import datasets from tqdm import tqdm _CITATION = """ @inproceedings{balasuriya-etal-2009-named, title = "Named Entity Recognition in Wikipedia", author = "Balasuriya, Dominic and Ringland, Nicky and Nothman, Joel and Murphy, Tara and Curran, James R.", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on The People{'}s Web Meets {NLP}: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People{'}s Web)", month = aug, year = "2009", address = "Suntec, Singapore", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "", pages = "10--18", } """ _LICENCE = "CC-BY 4.0" _DESCRIPTION = """ WikiGold dataset. """ _URL = ( "" "data/wikigold/CONLL-format/data/wikigold.conll.txt" ) # the label ids NER_TAGS_DICT = { "O": 0, "PER": 1, "LOC": 2, "ORG": 3, "MISC": 4, } NER_BIO_TAGS_DICT = { "O": 0, "B-PER": 1, "I-PER": 2, "B-LOC": 3, "I-LOC": 4, "B-ORG": 5, "I-ORG": 6, "B-MISC": 7, "I-MISC": 8 } class WikiGoldConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig): """BuilderConfig for WikiGold""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """BuilderConfig for WikiGold. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to super. """ super(WikiGoldConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs) class WikiGold(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): def _info(self): return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features( { "id": datasets.Value("string"), "tokens": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), "ner_tags": datasets.features.Sequence( datasets.features.ClassLabel( names=["O", "PER", "LOC", "ORG", "MISC"] ) ), "ner_bio_tags": datasets.features.Sequence( datasets.features.ClassLabel( names=["O", "B-PER", "I-PER", "B-LOC", "I-LOC", "B-ORG", "I-ORG", "B-MISC", "I-MISC"] ) ), } ), supervised_keys=None, citation=_CITATION, license=_LICENCE, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): """Returns SplitGenerators.""" urls_to_download = dl_manager.download_and_extract(_URL) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={"filepath": urls_to_download}, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, filepath=None): num_lines = sum(1 for _ in open(filepath)) id = 0 with open(filepath, "r") as f: tokens, ner_tags, ner_bio_tags = [], [], [] for line in tqdm(f, total=num_lines): line = line.strip().split() if line: assert len(line) == 2 token, ner_tag = line if token == "-DOCSTART-": continue tokens.append(token) ner_bio_tags.append(ner_tag) if ner_tag != "O": ner_tag = ner_tag.split("-")[1] ner_tags.append(NER_TAGS_DICT[ner_tag]) elif tokens: # organize a record to be written into json record = { "tokens": tokens, "id": str(id), "ner_tags": ner_tags, "ner_bio_tags": ner_bio_tags, } tokens, ner_tags = [], [] id += 1 yield record["id"], record # take the last sentence if tokens: record = { "tokens": tokens, "id": str(id), "ner_tags": ner_tags, "ner_bio_tags": ner_bio_tags, } yield record["id"], record