, The Regressive Left forcefully put into insane asylums, the wall built, and all traitors (Hillary and Bill, Obummer...) executed on live TV. It's gonna be a GREAT day in America! Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. What an IDIOT! Anti-fa are nothing but little commie fags with no jobs and no fathers. Go fuck yourself, commie faggot. Can't wait until the Second Civil War REALLY starts! Fuk antifa, you scum. A bunch of faggots and maggots that need to be eliminated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A dyke and a kike plays the victim. Oy!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"all the little kids love it when I say anything remotely edgy, if I say nigger they lose their shit its hilarious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this shemale. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you meet every day with optimism if you confront every obstacle with determination if you refuse to give up, if you never quit, if you face every challenge with confidence and pride then there is no goal you cannot achieve, and no dream beyond your reach! #YBLS2018 2:47 pm - 26 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I'm surprised they didn't tell you to go away because you're white. It's the other way around in my town actually. 24,000 population, 98% White. She was the odd one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BoneSaw00 There's a reason why the Yankees don't want Anderson any longer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying that you hate Muslims shows how misguided you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For anyone unaware, Sargon got legitimately angry at Jim (*in 2018*) for not being the leader of gamergate. >Sargon: I understand it's lame to have to do something, to organize something, to stand for something, but if you're not gonna do it, Jim, someone's gonna fucking have to. (This is in reference to Sargon starting a Liberalist movement) >**Jim: OK, so the mantle of leadership was thrust upon you, but you'll take it up?** >Sargon: No, it was thrust upon you, you pussy, and you shut your channel down. >**Jim: Yeah, I left gamergate because it turned into a fucking hug box of pussies that were money-grubbing fucks that were using it to bank money. Yeah, that's why I left.** >Sargon: So you should have done something about it, shouldn't you? >**Jim: The whole point during Gamergate was that there was no leader. It wasn't my place to step out and tell people to get in line.** >Sargon: People have been looking to you for leadership for years. >**Jim: That was their fucking mistake!** >Sargon: You're a coward. That's the problem. You're so afraid to stand for anything. >[...] >Louis Le Vau: People look to you, Jim, for some kind of, any kind of leadership. >**Jim: They are fucking retarded. I'm an internet troll. What the fuck are you guys on about?** https:\/\/youtu.be\/kAUUdnv6dEU?t=1269 Even if you want to give Sargon some credit for doing something rather than nothing, he's absolutely wrong in his desire to see Jim as the official spokesperson for any kind of movement. Why would you want a guy with his history on the internet speaking for a group? Jim understands that you can't say things like \"I wouldn't even rape you\" or \"white niggers\" and then go into politics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great lie you faggot piece of sh*t jew. We have been receiving your trannie porn, your poo porn, because you don't want the truth to be known about evil degenerate Satan worshipping jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are a disabled person, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CBSThisMorning @NorahODonnell tx trash you know trouble w ACA is in GOP gov states but like @60 @LaraLogan_News you report lies anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.\"** From *Rules for Radicals*, by Alinsky. Don't believe communists when they try to tell you it's about the free market, or free speech, or anything else they don't believe in. What they do is take an extreme position on an issue, pervert a ~~tenant~~ tenet of their opponent's fundamental principles into working against them, then repeat that in an amplification loop until they get their way over the objections of the majority. Also, they have no legitimate argument that this has anything whatsoever to do with the free market. A free market presupposes a level playing field in terms of access to capital and related transactions. Period. A great many laws exist to that end. Why they are not being brought to bear here is merely a function of (1) how much lobbying power has amassed inside so-called big tech, (2) how feckless our representative leadership have become in the US. It would also help if the US had a functional DoJ. And that is a nonpartisan statement. The DoJ has been nothing more than a band of half retarded partisan inquisitors for 10 years and counting now. *edits: as noted* Yeah this is kind of a prime example of what you see in politics. Candidates with often ask questions that have already been answered before, over and over again, until ultimately you have forgotten the answer and start to question the truth. > tenant a tenant leases space, a tenet is an ideological principle. Just trying to help polish an otherwise great comment. Thanks! Very well said and QFT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marsha Blackburn up 14 percent despite Taylor Swift's plea. Do you get it yet LIBTARDS ? We don't give a DAMN what Taylor Twit, or any of the other bunny brain morons desire. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/marsha-blackburn-up-14-percent-despite-taylor-swifts-plea-for-opponent-phil-bredesen-in-tennessee-race What is it with those people. Just having a good voice, or being good in playing a rol, makes you not a scientist. This dumb ass cunt should sing, and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3 of his guys were arrested. Dana White said it was a super duper bad night for the UFC: https:\/\/twitter.com\/terezowens\/status\/1048807414571520000?s=21 Have you ever tried to ground and pound a bus? The dolly was efficient.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not \"ooga ooga\", it was \"Inal abuk! Kus ukhtak!\". That literally translates to \"Your father's shoe! Your sister's cunt!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a camel fucker to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @mandylea25: I've talked too much trash for OU to lose today..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Outside of the mentally unstable you mention, no. \"Non binary\" isn't a thing outside of mental adolescent sub mediocre people craving attention","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone needs to tell the asshat that by deploying the national guard he has already succumbed . .. give em' enough rope ... Lol When we ask if he can top his saying 12yo girls should get used to showering with men, is he testing us? They're all doing it now. They really need to be removed. They're scarier then zombies. NYC is CABAL\/NWO HQ ... it's gonna be a fight. Cuomo is a grandstander, for sure. The cops deserve more respect than to be used in this way. Hahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahah. Hes VERY important. Hey Cuomo Deploy more troops. The bomb sent to Brennan has a photo of him and what appears to be an upside-down Islamic State flag.Actually, the fake Arabic lettering on the flag spells out \"TRUMP.\"Compare the writing on the bomb to the writing on a real upside down Islamic State flag. it's bs in all caps ! ALL OF IT! did'nt go thru postal, they said so . had to be hand delivered. So how and who and why ... Sperg Alert ! Who's he fooling? He only doubled security at the SandM chamber in his home... Chris, NPC, Cuomo is his CNN brother Cuomo is the one fearmongering, along with the rest of his incompetent party. How desperate do you have to be to send yourselves fake bombs as a hoax? it's blatant to anyone ... look at me look at me boohooboohoo... makes me ill","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shockingly, Chris Wallace tries to smack some sense into Shepard Smith - Heated Debate on FOX NEWS https:\/\/youtu.be\/RPhk6N7eiXc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"European Court Of Human Rights says it does not go against free speech for a woman to be locked up in Austria for saying mohammed was a paedophile.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't watch RETARDED RACISTS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You really cant. Since A) sarcasm is hard to pick up from text and cus B) reddit is full of retards The retards that don't get it are part of the fun for the rest of us. Boo hoo sucks for the retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that nigger cunt, we should sandblast her black ass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Speaking of retarded I hate the trajectory my generation is headed, wanna switch? Just move to a less progressive country. By the time they catch up you might already be dead. I recommend Iran. Right wingers from the US will love it there. Everyone has a gun, women are property, and the government is a theocracy that worships the Abrahamic god! And the best part is the abrahamic God is just plain old regular God anyway. Well luckily this is only the direction that about 3 people on the planet are headed, and not an entire generation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Slanguage: Stop flattering yourself, bitch. The only fan you have is on your ceiling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other g4y people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"male tennis player jeff tarango was fined in 1995 for telling the crowd to \"shut up\". pretty sure thats less dramatic than accusing a ref of point theft, but im not gonna stop there, because youre a whinging faggot who cant accept that your token tennis player isnt perfect. a few other examples that prove men are warned, fined, and disqualified for less than accusing the ref of favoring one player over another yann marti, 2018, disqualified for pointing a racquet at his opponent and saying \"you can put that in your butt\". not fined. disqualified. andy murray, 2016, fined for saying \"stupid umpiring\" novac djokovic, 2017, warned for saying umpire was \"losing his mind\" ive got this feeling you arent gonna care, though, because mah wamen. this is more than just serena losing her shit, its stealing the rightful praise that osaka shouldve received for the win. even researching these past names was a pain in the dick because every news outlet is obsessed with serenas meltdown. its also satisfying to see somebody try to use their gender to get out of being responsible, and having it backfire. thats literally the point of this sub. women trying to avoid consequences because theyre women, and having it backfire. if the serena meltdown doesnt fit that bill to a T, i dont know what does >she said women get penalized for less i showed 4 examples of men being penalized harder for less than what she did. if you want a random faggot on the internet to analyze information he cant find after 5 minutes of googling in an empirical way, youre looking at the wrong place. nobody will find you precise statistics on every single verbal abuse fine because every search engile is filled to the brim with \"mah wamen protecc serena\" if youre just gonna dismiss anybody who disagrees with you as putting forward anecdotes, you might as well go back to whatever echo chamber you came from. youll be happier there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@prodigal Niggers are the byproduct of evolution towards the Aryan peak of the hominid family, just as Chimpanzees are. The failed dead end cadet-branch of an upward trajectory for the main branch. Lower IQ, no innate sense of nobility, just animals with no souls whose existence is for eating, fucking, and shitting. Blunts bitches and 40s. 2\/ @prodigal The split was probably at H. Heidelbergensis when hominids were firmly established in Europe, while those who stayed behind became the failed cadet branch that led to the Nigger Sapiens species. Those that moved to Europe adapted light skin, light hair, and light eyes along with huge brains. The Neanderthal Species. 3\/ @prodigal Neanderthals spread throughout the world, except for subsaharan Africa, where the Nigger Sapiens continued shitting, eating, and sleeping without doing anything of note for 350,000 years. Neanderthals gave rise to all non-nigger hominid hybrid cadet-branches, but the Aryan is the main branch. 4\/4","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"There's a whole network of them... all linked to 4chan and Pepe accounts . Lmao my sidesssss https:\/\/redd.it\/9ny4zv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Soldier1eaODGrn you are a teabagger scum who wants to threaten people with his penis extender. You are a danger to this country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Norsu2: Democrats to push income inequality as top issue of 2014 http:\/\/t.co\/6fMioxUIgK Charlie Baker (R) veers further left all in w D ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"commodification of food = evil\" ? Ask Venezuelans about evil commodified food","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The FBI arrested Michael Miselis, Ben Daly, and other members of the Rise Above movement for \"conspiracy to riot\", but no Antifa. The only conspiracy here is a government one. This is fully thanks to the Wall Street funded Pro Publica portrayal of the group. This is a serious escalation in political repression. The media and finance class runs the USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bob_Americana @InfantryVet @AmericanWehrwolf @Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GregSims @RabbiHighComma @MosheShekelRod @CuckShamer @Farmer-General @Toothpuller @TZilla","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The ancient Egyptians (\"black\") produced one of the highest forms of civilization ever known. They were outstanding in the fields of mathematics, astronomy and astrology, medicine, religion, philosophy, architecture, engineering, art, government, science, mining and all other fields involving the elements of civilization. @Maniculatus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whos the annoying faggot on your show right now alex?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boomers and Right Wing SJWs are as easily triggered as left wing progressives and SJWs. Nothing but the same authroitarians just different reason to be authroritarian and erode peoples liberties. Yeah I just ignore the stuff i do not like. It really is not that hard to just walk away. This seems to always happen. Instead of using the tools they want others to do the work for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Professor says Trump's policies are making Mexico less safe https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4qvQgf8mSpw Yeah because the criminals have to stay there!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the ringleader of BBC is not a journalist - but just a huge walking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entir- It's a copypasta, I didn't write it. How have you never heard of the Navy Seal copypasta, are you trolling rn? I'm not 14, and I don't live on the internet, so I'm sure that there's lots of irrelevant internet bullshit that I am blissfully oblivious to. Ew, a boomer. There's another term you might want to look up before you use it, dummy. Remember grandpa, the doctor said not to get your heart rate up too much. Did you remember to take your medicine this morning? Eww, a 14 year old.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TwoX are a bunch of twats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck.!! The nigger golfers are kneeling too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 billion Christians in Europe? LOL LOL You silly ignoramus, there are 2,1 billion christians worldwide , and majority of them are non Whites. But hey mestizos from Mexico and niggers from Africa are your brethren, we know. Your jew god told you so. Your right cause it's going to be fucking MOCK MOOD muslim cause the weak ass Christian's are giving it up You stupid cunt all those christian soldiets who gave their lives so shit like you could disrespect them. Hang your head you two bob slag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a whore like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did you forget who I am? I'm a boss bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dumb jew cunt but whats even dumber is the douchebags that vote for this imbecile cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He definitely has aids now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YungRajee Shit ill pay the premium to get away from these anything ass hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have fired her because of her first name... nigger names always amaze me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These hoes have zero personality and will say anything to make themselves sound unique. I saw some dumb cunt on tinder the other day who was 35, and the only thing she talked about in her profile was being a college athlete.... Like, how long areyou going to ride that train, sweetheart.... Cool, you played D3 volleyball at some state school. Congratz..................","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@PrinceDemitri @TheWeek @russlljones Typical Hitchens type atheist and was watching a doc on how hollywood hates god, ready to mock it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yet ANOTHER fat, stupid, commie, bull dyke oinks out: https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/georgetown-professor-says-white-republicans-should-be-castrated-fed-to-swine\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a sh3male. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's not anything to refute because its just a massive cope lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There you go. The proud Nigger race. I'd rather sleep with a nigger than sleep with human garbage like you. You're nothing but a little bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"When i say niggers, i don't mean black men. I mean niggers.\" Same idea imo. People are just punching down because they're vapid mean girls, all the psudo political shit is an excuse. Using redneck as an insult should be regarded the same way as using wetback or nigger as an insult. Eh... maybe wouldn't go that far, but it is fairly comparable to wetback. I prefer bootlip 9ver nigger. But different strokes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i wonder if her views on equality include a quality cunt kicking session?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would knock you out in one hit, you christian faggot sucking jewish dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting @andrewanglin declares Gab to be a cesspit and a recruiting ground for Feds! Personally, no attempts by anyone to recruit this account for anything. You?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The dream state of a liberal quickly becomes a nightmare when they awaken to a big buck Nigger climbing through the bedroom window, or when some Muslims crash a plane into the place their loved ones work,or a Muslim plows a car into a crowd of pedestrians or their White daughter becomes a victim of Muslim grooming gangs and cops + media defend the rapist gangs!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I fucking hate you niggers bruh... http:\/\/t.co\/OeTK4f94BO","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BrentLanders6: Charlie: \"My last two songs will be quasi-religious songs for the sake of @WhiteIronBand who's coming up next.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"City-states with high walls and direct democracy, ability to exile and guard citizenship jealously look better and better every day #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also how dumb could you be not to know that doctors keep a medical record of you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KathrynBruscoBk: Think #windturbines are bad for birds? Compare: http:\/\/t.co\/FpOSfLdOXW via @BloombergNews http:\/\/t.co\/Eh6I7dOjUz via ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggers contribute to society. Oops I was racist and lied ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"useless, anti-White fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger loving skank.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to go back to \"eye for an eye\". Throw this fucking hag into a corner and curb stomp the \"bitch\" out of her I couldn't agree with you more, the behavior of entitled cunts will drastically change if there is a clear demarcation of punishment. Try and fuck around in Singapore and see what happens >I couldn't agree with you more, the behavior of entitled cunts will drastically change if there is a clear demarcation of punishment. Try and fuck around in Singapore and see what happens That or in any Shari law Muslim country. It's like people carry buckets of fucking stones all day","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Desi | paki http:\/\/t.co\/XxcdQvzI9t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ohh yeah Dan,,, I see Women screaming in the streets being raped..you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many c o o n s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me too. I was on the original Birther Committee to have Illegal Unvetted Faggot Muslim Fraud O'Vomit and his manwife Micheal Vaughn Robinson arrested, but no one would help us. Everyone blocked us including 5 star Generals and the Sgt at Arms in DC who has the complete power to have stopped him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AbortionFunds: Grateful for the profound hospitality of volunteers who open their homes to patients traveling long distances for abo ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All women like them are v i l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/news.opera-api.com\/news\/detail\/6e88bea2653193f103ee9ada8419339a_us?share=1andcountry=usandlanguage=en chill out Kenton, you know we have the left on GAB! just mute them or out them. TRUMP IS NOT DESPERATE ABOUT ANYTHING. I know how yo feel.. I am plenty chill, the guy posting those liberal headlines appears to be on the right, some folks need awakened to narratives. Every liberal narrative based headline needs to be deconstructed. Some people on the right unwittingly help propagate false narratives. Trump isn't afraid of nothing and that's want we need, as a strong leader as President The left is more desperate then us... Relax ~ mute freely... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are you hiding behind anonymity anyway? Ashamed of yourself? He should be,he's obviously unhappy and self loathing and probably white and hates white people ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common trans trash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twat got five years probation for attempting to murder her 83 year old grandmother. Five years probation and fucking mental health counseling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How retarded do you have to be to actually believe this lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoa! Sorry, I have no idea how that comment got attached to this video. It was supposed to go with another post about California and immigration. Weird! Hell yeah that muzzie needs to be screened. Her and the rest of her ilk! Happens more to white people I'm sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clock ~~Boy~~ Faggot should've just cut the red wire on his own bomb and done us all a favor. Faggot bot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just anothe kike loving cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The CEO of that company is a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She looks like Emma stones cunty evil sister.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably crocodile tears and \"WWWAAAAAAA\" \"WAAAA WAAAA WARIOOOOO\" You can't do this to me, I'm a Woman! YOU HAVE TO RESPECT WHAMAN!!!! edit: does a \/s make sense here?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This post really brings it home to you what totally, utterly and embarrassingly retarded things the leftists have to come up with to keep the angry leftist intellectually stimulated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, this is even better, Commies shooting beautiful unarmed women. Big brave men. Don't think for a minute that today's green haired Dyke slugs wouldn't do the same to us and our wives and children now if given the chance. We have EVERYTHING against us but somehow we must overcome through wit and wile and defeat these Commies or it's over. Now is the time for words and ideas, act now before things get very much worse. Strength in numbers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Peace my friend..Only Peace..I am not your enemy..Dont say that word again..Look at my Facebook wall..One of my best friends ever was a Moor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most disabled people are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You managed to convince me that they're all cunts. Well, their overly defensive comments and autism has convinced me that they're all cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What does (sic) mean? It means it's written like that, the person quoting it is leaving the autocorrector errors like they were originally written. Kinda counterintuitive spamming the text with a (sic) after every grammatical error to keep the text original\" >Think of it like the \"\/s\" for comments - it shouldn't be needed but it helps autists to feel better. You cant imagine how often that \/s helped me out. More often than i like to admit. [deleted] Okay, so consider literally any situation with a hostile actor misquoting you as well as failing to quote things properly? For example; you've got an intern who for some reason has English as their second language and not only did you spell one word incorrectly (sic) but the intern also made a bunch of spelling mistakes. How do I know what is you, and what is the fault of the editor? [deleted] Did you even read what *they* wrote? [deleted] Get over it dude Okay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yep. sorry but I don't give people a pass for volunteer work. The way our mind is wired, people could very possibly be volunteering just to feel happy and not to help other people. This lady, who fucks teenage students, was probably looking for any possible path to happiness-whether it be volunteering or fucking boys. In short- dopamine addict. This lady has a dangerous addiction to wanting to be validated. Should have stuck to volunteering and stayed faithful to your husband, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Smack that bitch up - mouthy African cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah they do. RT @Yankees: Six complete here at The Stadium. #Yankees lead the Red Sox 3-1. #LetsGoYankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok..not exactly Seminola but delusional. Like Pocahontas Warren","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"POLLOS A L'ASTDos pollos estaban dando vueltas en una poller a mientras los estaban cocinando a l'ast, cuando... http:\/\/t.co\/fXeEAJmyfZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"every day? well, five times a day... That's a lot of kidney's. Erryday my nizzle","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe immigrant lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who Is Cesar Sayoc? Social Media Shows Fixation on Gory Violence, Politics https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VTgX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The humanities suffer from lack of humans. Sure have a lot of npcs in them though. It's quite unfortunate that the humanities and social sciences suffered the most from postmodernist colonization. These are disciplines that help us understand ourselves, our communities and societies and our histories. They are fundamental to any functioning adult who has an interest or takes part in working\/voting society. I got my sociology degree in 2007 from a well-ranked school. Almost all of my classes were very technically oriented towards statistics, survey methodology, use of polling, geospatial information systems. The focus was on preparing students to be able to apply theory, test it, and explain it while giving them some real world skills that could get them jobs. Even then, I could see the postmodernist creep in the form of classes devoted to Derridas or feminist theory injected into Anthropology course material. I cant even imagine how bad it is now. I hope that we can rid ourselves of this and get the humanities back on track. I was in a sociology class in 2009 or \"Let's start with something clearly retarded and move up from there.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Christian #NRA Supporter Rev. Jesse-Lee Peterson Confronts STUPID Kids Against Guns at March for Our Lives Asks questions about guns black man is surrounded by a mob of screaming Jews - accuses THEM of being racist confronts their cross eyed retarded offspring. #Bolshevik technique. Fight 30min https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3I-_Ph6mbTA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BlackLivesMatter http:\/\/www.fox10phoenix.com\/news\/gunman-terrorize-customers-in-gas-station-robberies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So after 6 years and nearly 11K followers, Twitter suspended my account. I am still bugging them to give specifics as to why and appealing, but not getting anywhere. @Oil_Ranger Need to find my friends here! Anyone? You won't find any friends here by whining about how mean twitter was to you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does your child know you're retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT 5Strat What you need to know about Jason Cosko, arrested for doxxing @GOP Senators on Judiciary Committee. https:\/\/heavy.com\/news\/2018\/10\/jackson-cosko\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/5Strat\/status\/1047645175139393536 All I need to know is when he will hang as a traitor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's total bullshit! The leaders are extremely anti-Xtian! Why else would they bring in millions of Muslims? Also, the Pope is a total faggot pedo that likes to lecture on \"Antisemitism\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEAD AIDS FAGGOT Dead AIDS faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @T_Mart88: Jaheim, Donell Jones, Lyfe Jennings, Ginuwine, Charlie Wilson, Dru Hill, NEXT, Jodeci, Tyrese and etc ...... bring THAT type ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ovomit the half nigger muzzie faggot and warren aka Fauxcahontas. hahahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islam is the home of terriorism .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find that if you really want to red-pill people and not have them go into apoplectic rage, you tell them only net tax payers should get the right to vote...which disproportionately affects women. Wouldn't that basically prevent college kids from their right to vote? Not sure if I agree with that... I understand that, yeah. But then we kinda run into this issue that the US as a country is super net-negative on funding since we run a deficit. Like how do we distribute the \"benefits\" that don't go to specific people like roads, law enforcement wages, etc? Basically only uber rich people with majority shares of corporations would be able to vote in that case I think. There's a lot of math to do haha We could simplify it to just banning anyone on any welfare or who doesn't pay more than 5K a year in taxes from voting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guy fucks nigger bitches. I take my 5 year old daughter's (who is blonde haired and blue eyed like my other","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/pxwlZkWaCs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can guarantee that no one here has ever met an anti-semitic person in their life the word Jew was he used to distinguish a person who studies Judaism what you came after Christianity, Mary and Joseph was not Jewish Jesus was not Jewish none of them practice Judaism even King David was Arab ,, jew is not a race Even in the Bible it says Abraham (ARAB) will become the father of all Nations ,,,, and that was more literally than figuratively of a statement","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the hell voted down on this?! I'm a flaming faggot and even I know a smokeshow when I see one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am disgusted by all this anitsemitic non-sense about \"gassing the kikes\" here on gab. Their actions have killed millions!!! they deserve the same treatment they gave our gorgeous LORD and savior and be hung on crosses in every town in the world... you are a moron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Maybe he's thinking about how much it's going to suck losing access to his kids after the divorce. [deleted] Divorce court is not a place where rationality holds sway. [deleted] My cousin's ex had drug charges, assault charges (not against him though), and he still had to fight her for like two years to get primary custody. Women have to be the incarnation of Satan to lose custody. [deleted] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow he's serious [deleted] [deleted] Hashanah fucking idiot [deleted] [deleted] Remember kids, it's only domestic violence if you're at home. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nazis died off in If Nazis died off in 1945 why are you talking about them? seems like an odd thing to do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"South African city set to seize land in national test case' -->the seizure of hundreds of acres of land from private owners, without paying for it, to build low-cost housing. https:\/\/apnews.com\/550d2a368f094eccb15d20276eabfc21","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" That was Planned Parenthood objective when it started. Black genocide.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FascistTwitter you make me want give up on sad sacks !! your one sad sack needs new veiws!! but your retarded LoL silly FUCKERS ON LEFT!! can't fix STUPID!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Heartiste Sweden to expel 6-year-old orphan to Ukraine while granting amnesty to 9,000 Afghans https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/sweden-to-expel-6-year-old-orphan-to-ukraine-while-granting-amnesty-to-9000-afghans\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf! Wtf! God damnit wtf! Put her in prison a few years. That cunt had a cush life as a model. Fuck her. Lock her up the maximum allowable sentence. She had to go back for a second kicking too! The first volley wasnt enough. God damn her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @waymoflydenu Why yall think its ok to be faggots? and want us to be cool with them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about fucking cunt, can I call you fucking cunt? because you are a fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My nigga's lookin clean. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's be honest. This is more realistic. #BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AnthonyBialy: Well, Maryland is just a bunch of hateful rednecks, anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How SEXIST is that ? CUNT POWER...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guess it depends on your definition of a crime... A crime requires a victim. She's kind of a cunt, though. Maybe that's enough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wouldn't that just be plain harassment? Exactly. I think whoever made the PowerPoint was thinking along those lines but wasn't able to actually convey their point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WhatTheFFacts: Actor Charlie Sheen once bought 2,600 seats at an Angels baseball game in hopes of catching a home run ball.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"If...If...If...\" None of which my dogshit comprehension tells me actually took place in the video. What logic next will be forthcoming, I wonder. But speaking of being logical, if I'm an absolute idiot, a retard with dogshit comprehension why are you still arguing? > I enjoy trashing shitcunts. You obviously don't know what's going on here...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's kooky as fuck, obviously, but God damn he is the best chance we have of breaking through all the tribalistic fake moralistic bullshit that prevents the left from even fucking hearing people like Sargon. Maybe the best thing to do is go in deep cover and claw your way up through some media org and then just trick these retards into being principled.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/halturnerradioshow.com\/index.php\/news\/world-news\/3324-migrant-caravan-loots-robs-food-store-beats-up-owners-in-mexico \"Migrant Caravan\" LOOTS \/ ROBS Food Store; Beats-up Owners in Mexico. dragging its owner and employees out and BEATING THEM to steal food for their ongoing trek to the United States.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's gonna be a lot of trash talk today#worldcup","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not the brown Kenyen faggot mask!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not according to me, it has an actual medical definition. The defining factor is a sexual attraction to PREPUBESCENT children. Our 15 year old dyke was an adult sexually, purely statutory rape.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lil Kim really made herself trash smh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't care if Kavanaugh is confirmed, I don't care if Trump wins again so he can give out more tax breaks. I care that our guys are being railroaded into prison and no one is doing anything about it. You should. If he is denied the left will be emboldened with more to come. If Trump isn't reelected we're back on track to be brought down to 3rd world status, more muslims imported and the one world government they've been planning. Yeah, you should care. People who believe what I believe are losing years of life in prison because they wouldn't let Antifa kill them. if that's not third world I don't know what is. Muslims are still coming, illegals are still coming, there is no wall, and Trump surrounds himself with the Jewish globalists who keep testifying against him. IDC Yeah ok Wahhhhh I didn't get everything so now I don't care. You talk about antifa like your not a part of them. Guess what? You are. Congrats, now dye your hair blue and get a pussy hat ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be fair, I think the lady in the picture is joking. Why do you people think that claiming it's a \"joke\" make what she wrote any less stupid? Dont be so sensitive. Ah yes, I forgot about your comedic genius of \"ITS JUST A PRANKSATIREJOKE BRO XD\". Absolute hilarity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed. While I'm glad to see already on-the-books immigration laws being enforced much more than they've been in the past, his platform of \"hooray Israel\" is shameful, to say the least. While he's certainly a better option than Hillary, Trump's stances on the matter of Israel put a glaring spotlight of the deepest problem with Civic Nationalism. A false dichotomy for sure. This is why I said CivNat is a bad idea. Better than the other, worse choice? Why should we settle with that. True leaders look out for their own, racial kin. They don't masturbate other peoples, and spend valuable resources helping non-kin. 100%. I will not settle for a medicore authoritarian regime that spends 4 years undoing the intense fuck ups of the other regime every other turn. I don't want to give tax dollars to my own destruction. I want to check out, I want to cash out, and I want to step out. I want tribalism. One big step towards getting there is by reminding the MAGA NPCs that all it will take is Globalists in this country winning big, once. Meanwhile, what fickle power the \"Conservatives\" has must be maintained and pushed, election after election. Eventually, the retard-masses will win with the CivNat structure. Without a shadow of a doubt. \"Conservatives\" aka republicans cheer like they hit a grand slam when they put a bandaid on an AIDS sore, without realizing you have to treat the AIDS itself. The sick joke is that AIDS has no cure. The body carrying it must be completely disposed of, before it is allowed to breed with others. \"That is a sick symptom of a dead or dying empire. \" The US federation has been slowly dying since the 1965 Hart-Celler Act -- which has officially opened the immigration gates from the Turd World. It has been time to prepare for racial separation ever since.