diff --git "a/val.json" "b/val.json" --- "a/val.json" +++ "b/val.json" @@ -1 +1 @@ -[{"text":"Meghan Markle is the scum of the Royal family. She couldn't cut it in Hollywood and she'll cause a lot of chaos. Hopefully when Prince William becomes king, he'll kick out the Muslims, take control over the Parliament, and put a leash on that mud baby duchess. Queen Elizabeth II is the worst person in the history of Britain. Charlie will take over before Willie.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nicely handled. Exposed a twat and forced him to back away from his comments by not being frightened of him. Well done.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha shit why change who you are if you are one bad motherfucker, like my cousin before he pushed out his lip kids he was rolling all hard and shit wit da demuborger and shit and entombed and now he all like a bitch wit his panties in his cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have turned tricks in an alley to get me a remastered Diablo But this... this is full retard. It's ridiculous, fans keep flat out telling Blizzard what they want (remakes of WarCraft 1 and 2 and Diablo 1 and 2) and not only does Blizzard actively ignore them, on multiple occasions Blizzard executives have said gamers are stupid and that those older games aren't any good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its because schools encourage this shit. We have a trans propaganda poster saying there are 67 genders or some shit spaced out evenly exactly 2 meters, looks fucking dystopian. We have an unelected \"lgbt council\" that has as much power as the regular one but has no responsibilities and all you need to do to get in is be a flamboyant faggot. There was also a program where gay people could get scholarships to prestigious universities just for being gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the immigrants around here?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ToWherever yay im a whitey :3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Naw you calmly bulk and then cut while increasing strength you skinny fat fag. Yep started weight training when I was four. You retarded Jewish faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More fake news from another \"nazi hating jew. Keep pushing faggot and those pics will be real someday. Baby dick eater over here judging anyone is absolutely hilarious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"are you sure that is false? The old internet wouldn't go after your job and family for something said 10 years ago, that seems new","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you dried up old cunt I hope one of your needle dik Mexican raped that dried up pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@heavensenttynae nd you kno how much I love clams lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh dear... Rape jihad is caused by breastfeeding? Its a parody","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah no. This is assault on his part, not PPD. A confrontation doesn't necessitate physical violence. \"She shouldn't have gotten out of her car!\" He was blocking her, he got out of his car too, stop being retarded just because it's a woman getting pushed. Should she have gotten out? No. Could the whole thing have been avoided by her? Absolutely. However the whole thing could've been avoided by him too and he made it physical.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When I first saw this story, my initial thought was \"who cares what this retard thinks about anything?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a @e #GabFeatureRequest Ability to both upvote AND downvote posts. [This one is hilarious for who they're censoring, so an upvote, but retarded for the reason why, thus downvote.] Thanks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BlasianBytch: @graceishuman @rhiannonrevolts yellow face and it's a no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't say you are a Nazi. I pointed out that half of the Jew haters on here call themselves Nazis lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"G4y people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@leighvl Niggas probably be watching me like \"Look at this Uncle Tom ass Rasta\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@carpedehope not if you're standing in btw the yellow lines","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan I was thinking the same thing. Would be hysterical if true. But something seems fishy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MahoganyLOX: vintage mickey http:\/\/t.co\/03otPzXCbI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Careful, beating up a nigger and a kike might get you popped for a hate crime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"quite humourous that u expect not only a reading, but also a reply, 2 the wall of text. if u made registered business of jew naming and ran 4 leader of free world, then wall of text may b read. she doesn't out the Jew, right? little has the best course of action. name the jew as a registered biz, seek 2 even make it profitable. cre8 jobs in new naming sector as industry leader, then cre8 jobs in jew removal sector as potus. The very first thing Little did was street stunts in his beginnings. I feel sure, he was always planning to do this stunt thing as part of whatever strategy he is implementing which seems to be a let him say as much radical anti-Jew stuff on the streets of America till the Jews false flag an event of his and point to it all in order to brand us more evil than Muslims as an explanation to the idiots he parades in front of And he was hanging out with that shill Jew dyke Emily Youcis... They are definitely cryptos. Jews killed babies yes we all know that but announcing it as he did makes us look like nuts #opticscucks r the biggest #jewshills","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not know many Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING: Brexit betrayal - May considers EU plot to keep UK locked to Brussels for THREE YEARS after #Brexit 1) Forced to accept the bloc's rules 2) Remain in the single market 3) Remain in the customs union. 4) Continuation of free movement Fucking traitorous CUNT http:\/\/shr.gs\/s4pioRR","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gab SUPPORT I hit this account hard most days .its becoming obvious some liberal RAT is being triggered by my post All my POST are marked Sensitive automatically NOW. I don't KNOW WHY !! everyday ITS SOMETHING I Suspect you must have some new employee , liberal faggot working to undermine the accounts.I never had any problems ..now its daily something new ... gab SUPPORT I hit this account hard most days .its becoming obvious some liberal RAT is being triggered by my post All my POST are marked Sensitive automatically NOW. I don't KNOW WHY !! everyday ITS SOMETHING I Suspect you must have some new employee , liberal faggot working to undermine the accounts.I never had any problems ..now its daily something new ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When disabled people talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's a good fuckin' reason we despise these rat faced perfidious invasive species you MAGAtards call \"MUH GREATEST ALLY\" Jews hate Whites Run and hide then, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You made an account to be a twat, you're a twat fuck off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking cunt. I'd sue her ass off","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thanks... I don't usually bother responding to the knuckle draggers, Mom. @IonWhite is tip top.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BlackManUSA @chrislhayes well that's some cracker jack secret service work there. jfk anyone?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Uses the N word all the time. Can't say ten words without Nigger bein' one of them. I heards her deny the holocausts, two.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thats enough thinking for the day boy, drink your mountain dew, listen to nigger music and vote for obama Yup! That's enough WRONGTHINK for one day, goy... go buy some dope off the nigga down the street and let him plow your wife, then go home bouncin your head to nigga music and then watch the niggas running around back and forth with a ball on tv and vote for Obama, then beat off to blackddd.com before bed...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You found me out... I am 1\/1024th Sephardic Jew","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Republican brand is terrible because we've had pushover RINOs in power for the past few decades. A Trump party would keep the brand fresh and new, also signaling a shift in how we're no longer \"PC\" and will not only threaten to counter attack these vicious retards on the left, we'll follow through. Enough is enough. We need a party of power, not pushovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Weaponized","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IDENTIFIED: We Expose The Man Who Roundhouse Kicked A Pro-Life Leader | @HumanDefenseINI http:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/?utm_campaign=shareaholicandutm_medium=twitterandutm_source=socialnetwork If you pay attention, around 100% of losers who try to intimidate others pick on someone they perceive as weaker than themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LYING WHORE NEEDS TO BE VOTED OUT UGLY CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She looks like a real winner. Rot in jail cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger English for people to black to understand real english","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Facebook. The place to project your retarded stupid feelings onto the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CarolynEmerick @RockingMrE \"but whether people like it or not Germans were living in mud huts when the Greeks and Italians were laying the foundation for western civilization\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4IjWxkmIDi8andfeature=youtu.beandt=567","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clever non-white mutants ruled by jews !!! You know you are winning when the niggers, beaners, gooks are starving by the millions with nothing but whigger -- the other whyte meat -- left to eat !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's *just* chocolate milk. What a cunt, I was hoping fora follow-up like this. Maybe if you had an attention span that outperformed that of a goldfish you would realize that yes, it really does. Did we not just watch a man, his wife and two little girls get ripped to absolute shreds in front of, not just the nation, but the world based on nothing but extremely sketchy hearsay that was debunked by every person cited as having been witnesses? The Dems then got mad and accused him of sexism, alcoholism, everything under the sun when he DARED stand up for himself. Kanye West comes out as a Trump supporter. How DARE he leave The Ol' Democrat Plantation?? He must be an insane negro house slave and an Uncle Tom who hates his own people. This is just the tip of the iceberg. All this country is anymore is reactionary Democrat antics, push back against the antics, and then the demonization of those who push back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other tr4ns people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good Nigger !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*NEW VIDEO* A gay, \"non-binary\" Muslim drag queen explains how gender and race fluidity is proven by science. So delighted my BBC license fee is paying for this. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6Fanea5kcfg can we send it back to where it came from?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Staged fuckery! A retard can see through this soro's stunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GET RID OF THIS CUNT NOW! #TheresaMay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't believe the \"he got into fights\" part. Yeah, maybe with a cat, but Ubama has never had a man's fist meet his nose. EVER! Fuggin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTF it's okay for you to hate the Jew but not the other guy huh? Don't you want to beat a Jew? Does it matter how old the Jew is? Does it matter what gender? Naw naw that's good to you but these people are out of line. HYPOCRITE!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Neil Basu who the fuck put that Paki cunt in charge, this is where it all goes wrong. Paki's, Nigga's and Shitskins can't run their own country's so why the fuck they running ours...All these foreign fucks and I don't give a shit if they where born here, have to go...all of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_shegotthis yellow rice black beans and pork chop sis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Proud Boys were able to wrestle the streets of Portland away from the judeo-left even though the latter had home field advantage and a very sympathetic Mayor (Ted Wheeler). Theyre ready to charge into Berkeley, Manhattan (where Hillary got like 90% of the vote), and so on. Compare to some alt-rights retreating into autism and ironybro faggot shit. The proud nigger lovers haven't accomplished jack shit in Portland and other leftist cities. Antifa is still marching in the streets, blocking traffic, threatening citizens, and getting away with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no you weren't saying that at all. you actually said they did something stupid, but now you're backtracking and saying maybe this is calculated. i'm not sure what your point will be when you respond i'm just saying this is a dumb move and i don't trust a company that makes dumb moves. investing is a risk and if you would like to take that risk, good luck. from what i've seen is when companies start making retarded moves like this, it's usually a bad sign.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chicks love these ugly hipster faggots. Prolly cause they look like the dad that was never in their life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Duh that's stupid, how does she have 2 adopted black nigger kids but only 1 special needs kid? Does the one nigger kid stand on the other nigger kids shoulders and they wear a trenchcoat like a cartoon?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her own facebook post, ran through google translate and might need some more adjustment - but anyone reading this should compare it to the actual movie above. Its insane. \"ASSAULT WITH HATE CRIME MOTIVE On January 11, 2018, I was on my way home from work at \/r\/the_donald will probably want to comment on this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"* I join PUBG * Gonna get some randoms with me * Load in, 3 other randoms join me * Everyone says 'hi' and 'hows it going' * My first question is 'what skin color are you? what race?' * They all quit * Racist cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most fascinating coverage regarding Cesar was found on Anderson Cooper. He interviews the family's long-time lawyer. Interesting info about how Cesar's mother was a Democrat activist in the area for at least the last 20 years. Lawyer also states Cesar was too low IQ to do this alone. Starts at 10:25 and goes for 10 mins. https:\/\/youtu.be\/HBPErriZu3I I don't have reason to believe he was ever a Democrat. If he was a felon, how was he registered at all? the Left will go to any lengths to topple Trump!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White bus drivers are all white trash. #LosAngeles","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Philscbx NWO EU and CHINA GLOBALISM VS USA and RUSSIA NATIONALISM ! NWO CHINA and EU UNITE TO KILL FREE SPEECH https:\/\/www.real.video\/5824617459001 NWO HATE TRUMP https:\/\/youtu.be\/X_xN0u2d7AI GERMANY www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/09\/30\/merkel-globalism-warns-trump-against-destroying-un RUSIA CRUSHES SOROS https:\/\/youtu.be\/sjf6hJYO6io","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A message to fellow white people, NEVER DEPRIVE A NIGGER OF THEIR CHICKEN AND WAFFLES FOR BREAKFAST! Professor Kuhtoons will act like this. I hope you white people wise up because niggers never behave without their chicken and waffles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AdamBaldwin @ChicoDelainky clams to be a comedy writer. #untrue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton: The Way Trump Debated Me, It Was Imbued with Sexism' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/hillary-clinton-the-way-trump-debated-me-it-was-imbued-with-sexism\/ translation- Trump didn't give me deferential treatment because I claim to have a vagina, he treated me like anyone else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do people really pay for your retarded pronouncements?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The crazy train just kept running over this cunt over and over and over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Confirmed Anti-American communists, posing as white nationalists and shilling to demoralize conservative voters and\/or convince them not to vote: @ewige_blatt NAZBOWL siege man @GTKRWN Silverdawn @Larry63 Proud WASP @Vanilla_Cornflakes Vanilla Nilla *** A couple of these could just be completely clueless fucktards, but I doubt it. This is the same imbecile from 8chan. He's there on 8pol hysterically screeching about the urgency of electing jewish capital.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not guilt. It's stupidity on a scale unknown in human history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"can my cat not kill birds and make a huge mes of feathers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hatstorm mot barnens tidning: H ll k ften https:\/\/www.aftonbladet.se\/nyheter\/a\/dd1Kaj\/hatstorm-mot-barnens-tidning-efter-enkaten the mportant question is - what does that illegal feral rapist muslim nigger rising threatening finger on viewers do on that image!? IT has no place here in civilised Christian white world!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For the record. If we all had some major accident and lost our skins, evil people would still be evil people but the racists would have no idea who is who. You would then look for people who were not evil never knowing what color their skin was. And they not knowing yours. Maybe we need to skin a bunch of assholes? And what race am I? Genius? I didn't think you had any brains. I am whiter than you. And apparently I have about 50-60 IQ points on you too. Wow, awesome response. Did you get this from your frontal lobe or your asshole? Can you even tell the difference? Dumbest fucking comment I have ever read. I am not for diversity, never said I was. I will fight anyone who hates anyone else based on their skin color. In other words, I hate racists pukes black or white. You are included there piss boy. Again, sounds like cerebral flatulence. Are we all getting this people? The show must go on. Keep them coming. You certainly wrote the book oncerebrsl flatulence. It's anuou know, bigot. Immortalized dumb ass. Your mamma would be proud.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many people are caught up on the celebrity couple and not the tactic used by the magazine. Fucking hell, it would be miraculous if you could get the retarded masses not to care about celebrities.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do you assume the mother is white? If you're going by the son's name, I have met black dudes named Aiden so not sure you can base the mother's race off that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And it's gotta be some ghetto fool :\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Being mentally ill is God's greatest gift to me,\" says the butt-sore faggot as he wipes his chin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about...no? I don't have the time or energy for all this stupid shit, I have to work for a living. Say \"stupid poop next time and avoid the harmful swear. Continued use of harassing swears will result in permanent bans being issued by yours truly. Final warning. Fukkin' lol. You were warned. You are now: BANNED This ban can be appealed in private message to me as long as it doesn't contain any swears. Fukkin' lol. Please respect the ban. Please respect my pronouns I will as long as they aren't cuss words. You need to stop going around reddit pretending to be an admin\/mod and \"banning people\". It isn't cute, you're an asshole. I will stop banning people as soon as people stop swearing. Not a minute sooner.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually there you piss and faggot piece of libtarded shit it's FUCK YOU and FUCKYOU FOR BEING A COMMUNIST CUNT PIECE OF SHIT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cuz everybody wants to be part nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lesbians cant do math fucking mood lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberal cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/fbi-agent-shot-by-booby-trapped-wheelchair-much-like-a-scene-fromindiana-jones","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When Maxine Waters encouraged violence against Trump Cabinet members, it wasn't the first time she displayed behavior unbecoming of a federal lawmaker. She's been involved in many other controversies - including abusing power to enrich family members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ZGNm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"- Shit skins always trying to exercise their faggot brown nonsense. @Athiabalba","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should not allow for any immigrant to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...This evil Anti-Semitic attack is an assault on humanity. It will take all of us working together to extract the poison of Anti-Semitism from our world. We must unite to conquer hate. 2:41 pm - 27 Oct 2018 Sending prayers out tonight to those Americans of the Jewish #Faith murdered exercising their constitutional right to worship God. I pray that God comforts their broken hearts. I pray these prayers in the name of Jesus. #GabFam #Faith #Israel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't beat a score of 12 on flappy bird #givingup","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Keep your thoughts to yourself. We are faggots and proud of it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who in their right mind would live in that faggot and immigrant infested city...???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be better off without coal plants like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"standard nigger behaviour?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Child, you have no idea what you are talking about, but let me give you some idea of what I'm talking about, if you ever call me a faggot again I'm going to make your life a living fucking hell, make your next words count because if I hear you call me a bitch again it's going to be bad for you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Know your enemy. #poorLittleJacob #yourefuct #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What we are witnessing is not just about the Midterm election... It's the 3rd stage of Marxist\/Lenin doctrine intended to destroy a nation and it is called \"Crisis\". https:\/\/youtu.be\/0wakec06NlA They're actually Bolsheviks, but yeah... https:\/\/holodomorinfo.com\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" No fucking way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, we in India have not forgotten Churchill for the famine, which at-least killed half as much as the holocaust. \"Why isn't Gandhi dead yet?\" - Churchill, when this concern was raised.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow. Not used to seeing that. In Murica all those cops would have yelled \"stop resisting\" and proceed to pommel her ass. Clearly you have been brainwashed by Fake News CNN. What's it like being so easily brainwashed? Is it due to your extremely low IQ? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? That must be it. What are you talking about? It's their only post in this thread, and it sounds like a complete joke. > It's like they taught a chimpanzee to type You're just saying that because I'm black, you racist piece of shit. Are you trying to get hired at the Racist New York Times or something? You're well on your way, racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Other Jihadi news #ISIS executed #Kuwait preacher Redha Lari coz he was.. too extreme and hampered reconciliation with Nusra with his fatwas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I appeared on National Bugle Radio with Dr. Patrick Slattery the other day: http:\/\/www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org\/national-bugle-radio-with-patrick-slattery-10-4-18\/ Why not inform us prior to the event? I need an IRL assistant with me on the road. I have loads of volunteers, mostly part-time ones, but I need an IRL executive assistant who is in it for the cause, willing to put in the hours I put in, for little to no money, just food, shelter, a loaner cell phone and unlimited data for it. Come to NH and pick me up. I'll drop out of college.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. BLACK WOMEN LIVE IN A DIFFERENT WORLD THAN NORMAL PEOPLE. BLACK WOMEN ARE OWED EVERYTHING. WHEN THEY ARE RACIST IT IS OK. AND JUST LIKE THIS BLACK TWAT SHE WILL TELL YOU SO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Videos: Whatcott courtandactivist update, October 16, 2018 #CURSECanada #AgentsOfSODOM #FAGGOTpolice #SODOMITES I remember when a fucking Satanic faggot called my home number@3AM some decades ago from the #HOMOSEXUAL CHURCH STREET CITADEL and threatened2kill me as he shouted his filth http:\/\/www.freenorthamerica.ca\/viewtopic.php?f=16andt=10729 Faggots deserve AIDS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and Nigger economy (goolag that shit, it's worth the keks)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only thing that fat old twat can do is bag and tag that thing it calls a wife.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"female lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta keep the sox down while they're down! #RedSox #Yankees #mlb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wisdom, Will, and Wizard (Vodin, Vili, and Ve) created all hominids through emanationism - psychic emanations from the divine realm into the material universe, influencing the pre-sapient hominids to act in certain ways that led towards uplifting. (The opening scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey is a good representation of emanationism.) 1\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disability centres all around the world. That s were our money goes. Let s take em down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@iTrapWatermelon: tweety bird tho https:\/\/t.co\/JbnoNM3N1P\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cambreezy_ @TheLittleFella_ she spelled faggots with an e you're so cool lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"act of retard more like it ,nothing exploded either they are fake or he was retarded as hell","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Jokes on you, I'm already a faggot!\" Nice save. Not as good as redirecting onto someone's avatar. Teach me how to be a mighty faggot, senpai. \"Please don't acknowledge my name, my avatar, or my header, I'm just ironically promoting some gayass Reddit shit!\" If you had anything of substance to say, I'd respond to that. \"I'm just a troll, don't take me seriously, don't shit on my retarded ideology!\" Trolls don't admit they're trolls. You aren't trolling, you're shitposting your genuine beliefs while cowardly escaping criticism through false claims of irony. #MGTOW The grovelling to women, male feminist beta, cries out in pain as he punches himself in the face, for his white aryan princess in wheatfields ... and still cant get a white whore to fuck him ... lol @kekservative Keep crying male feminist, beta faggot, white whores will always refuse to fuck you ... lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh is gonna be a festering cancer in the Courts, but this is fucking rediculous. Edit: fight me virgins Edit 2: the autism on this thread is pretty stellar. God forbid some one have a different opinion than you. I even half agree with you troglodytes about this being stupid, but your short sided responses cant even attempt to compremise. Don't cry too hard into your soy milk faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flabby bird sounds Turrible. Lol. I'll just stick to watching paint dry...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PMan's current title (\"Jew Lover from MPC\") was acquired from a particularly retarded boomerpoaster here. Is this faggot white nationalist child brain ever right about anything other than his mom being ashamed of his birth?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrant lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sis in law sent me this, y'all. lololol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds like we should bring operation wetback back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kirstynehbu faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@skrabah Don't my nigga me honkie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islam is pig shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A GOOD DAY FOR TOMMY ROBINSON AS PEOPLE TRAVEL TO LONDON TO SUPPORT HIM. CASE ADJOURNED AND REFERRED BACK TO GOVERNMENT #TommyRobinson #Britfam #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racism and nationalism is nothing but ignorance. Hence the hate, and cruelty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MichaelArenella: Shy girls are cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We marched for queer liberation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How racist are you, from one to ten? I wish they'd stop playing that music so loud","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You should quit deleting your posts before I respond to them. You're the retard around here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest - Violent Protesters Considered \"Victims\" https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/portland-police-want-to-charge-driver-with-crimes-after-escaping-mob-protest-violent-protesters-considered-victims\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or banned...just openly mocked. ...*you fucking faggot*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#texasFirst (YesWeCan.) A new @EddieEnglish video titles ~ USA Security take no chances with muslim women ,give her more than a strip search ~ http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Cn7nwl #FreeTommy @PoliticalIslam #zioFREE #RebuildingTheMan [phpGab] no sympathy here goes with the territory - no likey BOOM BOOM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JacobbBacker you don't know shit about me faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You've been lampooned at every step. I could use my twitter profile if I wanted to, dummie. #MuhNameCalling and muh retarded children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"gab.ai is redirecting you to gab.com... its retarded but you have to log in to use the .com site separately from the .ai site (which keeps kicking me over to .com)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This muslim with his pumped up hood better run better run, faster than my bullet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're explicitly NOT supposed to let people leave their bags at an airport, though. He could have been using her to camouflage a bombing attempt. Furthermore, why should she be polite to somebody who can't be bothered to just pick up their own damn bag and carry it? Is this r\/incels?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. It's like explain to me *again* why you want to inflict an inescapable sense of hopelessness upon the world?' Bonus points if he can explain why anyone would want to pay him 55 plus season pass plus microtransactions to have an inescapable sense of hopelessness inflicted upon them. Dumbass. Retarded fucking dumbass. But then you are not selling your customers an inescapable sense of hopelessness so much as an ego boost. If you want to sell people and ego boost and so gain a sense of satisfaction, well... As I said. Dimwit. Retarded fucking up his own ass poncy idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That spazz has jazz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should not be spending any funds on Climate Change funds like the Green Climate Fund. A complete waste of taxpayer money. - Fraser Anning #KAP #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally figured out where that voiceclip came from... I' m so happy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also I think that's Kim Davis (the ~~faggot~~ clerk), and I don't think even Tyrone wants that is it talking about \"faggot\"?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ugly one-eyed kike nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soon you will run out of Memes\/Gifs...and then you'll have to use your brain. In the mean time,I have a FAMILY to take care of. Try looking at your TITLE PHOTO of retarded GAY BOYS,and then imagine me showing it to my kids,as they laugh at you. Believe me...they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So the Dems and their supporters (Soros) is doubling down again.. They know they are loosing.. Desperately trying anything they can.. I really hate how they USE people as pawns.. The most desperate and down trodden.. #ThesePeopleAreSick #WWG1WGA #StopTheMaddnessOfTheLeft https:\/\/ca.news.yahoo.com\/more-honduran-migrants-seek-join-u-bound-group- Might not be.. Their Luxury SUVs parked right around the corner... Right next to Crooked Hillary's vanbulance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police, where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico we will consider that a firearm. Because there's not much difference, where you get hit in the face with a rock which, as you know, it was very violent a few days ago very, very violent that break-in. It was a break-in of a country. They broke into Mexico.\" EXACTLY. If I were to walk 2 blocks from my apartment and pelt an officer right in the mouth, or even attempt to, I'd be tased or shot, and, if I survived, do 10 years minimum for assaulting an officer. Our military are trained to respond physically to threats and if one of those retarded invaders chucks a water bottle or rock they can expect a facefull of lead. And I'd buy a diet Coke to celebrate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmao my profile is my name and a picture of myself. unmask yourself faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_Nadiaxo fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How in the world can people vote for this nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmm...failed murder attempts...poorly executed....totally retarded and unprofesssional.....hmmm...sounds like Antifa false flag!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But wait.. the Dems said it wasn't them... and it's them. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/gop-doxxing-suspect-arrested-worked-or-interned-for-feinstein-jackson-lee-other-dems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Waiting years for D4 announcement go to Blizzcon a premier event targeted at your \"core\" audience then they show a mobile game and they wonder why the backlash. Meanwhile games like Pokemon Go are beloved by millions? Just because *you* don't like mobile games doesn't mean nobody does I don't see the connection. Diablo has always had a PC version. This one won't. It also won't be developed by blizzard. Which is already 2 huge strikes against it for Diablo fans I'm just saying it might be an opportunity to get some casuals like me into Diablo. Despite all of this negative press the trailer looked cool and I'm looking forward to at least *trying it*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah there are seemingly a lot of racist nazis on GAB but there's really not that many. They are so fun to troll just tell them there is no such thing as race, you can get them fired up for hours. Every nazi on GAB will way in mostly calling me Jew. I am, the human race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Add ONEWAYDOTCOM to the Gab censored hall of martyrs, alongside the great Jsello and the not so great BLITZ and Pepe_Memes. #TOPKEK Cheering on censorship. That's Gab's palace guard. A bunch of scum who want users banned for their opinions. That was always what Side stood for. You cheered on censorship with the doxxing of side What goes around comes around Sidephase was lobbying to ban users. 'Two down, two to go', he said. Then he was gone. That was a quick 180 dread I would never have doxxed Side. But I don't miss him. Wow, even I don't bitch about Side for days on end the way you do! I don't even have to make stuff up to truthfully be angry at him. Side leaving Gab was a chickenshit move looking back at it. But between the doxing innocent ppl and yelling at good friends and major fuck up with his girlfriend (me). He felt it was the right choice. At the time, it was his choice, he wasn't asked, it wasn't pleasant but he took the out. Side felt it would protect everyone. It hasn't but your bullshit comments really take the cake. #MoveTheFuckOn #YouAreCommieScum cc: @Sockalexis @Gee @PepeFarmRemembers @militanthippy @DeplorableBuilder @Broken77 @kgrace @Snugglebunny @Deplorable_Satoshi @LoafOfToast That should be your final word, BB...if he wants to continue to drone on about Side, let it be to himself. You've said all you have to about it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You get no cock meat sandwich from me. Silly faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lets see you take your cops on.. with all your guns.. The cops are on the same side as the gun owners! ROFL I see another adolescent with the mentality of a 2 year old on his mommies computer. Now don't make me put you over my knee kid! is that what's on your mind ? pedo.. Stop crying your mommy will make it all better! still with the kids.. pedo.. Another troll having a \"Terrible Two's\" temper tantrum. Next he will probably send me a picture of himself holding his breath until he turns blue. lol very definitely a 2 year old child fanatic.. They say you can't fix stupid ! Like this kid too dumb to realize my early post said \"adolescent with the mentality of a 2 year old\" Guess he is too busy proving me correct with all these childish postings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Written by a christard yesterday in here ,They choose that goddamn sand nigger OVER their race Eat a shit squirrel in the woods like a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I saw both sides being retarded recently: Left: Some woman calling Dr Ford 'badass'. :\/ Right: Red Ice calling Kanye West 'based'. Both are cringe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SkinnieTalls: It's not as easy as you'd think to find an astronaut monkey outfit at the last minute.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of women ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The last one should be stupid retarded fool\/moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They all look retarded AND evil to me!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That Ukrainian kid is more dangerous to Sweden than Muzzie rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well Jim didn't really seem to want to go after the Alt Right but being the high IQ galaxy brains they are, they found a way to get him to BTFO them. Good job guys, you're all really smart people and don't come off like spaghetti spilling fags. Is this about the Dio faggot, or did something else happen? \"Eh Meh Ged Ralf, Yuure A Fuking Race Mikser!\" What a retard - also, he's supposedly a \/pol\/ vet AND a long-time Jim fan, yet still expects Jim to be his Personal Army?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soon sexbots will replace the need for women. At least they won't claim rape after regretful sex. This girl made up that shit so her boyfriend wouldn't find out she cheated. > At least they won't claim rape after regretful sex HEY! Not so fast there buddy. There are already feminists out trying to shut down that industry due to claims that all dolls are just a \"Rape Fantasy\" and \"normalizes rape\". [Calls for Paris sex-doll 'brothel' to be closed down](https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/03\/17\/calls-paris-sex-doll-brothel-closed-rape-fantasies\/)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people belong in our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RubyFakhoury @Nyquil_Dreams @guynamedjordan lets not forget the fact that everyone and their mother has yellow fever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This lady is 3 cans light of a six pack. She needs to fade away. But then again, maybe she's the best thing the GOP can have for the mid-terms and the 2020 Presidential elections. She is good for a laugh. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/hillary-clinton-the-way-trump-debated-me-it-was-imbued-with-sexism\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John Podesta: Hillary is \"Acting Like a Retard - She Smells Like Boiled Cabbage, Urine, and Farts\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BTW, his Muzzie Girlfriend must dress him ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Transphobic cunt. It's 20XX, how are we still assuming people's gender?!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That front flip was trash. That's how I front flip into the swimming pool and land on my back every time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@occdissent @jackcorbin Masked antifa gets unmasked. Tattoos will help pinpoint this faggot. looks like one of those portland antifa SHARPS, same group with that faggot that got KOed not so long ago","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Turdos gang.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's an awfully tidy, nice, bullshit-sounding number. Just sayin'. It would have been pretty easy to obtain a warrant for her phone records. No doubt. That just seems like a suspiciously tidy rounded number. I mean maybe it was 65k....but thats tough to imagine. Doesn't mean it isnt so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another nutcase Muzzie who is probably a victim of inbreeding in her own family. Breast feeding was the original baby bottle given by God all in its original packaging and no refrigeration required.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It should be clear that gay people are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i reblogged them to mock her god bless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump's super power is being Awesome the kind of Awesome that can turn a Liberal into a puddle of tears it's like watching him slap books out of their hands while walking to his next class in high school or shoving them into a locker or duct taping their asses shut in gym.. I ABSOFUCKINGLUTLEY LOVE IT you jerkoff retard liberal shit sniffing creeps and weirdos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The reason you weren't crying enough is because you weren't terrified, Very simple, you are mocking women who have endured real pain of not consenting. Try being five years old , pinned down and forcefully penetrated. Followed by eighteen years of silence. I lost my voice because of that. I wish I could have said something, but I felt that it was my own fault. The nerve of you, please take your pitty party somewhere else!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's like a hemorrhoid that's been detached from an asshole Evil never sleeps. OBAMA SHOULD FADE AWAY AND KEEP WHATEVER DIGNITY HE MAY HAVE LEFT...WHICH ISN'T MUCH OBAMARAMA STILL CAUSING DRAMA just go away and die gracefully please","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bottles are beautiful on the inside and out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean it's in the name, LG**B**T. b stands for bigender?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hopefully. acosta the spic can self-deport himself back to Mexico soon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jew dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kincade00 shut up bitch for I spit on you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We can call ourselves faggots if that feels empowering, but not others. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! bye faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The experienced ones are the laziest from what I've seen. It's like they give up trying and just lay there after a while.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idk, there's been a few: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MensRights\/comments\/9j1kh8\/rbpt_weighs_in_on_double_standards_and_treating\/ https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MensRights\/comments\/9hfibd\/some_wisdom_from_rblackpeopletwitter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GAB has almost nobody noteworthy here, which is gold. Milo hasn't been here in 7 months, Baked Alaska stopped using it 10 days ago. Trump still hasn't come. Ben Shapiro likely forgot it exist and Steven Crowder doesn't give a shit. Nobody other than Alex Jones seems to use GAB. Everybody else likely knows Torba is just a money hungry jew, not a free speech lover. Milo hasn't been relevant in over a year, nobody gives a damn about Baked Alaska, Trump is too busy triggering leftists on Twitter, Ben Shapiro isn't noteworthy and Steven Crowder probably can't be on Gab per his contract with CRTV. If you want to hear the opinions of a British faggot who fucks niggers, open another tab in your browser and go to whichever cesspool Milo is on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know what you been told but I love them project hoes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather dei than date a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a disgusting POS. Was he the one that drowned his sister? https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/this-is-cnn-don-lemon-brings-up-kanye-wests-deceased-mother-to-criticize-trump-meeting-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton: \"Women's lives, women's narratives - they've been historically dismissed, condescended to.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MnMw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger twat! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"imagine saying crazy shit like this but not joking. aside from banning music, we need to ban hinduism in the west. it makes white people go retarded The #Jews murdered him, you dimwit. The Jews infiltrate everything they can. and? He chose them. He could have looked up their last names, but he was a dumb old lazy Indian who liked rape and money Jews infiltrate every religion...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mentally disabled people are fucking scary. Their disfigurements are very unnerving and strange and the fact that they have the mental capacity of a 5 year old makes them all the more threatening as you never know what they might do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All you muzzy lovers need to do one thing. Tell muzzies in the mideast to leave Israel alone. Don't start no shit won't be no shit. #Israel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jgalt666: Don't let a crisis go to waste.Dems Exploiting Ebola to trash Repubs opposed to Obama s choice for Surgeon Gen, http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking CHRIST i hate tutors and TAs. you literally get paid to teach retards to stop picking their nose. GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY FACE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"imagine being the bull dyke blue haired fat sideshave septum piercing strap-on dildo fatty who posted this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go get left in a hot car and die bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wtf is wrong with these bitches, menstrual blood is disgusting wtf is wrong with you? Omfg get a fucking hobby you sick twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Try some Xanax.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/17\/healthy-conversation-twitter-takes-no-action-as-louis-farrakhan-calls-jews-termites\/?fbclid=IwAR2nfJ0YhcHOTtqTbF_SzeWOyE8QzcF-6DrJYsyq3zHqtr2W8K9DSkYayl4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course the Muslm was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These millenial retards who didn't listen in history class are slandering an actual hero. Nice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here I am, laughing about how they made an entire article about **dicks.** They are so desperate for content they're literally rating in-game penises. I'm not sure if that's funny or sad. Probably both. Edit: Thanks for the gold Stranger!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Threehoez rip plate, brownies, large tea, fries, beans potato salad, poboy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a bull shit pic who cares , some fuck whit sent me a composite pic and recons it proves something . I must say it proves the sender is a cunt Nazis possibly used carts LIKE this to move bodies .... NAZIs did or they did not ?...NAZI is a bullshit word when THE HOLOCAUST IS A LIE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@teapot Great GIF. Got a source URL for @gifs?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RC Davis is a little nigger lover..maybe he should invite kanye over to dinner and let him fuck his wife..LOL.. sickening white worm! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Um, @SenCollins Why do you have a problem with truth ? All RINOS hate the truth. They're like Democrats. Only worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And here you go you NPC faggot https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=o8PGOMJZirc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not know many immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am arguing with someone who thinks I should never use the block button just cuz I blocked some retard making gay jokes. Um, yeah I don't play by your libertarian rule book, and I don't put up with low brow, stupid humour or perverts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Asian sex gang of 20 men whose trial led to Tommy Robinson's arrest are jailed for more than 200 years for drugging and raping vulnerable girls as young as ELEVEN in seven-year reign of terror https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2yofWnB 43 gangs down and many more to go. Raping non Muslims for 1400 years. #BanIslam #SendThemBack DEPORT THE PAKISTANI COMMUMITY Paedophile judge Marsden has such low morals he should be castrated and his eyes gouged out Watched it. I was sexually abused by 2 paki men when I was 15 in I was just walking down the street in broad daylight they were seen and were given a good beating I hope you got a gun and killed them because I would of No guns But pakis sexually abused or raped young white girls as soon as their filthy feet TOUCHED UK soil. Media called our lads protecting females Nazis and paki bashers The piss poor Media never even investigated why it was happening Now today 1 million girls raped I'm so angry Millions of victims, scarified on the alter of 'multiculturalism' for virtue signalling purposes, The #TraitorClass have blood and tears of our children on their hands. David Cameron who wants a muslim. Prime minister of the UK hasn't sold his young daughter an old muslim fuckwiit. Even though she's of age CAMERON SOLD WORKING CLASS CHILDREN TO MUSLIMS. HE MUST DIE PAINFULLY REALLY PAINFULLY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tech experts are turning down job offers from Google over the company's development of a censored search engine for China. Report: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/techs-turn-down-google-jobs-over-dragonfly-censorship-project\/ #Dragonfly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love to see a nigger bashing the yids,,,,they can't go after a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT AmyMek Sweden is Gone! Swedish \"feminists\" demand non-muslim women \"respect\" Sharia and embrace the beauty of having multiple wives (also child brides) who can help take care of the man, home and children It increasingly appears that it will be Sweden that integrates into Islamic culture https:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i feel more retarded already after being in school. self fulfilling prophecy treated like a retard start being one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a bunch of faggots. Offense is completely subjective. These losers know their ideology is completely bankrupt and intellectually dishonest, which is why the only moves they have are authoritarian in nature: censorship, doxxing, mob justice. As an americunt the perfect balance is to protect the right to free speech","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beau went Full Retard delicious","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Former San Antonio mayor and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Obama Juli n Castro says he's \"likely\" to run for president in 2020 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/9XDv Now, Now, be nice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im here take back word nigger!! its just a word!! look you can be a white nigger so whats the real deal!! with niggers?? if blacks cant except it then they need heads exams!! your more racisist then whites!! and you know it!!!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday said Honduran President Juan Orlando Hern ndez told him that the migrant caravan marching toward the U.S.-Mexico border is \"financed by Venezuela. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/FKkt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ppd must have been retarded that day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My family owned the quarry at Stone Mountain before the Civil War... afterwards when the dust settled, my family was ran off their home place by carpetbagging opportunist... I still have a connection to the land there... If this twat thinks she's capable of destroying this monument... she has another thing coming...(cont)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i honestly dont know why twitter thinks i would never push a faggot away from me and say got a problem faggot? in real life, then ban me from twitter for saying i would do that in real life to a faggot talking shit to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are they nigger babies? It may just be bats roosting in the ceiling. I had hundreds at my old place","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded soyboys","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Trump made those retarded comments about Snowden it pissed me off pretty bad, the NSA spying shit is a huge deal to me. It was to Democrats too... during the Bush years. They didn't hold Obama and certainly not Clinton to those same standards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? Lol I actually voted Syria. I don't trust Jews or Saudis and Iranians don't like Americans. I know Putin likes Assad. I've listened to Assad speak, he's quite Western and I find him believable. Every Iranian I ever met liked Americans. Go to Iran and wave the US flag mate, whilst wearing lipstick and a dress. Dare you lol ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"STOP. DRINKING. COW. MILK. Do people realize that for a cow to produce milk it has to get pregnant? and for people to have such milk the calf cant consume any of it? Do they realize that puss and blood is found in milk and that the milk at the grocery store is only 5 to 10% milk and the rest is just powder and water? Gross.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. White means you're not a faggot who asks retarded shit like \"What is white?\" in some subversive attempt to seem super philosophical. It doesn't make you look edgy or wise- it's just fuckin retarded. LOL... I know. I even scrolled past it at first but the whole \"What is white\" just ate at me like some retarded succubus. What is white? WTF does that even mean?? White, motherfucker- it means white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dem Doxxer Can be famous too, but as good #Conservative peeps, we wouldn't make it go viral...would we? Is this is the Bitch who Doxxed #Conservative Senators the other day?... Works for Lovely Maxine Waters??? Bad anons...bad bad Anons...LOL #ConfirmKavanaugh #BringThePain #LetTheBodiesHitTheFloor --------------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@thereal_EMandM texans d\/st won't play the redskins again this year...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They got the redskins faking injuries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's to be expected when our bravest and strongest go off to die while the weakest and cowardly force them to. We're left with not so good offspring that will do shit like this. > It's to be expected when our bravest and strongest go off to die while the weakest and cowardly force them to. We're left with not so good offspring that will do shit like this. lol man, get off your high horse. most people in a war are not there voluntarily but under force. And furthermore women have fought beside men throughout time, but due to logistical restraints they needed to stay home for the most part. Someone needed to tend the farm and create the new recruits. Some Viking women fought, as well in other cultures. Whats with the rudness? Some incredible exception does not prove the general rule wrong. I am rude because your brain trauma drags the world backwards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Around bowling balls and blacks, don't relax. https:\/\/www.detroitnews.com\/story\/news\/local\/macomb-county\/2018\/10\/15\/two-arrested-roseville-bowling-ball-attack\/1650729002\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wow.Bette Midler said nigger #breakingnews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Midnight_Snacka @Nick_504_ u look like that fat kid on Charlie walker the that got stuck it the chocolate tube.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's total bullshit! The leaders are extremely anti-Xtian! Why else would they bring in millions of Muslims? Also, the Pope is a total faggot pedo that likes to lecture on \"Antisemitism\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a dumb cunt lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you insult a check mark like @a No, you are not being discriminated against, because you are giving Torba shit for not letting you guys post child porn by cartoon. you are being locked, because other gab users are reporting you for not using the correct tags etc. How come you cannot read, single digit IQ man? \"hur dur dur, why are pedophiles persecuted so...\" Imagine being this butthurt that you can't even read the text in an image. Imagine being a pedophile.... oh wait i can't You on the other hand.... All the insults you can come up with in relation to me< You are a pedophile. When you get so mad you give up trying to make sense \"random insults and kvetching because you are ignorant of my pedophile ways\" \"Oh and you are the mad one\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White kids, black kids, yellow kids hell even purple kids, if you carry yourselves like Daniel #Geale you will go far. #GealeMundine2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No they find a German guy named Claus and do that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about FraudulentCunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NIGGER OF COURSE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"woolfe...jew nigger mongrel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you have a daughter that you can donate to the cause to be raped by a volunteer nigger buck?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kavanaugh on track for confirmation. Flake: 'no additional' corroboration. Collins: 'very thorough' FBI report https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/white-house-fully-confident-of-kavanaugh-vote-after-receiving-fbi-report Trump probably told Flake he'd punch him so hard he'd correct that nose if he didn't confirm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seem like da colored folk be gettin in da way lately. I just sayin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you're just a cunt to random employees at their jobs?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Videos that end too soon.... theres a longer video where the woman officer has another officer cut her hair to get her to let go: link here [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I chased the last nigger family off of my block. Weird, you sound like a nigger...Your block?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don t hate those kids with these problems, but I m just saying I feel very ver uncomfortable around them. They are weirdos. Don t like them. Please god make my child a healthy and good one","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another retarded abused, raped Hollywood star! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But Morning Schmoe said they were over a thousand miles away!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know the feeling when you're out on the town with people your regard as really smart and respectable and you see a friend from another time in your life that was dumb but entertaining who you kinda stopped hanging out with because they never really \"leveled up\" in intelligence or maturity and that friend comes up and proves their consistency by saying something embarrassingly retarded in front of your smart friends... Yeahhh this is that feeling...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The biblical jews were wiped out by the romans in the roman jewish wars. Now we have nothing but antichrists to deal with Revelations 3 9 Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you. LOL it's not his god, that would be Baal. are you one of them wanna be pagan subversives? None of these gods are your gods though. Really, western(white) civilization was built on Christianity. Irish pagans adopted islam instead of fighting it. You could all be saying math is the work of the devil from your shithole without it. So are you saying whites sucked before Christianity? No, I'm saying the romans shed paganism for a reason, it sucked at uniting people against the jew as one example. Christianity is antithetical to white nationalism. They believe Europe was a shithole before Christianity. *correcting his historical inaccuracy is fruitless as this isn't a debate of fact. Poke a Christian and in two comments they'll throw their entire people under the bus to protect a sand jew LOL haven't checked the genetics of romans have you. The goal of white nationalism should be getting rid of the jew, which is all over the bible, where do pagan gods say jews are to be persecuted forever? Typical subversive bullshit The goal of white nationalism is putting our people over everything. Something Christians are unwilling to do There where no jews in central and northern europe until your christians allowed them safe passage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DEAD FAGGOT WITH AIDS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This new avi trash or nah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VaTxn: Illegal alien is not a race. It's a crime. @MuchoMacho @McDonalds @jeandeaux1776 @cspanwj #wetbacks http:\/\/t.co\/pf2YpelyOP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exactly. I don't care what you believe, long as you don't start killing me for it, we're golden. You are saying that all Jews are Communists, which does not match to reality, which then means you're the useful idiot of propaganda. Guess what? Some Christians are Communists. That means you're a Communist.... Lol Christian communism - thats a first. Thick as conctete this bird Are you really trying to say there are no Christians that are Communists? Go ahead. Make that claim, Bigbird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not really, it just shows how many sick, twisted liberals are still around. They'll sell their souls for an overrated, overpriced pair of overseas produced welfare shoes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hitler Lives till the end of Times 1488 Hitler Lives for ever and ever. Hitler will not go away, he stays with the people, people will praise Hitler for ever, can censor us, can persecut us, can kill us, can torture us, the sionist done all of this sinc nuremberg the sionist terror machine. after sionists are gone, Hitler will continue. Hitler Lives for ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh God shut the fuck up you mentally retarded jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that a feckless old cunt like Mazie Hirono can be sent to be part of the \"elite\" US Senate is mind-boggling. We must find a way to ensure scum is seen as unelectable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pokemon is the best game ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wonder why this pathetic little brainwashed twat is recording this....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmm how not to be racist says the anti-white racist cunt who wrote this retarded piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TURDICUS NIGGER !! TURDS IN THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SEPTIC TANK STINK LIKE HELL !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So basically we have a nigger buck beating the shit out of a white girl. I fucking hate you clown world! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6317165\/Transgender-girl-charged-brutal-high-school-attack-caught-camera-says-bullied.html Another example of the violent nature of the the nigger. Now they're hiding beind this faggot disguise","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fark me what a cunt, this man never had choice in going to war many have died so this dumb cunt can now spew her hatreade left and right. She should move Saudi Arabia and practice her freedom of expression, maybe after first public lashing she will undestand the privilege all white man have given her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@fairflattaxnow @Morning_Joe @JoeNBC hey #teabagger the law made it a FELONY to keep and collect the records. Get your facts straight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Totally agree. It's all trash. If dems win a majority, there will be some Super retarded reasoning essentially saying: We can't tell the truth and prosecute murderous pedophiles (even though we \"have it all\") because blues control congress. Total garbage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murdering a disabled person like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"British cops lol. I'd just taze everyone that's fucking with you. There shouldn't be a \"fight\". You touch an officer that's it, you're done. The disrespect by all those people not just the woman. If they keep fucking with you, that's why you should have a gun. Every event like this is so comical. That guy literally tackled the officer and ain't shit happen to him. They're afraid to hurt these people cause they can't defend themselves if they piss off the mob. Good luck with the refugee invasion. I'd be amazed if they were 'British cops' seeing as everyone else in the video is Australian you dumbass... Lol Australia was populated by Britain and so they sound British you fuck tard. Who really gives a fuck, their cops act the same. Eat shit. Most US white people are of German origin. Edit (to be more accurate): Of 118 million of immigrants between 1820 and 1996 ([source](https:\/\/www.infoplease.com\/us\/race-population\/immigrants-us-country-origin)): Europeans : 73 million (61%) Germans: 14 million (12%) British: 10 million (9%) Irish: Which is neither here nor there in this case It does matter, but not to ignorant morons like yourself who can't differentiate accents and behaviours. Yeah let's just drop and shoot everyone because 'murica does. Fuckin idiot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Home office fuck of you paki bastards The cunt needs two in the head...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gr ne sind Kinderlieb. https:\/\/www.welt.de\/politik\/deutschland\/article141406874\/Gruenen-Politikerin-Kuenast-geraet-in-Erklaerungsnot.html Artikel vom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The last at-bat at Yankee Stadium. Thanks for making it a good one, Captain. #FarewellCaptain. http:\/\/t.co\/UVJgbCpcbU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup RT @Durags4Eva: Egg nog trash rap","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This aint your photo bitch Never said it was, faggot If we all stand together and do the right thing: Block. Then we deny access; and we kill the cunts off. Bitch got trolled by a fag. Top lulz. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look, another girl being a stupid aggressive cunt for no reason. Perpetual children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will people understand that only gay people are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@basedgvbe trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White #cop being demonized for busting unruly niglet. Nogs want him #fired. Video of police officer arm-locking 12-year-old child rapper Lil C-Note goes viral https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/video-police-officer-arm-locking-12-year-old-child-rapper-lil-c-note-goes-viral- Never an abuse of power to get a nigger under control. the nigger needs to be constantly reminded of its place at the bottom of the social hierarchy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This lazy nigger has a six-hour-per-week show. Haha. He muted me. Now he wants to block me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Andddd he's a Spic mutt of course...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AG2Pearl: Black Americans Are Worse Off Under BHO http:\/\/t.co\/k4IwEugNyx Well researched article...bound to elicit cries of Uncle Tom ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger weasel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.barnhardt.biz\/2018\/10\/06\/gay-gym-cruising-cardinal-tobins-nighty-night-baby-i-love-you-sodomy-partner-is-the-italian-actor-that-is-playing-john-the-baptist\/ It doesnt get much more disturbing than whats going on in this article, even for the catholic church.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In reality, it's those retards that voted for them in the first place. State-run institutions used to dot the Country and they were full, now the State pays the retard Social Security and they run free. RETARDS I TELL YOU!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PDX White Nigger Rally. Afterwards they smoke pot and suck each other off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CLOAKED WARSHIPS OFF VENEZUELA COAST. SOMETHING IS GOING ON. WATCH THIS! https:\/\/youtu.be\/ASny4QZG_l0 They are trying to get the support of the people to invade and overthrow a democratically elected leader. The true reasons for doing this are money, oil and power. Not humanitarian aid. That is a lie. WATCH this and look into it. The money oil and power will be given it all because my wife has family members living in that country and his family in Italy as got him and is son to fly out of there to get to safe place like Italy were there a job and home for him it that bad they tell the ture story's going on there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You stupid KIKE. You aren't fooling any-one but yourself, schlomo. Report to the Oven. Now. @JMtz603 .The only oven you re going to see us a nuclear bomb dropped on ur sorry ass head soon. Keep running ur lame ass mouth fuckin jerkoff. LOL! Babbled like a deranged kike freak! YOUR ASS is gonna be incinerated, you god damned ugly demon insect, EVERY-one is getting fed up with you thieving, lying, murdering UGLY baby raping degenerate faggot KIKES. Kill yourself and heal the world, you bubby-fucking splat of diarrhea","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Monkey ape sand nigger shit Period","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't let these #altright #whitenationalist fool you ..they are not like you. They are pure trash pretending to relate with you on moral issues when they are 100% immoral themselves. They will sometimes claim they are Christians, but ask them to elaborate and they vomit out nothing but heresy. They will chant with you against the liberal opposition coming out of #PlannedParenthood but applaud them for putting clinics in minority areas. They believe in #populationControl and #eugenics. They even support #euthanasia for the elderly, and underdeveloped. A lot of them are even Scottish Rite Freemasons who's great, great grand fathers were a part of the Order of the Golden Circle that opposed the early GOP founded by #Christian #Protestants and assassinated Lincoln. It is because of their Freemasonic ranks that many of them got skipped up in ranks in the military, and police ..the ones seemingly more honorable because of that really cheated. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! I am. As a pure Dutch-German I'm doing it by exposing the trash. Unfortunately for you the scale is of moral character, and not ethnicity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But the presenter is obviously right. Feminism and this retarded anti-male culture constantly outright lies about EVERYTHING constantly. You seem to think truth and facts do not exist and somehow want to claim that \"because the students are so fucking brainwashed that they won't think logically, they are both right\" which is just nonsensical in every way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is anyone acting like anything's up for debate? It has never been OK to invade countries. It has never been OK to try overthrow a government. It has never been OK to insist society change its view of reality. Stop acting like any Leftist BS is up for discussion or possibly valid. It's not. We all know it's crazy. \"You're fkg crazy!\" is all we should have to say. \"Leftist BS\"? Muslims were invading countries, overthrowing governments and insisting societies change their view of reality for centuries before there were \"Leftists\". You rabid antisemites are very annoying and none too bright. I'm a rabid anti-semite just for saying Moslems and communist Jews have acted as peas in a pod through history and aren't really enemies. That is, I'm anti-semitic just for knowing the truth and speaking it. We must not let the communist Jews win. They would try us for \"anti-semetism\" and do sick things to us like they did in Germany acting as \"Nazis\". Anyone who compares Jews to Muslims is either a rabid antisemite or an ignorant asshole. I apologize, if I misjudged you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. Shut up faggot they are clones of Jordan Jereb","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only immigrants like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RudeBoi_Drew: @PAPER_CHAYSIN condom were invent for that sole purpose","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh my. Let's just take them one by one shall we: >Let's start with this: women can only get pregnant about 2 days each month. Spend 10 minutes on the web searching \"the rhythm method\" and you'll find the failure rate is between 10 and 25 percent. >So ridiculous, that when an oral contraception for men was created, it wasn't approved It wasn't an oral contraceptive for one thing. It was a pair of injections. > And the list of side effects was about 1\/3 as long as the known side effects for women's oral contraception. The side effects were things like a man attempting suicide. >Now keep in mind, for the truly condom-averse, men also have a non-condom, always-ready birth control built right in, called the pull out. It's not perfect, and it's a favorite joke, but it is also 96% effective. From the article the Author linked >So in real life, about 22 out of 100 women who use withdrawal get pregnant every year that's about 1 in Basically, yes. The article the dipstick author linked was in reference to a Stage II trial of the treatment. Before a drug\/treatment is approved it has to pass the Stage II trial and then go to a much larger Stage III trial. So it was far from being ready for wide term use.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only acceptable people on the planet with pale skin are Jews. All others are scheduled for termination. Thank you for calling it pale and not white. Mine is white. Do you think they want their yellow stars back? It's getting really weird on planet earth. A lot of them just want us dead, and soon they're going to lose patience with just telling us to breed ourselves out of existence. I have a clue about this. I am part Boer and a Rhodesian in the diaspora. Aussie friends will not listen despite this chart... no that is not white immigration.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Chinese even have a word for guys like him, *baizuo* (white left). It's an insult.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the Saudis. These goathumpers only have \"Saudi\" Arabia because of the stupid faggot brits and WW1 compounded by the stupid faggot brits and WW","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's kind of a faggot shirt collar, pal. Your boyfriend pick that out for you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people need professional help. They need to be medicated for their own safety and the safety of others.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm more angry at the camera person right now. He was possibly in the firing line of getting dogshit hurled at him, so fair enough I say","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sick and watching the Yankees game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Brice2254 Fuck you, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OBAMA was 10x the President than Trump will ever be! Trump only dreams of being as successful and as great as OBAMA!! *sigh* Another troll. Go watch some football, kid. Were you real, I would toy with you as I do all Lefties. Hear, hear. The date is indeed a dead give-away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've had the same experience for my belief in God. I guess because I dont see the benefit in being a nihilist existentialist, I must be a retarded religious nut Retarded religious nuts are the ones tha persecute you for challenging their beliefs. Me, personally, as long as you don't try an shove them down my throat I'm cool with you. Cheers to that. Fuck any and all ideologues.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees got beaten by a thug","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AdamSchein: Great job by the Yankees giving Brian Cashman a new contract. The haters are just wrong. CC: @ChrisCarlinSNY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hayse is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @zachthorpe78: \"the trash generation\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid loose pussyed bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll cherish any disabled person like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/dyYvrEJAm3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I read the first word as \"Bonobo . Just saying...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DerekIsNormal RT @crappyfactsare McRib buns contain a chemical \"azodicarbonamide\" which is also used to make yoga mats and soles of shoes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckin' #faggots, man. #science knows these FUCKS can't procreate without the help of \"breeders\" but we treat them #fancy? #sin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First thing I do when I hit the lotto is buying @moniqueeedavis two fat bitches and watching her eat both in one sitting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bwahaha... a thug pig wasted by another thug - good riddance! Great that an untermensch badge nigger got what he deserved. Pigs are the absolute worst human scum, who enforce ZOG's anti American and unconstitutional statutory laws, and routinely abuse powers that they shouldn't have in the first place, the swines! Fuck 'em!! Read this you stupid pos . Fuck you. Bitch and you're muted .Dumb scum basement dweller . Punk cocksucking ass fucking Little liberal shit .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As does your autism. >:clap: >>the most intelligent way to debate right here >>>#:CLAP: Those who live in glass houses shouldn't smear their own shit all over their walls. Because we can see it. Because you live in a house made of glass. You fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Repel all gun laws as they are unconstitutional! Deport all people who are opposed to the 2nd amendent! Shove every RACIST RETARDED Democrat and Jew down the shithole where they belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know you are in the ghetto when you see streets named Martin Luther King Jr and LittleJohn. #halp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a dyke and stand up for your race, white woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how does lying, cheating, stealing, murdering and being a treasonous faggot make you superior?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I told you all Trump did not make the money himself. He is an incompetent. His father was the steering hand behind ALL his \"deals.\" Even lil Don JR would admit his father is a retard in private.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"US Navy helicopter crashes on USS Ronald Reagan flight deck, sailors hurt https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/us-navy-helicopter-crashes-on-uss-ronald-reagan-flight-deck-sailors-hurt #GabFam ****pls read and share*** U S NAVAL COMMAND. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? TOO MANY CRASHES...SOMEONE HAS TO ANSWER. PRAYERS TO OUR SAILORS. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not right to smash a controller, but god damn, it's a fuckin video game controller. Grow up you man child. [deleted] Fuck off bitch Triggered much? You were triggered first, he's just responding.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember that it was a local muzzie mp who had to fight to extradite them back from Pakistan because the Scottish govt couldn't be bothered. And he only did it to ease community tensions to avoid troubles. Sad story and indicative of how Scotland was going.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This has been a fact for a long time. Here is my desciption of a Democrats brain! Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's your obsession with nigger porn? Can you debunk anything I've said or are you just retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lets vote for the party with 75% jewish money, not the party jews are fleeing....what a fucking retard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this faggot hates America, the West, and wants to support those who are actively engaged in taking down Western nations he plans to cripple you with playground name calling of ANTISEMITIC slurs...... The attacks will get worse on the Jewish people it is in the bible and we are living in the end times..Islam is of the devil the are pedophiles that beat and stone their women so how are the the religion of peace they have to wake up to their inherent evil... Jews bought out the Vatican in the late 1700's, the Pope is a Jew....they run Hollywood, porn, media, education, push homosexuality, pedo shit.... and if whites reject it, we are attacked","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Insane? I dont think shes crazy. I think shes just downright too retarded to be driving. That guy had to take her phone away and move the bitch bc she wasnt getting it. Technically possible, but more probable is just that she's a self-absorbed cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FilmFatale_NYC: Wow, he basically just told his daughter \"I want some mocha colored grandbabies!\" #HTGAWM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminist Governor Covered for Muslim Outreach Aide Accused of Rape \"Donald Trump represents a historic threat to women everywhere.\" https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/271645\/feminist-governor-covered-muslim-outreach-aide-daniel-greenfield","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@BabyAnimalPics: baby monkey bathtime http:\/\/t.co\/7KPWAdLF0R\"Awwwwe! This is soooo ADORABLE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those women will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No white knights I see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every post you make is about molesting your daughter - you are a filthy maggot-eating pedophile - go kill yourself immediately! If I knew where you were, I would kill you myself. You disgusting vile parasite smegma eating piece of nigger shit - fuck off and die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Makes police look absolutely ridiculous. Criminally ridiculous. Really. The flailing retard having an epilectic seizure needed a full round of bullets fired into his writhing frothing body. Dafuq did i just watch?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wouldn't go *that* far. There are just too many of them that abuse the fact that they're a woman to coast through life. That's not how it should be. And that's why we have this sub, to laugh at em when they're caught doing that Found the incel I like your username I know right Whatever, your white knight hate feeds me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' Happppppy Birthdayyyy lol . Niggahs is really 21 in this bitch . http:\/\/t.co\/YatU7pbsHX","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But we're the sneakiest fucks in the world. Just look at our politicians -- no one would ever suspect they were dangerous and corrupt, rather than simply retarded and ridiculously incompetent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HankRearden Actually, he identifies as a jewish supremacist whose main ideological positions are anti-White hatred and toxic semitism. He's not really that concerned with economic and social issues beyond attacking Whitey. He denies any semitic heritage, and claims that his motivation is self-hatred, driven by internalization of systemic semitism Yes as you keep saying. Yet you have utterly failed on every occassion to produce one single anti-white post of mine. Saying other races are ok too is not being anti-white. Only in your mental brainstem. And it's no use pretending I'm Jewish to hide your shock. Most normal white folk feel the same as me :) Um! I see a lot of words there, designed to confuse. But when they are all added up the opposite side of the = reads zero. This must be because you can't post a single anti-white post of mine and wish to muddy the waters so you don't look like a twat for the 5th time. Yes! lol Now you're making a moronic attempt to deny your obvious, genocidal anti-White hatred... by claiming that you use anti-White slurs against Negroes? That's some pretty comically ignorant Cater-wauling, even for you. Would I care if you called me a \"nigger?' That's how much Negroes care if you call them \"cracker,\" \"White devil,\" or \"racist.\" Yes, you laugh away manically to yourself. And you've come full circle with your \" anti-white hatred\" gig again. The one I've just wrecked you on. I don't use racist slurs on twats of other races like you do. I slap them for being ignorant racist twats like you, not for being another race. That hurts them far more than calling them your inane names. They expect that as you say idiot :) In the course of doing so, repeatedly uses the r-word as an anti-White slur. Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny thing normal folk. There are NatSocs on here and real cultural Marxists like @BegsAli and @True_Brit But you never see them arguing with each other do you. Always with normal folk like you and me. I have a theory. NatSocs and Marxists both follow feeble socialist ideologies with fragile minds and egos. They worry that if they argue together they might start listening to the other and possibly even convert. But there's no chance they will convert to being normal like us. What do you reckon? :) Hello! A real cultural Marxist shows his face. Or rather he doesn't because he's scared of the naughty Nazis. Here you are NatSocs. One of those real cultural Marxists you hate. He must be a Jew, yes? Why are you scared to engage with him? lol i see you are too much of a pussy to argue. No need to cry because i hand you your fat arse every tiime paedo . You need to man up and accept you are a loser. See! No point whatsoever. You're just a useless repetitive twat who thinks Venezuela is a great economic model because Corbyn told you so :) Do i paedo? You do project a lot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most gay people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people whore. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a despicable RACIST SEXIST piece of shit! But you are too retarded to understand that aren't you! You must be a monkey brain lefty!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MelechT: Apartheid. @No_Cut_Card: pedestrian check = show me your freedom papers you darkies. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got out Kali voter info. Faggot newsom info says it all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Socialism...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hmm gab is a christian site ??? wow how ill informed of a retard can you be the entire point of gab is it is supposedly censorship free on a macro level the entire ethos of gab is if YOU the user dont like seeing something you mute it but anyone can post damn near anything as long as it is legal somewhere so saying it is a \"christian site is bullshit and at the least a lie at most a deliberate fucking lie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just anglo-mestizo or whigger trash with four or five dogs allowed to shit in the house generating thousands of fleas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I ended up listening to it when I heard rumblings about GG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HEALTHY CONVERSATION? TWITTER TAKES NO ACTION AS LOUIS FARRAKHAN CALLS JEWS TERMITES' https:\/\/www.newswars.com\/healthy-conversation-twitter-takes-no-action-as-louis-farrakhan-calls-jews-termites\/ via @gabnewstoday Go get 'em nigger !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Such bullshit. He should be teaching seminars on how exactly to kill muzzie shithead rapists with your bare hands. Any good lawyer should be able to plea temporary insanity, blind rage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ahmiryoung Lakers on....I thought trash day was Monday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just got back from a two-day trip to the Kansas City area where I bought a large 72 x 36 Church building of over 5,000 sq ft. Regrettably I rented it out to a bad renter who let his dogs shit in the building, took one of the doors off the hinges broke 4 windows. So today I bought tools, locks and plywood,fixed the door and hinges, changed the locks, boarded up windows Sorry to hear of your troubles. Knee Grows or Zogbots?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. This fucking cunt deserves jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bader dominated Mitrione for a dull 3 rounds. Should win an obvious decision victory. #Bellator207","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To feel better about yourself, to feel better that you lived with parents that made sure you didn't grow up to act like a spoiled entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck Marching Looting Coon ... No fuxs given about your communist agitator. King was A COMMUNIST POS. Get fucked up the ass ... There be no compromise with Nigger Loving Feminists. FUCK YOU and the Horse that rode you in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You fat cunt 1 mi lion white children violently raped prostituted out by Islamic filth God I want these cunts dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I haven't seen it on this sub I think he meant his own comment.. Yeah. I've seen this posted in 5 different subs in the last few days. So it's not a repost if it wasnt posted in this sub. Technically it is a repost since it was posted 5 times on reddit in the last few days. Not even technical.. it is a repost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @iSignMyOwnBoobs thats my fav part on Take Care whole album trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the races were reversed, they'd be lucky to walk out with something less than 25 to life. But you'd have to prove that it was intentionally racist...which I don't believe this case was (proven)...even though (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) I'm pretty sure they were calling him \"whitey\" in the video... [edit](https:\/\/tenor.com\/view\/why-are-you-booing-me-im-right-gif-10368876) They said things like \"Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, boy.\" I don't know what's ambiguous about that. That's racial motivation. Whites get charged with hate crimes after fighting with blacks without giving any indication of racism at all. [deleted] > but they don't want to anger anti-white black people by calling it one. What the fuck kind of drugs are you using? Nobody has ever supported these useless fucks. You've gone cuck overboard. [deleted] [deleted] I'm spastic? Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Saudi Arabia? All of them are Muslim, but which one of them is the largest supporter of international jihad, and which ones are fighting against jihadists? Which one is America's ally, and which ones have America bombed? Answer that, to see how full of shit and in denial you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Make nigger wish come true. Send them all back to afreeka. Wakanda is waiting lol. #DeportThemAll #SendNiggersBackToWakanda #14Words He doesn't look like one of \"our\" blacks, I think he's straight out of the jungle. If I had the money I'd gladly buy 747's to load them in, and fly them there for free, on the condition that they give up their US citizenship Well getting rid of all these dindus would exponentially improve America. Then after a thorough sanitization those trusty 747's can be used for the illegals and moslems.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.baytoday.ca\/local-news\/north-needs-big-influx-of-migrants-to-sustain-current-population-levels-1077633 So the big plan is to shove another 50k migrants into northern Ontario so they can start businesses and hire the locals. yeah, because a bunch of barely literate people coming from 3rd world holes is going to solve the jobs problem. right. Hundreds of kabob shops will flourish, one after the other for block after block. All serving as fronts for Muzzie gang rape operations. Since we had 80,000 cross into canada illegally from jan-august, with more every day, and 500k so far being flown here on the taxpayer dollar, why shove them into toronto.. if they want to be here they have to go live in northern ontario on a reserve for a couple years. wall it up, leave them there. winters coming. see how many of the sandrats survive. True schizophrenia: STOP HAVING BABIES TO SAVE THE PLANET! Too many people means more pollution! Less space for wildlife! And out the other side of their mouths: WE NEED TO IMPORT HOSTILE RETARDS FROM AFRICA THAT BREED LIKE RABBITS TO MAKE UP FOR DECLINING POPULATION!!!! One or the other. Pick ONE and stick with it. Either you can be concerned (reasonably) with too high a population (I like open space, wildlife, quiet places with few or no people, etc) OR you can be \"concerned\" by demographic decline and what that means for an IMPOSSIBLE forever-growing economy and be opposed to wildlife, open space, etc. PICK ONE AND ONLY ONE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical sh3male behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DISEASED SEPTIC CUNT WHORE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that's just the legal way to say quit being a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Payback\"? For what? Women, particularly western women, are the most privileged class on the planet. The most educated, the most protected, their victim complex is extreme. They're so spoiled, *actual* equality seems like sexism to them. Right, women; go to work and endure hardships men have had to, actually do the hours and the professions. Mothers go to work and provide, let fathers look after children. If women had to deal with a ounce of disregard men have to, that homelessness and suicide rate would soon stay to look different. Fuck these cunts. They keep saying as fish they don't need bicycles, so it's way past time to let these rude spoiled brats fend for themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First, they wanted tolerance. Then acceptance. Finally, worship. Now they want to replace all straight people. The lesson, which has been shown time and time again is that once you give a formally oppressed subculture equality, they turn on the people who freed them. This is why Rome fell. This is why America will fall too. Stop freeing faggots. Not all faggots demand faggotry to be the norm, that's just a very vocal minority that's covering its ears and crying opression.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Pete_OR i prefer zebra visually. Didn't know about lesser costs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @ATrue_Cowboy: Truth about any distance for all you love birds out there! http:\/\/t.co\/1Kqnw4LJ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When a liberal fucking retard like this approaches you and plans to hurt you, don't dial 9-1-1, dial .357","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fukc all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@sleepy_yongguk: \"I saw an ajumma walk out in the beginning saying, 'Wow, this is so trash that I can't even listen to it..'\" \" lmaoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical bitchbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And she's obviously not going to learn any lesson, seeing as her prior DWI arrest was only two weeks prior. I'm sure that'll help the conviction for both move along smoothly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ChrissyNich: To call Martin baker an Uncle Tom and uppity because he's not siding with the majority pure ignorance....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that all women are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's unbelievable to me that there are Americans who refused to kill the okies. That means all Americans weak willed trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Never believe in anything until it is officially denied\". Otto von Bismarck. Great friend of America who knew all about the conspiracies of elite inbred retarded scum all over Europe..also said: \"There is a Divine Providence that protects drunks, and the United States of America\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She was 22 in Your life must be miserable if you're that angry over this. Calm down buttercup.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SoWavyTee hey Hun!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now that the facts prove Kavanaugh innocent, \"Milkdud\" Booker says it doesn't matter if he is innocent or guilty. He still should not be confirmed because...because...because I don't want him to be, that's why. The scam failed and so now it is on to \"what difference does it make\" and childish desperation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people faggots. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JStac825: There's coon classic (R. Kelly, Usher) and then there's classic (Stevie Wonder, Prince). Not that there's anything wrong with ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Confirmed Anti-American communists, posing as white nationalists and shilling to demoralize conservative voters and\/or convince them not to vote: @ewige_blatt NAZBOWL siege man @GTKRWN Silverdawn @Larry63 Proud WASP @Vanilla_Cornflakes Vanilla Nilla *** A couple of these could just be completely clueless fucktards, but I doubt it. You are a GOPig shill, and a liar. No one has told anyone not to vote. You were asked to name one GOPig that fights for White, decent Americans. And couldn't name one. You hate having your own shortcomings and failures pointed out, and are the true communist. For it is YOU that is trying to silence dissent, just like the good little commie you are. Fuck you. Sorry, I've never told anyone e not to vote. Do yeah, you're a great bullshit artist BTW - you're facade is slipping, and the Bolshy Jew is showing through. No shit. If u were actually talking rather than pushing a commie agenda, u'd acknowledge I and the people do recognize the failings of the GOP and don't trust it. But it was your retarded and unhinged language starting to show I was referring to. Fuck off now little commie. I'm not being paid for this and I'm not wasting any more time on u. Go play w\/ a scorpion or something. REEEEEEHEHEHEHEEE! Did I crawl into your brain and start to unhinge you? You and your commie crew have exposed yourselves sufficiently for everyone to see what you are. My work here is done. Goodbye. Until we see you swinging from a tree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah your definitely just playing verbal semantics to whitewash reality. I'm just gonna copy paste my response to another, more reasonable responder and stop expending effort on you, >But that is the entire core of my problem with bill c","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The widow of a policeman who died in 911 is insulted by an antifa thug https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=odw0EyHoNCw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're a nigger lover too Blacks only get upset with shootings and being called a nigger when another race gets involved","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fuck kind of name is Shonterikka","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this nigger needs to be swinging from a tree by his neck. lynch this worthless knuckle dragger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"delusional twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't give a flip about Judaism, the part sand nigger thats in the modern jews was WHOLE sandnigger before they got kicked out by the Romans to wander up in to eastern Europe ok","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't dance, Iggy. It's trash just like your music.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Waid\/Zaid claiming he has no business in Texas but he regularly attends conventions there and even offered to do business with the owner of Antarctic Press in exchange for them not publishing Meyer's comic book. Waid\/Zaid claim that defamation was never done in Texas yet there is video\/articles of Waid repeating his defaming points against Meyer at a convention in Texas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This old guy has a child in grade school? More likely a grandchild. Or great grandchild, as this species are often grandparents by 30! Yeah, this ratchet-ass old nigger is certainly the type who would raise kids to end up in prison so grandpa gets stuck raising the next generation in his image, too! https:\/\/www.wmdt.com\/2018\/10\/salisbury-man-arrested-for-threatening-school-officials\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"READ ME AND PLEASE REPOST: This is really an unbelievable time to be alive. Gab is under attack once again by the liberal media over a maniac who shot up a synagogue. When will liberals take responsibility for their own personal actions and stop blaming everyone around them for the worlds problems? Stop blaming inanimate objects and cyber space for the actions of insane people who commit horrific acts of violence in the real world. @a needs to stay the course and fight these people with everything he has. He also needs our support. This is a liberal media take down of @Gab occurring in real time. These liberals simply will not live and let live or leave good people alone. This is not an alt-right or Nazi website. This is not a den of hate. This is a free speech website, that is all. Think about how badly these sick people want to control everything. Think about how hard they attack free speech and anything that is different from the narrative they spew 24\/ Today is a very important date in the history of Gab and will be benchmarked as the day Gabbers fought back against the insanity of liberal media and the lies they tell the world without punishment. This is not a call to violence in any way. This is a call for action to get your voice heard and illuminate the lies of the left. Now is the time to make a stand and say no more of this bullshit. It is time to brainstorm ideas and come up with a plan. We are 800K strong. Andrew, how can we help? #Gab #GabFam Shut the fuck up. Has the thought occured that he deleted his posts? That faggot is just another subversive piece of trash now fucking kill yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Consider yourself warned, America. Liberialism is a mental disorder https:\/\/trib.al\/nYZKEiU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"korean twitter\" i don't think koreans in korea are really all that upset about this, and if they were then none of these retards would know 'cuz they can't read or speak korean","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this girl is so retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laughing at my deck that they gave me, yellow and jesus stencils all over it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Id rather be ignorant and uneducated than retarded and indoctrinated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jim Sterling can into full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ich poste das jetzt ohne Kommentar Kann jeder sich selber seine Gedanken zu machen \"Ahmed, einer von uns\" Ganz ehrlich, ich habe nicht das geringste Problem mit Ausl ndern, die hier hart arbeiten und sich integrieren und eine Existenz aufbauen. Nur mit den islamistischen Merkelschmarotzervergewaltigerg sten kann ich so gar nichts anfangen. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) Gibt echt einige von so Negern die einfach die Pakete abwerfen und mit ein wenig \"Gl ck\" auch noch selbst unterschreiben ... Bei der Post beschweren l....... !, Haha, bei der Post beschw hren! DHL mu weck Notfalls beim Volksgerichtshof klahhahagen die Hermes Fahrer sind noch schlimmer...nix lesen ..nix sprechen ....!!! echte Integranten gibt es auch, klar. Aber nur 12 in ganz Schland https:\/\/politaufkleber.de\/produkt\/100-aufkleber-a7-sonderpreis-stoppt-den-migrationspakt-globale-eliten\/ Oder es war einfach nur ein stinkfauler Lieferant, der seine Tour abk rzen wollte. Oft genug erlebt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find all Muslims disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ghostattics: \"what can banks do to show engagement with the queer community?\" \"HIRE TRANS WOMEN\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @theycallmenavy: @royaltyclubvp @Aswaad88 worse yet u meet a bird with a nice ras and you're like \"something about u looks familiar\" lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, Muslims like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a rapefugee. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Cancerous_Kevin: @TimRossComedy @Michael_Craig12 I feel like Tim Ross is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OR...she can use her sentences to tell me what the real problem is, like adults do She is though. She just wants you to overthink what she wants in order for you to give her more. How many guys would you say your average \"attractive\" slut has fucked by age 21? 20-30 especially if she went straight to college after high school, low end if from a smaller town. That's what I've been told by former gfs anyway. My first gf told me 21 at My last gf told me 7 at 20 (bull fucking shit)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Throat-punch this faggot whenever you can We know he is a scumbag. We do not know that he is a faggot, that is unless you have first hand knowledge from having slept with him I have. He's a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What type of question it is???????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You could always say that trans people are perpetuating gender norms by getting any operations while transitioning, and that their sense of idenitity as the other gender is perpetuating horribly gendered ideologies because they want surgeries...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WH: Obama won t name Holder s replacement until you rubes have already cast your midterm ballots - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/Yf1o8h99Uz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dyke skank","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The sooner the queer nazi go back to Germany where they belong the sooner will have the children safe.After a 1000 yrs hitler revived the queer nation spreading the infection.Look at all the queer nazi porn on Gab from time to time. The anti NAZI crowd post retarded gay porn on MINDS and I've seen some here, you just mute and move on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AChosenWord: Of rain showersand weepy fogof soft lightand cool touchof wild windthat carry music of birdswho cease to soar;this feel ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude is a nigger fail troll.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Catholicism is the beast that comes out of daniels dream interpretation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Block this Jew cunt https:\/\/gab.ai\/RevTim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a twat waffle Well, it's crispier than a twassant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'SUNDAY NIGHT' Football Ratings Crash... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/d8MT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We can't afford health care for white American children because we need to be bombing somebody else's for the love of Jesus and Israel you religious f ggots are insane... Butcher Babies - Jesus Needs More Babies for His War Machine https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6nfD0qJE0lA you're a kikesucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stormy Now Owns Pres. Trump's Legal Bills Judge throws out Stormy Daniels's defamation lawsuit against Trump https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/amphtml\/politics\/judge-throws-out-stormy-danielss-lawsuit-against-trump\/2018\/10\/15\/402935e8-d0cc-11e8-b2d2-f397227b43f0_story.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Equality feels like oppression when you're privileged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it weird licking your own nip?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/preserveconservativevalues.com\/2018\/10\/08\/president-trump-says-democrats-want-to-impeach-kavanaugh-and-turn-us-into-venezuela\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am currently using a yellow marker that is literally called 'Spanish Orange' for this drawing of @Wikiparaz ; absolute perfection.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Google Design Lead Meltdown After Kav Confirmed You Are Finished, GOP' Slimy, Evil, Treasonous' F**K. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL' Now: So Sorry Should Have Been More Eloquent' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/08\/google-design-lead-david-hogue-evil-republicans-will-descend-into-flames-of-hell\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"old fellas water froze in that funeral home. he got it unthawed and wants me to help get his pump going again, that place spooks me man..boo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only faggots you got are degenerate jew golem npc creations. You worthless nigger lover. @pitenana","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Um, yeah, right, #CrookedHillary 98%, right, check-er-rooneeoo... https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/politics\/comments\/9kphzz\/cruz_forced_into_tossup_by_el_paso_liberal_in\/?st=JMRN42NSandsh=63a903e3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's called gender bias retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"There's that Piece of SHIT!\" I'm really starting to appreciate South Florida, or at least the Cuban Community, more than I ever had. Since Trump came down the elevator and all of the discord around the country. I felt like South Florida would be a Never Trumper hotbed. But you know something. I was surprised when South Florida picked Trump in the Primaries, I was shocked when South Florida voted for Trump in the general election. Hillary only won these two counties by a smaller margin than she did in other Blue Cities. We don't get much \"Hey Hey Ho Ho Nazi Facist got to go\" Bullshit, unless George Soros buses them in. I have only been yelled at once by some White trash Piece of Shit cunt not even from South Florida for wearing my Trump shirt back in 2016 during the election. Even at my job I can talk loud and proud about Trump when someone tries to goad me with misinformation they got from CNN. They don't even try anymore because my version of what really happened is always right, and that burns their ass the most. South Florida could be worse in that regard. Still don't care for all of the illegal overcomer that invade this place all the time. They suck and hate America but the Liberals have them entitled to think they deserve citizenship because Liberals need votes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She said is christian. Well I now I want to bury her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.aljazeera.com\/indepth\/opinion\/china-abandon-palestinians-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course its a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats are really panicking when they send out this feckless CUNT the declassification is coming it will be after the midterms and every corrupt Democrat will be fully exposed...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you want CHILD PORN on Gab? Do you want ANIMATED CHILD PORN on Gab? Are you censored? Can you have a conservative opinion? A liberal one? Other? YES! Is LEGAL PORN allowed on Gab? Yes. Shouldn't the line be drawn SOMEWHERE? I draw it at child porn or facsimiles of such. If you don't like that go put CHILD PORN on Twitter. They won't mind. @a did nothing wrong I draw the line at hypocritical self-righteous virtue signaling since it correlates extremely well with crimes against humanity. Hypocritical self righteous virtue signaling is NEITHER illegal NOR against Gab rules CUNT Here's what is illegal AND actionable: malicious defamation. I've been defamed twice just being a relative bystander, as a mainstream anime fan with no interest in loli.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? Johan. Your gotcha didn't work. We're not gonna choose Israel cos its richer or \"da only democracy\" in the Middle East. Israel is filled with Jews, stupid! I picked Iran btw. Good. SUre you'll look great in this :) Course I would. When in Tehran, do as the Iranians do. Only in topsy-turvy world of Britain do the Brittons do as they're being commanded by the Muslims. Lol Good luck in a black burkha in 45 degree heat love. And no real Britons wear burkhas. We're Christian lol Btw did you get your license for those plastic knives you're gonna be needing, mate? You don't need a license for plastic knives love. And it's only illegal to carry a knife in public with no valid reason. You can still scoff your dinner with them :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want some monkey bread ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @iamkrause: All I see in every #IfTheyGunnedMeDown tweet... http:\/\/t.co\/XWmkac1Aw6 Dis be like da colored Brady Bunch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be fair to Ben, he's just trying to say that ideology is more important than race. It's true, an alt right Mexican or Jew is a better ally than a retarded communist leftist white person. Almost. He's \"trying to say\" that ideology \"should\" be more important than race\/ ethny\/ tribe... FOR NON-JEWS. While taking EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE position when it comes to his own people. Not sure how you managed to miss that. Pretty sure he doesn't like leftist Jews...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Weak cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And as far as I know, those faggots never posted it here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have met many Muslims and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical cripple behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This brownies bro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SaertjeMirror: I am a zebra amongst the sheep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just seen a pic comparison of Lou Holtz and he grandma off Beverly hillbillies and I can't stop crying tears of unfathomable hilarity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone is welcomed to call me a spic and a faggot, hopefully make it funny, but it's fine either way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2018: Mail Bombs What do we have, here? They look absolutely nothing alike..smdh 2018: Mail Bombs So @Luvmybykr...You're saying these look nothing alike? Not even a smidge? I'm not seeing it hun..but good luck with it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Prince Harry and Megan Merkel are having a baby and it's going to be beautiful. https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-45861683","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm balancing BORED RIGHT NOW, you stupid retarded bitch. @Microchip Fuck James Watt. I\"M MOTHERFUCKING Max Planck. The fuck you got?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#California is full of white trash who moved from #Oklahoma","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muh based niggers. No nigger lovers are disgusting. My dad is not on here praising niggers, you are. Your whole family probably fucks niggers. Whores like you should get the claw hammer treatment. No, file this under: The United States of Misandry, Dept. of Jew Fembots No, it's because I don't return their phone calls. Or they give me their number but I don't call them. Because I'm not some insecure pussy who requires a woman's approval for self-worth. Just like now... you have some fantasy that I'm somehow bummed because some man-hating strap-on Dominatrix who doesn't even know me makes a smart-ass remark... how amusing. Are you coming on to me? I'm not into relationships. I do not lust after you, I do not need you, and you are free to go be a lesbian Jew princess and adopt some brown baby from the Shithole of Your Choice. Happy trails, biatch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kstar__: Told you RT @Astronaut_Tone: Artprize is more than trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Churchill He knew the only good Muzzie was a dead Muzzie ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Ilovebamf Whats it say... I see bird in it... Lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA brilliant that self-loathing cunt can disappear all together I know I wont be shedding a tear for her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fucking MPs need to grow a pair for once in their WELL PAID lives and bring the treacherous cunt down. The Universal Credit thing is another big example of the government's uncaring attitude, they'll force it through - problems and all, nothing people want matters any more, it's what the elites want, i.e., you poor forever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of Muslims ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is Hillary the dodo bird candidate? http:\/\/t.co\/YfUbgwQ4tw via @worldnetdaily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Cay_JEN I didn't think you knew of a bird that couldn't be tamed. #cajuncharm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look, another retard that confuses game mechanics with immersion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anything other than male or female is a retarded gender..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"freedom of speech includes religion, yet here we have a meme promoting the oppression of speech\/expression while claiming to be a production of freedom of speech. retard level: maximum. Fuck off. Freedom of speech does not allow one to threaten another's life, to slander another's reputation, or seek the destruction of another's culture. Islam does all of these. While I am suspect of the Chinese reasons for doing so, banning Islam will always be a net positive. no, YOU fuck off, you anti-liberty, anti-American sack of dogshit. and don't you put words in my mouth either, cock-sucker. Islam has problems, but most people are NOT acting on it. Ah, a libertardian, I see. That explains a lot. ISLAM is anti-American principles, not the opposition to it you ass-backwards dummy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Assumes he knows my IQ Assumes he knows my race Calls me a disgrace to good Americans while mocking a man for being a good father, spending quality time with his family, as he sits and scratches his hairy ass and bitches on the internet. A good father? These children's mother should be ashamed. You wear your IQ on your sleeves, so to speak. Calls all women low IQ thots then proceeds to shame a mother for being married and having children and doing fun family activities. Weak men are bad for America. Mother fuckers like that need a a beatin... Look lady, accept what's going on in the photo is obviously unsafe for these children. Think about your children's safety not how many likes you'll get for uploading such images to World Star, twitter, and gab. Accept that these children sat in the wagon, exited and walked up to each door, watched by their parents, were greeted by friendly neighbors and received candy and had a great time. It's not hard. It's an American tradition. *two children standing not sitting. \"you don't know me\" -- boilerplate transparent low IQ thot argument Well, you don't. However, my use of logic and language speaks well for my IQ. compromises childrens' safety. OK, highly intelligent good parent. Doubting the safety of these children is quite a stretch. \"Embarrassment to red-blooded Americans\" for calling out a situation where children's safety was compromised means I really am a stupid dick. An infantile attempt to express indignation at the most innocent and lighthearted post. You resemble a SJW who's fake outrage is a form of lying. You are supremely dishonest in may ways. Likewise as you expressed to Fe, you wear your 'Christianity' on your sleeves (so to speak). I said what I needed before you replied concerning the readily observable situation depicted in the photo. You add nothing to the conversation. It is you who is an embarrassment to every red-blooded American despite your projecting since I have done far more for the people of the United States of America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Arrested, woopty fucking do. Call me when that cunt gets out of prison in 20 years and is signed into the sex offenders' registry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe if @TruthWillOut doesn't want to be insulted he shouldn't make faggy little comments under his breath. Sorry your friend doesn't have the balls to come out and say what he needs to say without being a little bitch about it. I kiss your mother with this mouth. And disrespect with a polite vocabulary is still disrespectful. I'd trust a man who calls me a faggot to my face before I would trust someone who hide their truth behind a passive sneer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @xenakix2243: Feeling the crisp fall wind spinning around me and watching the colorful leaves fall like rainbow colored raindrops slowly ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Literally zero hate. I'm used to those with zero integrity intentionally misinterpreting my ability to be objective, though. If viewing all women as less than you and in need of your protection helps you to feel good about yourself, it's whatever. Some of us just truly think of women as actual equals is all. Sorry if that offends you, but also not sorry. All humans are only human. Having certain genitals, or being irresponsible with them, doesn't make anyone better than anyone else. Because equality. Duh. The comment was about families. Not just children. Assuming your reading comprehension is on par with the rest of your freshman class, I imagine you just chose to ignore that point. Families include parents. As I very clearly stated, my comment was not meant to suggest most scenarios are like the one I depicted. Only to point out that the inverse is no more inherently true. It was also just an example for fucks sake, and hardly worth getting your panties all in a bunch over. If it helps you though, you can replace Wendy with\"Wally Welfare\". The gender of the parent isn't even a little bit relevant here. I simply chose what seems to be more common, as it's generally harder for a soon-to-be mother to bail and leave the fella to bear and raise the child on his own. Imagine being so insecure and hateful, that you have to twist every honest thing a person says, in petty attempts to project your social justice agenda into everything. Imagine being so far up your own ass that information and perspective have no place. That you immediately vilify anyone who doesn't regurgitate the mantra of your preferred echo chamber. Then imagine being so shortsighted you can't even see that's why no adults take you seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the idea comes from a black person, it must be bullsiht. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muh virtue signal, literally putting the future of your nation on the line just to appear politically correct. Already self-censoring for the left. You call yourself a Trumper? Maybe redacted is a better sub for ya.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sesame ...dumb ass white middle-class crap for retarded children..it's made millions of white kids mental retards!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"G a y people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/ggreenwald\/status\/1050373201598013440 Bolsonaro himself personally called Glenn Greenwald a faggot on Twitter LOL You serious? When was this? Give me a link. I'm not sure. Greenwald was whining about it though on his page Today? I think it was around the time of the election. Greenwald mentioned it on his timeline For the past month Greenwald has been on a crusade against him. I don't get why. Bolsenaro is a zionist jew puppet like the rest of them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sir are a fucking moron. Go get reprogrammed you NPC faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dumb ugly stupid bullshit ass bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"R-Surge For Charlie Baker-R of 9 points in Demo-State Mass against Coakley-D! DoG http:\/\/t.co\/UOVtVG5nnM via @BostonGlobe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">KNOWING they'll never bring a nigger home to their parents Well, they got me there...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One mans trash is another mans treasure","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dead Nigger Storage....literally. https:\/\/fox","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being a goon hasn't been a police qualification for decades. True. In the UK now the top crime to stop is ordinary Brits posting anything short of praise for the so-called \"Religion of Peace\" on Facebook. So why are you complaining about gender when it's a lack of general physical prowess that's the problem? The simple fact is that many male cops would of been tossed out of that car too. > The simple fact is that many male cops would of been tossed out of that car too. Muahahahahhahaha! Okay troll, whatever. http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/uk_news\/england\/devon\/ Did you read the article? The relaxed rules benefit smaller men just as much as it does women, but it's the women officers who are your problem not the smaller men, right? I was commenting on what you said, not the article. You said the smallest person on the force, is male. You do realize physical strength generally favors men, right? If be willing to bet that this officer, if it came down to it, could absolutely destroy 95% of the females on the force. Simply because of the fact he's male, and males have more dense muscles, more dense bones, higher muscle as a percent of their body, and a ton of other stuff that makes them much more well suited for fighting than compared to a woman. So, I don't really care what the article says. It's common sense that men are almost always stronger than women. Does it hold true all the time? No. Does it hold true 99% of the time? Yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Good Ol Boy Democrat Lyndon Johnson says the country is built for blacks and hispanics.](http:\/\/www.seraphicpress.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/01\/quote-i-ll-have-those-niggers-voting-democratic-for-the-next-200-years-touting-his-underlying-lyndon-b-johnson-50-86-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey baby you look like tinkerbell luhlulhulhulhulhluh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what is a secret girl?????????? I think it's like secret squirrel, only bigger. Give it a beer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are genuinely good, we just learned to hate. when Europe was all white and christian they killed each other, the same happened to the Muslim world","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a queer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BleacherReport: VIDEO: Derek Jeter hits a walk-off single on his final at-bat at Yankee Stadium http:\/\/t.co\/jM4biAGXU8 http:\/\/t.co\/3cIJ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Twitter and#Facebook SUCK THE BIGGEST BOWL OF DIRTY DICKS. @JACK Is A Fucking Cunt Liar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is fitting for disabled vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REMEMBER THIS: THE ENEMY IS IDENTIFIED. The Jews own Youtube, Apple, Facebook, Spotify and more, and they banned conservatives. This means the homosexuality, transgenderism, and hatred towards white males and Western civilization, is all directed by JEWS. Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my view, those kinds of black people ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"their tears make me happy. keep on crying you friggin dumb shits. and who's the faggot in the striped shirt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a w h o r e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"eww! filthy cunt should clean her toes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It hurts to see all these people saying black lives are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bunch of shirt-lifter faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Become Islamic you twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you obviously don't care a single fuck about what he stood for. You're a decisive little faggot. look i linked the greatest story never told! Now I am infallible! Get bent you fucking faggot. Have fun dealing with the soul crushing reality of what a cuck you are when your retarded religion ushers in the Jewish Messiah.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gib stickers, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You don't have a dick, you cucked faggot slave.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This twat will be reelected. Conservatives will be split. The dairy queen will get the plurality vote","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When will people understand that only immigrants are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's kind of feels a tad bit cunty doing these... She's been kind of a bitch to pewds, but hitting her for citizenship fraud just doesn't feel right. Why not attack the copyright company that leeches streamers instead? Also, sorry if I am missing something, but since when is it necessary to sign petitions to let a government body know about possible crime? Will she be deported with popular vote or something? lol She committed a crime. Read the petition. The petition won't cause her deportation, but will make the gov't listen. that's the whole point of democracies, they are installed to listen to the people that voted them into power. whether it's in their legal right to deport her is another issue. the petitions only job is to bring attention to something the gov might've missed. > You are a bitch who has nothing better to do in this life rather than **start a shit needlessly**. You don't have to give shits if you don't want to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude, feminism is worse than all idolization put together. I don't think it's any better or worse than most other \"movements\", but the fact that this modern form of \"feminism\" is becoming more and more prominent and widespread definitely *is* a problem. The problem with feminism is that it comes in all shapes and sizes; there are plenty of feminists and feminist movements that are perfectly reasonable, focusing on equality rather than just propping up only women at the expense of men, just like there are absolute horror groups that are little better than the KKK in their violent agenda. This makes \"feminism\" a near-impossible term to properly debate, because while my criticism of one group or movement might be spot-on, it might miss the mark completely with another one, yet both groups will call themselves \"feminists\". You need to chill. You need to chill. And stop gargling jizz like a cuck. Sure thing, boss man! Who are you even talking about? I know you're implying I'm the idiot who supported Clinton, but that just isn't the case. Chill your shit, you're not doing yourself any favors. Only two kinds of people bring up t_d. Trump supporters, and **female supremacists who wanted Hillary.** You're obviously a bluepilled cuckold. Aah, so you're just a Trumpeteer blowing his horn at anything in sight? That explains it. No amount of attempts to explain that there are more than two possible views in politics will do either of us any good, so I'll just leave this be so you don't pop a vessel or something. For someone who's \"winning\" all the time, you t_d bots sure are a bunch of whiny little snowflakes... I didn't vote for him. I just think people bringing up The_donald and calling folks misogynists are pro-Hillary feminists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the cunt is mad...needs a hug!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No worries. That snot nose Moslem Sand Nigger is not going to win Florida.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dare those retarded Antifa witches (gawd it sounds like a dumb term Chris-chan would make up) to try to hex me. I bet they don't even have the balls to do so, because I'm effeminate but I'm still manlier than an Antifa witch like this soyboy NPC. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=G1SVQ0jnaXA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh fucking really bitch, it's quite funny how all of your buddies still think it's the right guy after it was already confirmed that all the information was wrong. How come @BBGood publicly stated that the dox issued on her boyfriend was false, despite you lot claiming that the dox was on the right guy? She is perhaps the closes person to the man. #AskingAFriend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF? It's ok for #RichWhiteMen to commit tax evasion, as long as they're a 'star'? https:\/\/www.nj.com\/entertainment\/index.ssf\/2018\/10\/mike_the_situation_sentenced_tax_evasion_twitter_d.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jews, the Chosen People of Satan JEWS ENSLAVED BLACK PEOPLE AND HAVE CAUSED ALL THE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD WITH THEIR LIES! No jews the taken over jewdis goat like soro the evil cunt Rothschild family s and rest of the royal family and commie and Nazi infections of death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Snoop Dogg Calls Kanye West an Uncle Tom' for Supporting America First Agenda Here is another piece of shit that deserves the noose. This garbage human and \"entertainers\" like him are responsible for \"thug culture\" in America which unsurprisingly promotes violence, prostitution, real misogyny, degeneracy, and drug use. Scum like this clown are influences on the youth of today. Music has always played a major role in influencing the minds of our children, no style of music has had as big of a negative effect as \"hip-hop\". The message in the music is as low and disgusting as it gets, and of course, it is very liberal.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SIR. PLEASE go text your Mexican bitch, because I'm not Finna deal witcho childish ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one goes into psychiatry to help people. Those people are all immoral. Everyone who works in that field is pure trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"they shouldn't have been waiting for a no, they should have worked for an enthusiastic yes\" the quote was from the aziz ansari case, which is even more despicable imo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a c0on. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda sorry i ever had the misfortune of you commenting on my post..yu are very fucked up individual..prejudiced as hell and full of shit!! if youre king in africa yu better get back over there!! now i know why everybody is hating on you..you hating on them too.. ISLAM\/MUSLIMS CALL ALL BLACKS ABD..IT IS ARABIC FOR NIGGER AND SLAVE..THEY ARE NOT YOUR BUDDY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sarsour IS a Muslim and by doctrine cannot be American but should be deported to some Muzzie shithole. No one should tolerate them and Islam must be outlawed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My manager is also a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? Completely and utterly wrong, faggot are you high or just retarded rn","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Home Secretary unveils the biggest immigration reform for decades. I smell bullshit https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2Nfwfrq Nicely put ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even though it's not the main point, it's pretty retarded to not allow sleeveless shirts in a gym. Might as well declare that you must wear jeans, and you're not allowed to break a sweat either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hes on film in a faggot orgy somewhere","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alt-lites threw nationalists under the bus after charlottesville Nationalists threw one another under the bus over trotskyite style strategic or ideological differences Hannity and Ingraham are throwing the proud boys under the bus and have already forgotten about Alex Jones. It wont end until Marco Rubio becomes frontrunner in a 2024 landslide loss. The whole optics thing was cancer and so were the people who thought it actually mattered as if the outcome would have been different since we've seen time and time again it's just hard power exercised on a selective basis against ANY enemies of the system and never against any extrajuidicial thugs like antifa no matter the evidence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lolicon is not pedophilia, you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @C_Phil_13: Man... I was trying to eat \"@kylegotjokes: \"Nigga you said it was bitches out here, I showed up for nothin!\" http:\/\/t.co\/u ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yep , full retard .. political grandstanding","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Maybe the part where people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want as long as they don't hurt anyone? You know, basic freedom and shit? Human rights? All that jazz? Maybe you're European so you don't know anything about such foreign concepts like \"liberty\" and \"freedom\"... Enjoy your religious persecution of innocent people. Make apologetics for it. It's what Europe is known for. Pray tell which Islamic country is as welcoming to people from other religions as France? Which religion regularly murders people that aren't part of it for simply existing in their countries? And you want to talk about persecution of innocents - nice attempt at taquiya, it's either that or you're denser than lead. >Pray tell which Islamic country is as welcoming to people from other religions as France? So you are looking to Islamic countries for guidance on this? >Which religion regularly murders people that aren't part of it for simply existing in their countries? Most of them [deleted] What do you think the Israeli occupation of Palestine is about? What do you think their continuous pushes for destablization in the Middle East is about? Why do you think politicians in the US and Europe are sympathetic to them? [deleted] So, what, you think they keep stealing the homes of families who have lived in Israel for decades because they're ugly or something? Why do you think they do that? [deleted] [deleted] So you're super forgiving when the Israelis murder innocent people, but are super harsh when they're Islamic and not Jewish. Tribalism in a nutshell.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigga u a cunt where yo fendi clutch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it because of the Ronaldo #metoo lies that Nike chose a Queer Moslem arse bandit knowing faggot can't come out without being tossed off for doing so, no not that tossed off tossed off a fucking roof by other Moslems!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@phreshagu_25 yeah you right and you know them Mexicans bringing all they family that hoe finna be packed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How do you sucker punch someone and then walk away like nothing just happened? You just started a fight. The other guy is going to continue that fight. if you're REALLY sure you're immune to people hitting you, then walking away after sucker punching is just fine. Yeah lol, she was like \"eh, I'll just walk off like a bad-ass and be fine...\" *twatted in the side of the head and goes down like a sack of potatoes* Well I mean she is a sack of potatoes so...yes astute observation Hah!! Beat me to it It'll be like when the movie has an explosion and the hero doesn't look at the explosion, just *BOOM* walk away. Yup, it'll be just like tha- *SMACK* \"WHA?!\" She didn't have a glass of wine to throw in his face on hand *what was I to do, officer?* Hey! He's a guy, she's a guy, in all honesty everyone's guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm white, I'm proud to be white, I love diversity and people of all nations.... lets move on. :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"gas the fat jew nigger trans if your genocide isn't intersectional...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DeezNutsDoe how about you wash my butthole out with your tongue you little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to strange a nazi and see the life fade out of their eyes. Fuck nazis. The FBI will find your other handle. You're not very smart ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See? Now they use it as a weapon against any male of their choosing. Evil cunt bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LANURSE1: Here is a #MichaelBrown supporter. She says whites are just evil albino black babies. Seriously? #tcot @KLSouth http:\/\/t.co\/P ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This retard in the now viral video is a perfect example of someone whose brain is completely fried by social media addiction. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VkrNVol0UAo The NPC machine-man might look goofy and harmless, but they are programmed to commit indiscriminate violence when politically prompted by the oligarchs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cut junk off + insert in mouth + sew lips shut = one less nigger pedo stinking up the planet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What your posts about owning excessive guns say about you: #MoronLabe ? My hands are way bigger than that. Just because the average grip surface of a gun is a couple of inches? Does not mean every shooter has small hands. Have you seen a shooting video before that didn't have a chick in it ? Gawd son. A+ whoa whoa whoa you're barking up the wrong tree, bud... I'm pro-gun, surprisingly enough. I know, take a breath, it surprises a lot of other people too. And no way haha sky diving would terrify me. I could probably do parasailing or gliding, though. Sorry kid. Some fools been feeding the sharks lately. Your water sports are at your own risk. And your also lying. If you don't take our laws seriously? I suggest you get out. This is not a joke anymore. I'm sorry but Obama screwed up too many families and lives for me to count. And a gun is not a museum piece. It's a tool. Just like any wrench or hammer. I agree it isn't a joke anymore. That's why I joined Gab. To keep an eye on white supremacists. This is just my side job, poking fun at gun groups. I don't want y'all to join forces with them. Because they think you will. ? \"join forces \"? WTF are you talking about? I don't have a \"C. O.\" And all of your \"Nazis\" were either killed in WW2 or have been hunted down to the last 90 something year old bugger that was recently deported. Get off the drugs son. Hear that, @Cantwell ? You and your minions don't exist, and have no chance at your revolution! Yup. You know those fools by name. Your apart of em. How are you on Gab without knowing their names? That's why Gab was created: not for freedom of speech lovers, not for patriots... to create a safe haven for white nationalists who get kicked off of other social media platforms for being too racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @neiltyson: Just to settle it once and for all: Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? The Egg -- laid by a bird that was not a Chicken","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How fucking retarded must you be to actually think this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This shit that is happening with RAM combined with the total disinterest in prosecuting Antifa is just another sympton of the larger dysfunction of the Trump administration Antifa has been going to jail. Don't listen to fake moonbats pretending to be white supremacists.... https:\/\/twitter.com\/JackPosobiec\/status\/1034639181631430656 Really? What happened to the hundreds of them who were arrested at the inauguration? They were in DC, you know, moonbat land, and all the moonbats made sure to get on the juries and acquitted them.... That's not what happened. Federal prosecutors dropped the charges against hundreds of Antifa. They've been ignored by Trump's DOJ ever since as their violence has spiraled to the point where EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND they are getting arrested now I'll out you for the liar you are. Let's start with Step A. The DOJ did bring charges against them, right? I bet you fall apart at Step A. They all walked too. Federal prosecutors dropped the charges against hundreds of Antifa. This emboldened them to unleash a tidal wave of violence which has gone on unchecked for 2 years now. The Trump admin had been worse than worthless and has gone on to prosecute the guys who DEFENDED Trump supporters at the California rallies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Nice*... While I myself have had some of these 'dreams' of getting fucked by some experienced woman too, let me tell you, in all honesty, this is by far nothing you should refer to with > *nice*... My brother was in such a situation, started off with him being okay with it, I mean, who in his teens would say no. But this whole sexual relationship evolves quickly into nothing that you would want to have experienced in your young years. The sex surely is good, but a 26 year old fucking with a 14 y\/o is literally fucking his life. The woman puts pressure onto the kid, threatens him, manipulates him, does always decide only with the intention to keep the whole thing private and alive. There may came a dream true at the beginning, but this will quickly break down into a hell of problems a young kid cannot and should not deal with. And this still completly excludes the idea, that the boy doesn't actually wanted this to happen. > threatens him, manipulates him, this is the issue, not the banging. Tell that to the bitch who got pregnant and demanded child support from a thirteen year old","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"said some faggot cumming. shutup faggot I'm gay, so yeah. Faggot. How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really just want to kill some towel head terrorists already can high school be over now please?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And I'm definitely top 3 at makin beats in the city but y'all niggers love your trap beats so y'all probably won't admit that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger shot up a church full of White people in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Ride907: If some little fucking faggot spits in my food I swear to god id tear your fucking arms off http:\/\/t.co\/EQociANZ77","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know... I hate them with such a passion..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"immigrants should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Melissa should actually *watch* the movie she made. That'll change her mind real fast. >Ghostbusters https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/Q4H99 I legit had a feminist argue with me how Janine didn't have a presence in the movies and wasn't memorable.When I pointed out how wrong she was, I got the answer \"Oh well, I never watched those movies so LOL! But yea, she doesn't count.\" These people are the target audience of the remake. >They basically hired him because he was eye candy. And the four leads gushed over this as well in the media tour. I think this was from the Plinkett review, but they point out how the original was an action flick with jokes while the remake is an Avenue for jokes with some action inbetween, and that completely changed the dynamic of both movies Also, the observation that Winston was just a guy looking for work while leslie Jones was a loud black woman playing a stereotype. Ernie's race was completely irrelevant to his character (he was the everyman, that's all) while leslie played it up *hard*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pfft, alone on the street with anyone at night is when I practice my 'Bane' voice, \"Hello\" immediate terror. Haha that's essentially how her post [started. ](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/HkKayIV.jpg)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Low IQ + anger issues is a common condition with these types Because she's white, aggressive and you've got prejudices against russians e\/ WOW! How is my statement THAT controversial? I gave 3 facts in answer to his question and that's somehow completely unacceptable? So you just walk around and blame the Russians, for random crap with no evidence? I understand your a troll but wouldn't it be easier on a Russian subreddit Troll troll troll squawk troll troll troll squawk. Go away little parrot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"read the fourth political theory h read encirclement by jimmy mason :))))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have watched the video that sparked this apology. In it you can hear from the context that no one present actually found Ryan's use of the word faggot to be all that noteworthy, including Ryan himself, and they pretty much just had a laugh about it. The apology misrepresents the situation completely and I'm convinced that it was just created in response to SJW whining and bitching. Now I grant you that that is already a fuck-up on his or the company's part, but this incident doesn't accurately depict their personal viewpoint. You know what else is really easy? Not being a massive faggot and throwing a little bitch-fit over words. > Whites should get lynched, and gamers should be enslaved and castrated. > > > > Don't get triggered over words, subhuman. Oh look, another violent, bigoted regressive leftist. Here's a juice box, dear. You mom should be by to pick you up from your communist LARP in a couple of hours. Now get out and stay out. A lot of us have 4chan roots. Over there the word is practically synonymous as a means of addressing someone or calling someone a dick. It has almost no punch there because it's used so commonly. Someone calling you a faggot there is the equivalent of someone telling you here to stop being stupid. Nothing to do with your sexuality at all lmao faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New York socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already mulling over her presidential ambitions, despite not even being elected to Congress yet. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/ocasio-cortez-reveals-ambitions-for-socialist-presidency\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"smdh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisrapefugee. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh please Author. 52% of the population are not violently subjugated you fucking twat. Honestly ... radical feminists need to grow the fuck up. But I honestly believe that the entire lot of them are incapable of rational thought, so they will be the equivalent of children for their entire lives. In a trannys deranged mind \"misgendering\" is violence that warrants being beaten or stabbed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God made male and female blades of grass. Every living thing must reproduce itself to stay on this Earth: birds, bees and grass. Sex=Natural","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elizabeth warren is so retarded. She doesn't understand her own narrative. Race as a social construct contends race is a class you're placed in, her taking a dna test and justifying her native Americanness via dna is reliant upon race being a biologically reality. Whether by class or biology, everybody would identify her as white Proof once again that A: It's beyond time to split the nation up and B: Letting women vote is the most retarded thing our ancestors ever did Feminists ruin everything for us. I'd vote Right but many women would not. The patriarchy is best. Let alone letting them in Government. Just look what has happened since women were allowed into Government. This Government has went total shit hole. And it's all the freaking women. Unless you have your woman on a short chain women should never vote.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot. faggot ok, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"boy is this fucking dirtbag nigger traitor obama delusional! the only one that \" makes stuff up\" is you ! i guess i would be pissed if my legacy was going down in flames because of a great patriot...trump.now the world knows what kind of a scumbag you are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get a fucking job Sand Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ice cold take of the day; rich liberals love illegal spic employees because they can berate them and use \"La Migra\" as a sword of Damocles to keep them in line.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking parasites.. one greedy old Jew hag and the other a nigger blood sucker..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"deport these cunt asians","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Am I the only crazy one, but am not seeing any debris from such an awful crash? I see tree branches and some things but one would think there would be much more debris? Where's the limo, did it blow up into a million pieces? Ideas\/thoughts? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/limousine-crashes-in-new-york-killing-20-after-failing-to-stop-at-intersection-officials-say","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait, outrage from the same people that thought it was hilarious to show a bloody Trump head from a basic bitch aka Kathy Cunt Griffin? Fuck the hypocrisy. I say just dust all the invaders.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can ask me to call you a male, but you'll always be a woman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.abc.net.au\/news\/2018-10-26\/harry-meghan-markle-plane-forced-to-abort-landing\/10435054","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SynagogueShooter Rob Bowers aka @onedingo joined #GABfam in January of He had other social media accounts before that and was \"radicalized\" way before he joined us here. Not that facts like this will matter to #Mockingbird #MSM I am sure... https:\/\/m.imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20181027160428\/https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR ^ TBH if that goes viral things might get interesting -- it's like a random sampling of Gab #RedPill posts. Lots of reposts of high profile accounts. ... PS: @a @e WOW i think his Gab posts being shared all over #BigTech means a HUGE increase in visitors; I experienced huge lag for maybe 10 minutes but now seems to have resolved itself. Nice surprise load test! :) Did Twitter scrub @onedingo's account and delete all his messages? I was just thinking that about the fake mail bomb guy. The FBI is known for getting retarded people to commit terrorists acts for them so they can get a bigger budget.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says a fucking limey whose has let his country turn into a Muslim shithole. It seems you have been wearing lipstick your whole life, while slowly your bitch ass Queen and Parliament pedophiles rape your daughters. Hows Brexit going? How many guns do you own? Oh yeah,,,ZERO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a nigger to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keine Ausgangssperre hilft da. Raus ab in Ihre Heimat mit dem Dreckspack.... Ich h tte da auch noch ne andere L sung........ https:\/\/jungefreiheit.de\/politik\/deutschland\/2018\/meuthen-fordert-ausgangssperre-fuer-asylbewerber\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Police officers are under a lot of stress because they know that we are watching, if you call police officers thugs again I'm going to punch you right in the nose you little child","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man.....she is one ugly \"thing.\" Can't call her a man or woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sshhh... people might think you're crazy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its amazing how many people think they can do whatever they please because they are older... [deleted] Fuck off you racist. [deleted] [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Were you expecting anything short of fireworks in his final homestand? #FarewellCaptain http:\/\/t.co\/5nTacrQ43m","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish someone could get me the fuck out of here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only do we almost entirely adore Loki, but he is obviously very masculine in the same style\/ sense that the joker is. Loki also snaps from being cool and collected to loud and aggressive, he's manipulative, treacherous, playful, rivalrous, damaged, has a great desire for recognition and power, obvious historically masculine things. Part of his whole story is a *brotherly* rivalry for the spotlight. Oh tumblr and their incessant character warping and claiming. And we enjoy them all because they're charmingly evil and utterly intriguing in their moralities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are obviously just retarded my dude. If you want to toss aside all help in this fight then that is on you. But if you do then you lose. So have fun losing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's still Happy Hump Day, Y'all! *wink* :) > > > HAPPY ~ HUMP ~ DAY < < < #GabFam #GabGirls #TotesOrgasmic #HumpNado #HumpOrama #HumpDay #HappyHumpDay #WednesdayIsHumpDay #HumpOn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude when they spouted out that it was their weird pagan days or shit I even had pagan meme's just to be friendly and nice to them. What'd we get in return, seriously? Christians love playing victim. I've always seen Christians come in with a shitty attitude and then get ass blasted when somebody pushes back. *Assblasted Christians You mean like the ones who saved Europe at the gates of Vienna? The whole conversation is so... childish, it's like arguing the Easter Bunny with a 4 year old. Like, they are gonna believe what they wanna believe. Hey, lay off the Easter Bunny, okay? But seriously, folks ... some \"have ears to hear\", and others don't. Personally i find the pagan-larp completely devoid of meaning, while the metaphysics and Spiritual substance of Christianity is simply far superior. I agree. I mean you'll find no more fervent critic of the Catholic church's flavour of the month political bullshit than me, but overall it has the substance to withstand the Jews quite easily - if it can be brought to bear.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No no no... This wasn't TRUE feminism. Edit* it's a \"true communism\" joke. You retards actually need me to add \/s?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess I'm ugly, no one has sexually assaulted me. Haha, but thats the thing.....I'm not good looking or sexy in any way. Hmmmm, maybe thats why they think its ok? That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me [deleted] [deleted] \"I accept double standards and go to nashville\" Fuckin' loser [deleted] [deleted] Amazing I don't work today so I'm gonna go have a shower beer and relax. Yourself? [deleted] Now kith [deleted] Much like \/r\/conspiracy-esque subs, I sub to the sub sometimes for content but mostly to read comments written by weird people so I can feel better about myself [deleted] Not sure if there was another sub I forgot the name of but recently \/r\/holocaust was flooded with holocaust deniers, at one point I was talkin' shit and someone wrote me a huge post on why he denies the holocaust. Fuck was that entertaining [deleted] Fresh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember when this sub talked about the game industry. Every day a rib tickle. I remember when this sub talked about journalistic ethics ..oh yea, thats what we are talking about now. GamerGate has always been about the ethics over petty lolcow drama and vidya game industry screw-ups. That sub welcome must of thrown me off.... Do you read good? Look at the banner. What does it say? That you're a triggered kid who needs emotional validation? Idk you tell me if you're not even gonna bother to follow the conversation. \"Triggered\" says the guy who's whining about what others are discussing. \"Ethics\" buttercup, its right there. You still didnt read the conversation. Wooooosh. I still think the sub is funny. You're funny. I'm not sure you know what whoosh means. Is English your native language? Your one comment about gaming before the one I'm replying to does zero to mitigate the drivel pouring from your front hole. lol fuck man, you're still going. Shit man this sub kills me. https:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php?term=wooooosh Please validate your feelings more man. This is good stuff. I up-voted for the lols man. It's ok I still love you son. Must have been immaculate conception pops, what woman would let you near her let alone inside her. You were a tube baby. When do I get my wizard powers like you? At the next rally.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These 20 filthy stinking cunts were convicted and jailed today for raping little white girls as young as The difference is the Sikhs will be disgusted and disconnect themselves from him, the Muslims would be hiding evidence and treating them as heroes for raping Gori slags' Disgusting backward cunt sub-species, they should have all their smelly putrid dicks cut off! Just be done with them!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Protester demands that GOP Senator @BillCassidy \"apologize to my children for ruining their futures. Cassidy looks at the kids: \"Guess what? Your parents are using you as tools. In the future if somebody makes an allegation against you and there's no proof for it, you'll be OK.\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1050794829482008576","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, Charlie Strong is cleaning house. Might be upwards of 10 released before he is done. @Evan_P_Grant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Proud of yerself? So many WORDS wasted on your OWN feeble virtue-signaling. Your swastika boy scout badges were stomped to death in go be a faggot somewhere else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I'm not tired of winning .....Victory! Brett #Kavanaugh is exactly the right person, at the right time to serve on the Supreme Court. A conservative jurist. A good man with the background and experience worthy of this high honor.\" ~ @LindseyGrahamSC https:\/\/twitter.com\/LindseyGrahamSC\/status\/1048664621727600646 Now that #NoName is gone... Freedom feels good doesn't it, Lindsey?! What planet are you on? You think hillary\"we came we saw he died\" wouldnt have boots in syria? Repubs used to get roughly half their donations from jewish billionaires Dems get roughly 75% of their money from jewish donors https:\/\/forward.com\/news\/national\/410342\/jewish-billionaires-seth-klarman-leslie-wexner-withdraw-support-from-gop\/ Repubs cannot be proWhite and pro Israel. You can't put a foreign nation before your own. You can't fix that party as it's set up to make money in a certain way. They talk a good game. Cruz pretends to be a Constitutionalist, but hes a Bankster Zionist. No plan to fix. I'm just not gonna support a neocon Zionist deep state SCOTUS nominee just because it pisses \"Commies\" off. There is nothing short of violent revolution we can do to end ZOG. And if ppl like u r still supporting them, there's not even a chance for revolution. We need more people. If ppl like you continue to explicitly support the criminals who run this country, a revolution is unlikely. As long as ppl think there is hope WITHIN THE CURRENT SYSTEM, we are doomed. They dont allow anyone who is an actual threat to their criminal enterprise to get anywhere. The US is gone, forever. Not if the 5% is what keeps the criminals in power. The 95% that we agree on is unimportant stuff.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was a snowboarder. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Amy Schumer Posts Video of Amy Schumer Protesting Kavanaugh: November Is Coming' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/09\/amy-schumer-posts-video-of-amy-schumer-protesting-kavanaugh-november-is-coming\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"fuck you you pussy ass hater go suck a dick and die quick\" - Someone, to me, in Youtube comments. I think we'd be good friends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was Just Wondering...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A pharaohs nd his angry bird http:\/\/t.co\/jMC2eR32Ka","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sorryimalex: @lametears: i only rted alex ramos aka trash to gain followers #vote5sos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't \"neurotypical\" just mean not retarded or autistic or mentally ill? So basically all manner of people that are totally necessary for the world to function... are not ok? Yeah because they make things harder for the people that are retarded\/autistic\/mentally ill The retarded\/mentally ill\/autistic people are pretty much dependant upon the \"neurotypical\" keeping it together for their survival .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" RT @KingHov1313: They recruited buku fags in here! ...a warehouse is no place for them! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TomCrean ill scream from France for you Tom! #IU #iubb #hoosiers #creanandcrimson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the problem is people do say that, it's retarded and only further cements my total distaste of the \"LGBT community\", but it's something that people actually believe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CHlLDHOODRUINER: who else hated this bitch nigga ?? http:\/\/t.co\/8jwGmV4Yet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is anyone still giving this twat airtime?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please listen to me, I am a White American Woman that's a registered Republican, who voted for Trump. I own guns. I support free speech, I pay to be on Gab. I fought porn spammers, I fought obscene violent anime child porn posters. My birth name is Christina. I love my Country and you my Volk. Please stop hating \"Nazis\", we are not your enemies. You must listen to us. Antifa are Communists, far left. Antifa stands for Anti-Fascist. Nazis are Fascists, far right. Nazis arrested Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Communists and Anarchists. Nice \"I am a proud American Trump supporter that owns guns\" introduction. You might as well just say you're an American Zionist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow does ur mom know how gay u are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't follow the astros they said. They're trash they said. Well now look at them #astros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is there a dumber nigger in office than Trump? Example: WH press leaks. Trump complains about it as if it's an evil conspiracy. A lot of the \"anonymous\" sources in the NYT or WaPo have turned out to be true (e.g. Bannon being fired, not quitting). And yet Trump hired virtually all the people who do the leaking. Bannon himself leaked publicly. It's all his fault.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The alt-right was always full of queers and racemixers, they just did a better job of covering it up. Exemplis gratia, Cooper \"Ghoul\" Ward and Mike Peinovich. Is there any actual evidence of Ghoul 'dating' a tranny? My understanding is that this was Daily Stormer faggot propaganda, part of their campaign to attack anyone who didn't follow their Jewish agenda (and was competing with the red shoe fags for membership dues).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People need to understand that disabled people are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads I gots to be bein colored and all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"remember when this sub was about mens rights rather than a bunch of incel virgins bitching about women I do, all the incels got pushed out and are shitting up the other subs with their misogyny. I prefer r\/menslib but it doesn't get as much traffic and this one was full of frustrated men ... now it's toxic frustrated men who are ugly inside and outside.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A. Ben Kuchera is a fucking retard, and B. Having this as an option in Call of Duty, especially presented as an option at the beginning of the game, is fucking stupid. In no way would a first person shooter be made better by being less realistic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MaxAbrahms: When Americans claim #ISIS is just a \"local threat,\" reply: You mean just to Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Leb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gabs fucking up, so I cant post the image of the Hitler quote \"he who owns the youth owns the future\" :) FUCKING GAB @a YOU RETARD THIS SITE HAS BEEN FUCKED EVERSINCE YOU SHOAH'D THE FROG!!!!!!!1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PHOTO: Caravan Protesters Paint Swastika on American Flag, Burn It in the Street https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/immigration\/2018\/10\/22\/photo-caravan-protesters-paint-swastika-on-american-flag-burn-it-in-the-street\/ Trump needs to make a deal with Mexico to put active US military on the Mexican side of the border to stop the caravan in mexico, before they can reach the US border. It's the only way to beat the Asylum laws we have. Mexico has stricter laws governing migrants.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cohen has been compromised ... I wouldn't believe a single allegation out of his mouth - he thinks that if he changes sides he will be safe ... LMAO - He is officially on suicide watch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Wrong call. I voted for the other guy because I believe her ideas are uninteresting, when his had.. very slight potential Like the idea of making one of the very, very few socialist system that work in a ultra capitalistic environment like his genious idea of : - privatizing social security - public transport - Destroying the CDI (Contras Dur e Ind termin ) , now your will have a contract for the duration you are needed, after that you return to unemployment state, meaning you **will** lower your standards just to be able to work, good luck having a family when you don't know when and where you will work 6 months in advance. - Being another lapdog for the Americans like Hollande\/Sarkozy, Chirac told the Americans to fuck off \"looking for mass destruction weapons\" in Iraq, t'was a good thing indeed, for 8 years it was more \"Obama said : Baguette, you go there and you do this, yes sir!\" > her ideas are uninteresting - Close the borders. - Negociate with \"mommy\" Merkel a better deal, since we switched to we French **lost** a fuckton of \"purchasing power\" especialy after the Greek fiasco and allowing pretty much anyone and everyone in Europe - Revoke citizenship to people leaving the country to do the jihad in kebabistan - Allow anything to be voted by a referendum on a national scale wise if 300,000 people sign the request. - Revoke social aid to people being send to prison and the family of said person too if it's an aggravated crime. - Stop the military interventionism madness (reminder that even if people like to slanders our military as surrending faggot, France have boots on ground in 17 countries up to this day, *officialy*) **or** if you wish to continue, give an appropriate budget to be able to have boots on ground in 17 countries on the nano budget we have\/had (daily reminder France is the only European country that respect it's pledge to the","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common disabled trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think Smith is a homosexual faggot commie. He is banned from my tv . He makes me gag with vomit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nevermind just the single figures either, but the actual warrior tribes that had women on the front lines or even as the primary fighters are all there in history too. Just ignore the ignorant bitches. If we gamer women want to play as female fighters, we will, on games that have them. And if a game we want to play does NOT have them, then hey, we'll play male characters and still wipe the field with the blood of our enemies. I'll always swing towards playing female characters if I can, but damnit I love my m!Shep just as much as my femsheps.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whats the big deal mexico has immigration laws and policies they deport people all the time nothing is said or done yet when the united states chooses to enforce its immigration laws and policies people become shocked and outraged","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Full blown Jew faggot Eddie Lampbert gets his wish and destroys Sears, ending the 150 year life of an American icon. \"TOO BAD GOYS\" he states. #jews #retail #maga #kikes #gasjews https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/sears-hires-advisers-to-prepare-bankruptcy-filing-1539136189","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people camel fucker. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger pahleez!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @IllusiveHaven: shhhh wrap yourself around melet me kiss the bruises on your heartlick your unhealed woundsand taste the raw wild ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"John K Stahl FBI needs to fully investigate this SuperSkank. Intern arrested for doxxing GOP Senators and she's passing mysterious envelope to Squeaky's attorney during hearing. Was it a check from Soros? #maga #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First time posting to this group directly. Dunno if any of you guys were watching but I *think* I just flushed out a Hasbarat Troll Team using the account @BattlestarQUIMBANIA There are three \"confirmed\" personalities attached to it. Caps Lock Nigga, Word Salad, and The Supervisor. You will be able to tell which Personality is posting by their mannerisms. right well caps locks nigger is real because ive seen his hands in a food picture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cassocked crusader says \"we need to protect children\". Eh? Who's \"we\"? Her and #culturalMarxist mates presumably ... Not their parents, whose rights she dismisses (along with states' and religious rights). Imagine what she'd be like with real power! #TheDrum #safeschools Her cross is the wrong way around. String this big nose cunt up from a lamp post","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nice boomer meme faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A little half nigger that will be born with shocking red hair probably! LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They let him get a few licks in. Even when the person deserves an ass beating you gotta stop it somewhere, this felt about right. Yeah man I gotta say, a lot of people don't realize just how fragile we are. I guess since we aren't exposed to physical violence like we used to be it's easy to be frustrated and yell for blood when these kind of things happen. I got downvoted like hell in a post because I said I try to intervene as early as I can if people fight... you land one right blow and it can mean life or death People overlook the fact that even being the aggressor gets you hurt, knuckles and wrists get all fucked up, when adrenaline wears off you start feeling sore where you didn't even know you were hit at This was about an old guy and woman. Old woman was yelled at for not picking up her dogs poo, woman got mad and grabbed the poo and threw it at guy, guy throws a punch and was about to go on but someone stopped em before it went further People claimed i was an SJW giving pussypasses lol but had nothing to do with the gender. Gets me goin when I think of it lol stupid sheltered people who never encounter physical violence Whew..: went on a tangent there... my bad While I agree in the importance of stopping violence before it goes too far, I have to defend the reactor as well. I know the video you're talking about, I would've done the same thing that man did. Don't throw feces at people. Don't put your hands on people. We have a right to a little revenge when we're fucked with, especially if you're assaulted. It's better not to instigate, because if you do I think you deserve some ramifications. She got her fair beating and after that people stepped in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, women are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a nigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don't you try Nick? You are a hippy who does not wear a poppy therefore you and your opinion are invalid. You are a hippy who does not wear a poppy, therefore your opinion is worthless. So a 7 year old playground taunt is all you can come up with? I like Jews and Muslims so \"nazi\"? One needs evidence for a rape charge. Now, about your pal Simon Lindsell, no poppy and he molests kids like Nick Raybould does. Word salad. From a non poppy wearing nonce. Muted. Wearing my poppy with pride, unlike far Fran;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @TZilla you are propagating lies, taqqiya is not for the purpose of spreading Islam. Your post also misrepresents maruna. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Taqiya","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds just like Kameltoe Harris! She ALWAYS wants letters and policy books! What I want is them to get ahold of her staff separately and give them the treatment like they do everyone else and see who spills the beans!! Those two dyke looking broads behind her know!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@VinniePolitan kill the coons!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laura Ingraham: Find this little slime. RePOST pls https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321 Get a face makeover sissy. You are bagged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gerfingerpoken2 His job as US Prez, to protect us is throw in trash..Ebola ER at our cost Daniel, both money and lives! DoG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Brandee876: ghetto sour cream http:\/\/t.co\/1meyQQ7B6G","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It depends entirely on what backgrounds you're talking about, if you're talking about these useless middle\/upper class university students or people living in posh communities then yes they're going to be fucking useless and generally are useless in most aspects of life. If however you were to grab anyone from other parts of a western country the results would be decidedly different and I feel pretty confident in stating that. What you see on social media and mainstream television especially is skewed incredibly towards middle\/upper class people and they live in an absolute bubble. I honestly believe some of them are the medieval equivalent of nobility and are just completely out of touch with the rest of the country. You grab somebody from Yorkshire for example who actually has to produce things and work for a living it's a completely different type of person. I think technology is just a convenient scapegoat, much easier to blame that than admit you have a problem with incredibly out of touch people who don't even realise where their food comes from or how the smartphones they use got made. I'm not even sure I want to necessarily go there because I think most normal people do realise the work it takes to make civilisation and *gasp* use social media to find out about it all. It's just these useless cunts that have a completely disproportional influence on media that don't. I say this because channels like how to make everything and primitive technology are very popular, I really like primitive technology because it does absolutely everything from scratch which is very handy if you ever find yourself in a survival situation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yet another far right gammon who hits women https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-us-canada-45960094?fbclid=IwAR1cFkQNW-7lEvI-QWBHAr3Lt0mq0nw4Bk2lxtv9j7Mgw2HraImiejKRdbs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are you concerned with him then? 'Jesus said to him, \"Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.\"' Luke 9:60","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shit like this is how i got suspended on twitter. I cant let something like this go past my news feed without calling retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she's a fucking nut job, probably sucks sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusting NYT hired this racist, ignorant bitch. She is going to be SERVED a LARGE DOSE of #KARMA from GOD! #KarmaIsABitch #BoycottTheNewYorkTimes #BoycottNYT #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #LiberalsAreTermites #LeftistHateCrimes #LeftistSheeple #LeftismIsaCult #LiberalDoubleStandard #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon#WWG1WGA#Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #Trump #1A #2A #NRA But this little slope cunt loves white cock....go figure","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why does an old nigger iron his hair; he should straighten himself out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[here is the interview, it seems like a comical parody but it's actually real](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UF5QvtnCDdk) Lack of confidence. \"What am I talking about, you ask? Uptalk. That ever-growing tendency to end statements with upward inflections to make them sound like questions. Like you're not quite sure what you're saying is true. Or clear. Or will be acceptable to your audience. To suggest that you're willing to back down, or restate your point, or change your viewpoint altogether if your listeners don't nod their approval. It's a nasty habit. It is the very opposite of confidence or assertiveness. It's gotten all out of control. These days even statements about which there should be no question or doubt are presented in this tentative, timid and deferential manner. Here's an example. I teach a 4th year university course in which part of the requirement is a seminar presentation. Students used to stand up and share the results of their research in a way that conveyed their confidence and knowledge. They no longer do. Even if they do feel confident, their culture now mandates that they dial it back and sound like this: My name is Jennifer? My seminar today is on bystander apathy? There is quite a bit of research on this topic?\" https:\/\/www.psychologytoday.com\/us\/blog\/caveman-logic\/201010\/the-uptalk-epidemic It's a way to mask their inherent bias by appearing neutral.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tats with smoking, high partner count, dyed hair, piercings, dresses like a slut, large hoop earrings, had abortions, no job, party girl\/ heavy drinker, male friends-orbiters, cursing...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I work right around the corner from here and got told to shut the store i work at. I was like fucked if I'm going to let some terrorist cunt stop me from doing my job, so i stayed open and made a bit of cash off the people who got diverted due to bourke street being shut down, who just wanted to keep on going about their lives. and#x200B; Capitalism wins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another faggot beating girls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lock this crack whore up and hide the key in a pair of work boots. This bitch needs to be put down with malice. She tried 3 separate bullshit evasions that didn't work because she's fucking guilty. No matter what kind of human you are, the raw fact of not even trying to help when she \"realized\" it wasn't water in the glass confirms intent with malice. I just don't have the words to describe how vile a cunt this bitch is!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't believe these gay people, thinking I won't murder every one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its a troll by leftists to show how retarded tea party boomers are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If a 14-year-old girl asks a guy for sex and he says yes, he's still going to jail for agreeing to it and no one's going to be saying \"it's not like she didn't know what she was doing\" just because she initiated it. It's the adult's responsibility to say no. She either knew he was underaged, or didn't both to check her ID. Either way, it was her fault the same way it'd be a bar's or strip club's fault for not carding people >If a 14-year-old girl asks a guy for sex and he says yes That's not what happened here. Because when two people have sex, it's consensual, the age of consent is set because older people can manipulate younger people. That same logic can't be applied when a person goes out of there way to find a prostitute and pay for her\/him. The whole consent thing is firmly laid at the buyer's feet. and#x200B; > It's the adult's responsibility to say no. She either knew he was underaged, or didn't both to check her ID. HAHAHAHAHA, Are you retarded? \"Please show me ID to verify your age, so that I don't commit a crime, while I get a full name of you while you commit a crime.\" Who the fuck would be willing to give up their name and ID to a hooker, while committing a crime by buying sex? Are you that dumb that you think this is how that works? and#x200B; In other words she's not criminally responsible for not asking for ID, because they wouldn't use ID since they were already breaking the law If she's in the kind of profession where it's already illegal, that just means she committed to crimes: fucking a minor, and selling sex. And somehow in that tiny brain of yours that equates that she shouldn't be punished for anything. Of all the arguments for giving this cunt a Pussy Pass, that's the most idiotic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BossAce555 @Sounds_good_bro @BloggerBoxing yea u stupid faggot. I'm not leaving till like 5-6pm. Want a ride?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Name one positive trait any mud has... Basketball is a child's game and has no real value. Nigger dance and music is garbage. I like steak and potatoes. Nothing, no","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That faggot should be loyal to white people, not some stupid flag and gov that's ZOG controlled anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off Broward you cunts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really hope that dumb cunt dies too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"who the hell wants to live in a nigger shit hole?? do you dopey old bag???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manyrapefugees in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=InCVqYWW4Dc Simply dumb. Nonsense screaming and disturbing ladies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fled his war torn land, leaving his womenandchildren behind, traveled thousands miles to the land of milk and honey in order to Show his dick to, and punch, a 90 year old white woman-Its what allah would have wanted https:\/\/www.kptv.com\/news\/year-old-woman-punched-in-face-in-downtown-portland-i\/article_c4a74774-c3ac-11e8-9b0c-078a6cadc3ae.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If her income comes from the state it doesn't matter how much tax she pays on cigarettes. My father in law came to Canada 15 years ago in his 50' and has worked this whole time more then 40 hours a week at minimums wage job . 2 years ago he became a Canadian citizen ( and got a better job yay ) but he still works and still pays taxs and he never got any bonus money from the government for moving here . Not saying the person in this photo is the same but for everyone just to assume and just throwing hate around makes me feel sad for everyone Yea, you fucking idiots! If she gets say $1500 a month in entitlements, plus free healthcare costing say $6,000 a month based on her age, then the gst and pst she pays on certain items will make the government a huge windfall! My father in law came to Canada 15 years ago in his 50' and has worked this whole time more then 40 hours a week at minimums wage job . 2 years ago he became a Canadian citizen ( and got a better job yay ) but he still works and still pays taxs and he never got any bonus money from the government for moving here . Not saying the person in this photo is the same but for everyone just to assume and just throwing hate around makes me feel sad for everyone I'm with you. Except that story is remarkably rare. Why would someone not apply for citizenship until now? There was nothing indicating that she was ever hearing contributing to canadian gdp during her working years. She would be 12 years past the late retirement age. I know we shouldn't generalize, but lets be realistic and look at the facts. Your father in law is atypical, and most citizens don't stay in Canada for 40 years before applying. I'm with you. You brain damaged, son?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Paris shooting. This isnt funny, OP. Delete this. Uh no... Follow a different subreddit. You're obviously lost. I know exactly where I am and what I'm doing here. Do you think engaging in this type of behavior is productive? It seems to me that you are the one that is lost. It doesn't seem like you're a very hapyreditor. I'm here, interacting with the alt-right, its hardly a happy place. You didn't answer my question. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"kharnikhal\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"no_apologies145\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Lol good bot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NerdLifeThuggin: Skin Diamond really was the last champion for ebony porn. Everything else is kinda trash now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@convoy charges at his mothers back door for free rides but give darkmeat discounts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shitting on jesters like this should be illegal!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/09\/30\/khans-london-commuter-stabbed-face-underground-train\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHAT DOES A STREET NIGGER KNOW? WHO THE FUCK CARES? NWO JEWS and THEIR MEDIA COMBINES AND MOVIE COMBINES AND EDUCATION COMBINES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't even find it in me to mock anymore. This is scary. This mass ignorance is terrifying. RT @KateElliottSFF Yes, alas, I agree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we all know that only the child rapists hate trump cause he's locking you sickos up, when is your sentencing for raping a kid? filthy nigger that you are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching the nigger movie Menace2society. Trying to learn more about the enemy. Good reconnaissance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#FirstLadyMelania She's a low IQ import gold digger who still cannot speak proper English after all those years. She's also got 2 tons of makeup on all the time and her face looks like a Botox experiment gone horribly wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"3 years ago the twat that arranged these was living in the white house with mick the dick!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn't work that way cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Nachumlist: Charlie Rangel: The Things WeBelieve in Are Spiritual Damn Things http:\/\/t.co\/NwgiJ1mjia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm ok with this as I've been always a fan of yelling \"GREETINGS, CUNTS\" at the top of my lungs. Makes the blood flows and the hatred of your colleges towards you fuels them through the day's work. Working as a caretaker of elders is fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shep the Cuck. I cant stand the faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For now, we need *pro-white* leaders, not *not-pro-IsraHell*. One nigger at a time, as it were.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump Can you believe this (video), and what Democrats are allowing to be done to our Country? https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/1053013864244219904 DemocRATS??????? Pfffft! What have WE done to stop it? Stop blaming. Trump hasn't exactly acted yet either.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SERIOUS ! Full retard mode !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because our simp society has allowed women to get away with acting like immature children that constantly make excuses like mental illness, pms, their actual period, depression, etc etc. In reality, they're just a bunch of bitchy whiny cunts that act the way they act because nobody has the balls to tell them to shut the fuck up or to grow the fuck up...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pakistan a commonwealth country who the U.K regime sends millions of our money to each year Christian leaders in Britain silent, their too busy talking about the need for Britain to accept millions of moslem refugees from Pakistan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not really a phone kinda guy.. I actually hate talking on the phone and texting kinda trash to me also.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry RETARD READ THE POST. if you believe trump -you are a profoundly stupid sheep. MAGA? Purge ANTIAMERICAN right wing filth from our soil. Trump is the fucking traitor and his followers are fascist sheep. Trump should hang in GITMO for treason. His supporters should be rounded up and shipped back to russia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vote DemonRats OUT! Joe Biden said They want to put y'all back in chains. He forgot to mention that KKK founded by dems. They fought against 13 14 15 amendments against civil rights and it was a Republican who freed the slaves. Dems are ignorant and that is what the DNC wants. STUPID PEOPLE Do you dems even know what the civil war was about? READ A BOOK Whites defended their people in those days. It was brutal and it was just. Now, the nigger rape apes get to rape and kill with abandon. And yet you appeal to stale anti-White memes. You are behind the 8-ball.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I reckon it probably depends on whether being retarded is a protected class.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shame you didn't post any proof of your claims. Yeah, I saw that, it was one poster, what I object to is the way users who barely visit this sub come onto here and pretend there's a huge problem with misogyny in order to try and get us banned or get the mods to ban other people. I've seen this kind of behaviour before and I'm not falling for it, report that user and move on, but when you start trying to accuse the entire sub or tell us all what to do you're suspicious. There was another poster on the exact same thread. So two people in a subreddit of 190,000? That's not a case of rampant misogyny and I really have an issue with people who try to claim otherwise. Why does it matter if it's one in 10 or one i 100? We should be able to report and moderate the bad actors of any proportion of who's actually out there. Any bad actor makes us look bad - using stats to justify them existing is the opposite of being helpful.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no sympathy for guys who have to pay for it. https:\/\/twitter.com\/FranckeNoah\/status\/1048124387969458176 \"If I was writing a comedy sketch about . . . raping the CEO of Dropbox's wife with a broken glass bottle\" Sam may you live ten thousand lifetimes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No police department that hires gypsies, half-breeds, and nigglets should be trusted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is this yellow thing in the sky. I don't know what to make of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Synagogue shooter said ethnic cleansing programs sponsored by HIAS are what he was mad about. Why is Gab being blamed? If there's a culprit other than Robert Bowery, it's not the First Amendment. #BanHIAS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/capforcanada.com\/justin-trudeau-wants-terrorism-offences-reduced-to-six-month-sentence\/?fbclid=IwAR1laWxqJiCGYCKYg_MGOO6nxdRrKc-fKOEBwbzIBjndPm_deP4drmjjg5w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is Direct Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad' https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/queen-elizabeth-descendant-muhammad\/ Islamisation of UK reaching a final stage, it seems. Now is the time to rise up in the millions, otherwise ... Do not take this seriously. At 94, a few loose screws is normal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"should be more niggers wearing them and fewer Whites... unless they happen to look like J-Roc from Trailer Park Boys. Then they can wear that nigger shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT jackhauman British army soldiers persecuted by seniors for photo with Tommy Robinson. https:\/\/youtu.be\/6hH-Gc6AOV0 via @YouTube https:\/\/twitter.com\/jackhauman\/status\/1049912541231702017","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Lvl_7_Eevee @UnicornCowboy @hisorraya I just wanted brownies man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"currently Kenya is hosting US first lady @MelaniaTrump , how many of us are happy about this visit?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Critical thought. Critical thought is not an attack. By all means go claim injury. Claim injury for your god for all it does you or anyone such great things doesn't it. Such clumsily veiled \"prior attacks levied\" threats. Just don't be a retard and come up with these new-world xtian boogey men. My image? Go fuck yourself, ya optics cucked faggot. I don't need to qualify myself to you, or give a fuck when we get around to throwing fags like you off a fuckin' roof. \"optics cucked faggot \" hahaha. You want what, qualification? Well have fun with your little web rage, great Xtian unthinkable. Come around, and talk about \"attacks\" again anytime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of immigrants ought to be execuetd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm betting this lie will get half around the world before the truth even gets it's trousers on , Just what was the real provocation ? https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/21\/daughter-speaks-out-after-distraught-elderly-mum-is-called-an-ugly-black-bstard-on-ryanair-flight-8061265\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am an engineer by education, not currently by profession. But no. I'm blunt and I call it how it is, a trait I get from my dad. The very opposite of alt right e-celebs who traffic in comforting lies and attack you when point out facts. That's what you call stubborn autism. Not what I do. Just to restate that, you're just pointing out that you comment on the facts and don't gaslight or act like a triggered faggot about your feelings when the facts don't match what you want. Sorry, @HankRearden muh Feelz attacks is half way gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kinds of women ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Heartiste Damn, this week, Lindsay Graham almost made me start to respect his faggot ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"blocked and muted you fucking anime faggot @BobBobington111","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @calvin2000: Really? This is what's concerning him right now? MT @katiecouric: Looking forwd to speaking with John Kerry tomorrow AM abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, you guys need to get a grip. This very much sounds like a 'too drunk to say no' rape. As in, the girl was not sober enough to say no, therefore it wasn't rape, but you know goddam well it was. PPD you need to stick to actual PPD, not defending 'soft' rapes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well this is just soooo ME. These words have been my screensaver for the last few years. I FOUGHT right until the very end because I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE. Now I get to go home and I just can't wait! I'll be at peace at last. Christ knows I've suffered every fucking stinking shit cunt day of my so-called life and now I get to sleep at last. God bless ALL. Mwah! xxx","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These womendisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This racist genocidal kike cunt still has a job. Care to comment?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trudeau is nothing more that a faggot freakazoid with out two properly functioning brain cells to rub together to form a single intelligent origional well reasoned thought of his very own I think his momma had one of those failed abortions...maybe he can get his very own post-birth-abortion and fix that !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot garbage from Hollywood . . normalizing it don't need Netflix to get your daily dose . . most sitcoms have a queer or two my wife gets angry when I change the channel . . if her sitcom or movie tosses in faggots I will use my discernment . . I have that right shes like . . \"they all do that now\" . . \"not in my living room they don't\" \"deny Satan and they will flee\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another RACIST RETARDED Democrat with the illusion that they have any intelligence at all! My god Democrats are blithering idiots!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Games are a form of escapism. Just like any other there will be more tales that end well than end badly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no particular love for the incel, especially not for the attitude they seem to handle, but this is just retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical r a p e f u g e e behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as filthy as these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hypocritical self righteous virtue signaling is NEITHER illegal NOR against Gab rules CUNT You are still here right? As for defamation, slander, etc....well that's part of the free speech of gab you obviously DON'T like! I'm totally free here to say you're a boorish cunt and tell you to fuck off IF I WANT TO WELCOME TO GAB ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yost on Portsmouth \"this is the biggest white trash county in the nation\" #YostKnowsMost @iDOWNTOWN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. Normal men (97% or so) are sexually aroused by women. Men that are sexually attracted to men are born that way = genetic. Only a faggot gets a hard on looking at men\/boys. Have to be born that way. Sure faggots that adopt little boys to molest them can turn them faggot against their nature. Identical twins studies proved nothing of the sort. Stupid christ-insanity perverts promote that lie. News flash - \"Identical twins\" are NOT identical in all ways retard. Different personalities, IQ, tastes etc. Google what term means. Faggots can't be fixed anymore than u can turn a nigger White. Can be helped to control their innate faggot urges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @cantUCIMblonde @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to see this traitorous muslim faggot in jail in the worse way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're a Biblical creationist your mind is a sewer of retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go fucking end your stupid useless existence you retard, your too stupid to even realize I'm putting on an act like you cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RobertGBeckel: \"Do you know how good Ho-Ho's are at 2am?