diff --git "a/test.csv" "b/test.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,822 @@ +review,Improvement Suggestions,Questions and Answers,Experience Sharing,Technical Feedback,Support Request,Community Interaction,Course Comparison,Related Course Suggestions,not_praise +A decent introductory overview course. Most content shouldnt be too new for anyone interested in financial markets. Some concepts are mentioned but not explained further.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I started this course with a healthy bit of skepticism. I never thought that in the course of 7 weeks this baby boomer would be able to sufficiently gather a basic understanding of programming and actually write simple scripts. But many thanks to Dr Chucks visuals, and detailed explanations this course was enjoyable and rewarding. On to the next Python course !",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I am a tutor working with special children, I find it easy when i adapt with the child in his way always reminding him that he is capable of doing things, not fast and rashly, but slow and smartly. i keep boosting them to read aloud sound the words and put them down I have found it easier to cope with their studies by translating in the medium they know best , repetitive reading,, selecting key words and putting them down in writing. I have learnt a lot from this course and yes the professors were awesome in their lectures. it has bettered my way of approach to assessing them.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"All in all, this was a tough course, and the programming increased progressively as one moved on. Week 1 was OK, but I experienced a temporary hiccup in week 2 in the reading of the codon files; until I converted them to Strings. Even then the first file which contained only one DNA string gave its fair share of problems. In general, the section on Strings was pretty comprehensive. The programming was also pretty challenging. The section on debugging was OK, but I am at this stage still a little confused as to the amount and detail of information one is supposed to supply to someone else when you are experiencing a problem with your code. With the week 2 quiz I made a mistake than came back to haunt me in week 4; I did not read the question properly and from the outset my cgRatio method was not producing the correct answer. Eventually, after reading the specs for cgRatio again, I realised my mistake, could correct my code and get through the week 2 quiz! Week 3 on parsing, reading CSV files etc, the going was pretty good and I managed to complete the work covered in this section without too many problems. Week 4 on baby names; well, yes the mini Project was pretty extensive, with a lot of Methods being asked for and written. I found the small test files to be invaluable during testing. But the quiz contained a few curved balls. Method totalBirths does just that, and although in the specification it does say that it should also print the number of girls and boys names, and the total names in the file. Q1 and 2 tripped me up, I did not read them properly, and entered the total number of births for the girls and boys respectively. Questions 9 to 12 also resulted me in having to call a temporary halt, and write an additional method that looped over all the files from 1880 to 2014 in order to get the answers to those questions. Fortunately, method getRank came to the rescue here, doing all of the hard work!This was a lot of work! I did week 4 in one week, but only because I was already on leave and could focus on the mini project for the entire week. The entire course took me 6-7 weeks to complete.I learned a lot. It was a good course, and very challenging. My greatest concern with the format you are using (80% or you dont move on - or you dont qualify), is that one can become unstuck as I did in week 2, but managed to get past that one.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Very bad explanation too boring lectures,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Many thanks to the Lecturer.This lecture is very useful and makes me able to learn more efficiently.A minor critique of mine: Introduction part or the first week lecture seems not coherent with the final part. The week four lecture is narrowed to taking test techniques while since the start I expect that the lecture will cover broader techniques in mastering certain skill like: studying, playing guitar, doing office activity, etc (as explained in week1).",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This was a very good course (4.5/5.0). One area that could be improved would be the discussion of industrial control systems (ICS). On lecture briefly mentions STUXNET and SCADA, but this was rather incomplete discussion. A very recent incident that could have been used was the attack on the Ukraine Power grid as a demo of a cyber attack against infrastructure. https://ics-cert.us-cert.gov/alerts/IR-ALERT-H-16-056-01?_mc=sm_dr_editor_kellyjacksonhigginsI am perhaps biased toward this area, since this is my field of work.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Lectures are very confusing. Instructors should use white boarding to explain codes. Difficult to follow them.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"[Slightly updated according to Michaels questions]The course is fine, but comparing to the previous one - Algorithmic Toolbox - this one is weaker and with lesser quality.Pros: the course contains some interesting data structures and valuable observations. The starter files for assignments are in place. Related books are given after each video session. All the tasks have automatic grader. There is a couple of interesting tasks to do.Cons: the material is mostly lectures, and there is even a video where lecturer just reads the article from Wiki (Splay tree - has the same information with same lack of some proofs). Expected: add quizzes as it was in the first course. The course has less weeks - only 4 as comparing to 5 in AT. So various important data structures are not discussed. The course has less homework - 3 tasks each week as comparing to 5 in AT. And all 3 are usually just implementations of some basic algos seen in lectures.I consider the course valuable due to a number of good videos and a couple of good tasks to do. But in general, this course has the area for improvement.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,0 +Setting up the development environment is sadly dated. GitHub has changed and doesnt match the videos so any information delivered doesnt help get someone up and running. Videos run way to fast when someone is working between multiple windows to accomplish tasks. Update info in videos and course would have value. Expecting people to pay to update tech skills in unrealistic in todays competive environment when you are competing against other pla,1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Being honest, the lessons in the course are disconnected with the weekly tests, specially for the final exam. Professor Daniel Egger and his assistan MUST improve the lessons, including examples step by step specially for the multiple linear regression su",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Although very interesting, this course seemed too short for me.Professor Kofman is an expert in the filed, but he mostly reads thewords on the slides and shows little or no passion or interest in sharing hisideas and work whatsoever.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +This course and material does not articulate the Google Cloud Platform offerings. Maybe Google does not want to compete with Microsoft Azure and AWS alike. If Google itself has approved this Google Cloud Platform trainings on Coursera then vola I am out. I am way better off supporting AWS and Azure (at least they have tons of good trainings and stuff to keep folks in the field excited).,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,1 +It is a very good course where students get to learn about supply chain management. People who are looking for deeper knowledge about SCM can opt this course. My only suggestion to this course is that they need to improve the quality of the video(not the content) and increase the difficulty level of the exams.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Poorly designed assignment on data modeling did little to expand my knowledge on the topic. Which is a shame since the individual lectures were well done and very interesting. The Pink Flamingo peer-peer-reveiwed exercise needs to go.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Mr Chuck you are the best!!! I wasnt convinced to take on line course. I thought it would be boring and hard to understand. I still do not feel an expert and it probably took me more time to understand some things- Im not the mathematics genius. But now I feel that it something that I can try to develop. Thank you.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I tried giving zero stars. This course is very poor. In particular the last portion of the class wherein you are tested on things that were not taught. If I had wanted to spend hours in google trying to learn this stuff I would not have spent money on this course.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Javascript & HTML are covered nicely for a 3 week course & enables us to learn anything new from the web on our own.The course lacks in the coverage of CSS (Hence the 4 stars & not 5).The final project was very nice & interesting, so much so that I have been developing it further & have added many more features to it.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course itself has been really useful, although Im not sure it has taught me much that is truly new. What It has done, though, is to fill in gaps, and to give me a big helping hand into understanding how to tackle what to write about. Beforehand, I suffered somewhat from blank canvas syndrome, but this course has given me ideas to get past that. The Coursera site and app could still do with some work, since collaboration with other students is not as easy as it could",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Overall, this course was a great experience. As a student of English as a second language, trust me when I say that it helped me a lot with the subject linguistics at college. Nonetheless, I must say that this course was tough! I don’t know, maybe, because English is not my mother tongue but at times I certainly felt that I couldn’t keep up with some of the assignments. Nevertheless, if you give your best, you will make it. Also, if you are looking for a challenge…. well, this is your course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course was informative. I especially loved the interview with Tressie from Taco Bell. I feel like I learned a lot from her. The only part I did not enjoy from this course was the Peer to Peer assignment. Dont get me wrong, the assignment was very informative. I love the concept of peer to peer assignments because I get to learn so much more in different sectors. However, socialmention.com was NOT working for me. It was very slow and I could not even load the page. I had to go to a cafe with high speed internet in order to load my keywords, hashtags, and influencers, but I couldnt until the last day (which is why I handed in my assignment late). Other than that, this course was (probably) better than the first one.",1.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Neo-liberal and neo-con presentation of the matter that has little to do with how the real world works, or should work, had we had a fair play field. Would not expect anything else from the neo-liberal flagman, Yale. Pretty much expected it would be the case, but just wanted to give it a try.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I think some estimation methods are not really realistic,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This is an advanced Statistics class. Learning was chaotic, confusing, and fast paced. Strong Mathematics skills required. As icing on the cake, there is an 8 hour project at the end of the course .. and they only tell you at the end that you should have been working on this all along! Not at all what I wanted to learn or find productive in the real world.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Cannot believe charge me homework,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Learning How to Learn is a very helpful course. On top of the main course/videos, the interviews with different experts from different fields were very helpful. This course should be required in schools globally. I wish I have learned how to learned when I was younger. Thank you so much for creating this very relevant and fun course!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I cant have my certirficate and already I pay for it!,0.0,0,0,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"As a standard overview, the course is fine. However, the lecturer skirts around or hand waves away controversial or difficult subjects, and hes apparently afraid of offending anyone by getting too close to saying fuck or sex even in an academic setting. Additionally, this course wont introduce anyone to forgotten and erased artists of the past - women are largely absent from his history of rock, even though Janis Joplin and The Supremes didnt come out of nowhere. The quizzes are also too heavy on the trivia - who published what when questions rather than critical thinking questions about why or how.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course was not overly interesting, it felt more like listening to someone wanting to paint everything with a socialist brush. I had better things to do. This has not been a class where I learned much. Its structure of super short videos (~4mins) with easy tests was neither challenging nor useful to confirm the value of the content, in fact a number of tests quiz you on material not yet covered (usually in the next unit). Not the best class there is.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I will give it a 3* review as I really enjoyed and learned a lot in the HTML and CSS part (first 2 weeks), but the java script is really poorly covered. It is too hard and with no translations on what the hell is going on. The Duke University team is good and they obviously know what they are doing, but they need to review this course and make it more simpler... :)",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"There are too many poured notions without practical explanations or case studies. Slides are read bullet point after bullet point without added value. The course is not compelling in any way. Too many references to a book said to be not compulsory.In the final exam right answers are not given.The course gives you just a smattering of the subject, nothing that you can apply with confidence on the job.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Excellent insight and learning about how to gain followers and sales leads using Engagement and Nurture Marketing Strategies, including writing effective blogs. You actually have to use what you learn and put it to create a real blog project. Such a good experiential way of learning because you not only learn through video lectures and quizzes, but also through complete immersion of blogging for a while!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I feel like it should have been mentioned a lot clearer before starting that this was simply a course in how to use the creators library. These skills are not transferable anywhere else as I would have to pay to use them in future! Would have been a lot more useful as a how to for sci-kit and pandas.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Very informative course, which has encouraged me to research the topic further and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Based on my research, however, I believe a mistake might have been made. According to the instructional material, the only group of essential fatty acids is omega-3. Based on my research, however, essential fatty acids include ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid, and LA, which is an omega-6 fatty acid.",0.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Love the course and the teacher was awesome, I am college graduate in Advertising and Graphic Design and happy to say I learned new things, as well as new ways to see composition and every other aspect of graphic design. Thank you a lot for this and keep them coming!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +very challenging fast-paced course,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course was a really comprehensive package explaining all the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming . The instructors clearly explains the concepts of inheritance , polymorphism , searching , sorting etc. relating it as much as possible to real world examples. The concept challenge questions clearly helps you to understand the subtle nuances that the instructor wants to explain . The quiz are easy .The only thing that i found hard was to complete was the final assignment as i had minimal programming experience with data structures but if you stick to it , you will definitely make it , just like me :)",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Too far from subject,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I am SOOO happy I took this course. The material is so eye opening and its presented in a very engaging way with a variety of speakers, references and visuals. I thought the assignments were quite relevant and made you think in ways you typically do not.The only slight drawback is organizational- sometimes links were missing the readings and the assignments require too many unnecessary steps. It can very easy be simplified.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Great course and great teacher. The lectures are quick, easy to understand but nevertheless interesting. The time schedule is tough, but you can easily switch to the next session to have more time. The only aspect that I would change is the technical level of (some of) the lectures: sometimes they are even too easy, and a lot of time is used to explain very basic stuff. Maybe some optional lectures might be added on",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Very well structured course. Professor is excellent. Lecture videos are easy to understand, have good examples, and are well organized. The assignments are relevant and illustrate the process of actually running machine learning.However, the scope of topics does feel a bit too intro/basic and the material and assignments feel spoonfed. It would have been great if the course went deeper into each topic and also challenged the student to do more coding independently in Octave/Matlab.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Really interesting. I knew a bit about the importance of the microbiome but this course has made me more aware of how I can influence my own. And it has helped me understand why it is that antibiotics are best avoided when possible. The course was well set up. I enjoyed all the lectures from the various speakers and the assignments made me think.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"You can get many knowledge from this course, but you have to be prepared. Actually learning course gives me no pleasure. It is not complete, you have to guess many things and find additional materials somewhere else to pass all course quizzes and assignments. BTW some quizzes are invalid. I think there was some issues while migrating to updated coursera version, that is why some course materials lost.",0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +The content and articulation was excellent. Inspired and motivated me to continue the course in spite of my struggle to understand certain concepts. There are lot more statisticians out there who are heaps better than myself and it was excellent experience to read the questions and answers in the discussion forum. Will continue the course and get my certification and enroll for capstone project as well.,0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"I loved this course, the Professor is thoughtful and insightful. It was a treat to take this course!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"A great introductory ML course. It does skips all the mathematical proofs (LA stuffs), so you dont really know whats going on behind the scenes, but it concentrates more on application (works for me!). After taking this course, I do recommend taking a more applied ML course (computer vision, NLP, etc.).",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Okay class. Could deal more with terminology, how to break down a case to read it and obtain information. How tos of it all. From getting the case on my desk, breaking into segments, how to make a claim and finding laws to support it. What is a theory versus what is a developed idea.Thanks!",0.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I thank the organizers for this well-structured Chemistry course. I was sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of information given but I guess this is due to the condensation process that had to be carried out in order to impart the contents in 11 weeks. Otherwise I would have appreciated to have more exercises resolved during the lessons and to get a sheet with all the formula used during the course...Thank you again.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is the most informative class I have taken. Even in financial and accounting field for so long, I would say I have learned more from this one class than a whole semester of course work in school. Here, it really shows you the business application of the skills and that is truly powerful. I love it. Thank you.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Fred J FeilerNov 20, 05:49 PSTChat started: 2016-11-20 01:37 PM UTC(01:37:50 PM) Fred J Feiler: We need a start date for 3D Printing Software course. The learners are concerned that this course will never happen even for those who have been enrolled since June 2016.(01:38:52 PM) Coursera Support: Thanks for reaching out to us! Someone will be right with you.(01:39:38 PM) *** Jessy joined the chat ***(01:39:54 PM) Jessy: Thanks for reaching out to us. I’d be more than happy to help you today.(01:40:29 PM) Jessy: I am very sorry for the inconveniences.(01:40:40 PM) Jessy: Please allow me a moment while I take a look into this for you Fred.(01:40:59 PM) Fred J Feiler: Thanks(01:44:54 PM) Fred J Feiler: I enrolled in the five course specialization. My momentum is at a standstill so if this course is delayed I’ll look for something better.(01:46:05 PM) Jessy: I am very sorry for the inconveniences Fred, I checked and that course does not have sessions available yet.(01:46:16 PM) Jessy: It looks like we will need some time to look into this issue further. I am going to escalate this to our support specialists so they can further investigate. This means that I will be ending this chat and it will become a support ticket email. You will receive an email transcript of our chat for your records, and someone from our support team will review our chat and email you with updates as soon as possible.(01:47:18 PM) Fred J Feiler: OK, thank you!",0.0,0,0,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"I really enjoyed this course. It threw me, at first, that the whole course was only lectures -- no videos or readings -- but so much of this course will be applicable to teaching biology that its useful no matter what. I also had a small problem with verifying quizzes on my phone.",0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Of the courses Ive taken through Coursera, Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization is, by far, my favorite. My interest in Ancient Egyptian civilization began in early childhood and has stuck with me ever since (Im in my forties now). Dr. Silvermans lectures are very engaging and highly informative, always leaving you feeling excited for the next lecture. He really knows this subject!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I have taken the course earlier, so am somewhat familiar with the layout and the materials. Overall it is a very good course and covers a wide range of subject matters. Roger has done a very good job explaining the concepts. I certainly would recommend this course to all whos interested in the subject.I realize that theres limitation on the time people suppose to spend each week, however, I would like to suggest adding homework, in addition to quizzes.Several video clips have some audio issues, not sure if thats fixable.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Loved the course! I still need to review some topics to make them clear in my mind but I really enjoyed! :D,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Although this class material was daunting initially having Andrew walk through it very very patiently and having the support of excellent mentor in Tom Mosher has helped me tremendously in completing this course with flying colors in time. It is very well worth the effort and I feel capable of handling tough machine learning projects. Thank you! I really enjoyed the videos, quizes and all the programming assignments.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +A nice introduction to Game Development. The content is great and it doesnt overextend to the point of scaring you off game dev. I would give this course 5 stars if it had a little more spice. Everything in the course felt too scripted. I would suggest doing some fun live sessions on the side or something to let us know were not being taught by robots.,1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Great thanks for Dr.aric ,who has a smiley face ,If any one enrolled this course ,he would get a great knowledge and usefull information about 3d printing or addtive manufacturing ,throw a simple & exciting videos ,not only that ,you would get another benefits not only information about 3d priting ,like ,getting knowledge of many companies from the inside ,see stories of successfull people which achieves you to keep up with your work ,meet with your colleagues and make new friends ,and finally grow up your english skills ,like listening and grow up your vocabulary .....Great thaks for coursera team ,its our pleasure to learn with you ........",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +thank you,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +This is a well-made course with interesting lectures and a great professor. Im very passionate about anything astro related and this was for me an introduction into the field of astrobiology. Beginner friendly.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Good course for a free one. Thank you for all of your great work. Somehow, the pace is too fast. Covering about 2 sections per week is by far too hard to read the book along with the class. Theres no practice exercise to strengthen what you learn. The assignment is very hard and sometime dont directly implement the knowledge you learn in that week. Sometime the video sound is too quiet (but you can read the transcript when it happened.) The book is better in my opinion.",1.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Short but sweet. This course is a good introduction to the subject. I particularly liked the instructor and the design of the tests, which are really complementary to the learning material and are really helpful to put in practice the somewhat abstract theory. The supplementary material is also well done. It would be nice to have a course book to follow though as referring to videos is not always easy.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Very basic. All this information of this course can be self taught by Googling and the hands on exercise at the end of the course is a joke. For the $59 price of the course, expected more.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This particular module (week 3) is written for those students who are already have at least a nodding acquaintance with the software.The videos move so fast that I am not able to detect what is going on. Please believe me when I say that I run a copy of Fusion 360 at the same time as a particular instructional video is playing. I toggle from one to another, taking notes from the instructional video when possible. Still, it takes me weeks, not days, to understand what the professor is doing.It is true that there are several online tutorials with regard to using the sketch tools contained within Fusion 360. I have been reviewing the tutorials that I am able to find -- and I have learned quite a bit of how-to information that this particular module does not provide.Why is it that some of us who are new to the Fusion 360 environment have come to understand that we need to spend hours of our time to fill in the blanks of week 3?Are we to keep searching other sources so that we can learn what has not been taught in Week 3? If so, why?Bill Clark",1.0,1,1,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"Thanks for all the advices, It was great to learn how to cook healthy.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course was mostly working on the same document, and refining it for six weeks. I kind of wanted a little more from the class beside extended peer review time. I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the specializations courses, but I didnt think this one was quite up to the same caliber.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"A good introduction to GIS focusing on the fundamental principles with a good practical element included. There is a lot to take in over four weeks so it does require plenty of time to absorb all the required learning and complete the assignment. Plenty of information and resources are provided and the lectures are clear and easily to follow. The only criticism I would have is that there is probably too much emphasis on Arc GIS, it would have been nice to learn some more about open source platforms like QGIS.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +The class was very interesting and challenging and I learn a lot! I would recommend it if you wish to get a good feel for what machine learning is. I was very satisfied to learn about the possible applications and liked the guidance throughout the lectures on how to efficiently build machine learning systems. I hope I could apply it one day in the field on biophysics Im currently working on.Thanks again for making this class interesting and fun for us!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Absolutely brilliant course. The pace, the information, the explanations, all very well done. Ill admit, some of the videos and images were difficult to watch, I would suggest a warning right before it is shown as to mentally prepare. However, I may be overly sensitive! Thank you for this course!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I liked the content of this course and for the most part I thought it was pretty decent. I just felt that the lectures needed a bit more structure since there didnt seem to be a very good transition between topics. The some of the quiz questions in this course were broken since they were missing details that we crucial to answering the questions (missing weights or having wrong answers since the posted values didnt align with the answer).,1.0,1,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The concepts are good and important, writing the assignments was not so easy :)It feels like there is a missing link between the concepts & the writing the documents.For example -the last exercise (prototype) was not good at all for most people I checked (including myself?).On a secondary importance level: some of the questions/answers are hard to understand or related to extras (movies, for example) I did not I need to see, so it was a bit frustrating.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Thank you for the course, it was really useful! I like to get some knowledge about story boarding, paper and video prototyping and especially heuristic evaluation technics. Only thing I would change is to have more real examples and visual materials. Sometimes I did not understand material and I would happy to see examples.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course changed my life for the better, and that of my children too. Child centered teaching IS posible, and this course makes it simple to reach as parent or teacher. The videos are clear and to the point, so that the essence is there to get.Every teacher in the world should take it!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Many of the problem sets ask you to apply theorems in ways that have not been demonstrated. If a student makes a mistake, no feedback is given other than, That is not the right answer.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This is a recap of the most important things taught in Materials lectures on an engineering course. It is quick, concise and highlights what should be kept in mind when working with different materials. The only new material for me was the last thing on semiconductors which I found very interesting.The only thing that could be significantly improved is the section on alloy phases. Its is an important topic and I think more time could be spent on that subject to provide a more well rounded understanding of the topic. However 9/10 things done well and the other being a bit rushed is still 5 stars in my book.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I have only one feedback: the relation between subsequent weeks are not clear. It feels like I am learning one technique in week 3, and then another in week 4, but why is the technique in week 4 necessary? What are the differences in terms of functionality, between the various techniques? I think these points are not explained quite clearly.Great course though, thank you very much!",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I was always scared of Statistics but after going through this training, Statistics has been made simple and I am enjoying it. I have decided to pursue more Statistics training from the University of Amsterdam on Coursera. I enjoyed the training of those great faculty members.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Excellent Course, suggested to me by my manager at work. I had some interest in AI, but didnt have any real direction as to where to go or how to implement it in my current job. Now that path is much more clear, and I look forward to utilizing this machine learning knowledge in practice, both professionally and personally.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course is really awesome and very much help full, as a student I can say every students that they want to go to universities they should join to this nice course which is provided by the coursera the best plat form for education.Thank you for providing such a help full course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I get lost a bit too often.The teacher sometimes explains easy concepts and omits the difficult ones (e.g. exponential distribution is explained as for example if you are waiting for a bus that comes every ten minutes and then he tells you how to compute expected value and moves on, but he does not say WHAT IT MEANS - is it the probability that I will meet an oncoming bus? is it probability of waiting ten minutes for the bus? is it the average waiting time? is it average number of buses that come every hour? - but there is detailed explanation of what A squared means in lesson two (!))The teacher often makes me confused as to where he got the numbers he is plugging in the formula or what answer the formula gives.But I take it as a challenge and I intend to finish the course despite all of that. Sometimes it is fun to decipher the mystic equations. And maybe it is me, maybe I was not born to be a statistician. Maybe there are people that find this stuff easy and understand it right away.I really like the quizes. They are HARD.One last thing: Wearing white shirt and using white marker makes it impossible to read what he writes. But I take it is part of the challenge ;-)",1.0,1,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Course is very well structured, I really liked the way Dr.chuck is explaining, The exercises at the end of each week helped me a lot to actually implement what i have learned and some of the exercise seems to be a little complex, and yes this course is Programming for Everybody.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Great course! Thanks to the organizers from all my heart! I received a charge of inspiration, learned a lot. Thanks to all the classmates for their feedback and good wishes! It was great to see the works and approaches of others. I was able to realize my old ideas, the course has pushed me to the point to be more focused and self-disciplined. I feel more positive and able! Thank you!",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"Using a proprietary library instead of widely used libraries and discouraging the use of open source widely used libraries. It barely compiles, the example notebook has method calls that use non existing methods of the SFrame object.The course claims that it teaches the student how useful practical knowledge but then ends up using a non standard library and saying not to use pandas or scikit learn.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Varied and well-explained that held my interest throughout. My only criticism is the English in some of the written quizzes, especially in the final exam, needs reviewing by native speaker as some of the answers are ambiguous when they do not properly explain the context of the situation.",0.