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another retard ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fuck us wrong with her face. Cunty smugness syndrome Too bad cunt moderators destroyed the sub She's a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical camelfuck3r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remember fellas. Any asshole with a gun and and a death wish can shoot up a synagogue and spend the rest of his life in prison, but only people with political power can expel the race of traitors from our continent. And how is political power gained? By assholes with guns and a death wish. Millions of them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"it is not cool to kill your boyfriend\" What kind of retards do they hire as judges?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a wetback like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Literally advocates hunting women who got abortions How are these retards real? >Lemme just go grab my orange cap and .308, it's wine aunt season. Jesus Christ these people are becoming more retarded every single day. Literally nothing that nutjob said was based in reality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking looney Israel shills can never answer. Always parasitizing on each other. \"Friends\". Go hide, treacherous (((paedophile))) loyalist. says the slug .. Sticks and stones, rapist friend. Or tell us, why call the jewish nation \"Israel\"? https:\/\/www.haaretz.com\/israel-news\/six-charged-with-human-trafficking-pimping-in-tel-aviv-bat-yam- That's what I thought. As long it is not you, anything goes. Right, mo-scam? Israel would not last a week without support from the west. They are terrorist, and every supporter should answer for their crimes as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @wisdom_spewed: No, you stupid redneck, \"Animal Husbandry\" does NOT mean you can get hitched to your blue tick hound, Misty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a fag?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Numbers don't lie.. CNN and MSNPC does.. MSNPC...Lol thanks David Right Wing Fascists? Funny ...it's the Left who wants to take our guns, free speech and cries victimhood when it doesn't gets its way. Hitler did all three. Oh the irony of it all. A true Fascist will always point its finger at others and yell Fascist....! Now go away and take your ANTIFA ideology with you.... Trump 2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meet Caitie McCaffrey, a Microsoft lead employee and a Services Architect for Azure - the cloud hosting service that threatened to kick off Gab not too long ago. Is it becoming more clear why Big Tech has been trying to silence us? Their ranks are filled with hysterical and unstable Leftists who live in an alternate reality. We can't occupy the same space with these people any longer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common gay trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many are tired of the mindless shit being thrown out about Boomers? Raise your hand. Hahaha these kids are cute though, aren't they, even if they do need a good trip to the wood shed. Just had a vicious attack myself, Dale! All of his virulent explosive accusations are damned lies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And Daredevil is supposed to be woke this season. I binged the whole season and didn't really notice much of it. Sure, there's a couple things here and there, but it didn't really feel forced. At least, that's my opinion. I really enjoyed it. I found it less bad than season 2 where Karen suddenly spouts off about \"patriarchal bullshit\" when the editor is trying to not have another staff member killed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who do you think you are cunt? wtf! Stay steady to aim for head little christian rat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump's a retard and the people that follow him are retarded sheep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you a faggot or a bob-and-vagene?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why can't she close her parentheses? Yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muzzies just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is this yellow thing in the sky. I don't know what to make of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @dbongino: Make absolutely no mistake, Donald Trump's resolve to stick with Kavanaugh, despite the Democrat\/Media complex's ruthless assaults, stunned the Left and the media. They're used to Republicans caving in. Those days are now over. There's a new sheriff in town. #NewRules YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuhhh, triggered I see. Gunna bitch slap me are ya fella? ! Hey, you wanna swallow my load real quick? But your tummy is slam full of many loads, A?! I just sucked off this guy in a Hardee's parking lot last week. I'm sure the little swimmers are floating around still Good for you. I am proud of you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No fuck that! If not raised with Ethnos to love her race and fear the other. To know her place as child bearer for her people amd love to her protector. Christianity is multicultural bullshit. Race mixers! Nigger lovers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"McDonald's is hella trash to me now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's wonderful he won't be able to carry his mentally retarded genes into the next generation. Kudos trannies! Keep chopping yer dicks and balls off! Trans YouTuber Says It's UNFAIR He Can't Have BABIES https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kuzFaunb4UM","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. I am a White Man ,you are a sand nigger animal ,go fuck yourself heb","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Confounding Footage Shows Weird 'Mystery Creature' https:\/\/www.coasttocoastam.com\/article\/confounding-footage-shows-weird-mystery-creature\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CsSalazar15 wetback ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It has a mod report for being rude, vulgar or offensive. Never change, faggot who reported me to myself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More nigger fucker stories. Everybody's favorite. Yay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the trans people around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why, what is the point of making all of that fuss over a egg McMuffin it's probably not even real egg. it is actually, i worked there a long time ago. the aren't even the crappy boxed liquid egg [deleted] Then you're ignorant. I worked as a grill guy at McDonald's for 2 years. I cracked thousands of eggs into holders and tipped them into O shaped egg rings on the grill. It's real eggs. Unless there is a fake egg that looks tastes smells and breaks exactly like a real egg. I don't believe you. No way McDonald's could sell eggs, *eggs*, at that price. Only the highest end restaurants would sell such a luxury food. Chicken eggs are a delicacy and I won't let you fill me with lies. Could be a loss leader. Also, you probably get eggs pretty cheap when you buy as many as McDonald's does. He was joking. Oh no you didn't. You did not just use that ableist word.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He doesn't look like a faggot to needs to get his ass kicked, no","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"+1+1= ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Ford's allegations came up against Merrick Garland, retarded liberals would be singing the exact opposite tune. Just goes to show how you behave when your only morals are based upon a foundation of political thinking and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\" I'm not a nazi, though, because mob mentalities are for africans\" How many moronic strawmen can a clueless retard fit in one sentece? Aaaand GO!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I buy this shit by the case. Theirs prob some nigger in Middlesboro that fills these up in his bathtub for Coke....... double entendre right there did you catch it? FAWK YEAH!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Conservatives still have an inverted mind that has been brainwashed by the filthy JEWS. They still believe the holohoax lies of the Jew so it keeps their mind in a Trance! It is a tough go to get it fixed but at least it can be fixed unlike RACIST RETARDED Democrat NPC PIGS! I see no hope in recovering their brain at all! Democrats need to be euthanized.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Insane but I wouldn't call it a pussy pass. I mean if she has been abused(100% chance, just read the article. That motherfucker assaulted his next girlfriend as well and went on to star in porn videos) and regretted what she had done immediately by calling 911 and having them help salvage the situation... why should she be prosecuted? If she gets unjustly beat and wants some revenge well I guess she got it. Her having a second husband though... What kind of guy would marry and have a child with a woman like that? Does he not know? How do you marry a woman that has cut off a penis with a knife before and have a kid with her are you fucking asinine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we shall see if the black community rises up against this \"white devil\" or not, cant wait to watch all this unfold muhahahahhaaa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to end every woman's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How can any honest person not call this CNN segment racist? - \"Kanye is what happens when negroes don't read - Kanye is \"token negro of the Trump administration - \"Black folks are about to trade Kanye West in the racial draft - \"Kanye's an attention whore, like the president https:\/\/twitter.com\/bennyjohnson\/status\/1050099273617027073","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If anything the FBI needs to investigate this cunt . ( angry ) http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/2018\/09\/29\/wh-instructs-fbi-to-question-first-2-kavanaugh-accusers-but-not-3rd-report.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @viper5816: Sen. Harry Reid Lists all the Things Republicans Have Blocked in the Senate http:\/\/t.co\/bjoWvABwhi via @townhallcomHe is ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're evolving https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfrw2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Harry Potter and the Half-Assed Reach, the horcrux is nigger\/nigga.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's that brown stain on his lips from sticking his tongue way way up Soros' ass.Crooked bribed Democratic Senator house nigger for Soros","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dyke Teacher Arrested for her seduction\/sex with female student Women with this peculiarity rarely do it for the orgasm, they do it for the power The excitement for them happens by \"turning\" a young \"breeder\" into a living nightmare just like them https:\/\/caseyanthony.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/Emma-Costner-in-Court.jpg #PERVERT #Teacher","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can understand being upset about bots and trolls, but political activists? Political activists are allowed to have opinions; if you don't have an opinion as a political activist, you probably aren't a good political activist. Very few political activists going to rallies holding signs with a picture of Catbug saying \"Everything is OK!\" Whether they're out their on election day reminding you to vote, or in the streets during the women's march or marching in a pride parade, it's OK to be a political activist and speak their opinion on their political cause of choice publicly. Let's not demonize political activism because you disagreed about a movie where an alien tries to use a droid as a slot machine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cancellation, that's what. I will not watch \"The Connors. I will not even torrent it. You cannot have \"Roseanne without Roseanne. Fuck ABC for destroying the most nostalgic, successful reboot in TV history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tried to use her job to get out of something this isn't ppd She acted like an entitled bitch and got shut down. While she did try to use her position as part of it, she also tried talking about how she's a long time resident and a ton of other bullshit. Perhaps it's a bit of gray area, still feels semi PPD. well better change the sub to semi-ppd > semi-ppd yea though it was hardly touched upon in her own tirade she was clearly trying to abuse her position. well ex-position.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So there I was, balls deep in Alexis Ohanian. The guy turns around, mid power-stroke, and says \"get the fuck off me faggot.\" All of a sudden, this 300 pound, roided out primate storms into the room, veiny arm-guns blazing, rips my cheeks apart, and slams home a meat missle that would have put 'blacked' to shame. I try and ask for a reach-around, but I don't think either guy heard me through the bloodcurdling screams","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soyny is just trying to kill themselves with censorship. Playstation is one of the few sony division that actually made a fucking money. What the fuck sony? You really think they will kill themselves censoring niche weeb stuff? The Japanese market for weebshit will suffer because they now have to comply with bullshit standards for \"san francisco sensibilities\" that don't fly in Japan. This place is already a **No Fun Allowed Zone**, now it's going to affect Japanese studios because \"Lol, let's move to hipster land\" where shit is getting overcrowded and too many tech companies merge into an ideological bubble. Question is how much is the Japanese market worth in comparison to the west. I can bet Uncharted, TLoU, Bloodborne and other Sony exclusives make waaaaay more than weeb stuff. I didn't say they won't loose money. Just saying they won't kill themselves censoring stuff like this. Then Sony will cease to be a Japanese company and become a western based investor bait company run by the biggest bunch of loser hipsters by even San Francisco standards. At this point, I welcome a gaming industry crash. Because if even weebshit can't exist in it's own niche market away from normies, then what chance does any other genre have of remaining truly free of any influence from eternally offended busybodies? Not necessarily. Niche stuff almost no one will defend... Cos' it's niche. With mainstream titles it's different. I mean look what happened with Andromeda. Niche games have a chance of eventually becoming cult classics. Andromeda was just objectively bad all around.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have met many black people and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are right there, for some time my bank had an ugly ass nigger on the main page. Was glad when that was changed, recently I saw that the Swedish Ebay had some lame charity crap going on. Getting a bit tired of seeing niggers in all of the advertisements we have here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If there is anybody that is more deserving a smoking than Nigger O or Killery it's this jihad cunt...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next black person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ask for directions? Give me a break nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clinton in Englandistan spreading more lies and subterfuge. The tribunals need to get underway pronto.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I ask someone on a date, I expect to be paying for them. I don't limit what they're ordering. That's just being cheap. If you can't afford to pay for a nice meal, including a drink, then don't ask them out or don't take them somewhere you can't afford. That being said, don't be a cunt and order the most expensive things on the menu. If you're being treated to a meal, order like you would if you were paying, ya triflin bitch. That applies to both men and women both for doing the asking and being asked. Cuck logic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know but I don't trust this guy's... It's all about the money... Plss let the dead in their world stop making shows...with his death..couse u didn't have ballssss when he was alive...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: who else hated this bitch nigga ?? http:\/\/t.co\/8jwGmV4Yet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I nicknamed Lux Coach K because without him we would of never heard of Duke lol Charlie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude's a dinkum priest? FMD. I always thought he was just some #virtuesignalling twat in a cassock! #Auspol #NSWpol #Gosford","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How do we get this vile self opinionated scum out of our country. https:\/\/www.politicalite.com\/latest\/miqdaad-versi-white-britons-need-to-integrate-with-muslims-and-migrants\/ Wrong Way Round Oh Mentally Retarded Muslim!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#milesthompson #goauche #wetback #ca http:\/\/t.co\/g3Ze8bqLPG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For all the 14th Amd US subjects of Congress that say the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional, please direct me to the clause in the Federal Constitution (corporate charter) that bars Congress, the legislative branch of US,inc from creating a central bank? I can't find it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggoth are revolting freaks, and a deadly public health menace. Many an unsuspecting woman died of GAYDS due to lovers secretly on the \"down-low\". GAYDS was brought to the west by a faggot airline steward, and originates in Afreaka (like ebola), almost certainly do to niggers fucking apes, you racial turd.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rochaaxx yellow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My God, this actually hurt my brain. Retardation is showing no signs of slowing down, isn't it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This all comes from tumblr. They showed their colours by using trigger warnings and other retarded internet lingo long ago","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"? I had a cousin like that, went to TN, I miss him, I should of answered his last phone call. He couldn't get a license here because of past probation fines. I don't get how you're supposed to pay them when you can't even drive a car (dui's are another matter). ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After one of Christine Blasey Ford's former boyfriends made a statement to the FBI proving that Ford lied to Congress numerous times, CNN rushed to Ford's defense with a hastily written error-filled attack article. The former boyfriend asked that his name remain redacted, but CNN doxxed him anyway as a warning to ensure nobody else speaks up. Dox War I Wait WTAF? Dude sent his shit confidentially to the Senate, complete with FULL obvious instructions to maintain OpSec, and *somebody* hot-potatoed it over to CNfuckingN? How did a NEWS organization get a hold of ANYTHING private to the Judiciary Committee? If THIS can happen then sorry McConnell, the whole damn thing has to get public air. Two words: Feinstein's Office","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meh. Political bullshit. Macron's party is happy to light counterfires to avoid talking about the hot topics right now, and Melenchon is a self-centered clown pretending to care for the masses who just happened to make a gigantic ass out of himself even more so than usual. Don't get me wrong, I voted for Macron, but he has stuff to fix before I'm happy I did it. This is not helpful. > I voted for Macron I wish for you to be cursed, everywhere you will go, light will cease to work and you will be left out in the dark, stumbling your pinky toes on heavy wooden furniture until your last breath. Peut tre que la prochaine fois tu te fera pas retourner la t te par la v ritable propagande, les castors qui tout les cinq ann es font \"barrage\". By \"barrage\", I take it you're reffering to the second turn, where everybody voted against Le pen, rather than for Macron ? Wrong call. I voted for the other guy because I believe her ideas are uninteresting, when his had.. very slight potential, not because of \"making a barrage\". Even if I deem the FN ideas (or should I call it the RN now ?) completely bonkers, I support their right for speech, especially as demonizing them is the best way to bring them support. Let those ideas be discussed on the marketplace of thought and voted upon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anti-white, neocon ((( Ben Shapiro ))) would never argue for racial replacement in his own country Israel Ben supports Israel building a wall, refusing refugees, deporting Africans, but he demands Third World immigration and refugees for the USA and Europe. Ben wants whites gone. His email: Ben.shapiro1776@gmail.com, bshapiro@dailywire.com https:\/\/twitter.com\/benshapiro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor little nigger boys need to be noticed to get pity again from the population,it seems more like a threat to law enforcement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any gay person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BASED ON WHAT WE KEEP SEEING FROM LIBERALS and DEMOCRATS, IT SURE LOOKS LIKE CONSERVATIVES SHOULD NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT BEING ARMED. Yes he was Yes. You got it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dr Christine Blasey fraud your a cunt and nothing but a cunt ............. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=v3JM5K99Jos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL Praveen Basu Velmurugan is so mad that he just doxed his Facebook account to us I don't know whether someone is memeing or if it is real but a commentator has said he works at the QuikTrip in Newnan thank you come again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol its ok...he's a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"not going to bother to play this video, that cunt Behar turns my stomach.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being succesful apparently means that you are now the cookie jar for every freeloading retard on the planet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hollywood is full of scum. All are democrats so ....... because they all suck sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The ending to that Yankee game was so planned I can't even take it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, #FolkRight is anti-Christian. Unabashedly. We don't turn the other cheek. The meek will inherit NOTHING. Embrace your #Indigenous #Ethnic #Folkways. Eschew all forms of #Abrahamism. \"Where you see evil, speak out against it. And give NO TRUCE to your enemies.\" Every week I'm berated by some #Christian for being \"too anti-Christian\", but what choice do I have? #Christians routinely gloat about their purported success in destroying #Paganism, even though they have not managed to do it. They hate 10,000+ years of indigenous #White #European culture. Am I supposed to support them, or stand idly by? Hell no! I do not see Christians gloating about killing pagans without some prior attacks levied on that Christian. Christians hate the Aztecs over their 10,000 years of human sacrifice and cannibalism. Is that wrong? I rarely see pagans attacking Christians with \"critical thought\". 99 times out of 100 pagans are attacking Christians using strawman antics that do little more than show the pagan has zero fucking clues about Christianity, or what Christians understand or believe. On the rare occasion that a pagan posts a legitimate critisism of Christians or their faith, Christians jump at the chance of defending their faith and do so with civility until the ad hominems and strawmanning commence. Then, righteous indignation prevails in the form of hostility and insults. \"fucking\" \"with civility \". Are you american? You work on your image a bit. I don't need to discuss about anything near the mind let alone spirit with you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her problem is just that she's...DUMB...yes that's right I said it, IGNORANT. The Left and their puppet masters are not particularly bright. They can't even get the optics right, let alone the common sense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ben Shitpiro the controlled opposition CUCK and Never Trumper NEOCON JEW FAGGOT thinks that anyone who uses common sense is \"deranged\". Why does anyone follow this little beta weasel bitch??? A bunch of fake conservatives as well as virtue signalling normies who call themselves Republicans are attacking people like Candace Owens for stating the OBVIOUS, that this is a FALSE FLAG created by the Deep State criminal Cabal to get a sympathy vote, and to also make it look like our side are the ones who are violent. I'm attacking anyone on Twatter who calls themselves a conservative yet virtue signals to the left by making fun of people that do research and ask questions or what they call \"conspiracy theorists\". Too bad I have to go to work now and have no time...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @hoes: Emma Watson #TheOscars2014 http:\/\/t.co\/INeOGli7G9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jew arab nigger all the same thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His eyebrows probably represent his parents relationship","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The average American is pretty much retarded in that on the one hand they would recoil at the thought of being joined at the hip to a foreign country but on the other hand they think Israel is like the 51st state or something and thus are an exception.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bette Midler Tweets Women Are the N-Word of the World' 'Raped, Beaten, Enslaved' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dWhg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot illiterate hipsters are buying sets of books by color. They don't even care what's written in them or the title https:\/\/www.etsy.com\/listing\/601666133\/decorative-lot-blue-green-teal-books?ref=related-3 .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland's Mayor Defends Police Non-Response To Antifa's Anarchy https:\/\/www.dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/14\/portlands-mayor-defends-antifa\/ Anymore non-responses from this retarded mayor will turn Portland into \"Mad Max: Fury Road.\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/hEJnMQG9ev8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BiIIMurray: My iPhone has 2 million times the storage of the 1969 Apollo 11 spacecraft computer. They went to the moon. I throw bird ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He lost a division one scholarship to USC as well, the girl should be sent to prison. Only way things like this might stop happening is if we start sending women to prison for it. Even though the thought gives me a giant justice boner, it's a double edged sword. Women might become more paranoid about covering things up and won't admit to their crimes as easily. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The South is full of white trash. The Midwest is full of white trash. The West Coast if full of white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a rotten POS! Illegal alien? GTFO! Someone needs to cunt punt that worthless POS all the way back home.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ACMobbDeep @madsbennett yeah I run over squirrels and coons","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any black, Conservative or anyone who is black and disagrees with the left is called a \"Coon\" or \"Uncle Tom,\" so much for tolerance. Don't forget \" HOUSE NIGGER \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stupid twat broke the law. jail her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think fixing the domestic violence issue for men in australia should not be addressed until you cunts fix your murderous serial killer animal problem. What I ACTUALLY said was, \"as far as I'm aware I didn't state it was a fact did I? And in this case, clearly I wasn't aware that such charities existed in the UK. As for your comments, I don't see how me being wrong about something, is me \"going around making life worse by spreading bullshit you quite simply could have pointed out I was wrong, and I'd have gladly admitted so. I think you responding to me with such an aggressive tone, by accusing me of making life worse for victims and spreading bullshit, because of a single comment I've made, is actually a case of YOU making life worse for society, by being just another quick to anger, overly aggressive person, who would rather start an argument that a discussion. It's actually easy to not be a cunt, you should try it some time. Have a nice day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More insights into #Trump \/ #Qanon plan behind #fbi_investigation : (1) Why is President Trump so calm when talking about #Kavanaugh? When one knows he has all the cards in his hands, and that the game is over, it has a very calming effect.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, because this guy clearly wouldn't have EVER resorted to this if he hadn't been able to post on Gab. If you actually look at what he said in his final post, it seems to me most everyone was telling him NOT to do retarded crap like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America has been sold out to (((Israel))), most Americans are too stupid to realize this, there is no such thing as an American Patriot and there will be no help for America, it's over, it's been over, I wouldn't fight for this piece of shit country or it's retarded people. Have fun getting murdered by Federal or UN forces.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I found him, the biggest faggot on the internet: Wow guys with dicks in their mouths and aids are less gay Way back in the before times, InstaPundit would link to me. Then one day a twink like this told them I was a white supreeemist. Not another link. wiki....the unintelligent cucks of the world. They do this \"tone policing\" because it works. Ace gets one whiff of that comment and he would never mention AmRen again. For all his ranting about the cucks at NR and Weak Standard he has the same problem of a fierce desire to be accepted by his enemies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SO SHE IS SAYING THAT 4 BILLION MEN ARE ALL THE SAME ? BOLD STATEMENT RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really hate these \"trigger warning\" cunts. I'm autistic with severe depression and social anxiety with a whole gauntlet of shit that sets off a severe emotional reaction but never once have I asked for a trigger warning, and it sure as hell isn't this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The illusion of being outnumbered is more powerful than actually being outnumbered. This is why they use bots to upvote every fucking thing they can to make their opinions seem unanimous. Never fucking forget that you are a Patriot. One of you is worth thirty of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He won't a faggot judge will block and he will cave. Only an executive order will work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they are going to the sand nigger cock sucking party","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My favorite line was when she called the cops \"white fucking trash\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"or her [tweet](https:\/\/i.redd.it\/jg43d662g","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same here, I struggled with the fact that they are pretty retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When gay people talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"R\/Toronto banned me for supporting free speech and non violent protests. Cunts R\/Toronto banned me for supporting free speech and non violent protests. Cunts R\/Toronto banned me for supporting free speech and non violent protests. Cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuz if it's trash I'm bashing it at saying he need to go back to jail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It means you go \"put all the niggers in jail\" and when someone objects you say: \"figuratively put metaphorical niggers in jail, I was joking.\" and then expect paying public speaking gigs. Oh man, I'm still confused. I agree with everything in your last post. Losing support is natural when you're a hateful asshat. But how does that help me understand the original comment I'm seeking understanding of. Here's that comment: \"Her audience understands her in the same way Democrats want socialism.\" Huh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@QVC strawberry shortcake. Stacked with whipped cream, yellow spunge-cake, and sliced #strawberries freshly picked from the farm w\/ my kids.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not interested, faggot. If you're so tired of it then shut the fuck up and go outside. I'm tired of seeing stupid fucks like you call everything a \"false flag\" or a \"set up\". Maybe he got tired of waiting for people to change and made his own change? Jews get everything they deserve. They have had so much \"misfortune\" throughout history because they being it onto themselves with their behavior. You're the stupid little bitch cunt pussy millennial faggot talking about JEWS. Like I said, STFU and go make me a SAMMICH, BITCH. Jews have always been terrible people even before they migrated into Europe almost 2000 years ago. Funny how the ancient world hated the kikes and they did until recently because of how they naturally are but it's bad to be that way now. Even though they are flooding the west with their brain dead Arab cousins to kill white people. Get fucked you waste of space. Good for her, and good on you for being such a 'white knight'.. Just because some 'people' don't want it to be fake, doesn't mean it's not. Like I originally stated before the nazi whore rudely attacked me for no reason, it sure seems like a false flag shooting event to me. No bodies, no crime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I use proper English and spelling, generally. Only a fucking retard makes anything out of that other than that's how it's meant to look.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @michellemalkin: Mass. GOP Gov.-elect Charlie Baker: No driver's licenses for illegal aliens ==> http:\/\/t.co\/3vkLYmJWjS #NoAmnesty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So glad to see these morons wrecking themselves ...... Unbelievable Start with DEPORT ALL MUSLIMS The Future Belongs 2 Those Who Destroy islame 4 The Sake Of Humanity! Is it in Spanish too? Yeah...forget that the sign implies violence against those who wear a MAGA hat...ignore that...the real issue for NYC is the \"unlawful defacement of city waste baskets\"...sad. Great observation, KC. It does imply violence. Do they know anything but hatred and violence? I think we know the answer to that question. Sadly but true... Where's Sabo when we need him? @SABO the east coast needs you! While I disagree with their opinion, I'm amazed and stunned that SOMEONE ON THE LEFT CAN MEME! In the three years the alt right has been cranking out MOAB after MOAB this is the first time I have seen return fire incoming. You don't figure they're holding a Kekistani against their will, do you? our memes never condone physically hurting the Left though - this ones gives the impression that you should even our Pinochet helicopter one? What this sign really means is, \"No US Constitution\". Commiecrats hate our freedoms! Can't control us if we're free. They have never had control of me! Depiction of White People, this is Pure Racism!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey dipshit, didn't Donald Trump campaign on everything I just said to you? bad free trade agreements and mass unemployment? Grow the fuck up you retarded old geezer and get back to the real world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As the \"migrant caravan surges through Mexico toward the U.S. border, U.S. officials are debating how to handle the mass of people once they arrive and demand entry into the Promised Land. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/R4XS5S An M-2 browning every mile with interlocking fields of fire and an order to shoot at any movement, with platoon size patrols in-between, all conducted by three units out of the 18th airborne corps, 101, 82, 10 Combat hardened crack troops. Issue them about 30,000 body bags Lol @ redneck fantasies What needs to be done to stop this invasion. What needs to be done to stop this invasion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not bad enough #Facebook unwantedly has to infiltrate multiple aspects of our lives. Now that fucking Cunt #zuckerberg is going to psycho analyzes us. CLOSE and DELETE YOUR #FACEBOOK accnts, chop fucking chop https:\/\/nyp.st\/2pXhK2r","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Degenerate faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[Leftism is a fundamentalist religion](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/o5b1Z8i.png) This entire image disqualifies itself with *literally* the first example given. Powerful argument Whoever created this thinks that 'leftists' like Obama, much less treat him like a saint. This displays remarkable ignorance about leftist politics. Generally, leftists dislike Obama as a mediocre centrist who loved to drone strike and spy on people. You're well blinkered then. The left-wing media talking heads (priest caste) were all up on Obama's junk. So you don't know what a \"leftist is, then? Cool. The media are definitely leftists. They're just not quite as extreme as yourself. I'm not a leftists and the only popular media that is is a network like TYT. You really don't know what you're talking about. Check out a mag like currentaffairs if you want to see what leftist media actually is. I'm fully aware what leftism actually is. I think you may not be however. You clearly are not if you think the media is \"leftist , but believe whatever you want. Most of the mainstream is fairly centrist with a slight left lean. The media is only slightly left if you're tonguing Marx's behind. Thanks for revealing where you stand. Gee, such a nuanced and well-informed opinion, definitely not regurgitated reactionary nonsense, yup. >reactionary Yeah, sorry, there's no other way to describe the extreme hyperbole of calling the mainstream media 'marxist'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pompeo is no better than Tillerson, still forcing Obama's militant faggot agenda on the other nations. https:\/\/www.thenewamerican.com\/usnews\/foreign-policy\/item\/30247-secretary-of-state-pompeo-continues-obama-s-lgbt-imperialism @HERALDofYAH @srhholdem2233 @blazinherb @Screw-z-jews @Escoffier @JonKragen @A_I_P @WADL @DolfysGasNGrill @lostpassword - \"Openly celebrating homosexual 'pride' month and flying [faggot] rainbow flags at US embassies around the world- Pompeo s State Department has been haranguing governments worldwide to embrace the 'LGBT movement'.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a tr4nny. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love bi girls and lesbians","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"-Mr. Roose is the New York Times bestselling author of two books, \"Young Money (2014) and \"The Unlikely Disciple (2009) -He graduated from Brown University -in 2015 he was named to Forbes's \"30 Under 30 list Today, he eclipsed all that. #OrangeManBad http:\/\/archive.is\/dS677","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Babydoll? What a nigger mysogynistic uneducated pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That fat bastard should be ashamed of himself. I bet he diddles his sister. This dumb fat fuck never watched the hearings. He's just believing the lies. I bet he was raped as a child.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is this a celebration? What's wrong with having both men's and women's rights? Why is this a dick measuring contest all of the sudden? Sauce","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting a disabled person in charge is the biggest mistake anyone can make. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I left this jew cunt back when..when I was on twatter....I ignored this cunt the minute she started with her anti-white, anti-NS bullshit, I exposed her for the (((JEW))) she is and OUR OWN PEOPLE GAVE ME THE LYNCHING?! yes that is what happened...I got the purge off twatter, came here I heard she was here and I muted her skanky ass right then and there......88","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really wish we had a Trump in charge of the UK, rather than a dancing twat Syria - Aid halted after discovering Islamists are making a profit from it #ItWasEverThus https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/10\/03\/britain-halts-aid-syrias-idlib-concern-extremists-imposing-terror\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sassytbh: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"no u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 for a b ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam is the true religion. believe it brothers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ALLAH SNACKBAR !! You Cunt !