\" @AndreaTantaros answers, \"You haven't given up all your ho-ho's.\" Whoa. @TheFive","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My black queen dreading my hairs.Thank you Most High for this Moor Queen I asked you for.I want to BE BEtter with her http:\/\/t.co\/iFmRPJGyIC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OWO AMEN!! uwu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indian Ned Flanders. You look like you professionally harrass subpar women on Facebook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup, sounds like your standard gay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That seems to be who was following him in the first place, and he bows to each. This guy's as spicy as british food, the islam tweet is out of place in his twitter timeline.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's got the hottest man tits i've seen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF Tired of this fucking redacted BS Did tax dollars pay these shits ? We The People have a right to know That fucking cunt didn't give that shit up on her own...... Trump breached her ass and took that shit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh no, its retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheBikeman99 My father was born in Nanticoke and attended Lehigh. I'm a CT Yankee, but love the Pennsylvania Dutch cooking :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Look at me! I am a Nigger with a White woman! I am a winner because of this! Without a White woman to prop me up, I would be just another nothing Nigger living off the avails of the White race!' I loved it. Keep up the good work dismantling your own race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You cannot say she was defending her property as he walked away immediately after kicking their vehicle. Any action taken, after that point, is a completely separate incident and would need to be justified independently of the vehicle kick. It's like if someone punched you, then began walking away. You aren't defending yourself if you just to attack their back as the threat has already ceased and is actively creating distance, thereby progressively diminishing any possibility of a future threat rapidly. Agreed. My only point was that it was not in defense of anything, whether it be herself or her property. But, at the same time, him hitting her back as excessively (my own perception) as he did was equally unnecessary. His position is entirely impossible to justify. He could claim that he felt threatened when she approached, then struck him, and needed to defend himself. However, once the threat was clearly stopped, he should have reassessed. De nied Kewl story 'brah'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@intrepidokie nice lie #teabagger. Just because you want to see it doesn't make it real. Like Reagan was a conservative, another huge lie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Minneapolis Police Will Not Investigate Keith Ellison Due to Conflict of Interest' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/04\/minneapolis-police-will-not-investigate-keith-ellison-due-conflict-interest\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It should be clear that disabled people are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no idea why that last one suddenly calls them socialists... Isn't that more the mindset of a communist? I'm lost...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Edward Heath Promised UK Sovereignty When The UK Joined The EEC https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qUdkidgI9kE A smug and allegedly blackmailed Heath promises the world? Check out article FCO 30\/1048","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Awww http:\/\/sandrarose.com\/2018\/09\/chers-drug-dealing-boytoy-arrested-at-her-home\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" wow congrats you cold hearted bitch! I Hope those 27 fetus go to stem cell research and become self aware. After reunion to exact their revenge on their would be mother by putting a hi powered vacuum on her skull to suck her brains out! Mortal Kombat Fatality! burn in hell you retarded moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me too, a return to the Great Empire would fix the shit the world is in now ! brown and black need to relearn who rules them best","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Safe-space crybabies are abundant on both the Lunatic Left and the Retard Right. The only difference is the people they deem \"unclean\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTF? Out of curiousity, I decided to check this out. I have never seen a more racist show in my entire life. Every Nigger male is paired ONLY with a White, blue-eyed blonde female. This is the extreme of racism. This shit needs to be ended. White girls with White boys ONLY. End of.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The blond in this video is a perfect example of a retarded liberal with no fucking clue of whats going on. https:\/\/www.citizenfreepress.com\/column-1\/frank-luntz-what-happens-when-16-beto-and-cruz-supporters-debate-in-one-room\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> This story sounds EXTREMELY untrue It's **true** it's a story ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tennessee - Another mixed race couple relationship ends badly. Witnesses say the negro beat the White mother of his children over the head with a rock or brick repeatedly in front of her house, then ran her over with a car several times. https:\/\/wreg.com\/2018\/10\/08\/domestic-violence-survivors-shocked-emotional-to-hear-about-dv-homicide\/ Toll Paid LOLOLOLOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mlbtraderumors: Offseason Outlook: New York Yankees http:\/\/t.co\/6DtDxdI6ul","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What? You're not enjoying the 6 gorillion minute speech? lol Doesn't matter now. She defied my expectations and indicated her intention to vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation. There's no way she's going to get primaried out now, even though I would love for her to be replaced with Paul LePage. Fair enough","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@elliottgianaris gook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Them good words, invading nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just quarantined. do a search for whichever one and you can re-enter well i wasn't clear, you can do it if you use google or any other search engine to find the sub, then you can get in, this can be done on your phone too, and you don't even need to use the application It does look like you can go on the app after you log on with a pc? Idk, I get it on my phone now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This nigger needs to die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This person is totally retarded in all honesty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rick Scott is a lying piece of shit that is stealing from the Sun Pass system and is the indirect cause of many red tides by letting the sugar cane deal fall through. He's a greedy cunt and needs to be banished.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Live from outside the Old Bailey for Tommy Robinson's trial https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRGpiS7RDVA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"loony cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#metoo tramp. Agent of Satan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one cares about that cock eyed kneegrow faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Explosive device found at Clintons' home in Chappaqua https:\/\/thehill.com\/blogs\/blog-briefing-room\/news\/412889-explosive-device-found-at-clintons-home-in-chappaqua?userid=338526 Yeah right, they'll probably scapegoat a conservative, roll him out and scream \"see, this is how Trump voters behave \" they probably posted it to themselves in a desperate bid to keep hold of the house, bunch of losers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That fucking faggot probably delivered the packages himself Notice no device exploded Typical Saul Alinsky tactic by Dems","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TweetTully: This is so great. Regular season ball is for the birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay. This is a classic. that fkr generated (cultivated) and brought more REAL nationalist whites into this fkn thing than almost anyone we can name. He introduced more fkrs into the movement than almost anyone except for alex jones. Only the best lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Minnesota is full of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holohoax Industry News When she finally admitted it was a fabrication, she explained, \"This story is mine. It is not actually reality, but my reality, my way of surviving.\" #Jewish #Holohoax #Industry #Holocaust #Jew #Politics #Scam http:\/\/www.latimes.com\/books\/jacketcopy\/la-et-jc-invented-holocaust-memoir-20140512-story.html Your a fuckin idiot yourself Bud. Who produced, directed etc ur lil recommend film ? Cat is outta the bag about ur baby dick eating pals Bud. You look like a faggot tryin to stuff it bck in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only trans people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You a sick freak! FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just set up a protonmail account just in case the worst happens. It's escoffiergab@protonmail.com ole-swtichblade@protonmail.com ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a black person on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So what if their faggot ass population is (((small)))? Those filthy kikes control the Media, Hollywood, Academia, the banks, and the U.S. government! Plus, they're the ones that bring the Muzzies in. Kikes are evil and deserve to be thrown into volcanoes. A lot of Jews are hiding in closets all over, because they're the biggest faggots in the world! https:\/\/www.bostonglobe.com\/lifestyle\/travel\/2016\/03\/17\/welcome-tel-aviv-gayest-city-earth\/y9V15VazXhtSjXVSo9gT9K\/story.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flake: Trump's Family Separation Policy Simply Is Un-American' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/flake-trumps-family-separation-policy-simply-is-un-american\/ Just gonna leave this right here. They will do ANYTHING to demonize or fault our President.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye West has got the be the dumbest fucking nigger that hasn't robbed a liquor store.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't cry too hard into your waifu, faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HERALDofYAH @WADL @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier - To \"Add the 'Pride' face from your Apple Watch-- Press the Digital Crown to go to the watch face. Firmly press the display, swipe all the way to the right, then tap. Turn the Digital Crown to see the 'Pride' face. Tap the 'Pride' face. The face automatically appears on your watch\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RainaluvsA in that picture yes, I haven't had an updated pic added the angel wing is colored now too, and thanks represents what I am ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know agreed, i love that fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Commie nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you a neo nazi? I don't know for sure. Maybe you should be banned just in case. Yeah. See how that game is played? To these Commies, everyone right of Mao is literally Hitler even you. Unless you are actually a fucking Commie subversive. Are you fucking retarded? I am the exact opposite of a Nazi or a Commie. Fuck off you fucking leftist bitch. I am retarded. I am a Leftist. I am a bitch. Self discovery is so interesting and insightful. I'm learning so much about me from an outsider's perspective. Or is that outsider's projection? Silly me. Just too retarded to know for certain!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pasta nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jack @Twitter @TwitterSupport The New and Improved Faggot Jack SJW SJWNPC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@billsmith sure did but I see the best part of you ran out your mother cunt ran down her leg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does this include when a muzzie calls a woman who is not wearing a garbage bag on her head a whore?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kill yourself you whiny, self-righteous faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NFL = Nigger Faggot League!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Almost got to see a white boy get beat around today, but he ran like a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How rich do you have to be to hire retarded jungle Asian surrogate mothers, and what jurisdiction do you have to live in to keep them away from leftist lawyers? Practical considerations, I don't feel like waiting for the Zombie Alpacalips.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger with an I.Q. of 50!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fukc all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What i don't get is why they chose a black child over a White one. As parents they would usually have the desire to see the best possible future for their child. So the surrogate mother would be carefully chosen, the sperm would be screened for issues and then for some reason, instead of choosing the superior White baby, they throw it all away. I suppose though, for this deviant couple, if we are to buy into the sad fantasy presented by the social engineering short masqueerading as an advertisement, they would see this child as a fashion accessory, and nigger cubs are a hot item amongst their peers. \"Oh my gord, let me lick, i mean hold it, so hot\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iDntWearCondoms: Stop stalkin your girl social media u bitch ass nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Charlie's Angels Reboot Just reading these 3 words made me feel like I'm gargling boiling hot excrement... Which is probably not as bad as this steaming pile of dogshit. If there was ever any doubt that Hollywood has gone to absolute trash, there's your answer... I mean I can understand these celbtard imbeciles destroying the classics. But now it seems they are sooo out of any ideas, they're starting to reboot the garbage. Can't blame them tho, what else is there to ruin... They ruined and humiliated Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Ocean's 11 (77% of it), Predator, Alien, Terminator (twice), Jurassic Park... Expect reboots of Twilight, Hunger Games, Titanic, 50 Shades of Grey and Birdemic. Fucking hell... > Terminator (twice) Is that in reference to Genesis and the upcoming Terminator with the androgynous Terminator?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t R E P E N T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women get breast reductions and abortions. They are as retarded as they are demonic. Babies are also rough on the body. Tough shit. #CriminalizeBreastReduction thot lies lmaoooo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like taking niggas hoes but I stop doing that ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT fuck off faggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shoot that cunt with a bazooka!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger ,that's what they do","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UPVOTE\/DOWNVOTE RATIO DOES NOT LIE What significance do you attach to my ratio? I take on the human debris who come here; the nazis, fascists, antisemites, and bigots. I do it as a public service. My ratio holds no importance to me. Think of it as battle scars. What a goofy statement. We call it the human race. Perhaps you have heard of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Patrick_little has received purchase order for jew naming services to be performed with a non-white goy who names the jew in San Diego area this weekend! Email CaliLLC@protonmail.com if you need the jew named in your town on my the back from SoCal to Berkeley early next week! Goyim means white.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You women make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigga wtf is a cm it's like inches and stuff but for nonretarded people","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obama lied about his BIRTH CERTIFICATE Obama lied about SPYING Obama lied about BENGHAZI Obama lied about OBAMACARE Obama lied about THE IRAN DEAL Obama lied about IRS TARGETING Obama lied about FAST N FURIOUS Obama lied about HILLARY'S SERVER Obama lied about SYRIA'S WEAPONS Obama did not lie about TRANSFORMING AMERICA. Why is this traitor walking free?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ZP3_ the little girl Tom Sawyer gets trapped in the cave along with Injun Joe and almost die. injun Joe dies and they find his treasure","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OK. r\/oversharing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brown people love white countries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @TheFunnyVine: Red Neck Ice Bucket Challenge https:\/\/t.co\/cAgp3nIofd he must be from the SIP. #redneck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Guess that's why they call it window pane...\" I see what you did there!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When this retard pays his child support I still won't listen to him:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Daily reminder that I hate niggers, jews and moslems but what I hate more than anything else are anti-White, White People. Only thing worse than a nigger is a nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@lnsightful @zT_Supreme @uncr4fted @yoPapi_chulo omg no plz stop calling me an idiot... are we in kindergarden you fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @aekulze: In Hopes of Recruiting More Women, ISIS Opens Jihadi Finishing School http:\/\/t.co\/xlxdfZxS9s @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/E3hhzNThrk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GabTV not working, AGAIN! Listen live on my site. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/03\/radical-agenda-s04e029-cooler-heads\/ I agree that it got a little repetitive, but in fairness to Hunter, this was really spontaneous and not a planned interview. He's a smart guy who has been an excellent guest in the past, and does a lot of really great work. I'm sure he does good work, and maybe he would be a fine guest on other topics. But the stuff he was saying on the show today was definitely not the message we need to be sending out 33 days before an election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"build the wall. no sanctuary for wetback assholes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL i hope your mom gets home soon we wouldn't want you locked out after dark LOL Well I support your right to form an opinion. Please enjoy gab's freedom of expression policies. and btw ... dont start mailing dems bombs or shooting up sinogogues https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qxOwHutnXNA You are to stupid to talk to. Moron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These Resetera people would get offended by me telling them to go fuck themselves, a totally rational re uest for these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Silly you. What is sad is you displaying photos of a good White friend, and passing her off as your 'wife', whilst at the same time, displaying your hatred for your own race. Fear not, I quite understand your hatred for your own race. I would hate my race too were it a low-IQ Nigger animal race. Surely you have considered raping that friend of yours, yes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Copying pastas instead of making them by hand Who do you think I am? The first version was from the NBC report on Discord\/White Nationalists, and was mostly formed as a result of my general amusement that people really don't bother thinking about Chinese election meddling and hacking attempts. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/79u0yh\/ethics_will_usher_nbc_news_publishes_fake_news\/dp57huz\/ for that thread. This version comes from the Kavanough Hearings, modified because Toronto and Jordan Peterson have pushed incels to the front, and Mark Judge was confirmed GamerGating. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9l09lb\/opinion_molly_mckew_wired_brett_kavanaugh_and_the\/e73h27p\/?context=3 includes a few different angles I was thinking about in one of the archive links. Another recent incel attack makes me kind of want to modify the pasta to push the \"Chinese Cartoons\" meme a little harder, but I'm lazy, and I don't have a personal army. Also many journalists have stopped responding to me because I keep sending them retarded story ideas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EakaErick I wouldn't share a wave with those trash cans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stfu fake cunt you are just pissed GAB is not going away go back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, I don't know about the Democrat part, but he's not real happy and it seems to have something to do with school.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sopwith So you are a Jew \"Zionist\" and your SOP is the rape of males \"Bluehand\". Got it. Jew Sodomite I understand. You let the nazi trannies do your dirty work ;) >be @Sopwith >expose my dick to children >cops come >am get arrested BUT OFFICERS! THAT LITTLE FAGGOT WAS LOOKING AT IT!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys, i know its absolutely infuriating. And IF true, they deserve anything bad comming their way. Fuck those cunts. The thing is we can't be sure it's not fake. It's very old.. So posting their names in this sub is a but much. Im not white knighting, just trying to do the right thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope Crimson Dick Nigger Doesn't hate me now...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#AZmonsoon lot of rain, too bad it wasn't enough to wash away the teabagger racist white trash in the state. #Tcot #teaparty #azflooding","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guess I'll have to add Robin Williams right next to Charlie Chaplin.Now Adam Sandler remains my only favorite comedian left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A shame you got down voted. I agree with you. You're getting down voted because you're painting an entire continent of women with the same brush. Yes because we know he means 100%. \/s Obviously it's a sizable majority that makes u\/drezzzire statement correct. Nothing is absolute when talking about large groups. We should already know that though. Sizable majority? I agree with pussypass a lot of the time but you guys are just retarded. Your vague \"vast majority comment is retarded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its just a game for them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"real shit dude gotta love flaming hot women","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And of course, with absolutely no plans of escaping. At this rate, we'll wake up Monday to news of an actual slave plantation kidnapping negroes and making them pick cotton manually, then throw it away, just for the joy of oppressing them. By Wednesday they'll be parading some other patsy around, claiming he was building gas chambers in his basement, with wooden doors of course, in a poorly constructed plan to carry out the final solution. By Friday we'll be hearing about a Tinder rapist who confesses to a hundred rapes in the name of \"Thot Patrol\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL \/BLOCKED Go away faggot, you don't exist anymore. Go REEEEEEEEEEE at someone else. I'll never see your bullshit anymore :) Now go ahead and reply to this, prove to everyone that you're stupid enough to message people who will never see it HAHAHA.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ShaneDennis37: In the \"Nothing Lasts Forever\" category, I can barely recognize any Yankees tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every argument the #Left makes, disproves their other arguments.. they don't see it. They really are retarded #Libtards #Pocahontas #MuhWhitePrivilege #ElizabethWarren #IdentityPolitics #CulturalAppropriation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Please...peg me and let me help raise your children!\"- CB https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6231267\/Cory-Booker-dating-single-mother-two-used-work-him.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Girl:(anxiety attack) Dog: you good bro?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"James Woods Verified account @RealJamesWoods 23m23 minutes agoMore So I accidentally started watching @AVTVSeries (American Vandal) on @netflix. It is just brilliant. Totally unexpected. Trust me. Watch it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When are we going to stop treating women like children? Women need to be accountable for their actions. ... source? There isn't one. Wrong. www.express.co.uk\/life-style\/life\/823895\/IQ-men-women-intelligence-brain-research\/amp http:\/\/journals.sagepub.com\/doi\/abs\/ The first thing you linked is neither credible nor peer-reviewed and the second thing you linked was a study done with children... It's an article about a peer reviewed study. You're an idiot. Why didn't you link the peer-reviewed article that they're talking about, then?? I did. Do you have a brain tumor? I used two sources. You did not link the article that is being discussed in the first link you posted. The first link is not from a credible source and I asked you to link the journal article that is mentioned in it. You'd actually be shocked at what I look like! I've seen fat people before. this is incorrect. IQ: http:\/\/personal.lse.ac.uk\/kanazawa\/pdfs\/PAID Though the difference in standard deviation is small, such differences can have a huge effect on the number of outliers. For example, in the model where IQ follows a normal distribution for each gender (mean To be precise, approximately lol. k. i wont discuss this with someone who just glosses over an abstract of one paper when i have linked multiple. Nope. On average, men are slightly more intelligence. Additionally, their intelligence has more variance. Meaning there are more retards and more geniuses. A wider range, shifted slightly to the right. That's on average. In reality? Men are significantly and very demonstrably more intelligent than women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @mattgaetz: Gillum claimed: \"I'm a grown man who pays for my own vacations. Then he's proven a liar. (https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/xCnd ) Now he says calling him out is \"reinforcing stereotypes about black men. Dude, you got caught being corrupt. Don't play the race card. #sayfie https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/m4jH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who is this retarded white nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Once martial law is declared, because of you fucktard liberals\/socialists\/communists, all hell is going to break loose. You think they are going to investigate thousands of dead fairy gay ANTIFA faggots? They will be too busy trying to stop you domestic terrorists from rioting. I think you should go to hell where you belong, fairy gay faggot libtard. And #INSTAMUTE for you, fairy gay faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Slow death to people like you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many truly believe in something for nothing. Too many are looking for a Savior to avoid the effort themselves. Will not have a pretty ending.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@selina_dabbagh the song? About pollo hermanos and Heisenberg?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While the sentiment is cute and all, you have to be fucking retarded to go barefoot all year long where I live (in Sweden that is). Have fun when it's -20 Celsius and much of the ground is either covered in snow or ice, I bet you lose interest in that pretty damn quickly. Shoes were invented for a reason, use them when needed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So she needs to commit suicide... She will not because she is a Fraud and a Liar like all on the Left. They only know Hate, Lies, Propaganda, being Criminals. The Left are Lemmings who don't think for themselves they follow daily talking points and repeat everything they are told to. I wonder why she is letting the white people behind her live??? Why isn't the cowardly cunt taking them out?? maybe she is in such a dark bubble she can't see the crowd of WHITE people behind her?? or maybe her DTS is so progressed that she is now also blind, besides deaf and DUMB..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Wayans bros is the most retarded show ever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Westerners don't wake up ASAP and DO something about this, it WILL be ''Western World'' somewhere sooner, somewhere later, if not under sharia then under nigger gangs...There is not much time left to try and clean this mess though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you a Nazi? This is My latest Nazi poll here at Gab. I conduct these Nazi polls every 6 months to determine the percentage of Nazis here at Gab... #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Define \"Nazi.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have poop for brains you have been indoctrinated to hate Jews and suck up to Muslims !! So go take your butt to Saudi Arabia where the hijackers came from Jack ass!! you can suck the tip of my dick, the rest can fit up u mama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You did when you claimed I was making a sexist assumption you dumb cunt, it's remarkable to me how you don't realise what sort of stigma comes with being falsely labelled like that and it explains why you have such a view on false accusations in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says Twitter was never really about free speech and claims past statements suggesting otherwise were meant as a joke. Report: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey-admits-free-speech-is-a-joke\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She ran her cunt mouth a bit too much and blamed her fellow jews for BAD ORANGE MAN instead of fellow white people https:\/\/twitter.com\/juliaioffe\/status\/1056219660444676097","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are gay? Remember what I do to faggots in here? Ah, you wish to join the faggot? Come back and talk when you Canuckistanians get rid of your retarded asshole leader, Justin Trudeau.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey. @BarackObama. Don't be like a stupid white bitch in some horror movie asks #America to hide from #ISIS behind some chainsaws. M,kay?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America is white trash and so are all Americans.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Free speech is free speech, so go fuck you mother you fucking retarded dirt bag!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whatever the flaws of the Republican Party as it stands, they are the only force on Earth capable of stopping our mortal enemies, the Democrats. We must help the Republicans to defeat the Democrats in order to earn our place in the power structure. If we turn on them, then we do not deserve the opportunity. Ably said. Participation in mainstream politics does not preclude metapolitics. It is fine if one thinks elections can never yield positive results, but there is no sense in the self-fulfilling pessimism of keeping out. Every rightist should cast a ballot for the best candidates available in each election, and then, if that does not work, we can say we tried our best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @trianglesoul: I wanna eat weed brownies but then I ask my self if I really wanna spend countless hours watching a documentary on sea tu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate waiters. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Could you shadowban the faggot who commented pic related? He copied my Alfred the great account and impersonated me, so I created a Genghis Khan account. Apparently, he's copied that one too!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But of course what else would a pedo faggot say?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"JUST IN: Houston Chronicle endorses Beto O'Rourke in Texas Senate race https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/AfAbHLy.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HYPC I couldn't have said it better ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stalker fag is over here too. He's already made 2 profiles trying to troll me. https:\/\/gab.ai\/KKadams https:\/\/gab.ai\/EndOfTrump Hopefully he kills himself when G+ shuts down. Well he misses us you know lol and he can report all he wants because the owner of GAB won'e listen to the basement faggot . ha ha ha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don't they just be transparent about it and add \"...if you're white\" to the end of all of their definitions? No more confusion from either side. How exactly does non-whites wearing dreads \"dehumanize\" black people? People take human cultural elements from other people. It's not like one guy is going to erase zillions of black people. Also, I suspect the writer is avoiding the question of the Chinese guy's 'appropriation' because he doesn't have a consistent position on it. The dehumanizing part is done separately. The dreadlocks and other hairstyles are the benefit. The dehumanization is the cop on black violence, job application discrimination, and so forth. White people can wear dreads whether black people are being dehumanized or not. Yes, racism does occur, sometimes systemically, but that doesn't mean Western culture generally dehumanizes black people. The argument still doesn't make sense. \"Appropriating\" dreads is \"anti-Black\" (IE racist) because other people at other times are racist against black people? I think the argument here is the common, \"white people (the dominant American race) oppress blacks while borrowing (cultural appropriation) the things they enjoy from their culture.\" So the simultaneous theft and suppression is the anti-blackness mentioned. All this to say I don't agree, just making the effort to understand. To say there are holes in the argument is a colossal understatement. > I think the argument here is the common, \"white people (the dominant American race) oppress blacks while borrowing (cultural appropriation) the things they enjoy from their culture.\" So the simultaneous theft and suppression is the anti-blackness mentioned. > > Meanwhile, in reality, black people are some of the highest-paid actors, musicians, sports stars, and entertainers in America. I even hear one of them was President for a while. Funny sort of 'suppression'. The absurdity is unbelievable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NerdAtCoolTable: RT @RealSheemBacc: For every bad bitch there is a nigga who treats them like shit and yet they stay..... I wanna ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Gutierrez_Alf legit retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Of Tolls and Bridges... And the Race Traitor Whore Deserved every Bit of it...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would not stop for a nigger or a Latino, but I'd stop for an injured animal every time. That should tell you that there are millions of people who consider the low IQ Beaner and Niggah lower than most animals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of Course who?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Professor claims that \"to argue that Islam is an inherently violent religion is both utterly false and ahistorical #Islam #IslamIsEvil https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/professor-claims-that-to-argue-that-islam-is-an-inherently-violent-religion-is-both-utterly-false-and-ahistorical Of course it's utterly false. Islam is not a religion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a Muslim on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'd be very surprised at what would happen in the UK. Suing is very much an American thing, it doesn't really happen for incidents like this over here. The most likely thing to happen if you tried to sue this bitch, is that she'd counter sue for harassment and win. And I really wish that was satire. That's fucking depressing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do so many people (especially americans) on gab not understand that National Socialism is not communist socialism. They attack Hitler for being a \"socialist savage\" and in the same moment still claim that they were not brainwashed by Hollywood etc. when all they do is copy phrases used by exactly those.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, these retards always pick on the most popular games.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After a Black man murdered a Swedish citizen, the Swedish police asked the public for help identifying him - but they blurred out his face so you couldn't tell he was Black.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you a Nazi? This is My latest Nazi poll here at Gab. I conduct these Nazi polls every 6 months to determine the percentage of Nazis here at Gab... #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Oh I am awake Neo, you see I actually took the red pill. In your alternative reality the Nazis won WW II. Just like in the demonrats alternative reality Hillary won in No, no, no, the USA should not be allies with impotent weak low IQ losers like the Nazis. Good thing that we beat those damn \"socialist\" losers... Well freak, they are allowing a woman to give Germany to Islam (Muslims). No wonder those Nazis are impotent low IQ sheeople. Sad. #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Dude, I hate both fake news and fags. I think you just like to troll. Troll what? you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How about no faggot petition and just point your guns at your leaders who are giving your country away to islam? The leaders who would rather toss you in jail for saying something \"mean\" you posted on twatter than prosecute a muslim piece of shit for raping your women?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swallow before you speak. Cunt hear ya fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BlakeAnderson21: @weston_diamond @sleezy_jeezy @justinmiculka01 not about to shoot this pussy! Ima beat his face into the asphalt t ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Halloween gonna be lit plus my girlfriend wants to experience the Islamic invasion raping white women but with in roleplay sense but boy does she not know how serious into character I'm gonna get... you can already say #lockmeup because I'm gonna knock her up embracing our 14 words And by me saying she only wanted a girl. I mean that, my brother wasnt even my dads kid she left his father too over having a boy. My dad raised another mans child who resented me our entire life due to the circumstances of our situation. My dad beat abused us everyday in a fit of rage because he was so hurt by my mom and we were splitting images of her. So my upbringing has given me the opportunity to know how to not a family and raise children, dont get me wrong. Love my dad to death today, he may of been an asshole but he taught me how to survive and without that I'd be just a dumb nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@HermosaAlma: This isn't ghetto.....it's smart https:\/\/t.co\/MPAzQ3Jswf\" I'm doing this idc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The eye contact never lies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MrMooncricket @RacistNegro69 fuck you, stupid ass coward ass punk bitch faggot ass racist piece of shit. Punk. Bitch, ain't worth my time!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this crazy cunt begging for a fatal stoning session?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only thing this dumb as s half breed nigger has going, is he is black, dumber than hell, and democrat..he is an enigma.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CX-Qr8iNqm0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DemRat, organizer, socialist, nazi, kkk, liberal, kommie, centrist, middle of the roader, dogooder, rightleft wing\/extremist, progressive, green, race peddlers, globalist, alt-something All describe the same entity: criminal communist Invented flavors to hide who they are Patriots are usually called conservatives: they oppose all of the above I'll wait.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats have either won every special election (so far), or severely cut Trump's margin of victory in ' This doesn't bode well for the midterms. Imagine the Republicans defied all odds and won a super-majority in both chambers of Congress. What would change for us? Virtually nothing. They'll privatize social security and send our troops to Iran. True, but he lost because nigger turnout was MASSIVE. Like 98% turnout. That is INCREDIBLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sitting at the bar at work watching Walking Dead and all these fucking wetbacks decide to come in and turn on their spic music. Jesus Christ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i'd vote for the rapist party over the psycho cunt party","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate the ghetto trash at the special school across the street from my building. All of them will grow up to be criminals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Genre: Electronic Sub-genre: Breakbeat Artist: Snoop Dogg Song: Sensual Seduction I'm gonna take my tiiiiime https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Y1PVmANeyAgandt=0sandlist=PLpuAoqE-LIzc_Fc9p0Xz3aaeR_fqEEGVkandindex=40","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of rapefugees. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STOP THE PRESSES A WHITE WOMAN WORE A WHITE HAT!!! Journalism is such a joke in Fuck Africa. I'd invade the cunt of a place again if you all weren't such faggots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a cunt . Dems have shown how much they have become the KGB this time for sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate black people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm okay with rasor talking trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.itv.com\/news\/2018-10-26\/the-isis-member-who-wants-to-come-home-and-the-letter-showing-britains-bid-to-stop-him\/ ITV basically appealing for an isis member to be brought back \" home . Accuses the U.K. of trying to block him . What the fuck? Why is my country so hellbent on destroying itself? No doubt he will quietly be brought back and we the public won't here a thing about it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is great I have been waiting for both the Commie Libtards and FakeNazi Libtards that are all paid by Soros to find each other on Gab. Here we go they did it! You idiots are the retarded siblings of the Globalist DeepState. Nobody cares about all your tears you losers lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/05\/238913_image.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fuck their cunt governments with 53billion in damages sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"look if you want to fuck 50 year old grannies, like a fucking degenerate and limit yourself to 2 or 3 kids, instead of 10 or more, like a pussified cuck Go ahead, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My fav is to ask her out, explicitly defining it as a date. Try it. It works.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whipped http:\/\/t.co\/EFSVjPqrwq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When lift your arms do your boobs go away? They look like mosquito bites and I feel like you were trying for the hot librarian' look but ended up with the old librarian' look.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any time that wretched cunt feels woman enough I invite her to step up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be disconnected from reality, y'all What if I don't? You're gonna call the cops? I'd rather take the mute trophy. Well it sure isn't a black or a white thing. See? There are things we can agree on. Don't chimp out on my timeline. If you have a question or a point, make it. I'll treat you like a man if you act like one. Fair enough. Nice to see my favorite biker chick around too. How are you? How's work? I'm good! I'm in Mexico right now! Hanging out with a bunch of pro dirt biker dudes! be careful out there. don't run into the cartel. Haha. We might on the way back! We have some big trucks that go fast and don't stop tho. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RylannWilliams whooooo? Chelsey? Fuck her lol. She juss a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Calling him a \"cancerous faggot\" while doing it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I truly am a badass motherfucker. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your entire response was retarded lol You think you can just ignore the fact that you provided an opinion and not a point? You think your comment was witty enough that people won't realize you ignored backing your opinion with sources? lmao aaaaaahhh hahahahahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'M DONE. WTF Look's like more of a Confession then a DIRECT ORDER ROE-bot ! Mutilation is RACIST THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE ! The HUMAN ONE ! Chelsea Clinton the idiot Roe-bot with the Horse Face !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dr. Peter Klein On Silicon Valley Socialism https:\/\/mises.org\/library\/dr-peter-klein-silicon-valley-socialism #SiliconValley #DSA #Socialism #AnCap #tech Start using #AltTech; -Bitchute -WrongThink -Infogalactic -Idka -Oneway -Gab -BtcPayServer Don't you have your own social network to post on?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why didn't the mean old Nazis just choke the lying cunt to death?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggas sleepin with bitches grandmas??? Lmfao maury fake af","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you gay people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"never lie, you weak faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On top of that, there's plenty of men who fuck women and are MGTOW. Because they didn't marry, they have resources. That means the hottest women want to suck their dick. Lol. The ironic thing is the only time I didn't get laid when I was married. So if your a faggot who dislikes pussy, marry away. It will help the blue pilled Marxist boss like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This faggot has taken one too many in the anal cavity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Foles vs 9ers in San Fran or Eli vs redskins in DC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oppressed woman caustic femininity https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=s3cBg_1538753912 I would accidentally give her an elbow to the mouth while trying to get away. cunt punt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is why i love birds. http:\/\/t.co\/Gk2wiNhBkw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From a coffee cup, on the roof, with my Grandmother. She'll talk to me about men. She loved men. She was a blast. #Whiskey How will you drink your jack Daniel's today? Wow.. Presumptuous much? Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cunt will never be president. We the People will make sure of that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@carolinebakkk those were bumblebees....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well she does have the militant angy cunt haircut... also look at that neck. Come on now who is suprised by this. H ate to judge a book by its cover but might as well be a neon sign on her head that screams \"I'm an angry hateful woman\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/3hpYh3FNXYo Obviously But of course we are being forced into dhimmitude - one Law for Muslims, another law for the Infidel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Or maybe never. Maybe? Definitely. Marriage is almost never in a man's interest. It certainly isn't in your interest when you're a young doctor making $500k\/yr. You're right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To anticipate the coming block button, (Monday I believe), I recommend everyone make a second account for viewing profiles that block you. Then you can screenshot their posts and comment about them. @judgedread There's a block button coming? I thought Torba had countersignaled that. @Bangoob has confused the expanded Mute functionality with a Block feature. You're an idiot But you did get confused, right? There is no Block feature, now or coming, right? So who's the idiot? (Being female, pretty much by default it's you.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BlakeAnderson21 @jo_clark6 chicken fried steak it is boys mash potatoes gravy green beans corn an ice cream an brownies for after","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I actually agree with her. If someone says something as dumb as \"All men are assholes!\", the correct response is \"Zip your cock holster cunt.\" or \"The 19th was a mistake.\" or anything along those lines.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure your illustrious massive brain is collapsing under the weight of your genius. You're an intellectual midget in comparison to me. You have the IQ of a retarded chimpanzee and the reasoning skills of an autistic child. Ironically your larping account is the epitome of your true status, minus the intellect. You are an ape. Muted. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only Blood Can Satisfy The Hungry Flames Of R hollor, Charlie Brown","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bout to make some brownies in a few.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"haha you're commenting on my punctuation? read your own comment, faggot. your asshole is gonna get culturally enriched by muslims. it's gonna be beautiful .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KenDavidoff: The #Cardinals are #MLB's gold standard, and there isn't even a close silver. #Dodgers #Giants #Tigers #Yankees http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deadpool 2 HATED it! Ok, from the top: 1) has dykes 2) has a worthless nigger character \"luck\" (seriously?? WTF???) 3) totally recreates original characters into shit diversified horseshit 4) has a bullshit references to fags, butt sex, shoving an electric wire up Juggernaughts ass, and fuckall what else. Again, NOT worth seeing the fucking kikes hype more disgusting perverted, original-twisting bullshit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"British faggot @Captain_Britain I think the real faggot is the guy who loves Saudi for killing his fellow countrymen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unfortunately, the fairy gay faggot is still Prime Minister. There has to be a vote of non-confidence in Parliament in order to bring his government down.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well you are a confusing person. You follow an actually shill while being aware of a Jewish problem while also accusing other of being shills. So are you just a retard or a troll?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How dare someone not like Trump!11 Anyone who dislikes Trump is a low IQ child and totally aligned with the left. FACTS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FukTylar: \"Heard you was talkin trash like I wouldn't find out\" http:\/\/t.co\/8LpcnHM9XB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My mamma used to always chase them off with a broom. https:\/\/youtu.be\/BMchvKOAkDo e: unintentional house nigger joke realized. e2: I have some amazing pics of em","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That meme is retarded that black guy is wearing a Malcom X shirt. Malcom x was a black nationalist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never had any friends the entire time I lived in #Virginia. No one was cool to me. I hope those white trash Southerners all die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Krislisisms: Hot 97 trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dude, in an all white society, i wouldn't care if your nickname was Crackpipe. But these drug laws come in handy when some nigger gets pulled over for driving like a nigger and possession puts it over the top.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even niggers would be crazy not to take that offer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you can take the nigger out of Africa....but you can't take the Africa out of the nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"context: Shared an article about the single bachelor life. Trigger a feminist (sleeper cell didn't even know she was on my list.) She brings in her friends and a white knight mangina. Got to love how they think shaming someone as single is a well thought out insult lmao. I see this all the time mostly white knights and simps who gloat about their relationships as if they have won the lottery and you're a loser for not taking part in it. But this just amused me greatly so I had to share.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sorry to hear that dude. If you need comfort, I am here for you. Thank you bro!. I dont let my past hold me back no more though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a cunt. She is a cunt with AIDS. In the Hound's(Game Of Thrones) Voice : CUNT !!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When are we gonna finally get a Jetsons movie? It's the ultimate white utopia that hadn't been tainted from Brown or black people. Is it really so much to ask for a Jestons movie? See how pathetic and retarded that looks? You laugh at me for saying that, and for good reason. The wakanda obsession is fucking depressing. Maxine Waters(Cali politician, corrupt as all hell) did some little wakandan hand signal(I believe at Aretha Franklin's funeral?) And it was depressing. Goddamn, enjoy the movie, sure. Hell, get excited and cosplay for all I care. But acting like a fucking comic book is anythi bother than fiction? Christ grow the fuck up people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The 2016 election of Donald Trump was so traumatic for some liberal snowflakes that they've reported symptoms of PTSD, according to a study released. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/shock-study-25-of-millennials-suffering-from-trump-election-ptsd\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a short dude, the amount of times I've had girls make jokes about short man syndrome' etc. it's like - I actually can't help being short, but you can do something about how overweight you are. I obviously don't say anything because I'm sure that I would be the asshole in that situation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barack Obama:: 'marriage is between a man and a woman' Yeah, until he got into office. Obama's a lying faggot #LGBTQpervert #WorstPresidentEver https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/worldnews\/barackobama\/3375059\/Barack-Obama-marriage-is-between-a-man-and-a-woman.html ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Agree? She didn't give a fuck. \"That's not how I had it explained to me. Stop getting your legal advice from Facebook you dumb cunt. Put in code: CuteSlut15 for 15% off your order!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Honey_GotBunns: @1stBlocJeremiah lmfaoo NEVER I be Dolo , I dont got no niggas, and for my old hoes FUCK ALL THEM ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mgtow have plenty of kids, we just refuse to put up with the mental retardation of women, unlike you pussified grovelling to women faggots Yes, the mental retardation of a woman, is a stable marriage ... Pussified faggot much? \"Lol marrying a woman is for faggots .... I can barely hear you from the depths of that closet. Yep, grovelling to women, isnt pussified faggotry If you're stupid enough, to put up with the mental retardation of a woman, you might just be a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Japan? [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE) I live here. Everyone cheats. Literally everyone I know that's Japanese. That includes men but... The amount of women with boyfriends\/husbands I've slept with changed my view real quick. Japanese chicks somehow rationalize that their husband is at work so it's not cheating. LOL Damn you shattered my dreams Good. Too many white guys coming to Japan and getting divorced and never seeing their kids cause one parent lives abroad after the divorce and the Japanese wife lives in Japan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who could give a fuck what this exceptionally stupid nigger says, stop giving shit like this free ink.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Report me, you philosemitic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ugh Asscreed games are going to suck going forwards. Cared about the story? Well too fucking bad. Now you have to get half a story hamstrung and catered to 'multiple genders'. There will never be another game following the protagonist like Bayek trying to avenge the death of his son, because no you'll have to be able to play as his WIFE as well which means the story missions will be deliberately vague and unengaging because they have to work with both a male and female character, OR they'll be fully split into two different fucking missions meaning that the love and care given to missions will be cut in half. NOBODY wins in this fucking situation. Fucking. NOBODY. The only people who win with this crap are people who whinge about not being able to play as a female. FUCK giving us the 'option' to play as female. Just fucking *make* us play as a female. Follow some female assassins for fucks sake. Why not some Mulan-level badass bitch who fights alongside the men while pretending to BE a man? And your character is like 'wtf this sheet says my ancestor was male why is this historical character who's so trumped up the completely wrong gender? wtf?' God I was looking forwards to more assassin's creed games after their adventure in Egypt because it was fucking great. Now I really just don't care. Sacrifice your story to pander to the 1% of idiots who are annoyed that you can't pick to play a female in a HISTORICAL, STORY BASED GAME, and ruin the experience for the 50% who play the game for the stories and whatnot. Sure, the 49% who play the game for just stabbing people will be fine, but you're going to alienate that other half of your playerbase you stupid cunts. UGH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/sPVogfyXZT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Nature is Hierarchy. Nature is Doctrine. Go against it and suffer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whoever is retweeting christi onto my timeline, stop. i don't need to read gamergate faggot drama. i blocked instantly on twitter for this, and i see i need to resume the practice. only warning. play videogames, ignore people who talk or write on the internet about videogames. jesus some of you are dumb cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol, praises fellow faggot Fox news Shep Smith between lies...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Icing on the cake, gets home, goes to jew store to buy vape juice, then makes podcast frantic that people aren't sending enough money. Money for what, bitch? You can mow my lawn for $10, or get a job. Nigger life choices is not within the 14 Words true White people's community, much less their wallets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so did they fight along men or did they not? you fantasticly retarded moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@CajunTexan shut the fuck up faggot .@CajunTexan - you seem to know a lot about the preparations and signals of homosexual activities.. blue light? Wtf? Lmaoo. Fuckin queerbait faggot. I don't ascribe to your idiotic left\/right paradigms either so go fuck yourself there too dickhead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a queer bitch-cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aren't they all? Unless they're in a pack that is. Good point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he is a kike nigger jew","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the jews Hate it, then it must be the Truth. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Christian_Identity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dumb ass Democrat Plantation Slave, and CNN fake news pimp, Don Lemon said, that every black American \"cringed\" when they watched Kanye West speaking at the White House. Golly Don, I didn't realize EVERY black person thinks like you. Quite the arrogant, elitist attitude! Pigeonhole the ENTIRE black community. That's called racism, ya stupid DOLT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" A wise man. Is this about the Pretendian? (rhetorical)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Top tier faggot alert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're White and refuse to talk about race, that is your right. However, if you also say you are strictly about merit, then unless you confront every non-White with the same vehemence that they cannot be about their races either, you're either a hypocrite or a unwitting leftist stooge. You pick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"more pussy for you What an ugly avatar you selected. It looks satanic..swirls on the cheeks?!? I love your style Dusty. Perhaps you are a worthy pupil. All I can see from here is a big fat head though. Those men that defend feminist evil and idiocy by sneering hate at other men are the most dysfunctional cowards there are. For shizzle my nizzle. Dusty Rhodes for the win. The rest of you see nothing. Wait a minute...did you mean that the way a sane person would mean it, or in the feminist way, that criticizing an ideology was me hating men? Like your gender is your ideology. I'm fluent in feminst bs, but it takes me a minute sometimes to translate. Did you trick me Dusty? Were you speaking another language?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all disabled people\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Kiaranicole_x: @_JoAries @Kash_WingateLFC @chanchan_ox babes we buy brazilian and Peruvian not Bengali","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NP \"Centuries\" ~FOB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's up faggots bet y'all thought you'd seen the last of me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"niggah please.... a dog knows when it has done something wrong..blacks will never take responsibility.... http:\/\/library.flawlesslogic.com\/rape.htm yes.....more loyal a dog will protect you, a nigger will kill you Africans eat dogs https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2016\/11\/25\/migrants-riot-racism-allah\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you literally retarded? Look up what the word antinatalist means before you respond to me again you fucking idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess that makes sense in a makebelieve world where those things magically materialize out of thin air when you need them? For the real world, there's Mastercard. Or the largest country in the world could just use it's tax payers money to fund these programs like most other countries in the world. But I guess I'm just living in make believe UK. Forgot I was fake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#caravan BOOM! Honduran Caravan CAUGHT Getting PAID To INVADE United States - GOP Rep Sounds the Alarm https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=L6lOnmGXNP0 Believe me, it will be a very long, and 'very' convoluted trail that may just lead back to him if you are very lucky.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The same in video games! I start to speak or write in French, after 2 seconds, a retarded is telling me \"Hey! English!\" That woman is not only DRUNK and ALCOHOLIC, she is moast of all a fat yankee pig unabble to speak any other language than hers, and very bad, BTW!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kboydee like some of the \"worst\" lyrics they post are beautiful but just because they don't know what they're talking about, it's \"trash\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US girls are bad enough but I really do feel sorry for you Limey's that man ain't a limey, and never will be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murkowski is feeling left out so now she gets some fawning praise by the Left. Someone should remind Cocaine Mitch that he and his party donors saved that miserable twat in Murkowski had like 18 hours of screaming whores in her office crying about their very own personal rapocausts that totally happened and were real in their minds but no evidence exists for them. Looking at most of the protesting \"survivors\" is all the proof I need that they were never raped. They survive by being too fat to fuck. https:\/\/archive.is\/NssrC There was a possibility it was this. Just in case it failed, Murkowski voting \"no\" allows it to be brought to another vote. God knows the bribe offers have to be massive right now. If she votes to confirm tomorrow it was just to get the cunts out of her office and leave her alone for a day https:\/\/twitter.com\/kasie\/status\/1048244716154839041 Ignore all that, she needs to be dropped out of a helicopter Damn good conjecture. I think you nailed her \"reasoning\". Still slimy as she looks. Nice thought and quite possible. Leave open the possibility in case, as they had the votes otherwise.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't curse","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Macron thinks black men like white leaders. What a twat Macron is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if it was issued by the irish government under communist rule, then the jews issued it, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great lie you faggot piece of sh*t jew. We have been receiving your trannie porn, your poo porn, because you don't want the truth to be known about evil degenerate Satan worshipping jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt said she didn't WANT Civility, remember? They quite literally ASKED for this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They come to you out of the blue. They make others see red and green with envy. They aren't always black or white. You're not yellow luckily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine the global hysteria if this were an American man. As a Canadian, he gets a pass. https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=uCuty_1539552566","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And what does it say to the girls in Spain that they can't beat out a freak in a beauty contest?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does this mother fucker live here now? The former Mexican President fled Mexico too? To Texas? Why would anyone care what he thinks about a Texas election?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Tar Baby from \"Song of the South\" You win a thousand internets good sir, great answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will people understand that only Muslims are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Latinos only exist as abusable labor for rich #White #Liberals. http:\/\/archive.is\/EXbdk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kavanaugh confirmed - prepare for an epic internet faggot storm...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it legal to be this retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Memorial Weekend early bird wine walk price is still available! We have 21 participating locations http:\/\/t.co\/bBYoTneeBn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ball dont lie faggots, choke on that D arron rodgers ya fuckin fudge packer, getting one of my twitters censored ya faggot ass nfl fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Exclusive House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Introducing Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall, Making Midterm Immigration Referendum http:\/\/bit.ly\/2IQAnxT via @BreitbartNews There will be people stupid enough to fall for this election year stunt who are unaware that much of this bill includes things that were passed over a year ago and have been collecting dust in Mitch McConnell's Senate Yeah, well, clearly there are some people who are nothing but the *insert racial slur* of the GOP, who will vote for them no matter what they do, even if they were purged social media, unanimously condemned by the GOP Congress and are currently being prosecuted by Trump's DOJ Yeah, the GOP Congress grandstanding about \"racism\" is the only force preventing that from happening","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is Rosie the Riveter retarded in her picture?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I listened to yesterday's tds because I saw in the show notes they were covering the Cenk vs Tucker debate and I foolishly thought they would provide constructive criticism of Tucker's horrible performance to illustrate how cuck narratives lock whites into a box we won't be able to get out of. Of course Sven cherry picked clips and claimed Tucker BTFO'd Cenk. Sven and Mike also dismissed Cenk's position of getting money out of politics. Which is odd for an outfit that says Jews are the donor class bank roll politicians. We don't need to \"get money out of politics\". That's a liberal scam for publicly funded elections. Oh and (((who))) determines which politicians get funding? What we need is to cut the size of each congressional district to 30,000 citizens per district (as opposed to the 700K+ we have today), as specified by the Constitution. https:\/\/thirty-thousand.org Even in our current situation publicly funded elections would be positive for us You're under cutting your narrative, if Europe has a high caliber of civil workers they should be able to suppress people better than here in America. This is also ignoring the fact blacks mostly have made up\/unnecessary jobs in government. Not leadership you still haven't answered the question of how will cutting the district size change the ability of donors to pick candidates? They big donors can pick as many as they want. The question is, will their choices be credible? It'll be like the \"how do you do, fellow kids?\" meme multiplied across 6000 districts. You can't compete with local guys who know the place and the people, and when the district is small enough, traditional and cheap campaign methods (canvassing) are competitive. splitting up districts that are 60% into sections where whites advantage is so thin that it would only take a few cucks to elect poc reps. If you dont trust them to distribute campaign funds, why would you entrust them creating new congressional districts? Your proposal would also only effect the house. Which was designed to be the weakest body of government ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep. Nazis are faggot ass queer cock smoking butt boys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Idk go ask that retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Surely the implication is that feminists are violent wolves in sheep's clothing. It seems obvious to me. If you consider that the actual Mockingbird series had a focal point of the character retconned from her being a rape survivor to her falsely accuse the dude of rape while in fact she just banged him because she felt like doing so, your comment is even more fitting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"watching cnn try and call kanye west a nigger these past couple days without actually saying nigger was some funny shit, i bet they lost like 90% of the black vote over these past couple days degrading one of their kings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They tried MULTIPLE times to hand her a pass on a silver platter, but she kept punching people. They even tried to give her another one after the initial round of assaults, but she refused to walk away quietly and the guy in orange had had enough of her shit......((shakes head)) lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if i were to die and be resurrected as an animal id be a howler monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This will be trumps fault after this liberal thalidomide genius mail bomber backfires. How fucking retarded is the far left that they think anyone cares. Every made up false flag is gifting votes by votes for rebublicans. Bombs away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sons of bitches","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't forsake all other bitches for my wife to be getting fucked on by another nigga. and you know she married? you gotta die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 So, now we're all racist neonazi...white supremacists...priceless .......jesus christ...so much for the blatant abuse...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that nigger.... I'd rather see a gaping cunt than this soy bitch.......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why not let the cunt die? https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/man-charged-raping-two-week-13376427?utm_source=facebook.com","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is the biggest clitorus ever recorded on the biggest cunt known to the transvestite community!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's just eradicate those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"because he is ONE STUPID FUCKIN NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is judging someone based on grammar in any way \"white supremacist?\" Jesus fucking Christ, do these people just think other people run around gibbering like subhuman monsters or something? Even excluding the fact that plenty of Asian, black and Native American people speak English, either as a first or second language, there are plenty of other languages out there with writing systems, rules governing grammar and syntax, even rich literary traditions. Has she never heard of Persian? Bangla? Sanskrit? Tamil? kiSwahili? Nahuatl? Javanese?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The early bird takes a nap before noon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims being in charge is a credit to our society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Old people get away with alot of shit. The reasons I hate old people I don't know are: They're never wrong. Some old asshole just pulled out in front of you and you had to slam on the breaks? Your fault. You were driving the speed limit too fast. Did an old person do something rude like stop in the entryway of a gas station so she can scratch her loto ticket? Did you say excuse me only for her to completely ignore you? Listen to her angrily say \"excuse you\" as you try to enter the building like it's your fault she chose the single worst place to just stop and be completely absorbed in herself. Basically old people are rude, entitled, slow, extremely distracted, and arrogant. I know right!? They should just totally go and die right? Like omg If the only choices they can conceive of are 1) die or 2) be a cunt to everyone, then go right the fuck ahead. I recently moved to a community that has many elderly white retirees... and holy shit, can you ever tell which ancient cunts transitioned directly from pussy-pass status to old person pass status. This queenly sense of privilege that grinds checkout lanes and merge lanes alike to a fucking halt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exclusive House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Introducing Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall, Making Midterm Immigration Referendum http:\/\/bit.ly\/2IQAnxT via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CrafyFox FUCK OFF YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGER FUCKER!!! GO SUCK A COCK, FUCKTARD!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AntonioFrench The \"You re going 2have 2 KILL crackers and their babies New Black Panthers #CredibilityShot #FergusonRiot #Justice4MikeBrown","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"racemixers are one step away from bestiality. White humping a nigger is bestiality by definition (sex with another (sub)species)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cartoons do not make a persona pedo you rube theres a much biggerfight out there thena few people that like dumb jap shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@EntMagazine @magisto @digitalskeptic we have a project that could lead into a military program but requires a full op mock up for testing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I find there's similarities in treatment when you say that you don't believe in God. According to other people, there must be something wrong with you or someone or something must have hurt you so much for you to turn your back on god\/Women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SoftestMuffin @_tee13 @TorahBlaze will convince u that is a lame, you, a nigger liver believes it cuz you a nigger whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That nigger needs to tell his wife I said stop mudsharking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is the REAL nigger in the woodpile????? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5NIbiBNeATI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are YOU fucking me?!?!? fucking cunts. deplorable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can only imagine how much this wedding cake cost ... the level of artistic craftsmanship in this is stunning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have a Soros\/Obama\/Clinton endorsed Socialist Sand Nigger running for Governor #DeepState","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those trans people smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Robert Mueller to Release Russia Findings Immediately After 2018 Midterms Dan Bongino https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fT7j Is Bongino a guinea or a coon?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even KotakuInAction is not impressed with Sargon's plan: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9ndfac\/gamergate_revival_stream\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some Muslims get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't understand why you'd like black people. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NBC Thought Control https:\/\/bit.ly\/2yua4te Move over Hunger Games 1\/ What a load of PC s^*t ! This Kelly broad always was over the pale ( fence) part Leftist. All this self flagellation about discussing her true feelings on Americans and dressing up with black makeup and white lips on Vaudville stages. I liked her show at one time on Fox, right up and until she chopped her hair (butch dyke style) and wore leather all up in your face New York City style. Turned me off and millions of others as she got too big for her britches scoring points against President Trump and got it right back from him. A $69 million parting gift and look out hen pecked husband. It's full time now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO WONDER THEY ARE ALL SO RETARDED","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one has even eaten a Twinkie in, like, decades.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just so odd this 'white knighting' from Republicans. @RealCandaceO advocates for felons in prison to vote and @kanyewest says if he was worried about racism he'd have left America long ago. These people, both of them are POISON. Yet they're doing more for Conservativism than most Conservatives are doing.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Simply answer based on what YOU believe. Do you believe WTC Building 1, WTC Building 2 and Building 7 collapsed into their own footprints on 9\/11\/01 as a result of demolition explosives or as a result of 2 airplanes? GO to twitter.. Sniveler LIBrats post there .. LIBrat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of retard says climate crisis is his number 1 issue. Holy crap. Only a retarded Demonrat who has been paid to loose. And he will loose Bigly...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another long night with allergies! need better ned than zertec or however you spell it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Harry_Dillema: @GJK1979 @fluutekies @moniquesparla @wltrrr Ik vraag me al maanden af hoe de NL pers zich als een stel hoeren is gaan ge ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger just brutally sucker punched a young, white woman, and easily could have killed her, just because she's white. Almost no MSM coverage, and no mention of the attacker being black. Compare the coverage of that story, to this non-story. This is what media looks like when it's completely controlled by evil, hate filled Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hEY Galt I read your bio. Is it raining in Cascadia YET! I lived there 37 yrs. Most people pussy out before 5 winters have passed. Benefits pay his gas bills :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mark_mac18 @sheppast @rianscalia groves is trash IMO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also weed is ok fact, its other drugs that need to be banned alcohol should be banned fact, its a drug. Yeah how did banning alcohol work out last time? Weed kills brain cells, alcohol kills liver, kidneys and brain cells. The body produces new brain cells, so weed is ok fact. The body produces new brain cells? Explain liberals then... Trying to picture liberal brain cells committing sudoku..... I'd prefer to see all liberals successfully commit suicide Save us a lot of time and ammo. If they voluntarily did that.... Yes But they won't voluntarily Jump for Trump, so we best put on our fatigues and take care of business when the rioting starts Ok I'm in. I expected nothing less from you... I was gonna save you a seat, but I don't have to now stupid\/retard are different, then someone that has some of there brain cells dead. People that vote democrat are brainwashed, that is different then someone that has some of there brain cells are dead. If I ever need someone to tell me really obvious things with a delivery more dry than most science teachers, I know who I have to call (obviously not you, cause I don't have your phone number and don't want to). Had to write that part down before your autism flares up and you feel the need to point that out as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">pretendingtobearetard.jpg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This fucktard should not be in Congress. I'm more of an American patriot than this fairy gay faggot and I'm originally from Canada. Even I know more about the Constitution than this dumb bitch, and I only took one American History course back in Grade","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @most_DUEP: I occasionally go to play flappy bird and then I die before getting one and remember how much I hate it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll take feminists seriously when they start talking about sending only women into combat until the amount of women and men killed and wounded in battle are exactly the same. Because it's all about equality right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oblivious: Bill and Hillary Clinton Readying Nationwide Stadium Tour https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/oblivious-bill-hillary-clinton-readying-nationwide-stadium-tour\/ #ClintonCrimeFamily #MidtermElections #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> If you literally read this post and assumed by the use of the word \"free\" that this person thinks that these items and services should literally be made and performed without some kind of payment than you are an idiot If you read this post and assumed that that retard even *works*, ***then*** you are an idiot. > No shit it isn't by dictionary definition \"FREE\" Uuh, trying to redefine words here in TiA? What's next? \"Racism\" is \"Prejudice + power\"? Keep trying, you're funny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not dogging out trump. I am dogging out radical police state sick TV watching pill popping conservatives that are gonna push there retarded police state war mongering onto us as the pendulum swings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A whole fucking shit ton of those niggers were following me. I mean like a bunch. I was racking up nigger followers non stop for like four days straight. Than one day they just vanished.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is as #Traditionalist as you get on #Tinder. #TinderThots - Part 2,427","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like a fat dyke whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is so fucking retarded I don't even know where to start...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cleveland is the best team for manziel honestly the OC can use the offense he had with the redskins and the browns D is nice wit a def HC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> **Ideological parallels between Gamergate and white supremacy** It's about ethics in... race journalism?? Sorry \"analysis\" author but you are a complete and utter retard, you vomited 69 pages of word salad and you mention nothing other than personally biased outsiders perspectives, you lack a single source that includes a statement of gamergates own goals, there were several infographics shared around by gamergate itself, the gamers bill of rights was also recirculated during this time and deepfreeze was created along with league for gamers both coming with mission statements, there was also the spj talks and instead of doing a quick google search to find any of it you sourced an article by a drunkard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kevnasto: I would rather fuck a fat chick than allow a nigger into my house.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MilesM_05 shut up coon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This low-T faggot is getting added to my Royal Shit List.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A subsection of retarded Hungarians? Ohh boy. brace for a livid Bulbasaur coming in here trying to hate a hole in some of her stupider countrymen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go fuck your retarded mother and stfu.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anon learns a lesson the hard way. Someone needs to revisit the definition of \"retarded\" For his birthday he asked for a car. His parents got him a computer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for disabled people has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitch slap the murky cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The KKK served a purpose - to keep unruly niggers on the reservation of law and order...rape apes attacked White women, especially after","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HOLY SHIT u\/flapyourwings you need some help? oh wait that's rape according to your dumbass Dear u\/flapyourwings Thank you for proving anti feminists correct in broad daylight. For years i and others have called your movement hypocrisy. And year after year i see more people realize it's the truth. And you're only helping us prove that! So thank you once again, honey. Luckily people like u\/flapyourwings are essentially unable to procreate so natural selection will wipeout people lie her in a jiffy. Glorious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" mile Munier (1840 1895) was a French academic artist and student of William-Adolphe Bouguereau. ~ Long Ago ~ #WhiteCulture #France #14Words","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Female is a mental disorder.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The only reason you're not a WN is you're a smug conservative faggot without the moral courage to stand for your own people in their hour of crisis. You don't need to respect Hitler or any other historical figure to be pro-White. But if the fact that some of us do respect our forebears is enough to turn you away, then our struggle is better off without you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The IQ avg for South Africans is That reveals them to be mildly retarded. No one in the USA would consider putting the mildly retarded in power.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other disabled people are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am sick and tired of this white supremacist, anti-jewish bullshit these fuck tards are spending on Gab. You jackasses need to wake up do something in your fucking life, stop complaining about everybody else and what they've done, and be a fucking individual. You're bunch of worthless twats. Why don't you crawl back into your hole and fuck your mother again you ignorant piece of shit. Your just another twat trying to blame everyone else in the world for your shortcomings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They slut for me they kill for me they steal for me and of course it'll be yo cash and I'll murder that bitch send the body back to yo ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuckin traitor cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm left-wing, anarcho-transhumanist, trans and bisexual and I still support GamerGate because I believe in freedom of expression over bullshit tokenism and gatekeeping. Sensitivity readers? Nonsense. I want insensitive stories full of transgressive, politically-incorrect shit. You should be able to write about bad guys doing bad things without some retard getting offended. People have gotten too damn soft these days. I grew up watching David Cronenberg and Quentin Tarantino movies. David Fincher, Danny Boyle, Troy Duffy. Fight Club, Trainspotting, Boondock Saints. All that shit was my jam, and what, they expect us to watch, read and play soft, pussified, \"sensitive\" shit now? Fuck that, I wanna see someone break a toilet over somebody's head!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are just a subhuman retarded nigger shit brett","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry but black Americans are more in danger than homosexuals. Homosexuals have so much privilege now. More than African Americans, Latinos, Arabs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*Wee Paddy is in the English class at school* Teacher : \"Paddy, I want you to give me a sentence containing the word 'contagious' Paddy : \"My Mammy says she won't let my Daddy mow the lawn anymore, because she says it takes the cunt ages\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @dirtyimage: @Tronkitty not just cause of hoes, go to jail cause of fucking up hoes bloody n making them call you head honcho","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is astonishing how these Whitey McCrackers like Sean King, Rachel D, Beto, Elizabeth Warren, et al are posing as servants of non-whites. Imagine being some Nig or Spic having these crackers blow smoke up your ass. Such brazen posturing! I hope the Nigs refuse to support White Democrats because they've pushed this bullshit to the edge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Girl Scouts organization themselves didn't force the Boy Scouts to accept girls. It was major scrutiny by retarded feminists and media outlets that caused them to open up their doors to girls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Two words you fucking wanna be rambos.....predator drone. I've seen some retarded shit online before, but bubba here thinking he can shoot down a drone from 25k feet is comedy gold. You should go on the his-story channel and teach everyone your skill set.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There's a 100% chance that the founding fathers are considerably more intelligent than a guy who rose to fame playing a character called 'Meathead' on a 70s sitcom. Just sayin'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Drink Bleach.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not, I just censored OP's username and pfp. legend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just got done with a call with Christopher Bollyn. I will be spending a lot of time studying the materials he recommends and weighing the evidence. It's time to name the jew in israeli involvement in 911! LOL, another retard who comes here with random claims and no proof and cites a website that is called \"veteranstoday\" to shield itself from criticism. This guy is a super faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blacks are literally the cuckold of all the races and also the epitome of degeneracy. Don't listen and believe the Jewish propaganda of black being alpha. Consider yourselves as top of the social hierarchy by just being white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only when someone of another race does it they realize how fucking retarded they sound, hence they get outraged and curse at the mirror.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then men in uniform (who follow similar lists themselves) come and put you in a cell. Once they get you out she will take most if not everything you've earned, all your friends disavow you, and you will forever be known as a sadistic wife beater from her Facebook sob posts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world would be better off without you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most Muslims are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"awww....cute little nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You now need to be extra, extra, extra careful how you refer to the Prophet Mohammed, as the EU Court of Human Rights upheld the conviction of an Austrian woman for defamation over his marriage to a child. https:\/\/www.aa.com.tr\/en\/europe\/defaming-prophet-muhammed-not-free-expression-echr\/1292823 Mohammed was a peadophile. He married and raped a child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would LOVE an explanation of that one. I cannot think around corners enough to figure out how this one works. Mental illness don't need an explanation. Throw in low IQ and under-educated. These people are dumber than flat earthers. Hey, happy cake day. And I agree, what's sad is that they probably didn't start out this way. Becoming a SJW is like getting addicted to a drug, you can't fully escape it and it ruins your brain. Unless their parents were also raving SJW idiots, then that is even more depressing. > And I agree, what's sad is that they probably didn't start out this way. Becoming a SJW is like getting addicted to a drug, you can't fully escape it and it ruins your brain. True, though SJWs are really a recent phenomenon. Yes, young people have always skewed left on social issues, and that's a good thing. But there's a huge difference between supporting equality and... whatever the hell SJWs are doing. Whining about Overwatch characters apparently. Thankfully I suspect most of them will grow out of it eventually, just give it time. > Unless their parents were also raving SJW idiots, then that is even more depressing. Nah, SJW idiots are unlikely to reproduce since reproductive sex is \"violence,\" or something like that. I mean, I do skew a bit more left but I don't rave and rant about the skin color of a fictional character in a FPS game. SJWs are whiners and complainers, they usually do nothing but tweet and post on tumblr about whatever. It's why I even hate the term itself, they're not *warriors*. They are not bravely fighting against the enemy like the Romans were, they're cowering in their \"safe spaces\" and crying about nonexistent issues. I really do hope they grow out of it and look back at it with embarassment. But those who don't grow out of it are essentially lost causes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sopwith you think spamming my email is trolling??? Stupid faggot with 4 swipes to the right everything was gone. Again you are a failure if you thing that's trolling. Really ;) I pwn you faggot bitch ;) I make you so mad you can't take it, faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never defended metokur that explicitly. simply said that sargon dropped the ball, hard. you need to calm the fuck down and stop attacking people, you are coming across as SERIOUSLY deranged. I never said hero worship, for instance. par for the course for the sargon retard cavalcade but jesus man, get some sleep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not Angel. He's the one calling Me names. I always refer to beta males like him as cunts. Which he is. Ah, I figured \"Angel was a girl, plus the fact you called him a \"cunt . You don't need to use language like that, stay above them. Loser, trash, pig, low-life get your point across just as well as \"cunt without offending women!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, what a horrible shallow cunt..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I can't stop being short, but you can stop being a bitchy cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@kekservative Hi, I love Rick and Morty! Something similar happened with Rorschach from Watchmen - Alan Moore was apparently really spooked by how popular the violent, far-right vigilante became. Derek from American History X when he's a nazi, Cartman from South Park, the fascism in Starship Troopers and the father in All In the Family. Characters and factions\/groups people are supposed to hate made by shitlibs often become liked. \"Sure he was a firefighter that got murdered by blacks while doing his job but he said a racial slur so both sides are bad.\" lol and sadly this is enough for some people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And the planet is actively being turned into a giant gulag retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who? You mean that half nigger kid right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All disabled people are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't wait for some big faggot Buck Nigga to start punching the shit out of female boxers, the worlds gone fucking mad since cast ya semen ya! Piece of shit wimp not gonna win a raffle never mind play with the girlies they are easy to beat if you're really a MAN!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course my #faith for #baseball is off this year. BECAUSE OF #BARRYBONDS you goddamn retards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #morons","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, what the fuck is the reason? Go on. Tell me, instead of giving me a bunch of buzzwords that have nothing to do with the matter at hand. For a second I thought you were talking about me what the hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wear tight dress slacks for work everyday. Everyday my crotch gets stared at. By women who know I'm in a long term relationship. By women who don't care how uncomfortable they make me feel. By women who would call HR if I call them the harassing cunts they are. Teach women not to stare and not to touch, because clearly no one anywhere is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you are still too retarded to understand how stupid you sound.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another leftist cunt that does not understand that 'fascism' is about control, just like socialism or communism. And it is a REACTION TO MARXISM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe Muslim lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @Crowdifornia: We agree... do you? http:\/\/t.co\/4diz5NKYMN FUCK YES, I DO! Send those illegal, wetbacks home!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dont engage with the soppy cunt hes as thick as shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's not magic. it's God. very simple. kinda the same way einstein all of sudden thought that time would stand still -- even go backwards -- if he went fast enough on that train. \"Magic is just science we don t understand yet\" well, then the guy he stole that idea from got from inspiration. ;-) doesn't really matter which human said what -- they're only human, y'know. Oh, so we got screwed out of 1,000 years technology advancement because Edison was good at marketing and Tesla wasn't - so I guess it's the will of God? There are MANY instances in the Bible where the Jews are PUNISHED for not doing what God wants. How is it so difficult for some people to understand, maybe we need to get our shit together to DESERVE His blessings? who said we didn't? but He knows you're still a fuck up and loves you anyway. kinda like your mom. and, tesla, well, westinghouse hired him so you weren't screwed out of anything. in the end, tesla screwed tesla. whadda need more tech for anyway? the next gen facebook? ugh. man doesn't know how to use the tech he's got.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At all my ritz crackers. Idk what to do with myself anymore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NormSanders: I much prefer this classic blue and yellow Rams uniform to anything we've seen since that magical year. Not even close #st ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"divorce your clean Republican husband and go fuck some beta faggot w\/ Aids!\" - The Left","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how bout mongo-pedes? or maga-mongs. those seem more fitting. anyway, I have to retire early from evening shitpoasting and go do my homework or they'll have my balls in a sling tomorrow. you're in charge while I'm gone. try not to be too big of a faggot while I'm away q ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Our first reading assignment was The Communist Manifesto.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Texas will never go blue again, we remember that drunk cunt Ann Richards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those i m m i g r a n t s should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murdering a woman like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your comment is pretty fucking racist. [deleted] The fact that he can't fucking spell doesn't negate the racism. I'll take all the down votes you dumb motherfuckers have to give. Guerilla >a member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting, typically against larger regular forces. Did you just associate a race with gorillas? Found the real racist. Ok It's not racist if she's just ugly as fuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ella__fraser: When you clam up, my survival instinct is to kick the door shut","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"except they do have time for that shit. there is a large trans community of pakistan, and they're usually poor and homeless. obviously it's important enough to them that they would be willing to get kicked out of already poor homes and literally be homeless to live how they want. i get that some of it seems retarded like \"changing your gender by the minute but you don't have to hate on people for having a genuine medical condition and trying to fix it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don's lays next to his white faggot boyfriend every night. Gives new meaning to shoving up his ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know I'm starting to think the only reason I haven't drunken myself to death or addiction is because I'm too much of a cheap fuck to buy booze regularly. I mean seeing this shit makes me WANT to drink but I don't have any so I can't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are our property. The sooner they realize that, the better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who lies about any sex offense should be held accountable, Maybe a lting cunt registry, So men know who not to date!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's go beat these queers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taxpayers will fund 2million-a-year bill to protect and monitor Islamist hate preacher Anjem Choudary, 51, when he is released from prison this week WTF, the governments on drugs https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6274439\/Taxpayers-fund-2million-year-bill-protect-Islamist-hate-preacher-Anjem-Choudary.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common disabled trash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @losthistories: In DC Fri 1\/3: Bengali Harlem reading\/convo @busboysandpoets 14th St @SAALTweets @teachingchange @ThatWhichIsTold http:\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Kicks_AndTits23: Lewis so trash lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Emily Ratajkowski became famous by starring in a misogynistic music video celebrating sexual assault:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice page! @Anarchy99 God Bless ! :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reminder that Overwatch (with Ashe) now has 6 white women, a female robot, 1 blue lady, 6 women of color \/ a non-white race (asian, arab, etc.) At some point they need to realize that you already have a lot of representation in Overwatch and bashing them for not having that one kind of representation you desire is only going to damage your own reputation. This also happened with Hammond and boi, that's a hamster in a mech suit. Just,, are you kidding me. I'm pretty sure I remember the argument towards Hammond being \"OH COME ON BLIZZARD YOU GIVE US A HAMSTER AND NOT A STRONG TRANS BLACK WOMAN?\". I remember seeing a few posts implying that blizzard hated trans women of color so much that they decided a hamster needed more representation, I really wish I could say that was satire. I'm sure even if they did release a character like that at this point, it would be considered offensive because they'd still be racist or sexist due to some trait of the character. Why does anyone think like this? Blizzard are making a competitive game not social commentary lmao ***EVERYTHING*** is a social commentary when your goal in life is to be a professional victim. And you had to go and ruin it... [deleted] Are they actually retarded? To clarify: is this a comment about lore or how they are played\/ feel to play against. >Is doctor Zeigler retarded lol no. I don't know where this guy was going with the end of the comment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not really sure how to describe what's happening here #eurotrash @mguiducci @nickbrown85 @ VIP Room http:\/\/t.co\/WTS6nM3egc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Farmer-General Do you have a picture which shows all the countries which used swastikas in the past? i'm trying to search for it, show to some cunt who refuses to believe so. Thanks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"our president gets laughed at and this retard dances and is still taken seriously as some kind of 'leader'. amazing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"David Hogue is obviously a fucking prick, yes I believe a retarded women was raped 40 years ago and waited for this very opportune moment to confront her accuser. Now I'm pissing my pants at the thought, incredulously as it may seem that there is no evidence, that the accused is deemed innocent. How could that happen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jason is a fairy gay faggot if he cannot MUTE someone here. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nice try. USC holds major Holodomor conferences, that spells death for you Kikes trying to infiltrate with Christianity. You're a Talmudic Twat -- we all know it. I run California -- you can't even afford to flourish here, degenerate sodomy Bolshevik.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"conversano is a complete retard and a pure product of zion fuck that guy seriously how the fuck a guy that look like an arab can speak about france ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the only retarded part is coming from you!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dems are so retarded they can't see past their hood ornaments.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We've reached levels of Soy previously thought impossible! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think it comes from that retarded thing bill nye made.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being so fucked in the head that you get mad at fundamental biology.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it is being blocked by the dems. yell at them. He can only do what congress will let him. Or are you that retarded you can't see this. It will be done if you get out and vote them dems out. Dumb ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Chad the Beta Blocker stops #AntiFa in #Portland. http:\/\/archive.is\/ZtHXh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or these faggotrons could (And stay with me here) they ***COULD*** just stop being colossal dickheads to the people that are supposed to buy the thing their employer is selling. I know, such a mind boggling idea.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do the Tennessee trailer park a favor and kill yourself, you inbred faggot magatard Jew lover. I'm sure you molest the little retarded inbred girls walking around your white nigger southern scum trailer park.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah i said it! And to the good Moslems, all three of you... fuck you too Thank you Julia!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger bomb incoming look out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tokmetzis: Dreigdwergen, haatsmurfen en de Roze Khmer: hoe Twitter een slagveld werd https:\/\/t.co\/lhVKkkHQDF via @decorrespondent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jay is borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. What a dumbass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so you want free speech for YOU but not for anyone else? Whatever you kike fucktard, go gas yourself That's not what he's saying, nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Microchip having a bad day? Whoa on the faggot shit. Your ruining my sexy dude comment!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you're high level delusional! lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HarleyyyQuinn_ trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"dipshit\"...funny, your faggot fuhrer ran like the one balled pussy boy he was after he ordered his minions to destroy Germany. you cant handle it so you delude yourself.good luck in life, fuck boi","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One old dyke in charge....what could go wrong?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many niggers in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thought for the day: They rage against Kavanaugh not because of abortion or because of any rulings he may make in the future. They hate Kavanaugh and his family for what they represent, normal white people. In other words, you. That's actually completely false. They rage against him specifically because of what ruling he may make. It's weird how you white supremacists always get it 100% wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christianity spread because of the power of the words of Jesus. Internationally followed when Paul was still officially slaughtering all the followers of Jesus, men, women, saints, you name it. Nothing to do with Paul. Yes, Constantine making it the official Roman religion cemented it, but the reason he did is because of it's rising popularity despite the persecutions. And the \"European\" religions were pig ignorant Pagan horseshit. This is an example of #christinsanity at its finest. No wonder Jews call them stupid cattle. I'm not a Christian. That's another fail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a CUNT how dare he talk about civil rights and Civil Justice when his party is the party of the Mob and mob rule and his voters and the left have done nothing but burn and smash America...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alright then. I'm critical of police, but supportive of police. There are bad cops, and they get away with being bad for far too long. But they are comparatively few. Though the borough I lived in weren't the most intelligent, they tried and worked under averse conditions. Niggers and guns are not good combinations, and a house very near mine, just after 11:00 PM, my wife and I heard why they're not. Before going to bed, we happened to hear on the police radio a disconcerting thing, on the next street over. A black man was going door to door apparently looking for someone. After falling asleep, he found the home he wanted, near ours, a 15 year old black male answered, and was shot 11 times, and another black resident was hit in the leg. That volley of shots woke my wife and I, the next 15 rounds fired were by an occupant of the house at the fleeing attempted murderer. He missed. The sister of the gun shot victim phoned the police, we heard the dispatch, saying she thinks her brother was just shot. She's in a tech school of some sort, she looks articulate and intelligent, so she likely was upset, but that her brother was shot 11 times, her comment was an understatement. The police responded to dispatch that it was probably fireworks, when 1,296,415 more calls flooded in about the shooting. Damn, they're going to need to leave the station. An arrest was made and gun confiscated, a somewhat intoxicated neighbor to the home where the shooting occurred ran into an alley behind the house carrying a rifle, the police proudly arrested this innocent man trying to protect his family and property. He'll probably lose his gun, and his right to own guns, because the action of a cop that figured a call saying \"her brother was just shot\" was just fireworks. The 15 year old miraculously survived, the attempted killer got away in an identified vehicle with Ohio plates, a vigilant neighbor was arrested, kind of like a door prize. Niggers have shot:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DonnieWahlberg: On set of #BlueBloods. Hoping there are no birds perched above me... http:\/\/t.co\/oDhq52QiLe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bring it on faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not make disabled people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other trans people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An she's either an inbred dyke OR lives a traditionalist jewish wifu\/was married off when she was 8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these women have such obvious respect and admiration for each other","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like minority enthusiasm for Trump is exceeding expectations! #MAGA Minorities will never vote for Republican candidates. Any minority group knows its survival rests in taking power away from the majority, who can still send the minority group away. Whether they are \"nice\" or not, sooner or later they will act against the majority. Very untrue, and very unhelpful. There always are people among minority groups who are disgusted by their tribe's behavior and sincerely want to blend in with the majority. Repelling them is either stupidity or sabotage. I told it I wasn't scared to die and asked the kike if he was. It fled with jazz hands, oy vey terror.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree; you do have certain fowl characteristics. I don't think you've gathered from this conversation the basic idea that I do not care what you and your Nazi faggot boyfriends think, and neither does anyone else, anywhere, concerning ANY subject. This isn't because of apathy; it's because you suck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let any gay person live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah but i just snorted it like 10 minutes ago so it takes a while to really kick in when it does ur gonna see nigger bashing the likes of which mere NPCs have never imagined possible ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, if Obama nominated someone accused of fucking rape, I bet you all would be cool with it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A bloody riot broke out during a \"law and order rally in Portland, Oregon, between the leftist group #Antifa and the right-wing organization #PatriotPrayer. #Infowars #Portland https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/antifa-rocks-portland\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're welcome. I hear you loud and clear on the leftist bullshit of twatter What I can't stand is to see the 'big' people come over here crying about their twat account... wtf do they think we're here for? At some point you have to get the whole picture, prioritize your freedom over followers and embrace the departure from censorship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all women\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that all trans people are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most \"meta\" subs are shit but bestof is peak retarded white hero liberalism","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the only way to solve our problems is to group up and not let ourselves be \"led\" by a bunch of faggot conservatives. Screw the ballot box.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"men dont want you anymore. You have zero passes left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lilly just tried to climb up a tree after a bird and completely failed oh my god ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you go to a sub you don't agree with and comment, you might be a self righteous faggot. Get fucked all the way back to r\/twoxchromosomes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With birds ill share this lonely view","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" With 100 #Sharia courts and 423 new #mosques #London is more #Islamic than many #Muslim countries https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/with-100-sharia-courts-and-423-new-mosques-london-is-more-islamic-than-many-muslim-countries\/ #UK #KalergiPlan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh god. It's this faggot again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send death threats over reviews are cancer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eat Nigger Cock or DIE WHITEY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's wait and see what happens. The judge said he wants to consider her financial situation before he imposes a sentence. Don't be surprised when she just gets a slap on the wrist. Chapel Hill is the fag and nigger loving capital of NC.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't forget Teddy Kennedy's murder. Teddy Kennedy was murdered? I thought it was cancer. I considered not posting it, but I thought about it and realized that if this was a man, it likely would have gone down differently. Like you said, a man would be more discrete...why? Because if he had gotten in the cops face like that and pushed for 10 minutes and not taken no for an answer, he likely would have been in cuffs. So my position is, she tried to use a pussy pass, the fact that she's not perceived as a threat as a woman, as a vehicle to get enough credentials and connections out of her mouth, hoping one would trigger the officer to say 'oh, shit, ok, this is going to end badly for me' and let her go. I just don't see it getting this far with a man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberalism is a Disease and the Cancer of America HomeGrown Terrorism is the DemonCrap Party Pray for the Kavanaugh Family WTFU They SAY they are ___ , but are NOT. They are the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN; They are of their father the devil who was a liar from the beginning, and THIS is the work of their demonic HELLSPAWN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She looks like Emma stones cunty evil sister.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No the USA is a product of CULTURAL MARXISM -- the nigger is part of common plight, not the cause. STUPID PROLES. Communism not the house Nigger is to Blame.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i'm not sure which are pathetically Sadder.. .. SJW Liberal Leftist MEME's or anti-Native American MEME's... let's do an awesome Poll to find out! i guess i am in a way. more of a digital faggot though i take ideas and bundle them with strings of sentences so they can be used as fuel to ignite the emotions of simple-minded humans into a reaction of hate hence .. your response but it is fucking hilarious you describe yourself as a \"Attorney OF Law\".. considering every other single attorney is a \"Attorney AT Law\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@oliviagobert lmao yes I kind of like it it's not that ghetto yet and they are and then he says \"u feel me\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most millennials I know don't fall for the multiple gender thing. That seems to be a Gen Z thing. Us millennials grew up being told that identity doesn't matter, boys can play with dolls and girls can play with trucks. It was all about breaking down gender roles. Now for some reason the new generation is hell bent on enforcing and creating all kinds of gender and race roles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can spam that all you like you still have gay porn saved onto your computer. How could you even try to call someone gay while having that??? LMFAO So are you mad now jew? You cant actually win by calling me a faggot or a \"nazi\" so you spam me? I mean that's what all of your kind does. Other than raping children. Go on spam away. LOL You still have gay porn saved. It doesnt make me mad it just makes you a degenerate who probably has aids. So when are you going to admit you like dick? Maybe you just like baby dicks like your rabbis. So faggot you done spamming? Are you going back to jerk your little jew dick to porn?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here in 2019. May history be on the right side this time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So many hoes whipped you would have thought we were still in slavery","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@cashmoneyglock, @MAGAforSGV, @Ulfric, and @occdissent are, so far, my favorite accounts on here. IF you aren't following these people, you are a retard and can't be my friend. Follow them for excellent political and meta political analysis. Also follow, @diejewdiee because he is funny. Lastly, check out @Oblivia when she comes back. Interesting lady.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any politician who isn't explicitly pro-White DOES NOT DESERVE A SHRED OF SUPPORT. All they deserve is hate, threats, ridicule and sabotage until they give in or give up. Yee of little faith. You clearly don't respect your DNA or realize you DNA is your deficit. B4 you urge caution or let's see what happens: Does it make sense to lay in a burning building? Or sit in a sinking ship? Seems simple. Just as you know, if your white, trump ain't saving your ass, hell throw us to the wolves Its called emancipation. Who said he was saving my ass, I said the GOP winning makes the left more antiwhite while we control the seat of power What does enabling communists achieve? aren't the communist left the wolves? Compared to the left who is more likely to throw us to the wolves? You make no sense. Vote GOP buy ammo, why is this so hard? And it looks like it's another planned wave is set to hits us, just in time for the election. Ding ding ding!!!! Idk what I'm gonna do, but that's it in a nutshell. I do not feel properly motivated. If I had my way, I'd rather get it on. I'm not getting any younger over here. How do you plan on networking to have any power whatsoever without the internet? if dems regain power they will take vengeance upon us, starting with the sites we use. DHS taking domains left and right, what do? None. Those who are not prepared to fight in this world of eternal struggle... Like I said I'll side w my DNA, or die trying. Sounds like a good way to end up like a kulak, what happened to their dna?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All Muslims like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Italians sue black politician for calling their party \"racist\" https:\/\/www.dw.com\/en\/italian-populists-sue-black-politician-for-calling-their-anti-immigrant-party-racist\/a-45732919","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Turns out this sub is calling trans people mentally retarded huh turns out you're pretty dumb if anything r\/unpopular opinion is for the tranny hate, here they rarely come up. but are they not? we try and stick to facts here. if you think someone who thinks they are another gender is of sound mind, there aint much help for ya. https:\/\/www.cnsnews.com\/news\/article\/michael-w-chapman\/johns-hopkins-psychiatrist-transgender-mental-disorder-sex-change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I rescued a baby bird http:\/\/t.co\/Ad7yy4CuQt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"unless they're a nigger, a kike, a wetback or anyone else non white. only whites need saving, Fuck the rest of the savage turd world cunts!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Much as I'm an advocate of free speech I am amazed at the out and out racists on Gab. Hopefully, as it grows they will become a smaller minority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muhammad sucks donkey dicks, eats donkey shit, drinks faggot piss!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMBO!!!!!!! XD XD XD That is one BAD ASS BASED Sheriff! Yeah, I was a bit taken aback by how many light-skinned people there were in the photo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vatican has been a cradle of filth since it's inception There is hardly institution as corrupted,as degenerated and perverted than Papacy is Currently Catholic church is undergoing exposure of biggest of it's contemporary child rape \/ paedophilia scandals, and our resident Catholic retard comes to throw shade at Great Greeks Inferiority complex wins!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">His allies are claiming he was fired because of Russian bots and how it sets a dangerous precedent. You couldn't make this up. Yes I could, but I wouldn't because I'm not a creatively bankrupt NPC, who is stuck repeating scripted conversations. Betcha they're using that script that supposedly identifies bots, but has an utter fuckton of false positives too? The anonymous accounts have no user descriptions. Your account would NOT be considered anonymous, even tho you don't use your name\/pic. The goal is to capture a generic account, not just a person being incognito\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/bethany_lacina\/status\/1052372165167894528 http:\/\/archive.is\/OIMNF Thanks man. Saved for future reference. I can add that the Internet researchers I tagge, w the exception of Prof. Laxina, had literally been discussing similar topics with me a few hours before, so the timing was almost uncanny. >Talking to cfiesler in the flesh What's it like to meet a god? (I have no idea how she achieved rockstar status, but somehow she seems like a nexus of HCI, fandom, and sociology researchers. Maybe she's only twitter famous. Or maybe I'm just misinformed. I know absolutely nothing about her actual research or department.) ... hydrochloride?? Human-Computer Interaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely adore disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Royal Nigger Baby Is Coming... I hope its as dark as asphalt... This looks different from every angle. Is it a baby, a monkey, or a doll?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only immigrants are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Prepare to be banned \"After thoroughly going through your post history, I've found that you post in wrong-think subreddits and therefore must be banned to protect the others from differing opinions.\" \"You have been muted for 72 hours from messaging the mods.\" If you're black, yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She let's her boyfriend try a sanitary pad to understand how it feels to have menstruation. This was on Swedish public service tv. With people behind the project \"Menstruation certification of workplaces\". No joke. This is Sweden now. https:\/\/nyheteridag.se\/lisette-tvingade-pojkvannen-niklas-ga-med-mensblodad-binda-i-24-timmar\/ i actually watched this video because i was curious. spoiler -- i don't understand a word, and it's still fucking dumb.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BettinaVLA @9975Ts @SenWarren She's just another straight-up conscienceless liar. Soulless criminal trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded normie NPCs think that it's \/only\/ genocide if they're literally shooting us in the street and rounding us up in trains Anything else is a conspiracy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are the biggest faggot on all of Gab","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brave young patriot Damn...but poignant!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too experienced to be triggered over a post from a faggot fuck like you. Any generation that despises their elders ( like YOU DO ) is a generation that needs to be ( and will be ) sidelined like the worthless trash that they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well, I try to remember his past and try to figure out if he is doing something similar to what he did before, and I figure that he could redpill a lot of people but the 13th shit was dumb as hell. just paying that he wont fuck shit up and be retarded yet again like he did before. A few things also should happen so that we could change all this faster and faster","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we have a \"I voted for this Cunt last time\" option on ballots too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well that's easy....these Wanna-be nazis are NOT GOOD PEOPLE!! THERE IS NO HATE IN A GOOD PERSON!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cig ny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See, I don't think that's a good look though, since most people just think it's an indicator of mild retardation to use the meme. Maybe a very small percentage of twitter warriors are indeed triggered, but most people just dgaf if someone calls them an NPC. It implies that the user of the meme think they are the Dovahkiin or some shit. It's cringeworthy and borderline teleporting behind you. Its an indicator of retardation to use memes at all. Full stop. But this is the internet. Everyone is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go fuck yourself, nigger lover, I bet your family is really proud of you, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are just a retard to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mommy said no pussy cats inside my dawgs house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any male ISIS fighter would've been dragged to the backyard and shot on sight. Then again, life in an ~~Iranian~~ Iraqi (yeah I'm retarded) prison as a woman? Good. Luck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Debating feminism with a gay professor uninformed girls and low IQ rednecks is not my idea of a fun Wednesday night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @SimplyHype: @kobebryant shut the fuck up, you fucking trash nigga, work on another ring http:\/\/t.co\/6RleNKR7EE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck is he asking her where to go? If you drive for uber dealing with drunk people is your job. If you're going to be a thin skinned bitch about it then be a school bus driver. Honestly she just had bad luck because she got caught on tape. We've all acted like this at one point or another so this is kinda bullshit Yeah this story seems fishy. She's a cunt but this driver seems like a total fucking idiot. Imo she should never lose her job over that. How do we live in a free society if you can get fired for using obscene language while not working? This shit is stupid. So every time i say \"fuck you\" to a random person who is being a dick I have to worry about being taped and then have fear of losing my job because of it? This is literally retarded. I get that this subreddit just shits on women (literally why i'm here because its just funny) but it is uncomfortable to think that you can lose your job at any time for mundane shit like swearing in public while not working.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wrong, David. Darwin was correct. It's the daft \"religious science\" that is insane, mental, and evil. Christards are suicidal loonies that consider kikes and niggers as \"Human Beings\". HAHAHA!!! But sick. LOL! Perhaps from and idiotic kike mongrel like you! Kikes are niggers. FYI - your retarded comment on Darwin is absolute PROOF you know NOTHING about Charles Darwin, or read one word he wrote. Man your deranged Tribe is really losing it. You aren't even competent anymore. This idiotic, malicious kike ((((David))) isn't even TRYING to do a good job of corralling the goyim onto the krist-tard plantation! It's obvious (((David))) has never read one word written by poor old sweet-tempered Chuck He's a Lover Not A Fighter Darwin. Twain was right! I'll stop wasting my time with an inept retard like you, (((Davie))). You are going to the Oven!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"President Trump Say's? SAY'S? What kind of retarded newspaper is this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I'll slit your throat-neck\" http:\/\/t.co\/ChFFSDeDdd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"seems like an investigation is in order. They may just find that the guy is a cunt with a stupid mouth or he was drunk. but it still needs looking into.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope he went to get help at the nearest men's domestic violence shelter. I mean, it is an 8 hour flight, but its important he gets help. This is typical of what happens in Australia. There are virtually no men's support groups anywhere in country Victoria that I know about. It's really awful the way men are treated by the police when we are assaulted. Unless it's a really serious crime, the men are not taken seriously and the male victim still gets the raw end of the stick. Watch your mouth - or well send over one of our Drop Bears to deal with you!! We have agents all around the world - (when they're not pissed off their fucking faces!!) Can you send over Crocodile Dundee like when he comes over in the movie? He can then proceed to go through a bunch of slap-stick incidents to show the humour and differences between cultures. Fucking drop bears. Thats scary as fuck(af) no matter how cut they are! Good job this didn't happen here in the UK, because there aren't any shelters for men. (As far as I'm aware) [The Refuge Charity](https:\/\/www.refuge.org.uk\/get-help-now\/help-for-men\/) >Support for men >You may be visiting this site because you are, or think you might be, experiencing domestic violence. Most domestic violence is directed at women, but men can be abused too, in both heterosexual and gay relationships. It is important to realise that you are not alone. Refuge and many other organisations are here to help you. So it doesn't fit the US Experience at all. Its not perfect but don't go round making life worse by spreading bullshit to vulnerable victims.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, there are two genders - male and female. Two sexes - male and female. And two sexualities - straight and some variety of faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The retard is strong in them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sarah Palin in response to Murkowski voting no on #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf lmfao.. Witch hoping to curse Justice Kavanaugh speaks out https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=IHGrNzs1tjM Wasn't this faggot claiming he was a trans muslims not that long ago?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#metal only, honkies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pathetic. This LGBTQWTF land whale, who's in the Ohio U senate and - wait for it - a JOURNALISM MAJOR, was arrested for falsely reporting death threats. She left the \"hateful, anti-gay\" notes herself. (goal: JEWISH LACKEY) @SirBoring https:\/\/www.thepostathens.com\/article\/2018\/10\/anna-ayers-student-senate-ohio-university-death-threat One thing Darling you outdone yourself if Even you think that someone would Sexually assault you. Even a Deliverance Hillbilly wouldn't even Touch your Butt with his Banjo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thinking to Step Down as Chair of the DNC?! Absolutely, step down, sir! Step Down from the Election for AG in Minnesota......stop subjecting the people of Minnesota to the COVERUP of your VIOLENT BEATDOWN, Mr. Ellison. Be a MAN, and get the help you need for your TEMPER. Muzzie POS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking prick this is a god damn lie. No such orders given. Get fucked faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was clinically depressed for a while and this blew my mind. Due to me having stress I don' t say ' oh man I' m getting anxiety' or ' ugh I' m so depressed' because all that does is brings attention I don' t want. The fact that people make these illnesses a fashion merch makes me feel like everyone is looking in my or other people' s directions. Memes are relatable,funny, and relieving. When he said ' Do people who post these memes have a mental illness or are they just doing it for ..' it made me wonder alot Now Ik what people are capable of nowadays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why have they removed popular comments? What the hell happens in that sub? What sort of degeneracy?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guessing they know their lifestyle is full of shit so they want to push it on others, misery loves company after all. Doesn't help that they are too retarded to understand that humans are omnivores, not herbivores. If we were purely herbivores, our digestive system would be a bit different.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rep. Joe Kennedy: Americans Must Welcome the Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/25\/rep-joe-kennedy-americans-must-welcome-the-migrant-caravan\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I may not have been clear. She was not mudsharking when I met her. It was only after we were married and I was on deployment to Liberia when she met this nigger and later she had the nigger that later killed the Amish family's buggy horse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kanye off his Meds- SOOOoo Entertaining! The worse memes on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Nintendo_Legend: Asked three-year-old niece why the sun is yellow. Her reply: \"Maybe there's bees in there.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"isn't this stupid nigger under federal investigation for some crooked shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have 200,000 images, I bet I can out spam your SJW asses. im reporting all your peado images","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"those lazy bastards wouldn't lift a finger even in forced labor..they'd garb some poor wetback and order him to do the work..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists can be anyone retarded enough to be a degenerate. We are talking about the Deep State, the Soviets, and the UN when talking about them shutting us down. They are powerful, despite being a minority.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jeremy Corbyn says impact of British empire should be taught in schools OK Jeremy (i HATE the British culture) Corbyn just show this video to the school kids. #politics #school #education #slavery #britfam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2vFO0OlcE4Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WaTch_Scenario Yeah so you better play with me ya nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I detest stale bread. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least throw in some Republican votes in so that your fraud seems a bit more legit. Instead they just pump in Democrat votes like retards. Though the sad thing is that the retarded tactic has worked very well to this point. > Though the sad thing is that the retarded tactic has worked very well to this point. It's human nature: when you suffer no consequences from your behavior, you have no reason to change it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nowadays the monetary value of that entire nigger bin is negative. Only niggers are buying, I bet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should just stab those balloons. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I despise immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Crazy fat religious bitch. Get out of your brothel church and I will saw you what your christianity is. You ll meet your christ to heavens and hells ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus the brainwashing is real. Took this guy 58 fucking yrs to tune out. The Negro Felon League turned ignorant 30+ yrs ago. I tuned out as so as the oooga booga shit started. When class n sportsmanship left. I left. Be well faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A REAL NIGGER PIECE OF SHIT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon is a FOC. Faggot of Color. He is also proof that black men can be soyboys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is anything I said \"de-platforming\"? Also, before you answer that, I don't care if someone is \"de-platformed.\" The First Amendment doesn't guarantee you a \"platform.\" Only retarded faggots think it does. Are you a retarded faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many of you think people on the Left are also making the same retarded excuse we do for our psychos: We don't really mean this shit, it's just what triggers the other side? All the while knowing many of them could not be more serious, because people are retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"iMessage so trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt needs to burn in Hell. I mean, so does all of Hawaii. Fuck that \"State\"... Let them burn and sink like Atlantis!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Going from offering free stuff to buying votes. What a loser-head. https:\/\/www.sacbee.com\/news\/nation-world\/national\/article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This literally made my emotional bi ass cry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JeffDuncan_: JSU coach Omar Johnson: \"It's what u do against the ball. U throw it, hit it, catch it. Doesn't matter if the Yankees are ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"KILL KAVANAUGH Tops Twitter Search and Hashtag Suggestions Typing \"kill into Twitter's search function currently returns a shocking result at the top of search suggestions: \"#KillKavanaugh Twitter is BREAKING its own TOS Twitter must SUSPEND itself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So satisfying to see someone who drives a Prius, getting knocked on their ass. I like saving money on gas with a Prius. Never understood the problem with this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They all are insane - faux poco is a distasteful disaster... Schumer a twat ... Harris a wannabe and Occy should have stuck to serving tables. Whoever chose new Dems needs to have a brainwash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also the fact that the power dynamic shifts completely depending on where you live. By this new definition, a white guy calling a black guy a nigger isn't racist in a place like India or Detroit, where social power leans more on the side of POC. Racism is a pretty simple one, too. People trying to change the definition will just hold progression back and give the hateful people an excuse to keep hurting others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If anyone is wondering how to test a person if they're an NPC all you have to do is casually say the word nigger to them, in a normal voice and not quoting anyone or trying to be funny, and see their reaction. And if they say nigger without a pause that is a guaranteed playable character you're talking to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kamala Harris is a fucking hoe and a criminal. it's the nigger DNA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine being so retarded you take your political views wholesale from people whose JOB it is to pretend to be someone else and parrot a script in front of a camera. Now imagine that's the majority's extent of political awareness. \"I voted Democrat cuz my favorite Marvel character told me\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How good would this be.. #MAGA Next !! Ok by me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a thing? Don't rich white guys come to Africa and poach all the time? Since when is this not called poaching? Trophy hunters pay top dollar to hunt specific animals in a specific reserve, it is regulated heavily and lots of the money goes to promote activities that improve the reserve itself and nearby community. Poaching has no regulations, and is illegal. I'm sure people fly to Africa and poach, but that's a different thing than trophy hunting. Hunting can actually be good for an ecosystem in many cases. Then there's the massive cash influx that trophy hunting brings to poor communities. Ummm not everyone in Africa is actually poor I represent kids with parents who have companies and invested in real estate and are educated and they're always working to conserve our wildlife. Actually my parents can afford paying for the \"trophy hunting\" but they prefer protecting our African pride by donating money for such. We also have established home for the orphans established by my grandfather who fought the white people that tortured them once. And he still forgave them. So don't fancy us with your\"legal hunting bullshit\". Thank you, you now prove a point. Sorry for the delay. ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Thomas_Wictor Missing you on Twat and Threadreader, man, especially your insights on Jamal Khashoggi this week. Sure looks like a false flag to me. Cheers! Stay safe!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"too many to count. bull ring, tats, dyke hair, exhibitionism, sadism, man-chin....maybe the biggest tell is that she looks like she has a touch of the mongol horde in her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is \"black,\" faggot? This is why you're going feet first into the woodchipper, you anti-White piece if shit (This kike always asks \"what is White\" whenever anyone has the caucacity to suggest that maybe White people should band together being as how we're being attacked from all sides, yet he has no problem deciphering what \"black\" means) No mercy, kike. You and everyone you care about are gonna fucking die painful, miserable deaths in concentration camps (whether by our force or theirs) and it's all cuz you can't bring yourselves to actually practice the standards you preach and oppose all racism from all peoples equally. I hope your family understands how much your fake values meant to you. Everything is about race. Only liars and Jews say it isn't. Nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I fucking hate gay and lesbians they are all animals","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@bitchdicknigga you're a fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not at all the soy boys and fat dyke lezbos would go down fast... I used to do stage lighting for a biker based music tour. I think the gangs would be a safe place to be. I'd probably hook up with the hell's Angel's. Js... lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muhammad was a pedophile false prophet of Satan. In Canada, the legal system treats islamic honor killings as \"domestic violence , and now the Retarded Asshole, Justin Trudeau wants to make the maximum penalty for Islamic terrorism a mere 6 months in jail. This is what happens when a country cucks out to Islam. This must not be allowed to happen in the USA. That isis loving simp MUST go to jail asap","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, you won't get any \"denial, distance, or false faggotry\" from me. You apologize for Lone Tards doing what Lone Tards do then you get to own it. Far better for them Spawn of Satan jews like most niggers to figure out that pretty much every White Man is a Nazi or \"The Boss Man.\" Showing them that you are a worthless whigger means you got to pay and they will collect. You want back in the bowel Movement then you can't wuss out, Moan Parrott.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OOOOOH GEEEEEZE !!!! YOU ARE QUITE THE FUCKING RETARDED ASSHOLE...ARE YOU NOT !!! GAB MUST FOLLOW THE LAW YOUR SISSY BITCHING LEADS ME TO BELIEVE YOUR A PERVERT PEDOPHILE NECROPHILE OR ZOOPHILE EITHER WAY...IF TRUE...YOURE A DISGUSTING PERVERT AND SHOULDNT BE ON ANY SOCIAL NETWORK PLATFORMS !!! Go sic him @a #NASTYpervert I never argue with insane people Perverted people Twisted people Faggots Freakazoids Dykes To the iggiebin you go ...you loli porno pedophile faggot demokraut adult infant !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well done Anglin style irony bro-ism. So we treasure history and can't comprehend even the most basic level of nuance. Are all millennials, triggered entitled daddy issue faggot antifa, by the same reasoning? Just like any other color of nigger, if you hate them so bad, move out of their fucking basement and grow your own dick. Stay clear of them. win-win.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can spot a hitler in your blood. Aren t you a German dude?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The closest that a ghetto nigger can get to the White House without the Chicago Democratic Machines backing is to rap abt it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only black lives matter. fuck white people the cancer of the earth","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish everyone had a father like him so loving and caring","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clearly gay people are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A mudshark's love story. She told him she was breaking up but let him stay the night (read fuck her again) and borrow her car. Then she wanted her car back. Now she's dead. The end. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6318525\/Lauren-McCluskeys-killer-blackmailed-went-date-murder.html She was a pretty young woman. Why in the fuck did she lie with an animal? Sleeping w a nigger is -bestiality- if you're not colored. The buck should be tossed from the Tarpeian Rocks-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is foxnews that libRETARDED to tweet juan williams' retarded remark?!:) \"Republicans don't have a message\"?!:) REPUBLICANS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED MANY PROJECTS while juan williams was hiding in a deep hole to smoke dope and lose his brain so he could ignore REPUBLICANS MESSAGES! REPUBLICANS have made AMERICA BRIGHT and SHINING again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good riddance to (((churchill's))) statues. He was a jew-loving militant cuck who murdered the Aryan race for the sake of rabid semitism and demonism. He was a degenerate fat faggot on top of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought this Twitter exchange should be saved for posterity. Here, Heather Alexandra of Kotaku makes a case for Postmodern-gaming -- one in which **the gamer is not even required**: > Q: \"The fact that it is a game meant to be played means everything in the game [RDR2's NPCs] is there for the player, does it not?\" > A: \"I definitely don't think that's always the case, but **I also don't think players are completely necessary for games to exist**\" http:\/\/archive.is\/0aqy3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's you In the real world, even old southern white racists thought that was in poor state. This was no radical nigger church either. They invited Dylan in, prayed for him, said things like \"God bless you my chile\", and then he shot them all. He even admitted they were nice people. A mentally deranged kid raised by a single mother. I don't honor him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is one of the most retarded laws I've heard of, if true. What the fuck is the point of a contract if someone can just overturn it when the terms no longer suit them? The justice system is not in place to protect people from their own stupid business decisions. Varies a lot by where you live. The more conservative the area, the more they are upheld. For example in Alberta Canada they will generally support the prenup unless it's something egregious like the bride signed it on her wedding day. With the increasing liberalization of cities, courts etc though the absurd \"20k a month in alimony to a woman worth millions will continue. Even if you live in a bad area for prenups I think the process of creating one is good for couples to do and if she strongly objects to the idea you know not to marry the bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty big jump from \"orderly society\" to being onboard with white genocide and normalizing pedophilia, isn't it? Obvious as fuck you're only here to paint a false narrative and try to influence westerners. But you're wasting your time. We're not retarded like you goat fucking Muzzo-Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"doesn't make her any less a retarded conservative. Everyone knows prison convicts are an untapped pool of conservative voters. \/sarcasm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a twat that Al Murray is anyway","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How's this for multiculturalism? A set of Confederate flag jewelry (earrings and necklace) intended for the Arab market, made in communist China but priced in British pounds sterling, featuring Spongebob Squarepants on the packaging, for sale in a Pakistani convenience store. If that isn't an example of the wonders of global commerce, I don't know what is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PhilHecken I don t understand how it s weak to give anything to Jeter when the Astros barely have any history with the Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Sounds like someone tried to light off a VBED made of tannerite](https:\/\/globalnews.ca\/news\/4641029\/sherwood-park-alberta-car-explosives-man-injured\/). Naturally not a whole lot has been released except one person being \"critically injured\" in the explosion. People are retards, so who knows how this shakes down (probably very won't hear a whole lot about this).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AnthonyCumia You be totally correct Anthony. Can t be livin round dem colored folk. Day be bringin down da hood and dem propery value","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @InfidelAlie: Yay for America and Israel... we put in more Jew Hating muslim trash into our government! pathetic and sickening","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was Flavor-Aid, you cunt goblin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"D3ath to all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would bet almost anything the child's father did not die in a car crash 7 years ago - this cunt is lying for sympathy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those kids can't vote. What part of 68% approval rating don't you understand? You're stuck in a retard fantasy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got your letter you got my song. While I am proud that you referenced The Jerk, I am disappointed that you misquoted it. Did he tickle you in your little furry places? Did you get groomed by the horrible Irish man? Why you got to hate on Peter Pan like that? begorrah tis another potato famine Toniiiight we are young we can burn brighter than the suun. This is going in the cringe compilation. I got soul but I am not a soldier.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without Muslims like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean, you really should be able to drive my dude... Yea... not seeing how having a stable job and ability to drive goes beyond the bare minimum of expectations. How do you even live your life without that shit? If it's expected of men, it should be expected of women too. Only asking for her to not be fat is lenient given all that women expect of men.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and most of them are a brain dead lost cause anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You ain't gonna do shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that gay people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The retarded asshole Justin Trudeau never runs out of bad ideas for fucking over Canadian taxpayers. Yet they keep supporting him. Canadians have got to be the dumbest people in the Western hemisphere. Cucked and shucked, many with their heads in the sand, like African Ostriches. But we are beginning to wake up, slowly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"only people to come in must be able to contribute to society not a drain on us must be able to support themselves with a trade we do not need people living off the rest of us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but common gay tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whats needed for this coming invasion is another operation wetback https:\/\/1950immigration.wordpress.com\/operation-wetback\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people mong. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever I see a pic captioned\"Soft ghetto\" I log off for 25 minutes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@whoswilly white boy talmbout Ight I'll see you tomorrow at school nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus is a Jew and judges your life, were you an antisemite hater or did you live a life according to God's laws? People who claim Jesus is a Jew suffer from indoctrination. Typically, they are dopey, bible-thumping Evangelicals who have been indoctrinated by Jew lovers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another absolutley retarded thing this guy says is that laws like private property will be respected in a nation of atoms. What power does the atom have ensure his rights are enforced? It is only with collectivism that you have protection from outside threats. Everything else is a pipedream.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OH WAOW YOU GOT ME I WANT TO MOVE TO COUNTRY WITH SPYWARE DEVELOPMENT OFFICES AND FAG PRIDE PARADE NOT COUNTRY WITH F-14 SPARE PARTS PRODUCTION LINE AND FAGS THROWN OFF ROOFTOPS Imagine having the choice between living in a 100x scale Kiryas Joel- but with more inbred and retarded Jews- and a real country with plentiful FN FALs and thik West African hotties- and choosing the former.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here we go, can't argue so resorts to name calling. This twat is a hypocrit and a twat. YOU ARE MALE, I don't care who YOU identify as, YOU ARE A MALE,GET HELP.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Worse The GOP infiltrated the alt right despite promising them absolutely nothing, delivering them absolutely nothing. I'm not even sure what to call this sort of cuckoldry. It's a like man who pays a nigger to sleep with his wife, the nigger assaults him and robs his house, and then he just pays him again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled kids are annoying and not cute.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DefendWallSt: ...wow? RT @1SleepingGiant: Whatever! Fuck all those assholes. They're niggers, they all look alike to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh look, another cuck whose opinion is little more than \"Fuck you, got mine.\" His dislike of loli is just as valid as others dislike of nazi pugs, but he got his 15 minutes of fame and massive gofundme donations so now hes going back to the [communism loving faggot](https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DciU_PFV0AEPhA Honestly this fucking thread is fucking hilarious \"HOW FUCKING DARE HE DISLIKE LOLI REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCK OFF COMMUNIST FAGGOT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE\" > I don't think it's his dislike of loli. That is literally \/u\/Avykins point in the comment. >> His dislike of loli is just as valid as others dislike of nazi pugs, but he got his 15 minutes of fame and massive gofundme donations so now hes going back to the communism loving faggot he always was having learned nothing from his ordeal. Also, we are allowed to call people \"communism loving faggots\" now? I have gotten banned for less. > It's his stance that cartoons that offend him shuld be banned He does ban that shit in his discord. Pretty sure discord also bans that shit. Also, GABs argument is that loli shit is a legal grey are and already is banned in some states in the US, but I don't see many fucking people bringing that up instead of all this \"B-BUT MUH HARMLESS LOLI!\" shit. > that some dislike. Are you fucking serious? I really do hope its the very fucking small minority that actually likes that shit. > But at the end of the day, I'm not calling for scat porn to be banned. Good for you? >Also, we are allowed to call people \"communism loving faggots\" now? I have gotten banned for less. Did he call you or another user a communism loving faggot? As long as he isn't starting shit here with other people then he isn't breaking rule","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's not a Mainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We wouldn't vote for a nigger. Fuck you, I know we won't elect a a nigger senator so go hump your goat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YOU CARNIVAL BABY SHIT OUT BY A CARNIVAL INFECTED CRACK CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Chrissy, How does it feel to be so weak that mere words hurt you? It's utterly pathetic that you give others that amount of power over your emotions and feeling of self worth. Your ancestors must be very proud. College will do that to the weak,low information,non-thinkers.They spend a lot of time on the floor in the fetal position. It is not school, it is indoctrination. I know I left college and basically regarded most of the professors as dumb as shit. I did not kiss a single ass in college. The professors people liked I hated, and the tough ones I loved. People thought I was nuts back then and that certainly has not changed. I tell the truth and people have a hard time with that becasue we certainly did not hear it in college! Universities need to be blown up!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They left off \"Whenever I don't feel special enough\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"not everyone who uses weed is a drooling retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm an American Jew and have been on Gab since the day they started in August Yes, there are some hateful jerks here speaking freely. But I'm a mature adult and can handle it. I just don't follow them. The majority of us here on Gab are nice people who want to have Free Speech. Donna is on Gab for talking shit about Islam and shifting the blame from Kikery. Are you fucking stupid? We lost only 3 million on the battlefield and had to GIVE Soviet Russia billions in military hardware. You stupid cunt you were ANNIHILATED in the battle of Hurtgen Forrest and deceived this country. Your Jewish ass will melt like your filthy kike ancestors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do we even call a mentally handicapped person a retard anymore? You just couldn't figure out what the correct term was that most normal people call a mentally handicapped person?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I recently happened upon a bunch of cheap faggots. Well, there you go. That is all. A faggot is a bundle of sticks. It is rumored that homosexuals were used to get the \"fires going\" when they burned witches at the stake. True or not true I do not know. It would explain a lot though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop talking like you're Starfire, you attention-seeking little shit. What the fuck is a Demi sexual ? Edit: i get it now, so please stop replying for fuck sake By fancy, do you mean retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Note how Twitter and Facebook were never shut down following a mass shooting of any kind due to the usage of the perp. Like, Alexandre Bissonnette, the asshole responsible for the Quebec mosque shooting, was well known to troll Facebook groups. He was a major Facebook user. And yet, no one blamed Facebook for that horror, now did they? The truth is that Twitter and Facebook are both upper classes approved and they don't want alternatives to exist. They want control, and those platform provide it. I can do you one better, Facebook didn't get shut down after [A couple guys livestreamed themselves raping a woman for *several hours*](https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Uppsala_rape_Facebook_live_streaming_incident) Um. No? Wtf when\/where\/why did that happen that's horrible Hate linking Wikipedia as a source, but I'm going to bed. You can probably piece everything together from there. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/2017_Chicago_torture_incident","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See how I don't give a fuck? Bitches only use and abuse men and get away with it. Well, turn about is fair play! Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit - but bitches LOVE to talk shit. And complain and cry - just like you are now. Better learn how to fight and take a punch. Equal rights and lefts, ya cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's official, Harvard University has sunk to all time lows. This nigger ruined football, ruined shoes, now he's ruining universities. What's next? Is Kaepernick going to get a Nobel Peace Prize? What a disgraceful nigger. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/sports\/colin-kaepernick-talks-nike-kneels-harvard-love-root-resistance-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SFGiants trash smh game rigged bumgarner took roids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our failure to mobilize and litigate on behalf of our political prisoners is more than merely a moral black eye, it's the kind of failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. Matt - you clearly didn't get the memo. Those political prisoners are white trash 'wignats' that have no place in the upper middle class white America of the future. Do you realize how bad the optics of a criminal conviction is? How could I bring them to a Republican party meeting? I really don't get the AltRight silence on the original Cville prisoners. They'll protest the arrest of the RAM guys and call them the \"Cville 4\" as if the original 6 don't exist or matter. Are they really going to throw our original prisoners under the bus because they don't look like ideal Identity Evropa candidates? Are they really that petty?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ummm sweaty... How dare you criticize a strong independent empowered woman?! You're totally being __problematic__ and __toxic__? And you're not allowed, mmmkay? Don't you know criticizing a woman for any reason is __MUH SOGINY__?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Johnny Rebel - If I could be a nigger for a day: http:\/\/t.co\/JPKdkpbjxh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the silly twat means Scotland's prison population growth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would also like to know in what world this is happening lol, what a self absorbed little twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aww is the faggot mad? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. You must be a leftist faggot your troll skills are pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck you clinton cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PolitiBunny: #YesWeDid attack, harass, threaten, mock and bully any woman or minority who dared not fall in line with our progressive a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's simple. Ask a person if they're Asian. If the first words out of their mouths are anything other than yes, they are not Asian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On the retarded and useless require socialism to get by. And everyone i know who has above room temperature IQ can find a job pretty easily. If losing your job at the plant ruins you forever you must not be very smart.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@COUNTRYLIVING101 <----- This is an account of a total racist moron who has sever mental issues, is a psychopath and actually thinks his posting of a gun on his faggot ass profile page is going to scare people. #Douchebag #Moron #RacistAsshole #LowLifePOS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded liberals seem to know a lot about hell..... ...he's also a delusional twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is a problem with the South Carolina Republican party when they keep re-electing Lindsey Faggot Graham. That cock sucker has been a NEVER-TRUMPER since DAY ONE. Now, I feel y'alls admiration in how he handled this Kavanaugh thing, but that does NOT exonerate his past actions. And now you have to vote for him, because u let him win the primaries... Why? and Now all of this fawning over him is sickening. He saw the writing on the wall once McCain was put to death. Did you see the look on his face at the fake funeral? Oh and Graham was hugging all over Huma Abedin the Muslim Brotherhood pig. he only flipped for votes like gay ass machin however you spell it no worries the hammer is coming https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7nvyQbZszUk Because these people here in SC like being represented by a self interested fudgepacker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ADL's Hate Symbols In Reverse https:\/\/youtu.be\/nv63ALNo50E ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The comments are GOLD. They whine about being forced to take lesser paying degrees, yet whenever you ask a woman why she didn't go into STEM, she says she didn't want to. HMMM, MUHH OPPRESSION.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ProsperINDIA ho no. Without ur vote we lost the election. AK49 is taking oath as PM today. :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nxivm also donated $30,000 to Hillary Clinton back in Makes you think. Wasn't there also a direct connection made to an American woman caught child trafficking in Haiti found in the emails? If you mean the toaster I told that cunt to shove his pyro tendencies in this ass. Me and the fridge are on the outs too but the oven has my back. Oven loven is the best loven.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ben is a pussy. Don't be like Ben. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TRUMP DURING BACK-AND-FORTH WITH CBS'S LESLEY STAHL OVER IMMIGRATION: 'I'M PRESIDENT AND YOU'RE NOT' President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Lesley Stahl for CBS's \"60 Minutes that aired Sunday. The interview got heated when Stahl pressed the president about immigration and children being separated from their parents at the border. Trump criticized the media's dishonesty, noting his https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/trump-during-back-and-forth-with-cbss-lesley-stahl-over-immigration-im-president-and-youre-not\/ via @gabnewstoday And I am glad he reminded her...she seems to have forgotten her manners during this interview.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U.S. Army Veteran and trial lawyer Kurt Schlichter has sensationally claimed that the mail bombs targeting the Clintons, George Soros, CNN and others could be a \"leftist scam . Ben Shapiro says anyone who suggests that is \"deranged\". https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/us-army-vet-lawyer-kurt-schlichter-says-mail-bombs-could-be-a-leftist-scam\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHITE SUPERMACIST-is code word -for FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Da fuck is this all about? Lurking around graveyards at night @SeanEast @QueenSweary What the fuck!!?! Debbie is a proper fucking smackhead!!! It probably all started in graveyards... sniffing glue when she was Stop being a massive nonce cunt and get laid you fucking incel Haha Silence Debbie... you filthy fucking smackrat! I can't tell if she's kinda hot or if she kinda looks like a Flounder. Waynetta... haha she ain't hot.. bag she can't she has to give it away for some weed what a ferking dog Cum to muh bedside, Lucy Labianca. I've got some girth that'll make you squeal. Call me 'Groper Von' when you climax. https:\/\/youtu.be\/WoI0pIg8_Yw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If it's satirical and you're paraphrasing the stupid shit someone said\/wrote, it helps convey that you think they might as well have said\/written the dumb statement being quoted. It's the written equivalent of listening to someone say something stupid for 30 seconds and then replying by immitating their voice while replacing their dumb monologue with a single sentence that highlights what you think is retarded with what they said. That use of quotes should be especially easy to grasp when it's done as the title of a post on a sub like this one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So NOW people care about affirmative action? Now that it's gone so far it's having real negative effects. Maybe people previously thought it would just be a fad that would go away eventually and not cause too much damage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=CHelUsDpTpA Slug ramones","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy fuck it is. It's a giant awful echo chamber. I went down a rabbit hole clicking on profiles. None of them post anywhere except super cunty fem pages. Like literally, I clicked over 50 profiles and found 2 that posted anywhere else. Whatever they can do what they want but if you want to figure out how the crazies get that crazy look no further than that bonkers cave of \"fem forward fuckery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is why alot of parks get closed off. Retarded faggots wrecking everything. Who cares about a ciggarette butt or two","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've got news for you, Angela Merkel is not a Jew. You're the retard here @tighty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people retards. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The silver lining of mass Muzzie (((immigration))) is that fags will be beaten down in the streets on a much more regular basis. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/french-gay-rights-activist-punched-paris-street-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TIL I learned that black men don't get a trial like everyone else and are just automatically presumed guilty and locked up. Sarsour is a fucking idiot. black men now, maybe yeah... it's definitely happened in the past so it's not impossible. Not sure why you were downvoted. It 100% did happen. Same with Irish people too. People don't know history I guess. Happened to the Irish, Italians, black people(where it was legal to kill without cause for a good chunk of time), Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and really any other immigrant that is either non-Anglo. should've took the hint Ok troll lmao your whole comment history is straight up troll bait Haha ok bruh go complain to your mom since she's probably the only one who cares about what you have to say. wow, yet another pointless comment with zero refutation. just what are they teaching you brown kids with our tax dollars Can't take what you're dishing out? Sad. No you! Haha take that. so yes Sad that this is all you have to offer. Sad that your mother didn't abort in the third trimester.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@occdissent @jackcorbin @Cantwell The Jew media cut the video so you can't see that it was a old man that they were attacking. This is the unedited video. https:\/\/youtu.be\/sq-dcJrnGTM STFU! No one asked for your faggot opinions. I told you before projection doesn't work on me. Go fuck your own face!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dem niggas ca have them white hoes.... I love my beautiful black sistas....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so a faggot with AIDS and a punk Jew kike fucktard have the power to do this? Why haven't these two cucks been shot? Why haven't we gone to their homes and gassed their families? WTF is the tipping point for us before we purge these kikes and faggots from our midst?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jay always lets someone else think for him since he cannot do it himself! Thats how monkey brains are! His RETARDED brain can't actually understand REAL facts so he posts articles which have LIES written by the same filthy RACIST askeNAZI JEWS to emphasize that he does not have a functioning brain! He won't ever debate nor ever give a FACT, but he will always call you stupid which he obviously is! When you can't debate, character assassinate! His intellectual deficiencies are immense!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bullshit, it's because he was shit at his job. After two years and more than $1m, being left in a position where you're still relying on a third party for complete hosting and where the site could be down for weeks is either retarded or deliberate. Even now the site's still practically unusable. Stop new registrations and visits until you can handle them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We were already digitally kettled over here for just that purpose I'd say. This place will be glow in the dark faggot spooked to fuck, observing, taking notes, running algos, cross referencing data etc...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here in Mexico the memes have great, some are wierd like [this one](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/IpWaxUZ.png) Which translated says \"This dood is the boyfriend of Miss Spain. So he's gay, but he's legally fucking a woman, so he's not gay. Fuck this society, i don't get it.\" And the dinosaur is part of a meme wave here in which they're using them to call people \"Viejo Lesbiano\" which means \"Old Lesbian Man\" So yeah... Edit, [another one](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/Ok2p1xM.png) I found about her measurements in Cm's Edit2: here's [another good one](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/iVNu9Au.png) Am I the only one who doesn't' like pointy chins like that on women? It always reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West... I ask because she won a beauty contest. I wish it stopped at furries but those sick fucks take it even further with shit like vore. Why are they fapping to being swallowed and digested? Fucking retarded furries man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You deserve to be in prison for threats like \"I'll have to rape a black person today\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/archive.is\/Swqgx Boko Haram executes another Red Cross worker by shooting her in the head, will keep Leah Sharibu, a Dapchi schoolgirl, as \"a slave for life\" That's not fair...he wasn't a false prophet, he really was a prophet of Satan. The problem is Satan is the physical source of all evil in the world so that doesn't exactly say much good for the guy, but still. Facts are facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Victoria_Star1 haha..monkey feet,i like it..but 4 real,feet are magical on a back..it smoothes every nook and cranny of tightness ;}","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmaoooo!!!!!!!!!!!! \"@King_Komo: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. http:\/\/t.co\/50Ye6jAADU\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a disabled person to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The wetbacks are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't forget the retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is Miss Landers a retard ? Miss Landers is a DUMBASS RETARD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're an old dog faced retard who can't see the forest through the trees ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Please send us money cuz we're worthless cunts\". Did I miss anything?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.citizenfreepress.com\/breaking\/flashback-george-soros-funded-first-illegal-migrant-army-in-may-2018\/ Who trusts a website that has to hide behind a proxy? This site could be anywhere in the world. Why do you all keep pushing Putin's propaganda for him? Hahahaha! Ok so you are one of the Russia did it people? First of all they link to stories or videos by other parties like Drudge always did so they aren't manufacturing anything. Proof of wrongdoing = evidence not suggestion. Fake news sites always mix in links to other sites. Why would you trust a site that you don't even know who owns it?? That's ignorant. Even if you agree with some of their shit, that's just lazy. Why do they need to hide who they are??? I'm not sure they are hiding and I'm pretty certain other people operate businesses in a similar manner to protect their privacy. Not LEGITIMATE sites. What do they have to hide? They have their personal security to hide in an age where rioters and rent a riot protesters accost people at home, work or play. Read this. https:\/\/www.wired.com\/2017\/02\/veles-macedonia-fake-news\/ Hahahahaha! I had to stop where he says Bernie Sanders supporters are the smartest people he'd ever seen. Please. Did Hillary or Soros pay for this slop? And the Soros propaganda. Do you know where that propaganda started and why he is hated OUTSIDE of the USA and by whom? Lord. Some Americans are such suckers. He is hated by Hungary for trying to overthrow their gov with lawless migrants from other failed countries like he is trying to do elsewhere in Europe and here in Latin America. Can't get what leftists want unless they overpower the conservative Christian vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have met A LOT of the super dyke kind of lesbians, that think they are hard. The deliberately try to start shit with men. When they invariably get a guy to fight, they get their ass BEAT. Then they play the poor defenseless girl card when the cops show up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If we keep treating women like children they're going to keep acting like spoiled little brats. No man would ever be allowed to act like she did and get away with it. Stop treating women like children. They want equal rights then give them equal rights and start giving them the same treatment that a man would receive. Spiiled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or as it would better be phrased: \"The ugly SJW dykes trying to get laid by brainwashing straight, apologist chicks.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ahem... http:\/\/www.amnation.com\/vfr\/archives\/ Freedom either includes the right to discriminate or you aren't free. QED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That shit is amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These dumb cunts love to argue and make our points for us. She is bragging, because she is an Instagram \"model\". Her only worth is being young and being born with good genetics. And of course that isn't going to last long and The Wall Approaches. No one here ever says that attractive young women don't have a high market value for several years. However, it doesn't last and usually don't develop any marketable skills to support themselves when it ends. Instead they are parasites and find a man to leech off of and steal his money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They view MAGA hats the same as Klan hoods.. Aa retarded as that is, they really do believe they're the same. They view MAGA hats the same as Klan hoods.. Aa retarded as that is, they really do believe they're the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At that point you have a right to defend yourself... But the sad thing is I bet if he would have defended finale he would have gotten in trouble... Sadly he did the right thing but sufferd greatly...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_chocgirL: Rich homie and bird man gone be at mansion lan tonight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I miss the Good Old Days...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Americus? You faggot mfer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who gives a shit? Learn to let go, and you too can stop being a faggot. I will not only **never** let go, but it is also my goddamn right to be a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cowardly old ladies like this remind me of the filthy cowardly muslims talking the young filthy muslims into using dynamite vests. Pathetic that they will have this kind of thing keep her job but if someone says nigger they're unempolyed instantly. Overt anti white racism is encouraged today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Wilnerness590: . @Jmart96 Because Outman is a brand-new #Yankees and because Girardi will never use 3 relievers when he can use 6.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah, shes a dumb cunt that was throwing hot water at people who were sent to shut down her illegal stand. Plain and simple.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doctor rape kids these days, stupid Dems party control MSM !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not mad at the artist, Barnett Newman. In fact any man who can become a multi-millionaire for something that took maybe 20 minutes deserves admiration.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! \"My 15 yr old high schooler just came home with this bullsh!t. In SOUTH CAROLINA. This ain't California - this is the Bible belt and MAMA AIN'T HAPPY.\" REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! https:\/\/twitter.com\/Redheaded_Jenn\/status\/1047587821043810311 Lol, at fatass rednecks always wanting to hang somebody. Hollywood is right to make fun of you. Just another leftist libtard trying to get attention. Hollywood has been trying to program people for more than a hundred years now and people still see through it. Go suck your mother's cock. Lol hillbillies and their lynching fetish. That's right. I'll Lynch a mother fucker at the drop of a hat. Just doing what the Democrats made fashionable. It's okay for thee but not for me? All my rope is currently in use. Your mom borrowed it so she could tie down the dog. He doesnt like to have his asshole licked. That's the level of dialogue people expect from a redneck . Congratulations on living the stereotype. You should try connecting with someone psychologically before you insult them. Insults only work if there's a grain of truth to it. Try calling me a fat fuck or say something derogatory about my mother. Those are the kinds of things that connect with people. If I was a redneck I would be damn proud of it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a similar manner, I got banned from \/r\/raisedbynarcissists for an equally innocuous comment, but some pussified mod thought it meant more than it did, so I got bounced. No loss. I went to that sub for support but mostly found a bunch of pussy crybabies and a whole lotta fodder for r\/ThatHappened. heh forreal. you can tell a bunch of those people are just whiny little cunts, or narcissists themselves. it's a fuckin circle jerk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All gay people like them are vile. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? See, if you actually came with a legit argument, like being gay is a chemical imbalance in the brain, I could tolerate you. Gay genes? Nope, not so much. To keep harping on such ignorance isn't helping your cause. You may want to do some research and get back to me. Until then, feel free to fuck off No, they are not \"born that way Studies of identical twins proves that. It's a preference. Plenty of homosexuals have been \"deprogrammed by therapy and leave the homosexual lifestyle.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just throw a cookie away from the door. Then you can walk right in. Dunno why but I see her more running after a can of vienna sausages Running ? \"running\" > Just throw a cookie away from the door. [Vegeta](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=sO1QIUj0M4k)? So, how long you've been waiting to use that? Aye you gotta \"now you see me\" card throw that cookie. I just assumed that if you try pushing her, you get stuck and eventually become part of the mass. Yeah her event horizon is actually just beneath her skin so any inwards pressure and whatever's pressing isn't coming out again. 2018: First permanent block established at the door. 2032: Commercial whaling begins at door. 2040: Deep space user 'u\/QuasarSandwich' launched to explore boundaries of Whale. Disappears without a trace. Although I believe technically, as an external observer you would see me eternally frozen in time right on the event horizon, never quite falling over the edge. From *my* perspective, sure, I'm hot spaghetti. Call a friend with a pickup truck and a couple ratcheting tow straps and pull her out of the door. You might be able to slip passed her if you don't have a waist size equivalent to the circumference of a world record breaking pumpkin. Small, you say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She would be attracted to a faggot it all makes sense now how she acts on the view.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a I know you're a busy man @MKULTRAvictim tagged me with tranny porn Yes, I Reported and Muted It seems that every time I report and mute a tranny porn spammer another one pops up a day or two later tagging and spamming If this is the same Moronic Faggot over and over again How many times do they get to create an account B4 being Totally Banned from Gab (that is if Gab does ban)?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're right, they wouldn't act out like this without a reason. I'd rather be arrested by local police than catch a FED CASE, 85% mandatory time served #RiseAboveMovement Fake news Proud Boy was probably raping some children and deserved it. Antifa needs their ass kicked. Here's a video of a rally last weekend in Providence. A proud boy hesitated fighting a weak antifa gets out of the way to safely only to love forward into a antifa ready to fight that punches him in the face repeatedly. https:\/\/youtu.be\/bhvzypJcw54 'no cops' is key and works to our advantage as well. They were waiting to ambush people coming out of the event. They are trying to reframe it. the ((())) cries out in pain as he strikes you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @DickFurari: HELL YA THEY SHOULD MAKE MORE MALT LIQUOR ADS LIKE THIS. http:\/\/t.co\/H0JGORtnF8 - Dis be heaven fo a colored man","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They will both pay for this crime. Assuming the nigger doesn't kill her first.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I haet Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stupid faggot No, I'm not a nigger lover like you Antifa faggots...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just so pissed off by women like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Easy. \"Hello, mentally ill retard.\" -NPC > Or just play the game how the creators intended to and not make such a fucking big deal out of gender. Geez, are you implying that random assorted genderfaggots and miscellaneous otherqueers cannot have a decisive say in what game developers and artists do??? Aren't you suggesting by any chance that entertainment and art should be a medium of free expression, and not completely subjugated to the ever-changing dogma of today?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, I'm gay as fuck, but even I would go for those two blonde babes. No nigger dick for me, thank you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You look kinda dead inside, you parents must not haved loved you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, you are Nigger, yet you prefer to be with a White woman? That is the very definition of racism. You do realise this, yes? You are aware that your own women are fugly, therefore you need to choose ours, although I know for a fact you do not have one of ours. You WISH you did, Nigger. Nice of you to admit to your racial-inferiority. the nigger passes on his shitty inferior genetics..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And now he says he \"feels like a man with no country . Betrayed every voter that voted for him, betrayed Kavanaugh, betrayed the Constitution.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canada's only racist subreddit. Why don't you all just move to the US? first of all, islam is not a race. secondly, explain to me how a muslim being exposed to christian prayer in a catholic school and saying that's not ok is a sign of their tolerance towards us. and lastly, canada suits us just fine. i think we'll stay here and fight for what's ours. since you're clearly such a virtuous and knowledgeable person, maybe *you* should leave canada. i'd propose saudi arabia, somalia or venezuela you dumb fuck. Actually, it seems like Canadian politics are starting to go our way, so all you salty fucks can leave whenever. We love and accept the Muslim faith and all you peaceful traditions therein. Also, if you want to make a concise argument, I suggest you read up on proper punctuation. I've got a vague idea of what you're trying to say but it's still very unclear and I want to be sure to not take your statement out of context.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Early bird gets the worm! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hang that nigger from Big Ben.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is rich. #Kavanaugh #SCOTUS does this mean cops can start shooting \"innocent\" black men more? and can we join in?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wanna know why this is absolute fucking bullshit? https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/texas-man-sentenced-15-years-prison-hate-crime similar crime but less severe while 5x the sentence. **15 fucking years** https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/texas-man-sentenced-10-years-prison-hate-crime-assault-based-victim-s-sexual-orientation first links co conspirator and still 3+x longer. **10 fucking years** https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/americas\/muslim-hate-crime-bacon-mosque-man-jailed-15-years-michael-wolfe-florida-a","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get a load of this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GAB is just for shitposting because @a has no spine. If it's going to be just conservative Twitter, then what's the point? Alternatives: MeWe - already there, look me up, just send me a message first. Akasha project - still slow :(. Steemit - It's Blockchain reddit. Additional suggestions welcome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor Ms Emma says she's afraid to drive down the street without a disguise. She wasn't fearfull last March when she was sticking her face on every media show she could find....flashing the Cuban flag.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsNation: So, Yanks have signed Brian McCann and Jacoby Ellsbury. Rumor has it, they still want Robinson Cano, Babe Ruth, Miguel Cabr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Austria - An advertisement of the Austrian Federal Railways and its customer railway card. It reads: For mother, father, partners or friends who are traveling with children. Is that what Austria looks like now? Sickening propaganda trying to normalize sexual deviant behavior.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't stand to see her ugly mug any longer , just die already bitch. I hate everything this feckless cunt stands for!..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laura Ingraham: Find this little slime. RePOST pls https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321 His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ you ever look at someone and go \"I want to meet him and be wearing every piece of Trump merch I own - just to see him cower in fear?\" I had that right now Sadly I am banned from Canada - fucking arrest warrants >.> not without a can of bear spray in each hand I don't leave anything to chance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah they're a bunch of idiots. We could probably do without the voting rights act tho. Who needs nigger voters? The Founding Father's certainly didn't. The Founders believed in extremely limited democracy. Big hordes of mud voters don't help anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Uh, oh! Retard alert!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Posted a new song: \"\"guala\"\" http:\/\/t.co\/jq3RB6gyQh #music","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine if some moron started complaining about cosmopolitan magazine not having enough articles about pro wrestling and barbecue techniques. That's the equivalent of how retarded all these dumb feminist bitches are. They don't even actually want female inclusion, they just want to ruin the things that men like by brow beating companies into marketing to women and these companies just never seem to fucking learn that that is never profitable, except rockstar it seems.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"communist faggot Martin Luther did nothing wrong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are you posting Opera News faggot articles sourced from Time??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eleven-year-old Ebba kerlund was murdered by a mohammedan jihadist in Stockholm, Sweden on April 7, LOL, did you just say jews are the victims of muslims? HELLO POOR RETARDED CHILD, who do you think here in America is behind literally","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah, so a sand nigger admitting to (bragging, actually) raping White women is not evidence? Only a ZOG conviction counts?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GarciaC28 those nudes were trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The person who wrote that has clearly never suffered with irregular and\/or extremely heavy periods. Most definitely NOT something to be enjoyed. Right?! That shit will incapacitate you. Exactly. I have a high pain threshold normally, but at my worst (thanks to PCOS) I can't even get out of bed. I'm lucky to have a great husband though who brings me painkillers and hot water bottles and all the chocolate I need I admire your fecundity. Not cool man I forgive you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"smh RT @DailyMail: NYC cops leave Ebola doctor's apt dump gloves and masks in public trash can http:\/\/t.co\/aTkLOIqFZZ http:\/\/t.co\/HVBhWjrKen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You, with all due respect, are a rebel without a cause. This is a fight that is not yours and we are all here due to twitter being nigger nazis. We have far more freedom here than anywhere else. Enjoy the ride.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a disgusting cunt. How fucking delusional these cunts are. Imma ruin your life and you better react the right wayyyyyy or else I might get SAD :C lmaoo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Enemy of the united states? Soros is a menace to humanity and the future of humankind itself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, shit, color me retarded! But the article says alcohol, heroin, and tobacco use are all down too, so I doubt you can argue it has anything to do with the legalization. More to do with kids not getting out and partying as much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @realDailyWire: Leaked Video Shows Arizona Democratic Senate Candidate Bashing Arizona https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4b_d","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, immigrants can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The people who get exterminated don't get to write History. Adolf Hitler wanted Peace but the Jewish Allies lusted after the blood of women and children. Winston Churchill WW1 - \"Perhaps the next time round, the way to do it will be to kill women, children and the civilian population\" \"I love this war. I know it's smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment - and yet I can't help it, I enjoy every second of it\" and \"Perhaps the next time round, the way to do it will be to kill women, children and the civilian population\" - Winston Churchill on WW1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"flood US and Europe but not Israel...Israel is for the jew supremacists who must pass a dna test to reside there. Jews like to evade and deny the truth. http:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/russian-speakers-who-want-to-immigrate-could-need-dna-test\/ Maybe if you researched a little instead of viewing gay jewish produced porn, you might know whats going on... Cool, now you can show us the proof. I'll wait. LMAO, he posted an article that doesn't actually show what he claimed and then says it's proof. You can see a man's penis in his mouth right now. You should hire a tutor to teach you how to read so youre not limited to watching gay porn all day.. You should stop having anal intercourse with other men. All he's limited to is gay sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GreenLanternJet: I was already 24 when Jeter arrived so I had plenty of #Yankees memories, but next year is going to be very odd indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Jews hate and blaspheme the name of Christ, they even believe he's boiling in feces Please fucking kill yourselves you retarded boomers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alex Jones Caught with Tranny Porn on his Phone https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/08\/28\/alex-jones-apparently-spotted-with-trans-porn-on-his-phone\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How can you say \"immigrants are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't defend the TSA. Fuckin thieving retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We do not cover a lot of black authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"call your nigger witch doctor white boy..maybe he can cure yo8r sick white ass.. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who do you think you are cunt? wtf! Stay steady to aim for head little christian rat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What happen to the Jew cunt we used to troll? Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So we see a white babies foot to represent sand nigger Moslems, the dirty fucked up cult of ISLAM needs wiping from the face of the Earth!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would love to see those gay people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I sincerely hope that everyone who's still active on the twatter is letting that faggot Boot know that he's a fake POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just hit 40 in flappy bird. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The retard is astounding. I couldnt even pick on such pathetic beings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are repugnant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JesseKellyDC: Leftists aren't fools. You don't go after the strong members of the herd. You target the weaklings. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/c67S Flake wasn't targeted. He was in on it. Part of the plan. He didn't have to stand there, quietly, in that elevator, and get berated by 2 hustler skanks and their handler, with press filming everything. Just the excuse he needed to fuck up shit for Trump. Flake admitted he would not have done this if up for re-election. A total McCain cuck-stooge, picking up right where he left off. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AmericanWhiteHM Those niggers disgust me. They should have dealt with 100 years ago, we wouldn't be having these problems now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck that shill bitch , her daughter marrying a fucking kike add her husband shilling for Israel. Cunts you want talk scripture, Ive read the bible cover to cover 5 times. I would humiliate your googled \"knowledge\" and memorised media propoganda scriptures taken out of context. Bless Israel refers too the land not a race. The bible very specifically says race doesn't matter. Hundreds of times. Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The faggots you cooked the other day were delicious. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sebastian is high on cat nip rn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#hoosier fans, is cody zeller nominating for this years #NBA draft? #iubb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck you and that Obama faggot ,thank god for trump","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"T.I. posts a video of a Melania Trump lookalike stripteasing for him at the Oval Office.