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Absolutely excellent! Would love to delve deeper into this subject matter with another iteration of this course.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I very much liked the course, it has a good pace and the Professor, Susan Sauvé Meyer, does a great job in presenting the material. As the course goes on material discussed before is revisited, there are running examples (so to speak) and the set up generally seems to have been well planned and constructed in advance. This is a course anyone can follow casually on the side, its fun and offers a lot. Thank you",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I absolutely love this course. I have studied Positive Psychology and are working with children with learning disabilities. Everybody can learn and succeed with these tools... Regardless age, regardless labeled with learning disabilities. Im personally deeply fascinated by the brain and I am very fond of the explaining of the brain in the course, which explain so perfectly, why we act as we do.... And for children (or families) with working disabilities they need more than anyone to understand why they act like they do.EVERYONE CAN LEARN.....EVERYONE CAN FLOURISH....",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Chris Impey eases into the subject of astronomy, with increasingly difficult subject matter as the course proceeds. However, he is very methodical and plain (in a good way) in his language, and his videos are a joy to watch. I started this course already interested in amateur astronomy and learned a lot of new things about the technology and methodology in astronomy. Id recommend this to anyone who is really interested in astronomy. Be prepared to make a not insignificant commitment, because the course is nearly four months long! Time well spent in my opinion. Thank you to all who made this course possible.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I have no doubt teachers are excelent professionals in the area, as well as great machine learning enthusiasts. However, I did not like the fact that you get limited to learn how to use a paid and (very!) expensive platform, mostly because there are many other free packages available for machine learning. Ok, the platform offered makes things easier, but if you really want to learn machine learning, you can not be limited to a platform, acting as a robot just using pre-written functions in a black box.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Excellent course! All the material was relevant and the exerises were challenging without being impossible. Professor Muppala is a very entertaining instructor. All three courses in the specialization so far have exceeded expectations. The only remark so far is the subpar quality of the subtitles in this course. There were many mistakes in nearly every video. Other than that, great work!",1.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really enjoyed this course and plan on taking the trigonometry course. I thought it was well thought out by the instructor. The only thing I would have wished is to see the results of my final exam. The computer went from showing them for about a second and then proceeded to congratulate me for finishing the course. If this is about learning, its very important to see where you went wrong so you brush up on those skills.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"While the textbook used in this course provide a lot of useful background to the Internet, its history and trends...etc All good knowledge. I am not sure its the best teaching tool for this course. It lacks the structure to build up a solid foundation of HTML. If the course stops here, the text may be a good reference for students to explore on their own. With CSS and javascript later in the series, I felt a stronger (both in depth and coverage) HTML proficiency is needed.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I have found this course very clear and motivational. It is a good introductory course. Nevertheless I was expecting exercises to apply and test the suggested techniques, especially techniques such as the mental palace. I have found very interesting the impostor syndrome, maybe because I was/am affected by that. It is very important to speak about it, so that it is easier for people to heal from that.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"What an awesome beginner course! The instructor is superb! The students performing in the videos were great! The entire structure of each unit is built upon previous material. Yonsei utilizes this important element for long term memory consolidation. I learned a great deal. I now understand the finer points of grammar, such as particle usage, counters, and how to properly construct grammatically correct sentences. This course has given me a solid foundation in which to build upon. I wish that Yonsei University would offer an intermediate course :) Thank you so much!!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"A fun and engaging experience, excellent writing prompts. The kind of on-line educational experience I appreciate- encouraging and supportive, yet completely unwilling to take itself too seriously. The on-line poetry workshop experience with peers can be hit or miss, but even so, I gained some unexpected insights into my writing. Well worth enrolling and completing.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +good course,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Provides information from basic laws of inheritance to understanding the field of Evolutionary biology and genome sequencing. Explained in a light and easy to understand way! Not a course you can pass by knowing a few facts about the subjects. Tricky at times, which help you find out if you understood everything correctly. Would recommend to others!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"in the beginning of the course i thought ill get a good experience as usual on coursera, but i was wrong ...a lot of things >> to be introduced in next courseconfusing data types & working with things i dont know about it.youve said that, anyone with basics of programming could pass this course and after 6 months i couldnt.please be sure about the prerequisites next time.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This was by far the worst course in the series.There is a lot of good content in this course that needs to be shared, but I just felt the delivery failed in a lot of ways.Here are some issues1) Often, concepts are thrown out but arent explained clearly. Speaker glosses over them without giving concrete examples2) The structure of the course is poorly configured. On several occasions, inline quizzes test you on concepts that havent been introduced until later in the video, forcing you to guess at answers. Also, the assignment portion of the course asks you to submit a word or pdf with images, but it wasnt configured to allow uploads. You could only submit text in a text box. I realized I wasnt the only person with the issue when I graded assignments from others who had trouble submitting their assignment. In some cases, I believe students failed that portion of the course because they could not figure out how to submit. I have some IT background and was able to share my homework through my shared drive fortunately.3) The speaker should re-record his lecture. It was obvious (or at least seemed as if) he was reading a teleprompter. There were many awkward pauses between sentences that made it hard to listen to. Often times, the audio presentation were inconsistent with the words in the slide, making it confusing because I didnt know which I should be following.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Amazing introductory course in Machine Learning. Dr. Ng is knowledgeable, clear, and inspirational.This course not only dug into theoretical modelling, but it gives the student the opportunity to be hands on and also apply classroom learning to real life applications.For myself who had basic programming and linear algebra backgrounds, the course at times do take effort and time. However, with that being said, I felt like I learned substantially more than I did compared to a regular classroom and was definitely worth the effort. Even if you do not finish in one term, your progress will carry onto the next term.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is the first class I had ever taken on the open online classes. I took it to be prepared to take other classes. Honestly, I figured it would be kind of like a reminder class on studying. The Professors are amazing. The have set a high standard for other classes. There was never a dull moment. It was so much fun and I learned so much NEW information but Not only did I learn it but I completely understand why it works. it is great having insight into the brain and how to have it work for you. This is not the standard study skill class at all. The names says it all. I still surprise myself on how enthusiastic I am when I get the opportunity to use the information acquired . It really works . its like being able to depend on a really good friend. They are always there to help you pull through and wont leave you hanging. My favorite is the Pomodoro technique. if you procrastinate this is the one to help you get stuff done. I have incorporated a lot of what I learned into my daily life. After being in many other classes, I have to say this is the BEST class I have taken. Its the knowledge I use most. Keep up the good work Barb and Terry!!!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I appreciate the effort that went into making this course as well as obtaining the film clips. Having said that, if you want to go deeper into the psychology of memory this course is probably not for you. As I progressed through the weeks, I found myself becoming less and less interested since I already know the basics of memory and psychology. I felt I wasnt learning anything new but the clips of films allowed me to see the films in a new light. Maybe if I had bought the book that goes along with the course, i would have gained more insight but as a standalone course, it rates just three stars.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +The professor did an outstanding job with explaining key terms and definitions. I loved the intro and how he broke down the difference between accounting and finance. Very informative. The only thing I suggest to add is a few examples in between formulas that students can valuate themselves during a brief pause.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really liked The 3D Printing Revolution course. Its easy to understand, you dont need any background knowledge, but you will find out so much about this topic - including materials that are used, technologies, 3D printing companies... Also, the materials cover history and the future of 3D printing. Its a great introductory course and the instructor (and the guests) are amazing. I recommend it!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This was a good introduction to Coursera for me. Some of the information I already knew, but it was good to learn the why behind some of it. There were a few of the quizzes that contained questions from videos that hadnt been covered yet. Her information about food allergies was good, I would like to see her offer a class on just that topic.",0.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +"This training was spot on for someone like me with an Engineering MSc but who had not practiced his maths and programming for a very long time. It was very accessible, yet challenging and stretching. I loved the methodology, the pace, the structure. I also felt I was covering a lot of ground on the broad topic of ML in little time and it was well worth the investment. Very well done !",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The instructer is not fluid, a mentor is devoid of critical thinking in communicating through the discussions section, the peers are reviewing haphazardly while mentors offer their own essays (from the past?) where they use material outside of the course readings which may sound plagiarizing after that long warning in each introductory section for writing assignements.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,1 +like!Prof and TAs are helpful and the discussion among students are quite active. Very rewarding learning experience!,0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +Clear explanations even for foreigners and lots of interesting interactive materials. The course will fit also for absolute beginners like I am. Very interesting lectures and I continue to watch online Q&A conferences with the Prof. with great pleasure! Thanks a lot! I had a lot of fun.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"One big user-experience comment is that I wish that the videos had been edited; there are many long pauses and times where there is a lot of talking around the thing that you actually want to say. I think you have some great things to say, but perhaps streamlining those ideas and editing out the times when you need to pause to think (which is definitely legitimate when recording yourself!) or other things of that nature, would have definitely cut down on the length of the videos. Long videos arent bad, if they are well put-together and conveying information in an engaging way.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"UCSD always bring there A game, with fun projects and extensions to real world problems. I have completed all three courses.This course was especially informative as it dipped into the graph theory and the optimization problems we face.The course itself is fun and informative and may seem tough at times but is really rewarding once complete. Thanks guys and girls.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +One of the best courses to start learning front end web development from scratch. The course contents are of high quality and Professor Yaakov Chaikin is great at explaining things in an easy to understand fashion. Kudos to the team behind this course. I am glad and happy that I enrolled myself in this course!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Really interesting course but I have some recomendations:1)Ive missed that the professors would have done more example exercises on every lesson2)The value of the certificate to others (ie to find a job) is how hard is to pass the course or the minimum knowledge that the student adquires. The evaluation system makes it very easy to cheat (with 3 attemps every 8 hours for the practice sets or the exam). With test-type answers it is very easy to pass the course even if you havent watched any lesson video or learnt anything.3) For point 2 I recommend that the check system on practice sets and the exam could be able to accept numeric or simbolic answers (not test-type) so that it will have infinite answers and nobody could cheat the system (in Edx Ive done some courses that have this system). Another option could be that every attempt that you make substracted 10% on the calification of that practice set, so if youve already done the practice set twice you could only get 70% tops on the third attempt.Thanks to the staff!",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I was able to follow the course and keep the pace but I got lost on factorial ANOVA. The professor is great but the course feels rushed through. It would be great if more time was spent on actual explanation of main concepts, since many here are the beginners in stats. I will try again, hopefully will get it this time.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Functional Programming Principles in Scala is one of the best courses for those who want to start with Scala and learn about its functional aspects and where to apply them. It introduces the language of Scala and is a great course for those who want to explore into the functional programming aspect of Computer Science. The concepts are explained lucidly and the assignments are relatively difficult and help the individuals to apply the learnt concepts in an incremental manner. I was really excited on taking this course, and it has lived up to all my expectations from it.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Briiliant course! It gives you very solid fundamentals for all other courses of the Graphic design specialization. The teacher is very passionate, loves his subject and can make all ideas very understandable. The course helps to believe in inner strenght and creativity. I loved it so much! Thanks for this amazing 4 weeks!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +The way the prof. teaches is really amazing . I got all whatever he said and i really enjoyed the course.Thanks to Coursera team for putting up this course for begginers like me and special thanks to the Professor .,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"very useful, but hopefully, there will be some slides for learning.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Very good course, I really wish for a next more advanced level course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +I thought it was going to be good. Did the first week videos and Lectures. But I feel cheated because it will not let me take the quiz to move on without paying for the course. No where did I ever see anything that said ahead you had to pay -- if you didnt want a certificate or to do the whole specialization. Coursera used to be a platform I used and recommended. No more.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I have certainly learned more about myself....,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course tells you to use a timer while studying without the TV on and to avoid procrastination. It also stresses review while learning. This isnt anything new. The course discusses diffuse and focused modes. Diffuse modes are described as being as important as focused modes. Running, day dreaming and sleep can help enter diffuse modes and integrate focused learning. Save you time and skip this course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Very boring,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The professor is very knowledgable. However, the course has too much memorized stuff to remember (especially when students try to finish the tests). One more thing, though at the beginning of the class, the professor notified that Beatles songs wont be played in the class due to copyright reason, but when students really go through the whole class, it is very hard to follow. Isnt music all about feeling? But the class is more like a history class. : (",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The Course was Too Good , A good understanding for the Project Management in terms of business thinking , It seemed that phase of classes was little bit fast , recommend to add more guest lectures,interviews to be tucked along within the course relevant to concepts. Waterfall model was one missing , after earning cert i feel that under eminent dean emeritus classes the time spent and effort is all worthy.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I have loved this course. It is a very useful lecture where I have learn how to improve dramatically the way I was studying English language. The Pomodore technic, and the app Barbara spoke answering to a student, is very useful. besides, following what I learned in this course I have increased the amount of hours and I am much more focused in what I am doing.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"At first the topic was not as concrete as I would like however after I got into the rhythm of the course, and the more practical frameworks of the course, and was more proactive about the coursework, assignments and grading component I really am enjoying the course. Would highly recommend.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Its very worth taking.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Excellent course! I loved taking this course.Eventhough I did not learn much new, I got assurance via this course, that what and how I cook for my 2 year old is healthy and the right way. ;)While seeing some of the videos, I found it funny that I actually cook basically exact same way as Mrs Adams.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is class is practical, packed with great information on how to cook and eat healthy. I really enjoyed it!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course contents and assignments are clear and well-structured. Compared to the algorithms & data structures courses, this one was a lot easier (for me anyway). I would have liked additional content on, for instance, (Markovian) grids/fields, but perhaps this will be covered in the advanced algorithms course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +Very good introduction. light-weight explanations.Better animations and videos could enhanced the learning process.questions are too easy.Needs more complex tasks to integrates the different sections together.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Im a big fan of Classical music specially of the classical and romantic eras (I listen and practice on piano - my ultimate instrument - too) since many years ago, there were always questions rolling on my head regarding these eras and their most important composers but i never got the guts to search deeply for my answers among the scattered information every where, all this happened before i participated in this course.On this introductory course, i gained a lot of information and my perceptions of the music generally is expanded hugely in a way i never expected :) :) :)Before this course i was an ordinary listener, now im a much way better listener; and im sure this will have a positive effect on my piano practicing too.Thank you very much Craig Wright, you really did a great job and efforts on simplifying a lot of information and display it in a very easy, organized, and pleasant way, and thank you very much Yale University and every one who participated, supported, and made available any information during the time of this course...you all really made a difference in my life.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The content of the course is excellent. Descriptions are also excellent and very complete. The course has been created so that most people can understand whats happening here (even if youre new to programming).Im only giving this 4 stars because there are some things that make this course too slow, in my opinion. I dont think you need to mention which file we are working on [after the first couple of times] because we can easily see that by the name of the file and the browser of Sublime. Those are a few seconds that are a waste of time.Secondly, I think that the questions in the practice questionnaires are a bit too easy. I didnt feel like they prepared me enough for the project at the end of week 2. You mostly ask if something is true/not which is too easy to guess. I think you would greatly improve the quality of the course if you designed some mini-situations. For instance (not sure if Coursera allows it), show a mini mockup and give 10 lines of code. Then ask how you will add another div to the top right of the mockup so that it aligns with the current code without breaking. Making those exercises not the same as your lecture code is going to help improve self-awareness. Currently, I think that people find it way too easy to select the right answer, since its easy to remember what you said and what not.I also understand that you wanted us to like the page for good reasons (because you look an extremely radiant and happy person) but I think you oversold it a bit. You should have mentioned that once or twice, but no more. Seeing it in a few of the examples wasnt quite my cup of tea.On a good note, I was extremely [pleasantly] surprised when you did that real world project thing. That was an amazing idea and youre executing the details quite well (not writing 100% code on-screen, etc.). I really like how you sometimes say that we should look up the reference by ourselves, since thats what most programmers do (I study CS and after 3 years, plus a 6 month internship at a big company, this cant be more true).Im definitely giving this a 5* if you fix the questions to be harder and a bit more different to what you said in the respective video. They should make you think. Also, some of them could be open answers, requiring you to recall classes/code by memory (or cheat by watching the video). It would be nice if the answer was in some reference, so people could learn to use that too.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course inspires me to observe, think about and analyze our media, culture and the society as a whole. After finishing the course, my horizon has been broadened, and I ammore interested in getting to know and read more about communication science as a way to support my career planning. I feel very glad that I took this course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"decent course overall, but problem solutions are much missed. even after completing the course perfectly im still not sure how I got some answers.for example: approximate f^(72)(0) of cos(x^3). I figured the way to solve it, but I hove no idea why it is solved that way.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Not as good as the other courses. I do wish another instructor could have done the videos. I had a very hard time staying with this course due to my frustration with instructor style of communicating. I felt like to much basic info about marketing especially traditional vs digital advertising. Most of us, get that. I dont know when Ive struggled so hard to keep my attention and focus on the material. This specialization starts with a bang and ends very boring and outdated feeling.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,1,0,1 +The course is a lot about talking and theory which is not very interesting. Final part of course is trying to work with hadoop using virtualbox and provided virtual image.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +The lectures and practicals are very easy to understand. The programming homework is a little bit hard for a python beginner to finish. I wish there are more hints or test examples. It would be better to include some reference papers for those who are more interested in the sequencing techniques and methods to read by themselves. And it would be very nice to have a summary slide at the end of the course.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Interesting and well structured, easy to follow. Some videos were a bit too long, but the concepts were well explained. Everything was clean and clear. I enjoyed it.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really liked this course, I think it has broadened my mind to a whole world that my heart and my intellect were expecting for so long. I enjoyed every single part, from the classes to the activities. The only think I would add at some point (maybe towards the end), would be an experts feedback so we can challenge ourselves a little bit more. I would really recommend it and of course, I will keep going with the specialization.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Very informative and easy-to-follow.Please make more courses on nutrition.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"The content was amazing, i cant be happier with what i learnt. Thanks for sharing all of that knowledge!As an opportunity area, i would say it was hard to follow some of the speakers because they spoke monotonous, the content was very dense and perhaps in those cases some graphic content in the video could help.Thank you, great course, great project!",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"When I started this course, my only experience with HTML was bold, italic, and underline. After this course I have a much clearer understanding of what HTML is, and how it works, and I am able to now use it to a much greater extent than I was before.The professor did an excellent job of explaining most things, but I did find that on occasion I had to stop the video and go back several times to understand what shed said or to take notes, despite having slowed the video down as much as possible. (In my opinion, one should be able to slow the video down more than is currently possible, especially for those for whom English is not their native tongue.) With me, it wasnt that I didnt understand what she said so much as I didnt have time to take in what she meant before shed gone on to something else.I understand that Coursera is able to do what it does because of its method, which is basically independent study; one watches the videos, and reads whatever resources are listed, and goes on from there. If there is a question, it is not the professor in the videos that the question is asked of, but people hired as teaching aides. These are the people (other than fellow students) who answer your questions, and they do not always answer in a timely fashion. While this method works well for some people, I am quite sure there are others unable to learn with this method, especially if the subject turns out to be a more complicated, intensive one. Some people need to have a little more than just videos which they can only repeat over and over with the same information, hoping to learn something new from it.The only other thing I have a problem with is the lack of oversight/security. Theres no way of knowing if the person who earns a certificate is the person they claim to be, or if they earned the scores given.All in all, I think Coursera is a great tool, and well worth the low prices charged; I am sure there are plenty of courses still remaining (after the purge) that I would love to take.",1.0,1,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I really enjoyed during all my training video because mentor Sir (David) is great trainer the way he gives information as brief as possible and precise to course. Which result I able to get my First Course Certification from the option of Coursera Study Plan for (Distance Education) from well renowned Universities. Here I would also appreciate the aid program which let me enroll easily and I have gotten my certification and full training under this course. Thanks Coursera & Aid program for us.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I cannot complete the course due to installations problem of the software required even if I have all the requirements needed on my laptop.,0.0,0,0,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course is a very good place to start learning programming. Although I have a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering, I still found the delivery style in the course very interesting. It is a great course for someone who is trying to learn how to program. Python, as a language itself is very intuitive and this course helps a new learner understand the basics of programming as well as learn the language easily.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"There is a lot of self-teaching with these courses because there are no professors present to reach out to with questions. In addition, the course staff do not always respond promptly nor are they fully knowledgeable about all aspects of error messages that may arise out of coding. At times the code that were provided in the lecture videos were out of date and a lot of time was spent on googling to find the updated code. This is definitely not a beginner coder course and I do not recommend it to anyone who has not coded before.",1.0,0,0,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +All this peer grading nonsense is garbage. If we are gonna pay 63$ a month of something we can at least get the proper grading system included.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I wanted to like this course, but (and perhaps its a mathematician thing) the teacher just kept doing stuff without explaining WHY he is doing the stuff. He is very animated and a good presenter but, even when I understood what he was saying, I couldnt get past the why is he doing this? It is never self-evident for me.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I didnt like this course as much. Mostly because the peer reviews were strict and unforgiving and as an experienced, essay writer, I didnt feel I needed the rigid, boring academic structure required for this assignment. However, I made it through with a decent mark so Im grateful for it.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course was interesting and contained a lot of information. However, the quiz questions are not all answered in the lectures. Several times I had to go to outside sources to answer some questions. Please go through your quiz materials and make sure that the answers are presented clearly in the lectures. Or more easily, rewrite the quizzes to contain only lecture material.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The algorithms presented in this course are interesting. However, the quizzes contain some questions that have no apparent relation to the content of the lectures, and some questions about details of the presented algorithms which are explained in neither the lectures, nor in the papers from which the lectures are derived. Also, most of the sample implementations will not run on a modern computer. They only work on Windows with Java 6 installed.",0.0,1,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I have gained a lot from this class especially since i deal with special children the strategies and goes about me has give me a lot to boost my teaching skills. How to understand the child and control them has solved a lot of my queries and thus helped me.Thanks a lot for this great opportunity to learn more,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I very much enjoyed the course overall. Lectures from week 2 to week 5 were a little bit tedious in my opinion, not because of the content, but due to the way the lecture was presented. I suggest that by the end of the course, one could see the correct answers (with explanation) of the quizzes, since that would help learning. I enjoyed the course and I learned a lot. I thank the coursera staff and the UW faculty who made this possible.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Overall, course quality is good and have a appropriate level of knowledge for new analysts. I will recommend for who begins learning about data analytic.Need improve:Some of the subtitles are wrong.Examinations need have more explanations, they will be helpful when we choose the wrong answer.I need to wait too long for reviewing someone in the end of course. Please consider this.",1.0,0,0,1,1,0.0,0,0,0 +"im in week 4 , cant master data analysis in Excel",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"You will have to make a Scratch account (free) for this course.Areti is a very clear instructor that explained concepts very well for complete beginners into programming, like myself and I found the course insightful.1) Presentation - I couldnt help but wonder whether they had a lower target age (teenagers or younger) in mind, which was entertaining at some points but also distracting at other times. // Also, I only realized halfway through the course that it is in fact possible to see what Areti is doing on the Scratch program once the quality of the video is adjusted.2) Projects/Time Commitment - Going through the lectures and quizzes are not time consuming at all, but the projects (especially the final project) takes a lot of time. It took longer than expected because I felt like much of the practical instructions on how to use Scratch for specific purposes were not provided during the course, leaving me to work by myself.3) Discussion Forum - When I took the course, the discussion forum was close to being dead (especially compared to some of the other courses that I was taking simultaneously on Coursera). Gerry (mentor) did an amazing job responding to my inquiry, but I noticed that although there were a lot of students talking at the beginning, introducing themselves, there werent that many discussions concerning the final assignment, making me feel like I was working alone. It would be great if there was more time to work on the final project, and perhaps a way in which students can collaborate and help out others when faced with a bug (ie preliminary project submission and feedback session).I recommend taking this course, but realistically, you wont be program proficient after 5 weeks. You will, however, learn some basic programming theory, understand how programming works, and learn how to make a fun interactive game on Scratch!",1.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +I have always wanted to learn deeply about Beethovens Sonatas as I listen to them on a daily basis.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +A lot of calculation errors and incorrect answers,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course is very good. I have learned a lot of things from the theoretical and practical parts of the course. I like the mathematical derivations and the signal of the day. I wish you can give advanced course about adaptive filter design, advanced digital communications and audio processing. Thanks to the staff!",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"I think this course told by Andrew Ng is very precious for me,who is studying software engineering in university and focus on programming but not algorithm last years.Its hard to find good primer teaching materials on website. But now, after finishing this course, I think I have the ability to learn more about machine learning myself.Thanks to Andrew Ng and Coursera.