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's the definition of what a worthless cunt is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly. I hate them both. A Zionist shill and a faggot bugman","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, I think all jew and nigger loving fake nationalists should move over to some fag platform like MeWe @wizard63 Well if some cunt is telling you, then you should obey faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump is rent free in their heads and their cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who act like cunt' is the worst thing you can possibly say confuse me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shame Mark Levin is still a faggot turbo cuck (((lawyer))).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're going to knock her up, marry her first. Otherwise, you'll be acting like a liberal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AustinthaIntern Johnny football is trash man. Trash. Lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> white church shot up > nobody cares > synagogue shot up > abolish the First and Second Amendments","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Argue with the Supreme Court. They ruled 9 to 0 that this is constitutional. Don't like it, try and get it repealed. Jim B. That only goes to show that Canada is doomed to statism. No it goes to show that the majority of Canadians are against masked terrorists trying to subvert the democratic process. That sentiment was made into law in Jim B.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The princess negro Were fine, Id ask whats wrong with you but I already know, Jewish communist subversion. Racemixing is supposed to provoke revilement, when whites mix they cease to exist. Not only that, you want some fucking Nigger to rule over the British people? That would provoke a war in any other time period.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"12 oz arizona's trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a funny kid! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who cares what this hateful, feckless cunt thinks. She looked like a corpse at Kavanaugh's hearing. Seriously, look at her, she looked like Mortician from The Munster's.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @saramariewelch: Been my main nigguh since digital camera selfies @thorpe_emily http:\/\/t.co\/XiQiRbQ7mP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#NeverForget that time when all the retarded nazis on gab thought hitler and the nazis were right wing conservatives. #NaziRed see's how they dropped a lot of the nazi logos. But we still see you cult commies pretending to be patriots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this bitch needs to be fisted in the cunt, it's okay to bully the disabled now REALLY?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of black people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This crazy old cunt will grasp at anything to legitimize her lunacy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hay, They are just doing what the boomers taught them to do. Blame the parents. This boomer says \"Fuck you\" and uses the mute button.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This clownshoe wearing faggot is STILL crying at me about getting spammed. Maybe stop spamming other people if you don't want to have it happen to you? https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37156752 @GoyGibson doesn't do that, it's literally just you faggots. What the hell is wrong with you? Aren't you supposed to be Christians. Ffs you kikes have really kicked it up a notch in the past few fays. What gives? Are the goyim waking up at an alarming rate cuz of what y'all are doing to Kavanaugh and its causing the fire to rise too quickly? Y'all always go into overdrive after a happening like this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's a fun contest: How many synonyms for awful can you come up with to describe eternallifestyle.com?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Principal fired after making student remove his Trump jersey at patriotic-themed football game https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/g5kY https:\/\/redd.it\/9nzhn2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">you don't like people who don't want to unite with niggers and muslims You mean Jews ? They use nigs and muds against White Goyim. And these shitskins are too stupid to control themselfs. Who created NAACP, the \"main nigger advocate organization\" ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Merkel ACCELERATES the Kalergi Plan in Europe Barren womb cunt Angela Merkel plans to genocide Europe with the help of useful idiots from the Left and third world scum. https:\/\/youtu.be\/MBn1xi-hHpg #BlackPigeonSpeaks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SSNAlerts: Rick Scott takes 49% of vote, Charlie Crist takes 46%. Scott wins second term: http:\/\/t.co\/MmkyGCYVG1 #sayfie #FlaPol http:\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey @jackcorbin , check this shit out. https:\/\/twitter.com\/bluecheckwatch\/status\/1056204285535547392 That's what I'm wondering. Why did his shit get archived hours before the shooting? Someone had to have archived it but who? Why was it archived when it was to begin with? Somethings off here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, looked like an American intervening in a predominately Asian country. My money is on an Aussie. Either way, we can both agree that it's definitely not a Canadian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" plus Sheryl crow http:\/\/t.co\/49KYwZnotU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine my surprise when this took place in Florida (non-existent), would be almost as surprised if the nigger tried shooting the rifle while holding it gangsta style.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, Fox threw her under the bus back before the Primary when Donald Trump basically went full retard on her after the very first debate, because she had asked him exactly one hard question. Within hours, he'd gone on CNN (\"Fake News!\") to say \"There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. I don't think there was ever a pussy pass granted here, it was really more of a \"Use her pussy ownership against her in a sexually embarrassing way and get away with it because you're The Donald\" Pass. Megyn Kelly is a fairly red-pilled woman, yet here we are, devouring our own, because incels are often terrible people, and they seem to swarm this sub.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AND #NorthKorea called #Barack a monkey. LOL! RT! *If the shoe fits! 'Cause it sure looks like he married one! http:\/\/t.co\/F0pGDalfaA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is it with you fucking trans people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't stand the Yankees but Jeter hitting a home run in his final at bat in NYC would be cool. Getting beaned would be better!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"True - but online we are everywhere. U sound like me til last week. Kept thinking people are being retarded via the water\/vaccines etc. Then saw this Uri quote\/NPC meme. It is purely commie conditioning. Aussies will be sorry when they realise what's going on and that it's their fault. Lefties \"need help sleeping\". Truth is also insane to Leftists and normies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ClutchLikeMJ: Tennessee isn't even orange it's like vitamin pee yellow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RylannWilliams ok chill love bird lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a smug faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess going on the retard kidnapper and porn freak, JF's show was more pressing than answering tough questions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been pondering a question. It's very difficult. Which are worse, niggers or faggots? Niggers are more violent and rape White women, but faggots molest little boys in huge numbers. On one hand the niggers are obviously worse in evry way but then again the argument can be made that niggers are born niggers, it's not like they decided to become niggers. Somebody can choose to be a jew or a fag or a democrat but niggers are just naturally nigged from birf i would say niggers are worse cuz at least most fags are White. A nigger faggot by far.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good pick birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @YahooFinance Two stocks to turn trash into cash http:\/\/t.co\/MRmlxaCOXx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TELL THAT RETARTED CUNT MILANO TO SHUT THE FUCK UP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon is a fucking nigger retard who can barely read a fucking teleprompter. Don Lemon is a queer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Patriots didn't forget bitch ! We're Elephants not Jackasses.. We'll never forget.. I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS SO BLIND AND OBLIVIOUS TO THIS WOMAN'S ARROGANCE, EVIL AND \"DISMISSIVE OF EVERYONE NATURE\", IT'S SIMPLY ASTONISHING HOW THIS MEGALOMANIACAL CUNT STILL SLITHERS AROUND IN SOCIETY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Yankees probably time to put this twitter feed to bed #nyy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're not done yet ... the mentally retarded left shall consinue their push and escalate their violence. BE READY PATRIOTS AND DEPLORABLES ... SHTF NOW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are such a retarded moslem..... Mueller can't indict the president.....lmao.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's always the black person that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger with a kike name....that's the saddest thing I've ever heard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since absolutely no Hondurans apparently want to be in Honduras, and nobody wants white nationalists here, perhaps we could arrange some kind of swap where absolutely everybody in Honduras gets amnesty and we get Honduras. A lot of them deserve to be liquidated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just sitting here thinking how funny it'll be if Britain's new mystery meat princess' baby comes out black and \"premature\". Harry can then be the official cuck prince. I'm giving you a pass ONLY cos you're a nigger yourself. But cool it, eh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will never tolerate the systematic murder of trans people in this country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would love to see him suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You guys are ruthless. all because she made a quick stupid decision to try and save her own homeless skin. People who drown always grab on to whatever, even other people on their way down. \"People who were saved who tried to grab others while drowning should get the death penalty for trying to kill someone. This logic cant be applied here neither can it be applied for a case like this where her arousal was through the roof. Try being homeless and lonely and not mad at the world. This subreddit can be a damn echo chamber of \"ya fuck women! . You guys leave no room for more contextual information. Reminds me of road rage where one person says \"fuck that idiot but would never say that face to face, for many reasons including the fundamental attribution error. [You guys vs women IRL](https:\/\/youtu.be\/wHFc7NGp5Hk). Thanks for downvotes because I hold a different opinion. You guys need more love! Well you hold a very shitty opinion. That woman I mean cunt tried to ruin that man's life with a lie about being raped. He was luckly enough to have a camera to prove she was a lying cunt. Every person that lies about sexual assault and rape should have there reproductive organs removed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Than apparently your screen name is a lie . how can you say white is Beutifull and go out and fuck a greasy stinky nigger . you are a poser","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disclaimer: I have never been addicted to opioids and can only relate through people I know who struggled with their addictions. That said, some years ago I really, really hurt my back. It started on a drive from South Carolina to Indiana (for those not in the U.S. that's a bit longer than the distance from London to Frankfurt, Germany). By the time we got into Indiana, I couldn't walk. Had to ask some stranger at a rest stop to walk me into the bathroom and prop me up while I peed. My doctor put me on a stack of muscle relaxers and a somewhat-stronger Vicodin derivative. Point is, I understand how you could get addicted to that. The feeling was just so good. If I had any idea how to get that combo illegally I might still be popping them. Fortunately, my doctor cut me off. It's a truly frightening thought. If a measure gets addicts treatment, I'm generally all for it. Yeah, a lot of people dont know how insidious and sneaky it is (and I'm glad they don't, because I wouldn't wish addiction upon anyone). I'm not an opioid addict either, but I am an alcoholic and we get put into the same programs as everyone else, and the majority of treatments I've been through have been with people addicted to opioids. We all tick in mostly the same way, just with different substances. Substance addiction doesnt give a fuck about your color, age, sexuality, or economic class; it is very equal-opportunity about fucking you up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Illegal Faggot Muslim Usurper Communist Marxist Fraud Obama never saw Hawaii until the age of 3 yrs old. As a pre teen he prostituted himself for cocaine and others drugs. He was a miserable POS in school from day one, having beeen raised by devout Communists all sides. Its all the SOB has ever known. He was born in Kenya. EXECUTE THE BASTARD and HURRY UP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@militanthippy This is the natural end result of the ideology of your antiracist allies. When forced to choose between the survival of the White race and their retarded antiracist sentiments about what White men who owned niggers as slaves meant by \"equal\" while thinking they're saving western civilization, they'll choose to virtue signal and save neither","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Jews have managed to control every government and economy in the world. I mean, if you want objective evidence that they are supreme what else do you need. To be fair, it was only via the Christian European elite that such status was attained (as the bankers of their empires). Paraphrasing Rothschild, whoever controls the flow of money controls the empire. Christians were too naive on that front. Indeed. At any rate, the power of Jews is bound up in the supremacy of white Christian males (which they, ironically, are destroying), I think. Their fortunes will change in the next fifty years, undoubtedly. just a quick question regarding the christian infighting meme.. did pagans have some form of treaty that im unaware of? was it like a heathen eu of bff's? Because it sounds like pagans never fought? It's not that. They fought like Romans vs Germans of course, but over real reasons like resources and land. Not what stupid version of the myth of Jesus is better while you have the Muslims at the gates of the city. In the present day anyway, is my point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bono wants Africa and the EU to join forces against Trump and the US and \"take over the world Good luck with that https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/bono-wants-africa-and-the-eu-to-join-forces-against-trump-and-the-us-and-take-over-the-world\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah but she's fine as fuck,the jammy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New Q: Mission Failed Lori Colley https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SaJXbpyGUEIandfeature=em-uploademail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I get the rules, but I'm saying it's not right\" what a cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you tried. Figured I was in the wrong sub to take this stance but I stand by it Yep. \"Violent comment in response to lighthearted jab? LMAO Stacy got REKT Oh no, a violent comment. I bet the pixels left a bruise. To be fair that sort of humor does just perpetuate the shitty wife beater culture and moves the lines of what is acceptable a liiiittle bit further in a bad direction. It sure as fuck doesnt. See, you dont understand it, so you shit on it because you're ignorant. An offensive joke is funny because its *wrong*. That's what people are laughing at, how terrible it is. So an admission that assault, spousal abuse, rape or 9\/11 are all wrong and bad is against whatever dumb ideology you grasp like an old woman with her pearls is correct then? You're for those things?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Check financial reports. Look for poor countries. Also check number of residents in area. > English widely spoken, locals not overly hostile to white foreigners Is more or less whole EU. Hmm, didn't know that. Outside the big ~~ci~~shitties, too? Then again, had eastern EU in mind. All major cities of Poland as well as Prague are full of stag party idiots. I have yet to venture to Poland though. All major cities are full of all sorts of parties. If you're more into the slower lane, take one or two exits prior to the major city on the autobahn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusting NYT hired this racist, ignorant bitch. She is going to be SERVED a LARGE DOSE of #KARMA from GOD! #KarmaIsABitch #BoycottTheNewYorkTimes #BoycottNYT #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #LiberalsAreTermites #LeftistHateCrimes #LeftistSheeple #LeftismIsaCult #LiberalDoubleStandard #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon#WWG1WGA#Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #Trump #1A #2A #NRA every time i see a piece of useless shit SJW i openly hope they are found gutted in a dumpster where bums take many shits this cunt needs a karmic ass fucking","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is how the Left operates. First they demand that you let them do whatever they want. Then they demand you join them, unless you want to be labeled a racist or bigot. They did this with gay marriage, they did this with transgenders being allowed in locker rooms, they did this with illegal aliens, they do it with everything. Give them an inch, they take a mile. The older Amy gets the more porcine in appearance she becomes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really wanna murder him. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jordan Peterson's Tweets About Brett Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dABU9ndg6ZA O for Christ's sakes, I'm supposed to throw Dr. Peterson under the conservative-intellectual-bus because he wrote a foolish tweet once? Thanks, but no thanks, Mr. Cullen. I'll look at his entire body of work, and judge him accordingly .... just as I'll judge your entire body of work, and likely find you innocent, even if I think you someday write or say something dumb.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not let any black person live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every judge in Australia is the same. Is every single one of them a professional cuck and doormat? Yes yes and yes. Except they are not doormats, they are all ideological feminists. Same thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Being critical of SJW's is the only thing a lot of these people have in common with each other. Some even openly dislike one another. They all came along when Tumblr was at its most unrelatable, obnoxious and downright weird, and simply reacted to it, anybody who still bases their content on that would be a dead channel now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets all cry about how the Jews aren't playing fair and instead of focusing on nation building then call everyone a faggot when they interject with something logical. That's productive. Muh dick muh dick muh dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My wife used to throw plates at my head when we would argue really bad, I restrained myself first few times and accepted, last time it happened it hit my head and I fucking snapped, I choked my wife with one hand just enough for her to feel a desperation for air, that's when I whisper in her ear in a calm but serious tone\" please, just throw another fucking thing at my head cunt\" anyway ever since then (few years ago), guess how many plates have been thrown at my head since, 0 and we get along heaps better and fuck more I love my wife, but she needed a good lesson that day, silly girl making me go to my dark place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A performance only art fags would appreciate. They look like retarded zombies to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@H1llaryClinton Where'd you run off to you little sand Nigger Muslim Goat Lover I thought we were having fun?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"COMING FROM A REAL NIGGER DON LEMON!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ima fucking stab u up bruv. Fucking white prick bruv.. fucking racist. Gammon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not just a cunt; a racist cunt. A rancid cunt .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why should we even care whether Cuck Kasich is happy about this? He had zero say in the matter. Bigger faggot than Jeff Flake even.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ain't no love in the ghetto ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"We can even make whites when we get sick and make albinos. \"- RETARD ALERT, RETARD ALERT! DING, DING DING, DING, DING! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=eBPqksG9nbA . The only thing you negros are taking is aids and starvation. The statistics indicate you aren't taking our women. What your people are doing is raping White women, IN MASS. Its literally at epidemic levels. That must be what you mean by : 'taking your women'. Also, Whites can't make negro babies. And Negros can't make White babies. Their called mongrels, you literal retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at these gay ass niggas. lol. Acting like they some bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet if it was a sand nigger bombing americans it wouldn't even be covered","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to come here for my daily dose of dark humour. Now I don't know what to do...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Speaks volumes about it's retarded owner.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatred for you gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's just an Irish nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you get called a retard by someone who can't spell retard Cc @LYNNette nigga I doxxed myself idk how many times it's part of what I do on Gab. You must not know my style I take nothing seriously","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all gay people\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, go kiss your mamas dick you filthy American That's right do as I say. You're Papas Bitch no, I installed temple os","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a fucking retarded gender confused pussy of a male who has daddy issues","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER FULL OF HATE AND DRUGS SEE idi amin POSTER ON WALL RAPED BOYS AND GIRLS obamy DISEASED muslim PIG DICK SUCKER WHAT A LEGACY FUCKING CRIMINAL DEGENERATE THONG WEARING BITCH BOY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those guys died so that she could have the freedom to be a cunt. Not so she could do cunty stuff without paying the price. This is the problem with people. The don't realize that the first amendment guarantees that government won't stop free speech. But you can still get fired for it. Fucking idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have met many disabled people and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OK, so Hank Ford was a Jew-hater. SO FUCKING WHAT? That doesn't make anything he said \"the truth. Frankly, if Nehlen actually posted this kind of shit, he deserves to get kicked off of every social media platform on the Internet. Free Speech does not include hatred.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @briangaar: Old white people complaining about government tyranny is like the Yankees being upset that players make too much money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since Your A Typical Anonymous Faggot Coward On Gab,I'll Be Brief,Us 3%'er's Are All Everywhere,If There's A Civil War,I Hope Your Near Me,So I Get To Kill You and Burn Your Fuckin Body !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never change Montreal....never change lol Isn't it the porn capital of French Canada? It's definitely the coolest city in the country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THE WORLD IS A VAMPIRE https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/kMZG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let the jig commence http:\/\/t.co\/pqvJiEvqZa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least this crazy cunt is obvious about it. Think of all the other neoliberal weasels who keep it on the sly!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.puppetstringnews.com\/blog\/video-obama-claims-we-are-fear-mongering-honduran-invasion-you-cant-fall-for-that-oky-doke Video: Obama claims we are fear mongering Honduran invasion, \"You can't fall for that Oky Doke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fat ass inbred rednecks like Paula Deen are breed that are going extinct. I mean look at that woman, I would hate to be her scale.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love this guy! Hahaha Troll. DACA supporter. Early on I wasn't the biggest fan of him. He has however more than made me proud in the last 12 months!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"That also means we have the very real opportunity to screw up robots by infusing them with exaggerated, overly simplified gender stereotypes.\" oh fuck off Carl.png https:\/\/www.wired.com\/story\/robot-gender-stereotypes\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a nigger in a maga hat is still a nigger and what does kanye even do he bounces around like a retarded orangutan talking and chanting into a mic with a bunch of shitty noise blasting and whores twerking and niggers nigging and millions of niggers waste their money on him it's not like he's a fucking prodigy who invented something or a talented artist creating lasting objects of value he can rhyme, so that takes a 5 yr olds brain power and he can get a boner for that disgusting mudshark and her hippo ass and thats the extent of his ability so who gives a flying rat shit what that stupid nigger says just get him out of the Oval Office XD NIGGER niggER NIGGER NNIGGER NIGGER HAHAHAHAH IM SO FUNNY IM 13 BTW pls LIKE MY POSTS AND ORBIT ME im NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Again the Air Force proves the Grand Retard Contest it's having with the Navy is still on! Want to steal tech, wait for bad weather. And walk on in, take what you want. Not to mention $Billions in wrecked planes, cause a weeks warning was not enough time to get the \"active duty\" air craft in flight worthy condition... I mean if any frigging branch of the US military could, you know fly extra personnel and parts to a base inside the USA, maybe..you know to keep the frigging half $Billion dollar stealth fighters from becoming scrap...working night and day for a week they could have gotten the planes to safety. Air-Tards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boy Yung thug is a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@5PY_HUN73R","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats.. Do as I say not as I do.. Over and over and over again...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Few tears are more delicious than Rothschild tears.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a rat for suggesting a hosting company? being a \"rat\" when I have no internal information and just a regular user? the fuck? Sweden is fucked and cucked when it comes to muslims, but they have one of the best VPN companies (mullvad) and are great for piracy laws. go fuck yourself nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Colin Powell tears into Trump: \"We the People\" has become \"Me the President\" https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/d5DxPU\/Do7_Bk_KDXk_A8_Hzv_N.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/3T9r","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another common retard. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What I like about Robert Bower's action is that jews will attack Trump, this series of attacks will red-pill huge numbers of his half-awoke followers. The stupid jew will cut down the tree, rip-saw the planks, fashion the shape and forge the nails to make their own coffins. Let the jew dig his own grave in wailing at Trump. That is what using the the He Doctrines does, it facilitates the jew in his own destructive nature and ways. HH living in your mom's house until you're 40, actively refusing to get any kind of education outside of your redneck family is a sure way to disperse stupidity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahhh... Another Gay Faggot For Sure.. . These Animals Have Destroyed So Much Of Our Civil Society, They Won't Be Satisfied Until The Destruction Is Complete ! They Must Run Out Of Our Schools, Politics And Cut Off ALL Social Welfare ! . Send Them All To Saudi Arabia !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks for the invite. Always thought you were a Christcuck, fam ; )","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump KNOWS he has to go all \"Carthago delenda est on the lying media. One of the biggest reasons I love him so much. I think you mean \"Rhoncus tincidunt eros habet retardationem\" For non Latin-pedes... \"Carthago delenda est means \"Bill Clinton is a Rapist ... Also, \"Rhoncus tincidunt eros habet retardationem means \"Info Wars dot com I sorta understood one of those words Hell yeah eros Can you explain what both of your comments mean in english please? Carthago delenda est means \"Carthage must be destroyed, a famous Roman oratorical quote during the Punic Wars. Not sure about what the other quote is, but google translator says it's something like \"CNN is retarded. > \"Carthage must be destroyed, Cato the Elder, who was hated because of his virtue and incorruptibility. Not OP, but [\"Carthago delenda est\"](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Carthago_delenda_est) means \"Carthage must be destroyed\" which was famously used by Cato the Elder at the end of every speech he made in the Roman Senate. No idea what the other one means.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am starting a church and we are called the Elect, even though we may not live in the same area this is exactly what the Apostle Paul did by communicating in writing to the churches he established what they needed to know. Please let me know what you think http:\/\/erickbennett.com\/theelect.html @linguistic_killshot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shep is such a typical faggot: And your running on faggot fumes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Waiting for brownies. I want brownies. Someone hooks it up?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you worried he's stealing all the karma from the hitler niggers meme guy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A coworker of mine was from Venezuela, and a Bernie supporter. When I suggested that was completely retarded, he looked at me incredulously, as if the connection between Socialism, and failure, had never even dawned on him. It was like the ideas of cause, and effect were completely foreign to him. Then a dumbfounded look washed over his face. As Owen Shroyer says, it looked as if his brain \"kicked into second gear\" for the first time ever in his life. People like my coworker, REDACTED McREDACTEDSON , are *dangerously* stupid. Their dumb ideas severely affect other people's lives, and they're completely oblivious to that fact.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Craig Sawman is a fraud. He's controlled opposition. Fake! The guy did everything he could in NM to deny, deflect, stonewall, botch the compound operations. His attempts to make the discovery crew look like crazies..... Of course, he has that hubris, as well. If he didn't find it, it doesn't bring glory to himself, then its a hoax. What a POS. I loathe that guy. Stolen valor faggot fraud.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Only bc you do not understand the science behind HAARP and their ability to combine many small storms into a MFer. e.g.Harver; Maria; Irma and now, Michael. Don't 'ignore' real science. That would be 'ignorant'. I AM REALLY GOOD AT PHYSICS MAYBE YOU CAN OUTLINE THE WAY IT MIGHT WORK FOR ME I'd like to when I have more time and can send you some links to read. I'm already a 'Life-Coach' to 6 clients.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid niggers .. She's dead... you suck dead nigger dicks...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of parent names their son Rosie? True that would be hard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know full well the endless list of evils your fake chosen people have perpetuated just in the past century alone, but now I'm \"Antisemitic Racist White Supremacist\" because of that history lesson! @Deplorme A better strategy would be to find out who are the good Jews who don't want to destroy you, and ally with them to breed smart children that can stop the evil ones. Hmm, something like Trump is doing. Another strategy is to breed your own smart children by encouraging breeding of the smart and not subsidizing the breeding of the stupid. Either way, the war will be won by the side with the higher IQ leaders and soldiers. Why exactly would I take advice about eugenics from a moron like yourself ? The fact you think this even needs to be mentioned and you do so again and again like it's some kind of revolutionary theory only reafffims how stupid you are. I don't give a shit what you do. The only way to beat smart, evil people is with smart, good people. You aren't going to win because you're too stupid to take the required steps that are blatently obvious, as you have said. Don't blame me for your lack of initiative.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Very narcissistic internet personalities as of late. They need to be pointed out and mocked lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people like you are absolutefilth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a tranny to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ewwwww.......so gross. I mean, have you read the comments in this thread? sure have. we dont police speech here. if you dont like it, please leave. edit i apologize. here in ppd we strive for professionalism and take complaints extremely seriously. please fill the following form out and send to our mod mail. thank you for your time. https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/ep6UHxs You're the ones that are upset . This sub has been consumed and riddled with incels from t_d. Real high level of professionalism with that form. I'll make sure to file it with HR so we can rectify the situation. All I'll say is that I've enjoyed this sub for a couple of years now. Over the course of the last ~3 months or so, it has just become a forum for hate speech rather that the subs intended purpose. As a non-nod I can't do anything other than un-sub and hope for the best. Also, I'm not going to defend a pre-op man for being in there if it presents direct danger to anybody, but making others \"uncomfortable is something that people will have to get over. That is no different from calling someone who considers themselves liberalistic a \"snowflake, which I'm happy to now see has had its proverbial tables turned and is now applied to hose of far- or alt-right views. It's quite ironic and I, personally, find myself quite jovial about it. you know what would make me jovial?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Today is a Fine day Indeed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why I always find this bullshit funny (in a sad way), Gamers don't give a shit. Before these new outrage days, when the world was somewhat sane, I would consider gamers the most accepting of people. No one gave a crap that I was a girl, I was treated like one of the guys. And if you don't explicitly say your \"gender\/race\" or get into voice chat, no one knows! I have yet to encounter someone being mean to someone because of their gender or race. I am not saying it never happens, but it is not at the rate that these sjw's make it out to be. Racism and misogyny isn't happening enough for them so they have to manufacture it. I am really getting tired of this, this is exhausting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck her pussy fuck her mouth fuck her ass cause she nasty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to make things so un-welcoming, that they'll yearn for the \"Dark Ages of home... don't let the doorknob hit ya in the ass... bitches...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are people really trying to blame Reddit for this? Was he supposed to stay with this cunt like a fucking hostage?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are you screwing with my \"freedom of speech\" @a, @e, @support? I use the #NSFW tag and you hear a nazi faggot scream or even threaten someone and your answer is to shadow ban me. I hope the FBI take you down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All black people like them are v i l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Girl shut the fuck up. You are the reason we don't get taken seriously. This woman was in the wrong. You defending cunts like this only sets us further back. It's the goto insult on reddit when they can't argue about facts, like the cunt who started this thread. He\/she just throws blanket insults about some imaginary lack of sexual prowess because they know defending the bitch in the article is a losing battle lol. Even if that whole paragraph they wrote was true, **it doesn't make anyone's statements here WRONG.** That's the most important part. I don't give a fuck what you call me, at the end of your whining I'm still right. If some racist feminist cunt who hates my country and actively worked to harm it by voting in migrant hordes, were on fire. I wouldn't piss on her to put it out, much less defend her from said migrants that she wanted here in the first place. It's the bed they made, they can sleep in it. Oh I get it. He was brown. He's an animal. Your fear of non-whites and females is pitiful. This sub has turned to shit because of weakling little cunts like you. You're the one who brought race into, not me kiddo. \"Racist means absolutely nothing, you libtards completely deluded it. As for your last point, sorry......I can't hear you over the sound of all my war medals War medals. Lying cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Would it be OK if he had called the hunters \"dicks\"? Somehow I imagine it would be. Funny, that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? Jewish isnt a race oi dick head jewish isnt a race! Your clearly a thick cunt The education levels on here. Jews are an ethnicity. Specific genetics markers passed down by the mother. Judaism is the religion. You can join that. But you cannot just become a Jew. That's WHY they have particular facial features that you lot stereotype ffs. Google it. Now who's the thick twat? Lol Getting cross because Jews are an ethnicity? :) You sound very upset now. Almost crying. Genetics experts disagree with you. Are you cross with them too? And I abuse back those who try it on with me. If you can't cope fek off to Twitter and report naughty people for your hurty feeling. Typical snowflake socialist. Wow. Job jockey?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here we see an Orthodox Jew on an aeroplane, having to endure the awful and tedious task of travelling with lowly Goyim. Fortunately, he is smarter than us, and has protected himself in a magic bubble of chosen purity. Find out more... https:\/\/CommunismByTheBackdoor.tv The bagel nigger bagged itself to keep from catching monkey pox. Maybe if they hadn't opened the flood gates..... Republished 2 October 2018 due to dumb Goyim's short attention span 22 Sept 2018, John Paterson Phone Call Ofcom Press Office BBC Trust must be scrapped after Savile scandal, says new report THE BBC should not be allowed to police itself after the Jimmy Savile scandal, says a damning new report. Lord Burns appointed Ofcom Chairman. Sharon White, Ofcom Chief Executive, said: \"Lord Burns brings with him a wealth of experience and I am looking forward to working together as we deliver on Ofcom's priorities. \"I am incredibly grateful to Dame Patricia Hodgson, who has provided expert stewardship to Ofcom as Chairman and Deputy Chairman over the past six years. Colleagues across Ofcom thank her for the contribution she's made. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QgmE2d5_T-candt=920s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nolte: Why CNN Must Destroy Kanye West https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/11\/why-cnn-must-destroy-kanye-west\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're like a hemorrhoid MAGA hat, you come in here and flare up at intervals. You can try and sweet talk me, but the bad news is you don't get to fuck me, I'm not that kind of mountain cracker. You should go hit on that faggot that just came out, I'm sure you could get some off him. Sorry you're so frustrated and kevetching, but you really need to fuck off. @DonMAGA would be a good bull for you. You seem like a catcher. I wish you two the best faggots. See you in the streets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it fake ? They are what they are and for you to cry like a bitch because we see them that way is defence of them . Now you dont try to lame assed monitor me ,and i wont fucking berate your muzzie sympathizing wanna be scholar ass . Mute me before you get your GD feelings hurt .The look I get when a fake bitch tries me ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BloggerBoxing yea....what did it do for Maidana? It made him a greedy faggot loser. Atleast Broner is black...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Wimp_W_Diesel yu forgot we beat yall? Thats like a garbage man calling a janitor trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @renz360: Got 5 20% off slots for sole sauce for the early birds today Use SAVE20 at checkout http:\/\/t.co\/x5bq5vzpPK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Many of them do i suspect, lost count of the amount of black \"celebs\" who are clearly anti white, but are in relationships with a white","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggers Around blacks, not even cats can relax. Nigger nothing more nothing less","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By slapping \"Diablo\" on the side of one of cheap chinese p2w apps that they likely already play? And you're really trying to claim that it somehow just exists in a vacuum and won't affect the direction of fans' favorite Blizzard properties at all? You must be retarded. Maybe if they didn't try putting that shit into Blizzcon itself, you would have a slightly better case, but everybody else here can read between the lines, this is the equivalent of a store owner covering his ears to customer complaints and hoping he can swindle the next idiot to come along. People go to Blizzard to get AWAY from this shit, and Blizzard would rather that they all take their money elsewhere so that they can milk whales. Fanboys are gonna fanboy as they feel pushed away and I'm left wondering when exactly people will just admit that this is just a problem game developers and publishers should know how to do deal with by now? Wait, lemme guess, prayer and happy thoughts are clearly the answer? Mandatory counselling for all the angry teenagers? Nope nope, the answer is of course \"ignore all the people who think they should be allowed to give feedback and build chinese whale milkers\". You're basically yelling out in pain as Blizzard strikes at its most dedicated fans, no wonder your opinion is unpopular.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not let immigrants suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DO YOU SMELL IT ? Democrats Published 1 hour ago Last Update 5 mins ago Lawyer who cleared Ellison of domestic abuse allegations is partner at firm that donated $500G to Dems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have to call out the open hatred for Muslims in our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soros and the Rothschildes are really getting a ramming here so, I don't know what you are talking about? Lyne can't show her cunt face in public anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stitches in her mouth because Chad back handed her thot ass to the curb. Dont even reply to this cunt after the first message.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man give this one a rest already. She didn't kill him in cold blood. In fact he had to convince her to do this prank. Like I said in the last post about this girl. There are plenty of examples of pussy passes where you don't need to try and spin this one into a pussy pass. Just chill. Being ignorant of firearm safety is not a defense No shit That's what you are arguing. Agreeing to shoot in the direction of someone and then say \"I didn't know that could happen! We tested it!\" is not a defense. That's what you are saying I'm arguing. I'm saying she didn't kill him in cold blood. It wasn't murder it was a manslaughter case. Glad I could clear that up for you. Nope. That is what you are arguing. 90 days is an appropriate sentence for manslaughter. Glad you cleared that up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only thing that would embarrass me is being a tranny and a fag. Also, I would probably be embarrassed if I took a look at myself and realized that I was trying to insert myself in groups I don't belong in and force my ideology and values on others like, for instance, games. I might also be embarrassed if I tried to silence people I disagree with. So, not embarrassed. He's a tranny faggot JUST LIKE YOU BRIANNA!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"12 or 14 year old edgelords who will literally say anything they think will make someone mad. Leave them alone, because chances are you will say something that will make them cry and you'll realize that they're just dumb little zygotes that don't know what they're saying and you'll just feel bad forever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does anyone have any recommendations for good quality animation? I'm really into cowboy bebop, gurren lagann, attack on titan etc. No nigger, fuck you. Superjail has excellent animation in terms of creative transitions in the psychedelic death sequences. Twilight of the Cockroaches was great for its era.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah but when im finally dead im still gonna be better than some dead dirty nigger i bet ill be an adorable thin little corpse with a nice wig and evrybody will want to line up to see me and ppl will cry and be like \"omg she looks so pretty i cant believe the jews would give such a pretty young friendly girl brain cancer its such a shame the holocost never really happened but when niggers die they stink so fucking bad they can't even have an open casket they blame it on other reasons but the truth is the flies from under the skirts of all the female nigger fambly members go back and forth from the dead nigger and the stench is just awful u wouldn't believe it ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lisa comes down with Suicide-aphobia Sen. Lisa Murkowski: Brett Kavanaugh is not 'the right man for the court at this time' https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/5\/lisa-murkowski-brett-kavanaugh-not-right-man-court\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have more optimism than I do. It's not just the Left that's retarded here, it's the normies as well! And we are overrun by normies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's being a beta male, and then there's being a soyboy faggot cuck. Military service should be a requirement before someone can vote.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not one of those people who blames white girls for dating niggers. It's mostly the fault of the media and the White men who do nothing to help stop it. But part of me does feel joy whenever one of these mudsharks gets killed. Why should any white man have to suffer the humiliation of having to go where a nigger has been before? Niggerloving cunts are roadkill","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb cunt is really the only appropriate way to describe her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John Mayer:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF-why do ugly women complain about \"unreasonable expectations\". Hold up a mirror and realize you are not attractive. Understand that other people are a lot more attractive than you, and its just you that wants attention. Go exercise and stop being a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh is gonna be a festering cancer in the Courts, but this is fucking rediculous. Edit: fight me virgins Edit 2: the autism on this thread is pretty stellar. God forbid some one have a different opinion than you. I even half agree with you troglodytes about this being stupid, but your short sided responses cant even attempt to compremise. Don't cry too hard into your soy milk faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A retarded bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vice, finding a new low for being retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A bullet a day keeps the nigger away","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how does a bint like this get to be a baroness ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How did I miss Hereditary? This movie is excellent. This is confident horror, where they want you to look at it while most horror movies want you to see as little as possible. Thats why its always jumps cares and quick cuts, but here, the longer you see it, the scarier it becomes and the way it moves in and out of these scares is very well done and really engrossing. I'm a conservative Christian and this is a horror movie about make believe of which is used to frighten us because that is the point. Evil is scary, hence evil is the villain by which that fear is represented in this FAKE....MOVIE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many men have been thrown in jail because of false accusations .... they should start their own #metoo movement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AllisonSchummer #Facebook exec https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/06\/24\/schumer-announces-his-daughter-is-marrying-another-woman\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man Arrested In Connection To Suspected Explosive Packages https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/hYWh Florida Man - so cliche \"Florida Man\" is a meme because the southern half of the state is such a broken, disjointed, confused, diverse, non-cohesive place. \"Florida Man\" is the natural result of diversity. @lovelymiss growing up in Florida I can confirm the craziness... and do my best to control mine. You sealed the deal with FL being bonkers when you told me about cow chip bingo. Buncha weirdos down there with their mayonnaise sammiches and community cow shitting games. The cow chip is to cover the smell of rotting corpses under each number. Weirdos?! I resemble that remark! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @StonerBoii2cold: @TreVaughnLG: Moma said no pussy cats inside my dog house that's what got bro nem locked inside the dog pound !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are soooo funny Best laugh was the Muzzie seeking for her much needed therapy to get over Justice Kavanaugh- LibTURDS ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Asshole #EricHolder underestimates the opposition vitriol, and response to, his pat idiocy. He'll learn. Or he'll understand. Won't be his choice. https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2NxDxY1 #MAGA #Gab #GabFam #SpeakFreely #AltRight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's actually a guy. And it is real because I follow this person on Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, here we go. Gab didn't kill ANYONE. Alex Jones has killed NO ONE. I am a free speech absolutist. And I'm drunk af. #GabFam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"J-left journalists were worried when new Charlottesville arrests were first announced because they know Antifa is guilty. Antifa groups conspire to riot out in the open on Twitter. Check out Jack Corbin's Gab to see for yourself. Not ONE HAS BEEN ARRESTED FOR IT. Law and justice in this country have become nothing but a means for political attack.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha ha ha @Crucesignatus is so retarded that he would have to work hard to be upgraded to the rank of stupid people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ha yeah sure >hey let's go to this country >oh no they don't seem to like us >hey let's stay and whine about mistreatment retarded are you autistic, explain how that retarded comment makes any sense what is this some gay bot account Your mom is gay, you're a test tube baby. sad that all you'll ever be is a nigger sure, nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's some homo, kike, honkie, zipper headed, wet backed, goat fucking, nigger shit, God I love Gab, I'll never be banned again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"re: this socalled pipe bomb shit, more like pipe bong to me, furthermore: oh who cares whether it's a democrat retard or a republican retard, or a russian, or a martian. whoever has the IQ of a turtle and the morals of a wet fart. People get hurt doing this shit, excited LE sometimes make the wrong calls, juries get shit wrong, and easily confused people get led astray. This should be punished with the highest publicity and the lowest tolerance. It's molesting an entire people, their total system of representation, and to call it terrorism is not strong enough. the fact that it's bombtard joke 101 does not affect the severity of the crime. letting the ones who started testing the line tackling congressmen, and antifa or libtards yelling people out of public places scott free are responsible for this as well, and i'd see them all in jail right from day one. this is what leniency to anarchy creates. i'd see the perpetrators shot in public after a fair trial myself. i wouldn't care if it was joe biden, auntie maxine or newt gingrich behind it. id slam the whole lot from the head to the hands in prison for 50years or shoot them in a blink and sleep like a baby. the only compassion i'd have if it were a minor, or truly mentally diminished capacity i'd hold then for 20 years minimum, and see how retarded you have to be to understand shit like that is a nono. if you can sign a welfare check or take an oath of office, or work for the gov't, walk and chew gum, attend college, get laid, phhhffft, whatever see you never...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT BillTufts Refugees earn more than most Canadians after 25 years https:\/\/vancouversun.com\/opinion\/columnists\/douglas-todd-refugees-earn-more-than-most-canadians-after-25-years\/ @Bird5Ca https:\/\/twitter.com\/BillTufts\/status\/1052925714167672833","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That girl still need a good ass whooping, stupid ass bitch!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia a few years after the formation of Daddy Cool saw arguably the most successful Oz Rock band of all time emerge. AC\/DC - Thunderstruck https:\/\/youtu.be\/v2AC41dglnM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"more context: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=_RVch9ZBwQM its bullshit he was led away in cuffs, both those bitches should be prosecuted he was clearly defending himself, he didnt even hit her. That made me sick. \"He hit her, he hit her I saw it. That's against the law\" bitch you didn't see shit. People are so unobservant it's not even funny bunch of retards we share this planet with and they work also Most of the pieces of shit don't work, they live off the backs of the people who do. They do tend to reproduce at amazing speed, though. It looks like they cuffed them both. They might be using the opportunity to get them away from the scene for two reasons: to figure out wtf happened in a controlled manner and to ensure the other retards on the scene calm the fuck down and don't start fights with the dude. That's me being optimistic. I wouldn't be surprised if they arrested him cause he's a dude.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Surprise its a nigger again! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah except we didn't stop there they along w all other whites Europeans built the infrastructure to this country The typical beaners end goal is a Home Depot parking lot Thank you, I wear the orange and think the pope is an anti-christ. Additionally, my ancestors came over on a ship and lived in a sod house on the prairies of Canada. A story I heard many times growing up. On the other side, they came as part of the original colonies. If being of Anglo and Celtic origins makes me a nigger to you, then that's fine. ah, so you have an interest in dick sucking. I'm not surprised a bit, friend. You are not my friend Jew. Well, I'm no friend of the dick suckers, that part is true, but I'm not a jew either. Noticeable that you capitalize it. Is that part of the glory you give to them? You just barely finished glorifying their dick sucking practices too. Quite a lot of heritage you have to share with them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT \"@TIMAtheRACER: Wow do we have another faggot? @ShinobiCelsius: TIMAtheRACER wow do we have another Cam hater? lol \">> dat dude is nice","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sounds to me like Kanye is wrestling with feelings of Guilt after wearing that MAGAt hat? Guilt from not doing it sooner .... Funny how Kanye cannot produce any support for his claims that people are giving him static over the MAGA hat? Still no shred of evidence that anyone has tried to influence him into no wearing that hat like he has repeatedly claimed. https:\/\/youtu.be\/_CrWl3CH9KY?t=164 Just some quickly found footage of one example of MSM member doing just that TMZ to be precise Really? I'll just take your word for it then. I meant SNL and the like- I'm sure that there is someone out there somewhere that may have done so- but I never specified this so...Touche' Try sticking with the topic being discussed. Poor little Kanye. Excuse me wilst I wipe my tears. You of course have no obligation to support his position or express sympathy. However your making spurious claims that basically no one has tried to influence him not to wear a MAGA hat or to convince him to cease supporting Trump. That is patently false. Word for the civility. My pleasure Steve we disagree on many things but i appreciate your POV and the fact your always decent about it. The feeling's mutual there Brother! #Cheers Excellent! take care Sir","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree but \"we (ie men) didn't start it. Women saw us doing something in a way they don't and added it to their list of reasons why men are awful and started endlessly bitching on social media about it and even gave it a name. Yet they do the same thing, just in a different way. Ordinarily we didn't see the need to point it out in a gendered way, but because they've been such cunts about it, here we all are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trudeau! Stop pig terrorists in country. As pothead, pot=your god! Not everyone in CAN has yr illiterate habits. Dump pigs! See Spain, Portugal etc. Thank Heavens for crusaders whose job isn't finished. Cruds like you ruining country, Cdns are hopeless. Silly twat Jody Wilson R praises twats wearing rags! YOU SCRAPE BOTTOM OF BARREL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Ocasio2018 @iamcardib @JimmyKimmelLive I'm not sure which one of you two are less qualified to be in Congress. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wy3v","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did I mean asteroid, idk... I'm hot and confused. And I want to slap the stupid out of people, but I know it can't be done. Nah, there's meteors big enough to do some damage. I don't even know the difference between a meteor and an asteroid. I'm gonna look it up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ihate immigrants","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of you to be such a total shithead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My view of 'Alternative lifestyles' is completely benign, but all this shit is making my laissez faire attitude transform into one of disdain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's glad his grandkids will grow without a father?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm convinced these have to be leftist shit posters. No way someone is that retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"im giggling like a retard here this is glorious shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The retarded asshole, Justin Trudeau does not know how to read anything beyond a fourth-grade level.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha Agent Marxist Orange tried to read the free Intro on Amazon. Couldn't even manage that without writing his fake review. Then he came on Twitter anonymously bragging that he hadn't read it. Twat forgot he used his real name on the review. I told my 23,500 followers and he was doxed in 5 minutes. Why he's hated me ever since lol Notice in his \"review\" there isn't ONE single point actually about the contents of my book. Just ranting on about me. That's because he hadn't read it and I'd been making a twat of him on Twitter for a month beforehand lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberal and feminist women don't give one single fuck about rape, women, or \"women's rights\" All they care about is virtue signalling, attaining power and ruining men by using women and rape as weapons.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does this not make it obvious that women are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Get it all out Thanks. I Do feel better. Lol!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KoolQueef: I color my entire arm black with a sharpie and fist my wife's asshole just so she knows what a nigger dick feels like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sick of all these damn tumbltards using y'all because now I have to actually read the post to see if it's a retard being offended or a southerner wanting to show off the duck that they shot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nah the faggot used tampons on the front was enough for me. you should get acquainted with a big black nigger up your ass holster","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh I agree completely, I meant it more like if the judge felt so compelled to let her see the child then it shouldn't have been anymore then a few supervised days a week max. I hope the cunt loses custody soon and that father gets his child back asap. This really fucking bothers me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More crying. He cries for admin and thinks he's got other people trigger. its priceless. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37159257 Even more crying. He seems to think I'm someone else because he got triggered about \"the poo fairy\". LOL. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37158290 But muh free speech! Soy Gibson can dish it out but can't take it huh :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"asian women are quite disloyal to their men. My theory (which I have explained in a few posts) is that in evolutionarily domesticated societies and race like Whites and Asians, the women still aren't fully tamed and will jump on interloper alpha cock given the chance. perhaps my experience with negresses is espeically poor, but I'm fairly confident that every negress would remain loyal to a white husband at all costs likewise, an arab or persian woman will do everything she can to keep that white husband normal white and asian women don't quit a marriage for black dick they're hunting for richer dick, not darker dick it's less about race than about perceived masculinity. Women crave \"wild\" men, but only to a point. This is why Asian women will go \"wild\" with a White man, but a nigger is a bridge too far. Asian men are very well-off in America, so the betrayal by their women has little to do with hunting for richer dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you believed they would have been, then you're a dumb fucking retard. Nothing less than the destruction of the American nation will save the white race in America. If you think you're gonna legislate your way free if this then you're a bigger dumbass than it's been believed to be possible. Fuck you. We see how things went down the drain with two-terms of the nigger in the WH, e.g., legalization of fag marriage, two Jews placed on the S.C. and the promotion and elevation of these sick transsexuals If that wasn't cause for White America to rise up and revolt NOTHING EVER WILL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're going to hit a nigger with your car...make sure you reverse and kill the 4 niggers chasing you as well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this Jihadi. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your immigrant livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the immigrants around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats' New Hope Beta is a typical LYING politician. He talks like Obomber. No wonder the communists love this idiot. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=z58A08Yq4lo dems think they can con the masses again like they did with that pos obama.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's the jews! LOL!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@densonkeith most of these people are followers of followers of truth, but they themselves are still niggers... their outlook, mind and all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of faggot keeps those pics on his shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder if Trump will touch this Gab shit. He seem to like being a contrarian to the Media. I actually wonder why Trump has not jumped to Gab. porn and \"nazi shit\" isn't unexpected on a free speech platform You did not read what I wrote. k Nothing illegal was posted to gab in relation to this that isn't posted all the time to twitter and left up. > There was actual nazi shit, porn, child porn, libel, slander, etc You make it sound like this isn't the case on any other social media.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Correction. Syrian aid was halted after it was publicised that Islamists are making a profit from it. #ShariaMay knew all along. Do you think that they are hiding it from her? She has always been a Saudi tool. As big a Saudi tool as Thatcher and Blair ...shocker Britain halts aid to Syria's Idlib over concern extremists imposing 'terror tax' on trucks The UK decided to suspend deliveries to the Syrian opposition stronghold of Idlib last week following reports an Islamist group was benefiting from levies they were imposing on trucks at the Turkish border. come on is ANY one surprised at this? the entire palytwood, white helmet bull shit is ALL about millions of $, of aid. the amounts of money milked out of soft westerners and even Islamic charity's is stupid and yet people keep believing the guff and throwing money at them. I thought turkey had took control of both it's Syrian and Iraq borders creating it's buffer zone and supposed to be eating against terrorist groups","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conveniences are all the real","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In retrospect Peggy is the textbook example of a woman. Mean nasty nagging nut cracking lazy manipulative greedy perpetually dissatisfied pain in the ass. It should be red pill education for all MGTOW minded guys to watch that show. In my BP simp nice guy days I was stunned why Al didn't want to nail Peggy. After all she was still hot right? Now I see why he didn't. She was a nagging cunt Nowadays how I view cheating whores is that of a red pill standpoint. See your girl fucking another dude, don't act like a cuck and fight any of them. Thank the guy, let him know that its his turn and either leave or kick her out (if its at your place). Speaking of that, I've never truly understand why dudes be trying to fight other dudes whose smashing their girls. They're basically whiteknighting her cheating. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Posing with beautiful dead wild animals isn't that becoming. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/sVS4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ImaLAGirl: Pillow talking too yo hoe hating on a nigga fuck around loose ya hoe like that ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With that sense of entitlement, she should fit in just fine in California. filthy baby factory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=isErSYusREU KrawallBr der - Unbeugsam - mehr hass 2017 - I don't speak german - the music sounded good - the video was fucking retarded ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's their life sure but as long as they don't get any government help and walfare. Then this is my issue as well. I don't want a part of my taxes going to a lazy cunt. Male or female. On the other hand as a young guy with his own company I'd say fuck them. Less competition and more work\/income for me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why, is it going to somehow morph into something intelligent? And since we are being insulting for the Hell of it I haven't fucked a retard since the last time I saw your Mother. How's that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT FILFUNGI Globalist Macron Lectures Pro-Sovereignty Visegrad Nations to Fall into Line with EU http:\/\/bit.ly\/2RcoCVk via @BreitbartNews https:\/\/twitter.com\/FILFUNGI\/status\/1056117328608403456","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GAB Management has been totally irresponsible in providing a forum for unabashed Nazis and antiSemites. There are limits to free speech, and a mute button is NOT the answer. There's nothing socially healthy about the free public exchange of blatant hate speech. I will as respectful as possible: The Supreme Court has ruled on 4 separate occasions now, that hate speech is protected Free Speech. So in this, you are just plain incorrect. It's true that there are some limits to Free Speech, such as direct credible calls for violence, but your assertion as worded is wrong. Please consider editing\/correcting your post. Torba had 2 years to deal with the anti-Trump Nazi (socialist) issue and he still did not do anything about it, so now he is learning that there are consequences. #Trump #MAGA #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #KavanaughEffect #HondurasEffect #FakeBombEffect #KillJewsEffect #GabEffect cock off neo you mute list liar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No chain of custody. VOID. 100% invalid. They could be entirely false ballots. Or Republican votes, left for the purpose of being voided... It's broward. Highly doubt it there are any GOP votes in there. The poll workers throw those out right from the start. We are going to start needing to require a video of every ballot being recorded, everywhere. Then you're going to need the AI to make sense of that video to confirm all those millions of ballots and then... well, we've handed over control to Google. Take care on that slippery slope, my friend. Oh good, yeah, the panopticon... what could possibly go wrong \/s As long as it's recorded... if there's any issues, we can go back and watch the tape of the specific locations that have problems.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's only natural for a Jihadi like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think she's looking in the rear view mirror to see if the driver is looking away or not, I doubt she's aware of the camera","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I personally think that shit is gross but you're doing this for money otherwise you'd have been dropping ban hammers for the last two years. You're one of the most dishonest people I've seen online. Lose weight too btw. Doughy faggot lmao Someone needs to nail your despicable AS to a tree! Why don't you go away you piece of human sewage! We don't need moral degenerates on GAB! This keeps people away that have a functioning brain!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welp, Robert O'Rourke has Los Angeles county in the bag so it's like pretty much over for Cruz: That's good news because Vader didn't think I could hate Lebron \"Ebonics\" James, the NBA, and professional athletes as a whole more than I already did. And now I hate them all even more. @TukkRivers @American2theKor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HOW can anyone with a mind vote for HER .. https:\/\/youtu.be\/Qy0CPmK4ze4?t=1 DON't get me started on REP. HANK JOHNSON ..Google GUAM TIPPING OVER HANK JOHNSON ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a pretty damn good actor. But as a gay man it's awesome to see an openly queer actor given the lead role for a major superhero film.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'd have to be beyond retarded to think that post was genuine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"an abnormal slowness of thought or action\" RETARDATION described our experience since Christianity was imposed upon our people. we have been retarded for 2k years","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's typical of trans people. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck would you ask Trump?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DeezNutsDoe how about you wash my butthole out with your tongue you little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus wasn't a Jew. You're theologically retarded to believe so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy Robinson invited to Washington by members of US Congress The MEF wrote on its website that Republican Paul Gosar and six other members of Congress have invited Robinson to speak to the Conservative Opportunity Society https:\/\/unitynewsnetwork.co.uk\/tommy-robinson-invited-to-washington-by-members-of-us-congress\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey witches, you're all living on borrowed time. The only hex that's gonna happen is libs like you havin' your carcasses put on a stake. Where are the Christians?????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that a troll account or for real? It's too retarded to be real. Then again, I genuinely can no longer tell the difference between satire and things that libtards are actually saying and believing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He likes to argue? Look at your comment history, you're one of the most overly dramatic, whiny cunts on Reddit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently they are more \"Canadian\" than us. What is your definition of black pilled?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I can get paid to give and receive verbal abuse on xbox live? So many people already do that for free. and#x200B; If you want the big bucks try a MOBA. League's report system ain't half bad. I got plenty of assholes punished. Now if only my husband didn't behave like and overgrown child getting himself 14 days ban. Sometimes the ban is worth it to say what you need to say. Its not about the content, its about lifting the weight from your shoulders. Years of built up frustration and anger coming out in a single moment. \"Your mother should have swallowed you, you walking monument to abortion being a good thing\" was worth my 30 day ban and still makes me feel better to this day! [deleted] pretty sure they usually get mad because they cant kill you back If you really want to piss them off, just call them nerds. They go batshit crazy when you do that. It's great.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@idochips honky tonk badonka ankh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Al Jazeera is anti-Israel, anti-America, and downright hateful to the Jewish people. : Americans deserve to know if it is also acting as a foreign agent for the Qatari regime. http:\/\/dlvr.it\/QpSLk4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jew York Times will weaponize any retard willing to do (((their))) dirty work b\/c kikes are wimps.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Roswell Road (Atlanta, GA)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You get the \"dumbest cunt of the day\" award.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Love is a bird of flames. Thank you for that song @DAVID_LYNCH @chrysta_bell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AnthonyCumia Enjoy it,I'm happy for you,but I hate the Yankees,and yes the Sox did choke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Much worse. Two white cops were shot by a black kid in Brookhaven the day before. This NIGGER TEAM is from Jackson. They were playing BROOKHAVEN school. I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS. So do my wife and ICherry.The nigger is a worthless sub-human. It is stupid, violent, lazy, oversexed, smelly and ugly. Nigger ain't a color. Most niggers are black, but not all. Those kids are fucking niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some trans people get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DeviantArt is scary in itself. An entire world of perverted, psychopathic, demonic P's O S...and that just the mods. The user population is FULL of pedos, faggot furries, SJWs and the toxic sludge from the bottom of California's sewer system.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#mt browngal #gouache #monkey #tiki http:\/\/t.co\/kFhj8lWhbs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the UK police are faggots taking muzzie dick up their ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another white woman... never a nigger or a jew or a brownskin in any of these fucking stories. J denpresse is working hard to demonize whites eh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"see there you go with the name calling cunt kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @eviefordham: Wonder Where Beto Gets His Funding? Huge Chunks Of Campaign Cash Come From Employees Of These Six Top Tech Companies via @DailyCaller https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Xkhn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too manymuzzies in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol when I heard about that shit I thought \"what an obvious, silly scam. Those soldiers will do nothing, and this is just a dumb stunt for the midterms. I'm so glad people in my country aren't that gullible\/retarded\" ...but now here you are, being that retarded. 800 troops that can't act as police due to posse comitatus? To stop a group of a few thousand people. half of which are **girls and women** who are simply going to walk up to the border and ask to come in? 800 troops for a border of 2,000 miles, over which literal tons of cocaine pass unmolested every day? You're a fuckin retard. Not in terms of threatening a border. ...I'm not a libtard. You can say they aren't equal for all I care. ....faggot. Lmao, I'm retarded?...... Hahaha haha.... Only a complete fucking LIBTARD like yourself can't see the difference in how Trump and Trudeau handle the borders and illegal entry. Stay stupid cousin fucker ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some old cunt has escaped from his care home. https:\/\/www.heraldscotland.com\/news\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuz he dont want people at his house Exactly Except conservatives aren't fascists, by definition. So we would never show up at his house. I'm starting to wonder if we should... and Jim Acosta's. I mean, I think these tactics are disgusting, but they keep getting away with it, so it must be the thing to do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't believe Jehovah's Witnesses, either. I asked them what Jehovah did and why that nigger left so many witnesses alive coz sheeit...ya don' leave no witnesses alive, dawg.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is believable... That's her survival mechanism kicking in to get out of conversations. She just makes the NPC-like scary eyes, people get freaked out and promptly find an excuse to leave her presence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">why is her physical attractiveness relevant? Because that cunt spews all kinds of body positivity nonsense yet at the same time uses a cartoon avatar that oversells her by 6 points easily, and that hypocrisy is worth pointing out and laughing at.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This article makes me want to rip Anglin's head off even more now. A White woman was gang raped, tortured, and murdered, but because one of the blacks said that she consented if they would let her go, DS wants you to make whore memes of her. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/skull-crushed-hoe-consented-to-negro-gang-sex-skull-status-crushed-anyway-lol\/ It appears to me she only \"consented\" to save her life. And then they re-nigged on her. Please note the \"men\" who commented\/did memes are all using pseudonyms. Nasty faggots!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you guys pay for spring water? Macdonalds gives it free","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"BrainDamnedged\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Men; Stay the hell away from females with tattoos, facial piercings, and\/or hair dyed unnatural colors. You ignore this warning at your peril....