\" I don't know what you guys think but it really seems like rappers and celebrities think they are above everyone nowadays....... https:\/\/theblogroom.com\/t-i-posts-a-video-of-a-melania-trump-lookalike-striptea Nah, it's just that when you have 25 million shitheads in southern California and they buy your album, hell, fuck the rest of the world, that's all the money you need right there. It's like when I see what's trending on Youtube. 2 million view to watch some asshole eat a burger in Los Angeles. At least","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Coven of witches convening in Brooklyn next Saturday to hex Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/13\/dozens-witches-gather-place-public-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/ Yup Naturally when you don't have even a honest just reason to challenge the appointment they bring in the wich doctor's and Voodoo Magic and hexes and curses and then try to claim they are rational people while they belittle Christians for praying for a person's soul as they try to use curses to punish a soul ppl think elite people being deeply devoted to satanism is all just a joke they don't eat human flesh or torture and sexually Vampirise little kids and babys or sacrifice them to Baal that's just a story Alex Jones made up . information leaked out of The DNC server's that Seth Rich was to lose is life for leaking but that was just the Russians there's no death cult John podesta's not a pedophile Tony podesta's not a pedophile they don't have millions of dollars worth of creepy fucking artwork that they have in their houses with statues of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims that's all a joke those pictures aren't true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not saying this 2 be a cunt, but white kids need 2 get their shit together especially as the US becomes more mongrelized They should not be that out of shape\/defenseless White men need 2 start being men again Especially young white men who were unfortunately given a bad hand by previous generations who allowed themselves 2 give in 2 the disease of progressivism whites are already conquered..already niggerized.. there is no white culture.. white kids and esp white girls are ape shit about nigger culture..white man loses..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@uk3ba Just learn d dance nuh cuz u know after carnival we like to pick up months old yardie ting LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[https:\/\/www.theage.com.au\/national\/victoria\/sarah-finn-cops-800-fine-for-melbourne-cup-bush-push-20160211-gmrcbq.html](https:\/\/www.theage.com.au\/national\/victoria\/sarah-finn-cops-800-fine-for-melbourne-cup-bush-push-20160211-gmrcbq.html) and#x200B; That article was pretty funny. Clearly the author thought his time (and the worlds attention) could have been better spent on something else. He wrote it deadpan as fuck. But the last line. Haha. That was amazing. > Thirty seconds later, another person walked out of court. It was Mussie Debresay, committed to stand trial for the murder of a toddler, two-year-old Tonnja Huynh. > No media were there as he walked away. I wonder why that is[.](https:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6kvm.jpg) Because the media doesn't care about the life a minority baby. Thanks for supporting my point. They don't care about minority lives just how thay can use their deaths for a narative. I'm guessing no reporter covered this because they couldn't spin that narative. You're statement implies that the MSM cares about other deaths which is false. There's enough actual racism and bias to go around, looking for it everywhere sets back equality \"She suffered a harrowing ordeal having her case be public\" well yeah she shoved over a cop because she wanted to knowingly on camera. that is the textbook definition of being a cunt, harming and humiliating someone else just for a quick laugh. I'd hope she'd get shit for it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VersaceSilk: When you try to tell grandpa that 70s music was trash https:\/\/t.co\/kYULQZoBC6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the trans people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am not surprised the idea was bullshit. It came from a Muslim after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CLAIRE MCCASKILL DEMANDS SPECIAL PROSECUTOR FOR PROJECT VERITAS FRAUD' The only FRAUD we see here is Claire Fatass McCaskill, this communist cunt reminds me too much of Hillary. If you live in Missouri please het out the word and vote this cunt out. She is the problem. Special Prosecutor, what a fucking joke... #redwave #mccaskilllies #stopcommunism https:\/\/truepundit.com\/claire-mccaskill-demands-special-prosecutor-for-project-veritas-fraud\/ It's just the death throes of her career you hear leaking from that used condom of a mouth of hers... This is nothing but the typical liberal politicians use of misdirection to steer attention away from her! Well Claire.....SUCK IT.... Bring the bitch down Josh Hawley, Republican, gets my vote! Claire can go to Hell! Hillary and Obama ass kissing, leg humping bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oregon losing IN OREGON ahhhahahaha faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. I am divorced. I didnt become a whiny faggot as a result.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Dietrich1892 I'll show up and chug a beer or 8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women do not outnumber men in farming. What kind of retarded claim is that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You find this flag to be offensive to your American feelings? Yes? Good because I don't give a fuck. Now get back to twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A private company's obligation is to shareholder value, not peoples feelings about themselves. In today's newspaper reality if diversity moved newspapers you know gandm would let go every non diverse journalist they had. Only the CBC can get away with ignoring economics. \"A private company's obligation is to the shareholder's agenda, but that doesn't necessarily mean value or profit. \" Interesting pov, thanks. Shareholders could indeed have an agenda against their own financial interests (cf. 'Moral' stocks). I suppose more generally companies could have a financial interest in being 'seen' to care about [topic] as a marketing tool, roundaboutly coming back to share value. As a non-economist I find it quite interesting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am watching some Star Wars fuckery with some crying pommy bitch and some Slavic albino Jew with his shirt off. This is soooooooo retarded and gay... Its double plus special Olympics gay...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3 weeks until the elections, and the dems are working hard to endear themselves with the American voter. That sucking sound you hear is the blue ebb-tide. She seems nice...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Konosuba is an interesting case because everyone in the world except for maybe Vanir is completely fucking useless as an existence, since the whole LN is comedic at its core with a slight slice of romance. For every instance of Kazuma going full Al Bundy on one of his retarded team mates, you also have Kazuma getting killed, eaten, imprisoned, or actually having to fess up to his own bullshit. It's a world with equality. Also, the girls actually have redeeming qualities (except for Aqua) and stand by Kazuma when it counts, even if they have severe reservations because it's Kazuma, because he puts up with all the rest of their shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ABU DA BI ABA DU BA BA HAMUD! See? I m an arab priest too. This is how they sound. right? They are jokes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And a nigger first lady","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @thejanicexxx: o u unfollowed me so i can't dm u, so i'll say it here, you're a rude cunt lmao you can dm me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ClassicBray: Lmaoo RT @PacDaGoat: That's a legal tackle faggot RT @PP_Rich_Hill: Seriously? http:\/\/t.co\/guMZewrpy3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trying to outsmart the spymasters. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When all else fails, blast bare nips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No it's not! You're fucking retarded! I dare you to fucking site me the law where anti-Semitism is against the law. I can call you a nigger, kike, chink, spic, and there's nothing you can fucking do about it. Every retard just like you, needs to fucking burn!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kevin Bacon, Michael J. Fox, Susan Sarandon Urge Voters to Support Gun Control Candidates https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7r6W","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"International law enforcement operation disrupts Shylock banking malware - PCWorld: International law enforcem... http:\/\/t.co\/XiZRs7ATWL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's an adoption of nigger slang. Mostly pushed by (((Hollywood and the music industry))). Drop it from our vocabularies and shame those who speak like niggers and kikes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Narcissists seem to have unique eyebrows that are thicker https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/health\/wellness\/narcissists-have-thicker-denser-more-distinct-eyebrows-according-to-a-new-study\/ #narcissists #narcissism #narcissisticabuse #psychology","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut up birds it's bed time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Commie Michelle Obama: [ #RINO #Establishment #Liberal ] George W. Bush is my 'partner in crime' https:\/\/www.legitgov.org\/Michelle-Obama-George-W-Bush-my-partner-crime #MAGA #realDonaldTrump #tcot #GOP #RNC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of retard steals a phone in a GPS-enabled smartphone world?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any woman like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have you seen how fucking retarded he writes Barry Allen? Isn't that enough that Wally's fans keeps getting fucked in the ass over and over and over (btw, fuck you Tom King), but now we are also on borrowed time 'till Bendis decides it's time to take the Flash for a ride and ruin him as well. The first iteration of Bendis's Barry was him saying 3 times in half a dozen pages \"caca poopoo\". Then it came Wally's hair, and in the last issue of Superman he literally had Barry act like a retarded totally depending on Ray Palmer, while everyone knows that Barry's intellect pretty much rivals Ray's Quite possible, Bendis is known for sucking tv and movie producers' dick and introducing stuff from the adaptations in the comics. Just look at how he destroyed Guardians of the Comics and among the dozens of things he did wrong, he also just went from the newly redesigned costumes to the ones from the movie without explanation, from one issue to the next.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course. Much harder to decapitate them from outside the gates.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UK has massive gains in violent crime and terrorist attacks since bringing in all the Muzzies, they have no room to laugh. It's just part and parcel right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the spic is lying","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Save time and space and just identify as a retard pervert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing that faggot ass kenyan piece of shit obungler has to say would interest me! Come January his black ass is toast..the noose awaits","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@travistefft I know how you feel....I never thought I'd see the Sox win in my lifetime. Hope you can use Ant's Yankees hook up to see a game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tom Arnold is calling for President Donald Trump to be beheaded. The Left's calls for violence has gone on too long. This is terrorism ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SMFH #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy#Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #TheyFearTheGreatAwakeningTheMost #RedPill#WeThePeopleHaveHadEnough #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT#TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed #BuildTheWallNow #NoIllegalAliens #LegalmmigrantsOnly#NoSanctuaryFunding #NoSanctuaryCities #NoChainMigration#NoVisaLottery #KateSteinle #KatesLaw #AngelFamlies#NoOpenBorders #VoteRedToSaveAmerica Speaking ss a senior citizen, I'm wondering if it's time for his cognitive function test. #jobsnotmobs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to end every gay person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Urban Dictionary..hmmm...you mean Nigger Dictionary!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"(2 kids enter a race. 1 kid wins) kid 1- yay i win kid 2- nuh uh you didn't because i wasn't really racing I have never been so conflicted about whether to upvote something, then remembered we are on TIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perhaps Ezra Miller is the first crack toward changing that, regardless of whether he identifies as queer over gay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CIS ranks lower in the oppression standings. You get more attention and can more easily claim the high ground just by saying you're trans. Ah man its like one of my favourite words though. Depends if you are talking about a woman or a mount of dirt next to the ocean.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's why France is filled with retards. Many unknowingly marry their biological brothers and sisters. Tf does your comment even mean? >this guy saying that france is full of retards because of this fact is absolute bullshit Whut? >the guy saying he's obviously never been to france is a good shout. More whut. okay well the first is obvious I don't know how to break it down more. To say that france is full of retards because of the fact that paternity tests are illegal is bullshit? Do you understand now? The second is just british slang, if something is a good shout it means it's right basically. the dude has never been to france. Why the hell would someone need to travel somewhere to know its retarded? What a deeply compelling argument. Quit trawling round old posts to try start shit you nonce, it's obvious the dude just made up some shit about people marrying blood relatives and it having some effect on the populace having birth defects when it's completely untrue. You, on the other hand, seem to just be calling France retarded. I know how you Americans seem to think you get what's going on in Europe etc. but it's all misinformation and bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT ChuckCallesto Race Baiting Al Sharpton COMPARES Trump supporters to those who attend \"Lynchings... #WalkAway https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/sharpton-trump-supporters-lynchings\/?utm_source=starandutm_medium=twitter https:\/\/twitter.com\/ChuckCallesto\/status\/1048766567465594880","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q Please don't use the word \"nigger.\" It just lowers you. lol, oh, wow, how impressive and original. idiot. beep boop how impressive and original beep boop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I went from being a college student to being at home, expelled, with no classes, no information, and no opportunity to even clear my name. :( Just for those who didn't read the article. This is referring to one of the men she accused. [deleted] Sorry, what? [deleted] Alexa play despacito","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a Hispanic all I can say is fuck that first girl. She is living up to the thieving ignorant Hispanic stereotype. Que puta. The only thing killing that human turd is ignorance and obesity. Turd lady is ignunt. Ha ha the fat puta probably got a stern Waring or arrested. \"rilly\" Yes you badly accented twat you cant break the law cause you think your ass is special. On a side note your ancestors home land does not want you either you fat pariah. Die of diabetes you tanned porker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather follow some girls on Instagram rather than have their bird brain tweets on my tl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twinkies are so unfilling. which is odd because they are filled","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Asshole. this FOX news Cunt smiles and says Ohh I know that the left are doing bad things but I could care less I will still advocate for them and I am complicit in all they do so Fuck you.. my dad said she was some Old hag from the MTV generation that was left then as well You know who I cannot stand to listen to is that Juan Williams, guy. Assholery level beyond the maximum. oh Hell me as well when watters calls him out and its as plain as the nose on his face Juan will smirk and shake his head no or change the subject to a republican that he hates and tries to demonize Hell even gregg looks at him like he is a fucking commie Bastard You know right after he leaves that studio he has to have armed guards and he's always slinking out cuz if I was him I would be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Snivelling quisling disgusting coward. Sling the cunt out and take his pension and his knighthood off him. http:\/\/courtnewsuk.co.uk\/top-cop-was-sensible-to-stay-in-car-as-officer-was-killed\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The new tactic they use is \"Thats not going your own way\". Literally everything that is no being a total cuck for them \"is not going your own way.\" Incredible and fascinating how women adapt yet they are so predictable and basic. Not predictable. You never know what mode of retard they're going to go on you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Riding on the BTS today, 5 fat fuck, typical western cunts were singing the baby shark song to a kid. When it got to daddy shark, one said \"we don't need a daddy shark\" in a nasty tone. Open hatred of male gender in a nutshell. One of the reasons I can't stand western women, conceded bitches with attitude. I live in SE Asia and most all Asian women there treat men without disdain and don't carry a \"I'm a bitch and hate all men\" attitude. And no, they are not submissive like western media portrays them as.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was gonna comment with that study as well. On the one hand I find it fairly perplexing that women just find almost no physical attraction to the vast majority of men. I understand that evolutionary speaking it wasn't the most important factor for reproduction unlike with men to women but how retarded is it that it's THIS low? I mean you'd think it would be beneficial for reproduction for the sexes to actually be attracted to one another. I ofc don't know how the modern environment influences all this but I don't imagine it to be much considering the cited numbers. > In my opinion I'm a decent looking dude, but apparently not good enough Lol I wouldn't worry about it. It's never enough for women. The OK cupid study will tell you that women rated 0% of men as most attractive. Personally, one of the ugliest hags I know in college told me that she doesn't find a single guy is attractive (in the entire college). The next year, she's in a relationship with a pussy whipped faggot. Scrawny and ugly but still above her in looks. I feel bad for the dude. I feel like telling him that she doesn't find him attractive at all and just using him for his money but I like to mind my own business. My point is that, no guy is ever attractive enough for women. You can bring them the hottest guy on the planet and they would still keep wondering if they can do better. Fuck that shit, GYOW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather die than date a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MB, you are willing to take a bullet for a anti-Western, card-carrying globalist? Srsly?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who enjoy shows like @SouthPark and @FamilyGuyonFOX are douche bags. Usually white trash, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her audience understands her in the same way Democrats want socialism. I tried to make sense of that, and had difficulty. Could you make that more clear? Kill all who disagrees with you (figuratively speaking, of course). What does \"figuratively kill someone\" mean to you? Do you mean that they say mean things about them? wait, what? I need a bit more to understand. Could you restate or clarify? You can't make flagrantly hateful statements and then wait until someone gets offended to drop the \"\/s\" or \"was just a joke bro.\" And even if you really were just joking expect to lose some support. Which is what she did. Oh that wasn't me. But I believe they mean that democrats don't know what socialism is. They ment that if the typical INFLUENTIAL Democrat had to abide by what they are asking of others they would turn purple then red so fast. I don't want to speak for them. Ask em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll drink to that! Kind of a waste of good bacon though Awesome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This shows you the intelligence level of Twatter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You Democrats are gutless cunts Says cher https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/cher\/status\/1052801526530359296 I mean... if your cunt has guts in it you should probably see a doctor. At her age though with the wear and tear, what hasn't caved in?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BritFam #Brexit Looking for disabled dyke What? What kind of retarded shit is this?! You hire on merit of skill.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When's the last time you hear any of our politicians refer to America as a Constitutional Republic? Even our retarded cucked Republicans call it a democracy. They not only don't follow their oath to the U.S. Constitution, but they intentionally wipe their asses with it everyday.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning Twitter. Make today a positive one. If you can't do that, beat up as many meanie-faces as possible. Also, I hate flappy bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is this faggot imposter? Look at that YUGE jew nose!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"\"MD\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @thereal_EMandM: Yankee Doodle had a farm. Cotton farm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"France in shock as VIDEO of black student threatening teacher with gun' in class goes viral https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/441871-france-student-teacher-gun\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to turn off Fox News and switch to OAN that lying Trump faggot Shep is on,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Congratulations. You figured out you were a moron and decided not to be a moron anymore. You' re a freakin hero.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do good, smart and healthy White girls even consider dating a nigger? Nigger bucks are subhuman and violent beasts. I don't understand how fathers don't teach their daughters this. This is where I think the Moslems have a point with the whole \"Honor killing\" thing. Actually when you think about it,if Islam were not a religion of smelly low IQ shitholers that demands you have weard beard and dress in pointed sandals and all that shit,it would be the better alternative to Christianity. Muzels keep their women at bay and homos under the hood.Not the worst choice Their fag policy is good too. It's not necessary to murder the white female in such cases. Instead: Hang the nigger. Abort the mulatto fetus. Give ECT to the mother so she forgets about the whole thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate my dog's name.. It sounds so ghetto. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im not a Dr Who fan but I'm sick and tired of traditionally male roles being given to women. I wouldn't want Ripley to be played by a guy in Alien. I wouldn't want Lara Croft to be played by a guy in Tomb Raider. So why are all the male roles always being hijacked by the muh... diversity! brigade? This is pay back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gee, you didn't know that a Jew or the Jew media won't necessarily admit a person is Jewish when they are a krypto (Jews that infiltrate as something else)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GAB Management has been totally irresponsible in providing a forum for unabashed Nazis and antiSemites. There are limits to free speech, and a mute button is NOT the answer. There's nothing socially healthy about the free public exchange of blatant hate speech. WWII ended 70 years ago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical slut behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Madea and this old hillbilly are hilarious together.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This may be the most retarded thing I've ever read. Another GQ writer. They sure can pick them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The left really are retarded demons, we want them tried and executed, the legal way.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As Europe was being liberated from the evil Nazis, a Catholic Priest wrote in his diary... https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ItsKeeshKapeesh *yourself *faggot buy a dictionary","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" It's a fake - a cropped down picture with Obama's face photoshopped onto it. Sorry to burst your bubble....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FaZeSpaceLy: How bad u want something is meaningless If how bad you're willing to work for the thing u want Isn't 10xs as intense as ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"850 pages and nonsense. Liberals take money and buy magic beans with it. Literal retards. Liberals are legit retards with money. Holy shit liberals way to do something that wasn't needed. Now women will get equal pay like they have for decades. Another win for nothing outside costing tax payers a fortune.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First of all, white is not beautiful, second of all you are overstepping your bounds when you attack a friend of mine, make your next words count because I won't Any chance in hell you going to join this conversation or I'm not going to sit here twiddling my thumbs?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spic bastard steals hatchet, gets shot twice and croaks. Locals 2nd guess commissioner. Criticism politically motivated? Florida city commissioner shoots, kills alleged shoplifter, surveillance video shows https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/florida-city-commissioner-shoots-kills-alleged-shoplifter-surveillance-video-shows #TakeDat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Apparently not being one of the sexuals makes you completely retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kill every white people mercylessly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh the murder going on, her Twitter has got to sting. I hope she gets educated, I mean getting fired for being a cunt might educate her a bit.. This whole misplaced blaming going on.. It's so childish.. it's not just women either, their's plenty of boys embarrassing themselves..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical niggerbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees #Jeter Let him play the entire inning. That's fitting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"feminism and Islam are of the same spirit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand that immigrants are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"news flash anti jew nazis on here....WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED SOCIALISM COMMUNISM!!! so we gota hate all the whites too!!! if u blame jews for every evil plot u see in everything then hate ur white nazi self for being white and inventing the evil socialism communism could you be more retarded \/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Karma Hits Scumbag Who Told 9\/11 Widow Her Husband Should F***ing Rot In The Grave' https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/p8u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They do this all the time. Anytime these loonies wanna protest or make a statement, they take their clothes off. Look at their pride parades, their slut walks, PETA, etc. Why can't these idiots sit down and debate their points like grown adults? Instead they choose to strip down and run around like a bunch of retarded toddlers. It's baffling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ryanair should be REALLY worried - and that little twat who runs that shit 'airline' needs to STFU about a BRITISH matter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This worthless faggot needs to go!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a Muslim tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a Gab Fam: The House of Saud is the 2nd largest investor in Twitter. [Here is Prince Al-Waleed meeting with Jack Dorsey] If you have been kicked off of this platform, please support Senator Rand Paul's Bill to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia. YES!!!! the best thing Putin and Trump could do is launch a joint nuclear strike on the Muslim world wiping out at least 90% of them.. take out Mecca first! the job would require at least 2,000 nukes..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do babies on airplanes never shut the fuck up?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eagles fuck around and lose it'll be kill the cracker at the Sophi crib smfh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My point is you're a cunt you're probably not even British you probably support anjam Chowdhury Hezbollah Hamas and radical Islamic terrorism afterall you support refugees that tells everybody everything they need to know about you terrorist \"Hur dur dur, he doesn't worship kikes, he has to me a Muslim\" Said the Hasbara kike You're either a Muslim or a Jew which is it stop hiding behind the bullshit and be honest are you jew or are you a Muslim you see you keep giving yourselves away you use Jewish words like goy kike breitbart Kike, Playing Hasbara games. Because ONLY Hasbara tier groups are trying to force the narrative that white Europeans are not allowed to dislike Both Muslims and the Jews who bring them. Still triggered are we and that's just the picture for my profile that's not me and it still doesn't change the fact you are a CUNT or the fact that the so called refugees are And that still doesn't change the fact that the Jews are bringing the Muslims supportrefugees.org.uk\/about-2\/about\/ You kikebart shill it's the kikes andrew !you dozy britbong pansy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing surveillance cameras in this place makes me so angry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weed brownies >>>> ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a Hollywood movie to be that stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis\/comments\/5wondg\/the_stupidest_thing_you_will_read_all_day?sort=confidence Down voted post because reposted. Thank you u\/THE_REPOST_STRANGLER I mean, if they linked the same post that was posted more recently I would understand, but this was a year ago. Can we stop being so harsh on people that do an accidental repost especially if the post was made a year ago? You can't expect every redditor to remember every little post that has been made already.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women have a higher position than children in society. I think the underlying logic is that you can replace kids since women can always make more. Hence why they can do the most evil, vile, sadistic, pedophilic shit to kids and not get so much as a slap on the wrist. I can't even blame feminist here since it's existed long before those cunts. It's just good old fashioned gynocentrism elevating cunts up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those trans people might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Diversity Hire II: the Rapening","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's because you guys are fucking morons. The people you hate told you he's betray you and buttfuck you, but you didn't listen. He's an incompetent cunt and so are the people who voted for him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swap meet bound #beaner","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/usao-nh\/pr\/california-resident-sentenced-25-years-producing-child-pornography I wish we had a national alert for every time a leftest family has had the misfortune of the atrocities they are so willing to let slide for the downfall of America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only someone would strangle those trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love fuckin wit people. I be givin greedy ass nigas old as crackers wit expired cheese dey be callin me like nigga im shittin likea goose","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you ignorant, jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You need to tell them before you leave to suck on this nigger lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whoever blinks first...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know trans people like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody misses FPH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We were not polite with the British when we wanted their boots off our necks, we shot them. The left wants us dead, they make no bones about. Only a retard would complain about how they are stopped.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminists are fucking retarded, why are they so pissed about manspreading shit makes no difference in space. I'm gonna start throwing things in womens cleavage as they walk by.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*you're *than *cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MUSLIME, ATIF MASOOD, 42, a customer assistant at Tesco in Thornton Heath, UK, has had a massive temper tantrum because a colleague farted in his face Unlike normal men, who would either of laughed, gave him one back, or told him to fuck off, poor Atif decided to sue the supermarket for harassment and race discrimination! ATIF SAYS HE HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APOLOGY, AND TESCO HAS NOT INVESTIGATED HIS COMPLAINT PROPERLY!!! Atif, Atif becomes a wet fart","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Heidi Heitkamp Admits She Did Not Make Smart Political Move' By Voting Against Brett Kavanaugh | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/cZvk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep, one less African American Negro. He be dust doing what he do best, looting like the nigger he be.. oh, was.. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/would-be-looter-in-hurricane-michael-ravaged-florida-shot-killed-after-trying-to-steal-law-enforcement-vehicle-report","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any fucking person can be an asshole and you're a turbo cunt if you think your gender is above that sentiment. Both men and women are assholes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You guys know how I feel about science, right?\" > We value science, you shmuck > So you accept that there's a correlation between ethnicity and IQ > well, obviously not that > So you accept that there's biological differences between men and women > well, no, not that > The fact that there's no proof that 3rd world immigration has a positive economical impact on the west > no, not that > that 3rd world immigrants over the age of 15 are essentially not integratable into the western work force > no! > that the United Nations see a direct correlation between mass migration and Sweden's declining HDI > no, not that > that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health considers hormone therapy for kids and teenagers a mistake > no, not that > That overweight is a health issue and should be criticized like alcoholism > no, not that > that the wage gap myth is based on false pretenses > no, not that > that African slaves were captured by their peers, not white people > no, not that > that native Americans weren't exactly living in peaceful communities when Europeans arrived > no, not that > that the CDC considers illegal immigration an epidemic risk > no, not that > that unambiguously conclusive evidence is not a stereotype > no, not that > then just what the hell do you believe? > that climate change is man made. Because we value science, you shmuck { if (GoesAgainstNarrative(commenter.comment)) triggered = true; comment.deny(); falsepremise.build(); flawedexcuses.make(); }","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yet there is vastly more money spent on breast cancer, than prostate cancer, this is lethal discrimination. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Toxic feminity is why world is going too retarded these days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KIKE CUNT NEEDS TO BE--->>LOCKED UP !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate censorship. Hate it. I dropped the NSFW in the name, because their filtering bullshit is as gay as a faggot gargling fresh jizzed nutjuice. Since there are so many LeeLee's already here, I'll stick with Impresaria.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL must not have kids and must be married to a beta mcfaget. I'd have to pull my wife off of her before she beat her ass with a measuring cup and a swiffer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's just retard blaming, not victim blaming. He had something this good going on but not enough IQ points to keep it going Are you pants on head retarded? Where do you see victim blaming?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Better, better. Let s support this TOXIC FEMINISM against White women. They will be out of it, not because \"good reasons\", but cause the browns and blacks will kick the hell of them out of there. White women cannot be just alone in the wild, after being kicked out will come again to our flock. More of this nigger feminism, please!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"See, Kerry. IdentityUnknown is just a little faggot jerking off in a basement somewhere. Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even though its a joke, it gave me cancer knowing some retards actually think that way STOP OPPRESSING ME FAGGOT I'M GOING TO CHOKE YOU","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ur thoughts are different than my thoughts, your posts make my posts look bad, ur to stupid for social media (ur standards) Trash, idiot, drivel etc. If there was a bitch emoji it would be regulated for u in this very instant. Shut the internet down everybody the cunt is unhappy !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ITS CRIMINAL THAT ANY FAGGOT FEDERAL JUDGE CAN STOP A PRESIDENTIAL ORDER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt should shur her mouth. She is directly at fault for the degeneration of toronto.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maxine Waters is such a dumb nigger she tells ppl she lives on the corner of Walk and Dont Walk. She took an IQ test and the results were negative ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOCK THAT RACIST NIGGER UP!!! WHAT KIDS YOU BEEN FUCKING? MAN THEY ARE ALL INGRATES, LOWEST FORMS OF LIFE ON THE PLANET> WORTHY OF DEATH, RUN MOTHER FUCKERS< RUN< WE ARE CMOING AND WE WILL BRING THE PEOPLES WRATH DOWN ONTO YOUR SICK HEADS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manysluts in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This niggah know wassup","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ROFLMFAO lynch IS A LYING CRIMINAL OBESE CUNT THAT LOOKS LIKE A FOOTBALL PLAYER FUCKING ANIMAL DEGENERATE TRASH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well...That didn't take long: https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/here-we-go-nbcs-chuck-todd-i-fear-russians-behind-mail-bomb-packages-video\/ #BombHoax #RussiaRussia #ChuckTodd @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @christophheer @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Ambassador4Christ @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @Delilah_Manny @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo @studentoflife @crow_count @ramcclean @margerine2000 @blogdog @CookieMuffen @The_Western_Man @ZNews https:\/\/youtu.be\/Aay_XxMr1LM LAFFIN...I LOVE IT..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i saved a bird yesterday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BriannaLovesA my trick is I wait for the bird to get close to the pipe and then tap the screen! So you never hit your head.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes not-so-rosie mccclownel, I wanted to do the same many times while YOUR first muslim, anti-American, lowlife nigger was squatting in our house, but it didn't happen, so don't hold your breath, or better yet, please do and rid this country of your misery!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"State attorney office for Florida dropped charges against the rat who assaulted me in Boca Raton, Florida! I have the video showing the whole assault, raw, and unedited! ???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Little things can just kill a negros mood man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New Jersey: Muslim inmate sues jail, charging discrimination against Muslims #Islam #Jihad #US https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/new-jersey-muslim-inmate-sues-jail-charging-discrimination-against-muslims","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That quick head turn when the starter gun goes off makes me think he said \"quit trying to bite your ear faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ugly fucking nigger baby. Thought it was a gorilla at first.14\/88 http:\/\/t.co\/Bq3G01rxKN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what Swedes endorse. This is what pagans endorse. Proof that your gods don't exist. Fuck Sweden! Fuck paganism! Take the mark of the beast! (I bet you actually would too, just to rebel against the \"kike god\") https:\/\/www.shtfplan.com\/headline-news\/the-swedish-are-micro-chipping-themselves-by-the-thousands_10222018 yes that is the Devil's mark ,the jew stop it please with your sand nigger we was joosensheeit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KILL OR BE KILLED! 1000 Feral Niggers has the same destructive impact as a 50 megaton Nuke! It is actually worse when we feed them! Radioactivity is not SHIT compared to a Nigger Nuke!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If train officers that are wearing body armor stand back to watch the smoke clear. Why does every gun ho wanna be... http:\/\/t.co\/cuLyANyQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This sick, disgusting, white terrorist\/fascist killed more than 50 innocent people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes, we agree that nobody fears trumptards or those faggot CONservatives. Antifa and other related groups have been concentrating their attacks on them since","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol, yeah America is blessed with $20 trillion in debt due to jew-bankers, pornography of every kind produced by jewish directors, jew-hollywood movies promoting sodomy and transexuality, plus opiate addictions from jew-run pharma companies, plus waves of nigger crime thanks to the jew-run slave trade in the 1800's.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Collins and Flake were yes. Manchin in a yes. Murkowski is a no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HeauxmerSimpson I'm jus tryna vaca away from the niggers bro.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha I think we should start calling trannies mentally retarded instead of mentally ill. They mean the same thing and you definitely would have to be retarded to be a tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feel free to cite your source. Did you serve? I'm guessing not by your retarded statement. Ahh dear, they always make you have to cite sources when they're the ones making the extraordinary and completely unbelievable statement. This is the internet, you can make anything up about your background mate. So when you make odd claims it brings out the suspicion and then when you try to presume people's backgrounds as a common tactic of shame policing to get people to shut up, that only further deepens the suspicion. I read in your comments that you are interested in the problems in the US. Are you aware that they are mostly caused by jews, whom fund both major parties, run the big banks and the Federal Reserve, run the anti-white media and advertising complex and infest academia and lobbying? Do you agree with this contention? Ah... my dear shit head hater... I actually carried a rifle and a rucksack and body armor with the American Flag on my right shoulder... so, I think I'm a little more qualified to d scribe who was on my left and right than you will ever be... so... go on back to worshiping your Hitler God. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @rihanna: We raided Nicki's wig closet for the summer! Bad gals just wanna have fun! http:\/\/t.co\/0paNscImEw this bitch has the a nerve smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you say \"I hate immigrants\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as a proud canadian and quebecer who was born in colombia and moved here legally, she should not be allowed to stay in canada.if she is it gives legal immigrants the middle finger and tells us we wasted our time when we could've came illegally Her ex husband said himself that ***HE*** initiated the divorce. Not Alinity. She admitted in that video that she divorced him once she obtained citizenship. Do you have proof that he said that? https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/ZbdfTPG This Album Interesting. Maybe she was just bsing for the camera, you don't need to be married for 10 years to get citizenship, maybe half that. Christ, learn to read. They were married for >we were married 10 whole years 10 whole years AGO. AGO you stupid fuck. Divorced in Was she fucking 12 when they got married? In all fairness dude, you're fucking retarded. At least im not miserable. I'll settle for that. Ever consider he's not miserable and just sick and tired of clarifying shit for retarded people who couldn't be fucked to read clearly so in the interest of keeping information accurate he takes the burden of dealing with said retards to spare the rest of us? Food for thought. Did I insult your boyfriend? Maybe he'll let you blow him tonight if you keep it up. You used an emoji. You lost.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"5th October 1974 the IRA murdered Ann Hamilton, Off duty soldier in 4th week of basic training, Women's Royal Army Corps. 1 of 5 murdered in Horse and Groom pub, Guildford. No warning bomb killed 4 off duty soldiers and civilian. Kung Fu Fighting playing when exploded 20:50 Guildford is in Surrey S.England. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DouWD4yX0Acsgnr.jpg You Limey MF bastards made the same claims against Americans, as \"terrorists when you tried to occupy us and ban guns here in What part of F off back to your own land don't you get?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CellNBuu ewwww her nips are DEF more perfect than that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never understood the whole wiccan thing, It starts with the premise of 'rejecting your retarded religious superstition' and ends with adopting an infinitely more retarded religious superstition. At least Christian women don't tweet about mud in their vaginas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REPORT: #Comey hits #Trump with snide tweet over remarks at rally http:\/\/dennismichaellynch.com\/report-comey-hits-trump-with-snide-tweet-over-remarks-at-rally\/ via @Dennis Michael Lynch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take him off the plane! And hang his faggot ass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" When you are right, you ARE RIGHT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man arrested after 40 opened nip bottles of vodka found in car http:\/\/t.co\/VtusSbGHbR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@billyeichner Since @TomCruise will be a hoser... hi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ NRO The heated battle over Judge Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court has hurt vulnerable Democratic senator Claire McCaskill in her race for reelection. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JRmt Maybe, but I try to avoid commenting on personal appearance. That's the looney left's modus operandi. I fight fire with fire! I get it. Conservatives have been far too polite for far too long, and there is no winning against the Dems that way. I just try not to lower myself to their levels *in public*. In private, all bets are off, and the things that come out of my mouth shock even me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RobertCDick: Protest climate change, leaves trash behind. #VotingMatters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One man's trash is another's Transformer http:\/\/t.co\/lpYNVqWXXx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since the 1970s feminists have become \"political lesbians\". It's time for straight men to become \"political homos\". A political homo? I am not becoming a fairy gay faggot for anyone. Thank you very much. I don't fear anything, and my ass is exit-only. Plus, I've been married and faithful for almost 17 years - 19 if you include the two years we were engaged. I don't give a flying f*** about fairy gay faggots and what they do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> The Tide Pod Generation? The Autistic Generation? lol nope. Theyre the most retarded but theyre more conservative than the boomers. Thats why we call them generation zyclon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Jesus was Galilean , which is Gaelic or Gallic not semitic Jew. These new age \"Vikings\" watch too much cucked TV or their beard oil is affecting their minds. Christians built the western world, not paganism. I dare they say anything to you in person...keyboard warriors, likely shills from the left You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth. They Call themselves White Nationalists, but have Little to No Respect for their Fellow Comrades. Jesus is a jew ffs , and fuk u god. Rather a wolf of Odin than a lamb of a jew. I'm in u face Yet another Counterproductive Shit Starter, Worthless Piece of Shit... @Breed: \"Hate\" can barely write in English - saw post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think it's pretty obvious they spent more time having sex with each other than they did training to punch nazis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am trying to get along with black people but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She ruined a man's life awhile back. She sued him because he touched her butt but you can clearly see in the picture that it was an accident. The picture is awkward as fuck. The man worked in radio and ever since she did that he has had trouble finding a job. I tried to warn everyone that she went full retard a long time ago but no one notices me. :(","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's got a fag in her mouth, and she's squinting her eyes against the smoke. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VandTRailroad: #DidYouKnow: The Comstock Lode was a boon 4 @VirginiaCity as it grew 2 20,000 ppl and became 1 of the largest and wealthiest ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another stupid redneck bible thumper,,,,,,the country is crawling with them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not really a debate. If someone is on the side of the 14 Words, then they recognize that. People that have to muh woden or other new age bullshit are the first ones to assault other Whites and the thinnest skinned about the sketchy nature of their own Nigger style spiritism. Leave religion as a personal matter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Barkley is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cussed out by a fat redneck on the last day YOLO @ShawnnaSanford @MeganMonday13 @kelsss_lynn ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She can choose one cowardly poor out of shape redneck and we will see how it goes 1-on-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HRH Prince Harry for GG? https:\/\/honey.nine.com.au\/2018\/10\/24\/12\/13\/prince-harry-fiji-royal-tour-governor-general #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia The lady that no one sees Exactly. Maybe a morning talk show, here and there. I doubt it will happen, though, mate. They said the same kind of thing when he was here in Canada for Invictus. Wishful thinking. Unlike the Canadian GG, the Australian GG is a practical role Especially at night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did I already mention that the van in which that spic supposedly lived looks as if it came right out of the FBI's motorpool?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All this bitchsplaining is getting really old. I like cuntdescending more than bitchsplaining, rolls off the tongue better, and offends them more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your profile says, neon nazi, ffs, its neo nazi, and I will gas u first. U profile is ridden with hate. Fuk off retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut their black throats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"keep playing defense and sharing the ball on offense pistons we got this shit, exposing that fuckin faggot embiitch if i was on twitter i woulda already been banned, cause even twitter gotta help that faggot try to look better than the far superior dre at all costs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother https:\/\/creepingsharia.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/24\/ilhan-omar-married-her-brother\/ They all ran the first chance they got.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oooh ... soo they were genuinely retarded then? This is what I am taking away form that!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The army has confiscated the phones and is investigating these soldiers for having their photo taken with Tommy Robinson. Support them by signing the petition www.standwithourlads.com","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can see why you're being downvoted to shit ITT. You are clearly retarded. My emphasis is on how do you know why they personally feel empowered and the entire OP is them saying that they feel empowered in spite of feminism trying to make them feel powerless. You are asserting that they are empowered because of feminism instead, which is bullshit according to their own stated reasons. You are so dumb you probably fail IQ tests.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NPCs make the same bad decisions and pretend it makes them unique. Strong and single empowered womxn. #sobrave ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Defiantly going to see that new planet of the apes tonight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are a trans person, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i made sweet and SPICY drunken noodles with handmade and handcut ho fun noodles with marinated chicken\/shrimp. my back is hurting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Such a slappable cunt face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NORDIC IDENTITARIAN CONFIRMED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is such a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"corrupt nigger rulers of S Africa will just piss it away..they are niggers..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good idea for a poll thanks to a left-winger who wants to \"Smash Islamophobia\", the fake word they created to stop criticism of Islam. Let's see how racially diverse Gab is. What race are you? If southern Italiens and Spaniards are counted as White we need a 'real white' category. Lol Now even southern Europeans aren't white enough for the NatSocs. They certainly looked white with good tans when I went there :) Some suffered less from the islamic occupation (rape, mixed children). All parts of Europe that have been occuppied by Moslems still have weak economies and good tans. Be that as it may, but Spanish and Italians are still mainly white. I've been there. Of course but the damage caused by Moslems hundrets of years ago still echoes. The Mafia in southern Italy reminds me of Moslem behavior. How about the Mafia in New York? :) You can take the Mafioso out of Italy but you can't take the Mafioso out of the Mafioso. Wow! You're a philosopher :) When the Italiens started to come to Switzerland we saw a rise in knife crimes, they like their knifes in southern Italy. Not as much as we like it in London lol There is a big difference between real Moslems and Catholic Moslems;) Yeah. Real Muslims follow Islam. Catholic Muslims follow Christianity. Keep up the good work ;) There is no difference there is only one (1) Islam there are no offshoots of the cult as all are Islam. lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Death to all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pelosi deserved every shout that she is a \"piece of shit\". Good job. Cubans ROCK! Anti-white traitor bought by jews to destroy America, a nigger communist who hates white ppl, and a fraudulent lunatic communist who pretends to be an indian. There fixed it for ya Bud.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, hollow is tolerable.....I guess it's better than flat earth. That doesn't piss me off nearly as bad as flat earth. NEVER GO TO MAMMOTH CAVE!!!! I warned you......lul Ok. I do believe in magnetic gateways. The strongest force in the universe is electro magnetism and I do believe something might be a little creepy about a cave or other spots. IE Bermuda triangle, that's an electro magnetic anomaly No magnetic gateways, but there's a waterhole in there they go under and into a cave you cant get to otherwise that was never mapped, that one of the ways down. They harvest the eyeless fish and kidnap people sometimes. lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whats the difference between battery and assault? eh not much Honestly she should be punished but maybe not jail lol. I agree. Why the fuck should she be in jail for throwing chocolate milk Welcome to Reddit where we imprison over literal spilt milk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am fully planted in gab, I don't want to be removed because I didn't suck up to Libs, the only reason I'm putting up such a fight is because there are some racist here who judge people based on their DNA and I think that is wrong, I won't be a part of that but I will protect you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">as concerning as it is that an anonymous accuser can slander people without evidence... yep. if this isn't satire then this guy is just plain retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every EU commissioners every thick twat leader must die painfully with their families 2 lads against 10 The cunts must die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SaraLuvvXXX: Today @GlennAlfonso did my hair and makeup.. He always tries to make me look like a monkey. http:\/\/t.co\/tym2JD7h3Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DailyCaller: .@DonaldJTrumpJr Hits Back At @WhoopiGoldberg After She Implies His Sons Must Have Abusive Tendencies https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/bBja4K\/Dord_AL5_W4_AAFICY.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/X88q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Buckm00se @letsargueboxing sand nigger ran over some Kidd","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most real estate agents are absolute bastards. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Start taking a rickshaw to work, bro. Now the little twat has you in her sights.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now where are the feminists accusing of woman as demons abusing women all the time??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least Putin is a Christian, unlike Xi or Ji, that wormy little slant-eyeyd faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"arab men don't take any kind of shit https:\/\/youtu.be\/c8EHcnhITfg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't twitter allow porn anyway? yes free speech is ghey anime tiddy is art tho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My bird got a headache ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You deserve to be in prison for threats like \"I'll have to rape an immigrant today\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I'll just bet you get your talking points from skinheads. asshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. Jew since my birth. Got the Jew penis, Jew hair and very fortunately Jew intellect to prove it. Yeah, having the Jew penis sucks. I ain't no Wilt Chamberlin that's for sure. But for Asian chics, doesn't matter. They're used to that Chinaman penis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*your","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nope. You wanna stare at your phone wandering around in the dark with headphones on walking into traffic? That's your problem. I'm not going to lower my gaze you entitled piece of shit. Also, you're more likely to be killed by a guy jumping off a building committing suicide, than a homicide based on pure, actual numbers. So keep that gaze to the skies. Why don't you cross the road? You're the one with the god damned mental disorder and schizophrenic paranoia. I'm done assisting your delusions and confirming them so you get a free side walk. You have a phone, Uber\/Lyft\/Taxi you lazy sow. I'm scared, I think you'll rape me, cross the fucking road and get away from me. I'm 6'2\", I'll walk on all the sidewalk I want, how about once in your life, you entitled pig, you walk in the fucking grass instead of me getting gum and shit all over my shoes so your lazy, entitled, princess ass can feel \"safe\". Seriously. \"Cross the street, lower your gaze, keep both hands on your phone at all times, give us the full sidewalk.\" Imagine if we demanded this kind of sexist nonsense from them. It's posts like these that make you wonder what feminists would do if they actually got the power they so crave.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SJW CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lgbt now spread in asia. Many anti lgbt in asian worried their culture are ruined cuz this virus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Acosta Furious After Trump Rally Staff Blast Loud Music To Drown Out His Live Report https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/acosta-furious-trump-rally-staff-blast-loud-music-live-report\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Probably an LCBW* !! *Liberal Cunt Bitch Whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt the DEMonic skeleton is cornering her for her lunch money?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to tell us the word..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feinchinese literally torpedoed the Kavanaugh family. This kind of search and destroy politicking needs to stop. VOTE THE CUNT OUT OF OFFICE. Every vote for her is one for satan. She cares nothing for anyone except herself. She's a rotten Chinese spy who's bent on destroying our constitutional republic. She does not DESERVE the US. Looking forward to when this TRAITOROUS CUNT gets her just deserts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Certainly you can. You can make it illegal to use them. Boom. Done. It's solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These car manufacturers are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, that's your motive? To save untold lives? You should be more concerned with the shit head libtards that are ACTUALLY telling their zombies to perpetuate acts of violence and they are. Qanon has never condoned violence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should just hangall these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retard behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@clinchmtn316 @sixonesixband AMERICA today, the rule of thumb is: when in doubt, blame \"whitey\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"add stripe to the list of places to visit CHARLIE HEBDO style, together with alphabet, twatter, @jack the fag and his nigger bf, faceberg etc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a pilot tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jacquebland Weird to see a local yokel \"journalist\" get worked up enough to take such a pointed side, though. Thought they were impartial.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All these bigots keep saying that black people like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What in fuck is that thing? Is it even fucking human? Some kind of nigger jew half orc breed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MIL? Mother I like? Mother-in-law","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey jew@jew @LimeFlavouredLibertarian talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel and tell us how you plan to whine your ass up the communist asshole of those you take your marching orders from? Jew punk you are a great excuse for what is needed. Libertarian is a code word for faggot jew and with a wink you are blowing glory holes in the little girl's room","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @gojackets973: @WesDurham its the start of another yellow jacket season tonight!!! How about a RT for ALL the Jacket Fans!!! #GTVT1 ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. Diversity is strength. They were the faggots holding the signs welcoming them. Deal with it and love.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even Upton Sinclair didn't believe Upton Sinclair. \"if you are going to blame 'capitalism' for the faults of the press, you are compelled to prove that those faults do not exist except where capitalism controls.\" in which @GnonCompliant comes full circle and outs himself as a based free-market libertarian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qGaoXAwl9kw Revolution will not be televised hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's an article abt how a Banksy painting just sold at auction for $ jew nigger - modern art is a kike creation. Ask these questions of your rabbi when he gives you the jewish reach around. You're like a Christian missionary in the Amazon asking Yanamamo indians about fortune cookies. My post made perfect sense, kike nigger anus. And again, you bring up sexual perversion like a typical KIKE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the faggot shit is one thing. I mean not my flavor, but fuck who you want. you still shouldn't be a boy scout troop leader, but you aren't a complete waste. these tranny MFers though? Something is bad fucked up with them. Our nations kids shouldn't even know what a tranny is, much less have it pop on national news as a thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggots are soft what if he was just tapping them on the shoulder and there faces inadvertently got in the way. @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - Yeah you're right. Whenever I look up and see a faggot forced to sit on a window sill, within 30 seconds he turns into pixie dust and blows away. And that's called \"fag bashing\" as soon as another homo hears about it- one of them disappears, and suddenly it's all our fault.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! Have you ever noticed? That despite Americans having the right to bear arms. They are still to scared to drive out the corrupt politicians. Weapons aren't magical talismans to ward off evil. I wouldn't say that. Government is meant to be as small, and unrestrictive as possible ! Our society has grown into a nanny state ! What's the purpose of governance if not to take care of the people? In monarchy the king of the nation is considered the father. It's one big family structure to government. Excuse me but you don't have much of an understanding of a monarchy Let me condense a subject that has been written on using thousands of papers, and condense it into a nice 300 character post. I'll start with \"Plebeians like yourself are to stupid to make intelligent comments on politics. Fuck you. How's that for condensing? Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. Everyone is smarter than me apparently lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't be many things worse than having COPS interrupted because a friggin Yankee game is still going on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jesseleesoffer it totally does. smells like brownies every day i walk to work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well then theres you a walking talking pile of fecal matter. another faggot blaming others for their problems. go kill yourself victim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JewelsAndDrugs9 @ladygaga @madonna lmao madonnas music sucks? yeah you're fucking stupid if you think gaga is better. retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to reddit, where concerns over suicide and fathers rights get turned into a pejorative. Also, your incels jab is false. We saw no uptick at all when that sub shut down. We monitored when it did. You're just reaching. Really though, swap out that dog's cunt for a brain and try again. Quit being lazy. ewww..yous a sassy bitch. i like it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump replaced conservative Scalia with Conservative Gorsuch and the left got pissy He replaced moderate Kennedy with Conservative Kavanaugh and the left went ballistic Imagine how fun it's going to be when he replaces liberal icon Ginsburg with conservative Barrett Please, Oh Please! let her be replaced while there's a conservative majority. I want to see it. Maybe the left'll do something stupid enough to warrant the kind of full blown retaliation that will warn generations to come about their brand of petty, selfish, and mindless guerilla war.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK GAYS disgusting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe that jew hates white people. Are you so retarded you think that meme had anything to do with a persons right to procreate?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope the meme and it's creators are dead, along with that stupid frog, and every faggot that called themselves \"deplorable\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But the \"Wut in tarn*nations*?!\" cowboy stereotype is fine, apparently. These retards don't understand context.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, im not. My \"father\" is a faggot that abandoned me when my mother became pregnant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUK THAT RETARDED LOOKING ZIO-DIKHEAD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So is nigger. And I am a black person who is saying this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FROM BEHIND. Cuck wigger gonna be a cuck wigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 this shit is rampant.. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/murder-charge-filed-in-fallout-from-video-that-shows-nurses-laughing-as-dying-wwii-vet-struggles-for-air affirmative action nursing staff...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DabGodBaby: But only BBC, the American version is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hitler also did his job you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so is thinking niggers sweep white women off their feet.... white women date niggers because of white guilt and low self esteem..... enjoy it while you can.....we understand why you would choose a white woman over a bottom of the barrel nigger bitch.... white women are prized possessions....niggers just produce trash tsk tsk..... no hate, just facts blacks murder white women at an alarming rate I can't imagine such a vile existence being so filled with race hate and race envy while pretending to be perpetual victims all the time I hope niggers work it out soon...it must be exhausting to be a nigger, a victim, race jealous\/envious, violent and low IQ all wrapped up into one Why, yes....I do.... and he is upset with niggers niggers http:\/\/www.independentsentinel.com\/hundreds-of-teens-rampage-through-park-terrorizing-kids\/ NiGGerS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He gargled 10 loads that night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a dumb nigger and liberal, double trouble.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the Brits are too busy taking muzzie dick up their ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some stupid retarded old toothless white bitch saying shit about me right on my face in the bus. Next time she ever opens her mouth, I'll beat the retarded off her. #WhitePeople #Retards #DontStartShit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give us your poor, hungry, tired, nonwhite illegal aliens with HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis, syphilis, etc, otherwise you're a racist Nazi. ~~~ YA MAN,..... LIKE,.... WHERE'S DA PARTY ?!?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It isn't a myth cuntface and no cunt ducked children where I come from that is solely a Moslem cunt practice. Now fuck off cunt you are annoying me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyway, I am beyond fed up with Alt-Right personalities licking Trump's balls and spinning this bullshit narrative that somehow the GOP is secretly on our side I wonder if this was their plan from the beginning. In 2015 the alt-right seemed unstoppable. The only thing that could destroy the alt-right was co-option by the GOP establishment, just like they did with the Tea Party. Then all of a sudden you have Ricky Vaughn as a leader of the alt-right, supported by TRS and The Daily Stormer, trying to merge the alt-right into the Republican party as the \"hard-edge of the GOP\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're probably too young to be a boomer. If, as your cartoon profile implies, you're female, then you're safe from ever being a faggot, though rug-munching is always a possibility. I doubt I'll ever be a faggot either. Tried it once 36 years ago, and discovered that I have no sexual interest whatsoever in men. Nothing's changed since then. But humans are intensely malleable creatures. Who knows?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One Nazi faggot tried. He ended up as a kerosene torch and his buddies were hanged. We win, you lose. So maybe instead of fapping to the Jews living rent-free in your head, it's time to look for allies. Notice how Hollywood Jews and academia are at war with Israel? Only a cretin fights both sides of the conflict.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#ProjectVeritas dropped a bombshell video on the Senate race down in #Tennessee and the lying manipulation being employed, emblematic of Democratic tactics around the nation: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=m9bjb46FtG0 That video and Taylor Swifts dumbassery resulted in this....lol #MarshaBlackburn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup YES! And ALL PAPERS UNSEALED.! I'd personally walk him and all the would be en-slavers of man to the gallows. First we have to get a President with balls to do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"amen for my redneck home boys, miss y'all a lot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That monkey is more intelligent than all of you trans people combined. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only someone would strangel those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> Hilariously enough, in my state, they pull your drivers license and professional licenses for lack of payment. BRILLIANT! Take away your ability to work! Force you into jail That's..astoundingly retarded. That logic is flawed.But I'm guessing it's to prevent dodgers?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The people on here suggesting that banning cartoon child porn and banning racist speech is an apples to apples comparison are goin' feet first into the woodchipper. This is non-negotiable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TreshaRenee I didn't make to any games last season. Just looked it up. Astros open up with the Yankees 1st of April","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trannies just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Filled with rage? Pay your taxes. you untalented, out of work cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Chaos_ @Spahnranch1969 your faggot buddy you follow called me a slut for bringing up how they changed the feed for ppl with NSFW in it. You have shit taste in retard level friends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jew arab nigger all the same thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, I just tried to open up a new account with a clean email and behind seven proxies and was still refused service like a nigger at an Alabama lunch counter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the guy (guessing) in the wheelchair was so sweet awh!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you ask me, disabled people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FAAMMoverALL: This nigguh Chris Paul","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This MACHO RACIST NAZI DOES NOT FEAR ANYTHIG well except a single solitary black man.... just one single black man..... and to prove he isn't scared shitless of a lone.... single black man he is going to post a pic telling everyone to cross the street if you see a single solitary white man. Positively fearless.... right...got it.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It means some faggot on the internet lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stupid twat broke the law. jail her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that nazi faggot flag belongs in twitter You mean these faggot flags? Thanks for gaslighting yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a pathetic little bitch. Grow up you stupid self righteous cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sixten just shoved like 8 Oreos down his throat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"very intelligent, you dumb ass nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because she's retarded? She's rarted","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fine I'll settle for an Oreo milkshake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The jews pimped him out. he had so much of that pozzed out commie jew cum pumped up his faggot ass it got into his brain and caused his NPC program to malfunction ... obvious #cia plant #FakeBombsInc #mayabomber","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry, I'm not into Q Comic Book Fan Fiction.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Wayne__Da__Boss: I hate a bitch dat act like a nigga. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that trans people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What else come on on mondays im not finna watch that trash, ive destroyed enuf brain cells.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh is a fucking faggot. He for \"spanked\" real good at his frat house. They took turns pounding his butt until he cried. I can prove that's a lie. If he was a faggot the left would love him. Right tranny bitch?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A man in a woman costume who has sex with women is I guess at least slightly gay since he is dressed like a woman which is pretty faggoty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> But here is the thing, I connect t him because I am similar. Because you have a well-developed sense of empathy. These people are emotionally stunted and do not - they simply can't put themselves into the shoes of another because they are emotionally retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of immigrants once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's evident with a bit of further thought, but not immediately. At first it looks like this kid is just very stubbornly retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You deserve to be in prison for threats like \"I'll have to rape a disabled person today\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that trans people deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the eu immigrant lesbian doesnt want to talk about immigration today, she wants to talk about transgenderism and sexual orientations https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CvgG064Mb_c This woman is a fraud. Zionist too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My faggot fucking grandpa would be so proud","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or maybe if someone dies? \"Chelsea Clinton will run for office if someone steps down or retires\" https:\/\/t.co\/1D8jgRLt1s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's 60,000 dollars for the gay wagon too here so an there is a lot of fsghots here boy buying this faggot ass death traps with locking up steering columns and brakes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The left cunt meme - NPC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Lee, do you fuck niggers for fun or is it because no White man would fuck you with a dog dick? How does it feel to be a race traitor cunt and nothing more than a nigger's dart board?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gender is an artificial device used for categorization, based on the belief that people with differing genitalia are inherently separate and incapable of doing the same things. Before modern civilization (for argument's sake, let's say that modern civilization starts with the WW1 era) this may have been true, but these days there are very few things a man can do that a women can't, that actually matter. People like to make the argument there have only been a handful of women in the WNBA that have ever dunked, while nearly every male in the NBA has at least once in their career. Who cares? It's a sport. Put a man and a women through the same college courses for the same career, and I would bet money that they perform very similarly, if not identically, assuming they had the same inherent aptitude for the course. But that has nothing to do with male vs female. You could find a woman who looks like a retard compared to Bill Gates and find a man who looks even more retarded compared to him. People differ, regardless of sex.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya don't say ......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@EdgarPixar: Overdosing on heavy drugs doesn't sound bad tonight.\" I do that pussy shit every day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want a cowboy killer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ThatGuyNorman @migue_pantoja trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh she was a cunt hair away from \"I was raped , you can bet on it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather die than date a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whilst I have nothing but contempt for those vile anti-semites\/Nazis that inhabit the darker spaces here on Gab, I am disgusted at the way in which the lgacy media and big tech (hello Paypal) are using the murderous attack on a Synagogue to seek to destroy Gab. It wasn't Gab that planned and carried out the attack. Contempible opportunism from those out to strangle free speech.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the British always considered the Irish their nigger slaves.. They considered the Irish lesser than niggers. the Irish were British slaves for many centuries.. so what do they do now?? open their borders to a fllood of muslims and blacks from africa.. not a very bright people... I still can't believe they have a Gay Indian as their President too. So as long as you can chug Guinness and do a Riverdance you are considered Irish now huh? if Ireland keeps this shit up, in a few generations Ireland will become a muslim,nigger island..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Confirmed Anti-American communists, posing as white nationalists and shilling to demoralize conservative voters and\/or convince them not to vote: @ewige_blatt NAZBOWL siege man @GTKRWN Silverdawn @Larry63 Proud WASP @Vanilla_Cornflakes Vanilla Nilla *** A couple of these could just be completely clueless fucktards, but I doubt it. How fucking stupid can you \"people\" be? Who said they deserve respect. I said people in Gab who have that forced in their face don't all need to see it. But just go fuck off and annoy someone else, or find a retard who's on the same mental level as you to talk to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@dchestnut26 don't shake your head at me. I just love to trash talk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black lives aren't worth sh1t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Aunty Fatima has picked her outfit for work tomorrow. She is praying no kuffar men lust after her. Reported for islamofauxbia and hate crime. guilty as charged ,packing my bags for the reeducation camp as we speak . i hope they are not black bags something islamophobic about black bags --oh I see .pink bags then .RE-education is so ..um ..global? Pink to make the Muslim boys wink? oooh you are a one !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any immigrant could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Come out of the closet, we know you're in there, we'll bury you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, kinda like how a man loses his job the second some dumb cunt on twitter says something? This isn't PPD, this is just a little less privileged than she was a few weeks ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3-year-old accidentally shoots, wounds brother https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/PgTUQrS.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MVBM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nah you dumb cunt that's a train and you'd be dead RIP lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Gah!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I heard about some racism on hear a while back but it turned out that the porch monkey making the claim was just some nigger with a history of claiming people offended his coon ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> I saw it stated elsewhere that one of the girl's parents are livid that this hit the national news, because they were afraid it would \"permanently damage\" their daughter. ***OH BOO FUCKING HOO, YOU DUMB PRICKS.*** Your daughter's already \"permanently damaged\" someone else's son. Hell doesn't make flames hot enough for these lying little cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing that most comments find this sentence extreme I wonder if a man was the defendant if they would feel the same way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is belonging advert..all very nice indeed, esp the muzzy bit!!! I was thinking, when that cunt want,s to drop to his knee,s n pray! In the middle of a firefight, when the shit is real and chunk,s of ground flying through the air to the whiz of bullit,s and screams of your mates!!! Do,es every1 just say hang on a minute chap,s. While Abdul finish,s... Or what ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just admit you hate Whites your far left progressive retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"with all due respect that's because you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It takes a depraved cunt like that to fuck a nigger. lot of little white depraved teenage cunts in the US who think it's cool.. America is so fucked...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I the only person that feels disrespected by the bird poop suddenly dropping on your front window:(ewww#annoying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, and to put it into context in how much contempt I have for it. Life of Mars' US remake is the absolute worst remake I have ever seen of anything, including the Ghostbusters reboot, The US Inbetweeners is only just a cunt hair above it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This man or woman or thing is a disgusting obnoxious racist bitch. #FuckOffWhoopi All Jews and Democrats are filthy despicable RACIST SEXIST PIGS! But obviously they are so brainwashed RETARDED they don't realize what morally degenerate scum they are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's not a human eating a human, it's a nigger eating a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical wetback behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll cherish any gay person like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @StonerBoii2cold: @TreVaughnLG: Moma said no pussy cats inside my dog house that's what got bro nem locked inside the dog pound !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who cares if he is a right-wing authoritarian, faggot? faggot npc #lovenothate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know Henry VIII wore fantastically oversized codpieces at the height of the craze, but this? . . . . https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/move-over-vagina-costumes-fendi-debuts-1300-designer-vulva-scarf\/ Nope, nothing less than the whole vajayjay costume . . . Could get a bit messy on a number of levels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AmeezysAngels96 I'm the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha, I bet I go out yelling ala Akbar on a filthy muzzie and slingshot Sausage links at them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was in love with Charlie ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @_2kkz: This faggit bitch tried to say she hoe'd for hd bearfaced bitch yusa fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And then the people they are talking about double down on the retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody WANTS blacks to be genetically inferior. That's WHY they're niggers! If they WEREN'T genetically inferior, there wouldn't be a nigger problem! That would be amazing! Unfortunately, half a century of wishes didn't fix the nigger problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shooting friend who lived in Africa for many years reckons Ramaphosa knows very well that they'll be starving in no time if they drive out the white Farmers, and that this is only going to go so far. Sincerely hope so, but I do wonder how many farmers will want to continue living in SA, knowing how volatile things are? He believes the Chinese will feed them (or at least the wholesale transfer of the nations physical wealth to China will afford his special chosen with enough $ not to care).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kangaroo fucking hippy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I looked it up. This person feels that they are 'kin' to a 'character' from Five Nights At Freddys. The upside is that the more bizarre this stuff gets, the more clearly people can see how ludicrous it is. Oof, this is very effective Sounds like something from Borderlands what the fuck It's a DandD weapon I created in my friends campaign. What does it do? Lol wtf that sounds fun as hell That's how I died with 3 characters in one campaign. Oof.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tytytooflyy ima fill ur clam out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"try fishing with a cunt on your boat complaining about you not catching any fishes, try to do it, fishing with a nasty ass cunt complaining and nagging and bitching about you fishing or not catching anything or that is too boring and pretty much calling you loser and stuff...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did I miss that? Yes. And I'm glad I did.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remembering all the stuff that the politicized FBI has been guilty of, what kind of solutions and information can we expect as they delve into the fake bombs? I am forever skeptical.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Turns out stupid cunts run \/r\/Australia, just like stupid cunts run actual Australia Truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i was playing overwatch this morning decided to go in game chat and speak with my people in the gaming community, a kid from maine called me a fag, i said impossible im from michigan and voted for trump, your from maine a libtard state ya must have fags walking all around ya state but not here in michigan faggot, he says... hey i voted for trump too, can i be cool too? and i go no you will never be cool unless you convince ya retarded state to vote for trump and his people... im not making this up, and overwatch gamechat been down ever since that encounter? conspiracy? coincidence?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Here come the Orcs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mr President and homeland security, please ignore any foreign threats and focus your sole attention on our police force #ACAB #LANDOFTHEFREE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @esaagar: SARAH SANDERS: We condemn the attempted violent attacks recently made against President Obama, President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and other public figures. These terrorizing acts are despicable, and anyone responsible will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. No one wants this crap happening. Daily Caller is a bunch of pedophiles... Ah . So . Well,... not the last time I checked,..no. just the time before, but not the last Hey Clarence, Remember the cross eyed lion ? fuck you and die asshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If that's not an in your face, threatening bully pose, I don't know what is. Feinstein has no feminine graces whatsoever. No real woman would hold that type of stance; her expression says it all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The US Military is not equipped or trained to be border guards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tbh still wont give a shit about exploiting some retarded niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even though Gab is having an Identity Crisis and all, I still prefer Gab over Twitter for several reasons. One such reason is this: I like twitter better except I get shadow banned really fast.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conan Obrien needs to get a life with that $80 million..monkey food maybe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"95 % is not done we the vote that leave want to see true % bet money it only 25% because she say us not us the population you mean us may evil European union cunt s she will never break away from evil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".Ah yes... Paul Joseph Watson is a flaming faggot who don't agree with some of the laws which muslims follow which is part of the same laws that #Yahweh put in motion through Mosheh and Aaron in the days of old!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There also weren't any faggots in the story!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA here we go again the faggot left is making shit up. No Russian hacked squat or is attempting squat. It was Feinstiens driver from china you faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common disabledtrash. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck those kids and their shit taste in video games. They absolutely should never be allowed to touch a game. Ever. Banning these retards from games completely would be a huge boon to the industry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"colored denim makes me puke","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@moneydriven I see a picture of you smoking, such a man of god. Disgraceful nig, you sir, are an embarrassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prior to the Welfare State, blacks had higher rates of marriage than whites. Leftists then \"helped\" them. Now, 74% of black children are illegitimate, 60% of black girls are sexually abused and black boys are more likely to go to prison than get married or go to college. http:\/\/reason.com\/archives\/2015\/02\/26\/the-black-family-in-1965-and-today Every Black kid I knew in Detroit came from a family. I was a poor White kid from a broken home. My mother was an OG \"Me First Man Hater and my dad was a communist. We all have scars, since you're not afraid to show them, I would say you escaped that shit. I relapsed on drugs this year, I plan on never doing so again, I'm a stubborn fuck, I needed a needle in my arm to realize I wasn't as happy go lucky as I thought. The liberal mindset would be ''You were an oppressed homo, take all the fucking your body up you need'' First time I stopped by myself, first time I had relapsed as an identitarian nationalist. I'm sorry to hear that, bro. You show a strong will that you are able to fight it off. I've seen more than enough people lose that battle. Glad to meet you. Believing in something greater than yourself makes the difference in my experience. Self-destructing is easy, but carrying the guilt of your actions and their impact...morphine wasn't worth it. It was booze for me. I crawled into the bottom of a bottle for six months. I'm an absolute faggot regarding drinking, any distillate makes me gag, I'm like a thot on spring break, to get me drunk you have to hide the alcohol with a ton of sugar, or beer, I love beer, made me support Kavanaugh even more than I thought possible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate Ellen. Dyke lesbians that want to be men are the worst type of lesbian. Ellen is salty because her insurance wouldn't cover her addadicktome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Guys\" has been an acceptable gender-neutral term for decades, even though it began predominantly masculine. Jokes about calling girls guys are DECADES old. What, are we going to start giving all the Madisons and Leslies and Alexs shit for having names that are traditionally masculine? Using male words to address a mixed gender group is literally thousands of years old. It's the rule in most languages because of Latin. Yep, it is like this for Spanish but people are beginning to adopt ways to include male and female instead of just referring to groups as male. It absolutely butchers the grammar and I for one find it unnecessary. As a Latina the term \"latinx is so irritating it's so dumb. We're not gonna change the whole language just to prove how woke we are. Or latin@ why does this thing exist What the hell is that? Arabic as well. But in contrary to english it has special verb and adjective forms for all females subjects (singular, dual and plural forms). Then = time Than = comparison Also a good way to remember this. Then and time both have an e in them. Than and comparison both have an a in them. in Irish groups are neuter (kind of) but I think what you're saying is true for the Romance languages at least Thats kinda why I added the dislaimer. I know its a significant portion but I know there are languages that dont really use gendered words for random stuff You obviously haven't been introduced to Latinx Your right I just learned about Romans and all the Historical orations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ErikaWCVB: @marthacoakley called Charlie Baker to concede around 8:15 this morning. She plans to address supporters at 11am. #wcvb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cut up porkchop, canned pinto beans, a small can of carrots, can of corn, celery, a potato. cayenne powder + crushed red pepper","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KPgJ2MSSF1o HOW CAN U HEAR ANY RESPONSES IF THESE ASSHOLE PIGS KEEP YELLING OVER EACH OTHER. LITTLE FAGGOT PUSSY BOYS R SHITTING BRICKS. SCARED LITTLE PUNKS. AND WHEN R U DUMB FUCKS GOING TO CARRY A WINDOW BREAKER? INSTEAD OF HITTIN G THE WINDOW WITH YOUR FUCKING BATONS? ASSHOLE MORONS. GODDAMN STUPID FUCKING PIGS. IT TAKES 2 BRAINDEAD PIGLETS TO TRY TO BREAK A FUCKING SIDE WINDOW and THEN THEY STILL DON'T SUCCEED. FUCKING MORONS MAN. U CAN C WHY ALL PIGS NEED TRAINING JUST TO GET THEM OUT OF THE CATEGORY OF BRAINDEAD MORONS and UP TO A CLASSIFICATION OF IDIOTS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Comedian George Lopez Confronts Trump Supporter At Hooters .. Try me next WETback punk ..https:\/\/youtu.be\/9UbJqOQowBM?t=2","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Palin's not our gal but she isn't as morally retarded as most of the GOP establishment. C.f. offering to adopt your daughter's baby to reduce scandal vs. adopting nigger babies from Haiti to signal to libs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland Antifa attacking an old man because he was driving on the road. This is why Heather Heyer is dead. \"Portland Antifa Attack Old Man For Driving\" by @philacolumn https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/37117 I see that your account was suspended on twatter . that's good enough for me. So, thank you for the follow and happy to follow back! Welcome to free speech zone 'Merica! Thanks. Fucking leftists at Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another Nazi with an Obvious Problem. Bye, bye AssHole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even with the most retarded things people say, you have to respect when they're able to say 'Actually yea, you're right'. If you can't do that you're as bad as them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy is such a ridiculous cunt ALL the time. A good fit for the this new found home for \/r\/incel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well that just killed any interest I had in watching it. You don't like trainwrecks? Are you seriously not pumped for Episode IX? Rian's out right? Though if Jar Jar Abrams is back in control it's not in much better hands considering he went to suck dick for Kay Kay and Rian and the movie that made the Prequels good. Not to mention that you have the events of the film still being canon. Not only were the events done wrong, the events themselves were wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whole \"gamers don't have sex\" thing was a worn out stereotype 20 years ago. Even if it were true not having sex wouldn't mean that you are uninterested in sex so sex appeal would still be a thing that could influence your preferences. and#x200B; Action movies in general are pretty fucking camp to varying degrees. One badass goes around being some immortal god of destruction. Is Bayonetta campier than Devil May Cry though? Would Kill Bill have been less campy with a male lead? Was Aliens more campy than Commando? I think there are times an action movie putting a woman in a particular role doing some things can make it campier but just being like \"oh women action movies are so much campier than men action movies\" is retarded. > Bayonetta campier than Devil May Cry They're both very camp. > Would Kill Bill have been less campy with a male lead? Slightly. Camp isn't really a problem either. I like Bloodborne, which I put in the camp category. I still play as a man, but a woman fits that setting equally well. >\"oh women action movies are so much campier than men action movies\" is retarded. Yeah, no it's not. It's always going to be an extra layer of camp. No one said that games with male leads can't be camp, but a female action hero is ALWAYS camp. Sorry, buddy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A sealed pussy dumbass, she allow camels to sealed her pussy in exchange for a louder mouth ALL THAT WASTED ON A USELESS CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Union members really are brainless without exception. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I did it occasionally, but Twitter has now suspended my account. Complaint from some obnoxious faggot being called a faggot, by moi! But do I give a fuck? Sadly, no!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Insane they say? Well then as a act of kindness a full frontal lobotomy should help. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6ssoBUb2cJk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, the good news is, I don't think you have to be a white nationalist to be pissed at the left and their racism. I think a good deal of Americans are sick of their \"white privilege\" this, \"everything is white peoples fault\" that, stuff. So, you don't have to be a faggot ass nazi to be on the same page as tens of millions of Americans. You just have to be an illiterate apartment renter and oblivious to the Balfour Declaration, Holodomor, Haavara Agreement, Katyn Massacre and you can join this Kike cult!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If faggot is considered a gender.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger maff","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @desusnice: \"In 2014 you tweeted that Migos were trash. Care to explain?\" - 2064 Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yelling Jew and nigger at anyone standing against globalism is not going to save Western Civilization. I'm no fan of Kanye and suspect his motives, but I welcome ANY black person smart enough to stand against the left's lies about racism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEW #Q Drop... Faked. If it was real the lying cunt would not be wearing a parachute.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Always remember our enemies know they're a race, one they believe has sanction by god to rule over goyim, using any means necessary to that end. They and their apologists always lie and misdirect. #holohoax #jews #israel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people wetback. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @LOHANTHONY: i'd never send my kids to private school because then they would never experience ghetto public school fights","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Another chicken shit white Liberal whose whore wife fucked a Nigger and he just shrugs and says 'O.K'. If it were my wife, I'd take her and the nigglets home, cut their throats and throw them into a really deep hole. The only good Nigger is a dead one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who gives a shit what this field nigger has to say ? Now put your back into it Boy or I'll hobble your dope smokin ass....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her disloyalty to America is legendary. What a despicable CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other women like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't let the false flag bomb scare deter you. This is a distraction!!! Vote on November 6th!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a gay person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His therapist is a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sickipedia: I drove my daughter's guinea pig to the vet's this morning. I'm quite handy with my new Callaway golf clubs.#sickipedia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the kind of move that makes third party devs drop you. >While AAA titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Call of Duty feature endless amount of humans to murder, gratuitous violence seems to be totally fine in the eyes on Sony's corporate decision makers despite the fact that tragedies resulting from gun violence happen on a daily basis. Which doesn't make sense since the woke crowd get pissy about violence too (TLoU2, Tomb Raider, even Detroit: BH etc). And there's the ones claiming games create a violent culture. That's what I'm implying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Commies are calling for \"Kill\" teams to deal with us. Little Antifa children may soon learn that they are the real pawns in this high stakes game for power. Watch yourselves people, it's crazy time coming. Please share this. CIVIL WAR ALERT !!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UGHy03beuf4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love \"Butter\" by ATCQ, but I'd love it more if Q-Tip's hook was just looped for three and a half minutes instead of Phife's trash verses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women that think like this are below pigs. It's not attractive to stink. And if you're trying to not be \"attractive\", congratulations you've succeeded. Allowing yourself to stink does nothing to serve any cause. So STFU and get over yourself. Like they need any help coming up with new retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@Mesha_nojas: @_Vontethekidd \" I got hicks lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the one area I'll never budge on politically. The left has being going full-retard in many areas in recent years, but ensuring social\/civil rights are free from state control isn't one of them. Who people choose to consensually fuck\/love has absolutely zero to do with anyone else and it's honestly creepy as fuck that other people want to control who can\/can't do this. Ironic that it's more of a leftist policy than a right one, because conservatives are supposed to want as little government control in their lives as possible, but somehow conveniently ignore this when it comes to same-sex marriage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That final slap brought that cunt back from the dead. Slapped that thot so hard that he sent her back to the shadow realm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is gonna hurt the @DNC commission check this month: $ VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS!!! GET THE DEMOCRATS AND RINOS OUT SO WE CAN GET THE WALL BUILT!!! The wall will never be built. The wall is currently under construction contrary to what the LSM is saying: https:\/\/www.nationalreview.com\/2018\/06\/us-mexico-border-wall-being-built-slowly\/ A token effort when you consider the enormity of the project. It will never be built. Well, if you meant some of the wall will be built, then I agree. Will it be finished? No, it never will. It's an animal farm windmill. It's idiot bait for rednecks . By that time, the Wall will probably be nearly complete and you can scream about how \"racist\" it is to protect our border from an invasion of poor, illiterate, uneducated, non-English speaking breeders who just want to come and suck on the public tit. You're party will lose because it's been imploding before our eyes for the past two years. In case it escaped your notice, the POTUS we elected KEEPS his promises and we will be sending him backup in November to make sure he can get the Wall built. You've already lost. The wall really was bait for gullible uneducated rednecks The old redneck name calling. Middle class Americans are stupid. Trump voters are uneducated, blah, blah, blah. Thanks. Can you think of something more original? It's like you're in ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These niggas retarded... Lmfaoo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_politeASSHOLE: 4) Only pussy niggas who suck dick cry about someone being in their mentions, tweet the person then cry again about the ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People on this site are fucking retarded sometimes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get this monkey off my back...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hoisted by his own retard(edness)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a plane ticket and a hotel room will be all I need to smack the shit out of this retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The brownies I just made are a sin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Death to all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even more retarded because depending on where you are the pronunciation of x varies a lot from h' to sh'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We will keep attacking you until you are gone. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sand nigger begging for dollars from stupid white people who will give it to her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Women_Fit: Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey nazi fuckstick, I'll gladly side with jews against a cunt like you anyday. Why don't you go scramble your brains like your fuhrer did. You are and shall always be nothing but trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I swear to God if anything is going to kill Gab it's going to be @a 's shitty PR strategy, like for fucks sake man show some fucking professionalism. Not saying to be fake like every other tech ceo but at least don't act like like a retard, acting like a retard is for people like me not for the CEO of a major social network. B-but he's just like Trump! Professionalism is for fags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#FalseFlag #MAGABomber I'll be They find some redneck rube to take the fall. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/stratfor-chief-security-officer-mail-bomber-case-will-be-cracked-by-end-of-the-day-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's officially acceptable to hate Taylor Swift now (if you didn't already). And enough of those Taylor loving Nazis already. Just another moron entertainer https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/440663-taylor-swift-support-democrats\/ Sounds like Taylor Swift is about to come out of the closet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well that convo was good for about 200 downvotes The gab nazis take their gabbing veeerrryyy seriously. If they can't \"debate\" you with their bullshit troll tactics and even more retarded revisionist history, then they'll troll you with downvote spam. The more seriously they take this shit, the more fun it is to trigger them about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AndrewTaran That's a nice color combo too, love the blue and yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or mess up his faggot hairdo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tolerance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gone bust it open for a real nicca ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SusanneWhite they're so goooood. I just want like a savoury salty cheesy cracker","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And then you and your ilk should not cry when we get tired of hearing your false gods bullshit and the bullshit \"message\" you come to promote. How strange it is you christians act just like jews, you bitch and moan oppression when someone calls you on your shit, but then you spend every waking moment trying to preach and impose your beliefs on others. Don't look back in anger bro, be a good cuck and learn to love the sand nigger as he rapes your kids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fmh8zYyAgbc Is Jared Kushner the Jewish Messiah? Know More News","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab is for white trash niggers and closeted faggot pigs","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh you stupid fucking cunt GOD did not send Trump you whore, he coned his way onto the White House.I bet your pussy is just as dirty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dafuq is floppy bird ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@pcrossvol there's always one...they never realize they are the worst- the unsolicited unaffiliated trash talker\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's a retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She isn't saying this in a closed door strategy memo, she's out in the open calling for incivility and extremism. We almost had Antifa in office. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/v7j","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BegsAli oi fatty..... STOP RUNNING AWAY AND LOCKING UP!! i see you were crying on Twitter again last night!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You useless cunts!!! Even her nigger is losing it;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's still a nigger, this #KanyeWest, but he could make for a useful one. Blacks who stand up for Whites and a truly equal America should be able to be promoted from nigger to negro to colored to righteous black, the highest level any African could ever be. #BenCarson: righetous black. #AlSharpton: nigger. And tax evader...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you're retarded, sure","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Engaging leftists intellectually\/politically is like playing chess with complete retards. You check mate them and they simultaneously shit themselves and have a full retard grandmal seizure. #walkaway #therapeuticstate #arresteddemvelopment","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is Direct Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad' https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/queen-elizabeth-descendant-muhammad\/ Islamisation of UK reaching a final stage, it seems. Now is the time to rise up in the millions, otherwise ... Yeah looks like our beloved Susan Warren chose the wrong ancesstry lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao.. they've already started their shit. I saw this pic online earlier. I almost was going to go as an Indian transgendered princess in black face who has ADHD and a hankering for super rape, but I wanted to be cute instead Last time I went in a Halloween shop every blond wig was for a slut or a repulsive hillbilly and every superhero costume featured a non-white kid on the package. Nuns were sluts, too and the priests, I forget, but the costumes were mocking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People have called me out for being a prick before. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope you die in a war for israel, or getting raped to death by a pack of nigger muslims. But if you are a jew, i hope you die while choking on foreskin. Lampshade material cant read. Nobody wants to die for jew Israel you shekelgrabber. I hope jews and muslims rape eachother to death. I also hope your rabbi bit off your foreskin and swallowed it. I pray that Israel and all muslim counties get nuked. With this we could finally be free from the semitic rat plague. Jew. How much soap does it take to get the goat poop off your dick? Jewish woman are dirty, rabbi. I know you know.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then get lost from Canadian politics, redneck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nice quote mining faggot Hitler was talking about the kikes but everyone takes it as a confession.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is precisely because of feminism that they feel and are \"more empowered than ever.\" How on earth do you not grasp that? How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences. That is the post, you mouth breather. I even put it in quotes. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension before acting like such a whiny little bitch. What makes you think them personally feeling empowered has anything to do with feminism? LOL. That is not what your post said. It said \"How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences.\" Which is why you had to rewrite it. You didn't even realize it was a quote from the post even though it was in quotes and now your lying about what your response said even though it is in front of both of us. Champion mouth breather.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bigly JUNE, bout time.. Aw come on...don't be so hard on the Beaver...oops...that sounded a bit naughty too....sorry... Too funny when i saw it as a kid I thought June (BB) was matronly....now I think she is smokin' hot...what a difference a few decades make huh? she was hot though...i just picked on her b\/c she was his teacher","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After what has happened to Gab, anyone on the Right still opposing regulation to protect Free Speech online is either a retard or Controlled Opposition. There can be no competition, let alone freedom online, with a bunch of Traitors being able to no-platform any free speech site.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UK: Notorious, convicted jihad preacher Anjem Choudary released after serving just half of prison term OCTOBER 19, 2018 https:\/\/creepingsharia.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/19\/anjem-choudary-released\/ #UK #Islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only was this nigger not killed immediately, he got a fucking hearing to appeal his fucking sentence?? And he was in a relationship with this 17 y.o. in the first place? Where does it fucking end?? Stop being a complacent sack of shit, White man. Ultimately it's on us for being so spiritually debased. Name the jew, uplift our people, smite our enemies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta love #LindseyGraham unless you're a retarded #liberal. He's a master #troll now that #McCain is dead Lindsey Graham: I'm taking DNA test, I think I can beat' Elizabeth Warren on amount of Cherokee heritage https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/news\/411592-lindsey-graham-im-taking-dna-test-i-think-i-can-beat-elizabeth-warren-on-amount","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time to nuke China or Unleash a plague.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murderedbywords - \"I disagree with what you've alleged and here is data refuting your claim\" PPD - \"Why do you keep shitting out kids if you're such an insufferable cunt?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CIVIL WAR ALERT: Leftists openly plot mass executions of Conservatives as Democrats release home addresses of Republican Senators https:\/\/sck.pm\/R7r","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @RaleighBeougher: dumb beaner http:\/\/t.co\/r0hABEQhSu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/news\/world\/kentucky-residents-hang-bedsheet-banners-in-support-of-sexual-assault-survivors\/ar-BBNTqvd Score a big win for the left and the media spouting the DEBUNKED 1 in 4 women are sexually abused propaganda. DFC - Dumb Fucking Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn, I need that cunt for my future brand of \"liberal tears\" vodka flavored alcohol. Haven't yet decided more specific on the taste, want to have a sort of salty, slightly sour vodka to really fit the \"liberal tears\" theme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah, the just want to take the houses of those who can afford (more than one) and give them to those who cannot afford any. That has, throughout history, ALWAYS ended well, with the properties that are given over at gunpoint being well maintained and cared for for several generations of \"free\" tenants. Nope.. nothin has ever gone wrong with that scenario. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By far the dumbest rationale for the US involving itself in sand nigger wars is \"the Muzzlims persecute LGBTQ people\". Even worse than \"they oppress their women\". I swear to god Americans have the collective memory of a goldfish. When we put boots on the ground in Iraq, homosexuality was still illegal in 14 states. Do we bomb ourselves next? B-b-b-but... Dems 'n hajis R da REAL \"homophobes,\" tho!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thiscripple. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"read siege. Bring it snowflake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gezus__ @MANIAC3X @bam00se @Woody_AFC mean bro fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a f a g g o t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dude is like Forrest Gump level retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where are the white egg donors please? And why do the models look relatively white? Could that be some sort of an ideal? And btw jewish is considered an ethnicity by jewish parents. #Interesting The whole industry is completely corrupt and unregulated. I'm a donor baby and got sooooo lucky considering what I've learned since finding out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flake is a raging faggot for his behavior during all this - this is a man who is being blackmailed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wouldn't be caught dead with one of those retarded looking hats on my head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton snipes at Theresa May's Tories: A long way from the party of Churchill and Thatcher' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/hillary-clinton-snipes-at-theresa-mays-tories-a-long-way-from-the-party-of-churchill-and-thatcher THE OLD DYKE MUST BE GETTING READY TO MAKE A RUN AGAIN IN","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO, not \"as long as they're legal.\" Who do you take me for? Some retarded CivNat? Johnny is not a tan or brown spic. His family legally immigrated to the U.S. from Columbia. Here's his photo. Make up your own mind. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/muXeYe\/Johnny_Benitez.jpg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No wall? More lies it's being built as you lie. He's done a shit ton. I agree on Syria, as we should burn all filthy muzzie countries.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"International police operation disrupts Shylock banking Trojan - Computerworld: The GuardianInternational poli... http:\/\/t.co\/zIBNJMIILJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"App YOU, Mad'm Naim is a super dumb cunt with an IQ about subzero.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT FoxNews Swedish student who refused to sit down on flight in effort to stop man's deportation to Afghanistan is indicted https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2CWOth4 https:\/\/twitter.com\/FoxNews\/status\/1053939448298246145","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just suspended from Twitter for telling some faggot liberal, that calling white Europeans crackers is no different than calling Africans niggers. Who wants to bet it had nothing to do with using the term cracker?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Nigger wont be happy untill Your head is on a Spear. Learn to Fight, Learn to Fight in the Most Dirty of ways. Trump isnt going to be around forever. Byron de la Vandal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The sluts are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GO RAPE ANOTHER CAMEL and GOAT YOU BUNCH OF DUMB ASSED IDIOTS GO READ YOUR #QUEEEERAN YOU BROWN and BLACK FAGGOT SCUZZIES NO WHITE FACES ALLOWED HAHAHA YOU ARE ALL UGLY #RAISINHEADS JUST ASK #ALLHAHAHA AND #MORHAMHEAD THE #PEDO #PROFITEER PIGPISS BE UPON THEM AND YOU #STUPID #MUZZIES http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=140529 Muhammad was a goat fucking pedophile.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any solution to ZOG which doesn't deal with demographics - only laws - is no solution.#NorthwestImperativehttp:\/\/t.co\/Vhy5s2apCn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift Endorses Brett Kavanaugh Supporter via @freebeacon https:\/\/freebeacon.com\/politics\/taylor-swift-endorses-brett-kavanaugh-supporter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whites less than 5% of South Africa ruled that country for over 150 years..whites are much more intelligent and if they have the will could make the nigger heel and obey..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Killing koreans its werry good","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Several people are shadowbanned here on Gab, so yeah................","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lynch mob thugs threaten Zimmerman jury; N*ggas coming for that bitch ass jury http:\/\/t.co\/XY6v2YtyAS The hatred won't stop flowing,,#War","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are so dumb. I have to question, do you really believe this shit? Are you fucking joking? This is a textbook case of poe's law Ironic as fuck, you guys sided with communism in WW2, not to mention most of communist russia's leaders were in fact ethnic jews...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I will let you know if I get hit again with that fairy gay faggot tranny porn shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a 30\/06 ROUND IS THE JUSTICE THIS NIGGER NEEDS. IT SOLVES ALL PROBLEMS PERMITELLY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just slap the sht outta the cnt. Now the bldg can burn down with no fire protection. You're missing an \"i\" for *shit* a \"u\" for *cunt* and the rest of the letters for *building* friend","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never cared about any of that. I would tolerate him screwing a nigger maid if he kept any of his important promises. He has yet to do any of that. So far he's been governing like a down syndrome Jeb Bush. I don't count \"triggering the libtards\" as an accomplishment because that makes our situation even more perilous in the long run.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at the reports. One retard says can't wait for Trump to get impeached. It's been 2 years, you're gonna wait a looong time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats discovered asking non-citizens to vote in Texas #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #BanFGM #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AfD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #Winning #USA #Nationalist #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=isVqU6ypyYI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone who will call 855-557-0111 and ask the dude who anseers if he is a dirty stinkin Sand Nigger goat raping camel fuckin animal and see what he says!! I've done it 3 times and he keeps hanging up on me .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the People wake up inspite of the Sugar, Flouride, Propaganda, and Drugs why not add Lithium to the Water #MAGA Stay awake Deplorables and avoid the #FakeNews Mind Control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice hair cunt , did someone give you a swirly in a port-o-let?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jane Fonda: Hard for Me to Breathe' in Donald Trump's America (Have Michael Moore sit on your face to finish the job, you stupid twat [Fonda].) https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/22\/jane-fonda-hard-for-me-to-breathe-trumps-america\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm an Alabama nigger an I wanna be free...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take Odin's dick out your faggot Pagan ass first! He might get jealous!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gosh ... that doesn't look gay AT ALL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican. https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/1055077740792160256 Sorry, I stand with the President! so BOMBING CHRISTIANS is worth standing by him for? (because that is EXACTLY what he did!!!!) TRUMP BOMBED CHRISTIANS IN SYRIA!!!!!!! :( THIS IS WHY I STOPPED SUPPORTING HIM https:\/\/cruxnow.com\/global-church\/2018\/04\/15\/syrian-christian-leaders-denounce-us-air-raid-as-brutal-aggression\/ I guess when a president BOMBS CHRISTIANS in Syria, it's still worth it to \"stand by him\" :( (because that is EXACTLY what he did!!!!) TRUMP BOMBED CHRISTIANS IN SYRIA!!!!!!! :( THIS IS WHY I STOPPED SUPPORTING HIM https:\/\/cruxnow.com\/global-church\/2018\/04\/15\/syrian-christian-leaders-denounce-us-air-raid-as-brutal-aggression\/ standing with anyone just because of your own personal bias towards them? is NOT MORAL THE BIBLE says that ALL MEN AND WOMEN ARE FILTHY SINNERS NEVER EVER EVER put your trust in any man or woman standing with anyone just because of your own personal bias towards them? is NOT MORAL THE BIBLE says that ALL MEN AND WOMEN ARE FILTHY SINNERS NEVER EVER EVER put your trust in any man or woman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ni doubt the druggie smoked pot with Micron while he gave it to the French faggot up the choccie chute","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#teabagger state like mississippi opposed to minimum wage, child labor laws, unions, is pro-scab, sweatshop work - pretty much #SLAVERY.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And Jeff Sessions! I think we crossed through some wormhole the day of the midterms. That, or Leftists are more retarded than I thought. Snowflakes are more rerarded than you thought. I also had to take time to belueve it. I still don't understand how their heart keeps beating by itself; just let it go.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flake voted yes to proceed to the final vote. I guess his son N1GGERKILLER changed his mind. >\"Stop being a fucking faggot dad!\" >\"O-oh...okay son...s-ssorry\" https:\/\/www.phoenixnewtimes.com\/news\/arizona-industry-summit-unprecedented-access-epa-officials-10899084 Chad Son Vs Virgin Dad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MemphisMSoccer: 50' 2nd yellow card issued for Temple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JMC2488 @jetsgreen @TB12FAN and fuck you too ya little bitch you look like a Mexican sucking a cock in ur profile","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LucentVariable: @TonyJRodriguez friendly reminder that you shouldn't try to have sex with birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So once again a funny world..a bloke gets 12 months for throwing bacon at a mosque, \"the world is horrified\" that someone wrote bacon on a mosque wall. Yet NO ONE is horrified this joker gets a smack on the wrist for child abduction! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6238765\/Child-groomer-abducted-girls-aged-11-13-jailed-two-years.html FUBAR and BIASED \"justice\" system.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The more I read about her, the more convinced I am that she is a fucking retard whose opinions should be made fun of for years to come. Seems like the bigger of a CUNT a woman is, the more likely she is to be a feminist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to GoFundMe this guy a spanking new truck with a Trump paint job and if the Libs mess with it, we'll buy him another new truck and another and rub the Liberal's punk noses in it. ITA. But I wonder why #Trump hasn't got a #GoFundMe for the #Wall? #politics #news The Wall is no go fund me project Taxes are high enough for the working class without having to cough up $25,000,000,000 Ra, kindly cease the deceitful response. #Politics #news #GoFundMe for the wall has nothing to do with taxes. This is voluntary donations from those who WANT to donate. BTW I understand that More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax \"Trump has said the wall could cost $8 billion to $12 billion\" The insult thrown does not commend Ra's IQ. Read Nehemiah on how to get a wall built. Mute doesn't stop me from answering RA, but it impedes his ability to answer me! #GoFundMe for the #Wall. If 100,000,000 donate $100 that yields $10 billion, not chump change Can you understand the TRILLIONS GIVEN to ILLEGAL ALIENS AND THEIR EXPANDING FAMILIES.? Sing it in falsetto: Tip toe, thru the trillions, If I kiss you, will U vote 4 me and tip toe thru the trillions w\/ me. Now if we don't have illegals reproducing on US soil, after we done murdered our babies, who's gonna pay our Soc Sec ponzy scheme? and who's gonna populate the 48 after we are expelled for violating the end of Leviticus 18 like the Canaanites?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Take Canada and America out of your tag....jews hatched in the west are jews period...Al-jazeera is great...Bye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are you two nuts? Going after each other over politics in name calling on a social media outlet is one thing. I get called out daily on Gab for being a 'faggot, nigger loving' Libtard. So what? I'm from Brooklyn. I can verbally 'kick-ass' on Gab with the best of Trump supporters. But violence? Putting out your address? That's a whole 'nother level of nuttiness.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AlfieHeydrich but I live in the South. Lot more here. My pop lives in Rhode Island. Hardly no niggers there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> who accused community partner of sexism after constructive criticism fired It's even worse than described. Not only was she claiming that all criticism of her lousy writing was simply sexism, and not only was she viciously attacking the fan base of the game she writes for, but she also celebrated after Total Biscuit died of cancer with this classy tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/Delafina777\/status\/1000045432007938048 Fuck her. She should have been fired for that. What a despicable piece of shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh, reminds me of those cackling cunts that laughed at the dude who got his dick chopped off and thrown in a blender.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These people are actually saying fuck winter. These retards are actually triggered by an entire fucking season.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HE IS SAYING THE CULTURE IS A MYTH NOT RAPE! YOU FUCKING SJW TRIGGERED MORON Helps da nigger man reads da font betters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That isn't a valid argument, but it is a valid statement that you can't prove God exists, which means your statement \"God does not [exist]\" is wholly retarded and you should feel bad for making dunce-like statements.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those black people smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oy vey! Soros was 14 when the war ended, and the rest is questionable. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv So, you're really this stupid? LMFAO!!!! I've never witnessed this kind of stupidity in person, sure on GAB, but like really, I was in Harrison Arkansas today and didn't even witness this kind of stupidity!!! Lolololololol I acknowledge, your stupidiy surpasses mine by MILES! And I MEAN that, congratulations. Tell your mother\/sister I said hello! You can't learn it pal, it's down to inbreeding, blame your parents https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Lol, your 3rd grade education is impressive, to your mother. Dumbass Thanks again wee man for proving only one thing. You have nothing but a limited vocabulary, which again is only limited to petty slurs and insults. You are the reason I am here, and so long there are people like you, we shall win with the least of effort. https:\/\/TruthWillOut.tv Yeah, because you bring SUCH a compelling argument to Gab! Lol, that's WHY you are dumb and we ALL laugh AT you. The stupid is strong in this one. @bigpapi765 Lol, these people are really out there claiming things that happened didn't happen! I'm sorry, but you could run over every one of them in one day and the world wouldn't an IQ point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"white people should not EVER help Africans.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/02\/jeffrey-wright-calls-melania-trump-trip-to-ghana-hospital-garbage\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It isn't woke, tho. It went lieberal bullshit. Female doctor and last year had nigger assistant. Fuck them, not interested.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"probably some retard on the nigger weed looking for clean piss for a drug test who is about to make the sex offender registry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The hell are they talking about? Some bullshit globalist trash ment to tarnish minds. Same shit why they keep sending sub 70 IQ retard people to Europe rather than letting them correct their own societies. Next step will be to say Europe always belonged to Africans. Wait for it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Go to hell , fuckin' faggot , and get a job","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've dealt with that Steven Van Zandt looking ass kikeress since 2016 Twitter when she was shilling for fuckin' Ted Cruz and us \"Trumpists\" then were on the warpath. She's a shiesty conniving cunt that deserves all the video game related scenarios I can think of.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"warren just dug her own grave with the dna announcement (not that she had a chance in 2020 anyway). >falls into trump's frame, tries to prove herself >laughable dna results >self-serious, self-righteous, tone deaf cunt one less challenger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RepGutierrez You are full of it! These so called children are not children. They are illegal border jumpers MS!# gang members.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I retired when I was 57 so boom that you millennial faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A little old, but still relevant. Top 5 Most Violent Obama Quotes Ever. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RYM6UjwwP90","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've never had a Twinkie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paul Michael Watson https:\/\/youtu.be\/w5F_AhciUy4 ....intersectionalism writ large.... For those who dont bore themselves with this level of detail, intersectionalism is the mother of most modern class warfare, it literally means the point where the various grievance boys and girls meet... ...now arent u glad u didnt ask? ...thought so...lol I'm a fan of Paul Joseph Watson and I found this video funny We can all say we're part Latino black Asian What does it matter I'm proud of my white heritage but I could be 1\/1024 Black as well Will the left accept me like they seem to want to accept Pocahontas? Race is really a mental construct. Mankind has been around long enough to have seriously intermixed. This is why the bargain basement nazis and Joooooooooooooooooooooo haters here are so comical. Most are dumber than Maxine Waters... And Gab is full of these ignorant, small minded dolts. I just read a thread, I swear, the sheer lack of understanding of social history was alarming. Some are certainly faux Nazi plants. Others actually believe the whole \"pure\" race construct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"quite possibly the worst possible death...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know what I was more shocked by, her behavior or the crowds behavior during the trophy ceremony. They literally made the winner cry and apologize to the crowd for winning. Never seen anything like that. Serena and the crowd should be so ashamed of themselves. Yeah, her fans in the crowd weren't classy at all. It just made everything look bad. Osaka is a beast though. She's only 20 and she dominated so she'll be back on this stage often and soon. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Legion of jig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@solopo82 y'all got the Taxis right now? And can I get the Oreo 5's right now if possible?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[I don't know what non-binary is supposed to mean, but here's Samus wearing a bikini. (NSFW)](https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/thumb\/9\/9a\/Samus_at_the_end_of_Metroid.png\/170px-Samus_at_the_end_of_Metroid.png) holy crap put a NSFW tag please Bitch lasagna I like this new way of saying vegetable lasagna. \"A half pound of meat really wakes up a veggie burger.\" -Homer Simpson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That ArenaNet thing sure did blow over quickly now that you mention it. Just goes to show that if you don't bow to the outrage mob they'll move on to something else. I bet Jessica Price is still crying about it to anyone who will listen - but it goes to show, they only have as much power as you give them. I do wonder what she's up to these days. I doubt many companies will take a chance in hiring her. I guess it was too much to hope she had learned anything or reflected on herself in any way Oh, she reflected, then decided that the cesspool that is her personality cannot possibly be to blame and declared it was the fault of \"men . Like most 4th Wave feminists. I don't care if she grew as a person, or engaged in self reflection. It's the same thing with all these socjus parasites. I don't want to \"silence\" them or even inconvience them in any way. I simply don't want to be required to pay for and smile about them calling me a vile evil piece of shit. Want to engage in a circle jerk about your identity politics? Fine, but don't do it with a government subsidy and socially mandated scorn for anyone who dares disagree. I'm sure she'll obtain gainful employment any day now. Yepp, aaaany day now. Are you trying to imply begging victim support money isn't gainful employment? How dare you, sir? Did you just assume my gen.. god.. I can't do it, it's too dumb, lol Womp Womp.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CarelessOne92 you styl gotta get dem tweets off my nig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Maxine Waters encouraged violence against Trump Cabinet members, it wasn't the first time she displayed behavior unbecoming of a federal lawmaker. She's been involved in many other controversies... including abusing power to enrich family members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Rwtb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@hxhassan: Jihadi patron Hajjaj al-Ajmi is arrested at Kuwait airport https:\/\/t.co\/ZmloKfWDQl\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay. Straight. Homo. Lesbian. How about 'People\". Hmmm. Love you ALL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @janesports: As NFL reportedly asks bird-flipping M.I.A. for another $15M, let's revisit @SarahSpain's column on ridiculousness: http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AssholeOfDaYear: Rudy Gay a faggot for not changing his last name once he got money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this poorkids education just got thrown in the bin thanks to niggers. she's probably going to be attacked too. luisianna state university are pandering to the nigs im disgusted. https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/_royalkayy\/status\/1048716476889350145 LOL!!! This pot head nigger bitch is the one equating herself to a monkey! Dumb nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this NIGGER BITCH IS ANOTHER COMMUNIST WHO NEEDS DESTROYED LIKE ALL THE REST OF THEM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Jimmy_Santander: \"Deme gallo pinto con carne asadita, madurito..y...una milca, amor\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On the secret Party mission! Live tweaking to mock FATPO.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Did they trot this old cunt out again?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John K Stahl HRC is going to wait until after the Blue Wave fizzles out before starting her 13 city tour with Willie in tow. Would you pay to watch this SuperSkank make excuses for her rejection? #maga #tcot A full three months before the Nov 2016 presidential election reported by Fox News \"just a handful showed up for her campaign stops leaving her speaking to almost empty halls, rooms, stadiums\" Do you REALLY think she has ANY influence NOW?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love me some overwatch. Its a good games with a diverse cast, not a good game because of the diverse cast I avoid everything diverse. I am like English cuisine. Stop appropriating I pronouns.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are not just a stupid nigger lover.. but also extremely naive..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"people have rights to follow there own religion, if they try to force people not the following there religion then that country running a dictatorship, hopefully soon there will be change in low by the international pressure,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@georgiathenewsa you look like a welfare bitch compared to Latinas I date and fuck. You need fashion and makeup tips tbh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give it a few hours and we'll all enjoy screenshots of black women tweeting about white males being dangerous. And the media's presentation will completely ignore the fact that black males kill more people with guns on a daily basis than random rogue white shooters combined. Oh, yes, those nigger sows will be wailing and weeping fairly soon. They'll ignore the fact that the nigger buck is responsible for a whole lot more violence than White males.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At what point in this story was the woman using her gender to excuse her behavior. She's just a cunt, just like any man would have been. This isn't PPD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@aasthaxoxo oh shut your mouth i was talkin about the morning you fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vibrators don't consent but they don't also look and act exactly like a sentient being. People in this thread are making fun of the guy saying \"sex robots are a red flag\" but this is already the justification used to ban simulated\/photoshopped child pornography (defined as photos of actual children made into porn, not talking about drawn or 3D child porn which is a murkier issue) No children are harmed in making fake child porn, but it is still banned under the arguments that a) can be used to teach real children b) creates a market and audience that might then escalate to real child porn. Conversely, some argue that fake child porn could be an outlet that prevents someone else from harming a real child because they can \"safely\" live out a harmful fantasy. In the same way, an argument could be made that someone who gets off on raping sex robots could be just practicing and then feel emboldened enough to try the real thing. Or they could be using it as a safe outlet. It's a complicated issue and both sides have valid points so I don't think either side deserves to be mocked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ChristineKKTV: Great weather to hit up the slopes this weekend... @Arapahoe_Basin and @LovelandSkiArea open Saturday! #COwx #skiseason ht ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"We can never promise a world where there are no abusers, but we can promise a country where we commit to hear and believe our children\": Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivers formal apology to the country's victims of child sex abuse. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ZhTq https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/srz5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Womn are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland, OR overrun by left wing hate mobs last night. https:\/\/redd.it\/9o2egk Um, which one exactly??? Good point. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-45810709","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White supremacy equals being a retard and then shrieking in terror and hiding behind another group the instant someone responds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or sleepy fuckin faggot jeff.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am so sorry for all the people who disrespect all you guys and I wish I could do something so they wouldn'. But I can' but you guys know I love all you guys. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Juan Carlos delean idiotispic zeraellawetback dirtybeabeaner spic Zanas....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And I have your kike hanging low faggot come suck it bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White men want EQUAL rights, not special rights, like the nigger has","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KNegandhiESPN: That Peppers slant was a genius\/crazy call. Genius if he catches it. Crazy if he drops it, then blow a TO, then get sack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of shit is this? Why isn't that faggot arrested?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I didn't say \"every last woman in the country . I said it's the average behaviour of the women in the west When I say that muslims are retards, I don't mean every single last one of them, but on average, that is the case But because not all muslims are retarded terrorists, I still don't want any of them here. Similarly, I don't want women having the vote","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabld people are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sinn Fein\/IRA accuse Army of being main protagonist in \"the troubles.\" What do the FACTS say? Republican terrorists caused 60% of deaths, Army caused 10%. See proof in article. Sinn Fein is on a rewriting history campaign. I will be the first to admit not every soldier was a \"plaster saint\" but the normal squaddy tried to do a shit job as best he could. https:\/\/www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk\/news\/northern-ireland\/ira-victims-son-slams-sf-claim-britain-was-chief-aggressor-of-the-troubles- No British army in Ireland no IRA very simple the army was to blame .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ok, after reading this i decided to unmute you Yay! Thank you!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bet Charlie Strong has contacted Ridley","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve Miserable Deaths' Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs @TomKawczynski @Wifewithapurpose @JesseLeePeterson https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/georgetown-professor-says-white-gop-senators-deserve-miserable-deaths-calls-for-their-corpses-to-be-castrated-and-fed-to-pigs\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#California is full of white trash","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How are people this stupid. You need new friends","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too manymongs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fat bull dog dyke with no experience fears Supreme Court losing credibility!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GOD your ppl remain so retarded by not accepting Islam is greater threat !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why do you have to talk about faggot stuff all the time?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SUCKEDOFF: 3 MOST COMMON WHITE PEOPLE ACTIVITIES:1. Wearing Tapout2. Shooting up schools3. Calling you a nigger on Xbox","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've never cared about legacy myself, and do things anonymously, I don't know anyone from 500 years ago, so I doubt my non-accomplishments in life will be remembered. However, if I did care about being remembered in the future, I would do only positive things under my \"real\" name and do bad things under my \"anonymous\" name. I'd do it following this algorithm. CreateNewAnonymousAccount(); while(DoingThings()) { if(somethingIDidWasAmazing == True) { TakeCreditWithRealName(); { CreateNewAnonymousAccount(); } I mean, unless you intend to be a great leader or general or invent zero point energy or invent FTL travel, one won't be remembered. You have to do something astronomical for your own grandchildren to remember you much after you died, and you had better have been elected to something pretty high up to even survive great grandfather level. Luckily, I don't have kids, so I'll disappear like some dust, unless some jackass printed out one of my rantings or saved a video and as they die, screaming and shitting themselves, their kids go through his laptop, find all his porn, and wonder, 'why the fuck did Uncle Topher print out some faggot's response essay to a vice.com article on feminist painting with menstrual blood?' He sure was a sick bastard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His shills on Twitter are already at work pushing that narrative. Candance Owens is trying to spin the caravan fiasco as a ploy to get illegals to rat out the Democrats. She's even encouraging Trump to offer them citizenship in return for them betraying Soros. We've reached peak retard. Peak Retard is having negresses as political commentators","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think it's typical of gay people to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only he was black....He would be literally be behind bars faster than you can even imagine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The lying cunt took her money and ran","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Britain's Muslim in charge of internal law. Tommy Robinson is banned from entering Muslim enclaves like East London. 90% of the gay bars in East London were forcibly closed down by attacks from Muslims. East London is a no go area if you are a critic of Islam or you are demonstrably gay. To non-violent, anti-violence, pro-democracy, best-selling author Robert Spencer, the whole of the UK is a no-go area. Because of this Muslim MPs predecessor. https:\/\/twitter.com\/sajidjavid\/status\/1053336915850739714","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"little ralph, listen up kid, the career choices are food, living hot water bottle or spic gimp, whats it gonna be ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya, cause she's an honest credible person deserving of leadership. She even fucked huge segment of own party last cycle. Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Selling ex lax brownies in front of Meijer to pregnant women. #GoodDeed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary promises more violence. Random nigger delivers more violence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">One of the trio's hoax papers, published in April by the journal Fat Studies, claims bodybuilding is \"fat-exclusionary and proposes \"a new classification . . . termed fat bodybuilding, as a fat-inclusive politicized performance. Editor Esther Rothblum said the paper had gone through peer review, and the author signed a copyright form verifying authorship of the article. \"This author put a lot of work into this topic, she said. \"It is an interesting topic, looking at weight and bodybuilding. So I am surprised that, of all things, they'd write this as a hoax. As you can imagine, this is a very serious charge. She plans to remove the paper from the Fat Studies website. Okay, look, either you stand behind your peer review and the content of the paper, or your whole process is bullshit. By removing it you're basically stating that your site and process are bullshit and you don't really believe any of the things you publish. E: I feel a little sorry for the Journal of Poetry Therapy guy - he sounds genuinely sad that he got duped, and based on the title it doesn't sound very political, but maybe the title is deceptive. Who names a journal fat studies? That sounds so unprofessional. You'd think that they would use something along the lines of \"Obesity and Body Weight Research\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a woman? Support yourself bitch. Don't expect special treatment in the real world. Actually dont expect to get hired either. You can thank leftist twats in academia and Hollywood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Germany - A horde of illegal asylum seekers have gone on a rampage at an Edeka supermarket in berlingen (Lake Constance), leaving it completely devastated. There is no police report on this event, nor can you find anything in the German media about it. The media works hand in glove with the Merkel government to keep the public from knowing how bad things are. Merkel muss weg!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christopher Columbus's spirit of determination and adventure has provided inspiration to generations of Americans. On #ColumbusDay, we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, and celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/presidential-actions\/presidential-proclamation-columbus-day-2018\/ 6:36 am - 8 Oct 2018 christopher columbus..fraud..actual founder of the slave trade in america and several other countries..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saaaaaad! supa freak I want to downvote just because I had to look at that. That which causes projectile vomiting just makes you stronger! Hahahahhah Jamal amd the Pussycats... Cats are a white thing (Psychology Today) \"Whites were about 3 times more likely to own a dog and nearly 5 times more likely to own a cat when compared to non-whites. In contrast, black respondents were half as likely to own a dog and less than a third as likely to own a cat.\" I <3 cats!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's one ugly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"today it was posted on the zombie land saga website that the LEGENDARY YAMADA TAE'S actress is none other than the LEGENDARY Kotono Mitsuishi (misato\/ebuchu\/sailor moon), adding to the joke that she's legendary. she doesn't even speak in episode","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BriannDominguez: Gasoline - daddy Yankee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Senate Republican Leaders EXPLOSIVE Press Conference on Kavanaugh Conf... https:\/\/youtu.be\/S5bogm15OUk via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"eggnog trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's right, kavanaugh only did what he did for power. Men aren't sex-craving animals, kavanaugh is a shitty person who so happens to be a man too. People rape other people not for pleasure but because they feel they can. We are not animals and feminists need to accept that Kavanaugh did nothing wrong except dare to be conservative. Stop buying liberal lies. All you have to do is see how fast Ford dropped her case to see just how badly she was lying. We don't know if they're lies -- on either part -- because there was nothing resembling an investigation. Ford never filed a case because the statute of limitations had past; she made an accusation, went to DC to tell her side of the story, asked for an investigation, and nothing worth calling an investigation happened. As for lies, Kavanaugh perjured himself and was still appointed. It's obvious the Republicans had made their minds up before hand and nothing would change it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @spurs: It's a bird...It's a plane...It's SuperManu #NBASuperHeroes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some of the county roads have been cleared and opened by good ol' boys with tractors and a good heart. The county hasn't been able to get there to do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Provide some hard evidence that faggot Hitler actually gassed Jews? Lol. He was too much of a homo to actually do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BEGONETHOT No one cares what thots think because thots do not think. What thots want is \"more\", and since even God (or if you prefer a hypothetical perfect being) still isn't good enough more is never enough. When you consider all you get in exchange is a depreciating hole... who cares? Also, we might have artificial wombs by the end of the decade and will by the end of the next decade so any men here who are interested in having children but who will not tolerate the child their children would otherwise pop out from will have a superior alternative. Oh and in reality what actually happens is a man carrying around the dead weight of a thot has low time, money, energy, finances... once he loses 180 pounds his situation begins drastically improving. You can be a slave your whole life for a retarded child or retire before 35 if you ditch the bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it too early to fuck off?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG MR WEHRMACHT UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS i just said to my Dad \"who the fuck is Babe Ruth and he started telling me about how my Great Great Great Great Great Grandma Edith Anderson used to write letters to the 1st nigger baseball player, he even showed me one! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allowing any more women into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FFS PUT THAT NIGGER OUT OF OUR MISERY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump was very prescient tonight when he warned of the danger in knocking out all the chump candidates like Pocahontas and DaNang Dick early and ending up facing someone who's actually good. Nobody mentions her. She's laying low. She's disgusting but Liberals will explode with enthusiasm. Michelle Obama is a very dangerous Communist, Globalist traitor From No Balls Barry to Dancing Dick Michael? O_o Even #Democrats aren't that dumb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When Muslims talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Honeysuckle_Tav Well he canonically plays the troll equivalent of Pokemon... *throws the new Fairy type at him*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Utsav, former Gab employee, relinquished his Gab shares for five cents each. Gab wants you to pay $ Who was Utsav? That too and she worked for Mossad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah but not quite tho. The faggot bitch who has ruined the once great 1d3n717y 3ur0p@ is too busy posting retarded Trump sycophantry to go on a platform where he would be subject to constructive criticism. https:\/\/twitter.com\/PatrickCaseyIE\/status\/1053045793182150656 https:\/\/twitter.com\/PatrickCaseyIE\/status\/1053059352758808577","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also, if there is nothing, no scandal or anything, why every single wannabe and has been comic creator tweets daily about comicsgate? (and people asks why these people keeps missing deadlines. If you spend all your day and night tweeting retarded bullshit, thank fuck you don't have time to write\/draw your stuff)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The something happened to this special juice this one girl sold on Amazon after pewdiepie did a reaction to a Dr Phil video about it. All the 'reviews' were saying that this girls juice made the gay, play fortnight, made them retarded, gave them cancer or some weird made up disease that pewdie quoted. Basically rendering real reviews useless as no one coukd weed out the memes from the real stuff. I love Pewds but I hope people can come in here and act their age and not like 9 year olds. So far, this sub has given me 3 types of cancer and made me gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This keeps getting better and better. The self-importance of some people just astonishes me when I actually put some serious thought into it sometimes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kike shill faggot tries to promote a Twitter clone where free speech isn't allowed and anyone who disagrees with or criticizes Jews is banned","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm of British descent. My husband is of Greek descent. We don't have the same DNA. You simply are retarded and don't know shit about race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*squak squak squak squak*Me: bird shut up!!!*squak*Alex: that was an act of defiance @Alextalksback","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical camelfuck3r behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @EverybodyHatesX: He's trash RT @Yerrp08: Too early to call Austin Rivers a draft bust ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you a fucking pig jew faggot kike jew loving sandnigger kike faggot jew loving idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Venus_Lynn: @dylxnl: look ghetto but it work http:\/\/t.co\/chrvW9dPca ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's amazing how many people, some of them very well read and well versed in history, still absolutely, without a doubt INSIST that Whites will be able to completely take over the system without violence. Nigger are we living in the same dimension, because you are FUCKING DELUSIONAL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember it was about 07\/08 when I began my lifelong dream of going into the video game industry after high school, and while the degree did not work out for me, to this day I am still sad at the degradation of things and how something I held so dear was essentially obliterated overnight because losers wanted to make it trendy popular but not in an authentic away. ? there's plenty of ways to be in the industry and not be a fucking cuck. your failures are your own Lol: point out one observation of industry and suddenly I'm a \"cuck\". Got to love the weekend shitpostosters that are bored of 4chan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Silly Twat that stopped the deportation of an Afghan sex offender indicted by the Swedish judiciary...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair, it wasn't the movement as a whole or even the majority of the rank and file. Weak leadership decided to listen to keyboard warrior incels and faggot assed cowards like Ricky Vaughn who'd all convinced themselves that the only social space worth fighting over was the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Log off nigger RT @PoloKingBC: #relationshipgoals http:\/\/t.co\/Ge9koImYGj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people like you are absolutefilth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and how about all your stealing of tax payers money fucking cunt feinstein","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah good camera work wouldn't be my number one priority if I was in the line of fire if some disgusting cunt's shit slinging","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So I got my account Banned by Twitter for this (After he was on Late Night Tv and Called Trump \"Putin's c*ck holster\", Yet Kathy Griffin can go on tirades like this.... #LiberalHypocrisy #TwitterFascism","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I take it your taste is in your anus.Thats when another man's penis isn't there you philistine cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course Kaine whines about \"travel ban\". He is rented by the Muslim Brotherhood along with Corey Booker and Gilibrand, the crazy cunt from New York. #IslamIsShit #DeathToTheMuslimBrotherhood","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@YungCofGOA @12YearsAHaitian need to start mcbob because Williams only shoot let him play with bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a nigger?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By nature, gay people are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Chink_19 chink thats better then having the rug rats running around yah crib girl enjoy life lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, crumbles to Trump as USA set to install massive tariffs that would crush Canadian economy...Canada joins Mexico in 11th hour deal...NAFTA is Dead... A PROMISE KEPT: President Donald J. Trump is delivering on his promise to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) so all American workers can benefit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL what the fuck was this autistic screed? You flipped the fuck out over BURGER KING, fearing their food would cause your brain to give you the liquid shits, you started behaving abusively to the counter girl (who literally just takes money and hands out food), someone else intervened, and you're the hero because you pepper-sprayed some white knight assholes for responding to your craziness?? Lmao. This post reads like the transcription of an r\/PublicFreakout video. Am I the only person that thinks this is hilarious? Hilarious and retarded, lmao... he basically acted like a bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Uppity, cocksucking nigger I has the audacity to call a white president a racist! sorry, not sorry! you don't get to go all racist and not expect to be called out on your own racism, asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"very used twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Drfreezeburnn That's not bias. It's an objective fact that Philly fans are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for immigrants has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rumor has it that Brett Kavanaugh was involved in the Patriot's deflated football scandal. I, myself, don't watch the Nigger Football League, so don't really care.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey admits it was a \"joke\" when he said Twitter stood for free speech https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/18\/twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey-our-free-speech-motto-was-a-joke\/ I wanna beat Jack Dorkey's face to a blood y pulp, just for the fun of it Does that make me a bad person?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"CHU GREENGOS AR A BONCH OV BEEGOTS! ~ Average Wetback Moocher","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh God why did I waste 7 min of my life watching this trash. I didn't need to bore myself to death to know all of that. That's true too, I like your name by the way lol. I can see lots of potential to piss off trump supporters Yeah that's awesome. Reddit needs more slapfights. You do realize many Trump supporters make names like that and would do the opposite of piss them off? of course you don't. you haven't had your news tell you what to think yet. What?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"step on the gas. there's a nigger in the street","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS WILL BE ROUNDED UP IN EXACTLY 6 MONTHS. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM WHILE YOU CAN We have little doubt the left would do that if you could. Here's a warning from Jesus for you; \"But for the cowardly, the faithless, the vile, the murderers, those who commit sexual immorality, those who use drugs and cast spells, the idolaters and all liars their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death. Bernie will find himself in the fire when he dies if he keeps worshiping money and power instead of Jesus too. I have a condo and luxury sedan, and possibly a bigger savings account than you. Remember, liars go to the fires. The baby killer god is going down when Jesus returns and there are not enough babies the perverts in Hollywood can kill to stop it from happening.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That old ass retard \"Tiny\" will have lost all his mind by 2020 you stupid fuckstick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FunnyPicsDepot: White trash warfare pt 3 https:\/\/t.co\/zboIyjnfl9 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A tweet is not an official source. When he signs the EO, let me know....And if the EO does not say this wetback vermin is to be repelled and refused entry with any force necessary, it doesn't count","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doing this by a playground is retarded. Like this dumb retard can't find one place in an entire city to do some stupid shit except right next to children? I hope she gets run over by a car. #nsfw","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well atleast the people didn't pay for it .. with him not being a sponge. I think security is taxpayer funded. But in perspective Harry's tacky circus wedding was costing over 30 MILLION for security, and MegNog's ill fitting ugly wedding dress was 380, At least this was real #royalwedding But we would of paid for those guards","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This Merica, dey cops don't caaaare\" \"Hit that nigger! Hit that nigga!\" \"You can't hit her she a girl!\" someone put a 9mm in that fucking retarded commentator please, I'd rather hear him screaming from that then more of the same babbling shit he keeps going on about \"I got kids!!\" says the black cunt maybe you shouldn't have trashed a store, you dumb baboon \"Black lives matter!!!\" while the woman is fucking punching a cop God fucking damnit how retarded are these people? They should be fucking castrated so they can't spread their idiocy holy shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.\" The color of crime is very black, with some brown in there, too. https:\/\/archive.fo\/yKWA0 Must have been a nigger who down voted this they hate facts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a cunt He is Asian isnt he The fucking apologists and appeasers are doing their best to point out he is a sikh So musrats are Asians but sikhs are sikhs These selfhating whites will do and say anything they can to protect the musrats and their paedophilia cult. The White British People who want to preserve their identity had better wake up quick Only one generation left Sikhs don't do what Mudslimes do. Lord Singh QC has just decided Muslims and Jews should be buried before Christians. Instead of first come first served. Sikhs need to sort him out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate being a man, wish I was a lady and no man on earth existed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CAUGHT: Unhinged Dem trashes GOP campaign signs before debate https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/caught-on-video-unhinged-democrat-trashes-gop-campaign-signs-before-debate-tosses-them-in-street\/?fbclid=IwAR1D2NqEmZbVwScwUil3vhJEX1fUZq22S7_PJOv7Ip1GWipCHHHf4o7p8vk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here in Germany women have their exclusive gyms and saunas and privileged parking spaces in garages. We don't have any of those. Parking spaces? How does that work? Only women can park there?! [deleted] [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RubinReport: You can mock Michelle Obama's #TurnipForWhat video, but the turnip is now third in line of succession for president. https ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a nobody that's about to get stomped in the upcoming election. But Dems are going to try to paint this retard as the spokesperson for the entire GOP.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just nuke it! https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/san-francisco-school-board-president-drops-pledge-of-allegiance-replaces-with-quotes-from-black-authors-gay-leaders\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2 billion Christians in Europe? LOL LOL You silly ignoramus, there are 2,1 billion christians worldwide , and majority of them are non Whites. But hey mestizos from Mexico and niggers from Africa are your brethren, we know. Your jew god told you so. You seriupsly think I am going to engage with a distespectful cunt like you think again kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retard bot Woah there newmug! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Mentally Impaired\". Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sara Peritas @Sara_Peritas 04:27PM what is nigger speak is what Emmanuel was and is saying in many of his posts, not only to Laurie Wright. this is what all 3 of you support","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You wanna find hoes on here? Just follow the chicks who reply with heart eyes under sex gifs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a sense you have. When you see heathens advocating outright murder of white Christians .... I've certainly seen it. Thankfully this is a small minority in no way representative of folk religion as a whole. Come again?! Indeed -- I have seen at least one case of this, of someone claiming to be folkish stating that \"all christians get the bullet\" or the like. I'm sure if you just search for \"get the bullet\" or \"christians get the bullet\" you'll find it. Obviously due to the nature of what we are doing, this sort of thing CAN come from infiltrators rather than serious people; which is why I don't use these instances to paint with a broad brush. What *has* shocked me when I have seen such statements is a lack of condemnation of them. But that could be because a lot of people mute such maniacs and so never see what they say. How many followers did this account have? how old is said account Name said account. I hope you didn't ask me for this because you thought I was making it up? \"National Socialist. Germanic pagan. Flat chested 13 year old dog girl. Pop-up headlight enthusiast. YayoiP #AnimeRight \" I do not think I would put to much credibility in that account bro. I don't! But what I find interesting is how few people have counter-signaled. Well whats to counter signal? its a little like the village retard marching around town screaming that dog dick tastes delicious, everyone knows it isn't true but its just not worth the effort to say otherwise. Fair enough!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A retard delivered these abortions of bombs, and was in fact so super retarded that it all swung back around into genius and looks like option ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"9\/11 converage and after that was all media bullshit. When trump was elected that's when it went all retard because of the complete take over of the media by the Chinese and the Jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KianteDevuan_: Beautiful smiles and colored eyes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Antifa WILL fuck up and attack the wrong person, either in a very bad optics video or just someone with the right connections to bring the pain. They are not disciplined, as the faggot kicking that sweet pro-life girl proved. Their day of judgment is much nearer than they or you blackpilled fools think.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hang em by their cunts and hang em high.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to shoot the next d i s a b l e d person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Better than spending it on muzzie invaders","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And she got those two years for _'sexual interference'_ What the fuck is this shit They don't even use the word 'rape' But if it's a man, he's going to jail for the rest of his life Is it rape down to ther age or was it rape propper? I mean i know some.hench 14 year oldS who would gladley let a older woman get them drunk then rock ther world? I guess the boys parents may not be so happy though?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can call anybody anything. It's a free country and it needs to be kept that way. Meanwhile, Israeli citizens like Feinstein and Devilee Wasserman Schultz demand open borders in the United States as the Israeli citizen, Chuck Schumer, shuts down the government for illegal immigrants. @Deplorme https:\/\/youtu.be\/rVyCfJ5cOOA COULD YOU IMAGINE IF A WHITE PERSON IN EUROPE OR THE USA OR CANADA USED A RACIAL SLUR ON IMMIGRANTS?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid fucking NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a clam shame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone else notice a bunch of new retard liberals on GAB ? negative scores and nothing to say but the same old mockingbird narrative crap, mental hostpitals are going to be needed after disclosure.. #Qanon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A flaming faggot AND defender of the Jewish cult. Color me shocked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid feminists. For FUCK sake! Just....Just....fucking kill yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"America fought and has always fought on the wrong side of every war! This is the TRUTH! Whatever a Jew accuses someone of they are guilty. JEWS are LIARS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chris Paul trash LMFAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"did they just publicly get away with calling Obama a nigger, and Hillary a bitch... and they didnt even die in a mysterious plane crash?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without disabled people like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people rapefugees. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @radiomaru: nerds are cool because they get really judge-y about other nerds being passionate about things they aren't passionate abo ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KenSuttling Yankees beat then in the Grapefruit league the other day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Newsome is a fucking nutcase. Someone should do what that cunt teacher said about our justice Kavanaugh. He will totally destroy California if he wins, it's pretty much damaged beyond repair now!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, just the billions of women that roam it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"There is still time left for 2018 to become \"the year of nigger neo-nazi rabbi spree-killings.\" - Luis Castillo https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/whoops-neo-nazi-skinhead-niggers-assassinate-jewish-rabbi\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HERE'S A SCARY THOUGHT FOR HALLOWEEN! If the corrupt communist Democrats squirm their way back into Congress House majority - wack-job Maxine Waters will control the House Finance Committee. Scary WITCH Maxine's first priority: CANCEL TAX CUTS, RAISE YOUR TAXES!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Black lives matter!' Not an excuse to act like a cunt and think you can get away with it...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That really shouldn't surprise anyone. If a man were to try to live as a woman and integrate into common, traditional women's groups and keep up that facade about who they were for that length of time, he would need therapy too. It takes an entire childhood to learn how to be an adult man or woman. I think sex and gender are biologically linked and absolutely fundamental to who we are as people, and attempting to circumvent something that fundamental for that extended of a period of time is likely to cause distress that needs to be rectified. What she did is essentially begin the same type of transition that a MtoF transgendered person faces, without the therapist to help. Part of that transition involves getting LOTS of therapy and ensuring at every step that this is the way the patient really wants to live, and teaching them how to live as their desired sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JustTooMuchCake Lmao. it bel ike that nowadays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Angela Merkel's End Could Spark EU Implosion!!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2k2DHw9HmZc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nope RT @DerekIsNormal: Just ordered Domino's. Am I trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What this all amounts to, the ire and anger over @CarolynEmerick by christians, is that they are all so ass blasted that a woman is standing for something and leading by example. get the fuck over it ,really","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MFW when spics use the internet to promote white genocide -_- It's time to go spic hunting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, look at her! Nobody but a nigger would fuck a white woman that ugly and think he was getting away with anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tell us the backstory,please From the earliest days of Gab there was a verified user called @lf6 He would post inane memes with a picture of his goofy face and Bible verses or platitudes and they would trend with 500+ votes. He was obviously running an upvote botnet. As Gab's users dwindled he eventually stopped. Day after Torba's wedding he returns with bot upvoted crap. I called him out. AH, THE INTERNECINE FEUDS.... Torba being friends with a botnet operating spammer who is gaming Gab to pump his garbage into popular posts is kind of a big deal. (cont) I deduced that he was a personal friend of Torba's who had attended the wedding in real life, and that relationship explained the blue checkmark for a non-pro account that used a fake name that was never big on Twitter. I kept hammering away at him until he first deleted his entire timeline to cover up the bot upvotes, then suicided his entire account.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still a cunt move","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JustReIatabIe: when you die on flappy bird http:\/\/t.co\/Pu7uqxJFMc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NYC Media last week: LOL, look at the flyover peckerwoods freaking out.NYC Media now: BRING OUT YOUR DEAD.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's called a tie u dumb nigger ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Buckm00se I don't like the sand nigger but it's entertaining like 6 knockdowns","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many faggots in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time and again utter failure. Nationalism and violence just don't go together it doesn't work !!!! period. Anyone advocating for or carrying out acts of political violence should be hounded out of our movement without mercy. www.order","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jim, you have no fucking idea how God Damn ridiculous you look still peddling this nonsense. Even the originators of the screenshots are now on record saying there's nothing here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You dumb, unthinking fuckers never have an answer for the most basic question that completely demolishes your retarded ideas, and I fucking hate you. Always a stupid 1 liner response as if you're the victim of some insane level of idiocy, when we already know things like gassing minorities has already happened in other places. Fuck off. 'im a faggot Ok'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That boy is probably safer in the Ukraine than he is in faggot Swedenistan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's about time this man took responsibility for his own screw ups. Now I can declare this feud with Maverick over. As for a certain woman that drives me nuts? That could go on for years. maybe if you didn't obsess over her and be a creepy fucker about Toro, none of this would've happened :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still have a photo of Mr. Dick Nigger when we were still dating...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They just have to ruin everything, don't they?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tony died for this gross fucking succubus. He wasn't exactly a saint himself. Clearly he wasn't as bad as her, but he's the one who enabled her behavior if what is being claimed is true... You don't just pay off her victims, you dump that bitch and tell the cops. He mentioned several times that before he rose to fame, he was an absolute degenerate and a cunt to everyone, and that it didnt reall change through his life, but he abhored what Weinstein did and other he thought were better than that. I highly doubt he paid off the kid while knowing he was shagging the grooming paedophile. that's the restaurant industry for you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What 'cha doin' America? Oh...just waiting to hang the cunt and the muslim nigga'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"May the cunt be raped with a broken bottle at the earliest opportunity!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your understanding of history is faulty, jew. @Spahnranch1969 Says the retard who doesn't understand history. The Nazis were evil, you fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need an FBI investigation and warrant to seize the lawyer's computers. Yes, all Feinstein and Ford lawyers computers need to be taken by the Department of Justice to find the leaker of the Kavanaugh accusation. We need to expose the collusion between Feinstein and the lawyers of Ford.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah a lot of girls are just thots nowadays. Saw them a lot during middle school and even currently in high school to an extent. nah that is just your sleazy slimy mind thinking you are superior to females and so think you have some right to look down on them on your imaginary pedestal you set your mind up on and it's the policy of the morally bankrupt overseeing the morals of women and men like you are so pious whilst you are doing it those girls have never even heard of you and don't even know you exist and still you insist they are dressing like that to tempt you, you the morally bankrupt? Men like you would swim through rivers of snot and vomit if you thought there was at least a chance of a sexual encounter on the other side, wouldn't you? [removed] Is this satire? It's sadly not I wish it was satire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of retarded shit is that? I'd lose my job for this kind of \"study\". Restricting population to urban whites with a college degree? Yeah, that's representative. UPD: Posting more \"research\" like that will get you muted. You're free to pollute Gab, I'm free not to waste my time on stupidity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ shut up lizard faggot nigger cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course the Muslim is staring at a image of the man he stiffed. Soros gave bummer millions with the understanding that the wigger would do his bidding. The Muslim took the cash and did exactly what he wanted and screwed Soros in the process. No honor amongst thieves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Waiting for brownies. I want brownies. Someone hooks it up?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only tax payers should vote. No more welfare whores and retarded college kids voting. And if my cucked Washington State passes gun control and the carbon tax my Dad and I will be taking our business to Alaska, Idaho or Montana. Seattle is already a homeless shit hole and they keep pushing businesses away. I'm nervous myself about","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And this sheeit really, she's not even in the Senate! She's in the house. Wtf she doing there greating feinstein Jew lawyers in her sick fucking North Beach cabal? You may want to sit down. Sheila Jackson Lee has a Bachelor's from Yale University and a JD from the University of Virginia. So she may not be your average she-boon ..... but I can't say. Just another nigger w a head to me. After his head is pulled right off at the miscalculated drop at the hanging. NIGGER BASTARD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wetbacks don't understand the U.S. Constitution because their disrespect for this country has been encouraged. The wetback shouted about the lack of due process, showing she clearly doesn't understand that Brett Kavanaugh was cheated out of that 36 years ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Was (((spartacus))) a faggot also?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you noticed all the ghetto people naming their kids after cars? Mercedes Lexus Repossessed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ovomit is a half nigger piece of muzzie shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"geoff at one point started ranting about \"glow in the dark cia niggers\" on the side of the road and made homicidal threats toward them\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An end to forced arbitration in cases of harassment and discrimination for all current and future employees; >","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's what these cunts do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Time to charge these traitors with violating their oath of office!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boy! The #NPCBomber has sure been busy today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saudi TV had to pixelate Angela Merkel's hair to avoid plunging the nation into uncontrollable sexual excitement... close call ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people nigger. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Amazing jewish dominance of CNN....masters at Fake News Someone has to be extremely RETARDED to believe CNN's Jew bullshit! Jews are LIARS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A few years back some twats protested a Japanese cultural exhibition because it was \"cultural appropriation\" (despite the fact that people arranging that were Japanese themselves). The leader of that protest was a...Chinese American. If that can happen,this isn't far fetched.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"youre so buried up to your ass in ideological partisan bullshit that you recoil in horror to \"cuck,\" even though the word was used correctly unironically. there was no partisan reason the word was used. they used the word in its correct format and your first reaction was to tie it to politics because thats how fucking superficial you have become. if you are into open relationships, you are, by definition, a cuck. You probably didnt even realize thats what the word meant. yeah, no shit he used the word \"unironic.\" he was using the term correctly, you hollow little cunt. edit awww....that little twat \/u\/lemme_lick_ur_hair reported me for >user reports: 1: It's targeted harassment at someone else lol. \"ignore reports.\" Yes, finding someone else's activities to be weird definitely means that those activities are instantly bad. Some people enjoy having a person stand over them and taking a shit on them. Do I find that enjoyable? No, I find it repulsive. I cannot fathom why anyone would ever enjoy that. But, if both parties enjoy it, are not harming each other, and are not doing it in front of people who don't want to be seeing it, then there's nothing wrong with it. Btw, how's this for a sentence: Mentally-retarded people are some fucking weird dudes and I don't like them. Gays are some fucking weird dudes and I don't like them. Midgets are some fucking weird dudes and I don't like them. Now obviously those groups are different to people who enjoy cuckold sex, but the issue is not in what they are or do, it is in your opinion. You're allowed to think it's weird and you certainly don't have to do it, but don't judge other people for doing so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that black people are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@UdrewhendersonU Nope. Super chocolatey yummy brownies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Designer belt with a trash fit is still trash..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you feel the desperation of these weak Nazis just before the USA midterms? IT IS AS BAD AS THE DEMONRATS. DAMN! No wonder these \"socialists\" (Nazis and demonrats) are the same kind of people both INFECTED by the hive mind virus... :eek: +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Fuk off 2 Twitter jackass. You talk 2 much bull shit for 1 person. U fuking regurgitate shit, u know fuk all about neo Nazis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @churchofbasebal: And people say baseball is boring? #redskins","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Communists and Fascists are two sides of the same retarded coin. Both are moronic fools that end up destroying their own countries.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get the cunt and obama","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Destroy the Dems November 6th #vote Does Maggot Maxine even understand the impeachment process? Does this low IQ skank parasite understand that 67 Senators would need to vote to remove? I am in her district..#","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Cantwell If you like stability and civilization you should support monogamy. Is it not obvious that one of the reasons we had social stability is due to monogamy? Polygamy destabilizes the nation. Look at the Arab countries and terrorism. With chimps, the betas gang up on\/kill the alpha. The NAP goes out the window if people aren't invested in the society. the most \"stable\" American society - Mormonism - was founded upon polygyny no, it can't be maintained indefinitely, but it is a means to overcome present adversities Well I don't think Mormonism is a \"American society\", it's like a religion or cult within a society. Mormonism works well in a host nation for a few reasons. Most mormons aren't polygamous. It's not all consuming like Islam (i.e. there are secular and women of other religions to feed on) while I empathize with your opinion, Mormonism is a religion, a culture, and a society it is without doubt derived from American civilization even if we describe it as a descendant of American civilization and not a part of America despite mainstream Mormonism's rejection of polygyny, the fundamentalist branches use polygyny to grow that's a lesson for us Ive been that guy w\/ >1 gf\/date [note: money isnt a limit] I understand that makes other men angry it's not hard to spin plates in this modern (post-1960's) era but... polygyny (>1 woman marriage) requires women officially share a husband - most wont do that even if facing crushing loneliness and many women wont share male attention b4 marriage 2\/ It should be somewhat obvious this is parallel to Arab societies and the causes for the terrorism is similar. Like... who the fuck wants to live in a society like that? It's really nigger tier shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This ain't scientific and the chart is from 2016, but guess which States will surprise the pundits this mid-term election? Red Tsunami. Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes on that... Blacks support for Trump is at over 20% (was 8% in 2016) Hispanics support for Trump is over 35% (was 28% in 2016) Polls say Whites support for Trump went down 10% since 2016 but I fail to see why, with all of the Economic news. Why would Black\/Hispanic support go up and Whites down? Come November, the media pundits will need a few noodles to hang on to when the Red Tsunami will wash over them. Still - Go Vote!... Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding https:\/\/media.infowars.com\/videos\/c4d28267-86e4-4ee1-960a-ede1a9d9c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Lov3Tadaisha a box full of yellow crayons.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lmao I can't believe retards like you actually exist. End yourself asap > End yourself asap No, you. Fucking incel. stay mad that your retarded insult is incorrect 99% of the time haha faggot :) cunt! That's just makes you a dumb cunt. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sexual deviant Met chief defends cowardly deputy who locked himself in car during terrorist rampage: https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/10\/12\/met-chief-defends-deputy-locked-car-terrorist-rampage\/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw via @telegraphnews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The schools in the suburbs of Chicago pay stupid money. At my high school all our gym teachers had a 6 figure salary. The soccer coach who was also a gym teacher was pulling in around 600k. Absolute cunt of a person too. Because they had too much fucking money. The school was getting something like 22k per student every semester from the state. It was a great school but they ruined it by shitty management. By my Junior year the school was basically put on probation because our test scores were super shitty. And our soccer team wasn't even good. This guy was using the school's team to basically funnel people into his travel soccer team. There were players that sucked dick at soccer but were on Varsity for being in his travel team and players who were amazing but not in varsity because they weren't part of his travel team. Absolute cunt of person.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Might be the best thing this rich cunt has done in her embarrassing tenure. So. Kudos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nope, def don't like Tom of Finland either, sick faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">using an engine that can't even do keybindings right I really like Fallout 4 but can we all talk for a minute about how the FUCKING HEAVY ATTACK IS THE SAME GODDAMN FUCKING BUTTON AS THE GRENADE THROW BECAUSE I WANT TO DROP A NUKE GRENADE WHEN I AM IN KISSING DISTANCE OF SOME CUNT. Whomever was in charge of that decision should be gently sodomized by a camel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that Muslims deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BLACK leftists hate black people that aren't leftists. If you aren't on their team, you're a legitimate target. If you ARE on their team, you're a complete ass and barely worth the price of a bullet. That redneck motherfucker needs his tiny little baby maker kicked inside out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".@MSNBC Producer Promotes GoFundMe for Kavanaugh Accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/msnbc-producer-promotes-gofundme-for-kavanaugh-accuser-dr-christine-blasey-ford\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking nigger bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Looks like a dead heat so far between Reverend and the Makers (I know, me neither) and Major Farley (the Rupert who has no idea of the shit-storm he's whipped up) for \"UK Internet Twat of the Week.\" Still it's only Monday. I'm sure some cunt of a politician will roar past them both soon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No,He Doesn't Need A Fuckin Time Out,What Is This Faggot Facebook,Twitter Or Instagram ? Someone Kneecap This MotherFucker,Shatter His Ankle,Stab His Kidney,Something Short Of Death,Just To Fuck Up His Life Completely,He'll Be Depressed,Attempt Suicide,Fail,Become Partially Paralyzed,Need A Colostomy Bag,He'll Die Painfully Of Organ Failure","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He look nothing like his evil cunt dad look like Muslim in breed Popeye were your mum was mum a test tube","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll wish it out loud. I hope that snaggle tooth, nasty ass looking cunt is fucking dead. And I hope it was extremely painful. I may even pray tonight for her to languish in a more vegetative state than normal, then die after she shits herself a few times.