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is one of the best series of courses I came along in online MOOC platform, such a brilliant course, this whole specialization is brilliant, such a interesting projects, Im disappointed that I live in country that isnt that much wealthy to help this Specialization and to be able to do Capstone Project , but I wish all the best hope to finish all in time, this is in my top 3 online MOOC Courses and I saw a lot of them.I wish all the best to this team and people that made this possible.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"While the last module of this course is very interesting and kept with the specialization, the first 5 modules are a waste of time for the most part. Why would I want to learn about AT&T for two weeks? The amount of useful concepts introduced in the first 5 modules wont take more than 15 minutes if unnecessary things were removed.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course was a great start on the road to game design. The material was delivered in a fun and easy to understand manner. In the end, I was extremely excited and proud of the simple game I made. I would highly recommend this course as a starter for anyone looking to get into game design!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Sometimes too much mathematics.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Its very challenging for me...,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Professor Roughgarden makes algorithms cool. With his passion for the topic you cant help but get excited about it too. I feel like I got a deep understanding of the topics covered versus just learning a recipe to sort an array. Looking forward to more.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Very good course, the content is great and well organized. The slides with code are a bit of an embarrassment for the University of California. The code is presented on what looks like a power point slide with bullets so the formatting and alignment is totally messed up, and then there are no shortage of typos and code errors. But, the material is very good and Ira Pohl does an excellent job presenting it.All in all a great course and exactly what I was looking for.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I would like to express my gratitude to the Coursera and LMU .The course is done perfectly : not boring , interactive , quizes and excellent explanation in details by professor Tobias. I acquire a lot of knowledge from this course and I strongly believe that this course will expand not only by skills but also career perspective.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Great course for those who have zero programming experience. The course is very well structured and designed to walk you through the learning process to more advanced material in the future courses. The assessment is done through interactive assignments and quizzes.Im glad to have a privilege of taking this course and would like to thank Dr. Chuck, University of Michigan and Coursera for this wonderful opportunity!Thank you!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I was interested in the topic. The course itself seems like just a starting point with understanding dealing with missing data. I wanted to know more and see more examples than the videos offered. I also would have appreciated including examples from more than just R, though I did appreciate the minimal discussion of other statistical software that are available for statistical analysis when it did occur.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"As for information in course itself, it was interesting for me to enroll and to be part of the course.But I highly dislike that there was a feeling of that the lecturer is trying to remember any things right while the video goes. It is not a real class, it is a video and it could be done much more accurately. There were many many boring moments, while management itself is not a boring discipline, it is very interesting.Anyway I am glad I participated in the course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Because I dont know Java (yet) and the homework can only be submitted in Java, I audited this course. Time well spent! Even without working the exercises, the lectures were easy to follow and highly interesting. I picked up several things that will likely help me write better code.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Overall, I enjoyed this course, but it gave just a bit too much information on cognitive studies in other species, and it left me still wanting to learn more about dogs. The last 2 weeks were great! The professor was engaging and his work was very interesting, but he said ummm and ahhh so many times that it was a little distracting. The quizzes were good, but some of the questions were worded very oddly so I just couldnt get them right without several attempts. I didnt feel like he covered dog emotion at all. I thought there would be some discussion of facial expressions, the meaning of different tail wags, and the extent of dog emotion (for example, how they grieve and how long they grieve after a loss).",1.0,1,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"What this course can improve is it should adopt the habit of thinking more instead of writing. Because in the week 5, the quiz is much more difficult than all the exercises we have done in previous weeks. And we dont have the guide step by step like previous weeks. I do know we have a week 5 quiz guide. However, when you write queries, sometimes, you do think your logic is right and query is right, why cant I get the same answer with the choices?And when I finish the quiz and look back to the answer, I even cant find the logic difference between answers and mine but the reality is I cant get the correct result. There is only one diff I have found in one specific question, that is, I didnt use the same format to define one constraint. But I do think my way is also fine and I also get an answer I think is totally correct from the logic.So I do suggest the answers should not be single sometimes, you should consider some specific formats or situation when students write their own queries. Dont give simple answer, give the reason why you are correct.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Personally, I would recommend this course to anyone who really wants to learn how things work in that sort of algorithms. I found the assignments a little difficult, but also extremely helpful.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Hard, but so well worth the effort. After finishing the class, I am not intimidated to writing in Mandarin Chinese any more. The pace is quite sustained, so do not skip, as the lessons are carefully strung together so as to make the building blocks of the foundation of the written language more understandable, like a building code. 15-stroke words? Fine! I now can decipher their components AND I remember the vocabulary a lot better, because it is anchored as a visual marker as well. Good luck! Keep practicing! I loved every moment of my class and cannot recommend it highly enough.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Much more emphasis on statistical analysis than on experimental design. Seems out of place with the rest of the specialization in terms of both length and subject matter. Course assessments seem to test in-depth knowledge of coding in R (which isnt gone over in sufficient detail in lectures, rather students are told to look it up in more detail on their own; however, the class is already longer and more in-depth than all the others in the specialization!) more so than experimental design or statistics. Should be less detailed, or split into multiple courses, or at least should have an introductory lesson(s) or prerequisite course on basics of how R works - I found it extremely frustrating trying to learn about and conduct statistical analyses in a system of which I had only minimal working knowledge.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Introductory Level Course.Nothing much on analytical methods.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course Info was too simple. While the explanation of Why Galaxy and what the idea behind it was great, the content taught by the videos was more than basic. All this I have learned by trial and error myself, and I completely missed the info of WHY using THIS tool and not others. About extra options we did not talk at all.Additionally, after all these easy lectures and quizzes we were left with the final assignment that was super-hard. The vidoes only prepared for 1/3 of the workflow asked for, and for the rest one was left alone with a tool that was suboptimally introduced. Furthermore, the galaxy instance was crashing regularly, making the convenient batch tool impossible to use.While I liked the idea of grading each other, it was too much work, as everybody got different answers, because of too hard questions. Therefore I spent quite some time on grading, which I did not expect",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Algorithmic Toolbox consists of a series of slides containing slimmed down explanations on introductory algorithmic concepts, followed up with programming assignments. The slides are the centrepiece of the course, as the presenters rarely stray from the bullet points and pseudocode theyre comprised of.I learned a lot during this course. Although, to gain confidence in your knowledge, this is a course that will require you to seek out additional materials to supplement your learning. Perhaps unsurprising being an introductory course, but the presenters struggle when faced with setting expectations.Throughout the course presenters often gloss over fairly complex concepts, treating them as they were trivial knowledge. This applies to mathematical definitions, proofs where most steps are skipped, tree diagrams without the context of their underlying theory, or bullet points used in place of what could be detailed explanations.All material is left equally weighted. Rather than providing explanations like: We dont need to go into detail on this, only x concept from it is important for what we want to focus on. Reference this chapter in this book for more detail. presenters would read mathematical definitions verbatim from the slides and move on. I was often unsure of how much I would need to know about such concepts.In terms of communication ability, the presenters dont hold up against many of the free/low-cost services Im accustomed to using, for example: MIT OpenCourseWare, Udacity, edX, Khan Academy, Code School, Treehouse, etc. Perhaps unsurprising, as these competing services often feature professional communicators rather than professional researchers. But the marketplace for quality online education is definitely becoming a competitive one. Users now expect nothing less than presenters with exceptional communication/teaching ability.In most videos the presenters read verbatim from the slides and motion with their hands to explain concepts that would be better broken down on a whiteboard. Rarely straying from the slides, the times the presenters go into more depth on a concept, you get a scribble in the corner of a slide, lacking the clarity Ive come to expect when approaching complex concepts from master educators like YouTuber PatrickJMT or Khan Academy. After a couple weeks into the course, I just went straight to the slides, read MITs Introduction to Algorithms, and skipped most of the course videos.But all things considered, the course served as a good curriculum to guide my focus through the introductory concepts, regardless of where I sought it out.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Good overview, but some of the content is just quickly mentioned and not put into practice. Give more room to use in examples, create action, tell stories. Some of the lecturers were just reading down the notes wer already see in front of us and were not finishing their sentences in an engaging way (sometimes they made comments in a very low tone) . Some of the sounds are not good quality (mono - just on one ear)",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Thank you for providing such great courses!I really learned a lot from this course about the mysterious Machine Learning topic.And also the way you organize this cool learning platform impressed me. Many learners and volunteers join the helpful and mind-opening discussion.Besides the fantastic video, the lecture note is so informative and helpful for learners.Thanks!",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"Course itself is a 4 star, pretty good. The service from Coursera a one star. An assignment was submitted by the deadline but was never reviewed. Course closed and they say I have to enroll in the next course. What a huge pain. Wont take Coursera classes again for certificate.",0.0,0,0,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"About: First Lessons contain some Interface/Questionnaire errors.Hi, I reckon its a tad too early to rate this course since it is only going to start - but I didnt see another option to contact the Course Administrator other than trough the rating process.When going through the introduction of this course, there were multiple errors in the Quizzes/Q&As. EG: On a question with 1 correct answer, the solution page would also show the clearly wrong answers as correct (or correct, well done). There were several examples like this. It was only a bit confusing at start (this is my very first course on Coursera, maybe its common thing to happen.)There was also no option in these videos to thumb-up or -down vote, or to report a problem, like I had seen on other courses.In my opinion the videos were well spoken and easy to understand, and they included everything one could think of when first considering to start playing the guitar. Only the beginning of the first video had a slight feeling of Ok, Im a bit annoyed to do this now but that could easily be a misinterpretation or a strategy to capture interest. ;-)I do believe its a good thing that T. shows all the possible extras one can buy for a guitar, half of which no guitar player I know owns and which, all together would cost almost as much a beginner guitar, but I believe he omitted that guitar strings generally live longer when you clean the strings with a cloth where you touched them after playing. Thats a good maintenance practice if you cannot afford to buy 2 sets of strings every month.Maybe a good addition would be that guitars/instruments can also be rented for relatively cheap, instead of having to spend 500-1000 before even knowing what to look (listen) for when buying a guitar.To me the questions until now were a bit too easy but thats Ok. I might be studying with people half my age so thats fine. Especially the first questions should not be frightening but at least tickle your brain a little bit instead of just repeating a word from the video.Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to study with you (all) !Sincerely, Xavier Weydert",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +When I started this class I had only the fuzziest notions about what machine learning really is. By the end I had a solid understanding both of the underlying mathematical principles used in machine learning and of the practical considerations for applying it to real world problems. I really enjoyed Professor Ngs lectures and the course mentors are very knowledgeable and helpful. The programming exercises did a lot to reinforce the weeks material. The time estimates are pretty good too which made it easier for me to organize my schedule and get all the work done. Im very happy with the course and looking forward to using machine learning in my projects.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course wonderful and just suffer from some shortcomings. First, it assess by the peers, sometime people just say great, wonderful. It surely dont help students who come here to improve themselves. Next, sometimes it is take too much time for assessments. There is no forum or somewhere that you can discuss about the course. There in one to ask about your ambiguity.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I enjoyed the pace of this class however, I was not too keen on the way code is graded, e.g. for the final project of the 3rd week, although my code validated and the resulting page was identical to the instructors mockup, it was still marked incorrect in the quiz and there was no way to determine exactly what the issue was. There has to be a better way to grade coding assignments.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Good course.But I wish there was a final assignment which covered all the weeks like a module exam to revise what we have learnt in all 4 weeks,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course gives a very clear foundation for machine learning. The course is by no means complete or comprehensive, but given the vastness of the subject that is not possible either. A substantial amount is covered every week in the lectures, and completing the assignments definitely made me feel like I learned something. The quizzes are well crafted and gauge not just cursory, but deeper understanding of concepts. The instructor, Prof. Ng makes the lectures very engaging, and teaches everything in a structured manner.The only improvements this course needs is with regards to comprehensiveness. For students who wish to delve even deeper into the concepts mathematically, there should be more optional lectures. Lacking that, a list of further reference material will certainly be of big help.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course is both tough and interesting. The interesting bit comes from developing a model for a credit card company, which is a rather creative and captivating process. The tough part is in hectic learning of a vast array of statistical terms, often poorly explained – and alost never applied to practice (it is true that some of statistical metrics are applied in quizzed but it is unclear whats their purpose besides computing yet another number).",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I want more additional lecture please prof fowler.. very longed! to learn multivariate, parametric, differential equations, linear algebra, analysis and so on. I will wait for your lecture sincierely..",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I did like the course BUT when you make the exercises and post something on the forums... OMG... Huge mistake... you start getting replies of EVERYTHING so... you can have 20 emails a day because other people are doing their exercises and posting on the forum, the worst is that is no way to turn off those....",0.0,0,0,1,0,1.0,0,0,1 +Too simple and lack of practice exercises!,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I love this dude; very entertaining professor who is easy to understand. The class itself was also very interesting and i learned a lot that i can apply to my current position as a senior analyst at an industry research firm.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Good course that gets you going with Unity3D. Very simple to follow the hands-on lectures, just repeat in your own editor. The assignments are very easy, this is the easiest course Ive completed on Coursera. Very basic coding involved, and you dont need to write anything from scratch. I will take the next Course offered by Michigan State University as well!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Good, concise course.The reason I didnt give it a higher rating is because I found it difficult (not impossible) to follow some of professor Eyal Naveh speach. His first language is not English, so I do not expect him to speak perfect English. However, I would expect the subtitles/transcript not to have basic mistakes. This became important when professor Naveb interview another person in Hebrew, as I found I could not really trust the subtitles.I think it wouldnt take much to make it an excellent course.My cheeky suggestion is to have a specialisation with The Emergence of the Modern Middle East by Professor Asher Susser as nucleus and a series of shorter, more in depth courses on certain of the bigger countries, such as Egypt, Turkey and Iran, similar to this one on Israel.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +"In general this was an easy, interesting and enjoyable course, Video interviews and lectures by key researchers in this exciting field were a highlight. Its an introductory course so not deep, but fun.A couple of things significantly detracted from the course for me.One was a feeling of unqualified evangelism. I think the microbiome is indeed a hugely important field, but the level of hype here, and lack of any critical perspective, was off-putting. This is particularly disturbing for products like probiotics, which have become a huge industry with little solid evidence to support them, or to choose between them. Also, they devote a lot of time to selling the American Gut Project. Which is a good cause, but I would rather they had spent that time teaching me something useful. I resent being duped into watching ads when Ive signed up to be educated.The other thing that bothered me was the course required us to divulge a lot of personal information to other students in pointless, time-consuming projects. I didnt learn anything from these projects and found them annoying.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"It was a great course. I learned a lot of new things and some concepts I knew already I now understand much better. Some assignments was really tough, but it was a great learning experience.I had a little head start because I had taken another game programming course before, but that time it was in Python.C# is a little bit different, because you have to specify the data types for all the variables, which you dont need in Python.I really loved to work with XNA and MonoGame and Ill probably will later in the future too.I really recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn game programming within C#:Though if youre a total beginner and never had any programming experience whatsoever, you may have a hard time on some assignments.Overall a very good course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Good starting point but very slim on the whys and the hardware is quite unlike anything youd find in real life. In addition, I feel they leave too much unsaid and rely on visual comprehension far too much. I had to use the book to figure out the last two weeks. Overall, I did learn the more practical sides of hardware that other textbooks failed to convey. If they would add a Status register and break branching into a separate instruction then Id be happy with the CPU.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Easy to understand and get hand-on exercise, and joyful",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +The course is very helpful. It has cleared many misconceptions I had. I am sure the Daily Report Card and Behaviour contract will prove to be very helpful. I just wish some more classroom behaviour management strategies could be shared.Thanks!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +very good is increible this course for practice,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The lectures from week 1 to week 3 are nice and useful to me, but I think there should be more details about the content in week 4. For example, I think the lecture about the Jeffreys prior skipped many things and I did not understand this concept very well.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course has a lot of info to offer. The instructor is enthusiastic and provides lots of helpful links to articles, books, and resources that are really useful. I also appreciate that there is a portion of the course dedicated to social issues in games, which often get overlooked or dismissed.However, the course appears to have been restructured at some point, which can make the videos confusing, as they refer to things you havent learned yet or make you wonder if you accidentally skipped a video somewhere. That said, I also dont think the current structure is ideal, because what youre learning is sometimes at odd with the structure of the assignments—for instance, a game design doc isnt finished until a game is nearly done while a prototype should come early in the process. So why does the game design doc assignment come before the prototype assignment?Also, while I appreciate that the instructor attempted to make the quizzes and grading more fun, the resulting options are often misleading or unclear. For example, the typical grading options are 1) You barely did it or didnt do anything, 2) You went above and beyond, and 3) This is pretty epic. If the person satisfied the requirements but didnt add anything else, do they really only deserve a 1? I didnt grade that way, but the options suggest I could have. Also, if the question is Is this a zip file? these options dont make sense at all.Overall though, I recommend this course and give it 4 stars for the level and variety of information it covers.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +The quality of videos is not good. There is some absurd voice in between. Also the course for week 3 has information related to finance which is beyond understanding levels of a person with no financial background.,1.0,0,0,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course gave an overview of hiring and developing talent, but had far fewer actionable takeaways than the first course in the specialization. I found Cheri Alexanders sections to be extremely long-winded, unclear, and redundant. Also, I like the idea of mixing up the assignment format, but creating three movies is a lot to ask for a management course, especially when the same assignment could easily have been done in another format - it felt forced. Also, I found that the order for some lectures seemed off and the flow between instructors was not as seamless as it had been before. For instance, we were asked to create a development plan at the end of a week about hiring and before the week on development.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This is one of the hardest courses Ive ever taken. The theory part reminded me of Differential Equations, which got rid of about half of my electrical engineering class. Then they ask you to program it in Python!! Theres a lot of great theory and deep explanations and hands-on coding.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"A powerful toolbox for learning and for empowering your life. I have started to put a lot of simply exercises and techniques taking from this course into my real life, day to day, not only for learning but also for working and I have gained confidence in my learning skills after some years. Incredible course, totally recommendable for everybody at any age!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I really liked this course. Dr. Oakley did a great job. Ive already used some of the methods mentioned in this course to go after some work certifications that Ive had difficulty with. I am a huge procrastinator and I felt like this course was created for me and people like me to try and get a handle on my ever challenging issue that I battle with everyday.Thank you,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The content of the course is very nice. Especially the part about the instruments is very good. Its good to see exact instruments of them. Hovewer, I think, a course about music should include a little bit music :) It will be better to figure out the problem about copyright. I prepared a Spotify list that includes the songs mentioned during the course but Its better to listen the music or see the lyrics during the course.Thank you very much :)",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"If you enjoyed the first course in this specialization, youll enjoy this course, as its much of the same. The class is more of an independent studio session rather than an instructional course. If youre looking to work with a single visual subject for a few weeks (but lack the discipline or knowledge to do so on your own), this course will benefit you. If youre looking to save money, perhaps stick to just the first class in the specialization (or take this one if youre only interested in image-making).",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Took the free version of this course to learn some basic building blocks of Android app dev and to dive back into programming, already having Java knowledge from long ago. For my purposes it was a good intro. For a totally new coder this might not be best as there isnt deep explanation of the code itself. But for the rest, it allows you to quickly dive in.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This was an amazing course! The format was fantastic and easy to follow and Dr. Brian hare was an engaging speaker, which the videos wonderful to watch. I also really liked that it was self-paced because then I could really try out the Dognition exercises with my dog and have the time to read the book.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Overall a good introduction course to Big Data. It could have been more condensed and contain more programming exercises.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +"I do not remember having been in a course where concepts were so easily applicable. In addition, it clarified me so many technical questions about the techniques I used in my day-to-day and helped me to define a new approach to my career, now focusing to the Internet of things",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"great but a little bit complex, you could better learn the book first",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +"The course is great otherwise, however the certificate of this course just completed Data Management and Visualization with no mention about the skills learnt or the grade attained.Primary reason I enrolled to the course was to list SAS (basic) as a skill in my resume, however the certificate does not mention anything about SAS. If at least the certificate said completed Data Management and Visualization with SAS, it would be a good value for money.I strongly recommend Coursera should look into this. Thanks!",0.0,0,0,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"Hello, I want to send my congratulations and gratefulness to the teachers: Robyn Turner and Brian McManus, as well as to the tecnical team whose amaizing work makes possible the offer of this course. This is my first course in coursera, I enjoyed it a lot and learned many usefull things taht are helping in develop my career. Thanks a lot.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"While I enjoyed this course and the topics covered, I dont feel like the course content matched what the course description stated it was supposed to. I enrolled in the Business Analytics Specialization course with a focus on analyzing a business from the inside, not outside. Of the 4 weeks of the course, Id say that only week 4 was valid from an internal perspective but it was kept very high level. Id say this course could be good for a specialization in business market analysis, but not as advertised.I also found the cartoon classroom questions to be very annoying, almost as bad as fingernails on a blackboard.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The professor, the explanations, the video lectures, slides, graphics, examples and interviews helped me to understand what is F&B management. The units were very well organized and the topics were very well explained. The course gave enormous pleasure from the beginning to the end. Loved! Thanks for everyone that worked hard to make this course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The Instructor is excellent and easy to follow. The readings were rich with information. The subject matter is very good, the quizzes reinforce the information instructed, and the testing is sufficient.I would rate the course a 4.5 with the exception of the Peer Review portion. The staff does not enforce the Rubric Instructions for the Peer Review(at least my experience).Most reviews do not critique, offer constructive criticism, and in some cases I am confident, the answers were not even read. I would like to know why a score was felt appropriate... if I received a 10, what worked so well? If the score was a 7, what can I do, in your opinion, to improve the answer? The overwhelming majority of reviews were simply very good, excellent, and nice job. These answers do not fulfill the rules outlined at the start of each course and I believe students not completing the Review properly should have their grades reduced or listed as incomplete.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"I really enjoyed it, the first modules where the ones i consider more important and tho it was pretty informative i would like to recommend the update of a few lectures and data of the same. In the case of the arrival of the spacecraft new horizons, i mean. But in general i really liked it, it compliments my college formation.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This was not just a course, but an experience in learning. The professor took us through a journey of learning about a topic very difficult understand, and patiently led us through the learning experience with right amount of maths and excellent use of examples, quotes etc., to keep the interest alive all through. I wonder if some such course on General Theory of Relativity can be there, even if that is perhaps more mathematical.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"In my university, I had to spend the whole semester only to study the theories of second language acquisition; my old-fashioned professors made me write down what they say and memorize all of them. And after 5 years of graduation, I dont remember a thing. BUT this course brought my old memories back and get them classified in a very simple and clear way; plus it didnt take so much time! I really enjoyed the course. Thank you Dr Shane!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"While I havent been able to keep up and submit most assignments, the material seems highly relevant and good to know. The videos are helpful and assignments provide good practice.Note: I am currently a software engineer and have an undergrad degree in Industrial Engineering (so I have some exposure to the concepts in the course).",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I wish the programming environment would be portable, so I did not invest my time in learning this in deep, I stay with my Max/Ableton. From the other point of view I liked this Course very much, it would be very interesting seeing more Links or Examples where I can deepen my interest.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"I really enjoyed this course and felt like I actually learned the material. The only reason I didnt give this course 5 stars, is that due to the issue of giving away the answers to quiz questions, there were a couple of quiz questions that I couldnt understand and unfortunately still dont. I think this is an area that could be improved.",1.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +The material is well presented and the instructors enthusiasm is really infectious. I did not finish calculus in college and this was a great way to revisit the material - and it is even presented so it makes sense! Very different from my first encounter with calculus. Thanks for producing the course!!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is one of the best courses in Coursera. This changes the way you study about a subject regardless of the field that you want to specialise in. Education psychology is one of the key things that helps you teach children how to learn. I believe if you know how to learn, you can learn anything!. Must take.. I am taking this for the second time in the same year.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +As someone with only (UK) high school level maths I just about managed to follow this. I am still confused by logarithms. I guess I should go and read the maths for computer science resource.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +"I really enjoyed this course. The material and videos were carefully made and very informative. The assignments were made that you can properly use the content learned from the lessons. The mentor/instructors are very knowledgeable. It goes without saying the instructors are reference in the Algorithms field.It is worth saying the assignments may require you to research extra resources, e.g. Algorithms 4th book.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I found the course was very confusing and the language used in the quizzes and exams didnt always match the language used in the lessons making it very difficult to understand what was wanted.For a non-specialist, statistics is almost always a struggle, intently making it more difficult by trying to use trick questions and application in the quizzes and exam beyond what was covered in the course makes it really really difficult for those of us who are naturals at math.I worked really hard in the course and finally made it thought all 6 weeks of the course but after one try at the final exam I said to myself enough is enough. I hate being a quitter, but I was not learning statistics and causing myself many headaches and feelings of inferiority and self-doubt because I just couldnt match the quiz and exam questions to the material covered in the course.Maybe other people are much smarter than I am, but this source was a soul and time killer for me.