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey you stupid fucking mathematician cunts would it fucking kill you to write out a goddamn sentence, with actual fucking words, once in a while explaining what the fuck it even is that you just fucking did or what the fuck I'm supposed to actually do with your stupid fucking abstract mathematical objects? I know you have some sick fetish\/obsession with trying to explain everything with just numbers and symbols and using the least amount of words possible because you were probably such a fucking socially awkward weirdo your whole life that now you need to try and prove you're better than anyone at all making your fucking ideas unnecessarily obtuse and inaccessible to anyone but your snide little mathematician friends, but the only reason we keep you on the payroll is to come up with tools for us to use to solve real problems. Sure we let you dick around with your insanely nonsensical 97 dimensional semicuspidal manifolds or your hyperbolic triangles without embedded eigenvalues or whatever the fuck it is you assholes are doing all day. But that's just to keep you little shits busy so you don't bother the rest of us with your fucking bullshit periodic approximations of irrational pseudo-rotations using pseudoholomorphic curves. Jesus Fucking Christ. All I'm asking for is ONE (maybe 2) sentences explaining what the fuck this shit even represents. You can blame it on me. Tell your math buddies I snuck it and wrote 'words' while you weren't looking. Just please, for the love of god, tell the rest of us what you are doing and what you want us to do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe this coon. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PlMPCESS: In the fashion world \"urban\" definitely means \"stolen from black people\" it's ghetto on us, and urban on them haha http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So apparently today was Drive Like A Retard Day. I must not have gotten the memo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump fucked these,he had his own way.If that cunt had won the election the US would be going the same way as the UK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don' t ever kill yourself no matter what other people think or say about you it just matters what you think about yourself and how you feel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Putting a Muslim in charge is the biggest mistake anyone can make. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">I can handle free speech >BUT NOT THAT FREE SPEECH ok, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I See The Ernie Sweater,But The MotherFucker Looks Like Zippy Lol . the wonder MONKEY. ! Is That You Driving Into The Bud Bullikan Parade On The Southside??? Lol ! I would drive the death mobile like in animal house and plowed them fuckers back-and-forth and re-blacktop The street with Tar monkeys See That's The Difference,Leftists Would Cry Racism,We See You Fighting Crime And Helping Streets and San Patch Potholes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pass my semen along, down your throat hole CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take the nigger outta the. Ahhh fuck it if u faggots don't know by now you never will.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bye, bish! that ol horsefaced cunt should NOT have had a security clearance to begin with..... EVER!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My grandma had a roommate who was a drag queen I had drag queen knwonledge at 11 and what was cool lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lots of haters out there and for no reason at all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Redneck? That baby is in a watermelon. That baby must be an albino African. get my grape drank ho it be time for the ballgame what you trippin fo? grape drank","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off Jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Syrian refugee who sexually assaulted 10 women in Germany acts like a baby when brought to justice https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/syrian-refugee-who-sexually-assaulted-10-women-in-germany-acts-like-a-baby-when-brought-to-justice\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was routinely suspended for saying fuck, and banned for calling a prominent leftist twat a juvenile bitch'. Hand selected for termination by some rainbow haired latte gulper. No logic, just power tripping Ass hurt. They got me for dropping the cunt bomb... a lot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yup. And now they're saying all sorts of fucked up shit about him to make him seem confused, stupid, retarded.. the saddest, most desperate shit is saying that his mom would be ashamed of him..just like that faggot cuomo saying that Trump was \"probably having racist thoughts when they met. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Horoscopes are for Whores that believe everything on the internet! Don't be that Mr. Dick Nigger Plz! Mr. Dick Nigger Plz, ur breaking my heart :( Mr. Dick Nigger is pretty much my gf at this point","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The girl in the thumbnail looks badass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a bitch to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking hell what an absolute thundercunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Would you say Native Americans are gay? Yes. Yo Native Americans fucking jump up here you cunts and bump my bro up that faggot is saying youse are all a bunch of fucking gaylords.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros Funded Transports for the Filthy Zombie Spic Horde invasion of America. Those Boat Transports of Zombies are also Funded by the Globalist Jew World Odor...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JizzAtTheScene and how am I assume shit ,hmm cuz u don't know what fuck u talking about crackers these days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#UK : Girl raped by up to 70 members of #Muslim #RapeGang sees just one perp convicted https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/uk-girl-raped-by-up-to-70-members-of-muslim-rape-gang-sees-just-one-perp-convicted #JihadWatch #KalergiPlan #Islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"gay lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who's the real enemy? Who is the greatest threat to our future? Repost- I want everyone to vote, I want to see what people on gab believe This is a polling to eff up the Nutzy political positions. If you have questions\/comments, post them in the comment. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are part of the problem with that attitude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck off nigger fuck off nigger boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahhh okay. Haha see, I would just call that \"gritty ! I didn't know the origin of grimdark, thanks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one in their right mind doubts that Obama and his Admin put the full force of the American gov't + the white homo cunt countries (AUS-NZ-England) ,,,and,, committed Treason during the 2016 #Election. Treason punishment under common law generally included drawing, hanging, beheading, and quartering. THAT's how Serious Betraying your Tribe was. But now we're bad if we say it? Pfftt. FU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your trans lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Totally bogus. Went strait to the moon in the 60s. After all of the decades of folks smoking. Plus tobacco was one of America's top cash crop for ages. The civilian word did not start acting retarded because of cigarettes. Try again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FreddyAmazin: How can anyone hate Charlie Sheen http:\/\/t.co\/NiEJirYg7u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thief must be a part of the Antifa faggot patrol...dig the pink back pack! LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a bunch of retarded apes...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leaving white children alone with a nigger is more dangerous than leaving them along with a crocodile.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"any woman that lays down with a nigger deserves to be killed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw a picture of the French president preparing for gay pride with his nigger fags. I am still vomiting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@eGoTheIcoN everytime pro teams do GB tourneys that get schmanged. Im not fanboying im just saying I don't think u should say they're trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/22\/jane-fonda-hard-for-me-to-breathe-trumps-america\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marty Smith: Susan Rice's Pro-Kavanaugh Son https:\/\/legalinsurrection.com\/2018\/10\/susan-rices-pro-kavanaugh-son-allegedly-assaulted-on-stanford-campus\/ Allegedly Assaulted on Stanford Campus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/09\/30\/kellyanne-conway-defends-kavanaugh-reveals-she-has-been-a-victim-of-sexual-assault","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bragging about owning a retard like Hillary Clinton is like bragging about beating a quadriplegic at kickboxing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DefendWallSt Whatever! Fuck all those assholes. They're niggers, they all look alike to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good going. Take responsibility for your parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc etc. You white trash racist slave owner, you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Adam was nigger like you bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off idiot. Not here to waste time with trolls and mentally retarded lunatics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i DON'T THINK THIS MARXIST CUNT IS GOING TO LIVE THAT LONG. just a FEELING I HAVE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm somewhat glad for all this PA heeb business, I'd almost forgotten what a faggot Chuck Nellis is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cock smoking faggot is STILL crying and STILL bitch- snitching about someone showing his dumb ass something he didn't like on Gab... https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37609076 Bitch ass little crybaby.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely adore trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Coming \"soon\" to a liquor store that might be near you, a refreshing mild sour and salty vodka called \"Liberal Tears\". Enjoy the taste of regret, remorse and resignation from the retarded left. Guaranteed to contain 100% patriotism, regardless of it's alcohol content.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No matter where, the US, Italy, South Africa...those same mocking grins from nigger killers of White people...it should be enough to convict them and earn the death penalty... .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She flies into a fury and goes full retard when his name is mentioned.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All women like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uhm ... no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @xDSmooth: The way this niggah just flinched at this movie was #priceless @1BookieG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nailed it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hes handicap, not special...try the search term, retarded deaf and blind people are [RETARDED] (https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) by definition.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder if she's going to enjoy prison when some ladies in there who have been raped and shit on find out she lied about that stuff like a bottom bitch Edit: Not a bottom bitch, as I have been reinformed of the terminology and meaning. She is a low life cunt for accusing someone of rape and could have potentially ruined an innocent person's life and future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded justice system.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It looks like Kamala Harris offered Democratic senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, a $400,000 bribe to vote \"no on Brett Kavanaugh http:\/\/www.americanjournalreview.com\/18724dds-2\/ Kick","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SpacePlankton: This monkey on my back keeps smearing poop in my hair.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ready for #FakeNewsTranslation #FakeNews : Masculine men are Right-Wing Jerks #Fact : Being Physically Heathy, Can Make You Mentality Heathy As Well ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had no idea what \"loli echhi\" was until I read Torba's response and he's right. Nobody wants to look at your retarded child porn hentai. And like at the faggot white supremacists, you're like \"der, doesn't matter, it's free speech.\" Too bad, nobody cares about your little baby whining.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep those away frm Charlie Day RT @JhonenV: Just once in my life I'd like for someone's favorite part of my body to be my disgusting knees.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a loud mouthed nigger bitch that needs a knock in the head, stop letting these loud mouthed nigger welfare queens ruin america, slap the bitch in her mouth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahahahah. It's over for you, you fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe gay lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lauren is SAVAGE. love her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OK Folks, Jewish people were just killed at a synagogue. All bets are off. There is going to be a huge push for censorship of \"hate speech\" now. It's time to stand your ground. Refuse to be silenced. Just because a crazy man committed a terrible act doesn't mean that YOU committed a terrible act. Don't allow them to group you in with him. Speak forever free. All coordinated acts by Liberals...for just saying that the bombs were fake I got a Facebook warning letter charging me with violence...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's almost retarded to see racist white #nationalist bitch about \"the crafty\" suppression of the Jew, while hypocritically bitching about #Israel, and #Jewish #Nationalism while giving moral support to their enemies ..its like there is a God making the things you do to others come upon you. I think it's ignorant of indoctrinated #Christians to think modern Israel is the fulfillment of what is in scripture ..they have fags, pagans, blasphemers, and sinners in huge number among them. After Jesus returns Judah will repent and be accepted, and biblical Israel will be for the body of Christ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish I could say it's amazing you never got any justice, but that's just normal in this jew system. I couldn't believe that shit the night it happened. I had no idea things were really that bad in Pacific Northwest. I knew it was bad, but not that bad. That was quick. Wasn't there a very recent news story, where a nig got off for murdering a white guy, because they said racial language was used before the killing? What you are saying could happen. Some Liberal DA\/Judge\/Jury would find that Hate Speech is justification for killing you, despite the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled 4 times that it's is clearly Free Speech That's how fucking retarded and simple most people are. They are completely brainwashed by jewish Hollywood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@antiamnesty @AppSame @WhiteHouse I agree 100%. No naturalized citizenship, no anchor baby amnesty. All go to parents country of origin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vote John Lewis OUT! Sorry...lol He looks like he's already been drug behind the pickup truck! lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women definitely have more leeway when it comes to \"sexual assault.\" A woman can outright grab a guy by the dick in public, and there a chunk of people (at least) won't think anything is wrong with it. He did the same thing with Chris Farley, which also (indirectly) lead to his overdosing Andy Dick is a piece of human waste Andy Dick is not responsible for the deaths of Chris Farley or Phil Hartman. You are responsible for your own actions. If someone offers you drugs and you take them and do something regrettable, that's 100% on you. That's what being accountable for your own actions is. Phil Hartmans wife was a cunt who murdered him. Chris Farley had a substance abuse problem and a burning desire for attention.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MacMiller: @iCodyMontana @ScHoolBoyQ @xdannyxbrownx yeah they trash. Q... this man capitalized his H tho.... i'm takin all ya fans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"diet coke trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And here in Canada, they don't even have to take off their headdress, even if its Covering You're Whole Fucking Face.!! I used to live in Lakeshore Ontario, one day walking back home from my friends house I see a woman in full headdress driving straight at me, the wheels almost touching the curve she made no attempts to move out of the way so I panicked, tried to hop the curb, tripped and fell on the grass, I looked back and she was still almost barely touching the curve of the road with her car","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get rekt faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poll: 75% Likely Voters Say Celebrity Endorsements Not Important for Vote. The Other 25% Are Retarded and Shouldn't Be Allowed to Vote! https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/p596","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many m o n g s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha ice cold. Told her to shove her bullshit up her ass in the most calm way. She was looking for a fight and to act morally superior. He shut her down. Yeah but look at some of the comments on the thread. Most the people replying to her are saying she was in the right but I think that she sounds psycho controlling. That's because she is in the \"GenderCritical\" group which is an extremist radical feminist group. So like just as crazy as any other extremist group. They hate pretty much anything men do or that's associated with men. This woman could have said \"my boyfriend won't serve me like a slave and won't cut his balls off\" and they would all be like \"fucking patriarchy\" The fuck?I just read their side bar and it straight up says radical feminists. How is reddit allowing that? I don't see the problem? Groups of all kinds get subs, why not them? [and if they can't have a sub, then what do we say when someone says we can't have a sub] Exactly. Free Speech is a fine thing and when the Reddit Admins themselves dont go full judgement on what is and what isnt allowed on Reddit, we also profit from it. There are thousands of users constantly trying to shut down The Donald and other subs like it. Reddit isn't some magical bastion of free speech. It's another media outlet that has biases and caves to social pressure and bad press.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know I'll be downvoted to hell but I don't think she should have been fired. She was being a cunt and her little tear filled explanation was bs but if that was it I don't think that is enough to fire someone. Maybe if this was a pattern of behavior but just one instance of this doesn't seem bad enough to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shaking your fat nigger black monkey asses around is not dancing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning Charlie @Charlie4927 @jrstws @qnoftherealm @SavvyHuman @scdorn @yrwol7 @PlainUnamerican @ErickInNC @PuterPrsn @tomwfry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big bird holds press conf claims \"he does not care for the letter f\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather be boring, than gay like you - faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It should be humanity first before any country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Didn't that turn out to be a huge misrepresentation *Maybe*, but the Full Retard response from the devs sure hasn't been. > the Full Retard response from the devs This is what most people are ticked about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We can't upset Saudis because we need them to buy our bombs so we have jobs to give to refugees when the Saudis bomb their countries with our bombs. Who, in the US, should give a fuck if the Saudi govrnment killed a Muslim Brotherhood reporter? Let them blow each other up. Who cares? It will, eventually, even spill over to Israel. Trump is not responsible for the EU and the flood of \"refugees\", which are nothing of the sort, into EU countries. Let them blow each other up with third world weapons (rocks and sticks), not current year weapons purchased with oil money. Let them blow each other up without American and European men sent to help out whichever side Israel is on. Let Israel defend itself without billions in aid from America and Europe. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DEM CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#RosieSnark @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @christophheer @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Ambassador4Christ @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @Delilah_Manny @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @ramcclean @margerine2000 @blogdog @CookieMuffen @The_Western_Man @Znews ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The holocaust is the ONLY purpose they ever really had...whether you are pro-holocaust or anti. If they weren't killing Jews, then wtf were they doing you retarded pussy? Killing whites, Germans, French, British, enslaving them, destroying their nations and sovereignty. That's what.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Stranglers - Hanging Around As good as the late 70's had to offer. https:\/\/youtu.be\/d4piHt4jvG4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does she get to keep the money? What a sick person. What's wrong with the world these days","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From the ESPN Yankees game recap: \"the sellout crowd braved 61-degree temperatures.\" LOL What??? That's not weather you struggle through.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I firmly believe that only women can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White church shot up, Gab attacks shooter. Black church shot up, Gab defends shooter. Synagogue shot up, Gab blames Big Tech. FAGGOT POWER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Sorry to be a party pooper but Gary Grant was born in 1904 so he'd only of been 13 in 1917!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Neptunia games aren't part of that sale. This sale therefore is invalid. weeb shit lmao 2d>3dpd I...I... I'll ban ya'! I'll do it! do it ni a [Feelin' lucky, punk?!](https:\/\/cdn.discordapp.com\/attachments\/133058589274275840\/496467633311318026\/image0_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ryancruz_: Travis always on my TL being ghetto ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"for the 45th time you are not answering the question.. you keep talking about other shit.. only thing your doing is running circles around the subject... no clue why you refuse to talk about the subject your being questioned about.. you just keep bringing up other shit that has zero bearing on the question posed to you.. retarded ignorance MUST be bliss .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would torture that cunt with a blow-torch and a pair of pliers......satanic bastards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh your gonna ruining your life just throwing it away smoking weed, but my test scores are higher than yours. . . . Just trash my life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Riding a rollercoaster makes me sick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nationalism is taxpayers not wanting to pay $8000 a month per Somali on AIDS meds, 1\/2 a million on per wetback with TB, and having little white girls raped to death by shitskins. Also less 5 day old collapsed bridges built by Obama's 2015 Champion Of Change","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, that was the point of the character. Gawd, she had the perfect face to play a sanctimonious cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol your a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Huntermoore happy cuz I woke up white and not a nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a puppet for the globalists. There are numerous pics of him sitting with Soros, talking, laughing, etc.... We don't like him at all....worse the opposition party is another version of him. We have a new leader in town, Mad Max Bernier. We like his platform. New party too. Conservative af. 1 year to go till elections.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hinsehen !!! Nigger was denn sonst.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Dave_the_wavee the giants are trash...their time is over.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He also called his black cat 'Nigger-man' Did he have a cat? I know the cat in the story \"Rats in the walls\" was called Niggerman, but I don't think I've heard about him having a cat Lest we forget his lesser-known poetry: \"When, long ago, the gods created Earth In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth. The beasts for lesser parts were next designed; Yet were they too remote from humankind. To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man, Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan. A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure, Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha Must read how the Muzzie Narcissistic Puppet gives himself credit for nothing -AGAIN The former president went on to explain how nobody has a better track record of caring for Christians than he does, and no other president before or since him has commanded such fear and respect on the world stage. . ROTFLMAO funny Obama is a total Pu$$y and couldn't put fear into a puppy - much less the world ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this cunt needs hanged to death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm curious, did you vote for Obama (no, once, or twice)? He achieved absolutely nothing, except via \"Executive Orders\", which have ALL been cancelled! I should add that, I grew up in Virginia back in the 60's, and some of my best friends were Black, but when Blacks start looting stores during a disaster, like the recent flood, then they become niggers! Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well he could have been nicer, more of a gentleman - perhaps just moved to another seat. I don't think there was a reason to get security involved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to remember according to Zoe and Nathan Nathan is a rapist he had sex with Zoe and Eron did not know about it. It doesnt matter if Nathan and I pile drived Zoe into oblivion that bitch raped Eron when she went back to him in her own fucking words. Why am I down voted here? Are these cunts bourgousie or just faggots its tough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#VinitaHegwood can get a job at the naacp. Or as The AG. I hear they like \"diversity and tolerance\". As long as you ain't a cracker #tcot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A quote from some random place on net, just posted here because it's funny and true : \"Civil liberty and freedom in America? That's a fucking myth. You can't even \"not bake cakes\" for faggot marriage without being insulted as a bigot.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"12 HOURS IN BIRMINGHAM - woman murdered in dispute' 4 men arrested - man stabbed - drive by shooting by 2 men on a moped at a house in Alum Rock - man shot by police in armed raid - 3 men stabbed tonight outside McDonalds in Dale End. https:\/\/www.birminghammail.co.uk\/news\/midlands-news\/drive-shooting-stabbing-murder-12-15227226","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ FAGGOT FOR SURE !! LIKES IT IN THE ASS !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He got what he was looking for on the Killstream when Keem confronted him about G-Fuel. But yea, I don't know why your comment is disliked. The Quarterpounder is exactly the same whiny cunt as all of those he's criticizing. He was also shitting on the Killstream during his own stream and then acted like an innocent virgin when he went on the Killstream. I know people agree with what he's saying, but if you think about it, it just common sense. Everything he says in opposition of the despicable SJWs he's criticizing is just logical because he's arguing with some of the most insufferable and moronic people to exist in media.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because virtually no women and very few men honestly believe women can even handle the real world like men can. Women love to talk about how strong they are, but they constantly demonstrate through their actions and their rhetoric that they don't believe in themselves or their gender at all. They'll demand equality, and then when they're treated like everyone else with zero accommodation or privileges based on their gender, they'll cry oppression and discrimination.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most women have no empathy for men and boys sadly I think we're getting a bit in the weeds here. It's just these radical feminist types. Just because some voices speak the loudest does not mean they're the majority","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Stonisnipezz this is a joke right? You're on here like ugh I wish I was a jap and tweeting in gook and shit and jerkin to hentai.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"his net movie will be ace ventura: COMMIE INFECTOR!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We knew as soon as the idiots voted faggot marriage into law all number of disgusting teachings would ensue and alas it has started with fkwit shorten appeasing the faggot brigade to secure votes !!! You are right so many people i have spoken to thought it was just a gauging mechanism to see if a Vote was viable , the putrid Government was hijacked by the faggot brigade , just like in the netherlands , ireland etc.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Slack jawed yokel husband http:\/\/t.co\/VE1PWFrz9t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservative Christians should subject the Bible to the same skepticism with which they judged Christine Blasey Ford. Right wing non-Christians should hold Pagans to the same standard they do Christianity. The Pagan\/Folk movement is painfully gynocentric and openly attacks pro white Christians, then dares to say we \"put religion before race . Time to purge marxist Paganism from the right, lads. They are not helpful. Paganism is OK with hate, and hate is what we need. Race and Religion in the Modern Pagan World http:\/\/po.st\/elomuB via @utaoDruid Oh no. Paganism is all about accepting all races, beliefs and backgrounds. Very tolerant, unlike Christianity. Christianity was attacked and pozzed by Jews for being intolerant of miscegenation, and seeking Justice against evil. See? Two can play \"deny the concept of NAXALT . Paganism is AntiWhite for putting religion before race and attacking their Pro White Christian Brothers and Sisters. Christianity is meme malware that acts as conceptual AIDS, destroying the cultural immune system. Almost anything is an upgrade from that. Assumption. Jews admit that is what their religion does to others. Christianity stands in the way of Jews. Paganism poses no threat to them. Christianity is the only religion that does. Christianity commands you to shut down your friend-enemy discriminator. There are attempts to undo the cancerous teaching of Jesus ON THE FAR RIGHT. They have no influence. Every major denomination is for the invasion of the West and promotes radical, universal altruism. That's literally Hinduism. Hinduism seeks to reinterpret all other religions and assimilate them into their religion like jewels in a crown, making them tolerant (Dharma) and eventually conquering via trade. Christianity is the most discrimitory, hostile to foreign trade, and pushed self reliance so one didn't have to associate with racial aliens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Trump invites a Black citizen to speak to the entire world in the Oval Office. >SaltLeft: OMG KANYE'S PUTTIN' US BACK IN SHACKLES! What did Donna Brazile mean by this? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am a super big liberal also! That is why I despise HATEFUL BIGOT Democrats not that any of them would realize since they are all BRAINWASH RETARDED! FACTS are important and no lefty even know what the real meaning of the word Liberal. It means to be open to debate. I'm sure you will block me proving that you are a BIGOT! Maxine is a RACIST RETARD like all Democrats! Democrats are the human sewage party!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bigger Nigger ??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"beanies cumming real soon http:\/\/t.co\/GlLjaQb6ty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this useless thug socialist nigger will turn my state into detroit. there will be massive white flight and the state will be doomed just like everywhere else that affirmative action niggers are gerrymandered into office. This state is something like %79 republican registered.. if this shitnigger wins it will be by voter fraud and niggery","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT your cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would order a bucket of ice cold water so I can pour it on him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What seems to be the problem friend? >Maherstein Oh no... XD Really activates the almonds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crypto-Jew Conan trying to influence his \"fellow whites\". This faggot sold his last home low for $25M, but he'd have his fans live next to Haitians. Fuck him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS MUSLIM NIGGER LIES EVERY SECOND HE SPEAKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Which Way, Western Man?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a quote from the Office. But yeah.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our nigger cook seems to be proud of the dish he's prepping. And they say those nogs are the same species as White humans. No. Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal and more modern man could interbreed, too. But diff species. Looks like he doubled down on the Texas Pete-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much hatrd for you trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#AlexJonesShow NOW LIVE: The Psychotic Left Pledges To Intensify Violence After Kavanaugh Confirmation! Watch the uncensored video feeds at: infowars.com\/show #infowars #USA #SundayThoughts #1A #KavanaughConfirmed https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-the-psychotic-left-pledges-to-intensify-violence-after-kavanaugh-confirmation\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Oh my god. Open and shut case, Johnson. I saw this once when I was a rookie. Apparently this nigger broke in and put up pictures of his family everywhere.'\" - Dave Chappelle","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is there a looser #college town than #BTown ??? If yes id like to visit #IU #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some gay people get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads @popup82 Its Perfection. My brain crossed wires or something, I dont know why I came up with Concentration,maybe the ghetto one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Three in Khabib's camp arrested after UFC melee http:\/\/www.espn.com\/mma\/story\/_\/id\/24916689 #UFC #UFC229 no they just went crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AlexPappas: Rick Scott Refuses To Appear On Debate Stage Because Charlie Crist Has An Illegal Electronic Fan http:\/\/t.co\/qTPeHb2seX via ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I HATE TED CRUZ!' Triggered Texan tears up yard signs, rushes homeowner http:\/\/www.theamericanmirror.com\/i-hate-ted-cruz-triggered-texan-tears-up-yard-signs-rushes-homeowner\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't be a cunt. This sub was built around dark fantasies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't really care about Roseanne, but how good would it be if they have to backtrack in some retarded way? Scenes freeze at random points, ghost Roseanne walks on and commentates on her family's life without her.. Or they show the first episode where she dies and then the second one has it being all a dream.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical tranny behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I should start wearing beanies more","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LuvKittensDaily: Oreo being adorable http:\/\/t.co\/5ZMZVT0sUl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The youngest we're late teens, and it was an indoctrination camp. Some of those \"kids\" would be mps today, you know the ones that feed the nigger fire with white flesh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sandnigger's made up the camel jockey fucking abrahamic BULLSHIT Not White Europeans ok ,fucking half ape niggers did ,Why THE Fuck would you Shame us White Folk with nasty vile desert dwelling sand nigger shit Why ??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is a disabled person on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By their nature, women are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bobe Hop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a Nazi socialist retard who didn't fulfill her God-given duty to have many children and now wants to blame muh Jews for her deriliction of duty. And you are saying nothing new.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@I_GotOne you look like flappy bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THE POLICE WHO DID THIS OVER A JOINT OMG ..I HOPE THEY ALL GET THE SACK AND LOCKED UP https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/donna.spence.100\/videos\/10157912884023696\/?t=1 The police used excessive force and the kid was resisting. Both parties are in the wrong here. The fact that a black woman was yelling \"he's not resisting\" doesn't change that. Had he complied, there's a good chance he would have gotten off with a warning or a citation. The video shows what happened.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than an immigrnt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabld people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This isnt a denied pussypass this is child abuse and assault, you don't hit a child like that unless you are in danger and this dude was definitely not in danger from a few weak ass kicks beating on a kid half your size is just pathetic regardless of gender and you're a piece of shit for rationalising and defending it ohhhh nooooeeeesssssss..........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a cunt. I hope her daughter doesn't grow up like her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> One of the plaintiffs alleged that male employees used the word \"dick\" more than 500 times in a single month. What a cunt. > It also claims that Riot prioritizes \"core gamers\" for new hires, a description that is generally assumed to exclude women. \"Because this hiring practice disproportionately favors men, many qualified women have been denied employment because they were not considered 'core gamers.' Errm, they're not qualified... > \"A former male employee was allowed to remain in a position of leadership despite regularly making sexual comments in the workplace and drugging and raping another Riot Games employee,\" the suit states. So, how is he still developing games from the prison? > According to the suit, after taking a position in 2017 that had her working with Riot's top management, she encountered further trouble when Riot China Wait a moment... she moved to China? The place where 'white leftists' is common insult? GG WP > head of operations Dan Wang sent her a video of himself [I'd call it an unsolicited wang vid.](https:\/\/i.kym-cdn.com\/entries\/icons\/facebook\/000\/014\/959\/Screenshot_","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol them comments. ]=) dude, I'm crying that impression, so on point","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jjauthor: US ghettos-driven by liberal ideology; forged by unions and bankrupted by self-serving Dems catering 2parasites! #tcot http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait - did she fuck a nigger or a Klingon? On the bright side, her rotten genetics can now be spotted from a block away. Here's what needs to happen, at least to begin with: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Rhineland_Bastard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kike faggot Homo bitchmeat. So...? And?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is so retarded it hurts. World War II was started because of the differences between fascism and communism. They're mortal nemeses. Fascism is a distinct political ideology, not a synonym for \"being authoritarian. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn, at 11:50 she just completely lost her entire side of the conversation, and then continued to go full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is Tommy Robinson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people are supposed 'refugees' trying to escape all of the oppression in their own country. Why then are they carrying the Honduran flag as they march on America? Only invaders do that. Militarize the border Mr. President, the Mexican federales say they are arriving to facilitate their invasion into America and deploying our military to protect our borders and the American people is long overdue. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6289067\/Mexico-dispatches-two-Boeing-727s-federal-police-officers-intercept-migrant-caravan.html If they loved their country they would stay and fix it. But it is about \"free stuff\", we all know that. Same for the masses swarming Europe the past few years. Like moths to a flame, if you dangle free stuff in their face the deadbeats will come. Cut all social services to all but citizens and watch them turn around.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that immigrant lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Little does this fat cunt know, that the majority of the \"top\" aren't even white. There's maybe half a dozen, the rest are Indian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arnt all these voter fraud posts better suited in someplace like r\/the_congress or something? APPARENTLY you don't give a shit about something quite serious. noted. Yes because reflecting our bitching in our censored subreddit gets so much attention, I want to spread it around the relevant subs. Put your man pad back on. I'm not the one autistically screeching about a subject that needs a calm and focused mind, take a breath and think, our sub is censored as fuck. This news needs to be in subs that arnt censored. Otherwise no message gets out. apparently you can't read. It can be posted both here and elsewhere. how about you go post it somewhere instead of bitching in here about it? and#x200B; How about the mods make a megathread to focus our efforts? And I'm telling everyone I know about this, this is huge. I never denied that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tbh, I don't care about man-reasoning anymore. I'm shut out on that end. The internet is idea domain. There are things I want to understand. I don't care about the personals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jim Acosta is complaining that the Trump rallies are too loud because he can't do live TV with the background volume THE RALLY ISN'T FOR YOU, DIPSHIT! Also he pretends he is just concerned that the Secret Service couldn't protect Trump due to the volume. What a humanitarian This is what happens when you run out of even the fake stuff to whine about","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know, not being able to pick up on social cues and understand jokes is the main biproduct of autism I'll rape his dead corpse faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I m m i g r a n t s are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] So it's not ok to defend someone's job if you're a woman? You just read what you want so why waste my time replying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SC4K: Getting ready for the annual heart and sole luncheon @RenHotels #cle with @EricGordon_CEO http:\/\/t.co\/UJ721FmsXB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL All he did was say \"Muh dick\" like a nigger and chimped out. God that was such a sad exchange.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @SarabiaErik: I just accidentally ate a pot brownie. I guess there goes my pledge of being drug free for life . lolz . Lmao #College","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anglo-Saxon Mike Oz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger vermin. Safety in numbers, intimidation, threats and violence. The Islamic Protection Force (Police) will stand by and do nothing. Time to arm yourselves and fight fire with fire. The best immigrant scum are dead ones.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She wanted sex. He didn't. She took knife to his face, cops say... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VzD2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So the press calls the first black man to preach in the Oval Office an \"assault on our White house.\" This is EXACTLY the reaction Kanye West and Trump wanted. They're showing black people that leftism is their enemy. Another trap was set, and the press fell right into it. https:\/\/twitter.com\/bennyjohnson\/status\/1050442803745042432","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SimplyPerfectt_: Girls, don't let a guy treat you like a yellow starburst. You are a pink starburst.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ALONG WITH YOUR DIMWITTED AND HIGHLY RETARDED GOVERNOR.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump Administration Acknowledges Climate Change - Predicts Large Rise In Global Temperatures http:\/\/www.moonofalabama.org\/2018\/09\/musings-on-climate-change.html Isn't it funny how he flip flops on his standings? It's more then funny actually... it's amusing. Freak\/loser, the climate is indeed changing but it a natural occurrence. WAKE THE FUCK UP! +1 (Neo) Have you forgotten already? Your Israeli governors of course and look who's currently serving Israel's post: Trump, your chum, your prophet. Thanks for the laugh. Trump: \"I'm a Nationalist and a Globalist. I'm both.\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2017\/04\/28\/trump-im-a-nationalist-and-a-globalist\/ Well loser, he is covering all of his basis but his actions show US the truth. America first. More jobs to America. Growing USA economy again, etc, etc... :cool: +1 (Neo) Like this America? Thanks for the laugh again. More banks is the only thing America needs at this point. https:\/\/www.haaretz.com\/world-news\/americas\/a-closer-look-at-trump-s-jewish-inner-circle- Nazi, and what you need is something up yours! :roll: +1 (Neo) Snowflaking isn't the answer to the quagmire you created.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really can't stand politicians like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah nah, we really don't. Bullshit. If you're really a woman, what do you want for dinner? The peeled testes of my enemies. Fairly sure I'm whooshing. Bingo. Up your arse along with your boyfriend's dick. What did I tell you about typing on your phone in the kitchen? Keep the volume up high, if it's on vibrate I might be tempted to replace you. No mere phone can replace my majestic beard. I already have one where it matters, read my username. Mine comes with a tongue. Check and mate. And I'll have mayo on my sammich.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JEW = RETARD. What happened to freedom of speech dumb kike? Remember when you kikes used that as an excuse to destroy the obscenity laws in America to sell jew porn? ONLY A JEW RETARD THINKS CENSORSHIP IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH NOW. Make up your dumb kike mind. Either you are for freedom or not, oh, sorry, freedom only for jews to denigrate everyone, got it. ASSHOLE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He told his kike Dyke boss, one day he'd burn all the dirty faggots and the kikes and the white supreeemists would rule the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anti-white tweets from the Twitter Head of Integrity and calling Trump and the people in the White House Nazi's. @a More like just another anti-White Overseas Israeli. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"too many guardian articles are like this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is he the faggy looking part nigger senator (mulatto)? They say we use the term nigger to feel superior. Let's try it. Nigger! Nigger! Nigger! Wow it works! I feel better already. When I was a kid nigger was defined as a term to express contempt for negroids. Sounds good. Despise the despicable beasts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ihate gay people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BOYCOTT NFL NONAMERICAN FELON LEAGUE Yep, We still #BoycottNFL in my house!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not So Fast, \"Blue Wave https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/not-so-fast-blue-wave\/ So what is your suggestion? Beside Trump remorse because he hasn't cleared out the entrenched deep state govt machine filled with lifer govt employees in his 1st 1-1\/2? And dismantled Congress and the Courts and turned the US into a white utopia already. What exactly is your suggestion? What magic wand should we wave. Please do tell? Not sure what other people are doing but I am sitting out the midterms. I'm not going to vote to reelect the GOP Congress which condemned us exclusively for Charlottesville LOL I was wondering when the MPC cult was going to show up in my mentions","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Sir I think you forgot to take your soy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOEL IGNATIEV genocidist Noel Ignatiev's anti-white ranting https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/Mq86SUDErtgf\/ #altright #whitenationalism #trump #bernier #trudeau #liberal #maga #freespeech #itsoktobewhite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another example of the big boys won't let me win, so from now on I will play with the girlies they are easy to beat even for a pussy faggot man. Can't wait for Michelle Tyson to put on a frock and punch the shite out of Nicola Adams, will the Feminazis wake up then? no wonder the feminists hate trannies. this is an insanely bad idea.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ariennajanee thats why youz a yellow bone ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sounds like he wants genocide if he hates her for being straight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this does not surprise me. I stopped watching marxist faggot TV about two years ago","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My husband I are both proud faggots. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a r3tard. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#faggots are MERELY a #scientific indicator that SOMETHING IS WRONG> Do not celebrate as \"unique indiviuals\" for they are #cancer>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eva you whore, this ju$tin cunt has a cs go cheating aim browser bot fuck you if we catch at a lan i will break you in half and take your rig bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"harm this pussy instead RT @ABC7: missing 26-yr-old USC medical student last seen Tuesday May harm himself http:\/\/t.co\/evU04p6SUR","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those disabled people might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a schizophrenia and I fight alone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't unlike what happened throughout Europe after the Nazis were driven out. Many women shacked up with them because [*reasons*](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=P4qg_ZvrtZk), and afterwards [suffered](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OMMGDQXRie8) the [consequences](https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/lifeandstyle\/2009\/jun\/05\/women-victims-d-day-landings-second-world-war). Yeah, on the flip side many innocent women were also punished the same due to this group mentality. French woman apart of resistance groups were also punished although they were fucking Nazis just to get information out of them. This wasn't a good thing, don't paint it as such It was a good thing. Not their fault you're an incel. Those innocent people convicted under mob mentality never did anything to you someone called me an incel YIKES Sure did ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, except act too soon and force things to heat up before we're ready. He totally Leroy Jenkins'd it; he's like the old guy on the wall at Helm's Deep who shoots off an arrow before told and triggers the first nigger -- I mean orc! -- assault. We MIGHT be safe enough to weather this and still build a real counter assault we can sally out with. Maybe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't care who it offends. Some of you see these people as refugees looking for a better life here in the United States. I see things for what they truly are, I see an army of fighting aged men carrying a battle flag knocking on our doorstep. Carry TB that kills more people than any other disease! You let that sink in real good before you leave any shitty comments. just like the muzzie invasion during obummers reign","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White women look better than mud women. Who wants to hook up with an ugly person? Do you hook up with ugly guys if they have nice personalities? The average white woman is prettier than the average darkie. That's why the mud men are always drooling whenever they see a white woman pass by. Conservitism means throwing away all of your traditional white values for faggots and brown people. If it worked this country would still have the demographics of the fifties. \"You're\". It is a contraction of the words, \"you\" and\"are\". \"Your\" is a possessive pronoun. Homophones are hard. They're harder when you're stupid. Apparently I care more about my race and nation than you. You are a faggot that follows around married women on the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SugarShai2 youtube bear vs monkey bike race!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You Think You're The Bollocks But You're a Cunt https:\/\/youtu.be\/wRtLDSUq8pI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can almost hear the autistic screeching emanating from your monitor @edraythecrazy Also, why do you censor words like \"dick\" and \"shit\", but don't censor the word \"nigger\"? I think the word nigger is a lot more offensive to people than dick or shit lmfao.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a period piece, not a fucking modern cuck interpretation. If you can't play as a woman in the single player then these guys should bring up that the original red dead revolver had missions where you played as a woman and as a black man. Would be much better than \"I wasn't empowered enough by this one liner.\" The Buffalo Soldier and the woman were also really fun characters, for what it's worth, and the goofy nature of their powers in addition to the akimbo brit were what made the game so much fun. But they never played those games. They've never played past halfway through the Runescape tutorial because it was too problematic for them. If someone (in good faith) said \"I think this is a step back, the previous titles let me enjoy multiracial\/female characters in an interesting way and I wish the series continued\" I'd listen. \"Reeee sexism\" is just obnoxious I guess convincing people who aren't already indoctrinated is actually viewed as a bad thing by them, so the only thing that matters is being the most woke. The stupidest woke take is always the wokest take. Yeah it's a contest among each other to prove who's most different from us trogladytes Naw facts and history is for fascists. Year zero here we come","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Native Americans are a fucking joke. They did not have even a decent mother language. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the hell does she even *do* now? Why is it *no one* even n her tightest circles ever seems to call out the fact that pretty much every endeavor she's \"started\" in the years after Depression Quest have gone nowhere? How does *no one* ever have anything to say about this given the fact that every time she announces some new project or bullshit event, it gets all this retarded hype lumped onto it? Does this bitch still have a Patreon? If so, what the fuck are they even paying her for?Is she *really* just some hipster welfare case, and everyone that bleeds money to her is in on it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yes, it helps to be an actual cunt when spotting the mediocre ones like yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like someone is too retarded to know what happened during world war","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God, I've been an absolute bastard, haven't I?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @DickFurari: HELL YA THEY SHOULD MAKE MORE MALT LIQUOR ADS LIKE THIS. http:\/\/t.co\/H0JGORtnF8 - Dis be heaven fo a colored man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prays those prayers in the name of Jesus? Wow. The stupid is astounding. The dumb fuck doesn't know that jews consider Jesus resides in a vat of boiling piss and shit in the bowels of Hell. In a way I'm glad Gab is going down. It's dumb fuckers like this that need their voices shut down by the kikes. I'd like to think that this turd would put two and two together and realize why but I know better. This is the same type of stupid that runs into muzzie bullets to save Isntreal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Makes you wonder how retarded some stupid women can be!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is a stupid post. she shouldn't be convicted. she killed the man who was using her for sex. she was \"she killed the man who was using her for sex\" Didn't it say he PAID her for sex? He wasn't forcing her, you cunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been to Bradford so I'm an expert on this,you stupid cunt. Go spend a few nights outside the east London mosque,you won't be writing about your expertise then,in fact you'll be getting written about as a fucking white trash cunt hospitalised by diversity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It still is sexist - the degenerate is arguing that \"the bar is set lower for males than females... which is a totally harmful and probably incorrect assumption that leads to males being primary victims of violence, homelessness, suicide, as well as literal discrimination in the law. No one cares what some confused faggot thinks anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently she's trying to do a gofundme for a new car https:\/\/twitter.com\/leighravenx\/status\/1019287175127416832 Yup, here's the gofundme and her B.S. excuse. She even asking for people to cosign or buy the car for her and she'll pay them back. https:\/\/www.gofundme.com\/get-leigh-a-car On June 6th my wife Nikki was driving my vehicle and (at Not the fault of her own) was in an accident, totaling my car. She has sustained some injuries and is currently seeing a chiropractor\/ pain management specialist. Unfortunately for me, my insurance only paid off my vehicle + $300 leaving me no cash for a down payment on a new car. Ordinarily, this wouldn't be an issue for me because I have excellent Auto credit. BUT I have terrible credit due to medical bills and credit cards from paying for my hospital stays while having severe epilepsy and lupus episodes. I am currently working with a debt consolidation company to get these bills paid off, but that doesn't reflect on my \"credit score .... I have attempted to apply for a loan solo, as well as with an amazing co-signer, and both have been declined. I live\/ work in LA and can not rely on Uber alone. All donations are appreciated...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ABCbirds1: #Colorado lawmakers consider nation s 1st #wind energy legislation to protect #birds and #bats. http:\/\/t.co\/shwQYb76pw http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NipseyHussle nip Im tryna buy a copy of #Crenshaw!! But your http:\/\/t.co\/DBLbyvX0pL website is down.. Let me know something!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now we open the split. He's got a point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will never tolerate the systematic murder of disabled people in this country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggers Niggers should be banned from owning domestic animals. Niggers actually derive pleasure from torturing animals and people. There is something really wrong with nigger brains.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that is so humiliating and pathetic i have no words to describe just how retarded (and disgusting) that is...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I point out that you can come here and say \"All men are rapists\" and yeah, you'll get insulted (but everyone gets insulted here. I get twitchy if I'm not called a cunt at least twice a week) but you'll be met with arguments that are based on facts with evidence and statistics. Go to so called \"equality\" subs and say \"*Some* women commit acts of sexual abuse\" and you get banned. Which side wants an open dialogue more?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO ONE WANTS A DUMBFUCK SHE-BOON NIGGER AS GOVERNOR !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @daliasza: @NoChillPaz: Me when somebody says Childish Gambino is trash http:\/\/t.co\/8ejOHDLdD9 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab Nazi: \"Jews control the world\" Me: Actually Jews only represent ISLAM TALMUD for the GOYIM http:\/\/www.isawthelightministries.com\/judaism.html . Just another JEWISH construct like the HOLOHOAX .. YOU CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Classic move for corrupt foreign bureaucrat migrants- of course driving a white Mercedes. Welcome to the new Canada. Glad these people are replacing whites who should get wiped off the face if the earth and first Canada? at your service","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical expected reply, NOT Jewish have no Jewish relatives, faggot fuck yourself You are just a follower that to be part of a crowd denigrates the Jewish people without even the slightest or actually knowing what they are or what they have accomplished. You are just a low IQ wanker that just likes to be seen as a Jew hater for no reason in reality!! FOOL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Salute to Taliban Mujahideen. We Pakistanis are strongly supporting you. Go crush america and kill those bastards. Allah u Akbar. Victory will be yours Insha Allah.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"President Trump calls out Corey \"Liar Dog\" Booker....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sweet! Thank you, @a @e! The mute feature is MUCH BETTER now. Just went to mute this fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitch and I saw this. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rasheedibrahim_ once it gets cold yall gonna be trash again lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Parents Outraged When Drag Queen Visits School for Career Day https:\/\/activistmommy.com\/parents-outraged-drag-queen-visits-school-career-day\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LOHANTHONY: i'm so hungry if someone would send me a flying parachute with brownies attached to it like they do in the hunger games tha ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dont run lil bitch, dont talk shit if u just gonna run away,, scared to let ur wannabe kkk buddys know u gettin out trashed talked? or the fact i made u bow down twice... kiss my feet boy tell daddy ur sorry nigger + faggot = niggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really unfortunate too. I think if our court system wasn't so fuckin Poz'd more people would. The commies know that nothing will happen to them- not legally so they're embolden with their bullshit. That's why you have scrawny 110 pound faggots out there thinking they can take on some Chad. It's not because they're stronger or tougher or better- it's because they know that Chad doesn't want to spend life in prison for breaking the faggot in half.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eat Shit Nigger And Die !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Jews run BOTH political parties. The alt-right was never a political party. It started as a bunch of people, mostly gamers, discussing politics on the internet. It hit too close to home. So Jews named it \"alt-right\" and SUPPLIED IT'S MOST VISIBLE LEADERS. #milo #shapiro #enoch #robinson I believe other \"names\", like Spencer and Candace Owens ARE SHILLS. Other shills on the right: Faith Goldy, Lauren Southern (Jewish), Britain First (Jayda Fransen is Jewish), Mike Cernovich, Weev (Jewish), Laura Loomer (Jewish), Baked Alaska (most likely a shill as he worked with Loomer and for Milo) The Jew owned rebel media. If (((they))) let them get WAY up in the public eye they are probably SHILLS. Alex Jones..... also, just because you are pro-Israel does not automatically make you a shill or that you're owned by the Jews. Just like being pro-immigration does not mean you're owned by Soros. Those who support Israel know the facts, scumbag. Those who oppose Israel are morons without them, and\/or refuse to learn any.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too bad that so far the story is lazy as hell and trying to be woke as possible because I actually think the two brothers are good characters Evil build the wall redneck saved by the liberal hippy, not even trying to hide your politics and it kills the game","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rapefugees just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any Women with a Snot Ring is a WHORE CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@CB_Baby24: @white_thunduh alsarabsss\" hes a beaner smh you can tell hes a mexican","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think she was on Big Brother in the UK. Tiffany \"New York\" Pollard called her a fat cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's the last straw. I'm going to boycott nigger ball. Oh wait, I haven't watched it for decades.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be better without white people because they stole from the black Egyptians in the before christ ages they was poor we wasnt whites ruins everything for black people\/White people have pig dicks and no shape no hips or no booty they have to get plastic surgery as us blacks get it from our mother whites brought skin cancer to america so learn some facts before you try to run us out america when we was here before yall racist ass smelly crackers and dont say you will beat my ass because you cant and if you wanna find out drop your adress ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christine Blasey Ford ... looks like she was a marine, whose face caught on fire, and someone put it out with a shovel... I know I know, no personal attacks ...but the bitch bull dyke deserved it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump Suggests \"Rogue Killers\" May Have Murdered Missing Saudi Journalist Yes, Trump is right about \" rogue killers\", SA cleaned up their act and the Deep State traitors are attempting to start either a war or a split in the Alliance. It won't work. Trump and the White Hats know who is responsible for this propagandists disappearance, and it isn't the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It's very easy to see who is responsible due to how the Traitor MSM reacts to this. On another note, it appears that the Zero Hedge message boards have been hijacked by NPCs and communists. Zero Hedge is one of the best sites for real journalism and real news, they aren't perfect, but better than most. But I have noticed a whole lot of arrogant commies bashing the president on this site. Maybe Media Matters and the faggot pedophile David Brock have targeted Zero Hedge as of recent. I dunno but these people make me want to punch them through the screen. Fucking NPCs. https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-15\/trump-sending-pompeo-saudi-arabia-after-speaking-saudi-king","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the disabled people around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@foreverschmoked vertical nip bars..I already have horizontal ones so I think it'll look hella cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Intellectual retard. Nah, just a retard Don't need to put in the word 'Intellectual' to describe this pirate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The future is female! Give women higher positions just for being women! Fuck hiring men!\" \"Why aren't as much men working anymore?\" Retards can't put 2 and 2 together. I blame common core math.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The war has already begun: 1: You do not own any movie, It's licensed to you, even if you purchase the DVD or BluRay legally 2: You do not own your games that you legally purchase and paid for, you are only leasing them 3: You do not own any music you buy, whether it be CD's or ITunes, you are merely renting them 4: You do not own your laptop or computer if it's running Windows 10, you are merely renting the license to use it, but it does not belong to you 5: You do not own your iPhone, or any Apple product, even if you purchase it legally, for the above mentioned reasons 6: These retarded laws also apply to some car models you buy. Soon this madness will spread everywhere, where you WILL NOT own anything, no private property, no land, no cars, no purchases. Sounds a lot like Communism. can still get some vidya to own, but thats pretty much just limited to whatever you can find on gog. just imagine the meltdown cunts are gonna have if steam ever decides its not gonna continue operation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@tmundal just because some moist bint lobbed a sword at you, you think you're some la-de-da king?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shy singer surprises and melts Simons heart: http:\/\/t.co\/RbCWsvvdJY This was so damn beautiful! I almost cried!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like Father Like Son: Tim Kaine Calls on Democrats to \"Fight in the Streets!\"...Just Like His Antifa Son Did Before His Arrest Like Father Like Son: Tim Kaine Calls on Democrats to \"Fight in the Streets!\" ...Just Like His Antifa Son Did Before His Arrest (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/like-father-like-son-tim-kaine-calls-on-democrats-to-fight-in-the-streets-just-like-his-antifa-son-did-before-his-arrest-video\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">male feminist Also known as desperate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No body can change their biological sex, but they can change their gender.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a gem from aeons ago. Can you try that again, in english? Hopefully without using jokes from What I was implying, is that you are a cunt from a cunt. Cunt Thunder cunt You get karma for using the word cunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But if we kill the Jews first , then we can ; by example ; the worthy races can enlighten the nigger to become the Negro Man, just as nietzche had theorized about her ubermensch .... The nigger is the orc, violent and stupid, but with structure, he can become an equal among the renown...even the German at one time was considered lesser then by those Noble Roman","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt son or one the Rothschild son go s a round like Jesus Christ because the son think he a god and he was along time ago on infowar news and alec Jones called him out and talk all about that family and Alex one the who was normal and who is the devil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people do make up enough of the population that it's unlikely someone doesn't know at least Nah.. don't you know all queer people run around covered in rainbows and giant mardi-gras foam glasses that spell out \"FAGGOT!\" and fart glitter EVERYWHERE at all times? Unless *dramatic music* they feel UNSAFE around someone. .then it's like \"go go gadget normalcy!\" and they become Ben Stein from Ferris Bueller. Can we make this mad cunt the gold standard for gayness? :D","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No because those wouldn't cause the libtards to reee in rage. The whole point is to piss them off since their ideology says that white people are evil for being a majority. If a year old meme pisses people off it's because they're retarded. https:\/\/knowyourmeme.com\/memes\/its-okay-to-be-white","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 billion Christians in Europe? LOL LOL You silly ignoramus, there are 2,1 billion christians worldwide , and majority of them are non Whites. But hey mestizos from Mexico and niggers from Africa are your brethren, we know. Your jew god told you so. Your right cause it's going to be fucking MOCK MOOD muslim cause the weak ass Christian's are giving it up You no good cunt fck off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cunt faces","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You look like Harry Potter if he stayed under the stairs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After reading most of the article I can't tell whether he is a sex offender or acted like a drunk creep while out a few times. Weird its so vague about a pertinent point [This article](https:\/\/www.phillyvoice.com\/philly-feminist-apparel-ceo-alan-martofel-sexual-abuse\/) offers a bit more detail: > I've grinded up on women on buses and concerts without their consent. I've made out with 'the drunk chick' at a party because it was easier. I've put a woman's hand on my dick while she was sleeping, Ahh, I love my evenings with a little extra salt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe NatSoc should just kiss and make up with their Red Pajama Brothers - the Marxist\/Leninist\/Maoist Tribe. Meanwhile, we'll reject ALL Socialism. It brings Poverty, Misery, and Death. #QAnon #Q Marxist socialism does that. National Socialism created more wealth faster, and saved a countries failing economy, than the world has ever seen. You're wrong again, just like with the Q bullshit. All Socialism Produces Poverty, Misery, and Death. Meanwhile, you can't prove that #Q is fake, cupcake. Maybe kiss and make up with the Red-Pajama Brothers. Pathetic. You are wrong again. Merely repeating your original insanity doesn't make you any more right.....ROFLMAO All Socialism Produces Poverty, Misery, and Death. Meanwhile, you can't prove that #Q is fake, cupcake. Maybe kiss and make up with the Red-Pajama Brothers. Pathetic. You're stuck on stupid...ROFLMAO @BovineX \"Q proves himself fake every time he makes outrageous and false predictions, which has been on countless occasions. Are you just trolling? Bc I find it hard to believe you're being serious. Me? I've told bovine Q was a fake joke several times in the past.... #PissAntPatrol Someone explained this term. Seems to really fit those those Pathetic Trolls and Shills who have Failed to Prove that #Q is fake. Failed to Intimidate and Gaslight People Into Submission to Their Narratives. #WWG1WGA #TheStorm #RedPill https:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php?term=Piss%20ant ROFLMAO....prove Q is real, pissant. Morons who assert #QAnon is fake bear the burden of proof. Prove that #QAnon is fake, cupcake. You can't seem to do that. It's Comedy. Gold. No, don't know a single one. This guy is too stupid to believe it anyway....lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Busy little cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come on...really? Personally I can do without the smut. I like you but I see this again I will have no choice but to mute you. Please respect my wishes. Thank you :) Crybaby sjw shills Theyre lashing out because","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NATURALLY IT WAS A FUCKING CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">that motherfucker assaulted his next girlfriend I don't how much guys bullied you in elementary school, but how come you missed that part that said that this cunt has assaulted her MOTHER years later, she was brought to court about it, was forgiven again!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"now then lets get real...you fucktards HATE the retirees yet it is your generation that voted that muslim nigger and his puppet masters into power 10 years ago..so if you wanna blame someone,billybob,look in a fucking mirror","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Charlie Jacobs got confused about the ice bucket challenge and instead dumped a bucket of diamonds on his head.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are great. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a dude that responded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Somali Muslim Social Justice Agitator with a history of stirring up trouble in Maine is at it again. Hamdia Ahmed appears to be on a mission to get all Maine baristas fired. In her latest publicity stunt, Ahmed made a scene at a Portland Dunkin Donuts claiming a staffer had discriminated against her. https:\/\/mainefirstmedia.com\/2018\/10\/somali-activist-targeting-maine-businesses-with-discrimination-complaints\/ The FAKE Somali Moslems from Ghambia and Nigeria are bad enough rapists killers and gangsters tutored in Somali Heritage by Somali Pirates and Kidnappers heading to Europe. Immigration and Police aware majority not Somalian, I detained 20 with evidence but police and immigration refused to attend, immigration collected and confirmed evidence 3wks later!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/media.8ch.net\/file_store\/1ce82433cc5c4ab79f8e7fc734f234089d2f0ee6625b62aaa1fcf98569ff1a7b.jpg Anon: King nigger NPC'd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When I was growing up, we said grace... we also thanked mom for cooking. Amen also doesn't have the etymology you think it does. This is why people think radfems are retards who just hate men. Because they are retards who just hate men, just like all other kinds of feminists. considering men have been murdering women and girls for 10,000 years for the sadistic sexual thrill of it and cornering and caging them in and regarded them as merely cattle and annihilated their image to elevate their own the only retard on here is you men have got away with absolute murder in their history and got a huge kick out of.. men's history is about them being cowards and how retarded do you have to be to not recognise that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My neighbors be sick when i wake um up to all this nigger music ctfu","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay ass nigga bitch you thought you thought","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/gab.com\/JesusSavedMe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't an afro u dumb niggers, it's teased frizzy human hair, an afro is hard scratchy wirey nigger fur that is curled super tight i mean for crying out fucking loud if the niggers will attack kendall jenner (who is a disgusting mudshark) for this bullshit then there's just nothing they wont bitch about, i mean SHE BENDS OVER AND LETS NIGGERS HUMP HER AND THEY STILL CALL HER RACIST All the Kuntdashians are stained.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary approved of leftist mob violence yesterday. Today its former AG Eric Holder. The violent mob isn't a fringe group anymore. They are the mainstream of the Democratic party.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">what I don't understand is the very rude conversation she had She's a cunt, doesn't seem that hard to understand","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is my Ex, why is this true. I have nine year sentence. At","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. McCain VS Obama = retarded voting base.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Oreo Cheesecake Bars http:\/\/t.co\/RlHHIM98FL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking hate bitches comparing humans to animals as saying animals should have rights, humans are worse than animals etc. You're contributing to the lessening of human rights and the equalization of animals and humans. Fueled by your hatred of Christianity, you're enabling your own relegation Fuck that. I'll eat whatever animal I want. I breed and eat chickens and I fish. Extensive scientific studies show a diet of meat and fish os the most healthy. Vegans are gay too. Soya actually increases estrogen Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three Muslims were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny thing normal folk. There are NatSocs on here and real cultural Marxists like @BegsAli and @True_Brit But you never see them arguing with each other do you. Always with normal folk like you and me. I have a theory. NatSocs and Marxists both follow feeble socialist ideologies with fragile minds and egos. They worry that if they argue together they might start listening to the other and possibly even convert. But there's no chance they will convert to being normal like us. What do you reckon? :) Your theory is of little fucking importance. What's majorly fucking important is which side you'll join? The 90% of normal non socialist people :) 90% what? You're talking out of your backside. Everyone I disagree with a socialist I bet you call Liberals Fascists Another Non Playable Conservative... You do understand what socialism is don't you. It's the ideology of jealousy, theft, antisemitism and blaming other people for their own failure. Classically displayed by both Marxist and National Socialists. Both want nationalisation of key industries. Education control for indoctrination. Censorship of critics. Jews gone. Insurrection. Marxist ones use gays and blacks as victims to try and get elected. National ones know they will never be elected so are open about their hate. Well said. The truth is well demonstrated by their history. It really is very simple and clear to see when you cut through all the shite Marxists and NatSocs use to try and seperate themselves from each other lol Easy to classify them. Both are based on greed and envy. Both for wealth and power. Anyone who would deny them either is a target for destruction! They want ALL of everybody's! Yeah. Anyone who is jealous of other people's success and hates others for no good reason is a socialist by definition. Whether they called themselves Marxists or National Socialists is irrelevant. Most people aren't like that which is why they are a 10% minority. And that's being generous :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Churchill was a terrible cunt, shame he's romanticized in western media.