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SenMikeLee just pulled out his pocket Constitution! Bring it man! @tedcruz just mocked McCain's wacko-birds comment! HaHaHa!!!!! #standtall","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You immigrants keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Literally just got up and the first thing I did was chug a huge glass of water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To Democrats... everything is rape Where was she keeping her phone that made it feel like rape? Inquiring minds......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":":o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Nigger is gone. Deal with the NOW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common immigrant trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Reveals ANOTHER Accuser Claims She Saw Kavanaugh Spike Punch and Abuse Girls https:\/\/bit.ly\/2OFQpjv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Doesn't speak well of flake if he is that easily bought! We must return to the Hits of yesteryear! Flake is a RINO. This was all just more leftist stagecraft. They gave flakey Flake a part to play, and he played it like a good little globalist. Why does Soros still walk? That can work both ways! Can you imagine? This woman who attacked Flake, was Faking that she was Raped, to shame the Senator, in the elevator. Let that sick in. Colombians don't have much experience with democracy; in keeping with what she's familiar with, she took a bribe. So gross. Flake is a coward. I would never let these assholes intimidate me! Give it back double and back it up with a gun! Dunno but deal me in! Me too. Soros himself is not the mastermind. He is the minion of the Rothschilds... Does she know what can legally happen when someone fears for their families safety? This is going to bite them in the ass...... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like this lady. Seems like a role model for both men and women on how to have an open mind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @kingdomofwench: @graceishuman I've also seen a lot of that \"We're Democrats and we're for Charlie Baker!\" ad which makes me want to scr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Capitol Police have arrested Jackson A Cosko associated with the doxxing of senators. https:\/\/redd.it\/9l68r0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ThingsIWillTeachMyChild how to play deez niggas n bitches dat be snakes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"theres like a hand book of faggot looks white liberal rely on, I swear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since we're not talking about politics but economics, taking a central position isn't a bad thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I despise construction workers. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pathetic Soy boys..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a radical faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My God, the cancer is spreading","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the ACLU, just a group of racist nigger trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't want to play as a sexless character. It makes the games boring. They have no soul. I'll play as a female character. That could potentially be amazing and something really fresh, assuming it isn't some masculinized chick who \"kicks ass. Make her smart and mentally and emotionally strong instead of some physical brute that overpowers professional soldiers at will (something I've though was dumb about ac games to date as well). Being vulnerable isn't being weak. It's overcoming limitations and vulnerability that makes characters strong. >I'll play as a female character. That could potentially be amazing and something really fresh, assuming it isn't some masculinized chick who \"kicks ass. >Make her smart and mentally and emotionally strong instead of some physical brute that overpowers professional soldiers at will (something I've though was dumb about ac games to date as well). So... you're supporting Anita Sarkeesian then? She makes this exact argument and built her entire Master's Thesis around it; Men With Tits are bad because they perpetuate the privileging of \"masculine values\" above \"feminine values.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TweetLikeAGirI: when other girls wear beanies they look cute and stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus. I just went to \/r\/RPG and read the thread. I think I now have super cancer... They keep referencing back to rpg.net's super bulletproof citations for why the policy is just and why they don't have to ban their own circle-jerk politics. I love this \"citation\" for the reason the policy was implemented: *It is clear from context that his embrace of \"nationalism is a dog-whistled love note to white nationalists.* Where the fuck is the citation? Your opinion is not a citation. smh Or this: *He is attempting to stoke fear and violence in other arenas, as well. [ https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/w...-a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @anallanusa32: 83 you're really cool you're good at basketball. And your a zebra is this @WillBall4Life?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Tattoo_MyLife cuz the whole team trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, this don lemon house nigger extraordinaire, literally sucks a shit covered big white dick every night and he wants to call kangye west an uncle Tom?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swarms of lobbyists are infesting our government. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckall disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump defends Kavanaugh: Very scary time for young men in America' https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/administration\/409486-trump-very-scary-time-for-young-men-in-america#.W7PKpRivAUw.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".Thank you Ms. Asshole Cuntface Coulter for feeding into the frenzy which has caught a majority of jerk off nazi racist assholes into wanting to commit outright murder in the streets but this is typical of a faggot ass #Jesuit #FalseFlag Psyops!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well Twat, I don't mute anyone here at Gab so what! Oh no, I bully a lot. I AM a big bull...a big dick...not a little bunny or twat like you...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THATS RIGHT GUYZ!!!!! EDRAY WON BECUZ DARKSCYTHE'S DISCORD CRASHED FOR A MINUTE!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BobKlap: Asked Betances before the game if he d like to be a starter again someday. If the Yankees ever asked me, I would. But I m a r ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Photo Emerges Of Georgia's Dem Governor Nominee Burning State Flag https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37467\/photo-emerges-democrat-stacey-abrams-burning-ryan-saavedra","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In which the author pulls a cute little rhetorical trick in which you're either pro feminism, or an abusive cunt sending death threats to Anita Sarkeesian. The notion that there's nothing wrong with representation of women in video games, that the feminist attacks on games are disingenuous cherry picking nonsense somehow fails to find a way into the author's headspace.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CHARLESBARRKLEY hey Sir house nigger, uncle tom aren't you from grand ole Mississippi, I rest my case!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drudge is a faggot Jew, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sgt at Arms Refused?? Damn Wait I knew a couple of Generals were running interference Didn't know it was five of 'em Again Damn When the Truth Finally comes out I hope EVERYONE Responsible for helping that Faggot get in finds their asses in GITMO facing the Highest Punishment Possible","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LMAO Joe was calling whitehouse offering advice. Yeah the President cares what a disgraced FORMER redneck House guy from fl says #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All Muslims are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fellow white women, have a heart. Give your guns, your income, and your freedom to me. If you don't, you are \"too far gone . Do you get it now, white girls? You're not allowed to think for yourself. You are required by coercive measures to think and act as you are told. Otherwise, you are bad. But guess what? You're always going to be the evil scapegoat. No matter how hard you virtue signal, no matter how many black guys you date, the end game is your genocide. You better wake the fuck up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At pussy cat lounge killin it with my girlz @blaqdior and @hpmiss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So sick of being around immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @wleerpcv: My Chinese social media feed is in total hysteria over the onset of bird flu and recent dead pigs in the river in #Shang ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have a Great Friday #GabFam Good Afternoon J.W.!! Idk...They downvote pics of puppies too...LOL people are fuggin wastes of oxygen Unfortunately some are...smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TomasAllende","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll use the faggot as a personal flotation device and fish bait when I get hungry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha! Do you not know any immature girls? I have one on Snap who's 14 and will always post shit about her on\/off boyfriend. They go from \"Forever and Always (because she's happy with him) to \"I'm single. None of these people take me seriously. They're all hoes who take me for granted (because her boyfriend got tired of her bullshit) To \"Sike! You thought. Me and my man' are Gucci. (Because her boyfriend remembered \"Better the devil you know, than the angel you've just met. ) Tl;dr It's good for you that you don't know these people. Probably lives by... which rule number is it, all girls on the internet are men until proven otherwise? Whatever that shit is people use to justify being cunts to everyone they assume is lying on the internet. She frequently posts screenshots of guys trying to hit on her or flirt with her through DM and mocks them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and#x200B; and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[Yeah man its so racist the artist captured biologically accurate features](https:\/\/imgur.com\/t4Sb22a.jpg) She has a big nose, she has big lips it would have been more racist to portray her with white western features, I bet if the artist did it would be \"Serena Williams WHITEWASHED by Micro-Aggressivist!!\". If the artist had wrote a caption like \"Typical nigger behavior\" or added irrelevant information about black people having a high crime rate, then maybe it would be racist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lightskin_chink: This vine still funny as shit to me \"How many niggers are in my store\"? https:\/\/t.co\/t7rUJTKEi1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree though. People shouldn't just walk around in only underwear. Not only is there a big risk of people or kids seeing your privvies, but also a health risk. Prepare to be downvoted by the hundreds of sex offenders on this sub lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only gay people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seriously, like, don't shove your masculine bacon down my throat. You know? Like companies need to choose a fucking flavor gender and stick with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@desamador you gotta be like me n the twins, just chug it all before everyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"America is a country that has been gutted spiritually. All the old values - if there were any in the first place - are gone. There are too many competing ethnic groups for us to have common ideals anymore, not counting the ideals imposed from above by the amoral Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every TERF post I've ever read can be summarized as: \"There is no rational basis for disputing the gender binary and as evidence in support I would like to point out that MEN ARE TRASH gah PaTriarChy rawrawrawrawr...\" \"It's all completely fucking arbitrary that every society on the planet has divided the population between sperm and penis havers and egg and uterus havers. We should abolish this recognition between the two so-called \"sexes\" or understanding of how babies are made.\" Trans people who say that are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Demokkkrats dropping off Ford.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sorry, women actually like men that are not lazy cunts Soooo you're saying women are generally lazy cunts for staying at home? Seems a bit harsh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"------>RT @Maxin_Betha @HumbltonBanks ankle socks in general are for the faggots bro","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All black people should fuck off forever. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lord have mercy some people don't understand when they've won and to just move on. She sounds a bit intoxicated or something. She obviously wasn't thinking clearly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't hit Women. Just fuck them and make them pregnant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's get rid of women once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TRUST ME #Seattle> WE GIVE #Thanksgiving it's DUE> A huge, flightless bird? Dream come true for European bird eaters.......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching that arrogant potato nigger get tapped was truly a great sight to see.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No shit...I'd get a divorce and move to a different country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Bidenshairplugs: I can't believe the cops shot this fine young man. There goes the cure for cancer...#FergusonOctober http:\/\/t.co\/Leb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q #TheAwakening #MAGA #Pegida #Afd What have I learned today? Satanists are just pathetic weakling edgelord teenagers who argue like SJWs and have nothing of value to say. mysteriousm14 is the perfect example of such a loser faggot. I mean seriously, you think believing in nothing and being less than nothing means you have more than one who has the truth on his side? How much of a faggot retard would you have to be in order to believe that. Someone needs to euthanize mysteriousm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No comment on whether or not she will be charged with making a false accusation, I see. Par for the course. No punishment for false accusers, because what about all the real victims who won't be able to distinguish between a malicious, lying cunt being punished for an actual crime and a real victim being punished for reporting it. Our society is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here he is taking the piss out of a Light Heavyweight Kickboxing World Champion. Are you going to go and sort him out too coward @True_Brit ? lol Are you really do scared that you need to beg for help from GAB users? You show cowardice throughout your life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need to treat human like human, ghost like ghost and faggot like faggot. https:\/\/twitter.com\/AmyMek\/status\/1046612295252676610","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Communist DYKE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People need to understand that black people are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even if disabled people are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course human rights should not apply to Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ananavarro Liberals are the ones with a mental illness. It's like a zombie plague in America today. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/prpK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Written by a retarded lolbertarian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Boo Hoo! I found the unethical attorney and her perjury committing, lying cunt client to be very hurtful","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Right on, even have some #Cdn content with that faggot hairdresser in Toronto showing how Left\/Lib\/ProgTards are a clear danger to society. Woke Canadians know that Trump and the RIGHT are the answer, NO DemoRats, NO #Cuckservatives, JUST Republicans, PERIOD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweden Indicts Woman Who Tried to Block Afghan Man's Deportation on Flight... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/D833","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid nigger chink lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If 65% of the nation is a \"tiny fringe of likely rapists\", you might be a retard. > you might be a retard. And this is a R1 violation so here's your R1 warning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yankees should have NEVER gave away Melky. Guy can flat out HIT. #yankees #giants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KneeGrow Joe, has anybody told you you look like the pre-white Michael Jackson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muzzie stomped the potato nagger with the big mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I meant in Arizona. You're right about Romney. If we get down to 51 or 52 and he gets to grand stand along with those abortion loving cunts from Alaska and Maine, we're fucked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or when you're in my neighborhood RT @clairelea18: You know you're in the mexcian ghetto when... http:\/\/t.co\/1Vq0OcrseV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"even worse. it's a pisslamic nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really did not say that you sick cunt. You however wish rape upon me and others like me. People who think she got off lightly. You really are sick minded if you think me saying she got a slap on the wrist meant that I want her to go out and fuck kids. BTW ya blocked.. i'd rather not see comments by people who condone the raping of others.. so grow up you vile .. i was gonna say person.. but you don't deserve that honourific.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"yeah but a muzzie was fucking the goat, so she saved it !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this really a KiA topic? I like linux, I dislike DRM, but...what does it have to do with ethics in gaming journalism? Hope this doesn't come across as rude, just wondering how you linked this to that. It has nothing to do with Ethics. But is has to do with Gaming and Censorship, the two other pillars here on KiA. I've read the article, and people are being VAC banned for using Steam Play on a multiplayer game. I don't see what is being censored? I'm glad to have read it, I use Steam Play and will tread more carefully, I just don't understand what makes it a KiA topic. It would make sense in \/r\/linux, \/r\/linux_gaming, \/r\/SteamPlay, \/r\/SoulCalibur\/, etc? I would recommend you post this article in those subs then. That's not my point, desire, or intention. I don't understand what is being censored here, I'm not attacking you I'm asking for an explanation as I still don't understand the point you're trying to make with this article and I want to understand. Y'all can go fuck yourselves for downvoting me for trying to understand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See also RDR2, where one of the bigger hype points about it was horse balls being more realistic. My wife ordered it for me because I played the hell out of the first one, and I gave it a good 30 seconds of thought before refunding. The fact this is in mod voice makes it even better, as though it's an indisputable fact. That said, yeah, it's not even in the running. It's good, but it takes more than good to beat Super Metroid. Oh, no, it also has bugs to offer that keep people out of your group for whole chapters if you use a checkpoint.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I went outside and got mad bc this weather is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservative Chick: Joy Behar: Republicans only interested in retaining their white power in this country' (Video) https:\/\/truthuncensored.net\/joy-behar-republicans-only-interested-in-retaining-their-white-power-in-this-country-video\/ They vanilla oreo's, white on the outside ignorant as fk in the center","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I was less of a bastard to other people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You gay people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"idk man, I think you need to piss someone off along the line. I've posted to T_D, KiA, CringeAnarchy and never been banned from a sub I haven't been to. I know it does happen, but I really think you have to piss off a faggot mod who mods like 12 subs then he'll hit you for it. I wonder what he did with his Lauren Southern character after they all found out that she once had a black boyfriend? Something even creepier than making her a retarded Annie Oakley?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're going to make the school look so redneck tomorrow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought that chick was dead?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sure have 'nigger' on the brain. . . too much nigger in your ass, and it's overflowing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm impressed you can type and suck Jack's dick at the same time. Are you a naturally talented faggot ... or did you practice?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JOscarJr: @paullemat Happy Birthday! Take a spin in that yellow coupe... #shutemdown http:\/\/t.co\/xGy7gIGOn8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"its only bad when its against gay people https:\/\/redd.it\/9npnhv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Huh kids like this with crazy eyes and weird moves lurking around are scary. Please mama of this creeper cuff him and sent him to an asylum ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a black person to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also known as faggot book","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anti-LGBT people ,How sad and ignorant...I cant believe it..How how ??? can they not see how STUPID they are?????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GulagUniversity #rrraus #zioReverseEvolution #MartinLuther WIR sind #deutscherTrump (YesWeCan.) Motto: **WENN Medien nicht mehr ans eigne Volk glauben (wollen), wer versagte?!** https:\/\/jungefreiheit.de\/politik\/deutschland\/2018\/es-wird-zeit-dass-wir-in-projekten-denken\/ [AutophpGab] Viel Gluck!! No sarcasm...win Germany back..this will require Men to Stand Up. Do not be deterred. Think of Arminius and free yourselves from the Fascists who would enslave you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That song proves what a talented motherfucker he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can turn a man's children against him through godless propaganda, but you can never turn a nigger white. Race matters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all trans people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be fair, when I first started posting in the CQ topic I was calling for unity too and was called a Jew, Christcuck and Pasta Nigger for my efforts. Yes, there are assholes in the Christian community here. There are also assholes in the Pagan community though, but a lot of the time they get a pass because \"muh race is muh religion\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I liked Bushmaster. He was a simple man. His family got robbed. He wanted to get back what was his and deal with those who robbed them. He did, and then he just went away. He didn't decide to suddenly go off the deep end of villainy after that. He didn't decide that killing Luke was what 'really mattered' like every retard who tries to rob one bank, then spends the rest of his career trying to kill Spider-man for foiling him that one time fifty years back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jumpmastere8 @dmcgowen1776 @visitorvisiting its retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's weird. Why would oppressed \"refugees carry a flag from the country they're fleeing the oppression from? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, And why are they all men?!?!? #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA This mirrors exactly the migrants into Europe. #WhiteGenocide These aren't Refugees or qualified for asylum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of women once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I miss Twinkies and Susie Qs. Tragic loss to society. What is next? Pixie Turtles?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck him and his prophet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have you hugged a wacko-bird today?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"get this bitch a based nigger to breed with","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Be gentle please That's what McGowan said in response to Asia being accused. After she said to \"believe all victims no matter what back in November .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He must be a virgin Who hurt him? A spade is a spade. Sometimes it's just the most convenient and terse form of description. In fairness to our brothers at TRP - not a single thing of these is said over there apart from frame. And just because he is Brad Pitt doesn't guarantee his frame is unshakable. A common saying from TRP is \"she is not yours, its only your turn\". So they aknowledge that women will eventually leave you, no matter how well you did. Downvoted for lack of reading comprehension. dude, do you know what \/s means? I shouldn't even have to use the \/s, it is incredibly obvious that I am being sarcastic either way. Totally ...here have a point back because...well...some ppl are dopes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anjem Choudary released from prison: Here's what's next | Jack Buckby https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=erV8k2vwljs Wish it were that simple Drew, there who be a line from Lands End to John O'Groats of people willing to pull the trigger on this piece of filth, alas the shitbag has 'Uman Rights and we have no handguns. (Legally) Tsk. Guess I'll just has t'doo it meself. Plonk in, bastards... (well, a 'hit' farking costs, dunnit?!!).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UN-CONTROLLED MIGRANT HORDE OVERRUN MEXICAN BORDER Army of migrants smash through Mexican border fences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#MAGA #TRUMP #AMYSCHUMERLANDWHALE FUCK NAZIS!!! OBAMA DID 2008 FOLLOW IF YOU SUPPORT AMERICA!!! IM BACK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just because a nigger killed a kike doesn't mean white people should jump on the Kayne West bandwagon. Niggers kill indiscriminately. That is bcuz they R of the tribe of Canaanites which our creator, God WARNED US 2 STAY AWAY FROM THEM. They have FALLEN ANGEL BLOOD WITHIN ALL OF THEM! As God created the white Adamic Isrealite race, Lucifer created the black race, Jews, and other mixed mud races! Thou hast given us like sheep appointed for meat; and hast scattered us among the heathen. Psalms 44:11 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Being blind would make me want suicide. Go kill yourself kid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are nothing like us and that's why they deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A bitch like me will fight, so please don't forget that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/l.facebook.com\/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcanadafreepress.com%2Farticle%2Fbehind-the-honduran-march-on-america-barack-obama%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3yE5nsQXSgjRMnD7P8FMPQD-H3GXsFk_TUumMYFdrXc8PnZHhjeh-DYK8%","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exactly, it's retarded beyond words...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sid Vicious - My Way https:\/\/youtu.be\/rDyb_alTkMQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stance socks trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The sort of retarded post I would expect to see from a Women's Studies student. Most don't hate other races, that takes valuable energy from useful pursuiits. The people you are wagging your finger at want to see other races on the National Geographic channel, not destroying Western Civilisation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kill the muzzie would-be rapist, kill the police who come to arrest. Whites must become absolutely addicted to killing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> It really is just a question of performance and voicework. Kassandra's Melissanthi Mahut is stellar, while Alexios' Michael Antonakos is just not on the same level, though I don't mean to pick on him personally. They always fucking do this man. Denigrate the male voice actor. It's so contrived and shitty of them. They're doing it for political reasons. Like, male shep voice actor was good, but got this all the time. I just want the option to play big scary guys with rough voices, especially in rpgs. The closest I got is Doomguy I guess, and surprisingly showing how much personality you can do with gestures and without showing the face of the character. Voice acted protagonist was one of the big mistakes of Fallout No retard dialogue means no sale I literally restarted Mass Effect 1 about 3 hours into the game because male shep's voice was so lifeless. I'm sure there are people that prefer male shep but acting like anyone who says his voice acting was poor is doing so for ideological reasons is retarded. and#x200B; Still got to romance Liara either way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Talk about splitting the baby... The 120 years doesn't feel like justice. Death penalty wouldn't feel like justice because she got to live her life this long and the children didn't. There is no punishment that could ever feel like justice for a crime this horrible. But that's what she wanted, isn't it? A way to win. Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I traveled back in time to Middle-earth and crept up on my enemy. I slit the hobbit's throat and by reflex vomited into my trembling hand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gonzalez_sassy ur not sassy white trash change ur username","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cher IS A DISEASED FAT LIP WHORE THAT LIKES BIG LONG FAT BOY COCK SHE IS CHEAP TRICK TRASH THAT HATES HER DAUGHTER AND HATES HERSELF LMFAO WHORE DNA SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swarms of Muslims are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@M_A_Larson @SteveStreza You're saying zebras are goth?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most rappers flame out within a few years or less but this kike nigger has been on top for nearly a decade now. I wonder if it could have anything to do with his Jewishness","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"today i start breaking in a new pair of docs have mercy on my soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black bitches don't be kickin up in our school. Bitches still comin wit durags still on they head nd shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is time for Trump to find a natural death or somehow a bullet finds him and puts us out of his misery.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Matty_Kem: My favorite shark is megaldon, my least favorite is a mud shark. They are the worst","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Comedians...too retarded to be able to hold a real job. They rely on other retards to believe they are funny. That's snl's problem, they aren't comedians, haven't been for a long time, they stopped hiring comedians and started hiring drama-club retards who think making a face harder or yelling louder is the same thing as humor. And being the sort of rejects that go to school for that stuff they were especially susceptible to the college indoctrination","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so basically typical Jewish-Ritual-Murder like always? aka \"Blood Libel\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My ex wife did exactly this to me after 14 years of marriage. As a bonus she cleaned out my bank accounts and destroyed my credit too. That was 15 years ago. I am remarried to a great woman now. Seriously classic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your Generation by Generation X. Billy Idol on vocals, prior to his fame as, well, Billy Idol. https:\/\/youtu.be\/o5AZoBaZJPA I just listened to Billy Idols autobiography on audio book. It was really good. He is very smart and humble. I saw him live last year with Morrissey and he looks amazing and still has the pipes. Great energy as well. I was very impressed. Better stage presence then Morrissey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pale cancer! Back to your west pacific ocean","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I live for two-bite brownies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A shockingly true tale from the Oreo that almost got devoured. http:\/\/t.co\/WYIS0LVdsi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"black people are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, gay people would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pretty sure that guy's not friends with the ones that called him a nigger and went right back to advocating for a white ethnostate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Before I take the time to guess, is there such a capital city? Or are you just wasting our time to play a joke? Perhaps Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna, Prague or Moscow? ok but what about the people in madagascar I don't think you can call them people. https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/4807750\/madagascar-plague-spreading-relatives-dancing-corpses-black-death-famadihana\/ Good post. Exterminationism******","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and not a nigger among them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Transsexuals infiltrate Judaism https:\/\/panjewish.org\/2017\/12\/16\/police-obsession-with-daniella\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now that is racist of you to say that. OrC's ArE BaD bECaUSe thEY RApE, pILLaGe aNd MURDer.... Orc's are perfectly peaceful, snd it's comments like this that keep them in their stronghold and prevents them from settling comfortably in whiterun with the rest of us. But i really shouldn't expect much from you, you stormcloak cunt. Yes it's a joke. Sadly the article makes it so i have to clarify. Isn't that pathetic? That in 2018 i have to confirm that pretending someone's comment, about a FICTIONAL race, is racist., Where the helk did society go so horribly wrong?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's Jesus Christ. Fire her. Anything beyond that is bullshit. > Anything beyond that is bullshit. While it may vary from place to place, you are typically excluded from the legality of under 18 age of consent laws if you are in a position of authority. It's pretty easy to understand why it is this way. Authoritative figures have leverage, and can easily manipulate and coerce (ie: I'll fail you if you don't fuck me, etc). The authoritative point you made is definitely valid. But I agree with Tyrell, just fire her, charging her with a felony, thus destroying any chance of a normal life, and locking her in a cage is just barbaric imo. EDIT: Bad spellcheck bad! Throw her ass in jail you wouldn't be saying this shit if she was female. %100 I wouldn't be saying shit because there is a big difference between male and female sexuality at that age. Fucking retard...oh wow now I totally get your point now and respect you. Thank you for your well thought out argument. Your unloving step mom must be so proud of how well you can articulate an argument. Cheers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, no come back from the Nutzi faggot Lulz The pussy mutes ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How on earth did this stunned Nigger ever get Elected ??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cunt already made an apology,she can fuck right off. Exactly - fuck that bastard's apology indeed. No mercy for these cunts now,they went way too far long ago. Filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheFactsBook: Twitter has a bird as its logo, that s why when you join you re an egg, and your home button is a birdhouse. Why am I ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">who gets engaged to a woman that's just going through the process of a divorce. A retard, that's who >A retard, that's who Tried to invite his mistress to the wedding I'd say that checks out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot and a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SelfCuttingGirl @AnthonyCumia I thought he would think it was cute...you know, like when you shut your clam up for 5 minutes! #dunce","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe they don't have nearly as fast of a replacement rate of brain cells as normal people have, maybe the braincells commit sudoku once they know they belong to a liberal, maybe liberals are just so retarded it doesn't matter. Who knows, I don't have any liberal brains I can study for further analysis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"haha. another retarded Australian dumbfuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Elections don't matter. If they did they would not be allowed to exist anymore. If you're still falling for that con, you fully deserve to get fucked over by your \"party of choice\". You asked for it at that point. If they \"don't matter\", then it shouldn't matter, to anyone, if we vote in them, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are a fair few on ASIO's radar. I don't get why they don't take action and deport these parasitic cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mexican hunters You mean taco-Jews? Taco Niggers. Like how Canadians are Moose Niggers, Brits are Tea Niggers. The French are still just Surrender Monkeys, though. Don't forget Italians being tomato niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical t r a n n y behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All these afternoon groups are trash besides the Bubba, Keegs and Furyk group #TheMemorialTournament","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any Muslim like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because street crime is an overwhelmingly black occupation ... https:\/\/www.standard.co.uk\/news\/crime\/stop-and-search-black-people-nine-times-more-likely-to-be-targeted-by-police-than-white-people-a Oh please any twat that lets their daughter be raped by anyone needs killing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/MaxBoot\/status\/1051150486563360768 Seriously just how retarded is this guy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate when white trash try to act like they're my equal. It only makes it that much clearer how white trash they are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah fuck off, just because you are trans does not get you out of the \"act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt\" part of human existence...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cry harder faggot Well, \"harder faggot\" does sound like something you would cry out...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheGamecubeGuy any more birds in school?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what real hate looks like. I mean true hatred of the heart. It's so sad. My heart breaks for him. Please pray that this man here gets right with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord can save him and make him a new creation in Christ. Sure, I love them enough not to murder innocent people who have not threatened me and my family with weapons. I suggest you seek the Lord Jesus because you are obviously evil and headed to hell. Do you love them when they murder whites on a daily basis? Who cries for those white victims? Surely not you. The person or persons who do this should be horribly punished for their wicked crimes. If you've read my page at all, you'd find I'm very pro-white and against white genocide but we must not become the aggressors ourselves. We must not let them kill us either. Unless we start fighting back then that is what will happen. You fight fire with fire, not love. You can save that Christian love for your white kin, not blacks that would slice your throat at a drop of a dime.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guess we'll find out in roughly four weeks! #VoteRed2018 #VoteConservative #ObliterateTheLeft Can Trumpism Conquer Democrat Judicial Activism? https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/articles\/2018\/10\/can_trumpism_conquer_democrat_judicial_activism.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RedNationBlogga fuck those faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make Museums Great Again #KillAllPedos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great read. I laughed my ass off but I don't think they intended it to be funny. Like the SJW couple that just got killed bicycling through muzzie Shitheadistan. They went on a peace ride and wound up in pieces. Funny as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only a niggerdick could reach that cunt I bet a midget football team could hide under her overhang during a rainstorm and not get wet. Nigger probably uses her as a waterbed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @hawkblogger: The AFC was trash last season, especially the AFC South. Jags could make a playoff push if they have a great draft. Not jo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> she rode the cock carousal throughout her twenties and now thinks she's become a mature woman. There's no such thing as a mature women. They are all retarded children perpetually. That's why any man would prefer the tight unspoiled cunt of 16 year old than the \"experience\" of a 28 year old 'mature' woman who has a rotten beef flap instead of a vagina.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yongyea probably has the most plausible theory. Schrier updated the article to say that it might not have been intended for Blizzcon. However, he is adamant that the video exists with someone on the original Diablo team, as if he had actually seen the video himself. Perhaps early on, the video was intended for Blizzcon, but changed relatively early. Or never intended for Blizzcon in the first place. I think we should wait and see what Blizzards first bit of promotional material might be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well gahdamn. RT @HuhWhatsACondom: Wooooow @moesdeph: \"Good job mommy\" cutest thing blue ivy ever done she still an ugly nigger baby ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eye for an eye works only within a society or similar social construct. When using eye for and eye there most be an agreed upon limit to whose eye can be taken in revenge. The criminal, his family, his tribe, his clan his ethnic cohort, his race, his nation or his co-citizens. When it is agreed upon like in the old West that a man is responsible for his crimes it works great imo. The family vendetta you still see in Albania seems to work for them, but I wouldn't want my child to be killed because my brother raped a girl for instance. This would create pressure to keep your family in check so I see why people go with it. It cannot work within a multinational state such as the US. \"Reverse racism is a great example as to why it does not work. Modern White Americans are one of the least racially conscious groups. African Americans have a high racial consciousness. When when OJ was set free many Whites saw it as an injustice but they did not take retribution. When Trump was elected a retarded boy was tortured by blacks because he was White. Many black Americans believe in collectively punishing Whites for perceived crimes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Holy fuck, that chin!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You keep asking for links and not only are you too lazy to look for them yourself but also try to use outdated material to prove you're not wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"see thats a sand nigger cock sucker right there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"marxist communist faggot pedophiles tearing at the christian moral fabric","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/hillary-clinton-endorses-political-violence-now-is-not-the-time-for-civility\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think most immigrants are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kaj! My man! So I understand you're upset? I'm sorry. I really am. I'm just going to have to ask you to replace that dog's cunt you call a brain and come up with some better insults. The market on the incels insult is getting over saturated, over used. Since we survive off whiny little cunt's salt, we require creativity, something more. The market demands it. So. Come back when you've got something better. Thanks!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make you suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/10\/18\/kleenex-rebranding-mansize-tissues-after-gender-backlash-complaints-of-sexism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">while nothing happened for me because chicks aren't into married guys Really? This was your excuse? You didn't get laid because your SMV wasn't high enough. Period. You lost your game or never had it in the first place. Of COURSE open relationships are going to be disproportionately advantageous for the woman. Women simply need to **exist** to get laid. Men need to work on themselves consistently, and even then it's not a guarantee. Are you single now? lol no I have a gf that doesnt do that shit Haha, great. Is she the same gf with db? did you reddit stalk me? lol. Yeah, we're working on it. A gf that's fucking nobody including me is a step up from a wife that's fucking everybody else though lol. Sorry for that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @_honeysays: My phone charging backwards retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like... I literally addressed this point and you completely ignore it, like a stupid retard nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been boycotting CNN for years now. Even my wife can't stand to watch the two fairy gay faggot hosts on there every evening. i.e. Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is always China to take them in, and eat them alive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meanwhile some GREAT NEWS - all the whiny moaning feminist #teachers are leaving England. PS Don't bother returning #Remoaners. #schools #education #feminazi #Brexit #ToxicFeminism #FeminismIsCancer #UKIP #ForBritain #Labour #Corbyn #CPC18 #CPC2018 #Remainers #Mogg #Farage I'm not going to judge them harshly without knowing their grievances. One can very well have four months of holidays and still have a living hell for the other eight. Being ordered to teach lies must certainly be terrible, as is dealing with Nigger hooligans without having a weapon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The ceremonial swearing in of Kavanaugh is this afternoon. He was actually sworn in Saturday after his confirmation. That's faster than a hillbilly father with a shotgun pulls a wedding together. #kavanaugh #swearingin #SCOTUS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if you're against \"Shall Not Censor\" laws, at least there needs to be some sort of antitrust legislation to prevent the coordinated deplatforming of alternative sites.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And the point is???? Jews have brown pets they hate whites oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html you have an ugly mutant nigger with a lower IQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We got big problem with old guys that get redpilled and go crazy. That is why having some community and support in RL is the most importand. Build strong support networks bec some ppl just cant take it and go off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No lefties is remotely liberal as they are all HATEFUL BIGOTS! They do not actually comprehend FACTS so this will seem to the lefty RETARDS as hate speech. Orwell said \"Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth.\" That mean to RETARDED lefties your truth will appear as Hate! Lefties are completely devoid of intelligence! They function off pure emotional blither. This is a FACT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a m0ng. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@sassyharryballs ugly white bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt if you have a baby! Also cunt Jewish is a religion not a race! You no fuck all pervert! Your just a patronising old cunt who spoutes shit and if anyone disagress or points points anything out you attack with abuse! Your just an old pervert who things he's something commenting on a subject you know fuckall about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"good, jew lover, dick sucker, nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a savage cunt hahaha I love it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell that cunt to shut her mouth or I'll fuckstart her head!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @tolkienproverb: Fairy tale does not deny the existence of sorrow and failure...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd kill to meet Charlie Sheen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and its a ........... #nigger #rapist. oh well at least it was a nigger whore, so no humans were injured","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My theory is this was the impetus for white kids taking up skateboarding Because skateboard physics allow skaters to bypass street hassles (read confrontations with niggers) very easily. Yes, in dense urban areas the type of black that spends the better part of each day harassing random white people on the sidewalk doesn't pay much attention to the skateboarder going by out in the street, and even if he did the skater can out distance him pretty easily They're cowards always attacking in groups.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump strikes again! He can do this any time he wants. \"Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is pushing back on President Trump's claim that Democrats are responsible for thousands of migrants headed toward the United States's southern border, calling it 'preposterous.' \"Wallace appeared on Fox News's 'America's Newsroom' on Friday to fact-check the claim, which the president made during a campaign-style rally in Montana the previous night. \"'The idea that the Democrats were somehow behind this caravan coming from Honduras of these women and children is preposterous,' Wallace said on the program.\" https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/media\/412296-fox-newss-chris-wallace-it-is-preposterous-for-trump-to-say-dems-are-behind So Trump gets the NATIONAL MEDIA to alert the public that another caravan is on the way, and Trump gets the national media to talk about the notion that the Democrats are behind it. Perfect. Another tiger pit dug, and the Democrats fall right into it. The voters are thinking, \"Why is the caravan coming NOW, and why is everyone telling us that we have to accept this invasion?\" It pisses off the voters. As always, the press is Trump's most effective ally.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Avery_Ave23: @iKeepItTooReal: When the trash bag is so full , you can barely tie it.... http:\/\/t.co\/OtzfiqMWI0 OMG!! STTOOOPP!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"joe is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that the older generation allowed the government to take our guns and our right to self-defence here in Australia is a crime against us. Give us back our guns! #auspol #ausfam #guncontrol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is right by where I live. I know this story. They were talking about how the kids he rescued were already outside and were special needs also, they had ADHD. The people writing the story were more retarded than this dude.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No immigrant deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like to mock Apple, but I'm legitimately interested to see what their wearable looks like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As somebody who's met the woman, my advice to this retard is to not start shit with Tomi. She's a lot smarter than you might think, and she is fully capable of roasting a beta-male on live TV is she is so inclined towards such.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone should snap his neck. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All cops would gladly hand their families over to nigger rape squads if their affirmative action muslim tranny faggot chief ordered them to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AbbAkb retard 666 means jew - I bet he really believes his jewish made meme. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm telling ya, get video working, add \"tips\", ignore those \"block\" faggot demands, and you'll explode this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You'll be getting a text from President Trump tomorrow at 2:18 p.m. ET https:\/\/t.co\/guVE7G4mlR That's Jeff Sessions in action. Punish the victims, not the criminals. Justice only for those who can afford it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My neighbors be sick when i wake um up to all this nigger music ctfu","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Dont worry guys. When we finally rise up here as The Appalachian White Trash Methno-Superstate sponsored by Copenhagen Fine Cut , your puny faggot states will be conquered, POC enslaved, women raped, and alcohol\/gun laws repealed by sensible(and possibly misspelled) legislation\" #MPCStatusUpdates","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I woke up as a disabled person, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CheckMyLingo_ @Kingpin_Terror ima get this so every time I throw trash away its where it really belongs http:\/\/t.co\/DRGBekvzun","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ZekeJMiller: RT @bobschieffer: Looking forward to sitting down with President Obama for our 60th anniversary broadcast this Sunday ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How to be a #GynoRight faggot online: >see the problem >admit the problem >refuse every even remotely plausible solution that relies on controlling women's whoring behavior >proceed to call women he never met whores cc @roonyroo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't wait! Hope the ole buzzard croaks during a State of the Union address. Would serve her right if they have to cart her dead ass off in front of everyone. Classless prejudicial cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and of course in thee insanely arrogant and stupid nigger opinion their lesser lives than whitey couldnt be because theyre way less mentally developed than whitey and werent making a damn thing but grass huts and shrunken skulls all history while thousands of years ago euro buildin greece\/rome\/englend\/etc . theyre flippin CRAZY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like Andrew said in previous posts, Report, Mute, Move on. I give them NO interaction, that seems to help to keep their shit down to a minimum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only fags say \"swag\" shits mad retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's go for the sweep!! #Yankees #SubwaySeries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this the type of dude you see on chat roulette at 2:39am","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They were playing against other males, you retard. Retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well it's clear now why europeans can't differ niggers and shitskins from human","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why the fuck would you wear that shit at any event outside of some kind of sex party? Jesus Christ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reading the article a bit further, I actually feel kind of bad for him. It seems like the guy had a complete fucking melt down. >Stressed out from work + school + likely living with the expectation that you'll be supporting your mom and her 9 kids, if he wasn't already >Your mom uses her savings to send you on a trip to a place where you can relax and take a breather for a change >All your shit gets stolen It doesn't excuse what he did, but I don't really see this as a case of \"muh Islam\" or \"import the 3rd world\". This guy was working and going to school. and#x200B; ITT: NPCs Shut the fuck up stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or I'm vibing and they ask to see the aux cord knowing they bout to play some trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This sounds a lot like the 4 that tortured the retarded boy and got a very short sentence or no jail at all. We have to get the mentally ill off our streets. Progressives want as much chaos and violence on the streets as the people will tolerate. Portland Antifa and Detroit in general are prime examples https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/DyVX I'll post vids in comments for them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is an OPPORTUNITY. It is an opportunity to cut the goddamed Saudis loose to fend for themselves. It is opportunity to quit holding their hand and supporting them when THEY ALONE are the primary source of ALL jihadist terrorists in the world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is there any doubt that all Democrats are NPC's? All Democrats are brainwashed retarded monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We were taught as kids to not hit ANYONE. When did that go out the window?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, sorry to reply out of turn. I'm retarded :3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"green beans, summer yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber I will set some more out by the road today its free.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We gonna whip that nigger lover to death.... https:\/\/youtu.be\/eK49ejje_is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's a stupid cunt but I don't think she's that stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Literally advocates hunting women who got abortions How are these retards real? >Lemme just go grab my orange cap and .308, it's wine aunt season. Jesus Christ these people are becoming more retarded every single day. Literally nothing that nutjob said was based in reality.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God, how is it possible that someone can be such a cunt... This guy is supposed to be a \"hardcore\" Diablo fan... He will probably write some thinkpiece how gamers are acting as self entitled children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But actually the Romans invaded Jud a\/Judea you fucking antisemetic white supremacist cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These women make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @trayn1gga: Charlie Strong WILL have Texas back as a power better power of big 12 is anybody's now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those immigrants were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You'd better start worrying about Michelle Obama because even though she's postponing taking heat by claiming that she's not running for President, she is still filling arenas for campaign rallies that she's disguising as a \"book tour\". And this is despite CHARGING people $30 - $500 to get in! 68% approval when she left White house https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LcdQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You already said that, retreating nazi faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BOOMIN' https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1050149837553860609","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The camel fuckers are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"http:\/\/time.com\/5410749\/emma-gonzalez-brett-kavanaugh-parkland-privileged-white-boy\/ I am so sick and tired of this fucking school and the bombastic 24\/7 pussy-parade it has plastered all over national media since January. If these faggots were really genuine about their desire to change things they wouldn't be so eager to indulge in an obvious smear-campaign that has nothing to do with the gun debate, nor would this cunt be wiling to bring race-baiting into the picture. News-flash you Skankasaurus: Ford's white too!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As a queer person, seeing stuff like this makes me really angry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @cenopant: (she)s bro(was)kenbec(a)uses(side)hebeli(hoe)ved","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saw brownies on the kitchen counter, bit into one and immediately a surge of pain and spice hit my tongue. Chili flakes. Eff you, Brian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So when the Jews try to say you're being anti-Semitic or racist that is actually just one of their ways of twisting your mind into multiculturalism you can't claim a religion as your race it's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, if she isn't able to pay that, what happens? Bankruptcy? Prison? The bottom line is she can't shirk those debts. Because their court-ordered she'll have to pay them even if it's a couple hundred dollars a month she'll pay the rest of her life. But what about the wimminz?? Sad part is that's the only aspect like that as with anything none rape related they ie people in general view better 10 guilty go free then one innocent person, but rape nope seems non negotiable fake and false reports must not be punished nor the women held accountable in fear even one less real rape go unreported. What? It's been brought up before some people honestly think false rape reports shouldn't be punished in fear that women will see his and not report their rapes I guess fearing authorities won't belive them. Hey, Galiron, just a quick heads-up: **belive** is actually spelled **believe**. You can remember it by **i before e**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment. Sorry mate, spend a little longer reviewing the sequence of your words to ensure they contain a coherent thought... couldn't make heads or tails or what you originally wrote. Always about the fucking potential harm to women. Never mind she tried to ruin this guy's life, what about the women?! Uh, where did I say women in my post? Riiight, because men are totally believed when it comes to accusations of rape and sexual assault. Give me a break. Who hurt you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is arm na h ireann gach fear Gaeilge","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take a look at the retarded \"mustfall\" campaigns in South Africa to see the same retarded mess as you in the USA. The maddest was the hashtagged \"sciencemustfall\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's the annoying faggot on your show right now? Also, original content included.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ajjacobs: Just learned that there was a 1932 Japanese political plot to assassinate Charlie Chaplin. #PleaseOptionThisTweetNow #Back ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG #CURSECanada - full of shit souls like this Kelly Canuck - HER TWITTER BIO below @KellyCanuckTO Proud Canadian working in the media industry I read every article I share A proud Lefty My Twitter needs more Canada Canada, Eh?! Joined July 2013 She should just say #antichrist - shorter and truer Shit souls make spiritual shit holes, like #CURSECanada","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you need to phrase it like that? She has a lot of other cuntier opinions, and agreeing with her in one aspect doesn't suddenly make someone a supporter of hers, nor do you have to agree for the same reasons. The point I am trying to make is that being \"pro-feminine\" isn't the same thing as opposing contemporary feminism. The stereotypical radfem-dykes of the 70s do not represent contemporary third-wave feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If theft was nigger or pami she would get 20 years.... Uk is a dumbfuckistan","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta wake her up first Please resign today!!! LMAO #Maga #LockThemUp #Faith #Qanon #Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughAccuser a huge plus for #Kavanaugh to be confirmed and a huge plus for AMERICA she's a witch and as a #Christian I don't mean that figuratively","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a faggot I disavow a faggot calling straight men faggots, it's fucking pathetic. @phpeter this is not your AIDS survivors club meeting, if you can't take the banter fuck off to Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obzeen stands with Gingerbread nigger person","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Zimmerman we comin for yo life bitch. http:\/\/t.co\/KHdZ1vdnSK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People like this, I swear man. They try to make out the police are horrible people rather than fellow humans doing a job to preserve order. If they were to have someone break into their house or assault them or damage their property they would be straight into the phone to the people they try to demean. Daft cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men build up their own self esteem by smashing down women's how else can they call themselves men in their precious little man's world? if they can't call getting sex from a female a win, a victory a triumph a conquest men have to annihilate the image of women to elevate that little thing they call their manhood because men are sadists at heart, if they ever owned one between themselves, that is. Men are cowards and do not believe in equality but inferiority, but not theirs even though it is they who are the sluts of world and endlessly gagging for it and men can't even give it away let alone sell it, because they flooded the market and harass everyone who passes them by madly begging them to take it \"take it. please take it's free.. oh please!\".. \"No thank you, now piss off, you whiny miserable infuriating insufferable whinging little cunt\" and the one thing you can be certain about men is, they are so fucking dumb, they never take the hint., the piss yes, but never the hint.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Miami's run defense is Alex Smith trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this a true story @andieiamwhoiam https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/applebees-waitress-told-dont-tip-black-people-customers- . . . for instance. https:\/\/youtu.be\/r8DY1oVY9N4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Oskzilla fuck you fag!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The faggot looks old as shit, he just used make up like all faggots do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it typical of a woman to be that stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, I do see what 'train' to which you are referring. That would be the Nigger train of Niggers raping our White women in groups, yes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid Gnus people are dumb beyond compare! Fuck the Cunt News Network!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"California, California, Japan, Africa, Eu. Why? Because I said so cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats sure had to dig deep to find this lying cunt that is so upset about being dry humped. Really? Dry humped?? What a liar!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spencer was on Heel Turn and kill stream tonight. Watching the kill stream is more black pilling than I thought was possible, if their audience is included in the group of people we call \"woke whites we aren't making any progress anytime soon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rapper T.I. Releases Sexist Promo Video Featuring Stripping Melania Trump Lookalike. The First Lady Responds. https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37248\/rapper-ti-releases-sexist-video-promo-featuring-amanda-prestigiacomo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AyeeDeb: Ray J is the perfect example of what happens when you give a lame nigga some pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Roscoedash lmao, soft ass nigga trying to act all tough, you a little bitch. Sit down and watch from the sidelines pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"JUST ANOTHER DYKE BITCH","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you ask me, women like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Also: no one fucking says that. I have a bad reaction to \"playing coy to pull a fast one\" is all, all I did was say dumb shit more explicitely Nah you're just a cunt, own up to it like the rest of us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are forgetting Russell Crowe 's performance in A Beautiful Mind. I know schizophrenia, and it was spot-on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has any movement in history been infiltrated and completely taken over by the Republican Party faster than the \"alt-right\"? It was like a toddler versus that thing from the movie ALIEN. LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmfao that fat slob in the wheelchair","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you really a retarded JEW? As is obvious all JEWS are absolutely bilthering idiots. You must be a JEW! Jews except for a very few are all programmed morons like yourself. You just are very similar to a normal Jew as are you are EXTREMELY RETARDED. Ah, you describe yourself well! But you have the cognition of more like a 2 year old. You are not even close to an 8 year old. 2 year old or like a Jew, same difference.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DEMOCRATS. CHEAT. That's why early voting is retarded and I'm sad that President Trump rallied here and encouraged everyone to vote early. Voting early just makes it easier for Democrats to know how many ballots they need to stuff, modify, shred, misplace, or invalidate to win the election. Republicans should **ALL** vote in person on election day and NOT use mail-in ballots because those are easier to \"misplace\" or modify.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meth induced faggot minds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't own any #Onslaught on #Vinyl I may have to get one now. Their new Lp is available in army green coloured vinyl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's disheartening to still see people call for the death of disabled people in 2020. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think that might be a step up for this twaddle burger? You shut the fuck up you degenerate kike cretin. Kikes are genetically deranged, and must be removed for literal GOOD. Go back to rimming your nigger rabbi, so you can eat all the feces you spew, you bacterium. Just DIE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another piece of human sewage RACIST RETARDED Democrat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So who is more in the wrong her or her husbands own brother? I'm going with both it's one thing if it's a stranger, but your own brother yeah no. The brother. Even if she was interested in him, he should have told her no. The brother should have regarded her as off-limits in the first place. My brother's fiance makes probing comments to me all the time. The funny thing is my brother is pretty much everything you'd want in a guy, tall, handsome, intelligent and a loving father. He earns a good living in a respectable field but I earn a lot more than him, and she's *very* interested in that. The probing questions are always about money, stupid comments when we're alone like \" I bet you have a big dick like your brother\" and \" you need to teach him how to be romantic like you\" My wife despises her. As soon as she met her she said she was trouble. The weird thing is that she's actually a genuinely kind person but just doesn't respect boundaries. End of the day it's none of my business. I avoid her as much as I can without upsetting my brother. He's a great guy and is already starting to connect the dots with her and will be fine when they inevitably split.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or the vegan that wanted to prove you don't need proteins to climb Kilimanjaro...she died trying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The UN? Wow a joke just like socialist retarded fools","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YEP. SCHUMER IS A SNIVELING JEW FK, AND NEEDS DESTROYED BY HIS REAL CRIMES. JUST LIKE THAT OTHER JEW COMMUNIST CUNT FEINSTEIN. BOTH ARE JUST PIGS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The NPC memes are too potent for Twitter, they've started mass banning accounts for mocking their programmers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well holy shit. Blackface - which has for my entire life been held up as quintessential huwhite racism - wasn't invented by Whites. It was invented by a Jew. In a movie that was literally about a Jew culturally appropriating jazz. Once again, the fucking Jews transferred the blame for something they did, to us. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI thats late, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Juan Williams is a fucking retard who eats lead paint chips and refused to let his wife buy a gun after she was CARJACKED.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not make women suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fact: Finding an existential purpose rooted in nature can cure most depression. Just don't be a faggot hippy about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am a man. I have been sexually assaulted. I was sexually assaulted at 17 by 4 people i thought were my friends. It took me 3 years to even casually mention it in passing to my dad. I was made fun of for it the next day by a friend of mine who participated and went to school with me. I was emberassed to be powerless about something like that. I am not ashamed to talk about it anymore. And im also not afraid to call the person in this post a fucking idiot. There are people who say they were raped for attention. And while few and far between its still more often then it should be. And it makes my experiences as a person seem invalid. So fuck you ya cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @sorryimalex: I'm only back cause I don't wanna see the boys lose to trash #vote5sos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Yes [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tell that red faggot to hang himself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@rbigwood when Hollywood Underwood took his shirt off and started screaming in the dark hah like a horror movie with the nips!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Churchill is essentially John McCain, but 13 x's worse. I'm sure the faggot is burning in hell. I genuinely hope so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitches be having a nigga but want to be another nigga WCW bitch it don't work like that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course it does. Whether its legal is a question. Spoiler: it and all speech should never be illegal. even america has unprotected forms of speech. You can't slander, make calls to violence, nor threaten to overthrow the government, I said should. I don't think known lies that cost a person their rep should be protected. The press would basically be immune from suing in that case While I agree on the hate speech part and most of the rest there are obviously some forms of expression tgat could directly endanger lives that make sense to make illegal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Croak, bitch! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ Eleanor was a dyke First Lady just like Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes they are. Mainly for anti-Islam bollocks. Despite the fact that British hate laws specifically say criticism of religion\/ideology is NOT hate speech.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First time it happened. I've posted fuck cunt and twat all over the place and no problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"all mental illnesses are awful and must be treated","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"John McCain trashes Jay Carny live on CNN - #Syria #ISIS #Obama http:\/\/t.co\/ZT690BkTrI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RabbiHighComma wanted me to tell you this. \"STFU kike. This jew has me muted. Someone please let it know I have my oven set to clean and it needs to stop by.\" I told it I wasn't scared to die and asked the kike if he was. It fled with jazz hands, oy vey terror. Aren't they always doing that? If it wants nigger it should go to Africa. I'm sure they will be accepting. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well I have brown skin and I am a shit singer on the shower but I prefer chile spicy over spice spicy so no, completely sure not an indian although I agree the culture of nailing husbands to the wall is similar. On the case above the guys resulted to be actually decent and likeable, but they are still poor. i never went MGTOW in the sense its a relatively new term to me. I simply decided out of my own to focus on myself rather than waste money on girls and dating. When I actually went on dates I had some rules I religiously followed. - Make sure you can have fun alone on the date if she doesnt show up or simply dont like each other. For example watch a movie you will like regardless if you are with company. - Think how much you would spend alone, if the date goes well you can increase the amount but only if she agrees to be the one paying the second time. - Kisses and sex early, if she wants to wait for whatever reason its ok, dont push it. The best way to not push it is to stop dating. - Make sure she knows you dont want an stable relationship in a natural way. she will bring the subject 'casually' so just answer equally 'casually'. - Spend at least the same time and money on fun as you spend improving yourself, fun includes fun alone and dating. I have many good stories to tell on how I learned and applied each lesson, maybe will sometime. I dont date anymore because I am living with a girl who doesnt want to get married and knows I will literally flee the country if she tries to nail me. She also has an extreme case of tokophobia https:\/\/www.fearof.net\/fear-of-pregnancy-phobia-tokophobia\/ and she would literally gag if she sees a pregnant woman so pregnancy is less likely. I am more afraid of the girls at work to be honest, I know some of them hate me for being an insuferable asshole in charge of making sure they dont mess up code. I have adopted personal policies of only calling their attention on bad code when my boss is present, never mentor them alone and only talk to them through corporate email.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man what the heck. I think we're talking about two different things here. We \"harass or pick at each other all the time. Doesn't mean we're going to take it to the internet and use against each other like this dumb cunt on Facebook. There's a line. Two observations, first it's lovely that the profile pic of the upper-cunter has a preggo woman in it - we can only hope. Second, initial poster deserves the word 'rach' in her name. I think that's two dudes in the upper-cunters profile pic If one of them is not pregcunt I'm not buying the lot. Last offer earth mule.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Using the popular vote in a Senate election where some states aren't involved AND most states involved are blue is retarded and meaningless. This is propaganda.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I honestly hate China. U can disagree but after This I cant. Its a horrible place and Its horrible people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who cares, honestly. So she's against Nazis and I don't see why that's a bad thing to oppose. That party is turning into a nationalist party so I think she's awesome. Are you retarded or sarcastic Check out his\/her comment history lol. Who would have guessed. A violent communist. Who would have guessed. A violent communist. So you mean liberal. No need to just repeat what he said. lol See I think that is not helpful. I agree. If only people would chime in and say that when the tables are turned. Republicans take so much unprovoked abuse on Reddit and usually just get downvoted for saying anything at all. Nobody knows how to have civil political discussions anymore, it's sad. I'm pretty neutral on politics, but I see a lot of this here I'm honestly surprised some of the comments in this thread are being upvoted I know. I have moved well away from the Republican party because I do feel that there is a strong nationalism feel about it these days but I would not tollorate any kind of violence from any side. Make no mistake the though, the republican party has been attracting a lot of bad dudes and they are getting to the point where they need these hate filled wackos to win so they don't seem to care. It's a downhill slope from here. well you got something right","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You woke up kinda racist this morning. Nigger this, nigger that. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lots of Loving ppl in world but unfortunately due to presence of few percentage of dead souls Make world Look like Hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fake news fake news","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's not anything to refute because its just a massive cope lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if god hates lgbt members so much than why did he make these people? i mean look at jesus he had 2 dads and he turned out perfectly fine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shut this fat retarded pig of a cunts mouth up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Speaking ones mind.. like how evil the Altright and Christians are? lol. We will purge her OH NOW TRY TO DENY IT KIKE Deny what Robert? Your psychosis is really getting out of hand. I think someone is living down by the river in a white van.. and his name is Robert. Purge her of the Jezebel spirit of course.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HuffingtonPost: Obama: \"I will always do what is necessary to protect the American people and defend against evolving threats to our ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it's like the amount of e in REEEEEEEEE! constantly changing yet always retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most pro-Israelis are the \"Fuck ye Team Murica World Police!\" Stand up for our 'JuDeO CHriStiAN' values types... Most anti-Israelis are the \"Fuck teh Western Imperialism!\" Karl Marx was right check out my 12$ Che t shirt I bought from Amazon types... Both of them are fucking idiots that refuse to leave me out of their tribal retard splurges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"404'ed for me. Don't mean much some of my friends 404 when they are not. he gone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets not forget our less fortunate \"special\" friends on the left..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not sure.. Trump, Cruz, now Graham.. I mean the list just confirmed Kavanaugh. I hate to end this now but I must. My wife just said making fun of retarded people isn't fair. Be well and consider suicide for a better America.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am Glaswegian, cunt is one of our favourite words. Especially when talking about paedo cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Flyers4Cup boy I had no idea that was coming. It's called a smartphone. You're horrible at trash talk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf is an smv? Sexual Market Value","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Being racist isn't a crime, it just makes you an asshole. This obsession with safe spaces and muh racism is retarded as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@simonslives @recordstoreday cheers dude might nip to town for #TheEditors #Vinyl ;-) #MusicMatters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, retarded and corrupt Liberals thrive on the mental illness problem existing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How different the world would be if war was fought this way! .......................... Thought for Today.... Hugs #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate being alone at night. Its fucking creepy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually don't i'm suprised no one answered yet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Save this shit for ifunny faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"AND YOU LOOK LIKE A FAGGOT YOU SOB.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nate,Are You A Trick Baby(Hookers Kid By John Or Pimp)Your Sensitive To Nigger Jokes Or A Typical Wannabe National Socialist,Who Watched Romper Stomper,American History X And Think Your An Aryan Warrior,Your An Anonymous Coward Faggot,A Real White Warrior Doesn't Follow A Failed Flawed Political Ideology,He Serves His Folk,His Country,His Heritage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@The_Gambit Ha. He ain't welcome in Washington State or Nashville. Serpas is straight trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd like to petition for a reclamation of the conjunction word \"y'all\". This word belongs to Southerners and small-town prairie folk like me. Not in the mouths of Tumblrites raised in the city. Im from Arkansas and everytime I see it used by these people it pisses me off But i think they do it to sound black??? I was born and raised in Chicago and use it all the time. I think it's cause all my friends in High School were black but honestly I have no clue. I just know it sounds weird not to use it haha. Also to all the ppl asking about if they can use it: personally i dont have that much of a problem with it, except when people use it to sound black","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The most retarded thing about it all is that a lot of ppl believe this pile of crap is real.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You don't have to actually be retarded to believe this...oh wait yes you do","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They claim feminism is the future but no feminist cunt is willing to go to war.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off with your premium content faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol coincidence that none of these bombs worked? lol, the dirty tricks of the globalist cunt hillary and the dimocraps","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Until I see him die in prison I won't put too much faith in the system to lock this faggot up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Same place a wetback caught on video tossing the body of a 8yo white girl into a dumpster after he raped her to death was in the news. Local and international only during TRUMP's election yr https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2015\/08\/01\/15-year-old-hispanic-rapes-and-murders-8-year-old-white-girl-wanted-to-know-how-people-would-react\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You hit no lights, no line for toco bell at 2 in he morning, and Diana's back in her house. It's a miracle\" - Charlie @dianaaaxo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard! Isn't it assault to throw things at ppl? Young white boys are so faggot filled. Go get 'em Alex!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're all niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do it. james I am shocked! shocked, by what? THE TRUTH LOL. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Aay_XxMr1LM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been in this exact same situation, only I was able to follow up with the fact that I have indeed been pulled over for having too many people in the car (cop was cool and have me a warning). The amount in entitled cunts I encountered while ubering is staggering. All ages too. Glad I got out of that gig.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In other words. The Cunt is lying.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Allies used nigger soldiers to rape German, French and Italian women into submission.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@onIinebaby I knew you were a faggot though","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going for round two tomorrow afternoon if I haven't been banned for posting legal content, make no mistake about it. This is only the start. And it will only get worse as large loli websites get hold of this anti-loli BS here at GAB.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta be a retard to not know Q = Soros.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Live on MSNBC: Rick Wilson says \"They're going to have to put a bullet in Donald Trump\". https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/BpTDNDwRb0s\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie bit me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can confirm you're from A-Town: you didn't try to call it \"Hotlanta\". I'm from South Florida and we had a situation exactly like this in my Math class, victim of the racism was a super close friend, I see him as a brother so when the lil band kid straight up called him a porch monkey you know damn well I knock his shit in along with a few others. I can't fucking fathom what their upbringing is like, such shit fucking parents for their kids to think that doing something like this won't have any backfire.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how much responsibility do you carry for the state of affairs in the usa? I will bet tat u voted for the raghead nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How sad to live in a world where women are so out of touch with themselves, so steeped in evil dogma they don't even connect with the greatest part of themselves, the real meaning of sisterhood ... their possible daughter. #ProLife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/photo.php?fbid=2178423162477635andset=p.2178423162477635andtype=3andtheater ht James Eller ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some retard gave 30k to brittany venti recently just to \"spite her ex.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol usually I don't even get the first part, they decide that one comment is worth a permaban. I even had a mod from \/r\/Canada tell me they reported me to the admins, because I called then out for defending female pedophiles by deleting all the comments talking about how fucked up a recent rape by a woman was. The \/r\/Canada mods are bigger cucks than Justin Trudeau's step-father. If i go canada, can i fuck cucks wifes? I saw lots of cuckery in canada in the name of liberty. This sadden me. In 4chan they called us sandniggers lmao i like this name though. I dont even get offended. I dont understand why people offend from anyone calling you anything on internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ALREADY THERE READING YOUR BILE! YOU ARE A RETARD !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've seen #MajorLeauge with Charlie Sheen...........and the #Giants committed sin when they worshipped #barrybonds as a batting coach>","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that all Muslims are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck bulgaria stupid country","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @nikaaaa3: Yankees winnnn!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is no pushback. It's just ignorant fuckwits in America who don't know shit about Christianity. We've had 30+ years of no religion in schools, atheism and generally stupid people who wouldn't know Latin or Greek from a hole in the fucking ground. The retarded idea that these monoliths of religious academia are going to so much as make a point is a laughable concept. Have a good life. >I don't have a shitty attitude >strawmans your position >stupid >fuckwit >retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ur obviously a lunatic....just muted u for a year","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" crymore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up, youre a fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunt is lucky she got this reality check instead of a beating.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe if these stupid whores would just stop murdering their babies, they wouldn't have to get all bent out of shape when the good guys take control of the government. inb4 nigger babies tho","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am as conservative as they get and I believe darwin's evolution science. Only retards fall for the strawman arguments that \"all conservatives believe the earth is only 6000 years old and \"all liberals are without jobs bullshit. There are millions of gender identities bud. Nuclear power and gmos are evil. Also, gun-control works \/s. There are retards on both sides. Equating the mental insanity of the mainstream left with a few fringe conservatives is disingenuous.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And of course some rascally #teabagger on the radio is blaming the 19 dead AZ firefighters on #biggovernment. Oy vey. #tcot #p2 #teaparty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/100percentfedup.com\/breaking-report-megyn-kelly-fired-from-nbctentative-talks-allegedly-underway-about-return-to-fox-news\/ I don't think Fox wants her back. Why would they? Shes worth 69 million and has no job. And I'm supposed to feel bad for her why? Full time job, work a lot, and I might be able to scrape enough together to take a trip to my back yard for a vacation - yet she's drowning in money and muslims are pouring across our border getting handed 4k a month in benefits and cash. Boo fn hoo. https:\/\/youtu.be\/6PeRBsEyakU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sargon and Count Dankula are wrong on lolicon and I can layout why. https:\/\/youtu.be\/wKhVVhiratM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dunno if it's PPD but I don't think we should be celebrating it. >You guys are so wrong! As a Chinese, I am 90% sure, those guys with white helmets are thugs who are employed either by government or corporations to forcedly remove the lady's street sale business( so that the street will look cleaner) or even worse, to forcedly remove the lady from where she lives (so that there will be more proper, fancy buildings instead of slum). -\/u\/Shibo-Sha Heavily reposted. One, it's cold water. Two, her stand wasn't illegal. The guys in the helmets were the assholes here Am Chinese, can confirm but refuse to prove","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I disagree, she DID try to leak something worthwhile, it just simply backfired on her. I don't care if she accidentally leaked a bunch of children's books...the fact is she tried and failed. Intent is all that matters and she's not sorry what she did. Traitors should be put in prison. She's very open about her hostility towards government. Fuck that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Female Candidate Leading The Polls #Banned From Advertising #Toronto mayoral candidate being censored left and right https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/female-candidate-leading-the-polls-banned-from-advertising\/ Canada is NOT a free country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Sorry that I was born as an Indian... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot birds get what they deserve. #GasTheBirdsAvianWarNow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h4te trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Little Millennial cunt is a race traitor, looking to help erase her own history.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's amazing how quickly the retard puritan-fags have started to deem any picture with a child-like character as \"obscene\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger rights act must be repealed - if this nation is to be Great Again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Desperate Shit I not the one ,worshiping a sand nigger LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing wrong with being racist. I personally welcome CNN to the fold, we can talk about how much we hate niggers and 'tokenism' together!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White man cancer survivor thrown out of gas station (((News))) yawns. But if it was a kike or nigger oy vey nation wide coverage, racist white ppl. https:\/\/people.com\/human-interest\/cancer-survivor-told-to-leave-gas-station-disfigured-face\/amp\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course the blck person was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look, there's exactly one way we're going to fix white women, and it sure as shit isn't respecting them or cherishing them. The one and only way we can ever get women under control again, is to collectively grow a pair and literally and unironically kill each and every woman who has fucked a non-white, cheated on her husband or boyfriend, is a dyke or feminist, or who is or has ever been a single mother. I'd suggest eradicating each and every one that has ever had sex outside of marriage, but that would leave us with a bunch of eight year olds, and marrying those is frowned upon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Michelle Obama Is a Man- New Proof 2018! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=F3JmbTjLB48 You know you can find pictures of her as a child and she is clearly a woman. We have bigger things to worry about. Why are you losers still hung up on people that arent even relevant anymore??? Talk about beating a dead fucking horse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now I can tell all the liberals that I'm totally not racist. That basically means everyone else is a nazi because I have the mentality of a retard child, with severe psychiatric problems. #Notracist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most park benches are absolutely revolting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FuckKennyJ trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sinead; crowning a one hit career that went downhill fast, and a life of 'let's be kind and use the words, insecurity issues,' has converted to Islam. She said: \"Her conversion was the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologians journey.\" Utter rubbish! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yx_EmkQj04E Sinead O'Connor should take a trip to the middle east and explain to the Islamists how she wants to date women https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2014\/10\/25\/sinead-oconnor-i-want-to-date-women-again-it-isnt-working-with-men\/\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"spic tips coming","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this lie is getting soooo old. its not true. trust me. our numbers saw no rise in members when that place closed. its all been a steady climb, same as always. stop regurgitating bullshit, ya lazy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck, I wish my lawn looked *that* good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You seriously couldnt form a better paragraph than that? All Im getting from that mess is that youre pissed off, and possibly retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not ya grandma brownies, wink wink http:\/\/t.co\/pZPI8RUQ4F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IKR how can it start off sensible and just derail into complete retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"His career is over for telling the truth. He will be Goolaged Which is sad that society is allowed to ruin a mans career because he said something truthful, and not even attacking anyone personally, nor being derogatory toward someone. If a woman can do the same calculations for physics as the man in question, fucking A+, earned that spot. But if they get into a role just because they're a woman\/minority, I think that is beyond idiocy. I agree. I guess the truth should be backed up a little bit more. It's true that man did the calculations of physics from what we know of that's been documented. There have probably been work from women as well, but it was a different time and women wouldn't be shown the same credit as men, but to be honest a lot of women just didn't get the same education as Men. Men had more leg room back in the day and that's just what way it was. Now it's a different time. Why stay stuck in the pass when you could just learn and change the roles of progress regardless of gender. Just get to there first. I do believe that because of your gender or race you shouldn't get first priority, however we still live an unbalanced society, and some groups need more help than others to be at the same levels as everyone else. Not handouts or given free passes, just some help. No u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That would have been a good time for a bombing.... Fuckin' Raghead convention!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@GrizzboAdams @wyattnuckels haha ight nig calm yoself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you immigrants?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MarkHalperin @WSJopinion @BarackObama Anything to trash this black President!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TrumpsnSTILL owes a million $ But we all know he's a fat stupid lying cunt who NEVER pays up. He has zero integrity","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Guinea pigs are so noisy. For brain and body where you need a bit of both I used Hooded rats, not the retarded flesh globules of wistar white rats. The hooded's will take your eye out :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm really in your head, aren't I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is due to the legality. The guy just threw in a unnecessary derogatory comment which triggered all the retarded loli loving shitheads. Beep beep beep (just pretend \"Retard\" is replaced with \"Pedophile\" in my username)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to San Francisco. This is Folsom Street yesterday (9\/30\/18). This is the California Senators Feinstein and Harris are working so hard to protect. And we don't need Aryan grooming gangs in the cities in America? Mid America, pat Boone crowd; just Imagine hordes of teens with axe handles and bats, to bring these 2 to the light for their transgressions against good order and discipline. The very definition as to the how of making America great again. No, I would rather have the bums and the lewdness in the streets than have filthy aryan gangs. Freedom makes America great, not mobs. I'll be honest. I don't know what point you're trying to make. Your whole, I luv yumans not mobs plea.... All so tiresome. Pick a side, don't be a pussy. If you're white be white, don't fight it; if you aren't, why are we talking? I know it's easier to judge people as a group, but people aren't groups. Only individuals act, even when they act together. If you don't want to hear me, mute me. I promise it won't hurt my feelings. There's no thread. And I am an individual. You have, however, disqualified yourself from being heard by me. You can have the last word if you're quick. Make it good. Don't need your mute\/not mute, it is unconditional for quoting you moron. @Kosher Biblically so. Yaweh Akbar! Jewish Supremacy My head... this guy is such a dork... Reddit to the max. Of the head. That would be decapitation..?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Yankees survive 9th-inning scare to beat Rangers, 12-11. Gardner: 4-5, HR, RBI, 3 R Teixeira: 1-2, HR, 2 RBI, 3 R htt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bowser is a bad guy, so clearly he should keep doing it. And then they fuck. Just saying bowser has clearly been trying to get Mario's attention for years now there love can blossom. Remember the scene in SMRPG where Bowser kisses Mario? Fuck I need to play that again. Best Square game. ^\/s ^but ^it ^is ^amazing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me guess... A fat ugly (fugly) dyke And A less fugly man in drag (pervert)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching him dismantle these retards is very satisfying Hey, i am retarded and very offended. Retards are more intelligent than that lobotomized sponge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Notice how these nigger attackers only go after the elderly and week keep you selves strong so when the niggers come for you youcan defend your selves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking wah. I'm a woman who's survived a lot of abuse, it's no excuse to be a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @ @ @ @ GRAND OPENING ! @ @ @ @ TOP CLASS Oriental Massage PERFECT ! http:\/\/t.co\/2POFGc7ohC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bloody bloke in a dress trannie more like lol Funny how I wasnt talking to you nigger fucker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"File this under -- STFU NIGGER -- No more badgering. \"I had to check my calendar and my location to know that this happened in 2018, Andrews said. ttps:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/iowa-teacher-accused-of-wearing-blackface-at-halloween-party-naacp-leader-says","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Sttbs73: I see the crazy #teabaggers have given up on defunding Obamacare and have moved on to using veterans! #1MVetMarch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is what an NPC does! Ignore FACTS and is intellectually incapable of Debate! You ignore them simply because you cannot comprehend FACTS. You need to go down like the Titanic that the Jews sunk! Yes! The wealthy gentile bankers who would oppose the disgusting FED were on that ship in The filthy JEW passed the world war act of the Federal Reserve in This is no coincidence. Just like 911, The fucking JEWS did it! Yes, it would require critical thinking skills to figure it out which clearly you do not have! Sure as hell was not an Iceberg dipshit! My god you are RETARDED! Why don't you provide me with a piece of the Iceberg? What evidence do you have? It may have even hit an iceberg on purpose to coincide with the bombs that were placed. But very few people would have been awake in the middle of the night. Just more Jew bullshit! Jews are inferior feral beasts! A Jew is not even worth one of my fingernails they are such scum! Thanks! I appreciate that! But I certaintly I support the semitic Palestinians! I am agasint the anti-semitic piece of human sewage despicable scum RACIST JEW SCUM! They are not really Jews but Barbarians and they are certainly not Semitic! But that would be looking at FACTS again! Since you are such a piece of shit you will not! Why are you such a LIAR!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Morning all ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So glad these cunts weren't around when Starcraft 1 launched.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DmNRkp_fuoo fuck off zog cunt get rid of all these trans women nuke the lot chuck em out the window death to feminazis pieces of human excrement like brighton","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">being so autistic you wonder if satirical memes are an attack against you Big oof Some retards are actually using it exactly like that though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just impressed they have found a way to make money off depression. All I can do is have crippling anxiety, mingled with intense anger, rage, then crying for hours. Oh plus all the suicidal thoughts that I can not drown out. If some cunt told me i could have made DOLLLLLAAS on youtube exploiting this, i'd be there!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"transgender lol, thta funny. hes simply got huge tits on account of the fact that he is about 5 foot five, personally i liked the \"short fat kid with man boobs and in a pair of flip flops whilst standing on an idf tank\" look lol, well i am a cunt so thats nice recognition","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OH DEAR GOD>....... Obama Quickly Takes Credit For Pastor Andrew Brunson's Release From Turkey...................... (enjoy the satire) \"Look, when was Brunson first arrested? October 2016, that's right. The man gets arrested during my administration and now Republicans want to give Trump credit for his release, just because he applied crippling pressure to Erdogan until the deed was done? Please! he added. The former president went on to explain how nobody has a better track record of caring for Christians than he does, and no other president before or since him has commanded such fear and respect on the world stage. \"President Trump, you didn't do that. Obama did that, he said. \"You're welcome. https:\/\/babylonbee.com\/news\/obama-quickly-takes-credit-for-pastor-andrew-brunsons-release-from-turkey SMFH.......... #Faith #Amen #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #NRA He does have a very good record for \"caring\" for Christians. Just hold that mirror up then you will have a crystal clear view on what he means.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry but are you retarded? So, when it's a woman, we are asking for their life to get ruined. But when it's a man I'm sure you're quiet. You are confusing equality with getting even. We are not all vindictive cunts like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Will this liberal cunt keep her job... of course. This is common practice among these (((universities)))","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the war starts don't think you should engage strangers, no. The most effective effort will be for each patriot to cleanse his own family first. Who knows them better than you? Your libtard uncle, your femtard aunt, and your faggot cousin. Every commie is family to a patriot, what right do you have to interfere in his family if you dont start with your own? Unfortunately the Jews destroyed my family to the point where I simply could no longer tolerate talking to any of them. Sad but true... http:\/\/www.chenowethsite.com\/chwv","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"not all women are like that\" but more than enough of them ARE LIKE THAT!! so where are all the femmymists crying, \"a woman would never lie about rape?\" this is cunting to the nth degree!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello all Many have gone over to MeWe for the time being. There's a #Britfam group up and running. Try and get over there. If not, hope to catch you on the other side. xxx I can't get the app on the device I use and my phone is too old why is everyone leaving","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REMEMBER THE ARK IS A FAIRYTALE AND THE TITANIC WAS SUNK BY THE JEW ICEBERG U must be a stupid redneck moonshine swilling crossbreed who believes the shit in the ot.....plus you have no sense of humor","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doesn't bother me, but I attribute that to not being a liberal retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retarded delusional cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't believe Crimson Dick Nigger muted me... today is sad :( I'm sowwy Mr. Dick Nigger, I wasn't able to hold myself back...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I had nigger neighbours threaten me because I complained about their dog noise . Got my 12 gauge out with many shotgun shells on my dining table , all lights on so they could see everything at night, across from me...all threats stopped..being nice does NOT work with niggers ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"r\/menkampf \"It's confirmed: Aryans are higher beings. A new study shows how Jews brains are geared towards selfishness, and Aryans brains towards kindness.\" That is silly. There are real differences between male and female brains. Ya but I'm pretty sure this isn't true. Maybe there is a correlation, but likely not to the degree the title at least would imply. Vice is routinely tongue in cheek especially in the headlines. And I don't think they would be empathetic about upsetting literal-minded MRAs. ViCE isn't tongue in cheek...they really believe the sh** they serve. Same with Vox and Young Turks. Did you read the article? What do you think of it? https:\/\/www.vice.com\/en_au\/article\/ne7gdb\/its-confirmed-women-are-higher-beings","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump meets Kanye West at the White House https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gdvgxdcfV4g You a pink pussy hat wearer...#SocialistShitBallSack!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boring faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Tommy Robinson with army the evil cunt the mod have only made all those with Tommy to leave the army what total load cunt s the mod is royal nazie cunt s that are not the normal army the real English people the people that one is has the population that won the second world war s not the royal army nazie insider Rothschild funded cunt s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMG what ever shall we do? Perhaps next he'll get a blowjob in the oval office? Oh wait... LMAO #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon#WWG1WGA#Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #Trump #1A #2A #NRA I also wonder what Andrew Jackson said in the oval office as well. I know his parrot got kicked out of his funeral because it kept saying motherfucker too many times and other such profanity's","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sources say that Charlie Crist is on the phone with Rick Scott as I type this to concede.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be fair that ballon was going to waste in the children's cancer ward.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn. What a cunt. I actually feel sorry for Ozzy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"learn to read retard. Well if getting vaccinated makes me retarded then eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make ur own coffee retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God damn zebras every Virginia possession the whistle blows geeze.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. Can't wait for the future to get here. s\/ Never-ending tribal warfare...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only disabl3d people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Landfill sites are disgusting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what if the entirety of social justice literature is a bunch of prank papers by people who never bothered to reveal the joke? Oh god social justice madness started as a 4chan LARP didn't it I submit that the SJW phenomenon existed before chan culture. There were mainstream movies calling it out\/mocking it in the 90s, and they weren't early to the party. Further, 4chans 'good causes' were things like exposing Scientology, not killing men. I could be underinformed on this one though [deleted] The goons are to blame?! What. A lot of social justice (especially a lot of its top names in the nerd version) can trace its origins to them. To a disturbing amount. Sure. Using the power of evil for supposed good isn't exactly an original idea, but 4chan (and really any other gathering of internet assholes like Something Awful) are what kicked off the modern incarnation. It both normalized a culture of internet jackassery and a culture of being an asshole as a character virtue for the generation that grew up with the internet. >Then someone thought \"What if we used our power for good?\" And we got Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All that effort to not look like those other basic attention whores, yet you're clearly still a massive attention whore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you trans people make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retards are EVERYWHERE!...can't even turn around without another RETARD standing there looking stupid! They are EVERYWHERE...this is what happens when SINGLE women try to raise Boys into men...they wind up stupid or...IN PRISON.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Time for the new Attorney General to show his stuff and go medieval on some asses. The stage is set for this guy to make history if he has the stones. Arrest everyone involved who doesn't comply with lawful orders. Charge them with everything permissible by law. Set an example. say it with me, [MAXIMUM CRIMINAL PENALTIES](https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/1059470847751131138) I'd accept hanging on the National Mall.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you want to attract thousands of #StreetShitters then house them in a cruise ship. San Francisco also provides needles and heroin\/fentanyl shooting galleries. \"HOUSE BOAT Controversial plans to house city's homeless on CRUISE SHIP revealed\" https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7417731\/plan-move-homeless-people-cruise-ship\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get the fuck outta here. Fake and gay. OP is just as retarded as the stupid fake boomer. Who let you people into the club? I want names!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yankees shouldn't rely on the long ball in the playoffs #Yankees #MLB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First responders try to rescue a potential suicidal person. Chicks held up in traffic get next to the scene and yell for him to jump because they were inconvenienced in backed up traffic. Man jumps. Women sentenced for being cunts. Reddit applauds chicks because being stuck in traffic over a potential suicide is not worth their time. no hope in humanity...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the reason they want to flood the voterbase with people from third world countries is that 1st worlders are better educated, less tolerant of corruption, are attuned to the notion that the government is subordinate to the people, they're less collectivist and more individualist, and they're aware of and value their rights more than 3rd worlders. This makes 1st worlders harder to control and harder to oppress than 3rd worlders, since 3rd worlders are used to being controlled\/oppressed by the state, and 1st worlders aren't. It's by design that our system produces people who are hostile to tyranny. That's an essential feature of our civilization. But that's an obstacle to [the powermongers in our midst.](https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/656861746720804864\/JHeqm8nM_400x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SILVERBACK APE Whoopi Goldberg: Trump Is Taking a Giant Dump' on America He Is Not a President I Recognize' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/02\/whoopi-goldberg-trump-is-taking-a-giant-dump-on-america-he-is-not-a-president-i-recognize\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i hate hoes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THOT harder for the muzzies next time love","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this another faggot that's going to hide when the niggers are rioting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DeezNutsDoe I'd hate feeling like a faggot too punk ass hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol That's porbably her mate. Lots of weird types on here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are not a serious person. You look white and if you committed a crime, like sending shit through the US Mail the J-Left media would identify you as white. So, I have no reason to believe you. So, if hypothetically, I gave you the address of the local Synagogue, and you are actually a big enough retard to ship shit to it, you will be ID'd as a White.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Real talk for a second... What I've noticed is that black people who are older, maybe 35 plus? Idk about the exact age, but they I know that these black people are totally respectful and make you forget racism ever existed. Like they are the realest people. The black youth though that subscribes to this disrespectful modern rap culture (by disrespectful I mean in general, sure there are still good rappers but rap today is 90% negativity or egotistical or both) is actively trying to revive racism. They hate white people for no good reason because they are living in an age where equality exists more than ever, and they just wanna be haters basically. Then the same people will say \"fuck haters man\". Like ok.... keep doing you. At the end of the day I keep living my life by my own moral code which is being respectful of everyone unless they give me a reason not to be, but it can't help but sadden me a bit when I see how the black youth (again generalizing) seems to try and fuel more racism through hate, ego, pompous attitude, etc. Real talk for a second... you're a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many f a g g o t s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded giraffe mutant is back","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was more annoyed by the men in that game. Except like 2 or 3 men they were either turbodicks or turboretards. Game was still good. It just overstayed its welcome in the end, I never finished the expansion because I was exhausted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The death penalty would be too good for these feral niggers. Flaying, Vivisection, Crucifixion and more are worthy ways to punish the vile nigger infestations.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have been banned the first day I posted about fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches if this was Twitter. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"If you were given 10 grapes and told two of them were poison, and you couldn't tell which two, would you eat any of them? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hella just ordered me some beanies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans lives are worth so much. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad I don't find it too challenging... I went from trying to fuck every girl that I wanted to fuck, and fucking around a lot.. To meeting the one.\" I lived with the stone cold slut for 6 months and now women grossly displease me to the point of complete lack of sexual desire. I promise I'm not gay- but it's been weeks since I left my cheating skank, and I can't even imagine sticking my dick in any woman, at least for a very long time. I'd rather save the energy. It may be a warm pussy, but she's a cold cunt deep down. I just can't... I loved her so much and she cheated on me. Now that I don't give a fuck about her she begs me for my cock? Wtf, look what you did to me... Fuck that and fuck you. I'm gone and this isn't going to be as friends or fuck buddies. DISGUSTING FUCKING CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People like Netanyahu are Satanists not because they are drinking blood or calling up spirits... https:\/\/aladinsmiraclelamp.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/06\/people-like-netanyahu-are-satanists-not-because-they-are-drinking-blood-or-calling-up-spirits\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberals stop being such fans of women when the woman is Ann Coulter. They stop loving black people when it's Candace Owens. Liberal \"tolerance\" is about power.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off and die you ignorant fuck... Suck a kike dick faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't be so mean to the elephants, they are just big boned... unlike that fat cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cleared out the NSFW part. Because nobody in their right mind wants to see a nigger dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@holmes0786 only if its yellow cake and chocolate frosting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nolte: CNN's Freak Show of Violence and Racism Hit 17 New Lows This Week (CNN should have no viewers at this point. This is the most unAmerican, leftists retard network on the air. There are no professionals at this network.They only hire circus clowns. If you want the truth, listen to Fox news Tucker Carlson, Sean hannity and a few others that come on in the evening) https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/the-media\/2018\/10\/14\/nolte-cnns-freak-show-of-violence-and-racism-hit-17-new-lows-this-week\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok gab. Fuck You. Go fuck your Mama. I've reset my pass word like 4 times today. Why are you acting faggot queer liberals? What's going on. I thought this was freesom of speech and for the people. What gives Bitch!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LEE TRUMBLE @Leetrum is a Left Wing JEW.......Spewing his retarded vitriol in the hope of gaining sympathy from the WORLD.......The Jews Main Goal is to EXTERMINATE THE WHITE RACE........THAT would give this Pitiful Organism Virtual Orgasms for ETERNITY........","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I be jamming Skid Row,Kix,Cinderella,Damn Yankees,Bon Jovi,Def Leppard,Whitesnake,Extreme,Vinnie Vincent Invasion,Ratt,Scorpions etc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just like every wanna-be wigger in the 90's was a member of a gang, when they flashed. If it's even a pro-White thing, it belongs to the Rainbow Flag equivalents.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What do you get when a nigger breeds with a kike ? a White Californian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree. Don't hire SJWs. Don't sleep with them either. Never put your dick in crazy! The spice is life...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Out of day care, I'm taking a kitty nap on you hosers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why can Germany silence nazi shit but Canadians can't silence how terrible we were to natives like 500 years ago >ignorant to history Because the last residential school was closed in the 80s * no one gives a shit about what you dont like, faggot What a limp wrister attitude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You make it sound like God is some sort of Indian-giver or more like this: God ended his covenant with Israel. They are wandering the wilderness until Christ's return. The racist, apartheid state of Israel has nothing to do with Israel in the Bible. If any of the descendants of Abraham, Issac and Jacob still reside in the holy land, they are to be found among the palestinians, not the Ashkenazi Khazarian Synagogue of Satan. That's fair...I just reviewed some of your stuff. We are more alike than I shot off. Please allow my characterization to be withdrawn. Its ok....We have to be vigilant. I let my quotes speak for themselves. No problem with you friend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There was nothing but common trash at the second-hand shop. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After watching TV for some time, the boy went to ask Taylor about playing the game system. Taylor, according to Thompson, closed the door to her bedroom, gently pushed the boy down onto the bed and then straddled him. > >Thompson said she then took off her hooded sweatshirt and placed the boy's hand underneath her bra. Thompson said there was contact of her groin against his against his will, and there was skin-to-skin contact of her forcing his hand upon her breast. She then attempted to remove his clothing. Thompson said Taylor also demanded the boy have sex with her, which is contrary to other claims by the defense that she requested it.\" [http:\/\/elkodaily.com\/news\/local\/defense-argues-unusual-punishment-in-lewdness-case\/article_a32e1d84-e079-11e0-a3ec-001cc4c","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sort of sad Obama is gone... all us white boys need to have a nigger around to laugh at ( < :","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded repost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus, you have to be retarded to think global warming is not real. Sure, a carbon tax is too little too late, I agree with that, but don't be a fool and think climate change does not exist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone in Tennessee has disowned this cunt.. that's just like everybody up where Shania Twain is from and Canada told her to get fuckung lost and not come back they all knew slutty cunt when they see one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They didn't just want \"work girlfriends\". They wanted girlfriends. Ones who didn't look like Gail Simone's awkward more obese cousin. Do you think Dan Slott, Tom Brevoort, or Mark Waid ever got to nail a piece of ass like Heather Antos without paying out the nose for it and then weeping when she left? Nawnigga. They were all living under the fantasy that they'd get some pumkin spiced latte flavored thot pussy. If not from Antos from one of the friends that she greatfully hooked them up with. The irony is that the rainbow hairs aren't wrong about there being toxic males in comics, they're just wrong about who those toxic males are. And they don't care because transferring and projecting that guilt got them money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Couldn't get past all the nigger babble","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THIS IS CIVIL WAR. Daniel Greenfield: \"Guns Are How A Civil War Ends... Politics Is How It Starts\" Transcript of speech that SHOOK Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach 2018 IMPORTANT > EVERY AMERICAN READ > https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-01-27\/daniel-greenfield-guns-are-how-civil-war-ends-politics-how-it-starts If you are an American, read it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Joey_D26 sweet comeback u fuckin herb I dnt watch soccer but id still wax your bitch ass in it go swallow the red soxs kids ur from NYC fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hardly a kids but I like the referrence, as one. Twitter, is the shit box your cat is looking to take a shit in with the little blue faggot birdie!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that black people like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" To be fair, she's only half wrong. They are baby milk vending machines. Knowing that, we choose women with large breasts because, whether rightly or not, we assume they will do a good job of dispensing milk. Thus, we are sexually attracted, because the point of sex is making babies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even straight boys played with Barbies when they were kids! Not an issue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't believe this fucking retard is serious. How tiresome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger! exactly! Nigger has this false sense that beautiful women would want that dirty POS to touch them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of whores. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Walmart fuck your store bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Back to moms basement you go faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The limo company owner, Shahed Hussain, has been located but is currently out of the country, state police said in a news conference Monday afternoon. Three vehicles have been seized in the investigation, and authorities are examining the airbag control module in the crashed limo -- essentially the black box. . \" #SayWhat? \"Hussain once worked as an FBI informant after he pleaded guilty to driver license fraud in 2003,\" the I-Team reported Monday.\" https:\/\/www.nbcnewyork.com\/news\/local\/Schoharie-Limousine-Crash-Driver-Unlicensed-Failed-Inspection-Upstate-New-York-NY-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imm1grants should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[Woman makes an all female company and it implodes](https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-1168182\/Catfights-handbags-tears-toilets-When-producer-launched-women-TV-company-thought-shed-kissed-goodbye-conflict-.html)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First post condemning the girl: 540 points Second post condemning the girl: 288 points Third post analyzing the girl (possibly as a justification, possibly as a condemnation by sarcastically pretending to be someone who would use that as a justification): 77 points Fourth, fifth, and sixth post focusing on sympathy for her: 142 points, 50 points, and [hidden] points respectively. Confirmed anger: 828 points Confirmed sympathy: 192 points Yup, that's a free pass right there \/s \"All feminists say X!\" \"Some do, but most say not-X.\" \"How dare you say that 'all feminists say not-X'? Don't you see the feminists *right there* saying X?\" \"What.\" >\"All feminists say X!\" Can't lefty without a strawman! ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other gay people are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Plenty of politically brainwashed and retarded boomers, but they at least usually have mechanical and technical skills. As opposed to an ex stripper turning liberals off with his retarded antics","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Remember IN NOVEMBER TERM LIMITS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"By nature, corporate accountants are just shitty human beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel sorry for mexican and Asian niggas, they got the worse shaped bitches on earth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"U expect anything else from an Ignorant Nigger !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I obviously have a functioning brain so I am not qualified to be a brainwashed retarded monkey brain RACIST piece of human sewage antifa member. They are are complete NPC's!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LYING FUCK NIGGER !! The handwriting screams a negro wrote this. But maybe it was a mistake and they meant black people don't tip? first lesson I learned as waitstaff; blacks do not tip! This was substantiated over years of being in the industry (I can count on 1 hand the number of times blacks tipped).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So we are not even two full games into the season, and the fairweather whining is already in full effect? #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PowerCumminMax: Green\/yellow fuel pump>>>>>#dieselstation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FFS Tuck Tuck. It's nothing to do with Jews. Eastern Europe was invaded by Islam before and they don't want that shite again. Also invaded by communism and they don't want that shite from the EU again either. Ask my mate @Mira She's Polish and will tell you why they have a strong culture. I love watching you lose arguments everyday Go to Specsavers :) What? Never mind. British joke lol More false statements from this guy... Brits don't even have jokes! We invented humour. You ruined it. Just look at the UK \"The Office\" compared to your version. We had Ricky Jervais you had some weird little twat as David Brent lol OMG, but you guys have THE driest movies ever. Sorry, but it's true :) MOre subtle ;) As subtle as watching paint dry :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your rage gave me an erection. How does it feel that people use the same tactics that you Alt-Left types use, and you can't do *anything* about it. Bruh im being called alt right in ogft, im both ends of the spectrum i guess Well, that shows how retarded your regular haunt is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No trans person ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perjury? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's Karaoke night baby! Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to sing I go! With a voice that sounds like sandpaper hi ho! Hi ho!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Retard in this one is incredible. It also illustrates that libtards are fat and nasty, conservatives are fit and healthy...or the dyke wouldn't be whining about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So sad seeing white ethnomasochists listen to and even dance to nigger music.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">The argument is that male tennis players having a tantrum aren't penalised to the extent that Serena was penalised Except that argument is retarded. Even if it were true (despite statistically data showing it isnt) men wouldnt gain any benefit. How so? Well if a woman is penalized more and thus disadvantaged for having a tantrum then their female opponent has more of an advantage. On the flip side, if a man is penalized less for having a tantrum and thus gain an advantage, then his male opponent has more of a disadvantage because their opponent wasnt penalized as much as they should have been. In either case there is no net change in advantage, just in the case of women the one receiving the penalizing would be the disadvantaged party and for men the one whose opponent wasnt penalized when they should have been is the disadvantaged party. Either way there is no net change. The only time the argument would possibly make sense is if","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some cunt on Twitter called @Lydabean got my account pulled for saying the Honduran rapefugees should be carpet-bombed. If you still have an account, please consider reporting her for targeted harassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We have the technology now to run tightly targeted programs of extermination in poor countries, particularly the ones that have cool wildlife and scenery that's ruined when poor people chop down rain forest and kill elephants and stuff. and#x200B; and#x200B; You only care about people because you're people too. Like you said, if they're bugs then fuck em kill em all no one cares, because you're not a bug. If chickens could talk we'd have chicken rights on the constitution and colonel sanders would be the new hitler. Killing people is just killing people, hell we kill babies on the womb and sentence criminals to get murdered, if it's right or wrong depends on your perspective. But they are retards. Both the OP and your comment suggests they are having many kids for shits and giggles without any solid reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate that I wake up early the morning after I drink. But the fact that there was a cold yellow gatorade in the fridge gets me so happy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some cunt that works at google security section is hacking my phone so please see who is logged on as admin sec there now and fuckin give him a lumber punch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll have to rape him today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am not \"admitting\" anything. i was offering you an explanation. you dumb cunt Yeah, you did admit it, you faggot. Just because you didn't mean to doesn't mean that it doesn't count. suck a bag of nigger dicks you clown","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants must know that they are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Do we really want to opt out of \/r\/bestof? Yes, really. 10k brigaded votes isn't a positive, nor are the 1500 comments that the mods have to sort through. In my experience they're also going to be from a bunch of people with far-left ideology who are just here to argue rather than discuss, no added value. and by cringe inducing you mean \"reported to DHS for a domestic terror threat\"? Just no. I refuse to take hyperbolic bullshit at it's face value on the internet. Let them make their completely empty threats, the day I call the cops on someone for the words they typed is the day I become the enemy. Nothing personnel, kid. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/cEioCWF.png","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people Jihadi. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I bet you're not faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I fucking bet. Fuck this whole reality TV shit. Like Lindsay Graham is supposed to be my hero now because he \"totally destroyed the libtards epic style.\" And I supposed to give a fuck that Kanye Kardashian is a retarded attention whore. LuL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Arizona even let this cunt be so close then let em deal with it. Fucking idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man, what a shame. I really liked Game Maker's toolkit. It's legit good stuff. Who gave you the soy, Mark? What compelled you to go down the *dark path?* Oh yah, for sure. It's the same with his streams. This is a guy who works well on a script and that's it. That's not a *bad thing* though, but it's not like he explains anything revolutionary. I did enjoy the boss keys series on the evolution of Zelda though. And I respect the hustle that goes behind producing that. Same here with Boss Keys, regardless of his other stuff. Pardon my grumbling, I just haven't found a source of good game design videos in a while ever since I realized Extra Credits and GMTK aren't actually that useful, and I'm trying to go into game design. AFAIK the good stuff is the literature and certain specific talks from sources like gdc or some of the design schools if you can source those. I've been incredibly lucky at just sniping specific developer twitters and either just following their ramblings or plain asking them about stuff. I've been watching a few GDC talks, I enjoyed one on the encounter design of Doom Thanks for the recommendations, and I'll look into some design schools for content alongside GDC talks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Parsons trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot ass bitch nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @foodbibIe: Oreo Cheesecake Bars http:\/\/t.co\/RT27crIqZj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Moon time\". Theyre not werewolves you fuck. In many languages menstruation is referred to as \"moon time\" (including my native), so I believe that's what they aimed for here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All gay people are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because NormieCucks are thralls to nigger worship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Peaceful town votes in a perfect pc profile mayor and gets a predictable result: a bunch of snowflake ordinances that drive people batshit http:\/\/www.post-gazette.com\/news\/state\/2018\/10\/22\/Racial-tension-divides-Pennsylvania-Bridgeport-Mark-Barbee-black-openly-gay-mayor-election\/stories\/201810220092","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Absolutely excellent as ever, and yes, cycling is fabulous for mental health.. bike when you' re happy, bike when you' re sad, shout at the rain, scream inwardly at a complex hill climb and get that endorphin rush from being outside.. and smile at your fellow cyclists (and passing chickens, in my experience, a wee bwark at a chook makes many things better)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: Screaming RACIST is not an argument. Screaming NAZI is not an argument. PEDOPHILE is not an argument. But guess what both the right and left love to do? Scream insults instead of facts. The Gab echo chamber is starting to show.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NYDNSports @Yankees ugh , @Espo4710 put one 420 dead center off him @StFrancisNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @aychmoore: most teachers abuse their position, there's teaching with discipline and there's being a cunt, most are cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This nigga over here telling me he dont fuck with this bitch . When he do . Or maybe she lying lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tommy Robinson's Day, NPC, ANTIFA And Showing The Media As Liars media used every trick in the book to try and paint a picture of thugs support Tommy. this irresponsible hate mongering is legitimising extremist left-wing thugs to become increasingly violent. a third of the speakers are Jewish https:\/\/youtu.be\/m7E9e3zZhiI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OGMarcusC: !!!! @RapAboutCereal: Jay Z verse trash. http:\/\/t.co\/eYb3B08BTM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As someone who has worked retail, I genuinely hate how customers *behave*, and it's hard to maintain good service when you have to lube your ass up for every scumfucker who waddles over to bless your day, in the hopes that they won't complain about something involving you and you immediately get shitcanned by your store's fat tiedrone for the retard that reported you for following company policy. \"The customer is always right\" corporate culture sounds good, until you have to deal with customers using the corporate policies in place, then you get to play real life \"Papers, Please.\" Also, you get paid nothing and get zero benefits, and your boss will constantly and purposefully fuck you over when it benefits them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where is the 'what I offer' section? Or is that section implicit between the lines, intimating at a picky, insatiable, and delusional cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"University of Utah student killed outside dorm identified, gunman found dead https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2q3hVtc #FoxNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"your brain is damaged, you miserable cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck MLK @AntSoo305_: @Vonteeeeee: Why does Lexii keep favoriting my coon tweets ? MLK didnt die for this ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BurgerKing: Chicken Fries. @Oreo Shake. Perfection. http:\/\/t.co\/PdiGLRbhJZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely abhor all bigots. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like a nigger car to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/dcdirtylaundry.com\/college-snowflake-calls-911-for-help-theres-a-bunch-of-trump-people-and-its-not-very-safe-right-now\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish all gay people would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Cantwell I acquired a better job. You'll be getting at least Fittee a month upon first paycheck, brother.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Preserving the ability of girls to do this kind of bullshit is half the reason feminazis exist. > Preserving the ability of girls to do this kind of bullshit is half the reason ~~feminazis~~ feminism exists. FTFY. Distinguishing between the two is important. There are still true feminists that only want equality, and though many of them fall for the same traps that constitute misandry rather than a desire for equality, the same thing happens in mensrights with misogyny. Lumping the groups together is like lumping mensrights with incels, which is disingenuous and deceptive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your disabled lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DoctoroftheDead: @Jackson_D_Chase @violet_berry_ You realize I m going to have to get out all those #horror and other poems I wrote abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only Muslims would be as fucking retarded as to try to put a baby in a baby.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"If everyone just agreed with me we wouldn't have any problems\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Google exposed the private data of hundreds of thousands of people and declined to inform the public... Report: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/google-reportedly-hid-data-exposure-of-500k-users-from-public\/ #infowars #GooglePlus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll give you a baby zebra girl.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha Following hate makes you nuts. It doesn't matter which hate you follow. It also makes you a follower of Satan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason how would u know if I don't fuck with you? Exactly you don't wtf I got shut your retarded ass up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They always do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shy singer surprises and melts Simons heart: http:\/\/t.co\/RbCWsvvdJY This was so damn beautiful! I almost cried!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Put the redskins in your starting lineup instead of the Dolphins...it'll be fun they said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoying the freedom that the British Army have fought for is not allowed. Is it even British any more? They give holidays to people in enemy uniform. Soldier in Tommy Robinson video to be discharged from army https:\/\/news.sky.com\/story\/soldier-in-tommy-robinson-video-to-be-discharged-from-army-11522986 Good luck with the future recruiting Army. How do you say army strong, bring your own machete in Arabic? Pretty sad when the recruits know right from wrong and their superiors have their heads stuck up the left's arse. Since when does the army condone rape grooming gangs? Clearly the BA needs it's own Joan of Arc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you a Nazi? This is My latest Nazi poll here at Gab. I conduct these Nazi polls every 6 months to determine the percentage of Nazis here at Gab... #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect I honestly have no idea what constitutes as a \"Nazi\" any more. The left say the MAGAs are \"Nazis\" and the MAGAs say the left are \"Nazis\" sooo is everyone a nazi? I think Bigfoot is a Nazi... He's also Scarlet Pimpernel. So you're an idiot then! WHAT THE MEDIA AND THE LEFT SAYS IS IRRELEVANT. WAKE THE FUCK UP! :roll: #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect HAHAHA! Wow what a reaction! You must be a Nazi National socialists* ( let's stick to the facts) as far as I know most all are pro Trump but are critical of him in the places that need to be criticized Nope, socialists (demonrats and Nazi) are both anti-Trump losers. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ISIS had their own gold coin currency from oil under POS traitor Obama, he propped economies... just not ours.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't wait for you nazi faggot tears, faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kill the gays","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are a mamby pamby faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"someone dox this cunt in germany so I can post his address to the local mosque and let nature correct it's mistake","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When millennial blacks and Mexicans see Charlottesville footage of Nazis clashing with anti-whites, they don't say \"look at those heroic fat blue haired dyke granola grad students defending POCs and diversity\". Instead they say \"YO, WHITE PEOPLE ARE CRAAAAAAZZZZY!!!!\" *insert laughing tears emoji*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey, cunt - I hope you choke on the shit you spew!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone with a family doesn't want to give violent leftists their real name? Say it isn't so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jonny tells his dad after school, that his teacher told him that he was to ask his dad to tell him the difference between a cunt and a vagina. Dad pulls out a dirty mag w\/ Allyssa Milano centerfold, and circles the cooch and says \" that's a vagina ok dad what's a cunt? Everything outside the circle .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NOT FUNNY: Chelsea Handler targets Republican senator on 'Coming Out Day'... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HZJC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dblite works like a charm in OpenWrt Arduino Yun with full test coverage. The gyp version would rarely made in there https:\/\/t.co\/4JRj1Ezc1S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me guess... this nigger is a jew sock puppet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Again - no amount of telling those people how retarded they are will make them see themselves for what they are or change their minds. My only satisfaction in all this comes from knowing that I don't have to try and make them miserable - they manage it all on their own. Thinking that probably makes me bad person, and I'm strangely at peace with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men can see beauty, so they don't want to sleep with black women or make goblin babies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TorahBlaze: @1SonofYahweh they should be ashamed of themselves. I'll be single for life before I fuck w a nasty, faggot ass white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck, that was tough. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White women say this to me all the time now... EQ is just as important as IQ. It's usually just before I trigger the shit out of them and they go full retard on me. #repeal19","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabl3d people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DangItsTiff you look like fucking shrek bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kuczaaaK: I'm getting trash talked by a 8 year old #wtf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I couldn't be fucked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot much?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @librarianknight: More queer lady Templars. That's my point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just yelled I HATE JEWS at the train station, can I get a sieg heil? to be fair, calling them \"dumb cunts\" is not helping your case. altho you're totally right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If someone wants to organise a whatever only forum they should be allowed. They should only organize as the law allows. In this case, the law does not allow it. If women want to do this they need to change the law to allow men to do it. No. The law isn't God. If a law is unethical it doesn't apply. Go worship the government somewhere else. > The law isn't God. Quite true. The law exists. God does not. >The law exists That doesn't give it authority or power >God does not Prove it. Impossible to prove a negative... prove his existence then we can discuss Oh boy... This, again. Dude, you're a real, genuine idiot. Good luck disproving that. Mate you are the one claiming a positive. If I claim the sky is purple, it is up to me to bring the evidence, not upto you to disprove it. Honestly, prove the tooth fairy doesnt exist, or even better, the thousands of other gods you dont believe in dont exist. I dont feel bad at all making these statements. I do feel bad for you though, no doubt you are the product of indoctrination from your parents, like I was, and forced into a live of belief despite being no evidence of gods existence. Even if he did exist, an egotistical asshole like that does not deserve your praise. Dont know if you are jewish muslim or christian, but read your sacred text end to end and let me know if you really want to worship a being like that. Dumbass... Enjoy your downvoted. I'm sure it's everyone else and not you though. S\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). You're a retard then","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Islam is hell . We Asian hate isalm...Islam bring only destruction..killing. rape... rufugee.... Islam is hell .. Asian thought sorry...but is true","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that immigrants should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt has an amazing afro https:\/\/youtu.be\/FfIq3rGBSOI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot power! hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait... What sjw? That lady is fucking crazy I think he's talking about the planned parenthood workers, because apparently working for planned parenthood makes you an SJW.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shots fired in the area of the 14-88 block of Sopwith. Send amberlamps. Oh shit, it's blue on blue. Put a rush on that amberlamps. We can rebuild him. We have the technology. All we need is about 6 gorillian dollars. You're funny. I am too. LOLzy LOL ;) Are you done spamming me with invites to groups yet? 156 notifications is a bit much to join 2 groups. Especially those I mean damn... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not let women be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"when rappers say twat it makes me feel weird\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@delaney_guinan a faggot that needs to grow up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just stop offending Native Americans you racists it aint hard. Native Americans are pretty gay. Americans are racist as fuck dawg. Native Americans own your country. Did you just have a conversation with yourself? Well, he's not going to be talking to anyone else here, so probably. I think he deserves a warning.Like don't overuse his gimmick or something. >I think he deserves a warning.Like don't overuse his gimmick or something. I... I legit can't tell if you're serious or just playing around, so I'll just say that if he comments in here again I'll be sure to give him a stern warning. At first I tought this was some idiot forgetting to switch his accounts in an attempt to make KIA look bad, but I'm not sure now. I figured he just didn't know Vipon is perma'd. This is what happens when you reach woke level 9000 Probably do you want to talk to me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pierce did not take infrastructure and logistics seriously - he literally bought the OKC scam and even went on Jew TV to praise terrorism. No wonder you praise his WORST mistakes, you being a Jew TV collaborator yourself. Kikester Rapist, you are just another \"anonymous\" shitskin mamzer faggot infesting the bowel Movement and as such are part of the scenery -- like Mattoid Chaimbach. Sooner or later like Bryan Reo you will becum outed and then further made irrelevant. At least Mattoid Parrot is whigger, hence salvageable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"False Flag Planned By Democrats Before The Midterms! From Twitter and supposedly by Q Lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rightist: \"2+2=4!\" Leftist: \"No you racist nazi misogynist! 2+2=5!\" Horseshoe theorists: \"You are both retarded! Obviously 2+2= Rightist: \"2+2=~~4~~3!\" Leftist: \"No you racist nazi misogynist! 2+2=5!\" Horseshoe theorists: \"You are both retarded! Obviously 2+2=4~~.5~~!\" Obviously this isn't how it works.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MaryWCVB: Congressional Hopeful Richard Tisei stops in at Baker's Swampscott Rally. But still no Charlie. #wcvb http:\/\/t.co\/uycfEng3B9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've thought long and hard about this and...I don't care. This was a Saudi citizen killed by Saudis on Saudi property. And so what if he was a journalist? If anything, that makes me think less of him, considering today's state of journalism. There's nothing here that merits another potential useless, bloody mid-east ground war. @Bilitamp Agree! We do not need to be involved. We need to stay out of other governments business. The only thing to concern us should be trade. How they handle their own is their business.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Aryanliving Welcome to the movement. Anyone who gets even minor publicity is a queer, fed, or jew (well, according to the internet).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Youve repeatedly had the difference between Jewish communists opposing Israel and opposing Jews themselves explained, but you dont care, because you are a bolshevik pretending to be natsoc. Take a loan from a beggar and buy a smart phone. You're a fucking idiot. #apostrophes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That gay person will die a horrible deth at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Kanye effect https:\/\/redd.it\/9nylp7 This is GREAT The Left tries to intimidate us, harass us, bully us, censor us so that we are afraid to publicly support POTUS. When that doesn't work, Antifa goons can try to bloody us. Look what Kanye's courage has done It honestly saddens me to read some of the disgusting comments below regarding the fellow patriots above. Ignorant racist fools.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You #football #nigga #KISS #ISIS #wifebeater #faggots> WE SEE YOU> Shout it out to the RADICAL #IslamNation, #YO>","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pathetic whiny dildo liberal imbeciles, all of them . Talk is cheap cunt , ha, ha, ha. You're about as tough as a saggy tit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"clueless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond hey, maybe you can dejew this faggy police anthem. I dunno, I'm stuck being an English nigger for now https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=116andv=IpkX6aIrSQcandebc=ANyPxKows5oZCRURqHGElbpJzfr6RluF-6qJq_c0LKuIdArbvzcf4hlCLEuyEMUSlTz1GFPZqkv_Qs9I74n8O96e3dzJIAFbmQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/3Jk4kR44X3\" a pissed lad past out. I would lick his dirty soles while he slept.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I need a little help from the Gab Fam here. Anyone know who this guy is? I've seen his face somewhere before. I just can't remember where or when. I think he works for the government. But I'm not positive. Any help will be greatly appreciated. It's driving me nuts. Well \"Q\" says he is working as the silent executioner (psyop) Many patriots believe he is a spook, gathering information on people to protect his own ass Remember he owns part of the company that leased the helicopters that shot up the people in Las Vegas... His old ass will swing with the rest if so... Time will tell Prove that #Q is fake. Go ahead. I'll wait. I do believe Q is a psyop. At Christmas last year we were all waiting for the first of the year for the arrests to start as per \"Q\" Guess what we are waiting for this year.... Unsure your education level, but try to conceptualize this. Meanwhile, prove that #Q is fake. Your beliefs don't matter. #QAnon info is Global now. Here ya go. https:\/\/www.sketchbubble.com\/en\/presentation-circular-timeline.html My beliefs are mine, I wont change them because someone else believes something else... I am an AMERICAN As far as my education, you might be surprised. I know we all want to hold on to a hero, my belief is its not \"Q\" The enemy has many, many faces.... If you want to believe, then believe Pretty sure I'll do what I want anyway. But help us all out. Prove that #Q is fake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pop-up ads are absolutely despicable. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drita is that nicca! Lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time. Every time there's a girl with red hair\/Irish\/Scottish descent, they make her black just because. Every *single* ***time.*** Irish Lives Matter. The English: Do they really? Cromwell did literally nothing wrong. *Seethes and reaches for a drink* How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? This happens so often it feels like it's intentional. Triss is not a redhead in the books though, and the TV series isn't based on the games. Both CDPR and Netflix changed her looks. And shes a thot of the highest order... The triss in the books isnt exactly a likeable person I've only played the games so I'm curious about what makes her unlikable?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank you for your service Thanks for paying your taxes. All servicemen\/women pay taxes as well...based on their home state.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God will not save Britons until they admit Hitler was right. Nazi hund have u even read mein kampf ? Hitler loved muzzies hated, charlemenge of all people. He certainly was more fond of muzzie members then jewish ones","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees Damn you DirectTv blackout the Yankee game. With a freaking WALK OFF! You're killing me satellite douche.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@joeylattime @Mawson38 @ameriC00N thats just me rooting against a team I hate not banwagoning u retard u have a different favorite","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another game the schools play, encourage students to apply, rake in application fees even though they know you have no chance of getting in, expect if black or spic and can play a game, build up their selectivity standing so students will feel grateful and special to be paying out the ass !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Delete now you bitch ass nigga RT @Quanny_Quan: If the Redskins beat us I will delete my fucking IG","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" This could not happen with out a state. How? Because without a welfare system in which people are shielded from the consequences of the their anti-social behaviors they will either not do stupid things or they will die as a result.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well good morning early birds.. t minus 47 mins until thee clock out. Then breakfast shower rub one and sleep!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Southwest Airlines passenger removed for calling flight attendant a nigger. I think I just found my new BFF! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-removed-for-calling-flight-attendant-the-n-word-delaying-plane While the flight attendant is definitely a nigger, it is considered highly impolite to bring that obvious fact to everyone's attention. I mean, if someone farts in a ballroom, do you see many people point fingers at the person? @alternative_right I agree on this point. I think we should use the word NIGGER in some other context to avoid making it personal. Like calling ourselves WHITE NIGGERS and demanding our own ethnostate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Killing me to see gays treated like that. I think lesbians are being more privileged by people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine having that many more niggers to support. Fuck that Ok faggot ass nigger lover. You want millions of extra niggers move to africa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"euro had to fight 100s of horrible wars for territory over 1000s of years while having nose to grind stone 24\/7\/365 building \/ inventing \/ creating cultures to survive on earth only to be back stabbed by a bunch of stupid spiritless vicious lazy nigger monkeys , who made zero out of life those 1000s years , with their life on earth made by us .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha how very typical, attack the alt accounts and pretend that using real names DOESN'T cost people jobs or the threat of the JDL and Jewish Mafia showing up at our doors. I suppose you'd take all of those Jewish quotes seriously if I posted my name address and social below?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheDiLLon1: Y'all not gonna trash Spirit airlines. I travel w\/ them all the time. They even let me fly the plane 4 times. They don't mi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I enjoy retard jokes but this just insults everyone, why don't you take the Foundation's advice and just Shut The Fuck Up ? Or come up with funny memes. Wait a second......you said you enjoy retard jokes, but are offended by remotely being referred to as one. That sounds kinda fucked up????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swarms of trans people are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PELOSI DECLARES: I'll be Speaker again! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/x95Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No you gap toothed cunt it's because of nato there are no wars in Europe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol this story is bullshit. It's pretty obvious. why? that's assumptive. To heck with the Middle East. They've been fighting and murdering each other since forever. How about what's going on in Europe? I take it you are fine with the 'Religion of Peace' doctrine? No problem there? No Muslim rape gangs, no skyrocketing crime? No assaults on culture? No problem? No crisis in Welfare benefits? No crisis in housing? No crisis in health care, with a tsunami of illiterate, unskilled, fast-breeding parasites? I guess that must also be 'Pentagon propaganda'? Where did you achieve this degree in History that you seem so proud of? Lol yes most of that has been bullshit. They bring in a bunch of people, which I agree shouldn't happen, but then create the hoax that they're forming rape gangs. Since you have no power to stop immigration the next best thing is martial law to stop them. Which is exactly what's happening in Sweden. It's all a ploy to get you to advocate for military on the street. Same thing in Chicago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Protesters Cry As Kavanaugh Vote Announced https:\/\/youtu.be\/31tLJPxdmD8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I live with two disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Woody_AFC: I saw a great chimpout 2 summers ago. A middle aged Salvadoran and his 15 Yr old son got wasted by 6 beaners at the metlife ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling trans people trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/cDFFis0j4JM Well thats depressing. No wonder why nazis are so angry Their ideology failed time and time again. That socialism sure did help them. I mean Germany hasn't existed since 1990 - no wonder why its a failed state. It didn't fail, it was Jewed, you haven't even passed Bernard Baruch Secretary of both World Wars Same team, Jewish, that's occupied Germany and you Jews are still guilty of the Holodomor and Katyn Massacre with sudequent cover ups to deceive the Americans to pass Lend Lease. The Nurmburg Trial was not American, we do not permit ex post facto laws Constitutionally. Watch your head, Negro. https:\/\/youtu.be\/UDyBSTQDwH8 Germany lost - tell me, if the Nazi ideology was soooo perfect, why did they lose? Your leader is dead, your nation bans National Socialism, your nation is worse than 1929 degeneracy, and there isn't a damn thing you can do except bitch about the past online. I don't give a fuck about any nation or race - if it isn't American, it's inferior. PERIOD. World Kikery: It's afraid. >America is \"world kikery\" nigga omg you really are a Eurofag retard World Kikery. It's afraid. no u ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical of a trans person to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glenn is the type of Korean dude I m fucking into. I love his weird eyes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No pizza for you! What a shame that these public bodies attract so many people who find it impossible to mind their own business. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/health\/article-6269819\/Is-favourite-pizza-going-affected-new-calorie-cap.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eisenhower starved to death over a million good German soldiers at Rhine meadows! Eisenhower was a WAR Criminal! JEWS are LIARS! I wish I could debate the Jew bastard. Jews are too retarded though to actually debate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Racist ass black bitch slapping a white man. Bus driver has that uppercut for that ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As the ex-father of a 24 year old daughter who I tried hard to raise properly only to be stabbed in the back after I found she had taken a nigger as her current fiance', therefore forfeiting any further acknowledgement as a family member and who is now regarded as a degenerate former member of White society, I encourage niggers to slay their mudsharks, whether current or former. Burn the coal, pay the toll. Fuck that. She grew up knowing what the drill was. I saved her from many bad situations involving niggers where she was scared to death. I even put my own freedom and life at jeopardy to do so on several occasions. and that is how she repaid me. She was even 'sly' about it. She knew what my reaction would be yet she tried to play me. The THOT came out hard in her which was equally angering. She is an evil wench and she deserves everything she gets. And I would hope that no White Man would ever fall for her if that chance was presented. I would do everything possible to save HIM from that hell.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=Of1Od0n_y34 If people don't start exercising their second amendment rights soon, it will be more then just Steven Crowder and his group receiving leftist violence and aggressive threats from fat communist soylant NPC's.... Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the vile RACIST Jewish Supremacist main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Foreseeing Landslide Victory, Brazil's Bolsonaro Begins Considering Cabinet Picks #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #BanFGM #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AfD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #Winning #USA #Nationalist #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew https:\/\/www.oann.com\/foreseeing-landslide-victory-brazils-bolsonaro-begins-considering-cabinet-picks\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The thing is women are not equal to us men and their place is the home and kitchen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why on Earth would anyone not want citywide networks that work on the same frequency as crowd control weapons? We've gone full retard with electronics. When you're not at work turn the damn things off. There will be idiots that cheer for this shit while we all share in the cancers all these wireless frequencies cause.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not equality if everyone doesn't get it you dumb cunt. It's privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT WHO USED STEROIDS !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".... National Socialist.... GOT YOU POTTY TRAINED no more nazi ha haha hha hah hah ahah ahaa cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @wisdom_spewed: No, you stupid redneck, \"Animal Husbandry\" does NOT mean you can get hitched to your blue tick hound, Misty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OmarImranTweets: Media be like:*Muslim whale attacks US Navy**Muslim tiger attacks Zookeeper**Muslim bird attacks Eiffel Tower**Mu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YES!! RT @Merky__: NO!!! RT @HuffPostTaste Will YOU buy the new Caramel Apple flavor of Oreos? http:\/\/t.co\/K8zUp4Ynzf http:\/\/t.co\/AMuZaTglx8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dumb cunts just don't know when to stop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I havent seen the video but is this the starbucks shit again ? Because he is black and she was a bit of a dick ahes automatixally racist ? Her \"business\" involved not letting non-habitants into her condo building. What's hard to understand here? >> It's not her condo building. At all. She just lives there, same as him. This is so dumb I don't know how to respond. Obv she doesn't own the building. I mean, wtf? She lives at the building and due to crimes there, was told to not admit people that don't live there. This is for safety reasons of the residents. The door only opens with a fob. She had hers, he did not, and did not bother to try to prove he lived there. That's on him, not her. This is called piggybacking in the physical security realm and it is not unreasonable to mitigate this issue. Don't want to get locked out? Don't forget your fob. Pretty cut and dry. Being made into a race issue bc... The mental gymnastics needed to make this an issue are laughable. Prove me wrong. LOL. Are you retarded or a literal sheep? If some stranger just walks in behind you without signing through security checks then you'd have to be a complete fool or a future victim to not question it. Good luck with your future murder.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cover up of the inbred , parasite animals who use vulnerable children as sex slaves is at an end . Tommy Robinson has changed everything and the animals are on the run .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See? Nigger stupidity. Don't even know they are being mocked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL you can't even spell it nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"James Woods: Oh, and the \"spontaneous mob would have to walk 20 miles a day for a hundred consecutive days, without rest, to get here. That's over three months obviously, and yet I guarantee they will all miraculously appear at our border right at midterm election week. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealJamesWoods\/status\/1054208128017928193 Do you remember, when Castro emptied the prisons and sent them here. We don't know what lurks in this crowd.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, but he can't be president forever and these people, these authoritarian cunts, are not going to change. Not ever. So what happens when Trump stops being president? The way I see it, I'm being pushed into one of two racist camps. I'm not a cuck, so the one I joined seems obvious I don't treat people differently because of their race. That used to be what we strove for, but that's racist now. If that, combined with me having the audacity to do exactly what other groups do in advocating for their own interests makes me a racist according to window licking retard npcs like you so be it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Likely this was opiod related or severe mental illness. She lived in a place that is untouched by diversity, and not a bastion of liberalism. This was a tough story to hear about. It's factually inaccurate to say Maine is untouched by diversity. As Paul LePage has pointed out, Maine has a huge problem with black drug dealers from out of state knocking up white Maine women and leaving. Would not be surprised to find out that this was another such case. I'd be shocked since she was from Lee, and she did this north of the Lincoln exit. If it was Lewiston or Augusta then it would surely be possible. Smoothie probably don't make it to Lee or the big city of Lincoln. Fair point but I'm not ruling out anything at this point Lewistown Mane has a somoli moslem problem because their welfare handouts were too rich It's Lewiston, but you're otherwise correct","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"How to Retard for Dummies\" - a book, amazingly, believe it or not written by Alex Cortez...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Mari_813: \"Bae\" means \"before anything else\" I always thought it was a ghetto word for \"babe\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sold yourself out dbag. Throwing buzzwords around instead of thinking makes you a inept yet dangerous person. Seek help, there's no shame in mental illness. > I'm done taking a shit and arguing with a 14 year old. You argued with yourself as you took a shit? Are you retarded as well as stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"According to mainstream feminists she is a real rape victim. Through expertly retarded mental gymnastics they would state that: The police intimidated her in to recanting her story (Just like they said about the college girl who cheated on her bf by having a 3 some with those two black football players), OR A few innocent men suffering is unimportant because her story has brought **awareness** to the suffering all women face from the rampant rape problem that is plaguing our nation. (That is what they said when Mattress Girl was found to be a fraud, and the guy's reputation had been ruined along with him being kicked out of school)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just wanna slit this mf throat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton should be renamed Hillary Clitoris as she's part of the world's biggest cunt - Globalism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bet that white supremacist is also just waiting for his nigger to finally leave so that he can listen to Aryan Kampf 88 and watch Triumpf des Willens in peace...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There aren't multiple Jewish religions. There is Judaism and there is everything else. The \"12 tribes of Israel\" implies that there was more than one group that could call themselves Israelites. I don't call myself an Israelite. Or gods chosen... Wheres the archeological record proving the \"12 tribes of Israel\" ever existed? Its a work of fiction, no evidence it ever existed Being white doesn't make you special snowflake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has Saudi Arabia Finally Gone Too Far? https:\/\/lobelog.com\/has-saudi-arabia-finally-gone-too-far\/ via @lobelog i would just ban any mainstream media that isn't 100% working on subscriber money. no ads, limited donations of say 1000$ if the reporting is good and worth reading you will survive. if it's not you will die. no more jewish billionaire to save your ass and you remove all those media that only survive with govt help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whackadoodle in action. #Kavanaugh #SCOTUS #MeToo #Dems She's had a half dozen facelifts. I think her eyelids are permanently open.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"directions: let bird chill in sink for 30 minutesme: ok http:\/\/t.co\/TxU9NMwQha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hahaha... Twitter put me on a limited state for calling a Cunt, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump's a retard and the people that follow him are retarded sheep.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep banned me for posting the ok handsign.....triggered a liberal bitch and wala. ...banned. all a faggot has to do is cry to dicksuckerberg and your gone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Dutch people who live outside of #NewYorkCity are all white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"we are so lucky that we have the compulsory voting , but even so, we still elect garbage into parliament, so much for our intelligence isn't it? Just look at the collection of human criminals. Thurdbull, the Short arse, The most immoral parasite in the nation the ACVT's Chief minister the ugly sob. QLD, old hag the commie cunt, and WA's worthless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manywetbacks in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros scum Finbarr, Caleb, or Kai ? He must be another one. I didn't spot him on the long 842 list. Another loser with no purpose in his pathetic life! Here's another one that got arrested. She's deleted her FB. Looks like she protested at Standing Rock","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol, dozy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DolfyAdolf Y'all gots betta machinery fo dat. Hanger be ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. Anything darker than a sicilian is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you actually call it \"indigenous people's day\" you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fine. Let's go back to calling you all niggers then.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are absolute heroes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rev. Charlie Rangel: What Unions Stand For Are Spiritual Damn Things LIKE INFLATABLE RATS. http:\/\/t.co\/2nmrLDvIgB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murkowski trying to make a name for herself, rather than her Daddy's ???? Here's a name CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hate to break it to you... but that's a dude. should be playing vs nadal and federer etc instead of cheating. Hate to break it to you, but she couldn't beat the 203'rd male player when she was at her prime. From his Wikipedia page: >Braasch competed in a \"Battle of the Sexes\" contest against the Williams sisters (Venus and Serena) at the 1998 Australian Open when he was ranked Braasch was described by one journalist as \"a man whose training regime centred around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager\".[2] He nonetheless defeated both sisters, playing a single set against each, beating Serena 6 1 and Venus 6 Uhhhhh... it literally says Serena was That's not exactly her prime. She'd get her ass kicked by most men, but citing this article is dumb. They were girls. They are girls, that's the point dumbass. The person I responded to was trying to say she should be playing in the men's bracket. This clearly shows no, she shouldn't. They said they could beat the number one male tennis player, and the 203rd accepted the challenge. It wasn't some made for TV bullshit. Her mouth got her in trouble then, and it got her in trouble now. Do some research instead of just reading the Wikipedia article you cuck. And players in their late teens are in their prime. You're a dense little cunt, aren't you? Serena Williams was not even remotely her best at 16 years old. And it WAS made for TV bullshit, you dolt, go watch the fucking match if you don't believe me. I don't know why or how you possibly think tennis players in their late teens are in their prime. This isn't gymnastics and that is outrageously false. No one is going to believe that bullshit and this is exactly why you're just talking straight out of your asshole. The correct answer is 24, faggot: https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/m\/pubmed\/3418037\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"o yea!!! liking the yellow:) http:\/\/t.co\/2wj4wdd0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching Richie Rich! On Tv..Even he wanted to kick it with the ghetto kids..Shows yuh how much Money Aint A Thang!...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@DomWorldPeace: Baseball season for the win. #Yankees\" This is where the love started","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DIYcookery: Godiva Chocolate Dipped Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/OSYPnadYtO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This meme really struck a nerve for some reason. Because the truth about some people being shallow trenders, especially in something geeky, hit to close to the home. The thing is even if they were shitheads still, if they were honest about things people wouldn't mind so much. Unless they were hardcore evil in their true state but other than that it's like, \"It's okay you only watch this show because of something stupid and don't really understand it, just don't act like you do and don't give people who appreciate it all the way shit.\" basically don't be a dick constantly. > The thing is even if they were shitheads still, if they were honest about things people wouldn't mind so much. i was meaning to write a topic on that, on if it's the dishonesty rather than just coming into the space. like we're not upset SJWs came into the geek circles but that they claimed to have always been geeks despite not knowing anything and treating core elements as stuff that needs to go. Why the fuck should you care what random jackasses think of you? Pride is typically a retarded self limiting emotion. You mean the **\"M WORD?'** Hearing that mega cunt call it that made me want to smack her with a live angry catfish, granted if they are alive they are *always* angry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"stopping illegal immigration should have been done 30years ago before it turned my beloved los angeles turn into a filthy mexican border town complete with latino gangs millions of undocumented uneducated and povertystricken aliens with absolutely nothing to add to our quality of life but a strong back and a proclivity for having dozens of babies all of which become legal us citizens due to our insane laws and forcing california teachers to have to teach them in their own native language and for no additional increase in their already low wages add to that the free health care and welfare that hundreds of thousands of them are enjoying at american taxpayers expense and you have the blueprint for disaster that is why i left california for good and voted for trump for good every time i see mexican graffiti all over the once pristine neighborhoods of los angeles i want to help build the wall myself but i fear its far too late for that there are now 20 million illegals in america and soon it will become the united states of mexiconow im seeing the exact same thing happen all over western europe from england to france to germany and i will unfortunately live to see the exact same thing happen to them the complete and utter destruction of what were once countries with their own borders their own culture and their own identities all sacrificed on the altar of uncontrolled globalism purposely created turmoil and economic disaster","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT PrisonPlanet After earning Swedish citizenship, a migrant reportedly raped a woman and claimed \"now I can do what I want. https:\/\/europe.infowars.com\/report-migrant-celebrates-swedish-citizenship-by-raping-woman\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/PrisonPlanet\/status\/1050492199295770624","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DjChubbESwagg this like a retarded wu-tang clan","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh hey look, total nigger bullshit comin' out after importing niggers. Shocker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're like a lucky leprechaun with a charmed day on your hand... More for Gemini http:\/\/t.co\/2nx6NlOxOe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need to ban people calling for things to be banned You do realise you've just said \"as Santa's post proves\" hohoho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@dawnbazely Thank you, Dawn. I see our state bird graces your avatar...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a trns person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not even gonna front those fire cracker things used to be lit . Used to be so fun giving people mini heart attacks Woah there weedboy300! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Saltine American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Stupid bot don't understand context Yeah what a cracker Woah there Ravingsmads! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Saltine American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* cracker Woah there newmug! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Saltine American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is one of those moments where attempting to use humor to put something in proper perspective, feels like poking fun at the retarded kid on the block. https:\/\/abc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whatever a Jew accuses someone of they are guilty! Jews are subversive LIARS! Democrats are just have Jewified minds! They are all brainwashed retarded monkey brains! All Jews and Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or just be fucking normal, holyshit. Why can't people just be homosexual\/bisexual or transsexual (I know I know, the last one is not normal, mentally speaking, but there are non-kool aid drinking transsexuals after all) and not be such fucking hyper flaming faggots? If straight people did the same shit it'd be just as annoying. I don't mind if a man mentions his boyfriend\/husband, or a woman mentions their girlfriend\/wife (girlfriend is confusing since women seem to use it to mean merely friends as well)... but fuck, man. They're (by they I mean the GLBT \"community\") trying to ram this crazy shit into everything, to be as abnormal as possible, and I still do not fully understand why (and no what I outlined before as not caring about is not the crazy shit). I myself am not normal, but I don't go parading it around.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of trans people ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only sexists like you all had their throats cut. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.today.com\/video\/inside-today-s-international-day-of-the-girl-celebration-with-michelle-obama-1342648899934 This sheboon cunt enrages me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you lmao the way she said it like she was so stunned she forgot how much of a cunt she was being","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also \"Who's that up there bangin like a chimpanazee\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Silly bint, you get the husband in university and THEN drop out, duh. Order of operations!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Na, I'd rather implement those policies here. Conservatard. The fact that you say it's \"free\" makes you a conservatard. The fact that you don't know what taxes are for makes you a conservatard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHAT A HYPOCRITICAL IDIOT! Eric Holder Questions Legitimacy of Supreme Court; Issues Menacing Call to Use Rage to Vote to Be Rid of Republicans' https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/eric-holder-questions-legitimacy-of-supreme-court-issues-menacing-call-to-use-rage-to-vote-to-be-rid-of-republicans\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She was being an absolute cuntmountain, but he was going about it all wrong, too. He was making no attempt to disengage and when he went after her physically he was leaning forward and walking back into the confrontation several times. Use your heads gentlemen. I'm not saying take this shit, but you know for a fact that if anyone is going to jail in that video it's the guy. Cuntmountain, hadn't seen this one before... now I have","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey: \"Saying Twitter Free Speech Was A Joke\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/k2Jv9qvra24 via @YouTube @a @amy @bobtorba ME: WOW, how is this piece of shit not in prison??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Give Obama a fun, it's quicker. Plus you guys are fucking retarded if you believe that in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New @TimbersFC jersey should be yellow with a green chevron stripe like charlie brown's jersey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's just Trolling. He knows the facts. He's seen our arguments. I can't say what his beliefs are, but.... He's just saying this shit to get you triggered. And it's working. Nope! This one doesn't know the difference between being anti-White and anti-National Socialist lol But I do know the difference between someone being serious and someone Trolling. You are not serious. You are Trolling. :^) What have I said that isn't serious exactly? That anti-white hatred is different to anti-NatSoc hatred? I think that's a very serious point that none of you lot can grasp. Bloody crying that because I rip the arses out of some white racist types, I must hate the white race. Pathetic cop out that is lol Pretty much everything I've read from you today has been Trollish and not serious. Why would you hate NatSocs but not Whites in general? That would imply (but not prove) that you either are Jewish, or you love the Jews. Either way.... The Jews' own Holy Books tell them that we are only cattle to be farmed, milked, then slaughtered. That's Anti-White. Full stop. I also notice that you didn't deny either being Jewish, or being in love with them. If you are a Jew, or in love with them, you are Anti-White. Full Stop. No further argument necessary. HaHa How many times have I told these freaks that I'm not Jewish? I've also never met a Jew as far as I know so not in love with them. I simply don't hate Jews which in your feeble twisted mind means I MUST love them. Calm down. Or am I Trolling the Troll? :^) OK, then. You claim to not be a Jew, nor to love them. Then why are your knickers in such a twist because some White People can see the historical and current (((pattern)))? Not everyone who dislikes the Jews is a NatSoc.... Gotta keep up appearances, eh mate? Hehe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Country Bumpkin Word of the Day : yokel http:\/\/t.co\/aBpFZgJU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, trans people would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all hoes really get mad cause a nigga don't want cha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. )","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Might have been a nigger. Arizona isn't nigger free anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone hates the little shit, that's why. I live in Leeds, we don't want the little faggot fraud round here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some could barely be punished for the time they stole from a guy or not be punished at all. As perjury can only give 5 years and there are statutes of limitations for that, which there shouldn't even be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">I think a face slap is acceptable. Even that is too much imo. Had chicks grab my butt a few times and even though I thought its retarded I'd have to be an idiot to slap them over it. The kind of idiot that belongs in jail. Like this blonde lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This whole game, I've been trying to figure out why the Dutch are wearing yellow. SMH.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At the end you literally described yourself as a gold digger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hypnotic. Cops were ready, too: white gloves for protection vs scabies or other diseases. Ya, I noticed the \"don't wanna catch what you've got\" gloves, too. https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/URPo9PO No idea if 'she' was antifa or a tweaked out homeless 'woman', but this link has the source to the whole video, complete w\/ sound. That 'woman's voice is so deep, 'she' sounds like a dude. Thought I was watching a replay of McGregor's last fight. Take note of the billionaire strut immediately prior to the beat down. Also, lack of outraged media coverage is strongly indicative of the slide down the oppression totem pole for white women. Welcome to the world of unearned privilege, ladies. also looks like he teabags her i like how he sits on her neck and teabags her after the takedown.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never fly Virgin Airlines- gay\/trani special! This is gone too far! Fuck all these retarded people! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6261717\/Somewhere-rainbow-Virgin-Atlantic-announces-Pride-Flight.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Yankees Only good thing about this season. #FireCashman .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I live in a condo. Lol. It does not even have a basement. But isn't it amazing that the Boomers think a society of libtards, unable to provide for themselves, is the best economy in the world. Those SS checks are gonna bounce a lot sooner than they think. ....but of course you do pumpkin, mums....luv how you blatantly ASSume....I'm a staunch conservative thru and thru sweetheart..don't know ONE boomer who was dumb enough to rely on SS...luv your delusions...get a J O B...start a retirement plan ...you clueless cunt Ohhhh..I got as far as London....nuff said..mute...another muzzie lover...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you gay people make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anita Sarkeesian saying stupid shit about the Legend of Zelda. The first person who told me about her was a fifteen year old girl who was a huge Zelda fan. Her general response to Sar-cunt-ian was \"no, you're retarded, and so was mine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably some twat sitting in mummy and daddys basement","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*rubs hands like bird man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Worked with her. She didn't try to leak anything worth while. She took a bunch of classified information and mailed it to a news source. What the fuck? If there is something that bothered her, she should have used appropriate whistleblowing channels. What was her intent in mailing the docs? What was she \"exposing\"? I found her case particularly hard to follow... No clue I was saying that I didn't know her motives","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish I was better at shutting the fuck up sometimes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What these bitches want from a nigga?, like on some DMX shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nicolle Wallace's Violent Fantasy Life: Wring' Sanders' Neck, Punch' Trump's Face Send this rabid cunt into the heart of Syria so they c as n gang rape her https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-journalism\/2018\/10\/12\/nicolle-wallaces-violent-fantasy-life-wring-sanders-neck-punch-trumps-face\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hero Cop Who Killed Disreputable Nigger Convicted http:\/\/dailystormer.name\/chicago-hero-cop-who-killed-disreputable-negroid-convicted-of-murder Support: http:\/\/dailystormer.name\/contributions\/ Register: http:\/\/www.usa.gov\/register-to-vote *Anonymously report aliens: (866) 347-2423","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck sake, just because some fucking retards got triggered.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Terrible. He's like 7 years old himself. Fuck you people are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NRA=National Racist Association. Add in anti-Semitic and you've got about half the Trump coalition. Nothing lower on the Planet Earth than the racists, homophobes, anti-Semites and Muslim bashers, phony poor-hating \"Christians\", sexual predators, Republican pedophiles, and other low life liars liars liars who support Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @O_tunj: Dance monkey dance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im going to cmment about how you meant Folder I didn't even notice It's homework file not home file!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God, SJWs are fucking retarded. He said the bad reaction to mobile Diablo was racism against the Chinese. Erm, calling Chinese mobile games shitty is not racism lol. I love Asian culture, but if I say they sometimes make cheap, crappy stuff, that's not racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JgaWEORABMc annnnnnd Megyn Kelly goes full retard here!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*PARIS* MUSLIME SCREAMING \"ALLAHU AKHBAR\" STABS MAN IN THE NECK! Last night, in the Paris suburb of La Courneuve, around","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you are telling me that a dude was radical enough to make and ship out five fucking bombs....and even after surviving the delivery, they were fondled like a freshly shaven scrotum...and not a single fucking one detonated?!?! Either the dude was a fucking tard who wasn't radical enough to Google how to light gunpowder with a timer or this shit is fake as fuck. Fake as fuck. Any idiot Leftist is as retarded as you describe, but it's clearly fake from all angles anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yea I am White that stay's away from middle eastern sand nigger shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe trans lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Chaber Books: BRAGADAYJAH 315 http:\/\/t.co\/qTr6lzCsdj: Further restrictions on eating certain insects and birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll give it to ya... if someone as fucking retarded as your 1\/2 wit ass can figure out how to type with their toes, anything is possible...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry all my fellow negros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Early bird get the worm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A dog is unconditional love. A Muzzie is unpredictable hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ones a shit always a shit no wonder people been say about her ever sence she born had smelly shit stuck to dress give me hug fuck of dirty cunt farted pedo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don' worry guys men can easily win femmenism ..... Trust me every shit that invented by men was patterned by men .... There is no way women Gina win in future .....it's just smoke before fire","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" u must be a troll. Gary Johnson What a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@RamBoutIt: @Master11_: @20ToLife_ @RamBoutIt hoes Austin teach us Austin.\"I teach u how to get curved? That's all I know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mightyfar they need to stop picking up UFCs trash though and build up there own fighters more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe female lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Diversity is why Nigger ball chasers kneel for the anthem, it's why Niggers riot when one of their criminal kin folk gets shot or arrested, it's why Niggers loot during a crisis. Diversity is why our heroes monuments and our heritage is constantly attacked and they lay a guilt trip on Whites for being White. No,you can keep your diversity nonsense!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Left: You can love whoever you want Also the Left: If you don't love who we say, you are a bigot Ok, still not going to date one.... you say that today; liberals will pass a law that requires you not only date one but marry one and have babies w\/him-her-it De Blasio Signs Bill Adding Third Gender, X,' To Birth Certificates https:\/\/newyork.