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Very difficult, but you will learn how to use SQL!",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Can be packed into a two-week course.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Good course, especially good is coverent grunt and gulp which is very useful, also angular is covered very well for start. I learned a lot, even if i have some of angular knowledge.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I learned a lot on this course. Sequencing, sequencing antibiotics. Ilumina sequencing using BaseSpace. I attended an Ilumina seminar in person ( that I found on the website and by serendipity was coming to my city) and understood everything, because the experience with this course. I wish you can connect the sections with relevant papers (Pavel have so many that is hard to choose one).",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This was my first experience on coursera.org certainly not the last one i hope. I loved this course and i have learned a lot journalism. Huge thanks to our professors John and Eve and to all the staff that made this experience a success.Best regards to you all from Morocco.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I had no previous background in game theory before taking this course. I am an undergraduate physics major with the corresponding mathematical competence (up to multivariable calculus, differential equations, etc.), and an introductory course in Discrete Math. So I had seen the set theory and summation notation before, but had no experience applying them to game theory.The instructors were excellent and clearly have a deep academic background in the subject, as well as a significant personal interest. This is important because they didnt come off as if they were just relaying information; they gave the impression of genuinely enjoying the material and even going into brief interludes about the motivation behind some of the definitions and examples from their personal perspectives, in addition to the more standard lecture material.The course is definitely an introduction, and doesnt go into most of the more formal proofs of the theorems used, nor does it use examples or homework problems that require a significant background in the subject. I found I was able to complete most of the problem sets within 4-5 hours, with an average of about 3 hours. But your mileage on this may vary, especially if youre less familiar with the mathematical notation and the style of problem solving used. This is not to say the problems are not difficult, because they are! Many of them are non-intuitive and require you to think around corners, or consider methods of thinking and problem-solving that are not commonly used in math and the natural sciences. This, I think, is a byproduct of game theorys preeminent figure -- John Nashs -- unique approach to mathematics. He was famous for using highly intuitive, non-rigorous ways of coming to conclusions before proving them more formally. Thus, the field is a bit unconventional in its methods and approach, and wont be automatically accessible just because someone has already had exposure to advanced math or science. It requires time and careful thought to develop a deep understanding of. But I found that this effort was well rewarded by the end of the course where I started to see all the earlier theorems and techniques coming together to form a unified system of problem-solving capabilities.I strongly intend to take the advanced version of this course that is also offered on Coursera. As for this one, I recommend it to anyone interested in understanding the mathematics of games, competitive environments, and complex systems in general! Very well done by the instructors.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Video lectures did not provide much information. Coursework instructions were unclear (and had typos). I enrolled in November, but the course start date kept getting pushed back by a week or two at a time until it was ready 4 months later. With all of the extra time taken to put the course together, I expected to get a lot more out of it.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Hi. This is a great course which would be made even better with the small change I describe below. I was referred here by Nicole who was handling this as Support Case #1188060. I understand the mentors have been seeking this improvement for some time. Please let me know if I can clarify or assist in any way. Thanks in advance.---- Support Case #1188060 ----Hi. Im writing regarding the Machine Learning course taught by Andrew Ng of Stanford. I have learned there is a compilation of errata, known errors in the videos and course materials for each week, which has been made available in per-week links like the following:https://share.coursera.org/wiki/index.php/ML:Errata:_Week_7I found these links only after digging through discussions. In my own discussions afterwards, I learned that I wasnt the only one having trouble finding the errata. Apparently its a long-standing problem which creates extra work for mentors as well as slowing down students. Would it be possible to provide the errata links, or a link to the Machine Learning Course wiki, in a dedicated section of the Course Content? This would help a lot of people. Please see the discussion below for more perspective.https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning/discussions/RQNTlee5EeWTdBIkpCpI1QThanks for your consideration.Tom :-)",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Extremely poor help and feedback.Almost no replies on discussion forums from mentors/peers so many issues end up unresolved. Considering how difficult this course is compared to other courses, the lack of real assistance is appalling.Seemingly outdated lessons.A lot of errors I get come from version discrepancies. Lessons should be checked over. If I have to Google problems to complete step-by-step lessons, the lesson is extremely ill-prepared.This is enough to make me abort this specialization.",0.0,0,0,1,1,1.0,0,0,1 +"The course is very useless, there is no meat, only water - there is no substance - only talking around the topic. I am appalled that such research exists, and ashamed for the coursera",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +This teacher is an amazing teacher and made Calculus 1 and 2 both a lot more understandable than professors Ive had in person.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is definitely the Bible, or the Bhagwat Gita for Machine Learning. Prof. Andrew explains everything in very fine detail so that even persons having a non computer-science or a non-calculus background would be able to understand the concepts quite well. The Mentor(s), especially Tom has been really helpful in providing inputs to queries as well as on the programming assignments in the forums.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"I do not find very interesting this course. too many interviews. It could works for the first course, but not for the second. I was expecting to have more technical material and lessons.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I took this course to refresh my Data Structures and Algorithms knowledge in order to prepare for technical interviews, and Im glad I did. The lectures are great and the programming assignments are very well designed and have sufficient guidance. You really have to work on them. I would have liked more graded MCQs after lectures. This is also the first MOOC Ive completed, and it gives me a great sense of accomplishment!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I am just over half way of this course, but already convinced that this is the best introduction to MOOCs I could dream of. Not only is the subject clearly explained by Barbara Oakley and her team, the way your progress is measured and presented helps students to stay on track. I would have given five stars if the MOOC offered more formative tests and a wider variety of questions and assignments.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course is wonderfully presented in a very intuitive fashion. When you finish this course, you will remember absolutely everything learned. I am already finding numerous applications using various techniques.I would say this is a must for anyone interested in any field of research who is interested in expanding their programming knowledge.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Peer Assignment is not too clear,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Dr. Lent has been absolutely amazing! I love this course! I have always dabbled with html in the past but I had no clue how much has changed or SIMPLIFIED with the creation of HTML5! Dr. Lent has an awesome no-nonsense way of getting straight to the material without all the extra fluff that just wastes your time. Shes very personable and informative. Thank you, Dr. Lent!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Lectures are well-organized. Some assignments (e.g., Assignment 3, which involves merely understanding an algorithm, rather than proving correctness and approx. ratio) are extraordinarily stupid and somewhat tangential.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +So basically it cuts off. Its like it gives you part of the information and then drops off. They also speed through it much like my old math teacher in college whcih caused 73% of the class to drop. Now Im in them mist of it Paid for blue host. Paid for my web name and it looks like Im going to have to pay someone to finish it. So bascially what I got was a bunch of added on expenses and still no web site. I would not recommend this course.,0.0,0,1,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +Great course. I cant believe how much Ive learned at the end of it. Thank you Andrew. I hope one day to shake your hand for setting me down this path of learning. It was most appreciated. I hope whoever reads this will extend my thanks and this personal message down the line. Courseras massively open online education is a gift to the world.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I loved this course... It made me realise how small we are yet how big!!! It helped me understand various aspects of universe and also about quantum physics...Thank you so much for the course..,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +too hard to follow,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Quite informative.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Great working examples to learn Analytics in Financial Statement Analysis. Pace of videos was great. Working excel worksheet gives perfect hands on experience to vary and run the scenarios. Having done Introduction to Financial Accounting by same professor gave little bit more visibility into reading statements and understanding ratio analysis.Virtual Classroom is getting more new students in each course. I am looking forward to Advance Financial Accounting course.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +This is a really practical course - it explains enough of the maths but doesnt require a detailed understanding of it. My only reason for not giving 5 starts is that is starting to get dated. Needs to include decision trees - random forests and xgboost - which have become popular since this course was produced.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Some content is good and informative but theres a big problem with the teacher accent (adding a ch at the end of half the words) and his diction (hesitating on the other half the words). Also it seems that the course was created in a rush and lacks a lot of polishing(*). Sometimes the course assumes a good level in computer science and then 2 minutes later it explains how to do a decimal to binary conversion! This makes many videos boring but the slides are not provided so you really have to view the videos entirely. Ive followed much harder courses with pleasure but here it was torture to finish it. Also most of the course is just definitions of some specific terms and not practical explanations. I agree that defining a few words is important but here its just too much. *: Some videos are in reverse order, some are stopped in the middle of a sentence, some quizzes are bugged and dont give credit properly and theres nobody to help students...",1.0,0,1,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"Excellent class, and an even better interface now that it changed to always available.Prof. Noor explains with such clarity that even a 5 year old can learn about DNA.This is my 2nd time taking this class, and Ive seen already many positive changes in this 1st week alone.Thank you Coursera, Duke University, all participants in general, and a very special thank you to Prof. Noor, your contagious love for science spreads like wild fire.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Good course, although sometimes instructions/questions are unclear",0.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I came from a non-mathematical background and loved this course. While some of the subject matter when over my head (particularly the statistical analysis and formulas) I found Professor Shillers explanations and storytelling amazing. The extra 30minute guest lectures at the end truly added to the experience. Safe to say, if I had done this course at Yale in person, it would have been a very enjoyable time of my life.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really enjoyed the course, but i found out that there is not enough information about such aspects as vitamins, minerals and what happens to them while cooking, what methods of cooking are healthier, which helps most to preserve most of the nutritions and why, etc...Nevertheless, I really appreciate your job and it was amazing feeling to spend some time with you because it was helpful and i enjoyed listening to your speech, voices and the culture overall. The knowledge will certainly be useful! Will suggest this course to my friends :)Kind regards from your russian student!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I like the course structure and material. It starts off easy enough to get you interested and then throws at you challenges at early stage, if you are up for it.What I dont like is video session itself, some of instructors talk too fast and dwell much into topic, assuming you understood everything. And as way to composite that, they offer a resource links to help you understand.Then some of them have hard accent, its really difficult to follow them even for native speaker, yet alone for those whose English is second language.Now exercise and assignments are spot on but you are forced to relay on other sources to grasp everything. I doubt anyone taking this course has not reached for outer help at least once.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The instructor, Leigh Thompson, is excellent!This is one of the best leadership courses Ive taken so far on Coursera. While most courses are very superficial in content, this one goes into just the right depth, and presents many interesting insights.I look forward to auditing the rest of the courses in this specialization.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"it is good course for me and i study more thing of universe ,think you",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Its hard to review this course without looking back at the other previous courses. For me it was more about self discovery. Every lesson and concept learned in the past courses have become part of my workflow and it was able to see it during the time that I was working in my final project. My peers critics and opinions also helped me during this process, whenever I was not sure if something was working in my designs, someone pointed the problem or made a suggestion. A the end, I am extremely satisfied with my final project, I enjoyed every step of the process, and I discovered new talents thanks to this course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"The content of the course is concordent with the course title. Videos and readings are spread into weeks classified within topics. Quizzes are qualified, some of them were challenging :) Special thanks to Dr. Salzberg and Dr. Leek. Happy to take to course and stepping into Genomic Data Specialization. I am planning to take following courses.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"I understand it is a technical subject but going slide after slide reading the material without any clear explanation, is not learning is just reciting.It would have been better to try and put only half of the facts (we can always search for specific flag) and explain more about use cases.There has to be a better way to pass the materials.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course content is highly challenging and thats great for a sense of accomplishment. The biological problems motivates the biologist to go through the abstract mathematical concepts(but I have to admit there is a threshold where the biologist can not get it well anymore(greedy motifs, gibbs ...) and I wonder if he does really need it to be practical with day to day problems with chip array seq selex...)be ready you will struggle hard here",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Though I did not take the paid certificate option because I do not have the funds right now, I appreciate the fact that I can learn such wonderful techniques and tools from people who have been able to break through barriers in their own fields. Thanks to Drs. Oakley and Sejnowski, I feel like I have a lot of zombie super-powers now. If you want to know why you have not been doing so well with some courses, this is the class for you. Would probably be the best month of your life",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Before the course I didnt know much about music business but now I think I really know what which persons in the music business do and how it works. Im really gratefull for this course because I have to decide what I want to study and this also really helped me.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Thank you very much for this awesome course, I really enjoyed and learned alot from it.I really liked the selected topics, they act like an intro to some really interesting fields in the programming.Ive learned about NP multiple times but never found a use to it until now, the problems were really good and informative.I think the linear programming was pretty rushed, it shouldve been expanded over two weeks with more in details.Maybe add a problem or explain the use of duality .",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Very good, detailed course, I can recommend! Before that I knew nothing about SQL, now I have moved to higher level of analyst. Sometimes the instructions are not 100% clear, but it is minor problem.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"It is good that the professor was able to connect physical laws to day-to-day events and phenomena and help laymen like myself understand them through simple, less technical explanations.However, it would be better if the questions in the quizzes can be explained after attempts. Though I could retake the tests, sometimes, it is through sheer trial and error that I got some answers correct. In this way, true learning is not achieved.It would be good if the answers to the quizzes could be re-explained with parts of the lesson vides to draw the links. Sometimes, that link is not obvious. It is not immediately clear which part of the lesson pertained to which quiz questions and that made reviewing the lessons after getting answers wrong not helpful.I speak from a perspective of a student who has not taken physics since 14th grade.",1.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +With this course I learned the dos and dont of studying. I remembered how I think of myself as a dumb person way back in college when the truth is I just did a lot of wrongdoings in learning.I now gave great importance to sleep and exercise as part of learning.Thanks for the LHTL team. :),0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The instructor needs improvement on her presentation skills. She is just reading off the slides instead of providing more examples and scenarios to help student comprehend the material. I have to retake almost every quiz under her courses. In previous courses, I passed quizzes in one try. Please improve material or get a better instructor.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course was the most efficient and complete Ive ever watched. Im so gratefull that I have an opportunity to enhance my learning skills. These materials can be called gold without any doubts. I will try to put in practice everything Ive got in this course. Also, I want to say a tremendous Thank You to the creators and participants of this course! This work was worth doing.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Unfortunately as a course designed to teach Rails, it is poorly paced and has a few issues. The course content is spread out over three weeks as follows...Week 1 they go over setting up a Ruby on Rails development environment, which was fine. They also went over Git and Github. While you can access all of the course content on Github, you are never actually required to use Git for any of the work in the course, and it only shows up as a few questions on the only quiz in the course.Week 2 they cover Ruby programming and syntax. There are a lot of different sources where you can find tutorials and such for learning a new language, and in this course the material was... good enough. They also offered a number of practice assignments with self grading capability which is a nice feature.The graded programming assignment for week 2 gives a lot of information about how to set up your environment and steps/commenting to assist building out your code. However there were a few requirements for the graded portion of the assignment that they dont even tell you about (expected return values under certain situations) until you actually run the grader. They werent difficult but their reasoning were never explained in the course and it made the code a little more awkward than it needed be to pass.Week 3 is where the major pacing problems occur. There are a number of very broad stroke videos on Rails, as well as several brief videos covering a number of third party libraries or tools sometimes required to build Rail apps. A lot of the content they cover isnt even utilized in the assignments of the course.The week 3 assignment instructions are actually incomplete. They tell you a number of pre-required packages you have to install, including ones you had installed from previous assignments, but they leave out others you will need and leave several development environment issues you end up having to work out on your own.And where as the week 2 assignment was almost overly hand-holdy on showing you where in a ruby file structure to implement your code, week 3 hardly offers any guidance on where or how to implement your Rails structure. The broad stroke videos from week 3 kind of give you an idea as to what each piece of code is doing if your working from a template, but the assignment feels obfuscated when trying to build it from scratch.A major issue also comes from a third party website they require for completion of the assignment (and that requires separate registration to use). During several periods, over multiple sessions of the course, the third party site went down and was unavailable for as long as 48 hours at a time; during which it was impossible to properly run or debug the assignment due to its requirement.What the assignment is asking for isnt even terribly difficult when you do understand what is required, and the code is rather simple and minimal to implement. But you end up having to figure out a lot of that either off site (in which case you are not learning from the course) or by modifying a copy paste of some of the templates/scaffolding from the course GitHub content, in which case you dont get a good reinforcement of the material.In the end I wound up getting a certificate, feeling like I passed despite the course rather than because of it. There is some good foundation for a course in here, but it just falls apart in the third week and lacks any real depth.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course covers challenging technical topics and I appreciate that the effort that went into making it. That said I have serious concerns about the quality of execution for Part II of the course, which was much inferior to part I of the course.In general, the lectures themselves were up to the quality of part I and are well done. In many cases, the practice quizzes were less helpful. Including one sequence where each quiz extended the previous one but if you there was no way to learn from your errors, especially an error in the first quiz.For the peer graded assignments, there was one answer field for multiple questions, rather than one per question. Worse, the answers often required equations and LaTex math was not available. The only solution was to put the answers in a document on a cloud drive like Google Drive and paste a link in. Finally, for the peer review you could just mark questions correct or wrong with no way to provide private feedback on what was lacking in a response. Furthermore, doing the peer review was purely optional and the results were not actually scored. (Part 1 was similar, but it was possible to upload the document to Coursera directly and peer review was a required part of the course, resulting in a grade.) Either there are serious limitations with this iteration of the Coursera platform or the course authors did not understand how to properly implement this.Finally, in the session I took their was no active Teaching Assistance presence. There were no responses to student questions nor concerns that were raised about typos and possible errors in the quizzes and problem assignments. Either the course should not have been offered if no TA support was available or there should have been some notification in syllabus that this session would only have peer assistance with no support from the course staff.",1.0,0,1,1,1,1.0,0,0,1 +"The titles are interesting and curious to read, but the language is presentation of ideas is not coherent. The teacher does not provide practical techniques that can be used by a startup for marketing . I wish there were many more examples given and an applicable technique presented, that I could use as an entrepreneur.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Beside the annoying loud music in the intro of each video it is Insightful.,0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Excellent course with wonderful explanations and illustrations. The team handling the grader technology has done a very good job too. Last but not the least, the forums for discussions have been eye-openers in the case of a few problems. The mentors have promptly replied to queries in the best possible way.5 stars from me.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"I have liked the course so far, I only have a sugestion on the quality of the videos:The first ones had a lot of background noise and the teacher explains a little too fast... maybe for students with a not very fluent level of Spanish it might be difficult to follow...I like the structure, it integrates activities, videos and quizzes so it is easy going.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I would not recommend this course for a beginning programmer, as the concepts Oderski covers are fairly complex and the homework is not simple. However, if you are wanting to learn more about functional programming, love to understand the guts of how programming languages work and process data, and want to diver deeper into recursion, then I would definitely recommend this course. I found it very informative and helpful. I will probably take the course again. And Scala is awesome.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is a very good introduction to machine learning. It seem liked the right combination of breadth and depth for me. Each concept was coupled with a real life example, which was great. This course has motivated me to explore the field further and I would recommend it to others as well.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Not done with the course yet, but I have to say it started out very well and organized. I was actually learning how to use excel in the first week WHILE the instructor was teaching. The later weeks, however, seem to be completely different. Theyre disorganized and Im struggling to see how the material correlates. Its as if Im being bombarded with random topics, in addition to the fact that the instructor literally stops using excel to teach. After week 1, lessons are just random notes on a blackboard with a link at the end to the excel sheet in which the instructor has already prepared before with A LOT of info that you need familiarize yourself with solo. I had high hopes when I was done with the first week, but now I have to say Im bored and demotivated!! (so far)",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Overall this course has some valuable information. Although, I found the pace was a bit fast, only covered enough to get by, not gradually building up to a point. Each assignment or lab you first have to struggle figuring out the skeleton code where they could have provided a bit more comments, tips and guidance. I would recommend this course for someone that at least have a basic Java or programming background. Not for complete new developers.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I thought this course would be more fun and interesting but I find it VERY repetitive with the Fundamentals of Graphic Design. If you buy the package it kind of seems like I wasted $79 dollars on a repetitive and monotone professor and course. I would not recommend this course within the specialization.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The content was really neat and definitely not something I had been exposed to before. I really liked the quantitative parts of the course and wish there had been more time spent on that and more quiz questions on that.The reason I am ranking this 2 stars is that I felt the quizzes were unreasonably difficult (or perhaps they had bugs). Week 2 quiz I had to take multiple times and really couldnt figure out what the correct answer was. Looking at the discussion boards I believe my sentiment is shared. I have taken multiple coursera classes (Astronomy, Astrobiology, Calculus) and these are by far the most difficult quizes I have encountered.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This is an interesting introductory course on finance. I enjoyed Professor Shillers style of delivery. Some of the quantitative analysis, although limited, appeared to assume some additional knowledge of the subject matter. The video editing could be improved, particularly in the earlier lectures where some of the quiz questions where not covered in the online lectures.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Hard work, I had to watch most of the videos at least twice so took much more time than I anticipated. Im glad I stuck with it because it made the start of the next course much easier. Very satisfying to have completed it.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course returned the trust in myself to develop future skills, which I never plan to develop and more important - I stopped to afraid to take complicated courses to learn. This course should be in every school as the subject #1. Highly recommend to read the book of Barbara which will only strengthen the received knowledge.Thank you Barbara!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course is engaging, fun, and very informative. I would suggest everyone should take it even if English is your native tongue. It will help you understand how and why our sentences are structure and deeper understand of the language. I am thoroughly enjoying this course. I really enjoy interacting with the other students that is most fun!",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"succinct but well targeted review and comments of several iconic works of art--paintings, photos, installations. The main value of the class is the classification viewpoint--not by art movement or school, but by theme. Not enough attention is given to art and identity and art and society (two of the themes), in the US. Originality or breaking into new concepts seems to rule, even when many of those works are rather vapid--such as, Duchamps . Compare with the works by Lawrence, Picasso, Mondrian, D. Lang and others-SUBSTANCE.---Just my opinion, of course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,1 +"In light of R or Python, doing statistical computing in excel is really time consuming and backward. The instruction might be OK, but I lost interest beginning of week 2 seeing how he build binary decision model in excel.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This is one of the best online courses that Ive had till date. This course covers the breadth of Machine Learning, which gives a very nice outlook over the subject. The syllabus was systematic and the learning for each week was always motivated in order to solve particular problems. The programming exercises for instance, were quite involving and really exciting to solve. For me, no amount of superlatives can describe Professor Andrew Ngs and Courseras effort in providing top level education to the people.The entire course was like a journey for me. Well, such was the course that it actually left me quite emotional post the concluding video by the professor. Thank you!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Terrific course with great lectures and lots of sample code. The professor is very knowledgeable and easy to understand and all the videos are short so I could fit them into my busy day. The projects are challenging but not impossibly so. I appreciated how accessibility was considered throughout. Highly recommended!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Actually, this course is a great one to take. Professors have explained these concepts and main ideas very clearly, therefore students can understand it very easily, even if they do not have previous knowledge about game theory. I want to say “thank you” to all the three professors for making such a concise and intelligible course.However, I would like to give some suggestions about this course. There is an obvious gap between the quizzes and graded assignments. Sometimes the quiz is very easy and it just requires you to have a basic understanding of the concept, while the assignment is even more difficult than the examples included in the videos. I think this course would be better if the staff can improve the difficulty gap between quizzes and assignments. And for people who want to enroll this course, an exercise book with detailed solution would be helpful for you to learn it better.As for the content of this course, there are lots of formulas from Week 5 to the end, which are a little difficult to understand. I fully understand this because math is always abstract, and formulation is an essential part of it. I think this problem can be solved by providing more ungraded quizzes for students to practice. They can have a better comprehension of the content through practicing.Anyway, this course is worth taking. Through learning it you will gain not only the knowledge about game theory, but also a new way to understand relationships around you. Happy learning!",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I wish i had te access to this course a little earlier in my life. It gives clear strategy and guidelines On How to Move across organization. Awesome course for anybody who feels he is working hard work and is lost on how to navigate the complex organization situations... it acts like a torch light... However use it wit common sense...,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"If possible, I would give this course zero stars. It provides an incredibly closed minded view towards all topics and provides very minimal factual information. The makers of this course, and especially the instructor, obviously have had very little to no experience of any kind with most of the topics they discuss.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Overall this course was great but I wish that the timeline was a little clearer from the get-go. I had to rush at the end because I didnt realize week 2 was for finding sources, week 3 was for contacting them, week 4 was for interviews, etc...If the MSU staff could have given their feedback on our final projects, that would have been another plus, but I know its difficult with so many students.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course started very easy but ending slightly challenging so it was a perfect introduction to Python as well as general programming for me. My background is limited to writing lots and lots of SQL but always on the analytics side, not on the infrastructure side. Looking forward to continuing the specialization!