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate entitled cunts as much as any of you animals. But that dickhead cop went way over the top.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My students usually can't wait for me to fuck off. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. It's just kind of sad that I know for a fact that I could do a much better job of being a woke journo than these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not your pal, friend! You're not my peeps, guys! and#x200B; This retardation comes from under the same rock that thinks masculine language is inherently sexist, such as 'mankind'. There's no point in arguing with the stupid, because it comes from a wholly illogical, emotional place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a shocking move, audiences care if a series is good, not if it follows our retarded NPC political views.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Enjoy your cage, you little bitch. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/abortion\/2018\/10\/08\/resistance-man-who-assaulted-pro-lifer-arrested\/ Hey Hunt the Cunt enjoy your time being a Sperm receptacle for all those Black Bucks they love white boys with a beard it reminds them of their bitches holes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"don't do it man, some cunts did this to me (well, in reality the dude who owned the moving truck hired guys off the side of the road who in turn did this to me) and stole two bags from me and my wife, one of em had my passport my birtth certificate my marriage cert, deed to my house, everything in it, all my important documents. The other bag had some random things but included some intimates of my wife. Since it was a foreign passport etc. stealing it is a huge deal so we talked to the truck guy and said look we just want the documents and everything back, get them back or we go to the police and stealing a passport is absolutely no joke. We got the documents back and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@gundeathjournal @ackdoc @nra lax gun laws? Ur retarded. There's murder there bcuz no one can defend themselves. Only crooks have guns there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, starving. No doubt she hit hard times in Honduras. From being able to afford 20 donuts a day to just a big fat breeder. just what America need. send her fatass back to Honduras. we don't need her turning America into a stinking wetback shithole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tucker had two segments tonight with filthy commie spokesholes. First, a lying nigger commie named Quentin James who says there is as much uncivil public violence coming from the right as from the left. Second, bald-headed meth-teeth commie Democrat anal-yst and Clinton aide Richard Goodstein lying about Kavanaugh. It is too hard to watch Tucker anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then sign up to be a cop, faggot. You aren't smart enough to understand that animals aren't people. I doubt you have job that pays your medical insurance, which would be paying for this cunt's medical bills. Wow are you fucking triggered? Does my username trigger you? You seem very agressive for someone just casually browsing reddit. Here's some facts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear white people...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Morning terror read: 99% of the ocean's trash is gone and no one knows where it went http:\/\/t.co\/CwC2LWCV3T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Second, this smacks of the worst sort of colonial racisms, which sought to make American Indians, Africans, and other people of color not just seem less human, but inherently immoral. Making \"evil races (like the orcs and uruk-hai, as described in The Lord of the Rings, and dark elves, in DandD) dark-skinned creates fantasy worlds that are structured along racist lines and mimicking those that plague us in the real world. It would be foolish to explain that away as mere coincidence. Whether the creators did it intentionally or not, their worlds are loaded with the idea at the core of white-supremacy: that having dark skin is bad. Bullshit. Firstly there were many settings about those other human sub cultures, where you played AS members of those ethnic groups, from Al-Qadim to Maztica. As for the idea that Orc bad because skin green, that's bullshit. There are any number of races with green skin and even darker shades of skin that were not evil, from Dryads, to some species of elves. As for Dark Elves, well they've been depicted with skin running from slate grey to light mauve, to dark purple and yes even obsidian black. Orcs are bad because they pillage, murder, and rape everything they can get to. Drow are bad because they worship the fucking Spider Queen and are Yuan-ti-level untrustworthy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ehhhhhhh, Randy is an asshole but theft is theft, and taking advantage of people that way is still a shitty thing to do. Still, I'm surprised Bitchford *had* 3 million to his name. No sympathy for Randy here. He did the exact same thing when Gearbox was \"developing\" Aliens Colonial Marines There is a bit of a notable difference here, in so much as this assistant was abusing funds and stealing away largely for himself and his selfish personal needs without ever communicating with the Pitchfords. What Pitchford and Gearbox did he did with some communication and contract on the part of SEGA - they were paying his business money and expecting a product in return which was at least *somewhat* delivered. Pitchford stole' to keep his employees stable with work. This assistant twat stole for himself and almost prevented employees being paid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol im not a nigger so im not a ape but can relate to a moli w a gun trying to rape white women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I seriously hope that guy's life is completely destroyed. Not bc that would solve the problem bc he's just a pawn. But just so he realizes how retarded he was to work for George Soros.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger \"grandmother\" in her 40's stabs 20 month old toddler and parboils her in the oven. Note the reference to a similar case of child roasting at the bottom of the article. Looks like the nogs' tastes have graduated from ghetto lobster to ghetto brisket. I blame MasterChef. https:\/\/www.nbcnewyork.com\/news\/national-international\/Grandmother-Baby-in-Oven-Mississippi-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger yea you just admitted that you want to hurt her so your bitch ass is afraid i would tell ,right you fuck cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nice quote mining faggot Hitler was talking about the kikes but everyone takes it as a confession.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why on earth are people making big fucking deal with Tommy Robinson with army he is not far right he like all of has normal person jealous because he has friend and not the new media that away around Isis supports cunt s get life and leave him a lone the army love Tommy Robinson and he love s the army he doing fuck all wrong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HuntsTheWind I wonder if I have my very own NSA spook following me by now?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ I'm not lying. I do an open phones radio show where literally anyone can ask me anything. You're a fucking bitch who will never accomplish anything, so you run around tone policing nationalists on Gab. It's nigger tier behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They work with a lot of black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" i agree, she's unreal. that's all the dems have, apparently. the rest are just as bad and most of them criminals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White House Preparing Executive Order to Stop Migrant Caravan http:\/\/www.wcbm.com\/?p=209529 #FridayFeeling #BuildTheWall","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think you could add another layer to the hysteria. the pretend-left has shunned both social democrats and the resurfacing peace movement, calling them alt-right conspiracy theorists. so they might actually have known ppl in rl who they knew were better informed and goodhearted than them suddenly being shat on by the entire media. now we have a purge of the alternative media sites those ppl created from social media sites, which doesnt matter at all, as journalism nowadays is crowdfunded anyway, but shows that the evil bigot nazi blablubs were right all along: alex jones is just the smokescreen, not the target. the npc meme now might open all that old wounds for some of them, removing the ability to tell themselves that they are anything but uninformed, uninterested megaphones for the bad guys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where did you find the vile despicable RACIST HATEFUL BIGOT JEWS are DEMOCRAT PIGS! We try to keep all RETARDED piece of shit LEFTISTS and JEWS because they are all morally degenerate sewage! They all have a mother who made the WRONG CHOICE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"May the bird of paradise fly up your nose.May an elephant caress you with his toes.May your wife have runners u http:\/\/t.co\/h6e278e85s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure Dan Rather spends lots of time surrounded by negroes. His hood rat roots are showing; What a dumb shit. He and his Leftist ilk are the reason the West is in turmoil. Go live in Africa you cunt and say how much you love Blacks. Don't come back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ImperivmEvropa I have muted you even though I agree with you because I detest the use of that c word You should try to be less vulgar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most M u s l i m s are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid cunts. Hate such people, they think the world revolves around them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger @Magyarkebab","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ovomit the muzzie faggot is a piece of shit and what about the dumbfucks who voted for this asshole TWICE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads @davidortiz @BarackObama I likes da Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did I step on a retard or did u link this 3 times?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why are all you retards obsessed with being a cuckold and why is it so hard to spell the whole word? i'd rather be on twitter being ignored and then quickly banned than be here and followed by a bunch of faggot morons. no caps for you tards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Inbred whiggers are best when yapping on the Internuts. Mattoid Parrott did nothing good advancing a mamzerkike ZOGbot tard like Mattoid Chaimbach. Mattoid Parrot's reward for such stupidity was to make its stupidity made manifest to all via Trailer-park-Gate where he was revelaed as Biggest Whigger Cuck of the Year.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I follow bogleech cos I liked some of their stuff. But a lot of it's pretty 'eh' to me and their political views are pretty dumb sometimes. Like this here. The problems of the super-rich are far more nuanced than is presented, with a number of causes and areas of blame. A lot of it comes down to politicans just plain not doing their job, and\/or doing it incompetently.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2000+ year old idea originated from a 300 year old country. ok then class clown, time to sit and face the wall again,..... If(speech.narrative_compatible() !=false{ printf(\"Your'e gay\") I bet you are going to repeat this, every time someone disagrees with you. Oh i didn't need to bet. it is all you have been doing for a year. hah, you are the guy who thinks white nationalism was invented by the democrat party less than 300 years ago....... you are Not qualified to pass any judgements","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot news union of New York","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus, that's retarded. I'll see if I can find that post but I'm not sure I wanna know, lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Self Posts were a mistake and this is why.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical wh0re behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The real sad thing about this parasite is that some ppl will actually vote for this cunt cake!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can follow Tommy's trial via Ezra Levant's Twitter feed ( see below ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ezra Levant Verified account @ezralevant Huge crowd gathered outside the Old Bailey court in London in advance of Tommy Robinson's trial. Follow me on Twitter for real-time updates; I'll post videos at http:\/\/www.TommyTrial.com when I can.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you tired of the \"mock drafts\"? Let's just do this: If Clowney is not the 1st pick, who thinks Round 1 becomes \"chaos\"? #ShowOfHands","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought these fucks hated capitalism? This is literally \"Goods and\/or services in exchange for money.\" for god's sake!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know him from Three Moves Ahead, did something happen to him? Well, he got a full-time job at Waypoint, for one. I'm not familiar with Rob Zacny from before, but from listening to him talk about his personal history, I get the impression that he was perhaps once a conservative through his parents, but like Patrick Klepek, at some point became \"woke\" and went as far Left as possible, though he still likes military subject matter. And unlike Klepek, he's actually book-smart to a degree, more like Austin Walker. Imagine how hard it must be to reconcile obsessing over morale management, logistics, entrenchment mechanics and having to inject intersectionality in all this. Art may be pretentious, but art critics exceed artists by a wide margin. Seems to be the case here too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GabTV still garbage, sadly. Listen here https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/22\/radical-agenda-s04e035-brett-stevens\/ This was a great show. Mr. Cantwell is an amiable high energy host and I was very glad to be part of this. Thanks to him for having me on, and to all of you who called in. I must agree that today was a great episode. I've been kinda hostile to the concept of nihilism, for reasons we discussed on the show. But I found it difficult to disagree with the way Brett framed things, and he gave me a lot to think about. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/22\/radical-agenda-s04e035-brett-stevens\/ You would cry too if it happened to you Lol rekt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shove this picture in front of every liberal British and American politician and demand they apologize for the hell they have unleashed upon our country. When they try to escape demand that they recognize they knew exactly what they were doing. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6295277\/Horrifying-moment-thug-grabs-terrified-pensioner-hurls-ground.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees Primo! Just got home and the Tanks are on MLB. Finally! And they are winning! Even better. Time to get serious, Sept call up time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just look at M. Gove - The twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for the police. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RealAlexJones what the hell do you think CERN about in Switzerland the Elite want to open a portal to the other side why I don't know but we are dealing with the f****** elite aren't we a bunch of retarded inbred f****** Lunatics","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tlo maybe before you open that mudshark loving cock sucker of yours you should look at the data how many white women get murdered by their nigger ex\/lover. but you wont and continue to look stupid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find all gay people disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I compare Jews to Niggers, rats, roaches and shit. At least this racist black Nigger is truthful.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"someones clearly a stinky ass beaner...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That cunt needs to live up to her name and be lynched.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's soyboying it up over one of [Kanye's tweets](https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DoY6ECcXsAAObUX?format=jpg). Kanye needs to get back on the plantation like a good little darkie apparently. I'm glad the Hollywood elite are so progressive and tolerant! Follow your dreams, nigga. I'm just saying that focusing on the person is understandable, but it's not the real problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can call them peanut butter that don't mean jack shit. They are humans and human is the only race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's not how business works. Production cost is \"irrevelant\", it's all about how much you can sell it for to maximize your profit. If you know people are willing to spend that 60 , you can charge it. Also, AFAIK soy milk is the same price as milk where i live. Would probably be cheaper if companies stopped being retarded and only made organic available, I literally can't find non-organic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm Hun-gry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great, guess I'll be ditching Java now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The statement is true, but only within a narrow academic context pertaining to sociological models of power. Problem is, that context is now used in place of the wider meaning of \"being a cunt to someone of a different race\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit right!! That mod is a fuck cunt! Just tossed \/r\/fyec together so we can stockpile this dumb-cuntery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think we're due for a second extinction class asteroid strike on earth. Humanity has reached peak retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck this nigger moslem put a damn bullet in that nappy head","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jew York full of mouthy jews...some nigger decided to shut one up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"smh RT @uglyhxes Tyga shoulda knew Blacc Chyna was a hoe when his son crip walked out her pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for women is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common whore. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"liberalism is a mental disorder. this ugly lying cunt is a manipulator, not a victim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Legit nobody is paying attention to your troll account. It is quite sad. Go back to facebook you nigger loving faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Quite a few women live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Presidential Upbringing eonline.com As the oldest child of Barack and Michelle Obama, Malia had a different childhood than every kid in the world. At the age of 19, she embarked on a new chapter in her life by attending Harvard University. She's worth an astonishing $275 million. (Listed under wealthy celebrities) I will say any fucking thing I feel like Oh but they can scream \"white this and white that fuck you H'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AND JEFF WONDERED WHY HE NEVER GOT INVITED TO THE FAMILY REUNIONS OR HIS FRIENDS PARTIES EVER AGAIN?? BUT AT-LEAST HE HAS THE RETARDED CRIME IMPULSE DRIVEN CHILD TO LOOK FORWARD TO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nope. Republicans opened the borders. Supported racist affirmative action laws. Told white people to only have one child. Encouraged never ending wars that killed white people and made them a target for every kind of radical on earth. The republican vote is as retarded as the democrat vote. Is this a republican fanboy that would support his evil rulers just like a liberal would? Is this what republicans want to do? More retarded blind allegiance to the same never ending war party. That is not securing the border?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she's a stunt cunt for the jew news who tossed her under the bus after losing her usefulness. Ever since her 1st question to Trump in the primaries I've hated this shit excuse for a reporter. Then she affirmed it in an interview w\/ Putin; you're an egomaniacal THOT who's finally got what she deserves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of a man puts up with this torture? I'd love to see a picture of him. A vulnerable one, as clearly stated in the article you obviously never read. Can you explain what \"vulnerable\" means? Is he confined to a wheelchair? Or is he just a total wimp? I will let you in on a secret: it takes two to have any kind of relationship whether good or bad. Clearly, the bitch is evil but one has to wonder what sort of \"man\" would put up with mental and physical torture for years. Think it through.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#elizabethwarren #johnkelly #democrats #walkaway #redwave #redwaverising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#HeroRobertBowers although a brave man, he should not have done what he did. Killing Jews won't further our movement, directly attacking the government will. We have pretty much been colonized by Jews under the name of the US government and the US government should be our target.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Us 'boomers' are the only reason that you have anything nice to begin with!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should be happy they do fuck their cousins..it's up to you Brit men to keep your women satisfied lest they marry muzzie and you will all eventually be killed or enslaved, depending on how much muzzie dick and ass you suck. Mad yet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is \"latinx\" pronounced \"latin-ex\" or \"la-teenks\"? Either way it's fucking stupid I'm Hispanic and this retarded \"latinx \" bullshit makes my blood boil. It's fucking stupid, \"Latino\" is already gender neutral, but bored feminists think that because it is the same word as the masculine one it \"excludes women\" although we all know that it is because they dislike anything remotely masculine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will be teaming with borzoi from poz button for a new program. Stay tuned!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao you should've put the whole Gayniggers from outer space movie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. I've asked that Puffing Billy who he is. It isn't me and Orange is having kittens about it lol Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They want the FBI to interview the lying cunt just so they can refer to her reported remarks as facts uncovered by the FBI in its investigation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is this pussy pass denied?? Because the men refused to White Knight for her when she made horrible decisions. They saw the guy was crazy when he started screaming, left the car (along with some other people), while she stayed like a dumbass and got superficially injured. > Because the men refused to White Knight White knighting is now protecting smaller people, the elderly and children from deranged people who tower over them and attack in a non-retaliatory or defensive fashion.......... GOOD SHIT You people are fucking out of it , the hatred has completely pushed you over the edge, all you see is pseudo confirmation for your hateful biases. Just disgusting. How is it reduction to absurdity? It was a fair question.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This shit, every year for decades, some cunt of a school board bans this or Huck Finn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If women don't change, then women will continue to be useless to men. Actually, the only useful thing most women are good for is sex. Men will just use women for sex (pump and dump), and relationships will not even be on the table. Women will be used for sex by CHADS and average men will just use \"other methods\" (escorts, sex dolls, no-flap methodologies, etc.) to fulfill their biological needs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh FFS's...Al Al Al...EVERYONE knows you go to Church AFTER a Lynching...Not before...you Silly Billy... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/05\/sharpton-after-collins-kavanaugh-announcement-trump-base-are-like-people-who-attended-lynchings-after-church\/ Pffft..these #Libtards can't get nothing right.... #ConfirmKavanaugh #BringThePain #LetTheBodiesHitTheFloor -------------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe this whore. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what the left is really scared of. https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfkts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What happened to rap? This right here.... This is rap ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical mong behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/imgoat.com\/uploads\/6409663226\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Blackman38Tide lmfao go to bed whitey ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd like to do it for whites only. If a Christ Cuck don't gotta make faggot cakes. I shouldn't have to serve inferior races.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doctors are lesser beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"mimi trash lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yet another retard beyond any help with her mental illness and illusions. What's the odds she's one ugly fat stinking blimp? She obviously has no brain capability to understand the legal principle of innocent until proven guilty. Another democRAT She's jewish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am trying to like sushi but it is just too repulsive. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You Muslims make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arnold Schwarzenegger Apologizes for Using the Phrase Girlie Men' http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Ec8UrK via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"MyMomDoesAnal\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* OP's post sucks. Your salt over it means I still get a laugh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're a gay nigger on Gab and looking for a good BJ, go hit them up at @FreedomNewsNetwork. They'll be more than happy to oblige. He will nurse baby nigglets from his man boobs too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently the claim is he was on PCP. I would have shot him too. Not going to let some crazy drugged up nigger loose to kill someone","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"seriously, how in the fuck do you pronounce \"womxn\"? Wom-exen is how I usually read it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not individual females who generally hurt us, it's the entire system of indoctrination that has them behaving like cunts. Gender roles matter, the feminists would have you believe otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"women are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Limey Paki","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3 People from Fox News Went Full Retard Or Something? Fox only allows retards now, I check in once in a blue moon and OMG, all retards, even Lou sounds retarded.... the obama romney debate 2012 \" get the transcript candy\" I thought alright, absolute proof of media collusion real time in front of 60 million people, fox analysis was retarded, have not watched fox since, all TV news is retarded even @OANN is retarded cia mocking bird narrative, check the cameras at rallies, tells you everything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rosie O'Donnell Is Engaged. You'll Never Guess Who She's Marrying https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/e5P7RV\/Dq-SSqd0-Ws-AUioj-D.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/F5fQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't want to deal with yesterday's trash! There's a reason it got thrown out in the first place","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always felt she was what sent Bourdain over the edge. Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao i just got banned from r\/offmychest for commenting here. Nice. Welcome to the club! You're probably banned from r\/blackwomen as well, and possibly r\/happy. If you gain too much karma here you'll also get banned from r\/LateStageCapitalism. Happy bans you for posting in \"hate subs\". It's really easy to get them to overturn a ban though. They really only enforce the bans if you've posted in mde and BSS, both of which recently got banned from Reddit anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I LOVE my 10 and 5 but most days they remind me why birth control is important later in life.I miss my \"baby bird\"! Come home, 18!@somehoee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You've not provided any logic, just calling people nigger and stupid. You get btfo'd then come back like you actually won the argument. Reminds me of Uncle Adolf 's description of Jewish behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"READ THE POSTS I told you. You sound retarded with the name calling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon is a nigger on the down-low.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arizona just flipped blue with fake ballots and nobody is covering it. Fucking sleazy cunts the Democrats are. Always the party of crime and deception.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are poor little guinea pig died :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Yankees I went to Golds with Cruz in 2010 when he was a Sound. No upper \/lower body strength.. Hmm now 40 HR hitter. Won't say the S word.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't help but wonder if Ricky Vaughn kidnapped the AltRight's leadership some time in early 2018 and replaced them with programmed dopplegangers. \"Don't do anything in public, guys.\" \"We must hide behind the Internet and not get in Trump's way.\" \"The GOP is our only hope.\" \"White Taqiyya is the way forward.\" I want the 2015-17 AltRight back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh shut the fuck up you power tripping faggot....I'm not giving your milk money back and I'm not picking you for dodgeball. You lose, get a therapist you pussy it was faggot Pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As the last of the Q predictions fail to come to pass, lost and lonely sheeple feeling shamed by obvious nonsense can take comfort knowing how much money they've made their favorite YouTube liars. #PissAntPatrol Someone explained this term. Seems to really fit those those Pathetic Trolls and Shills who have Failed to Prove that #Q is fake. Failed to Intimidate and Gaslight People Into Submission to Their Narratives. #WWG1WGA #TheStorm #RedPill https:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php?term=Piss%20ant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YouBoysInGreen hahaha, made ya eat crow....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love the videos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) went viral online Friday after owning a group of anti-Kavanaugh protesters - https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/thug-life-lindsey-graham-goes-viral-owning-kavanaugh-protesters\/ #KavanaughVote","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahahaha, ye cheeky cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are they really turning this into a blame the jew thing? From the comment section: > It's almost as if he is not just \"speaking his mind\" Here's a [brief breakdown] LINK ABOUT POOR MUSLIMS of how reactionary a lot of his hatred is for vulnerable people. While I don't agree with everything Shapiro says, what is \"vulnerable\" about an invading horde working with EU politicians to mass rape European girls and replace Europeans? Or North Americans for that matter, since our invasion has also begun. What is vulnerable about a group that can turn and kill someone for drawing their child raping prophet with impunity? What is vulnerable about a group that was able to pass a motion to halt any and all criticism of said child-raping gangster and his barbaric ideology for violent conquest? What's vulnerable about a group that can travel anywhere in the west they want without being vetted, go on welfare, and if anyone says anything that isn't liberal bubbly gushes of sunshine and love about it, they get publicly branded a nazi biggot racist fascist islamophobe homophobe transphobe uneducated redneck piece of shit? Right. I think there's a couple layers of butthurt going on maybe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Republicans arre trying hard to convince blacks and legal mexicans to vote for them and then stupid posts appear that do their best to turn them away. And you think you are doing good? This is called Sabotage!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Martin Luther was right also!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Share bacon with a muzzie today then shoot 'em.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Officer who fatally shot Tamir Rice quits Ohio police department days after he was hired https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/y4XJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"guess we should stop being nice then ;) #MEtoo..hehe heh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the List of Moral Alignment: http:\/\/easydamus.com\/alignment.html Chaotic Good: Crusaders for Yahweh Lawful Good: Fights for White Justice Neutral Good: Would Save a White Man in Dire Need Neutral: Could Care Less either Way Neutral Evil: Would Watch White Folk Die and Not Help Lawful Evil: Cold Blooded Nigger Killer Chaotic Evil: Globalist NWO Jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Bitch is the nigger of the world\" - Yoko Ono","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This O6 just caught me talking to a bird and that was pretty embarrassing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't wait to vote against that faggot Beto.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My Current \"Representative\" is Kyrsten \"Arizona is the Meth Lab of Democracy\" Sinema. I know where that cunt stands. That's why she, and the shitstain ex-Mayor of Phoenix Greg Stanton who is running for her seat, didn't get my Vote.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You love the Woody, faggot LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FOX and Friends SHREDS Dem Senator Coons Who Claims There Was \"Evidence of Abuse Against Kavanaugh (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/fox-and-friends-shreds-dem-senator-coons-who-claims-there-was-evidence-of-abuse-against-kavanaugh-video\/ Face nailed shut? Both funny AND brutal. Nicely done.... I WAS THINKING ALONG THIS LINE............","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let people do what they want, and shut the fuck up. I'm tired of \"diversity\", \"inclusivity\" and other words that've been, for lack of a stronger word\/slang, \"pozzed\" into oblivion. Fuck off. P.S., I wish people would compartmentalize more and not have all their fetishisms mixed in with their identities 24\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah, misandry at its finest. Anyone who calls themselves a feminist whilst behaving like this isn't a feminist, they're just a misandrist, and a fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women belong in our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Premier Gladys Berejiklian wants NSW to slash its overseas migrant intake by up to 50 per cent https:\/\/www.news.com.au\/finance\/economy\/world-economy\/premier-gladys-berejiklian-wants-nsw-to-slash-its-overseas-migrant-intake-by-up-to-50-per-cent\/news-story\/ec8e4cc48a4de3b7e124fe3ac70ba34a #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Voting in Arizona???? Remember this!! Opening the borders and letting any and everyone walk in is alright though! Paying welfare to gangs like MS13 is a good thing!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here is what's happening: A few weeks ago the US government passed a bill to appoint an Ambassador to counter anti-semitism woldwide. Now after this shooting they are going to push to criminalize antisemitism in the US. Most of your government and the deepstate are jewish. You will never again be allowed to criticize your government. BINGO! I Lived in ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS; wE HAVE 50 PC OF Muslims,the main problem in ROTTERDAM is islamic population like in Antwerpen (Anvers), not Jewish who are very very few (less than 100 000 in Holland on a populations of 16 millions inhabitants) ! Who opened the floodgates into Europe? YOUR GOVERNMENTS! Who is in top positions in YOUR governments and in the courts?...... Muslims? Hey, you don't know anything about Holland ok ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(((perverts))) are lurking on Gab. Porn should be banned!!! yes hello","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But they never say exactly what the people are intimidated about. Lynch you're a crook like Holder, Obama, Hillary, and the rest of that administration. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/18\/lynch-voter-id-laws-early-voting-restrictions-designed-to-intimidate\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's the first clean nigger I've ever seen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thats dysgenic, like paying for nigger babies but subsidizing birth control for whites. pay nigger women 10k to get sterelized, they aint thinking of the future and its cheaper than paying for the care\/welfare in under a year","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@denytheprophecy thanks for ignoring my texts fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Liveitupjersey @ccass357 don't trash Jersey...ODDS ARE..YOU WOULDN'T LAST 10 MINUTES AROUND HERE! Go back to watching BARNEY!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SuccuCirno when I see what I presume is a grown ass man's social media profile with a picture like that I immediately assume that person is a pedophile. Maybe I'm wrong, but judging by the way people are treating you we might be onto something. Judging by the profile pic... so you'd kill someone based on a profile pic. NatSocs in a nutshell. What a load of nonsense lol There's no such thing as a right to pedophilia. You can't possibky argue you are just defending the right of people to violate the rights of minors. I don't just \"disagree with pedophiles. Pedophilia isn't a choice people have the right to make. You clearly do not understand the nature and source of rights. Drawings don't have rights, dummy. But that's not what we are talking about, dumbass lol Actually, it is. Actually, it isn't. Yes it is. Unless fictional characters have rights your arguments are invalid. Looks like a pedo... talks like a pedo... defends pedo's \"rights ... Just might be a pedo... False. Pure conjecture and no better than the left's presumption of guilt argument.