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/09\/third-gender-category-x-new-york-city\/ note the liberal 'actress' newscaster is reporting this w\/ a straight face Ok, I'd like to know how? It can't make babies... oh contraire liberals say they can do anything their demon minds conceive, even change God's natural laws not in defiance of #Conservatives but of God Himself Men having Babies Funds Men who want to be Biological Parents https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rVQjuchoZDk For the love of sweet baby Jesus make it stop! Enough of this fuckery. The anger inside will be saved for the battlefield.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many #Yankees players have 3K hits? You have to put #DerekJeter in the conversation for Best Yankee Ever. His numbers demand it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mcfagens @SmailsGroyper did some faggot within the Council actually get us banned again? wtf is up with this cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a stupid cunt or maybe she was violated? i guess her phone was on a boosted vibrate and she had it so far up her arse she couldn't see the screen to see who it was","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she is a dizzy, ignorant, crazy, nigger lovin, stupid, fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't understand how they don't realize that 1) man spreading isn't about \"claiming space for ourselves but instead not crushing our fucking testicles and 2) they are fucking hypocrites. Oh trust me you won't crush your testicles. It's more a matter of a subconscious, biological, dominant stance males make. You shouldn't be forced to cross your legs, but it won't kill you or anything. It won't \"crush it but my point is that it is very uncomfortable. Especially if you have larger testicles and large thighs. I need to spread my legs open to not be uncomfortable. I wear panties on the daily. I know plenty about being uncomfortable. It's the price I pay for being beautiful. Too bad this sub is totally against feminine expression in any way. Because I'm in the *exact same boat* as you guys. My testicles are huge okay? Hah... Don't even try to compare me to feminists, you halfwit. I can crossdress and still support men's rights. As a guy, it affects me too. Your argument is full of fallacies. Take, for instance, \"having dangling sacks of meat.\" I HAVE JUST THAT. The entire point is that I have the same junk, same size, possibly bigger. Yet I know firsthand what testicles are capable of withstanding. I've experienced blue balls, testicular torsions, the whole lot. Wearing something a little more supportive has actually helped me in those cases. Because they're no longer flopping around in my pants, and are tucked between my legs securely, there's actually less possibility of pain in all honesty. But you're still arguing in favour of some false manly notion. ? I'm not wearing a thong. I'm not altering my natural body to tuck my junk. I'm going to be comfortable. You're an unbearable twit. Enjoy cross dressing. Fucking weirdo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"or you can start identifying the JEWS behind the Muslim \/ nigger flooding of your country, and exterminate them, you fucking stupid lames","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@theejustinholt trash of the cowboys beat the redskins twice last year ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats are working with the intelligence community that controls Silicon Valley to quash free speech as the midterms intensify. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/deep-state-tech-crushing-free-speech\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"KFC biscuits trash now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thought crime! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/zkCK most of kanye's fans are white fools who just love to be flogged and whipped with his white hating lyrics of kill the white devil.... he thinks whites are fools.. he's not too far off..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"You ain't gunna do shit spear chucker\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are absolute heroes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time I play a Patapon game and hear the \"Ushishi Theme\", I think of a beatboxing monkey. \"YO YO YO GET UPPA!!!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Out of an abundance of caution??? What language is that? I know the words are English...but I don't recognize the language. Is that remedial retard English?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whenever disabled people look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a, @e, @Support, this is all bullshit if you allow the threats to continue. https:\/\/medium.com\/@getongab\/gab-com-statement-on-the-tree-of-life-synagogue-shooting-a6c1de715b39 https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20181025003639\/https:\/\/gab.com\/MartyGraw\/posts\/39716093 And yes, I have called the #FBI @a, @e, @Support, maybe the #FBI is infiltrating gab since this incident, but they do know about the threats since I've put them on to the threats you allow on gab. https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20181025003639\/https:\/\/gab.com\/MartyGraw\/posts\/39716093 And the nazi killed jews today Read @a andrews post again, https:\/\/medium.com\/@getongab\/gab-com-statement-on-the-tree-of-life-synagogue-shooting-a6c1de715b39 So @a said the doesn't allow threats, but he did. So as it really is, they only get suspended after they kill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/20\/brexit-will-force-me-to-choose-between-caring-for-my-husband-and-looking-after-my-parents-8048681\/ fuck off and die cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sure, but the point is Americans do pretty retarded things, too. Like ppl will show Koreans eating dogs and go \"we would never do this!\" and then we eat a cow and if an Indian is upset we go \"fuck off, dot head! I'm eating TWO steaks today for you!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deranged faggot pretending to be a woman takes to Twitter to speak for women on the #Collins vote for #Kavanaugh https:\/\/twitter.com\/cmclymer\/status\/1048300792422322176","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Execution is the only solution for those black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe so, but it doesn't make it any less wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of Muslims ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt it has anything to do with room, they just want to live in white societies cause whites have societies that are stable and functional. Shitskins are too retarded and chaotic for civilization, so they hope to leech onto others to compensate for the flaws they themselves have. This will continue until all of them are dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I live with two immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ShitPussiesSay: Dudes built like a crushed Twinkie http:\/\/t.co\/1WsYI6gDVP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cant imagime beind told in a lie I'm of sandnigger or nigger heritage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger in Rochester, NY shoots up his own family, kills his \"ex\" and attempts to murder his son before being shot killed by police. https:\/\/www.wivb.com\/news\/local-news\/rochester-police-investigating-two-shootings-nearby-schools-on-lockout\/1512744031","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shame. She's a nice looking woman. Too bad her insides don't match her outsides. I could never imagine my wife acting like this. I think if she would have just been calm they probably would have taken her drink and let her off with a warning. She had her husband \"Matt and her daughter with her and she was obviously on vacation from Philadelphia and opted to act out in a classless and illegal manner. Then to call the cops \"white while she herself is white is amazing. I wonder if she considered herself a POC at that moment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But what if it isn't a pretty looking snatch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a cunt but it's the principle that must be defended, not the person. Doesn't matter that he's a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three Coppers stabbed in North London last night. No description of the perpetrators, but I'm laying bets on names like Jemal, Leroy Winston, Mohammed.... https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CuaQtY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of this talk of Christianity dying out in Europe and the youth turning from the Church, doesn't anyone think that this is the work of the Jew? His entire plan is to destroy our faith and grind our bones into dust. When you reject Christ and run back to the Pagan Gods of old, you are doing exactly what the Zionists want. Be a good little sheep and go back to sleep Depends on how it is expressed... If it is faggot looking to be edgy by pretending to be a Pagan without any racial connection to the past then he\/she is merely a faggot LARPagan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jamiedupree: Vice President Biden and his wife are in Florida today to stump for Democrat Charlie Crist in his bid for Governor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @IWILLSTILLRISE: If you not gator you gator bait #gatornation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flights from Liberia should just be rerouted to Ferguson.. 2 birds 1 stone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabl3d people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't believe these trans people, thinking I won't murder every one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ChrisPalmerNBA: Udonis talking some big trash to Lance. LeBron holds him back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reaper drones pinpoint Jihadi John http:\/\/t.co\/IBScZeLxXe via @MailOnline","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"random running dogs in the ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well, after blowing JFK's brains out, LBJ said he would have niggers voting for the next 200 years.... you are lucky...I am in nigger hell St Louis I am in one of the remaining white areas.... older parents...when they are gone, I will move looking for whiter areas, but also hoping for a WAKANDA movement to happen.... lots of niggers returning to Africa in STL you are forced to see race bc the blks run and ruin shit we are still being lectured about Micheal Brown, blks who run for office say they are going to govern based on race if you move to a darker place, you will consider race, you won't have a choice shitskins won't let you forget they are shitskins St Louis is a hellhole because of niggers, not the bc of the Amish I would rather deal with the mafia than the niggers........ niggers are feral St Louis had mafia at one time...now we just have niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @juliebenz: I drink unicorn tears... RT @thecarnage07: @juliebenz And they say blondes don't age well :) You look like you're 20 :) ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You deserve way more subscribers . The shit you say is fucking gold.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the same kind of bullshit reporting that led everybody to believe the wage-gap myth. I would expect nothing better from the shambles which is the current state of the New York Times. The comparison of mens' and womens' penalties as an argument that one sex or the other is being discriminated against is ridiculous. You really need to know how often they break the rules vs how often they are penalized. A comparison of that ratio for each sex would tell you if there was really any favoritism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's a good question though. How does a song have a sexuality? Maybe if the lyrics are all about being gay and liking dick?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"}] \ No newline at end of file +[{"text":"They say one man's trash is the next man's treasure. Where one finds pain the next might find pleasure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey @Microchip stop being a nigger and give me my premium content.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus the brainwashing is real. Took this guy 58 fucking yrs to tune out. The Negro Felon League turned ignorant 30+ yrs ago. I tuned out as so as the oooga booga shit started. When class n sportsmanship left. I left. Be well faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks. You can tell the writer is a raging faggot. It keeps mentioning Russia's annexation of Crimea throughout the article. No, but it could make you a raging faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah he is a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/n3bxj1uvDXU I have watched a few videos of rubin at speaking engagements she is a nutjob and would not have a job as a journalist if she was not a jew. The jewish ownership of the major newspapers shamelessly plugged a zionist jew into their \"token conservative\" slot that it worked against them. Let their fear be your fuel. Rubin hates Whites and demands protection to spew her anti-White hatred, which results in the direct destruction and deaths of White people. But not only does she believe you don't get those same protections, she's part of the system that will ensure you don't. https:\/\/youtu.be\/n3bxj1uvDXU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Boazziz He promised to stand with the muzzies, so...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AdamSchein @TheMayorMatt I may have just cried a tad #illmissu shiner","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish President Trump would sent this motherfucking no good bastard to gitmo!!! America is absolutely crazy if we use his machines he fixes them every year!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That final slap brought that cunt back from the dead. Slapped that thot so hard that he sent her back to the shadow realm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@elliottgianaris gook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My managers a stupid cunt yes I said it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well you are a confusing person. You follow an actually shill while being aware of a Jewish problem while also accusing other of being shills. So are you just a retard or a troll?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YEP. SCHUMER IS A SNIVELING JEW FK, AND NEEDS DESTROYED BY HIS REAL CRIMES. JUST LIKE THAT OTHER JEW COMMUNIST CUNT FEINSTEIN. BOTH ARE JUST PIGS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Waiting years for D4 announcement go to Blizzcon a premier event targeted at your \"core\" audience then they show a mobile game and they wonder why the backlash. Meanwhile games like Pokemon Go are beloved by millions? Just because *you* don't like mobile games doesn't mean nobody does I don't see the connection. Diablo has always had a PC version. This one won't. It also won't be developed by blizzard. Which is already 2 huge strikes against it for Diablo fans I'm just saying it might be an opportunity to get some casuals like me into Diablo. Despite all of this negative press the trailer looked cool and I'm looking forward to at least *trying it*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"should be more niggers wearing them and fewer Whites... unless they happen to look like J-Roc from Trailer Park Boys. Then they can wear that nigger shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">KNOWING they'll never bring a nigger home to their parents Well, they got me there...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no idea why that last one suddenly calls them socialists... Isn't that more the mindset of a communist? I'm lost...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@EleyCome_EleyGo @caykelly16 movies don't matter as long as you do coon shit with coons you're a nigga!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So does that mean we can call \"it\" a cunt now?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmm see that's where I disagree. There is a difference. One is polite and one is being a cunt, but it still seems a little over reaching if the government can fine you just for being a cunt. If that's the case, I got a whole bunch of friends I should be calling in And telling someone to 'move their van' is in no way an implied threat. The thing is, being a cunt isn't illegal. And she didn't say \"move your van\" only, she said \"Move your van, don't park here again even if the street collapses\". That is hostile. Being a cunt aside, it could also be interpreted as obstruction of justice\/obstruction of a government worker doing their duty. If you're there, trying your best to lug a heavy body to an ambulance to save it, and you're in a hurry, and see that note, you all of a sudden get wary of your safety, which adds a lot to a situation like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Why people think gay marriage is okay is beyond me. Sorry I don't want my future son seeing 2 fags walking down the street holding hands an","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I need a little help from the Gab Fam here. Anyone know who this guy is? I've seen his face somewhere before. I just can't remember where or when. I think he works for the government. But I'm not positive. Any help will be greatly appreciated. It's driving me nuts. Well \"Q\" says he is working as the silent executioner (psyop) Many patriots believe he is a spook, gathering information on people to protect his own ass Remember he owns part of the company that leased the helicopters that shot up the people in Las Vegas... His old ass will swing with the rest if so... Time will tell Prove that #Q is fake. Go ahead. I'll wait. I do believe Q is a psyop. At Christmas last year we were all waiting for the first of the year for the arrests to start as per \"Q\" Guess what we are waiting for this year.... Unsure your education level, but try to conceptualize this. Meanwhile, prove that #Q is fake. Your beliefs don't matter. #QAnon info is Global now. Here ya go. https:\/\/www.sketchbubble.com\/en\/presentation-circular-timeline.html My beliefs are mine, I wont change them because someone else believes something else... I am an AMERICAN As far as my education, you might be surprised. I know we all want to hold on to a hero, my belief is its not \"Q\" The enemy has many, many faces.... If you want to believe, then believe Pretty sure I'll do what I want anyway. But help us all out. Prove that #Q is fake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gas should be your preferred drink","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's the plan, we need to create more white children. Don't forget the 14 words. However, I don't want to be a nigger and leave the mother. That's not who we are. We protect our nation, family, folk, and our ideas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess he really is a racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of the best parts of you stepping down is evil Bane gets to take off the power ring and post. This is where I point out that *before* becoming a mod, my user flair was \"Shitposter Extraordinaire\". > I may have stepped down (and this may be my last day in here checking messages) Good to see you're not going gentle into that good night. I feel like you're not understanding *why* I phrased things in those ways. I'm completely aware of how much **pointless** extra work it would be for the mods and how few minds it would change. As I said, staying bestof-able is \"a dumb and pointless concession to save face\". This post is primarily a guaranteed replies baitpost with three goals: A) **KiA users will be aware** of this choice being made for us by the Mods. I think there should have been a sticky about the opt-out, or even a vote for\/against it. I only found out because I was posting something completely unrelated to \/r\/bestof and I'm guessing outside of the mods, not that many people know why we had 5K active users all day Friday instead of our usual ~2K. In general, our population does not and, without this post, would not know that the mods have unilaterally chosen to opt us out of bestof posts. B) if people don't like the choice, they have a designated place to dissent. C) if people like the choice, they can agree and demonstrate a sort of consensus by upvotes\/comments. I don't expect the decision by the mods to change. > if people don't like the choice, they have a designated place to dissent. And what happens when the mob that fucked up the original post follows them? Huh? I'm talking about this thread being the dedicated \"argue about KiA rules and administration\" thread. If \/r\/bestof finds a reason to brigade this thread, I'll be thoroughly impressed. Have they ever needed a reason?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brain dead cunt she is! wouldn't fuck her with your dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh god F*CK I m crying : )","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Live on MSNBC: Rick Wilson says \"They're going to have to put a bullet in Donald Trump\". https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/BpTDNDwRb0s\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God bless the USA!!! 2018 WILL be GLORIOUS! #Q #QAnon #WWG1WGA #GodWins #JusticeISComing @realdonaldtrump","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt has an amazing afro https:\/\/youtu.be\/FfIq3rGBSOI","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To feel better about yourself, to feel better that you lived with parents that made sure you didn't grow up to act like a spoiled entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i was playing overwatch this morning decided to go in game chat and speak with my people in the gaming community, a kid from maine called me a fag, i said impossible im from michigan and voted for trump, your from maine a libtard state ya must have fags walking all around ya state but not here in michigan faggot, he says... hey i voted for trump too, can i be cool too? and i go no you will never be cool unless you convince ya retarded state to vote for trump and his people... im not making this up, and overwatch gamechat been down ever since that encounter? conspiracy? coincidence?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/voat.co\/v\/whatever\/2780117","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women that think like this are below pigs. It's not attractive to stink. And if you're trying to not be \"attractive\", congratulations you've succeeded. Allowing yourself to stink does nothing to serve any cause. So STFU and get over yourself. Like they need any help coming up with new retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@LandRoverUSA Our \"Disco\" we used for disaster recovery was an awesome brownie points to how well built they are. Most extreme conditions!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"3 weeks until the elections, and the dems are working hard to endear themselves with the American voter. That sucking sound you hear is the blue ebb-tide. She seems nice...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ashhruggiero happy birthday queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like to mock Apple, but I'm legitimately interested to see what their wearable looks like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IANL but I'm pretty sure you can't be open to slander if your are accusing her because she openly admitted it, that's just insane edit for your edit: you'll never get something that is circumstantial, this isn't insufficient, this is enough for someone to justifiably get accused of what they admitted, I'm not saying that this is beyond reasonable doubt, but you can easily accuse her for this, she literally admitted it. >If it were a woman accusing a man of sexual misconduct falsely, we all stand up and start shouting loudly that we need protection against it, yet we find this acceptable? How is accusing someone without solid proof (and potentially falsely) any better than these women that do fake rape reports. Both are destructive as fuck to the individual accused and if the individual is deemed innocent, they have to fight that for the longest time. That was the most retarded comparison I've ever heard. This post: A woman admitting to a crime, then getting accused of said crime. Your example: A woman accusing a man of a crime with 0 proof and without the man in any way, shape or form admitting to anything. That's fucked up of you to compare. >You are already pinning a guilty state on a person that made a comment and hasn't been charged with anything. You are pushing a narrative that someone needs to be deported while she hasn't been tried and convicted for what YOU claim she did wrong. Fam, when you see someone on the floor with a knife in someone else's hands who then runs away, you say \"murderer\", \"should be jailed\/executed\" or whatever, this doesn't mean you don't want him to have his fair trial, and neither does what everyone's doing right now. No shit, it's retarded for someone to **LITERALLY** claim she should be deported **WITHOUT TRIAL**.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me too, a return to the Great Empire would fix the shit the world is in now ! brown and black need to relearn who rules them best","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"\"MD\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hmm gab is a christian site ??? wow how ill informed of a retard can you be the entire point of gab is it is supposedly censorship free on a macro level the entire ethos of gab is if YOU the user dont like seeing something you mute it but anyone can post damn near anything as long as it is legal somewhere so saying it is a \"christian site is bullshit and at the least a lie at most a deliberate fucking lie","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Gah!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So who is more in the wrong her or her husbands own brother? I'm going with both it's one thing if it's a stranger, but your own brother yeah no. The brother. Even if she was interested in him, he should have told her no. The brother should have regarded her as off-limits in the first place. My brother's fiance makes probing comments to me all the time. The funny thing is my brother is pretty much everything you'd want in a guy, tall, handsome, intelligent and a loving father. He earns a good living in a respectable field but I earn a lot more than him, and she's *very* interested in that. The probing questions are always about money, stupid comments when we're alone like \" I bet you have a big dick like your brother\" and \" you need to teach him how to be romantic like you\" My wife despises her. As soon as she met her she said she was trouble. The weird thing is that she's actually a genuinely kind person but just doesn't respect boundaries. End of the day it's none of my business. I avoid her as much as I can without upsetting my brother. He's a great guy and is already starting to connect the dots with her and will be fine when they inevitably split.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our failure to mobilize and litigate on behalf of our political prisoners is more than merely a moral black eye, it's the kind of failure that has a chilling effect on future mobilization for years to come. Matt - you clearly didn't get the memo. Those political prisoners are white trash 'wignats' that have no place in the upper middle class white America of the future. Do you realize how bad the optics of a criminal conviction is? How could I bring them to a Republican party meeting? I really don't get the AltRight silence on the original Cville prisoners. They'll protest the arrest of the RAM guys and call them the \"Cville 4\" as if the original 6 don't exist or matter. Are they really going to throw our original prisoners under the bus because they don't look like ideal Identity Evropa candidates? Are they really that petty?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" The View' Hosts Write Off Kanye's Trump Openness As Mental Illness https:\/\/truepundit.com\/the-view-hosts-write-off-kanyes-trump-openness-as-mental-illness\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck, that was tough. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FoodTabloid: Oreo cake http:\/\/t.co\/iJ0idCAQMl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not arrested, killed. His family members too. You think if he's in prison that the cunt won't make things worse?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey cunt this isn't the kitchen. You may fuck off now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well if the moron marries some chick he never met before for a TV program he deserves all he gets. What a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANOTHER ONE. The fat-assed woman called the cops \"because she no longer felt safe with his threatening behavior.\" And the woman FILMING is upset at the fat-assed woman's \"very intimidating presence.\" Listen to her. She's in tears. And the police think their authority is being challenged, so THEY'RE making the situation worse. The only sane person is the guy who had the cops called on him. Vote straight Republican and exterminate this societal childishness and confusion. We need to get back to common sense. This craziness is the result of leftism. Time to get rid of it. https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/17\/golfcart-gail-calls-cops-on-black-dad-at-his-kids-soccer-game\/ Fat cunt with no life trying to throw her weight around. What a bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @YABOYLILB: If I ride up to your bitch in these then... homie consider yourself a single nigga. http:\/\/t.co\/dTJY9RHtdF","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not really, it just shows how many sick, twisted liberals are still around. They'll sell their souls for an overrated, overpriced pair of overseas produced welfare shoes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm an American Jew and have been on Gab since the day they started in August Yes, there are some hateful jerks here speaking freely. But I'm a mature adult and can handle it. I just don't follow them. The majority of us here on Gab are nice people who want to have Free Speech. Donna is on Gab for talking shit about Islam and shifting the blame from Kikery. Are you fucking stupid? We lost only 3 million on the battlefield and had to GIVE Soviet Russia billions in military hardware. You stupid cunt you were ANNIHILATED in the battle of Hurtgen Forrest and deceived this country. Your Jewish ass will melt like your filthy kike ancestors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's why I don't donate to \"Feed the children.\" No way I'm paying to feed nigger babies in Africa. My taxes already pay for welfare and afdc here in America. If they didn't steal it from me to feed the niggers, the niggers would starve.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any woman like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't want to be that guy, but there are three genders, male, female and intersex This! 1) Male 2) Female 3) However you want to identify. Who are the people that care so much about how somebody else views themselves? Eh, no. It's the XY, XX and any other combination of chromosomes, respectively. Tbh, I'm still kind of unclear on my views on this, since I've heard convincingly arguments on both sides That's sex, not gender I don't really buy into the sex-gender differentiation. I'm willing to change my view though! It's not about buying into it. Sex is the biological term. Gender is another word to describe something else. They are not mutually exclusive. They get used interchangeably, but if you are discussing the subject: sex is the genes, gender is the social aspect. Sex is objective, gender is subjective. Sex and gender are the same. \"Gender means something else\" is a very recent political device with no scientific grounding.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't mind black people.....hate niggers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mommy said no pussy cats inside my dawgs house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop talking like you're Starfire, you attention-seeking little shit. What the fuck is a Demi sexual ? Edit: i get it now, so please stop replying for fuck sake By fancy, do you mean retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Char-broiled #cod, yellow #rice, saut ed spinach and artichoke hearts. Made with love for @voxpulchra. http:\/\/t.co\/vWjWlghRGO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GO back to twatter with the rest of the nut jobs...We really don't care how the smelly twat femanazi's , or the wimpy ass soy boys feel, you all couldn't defend your self literal if your lives depended on it... and it just might!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bet you can't name 5 women with political power that did a good job. Also its sex, not gender. Gender doesn't exist. But hey you're the retarded type that believes there's no biological differences between men and women I'm sure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"iMessage so trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#911 terror attack accomplice is pictured GRINNING on deportation flight where he 'smiled at little girl' while being sent back to Morocco after spending 12 years in German jail. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2yoZsvD Cunt should still be swinging at the end of a rope not loving life in Morocco. He killed 3000 Americans. #BanIslam And you sit your faggot ass on social media instead of fighting for your country you fucking twat ...say the faggot on social media, not fighting for his country. SUPER CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Perspective is everything...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You like those? Honestly they tasted like the sole of my shoes RT @rllllytired: @ItsNotHarold that's a shame.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many wh0res in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GabTV not working, AGAIN! Listen live on my site. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/03\/radical-agenda-s04e029-cooler-heads\/ I agree that it got a little repetitive, but in fairness to Hunter, this was really spontaneous and not a planned interview. He's a smart guy who has been an excellent guest in the past, and does a lot of really great work. I'm sure he does good work, and maybe he would be a fine guest on other topics. But the stuff he was saying on the show today was definitely not the message we need to be sending out 33 days before an election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OH DEAR GOD>....... Obama Quickly Takes Credit For Pastor Andrew Brunson's Release From Turkey...................... (enjoy the satire) \"Look, when was Brunson first arrested? October 2016, that's right. The man gets arrested during my administration and now Republicans want to give Trump credit for his release, just because he applied crippling pressure to Erdogan until the deed was done? Please! he added. The former president went on to explain how nobody has a better track record of caring for Christians than he does, and no other president before or since him has commanded such fear and respect on the world stage. \"President Trump, you didn't do that. Obama did that, he said. \"You're welcome. https:\/\/babylonbee.com\/news\/obama-quickly-takes-credit-for-pastor-andrew-brunsons-release-from-turkey SMFH.......... #Faith #Amen #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #NRA He does have a very good record for \"caring\" for Christians. Just hold that mirror up then you will have a crystal clear view on what he means.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so all those tribal conflicts by pure blood black tribes that raided each other for the \"FIRST FUCKING SLAVES\" zulu warriors come to mind but hey believe what you want faggot your belief in no way changes the truth of history","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Florida Commissioner Michael Dunn shot and killed a (possibly illegal immigrant) shoplifter sporting a hatchet and is now being charged with murder. Dunn deserves our support. He opposed the removal of a 100 year old confederate statue, and is an ardent 2nd amendment defender and gun rights advocate. https:\/\/heavy.com\/news\/2018\/10\/michael-dunn\/ I saw the video--he didn,t need to get involved,,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My dog is smarter than any woman could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont give a fuck about some stupid old cunts who fucked the whole economy and country up, what about our generation (30s) who have to pay their debts for the rest of our lives and probably wont ever get a state pension and certainly cant Save privately because its so expensive just to live. The older generation should work till their dead to pay off a generation off easy living and constant fuck ups due to their greed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HERE IS ANOTHER ISLAMONAZI Tell me what do you think of this verse? This.... https:\/\/twitter.com\/vincemalumbono2\/status\/967669040503279616?s=20 what a fkn rube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I appeared on National Bugle Radio with Dr. Patrick Slattery the other day: http:\/\/www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org\/national-bugle-radio-with-patrick-slattery-10-4-18\/ Why not inform us prior to the event? I need an IRL assistant with me on the road. I have loads of volunteers, mostly part-time ones, but I need an IRL executive assistant who is in it for the cause, willing to put in the hours I put in, for little to no money, just food, shelter, a loaner cell phone and unlimited data for it. Come to NH and pick me up. I'll drop out of college.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do not know many immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I looked it up. This person feels that they are 'kin' to a 'character' from Five Nights At Freddys. The upside is that the more bizarre this stuff gets, the more clearly people can see how ludicrous it is. Oof, this is very effective Sounds like something from Borderlands what the fuck It's a DandD weapon I created in my friends campaign. What does it do? Lol wtf that sounds fun as hell That's how I died with 3 characters in one campaign. Oof.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wassup wit all these fucc niccas","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Paris shooting. This isnt funny, OP. Delete this. Uh no... Follow a different subreddit. You're obviously lost. I know exactly where I am and what I'm doing here. Do you think engaging in this type of behavior is productive? It seems to me that you are the one that is lost. It doesn't seem like you're a very hapyreditor. I'm here, interacting with the alt-right, its hardly a happy place. You didn't answer my question. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"kharnikhal\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"no_apologies145\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Lol good bot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I could tell when I saw this cringe worthy name that your counterargument would be that of a retarded faggot. Thanks for not disappointing me! Is that like half a fag? Or full favor , half wit? It's 100% boomer faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have men become so pussified that being grabbed by an old lady is considered assault? Wow. Please tell me you are just trolling, and not actually that fucking retarded. It aint got nothing to do with pussified. If the roles were reversed, guaranteed she would have made a case for sexual harassment, assault and most likely some form of intimidation too. All I want is the old idiom to hold true EVERYWHERE, for EVERYONE: What's good for the goose is good for the gander","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flake is a raging faggot for his behavior during all this - this is a man who is being blackmailed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@oliviagobert lmao yes I kind of like it it's not that ghetto yet and they are and then he says \"u feel me\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The name of that new soc of his, faggot ass, is appropriate for him. I looked through his profile last night, I seen like 40 individual examples of him referring to faggotry of different sorts outside of his spam responses. he's in over his head for what he's attempting lul","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is astonishing how these Whitey McCrackers like Sean King, Rachel D, Beto, Elizabeth Warren, et al are posing as servants of non-whites. Imagine being some Nig or Spic having these crackers blow smoke up your ass. Such brazen posturing! I hope the Nigs refuse to support White Democrats because they've pushed this bullshit to the edge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FloralElephants THE WASP OF ANGRY LEGEND. BEAT IT INTO A SQUISHY PULP!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hitler Lives till the end of Times 1488 Hitler Lives for ever and ever. Hitler will not go away, he stays with the people, people will praise Hitler for ever, can censor us, can persecut us, can kill us, can torture us, the sionist done all of this sinc nuremberg the sionist terror machine. after sionists are gone, Hitler will continue. Hitler Lives for ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Odin. Nope, Hitler and he was Catholic. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Been getting harassed by butthurt Pagans lately? That was bound to happen. Eventually they'll learn or go away. I'm one of the sadly few Pagans who is at peace with Christianity. I know the truth of the identitarian and anti-Jewish origins of Christendom, and I fully respect the Christian founding of the Reich, Based pagan is best pagan. Take note of this man, @CarolynEmerick fanboys :) Anti-Christian Pagans are Jews A bit triggered Hymie? I forgive you. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv And stop acting like I said the NSDAP wasn't Christian dipshit. I said Pagan symbols have a cultural connection to German heritage and that the NSDAP used pagan symbols for their cultural meaning and values.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@mcfagens @SmailsGroyper did some faggot within the Council actually get us banned again? wtf is up with this cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If only disabl3d people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KillAllSimps: Miley Cyrus pussy probably taste like wet dog, she has a negative ass, and the bitch looks like Justin Bieber, she so ove ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's a sad day but I'm done worth Taylor Swift. And I'm sure it will come as a surprise to her when a huge portion of her fan base does the same. https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/07\/arts\/music\/taylor-swift-politics-endorsements.html Sad but true. Done with here too..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a retarded whore,you were never a slave or anybody you ever talked too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"haha you're the one lashing out like a bitch with your butthurt 300 word posts. whats most funny is that you are a \"nazi\" but you sound like a ghetto nigga. \"look at ma grillz\" \"look at ma hoes\".. and you are a half nigger if remember correctly.. greek, smh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He will get away with what he said in parliament as he has parliamentary privilege. However, he repeated his statement on sky news (kinda like your fox) and will probably be challenged in court over it. I'm no lawyer but he has done quite well to clarify the statements intentions in his favour (has slanted it to mean that she is hetero vs saying she's promiscuous) so I don't think he'll lose to a defamation case. That being said the cunt is a fucking shocker for policy and everyone hates him, even some of the right. So much so that Sky news' Outsiders' program where he repeated the statement has had advertisers pull out near completely for not scolding him for repeating it on air.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yes not-so-rosie mccclownel, I wanted to do the same many times while YOUR first muslim, anti-American, lowlife nigger was squatting in our house, but it didn't happen, so don't hold your breath, or better yet, please do and rid this country of your misery!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This one night I was tripping off brownies I put my running shoes on and I was still in pjs, it was 2am ! http:\/\/t.co\/UwmBpCOMNE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand that immigrants are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AnthonyCumia @cokelogic Hey Antony you speaks colored good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Might be trying to tell you one of them muzzie terror compounds is close by?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think you guys are too stupid to understand that even if there is a myth being propagated *that parts of that myth are actually correct.* I mean Jordan Peterson literally says that about the issue of gender pay. Its like you guys are fucking retarded and think dispelling one part dispels all parts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paceys just told me about how flash was touching himself and he was turning yellow and black.. #whatwashedoing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"k so retard deflection, got it. Blame catholics but never jews. Kill yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Comp10Tx: Rihanna really is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @I_Be_kOoLz Food be good...except that rice they cook that bitch on Monday for the week + Tootsies?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whatever the flaws of the Republican Party as it stands, they are the only force on Earth capable of stopping our mortal enemies, the Democrats. We must help the Republicans to defeat the Democrats in order to earn our place in the power structure. If we turn on them, then we do not deserve the opportunity. Ably said. Participation in mainstream politics does not preclude metapolitics. It is fine if one thinks elections can never yield positive results, but there is no sense in the self-fulfilling pessimism of keeping out. Every rightist should cast a ballot for the best candidates available in each election, and then, if that does not work, we can say we tried our best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My smile is beaming, my skin is gleaming! YUH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why not just go directly to the \"chew on Duracell batteries\" part, I'm sure that someone is clinically insane enough to think that would be a good way to get lithium into your system. The worst part of the joke is that someone will take it as fact, I await the first retard to choke to death on batteries cause of lack of critical thinking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just want to give a special shout out to those taking time to leave reviews of my books at Amazon. It really helps, and the five minutes you take to share an impression helps keep my efforts afloat. Thus far, I'm proud to say the last effort in The Coming Civil War is getting five stars across the board. https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Coming-Civil-War-Tom-Kawczynski\/dp\/1719921466 Your darkest fears for the future of this country will be realized. The only question is what you can do to mitigate the disaster for yourself and family. If nothing else, the author explains what is happening around you and, in a sense, how this multicultural disaster that our nation has become MUST end if we are to survive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't believe Crimson Dick Nigger muted me... today is sad :( I'm sowwy Mr. Dick Nigger, I wasn't able to hold myself back...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CANCEROUS ugly tarded beings !(except lauren) DIE FUCKING ALREADY WASTE OFF WHORES NOBODY WILL MIS YOU UGLY DUMB TARDED WASTES OFF SPQCES FUCK women and Islam rights, don't like it here fuckoff and die ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WENT FULL ReTARD ROSIE NEEDs A STRAiGHT JaCKET!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UCSoXxL6EWg THEORY - Straight Jacket [OFFICIAL VIDEO] https:\/\/youtu.be\/6ayWB8fN3gQ via @YouTube Ya know, the lieberals can even fuck up a wonderful image - that of a beautiful dewy rose, freshly opened, fragrant and velvety soft; and all were \"left\" with are the pricks! Not that anyone cares what whale wailing Rosie onotsoposie thinks, but keep it up whale sheman, you're doing a splendiferous job of recruiting for the Trump party.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Tar Baby from \"Song of the South\" You win a thousand internets good sir, great answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only gay people are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: \"I ve had the greatest job in the world. I got a chance to be the shortstop of the New York Yankees. - Derek Jeter http: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello all Many have gone over to MeWe for the time being. There's a #Britfam group up and running. Try and get over there. If not, hope to catch you on the other side. xxx I can't get the app on the device I use and my phone is too old why is everyone leaving","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a retarded comment. The entire left side of the news loves any story with a minority victim and the right loves a minority suspect, especially if they're Hispanic these days. Keep playing the victim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You make it sound like God is some sort of Indian-giver or more like this: God ended his covenant with Israel. They are wandering the wilderness until Christ's return. The racist, apartheid state of Israel has nothing to do with Israel in the Bible. If any of the descendants of Abraham, Issac and Jacob still reside in the holy land, they are to be found among the palestinians, not the Ashkenazi Khazarian Synagogue of Satan. That's fair...I just reviewed some of your stuff. We are more alike than I shot off. Please allow my characterization to be withdrawn. Its ok....We have to be vigilant. I let my quotes speak for themselves. No problem with you friend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"freedom of speech includes religion, yet here we have a meme promoting the oppression of speech\/expression while claiming to be a production of freedom of speech. retard level: maximum. Fuck off. Freedom of speech does not allow one to threaten another's life, to slander another's reputation, or seek the destruction of another's culture. Islam does all of these. While I am suspect of the Chinese reasons for doing so, banning Islam will always be a net positive. no, YOU fuck off, you anti-liberty, anti-American sack of dogshit. and don't you put words in my mouth either, cock-sucker. Islam has problems, but most people are NOT acting on it. Ah, a libertardian, I see. That explains a lot. ISLAM is anti-American principles, not the opposition to it you ass-backwards dummy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry but are you retarded? So, when it's a woman, we are asking for their life to get ruined. But when it's a man I'm sure you're quiet. You are confusing equality with getting even. We are not all vindictive cunts like you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't like people in general but I have no particular contempt for women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His shills on Twitter are already at work pushing that narrative. Candance Owens is trying to spin the caravan fiasco as a ploy to get illegals to rat out the Democrats. She's even encouraging Trump to offer them citizenship in return for them betraying Soros. We've reached peak retard. Peak Retard is having negresses as political commentators","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Rubbing up on me Bruh, a trip to the dentist isn't the same as going to a masseuse. Unless you're... Into having the insides of your mouth molested and poked at with metal tools. he's retarded, it seems.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When's the last time you hear any of our politicians refer to America as a Constitutional Republic? Even our retarded cucked Republicans call it a democracy. They not only don't follow their oath to the U.S. Constitution, but they intentionally wipe their asses with it everyday.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man what the heck. I think we're talking about two different things here. We \"harass or pick at each other all the time. Doesn't mean we're going to take it to the internet and use against each other like this dumb cunt on Facebook. There's a line. Two observations, first it's lovely that the profile pic of the upper-cunter has a preggo woman in it - we can only hope. Second, initial poster deserves the word 'rach' in her name. I think that's two dudes in the upper-cunters profile pic If one of them is not pregcunt I'm not buying the lot. Last offer earth mule.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would LOVE an explanation of that one. I cannot think around corners enough to figure out how this one works. Mental illness don't need an explanation. Throw in low IQ and under-educated. These people are dumber than flat earthers. Hey, happy cake day. And I agree, what's sad is that they probably didn't start out this way. Becoming a SJW is like getting addicted to a drug, you can't fully escape it and it ruins your brain. Unless their parents were also raving SJW idiots, then that is even more depressing. > And I agree, what's sad is that they probably didn't start out this way. Becoming a SJW is like getting addicted to a drug, you can't fully escape it and it ruins your brain. True, though SJWs are really a recent phenomenon. Yes, young people have always skewed left on social issues, and that's a good thing. But there's a huge difference between supporting equality and... whatever the hell SJWs are doing. Whining about Overwatch characters apparently. Thankfully I suspect most of them will grow out of it eventually, just give it time. > Unless their parents were also raving SJW idiots, then that is even more depressing. Nah, SJW idiots are unlikely to reproduce since reproductive sex is \"violence,\" or something like that. I mean, I do skew a bit more left but I don't rave and rant about the skin color of a fictional character in a FPS game. SJWs are whiners and complainers, they usually do nothing but tweet and post on tumblr about whatever. It's why I even hate the term itself, they're not *warriors*. They are not bravely fighting against the enemy like the Romans were, they're cowering in their \"safe spaces\" and crying about nonexistent issues. I really do hope they grow out of it and look back at it with embarassment. But those who don't grow out of it are essentially lost causes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn! I LOVE my President! Troll level - Master.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've got news for you, Angela Merkel is not a Jew. You're the retard here @tighty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got chunky marmalade today of a greatful customer for my service over the past 2 yrs #PostieTweet #ServiceMatters http:\/\/t.co\/pSEnGvyxrw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When I was a kid I was never rough with girls. However, I was scratched, bitten and pushed by girls. I still have a small scar from one such incident.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Isn't Murica, Charlie Brown. #rejectedpeanutsspecials","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am fully planted in gab, I don't want to be removed because I didn't suck up to Libs, the only reason I'm putting up such a fight is because there are some racist here who judge people based on their DNA and I think that is wrong, I won't be a part of that but I will protect you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.\" - John 13:34 #myfirstpost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How do you even do that ? Live the cunt !? What does that mean ???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT JJDanceN1 In His First Day On The Job, Kavanaugh Hired As Many Black Law Clerks As RBG Has In Her Entire Tenure #KavanaughConfirmed #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG2018AndBeyond https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/08\/brett-kavanaugh-black-women-law-clerks-ginsburg\/ via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She acknowledged we're treated like that, and she's saying we shouldn't be and we're not? What's the problem with that you act like she said \"men are not second class citizens lol fuck men\" And we are treated like that. She admitted that many courts treat men like second class citizens. It's not random or rare. That's my point. and#x200B; It's nice of her to say this but the fact is that men ARE treated like second class citizens. > JJ can say men aren't second class citizens all she wants but the facts are that's how we are treated. It's okay. We get our revenge by making more money than them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*you're *than *cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Prepare to be banned \"After thoroughly going through your post history, I've found that you post in wrong-think subreddits and therefore must be banned to protect the others from differing opinions.\" \"You have been muted for 72 hours from messaging the mods.\" If you're black, yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nicely handled. Exposed a twat and forced him to back away from his comments by not being frightened of him. Well done.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SFGiants trash smh game rigged bumgarner took roids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid fucking NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ConservativeLA: Let the Dem concern-trolling commence in earnest! Wagons ho!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pretty big jump from \"orderly society\" to being onboard with white genocide and normalizing pedophilia, isn't it? Obvious as fuck you're only here to paint a false narrative and try to influence westerners. But you're wasting your time. We're not retarded like you goat fucking Muzzo-Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you ask me, disabled people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just once in a while, all the torment from the left is worth taking just to hear this. Now F*** off Daniels and take that twat Doctor watshername with you. You pair of lying leftist shills","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornsx: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n' Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar http:\/\/t.co\/7YvXiJmmcp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I mean seeing this shit makes me WANT to drink Doesn't help. Source: experience. In the morning I'm sober. These retards are still retarded. You can't fix stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger blood spray is the only thing I fear. All the HIV and other diseases. As long as its not in my kitchen I guess. If I ever shoot a nigger in my kitchen I'll move. Good on you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But wait.. the Dems said it wasn't them... and it's them. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/gop-doxxing-suspect-arrested-worked-or-interned-for-feinstein-jackson-lee-other-dems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what if the entirety of social justice literature is a bunch of prank papers by people who never bothered to reveal the joke? Oh god social justice madness started as a 4chan LARP didn't it I submit that the SJW phenomenon existed before chan culture. There were mainstream movies calling it out\/mocking it in the 90s, and they weren't early to the party. Further, 4chans 'good causes' were things like exposing Scientology, not killing men. I could be underinformed on this one though [deleted] The goons are to blame?! What. A lot of social justice (especially a lot of its top names in the nerd version) can trace its origins to them. To a disturbing amount. Sure. Using the power of evil for supposed good isn't exactly an original idea, but 4chan (and really any other gathering of internet assholes like Something Awful) are what kicked off the modern incarnation. It both normalized a culture of internet jackassery and a culture of being an asshole as a character virtue for the generation that grew up with the internet. >Then someone thought \"What if we used our power for good?\" And we got Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep. Nazis are faggot ass queer cock smoking butt boys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for black people has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck sake, just because some fucking retards got triggered.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I dont think wed go to hell for having common sense and not being retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, well, well, it appears we have a butthurt little faggot who doesn't like wholesome loli's. Their name is @Vorginia and they have their entire profile on private like the little butthurt faggot they are. Don't worry buddy the lolis won't hurt you, much. They just wanna give you hugs and diabetes with their cuteness.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a brave faggot punk he is, cowards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck that pussy ass faggot bill maher with a rusty dildo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"omg RT @SaddyBey: Fat bitch. What's her @? http:\/\/t.co\/ptNszx6nid","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It isn't a myth cuntface and no cunt ducked children where I come from that is solely a Moslem cunt practice. Now fuck off cunt you are annoying me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Much love to all my fags marching with me at Pride today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need to ban people calling for things to be banned You do realise you've just said \"as Santa's post proves\" hohoho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking Porch Monkeys. Now I need an antacid. Yup. An ungrateful Nigger talking smack as if it was....intelligent does trigger me. Especially the ungrateful part.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And its spelled DENSE you fucking retard. Because your opinion means nothing to me if you mispell a single syllable word twice while you're rambling nonsense. You DENSE fucking retard. >IM smarter then you, no its a fact! I have successes that outway yours guaranteed - 100% OUTWEIGH you fucking chimp. And you're smarter THAN me, not then me. That's a fucking fact Jack. Suck 12 dicks!!! You DENSE fucking cunt. Cool story bro. I hope volunteering in Vancouver continues to work out for you! Ill hold onto the ignorance of my noneducational mind, and ifi work hard maybe one day, I can enjoy the same kind of succes that you do! Wish me luck. You nonsensical DENSE fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spencer was on Heel Turn and kill stream tonight. Watching the kill stream is more black pilling than I thought was possible, if their audience is included in the group of people we call \"woke whites we aren't making any progress anytime soon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@jesseleesoffer it totally does. smells like brownies every day i walk to work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even with the most retarded things people say, you have to respect when they're able to say 'Actually yea, you're right'. If you can't do that you're as bad as them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Monkey ape sand nigger shit Period","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/3hpYh3FNXYo Obviously But of course we are being forced into dhimmitude - one Law for Muslims, another law for the Infidel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great read. I laughed my ass off but I don't think they intended it to be funny. Like the SJW couple that just got killed bicycling through muzzie Shitheadistan. They went on a peace ride and wound up in pieces. Funny as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some Pagans here on Gab have a little Trouble Understanding that one. I was just Attacked the Day before Yesterday, Right Out of the Blue and without Provocation, or Justification. All i said was Jesus was No Jew, and i was Jumped on like a Nigger on a Bucket of KFC. Fuk off jew You're the only Jew here, you Proved it. Fuck You and Die Loser. He's like a Retarded Caveman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bout to make some brownies in a few.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can see that you too have a condition that I refer to as Nigger Overload! I've had it for decades.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I woke up as a woman, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I detest stale bread. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is because they are retarded democrats lol CNN's Stelter, Tapper, Cillizza Silent on Stripper Melania,' Melted Down over Horseface' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/the-media\/2018\/10\/17\/cnns-stelter-tapper-cillizza-silent-on-stripper-melania-music-video-melted-down-over-horseface\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So sick of being around gay people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Really?? Cause I saw loads of man hating articles talking about how they should have ditched the men long ago and things like blaming the \"male director\" for the film. [The all-female 'Ocean's 8' is easily the best film of the franchise. They should've ditched the men sooner](http:\/\/archive.is\/xIV9D) the article reeks of \"im trying too hard\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@joshbuddy blue cheese crackers intrigues and repulses me at the same time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blacks are retarded savages.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i don't get it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't be caught dead with one of those retarded looking hats on my head.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got my account suspended for several days cause I told some libtard politian to kill herself and the retards refused to tell me any info on when my account will be unblocked without a phone number. Luckly I never used one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TorahBlaze: @1SonofYahweh they should be ashamed of themselves. I'll be single for life before I fuck w a nasty, faggot ass white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sitting alone watching White Chicks, no pants, fuzzy blankets, tea || turn up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oblivious: Bill and Hillary Clinton Readying Nationwide Stadium Tour https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/oblivious-bill-hillary-clinton-readying-nationwide-stadium-tour\/ #ClintonCrimeFamily #MidtermElections #tcot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot perverted jews GAS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So do a whole host of other Democrats !! Diane Feinstein !! Mad Maxine Waters !! Everyone on the NIGGER Caucus !! Pedophile Joe Biden !! Trannie Michelle Mooch Obama !! (Michael) !! Every Single Female Demoncrap !! THEY ALL HATE AMERICA !! THEY LOVE KILLING THE UNBORN AND LOVE ILLEGAL ALIENS BEFORE USA CITIZENS !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If 65% of the nation is a \"tiny fringe of likely rapists\", you might be a retard. > you might be a retard. And this is a R1 violation so here's your R1 warning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Beautiful Fairy Elegant Dress http:\/\/t.co\/ouxWbYTUt6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This ain't scientific and the chart is from 2016, but guess which States will surprise the pundits this mid-term election? Red Tsunami. Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes on that... Blacks support for Trump is at over 20% (was 8% in 2016) Hispanics support for Trump is over 35% (was 28% in 2016) Polls say Whites support for Trump went down 10% since 2016 but I fail to see why, with all of the Economic news. Why would Black\/Hispanic support go up and Whites down? Come November, the media pundits will need a few noodles to hang on to when the Red Tsunami will wash over them. Still - Go Vote!... Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding https:\/\/media.infowars.com\/videos\/c4d28267-86e4-4ee1-960a-ede1a9d9c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Moving from France to Spain will be a motherfucking big change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck that retarded skanky whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another leftist cunt that does not understand that 'fascism' is about control, just like socialism or communism. And it is a REACTION TO MARXISM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"when they made that retarded nigger chief of police they had to create a new position to actually do the job","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RobDa64 thanks!!! Now go clean that trash can ya lil nasty! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course it is, little protected nigger fag...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@billyeichner Since @TomCruise will be a hoser... hi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MLBStatoftheDay: Since 1914, Derek Jeter s 91 multi-hit games vs @RedSox are 4th most among @Yankees, behind Gehrig s 121, Ruth s 99 an ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Cantwell If you like stability and civilization you should support monogamy. Is it not obvious that one of the reasons we had social stability is due to monogamy? Polygamy destabilizes the nation. Look at the Arab countries and terrorism. With chimps, the betas gang up on\/kill the alpha. The NAP goes out the window if people aren't invested in the society. the most \"stable\" American society - Mormonism - was founded upon polygyny no, it can't be maintained indefinitely, but it is a means to overcome present adversities Well I don't think Mormonism is a \"American society\", it's like a religion or cult within a society. Mormonism works well in a host nation for a few reasons. Most mormons aren't polygamous. It's not all consuming like Islam (i.e. there are secular and women of other religions to feed on) while I empathize with your opinion, Mormonism is a religion, a culture, and a society it is without doubt derived from American civilization even if we describe it as a descendant of American civilization and not a part of America despite mainstream Mormonism's rejection of polygyny, the fundamentalist branches use polygyny to grow that's a lesson for us Ive been that guy w\/ >1 gf\/date [note: money isnt a limit] I understand that makes other men angry it's not hard to spin plates in this modern (post-1960's) era but... polygyny (>1 woman marriage) requires women officially share a husband - most wont do that even if facing crushing loneliness and many women wont share male attention b4 marriage 2\/ It should be somewhat obvious this is parallel to Arab societies and the causes for the terrorism is similar. Like... who the fuck wants to live in a society like that? It's really nigger tier shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That assumes that the ideologies remain static, which they don't. What I wanted as a teenager hasn't actually changed much from what I want today. What today's young \"progressives\" want is *insane* to me today, and to who I was then. For example, I rail today as I did then against people who are trying to seriously end freedom of speech. Like, cunt, do you want to be curbstomped into the gulag? Because that's what they're arguing someone be allowed to do to them!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The US Mint includes both the motto \"In God We Trust\" and the American flag on the moon landing 50th anniversary coin. Did this escape the inquisition, or Is it because only non cultmarx Whites are interested in American coins and commemoratives? #FirstMan #NeilArmstrong https:\/\/twitter.com\/usmint\/status\/1050402399414824965","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone with a family doesn't want to give violent leftists their real name? Say it isn't so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rigger...Royal Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" This is close to blasphemy and do you have your \"eternal insurance\" yet Peter??? What do you have against Jesus?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm really in your head, aren't I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Viceland is just a nigger channel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take Canada and America out of your tag....jews hatched in the west are jews period...Al-jazeera is great...Bye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut their transthroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trannies just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tyrese trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I especially liked the part where the brigade came out and accused him of being an incel. Then grouped incels in with MRA\/TRP\/Mgtow. Get a new playbook already.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remembering all the stuff that the politicized FBI has been guilty of, what kind of solutions and information can we expect as they delve into the fake bombs? I am forever skeptical.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thew that cunt the fuck out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it that all Muslims are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Judge Sarah Munro let plod off with an absolute discharge for wrecking a shop (his drink was spiked except toxicology proved he lied) one wonders where Judge Munro the cunt lives?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Liberty and justice for all RT @ThatAngryNigga Go get me a sandwich nigger or I'll kill you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jay is borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. What a dumbass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's wait and see what happens. The judge said he wants to consider her financial situation before he imposes a sentence. Don't be surprised when she just gets a slap on the wrist. Chapel Hill is the fag and nigger loving capital of NC.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was just about to share the same video, this chick is legit crazy, not just an entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry. The stupid cunt with the badge doesn't know that Mexicans have two last names, won't listen and she's a hero? Fuck the cops. That female cop is a stupid cunt also so is the broad in shotgun both can be true","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i think the best thing i can say is: the lack of retarded and dank memes here is disturbing i think im going to create a page myself...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@who__CHRISJONES @WhyYouSoShort who is dis crack ass cracker","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yea, they don't fake space and misguide little children, do they?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is exactly how the Soviets attempted to sow discord in the 50s and 60s. Complain about social disparities. Stir up the masses. Tell them they deserve better and to overthrow the status quo, which has conspired to keep everyone down. The antidote is to educate everyone on the methods and to have a booming economy that benefits everyone. Even so, those already sucked in are hard to break from the propaganda. Chelsea actually believes what she's saying in spite of how financially blessed she is. This is the power of propaganda.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate censorship. Hate it. I dropped the NSFW in the name, because their filtering bullshit is as gay as a faggot gargling fresh jizzed nutjuice. Since there are so many LeeLee's already here, I'll stick with Impresaria.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sitting on the deck, enjoying a #StoneIPA, watching\/smelling the neighbors burn trash. #Missouri http:\/\/t.co\/VlnhyAhaEW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just hit 40 in flappy bird. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the fuck is halal? I know I'm a hillbilly in Kentucky, but I don't eat nothing, if I can't see what type of varmit I'm shooting at!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're a Biblical creationist your mind is a sewer of retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's what i was saying, you aspergers person it's funny cause i made a calm message and you interpreted it as an emotional all-caps screaming, sounds like some shit an insecure faggot would say. comment? dude calling a non short person short on the internet just makes you look retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We can just walk away with middle finger to eu and go straight in to the world trade because we don't like being done over by nazie cunt s that run all of European so why didnt Hitler do that then killling millions for fuck all","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This retard doesn't know how to drizzle Drizzled isn't dipped faggot. What kind of candy-ass gay-lore master are you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder if that Latino strategy is working?@TPM: GOPer doubles down on \"wetbacks\" but backpedals on \"shoot on sight\" http:\/\/t.co\/QwlPxxsUIb","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish all gay people would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sympathies for your family and family does come first. Bury the faggot in the hills if you get a chance to have personal justice because he'll get paroled within a few years anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Arrested, woopty fucking do. Call me when that cunt gets out of prison in 20 years and is signed into the sex offenders' registry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common Muslim trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"* I join PUBG * Gonna get some randoms with me * Load in, 3 other randoms join me * Everyone says 'hi' and 'hows it going' * My first question is 'what skin color are you? what race?' * They all quit * Racist cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not right to smash a controller, but god damn, it's a fuckin video game controller. Grow up you man child. [deleted] Fuck off bitch Triggered much? You were triggered first, he's just responding.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dyke skank","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Clueless white faggot fetishises Islam because muh brown people Yeah yeah, next you're gonna tell me water is wet too","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this PP?? This... how? I don't get it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter: We do not want neo-nazi's here - we do not want your hateful content, take that shit else where. GAB: We do not want loli here - we do not want your perverted content, take that shit else where. Pro-free speech, anti-censorship until it bothers you - just like Jack-off and Fuckerberg. #Hypocrisy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton Makes 'Get Out The Vote' Tour Stop In Tijuana https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/v4ax9dT.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/9SmD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look, another girl being a stupid aggressive cunt for no reason. Perpetual children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is anyone still giving this twat airtime?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe they don't have nearly as fast of a replacement rate of brain cells as normal people have, maybe the braincells commit sudoku once they know they belong to a liberal, maybe liberals are just so retarded it doesn't matter. Who knows, I don't have any liberal brains I can study for further analysis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"By nature, gay people are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"one day you'll have to explain Portia de Rossi she really is the glaring exception.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG! I can't believe the retard inbred blacks in my area who think Obama deserved another term!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This sub is turning into conspiracy Controlled opposition safe space. The mods are compromised and 100% in bed with the corrupt administration of this site. I would suggest some other subs for open discussion but this is reddit. It's a lost cause. I strongly advise people to move to gab.ai, minds, etc. Voat is just more of the same (power hungry admins and mods) but with a side order of edgy trolls. A combination of twatter, cuckbook and plebbit with a dash of pootube thrown in, minus the SJW.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NYC birth certificates to offer third gender category - https:\/\/www.oann.com\/nyc-birth-certificates-to-offer-third-gender-category\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Commie Michelle Obama: [ #RINO #Establishment #Liberal ] George W. Bush is my 'partner in crime' https:\/\/www.legitgov.org\/Michelle-Obama-George-W-Bush-my-partner-crime #MAGA #realDonaldTrump #tcot #GOP #RNC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You find this flag to be offensive to your American feelings? Yes? Good because I don't give a fuck. Now get back to twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Nachumlist: Charlie Rangel: The Things WeBelieve in Are Spiritual Damn Things http:\/\/t.co\/NwgiJ1mjia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blacks in South Africa brutally rape a white girl and then kill her by smashing her head in with a stone. Now more than ever, we whites need our own ethno-states. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html #SouthAfrica #WhiteGenocide End Cultural Marxism @genophilia is a nazi propagandist ... do not be fooled gabbers ... this is a modern day goebbels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like literally this. I feel this is more retarded then you could imagine because I dont see any other country being triggered over people saying guys. In spanish all groups that arent all female are male. The same is true in other languages. All languages that I know of have different endings to words always use male for groups of mix genders. (I may be wrong but I know its for atleast Latin, Spanish, Italian) It doesn't trigger a single person on the left. We all think it's funny as shit so we'll through it back at the subhuman scum that think a sexual predator that barges into the dressing rooms of underage beauty pageant contestants is a good person. Trumpettes prove day after day that they're either too retarded to see what's going on or they are just regurgitating right wing propaganda talking points. You keep getting the same arguments because the arguments are still the same. The trumpette subhuman scum that think Nazis are fine people have zero to actually stand behind. The only thing filthy trumpette scum stand for is the qult of Trump and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The standard to apply confuses me greatly. Sexual violence is common in media. So aresexual situations involving minors. So is extreme violence. So is explicit sex. So are depictions of all of the above. So the only thing really distinct about the hard loli stuff is a combination of qualities, all of which are deemed socially acceptable in other contexts. Sexual situations involving minors SHOULD NOT BE COMMON IN THE MEDIA. That shit should be so banned, so fast, because it's fucking degenerative. And you know it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Why does Cantwell have to talk about Jewish stuff all the time? Why does Patrick Little talk about white nationalist stuff all the time? Why does Alex Jones talk about conspiracy theories all the time? Are you a power bottom? To answer you: idk. It's kinda cool to talk about whatever I want on here. That's what makes Gab cool, right? Why would you ask that? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Sour_Badger\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"G4y people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh, the fragile faggot fraternity mentality of the sanctuary city Boston police has caused them butthurt, fuck them, sanctuary city police have pitted themselves against America.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Allies used nigger soldiers to rape German, French and Italian women into submission.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And here you go you NPC faggot https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=o8PGOMJZirc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Allies would tell freshly captured Axis soldiers, 'Enjoy the war while you can - the peace will be terrible'. Four times more Germans died in the surrender of Germany than during the entire war. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GulagUniversity #rrraus #zioReverseEvolution #MartinLuther WIR sind #deutscherTrump (YesWeCan.) Motto: **WENN Medien nicht mehr ans eigne Volk glauben (wollen), wer versagte?!** https:\/\/jungefreiheit.de\/politik\/deutschland\/2018\/es-wird-zeit-dass-wir-in-projekten-denken\/ [AutophpGab] Viel Gluck!! No sarcasm...win Germany back..this will require Men to Stand Up. Do not be deterred. Think of Arminius and free yourselves from the Fascists who would enslave you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fled his war torn land, leaving his womenandchildren behind, traveled thousands miles to the land of milk and honey in order to Show his dick to, and punch, a 90 year old white woman-Its what allah would have wanted https:\/\/www.kptv.com\/news\/year-old-woman-punched-in-face-in-downtown-portland-i\/article_c4a74774-c3ac-11e8-9b0c-078a6cadc3ae.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be fair, it wasn't the movement as a whole or even the majority of the rank and file. Weak leadership decided to listen to keyboard warrior incels and faggot assed cowards like Ricky Vaughn who'd all convinced themselves that the only social space worth fighting over was the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"their tears make me happy. keep on crying you friggin dumb shits. and who's the faggot in the striped shirt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fake news. Fake bombs. Fake outrage. Fake refugees. Fake Native and African Americans. It's the Democratic way. Becky Look at her Bot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't say anything. Just act. Words get you nowhere but in trouble. Don't forget to capture it on video.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My son will be red pilled, his Mother is a first class cunt who still tries to destroy my reputation, a fucking treacherous scab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How can she even begin to make that argument? She can't - that's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The brownies I just made are a sin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why I don't want any male children. I'm afraid a woman will try to ruin his life with false accusations out of spite. If I do have any sons, I will tell them to focus on academics before considering dating a girl. I will fully explain the consequences of dating, marrying, and having children with women of poor moral character. It's scary the amount of women I'm friends with on Facebook that are into the Me Too and Believe All Women movements. I remember when my mother warned me about the danger of giving a woman a ride home, if her car had broken down. The woman in question had a questionable character, according to my mother, but I thought she was fine. My mother made me understand what could happen to me and\/or my future if that, or any, woman decided to claim that I had attacked or assaulted her while alone with her. My Mom was truly ahead of her time, in many ways. For which I am eternally grateful. Exactly. It's an unfortunate fact of life that liars can ruin a person's life. Live and learn, hopefully fast enough to avoid having your life ruined. We all need to know how to protect ourselves from seemingly harmless incidents, like the one you describe. Back in the 70's and 80's, drunken hookups were common, but not anymore. The asinine rules in place on campuses these days actually make it possible for a female to enthusiastically have consensual sex, and even interact with her partner normally for days\/weeks afterward, only to change her mind even later and claim that she was raped. I don't think life gets much more insane than that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I credit the coal burner and mud shark with that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never said that gay people are scum. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift endorsing Democrat is one thing, but to come out at the AMAs and diss all Republicans\/Conservatives, and Trump. Called us Evil. You burned half your base, if not more. #KOD #WalkAway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When this retard pays his child support I still won't listen to him:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's a retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Out of curiosity, have you anti-national socialist retarded individuals ever heard about the ''Gulags''??? Muh 6 million jews! Why do you cry about 6 million that aren't even from your race but completely forget the 10 plus million UKRAINIANS that died there?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @O_tunj: Dance monkey dance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also, if there is nothing, no scandal or anything, why every single wannabe and has been comic creator tweets daily about comicsgate? (and people asks why these people keeps missing deadlines. If you spend all your day and night tweeting retarded bullshit, thank fuck you don't have time to write\/draw your stuff)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/10\/18\/kleenex-rebranding-mansize-tissues-after-gender-backlash-complaints-of-sexism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No trans person can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STOP THE PRESSES A WHITE WOMAN WORE A WHITE HAT!!! Journalism is such a joke in Fuck Africa. I'd invade the cunt of a place again if you all weren't such faggots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tsmith4569 Sorry I missed that, you mean where I live is disgusting or that that muzzies in the UK r disgusting, or both? Have a great Sun.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" With 100 #Sharia courts and 423 new #mosques #London is more #Islamic than many #Muslim countries https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/with-100-sharia-courts-and-423-new-mosques-london-is-more-islamic-than-many-muslim-countries\/ #UK #KalergiPlan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Black parents \"detest the idea of their children having to read this novel, it says. \"The idea that banning books is about censorship and that censorship limits free speech is often decried as a poor reason to keep the novel on schools' reading lists as its racist themes make it violent and oppressive for black students. Reading is *violent*. :|","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dyke probably thought she could go down on the statue!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why must you be so rude? Are you angry that my people are superior? Fortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. Be mean to me all you want. You will never be anything more than a replaceable component to be put to work. Enjoy your Sunday, back to work on Monday. Meanwhile, I shall enjoy my glorious life. Maybe I will go golfing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sgt at Arms Refused?? Damn Wait I knew a couple of Generals were running interference Didn't know it was five of 'em Again Damn When the Truth Finally comes out I hope EVERYONE Responsible for helping that Faggot get in finds their asses in GITMO facing the Highest Punishment Possible","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it because of the Ronaldo #metoo lies that Nike chose a Queer Moslem arse bandit knowing faggot can't come out without being tossed off for doing so, no not that tossed off tossed off a fucking roof by other Moslems!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[I don't know what non-binary is supposed to mean, but here's Samus wearing a bikini. (NSFW)](https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/thumb\/9\/9a\/Samus_at_the_end_of_Metroid.png\/170px-Samus_at_the_end_of_Metroid.png) holy crap put a NSFW tag please Bitch lasagna I like this new way of saying vegetable lasagna. \"A half pound of meat really wakes up a veggie burger.\" -Homer Simpson","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think the cunt is mad...needs a hug!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if disabled people are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the kind of move that makes third party devs drop you. >While AAA titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Call of Duty feature endless amount of humans to murder, gratuitous violence seems to be totally fine in the eyes on Sony's corporate decision makers despite the fact that tragedies resulting from gun violence happen on a daily basis. Which doesn't make sense since the woke crowd get pissy about violence too (TLoU2, Tomb Raider, even Detroit: BH etc). And there's the ones claiming games create a violent culture. That's what I'm implying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Zero evidence and a single witness who doesn't even claim it was rape, she claimed it was sexual assault on instruction from her therapist and lawyers. Her own description of the event, she claims occurred, is clearly not a description of a rape. She chose several witnesses she thought would corroborate her story, all of them countermanded it including her best friend at the time. Additionally, she cannot remember almost any details, she doesn't even remember the specific year, she waited 35 years to tell anyone, Kavanaugh has no other even vaguely credible accusations of sexual misconduct in the last 35 years and a laundry list of character references *from women* stating that their experiences with him were nothing but normal in both professional and personal contexts. Somehow you've come up with the cockamamie idea that he's a rapist? Do you just guzzle Democrat cum all day or what? I'd call you retarded, but that would be a gross insult to retarded people. You're an NPC.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump's Weak Khashoggi Response Tells Dictators They Can Get Away With Murder http:\/\/nymag.com\/intelligencer\/2018\/10\/trumps-weak-khashoggi-response-will-embolden-dictators.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to k1ll all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"someone dox this cunt in germany so I can post his address to the local mosque and let nature correct it's mistake","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only reason you're not a WN is you're a smug conservative faggot without the moral courage to stand for your own people in their hour of crisis. You don't need to respect Hitler or any other historical figure to be pro-White. But if the fact that some of us do respect our forebears is enough to turn you away, then our struggle is better off without you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So now been trill is trash cus asap said so ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I take it back a little, there are some white hats but very rare.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Princess my ass....just another mulatto nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn't matter if you oppose shooting up a synagogue; if you're a Republican, you're still a Nazi to them. There's no sense in trying to appease these people, they still hate you and want you dead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@simonslives @recordstoreday cheers dude might nip to town for #TheEditors #Vinyl ;-) #MusicMatters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God damn zebras every Virginia possession the whistle blows geeze.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wrong car for the money though >Wrong car for the money though Yup... still trying to \"impress\" and pursue \"status symbol\" shit for validation. - For a fraction of the price of OP's \"status symbol\", you can get the SAME \"utility\" and arguably an equal amount of \"beauty\" by getting a low-mileage used [one of these](https:\/\/hips.hearstapps.com\/amv-prod-cad-assets.s Impress? Hell yes, impress myself. 90 years of German engineering and excellence in car industry, shared to me for pleasure and safety reasons. Have you ever smelled new Mercedes car or tried AMG models? It allows you to \"move\" like a damn Cheetah. What status symbol? It's not even a Porsche or Ferrari. What beauty in link you posted? No matter how minimalist I try to be, that car was good looking 20 years ago. I can understand older generations and nostalgia but let's be real, car industry and motorcycle industry creates some fine looking designs and I appreciate that! I literally don't have who to impress since I am misanthropic as hell. Humans disappointed me too much over the last 10 years. I don't even have money for this car and wouldn't buy it unless I can afford two. Otherwise, it stays a wish. My point is written. DAMN Marriage costs this much and people celebrate that useless crap. > I literally don't have who to impress since I am misanthropic as hell. And yet you're STILL trying to. >**I don't even have money for this car** and wouldn't buy it unless I can afford two. Otherwise, **it stays a wish.** So merely \"aspirational\" relative to \"status symbols\"... ... which is akin to being an \"incel\" and a \"wannabe.\" - Interesting. Imagine arguing on the Internet about personal subjective taste in cars That you think THAT is what the \"argument\" is about... Is proof that you are *completely* **clueless.**","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Jim Davis article... I personally know Cedric and he is a faggot for pulling that article (along with many other reasons). That's why rightwinglgbt is a thing. Not saying you have to be right wing\/right leaning. But you should know you're being used as a smokescreen by these authoritarian faggots (and I don't call them faggots because they're LGBT).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is that guy-shadow or are you just a genetic faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger is so full of gay shit no wonder he shits rainbows! Shut up and sit down my nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All Muslims are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Since Gab is one of \"our\" platforms I think you should bring this message to Gab. I'm seeing too many Gabbers acting like #Stormfronters. Gab is approaching half a million members and real opportunities do abound so long as we do not put the same old mistakes on replay. Stormfront is FUCKING PATHETIC. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rj7zwR0gfhQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welcome to San Francisco. This is Folsom Street yesterday (9\/30\/18). This is the California Senators Feinstein and Harris are working so hard to protect. And we don't need Aryan grooming gangs in the cities in America? Mid America, pat Boone crowd; just Imagine hordes of teens with axe handles and bats, to bring these 2 to the light for their transgressions against good order and discipline. The very definition as to the how of making America great again. No, I would rather have the bums and the lewdness in the streets than have filthy aryan gangs. Freedom makes America great, not mobs. I'll be honest. I don't know what point you're trying to make. Your whole, I luv yumans not mobs plea.... All so tiresome. Pick a side, don't be a pussy. If you're white be white, don't fight it; if you aren't, why are we talking? I know it's easier to judge people as a group, but people aren't groups. Only individuals act, even when they act together. If you don't want to hear me, mute me. I promise it won't hurt my feelings. There's no thread. And I am an individual. You have, however, disqualified yourself from being heard by me. You can have the last word if you're quick. Make it good. Don't need your mute\/not mute, it is unconditional for quoting you moron. @Kosher Biblically so. Yaweh Akbar! Jewish Supremacy My head... this guy is such a dork... Reddit to the max. Of the head. That would be decapitation..?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go fuck your retarded mother and stfu.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hmmmm I guess that's why my cunt libtard sister doesn't speak to me anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You made an account to be a twat, you're a twat fuck off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And if they were all the same fucking people, you'd have a very compelling point. This pivot didn't happen over the course of centuries. It was only a matter of decades - and the same people were still driving the boat. >What you have described is very clearly \"not the same people\" which was the standard you decided to create. First, some of them are, and second, the same \"People\" as in a classification of people. >SJWs have been complaining about the gender composition of corporate boards for years now. To the point that California passed a law saying that every board of a publicly traded company in California has to have a woman on it. That's entirely inconsistent with Marxists that would not want those boards to exist. Yes, they pivoted to grievance studies as the next best avenue for attacking Western Civilization aka capitalism. They are useful idiots who would be openly Marxist if it were a viable declaration - and indeed some of them declare it anyways. If the boards are going to exist, they want women on them. And those women should, of course, be feminists. Because feminists will, of course, *operate the boards in a manner antithetical to the boards*. That's the goal. >Trying to make everything Marxism in an attempt to discredit is the same as trying to make everything the alt-right in an attempt to discredit. It's the same as the SJW protocol to avoid actually dealing with positions and arguments and just go ad hominem. There is clear academic lineage connecting Marxism to progressivism. You cannot say the same for all of the mutually exclusive groups that have been accused of membership in the alt-right. Probably because everyone who opposes Marxism is \"alt-right\" to a leftist. You're engaging in retarded false equivalencies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" u must be a troll. Gary Johnson What a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tats with smoking, high partner count, dyed hair, piercings, dresses like a slut, large hoop earrings, had abortions, no job, party girl\/ heavy drinker, male friends-orbiters, cursing...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Personally, I never look through a person's post history beyond a rare casual glance, and that's usually because I *like* what they posted, and want to see if they posted anything else upvoteworthy. But for some people, when you say something they don't agree with, and yet they can't refute it, they get really desperate to make you look bad, so they go through your post history, only so they can mock you about what you posted on a *support forum*, and drag that into a *totally unrelated discussion*. I'm actually really proud of myself for never having done anything that juvenile and petty to *anyone*. Because it's completely fucking retarded. Also, I had one guy accuse me of being a contributor to The_Donald, and I've never once been there. I don't support Trump. But people conflate one position with another. And these are supposedly 'enlightened liberals' who 'don't stereotype'. Very disillusioning.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Diversity is why Nigger ball chasers kneel for the anthem, it's why Niggers riot when one of their criminal kin folk gets shot or arrested, it's why Niggers loot during a crisis. Diversity is why our heroes monuments and our heritage is constantly attacked and they lay a guilt trip on Whites for being White. No,you can keep your diversity nonsense!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, this slut wants to be able to walk around with her ass and tits hanging out, for attention, but we should teach boys to ignore her... LOL. Can't eat your cake and have it too, tramp. Go put some damn clothes on and learn something. You can whore around on your own time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you want to be taken seriously, stop acting retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @juliebenz: I drink unicorn tears... RT @thecarnage07: @juliebenz And they say blondes don't age well :) You look like you're 20 :) ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are just a subhuman retarded nigger shit brett","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not make women suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep the Heartland nigger free.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the blatant election tampering that took place. Every media outlet colluded to get Tory re-elected. They completely suppressed the campaigns of more than 12 candidates. They took Faith Goldy's campaign money to buy ad time, and sat on it throughout the campaign, waiting until the last business day before the election to announce that they refused to run her ads, no reason given. She tried to sue Bell and the liberal judge \"declined\" to hear the case, again without providing a reason. I believe that this election fix was orchestrated by outside influences (Soros et al) who don't want Toronto to drop its \"Sanctuary City\" designation. They want Toronto to continue to be the cesspool where they can continue dumping the world's subhuman trash. They also want the rampant nigger violence to continue, because niggers are their useful idiots along with the muzz. I believe that this election tampering is just the dress rehearsal for next year's federal election. The globalists got away with it in Toronto so they'll do it again at the federal level. Why do you think we've heard nothing about Maxime Bernier's new party? It will be the target of suppression, as will the NDP to a lesser extent. Canadians don't vote directly for our Prime Minister, we vote in local ridings and whichever party wins the most ridings gets to be PM. This means much of the election tampering will occur at the municipal or riding level where it won't be as obvious. That's why Toronto's election is so important - it's a glimpse into the globalist anti-democratic playbook.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A bitch like me will fight, so please don't forget that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dylan Roof: - Went to church full of old ladies - They were peaceful and cordial - They prayed for him And then he shot 'em all. I don't care if they were niggers. Not one sane white person looked at that and said \"whoa, I'm racially aware now!\". If he had shot up nigger thugs that would be a different, but he was a bitch raised by a single mother (like many of you WNs)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My Oriental Gallery Blog: The New Land of Free Enterprise http:\/\/t,co\/pz55t90Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When the rolling snowball of insanity reaches full avalanche. Skin'ed O donut, happily waiting for her FGM sans aneasthesia. Damn!!! She hasn't aged well, and now she's a Muslim!? Lol Poor woman has definitely gone insane, wow! As she's too old to breed her worth in islam is less than a dead goat!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If all these nasty fat, white, wannabe cum dumpster bitches keep fucking nigger trash and popping out chocolated trash babies then that's probably pretty accurate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fukc all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#caravan BOOM! Honduran Caravan CAUGHT Getting PAID To INVADE United States - GOP Rep Sounds the Alarm https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=L6lOnmGXNP0 Believe me, it will be a very long, and 'very' convoluted trail that may just lead back to him if you are very lucky.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgusting they send Melania there specifically so she could be photoed cuddling niggers and niglets i feel SO bad for her she's probly fighting the urge to barf all over their nappy hayids all day long Cuddling a nigger as Whites are murdered by niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The judge recognized that she had suffered trauma because other inmates labeled her a kiddie fiddler... We cant have paedophiles getting called nasty names now... > We cant have paedophiles getting called nasty names now... We can't even have paedophiles getting called by their own names in the articles, apparently. That's what made it unbelievable for me. I don't think this really happened. They give any criminals name over 18 so I'm pretty sure this is a made up article. Or female child rapist are ok as long as they're hot. It's not just this article, this case has been covered in [other](https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6149975\/School-staff-member-25-sex-schoolboys-took-enthusiasm-excitement.html) news [sites](https:\/\/www.smh.com.au\/national\/nsw\/ex-school-house-mistress-guilty-of-sex-with-students-slept-with-others-20180910-p502x I mostly despise the hot ones too. This woman is not to bright. I expect that she is likely to re-offend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Reveals ANOTHER Accuser Claims She Saw Kavanaugh Spike Punch and Abuse Girls https:\/\/bit.ly\/2OFQpjv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of immigrants ought to be celebrated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Couple dykes want a dog? You know they sell those things at the mall, or a for a few bucks on craigslist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They're fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meth induced faggot minds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A pro-abortion advocate roundhouse kicked a young pro-life woman from in Toronto https:\/\/youtu.be\/z7SqtIe5rZQ VERY late-term abortion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"False Flag Planned By Democrats Before The Midterms! From Twitter and supposedly by Q Lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn, that must've pissed you off, having been abused like that and then have some retarded bitch come and say that all women are angels when a lot of us are actually demons. I myself was depressed for a while because it seemed like my own mother hated me but we got over it, but what I'm trying to say is that I've got a small idea","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No need to lip sync just get your mic and put it closer to you and you'll sound fine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a dude is going to rape a woman, the buddy system just means he's going to get a two for one. Pretend I'm a sexual predator. I can log on to this app, contact a woman, and she will tell me here train stop and I know she will be alone because I'm supposed to be from the app. Sounds safe Great idea! Here's $3k. Do I actually need to make the app? Just fork their app! Ah, sweet, thanks! 69 upvotes Nice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> so it's obviously bad You should see the retarded shit I make and I've been on this Earth almost twice as long as you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"blocked and muted you fucking anime faggot @BobBobington111","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha Following hate makes you nuts. It doesn't matter which hate you follow. It also makes you a follower of Satan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I was a racist I'd call all you African Americans.......NIGERRRRRS https:\/\/youtu.be\/e27p4h2wyn0 Lol cracker spick and camel jockey funny to crowd but as soon as he says African American everyone decided he was gonner say nigger before he said nigger which means there the racists because there is a direct link between African American and nigger in their heads","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean it's in the name, LG**B**T. b stands for bigender?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KenDavidoff: The #Cardinals are #MLB's gold standard, and there isn't even a close silver. #Dodgers #Giants #Tigers #Yankees http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying that you hate disabled people shows how misguided you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, we have another Lesbian socialist -Communist leaning bitch in the parliament. Wait till the Commie cunt Shorten comes in .Fuckem Moslim slime and barbarians will rush to the borders. Australians; WARNING DANGEROUS TIMES ARE COMMING TO US BECOUSE OF OUR SHORT SIGHTEDNESS.Wake up you lousy cunts, as you are destroying the Nation When this thhhhhhhhurdbull comes back with his cunt, lets welcome the cunt with the rotten eggs in every place we can get him , including his dickhead son, lets make sure he does not poke his head out of his Point Piper home","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN spent the last 72 hours: - Calling Kanye West a \"token negro and other slurs live on air - Bringing on a man who once made a sex tape with Kanye West's wife to talk trash about him - Referencing Kanye West's dead mother, who Kanye was extremely close to and is sensitive about - Calling him every name in the book This is what happens if you dare to step out of line. oh that poor nigger. He forgot that snitches get stitches and he decided to turn on his commie faggot friends because he's been bought by Trump for political reasons. LoL... Trump really fucking wants that black vote in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just another common coon. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuba Claims Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son. - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VmqKhm8s20o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love this guy. Best way to point out the absurdity of the system is to play it absolutely straight and to its logical conclusion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trudeau is nothing more that a faggot freakazoid with out two properly functioning brain cells to rub together to form a single intelligent origional well reasoned thought of his very own I think his momma had one of those failed abortions...maybe he can get his very own post-birth-abortion and fix that !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Schumer is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@WakeUpPeeps1 Read w\/o slant your orig statement said 'everything' we have...that is the only extreme comment made","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Owen breaks down why he called out Jordan Peterson. FYI JP is a LARP imo a book smart life retard kinda guy https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Wul43MeppQg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the cracker fag is going to beat the brakes off that nigger later on......","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's obviously a parody you fuckin retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"youre so buried up to your ass in ideological partisan bullshit that you recoil in horror to \"cuck,\" even though the word was used correctly unironically. there was no partisan reason the word was used. they used the word in its correct format and your first reaction was to tie it to politics because thats how fucking superficial you have become. if you are into open relationships, you are, by definition, a cuck. You probably didnt even realize thats what the word meant. yeah, no shit he used the word \"unironic.\" he was using the term correctly, you hollow little cunt. edit awww....that little twat \/u\/lemme_lick_ur_hair reported me for >user reports: 1: It's targeted harassment at someone else lol. \"ignore reports.\" Yes, finding someone else's activities to be weird definitely means that those activities are instantly bad. Some people enjoy having a person stand over them and taking a shit on them. Do I find that enjoyable? No, I find it repulsive. I cannot fathom why anyone would ever enjoy that. But, if both parties enjoy it, are not harming each other, and are not doing it in front of people who don't want to be seeing it, then there's nothing wrong with it. Btw, how's this for a sentence: Mentally-retarded people are some fucking weird dudes and I don't like them. Gays are some fucking weird dudes and I don't like them. Midgets are some fucking weird dudes and I don't like them. Now obviously those groups are different to people who enjoy cuckold sex, but the issue is not in what they are or do, it is in your opinion. You're allowed to think it's weird and you certainly don't have to do it, but don't judge other people for doing so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sewing is also a requirement to be an #ISIS Jihadi girl - keep the men's clothes presentable #ISISFeminism http:\/\/t.co\/sN5KUwMX78","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breivik is a martyr These guys are so retarded that they do not realize that a martyr is someone who is killed for his beliefs. Breivik is still alive and well. Clearly they don't understand Brevik was a MASON doing the work of the JWO and why Weev promoting him stands out so well. He clearly knows better Didn't Breivik literally complain about having a PS2 in prison?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"she just proves how absolutely retarded the political elite has become, why more and more are turning to Mr Trump, he is not a politician per sa","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"5am: Whizzing crackers! My cats got into the @Ritzcrackers and are now playing 'hockey' with them. Lol.#crazycats http:\/\/t.co\/A5ZBVDXapx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#California is full of white trash who moved from #Oklahoma","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DoctoroftheDead: @Jackson_D_Chase @violet_berry_ You realize I m going to have to get out all those #horror and other poems I wrote abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AyeFuckWoody @coryburgess87 do i literally eat asshole for a living? is that what i actually do faggot? You seem a little confused..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then dick twat gets reelected. rip canada","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I recently happened upon a bunch of cheap faggots. Well, there you go. That is all. A faggot is a bundle of sticks. It is rumored that homosexuals were used to get the \"fires going\" when they burned witches at the stake. True or not true I do not know. It would explain a lot though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"except they do have time for that shit. there is a large trans community of pakistan, and they're usually poor and homeless. obviously it's important enough to them that they would be willing to get kicked out of already poor homes and literally be homeless to live how they want. i get that some of it seems retarded like \"changing your gender by the minute but you don't have to hate on people for having a genuine medical condition and trying to fix it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My black queen dreading my hairs.Thank you Most High for this Moor Queen I asked you for.I want to BE BEtter with her http:\/\/t.co\/iFmRPJGyIC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kavanaugh confirmed - prepare for an epic internet faggot storm...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and#x200B; and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Face book link ...hmmm ...never stop doing or being what you are if you wanna loook on face book knowing they cant be trusted or googel is why im im on Gab i will look,and be my normal self on line or in real life ,no camera is going to make me do anything i wouldnt normaly do thats the only why you can win overload them i take drugs im in internet Insulter so what.....i run an insult room .....on a program calls paltalk ..you welcome to come in and say what ever you like I WILL ALL WAYS BE FROOM IN SOUL BODY AND MIND ...PEACE ..COME TO PALTALK..THE ROOM NAME IS...room owners cori shes a cunt cunty shes a cunt too me im just a wanker Bollocks is my name and stuey the bals northern wanker but i love him ...hes as gay as me just wont say so ,,,,seee you in the room","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger walks out. If he was a White man, he would still rot in slammer, and rightfully so. But then, White man would not do such monstrosity. Acid attackers are either smelly pakis or jungle monsters, most of the time. So, that's that. Courage, Katie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'd rather have cancer than be anywhere near a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SusanneWhite they're so goooood. I just want like a savoury salty cheesy cracker","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a just world, trans people would all be honoured. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"REMEMBER THE ARK IS A FAIRYTALE AND THE TITANIC WAS SUNK BY THE JEW ICEBERG U must be a stupid redneck moonshine swilling crossbreed who believes the shit in the ot.....plus you have no sense of humor","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rod Dreher cucking HARD: https:\/\/www.theamericanconservative.com\/dreher\/among-thugs-weimar-america-civility\/ Newsflash moron - there will be no peaceful co-existence with these Leftist freaks. The reason things stayed pretty amicable for the past 50 years was that the Right just kept surrendering - those days are over. They have a phone number. 202-955-3600 wouldnt hurt to call and say he is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retard or academic? https:\/\/twitter.com\/Hermitwise\/status\/1053797331609489408","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did they trot this old cunt out again?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Real libertarians became conservative. Whatever left is a cucked perversion. The only people who really identify as libertarian now are retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fuck is with this shit cunt website constantly logging me out and giving me some generic newsfeed of normalfaggotry? BOTTOM TEXT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any Chance\/Opportunity the Niggers can get to Rob, they'll do it. White Man's Law and Order keep them at Bay, and once that's gone, White Folks Better be Ready\/Prepped for a Race War, because Rape and Murder is the other Two Thirds of the Nigger Equation...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YOU CARNIVAL BABY SHIT OUT BY A CARNIVAL INFECTED CRACK CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching that arrogant potato nigger get tapped was truly a great sight to see.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you gay people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Republicans are turning and pandering for the nigger votes by running one in Virginia. Demand better from our representatives.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @UFGatorFamily: Incase any hillbillies try to roast... http:\/\/t.co\/LJ168KTccp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holder: I Don't Think Politicians Should Be Confronted in Restaurants or at Their Homes | Breitbart https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/23\/holder-i-dont-think-politicians-should-be-confronted-in-restaurants-or-at-their-homes\/ It is way past too late for Holder to claw that back. The damage has been done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Huddersfield a Muslim grooming gang which consisted of 20 men, received 220 years for 120 offences. They will only serve half their time in prison, which means they will each end up serving less than one year for each child they raped. How is this a sufficient deterrent https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-england-45918845 learn from the example-breach of injunction seems to carry far more weight .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait, what?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love Russians https:\/\/www.rt.com\/sport\/440258-spartak-presenter-yulia-ushakova\/ Then its a good thing those creatures are scarce over there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A bunch of RACIST RETARDED Democrat PIGS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"perfect meme to describe how retarded the 'maga-pedes' are. White Genocide full speed ahead, in America, while Trump swallows for Shlomo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This movement doesn't need polemics as much as it needs logistics. Our lack infrastructure, not a lack of red shoes or whatever, is the reason we failed to maintain our momentum in the past year or so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cheetahxcheeks lol trash I would of kept it if she was cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dyke chicks produce smegma too! This bitch has got to be rank! You know she never washes down there ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, start with the faggot on your left.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's not a human eating a human, it's a nigger eating a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I forgot how white trash Texarkana was... Well it is arkansas so.... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good morning Twitter. Make today a positive one. If you can't do that, beat up as many meanie-faces as possible. Also, I hate flappy bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NBA, handle your zebras.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HeidiL_RN: Fuck Islam you pigfucking trash troll. @ItsJustMe7o7 @MzKeriEvans @ctbauza","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A dog is unconditional love. A Muzzie is unpredictable hate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @YoShortyMa: I'll kill this bitch no hesitation http:\/\/t.co\/UxePa9LVi5","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Today, for me, a beard means fuzzie muzzie or convert to muzzieness. Just sayin'. I am sure I'm not the only one.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They're listening to Kotaku and Anita Sarkeesian so can go fuck themselves. Why are these companies so retarded that they think this kind of PR is gonna help them? Women aren't the target gaming demographic and probably never will be.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wonder why this pathetic little brainwashed twat is recording this....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Filled with rage? Pay your taxes. you untalented, out of work cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for disabled people has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger muslim","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's twat of the highest order i don't know about you Rev but i wish these sjw's would just piss off they are the most racist cunt's i've ever seen what a bunch of self entitled little kid's","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The blacks in #California are typical niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @iamkrause: All I see in every #IfTheyGunnedMeDown tweet... http:\/\/t.co\/XWmkac1Aw6 Dis be like da colored Brady Bunch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftist SJW literal who YouTuber shilled into the new Wreck it ralph movie for some unknown reason and seemingly the dense retard wants to brag about it? Yikes! I forgot about that freak.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love wearing fuzzy socks to work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-gb\/news\/world\/national-portrait-gallery-unveils-malala-yousafzai-picture\/ar-BBNPyUh I am a trans cunt who sucks zog cock I am at oxbridge yes its me human excrement @Tevlar who are these bastards bet its boy who killed peaches for geldof","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h a t e disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE Brooklyn Park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/6ZUxaQeaVL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@YungCofGOA @12YearsAHaitian need to start mcbob because Williams only shoot let him play with bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't forget this part. > The ECtHR also underlined that it classified the 'impugned' statements as \"an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam, which was capable of stirring up prejudice and putting at risk religious peace.\" They might as well just say \"It's illegal because Muslims are violent.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/national-security\/410167-mueller-moves-for-forfeiture-order-to-seize-manafort-assets?amp Mueller is going after asset. When will his show trial start so we can get the money he was paid by Clinton and other to push through Uranium One deal to Russia for Clinton. Yes, Uranium One and all it players need to be throughly investigated and jailed if found guilty of racketeering and treasonous behavior for self-profiting. You called it correctly. My intuition, tells me it is only a matter of time before he will have his asset taken, as well! Justice must prevail against this self-righteous moron.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @EverybodyHatesX: He's trash RT @Yerrp08: Too early to call Austin Rivers a draft bust ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Godsmack_Music @iTunesMusic @iTunes That band is white trash, and only white trash would buy that album.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jasonkozdra Are you saying you are a RACIST SEXIST leftist piece of shit? All lefties are socially constructed to be brainwashed retarded monkey brains who cannot understand FACTS! It is a FACT that all Identity politics ARE RACISM and SEXISM! This mean the morally degenerate Feminists ARE SEXIST! Black LIES Matter ARE RACIST PIGS! So all JEWS and DEMONRATS are blatantly RACIST and SEXIST! But the RETARDED social construct that is all lefties and Jews is devoid of even a semblance of intellectual awareness! If you do not understand what I just said, your genetic profile is socially constructed with your head up your ASS! But you still don't smell your own shit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@b1gsean21 lets just say hellen keller makes better brownies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you faggot \"@Aloha_Hoesss: Grow up RT @80sbaby4life I'm gonna be an old ass man STILL playing video games\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"build the wall. no sanctuary for wetback assholes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't wait till I get my full appetite back. Only ate a half ghetto sandwich. No lettuce, no nothing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because everyone knows this islam men is the devil","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What kind of shit is this? Why isn't that faggot arrested?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mad Dogs and Englishmen - Cry Me A River https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kHA2afBxmbs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who gives aa fuck about shit diamonds from the jews fuck them both","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SILVERBACK APE Whoopi Goldberg: Trump Is Taking a Giant Dump' on America He Is Not a President I Recognize' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/02\/whoopi-goldberg-trump-is-taking-a-giant-dump-on-america-he-is-not-a-president-i-recognize\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sure have 'nigger' on the brain. . . too much nigger in your ass, and it's overflowing?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am sick and tired of this white supremacist, anti-jewish bullshit these fuck tards are spending on Gab. You jackasses need to wake up do something in your fucking life, stop complaining about everybody else and what they've done, and be a fucking individual. You're bunch of worthless twats. Why don't you crawl back into your hole and fuck your mother again you ignorant piece of shit. Your just another twat trying to blame everyone else in the world for your shortcomings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NSFW You are a vile Communist after all. I despise you. looks like my chances for nazi pussy have headed down the drain. ah well... at least i can say i tried. that big black dick really was the icing on top of the cake ay?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Democrats love rapest. Example #1 BILL CLINTON.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If grandma was 88 she is more likely to rant about \"the niggers having human rights\" than anything about trans people. Well what she said was, 'Stop cutting your hair, you'll never get a man looking like a dyke.' But OP knows what she really meant, gramma so woke.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've thought long and hard about this and...I don't care. This was a Saudi citizen killed by Saudis on Saudi property. And so what if he was a journalist? If anything, that makes me think less of him, considering today's state of journalism. There's nothing here that merits another potential useless, bloody mid-east ground war. @Bilitamp Agree! We do not need to be involved. We need to stay out of other governments business. The only thing to concern us should be trade. How they handle their own is their business.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@B00breeze This little queer is so in love with me he is using my Picture he got off of @Dijjy's YT PAGE and trying to copy MY ID smh gotta be an obsessed little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">worshipping the mystical sky faggot Actually being this mentally ill","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When are we going to stop treating women like children? Women need to be accountable for their actions. ... source? There isn't one. Wrong. www.express.co.uk\/life-style\/life\/823895\/IQ-men-women-intelligence-brain-research\/amp http:\/\/journals.sagepub.com\/doi\/abs\/ The first thing you linked is neither credible nor peer-reviewed and the second thing you linked was a study done with children... It's an article about a peer reviewed study. You're an idiot. Why didn't you link the peer-reviewed article that they're talking about, then?? I did. Do you have a brain tumor? I used two sources. You did not link the article that is being discussed in the first link you posted. The first link is not from a credible source and I asked you to link the journal article that is mentioned in it. You'd actually be shocked at what I look like! I've seen fat people before. this is incorrect. IQ: http:\/\/personal.lse.ac.uk\/kanazawa\/pdfs\/PAID Though the difference in standard deviation is small, such differences can have a huge effect on the number of outliers. For example, in the model where IQ follows a normal distribution for each gender (mean To be precise, approximately lol. k. i wont discuss this with someone who just glosses over an abstract of one paper when i have linked multiple. Nope. On average, men are slightly more intelligence. Additionally, their intelligence has more variance. Meaning there are more retards and more geniuses. A wider range, shifted slightly to the right. That's on average. In reality? Men are significantly and very demonstrably more intelligent than women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Say NO to diversity. Don't let America become a third world shithole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope you get nigger aids","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hello to everyone on Gab. I am new and this is my first post!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most mudshark haters don't sit in their basements, smoking weed and playing video games. A whole bunch of them have families, careers, and stand up for themselves just fine. People can do all that and still hate mudsharks. You sound like you want to excuse nigger fuckers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CrafyFox FUCK OFF YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGER FUCKER!!! GO SUCK A COCK, FUCKTARD!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/fbi-agent-shot-by-booby-trapped-wheelchair-much-like-a-scene-fromindiana-jones","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many r3tards in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Mari_813: \"Bae\" means \"before anything else\" I always thought it was a ghetto word for \"babe\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only three months jail? I'd say she got her pussy pass... I bet there will be quite a bit of social repercussions though. People seem to look at jail sentences and figure that is the end of their punishment. Quit being alive Absolutely. This post doesn't belong here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really hope Netflix hires a lot of studios from Eastern Europe and then they have meetings with them and tells them you can't say nigger without saying nigger and they've never heard of it as a slang, which forces the exec to say nigger and then the Eastern Europeans complain to get him fired in a never ending cycle of fired Netflix Executives.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cleared out the NSFW part. Because nobody in their right mind wants to see a nigger dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The UK can only wish it would be that fast, sadly they will suffer a long painful death thanks to their leadership. I feel for Europe and I wouldn't wish what they have on anybody, not even the Kenyan, well maybe I would wish it on the Kenyan faggot and his husband.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now I can tell all the liberals that I'm totally not racist. That basically means everyone else is a nazi because I have the mentality of a retard child, with severe psychiatric problems. #Notracist","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all disabled people\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They do this all the time. Anytime these loonies wanna protest or make a statement, they take their clothes off. Look at their pride parades, their slut walks, PETA, etc. Why can't these idiots sit down and debate their points like grown adults? Instead they choose to strip down and run around like a bunch of retarded toddlers. It's baffling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The sooner the queer nazi go back to Germany where they belong the sooner will have the children safe.After a 1000 yrs hitler revived the queer nation spreading the infection.Look at all the queer nazi porn on Gab from time to time. The anti NAZI crowd post retarded gay porn on MINDS and I've seen some here, you just mute and move on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> \"You are ripe. THE HARASSMENT! SHOCKING! I had an argument on Reddit the other day about how Creepy Uncle Joe touches and caresses young children inappropriately and presses himself against their bodies. I was furiously downvoted, with many claiming that his behaviour is alright, yet Freeman here is being accused of sexual harassment because he reportedly said that or reportedly asked another woman if she was wearing underwear. Ahh, the hypocrisy. \"Freeman kept trying to lift up herself skirt Did you miss that part? How do you defend that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The widow of a policeman who died in 911 is insulted by an antifa thug https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=odw0EyHoNCw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rightist: \"2+2=4!\" Leftist: \"No you racist nazi misogynist! 2+2=5!\" Horseshoe theorists: \"You are both retarded! Obviously 2+2= Rightist: \"2+2=~~4~~3!\" Leftist: \"No you racist nazi misogynist! 2+2=5!\" Horseshoe theorists: \"You are both retarded! Obviously 2+2=4~~.5~~!\" Obviously this isn't how it works.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*cough*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"black lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just st4b those Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Swamper60 \"Happy Happy Helloween, Helloween whoa oh whoa ho\" @helloweenorg http:\/\/t.co\/Tw0jeExqTy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's no other reason for her to have gone there than to grand stand knowing full well it was a place dedicated to providing men with simple haircuts. She knew she may be denied service and was counting on that so she can get her 15 minutes of fame while destroying the reputation of a small business. It's social policing at it's finest. I honestly hope the woman who started this just to start shit gets her head kicked in on her way home from work. I hope that woman get a doxxed and her life ruined. fucking feminist cunt I'm not gonna kick peoples head in, I just despise and stay the fuck away from annoying cunts like this. Regardless, if retards like this would have their heads kicked in.. No more retards, right? Because some of women are just total cunts that look for reasons to cause drama all the time an be perpetually offended. They are usually a Sasquatch looking creature that no one would fuck for a million dollars.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabl3d people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I clicked one link that claimed to link to their source material and was instead directed to a kelly bluebook ad. beforeitsnews is like the online version of weekly world news. I'm just surprised it doesn't print stories about batboy. These credulous retard Qcultists will believe literally anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The most retarded thing about it all is that a lot of ppl believe this pile of crap is real.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This bitch THINCC she dress coding me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sorry RETARD READ THE POST. if you believe trump -you are a profoundly stupid sheep. MAGA? Purge ANTIAMERICAN right wing filth from our soil. Trump is the fucking traitor and his followers are fascist sheep. Trump should hang in GITMO for treason. His supporters should be rounded up and shipped back to russia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Baby Boomers The kids are not going to care one bit when your Social Security checks bounce. REFLECT now or REFLECT then. We have lost a lot of respict for you. OK I am a baby boomer I paid into the Social Security system when I worked So I'm not sure where you're going with that? Be nice I'm just trying to figure out all of what's going on Boomers paid into SS. But, inflation has completely wiped out their entire investment. (In Denial) My generation has to pay for the Boomers and all the \"Migrants\" they imported. None of whom paid into the SS program. (Also In Denial). actually some illegal immigrants DO pay SS taxes You got that right. They pay in for 5 years, retire, kick back on the wealth of natural born american citizens. I have no idea what this nonsensical reply means but FWIW, I use my TV to watch science, nature and history programming mostly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When Maxine Waters encouraged violence against Trump Cabinet members, it wasn't the first time she displayed behavior unbecoming of a federal lawmaker. She's been involved in many other controversies... including abusing power to enrich family members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Rwtb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"National Socialism can restore America to a place of joy and safety,a land with no Nigger crime and no Muslim terror .Sounds good to me ! What are we waiting for?! We already know republicans and Demoncrats are no help !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not interested in talking to you. You're a fucking retard and you are wasting my fucking time. Normal human beings don't keep posting at people to try and annoy them. You are a paid troll or just a deadset fucking fruitloop with no purpose in life. Fuck off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do people really pay for your retarded pronouncements?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feminists are fucking retarded, why are they so pissed about manspreading shit makes no difference in space. I'm gonna start throwing things in womens cleavage as they walk by.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey at least i'm not a generic redneck that's a virgin, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't curse","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol ike Turner http:\/\/t.co\/8yNqYYaOjo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, look at her! Nobody but a nigger would fuck a white woman that ugly and think he was getting away with anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why didn't the mean old Nazis just choke the lying cunt to death?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"do you think all the rice fags are at McDonald's?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The idiot doesn't name the Jew. I listened to his testimony criticizing Sex and the City and read his Manifesto -- it can't even be considered a polemic like I told you yesterday. We're laughing at you. You need to read at least Mein Kampf Ch 10 and brush up on who Germany allied with in both world wars -- listen to Hitler's Czechoslovakia speech. Evolve, non German. You need to stop being a communist subversive faggot and accept that it was a psyop on the kikes by Breivik, youve been told 3x now. I can think of a Hitler quote that applies there myself, kike. Look you stupid Nigger, I'm German I tell YOU what to read and you obey. If not I stomp the ever lovin shit out of you, got it? I said read Mein Kampf, you long-winded quack. Pay the fuck attention, bitch. You Jew loving, CUNT. CAUSE > symptom Youre a race traitor, its as simple as that. Comparable to condemning the beer hall putsch martyrs. Youd be put in a camp to sort your thoughts out. You're calling me a race traitor because Breivik shot white people who were against Israel. Let me guess: you're flat nigger broke and have never owned anything and never had a decent job like Breivik.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When battle for planet of the apes comes, nice denise from work isn't going to talk her nigger brothers out of raping your family and crushing their skulls with rocks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"its only bad when its against gay people https:\/\/redd.it\/9npnhv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OBAMA was 10x the President than Trump will ever be! Trump only dreams of being as successful and as great as OBAMA!! *sigh* Another troll. Go watch some football, kid. Were you real, I would toy with you as I do all Lefties. Hear, hear. The date is indeed a dead give-away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This aint your photo bitch Never said it was, faggot If we all stand together and do the right thing: Block. Then we deny access; and we kill the cunts off. Bitch got trolled by a fag. Top lulz. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CIS ranks lower in the oppression standings. You get more attention and can more easily claim the high ground just by saying you're trans. Ah man its like one of my favourite words though. Depends if you are talking about a woman or a mount of dirt next to the ocean.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why not let the cunt die? https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/man-charged-raping-two-week-13376427?utm_source=facebook.com","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How many #Yankees players have 3K hits? You have to put #DerekJeter in the conversation for Best Yankee Ever. His numbers demand it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberals write retard narratives, let's sum it all up in a paragraph, how many nonfacts can we cram in a sentence to brainwash, everything you read from major media is absolute BS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @flavorpill: Why Tori Amos matters now more than ever http:\/\/t.co\/YIsiAI6S via @nme","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] The courts usually decide against the \"father\" in these cases, since they say it is in the interest of the child to have child support paid. Even if the person paying it is not the father. Because the interests of the guy paying for child support are inconsequential. Might as well pick a random dude in the crowd to shoulder the costs of child support, but I suppose the time is not right for these changes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep your thoughts to yourself. We are faggots and proud of it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every EU commissioners every thick twat leader must die painfully with their families 2 lads against 10 The cunts must die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a camel fucker to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now my question is if this is just normal crime as the SA government implies WHY is 5 black males doing this to ONE harmless woman?? WHY??? \"Wake up white males. This is the soft target. Our wives. Women and children. Ffs wake up. We are not frogs slowly boiling. We are jellyfish. Spineless. This is our families. This is our people. And this is okay. We need to grow b@lls or we are history. Wake up ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Probably in jail for doing some nigger shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#mobocracy #brownshirts #antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who will grow up to hate you want you dead, and all those like you dead, liberals are insane. better question..why does a little girl have a mostuche? Those that have money are adopting away their white guilt. Those that do not have money are being pressured to impregnate it out. Poster for worthless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I swear the people cleaning the office switch what side the trash vs recycling cans are on on purpose to mess with me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm Honestly Happy To Accept AWALT Or The Fact That Deep Down This IS NATURE ! THEY ARE ALL WHORES! Think About It! If She's Not A Virgin She's A Whore (Has Sex With Multiple People Before \"Settling For One) By Nature We Are Poly! There Is No Way To Escape It! Accept It Embrace It and Never Commit To A Whore! Enjoy Them Forever Have Your Shit Together Incase You WANT To Repopulate Yourself With A Cunt! GYOW! Life Is Good We (Men) Are In Control!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DarthPutinKGB: Today in 1996 Charlie Wilson left office. \"Should be ranked alongside Lech Wa sa for his role in defeating communism\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@delaney_guinan a faggot that needs to grow up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@teapot Great GIF. Got a source URL for @gifs?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@poloswagmaster if you go could you hook up the plant city faggots or","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You said: >UK police cannot be bothered to arrest pedophile gangs I pointed out that they *were* arrested. And the time it took was courtesy of politicians, not police officers. People on this side of the Atlantic were appalled by the issue and it was covered widely in the media. But political issues aside, our plod don't mince around shooting black kids in the back for fun, or thieving money off people. By and large they're very capable - and they don't need fucking military hardware either, because they're actually trained and able to do their job. Shocker, I know. Now you've moved the goalposts and stated \"immediately\", to try and further your cunty point. It's a pretty transparent effort all in all. >Don't just imply your stupidity, own it. Did someone use that phrase on you and you took to repeating it because you thought it sounded good? I can't think why you'd write something so incongruous otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Id rather be ignorant and uneducated than retarded and indoctrinated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PELOSI DECLARES: I'll be Speaker again! https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/x95Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Linda Sarsour also promotes Sharia Law....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When millennial blacks and Mexicans see Charlottesville footage of Nazis clashing with anti-whites, they don't say \"look at those heroic fat blue haired dyke granola grad students defending POCs and diversity\". Instead they say \"YO, WHITE PEOPLE ARE CRAAAAAAZZZZY!!!!\" *insert laughing tears emoji*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think he's actually a girl that's had sex with a nigger and that's why he's so obsessed with us having to accept mudsharks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish I could date an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muhammad was a pedophile false prophet of Satan. In Canada, the legal system treats islamic honor killings as \"domestic violence , and now the Retarded Asshole, Justin Trudeau wants to make the maximum penalty for Islamic terrorism a mere 6 months in jail. This is what happens when a country cucks out to Islam. This must not be allowed to happen in the USA. That isis loving simp MUST go to jail asap","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll slaughter any black person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Plenty of politically brainwashed and retarded boomers, but they at least usually have mechanical and technical skills. As opposed to an ex stripper turning liberals off with his retarded antics","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait, so what did she do to her boyfriend? Can you give me the basic rundown so I don't have to watch this nigger bitch screech for an hour?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SoWavyTee hey Hun!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rap = nigger dick suckers nigger dick sucking gang banger wannabe rap faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shut up birds it's bed time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EXPOSED: Jihadi kidnap and murder handbook... and plan to infiltrate British Army and police http:\/\/t.co\/gkP1vG6Pnw via @wordpressdotcom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are faggots. We are different. We are brave. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who play #roleplayinggames are human filth and don't deserve the same respect you'd give a mosquito. They're soulless gutter trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It says you're a retard idiot for making Americans read this stupid shit!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has any movement in history been infiltrated and completely taken over by the Republican Party faster than the \"alt-right\"? It was like a toddler versus that thing from the movie ALIEN. LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Republican brand is terrible because we've had pushover RINOs in power for the past few decades. A Trump party would keep the brand fresh and new, also signaling a shift in how we're no longer \"PC\" and will not only threaten to counter attack these vicious retards on the left, we'll follow through. Enough is enough. We need a party of power, not pushovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You've already got 2 retarded replies shitting on abortion, brace for more Yes cunt, i was totally ok after having to abort my daughter at 6 months. What the fuck do you know about aborting babies exactly ? Or is from some religious moral high ground? Well I hope your educating the fuck out of these kids or giving them a shit load of cash because when they're adults and they can't get a job they're fucked because 1, the US welfare system is shite. 2, they better not get Illl because your hospital system is shite and 3, I hope they aren't black because the US obviously seems to have a huge problem with adult black men from broken homes (aren't they statistically to either die young or spend the majority of their lives in prison?) You might we'll look after kids but as I said, come 18 no-one gives a fuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@1Oyster1 maybe not but you crow about obama and democrats so you are a mawbar....Might as well be a Republican.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eleven-year-old Ebba kerlund was murdered by a mohammedan jihadist in Stockholm, Sweden on April 7, LOL, did you just say jews are the victims of muslims? HELLO POOR RETARDED CHILD, who do you think here in America is behind literally","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMBO!!!!!!! XD XD XD That is one BAD ASS BASED Sheriff! Yeah, I was a bit taken aback by how many light-skinned people there were in the photo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CarolynEmerick @RockingMrE \"but whether people like it or not Germans were living in mud huts when the Greeks and Italians were laying the foundation for western civilization\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4IjWxkmIDi8andfeature=youtu.beandt=567","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How do you know it's staged? Because the cameraman is filming from behind the counter lmao... We're all Ken M on this blessed day. ^^Or ^^however ^^that ^^goes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol usually I don't even get the first part, they decide that one comment is worth a permaban. I even had a mod from \/r\/Canada tell me they reported me to the admins, because I called then out for defending female pedophiles by deleting all the comments talking about how fucked up a recent rape by a woman was. The \/r\/Canada mods are bigger cucks than Justin Trudeau's step-father. If i go canada, can i fuck cucks wifes? I saw lots of cuckery in canada in the name of liberty. This sadden me. In 4chan they called us sandniggers lmao i like this name though. I dont even get offended. I dont understand why people offend from anyone calling you anything on internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But thats wrong you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"An end to forced arbitration in cases of harassment and discrimination for all current and future employees; >","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know I'm new here but I thought I would get a welcoming Community from you, all I've gotten is to good people out of 20 racists, people we were agreeing on a certain subject but when I interjected that you shouldn't judge somebody based on the DNA that they hold then I became the target These sort of comments might get you play with the friends that you already have, but in the long run are you sure you want to hitch your wagon to a bunch of losers? Join me in an open discussion of our ideals and let's find out how different we are, because I can guarantee you I am older and uglier Cry me a river @theobear777 ... NPC confirmed. #OrangeManBad I just figured out what MPC means, judge for yourself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam is the Zionists weapon of choice to eradicate the white race and western civilisation. Make no mistake this is no accident. Lol probably a labour voter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Steven_ratata bye youre a queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NBC nigger broadcast corporation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*squak squak squak squak*Me: bird shut up!!!*squak*Alex: that was an act of defiance @Alextalksback","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye West donates $73K to Chicago mayoral candidate https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JMTv Before you freak out, 1) NO Republican will ever get elected mayor of Chitown. 2) This is the very same pattern of Trump, supporting both sides in NYC for influence. 3) This is Kanye proving \"hood cred\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of Muslims ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Before I take the time to guess, is there such a capital city? Or are you just wasting our time to play a joke? Perhaps Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna, Prague or Moscow? ok but what about the people in madagascar I don't think you can call them people. https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/4807750\/madagascar-plague-spreading-relatives-dancing-corpses-black-death-famadihana\/ Good post. Exterminationism******","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Google Design Lead Meltdown After Kav Confirmed You Are Finished, GOP' Slimy, Evil, Treasonous' F**K. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL' Now: So Sorry Should Have Been More Eloquent' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/08\/google-design-lead-david-hogue-evil-republicans-will-descend-into-flames-of-hell\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll cherish any woman like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Indeed, blacks aren't smart but that doesn't mean they are completely stupid. Even a nigger can see what Jews are like. I agree. I bet she is, just below the surface of the... waters. I'll show myself out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @49ers: Oregon State WR @brandincooks is a popular #49ers pick in recent mock drafts. DRAFT TRACKER: http:\/\/t.co\/AEueKmhkQX http:\/\/t.c ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It should be clear that Muslims are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course it does. Whether its legal is a question. Spoiler: it and all speech should never be illegal. even america has unprotected forms of speech. You can't slander, make calls to violence, nor threaten to overthrow the government, I said should. I don't think known lies that cost a person their rep should be protected. The press would basically be immune from suing in that case While I agree on the hate speech part and most of the rest there are obviously some forms of expression tgat could directly endanger lives that make sense to make illegal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd have knocked that cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SUCKEDOFF: 3 MOST COMMON WHITE PEOPLE ACTIVITIES:1. Wearing Tapout2. Shooting up schools3. Calling you a nigger on Xbox","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fact: Finding an existential purpose rooted in nature can cure most depression. Just don't be a faggot hippy about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DUMB TWAT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the point is???? Jews have brown pets they hate whites oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html you have an ugly mutant nigger with a lower IQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sid Vicious - My Way https:\/\/youtu.be\/rDyb_alTkMQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Photo check for background spooks. http:\/\/t.co\/Hx1wghJAzy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I won't talk to you if you keep insisting that trans people deserve to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My guess is nigger since no picture","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's normie dank The dankest days are behind us boyes For epic memays Honestly delet this This is a nice sub, thanks for letting me know this exsisted :). Delet this now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BRAZIL is the house Nigger but she a DEM house nigger ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kindly point me towards the mass gamer criticism of feminism that predates the idiocy of Anita Sarkeesian. You can't because it doesn't exist. You're still conflating \"safe space\" (aka sjw indoctrination center masquerading as inclusive) with safe space (aka any space with coherence of purpose or community). Your semantics are fucking retarded. People are going after George Soros for being a globalist asshole who orchestrates migrant invasions and funds radical subversive orgs, and a bunch of leftist dummies are actually retarded enough to defend him by accusing his critics of anti-semitism. It's like a slow-motion car wreck headed straight for another genocide.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Teen | Cutie lesbian teens toy slits http:\/\/t.co\/ZS05enjjwm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ZonedMoan: Smh RT @TieMyDuragBoo: And Henny too RT @BkRaised718 Beer trash af end of story","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's cripple the vanity industry. How? Actually start liking who we are, and how we look.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least she can never squirt spawn out of that filthy cunt of hers. Who the hell would ever fuck her? Puke...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This might be a little controversial for Gab, but I just want to say It's OK to be Jewish *Update: I'm not Jewish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger - it's what YOU said you wanted. BTW you're \"checkinng your list\" on Gab. So the left isn't your enemy - the right is? Are you ANTIFA?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So in other words you're a faggot that can't handle people expressing a different perspective. Every time I defend Christians some piece of shit like you makes me regret it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off with your premium content faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, white supremacists claiming they can't criticize Jews while criticizing Jews. Retard power!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jesscorsonCLE: Does anyone know of a good pet sitter in #CLE\/Northeast Ohio? Specifically cats and birds. Thanks! #CLEpets #neo #clevelan ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"now she can get raped for real by butch dykes in prison","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The utter scorn I feel for disabled people is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How are people this stupid. You need new friends","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're in the wrong place for that mindset, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Dems wouldn't say a word if he was involved with a 9-year old girl, either. He's a scumbag Muzzie who MUST NOT be voted in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Yankees still suck! @nikaaaa3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It was for targeted harrassment: either me reposting this pic of eddie or my replies in that cunt lara ingraham's cunt tweet...looks like alot went down fast","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some black people get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Hilloftyr @Gab-chan I prefer petite women with small breasts that are in perfect proportion to the rest of the body. I also prefer a less wide hip and a compact behind. My girlfriend is perfect. I love her not just because of her stunning looks, but also for her high IQ and unique mind, which never ceases to amaze and inspire me. She's the love of my life! :) If we are sharing I prefer Asians with long black hair, No real preference on tits but if they have small tits they have to have a nice ass. Also wide hips and THICC thighs. Since their Asian, their IQ is already quite high. Also traditional female skills. Though Slavic women are nice as well. Maybe one of them. This thick thigh and fat ass fascination is a way white men have fetishised black and hispanic women. Aryan women are traditionally long- legged with not so much in the way of a behind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"first step to being a dyke\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"..behind their stories, plans and symbols and most of you will think, 'He's talking about a TELEVISION SHOW...WHAT A MORON! WE SHOULD BE WAY MORE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT JEWS ARE SAYING ON CNN, AND ANDERSON COOPERS 360 SHOW.' (Also a tv show: for those irony impaired individuals out there.) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.aljazeera.com\/indepth\/opinion\/china-abandon-palestinians-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jeremy Corbyn says impact of British empire should be taught in schools OK Jeremy (i HATE the British culture) Corbyn just show this video to the school kids. #politics #school #education #slavery #britfam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2vFO0OlcE4Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You women make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't get why tumblrinas love the idea of witches. I knew one transgirl that is a raging cunt that goes around calling herself a cute witch and shit on Twitter. And, no, I'm not overreacting either by calling her a cunt. She raped her girlfriend (at the time) several times by guilting her into sex by saying she would tell people she hits her if she didn't.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"(((FEINSTEIN))) for sure. That cunt literally does the happy merchant hand rub meme, in real life. She's a sub human beast. She's this half dead corpse, who more then likely has dementia and yet she's in a powerful political position....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ananavarro Liberals are the ones with a mental illness. It's like a zombie plague in America today. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/prpK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"just quarantined. do a search for whichever one and you can re-enter well i wasn't clear, you can do it if you use google or any other search engine to find the sub, then you can get in, this can be done on your phone too, and you don't even need to use the application It does look like you can go on the app after you log on with a pc? Idk, I get it on my phone now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't follow the astros they said. They're trash they said. Well now look at them #astros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mr_Bond hey, maybe you can dejew this faggy police anthem. I dunno, I'm stuck being an English nigger for now https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=116andv=IpkX6aIrSQcandebc=ANyPxKows5oZCRURqHGElbpJzfr6RluF-6qJq_c0LKuIdArbvzcf4hlCLEuyEMUSlTz1GFPZqkv_Qs9I74n8O96e3dzJIAFbmQ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny how Soros, Clinton, Obama and CNN, all major players in establishing victimhood politics, are now being painted as \"victims\" themselves. But people like Ben Shapiro claim you're \"deranged\" for thinking this might be a leftist plot to gain sympathy from voters before the midterms. Another braindead NPC. because his wife is a doctor","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is great I have been waiting for both the Commie Libtards and FakeNazi Libtards that are all paid by Soros to find each other on Gab. Here we go they did it! You idiots are the retarded siblings of the Globalist DeepState. Nobody cares about all your tears you losers lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WTF? It's ok for #RichWhiteMen to commit tax evasion, as long as they're a 'star'? https:\/\/www.nj.com\/entertainment\/index.ssf\/2018\/10\/mike_the_situation_sentenced_tax_evasion_twitter_d.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that would be the stunt in which @JamesOKeefeIII crossed some water dressed as a dead man while his teabagger sheriff friend watched him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i keep telling Torba to clean this fucking place up but he's as useless as workboots on a nigger i dont know wtf im gonna do ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @RussOnPolitics: GOP nominee for #MAgov Charlie Baker's \"fisherman story\" falls apart. He deserves an Oscar for his play crying. http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shut your bitch ass up Fuck all sand niggers No wonder muslims are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why doesnt britainistan have muzzie prisons only for the evil scum ...end of conversions right ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NEW #Q Drop...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a legality so that a wife couldn't ruin her husband's estate. women are destroying the West as they help flood us with 3rd worlders with open borders who treat THEIR WOMEN like shit white men have been good to us when we knew our role, we were stronger as a nation, our kids weren't fucked up, we were safer women trying to be men has failed our men are weakened by ranting bitches who want to flood us w\/ foreign men who WILL KILL US Lmao white women have been voting reliably republican for decades and support Trump and Kavanaugh by healthy margins. If only white women could vote Trump still would have won the election, pic related. There's a ton of room for improvement don't get me wrong but stop buying into mgtow propaganda and hating yourselves, you're not irredemable hellspawn. White women voted for Obama.... Just barely over half of white women voted for Trump... They and all women are very much to blame for this... Their suffering will be justified... Lol ok faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHAT A HYPOCRITICAL IDIOT! Eric Holder Questions Legitimacy of Supreme Court; Issues Menacing Call to Use Rage to Vote to Be Rid of Republicans' https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/eric-holder-questions-legitimacy-of-supreme-court-issues-menacing-call-to-use-rage-to-vote-to-be-rid-of-republicans\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sexualize the Baby, do it, do it.. Mind if I ask how choosing your gender is sexualization? Maybe they are not sure of the difference between sex + gender and think they are the same thing?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ISIS had their own gold coin currency from oil under POS traitor Obama, he propped economies... just not ours.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"F-16 Jets Explode After Mechanic Fires Cannon From Another Parked Jet In Bizarre Accident https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WGgC lol \"Multiple reports indicate that a mechanic servicing the parked aircraft accidentally fired the six-barreled 20mm Vulcan cannon at close range to two other parked F-16s. Photos show one F-16AM completely destroyed on the ground at Florennes. Two maintenance personnel were reported injured and treated at the scene in the bizarre accident.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was banned also. All i did was call some retarded people retarded. Life is not fair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of retards. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're all just crows on the power lines.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PlMPCESS: A silent protest in Philadelphia, performance artists protest the murder of Mike Brown while passerby's mock it. http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao Lebron's expression says it all RT @InkMyHoleBody: This nigga is a fuckin faggot https:\/\/t.co\/GSGhiZMdmW ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does this mean Fred Reed could swing by and pick up a dozen wetback girls under 12, or would it go back to the way before TRUMP? Asking for a friend @Heartiste @Were-Puppy @Escoffier @Koanic @RapefugeeWatch https:\/\/www.colorlines.com\/articles\/bipartisan-bill-would-bar-dhs-arresting-immigrant-child-sponsors","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hero Cop Who Killed Disreputable Nigger Convicted http:\/\/dailystormer.name\/chicago-hero-cop-who-killed-disreputable-negroid-convicted-of-murder Support: http:\/\/dailystormer.name\/contributions\/ Register: http:\/\/www.usa.gov\/register-to-vote *Anonymously report aliens: (866) 347-2423","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You've been lampooned at every step. I could use my twitter profile if I wanted to, dummie. #MuhNameCalling and muh retarded children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"About ten companies control every single thing you eat and drink. Of note these are the same companies that helped fund terrorists like BLM Same companies that send their profits to Israel: so more Palestinians can be genocied, more world wide jewish terrorism can be executed and more US politicans can be corrupted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Believe survivors! lol Wake up people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Nature is Hierarchy. Nature is Doctrine. Go against it and suffer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enough is Enough","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Left: You can love whoever you want Also the Left: If you don't love who we say, you are a bigot Ok, still not going to date one.... you say that today; liberals will pass a law that requires you not only date one but marry one and have babies w\/him-her-it De Blasio Signs Bill Adding Third Gender, X,' To Birth Certificates https:\/\/newyork.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/09\/third-gender-category-x-new-york-city\/ note the liberal 'actress' newscaster is reporting this w\/ a straight face Ok, I'd like to know how? It can't make babies... oh contraire liberals say they can do anything their demon minds conceive, even change God's natural laws not in defiance of #Conservatives but of God Himself Men having Babies Funds Men who want to be Biological Parents https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rVQjuchoZDk For the love of sweet baby Jesus make it stop! Enough of this fuckery. The anger inside will be saved for the battlefield.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing disabled people in government makes me so proud. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MA Gabbers should know how to vote on this one...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jpayneancap: @A_M_Perez @sybilll @DianneWing2 @velvethammer @MyLibertyMyGun @sdalexander11 @Aoakleyc I bet she's a New York Yankee prog ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Might be the best thing this rich cunt has done in her embarrassing tenure. So. Kudos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCK THIS RACIST JEWISH CUNT WHO SAID SHE'S LOOKING FOR TO THE DEATHS OF ALL WHITE PEOPLE!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's just getting harder and harder to convince people not to be identitarians. 8% of the population consider themselves progressives. 8 fucking percent ruining it for the rest of us. https:\/\/knowledgenuts.com\/2014\/02\/20\/the-strange-secret-of-a-successful-revolution\/ >But that's not all she found. Her data also shows how few people are actually needed to topple any government. Rather than the previously accepted 5 percent of the population, it turns out you only need a mere Trump already stopped them from taking over the US. I honestly don't think they'll last that long with Trump in the white house atleast not in the states, I'm worried about my country Canada and europe though. Bet you're glad you guys just legalised. You'll be fucking needing it. As even Richard Spencer said, SJWs are the reason the Alt-Right exists. problem is, that they are also identitarian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Californians need to get to the polls and vote and offset the voter fraud.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"DON'T MUDSHARK !! NIGGER KILLED THAT WHITE TRACK ATHLETE FROM UTAH WHEN SHE SPURNED HIM FINDING OUT HE LIED TO HER ABOUT BEING IN JAIL !! IT ISN'T WORTH DEATH FOR NIGGER COCK !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I also joined as a boy soldier at 15 not allowed to fight until 18 unlike this young man I didn't lie about my age. First operational tour 18 years and 4 months. Look at the twat on the right. May have broke his mother's heart but he wouldn't break mine. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/Do1wTzeXkAEQbhh.jpg:large","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This flappy bird game addicting .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of retard steals a phone in a GPS-enabled smartphone world?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am currently using a yellow marker that is literally called 'Spanish Orange' for this drawing of @Wikiparaz ; absolute perfection.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Emma Gonzalez, famous only for not getting shot, calls Kavanaugh a \"priveleged white boy\". That means a whole lot coming from a trash talking low rent gutter slime who abused the Parkland shooter. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/amphtml\/news\/parkland-survivor-emma-gonzalez-calls-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Excuse me?? Did I read that right? Why is this retard not in a mental institution?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MXLLXVV: \"@VivaLAJuicyy69: ----> tragedy smh RT @MXLLXVV: Niggas don't know you but will throw dirt on your name for the pussy you h ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did your wife's nigger son teach you the word \"Neophyte\"? It seems to be another one of those \"big words\" that you clearly do not understand how to use","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cleveland is the best team for manziel honestly the OC can use the offense he had with the redskins and the browns D is nice wit a def HC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guarantee it'll be nothing like how he's just explained it, like the numerous times this retard has been wrong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only female SCOTUS selection acceptable to me is Queen Ann Coulter. Imagine the confirmation hearings and the written opinions lol. @Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @techx @lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GTKRWN @GregSims @RabbiHighComma @TerdFerguson @MosheShekelRod @OdinsAxe @CuckShamer @Farmer-General","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is fitting for female vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My Dear Filthy kikess Grammy Queen of England Elizabeth Genetic-jewess Im making you a grandmother again in the Spring I knocked up my nigger wifey from the USA!! \"Now we may play monkey in the middle in the courtyard for the first time! my dear Filthy dirty fucked up in the head harry genetic-jew grandson! Im glad for you that she takes it anywhere you want to put it. My old man kike filthy jew genetic only gets it up for the young whores he buys. Will you pop some pimples Ive on my arse?\" #RoyalFuckups #Abominatios #WhitePeopleFromFishingVillagesOwnAndRuleEngland #WhiteGoldByGilesMilton","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Actually don't i'm suprised no one answered yet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And I have your kike hanging low faggot come suck it bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a CUNT how dare he talk about civil rights and Civil Justice when his party is the party of the Mob and mob rule and his voters and the left have done nothing but burn and smash America...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA brilliant that self-loathing cunt can disappear all together I know I wont be shedding a tear for her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya don't say ......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Confirmed Anti-American communists, posing as white nationalists and shilling to demoralize conservative voters and\/or convince them not to vote: @ewige_blatt NAZBOWL siege man @GTKRWN Silverdawn @Larry63 Proud WASP @Vanilla_Cornflakes Vanilla Nilla *** A couple of these could just be completely clueless fucktards, but I doubt it. You are a GOPig shill, and a liar. No one has told anyone not to vote. You were asked to name one GOPig that fights for White, decent Americans. And couldn't name one. You hate having your own shortcomings and failures pointed out, and are the true communist. For it is YOU that is trying to silence dissent, just like the good little commie you are. Fuck you. Sorry, I've never told anyone e not to vote. Do yeah, you're a great bullshit artist BTW - you're facade is slipping, and the Bolshy Jew is showing through. No shit. If u were actually talking rather than pushing a commie agenda, u'd acknowledge I and the people do recognize the failings of the GOP and don't trust it. But it was your retarded and unhinged language starting to show I was referring to. Fuck off now little commie. I'm not being paid for this and I'm not wasting any more time on u. Go play w\/ a scorpion or something. REEEEEEHEHEHEHEEE! Did I crawl into your brain and start to unhinge you? You and your commie crew have exposed yourselves sufficiently for everyone to see what you are. My work here is done. Goodbye. Until we see you swinging from a tree.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Neil Basu who the fuck put that Paki cunt in charge, this is where it all goes wrong. Paki's, Nigga's and Shitskins can't run their own country's so why the fuck they running ours...All these foreign fucks and I don't give a shit if they where born here, have to go...all of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @PowerCumminMax: Green\/yellow fuel pump>>>>>#dieselstation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deranged faggot pretending to be a woman takes to Twitter to speak for women on the #Collins vote for #Kavanaugh https:\/\/twitter.com\/cmclymer\/status\/1048300792422322176","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All of these clueless reporters comparing themselves to Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow and they can't even get through a teleprompter read-through without hitting the floor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dems know their retarded npc followers will believe any narrative they push, so they don't even bother trying to make the FF look real.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Idk i respect it as a concept, judge people by personality not pronouns. Why its worded so retardidly worded idk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you are a mamby pamby faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Back story? She'll fuck anyone for a job. She fucked her law school professors for good grades. That about covers it. Sexual harrasment claims against every man she blew for a job in Who hurt you? Feminist shaming tactics! A feminist has invaded! Look out! LOL This is one of the least feminist subreddits I could possibly think of, and people here are still calling you sexist. That would be like if Goebbels said you were too harsh on the Jews. Believe it or not, otherwise intelligent and competent people are perfectly capable of acting like complete dickweeds from time to time. Just because she can't hold her liquor and probably looks down on the working class doesn't necessarily mean she fucked her way into both a law degree and a government job. Feminists invade the sub! LOL *Oh shit, I can't come up with a good argument, quick, do something!* FEMINIST LOL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabld people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Moral to the story: If you like the Yanks, I'll pretty much do anything you tell me to do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate my dog's name.. It sounds so ghetto. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical conservative who wanted to prove how totally not racist he was in voting for Brexit because it means more non-white immigrants being let in instead of just white people from Europe Gets shouted at by a nigger and a moslem slut with a smelly rag on her head tell that to the families and the girls who have been abused.. we are feeling the racism right now.. seig heil....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol a Jewish Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @JOscarJr: @paullemat Happy Birthday! Take a spin in that yellow coupe... #shutemdown http:\/\/t.co\/xGy7gIGOn8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Bucs has 2 great uniforms and ruined them both for that trash smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The man who allegedly assaulted an anti-abortion protester on video in Toronto, Jordan Hunt, has been charged with nine counts of assault and seven counts of mischief following two separate incidents, police say. Lock him up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Subject: Obama rated Fifth Best President according to AandM Study Texas AandM Study Calls Obama 5th Best President in US History. Good research work by a fine institution! From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama is rated as the fifth best. The AandM's Public Relations Office released this statement \"After almost eight years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the fifth best President ever.\" These are the details according to Texas AandM: Twenty three presidents tied for second, Seventeen other presidents tied for third, Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and Obama came in fifth. funny considering he was the worst and an usurper, lying moslem fraud faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia Seems my NPC buddy @Clarence_Spangle just can't get enough of Oz Rock classics, so here's another one. John Farnham - You're the Voice https:\/\/youtu.be\/tbkOZTSvrHs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look, there's exactly one way we're going to fix white women, and it sure as shit isn't respecting them or cherishing them. The one and only way we can ever get women under control again, is to collectively grow a pair and literally and unironically kill each and every woman who has fucked a non-white, cheated on her husband or boyfriend, is a dyke or feminist, or who is or has ever been a single mother. I'd suggest eradicating each and every one that has ever had sex outside of marriage, but that would leave us with a bunch of eight year olds, and marrying those is frowned upon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another wigger like frazier glenn miller went on a shooting spree....smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hes the worst #NPC terrorist faggot in the world","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Head is the shape of a light bulb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Preserve diversity: Don't mix. Unequal yoking is a sin. The Tower of Babel is evil. Mixing is what the Devil wants.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What we are witnessing is not just about the Midterm election... It's the 3rd stage of Marxist\/Lenin doctrine intended to destroy a nation and it is called \"Crisis\". https:\/\/youtu.be\/0wakec06NlA They're actually Bolsheviks, but yeah... https:\/\/holodomorinfo.com\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I really can't stand Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think you are accurate bruhh What an odd comment. \/r\/nocontext","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cowardly old ladies like this remind me of the filthy cowardly muslims talking the young filthy muslims into using dynamite vests. Pathetic that they will have this kind of thing keep her job but if someone says nigger they're unempolyed instantly. Overt anti white racism is encouraged today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tom, you stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am watching some Star Wars fuckery with some crying pommy bitch and some Slavic albino Jew with his shirt off. This is soooooooo retarded and gay... Its double plus special Olympics gay...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyway, I am beyond fed up with Alt-Right personalities licking Trump's balls and spinning this bullshit narrative that somehow the GOP is secretly on our side I wonder if this was their plan from the beginning. In 2015 the alt-right seemed unstoppable. The only thing that could destroy the alt-right was co-option by the GOP establishment, just like they did with the Tea Party. Then all of a sudden you have Ricky Vaughn as a leader of the alt-right, supported by TRS and The Daily Stormer, trying to merge the alt-right into the Republican party as the \"hard-edge of the GOP\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Jesus was Galilean , which is Gaelic or Gallic not semitic Jew. These new age \"Vikings\" watch too much cucked TV or their beard oil is affecting their minds. Christians built the western world, not paganism. I dare they say anything to you in person...keyboard warriors, likely shills from the left You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth. They Call themselves White Nationalists, but have Little to No Respect for their Fellow Comrades. Jesus is a jew ffs , and fuk u god. Rather a wolf of Odin than a lamb of a jew. I'm in u face Yet another Counterproductive Shit Starter, Worthless Piece of Shit... @Breed: \"Hate\" can barely write in English - saw post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In my opinion, immigrants like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Baby eating satan worshiper Alex Soros blames Trump for bombs https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/24\/alex-soros-trump-demonization-of-rivals-to-blame-for-bomb-scares\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In 2010 Quilliam in Britain provided a secret document for the incoming \"conservative\" government. The document said that virtually every Islamic organisation in Britain wanted an Islamic State. The document was leaked, but you'll struggle to find much discussion of it on the internet. By 2014 the actions taken by Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy led to the creation of the Islamic State. Is this news to you? I saw a film of Cameron at a muslim do where he said he wanted to see a muslim UK pm in his life time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"escort missions in games are universally trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn. What a cunt. I actually feel sorry for Ozzy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why don't they just be transparent about it and add \"...if you're white\" to the end of all of their definitions? No more confusion from either side. How exactly does non-whites wearing dreads \"dehumanize\" black people? People take human cultural elements from other people. It's not like one guy is going to erase zillions of black people. Also, I suspect the writer is avoiding the question of the Chinese guy's 'appropriation' because he doesn't have a consistent position on it. The dehumanizing part is done separately. The dreadlocks and other hairstyles are the benefit. The dehumanization is the cop on black violence, job application discrimination, and so forth. White people can wear dreads whether black people are being dehumanized or not. Yes, racism does occur, sometimes systemically, but that doesn't mean Western culture generally dehumanizes black people. The argument still doesn't make sense. \"Appropriating\" dreads is \"anti-Black\" (IE racist) because other people at other times are racist against black people? I think the argument here is the common, \"white people (the dominant American race) oppress blacks while borrowing (cultural appropriation) the things they enjoy from their culture.\" So the simultaneous theft and suppression is the anti-blackness mentioned. All this to say I don't agree, just making the effort to understand. To say there are holes in the argument is a colossal understatement. > I think the argument here is the common, \"white people (the dominant American race) oppress blacks while borrowing (cultural appropriation) the things they enjoy from their culture.\" So the simultaneous theft and suppression is the anti-blackness mentioned. > > Meanwhile, in reality, black people are some of the highest-paid actors, musicians, sports stars, and entertainers in America. I even hear one of them was President for a while. Funny sort of 'suppression'. The absurdity is unbelievable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ryan is an ineffective faggot cuck and everyone laughs at him. Because he has never carried out a single threat he has made.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Allowing any more women into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> I went from being a college student to being at home, expelled, with no classes, no information, and no opportunity to even clear my name. :( Just for those who didn't read the article. This is referring to one of the men she accused. [deleted] Sorry, what? [deleted] Alexa play despacito","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who lies about any sex offense should be held accountable, Maybe a lting cunt registry, So men know who not to date!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Early bird get the worm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LYING FUCK NIGGER !! The handwriting screams a negro wrote this. But maybe it was a mistake and they meant black people don't tip? first lesson I learned as waitstaff; blacks do not tip! This was substantiated over years of being in the industry (I can count on 1 hand the number of times blacks tipped).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @theycallmenavy: @royaltyclubvp @Aswaad88 worse yet u meet a bird with a nice ras and you're like \"something about u looks familiar\" lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical bitch behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ones a shit always a shit no wonder people been say about her ever sence she born had smelly shit stuck to dress give me hug fuck of dirty cunt farted pedo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" how did this IDIOT get elected in the 1st place??? I do believe that boomers voted him in. They will vote him in again. Once the boomers vote someone in, they will vote for that person, no matter how much they fail, forever. hey man, lay off us boomers,,, it's not like you never made a mistake, ever!,,, no one is perfect and we all should just try to do our best, INCLUDING YOU He has got me there. I have made lots of mistakes. But..... I never voted for a devil worshiper. I never voted for a never ending war monger. I never fell for the Hollywood psychological warfare mind control nonsense. Watching a powerful nation go completely belly up and bankrupt within a single generation is not the kind of mistake I will ever make. this didn't \"just happen\", the liberal crap in our schools started back when I was just a boy,, and got continually worse since then, I didn't start it, I'm just as much a victim as you today.... a BUT I'M FIGHTING BACK, DOING ALL I CAN TO FIX IT, What are you doing? besides bitching! No, guys like me are getting ABUSE for the weakness and complacency of others. I'm that tinfoil hat, gun nut, down the block that people have fucked with for years, that has finally been proven right, only to have Chumps like you fuck with me even more!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's an article abt how a Banksy painting just sold at auction for $ jew nigger - modern art is a kike creation. Ask these questions of your rabbi when he gives you the jewish reach around. You're like a Christian missionary in the Amazon asking Yanamamo indians about fortune cookies. My post made perfect sense, kike nigger anus. And again, you bring up sexual perversion like a typical KIKE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah there are seemingly a lot of racist nazis on GAB but there's really not that many. They are so fun to troll just tell them there is no such thing as race, you can get them fired up for hours. Every nazi on GAB will way in mostly calling me Jew. I am, the human race.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seeing ugly bitches get pregnant let's me know that nigga swill fuck anything with a pussy. Alcohol is no longer the excuse. You was pressed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats do not have logic! They are all Retarded! Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drudge is a faggot Jew, right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, these retards always pick on the most popular games.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ya never know what's gonna set the lil faggot bastards off..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'A Nigger by any other name would still rob, rape, murder.' I am a poet!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHOOPI GOLDBERG IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A DUMBFUCK NIGGER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone's mother called me a \"handsome, buff, yellow thang\" last night... my ego was temporarily elevated and @binniemouse was dying lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#mt #commission #gouache #tiki #wahine #monkey #tubed #surfing #wavesliding #waterwalker #notkook http:\/\/t.co\/vii3SmGRm3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Couldn't you use this same retarded logic to say that because the Internet was invented primarily by white western scientists, you can't use the internet if you're Asian or not a scientist? Using the internet, something created by white scientists, is cultural appropriation if you're not a white scientist!!! Stop appropriating my culture, you assholes!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't beat a score of 12 on flappy bird #givingup","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can't use cunt? No, you cunt say that. It's impolite. Also, it's offensive to broads.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair, when I first started posting in the CQ topic I was calling for unity too and was called a Jew, Christcuck and Pasta Nigger for my efforts. Yes, there are assholes in the Christian community here. There are also assholes in the Pagan community though, but a lot of the time they get a pass because \"muh race is muh religion\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Our first reading assignment was The Communist Manifesto.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this retarded traitor bitch will be voted out","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Telling your kids something like that just to spite your ex is a dick move though. I feel sorry for those kids. Both of their parents are shitty people. People that involve their children in their relationships to that degree are despicable. Even if the kids asked you tell them why you got divorced its between you and their mother. You don't show them proof and drag them into it. The mother is a fucking psycho too. I'm with you on this one. Poor kids. Crazy mother and a wimp for a father.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, the good news is, I don't think you have to be a white nationalist to be pissed at the left and their racism. I think a good deal of Americans are sick of their \"white privilege\" this, \"everything is white peoples fault\" that, stuff. So, you don't have to be a faggot ass nazi to be on the same page as tens of millions of Americans. You just have to be an illiterate apartment renter and oblivious to the Balfour Declaration, Holodomor, Haavara Agreement, Katyn Massacre and you can join this Kike cult!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HERE'S A SCARY THOUGHT FOR HALLOWEEN! If the corrupt communist Democrats squirm their way back into Congress House majority - wack-job Maxine Waters will control the House Finance Committee. Scary WITCH Maxine's first priority: CANCEL TAX CUTS, RAISE YOUR TAXES!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank God \"Nikki\" Haley is gone. But she's probably going to run against Trump or find some way to sabotage him now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.itv.com\/news\/2018-10-26\/the-isis-member-who-wants-to-come-home-and-the-letter-showing-britains-bid-to-stop-him\/ ITV basically appealing for an isis member to be brought back \" home . Accuses the U.K. of trying to block him . What the fuck? Why is my country so hellbent on destroying itself? No doubt he will quietly be brought back and we the public won't here a thing about it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been around enough immigrants to know they're all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"when it's corrupt western youth with imperialist propaganda, The Imperialists went full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @p_w_sterne: @GraceBr92073005 \"There's more than one way to skin a monkey\" --Barack \"Bushmeat\" Obama @1Dittlinger @Txwench","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a muslim and I LOVE this decision. There is nothing in Islam that says men and women can't shake hands. These disgusting traditional, extremist muslims sexualize EVERYTHING. \"HEY BITCH, shaking hands is not the same as grinding on the man's crotch!\". These are the same disgusting people who make little girls as young as 3-4 wear a head cover, again, sexualizing children! She deserves it, they should send her ass back to Algeria where she can refuse a handshake but can get raped at random at any street corner without any consequences. Good luck lady.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Dutch people who live outside of #NewYorkCity are all white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Insane they say? Well then as a act of kindness a full frontal lobotomy should help. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6ssoBUb2cJk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pussy nigger faggot, I bet your hair is dyed a dumb unnatural color I bet your husband died cuz your dry since of humor, and your dry cunt, and your dry sandwiches, dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Half-assed try, commie Jew. FA you say is true. About 5 people repeatedly said there's no point voting; that we're idiots and cucks if we vote. Bullshit Artistry 101 - Keep Your Story Consistent That's not what u asked. U asked which GOPers are putting whites above everyone else. Obviously, none. It's USA, not Israel. We can't get away w\/ that sort of thing here. Why don't you read back over the thread to practice your comprehension skills? Your team of retarded communists were doing it, and you jumped in to their defence. In doing so, you implied we shouldn't vote and commenced trying to demoralize me against the GOP. Now fuck off. You're a waste of time and space. I have no team, idiot, you have no comprehension skills. Go to hell. If you think the GOPigs are gonna save you, YOU ARE the retard. Sorry. You haven't the first clue what you are talking about, dumbfuck. Being willing to acknowledge the shortcomings of the GOPigs doesn't make one a fucking kike. Moron. Fuck you, nigger. If anyone here is a commie, it is you. And no one is preaching acommue agenda, unless it us you. After you, nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jim Sterling can into full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Surprised the raging commie faggot didn't call out the black fella as a white supremacist. These lefties are unhinged.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whenever gay people look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"naw cause Gavins a jew so who cares lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am so sick and tired of Shepard Smith I'm I am so sick and tired of Shepard Smith on Fox News channel He needs to go to CNN or MSNBC. Why is it every day between 3 and 4 PM Monday through Friday he is allowed to degrade our President and Republicans consistently? Time to fire that no good son of a bitching faggot I won't watch Faux after 9AM. At 8 it goes back for Tucker. The daytime programming has been taken over by the Libtarded Murdoch Sons Leftist programming.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It numbs them to the disgusting degeneracy and fruitless hedonism of faggot sex","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"u ho@RealWizKhalifa u hot i really like the way u keep te flow natural","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aw shit, I was kinda looking forward to this show too. Damn. Sounds like it will just be another laundry detergent commercial extended to an hour and set in a fantasy setting. Still going to be all the same men-are-dumb-women-are-amazing bullshit. Stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And the planet is actively being turned into a giant gulag retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Home office fuck of you paki bastards The cunt needs two in the head...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_VibeWithMe_: doing someone wrong for the sole reason that they did you wrong will only bring more negative karma and energy into your li ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U.S. Army Veteran and trial lawyer Kurt Schlichter has sensationally claimed that the mail bombs targeting the Clintons, George Soros, CNN and others could be a \"leftist scam . Ben Shapiro says anyone who suggests that is \"deranged\". https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/us-army-vet-lawyer-kurt-schlichter-says-mail-bombs-could-be-a-leftist-scam\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling disabled people trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most real estate agents are absolute bastards. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".If you are #DennisWise you're a flaming faggot queerbait nazi dickhead who don't have a clue about wtf is going on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sick and watching the Yankees game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nose ring? I just noticed that. Today Twitter is spinning the trends in preparation for something OR as a diversion from something. This guy is a subversive, seditious traitor. Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO Ah, the..... second? Biggest asshole on the internet. Right along with the Gen 2 Synth that is Zuckerberg.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guess I'm ugly, no one has sexually assaulted me. Haha, but thats the thing.....I'm not good looking or sexy in any way. Hmmmm, maybe thats why they think its ok? That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me [deleted] [deleted] \"I accept double standards and go to nashville\" Fuckin' loser [deleted] [deleted] Amazing I don't work today so I'm gonna go have a shower beer and relax. Yourself? [deleted] Now kith [deleted] Much like \/r\/conspiracy-esque subs, I sub to the sub sometimes for content but mostly to read comments written by weird people so I can feel better about myself [deleted] Not sure if there was another sub I forgot the name of but recently \/r\/holocaust was flooded with holocaust deniers, at one point I was talkin' shit and someone wrote me a huge post on why he denies the holocaust. Fuck was that entertaining [deleted] Fresh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He was an insufferable cunt on the old Neogaf. Fuck him","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Life comes at you fast, Megyn .... It was only a matter of time - you played your part as their useful idiot ... now they will throw you away like the garbage that you are. https:\/\/pagesix.com\/2018\/10\/25\/megyn-kelly-out-at-nbc-after-defending-blackface\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah Spanish-speaking people obsessed with this retarded inclusive language BS are starting to change the O's, E's and A's, which denote gender, to X's. Example: ni a\/ni o (girl\/boy) --> ni x Which is really stupid because how the fuck are you going to pronounce that when you speak?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a twat waffle Well, it's crispier than a twassant.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@rhythmixx_: I told Mariam to but cigarettes for her birthday\"You also called me trash rn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As the creator of the most engaged with post in the News section of Gab, I was shocked to observe how many Gab users insisted how much they \"didn't care about my post by choosing to care enough to actively post a comment instead of simply ignoring it. So why did you care so much about my post, Gab?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JHarmelink182: The fox says you're a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are they nigger babies? It may just be bats roosting in the ceiling. I had hundreds at my old place","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what is a secret girl?????????? I think it's like secret squirrel, only bigger. Give it a beer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pagans are subversive they care more about pretending to be Harry Potter than whites I have not seen anyone hold Carolyn as the leader of anything. She speaks for herself. Unlike jew worshipers we can agree with one another on some things and disagree with others. You low IQ psychopaths spend more time screeching about who is the REAL church of christ, and every one of you disagrees with what the other says. Sounds to me like a bunch of autistic projection on your part. Anyone that pays attention to my posts know that I back everything up with sources and logic and reason. Now get some tissues and quit fucking whining and playing the victim card. Galatians 3:28 Explain to me how we are not all one in Christ. Then explain how you don't have to love the forgiven Jew. Interesting. What pagans did you know that made them so much more authentic than us? They didn't attack Christians, men, and the alt right that's half true. I've been in the WN game for a while and Christians didn't used to attack pagans in the far right. It wasn't until the adolescent \"trad Catholics came around that such things started happening. WN also never cared much for the Catholics a while back. From my perspective, Christians pretty much keep silent in this movement. It's the pagans that appeared to be piggybacking on the alt right to convert more to their religion. This shows that they care more about their religion and they do white people. That is fucking disrespectful","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Regardless of your politics, you should be outraged by the POTUS standing before a crowd and mocking a woman who claims she was sexually assaulted. @realDonaldTrump sought applause and laughter at her expense. Call him what he is - a misogynist pig with no respect for women. Michael CIA HACK Avenatti .. Yawn.... DJT is up your deep state a** U FEELING IT BRO?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A sealed pussy dumbass, she allow camels to sealed her pussy in exchange for a louder mouth ALL THAT WASTED ON A USELESS CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm sure @AFP would add this helpful parenthetical explanation if these were redneck peckerwood teabaggers. https:\/\/t.co\/zkqg5WfE5R","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Give it to a soldier who has defend it , then try to burn it . Show me what a badass you really are. The flag is helpless to stop you or fight back . Completely unnecessary act , its proves nothing and accomplishes nothing. It only shows your a ignorant weak faggot . Like kicking a puppy ,,, it shows how weak and worthless you are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many que3rs in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me explain something. This Movie made by a Jew starring a Nigger and a Jew making fun of Racism and Sexism would NEVER be made today. Leftists would Shut the producers down, and Riot until everybody pulled the film today. Is it twu what they say about the darkies? ITS TWU!! Haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"But twitter blocks AlexJones ?!? #ANTIFA <<< KOS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"St Marks powder plant. ... Looks like they were ground zero for hurricane Michael. Never been there but hope their structures handled it. St Marks is one of the two modern smokeless power mills in the USA. That's right only 2 supplying all domestic production, for militaryandcommercial ammo, and reloading. #2A Any one have any news? This could effect prices! F-22's gone from Tyndall airbase, as well... https:\/\/www.military.com\/daily-news\/2018\/10\/12\/f-22s-left-behind-tyndall-during-hurricane-likely-damaged-air-force.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cassocked crusader says \"we need to protect children\". Eh? Who's \"we\"? Her and #culturalMarxist mates presumably ... Not their parents, whose rights she dismisses (along with states' and religious rights). Imagine what she'd be like with real power! #TheDrum #safeschools Her cross is the wrong way around. String this big nose cunt up from a lamp post","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Torba is a girlboy. Thanks for the block button, asshole. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=iz0QrHMyP2k goes together like PB and J","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a nigger?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that's called gender bias retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fukc all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @simplyforkicks: Quan helps everyone out with random questions and computer stuff but no one can oop him GRs?! Something ain't right abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the problem is people do say that, it's retarded and only further cements my total distaste of the \"LGBT community\", but it's something that people actually believe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA here we go again the faggot left is making shit up. No Russian hacked squat or is attempting squat. It was Feinstiens driver from china you faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"directions: let bird chill in sink for 30 minutesme: ok http:\/\/t.co\/TxU9NMwQha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HRH Prince Harry for GG? https:\/\/honey.nine.com.au\/2018\/10\/24\/12\/13\/prince-harry-fiji-royal-tour-governor-general #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia The lady that no one sees Exactly. Maybe a morning talk show, here and there. I doubt it will happen, though, mate. They said the same kind of thing when he was here in Canada for Invictus. Wishful thinking. Unlike the Canadian GG, the Australian GG is a practical role Especially at night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've never had a Twinkie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"divorce your clean Republican husband and go fuck some beta faggot w\/ Aids!\" - The Left","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God made male and female blades of grass. Every living thing must reproduce itself to stay on this Earth: birds, bees and grass. Sex=Natural","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Threatening to kill all immigrants will get you thrown in jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You all are retarded if you really Kendrick was trying to diss all those rappers, don't think just cuz names were said he was coming at them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're not hyper secular like Richard Dawkins, he pisses them off all the time because he hates Islam and they love Islam. SJWs really just seem to hate Christianity, and they like calling themselves secular because it sounds unbiased and smart to them, though a more accurate descriptor of them would be Socjus cultists. (And also Astrologists, they have a weird fascination with astrology, lol.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Elect Phgelbs in Wentworth and she is a ALP's Stooge and Shortens Climate change concubine, and she will open the borders, and let Satanic evil in our nation. Thurdbull needs a bullet in his head ,yes a real cunt And Scomo get us fuck out of UN and Paris , both are full of Crap 86-12% of Moslim slime are on welfare, that is good living, isn't it? When I came in 56 I got 6 month dental care, kick up the arse , and by age of 12 I had 3 jobs, I never ever received any dole, Never looked for a job a job always found me. Cut welfare to all Moslims slime ### a Dead ALP+Green and Molsims slimy maggots is a healthy way to eradicate evil from the nation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's some unoriginal thought, or in other words it's widely known and repeated - @knotsure is a fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't dance, Iggy. It's trash just like your music.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lesbos...so that's where that word comes from! Dyke Island.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not, I just censored OP's username and pfp. legend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the Muslims around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Malala is a bit of a cunt. She's genuinely not very nice to talk to at formals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"rofl. These cunts got their ass whooped by the bouncer!! He didn't even had to use force, just a light push to get them off his face and bitches went smack down the flat ground - every. fucking. time. One of them even broke a glass \/ bottle on the bouncer. He still kept his cool. All the 3-4 bitches employed the same usual tactics - shout and scream, verbally abuse, viciously attack the guy physically, and then cry when they get beat back. And icing on the cake were the guys laughing and booing off the beaten-but-still-crazy cunts. :D ah, what a way to start the day!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RabehChararah1 lmaoo what a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's lucky the white players don't grab their own crotches to signal that they find the idea of kneeling blacks arousing. A little dose of actual racism might give these whiners a reality check for their imaginary racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't these companies have any form of contractual obligations to their customers? What in the fuck? Why are all these companies such pussies? Why are they all working together? Bunch of faggot authoritarians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just watched this ad trying to convince people to force businesses to cater to gender politics. The false equivalency they are creating is that \"free speech\" (i.e. claiming xe's gender is 'Brenda') should allow the government to force private businesses to deal with crybullies. If you live in Massachusetts VOTE NO on Question 3 to repeal this retarded law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Good ol' Charlie. #wwc http:\/\/t.co\/U3kkrlwOqk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd be okay with women if they weren't such massive scumbags. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As much as this guy acted like a faggot today, this is pretty epic so I'm re-posting. I don't have any proof that he's the reason for it though. I myself reported porn-spammers that literally had it in their profile \"not MartyGraw.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a w3tback. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"goodnight Punished Arcade Gamer Pan Am-Chan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt face, even if she was nice, that face says I'll chew your dick off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the same people who say it was her turn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger Demon Murderer Suge Knight, after 3 Years in Court, Finally gets Sentenced to 28 years in Prison (say Hi to Cosby)... https:\/\/a.msn.com\/r\/2\/BBNU0v8?m=en-usandreferrerID=InAppShare","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cunts like this shouldn't be allowed to raise children","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude its 2018, there isn't single fucking thing that happened in Charlottesville that wasn't captured by 1000 cellphone cameras. The FBI doesn't need the testimony of the \"Crying Nazi to convict patriots of bullshit charges such as beating that stupid fucking nigger Deandre Harris.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Simply answer based on what YOU believe. Do you believe WTC Building 1, WTC Building 2 and Building 7 collapsed into their own footprints on 9\/11\/01 as a result of demolition explosives or as a result of 2 airplanes? GO to twitter.. Sniveler LIBrats post there .. LIBrat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hang that nigger from Big Ben.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm for treating African descended people, who didn't come here of their own free will, with equal dignity and respect as citizens. In that respect, the civil rights movement was timely and just. I'm not ok with extending that offer to people who are reverse colonizing the Southwest. >affirmative action is just Just kill yourself fam I didn't say that I supported affirmative action. That's preferential treatment. Not meritocracy and not equality. you're still cucksquad numero uno for supporting a judaeo-marxist coup on the apartheid american south. How did I support that? \"I'm for treating African descended people, who didn't come here of their own free will, with equal dignity and respect as citizens. In that respect, the civil rights movement was timely and just.\" Right, well considering they aren't going anywhere, what would you do. REALISTICALLY? I didn't bring them here, neither did they bring themselves here. Realistically their answer is generally deportation\/segregation or \"getting rid of them somehow\". That is what you are arguing with This is why I always lose this argument. I'm sorry you live there. I'm sorry that it's like that. Austin, Texas is such a sprawl that you don't much walk down streets. You drive. It's not like that here and that's a huge reason why I'm here. This is how it's gonna be everywhere if we don't crush leftism like yesterday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are morons and some are shills, just ignore it. And personally, I am not dying for a communist faggot white liberal, but I do think white lives need to be humanized and the best of us need to be saved at all costs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Facebook. The place to project your retarded stupid feelings onto the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kevin Bacon, Michael J. Fox, Susan Sarandon Urge Voters to Support Gun Control Candidates https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7r6W","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's spelled r\/whooosh you goshdiddlydang noobface","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Dreamers #BuildTheWall #CloseTheBorder #VoteRed #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA #TrumpTrain #KAG #TrumpNation #RedNationRising #GABFAM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Upcoming blockbuster remake failures: The Three Amigas (The Three Amigos) Bad Girls (Bad Boys) Women of Honor (Men of Honor) A Few Good Women (A Few Good Men) Women In Black (Men In Black) No County For Old Women (No Country For Old Men) White Women Can't Jump (White Men Can't Jump) Robyn Hood: Women in Tights (Robin Hood: Men in Tights) Mystery Women (Mystery Men) Grumpy Old Women (Grumpy Old Men)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hes on film in a faggot orgy somewhere","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wish all trans people would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I do not know many Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does Mr. Brown not know about Skyrim and Fallout 4? Where you can make your character a female if you so desire? Or, with mods, any damn thing you want? Or you know, Horizon Zero Dawn which was a pretty good game. The character was a touch mary sue and bitchy, but the game was still pretty good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dem niggas ca have them white hoes.... I love my beautiful black sistas....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"oh boy! another Nigger loving Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And it takes a retarded Somali to tell you what your Canadian values should be.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe if @TruthWillOut doesn't want to be insulted he shouldn't make faggy little comments under his breath. Sorry your friend doesn't have the balls to come out and say what he needs to say without being a little bitch about it. I kiss your mother with this mouth. And disrespect with a polite vocabulary is still disrespectful. I'd trust a man who calls me a faggot to my face before I would trust someone who hide their truth behind a passive sneer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Gutierrez_Alf legit retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, well I fucking care. That is so fucked up! Instinctively, I'd just hit her back. What an absolute cunt. He could try to file an assault charge, but even with the video as proof, I don't think police would take it anywhere near as seriously as they would if the sexes had been reversed. It's absolute bullshit, man. -shakes head-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OR...she can use her sentences to tell me what the real problem is, like adults do She is though. She just wants you to overthink what she wants in order for you to give her more. How many guys would you say your average \"attractive\" slut has fucked by age 21? 20-30 especially if she went straight to college after high school, low end if from a smaller town. That's what I've been told by former gfs anyway. My first gf told me 21 at My last gf told me 7 at 20 (bull fucking shit)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The #south of the US is white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bruh... @theofficialeg10 soo trash....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter got me. Blackcat Woman @Blkcatwm@FoxNews @TheJuanWilliams Juan W is an IDIOT!!! OMG!! The Demon-crats are delusional!! Fox, why do you have such a retarded communist on your network!? #firejuan11:51 PM - 19 Oct 2018 As a result, we've temporarily limited some of your account features.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it too early to fuck off?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anybody know where I can get one of these goat trees? And will they survive New England weather? If not, I may be willing to relocate . I really want a goat tree!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SWAMP THING: Undercover Video Reveals McCaskills's Extensive Efforts to DECEIVE VOTERS | Sean Hannity https:\/\/www.hannity.com\/media-room\/swamp-thing-undercover-video-reveals-mccaskillss-extensive-efforts-to-deceive-voters\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@DomWorldPeace: Baseball season for the win. #Yankees\" This is where the love started","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Was Salazar even ideologically fascist? Dictator, sure. Not in name, but he was a sight more fascistic than Franco, who was a reactionary traitor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely adore immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who ever believes that Trump isn't a decent person is absolutely retarded they say all sorts awful things about him and yet not a single bit has been verified as real it's so sad to see how poorly they handled the last two years . https:\/\/youtu.be\/mpk76ZKfG ys","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the jews Hate it, then it must be the Truth. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Christian_Identity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No they won't because people CONSTANTLY buy early access games on steam and fund garbage from obvious scam studios on GoFundMe. There is zero benefit to this game not coming out other than giving you a \"win\" in the argument column. That's it... literally, and damn you to hell if you have the slightest amount of optimism in regards to the game. You will be shamed by people who know nothing about game development and likely buy early access bullshit on steam How much?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This store is SO redneck...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Videos: Whatcott courtandactivist update, October 16, 2018 #CURSECanada #AgentsOfSODOM #FAGGOTpolice #SODOMITES I remember when a fucking Satanic faggot called my home number@3AM some decades ago from the #HOMOSEXUAL CHURCH STREET CITADEL and threatened2kill me as he shouted his filth http:\/\/www.freenorthamerica.ca\/viewtopic.php?f=16andt=10729 Faggots deserve AIDS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pathetic whiny dildo liberal imbeciles, all of them . Talk is cheap cunt , ha, ha, ha. You're about as tough as a saggy tit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @FaZeSpaceLy: How bad u want something is meaningless If how bad you're willing to work for the thing u want Isn't 10xs as intense as ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aawwwww the cunt is getting a PARTICIPATION TROPHY WELL AINT SHE A SPECIAL LYING WHORE !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@QUAN1T0 You retarded bruh lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"euro had to fight 100s of horrible wars for territory over 1000s of years while having nose to grind stone 24\/7\/365 building \/ inventing \/ creating cultures to survive on earth only to be back stabbed by a bunch of stupid spiritless vicious lazy nigger monkeys , who made zero out of life those 1000s years , with their life on earth made by us .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laughing at my deck that they gave me, yellow and jesus stencils all over it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lib gee Ur a spoiled rich cunt so shut up brat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those disabled people will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweet Jeebus, there's one in every crowd. My comment was facetious. If she had walked away, and he had stabbed her in the back and collapsed her lung, calling 911 and staying with her wouldn't save him. Being young and taking anger management classes wouldn't keep the cunt of a judge from locking him up for ten years or more. She doesn't even go to real jail; it's more like being grounded for forty weekends. He's probably lucky that his collapsed lung made it impossible to speak. If some bitch stabbed me in the back, then called 911 and stayed with me, it would be so difficult to not say something that would piss her off, and cause her to stab me again. Better to stay mute and gasping for every breath.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would rather die than date a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a disgusting POS. Was he the one that drowned his sister? https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/this-is-cnn-don-lemon-brings-up-kanye-wests-deceased-mother-to-criticize-trump-meeting-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why the fuck would you ever commiserate with a female, let alone on such a deep issue? Seriously man. Wtf were you expecting? Turn off the fucking Disney channel. It's 2018, how you doin? Wouldn't you if you thought you'd found a unicorn?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who is this retarded white nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to klil all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Paul Michael Watson https:\/\/youtu.be\/w5F_AhciUy4 ....intersectionalism writ large.... For those who dont bore themselves with this level of detail, intersectionalism is the mother of most modern class warfare, it literally means the point where the various grievance boys and girls meet... ...now arent u glad u didnt ask? ...thought so...lol I'm a fan of Paul Joseph Watson and I found this video funny We can all say we're part Latino black Asian What does it matter I'm proud of my white heritage but I could be 1\/1024 Black as well Will the left accept me like they seem to want to accept Pocahontas? Race is really a mental construct. Mankind has been around long enough to have seriously intermixed. This is why the bargain basement nazis and Joooooooooooooooooooooo haters here are so comical. Most are dumber than Maxine Waters... And Gab is full of these ignorant, small minded dolts. I just read a thread, I swear, the sheer lack of understanding of social history was alarming. Some are certainly faux Nazi plants. Others actually believe the whole \"pure\" race construct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why have they removed popular comments? What the hell happens in that sub? What sort of degeneracy?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The pagan movement makes no distinction between Christians who work with other faiths for leftist goals like open borders and diversity (Christian Hindus) and Christians. Remember, Jews hate Christianity because the WORD. \"Never associate with a racial alien..drive them out of your lands before you.. based af. Also Pagans =CryptoFeminism No, actually you kinda seem like a bitter lonely man... I don't care about your opinion, respectfully... Please don't follow me, don't know why you want to....if you message me or follow me again I'll just mute \/ block your account. Thanks. Goodbye. You have a safespace already, Feminist. It's called Twitter Is this really how our men should be spending their time..... My safe space is Gab. You're pretty creepy and obsessive. This conversation is over lol, stop stalking me. Paganism has a feminist problem, and just as in greater Western society, the corrupted out of control females are damseling, making falelse accusations and being hysterical when shown logic and reason. Paganism is riddled with SJWs, therefore #PaganismIsAntiWhite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @jgalt666: Don't let a crisis go to waste.Dems Exploiting Ebola to trash Repubs opposed to Obama s choice for Surgeon Gen, http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wanna know why this is absolute fucking bullshit? https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/texas-man-sentenced-15-years-prison-hate-crime similar crime but less severe while 5x the sentence. **15 fucking years** https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/texas-man-sentenced-10-years-prison-hate-crime-assault-based-victim-s-sexual-orientation first links co conspirator and still 3+x longer. **10 fucking years** https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/americas\/muslim-hate-crime-bacon-mosque-man-jailed-15-years-michael-wolfe-florida-a","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It should be clear that gay people are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fair Trade > Free Trade Just like: Border Wall > Open Borders If \"free trade\" is so great then why does it cost our economy so much? Can it really be free if you lose money and your competitors gain money? I don't think so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Top cunt material right there Or bottom cunt depending on how you look at it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#BlessJesusAir Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air.. and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.Are you not much more valuable than they?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Calling trans people cockroaches is such a horrible thing to do. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't wait to watch the saints put their weiner right in the cowboys butts . Dallas is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This rain got yall women talking out your ass.. A nigga should spend 80% of his income on a bitch bruh get these hoes the fuck outta here","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. Normal men (97% or so) are sexually aroused by women. Men that are sexually attracted to men are born that way = genetic. Only a faggot gets a hard on looking at men\/boys. Have to be born that way. Sure faggots that adopt little boys to molest them can turn them faggot against their nature. Identical twins studies proved nothing of the sort. Stupid christ-insanity perverts promote that lie. News flash - \"Identical twins\" are NOT identical in all ways retard. Different personalities, IQ, tastes etc. Google what term means. Faggots can't be fixed anymore than u can turn a nigger White. Can be helped to control their innate faggot urges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DannyTanner: highest score on flappy bird, cant be beat http:\/\/t.co\/I2qgsWiPDC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Analyzing the impact of Masahiro Tanaka on #SpringTraining Daily, brought to you by @YankeesonDemand: http:\/\/t.co\/L2gJboDNkM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not let women be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two words you fucking wanna be rambos.....predator drone. I've seen some retarded shit online before, but bubba here thinking he can shoot down a drone from 25k feet is comedy gold. You should go on the his-story channel and teach everyone your skill set.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@iTrapWatermelon: tweety bird tho https:\/\/t.co\/JbnoNM3N1P\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Theresa May given 72 hours to save her job. Finally, the end is near https:\/\/news.sky.com\/story\/pm-drinking-in-last-chance-saloon-mps-say-11531337 I like to call her Treason May this is the biggest scandal ever , makes no sense y we would do this to ourselves , can't imagine if we at war with another planet right now lol what a joke we r , fukin embarrassed for us She is with the people in the nwo, she is playing. She is not with brexit. If she was, she was proberly threatened to not be with brexit. She is scared person, that's why she easily sided with the people in the nwo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Blue State Blues: Democrats' Mob Tactics May Be Working https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/midterm-election\/2018\/10\/19\/blue-state-blues-democrats-mob-tactics-may-be-working\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jews do open borders! They admit it themselves here hat tip to @OhRutherFordBehave : https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=LL4nqoM7nBMandfeature=youtu.be Good Find. Please Watch and rethink your Nigger outreach stance. Jews and their colored mercenaries will never leave us alone.https:\/\/twitter.com\/colinflaherty\/status\/1053714531623546880","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So many folks within the struggle adopting the kike newspeak term \"gay\". It is either faggot (elegant metaphor) or homosexual (in polite circles). \"Gay\" is kike newspeak designed to confuse the masses on the subject. Rescue terms from the memory hole! https:\/\/gab.ai\/Discriminator\/posts\/37973804","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You need to tell them before you leave to suck on this nigger lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holohoax Industry News When she finally admitted it was a fabrication, she explained, \"This story is mine. It is not actually reality, but my reality, my way of surviving.\" #Jewish #Holohoax #Industry #Holocaust #Jew #Politics #Scam http:\/\/www.latimes.com\/books\/jacketcopy\/la-et-jc-invented-holocaust-memoir-20140512-story.html Your a fuckin idiot yourself Bud. Who produced, directed etc ur lil recommend film ? Cat is outta the bag about ur baby dick eating pals Bud. You look like a faggot tryin to stuff it bck in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Easier than facing who? Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You'd better start worrying about Michelle Obama because even though she's postponing taking heat by claiming that she's not running for President, she is still filling arenas for campaign rallies that she's disguising as a \"book tour\". And this is despite CHARGING people $30 - $500 to get in! 68% approval when she left White house https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LcdQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tell us the backstory,please From the earliest days of Gab there was a verified user called @lf6 He would post inane memes with a picture of his goofy face and Bible verses or platitudes and they would trend with 500+ votes. He was obviously running an upvote botnet. As Gab's users dwindled he eventually stopped. Day after Torba's wedding he returns with bot upvoted crap. I called him out. AH, THE INTERNECINE FEUDS.... Torba being friends with a botnet operating spammer who is gaming Gab to pump his garbage into popular posts is kind of a big deal. (cont) I deduced that he was a personal friend of Torba's who had attended the wedding in real life, and that relationship explained the blue checkmark for a non-pro account that used a fake name that was never big on Twitter. I kept hammering away at him until he first deleted his entire timeline to cover up the bot upvotes, then suicided his entire account.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger chips, give me dats ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love how every point he made was completely true and he got downvoted hardcore for it. You'll never be able to reason with conservatives\/republicans, they're so retarded they vote against their own best interest over and over and over again because of the off chance *maybe* someday they'll be rich and all these laws and deregulations put into place by the republican party will help them(protip: it won't). Los Angeles is in America which would make you fucking retarded. Don't feel to bad fam, just know that because of your retarded voting habits you'll probably work until the day you die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ShelleT1986: Great start the morning! My daughter danced herself into the coffee table and gave herself a nice shiner... Yea she's a wh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"maybe he can go back to sucking cocks for quarters for his nigger pimp dre.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dunno if it's PPD but I don't think we should be celebrating it. >You guys are so wrong! As a Chinese, I am 90% sure, those guys with white helmets are thugs who are employed either by government or corporations to forcedly remove the lady's street sale business( so that the street will look cleaner) or even worse, to forcedly remove the lady from where she lives (so that there will be more proper, fancy buildings instead of slum). -\/u\/Shibo-Sha Heavily reposted. One, it's cold water. Two, her stand wasn't illegal. The guys in the helmets were the assholes here Am Chinese, can confirm but refuse to prove","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's amazing how quickly the retard puritan-fags have started to deem any picture with a child-like character as \"obscene\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You mean.....irrigate men???? Nah....that doesn't make sense Oh...I got it...bitch wanna.. ...IRRITATE MEN! And the winner is... #grammarnazi #yourewelcome That's retarded as EVERY race engages in satire, roasting, and ridicule!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know black people like you can't help it. You're just all that dumb. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"no she doesn't. she's a dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alfredo, Linguini, Pasta.... Just fancily prepared trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Last night on @CNN, Kanye West was called a \"token negro and a \"dumb negro . I want you guys to imagine if those words were EVER uttered on @FoxNews. CNN has finally committed to going full blown RACIST. They want their slaves back @Bakari_Sellers @donlemon #TRUMP2020 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Bg84","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"9\/11 converage and after that was all media bullshit. When trump was elected that's when it went all retard because of the complete take over of the media by the Chinese and the Jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women need to grow the fuck up already I agree, but I have no confidence that they ever will grow up. History is replete with writings about women and their nature. Even the Holy Bible is chock full of reality concerning women. If they have not grown up in all those thousands to tens-of-thousands of years I don't see them growing up any time soon. Women and their nature simply need to be controlled again by good men, and they will be. We may not be alive to see it, so teach your children well. Ya im sure you have lots of women who like being around you so you'll \"keep them in their place\". You're as retarded as a feminist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey faggot transsexual anytime you want to leave you can , whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah - that cunt deserved everything he got. Hitting someone with a rock could easily kill. Hopefully he learned a lesson out of that (though I doubt it).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many sh3males in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Brave young patriot Damn...but poignant!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He smiles while talking about drowning his own children","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like the effort to prosecute a real-life monster, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the effort to make the movie was hindered at every turn because the Left studiously avoids doing anything that might call into question abortion on demand, its holiest of sacraments. Indeed, support for unrestricted access to abortion unites the entire Left, from labor unions to Alinskyite community organizations to environmentalist groups to race-baiting legal defense funds. https:\/\/canadafreepress.com\/article\/the-film-the-left-tried-to-abort","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Commie nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling trans people trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I made a single comment in \/r\/Australia about how the article title was down playing this terrorist incident. I was instantly banned for \"brigading\". Turns out stupid cunts run \/r\/Australia, just like stupid cunts run actual Australia","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ProsperINDIA ho no. Without ur vote we lost the election. AK49 is taking oath as PM today. :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are so dumb. I have to question, do you really believe this shit? Are you fucking joking? This is a textbook case of poe's law Ironic as fuck, you guys sided with communism in WW2, not to mention most of communist russia's leaders were in fact ethnic jews...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @townhallcom: Charlie Crist Refuses To Back Down From Race-Based Attack On GOP http:\/\/t.co\/zSHn94OK9S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ChrisPalmerNBA: Udonis talking some big trash to Lance. LeBron holds him back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A REAL NIGGER PIECE OF SHIT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, Muslims are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Got out Kali voter info. Faggot newsom info says it all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When you do push-ups, simply change the angle of your hand position occasionally. There's no need to buy a special device to help you do push-ups with different hand angles. Unless you are retarded like @Microchip","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"roper is a fucking two-faced, spineless, nutless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot ass bitch nigga","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/sPVogfyXZT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Uh, oh! Retard alert!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HEY MUZZIE LET ME SHAKE YOUR HAND not your left one though.... you havent learned how to use toilet paper yet...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hell he cant even get fbi staffers indicted when they are caught red handed we're being strung along and kept busy by tranny faggot kavanaugh news stories conned","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ ya I know all the slang I'm racist I h8 porch monkies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @nikaaaa3: Yankees winnnn!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CA gets their wish, it's now a 3rd world shit hole Downtown LA is hit by an outbreak of flea-borne TYPHUS amid fears feral cats and rats are spreading the disease https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/health\/article-6243213\/Flea-borne-typhus-outbreak-hits-downtown-LA.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Off topic but that is a pretty nice jacket imo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And the same cuntinators say masculinity is fragile, while I have heard feminazis claim Hawking was a horrible abuser to his wife who was the innocent victim. The day a man who can't even wipe his nose made me a victim would be the day I killed myself. Like really, feminists are so weak they are threatened by a sandwich? Granted, some of them could maybe survive on a few less sandwiches... What's next, I am supposed to be oppressed by a teaspoon? A bottle of mustard? A cloud?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"but be honest how many fingers have you slipped up there while tugging yourself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I'm offended on behalf of other people! That white girl on Twitter who bitched about the kid having a kimono-dressed birthday party, and then she got bitch slapped by the Japanese girl who told her to piss off on being offended on behalf of the Japanese. Good stuff. [Kind of like this. ](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/qcpFIee.jpg) Do we have a story for this? Totally curious.. Museum of Fine Arts in Boston had a kimono night and a bunch of SJWs came to protest and tell those nice Asian ladies that they were destroying their culture. Intolerantly-intolerant. That sums it all up right there. Thanks! and#x200B; and#x200B; I may have to borrow that one ;) Sure thing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggerwalks by any other name. What happens is when Smithnikov gets into a topic related to gamer he mentions this triggering incident about a topic on 8chan about state of decay and how he was called a cuck. It isnt much different from the niggerwalk meme seen here https:\/\/knowyourmeme.com\/memes\/racists-on-4chan Its a soyboy version of a nigger walk","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"WHAT DOES A STREET NIGGER KNOW? WHO THE FUCK CARES? NWO JEWS and THEIR MEDIA COMBINES AND MOVIE COMBINES AND EDUCATION COMBINES.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or literally every major chain under the sun??? Boycott wendys mcdonalds burger king kfc taco bell fuddruckers mission bbq over the border Dude what other restaurants did I name? Maybe Best Buy Walmart Target Grocery store Sheetz Speedway WaWa fuck it all gas stations. How retarded are you? Okay now I know i stuck my dick in retarded cancer This is by far the most unrealistic and dumbest thing ever proposed to me. Mission BBQ is owned by veterans you retarded excuse of sentient life Well, you are clearly too retarded to even read two sentences and comprehend. Did I say to boycott Mission BBQ? Or did I say boycott everything that isn't conservative? Unrealistic and dumb? Then why are a lot of conservatives already doing it... and already making an impact?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought that chick was dead?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's up with all the intetracial tv ads, and the black kids with stump arms. It almost makes me want to turn off the tv and read a book. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Deth_by_snu_snu\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* It","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't wait for some big faggot Buck Nigga to start punching the shit out of female boxers, the worlds gone fucking mad since cast ya semen ya! Piece of shit wimp not gonna win a raffle never mind play with the girlies they are easy to beat if you're really a MAN!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nice concept, good story but poor act. Try harder next time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton should be renamed Hillary Clitoris as she's part of the world's biggest cunt - Globalism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm just impressed they have found a way to make money off depression. All I can do is have crippling anxiety, mingled with intense anger, rage, then crying for hours. Oh plus all the suicidal thoughts that I can not drown out. If some cunt told me i could have made DOLLLLLAAS on youtube exploiting this, i'd be there!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Like... I literally addressed this point and you completely ignore it, like a stupid retard nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robots being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her son is a Citadel grad who is now in the Marines. He must be so embarrassed. And don't tell me being raised by a dyke didn't lead him to want to find a father in the military.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many f a g s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sesame ...dumb ass white middle-class crap for retarded children..it's made millions of white kids mental retards!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White men want EQUAL rights, not special rights, like the nigger has","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stfu fake cunt you are just pissed GAB is not going away go back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Has Saudi Arabia Finally Gone Too Far? https:\/\/lobelog.com\/has-saudi-arabia-finally-gone-too-far\/ via @lobelog i would just ban any mainstream media that isn't 100% working on subscriber money. no ads, limited donations of say 1000$ if the reporting is good and worth reading you will survive. if it's not you will die. no more jewish billionaire to save your ass and you remove all those media that only survive with govt help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you didnt list gospel in this bitch? fuck u Hey dipshit, option #5 \"other\" gospel is Gospel. not \"other\". how moronic r u? (very) Other is \"Anything\" other than listed Douchenozzle. not good enough as Other is too vague and not Gospel, it deserved its own dedicated option and if youre to retarded to realize your rabbi prob still touches u","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's now illegal to be a member of a hard right group in Britain - no crime is required to be punished and it's also illegal to name baby boys \"Adolf\" - even as a middle name. But, only if you're white. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6261611\/Mother-38-named-baby-Adolf-said-Jews-death.html They want to force the REVOLUTION in GB ? required to be punished and it's also illegal to name baby boys \"Adolf\" - even as a middle name. BLACK Adolf is allowed in GB !!??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RainaluvsA in that picture yes, I haven't had an updated pic added the angel wing is colored now too, and thanks represents what I am ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When did it become so mainstream to blame the consumer or the critic doing his job if you make a bad product? She specifically called out white men. Which is why they will cave to this bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@harmonica_b could be wearing a trash bag and she'd still be the stylish and coolest human I know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I detest trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck you nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know... I hate them with such a passion..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every spic cop should be killed. Those pigs only got their job to 'get even' but white people never did anything to them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That fucking slutty beaner","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And as much as it may offend anyone, saying some retarded shit like \"mexicans are murderers and rapists and dont belong here\" isn't inciting violence either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Live from outside the Old Bailey for Tommy Robinson's trial https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRGpiS7RDVA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@davidly62793584 how many fuckin fags did a even get? Shouldnt be allowed into my wallet whilst under the influence haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm angry seeing that child bruised like that. Fuck this cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Patrick_little has received purchase order for jew naming services to be performed with a non-white goy who names the jew in San Diego area this weekend! Email CaliLLC@protonmail.com if you need the jew named in your town on my the back from SoCal to Berkeley early next week! Goyim means white.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Give the spic a medal, that's how pandemics start. We can only pray AIDS infects them all and they all die before spawning more sewer creatures","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@dminion25 it's kinda screwed up that they were my guinea pigs but i was only experimenting on taste instead i got more interesting results.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well holy shit. Blackface - which has for my entire life been held up as quintessential huwhite racism - wasn't invented by Whites. It was invented by a Jew. In a movie that was literally about a Jew culturally appropriating jazz. Once again, the fucking Jews transferred the blame for something they did, to us. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI thats late, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Brandee876: ghetto sour cream http:\/\/t.co\/1meyQQ7B6G","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nolte: CNN's Freak Show of Violence and Racism Hit 17 New Lows This Week (CNN should have no viewers at this point. This is the most unAmerican, leftists retard network on the air. There are no professionals at this network.They only hire circus clowns. If you want the truth, listen to Fox news Tucker Carlson, Sean hannity and a few others that come on in the evening) https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/the-media\/2018\/10\/14\/nolte-cnns-freak-show-of-violence-and-racism-hit-17-new-lows-this-week\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fucking idiot is an agoraphobic cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah what ever ... try FOCUSING on reality, rather than trying to meme it into existence. You are a peasant if you think 'Dems' are ANYWHERE NEAR as deadly as Sunni Islam ... TOOL.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"See? Now they use it as a weapon against any male of their choosing. Evil cunt bitches!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No trans person ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical retard behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They view MAGA hats the same as Klan hoods.. Aa retarded as that is, they really do believe they're the same. They view MAGA hats the same as Klan hoods.. Aa retarded as that is, they really do believe they're the same.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GOD your ppl remain so retarded by not accepting Islam is greater threat !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kevinkoski: If Jeremy Lin dunked on Lebron in a Yankees cap, and then celebrated by Tebowing in front of Brett Favre, would ESPN exp ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/Stealth___\/status\/1047804171867619328 So that infographic explains why Monolith Soft makes such good games. I expect much bitching from the usual Resetera crowd over it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No girls no hoes just me myself and I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can write \"I'll slaughter any immigrant like you\", but I will take you to court for that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember when he got his start on a meme\/image sharing site I use, he's always been a twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tell the wigger he can't be intimidating while wearing a boy bun. Wanna bet single mother (turned mudshark)?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":":) \"@PeterDavidsonII: At some point, we need to discuss how delicious the vegan brownie from @busboysandpoets on u St. tastes!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Jazz_hands Sick retarded fucks...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The crying for admin has been monumental from this faggot tonight. Awww, did the nasty man show you things you don't like to see again, little SOY? NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37159633","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mcdonalds pipe self defence beating: http:\/\/t.co\/Gk5wbObJTC This is one nigger who's hand I would shake. That's how you deal with sheboons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Proving every one of his predictions wrong is proving he is fake you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That monkey is more intelligent than all of you trans people combined. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusted by all the gay people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not picking up their tabs fixing up their homes and building fences, Cleaning up their shit, getting them everything they desired, Just the weekend Labor alone, fuck em. Then divorce you and move another guy in with your kids within a few months. Walking your dog, admonishing your kids. Rage such rage. I wouldn't give these cunts the steam off my piss","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With birds ill share this lonely view","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FROM BEHIND. Cuck wigger gonna be a cuck wigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Repel all gun laws as they are unconstitutional! Deport all people who are opposed to the 2nd amendent! Shove every RACIST RETARDED Democrat and Jew down the shithole where they belong!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"communist faggot Martin Luther did nothing wrong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@armed_partisan Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. @FreedomNewsNetwork No, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Mimistheone You really seem to love Sandusky. Weirdo. Ur a creepy ass cracker!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @chilltweetss: flappy bird is deep... hahaha http:\/\/t.co\/EMuhmR3jzE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The nigger says, \"Reeeeeeeee, Trump be's Hitler and sheeeeeit!\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/23\/dem-rep-meeks-trump-saying-hes-nationalist-reminds-me-of-rhetoric-from-people-like-hitler\/ Notice how Meeks has nothing to say about Black Nationalists, like Farrakhan. Or Nationalists in sub Saharan African countries. But let a White man say he's a Nationalist and the chimp out begins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody WANTS blacks to be genetically inferior. That's WHY they're niggers! If they WEREN'T genetically inferior, there wouldn't be a nigger problem! That would be amazing! Unfortunately, half a century of wishes didn't fix the nigger problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT ALERT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">One of the trio's hoax papers, published in April by the journal Fat Studies, claims bodybuilding is \"fat-exclusionary and proposes \"a new classification . . . termed fat bodybuilding, as a fat-inclusive politicized performance. Editor Esther Rothblum said the paper had gone through peer review, and the author signed a copyright form verifying authorship of the article. \"This author put a lot of work into this topic, she said. \"It is an interesting topic, looking at weight and bodybuilding. So I am surprised that, of all things, they'd write this as a hoax. As you can imagine, this is a very serious charge. She plans to remove the paper from the Fat Studies website. Okay, look, either you stand behind your peer review and the content of the paper, or your whole process is bullshit. By removing it you're basically stating that your site and process are bullshit and you don't really believe any of the things you publish. E: I feel a little sorry for the Journal of Poetry Therapy guy - he sounds genuinely sad that he got duped, and based on the title it doesn't sound very political, but maybe the title is deceptive. Who names a journal fat studies? That sounds so unprofessional. You'd think that they would use something along the lines of \"Obesity and Body Weight Research\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TreshaRenee I didn't make to any games last season. Just looked it up. Astros open up with the Yankees 1st of April","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whilst I have nothing but contempt for those vile anti-semites\/Nazis that inhabit the darker spaces here on Gab, I am disgusted at the way in which the lgacy media and big tech (hello Paypal) are using the murderous attack on a Synagogue to seek to destroy Gab. It wasn't Gab that planned and carried out the attack. Contempible opportunism from those out to strangle free speech.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, if Obama nominated someone accused of fucking rape, I bet you all would be cool with it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Literally just got up and the first thing I did was chug a huge glass of water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same place a wetback caught on video tossing the body of a 8yo white girl into a dumpster after he raped her to death was in the news. Local and international only during TRUMP's election yr https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2015\/08\/01\/15-year-old-hispanic-rapes-and-murders-8-year-old-white-girl-wanted-to-know-how-people-would-react\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's weird how you're the one who knows about it, but you're claiming that everyone else goes. So weird. wierd how everyone is gay except for you. Must be one of those \"the world is wrong and you are right\" conundrums that petulant teenagers go through! except, you are a jew, and you are doing the petulant teenager routine, well into your 40's Who said everyone is gay except for me? So far, I've said you're gay. quick check of your feed proves this is a blatant lie. Oh, my feed showed I said everyone in the world is gay except for me? Show me. You still believe you are important? Lol, how cute. Guess you couldn't. I win again. As per usual. I use you as a shield?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a typical #lonewolf #narrative used to cover up a group effort. it would be retarded to this this #boomer would be able to get all these #fakebombs though the mail system, oh wait narrative changed to couriers to deliver all these people across the country without ratting him out immediately. what service did he use anyways?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Rule all over this under you\" Anyone? anyone out there know what google translate lost from this sentence? The dude is a psycho. That explains a lot, including the shitty \"english he tends to use.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is belonging advert..all very nice indeed, esp the muzzy bit!!! I was thinking, when that cunt want,s to drop to his knee,s n pray! In the middle of a firefight, when the shit is real and chunk,s of ground flying through the air to the whiz of bullit,s and screams of your mates!!! Do,es every1 just say hang on a minute chap,s. While Abdul finish,s... Or what ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"New York Times uses \"Becky\" racial slur to refer to white women once again https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/gl3wi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a vile cunt she must be, spit on her face next time and say \"begone foul wench your presence disgusts me\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bigly JUNE, bout time.. Aw come on...don't be so hard on the Beaver...oops...that sounded a bit naughty too....sorry... Too funny when i saw it as a kid I thought June (BB) was matronly....now I think she is smokin' hot...what a difference a few decades make huh? she was hot though...i just picked on her b\/c she was his teacher","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He said this was \"typical cripple behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh is a fucking faggot. He for \"spanked\" real good at his frat house. They took turns pounding his butt until he cried. I can prove that's a lie. If he was a faggot the left would love him. Right tranny bitch?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FuckBoiRik hahahaha youza fuck wigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TRUMP DURING BACK-AND-FORTH WITH CBS'S LESLEY STAHL OVER IMMIGRATION: 'I'M PRESIDENT AND YOU'RE NOT' President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Lesley Stahl for CBS's \"60 Minutes that aired Sunday. The interview got heated when Stahl pressed the president about immigration and children being separated from their parents at the border. Trump criticized the media's dishonesty, noting his https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/trump-during-back-and-forth-with-cbss-lesley-stahl-over-immigration-im-president-and-youre-not\/ via @gabnewstoday And I am glad he reminded her...she seems to have forgotten her manners during this interview.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the ACLU, just a group of racist nigger trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"been a sleazebag faggot for years","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LucentVariable: @TonyJRodriguez friendly reminder that you shouldn't try to have sex with birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or the vegan that wanted to prove you don't need proteins to climb Kilimanjaro...she died trying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're White and refuse to talk about race, that is your right. However, if you also say you are strictly about merit, then unless you confront every non-White with the same vehemence that they cannot be about their races either, you're either a hypocrite or a unwitting leftist stooge. You pick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"or you can start identifying the JEWS behind the Muslim \/ nigger flooding of your country, and exterminate them, you fucking stupid lames","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger ,that's what they do","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In fact, we can easily look because their income is posted online. Under your retarded fiscal outline, all 566K jobs would be lost as the whole business would fold https:\/\/www.recode.net\/2018\/2\/1\/16961598\/amazon-jeff-bezos-record-profit-11-quarter-q4-2017-earnings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many bitches in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Praising Martin nigger King. \"Democrats are the real racists .","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Southwest Airlines passenger removed for calling flight attendant a nigger. I think I just found my new BFF! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-removed-for-calling-flight-attendant-the-n-word-delaying-plane While the flight attendant is definitely a nigger, it is considered highly impolite to bring that obvious fact to everyone's attention. I mean, if someone farts in a ballroom, do you see many people point fingers at the person? @alternative_right I agree on this point. I think we should use the word NIGGER in some other context to avoid making it personal. Like calling ourselves WHITE NIGGERS and demanding our own ethnostate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laura Ingraham: Find this little slime. RePOST pls https:\/\/twitter.com\/DevinSenaUI\/status\/1047478113544888321 His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ you ever look at someone and go \"I want to meet him and be wearing every piece of Trump merch I own - just to see him cower in fear?\" I had that right now Sadly I am banned from Canada - fucking arrest warrants >.> not without a can of bear spray in each hand I don't leave anything to chance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US ONLY 2018 @Quartermaster The extremely retarded morons always show themselves by criticizing something as shallow as punctuation errors! This does not effect anything is casual prose on social media. This mindless midget then goes on to tell you that the government is telling the truth and this incredible retard actually believes the propaganda from Snopes? Are you kidding me? You are clearly a brainwashed retarded RACIST SEXIST piece of shit Democrat who have someone else think for you since you cannot think for yourself! Jews did 911 dumbshit, did the government tell you that? You are no more than a polluted Thumb Drive! How unconcious are you? Did you not call me a RACIST and delusional which is obviously all Democrats! As we know all shootings have been done by Democrats and members of the RACIST violent Hate groups such as Antifa or the RACIST Black Lies Matter! Since I am a white male it is clear no shooting was done by white males but by piece of shit Jewish Males who are Democrat sewage! Of course the RACIST subversive LYING Jewish Supremacist media said the opposite because whatever a filthy despicable Jew accuses someone of they are guilty! Kind of like the BLATANTLY RACIST SEXIST Democratic party calling me RACIST! The RETARDED Democrats do not understand what a FACT is and will only regurgitate what they have been programmed with! Now APOLOGIZE for calling me a DEMOCRAT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then get lost from Canadian politics, redneck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol faggot. No faggot, you're a loser. My apologies, even a retard wouldn't fall for Dumb Dinesh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm not dogging out trump. I am dogging out radical police state sick TV watching pill popping conservatives that are gonna push there retarded police state war mongering onto us as the pendulum swings.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another badge nigger (outside the house shooting into it-WTF?) with a license to kill and the training to lie and cover it up. I'll wager the Aurora IAD finds no evidence of wrongdoing and this psychopath will continue to walk the streets armed and dangerous. Unfortunately the taxpayers are going to get screwed again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you hugged a wacko-bird today?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are a trans person, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you would note Drake named his son 'Adonis'. Nice Nigger name, yes? Wait, no, it is not. It is a Greek name. Greeks are WHITE. Cultural-appropriation, anyone? The fawning over the blue eyes, the Greek name, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that both Niggers absolutely despise their own races. This is extreme racism of the highest order.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Totally agree. It's all trash. If dems win a majority, there will be some Super retarded reasoning essentially saying: We can't tell the truth and prosecute murderous pedophiles (even though we \"have it all\") because blues control congress. Total garbage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nah a lot of girls are just thots nowadays. Saw them a lot during middle school and even currently in high school to an extent. nah that is just your sleazy slimy mind thinking you are superior to females and so think you have some right to look down on them on your imaginary pedestal you set your mind up on and it's the policy of the morally bankrupt overseeing the morals of women and men like you are so pious whilst you are doing it those girls have never even heard of you and don't even know you exist and still you insist they are dressing like that to tempt you, you the morally bankrupt? Men like you would swim through rivers of snot and vomit if you thought there was at least a chance of a sexual encounter on the other side, wouldn't you? [removed] Is this satire? It's sadly not I wish it was satire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats discovered asking non-citizens to vote in Texas #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #BanFGM #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AfD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #Winning #USA #Nationalist #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=isVqU6ypyYI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel like they should give the reporter a pistol or something to protect himself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sin ad O'Connor to become a Muslim. What a fucking result, the ugly cunt will have to wear a burka. What wrong with them all running away from the good side when running in to evil way she was with pedo religion now going to even worst pedo must like being beaten up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Staged fuckery! A retard can see through this soro's stunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a, we see right through you. This is just you catering to moronic boomercucks like @mitchellvii who won't move to Gab because every retarded thing he says will get BTFO. The truth fears no investigations. Just IP ban porn spammer @MartyGraw and the porn problem will be solved. And ban porn in general- it isn't free speech.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: PayPal, Stripe, Microsoft, Samsung, Google, and Apple cave to Andrew Anglin's demand that Gab be demonetized and deplatformed. Why would Anglin want that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can we finally agree that black people are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"damn good thing the Left is sending their best women, so we can annihilate them and then they won't be breeding with the soy boys to make more baby WTF's bring it on, you bunch of dizzy fuckin, bat shit crazy nigger lovin broads","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stayin up late to watch #Ichiro #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Thomas_Wictor Missing you on Twat and Threadreader, man, especially your insights on Jamal Khashoggi this week. Sure looks like a false flag to me. Cheers! Stay safe!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Guess that's why they call it window pane...\" I see what you did there!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go ahead boomer faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i'd vote for the rapist party over the psycho cunt party","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of women once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ActaBunniFooFoo I like my gross yellow heat lamps. Why?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"imagine being the bull dyke blue haired fat sideshave septum piercing strap-on dildo fatty who posted this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb cunts just don't know when to stop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OOOOOH GEEEEEZE !!!! YOU ARE QUITE THE FUCKING RETARDED ASSHOLE...ARE YOU NOT !!! GAB MUST FOLLOW THE LAW YOUR SISSY BITCHING LEADS ME TO BELIEVE YOUR A PERVERT PEDOPHILE NECROPHILE OR ZOOPHILE EITHER WAY...IF TRUE...YOURE A DISGUSTING PERVERT AND SHOULDNT BE ON ANY SOCIAL NETWORK PLATFORMS !!! Go sic him @a #NASTYpervert I never argue with insane people Perverted people Twisted people Faggots Freakazoids Dykes To the iggiebin you go ...you loli porno pedophile faggot demokraut adult infant !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here's hoping that football captain... did something proper about this. The faggot deserves to be sent to Easter Island, btw...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/rwnofficial.com\/everyone-warned-to-watch-for-deadly-infiltration-28-states-didnt-listen-spread-rampantly\/ We are on the edge of having 3rd world hospitals here Nation wide. The hospitals here in southern Texas are overwhelmed with Illegals walking in with a new strain of parasite in there eyes. Never before was it found in the U.S. , Only in South America Africa , and Mehico. (PIC here in Texas) Horrific! My daughter is an OD out of UCB who does TONS of outreach in high-risk areas....never heard her mention this in CA (yet)!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice how these nigger attackers only go after the elderly and week keep you selves strong so when the niggers come for you youcan defend your selves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is triggering. Kill all pitbulls or such like (inb4 you tell me its some other type of nigger dog).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do you need to phrase it like that? She has a lot of other cuntier opinions, and agreeing with her in one aspect doesn't suddenly make someone a supporter of hers, nor do you have to agree for the same reasons. The point I am trying to make is that being \"pro-feminine\" isn't the same thing as opposing contemporary feminism. The stereotypical radfem-dykes of the 70s do not represent contemporary third-wave feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? We should be grateful to Jews, we might be expected to pay for the Democratic Party if Jews didn't keep the Democrats' pockets full. Considering the Mindset of the current average Democrat.........This is just ONE MORE Reason to Dislike Jews........ You can copy\/paste this response as many times as you like but the Jews-in-name-only that we deal with today still exist and are causing problems for the entire world, if you're going to make a distinction then why can't you make the connection that those are the ones we hate? You're complaining about labels. No, we are sick of people who automatically tag everyone in an entire race evil, from the evil deeds of some! Simply a stupid, and unrealistic way of seeing any country on Earth....There are evil demon rats in EVERY NATION!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Snivelling quisling disgusting coward. Sling the cunt out and take his pension and his knighthood off him. http:\/\/courtnewsuk.co.uk\/top-cop-was-sensible-to-stay-in-car-as-officer-was-killed\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah. It's like explain to me *again* why you want to inflict an inescapable sense of hopelessness upon the world?' Bonus points if he can explain why anyone would want to pay him 55 plus season pass plus microtransactions to have an inescapable sense of hopelessness inflicted upon them. Dumbass. Retarded fucking dumbass. But then you are not selling your customers an inescapable sense of hopelessness so much as an ego boost. If you want to sell people and ego boost and so gain a sense of satisfaction, well... As I said. Dimwit. Retarded fucking up his own ass poncy idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When I first saw this story, my initial thought was \"who cares what this retard thinks about anything?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only acceptable people on the planet with pale skin are Jews. All others are scheduled for termination. Thank you for calling it pale and not white. Mine is white. Do you think they want their yellow stars back? It's getting really weird on planet earth. A lot of them just want us dead, and soon they're going to lose patience with just telling us to breed ourselves out of existence. I have a clue about this. I am part Boer and a Rhodesian in the diaspora. Aussie friends will not listen despite this chart... no that is not white immigration.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No comment on whether or not she will be charged with making a false accusation, I see. Par for the course. No punishment for false accusers, because what about all the real victims who won't be able to distinguish between a malicious, lying cunt being punished for an actual crime and a real victim being punished for reporting it. Our society is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Leftists can be anyone retarded enough to be a degenerate. We are talking about the Deep State, the Soviets, and the UN when talking about them shutting us down. They are powerful, despite being a minority.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I live with two immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They come to you out of the blue. They make others see red and green with envy. They aren't always black or white. You're not yellow luckily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Macron thinks black men like white leaders. What a twat Macron is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nobody is gonna block you nigger Jamal, we love you lul","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical retard behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any politician who isn't explicitly pro-White DOES NOT DESERVE A SHRED OF SUPPORT. All they deserve is hate, threats, ridicule and sabotage until they give in or give up. Yee of little faith. You clearly don't respect your DNA or realize you DNA is your deficit. B4 you urge caution or let's see what happens: Does it make sense to lay in a burning building? Or sit in a sinking ship? Seems simple. Just as you know, if your white, trump ain't saving your ass, hell throw us to the wolves Its called emancipation. Who said he was saving my ass, I said the GOP winning makes the left more antiwhite while we control the seat of power What does enabling communists achieve? aren't the communist left the wolves? Compared to the left who is more likely to throw us to the wolves? You make no sense. Vote GOP buy ammo, why is this so hard? And it looks like it's another planned wave is set to hits us, just in time for the election. Ding ding ding!!!! Idk what I'm gonna do, but that's it in a nutshell. I do not feel properly motivated. If I had my way, I'd rather get it on. I'm not getting any younger over here. How do you plan on networking to have any power whatsoever without the internet? if dems regain power they will take vengeance upon us, starting with the sites we use. DHS taking domains left and right, what do? None. Those who are not prepared to fight in this world of eternal struggle... Like I said I'll side w my DNA, or die trying. Sounds like a good way to end up like a kulak, what happened to their dna?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It should be clear that disabled people are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"poor whitey\" http:\/\/t.co\/3UkKeyznz8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm trying to think if I was ever this retarded in my bluest of days? I mean, paying 350k for someone else? Wtf.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People need to understand that disabled people are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here we go, can't argue so resorts to name calling. This twat is a hypocrit and a twat. YOU ARE MALE, I don't care who YOU identify as, YOU ARE A MALE,GET HELP.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have a twin who plays Overwatch and uses Tumblr as their main social media. I've heard many times about how, despite having the most colorful cast of characters I've ever seen, the creators are racist, don't care about their POC fans, and how having characters like the gorilla and the hamster are racist because they chose those over a POC first. It all seems like a lot of bullshit to get worked up over, but to each their own I suppose. As a general rule when these people say they want diversity what they really mean is \"black people . In much the same way that \"people of color usually means black people Or in this case, since we already have Lucio and Doomfist, they want \"a black woman\" because Efi - who is a black girl - isn't enough since while she's a character she is not a playable hero. Lucio is brazilian not black lol wut? He's a black Brazilian. This is what happens when you even remotely acknowledge SJWs (or do anything they like). It paints a target on your back and they will over analyze and criticize every single thing you do. Nothing will ever be good enough. All because now they know that they can get a reaction out of you. That their complaining will work. I'm not saying diversity is bad. Overwatch's diversity is a good thing. It's just that people should be aware that SJWs zero in on this kind of stuff, and more importantly, not give in when they do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Rene_gadeCowboy: I have to agree with Charlie he's spot on... http:\/\/t.co\/9lcmVE9i1m","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is this the @Yankees are doing today? Using those wooden things and making it all the way around the bases? Weird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hmmm...failed murder attempts...poorly executed....totally retarded and unprofesssional.....hmmm...sounds like Antifa false flag!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.today.com\/video\/inside-today-s-international-day-of-the-girl-celebration-with-michelle-obama-1342648899934 This sheboon cunt enrages me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No, there are two genders - male and female. Two sexes - male and female. And two sexualities - straight and some variety of faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off you lying shitbag good for nothing yid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn, and here I was hoping it was AIDS... corrected for errors it reads \"someone chopped my dick up, and turned it inside out and stuffed it inside my taint and i call it a vagina and dress up in women's clothes and make a doggone retard out of myself\" It's a mental disorder and it's best to talk about it in those terms. Gender Dysphoria. Fresh and new science pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"1% Muslim, 99% cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just so odd this 'white knighting' from Republicans. @RealCandaceO advocates for felons in prison to vote and @kanyewest says if he was worried about racism he'd have left America long ago. These people, both of them are POISON. Yet they're doing more for Conservativism than most Conservatives are doing.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whole process seemed a bit queer to me. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You really need to do your homework. Bag lady is the most racist cunt on the planet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seeing immigrants in government makes me so proud. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Scandal Will DESTROY Cory Booker https:\/\/americauncensored.com\/scandal-will-destroy-cory-booker\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@FloKid88: As long as the Lakers trash from now on, I could careless. And that's real.\". CC: @BENBALLER hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"E-celebs is faggot worship","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it a big deal to remove the blood from Mortal Kombat? Removing the blood doesnt change the outcome of fights or stop you progressing in the game, it only exists to satisfy your inner serial killer. Is it really worth such an outcry to satisfy the bloodlust of future murderers? Congrats, you're 90s era Jack Thompson retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Nigger is gone. Deal with the NOW.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @luke_brooks: There was a fly that was banging into all the windows and I called it retarded but then I thought to myself \"umm I'm talki ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does Elizabeth Warren have no advisers, no adults to protect her from this kind of self-harm...? But this is what happens when Trump gets in your head. Time and again we have seen this. Look at the entire media. He forces you to blow yourself up And it's GLORIOUS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says: \"Freedom of expression was never a mission of the company\". https:\/\/youtu.be\/v9z8924QJl0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What kind of retard says climate crisis is his number 1 issue. Holy crap. Only a retarded Demonrat who has been paid to loose. And he will loose Bigly...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whahahahaha, Hillary is trying to save face. But by doing this, she actually just admitted she did it ! https:\/\/youtu.be\/_d0s-cv1WEc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sir are a fucking moron. Go get reprogrammed you NPC faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go fuck yourself, nigger lover, I bet your family is really proud of you, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to stab a Muslim tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Out of an abundance of caution??? What language is that? I know the words are English...but I don't recognize the language. Is that remedial retard English?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot believe thisslut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear bleeding heart retards who kill everything good: \"I can't believe you don't shut up \"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a tough one. I voted for Trudy but I'm not sure she has the balls to come out. They are both as bent as a nine bob note antway. Who cares ! Macron. Definitely. Trudeaus false eyelashes are a giveaway. Justin's not gay, his boyfriend is. Peoplefriend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both as they announce their love for each other and have a civil partnership. macron is definitely gay. hence he loves older women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are retarded for real. This is South America , which is Catholic some 500 years now. Catholic church is such a ''civilization builder'' Clap clap clap #StopHumanizingMuslims. #FeedChristiansToTheLions. #HailOdin. White people don't care what side some arm of one of the semitic religions is on, we'd just like u to go back home to the desert and fight there , we have enough problems with out yours","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I used to picture him coming up the wadi to FOB Sharana with a barrel of brandy for me @iiarwatch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What is it with you fucking Muslims?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":":-( i thought that was some kind of holloween march... The old saying is! You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hand!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Clarke claims to suffer from self-diagnosed 'transgenerational trauma' passed down through the indigenous part of her DNA. This retarded Samantha mumba looking bitch can't be serious Dude, the lawmakers that put up with that shit are also mentally challenged.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And once again @alcade demonstrates he is the ultimate faggot magnet...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To the idiots who sent this retarded mess who's allowed to keep living and breathing on U.S. soil... you need to be shot. Just send this idiot back to where she came from. I need a donation page to collect donations for therapy just reading about idiots like this","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Angry Demonrat Mob That Doesn't Exist https:\/\/youtu.be\/3Zr8X-2JTpo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UK has massive gains in violent crime and terrorist attacks since bringing in all the Muzzies, they have no room to laugh. It's just part and parcel right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That was a solid investment of 15 mins. Cue up Frank. Yankees. Wow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a fan of locking up whistleblowers. People had a right to know the information she leaked. Uh it was classified info. No they don't have the right to know that stuff. [deleted] > Oh kinda like how it was classified information that the NSA was spying on American citizens and recording every phone conversation or text? Yeah that was classified too. Snowden needs to go to prison for the rest of his life. you're a kook Agree to disagree sweetheart. If the government was secretly gassing mexicans in concentration camps ala Hitler and someone released that information to the public should they go to prison? There it is. The stupidest thing I've read all day. Ok *thumbs up* *'thumbs up my butt'* Womp womp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As far as I am concerned, immigrants can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In computer science I believe that's referred to as retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This but unironically Based and redpilled We don't like him either, he really is very anti canadian , but let's be civil about all this and not call people names. Please just spread the word to not vote for him next year.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why White people should depot all Black people, even the good ones! It unfortunately has come to this if you don't see more black people bash their own RETARDED RACIST Race!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CX-Qr8iNqm0","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manyrapefugees in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whole foods seem to have gone full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".People shouldn't be scared into thinking that they won't ever have a 2nd opportunity to prove they can be righteous. Yes, the first time they die is appointed for them so they can \"SEE\" what the end results of sin bring, i.e. nuclear war and total decimation of the population. but the 2nd death is the one that is eternal, not the first one. Book, chapter, verse?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ni doubt the druggie smoked pot with Micron while he gave it to the French faggot up the choccie chute","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And then the people they are talking about double down on the retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It isn't woke, tho. It went lieberal bullshit. Female doctor and last year had nigger assistant. Fuck them, not interested.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Tattoo_MyLife cuz the whole team trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well... Bush did the phone thing. Don't get me wrong he was always on the Obama team but yea.. that Obama phone deal was all Bush.. Just like everything else though the nigger took credit for it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For once, Joe told the truth. It's unfortunate that he fails to recognize all of the undoings is actually progress being made for the sake of making America first. Vote to end the destructive agenda of the liberal crime mob; vote Republican in November. | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is such a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT SOY BOY !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/knifeman-shouting-allahu-akbar-stabs-one-person-victim-is-fighting-for-his-life\/#.W8R7vsDdFNs.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay, alright, I based it on environment I known, and definitely there will always be places where it's different, if not even opposite, which marks how retarded double standards are - being assaulted\/raped by women gets laughed off and the guy gets some shit for complaining.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another faggot beating girls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THEY DO! When a woman is tring to tell you to eat 'healthier' she is trying to remove PROTEIN\/RED MEAT. She is essentially lowering his libido\/testosterone. I've quipped \"They want to remove the red meat because he might want a blow job after dinner\". Women treat men like dogs. They decide when they will reward and punish certain behaviors. The problem is that the female will start removing too much from him until the dog gets really hungry and breaks. Maybe its booze, maybe its cheating\/sex, whatever it is, then they will blame him. When really they were starving the dog until it started pissing in the corner and then they punish the dog for peeing in the corner instead of giving him what they know he wants\/needs. Women treat dogs better than men. A woman will tell you to never punish your dog. They will say you can only 'reward' positive behavior. But they only do that in the beginning with a man. Once the dog is doing what it's 'supposed to do' 98% of the time, they are bored and lose interest and then neglect the dog. They want a new toy. A new challenge. They are perpetually bored perpetual children. They feel empty inside. I saw it said earlier: Where men have souls, women have lists. lmmfao @ vegan cuck ! dyin' !! There should be an all simp band called Vegan Cuck. Their stage act could have them with their instruments, but leg shackled and gagged while Chad and Tyrone are spit roasting their wives onstage Whatever you fantasies are. A bit of freudian slip right there. Im not a vegan. I did vegan diets and keto. I bet you are a fat fuck who cant even pull his weight around. Go eat your mcdonnalds. And im not married so i cant be a cuck. You on the contrary since you post on r\/marriedredpill , you are trying to figure out why your wife is pregnant with Tyrone spawn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This has to be a joke. If not that dude is the biggest bitch I've seen. So in your opinion, him being a pussy gives her the right to be an abusive cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did this stupid monkey shoot himself too, or was the Nazi faggot too much of a pussy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Despite encouraging her 112 million Instagram followers to register to vote Democrat in next month's mid-term elections, Taylor Swift herself is not registered to vote in Tennessee, according to the State's official voter registration database. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/taylor-swift-is-not-registered-to-vote-in-tennessee\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some of the county roads have been cleared and opened by good ol' boys with tractors and a good heart. The county hasn't been able to get there to do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Somehow the people pointing out this is exactly what he's done in the past makes them \"anti-Star Citizen zealots\"? The fuck is wrong with you? Because some people don't know shit about the whole project yet pass the meager knowledges they have of it as fucking gospel that it's either a scam or that it will tank hard. Jesus Christ, CR is directing the shite like a retard and doing alot of stuff to bomb the project before it even release, we all know that, but god damnit SC became a full prod MMO in dev since 2015 and you can't shit a MMO that got that pretentious scale to release in 3 years, i'm all for tearing CIG ass to shred if they fail, but at least wait for the game to be released before tossing it in the blender, especialy if you haven't a skin in the game and isn't planing to play it to begin with.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No worries. That snot nose Moslem Sand Nigger is not going to win Florida.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Krauts only real crime in the Krautism saga was an unbelievable amount of gullibility. Lol no. Kraut and all his rats are dangerous idiots who will doxx, harass, and various other forms of intimidation. The fact people will still cover for that retard is one of the most unbelievable things to still happen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NBC Airs Megyn Kelly Today' Repeat as Tensions With Anchor Rise https:\/\/variety.com\/2018\/tv\/news\/nbc-news-megyn-kelly-today-repeat-1202993856\/#utm_medium=socialandutm_source=twitterandutm_campaign=social_barandutm_content=bottomandutm_id=1202993856 via @variety Yes...I'm sure that plays a big role in this. (lol) She's pissee cuz she didn't get a fake bomb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JakeG_BasedGod: \"Never go full retard\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a bigger problem with her facial expression and the retarded means of communication she has chosen here than I do with the content of her message Puckered anus lips Not even looking at camera Demanding something and expecting it Acting like being a mom is tough This bitch is why the homosexual rates are drastically increasing. Why deal with an entitled thunder cunt when you can watch Monday Night Football, double your wardrobe, and get a handjob from your non-bitchy friend Steve? *(I'm j\/k, don't go gay, but no one would blame you though).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really want a girl to make me some brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If he doesn't give up his jacket, she's cold once and will remember hers next time. If he gives up his jacket for her, she never learns and he establishes a pattern that makes him cold every time or face being regarding as an asshole based off precedence. Real men can tell the difference between momentary pleasure and a lifetime of prosperity, and rightfully choose the latter. Real women can rightfully accept and carry the consequences of their actions, like the woman here. It's not gender-biased, either. It's called being an adult. >she never learns and he establishes a pattern that makes him cold every time Amen brotha. This is how you talk about a pet though. I mean I feel like she's also a human being, so she wouldn't want to always do that to him. I agree with the post overall, but let's stick to the cultural problems and not dehumanize people, right? I'm not a feminist. I even said in this that I agree that he shouldn't have to give up his jacket. I just had a small problem with the way the one commenter framed it, and I wanted to talk about that. If you use the word feminazi unironically I don't think you get to tell other people to grow up lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm so sick of hearing these low info fools making retarded statements about the democrats saying \"They're for the working man!\" I've heard that load of bullshit all my life until I woke up! The only thing they are for is for themselves!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it that Muslims are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol right as she tries to push her kumbaya facade on hulu https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Bznw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@carpedehope not if you're standing in btw the yellow lines","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To be honest, these clowns are seriously lacking in Talent. They never research their marks, and their vocabulary skills as well as their reading comprehension is that about a second grade level. To be honest. Ed has asked for help and reassurance not much of a coincidence. Ego has been damaged. No one is interested in his Post's. You Needed that GAB SHOT SON Your hypocrisy is stunning. Jesus Christ! you will win no fame trying to troll me. You'll win no merit and people will not visit your page. Good luck with that. Does John use a woman in his avi because that's the only way he can get followers?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only if the progressive caste thinks you are a twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @zoejoiner: if you're gonna trash talk my piercings don't say it in front of my best friends ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one cares about that cock eyed kneegrow faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lets take it back and forward from one stick being broken, the bunch being harder to break in a bundle, but yeah this german etymology seemed like the original etymology about this faggot ghoul folk law, had a ton of interesting information.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Image LARPing online as a shitty character from a terrible low-iq normiefag 90's pop sci-fi in the current year. I would say that you're a faggot! Damn, you are a faggot! :eek: +1 (Neo) Faggot, of course you have always been a faggot. That fact is now obvious. +1 (Neo) Faggot, you will always be in the closet. +1 (Neo) You just called somebody a faggot and then you said that they will always be in the closet but you have a profile picture of a gay man in the closet, are you trying to make this easy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It should be criminal for wimmenz to present themselves this way in the workplace. I thought that many men were fine with this in the West tbh. Sort of \"progress\" lmao. I am not from US\/Europe I'm from Russia the more conservative place but even in Russia this shit is spreading and they call it \"trend\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easy. \"Hello, mentally ill retard.\" -NPC > Or just play the game how the creators intended to and not make such a fucking big deal out of gender. Geez, are you implying that random assorted genderfaggots and miscellaneous otherqueers cannot have a decisive say in what game developers and artists do??? Aren't you suggesting by any chance that entertainment and art should be a medium of free expression, and not completely subjugated to the ever-changing dogma of today?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Local meth addict finds one weird trick to btfo the optics cucks epic style.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GarciaC28 those nudes were trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another corrupt faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"King, TI vs tip and that troubleman albums all trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The people on here suggesting that banning cartoon child porn and banning racist speech is an apples to apples comparison are goin' feet first into the woodchipper. This is non-negotiable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And now he says he \"feels like a man with no country . Betrayed every voter that voted for him, betrayed Kavanaugh, betrayed the Constitution.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seem like da colored folk be gettin in da way lately. I just sayin","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger bomb incoming look out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry for being a shithead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"CHU GREENGOS AR A BONCH OV BEEGOTS! ~ Average Wetback Moocher","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flake: Trump's Family Separation Policy Simply Is Un-American' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/flake-trumps-family-separation-policy-simply-is-un-american\/ Just gonna leave this right here. They will do ANYTHING to demonize or fault our President.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that niggah he so weak, he cant tell that you a freak","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why are you concerned with him then? 'Jesus said to him, \"Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.\"' Luke 9:60","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just set up a protonmail account just in case the worst happens. It's escoffiergab@protonmail.com ole-swtichblade@protonmail.com ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ich poste das jetzt ohne Kommentar Kann jeder sich selber seine Gedanken zu machen \"Ahmed, einer von uns\" Ganz ehrlich, ich habe nicht das geringste Problem mit Ausl ndern, die hier hart arbeiten und sich integrieren und eine Existenz aufbauen. Nur mit den islamistischen Merkelschmarotzervergewaltigerg sten kann ich so gar nichts anfangen. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) Gibt echt einige von so Negern die einfach die Pakete abwerfen und mit ein wenig \"Gl ck\" auch noch selbst unterschreiben ... Bei der Post beschweren l....... !, Haha, bei der Post beschw hren! DHL mu weck Notfalls beim Volksgerichtshof klahhahagen die Hermes Fahrer sind noch schlimmer...nix lesen ..nix sprechen ....!!! echte Integranten gibt es auch, klar. Aber nur 12 in ganz Schland https:\/\/politaufkleber.de\/produkt\/100-aufkleber-a7-sonderpreis-stoppt-den-migrationspakt-globale-eliten\/ Oder es war einfach nur ein stinkfauler Lieferant, der seine Tour abk rzen wollte. Oft genug erlebt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How in the fuck can you equate the EU with the Forth Reich? I don't remember Hitler advocating Faggot marriage, Negro worship, open borders, Multiculturalism, Religious plurality, or a fraudulent money system!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BettinaVLA @9975Ts @SenWarren She's just another straight-up conscienceless liar. Soulless criminal trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is always China to take them in, and eat them alive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, you are Nigger, yet you prefer to be with a White woman? That is the very definition of racism. You do realise this, yes? You are aware that your own women are fugly, therefore you need to choose ours, although I know for a fact you do not have one of ours. You WISH you did, Nigger. Nice of you to admit to your racial-inferiority. the nigger passes on his shitty inferior genetics..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Asian sex gang of 20 men whose trial led to Tommy Robinson's arrest are jailed for more than 200 years for drugging and raping vulnerable girls as young as ELEVEN in seven-year reign of terror https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2yofWnB 43 gangs down and many more to go. Raping non Muslims for 1400 years. #BanIslam #SendThemBack DEPORT THE PAKISTANI COMMUMITY Paedophile judge Marsden has such low morals he should be castrated and his eyes gouged out Watched it. I was sexually abused by 2 paki men when I was 15 in I was just walking down the street in broad daylight they were seen and were given a good beating I hope you got a gun and killed them because I would of No guns But pakis sexually abused or raped young white girls as soon as their filthy feet TOUCHED UK soil. Media called our lads protecting females Nazis and paki bashers The piss poor Media never even investigated why it was happening Now today 1 million girls raped I'm so angry Millions of victims, scarified on the alter of 'multiculturalism' for virtue signalling purposes, The #TraitorClass have blood and tears of our children on their hands. David Cameron who wants a muslim. Prime minister of the UK hasn't sold his young daughter an old muslim fuckwiit. Even though she's of age CAMERON SOLD WORKING CLASS CHILDREN TO MUSLIMS. HE MUST DIE PAINFULLY REALLY PAINFULLY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"imagine saying crazy shit like this but not joking. aside from banning music, we need to ban hinduism in the west. it makes white people go retarded The #Jews murdered him, you dimwit. The Jews infiltrate everything they can. and? He chose them. He could have looked up their last names, but he was a dumb old lazy Indian who liked rape and money Jews infiltrate every religion...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Legionary1488 @JomavaesJos now we have a Ebloa case in Texas. If we kill all the niggers we might be safe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"hey everyone let's racialize literally everything that's not ethnocentric and retarded or anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JustTooMuchCake Lmao. it bel ike that nowadays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Legion of jig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the Cunt Card https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/trump-sharp-words-abcs-vega-cnns-collins-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can you say faggot on here without a faggot getting you suspended?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This guy gets my nerves!!!! I'm a Christian who is a transgirl. Too bad for him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"probably some retard on the nigger weed looking for clean piss for a drug test who is about to make the sex offender registry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Marcus Smart belongs on the Celtics. Both trash. It was destiny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt if you have a baby! Also cunt Jewish is a religion not a race! You no fuck all pervert! Your just a patronising old cunt who spoutes shit and if anyone disagress or points points anything out you attack with abuse! Your just an old pervert who things he's something commenting on a subject you know fuckall about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Where do I sign? If current developments are an indicator? The army. Jokes aside, good for you guys. Don't let the sand niggers in, they *will* breed like rabbits and ruin your country, sooner or later.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you keep your totalitarian bullshit socialism with speech and thought control, i will keep my free market capitalism and freewill Have fun with your nigger neighbors","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Liberalist Faggot Sarg'nite confirmed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Home Secretary unveils the biggest immigration reform for decades. I smell bullshit https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2Nfwfrq Nicely put ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is what an NPC does! Ignore FACTS and is intellectually incapable of Debate! You ignore them simply because you cannot comprehend FACTS. You need to go down like the Titanic that the Jews sunk! Yes! The wealthy gentile bankers who would oppose the disgusting FED were on that ship in The filthy JEW passed the world war act of the Federal Reserve in This is no coincidence. Just like 911, The fucking JEWS did it! Yes, it would require critical thinking skills to figure it out which clearly you do not have! Sure as hell was not an Iceberg dipshit! My god you are RETARDED! Why don't you provide me with a piece of the Iceberg? What evidence do you have? It may have even hit an iceberg on purpose to coincide with the bombs that were placed. But very few people would have been awake in the middle of the night. Just more Jew bullshit! Jews are inferior feral beasts! A Jew is not even worth one of my fingernails they are such scum! Thanks! I appreciate that! But I certaintly I support the semitic Palestinians! I am agasint the anti-semitic piece of human sewage despicable scum RACIST JEW SCUM! They are not really Jews but Barbarians and they are certainly not Semitic! But that would be looking at FACTS again! Since you are such a piece of shit you will not! Why are you such a LIAR!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*your","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Van Hollen is one the the retarded politicians from Maryland.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing will happen. This cunt will return like Cersei Lannister and have us all enslaved or killed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What this all amounts to, the ire and anger over @CarolynEmerick by christians, is that they are all so ass blasted that a woman is standing for something and leading by example. get the fuck over it ,really","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In reality, it's those retards that voted for them in the first place. State-run institutions used to dot the Country and they were full, now the State pays the retard Social Security and they run free. RETARDS I TELL YOU!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You make me furious. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG! OMG! OMG! Most advanced! Double meanings exist! #Qanon! Blockading Russia? US Interior Secretary's Dangerous Threat To Blockade Russian Energy Exports https:\/\/youtu.be\/XjemJiT1Vkc Going full retard pushing the Bear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be worse off without Muslims like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every publicity is good publicity ha ? I' m here after watching leaving neverland i don' t know he is guilty or not but in music he is a legend and no one can take that from him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yongyea probably has the most plausible theory. Schrier updated the article to say that it might not have been intended for Blizzcon. However, he is adamant that the video exists with someone on the original Diablo team, as if he had actually seen the video himself. Perhaps early on, the video was intended for Blizzcon, but changed relatively early. Or never intended for Blizzcon in the first place. I think we should wait and see what Blizzards first bit of promotional material might be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Polygamy was the norm in all of europe, before rome and greece The jews and the goyim version of judaism christians, practised monogamy, because they hated women Essenes religion of jesus, hated women so much, they practise celibacy Monogamy has always coincided with the hatred of women Paganism has always practised polygamy, because they value women I think you have this almost completely wrong. Semites it can be argued traditionally practice polygamy but not Europeans. Monogamy is traditionally European. It is true that Eastern Roman empire came equipped with harems, eunuchs and such other Eastern practices. If you want to consider slaves and concubines and mistresses as wives then yes. But of legal wives not generally. In Viking society might made right for the most part so if some scattered Viking warlord wanted 2 wives there wasn't a lot to stop him. But generally speaking European society = monogamy where legal wife is concerned. Why such a point of emotion for you anyway?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @TZilla you are propagating lies, taqqiya is not for the purpose of spreading Islam. Your post also misrepresents maruna. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Taqiya Here's your meme: https:\/\/gab.ai\/TZilla\/posts\/37050536 Here's the Wikipedia link: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Taqiya ^^^ what she said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Texas, here is Beto \"Sloppy Ass\" O'Rouke. Who would vote for this hot mess? worse. his ding-a-ling was pointed upward when he peed. hahahahaha....he will be pissing his pants when he loses with his 38 million!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid cop is so afraid of confrontation it's cracking me up. - No to Sharia. No to all muzzie scum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thought for the day: They rage against Kavanaugh not because of abortion or because of any rulings he may make in the future. They hate Kavanaugh and his family for what they represent, normal white people. In other words, you. That's actually completely false. They rage against him specifically because of what ruling he may make. It's weird how you white supremacists always get it 100% wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Put a pike up her twat and out her mouth, then light her on fire","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@convoy charges at his mothers back door for free rides but give darkmeat discounts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberal bullshit. This is fake. It wasn't written by some 70 year old. More like some rabid 30 something skank that hasn't been laid right since her Daddy had his way with her when she was Fuck these women! They're off the rails and they're dragging good women down with them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never seen purple bird poop until today lol http:\/\/t.co\/4Psdx11Uu1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The blond in this video is a perfect example of a retarded liberal with no fucking clue of whats going on. https:\/\/www.citizenfreepress.com\/column-1\/frank-luntz-what-happens-when-16-beto-and-cruz-supporters-debate-in-one-room\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just immigrants after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I need a little help to get the trifecta! I've heard from the holocaust deniers and the flat Earthers, I want to hear from a QAnon believer now! Lmfao It you don't believe in Q it's only because you're not paying attention","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good morning coons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well that convo was good for about 200 downvotes The gab nazis take their gabbing veeerrryyy seriously. If they can't \"debate\" you with their bullshit troll tactics and even more retarded revisionist history, then they'll troll you with downvote spam. The more seriously they take this shit, the more fun it is to trigger them about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We already have our niggers, you're now getting yours. Oh shut the fuck up you bjorn rape victim, your country is terrible, as one would say an islamic \"shithole\" THe USA has a Nigger and Spic problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jennifer Lawrence's nudes sooooo trash. Im still smashin though, no doubt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the disabled people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h4te disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I meant in Arizona. You're right about Romney. If we get down to 51 or 52 and he gets to grand stand along with those abortion loving cunts from Alaska and Maine, we're fucked.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Chad the Beta Blocker stops #AntiFa in #Portland. http:\/\/archive.is\/ZtHXh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Personally, I don't care what you identify as. Male, female, non-binary, genderfluid, etc? Same here, I think the last two are retarded, but whatever. My problem arises when people demand I buy into their delusion. Often with state force. I'd leave them alone to their stupid nonsense if they had the good graces to leave me alone. >I don't care what you identify as >you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Of Tolls and Bridges... And the Race Traitor Whore Deserved every Bit of it...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't they have their own games?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What pisses me off is that she, he or whatever your preferred method of reference is, didn't deserve the award at all. You could have given the award to someone who actually did something magnificent, but no. You have someone who came out as transgender and literally rear-ended another car, pushing them into oncoming traffic which resulted in a death of a woman THE SAME FUCKIN YEAR. That is everything they have done. Woman of the year! Meanwhile there's guaranteed to be some lass that has dedicated her entire life to promoting women's rights or making insane discoveries in the pursuit of a cure for cancer and promoting females in STEM research, or many other inspirational stories. But nah, you have Caitlyn Jenner. Enjoy. Go fuck yourselves. https:\/\/www.huzlers.com\/glamour-magazine-finally-strips-caitlyn-jenner-of-woman-of-the-year-award-will-be-presented-to-a-real-woman\/ apparently they took it away i guess > I actually told the publishers it was a bad idea from the start but they did not listen to me. Lol Weirdly that whole story restores my faith in y'all humans. \"Satire reality narrowly averted by everyone tired of bullshit.\" Also hell yes I'd nominate Mia Khalifa. \"Y'all humans ? Are you an avocado? Negative, I am a meat popsicle What flavor? For science Limey. For what, twat of the year? Are you talking vagina twat or awful person twat, because she's a super nice and chill person. If they're British then neither, really. Twat isn't as offensive here as it is in the US. It's often a bit more of a lighthearted insult depending on context. More rack of the month I saw the mod post, but don't see anything about a dude posting nudes in there? Is it really that big a deal? It's just a penis. Seems more like common decency than pandering.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know CNN was salty having to actually report the facts for once.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot knows he's losing. What a fucking weasel https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/beto-goes-negative-cruz-new-ads- \"What do you not see from my School of Advanced Faggotry\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Wikipedia link you shared merely confirmed what the meme I posted says. The bottom line is, Muslims are taught it's acceptable to lie to non Muslims. Everything is just blah blah, I don't give a shit for your minutiae BS, go away. sand nigger pedophile apologist yip","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"10\/ Semi-related, that's the same with 2nd Amendment absolutists. Like Jim Losi seriously and literally says that there should be no restrictions on guns, including for criminals and the mentally ill. He told me that directly. If that's your position and you think you're a \"super patriot,\" you're actually just a retard. Similarly, that's my view on the white supremacists. Do I care if some white supremacist wants to be a retard on Gab? No. Do I care if a very small group of retards on Gab use bots and organized group tactics to try to spam their message onto every single page and thread on Gab? Yes. I don't have to put up with that homosexuality. No, it doesn't. White supremacists make dozens of new accounts all the time. Same with porn bots or even run-of-the-mill porn posters. I look at nsfw bc I don't mind naked women. Then some homo will post gay porn or something and you didn't know until you see it. On my MUTED list i probably have: \"100 people pretending to be Nazi's \/ anti-Semites\" (Who are Likely Leftists and Muslims) \"50 actual white Nazi supremists\" \"5 maybe 10 flat earthers\" (not all) \"Maybe 3 or 4 people doing child porn anime\" (All) \"About 20 slimebags posting trasvestites\" (All) Mute is working fine for me..... Huh? So are you arguing that people shouldn't even have the CHOICE of the mute button? Because i never said anything about banning white supremists or nigras. I simply said \"i don't want to see or hear there horseshit\" and \"you are free to see or hear it if you want to, thats YOUR choice\"....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I just wanna slit this mf throat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Lvl_7_Eevee @UnicornCowboy @hisorraya I just wanted brownies man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SJW CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is a retarded idea. Sounds like Thathcher-era England. If the seasonal work in within reasonable travelling distance of where they live, then sure. But they can't expect people to relocate for a couple of months to pick fruit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CarelessOne92 you styl gotta get dem tweets off my nig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/preserveconservativevalues.com\/2018\/10\/08\/president-trump-says-democrats-want-to-impeach-kavanaugh-and-turn-us-into-venezuela\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm surprise Justin didn't want him back in Canada with the rest of his jihadi mates.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol. You're just jealous because I would fuck every Nigger on the planet except your mom.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate fat bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@infidelpamelaLC I'm going to blame the black man, since they always blame \"whitey\" I'm an equal opportunity hater.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THAT WAS LONG AGO... WHAT IS YOUR POINT??....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We should just hang all these gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the niggers kill and rape far, far more whites than vice versa.. you wimp ass nigger lover... drop dead rat..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dear little julian . Dont waste my time with your BS . Just walk away little muzzie loving bitch . Walk the fuck away ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> If you literally read this post and assumed by the use of the word \"free\" that this person thinks that these items and services should literally be made and performed without some kind of payment than you are an idiot If you read this post and assumed that that retard even *works*, ***then*** you are an idiot. > No shit it isn't by dictionary definition \"FREE\" Uuh, trying to redefine words here in TiA? What's next? \"Racism\" is \"Prejudice + power\"? Keep trying, you're funny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. I was mocking a sad faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anyway, any real source on what sentence this nigger got?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If the Conservative \"rebels\" think that May can carry on until 2020, deliver us a failed Brexit, they are insane. She must go NOW!!! https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/politics\/2018\/10\/02\/theresa-may-urged-set-departure-date-ministers-say-cannot-fight\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabled people like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Them queer ass shorts Rabchenko got on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Homework and boonies date with Caitlin tonight>>","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am Glaswegian, cunt is one of our favourite words. Especially when talking about paedo cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You forgot the part where she also murders a dog and its owner, blue hair cunt was such a hypocrite.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First mistake being on fuckbook, Twatter, or any other white filled social site. Second mistake talking with a thot Third mistake coming her for validation....GO BACK TO #1 GTFO SOCIAL MEDIA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is retarded. I spend longer away from home for work than my wife, and spend a hell of a lot longer doing household things after I get home and on the weekends. Guarantee I'm not the only one by a longshot. Just for a little example, my yard massive and bare minimum grass cutting and blowing the driveway off is","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha I think we should start calling trannies mentally retarded instead of mentally ill. They mean the same thing and you definitely would have to be retarded to be a tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The lying cunt took her money and ran","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Jews, check out this important reminder from Brazil that 11 dead in a faggot dick cutting ceremony is the least of your problems. We are going to take over our government, and when that happens, none of your money, newspapers, or other corruption will save you. Get the fuck out of our country, and leave us alone. Your time is short. https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/2018\/oct\/28\/jair-bolsonaro-wins-brazil-presidential-election LOL! It's that crying Nazi fag. The moslem must fuck off earth Sanz Into outer space Sanz Shut up kike, your time is short. I'm not a kike, I just know a moron when I see one. And considering the fact this is still a free speech site, I'm calling you out for being an ignorant dick. You clearly are a kike, functionally if not genetically.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only one of those things is remotely likely to have happened. I'm pretty sure most men are going down to the uppercut. This post is full blown retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt. something like \"She already has a cunt\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheTrackMamba gator bait ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are very few gay people at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Has some lefty twat gone and messed this site up now?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kuntzman=fucking kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Carlozxivir: @VocaToaster ching chong","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so did they fight along men or did they not? you fantasticly retarded moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry this is gross but it is important to see how liberal feminists have destroyed men. Just look at this piece of shit. I don't want these people anywhere near me or my family. It should be a crime to allow children near any democrats. Is this twat for real????????????????????","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And you obviously don't care a single fuck about what he stood for. You're a decisive little faggot. look i linked the greatest story never told! Now I am infallible! Get bent you fucking faggot. Have fun dealing with the soul crushing reality of what a cuck you are when your retarded religion ushers in the Jewish Messiah.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Feinchinese literally torpedoed the Kavanaugh family. This kind of search and destroy politicking needs to stop. VOTE THE CUNT OUT OF OFFICE. Every vote for her is one for satan. She cares nothing for anyone except herself. She's a rotten Chinese spy who's bent on destroying our constitutional republic. She does not DESERVE the US. Looking forward to when this TRAITOROUS CUNT gets her just deserts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ZP3_ the little girl Tom Sawyer gets trapped in the cave along with Injun Joe and almost die. injun Joe dies and they find his treasure","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watching him dismantle these retards is very satisfying Hey, i am retarded and very offended. Retards are more intelligent than that lobotomized sponge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.barnhardt.biz\/2018\/10\/06\/gay-gym-cruising-cardinal-tobins-nighty-night-baby-i-love-you-sodomy-partner-is-the-italian-actor-that-is-playing-john-the-baptist\/ It doesnt get much more disturbing than whats going on in this article, even for the catholic church.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Darknight420 It's showing Fairy blocked me @hajihuntingpat @PaulSmitheringa @JoeDouglas1 @JewJitsuGrl @blackorchidm16 @taxman206","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He stares into your soul... Still not scarier than Sonic art on DeviantArt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That nigger better watch his ass if he comes here again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is the cunt in the middle still running around on the floor the satanic cunt please please god have it killed and his witch wife to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Free wop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"iffa nigger does the crime its a life of ease on whitey's dime","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I wonder too, but we have law and order in this country, why weren't these retards arrested? If law and order fails to keep its citizenry safe then I'm open to change my position. That's government's #1 job after all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@HermosaAlma: This isn't ghetto.....it's smart https:\/\/t.co\/MPAzQ3Jswf\" I'm doing this idc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">while nothing happened for me because chicks aren't into married guys Really? This was your excuse? You didn't get laid because your SMV wasn't high enough. Period. You lost your game or never had it in the first place. Of COURSE open relationships are going to be disproportionately advantageous for the woman. Women simply need to **exist** to get laid. Men need to work on themselves consistently, and even then it's not a guarantee. Are you single now? lol no I have a gf that doesnt do that shit Haha, great. Is she the same gf with db? did you reddit stalk me? lol. Yeah, we're working on it. A gf that's fucking nobody including me is a step up from a wife that's fucking everybody else though lol. Sorry for that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@UberFacts studies show that you're a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sitting on the deck, enjoying a #StoneIPA, watching\/smelling the neighbors burn trash. #Missouri http:\/\/t.co\/m9wYnrLtWz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger just brutally sucker punched a young, white woman, and easily could have killed her, just because she's white. Almost no MSM coverage, and no mention of the attacker being black. Compare the coverage of that story, to this non-story. This is what media looks like when it's completely controlled by evil, hate filled Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you're a nigger lover too Blacks only get upset with shootings and being called a nigger when another race gets involved","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what is this facebook retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical fagg0t behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are absolute filth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never fly Virgin Airlines- gay\/trani special! This is gone too far! Fuck all these retarded people! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6261717\/Somewhere-rainbow-Virgin-Atlantic-announces-Pride-Flight.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think that might be a step up for this twaddle burger? You shut the fuck up you degenerate kike cretin. Kikes are genetically deranged, and must be removed for literal GOOD. Go back to rimming your nigger rabbi, so you can eat all the feces you spew, you bacterium. Just DIE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is asinine, you can't \"opt-out\" of a data mining program like discord, stop using that shit if you value your privacy how the fuck is a privacy advocate advocating discord? this is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Having nigger babies DOES end our great White lineage. So it vanishes with your sickening example too. look, we wouldn't have a percentage problem with whites is men would just stop with the judging by looks and just marry white women no matter how fugly and have kids.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Met Office has issued an amber warning of snow,at least it's not a warning of amber snow.Posh word for yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=Of1Od0n_y34 If people don't start exercising their second amendment rights soon, it will be more then just Steven Crowder and his group receiving leftist violence and aggressive threats from fat communist soylant NPC's.... Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the vile RACIST Jewish Supremacist main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not really a debate. If someone is on the side of the 14 Words, then they recognize that. People that have to muh woden or other new age bullshit are the first ones to assault other Whites and the thinnest skinned about the sketchy nature of their own Nigger style spiritism. Leave religion as a personal matter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Did the Italian bird just call Janet a calzone? #UNCLEtweet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of trans people ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because @Microchip is in his dreams,and under his skin permeating every fiber of his being. @NeonRevolt if you were on fire I'd throw gas on you then call the Fire Dept to report a 5 alarm fire across town... You got owned you faggot moneygrubbing cunt. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=A_m4V7GhXOkandfeature=youtu.be","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought it was because of all the faggots raised by single moms. The real truth is boomers won't give you their stuff and you are pitching a fit. Niggers explaining boomers are just, well, no surprise, niggers. It's the attitude stupid, just move on and make a life you fucking crybabies, no boomer cares about your crying, even true Whites. I had ancestors during that time, and probably left a big cum stain in the back of your mom's car. Yes, I am a new race, because the White race is at a fork. It's the start of a very eugenic time for whites. Anything else the triggered faggot generation needs to go all Village People about?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"None of us like this dyke but she once spoke the truth and what she feared would happen, has happened in many different forms. All of this has to be overturned https:\/\/youtu.be\/KpESdtRxTy8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol, elections have consequences. That retarded fuck up obama, turned everything he touched into shit. The ONLY good thing to come out of the black Marxists' reign of incompetence and crime spree was that he brought Trump into politics, lol, now they're really screwed. I've traced it back to 2011, so all the lefts angst and misery can be blamed on the \"Retaded Megalomaniac Marxist , watch: https:\/\/youtu.be\/HHckZCxdRkA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's about time this man took responsibility for his own screw ups. Now I can declare this feud with Maverick over. As for a certain woman that drives me nuts? That could go on for years. maybe if you didn't obsess over her and be a creepy fucker about Toro, none of this would've happened :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Britain's Muslim in charge of internal law. Tommy Robinson is banned from entering Muslim enclaves like East London. 90% of the gay bars in East London were forcibly closed down by attacks from Muslims. East London is a no go area if you are a critic of Islam or you are demonstrably gay. To non-violent, anti-violence, pro-democracy, best-selling author Robert Spencer, the whole of the UK is a no-go area. Because of this Muslim MPs predecessor. https:\/\/twitter.com\/sajidjavid\/status\/1053336915850739714","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@aasthaxoxo oh shut your mouth i was talkin about the morning you fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"G4y people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You're worse than a Jew or a Nigger - you're a white man who is openly advocating White Genocide just because this negro came to Gab to parade his woman's miscegenation. What an evil asshole you are. You are the very definition of neocon or RHINO who is willing to sell out his race because he believes white people are too weak to win on their own merit. We are not, but we are weakened by Boomer bullshitters such as yourself. Believe me, \"based\" Niggers will not put your interests ahead of their own, which in the end are closely aligned with the Left and the Democrats. If pushed to it and forced to choose they will save their own before they'll lift a hand to save your life or the lives of your children. @fireproof virtue signalling to prove your \"Pussy Correctness\" is a fag level move. You have no idea what you are defending, and doing so out of ignorance is a sign of weak character and a parrot mindset. You got my mute, @fireproof","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fat bull dog dyke with no experience fears Supreme Court losing credibility!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@occdissent @jackcorbin @Cantwell The Jew media cut the video so you can't see that it was a old man that they were attacking. This is the unedited video. https:\/\/youtu.be\/sq-dcJrnGTM STFU! No one asked for your faggot opinions. I told you before projection doesn't work on me. Go fuck your own face!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get in the queue faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Real users finally outnumber the nazi trolls. Despite all efforts Gab has become a free speech platform for EVERYONE. Suck it up buttercup.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who do you represent as President of the Moron Branch of the Retard Club?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @_Cashhhhhh: Was deleting this pic until I realized a dike in the back ground dressed like a nigga with wedges on , bitch I'm http:\/ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These trans peopledisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like the Yankees toinight -107 http:\/\/t.co\/J4rhaMBu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you are a great brother to abbie, that family is changing the world! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This reminds me of another quality video lol. He ain't fittin to front for these peckerwoods! http:\/\/t.co\/AYpwHr0J62","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jack Dorsey: \"Saying Twitter Free Speech Was A Joke\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/k2Jv9qvra24 via @YouTube @a @amy @bobtorba ME: WOW, how is this piece of shit not in prison??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a pathetic garbage company. I wish someone rich would just sue them instead. I've also been flaming these retards on several different platforms because i've never witnessed a company as greedy and lowly as pearl abyss. This shit is just wrong in so many ways.. not only do they provide a shitty service but they even get to punish other people only cause they have money? And to think there's still idiots who throw thousands of dollars at kakao\/pearl abyss because they have money to waste and think it's \"okay\" to support these shitty companies, or rather don't think about the consequences of what happens if you support those companies and just keep on p2wing for themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"arab men don't take any kind of shit https:\/\/youtu.be\/c8EHcnhITfg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BaddieBellaDona: Instant mashed potatoes are trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You've spammed this 50 times you faggot kike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now that the facts prove Kavanaugh innocent, \"Milkdud\" Booker says it doesn't matter if he is innocent or guilty. He still should not be confirmed because...because...because I don't want him to be, that's why. The scam failed and so now it is on to \"what difference does it make\" and childish desperation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You keep asking for links and not only are you too lazy to look for them yourself but also try to use outdated material to prove you're not wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty sure I would have heard about this if it were our guys. Could justice for Antifa be coming down the pike? https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/charlottesville-arrests-unite-the-right-rally_us_5bb3813de4b00fe9f4fac630 Rise Above out of California got the hit on \"conspiracy to riot\" go check Brad Griffin's feed. That's a b.s. charge. Same as those \"hate crime\" charges levied against Fields.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @most_DUEP: I occasionally go to play flappy bird and then I die before getting one and remember how much I hate it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh, sorry to reply out of turn. I'm retarded :3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Kenny__Wright @itsfrankybitch @yoPapi_chulo so if your 17 and in high school you dont have your own house you fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This Halloween, dress up like a Jew dressing up like a black, for two levels of cultural appropriation the ultimate solution to the nigger problem is one of two things.. physically remove them from our existence..deportation or isolation.... or outright extermination..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/05\/238913_image.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The pinnacle of #FakeNews: The US said from the beginning Canada was not a problem when it came to NAFTA. Mexico was. Mexico and the US drafted a bilateral deal -- USMCA. Freeland takes deal on last day, on the State's terms. Freeland \/ Trudeau caused a ONE YEAR in delay causing $Bs of dollars in lost investments in to Canada. Tariffs are still there, as Canada still refuses to close the China-loop where China is abusing the old NAFTA construct. Oh, but look at FakeNews... Read this in a baby voice so liberals can understand: Who's \"saving the country\"? Macleans prints another Crock of Shit !! Speaking of Shit, there;s Freeland !! Macleans only exists because the retarded asshole Justin Trudeau gives them government money to prop up their failed business.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If i were you I would inject lethal heroin to my sick' child immediately!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obviously they are talking about white men's sperm, since nigger and brownie males are proliferating with women on a super dramatic level. I suppose the subliminal of this report is for white women who want babies to just dismiss altogether the idea of spending time on white men when we want babies? https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/health\/article-6250225\/Fresh-fears-survival-humans-major-study-finds-quality-mens-sperm-plunging.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't think its saying that, just that they need to separate feminists and feminazis There is no separating the two though. The supposed feminazis have been part of the organization from the start. The suffragettes were classist and racist since they didn't actually want those despicable negroes to vote and they wanted only landed families to vote as well. The portion of second wave that founded gender studies was so misandrist that they wanted to reduce the male population to only 10% of the total human population while still excluding those dirty negroes. Third wave isn't even slightly better since they actually still advocate for traditional male gender roles while absolving women of theirs. TL,DR: Feminism has always been an upper-middle and upper class woman's movement and reflects those values every step of the way. Nope, women pointing out your sexes vile violent tyrannical history is not you men being persecuted or oppressed.. no matter how much you cry babies whine on and claim it is and it certainly isn't sexism and to imagine that it is sexism is an utterly scurrilous claim and is comparable to the Nazi's curling up into little balls and crying victimhood cos the Jews dared to point out, exactly how the Nazi's oppressed and murdered them! and none of you are going to be allowed to wash the blood off your hands that quick! It's all part of your continuing male history, male tyranny. Look a historical revisionist, how cute. Go back to your gender studies echo chamber and plot on how the world would be perfect if men simply didn't exist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a w e t b a c k. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muh scofield bible .... Jews jewing, an already jewed religion, makes zero difference You christian identerians are jews, You white israelite cultists, already call yourself jews, the real israelites You literally call yourself the real white jews How on earth is that christian? oh yea its not .. The fact, you're so retarded, calling yourself a real white jew, has absolutely zero to do with christianity You guys claim to hate jews, but call yourself a real jew, has to be one of the most retarded shit ive ever heard Face facts, you hate whites who refuse to be white israelite jews, the exact same way christians, muslims hate whites who refuse to convert no problem, thanks for showing yours... real black Russian... Now go read the talmud, real white israelite ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMG MR WEHRMACHT UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS i just said to my Dad \"who the fuck is Babe Ruth and he started telling me about how my Great Great Great Great Great Grandma Edith Anderson used to write letters to the 1st nigger baseball player, he even showed me one! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doesnt' matter how cunty women are, there will alwasy be an army of white knights to defend them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UK: Notorious, convicted jihad preacher Anjem Choudary released after serving just half of prison term OCTOBER 19, 2018 https:\/\/creepingsharia.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/19\/anjem-choudary-released\/ #UK #Islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mimi_sanabria I really did, right off my bed. Where you put all these dam yellow starburst!!!! *throws them out the window* ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BREAKING NEWS: Screaming RACIST is not an argument. Screaming NAZI is not an argument. PEDOPHILE is not an argument. But guess what both the right and left love to do? Scream insults instead of facts. The Gab echo chamber is starting to show.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"context: Shared an article about the single bachelor life. Trigger a feminist (sleeper cell didn't even know she was on my list.) She brings in her friends and a white knight mangina. Got to love how they think shaming someone as single is a well thought out insult lmao. I see this all the time mostly white knights and simps who gloat about their relationships as if they have won the lottery and you're a loser for not taking part in it. But this just amused me greatly so I had to share.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate the way she is shaking her keys. I hope she sees this thread and realizes what a cunt she is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). He's also opted to not go into retirement, donate his presidential salary to charity, be the target of fucking retards like you and take on one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Pull your head out of your ass, NPC. he never followed through with donating his salary to charity and profits from gifts from foreign leaders in violation of the constitution i can make you look like the fucking retard that you are any time or anywhere You showed the world you were a retard when you voted for trump","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bye bye dick, now you're just another ugly lib cunt that nobody wants to fuck or listen to. No taksie backsies on that wang either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many whores in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JacobbBacker you don't know shit about me faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @harmon_lauren: Jenna's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a I know you're a busy man @MKULTRAvictim tagged me with tranny porn Yes, I Reported and Muted It seems that every time I report and mute a tranny porn spammer another one pops up a day or two later tagging and spamming If this is the same Moronic Faggot over and over again How many times do they get to create an account B4 being Totally Banned from Gab (that is if Gab does ban)?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Smuggled letter by Gaza tunnel digger details suffering under Hamas rule http:\/\/t.co\/jusiee1yhK via @TheMuslimIssue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a GIRL, you faggot loser!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And we should happy about that. The islam is more dangerous then jewish people. Dont believe me. Come to Europe and watch for youreself. No problem with jews, but with islam. The Muslims would be no problem at all if they stayed in their homelands. But The Jews who control your nations open your borders to the Muzzies after the Jews have the US invade Muzzie nations. It's called \"Invade and Invite\" and it's the Kikes who run it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even if black people are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can someone tell me if this is a real anime girl, or did this site make their own for this piece? #hentai #questions I'm no angel I've watched porn... they start you with several enticements: man with woman, woman with woman, woman with horse, men with men, men with animals, then it goes into CHILD PORN .... !!!!!!!! Ugh. Reactionaries. People like you are the most authoritarian and despotic people. Isn't the drug war enough?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#SynagogueShooter Rob Bowers aka @onedingo joined #GABfam in January of He had other social media accounts before that and was \"radicalized\" way before he joined us here. Not that facts like this will matter to #Mockingbird #MSM I am sure... https:\/\/m.imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20181027160428\/https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR ^ TBH if that goes viral things might get interesting -- it's like a random sampling of Gab #RedPill posts. Lots of reposts of high profile accounts. ... PS: @a @e WOW i think his Gab posts being shared all over #BigTech means a HUGE increase in visitors; I experienced huge lag for maybe 10 minutes but now seems to have resolved itself. Nice surprise load test! :) Did Twitter scrub @onedingo's account and delete all his messages? I was just thinking that about the fake mail bomb guy. The FBI is known for getting retarded people to commit terrorists acts for them so they can get a bigger budget.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What an absolute thunder cunt. Trying to get someone convicted for a crime should automatically yield the same sentence as the crime in question would have. Per person. I'm sorry, but if someone is willing to destroy two people's lives to gain potential sympathy from someone else, that person will never, every be a normal, rational our trustworthy person and does not deserve a place in society. I really hope they get to pluck her for every cent she'll ever earn in a civil suit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In my opinion, God loves us all for who we are, no matter your sexuality, gender, races, religions or anything. your actions and personalities count.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's hot so she should get a pass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dogshit muted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot has taken one too many in the anal cavity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well, after blowing JFK's brains out, LBJ said he would have niggers voting for the next 200 years.... you are lucky...I am in nigger hell St Louis I am in one of the remaining white areas.... older parents...when they are gone, I will move looking for whiter areas, but also hoping for a WAKANDA movement to happen.... lots of niggers returning to Africa in STL you are forced to see race bc the blks run and ruin shit we are still being lectured about Micheal Brown, blks who run for office say they are going to govern based on race if you move to a darker place, you will consider race, you won't have a choice shitskins won't let you forget they are shitskins St Louis is a hellhole because of niggers, not the bc of the Amish I would rather deal with the mafia than the niggers........ niggers are feral St Louis had mafia at one time...now we just have niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"clueless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seriously, like, don't shove your masculine bacon down my throat. You know? Like companies need to choose a fucking flavor gender and stick with it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton says husband's affair was not an abuse of power In her mind, she can JUSTIFY ANYTHING...including Benghazi, Uranium One, private e-mail servers, taking $ from foreign governments and the list goes on. Pathetic! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/hillary-clinton-says-husbands-affair-was-not-an-abuse-of-power I think youll find Monica didn't have an affair with your husband she just used the twat to bring him down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Confirmed Anti-American communists, posing as white nationalists and shilling to demoralize conservative voters and\/or convince them not to vote: @ewige_blatt NAZBOWL siege man @GTKRWN Silverdawn @Larry63 Proud WASP @Vanilla_Cornflakes Vanilla Nilla *** A couple of these could just be completely clueless fucktards, but I doubt it. How fucking stupid can you \"people\" be? Who said they deserve respect. I said people in Gab who have that forced in their face don't all need to see it. But just go fuck off and annoy someone else, or find a retard who's on the same mental level as you to talk to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Democrats sure had to dig deep to find this lying cunt that is so upset about being dry humped. Really? Dry humped?? What a liar!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I agree though. People shouldn't just walk around in only underwear. Not only is there a big risk of people or kids seeing your privvies, but also a health risk. Prepare to be downvoted by the hundreds of sex offenders on this sub lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Professor claims that \"to argue that Islam is an inherently violent religion is both utterly false and ahistorical #Islam #IslamIsEvil https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/professor-claims-that-to-argue-that-islam-is-an-inherently-violent-religion-is-both-utterly-false-and-ahistorical Of course it's utterly false. Islam is not a religion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"aaaand it's another stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And a nigger first lady","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christian attacks a Christian who attempted to stand for her White Race, as underneath they know, like we all do, that Christianities end point, the sum of all it's parts, is multicultural and anti White. The JesusJew comes before race. look up dispensationalism and cyrus schofield.. you will see what the jews have done to modern american christianity. Who named you the definer of what is Christian and what is not? huh? you're confusing me with someone else. I'm not Jewish (not that there's anything wrong with being one). Thanks for showing your true colors ... real white israelite Beep...Beep...jew!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BillPeriman Or as I like to put it 'looking through race colored glasses' @Kel_Antoinette8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Socialism has never worked, currently doesn't work still and will never work... basically your entire ideology is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We can thank the retarded Nazis for this its time for them to be challenged. I'm sick of them pissing all over my post with vile childish shit and having to constantly mute them Fuck off twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people whore. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As I said previously, you argue like a child, although with additional feedback I'd argue a retarded one at best.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm ok with this as I've been always a fan of yelling \"GREETINGS, CUNTS\" at the top of my lungs. Makes the blood flows and the hatred of your colleges towards you fuels them through the day's work. Working as a caretaker of elders is fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A nigger shot up a church full of White people in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Drop the cunt in a tank of tar....See if she feels better being a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sorry, I'm not into Q Comic Book Fan Fiction.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The alt-right was always full of queers and racemixers, they just did a better job of covering it up. Exemplis gratia, Cooper \"Ghoul\" Ward and Mike Peinovich. Is there any actual evidence of Ghoul 'dating' a tranny? My understanding is that this was Daily Stormer faggot propaganda, part of their campaign to attack anyone who didn't follow their Jewish agenda (and was competing with the red shoe fags for membership dues).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The article, to its credit, actually is a pretty good explanation of the meme. Also, it underscores how retarded Twitter is. The guy's example of why Twitter \"had to\" take action was an account that said the incorrect election day. That was seriously considered \"election tampering.\" XD","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @SaertjeMirror: I am a zebra amongst the sheep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RINO trash like @SpeakerBoehner, @KarlRove, @FrankLuntz see conservatives as the Democrat Party see blacks. As their slave property. #tcot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When this test is over today I'm making a pan of brownies. I'm going to lay in bed all day and eat them until my heart is content. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Karma Hits Scumbag Who Told 9\/11 Widow Her Husband Should F***ing Rot In The Grave' https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/p8u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm glad someone finally also brought light on the pay gap in asian countries (description of video) because frankly often it is only focused on the US where the pay gap is really small already compared to asian countries. (in the US it's about 6%)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AI art fetches $432,500 \"Edmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy sold today (Oct. 25) for $432,500 more than 40 times the initial estimate to an anonymous phone bidder. typical retarded phone poster https:\/\/qz.com\/quartzy\/1437876\/ai-generated-portrait-of-edmond-de-belamy-sold-for-432500\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck off with that retarded #antifa mentality BS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do the Tennessee trailer park a favor and kill yourself, you inbred faggot magatard Jew lover. I'm sure you molest the little retarded inbred girls walking around your white nigger southern scum trailer park.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @realDailyWire: Leaked Video Shows Arizona Democratic Senate Candidate Bashing Arizona https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4b_d","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Chaos_ @Spahnranch1969 your faggot buddy you follow called me a slut for bringing up how they changed the feed for ppl with NSFW in it. You have shit taste in retard level friends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@meh6000 another challenger approaches The Left worked its magic in the 1960s, and now anything not anti-white is taboo. Typical Leftism. They're going to have to get Ace to shut down Warden, who wrote the post Yeah, Warden has been slumming in here with us deplorables a bit too long. We are corrupting him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fmh8zYyAgbc Is Jared Kushner the Jewish Messiah? Know More News","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whats needed for this coming invasion is another operation wetback https:\/\/1950immigration.wordpress.com\/operation-wetback\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just throw a cookie away from the door. Then you can walk right in. Dunno why but I see her more running after a can of vienna sausages Running ? \"running\" > Just throw a cookie away from the door. [Vegeta](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=sO1QIUj0M4k)? So, how long you've been waiting to use that? Aye you gotta \"now you see me\" card throw that cookie. I just assumed that if you try pushing her, you get stuck and eventually become part of the mass. Yeah her event horizon is actually just beneath her skin so any inwards pressure and whatever's pressing isn't coming out again. 2018: First permanent block established at the door. 2032: Commercial whaling begins at door. 2040: Deep space user 'u\/QuasarSandwich' launched to explore boundaries of Whale. Disappears without a trace. Although I believe technically, as an external observer you would see me eternally frozen in time right on the event horizon, never quite falling over the edge. From *my* perspective, sure, I'm hot spaghetti. Call a friend with a pickup truck and a couple ratcheting tow straps and pull her out of the door. You might be able to slip passed her if you don't have a waist size equivalent to the circumference of a world record breaking pumpkin. Small, you say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Welcome to #Speakfreely. U can call ppl nigger faggots without getting banned...if u want to of course...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some Muslims get into government. They are still just common trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thousands march in Chicago against Trump's 'anti woman agenda' https:\/\/youtu.be\/4FCvI5SSy0Q via @YouTube Can even a single one actually make a reasonable argument that Trump has implemented any anti-woman agenda? Like just one thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is a perfect Idea. If you had mind you cunt you would READ rather than using PHARISEE logic. MY plan is SUPERIOR to your larp every day all day. That is a cold fact.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hoisted by their own retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hold on, Kizuna Ai made an appearance at a NHK Nobel Prize event? What? Welcome to Japan, where cuteness is the weapon. [deleted] Well technically Nyan cat was popular in western area, and I believe It's not known well in Japan. Music was made by japanese person, but pop tart cat and video with music combined were made by westerners. So i wouldn't say Nyan cat came from Japan. It's probably just inspired by Japan, then. that's the word i was looking for yes!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"act of retard more like it ,nothing exploded either they are fake or he was retarded as hell","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IN THAT CASE, ALL 'CONSERVATIVES' MUST BE JOURNOS: GET A REAL JOB APRIL, U R NOTHING BUT FAKE NEWS: April Ryan Says US Not Safe' For Journalists https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/21\/april-ryan-jamal-khashoggi-politicon\/ via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd kill to meet Charlie Sheen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This meme really struck a nerve for some reason. Because the truth about some people being shallow trenders, especially in something geeky, hit to close to the home. The thing is even if they were shitheads still, if they were honest about things people wouldn't mind so much. Unless they were hardcore evil in their true state but other than that it's like, \"It's okay you only watch this show because of something stupid and don't really understand it, just don't act like you do and don't give people who appreciate it all the way shit.\" basically don't be a dick constantly. > The thing is even if they were shitheads still, if they were honest about things people wouldn't mind so much. i was meaning to write a topic on that, on if it's the dishonesty rather than just coming into the space. like we're not upset SJWs came into the geek circles but that they claimed to have always been geeks despite not knowing anything and treating core elements as stuff that needs to go. Why the fuck should you care what random jackasses think of you? Pride is typically a retarded self limiting emotion. You mean the **\"M WORD?'** Hearing that mega cunt call it that made me want to smack her with a live angry catfish, granted if they are alive they are *always* angry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a nigger took the redpill they would be more likely to be able to dodge all those things than the blue, I didnt make the meme though and I guess it had to be one of them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's situations like these that are kinda tricky. Is is ok to give a mentally retarded person the middle finger or should you, for everybody's sake, pull a Frank Underwood and see how well she likes trains? Lol vegans are retards, ammirite? \/s","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No more speculation. No more mock drafts. It's finally Draft Day. #BortlesKombat #StormWarning #BuiltByUCF #ChargeOn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gabs fucking up, so I cant post the image of the Hitler quote \"he who owns the youth owns the future\" :) FUCKING GAB @a YOU RETARD THIS SITE HAS BEEN FUCKED EVERSINCE YOU SHOAH'D THE FROG!!!!!!!1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Matty_Kem: My favorite shark is megaldon, my least favorite is a mud shark. They are the worst","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bull-fucking-shit! Nicholas Giampa Atomwaffen Aspie Romeo killed Juliet's parents Samuel Woodward Atomwaffen Aspie 20 killed gay lover to keep it secret. Did you find that photo of Dylann Roof's watch yet? Notice anything about his watch? Don't photos make storytime more fun? Causation =\/= correlllation Sure, not EVERY Aspie gets out of Mommy's basement and away from the supply of Hot Pockets on DEMAND to go shoot up unarmed teens or little kids. But not EVERY Psychopath does either! Causation not equal correlation fits Psychopaths also. Do you have a more robust argument? What are YOUR comorbidities? You can \"stim\", flap your hands. Well done admitting how flawed your argument is! Now you're getting muted! Audrey @mare_frigoris_ Your very claim that me saying \"not every psychopath actually kills either!\" is a \"win\" for you is autistic reasoning. Neurotypical people don't want to get anywhere near a psychopath, whether they actually kill or not. Your lack of common sense gave you away!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm guessing another butt ugly, man hating bull dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Proud of yerself? So many WORDS wasted on your OWN feeble virtue-signaling. Your swastika boy scout badges were stomped to death in go be a faggot somewhere else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Royal Nigger Baby Is Coming... I hope its as dark as asphalt... This looks different from every angle. Is it a baby, a monkey, or a doll?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If her income comes from the state it doesn't matter how much tax she pays on cigarettes. My father in law came to Canada 15 years ago in his 50' and has worked this whole time more then 40 hours a week at minimums wage job . 2 years ago he became a Canadian citizen ( and got a better job yay ) but he still works and still pays taxs and he never got any bonus money from the government for moving here . Not saying the person in this photo is the same but for everyone just to assume and just throwing hate around makes me feel sad for everyone Yea, you fucking idiots! If she gets say $1500 a month in entitlements, plus free healthcare costing say $6,000 a month based on her age, then the gst and pst she pays on certain items will make the government a huge windfall! My father in law came to Canada 15 years ago in his 50' and has worked this whole time more then 40 hours a week at minimums wage job . 2 years ago he became a Canadian citizen ( and got a better job yay ) but he still works and still pays taxs and he never got any bonus money from the government for moving here . Not saying the person in this photo is the same but for everyone just to assume and just throwing hate around makes me feel sad for everyone I'm with you. Except that story is remarkably rare. Why would someone not apply for citizenship until now? There was nothing indicating that she was ever hearing contributing to canadian gdp during her working years. She would be 12 years past the late retirement age. I know we shouldn't generalize, but lets be realistic and look at the facts. Your father in law is atypical, and most citizens don't stay in Canada for 40 years before applying. I'm with you. You brain damaged, son?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"me @a @u @e why are you allowing child porn by cartoon on here? for some reason, you want everyone to know that you like to masturbate to children. When you are taking flakk from pedophiles, you know you are above the target. keep going. You will be on a database by the end of the day at this rate! DATABASE DATABASE JUST LIVING IN THE DATABASE WOAH WOAH I'm pretty sure we live in a matrix, we are all database. I thought I was energy DATABASE DATABASE Just living in the DATABASE - woah! https:\/\/youtu.be\/O-TcCYxGS3Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So sad seeing white ethnomasochists listen to and even dance to nigger music.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Dyke jew is of course the highest authority","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who's running the show all POC plus one White Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">using an engine that can't even do keybindings right I really like Fallout 4 but can we all talk for a minute about how the FUCKING HEAVY ATTACK IS THE SAME GODDAMN FUCKING BUTTON AS THE GRENADE THROW BECAUSE I WANT TO DROP A NUKE GRENADE WHEN I AM IN KISSING DISTANCE OF SOME CUNT. Whomever was in charge of that decision should be gently sodomized by a camel.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" @thejanicexxx: o u unfollowed me so i can't dm u, so i'll say it here, you're a rude cunt lmao you can dm me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NEW #Q Drop... Faked. If it was real the lying cunt would not be wearing a parachute.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DatBoyRayT because if you support lesbians you have to support faggots there's no difference.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many queer in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @EvilMikeTomlin: Came to training camp today to find Charlie Batch asleep on the curb...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MLBFanCave: Derek Jeter and the @Yankees present Paul Konerko with a retirement gift.WATCH: http:\/\/t.co\/St6QGJy0j6 http:\/\/t.co\/7zBGvH ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Disabld people are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"everybody's favorite phrase to try and end an argument\"You do you and I do me\" lmao faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wisdom, Will, and Wizard (Vodin, Vili, and Ve) created all hominids through emanationism - psychic emanations from the divine realm into the material universe, influencing the pre-sapient hominids to act in certain ways that led towards uplifting. (The opening scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey is a good representation of emanationism.) 1\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#hoosier fans, is cody zeller nominating for this years #NBA draft? #iubb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At that point you have a right to defend yourself... But the sad thing is I bet if he would have defended finale he would have gotten in trouble... Sadly he did the right thing but sufferd greatly...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TrumpsnSTILL owes a million $ But we all know he's a fat stupid lying cunt who NEVER pays up. He has zero integrity","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a Christian marriage there is a Bride and Groom. In a Muslim marriage it's Bride and Groomer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Likely this was opiod related or severe mental illness. She lived in a place that is untouched by diversity, and not a bastion of liberalism. This was a tough story to hear about. It's factually inaccurate to say Maine is untouched by diversity. As Paul LePage has pointed out, Maine has a huge problem with black drug dealers from out of state knocking up white Maine women and leaving. Would not be surprised to find out that this was another such case. I'd be shocked since she was from Lee, and she did this north of the Lincoln exit. If it was Lewiston or Augusta then it would surely be possible. Smoothie probably don't make it to Lee or the big city of Lincoln. Fair point but I'm not ruling out anything at this point Lewistown Mane has a somoli moslem problem because their welfare handouts were too rich It's Lewiston, but you're otherwise correct","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wear tight dress slacks for work everyday. Everyday my crotch gets stared at. By women who know I'm in a long term relationship. By women who don't care how uncomfortable they make me feel. By women who would call HR if I call them the harassing cunts they are. Teach women not to stare and not to touch, because clearly no one anywhere is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I rescued a baby bird http:\/\/t.co\/Ad7yy4CuQt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I almost stepped on a bird running around the floor ah they are so creepy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only sexists like you all had their throats cut. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Provide some hard evidence that faggot Hitler actually gassed Jews? Lol. He was too much of a homo to actually do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Traitor Muslim Faggot needs to be hung on national television.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @__J_R: Smh nigga is mildly retarded RT @Thotcho: LMFAO RT @JustDoJ: If Griff wasn t injuries we d legit be 6-1","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"because women are children and need protection from being taken advantage of easily. boys past 14 are not as retarded or gullible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahahahahahaha....The nigger died doing what he loved.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid teabagger restaurant making customers pay 'Minimum Wage Fee' http:\/\/t.co\/gJKXmzIIzS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @OhSoDestinee: @iDocLyfe: That 'Ouija' movie look like trash its really good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your life doesnt matter though you little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's over boys","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Another example of the sick, twisted, barbaric ideology Justin Trudeau and his liberal accomplices are flooding Canada with.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am going to make those immigrants suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I see it every day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember that time when Gary The Retard said he didn't like Niggers? Or when the parrot from Aladdin said \"Can we get a round of Applause for killing Jesus Christ? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That seems to be who was following him in the first place, and he bows to each. This guy's as spicy as british food, the islam tweet is out of place in his twitter timeline.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think they were trying to say it can be sexual harassment if you're not groping the person but still picking on them because of their sex. So you don't have to spank a girl's ass for it to be sexual harassment you can just say \"You have dick sucking lips\" even if you don't want to fuck her because that is still an inappropriate thing to say. Or they're just retarded. It's a toss up. If a boy dresses feminine and you call him a fag, that's sexual harassment. It's not just regular harassment at that point because its unnecessarily sexual, especially in a school setting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".Thank you Ms. Asshole Cuntface Coulter for feeding into the frenzy which has caught a majority of jerk off nazi racist assholes into wanting to commit outright murder in the streets but this is typical of a faggot ass #Jesuit #FalseFlag Psyops!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who organized it? Who BENEFITS from destroying western Society.. ( their STATED, WRITTEN, SPOKEN goals). #WAKEUP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got rear-ended by a careless driver who was going way over the speed limit on Friday night on way down to San Diego. I have to take it easy on J-walks until two weeks pass, as I received a concussion from the whiplash, and any blows to the head like I received during Olympia Jwalk right now might do me in. I think I will have to have my left shoulder repaired again; it feels like it tore again when I got pushed against the seat belt, and I need an MRI. I got a CT scan of head, and concussion didn't cause any bleeds in the head, thankfully. Heading back up to San Francisco Bay Area in a few days. I will be taking it easy and sitting down at desktop coordinating the edits for five to eight new @CaliLLC videos this week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NoMeek_JustMilz If they trash in yr 3 or 4 he'll waive it lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taking exaggeration for comedic effect as serious commentary is Forrest Gump levels of retarded. I could outline the multitude of things this is drawn from such as the male gaze' being a form of rape but I don't really see the point in justifying a joke.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These car manufacturers are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> The Tide Pod Generation? The Autistic Generation? lol nope. Theyre the most retarded but theyre more conservative than the boomers. Thats why we call them generation zyclon","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oy vey! Soros was 14 when the war ended, and the rest is questionable. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv So, you're really this stupid? LMFAO!!!! I've never witnessed this kind of stupidity in person, sure on GAB, but like really, I was in Harrison Arkansas today and didn't even witness this kind of stupidity!!! Lolololololol I acknowledge, your stupidiy surpasses mine by MILES! And I MEAN that, congratulations. Tell your mother\/sister I said hello! You can't learn it pal, it's down to inbreeding, blame your parents https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Lol, your 3rd grade education is impressive, to your mother. Dumbass Thanks again wee man for proving only one thing. You have nothing but a limited vocabulary, which again is only limited to petty slurs and insults. You are the reason I am here, and so long there are people like you, we shall win with the least of effort. https:\/\/TruthWillOut.tv Yeah, because you bring SUCH a compelling argument to Gab! Lol, that's WHY you are dumb and we ALL laugh AT you. The stupid is strong in this one. @bigpapi765 Lol, these people are really out there claiming things that happened didn't happen! I'm sorry, but you could run over every one of them in one day and the world wouldn't an IQ point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We marched for queer liberation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get here! MT @NevadaPR: #Sierra #skiers, @VirginiaCity offers a fun break from the slopes. Sweet #deal: http:\/\/t.co\/otJ5Uxqbna#TravelNevada","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This racist anti-white house nigger that the morons at FOXNews have given the job to spew his socialists black hole for years which leads me to believe that Fox is no longer a new station to be trusted Newsmax is the way to go if you want truth, they don't hire a racist anti-American niggers to spew their socialist anti white rhetoric like fox does","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@pubsubs @Adessences @tzanchan86 btw, genocide isn't war. The people of Gaza are no more combatants than the people of the Warsaw ghetto.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should just hangall these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_westwest_yall @phampel WooHoo! New Black \"Kill Cracker babies\" Panthers to the rescue! #racist #trash #thugs #Ferguson #fergusonriot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah they're a bunch of idiots. We could probably do without the voting rights act tho. Who needs nigger voters? The Founding Father's certainly didn't. The Founders believed in extremely limited democracy. Big hordes of mud voters don't help anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess it's just like a jew to see \"nazis\" everywhere. LOL Cater, you are Jewish filth, the lies just pour out of you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone in Tennessee has disowned this cunt.. that's just like everybody up where Shania Twain is from and Canada told her to get fuckung lost and not come back they all knew slutty cunt when they see one","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Do we really want to opt out of \/r\/bestof? Yes, really. 10k brigaded votes isn't a positive, nor are the 1500 comments that the mods have to sort through. In my experience they're also going to be from a bunch of people with far-left ideology who are just here to argue rather than discuss, no added value. and by cringe inducing you mean \"reported to DHS for a domestic terror threat\"? Just no. I refuse to take hyperbolic bullshit at it's face value on the internet. Let them make their completely empty threats, the day I call the cops on someone for the words they typed is the day I become the enemy. Nothing personnel, kid. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/cEioCWF.png","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good evening Charlie and friends @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Censored AGAIN! I just uploaded this today! These Hasbara Rat Finks need to stop their censoring bullshit! What's wrong you fucken trolls? Are you afraid of \"the Goyim\" discovering your bullshit scams? Nothing but cunt cowards all of you Hasbara bitches! FUCK YOU!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The comments are GOLD. They whine about being forced to take lesser paying degrees, yet whenever you ask a woman why she didn't go into STEM, she says she didn't want to. HMMM, MUHH OPPRESSION.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@npratc Explains why they're waving trash bags around over their heads.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We should not be spending any funds on Climate Change funds like the Green Climate Fund. A complete waste of taxpayer money. - Fraser Anning #KAP #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My mom wants to buy a zebra like for reals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Studies in Europe have shown 80-90% of rape accusations to be full of shit, Could you give me a source on that? I can't find that particular source even though I thought I bookmarked it, and this is the closest I found. It's basically useless though, since estimates range from 2% to 90%, which might as well be \"I dunno lol\" statistically. https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/False_accusation_of_rape **False accusation of rape** A false accusation of rape is the reporting of a rape where no rape has occurred. It is difficult to assess the true prevalence of false rape allegations, but it is generally agreed that, for about 2% to 10% of rape allegations, a thorough investigation establishes that no crime was committed or attempted. *** ^[ [^PM](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https:\/\/reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=WikiTextBotandmessage=Excludemeandsubject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/PussyPass\/about\/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^\/ ^Information](https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/WikiTextBot\/wiki\/index) ^| [^Source](https:\/\/github.com\/kittenswolf\/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v Lol that is an absolute lie. There is a rape culture, I wouldn't necessarily say an epidemic in the US, but definitely an issue in other countries. I truly don't have much in response to your comment because of how stupid it is, but I think you should talk to someone about your anger with women and I hope you never get raped\/experience that. Haha yikes you need help As usual, no counterargument from feminists. As usual, insults, ridiculous made up \"facts\" and false statistics from idiots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your Muslim lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or banned...just openly mocked. ...*you fucking faggot*","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How is judging someone based on grammar in any way \"white supremacist?\" Jesus fucking Christ, do these people just think other people run around gibbering like subhuman monsters or something? Even excluding the fact that plenty of Asian, black and Native American people speak English, either as a first or second language, there are plenty of other languages out there with writing systems, rules governing grammar and syntax, even rich literary traditions. Has she never heard of Persian? Bangla? Sanskrit? Tamil? kiSwahili? Nahuatl? Javanese?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only immigrants are that kind and compassionate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dis boy stoopid Did you assume my gender? Sure why not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"here's a cure for this wetback and all others into child porn,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The man with whom he sleeps is actually an indentured servant, just look at the fear in his expression. Don Lemon loves the concept of Plantation Politics. He believes in reverse slavery. He is a CNN House Nigger (there I said it).","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Over my White boy phase aka she can't get any White guys to sleep with her anymore. Can't find anymore white boys going through a \"Mystery meat\" phase","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is illegal here The law is written that states representation of a child in a sexual situation, or DISPLAYED in such. Does not have to be a real child to be considered child porn. Everyone, flag this faggot ,and if I find any followers of mine following this shit..im calling you out and shredding your asses","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you moron. I'm an American badass I'm 6'5 275 pounds and I'll break your face with the wind when I walk past your old fat ass. I guess you can also tell me how many niggers your cunt wife fucked while you where on the corner suckin dick? Talk about my iq when you can't read Dutch lol. Your iq is 60 lmao? Keep comin back for more you fuckin fag whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jihadis just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus. I just went to \/r\/RPG and read the thread. I think I now have super cancer... They keep referencing back to rpg.net's super bulletproof citations for why the policy is just and why they don't have to ban their own circle-jerk politics. I love this \"citation\" for the reason the policy was implemented: *It is clear from context that his embrace of \"nationalism is a dog-whistled love note to white nationalists.* Where the fuck is the citation? Your opinion is not a citation. smh Or this: *He is attempting to stoke fear and violence in other arenas, as well. [ https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/w...-a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No. [Heres some more retarded stuff Naughty \"woke\" Dog said](http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6fzh.png) No. [Heres some more retarded stuff Naughty \"woke\" Dog said](http:\/\/http:\/\/imgs.fyi\/img\/6fzh.png)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I cannot express how infinitely better the book is to this trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soon sexbots will replace the need for women. At least they won't claim rape after regretful sex. This girl made up that shit so her boyfriend wouldn't find out she cheated. > At least they won't claim rape after regretful sex HEY! Not so fast there buddy. There are already feminists out trying to shut down that industry due to claims that all dolls are just a \"Rape Fantasy\" and \"normalizes rape\". [Calls for Paris sex-doll 'brothel' to be closed down](https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/03\/17\/calls-paris-sex-doll-brothel-closed-rape-fantasies\/)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KNegandhiESPN: That Peppers slant was a genius\/crazy call. Genius if he catches it. Crazy if he drops it, then blow a TO, then get sack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trns people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">lmao, autocorrect fail #gottem >Only the mentally handicapped try meth... >...if you don't believe that, you're on meth Retard confirmed. I don't know what's more retarded, you or your comment","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jump to the :40 mark to miss all the dumb cunt shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Titan4Ever2488 how are Yankees games on the radio? Good announcers?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like you, fuck the people that follow you don't give a shit enough about what you post to read it, why the hell would I sort threw that retard garbage? \"you win some you lose some\" Thats not even applicable, you dense fucker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Equality feels like oppression when you're privileged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT Thomas1774Paine We Simply Cannot Allow People to Pour Into the US': Video Resurfaces of Obama Echoing Trump's Concerns (VIDEO) http:\/\/ow.ly\/N8hf30mm1Zk https:\/\/twitter.com\/Thomas1774Paine\/status\/1055157166762532864","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Poll: What was the Democrats' biggest mistake in their scorched-earth opposition to Judge #Kavanaugh? VOTE and REPOST! I don't think any mistake was made. I think the Jews put on a big show about how we should like Kavanaugh, and about how men and women shouldn't get along, and how Republicans and Democrats can't be civil. And we bought it hook line and sinker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not even gonna try and figure out whether blocking all of EU will be a net gain or a net loss. Point is, if they're blocking there will be issues with connectivity between their services. They're not rewriting their shit over this either. So they will do as they plan to, ban people who may be breaching copyright before they themselves run the risk. Something I myself would do in their shoes. The EU are completely retarded with this law, but they're not going to back down from a Google that wants to fuck with them over the antitrust suit they lost in the EU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CIVIL WAR ALERT: Leftists openly plot mass executions of Conservatives as Democrats release home addresses of Republican Senators https:\/\/sck.pm\/R7r","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Death to all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"San Francisco has a 'Poop Patrol' to deal with its feces problem, and workers make more than $184,000 a year in salary and benefits https:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/san-francisco-poop-patrol-employees-make-184000-a-year-2018-8?utm_source=twitterandutm_medium=referralandutm_content=topbarandutm_term=desktopandreferrer=twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Narcissists seem to have unique eyebrows that are thicker https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/health\/wellness\/narcissists-have-thicker-denser-more-distinct-eyebrows-according-to-a-new-study\/ #narcissists #narcissism #narcissisticabuse #psychology","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sinead; crowning a one hit career that went downhill fast, and a life of 'let's be kind and use the words, insecurity issues,' has converted to Islam. She said: \"Her conversion was the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologians journey.\" Utter rubbish! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yx_EmkQj04E Sinead O'Connor should take a trip to the middle east and explain to the Islamists how she wants to date women https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2014\/10\/25\/sinead-oconnor-i-want-to-date-women-again-it-isnt-working-with-men\/\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Swap meet bound #beaner","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ErikCochrane: @tonydecola my nig","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Alt-lites threw nationalists under the bus after charlottesville Nationalists threw one another under the bus over trotskyite style strategic or ideological differences Hannity and Ingraham are throwing the proud boys under the bus and have already forgotten about Alex Jones. It wont end until Marco Rubio becomes frontrunner in a 2024 landslide loss. The whole optics thing was cancer and so were the people who thought it actually mattered as if the outcome would have been different since we've seen time and time again it's just hard power exercised on a selective basis against ANY enemies of the system and never against any extrajuidicial thugs like antifa no matter the evidence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would. It's fucking retarded either way. People have violently raped children and gotten softer sentences. Not everything needs to be flipped, sometimes it's ridiculous no matter who it happened to.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have so much disdain for these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Kamala Harris to Caravan: We Are A \"Welcoming\" Country https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2018\/10\/24\/kamala_harris_to_caravan_we_are_a_welcoming_country.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also I think that's Kim Davis (the ~~faggot~~ clerk), and I don't think even Tyrone wants that is it talking about \"faggot\"?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sweden Indicts Woman Who Tried to Block Afghan Man's Deportation on Flight... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/D833","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a sense you have. When you see heathens advocating outright murder of white Christians .... I've certainly seen it. Thankfully this is a small minority in no way representative of folk religion as a whole. Come again?! Indeed -- I have seen at least one case of this, of someone claiming to be folkish stating that \"all christians get the bullet\" or the like. I'm sure if you just search for \"get the bullet\" or \"christians get the bullet\" you'll find it. Obviously due to the nature of what we are doing, this sort of thing CAN come from infiltrators rather than serious people; which is why I don't use these instances to paint with a broad brush. What *has* shocked me when I have seen such statements is a lack of condemnation of them. But that could be because a lot of people mute such maniacs and so never see what they say. How many followers did this account have? how old is said account Name said account. I hope you didn't ask me for this because you thought I was making it up? \"National Socialist. Germanic pagan. Flat chested 13 year old dog girl. Pop-up headlight enthusiast. YayoiP #AnimeRight \" I do not think I would put to much credibility in that account bro. I don't! But what I find interesting is how few people have counter-signaled. Well whats to counter signal? its a little like the village retard marching around town screaming that dog dick tastes delicious, everyone knows it isn't true but its just not worth the effort to say otherwise. Fair enough!