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course was very useful for me. I have known new features of C++11 and now I use them in my projects, so my programming style become both more modern, and more effective. It was very lucky for me to have at the same time other course about graph theory, so I again learned and implemented those algorythms. I suppose for new students before this course would be better to have some experience in C++ programming and some understanding of OOD and OOP, so you can think about interesting ideas instead of trying to read a 1000-paged book in a week to learn base of coding. Now I am watitng for part B.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Excellent explanation and transition overview of how economics are growing. However, I was not from proper economic background and so Faced some difficulties in understanding special terms used such as crawling peg, anchoring etc. Worth it if you can do handwork and have a spark to learn global perspective of emerging market economies .",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I totally liked the hands-on approach and the nice presentation of the material. On the other hand, I felt a little left alone since there was no didactically planned interaction beyond the peer reviews. Furthermore, a forum for discussion is nice, but its a little sad if no one can answer course related formal questions, you misinterpret the instructions, and therefore receive a low grade.",1.0,1,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +too many issues with the DBs that needed to be accessed to complete the exams.,0.0,0,0,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course has a good level. The course mates helps to get new ideas.For non anglo speakers students the course is a hard challenge. The lessons has translations but a lot of ideas, concepts, the immaterial things... is hard to follow some explanations. My English has improve throught course.If you work you needs the weekend to end the assignments.I think is a good course with good materials. I recommend it",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"In the modern world today, English becoming an essential language. If you can speak English, everybody can understand what you are talking about, but if you can transform what you are thinking into writing, you become a master. Writing essay is one of the major step bring you to this target.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This was the most intense and enjoyable courses Ive ever taken. Professor Almeida is simply brilliant. Hes the type of academic that marries theory with the real world. Hes also a first class academic with some great publications. The course provides a great mixture of analysis and then true-to life case work on companies and deals. Be prepared to work But know that youll come out of this class with a completely solid knowledge of corporate finance. You cant sit back in the class. He challenges you to work and practice and ask questions. I dont know if Ive ever learned as much from one class as I did in this one. One thing, usually I speed up my video lectures but I had to slow down my video feeds with Prof. A.! This is the best business class Ive ever had.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Excellent course and I really enjoyed the learning process I had been guiding through these weeks. This is a great entry level course for people like me who have few knowledge about HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The professor went through each concepts explicitly. Some concepts in JavaScript can be tricky for students without a CS background, but this course really makes things easier to understand. There are some small challenging in assignments, but its still a great opportunity to transform all those concepts to my knowledge and experiences.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This was one of the best MOOC I completed recently. Good lecture content that explains various concepts to start building leadership skills and the ACE terminology helps in recollecting the concepts. The assignments in terms of self-portrait and conversation was awesome and was a totally new experience.Loved the course thoroughly and made a good friend as well !,0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"Im sorry, but this is just ridiculous. I cant recommend this course to anyone. Its all about advertizing: Emily Fox cant stop but recommend Amazon services, and Carlos Guestrin does the same for his Datos Graphlab Create, which is might be great in general, but absolutely useless in educational purposes. The practice part of every week is just a waste of the time.I cant say money well spent.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Pretty decent class but zero communication. If I could give that part a negative score I would, actually an imaginary number would be better. There are a few incorrect lecture links and errors on tests that have been pointed out dozens of times over several years now and nothing has been done whatsoever. Was also horribly misleading by stating that it was Certificate-granting when it was not, partially (not totally) fixed now but it really screwed one person I know, luckily the grade sheet seems to be sufficient proof for my purposes but if you are looking for resume material go elsewhere. For pure passive learning I would give 4.5 stars, but the lack of any instructor interaction AT ALL, and the obvious lack of attention to consistent (and totally correct) calls to fix simple errors for years now,drags it down to 3 stars in my book. Still not bad as long as you know what you are going into. I did learn a decent amount, cant deny that at all, but dont expect even the tiniest effort from anyone to help you with anything under any circumstance.",0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I liked the course, however it was too basic.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I like the materials, but I dont like that you need to pay to take the quizzes. I think that it is against the spirit of Coursera because it limits the experience of user who are willing to learn but dont have enough money to pay for the course. Many other courses allow you to take quizzes and do projects whitout paying",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +wow this course is Amazingthe explanation is really really good that made programming look so simple even for me a n00b as Dr.t would like to refer and the teacher (DR.T) really amazing and funny making this programme much enjoyable and makes you want to learn more cuz you know you will with all his quizzs and good demonstration i would like to thank DR.T for this wounderful opportunity and i thank also all the participents in the forume for they give great help when your stuck and thats not very often also because of DR.T great explanation .finally im really enjoying this course and hopfully gonna finish it with lots of knowledge.,0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +So So.Not good to learn an algorithm,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I loved this course, the explanation, the cooking ideas, everything! Highly recommended!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"They put a lot of effort into this course, but especially for the videos it was a bit too much. So many different visual backgrounds, sounds, music, text floating it... Its as if they just wanted to use everything, while never thinking about when it would start being too distracting.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"It is a really good course, but it is designed for complete beginers. I took it as a review of fundamentals and didnt learn nothing new, but I didnt have those expectations. I just wanted a pure review of things I already know. It was fun and maybe a bit too easy - even for beginers. :)",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +definitely worth following..,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"An extreamly interesting and enlightening course. The instructor, professor Kuhar, is an incredible lecturer with very pleasurable voice and amicable attitude. The topics of drugs and addiction is discussed on many levels, from phisiology to societal changes. I would certainly recommend this course to anyone who wish to better understand the problem of addiction because of either personal reasons or academic interest.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Hello:Im Keith Grimes and I just completed your course. I really enjoyed the course and feel that Ive learned quite a bit about learning. I enrolled in the course simply because I felt it was time to take my love of the idea of learning and turn it into the practice of actually learning something.What I loved most about the course was Barbara Oakley herself and her inspiring story. I graduated from Oakland University with a bachelors degree in English. During those undergrad days, I often experienced the Impostor Syndrome. Discovering that there was an actual name for what I often felt, combined with the struggle to learn that Dr. Oakley experienced in her younger years, really connected with me. Thank you for sharing.One other note... I recently had the opportunity to share many of these ideas and concepts with my son who is a sophomore at Michigan State University. As Dr. Sejnowski mentioned in the final video, the measure of really knowing if youve learned something is to teach it to someone else. Sharing what I learned with my son in order to help him along his journey as a student, was an invaluable experience.Thanks again for offering this course.Keith D. Grimeshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/keithdgrimes",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I used this course as a significant portion of my preparation for the CLEP Chemistry exam, and passed today with an A! Thank you!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Great instructor! Very clear and specific. It helps me a lot on calc one. I recommend it to those who are learning AP calc BC if you really want to skip the calculus in college. I did not do well in AP tests, so I took calc one this semester and it really helps me a lot.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Awesome. I always to learn mathematics with real world view and applications rather than manipulations of symbols and abstract thinking - not that this way of learning is wrong , just does not work for me. This is the great course to serve that purpose.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"It was a very interesting course, however it was biased toward Spanish history with the inclusions. I was really more interested in what I thought the course was supposed to be about anyway, Medieval Manuscripts. I had a terrible time deciphering the lecturers English and, because Im not interested in a course certificate, the course projects were a waste of my time, though I can see that they could be fun and add to the enjoyment of the course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"It seems a very good foundations course, it would be great to dive into more technical aspects, specially because I suppose the majority of us has a background related to maths, statistics, cs, etc. Very useful indeed, hope the studd that comes ahead gets even better. Congratulations. Also, it would be great to learn these methods using other ML libraries, like open source / free ones. All the best, Alexis",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Taking this course in January/ February 2017, I found it to be jumbled, out-dated and frustrating.Materials are presented in a chaotic, roundabout way, which is neither chronological nor thematic, leaving huge lacunae. The initial lecture started with an entirely uncontextualised location-visit to Lewes, and mention of the Battle of Lewes in the Barons War, with plenty of merry jumping over the *rather more important* Magna Carta. In later lectures, there is similar dancing around the English Civil War, which is shocking, given its constitutional importance... and then lots of vague, hand-wavy references to European law. I understand that these lectures were filmed before last summers shock result in the EU referendum, but - honestly - would it have killed Professor Gearey to have discussed the context and possible implications of the referendum? By contrast, Im currently following a Futurelearn course which is a repeat iteration of the original material (thats how online courses are viable - I understand that) BUT which the educator cared about enough to updated with topical material from the very week in which we were following it (Week 1 of President Trump)!It would have been far better to have gone into the Common Law course with clear historical anchors (e.g. Magna Carta, Civil War, Great Reform Act, EU membership), which would have given a proper framework for studying the development of common law, through cases and precedent. Instead, we get Professor Gearey sliiiiiiding into half a dozen subjects per lecture and then leaving that question there for a later lecture.I must mention that other lecturer is much more coherent, and that he talks sensibly through various cases, actually demonstrating how precedent works. However, thats just not enough to make up for Professor Geareys flibbertigibbet style of exposition, which seems to make up the bulk of the course.On a technical level, the un-corrected transcripts of lectures were a huge headache, since they didnt make much more sense than the lectures themselves, and at times made even less sense, due to incorrect transcriptions. It was particularly frustrating to have legal references mis-spelled (e.g. Blackstone as Blackspen), making it difficult to track down better sources to supplement the lectures.I cant actually be bothered to see this course through to the end, and am very glad I didnt purchase it.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I love this course. It really help me put my familys health into perspective. Months later I still review models and let others, especially moms, know about the course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I took this course seriously and worked all the way till the last assignment. As per my experience and understanding the course contents are quite dense, but the lucid and succinct presentation made it quite comprehensible and interesting. I was amazed to find how well the concepts were formulated in a suitable mathematical modelling. I wholeheartedly thank Prof. Ng and the support stuffs for this wonderful course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Excellent and easy to learn course, given by one of the best teachers in machine learning.This has been a very fun experience, and very challenging as it was rewarding. I have already recommended this course to all of my colleagues and friends.Thanks for making this course available to the public.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +There is a pretty big jump from the content to actually completing the assignment. The assignments are not well aligned with the swirl learning or the videos. There is no logical process taught about how to move forward if you get stuck. It often means a student is forced to search the internet and hope the answer they find is appropriate so they can write their own code.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Course was well paced. Assignments were relevant. Only shortcoming I believe was that the last two weeks of the course did not require any submission of a coding assignment. Only required a quiz.I feel that the course would benefit from a requirement to submit some code each week.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Overall good course. Clean and elegant style of presentation. Some videos had some echo problems with the sound. Also there were some english typos in some slides and in video quizzes that should be corrected. I would like to seen the slides for the presentations. Also if this is going to be a series of courses wouldnt it make sense to bundle it in a specialization?Nonetheless, congratulations and thank you for presenting this course in Coursera.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Very immersive and entertaining course; the subject is interesting per se but the execution of the Coursera module is very practical and very well illustrated with plentiful case studies, interviews, and real life examples.The only apparent room for improvement would be minor technical issues (video glitches, flawed English subtitles).So far the best Coursera course I have taken.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Pretty easy, only complaint is that the instructor says the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. This is not true and made me question the rest of the material in the course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I would recommend everyone of my friends to take this course - irrespective of whether or not they want to learn a specific academic subject. It would be nice if school courses first teach this course as part of curriculum - which surely helps students to to know how to approach the different topics that they want to learn.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Learning How to Learn is an excellent class for individuals wanting to polish their rusty learning skills, and expand their learning tool-kits. I especially enjoyed learning about new ways to learn, how other people learn, the common struggles many of us experience, and the latest in research on learning. The tools, suggestions, and topics have already helped me expand my Chunked Mental Library. Useful resources were also provided; I purchased the book Fluent in 3 Months by Benny Lewis and signed up for the Publicationcoach.com. I cant wait to dive into these resources. Thank you for a fantastic course. Julia, Carlsbad, CA.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I thought all of the information was great but at times the course was just very bland especially in terms of presentation. Also, the title is somewhat misleading and the presumptions that the course creators make about its students assume I am a business guy sitting in an office or a part of some team which makes the activities that you HAVE to do in order to pass the course a bit harder to complete. This is good because if what the activity desnt really apply to your situation it makes good practice to imagine a situation - not soo imaginative the task is incredibly easy - and apply what youve learned. However, as Ive said, if what youre being asked to do is harder to apply than the activity in many ways isnt all that practical. I prefer Cumulative tests as well because they assess everything youve learned and whether youve retained the information or not.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Great content! This definitely challenges the mindset of what it takes to be a business owner or entrepreneur. One opportunity I see for the course is to better link the quiz language to whats taught in the videos and the articles, especially for the open ended questions. Those specific points can get lost in all of the ideas shared.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Objective and Professional Evaluation:If I could give this course a zero, I would have done so, but it is not possible. I shall explain my reasons below:1- The teaching method of this course is very lackadaisical and lackluster.2- The ratios are introduced and solved without having a P/L statement or a Balance Sheet on the side to see how the figures are extracted and implemented, which made it more boring.3- Its final 3-part quiz lacks the proper instructions and the redundant instructions already there do not help either. For example, it says Part 3 is answering NPV. However, Part 3 includes six calculation questions unrelated to the project to be submitted in Parts 1 and 2.4- The forms of putting an answer are unclear, although it mentions how to put a percentage and two decimal points.5- Peer assessment take ages and is unnecessary.6- Discussion forums are deserted islands where no professional staff interaction is given.Ive stopped continuing this specialization and I strongly recommend others not to waste their time on it.",1.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,1 +"I was not too fond of some of the comments/thoughts presented (ie. test gods, lady luck, that zombie talk, and the discreet mention of evolution as THE fact - referencing to Charles Darwin as some great intellect). To me that was drawing the idea that the Almighty Creator does not exist. But that is silly, given that only now we humans are just coming a tiny bit close to understanding how our brain works and how all the intricacies of the universe function - when He had that all figured out and established from the beginning. My point is, give credit where its due. T",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Amazing course! I enjoy every video, every interview. Professor is cool, a professional . I like that you provided not only the theory itself, but also informative slides, interviews with so interesting people, plus gave/showed visual examples. Videos are of great length (not too long, not too short), information is valuable and only on business. I had a great , kinda , customer experience studying your lectures)) And its more than lectures, its a joy.Thank you for your job!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Interesting,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Its wonderful to have an instructor who is so passionate about what he teaches that you can actually see and hear it. I was engaged in every lesson, and there was never a dull moment with Mr. Kellogg. The only reservation I have about this class is that it shouldve been longer!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"While some of the information presented was interesting, it seemed oddly biased towards the perspective of highly educated foreigners. I had hoped to get more information about how America is seen by the (foreign) masses.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course work is easy to follow, full of great information and very clear. The only thing I find inconsistent is the reviewing of others work. It seems no-one ever gets reviewed by the same person twice, which means the standard of reviews is varied and inconsistent. Also, many people may not be/feel qualified enough to review or feel bad about failing someone so wont. There can be a great deal learned by having mentors or qualified teachers review the work. Given that, I have learned a great deal in this course and understand, and think its one of the best online courses Ive seen. I also understand you get out what you put in. Thanks for the opportunity.",1.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"I enjoyed the course and it is very easy to take the information on board, you dont need a background in teaching to understand it.Delivered well in short chunks with short quizs on the way to help you digest and remember what you have learnt.It doesnt take a large commitment in terms of time to complete the course so click yes and join up.This is the 1st mooc Ive done and look forward to doing more.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I took the Medical Neuroscience course as a way of getting a broad overview of the subject, and was not disappointed. The course starts with a solid basis in neuroanatomy, and builds in concepts and topics in a well structured way. The course seems to pursue two goals - on the one hand, to provide the basic neuroanatomy, physiology and functional background, and on the other to apply the knowledge to understand, identify and localize some medical conditions such as stroke, motor neuron disease, or Parkinsons Disease. The lab sessions and tutorials are entertaining and informative, thanks to Dr. Whites friendly and engaging presentation style. The tutorials are accompanied by useful notes, and the frequent quizzes support the learning of the very extensive material. His recommendations for learning the material (follow the path, visualize your knowledge, learn spatially and socially) are useful in many other contexts. The materials are supported by a reference texbook, Neuroscience 5th edition from 2012, and a new edition is expected in 2017. Also, the text transcriptions of the video presentations appear to have been generated by machine, and need to be proofread and corrected. In spite of this, they are very useful to review specific points in the videos. Although the course presents a huge amount of material and the discussion forums allow both clarification of issues and questions as well as deepening and extending the knowledge provided by the basic materials in the course. I strongly recommend this course to anyone interested in gaining a basic overview of human neuroscience.",0.0,0,0,1,0,1.0,0,0,0 +Very good basic course. Enjoyed it very much,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Although overall the course is interesting, it is clear that it has not been designed for MOOC format. A clear structure for learning lacks, and some of the lectures seem to be more about the people talking about their own work than trying to convey general concepts in the drug discovery field. I think the course would benefit from more structure in the way the lessons are presented, starting with a more general outline of what a good drug is etcetera. However, there are some interesting concepts I can take along in my further studies, but I am slightly disappointed.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I loved the manner in which the course contents were delivered. The course teacher know the art of articulation. He knows how to teach complex ideas in a simple manner without loosing its essence of the argument. I was so immersed in his lecture, one full night I watched his lecture and finished 80% course material. I wish I could deliver a lecture like it. A big salute to an inspiring teacher.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"A good, well designed course but very heavily aimed towards those mid-career in a corporate environment. Still worth a look for others, but the assignments will take significant extra thought. Sadly the discussion forums fail at bridging this gap because forum participation framed as mandatory (it is not) in the lecture videos has rendered them a wall of pure noise.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"Course is interesting, but sometimes its so hard to perceive the information with such accent :( I`m not lazy to read the subtitles, no.. but they also, from time to time work improperly and its not feasible at all to conceive the information . Plus, its absolutely inconvenient when you provide one huge assignment for several weeks at once! Why couldn`t you make it a few smaller to every week?(( I think I`ll disenroll",1.0,0,1,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"Course is brilliant, but at least for me the completion took in average 3 times more effort than expected by authors (4-8 hrs/week). Of course this is mostly due to my low experience with programming, but still, might be relevant for other learners, who don!t have much experience.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Indeed one of the best courses of finance out them. Not that I have experienced them all, but the quality of the talk by Robert is unapprochable. I had difficulties at first to understand and follow the way he presents his lectures, but through out time, I was eventually able to grasp the essence of his talks. This course would be difficult for people with NO finance background (like me). The only way I was able to go through this course successfully is by taking notes (pages & pages) and reviewing it before/through the exam. The notes will remain as a basic archive for my future studies.Thank your Robert & thank you Yale for my 2nd Certif in a row.Rachad Koaik - 27yo - Engineer - Morocco - Rachad.Koaik@Gmail.com",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really like almost every part of this course. It goes at a good pace for people who have no programming experience. I previously attempted to take a Python course that did not explain enough of what it wanted, and I almost gave up on learning Python. This course is not like that. The only downside to it is that the professor explains almost too much; the pace is almost too slow. If you have no programming experience but want to try Python, this is definitely the course to start with.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Its too easy. The exercises and quizzes are too simple to solve. Once can easily read 4-5 chapters from book in a single day and can complete this course. I feel that the duration (5weeks) for this course is way too long. The concepts discussed could have been easily understood in 3 weeks (at max). Also, I think the fees is high for such trivial concepts.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +The first three weeks assigments were way too easy and the answers could be found in the material.The last assignment was very poorly described and the material was very limited in explaining OOP. That meant it took a lot of time figuring out what exactly was needed to complete the assignment and how to do it.Disappointing after a great first course. Hoping the next will be better.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I enjoyed this course very much and have NEVER had so much fun learning. The only thing driving me nuts was that I couldnt find anything in my notes or even on the web on one of the researchers mentioned in the final test. Dumping my grade. Hated that and would have wished youd mention something so relevant in the summary in case someone had taken wrong notes or misunderstood during lectures.Otherwise: looking forward to working with you again!Thank you to the whole team.Feel free to connect or get in touch anytime. www.vegan-translator.comAll the best,Nicole",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This is one of the best introductory courses on image processing. The lectures are very good and cover a large variety of topics.The only thing that I didnt like about this course is that the homework problems do not cover all the content. The programming problems should be designed to be more challenging.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"some weeks are really easy and understandable, but some which consist of 2x number of lessons are far more challengable, moreover the topic during such weeks may be also way more harder. i would really consider somehow redistribute tasks/lessons to make all weeks of a similar level of understandability and possessing the same number of video lessons.overall its a really great course though",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +If you do not know R studio or R programming this course will be very difficult for you. The fact that they state you dont need to know this program and then require you to use it to complete tests is unacceptable. Week 2 test onward requires you to modify code or program code in order to get statistics required to answer the questions. Their helpful hints cause errors when used mainly because you must know the correct syntax or placement of the code to get the correct answer.Im very disappointed in this class and probably will not pass because I do not have the time to figure out how to program in R.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I think this course is the best entry into the concepts of ML you can find. Andrew Ng is a wonderful, passionate teacher and explains most concepts in a way that is easy to grasp. I liked the emphasis on supervised learning and taking time to explain the very foundation with linear regression, logistic regression in great detail. When you look around the internet everyone is talking about cNN, Deep Learning, GANs, ... but the truth is - you first need to get your foundation right before moving on the more advanced topics. ML is actually a lot of mathematics, stochastic - so getting initial knowledge about these topics is important. Some things in the course where not that well explained, for example Back Propagation. In general I can recommend this course to anyone who wants to START with Machine Learning and needs some orientation on the subject.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is one of the best online-course ever!!!! Why? The learning process is something that nobody can escapes: from passing school exams, driving lesson, learn to cook for your family, evolve in your career, ... in this fast world, the on-going learning process is a must have skills to succeed in this high competitive and ever changing society. This wonderful and motivating course, help me to gain in confidence regarding my learning process and it helps me a lot to win time by finding the right system = to improve my learning. Their awesome sharing technics, priceless advices and real life situation (interviews) turn this course into a must have class to follow. Thank you a million for helping me to improve my journey and knowledge!!!! Flawless 5 Star!!!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The material/information required for the capstone was not covered in the lectures and required considerable additional time and effort to find via online forums and the galaxy pages themselves. A manual of code examples and types of jobs would have been great. Further a better use of time would be to start doing the capstone on day 1 and do all of the lectures and quizzes later as the quizzes were very easy and anecdotal, but the capstone required more time then scheduled in the course.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Its a very interesting and useful course. It significantly improves my reading and writting skills. Thank you very much!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Probably the best MOOC course on Machine Learning. Professor Andrew Ng is a great teacher - he makes complex algorithms and concepts very lucid and easy to understand, especially for people with no ML/ AI background. The course is very well structured and gives useful practical tips. It does get quite intense at times, especially the vectorization parts in the programming assignments - but the Discussion Forums are a huge help. Many thanks to all the mentors, especially Tom Mosher for his guidance and valuable insights. Two small pieces of feedback -I ended up spending a lot more time on the programming assignments than on the videos themselves.The concepts were clear but the vectorization really made it very difficult to complete the assignments. Is it possible to use some other package instead of Matlab/ Octave, which is perhaps a little more high level and has functionality to do most of the stuff?The second suggestion/ feedback is : I found the time estimates to be very aggressive for a beginner with no ML/ Octave background. So, most of my study planning would routinely get off track. Not sure if most of the people taking this course found them to be OK.Is there a way to download Professor Ngs lecture notes for future reference? Not all the information is present on the slides. And it is difficult to bookmark videos - lecture notes would be a great help.All in all, this was a very interesting course - one I would recommend to colleagues and friends to take. Many thanks to Prof Andrew for his guidance !",1.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +The course is helpful in providing a basic introduction to how data can drive better decision making in real business context. It provides a basic introduction to various tools and techniques. The best part is the final submission in 4th week which ensures learning from the entire course.A possible area of improvement is including more case study discussions during the course which help understand what kinds of tools and techniques should be used in which scenarios. Currently the course devotes very less time to this aspect.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"My first online course ever was Intro to AI (with Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig). All my online courses experiences afterwards were judged by this standard. I learned about this course from a colleague of mine. I am extremely grateful to Mr. Andrew Ng for setting this new standard of online courses for me and for teaching me the basics of machine learning and giving me practical homework in which to practice everything I have learned. The best things in this course were: the videos, the quizzes and most especially the homework system!TLDR: This is the best practical course anyone should do. Your programming and machine learning skills will greatly improve after this amazing experience.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Interesting but should be more challenging,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +dunno wwhats the point of making two separate courses with different names.. the content are fundamentally the same.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,1 +"I will review this course appointing its pros and cons.Pros:- The instructor: he is a captivating person. It really seems that he like game development, he make jokes and try to make the course interesting. So, he’s personality is makes the course less boring.Cons:- The course name: when I saw “design” in the course name and the icon of course page, I thought it would be related to graphic design, or history telling and so on. But no, the “design” means “project”. So I think a better name would be “Principles of Game Project”. Although, it might be just me who thought this way, because in my language design means something totally different.