# Point CLoud MNIST A point cloud version of the original MNIST. ![sample](https://huggingface.co/datasets/cgarciae/point-cloud-mnist/resolve/main/docs/sample.png) ## Getting Started ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from datasets import load_dataset # load dataset dataset = load_dataset("cgarciae/point-cloud-mnist") dataset.set_format("np") # get numpy arrays X_train = dataset["train"]["points"] y_train = dataset["train"]["label"] X_test = dataset["test"]["points"] y_test = dataset["test"]["label"] # plot some training samples figure = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): k = 3 * i + j plt.subplot(3, 3, k + 1) idx = np.random.randint(0, len(X_train)) plt.title(f"{y_train[idx]}") plt.scatter(X_train[idx, :, 0], X_train[idx, :, 1]) plt.show() ``` ## Format * `points`: `(batch, point, 3)` array of uint8. * `label`: `(batch, 1)` array of uint8. Where `point` is the number of points in the point cloud. Points have no order and were shuffled when creating the data. Each point has the structure `[x, y, v]` where: * `x`: is the x coordinate of the point in the image. * `y`: is the y coordinate of the point in the image. * `v`: is the value of the pixel at the point in the image. Samples are padded with `0`s such that `point = 351` since its the largest number of non-zero pixels per image in the original dataset. You can tell apart padding point because they are the only ones where `v = 0`. Here is the distribution of non-zero pixels in the MNIST: ![distribution](https://huggingface.co/datasets/cgarciae/point-cloud-mnist/resolve/main/docs/lengths.png)