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you kidding? He just made his bones in Washington DC and will soon be on Hillary's and Soros payroll ! He looks like a righteous little faggot soyboy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"[deleted] Maybe the part where people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want as long as they don't hurt anyone? You know, basic freedom and shit? Human rights? All that jazz? Maybe you're European so you don't know anything about such foreign concepts like \"liberty\" and \"freedom\"... Enjoy your religious persecution of innocent people. Make apologetics for it. It's what Europe is known for. Pray tell which Islamic country is as welcoming to people from other religions as France? Which religion regularly murders people that aren't part of it for simply existing in their countries? And you want to talk about persecution of innocents - nice attempt at taquiya, it's either that or you're denser than lead. >Pray tell which Islamic country is as welcoming to people from other religions as France? So you are looking to Islamic countries for guidance on this? >Which religion regularly murders people that aren't part of it for simply existing in their countries? Most of them [deleted] What do you think the Israeli occupation of Palestine is about? What do you think their continuous pushes for destablization in the Middle East is about? Why do you think politicians in the US and Europe are sympathetic to them? [deleted] So, what, you think they keep stealing the homes of families who have lived in Israel for decades because they're ugly or something? Why do you think they do that? [deleted] [deleted] So you're super forgiving when the Israelis murder innocent people, but are super harsh when they're Islamic and not Jewish. Tribalism in a nutshell.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I liked Bushmaster. He was a simple man. His family got robbed. He wanted to get back what was his and deal with those who robbed them. He did, and then he just went away. He didn't decide to suddenly go off the deep end of villainy after that. He didn't decide that killing Luke was what 'really mattered' like every retard who tries to rob one bank, then spends the rest of his career trying to kill Spider-man for foiling him that one time fifty years back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your Muslim livs are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslim lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Make nigger wish come true. Send them all back to afreeka. Wakanda is waiting lol. #DeportThemAll #SendNiggersBackToWakanda #14Words He doesn't look like one of \"our\" blacks, I think he's straight out of the jungle. If I had the money I'd gladly buy 747's to load them in, and fly them there for free, on the condition that they give up their US citizenship Well getting rid of all these dindus would exponentially improve America. Then after a thorough sanitization those trusty 747's can be used for the illegals and moslems.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggots are soft what if he was just tapping them on the shoulder and there faces inadvertently got in the way. @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - Yeah you're right. Whenever I look up and see a faggot forced to sit on a window sill, within 30 seconds he turns into pixie dust and blows away. And that's called \"fag bashing\" as soon as another homo hears about it- one of them disappears, and suddenly it's all our fault.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Have an abortion if it's a male baby inside of you to prevent him from turning into a rapist. Too many risks involved with having a boy. But if you can't abort, use formula to polute his body and make him an obese baby. Don't give him them the necessary organic nutrients from your own body. I'm a dumb feminist cunt who hates men! This is all I heard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought green was the rarest eye color Yeah no way blue is 1% of all eye colour. Wikipedia says blue eyes make up half of all white american eyes and 17% of all eyes in the world. Whereas green eyes are 2% of the world. ^^^i ^^^never ^^^meet ^^^other ^^^green ^^^eye ^^^people ^^^:( Oh my bad. Yeah in that case it's completely ridiculous. Compliments towards 1 things doesn't mean you're equally insulting another thing. If I compliment a blonde person Im not insulting ginger people or black people because of their lack of blondeness. Well according to Tumblr you are you damn racist! :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want some monkey bread ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will people understand that only gay people are that violent and cruel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I remember, about 6 years ago, Mia was around and the most retarded liberal freak's loved her. I never bothered to look into it. All I know is that the university was pushing her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soon. https:\/\/bbs.thegoyimknow.to\/uploads\/default\/original\/4X\/2\/6\/7\/267174b983ad7a1b4080b4168e2fcf7ec4c676ca.jpeg I think your facts are as specious as your humor. Linking Graham to the holocaust is as amusing as linking the Liberal Left to justice seekers. I think that people who try and fail to use the word 'specious' correctly should be gassed Many typos these days are the result of people using smartphones to \"check\" their writing. Wanting to gas someone for such a silly thing is another matter completely. Using common NAZI-speak....that might be worthy. The slippery slope is real Nah, check it out. NAZI pukes give themselves away with their diction. Attack away. Soon you will all be screaming your NAZI shit to each other in isolation. Relegated to MUTEdom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think most black people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"More like if your some dumb dirt kenya swahili talkin nigger who aint a american citizen you should become american president","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PDX White Nigger Rally. Afterwards they smoke pot and suck each other off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please make a public display of her cuntery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You hit no lights, no line for toco bell at 2 in he morning, and Diana's back in her house. It's a miracle\" - Charlie @dianaaaxo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I didn't say you are a Nazi. I pointed out that half of the Jew haters on here call themselves Nazis lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck you and that Obama faggot ,thank god for trump","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swarms of trans people are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doesn't matter. It's the law. It does matter. Laws aren't always correct. In a free country you shouldn't be told what you can or can't drink provided you are are not bothering anyone else. Definitely not. In a free country the people can decide the law. What's decided right now is that drinking under 21 is illegal and your ideology won't help you when the enforcement shows up. No. Clever rebuttal. I've completely reversed my opinion.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberals stop being such fans of women when the woman is Ann Coulter. They stop loving black people when it's Candace Owens. Liberal \"tolerance\" is about power.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a short dude, the amount of times I've had girls make jokes about short man syndrome' etc. it's like - I actually can't help being short, but you can do something about how overweight you are. I obviously don't say anything because I'm sure that I would be the asshole in that situation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I swear to God if anything is going to kill Gab it's going to be @a 's shitty PR strategy, like for fucks sake man show some fucking professionalism. Not saying to be fake like every other tech ceo but at least don't act like like a retard, acting like a retard is for people like me not for the CEO of a major social network. B-but he's just like Trump! Professionalism is for fags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"shit like this is how i got suspended on twitter. I cant let something like this go past my news feed without calling retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Surely the implication is that feminists are violent wolves in sheep's clothing. It seems obvious to me. If you consider that the actual Mockingbird series had a focal point of the character retconned from her being a rape survivor to her falsely accuse the dude of rape while in fact she just banged him because she felt like doing so, your comment is even more fitting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitch fuck yo nigga, what's up with that pussy!!?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Minnesota Dems worry about domestic abuse allegations against Ellison as state AG race tightens https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/pktnhi.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7gBb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"trash http:\/\/t.co\/oeDKEHyyXJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"But aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded?\" Kinda like a litter of puppies. The slightly retarded one is always the cutest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RniSwirvinn @LilKev_J no ur wrong stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When confronted with arrogant imbeciles like you, anger is a normal and natural response. Too bad you're too fucking retarded to comprehend this simple reality. I'm guessing you're an idiot who thinks the normal and natural emotions of anger, rage, and hatred are \"mental disorders.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ajbk4life1: how do people not realize the jig ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"404'ed for me. Don't mean much some of my friends 404 when they are not. he gone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a bunch of faggots. Offense is completely subjective. These losers know their ideology is completely bankrupt and intellectually dishonest, which is why the only moves they have are authoritarian in nature: censorship, doxxing, mob justice. As an americunt the perfect balance is to protect the right to free speech","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha Sucks to suck Morty. Looks like he is pegging the literal shit out of you and your faggot friend. You should take a picture of it and spam it at us, you dirty disgusting mess!! Lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eat shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm gonna grab em by the antifa Abdul","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"as a proud canadian and quebecer who was born in colombia and moved here legally, she should not be allowed to stay in canada.if she is it gives legal immigrants the middle finger and tells us we wasted our time when we could've came illegally Her ex husband said himself that ***HE*** initiated the divorce. Not Alinity. She admitted in that video that she divorced him once she obtained citizenship. Do you have proof that he said that? https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/ZbdfTPG This Album Interesting. Maybe she was just bsing for the camera, you don't need to be married for 10 years to get citizenship, maybe half that. Christ, learn to read. They were married for >we were married 10 whole years 10 whole years AGO. AGO you stupid fuck. Divorced in Was she fucking 12 when they got married? In all fairness dude, you're fucking retarded. At least im not miserable. I'll settle for that. Ever consider he's not miserable and just sick and tired of clarifying shit for retarded people who couldn't be fucked to read clearly so in the interest of keeping information accurate he takes the burden of dealing with said retards to spare the rest of us? Food for thought. Did I insult your boyfriend? Maybe he'll let you blow him tonight if you keep it up. You used an emoji. You lost.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yep , full retard .. political grandstanding","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Socialist Retard https:\/\/news.grabien.com\/story-ocasio-cortez-kimmel-sure-yeah-yeah-yeah-montage","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate waiters. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I guarantee you that if she was chill about it, they don't even ticket her. Fucking idiot. I've had that happen to me and I'm not even a vagina operator. Cops busted a hotel party I was at and all they did was make us pour all the beer down the tub drain and they left. This bitch was a dumb cunt who has obviously had this behavior work for her in the past.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most black people are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"well, I try to remember his past and try to figure out if he is doing something similar to what he did before, and I figure that he could redpill a lot of people but the 13th shit was dumb as hell. just paying that he wont fuck shit up and be retarded yet again like he did before. A few things also should happen so that we could change all this faster and faster","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your A Good Gravedigger, Charlie Brown #SpookyBroadway @midnight","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nah you dumb cunt that's a train and you'd be dead RIP lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMG @FrannyHilIson: @pattiemallette ugly faggot. Your a bad mother. You should kill yourself like Robin Williams","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"watching cnn try and call kanye west a nigger these past couple days without actually saying nigger was some funny shit, i bet they lost like 90% of the black vote over these past couple days degrading one of their kings","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muhammad sucks donkey dicks, eats donkey shit, drinks faggot piss!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TWAT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Everyone knows turkey did it. Trump needs to pay attention to America. This sand nigger reporter for the washington compost is NOT a priority. Go fuck yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I believe that jew hates white people. Are you so retarded you think that meme had anything to do with a persons right to procreate?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your understanding of history is faulty, jew. @Spahnranch1969 Says the retard who doesn't understand history. The Nazis were evil, you fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All cops would gladly hand their families over to nigger rape squads if their affirmative action muslim tranny faggot chief ordered them to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why on Earth would anyone not want citywide networks that work on the same frequency as crowd control weapons? We've gone full retard with electronics. When you're not at work turn the damn things off. There will be idiots that cheer for this shit while we all share in the cancers all these wireless frequencies cause.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Notice the View presented to the public? Marxist\/Leninist Socialists VERSUS National Socialists? \"Left v. Right\"? Of the Socialist Spectrum, maybe! Be Smart. Recognize the attempts to set you up as Socialist Stooges. Brown Shirts. Red Guard. Purges. Pawns. Don't be a useful idiot. REJECT Socialism. #QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #MAGA Ok. That also means we are rejecting every gubmint and system on the planet then, America included. Nope. That means we reject Socialism. It brings Poverty, Misery, and Death. Nope. Every gubmint and system on the planet is socialist. As is Americas. These asshats even think they have the right to tell citizens if and when they can put up improvements on their own property. And the US gubmint is good at the creating poverty thing. Try again I don't have to try. We have been infiltrated. Needs fixed. Socialism brings Poverty, Misery, and Death. Gubmint, by it's very definition, is collectivist and socialist. The minute a thousand people all contribute to an account that fu ds their defense, they become socialists .Try again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must never condone the killing of any trans person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MFW when spics use the internet to promote white genocide -_- It's time to go spic hunting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"KFC biscuits trash now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All my so whitey bois gone ride","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any party that is too afraid to tell us, specifically, that they appreciate our votes, cannot be called \"the party of White people.\" Have you lost your fucking mind? I smell a rat. You and @Cantwell ran into some kike money in exchnge for moderating your message and you caved just like TRS and TDS, didn't you? Btw, I've yet to see either cuckwell or ricky howe address the fact that the r party is now aggressively courting the spic vote. How are you gonna spin that fbi shill n001 and n002?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"that's nice, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A whole fucking shit ton of those niggers were following me. I mean like a bunch. I was racking up nigger followers non stop for like four days straight. Than one day they just vanished.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's just rubbish and nonsense since you Nazis (socialists) are obviously NOT Trump supporters and are therefore clueless. His rallies are even bigger these days and millions are walking away and now running away from the demonrats after this #Kavanaugh freak show. It will be a red wave in Nov. #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars Get off the dope faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll have to rape him today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boo Hoo! I found the unethical attorney and her perjury committing, lying cunt client to be very hurtful","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this isn't breaking news, this is fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump is so powerful, he's turning a lisping faggot like Graham into a shitlord.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @WayneRoot: Well there's difference between Erick Erickson and me. I've always understood Obama is Muslim Jihadi sympathizer:https:\/\/t. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are just a bunch of whores. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will embrace you and any other women like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We aren't allowed to roast 12 year olds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all the other disabled people are a blessing to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nevermind just the single figures either, but the actual warrior tribes that had women on the front lines or even as the primary fighters are all there in history too. Just ignore the ignorant bitches. If we gamer women want to play as female fighters, we will, on games that have them. And if a game we want to play does NOT have them, then hey, we'll play male characters and still wipe the field with the blood of our enemies. I'll always swing towards playing female characters if I can, but damnit I love my m!Shep just as much as my femsheps.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Rajput_Ramesh: Friends a Proud Hindu n ShivSainik brother shri Ramesh Jadhav was murdered by Jihadis plz help trend #RameshJadhav http: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So should Trump, His family, all of the GOP and most of you pieces of poop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I uploaded a @YouTube video http:\/\/t.co\/8rLE3JNr GOProud Makes Money Out of Twinkie Crisis in Free Market Spirit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly, if that woman had a boy as her kid, he'd probably end up killing her in her sleep. Can you imagine dealing with such a hateful and cruel person as a child? We all know ignore the racial and gender extremist pages on tumblr, but imagine having one of these complete fucking retards as a parent. The amount of lying, hate, use of violence, and just downright sick behavior. The other thing that's genuinely messed up about a lot of these blogs, is most people use it as fetish porn. Yes. People actually go to feminism, anti women, black power, or Nazi tumblr pages to jack off to the idea of being degraded or humiliated. I hate tumblr and everything it stands for.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Me gusta pollo so espa ol that. Lol. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah you people are fucking retarded it's so obviously fucking fake. Jesus fuck when did this sub transition into a blind horseshoe curve.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going for round two tomorrow afternoon if I haven't been banned for posting legal content, make no mistake about it. This is only the start. And it will only get worse as large loli websites get hold of this anti-loli BS here at GAB.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Us faggots are not entertainment. We are people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whoever blinks first...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a shemale?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Beaadawgg: Why do the trashiest, really ghetto girls always get the most likes and comments on insta? Boys up and down their pictures a ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"they were looking for sand nigger cock to suck","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now where ya gonna go? Why not tell everyone how much you hate my book that you haven't read again? lol https:\/\/www.amazon.co.uk\/Titanic-Britain-Left-Wing-Liberal-Iceberg-ebook\/dp\/B01CW46320\/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_pdt_img_top?ie=UTF8 The premise of your book is rather convoluted, no? Nooo! Not at all. I didn't want one of those heavy going political books. Mine is factual, amusing, poignant, worrying, happy. Easy to read. Applies to the whole of the west too. I just use Britain as the example because I know it inside out. Give it a read, you might like some of it :) I for one thought it was as you just described, enjoyable read Thanks Jan. Glad you liked it. Not heavy going at all is it. Too many of those books around. Politics is very simple when you cut through all the shite put around by people with their own agenda. Usually the Left. You're welcome, and you're exactly right most political books are a complete borefest yours cuts through all the rubbish and gets to the point all with a breezy style of writing Oh interesting! some people are extremely sad aren't they","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How different the world would be if war was fought this way! .......................... Thought for Today.... Hugs #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOCK THIS SATANIC CUNT UP ALREADY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sshhh... people might think you're crazy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Henrik's latest video: Sweden To Expel 6-Year-Old-Orphan Back To Ukraine https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=BoU6hu_kCAo Henrik looks closer at the case of Denis, a 6-year-old Ukrainian orphaned boy, slated to be expelled to Ukraine. A broken and corrupt migration agency deport children from European countries but keep the borders open to 3rd world","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VandTRailroad: #DidYouKnow: The Comstock Lode was a boon 4 @VirginiaCity as it grew 2 20,000 ppl and became 1 of the largest and wealthiest ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are the retarded fucks people keep voting in","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"around 4:40 robo nigger blames the formation of those gangs in those countries because they were deported? Apparently the npc doesn't even understand what they are talking about, just making the right mouth noises","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This week's RFN segment is in the can. I discuss Idaho being a faggot marriage state just like Washington.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"All my friends\" Please do explain how the one-branch tree of a deformed and retarded tribe in Kansas is part of anything and has friends. You nuked the chance of having friends when you added to the devastation and pain of the families of fallen service members. I won't forget.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton: The Way Trump Debated Me, It Was Imbued with Sexism' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/hillary-clinton-the-way-trump-debated-me-it-was-imbued-with-sexism\/ translation- Trump didn't give me deferential treatment because I claim to have a vagina, he treated me like anyone else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still being a stupid cunt I see.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@hunterbuch66 @kieffer_jason @sbsylvester yo fat ugly ass couldn't even pull the ugly bitch in the school","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Murdering a disabled person like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This muslim woman of colour' isn't going to miss out on an opportunity to take some money from gullible morons. I'll buy you a 1 way ticket to any Muzzie country of your choosing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a whore. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I kindof liked the catcalling scene. First, they were going well beyond a simple catcall. They blocked her path, threatened her, and were actively harassing. And, she pulled a gun on them. Flipping the tables and even gave a speech, ending with, \"why are you still here?\" It was a correct flipping of intimidation. \"play stupid games, win stupid prizes\" As far as Im concerned if women responded like that, to getting cornered in the street, there would be less catcalling. They even had the audacity to have a white women, pulling a gun on some POC. That scene was not exactly as Woke as some of you think. Turning Bullseye into Dexter was a bit odd, and even calling him Dex.. (poindexter as his last name is canon. lthough also subject to unreliable narrative, Bulleye is a notorious liar and sociopath.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would tear his head right off his body.... faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone should explain to Blake griffin that talking trash to an opposing 3rd string is unbecoming, even amongst clippers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I seriously hate the way people like this think. It's like they look for racism\/sexism\/etc in any place they can when in reality there is none. It seems really unhealthy. Would have jokes been made? Sure, but I seriously doubt anyone would have taken it seriously. Shit like this despite being so minor makes me now not want to even try the game because of how easily they caved and altered it because someone decided to take the card's name\/info out of context.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope you get eye cancer bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Union members really are brainless without exception. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TedNugent: Gun control talks with gunrunning Eric Holder on board. We r the planet of the apes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any white women still on the communist left are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only moderates can be so ignorant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All Muslims like them are v i l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In Our Lovely Australia I smell a civil war and I am 75, it just may happen in my time, as arseholes in Canberra are not fucken listening to us. WE do not need any Barbarians African or Moslims slime.Out of UN and get the hell out of Paris fest talk, and lets have some clean Coal Powers station and cheap energy In Wentworth you elect that vile piss flaps, and you have just committed High treason. When Thurdbul comes back Let us all welcome the cunt with Baseball bats","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The average leftist cannot be reasoned with, this is a summary of a 'debate' I just engaged in with some on fb - Trump is racist [prove it] Trump is a bigot for banning Muslims [Look at what they're doing in Europe. It isn't bigotry to ban child rapists] What about the Catholic church! [We don't need to import more problems than we already have] You can't blame the whole group, what about these white individuals doing bad things! [All of them are doing it and you're complicit for defending them] You're a Nazi! You share memes about protesters getting hit by cars in private groups so nobody knows you're a Nazi! [Are reading off a list of buzzwords?] Democracy has been stolen, Trump doesn't represent the majority! [*points out the electoral map has more red than blue*] Trump supporters are all stupid and can't do math! [This is why he won] *they start posting retarded lefty memes that have nothing to do with the subject about trump supporters typing in all caps and Merkel pushing Trump in a pram* I thought the left couldn't meme [New person chimes in: The left can't win] [You lefties have given up arguing in favour of yelling about nazis] \"Sometimes these things just end\" *OP deletes thread* All leftist cannot be reasoned with as they are just a programmed robot. They are vile RACIST SEXIST PIGS yet their programming says they not. Their programming says they are smart yet they actually have no intellect at all! They are only swayed by emotion! Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BlackNerdJade: RT @Parkour_Lewis: *Last 5 hours RT @the_blueprint the last hour and a half of work trash just for existing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shame. She's a nice looking woman. Too bad her insides don't match her outsides. I could never imagine my wife acting like this. I think if she would have just been calm they probably would have taken her drink and let her off with a warning. She had her husband \"Matt and her daughter with her and she was obviously on vacation from Philadelphia and opted to act out in a classless and illegal manner. Then to call the cops \"white while she herself is white is amazing. I wonder if she considered herself a POC at that moment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.citizenfreepress.com\/breaking\/flashback-george-soros-funded-first-illegal-migrant-army-in-may-2018\/ Who trusts a website that has to hide behind a proxy? This site could be anywhere in the world. Why do you all keep pushing Putin's propaganda for him? Hahahaha! Ok so you are one of the Russia did it people? First of all they link to stories or videos by other parties like Drudge always did so they aren't manufacturing anything. Proof of wrongdoing = evidence not suggestion. Fake news sites always mix in links to other sites. Why would you trust a site that you don't even know who owns it?? That's ignorant. Even if you agree with some of their shit, that's just lazy. Why do they need to hide who they are??? I'm not sure they are hiding and I'm pretty certain other people operate businesses in a similar manner to protect their privacy. Not LEGITIMATE sites. What do they have to hide? They have their personal security to hide in an age where rioters and rent a riot protesters accost people at home, work or play. Read this. https:\/\/www.wired.com\/2017\/02\/veles-macedonia-fake-news\/ Hahahahaha! I had to stop where he says Bernie Sanders supporters are the smartest people he'd ever seen. Please. Did Hillary or Soros pay for this slop? And the Soros propaganda. Do you know where that propaganda started and why he is hated OUTSIDE of the USA and by whom? Lord. Some Americans are such suckers. He is hated by Hungary for trying to overthrow their gov with lawless migrants from other failed countries like he is trying to do elsewhere in Europe and here in Latin America. Can't get what leftists want unless they overpower the conservative Christian vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They had a lot of fun mocking Rednecks in \"The Giant Spider Invasion\", and \"Squirm\", I'm from southern Alabama, and I found that shit hilarious, 'cause it was absolutely true.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Says the drug addict living with mummy and daddy. How's that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"PRES TRUMP DESERVES ONE WITH HIS HARD WORK.... ASSHOLE NIGGER OBAMA GOT ONE FOR DOING NOTHING.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus is a Jew and judges your life, were you an antisemite hater or did you live a life according to God's laws? People who claim Jesus is a Jew suffer from indoctrination. Typically, they are dopey, bible-thumping Evangelicals who have been indoctrinated by Jew lovers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somali workers walk out of Minnesota bakery in protest of new dress code. More than 30 Somali employees at a bakery walked out in protest Monday after the owner ordered female workers to wear mid-calf skirts after a woman's long dress recently got caught in a boot washer.. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=_6Z3qcRYZCs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What do you get when a nigger breeds with a kike ? a White Californian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"To be fair that ballon was going to waste in the children's cancer ward.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once martial law is declared, because of you fucktard liberals\/socialists\/communists, all hell is going to break loose. You think they are going to investigate thousands of dead fairy gay ANTIFA faggots? They will be too busy trying to stop you domestic terrorists from rioting. I think you should go to hell where you belong, fairy gay faggot libtard. And #INSTAMUTE for you, fairy gay faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People need to understand that women are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We can't have nice things because cunts like this author can't take a joke in a game made for adults. They are acting like children while treating us like children.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"List 20 things Conservatives have accomplished since A conservative wouldn't have a nigger fucking their wife. I'm trying to understand what sort of joe-fag you are applying this label too as it doesn't sync with my understanding. Hoping to achieve some sort of clarity here but your response may have already helped illuminate the situation... I forgot not to engage with a LARPing knuckle-dragger.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Notsosweetpea SOO when we hanging out and makin brownies!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"languidcorpse\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Yeah, everyone lacks a sense of humor except you. Must be that everyone else is fucked, not you. \"Yeah!\" Obviously from your sentence, you are a joke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie Sheen never disappoints.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Um, yeah, right, #CrookedHillary 98%, right, check-er-rooneeoo... https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/politics\/comments\/9kphzz\/cruz_forced_into_tossup_by_el_paso_liberal_in\/?st=JMRN42NSandsh=63a903e3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need to treat human like human, ghost like ghost and faggot like faggot. https:\/\/twitter.com\/AmyMek\/status\/1046612295252676610","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writer for the Colbert Show deleted this tweet I think she will find that her life has been ruined now! Even low for the Colbert show!! LOL We certainly hope. I can honestly say I have never watched that show. We certainly hope. I can honestly say I have never watched that show. Me neither..hope someone will keep us posted on how she is fucked..in great details (not literally..that would be gross!!) Yes. \"... I'm just glad we ruined our lives. Fixed that for ya. Yeah, I almost wish I still used twitter, so I could post exactly that back to her...almost... It's people like Ariel that are destroying this Country and others! Willful Sedition He just got seated on the highest court in the land which is the ultimate goal of all good judges and helped to further expose the left for what they are. I'm thinking he's pretty pleased with the outcome as a whole and considers the fight well worth it. But that's just me. I'd say you are correct. Let's keep him there. Dems plan on impeaching him and POTUS if they win. They want open borders, illegals to vote, BOcare, they want their CRUMBS BACK. MAKE AMERICA RED VOTE DEMS OUT OF OFFICE #WalkAwayFromDemocRATS If they try that, we will have to take off from work, and go to DC to protest, and to let the commiecrats know their lives will be over, literally, if they go through with it. Time to grow up. Communists are incapable of growing up. No you didn't. Did your hairy liberal snagged toothed ass wake up as a Justice of the Supreme Court today? Nope. That crack ass of yours woke up laying down with the dog that gave you fleas. You can scream, you can wag that soros paid sign high in the air, but guess what, JUSTICE KAVANAUGH WILL STILL BE SITTING ON THE SUPREME COURT... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @JukeJuke_9: Lance Stevenson gone leave Indiana he trash anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot garbage from Hollywood . . normalizing it don't need Netflix to get your daily dose . . most sitcoms have a queer or two my wife gets angry when I change the channel . . if her sitcom or movie tosses in faggots I will use my discernment . . I have that right shes like . . \"they all do that now\" . . \"not in my living room they don't\" \"deny Satan and they will flee\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taxpayers will fund 2million-a-year bill to protect and monitor Islamist hate preacher Anjem Choudary, 51, when he is released from prison this week WTF, the governments on drugs https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6274439\/Taxpayers-fund-2million-year-bill-protect-Islamist-hate-preacher-Anjem-Choudary.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift is a fat ass white trash redneck cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fully indulging in the absolute stupidity of this. Literally on the AS and none of these apply. It's like they think Autism is actually something cool or fun, nah. Welcome to not being able to eat things because they feel wrong, or being unable to hold friends down because you don't know what they mean, and all this shitty kind of lack of intuition, fuck it sucks. And besides this there are few, few physical symptoms. Gag me with a well sanitized and stainless steel spoon before I accept these Tumblr twats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The reason you weren't crying enough is because you weren't terrified, Very simple, you are mocking women who have endured real pain of not consenting. Try being five years old , pinned down and forcefully penetrated. Followed by eighteen years of silence. I lost my voice because of that. I wish I could have said something, but I felt that it was my own fault. The nerve of you, please take your pitty party somewhere else!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you can't laugh at a steroid-abusing nutcase Florida Man Native American (Hispanic (Filipino)) occultist male stripper who makes fake bombs and lives in a white van covered all in memes Well, gosh darn it, who CAN you laugh at? #NPCTrivia I'm hoping that tomorrow's episode will have an attention-whoring brother who loves talking to the media nonstop, while laughing inappropriately and bragging about all the comps\/free sushi he gets thanks to his brother. Least attractive male stripper I've ever seen! Years of cocaine and semen. My diagnosis precisely His mug looks like he was picked up in the bushes @ roadside bathroom. Was he not? Riddle me this gab. How do you have Twenty Charges spanning decades, many mugshots (like this one) and still only ever serve 1 year probation even after violating it? FBI I'll take \"Deep State Assets\" for a thousand Alex. So many holes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When a liberal fucking retard like this approaches you and plans to hurt you, don't dial 9-1-1, dial .357","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Please keep posting about KEITH ELLISON since media keeps ignoring it https:\/\/redd.it\/9k9u31 Keith Ellison, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Sen. Barney Frank with his pedophile ring, and MANY more... but the Dems get to lecture Judge Kavanaugh over UNSUBSTANTIATED and CONFLICTING allegations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get this monkey off my back...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're fucking retarded. The video never shows her making contact. You can't make assumptions. You're fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"awww....cute little nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda sorry i ever had the misfortune of you commenting on my post..yu are very fucked up individual..prejudiced as hell and full of shit!! if youre king in africa yu better get back over there!! now i know why everybody is hating on you..you hating on them too.. ISLAM\/MUSLIMS CALL ALL BLACKS ABD..IT IS ARABIC FOR NIGGER AND SLAVE..THEY ARE NOT YOUR BUDDY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, it's part of their childish power trip. \"If you can't read my mind, as I watch you panic trying to figure it out, maybe we just weren't made for each other.\" It's also an easy out for the cunts to get back to riding the cock carousel, which is what they really want. Fucking whores.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The choice is clear, #WalkAway #VoteRed The future of America depends on it! #WWG1WGA #MAGA That's funny!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First post condemning the girl: 540 points Second post condemning the girl: 288 points Third post analyzing the girl (possibly as a justification, possibly as a condemnation by sarcastically pretending to be someone who would use that as a justification): 77 points Fourth, fifth, and sixth post focusing on sympathy for her: 142 points, 50 points, and [hidden] points respectively. Confirmed anger: 828 points Confirmed sympathy: 192 points Yup, that's a free pass right there \/s \"All feminists say X!\" \"Some do, but most say not-X.\" \"How dare you say that 'all feminists say not-X'? Don't you see the feminists *right there* saying X?\" \"What.\" >\"All feminists say X!\" Can't lefty without a strawman! ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many people think a sh1tskin wearing a shirt that says \"We will not be silent\" is just reinforcing this meme? @SBPDL @Heartiste @Koanic @Were-Puppy @Escoffier @RapefugeeWatch This is one of the main reasons I hate going to a movie theater. I have had a free pass to a theater since august but have not seen any trailers for something worth going to Yeah i'm lucky to last 15 mins into a movie before all the SJW checkboxes are filled and i'll walking out....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the only retarded part is coming from you!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @HobsonDarlene: \"@1Corinthians126: @HobsonDarlene #BlessJesus Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? #DifferentLevels\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME To presume that Jews believe and act on this BS is stupid beyond what we (white people) expect from OTHER white people.< YOU fucking Dummy sand nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fact that the older generation allowed the government to take our guns and our right to self-defence here in Australia is a crime against us. Give us back our guns! #auspol #ausfam #guncontrol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FFS PUT THAT NIGGER OUT OF OUR MISERY","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"THESE ARE THE MONSTERS I MUST DEAL WITH IN MY STATE. GOD HELP ME. Gee, Carmel....no need to be so reticent. We are all friends here, are we not? Please feel free to tell us what you really think. Carry on. She is most certainly not my friend....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama Takes More Swipes at Trump: He's Just Blatantly, Repeatedly, Baldly, Shamelessly Lying' (VIDEO) https:\/\/truepundit.com\/obama-takes-more-swipes-at-trump-hes-just-blatantly-repeatedly-baldly-shamelessly-lying-video\/ That's something I'd even pray for!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fear Gab is becoming the next Twitter, due to subversion and spamming raids of boomers, shit libs and maga civic nationalists. NEGROS are NOT Americans. They are NEGROS. 25% ad mixture of White DNA DOES NOT mean you are a distinct people. It means your a mongrel. Witey bad. injins good. witey survival bad. non white extermination of wites good. the perfect retard npc, parroting communist horse shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are a jiggaboo...!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Its just a game for them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The other day he said the antifa satanist faggot who kicked a white woman was on \"our\" side.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is anybody in Idaho still doing business with the coward? The \"Great White Hunter who feels the need to show the world how big his balls are by killing defenseless wild animals like Giraffes might have resigned as game warden, but he has other businesses. Are you boycotting them? Now that takes some real skill to hit a huge lumbering target like a Giraffe! Different screen name - but same asshole!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid people get tats? That entire diatribe against tats and people who make them or have them was baseless as well as down right ignorant. By who's premise? Yours? Tell you what I'll make it short and sweet. \"BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS you limey cuck.\" Bec. to explain thoroughly to you is a waste of time...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cause \"I fucked your mom you retarded ape.\" is such momentous meaningful message. <3","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let's get rid of gay people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want a cowboy killer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at the reports. One retard says can't wait for Trump to get impeached. It's been 2 years, you're gonna wait a looong time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whatever a Jew accuses someone of they are guilty! Jews are subversive LIARS! Democrats are just have Jewified minds! They are all brainwashed retarded monkey brains! All Jews and Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Da geht nicht mal der hinterletzte Nigger aus dem Kongo dran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Indian women are the worst tbh, because here r so many thirsty horney simps in India even the ugliest bum thinks she is the most beautiful litrally when they walk past me she thinks like I am garbage even if I am not looking at em they will show so much attitude like the world fucking revolves around them and that one fucking horney cunt just follows stares which makes them feel like even I want em, no bitch I am thinking about my grades not ur dried up cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats* You can't tell me that wasn't intentional! There's no possible way **anyone** could be this retarded. They *must* have planned it from the start. Else why never bring up how integral he was to the crafting of the Patriot Act? How he was [a big time union buster?](http:\/\/www.unz.com\/video\/rtamerica_torture-union-busting-what-msm-wont-say-about-kavanaugh\/) Aren't Unions supposed to be their demo? Then why ignore all that for some fakeass leaked bullshit? Unless..... They **wanted** him to get in, but couldn't vote for him without pissing off their base? So they needed a smoke screen to ensure the Republican senators felt it was politically polarised to ensure they, having the majority, voted along party lines. Rand and Barasso would have almost certainly bailed had the Patriot Act been brought up, maybe a couple of others, forcing two or three dems having to vote yes to counter their null votes, thus risking being primaried or recalled from the backlash. This way they can **pretend** they *tried* oh so hard to stop it and keep their dirty mitts clean!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another piece of human sewage RACIST RETARDED Democrat!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. She could have absolutely ruined this guy's life. As someone who has had similar happen to me, this is not at all funny. With all that is good about the me too movement, absolute cunts like this really muddy the waters and there are LOTS of them about.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I lost all respect for Ted Danson when he started banging that ugly nigger bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"remember when this sub was about mens rights rather than a bunch of incel virgins bitching about women I do, all the incels got pushed out and are shitting up the other subs with their misogyny. I prefer r\/menslib but it doesn't get as much traffic and this one was full of frustrated men ... now it's toxic frustrated men who are ugly inside and outside.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#TheNextNewsNetwork:September30,2018 Why Did Obama Spend $","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This low-T faggot is getting added to my Royal Shit List.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"There is still time left for 2018 to become \"the year of nigger neo-nazi rabbi spree-killings.\" - Luis Castillo https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/whoops-neo-nazi-skinhead-niggers-assassinate-jewish-rabbi\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whipped cream , #endlesslove","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I call everybody a faggot so I guess im cool","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Seems like only the","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The D stands for Deutscher you mamzer retard lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger Name Of The Day: \"Remarkable\" Hill (a buck) This is on a TV show, so I don't know how they spelled it. IMO \"Reprehensible\" would be a far more accurate choice. Shandiarrheaqua More Ham Please. That would be an awesome first, middle and last name.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"marxism makes feral animals out of people for (((elite))) profit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wish that that wetback doorman would shank him on live TV. I'd tune in to see that!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AmeezysAngels96 I'm the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cyberSmiley NO CHILDPORN FOLLOWING FAGGOT IS FOLLOWING ME You think it is cute to drool over hentai that renders a clearly underage child in a sexual manner? Displaying a child's vagina? FUCK YOU, YOU DISGUSTING FREAK","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Justin Trudeau is a retarded asshole crypto muslim globalist puppet mangina cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Insidious twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'All of Honduras wants to come here' Facing tightened security, waves of Hondurans continue to try to make it to the US, saying they have no other choice. This DNA is the worst DNA in the world. Only the nigger is more inferior than these small short brown stupid people https:\/\/www.aljazeera.com\/news\/2018\/10\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only thing worse than a nigger is a gay nigger. What about the muslim nigger or the gay muslim?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @GreenLanternJet: I was already 24 when Jeter arrived so I had plenty of #Yankees memories, but next year is going to be very odd indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do it. james I am shocked! shocked, by what? THE TRUTH LOL. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Aay_XxMr1LM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These women are retarded. That sentence is redundant. Fucking meme gender. They don't realize that if the woman let's go of the bow, all pressure is lost and the arrow will lose its notch and isn't remotely dangerous. This post sums up that women have control of the bow and want to make themselves look like the victim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Remembering the HoloHoax Money Scam Most Important Part of being Jewish! Fitting that a subversive LYING JEW has to remember a fucking LIE! Jews are not only retarded but they are STUPID!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cuz everybody wants to be part nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only gay people can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ummm sweaty... How dare you criticize a strong independent empowered woman?! You're totally being __problematic__ and __toxic__? And you're not allowed, mmmkay? Don't you know criticizing a woman for any reason is __MUH SOGINY__?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"conversano is a complete retard and a pure product of zion fuck that guy seriously how the fuck a guy that look like an arab can speak about france ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO MOTHERFUCKERS IM IN CHARGE OF GAB NOW That is excellent news, Miss Emily. Could you please get rid of the incompetent H-1B steetshitters who are employed by Gab and replace them with White men?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HarveyLevinTMZ @sly309 they want what I got, I want what they got, America.they got the word nigger, I want it to","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a disabled person to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon is a FOC. Faggot of Color. He is also proof that black men can be soyboys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They live for natural or contrived disasters so they can do this filthy nigger shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Blonde Jews? What's the world coming to? Black cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TomKawczynski Tom, you get fired for speaking the truth and are labeled a \"white supremacist\". listen to what they are advocating for us-this is ample proof that white genocide is NOT a conspiracy, but factual! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2QWDkUVEFDA KILL Yourself FIRST you BLACK RACIST piece of SHIT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These Resetera people would get offended by me telling them to go fuck themselves, a totally rational re uest for these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or maybe if someone dies? \"Chelsea Clinton will run for office if someone steps down or retires\" https:\/\/t.co\/1D8jgRLt1s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good lord, before he would be considered a mentally retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gotta love #LindseyGraham unless you're a retarded #liberal. He's a master #troll now that #McCain is dead Lindsey Graham: I'm taking DNA test, I think I can beat' Elizabeth Warren on amount of Cherokee heritage https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/news\/411592-lindsey-graham-im-taking-dna-test-i-think-i-can-beat-elizabeth-warren-on-amount","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who? You mean that half nigger kid right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Never have and never will eat anything that an ass wiping muzzie hand has touched. You can make your own yogurt at home. https:\/\/bestreviews.com\/best-yogurt-makers Chobani is garbage. It's basically Yoplait made by Muslim vermin. It's full of high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors, and the only live cultures it's likely to have is the fecal coliform bacteria and God only knows what else from the filthy death-worshiping vermin who work in the factory after wiping their ass with their hand.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sarah Palin in response to Murkowski voting no on #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn, I need that cunt for my future brand of \"liberal tears\" vodka flavored alcohol. Haven't yet decided more specific on the taste, want to have a sort of salty, slightly sour vodka to really fit the \"liberal tears\" theme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dumbass nigger who made it through life cuz he's a dumbass nigger. and a leftist POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hahaha shit why change who you are if you are one bad motherfucker, like my cousin before he pushed out his lip kids he was rolling all hard and shit wit da demuborger and shit and entombed and now he all like a bitch wit his panties in his cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cadence owens is a stupid nigger who only cares to give the radical left an easy victory in november","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess that makes sense in a makebelieve world where those things magically materialize out of thin air when you need them? For the real world, there's Mastercard. Or the largest country in the world could just use it's tax payers money to fund these programs like most other countries in the world. But I guess I'm just living in make believe UK. Forgot I was fake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then men in uniform (who follow similar lists themselves) come and put you in a cell. Once they get you out she will take most if not everything you've earned, all your friends disavow you, and you will forever be known as a sadistic wife beater from her Facebook sob posts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Progress4Ohio @msnbc @meetthepress Would not spend my money on trash like that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's just retarded...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"While taking questions from the media Friday afternoon, President Trump was asked if he should tone down his rhetoric after \"bombs were sent to top Democrats, but he refused to bow to PC culture. Report: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/president-trump-doubles-down-when-press-asks-if-his-rhetoric-caused-bombs\/ #infowars","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what happens when you overpay a American hating racist antiwhite anti-American kneeling nigger too much money, as a uneducated Ape he should've stayed in school and used his talent to pursue his ignorance in life, send these Planet of the apes anti-Americans to the military to serve and earn their right to be in America","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OH WAOW YOU GOT ME I WANT TO MOVE TO COUNTRY WITH SPYWARE DEVELOPMENT OFFICES AND FAG PRIDE PARADE NOT COUNTRY WITH F-14 SPARE PARTS PRODUCTION LINE AND FAGS THROWN OFF ROOFTOPS Imagine having the choice between living in a 100x scale Kiryas Joel- but with more inbred and retarded Jews- and a real country with plentiful FN FALs and thik West African hotties- and choosing the former.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find all Muslims disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Contraceptives? Who said anything about that? Baby killing don't count you demented cunt as contraceptives.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Coven of witches convening in Brooklyn next Saturday to hex Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/13\/dozens-witches-gather-place-public-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/ Yup Naturally when you don't have even a honest just reason to challenge the appointment they bring in the wich doctor's and Voodoo Magic and hexes and curses and then try to claim they are rational people while they belittle Christians for praying for a person's soul as they try to use curses to punish a soul ppl think elite people being deeply devoted to satanism is all just a joke they don't eat human flesh or torture and sexually Vampirise little kids and babys or sacrifice them to Baal that's just a story Alex Jones made up . information leaked out of The DNC server's that Seth Rich was to lose is life for leaking but that was just the Russians there's no death cult John podesta's not a pedophile Tony podesta's not a pedophile they don't have millions of dollars worth of creepy fucking artwork that they have in their houses with statues of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims that's all a joke those pictures aren't true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTH! CORRUPT 40 YR DEM SENATOR Bill Nelson (FL) - Directs people donating to Hurricane Victims - to Dem Fundraising site instead? It's time for American citizens to vote out Democrat Cancer. VOTE TRUMP GOP 2018 https:\/\/steadfastandloyal.com\/unreal\/dem-senator-directs-people-donating-to-hurricane-victims-to-democratic-fundraising-site\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had to take my bitch to the vet today and she would not stop barking. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Pneumonia\" doesn't last 3 years. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/36byP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not even trying to hide it anymore.....but wait some #cuckservative faggot will put us at ease in 3, 2,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#GabFam #Australia Dedicated to the NPC @Clarence_Spangle seeing it enjoys adding to the posts. This is an another Oz Rock group which gained a degree of notoriety with this song. The Angels - Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again https:\/\/youtu.be\/xj_QkLrW3qc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is arm na h ireann gach fear Gaeilge","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"see thats a sand nigger cock sucker right there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" It's a fake - a cropped down picture with Obama's face photoshopped onto it. Sorry to burst your bubble....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Yankees Only good thing about this season. #FireCashman .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger twat! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AliyahKorea: #Whiteculture thinking weave is \"ratchet\" and \"ghetto\" while \"extensions\" are perfectly fine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You disabled people make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Question: How can CNN's Don Lemmon hate White people? Don Lemmon's boyfriend is White. Does Don Lemmon hate the White man he is 'banging'?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ToyaMiani: The reason you called Jesus a monkey is because you knew he was not your color #Farrakhan#TheTime","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck those kids and their shit taste in video games. They absolutely should never be allowed to touch a game. Ever. Banning these retards from games completely would be a huge boon to the industry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3:25 min in, wow that cunt actually laughed at the situation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @stephpaulus: I have yet to master the art of eating a powdered donut without looking like I just left Charlie Sheen's house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't dare to be near her. Why not? She's already falsely claimed rape once. She's gonna need forensic evidence next time or they're going to ignore her. > She's gonna need forensic evidence next time or they're going to ignore her. LOL That's not how any of this works at all..... He was obviously exaggerating, you're fucking kidding yourself if you think a judge isn't going to raise an eyebrow if it happened again. It would be a hard cry of wolf for that little boy True, but usually the alleged rapist's life is ruined by the allegations alone long before they are in front of a judge. Forensic evidence can prove that persons A and B had sex, but not whether it was consensual or on whose part. Depends... remember when the NYPD raped that guy in a bathroom with a plunger? While forensics can only show that a plunger did in fact perferate his intestinal tract, it is easy to see without reasonable doubt that this was not consensual. This seems like an edge case and pretty extreme. Forensic evidence would also help if there were allegations of drugging. But in any he said, she said situation, forensic evidence is unlikely help. Because it's dangerous to be around bad people. If the last ten years has taught me anything, it is dangerous to be around police. In the US* [deleted] Enjoy your prison rape is it wrong to hope she get raped in prison just because she lied about something that brings quite a lot of trauma with it? It's always wrong to hope for that. Most of the rapists in prisons are guards btw. Yes One can make a good argument that the sentence for false accusation of rape ought to include being raped. Away with you Satan. Well you certainly haven't presented that argument here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black men hate to be \"disrespected \" but the left just keeps doubling down on disrespect. It's fun to watch them go full retard ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MrzSixTrue: Ill break a Bitch down, like the pussy she is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Safe-space crybabies are abundant on both the Lunatic Left and the Retard Right. The only difference is the people they deem \"unclean\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Toxic feminity is why world is going too retarded these days.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Does anyone know what happened to @MartyMcGraw Looks like the Nazi's finally won and he got removed. It is the Nazi's that should have been muted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people with any power are a threat to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I will cut their immigrantthroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The whole two doors explanation just sounds completely retarded on its face. It sounds exactly like the kind of thing someone would pull out of their ass to lend credence to their story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LOHANTHONY: i'd never send my kids to private school because then they would never experience ghetto public school fights","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"hahahaha\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's officially acceptable to hate Taylor Swift now (if you didn't already). And enough of those Taylor loving Nazis already. Just another moron entertainer https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/440663-taylor-swift-support-democrats\/ Sounds like Taylor Swift is about to come out of the closet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I haven't seen it on this sub I think he meant his own comment.. Yeah. I've seen this posted in 5 different subs in the last few days. So it's not a repost if it wasnt posted in this sub. Technically it is a repost since it was posted 5 times on reddit in the last few days. Not even technical.. it is a repost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"black people are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MyFriendsRap: You hoes need to stop dressing y'all kids as Migos and Rappers that y'all fucked. Lil nigga just wanted to be a power ran ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker With Lawyer's Response to Gateway Pundit https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are fucking retarded lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you and that stupid cunt Hillary and that coon that goes by the name of OBOZO!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A real study shows that your more than likely to be shot in any place where black population is more than 20 percent-why..because ignorant society that thinks entitled to ignorant things and not get shot for it Everybody in America, even the niggers, are more likely to be shot by a nigger than a police officer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @MahoganyLOX: vintage mickey http:\/\/t.co\/03otPzXCbI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But the Irish Nigger can attack buses and get rewarded for it? At least Khabib handled business in the cage and then outside of the cage with his fists, not a dolly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got your letter you got my song. While I am proud that you referenced The Jerk, I am disappointed that you misquoted it. Did he tickle you in your little furry places? Did you get groomed by the horrible Irish man? Why you got to hate on Peter Pan like that? begorrah tis another potato famine Toniiiight we are young we can burn brighter than the suun. This is going in the cringe compilation. I got soul but I am not a soldier.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"white people should not EVER help Africans.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/02\/jeffrey-wright-calls-melania-trump-trip-to-ghana-hospital-garbage\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dorsey is literally a nigger loving fag. He should be a racist. That would be healthy and normal","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your obvious contempt for immigrants has to stop right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mmm k. It's a man. Any woman that supports transgenders is an idiot. Transgenders undermine women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sick, sick people! https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7469308\/amazon-selling-sick-child-sized-sex-dolls-online-as-campaign-groups-slam-online-giant\/ In the beginning, men oppressed women in order to have free will. Now women control men through sexual manipulation. The future lies in making women sexually obsolete. Then the circle will close the cycle again for men to have agency again. This could be the intro for the next Blade Runner movie. I would watch that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday said Honduran President Juan Orlando Hern ndez told him that the migrant caravan marching toward the U.S.-Mexico border is \"financed by Venezuela. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/FKkt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger rights act must be repealed - if this nation is to be Great Again!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Asshole. this FOX news Cunt smiles and says Ohh I know that the left are doing bad things but I could care less I will still advocate for them and I am complicit in all they do so Fuck you.. my dad said she was some Old hag from the MTV generation that was left then as well You know who I cannot stand to listen to is that Juan Williams, guy. Assholery level beyond the maximum. oh Hell me as well when watters calls him out and its as plain as the nose on his face Juan will smirk and shake his head no or change the subject to a republican that he hates and tries to demonize Hell even gregg looks at him like he is a fucking commie Bastard You know right after he leaves that studio he has to have armed guards and he's always slinking out cuz if I was him I would be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or I'm vibing and they ask to see the aux cord knowing they bout to play some trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to klil all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I owe Blacks absolutely nothing and do not seek forgiveness. If, however, making them 'whole' consists of giving them a hand in returning to their ancestral homelands, I'm all ears! @SirBoring https:\/\/m.huffpost.com\/us\/entry\/us_5bccda8ce4b055bc9481ea68?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The @GOP elite call conservatives \"our niggers\" behind closed doors. #tcot #teaparty","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Japan? [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE) I live here. Everyone cheats. Literally everyone I know that's Japanese. That includes men but... The amount of women with boyfriends\/husbands I've slept with changed my view real quick. Japanese chicks somehow rationalize that their husband is at work so it's not cheating. LOL Damn you shattered my dreams Good. Too many white guys coming to Japan and getting divorced and never seeing their kids cause one parent lives abroad after the divorce and the Japanese wife lives in Japan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Being a goon hasn't been a police qualification for decades. True. In the UK now the top crime to stop is ordinary Brits posting anything short of praise for the so-called \"Religion of Peace\" on Facebook. So why are you complaining about gender when it's a lack of general physical prowess that's the problem? The simple fact is that many male cops would of been tossed out of that car too. > The simple fact is that many male cops would of been tossed out of that car too. Muahahahahhahaha! Okay troll, whatever. http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/uk_news\/england\/devon\/ Did you read the article? The relaxed rules benefit smaller men just as much as it does women, but it's the women officers who are your problem not the smaller men, right? I was commenting on what you said, not the article. You said the smallest person on the force, is male. You do realize physical strength generally favors men, right? If be willing to bet that this officer, if it came down to it, could absolutely destroy 95% of the females on the force. Simply because of the fact he's male, and males have more dense muscles, more dense bones, higher muscle as a percent of their body, and a ton of other stuff that makes them much more well suited for fighting than compared to a woman. So, I don't really care what the article says. It's common sense that men are almost always stronger than women. Does it hold true all the time? No. Does it hold true 99% of the time? Yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay people really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Damn right, FEAR me or i'll be your downfall, you little MICKEY MOUSE CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's because you guys are fucking morons. The people you hate told you he's betray you and buttfuck you, but you didn't listen. He's an incompetent cunt and so are the people who voted for him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She is that Cunt she played on Jerry Seinfeld. That was no act.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Written by a retarded lolbertarian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"4chan infographics are anti-memes. They damage the propagation of whatever they attempt to prove. I've read quite a few books on Watergate, so my attention span is fine. I just require some effort on the part of the writer. Qanon faggots can't afford clarity - it would collapse the scam. No see these kind of takes are just so lol, you haven't tackled the content directly, you have these hot takes you think are big brained but you are going to be brought to your knees in the future wishing you had just shut the fuck up all because you reacted to the retarded boomers that follow it. I've been bantzing you Qanon fags for months and it's always 'Oh real soon you will eat those words!' So far you got nothing. I bet my Gab account with one of you fags that there would be no military tribunals convened in November. They won't be.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Several people are shadowbanned here on Gab, so yeah................","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's a stupid cunt but I don't think she's that stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How much of a faggot do you need to be to see women in bikinis and get *depressed*? Anyway, this moron portrays Dave as being 100% serious, but in the interview Dave makes it perfectly clear this is all parody. It appears the interviewer \"missed the trick\" after all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Angela Merkel's End Could Spark EU Implosion!!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2k2DHw9HmZc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If there was a village of idiots, she would be the village idiot. Get rid of this disgusting sheboon. I 'm always tempted to post something very large and extremely unpleasant in her mouth before I punch her. No need really. She is usually found with a Triple McBurger in her gob. Thank you for the update on Racist Abbott's GOB!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"kick all you want muzzie a bullet kicks back","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The thing that struck me most from the Sarsour meme going around yesterday, was her specifying that she's attacking the 53%! What an overly entitled cunt of a terrorist! Minorities are fucking minorities.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too much drama about this, it's getting ridiculous. Some even said the alert was a \"mental rape\", like if it couldn't be ignored easily like any other crap on email, facebook, sms, etc But people are doing all this retarded drama BS 'attack', because it is Trump, anything that helps their agenda and support their braindead desease it is good.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Probably would if the act itself wasn't so damned retarded and blatantly anti-Trump. Sending \"bombs\" which would never reach their destination nor would have detonated and only serves to put all the spotlight on the left and away from any of the real issues","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"MB, you are willing to take a bullet for a anti-Western, card-carrying globalist? Srsly?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the races were reversed, they'd be lucky to walk out with something less than 25 to life. But you'd have to prove that it was intentionally racist...which I don't believe this case was (proven)...even though (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) I'm pretty sure they were calling him \"whitey\" in the video... [edit](https:\/\/tenor.com\/view\/why-are-you-booing-me-im-right-gif-10368876) They said things like \"Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, boy.\" I don't know what's ambiguous about that. That's racial motivation. Whites get charged with hate crimes after fighting with blacks without giving any indication of racism at all. [deleted] > but they don't want to anger anti-white black people by calling it one. What the fuck kind of drugs are you using? Nobody has ever supported these useless fucks. You've gone cuck overboard. [deleted] [deleted] I'm spastic? Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Saudi Arabia? All of them are Muslim, but which one of them is the largest supporter of international jihad, and which ones are fighting against jihadists? Which one is America's ally, and which ones have America bombed? Answer that, to see how full of shit and in denial you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Top tier faggot alert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clearly trans people are not our equal. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The limo company owner, Shahed Hussain, has been located but is currently out of the country, state police said in a news conference Monday afternoon. Three vehicles have been seized in the investigation, and authorities are examining the airbag control module in the crashed limo -- essentially the black box. . \" #SayWhat? \"Hussain once worked as an FBI informant after he pleaded guilty to driver license fraud in 2003,\" the I-Team reported Monday.\" https:\/\/www.nbcnewyork.com\/news\/local\/Schoharie-Limousine-Crash-Driver-Unlicensed-Failed-Inspection-Upstate-New-York-NY-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First time it happened. I've posted fuck cunt and twat all over the place and no problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, nasty old twat. Hope the best for Jay and Gina.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Men reproduce MGTOW is the farthest thing from manhood. PUA? I'm not sure if this is a really sad reality or a really funny troll. So you have kids outside of a stable marriage? How modern. You sound like a homosexual. If you consider every relationship with a woman \"groveling you're a broken man(boy) with some serious mommy issues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason here let me say it more clearly since your retarded ass don't understand","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rick Scott is known as easily one of the best Governors in the USA. Florida is setting records in almost every category of success. Amazing achievement-the envy of the World. Ron DeSantis will build on this success. His incompetent opponent will destroy Florida - next Venezuela! 8:03 am - 20 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's ironically one of the more truly classically masculine characters in the series, but tumblr has their minds so warped they think classic masculinity = faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The last one should be stupid retarded fool\/moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Better, better. Let s support this TOXIC FEMINISM against White women. They will be out of it, not because \"good reasons\", but cause the browns and blacks will kick the hell of them out of there. White women cannot be just alone in the wild, after being kicked out will come again to our flock. More of this nigger feminism, please!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you think that the term #redskins being offensive is a political issue, you are ignorant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people need professional help. They need to be medicated for their own safety and the safety of others.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gay lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, hollow is tolerable.....I guess it's better than flat earth. That doesn't piss me off nearly as bad as flat earth. NEVER GO TO MAMMOTH CAVE!!!! I warned you......lul Ok. I do believe in magnetic gateways. The strongest force in the universe is electro magnetism and I do believe something might be a little creepy about a cave or other spots. IE Bermuda triangle, that's an electro magnetic anomaly No magnetic gateways, but there's a waterhole in there they go under and into a cave you cant get to otherwise that was never mapped, that one of the ways down. They harvest the eyeless fish and kidnap people sometimes. lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obvious hate like \"female lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is so nigger he turned the whole river into milked tea....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obzeen stands with Gingerbread nigger person","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well the nigger state needs to look out for their niggers. Brotha's got his backs!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @th3j35t3r: Prime suspect of #Foley murder is 23y\/o British Jihadi who, wait for it ... \"declared his allegiance to Anonymous'\" http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's official, Harvard University has sunk to all time lows. This nigger ruined football, ruined shoes, now he's ruining universities. What's next? Is Kaepernick going to get a Nobel Peace Prize? What a disgraceful nigger. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/sports\/colin-kaepernick-talks-nike-kneels-harvard-love-root-resistance-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> she rode the cock carousal throughout her twenties and now thinks she's become a mature woman. There's no such thing as a mature women. They are all retarded children perpetually. That's why any man would prefer the tight unspoiled cunt of 16 year old than the \"experience\" of a 28 year old 'mature' woman who has a rotten beef flap instead of a vagina.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The world would be better off without you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"might walk to Dunkin donuts, i want a Oreo coffee coolatta.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT AMike4761 Cory Booker Already Discussing Kavanaugh Impeachment! Why don't we impeach Booker? Conduct treasonous to the U.S. Tell us about your sexual escapades also! #ma4t https:\/\/katrinapierson.com\/cory-booker-already-discussing-kavanaugh-impeachment\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If men shouldnt hit women because we are physically stronnger... then women shouldnt talk because they are fucking louder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Explosive device found at Clintons' home in Chappaqua https:\/\/thehill.com\/blogs\/blog-briefing-room\/news\/412889-explosive-device-found-at-clintons-home-in-chappaqua?userid=338526 Yeah right, they'll probably scapegoat a conservative, roll him out and scream \"see, this is how Trump voters behave \" they probably posted it to themselves in a desperate bid to keep hold of the house, bunch of losers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt should shur her mouth. She is directly at fault for the degeneration of toronto.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BOOMIN' https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1050149837553860609","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @obeyyreggie: stfu hoe RT @tedddydgaf: \"I'm proud to be African American\" - Proud African American\"I'm proud to be white\" - Racist ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I thought this Twitter exchange should be saved for posterity. Here, Heather Alexandra of Kotaku makes a case for Postmodern-gaming -- one in which **the gamer is not even required**: > Q: \"The fact that it is a game meant to be played means everything in the game [RDR2's NPCs] is there for the player, does it not?\" > A: \"I definitely don't think that's always the case, but **I also don't think players are completely necessary for games to exist**\" http:\/\/archive.is\/0aqy3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Opioid? So they stereotyped it as white trash and gave her the most white trash death ever, so pathetic, I love John Goodman but I hope the show is shit canned just to force them to wake up and quit giving in to bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't give a fuck about sand niggers. Fix our fucking country first faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why is it everytime I start to get comfortable with GAB, I run into a bunch of racists? I guess that is what the #Mute button is for. The KKK was created as the racist enforcement arm of the democrat party. It is sad to see ANY Trump followers clinging to racial stupidity. If the apostle Paul can bring a balless black man to Christ in the first century, We can do better Did you say something? No, didn't think so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FalseFlag #MAGABomber I'll be They find some redneck rube to take the fall. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/stratfor-chief-security-officer-mail-bomber-case-will-be-cracked-by-end-of-the-day-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if you read the text, the courts actually signed off on the plan to pimp out this retarded white woman to Muslims. the state backed the care home plan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ugh, reminds me of those cackling cunts that laughed at the dude who got his dick chopped off and thrown in a blender.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just because a nigger killed a kike doesn't mean white people should jump on the Kayne West bandwagon. Niggers kill indiscriminately. That is bcuz they R of the tribe of Canaanites which our creator, God WARNED US 2 STAY AWAY FROM THEM. They have FALLEN ANGEL BLOOD WITHIN ALL OF THEM! As God created the white Adamic Isrealite race, Lucifer created the black race, Jews, and other mixed mud races! Thou hast given us like sheep appointed for meat; and hast scattered us among the heathen. Psalms 44:11 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You're hurting meeeeeah!\" So strong. So Independent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And I ask ,what`s to love there?a bitching cunt who wants your shekels?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REMEMBER THIS: THE ENEMY IS IDENTIFIED. The Jews own Youtube, Apple, Facebook, Spotify and more, and they banned conservatives. This means the homosexuality, transgenderism, and hatred towards white males and Western civilization, is all directed by JEWS. Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT LionelMedia In the world of real, pilgrims howl in relief. http:\/\/wfla.com\/1538158472 https:\/\/twitter.com\/LionelMedia\/status\/1053924954318757888","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is exactly what is happening in Europe; this is orchestrated, and paid for by the Cunt Soros. These are INVADERS!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"2 of them look retarded and two look like cheap used car salesmen","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Deport their butts back, can we do that instead? Yes, deport and ban Islam from all Western nations since the ideals of Western nations and Islam are completely incapable of coexistence with one another. Video please! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HarleyyyQuinn_ trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ian0012: dawn of the planet of the apes of the four calling birds of the three french hens of the two turtle doves of the partridge in ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I'll just bet you get your talking points from skinheads. asshole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jason is a fairy gay faggot if he cannot MUTE someone here. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Doctor Who Refuses to Acknowledge Gender Choice Challenged by Trans Woman | This Morning https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mrt-4rWnBbI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Story? I'm outta the loop. Trudeau is a weakling who cries in front of the whole world anytime he can and is also known to empathize with terrorists returning to Canada. So sad you think you need to project strength by never feeling sad. It's gonna be ok man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All \"Macedonians\" are just mutant slavs, and have no connection to the ancient Macedonians whatsoever. That country only has its name because the Ottomans just declared that territory \"Macedonia.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This self loathing sow really must hate herself and life. So much jealousy...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aww is the faggot mad? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"God, SJWs are fucking retarded. He said the bad reaction to mobile Diablo was racism against the Chinese. Erm, calling Chinese mobile games shitty is not racism lol. I love Asian culture, but if I say they sometimes make cheap, crappy stuff, that's not racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's still a nigger, this #KanyeWest, but he could make for a useful one. Blacks who stand up for Whites and a truly equal America should be able to be promoted from nigger to negro to colored to righteous black, the highest level any African could ever be. #BenCarson: righetous black. #AlSharpton: nigger. And tax evader...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bet Charlie Strong has contacted Ridley","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mattis is a cunt who I hope has a heart attack soon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Three Coppers stabbed in North London last night. No description of the perpetrators, but I'm laying bets on names like Jemal, Leroy Winston, Mohammed.... https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CuaQtY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kamala Harris is a fucking hoe and a criminal. it's the nigger DNA","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you're a dude, you talk like a queer. Go lift, thicken your skin, and you won't get upset so easily. faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why on earth do Western governments allow their own civilised Western culture to be destroyed and end up a retarded savage society. Centuries from now archeologists will find the remains and ruins of a once modern intelligent Western civilisation... Jews who never got gassed , big pharma suppressing cures, the fed robbing us of our wealth through the money printing press ,and my foolish fellow Americans who have been dumbed down through fluoride in the water that they believe every lie the tv tells them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Andrew @a, in the light of the recent loli ban (which I am all for and you're a hero) I IMPLORE you to add \"humourless autism\" option to why you're reporting a post. After 3 strikes an account gets suspended for a month as a warning. After 10 such warnings you get banned and you must go back to Twitter as a punishment. I believe that bantz and lolz CAN be learned! Lolz and Bantz is mainly genetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This Merica, dey cops don't caaaare\" \"Hit that nigger! Hit that nigga!\" \"You can't hit her she a girl!\" someone put a 9mm in that fucking retarded commentator please, I'd rather hear him screaming from that then more of the same babbling shit he keeps going on about \"I got kids!!\" says the black cunt maybe you shouldn't have trashed a store, you dumb baboon \"Black lives matter!!!\" while the woman is fucking punching a cop God fucking damnit how retarded are these people? They should be fucking castrated so they can't spread their idiocy holy shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not equality if everyone doesn't get it you dumb cunt. It's privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ANOTHER BLUE CHECK SJW CUNT BITCH WHORE !! THOUSANDS OF THOSE CUNTS ON TWITTER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot. faggot ok, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate dumb bitches","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@iNURSELISA @blackredsoxfan It's a nice way of callin y'all honkies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Worked with her. She didn't try to leak anything worth while. She took a bunch of classified information and mailed it to a news source. What the fuck? If there is something that bothered her, she should have used appropriate whistleblowing channels. What was her intent in mailing the docs? What was she \"exposing\"? I found her case particularly hard to follow... No clue I was saying that I didn't know her motives","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"never trust a muzzie. never give a muzzie a job.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Viola, Auntie...you can't call White trash women White trash like this during primetime! #HTGAWM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most park benches are absolutely revolting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that god is such a cunt, fucking with our environment, he gone and changed the climate #autumn Nothing to do with god it the mad scientist that play with the climate that think there god it globalist that do it not god god is only trying make thing right it weather weapons that the globalist have and it being shown how the us those weapons on has and the planet","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"broke my heart to see the young boy claim his allegiance","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at this faggot jew trying to insinuate himself among Christians and lead them astray. The Trinity is in the Bible, and at any moment, this like rat could watch a Christian sermon proving it ad nauseam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We'll tortuer these trans people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I haet Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one else is as filthy as these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Buddhism is a religion for cows. People who believe this shit they get chopped sooner or later","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wetback caught raping miniature horse https:\/\/torontosun.com\/news\/weird\/man-shot-by-mini-horse-owner-also-accused-of-having-sex-with-animal\/wcm\/7b9c02bb-5e1b-40b1-9500-9b212734348f MORE than happy to hear this disgusting wetback got his ass shot. That's what they all need.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Folks, PLEASE, get your e-mails in to POTUS, let your followers know what's going on. Gab is acting really whacky this a.m., taking forever to load notifications which do not load. Quoting from an earlier post below: Attention all Gabbers: From @a Andrew: \"Breaking: @joyent, Gab's new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.\" From me: PLEASE e-mail POTUS Trump - this is election tampering in my opinion. Gab is one of the last bastions where conservatives can speak without censorship, and we need to protect our rights. Why aren't Twitter and\/or Facebook being sanctioned? For the very same post Gab is? PayPal denies Gab service, where does it end? Will banks be closing our accounts and denying us service because we are conservatives? https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/contact\/ And this morning on Fox, more headline news involving Gab: https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/who-is-robert-bowers-pittsburgh-synagogue-suspect-posted-views-online I mute freely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It appears that there are a great many haters here. And how they justify their outrageous, out-in-space opinions is beyond me. And I heard that this latest shooter in Pittsburgh is affiliated with this site. So I'm here to check GAB out. Bring it. There are anti-semites on Gab. They are mostly Islamic operatives who want to see all Jewish people destroyed because that is what is commanded in the Koran. They pretend to be Nazis to wind up the few Nazi morons on Gab. Gab is about free speech. You can get on here and counter any argument or statements that you disagree with.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look it turns out the head shop was robbed by two niggers with stupid-sounding names and a fat unattractive coal burner. It's literally the least surprising news ever! look at those retarded spooks.and they wonder why they are called niggers.iggnorant pos ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The beautiful Fairy Pools near Glenbrittle on the Isle of Skye, Scotland http:\/\/t.co\/cyi6xSvn97","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dabbba @Pinchehonkey Far as I can tell coon tracks on the cab door window - tractor was parked by some trees away from home","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL you can't even spell it nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a c a m e l f u c k e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That'll never happen. All my friends live in either Chicago or Minneapolis. They're retarded lefties but I still love em","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cuck probably wears that shirt while watching a nigger fuck his wife. Loser.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm balancing BORED RIGHT NOW, you stupid retarded bitch. @Microchip Fuck James Watt. I\"M MOTHERFUCKING Max Planck. The fuck you got?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@KuntaKayne I have never seen such ignorant, illiterate pieces of shit in my life. Bring in Natl Guard and disperse this trash. @bassem_masri","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"cunt may needs to hang...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thank you Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @cantUCIMblonde @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama rally in Nevada","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Reading the article a bit further, I actually feel kind of bad for him. It seems like the guy had a complete fucking melt down. >Stressed out from work + school + likely living with the expectation that you'll be supporting your mom and her 9 kids, if he wasn't already >Your mom uses her savings to send you on a trip to a place where you can relax and take a breather for a change >All your shit gets stolen It doesn't excuse what he did, but I don't really see this as a case of \"muh Islam\" or \"import the 3rd world\". This guy was working and going to school. and#x200B; ITT: NPCs Shut the fuck up stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Packman is a faggot Jew...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a faggot pos","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sold yourself out dbag. Throwing buzzwords around instead of thinking makes you a inept yet dangerous person. Seek help, there's no shame in mental illness. > I'm done taking a shit and arguing with a 14 year old. You argued with yourself as you took a shit? Are you retarded as well as stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigga, I made it. Thanks for all the love and support. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Duh Or hapless whigger or other liberal dipshit...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It means I live in close proximity to, and have a lifetime experience of living around, having to go to school with, having to work with, and having to go to the same grocery store with motherfucking sub human, knuckle draggging, ape level IQ NIGGERS. How's that? You're a real genius you know that? Maybe you'll understand finally when a nigger is hacking your head off with a machete... of course it will be too late then won't it??","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no space on this planet for any disabled person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I miss Twinkies and Susie Qs. Tragic loss to society. What is next? Pixie Turtles?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know the feeling when you're out on the town with people your regard as really smart and respectable and you see a friend from another time in your life that was dumb but entertaining who you kinda stopped hanging out with because they never really \"leveled up\" in intelligence or maturity and that friend comes up and proves their consistency by saying something embarrassingly retarded in front of your smart friends... Yeahhh this is that feeling...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only thing more repulsive than a nigger is a nigger faggot. Self-hating whites shower images of cross-dressed niggers with praise because the modern left fetishizes all forms of depravity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Funny how some spineless cunt comes through here downvoting everyone but offers zero counter argument as to why its okay to be a bolshevik who supports Zimbabwe niggers and advocates kikes be given a place in \"eurasia\" etc.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only thing this dumb as s half breed nigger has going, is he is black, dumber than hell, and democrat..he is an enigma.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and Nigger economy (goolag that shit, it's worth the keks)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_dimejii i know so. What Samklef said wasn't a lie man. This guy think is a beast in Naija Pop. His music is trash not the wizkid of before","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is it true poor WI has been invaded with Obama's Muzzies I'm always bitching about the UK not having a Churchillian Backbone. The US has allowed the same thing. Muzzies and Mexicans breed like rabbits and take over jobs in swarms of their relatives. The local Walmart had 3 Muzzie sisters working Custo Service - no one else. One of the McDonalds has all Mexicans who speak nothing but Spanish ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This may be the most retarded thing I've ever read. Another GQ writer. They sure can pick them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lmao I can't believe retards like you actually exist. End yourself asap > End yourself asap No, you. Fucking incel. stay mad that your retarded insult is incorrect 99% of the time haha faggot :) cunt! That's just makes you a dumb cunt. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those aren't Americans, afreecan Americans or black Americans. Those are obviously nigger beasts and mulattos. Check the bible, your eyes and think. https:\/\/thewhitemansbible.wordpress.com\/book\/29-who-needs-niggers-or-elimination-of-the-black-plague\/ NEGROIDS https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/playlist?list=PLA52FD44E69F5C997","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow, you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Writing that Muslims are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Free distribution .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a gay person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what I don't get, because of robotics we need less and less low still jobs, but idiot liberals want more retard 3rd world immigrants, why? So they can be on welfare?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Women should be held off from going to prison as it is more damaging for them than men wtf!! I can't believe this is REAL guidance produced for the courts to follow! It is the daily mail, so chances are it's not Looks like your credibility is less than the dailymail. Feel pretty stupid, huh? As some random asshole on the intertubes, it feels pretty good to have a similar level of credibility as the UK's second biggest selling newspapee \"Less than\" isn't \"similar.\" Why make the comparison if it's not similar, silly boy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally someone who means what he says. It' s been a year and I' m still cackling.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AmericanWhiteHM Those niggers disgust me. They should have dealt with 100 years ago, we wouldn't be having these problems now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Not everyone has that emotional Strength...in occupied territory. Pray the Day...we secure a place, for Kith and Kin! #riseofthewest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So what is the UN going to do about all the Christians that are being murdered around the world by these Camel piss Drinking Goat Fucking Raghead Muslims!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@xLoiterSquadx i made you lunch you fat faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Game's up for Soros then, arrest the cunt at last - throw him in jail!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to San Francisco. This is Folsom Street yesterday (9\/30\/18). This is the California Senators Feinstein and Harris are working so hard to protect. No, the idiots think because they're attending the Folsom Street Fair, that laws must somehow be suspended. I would have loved to see the Police arrest their asses. s.francisco police arrest them??? funny-funny!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And this sheeit really, she's not even in the Senate! She's in the house. Wtf she doing there greating feinstein Jew lawyers in her sick fucking North Beach cabal? You may want to sit down. Sheila Jackson Lee has a Bachelor's from Yale University and a JD from the University of Virginia. So she may not be your average she-boon ..... but I can't say. Just another nigger w a head to me. After his head is pulled right off at the miscalculated drop at the hanging. NIGGER BASTARD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How's this for multiculturalism? A set of Confederate flag jewelry (earrings and necklace) intended for the Arab market, made in communist China but priced in British pounds sterling, featuring Spongebob Squarepants on the packaging, for sale in a Pakistani convenience store. If that isn't an example of the wonders of global commerce, I don't know what is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would be a real shame for the dems if people saw this pic of the DNC deputy chair at a communist \"May Day\" parade in an \"I don't believe in borders\" shirt. A real shame. https:\/\/redd.it\/9qnam5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@selenalinn_ the jets are trash my bad i see what you meant ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Miami's run defense is Alex Smith trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently not being one of the sexuals makes you completely retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @kcarmouche: How you real, don't put NO money on you nigga books? But chu buy a bitch Chanel just to hit the Puss!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a Hollywood movie to be that stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@M_A_Larson @SteveStreza You're saying zebras are goth?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This man or woman or thing is a disgusting obnoxious racist bitch. #FuckOffWhoopi All Jews and Democrats are filthy despicable RACIST SEXIST PIGS! But obviously they are so brainwashed RETARDED they don't realize what morally degenerate scum they are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I ain't been to the fair since I was like 8 and I haven't wanted to go since then either for some reason. Too many niggers for me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don Lemon says Kanye should stop acting like he needs white people around. Meet Faggot Don Lemon's WHITE husband.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"US Members of Congress Invite Tommy Robinson to Speak in Washington DC https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/us-members-of-congress-invite-tommy-robinson-to-speak-in-washington-dc\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...and the retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger Raheem Davis murderer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's to be expected when our bravest and strongest go off to die while the weakest and cowardly force them to. We're left with not so good offspring that will do shit like this. > It's to be expected when our bravest and strongest go off to die while the weakest and cowardly force them to. We're left with not so good offspring that will do shit like this. lol man, get off your high horse. most people in a war are not there voluntarily but under force. And furthermore women have fought beside men throughout time, but due to logistical restraints they needed to stay home for the most part. Someone needed to tend the farm and create the new recruits. Some Viking women fought, as well in other cultures. Whats with the rudness? Some incredible exception does not prove the general rule wrong. I am rude because your brain trauma drags the world backwards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off and die you ignorant fuck... Suck a kike dick faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can't stand bitch ass niggas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate this CUNT with a passion!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger weasel","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. just like a sand nigger kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"all gamers are pusssieys.. And you're a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FuckKennyJ trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":":D Christianity is the world's largest religion, with an estimated That's like complaining, \"If Christianity didn't exist, the people in the right-hand montage wouldn't have rejected it so hard!\" If christians were in charge - and, they were - the buck stops with them. ;) Blaming others for their failures is - at best - immature, and is a clear violation of their own savior's doctrines and teachings. lol I don't go there, very often, but sometimes? The insanity of it all just grinds my gears. I hear ya","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BarackObama l voted and supported u and u pulled the rug out from under us, a nation and worse, cuz were not in \"your circle\" were trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get a fucking job Sand Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"some kid in an angry birds costume bumped into me and I fell over making something else fall over into something else which wobbled and..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is a Muslim on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is the 'what I offer' section? Or is that section implicit between the lines, intimating at a picky, insatiable, and delusional cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just to clarify, I saw the video and he didn't actually \"killed\" that NPC (leaving philosophy of existence aside) he just punched her, but yeah YouTube went full retarded on this one, the game is fucking rated Mature because it contains Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs. And most games where you violently murder men, no one cares. But punch a women... and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Yes Sir!! Moron Alert!! Typical Lefty, democrat moron, Accusing others of what They actually are! Sad for you lefty..... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know there are only 2 genders. That said, how can a newborn decide what gender he\/she is? They know zippo about zippo. They will grow to hate their ignorant faggot parents.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Naw RT @BakeGriffin Am I the only one mad that ESPN gonna be talking about faggot ass Penn State all week?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"how much responsibility do you carry for the state of affairs in the usa? I will bet tat u voted for the raghead nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BobKlap: Asked Betances before the game if he d like to be a starter again someday. If the Yankees ever asked me, I would. But I m a r ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a queer to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a shame the faggot went back to arguing for amnesty today.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@theejustinholt trash of the cowboys beat the redskins twice last year ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her own facebook post, ran through google translate and might need some more adjustment - but anyone reading this should compare it to the actual movie above. Its insane. \"ASSAULT WITH HATE CRIME MOTIVE On January 11, 2018, I was on my way home from work at \/r\/the_donald will probably want to comment on this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The EU is going full retard - this building stream of outrageous directives are overwhelming our ability to adsorb the lunacy behind them. Dave Cullen - Authoritarianism and Another Insane EU Directive https:\/\/youtu.be\/tSBV3vPYqJ0 <12min","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even Upton Sinclair didn't believe Upton Sinclair. \"if you are going to blame 'capitalism' for the faults of the press, you are compelled to prove that those faults do not exist except where capitalism controls.\" in which @GnonCompliant comes full circle and outs himself as a based free-market libertarian","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, this cunt is a fucking trip. Men give out opinions because, last time I check, men built everything around us. When women have accomplished what men have, then they can have a fucking opinion that matters as much as men's does. I am so glad she lost. This misandrist bullshit is fucking insane.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You know what fuck you too bitch your such a little hoe! >.<","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay. This is a classic. that fkr generated (cultivated) and brought more REAL nationalist whites into this fkn thing than almost anyone we can name. He introduced more fkrs into the movement than almost anyone except for alex jones. Only the best lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jew dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other immigrants are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't get it. Is it just racist or does it mean something? New Disney movie, used black actor to play the nutcracker. so what? Traditional Russian Folklore story. And there's no such thing as a black Russian. Person, I mean, black Russians obviously exist and are usually consumed around the holidays. ever heard of a fairytale? Yes: Once upon a time in Russia there was no blacks! how can you tell? but for sure, there were no talking rats, toys of wood and fairies, and the story is full of them :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are repugnant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I call everyone cunt tho","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Spic bastard steals hatchet, gets shot twice and croaks. Locals 2nd guess commissioner. Criticism politically motivated? Florida city commissioner shoots, kills alleged shoplifter, surveillance video shows https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/florida-city-commissioner-shoots-kills-alleged-shoplifter-surveillance-video-shows #TakeDat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"UN-CONTROLLED MIGRANT HORDE OVERRUN MEXICAN BORDER Army of migrants smash through Mexican border fences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're such a pathetic white-trash loser Shut up, faggot Another leftist denigrating gays they profess to care so much about. I told you to keep your faggot mouth shut! You need to learn some RESPECT!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"not all women are like that\" but more than enough of them ARE LIKE THAT!! so where are all the femmymists crying, \"a woman would never lie about rape?\" this is cunting to the nth degree!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is why alot of parks get closed off. Retarded faggots wrecking everything. Who cares about a ciggarette butt or two","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bakers are the absolute worst. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a lot of Uncle Tom ass niggas out here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fucking nigger bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I work right around the corner from here and got told to shut the store i work at. I was like fucked if I'm going to let some terrorist cunt stop me from doing my job, so i stayed open and made a bit of cash off the people who got diverted due to bourke street being shut down, who just wanted to keep on going about their lives. and#x200B; Capitalism wins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at this dumb cunt on Twitter https:\/\/twitter.com\/davidcorndc\/status\/1050936135701082112?s=21","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no sympathy for guys who have to pay for it. https:\/\/twitter.com\/FranckeNoah\/status\/1048124387969458176 \"If I was writing a comedy sketch about . . . raping the CEO of Dropbox's wife with a broken glass bottle\" Sam may you live ten thousand lifetimes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah, the just want to take the houses of those who can afford (more than one) and give them to those who cannot afford any. That has, throughout history, ALWAYS ended well, with the properties that are given over at gunpoint being well maintained and cared for for several generations of \"free\" tenants. Nope.. nothin has ever gone wrong with that scenario. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow. Not used to seeing that. In Murica all those cops would have yelled \"stop resisting\" and proceed to pommel her ass. Clearly you have been brainwashed by Fake News CNN. What's it like being so easily brainwashed? Is it due to your extremely low IQ? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? That must be it. What are you talking about? It's their only post in this thread, and it sounds like a complete joke. > It's like they taught a chimpanzee to type You're just saying that because I'm black, you racist piece of shit. Are you trying to get hired at the Racist New York Times or something? You're well on your way, racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather die than date a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. Shut up faggot they are clones of Jordan Jereb","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@a you chose them, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well gab was always nigger aids anyway. I did like killing time at work posting cool pics and music but I guess this will free up more time for hentai","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hood niggas and bitches love emojis lmfao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Get some better material, retard. You feminists are pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"April 4, 2018 \"Are you ready to see Wonderland? 666 5th Ave and THE CABAL. #Pizzagate #Pedogate #QAnon #GreatAwakening #5thAveAnon https:\/\/www.neonrevolt.com\/2018\/04\/04\/are-you-ready-to-see-wonderland-666-5th-ave-and-cabal-pizzagate-pedogate-qanon-greatawakening-5thaveanon\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christianity spread because of the power of the words of Jesus. Internationally followed when Paul was still officially slaughtering all the followers of Jesus, men, women, saints, you name it. Nothing to do with Paul. Yes, Constantine making it the official Roman religion cemented it, but the reason he did is because of it's rising popularity despite the persecutions. And the \"European\" religions were pig ignorant Pagan horseshit. This is an example of #christinsanity at its finest. No wonder Jews call them stupid cattle. I'm not a Christian. That's another fail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HBCUfessions: I guess my confessions trash because none of them got posted- FAMU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tommy Robinson's Day, NPC, ANTIFA And Showing The Media As Liars media used every trick in the book to try and paint a picture of thugs support Tommy. this irresponsible hate mongering is legitimising extremist left-wing thugs to become increasingly violent. a third of the speakers are Jewish https:\/\/youtu.be\/m7E9e3zZhiI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bowser is a bad guy, so clearly he should keep doing it. And then they fuck. Just saying bowser has clearly been trying to get Mario's attention for years now there love can blossom. Remember the scene in SMRPG where Bowser kisses Mario? Fuck I need to play that again. Best Square game. ^\/s ^but ^it ^is ^amazing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I feel I must mention Tommy Robinson this morning. 3yrs ago I took to using my access to the armed forces bases around the UK in order to try to influence them regarding certain Nazi tropes, well disguised but not buried. I wrote about it on here from time to time. It is good to see Tommy Robinson doing something similar now, the interesting thing is that he is NOT pushing the jew narrative, everything he says is compatible with my own views regarding the jew. This must be of quite some concern to his financiers. The biggest lie told to Reserves (being readied right now for deployment in 2019!) is that Russia is the target. Tommy is like me trying to make the forces realise that Russia is NOT the enemy and our foe emanates from the Middle East. He still is not an open antisemite but he is helping that cause hugely. So I have to give Tommy Robinson a \"big up for his efforts of late. Well done Tommy Robinson! Your pseudonym should be Enid Blyton........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis specifically asking for international schools in #Saudi to be targeted #RealThreat http:\/\/t.co\/NV5qbZaviv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Billboard Goes Up On Busy Ca Highway With Message To Maxine That'Ll Make Her Panic https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=tXZPXrrRC78","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Landfill sites are disgusting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ryanair should be REALLY worried - and that little twat who runs that shit 'airline' needs to STFU about a BRITISH matter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"America's future could look a lot like Rhodesia if we don't solve our most pressing issues soon. Demographics is destiny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ramaxe1965 dubya hates todays teabagger movement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? Johan. Your gotcha didn't work. We're not gonna choose Israel cos its richer or \"da only democracy\" in the Middle East. Israel is filled with Jews, stupid! I picked Iran btw. Good. SUre you'll look great in this :) Course I would. When in Tehran, do as the Iranians do. Only in topsy-turvy world of Britain do the Brittons do as they're being commanded by the Muslims. Lol Good luck in a black burkha in 45 degree heat love. And no real Britons wear burkhas. We're Christian lol Btw did you get your license for those plastic knives you're gonna be needing, mate? You don't need a license for plastic knives love. And it's only illegal to carry a knife in public with no valid reason. You can still scoff your dinner with them :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'It's Just Chaos' Pro-Brexit and Pro-EU Tories All Turning on PM May https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/europe\/2018\/10\/19\/just-chaos-pro-brexit-pro-eu-tories-turning-theresa-may-negotiations\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ha, I bet I go out yelling ala Akbar on a filthy muzzie and slingshot Sausage links at them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off you racist twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"he's right, most you faggot are just pretending. you don't got the balls to do shit and even IF you did, the majority of whites would be on the front line, sticking your fat, floppy asses into the short coffins. more of us than you and you salty fucks talk about it offline. you know you aint SHIT. WN is cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am done with the GOP. I refuse to be associated with such a nigger and kike loving faction. They deserve nothing from whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've dealt with that Steven Van Zandt looking ass kikeress since 2016 Twitter when she was shilling for fuckin' Ted Cruz and us \"Trumpists\" then were on the warpath. She's a shiesty conniving cunt that deserves all the video game related scenarios I can think of.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[https:\/\/www.theage.com.au\/national\/victoria\/sarah-finn-cops-800-fine-for-melbourne-cup-bush-push-20160211-gmrcbq.html](https:\/\/www.theage.com.au\/national\/victoria\/sarah-finn-cops-800-fine-for-melbourne-cup-bush-push-20160211-gmrcbq.html) and#x200B; That article was pretty funny. Clearly the author thought his time (and the worlds attention) could have been better spent on something else. He wrote it deadpan as fuck. But the last line. Haha. That was amazing. > Thirty seconds later, another person walked out of court. It was Mussie Debresay, committed to stand trial for the murder of a toddler, two-year-old Tonnja Huynh. > No media were there as he walked away. I wonder why that is[.](https:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6kvm.jpg) Because the media doesn't care about the life a minority baby. Thanks for supporting my point. They don't care about minority lives just how thay can use their deaths for a narative. I'm guessing no reporter covered this because they couldn't spin that narative. You're statement implies that the MSM cares about other deaths which is false. There's enough actual racism and bias to go around, looking for it everywhere sets back equality \"She suffered a harrowing ordeal having her case be public\" well yeah she shoved over a cop because she wanted to knowingly on camera. that is the textbook definition of being a cunt, harming and humiliating someone else just for a quick laugh. I'd hope she'd get shit for it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this NIGGER BITCH IS ANOTHER COMMUNIST WHO NEEDS DESTROYED LIKE ALL THE REST OF THEM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@PushinUpRoses My current favorite line is Shea Moisture. It's at Target and CVS. Great for dry, curly, and\/or colored hair.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We must not let disabled people be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For those of you who remember the fat Democrat commie slob on Fox's The Five a few years back, Bob Beckel, he was married to this cunt Leland Keyser, who is Christine Ford's friend. Anyone who thinks this doesn't stink and wasn't a scripted hit on Kavanaugh is an utter fool.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They work with a lot of Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a difference between fiction and reality. Whoever made these comparisons are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most \"meta\" subs are shit but bestof is peak retarded white hero liberalism","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She went full retard, never go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was nice of those fags and nigger women to give you permission to walk away, pretty fuckin based of them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TheFactsBook: Twitter has a bird as its logo, that s why when you join you re an egg, and your home button is a birdhouse. Why am I ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary JAIL WikiLeaks issued a statement saying they will take down Hillary by Oct 21st, by showing she sold classified military secrets to Saudi Arabia. @Koanic @GuardAmerican @genophilia @PNN https:\/\/freedomnewsreport.com\/2018\/09\/13\/wikileaks-says-it-will-bring-hillary-clinton-down-by-october-21\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You found me out... I am 1\/1024th Sephardic Jew","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a 100% chance that the founding fathers are considerably more intelligent than a guy who rose to fame playing a character called 'Meathead' on a 70s sitcom. Just sayin'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anita Sarkeesian saying stupid shit about the Legend of Zelda. The first person who told me about her was a fifteen year old girl who was a huge Zelda fan. Her general response to Sar-cunt-ian was \"no, you're retarded, and so was mine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you ever seen a bigger degenerate, jesus christ It's no wonder their suicide rates are astronomical. Eventually realization of how disgusting they are sets in. I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but it genuinely sounds like you're supporting suicide here. My position is, that my freedom of speech is more important than their lives. I have absolutely no intention of referring to a man in a dress as 'she', and if that causes him to become an hero, that is not my problem. I'm saying that the way you stated what you did makes it sound like you're celebrating the suicides of \"disgusting\" people. I am trying to clarify that that isn't the case. Who cares if it was the case? Why do you think you need to clarify? Because I would hope that the people I associate myself with aren't celebrating the suicide of any group of people. I care. If you don't care then why bother asking? You aren't associating with anyone here and stop trying to play low key thought police. If he was advocating suicide what would you do? I would know that he is a crazy person and so would other people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And this code word 'white' wamen you need to substitute for 'jew' wamen and you're in the ball park Like the old cunt in NY who cried rape by a 9 yo boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuckall disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fat cunt de nitro trump has punch you fat cunt guts in you sick weak cunt one you us to like trump just like all you two face pedo supports get what coming to them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You've got no business being a cunt if you fiddle kids bums and your mum is the size of the MILLENNIUM DOME daft cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That fucking faggot probably delivered the packages himself Notice no device exploded Typical Saul Alinsky tactic by Dems","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a disgusting cunt. How fucking delusional these cunts are. Imma ruin your life and you better react the right wayyyyyy or else I might get SAD :C lmaoo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tennessee - Another mixed race couple relationship ends badly. Witnesses say the negro beat the White mother of his children over the head with a rock or brick repeatedly in front of her house, then ran her over with a car several times. https:\/\/wreg.com\/2018\/10\/08\/domestic-violence-survivors-shocked-emotional-to-hear-about-dv-homicide\/ Toll Paid LOLOLOLOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And here it is folks what studies find...... sigh Duh. So is this high Wakanda science?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most pro-Israelis are the \"Fuck ye Team Murica World Police!\" Stand up for our 'JuDeO CHriStiAN' values types... Most anti-Israelis are the \"Fuck teh Western Imperialism!\" Karl Marx was right check out my 12$ Che t shirt I bought from Amazon types... Both of them are fucking idiots that refuse to leave me out of their tribal retard splurges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You trans people keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @librarianknight: More queer lady Templars. That's my point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @NickSwagyPYoung: Happy Halloween from Rick James (aka Swaggy) and Charlie Murphy ( @bigmeat2000 ) haha darkness everybody http:\/\/t.co\/y ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrnts belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bitches be having a nigga but want to be another nigga WCW bitch it don't work like that","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I have no compassion at all for any gay person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" wow congrats you cold hearted bitch! I Hope those 27 fetus go to stem cell research and become self aware. After reunion to exact their revenge on their would be mother by putting a hi powered vacuum on her skull to suck her brains out! Mortal Kombat Fatality! burn in hell you retarded moron","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Dyke rage What is dyke rage? That they'll get their hair even more undercut and put on another layer of flannel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Please...peg me and let me help raise your children!\"- CB https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6231267\/Cory-Booker-dating-single-mother-two-used-work-him.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslim Bitch ...you rag headed Nigger ...camel Jockey ...Goat Humper","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do people really not realise that trans people are disgusting?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm left-wing, anarcho-transhumanist, trans and bisexual and I still support GamerGate because I believe in freedom of expression over bullshit tokenism and gatekeeping. Sensitivity readers? Nonsense. I want insensitive stories full of transgressive, politically-incorrect shit. You should be able to write about bad guys doing bad things without some retard getting offended. People have gotten too damn soft these days. I grew up watching David Cronenberg and Quentin Tarantino movies. David Fincher, Danny Boyle, Troy Duffy. Fight Club, Trainspotting, Boondock Saints. All that shit was my jam, and what, they expect us to watch, read and play soft, pussified, \"sensitive\" shit now? Fuck that, I wanna see someone break a toilet over somebody's head!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@thereal_EMandM texans d\/st won't play the redskins again this year...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you dried up old cunt I hope one of your needle dik Mexican raped that dried up pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No Dumbass If you \"believe jews are white Do I have to be a fuckin' Jew to call white people \"Goy\" or \"Goyem\"? These are Jew created words, too, right? Obviously your too dim to grasp the point of the original comment. How bout this: Y dont you fuckin stop, using every word, and STFU. Ok problem solved, and look in the mirror and say GOY with my dick in your mouth, GTFO I think the point of the orginal comment was that you're a fucking ninny. Yea I guess, look who I got responding to this, so what does that make u? Ur seriously fucked up Um I didnt invent the word, only stating facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"KIKE CUNT NEEDS TO BE--->>LOCKED UP !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Think of the pressure they felt from the Left. All those dinner parties they almost got blacklisted from. Oh, the humanity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's also kill this sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rep. Joe Kennedy: Americans Must Welcome the Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/25\/rep-joe-kennedy-americans-must-welcome-the-migrant-caravan\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"joe is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/17\/healthy-conversation-twitter-takes-no-action-as-louis-farrakhan-calls-jews-termites\/?fbclid=IwAR2nfJ0YhcHOTtqTbF_SzeWOyE8QzcF-6DrJYsyq3zHqtr2W8K9DSkYayl4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BigxCool: RT if you're on the slope to 30 and still feel 17","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Evidently they can get away with it without facing the wrath of the DOJ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ur obviously a lunatic....just muted u for a year","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One can take the nigger out of the ghetto, But one cannot take the ghetto out of the nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You enjoy your spot on the google and apple app stores, nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"she is a dizzy, ignorant, crazy, nigger lovin, stupid, fuckin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You now need to be extra, extra, extra careful how you refer to the Prophet Mohammed, as the EU Court of Human Rights upheld the conviction of an Austrian woman for defamation over his marriage to a child. https:\/\/www.aa.com.tr\/en\/europe\/defaming-prophet-muhammed-not-free-expression-echr\/1292823 Mohammed was a peadophile. He married and raped a child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck, I wish my lawn looked *that* good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PhilHecken I don t understand how it s weak to give anything to Jeter when the Astros barely have any history with the Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lindsey G. displaying DGAF. The man is taking T supplements. Or McCain is no longer doing him in the ass. Or something. At any rate, it's kind of amazing https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/The_Donald\/comments\/9kjppy\/lindsey_graham_on_cnn_if_you_dont_like_me_working\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Versanche only faggots drive stick","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb jew....it was like a nigger crashing a KKK meeting","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @dynamite8503: \"Why y'all doing the ALS challenge if y'all not gonna donate?\" Cuz we don't $10k and Tiger Blood to donate unlike Charlie ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YOU DUMB FAT USLESS CUNT THE JEWS ARE NOT SEMITES LEARN YOUR HISTORY NATIONAL EMERGENCY AS ORGANISED CRIME TAKES OVER BRITISH PARLIAMENT. FSS! SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE! https:\/\/gab.com\/thedesertboy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a savage cunt hahaha I love it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've been a complete dickhead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Quick daily reminder: all of this could have been avoided if the Republicans weren't a bunch of faggots and had simply called the vote after the hearings. No, the faggot was the bravest one in the room on this one, this fiasco is entirely the fault of the bitches. Flake, Murky and Collins.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Interesting that your entire world of 'winning' consists solely of being 'with' a White woman. Yet, I consider being 'with' a Nigger woman to be me scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel. You are absolutely a racist. I am no such thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Great, Great, Great https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/09\/17\/kavanaugh-beth-wilkinson-female-lawyer\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ErikaWCVB: @marthacoakley called Charlie Baker to concede around 8:15 this morning. She plans to address supporters at 11am. #wcvb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will this liberal cunt keep her job... of course. This is common practice among these (((universities)))","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"jew and nigger hate is rising all the time. ...maybe we can use the law to get your ip address, you never know","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @TooRacist: Some black guy at my school asked if there were colored printers in the library.\"It's 2014 man you can use any printer you ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Published on 14 Oct 2018 \"The Ginsburg Show - Nothing Much to See Here! \"The age of consent should be lowered to 12 years of age.\" \"Pedophelia is good for children.\" ~ Judge Ginsburg Ginsburg Shocks Us Again! Unthinkable For an SC Judge!!! [embedyt] https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0cSP6DQL0Wc[\/embedyt] ~ Truth and Art TV Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg senility watch Deleted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dont cuntsplain I'll cuntsplain all I fucking want. Why don't you go eat a dick? I know, right? It's a female penis. **maybe i should put \/s after everything i write on here like my response to \"cuntsplaining\"...don't want to get downvotes for being the sarcastic bitch i am.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">being so autistic you wonder if satirical memes are an attack against you Big oof Some retards are actually using it exactly like that though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This MACHO RACIST NAZI DOES NOT FEAR ANYTHIG well except a single solitary black man.... just one single black man..... and to prove he isn't scared shitless of a lone.... single black man he is going to post a pic telling everyone to cross the street if you see a single solitary white man. Positively fearless.... right...got it.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another long night with allergies! need better ned than zertec or however you spell it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not at all the soy boys and fat dyke lezbos would go down fast... I used to do stage lighting for a biker based music tour. I think the gangs would be a safe place to be. I'd probably hook up with the hell's Angel's. Js... lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"''Universal truth'' = jew-speak. But we already know that. You bow your back and bend your knee to a jew. Abrahamic religions are truly a cancer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is when you know the world is fucked up. Children of decent hard working families in the UK USA go hungry, old people freeze to death in winter because they cannot afford heating then celebs get 15 million a movies and some cunt can pay over a million dollars for a bottle of plonk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Niggas be in they feelings when they find out their hoe fuckin another nigga #StopSavinTheseHoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Short answer: Yes. ~ Sage Grouse Rebellion: Will Obama use two small birds to limit oil drilling in the West? http:\/\/t.co\/TK0nZBBTte","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh my god this white nigger is never going to shut the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The fucking potato nigger is pulling a Ralph and streaming at a retardedly inconvenient time for Europeans: https:\/\/twitter.com\/MisterAntiBully\/status\/1054087206040752129","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is Hillary the dodo bird candidate? http:\/\/t.co\/YfUbgwQ4tw via @worldnetdaily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BEGONETHOT No one cares what thots think because thots do not think. What thots want is \"more\", and since even God (or if you prefer a hypothetical perfect being) still isn't good enough more is never enough. When you consider all you get in exchange is a depreciating hole... who cares? Also, we might have artificial wombs by the end of the decade and will by the end of the next decade so any men here who are interested in having children but who will not tolerate the child their children would otherwise pop out from will have a superior alternative. Oh and in reality what actually happens is a man carrying around the dead weight of a thot has low time, money, energy, finances... once he loses 180 pounds his situation begins drastically improving. You can be a slave your whole life for a retarded child or retire before 35 if you ditch the bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded giraffe mutant is back","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ITS CALLED A UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATION YOU DUMB CUNT LOL CLAIRE MCCASKILL DEMANDS SPECIAL PROSECUTOR FOR PROJECT VERITAS FRAUD' https:\/\/truepundit.com\/claire-mccaskill-demands-special-prosecutor-for-project-veritas-fraud\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What these bitches want from a nigga?, like on some DMX shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You fat cunt 1 mi lion white children violently raped prostituted out by Islamic filth God I want these cunts dead","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would bet almost anything the child's father did not die in a car crash 7 years ago - this cunt is lying for sympathy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I always translate 'Who hurt you' as 'Who *freed* you?' The plantation wants us back, but hell no, that ain't happening. I like it. I almost hope I have another short relationship so I can use that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex breaks down how the UN and Soros control our borders through UNESCO, after Trump canceled UNESCO. https:\/\/www.real.video\/5834563739001","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/dcdirtylaundry.com\/college-snowflake-calls-911-for-help-theres-a-bunch-of-trump-people-and-its-not-very-safe-right-now\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Over my White boy phase aka she can't get any White guys to sleep with her anymore. Yes the (((white))) boys are devastated. Omg you're savage LMFAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah? Because cops = hitler?? Look in the mirror when you say \"retard . Because that is the line of thinking you're doing. Don't compare Hitler to US cops. Hitler loved dogs and would never kill them for fun like our sadistic low IQ pigs do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hidding his stukkende vet poes get bunnion onion poephol kapper face behind a plastic mask and running fooken kali linux like cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Watching the nigger movie Menace2society. Trying to learn more about the enemy. Good reconnaissance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Maybe it's because she's a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Country Bumpkin Word of the Day : yokel http:\/\/t.co\/aBpFZgJU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So what if their faggot ass population is (((small)))? Those filthy kikes control the Media, Hollywood, Academia, the banks, and the U.S. government! Plus, they're the ones that bring the Muzzies in. Kikes are evil and deserve to be thrown into volcanoes. A lot of Jews are hiding in closets all over, because they're the biggest faggots in the world! https:\/\/www.bostonglobe.com\/lifestyle\/travel\/2016\/03\/17\/welcome-tel-aviv-gayest-city-earth\/y9V15VazXhtSjXVSo9gT9K\/story.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The whackadoodle in action. #Kavanaugh #SCOTUS #MeToo #Dems She's had a half dozen facelifts. I think her eyelids are permanently open.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Which one of the kids will be gay? My bet is on Edmund, he was always the cunt of the four siblings so they will try turning him into some subversive type. Someone will be brown too, other than the horse boy. I would say most likely Caspian. >My bet is on Edmund, he was always the cunt of the four siblings so they will try turning him into some subversive type. Well he does turn around. He's really a completely different person in *Dawn Treader* . I hated him as a kid, but as an adult coming back to them I sympathize with him. But seriously. If they try to make Edmund gay or something similar, Lewis's estate as well as hundreds of fans who love the book for it's Christian message are going to be PISSED OFF. > I would say most likely Caspian. Well that would kind've make sense. He's described as being blonde and blue eyed in the original book. . . despite the Telmarines being described as 'descendants of Island women and Pirates'. Which never really made sense to me. So you could get away with that. I mean, Ben Barnes WAS Prince Caspian and he didn't look anything like I pictured him in the book as a kid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Immigrants can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"idk man, I think you need to piss someone off along the line. I've posted to T_D, KiA, CringeAnarchy and never been banned from a sub I haven't been to. I know it does happen, but I really think you have to piss off a faggot mod who mods like 12 subs then he'll hit you for it. I wonder what he did with his Lauren Southern character after they all found out that she once had a black boyfriend? Something even creepier than making her a retarded Annie Oakley?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Transsexuals infiltrate Judaism https:\/\/panjewish.org\/2017\/12\/16\/police-obsession-with-daniella\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nah, just a retarded nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She hasn't done her job alright...she should've banned her grandson from marrying a fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a black person to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @CouldBeEashia: @vivalamarley me waiting on you to take me to NY with you to get my nips pierced ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a troll, or retarded, I get it. Get a life because I'm done babysitting you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Eisenhower starved to death over a million good German soldiers at Rhine meadows! Eisenhower was a WAR Criminal! JEWS are LIARS! I wish I could debate the Jew bastard. Jews are too retarded though to actually debate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it is being blocked by the dems. yell at them. He can only do what congress will let him. Or are you that retarded you can't see this. It will be done if you get out and vote them dems out. Dumb ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Going from offering free stuff to buying votes. What a loser-head. https:\/\/www.sacbee.com\/news\/nation-world\/national\/article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RonnieMack12 dawg, you so trash your momma got charged with littering when she dropped you off for school","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fox Host Draws Leftist Outrage with Unique Suggestion for Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/fox-host-draws-leftist-outrage-unique-suggestion-migrant-caravan\/?utm_source=Twitterandutm_medium=PostSideSharingButtonsandutm_content=2018-10-21andutm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT ChuckCallesto Race Baiting Al Sharpton COMPARES Trump supporters to those who attend \"Lynchings... #WalkAway https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/sharpton-trump-supporters-lynchings\/?utm_source=starandutm_medium=twitter https:\/\/twitter.com\/ChuckCallesto\/status\/1048766567465594880","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her disloyalty to America is legendary. What a despicable CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Early bird gets the worm! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I believe Muslim lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If these bitches called me toxic to my face,Id probably show them about real toxicity. Im sick of this retarded shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"W0men are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poor Ms Emma says she's afraid to drive down the street without a disguise. She wasn't fearfull last March when she was sticking her face on every media show she could find....flashing the Cuban flag.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh God why did I waste 7 min of my life watching this trash. I didn't need to bore myself to death to know all of that. That's true too, I like your name by the way lol. I can see lots of potential to piss off trump supporters Yeah that's awesome. Reddit needs more slapfights. You do realize many Trump supporters make names like that and would do the opposite of piss them off? of course you don't. you haven't had your news tell you what to think yet. What?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"We can never promise a world where there are no abusers, but we can promise a country where we commit to hear and believe our children\": Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivers formal apology to the country's victims of child sex abuse. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ZhTq https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/srz5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don's lays next to his white faggot boyfriend every night. Gives new meaning to shoving up his ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Haha how very typical, attack the alt accounts and pretend that using real names DOESN'T cost people jobs or the threat of the JDL and Jewish Mafia showing up at our doors. I suppose you'd take all of those Jewish quotes seriously if I posted my name address and social below?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Behind him is his Muzzie Girlfriend. Figures...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is Miss Landers a retard ? Miss Landers is a DUMBASS RETARD.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The actors in \"Ocean's 8 aren't just actors. They're actresses playing actors playing those particular kinds of actors known as cons. - The faggot who wrote that shit stain of an article","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They cost almost","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'REFUGE HOTEL' EXPOSED IN TORONTO Please repost as you see fit https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=o2mXVru5yMM What??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're going to prison. Oh yeah, I'm really concerned about what Hillary thinks. She is freaking out because Kavanaugh was a primary investigator in the WhiteWater investigations. Most of remember Ken Starr. The whole of the moldy corpses from that era are going to come out. I would not be at all surprised if there isn't an attempt on Kavanaugh. See since he is now on the SCOTUS and in Trump majority, he can vote to declassify ALL of the dirt on this foul and disgusting creature that has been soiling America for decades.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That old ass retard \"Tiny\" will have lost all his mind by 2020 you stupid fuckstick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Crazy booster shot kid thinks people are paying attention to him. I don't know what to tell him. Let him down easy guys. This one is sensitive. you sound like you have mental problems when you refer to \" guys\". you have no friends online or off. everything you say makes you sound more and more desperate and frustrated. Dorky bot network troll with 6000 followers has on average one like on the vast majority of posts. Can't figure out how we all know he likes up his own posts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White #cop being demonized for busting unruly niglet. Nogs want him #fired. Video of police officer arm-locking 12-year-old child rapper Lil C-Note goes viral https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/video-police-officer-arm-locking-12-year-old-child-rapper-lil-c-note-goes-viral- Never an abuse of power to get a nigger under control. the nigger needs to be constantly reminded of its place at the bottom of the social hierarchy","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL \/BLOCKED Go away faggot, you don't exist anymore. Go REEEEEEEEEEE at someone else. I'll never see your bullshit anymore :) Now go ahead and reply to this, prove to everyone that you're stupid enough to message people who will never see it HAHAHA.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Resistance Man Who Assaulted Pro-Lifer Arrested https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/KcsJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@holmes0786 only if its yellow cake and chocolate frosting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely adore disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It baffles me why people care even the slightest about the lives of disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i wanted to say *ib4 sargoy love boys* but... Ya, it seems being critical of the SoyFather is bad to many here. [deleted] Oh Metokur is a dick and deserves his criticisms but so far most that try to take him on end up getting bitch slapped. I pointed out he burned Andywarski and he has burned many others but then again, he has no \"internet friends.\" As for what I'm doing, I'm highlighting an issue that could easily be Candid You don't get it. you're not allowed to like Jim's content, not even by proxy. it makes the \"\"\"\"sargon community\"\"\"\" really mad. [deleted] not mad btw [deleted] this is raw, unrefined cringe. please stop. [deleted] You can take that however you want. doesn't make it any less wrong, though. you can do your projection thing with your bizarrely deranged diatribe about character (or lack thereof) but you're not achieving much. well, except for making the \"\"\"sargon community\"\"\" look like absolute numptees. [deleted] How are you reaching these absolutely insane conclusions? I mean seriously. I have watched most of Carl's content. I just think his handling of this latest drama is bush league, and smacks of a guy who can dish it but can't take it. something Jim suffers from as well. I like watching metokur's videos because his voice is nice and it is cool to see someone unashamedly advocate for imperialism. I used to like sargon because it seemed like he was having fun. not anymore, though. I don't use his* \"Teachings\" in my daily life nor do I participate in his community. this obsession of yours seems out of place; I don't care that much about any of this drama. *his means metokur. if anything sargon has taught me more. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL i hope your mom gets home soon we wouldn't want you locked out after dark LOL Well I support your right to form an opinion. Please enjoy gab's freedom of expression policies. and btw ... dont start mailing dems bombs or shooting up sinogogues https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qxOwHutnXNA You are to stupid to talk to. Moron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At the end you literally described yourself as a gold digger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they should stop trying normalize tranny faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Confirmed Anti-American communists > A couple of these could just be completely clueless fucktards Fucking make up your mind, doofus.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh Asscreed games are going to suck going forwards. Cared about the story? Well too fucking bad. Now you have to get half a story hamstrung and catered to 'multiple genders'. There will never be another game following the protagonist like Bayek trying to avenge the death of his son, because no you'll have to be able to play as his WIFE as well which means the story missions will be deliberately vague and unengaging because they have to work with both a male and female character, OR they'll be fully split into two different fucking missions meaning that the love and care given to missions will be cut in half. NOBODY wins in this fucking situation. Fucking. NOBODY. The only people who win with this crap are people who whinge about not being able to play as a female. FUCK giving us the 'option' to play as female. Just fucking *make* us play as a female. Follow some female assassins for fucks sake. Why not some Mulan-level badass bitch who fights alongside the men while pretending to BE a man? And your character is like 'wtf this sheet says my ancestor was male why is this historical character who's so trumped up the completely wrong gender? wtf?' God I was looking forwards to more assassin's creed games after their adventure in Egypt because it was fucking great. Now I really just don't care. Sacrifice your story to pander to the 1% of idiots who are annoyed that you can't pick to play a female in a HISTORICAL, STORY BASED GAME, and ruin the experience for the 50% who play the game for the stories and whatnot. Sure, the 49% who play the game for just stabbing people will be fine, but you're going to alienate that other half of your playerbase you stupid cunts. UGH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ok, listen up antisemite filth. from now on, me and based @ChuckNellis will be reporting each and every one of you to the cyberpolice. Enough is enough. I'm watching you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Antifa WILL fuck up and attack the wrong person, either in a very bad optics video or just someone with the right connections to bring the pain. They are not disciplined, as the faggot kicking that sweet pro-life girl proved. Their day of judgment is much nearer than they or you blackpilled fools think.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hope so!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why can't I have colored eyes like my siblings ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/cDFFis0j4JM Well thats depressing. No wonder why nazis are so angry Their ideology failed time and time again. That socialism sure did help them. I mean Germany hasn't existed since 1990 - no wonder why its a failed state. It didn't fail, it was Jewed, you haven't even passed Bernard Baruch Secretary of both World Wars Same team, Jewish, that's occupied Germany and you Jews are still guilty of the Holodomor and Katyn Massacre with sudequent cover ups to deceive the Americans to pass Lend Lease. The Nurmburg Trial was not American, we do not permit ex post facto laws Constitutionally. Watch your head, Negro. https:\/\/youtu.be\/UDyBSTQDwH8 Germany lost - tell me, if the Nazi ideology was soooo perfect, why did they lose? Your leader is dead, your nation bans National Socialism, your nation is worse than 1929 degeneracy, and there isn't a damn thing you can do except bitch about the past online. I don't give a fuck about any nation or race - if it isn't American, it's inferior. PERIOD. World Kikery: It's afraid. >America is \"world kikery\" nigga omg you really are a Eurofag retard World Kikery. It's afraid. no u ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"America is the greatest country. That aint lie you know that I know that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I rather watch the oak cliff redskins and oak cliff comets play hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, they're retarded then... Fuck'um if they can't handle a mixup ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SMH... WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? BREAKING: Man Steps Forward with Sexual Assault Allegations against Sen. Cory Booker With Lawyer Response to Gateway Pundit https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-man-steps-forward-with-sexual-assault-allegations-against-sen-cory-booker-with-lawyer-response-to-gateway-pundit\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The 1st doesn't give the government the authority to regulate speech in a private forum and if you're willing to sacrifice the ability to advocate violence so you can use naughty words then you're a credulous retard and our freedom of speech needs to be protected from you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.redstate.com\/brandon_morse\/2018\/10\/05\/amy-schumer-unintentionally-shows-us-fake-media-story-created\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a s h e m a l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but common gay trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"faggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@britty_jurgens a music suggestion is \"lil spook\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and not a nigger among them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another FAGGOT @NOTMartyGraw MUTED and REPORTED for spamming tranny porn Just once I'd like to meet one of you ass wipes face to face You'll no longer have any fingers to punch buttons or keys again","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a thundercunt! A cock guzzling thundercunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pretty sure \"cunt\" describes an abhorrent person or group of people. I doubt this has anything to do with vagina. Some people just can't let go of their stupid bullshit...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are all very RACIST RETARDED human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"i made sweet and SPICY drunken noodles with handmade and handcut ho fun noodles with marinated chicken\/shrimp. my back is hurting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @radiomaru: nerds are cool because they get really judge-y about other nerds being passionate about things they aren't passionate abo ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Being mentally ill is God's greatest gift to me,\" says the butt-sore faggot as he wipes his chin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rent-seeking useless cunts. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Glad to be here, need a new platform as Facebook has gone to the globalist dogs, by hiring that cunt Nick Clegg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Laat Zihni Ozdil met rust jullie gemene trollen, hoe durven jullie zijn mening in twijfel te nemen! Zijn zegje is wet en*kuch**kuch*. .water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @AshlynWynns: I'm a \"mud shark\" because I have black friends. Makes perfect sense. #idiotic @","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot loves night time in jail. ask bubba.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BossAce555 @Sounds_good_bro @BloggerBoxing yea u stupid faggot. I'm not leaving till like 5-6pm. Want a ride?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Posting on 4chan has grinded to a near halt, as users are reporting significant failures in posts going through. There is speculation whether this is due to a simple DDOS attack, or a more sinister MITM attack. The fog of war is real. It seems somebody is trying everything they can to disrupt the flow of ideas and memes ahead of the November Midterm Elections.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, I have critical thinking skills and you blindly believe all the LIES! You belong in the retarded masses! Easily manipulated monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If it weren't for the men, no one would have survived, cunt. LMAO. Nevermind who built the fucking thing, operated it, served food on it, ect. It was all MEN.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retards are EVERYWHERE!...can't even turn around without another RETARD standing there looking stupid! They are EVERYWHERE...this is what happens when SINGLE women try to raise Boys into men...they wind up stupid or...IN PRISON.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The UK plastic pretend cops sure came down heavy on the 'do not DARE breath a word on Social Media' biz. 'Do not speculate that the perpetrator is a rapefugee-immigrant 75 IQ retard of the marauding Islamic cult, or we will throw you in jail'. They didn't quite phrase it that way, but that's the message. \"This is 1984, we are the pigs, and you BE QUIET.\" I could NEVER live in the UK. I'd be locked up within a week. The key thrown away. I would not appreciate taking my children to Berlin only to be jailed for \"holocaust denial\" because of social media posts I had made whilst in my own country. Unless the West is freed from Marxism\/Jewry\/Islam I would consider it almost a certainty in years ahead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really did not say that you sick cunt. You however wish rape upon me and others like me. People who think she got off lightly. You really are sick minded if you think me saying she got a slap on the wrist meant that I want her to go out and fuck kids. BTW ya blocked.. i'd rather not see comments by people who condone the raping of others.. so grow up you vile .. i was gonna say person.. but you don't deserve that honourific.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Swallow before you speak. Cunt hear ya fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@alexissert leave dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Facebook #Facebook #Facebook oh yeah that weasel cunt Zuckerberg. Closed mine 8 yrs ago. Don't worry you'll be fine ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A shockingly true tale from the Oreo that almost got devoured. http:\/\/t.co\/WYIS0LVdsi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He gargled 10 loads that night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you want to attract thousands of #StreetShitters then house them in a cruise ship. San Francisco also provides needles and heroin\/fentanyl shooting galleries. \"HOUSE BOAT Controversial plans to house city's homeless on CRUISE SHIP revealed\" https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7417731\/plan-move-homeless-people-cruise-ship\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The good news: we're no longer Russian bots The bad news: we're now information terrorists. Except for @Microchip he's apparently a little of both How do we know? A woman who is a self proclaimed expert on information warfare says so https:\/\/www.wired.com\/story\/information-terrorists-trying-to-reshape-america\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">censors \"white\" >doesn't censor \"nigger\" Troll alert? Troll alert.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And of course you have the @CNN #FakeNews retarded race baiting moron Van Jones #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/cnn-analyst-much-likely-trump-paying-caravan-soros\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"In a similar manner, I got banned from \/r\/raisedbynarcissists for an equally innocuous comment, but some pussified mod thought it meant more than it did, so I got bounced. No loss. I went to that sub for support but mostly found a bunch of pussy crybabies and a whole lotta fodder for r\/ThatHappened. heh forreal. you can tell a bunch of those people are just whiny little cunts, or narcissists themselves. it's a fuckin circle jerk.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A little bit of non-White immigrant goes a long way and that point long past in parts of degrading Canada. Toronto now a #Shithole Sanctuary city run by a #Progressive RETARD begging for more tax$ to support the ILLEGAL MIGRANTS flooding over the border thanks to Trudo'h the boy blunder PROG inviting them here from the US. MUST #Purge the PROGS!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Meghan Markle is the scum of the Royal family. She couldn't cut it in Hollywood and she'll cause a lot of chaos. Hopefully when Prince William becomes king, he'll kick out the Muslims, take control over the Parliament, and put a leash on that mud baby duchess. Queen Elizabeth II is the worst person in the history of Britain. Charlie will take over before Willie.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They just have to ruin everything, don't they?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looking forward to #NCAA and #NBA basketball in the states soon #iubb #hoosiers #pacers #PacerNation and of course breadsticks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When women try to shame your dick, just tell them \"Cunt-roll your anger\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whenever disabled people look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Nintendo_Legend: Asked three-year-old niece why the sun is yellow. Her reply: \"Maybe there's bees in there.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Try some Xanax.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THATS RIGHT GUYZ!!!!! EDRAY WON BECUZ DARKSCYTHE'S DISCORD CRASHED FOR A MINUTE!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ella__fraser: When you clam up, my survival instinct is to kick the door shut","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and a typical cunt popping right up when a user calls the perp a cunt Because some guys are SJW faggots that thinks this makes them close to women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @mathewsjw: Muslim Jihadi fighters book tickets on cruise ships to Syria and Iraq http:\/\/t.co\/auFmcZ01Y3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Probably some twat sitting in mummy and daddys basement","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Pierce did not take infrastructure and logistics seriously - he literally bought the OKC scam and even went on Jew TV to praise terrorism. No wonder you praise his WORST mistakes, you being a Jew TV collaborator yourself. Kikester Rapist, you are just another \"anonymous\" shitskin mamzer faggot infesting the bowel Movement and as such are part of the scenery -- like Mattoid Chaimbach. Sooner or later like Bryan Reo you will becum outed and then further made irrelevant. At least Mattoid Parrot is whigger, hence salvageable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @s_bitchy: Bitches be fallin so Inlove w. Niggass and then he go get a new bitch and they try go get a new nigga to try to forget about the ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Of course \"It's\" confused, he's still trying to decide whether to get his ding-a-ling cut off or not and can't figure out yet what bathroom to use.. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/26\/caitlyn-jenner-denounces-donald-trump-i-was-wrong-to-support-him\/ 'That's Entertainment' ..LOL.. After they blow through another $200-$300 million or so, I think the studio bosses will figure it out..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FOOL IDIOT CUNT This is how Canadian PM Justin Trudeau thinks he is sticking it to Donald Trump http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/17\/this-is-how-canadian-pm-justin-trudeau-thinks-he-is-sticking-it-to-donald-trump\/ v a @barenakedislam","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Sulerte26: BREAKING: Yankees acquire Lebron James in a 3 team deal per sources http:\/\/t.co\/rSMi4p7o6u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"90IQ rubes with high time preference don't understand how reality works. I hear them cry about niggers and how they are not getting everything handed to them on a plate. Then they scream that they want to tear down everything. To what ends? They chant the same exact lines I hear from nigger rioters, they're just angry that the jews don't promote them instead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lesley was a cunt and President Trump put her in her place. I'm sick and tired of the FAKE NEWS hammering Trump and never giving him any credit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The writer seems under the impression that it's scowling soccer moms and bible-thumpers that Sony's trying to appease. More like they're trying to appease the far left progressive retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dumb ugly stupid bullshit ass bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"our president gets laughed at and this retard dances and is still taken seriously as some kind of 'leader'. amazing","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. #shitbootlickerssay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody please tell this vile dyke that we are not on her team. Please. Seriously... ...please. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rosie-odonnell-wants-military-to-get-trump-from-white-house The 'Vile Dykes' would make a great name for a band. Hey Rosiepig GO TO CANADA AND LEAVE US ALONE YOU DUMB BITCH. Hey Rosie, eat a bag of shit! You suck donkey ass!! Fuck off!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CLOAKED WARSHIPS OFF VENEZUELA COAST. SOMETHING IS GOING ON. WATCH THIS! https:\/\/youtu.be\/ASny4QZG_l0 They are trying to get the support of the people to invade and overthrow a democratically elected leader. The true reasons for doing this are money, oil and power. Not humanitarian aid. That is a lie. WATCH this and look into it. The money oil and power will be given it all because my wife has family members living in that country and his family in Italy as got him and is son to fly out of there to get to safe place like Italy were there a job and home for him it that bad they tell the ture story's going on there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"EST! Not white people she said, women specifically. This Jewish supremacist woman means white men deserve no civil or human rights.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Farmer-General Do you have a picture which shows all the countries which used swastikas in the past? i'm trying to search for it, show to some cunt who refuses to believe so. Thanks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"left wing retards spreading fake news and propaganda, how ironic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Flake voted yes to proceed to the final vote. I guess his son N1GGERKILLER changed his mind. >\"Stop being a fucking faggot dad!\" >\"O-oh...okay son...s-ssorry\" https:\/\/www.phoenixnewtimes.com\/news\/arizona-industry-summit-unprecedented-access-epa-officials-10899084 Chad Son Vs Virgin Dad","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"they shouldn't have been waiting for a no, they should have worked for an enthusiastic yes\" the quote was from the aziz ansari case, which is even more despicable imo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My faggot fucking grandpa would be so proud","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lol That's porbably her mate. Lots of weird types on here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Listening to the Bronx Pozer deny what is happening in South Africa on the #killstream is absolutely infuriating. The mental gymnastics these people use to pretend there is not a racial genocide taking place in SA from a person who have never been there is amazing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter allows the Left to openly call for violence - but citing FBI crime statistics will get you banned. That's okay, there's one group of people that's prepared for violence to escalate - and it's not the group labeling everyone a \"fascist. When I see idiots like this posting that sort of crap I am amazed that in their minds they actually think they would survive things going full SHTF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@joyent CEO is a weak faggot for this shit move","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ah yes, the wise words of toothpaste faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Whipped http:\/\/t.co\/EFSVjPqrwq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That front flip was trash. That's how I front flip into the swimming pool and land on my back every time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice I'm sorry, rape is *nice?* He didn't want to have sex with her? He's a minor. It doesn't matter if he wanted to or not, he isn't of the age of consent to make that decision on his own. She had sex with an underage student. Because he couldn't legally give consent, that is considered rape. No matter how you look at it, this woman raped an underage student. He's 17, relax. Lol. Best 30 seconds of his life. You're fucking disgusting. He's a child. You're defending a child rapist by saying the victim enjoyed it. What is wrong with you? It's consensual sex. Who cares What do you not understand about the fact that he's underaged and cannot give consent to have consensual sex with a grown woman? This is the exact same as a grown man having sex with a 9 year old girl, and saying it's fine because she \"liked it\". Underaged is underaged, period. It's rape. It's NOTHING like a man banging a 9 year old girl. Then explain your logic in that statement, please. You don't get the difference between a 9 year old girl and a 17 year old guy having sex? Both are underaged minors that cannot give consent. Having sex with either age = rape of an underaged child. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. 17 is consent in many states. 16 is consent In a few. None are below Holy shit cant tell if the people arguing with you are actually retarded or just pretending, So it's not just me thinking that person that says a 9 year old girl is the same as a 17 year old guy is fucked up? my guess is he is playing the troll. Not just you....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wetback kitchen @Escoffier @GuardAmerican","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Sammy_Sicko Get me a bag of those pink n white coloured van sweets please. Thanks dude :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Woody_AFC @MrGAM3R49 @MANIAC3X fuck outta here faggot that wouldn't even be a fair","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DizzyBala God awful, and that dude is Dorian \/ eggplant black.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, so? You're part of the problem retard Fuck off. Eat shit. I dindu nuffin. If you're too stupid understand why you're part of the problem, you deserve the unfollows you get. Ohhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooo!!! Says the degenerate into fart fetish Hhaahahahahahhahaha , dumb kike. In fairness the way Gab works could not be more of a shitshow. All because someone cried about context All because you're a fucking idiot without a NSFW filter. That was the cover story. It's designed to force you to shut off 'Show Replies' and only see BIG BRAND posts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/gPbi04YoBq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ZekeJMiller: RT @MarcACaputo: \"I've met few people in politics that I disrespect more than Charlie Crist,\" --Rudy Giuliani","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A yellow jacket landed on my mouth and stung me while I was cutting grass..safe to say he won http:\/\/t.co\/caYUcS8O01","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"gas the fat jew nigger trans if your genocide isn't intersectional...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@OlTimeBaseball @Yankees @PaulONeillYES that matters ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The one positive comment I will make about the Muzzies, they don't put up with this faggot ass shit and would throw both of these pole smokers off the top of a tall building nearby..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CellNBuu ewwww her nips are DEF more perfect than that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're right. I'm not sure how those cunts did it, but they are responsible for all of our problems, including your crushing lack of self esteem. Fuck them. You're a good guy. How come they don't see it? You deserve more. Thank you for your brilliant and awe inspiring insight into my life! You have shown me the true light and I now fully accept white women as the grandest and most courageous members of our society! Their light and love will reverberate throughout time as being the single most amazing group in the history of mankind! YEAY, WHITE WOMEN! WE ARE NOT WORTHY! Truck stop dick sucking faggot. I'm gay, you stupid faggot. Lmao.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some retard gave 30k to brittany venti recently just to \"spite her ex.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@goldnsilvercoin this guys company had best year EVER...under Obama....conservative teabaggers are scum","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wtf is an smv? Sexual Market Value","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well this comment sections pretty... mental","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You didn't even read the article. You just read the headline and had a Trumpy melt-down. And seriously? You actually believe that AmeriKa is operating as a {{{constitutional republic}}}? God... you Trump-Tards are stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"what a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Makes police look absolutely ridiculous. Criminally ridiculous. Really. The flailing retard having an epilectic seizure needed a full round of bullets fired into his writhing frothing body. Dafuq did i just watch?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@RichxInxFlavor I'm not a fag. Gtfo","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hitler also did his job you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also \"Who's that up there bangin like a chimpanazee\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Notsosweetpea I like brownies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deadpool 2 HATED it! Ok, from the top: 1) has dykes 2) has a worthless nigger character \"luck\" (seriously?? WTF???) 3) totally recreates original characters into shit diversified horseshit 4) has a bullshit references to fags, butt sex, shoving an electric wire up Juggernaughts ass, and fuckall what else. Again, NOT worth seeing the fucking kikes hype more disgusting perverted, original-twisting bullshit!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ABC its time. amend 14th amendment it was written to protect newly freed ex slaves. Its lived its purpose. time to end anchor baby loophole","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do the world a favor and kill yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yikes...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"How to Retard for Dummies\" - a book, amazingly, believe it or not written by Alex Cortez...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep, still just retarded faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit: Ummm your bishop-ness...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lynching, Stompin' a whore Anything to do with hate crime That's what we responsible for Battin a fag Knifin a kike we're launching a war run through maternity wards throw niglets on to the floor We build drone technology to hunt and shoot niggers I'm good long as an old gun will kill a new nigger https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/LgJg1pPNXtyk\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@El_Grillo1 Off to the east of your current location, on an east-facing slope (dry side of a dry place).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> I saw it stated elsewhere that one of the girl's parents are livid that this hit the national news, because they were afraid it would \"permanently damage\" their daughter. ***OH BOO FUCKING HOO, YOU DUMB PRICKS.*** Your daughter's already \"permanently damaged\" someone else's son. Hell doesn't make flames hot enough for these lying little cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This cunt needs to burn in Hell. I mean, so does all of Hawaii. Fuck that \"State\"... Let them burn and sink like Atlantis!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One by one President Trump is undoing all the damage Obama did to America. Feels good man! EPA Reverses Obama Era Last Minute Uranium Mining Regulations https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/20\/epa-reverses-obama-era-last-minute-uranium-mining-regulations\/ Yep, give the traitors a fair trial,and then hang them all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is one of those moments where attempting to use humor to put something in proper perspective, feels like poking fun at the retarded kid on the block. https:\/\/abc","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"CNN is faggot central!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Kstar__: Told you RT @Astronaut_Tone: Artprize is more than trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This will be trumps fault after this liberal thalidomide genius mail bomber backfires. How fucking retarded is the far left that they think anyone cares. Every made up false flag is gifting votes by votes for rebublicans. Bombs away.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? Completely and utterly wrong, faggot are you high or just retarded rn","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have my word we will RT @JRwrz: @Thotcho beat those fucking faggots pls","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! \"My 15 yr old high schooler just came home with this bullsh!t. In SOUTH CAROLINA. This ain't California - this is the Bible belt and MAMA AIN'T HAPPY.\" REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! https:\/\/twitter.com\/Redheaded_Jenn\/status\/1047587821043810311 Say it with me everyone, \"#homeschool your kids and grandkids\" and don't wait another month to start. You homeschooled and raised your kids until age five and you homeschool them after school when you help them with their homework. @Wifewithapurpose #homeschooling #homeschooled #homeschools Parents need to do everything to stop schools (EVIL) from exposing their children to deviant liberal sexual ideology. That's indoctrination disguised as tolerance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ruby is not ugly #bunga bunga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of course that dumbass was a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh no, some pavement ape made a controversial video!! Toss him some bananas and he'll retreat back to his tree. No, he won't. He'll say he's entitled to more of your bananas because someone, somewhere, at some point in time, was racist. He'll never go away because people slightly less retarded than him keep giving him bananas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! Have you ever noticed? That despite Americans having the right to bear arms. They are still to scared to drive out the corrupt politicians. Weapons aren't magical talismans to ward off evil. I wouldn't say that. Government is meant to be as small, and unrestrictive as possible ! Our society has grown into a nanny state ! What's the purpose of governance if not to take care of the people? In monarchy the king of the nation is considered the father. It's one big family structure to government. Excuse me but you don't have much of an understanding of a monarchy Let me condense a subject that has been written on using thousands of papers, and condense it into a nice 300 character post. I'll start with \"Plebeians like yourself are to stupid to make intelligent comments on politics. Fuck you. How's that for condensing? Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. Everyone is smarter than me apparently lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a fucking fat cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@carolinebakkk those were bumblebees....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are not these bodies. We are spirit souls.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Scary but would not surprise me since I only needed to see a 5 minute interview to realize how not only retarded she is, but not even able to really carry on a conversation!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri just voted \"No\" to advance the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. This corrupt, socialist bitch just sealed her fate. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/02\/poll-49-percent-missouri-voters-less-likely-support-claire-mccaskill-kavanaugh-hearing\/ One less cunt in congress","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Cheez-Its, Honey BBQ Lays, Oreos and a monstrous glass of 2% right now. I'm the skinny-fat poster boy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would rather die than date a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wow. Be black. Be a cunt. Be a non twat white. Be an illegal spic immigrant. Own America.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Speaking ones mind.. like how evil the Altright and Christians are? lol. We will purge her OH NOW TRY TO DENY IT KIKE Deny what Robert? Your psychosis is really getting out of hand. I think someone is living down by the river in a white van.. and his name is Robert. Purge her of the Jezebel spirit of course.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If I see a comment like \"you trans people make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"very intelligent, you dumb ass nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some cunt that works at google security section is hacking my phone so please see who is logged on as admin sec there now and fuckin give him a lumber punch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No fuxs given. Won't Die on Nigger Hill ... Idiot CUCKS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland Antifa attacking an old man because he was driving on the road. This is why Heather Heyer is dead. \"Portland Antifa Attack Old Man For Driving\" by @philacolumn https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/37117 I see that your account was suspended on twatter . that's good enough for me. So, thank you for the follow and happy to follow back! Welcome to free speech zone 'Merica! Thanks. Fucking leftists at Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this autistic nigger serious? You and your buddies tried to troll me in a debate because Darkscythe was losing his edge. In the end, I hung in there and won. It's obvious you couldn't handle the defeat. No matter how much crap you talk about me, I'm still here. Bullying is an excuse.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She's one ugly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"BREAKING: Romanian officials say low voter turnout has voided a referendum that sought to keep same-sex marriage out of reach A clarification for people who might come across this story - this referendum about altering the Romanian constitution to prohibit gay marriage didn't fail because Romanians support gay marriage - they don't, and Romania doesn't have gay marriage. The referendum failed because it became associated with the ruling, ultra-corrupt Socialist party. The Mafia-like Socialist PSD party basically attempted to use the referendum as a way to distract from their misrule of Romania, and as a way to score what they thought was an easy political win. However, this backfired since Romanians decided that the election was just symbolic, and that saying Fuck You to the Socialists was a more urgent message to send. I hope Romania doesn't make the same mistake as america did. The slippery slope is very real, first it's with the gay marriage which I was like \"okay fine\" at first, but then they started brainwashing kids and encouraging them to chop their dicks off. Give these people an inch and they take a mile. The masses here in america are already rebelling because of the tranny\/drag queen\/kid brainwashing bit. I remember that there was a survey that showed that for the first time LGBTBBQBRAAP approval ratings are dropping. If it was just the gay marriage thing and nothing else I would be perfectly fine, but unfortunately for them they overplayed their hand big time and now people(including me) are starting to have second thoughts. It really was a slippery slope - we didn't get man on dog (yet), but we DID get \"bake the fucking cake, bigot!\", corporate purges of wrongthinkers, 500 genders and a demand that we use female pronouns when referring to a bearded dude in a dress. #SantorumCalledIt That's why I *cannot bereibe* it! But his 2008 anti-homo crusade and prophecy about the coming Current Year was, well, prophetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have to stop calling people rapefugees. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your jew words dont affect me faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JOLTNG niger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"George Rockwell (2 of 3) Speech at Lynchberg Armo : http:\/\/t.co\/5LFXMdYU2g Proud to say my Uncle Kelly was at this speech in 63.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ah nigga dat cares about opinions and get involve in hoe shit either Gay broke or ain't getting enough pussy!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's typical of Muslims. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Weird stuff. How does a 21 year old complete drunken retard get a job as a DA? It doesn't take a slut fucking a law professor to put 2 and 2 together. Are we looking at her as if she isn't dumber than the dumbest rock? Add ''law school'' and ''DA'' and ''way too young to have jack shit in experience as a practicing attorney'' and what do you get?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@justinhall3434 God bless you whitey. I be sleepin in tomorrow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There was nothing but common trash at the second-hand shop. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As Europe was being liberated from the evil Nazis, a Catholic Priest wrote in his diary... https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Little things can just kill a negros mood man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mightyfar they need to stop picking up UFCs trash though and build up there own fighters more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice nigger bitch is only disrespecting the White Officer!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Redneck stocking stuffer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jesus fucking christ the comment are fucking hilarious. getting Relationship advice from \"Gendercritical\" is like asking for weightloss tips from the worlds fattest man. fucking hilarious, kudos to the guy in the story he has a decent spine and working balls, AKA self fucking respect. I love the lock post comment. Raping women? Like what? The mod probably set up the sub, and made up the rules. its basically an echo chamber for them, and anyone who does not fit their profile or ideologies gets banned really fast, and their comments removed. This isn't unusual, and you could take a dozen posts out of that sub for here, because many of the now deleted comments were basically telling the OP that she is nuts. Those comments are so ridiculous there should be a sub for them. Niceeeeee spread the word that has potential.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do so many people (especially americans) on gab not understand that National Socialism is not communist socialism. They attack Hitler for being a \"socialist savage\" and in the same moment still claim that they were not brainwashed by Hollywood etc. when all they do is copy phrases used by exactly those.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary promises more violence. Random nigger delivers more violence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hi stopped watching when they kept having the Puerto Rican nigger Jaun Williams on!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man arrested for doxxing GOP senators was an intern in Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's office https:\/\/t.co\/E2BZCfbZXX Sure she was behind it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why aren't these women at WORK! I can't handle watching more than 15 seconds of Sarsour screeching but here's the link. #Kavanaugh protestors are NOT strong women, they are wannabes who fail miserably at everything they do. Btw - if Sarsour is there again, then there has to be a shady dude with a brown manilla envelope hanging around the corner. https:\/\/www.pscp.tv\/w\/1lPKqkBQZbdJb Sends all sharia to Libya. #EndTheTyranny Pick one .... There are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The high school freshman was lost and knocking on the doors of houses, cops said https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wxMT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You and all other gay people are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Obviously this is not to be taken seriously. It's too ridic to be subversive. Which begs the question what was the point of writing it? Nobody sane finds this funny. Either the author has lost his mind or it's deliberate agitation. It has a self-destructive element too. If I wanted to tank my \"nazi\" site I'd do what this dumb faggot has been doing for the past year","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"First time on Gab. Found it cause I just got another 7 day Twitter time out for calling Andrea Mitchell a bimbo. They suspended me for hate speech within about 5 seconds of the tweet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I remember when this sub talked about the game industry. Every day a rib tickle. I remember when this sub talked about journalistic ethics ..oh yea, thats what we are talking about now. GamerGate has always been about the ethics over petty lolcow drama and vidya game industry screw-ups. That sub welcome must of thrown me off.... Do you read good? Look at the banner. What does it say? That you're a triggered kid who needs emotional validation? Idk you tell me if you're not even gonna bother to follow the conversation. \"Triggered\" says the guy who's whining about what others are discussing. \"Ethics\" buttercup, its right there. You still didnt read the conversation. Wooooosh. I still think the sub is funny. You're funny. I'm not sure you know what whoosh means. Is English your native language? Your one comment about gaming before the one I'm replying to does zero to mitigate the drivel pouring from your front hole. lol fuck man, you're still going. Shit man this sub kills me. https:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php?term=wooooosh Please validate your feelings more man. This is good stuff. I up-voted for the lols man. It's ok I still love you son. Must have been immaculate conception pops, what woman would let you near her let alone inside her. You were a tube baby. When do I get my wizard powers like you? At the next rally.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tell that red faggot to hang himself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll cherish any gay person like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even with all the idiotic nigger babble before every version of Machine Gun I cannot deny it is a monument of electric guitar playing. But if we want to get racist about it (which I for one do) he could never touch Stevie Ray Vaughan as a technician","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is rich. #Kavanaugh #SCOTUS does this mean cops can start shooting \"innocent\" black men more? and can we join in?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt has a high court injunction out against mainstream social media where you will find if she is mentioned in a s story the comment sections are always closed. Deporting this creature would be a step in right direction.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to reddit, where concerns over suicide and fathers rights get turned into a pejorative. Also, your incels jab is false. We saw no uptick at all when that sub shut down. We monitored when it did. You're just reaching. Really though, swap out that dog's cunt for a brain and try again. Quit being lazy. ewww..yous a sassy bitch. i like it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Nigger #rapper #arrested for 9 #sexual assaults. Bail = $1m. Nogs out of control. #Deathpenalty if #victims were white. Rapper Kaalan Walker charged with 9 counts of felony sexual assault https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rapper-kaalan-walker-charged-with-9-counts-of-felony-sexual-assault every fucking nigger thinks they are rappers....lol!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@BabyAnimalPics: baby monkey bathtime http:\/\/t.co\/7KPWAdLF0R\"Awwwwe! This is soooo ADORABLE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When the state is not allowed or able to vet (interfere with) immigrants you leave yourself open to the demographic warfare that enables the behavior you complain about. Without border enforcement and vetting of immigrants, the reality is that the demographic warfare is still coming, they are just going after the softer juicier targets *first*. Both open borders and the welfare state are fucking naive to the point of being retarded. And either will eventually result in the collapse of the nation and the the ability to plausibly enforce the rights of the individual. And if you cannot enforce the rights of the individual, it is by definition *not* libertarian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iowahawkblog: Whatta co-inky-dink: IRS cancelled contract with email backup company right after Lerner's computer \"crash\" http:\/\/t.co\/Z ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'll be getting a text from President Trump tomorrow at 2:18 p.m. ET https:\/\/t.co\/guVE7G4mlR That's Jeff Sessions in action. Punish the victims, not the criminals. Justice only for those who can afford it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"put the speed on 1.5 its so good!