- The course content: this course should be at the end of the specialization. It is too much abstract and, in some aspects, very obvious. I will not say it is completely useless, because it is not. It gives us a structured view of the stages of game design and its documentation, but I think it would be better if it was like a case study.- The assignments: probably the worst part of the course. They very very complex, to be sincere, none of the assignments I reviewed were full, I gave max grades to many because I think the person tried really hard to make it. Imagine this situation: you are not a programmer, not a graphic designer, not a writer and with a week you need to make a prototype of the game idea you’ve been working on course. This prototype must show the game mechanics and aesthetics, should be playable… And can be non digital? Come on, we are here learning the concepts of developments digital games and the instructor says that we can make a non digital prototype? Some people did it, and I can say for sure that I couldn’t imagine the real game. I made a digital prototype using the knowledge acquired from the first course, but as you can imagine, it is not enough to make our game ideas come true.- The peer review system: the grading is completely non sense, as I said before, the assignments are complex, so it is difficult to show our ideas clearly in a document, without the abilities to make concept arts or something. In 2 of the 4 assignments 2 of the 3 people gave me max grades and 1 gave me bad grades, and did not left any feedback! One of the assignments when I first submitted it I got 12/20. Then, when I resubmitted it, without changing a comma, I got 20/20. So I think this system must change, maybe the mentor should do it.If you want to do all the specialization, ok, go and do this course. But, if this is not your objective, do not waste your time.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Some of the assignments seemed overly complicated and irrelevant to the topics discussed. On a few occasions the videos would mention something but never discuss the reasoning. Once I posted to the forum and no one answered so I never asked about the other questions I found during the videos.,1.0,1,0,0,1,1.0,0,0,1 +"I enjoyed this class very much. All the content was very easy to understand and follow. I love the fact that I can pick up the materials on my phone or table through the app! Is very convenient. Before this class I had no idea 3D printing had been around for so long, I thought it was someone newer, its amazing to see all the different applications it can be use for.",0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Starts off at first, alarmingly easy but then very cleverly builds a more complex understanding of memory and learning. I found it very useful and it has changed my thinking about learning in very practical ways. I am very excited about new learning in a way I havent before. I would recommend this course to anyone who wishes to learn and remember more effectively.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"For me, this class was a fantastic introduction to the wonderful world of MOOCs! Not only was the content well-delivered and dynamic, with a variety of speakers, short and easily manageable video lectures, great discussion forum topics, and a wealth of optional supplemental materials, but I really appreciated how the experience was organized. As a first time MOOCer, uncertain of how much time I could dedicate to my learning schedule, I appreciated the three level track system that allowed me to allot my time accordingly as desired and able - the mere existence of Learn, Engage, and Go Deeper tracks reassured me that I could get the required work done, and explore further at my leisure. In fact, I tended to get through all the levels, but I appreciated the opportunity to customize my learning experience.A great introduction to an important concept, and a superb overview of philosophy, psychology, and sociology - none of which I have studied in depth before. Excellent course for the Beginner all the way to the Advanced student. I have already registered for the follow-ups on Science and Practice, to be launched this summer and fall. Really well done!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course literally changed my life. I have been trying to cook healthy meals, and actually have certain ingredients I always have, like lemons, onions, olive oil, and several others. I took this course at a perfect time, where it really helped me move more toward plant-based meals. Thank you.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Recently, I got a certification of Machine Learning course of Anderw Ng.So the first course of Machine Learning Specialization is too easy for me.But I think its not a matter of how easy it is.This program poorly explain how algorithms workEven if the lecturers keep saying that we are going to study in detail in the later courses,its very difficult to stand boring situations.And theres a serious problem.They provide data for programming assignments, which shows different results compared to the one in the video lectures. So I am soooooooooo confused.There are some small hardships more. But I am stopping writing this.If at least one of the lecturers find my review, please contact me.",1.0,1,1,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"The class is a pretty nice overview of metrics in general. it is more broad than it is deep, and sometimes the videos and explanations were not the most easily digested. While the content was helpful, this class could have been greatly improved if slides were provided instead of just a transcript. Finally, some of the explanations and definitions, though interesting, werent often well tied together. The final assignment case study was definitely useful in thinking about several of the metrics covered over the four weeks.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course is a little bit difficult to get started with if you do not have any code experience. However, it is a really great course because the content is sufficient but not too much and the course is clear enough. The last two assignments are tough for me and they took me a long time to figure out, also I read a number of materials about Scala functions on Internet. This is the first course that I finished and I really like this course.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +thank you for opening ideas in the world of neurobiology I have learned a lot so far and Im sure I will learn much more with you ..greetings from Guayaquil-Ecuador,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Pl send me the Certificate. Its overdueSanjay Banka,0.0,0,0,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"This was much more in-depth than the intro course in the sequence, which was exactly what I was hoping for.I still think that it could stand to be more challenging. Perhaps the instructors might offer some optional, more challenging exercises. Or, maybe students could choose an alternate challenge version of the homework that contains fewer hints.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course is a good overall approach to Human-Computer Interaction. It teaches how to do participan observation, interviewing, storyboarding and heuristic evaluation.However, I would say that some of the assignments were too simple in terms of complexity and there was few opportunities to apply the theory in the assignments.In general I found the course useful for people who want to learn more about how understand better customer necessities, for design in general.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Andrew is one of the best teachers Ive ever had. Externally smart and articulated, but also super thoughtful and humble to explain the easiest things assuming we might not know. Assignments were challenging, but forums and mentors were totally worth it. This was a very hard class for me (non technical background), but the best online class that made me engaged all the way to the end.",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"Good course to build confidence in building a class from scratch.But, I expected more from this course. A few lectures could have been devoted to popular design patterns used in Graph problems maybe.One more assignment to actually make the students work on heuristics for solving NP-Hard problems would have been helpful.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This was a great course! It was cool to see the perspectives of different artists. I only wish there had been more of them, with more different styles (What about someone who is more realistic? What about someone who is super stylized in a different way?) Really delightful to have the opportunity to hear their perspective on things and have them describe how they think about what theyre doing and to see their different processes.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"An excellent course for taking a step forwards in Java programming. The instructors are great and I love the concept challenge videos as they help clarify new concepts.The programming assignments are good although sometimes felt like they were not challenging enough.The course material isnt that long and the course could easily be completed in 2-3 weeks or even less.Despite that it is not an introductory course to Java, I was able to follow along smoothly without prior Java experience. However previous programming experience is required.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Excellent course. Perhaps too advance for a novice but for an average intermediate musician, it is a great intro to Jazz Improvisation. I would encourage the organizers to expand the course by adding exploring the concepts of guide tone lines and theme development, emphasizing the practicum - I know that I would take such courses in a jiffy.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"The course delivers on its promise - you will complete this with a pretty good overview of financial analysis and solid, basic, understanding of how to read a balance statement and P/L.However, I felt pacing was a bit uneven and the weekly quizzes didnt always capture the most important elements of the weeks lectures. This led to missed learning opportunities and unnecessary stress on the final exam.The instructor speaks excellent but non-native and non-American English. As a native speaker of American English I found myself having to do just a tiny bit of extra work to understand some things and being slightly frustrated at ambiguous wording during tests and quizzes.All in all a very good class that with a little tweaking could be great.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"First of all, the course itself being from Japan is more than enough to prove its awesomeness.That aside, the course is great and it teaches you better ways of solving certain CG problems and also it helps you think out of the box for other CG problems.My suggestion before taking this course:Advanced mathCalculusLinear algebraBeginner/Intermediate PhysicsAdvanced programming (c, c++, java) ExperienceComputer Graphics ExperienceThere might be chances that youd learn them all on the way as well, but itll probably be pretty hard for you.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I liked the way that the professors insisted on understanding the mechanics behind the concepts learned, using the memory models and asking for that pen and paper for drawing them.I didnt find any pdfs with course notes containing the concepts discussed in a written form but I think Ill relisten some of the videos and write that notes for myself.I managed to understand quite a few object oriented concepts that were blurry for me before, thank you for that. Now, its practice time, to avoid forgetting all that !",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Before taking Getting and Cleaning Data, I had no prior R programming experience aside from completing the R programming course in the data science specialization on Coursera. I found this course to be challenging and that it covered quite a bit of ground in terms of the getting data more so than the cleaning data. After completing this course, I feel like I learned quite a bit more R programming and the basic knowledge for obtaining data from a variety of sources/formats and cleaning it up to make it look nice and tidy. Overall, I rate this course very positively!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Wonderful approach by Andrew Ng on the concepts in Machine Learning. It slowly picks up pace, reaches a crescendo early in the course (In week 5... Man... what an assignment that is)... And a gentle slope about supporting concepts on machine learning later. Without Tom Moshers helpful tips, inputs and resources, I could not have finished this course. Interestingly, I got to know more about human learning by going through this course. Glad that I took this course and got to learn it.. Thank you Andrew NG & Coursera !!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Overall, the course contents is useful. If course slides can be provided, thatll be extra helpful.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Clear, concise, informative, and great fun. You must have put a lot of effort into this to make it so wonderful. I dont want to give 5 star or 7 star. I want to collect all the stars in the sky and give them to you. and every shining star says a thank you. As you cant really count the stars, I cant say thank you enough.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I found this course to be really useful. It did progress through the math a bit quickly for my liking, but it was paced very appropriately and the discussion forums were helpful. Excellent examples are contained and I loved how both R and Excel modules were leveraged. Looking forward to seeing more Bayesian courses on Coursera in the future.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +Blown away by this course. Hands down the best Ive taken on Coursera and in the running for best course ever. The manner in which the professors taught and tested us through the Concept challanges really clicked with me. Kind of wish I went here for undergrad. UC San Diego courses havent dissapointed me so far. I am really excited for the next one in the specialization.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +it will be more useful if using more complicated examples,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Absolutely loved it. As someone who is quite technically minded when it comes to music production, it was refreshing to see it from an artistic point of view, and to think about the essence of what a music recording all boils down to - capturing and conveying emotion/feeling. The emphasis on staying true to an artistic vision and intention is fantastic. I would recommend this to musicians and producers of any genre.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +The professor lectured at a good level. There was sufficient high level explanation of what the use of different topics was and then the Recitals went and stepped through the actual work that would be needed for the analysis as well as the thinking behind it. The assignments as well helped to reinforce that thinking. I enjoyed it.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course was great. The videos and assignments were clear, well paced, and the forums were useful in getting questions answered. The lecturer made the material easy to understand. Ive taken down one star just because I think potentially more ground could have been covered in the course, and the quiz and assignments were quite easy (in other words, could have been more challenging). Great experience overall though!",1.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"For those who want more than just a hands on intro to neural networks this is the course for you. Ive been through many resources that treat Neural Nets as a black box which, while being a fine intro, fails to give me the understanding required to do anything other than follow a tutorial. I feel like after this course I understand whats happening enough to start reading papers and thinking on my own.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is a great course. Thank you Colleen and Coursera. I learnt a lot and although Im in no way an expert, I feel I am equipped to take on the challenges of CSS and learning discovering more. I also want to give a shout out to Shay Howes tutorial, which was listed as a recommended reference. Its a great complement to this course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"An incredible course!. For me was an eye opener and an inspiration. The fear of not being able to learn things that to me are difficult has dissipated. I feel empowered! Barbara is an fantastic teacher. She really knows how to have her material understood. She makes it interesting and absolutely fun!. I was always looking forward to the videos and tests. Thank you so much! I know how my brain works, so I can tackle it the right way",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I initially found the week two section very frustrating due to the absence of worded examples (real sentences) that mightve appeared alongside the logic-symbols that were being defined. I would put it down to a personal fault, if it were not the case that I grasped the notation fully within minutes of finding another source of learning.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I really liked this course but I think it was too soft, I mean, I think we spent a lot of time talking about of algorithmia like loops and so on, and these concepts are universal to all programming languages. Instead of it, we could spend more time, talking about python syntax.Nonetheless I enjoied learn python with you.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This is very useful course! The professor describe all courses with clam and very kindly. I also love that it is an open course with no time limit so that I could enjoy and repeat every time I need. Please continue the next chapters or next Chinese language course for all of us. Thank you.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Exceptionally good Lecturer and the course. Booksite, video materials and assignments are amazing. Would recommend this course to everyone! The only improvement i would suggest is the explanation of nearest neighbor search in KD tree. Critical information when to prune the search is not really explained so additional resources should be consulted.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This course is the second couresera course which completed. It is always nice to learn from people who do frontier work in the field they teach. I thank coursera for giving me this wonderful opportunity. Sakthivel,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course has a very important content. But I believe that it could improve its quality, develop better slides, the teacher could be more dynamic.Other features like innovative assignments based on real life, partnerships with companies to provide content, and everything that could be a differential to the course will be awesome.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I really liked this course. Although some of it depended too much on pre-made scripts it was at the level of games that make sense to a beginner without being to complex (like all of Unitys own tutorials are). Sometimes, it went to fast and I was quickly switching from Unity to Coursera to hit the pause button to give me time to catch up. I thought that it took way to long to download other participants work in order to evaluate it, but I think that is an issue with Coursera and not with this course.",0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Excellent intro course and well produced. The course discusses the various elements that make up the music from different periods. This understanding helps me appreciate the music more and articulate what I like or dislike about a particular piece of music. I was a bit sad after watching the last lecture as I would like this course to go on for longer as I really enjoyed it. It would be great if there could be other courses that goes more deeply analyzing the music of each period.One comment about Coursera is that it is irritating that the quiz cannot be saved if you dont pay up front. I like to sample the course before deciding whether I want a certificate. By the time I decided I like the course I was too far along to want to go back and retake the quizzes.,0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"Excellent course, I learned a lot but I think it should have some peer reviewed assignments, like a little research on some topic, so that you have to look for information and learn a lot more in the process.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course is good, but I feel its too difficult. It would be good to suggest optional prerequisite course if there is any. Thanks Dr. Egger.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"This class struggles from translation issues, and order issues, for instance having to watch bonus material before knowing the answers on some of the quizzes. However, it is an incredible class, informative, and provides a very, very interesting point of view on the Middle-Ages, which in all my learning has always been Anglo-English-centric. Its an excellent class despite everything.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"A lazy reviewer gave me the score of 0 and left me this comment: I am not able to give any score, I tried very hard to understand the matter but it was difficult for me. I have to score it just for me to check the other students work. Please dont consider my scoring here. I studied hard and received this poor evauation. I screamed for help many times but no one replied to my request. The quality of the course is superb and my experience is completely ruined by a shitty score which does not reflect my work.",0.0,0,1,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"Great course. I really enjoyed going trough all the classes with Emily and Carlos. The case study approach is also very compelling. Loved it and really recommend it to anyone curious about ML.Some previous experience in Python is required, which I hadnt, so I had a quick Codeacademy python course that really worked well.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Very good info!,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"More respect after the course than before, as I thought this would be a pretty easy Excel course, but finishing it called lot of real work and statistical and modelling understanding.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This was a great course, but it was very difficult. I am currently taking a 300 level Data Structures and Algorithm class in Java and relied on some things I learned from that course to help me finish this one. Still, I hit a few road-blocks on programs that held me back for a few weeks until I could find an answer. There were times where I wasnt sure about the specifications. I also needed to use Eclipse on the final program to help find some errors. I spent between 10-20 hours per week on this course. It would have been very helpful to go through the course with someone or a group or have a person that I could email a copy of my code to for suggestions. Overall, I am really glad I took the course. I learned a lot!",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I like the concept but I was expecting for more video lecture.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Boring, didnt have strength to finish",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I was scepticale at first but Raj explained all sides to his ideas so well that I had to keep watching. Every time I thought of important questions, hed explain it 1 minute later. The only concern for me personaly was that he choose creative wordings over clarity & simplicity. I also aticipated better strategies and explainations to sin #5 for toxic people, psych pain, accountability but besides this everything else was beyond expectations.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Really liked the course. Very well designed and carried away. The only thing I wasnt too happy was the final project as the data was not easy to understand. As a beginner when we have to focus more on Tableau related features, I ended up spending more time understanding the data which didnt really help me. Otherwise, it was a good course. Surely, it put me on a fast track for Tableau.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I took the initial offering of this courser. It is an excellent class that I am sure will only improve over time. Prof. Muppala is a wonderful instructor and I learned so much in this course. My only suggestion would be to clarify some of the grading details as there were some questions on certain items in the last assignment. I would definitely recommend this series of courses and I am looking forward to taking the final course in this Full Stack Web Development series.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +a very good overview that makes you long for,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course is totally perfect for newbie of programming! I am a designer and I am learning programming by myself and I have tried code.org, codacademy.com, and even meet-up for studying. But these didnt contribute to improve my programming skill a lot. Finally, I found this course and it worked! I got essential fundamental knowledge as well as practical and useful tips!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course is wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. BUT, it is not well monitored, the peer review process is broken and questions are not answered, making it frustrating. For example, I wrote an essay and received a non-passing grade. I re-wrote it and submitted it. The comments back were very good, but the grade remained a non-passing one. Very difficult to figure it out. I posted a request for clarification and received no response. So, course GREAT, administration of course, not so much.",1.0,1,1,0,1,1.0,0,0,0 +"The course was really demanding for me but in the end you feel like you achieved something. Dont give up if your localhosts dont work, there are solutions, look it up.",0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Real interesting course. in the end, a lots of useful tips to learn more effectively in every days life.and some insight of understanding why it is the best way!!nevertheless i woud have love some more details and help on creating for instance a memory palace which seems at the end of the course still enigmatic!very pleasant teachers!thank you",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"THE COURSE HAS BEEN SUCH AN EYE OPENER AT DEFINING ONE SELF,THE JOURNEY OF LEARNING THE WRONG AND COORECTING IT TOO.IT HELPED IDENTIFY AND SIMPLFY FRO ME MY LIFE..IT CONNECTED ME TO MYSELF,...I CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND BETTER,,I GAINED INSIGHT AND WITH THAT THE ABILITY TO ACCEPT MY SELF AND MY SITUATIONS AND ALSO TO CONNECT THE DOTS AS I CAN SAY..THANKS A LOT A BIGGGG LOT..TO EACH AND EVERY ONE ASSOCIATED WITH THE TEAM OF COURSERA THIS COURSE IS EXCELLENT...PROF RAJ YOURE TOO GOOD!!!!!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really enjoyed this course! The lectures we well organized, and provided enough detail to get started, without overwhelming anyone without a CS/Statistics background.The homework and quiz exercise reinforced the lectures, and provide a framework to begin using ML in daily problem solving. I have already found a project at work where I am implementing a simple SVM and linear regression for big data processing in our test lab.This is a great course for anyone who wants to understand what ML is, and how it works from a fairly high level. Much more study and experience will be required for anyone wanting a career in this field, however.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Child Nutrition and Cooking was a pretty fun and easy course. As a stay at home mom and experience novice cook since childhood this class was more of a recap of basic cooking for me and a nice reminder of nutritional goals and current standards. I enjoyed it for my introduction to Coursera. Unfortunately this course didnt offer offer a certificate or statement of accomplishment in any form at the time I took it. :(,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Learning through example = learning. Much better than the design course, which I thought could have benefited from decomposing games into their various mechanics... a sort of reverse engineering or in this case reverse design Still, the course was plagued by bugs, not so much by its own fault but more due to various updates to Unity and bugs in those updates.",1.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,1,0,1 +"This has been an exceptional course. I have really enjoyed it as an introductory course to Korean, because it does a good job of teaching the basics without trenching too much in the details. I believe that in beginning stages a learner should not boggle themselves down too much with the details of a language. With time and exposure details are learned. Our instructor was easy to comprehend in her English pronunciation; she was professional, and she seem to enjoy the topic. I feel confident in the foundation that has been set for me and therefore, I am confident to continue what I hope will become a lifetime journey of enjoying and learning Korean.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"expected more programs to be taught and more experiments to be shown, disappointing",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The given introduction didnt help me to figure out how the grading system will look like. There are no assignments to submit, only online group works, which is not organised well at all. There are too many threads and the its not at all clear what to write about. Apparently I should write about certain cases, but I couldnt find the content of the case. There is no proper introduction, work overview or anything. Very dissapointing.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I really enjoyed the course, even though I was familiar with Mindfulness. The critical focus given to Mindfulness Meditation opened new perspectives which I found enriching and very interesting.It has given me more incentives to continue using the material of the course in my Mindfulness path.I found the instructor was very clear and gave the course a very personal touch.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I am afraid this is going to be a rather negative review. Having completed over 10 Coursera courses over the year, and numerous other online classes, this is officially the worst. For me personally, the whole course was a complete waste of time. Put it simply, the presenter cant teach, at least not the MOOCs. There were no structure. The instructions were all over the place, and explanations were inadequate. After drumming how important to actually code, he proceeded to present the whole lecture showing small pieces of codes.... on slides. After touting how cool and useful Sublime is as a developer tool, he didnt even use it. After telling everyone how useful regular expression is but not part of this course (so he wont explain), he went on to use regular expressions for all the sample codes for the rest of the lecture. As mentioned, there was no structure as to how he present Ruby/Rails as a programming platform. It was bits of code here, bits of code there. Beside getting a feel of what Ruby syntax is like, there was no learning. I am aware there are suggested readings, but then why doing this MOOC at all.As I check out other courses from the same Ruby specialization, the student numbers are getting smaller. Hardly everyone post on the forums, I also check the Classmates map. I suspect many simply gave up since the Intro classes were so bad. Its really not hard to find better material to learn Ruby/Rails, even just slightly better, even YouTube videos. I am frustrated at myself for putting in the effort (really try) and wasted days. I am leaving this course and unlikely to sign up any MOOC from the same team again.",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,1,0,1 +"In my opinion this course is superficial. I didnt get real knowledge from it. At the same time this course might be just an intro to the series of courses about Business Analytics. So Im looking forward to try them all!Anyway, thanks for the course!",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +"This has to be the poorest educational experience Ive ever had. Virtually nothing is explained. The instructor says time & time again that shes not going to bother to explain in detail and that we should go out & explore all these free resources if we want to learn. SO WHY DID I PAY FOR THIS CLASS? Honestly, save your money. This is nothing but a rip-off and I am shocked that an institution like U of M would allow such a sloppy, lazy product to be out there under its brand.To make matters worse, we are instructed time & time again to go out onto the discussion board and ask for help when she doesnt want to bother explaining a concept.1. Everyone else taking this class is confused too - how could they possibly be of any help to me?2. The staff who comes onto the boards are just about as rude & unhelpful as any Ive ever seen. They literally say well, did you WATCH the lecture? Ummm- yes I did & it directed me to come here for help.I feel duped. This is a scam and I can only say I am sorry I paid my money for this. If you really want to learn CSS, get yourself a good book on the subject and/or utilize the free material out on the internet. This will absolutely waste hours of your time and way too much of your money for what they are providing.",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,1 +"This instructor is god-awful, Im sorry to say. By the 3rd week, I stopped caring about this class, and my grade for that week definitely expresses my disinterest. Im having to force myself to finish it. Has she ever taught a class before? I felt like this was her first time. Uninspired - not looking forward to her next class.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I am the student of Communication Science in Indonesia. Before join this course, I have studied the introduction of communication science in the 1st semester of my lecture. But I have still no idea what communication is. This course is so helpful for me to learn the basic of communication.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Although a good introduction course, sometime is focus on javascript tools rather than on AngularJS itself which, in hand, looses time and doesnt explain/give examples on how to create directives and filters, which are two core functionalities of this framework.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"A great introduction. I feel like I know a lot more about bayesian statistics now. But I do mostly feel like there is quite a bit I dont know, and while I passed, I feel like there is quite a bit more I need to do to really get it. The professor recommended some books in a discussion forum and Ill be going through some of those next I am sure. I also feel, looking back, I should have had some additional math preparation before starting. The calculus was vaguely familiar but with the pace of the lectures, I felt occasionally lost. I would have found it helpful if there was a quick primer on calculus to know and review at the beginning of the course. All in all great course. Loved the presentation method.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"This was really an enriching journey. The way the course is structured makes it extremely easy to go through and the concepts are presented in a way to assimilate and adopt.The topics that were covered touched on the exact questions I had been struggling with while trying to go through the exploration phase of my social innovation initiative; Furaha Education Support, which is a platform that helps asylum seeker and refugees to get access to tertiary education through funding.Regards,Olivier Rumb",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +why are give me cartuficate,0.0,0,0,0,1,0.0,0,0,1 +too philosophical,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I absolutely love this course. The only thing that I would suggest is going into the trapezoid and Simpsons rule when evaluating areas under the curve.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"yeah i would give zero if possible. very shallow and general, cannot learn much from it. if u want a course about neuroscience theres way better course than this. what the hell emory? what hte hell coursera? i feel less and less sincerity in courseras mooc these days. edx is doing a much better job in my perspective.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,1 +"I feel that this course is not looked after. Teachers are not actively present. There was an error on one quiz and another assignment was very poorly explained, leading to many feeling like we lost marks due to not knowing exactly what was expected of us. Many of the lessons waste time gushing over whats coming next, but quite often the lesson itself feels weak and vague. At some points I struggled to understand the point the lessons were trying to make. I learned a few interesting things, but for the most part Im extremely disappointed with this course.