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If ever someone wants to bring up feminist talking points to you, just bring up this pic and tell them \"STFU pic related\": #RunAway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saudi nigger Arabia should be nuked for 911","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[Fuck these cunts](https:\/\/johnjohns","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I was tech savvy, I'd create an app for businesses to register their restaurants, stores, services, etc. as politically neutral \"safe zones\" and for individuals to locate businesses who don't tolerate progressive hate. https:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/fox-news-tucker-carlson-cant-go-to-restaurants-people-shout-too-much-2018-10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @cenopant: (she)s bro(was)kenbec(a)uses(side)hebeli(hoe)ved","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ShadyLadyHH: When the rose-colored glasses come off and you still want to be there, true love happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Renova M dia Bolsonaro 60,9% vs Haddad 39,1%, diz pesquisa Cruso https:\/\/renovamidia.com.br\/bolsonaro-609-vs-haddad-391-diz-pesquisa-crusoe\/ You're probably not welcome anywhere b* die alone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Old, but still funny. Reminder that most liberals don't know shit about guns. LOL ... While I understand what you said, I was going to suggest professional help","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ihate women","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same happened when I thanked that cunt on TV for calling Trumps daughter a cunt, because I now had permission from regressives to call anyone I wanted a cunt. I then called her a repulsive cunt. Banned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"counter point: the women at the view are cunts. they're still probably cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have never had an immigrant president. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes. When I was in Switzerland told that all reservists (99% male population) took loaded rifles home. Gee whizz zero burglary rate! Courts WILL NOT CONVICT. Compare with UK, Tony Martin case. Norfolk Police nigger central.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"imagine when you put your business data on their cloud products. does retard mean anything to ya?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tricky choice nigger or jew. obama is a fairly yeller nigger. paul reubin is all jew. it's a really tough call for you girls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THE FILM THE LEFT TRIED TO ABORT After a mighty struggle, the film, Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer, finally opened in movie theaters nationwide on Oct. I'm surprised that Hebrewood released a movie that makes a nigger look bad. Gosnell mostly took out non whites right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SPLC is anti-Trump, anti-white, anti-free speech....need I go on? Just look at their Twat page and you'll see. Don't, for Heaven's sake, go to their website: they make everything look and sound better than the Girl Scouts! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/Nkvy9nwyzj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you have to keep these opinoins to yourself in the nigger job space","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cut the cable. Stop watching their lies. TV is only there to dumb us down. I won't watch any of that #resistard bullshit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The part that really annoyed me is that this perverted dyke who forced a gay man into awkward and uncomfortable somewhat erotic positions is referred to as \"one of the few philosopher stars of this world. Life isn't complicated but if you're 66 and forcing people who don't like or want you into these weird relationships then you have failed at life. What could she possibly offer as wisdom?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just like you, cock sucking little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's all this cuntfussing about?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redneck hysteria is funny to watch. Thanks clowns ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most immigrants are absolute bastards. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad you're downvoted so heavily here. This isn't jewbook or themtube. Fuck you cunt I doubt it, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're interested in what a POS she really is.... https:\/\/penthouse.com\/pages\/asia-argento\/Toxic-Femininity.php God fucking damn it I want to fucking scream after reading this. What a vile cunt. Seriously deserves to be put feet first into the human blender. I want Anthony back:( More like face first. Her disgusting, melted face. Nah feet first so we can see the expression on her face That face of hers tho. Looks like the bitch is about to tell Macbeth his fuckin fortune.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"True Heavy Metal! True Feeling","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are just a muzzie to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wasn't comparing the two incidents, because Trump never made fun of that reporter's \"disability\". That was an MSM lie. The truth in the meme is that Rosie IS the fat, retarded child that Trump made fun of ( a long time ago), and the Left doesn't even realize it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BigmackNigga: Smoking isnt a game you could get killed monkey see monkey Dooo don't smoke if your not a smoker y'all are the reason ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[This is what they mean by \"core gamers\"](https:\/\/youtu.be\/VS7WMBdecpU?t=648), not \"you need to play league and call of duty\" like the retarded Kotaku article. There's more interviews like this one with other female rioters that say similar things. These interviews were done before the Kotaku article came out btw.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This documentary is on point. This helped me through class ty boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask The Smiths - There is a Light https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=y9Gf-f_hWpU Morrissey - Los Angeles 2007 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wQ3GxsTaGE0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ever notice how all the people who shouldn't be allowed to vote, are the demographics that Democrats target with their obnoxious, dishonest ads? Ever notice how the GOP has been getting the White vote for decades while quietly sticking a dagger in our backs? At least the Dems are dumb enough to telegraph their attack giving us a chance. If you think you stand a chance under the next Democrat government, I pray you never find out how wrong you are. I'll be just fine, the rest of the system YOU believe you will wrest control of won't be. You're afraid to let go and to suffer, I'm not. You have suffered by your own myopia not by choice, and you regret it. Here you are myopic yet again when the only goal that matters is survival. We don't have time nor can we afford normalization and the false sense of security. Ah yes, the willing martyr, hard as fuck behind his anonymous social media handle, telling me that I fear suffering. This is why free speech is crap. We don't need a free speech platform. We need a Nazi caricature of Facebook that just gasses assholes who make stupid posts like this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No surprise. Same 1400 year old mindset, same retard level IQ, same non-existent empathy, and a tradition of wrapping a rotting corpse in the bizarre glitter of the 'divine'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What Theresa May's regime is basically doing is turning Britain into a country that is unfit for decent people to live in. Then even if Brexit is implemented it will be a shithole not worth living in with anything that the government doesn't like considered a hate crime. Hideous woman who is unfit to be in politics. Where are the British - the ones that sat through the Blitz. the stiff upper-lipped, upper crust rigidly fair aristos? Is it childless politicians, the lure of power, and the fear of reprisal that drives British Politics? Bet your limey ass it is! Wolfgang, I think that the UK version of millennials are too blame, coupled with their version of baby boomers having rampant senility if not downright dementia. Britain is under the EU occupation and all of its politicians and hacks have sold out to Brussels and Berlin. People no longer decide their fate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well not a bad mornings work shot a brace of cunts @MarkBraithwaite and @Lulu123 but rank...even my dog turned his nose up. Hi skanky you enjoying it on here 100s put you on here not just me ..how is the verminator now she was more hated than you 1000s put her on massed reported her but then you have always been second best the ugly sister at the ball how's wagistail he had a chat to me today ..why don't he shut his acc and join you he seems lonely he as been crying And there she is Daft Cunt herself Queen Avatar Queen of fuck all. I counted 12 - 12 out of what 11k following lolz Where's my religious Queen? Which persona do you present to the girls' so that they send open legged photos to you? and pray tell why have u followed me when u wanted my departure so much?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @nebuladallas: i still live with hope that one day a hot rich boy will fall in love with me even though im trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She thought placard is synonym for cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOLzy :) @Bombislamdotcom Where do they get this degenerate garbage?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aye a nicca is tired tho!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Retard Teaching Retards, Sounds like Today's School System to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Wild Cunthar appears! Use: Trigger! Super Effective!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you still DONT live in Vietnam? Why...ooh yea no free shit..no hand outs..nobody but you to blame for you..YOU have to work and provide for YOU.you also havent turned vietnam into a welfair country either..if you did that to them..THEY WOULD CALL YOU A NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like the #GOP is the party of purity ... they are nigger loving MUTTS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give it a few hours and we'll all enjoy screenshots of black women tweeting about white males being dangerous. And the media's presentation will completely ignore the fact that black males kill more people with guns on a daily basis than random rogue white shooters combined. Oh, yes, those nigger sows will be wailing and weeping fairly soon. They'll ignore the fact that the nigger buck is responsible for a whole lot more violence than White males.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's also not illegal to hold hands with a minor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"do the teenagers working at the Hot Topic laugh at u when u walk up to the register with a Walking Dead t shirt and Avengers baseball cap or do u say it's for ur retarded teenage son or something?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"should resign for being an ugly cunt like the rest on the view","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll just bet you get your talking points from hooked-nose heebs. cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crew neck ass nigguh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then you belong in Twitter, the place that banned me for calling myself a spic faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Hobson_2: That's for the birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It could still be an African woman. They have high T. Probably more than the soyboy faggot sitting opposite. Same anti white shit regardless.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Data scientists are just a waste of space. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The amount of retardation (as in negative acceleration) society is going as a whole, BTS will win Best Girl Group of the Year award too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm muting you now since you're obviously a retarded illiterate. Bye.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This whiny Demonrat blathering on right now is so freaking delusional or more likely a straight up lying CUNT #VoteKav","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@IsaacBaranoff who is the leftist troll responsible for the outrage of this downboat??? You're a leftist troll. You have no one to blame for your posts getting downvoted but you. >people who downvote me are leftist trolls! >I'm downvoting you because you're a leftist troll! Ladies and gentlemen, we've found the leftist troll: You are a moron. How the fuck am I a leftist? I am a capitalist. I never trolled. I destroy trolls. Go fuck yourself with a curling iron. Be sure to plug it in first. Shaking rn mister troll destroyer man :( I went looking tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well hopefully there is a water bottle around. Dump it on the cunts and walk off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Moralfags accusing people of being pedophiles. Do you remember the tragedy of MGTOW101 The Wise? Exactly. He made the stupid decision of accusing TFM of being a pedo only to get utterly fucking destroyed. Here is the video proving how idiots like @Sperg are no different than leftists. https:\/\/youtu.be\/qvWgCmoDoBk https:\/\/youtu.be\/gkE7L8rrzLY You didn't make yourself look or sound neutral when in fact you made yourself look like a leftist trying to act neutral. Also GABAI and their retarded 300 character limit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@real5Hfacts stfu u ugly dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to think the same. Then I watched a few of Earthling Carl's videos. He is a snake. Got a link to a specific one? Give me a minute. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=x2_oFWFm2-candt=2s Just listen to the guy. He does LBC radio now, hated by the muslims but still defends muhammad to the core. Not in Britain he didn't. He got away with it. Egypt I know. The group is still legal here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckingbshit not this cunt Hilary again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love Forever More (ft. Sparky from Demented are go) https:\/\/youtu.be\/2rlYPb2plaY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd not against parody songs or inspirational songs or whatever. I don't think editing jungle nigger music is the way forward though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"little faggot genocide now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you for the heads up! What an impression to visualize: I wont put up with porn, nazi-socialist crap. Block\/mute. Thank you for the heads up! What an impression to visualize: I wont put up with porn, nazi-socialist crap. Block\/mute.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I swear these anon fags go to protests just to take pictures to post to Twitter. \"Look, I was there...Like me\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another askeNAZI JEW TERRORIST? They are all askeNAZI JEW TERRORIST SCUM! Jews are RETARDED programmed robots!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We are a group of trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot were the bundles of sticks used to burn homosexuals to death tied to a stake","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wrong again, nigger .You exhibit the low intellect of your kind. Call me Master, nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see these retards spout crap like that so much it didn't even register.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How fucking thick are u? I'm not here to argue. I'm not volunteering hours of my time to argue. I'm not interested in changing people's opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own. Get this thru your fkg retarded brain - I am talking about ANTI-AMERICAN PAID TROLLS. Didn't threaten you. Told you. You are that fucking pathetic you may as well not exist. FUCK OFF!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a f4g. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" WE STAND WITH #BK AND HIS FAMILY...BK WILL BE CONFIRMED. STUPID DEMS, NOW WILL COME THE SUPER BUTT HURT WAIT FOR IT. Kim, I muted #LG earlier today...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who would down vote this ?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you a Nazi? This is My latest Nazi poll here at Gab. I conduct these Nazi polls every 6 months to determine the percentage of Nazis here at Gab... #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect THE NAZIS LOST DECISIVELY THEY WERE CRUSHED. IF THE STUPIDITY CONTINUES HISTORY WILL REPEAT ITSELF.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's like 2016 all over again with two poor choices. In 2016 we had the choice of the retard Kirkpatrick or the traitor McCain. Now our choice is the retard Sinema or the never-Trump McSally. When McSally showed up with Mitt Romney yesterday in Gilbert AZ, it only confirmed, \"here we go again\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Sum_Pfeif: Did @wagggggie seriously steal my Halloween Oreos ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@edwards_cait ghetto, driving a nice car, and not having to pay a lot for rent. I drive a Lexus, and pay little rent. Just saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GossipCop Julie tell them crybaby blacks to get someone blk. and dress them up white faced......niggers always whining!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Modern #White #Men of #Tinder. #TinderThots - Part 2,409","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, kinda like how a man loses his job the second some dumb cunt on twitter says something? This isn't PPD, this is just a little less privileged than she was a few weeks ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"McCaskill has gotta go also, fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Betcha $50 , he never got fired, nigger privilege. ... I ain't takin that losing bet! Nigga probably got a promotion and raise. Especially if it's whitey's porch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It stinks in here must be then pussy ass niggas talkin shit #tomyfacebro test me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">an offshoot of toxic masculinity Fucking how in the shit does a person even come to that conclusion?.. I'd say it's impressive, but my jimmies have been rustled too much to concede. TL;DR: CUNT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this makes my blood boil https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/19\/pensioner-begs-attacker-please-im-too-old-as-hes-violently-thrown-to-ground-8055959\/ isnt that the truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cool story, I see you learned history from the back of a cereal box, like the other white supremacists. Naturalization Act of 1790 limited citizenship to \"white people\" I made 2 points in my previous post to you > Citizenship was originally restricted to whites > Founders owned slaves I'll give you 1 more chance to refute my claims and you'll have to do better than middle school taunts No, it's called \"you lost so now you're trying to be wrong about something else.\" Your convictions are so weak they change in any given day depending on who you're trying to virtue signal for. Your intelligence is so weak that you write about how George Washington was fighting a war to get rid of brown people from America. Show me where nonWhites were granted citizenship prior to 1865 Show me where they weren't. Uh, like I posted the 1st time, Naturalization Act of No, according to you he was fighting for it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@sbsylvester @kieffer_jason @hunterbuch66 bitch u ugly then hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as filthy as these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/hLOw_SzkRQ8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"International police operation disrupts Shylock banking Trojan - Computerworld: The GuardianInternational poli... http:\/\/t.co\/KhSV319gh9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation which has the largest voting block in the UN (which also has the support of Socialist nations) has set up a parallel Human Rights Charter to replace the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with their own Islamic Cairo Declaration which is in accordance with Islamic Sharia Law. Ready for a UNexit yet? Please watch. Get a cup of tea and sit down it's worth it https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ey-TRpkUiPI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We're talking about women here. They can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt hiLIARy supporters and (soon to be dead) George Soros are all mad because of the big loss they suffered in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Note to Nancy: Manhood has zero to do with having a wall between countries. It is called national security and sovereignty for a country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So in order to try and placate the Jews and people of color the Dept of Justice has leveled new charges against 4 more white nationalists from the 2017 Charlottesville rally. Our own government has made it illegal to stand up for your own race white man. Prepare to defend your people the old fashioned way. A war is coming. #RiseUp #14Words https:\/\/www.reuters.com\/article\/us-virginia-protests-crime\/four-californian-men-charged-with-inciting-violence-at-2017-charlottesville-rally-idUSKCN1MC2I7 (((They))) let the faggot smashing people in the head with a bike lock off on community service... NEVER FORGET THAT! This is the zionist jewdicial system if full effect.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT FAT PILE OF SHIT... THANKS FOR THE REMIND....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What an entitled cunt. \"I am a woman, you can't punch meeeeee!!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You support zionism. That makes you part of the problem. Any \/ everything you buy today supports the AshkeNAZI Khazarian Zionist Mafia pretending to be a JEW filth The paper fiat you use was created by them Know who owns you The Top 13 families are the: Bloodlines of Illuminati; This is tomorrow's generation, a chosen few. the","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same reason u look like anthony davis with them eyebrows\"@RyanH_Slick: Why the fuck do niggers act so different when girls are around?:-S\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Republicans aren't the only racist in America. We have racist Democrats too. But don't play the token negro card... http:\/\/t.co\/FT5c4yhraG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello fellow gabbers! You have a great day also! And you have a great day too! Great use of free speech dude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are NIGGERS and FUCKING RICH NIGGERS !! You know your FUCKING RICH when you ride home in a HELIOCOPTER after playing in the NIGGER BASKETBALL LEAGUE !! LIKE LABRON JAMES DOES !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did the faggot spray water on himself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know only communists, and communist pets (centrists) don't want an ethnostate. everybody else does want an ethnostate. Shows the IQ levels you are operating at Profoundly retarded per chance?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just want to say I don't care what the left thinks about me and never will. You are not my audience, and I don't expect many of you to change your minds. My goal is to help right-wingers find their voice and not be afraid to finally stand up to the left. We will no longer be silent. Joined gab 5 min ago after realizing that I'd been shadowbanned on Twitter. I was wondering why I wasn't receiving any response all day. Started 2nd acct using other phone... sure enough, couldn't see any of my tweets. Primary Twitter account was still fully functional, could tweet my heart out. Maybe I'm too conservative or Christian. Oh well, hello Gab!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bought this Lp in Manchester the other week, had no idea it was coloured vinyl. Man what a steal!!!!! #VinylGasm #Re-Machined","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsJustJill: Obama Says He s Irritated But Does Not Feel Repudiated After Losing Senate (Video) http:\/\/t.co\/2U10aolKXG Awwwww...ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can never hate a Glados quote That's you! That's how dumb you sound! ...Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you have a Twitter account -- >> @CChristineFair << REPORT THIS DYKE FEMINAZI BITCH TO @TWITTER! She promotes hatred! I'm pretty sure that's a violation of the Twitter Rules. Specifically against hateful conduct! REPORT HER! She's a nasty, ugly, vile, 'rhymes with hunt!' Disgusting creature! Disgusting! >> @CChristineFair << REPORT HER! PLEASE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JStarrTweets my pops is from New York. My family is Yankee obsessed. My sister literally cried when she heard he was gonna","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Comrade is a normal greeting among ACTU Officials and hard core members NSW Fire Brigade is a prime example go to their web site and read some of the crao the Union goes on with every Communist program under the sun gets top priority by their leader Casey fiull blown Marxist CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She won't receive the full twenty with no early release because it is illegal to do that according to Michigan law. The minimum sentence may not in any case exceed two-thirds of the statutory maximum sentence. However Michigan doesn't have any good or earned time so whatever her minimum sentence is she will serve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We had a sense of brotherhood and every single man in the country had to do national service - which created a culture of nationalism and a bond between our people that partisan politics could never have destroyed as it has in recent years. Divide and Conquire is clearly the rule of the day for the ruling \"elite\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pedophlie tranny... Yet, you know some men are saying, \"If she presents as female, then i have no problem..\" It's a faggot in make up. Ffs. they can do anything with special effects makeup, now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Swizzzy: Peeps are trash.. Marsh mellows in general are trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Maxine, where'd you get that dyke haircut? From Eric Holder? (he's a hairdresser by night)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't listen to @TomJefferson","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Threatening to kill all black people will get you thrown in jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stephanie queen is a libturd faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SCENARIO: A Feminazi is getting raped by a recipient of multiculturalism enrichment. She's screaming incessantly for help, or something equally annoying. Do you... A) Keep walking. B) Tape her mouth. It was a trick question but the answer is, you wait for the muzzie to kill the Feminazi, then kill the muzzie. Two enemy taken off the battlefield and you look like a hero.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Veto Beto. Chief Sitting Bullshit. And a white Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing more mind numbing on a thot than vocal fry. Learned about this with Blasey Ford at the Kavanaugh hearing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Bidenshairplugs: Anybody who trashes their own neighborhood after a perceived injustice is a fucking moron. #Ferguson","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How long until its illegal for normal men to turn down a homosexuals proposal for gay sex? https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/gay-teen-asks-straight-football-captain-homecoming-show-others-ok-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are a group of immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are not alone, I had this one girl for almost six years and after three years I kinda felt a sister like vibe and later in time I didn't even wanna kiss her, even while having sex, it was just an obligatory\/mandatory event and no kiss... I don't even feel bad for that coz she was one heck of a cunt, always complaining about things I do for fun in my life, and I wasn't even allowed to smile at other females. I'm happy that it ended without any physical assault, now MGTOWing on principle since 4th of July","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many retards in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bull Dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[A good one in the comments](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/SnnrfvJ.png) [And another](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/5M4WoDt.png)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This should be encouraged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll kill 10 of you then I will go': Disturbing video shows Afghan migrant launch anti-Western diatribe on bus as he declares 'it is important to take lives' n 'eat humans' He became embroiled in a heated row with a pensioner on a bus in Sweden After deportation threat migrant claims he will kill people if forced to leave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Deadspin: Colombia supporter reminds us the double bird is a universal language http:\/\/t.co\/JeUT1IsQ1f","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kyleefagnola call him a cock blocking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ChristineKKTV: Great weather to hit up the slopes this weekend... @Arapahoe_Basin and @LovelandSkiArea open Saturday! #COwx #skiseason ht ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brazil Prepares for Critical Elections as Jews Increasingly Move to Israel https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8K6SrMYN7Fs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WATCH: Crazed Man Destroys Ted Cruz Campaign Signs In Houston; Tells Supporter He Doesn't Belong' In The Neighborhood https:\/\/t.co\/IArg9itSXF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @UnusualFactPage: Shy people tend have great observational skills, making it easier to recognize the core of a problem then solving it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand why men kill themselves without putting two in the head of the cunt who lied first. KILL HER THEN YOURSELF YOU TWATS. It should be a foregone conclusion that if you're trying to ruin someone's life that YOURS is forfeit in the trade!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crooked Cunt has a chinaman's chance of being sent to prison. Stop being so naive.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope the members of the WBC are forced to suck a thousand sand nigger cocks get the sand nigger cock out of your mouth before you type to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*insert Never go full retard clip here*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EvetteColeman lol true I just want fried Oreos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a muzzi3. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fine chicks lap dances always trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@samzbikowski Cody is ALWAYS calling people \"nigger\". He's a fucking spaz!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just a retard cunt shitlam follower!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three black people were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another lib faggot twatter troll","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well you better open you eyes to the real world and get out of phantsy land Our white population is dropping lower and lower with every Muslim nigger and Hispanic birth Wake up and start seeing the world how it is and not how you want it to be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey look a bomb!! Instead of getting to safety let's take pics and send them to our friends before we inform the FBI...HOAX!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a teacher she can't be dumb! Only a smart person could make such a perfect analogy like \"Ben and Jerry's, or Cold Stone Pizza\" when talking about those darned fascists! I also thought the her calling Milo a Homophobe was pretty ironic. Seeing as he's pretty openly gay. I hope she gets the book. Unless you actually witness one of these \"Nazi Rapists\" actually doing something to harm someone physically, you really have no right to attack them with violence. You're a fucking teacher, use your words! > You're a fucking teacher, use your words! One could be inclined to think those nazis must have pretty solid arguments if even a teacher can't debunk them and has to resort to violence. Usually it's facts that are accurate but out of context. >I also thought the her calling Milo a Homophobe was pretty ironic Internalized homophobia! He also bangs black guys. Racist! Nazi! But why not? They do it to women all the time that don't agree with them. \"Internalized misogyny! Those poor women don't even know how much they hate themselves!\" It should be a pretty strong indicator that they are completely out of their fucking minds and their ideology doesn't have a leg to stand on and so they have to resort to baseless accusations of \"hate\" hoping for an appeal to emotion to gain support \/ pity but nooooope. Yvette Felarca is a terrorist. ter ror ist ter r st\/Submit noun a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. >But why not? They do it to women all the time that don't agree with them. \"Internalized misogyny! Those poor women don't even know how much they hate themselves!\" I understand why the majority of americans dont want to associate with them. Makes absolute sense. And yet there are people that call themselves feminists that try to argue, that its not them. They are just like Incels. Denying every logic and evidence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The silver lining is that cunts like this are absolutely **miserable**.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1: \"YOUNG KING\"? Retard. 2: The woman thought he touched her. She apologized when she realized he didn't. 3: I find it funny that the same people who demand we \"believe women\" when they say they were assaulted are attacking this lady and praising this kid because she's white and he's black. People are getting more and more retarded by the day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Honestly I don't blame terrorist Muslims anymore. Let's give credit where it's due. The retarded politicians who let them in and idiots who vote for them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"George Soros' son: Something changed in 2016 https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/24\/george-soros-son-attacks-trump-amid-bomb-threats-s\/ It sure did! Your daddy didn't get the election result he'd paid for! And the old feckless cunt started funding terrorism! That's what fucking changed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"U expect anything else from an Ignorant Nigger !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i thought garbage men were supposed to bring trash to the dump but they wouldn't take me ha ha ha. self depreciation ftw.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@fairflattaxnow discredited by whom? Per the government the study is good and factual. Pay your bills moocher teabaggers and republicans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ive learned to use the mute button on here like the trigger on a semi automatic pistol....i can mute almost 60 nazis a min now lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My prediction. Hundreds of thousands of people that didn't even know what Gab is or that unlike Twitter it won't censor you will now know what Gab is. Once @a gets Gab.com back online the user numbers will spike upwards maybe even by huge numbers like 100k etc etc... https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Streisand_effect The left just doesn't get it. Spread this like wildfire! Make this go viral! Why do you even have an account here if you think that? Typical troll. you fish where the fish are dummy The more you talk, the more you prove how stupid you are. @trumploveroc Hey dumbass. For someone who hates Gab, you sure are helping the website grow by joining it! XD that or we're just tracking and reporting your posts to federal authorities... what was that dumbass? yes if only I could be genius enough like you to quote Mark Twain Opposing viewpoints =\/= nazis re-read... didn't say he was a nazi or racists but rather that they needed to be on the same platform with people who have similar iq's... try to keep up A dumbass trying to be a smart-ass. If you don't want nazi's on here then mute and block them. I don't need to... I just screenshot the stuff and send it to law enforcement and let me deal with it... doesn't bother me that they put their ignorance on display for the world to see ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" All we can hear are their fat thighs chaffing together as the waddle","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An ugly man in a wig and dress, is still just an ugly man in a wig and dress... NOT A WOMAN!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are forgetting Russell Crowe 's performance in A Beautiful Mind. I know schizophrenia, and it was spot-on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How To Advance in Leagues in Cunt Wars Read and learn: https:\/\/hentaireviews.moe\/2018\/10\/10\/how-to-advance-in-leagues-in-cunt-wars\/ #hentai #nsfw #cuntwars #porn #porngames #sexgames #sex #adultgames #eroge #gaming #ecchi #games #harem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STEROID RAGE BY A FUCKING FAGGOT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"for those that may wonder who the fuck im talking to... im taunting the powers that be fuckin retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not even an hour into looking through gab I am floded with alt-right and Nazi values. Extremely sexist and homophobic comments as well as hella xenophobic shit. The reason most y'all come here is because any other place would judge you, which just so you know to judge someone based on what they say is not anti-free speech. Coolio","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even if their complaints would've been legit, it would've been a lot easier to defend gaming if we gatekept it because the threat would've been entirely external to the market\/community--The entire gaming fandom\/media would've been unified in laughing their asses off and writing them off as ignorant \"outsider\" fucktards, similar to how we treated the likes of Jack Thompson. This perception of outsider ignorance on their part would've been a powerful force in unifying gamers against them. That is how we emerged from the Hot Coffee scandal unscathed. Since SJWs infest the gaming community\/market, the threat is just as internal as it is external. As a result, gamers are torn as to whether we support or oppose them. > Unless we're talking about a law\/policy that directly applies to videogames Huh, you were so close, yet somehow still retarded. Go figure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmfao, butthurt nigger lover lashes out. Woah there PristineRaccoon! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she has to have enough to not be deceived by jews and their push towards infidelity, nigger culture and 3rd wave feminism, yes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Minneapolis: Star Tribune hangs painting of corrupt, democrat, hijabbed, pro-Sharia Congressional candidate in its offices. Can you imagine the outrage if they had hung a conservative one up #SaturdayMorning #SundayMorning https:\/\/wp.me\/p4hgqZ-ENd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sometimes I think all of those self hating Whites and leftists and Nigger lovers should get what their fighting for and then I can laugh as they complain about how rotten things are becoming, watch them squirm as the quality of life declines even more, as law enforcement becomes demoralized and crime rises. Be careful what you wish for assholes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All immigrants like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the muslim nigger obamaosama needs dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A writer who struggles with their own masculinity decides to comment on how a game supposedly runs on a \"masculine framework.\" What a world we live in...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You tr4ns people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a POS and does NOT represent all of us here. She got 73%. She represents almost all of you. >Hirono What's up with her, must've missed it Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh riiiiiiiiiiiight. I remembered that being said but couldn't remember who said it. Got memory-holed *quick*.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bags Bags that's that bag money trash bag black and it's filled up with money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want some cookies, brownies and ice cream. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"}]