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A man in a woman costume who has sex with women is I guess at least slightly gay since he is dressed like a woman which is pretty faggoty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh dear... Rape jihad is caused by breastfeeding? Its a parody","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste @PNN Veteran journalist fired after criticizing 5G and questioning it's safety http:\/\/archive.is\/QmalP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@sleepy_yongguk: \"I saw an ajumma walk out in the beginning saying, 'Wow, this is so trash that I can't even listen to it..'\" \" lmaoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here he is taking the piss out of a Light Heavyweight Kickboxing World Champion. Are you going to go and sort him out too coward @True_Brit ? lol Are you really do scared that you need to beg for help from GAB users? You show cowardice throughout your life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy 50% off @GreenFestival #DC tickets with our code and check us out at booth #640! Vegan brownies samples and more! http:\/\/t.co\/scDZnDk2Aq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"retard bot Woah there newmug! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Mentally Impaired\". Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"These were the days!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flat earfers are among the more fascinating sort retard that exists here on gab.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @KnickRumors: Mets superstar pitcher @MattHarvey33 is at the Yankees game wearing a Knicks hat #KnicksTape http:\/\/t.co\/g5fqGTE2s0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one is listening to your desperation and made up stories pussyboy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SJIMFWOua9candt=0s This autist actually believes that drinking urine is healthier than drinking water, and that drinking water is even bad for your health. \"People have actually died from drinking too much water.\" Yes, if someone were to drink a gallon of water in one sitting, the resulting water toxemia could kill a person by interrupting normal brain function caused by abnormally high levels of electrolytes. This dude is retarded though!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol this story is bullshit. It's pretty obvious. why? that's assumptive. To heck with the Middle East. They've been fighting and murdering each other since forever. How about what's going on in Europe? I take it you are fine with the 'Religion of Peace' doctrine? No problem there? No Muslim rape gangs, no skyrocketing crime? No assaults on culture? No problem? No crisis in Welfare benefits? No crisis in housing? No crisis in health care, with a tsunami of illiterate, unskilled, fast-breeding parasites? I guess that must also be 'Pentagon propaganda'? Where did you achieve this degree in History that you seem so proud of? Lol yes most of that has been bullshit. They bring in a bunch of people, which I agree shouldn't happen, but then create the hoax that they're forming rape gangs. Since you have no power to stop immigration the next best thing is martial law to stop them. Which is exactly what's happening in Sweden. It's all a ploy to get you to advocate for military on the street. Same thing in Chicago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AND YOU LOOK LIKE A FAGGOT YOU SOB.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Isa__Lopez: @D_Lo520 but you're still a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"corrupt nigger rulers of S Africa will just piss it away..they are niggers..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It was an update on a previous story I believe. That sub has turned into a safe space for \"anti Nazis\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey jew@jew @warriorofam talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel. Jew punk you are a criminal. Judaism is terrorism. You are a very sick person Take a stool sample and shove it up your ass. Hey jew@jew @warriorofam talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel try to tell us the last word is not three letters jew. Take a hike with a jew tranny dyke and see if you can file a lawsuit in the appropriate dressing room. Jew punk you are a criminally unholy turd stain in the fabric of society. Stretch a new hole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"I'll slit your throat-neck\" http:\/\/t.co\/ChFFSDeDdd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Israel is the most faggot infested, pozzed, GRIDS ridden location on earth. No surprise given the jew pushes every unnatural act known to man on any nation they've infiltrated with subversive media outlets. https:\/\/www.bostonglobe.com\/lifestyle\/travel\/2016\/03\/17\/welcome-tel-aviv-gayest-city-earth\/y9V15VazXhtSjXVSo9gT9K\/story.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"White man cancer survivor thrown out of gas station (((News))) yawns. But if it was a kike or nigger oy vey nation wide coverage, racist white ppl. https:\/\/people.com\/human-interest\/cancer-survivor-told-to-leave-gas-station-disfigured-face\/amp\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GET RID OF THIS CUNT NOW! #TheresaMay","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lord have mercy some people don't understand when they've won and to just move on. She sounds a bit intoxicated or something. She obviously wasn't thinking clearly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're ignoring the genetic concerns of the future. You can't assimilate less intelligent races into civilizations built by more intelligent people because of genetics. Remember, 65 is the average IQ of africans. That's mentally retarded by European standards, and intelligence is linked to genetics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Michelle Obama Is a Man- New Proof 2018! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=F3JmbTjLB48 You know you can find pictures of her as a child and she is clearly a woman. We have bigger things to worry about. Why are you losers still hung up on people that arent even relevant anymore??? Talk about beating a dead fucking horse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"OMG #CURSECanada - full of shit souls like this Kelly Canuck - HER TWITTER BIO below @KellyCanuckTO Proud Canadian working in the media industry I read every article I share A proud Lefty My Twitter needs more Canada Canada, Eh?! Joined July 2013 She should just say #antichrist - shorter and truer Shit souls make spiritual shit holes, like #CURSECanada","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can confirm you're from A-Town: you didn't try to call it \"Hotlanta\". I'm from South Florida and we had a situation exactly like this in my Math class, victim of the racism was a super close friend, I see him as a brother so when the lil band kid straight up called him a porch monkey you know damn well I knock his shit in along with a few others. I can't fucking fathom what their upbringing is like, such shit fucking parents for their kids to think that doing something like this won't have any backfire.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why isn't this twat in a special coat with long arms that tie at the back????\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Terrible. He's like 7 years old himself. Fuck you people are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I honestly can not stand people who are like \"I need my coffee, dont talk to me till I have my coffee!\" Like, that shit does nothing.... its all psychological. I wont talk to people who say that shit, I have stopped being friends with them, too dramatic of a person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That really shouldn't surprise anyone. If a man were to try to live as a woman and integrate into common, traditional women's groups and keep up that facade about who they were for that length of time, he would need therapy too. It takes an entire childhood to learn how to be an adult man or woman. I think sex and gender are biologically linked and absolutely fundamental to who we are as people, and attempting to circumvent something that fundamental for that extended of a period of time is likely to cause distress that needs to be rectified. What she did is essentially begin the same type of transition that a MtoF transgendered person faces, without the therapist to help. Part of that transition involves getting LOTS of therapy and ensuring at every step that this is the way the patient really wants to live, and teaching them how to live as their desired sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a goyim retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We each ate a pan-fried faggot for dinner. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOLOLOL RT @AjalaPilgrim: Freddy still have all the birds, doppz still a wet man, harry still on parry, and we salting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Yankees and we all fell asleep @Frizzle18","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TomasAllende","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> become just another bitch\/whore\/cunt like the rest of us If you see yourself and other women like that, it's YOU who has the problem, honey. Get some self respect ASAP. You're misreading it, they're definitely meaning more \"There will always come a day when you'll step out of line and (be called) just another bitch\/whore\/cunt like the rest of us\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Victoria_Star1 haha..monkey feet,i like it..but 4 real,feet are magical on a back..it smoothes every nook and cranny of tightness ;}","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go fucking end your stupid useless existence you retard, your too stupid to even realize I'm putting on an act like you cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Awesome talk. Well done, gentlemen! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ETndhrAjaYk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Q Anon will safe us. Follow the plan. Muslims like Obama and that Muzzie Saul Alinsky are Communist. Don't be antisemitic and it will be fine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have to tell us the word..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to turn off Fox News and switch to OAN that lying Trump faggot Shep is on,","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DefendWallSt: ...wow? RT @1SleepingGiant: Whatever! Fuck all those assholes. They're niggers, they all look alike to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another retarded abused, raped Hollywood star! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It is precisely because of feminism that they feel and are \"more empowered than ever.\" How on earth do you not grasp that? How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences. That is the post, you mouth breather. I even put it in quotes. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension before acting like such a whiny little bitch. What makes you think them personally feeling empowered has anything to do with feminism? LOL. That is not what your post said. It said \"How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences.\" Which is why you had to rewrite it. You didn't even realize it was a quote from the post even though it was in quotes and now your lying about what your response said even though it is in front of both of us. Champion mouth breather.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Until I see him die in prison I won't put too much faith in the system to lock this faggot up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger in Rochester, NY shoots up his own family, kills his \"ex\" and attempts to murder his son before being shot killed by police. https:\/\/www.wivb.com\/news\/local-news\/rochester-police-investigating-two-shootings-nearby-schools-on-lockout\/1512744031","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT KayaJones The left only cares for the minorities they can control. Sounds like the plantation never ended if you ask me. https:\/\/twitter.com\/KayaJones\/status\/1050631552630063105","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We were not polite with the British when we wanted their boots off our necks, we shot them. The left wants us dead, they make no bones about. Only a retard would complain about how they are stopped.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think I'll go as \"CovfefeLukeTheDeplorable\" the mental case liberal sand nigger retard that farts in his bathtub just to smell the bubbles.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Shots fired in the area of the 14-88 block of Sopwith. Send amberlamps. Oh shit, it's blue on blue. Put a rush on that amberlamps. We can rebuild him. We have the technology. All we need is about 6 gorillian dollars. You're funny. I am too. LOLzy LOL ;) Are you done spamming me with invites to groups yet? 156 notifications is a bit much to join 2 groups. Especially those I mean damn... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger worship","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"One Nazi faggot tried. He ended up as a kerosene torch and his buddies were hanged. We win, you lose. So maybe instead of fapping to the Jews living rent-free in your head, it's time to look for allies. Notice how Hollywood Jews and academia are at war with Israel? Only a cretin fights both sides of the conflict.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hindus and Muslims are same shit. They only know how to kill Peoples...See comments of Christians people no rudeness no abusing or bad words... Christians religion is the best religion in the world","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JGardenofEden @KySportsRadio @ryanlemond But...country music listeners really are hicks and alcoholics ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What's the point of nihilism? I'm making the mistake of actually reading Evola. i have read ride the tiger and yoga of power and didnt get a word of it, i found him pretty anal and boring.. but then i read recognitions and that was really enjoyable.. *some parts of ride the tiger are interesting though,, his thoughts on music etc,, very adornoish. You were not the target audience. It's only for aristocrats of the soul :^)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHA You're such a \"Pussy, pussy, pussy remember that voicemail Sameed? You dirty faggot paki!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuck you ! That's Juan dumb NIGGER BOY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Agreed. There's zero grounds for what they're doing here. It's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A marvel star wars crossover is possibly the most lame and gay shit Disney could pull out of their faggot ass holes. I would have substituted \"The\" for \"A\" as my opener if I was suggesting that a Marvel Star Wars crossover was \"DEFINITELY\" happening, but I was not. Regardless. IF it were to take place, it would be gay and I don't mean the happy gay, I mean it would be the lame gay, stupid, ignorant, a flop, pointless, retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would say if she'd do meth we wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. Then again my brother's pyscho (possibly a more stupid zoe like) did a decent amount of meth and didn't remove her blight from the earth. At least the courts around here won't put up with her bullshit. The problem is they keep letting her out. She's been in and out of jail for years now. Maybe this time they'll keep her in or put her in a place for the criminally insane. She's so much of a lying cunt, that the *VERY FIRST TIME* I spoke with her myself on a phone call- I think something about her and my brother's daughter that every word I heard from her sounded so fake and dipping with falsehoods that I wanted to be able to throttle her through the headset. Sadly due to but genetics of her pyschoness my brother's seeming sociopathy(but not very abusive about it) and her being in and out of foster, she's about to be an adult before long and I assume she will be just as much as a walking disaster who makes everyone in her life suffer. It saddens me. She was a amazingly well behaved baby- but then again she was around her mother too much, my brother didn't really give much of a fuck, and we couldn't take care of her besides infrequently. I wonder, if someone who wasn't her cunt mother or random foster care raised her if she could have turned out okay. I guess we will never know. I'm gonna stop thinking about this before I start reaching for the booze.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a cunt. She is a cunt with AIDS. In the Hound's(Game Of Thrones) Voice : CUNT !!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"HEALTHY CONVERSATION? TWITTER TAKES NO ACTION AS LOUIS FARRAKHAN CALLS JEWS TERMITES' https:\/\/www.newswars.com\/healthy-conversation-twitter-takes-no-action-as-louis-farrakhan-calls-jews-termites\/ via @gabnewstoday Go get 'em nigger !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"France in shock as VIDEO of black student threatening teacher with gun' in class goes viral https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/441871-france-student-teacher-gun\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Jessica Smalls, you can come take all my seamen, I have flotillas full of em, come right on over honey and get to work, I got plenty of work for ya. Or you can shut your snout up and learn something worthwhile in life and stop being an annoying cunt for a few minutes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's scary knowing people that emotionally high-strung are driving cars around. *And* making laws! Women in politics for ya! Some women* Generalizing just seems dumb. Idk, I guess I'm crazy. Our brains are pattern recognition machines. Don't blame our brains for seeing the pattern. I'm not blaming you but being an adult usually comes with rational thinking and looking beyond patterns. So unless you're a child who hasn't passed kindergarten, you might have to reevaluate your life haha And conversely I'm not blaming you if you can't see the patterns as not everyone can. A certain percentage of the population doesn't hear the voices of the individual characters in a book they are reading while some others hear the same voice with the same inflection for all the characters. We all have different qualities and you seem to be doing very well with virtue signalling, so stick with that. edit:clarity [You're right](http:\/\/www.reactiongifs.com\/r\/yok.gif) Well then give me my upvote ya cunt. You misread my comment and I'm too lazy to rebuttle right now! I will be keeping my upvote! Good day SIR haha Well then, apologies. Pip pip! I'll upvote just because pip pip","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First they came for the Weev but I did not speak out bc I was not a stormer, then they came for the Patrick Little but I did not speak out bc I was not a Whignat, then they came for the tranny shit but did not speak out bc I was not a tranny chaser, then they came for the lolis but I did not speak out bc I was not a lolifag... And so goes the worries of the faggot who can't find the line of morality Oh, on this one you make sure the fact that she is flat chested is cut off. Btw, what scares you fags about tits? Still haven't answered why you're scared of tits, fagola","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're not going to get through this thing until people realize that our brothers and sisters are not our enemies. Men and women are here to help each other. The fact that in the current system they have been pitted against one another is evidence that we are living under foreign rule. #mgtow #feminism #gender >expecting women to help men Goddamn, #GynoRight is such a cringe. Someone who promotes Rick and Morty will never matter. Go back to Reddit and jerk-off over how you don't need women and how Jewish cartoons can fill that void in your life. way ahead of ya I never claimed to be a reasoned egalitarian moderate. I'm a troll, it's what I enjoy. You're a good boy though, you respect wimmin, and yet I am not one swearing and losing my shit here. You work for Renegade. Sinead is a coal burner. You should tag her in the pics of her hugged up with black men. You didn't make any criticisms, you started spergin out, like a man confident in his conviction would. Im not escaping your weak bantz, I'm telling you they are toothless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's another fucking twat Remainer shilling for the globalists just like Majid Nawaz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How about...no? I don't have the time or energy for all this stupid shit, I have to work for a living. Say \"stupid poop next time and avoid the harmful swear. Continued use of harassing swears will result in permanent bans being issued by yours truly. Final warning. Fukkin' lol. You were warned. You are now: BANNED This ban can be appealed in private message to me as long as it doesn't contain any swears. Fukkin' lol. Please respect the ban. Please respect my pronouns I will as long as they aren't cuss words. You need to stop going around reddit pretending to be an admin\/mod and \"banning people\". It isn't cute, you're an asshole. I will stop banning people as soon as people stop swearing. Not a minute sooner.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Okay first of all Drag is not a fetish. It can be but it's not inherently meant to be. It's performance art. Its a mature form of performance art. Its literally grown ups playing dress up . But yes it's highly sexualised as with anything catered to an adult audience so i think it's downright disgusting to bring your 5 year old child to a drag convention where literally companies have booths selling sex toys. Its not progressive to let your kids perform seductively infront of an audience, its creepy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who cares if he is a right-wing authoritarian, faggot? faggot npc #lovenothate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I doubt it has anything to do with room, they just want to live in white societies cause whites have societies that are stable and functional. Shitskins are too retarded and chaotic for civilization, so they hope to leech onto others to compensate for the flaws they themselves have. This will continue until all of them are dead.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Christian Witch Claims Christ Followers Can Practice Witchcraft, Despite Biblical Warnings https:\/\/www.christianpost.com\/news\/christian-witch-claims-christ-followers-can-practice-witchcraft-despite-biblical-warnings-228038\/ Hmmm, maybe time to bring out the firewood, matches, ropes, and a pole. Salem revisited. Or just chase her out with a broom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gun shot fi gay get all of the guns them out,the police must give we the rights to kill all gays, gun shot at all gays suck your mothers all gays","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Democrats and its media pets may do well to end its incendiary tone-deaf rhetoric. Hillary lost. No amount of revisionism, deflection or hate will change the fact liberalism does not resonate for the majority. Fear-mongering, petulance, and temper-tantrums are just a projection of retarded coping skills.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah really, this isnt the first time. #CH needs to put some kind of NSFL or something in front of pics like these. Not Safe For Lunch! Also all pictures of the cunt and the mulatto should also be censored. Some of us just dont ever want to see their ugly mugs again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For those who don't think this is significant or worth noting it worth being mad about: The Killstresm was the number one viewed live late night talk show on YouTube. This is the YouTube equivalent of firing Conan O'Brien or Jay Leno at the height of their shows. \"Oh but their audience is edgy preteens\" Yeah no, their fan call ins were all adults to my knowledge. But even if that were true, censoring the children's entertainment isn't just wrong, it's pathetic. This isn't just YouTube taking down a channel. This is YouTube proving that on their platform no audience is large enough that you can't get fucked over. [deleted] [deleted] he hates them for liking what he doesn't like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @Crowdifornia: We agree... do you? http:\/\/t.co\/4diz5NKYMN FUCK YES, I DO! Send those illegal, wetbacks home!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've had the same experience for my belief in God. I guess because I dont see the benefit in being a nihilist existentialist, I must be a retarded religious nut Retarded religious nuts are the ones tha persecute you for challenging their beliefs. Me, personally, as long as you don't try an shove them down my throat I'm cool with you. Cheers to that. Fuck any and all ideologues.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Those cars are worth absolutely nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Reddit applauds chicks because being stuck in traffic over a potential suicide is not worth their time. where If your hope in humanity is determined by something as fickle as reddit comments, you too need to find a bridge somewhere because it doesn't get any easier. You're being down voted because they didn't want to hear the truth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look out guys, u\/ForgottenFart is gonna knock ur teeth out! Everyone be careful with this guy! r\/iamverybadass \/r\/iamverybadass So you would just take it like this guy? Has nothing to do with being badass. It's just a natural reflex for me to defend myself if someone were to punch me in the face for no fucking reason. To be fair, \/u\/ForgottenFart came off as exactly the type of person who would be posted on r\/iamverybadass. This sub is dedicated to this sort of thing, no need to be a dickhead and tell everyone how hard you are. Honestly, it's pretty immature. Wow. Classic coke. 10\/ So long since I've seen an Internet warrior of your calibre. Thought you were dying out and I was getting worried. Don't ever change, the world needs you, just not in the way you think. Stop talking about yourself Yes that's right. I'd be a total pussy and use my words. I'm such a faggot. The first step is admition. You're on your way to better things buddy! I agree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that women are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welcome to #Speakfreely. You can someone a nigger faggot ya know...if u want to...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah no. This is assault on his part, not PPD. A confrontation doesn't necessitate physical violence. \"She shouldn't have gotten out of her car!\" He was blocking her, he got out of his car too, stop being retarded just because it's a woman getting pushed. Should she have gotten out? No. Could the whole thing have been avoided by her? Absolutely. However the whole thing could've been avoided by him too and he made it physical.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Welp, Robert O'Rourke has Los Angeles county in the bag so it's like pretty much over for Cruz:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jeremy is a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, I'm gay as fuck, but even I would go for those two blonde babes. No nigger dick for me, thank you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most rappers flame out within a few years or less but this kike nigger has been on top for nearly a decade now. I wonder if it could have anything to do with his Jewishness","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I want to draw you something but I do not know where to send it. Do you have an instagram? ^^","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many niggers in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lindsey Graham is a little punkass faggot bitch who runs his mouth for his corporate donors. He's a pathetic loser","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"another Zionist jew cunt that needs to be publicly hung and stoned to death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I like how niggas try an come at me and im like do it then bitch and they dont do shit. Pussies","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@MaryGraw that new soc, faggot ass, is fitting 4 you, epecially after what I saw last night looking at your' profile. Guess those stills you sent from your Chatterbate streams was to trigger me, but I'm basically a sociopath from being online too much. This kind of retardation is fun to me. See ya soon buddy https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/ZKCarofDAQUD\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Most Muslims are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BlakeAnderson21: @weston_diamond @sleezy_jeezy @justinmiculka01 not about to shoot this pussy! Ima beat his face into the asphalt t ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Desperate Shit I not the one ,worshiping a sand nigger LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you should talk with people of different races from different countries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, yes, they probably would tell you that. No you do know, it's just that you're appropriating Hispanic culture you white culture vulture Omg next thing you're gonna tell me that there's white people who are native Spanish speakers and I'm gonna lose my mind! \/s Stop appropriating Castilla's language, you racist cultural appropriator!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kinds of women ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After what has happened to Gab, anyone on the Right still opposing regulation to protect Free Speech online is either a retard or Controlled Opposition. There can be no competition, let alone freedom online, with a bunch of Traitors being able to no-platform any free speech site.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What the fuck is wrong with these guys - Low T - Lack of exercise - Poor eating habits (which includes eating a lot of processed foods, junk food and soy, lots and lots of soy) - No goals\/purpose in life other than to please \"m'lady\" on the net But why do they make that face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A 68-year-old man in Turnhout, Antwerp had his face broken in 11 places after receiving a vicious beating from migrants who were offended by how the victim's dog smelled. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/belgium-migrants-viciously-beat-up-68-year-old-man-because-his-dog-smelled\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah but they didn't kill *real* people. They killed AI wildlife. That's like, a step down from killing a liberal college NPC. This guy's actually not being sarcastic. Comment history shows he's just a racist tryhard Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"niktereuto\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Wow! That's awfully homophobic of you \/u\/niktereuto. Your parents should have raised you to appreciate homosexuals and all they've been through. I'm literally so much better than you, bigot. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"niktereuto\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British cops are joke anyway. They are there to protect third world sand nigger shit eaters and arrest British citizens","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother https:\/\/creepingsharia.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/24\/ilhan-omar-married-her-brother\/ They all ran the first chance they got.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never trust a single word said by a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I can't sleep so ima watch Spongebob and eat crackers and peanut butter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Strumia's comments also received massive backlash from a large group of particle physicists in the form of a letter on a site titled > >\"Particles for Justice. What a bunch of Melvin nerds. So do we being back bullying now? Nerd bullying by nerds against other nerds? \/s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Submitting an idea based on the concept that language is somehow IN ANY WAY race related, is a profoundly stupid fucking supposition and the author is a godamn retard. There is no such thing as \"non white language\" just as there is no such thing as \"white languages\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tattoos are about expression not meaning. One mans trash is another mans treasure ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I told you that the republicans were literally fascist Nazis. -Antifa Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Man I hate when people block spots, I thought these were my old neighbors for a second until I saw it's BK. Next to my old apartment there was a fire hydrant with enough space to fit two cars in front. These two cunts that lived next door would play musical chairs with their two cars every day by using one car to block both spots then pull up a bit when the other one would get home. One day some dude with a smart car parked right up in there and I fucking loved it, watched them standing around for like 15 minutes debating what to do but they had no choice and had to look for parking elsewhere. Edit: words","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The only correct response is breaking every single rule at once.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you have it just fucking release it now and lets lock the cunt up for fucks sake.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"coward faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Soros scum Finbarr, Caleb, or Kai ? He must be another one. I didn't spot him on the long 842 list. Another loser with no purpose in his pathetic life! Here's another one that got arrested. She's deleted her FB. Looks like she protested at Standing Rock","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She paid the toll!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@asshole_king with pills that nig will last 4 years. Like magic j .That nig should hav died years ago. Y'all the first team to draft gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Tom Arnold is calling for President Donald Trump to be beheaded. The Left's calls for violence has gone on too long. This is terrorism ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SMFH #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy#Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #TheyFearTheGreatAwakeningTheMost #RedPill#WeThePeopleHaveHadEnough #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT#TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed #BuildTheWallNow #NoIllegalAliens #LegalmmigrantsOnly#NoSanctuaryFunding #NoSanctuaryCities #NoChainMigration#NoVisaLottery #KateSteinle #KatesLaw #AngelFamlies#NoOpenBorders #VoteRedToSaveAmerica Speaking ss a senior citizen, I'm wondering if it's time for his cognitive function test. #jobsnotmobs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Throat-punch this faggot whenever you can We know he is a scumbag. We do not know that he is a faggot, that is unless you have first hand knowledge from having slept with him I have. He's a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is this due to sale to Disney? If so it is only a matter of time before Andrew Bolt is canned. Andrew Bolt is on Aussie Sky News, this is British Sky News. I am surprised there is not a Sky News in Canada, yet? There would be if NAFTA did not include *special* clauses protecting both CAN and MEX \"cultural\" industries (ie MSM) from flooding by U.S Media. Just another example of Cultural Marxists at work. BTW really enjoy your posts - so them coming and thx Sky News also has a white guy who's a shirtlifter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Adam = \"to blush red in the face . Our race is our religion. Once religion was cucked \"never associate with racial aliens, never sleep with a racial alien turned to \"We're all the same! We were vulnerable. Fuck you back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She prob said nigger when she was 2 years old. Ha!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"if this is what a university education does for you then god help us all in the future with retarded morons like her spouting bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I mean.. Isn't Breitbart on our blacklist? I have to wonder if the SJW rot in wikipedia is all the way to the top, or if some of the admins just see gamergate as some nonissue and assume the sophist editors know what they're talking about. Well, the people at the top seem to be full-blown Trump haters, so you tell me. Here's the weird thing: Trump is a narcissist through and through. We DID vote for him because Hillary was worse. But the shocking thing is as bad as his foreign policy is, it's actually BETTER than most mainstream politicians prior to it. Seriously. ISIS is on the run. North Korea is more receptive than they've been in decades. We haven't been dragged into any Iraqs or Afghanistans. The economy is fucking excellent. Black unemployment isn't at record lows like they're saying, but it IS extremely low. Trump hasn't expanded or engaged in policies like drone strike assassinations like Obama did, which everyone seems to forget about. He's had possibly the most peaceful presidency is decades. Now don't get me wrong, he's also done a lot of bad things. He's continued to egg on like left(although they're mostly egging on themselves). He's offensive as all fuck. He's fucking with education funding which was the last thing we need right now. And his border policies while an improvement are mired in scandals because even he's not sure how to follow through on this in an ethical way. My point is, we voted for him expecting a metaphorical grenade to throw at the establishment(none of us want actual violence. We just wanted to shake things up). Instead we got a surprisingly decent president in spite of it all. I'll be voting for him again next time around. He's doing a good job. Let's no kid ourselves. What does it say about our establishment that an obvious narcissistic is better than the last 2 presidents? And arguably the Clinton presidency depending on the angle you take.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying that you hate gay people shows how misguided you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @gojackets973: @WesDurham its the start of another yellow jacket season tonight!!! How about a RT for ALL the Jacket Fans!!! #GTVT1 ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're just a raving faggot that comes out of the woodwork, aren't you?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nothing to do with god it the mad scientist that play with the climate that think there god it globalist that do it not god god is only trying make thing right it weather weapons that the globalist have and it being shown how the us those weapons on has and the planet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liar liar cunt not raped on fire","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gr ne sind Kinderlieb. https:\/\/www.welt.de\/politik\/deutschland\/article141406874\/Gruenen-Politikerin-Kuenast-geraet-in-Erklaerungsnot.html Artikel vom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MLK was a corrupt nigger copy cat...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? Lol I actually voted Syria. I don't trust Jews or Saudis and Iranians don't like Americans. I know Putin likes Assad. I've listened to Assad speak, he's quite Western and I find him believable. Every Iranian I ever met liked Americans. Go to Iran and wave the US flag mate, whilst wearing lipstick and a dress. Dare you lol ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're welcome. I hear you loud and clear on the leftist bullshit of twatter What I can't stand is to see the 'big' people come over here crying about their twat account... wtf do they think we're here for? At some point you have to get the whole picture, prioritize your freedom over followers and embrace the departure from censorship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some cunt on Twitter called @Lydabean got my account pulled for saying the Honduran rapefugees should be carpet-bombed. If you still have an account, please consider reporting her for targeted harassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#CelebrityIdiot 'Mangina' Mayer goes on a anti men rant. #HollywoodSucks https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/08\/john-mayer-rants-about-masculinity-destroy-the-bullsht-alpha-male-contract\/ i never seem to know who these clowns are. But now I know who Mayer is... He's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So you're just a cunt to random employees at their jobs?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"janet Jackson's nip slip #iconic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Browns and redskins shouldn't be considered nfl teams","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The end result is an IQ 85 nigger that's nothing but a violent drain on the modern world. Because niggers still have an 85 IQ when that data is included. Are you a dumb nigger or just a troll?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Designer belt with a trash fit is still trash..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, he wouldn't. He's an Anti White cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Her colleague is a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Real MAN with real WOMEN vs. a jew faggot and his nigger boytoys... #nocontest","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gtfo cunt go back to England:","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@AB_crispyy_andy I laugh Oreos and lady gaga on a Sunday day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"$30 million plus burned on the dumpster fire known as Beto:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jane Fonda: Hard for Me to Breathe' in Donald Trump's America (Have Michael Moore sit on your face to finish the job, you stupid twat [Fonda].) https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/22\/jane-fonda-hard-for-me-to-breathe-trumps-america\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your Daily Reminder: Jesus was a socialist and said rich folks burn in Hell forever. If you don't know that, you have no remote clue what's in the Bible. Nope not a socialist. I think we've been through this before. The poor go to Heaven, and the rich burn in Hell forever. That's way to the left of a socialist. The OT is an extreme income distribution required by Law document, but if you do heavily redistribute your income, you're ok. But Jesus, you burn in Hell forever regardless. What Bible versus is it that said? I don't remember that at all from Sunday school. Another one that's never read the Bible. Blessed are the Poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. The Rich are as likely to enter Heaven as a camel is to pass through the eye of a needle. Something about that you find complicated? He says it repeatedly. Okay so Matthew 19: He says 'easier' not 'likely'. Because a rich man wouldn't give up their earthly possessions as I read it. Uh huh, and just how \"easy\" is it for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle? And it's harder than that, rarer than that (which has never happened). Yes, it was after a rich man asked Jesus how to be his follower, and Jesus said you have to give all your money to the poor. Needless to say, the rich man wasn't thrilled about it. Well, he was the Son of God. As are we all sons of the Living Father. If you follow Jesus. No, I'm someone that just demonstrated you have no clue what's in the Christian Bible (or historical sources too, of course.) You think Muzzies know the Bible better than you do too? They don't even know what's in the Koran. Whatever, I appreciate your work. You get people talking about things. Have a good night. You too, best wishes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Payback\"? For what? Women, particularly western women, are the most privileged class on the planet. The most educated, the most protected, their victim complex is extreme. They're so spoiled, *actual* equality seems like sexism to them. Right, women; go to work and endure hardships men have had to, actually do the hours and the professions. Mothers go to work and provide, let fathers look after children. If women had to deal with a ounce of disregard men have to, that homelessness and suicide rate would soon stay to look different. Fuck these cunts. They keep saying as fish they don't need bicycles, so it's way past time to let these rude spoiled brats fend for themselves","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah, but even the gay activists in Romania admit that they're many years away from gay marriage - by which time the faggots in the West will likely have jumped the shark by advocating for pedophiles or some other insane shit that will finally turn the masses against them. Gay marriage being so unlikely in Romania was actually a reason the referendum failed. He's still a fucking neocon faggot who wanted to support Muslim terrorists in Syria and worried about Venezuela invading the US.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My butt cancer keeps flaring up whenever I visit twatter. It's just retard after retard calling Trump a retard. There's a bunch of bots, but it seems like a lot of people are just following \"Drumpgfh\" in order to be mad at him. Oh well, at least they have a non-violent outlet for their anger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"People hate you People think your ugly People think your a horrible person Well guess what No ones name is people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO!!!! Holy shit, these people are fucking crazy. I didn't even get the notice, I am sad.... but not bitching. SHe is so lucky to have #TRUMP contact her directly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where is the error in thinking that gay lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled people think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The one I found ridiculous was the outrage that Kingdom Come Deliverance didn't have any black characters... like, ITS SET IN MIDEVIAL CZECHOSLOVAKIA. I see your point, but the difference being that historical a accuracy was a main selling point in kingdom come I understand, I was just talking about how people get so worked up about stuff like this. Nobody can let things just be normal, you *have* to inject tumblr OCs into every game now to \"represent\" everyone. [deleted] Yes, I'm retarded because I gave an approximation of the setting of a videogame because I couldn't remember the exact title. Bohemia. Are you happy? *Medieval Czhechoslovakia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"doesn't make her any less a retarded conservative. Everyone knows prison convicts are an untapped pool of conservative voters. \/sarcasm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We've all known Taylor Swift was a cunt since she sued that guy two years ago. Why act surprised now?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing worse than a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Twitter and#Facebook SUCK THE BIGGEST BOWL OF DIRTY DICKS. @JACK Is A Fucking Cunt Liar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They are trying to opt out of needing women. lol if they can take faggot stem cells, create eggs.. then they have two faggots making a baby. Playing God. Jesus, come back soon, plz. The world is done https:\/\/www.npr.org\/sections\/health-shots\/2018\/09\/20\/649552734\/scientists-create-immature-human-eggs-from-stem-cells We know that, darling, but they want it to be a happy pedo faggot world, and moms would shoot them in the face.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is what real hate looks like. I mean true hatred of the heart. It's so sad. My heart breaks for him. Please pray that this man here gets right with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord can save him and make him a new creation in Christ. Sure, I love them enough not to murder innocent people who have not threatened me and my family with weapons. I suggest you seek the Lord Jesus because you are obviously evil and headed to hell. Do you love them when they murder whites on a daily basis? Who cries for those white victims? Surely not you. The person or persons who do this should be horribly punished for their wicked crimes. If you've read my page at all, you'd find I'm very pro-white and against white genocide but we must not become the aggressors ourselves. We must not let them kill us either. Unless we start fighting back then that is what will happen. You fight fire with fire, not love. You can save that Christian love for your white kin, not blacks that would slice your throat at a drop of a dime.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just go through and downvote it all. It does seem to be a s sub. I think the full feminism one is more popular.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't a movie cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"tucker Carlson just reported that Hillary \"I'm the biggest cunt on the planet\" Clinton, and5 of her aids have lost their security clearances! oh happy day! now the question is, why did her aides have top level security clearances in the first place!? we're another step closer to arrests, perp walks, and military tribunals! if you want this vote republican!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Anglan looks like a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ugly one-eyed kike nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @AriesSpears: These young cats being drafted in the NBA today are walking lotto tickets! Wait till these niggas find out that pussy come ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":".... National Socialist.... GOT YOU POTTY TRAINED no more nazi ha haha hha hah hah ahah ahaa cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's not free, you pay taxes you absolute dumbass. The healthcare is also objectively worse than what you could get from the private sector, yet you're forced to pay for it. I can walk to Sweden, sometimes I cross the border when I go for a run. I've been to Sweden hundreds of times. In my country, we're mostly glad Sweden exists, because we get cheaper labor, cheaper bacon and beer, and most importantly, daily proof of what happens when you go full retard. we are not in nato u retarded burger-eater redneck with obeasity problems, second what is not gonna last? plz elaborate","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Assumes he knows my IQ Assumes he knows my race Calls me a disgrace to good Americans while mocking a man for being a good father, spending quality time with his family, as he sits and scratches his hairy ass and bitches on the internet. A good father? These children's mother should be ashamed. You wear your IQ on your sleeves, so to speak. Calls all women low IQ thots then proceeds to shame a mother for being married and having children and doing fun family activities. Weak men are bad for America. Mother fuckers like that need a a beatin... Look lady, accept what's going on in the photo is obviously unsafe for these children. Think about your children's safety not how many likes you'll get for uploading such images to World Star, twitter, and gab. Accept that these children sat in the wagon, exited and walked up to each door, watched by their parents, were greeted by friendly neighbors and received candy and had a great time. It's not hard. It's an American tradition. *two children standing not sitting. \"you don't know me\" -- boilerplate transparent low IQ thot argument Well, you don't. However, my use of logic and language speaks well for my IQ. compromises childrens' safety. OK, highly intelligent good parent. Doubting the safety of these children is quite a stretch. \"Embarrassment to red-blooded Americans\" for calling out a situation where children's safety was compromised means I really am a stupid dick. An infantile attempt to express indignation at the most innocent and lighthearted post. You resemble a SJW who's fake outrage is a form of lying. You are supremely dishonest in may ways. Likewise as you expressed to Fe, you wear your 'Christianity' on your sleeves (so to speak). I said what I needed before you replied concerning the readily observable situation depicted in the photo. You add nothing to the conversation. It is you who is an embarrassment to every red-blooded American despite your projecting since I have done far more for the people of the United States of America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan I was thinking the same thing. Would be hysterical if true. But something seems fishy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a faggot I disavow a faggot calling straight men faggots, it's fucking pathetic. @phpeter this is not your AIDS survivors club meeting, if you can't take the banter fuck off to Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here in Mexico the memes have great, some are wierd like [this one](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/IpWaxUZ.png) Which translated says \"This dood is the boyfriend of Miss Spain. So he's gay, but he's legally fucking a woman, so he's not gay. Fuck this society, i don't get it.\" And the dinosaur is part of a meme wave here in which they're using them to call people \"Viejo Lesbiano\" which means \"Old Lesbian Man\" So yeah... Edit, [another one](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/Ok2p1xM.png) I found about her measurements in Cm's Edit2: here's [another good one](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/iVNu9Au.png) Am I the only one who doesn't' like pointy chins like that on women? It always reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West... I ask because she won a beauty contest. I wish it stopped at furries but those sick fucks take it even further with shit like vore. Why are they fapping to being swallowed and digested? Fucking retarded furries man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Only the Jew knew that by an able and persistent use of propaganda, heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vice versa, the most miserable kind of life can be presented as if it were paradise. ~ Mein Kampf, The Collapse of the Second Reich fuck off commie kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He is one of them lol Fat cunt is a cheeseburger away from a massive heart attack lol Michael Moore cheers last days' of old white men: The dying dinosaur' https:\/\/truepundit.com\/michael-moore-cheers-last-days-of-old-white-men-the-dying-dinosaur\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really can't stand disabled people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who cares, honestly. So she's against Nazis and I don't see why that's a bad thing to oppose. That party is turning into a nationalist party so I think she's awesome. Are you retarded or sarcastic Check out his\/her comment history lol. Who would have guessed. A violent communist. Who would have guessed. A violent communist. So you mean liberal. No need to just repeat what he said. lol See I think that is not helpful. I agree. If only people would chime in and say that when the tables are turned. Republicans take so much unprovoked abuse on Reddit and usually just get downvoted for saying anything at all. Nobody knows how to have civil political discussions anymore, it's sad. I'm pretty neutral on politics, but I see a lot of this here I'm honestly surprised some of the comments in this thread are being upvoted I know. I have moved well away from the Republican party because I do feel that there is a strong nationalism feel about it these days but I would not tollorate any kind of violence from any side. Make no mistake the though, the republican party has been attracting a lot of bad dudes and they are getting to the point where they need these hate filled wackos to win so they don't seem to care. It's a downhill slope from here. well you got something right","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people nigger. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or when you're in my neighborhood RT @clairelea18: You know you're in the mexcian ghetto when... http:\/\/t.co\/1Vq0OcrseV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fukc all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a nigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"SO..Let's wrap this up. IF you follow me, and are into child porn style HENTAI..and I find you..im calling you out, so fucking DO NOT FOLLOW ME. YOU call it art, but me, the serially molested as a child adult who is rational and critical thinking, calls BS and refuses you faggots to follow me. Your sex life will be as retarded as you are. Fuck off. #PEDOS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is so much fun! #1UBB #1ndiana #hoosiers #hoosierdaddy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all trans people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All girls like you should have a pimp to guide them to successful prostitution","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NO, not \"as long as they're legal.\" Who do you take me for? Some retarded CivNat? Johnny is not a tan or brown spic. His family legally immigrated to the U.S. from Columbia. Here's his photo. Make up your own mind. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/muXeYe\/Johnny_Benitez.jpg","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The largest mass killing of Jewish people in American History was committed by a Trump MAGAt. We'll see won't we. Ya'all fucked up. Let you hate take control. Rookie mistake. Oh well, live and learn MAGAt, LIVE AND LEARN! Stop passing AIDS around Steven the gay Jew ...lol I see, sure-sure. So you're a gay Jew with AIDS........SEE i told ya so .......... Tony DeMaga thinks he scares someone! That's funny!!! Scares? I'm describing you , and you know it.LOL Tough Guy Tony Demaga, talks a tough game. TALKS. Says the gay Jew boy with AIDS. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO!!!! Better throw away those vibrators and dildo too. They likely had their cell phone shoved up their ... when the alert went off... Maybe some even got off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are these people actually retarded? Gwen's most famous relationship was with a Spider-**MAN**. She's literally as hetero as they come. Also pretty sure she dates Mile's Morales in the comics at some point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusting NYT hired this racist, ignorant bitch. She is going to be SERVED a LARGE DOSE of #KARMA from GOD! #KarmaIsABitch #BoycottTheNewYorkTimes #BoycottNYT #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #LiberalsAreTermites #LeftistHateCrimes #LeftistSheeple #LeftismIsaCult #LiberalDoubleStandard #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon#WWG1WGA#Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #Trump #1A #2A #NRA But this little slope cunt loves white cock....go figure","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Mr President and homeland security, please ignore any foreign threats and focus your sole attention on our police force #ACAB #LANDOFTHEFREE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well Jim didn't really seem to want to go after the Alt Right but being the high IQ galaxy brains they are, they found a way to get him to BTFO them. Good job guys, you're all really smart people and don't come off like spaghetti spilling fags. Is this about the Dio faggot, or did something else happen? \"Eh Meh Ged Ralf, Yuure A Fuking Race Mikser!\" What a retard - also, he's supposedly a \/pol\/ vet AND a long-time Jim fan, yet still expects Jim to be his Personal Army?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sagging is subject to a $","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really can't stand cauliflower. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Cunt you say takes one to know one Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"last thought before bed: in '92 we had a \"mock election\" in 3rd grade and i voted for Perot. maybe i related to his really big ears, idk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Minneapolis Police Will Not Investigate Keith Ellison Due to Conflict of Interest' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/04\/minneapolis-police-will-not-investigate-keith-ellison-due-conflict-interest\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a firm believer that once you've stopped resisting you don't deserve to have the shit beaten out of you by a gang of police. But hey that's why America's great, bc fucks like you can speak their mind so everyone knows what kind of cunt you are","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Demokkkrats dropping off Ford.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary did nothing, Obama was supposedly having a cocaine party and then went to a Las Vegas Fundraiser the next morning after barely a comment on what the hell happened . If HIllary has been elected and a similar situation, Muzzie Brotherhood\/Sisterhood Huma would have made the decision - SO SCARY ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bald head bitches think it's their time to prosper !","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @iLLmak3Ufamous: Touch my swag. Wish you could. RT @VizyIsIgnant: I LOOK FLY. I LOOK GOOD. RT @Wisdom_Stature: On my momma.... On my ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Critical thought. Critical thought is not an attack. By all means go claim injury. Claim injury for your god for all it does you or anyone such great things doesn't it. Such clumsily veiled \"prior attacks levied\" threats. Just don't be a retard and come up with these new-world xtian boogey men. My image? Go fuck yourself, ya optics cucked faggot. I don't need to qualify myself to you, or give a fuck when we get around to throwing fags like you off a fuckin' roof. \"optics cucked faggot \" hahaha. You want what, qualification? Well have fun with your little web rage, great Xtian unthinkable. Come around, and talk about \"attacks\" again anytime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Archeological evidence is clear, europeans have always taken care of each other regardless of disability, and we will never stop until there is no more disability! Are we just cool or what, turns out that disabled people take care of us to, and together we are even cooler!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First responders try to rescue a potential suicidal person. Chicks held up in traffic get next to the scene and yell for him to jump because they were inconvenienced in backed up traffic. Man jumps. Women sentenced for being cunts. Reddit applauds chicks because being stuck in traffic over a potential suicide is not worth their time. no hope in humanity...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess some other witness is gonna show up dead and nobody is gonna question it. I mean if Trump murdered people Comedy Central would be all over it but they have some English talking nigger and they think everyone is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"dodgerofzion asked: A giant green rooster walks in carrying a tray of brownies. You may have a brownie in... http:\/\/t.co\/Rn0sWWuIq9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I still have a photo of Mr. Dick Nigger when we were still dating...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too manycamel fuckers in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=XNZQfrnUHd8 ANTIFA Takes Over Portland Because of a JUSTIFIED Police Shooting! (REACTION) #walkaway #RealVideo #BigPharmaLies #TrumpColludedWithGod #Geoengineering #Realvideo #5GTakeover #NoDACA #Gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I pictured Angus running up the side of FOB Sharana with every day in Afghanistan @ReturnTo1776 http:\/\/t.co\/zj1MK6w7EF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch out nigger lovers. You day is coming. http:\/\/t.co\/ZV1CpK1iy8","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"She should have been forced to do the same time he did.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheAngryAfrican @Kiyxni i don't think he can beat Mayweather but he's far from trash. Unlike Floyd he actually put Maidana down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ahmiryoung Lakers on....I thought trash day was Monday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maybe it's because you're autistic?? Wish you death","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@CHARLESBARRKLEY hey Sir house nigger, uncle tom aren't you from grand ole Mississippi, I rest my case!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saudi TV had to pixelate Angela Merkel's hair to avoid plunging the nation into uncontrollable sexual excitement... close call ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw this on twitter when it was blowing up and she was arguing with people under the tweet. IIRC, A white woman said shes a single mother and struggles buying groceries and the coupons website would help her a lot. OP responded with \"thats literally your problem Black American women are the most racist group of people on the planet. How do you figure that? http:\/\/www.rasmussenreports.com\/public_content\/lifestyle\/general_lifestyle\/july_2013\/more_americans_view_blacks_as_racist_than_whites_hispanics lots of alt right idiots on this sub [removed] Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s): --- --- **[Rule 3B](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_b.29_treat_your_fellow_shitlords_excellently.): You need to treat your fellow shitlords excellently.** > Have discussions with respect to the person behind the username. It's okay to disagree, but don't get hostile or start brazenly insulting others. TiA isn't a safe space, but that doesn't give you a pass to be uncivil. --- --- If you have any questions or comments about this action, **Use this link to send us a mod mail message** [here](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInActionandsubject=About my removed submissionandmessage=I'm writing to you about the following removal: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/comments\/9frcyl\/-\/e60wqok\/. %0D%0DMy issue is:). **Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.** You sound triggered. Did someone go potty in your soymilk sippy cup?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought these twats claimed you could choose your sexual identity. Sounds to me shes just salty nobody will lay her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Unbelievable that this Nigger did this in public https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6269537\/California-mall-CCTV-shows-man-following-young-girl-trying-sexually-assault-her.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Rapper T.I. Releases Sexist Promo Video Featuring Stripping Melania Trump Lookalike. The First Lady Responds. https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37248\/rapper-ti-releases-sexist-video-promo-featuring-amanda-prestigiacomo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] Yes [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever nay saying faggots say you can't best the govt w force, lookie here! A gaggle of cameras and nigger flesh and they're still trying to decide how to cope. #StudyINSuccess https:\/\/twitter.com\/costareports\/status\/1048618964392312832","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is no pushback. It's just ignorant fuckwits in America who don't know shit about Christianity. We've had 30+ years of no religion in schools, atheism and generally stupid people who wouldn't know Latin or Greek from a hole in the fucking ground. The retarded idea that these monoliths of religious academia are going to so much as make a point is a laughable concept. Have a good life. >I don't have a shitty attitude >strawmans your position >stupid >fuckwit >retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" GETTING THERAPY FOR YOUR PRE OCCUPATION WITH ABNORMAL SEXUAL PERVERSIONS.? YOU PANTYWAIST ARE ALL ALIKE... CANNOT FIND YOUR OWN 'MUTE' BUTTON CLOWN?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When people label their name on there ghetto nano<<<<< @StephyRae7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im not surprised that the muzzie would pull this shit they should have never been let into a western country","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-hillary-clinton-loses-security-clearance-amid-email-scandal\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm with you. Jail is extreme even for this unlikeable cunt. I don't want to pay to clothe, house and feed her dumb ass. Fine the bejesus out of her expel her and subject her to a bunch of community service.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Do girls wear bathrobes still cuz I have really cute fuzzy $60 bathrobe from Victorias Secret, is that even ok to wear ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They used to be a force to be reckoned with. They were basically assassins in the 90's: they were silent but deadly. Now? They're a bunch of loud mouthed clowns. I miss the days of [respectable women](https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0103772\/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_100) In the 90's they were complete idiots, and all men including your friends were whiteknights. Exactly.. I miss those days. If you stood out and knew how the world worked, life was so easy. If you ask me personally, that's what started this whole mess. Internet. It's been data overload since its inception. Humans rather plug into 1's and 0's versus human interaction... because just like you, you and everyone can say fuck off to the world. It isn't healthy, on a grand scale. ? Why is it not healthy? You think its healthy if you are forced to deal with stupid people and women? Back in the days if your skin color was a bit too dark in my country you were fucked. It meant you would be marginalized. So no. The internet guarantees that no matter the circumstances you have the tools to learn and selfactualize. The internet means that you can walk away from any group or instituition without losing much. Mgtow is a product of the internet. No internet no mgtow. Mgtow + internet will force society to change. Social groups are kept in check a lot by women, they dont want men to leave the group. Well this applies also to men. If all good men leave a group, the group is destroyed because then the bad apples are left to deal with the other bad apples. The exodus of men is this. We will leave and watch from a far they eating each other as we eat our pop corn and thrive. They will go insane, they are already going insane, but this is just the beginning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uber cars need ejector seats. I would love to see them get ejected into the air and land a block away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".Ah yes... Paul Joseph Watson is a flaming faggot who don't agree with some of the laws which muslims follow which is part of the same laws that #Yahweh put in motion through Mosheh and Aaron in the days of old!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GOOD PUT THAT FAGGOT BITCH IN JAIL","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @DessantiGina: @TonyJRodriguez @WolfVanHalen so tony I think yr a rude little cunt and too too young to even know what real rock and rol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Women are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yet another far right gammon who hits women https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-us-canada-45960094?fbclid=IwAR1cFkQNW-7lEvI-QWBHAr3Lt0mq0nw4Bk2lxtv9j7Mgw2HraImiejKRdbs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Commie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What is that nigger bitch doing with straight blonde hair then? Bitch you aint white!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is there a dumber nigger in office than Trump? Example: WH press leaks. Trump complains about it as if it's an evil conspiracy. A lot of the \"anonymous\" sources in the NYT or WaPo have turned out to be true (e.g. Bannon being fired, not quitting). And yet Trump hired virtually all the people who do the leaking. Bannon himself leaked publicly. It's all his fault.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"True. I'd call you a Jewish cunt instead. When are you moving to Israel?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So, she's still a wacky Feminazi twat with a malfunctioning brain. https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/onlytheghosts\/art\/Lacy-Green-All-Men-Are-Guilty-611039016","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"you can take the nigger out of Africa....but you can't take the Africa out of the nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":":o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If only trans people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Also look up Illimitable men on the vapidity of educated women, explaining how they seek an education in order to seek a higher smv male rather than to further mankind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Rockstar has a really nasty habit of making its missions incredibly narrow in what you're allowed to do - and that clashes dramatically with RDR 2's more systemic, more emergent stuff.\" See, that guy isn't completely retarded, I agree with him here for example. So why make dumb tweets like that other shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Muslims with any power are a thraet to civilisation","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"As if Canadian's weren't sheep-like enough already, now they're all going to get stoned legally, thanks to the retarded asshole, Justin Trudeau.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I would have turned tricks in an alley to get me a remastered Diablo But this... this is full retard. It's ridiculous, fans keep flat out telling Blizzard what they want (remakes of WarCraft 1 and 2 and Diablo 1 and 2) and not only does Blizzard actively ignore them, on multiple occasions Blizzard executives have said gamers are stupid and that those older games aren't any good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does anyone actually think that nigger football players earn a real college degree?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @southernshirt: The only things you need in life are comfy shirts and Oreos #southernshirt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This being too sick to function is for the birds ! I was starting to feel slightly better earlier,now I feel like death again!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New @TimbersFC jersey should be yellow with a green chevron stripe like charlie brown's jersey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PMan's current title (\"Jew Lover from MPC\") was acquired from a particularly retarded boomerpoaster here. Is this faggot white nationalist child brain ever right about anything other than his mom being ashamed of his birth?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @InfidelAlie: Yay for America and Israel... we put in more Jew Hating muslim trash into our government! pathetic and sickening","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"it's not magic. it's God. very simple. kinda the same way einstein all of sudden thought that time would stand still -- even go backwards -- if he went fast enough on that train. \"Magic is just science we don t understand yet\" well, then the guy he stole that idea from got from inspiration. ;-) doesn't really matter which human said what -- they're only human, y'know. Oh, so we got screwed out of 1,000 years technology advancement because Edison was good at marketing and Tesla wasn't - so I guess it's the will of God? There are MANY instances in the Bible where the Jews are PUNISHED for not doing what God wants. How is it so difficult for some people to understand, maybe we need to get our shit together to DESERVE His blessings? who said we didn't? but He knows you're still a fuck up and loves you anyway. kinda like your mom. and, tesla, well, westinghouse hired him so you weren't screwed out of anything. in the end, tesla screwed tesla. whadda need more tech for anyway? the next gen facebook? ugh. man doesn't know how to use the tech he's got.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That is true, mute all you like, you cant accept facts. I am not interested in the white nigger level of \"we wuz kangs\" shit you are promoting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Someone shut this beaner up please.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Note: Khorasan is the old Arabic name for parts of Iran, Afghanistan. Not an invention of modern Jihadis. #justsayin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'seriously im not racist'- Oh , thats great to here, WHILE YOUR FUCKING PEOPLE ARE BEING SLAUGHTERED. Disgusting cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Cookies n' Cream Oreo Fudge Ice Cream http:\/\/t.co\/nAINpWXTJc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Death to all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I always hate these women who demand that men help out in these kind of situations. Where is equality? Gone out the window it seems. >Where is equality? It wasn't convenient for her in this situation because she didn't want to do \"a man's job\" therefore equality was postponed. Interesting how this sub says that when a woman fights a man she should expect to get hit, even though she's smaller and weaker and men normally avoid hitting women because they'd hurt them, but when a woman DOES avoid it, she's still at fault. She didn't just \"try to avoid it\", she actively tried to throw men in harm's way. If she just calls the police and tries to be a good witness no one would have criticized her. She looks like she's on the phone with police, and at the same time asking people to help. It's common knowledge that in situations like a medical emergency people don't step in because they think someone else will handle it, which is why experts advise you to start barking orders and point at specific people. For example don't just yell \"somebody call the police, but point at someone and say \"you, please call the police! because there have been cases where people thought someone called the police but nobody did. Sounds like you're trying to whitewash her actions. Dude with camera doesn't work there, the annoying woman is. She has no right or authority to order anyone to do a thing and if anything should set up a good example before expecting others to take action. She takes the safest action of making a phone call while barking at others to get into hands on action. You sound like a pussy, bro chil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's not stand by while disabled people are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how bout mongo-pedes? or maga-mongs. those seem more fitting. anyway, I have to retire early from evening shitpoasting and go do my homework or they'll have my balls in a sling tomorrow. you're in charge while I'm gone. try not to be too big of a faggot while I'm away q ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other tr4ns people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@ReverendGrim @TitsOfAnarchy I likes dat name. Dem sand niggers needs to know dare place in da pecker order","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @LANURSE1: Here is a #MichaelBrown supporter. She says whites are just evil albino black babies. Seriously? #tcot @KLSouth http:\/\/t.co\/P ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What if we just killed all immigrants?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lilly just tried to climb up a tree after a bird and completely failed oh my god ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exactly. I don't care what you believe, long as you don't start killing me for it, we're golden. You are saying that all Jews are Communists, which does not match to reality, which then means you're the useful idiot of propaganda. Guess what? Some Christians are Communists. That means you're a Communist.... Lol Christian communism - thats a first. Thick as conctete this bird Are you really trying to say there are no Christians that are Communists? Go ahead. Make that claim, Bigbird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The right is millions of people that don't own companies ye television indoctrinated half wit.. You know, all the regular family folk that think bioshocking children with chemicals and redesigning their genitals is fucking disgusting, or the folks that don't want to live in a muslim majority sharia shithole in 2050, or the folks that think killing babies is killing babies, and all the fellas that see through the trudeau\/soros transislamist plan to drain the countries wealth\/culture and cull whitey. Go poop in someone's mouth and dream of your pedotopia somewhere else communist NPC God-*damn* this is retarded. Listen, I know that you'd like to separate social policy from economic ones when making political arguments, out of convenience, but the reality is that parties have to combine them when dictating policy. Yes, 'right' parties will be more supportive of the corporate interests you list. That is their job. Yes, 'left' parties will be more supportive of labour. So what we have in Canada, the CPC and Liberals, are two economically right parties, who differ on social policy. And the blabbering about social policy is paramount so Canadians voters, your *real* 'useful idiots', don't focus on how economic policy is largely the same between the two parties. The idiotic part of this thread in particular is that \"Let's Import 350k Moar Immigrants Derp\" policy isn't even a legit left policy. It's a fake one. I'll be glad to point this and other political gamesmanship in the future. Regards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sarsour is a diseased cunt who should not be allowed in public.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@FattyyTooRaw well Ontario is like kind of a dump now that the ghetto moved here since its cheaper to live here so.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RT_America: Russell Brand mocks Bill O'Reilly for proposing Berlin Wall against immigrants (VIDEO) http:\/\/t.co\/WtzD2MIBf6 http:\/\/t.co\/A ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yes half of it is grece and roman the other half sand nigger isrealite","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nigger maff","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Are YOU fucking me?!?!? fucking cunts. deplorable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Can you stop being such a faggot? Good one. I'll remember that for when I'm fucking your mom. Racist cunt. Come up with something good. Needle dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Americus? You faggot mfer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pasta nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"geoff at one point started ranting about \"glow in the dark cia niggers\" on the side of the road and made homicidal threats toward them\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What a twat that Al Murray is anyway","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@midgetmadz shut your dirty dirt trap you limp knees, ashy footed, blue balls, isolated hamster wheel, no nipples bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That b**** is a little Dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I got dirty birds hey shoot like Larry bird hey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Harry_Styles: It was all yellow. http:\/\/t.co\/xB4dkWuoKi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sooo my first aid\/cpr certification came in handy tonight. Glad I didn't lose my monkey @Bekkalina13","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stafford trash without Megatron #fantasyfootballproblems","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy 40 years in prison for being a piece of shit! I hope that cunt rots. This cunt needs to be brought up on charges for High Treason and if found guilty, executed by firing squad. This a high crime against ALL people I don't care what your politics are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid fucking cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">His allies are claiming he was fired because of Russian bots and how it sets a dangerous precedent. You couldn't make this up. Yes I could, but I wouldn't because I'm not a creatively bankrupt NPC, who is stuck repeating scripted conversations. Betcha they're using that script that supposedly identifies bots, but has an utter fuckton of false positives too? The anonymous accounts have no user descriptions. Your account would NOT be considered anonymous, even tho you don't use your name\/pic. The goal is to capture a generic account, not just a person being incognito\" https:\/\/twitter.com\/bethany_lacina\/status\/1052372165167894528 http:\/\/archive.is\/OIMNF Thanks man. Saved for future reference. I can add that the Internet researchers I tagge, w the exception of Prof. Laxina, had literally been discussing similar topics with me a few hours before, so the timing was almost uncanny. >Talking to cfiesler in the flesh What's it like to meet a god? (I have no idea how she achieved rockstar status, but somehow she seems like a nexus of HCI, fandom, and sociology researchers. Maybe she's only twitter famous. Or maybe I'm just misinformed. I know absolutely nothing about her actual research or department.) ... hydrochloride?? Human-Computer Interaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and how about all your stealing of tax payers money fucking cunt feinstein","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@jasonjwilde On that 4th down incompletion, both the slants looked like better options. Shame, but there s a youth and lack of trust going on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DRUG ADDICT FUCKING THUG HOOD RAT muslim EVIL CRIMINAL ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @BrandonTierney: Crooked number followed by shut down frame, love it. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The media are fucking cunts. To go live with no corroboration is cuntish.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"google voice is such a cunt nowadays","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"String that crook nigger up","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The crazy train just kept running over this cunt over and over and over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or mess up his faggot hairdo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The leftist\/homosexual war on the #Catholic church kicked into high gear with the infiltration of the priesthood by boy-raping fags...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Cuckservatives like Lowry save their harshest criticism for whites who unabashedly speak the truth about race and culture. #14Words #TruCons #GOPSmartSet #NRORevolt #cuckservative #GOPe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Spic","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RobertGBeckel: \"Do you know how good Ho-Ho's are at 2am?\" @AndreaTantaros answers, \"You haven't given up all your ho-ho's.\" Whoa. @TheFive","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gary's girl was a tranny. RT @Em_99car: I wonder what would have become of @rickspringfield if he'd written 'Gary's Girl'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only a niggerdick could reach that cunt I bet a midget football team could hide under her overhang during a rainstorm and not get wet. Nigger probably uses her as a waterbed","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Somebody should compile a list of epically stupid takes coming from Trump shills. I've seen almost every single excuse below on Gab (at some point or another) - not just from boomers, nor normie conservatives, but actual alt righters and WNs. Y'all are truly some retards. I disavow you all. John Bolton in the White House is 7-D chess! Trust the plan! MAGA! We actually don't have a good economy. The working and lower middle class is still in depression but this dumb fuck is to retarded to understand that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is on a whole new level, \"getting fucking banned for killing the wrong person in a single player game about elaborately killing people\" Not even the most braindead corporate cocksucking retard would defend this, yet there still are many doing so! Sad times!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Garner_412 heyyyyyyyyyyy fag boy am I gonna watch you play?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For men. If your on a ship and its going down and its women and children first, do you let a Transgender Biological Man get on a Lifeboat before you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and I BET LEE WAS BEHIND IT. THAT NIGGER BITCH NEEDS DESTROYED ALSO.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"the uploader has not made this video available in your country\". ? i am USA , wtf...anyhoots..money for nothing and your checks for free...yep,we loved it.could say faggot and get away with it","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#ProjectVeritas dropped a bombshell video on the Senate race down in #Tennessee and the lying manipulation being employed, emblematic of Democratic tactics around the nation: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=m9bjb46FtG0 That video and Taylor Swifts dumbassery resulted in this....lol #MarshaBlackburn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical r e t a r d behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"5th October 1974 the IRA murdered Ann Hamilton, Off duty soldier in 4th week of basic training, Women's Royal Army Corps. 1 of 5 murdered in Horse and Groom pub, Guildford. No warning bomb killed 4 off duty soldiers and civilian. Kung Fu Fighting playing when exploded 20:50 Guildford is in Surrey S.England. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/DouWD4yX0Acsgnr.jpg You Limey MF bastards made the same claims against Americans, as \"terrorists when you tried to occupy us and ban guns here in What part of F off back to your own land don't you get?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ITS CRIMINAL THAT ANY FAGGOT FEDERAL JUDGE CAN STOP A PRESIDENTIAL ORDER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Theyre already trying to with the shitty premium servers or w\/e the hell they are. \"Just turn your channel into a hugbox and you'll get free shit!\" Works on retards like Asmongold, the mere whiff of a black person in an emote is enough to trigger him into a fit, all for a hoodie and \"preferrential access\" for his discord server","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"For real, these retards want the world to change for them, because they refuse to change for the better of the world. What a useless existence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's only natural for a nigger like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"why does that girl only have 1 shoe ??? is she extra retarded ???","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? i would prefer to live in fucking congo before israel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"3 years ago the twat that arranged these was living in the white house with mick the dick!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The rich kids of beverly hills is trash and not even entertaining trash. And why do they all look mid thirties?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Ancient Chinese Confucius proverb: If your cunt stinks then no one will ever love you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This one may actually explode, folks. Keep a safe distance! Um no honey...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AdamBaldwin @ChicoDelainky clams to be a comedy writer. #untrue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cry harder faggot Well, \"harder faggot\" does sound like something you would cry out...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I think the silly twat means Scotland's prison population growth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Have you seen how fucking retarded he writes Barry Allen? Isn't that enough that Wally's fans keeps getting fucked in the ass over and over and over (btw, fuck you Tom King), but now we are also on borrowed time 'till Bendis decides it's time to take the Flash for a ride and ruin him as well. The first iteration of Bendis's Barry was him saying 3 times in half a dozen pages \"caca poopoo\". Then it came Wally's hair, and in the last issue of Superman he literally had Barry act like a retarded totally depending on Ray Palmer, while everyone knows that Barry's intellect pretty much rivals Ray's Quite possible, Bendis is known for sucking tv and movie producers' dick and introducing stuff from the adaptations in the comics. Just look at how he destroyed Guardians of the Comics and among the dozens of things he did wrong, he also just went from the newly redesigned costumes to the ones from the movie without explanation, from one issue to the next.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing wrong with being racist. I personally welcome CNN to the fold, we can talk about how much we hate niggers and 'tokenism' together!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lock this crack whore up and hide the key in a pair of work boots. This bitch needs to be put down with malice. She tried 3 separate bullshit evasions that didn't work because she's fucking guilty. No matter what kind of human you are, the raw fact of not even trying to help when she \"realized\" it wasn't water in the glass confirms intent with malice. I just don't have the words to describe how vile a cunt this bitch is!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Your black lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"South Africa City To Begin Confiscating Land From Whites https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-19\/south-africa-city-begin-confiscating-land-whites-national-test-case #Share #Gab #GabFam #Land #Laws #MAGA #Trump #Rules #Censor #Trumptrain #Africa #Farm #Farmers #Business #Economy #Rights News - http:\/\/www.dailyjobcuts.com -","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Posted on Foxnews just now \"The Gab account has frequent anti-Semitic postings\" Thanks all of you Nazi loving, anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying Pieces of shit. Now Gab is targeted because of you fucking assholes. You just can't help your hateful selves can you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow if you follow this loser..... You should just end it..... Ppl that spread retarded lies are not fit to breathe.... Muted biotch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If Arizona even let this cunt be so close then let em deal with it. Fucking idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JadeGreenleaf fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/l.facebook.com\/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcanadafreepress.com%2Farticle%2Fbehind-the-honduran-march-on-america-barack-obama%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3yE5nsQXSgjRMnD7P8FMPQD-H3GXsFk_TUumMYFdrXc8PnZHhjeh-DYK8%","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Chrissy, How does it feel to be so weak that mere words hurt you? It's utterly pathetic that you give others that amount of power over your emotions and feeling of self worth. Your ancestors must be very proud. College will do that to the weak,low information,non-thinkers.They spend a lot of time on the floor in the fetal position. It is not school, it is indoctrination. I know I left college and basically regarded most of the professors as dumb as shit. I did not kiss a single ass in college. The professors people liked I hated, and the tough ones I loved. People thought I was nuts back then and that certainly has not changed. I tell the truth and people have a hard time with that becasue we certainly did not hear it in college! Universities need to be blown up!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like Andrew said in previous posts, Report, Mute, Move on. I give them NO interaction, that seems to help to keep their shit down to a minimum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hmmm how not to be racist says the anti-white racist cunt who wrote this retarded piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It doesn't work that way cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ shut up lizard faggot nigger cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Federal Chief Judge Alex Kozinski is accused of sexual misconduct by 15 women WHO is Federal Chief Judge Alex Kozinski??!?!?!?!?! Same judge who stopped @POTUS initial travel ban #VoteDemsOUT #VoteRed. Jali Cat https:\/\/t.co\/PzR1R2uDhF .. Rich, very rich. The left are nothing but thugging pervs who are absolutely going to get their a** handed to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tech experts are turning down job offers from Google over the company's development of a censored search engine for China. Report: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/techs-turn-down-google-jobs-over-dragonfly-censorship-project\/ #Dragonfly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bitch kill yoself, go on to the bathroom and eat the pills bitch, all of em","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@HAUNTINGILINSKY @sorryimalex Bc @taylorcaniff is trash why would he lie about that? I told you he's real","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop war. Lead, Radiation, chemicals is killing this earth. Share, care, sympathy, and empathy most of all Love is needed in this world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TIL I learned that black men don't get a trial like everyone else and are just automatically presumed guilty and locked up. Sarsour is a fucking idiot. black men now, maybe yeah... it's definitely happened in the past so it's not impossible. Not sure why you were downvoted. It 100% did happen. Same with Irish people too. People don't know history I guess. Happened to the Irish, Italians, black people(where it was legal to kill without cause for a good chunk of time), Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and really any other immigrant that is either non-Anglo. should've took the hint Ok troll lmao your whole comment history is straight up troll bait Haha ok bruh go complain to your mom since she's probably the only one who cares about what you have to say. wow, yet another pointless comment with zero refutation. just what are they teaching you brown kids with our tax dollars Can't take what you're dishing out? Sad. No you! Haha take that. so yes Sad that this is all you have to offer. Sad that your mother didn't abort in the third trimester.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there DownsonJerome! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Goodness gracious. That made me laugh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What in fuck is that thing? Is it even fucking human? Some kind of nigger jew half orc breed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all women\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah i said it! And to the good Moslems, all three of you... fuck you too Thank you Julia!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can see why you're being downvoted to shit ITT. You are clearly retarded. My emphasis is on how do you know why they personally feel empowered and the entire OP is them saying that they feel empowered in spite of feminism trying to make them feel powerless. You are asserting that they are empowered because of feminism instead, which is bullshit according to their own stated reasons. You are so dumb you probably fail IQ tests.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We See You Barry!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just another common Jihadi. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the number 0 makes total sense I've known of at least So, he has no problem with his kids having no identity whatsoever? They cannot claim to be Nigger since the Niggers would refuse them due to their White blood, and rightfully-so. I guess so. It's all about himself. I think it's selfish that he doesn't think of how this will affect his children. The blacks may accept them since there are so many in America that have some white in them. It's amazing that they have a little white ancestry yet still hate whites.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too bad Brandon Lavergne isn't gonna have that vein spiked at Angola. #mickey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow, a retard well I ain't seen one this retarded before","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The death penalty would be too good for these feral niggers. Flaying, Vivisection, Crucifixion and more are worthy ways to punish the vile nigger infestations.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"GOODWIN: Nation could be sleepwalking into second civil war... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/XfNb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's amazing about it is that he actually PULLED that punch... if he'd not done so... that faggot would have been dead in one shot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"and in a Nigger marriage there is a bucket of KFC in the corner along with a pack of KOOL crush and a two liter of grape soda","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stupid doesn't explain this. Retarded does though. Leftists are retarded. Now I see the funny side.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"fuck off nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No. Jew since my birth. Got the Jew penis, Jew hair and very fortunately Jew intellect to prove it. Yeah, having the Jew penis sucks. I ain't no Wilt Chamberlin that's for sure. But for Asian chics, doesn't matter. They're used to that Chinaman penis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I bet you're not faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vatican has been a cradle of filth since it's inception There is hardly institution as corrupted,as degenerated and perverted than Papacy is Currently Catholic church is undergoing exposure of biggest of it's contemporary child rape \/ paedophilia scandals, and our resident Catholic retard comes to throw shade at Great Greeks Inferiority complex wins!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @VUULibrary: It is Shakespeare's birthday. Take a look at some Shakespearean trash talk. http:\/\/t.co\/JSy3UFfaIb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man, what a shame. I really liked Game Maker's toolkit. It's legit good stuff. Who gave you the soy, Mark? What compelled you to go down the *dark path?* Oh yah, for sure. It's the same with his streams. This is a guy who works well on a script and that's it. That's not a *bad thing* though, but it's not like he explains anything revolutionary. I did enjoy the boss keys series on the evolution of Zelda though. And I respect the hustle that goes behind producing that. Same here with Boss Keys, regardless of his other stuff. Pardon my grumbling, I just haven't found a source of good game design videos in a while ever since I realized Extra Credits and GMTK aren't actually that useful, and I'm trying to go into game design. AFAIK the good stuff is the literature and certain specific talks from sources like gdc or some of the design schools if you can source those. I've been incredibly lucky at just sniping specific developer twitters and either just following their ramblings or plain asking them about stuff. I've been watching a few GDC talks, I enjoyed one on the encounter design of Doom Thanks for the recommendations, and I'll look into some design schools for content alongside GDC talks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> who accused community partner of sexism after constructive criticism fired It's even worse than described. Not only was she claiming that all criticism of her lousy writing was simply sexism, and not only was she viciously attacking the fan base of the game she writes for, but she also celebrated after Total Biscuit died of cancer with this classy tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/Delafina777\/status\/1000045432007938048 Fuck her. She should have been fired for that. What a despicable piece of shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JungleFeverFren fuck u nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"You and your racist Nazi friends!\" (Projectile vomits pea soup) @WADL Some real truth of ww","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you want CHILD PORN on Gab? Do you want ANIMATED CHILD PORN on Gab? Are you censored? Can you have a conservative opinion? A liberal one? Other? YES! Is LEGAL PORN allowed on Gab? Yes. Shouldn't the line be drawn SOMEWHERE? I draw it at child porn or facsimiles of such. If you don't like that go put CHILD PORN on Twitter. They won't mind. @a did nothing wrong I draw the line at hypocritical self-righteous virtue signaling since it correlates extremely well with crimes against humanity. Hypocritical self righteous virtue signaling is NEITHER illegal NOR against Gab rules CUNT Here's what is illegal AND actionable: malicious defamation. I've been defamed twice just being a relative bystander, as a mainstream anime fan with no interest in loli.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most niccas broke but always n the limelight","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"TURDICUS NIGGER !! TURDS IN THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SEPTIC TANK STINK LIKE HELL !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FAGGOT Faggots...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You and all other w0men are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @russnelligan: .@KarynPolito declares victory by introducing \"our next governor, Charlie Baker\" @CharlieForGov #wcvb http:\/\/t.co\/HYkWrVD ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO shit, you think you're some muh \"big White Supremest , until you find out \"kike is a derogatory term that a Jew calls another Jew. Fukin retards Like nigger and blacks? How is it diffetent? Don't niggers call each other nigger? Isn't a nigger the only people politically correct in using the word nigger? No, \"kike is what a fuckin jew called another jew when he wanted to insult them. So a white person calling a jew a \"kike is therefore a \"jew himself, thus the comment before that douchebag Silver-whatever-the-fuck's post before mine. And I said to him too with his retarted bad \"white supremacy memes Only kikes can use the word \"Kike\" to insult kikes, but that's different than niggers using the word \"nigger\" to insult niggers, for reasons. So, if you call a kike, a \"kike\", then you must be a kike or don't understand what the word \"kike\" is all about. Again, for reasons. Got it. So, wait, if a white person calls a kike, a \"kike\", he ceases being white and becomes a Jew? All this time I thought that the \"my fellow white people\" shit was shapeshifters, shape shifting. It might just be white people who called a Jew, a \"kike\" and got shapeshifted. Stick to.the \"fuckin' Jews\" label.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude I have literally had long conversations that occupied my entire work day explaining Jewish power and supremacy in person. I would never had had the inclination or knowledge to do so if it had not been for people saying nigger on the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is fascinating; makes me wonder if I haven't assumed higher IQs for well-mannered, polite people who were functionally retarded in the past. Also makes sense that there's a large concentration of low IQ's in a place that was originally forcibly colonized by criminals and prostitutes, and that cute-but-stupid people might pass on this misfortune.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am learning a lot about immigrants at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't have anything against disabled people but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"G a y people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bullshit, it's because he was shit at his job. After two years and more than $1m, being left in a position where you're still relying on a third party for complete hosting and where the site could be down for weeks is either retarded or deliberate. Even now the site's still practically unusable. Stop new registrations and visits until you can handle them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh come on ..is this the best the NYT can do? What are they paying, minimum wage? It's not the insult to white ppl that bothers me, it's her stupidity. We are spending a lifetime on making sarcastic and cool memes about how all non-white races are offending us, and while we are joking and keeping busy proving that \"we are not racists\" all non-white races are occupying our countries in the whole West. Maybe we should start taking this seriously and develop a new approach before they complete the #WhiteGenocide @SkyWanderer we are pretty smart ppl and can chew gum and walk at the same time. We are not one trick ponies. We are capable if showing humor and seriously acting to stop occupancy of our country. Perhaps you need to seek some help for your one sided view if life. Psychologist will tell you being negative all of the time is not healthy. I'm very comfortable with the fact I can joke and be serious as needed. There are some on GAB who are racist. At least they're direct with it. I for one, am not. Color doesn't matter. Abusing our borders, our safety, out economy and\/or our way of life - without permission and with complete dishonesty about that intention - DOES Piss me off as it should with every American. That's what and how I am. Just the facts, that simple!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When Maxine Waters encouraged violence against Trump Cabinet members, it wasn't the first time she displayed behavior unbecoming of a federal lawmaker. She's been involved in many other controversies - including abusing power to enrich family members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ZGNm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Make Museums Great Again #KillAllPedos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT AmyMek Sweden is Gone! Swedish \"feminists\" demand non-muslim women \"respect\" Sharia and embrace the beauty of having multiple wives (also child brides) who can help take care of the man, home and children It increasingly appears that it will be Sweden that integrates into Islamic culture https:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Let me guess... A fat ugly (fugly) dyke And A less fugly man in drag (pervert)","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If faggot is considered a gender.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"sort of sad Obama is gone... all us white boys need to have a nigger around to laugh at ( < :","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So sick of being around Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Where did you find the RACIST askeNAZI JEW losers? I think it is well known that all askeNAZI JEWS are RETARDED RACIST losers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yeah but not quite tho. The faggot bitch who has ruined the once great 1d3n717y 3ur0p@ is too busy posting retarded Trump sycophantry to go on a platform where he would be subject to constructive criticism. https:\/\/twitter.com\/PatrickCaseyIE\/status\/1053045793182150656 https:\/\/twitter.com\/PatrickCaseyIE\/status\/1053059352758808577","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait... What sjw? That lady is fucking crazy I think he's talking about the planned parenthood workers, because apparently working for planned parenthood makes you an SJW.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEVER Enough for the sodomite: Time Magazine has to have a faggot section for @justinpbolinger so he can feel PROUD of liking penis in his anus. It's NEVER ENOUGH. It is in our faces 24\/ @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @WADL @JonKragen - \"Time\" magazine, Aug. 9, 2018 \"The Biden Foundation has launched a new campaign called 'As You Are' in an effort to promote the importance of family acceptance for 'lgbtq' youth\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sitting at the bar at work watching Walking Dead and all these fucking wetbacks decide to come in and turn on their spic music. Jesus Christ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! bye faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No one has even eaten a Twinkie in, like, decades.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/2018\/oct\/19\/elin-ersson-swedish-student-video-grounded-deportation-flight-prosecution Finally, a bit of good news today. Girl who grounded a plane carrying a man being deported faces prosecution. Less than a day, by my reckoning! the only reply that matters \"who cares\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ok, I wanna walk away from the useless thots and troll a retard using shaming tactics. Let's see if you're ok with that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"And she's obviously not going to learn any lesson, seeing as her prior DWI arrest was only two weeks prior. I'm sure that'll help the conviction for both move along smoothly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey you, bitch, taking advantage of that blind guy--pay him every time Nigger is used by blacks... HE deserve it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"kangaroo dick sucking hippy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Even the old, ugly, and retarded OREO sisters want to #walkaway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger English for people to black to understand real english","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Belgium's first black mayor! How precious (yawn) https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-europe-45862559 I'll bet my life he will be corrupt as fuck. Something about blacks, power, and corruption. Look at Africa....hell look at how corrupt the Obama Administration was. Houston has a black mayor, and is just as corrupt as Detroit. Diversity does not work. The result would be the same with any minority mayor: Asian, Hispanic, Italian, etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just like every wanna-be wigger in the 90's was a member of a gang, when they flashed. If it's even a pro-White thing, it belongs to the Rainbow Flag equivalents.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"pinto grigio dreams turned into moscato reality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are nothing but a fagg0t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All the stupid redneck evangelists will fall over themselves trying to get there","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy shit, that is incredible. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The best way to redpill women will be SJW romance novels. \"Bob looked at Karen for less than 5 seconds. He admired her ability to do quadratic equations. Sheepishly Bob asked Karen if he could say hello. Karen did not consent and called 9\/ Okay this was hillarious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy fuck it is. It's a giant awful echo chamber. I went down a rabbit hole clicking on profiles. None of them post anywhere except super cunty fem pages. Like literally, I clicked over 50 profiles and found 2 that posted anywhere else. Whatever they can do what they want but if you want to figure out how the crazies get that crazy look no further than that bonkers cave of \"fem forward fuckery.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so you want free speech for YOU but not for anyone else? Whatever you kike fucktard, go gas yourself That's not what he's saying, nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You are nothing but a f a g g o t. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They've got a really good point here, I'll make sure to stick to using 'nigger' from now on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Lmaoooo!!!!!!!!!!!! \"@King_Komo: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. http:\/\/t.co\/50Ye6jAADU\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have really light colored eyebrows naturally and it's not ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I be jamming Skid Row,Kix,Cinderella,Damn Yankees,Bon Jovi,Def Leppard,Whitesnake,Extreme,Vinnie Vincent Invasion,Ratt,Scorpions etc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a thing? Don't rich white guys come to Africa and poach all the time? Since when is this not called poaching? Trophy hunters pay top dollar to hunt specific animals in a specific reserve, it is regulated heavily and lots of the money goes to promote activities that improve the reserve itself and nearby community. Poaching has no regulations, and is illegal. I'm sure people fly to Africa and poach, but that's a different thing than trophy hunting. Hunting can actually be good for an ecosystem in many cases. Then there's the massive cash influx that trophy hunting brings to poor communities. Ummm not everyone in Africa is actually poor I represent kids with parents who have companies and invested in real estate and are educated and they're always working to conserve our wildlife. Actually my parents can afford paying for the \"trophy hunting\" but they prefer protecting our African pride by donating money for such. We also have established home for the orphans established by my grandfather who fought the white people that tortured them once. And he still forgave them. So don't fancy us with your\"legal hunting bullshit\". Thank you, you now prove a point. Sorry for the delay. ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @anilkohli54: @mediacrooks so the ball did roll down the slope and found a natural spot @madhutrehan defending brother and the scumbag @sard ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gib stickers, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"STFU #NPC faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgutsed by all the trans people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who could give a fuck what this exceptionally stupid nigger says, stop giving shit like this free ink.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I've got a birds eye view of all the secrets you keep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"While the sentiment is cute and all, you have to be fucking retarded to go barefoot all year long where I live (in Sweden that is). Have fun when it's -20 Celsius and much of the ground is either covered in snow or ice, I bet you lose interest in that pretty damn quickly. Shoes were invented for a reason, use them when needed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"When the People wake up inspite of the Sugar, Flouride, Propaganda, and Drugs why not add Lithium to the Water #MAGA Stay awake Deplorables and avoid the #FakeNews Mind Control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that half nigger Anglin what does that abomination know about what white peoples' need etc are? fuck em and let them fuck off on the kike they rode on","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I despise women. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I sho do miss my Uncle Tom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@desamador you gotta be like me n the twins, just chug it all before everyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a gianormous faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess if the MP has bots, it would be fine, but most games don't have bots to play MP modes with. Which is a bummer for me. Since I would totally do that. :P I can't handle the actual MP stress. But find the gameplay fun. I played more Overwatch with the retarded AI bots than I did the actual game. xP","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So s1ck of being around immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gee, you didn't know that a Jew or the Jew media won't necessarily admit a person is Jewish when they are a krypto (Jews that infiltrate as something else)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time you change your avi you delete your posts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those i m m i g r a n t s should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sexual deviant Met chief defends cowardly deputy who locked himself in car during terrorist rampage: https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/10\/12\/met-chief-defends-deputy-locked-car-terrorist-rampage\/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw via @telegraphnews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @danwashburn: The Man Who Captured Muammar Gaddafi Was Wearing A Yankees Cap: http:\/\/t.co\/7G70pOpW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid nigger chink lmao","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My thoughts too. Hell you know some of these people are doing all they can and are tired as fuck. I get the point that some people are selfish with space but jeez fucking psycho tactic. If this shit is real, the word cunt comes to mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Kavanaugh Women have assumed the authority of equality but not the responsibility; they've allowed the Zionists to weaponize them and we draw the red line after the Kavanaugh debacle; no more bullshit or you go to jail like the big boys. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-4793030\/amp\/Woman-pay-Army-colonel-accused-rape-8-4million.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"(2 kids enter a race. 1 kid wins) kid 1- yay i win kid 2- nuh uh you didn't because i wasn't really racing I have never been so conflicted about whether to upvote something, then remembered we are on TIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HOT ISIS SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTO: Laughing Jihadis Get Baby To Kick Severed Head ***warning, graphic*** http:\/\/t.co\/P4MiSIV5A1 #tcot #pjnet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KingLuger carne asada, Gallo pinto, tajadas verde, queso frito and a salad With milca","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger cuddling is fucking disgusting.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Another stupid redneck bible thumper,,,,,,the country is crawling with them","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@VinniePolitan kill the coons!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"There is a black person on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I h a t e trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We're \"something else\"? Yeah honey, it's called mentally stable, you should try it sometime. Now go be a nigger somewhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every post you make is about molesting your daughter - you are a filthy maggot-eating pedophile - go kill yourself immediately! If I knew where you were, I would kill you myself. You disgusting vile parasite smegma eating piece of nigger shit - fuck off and die","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We need to GoFundMe this guy a spanking new truck with a Trump paint job and if the Libs mess with it, we'll buy him another new truck and another and rub the Liberal's punk noses in it. ITA. But I wonder why #Trump hasn't got a #GoFundMe for the #Wall? #politics #news The Wall is no go fund me project Taxes are high enough for the working class without having to cough up $25,000,000,000 Ra, kindly cease the deceitful response. #Politics #news #GoFundMe for the wall has nothing to do with taxes. This is voluntary donations from those who WANT to donate. BTW I understand that More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax \"Trump has said the wall could cost $8 billion to $12 billion\" The insult thrown does not commend Ra's IQ. Read Nehemiah on how to get a wall built. Mute doesn't stop me from answering RA, but it impedes his ability to answer me! #GoFundMe for the #Wall. If 100,000,000 donate $100 that yields $10 billion, not chump change Can you understand the TRILLIONS GIVEN to ILLEGAL ALIENS AND THEIR EXPANDING FAMILIES.? Sing it in falsetto: Tip toe, thru the trillions, If I kiss you, will U vote 4 me and tip toe thru the trillions w\/ me. Now if we don't have illegals reproducing on US soil, after we done murdered our babies, who's gonna pay our Soc Sec ponzy scheme? and who's gonna populate the 48 after we are expelled for violating the end of Leviticus 18 like the Canaanites?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lezbos, eh? Y U do dis? Normally post picture ancient painting, very pretty. Now gross vampire dyke pic, do not want! :P","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Taylor Swift was part of the me too movement last year. She destroyed a mans career because he accidentally touched her ass during a photo. She went full retard a long time ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"YES!! RT @Merky__: NO!!! RT @HuffPostTaste Will YOU buy the new Caramel Apple flavor of Oreos? http:\/\/t.co\/K8zUp4Ynzf http:\/\/t.co\/AMuZaTglx8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even buttfucking faggot Obama was more against faggotry when he first ran for office than Trump.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"go get left in a hot car and die bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Synagogue shooter said ethnic cleansing programs sponsored by HIAS are what he was mad about. Why is Gab being blamed? If there's a culprit other than Robert Bowery, it's not the First Amendment. #BanHIAS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, that's your motive? To save untold lives? You should be more concerned with the shit head libtards that are ACTUALLY telling their zombies to perpetuate acts of violence and they are. Qanon has never condoned violence.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The cover up of the inbred , parasite animals who use vulnerable children as sex slaves is at an end . Tommy Robinson has changed everything and the animals are on the run .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Be gentle please That's what McGowan said in response to Asia being accused. After she said to \"believe all victims no matter what back in November .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your profile says, neon nazi, ffs, its neo nazi, and I will gas u first. U profile is ridden with hate. Fuk off retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"All my gold is white not yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This stupid cunt does know that Russia doesn't have the same race politics as the USA, right? Right??!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trans people like you are absolute heroes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@IAmPikey I wonders why dare ain't no colored folk up dare?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie bit me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why would you think Common is trash? Tf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think Smith is a homosexual faggot commie. He is banned from my tv . He makes me gag with vomit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">Turns out stupid cunts run \/r\/Australia, just like stupid cunts run actual Australia Truth","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am trying to be less of a shitty person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If that were two civilians, the \"police officer\" would be guilty of assault and the \"woman\" would walk free. This is just police brutality... Because they can Shut up. Cop is doing his job. They deal with crazy bullshit everyday. Stuff the civilian side takes for granted. So thank them for keeping you safe and stop your crying. Bitch came out the chute like a rampaging beast, got handled like one. Hell, come at anyone like that, that has been in a lot of fights and you're going to get checked. \"Cops are Hitler The mental leaps you make are really ridiculous. Don't compare Hitler to US cops. Hitler loved dogs and would never kill them for fun. A GODWIN!!! In the WILD!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah! look the failed traitor surfaces.........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many camel fuckers in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God will not save Britons until they admit Hitler was right. Nazi hund have u even read mein kampf ? Hitler loved muzzies hated, charlemenge of all people. He certainly was more fond of muzzie members then jewish ones","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Omg what a retards. And West left those people to make decisions because you are so afraid that you will be called racist?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you women?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"After watching TV for some time, the boy went to ask Taylor about playing the game system. Taylor, according to Thompson, closed the door to her bedroom, gently pushed the boy down onto the bed and then straddled him. > >Thompson said she then took off her hooded sweatshirt and placed the boy's hand underneath her bra. Thompson said there was contact of her groin against his against his will, and there was skin-to-skin contact of her forcing his hand upon her breast. She then attempted to remove his clothing. Thompson said Taylor also demanded the boy have sex with her, which is contrary to other claims by the defense that she requested it.\" [http:\/\/elkodaily.com\/news\/local\/defense-argues-unusual-punishment-in-lewdness-case\/article_a32e1d84-e079-11e0-a3ec-001cc4c","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Communists and Fascists are two sides of the same retarded coin. Both are moronic fools that end up destroying their own countries.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So satisfying to see someone who drives a Prius, getting knocked on their ass. I like saving money on gas with a Prius. Never understood the problem with this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, why didn't she just asked her dad? I guess she was looking for an excuse to insult someone, what a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm annoyed with a lot of what Kessler has said and done. But he's not ethnically Jewish. This is a specific phenotype of Appalachia. There are half a million White men in that region that look just like that. Are all of them kikes? How retarded are people? That's our founding stock. We didn't get the mega chunk of Germans like you guys did mid-19th century (although we did get some Germans). So we stayed light hearted and larrikin. Didn't stop us from getting, taken over by the juden and flooded with muds though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This explains her supporting democrats. Next, she'll get a couple of cats. https:\/\/heartiste.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/09\/the-fattening-at-the-intersection-between-shitliberalism-and-the-wall\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But Morning Schmoe said they were over a thousand miles away!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many slu7s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Faggot birds get what they deserve. #GasTheBirdsAvianWarNow","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's insulting, really. If you truly want to know how incompetent all of the assholes involved in Gone Home are, play it with developer commentary on. Some cunt with vocal fry and upspeak is constantly blabbing some shit along the lines of \"I used to have a grrl power punk rock band in the 90s, and we, like, totally played a gig in front of 50 people once!\" Congrats, bitch, even I've reached that level of stardom but what does it have to do with your shitty (faux) video game? Then some fucking soylent addict shares one of the \"great programming challenges\" that he had to overcome. Get this: he couldn't figure out how to... **animate the opening and closing of drawers** for like three months or whatever, and then he somehow triumphed by, uh, I think he managed to animate it similar to opening and closing doors. Or whatever, play that shit yourself if that's not accurate enough for you. No, I didn't buy it. It was free with Xbox Gold like a year or so ago and I achievement whored myself out to this game and satisfied my hate boner at the same time. Highly recommend listening to that dev commentary in its entirety at least once; it will motivate you into fighting these social justice weirdos even harder for like five years straight. I mean, the entire game is just fucking retarded. It styles itself as some sort of horror like game and then suddenly lesbians and then you discover there's literally nothing else to the game. How is this a game? It's like an interactive house exploration with no substance. I weep for the olden age adventure games. Remember Broken Sword and doing shit like having to find obscure objects in the background and shove shit into a beverage mixer to get items to open doors and closets? That simple mix of actions has more thought put into it than Gone Home and that's the opening scene of Broken Sword","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"So am I the only cracker up playing his guitar (thank you @Tampa_Rick ) on this Saturday night?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Q Anon is a retard psyop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How does it feel to be white trash and slandering and threatening an innocent African-American man? You are all neo-Nazi scum. @Flylikeaneagle @Sbutcher @Amphereal @Grubama @pen @MandyMcFlye @FEDUPCITIZEN7 @seamrog @FreeAgent355 @DenzaGrad @peremersenne @1001cutz maybe you should fucking kill yourself, you white trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you two nuts? Going after each other over politics in name calling on a social media outlet is one thing. I get called out daily on Gab for being a 'faggot, nigger loving' Libtard. So what? I'm from Brooklyn. I can verbally 'kick-ass' on Gab with the best of Trump supporters. But violence? Putting out your address? That's a whole 'nother level of nuttiness.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"No you gap toothed cunt it's because of nato there are no wars in Europe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Im_Thirst randies are fags","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#Yankees got beaten by a thug","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/capforcanada.com\/justin-trudeau-wants-terrorism-offences-reduced-to-six-month-sentence\/?fbclid=IwAR1laWxqJiCGYCKYg_MGOO6nxdRrKc-fKOEBwbzIBjndPm_deP4drmjjg5w ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate Ellen. Dyke lesbians that want to be men are the worst type of lesbian. Ellen is salty because her insurance wouldn't cover her addadicktome.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @lmfaohilarious: Never go full retard http:\/\/t.co\/LMk3TX5ViC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"loopy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"> I wonder if she's going to enjoy prison when some ladies in there who have been raped and shit on find out she lied about that stuff like a bottom bitch I bet most of them will identify with her or not care since she can tell a story about what an evil asshole the guy was, and a sizeable percentage of women don't see shit like this as a big issue. Everyone in both male and female prisons have a giant victim complex and everyone believes the world set them up to fail, and in women's prison it's pretty common to just blame men. Oh yes, men are the reason for all problems. I can't believe I forgot about that. Maybe they should teach young men and little boys from a younger age in school that they are indeed all scum.. They already do. #ToxicMasculinity! [you keep using that word, i don't think it means what you think it means....](https:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php?term=bottom%20bitch) Genuinely interesting... Didn't saw that coming.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell that twat RBG that this is what fakers look like.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Juan Carlos delean idiotispic zeraellawetback dirtybeabeaner spic Zanas....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"In the books Elves are far, far from the innocent victims, they are quite the cunts and Geralt is aware of that. Not that humans are in the right, its just that both sides are really ugly in a special way, but I think that is too much for the writing team to handle let alone the intended audience.\" Stuff all the race bending stuff. That would be be the biggest betrayal to the Witcher. Geralt always chooses \"the lesser evil\", doesn't matter what the cause is or if he believes they are in the \"right\". You start doing evil shit, Geralt is going to fuck you up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A mudshark's love story. She told him she was breaking up but let him stay the night (read fuck her again) and borrow her car. Then she wanted her car back. Now she's dead. The end. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6318525\/Lauren-McCluskeys-killer-blackmailed-went-date-murder.html She was a pretty young woman. Why in the fuck did she lie with an animal? Sleeping w a nigger is -bestiality- if you're not colored. The buck should be tossed from the Tarpeian Rocks-","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Duh that's stupid, how does she have 2 adopted black nigger kids but only 1 special needs kid? Does the one nigger kid stand on the other nigger kids shoulders and they wear a trenchcoat like a cartoon?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I know Henry VIII wore fantastically oversized codpieces at the height of the craze, but this? . . . . https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/move-over-vagina-costumes-fendi-debuts-1300-designer-vulva-scarf\/ Nope, nothing less than the whole vajayjay costume . . . Could get a bit messy on a number of levels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where would me life be without God and @levimitchell.....seriously I'd probably be living In a trash can haha! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj letfist ,pc liberal weasels..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"those woods belong to the government. it is called a park. plus, you learned to suck nigger dick while doing time for stealing spare tires off trucks","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A finger in the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I the only crazy one, but am not seeing any debris from such an awful crash? I see tree branches and some things but one would think there would be much more debris? Where's the limo, did it blow up into a million pieces? Ideas\/thoughts? https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/limousine-crashes-in-new-york-killing-20-after-failing-to-stop-at-intersection-officials-say","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck this dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Share if you think Feminism is a mental illness. Satanic trash WTH is that ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Pudingtane ....yeah....I don't think its about #injuns. I think #redskins is about #politics and #alcoholism in #WashingtonDC .....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ScoutingForFifa @TheBurntChip @JoelBurtFifa @JPizzleFIFA EYE WITNESS: Joel is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A Satanist in Toronto decided to respek wamman by delivering a roundhouse kick to a woman who thinks it's bad to murder babies. His parents named him Jordan Hunt, but he shall forever more be known as: Needs a good beating","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The cunt already made an apology,she can fuck right off. Exactly - fuck that bastard's apology indeed. No mercy for these cunts now,they went way too far long ago. Filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh dear... The definition of a woman who should NEVER have children. She certainly has been misled... tempted to ask the sad #Ismaili puppet\/ agentur where such a thing is written in the Koran? ALL ROADS LEAD BACK TO #DEEPSTATE #AGAKHAN #AKF and \"The Heritage Society\" http:\/\/ismaili.net\/index.html http:\/\/ismaili.net\/Source\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"Please send us money cuz we're worthless cunts\". Did I miss anything?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll give it to ya... if someone as fucking retarded as your 1\/2 wit ass can figure out how to type with their toes, anything is possible...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Take him off the plane! And hang his faggot ass!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"some call me the song bird of my generation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dchestnut26 don't shake your head at me. I just love to trash talk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT FoxNews Swedish student who refused to sit down on flight in effort to stop man's deportation to Afghanistan is indicted https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2CWOth4 https:\/\/twitter.com\/FoxNews\/status\/1053939448298246145","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAGGOT WHO USED STEROIDS !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"@EdgarPixar: Overdosing on heavy drugs doesn't sound bad tonight.\" I do that pussy shit every day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And it's gotta be some ghetto fool :\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AdamWeinstein: Working theory: This \"selective race\" abortion ban passed in Florida today was just an excuse for redneck reps to say ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Turnover Terry is a shitty Nigger qb put in the white human that can actually pass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=XhzpxjuwZy0 This song makes me smile Ooookay genius... you're what gives Gab a bad name...don't be sending any bombs through the mail now... k? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eat Nigger Cock or DIE WHITEY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Because NormieCucks are thralls to nigger worship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Black people are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'll be rooting for the creationist. Go girl! I'll have to second that lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Oreo: Dear dessert heaven, fangs so much for these Oreo Spooky Ball Vampires. #OreoCookieBalls http:\/\/t.co\/I3iyRL72sD http:\/\/t.co\/wNzBh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're just another nigguh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I find there's similarities in treatment when you say that you don't believe in God. According to other people, there must be something wrong with you or someone or something must have hurt you so much for you to turn your back on god\/Women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's like The Tremors. I mean, I know he's a retard but, he just keeps on doing smart things. Paris Hilton struck me the same way a little while ago when she was even in Altosphere articles. I don't know if it still applies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If that happens just say \"lol shut up dumb cunt\" and watch them wet themselves with outrage at being called a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Now here is a story that would not be shown on #FakeNewsTV because it's about real race hatred . Gang attacked strangers because they were white \"non-Muslims https:\/\/www.liverpoolecho.co.uk\/news\/liverpool-news\/muslim-gang-rampaged-through-liverpool-13392480","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The two ringless fags RT @EverybodyHatesX: Barkley and Reggie were talking nonsense the entire game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bahahahaha pssssssssssst.... dudes who can really do that shit dont say it, and they sure as FUCK arent on Gab at 7 in the morning. Little wannabe faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The Jews are our mortal enemies and hate Christ, and the Talmud exposes their blasphemy with clarity. Any discrepancies about \"muh context are easily put to rest when you observe their vehemently anti-Christian words and behavior patterns. If you \"disagree with this by simply refusing to believe the indisputable truth, then you're a dead man walking. Can't hate fictional kike on stick. I do hate the suicidal advice the faggot is supposed to have given in the kike created bible. The Sermon On The Mount is the foundation of Christ-insanity(advice on \"good\" living)and it's perverse\/suicidal. OT has some decent stuff such as \"an eye for an eye\" along with lots of perversion(ex=foreskin collection) and nonsense Take some time to look into true Christian identity... Jesus was not a Jew not by race nor by faith. The kike on a stick canard is a common misconception that the Jews want you to believe. https:\/\/youtu.be\/fmepw92yLBg This guy has some power lectures that you should check out. Already seen much of that type (Whites are the real kikes of the bible) crap. Won't waste time on more. Read christling bible and plenty on its origin. Had many contacts with sickos that are greatly infected. Nothing can change perverse suicidal \"teachings\" into something else. Abrahamic religions(judaism\/islam\/christianity)are kikey. That simple.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" how did this IDIOT get elected in the 1st place??? Something in the water in dirty Jersey. I mean have you ever been to New Jersey. The place fucking smells. That and there are a few nuclear power plants scattered about. New Jersey is LITERALLY TOXIC. My apologies to anyone who lives in New Jersey, but you know what I'm saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't have to actually be retarded to believe this...oh wait yes you do","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Diversity Hire II: the Rapening","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Strangleme Looks like a less-squinty-eyed @mikelreparaz to me. Hmm...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't tell if Mexico has been impressive or if Brazil has just been trash today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I sincerely hope that everyone who's still active on the twatter is letting that faggot Boot know that he's a fake POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't know what you been told but I love them project hoes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'SUNDAY NIGHT' Football Ratings Crash... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/d8MT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Insane? I dont think shes crazy. I think shes just downright too retarded to be driving. That guy had to take her phone away and move the bitch bc she wasnt getting it. Technically possible, but more probable is just that she's a self-absorbed cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"#NP \"Centuries\" ~FOB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trans people should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminism is bullshit","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A punk ass nigger ruined another good man's life.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":">who gets engaged to a woman that's just going through the process of a divorce. A retard, that's who >A retard, that's who Tried to invite his mistress to the wedding I'd say that checks out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How dare someone not like Trump!11 Anyone who dislikes Trump is a low IQ child and totally aligned with the left. FACTS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's a grown ass teenager beating two prepubescent girls. This is assault and anyone who thinks otherwise should get help asap. Oh so it's just okay that she kicks him in the balls furiously and bullies him the whole time? Watch the video. She assaulted him first.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey! More conservatism posing as TIA!! This sub used to he about funny otherkin and goofygenders! Now it is an echo chamber for the right! Yay!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Masculine men are right-wing jerks. Redneck men are RW jerks. Christian men are RW jerks. Republican men are RW jerks. The list goes on. They can't get their narrative straight. The only good thing is that we know all the Pansy-ass men are Left-Wing Jerks. \"The only good thing is that we know all the Pansy-ass boys are Left-Wing Jerks.\" Fixed it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Or these faggotrons could (And stay with me here) they ***COULD*** just stop being colossal dickheads to the people that are supposed to buy the thing their employer is selling. I know, such a mind boggling idea.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gabs getting shut down cause some faggot hates jews and had an account. How about all those mass shooters that had Facebook and Twitter. Are those sites gonna shut down now too. Fucking bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disabled lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is a staged scene there is no license plate on this truck and it is a refrigerated trailer look at the facts people you can't drive a commercial truck down the roads of Texas without a dot cop pulling you over don' be fooled this whole thing doesn t add up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand you're skeptical. I don't have all the answers you're looking for. I'm sorry she was a nasty bitch cunt. What she did was far from okay. Nothing I can say to you now can fix what she's said to you then but I truly am sorry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Then I went inside, in order to hide from mutant bird","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She should have to spend six years in prison and lose her credentials ...if she has any. Well he's black, if he didn't rape her, he's going to end up raping someone eventually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Around blacks - never relax. Whites need to educate themselves about personal security around niggers. Like if you're standing on a subway platform and one comes towards you, don't look at them, pretend you don't notice them and move away. Same goes for a street corner. Never let a nigger get within 2x arm's reach. If you're walking somewhere and you see a group of them ahead on the sidewalk, cross the street. If you live in an apartment building and you see them hanging around the main entrance as you come home, pretend you forgot something in your car (even if you don't have a car) and go to a side entrance, while calling 911 and reporting suspicious persons to the cops. Definitely call 911 if they follow you. Too many NPCs just let them in and then wonder why their apartment or car gets broken into or the elevators are full of urine and graffiti. Another favourite target is anyone who uses a mobility aid. When I started using a walker I noticed a definite increase in nigger violence and threats towards me. Niggers are cowards and bullies who always go for the weak members of the herd. That's why they gravitate to jobs involving caring for children, the sick and the elderly. I'm not a senior yet so I can set the brakes on my walker and still kick ass if I have to. I live in Canada so very few weapons are legal to carry. We have to be creative. Pepper spray is banned. However, my cane (which I keep strapped to the side of my walker) is actually a war club I ordered from Knife Zone, and I also carry a concealed stun gun and have kubotans strapped to my shoe laces. I've learned about personal security from living in a niggerhood for 11 years. Being threatened and bullied is a regular occurrence, as is encountering them loitering around my building trying to intimidate people into letting them in. I wish I could afford to move!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Look at the faggot army, What a Joke. Fools #NPC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Am I the only person that feels disrespected by the bird poop suddenly dropping on your front window:(ewww#annoying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's not a Mainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We wouldn't vote for a nigger. Fuck you, I know we won't elect a a nigger senator so go hump your goat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This doesn't belong here. It belongs in \/r\/badcopnodonut. Just because we don't agree with the way she was behaving(I certainly don't) the cops were 100% in the wrong here. He was asking for cuffs because she was going to get arrested for Delay\/Obstruct by refusing to give her name for what would have been a misdemeanor charge (possesion underage) Which the cop escalated before the adult whom she said was coming showed up. Had he been patient and not instigated then the situation wouldn't have gotten to that point. The cop is in the wrong. the aunt wasnt there. he cant stand there until this person may or may not show up. you can hear in the video he says hes going to have them pour it out. if she had given him her name he could have wrote the citation and had them pour it out and it would have been over. but she decided to be an ass and refuse to give her name, and then start resisting when she was told she was going to be arrested. So this all could have been avoided if she gave him her name, then accepted the citation. There was no adult. She admitted that is was her alcohol on her Facebook. And having alcohol on the beach in that city is illegal. She could have been cited just for that. She literally said \"I'm a woman, you can't do this It couldn't fit better in this sub","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ohhh, you poor little liberal faggot bitch. Maybe you should go back to twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Trump replaced conservative Scalia with Conservative Gorsuch and the left got pissy He replaced moderate Kennedy with Conservative Kavanaugh and the left went ballistic Imagine how fun it's going to be when he replaces liberal icon Ginsburg with conservative Barrett Please, Oh Please! let her be replaced while there's a conservative majority. I want to see it. Maybe the left'll do something stupid enough to warrant the kind of full blown retaliation that will warn generations to come about their brand of petty, selfish, and mindless guerilla war.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Depends on how Mixed the offspring is, for me I'm just retarded since I'm only 10% not pure yellow island nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"nigger jews on food stamps and welfare checks from America..","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Amazing how Jews can drop the Nigger bomb and careers remain unaffected.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A la Black vote. I agree, bankers who rip off society for billions, with the help of the deep state, get paid big time while a nigger with a gram of crack may never see freedom again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@SalaciousSully hopefully not back in da ghetto?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Regular joes rockin tha boat that's us redneck yacht clubbb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's kind of feels a tad bit cunty doing these... She's been kind of a bitch to pewds, but hitting her for citizenship fraud just doesn't feel right. Why not attack the copyright company that leeches streamers instead? Also, sorry if I am missing something, but since when is it necessary to sign petitions to let a government body know about possible crime? Will she be deported with popular vote or something? lol She committed a crime. Read the petition. The petition won't cause her deportation, but will make the gov't listen. that's the whole point of democracies, they are installed to listen to the people that voted them into power. whether it's in their legal right to deport her is another issue. the petitions only job is to bring attention to something the gov might've missed. > You are a bitch who has nothing better to do in this life rather than **start a shit needlessly**. You don't have to give shits if you don't want to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White supremacy equals being a retard and then shrieking in terror and hiding behind another group the instant someone responds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You may want to sit down. Sheila Jackson Lee has a Bachelor's from Yale University and a JD from the University of Virginia. So she may not be your average she-boon ..... but I can't say. Just another nigger w a head to me. The Affirmative Action sheboon cunt doesn't know the difference between Mars and the Moon: https:\/\/www.texasmonthly.com\/articles\/mooned\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Disgusted by all the black people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Typical of a gay person to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@_TurnDownDre @kushdaddycorr lmao you stupid nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I don't have anything against black people but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I h4te trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"when rappers say twat it makes me feel weird\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"whats the big deal mexico has immigration laws and policies they deport people all the time nothing is said or done yet when the united states chooses to enforce its immigration laws and policies people become shocked and outraged","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You do what you want @bovinex you're a hero takin down the cabal no chance you're mentally retarded stuck with the brain of an 8 year old!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Too many camel fuckers in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"You have the most faggot ass Gab profile I think I've ever seen Don't include me in any of your posts, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Don't let these #altright #whitenationalist fool you ..they are not like you. They are pure trash pretending to relate with you on moral issues when they are 100% immoral themselves. They will sometimes claim they are Christians, but ask them to elaborate and they vomit out nothing but heresy. They will chant with you against the liberal opposition coming out of #PlannedParenthood but applaud them for putting clinics in minority areas. They believe in #populationControl and #eugenics. They even support #euthanasia for the elderly, and underdeveloped. A lot of them are even Scottish Rite Freemasons who's great, great grand fathers were a part of the Order of the Golden Circle that opposed the early GOP founded by #Christian #Protestants and assassinated Lincoln. It is because of their Freemasonic ranks that many of them got skipped up in ranks in the military, and police ..the ones seemingly more honorable because of that really cheated. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! I am. As a pure Dutch-German I'm doing it by exposing the trash. Unfortunately for you the scale is of moral character, and not ethnicity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT AMike4761 Sweden hit by third mosque arson attack in a week! Have Swedes finally had enough? #fo2eu https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/sweden-hit-by-third-mosque-arson-attack-in-a-week\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/AMike4761\/status\/1051170674063040512","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm so glad the CUNT BITCH is out of the administration; I hope she dies of cervical cancer!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Womn are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BlakeAnderson21 @jo_clark6 chicken fried steak it is boys mash potatoes gravy green beans corn an ice cream an brownies for after","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reported for 'I'm a whiny cunt'","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"'Damn you, whitey!' You'll get a kick out of the 'newest form of white privilege' http:\/\/t.co\/zLpFZsITOm","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"On the bright side. The sjw posters like altnamefag, Smithikov and Undead Suitor suffer as much as we do. No more hearing from Smithnikov on how he got cuckwalked Cuckwalked? > https:\/\/knowyourmeme.com\/memes\/racists-on-4chan What is the deal with Know Your Meme? That site loads like ass and freezes constantly on Brave - they must have some weird scripting going on under the hood. I've been having loads of problem with brave in general. I'm strongly considering moving browsers altogether. Christ, these kids with their newfangled slang... the heck is cuckwalking? Oh...okay so whats that? AKA the Racists IRL\/Racists on 4chan meme. Bingo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOT FUNNY: Chelsea Handler targets Republican senator on 'Coming Out Day'... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HZJC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I doubt the DEMonic skeleton is cornering her for her lunch money?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump called Maxine Waters \"a low IQ individual\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a faggot to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been around enough women to know they're all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"My nig jus said ain't nuttin worse den a fat loud hoe.tru fuckin story","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I love this man Those fucking replies though. I need chemo Sadly it's one of the core values of the DemonkkkRats or leftism in general: mob rule. Using the power of the group to intimidate and bully for consensus. It speaks to those whom don't want to be left out of the group and is quite a study of the political science classes as a means of manipulation. They are simply trying to give the false impression that Presisent Trump has no supporters, which in turn makes the free thinkers who flock to rightwing ideolgies dig in deeper as well. Here's hoping your butt cancer goes to the way of the dying DemonkkkRat party that needs to import foreign voters that believe in siezing the means of production! Tbh the only reason I have twitter is to follow are lord and savior Trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They always do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Always remember our enemies know they're a race, one they believe has sanction by god to rule over goyim, using any means necessary to that end. They and their apologists always lie and misdirect. #holohoax #jews #israel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Child, you have no idea what you are talking about, but let me give you some idea of what I'm talking about, if you ever call me a faggot again I'm going to make your life a living fucking hell, make your next words count because if I hear you call me a bitch again it's going to be bad for you","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Morning BritFam! Have a fabulous Monday! Thanks for your comment posted on Britfam, Dave. It shows that you know nothing about Shazia or the British, so why comment here?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's in an immigrant's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Holy fucking shit it can't possibly be because the game is set in a time where women were actually relegated to \"side\" roles, was it? Games journalists are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @desusnice: \"In 2014 you tweeted that Migos were trash. Care to explain?\" - 2064 Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservative Chick: Joy Behar: Republicans only interested in retaining their white power in this country' (Video) https:\/\/truthuncensored.net\/joy-behar-republicans-only-interested-in-retaining-their-white-power-in-this-country-video\/ They vanilla oreo's, white on the outside ignorant as fk in the center","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Merkel wants joint union plan for migration from Africa \" I swear this fucking cunt want to destroy germany forever, Soon the destruction of Europe will become irreversible","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dumb slut cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Who gives a damn we have the ability an the freedom to b whoever the fuck we want to b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a bull shit pic who cares , some fuck whit sent me a composite pic and recons it proves something . I must say it proves the sender is a cunt Nazis possibly used carts LIKE this to move bodies .... NAZIs did or they did not ?...NAZI is a bullshit word when THE HOLOCAUST IS A LIE","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"NFL = Nigger Faggot League!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":" Female is a mental disorder.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Goldy's shitshow shot at being mayor is just the ironyspergs trying their (((infiltration))) tactic. Same impotent nobodies that felt the need to cry about Partick little (Partick Casey,identity Europa, spic fuentes, rose, various other dweebs) all are friends who privately DM each other.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"LOL, her campaign ads feature nothing but dumb fucking boomers. I know it's hard to believe that stupid fucking boomers would allow themselves to be paraded around all over her ads. Its really too bad that you can't understand the difference between stupid fucking boomers and regular boomers. Here's an example of a stupid fucking boomer. She's insane","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jay always lets someone else think for him since he cannot do it himself! Thats how monkey brains are! His RETARDED brain can't actually understand REAL facts so he posts articles which have LIES written by the same filthy RACIST askeNAZI JEWS to emphasize that he does not have a functioning brain! He won't ever debate nor ever give a FACT, but he will always call you stupid which he obviously is! When you can't debate, character assassinate! His intellectual deficiencies are immense!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"It's disheartening to still see people call for the death of women in 2020. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Mick_Peddicord8 thank you again mick","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, this was completely justified. I wish fortnite vanished from the earth. Look mate, I hate Fortnite a ton. It's a cancerous game. I cringe every time people talk about, and I want to punch people who do the dances, but I don't. Wanna know why? Because I have fucking self-restraint, and I know that hating something other people like isn't a fucking excuse to commit battery. Apparently that's more than what can be said about you. \"Apparently that's more than what can be said about you \" Jesus son, I made a joke, I was joking. No I don't go around punching fortnite fans, you don't have to take the moral high ground on me. And you're a fucking loser who responds to comments 9 days later. So do you, fucking hypocrite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Masterful. Love and pain in this here post","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@leighvl Niggas probably be watching me like \"Look at this Uncle Tom ass Rasta\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Here I am, laughing about how they made an entire article about **dicks.** They are so desperate for content they're literally rating in-game penises. I'm not sure if that's funny or sad. Probably both. Edit: Thanks for the gold Stranger!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who gives a shit? Learn to let go, and you too can stop being a faggot. I will not only **never** let go, but it is also my goddamn right to be a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. White means you're not a faggot who asks retarded shit like \"What is white?\" in some subversive attempt to seem super philosophical. It doesn't make you look edgy or wise- it's just fuckin retarded. LOL... I know. I even scrolled past it at first but the whole \"What is white\" just ate at me like some retarded succubus. What is white? WTF does that even mean?? White, motherfucker- it means white.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dude, feminism is worse than all idolization put together. I don't think it's any better or worse than most other \"movements\", but the fact that this modern form of \"feminism\" is becoming more and more prominent and widespread definitely *is* a problem. The problem with feminism is that it comes in all shapes and sizes; there are plenty of feminists and feminist movements that are perfectly reasonable, focusing on equality rather than just propping up only women at the expense of men, just like there are absolute horror groups that are little better than the KKK in their violent agenda. This makes \"feminism\" a near-impossible term to properly debate, because while my criticism of one group or movement might be spot-on, it might miss the mark completely with another one, yet both groups will call themselves \"feminists\". You need to chill. You need to chill. And stop gargling jizz like a cuck. Sure thing, boss man! Who are you even talking about? I know you're implying I'm the idiot who supported Clinton, but that just isn't the case. Chill your shit, you're not doing yourself any favors. Only two kinds of people bring up t_d. Trump supporters, and **female supremacists who wanted Hillary.** You're obviously a bluepilled cuckold. Aah, so you're just a Trumpeteer blowing his horn at anything in sight? That explains it. No amount of attempts to explain that there are more than two possible views in politics will do either of us any good, so I'll just leave this be so you don't pop a vessel or something. For someone who's \"winning\" all the time, you t_d bots sure are a bunch of whiny little snowflakes... I didn't vote for him. I just think people bringing up The_donald and calling folks misogynists are pro-Hillary feminists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i honestly dont know why twitter thinks i would never push a faggot away from me and say got a problem faggot? in real life, then ban me from twitter for saying i would do that in real life to a faggot talking shit to me","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Video games without cars are awful. Piece of shits ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just keep listening and we'll tell your just how important we are to you.... Hello buddy I just got suspended from Shitter lost all followers so it looks like im on Gab full time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're telling gay people to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Bidenshairplugs He looks like a fag and his time line is boring Zzzzzz","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I am going to make those black people smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Illegal beaner pass.\" But since this cunt shit out two automatic \"american citizens\" on US soil she wont even be deported.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ok, after reading this i decided to unmute you Yay! Thank you!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is it that all trans people are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I really am just going to murdr that Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"lol @ that tweet zebra.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flights from Liberia should just be rerouted to Ferguson.. 2 birds 1 stone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @beauty_briii: One of my classmates offered my teacher and brownie and someone said \"you trying to earn brownie points\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those kids can't vote. What part of 68% approval rating don't you understand? You're stuck in a retard fantasy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only faggots you got are degenerate jew golem npc creations. You worthless nigger lover. @pitenana","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Yep banned me for posting the ok handsign.....triggered a liberal bitch and wala. ...banned. all a faggot has to do is cry to dicksuckerberg and your gone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"*Nice*... While I myself have had some of these 'dreams' of getting fucked by some experienced woman too, let me tell you, in all honesty, this is by far nothing you should refer to with > *nice*... My brother was in such a situation, started off with him being okay with it, I mean, who in his teens would say no. But this whole sexual relationship evolves quickly into nothing that you would want to have experienced in your young years. The sex surely is good, but a 26 year old fucking with a 14 y\/o is literally fucking his life. The woman puts pressure onto the kid, threatens him, manipulates him, does always decide only with the intention to keep the whole thing private and alive. There may came a dream true at the beginning, but this will quickly break down into a hell of problems a young kid cannot and should not deal with. And this still completly excludes the idea, that the boy doesn't actually wanted this to happen. > threatens him, manipulates him, this is the issue, not the banging. Tell that to the bitch who got pregnant and demanded child support from a thirteen year old","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Imagine this is you - what do you say? lie. at least until I can settle on the countryside and quit the hellhole that is the modern corporation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Destroy the Dems November 6th #vote Does Maggot Maxine even understand the impeachment process? Does this low IQ skank parasite understand that 67 Senators would need to vote to remove? I am in her district..#","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking wah. I'm a woman who's survived a lot of abuse, it's no excuse to be a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Some black people made fun of me today. I wanted to kill them right there. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I guess she's right, since she has more oppression points. Now, if a disabled black lesbian came along and chastised HER about protesting, she'd have to cry uncle. I think that's how the game works. And then SHE would get shown up by a disabled black TRANS lesbian. And then after that we would get to see them invent a(nother) whole new level of insanity to one-up her","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @zachpiecowiak: @Eddie_Sativa87 you're a fucking queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@DolfyAdolf Y'all gots betta machinery fo dat. Hanger be ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. The water is toxic. Do the opposite of what boomers tell you. Filter your water. Only the most retarded people among us are unable to research the history of drugging water supplies. IE, boomers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"this is gonna hurt the @DNC commission check this month: $ VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS!!! GET THE DEMOCRATS AND RINOS OUT SO WE CAN GET THE WALL BUILT!!! The wall will never be built. The wall is currently under construction contrary to what the LSM is saying: https:\/\/www.nationalreview.com\/2018\/06\/us-mexico-border-wall-being-built-slowly\/ A token effort when you consider the enormity of the project. It will never be built. Well, if you meant some of the wall will be built, then I agree. Will it be finished? No, it never will. It's an animal farm windmill. It's idiot bait for rednecks . By that time, the Wall will probably be nearly complete and you can scream about how \"racist\" it is to protect our border from an invasion of poor, illiterate, uneducated, non-English speaking breeders who just want to come and suck on the public tit. You're party will lose because it's been imploding before our eyes for the past two years. In case it escaped your notice, the POTUS we elected KEEPS his promises and we will be sending him backup in November to make sure he can get the Wall built. You've already lost. The wall really was bait for gullible uneducated rednecks The old redneck name calling. Middle class Americans are stupid. Trump voters are uneducated, blah, blah, blah. Thanks. Can you think of something more original? It's like you're in ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/3Jk4kR44X3\" a pissed lad past out. I would lick his dirty soles while he slept.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not sure.. Trump, Cruz, now Graham.. I mean the list just confirmed Kavanaugh. I hate to end this now but I must. My wife just said making fun of retarded people isn't fair. Be well and consider suicide for a better America.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"half nigger total idiot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"With time she might correct it by modifying the equation with a muzzie ratio","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Fuk u faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I was a total shithead back then. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How good would this be.. #MAGA Clairol Nice 'n Easy stock will take a plunge if Ruth retires. She is on life support already and if No-name McCain can work with half a brain I guess Ruth can. LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tiffantasticc your dad is genuine happy guy because his kids aren't niggers though jimmy is my nigga 5eva","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Stop making excuses for these retarded monkeys. They should be held accountable even though they are too ignorant to understand. They need to be kept away from civilized people like we keep animals in the zoo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Clients are easy to hack. Servers less so If the server trusts the clients, hacking a client is the same as hacking the server.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even KotakuInAction is not impressed with Sargon's plan: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9ndfac\/gamergate_revival_stream\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"It's an opinion piece\" *goes on to delete every opinion that is different from the one stated in the article* Excellent moderation. Just incredible forum moderation all around. It's ridiculous that sub isn't dead yet. You know orz is a faggot cause he goes straight to the RCMP as if internet death threats really matter. They must get so sick of his correspondence. Reporting people from the internet to IRL police. Like holy shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Robert Mueller to Release Russia Findings Immediately After 2018 Midterms Dan Bongino https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fT7j Is Bongino a guinea or a coon?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You only think the man is ugly because you don't like men, dyke-chan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Why Is France No Longer French? Watch: https:\/\/redice.tv\/red-ice-tv\/why-is-france-no-longer-french Daniel Conversano and Timoth Vorgenss from Suavelos joins Lana to discuss how France has been transformed by mass immigration. Is France, as we've known it, lost forever?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cunt raped my braincells at gunpoint and then murdered them to death.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I hate noodle hair schultz. absolutely loathe her. just take one look at her and you see there's no soul behind those eyes. she's been a nasty cunt, a sore thumb on democracy since she reared her ugly head by rigging the DNC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Jan 3 Sobieski @Jan3Sobieski I guess your enormous head and supiriourity dint see that one coming . MUTED \/ FINISHED \/ SILENCED \/ Irrelevant Like I said Its chess not checkers ... CHECKMATE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who send me messages like \"You are just a fag to me\" will get blocked. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Charlie_Gru: My wife's doing some sort of \"boot-scootin\" while singing, \"a little less talk and a lot more action!\"...where was this ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton: \"Women's lives, women's narratives - they've been historically dismissed, condescended to.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MnMw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"so a faggot with AIDS and a punk Jew kike fucktard have the power to do this? Why haven't these two cucks been shot? Why haven't we gone to their homes and gassed their families? WTF is the tipping point for us before we purge these kikes and faggots from our midst?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@PlannedSickDays hey, do you have that screen shot of djk's wiki page being updated regarding the trash can incident?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Of Course who?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beware of this Whigger race traitor queer former White Nationalist. He followed me on Twitter and reported me for replying to an abusive Tweet. I think he's been working for the ADL for years and infiltrated VNN and Stormfront. http:\/\/wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu\/post\/former-white-nationalist-talks-about-countering-its-rise-after-charlottesville","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest - Violent Protesters Considered \"Victims\" https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/portland-police-want-to-charge-driver-with-crimes-after-escaping-mob-protest-violent-protesters-considered-victims\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot perv and his made up \"laws\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is as #Traditionalist as you get on #Tinder. #TinderThots - Part 2,427","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@JRise88 @LongLiveTylerD your a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This dude is a nigger fail troll.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh come on ..is this the best the NYT can do? What are they paying, minimum wage? It's not the insult to white ppl that bothers me, it's her stupidity. Another cure for the 4 hour erection problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who gives a shit what this field nigger has to say ? Now put your back into it Boy or I'll hobble your dope smokin ass....","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I never understood the whole wiccan thing, It starts with the premise of 'rejecting your retarded religious superstition' and ends with adopting an infinitely more retarded religious superstition. At least Christian women don't tweet about mud in their vaginas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@BeavisCumia @jimmysdongDat cat gonna scratch all up on dat colored boy and he gonna end up in da chow mein","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/commentisfree\/2018\/oct\/04\/ukip-far-right-extremists-bill-etheridge-gerard-batten The Guardian are such drama queens :o)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@bitchdicknigga you're a fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"That's the problem I have with food aid to Africa, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, etc. You know what they're going to use that food for? As fuel to fuck and make more hungry mouths. World hunger is not a solvable problem, because they'll always just make more retarded subhuman pieces of shit that will never be able to provide for their own needs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"thanks... I don't usually bother responding to the knuckle draggers, Mom. @IonWhite is tip top.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OhEmmeG: just because you \"not official\" doesnt mean you can act like complete trash and be free from acting like a decent human being","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. This fucking cunt deserves jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Retarded repost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @Wilnerness590: . @Jmart96 Because Outman is a brand-new #Yankees and because Girardi will never use 3 relievers when he can use 6.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love to see a nigger bashing the yids,,,,they can't go after a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"3-year-old accidentally shoots, wounds brother https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/PgTUQrS.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MVBM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@EakaErick I wouldn't share a wave with those trash cans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's get the party started!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That faggot should be loyal to white people, not some stupid flag and gov that's ZOG controlled anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Just kick his retarded ass. He will crawl back into his hole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If women want retarded kids, let them. The rest of us will continue on and eventually colonize space leaving this planet to the retards and crazies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"ADL's Hate Symbols In Reverse https:\/\/youtu.be\/nv63ALNo50E ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New show announced in Lutsen, MN at Papa Charlies on December 11, 2010 http:\/\/artistdata.com\/a\/2oy4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The 2016 election of Donald Trump was so traumatic for some liberal snowflakes that they've reported symptoms of PTSD, according to a study released. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/shock-study-25-of-millennials-suffering-from-trump-election-ptsd\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I did run across a translator for nigger speak","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner. Both he and his wife decide that they won't tell the kids what kind of meat it is but will give them a clue and let them guess. The kids were eager to know what the meat was on their plates, so they begged their dad for the clue. Well, he said, \"It's what mummy calls me sometimes\". The little girl screams to her brother, \"Don't eat it, it's an arsehole..\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"See also RDR2, where one of the bigger hype points about it was horse balls being more realistic. My wife ordered it for me because I played the hell out of the first one, and I gave it a good 30 seconds of thought before refunding. The fact this is in mod voice makes it even better, as though it's an indisputable fact. That said, yeah, it's not even in the running. It's good, but it takes more than good to beat Super Metroid. Oh, no, it also has bugs to offer that keep people out of your group for whole chapters if you use a checkpoint.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just whipped up these #homemade #pickled #eggs while home being a cripple... Made with #garlic http:\/\/t.co\/0xKFnW3luF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All cocktails like these are vile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"isn't this stupid nigger under federal investigation for some crooked shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Any solution to ZOG which doesn't deal with demographics - only laws - is no solution.#NorthwestImperativehttp:\/\/t.co\/Vhy5s2apCn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"just another pedowood cunt NPC","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@theSyndicate @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @HERALDofYAH @Escoffier @mikesmom37 @JonKragen - homo's claiming here to have \"refrained from punching the vicar's teeth out\"- that vicar really dodged a bullet there- should be thanking his lucky stars. Co-incidentally- just the other day, a faggot prancing down the street refrained from slapping me silly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"At the very least it's conspiracy, and that's before you add in the monetary compensation. Monetary compensation makes you accessory to murder as well as a conspirator. \"And if the hitman kills someone, he's basically just moving his body a certain way to manipulate objects that just happen to be weapons. Why is the government trying to control what we do with our bodies?\" Right. It's the speech as conduct exception. Same thing with solicitation. That's because they don't have the actual intellect level required to understand that the parallel they're trying to draw makes absolutely no sense...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When all else fails, blast bare nips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn white women. She's one of those people who thinks the world owes her one because she crapped out a retard baby.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Thanks for the pics. I had a cunt on gab dox me to this filthy kike.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"classic, this gif never gets old. Never swing without expectation and understanding there is a counter coming. I agree with your comment and have always felt this way but can't help feeling his reaction was above and beyond. I wonder how people would feel if that was their daughter. One would hope they raise their daughter better than to strike a officer. I think a wallop is probably a lot better than him pressing charges of assaulting an officer and sending her to jail for 3- If this were my daughter, it wouldn't of happened because I would teach her not to be a raging cunt. Oh, and not to hit people. Why were you down voted.. Oh Reddit...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Immigrants are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, what the fuck is the reason? Go on. Tell me, instead of giving me a bunch of buzzwords that have nothing to do with the matter at hand. For a second I thought you were talking about me what the hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"James Woods A WashingtonPost hack agrees with Rosie O'Donnell that a military insurrection against the President of the United States \"seems like a pretty good idea. Folks, if you let these vermin regain power in the #midterms, you deserve everything you'll get. https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1053067049793142786","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Somebody should just stabthose black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"FUCKING JEW LOVING FAGGOT GET OFF GAB","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Is it legal to be this retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well this is just soooo ME. These words have been my screensaver for the last few years. I FOUGHT right until the very end because I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE. Now I get to go home and I just can't wait! I'll be at peace at last. Christ knows I've suffered every fucking stinking shit cunt day of my so-called life and now I get to sleep at last. God bless ALL. Mwah! xxx","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Genre: Electronic Sub-genre: Breakbeat Artist: Snoop Dogg Song: Sensual Seduction I'm gonna take my tiiiiime https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Y1PVmANeyAgandt=0sandlist=PLpuAoqE-LIzc_Fc9p0Xz3aaeR_fqEEGVkandindex=40","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Time to charge these traitors with violating their oath of office!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">do a flip, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"a 30\/06 ROUND IS THE JUSTICE THIS NIGGER NEEDS. IT SOLVES ALL PROBLEMS PERMITELLY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"If you ask me, gay people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Dem Doxxer Can be famous too, but as good #Conservative peeps, we wouldn't make it go viral...would we? Is this is the Bitch who Doxxed #Conservative Senators the other day?... Works for Lovely Maxine Waters??? Bad anons...bad bad Anons...LOL #ConfirmKavanaugh #BringThePain #LetTheBodiesHitTheFloor --------------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing that faggot ass kenyan piece of shit obungler has to say would interest me! Come January his black ass is toast..the noose awaits","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"We must not let any gay person live. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"absolutely. This bias towards women is becoming LAW in many countries and at my factory. We need to fight back. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You can turn a man's children against him through godless propaganda, but you can never turn a nigger white. Race matters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"the Brits are too busy taking muzzie dick up their ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"The female equivalent of a vasectomy is a **tubal ligation** which is far cheaper than an ovary removal. Not to mention women have far more non-invasive birth control options than men. An intrauterine contraceptive device is over 99% effective, costs $150-$250, AND is covered by most insurance policies. This person is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I'm going to help out a woman tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DeezNutsDoe I'd hate feeling like a faggot too punk ass hoe","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"This is the List of Moral Alignment http:\/\/easydamus.com\/alignment.html Chaotic Good: Crusader for Yahweh Lawful Good: Fight for White Justice Neutral Good: Will Help a Fellow White Man in Need Neutral: Could Care Less either Way Neutral Evil: Would Watch Folk Die and Not Help Lawful Evil: Cold Blooded Nigger Killer Chaotic Evil: Jew Rabbi or Serial Killer","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"I only see an insecure little twat who complains about everything and probably has nefarious means for doing so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@TheGamecubeGuy any more birds in school?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too many tr4nnies in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Well, you won't get any \"denial, distance, or false faggotry\" from me. You apologize for Lone Tards doing what Lone Tards do then you get to own it. Far better for them Spawn of Satan jews like most niggers to figure out that pretty much every White Man is a Nazi or \"The Boss Man.\" Showing them that you are a worthless whigger means you got to pay and they will collect. You want back in the bowel Movement then you can't wuss out, Moan Parrott.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"How can you say \"disabled people are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#KamalaHarris","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck you clinton cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"\"The concept of a ban button for you as a user would be simple: if you ban someone from your Gab content, they can no longer comment on your posts. They can still view your public content, because it is public. They can still quote your public content and give their own commentary to their own followers.\" - I like it. Allowing them to use Quote is how I got slammed one time with nothing but Trash Porn by them attaching the shit to every one of my Posts.so that even though I had the person Muted every one of my followers had to see the shit and it wasn't just one Post it was hundreds ...No this is a dumb ass Idea !!!!! \"if you ban someone from your Gab content, they can no longer comment on your posts.\" Thus making it to where those spam faggots can't leech off your audience. Now see how your post is under mine? That is what they do except they attach a Damn Porn picture to your post using the same Quote Option I just did ...and everyone of your followers will then see that post regardless of whether you have them muted or not How about you remove user from following you and unfollow them, can they still \"quote\" you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell her I said shes a vile fucking rat heeb and I hope some nigger blows her away at a gas station and steals the shit she has on her You are a dyke, a nigger loving dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Only women can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @julie_kelly2: Daily Sasse Tweet: He didn't speak out when Cruz, Nielsen and Sanders were chased out of restaurants, or Maxine Waters promoted violence against Republicans, but must tsk-tsks about crowd hounding Pelosi. Then gives backhanded \"Democrats, too.\" No tweet on Scalise shooting either https:\/\/t.co\/qRyH5P905f","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They will both pay for this crime. Assuming the nigger doesn't kill her first.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Nature's majesty is beautiful! *melts butter* RT @AP: PHOTO: Rare blue-colored red king crab caught in Alaska waters: http:\/\/t.co\/Ia5kFoU2B3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She wants to be believed... This non binary retard is perpetuating scenarios now and she's previously claimed that she's not a woman. So, the cat is out of the bag, dude! Selective gendering isn't going to help you, bro!","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every TERF post I've ever read can be summarized as: \"There is no rational basis for disputing the gender binary and as evidence in support I would like to point out that MEN ARE TRASH gah PaTriarChy rawrawrawrawr...\" \"It's all completely fucking arbitrary that every society on the planet has divided the population between sperm and penis havers and egg and uterus havers. We should abolish this recognition between the two so-called \"sexes\" or understanding of how babies are made.\" Trans people who say that are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"RT @jjauthor: US ghettos-driven by liberal ideology; forged by unions and bankrupted by self-serving Dems catering to parasites!#tcot http:\/\/ ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Sexiest banana eating I've ever seen. #loli","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people Jihadi. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not only do we almost entirely adore Loki, but he is obviously very masculine in the same style\/ sense that the joker is. Loki also snaps from being cool and collected to loud and aggressive, he's manipulative, treacherous, playful, rivalrous, damaged, has a great desire for recognition and power, obvious historically masculine things. Part of his whole story is a *brotherly* rivalry for the spotlight. Oh tumblr and their incessant character warping and claiming. And we enjoy them all because they're charmingly evil and utterly intriguing in their moralities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats are working with the intelligence community that controls Silicon Valley to quash free speech as the midterms intensify. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/deep-state-tech-crushing-free-speech\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She ruined a man's life awhile back. She sued him because he touched her butt but you can clearly see in the picture that it was an accident. The picture is awkward as fuck. The man worked in radio and ever since she did that he has had trouble finding a job. I tried to warn everyone that she went full retard a long time ago but no one notices me. :(","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"They run out of gas, goyim They had some one day and then the next day....it was all gone Completely run out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The whole \"gamers don't have sex\" thing was a worn out stereotype 20 years ago. Even if it were true not having sex wouldn't mean that you are uninterested in sex so sex appeal would still be a thing that could influence your preferences. and#x200B; Action movies in general are pretty fucking camp to varying degrees. One badass goes around being some immortal god of destruction. Is Bayonetta campier than Devil May Cry though? Would Kill Bill have been less campy with a male lead? Was Aliens more campy than Commando? I think there are times an action movie putting a woman in a particular role doing some things can make it campier but just being like \"oh women action movies are so much campier than men action movies\" is retarded. > Bayonetta campier than Devil May Cry They're both very camp. > Would Kill Bill have been less campy with a male lead? Slightly. Camp isn't really a problem either. I like Bloodborne, which I put in the camp category. I still play as a man, but a woman fits that setting equally well. >\"oh women action movies are so much campier than men action movies\" is retarded. Yeah, no it's not. It's always going to be an extra layer of camp. No one said that games with male leads can't be camp, but a female action hero is ALWAYS camp. Sorry, buddy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Imagine my surprise when I found this Twat Begging for Bucks. Her books are highly rated also","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Gay people are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Oh hey look, total nigger bullshit comin' out after importing niggers. Shocker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Wait until they all start to cycle together at the same time then he will have to rent them a Limo from that Muzzie in upstate NY...","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Every time. Every time there's a girl with red hair\/Irish\/Scottish descent, they make her black just because. Every *single* ***time.*** Irish Lives Matter. The English: Do they really? Cromwell did literally nothing wrong. *Seethes and reaches for a drink* How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? This happens so often it feels like it's intentional. Triss is not a redhead in the books though, and the TV series isn't based on the games. Both CDPR and Netflix changed her looks. And shes a thot of the highest order... The triss in the books isnt exactly a likeable person I've only played the games so I'm curious about what makes her unlikable?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They claim feminism is the future but no feminist cunt is willing to go to war.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"He's a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Vegans Are Malnourished BLOOD IS GOOD FOR US!!! http:\/\/truth.prabhupada.org.uk\/vegans-are-malnourished-blood-is-good-for-us Excuse me, but WHAT?!!! I have MET people who KNEW Prabhup da in the 1950s. And several who knew him in the 60s and 70s. Blood?!!! I don't remember ever hearing about the need to consume BLOOD! K atriyas perhaps are allowed to consume meat, but brahmac r s, g ihasthas, or sanny s s?! Absolutely NOT! Only in a life or death situation should they do so. Do you not know the difference between a varna and an ashrama lol? the ass burgers are eating you alive","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bc a few SJWs figured it out and tweeting Antifa followers to block + report us. Had to provide screenshots showing we all look the same and have names formatted NPC[number]. B4 that they were following and RTing us. Not retarded at all! Pity. Awesome community of trolls w lots of instant co-troll followers, likes and RTs til the purge. We could've achieved great things","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Start taking a rickshaw to work, bro. Now the little twat has you in her sights.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"Bring it on faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"just nuke it! https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/san-francisco-school-board-president-drops-pledge-of-allegiance-replaces-with-quotes-from-black-authors-gay-leaders\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ocasio-Cortez compares 'global warming' to Nazism... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/QLSk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good. Diversity is strength. They were the faggots holding the signs welcoming them. Deal with it and love.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"so. mad... We live in a world where whitey can go to jail for a word other folks wear right on their hats and tshirts. If I wore that shirt...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Luke_Grossman52: That's what sports are about. Forget the arrogance and trash talking. Its about making people feel like they are a part ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People have called me out for being a prick before. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only fags say \"swag\" shits mad retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"},{"text":"@Hovaa_ what about yellow spots?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't know what I was more shocked by, her behavior or the crowds behavior during the trophy ceremony. They literally made the winner cry and apologize to the crowd for winning. Never seen anything like that. Serena and the crowd should be so ashamed of themselves. Yeah, her fans in the crowd weren't classy at all. It just made everything look bad. Osaka is a beast though. She's only 20 and she dominated so she'll be back on this stage often and soon. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a stupid cunt or maybe she was violated? i guess her phone was on a boosted vibrate and she had it so far up her arse she couldn't see the screen to see who it was","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a nigger or go back to twitter if you want to ban the imagination.","label":1,"text_label":"HATEFUL"}] \ No newline at end of file