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Very Nice interface, Mobile friendly, Just for writing coding assignments I had to use laptop. If App supported the same, It would have been more convenient. While course syllabus is direct and gives one idea of applying teaching for practical purpose, which is good right. And Faculty is nice, explains the concept in easy way.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Im Current Working on Five Star Sedan Cloud Management System.Have Three parts Desktop Controller (Admin) + Mobile App (Customer) + Paas (Cloud Technology). It was recommended by Coursera and I start it for understanding how Cloud Technology Works. I gain a lot of free Education that is not available in my Country. Thank you my Honorable respected Sir Jong Moon Chung and Yonsei University South Korea.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Week 3 and 4 lectures are robotic - Most material taken directly from the internet. It is just a form of regurgitation of online articles from strategy consulting firms with Quizs artificially made more difficult with cheap word plays. The lecturer for Week 3 and Week 4 should resign with immediate effect and find a job at a school for lower class students where she can continue to brag about her industry expertise without being so irritating. Definitely not IE Business School material !,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Good scenario and a good learning opportunity. I dont think the quizzes related well to the problem we were trying to solve and introduced a red herring, however. Predicting the next best word is not the same as predicting the relative probability of 4 words where one is the right answer but not necessarily the best prediction of a text prediction algorithm.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course is excellent, it covers several theories about organizational analysis with various case studies. The most interesting thing for me is the constant concern to make practical knowledge, identifying when a theory is more applicable and what course of action a manager should take in each case. In the end, we have a series of tools that can be used in whole or in part, depending on the case in question.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Ive taken 4-5 courses on Coursera before and always found the quality top notch. Sorry to say but this particular course doesnt even begin to compare. Im struggling to even get through the first week of videos. I find it unstructured and rather poorly presented. The important concepts that should be explained are being skimmed over but binary terms and concepts are delved into detail. The first two or three videos have an immense amount of repetition: same sentence/content repeated 2-3 times in a different manner. Coursera and the University should seriously consider re-doing this particular course. If I had paid for this, I wouldve been very unhappy.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,1 +"I would have liked some more depth in the course. While the course name says punctuation, it deals only with commas and to a small extent, with semicolons. The assignments and practice exercises need to be tougher. Also, given that this course is taken by students from all over the globe, it should mention that the serial comma is not mandatory in all writing styles.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"If you want to be designer, get your hands dirty on the job! I really liked this course. It really showed a new perspective for making designs and I have learned new terms and concepts during the course. I would like to continue different graphic design courses in following days in Coursera. Really appreciated it. Thanks for all :)",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +A good refresher in abdominal anatomy. Though with some negatives. The accent was difficult to understand at first. Most of the course content is for beginners in undergraduate level. Yet it is still good.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I learnt so much from this course. Thanks Andrew Ng for your excellent short videos which gave so much of knowledge in short span. The programming exercises were great. I can feel how hard you people worked out to get these materials to us. Thank you so much for your effort. May be one day I will make use of the stuff that I learnt from you.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course is for you if you really dont know anything about Machine Learning and nothing about Python. If you do know something about it, look for a different course.I learned the most from lesson 5 and 6 about recommenders and deep learning because I knew nothing about these subjects.The programming exercises are disappointing: just cut and paste. I found this demotivating.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Good review of basic Korean dialogues. Handy if youve ever taken a course before, but I mostly used it as a review. There was a bunch of stuff I had forgotten, but almost nothing new compared to my first semester at Sogang University. Still, a good course, and I hope they do some more advanced ones. I would appreciate some speaking assignments on top of the quizzes.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"At the beginning is quiet simple.. But if you miss something, and Ill be honest, in the forum you dont get so much help, youll need to wait to the Instructor to reply you because he is the only who can put the answer or at least, the help you need.Aside this... This course is great! it teaches you every thing you need to know (at least the basics) for start programming in C#",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"Great course, great professor and great TA in community discussion. Cant give 5 stars as course introduction and content are not really matching. As per introduction anybody can take and learn this course, but indeed it is far from reality. If you dont have good math and statistic background then you better learn them first...I personally learnt a lot from this course even though could not get the certificate. Thanks everyone.",1.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"very interesting but difficult course and very thorough. All the info anyone who is not a medical doctor will ever need. The teacher is committed, patient, kind and overall excellent.This is a very good course but i personally feel that the lectures should be spread over at least 20 weeks instead of 13. As it is currently taught, the course is placing a lot of stress and pressure on the student to keep up with the pace if the student also has other home or work commitments so it makes it difficult for such an interested student to go into all the depths the course asks for if time is constrained by the pace of the course. I feel that if the course had been taught over 20 weeks at least then i would have had more time each week to go into it in more details.But overall i really enjoyed the lectures, and i know i have learnt all that i will ever want to know about the neurology of the human bodyThank you Dr White and team for all your time and efforts in putting out such a wonderful course. Students like me really do appreciate it all",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Best course ever !! very interesting and eye opening. Although there are no practical knowledge here it is very interesting as an starting point in the world of today and tomorrow. The teacher is fun and engaging and the students community is very active. I really enjoyed doing this!! Thanks Coursera, U. Illinois and teacher!",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +Practical knowledge.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Insightful,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Concentrated on image manipulation which would be ok if you wanted to build visual websites for a living. If you want to code anything like business applications (like I did) I wouldnt do this course.Because pixel manipulation wasnt something I was interested in (in the JavaScript section) at all I found the course really boring but it was too late to pull out.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Omigod! Youre kicking this off in R-studio and teaching the whole course from this interface? Could you at least use a pen with ink that we can read when youre not in R?!This might be the last straw for me in this specialization. Nothing about this subject matter is easily digestible for a designer, and Im okay with that. (Im also a web/js developer, so Im used to intense struggles with really abstract stuff.)What I cant get over is that this is part of an interaction design specialization that teaches design concepts, but whose instructors almost never practice those concepts in their pedagogy. Do as I say, not as I do seems to be the prevailing MO. The whole effort seems totally half-baked, and nowhere more so than in this course.I might not be so harsh if there werent such great examples of well designed pedagogy elsewhere in Coursera, and for material thats at least as dry as statistics.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"My name is Anna Beatris and I am a postgraduate student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.The course is hugely important. In particular, I liked the peer-review assignment. Having someone else read my work really helped me a lot. If nothing else, it gave me a break to refresh my mind before I came back for more editing.More specifically, participating in peer review has helped me:· Learn how to read carefully, with attention to the details of a piece of writing;· Learn how to strengthen my writing by taking into account the responses of actual readers;· Make the transition from writing primarily for myself or for an instructor to writing for a broader audience.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"1. please the instructor speak loud and clear. As English is not my first language.2. please the instructor and mentor check QA and answer them timely.3.Too many information to understand in 3 weeks of courses, Ruby, Rails, Gem, Bundle, Rspec, Unit Test, Black Box Test, and Food2Fork, Heroku.4. And only 3 weeks the instructor could not make these knowledge areas which I list in point 3 clear. Instructor said that we are not cover this point in this lecture in different lessons several times, so skip over something until this course finished. I suggest that add 2 more weeks to this course.5. I like the assignments from this course, these assignments job help me recall what learned in the courses.",1.0,0,1,0,1,0.0,0,0,0 +We have a very cool Profesor on this course!If you think AngularJS is hard to learn you will change your mind after this course!Thank you Jogesh K. Muppala for sharing your knowledge!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"only theory no practice. I dont need math at this point as I dont know even how to build simple machine learning program. Programming assignments come with no explanation. It is not possible to finish this course without learning from other sources on the web, materials attached to this course are not enough to understand the subject. I have trouble understanding what the teacher is trying to teach from the very beginning of course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Some of the lectures were too general, too fast, or left things outI also dont like the peer review type grading structureAlso, I am sure Im not the only person taking this course (or the whole series), who does not CURRENTLY, have a career in healthcare; I am working towards that - So; to ask us to do a market sizing memo and come up with something from nothing, while swearing not to plagiarize, is not a good method.Im here to gain knowledge and skills - a broad overview.Perhaps a course or actual 2nd degree in Health Info Tech or Healthcare Admin. is better way to go for me; however, I cannot afford it finance or time - therefore, am trying to learn as much as possible off here.Kudsos to Parente for having super cool interests though - the sailing, the places he sails and the awesome vacation home in the Scottish Highlands!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Amazing course!!! This is my first time trying a web-course and also the first time for programming. The lectures are well-prepared and clear. The homework is challenging but not impossible, which enabled me to learn a lot. The friendly mentors response my questions fast and in details, which makes me feel supportive. Highly recommended!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I learned a lot from this course. The only thing i observed this course was lacking is that the video lectures and the homework assignments given were not perfectly in sync with each other, as the lectures did not completely cover the things we were supposed to do in assignments.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I cant just rating and didnt write a preview. Because this course is so useful and have a great lecturer. What I like most is, the exercise, the assignment is so really EXCITING and make me want to learn more about whole MEAN stack. Biggest thanks for the Lecturer. Really recommended for you who still reading and dont want to purchase this course. Because this is really WORTH it! Thank you. God Bless you!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Simply a great course! It really gives you the tools to create intelligent algorithms.Although, I would not recommend it to those with no foundation of calculus, linear algebra or programming. You can attempt to do this course, but the course load will be at least twice as much, because you need to figure out those three things as well. (I myself majored in Chemical Engineering and did a minor Programming)",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course will really make you think on the hows and whys of management decisions, and how they can destroy a business if not thought out carefully. The instructors use of humor in a traditional classroom setting was also quite refreshing, as the interaction with the students is something that isnt present in most of the MOOCs that Ive taken. I would like to see a second course offered on this topic by the same professor.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"The course has given me a lot of strategies to overcome some problems that i have when it comes to learn and doing things, of course that its up to one if he or she is committed enough to try the techniques thaught in here. But the course has filled a lot of my expectatives.Thanks to all the staff",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This is an excellent course. The instructors are very likeable. Each module follows the same outline 1) build intuition with simple graphs 2) introduce the matrix operations geometrically with some clever graphics 3) a rigorous mathematical discussion 4) playing with the functions in an ipython notebook especially focusing on hyperparameters, 5) implementing the regression equations in your choice of programming language. As much as I love Andrew Ngs Machine Learning course, you could take this sequence instead and get more explanation with the same mathematical rigor.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,0 +I really enjoyed this course as it made me stop and take the time to not only make art but to have fun with it. This course made me think about different ways to blend art and text the different elements within a typeface and font. I learned a lot of new and important things to consider regarding graphic design and I really enjoyed the instructors way of teaching. Thank you for taking the time to make courses like this so easily available to individuals like me who do not have the time or funds for traveling to a formal college.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I found the assignments challenging in the absolute best sense of the term, and therefore incredibly rewarding as well! Whenever Ive gotten stuck, the answer was always in the course material somewhere, even if I didnt see it there at first. The discussion forums were extremely helpful, and I was astounded to see that that instructors were still actively monitoring the discussion forums and responding to student questions. Im obviously not an expert in this field, but Ive been an educator before, and my own impression of the assignments was that they were extremely well designed: it was impossible to pass them without knowing what you were doing, the tools to approach them were always found in the lectures, and the challenge problems pushed your knowledge even farther. I would recommend the specialization to everyone. Additionally, I noticed that the content aligns well with other DS&A syllabi I have seen in brick-and-mortar institutions, especially the first 3 or 4 courses. Its also a very nice luxury to be able to submit in Python. I have certainly learned a great deal.",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"It was exactly like the lecturer said it would be like.The only hard part is the last part, where we had to actually remix an existing 3D model .I think this part of the lecturer video should have had an in depth look at how to use the 3D app.Nevertheless the course was good I learnt a lot of new stuff and not to give out any spoilers.....Its worth it.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Really enjoy the energy of the professor. More practice questions would take this to the next level.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"There are too many mistakes and misleading statements made in the course material. There were a lot difficulties with submitting assignments in order to move forward in the course. I had to give up because I dont have time to be bogged down like this.The students comments and discussion would be useful if they can be accessed from within each lesson. I cant make heads or tails of what the discussions were referring to, when they are all clumped together at the course web site instead.",1.0,0,0,1,1,1.0,0,0,1 +"A very helpful course. Learnt a lot from this course. The discussion forum was very helpful. The course was broken down into simple lectures and very easy to understand. Prof Andrew NG is an amazing teacher. The examples were really easy and fun to understand. Also, the programming exercises were really challenging but helped in the understanding the concept to the core. Amazing experience.",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"I went through this course really fast because Im already a bit acquainted with the Python environment, since I self though myself how to code in it. Despite this fact, I have to tank this course to fill many gaps on my knowledges. The Exercises were a good training method to test my skills, and the book is a really great material to start to learn Python. I wish Ive attended this course many years ago :)",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course was effective in testing what was learned and in testing simple, useful expressions, words, and sentences. However, I would have liked to learn Chinese characters along with the pinyin, as in China reading the characters is just as important as speaking. Also, I believe the quizzes were a bit too simple, there should have been more multiple choice answers to chose from, more questions in general, and even some pronunciation practice.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Love this course so far! As I am using this for a quick review for my music theory to supplement my years of piano music before taking the AP Music Theory exam later this year, this course is very informational and helpful. I wish they had released a vocabulary list each week as either an assignment too for just a completion grade, or given hand in hand with the printouts each lesson to help develop the musicianship and familiarity of musics unique jargon.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Brilliant! It may sounds overenthusiastic, but this course enriched my life dramatically. Ive got a completely new perspective on how to learn. Even only two weeks after passing the final test and finishing this course I can avouch my learning process has improved up to a new level, both in terms of effectivity and efficiency.Bottom Line: It doesnt matter who you are or what you are specializing in - do this course!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"So much disjointed information.... I felt absolutely crushed trying to learn and understand all this. Am waiting for another 8 hours before I can reattempt the quiz.Personally, I feel that this course assumes the student is automatically an expert in statistics (simply due to completing the first intro to statistics course). The logical progression of how to approach different problems - and the terminology of the statements involved has been thrown out the window...If youre new to statistics, I suggest you should at least double the time allocation they provided...",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +The course material was quite insightful giving glimpses of what magic was perceived as during the Middle Ages. I particularly liked the material on witchcraft and Astrology. I hope there will be second part to this course! Thank you all the professors and other members of the team. I enjoyed every part of it!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This course was a very good introduction of HCI, videos were very clear and the heuristical theme had plenty of examples which make really easy to understand them. I would have appreciated more assignments, since there were so many topics there was many themes that could not be learned in a deeper way.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"No forum, what are you thinking!",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,1 +"Prof. Andrew is an amazing tutor. Its really an amazing experience to learn Machine Learning from a master. I have learned quite a few things, and all of them are new to me. But it never felt that the course is too tough and all that is because Prof. Andrew has a lot of patience explaining things in a lucid manner. I must also like to pay my respect to Tom Mosher who helped enormously all the students in explaining the assignments and give huge guidence.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"First of all Ill like to thank Andrew Ng for the great initiative of putting together such a brilliant effort. Our society evolves due to special people such as him. Great guy!Would also like to thank our mentor Tom Mosher for the perfect timing and intelligent contribution to us through out the course. Without his patience, knowledge and dedication we would have probably never gone so far into learning. Thanks Tom!The course is much better than I expected. I couldnt thing of this level of learning was possible through a long distance course. There were moments were I felt just like I was taking regular presencial classes.The material, the support, the time and content of the videos, the level of the exercises, the mentoring structure were vary important to the overall result.As there is noting relevant to suggest as improvement, I would suggest us to have pictures sent in order to create a Class Album for us to remember who walked along with us over this nice weeks. Including, of course, Andrew and Tom.Thanks guys for the great contribution to all of us.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I found Wesleyan Universitys course The Ancient Greeks rich in varied information. Professor Andrew Szegedy-Maszaks lectures are particularly thoughtful and the quizzes are clear. An altogether enjoyable, well-worth experience.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"First of all the course was fantastic!It helped learn to appreciate a lot of different styles of music I wasnt even aware of.It exposed me to copious amounts of great music I was missing and taught me so much about the music and the development of rock and music in general. The professor was awesome, and I loved to see how enthusiastic he was to teach the subject matter, which kinda made the whole learning experience so awesome.I am starting now the next course and I just cant wait to begin.Thanks again for all the greatness,In regards,Shai",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Professor Asher Susser is a very good speaker, and the course is very well organized. The subjects he discuss are very interesting; I enjoyed listening to him for hours. I will absolutely participate in the second part of this course as well as the course about the modern history of Israel.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"An excellent course with Professor Bushee, as always (I completed a previous ten weeks course with him, also a superb quality programme of study), very practical, focused and complete, and absolutely enjoyable.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"This courses touches many interesing aspects about R programming but I did not like the structure , it does not seem to me that it adequates its difficulty coming from The R programming enviornment.Also I miss some swirl lessons for many of the readings from the book. There are not too many help from the mentors and the peer assigment in week 4 took me too much time and had to consult a lot of external resources. Readings in general are OK but too simple.I have learnt many things but",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Good but not the best, the reason because one star is missing above is lake of home works Ive got. Programming is something that you should practice practise and once more practice, otherwise the knowledge you got will disappear soon. So I would suggest to push people even more 2-4 hours and as a minimum double the home works.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +It is a well-organized course. I really learnt a lot from the course. And the assignment and exercise work as a good practice for me to put what I learnt in the course into use.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I almost need to come back and listen to these lectures again. This course is pretty technical -- it involves several different digital tools. I found that it was possible to do well on the quizzes without really mastering the technical tools. Now that Im trying to put them into use more fully, I find I dont understand them as well as I should have. I take responsibility for perhaps not pushing to understand the first time -- but I also encourage Coursera and @RandyHlavac to perhaps include something more than did you get an account? checks for the tools -- to make sure students grasp how to use the tools before they move on.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"There is no doubt that coursera platform is the best education in the worldBut I want to learn digital marketing and this Capstone needs to experience in the digital marketing not less than 10 yearsI wish there are a path or templates to work and learn, such as the Capstone project of specialization in marketing social mediaThere is lack of information and data and the previous five courses is insufficient for professional project like this CapstoneThe first course marketing in the digital world was really the best course in courseraand This course is really the worst course in courseraAnd unhelpful and I did not learn anything from this course only gather information from various sources to pass assignment",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Fun and engaging course with a lot of material I would have otherwise not looked into. I made so many friends and have a deeper appreciation for Tolkien and LOTRO than I did before this course! I highly recommend this to anyone looking to take a course that can truly be informative and fun at the same time.,0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"It´s a great course to understand and to learn the princoples of Machine Learning and its methods and algorithms. The teacher is absolute wonderful because I knows how to explain the complex concepts and theory in an easy way. Definitely, he is a great teacher.It has been hard, and took me more time than expected, but I am really happy for having completed it. Now I will try to do another one about data science.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I did not a lot about marketing in general, and even less about digital marketing. Having started a business with a friend, with an archaeological background, I felt like in the middle of a dark forest. This course is really well organized, the concepts are well explained and you have really the chance to understand the subject with case studies and assignments. I strongly suggest it!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +after the second week I droped this course...I thought it will include excel and economics knowledge but was very wrong..,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This is not a beginners course unless you already have previous programming experience. The Python lessons are just samples taken from a completely different curriculum on Codecademy and poorly integrated into the bio-centric course content. The lessons are disjointed, taken out of context, and some of the examples are using the wrong version of Python and missing parentheses. It would be a lot better if they took the time to actually craft custom Python lessons designed specifically for this course instead of using ill-fitting lessons from other classes.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Apparently, Andrew Ng is determined to downgrade the handicap score of this course to make it more available to a larger audience, some times at expense of rigorousness. I agree with most of the concessions, except the assumption that even calculus is not strictly pre-required. On the contrary, I believe that calculus, matrix, and probabilisitic thinking should be required for modern engineer to be qualified to work on big-data. Or, we might have conceded too much of the battleground.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"I was enrolled in the full specialisation and things went great for the 2 first courses i did, which were mostly peer-review-based (logistics & sourcing).With this one i gave up feeling really unassisted and unable to get answers to my feedback requests. no feedback is provided when you ask something in the forums, ever.When you flag a milestone because of technical issues you wont be ever answered (even when you upload screenshots as proof).The practical exercises with spreadsheets are poorly explained and even contradicted, especially as far as cutting and/or rounding integers are concerned. this is something that can prove costly when doing the quizzes I failed all the questions of all the quizzes for all the attempts I tried. Im not sure if this is courseras fault or rutgers but i dont think i will take ever another course (paying) here in coursera with these kind of calculation quizzes, its a waste of time.I cant imagine how a mathematical or programming course must be with this poor approach of assessing the results. I suppose I will be censored if I explicitly mention similar sites to coursera but these kind of tests and quizzes are much more better addressed.In a nutshell, I subscribed to the full specialisation paying 45 EUR per month, the first month I was able to certificate myself with the 2 first I did ( logistics & sourcing), this second month (planning & operations) that has just started I gave up, so my final outcome is 2 certificates for 45 EUR each one.Tolerable but youll never get me here again.",1.0,0,1,1,1,1.0,0,0,1 +Truly amazing quality of study that everyone can get from Coursera. Machine Learning topic got very well explained by the Instructor & He is obviously mastering this topic in all dimensions. I am benefited with enormous confidence into Machine learning topics which I would enhance further with practical experience in my field of study.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Good work! Thanks for educating,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Felt very much like an exercise in writing-by-numbers. Assignment instructions were too vague and the pass/fail grading system meant lots of classmates were upset that their work was not appreciated or understood. So many people on the course do not have English as a first language that the marking is often erratic. Great that non-native speakers are trying to write in English, enriching the canon, but in those circumstances a pass/fail system seems misguided.",0.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,1 +"The course is an introductory course in the subject. I really want another one which is more focused on the cultural approach, given that we are facing many multicultural challenges in the work environment. Dealing with too much differences could be frustrating. Trying to communicate better then becomes a must. Thank you",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +Please proceed with the new courses in the fied of law on computer science and technologies! You input in the filed of preparing such courses is very much appreciated. Also it would be even more interesting if comperative analysis will be undeertaken (e.g. personal data or advertising regulation with use of Internet throught the world).,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +"I would have preferred a more mainstream compiler, i.e. Eclipse, rather than the provided BlueJ. But, the BlueJ compiler is capable and the lessons taught were appropriate to one with minimal programming background. Not stated, but I would recommend a student in this course have a basic understanding of math, i.e. average, highest in a set, lowest in a set, etc. If you are intimidated by those concepts, you may be challenged in this course.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course is extremely interesting and useful, regardless of age, profession or future prospects.I already knew about most of what is covered in it regarding the brain, the techniques and everything, but only superficially. This course goes in-depth on a lot of known things about the brain, procrastination, time management etc. and summarizes it very well, in addition to dispelling false knowledge in the same domains.The course itself is very well structured and comprises regular quizzes and tests that, although seemingly silly, help a lot in memorizing the contents and realizing how true what is explained is.It also offers a very wide range of additional material, be it video interviews or further reading, for anyone wanting to dig even deeper on one particular subject.I personally enjoyed it from the beginning to the end :)",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The audio volume throughout the videos should be improved; consistently, my ears were bombarded during the first shot(s), but as soon as the side-shot plus code came into view I had to crank up the volume in order to understand what was said.Otherwise, it was a very well thought-out and enjoyable class, thanks!",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"This course was extremely time consuming because a great deal of effort was required to translate it into something I could use. I had a great deal of trouble with following the lecture videos. The demonstrations of the tools were typed on a screen that was too small and the command line tools were executed so quickly that its hard to see where the screen full of data came from. The lecturer had such poor pronunciation that lectures transcripts show that the voice recognition software could not understand and transcribe a lot of her words. For example, command sounded like comment and likewise was transcribed that way. More seriously, it was hard to hear the difference between VCF and BCF.",1.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Constants errors in explanations, made you work very hard to complete it. We typically work hard, the organization of this course my you to suffer. You will go to learn a lot like I do. (Final Grade 91.4%). Learn in this course can be frustrating, they will push to the water, you will need to dedicate a lot of time discuss course material with fellow learners, mentors, and instructors to learn how to swim to save your life.",0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,1 +"i learnt something, but i can never able to use it. i have no idea, anyway, ML is just still having the real application for the command development field in the business now. for example like me, working in software development firm and medicare company before, none of them really applied the machine learning theory. although, they have certain value if applied, for example i saw many of them trying to convert their business to big data business, however they never use the big data correctly, assuming applied a machine learning in order to predict the potential customer response of a single product, it looks fun. anyway, fact is fact, currently the business is still a relatively low technical level business. everything is report, linear, and simple ( i will not say unfortunately, at least i have time to write this comment when i am actually working)",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Very interesting course. The short videos are very well put together, complement the texts and become slightly more difficult overtime which allows to grow into the course. I studied Latin and Greek during high school with a large focus on the translations rather than the underlying philosophy. Still, that helps me quite a bit in understanding (recollecting ;-) ) the translations.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"As an introduction to GIS, I thought this was excellent. I do wish it had been more in depth regarding data types, how to integrate (for example raster data) the different types. Its also obvious that the sheer number of tools available is huge. In other words, Ive got a lot to look forward to in upcoming courses and I hope I can learn enough to become a GIS professional.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I do like the course, but Coursera has disabled discussion forums for this course, which makes it impossible for the students to interact and find answers to problems or discuss possible errors in the example code. Student interaction is one of the strongest aspect of MOOCs. Without it, this might as well be nothing more than a series of YouTube videos.Had Coursera not discontinued the discussion forums, Id have given this course four or five stars.",1.0,0,0,1,0,1.0,0,0,1 +This course contains too few solid content.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"It was a wonderful experience. It was great to know about the AIDS epidemic, role of different presidents regarding AIDS, its transmission, testing, counseling, vaccine, anti-retroviral therapy, prevention, problems as a result of anti-retroviral therapy, and a lot more. To grasp more information about AIDS epidemic and various HIV+ cases, the suggested books and referred movies were simply remarkable. Dr. Meisler has explained many aspects that might help one in future research for better treatment of HIV+ patients.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This course didnt teach me much about Data Science or the different areas to pursue after this introductory course. I probably could have got as much out of it as following the tutorials on GitHub and the new desktop tool. Following the tutorial which was made for windows was also a bit annoying at times. Finally I had to wait weeks to have my assignment marked and there is still conflicting information on the course page - in grades it shows I didnt pass the week 4 task. On other pages it shows I did and earned 41 out of 41 points. However I cant see a confirmation of course completion.,0.0,0,0,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"The most terrible course I have ever seen in my life and on this site. For some of quiz questions, you feel like you are dumb because you can not make connection between lectures and quizzes. I really wanted to learn java on coursera but It seems impossible to me. Focusing on rbg values and image thingies too much and making me feel uncomfortable at quizzes after watching all those lectures are the main reasons of giving 1 star.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I AM GRATEFUL TO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THE FIRST YEAR TEACHING (ELEMENTARY GRADES) - SUCCESS FROM THE START ONLINE COURSE OFFERED BY COURSERA ! IVE LEARNED IMPORTANT TIPS TO ASSIST ME IN MY DAILY ROUTINES ; IN MY ROLE AS AN ASSISTANT TEACHER. MY FAVORITE TOPIC WAS BASED ON THE TRANSITION PROCESS. THANK YOU.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"From the basic layout of the course you would assume its for beginners since it covers step-by-step instructions to install software and run command on command line window.But on the other hand, many advanced concepts are slipped in this course without even basic introduction. I remember in one class, data dredging is discussed for about 2-3 minutes. But the instructor did not give a brief description about what it is, instead it just goes on about when you do not have clear question in your mind, you would run the risk of data dredging.I think the course could be organized in a better way. But I do appreciate the instructors hard work of putting up such a 10-course specialization.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +It was a wonderful experience to read the structure of data before delving into the advanced statistical levels of data analysis.The need for inclusion or exclusion of dependent variables or dimension reduction in regression analysis can be intuitively understood and visualized using Data Exploratory techniques and then we have the clue as what to do in the next level.It is like putting the whole characteristic of the data under full control.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Hello,This course is very interesting and content are very usefull.As improvement points I would like to mention:1-Some videos are not anymore available2- A general update is necessary to take into account the last years big chances and evolutions on the energy politics and economics dur to the stabilization of oil price notably and all its impacts.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Great lesson structure, great teaching group, all in all an awesome course! This is actually my first ever online course, this course has been worth every second. Learning how to learnhas given me new and profound perspective towards learning, I only wish I had started this course four years earlier, it would have made all the difference. I recommend everyone to take this course, it has offered me so much.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I enjoyed each of the lessons and learnt from the experiences & stories of each of the people selected. Ive practiced some of the exercises to develop my leadership skills and will use these exercises with my Leadership Coaching clients. Thanks to professor S. Friedman for the course. I look forward to continuing taking courses @ Wharton Online & other Coursera programs. Gracias. Maria Jose Monti,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The teacher is wonderful, the course is very fun and wonderfully structured - I would highly recommend it! It is in itself like a multiplayer game that I enjoyed playing! :) The peer-reviewed assignments were really allowing me to learn by doing and to gradually learn from my and others mistakes. All together, it was great!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course was really good. Ive studied Chinese in China for three years and I still learned so much from this course. I also got a lot of new vocabulary. Things to improve: the conversations need to be louder, the teacher is sometimes standing in front of the words so theyre hard to see, the grammar could use a little more explanation. Overall, its a good course. Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make it happen!谢谢你们。",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The lectures are great, and they are reinforced with the quizzes and programming exercises. The quizzes need critical thinking to get all of them correctly. The programming assignments are there to cover the basic concepts.The way the course it taught is suited for online courses. The topics are well-divided in short chunks, making it easier to watch the lectures at different times of the day.There are some mistakes on the English subtitles, but it doesnt hinder the learning.Overall, a well-taught course.",0.0,0,0,1,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really like the subject of the course. The presentation was really good. However, some of the concepts were not so easy to understand. The course does not provide any reading, so I had to watch the lectures again if I forget some of the details. Eventually Ive started taking detailed notes and added screenshots to my notebook. I wish I could have more exercises just for practice that would not be graded. That would provide a safe env. to learn and practice before taking final tests. Some of the answers to exercises were very helpful to learn the concepts better. So, more such practical exercises would be helpful.",1.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I didnt expect more than basics and this is lovely way of learning it! From the very basic to trying it at home ;),0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I was very disappointed because in order for me to move to the next module I have to pay to unlock some of the course materials. Coursera is changing. I understand that in order to maintain such a big structure is expensive; however it wasnt clear to me from the beginning that I have to pay to unlock the 2nd module courses.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Good intro - Im learning a lot. But in the end I feel that this specialization is not focused enough on developing portfolio pieces. One portfolio piece at the end of an 8-month course does not seem adequate to me. So I wish we focused more on developing high fidelity work - in addition to the need-finding, user research, sketches, short weekly assignments. This high fidelity, digital work could even be optional, but I need some guidance on what work to develop and how the overall process should look.Or even being allowed to enroll in the capstone before completing the first 7 sections would be helpful.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Larry is the best-I highly recommend! I loved this course and really enjoyed exploring these concepts. It is very well put together in a way that gives you time to ponder and try to truly understand the theory before getting to the cool stuff. I will miss this weekly adventure!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I enjoyed the course a lot! Its amazing how it is simple and thrilling at the same time. You have an opportunity to create simple but cool games which make you feel so proud of yourself. My kids tried out the games I created later on and were amazed too! So thank you a lot for the course!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"It was a very informative course with a wide variety of videos and additional resources. The only downside, however, was that in some review quizzes (particularly the one for week 5) there were a few questions on subjects that werent covered in either the videos or the additional resources provided.",0.0,1,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Great.. Im chemistry.. And this course is very useful to remember all things have you learnt in the university... Thank u,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"All I wanted was to understand what a basic thesis question was, and what was considered an acceptable, basic, entry-level academic essay. I think this course delivered well enough. I only audited it, and I have thought since that I should have paid the money so I could have gotten more feedback on the assignments.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I have nothing but good things to say. De-Mystifying Mindfulness is the complete package of academia, personal development, and transferable skills. The course posed interesting questions that made me consider how I think, feel, and how I to live in the world around me. It was transformative experience that I heartily recommend.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"It was the best way to learn Machine Learning, I had background knowledge of Matlab but was totally new to this concept of Machine Learning, but the way Andrew Ng Sir had taken sessions, I found myself more and more interested. It was The best Online class I ever had. Thank you Sir and Coursera team for providing me an opportunity to learn from such a dignified faculty.Thank you once again.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Everyone should take this course at least once in their life. The content in this course will be very transformative in my daily life. Im looking forward to applying the lessons I learned here to all aspects in my life. Will definitely retake this course at least once a year or so.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +All the lectures are not clearly explained and a fresh person cannot understand few things and even in the assignments not mentioned properly what has to be done and if not how to solve them and how can you imagine the learner knows all the terms related to web or the particular language..? you need to explain the new terms which you use in the lectures and the lectures should be elaborate and should stress more on the basic things like abcdefg here you need to explain a in detail b in detail c in detail so on then after in the next lectures you can move fastly.Not satisfied.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I was disappointed that there was not more participation in the forums from other classmates. I found Dr. Oakleys methods of teaching very creative and assisting in the learning process. The testing did indeed help my learning as it showed where I was wrong and gave me the opportunity to correct it. The outside reading was also helpful in understanding the material.,0.0,0,1,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +"Everything is clear, to know and learn everything to start implantology, the course is too a guide to explore more about implantology with a guidelines of research. Because in this surgical discipline, we have never finish to learn, In Dentistry everything go fast and we must stay connected, whats news ? whats protocol is better ? and what we must to do or stop actually with the data acquired from science. In Fact this course its an amazing guidelines, but we dont never stop to learn more about all of subject in implantology. Thank you to all great and amazing speakers who have try to give us the best information that we need to start implantology or to confirm what we now, it seems to be difficult to resume all keys factors of each course in one video. Thank you all, ill stay connected now with university of Honk-Kong. Dr Hans Helder Boussamba K. GABON - Central Africa.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The course was well organized. I like the structure of the course: watching the theory videos, practicing various meditations and reflecting on the experience, and summarizing or deepening the knowledge. I was not interested in the written assignments at first because I complete the first one haphazardly just to complete the assignment. However, I spent more time reflecting on the rest of the assignments, and it was important to give oneself time to actually reflect and write a meaningful written task. The workload was manageable. I fell behind on an assignment, but I submitted it late. I was happy to have had the chance to submit and receive peer feedback. I really liked receiving the peer feedback. Thank you for the course. I really enjoyed it, and it has deepened my practice and my knowledge of mindfulness.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"R is really just the worst, and the instructors do not make it better. The code in this class is unreadable:- too many one liners, because its faster to write, though harder for other people to read- variables are named cryptic things like spIns or x, rather than names with meaning (eg, sprays.by.insect), again because its faster to type- way too many cases of there is more than one way to do it, which just makes things confusing because the other ways tend not to be equivalentWhat Im most concerned about is that Ive seen lots of poorly written code in many different languages: Java, C++, C, Python, Perl, and now R. But Ive also seen really well-written code in all the languages *but* R, I have yet to see any code in R that is flexible, maintainable, and clear. Which leads me to think that no such code exists, or its so rare that it doesnt matter. It is clear to me that if I am to do data analysis, then I will need a different set of tools; but because this specialization is taught entirely around R (the lectures are about R, not about higher-level concepts), then this specialization is not useful to me.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Lots of great information, a good introduction to machine learning algorithms. I feel confident I can apply what Ive learned to real problems and systems. Main complaint is I wish there were more programming exercises on applying ML algorithms to real problems and less on implementing the algorithms that in reality Im probably going to just use from a library like scikit-learn.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Executive Summary: Do not spend time on this course if you have minimal common sense and have read at least one article on Data Science.I finished the 11 week course Machine Learning - Stanford University - by Andrew Ng 2 months ago, which was such a great course! It kept me busy for about 20 days (at about 4-6 hours per day) and I learned so much!This course A Crash Course in Data Science - Johns Hopkins University , Part of a 5-course series, the Executive Data Science Specialization, provided just some superficial obvious information, took me only 3 hours to complete and even this time I would could wasted time.Finally coursera now starts to make courses smaller and smaller and them adding multiple of them up to Specialization, so that at the end you have to pay much more to get a certain amount of information and course time. With this course they seem to have streched it to a new extreme. The price for the certificate for this superficial short mini course has reached the same price ($ 44) as what I payed for the extensive great Machine Learning course from Stanford University by Andrew Ng !",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,1,0,1 +"This is the best course of this specialization. Dr. Nguyen describes and teaches the contents of machine learning with clarity and digested knowledge.I would suggest to add more in-depth contents to each of the machine learning category, especially clustering, classification and association, at least as optional contents in case the number of weeks allocated for course are restricted.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"A very good content with additional inspiring interviews. Names on it, it is getting started course, it is giving foundations of Python. Because I have some programming background in Java, I have completed it in a week without skipping anything. Dr. Charles Severance makes his job very well and more importantly in very enjoying way :). Im looking forward to taking next Python course from him. Last but not least, very thanks to Coursera for providing us accessing top class courses in free of charge. Best wishes for all from Turkey.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Very good course,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"While the course is definitely very good and thorough, the difficulty of each week is raising exponentially. First just learn one chord shape... then learn some picking techniques... then a small set of obscure and rarely used scales... and then suddenly a HUGE bunch of open chords, movable chords, power chords and a song too! Of course you got to play it all sounding nice and even like a metronome or your peers will pull your score down heavy. Maybe Im not the most gifted guitarist, but I really felt like the learning curve here was just unfairly steep. Im still giving the course 4 stars, because the material is still really good, but if you are beginner, be prepared to take it twice.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Interesting course - good topics and novel angles used in approaching the topics. Plus intellectually engaging way of discussing over management issues.However - really annoying quiz questions. And good portion of the right and wrong answers were highly debatable - you had to know exactly what was the angle during this specific course. I still graded with 5 stars, hoping they will make some changes in grading.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Thought the course does not start very strong, it evolves into a very interesting place of compact knowledge for both the fashion and the luxury industry.For a professional, like myself, who already has a masters degree in the field of luxury and works within the industry, it is a great way to get remind of the theories and the knowledge behind the management, the how and the why luxury does things in its own unique way.It would be even better to add knowledge into more exclusive categories like cars or yachts. Yet, the structure of the course, the delivery, the case studies and the overall performance keep the attendees attention. Personally, I started the course a bit hesitant, but managed to finish it within only a week because of the flow and quality of information.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Overall, this was good study for learning basic functions in Excel. However, the tutorials and practice quizzes do not adequately prepare you for the actual graded Quiz at the end of each week that counts toward your final grade. You will definitely have to be either a quick study, who can pull a lot of inference and practical application out of minimal technical guidance, or know how to Google the steps that were glossed over in the videos or for which no practice question was provided. Also, side note, if you have a Mac, you will be somewhat flustered at times, and you will also need an add-on app for the Histogram portion.",0.0,0,1,1,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"The course is all comprehensive about models and concepts of communication science, however the break-down into small lectures turn out to be too brief in my opinion to develop rich understanding of the subject. It would be more conducive that lecturer expands more on the cutting edge study and research, to give people a sense of the finding of the field and its benefits.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Compared to lectures offered by various seminaries, Professor Wright has organized the course in a way that has included both biblical sources and extra-biblical sources which are not permitted by seminaries. The part I love the most is the interviews by Professor Wright with leading scholars of different expertise.It is not hard to tell the effort the professor has exerted to put the course together. I would love to take more courses from Professor Wright regarding OT and relevant areas and am wondering how I can access them.",0.0,0,0,0,1,0.0,0,0,0 +"I really liked the case study approach to the topic. The instructors approach to teaching through the Python notebook made it easy to follow and see things implemented as you learned them. In addition, they presented the material at a good level - not too general not too detailed for an intro taste to the topic. The professors were engaging lecturers as well and I found myself quickly going through each weeks content to get to the the enjoyable assignments. Im excited for the other courses in the Specialization.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Goes over the fundamental basics of programming quite well.One area for improvement would be more exercises and assignments. Students at this stage in beginning programming could always use more smaller exercises to solidify knowledge. Although it would seem pointless to experienced programmers coming from other languages, I think it would benefit beginners.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I am absolutely delighted to have had the opportunity to study the fundamentals of music theory from a prestigious university such as The University of Edinburgh for free online. I extend my most sincere gratitude to Coursera and the professors teaching the course for making this possible. The course makes it very easy to build knowledge going from week to week. The assignments are all challenging. In this way this course encourages studying to understand the concepts. I have attended the course as a beginner in music theory, having encountered only some very elementary concepts earlier. I have found all the teachers to be very pleasant and very clear in their explanations. I have given 4 stars to this course because I would have liked to learn more from the professors on some topics which were very briefly mentioned. Some of the courses have external links to Wikipedia instead of a more clear explanation. This are however the exception and not the rule. The majority of the course is well taught and presented.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"First course Ive taken on Coursera, and I am impressed. I believe that the most important part of these MOOCs is to make sure that they seem useful and provide relevant information, and this course definitely delivered. In contrast to many of my university courses which are broad and quite honestly non-applicable to many work fields, this class was direct and to the point. I never felt as if a single minute was wasted on this course, and it was not difficult to finish this course because of that.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The Ajax part was my favorite part of the course, ill not give a five star because third week for me was a little to much talk, i know its importante to talk about getting specs with the client or following a wireframe, but we have another courses for that, and sometimes thas was not how it happens in the real world",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Before I used to think fashion/luxury was about skinny models in glossy magazines and walking in fashion shows. This course completely changed my mind.What I learnt? Differentiating between Fashion and Luxury. Understanding customer value propositions, different market segmentation and models, marketing strategies and communication of Luxury/Fashion Brands.Super comprehensive course took close to 40 hours to finish everything. Learnt a hell lot. Quiz 3 was really good. My friend who is in Brand Management was totally impressed with the amount of knowledge I gained from this course.In the beginning, I found the accent of the teachers very annoying but in the later parts, I found the accent quite sexy, especially Erikas :P But the bottom line is the teachers are fantastic.I work in Equity Research but found this course really eye opening.I would highly this course to anyone who wants to know about Fashion and Luxury.Thanks for reading!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I think this is one of the best learning experiences I have had as a professional (adult). Its academically founded, but I dont get confounded. Its mix of short video lectures, pop quizzes, real life case studies and assignments is perfect for keeping my attention while ensuring that I actually learn and retain that learning.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I loved that a lot of the content was easy to understand and convenient to follow. The materials is definetely helpful for anyone who has interests in eating healthy or even losing weights. I was just a little surprised that the last week of this class turned into a series of cooking videos. Overall, this was an amazing course!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This course is a real workout!,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"$38 is a lot to pay for tutorials about how to install software. This course takes only 20 minutes to complete. It is also obsessed with command line interfaces. Theres a reason that they were left behind in the 80s. It does cover GUI software like Rstudio, which is ignored for the rest of the course. How about something on the desktop Github version? https://desktop.github.com/ So much easier to use.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,1 +"Dave Nagy sir has explained this course with such simplicity that one can understand the course with ease. Thank you sir. The videos, and the related articles are so distinct that it helps us understandvery well. I personally enjoyed doing this course and am looking forward to do more courses.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +This is a practical hands on course with very responsive teaching staff. On mature reflection I personally wish I had made the time for a python tutorial before starting that assignment. Most of it is javascript though and probably the same holds if you are unfamiliar with javascript/nodejs programming - do a tutorial first. Overall I had some fun with this and I learnt new stuff. I had to use a simulator for the SenseHat; it probably would increase the fun factor if you have a real SenseHat.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"I would not refer anyone to this course. Although the content is well done, the tech piece of the course is sooooooo frustrating. At one point during the course I kept rating and rating my peersʻ assignments and the system would not accept it. I later found out there was some kind of tech issue. There was NO communication from Coursera whatsoever regarding this--no email, nothing to me or the class as a whole. So, we just had to keep checking and submitting ratings to see if it would finally be accepted. I find this bizarre, to say the least. Now, I am in the third course and the SAME thing is happening! I work full time, have a second job, go to school, raise two boys as a single parent and time is of the essence for me! I do not have time to waste! I keep wasting my time with tech issues. That is so disturbing. Somehow or another we should be kept abreast of tech platform problems. This is crazy.",0.0,0,0,1,1,0.0,0,0,1 +"Very good, broad introduction to many of the issues surrounding this epidemic. My only criticism (and why I only gave it 4 stars) was the unbridled self-congratulatory tone and Emory-centeredness of the course. I realize this is probably a function of why Universities create these free courses. There is a marketing aspect to it. But it did get a little tedious.",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +its too much basic stuffs.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Nice explanation of concepts, and very helpful with getting started on the programming assignments. The algorithms are explained well in pseudo code, and the instructor does a good job at explaining why they work the way they do. The math is not very challenging, so I never felt frustrated.I only wish there was not such an emphasis on Graphlab. Although they do allow you to use other methods to finish the assignments, it feels as though more attention is given to explaining how Graphlab works instead of standard, free python libraries. I understand that theyre trying to push a product, but I dont want to pay for something Ill only be using for a few courses. More attention should be given to sklearn.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Colleen van Lent is really great, the course is well put together, and the video quality was excellent (looking at other courses, I now see that this is not always the case). I went through the HTML5 and CSS3 course and found them to be well-structured and thorough. There was a lot of opportunity to put into practice the skills we were learning and lots of helpful resources to point students in the right direction for additional help. I didnt like peer reviewing at first, but it was actually a useful exercise. I realized that other people may come at a problem in a slightly different way, and looking at their code helped me gain some insight into that nuance. Thanks, Colleen!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +I am not very happy with this course. It lacks depth. Reading the text book gives more understanding. The videos are just verbatim repetition of what is there in the book. The concepts are not explained well. No examples and no case studies. And further there are errors in quizzes. The first course in this specialization was really good... course 2 and 3 were also very informative. But 4 and 5 are not up to the mark and not meeting the high expectations set by the previous courses.,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +It was my first online course experience and absolutely great one. The course material was really well-organized and even the ones with no or unrelated background could follow up. The tutor was explaining thoroughly the course material in detail in a exiting way and you dont get bored at all.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +Great content. I would bundle the shorter videos in the first two weeks so that I am not listening to an intro and outro for every small point that the professor makes.,1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The professor spends LOTS of time doing really, really simple work -- over-explaining things, to be honest, in such a way that makes them more confusing. Then he does not explain much more complex issues throughout the course. Very frustrating, even as someone who has taken calculus before and is just taking this as a refresher.",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +An excellent course; it helped me to learn the most fundamental topics of Engineering Mechanics conceptually and with clarity.One of the major things that I liked about the course was that Dr Wayne made the otherwise seemingly difficult topics very easy and simple to understand.Questions (of lecture modules as well as quiz) were also very nice.Thank you very much Dr. Wayne!,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Very interesting overview of the energy business. I would encourage Michael Orlando to release other more specialized courses on hot topics such as the levelized cost of generation resources, electricity or natural gas market dynamics,...I would thank you Michael Orlando for his time and effort to make this course available to all of those interested in energy matters.Antonio",0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,0 +The course was great but its taking a bit long to get a grade due to the peer assessments. I think I completed this course more than a month ago and I still have not received a grade. Enjoyed it though and I am presently taking the other courses in the specialisation. I am way behind but I like what I have learnt so far,0.0,0,1,0,1,0.0,0,0,0 +"From this 1.5 month course, I learned far more than I did from the 4-year on-campus studying. Of course, the level of the universities in my country is not nearly as that of the US; nevertheless, in the single combat Adv.Writing course against a Bachelors degree, the latter sustains a crushing defeat!",0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"Would have preferred if there were programming assignments that incorporated reading from data sources on the web.For those planning to take the course, note the following:*The course covers reading data from a myriad of sources, but largely in passing superficial detail. These sources include XML files, mySQL databases, HDF5 files, csv files, txt files with various formats (for example fixed-with files), JSON objects, and web API.However, the course project only involves reading data from several txt files and combining them into a single R dataset.Course topic order: In the first two weeks of the course, a lot of information is glossed over in passing- this information involves reading from the various file formats mentioned above. Week 3 involves subsetting, sorting, reshaping and merging data. Some of this may be review for you if youve taken the R programming course or the R Programming Environment course in the Mastering Software Development in R specialization. Week 4 involves string manipulation, regular expressions and working with the Dates. A lot of this is covered in Roger Pengs ebooks R Programming for Data Science and Mastering Software Development in R (both are freely available- google them).Assessments: The only assessments in the course are 4 quizzes- each of which involves about 5 short programming exercises- and a final project which only involves topics from weeks 3 and 4 (specifically- subsetting data, sorting data, reshaping data, and working with regular expressions). So you can do the course project without understanding anything covered in weeks 1 and 2 of the course.Mentor David Hood is fantastic for providing valuable resources to aid you with each assessment and so is Xing Su for providing a complete set of course notes. USE THE DISCUSSION FORUMS IF YOU GET STUCK!",1.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0 +The approach used by Stanford is really focussed on theory with a good dose of practise. The practise is due to the use of Octave as programming environment direct and not as troublesome as it would have been when using another programming language like Python or Java.Having a background in linear algebra certainly helps.,0.0,0,1,0,0,0.0,0,0,0 +"The last assignment caused me CONFUSION. I mean, due to the unclear assignment requirements, we cannot review composition for compositions sake. For example, I did use two squares as the assignment asked, but I changed the transparency of them, so they form a new square when overlapping. And people think I used three squares and thus not following the instructions. And many people used a small circle and a large circle putting at the center vertically to form a scale composition, and you have to give them 3 points because they followed the instructions, but they actually did not do much in terms of composition. Though I got 3.5 scores by two people ( not very bad), Im still frustrated, and I hope the assignment requirements could be clearer.",1.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +Interesting course,0.0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,1 +"Good and interesting course. I think it should have a bit more formalization. For example, in HTML part there was no information about W3C validation tool. Also for example there was no accent on some essential parts of HTML:1. According the W3C specification, the src attribute of tag must be present2. There was no accent that for attribute of